#I’ve never felt like this afaik
catgirlthot · 9 months
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celticcrossanon · 9 months
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Celta, I have to vent. I was scrolling through Parkle gossip online and saw this and naturally I felt a pang of sympathy for someone who has to allegedly ask his wife if he’s not good enough for her anymore.
Then I scrolled a bit more and got angry. Mutsu Potsane was an orphaned kid in Lesotho that Harry befriended through his charity Sentebale. To show how much Harry appreciates Mutsu after 14 years, Harry invited Mutsu to fly out to the UK for his wedding… only for Mutsu to be given a ticket to stand outside Windsor Castle and wave at Harry when there reportedly where plenty of seats for people from Harry’s charities that could have been seated inside St. George’s Chapel during Harry’s wedding ceremony. It was reported in the news back in 2018 but only resurfaced again online today. 
Sentebale literally means “forget me not” (or in proper English “don’t forget me”). It’s infuriating how much of a nasty, awful hypocrite Harry truly is. This isn’t the first time I’ve read reports of Harry neglect vulnerable kids at his charity Sentebale but it makes me angry when I read about in the papers. I’ve never known any other member of the Royal Family to mistreat people like this from their charities.
This reminds me that Karma does pay attention to the fact that Harry has treated people very badly throughout his life. It’s ironic that only now, Harry is being mistreated by someone he chose to marry. Unfortunately, learning the Golden Rule of treating people how you want to be treated is a karmic lesson I think Harry is too dense and immature to understand and appreciate.
Sorry for the depressing comments. I wish I could find a funny or sweet royal story to send you as it is Christmas in a day or two (depending on the time zones) and maybe I still will be able to. ;) That being said, I wish you and everyone else here a very merry Happy Christmas! :)
Hi TeaWithBooks,
It is hard with Harry as he has done awful things which make people (including me) very angry at him, one of which (for me) is his neglect of the promises he made to various orphans at Sentable, and then there is the natural empathy and horror and feeling concerned for someone who is manipulated and abused by his wife. I think it is very human to feel both emotions and to feel conflicted about them,
Sometimes I try to hold space for both emotions, i.e. say to myself yes, Harry is a horrible person, but that does not mean that his wife can abuse him, and at other times (most of the times) I am just a confused mess. I dislike, very much, how Harry ahs acted and how he has abused his grandparents and his family, his broken promises toward the Sentable orphan whose name I can’t remember, his alleged abuse of women, and the wedding invitation mentioned above is just another one to add to that list.  
But - and it is a but I keep coming back to -
none of this excuses Meghan’s behaviour. Spousal abuse is wrong. AFAIK Harry is not mistreating her in any way, so there is no reason for her abuse and manipulation of him. She is not the one who has suffered from his actions above - if anything, she has encouraged most of them. 
I suppose I am kind of glad that they are married to each other and not making other people miserable, but that does not excuse either one of them.
There are no innocent victims here. We have a male who has abused others married to a woman who manipulates and abuses him. Neither is an innocent party and the wrongdoings of one do not excuse the wrongdoings of the other.
This is far too complicated for me so I am going to leave it to the higher power to sort out. :)
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ca-suffit · 2 months
“that was part of ppl being concerned for sam reid's mental health that felt ridic too…”
in response to this para. it makes sense that ppl are expressing concern abt sam when he’s the one who was seemingly driven offline by whatever he saw, and is afaik the only one there who has expressed that shit he saw impacted his mental health. ofc ppl are gna be sad abt that and feel apologetic and reflect on the fact that a space they’re a part of caused him to feel that way even if they themselves weren’t the ones being hurtful. from what i’ve seen on twitter the lesson ppl have been taking from this is that ppl need to be more mindful abt what they say abt the entire cast, not just sam. and yh he is white, but he had ppl people hoping he would have abuse allegations made against him, ppl saying he was holding jacob and bailey hostage during s1 and that’s still fucked. i don’t think it’s so much a current concern for sam bc as you said he’s not online. but more so general regret and a reminder that just bc someone seems online doesn’t mean they aren’t and if you wouldn’t feel comfortable with them seeing it then you probably shouldn’t say it
not diminishing the real part about this being a strain on him, but sam and other white cast members are the only ones who could mention their mental health and get sympathy in the first place from the fandom as a whole. this wouldn't even have been noticed like this if any of the black or brown actors said it. jacob's talked about his mental health stuff in relation to louis and that's barely ever mentioned. if sam said that about lestat it'd be a daily post here still. even for this, this is gonna last for years here. honestly if (fandom) ppl were surprised by this fandom being awful, they haven't been paying attention. the stories I could tell off anon would prbly fucking kill ppl. why do u think I'm even here. if anyone of the cast and crew ever wants to know in depth shit, they can make attempts to contact me (this is never going to seriously happen btw, god forbid they miss another autumn brown instead or w/e). cuz I bet none of them even know half of it tbh. if they did, they wouldn't be playing nice with the ppl they do. doing that makes it worse for the rest of us and we're not celebrities that anyone cares about. not that I expect sam to know this shit but some motherfucker should have a job focused on this if they're gonna be highlighting ppl from this fandom like they've been doing.
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bluemallow-log · 2 months
✍️ fic authors self rec!
When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to other writers you know. Let's spread some self-love! 💛
Omg!! Hi hi hi! Thank you for the ask (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
Ok so here goes my favourite five fics that I’ve written (in no particular order):
1. Celestial Bodies (Series)
This series consisted of two fics titles: UPRIGHT MOON and REVERSED STAR but I’m going to count them together. I really love writing this fic because it gave me the opportunity to: (1) explore Yachi’s character as an adult; (2) explore Tsukki’s character as an adult; and (3) show the readers about why I think the relationship between Tsukki and Yachi would work very well if they got together.
The Tsukiyachi fandom is very small (especially when compared to other ships in Haikyuu) but that did not deter me from writing almost 60k words of fic for them. As a matter of fact, my love for them grew tenfold after I finished writing this fic ❤️✨
2. Of War and Theatrical Play
This fic was originally inspired by the SNK S4 soundtrack (Memory Lane). Somehow when I listened to that soundtrack, I thought of a scenario about: “what if Levi and Hange met during a war?”
Then, as someone who loves learning about history, I decided to set the stage during WW2. Then as I did my research, I found that people actually refer to the war arena as “theatre”. It was such an interesting term, and so I kinda made it the main theme of this fic.
