ooffmlsorry · 7 months
OP Men When You're Injured
Context: I don't mean mortally injured, I'm talking something not too serious that kind of inhibits your movement like a broken bone or recovery from a surgery
Law, Kid, Ace, Luffy, Zoro, Sanji
A/N: can we get a little commotion for this gif tho?? Why is he so perfect?? 😭
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Law as a doctor is perfectly normal about your injury. He knows with some rest and eventual rehabilitation you'll be just fine. No big deal.
He makes sure you're healing well and comfortable, like he would with any patient
Law as your boyfriend is different.
In the case of an injury with no risk of infection, he'll press a kiss to it. Yes, like he's kissing your boo-boo 🥹
Law does not leave your side. He is your shadow. Where you go, he's right beside you or at the very least in the same room as you.
At first he deadass tries to convince you he's not lingering at all and he's the same as he always is.
But you both know he's lying. He practically moves his office wherever you decide to be for the day.
He can't help himself. What if you fall? What if you reinjure yourself? He's so pressed about the worst case scenarios, and given his past, can you blame him?
He quietly grumbles and pouts about his own "irrational" behavior because he knows in reality you can absolutely go about your day. You're a little slower but you're fine. But he just can't let you. As soon as you start to struggle, he's right beside you offering to help.
If you're aggravated by his hovering, he's twice as annoyed by it. He's literally so frustrated with himself lmao, you might end up having to comfort him instead.
Even if he complains (is it really complaining if he's actually happy lol) you're happy because all this extra time around you makes him extra affectionate. Law snuggles close to you, justifying his closeness by explaining how physical affection can lower cortisol levels.
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Oh Kid smh 😔he has no idea how to treat you so he just decides to behave like everything's normal lmao
Legitimately though, even if a inanimate object is what caused your injury, he's destroying it. Just out of pure fury that you were hurt.
He'll huff when you fall behind or have trouble doing something, but he just can't leave you to suffer
He's a man of action lol so he'll probably end up doing things for you just for efficiency sake. You're walking too slow? He picks you up. Can't grab or hold something? He'll do the whole thing for you and next time you try to do the same thing you find he's made something to make it a lot easier for you while you heal.
Anything you need to assist you he'll happily build.
If you have a cast or anything like that, he's gonna draw all over it (honestly, the whole crew will. You're gonna have the most bad ass cast ever)
He absolutely calls you a baby for wincing or complaining. He doesn't mean it...mostly.
If he's not keeping an eye on you than Killer is.
It's not like he's worried or anything! Fuck you for saying that!! He just doesn't want to hear or see you whining and complaining. It's annoying. Okay, sure Kid.
He genuinely hate seeing you in pain though, even if it's just wincing it reminds him of losing his arm and he never wants you to experience anything close to that.
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Ace is your little emotional support boyfriend...or maybe it's the other way around 🤭.
He'll curl up at your side while you recuperate and completely dozes off.
He takes looking after you very seriously and asks Marco lots of questions, even if there's not a whole lot he can do.
He doesn't pity you, but he does feel really bad. Even if it was just an accident, he hates seeing you limited in any way.
He might accidentally treat you like you're made of glass.
It's just because he cares a lot, and he really doesn't want anything else to happen to you.
Every single morning he wakes up and asks how you're feeling or if you're in any pain.
There's a lot of people on the Moby Dick and accidents happen all the time, so don't be surprised when he literally clears a way for you to traverse around the ship.
I'm not saying he's impatient buuuut he will definitely glare at whatever part of you is injured and say, "Jeez, can you heal up already?"
He gives you space, but only if you ask for it. He just doesn't want you to feel like you're ever in this alone.
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Luffy is neither patient nor gentle lol but he's extremely loyal
He'll goof off and continue to go on adventures, but he's not gone for long
Even his crew is surprised when tells them he's not going to get distracted because he knows you're back on the Sunny waiting for them.
He's always bringing cool things back to you since you can't do as much as you usually can. Just because you can't be right beside him doesn't mean you have to miss everything.
God bless him he's gonna try to bring you some meat so you'll heal faster 🤭.
He'll absolutely forget you're injured at some point and probably tackle hug you.
The last thing he'll let you do is stay cooped up in bed unless Chopper insists that you have to. Even if you need to rest you can do it right next to him on the head of the Sunny, right?
Exactly like Ace he's going to frown at whatever part of you is injured and say, "Jeez, can you heal up already?!"
He gets whatever you need and probably overdoes it. Need a glass of water? He just straight up brings you the whole barrel.
More is better! Besides, you need to hurry up and get better!
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He's not worried. He's so chill about it, actually. ...Until you start to move around.
The way he switches up is laugh worthy. He goes from nonchalant to overprotective in an instant.
He practically holds his breath as you make your way around the Sunny, watching you like a hawk.
Admittedly, he does tease you a little. He'll grab things for you, but hold them out of your reach or call you a little turtle if you move slower. He thinks it's very cute hehe.
For better or for worse, Zoro's not a hypocrite. He won't hound you to take it easy if you think you're up to a task. Even if Chopper really wishes he would.
He still won't leave you though, unless you're resting and stationary, he's by your side.
Zoro is your attack dog boyfriend. There's no way anyone (*ahem* Luffy) is fooling around too close to you. There's not going to be a chance you could get hurt more or reinjured.
When you're alone he checks in with you to make sure you're okay, not because he's shy about being soft in front of people but more so to protect your privacy.
He kind of likes doing extra things for you, he won't say it out loud but it makes him really happy when he can do things while you recover. He considers taking care of someone he loves to be such an honor.
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Unless whatever injured you is vitally important (e.g. the Sunny), he's kicking the shit out of it on principle because how dare anything even dare to hurt you lmao
Are you surprised that he dotes on you hand and foot? You shouldn't be.
I think it also goes without saying he is cooking you best meals.
They're gonna have to tie him down when it comes time for your rehabilitation because he wants to do everything for you.
He's such a sweet heart! He leaves you little messages like "you're doing great!" and "I love you!"
Literally this man lives with you on the ship and he still got you flowers, a get well card, and a little stuffed animal like he's not going to see you every single day
He loves carrying you (as long as it's Chopper approved). He's beaming down the sunny with you in his arms.
He makes the cutest little picnics so you can eat comfortably
Sanji's also an emotional support boyfriend lol. In between cooking for the crew and other duties, he's curled up right next to.
He might coddle you a little too much but it's just because he loves you so so so much
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chaengluva · 1 month
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Regina George x Fem!Reader: 1.1k words
Regina was really hurt by her friends and she ends up taking out her anger on you.
WARNINGS: Angst, name calling, reader getting hurt and being slightly sensitive, mention of weight gain and eating disorder.
Please leave requests, they help me write when i have writers block! Love you guys!
Regina came home with tears falling down her face; she could barely walk. She felt so belittled by people she once called her best friends. You walked behind her, and you felt bad as you heard her tears. You watched as she hoped on her massive bed. You got on and snuggled up with her. "Baby, it's going to be okay." You say you are trying to calm her, but as she shifted to face you, her eyes were filled with anger and hurt. She pushed you away, unable to trust anyone in that moment of vulnerability.
"R-Regina." You whisper, you look at her and think for a few seconds, and you sigh deeply. "Okay, I see you need time." You say, standing up, "I'll be downstairs." You say, walking towards the door. As you reached for the doorknob, you hesitated, unsure if you should leave her alone in that state. But you knew that sometimes people needed space to process their emotions, so you quietly exited the room, closing the door gently behind you.
As you made your way downstairs, you couldn't shake the feeling of helplessness, wishing there was something more you could do to ease Regina's pain. But for now, all you could do was give her the time and space she needed to come to terms with whatever was troubling her.
You sit on the couch in the living room, and you can't help but feel guilt for leaving. Even though you know that's what she wanted, you scroll on your phone, hoping to distract you. You see the door open, and you smile when you see Ms. George standing at the doorway. She was holding grocery bags. You hop up quickly from the couch and go to help her with the bags.
Ms. George gives you a warm smile and thanks you for your help, mentioning that she brought over some of Regina's favourite snacks to cheer her up. As you both unpack the groceries, she quietly reassures you that Regina will come around in her own time. "Do you want to give these to Regina, then you can come down and help me with dinner?" She asks, her eyes slightly pleading.
You creep up on the Stairs, trying your best not to be too loud, in case Regina is sleeping. When you get to her room, you open the door slowly. You frown when you see that she is still sobbing. You walk up to her and smile, hoping to cheer her up. "I got you some snacks; you love chocolate chip cookies!" You exclaim happily.
Regina turns to you with a massive frown on her face. She looks at the plate and pushes it down, making the plate smash into the ground. It was one of those fancy glass plates; it cut your foot, and you winced in pain, but you tried to ignore it. You sit on the bed and look at Regina, but she doesn't look at you. There were a few minutes of silence before you decided to speak up again. "Regina." You start, but the blonde girl cuts you off. "You are so stupid!" she exclaims, and you are slightly taken back.
"You brought me cookies? Do you want me to gain more weight?" She yells, and you start to tear up because you hate yelling. Regina knows this. "I'm sorry; your mom got them, and I didn't think," you confess. Regina rolls her eyes. "You are a fucking idiot!." You frown, understanding she still needs more time alone.
You carefully get off the bed, trying your best not to stand on the glass that was smashed earlier. You get the vacuum to clean up the class; she doesn't seem bothered; she completely ignores your presence. You go down to help Ms. George with dinner.
After two hours, you were nearly finished. As you were filling the bowls with spaghetti and about to carry the bowl to offer it to Regina, you felt someone put an arm around your waist.
When you turn around, you see Regina standing there with tears on her cheeks. You scowl before turning to embrace her. She cries, and you two just hold each other without saying anything. A few minutes later, Regina pulls away, blotting her tears. "I'm so sorry for ignoring you earlier," she murmurs. “I appreciate you being here for me.” You give her a gentle smile and tell her you'll be there for her no matter what.
As you both sit down at the table, you can feel the tension slowly melting away. Regina picks up her fork and takes a small bite of the spaghetti, her eyes still glistening with tears.
You reach out and squeeze her hand, offering her some comfort. The silence between you is comfortable, filled with unspoken understanding and support. After a few moments, Regina looks up at you and smiles gratefully. "Thank you," she whispers, her voice filled with emotion.
After you finished eating, Regina's mom said that she would clean up, so you took her to the living room and sat her on the couch.
You couldn't even talk; Regina just started crying. It made you so sad to see her like this. "They humiliated me." She starts, more tears in her eyes.
You just nodded, listening closely to what she was saying. "Only tracksuit pants fit me." She said this, looking down at her stomach and frowning at what she was seeing.
You put a comforting arm around Regina's shoulder and gently reassured her that those people didn't matter. "Baby, you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. I fell in love with you, and I don't care about your body. If you want to lose weight, that's okay, but don't think you need to do it for anyone; you should be doing that only if you want to."
Regina nodded at your words. You pulled her into your arms and played with her hair, whispering sweet things into her hair. You turned the television on and decided to watch a movie. You watch a full movie and a half. You were about to speak up and say something, but you realise that she is sleeping. You smile, taking a picture of it and setting it as your wallpaper.
You wake her up to take her upstairs to her bedroom; she doesn't say anything; she just falls down into the bed. You were about to get into bed with her, but then you see a box of Kälteen bars on her bedside table, and you are very confused. "Regina? What is this?"
