#I’ve tried learning from them learning how they talk but a lot of it does not make sense
retroaria · 5 days
NSFW kaiser hcs plsplspls omggg >.<
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a/n: i’ve been wanting to write these so bad but i needed the motivation so thank you anon lemme give you a kiss 💋
sorry this is so short 😓
BLUE LOCK M.LIST | requests are open! | enjoy 🦋
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• kaiser is 100% the dominant one in bed, but that doesn’t mean he won’t let you top him. he’s a service top/soft dom (most of the time), so he’ll let you do whatever will get you off as long as he gets to participate.
• he loves being marked up. bite marks, scratch marks, bruises on his shoulders, hickeys all over his neck and collar bone, he could stare at himself in the mirror and drool at the sight of your work on him. especially likes the comments he gets from his teammates in the locker room, usually gives a half assed response or brushes it off. feels there’s no explanation needed, he simply fucked you so good you literally had to hold on for dear life and try to eat him lol.
• if you didn’t read my virgin!kaiser post here it is. if you did then you KNOW how i feel about about this topic. unpopular opinion: he is not a whore. kaiser would absolutely save himself for someone special, so chances are he lost his virginity to you. he’s done lots of foreplay with other people in the past, but he didn’t go all the way until he met you and when it happened he was hooked. kaiser has an insatiable libido but he does know how to control himself. just know that you’ll be getting tons of horny texts, nudes, phone calls just so he can hear your voice while he jerks off, he’s a menace.
• he is EAGER to learn about you and your body and every little thing he can do to make you squirm. would spend hours just touching and playing with you to figure it out. teases and edges you all the time (likes to edge himself a little too). wants you to tell him what you want, loves hearing you verbalize your sexual desires.
• will make you talk about sex in inappropriate situations. he’ll whisper dirty words in your ear and smile at you. dinner with the fam? “You’d look so pretty bent over this table.” tries to coax you into joining the mile high club any time you take a flight. he has absolutely no filter when it comes to talking about sex. will reminisce on last nights ministrations while you’re in the car, out to eat, whispering over to you at the movie theater. he’ll ask if you liked certain things he did, if you want to try something different, tell you yet again how good you were for him.
• he’s not a fan of toys aside from vibrators for you but i can see him being into some light bondage perhaps? he likes when he can fuck you and you can’t touch him or yourself.
• kaiser doesn’t like the idea of others watching you guys fuck but he likes the idea of them knowing he’s fucking you if that makes sense. wants you to be loud when there’s other people in the room next to you. makes sure his thrusts are hard enough to my the door or the bed shake and creek. he only does this if he’s around people you guys know. doesn’t want random people to know y’all are fucking but definitely like if he’s teammates or friends are around, rival teams too perhaps.
• this boy loves intimacy so much, as horny as he is, he likes to make sex with you special when he can. when he comes back from playing in another country, desperately yearning for your touch, he does everything in his power to make it the most romantic and passionate experience for you. he takes his time and keeps his pace at a cool medium, not too fast but he doesn’t drag them out too much. kisses everywhere the entire time, can’t take his lips off your perfect skin that he’s missed so much. can’t stand to see it without a single sign of him, so he’s marking you up along the way. moaning your name right into your ear and mumbling “i love you”’s into the crook of your neck. he’s going for as long as possible by the way, switching positions, eating you out for what feels like forever, he could go all night like this.
• he isn’t the kinkiest guy but he will try whatever you want to try. doesn’t mind if he has to be a little mean to you or even if he has to be a little submissive. really cares about sex being an enjoyable experience so he wants to make sure you’re both getting to explore your fantasies. i could see him being into roleplay a little ngl.
• i’m sorry but this man has a perfect dick. it’s like 5-6 inches, not too big not too small, his girth fills his length perfectly, he has a very slight upwards curve that prods into your sweet spots perfectly every time. he keeps himself excessively well groomed. when he gets undressed in front of you all you can do is stare in awe at how pretty he is. his shaft is the same pale tone as the rest of his skin, his veins aren’t very prominent and his tip is pink and cute???? Idk call me weird IDC he’s a pretty boy.
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bloop-bl00p · 15 days
In defense of Octavia
TW: Lots of Trauma Dumping, Mention of abuse
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She’s been wronged way too many times in this fandom for some reason. Look at her vibing, how can you hate her?
I’m a fan of Helluva Boss, mainly because of its potential but the quality dropped dead in the second season. We’re gonna talk about a character I’ve seen other fans misinterpreting in favor of the so-great Prince Stolass.
I want to talk about her mainly because I do what I want and because after studying her character I just realized that she’s just like me. Especially regarding her relationship with her father, I see myself in my younger years.
All of that to say…
She has all the right to feel abandoned.
Octavia obliviously has a stronger bond with her father, it shows in her behavior and little background details
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When she wants to draw her family, she draws her and Stolas, we mostly see her being happy with him which leads me to think that she’s emotionally neglected by Stella. To her, Octavia is just an ‘egg’ that fell off her and she doesn't care about the impact killing Stolas could have on her daughter.
Despite being emotionally absent, Stella has a much more physical presence than Stolas. Most of the time Stolas is alone in his castle which leads me to think that Octavia is somewhere else with Stella. They did mention the two went on a weekend somewhere. This leads us to this question…
How can Octavia feel more close to her father?
Here’s the thing, I see a lot of my family dynamic here. My mom doesn’t pay attention to me at all, she doesn't want me to bother her and she makes it clear. My dad, however, who’s absent like 90% of the time, always tried to spare time with me. He explained to me that he was working and why he was doing all of this (I was like barely ten) but it never prevented him from trying to play with me, sharing his hobbies, going on a walk, and else.
He was there emotionally and, as a kid who was bullied, had no friends at all, and a mother who didn't give a damn, I cherished this relationship.
I believe the exact same thing happened with Octavia, we never see her with friends or even outside the castle, she’s isolated. Stolas has Prince duties, we’ve seen him carry them in the shows, hence why he’s mostly absent leaving her with her mother. But, at least when she was a kid, he tried to do stuff bringing her to Loo-Loo Land or being the one to comfort her. That is why she clings to her father, he’s the only one who actually shows her love and she’s terrified of losing that.
Regarding her mother, Stella obliviously doesn't care about her so the feeling is reciprocated. From a narrative standpoint, Stella is an unpredictable force of nature getting angry for pretty much anything that doesn't go her way. So Octativa learned to not cross her mother's path.
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I know this expression, this is the “Oh fuck… they’re at it again?” she’s used to her mother's constant screaming, she's used to her parents fighting.
She did say they were a time when a parent didn't hate each other, which to me refers to the time when Stolas tanked Stella’s abuse. But, that doesn’t mean that Stella wasn't abusing him in front of a younger Octavia, she’s erratic and they did imply that she can get physical in her toxic behavior. Since Stella was passive, it was probably mostly harmful comments.
Putting personal things here, my mom was also very abusive to my older sibling. Since I was extremely young I learned not to ‘be a burden’ to avoid being abused as well, which includes things like not talking to her unless she does it first. Whether Octavia is aware of the physical abuse or not, she must know enough to know that it’s a bad idea to annoy Stella.
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This is the only picture where we see her seemingly having a good relationship with Stolas, which to me feels like she’s faking it considering all we know about the family.
She has a pretty shitty household but her relationship with her father make it bearable until Stolas did a 180°
He randomly started to prioritize Blitz and don’t spill me the bullshit of ‘he’s trying’ he stopped trying long ago.
Let’s analyze this episode by episode:
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In Loo Loo Land, Stolas seemingly tries to rebuild a visibly strained relationship with his daughter by bringing her to a park she liked when she was a kid. To this, she immediately responds with an “I’m not 5 anymore.” and an “I rather kill myself.” There’s no room for miscommunication, she doesn't want to go there, and she won’t enjoy it as much as she did back then. Still, he decides to go there, showing that he doesn't listen, and, he brings the one the thing that is currently ruining his already horrible marriage because of his own actions. Blitzø.
He’s trying to spend time with his daughter after a long time (this is mentioned in the episode) and he decides to bring in that one guy he’s hooking up with to deliberately make sexual remarks about him in front of her.
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She’s uncomfortable the whole time, not just because she allegedly doesn’t like listening to her father's comments but because she doesn't like the park. She said it, yet Stolas doesn't acknowledge it, he doesn't realize the faces she makes which are to me pretty communicative of her annoyance and discomfort.
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This is not even subtle body language, yet he only notices it when she runs off. The worst part is that he still finds a way to think about Blitzø when his daughter leaves.
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He looked upset that Blitzø didn't follow him! Did he expect that guy to pursue him constantly? He was in the middle of an argument with his daughter, I personally would have stepped away to give them space to talk and reconcile. But no, apparently Blitzø should be at his beck and call all the time.
But you know what, after all of this. He still apologized. That absolutely does not negate everything he did during the day but, at the end of it, he finally listened to her and even brought her to a place she actually wanted to be. Which is good, he acknowledged her discomfort and did something she liked.
Until Seeing Star.
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Look I know Stolas was busy with Stella but he clearly doesn't care about her and her stuff.
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Don’t tell me he couldn’t pinpoint Stella’s location with magic and teleport all of her belongings to her. Their discussion was barely about the furniture, he could have said that they were gonna be delivered and hung up the second he saw Octavia. Arguing with Stella is pointless, he’s the number one guy that should know that! Why does he continue to insult her, he’s just fuelling the fire!
Moving out her belongings would have been 10 times faster if he just hung up the phone, then he could have had a more mindful talk with Octavia without the constant bickering of his ex-wife.
But he didn't for some reason, fair enough, I guess. The writers do whatever they want. Anyway, Octavia got angry and ran to go see the stars on her own.
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So, Stolas’ castle is in Pride but my point still stands, Octavia had the time to run from home and make the way all from her father's place to the city, find the specific building Blitzø held his organization in and Stolas didn't notice a thing.
You cannot tell me Stella managed to get his attention for that long AND you cannot tell me that his castle is close to the shitty disaffected building and the populace. His daughter ran off and he did not notice a thing.
Not only that but he has the nerve of blaming Blitzø for not watching the book. Like, dude! You should have watched your daughter instead!
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Then he spills out more bullshit.
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I don’t know Stolas, how could you possibly find her when you were shown to have countless abilities to do so?
Like bubbles projecting the image and locations of people.
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Or that on time when you possessed corpses and one woman just to go full eldritch monstrosity just for one that one guy you’re cheating your wife with. And don’t whine about “They don’t love each other.” it’s still affecting his family, mainly his daughter so it’s still bad.
Of course, you do all of that without your grimoire without any problem, brushing it off with a…
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I guess he forgot his ‘ways’ when it came to Octavia. But honestly, Loona literally found her easily just by looking at her Instagram account, couldn't he just call her or something? The girl had her phone the whole time and he didn't just think of calling her.
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Me when I forget that I have teleportation power when I am in an enclosed space with nobody is looking.
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You’re certainly not worrying right now. Via literally told him to his face that she was scared and he kept flirting with him even though he once again caused her to run away because of his neglect.
He’s not trying his best, THIS IS NOT TRYING!
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No Loona, his daughter communicated very clearly issues related to their relationship, rather than reassuring her and being there for her as much as it’s realistically possible (he still has duties to carry), he gets in an avoidable petty fight with his ex and keeps an unhealthy dynamics with an imp he's been obsessing over. He doesn't focus, his priorities aren’t straight, and now Octavia feels abandoned.
I did mention that I had a good relationship with my father back then, but it stopped abruptly. His focus changed and he went out with friends after work and gradually stopped spending time with me. Until we never spent time together again, (to give you an idea the only moment where I could see him was in the morning for breakfast) now that can sound silly but I was a child, with no friends and a neglectful mom, losing the only good thing I had in life broke me. I knew his schedule, I knew he was spending time with work buddies and that just stung my self-esteem even more leaving me feeling like a burden when I was just a kid who wanted to feel love.
This is why I don’t like the “He’s trying.” I know what a trying struggling parent looks like and I know what happens when they stop. If you keep trying to do something and you’re constantly failing, either your technique isn’t the right one or you’re not and you’re convincing yourself you are.
And then there are people that’ll tell me that “He lived through the abuse of Stella for years for her.”
If you read all of this then I don’t feel like I need to explain how Octavia was at least partially exposed to Stella's toxic behavior and was affected by it.
For those who don’t know how it feels to live with an erratic mood-swinging person, it’s pure constant stress. You have to think constantly before you talk or move because you know that if you fuck up you’re gonna pay the price. And if you still eventually mess up you can never know with these types of people! You can’t defend yourself because the punishment will be far worse. You are ALWAYS in the wrong.
So he lived through the abuse of Stella just so his daughter could get neglected and abused in a less physical way?
The difference between my parents and Octavia is that they love each other. Stolas doesn't give a damn about Stella, he did say he was nice at first because he empathized with her they were in this shitty situation together, and fine, it's reasonable. But she never changed! Stella stayed the same! Why didn’t he leave her when he stopped carrying about her?! There’s no trauma bounding, Stella isn’t guilt-tripping or manipulating him, they got the child he could have divorced her easily without consequences! If anything, she’s the losing part of this divorce she’s lower in the hierarchy! “Andreaphul will get angry.” HE’S A MARQUIS! Hierarchically speaking Stolas is far more important and he mopes the floor with his peacock ass!
Am I supposed to be empathetic with that one dude who willingly let his daughter grow up in a hyper-toxic environment with an emotionally neglectful and unpredictable wife?! Am I supposed to believe he cares when he kept sleeping in his house in his bed with the same guy his daughter clearly is worried he’s going to leave her with?! Really?!
Don’t ever tell me that this is trying.
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saphronethaleph · 2 months
Applied Maya
“Your overconfidence is your weakness,” Luke said, calmly.
“Your faith in your friends is yours,” the Emperor replied.
Vader shook his head. “It is pointless to resist, my son.”
“It is pointless to control the galaxy,” Luke retorted. “I’ve learned things about the Force that mean I understand that now."
He waved his hand, and Vader tensed, but it turned out to be for emphasis instead of telekinesis. “The Force is everywhere. In everything. There’s… a level of reality which is far beyond what we care about. It’s around us, everywhere. Even in us.”
“What are you talking about?” the Emperor asked, thrown off his argument about how everything was futile.
“The Force,” Luke explained. “And… us. And everything, because the Force is everything. And we’re the Force. We’re… luminous beings, and our bodies are only crude matter that outlines them and gives our spirits somewhere to be.”
“What are you on about?” the Emperor demanded. “Vader! What is he on about? Is this some kind of Jedi nonsense?”
“It is possible,” Vader mused. “But I do not recall hearing it before.”
“I can explain more, if you’d like,” Luke said, earnestly. “The way that it works is that there’s more than one layer of existence, and this is a layer of reality but compared to the Force it’s just an illusion. Which means that – yes, you should do everything you can to make things better in this world, but – no, this world isn’t all there is, and you aren’t your body. Your body is just an approximation.”
He looked at his hand. “I lost this on Cloud City and… it didn’t make me any less of me. I’m still me, because I’m not my body, I’m the one who lives inside it. And the Force is like proof of that.”
That drew a blank look from the Emperor, and what would probably have been a blank look from Vader.
“Elaborate,” Vader requested.
“Well, we all know that the laws of physics exist, right?” Luke asked. “They define exactly how things work. How things fall, or they don’t. How orbits work. And yet, I can stretch out my hand and pull something into it. Which means the laws of physics aren’t laws, they’re just very persistent illusions.”
“I believe the interaction is mediated by midichlorians,” Vader said. “They are like mitochondria for the Force.”
“So?” Luke replied. “That simply means that part of how we are outside physical reality can be measured. I’ve heard the explanations, I’ve seen it – all that the explanation really does is put it into words, and give it a framework.”
He made another expansive gesture.
“This is trite nonsense,” Palpatine said. “Your friends on the Sanctuary Moon will not survive.”
“And if that happened, I would be sad,” Luke said. “Of course I would. But I came here willing to die, because death is not all that there is.”
Palpatine glowered at Vader.
“This one is broken,” he said. “Do you have another possible new apprentice for me?”
“The supply is a bit low, my Master,” Vader said.
“And I know about your rebel fleet,” the Emperor went on. “They will be ambushed by my fleet, just as an entire legion of my best troops is waiting for your friends.”
“That’s a shame,” Luke said. “But it’s not the same as something being unrecoverably bad.”
Palpatine blinked.
“...what?” he said. “You make no sense.”