It took me quite a long time to finish the fic but afterwards, it felt so great! I really love how the story turned out in the end. I feel so proud of myself because I really pushed myself out of my comfort zone in order to write this 🫶🏼
3. Bunny Slippers
This is my first-ever tsukiyachi fic. I wasn't sure anyone would read it but I wrote it anyway because I simply love writing their dynamics 🥰
I really enjoyed putting a lot of subtle romantic elements in the story. I think the idea behind this fic is how your space will slowly be influenced by your partner as your relationship progresses.
I had a lot of fun writing this (:
Also, without this fic, the Celestial Bodies series would not exist
4. Tales from the Ackerman Estate
This fic literally raised me as a writer. I learned a lot of things from writing this fic
I never would’ve thought I would write a long-ass fic but here I am. 200k words and still counting 😳
At first I thought no one would read it because afaik not many people enjoy historical genre. But clearly I was wrong. I’m so glad people seem to like this fic 💕
I really love working on this fic because I feel I have this place where I can share my passion for history and for psychoanalyzing these characters 😆❤️
5. Don’t You?
If I can offer you some advice, please do not read this fic‼️ I had only my phone notes app and my love for levihan when I published this fic HAHAHA
This fic was not beta-read AND IT WAS NOT PROOF-READ. I’m PRETTY sure this fic was written with bad grammar and poor spelling (I don’t even want to read this fic to check because I’m too embarrassed).
But still, I have a special place in my heart for this fic because this is legit THE first fic that I’ve ever published.
Despite how hard I cringe at the writing, I do recall the happiness and joy that I felt when I wrote this fic. I can still remember the thrill and the nerve when I decided to publish it. I also remember the excitement that I felt when I received my first-ever comment. That’s precisely why I’ll never delete or edit it.
It’s my time capsule. I look at this fic as a proof that I am brave and as a sign that I have come a long way. I keep them with love as it is the one that started my journey, and I’m very grateful that it exist 🥰
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sapphosdickandballs · 2 months
heyyyy!!! i saw that you changed ur theme. just wanted to first of all say i loveeeee that shade of green omg. its so cool.
anyway also that ask you sent about reading kiss her once for me- ahhh. im stoked ur reading it!! ellie is such a loser and yeah. i need a jane su/jack (i forget her last name atm whoops) in my life. mostly jane aughhhh... sorry im noooot here to gush abt ols HOWEVER. i get it. 100%. idk i just like- loved them. they were cute and ughhh.
u got any updates w reading???
i just got done reading delilah green doesnt care and tbh. its not a rec from me. im gonna keep my thoughts to a minimum but it felt very bland and like a whole nothing burger with such a... paper thin character veil. i didnt care about the cast at all???? especially not the ship. i did like iris and astrid but damn it just was low key boring??? the sex scenes werent even hot 👎. like okay so not gonna rip on it TOO hard but it's got a cute cover but i didnt find it to be rec worthy nor is it even comparable to any of my other favs. it was mindless, but executed in a way that felt underwhelming. like a different book i read- mistakes were made. which is by an author you recommended a book from. thats a whole nother argument i had formed but that one wasn't good either 😭. sorry but that one suffered from the opposite problem of too much sex and the plot just WASNT compelling. also the characters were awful?? at least the daughter. i hate that she was written as some spoiled child when she was legitimatly a college student. anyway NOT recs. but im indeed interested in giving both of their other books a try??
anyway i really REALLY want to try this one eventually. it looks really good but my libby doesnt have ittttt :(
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uhhh another thing is-
i ask of you now- to make a decision on which i start first since you recommended them both to me in that long ask. (thats mainly why im sending this lol i could go either way but would like ur silly input on to choose which path to take first.)
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as for the ask you sent earlierrrrr- i might dm u later w a bunch of rambles bc im not gonna publicly ramble in case they ever find this acc but watch out!! i can yap. :3
anyway thats all!!
Oh that sucks about Delilah green doesn’t care. I think that was on my list but I hadn’t started it yet. But I trust your judgment so I’ll prolly take it off
By an author I recced or one of the books I recced? Just curiosu. If it’s an author I recced I’ll make a mental note not to read any more of them
I’ve read til the point they arrived at the mansion and she met boozy in kiss her once for me I’m easily distracted but I will read more soon! I have a bunch of stuff I have to do for uni so it might be a sec. But I will read more I do really like it
ughhhhh the falling in love montage is so. Aughhhh. I love that book. It sucks your library doesn’t have it I read it on Libby so that’s weird. I wish you luck in finding it tho it’s so good
Oh this is hard okay. So something to talk about is very angsty? Like I read it and was yelling at the characters the whole time to stop being stupid. But if you relate to feeling like a predatory lesbian (I do 🙌) then this book will hit. I ultimately really liked it and thought the angst and buildup was worth it
I also really like never ever getting back together it’s pretty fluffy and cute and makes fun of the bachelor type shows which I thoroughly enjoyed cause I watch those shows (guilty pleasure) and it’s dual perspective which I always be eating up. One of the main characters acts like an idiot for a while but then it gets really cute. And it’s not too sex heavy afaik. Neither is something to talk about except for the very ending
Both are good I can’t really recommend you one over the other, so I will just say are you in a more angsty mood or a more fluffy mood
That’s fine lmao that’s why I added the disclaimer of answer in an ask or a dm. I just hate saying you can dm me cause liek. The implications
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fireladybuckley · 2 years
Just when I think I’ve gotten over something, I realize I’m still holding a grudge.  When I was new to the 9-1-1 fandom (almost 2 years ago), I started a post with a list of all the different character fanfic challenge weeks and days, mostly because I wanted to keep track of them for myself, and also because I was just really excited about them and I hadn’t seen any similar posts so I figured why not?   I wasn’t saying that *I* was the keeper of these challenges, or something, or that everyone should listen to me, I was literally just making a list on a post on my blog for me and the couple friends I had made thus far.
Someone in a big 9-1-1 blog quickly messaged me (within hours), and I was a little shocked and excited because we were just talking about fandom stuff for a bit and it was nice, I thought I was making a new friend... and then they told me that someone else (another big 9-1-1 blog) was the person who kept track of the challenges “for everyone” and that I should probably take my post down because otherwise people would get confused, and I might “cause drama” and be seen as “stepping on toes”.