She looks up and sighs, "Oh, Cady gave me those; she said they were to help me lose weight." You take a deep breath and say "Regina, these make you gain weight." You say, she looks up, and she has an angry expression; she didn't say anything; she just let out a loud, pricing scream.
The next morning, you woke up with no Regina beside you, and the burn book was missing.
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angelicyoongie · 5 months
lovesick (XIV)
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— pairing: yandere ot7 x (f) reader — word count: 5.8k — warnings: yandere, obsessive behaviour, other content that may be triggering. — summary: You dreamed of the day you would get your very own soulmark. Though, you didn’t expect to wake up to a searing hurt in your arm, the phantom pain of your shoulder being dislocated and your forearm fractured. As if dealing with the worst possible soulmark ever wasn’t bad enough, you also have to come to terms with the fact that you’re being stalked. When the letters and gifts you receive begin to escalate and the police offers no help, you have no other option than to figure out who’s behind it yourself – and hopefully before it’s too late.
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You glance up at Namjoon, abandoning the half-finished scarf you've been slowly unraveling for the last hour. He stands at the foot of the couch, glasses slipping down his nose as he struggles to hold on to all of the books piled up in his arms.
You jump out of your seat to help him, grabbing half of the stack to place it on the table next to you with a small huff.
The books are thick and heavy, and you doubt that any of the volumes are under five hundred pages. Most of the spines in Namjoon's arms look old and weathered, like their proper place should be under a glass case in a museum instead of a library.
Namjoon breathes out a sigh of relief as he carefully deposits the rest of the books next to the others. He nudges his glasses back in place with a small chuckle as he says, "I must be getting out of shape, I don't remember them being this heavy."
"I doubt it," You mutter, sneaking a quick look at how visible Namjoon's muscles are even under his thick sweater. 
"What did you say, darling? I didn't catch it," Namjoon gives you a curious look. 
"Ah, it's nothing!" You flash him a quick smile, swiftly shifting your focus back to the table. 
Namjoon furrows his brows at the way you suddenly avert your eyes, the tops of your cheeks growing warm. He glances down at his sweater, worried that he might have missed a stain. There's nothing that looks out of the ordinary, but Namjoon still dusts off the bright red wool for good measure, a little perplexed by the strange look you were giving him. 
"I brought the books you asked for, this is everything we had on soulmates and soulbonds," Namjoon clears his throat. He steps closer to the table, picking up a few of the books before he starts sorting them into smaller piles, "These are the most recent publications and the ones furthest to the right are the oldest ones. I found a couple down in the archives too. They're not supposed to leave the library since they're so old but, well, I'm sure no one would mind a little exception. I know you'll take good care of them." 
"I'll be careful," You nod, brushing a finger over the spine of what looks to be the oldest book. 
"Good," Namjoon flashes you a warm grin, his dimples on show. He reaches out to stroke your hair, tucking a lock behind your ears as he gently says, "I hope they can be a nice distraction for you. I know you've been feeling down since you talked to Heejun."
"Thank you," You give him a tight smile, refusing to comment on it. You know it annoys them that you're not willing to open up more, that you don't want to talk about your emotions, but what's the use in bringing up something they won't understand? They are the ones making you sad, not Heejun. 
It's been a week since you last spoke to him, and your heart still aches from it. Hearing his voice felt like splitting open a barely closed wound. You can't shake off how mournful he sounded when he said his goodbyes, like he knew you wouldn't be able to contact him again for quite some time. It has left you feeling unsettled. And, since your days are filled with nothing; you have more than enough time to think, think, and think some more. You sometimes wonder if cabin fever will take you out before the soulbond does. 
It feels like time barely passes here and yet you know that the sun rises and sets, that the minutes are steadily ticking away even if you feel frozen. Using your phone finally gave you an opportunity to pinpoint the date. The day you talked to Heejun was December 11th and now that one week has already passed, there are only seven days left until Christmas. It's odd to think back to how you celebrated the holidays last year, and how different your life was then. You knew of your soulmates but you didn't know them. You were scared but you were free. 
You shake yourself loose from your thoughts as Namjoon presses a soft kiss to your cheek, catching the tail end of his sentence as he says, "– for you, just call for me if you need any help, darling." 
"Great, I'll do that," You say. Namjoon doesn't seem to have noticed your wavering attention. 
You can only assume he mentioned he would leave you to read in peace, as he gives you another warm smile before he straightens up and exits the room. You hear him greet Hoseok in the kitchen, their voices just distant enough that you can't pick up on what they're talking about. 
Taking a deep breath, you try to empty your mind to focus on the task at hand. You did ask Namjoon for these books for a reason, so you must utilize the time you have. Namjoon seems to have borrowed the entire section the library has on soulmate-related books, so it's only a matter of time before someone comes asking for them.
You decide you might as well begin with the newer books first, they should hopefully contain all the information and studies that have been done on the bond over the last three hundred years or so. You grab one that looks somewhat familiar to you, a newer edition of a volume you're sure you did a paper on back in middle school. Skimming through it, you quickly skip to the section that talks more in-depth about bonds. You already know all of the basics, the history, the tale of the first two soulmates – it's practically ingrained into you from birth. What you need is something different, something uncommon in the sea of familiar facts. 
You're disappointed when you realize that the book barely touches upon soulbonds with more than two people. Having two or more soulmates isn't that uncommon but it's also not the norm. The most you've ever heard of was a group of five soulmates and they were treated as a media spectacle from the moment they announced it. You remember the headlines reading along the lines of rare, strange and unprecedented – so you can only imagine that if there are more groups like them out there, they're keeping quiet about it. The soulmates that did choose to step forward about their bond were insistent that it was the same as a bond between two people; they all loved each other and their connection was equally as strong for every soulmate. Their situation was clearly very different from yours. 
You close the book with a huff, moving on to the next one. There's a brief mention that soulbonds with more than two soulmates require a bit more work, but that's all. It's barely enough to fill a sentence. Your frustration only grows with every book you look through, it's just the same information regurgitated over and over. You know there's something out there though, the story Namjoon told you shortly after you had woken up at the cabin must come from somewhere. Namjoon might have found the excerpt online but you do recall that it was supposedly from an old and rather obscure book.
Your gaze drifts over to the book that looks like it's falling apart at the seams, the etching on the cover so old that the letters have been lost to time. You find yourself holding your breath as you gingerly pick it out of the pile, wincing as you feel the pages shift within the book. There's a small note attached to the front of it, one that reads: NO PUBLIC ACCESS. For a split second it makes you pause, thoughts that it might actually be a valuable book crossing your mind, but you quickly disregard them. If this book was important, it would've never been left to rot in the library archive. 
Carefully placing it in front of you, you open the front of the book slowly, mindful to prop it up with your hand so that you're not causing too much tension to the spine. The insides look as tattered as the front, the title page barely legible. The font is cursive and swooping, the letters blending together so well it's hard to make out much of it. In the end, all you can decipher is that it says soulmates and that it was written in the year 1783.
You turn the page, squinting at the faded words. The layout of it reminds you more of a diary than a book, with random dates placed before every entry. They explain how the author decided to travel around to gather stories about soulmates, soulbonds and the people they met along the way. After some twenty-odd pages, you finally come across what looks to be a table of contents. Tracing your finger down the side, you halt as you make out the words nucleus bonds.
You feel your pulse kick up a beat as you flip to the correct page. The title reads 'Highly unusual cases of soulbonds and soulmates' and you can tell from the first sentence that this must be the excerpt Namjoon had found online. 
It describes just what Namjoon talked about; that while there's always a risk of one soulmate feeling the bond more intensely than the other, the probability of it happening is heightened the bigger the bond is. Skewed bonds are typically seen in groups of four or more soulmates, as it is likely that one soulmate in particular becomes the nucleus of the bond – the center that holds it all together. The book goes on to mention examples, old cases of nucleus bonds you've never heard of. They seem more like fables than true stories, all of them more fantastical than the last, but it does seem that Namjoon was right. In the olden days, nucleus bonds were viewed as a gift bestowed upon them from the heavens. That the ones that found themselves experiencing it were special – powerful. 
"What a fucking joke," You sigh.
The only thing this bond has made you feel is helpless. 
There's a small paragraph at the end of the page, one you suspect wasn't included on the digital scan Namjoon found.
While powerful, nucleus bonds can quickly go awry if the proper precautions are not taken to ensure the bond's well-being. For ill effects of the bond, please see the entry on Lovesickness.
You feel your mouth go dry, a heavy pit settling in your stomach. This must be it. You can't help the slight tremble to your fingers as you flip to the correct page, unease and excitement blending into a confusing feeling. You desperately want to know what's going on, if there's something that's causing the boys to act the way that they are, but the title worries you. Not all illnesses can be cured. You've survived on the small hope that you might be able to help them but if that gets taken away, what will you have left?
You chew on the inside of your cheek, nervous, as you land on the right entry. 
// Lovesickness Lovesickness, or soul sickness, occurs when the bond between two or more soulmates is neglected. This illness has only been recorded in bonds with a nucleus soulmate and is thus regarded as a prominent ill effect. While skewed bonds may occur in any soulbond, it is even more likely to do so in instances where one soulmate is viewed as the nucleus. It is a dangerous soulbond, as it makes the other soulmates unstable and there is an especially high risk that they will crave closeness with the nucleus to make up for the weakened connection to the rest of their soul-group. The other soulmates or "the outsiders", are known to grow irrational, obsessive, angry, highly emotional, and in some extreme cases, they can even be influenced by other outsiders' emotions despite their weakened bond. After first contact is made, it is imperative that the affected soulmates spend time together to minimize the risk of soul sickness. Failing to do so will have grave consequences. //
"Oh gods," You whisper, staring at the book in mild horror. 
If what the book is saying is correct, then that means that everything that has happened over the last year isn't completely their fault. 
The soulbond must have started slowly poisoning their minds ever since they met years ago. They didn't even know they were soulmates back then, not until that night in Hoseok's shop, so you can't imagine they have been able to nurture the bond properly. Their connection was so weak they probably mistook it as simply wanting to become friends and even though you know they're all close, you also know that their schedules are so conflicting that it's impossible for all of them to hang out as much as they should have. The bond was practically doomed even before they met you. 
It makes sense that they all came together before you did, that perhaps there was a part of them that couldn't seek the nucleus out before they had collected the rest of the group. The sickness must've become even worse once they did find you – festering and growing stronger the longer they tried to stay away. You wonder if it was the bond that made them keep their distance back then. If their souls recognized that your connection to them was weaker than it was supposed to be, maybe that's part of what made them so scared to approach you. Regardless, it had likely reached a critical point when they decided to kidnap you, their souls so affected, so warped, by the illness that they had no other choice. 
All of this – everything that has happened – has been out of their control. How were they supposed to fight an illness they didn't know they had? 
You cover your face with both hands, muffling your choked breaths. You feel lost in a way you haven't before. Their actions are still not excused, you can't find it in yourself to forgive them for all the hurt and trauma they've caused you. But you can understand why they ended up going down the path they did now, because, well, it turns out they didn't have much of a choice at all.
There's no right answer here and you're finding yourself at a loss of what to do. You doubt that telling them about it will change anything, not when they're this far gone already. They'll probably just look at it as you trying to distance yourself from them again. 