“You can think of it like a shadow,” Luke said. “Or a hologram. It looks real, but it’s not the most real thing. It’s illusion, just a very persistent illusion which is why so many are taken in by it.”
“This doesn’t sound very empirically sourced,” Vader muttered. “Did you come up with all this yourself? If not, who taught you?”
“Yoda,” Luke replied, and both the Emperor and Vader flinched slightly.
“Yoda’s alive?” Vader asked, sounding horrified and fascinated.
“Not since… about three days ago, I think?” Luke answered. “I could be off by a day or two on that, I spent a lot of it in hyperspace.”
The Emperor tried very hard to stifle a sigh of relief, and didn’t quite manage it.
“You know Yoda?” Vader said. “You met Yoda?”
“Yes,” Luke agreed. “I was there with him at the end. Obi-Wan told me where he was living.”
“What?” Vader asked, now sounding baffled. “...how?”
It was his turn to wave his hand to make a gesture. “Because I remember Cloud City, and you were reasonably talented, but you seemed self taught. You did not fight like you’d had two and a half years of Ataru lectures from the death gremlin… there weren’t nearly enough backflips for it.”
“...oh, I see,” Luke said. “No, Obi-Wan told me on Hoth.”
“On… Hoth,” Vader repeated, slowly. “He’d been dead for several years at that point. Hadn’t he?”
“Oh, yeah,” Luke confirmed, readily. “He’s a ghost. He’s still around.”
The younger Skywalker shrugged. “Kind of proves what I was saying, right? Death isn’t the end of existence. A person lives on after the death of their body. They become one with the Force, and the Force is one with them, but they still exist.”
Vader was silent for a long time.
“...huh,” he said, eventually.
“Anyway, as I was saying – Father – Your Highness,” Luke went on. “I don’t fear death because death is the loss of the crude flesh, which is just a cloak for our true selves, who are luminous beings of light. To ask others to accept suffering of the flesh is unfair, because they feel it as real, but I understand it for the illusion that it is and so I’m willing to suffer and die for my beliefs – in a very real sense, it doesn’t mean as much to me as it would to anyone else. Because I know the truth.”
“This is all the ramblings of a senile madman, translated through the mouth of a naive boy,” the Emperor said. “What kind of proof could you possibly have?”
“...what, apart from the fact that I communicated with my dead mentor, and he gave me information that I did not know before?” Luke asked, curious. “That was sufficient for me to accept it when Yoda told me, but there’s also the extent to which understanding the illusive nature of reality amplifies my understanding of what the Force truly is.”
“I have to admit, it would explain why Obi-Wan vanished,” Vader mused, sounding like he was talking to himself more than the others.
“You don’t know about the Force,” the Emperor said, snidely. “Certainly your understanding is not as deep as mine!”
Luke examined him.
“You actually believe that,” he said. “But you think what I’m saying is nonsense?”
“If you understood the Force better, you would not be my prisoner!” the Emperor retorted.
“I’m not,” Luke said. “That’s an illusion as well.”
“You cannot just declare anything you don’t like to be an illusion!” Palpatine raged.
“I can if it is,” Luke replied, still calmly, and reached out his hand. His lightsaber slapped into it, then he let go and it floated back across the room to where Palpatine had put it.
He shrugged. “I’m here because I want to save my father. I surrendered because I thought that would be the best way to do it. I’m standing here on a battle station I fully expect to be blown up, because I am committed to saving my father. From you. That’s why I’m here, and it has nothing to do with you having any power over me. You don’t.”
The Emperor attempted to prove Luke wrong by electrocuting him, which lasted about ten seconds until Vader threw him out the window.
The air, on the other artificial hand, stayed put.
“You might be right, son,” Vader said, sounding scientifically fascinated as the room didn’t depressurise. “Accepting this really is helping me understand and use the Force.”
“I’m glad to have helped,” Luke replied, reminding himself that electrical burns were also illusions no matter how persistent they were. “What do we do now?”
“Leave the room, probably,” Vader suggested. “Then we can see about deciding whether we want to keep this station or destroy it.”
He made a curious noise with his respirator. “Are the Empire’s succession laws real or an illusion? I am fairly sure I could abdicate in your favour if you would like.”
“Mon Mothma would be better, I think,” Luke said, after some consideration. “Or Lando. Lando might work.”
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aka-indulgence · 4 months
Imminent Threat: Baby Pictures Confirmed!
I was bitten by the inspiration bug and I do love this idea a lot, heheh…
Wanna see what happens if HT!Sans catches a glimpse of your baby pictures?
(HT!Sans x Female!Reader)
(No warnings just be prepared for silly, fluff, and cute (aggression))
Sans twiddles his thumbs, watching you leave with the dishes into the kitchen. Your parents had forbidden him from doing the dishes.
“You made us this wonderful meal! It’s her turn on the chores anyway,”
“What! I come home to see you and you’re just making me do chores?”
“Yes! It’s to catch up on all the chores you missed these past few months! Hahahah!”
He turned to you and whispered a pathetic little “sorry,” but you waved him off.
“It’s ok, I’m used to it. Might as well treat them since I can’t cook like you, right? Keep them company.”
So here he was, sitting on the table, feeling like he was going to expel the meal he just ate, watching your parents wipe their lips with tissue like they were about to interrogate him.
“So, how’s living with (Y/n) like?”
“good.” no no. too fast. talk more. “she…… she’s nice.”
nice? is that all i have to say about her?
“Ah. That’s good to hear,” your dad replies, taking a sip of tea from a mug.
i guess if i said the other things i thought of her, they’d probably want to take her away from me.
“Hey, I hope she’s more active than how she used to be. She used to stay home for days, and we’d have to remind her to go outside and get some sun!” Your mom chortles, and Sans rubs the back of his neck.
“a… actually… she’s the one that wants to leave the house now. i don’t… like leaving. the house is nicer.” Sans forces a grin, but he can’t tell if it’s coming off as awkward or spine-chillingly horrifying.
He can’t gauge how your parents reacted. Your dad smirked, and your mom tilted her head. What does that mean? Do they not approve? Sans usually prides himself in being able to read people like a book- even after the head injury. But his skull is full of thoughts.
“I imagine you’d have to stay at home to hone that cooking skill, then?” Your mom offered, “that stew was amazing! The blend of herbs and spices, the broth wasn’t too thick or thin, and the meat was cooked to perfection…”
Your dad chuckles. “I don’t know about cooking as much as my wife does, but I’ll tell you what, that’s one hell of a stew you’ve got. You could probably start a restaurant,”
“heh… heh you think?” His grin turns more genuine as his cheeks turn a tinge of dark blue.
“How did you learn to cook so well, Sans? Did you go to culinary school?” Your mom pries.
“oh… no actually, i learnt it all myself,” Sans explains, “back in the underground we didn’t have much to go on but we didn’t want to eat something completely tasteless so i learnt how to make things taste good with what we had…”
Sans realizes too late that maybe he brought up the underground a bit too casually, because all of a sudden your mom looks stricken with guilt, and your dad looks awfully uncomfortable.
“O-oh, I’m so sorry Sans, I didn’t mean to…”
“no no. i-i brought it up, you don’t have to apologize,”
Is he smiling too much? Should he be frowning? Wait hold on he’s looking at your mom too much, he should look at your dad now. Oh he’s looking away…
Why was he so bad at this? He’s relied on looking scary and stopping everyone from trying to talk to him. B-but he likes your parents, they’re nice, some of the few humans that actually look past his scary face and see him as… sort of harmless?
Your dad broke the silence.
“Yes, I’ve always tried to make the most of my meals. Like when I have crumbs I’d toss them near the anthill we used to have in the backyard. Hahah, one time when (Y/n) was very little she saw me throw breadcrumbs and asked me what I was doing. I told her I was feeding the ants, and she must have been really impressed with that idea… because,”
Your dad got into a fit of giggles, and Sans perks up.
“Tch… hih! Because the next day I found her standing in front of the anthill… with bread on top of it. Whole wheat, whole bread slice. I asked her what she was doing! And she said ‘I’m feeding the ants!’ She looked so proud I had to take a picture of her! I think I have it on my phone,”
Sans mouth opens. He all but quaked in his chair, having to physically restrain from grabbing your dad’s phone.
“m-m…” Sans coughs trying to regain composure, “may i see it,”
“On it, just… give me a sec…” Sans watched as your dad scrolled and scrolled, until…
“Found it,”
He turned his phone around.
There you were, no older than 3, in a little bucket hat, sleeveless shirt and shorts, with tiny flip flops. You had a bright, sunshine smile on your face, and humorously… a slice of bread sitting amidst the grass and dirt just a foot or two away from you.
Sans’ eyelights shrinks, his grin gone. Carefully, he takes the phone out of your dad’s hands and zooms in on your face. You had dimples in your cheeks, and they… they looked so plump like little squishballs. Your eyes were round and sparkled in the sun. His hands shook.
He must’ve looked unhinged.
“What do you think?” Your mom asked.
“sh…… she’s so small……” Sans breaths, then swallows, turning to your dad. “d… d’you… do you have more…?”
Your dad snorts, his arms crossed. “‘Do you have more’ he says,” he scoffs. “Kid, we have an entire baby album.”
You tuned out of the conversation in the kitchen, earphones plugging your ears, a tried and true ‘dish washing’ playlist playing as your background music. It was a nice break. You’re happy to see your parents again, but they can be a bit overbearing at times… ask Sans odd questions about monsters, sometimes mention how tiny you look next to your boyfriend (which had Sans hiding his face… they thought he was offended but he was mortified, worried your parents were hinting at how he was like with you in private).
Though you certainly didn’t miss doing chores back home, you did see it as a bit of a reprieve.
But then over the music, you heard laughter… loud laughter. It didn’t sound like your dad. And Sans doesn’t usually laugh that hard. It started soft at first but it got louder and louder, until you were sure that was Sans. What were they doing to him? It almost sounded like they found his most ticklish bone and was torturing him with him.
A laugh startled you so bad you almost dropped a clean plate onto the floor. You took off an earphone just in time for your mom to walk in.
“Hi dear, this is your dad’s, he’s finished his tea. You don’t have to wash it if you don’t want to…”
“Yea, ok-” you say, distracted and looking over your mom’s shoulder as if you could see what was causing all the ruckus. “What is happening???”
“Oh,” your mom laughed, “Sans is such a sweet, delightful monster. Your dad’s showing him your baby pictures-”
“Excuse me my WHAT?!!”
You threw the gloves onto the sink counter, washed your hands hastily, and yanked the other earphone off, tossing them haphazardly into a pocket. Tripping over your feet to sprint into the room, though you realize you’re too late.
Sans is vibrating on the sofa, having migrated from the table it seems. His eyelight was blown wide, the widest you’ve seen it, glued to the open book in front of him. Your dad flipped a page, looking unaware of the murderous skeleton next to him.
“And here… oh this was on a trip to the beach. She’d gotten scared of water because of a wave too big had brought her out from shore and her legs couldn’t reach the sand. It wasn’t out to sea or anything, but when you’re that small it must’ve been scary. But the hotel had a pool and I couldn’t have my daughter stay afraid of water… this was after a fun session of swimming in floaties and being swung into the pool.”
“ah… HAHAHAH! bright… orange…!”
It was clear to you now. Sans wasn’t laughing from something funny. He was overjoyed. So overjoyed he can’t contain it in himself that he just bursts with it. His eyelights warbled. They looked like hearts shimmering under a running river.
You grabbed your head in despair. “No, no no- what have you done!”
Your dad had looked up immediately, while Sans’ didn’t, holding onto the album. Though… his grin had twisted into something dark.
Dad took a photo out, the one he was just explaining: a picture of you laughing in orange floaties, floral swimwear, carried by your dad in a clear blue pool, looking up at the camera. The sides of the picture were slightly yellow.
“Do you remember this, poppy? It’s weird to think you were ever scared of water now… it’s hard to stop you from swimming, nowadays,”
You can’t help but smile in your heart a little. It brought back happy memories of travelling with your parents when you were little.
Unfortunately, there are far more pressing matters at the moment.
“No, wait, dad… what did you do?”
“You… you showed Sans my baby pictures?”
“Baby and toddler pictures,” your dad corrected. “Also there’s no need to be embarrassed, I feel like it’s a right of passage to have your baby pictures shown to your significant other by your parents.”
“No, I’m not embarrassed,” you shake your hands helplessly, “it’s just… Sans is gonna kill me,”
There was an incident, almost a year ago now. You were shuffling through some things you found in a box you never unpacked… at the bottom you found a polaroid of you rolled up in a baby blue blanket and, admittedly, looking pretty darned cute.
You showed it to Sans, innocently. It’s cute, you can admit it, and you knew Sans would appreciate it.
Oh how naive you were.
He held the picture, stared at it. Was at a loss for words, though he kept trying to form them helplessly, bringing it close to his face like he couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Then he muttered.
“b… baby…… b… baby…”
Then he went crazy. Picking you up, not listening to your protests- usually when Sans gets in a cuddly mood he ignores your complaints but that time, it was like he really couldn’t hear you. His pupil was blown wide and constantly shifted from heart to circle. He squashed you in bed, smooshed your cheeks, kissed you until you were gasping for breath- you don’t even think it’s a sexual thing, he was just overcome with cute aggression!
It wasn’t a one time thing either. Carelessly, you’d leave the picture propped up on the window as a cute memento aesthetic… thing, maybe, but every time Sans looked at the picture too long, he’d get into his violent cuddly moods and kidnap you to the bedroom to squish you. Eventually you had to hide it to avoid inducing anymore ‘cute-induced murderous rage’ in him.
And your parents just opened pandora’s box for you.
Your brows furrow in worry as Sans looks up from the album to you, his eyelight tightening into just a fraction of what it was before, zeroing in on you. His grin was wide and deranged. He chuckled, a low, threatening sound.
“heh heh… i’m going to crush you.”
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headkiss · 2 years
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pairing: eddie munson x fem!reader
summary: three times eddie almost asks you out, and the one time he does.
word count: 4.5k
warnings: nothing! smitten eddie and reader with lots of fluff and waiting for them to get together!
a/n: hi hi! sorry for the wait for this one, but i hope you guys like it and pls let me know what u think :D
Somehow, Eddie was roped into bringing Dustin to the arcade on a random weeknight. Something about Steve working and a new game being installed that he couldn’t miss.
And anyway, he has a hard time saying no to the kid.
So, that led him to having to clean out his van of his staches and anything he deemed unsuitable for the nosy eyes of Dustin Henderson. Eddie never thought he’d care so much about the youngest members of Hellfire, but he saw a lot of himself in them.
After picking up Dustin, who insisted on choosing the music, and driving to the arcade, he parked and followed Dustin inside. Of course, Eddie’s been to the arcade before, but last time he went, Keith was the one working there.
And you—who had a bright smile and was waving to Dustin—were certainly not Keith.
Eddie trailed behind his younger friend as he walked over to the counter to talk to you. Of course, Eddie knew who you were, but you were different from the person he went to school with, you seemed happier, like there was a weight that wasn’t holding you down anymore. He also had no idea you knew Dustin.
“Hurry up!” The curly-haired boy called from where he stood by the counter.
Eddie hadn’t even realized he stopped walking.
He caught up quickly, coming to rest his elbows on the desk you stood behind. You were laughing at something Dustin had said and it was a beautiful sight. Eddie wanted to make you laugh like that himself.
“Finally. Eddie, this is my old babysitter,” Dustin introduced you, even if you already knew each other. “Now she’s here all the time and loves when I come in.”
Eddie whispers your name, testing it on his tongue.
“You how he found out about this new game?” He faces you, and he swears he can feel his heart stutter when you make eye contact.
Your eyes are kind, soft, and surrounded by smudgy eyeliner that brings them out even more. He’s struck by how pretty you are. Not that you weren’t before, he’s just never noticed it until now.
“Guilty,” you shrug with a shy smile. “But hey, you can hang out with me here if you’d rather.”
Dustin was off with a rushed promise of getting the high score, and then it was just you and Eddie. He decided to take you up on your offer of passing the time with you. He’s sure it beats listening to Dustin yell at a video game.
“So, Eddie,” you prop yourself up with an elbow on the counter, chin perched on your hand. “Haven’t seen you since school. How are you?”
“Good, yeah. Finally graduated, so that’s something.”
“That’s great! What about your band?”
He’s surprised you knew about it, but he tries to hide it. “Corroded Coffin, yep. Still going.”
“And Hellfire? Dustin tells me all about it when he’s here.”