Y’all, the sinking feeling of disappointment I felt... hurt, anger, confusion... and all along the actual person who was keeping track of the lists hadn’t even said anything at all, it’s like the person who messaged me was trying to moderate what I posted because my random list post was going to “create drama”.  AFAIK that person who actually posted those litsts never even knew about this, maybe even to this day.
I went along with it and pretended it didn’t bother me because I was new and I didn’t want to make waves so I took down the post I had spent several hours making. It has stuck with me ever since and made me pretty paranoid about what I post.  I actually almost left the fandom right then and there because I thought if someone is sitting there, watching posts just to tell people they shouldn’t post them, then that’s not a fandom I want to be in.  
Thankfully I saw the nice side of the fandom so I stayed, but this incident still bothers me to this day.  And the blog who intervened on the other person’s unknowing behalf is still a very big blog, still very respected and loved by the fandom, and it makes me feel like shit knowing that they once thought it necesarry to stomp on my excitement and eagerness to participate in fandom because I might “cause drama”.
I know this probably doesn’t seem like a big deal to some of you, but I was very upset for quite a while afterwards, and it obviously is still bugging me even now.  Just... who cares if someone makes a similar post to someone else?!  There’s a million different posts that contain similar information about fandom events, why was mine such a damn problem that it necessitated intervention?  It made me feel like my very presence and daring to post something similar was going to start a fandom war.  And just... yeah.  I had to get that off my chest.
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burinazar · 1 year
(Note: this is a twitter crosspost with a little bit of editing and extra links, so if you saw this as a thread on my twt, then there isn’t really anything new in this post, unless you never saw my Freshly Tatted Baby Waz art since the main thing I added was a link to it.)
One of my drafts, “Scars and Ink”, is about Irumyuui comparing her marked skin to Vueko and Belaf’s scars. The parallel that all three of them bear physical evidence of violence/abuse has always struck me as incredibly poignant and folding well into the parallel we were already invited to draw between Vueko and Belaf’s scars and how the two might regard these reminders of what they’ve lived through. Anyway, I wondered if it would belabor the story to add a smol moment with Wazukyan; they aren’t close, of course, and the focus of the story will remain on Irumyuui’s relationship with her parents, but it feels like a great opportunity to incorporate that Waz has tattoos, which i headcanon as rooted in trauma like Iru’s own tattoos.
Corollary: I struggle to pin down a precise estimate on how upset or resentful Vueko, Belaf, and Irumyuui as individuals ever actually were with *him* and the agency he had in the situation, but to me, canon hints strongly B and V far more blamed themselves. As for Iru….hmmm. Well. I wonder.
The entirety of Irumyuui’s character/feelings and how it’s handled by the narrative is very interesting. Some folks have said they found Irumyuui undercharacterized; while I respect where they’re coming from I disagree. Instead a lot of her characterization is presented indirectly, blanks we must fill in reading between the lines, versus her actual scenes and dialogue.
Wishes and desires made manifest is, of course, of central importance of the Ganja/village arc. And it was irumyuui’s wishes and feelings and their manifestations that were the most important of all — yet there is explicit textual mystery to the shape and extent of those wishes.
Vueko, Belaf, and Faputa all have their own necessarily partial and biased guesses on how she really felt, what she really wanted, and how that shaped the events that came to pass. Besides input from these characters, we can also glean information from the village’s function. Why did Irumyuui give what she gave to Belaf and then all the other Ganja (except Vueko)? What does that say about how she felt towards them? We are invited to answer for ourselves.
imho a crucial element of Faputa’s growth during the climactic events is that she reassesses her self conception in light of receiving new information on Irumyuui, because she reevaluated what Iru “really wanted” as well as accepting the incompleteness of her prior knowledge. To me this part is also the text itself engaging with the viewer and inviting us to draw conclusions on how Irumyuui really felt, what she wanted, whether she ever really wanted revenge or simply the end of her own suffering, whether she ever assigned blame at all.
I think of this sort of thing as characterizing through the use of negative space. Afaik this is not a real storytelling term, I made it up lol, but I’m getting at something a bit more specific than just “the story leaves something ambiguous” (also something different from “this isn’t even in the story so we can decide it ourselves”, which I’ve also been known to describe using the concept of negative space as a metaphor for...oops sorry!) That is, although it seems at first that some element is not clear or specified, upon a second look we find that the outlines which are around that white patch of canvas contain the shapes and clues that give you a pretty good idea of what is in it.
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foxingpeculiar · 1 year
Okay, I finished Disco Elysium. (Spoilers)
Had to sit with it for a while. Wasn’t sure how I felt at first, but now I think I’ve kind of got my head around it, or at least I’m starting to.
So, for the record, Ruby shot herself and the Tribunal did not go well. I didn’t save Elizabeth and Kim got shot (although did not die afaik), which means Cuno tagged along for the island and joined the squad. I’m assuming Kim would’ve done, had he been present.
I had to think about The Deserter for a while. Like who is this guy? What does he represent? But I think I understand. He’s an ideologue who couldn’t move on, who couldn’t let go. He’s stuck on his moment of failure. Which is what Harry isn’t. As much as he fucks up (and it’s a lot), he keeps going. So there’s that.
I also like the idea of it being a kind of random event, like not any of the suspects you’ve been investigating. I think that’s related to the Phasmid. Which, I KNEW IT. I knew that cryptozoology stuff was going to come back, that the game wanted me to keep believing. Like, the mystery’s essentially unsolvable from prior information—you have to follow the path, persevere, believe and you come upon something… weirdly beautiful, if probably not what you expected.
The ontological mystery never got solved, exactly. Like, it’s obviously working on a metaphorical level. And it’s alluding to more—all the stuff about power and gaming, the symbolism of Anodic Dance Music and such, I dunno, the fantasy around the edges. Maybe in a second playthrough, I can figure out more.
Cos I know there’s stuff I didn’t see. Whose bedroom was that that I broke into in the apartments? What’s up with the old lady hiding in the lorries who wouldn’t talk to me? What, exactly, is behind the secret doors in the Whirling? Why did Ruby think I worked for LMP? The fuck is with Cindy and Cunoesse? Etc.
(I did finally get in the cargo container, though, and… whoo, that guy. But also there’s the whole “this reality is subjective on a very literal level” thing that’s happening there. There’s so much weirdly interesting shit in here—it’s like batshit absurd but also very well thought-out. That seems to be the crux of the appeal.)