You drag your fingers down your face with a low groan, glancing down at the book. The entry on lovesickness doesn't go past the page and you can't find any additional information that describes what you should do if something like this has already occurred; just that it's important to make sure that the bond doesn't get messed up in the first place. With the book being so old, well over two hundred years, it's not like you can reach out to the author for help either. But there must be something you can do.  
Thrumming your fingers against the table, you shift your focus towards the kitchen, to the soft sound of Hoseok's laughter. Now that you think about it, the boys have become more trusting, more mellow, over the past months. They have started leaving you alone for longer periods of time and they have calmed down significantly compared to when they first brought you here. Perhaps.. If your distance is what worsened their illness, maybe this – being close – is what is going to cure them? You doubt it can ever bring them back to normal, whatever that may be, but it could help stabilize them. 
If you try, really try, to accept them for what they are now and return their affection, it might help the bond settle faster. 
You give yourself a weak nod, closing the book as you push yourself up on your feet. You don't like thinking about affection, love, as just a means to an end, but it's not like the situation you're in is normal. You're willing to do anything if it'll get you out of here, and in the end, you're doing this to help both yourself and them. You might have tried to deny it this whole time but it doesn't change the fact that they're still your soulmates. As awful as it is, you have some responsibility over them too. 
You ignore the queasy feeling lingering in your stomach, shaking out your limbs before you muster up the most genuine smile you can. You just have to try. 
"Hey guys," You call out, crossing the common room to go join Hoseok and Namjoon in the kitchen, "What are you up to?"
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Soft sunlight streams in through the windows, warming your feet just so as you stand in one of the illuminated patches on the floor. There's activity from every corner of the cabin, Sundays being the only day all of them are able to gather at the same time. It's been four days since you realized just how messed up your bond is and you've been trying your best to stop pushing the boys away since then.
You look wistfully out of the window, the white snow sparkling under the sun. You haven't really been much outside since you tried to escape, their trust in you is too broken to allow you to. The most you've done is stand on top of the stairs with the door open; Namjoon waiting a few steps down in case you should be stupid enough to try to run, and Seokjin behind you, holding on to one of your hands.
You miss being able to walk around and move your body more, and you truly are beginning to go a little stir-crazy. 
"Hi baby," Jimin croons as he wraps his arms around your waist, gluing himself against your back, "What are you thinking about?" 
You lean into Jimin's hold, your heart quickening at the kiss he plants at the back of your neck. You let out a small sigh as you confess, "I'm bored." 
"Bored, hm? Anything in particular you'd like to do? I can think of a few ways to waste time." 
You can hear the smirk in Jimin's voice, heat rising to your cheeks as you remember the night you spent together.
"Actually–" You pause, bracing yourself for a negative reaction before you say, "I'd like to do something outside today. The weather is so nice." 
Jimin's arms tighten around you like a snake, so tense you worry they might pop right off his body. "Outside?" He echoes. 
"What's outside?" Hoseok seems to have abandoned whatever he was doing earlier in his room, his sudden appearance startling you slightly. 
"Y/n was just telling me that she's bored and that she wants to do something. Outside," Jimin fills him in, voice void of any emotion. 
Hoseok is silent as he walks across the room, meeting your gaze with raised eyebrows as you turn to look at him. He doesn't look away until he's standing next to you and Jimin, his eyes briefly flickering down to the death grip the younger has on you before they fly back to your face. "Why would you want that, sunshine?" 
It's not an immediate no – so you jump on the chance to play it up a little and use it to your advantage. 
"I just want to hang out with you guys outside, maybe do something fun. I just thought it would be nice to do something, you know, together," You pout. The sparkling snow in your peripheral gives you an idea. "Maybe a snowball fight?" 
Hoseok shares a look with Jimin over your shoulder, one that's long enough to almost make you nervous. Jimin eventually relaxes when Hoseok gives him a nod. It's hard to tell what's going through his head but surprisingly, Hoseok doesn't seem too put off by the idea. Maybe they really have begun to trust you again, or maybe this is just another test. Either way, it's something you can make use of. 
Hoseok reaches out to touch your cheek, his lips curving into a heart-shaped smile as he says, "That sounds like a good idea, sunshine. I'll go ask the others if they want to join."
"I call dibs on being on Y/n's team," Jimin says, smug. 
Hoseok's smile grows a little more dangerous as he moves his attention back to Jimin, "We'll see about that, Jiminie." 
You grunt as Seokjin tugs firmly on your jacket, sending you a step forward.
You're wearing so many layers you can barely move, all of them too big. The boys took great joy in dressing you up in their winter clothes, as nothing you have at the cabin is fit for withstanding the cold. You're glad you don't have to freeze, but the fact that everything you're wearing is too big doesn't evade you. They must still be worried about you trying to run away if they're trying to impede your ability to move.
You know not to make a fuss about it though, it's better to just go along with their whims when it's something so harmless. 
"Watch your chin," Seokjin warns before he drags the zipper up, sealing you in. 
"Thanks," You say, nodding for good measure. Your voice is so muffled behind Jungkook's thick scarf that you can barely hear your own voice. 
Seokjin flashes you a grin, gesturing to the door. "Go on then, sweetheart. You're going to overheat if you stay inside here for too long." 
You waddle over to the door, practically dragging your feet with how heavy the boots you borrowed from Namjoon are. You can hear the others talking outside, only Seokjin left behind as he volunteered to help you get everything on. You're admittedly glad you didn't just brush him off because there's no way you would be able to bend down with how thick your jacket and snow pants are. 
A burst of biting cold air hits you as you open the door. It takes you a moment to get used to the temperature difference but once you do, you shuffle down the stairs as quickly as you can manage. Hearing the snow crunch under your boots and feeling the sun warm the little skin you have exposed makes your heart swell. You finally feel alive again. 
"Y/n, there you are!" Taehyung throws the half-formed snowball in his hands to the ground, waving you over to where the rest of them are busy shoveling snow. The boys have already managed to clear a decent-sized patch, patting the shoveled snow into two barriers on the opposite sides of the cleared ground. Jungkook and Yoongi have even had time to start making two piles of snowballs, stacking up a good amount of them. 
Taehyung is sporting a wide smile by the time you make it over, his eyes twinkling as he opens his mouth.
"Don't say anything," You cut him off, huffing from the restrictive layers. Taehyung holds up his hands in surrender, chuckling as you try (and fail) to cross your arms. 
"I wasn't going to," He looks you up and down once, biting down on his lip to stifle his laughter. "But if I was, I'd say you look like a cute marshmallow." 
You groan. "This is way too much! I can barely move." 
"It's just to keep you warm, babe. We don't want you getting sick," Taehyung bops your nose with his glove. "Your team will cover you during the fight anyway, you won't have to move around too much." 
"Fine, if you say so," You murmur, not entirely convinced. You know all of the boys, especially Jungkook, have a competitive streak, so you doubt it's going to be as easy as Taehyung makes it seem.
"Seokjin hyung!" Taehyung calls out as he looks over your shoulder, "Hurry up! We need to divide the teams!"
It's quickly decided that the best way to do so is by playing Rock-Paper-Scissors. It takes a few rounds to get it right but in the end, you're teamed up with Hoseok, Seokjin, and Namjoon, while the other four make up the opposing team. 
"My poor angel, I can't believe she's been doomed to be on the losing team," Jimin sighs, all dramatic. He shoots Seokjin a teasing smile, like he just knows his hyung won't be able to resist rising to the bait. 
"Losing team?!" Seokjin exclaims, just as predicted, poking his finger into Jimin's chest, "How are you expecting to win? You and Yoongi are too short to even look over the barrier!" 
"Hey! Don't drag me into this," Yoongi pouts, swatting Seokjin's hand away from Jimin. "Let's just start the game. Namjoon, what are the rules?" 
Namjoon claps his hands together, gathering everyone's attention. "Alright, so the rules are very simple. You're allowed to run up to the line that goes through the middle of the cleared area. That means that some of the trees around here can be used for cover as long as you don't cross the line. If you're hit, you're out and have to wait off to the side for the game to end. One team wins when all the players on the opposite team are eliminated. Yoongi hyung and Jungkook have already made a pile of snowballs for each team, but we'll get exactly one minute before the game starts to make as many additional ones as possible."
"Everyone got it?" He asks, looking around the group. You all chime out yes, watching as Namjoon pulls out his phone and sets the timer to 60 seconds.
"Okay, as soon as I hit this, the game starts! Three, two, one– Go!"
You hurry as best you can over to the closest barrier, letting Hoseok drag you along to give you some extra speed. He helps you kneel once you reach it, looking over at Seokjin and Namjoon as he asks, "Okay, so what's our plan? We can't let sunshine get hit." 
"They have Jungkook, so they're going to go in for an intense attack right away. I think our best bet is to just wait until they start slowing down and then attack back. Jimin is probably going to try to sneak closer to the line once it dies down from their side, so let's try to take him out quickly," Namjoon says, keeping his voice low enough that it won't carry over to the other team.
"Sounds good," Seokjin hums. He hastily forms another snowball, adding it to the growing pile beside you. 
"I think you better try to stay out of the way as much as possible, darling, they can get pretty brutal," Namjoon adds, shooting you a worried look.
"That's probably for the best," You agree, slumping further down behind the barrier. There's no way you'll be able to play when you're this bundled up, you doubt you'll be able to duck in time if you even attempt to throw a snowball. 
"Okay, then–" Namjoon's eyes go wide as the alarm on his phone rings out into the near quiet forest. He mutters a curse as he ducks down the best he can, fumbling to turn it off.
The moment it goes silent, mayhem breaks loose. Snowballs start raining down immediately, hitting the barrier with dull thuds. You squeak as one lands right in front of your knees, nearly hitting you. You quickly shuffle to the side, practically crawling, as you hear the other team yell and taunt yours to fight back. 
Just as the attack begins to wind down, Namjoon gestures for the rest of you to lay low while he peeks over the edge.
He's hit in the shoulder before you can even blink, a burst of snow raining down on the rest of the team. Namjoon flashes you all a dumbfounded look as he stumbles back, reaching up to dust off the lingering snow as someone calls out 'You're out!' from the other side.
"They mean business," Namjoon mumbles, shaking his head as he hands his snowball over to Seokjin. 
"We'll get revenge for you, Joonie," Hoseok's expression is somber, a little too serious for a snowball fight. 
"They always get a little too into it, don't mind them," Seokjin whispers, pulling a face.
The moment Namjoon has safely left the area, the fight picks back up, Hoseok and Seokjin joining in on it. It doesn't take long before you hear an indignant cry coming from the other team, Seokjin yelling out a cheer at the direct hit he landed on Jimin. 
You feel like a sitting duck behind the barrier, unable to help your team with how tightly you're bundled up. With the boys still distracted by the ongoing fight, you quickly unzip your jacket in your crouched position, throwing it to the side. Thanks to Seokjin going a little overboard with dressing you up, you already had another jacket underneath to keep you warm. You smile, already feeling a little lighter. 
"Keep going, I'll cover your left," You murmur to Hoseok as you crawl behind him, your sight set on one of the closest trees. You ignore him as he hisses out your name, clearly confused as to why you're moving away from the barrier that's protecting you. 