He can’t deny the pleasure he feels knowing you know about his hobbies. Even if you’ve probably learned it all through Dustin.
“Couldn’t let it go so I still run it. It’s nerdy but I love it.”
“Nothing wrong with nerdy. I’ve heard lots about it and it sounds really fun.”
You don’t mean to sound creepy or come off that way, knowing about Eddie and wanting to talk about it. You’re interested in knowing, you want to be his friend. He’s kind and funny and has an energy about him that you want to be around. He makes you a little nervous, even if you hide it well.
“It’s, um.. Yeah. It’s great.”
The evening moves along and you and Eddie talk through it all, save the interruptions from customers when you’re actually needed. It was easy and even through the awkward points, you both wanted to be there.
Eddie wasn’t expecting to actually enjoy himself, he was expecting a night that was a favor to Dustin and that’s it. But you were there. You made it better.
“Alright, I’m ready to go,” Dustin strolls up to the counter and sets his hands on his hips, impatient and demanding as always. You smile at him.
“Get the high score?”
“You know it! You better tell me if anyone beats it.”
“Always do, Dusty.”
He gives you that toothy grin that you love. He really is a great kid. He then turns to Eddie and gives him a look that said ‘let’s go.’
“Well, duty calls. It was nice to see you.”
“You too, Eddie. See you.”
“Bye, pretty.”
He’s out the door before you can properly react to his term of endearment. You certainly could get used to hearing it from him, though.
In the van, Dustin eyes Eddie before saying, “so did you ask her out?”
Dustin huffs, like it’s obvious. “You were all oh my gosh, swoon, as soon as you saw her. Seriously.”
“I was not,” was he? Eddie had no idea what he was feeling but he knew that you were pretty, and that he wanted to spend time with you again. That was it.
“You were! She was too, so you guys should totally date.”
“Listen here, Henderson. I’m the elder, so I give the advice and make the decisions. It’s not like that, just haven’t seen her in a long time.”
It’s the weekend after that day at the arcade and your friends have managed to wrangle you into a night out. You weren’t opposed to going it, you just had to be in the right mood. That mood didn’t come until they told you Corroded Coffin would be playing.
Eddie’s band.
You don’t want to admit it, but you’ve been waiting for him to come in again since last time. And every time Dustin walked in, you’d peek behind him to see if Eddie would be following. So far, he never was, so you took this chance to see him again.
It worked, because he was on stage when you walked in. You froze for a moment, taking him in. He was playing his guitar, and there was sweat dripping from his forehead and you don’t think you’ve ever seen anything hotter. He was really something.
Your friends tugged you over to the bar, forcing your attention away from Eddie. You took turns placing your orders and grabbing your drinks.
Eventually, you made your way to the dance floor with your small group. You didn’t think you’d have fun, but you were. Letting loose and moving along with the songs Eddie and his band were playing.
You spared a glance over to the stage, and Eddie was already looking at you when you glanced at him. Your eyes locked and he gave you a smirk before looking back at his guitar. He seemed like a whole new person up there, confident and free.
It was a great sight to see. Him in his element.
Each time you looked over at Eddie, he’d be looking, too. Or at least, you were convinced he was. Sometimes he’d smile, or wink, and sometimes he’d just look away as if he’d been caught. It was a push and pull and you were bathing in the slightest attention from him.
Closer to the end of his set, you drifted off to the bar, taking a seat and really watching him play. The whole band was incredible, but you couldn’t get your eyes off of Eddie and you’re pretty sure he knew it. Your friends were still dancing away, some with partners for the night.
When the last song was played, you were determined to be the loudest one cheering.
Eddie was feeling a lot. Ecstatic that you showed up, that you looked at him so much during his set and that you shied away from him every time he’d give you an expression back. It was cute. He was nervous too, though. Nervous to know what you thought about his music and his performance. You just made him nervous in general.
He still wanted to talk to you. To hear you laugh and see you smile up close. God, maybe Dustin was right.
Gareth came up behind Eddie backstage, a hand on his shoulder. “Good one tonight, right? Even saw you making goo goo eyes.”
“Wha- Goo goo eyes?”
“Yes. So will you introduce me?”
“Gareth, she went to school with us. You literally know each other.”
His friend huffs, “okay. Re-introduce, then.”
Eddie and Gareth make their way through the crowded bar, the Hideout. The former spots you easily, from your black Doc Martens all the way up to your hair. He takes the seat next to you, Gareth on his other side.
“Hi, pretty.”
It takes you a second to recover from the nickname. “Oh! Hi, Eddie. And Gareth. You guys were amazing.”
Eddie’s beaming at the praise. He treasures his music and to hear that you enjoyed it means a lot to him. Like, a lot.
“Thank you. I’m glad you’re here.”
“Me too,” Eddie was close to you, his arm brushing against yours.
“Me three!” You had almost forgotten Gareth was there.
You strike up a conversation with him, though. Asking about the band and how Gareth likes it. He’s kind, and you think he’d get along with one of your friends so you beckon her over and introduce them. She and Gareth are lost in their own chat, so you get Eddie to yourself once more.
“So, you liked it?”
“Liked it? Eddie, you guys are insanely good. I loved it. You look so alive up there, like it’s where you belong.”
His heart was soaring. The way that you could see how much he loved to perform, that you could tell he loved it from one single set. He was amazed by you.
“Thank you,” he looks down, blushing. “I’m happy you think so. Next time you come see me let me know, I’ll get you to stand sidestage, sound good?”
Holy shit. “Yeah. Perfect, actually.”
You can’t believe you and Eddie hadn’t become friends until now, until Dustin dragged him into the arcade. You wish that you’d been closer to him in school, that you could’ve had years of his company already.
At least you know him now.
“So, how do you like working at the arcade?”
“It’s alright. Loud, and sometimes boring. Dustin and his friends brighten it up. They’re great kids.”
“They are. Shitheads, too.”
You laugh, a small one, but it’s there. Eddie feels accomplished that he’s the one who drew it out of you.
“Yeah they are. You do anything for work other than music?”
And so, the small talk grows from there. He learns about your hobbies and you learn about his life with his uncle and everything. It’s nice, and it’s rare to find someone so easy to talk to for you.
At some point, Gareth and his other band mates pull Eddie away for a second. The friend you’d set up with Gareth is with them, for some reason.
When they’re far enough away, she speaks first. “She likes you, Eddie,” before he can protest she continues, “trust me. I’m her friend, and I can tell.”
“You should ask her out, dude,” Gareth is next to talk.
His sentence is followed by agreements from everyone else.
“No way, guys. We’ve talked like twice. It’s too soon, okay?”
“No it’s not. Come on, man.”
He leaves with that, back to find you. He wants to ask you out, he does. He’s just afraid that you’ll say no, that he’ll scare you off. So, he decides he’ll wait. As long as you need him to.
What he doesn’t know is that you’re eagerly waiting for him to make a move.
“Sorry ‘bout that.”
“No problem.”
“So, where were we?”
“Mmm, something about…” You glance at his lips, the next word coming out quiet. “I don’t remember.”
His gaze flicks between your eyes and your mouth, he thinks you’re about to kiss him. Maybe he doesn’t have to wait too long after all.
But, before you can make contact, your friend taps your shoulder, whispers something, and runs off to the washroom.
“Oh gosh,” you look at Eddie, an apology written on your face. “I’m sorry, I have to go. My friend, she’s throwing up and-”
“Shh. It’s fine. Until next time, yeah?”
You stand up, and so does he. You wrap your arms around his neck, bringing him down for a hug. His arms hold your waist tightly, his head tucked against yours. It was really, really nice. You breathe in his scent, he’s doing the same.
It's a bit before you pull away.
“Bye, Eddie.”
“See ya, pretty girl.”
You find it really hard to walk away from him, but your friend needs help and you’re not one to abandon them, so you leave.
The next time you see Eddie he’s yet again in his element; leading a Dungeons and Dragons campaign with Hellfire.
During Dustin’s latest visit to the arcade, he informed you of the week's meeting, and how excited he was for it. You couldn’t stop yourself from asking if you could tag along, if you could watch. He was quick to say yes, eager to get you and Eddie in the same room again, this time with backup.
You were excited to see Eddie doing something he loves once more. You were excited to see him in general, honestly.
His friends also seemed great, and you wanted to meet them all properly. Dustin assured you they’re great, and that you’ll get along just fine. You believed him.
When Eddie found out you were coming, he was nervous. He didn’t know what you’d think and he didn’t want you to think he was weird. He didn’t want you to look at him the way everyone else did. Like he was a freak, someone who didn’t belong. He never cared so much about what people thought. Not until he met you.
On the night of the campaign, he’s jittery. He fiddles with his rings more than usual, twisting them around his fingers, taking them on and off, anything that will keep his hands occupied. He messed with his hair enough that he had to try to tame it before you arrive.
You leave earlier than Dustin told you to, and you’re not sure if it’s because you just want to make sure you aren’t late or if it’s to get some time alone with Eddie before everyone else gets there. You weren’t used to feeling this way about someone, to have the urge to see them and speak with them as much as you could. To feel a pull.
The drive to Eddie’s trailer is spent psyching yourself up, giving yourself a pep talk and some time to figure out what you’ll even say when you get there. You think you want to flirt with him, more obviously than you have been but you’ve never been good at that. Eye contact and shy smiles were sort of all you could muster.
Parked outside of Eddie’s, you flip down your car mirror to make sure you can deem yourself presentable. You run your pinky under your eyes to smudge your eyeliner out and brush away mascara flakes from the day, you apply a new layer of lip gloss, you’re about to check on your hair when a knock on your car window startles you.
It’s Eddie. Fuck, how much of that did he see, you wonder.
The answer is pretty much all of it. Unbeknownst to you, Eddie went outside as soon as saw your car pull up through his window. He stood on the porch for a second, but decided he’d rather say hi and hear your voice. He thinks it’s really sweet that you felt the need to touch up your makeup before seeing him, even though he thinks it’s completely unnecessary. It’s sweet, nonetheless.
Once your car is shut off, he opens your door and holds out a hand for you, “m’lady.”
“Thanks,” you take it and get out of the car. You decide to pull him into a hug, your arms around his neck to pull him in, just like you did at the Hideout. “Hi, Eddie.”
He hugs you right back, chin perched on your shoulder and nose buried in your hair. He squeezes you as he greets you, “hi, pretty.”
Reluctantly, he pulls away from you to look at your face, the color of your eyes and the way your eyeliner brings them out. He thinks the nickname he’s given you is quite perfect, because you really are pretty. Your signature boots on your feet and the rings on your fingers that match his nicely, chunky and silver.
If anyone was made for him, he’s pretty sure it’s you. He has no idea how to tell you that.
“Come on,” he leads you up the few steps to his front door, opening it and beckoning you inside. He stays by the door while you take a look around, shy about the lack of space he has, but it’s home.
“It looks so cozy in here,” and you’re being honest. The blankets thrown about the living room and the pillows on the couch, the soft lighting and the slightly messy kitchen. It looks lived in and you love that.
“I’m sorry it’s a mess. And kinda small,” he scratches the back of his neck.
“It’s great, Eddie. Honest.”
He smiles at you, close-mouthed and small, but a smile. You hate that he feels bad about where he’s living, that he feels the need to apologize for it. You walk back over to him and tug him to the couch, sitting down and waiting for him to do the same.
You keep your hand on his arm for longer than necessary.
“So, what should I expect? I’ve never actually seen anyone play DnD, only heard Dusty talk about it.”
“It gets kinda loud, but it’s ‘cause we’re all sort of invested in it. I just hope we don’t scare you off because of it.”
“You could never, trust me.”
Eddie’s struck by the sincerity in your tone, the way you keep your eyes on his when you say it. He doesn’t think he’s ever been so convinced that someone wants to stick around, that he’s ever believed them. But you, you have a way of speaking that makes him trust everything you say, soft and kind and it eases him like a glass of water on a hot Hawkins summer day.
He’s sort of lost in you, his eyes flickering across your face and he notes a stray strand of hair that’s fallen over your forehead. He reaches out and pushes it back, his touch light as ever but your skin burns where his fingers were all the same.
You think you’re about to kiss yet again when heavy-handed knocks on the door snap you both out of it.
From then on, the group builds up until everyone is there, gathered around Eddie’s coffee table on pillows while you sit on the couch and watch.
He was right, the atmosphere is rowdy, sort of chaotic but it’s full of passion and you can see why they enjoy the game so much. It’s exciting, even for you: someone who knows almost nothing about it. You can't help but smile when they seem to be winning, to cheer when they do.
Through it all, though, your focus was mainly on Eddie. He was so animated, so lively in his task to narrate the game that it filled the room, a contagious energy that’s undeniable. Every single person in that room was so invested, so thrilled and it was because of him. You were kinda, sort of, maybe in awe of him and the way he moved. The authority he seemed to hold.
Once the session ended, you pulled him aside. “That was something else, Eddie, really.”
“Like in a good way?”
“Of course! I could watch you for hours, you’re so captivating.”
He’s blushing. He’s not the best at taking compliments and coming from you, he’s even more bashful about them.
“Thank you,” he smiles, this time it’s a full one. Boyish and wide.
“Thank you for letting me come watch. I don’t really wanna leave but…I’m working tomorrow.”
“It’s no problem, I’m glad you were here. I’ll walk you.”
He does, out the door and right to your car. You both pause at your car door. You lean against it, back against your vehicle and Eddie lets his arms rest on the roof of it, caging you between them. It’s a position that keeps you close to each other.
“Thanks again for having me. I had a really good time.”
“You’re sweet. And welcome anytime.”
There’s a stillness in the air, a question lingering of will you or won’t you kiss. Both of you can feel it, neither of you lean in for a while. When Eddie does, he gets nervous at the last second and swerves to kiss your cheek instead. You hide your disappointment.
He then pulls you into the hug that feels so familiar, easy.
“See you, pretty.”
He lets you go and heads back inside, and you drive away. When he opens the door, everyone’s looking at him.
“Fucks sake, Eddie,” Dustin huffs.
“What?” He repeats
“Dude. Really? You didn’t even kiss her?” Jeff is next to talk, as if it’s that easy.
“Did you at least ask her out?” Gareth asks.
“Um,” Eddie’s feeling put on the spot, “no..?”
“Eddie!” They all say it at the same time.
“If you don’t get your shit together and ask her out, I swear.”
Eddie can’t even keep track of who’s saying what, all he knows is that they’re saying ‘it’s so obvious,’ and ‘are you that dumb?’
The one that sticks with him is when Dustin says, “she couldn’t even stop looking at you. Smiling like a fool the entire time. It’s kind of gross.”
Fuck, he likes you so much. The possibility that you like him too is enough to get him to devise a plan. With the help of Hellfire, of course.
Eddie had the plan ready the night of the meeting, but it took him nearly a week to get the courage to actually go through with it. It wasn’t major; he’d show up just before you close at work with some food, talk to you over dinner sort of like a date, seal the deal by asking you out for real. Hopefully kissing you.
You had a long day at the arcade. The people were extra noisy and time went by extra slowly. You couldn’t help but hope that Dustin and his friends would come in. That they’d bring Eddie, too. Every time the door opened you’d check for that familiar head of hair. No luck.
To make it all worse, five minutes before closing you hear the door open once more. You throw your head back and sigh in defeat. Longest day ever.
“Sorry, we’re closing!” You put on your ‘customer service voice,’ cheery and overly kind.
“‘S just me, pretty! Can I come in?”
You perk up right away because that’s Eddie’s voice and you know it. You make your way to the door and the smile that blooms on your face at the sight of him is so wide it’s kind of pathetic. You like him so much.
“Eddie!” You wrap him in a hug.
“Oh,” he’s surprised, you’ve never been so enthusiastic to see anyone, he doesn’t think. He doesn’t hesitate to hug you back, “hi.”
You squeeze him tight before pulling away, “sorry. Hi.”
You take a small step back, slightly embarrassed that you pounced on him so quickly, but you’d been wanting to see him all day and here he was. He looked pretty, his hair damp like he showered before coming, his cheeks a little flushed.
“Brought some food. Eat with me?” He holds up the takeout bag held in his hand.
“Yes, please.”
You lock the door and flip the sign to closed, then gesture for him to follow you into the office so you could eat at the desk together. He trails behind you, admires the way you walk and your outfit of the day.
The two of you sit down, and Eddie unpacks the bag, smiling proudly when you tell him he got your order perfectly. He’ll remember to thank Dustin for that later. You eat together and it’s nice, it’s peaceful.