I dunno. I need to chew on this one for a while. It’s a game I look forward to revisiting in like, a year or two, when I’ve forgotten just enough of it to make it spicy. But yeah, it’s doing something big. Like there’s SO much going on, on both a literal plot and metaphorical level… I see why it has the reputation it does.
For now, I’m deciding what to play next. I have about a month until FF16–I’m thinking maybe TLOU2?
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transboysokka · 1 year
Please tell us your tax fraud story???
IRS, I fucking know this is you….
but I’m never gonna live in the US again so sure why not, it’s not that interesting though lol
first of all when I left the US I was DROWNING in debt which I planned on continuing to pay off at first
Six figure student loans (how did they give me so much?? Parent plus. My dad made a TON of money so he got big loans for me but told me I was solely responsible for paying them back which he’s still on my ass about but he can honestly suck my dick bc he’s a terrible person and I definitely feel exploited by the government and also him for that, but I digress)
Three credit cards (how did I max out three credit cards by the age of 24? That was all my college living expenses like rent and food bc I was too mentally ill to go to school full time and also hold down a job. Another decision my dad just. Let me make)
A brand new car with the most ridiculous loan terms you’d ever heard
Yeah, planned on repaying all of that from China but that place is LOCKED DOWN and it took me forever to even figure out how to send money home (foreigners aren’t even allowed to go to the bank alone AFAIK) and so I was a week late for ONE car payment (I hadn’t sold it bc I still owed more than it was worth) and it got repossessed which is still FUCKING BONKERS
and I had other issues too with like logging into payment websites and whatever so I just said “fuck it” at that point to all my debt. My credit score was plummeting and they kept trying to take me to court but I’m never going back there anyway, and I felt fucked by the system so 🤷‍♂️
ANYWAY why am I sharing this?
Because this is the attitude I ended up developing towards The Man BEFORE tax season even came around
So tax season comes up my first year abroad. I’d filed before but had never made enough money to ever really owe anything anyway. But I looked up how to do it outside of the US because apparently Americans still owe taxes even when they live abroad which is ALSO FUCKED
Anyway I couldn’t really figure it out because I’m dumb and don’t give two shits about taxes but what I thought I understood was there’s a certain amount of money you have to make abroad in order to have to pay federal taxes, and for state taxes it depends on the state. It didn’t look like I had to pay any state taxes for Michigan so I just… didn’t file anything?
And I’ve done it like that for every year since.
It’s only now occurring to me that there probably is some sort of paperwork I should be doing each year but at this point I don’t give a fuck and I never hang onto any of my documents anyway lol
So it’s probably not tax FRAUD, there’s probably another word for it but 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️
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felixschokehold · 2 years
Disclaimer: List is due to change over time as new things are learned about each character.
Ultimate Bias: Felix of the Volturi
He is TALL.
He has very little scenes in the books/movies but the back story I’ve given him and literally just my own story of him has made me very attached to him.
I also love Daniel Cudmore as Felix and I am perpetually Dead^TM.
Cannot help but to love fictional homicidal men.
Edward Cullen
Edward (and Bella) call to my BPD/bipolar so fucking hard. I understand the obsession. The mania. The self hatred. The lack of confidence in someone loving you because you don’t feel “good enough”.  
Love the vigilante vampire side story. Homicidal? Check. Justified killings? Double check. Love it. Living for it.
Leah Clearwater
An absolute badass.
She deserved much better.
Demetri of the Volturi
In the books he’s also Tall. 
In the movies he’s very charming and funny (i.e. shoving Felix to hoard food).
I feel very sorry for him since Aro literally kidnapped him from Amun’s coven.
Emmett Cullen
Everyone’s fave himbo. 
Felt very protective of Bella as a brother very early on (Midnight Sun describes this during driving away from the baseball scene). 
Marcus of the Volturi
His entire life was ruined by Aro and I feel so sorry for him.
He had the greatest love of all time and it was ripped from him. 
Is absolutely done with everything and is ready to die at any moment. Mood. 
Jane and Alec
Literally just two innocent children. 
Aro also basically ruined their life and turned them without their consent (afaik). 
Forcefully bound and kept content by Aro. 
So much pity for them. My children.
Anger issues. Same. 
Have you seen him?
Alice Cullen
Continuously and borderline obnoxiously tries to force Bella into her own picture of femininity.
Literally is okay with loving a non-repentant Confederate soldier.
She is nice but just kind of rubs me the wrong way ig.
Carlisle Cullen
Created his own “family” without any consent from them as they lay dying. 
Sam Uley
Seems like a hardass, but was probs just trying to be a leader and do what was best. 
Esme Cullen 
She is wholesome but not my cup of tea. 
Some motherly figures make me feel weird because mine is dead lmao.
The Pack
Unnamed members above and below go here, just no reason to like or dislike them.
The Denali Coven
I understand where Irina comes from. Kate is pretty cool ig. Tanya is alright. Eleazar and Carmen are hot af. I just don’t feel any certain way for the whole clan.
Anti|Non Favorites
Ultimate Anti: Jacob Black
Imprinting on a child; Smeyers writing imprinting as how wolves “find their mate”, and the “future” Alice saw in the movie of them acting kind of romantic to each other has made me have a very vile taste for Jacob Black. Pre-wolf Jacob? Totally cool. Post-wolf Jacob? Absolute fucking incel. 
Aro of the Volturi
Aro doesn’t “recruit”, he straight up kidnaps. He uses Chelsea and Corin’s powers to remove vampires he wants from covens they’re in and ties them to him for ultimate loyalty. He killed his own sister, Didyme, because he didn’t want Marcus to leave as he and Didyme were mated and wanted to dip from the Volturi. Aro is enslaving and kidnapping vampires on the reg.
Caius of the Volturi
He is the only member of the Volturi that Aro has not forced to stay. Caius stays on his own, he only uses Corin’s ability to cure his boredom when he isn’t committing mass murder or punishing lawbreakers. 
Rosalie Cullen (Hale) 
Supreme Bitch for literally no reason. 
Treats Bella like absolute garbage and almost gets her own brother killed because “Bella I eNvY yOu”
Was never a real mother to Bella, Bella had to mother her. 
Just annoying and a terrible person lol.
Charlie Swan 
Didn’t do anything in the movie when Jacob kissed Bella without consent. In the book, he praised Jacob for kissing Bella.
Jasper Cullen (Hale) 
I only put him here because he’s a Confederate soldier with no remorse. 
Probably a racist.
Also imprinted on a child.