There's a decent gap between the edge of the barrier and the nearest tree, so you'll have to make a run for it and hope that you manage to catch the others off-guard enough that they won't be able to hit you. You take a deep breath as you bring yourself up to a crouch, placing your hands on the snow for extra support. You shoot off as fast as you can but the big snow pants slow you down significantly, almost reducing your speed to a leisurely stroll. You barely manage to duck behind the first tree, taking cover, when you hear a snowball explode against it. 
"How could you aim for your soulmate?!" You hear Hoseok yell out. 
"Uhm, all is fair in love and war?" Taehyung sheepishly calls back. 
You huff, collecting yourself for a minute before you dare to peek around the tree. The coast seems to be clear, neither Jungkook nor Taehyung is looking your way. You can't spot Yoongi, so you can only assume he's ducked behind the barrier, making more snowballs to keep up with the tempo the two youngest are throwing them at. 
It's now or never.
You use the tree to give yourself a needed push forward, running towards the much larger one that's square in the middle of the cleared area. You're so focused on making it there without getting hit from the side that it takes you a second too long to realize that someone is coming full speed right at you. You barely manage to slow down before you crash right into Yoongi, the two of you stumbling into each other. Yoongi grabs your waist to steady you just as you reach out for his shoulders, your eyes locked in surprise. 
"You scared me," Yoongi wheezes, pulling you tighter against him as another snowball smacks into the tree. 
"Sorry," You puff, "You caught me off-guard too." 
You're both panting from the tiresome terrain, your breaths swirling up towards the sun. Yoongi's cheeks are rosy from the cold, the tip of his nose colored a precious pink. He looks so cute that you almost don't know what to do with yourself.
Your gloved hands find their way from Yoongi's shoulders to his cheeks, cupping them as you ask, "Are you cold?" 
"I-" Yoongi doesn't get the chance to reply before you hear Taehyung get hit, a chorus of groans and cheers sounding from the other side of the tree.
If Taehyung is out, that means that only Yoongi and Jungkook are left. You might not have been able to do much until now, but you'd be damned if you can't at least help take Yoongi out. It might be time to play dirty, even if what you're about to do makes you feel a little bad.
You swoop in to kiss Yoongi the moment you hear Taehyung being greeted by Jimin and Namjoon, pressing your cold lips to his in a chaste kiss. You feel him going pliant in your hands as your heart begins to race, your body burning hot despite the cold.
Yoongi has a starstruck look in his eyes when you lean back, one that quickly morphs into confusion as you yell out Hoseok's name before you duck. A snowball hits Yoongi square in the chest a second later, forcing him to take a step back. 
"You– Seriously?" Yoongi shoots you a betrayed look as you get back to your feet. 
"I'm sorry," You flash him an apologetic smile as you brush the snow away. "I think all of the competitiveness might have rubbed off on me."
"Please forgive me?" You murmur, planting another kiss on his lips, one that lingers a little longer. 
"You're gonna be the death of me," Yoongi groans, shaking his head at the bright smile he gets in response. "Hurry back to your team, Y/n, you haven't won yet." 
Jungkook might be a great player, but he's no match for 3 against 1. It barely takes a minute from the moment Yoongi joins the sidelines until Hoseok lands a hit on him, finally eliminating the entire opposing team. Jungkook looks stunned that he actually got hit, eyes wide as he touches his stomach. Jimin and Taehyung groan in unison, immediately beginning to bicker about what went wrong. 
"Loser team my ass, Park Jimin!" Seokjin points to the sidelines with a wide grin, laughing as Jimin flips him off. 
Hoseok wraps you up in a hug, swaying you from side to side as he laughs. 
"We did it!" You squeal, wrapped up in a burst of happiness as Namjoon comes running over, the entire team huddling together as you celebrate your win. 
"Well done, angel, I didn't know you were so sneaky," Seokjin chuckles, kissing your cheek. 
"I think we might have found our secret weapon," Hoseok agrees, eying you fondly as he ruffles your hair. 
You look over to the other team as you attempt to duck away from Hoseok's hand, your smile growing bigger as you notice the other boys laughing and joking around too. Jungkook seems to be mimicking Yoongi throwing a snowball that didn't go very far, causing Jimin to laugh so hard that he falls over. 
Your heart swells at the scene, at finally seeing all of the boys act normal and happy. Maybe you actually can do this. Maybe it's not too late after all. 
"Come on, let's bring it in!" Namjoon grins, grabbing your hand.
As you all jump around in a circle, arms tangled together and spirits high; all you can think of is that it feels nice – special, even – like something you could get used to. 
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a/n: what do we think about the new information the mc found – will it change anything?? and i hope you enjoyed some domestic time spent with the soulmates! (enjoy the good vibes while they last friends <3) i know i promised taegi last time but that has been pushed back to ch 15, so apologies for that, buuut you'll get taegi and namkook smut in one ch so i think that's a good deal, no? 🙈
please leave a comment and reblog if you enjoyed the chapter!! it means so much to me 💖 especially now that we're nearing the end of the story 🥺
(and you know the drill, please excuse any mistakes until i have time to go through and edit!)
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blue-jisungs · 2 years
you get hurt ♡
requested. yup! this one :) i hope you like it <3
a/n. if you see any similarity to the txt version… no you don’t ❤️ also i'm no medician so lmk if someting is humanly not possible or something + hints on idol!reader in i.n’a
warnings. mention of blood, glass cuts, pulling a muscle (?)
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┆彡 BANGCHAN [ 방찬 ]
being a father of 7 made him a specialist in such kinds of situations
so when in the middle of the night he hears a sound of breaking glass and your “i’m fine!”
he goes to check up on you anyways.
and there you are, blood running down your hands
“you said you’re fine, huh?” chan’s voice startles you and you turn your gaze to look at him in shock.
“i was just… it’s the glass… don’t worry” you sigh but he comes up to you and leans forward to each for the first aid kit “no, chan, go back to work…”
“you’re crazy if you think i’ll leave it like this” he hums and takes a closer look at your hand. luckily it’s just a cut, there’s no glass pieces that got stuck.
as he bandages your hand you stare at him lovingly. the small pout of focus on his face and they way he’s so gentle with you.
“here. all done. now let me clean up the mess, okay?” chan looks up and catches you staring. he grins and places a quick kiss on the bandage.
if you want to help he literally puts you on the countertop and tells you to stay there
when it’s all clean he gives you a lecture about calling him if you’re hurt, even if it’s just a cut :(
you nod, he nods happily, everyone’s happy
┆彡 MINHO [ 민호 ]
another one that’s surprisingly calm
but he laughs at you first 😐
i mean okay. you tripped. it’s hilarious in his opinion. you’d laugh too if he was the one who tripped.
but then he realised you’re quiet, sitting on the sidewalk, tears at the brim of your waterline and he felt his heart ache :(
“oh baby don’t cry…” he murmurs, leaning down to help you stand up. you sniffle and wipe the tears that you didn’t even realise formed in your eyes.
“it hurt” you mumble and take his hand gently - since it got wounded a bit due to the little rock’s you fell onto. minho obviously notices that and helps you stand up. before you can realise he’s kneeling down
“hop on” he hums and you do, sniffling one more time. you wrap your hands around his neck gently and try to focus on him, not the pain.
once you’re back home he immediately washes the wounds and checks if the rest of your body is okay
once it’s done and your hands are safe and sound, he kneels in front of the couch you’re seated on
“i’m sorry for laughing” he mumbles, barely audible.
you nod and send him a warm smile
he monitors the state of your hands for the next days - if they heal properly and such. he’s acting like you got burned, not just a bit scraped but you still appreciate that <3
┆彡 CHANGBIN [ 창빈 ]
he is a pro at everything anatomy related
especially muscles
but his emotions always win though
so one time when you decided to go to the gym with him
and he turned away for one (1) second, then hears your groan
literally teleports next to you.
"one second. one" he scoffs and looks at you, face scrunched up in pain. the sight alone makes his heart ache - and the fact that you're in pain partly because of him, makes his heart ache even more.
he shakes his head and examines your shoulder, pressing his fingers. then he finds the muscle that you probably pulled. your eyes fill with tears.
"it hurts..." you murmur and changbin swears he's close to crying too.
gets you ASAP to some proffesional doctor
holds your hand for the whole time :(
when the doc says you have to rest it's like the word got tattooed in his brain
mans doesn't let you do ANYTHING, even clings to you when you're putting on your shoes
but in general he's very protective and does an research about every injury possible... just in case, duh
┆彡 HYUNJIN [ 현진 ]
your boyfriend clearly said that kkami is in a strange mood today and you should not touch him
but oh well.
so while he was on a call and suddenly heard a loud yelp followed by kkami’s growl, he knew something was up
he entered the living room froze, all thoughts flying like out of a window
the manager’s voice, kkami’s aggressive behaviour towards you and you pouting with a quivering lip and glossy eyes :(
he excused the man and hung up, coming up to you
“i’m sorry” you mumble and sniff, kkami slowly hiding his teeth. hyunjin sat next to you, one arm wrapping around yours and the other gently grabbing your hand that you were holding close to you.
he looked at your forearm and the bite marks. they weren’t too deep yet they were slightly bleeding and most likely to leave a mark.
“i’m sorry…” you said again and looked at you, shocked “i should have listened…”
“hey, calm down. it’s okay” hyunjin hums and rests his forehead against your head for a moment before getting up to grab some bandages.
safe to say you avoided kkami for a while 😭
but you knew it was your mistake
hyunjin urged to take you to the hospital for some checkups but eventually he left the decision up to you
constantly checks if the wound is healing properly
one it is, he places kisses all over it ㅠㅠ
and gives you a lecture too
but you already learned your lesson so 😭
┆彡 JISUNG [ 지성 ]
he swears he didn’t mean to laugh
but it was 2am and you two were just in such mood
like hey, you laughed at him almost tripping like second ago
so when you trip on the stairs whilst coming back to your apartment from a midnight walk
he laughs, holding onto the wall
you laugh at first too but then the pain hits you
jisung takes a deep breath to calm down and notices how you’re sitting still on the stairs
“i’m sorry” he says, still smiling. you shake your head as it’s fine but he can clearly see you’re in pain. han panics a bit because what if you’re hurting? what if he made you sad with his reaction? what if…?
“will you help me get up or…?” you sigh dramatically and jisung does. once back in your apartment you roll up your pants only to see your knee bleeding.
“oh baby. you scraped it pretty badly. sit down, okay? let me take care of you” jisung hums, placing a soft kiss on your forehead before gently pushing you onto the couch. you notice how concerned he is and you reassure him that it’s fine.
once he’s done he notices you dozed off so he takes a pic :”)
other than that my poor boy feels so bad that he was laughing instead of helping, pls tell him it’s okay :(
will act like your leg fell off not just got scraped 💀
“nah let me tie your shoes!”
you don’t mind tho…
will hold onto for you for his dear life next time you two are walking up the stairs
┆彡 FELIX [ 필릭스 ]
no one saw this coming right
you were baking some cookies for felix!!
you knew he will be home soon so you kind of, well, were in a rush
so you opened the oven quickly and accidentally touched the flaming hot metal with your forearm
with tears in your eyes you quickly put it under lukewarm water
and you didn't even notice when he entered the kitchen :(
"y/n, it smells delicious... y/n?" felix gasps when he sees your sobbing figure. he immediately connects the dots and walks up to you to check the wound "oh baby"
"i wanted to surprise you" you sniff, looking at him. felix cupped your face and wiped your tears, shaking his head.