He asks about your day, you tell him and do the same. You could easily get used to this. Eddie with you for dinner, the conversation and the way he’s able to make you laugh without really trying. Everything stays light while you have your meal.
At one point, Eddie leans forward and wipes something away from the corner of your mouth with his thumb. Neither of you say anything about it.
Once the table’s cleared, Eddie prepares himself to tell you how he feels, to ask you out. He’s nervous, of course he is, but he feels comfortable around you and if the dinner you just had was in any way similar to what a date would feel like, he needs to ask.
“So,” he starts. “I actually came here to talk to you about something.”
You look at him, showing him he’s got your attention fully and wait for him to continue. You’re really, really hoping he’ll say what you think he’s going to.
“I.. um.” He fumbles with his words, takes a deep breath, and tries again. “I wanted to know if you’ll go out with me? Like a real date?”
“Really? Me?”
You want to say yes, you want to scream it, but you need to be sure that he means it. If his actions tell you anything, he certainly does.
“Are you kidding?” He pulls your chair closer to his, reaches for your hand and holds it. “Yes, you. I like you. An insane amount and I have since that kid dragged me in here. I’m glad he did because we got to talk and I was like, wow, you know? And-”
“Eddie?” You cut him off.
“I like you an insane amount, too. Will you kiss me?”
“Holy shit.” He whispers, then, his mouth is on yours.
He kisses you like he’s been starving for it. You know you have. It’s sort of messy, but it’s slow and careful at the same time. He holds your neck softly, just enough to angle your head the way he wants, and you love every second of it.
Eddie doesn’t think he’s ever felt this way before in his life. No, he knows he hasn’t. Kissing you is addicting to him, and now that he’s done it once he doesn’t know if he can hold himself back. Though, by the way you’re pulling him closer by his shirt, he doesn’t believe he’ll need to with you.
You pull away only when you need the air, your forehead against Eddie’s and hands still holding his shirt. A satisfied smile spreads across your face.
“Does that mean you’ll let me take you out, pretty?” He asks.
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Hi! I was wondering if I can request bayverse Donnie who’s dating a roller derby girl (reader)? Like sometimes she’ll come into the lair after the derby and she’d have bruises and other non-medical injuries and Donnie likes how strong she is and her strong ass legs 😚 also can it be fluff hc’s?
Donatello With A Roller Derby Girlfriend (Fluff)
Bayverse!Donatello x reader
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A/N: FYI, I know nothing about roller derbies, so I’ve not gotten into too much detail. Also SOMEONE PLEASE GET ME OUT OF CLASSICAL YOUTUBE. I’VE HAD HALL OF THE MOUNTAIN KING STUCK IN MY HEAD FOR THREE DAYS NOW😭😂💜
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Warnings: None💜
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Well, first you had to explain to Donnie what roller derby is. Though he may be a genius, he has not spent a lot of time on understanding sports. Well, other than martial arts and basketball. So for once, Donnie would actually be kind of blank on the topic.
Once he knew what it was, he would stocked. His girlfriend does roller derby? Bro, that’s so fucking cool!
He will even get into it, just for your sake, getting to know the rules. A deep dive onto the internet, before letting you know everything he had learned. Not that it wasn’t things you knew already, but you would let him talk. You were happy that he found an interest in what you did, and he was happy to show you he showed interest.
Donnie has always liked your strong limbs. Especially your lower half. Not to be crude or anything but, damn. Those were firm as fuck! He would let those legs choke him! But your strength also made it a little more fun to spare with you. Not that he would make it hard for you at all, but he did enjoy you pushing back a little, and giving him a small challenge.
But the bruises he did not like. No no. Especially not when he realized how many you would get. There was this one time you came down to the lair, directly from a roller derby, and Donnie was more than shocked to find a large bruise on your leg. It took some time to convince him that you were in fact okay, and that this was normal, although bigger than what you were used to be. But even then, Donnie needed a moment to calm down.
Donnie will try to make it to your roller derbies, hiding somewhere in the shadows where no one can see him. Only you know that he is here. And afterwards he would yell and scream about how good you were, making you smile and blush like never before.
Donnie would probably play around with your rollerskates when you weren’t looking. He wouldn’t put them on. Well, he couldn’t even if he tried, but it wasn’t uncommon for him to play with the wheels and make them spin.
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soralymystaken · 5 months
I think a lot about Lloyd and Harumi, solely because they have one of the most unique yet complex relationship dynamics in all of Ninjago, and it’s something I don’t feel like we talk about enough.
So often I see online that their dynamic is overly simplified. I so often see people arguing between them being “true-love” or “friends to lovers to enemies,” but stating it’s just one of those is overlooking all of the complexities. Even stating it as a one-sided thing from Lloyd isn’t looking at the whole picture. Of course, there can be many interpretations of how they interact. Again, that’s the reason I adore this dynamic so much. This, however, is my personal interpretation:
Also, warning, spoilers plus some swearing.
At the beginning, we see Lloyd have the whole “love-at-first-sight” trope, and we learn that Harumi invited him into the castle. While, of course this immediately is seemed as a positive interaction, later events reveal otherwise. It continues like this: Lloyd falls deeper in love with Harumi whilst she continues manipulating him to keep him on strings. She eventually realizes his feelings, and wants plays on that, making the process work exponentially better. Finally, we learn Harumi’s motives and her reasoning, and, in the episode, Lloyd is devastated. However, I have some additions on this, but I’m gonna finish up my review of canon before getting to that. We do also know that Lloyd still has feelings, though. We primarily see thing from Lloyd still trying to save her from Garmadon’s grasp along with his sadness from her death.
The next time we see her and Lloyd’s dynamic (at least as far as I want to mention,) is Crystalized. When Lloyd is captured, he apologizes. He still clearly has feelings for Harumi, and, in a turn of events, it seems that Harumi does as well, as she convinces the Overlord to spare him and to try to get him on their side.
Okay, enough about prior knowledge, lets discuss headcanons. So, firstly, I’m 100% sure that Lloyd was tormented by Harumi’s origin story. We know how high of a standard he holds himself to, and we also know how morally-driven he is. Him learning about the real stories of the real people who he had really hurt couldn’t have been taken easily. I’ve actually written a whole fic that revolves on that fact, and how Lloyd’s lingering feelings would have amplified that feeling to oblivion. Also, for people who assume he would immediately drop his feelings when he learned Harumi’s true motives, literally just look at how he talks about Garmadon and you’ll see he can’t exactly move on that easily. Things like this take time, and, again, he has guilt because of this whole thing. Moving on from a relationship when you believe you were the reason the person tried to destroy the entire world and subsequently died isn’t the same as a high school breakup. That’s fucking devastating, and especially for someone who hasn’t had the best relationships up to that point.
However, this dynamic really starts to become cloudy when you look at Harumi. Now, look: I’m like 90% sure she only had feelings for Lloyd in S15 as fan-service, but, fan-service or not, it’s canon, and therefore I’m still gonna cover it.
So, first off, when and how did Harumi develop feelings? Personally, I think there could be three main reasons. For one, gaslighting. The whole time, she was gaslighting Lloyd into loving her. Sometimes, when you keep up a lie like that for so long and with that level of commitment, you can convince even yourself of these feelings. Do I think this is the case for Harumi? Well, it depends. If you truly do believe there is a spark between them, then no. However, if you really don’t like the fact that they were given a romantic storyline in S15, then this is a totally valid reasoning.
The second reason that comes to mind is Lloyd’s persistence. Now, just to cover all our basis, reminder that “being persistent” and “never giving up on a love that could be” are not cutesy tropes and relationship goals, and no means no. I see too much stuff online saying shit like “I never gave up on her and, even though she said no 20 times, she gave in in the end.” This is not something to romanticize. If someone rejects you, fucking respect that and move tf on. That being said, though, I think that could actually be the case in this dynamic, albeit in a much less creepy way than some fuckers online do it. Lloyd clearly, even after all of the shit Harumi pulled, still has lingering feelings: a mix of platonic and romantic. I truly believe Lloyd is someone who believes that anyone can change for the better, and applies this to Harumi. The fact that, even after all the pain Harumi caused, he still searched for her in the rubble could be the reason she developed feelings. In my opinion, this is the most likely option.
The final one is a bit colder, and is for y’all who believe Harumi is evil through-and-through. Lloyd is fucking overpowered. Harumi’s reasoning to the Overlord could be just that: the reason. I personally don’t love this one as much, but if this is something you resonate with, I would totally understand why.
All of these factors strung together make Lloyd and Harumi one of my favorite dynamics. There is so much more that I didn’t even discuss here. Is it romantic or platonic or just romantic for one of them? Did Harumi develop feelings even sooner yet denied them solely because of her hatred? Is Lloyd’s relationship with Harumi less to do with Harumi herself and more-so to do with trying to rebuild a relationship with his father through her to prove he can hold onto someone he loves? All of these are questions I’d love to dive into but simply do not have time.
Hopefully you enjoyed my little rant. I love overthinking stuff like this and also love chatting about over-the-top headcanons. If you have any thoughts on this (or other headcanons you want to share), please do!
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justmeinadaze · 1 month
Secret Underneath Part 8 (Steddie X Plus Size You)
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Warnings: Older (Mid thirties) Sugar Daddies Steve and Eddie/ Young (Early to mid 20s) Baby Fem Plus Size Reader, SMUT, dirty talk, dp, skinny dipping, FLUFF, they love each other. They get to hang out with the readers best friend so she's protective <3
ANGST, not much (I know, weird! Lol), Boys hang out with reader and her bestie so she does quiz them a lot. Eddie talks about missing Wayne and gives reader more insight into his parents, Steve does that same.
Word Count: 4862
Series here/ Donate to Me <3
“Look, I’ve been her best friend since middle school so I’m not going to be as easy to suck up to as her parents.”, Mya announced making you smile beside her as you four continued to eat. 
“Pfft, that was easy?”, Steve asked playfully as he stuck a fry into his mouth. 
It had been a few days since the guys had shown up and in a couple more you would have to get ready to fly back home to get prepared for the new semester. The new year flew by with little to no fanfare and both men doubled down on your post by taking pictures with you and posting them on their socials. 
Their lawyers weren’t exactly thrilled stating they thought both men should lay low but they didn’t care. They wanted the whole world to know how much they loved you as a person and not because of what their ex was saying. Beside that one post you made, you still stayed away from your phone for fear of what you may read. You weren’t ready to handle any of that at a constant basis nor did you have any idea how you would handle it when you went to work but you decided you’d cross that bridge when you got there. 
Since he was the most recognizable, Eddie had his hair up and behind a cap as he ate but a few tendrils fell around his face almost dipping into the sauce of his plate before you reached over and moved it behind his ear. 
“Thank you, babe.”, he garbled with a full mouth making his friend roll his eyes as you giggled. 
“So what’s the plan for today?”
“Mya and I were thinking we could go to the little carnival down the way here. It’s an annual thing that we used to go to all the time growing up.”, you beam as your best friend leans on your shoulder. 
“That sounds like fun.”, the mogul smiles as he digs into his wallet and places his credit card next to the bill that the waiter hastily comes to pick up. 
“I can pay for my meals, Steven.”
“I know, Mya. Think of it as a Christmas gift since I wasn’t able to bring you anything.” Quirking his eyebrow towards her, she smirks in amusement before giving in and nodding her head. 
“Excuse me, Mr. Munson.”, a little voice shyly asks as a small boy appears at the rockstar’s side. “May I have your sign?”, he continues, holding up his hand in a waving motion to signal he wants an autograph. 
“Yeah, buddy, uh…”, Eddie’s eyes scan around the table, thanking you when you reach into your bag to grab a pen. “What’s your name?”
Eddie blinks and you see his smile falter for a moment before it widens again as he signs the paper the little boy handed him. 
“You know, that’s my uncle’s name. He taught me to play guitar when I was a bit older than you. Can you play guitar to?” The child shakes his head and the man laughs. “You have to learn, little dude. Maybe one day you’ll be on stage with me when I’m old and gray.”
The boy laughs as he thanks him and runs off towards his parents who silently thank him with a wave. 
“That was cute…Did you hire him?”
“Yup. You caught me, Mya. That’s actually my illegitimate son and those people posing as his parents are from my entourage.”, he replies with snark without missing a beat. 
Your best friend glances your way as you beam up at her with a “told you so” grin on your face that makes her own smile widen.
“Point one goes to you gentlemen. Let’s go have some fun.”
You giggle as Eddie tries to “root” for his friend as Steve and Mya go head-to-head shooting basketballs into the basket in front of them. 
“Come on, man. You were MVP in high school. She’s kicking your ass.”
“You’re not helping, asshole.”, the mogul breathily laughs.
The buzzer beeps loudly and his head falls as your best friend claps, raising her hands high in the air in victory. 
“I’m ashamed of you.”, the rockstar sighs jokingly before laughing when Steve pushes his arm. 
After extending his palm as an olive branch, Mya shakes it with big smile on her face. 
“I feel like together we could be stronger, My. What say we kick their ass in bumper cars?”
“Sounds like a plan, Steven.”
Throughout the evening, your best friend had not only been listening to the guys but watching how they treated you, taking in every little thing they did. When you went to lunch not only did they pull out your chair but hers. While walking up to the carnival area, they made sure to be on the side nearer the street for you both and always ran ahead to open any door that needed to be opened. Their physical mannerisms seemed to display a radiance of protective energy. When they weren’t attentively listening to the stories you both were telling, their eyes were scanning the area to make sure everything was alright. 
Even now, she watched as Eddie held your hand to help you into the bumper and then once you were seated he helped buckle you in before making you laugh as he pretended to speed off as the car remained still. 
“Munson is going to be ruthless I hope you know.”, Steve chuckles as he climbs in beside Mya.
“I can buckle my own seatbelt, Steven.”
“I would hope so.”, he grins after clicking the strap and leaning back as he waits for the ride to start. 
“So can she.”
The mogul’s face straightened as he turned to meet her eyes that were scanning his features. He understood what she meant and you had explained the other night that Mya knew what you were into in your private life. You trusted her with something so personal and he appreciated that. That’s how he felt about Eddie as a friend when it came to things they did. He wouldn’t have entered a shared relationship with him if he didn’t. 
“We know she can. It’s one of the reasons we love her…because she can handle herself. We love her strength and her sassy ass which after meeting you and her parents makes a lot of sense.” Steve smiles when your best friend laughs. 
“After everything happened, I looked you guys up. I tried to tell her things but she insisted she’d rather hear it from you. Obviously she knows about Gina but does she know about your dad? Does she know about the expose he did on you after giving you his company?”
“If she read that she’s never said. Y/N isn’t much of a business person and that was almost 10 years ago.”
“He doesn’t seem to have any real empathy towards you or your mother.”
“What’s your point, Mya?”, he snapped before realizing his tone and sighing. “I’m sorry. I just—”
“No, no. I get it. Trust me, I get it. That’s why I’m so protective over her. Y/N’s family has been there for me through everything and I see her as my sister. Holden took her away from us and everything she knew before breaking her heart. She looks at you two differently than she ever looked at him. She feels safe with you…so if you ever pull that bullshit again I will come after you.”, she warns as she raises her eyebrows and Steve tries to hide his smile. 
“Noted. I promise if that ever happens, which it won’t, we’ll fly down here personally for you to kill us.”
Eddie’s hand reaches for yours as he leans back and waits for the ride to start. 
“She’s definitely grilling him right now.”, the rockstar grins as he gestures with his head towards your friends. 
“Oh, 100%. I’m sorry if she comes off as rough. She’s been through a lot and has a hard exterior but her heart is soft…kind of like you.”, you grin up at him as he chuckles. “I wanted to ask you, um, are you ok after talking to that little boy? You seemed kind of sad after.”
“Yeah, I’m ok. I just miss my uncle sometimes. He’s very much like my father figure, you know, and being in Indiana…I don’t get to see him as much as I want. He, uh, he adores you.”
“Me? Edward Munson have you been talkin’ about me?”, you tease.
“Maybe.”, he grins as he kisses your forehead. “Maybe we could bring you home one weekend or even during the summer so you could meet him and some of our friends. I mean…if you want to…you don’t…have to.”
Your lips tenderly kiss his as you rest your chin on his shoulder. 
“I’d love to.”
The car underneath you suddenly comes to life gradually moving you and everyone around you forward.
“Come on, sweetheart. Let’s kick their ass.”
“Were you nice?”, you ask Mya as you walk her to her front door.
“I was nice enough.”
“So no then?”, you laugh as she smiles. 