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brokenhardies · 2 years
Runaway Chapter Five sneak preview
I haven’t updated Runaway since August, however, I found what I had written so for of chapter five thanks to @inkwell1013‘s comments on the story. Now, I’m half way through the chapter afaik bc I struggled to translate game mechanics into fic, so under the cut is what I had so far!
TW: General Kamoshida debauchery i.e. sexual assault, blackmail etc.
“Of course, you would know this, eh, Niijima-san?” Kamoshida smirked, his golden eyes boring into Niijima as she stumbled backwards. Yusuke tried to stand, but the feeling of the golden knight’s foot on their back caused them to be pushed down onto the floor. “So obsessed with ‘saving’ people because you couldn’t be saved yourself.”
Niijima swallowed, her body shaking. “Th-That’s–”
“Look at you, goody two shoes rule follower who was a shoe-in for Student Council!” Kamoshida continued, “Wonder what happened to her…”
“You happened!” Niijima exclaimed, “I tried to tell the school about what you were doing and you–”
“I what? All I did was give you special lessons, you know that.”
And considering what the term ‘special lessons’ was code for, Yusuke’s stomach immediately dipped. Sumire winced, using her ears to prop herself up against one of the non-golden knights, staring up at Niijima with her red eyes. 
“Face it, whore –” Kamoshida continued, “Things would’ve been so much easier if you’d have stayed silent. But no! You had to sleep around with a teacher.” He then cackled, “When it was discovered you were having sex with me, your bright future went down the drain.”
So that’s why she was so desperate to come back and memorize the faces of the cognitions. That’s why she was so desperate to help, even if she didn’t have the ability to, like they did. That’s why she handed them the gun - even if it only made noises. That was why. Because she wanted to save people from what she went through. 
“Besides, you know what happens to those who stand up to me…” Kamoshida then leant in, looking Niijima up and down. “You’re never gonna succeed. Your life will be even more broken than it is now, and…” He then whispered in her ear, “When your little sister gets to your age, I hope she’s as developed as you.” 
Niijima pushed him away, screaming. Yusuke looked up as she grabbed her head. “Dammit… Am I gonna lose again?” She whispered, “It’s all my fault. I let this bastard control me… All because I didn’t want to feel useless! I can’t do anything!”
“Don’t say that, Niijima!” Yusuke shouted from the ground, their voice hoarse as they felt the golden boot wrench their back but kept pushing forward. “Keep fighting! He keeps saying that because you’re willing to believe him! You aren’t useless, you’re so much more than that!” 
That’s when Niijima paused. Maybe Yusuke’s words got to her, or maybe she had finally decided to stand up for herself. She sighed, glaring at Kamoshida. 
“You’re right. I’ve been listening to this bastard go on and on…” She then pointed at him, her voice raised to a fever pitch. “Shut your damn mouth, you perverted piece of shit!” 
And that’s when it happened;
“Are you choosing to tread the path of strife?”
“Yes…” Niijima whispered, standing as proud as she could. “Come to me!”
“Very well, let our contract begin.” Niijima’s eyes dilated as they glowed golden, and she placed a hand to her head in pain. “After all, your name has already been disgraced – so why not put on a show? Face this monster head on and take him down, inch by inch, like how he destroyed you.” 
She was writing in agony, both hands clutching her head, and Yusuke knew exactly how she felt. Awakening to Faust was rough enough, but in this case, they were seeing it from an outsider's perspective. The screaming and writhing was worse, as Niijima stumbled forward in agony, catching herself before she could hit the floor by cratering the tiles with one stomp. 
“I AM THOU. THOU ART I. You have finally found your own justice. Please, never lose sight of it again.”
Another stomp practically left a hole where she had stood, immense power was rushing through her veins, as Yusuke noticed her mask had formed – a metal plated knight’s mask, shaped in a ‘v’ and covering her nose and the top half of her face. One hand landed on the top of the mask, then another, holding it as tight as she could. It was a part of your skin, Yusuke had realized during their own awakening, which made it harder to pull. Especially one made of pure metal.
“Hmph, what can you do little girl?” The guard captain asked, “Cower in fear and watch as your friend dies!” 
“Let us hoist the flag together, and drag this man to the briny depths!”
Niijima pulled the mask off and screamed. An explosion of light and sound echoed throughout the room, knocking the two guards back as Yusuke and Sumire looked up in awe at what they saw. Niijima, standing, head down and brown hair covering her face. She was wearing what could best be described as ‘post apocalyptic raider’ armor – a navy bodysuit with spiked pauldrons and chains covering the arms and legs. A pair of greaves adorned her feet, and the deep green fingerless gloves she wore were accentuated with a pair of brass knuckles. Unlike Yusuke, Niijima’s gun was already acquired, a revolver holstered to the side of her attire. A green neckerchief was wrapped around her neck. 
Above her was her persona – a humanoid looking woman sitting side saddle on a bike, not holding the handles. Her hair appeared to be made of seaweed, and the clothes she wore were more ragged and like they’d been taken from a shipwreck. Her legs were crossed, almost as if they were taking the form of a tail. The bike itself appeared closer to a ship, a typically sleek and modern design instead being replaced by dark hardwood making up the outer shell, an engine made out of pure energy piloting the vehicle. 
“So this is my self, right?” Niijima smiled, looking up, “Well then, guess I have to give him some payback!” 
“She has one too?!” Sumire exclaimed, as Yusuke looked over at her.
“Why wouldn’t she?” 
The good news was Niijima’s awakening caused the guards to move from their original positions, allowing Yusuke and Sumire to stand and join the girl. Niijima sniggered, seeing the panic on Kamoshida’s face. 
“I’m ready now,” She exclaimed, “Bring it!”
“Foolish brats!” The guard captain shouted, swinging its sword downwards, “Don’t you dare mock me!” And he reformed into a beast, that being a knight on a sword, similar to how it originally looked. The other two guards had reformed into significantly less threatening creatures, that being a pair of cat-like creatures with red boots and matching hats. 
Niijima cracked her knuckles and pointed at the guards. “Alright! Let’s finish them off, Chang Shih!” She shouted, and the battle began. 
While the guard captain was tough, the guards on the outside of it were weak to wind… Which, almost by coincidence, was Niijima’s element of choice. She was also incredibly strong physically, which was a lot of help, especially with well timed baton passes between the group. Having an extra teammate was definitely useful, Yusuke decided, as the guard captain fell.