"i appreciate it, baby. but lets take care of you now, okay?" felix hums and with an aching heart he looks for the last time at your sad face.
in a matter of time you're sitting on a counter top, the wound less burning and achy (you believe its due to felix presence but he knows its how it works)
felix reassures you it's okay and even if you didn't manage to decorate the cookies, he's thankful you made them for him
he jokingly forbids you from using the oven but honestly whenever he hears you use it in the future, he runs up to the kitchen
┆彡 SEUNGMIN [ 승민 ]
you were supposed to meet in a park at 3pm
it was 5pm.
seungmin was a bit angry at first but then when you didn’t even call him, he started to worry
just when he got home, his phone started ringing
he never answered a phone call so fast.
“seungmin i’m so sorry…” you start
“you better have a good explanation” he murmurs, annoyed
“i uh, had an accident. but i’m leaving the hospital tomorrow though, if you’re still up to a date” you say calmly. there’s a long, suspicious silence “hello?”
“you had a what now?” seungmin asks, sounding almost unbothered. but his shaky breath gives him away.
“someone kind of, well, hit me with a car. but i’m okay! just a broken leg and some scratches. i got a vanilla pudding tho– hello?” you ask again but the sound of call ending answers instead.
you have no idea how he found out in which hospital you are
he walks into your room and you think he’ll be angry
but his features soften as he sits next to you, grabbing your hand
he doesn’t say much, almost nothing really. but his hand tightly holding yours says a lot :(
stays with you overnight in the hospital
and then he writes and doodles on your cast when you sleep
overall he’s very protective and watches carefully if your leg is healing properly
┆彡 JEONGIN [ 정인 ]
your group was having a comeback in a week and you were practicing really hard for your fans!
one day you happened to forget your knee protectors and your rehersal included your stage outfitss - which included a skirt
well, safe to say your knees looked like hell at the end of the day
you even had to put on a bandaid...
so obviously, even after changing into sweatpants before heading home, jeongin notices the soreness in your movements and the scrunch of discomfort on your face
and once you're in bed, in your pajamas, jeongin strikes
"what on earth are you doing?" you giggle as he rolls you over and with a playful grin throws off the covers. because of the summer weather you're in your shorts and that's when you realise what he's up to "innie..."
“you should have told me…” he tsks, shaking his head. he stands up to get some hydrogen peroxide.
“i know…” you whined when he came back “…but you’re even busier than me and it’s just a couple of bruises…”
“but it hurts. i know from my own experience” jeongin scoffs “please tell me next time, okay?”
you nod and watch him gently put some of the liquid at the scratches. after he’s done, he wraps you in a blanket burrito and snuggles with you to sleep.
it’s a small thing but please do tell him :(
he throws in an extra pair of knee protectors in your bag just in case
and even if somehow you don’t have them and you text him – he’s there right away, with them and some snacks for your group <3
[ masterlist <3 ]
taglist. @geniejunn ,, @luvhyun3 ,, @starlostseungmin ,, @elviransworld ,, @jnks6r ,, @sieunsgf ,, @ethereallino ,, @laylasbunbunny ,, @duolingofanaccount ,, @slytherinhobi ,, @jung0ne ,, @ka-ni-ma ,, @julaute ,, @moonacholy
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celestiababie · 1 year
A Handful - K.MG
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Pairings: Stay at home husband! Mingyu x fem! reader
Genre: fluff, highly suggestive (18+), domestic!au, established relationship!
Warnings: PREGNANT READER, chest fondling (m and f receiving), cursing, Mingyu is a little shit, reader is hormonal and easily annoyed, Mingyu possibly has a breeding kink, reader is shorter than Mingyu, let me know if I need to add anything else!
Word Count: 915 (short but I was on hiatus and this is the first thing I'm writing in MONTHS)
Summary: Your husband is no stranger to being touchy and clingy, but he's been especially annoying ever since you gave him the big news.
A/N: I'M MOTHERFUCKING BACK!!! I hope you guys enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing this. For reference, this acts as a small prequel to a small series I have about stay at home husband/dad! Mingyu. You don't have to read the other parts, but I will leave a link to the series masterlist just in case people want to read it. Please leave feedback, I'd really appreciate it, especially since I'm a bit nervous about posting again haha.
Series Masterlist
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A pair of warm hands suddenly wrap around your growing stomach, engulfing you as a gigantic presence looms over you. 
The shriek that escapes your lips is embarrassing, but not nearly embarrassing as your hands lose their grasp on the plate you were scrubbing, dropping it in the sink and causing the fine porcelain to shatter. 
"Shit—are you hurt, baby?" Your husband's voice echoes through the not yet completed kitchen, irking you more than it normally would. 
Spinning in his hold, you wipe your damp hands on the sides of your sweatpants before shooting him one of the deadliest (and sexiest) glares he's ever witnessed.
"No, I'm not hurt, but I keep telling you not to sneak up behind me when I'm doing the dishes! I don't even understand how your tall ass is that fucking quiet," you start, your brows furrowed as you hold your glare.
Mingyu opens his mouth to reply but can't get a single word out before you shush him with a single finger to the lips. 
"I'm not finished. And this is the fifth. No, the sixth time a plate has broken since we've moved here." 
"That's not that bad, Y/n," Mingyu defends with a pout accompanying his words.
You cock a brow at the tall man, scoffing at his pathetic defense, your tongue pressed into the side of your cheek.
Six plates is a lot for any man, but it becomes comical when it's only been a month and a half since moving into the new house with your klutz of a husband. 
"You've also spilled drinks. Many times. Dropped multiple glasses. And don't think that I'm stupid and don't know you dropped the bottle of wine Minghao gifted us. I was looking forward to drinking that. That's pretty bad, admit it, Gyu," you list off, enjoying how a deep rosiness reaches the tips of his ears, almost as deep as the wine you'd never be able to appreciate. 
Mingyu slowly turned your frame back around to face the sink once again. His hands roamed across your stomach, which was getting bigger and bigger with every day that passed.
 Like always, Mingyu felt his heart racing in his chest as he caressed your stomach, his body flooding with that overwhelming emotion he could only describe as true unconditional happiness and love for both of his girls. 
Okay, maybe he didn't know the sex of the baby yet, but his gut was telling him he was gonna be a father of a little baby girl, and he was sticking to it for now. His intuition rarely failed him, and if he hadn't stuck to his guns, he would have never got together with you. 
"You wouldn't be able to drink it right now anyway, baby. Let's focus on things I'm good at, hm? The kitchen is almost done, and the living room looks beautiful, if I do say so myself. I'm pretty good at painting, so I'll have the nursing done in no time. I just cooked my beautiful wife a wonderful meal that she was moaning about the entire time," he shamelessly declares, the smugness apparent in his voice. 
You bite back a sassy remark when you feel his hands traverse up your abdomen, gently grabbing your swollen breasts in his large hands to massage them carefully. Your head relaxes against him as you let out a deep sigh, your husband's skillful hands rubbing away the ache and soreness. 
Mingyu studied your blissful expression for what felt like the millionth time. He'd never grow tired of how your eyes would flutter shut, eyelashes resting on the tops of your cheeks as your pretty lips parted, taking deep breaths as you savored the feeling of his hands on your body. 
He tilts his head to bring his lips closer to your ear, "And I'm really good at making mommy feel good, isn't that right, baby?" 
Your eyes roll behind your eyelids as you let out a breathy laugh, amused but not surprised by your husband's antics.
"You're so annoying, Mingyu," you moan, practically purring your husband's name, which only inflates his ego more.
"How convenient for me; you've always looked so damn sexy when annoyed."
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A light bulb lights up in your head as you watch your husband's back muscles as he walks over to the kitchen sink to set aside the dishes. 
Let's see how he likes it.
A Cheshire-like smirk paints your lips as you slowly come up behind your half-naked husband to wrap your arms around his waist, your stomach pressing against his tanned skin.
But much to your disappointment, Mingyu didn't give you the reaction you hoped for. 
"Gonna keep me company while I wash up?"
You frown and deeply exhale as you crawl your hands further up his torso. Your nails drag along his skin, which generates a shiver throughout his entire being, goosebumps forming on his skin. 
"No, I'm trying to give you a taste of your own medicine, but you're enjoying this too much," you reply, your fingers inching further with every word.
A low moan rumbles out of Mingyu as your hands feel up his sore chest from working out right before waking you for breakfast. 
Shit, his chest got even bigger. Damn, that home gym he insisted on. 
You watch as Mingyu writhes against you as your fingers trail over his nipples, a shaky breath forced out of his body as he grabs the edge of the sink.
He's so annoying.
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eluxcastar · 6 months
idk if we're meant to req this way but Pantalone Dottore and Capitano (separate) with #6?? please we're starving out here ri
Opening up to their s/o
── ୨୧:pantalone, il dottore, il capitano x reader (separate)
୨୧﹑synopsis :: more of this prompt more comfort drabbles spins
୨୧﹑genre :: fluff but I would maybe not call it straight fluff
୨୧﹑content :: gn reader, literally none of these people effectively communicate, kinda vague on purpose
୨୧﹑words :: 1.3k
Opening up for the first time.
is nobody feeding you?? I mean I know I've been slow but anon honey are you ok 😭
sorry this has taken so long as I said medical issues I swear I'm back to not starve you I've been thinking of this since I received it actually because you said you're starving. to everyone else, I'm getting off my ass
prompt list
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── ୨୧:pantalone
Pantalone is not typically emotional. He is prone to fronts and lies, and he is not enthusiastic about the idea of sharing his feelings with you. It's not in his nature to be emotional, though Pantalone feigns such things and uses it to hide things from you. Playful with you each time you question him, he'll evade it and convince you, to his satisfaction, that everything is fine.
You hardly believe him, as is the case with many of the things he says. His well-crafted exterior hardly masks his stress once caught off guard, crushed under the pressure of maintaining the image of a well-groomed and high-class businessman.
The people he associates with disgust him, as do their actions and worldviews. They were raised in a world of glamour and decadence where he's belittled, new money in a sea of people living off of old money. It never seems to get to Pantalone until it does; the outbursts of anger are what follow. It's fine, he always says. He just needed a moment.
But nothing will ever be enough, he realises, your arms so inviting as you stand by the chair at his desk, running your hands through his hair, only a month after you made it official you were dating. Pantalone's poker face was pretty while it lasted, but his messier sides were always lurking just around the corner. To hold his head in your arms and console him through his pent-up anger is therapeutic to him, a labour of love for you.
His composure is fragile at times as he dances on the occasionally very thin line between put together and on the verge of smashing his wine glass in frustration right in front of an acquaintance. It's certainly not pretty, and he makes his fingers hurt at times from how hard he fights to refrain from doing it, but it keeps the very thing he works so hard for—his reputation.
Pantalone got so far, but it still amounts to nothing, even when he's the wealthiest man in the world. Nothing matters in the face of a reputation lingering, a poor man pretending to be rich, new money already too big for his britches. You don't care about his reputation, and you're not caught up in appearances. He likes that.
He likes how you laugh as you tell him that's junk, rich people crap, aristocratic bullshit. It feels comforting, like home to laugh his problems off as the pettiness of others. It's nice to let go of such a serious outlook.