“They do seem to care a lot about you and they are genuine which I appreciate. Holden only met with me that one time and I never heard from him again. You think I would have with how long you two were together.” 
“I’m sorry for that…for leaving you…”
“No reason to be sorry, honey. As long as you’re happy, I’m happy. I’m always going to be here for you.”
“Everything alright?”, Steve asks after you return to the car. 
“Yeah, I just really missed her.”
You giggle as Eddie crawled over the middle console making his friend playfully huff as he tumbled into the backseat to sit beside you. 
“Maybe sometime soon we can invite her up so she can hang out and see New York.”
You grin as you lean towards him to place a tender kiss on his lips. 
“Can I show you guys something?”
Both men’s eyebrows furrowed when you directed them to a college nearby but even more so when you guided them to a building that was locked. 
“Ok, Eddie, baby. Can you lift me to that window please?”
“No.”, he answered sternly yet with a hint of teasing underneath. 
“Oh, come on, Daddy. I would never do anything to get you in trouble.”, you joke with a smile before Steve finally steps forward and helps lift you into the building. After a couple of minutes, they heard the lock on the other end clink open and were met with your beaming face when you opened the front door, ushing them inside. 
“This is the college I graduated from. We kind of had this club of cool kids who were able to come here and hangout. If the window is unlocked that means no one is here. I locked it after climbing through so it’ll just be us. Apparently students have been doing this for decades.”
“Where are we exactly?”, the rockstar asked as you three continued to walked down the hallway. After entering another room, the smell of chlorine hit them immediately.
They hear what sounds like a button being pressed and suddenly lights within a large pool illuminate the area. 
“Oh, wow.”
Both men watch with fascination and amusement as you remove all your clothes before diving in the water. 
“Are you coming?”
After removing their own garments as well, Steve gradually slid in whereas Eddie followed your lead and jumped in making you giggle as water splashed around you.
“We used to come in here after hours and just swim…talk about the future…maybe have a beer or two.” When you laugh, they laugh with you. “This was such a highly guarded secret and hard to make it into the club to hang out here. I always felt safe here with Mya and my other friends.”
“I’ve never brought anyone here before.”
Their heads turn as their gaze shift towards you, understanding the implications behind those words. Again, you were trusting them with something special to you and opening your heart. They needed to do the same. 
“We didn’t have anything cool like this at my college. I mean obviously we had a pool but…I went to a swanky business school which was my dad’s alma mater and I fucking hated it.”, Steve chuckles. “Ed kept me entertained through those four years, taking me to concerts and movie premieres when he got more popular.”
“Pfft, yeah it took a while. I think our first song started finding steam right when he was about to graduate.”
“When did your dad give you the company?”, you ask.
“It took about a year or so to pry it from him and even then he, uh, he struggled. He did an exposé on me a month after…the journalist asked him if he had faith in my ability. He said and I quote ‘If I had another Harrington to give it to I would but he’ll do fine I’m sure.’”
“Jesus. What an asshole. You showed him though with how far that company has gone.” Swiveling your head towards Eddie, your eyes meet his soft ones. “You didn’t go to college right?”
“Lord, no ma’am. My uncle wanted me to but it all sounded expensive and useless.”, he laughed as he swam closer to wall where you two were floating around. “Believe or not my dad went to college and he still ended up in jail. I just wanted to play my guitar.”
“I love the way you play. Even before I met you.”, you smile his way. “What was your mom like?”
“She, uh, she was kind and loved music. She was unbelievably funny, always making jokes that made me laugh.”, he grinned back at you. “To this day I still don’t understand why she fell for my dad. Probably why I’m terrified of becoming him.”
“You don’t have it in you…neither do you, Steve. With all the stories you’ve told me, you’re nothing like them. I think that’s why you both fell for Gina…because you think you’re capable of it. You attract what you fear sometimes… And just like with her and your fathers, I will kick your ass if you continue to think so negatively about yourselves!”
They chuckle as Steve grabs you and pulls you till your legs are around his waist. You sigh pleasantly as he kisses your forehead before you rest it against his own. 
“She asked to meet with me, your ex.”
His eyes shifted into that protective mode as the mogul blinked and cupped your face in his hands. 
“Stay away from her, Y/N, ok? Unless one of us is with you.”
“I’m not afraid of her—”
“This isn’t about fear, honey. She can do a lot more that physically harm you.”
“So, you can confront my ex but I can’t with yours?”
“You were with us!”, he growled before Eddie patted his forearm, signaling for him to let you go. 
“Do you want to meet with her?”, the rockstar inquired calmly.
As you tilt back against the mogul’s grasp, you shook your head. 
“I know she won’t tell me the truth. I just thought you two should know that she reached out to me personally. I haven’t looked at my phone since that thing I posted so I don’t know if she’s tried again.”
“Ok. Ok, sweetheart. If you change your mind, just let us know. We would prefer to be with you if that’s alright. We wouldn’t need to be in the same room just within the vicinity at least.”
Oh, vicinity.”, you tease trying to lighten the mood again. “Officer Munson kind of has a ring to it.”
“Pfft. Yeah it does. The way I would utilize those handcuffs.”, he groans as he grabs your waist and maneuvers you till your back is against the wall with your arms circled around his neck. 
“Like you don’t have some already.”, you grin. “I’ve, um, never made love in a pool before.”
Eddie blinks as his head playfully ticks to the side. 
“Didn’t we fuck you in a jacuzzi?”
“Oh my god, that does not count. It’s not a pool!”
“It’s an area filled with water.”
“Oh, oh, ok Steve. I’d like to see you swim laps in a jacuzzi!” As you giggle almost uncontrollably, you pull the rockstar into your embrace and hug him tightly to you. When your laughter subsides, your fingers thread through his hair as you feel his nose graze your neck. “I love you, Eddie.”, you whisper, softly smiling when he tilts back to pet your head. 
“I love you to, sweetheart. Fuck, I’m never going to get tired of hearing you say that.”, he exhales almost breathlessly before his lips kiss yours. As you reach between your bodies, his eyes close as his head dips back as you gradually run your palm along his cock. 
“You wanna see something?”, Steve murmurs, kissing your cheek when you nod your head. Tugging you lightly away from the wall, the mogul adjusts you so you’re floating on your back with his hand cradling the back of your neck. “I got you, honey. Daddy’s right here.”
Water lightly moves beneath you before you suddenly feel your legs resting on Eddie’s shoulders with his cheeks graze your thighs. His warm breath is an interesting contrast to the slightly cold water you three are floating in and you can’t help but moan as your pussy clenches around nothing. Steve’s mouth attaches to your neck as the rockstar’s tongue flicks against your clit making your eyes roll shut. 
“F-Fuck, that feels so good.”
“I think this is the closest I’ve gotten to you riding my face, princess. That was one of the—God, you smell amazing—first things we talked about, remember?”, Eddie asked in a husky voice as his nose continued to prod at your little bundle of nerves. 
“Yes, Daddy. I remember.” The mogul’s large palm reached over to massage your breast as the tips of his fingers ran along your nipple. “Please… I want to cum.”
“And we just want to play with you, baby.”, Steve smiles as your mouth falls open and Eddie begins devouring your cunt, his hands digging into your hips to hold you against him. “Maybe when we get back home, we can utilize those restraints and just keep you in our bed all day. Can you imagine that? Just…tune out the outside world for 24hrs…and keep you with us for one day to play with.”
As he spoke, his lips trailed kisses down your skin till his tongue found the erect bud on your tit causing a loud moan to leave your mouth as he lightly pulled it with his teeth before swirling his tongue along the sensitive area.
“To play with you whenever we wanted and really get to know your body.”
“I-If…you don’t know…my body by now…I’m worried.”, you breathily laugh, feeling them both smile against your flesh. 
Eddie’s tongue rapidly licked in and out of your core as your fingers roughly clung to Steve’s hair and your back arched. 
“Oh, we know your body, honey, but we want to learn and discover more of you in ways no one else ever has. Things you didn’t even know about yourself.”
Your legs around the rockstars neck trembled as you came. 
Pushing your limbs down and around his waist, Eddie pulled you up till your arms were around his neck and floated with you back towards the edge of the pool. 
“Can I have you both?”
“Yeah, yeah, baby. Let me just…” Keeping a strong hand on your back, he swims with you to stairs nearby and sits high enough so the top of his chest is visible above water. “Your knees aren’t scrapping the asphalt of the steps or anything right?”
“No, Daddy.”, you pant as you kiss his lips and lower yourself onto his length. 
Subtly rocking your hips, you allow your body to get comfortable as you wait for the palm that places itself on your shoulder. 
“Ready, honey?”
“Yes, Daddy. I love you, Steve.”
With a soft smile, his fingers lightly grip your chin to tilt your head and deliver you a tender kiss.
“I love you to, Y/N.” His gorgeous eyes remained locked on yours as he carefully began guiding himself into your ass. “Mmph—no, no, no, baby. Keep those beautiful eyes open for Daddy.”
It was so hard to follow his command as they both slowly started thrusting into you but desperately did everything you could to follow through. You loved watching their faces every time they took care of you. In a sexual realm, their faces would scrunch differently in ways you found utterly fascinating. Steve’s perfect head of hair would fall along his forehead or frame his face as his eyes would roam your body. It was almost calculated which would make sense with the business minded man he was. He would physically take in any little movement, jiggle, or moan and store it in his memory to utilize whatever he did to please you again in the future. As he got closer to his release his jaw would tighten and his eyes would close as he fully succumbed to the feeling of you with grunts and an eagerness that drove you crazy. 
Eddie was all feeling and passion in more ways than one. His hands and lips always wanted to be on you especially when he was inside you. He wanted his senses to be absorbed in everything in the moment. He wanted to see you fall apart, hear you scream his name or title, touch your sweat tripping skin, taste your lips, and feel you shudder around him as you came undone. Sometimes he wanted those things so bad that his brain would almost shut off and he would lose all self-control as he pounded into you not caring if the bed banging against the wall was too loud or both your moans mixed together could wake people in their building. 
When they were taking care of you out in the world, it was more or less the same. Steve would take note of the surroundings to make sure you three were safe anywhere you went. His eyes would follow you when they took you shopping and made mental notes of every item you mentioned or even touched as you absently grazed it with your fingers. You figured out pretty quickly that he learned all your tells for when you were hiding things especially to make them feel more comfortable. 
 “You don’t like this, do you?”, Steve asked while you three were watching tv one Saturday. 
“No! I like this show a lot.”, you defended making him smile at your incessance. 
“Uh huh. You’re doing that thing you do with your hair when you’re zoning out.”
Narrowing your eyes his way, you can’t help but giggle as you sigh. 
“I like the show…I just don’t like the host. He comes off like a huge asshole being mean to these contestants who probably worked really hard to be here.”
“Why didn’t you just say that, baby. We can watch something else and he IS an asshole by the way.”, he jokes.
“You watch stuff you don’t like to make me happy.”, you pout. 
“Says who? Everything you’ve shown us we love.”
“Like RuPaul’s Drag Race.”, Eddie added making you laugh as he started singing the theme. 
Eddie wanted to experience everything with you and did everything he could to keep a smile painted on your lips. Whether it was something small like a joke or a grand gesture like taking you to a concert where he danced and jumped around with you by his side, he savored it. With every hug, kiss, cuddle, or a gentle pet to your head, he felt like he was in heaven and would do anything to make you happy. 
“Hey, um, I’m working on this song and I was wondering if you could tell me what you think.”
“Ok.”, you beam as you take a seat in front of him on the floor near his windows. 
As he softly strummed his fingers along the guitar and his voice filled your ears, you realized the song he was playing was about you. When his eyes met your teary ones, he chuckled as he reached out to caress your cheek. 
“It’s beautiful, Eddie. I don’t know what to say.”
“It’s not finished but—”
“But it’s perfect already. Thank you so much.”, you coo as you tackle him and he laughs harder, falling onto his back with you in his arms. 
Eddie’s open mouth kisses against your chest had you mewling as you leaned your cheek on top of his head and your hands clung to the bottom of his neck. Little waves around you seemed to sway you forward and back into them as the pumped their hips a bit faster against you. 
Reaching around, you pressed your palm to the back of Steve’s head, holding him to your shoulder as he warmed your skin with his grunts of pleasure. Trembling between them, you whimpered their title as you came, loosely holding on to them as they chased their highs.
“Jesus fuck—“, Eddie whined with a strain in his voice before wrapping his arms tightly around you as he filled you up. Steve followed shortly after suffocating his moans into your neck as his fingers dug into your biceps. 
No one moved and you were fine with that as you held them to you. Tender kisses and soft murmurs of love gave you a comfort you never wanted to lose again as you silently prayed they would continue to keep their promise to you that what happened before would never happen again. 
“Do they have showers? Definitely not a good idea for you to go out in the cold with cold, damp hair.”
“Aw, thank you, mom.”, you tease causing Steve to playfully bite you as you laugh. “Yeah, they’re in the side there.”
Your mom smiles at you from across the table as you sip your coffee and stare past her into your memories of the day before with a little smirk on your lips. 
“I know that look.”, she murmurs getting your attention. “When your father took me out on our first date, I couldn’t stop smiling when I got home. Your grandma noticed and said ‘Yup. That’s the boy she’s gonna marry!’” You both laugh till it tapers off and she meets your eyes with a softness you know all too well. “You can’t marry them, honey. You know that right?”
You slowly nod.
“But you would if you could? Reputation be damned.”
After thinking for only a moment, you nod again. 
“Things with that bitch Gina Frost are probably about to make things harder. Add in their fans, her fans, and the world who ALWAYS has to have an opinion.”, she rolls her eyes. “Are you ready for all that.”
Biting your lip to stop the small quiver as your eyes become watery, you honestly shake your head causing your mother to nod. 
“But to you their worth it and you trust them to be there for you every step of the way.”, she responds matter of factly as if she already knows the answer. 
You firmly nod your head. 
“I already warned them that I won’t do…this…again but I trust them when they say they’ll never put me in that position again. I love them, mom.”
“Yeah… It’s disgusting isn’t it? Love.” 
“Oh, absolutely. Just fucking gross.”, you giggle as she laughs with you and grabs your hand. 
“What’s gross?”, your father asks as he comes in from smoking and takes a seat by your mother. 
“You are, dear.”
“Mhmm. I love you to.”, he beams as he leans forward to kiss her lips. “Now where are those pretty boys of yours. Breakfast is getting cold. EDWARD AND STEVEN! I DON’T KNOW HOW THEY DO IT IN YOUR MANSION IN NEW YORK BUT HERE WE EAT BREAKFAST AT 8:30AM!”
“I was trying to let them sleep in, dad.”
“Mhmm, no special treatment here. They want to be a part of the family then this is how we do things.”, he scoffed making you smile at his gruffness.
He liked them. 
Eddie appeared first with Steve gently pushing his back to guide him into the room and into a chair. The mogul leaned over and tenderly kissed your cheek before taking a seat on your other side, immediately placing his arm around the back so his fingers could casually run through your slightly messy, bed head hair. 
As you threw one of your legs over the rockstar’s, his eyes cracked open meeting your glowing ones as you tried to hide your laughter in your coffee cup. Lightly pinching your cheeks, he pulled your lips to his before leaving his palm on your knee where he would occasionally rub your skin through throughout breakfast as he slowly woke up. 
@aol19 @paradisepoisons  @paleidiot @dashingdeb16
@lilaclazer @joannamuns9n @thwippyparker @emotionaldreamer
@aactuaaltraash @alastorssimp @mygirlchaos @starksbabie @imagine-all-the-imagines
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chaotic-starlight24 · 28 days
I see you have requested hc requests for a pair of outsiders characters. Dally and Darry please?
Thanks so much for the request :D Dally and Darry it is!
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Warnings: Spoilers, Angst towards the end
When Dally first showed up in Tulsa as a scraggly little 13 ¾ year old, Mr. Curtis told Mrs. Curtis and Darry to look out for him. So Darry tried his best to take him under his wing. Dally actually warmed up to him though it took a while. He saw him as an older brother of his own. But he never admitted that out loud since that almost always ended badly for the “older brother” of the situation.
They drifted from each other for some time though because Darry thought Dallas was becoming a bad influence on his brothers. Mainly the time when Dally fell back into the hood he was in New York. So Darry would try his best to keep Pony and Soda away from him (much to Soda’s sadness). After a couple arguments with Dally, Darry told Mrs. Curtis about his concerns. And she changed his point of view on Dally and just about every hood on the east side. It made him realize that Dally was a scared kid who had to toughen up or die. So Darry started to go a little easier on him.