“Why… Why did I lose? I’m a servant of the great Kamoshida, I can’t have lost!” The guard captain lamented, before he vanished entirely into a blob of black and red goop on the ground.
“Well, I guess Kamoshida just isn’t as special as you think!” Niijima exclaimed, and thus, the creature vanished. Makoto was panting, clearly exhausted from all the excess energy. She stumbled forward on shaky legs, her body trying to move when it was clear she couldn’t.
“That all you got?!” She asked. 
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gallyg · 2 years
Tag 9 people you want to get to know better
tagged by @ abelunwilling
First ship: I was historically not much of a shipper prior to transitioning. It didn’t occur to me to try understanding romance from the female perspective, I felt extremely too disconnected from masculinity to understand romance from the male perspective, and turn-of-the-millenium middle America was not woke enough for me to really explore this subject any further. That said, I really liked the softer masculinity of Bolin from The Legend of Korra, and while the first season was airing, I found myself really rooting for him to earn Korra’s love. Not a ship that I’ve clung to over the years for obvious reasons, but a part of me still appreciates how Borra made me feel back in 2014.
Three ships: Claire/Avery from A Short Hike (afaik I’m the only human on Earth who knows, but if you know, you know), Luz/Amity from Owl House (do canon relationships count?), and Saki/Aoi from Digimon Survive (this ship honestly had to grow on me, but it’s become one of my main personality traits once I had played through every route and began to really understand their characters and what they meant to each other. Like much of Survive, it is a slow burn)
Last song: "All for You” by Vaeda, a song I honestly don’t like that much but which I was asked to make a Yu Yu Hakusho AMV out of by a close friend a decade ago, honor-bounding me to listen to it every once in a while and think “yeah that could kinda work” but never actually make it. But I will. Someday.
It came to mind and I listened to it again because I was listening to “Riptide” by Grandson, which is a song I love and which I have flirted with the idea of using in an AMV.
Last movie: I don’t watch movies too too often, so I think the last one I watched was Saw III on Christmas (it is my favorite Christmas movie) (it is a Christmas movie because my brother got me the director’s cut for Christmas in 2008)
Currently reading: "The Girl from Everywhere” by Heidi Heilig. Conceptually strong novel, though I’m not 100% sure if I really like it yet.
Currently consuming: A moderate amount of alcohol.
Currently craving: Remember that Coca-Cola energy drink they sold back in 2020? They discontinued it after about a year. Apparently most people didn’t like it. If you ask me, it’s the only energy drink that ever tasted good. Not just tolerable, but good. Always craving more of that garbage. Never gonna get it. People sell that shit for like $50 a can on eBay, which is way too much. I got into SodaStream just so that I could try making drinks that mixed the cola and energy syrups. It’s pretty good, but it’s not the same. Personally I’m more of a diet/zero pop kind of person, and SodaSteam’s diet cola mix uses a different sweetener than Coke Zero. Darn shame. I get people who obsess over Crystal Pepsi now.
I always feel awkward tagging other people, but if you see this, assume I have invited you and you can say I tagged you if you want 👉👈
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vrell-is-not-alone · 2 years
#2: Motivation is a bitch
I remember early in my college career, the classical excuse for never getting anything done was always "I don't have enough time." But honestly, now that I have more experience, time itself is not inherently the issue. If I was able to use my time effectively and efficiently, I could easily get everything done with tons of time to spare. The problem is using my time effectively and efficiently. I've found as time goes on, I am less and less capable of doing that. There was a point in time when I was able to juggle 17 credit hours and living on my own and all the responsibilities of adulthood without a ton of effort. A time that I maintained (mostly (fuck you that one professor who targeted me and caused me to lose my 4.0 GPA)) straight A's with relative ease. And yet now, I'm struggling at 12 credit hours, wondering if I'm gonna pass my classes and not even turn in some assignments or do some quizzes. And I look back, and ask how the fuck did I get here? There are a lot of reasons for this, most of which I am still unpacking and figuring out, but a very important one on my mind recently is the issue of "Motivation." Motivation is an amazing thing. It makes it really easy to just do things. Motivation cannot be forced. You either have it, or you don't, and many factors such as mood and mental health can play into it. In general though, I find having a goal I want to achieve that I can realistically achieve and can see my progress towards is an amazing formula for having motivation. However, I don't have motivation. At least not for the two big things I need to do right now, which are 1) continuing college/achieving my computer science degree, and 2) getting everything together for an SRS I hope to get next summer. A lack of motivation in these wouldn't be a big issue if they weren't time sensitive. If I could just hold off until I felt better, was recharged, and could force the work to be done with willpower, it would get done and it would get done well. But I can't do that for reasons I may detail in a later post. And I want to highlight the two main ways that I've lost motivation in my life, namely: no longer wanting the goal I was working towards or believing the goal is likely unobtainable. For the first, I remember being a senior in high school, deciding on my degree, and saying "Hey, I could do CS. I am decently good at tolerating programming/debugging and I'm good at it." And thus, at the start of my college career, I had a goal I wanted. And then as time went on, I realized that CS was not programming. A programmer programs. A software developer (the closest job title that I'd likely get with my CS degree AFAIK) manages teams of programmers and does the higher level design. They don't necessarily program. Add on the extreme business focus towards the end of my degree and the pain of terrible professors (there is a few reasons why CS is the highest drop rate major in engineering at my university and they get a LOT of complaints from us) and it gets nigh impossible to feel that this is worth it anymore. It's not what I want to do. I don't want the goal I used to be working towards. But I don't have another choice financially. And so I am stuck here. For the second, when I get depressed, I get pessimistic. And right now, my upcoming SRS that I have vaguely planned out is kinda muddy on whether or not it'll be possible to get. I really, really need to get it this summer since if I don't, I may not have a window where I can take time to recover (gotta love US work culture) for the next few years. And yet, so many things have to go perfectly for this window to be met. My insurance has to cover the procedure. Electrolysis has to be finished in a relatively short time frame. The meetings with the surgeons need to go well. I have to have a plan in place for recovery. I need to scrounge together enough funds to cover my expenses post-insurance. And to make it all worse, it's nigh-impossible to find good information on this stuff. It's all so fucking vague and everything comes with the asterisk of "your mileage may vary." And so while I can sometimes be hopeful about it, when I get pessimistic, it all feels impossible. And it might be impossible, so I can't even dissuade those pessimistic worries with logic. And it's impossible, why waste my money and time and effort on it? And thus the motivation is lost. So yeah. Motivation is a bitch. And I desperately need her. - Vrell, Depressed Trans Girl
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world-smitten · 2 years
i’m shit at finishing dramas, but i’m srsly crossing my fingers and praying (and begging lol) that my future self will finish extraordinary attorney woo. if there’s one drama at least, it has to be this one*. it’s such an easy show to fall into, so effortlessly likeable and nuanced. that scene w/ woo young-woo and attorney tae su-min had me floored. the way su-min’s calm professionalism utterly implodes when young-woo confronts her and how jin-kyung loads her face with all the pain in the world, i felt like i was watching something very private. and park eun-bin is just excellent. it’s one thing to know an actor is good, and another thing to see them fully realize that potential. i can’t speak on the accuracy of her performance (being neurotypical myself (afaik)), but neurodivergent people have mentioned that it’s very fair representation and that’s great to hear. it sucks that an autistic actress couldn’t play the role, but i hope this drama contributes to a future where autistic performers are given high-profile opportunities like these to represent themselves. cannot wait for next week’s episodes.