── ୨୧:il dottore
Dottore's idea of sharing with you very much involves deflecting, avoiding and dancing around the many problems in his life, not eager to rely on a person when he could solve the issue himself. If you never need to know, you never start worrying and never dwell on it. He never has to face the problem properly.
For small things, that doesn't seem so strange. Dottore can quickly move on without them bothering him too much because that's the natural way of dealing with minor inconveniences, short of being ironically dramatic. Something goes wrong, and he can solve it within fifteen minutes. It's like water off a duck's back. Other times, Dottore will wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat, and his greatest worry is how to make sure he doesn't wake you up as he slips out of bed.
No matter how often you tell Dottore to tell you what's wrong, he tries to assure you it's nothing, insignificant or a temporary setback. It's not that, as evidenced by his troubled face. It doesn't shake his lies. He'll run off and try to fix it all himself just as he always has, previously stemming entirely from the fact he had to, now purely by habit. If it ain't broke, don't fix it (it's broke).
So to hear him open up is…strange, though you are used to long-winded rambles reminiscent of a raving madman. He talks quickly sometimes and expects you to follow to the best of your abilities. Whether you can or not is another question. It is different, tired and spent from a day of hard work, hands raking through his messy blue hair as words fall from his lips as quickly as they enter his mind, barely coherent sentences of every inconvenience big and small he faced.
In a way, he hopes it's so hurried and jumbled you'll hardly catch half of it, though you sit by his side and debate between rubbing his back and not startling him with the sudden touch. It feels like the release of every little thing he bottled up overflows, and he doesn't want to speak once he settles, quiet. He looks at you with such exhaustion in his eyes, and you touch your hands to his face with as much caution as you can muster. He lets out a sigh the closest filled with the closest to relief he can get.
It is not perfect; he is an imperfect man. But it is his first step, and he can be nurtured.
── ୨୧:il capitano
Capitano doesn't intentionally hide things at a glance. He's usually very open with what he says, but some things slip his mind, and he's hardly keen on speaking from an emotional standpoint. Everything is objective, a piece of news and not a conversation about what happened. Someone fell down a ravine. What happened? They died. And his reaction? It happens all the time.
Objectively, that measure is correct, but it ignores the fact that people are people. He never wants to acknowledge being part of something because Capitano can tell you things without needing to. You notice it but avoid bringing it up, wondering maybe if that's just how he copes with it all. The years of death and bloodshed will weigh down on him, but if he doesn't bring it up to you, he'll have a reprieve to retreat to.
It's not good enough, but people never are. Everyone has their vice, and perhaps Capitano's vice is separating himself from who he is in battle once he returns home.
He never had a single point at which everything came crashing down, and the world felt bleak, but a series of small moments where Capitano let it slip that he mourned each loss with unimaginable care. Capitano remembers their names and keeps items to memorialise them. Somehow, that's not unthinkable with the way he keeps his regiment running like a well-oiled machine, every person there to better it in some way. He picked those people by hand.
Capitano paces when he thinks. He paces more than usual around the room in circles on a particularly rough night. He suffered a great setback, as it was put. You try everything you can think of to get through to him, from asking him to talk to you to telling him to sit down. He insists on just being preoccupied.
Coincidentally, that gets you the furthest as he tries to push you away with excuses.
He's preoccupied. Why? He had a difficult mission. What happened? People died. And? And what? There shouldn't be more, yet it unravels, the loose thread of his stoic composure suddenly coming apart. He knew them by name; it hurt to lose them, and he wishes to personally deliver their belongings to their families as soon as possible. That's it. That's enough for him to curl up on the couch and quietly accept that you finally got him to say something and that it was pleasant to have it be less of a burden to carry such things.
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reiderwriter · 9 months
♦️Pardon The Way That I Stare♦️
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Chapter 8 of That's What You Get
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Summary: After some encouragement from Emily and Penelope, you try to explain your reaction to Reid at work. Until you find yourself reacting to him more and more, distracting you from doing your job. Warnings: Alcohol consumption, mentions of sex, Reader is just really horny for Reid (REAL). A/N: We're getting closer to the climax and I'm SO beyond excited for everyone to read the next chapter because I think it's going to be so good but also so evil and I enjoy that very much. If you like the series, let me know by dropping a message in the replies or in my inbox, and follow my other account @reiderslibrary for just fics from me without my random thoughts and bullshit in between... You can find masterlist here, and the series masterlist is linked here!
You were stupid, there was no other logical explanation for it. Staring at Emily on your doorstep as your brain stood there, slack-jawed and wide-eyed, trying to process the words she’d just said to you, there was really only one thing running through your brain.
“I’m a fucking dumbass.” you groaned, your hands coming up to your head as you pondered your next move.
“There’s no chance that you’ll believe this was all just one practical joke that I’ve been playing to test how quickly you could turn up at my place with wine?” You looked up hopefully at Emily, and she returned with a concerned look of her own, that silently communicated ‘No, I wasn’t born yesterday.’
“Worth a shot, come on in.” You opened the door wider for Emily and grabbed a second glass from your kitchen to share the wine before she could start her interrogation.
“So,” she prompted as soon as you returned to the couch, and you sighed heavily as you nodded and began.
“I married Reid in Vegas.”
“Yes, I got that from the text, what I didn’t get was why, what, when, where, who, and how! Question words, Y/N, important information if you please.” You chuckled at Emily’s tone, and you melted a little into your couch. Just like with Penelope, letting others know had comforted you. You’d never been one to bottle up your emotions, and you couldn’t exactly tell Spencer how you felt about him, so your dearest FBI-assigned best friends were a welcome compromise.
“You promise not to tell anyone? Penelope knows, and so does Rossi, but no one else does. Well maybe someone else but I don’t know who that someone is - long story.” You rambled, still aware of the promise you’d made with Spencer, and knowing that you’d actually broken it twice now.
“Scouts honor, now get on with it.”
“You were never a scout.”
“That’s beside the point, Y/N, now spill!”
“Do you remember when we finished the case in Vegas last weekend, and we all wanted nothing more than to go home, but the jet was landed?” A small nod encourages you to continue. “Well, Reid offered to show me this bar that he thought I’d enjoy, and honestly, I’d had a tense phone call with my mom and was feeling a bit crappy, so I thought a drink wouldn’t hurt.”
“A drink might get you married though.” You glared at her at the interruption, and she held her hands up in surrender as you continued.
“The bar was amazing, and he noticed I was feeling down, and I don’t know, he just has this way of making me feel calm and fully together. I was a mess earlier that day, but with like one short conversation, he kind of turned my mood entirely around.” You flushed then and decided to ignore Emily’s next interjection.
“Oh god…”
“Apparently after that, we went to a casino or another bar or something, but honestly, I drank so much I don’t remember any of that. But at some point, we bought a very expensive engagement ring, made our way to the Bureau for Wedding Licences and then a chapel and now we’re legally married.” You tried to end your story there, but Emily wasn’t having that.
“No, you’re not stopping there. You said you kissed, and you ruined everything, and you mentioned a wedding night in that text, do not shortchange me now, Y/L/N. Wait, should I be calling you Reid now?” She grinned at the flush that coated your entire body with that, and you buried your head in your pillows.
“Okay, okay. Well, we’re trying to figure out who the witnesses to our wedding were. We know that two team members were there, and Penelope was one of them, but Spencer doesn’t know that yet. Again, another long story.” You let your words sink in as you realize the tangled mess you’d spun for yourself in the last week.
“We spent some time researching our options on Saturday night, to see if we could get our memories to come back and I might not have left until a couple hours ago?”
“Y/N! You’ve been banging Reid for the last three days?”
“No! No, nothing like that, we didn’t- well, we did just not at his house, but also I don’t think you want to hear about that.” You spilled all the details about your last few days with Reid, his touches, his care, the dates you’d been on, the way you’d wrapped yourself around each other in your sleep, but still woken up to an empty bed, all the way up to that fateful kiss and your stupid reaction.
“So there, I’ve ruined it.” Emily looked at you pityingly and started to say something when your doorbell rang a second time.
“That’s reinforcements,” Emily said, standing and moving to greet the newcomer herself. You were relieved when Penelope Garcia came marching through the door, ice cream in hand and mouth already moving.
“Have no fear, your guardian angel is here. Emily texted me en route and I disentangled myself from my plans with a now very suspicious Derek Morgan to race over here. I think I managed to throw him off the scent by mentioning my ukelele lessons with Sam though, he always kinda glazes over whenever I go into heavy details about that.” She perches herself on the couch beside you and starts organizing things on the table, pulling out three tubs of ice cream and locating adequate spoons in the drawer.
“Pen, you didn’t have to do all this…”
“Yes, I did. Emily tell her I did. I need all the details that you suddenly remembered Y/N or I’m going to go crazy, and let me tell you, I am not an effective tech analyst when my mind is all aflutter with wonder.” You smiled awkwardly at the situation. You’d glossed over the details of your wedding night with Emily, going no further than insinuating that you’d had sex, but now the pressure was on.
“We just want to help you, Y/N. And we’re morbidly curious.” Emily joined in. Both of their eyes were trained on you in a hopeful expression, leaving the ball firmly in your court as you fought down the embarrassment rising from the back of your throat.
Closing your eyes, you took a deep breath.
“I think it was the best sex I’ve ever had in my life,” was all you managed to squeak out before they were reacting, asking twenty questions each in the space of a minute as your body both caught fire at the memory and shrunk down to the size of an ant at the attentions.
“Calm down, calm down, I’ll tell you more but you have to calm down.” They stilled themselves and bit their tongue, and you continued.
“Well I don’t want to get into the, uh, specific details, but let’s just say that he’s very good at putting theory into practice. That or he’s actually very experienced in sex and nobody ever realized, because the things he was doing were like, expert-level maneuvers. I didn’t think I was that flexible until he was hitting from-”
“OKAY not that much detail, this is still Reid we’re talking about.”
“Sorry,” you giggled sheepishly and decided to spare them all the details. “All I’ll say is that we both finished multiple times. And I might have stupidly let him finish inside of me.”
“Y/N, you should know better! Safe sex is really important, especially if you’re fucking in a hotel room in Vegas.” Emily half-chastised you, but you could hear the humor in her voice and just rolled your eyes.
“Yeah, well, I wasn’t exactly having sex with a stranger, I was having sex with my husband.” That got you a teasing cooing from the two women and you buried your face in your hands again.
“So he’s your husband now, is he? How long have you been married? Like three days?”
“Five. Fuck, we’re running out of time.” The length of time that had elapsed since you’d walked down the aisle shocked you as soon as you’d acknowledged it, and you downed your glass of wine as your brain ran rampant.
“Rossi said that if we didn’t tell everyone in a week, he’d do it for us so we didn’t lose our jobs, and we need to file for an annulment soon so we don’t have to get a divorce but there’s like… a one week window, and it’s already been five days. Shit. shit shit shit shit.”
“Hold on, Y/N, you said he kissed you earlier today, right? I wouldn’t exactly recommend getting married and then dating your partner, but it sounds like you both at least like each other enough to pursue this relationship, why would you need an annulment?” Emily’s confusion only served to remind you of the reason they were both here in the first place.
“That’s the problem. I think he thinks I don’t like him like that. And it’s totally my fault that he thinks that, because when he kissed me I didn’t react well and then he just left, and I think I ruined everything.”