Darry is actually one of the few Dally trusts. They butt heads from time to time but they also know they can lean on each other if really needed. 
Dally tries his best to help out Darry from time to time. The problem is that Dally isn’t exactly the most responsible person. Like he’ll offer to let Pony tag along with him and Johnny so Darry can get some time to do whatever, but that does mean Pony may or may not know how to gamble. Dally’s trying his best, guys.
Darry is one of the few to have heard about Dally’s siblings back in New York. Dallas hasn’t gone into a bunch of detail but most of the gang doesn’t even know Dally had a family. So for example, one afternoon Dally was just hanging out while Darry was sorting through Pony’s report cards and Dally just kinda laughed to himself, “You know, you remind me a lot of Henry.” “Who?” “Oh, nobody… He was my brother, he uh, he tried his best to get us all through schoolin’. But I neva cared much for it.”
One night while the gang was all hanging out, Dally overheard Darry talking to Two-Bit about Paul. Darry just says something like, “I miss him sometimes, but he’s not the same person anymore. I’ve heard some of the nasty stuff he’s said about me and my bro-“ That’s all it took for Dally to go storming out of the house to find Tim and his gang. Paul left his party to discover his brand new wheels missing from his car. Darry woke up in the morning to discover some real nice tires on him and Soda’s car. Dally was honestly ready to just steal Paul’s car altogether but Tim convinced him otherwise.
Before Dally really became a part of the gang, Darry wanted to help him out to find somebody who just matched his vibes. He knew Tim from random parties and from Two-Bit so he was just like “Maybe they’ll get along!”. So he took Dally for a walk and told him about this guy he thinks Dally will like and Dallas was just like “One second.” and pickpocketed a guy who walked by. That guy immediately turned around and started cursing him out and causing a fight to break out between them. Darry just stood there because “Aw crap, that’s Tim!” Darry very much believed he just gave Dally his first enemy. But after fighting they complemented each other’s fighting style and started talking. Darry left them to it and walked off.
Someone in Tim’s gang taught Dally how to drive. Darry heard Dally was learning and was like “Ok! How about you show me what you know!” Dally took hold of that wheel and Darry mentally noted to never drive with him again. Dally has since gotten a bit better but also hasn’t exactly made major improvement.
Darry tried to pick him up before Dally got similar in height to him. Dally immediately started squirming and cursing like an angry chihuahua.
Dally followed Darry and Two-Bit around a lot when he first became a part of the gang. Sure he really connected with Johnny, but it took him a bit. Steve, Soda, and Johnny were a trio that had grown up together and same with Darry and Two-Bit. So Dally was kinda the weird middle ground between them both friend and age wise. Darry and Two were always welcome to have him around but Dally still tried to keep up that cool guy persona. So on the days Darry didn’t have practice, him and Two-Bit would be walking around, chatting and laughing together. Then Dallas would be trailing a couple feet behind them, hands stuffed in his leather jacket just kinda walking along with them.
When Dally died that was the first time in a while since Darry has felt pure rage. Everything in him wanted to throw everything he had at the cops, but he knew that wouldn’t do any good. Instead he had to see Dallas lying cold on the ground. And not in a peaceful way or anything. It tore Darry apart inside to see this kid like this. This kid he has looked out for since he came to Tulsa. This kid his brother had brought into the gang. This kid who followed him and his best friend around for the first couple months. This kid who dealt with so much pain and hurt yet hid it away from his surface, keeping up with his persona. His persona that so desperately wanted to be older than he actually was, the version who could take all that has hit him. And now Darry watches as they drag a white sheet over the body and haul him away. 
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vampwritesstuff · 1 year
TMNT Brothers when Reader is on her Period
I’m totally not writing this because I’m on mine rn 💀 Also, I’ve got a few requests and I swear I will work on them! I jst have a motivation issue and it sucks, but if you would like to see more of my work you can checkout my Multi-Fandom Masterlist ! (I swear I’ll attempt to make a masterlist for each fandom separately, but we’ll see if I can actually do it lol)
Type: Headcannons
Request?: not a request
TMNT Version: Unspecified, fits for most versions
CW: obviously, mentions of blood and talk of female bodily functions, reader is AFAB
Man, this guy is oblivious as hell, he doesn’t realize you’re on your period until he sees you in the lair with a heating pad on your abdomen.
Then he feels stupid because it was so obvious you had started.
He thinks he should’ve known as soon as you started becoming more emotional.
Will 100% get you any craving you want, within reason. He’s not gonna let you eat something that’s gonna upset your stomach later.
Is down to just cuddle and watch TV together.
Doesn’t care how much his brothers tease him, he’ll be constantly worried about you.
“Do you guys think she’s alright without me there?” *insert a collective “SHUT UP LEO”*
He knows that your cramps can get crazy bad, but you guys figured out that if he laid his head on your abdomen, the pain was somewhat relieved.
Low key gets sad when you get annoyed with him, he knows you don’t mean to and it’s just the hormones, but he still manages to feel like a kicked puppy when it happens.
Doesn’t act like he notices, but he does.
He notices hardcore.
He notices the way you’re walking to the kitchen so sluggishly, with a hand on your abdomen and your face scrunched into a look of discomfort at every movement.
He notices the weird period cravings and actually makes an effort to memorize the ones you like so that he can get more for you.
You get a lot more moody on your period so you’re constantly sassing Raph and he has to remind himself that it’s just your hormones talking.
Secretly restocks your dwindling stash of chocolate.
You don’t notice it though until you catch him in the act.
Acts like doesn’t know what you are talking about and claims he’s only replacing some because he ate a few bars.
You definitely know that’s not the case, but you don’t say anything about it.
He’ll hand you a bottle of ibuprofen/advil/midol etc. when he notices the cramps get debilitating. (Literally me)
Acts annoyed when you ask him to carry you around cause you can’t move from your cramps.
He secretly loves it though cause he can hold you and show off his strength.
Innocent boy doesn’t even know what a period is, was hella embarrassed when you explained it to him.
“YOUR BODY DOES WHAT?” someone help this poor boy.
He’s stunned at learning that your period can last up to a week or even longer.
“How do you bleed for that long and not die and it happens every month?!” Has gained hella respect for you.
He probably tried one of those period cramp simulators and it was horrible, Raph made fun of him for a while before you forced Raph and the other brothers to try it too.
They shut their mouths after that, and now Mikey gets to mock Raph’s squeals.
Willingly tries your period cravings, no matter how weird, and he’s ended up liking most of them.
You don’t even have to ask him to cuddle with you, he just does it because he feels so bad that you have to deal with this every month.
Mikey is very empathetic and in tune with your emotional state during your period, cause he’s an emotional boy too.
Only figured out that you were on your period when he made a joke about it.
“Ignore her, it’s probably just her time of the month.” “Actually, it is.” “HUH?”
Bro was so embarrassed and his brothers wouldn’t let him live it down.
He willingly, without you asking, will go buy you feminine products as a sort of apology. (Does that even count as one? He doesn’t know but at least he’s trying?)
Does research on what happens to the female body during menstruation in hopes of providing you some support.
Doesn’t touch his computer for weeks afterwards.
He’s easily flustered, he can’t help it!
Understands that you know your body better than he does, so he doesn’t really try to intervene with what you normally do during this time of month.
Gives you as much space as you want, but is ready to cuddle and watch pirated movies on his laptop as soon as you ask to.
Gets really happy when he sees you using the microwaveable lavender scented rice stuffed animal he got for you (if ykyk)
564 notes · View notes
I don’t think Jason has ever hated Tim
I recently revived my Jason Todd hyperfixation from its torpor and realized I had... Means and Ways of reading as many comics as I want for free, so I made the transition from Fanon Only to having read Lost Days, Under the Red Hood, Teen Titans #29 (where Jason fights and beats the tar out of Tim), Hush, Red Hood and the Outlaws (the majority of both runs), Red Robin: The Grail, Batman and Robin: Streets Run Red, Green Arrow #70 - #73 (where Jason kidnaps Mia), Battle for the Cowl, and a smattering of other bits and bobs, all within the last month.
I have come to the conclusion that the idea that Jason hated Tim before slowly learning to be okay with him is completely backwards.
Jason starts respecting Tim as a fellow combatant after basically their first meeting, and was sympathizing with him even before. Fandom talks a lot about how Jason repeatedly tried to kill Tim, but I think there’s a good argument to be made that actually Jason has never tried to kill Tim, and there’s a better argument that Jason has never tried to hurt Tim out of a dislike for him.
Tim is the one who feels viciously betrayed by Jason, hates his guts, and depending on if you blend in the New 52 either learns to begrudgingly like him or just stays hatin.
Obviously I need some proof here, since this goes completely against the grain of every relationship interpretation I’ve ever seen for them, so approximately seven miles of character analysis under the cut lmao
I’m gonna try to go in chronological order of the characters’ history here, which means we’re starting with Lost Days, and Jason’s first reaction to finding out there’s a new Robin:
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This does not look like anger to me.
Lost Days is only six issues long, and this is the entirety of the pages devoted to Jason’s feelings on Tim. Jason succeeds in a plan that would have almost certainly killed Batman if Jason had gone through with it. Jason undeniably has Joker dead to rights at one point, but lets him go. Jason at no point in this story attempts to harm Tim at all.
Now for Hush.
Context for fanon only folks: this is where the “throat slitting” bit happens.
Context for a lot of confusion: I don’t know if Jason is the one who holds Tim hostage or not.
In the original Hush plot line this is only Clayface; Jason isn’t here at all. It was later retconned in Under the Red Hood that Jason was actually in this fight for... some amount of time. It’s highly unclear to me when they swap out. Probably because originally, they didn’t swap out. Oh well! In either case, it��s now canon that Jason coached Clayface on his acting, so for the purposes of this essay, Imma hold Jason responsible for the throat damages and the words said regardless of who did what!
Right off the bat: this is a hostage taking, not a murder. Yes, Clayson Jayface does nick Tim’s neck and absolutely makes the threat of murdering him to Batman, but it’s clearly a threat. Like, look at this panel:
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He is talking a lot. This isn’t an attempt to kill Tim, it’s an attempt to screw with Batman. No matter who this is, they have every reason to expect that Batman will stop them before they do any permanent damage. Can you see that little, blurry, half-hidden line of red? Lets look at what the damage was later on:
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The bleeding was stopped by a bit of cloth, some pressure, and he’ll need stitches eventually, but they can clearly wait, and Tim doesn’t seem alarmed. That’s enough to scar, and enough that it is perfectly reasonable for Tim to assume that he would have died if he hadn’t been rescued.
However, Jason being deeply protective of kids is a reasonably consistent character trait. “You really think I’m gonna bring the pain to a ten year old?” Even at Jason’s most villainous, he is willing to put himself in danger in order to protect his own sidekick Scarlet. I think it would be very out of character for him to have gone through with it. Combined with Jason’s later actions and the general fact that a hostage is pretty useless dead, I come to the conclusion that Jason was bluffing.
It is ambiguous though, and I admit that this is probably the weakest link in the “Jason never tried to kill him” chain.
But enough of that, was he angry with him? Is the hate there?
I argue no, and that really there’s no emotional investment in Tim at all. In terms of hard numbers the pages Jalay Toddface spends holding Tim hostage is 3 and the number he spends fighting Batman is 13 and the number of times he even so much as LOOKS at Tim is ZERO, like actually, literally ZERO TIMES. He does not spare poor Timmy a SINGLE GLANCE.
Now make a special note here because those three pages of no eye contact from someone who might not even be Jason are the ONLY times that Tim is called Pretender or Imposter.
I’m relying on this research done by Kiragecko: https://kiragecko.tumblr.com/post/128411908944/bat-sibling-interaction It only goes up to Battle for the Cowl, (as does this essay it turns out, I just don’t know how to bridge between that and the New 52) so it isn’t every interaction ever, but it’s still excellent research, go leave a like.
According to them: “Comments: Tim thinks about Jason a lot while he’s first training. He imagines the former Robins giving him pep talks, and uses them to fight off fear gas. When Jason comes back, though, Tim’s really nasty, especially in his head. Jason, however, is somewhat respectful. He usually calls Tim ‘Tim’, and seems to kind of like him. ‘Pretender’ and ‘Imposter’ are things that CLAYFACE said, not Jason.“
How many times are those said? Once. Each. That’s it. As a comment under the Jason and Tim post done by Kiragecko points out, “Replacement” doesn’t even get used.
Under the Red Hood is basically THE Jason Todd comic. To my memory he doesn’t interact with Tim in it. However, it does contain that aforementioned reconning! So we get to see his reasoning during this encounter.
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And it very very clearly isn’t at all about Tim.
Moving on to Titans Tower, which is indisputably focused on Tim: When he fights Tim, he is absolutely violent and over the line, but he’s NOT out of his head. Jason is clearly very lucid and careful about what he’s doing.
Is he angry? Of course! He’s angry at the Titans who in his mind cared about him way less than their other members, and accepted a replacement robin as though his life, his whole flesh and blood self, was something that could be so easily forgotten and swapped out.
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But I think it would be a mistake to assume that Jason’s at all mad that he isn’t Robin anymore.
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A very interesting direct parallel to this fight is when Jason kidnaps Mia, Green Arrow’s sidekick Speedy, fights her, appeals to their commonalities and encourages her to solve crime his way rather than Green Arrow’s way.
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In both scenarios Jason engineers a way to isolate a sidekick and attempts to teach them something through combat. He makes a direct appeal to them against their mentors, and seems genuine about what he’s saying. He also lets both of them live, and with Mia is honestly pretty damned polite about it all. At least, as polite as a guy can be about kidnapping you and encouraging you to try to kill him in your high school gym that he definitely should not know about.
The plain fact of the matter is that Jason knocked Tim out, had time to paint his whole ass name way up high on a wall, and did not kill him. This is the same Jason who just prior to that took out all of Tim’s allies non-lethally. The same Jason who kept Mia’s protector’s busy non-lethally. The same Jason who cuts Mia free and gives her weapons back and starts slow in their fighting to make sure he doesn’t hurt her too badly. The same Jason who seems to feel very strongly that killing, trafficking, or selling drugs to kids is an unforgivable offense and very clearly sees Tim as a kid.
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Quite frankly, this reads not like a murder, and not like a jealous beatdown, but an attempt to convince Tim that he’s going to get himself killed and needs to get out while he still can. In Jason’s mind before they meet, Tim is purely A Robin, a kid who deserves better than to be put into danger against the same monsters over and over again until he finally slips up and dies.
Is this a hairbrained and back asswards way of doing that? Yes! But it does track for someone who tries to do all of his talking through his actions, which do speak louder than words, but unfortunately C-4 loudness is not actually a significant boon to nuanced communication.
If you want to put it in a less charitable way (and maybe we should, this is a bonkers asshole move on Jason’s part no matter how you slice it) then we can say Jason is testing Tim, trying to see if this one has what it takes to be better than he was, to survive where he couldn’t. Personally I think it’s a mix of both, and for this end of that emotional mess: Tim passes the test.
Jason leaves while talking about Tim in present tense, showing that he has every expectation of Tim being alive, and praises him in the process:
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Did you know that the fun panel of Tim kicking Jason in the nuts is actually from the same comic run, about twenty or so issues later?
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Did you know that the argument they were having starts with Dick and Tim wrestling with Jason and accusing him of a murder he did not commit, and in fact tried to save the victim from?
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Did I mention yet that the death in question was of Duela Dent, aka the JOKER’S DAUGHTER, whom Jason caught attempting to hold a young woman hostage for ransom? And that Jason repeatedly shot her getaway balloon instead of her and then tried to save her life immediately afterwards despite the fact that she was going to let the hostage plummet to their death? And it is implied that part of the reason he’s so easy on her is because of “Once a Titan always a Titan” loyalty, with this being our first clue that Jason isn’t the one shooting at her anymore?
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Did I also mention that he comes to her funeral in part to be around Donna (the starry leotard lady whose statue he smashed) because it’s nice to be around people who understand being displaced by their own death? And that the one who sticks up for him in this scene is Donna?
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At risk of negating my own thesus here, I’d say it’s reasonable to think that maybe Jason feels rage-hate for Tim in this “kicked in the dick while Dick grins smugly” moment.
Lets go now to Robin #177 at the tail end of the 1993 to 2003 run - Bruce has “died” and Tim hasn’t yet gone on his epic quest to find him. Tim finds Jason unifying street gangs with the intent to bring them under control and solve the current crisis. He appeals to Tim for help with this, in fact he comes off as almost puppy dog eager to work with him, and seems really sad when he says fuck no.