*i got 3 episodes into my liberation notes, but i honestly felt like the characters existed in a future that i honestly couldn’t fathom. i’ll return to it when i’m a bigger girl and i’ve spent more time in the world of adults. And i never finished 25, 21. really beautiful show, but the episodes were too long and dense. i was going thru it two days per episode, and i had essays to write lol
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A non-OP fan’s (slashy/romantic)take on Buggy and Shanks’ relationship
Disclaimer: I’m not a One Piece fan by any stretch so I don’t follow the manga or anime but I’ve seen clips of it here and there on the internet, and got intrigued by the one and only Buggy and his relationship with Shanks. I’ve been thinking a lot about them recently and reading a lot of fics/reddit theories so here’s my take. I’ll most definitely miss stuff so actual fans please jump in and correct me/add things!
Warning: My interpretation is that there is some romantic undertones to their relationship. If you don’t agree with this please don’t read! Thanks :D
1. Shanks and Buggy grew up together on the same ship. Some have suggested that they were only 1 when they were picked up by Roger’s crew, although the youngest we’ve seen them tgt was when they were 9 years old. Regardless, they probably didn’t have much of a chance to form long lasting friendships with other children outside the ship, so their peer group consisted only of each other, and that’s crazy. 
2. I feel like these circumstances would’ve led to a form of closeness that supersedes modern friendship. Some have described their bond as a brotherhood, and many have stated that they love each other.
3. However, I feel like brotherly love doesn’t fully explain their dynamic(in the anime version of their Marineford reunion). While it explains why Shanks took care of Buggy when on the Oro Jackson despite their squabbles, why he invited Buggy to go with him after Roger’s execution, and why he seemed quite happy to see Buggy at Marineford aged 39, it doesn’t quite explain why his first instinct there was to make a fool of Buggy, only to brush it off as a whim afterwards. And it most certainly doesn’t explain the most SUS thing about that interaction, which was Shanks’ facial expression and tone of voice. There’s just something very sus about that in particular because it doesn’t feel brotherly, but more like flirtatious teasing??? which Buggy is totally confused by btw.
4. I watched the Japanese version of their reunion. During most of it one of Shanks’ eyebrows was slightly raised in a sort of mischievous way, and just before he walks off he says ‘I know, so don’t be angry.’ in a tone that’s borderline flirtatious???? Does Shanks know that he can placate Buggy with flirtatious teasing?? In that case I wouldn’t call this brotherly love anymore. Does that mean he’s done that in the past and it’s worked???????
5. Perhaps these are artistic liberties that the animators and voice actors have taken, but I assume this is also approved by Oda? Maybe this is a trap for yaoi fangirls and I’ve fallen into it lmao I am not sure how this works - someone more well versed in the mechanics of this please chip in :D In any case, we’ll see where this takes us:
6. There’s 2 things to address here: the trickery, and the borderline playful flirting that happened towards the end. Firstly, the trickery: there’s a power dynamic here and Shanks is the one on top. He’s thinking about how to stop the war, Luffy, and probably other bigger things. When he sees Buggy he probably felt a lot of things then but because of the circumstance, he decides to use him as a way to get something done. 
7. It was a funny interaction, and I’m going to over-analyse it. When Buggy refused to help Shanks with the strawhat, it’s interesting that the latter decided to trick him with the false promise of a treasure map, rather than to just say sth along the lines of ‘why not help for old times’ sake’ etc. Perhaps he thinks that Buggy would be too prideful to be swayed by those types of arguments. But perhaps this is where Shanks miscalculated, and why Buggy was so offended lol just a while ago Buggy had helped Luffy because he had been touched by his innocence and resemblance to young Shanks, and here Shanks is basically saying that even after all these years he still thinks Buggy is below matters of the heart. 
8. Shanks probably also thinks he can trick Buggy into doing things for him without incurring any real consequence. It’s almost like the ‘I’m just going to say this first and then deal with his reaction later’ type mentality. Let’s face it, what can Buggy do? Fighting is out of the question: the disparity in their power levels seems too large for this to be a concern for Shanks, and Buggy is highly averse to fighting battles that he knows he can’t win. Cutting ties? Well, that’s been done: Buggy rejected Shanks’ offer to join his crew years ago, and they haven’t really met since, so the worst has already happened. Shanks has had years to get over that.
9. Perhaps over time Shanks has become more focused than his easy smiles let on. Ironically, Buggy was the one to criticise Shanks for being soft hearted when they were younger, but ultimately it is Buggy who tears up at the sight of Luffy’s innocence and decides to fight alongside him in Impel Down, and it is him that calls out Shanks’ name in the middle of the battlefield, seemingly without a care for their surroundings or consequences, just to be taken advantage of by the other.
10. Some may say I’m making Shanks sound a bit evil, and that perhaps all of this happened subconsciously. Maybe the sentiment behind tricking Buggy is half a funny way to greet his old comrade, and half a sign that he still remembers a lot about him and on top of that trusts him with his hat.
11. While I agree with the fact that Shanks basically does not have any true malice towards Buggy, I can’t ignore the power dynamic between them. The trickery was funny only to Shanks, not to Buggy, but I think this dynamic fits perfectly with Shanks’ role as the Emperor and Buggy’s as the Clown.  