“Define not reacting well,” Emily probed further.
“I pushed him away and slammed the door in his face. But that was only because I remembered everything that happened between us on our wedding night, and remembering the most satisfying experience of your entire existence while face-to-face with the man who you’d hitherto never thought capable of that, and having it occur in like 0.02 of a second is a paralyzing experience.”
“Oh my god, you’re an idiot,” Penelope whispered from her side of the couch and you nodded heartily in agreement.
“And what, he just left?” Emily asked again, tone incredulous with all the information she was receiving.
“Well when I’d had my moment and realized what I’d done, I opened the door again and he wasn’t there. And that was only like a minute later. He messaged me this after he left.” You grabbed your phone and opened it up, showing the girls the message and noting their winces in reaction to his words.
“It’s bad, right?”
“No! No, this is salvageable! You just have to… be brave?” Penelope didn’t seem to believe her own words as you pulled your phone back and poured yourself another glass, ready to drown your sorrows once again. Emily was a little more confident.
“Okay. Here’s what you do. I’m going to talk to Rossi for you tomorrow morning at work, get him to hold off on his big reveal while you go and explain everything to Spencer. How does that sound?”
“That sounds doable, I guess.” You sniffled a little, rereading the text having made your emotions jump back up to the surface again as you fought off tears.
“Brilliant. And then you can stay married and continue having wonderful sex, and make some genius babies and make me their godmother.” You threw a pillow at Penelope that she was just too slow to catch, and filled the rest of your evening with wine, ice cream, and good company.
Emily sends you a thumbs-up text after she talks to Rossi the next morning, and a weight falls off your shoulder. One step down, one to go right?
You’d arrived at work probably a little bit too early, having spent the night tossing and turning and playing every possible outcome in your mind over and over again. It had been half an hour before the next person turned up, and Hotch had only given you a confused half-nod in greeting before secluding himself in his office. Rossi had been the next to arrive, about twenty minutes later, and he too had questioned your presence but not in so many words.
“Early morning, Y/N? Settling into new routines in your newly-wed life, are we?” You’d stuttered out an answer but he was halfway up the stairs by the time you finished, obviously meaning the comment to be rhetorical.
Morgan, Emily, and JJ were all next, showing up only a few minutes before your shift officially started, but there was no sign of Reid, and you were running out of time - and privacy - to talk to him.
Then at 9 sharp the elevator doors opened, and from your seat at your desk, you watched him step out, feeling your tongue grow thick and your heart beat faster as he made his way into the office. This wasn’t how you were supposed to feel, this was cartoonish like a teenage boy in a brat pack movie watching the hottest girl in the school walk down a corridor. This was Spencer, your husband, and your best friend, and here you were feeling giggly and shy.
You almost felt like texting Emily back, telling her if you started giggling and twirling your hair, to take you out back and put you out of your misery.
He didn’t make eye contact with you as he settled into his morning routine, pulling off his scarf, putting his bag away, and then moving to the kitchen to fill up on his morning coffee. You did your best to covertly follow him, trying not to alert the others to your heart eyes as you looked at him and forgot everyone else.
“Spencer, can we talk?” You blocked off the entry to the kitchen as he spun around to face you, a bittersweet smile playing on his lips.
“Sure, Y/N, what’s up?” His voice didn’t betray any of his emotions, but the smile didn’t reach his eyes, and you could tell you’d hurt him the day before. You took a deep breath and walked closer to him as he continued making his coffee, again refusing to look you in the eyes as he continued as normal.
“It’s about yesterday-”
“We probably shouldn’t talk about this here, right?” He cut you off in a whisper, his voice sending shivers down your spine as you gripped the countertop beside him for support. You’d gotten closer than you expected at first, somehow magnetically drawn to him, your body language just as open to him as he was closed to you.
“I think we need to, Spence. I’m sorry, I panicked.”
“No, it’s my fault, I shouldn’t have done that-”
“Spencer I got my memory back.” His eyes widened and he blossomed in front of you again, attention entirely on you now as he took in your words.
“You did?”
“Partially, only the… Only the memories of your hotel room.” His eyes darkened in understanding, moving unconsciously closer to you, placing a hand next to yours on the counter as he effectively trapped your body in.
“Oh. Those memories.”
“Yeah. So you can see why I was a bit distracted.” He nodded at your words, but he was still coming closer to you now. Your body felt weak underneath you, entirely reacting to his closeness, the warmth rolling off his body, the electricity sparking between you despite him not touching you anywhere.
“Distracted?” His eyes darted to your lips as he grew closer, and your legs chose that exact second to give in underneath you.
Your knees hit the ground uncomfortably, as he reacted to your sudden movement, trying to grab you and pull you up, but only managing to grab the hand that was already holding the counter above you, awkwardly twisting and pinning your arm up.
“Oh my god. Oh my god, I’m sorry, I think… I think I should go,” you were face to face with his crotch, and looking up at him in that position was certainly giving you unwholesome thoughts. He jumped back as you scrambled out from underneath him, begging whatever god was out there that none of the profilers you worked with would question the dazed state that would follow you for the rest of the day.
Despite your need to straighten things out with Spencer, you’d avoided him for the rest of the day, and, having been called out on a case, you spent the better part of the week avoiding him as well. After literally falling for him, you’d decided that maybe in your newly weakened lovesick stage, it was best for everyone on the team that you try to stay as clear-headed as possible.
Not everyone on the team, though, agreed. He’d trailed after you like a lost puppy for days now, and you wanted nothing more than to give in and throw yourself in his arms. But there was a murderer on the loose and you needed to give your entire attention to it.
He’d tried multiple times to get you to help him with some work, suggesting that you go through some files together, or check out one of the witnesses together, much to your discomfort. Luckily, Hotch had picked up on some of the discomfort between the two of you and had kept you somewhat apart, not asking questions.
But the last night on the case, he’d cornered you, and you had to work twice as hard to extricate yourself from the situation.
“Y/N, why are you avoiding me?” He’d caught you alone in the hotel lobby, pulling you into a dark corner without much foot traffic to confront you. “Is it because of the kiss? Because the way you talked about getting your memories back the other day made me think we were okay about that again, but if we’re not then I’m sorry I made you uncomfortable.”
“It’s not the kiss, Spence, and we really shouldn’t be talking about this here.” You tried to turn and leave, but he grabbed your elbow and spun you back into him, bodies pressed flush up against each other now.
“Spencer let go, someone could see us.” Even you knew your voice sounded half-hearted, not really wanting him to stop touching you at all.
“If it’s not the kiss, then why are you acting like I don’t exist?” His face was close again, and you felt your body reacting the same way it had done in the staff kitchen. Your knees went weak again, but he was prepared this time, holding you up in his arms, gently maneuvering you so you were pinned against the wall.
“Is this it?” He asked, letting his hands trail over your body as you whimpered under his touch. “Your reactions?”
Your brain was empty of a response, so you just held still, desperate to see what he would do or say next.
“You know, the deadline on our annulment has passed. It’s been over a week now,” he said, his forehead resting on yours as he brought his hips ever closer.
You were the one that gave in first, pushing your head up to capture his lips in a crushing kiss, needing him the way you needed water, food, and sleep. You’d deprived yourself for so long, and now you were hungry, ravenous, and he was the same. Your lips opened, and soon his tongue was snaking in, caressing you in ways both familiar and new, and your entire body heated up to its boiling point.
You moaned under his touch as his hands wandered, silently begging for more of him. Your brain only kicked back into gear when you registered the sound of voices about to turn the corner. Quickly pushing him off, you pulled yourself together just as JJ and Morgan found you there.
“Y/N, Reid, Garcia got a positive ID on our unsub, we’re about to go SWAT his house, get your gear ready.”
Either you were very good at masking your emotions and the physical outburst you’d just shared, or Morgan was just too caught up in getting his job done that he didn’t look too closely at the way Reid’s tie was half undone, your lips were pink and swollen and that both of you were breathing abnormally. Whichever it was, you were just thankful that neither of them questioned you as you all left to go and do your job.
To your detriment, you’d avoided him on the jet back as well, choosing to wrap a blanket around yourself and sit in a single seat at the end of the plane rather than risk his hands on you again like last time. You already couldn’t be trusted around him, and you wanted to take no risks with everyone else present.
He’d sat in your line of vision purposefully though, making eye contact every now and then to remind you that he was still watching you. You’d feigned exhaustion and pretended to sleep in the end, despite the flight duration only being a measly two hours. He’d let you exit the plane alone though, and said a general goodbye to the team upon landing, giving you a second look and wave before taking himself home.
The ball was firmly in your court.
“What the hell was all that?” Emily whispered in your ear as you both watched him leave alone. “What happened to the plan?” You smiled awkwardly, not wanting to admit how fucking horny the man made you feel, and how it was affecting your work performance so badly that avoiding him was the only way to keep your job.
“We had the talk, everything’s fine.”
“The two of you aren’t walking out of here hand in hand, so obviously everything is not fine, Penelope, tell me I’m wrong.” The other woman had stumbled into the bullpen upon landing and Emily had immediately drawn her into your hushed conversation as soon as Morgan had made to go home as well.
“What’s going on, hot stuff, I thought you’d be enjoying every second of your marital bliss by now.”
“He’s too distracting.” You whisper shouted at him. “He kissed me again last night and I almost let him take me in the lobby. And Morgan and JJ almost caught us, so yeah, he’s too distracting.”
“Oh god, you’re horny for Reid.” Emily laughed slightly at the implication as if it had just dawned on her and you hadn’t had an entire conversation where you fawned about how good in bed he was.
“Yes, I’m horny for Reid, okay, now please stop laughing, I’m in pain.”
“Well you know there’s only one solution, right?” Penelope said as if it were clear as day. “You need to go have sex with him again. See if you can be normal with him when you’re not so pent up.”
“I don’t know, Pen….” You were still staring at the elevator doors, even after it had been so long since he’d left.
“What is there to not know? You like him, he likes you, you’re married. Like you said before, it’s not like you’re having sex with a stranger, he’s your husband.” Having your words thrown back in your face gave you the boost of confidence that you needed, and you sprang from your chair.
“Okay?” Emily repeated and you looked back down at the two women.
“Okay, I’m gonna… I’m gonna go seduce my husband, I guess?” You turned on your heel and left, marching out to the sounds of whoops and cheers from the two women behind you.
🏷️ @w-windyy @multifandom-on-the-side @reidandhotchsgirl @babybluecakes @hugyourlungs @prentissesredtanktop @reidscaffeine @bethanyhaas01 @average-sunflower @academiareid @sailortongue @daddy-dotcom @high-functioning-cosplayer @anniewhalelover @abbyshmaby @isabel-ffl-xoxo @sujan39 @frxcless @bluestuesday @busy-buzzing @breadbrobin @maxinehufflepuffprincess @l0v3cam @booksandwonderlands @myescapefromthislife @ferrjulie @scoobydoopoo @aelinismyqueen @littlesingingbean @jamiemuscatosslut @xohoneybun @anchovy89freya @dysphoricsanity @ghostheartbeat @casss2111 @rebloggiest-reblogger @wishyoudaskme @imawhoreforu @academiacoffeelover @softservepunk @andiebeaword @r-3dlips @wakaladjarin @ratbastardchild @mcira @danika1994 @stargurl99 @whovianwholikesgirls @its-not-too-late-for-coffee
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akixxsstuff · 2 months
Dating L would be like...