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This is one of the first fights in which Tim really holds his own against Jason, and I am very proud of him, yes :3
This gets Jason arrested. Then Tim actually goes through with a heavily modified, less violent version of Jason’s plan that Jason didn’t think could work. A few issues later, when Tim decides that he’s going to try to honor what Bruce would have wanted by springing Jason out of jail, Jason makes note of that.
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Jason is pretty damned civil at their next meeting, even though Tim makes it pretty damned clear he doesn’t want him around.
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And now... we have to talk about Battle for the Cowl.
I’ve seen it described as a masterclass in how NOT to write Jason Todd, due to it portraying him as being an absolutely off his rocker anger murder violence man. I am inclined to agree.
In this three issue comic Jason Todd has been dRiVeN mAd (in the most bullshit comic sense of that word) by Bruce’s will... telling him to go to therapy. Yeah. So uh, he dons a Batman suit to shoot people in AND pretends to be Black Mask so he can enslave a bunch of villains Amanda Waller style, and like it gets weird from there. It is an extremely jarring transition from that last scene to GUNS BAT HATE MAN.
He still does not hate Tim in it. I really, seriously thought I was going to have to make a lot of excuses for this portion but then the more I read of it the more vindicated I was cause let me repeat: One of the most unhinged with Bat hate and crazy juice versions of Jason ever put to print does not hate Tim at all.
Hell, he likes Tim! He compliments him!
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And on top of that, even though he is MUCH more lethal against his fellow robins when they attack him - Jason straight up shoots a ten year old Damian in the chest. It’s fucked. - There is still evidence to suggest that Jason deliberately didn’t kill Tim when he had ample opportunity.
Jason first of all never hunts Tim down. I’ve heard Battle for the Cowl described as Jason tracking Tim down or kidnapping him or going after him to force him to Be His Robin, but that’s just not how it goes.
Instead he waits for Tim to come find his Batcave, disorients him, and goes for a ton of surface cuts. He only actually goes for a real body blow after Tim picks up a crowbar and beats Jason across the face with it a few times.
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(Again, proud of you Timmy)
After the stabbing, Jason doesn’t just leave Tim there; this isn’t a matter of hurrying on before he could check. He’s seen dragging Tim off. When Nightwing later comes to rescue him, Dick is downright certain Jason is lying to him about Tim being dead because Jason is refusing to show him the body and Dick figures it’s because he knows there’s no body to show (if in part because he can’t let himself believe Tim is dead without hard proof).
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Tim himself wonders about this, noting that the batterang was rusted and shattered on his armor.
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Sure, Tim used playing possum to make his pulse slow to a near stop for a while, maybe that fooled Jason, but keep in mind that BRUCE taught Tim that skill, and if there’s one thing these comics have established, it’s that Jason is dangerous precisely because he is so intimately familiar with the techniques of the Bat. Jason even makes specific note of the fact that Tim being trained like Bruce and fighting like Bruce would be his downfall at the beginning of their fight.
The whole comic leaves me wondering just how much of what happened went completely according to Jason’s plan. I really would not put it passed him to engineer a ‘death in the family’ recreation for the next Batman in line! As much as I agree that this is garbage characterization for him in many many ways, I do think Jason makes a fantastic villain. I love to see him run rings around the Bats in some places, and make lemonade out of getting his ass kicked in others.
No matter how we interpret the stabbing here though, what does seem very clear to me is that Jason makes the Be My Robin offer to Tim first and foremost because he thinks pretty highly of Tim! He’s been rejected by Tim at least three times over but keeps holding a hand out for him. This does not seem like Tim hater reaction hours here!
Also that whole thing about kids being dragged into this vigilante life irresponsibly? Yeah that’s still there!
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I have TRIED to find evidence that Jason hates Tim at like literally any point here. I have gone through the shit people point to. I have looked at the context around those and dug up more obscure interactions for second and third views. Everywhere I look I just see more instances of Jason complimenting Tim!! It’s driving me nuts!
The only conclusion that I can come to is that people read this stuff and just trust that Tim is right about Jason. Tim’s internal view waaay more closely resembles fandom interpretation. Tim assumes that Clayson Toddface would absolutely have killed him in cold blood, that Jason beat the shit out of him purely to prove he was stronger, that he’s a brute, a moron, an active danger to society, and that every bit of leniency given to him will result in betrayal and death.
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I don’t have clearer proof for it, but I also don’t think it’s a stretch to say that Tim probably believes Jason has it out for him and holds him responsible for his replacement.
So yeah. As a fascinating reversal of my expectations going in: I don’t think Jason has ever hated Tim, but boy fuckin howdy has Tim HATED Jason.
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dmercer91 · 1 year
Can you do nsfw and sfw head canons for Ethan Edward and mark estapa? ( btw love you account I’ve been stalking it for the last hour😂💕)
misc. headcanons, ee73
i used this one for eddy! another is coming for mark asap <3 (and thank you!)
meeting at the coffee shop you work at and he was originally planning on getting his regular but when he saw you he buffered
“what’s your go to? i was thinking of trying something new,”
you ask wether he likes cold or hot drinks, sweet or bitter, if there’s anything he definitely would not drink and he thinks your little lineup of questions is so sweet
you’re clearly a little nervous that he won’t like it once you ring it up and you pick at your nails when he first tries it
“you’ve got good taste… y/n,” he nods to your name tag
maybe the person taking you off comes up and tells you you’re good to go home and ethan takes the risk and orders another drink
“come sit with me?”
you talk for so long and when you laugh he thinks he’s died and gone to heaven
you exchange numbers and over the course of the semester, the relationship grows and you guys start dating
he’s so sweet
he buys you flowers and little trinkets he sees that he thinks you’ll like
he wants you at every possible home game, tucked in the corner by the glass where he can see you for good luck
you guys have after school naps at soph house - mark is sick of you guys being all cute and lovey
he lays on his back and you’re always tucked into his side with his arm around you
playing with his hair is your favourite thing
there’ll be times where that’s all you do for hours, just lay in his arms and twist his hair around your fingers while you talk about nothing important
he loves !! sweet nothings
his love language is probably quality time or touch but words of affirmation is definitely up there
“so pretty. my girl,” “you’re perfect, angel,”
sometimes after work you just need to sit in his arms and let him trace shapes on your shoulders and back in silence
customer service is draining and he does well with understanding that
if you’re overstimulated or tired he’s so good with boundaries and not making you more irritable
sexually, he can be a lot of different things depending on what you’re in the mood for
he loves it when you ride him but he’s perfectly happy putting in the work
he’s an ass/thigh man and i will be taking no criticism on that
kissing your thighs? heaven
leaving love bites on your thighs? he might as well have passed away from bliss
being between your thighs? having them squeeze his head? he thinks there’s no better place to be at any point in time
you riding his thigh, and he gets to sit back and tense his leg to tease you? he’d take that over actual american dollars
he is in college, and he’s used to hookups and therefore inexperienced with his mouth
however, after some trial and error, and him learning how to read your reactions to things, he’s so good
in the first bit of your relationship all he wants to do is practice
“i wanna be able to make you feel good,” while he’s literally got his nose buried into your clit for the third consecutive day
when he finally gets the reaction he’s been working towards - unbridled moans and mumbled of his name while you squirm and squeeze his head with your thighs
he lets up for one whole day before he’s kissing down your body again cause ‘he misses how pretty you taste’
he wants to try new things and get good at them all the time which is truly a blessing cause you won’t spare his feeling and say you came and he will get you there
sometimes on rougher nights he just moves you around at his will
for a college guy he’s well built and it’s both nice to look at and convenient
he likes it when you scratch at him
if he’s not getting absolutely flamed in the dressing room for being full of nail marks then he’s doing something wrong
you always feel bad when you see them and he’s like are you kidding?? i made you feel that good. this is my medal
he likes to guide your head when you’re going down on him
he’ll bury his hand in your hair or wrap it around his fist and slowly move you up and down on him
he’s not vocal in the beginning of your relationship, until you ask if it doesn’t feel good and he realizes you like him vocal
now he’s so used to letting it all out that being quiet is his least favourite thing on the entire planet
aftercare consists of a shower or bath with tons and tons of cuddling, forehead kisses and sweet praises
in conclusion; eddy 🤭
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in1-nutshell · 8 months
We’ve got the IDW characters and the Prime characters w/ a spiderman-buddy, how’d some of the Animated cast react to having another arachnid-like character around 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥
Spider Bud, Spider Bud, does whatever a Buddy can--
The continuation of Spidey Buddy returns!
Hope you enjoy!
Human Buddy Spidey with Team Prime
SFW, Platonic, Human reader
Optimus Prime
Optimus is a bit surprised when Buddy reveals that they are Detroit’s senior superhero. Not that they were old or anything, but Buddy was doing this superhero business way before the bots came to earth.
Buddy kind of reminds him of a mini version of Blackarachnia who’s way friendlier. Which sometimes leads him to having some… unpleasant flashbacks…
After a bit of talking with Buddy about why he reacts so poorly to their spider attributes, Buddy tries to let Prime know when they are going to be using their powers.
Specifically, the webs and crawling on different surfaces.
Prime really hates it when Buddy crawls around without warning., the webs are a bit more tolerable though.
Buddy crawling on the wall next to Optimus’s helm.
“Hey Prime!”--Buddy
“Hey Bud— PRIMUS! Buddy we’ve talked about this!”--Optimus
Buddy has taken it upon themselves to teach him how to use his grappling hooks to swing around the city.
Though, days when they have practice are eventful.
But thanks to the practice, he is know more fluid in using the grappling hooks. In return, Optimus always reminds Buddy to check their web cartridges and he always brings extras and a spare web shooter for Buddy in his subspace.
“C’mon Prime! You got this!”--Buddy
“I don’t think this isn’t the best way to do this Buddy!”--Optimus
“This is nothing Boss-Bot! You’ll be fine!”--Buddy
“Was this anything like how you did it when you first tried swinging?”--Optimus
Flashback to multiple failed attempts at singing and falling on a lot of hard surfaces.
“Trust me when I say we are doing the stuff that I know is safe and will work.”--Buddy
“Wait who taught—”--Optimus
“Less talking, more swinging!”--Buddy
Buddy pushes Prime off the building.
He appreciates Buddy’s super strength when they are around the others.
Buddy demonstrated this by casually moving a sleeping Bulkhead from his spot. In Buddy’s defense Bulkhead was sleeping on top of their comic.
Prime swears that Buddy is doing these things to get a reaction.
He likes Buddy’s Spidey sense.
This has come in handy multiple times in the past.
Optimus doesn’t mind Buddy joining them on patrol, but Buddy needs to comm in every hour and never engage with a Con if one did show up.
He is dropping everything if he hears Buddy calling for backup. He is always the second bot to get to Buddy.
He has questions, so many questions.
Like Prime, Ratchet is a bit surprised that Buddy is the Spider themed vigilante. He would have caught onto it quicker if he wasn’t too busy keeping the team from falling apart.
When Buddy showed him their webbing skills, they webbed themselves onto the monitor above his helm.
“This enough proof?”--Buddy
“How—how—is that stuff coming out of you?!”--Ratchet
“Umm… yeah?”--Buddy
“Where does it come from?”--Ratchet
“My wrists?”--Buddy
“But, how though?”--Ratchet
“… I never thought about it before.”--Buddy
“How do you not know?!”--Ratchet
“I just don’t know?!”--Buddy
He wants to check Buddy in the medbay as soon as possible.
Ratchet isn’t familiar with organic anatomy. He started learning a bit for Sari, which nearly turned useless when they found out Sari was Techno Organic.
Buddy’s body is a mutant one from the average human.
Primus just give him a regular patients.
He likes how durable and strong Buddy’s webs are.
He was there to witness Buddy lift Bulkhead.
Buddy was sent to the med bay immediately as Ratchet scolded them for lifting up Bulkhead like that.
“I’m fine Ratchet!”--Buddy
“Since when did you have that kind of strength?! And were you even bending your knees?”--Ratchet
“I was and I’ve carried heavier—er—I’ll be more careful next time.”--Buddy
“I’m just gonna go over there.”--Buddy
“In what situation did you have to pick up something heavier than Bulkhead?!”--Ratchet
Ratchet manages to get Buddy to do regular check ups to make sure that everything is working well. While he does the check ups he takes note on what’s normal for Buddy’s body and what’s not.
He is rather fond of Buddy’s Spidey sense.
At first, he was extremely skeptical of this extra sense, until it saved him. After the first few dozen saves, then does he start to acknowledge that the Spidey sense is real.
He definitely scolds Buddy for doing unnecessary tricks in the air when they are out on patrol.
The sirens are turn on to the max when he hears that Buddy needs back up. He is one of the first bots on the scene with Buddy if they ever called in for back up.
He is ecstatic to find out that Buddy is the Spidey Hero of Detroit.
But he wants proof too.
Buddy webbed themselves to the ceiling and slowly descended upside down.
“Is this enough proof for you, or do I need to web you to Bulkhead’s backside?”--Buddy
“Nope this is plenty!”--Bumblebee
“I thought so. And don’t worry Bulkhead I would do such torture. I’d web him to the ceiling before I’d do that.”--Buddy
Bumblebee wasn’t around to see Buddy lift Bulkhead. He heard it from Prime when he off handedly said it in a conversation.
He was demanding to see how strong Buddy was with his own optics. The yellow bot was slightly jealous of Prime and Ratchet to have seen such a feat, now its his turn to see it!
That landed with him being carried by Buddy through the city. It would have been fun… if he wasn’t terrified out of his mind.
“This is fun isn’t it, Bee?!”--Buddy
“If you’re scared all you need to do—”--Buddy
“I’m not scared!”--Bumblebee
“So, then you wouldn’t mind me if we swung upside down?”--Buddy
“OH, PRIMUS NO! I mean, I think I’ve had enough for today. But its not because I’m scared!”--Bumblebee
Bumblebee didn’t have a problem with heights when it came down to the swinging; it was the aerial stunts that put him through the loop. He didn’t like those too much.
He likes Buddy’s web and how they swing around in them.
Bumblebee has definitely asked Buddy to race him from one point in the city to the next to see who has the fastest mode of transportation. Those races end up in ties.
When Buddy is on patrol with the team, Bee is usually with Buddy on their route with Bulkhead.
Bumblebee is usually the first to be on scene if Buddy ever called in for back up. He isn’t the fastest on the team for nothing.
Bulkhead is the most surprised by the news of Buddy being the Spidey hero, but he gets excited quickly.
The Spidey hero had become a role model of his (along with Bumblebee, but he swore secrecy not to tell anyone this) and now knowing that this hero was his friend just made things better.
Bulkhead loves Buddy’s powers.
He has see multiple clips from the TV showcasing Buddy’s webbing abilities. He doesn’t need any extra proof of this existing. Buddy’s his friend, why would they lie to him?
“How did Buddy show their webs to you?”--Bumblebee
“Oh, they haven’t yet.”--Bulkhead
“Don’t you want to see them for real? Don’t you want to see the proof?”--Bumblebee
“Why would Buddy have to prove anything to me? I’ve already seen them on TV before. If Buddy wants to show me them, it’ll be when they want to.”--Bulkhead
Bulkhead wholeheartedly believes that Buddy lifted him in his sleep. How does he know this? Simple.
If he fell asleep, the only other bot that would be able to move him would be Optimus. And even then, Optimus would either gently wake him up or if he tried to move him by himself, the Prime would most likely wake him up with his struggling before moving him an inch from his original place.
And he has seen Buddy lift heavier things.
“How are you so calm about all of this? Did you know before all of us?”--Bumblebee
“Then how are you not freaked out or something!? They LIFTED YOU UP WHEN YOU WERE ASLEEP!”--Bumblebee
“And? I’ve seen them pick up heavier stuff.”--Bulkhead
“Excuse me what?”--Bumblebee
“Bulkhead what did they pick up?”--Ratchet
“Bulkhead, What. Did. They. Pick. Up?”--Ratchet
Somewhere in the Plant.
“My Spidey senses are tingling… but where’s the danger?”—Buddy
“Oh… there’s the danger…”—Buddy
Rapid web swinging intensifies.
Bulkhead loves Buddy’s Spidey sense.
He trusts that sense with his life.
When they are out on patrol, he follows Bee and Buddy into their sections of the city.
Bulkhead does remind Buddy to take it easy on the tricks and stunts so they wouldn’t get hurt when they need them.