12. Alas, Emperors maintain an indestructible reputation, and Clowns make themselves look bad for laughs. So mb Buggy is just fulfilling that role for Shanks in the story. After all, Shanks is portrayed as a flawless man: he is selfless, ambitious, righteous, protects the weak, stops wars and has never lost a battle in his life. On the other hand, Buggy is portrayed in the complete opposite manner: he is self-serving, duplicitous, scummy, money-loving and lazy. 
13. It’s kind of sad that Buggy was basically born into(afaik his nose is natural) this role though and is forced to make the most out of it.
14. Secondly, the playful flirtatiousness(I keep using this word because I feel like that’s the vibe he gave off at the end of one of the clips I saw lmao): Shanks is not really treating Buggy as an adult in his own right, but acts as if Buggy is a child(or capricious lover??) that has to be coaxed into doing the right thing. That’s also borderline disrespectful, but it could just be a matter of them having been apart for such a long time that Shanks automatically defaulted to their old, childish ways because he hadn’t really had the chance to get to know Buggy as an adult.
15. But then this begs the question of what exactly is the nature of their relationship? Brotherly love doesn’t fit with the flirting, so perhaps it’s a different kind of love? Some possible reasons for why Shanks would ever be flirtatious could be 1. there’s some romantic elements to their relationship in the past that he’s taking advantage of now e.g. maybe Buggy was attracted to him and he is taking advantage of it? or 2. it’s a new thing he’s trying because he thinks it’s funny and Buggy would be too confused to keep retorting so it’s a fun way to end the conversation and at the same time to plant a seed in the clown that might make him follow Shanks later? (Buggy did immediately think about doing that lololol) Is this Shanks’ way of getting Buggy to come back to him lmao without explicitly asking loooool 
16. Judging by Buggy’s reaction it seems like number 2 is more likely but this is all anime-only afaik
17. All in all, I feel like Buggy is a special person to Shanks and vice versa, and even though Buggy is just one element of a much bigger picture for Shanks (whereas for Buggy, Shanks seems to have a much bigger presence in his mind), the fact that they spent their childhood only having each other as peers enabled them to form a deep mutual trust and closeness that didn’t seem to have dampened after twenty odd years of separation.
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bitimdrake · 3 years
I hate fics that really lean into labeled fanon relationship interpretations, like “Damian is Dick’s favorite brother!” and “Cassandra is Bruce’s favorite child!” It feels lazy! And it ignores and devalues other important relationships! Sure I love the Dick and Damian dynamic, but their relationship isn’t all hugs and cuddles and hair ruffles, and I am also incredibly attached to Dick’s brotherly relationship with Tim! Leaning into the idea that Damian is his “favorite” is annoying. And some people I’ve noticed try to sort of compromise on that by going “well Damian isn’t necessarily Dick’s favorite brother, because Dick and Damian have a relationship that’s more paternal! Dick is Damian’s real dad!” And like, you do you I guess, but that’s not really an angle I like any better? I feel like Dick getting pushed as Damian’s “dad” just binds Dick more to Gotham and sidelines Damian’s actual parents, but maybe that’s just me. And the idea that Cassandra is Bruce’s favorite child is rooted in the idea that Cassandra is somehow his easiest child? Which isn’t a canon thing. It’s got it’s roots in Cassandra’s fanon personality, as the super badass perfect flawless obedient mute ASL-wielding family therapist mood ring who has no desires or feelings of her own outside of calling boys “little brother” and doing ballet, who understands Bruce perfectly without words and who he understands and respects and spoils. Which I have no idea where that even came from? Afaik Cassandra didn’t even live in the Manor? And her relationship with Barbara usually gets the short stick because of this too. I find fanon fascinating but like morbidly because it makes me despair and I just want to know where on earth we diverged here
the over-categorization of relationships! it's annoying! Especially when it centers around favorites--people can have favorites for sure, but it's not. necessary? And even if they do have a favorite in one area or at one time, that doesn't mean it has to be some single, black-and-white, overall favorite always.
Dick can be Damian's brother and also his mentor, Batman, and one of his primary caregivers for a year, without people having to abandon one element to strictly declare them either brothers or parent/child. They are brothers literally speaking, and also we don't have to over-restrict what that can mean.
Also, yeah, I love Dick & Tim's relationship too, don't want to sideline Damian's relationships with his actual parents, and don't want Dick to be forced to stay in Gotham permanently or be unfairly responsible for taking care of his siblings. I love Dick spending time with his little siblings, but it's better if he gets to chose that! (Dick as a solo hero and Titans character instead of being 100% of the time a batfam character...)
Dick's relationships with Tim and Damian are both very close, and also very distinct from each other. Tim is a kid he never had to take care of but got to slowly bond with over time as a cool older brother; now a competent teen on the cusp of adulthood who Dick knows very well and trusts completely. And Damian is a much younger kid who he felt compelled to take responsibility for after abrupt changes, who he had to bond with much more quickly under more stressful circumstances, who he personally trained and mentored and took care of; who he loves and trusts, but is still too young and new to fully rely on. Both of those are great and interesting and unique, and not only do we not have to declare one a favorite, it also seems hard to fully compare them in the first place.
Cass as "Bruce's favorite child" in fanon is a huge huge peeve of mine. Cannot stand it. And you have hit it on the head. It is the boringification of Cassandra Cain--making her perfect and understanding and obedient (and therefore of course the favored child) instead of...you know...letting any of her actual personality or relationships remain.
Minor correction: she did actually live in the manor at least a little bit. I believe it's in Batgirl vol 2, which is after the evil!Cass arc and ends with her adoption. But even then, it's mentioned she spends little time there, it's not entirely clear where she stays the rest of the time, and it's definitely not clear if she keeps living there afterwards. Editorial influence decreasing her presence def has an effect here, but--we really don't see Cass in the manor much, and I don't think we ever saw her interacting with any of the other kids there.
Plus!!! Most important, there were years before that where Cass had much more focus, and wasn't living in the manor, wasn't adopted, and as you say had a SUPER important pseudo-parental relationship with Babs too. And her relationship with Bruce has always been flawed and troubled, sometimes outright hurtful.
Bruce sees a lot of himself in Cass, but that's a double-edged sword. He often doesn't really make an effort to understand her because he assumes he already knows. And because he latches onto the ways the connect, he is all the more upset when she shows she's not like him or disagrees/disobeys--which she does often! Because she has her own ideas and goals and desires, and pleasing Bruce is absolutely not her top priority!
Fanon Cass bad. don't like it. where is my gremlin.
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