While he isn’t the first one on scene when Buddy calls for back up, he tries his best to make it there on time and his first concern is Buddy before dealing with the big bad.
Prowl had suspicions that Buddy might have been the masked hero after Bulkhead introduced them.
He is introduced to Buddy’s webs when they casually webbed and swung themselves up onto Prowl’s tree as they began to tell him about their day.
Buddy swinging to one of the branches of Prowl’s tree.
“You will not believe the traffic this morning!”--Buddy
Prowl sitting on the floor trying to comprehend what just happened before just rolling with it.
He likes the webs with all their dexterity and natural beauty.
Especially if the webs are organic and not from the web cartilages.
Prowl does ask questions about Buddy’s past when the two are alone. He isn’t surprised when Buddy doesn’t give him any details and most of it is explained vaguely. Mostly he is glad that Buddy was able to share some of it with him.
“You were bitten by an organic spider, and it gave you powers?”--Prowl
“Well, I’m pretty sure that thing was radioactive.”--Buddy
“Yep. Moving on.”--Buddy
“And because of this bite, your body reacted by giving you these special features, am I correct?”--Prowl
“You’re saying it like this is weird. I assure you Prowl this isn’t weird for me.”--Buddy
“Oh, then—”--Prowl
“You guys don’t even know about the fangs and claws yet. Trust me there are weirder things in the subway than this.”--Buddy
“The what?”--Prowl
He wasn’t present to see Buddy lift Bulkhead off the ground. Like Bulkhead, Prowl believes that Buddy can do this feat. Though this was more on video evidence than faith in a friend. Also, it would make sense; they’d need it if they were going to swing across Detroit every night and still have their arms in tack the next day.
Prowl finds out Buddy has strength when he accidentally slipped off a high rooftop and started falling.
He was about to use his jetpack when something wrapped around his chassis and stopped his descent to the ground, holding him suspended in the air. Prowl would then notice that the thing wrapped around his chassis were Buddy’s webbings. Buddy was holding him by the webs while also being suspended from another web from the roof top.
Buddy got a scolding from Prowl after that stunt.
“What were you thinking?!”--Prowl
“I was thinking about saving you!”--Buddy
“You shouldn’t have done that.”--Prowl
“And why not? If you’re telling me to sit back and let my friend fall again, that’s something I’m not going to do!”--Buddy
“…Listen, I know my limits with my strength and webs. I would never put you or the team in danger if I didn’t know these things wouldn’t help.”--Buddy
“…All right. Just remember, you may be a superhero, but your still human.”--Prowl
“And you remember that you guys can still get hurt. Its okay to as for help when you need it too, okay?”--Buddy
Prowl likes to train with Buddy’s Spidey sense.
Buddy is most likely the only other person on the team that could keep up with him and his Cyber ninja training.
He has yet to land any hit on Buddy.
Buddy definitely holds this on him.
When Buddy joins them on patrol, Prowl is Buddy’s back up partner if Bumblebee or Bulkhead aren’t around to do their rounds together.
Prowl ties with Optimus in getting to Buddy second if they ever called for back up.
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dollyyss · 10 months
The main four + butters and how they hug you!
I had to add butters because he’s such a fucking cutie! I’m so sorry these ideas are ass I’ve had such bad writers block but I’ve wanted to get some stuff out for this page!! My requests are open if you’d like to leave a request!!
Established Relationship! All characters are 18+
Kyle, Stan, kenny, Eric, Butters
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Kyle Broflovski:
- his hugs are so warm, gentle and so full of love. One of his many favourite moments with you are sharing hugs.
-he’s quite tall, so majority of the time your stuck stuffing your face in his chest and smiling at his warmth. He’ll sometimes sink down a bit to your level so he can rest his face in the crook of your neck and breathe in your soft scent. He’ll always have his arms around your waist and usually your arms are around his neck and if they aren’t his hands are finding them and putting your arms there himself.
-we won’t always hug you in front of the boys, often. It’s not that he doesn’t want to trust me he does he’s a love sick puppy. It’s just cartman he’s afraid of. Not afraid of him but more afraid the teasing if you two are being touchy with each other. He doesn’t want cartman to get to you so he tends to protect you from him quite a lot. But if cartman isn’t around he’s happy to have you on his lap, arms around your waist whiles yours wrap around neck, laying your head on his shoulder and listening to him talk to Stan or any of the other boys.
-whole hugging like this, normally he’ll have a hand around your waist and another placed on your thigh, softly rubbing his thumb back and forth in a soothing motion. A few kisses will be planted to your head in between his conversations. At this point the boys have learned to ignore it.
-He’ll normally hug you when he picks you up from your house to walk to school, when he’s dropping you off at home at any point, or if he hasn’t seen you in the morning and you arrive to school on your own. If you don’t have a class together right away he’s sure to find you and give you a tight squeeze, lips attacking your ear playfully as he tells you to focus in your class.
-..also. Before and after his basketball games.. before is completely fine but after prepare for the sweat. He tries to make the hug quick so you don’t get dirty so this is really the only time he’ll side hug you.
-don’t worry you get a tight hug once he’s all clean.
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Stan Marsh:
-he’s the super SUPER cuddly one. I’m talking will hug you at any time doesn’t matter where or what you’re doing he’s hugging you. He’ll always have his hands at your shoulders, it’s to keep you close against him, his fingers drawing soft circles on your back while your hands find your way to his own back, squeezing him causing him to let out a soft grunt.
-When he was Wendy as a kid he was touchy like any kid would be in their first relationship. Lots of hand holding, hugging but things changed a lot over the years, and now that he’s freshly eighteen he’s been so fucking touch starved it’s nuts. Sure at parties he’d hook up with random girls, not often but he did but it wasn’t enough.
-so once he finds you oh my god he’s touchy all over. It’s constant hugging.
-he’s not one for PDA much, like Kyle he’ll do it in front of specific people but if you’re at his or he’s at yours he’s all over you. I’m talking anything you do he’s hugging you.
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-he’s a back hugger 100%.
-Up at the front getting supplies your teacher told you to get? he’s following close behind and wrapping his arms around you, chin on your shoulder as he watches you grab your things and getting extra for him.
-He likes to smoosh you, I’m talking will hug you from behind and then for fun take his large hand and place it over your face just to smoosh it. He’ll laugh when you smack his hand and his head is back to its normal resting spot on your shoulder.
-loves PDA! He’s constantly hugging you in front of his friends as much as they rip on him, he couldn’t care less. He’s a touchy person and he wants to feel you near him as much as possible.
-“Ken, I’ll be there in a moment baby why don’t you sit down and get the movie ready” his grip on you tightens as he softly grinds against the back of you, his teeth sinking into your shoulder “but babbyyyyy” yeah. When he hugs you like this which is almost always.. he’s probably grinding on you at some point.
- all in all his hugs can be quite comforting actually. The feeling of his chest warm against your back, his arms around your shoulders or waist. He always lets his fingers dance against you for a moment before rubbing at your sides or shoulders and placing a kiss to the back of your neck.
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Eric Cartman:
-He’s actually quite a nice hugger. As a kid he was pretty chubby but as he got older he built a bit of muscle, so his hugs end up being quite soft, despite the muscle flex every once and a while.
- in public he won’t hug you, no he’ll most likely have a hand on your hip and and that’s about all oh but when you two are alone. That’s a completely different story with Cartman.
- When he’s feeling nice, vulnerable his hugs consist of him having one hand at the back of your neck and the other at your lower back, his face his nuzzled deep into the crook of your neck while he feels you play with his hair, your hands soon coming to give the hug back. If he’s standing he’ll sway like this for a moment, if he’s laying down he’s probably the little spoon, slightly curled up and falling asleep to the feeling of your warm breathe against his back.
-but his normal hugs are somewhat quick, hands around your waist and then that’s it. You can’t complain really at least he’s hugging you, giving you affection. From what you’ve heard and most definitely witnessed he’s an asshole big time but you appreciate the soft moments with him. So any hug is nice.
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-he’s such a cutie fucking patootie. He’s a smoosher but in a way different way then Kenny, where as Kenny messes around Butters is serious. Mf is squishing his face to yours, his hand pressed against your cheek to press to his cheek. He wants to be close.
-he hugs you gently, but with enough force to keep you warm and feeling safe. He likes to place a hand on the top of your hand while the other pulls you in by the back of your shoulders, softly letting his thumb draw patterns over your shoulder blades.
-this is where the smooshing starts, he’s rubbing his cheek on yours, pressing his nose into yours, his lips are all over you as he makes the hug tighter.
-not really a hug but he loves to carry you, like giving you piggy back rides, carrying you bridal style from school the car, or on the way home. He just loves holding you in anyway he can
-“well darlin, your feet look like they hurt..” “I’m okay butters” “please.. I-I won’t drop ya I promise and if I do you can slap me silly” you can only giggle as he bends down to your level so you can jump on his back.
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ask-the-royal-absol · 25 days
Felix: What?
Destino: You heard me. How long?
Felix: ...
Destino: ...
Felix: Since the evolution party. Four years ago.
Destino: You're shitting me.
Felix: It's true.
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Destino: So, you fell for me when I was intoxicated. Glad to know my best friend can pick out my best traits.
Felix: It really ain’t like that. I fell for ya because ya can be funny, thoughtful when ya want ta be and ya pretty damn good-lookin’. I know who ya really are and I find that ta be what I look for in a partner. I’ve not asked yet because I know Mirage left ya in a bad place last time and I know ya didn’t want ta rush into a new relationship anytime soon. I only make a move when I see there’s interest and ya didn’t seem interested, so I haven’t gone for it.
Destino: …
Felix: I’ve gotta know if ya would consider it though.
Destino: Right now?
Felix: Yeah. If we’re layin’ everythin’ out in the open, I wanna know. I don’t wanna pursue something that ain’t gonna happen.
Destino: …
Felix: …
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Felix: …
Destino: …
Felix: Thank you for tellin’ me. I’m glad ta actually hear how ya feel about it. And I promise ya not hide anythin’ from ya from now on.
Destino: You better not. I don’t want to have to demote you to friend status.
Felix: Serious, I will be. Don’t ya worry pal.
Destino: …
Felix: …
Destino: Ha, it’s funny really. You’re the ghost therapist here and I’m the one telling you to be honest and communicate. Perhaps you could learn a thing or two from me about how to communicate with another. I’m clearly excelling at it. Maybe if the whole Prime of the Underdark thing doesn’t work out, that’s what I could do next. Be a therapist.
Felix: Des, ya are the least qualified Pokémon ta do somethin’ like that.
Destino: Tauros-shit. It’d be easy. Listen to someone rant about their experiences and then say how awful they are and how they can change.
Felix: Hahaha, it’s far more complicated than that. Besides, ya barely talk ya anyone about how ya feel.
Destino: I talk about myself all the time.
Felix: Ya know what I mean. About how ya actually feel.
Destino: You think I’m just going to suddenly lay my whole life out in the open for these surface Pokémon? If those random Pokémon that keep following me around could just leave me be, I think I’d be enjoying myself a lot more up here. Why would I ever want to talk to them about private matters if they have nothing to offer?
Felix: I dunno about that.
Destino: One of them ate me. One trapped me in a bubble full of liquid and tried to drown me. One of them shaved off a good chunk of my fur and left me looking ridiculous. They clearly have so much to give.
Felix: Didn’t ya say an arbok told ya ta talk with me? That seems like good advice that he gave ya.
Destino: Considering how weird he was, I wouldn’t be surprised if that was some sort of hallucination caused by one of those Pokémon to get me to like them. The things Pokémon do to make me get on their side. I am an incredibly charming Pokémon so it’s not surprising they would use whatever methods they could to make me like them. The curse of being the most charismatic Pokémon alive.
Felix: Ya gotta admit that ya did provoke those other Pokémon though. That’s why they went through with what they did.
Destino: Are you condoning their actions?
Felix: No, but that’s why I said about pickin’ ya targets when wantin’ ta insult someone.
Destino: And it was good advice. However, have you considered that continuing to push until they react is hilarious?
Felix: There’s a part of me that wants ta hit ya when ya have the urge ta say somethin’ stupid.
Destino: You wouldn’t do that. You love me too much.
Felix: I’ve given ya fuel, haven’t I?
Destino: Perhaps.
Felix: Fuck.
Destino: Hahahaha.
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Felix: Of course it does. Alright, night Des.
Destino: Night Felix.
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*Seems like that beauty sleep may not be happening after all.*
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timemachineyeah · 2 years
I think it’s interesting that we learn Philip and Caleb became witch hunters to fit in to the existing culture of Gravesfield.
Because the thing about witch hunts is, there’s a lot of zealotry and tattling involved. If they weren’t a pair of traveling radicals, but rather two side characters in an ongoing town furor? That changes things.
Up until now I’ve been a little curious about the dynamic of having Philip be the younger brother. We are more used to stories where the older person has authority over the younger in a way that allows them to be despotic. Basically when you have two siblings in fiction and one is evil, it’s usually the older one. But Caleb seemed pretty chill? People with chill authority figures usually don’t grow up to do genocide? But Philip is really committed to genocide? And jealousy over your older brother getting a girlfriend is a weird thing to genocide over?
But now we learn, that’s not really the story. Or not the whole story.
This is a JoJo Rabbit situation. This is a Hitler Youth situation.
In a town that’s in a fervor to find the hidden secret evil citizens among them, kids are potentially dangerous. The children you love and care for are also the most likely to be unsavvy and get you killed. Sometimes older relatives under those circumstances have to, or at least feel like they have to, let their younger family members be indoctrinated without openly opposing it, even pretending to support it, because, well. Children talk. Often without filter. Maybe it would be okay, but
Is it worth risking one or both of you being hung in the square to test that theory?
So they get to this town. This town will hang or burn you if you aren’t pious enough. And this town defines piety by its hatred of The Devil. We are all trying to prove we hate the devil the most. And Caleb, older brother, is like, okay then. That’s what’ll keep us fed. That’s what’ll keep us safe. He’s not a zealot so much as he’s just trying to keep him and his kid brother alive and win the town’s favor. Maybe the zealotry even freaks him out a bit, but not enough. Not until he meets Evelyn.
But Philip? Philip believes. Of course he does. His brother has never made any indication to him that there’s room for doubt. No one has ever done that. At least no one whose execution he didn’t later watch with his entire community cheering it on. Because they were dangerous. Everyone knows how this neighbor got sick, how witches caused that terrible accident, how Satan tries to keep us from our eternal salvation. This is literal. This is real. This is eternal souls and cosmic reality. He’s a kid, at first. He gets indoctrinated young. He believes this.
And then they find the actual realm of demons. Actual hell. The source of all evil in the universe. Fucking obviously it is his divine calling to destroy it once and for all. Wouldn’t you? If you could end all suffering? Save everyone for eternity? Surely that is noble. Righteous. Sacred.
And how is he supposed to believe anything else? What is easier to believe: the whole world is a lie and he has been watching innocent people killed for entertainment since he was a child - which goes against everything he was ever taught and also feels fucking bad. Or: the witches used their evil magic to convince my brother they aren’t evil, which proves how evil they are. That lines up perfectly with everything I know, everything everyone around me has always said, and makes it okay that I participated in those public executions, and also gives me some good righteous anger to fuel me on a genocidal rampage for as long as I continue to exist.
In Philip’s head, he’s the center of his dramatic fantasy epic. He’s the lone hero up against the big bad. He’s going to take on the Devil himself.
Idk, I just think it’s cool that The Owl House was like, “hey, Satanic panics, fascism, and genocide are allied ideologies, perhaps even the same ideology, and it’s Bad”
Also, “societal pressure to conform enables and even encourages people to hurt those they love”. Camila tried to send Luz to camp because she didn’t want Luz to be bullied the way she had been, because Luz’s principal told her she had to. It was a gesture born out of a desire to protect her, but one that would ultimately hurt. Caleb let Philip grow up more pious than he was because it seemed safest, to protect him. Philip grew up believing in eternal damnation and righteous cruelty, something that has clearly ultimately hurt him I mean look at what he is now. Philip, meanwhile, hurt Caleb and continues to hurt his family because he thinks there’s a Right and Wrong way to exist. To be. The ultimate call for conformity. For hegemony. But he didn’t spontaneously generate this belief. It was reinforced from a young age from a society that wanted to make sure no one was deviating too much. To centralize and maintain power through manipulation, exploitation, and force.
Anyway I cannot fucking wait for Camila and Eda to meet oh my fucking god
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