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Death Note L Lawliet x gender neutral reader
(I'm aware that the picture says girlfriend but the gender of the reader is not specified in the fic. The pictures were also edited by me).
Fluff // One shot
Summary: L was more like a machine than a human, he was cold, calculated and a "no fun and games" type of person aside from the occasional sarcastic or dry humored comment. L never lost his composure and would repress any emotion he had has a intimidation tactic. He was blunt and wouldn't allow anything or anyone to dethrone him.
However around you, L wasn't quite that...
The task force had suspected you and L were a couple, but whenever anyone asked about it, L would quickly shut down the conversation and went back to his work, saying that it wasn't any of their business. You and L were a couple but he just wanted to keep things secretive and professional since doing otherwise made him feel vulnerable.
He couldn't let his suspect Light know how much you meant to him just in case he used it against him, plus it was just in L's nature to be serective.
However as soon the doors were closed and the task force was gone, he would be nuzzling into your shoulder, whining for attention. He would never stop clinging onto you until he got he's way because in his own words, "I'm also childish and don't like to lose".
Like today for instance:
"Not now Lolly, I've got an appointment to book", you said sighing while L continued kissing your neck and nibbling your ear from behind. "I love you but I do not appreciate your lack of cooperation" L then grumbled.
Lolly was your main pet name for L since it sounded like it was short for lollipop, (and we all know how much L loves those) and sounded similar to his real name, Lawliet. Panda was also another common one since he reminded you of one with his dark eyes and pale skin.
He then kneeled in between your legs with his head resting on your thigh, looking up at you in annoyance in an attempt to guilt trip you, (however he couldn't mask he's pleading eyes). "Lolly I already told you I'm busy, just 10 more minutes okay my love?" you cooed while stroking his cheek. But L didn't care, he picked you up bridal style from your chair and tossed you onto the bed. "Lawliet, you should know of all people how important it is to not have any distractions from your work" you said rasing an eyebrow. "You make a fair point" L says with his thumb on his lip, "But I'm not feeling very empathetic tonight" then he proceeded to smother you with kisses.
Your dates were either cafe hopping, picnics in the park, or L trying to teach you tennis. You would always try to get him to wear shoes but he would refuse, saying "I don't like how they feel". "I know but I don't want you to step on a piece of glass and hurt yourself" you would say while kissing his forehead. "I'm sure I'll live" L would say while kissing you back. You would then sigh and take off your shoes, "Fine. If that's how you want to play" and you both would walk around barefoot.
Another thing L wouldn't budge on is removing all the cameras and wiring taps from your room, if someone broke in and tired to hurt you he needed to know immediately who was responsible so he could toss them in jail forever. He valued your life way more than his, afterall, he did challenge Kira to kill him live on broadcast.
L absolutely loved when you taunted his number one suspect Light, in fact it was his love language.
"I'm not Kira!" Light would yell.
"You're not a very convincing actor Light, but hey! Maybe they'll give you an academy award in prison just for trying. Light Yagami! Mass murderer tries playing innocent victim!".
As a detective, L would always be analysising people's behaviour and you were no expectation.
"How was your day darling?" L cooed.
"Fine. I'm going to my room".
You say that you're fine Y/N yet you're tone and lack of physical affection would indicate otherwise. Could you be trying to deprive me of your attention as an indirect punishment? What could have I done?
However, you did mention how your work load has increased because of the lack of empyoees, were you stressed from that and simply avoided me to avoid talking about it? I should confront you instead of making any assumptions, it could make matters worse because you might believe that I am deliberately ignoring you.
"Love, I believe I have done something to upset you, please tell me what it is was so I can correct my behaviour. Will you accept this piece of cake as a initial peace offering? If I'm not to blame then please tell me who's bothering you so I can potentially sue them".
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blingblong55 · 10 months
Did you care? - König
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F!Reader, angst, no happy ending, cheating
For months since you met him he had made it known his job was his priority and like any fool you accepted that. If he couldn't make it to a date, he'd let you know something had come up on the job. Not once did he ever tell you what he did for a living, which raised alarms from your friends and family. All worried he would end up hurting you, leaving you in ruins. But you liked him too much to even dare question him or his actions. 
There were times when he'd never call, for months on end but you'd always update him on your life like he had made you promise months into the relationship and still he gave you nothing in return. You always thought he was just not the type to be romantic but that maybe deep down he was someone with emotions and vulnerable to the right person. You of course wanted to be that right person. Around you, he was able to talk more but it was never about who he was outside of the four walls where you two would share life stories no, it was just meant for you to hear. 
The day you found out he was cheating was glass shattered, your fragile heart in pieces. You had gently held that heart for him to take, the one you kept hidden from the rest of the world. The restaurant where he told you the news of his infidelity still was frequently visited by you from time to time. Wanted to stay there, wait for him just in case he came back for you. "R/N," that day was the time of death for the nicknames he once adorned you with. "I'm deeply sorry, I found someone new and she...well she is someone I see myself spending more time with." Maybe the way he broke the news to you was awful but it was better if you heard it from him than from the cheap whispers of so-called friends and family. 
You sat and stared out the window, watching as four memorable years went by as if they were just another bullet to the target. Maybe it was stupid to think he would've never cheated but all the signs and alarms were there. After all, they do say those in love are blinded. That was your case, the worst one to have as a hopeless romantic. The books of love you read, the movies and wishes you hopped for, all gone with one sentence. 
A day after the breakup, you were at that restaurant, people whispering about you, what a sad sight to witness. You sat in the same spot, light lingering on your face, dim and depressive. Autumn was awkward, scarf season, cardigans and watching the leaves fall to the mossy pavement of the park you two used to read at during spring. Winter was the worst, wanted to cuddle up to him after a snowy day. Spring came with sorrow, as you found out how happy and outgoing he was with his new partner. Summer and the Blues, what a bad time to be alive. Sleeping in, drowning in regret and memories of what once was. It all felt as if that pain he created with 20 words dug a deeper hole for it to stay warm during winter as you died of cold and sorrow, the heart of a winter soul. 
The floors of your parent's cabin creaking under your step, cat purring in your lap. Tears running down your shameful face. The memories of him holding you as you two watched a movie one blissful Christmas coming and making your brain palpitate as if it had more than sadness to work for. Two years after the breakup, he was there, holding the hand of a pregnant woman. Many times ago, he had told you he never wanted a family, that all he needed was you, the cat and the bedsheets that covered your bodies. Guess that was a lie too. You walk past them, yellow tulips in your hands and that is how he saw you. All along, he never meant to leave, the autumn breeze bringing him a beautiful time in his life. 
There you two ran, the taxi about to leave, your blue scarf waving in the wind, drunken words said, and there he was, holding your hand. "Liebling, where are we going!" his laughter warm. "It's a surprise!" you smile. Always so spontaneous, your soul and being making him bend his usual cold heart in two to gift you the best of him. Maybe he didn't do his best to give that but behind doors, where he felt safe, you were the one to make him try his best. And now, there you go, heart in hand once more as he watches you in woe. "Liebling." he whispers, the woman he was with turns to him, "What was that?" he had never called anyone else Liebling. That belonged to you and only you, the woman he wanted all of life with, the dreary days, the hand holding as you two carefully walked over the snow and now here he is, lost again. 
"Nothing, I...I twisted my English and German," he laughed. Maybe if he had been more patient with himself. At the time of the infidelity, all his mates and soldiers were getting married. You had expressed your marriage concerns, how the image of it was ruined by your parent's loveless marriage. But in between words that he never heard, you wanted to try for him. The cries of laughter, the warm embrace on the summer nights, the scarred face that was kissed over and over, happiness because of you, the weird combo you made with a vanilla ice cream cone and crisps, all that is gone. There were days he'd head down to the fast-food chain and order, "Some crisps and ice cream, please." Eating them by the corner you laughed at, stupid jokes said and all making him love your little laughs.  
Life is funny, maybe for not emotional little humans but for the gods that watch us. A mystery will stand for the rest of human time, did he care? Did he care that you adored him with your entire essence, body, mind and being? Or maybe it was your homemade baking, the burnt cake, biscuits and the random bruise you'd when walking around being careless. Maybe it was envy that you lived such a tranquil life and he didn't. Maybe. Did he care?
Part 2 is here
Tags: @warrior-of-justice
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willowser · 11 months
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bakugou + strawberries ; 2.7k ੈ‧₊˚ for our meet fruit collab ! ‧₊˚✧ ₊˚
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mina suggests speed-dating.
first as a joke — you think — after the two of you spend too many weekends in a row watching sappy rom-coms on her couch while crying into a bowl of trail mix, and then a second time, and then a third time, after you refuse.
in her last attempt, she pulls out the big ones: her upcoming birthday. it will be so fun!! she tells you, with her big eyes and bigger pout, looking at you as if you'd hung the stars by saying yes. it's a cheap shot, really, because she knows you or anyone would do pretty much anything when it comes to mina the birthday girl.
— and that's how you find yourself here, sitting in too nice of an outfit to be spending your allotted time listening to a man bash his ex-girlfriend.
you might have found him a bit cuter if he wasn't doing that, or if he showed even an ounce of interest in you whatsoever. instead, he's treating this like a therapy session, and you're not getting paid for it.
when the timer rings, you're more than thankful. irritated enough, even, to spin around the room in search of mina — who is happily watching on as two men grapple with each other for who gets to sit across from her next. you suppose being a top hero is good for that, finding someone who is willing to give you their all.
to yourself, you sigh quietly and turn back to the little bowl of strawberries in the center of the small table, the flutes of champagne on either side of it. mina's bottle, you noticed, is almost totally empty; your last date hadn't even looked at yours, nor did he seem to think to offer you a drink.
it's not that you're jealous. really. you wouldn't even say that you're interested in dating right now, finding your job at the agency to be too much of a whirlwind to balance, anyway. you love mina: she's your closest friend, your home away from home, your cheerleader and personal hero — but working for her is nothing short of a full-time job.
sometimes your bed is a little lonely, when she's not staying the night in it after another rom-com evening, but you really can't think that you'd like someone in it, anyway, much less a stranger. it's hard to explain where your time goes, who it goes with; having to share that with someone, you think, would take more emotional energy than you have right now.
and maybe it also sorta, kinda has to do with the fact that the one and only man you're thinking of outside of work — is the same man you see inside of it every single day.
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the very thought of bakugou has your stomach turning, painfully. the image of him in the late afternoons with the sun glowing in his hair, the gentle look he spares you as you wait for the elevator, how he'd looked at you today, when you told him where you and mina were going; you don't know how anyone could make you feel the way he does, at least right now.
the seat across from you is taken up suddenly, then, and you look up into the eyes of someone that looks — nice. a little shy, a little nervous, as they introduce themselves. they decide to pour you a glass of champagne, and they even tell you, openly, voice shaking, how nice you look tonight.
you smile so hard that your cheeks hurt, much to your own surprise.
"i'm actually allergic to strawberries," they tell you with a laugh, gently pushing the bowl closer to you. "that would be a hell of a first date, wouldn't it?"
you agree. "definitely one to remember!"
"well, in that case—" they joke, suddenly leaning forward as if they're going to pull it back towards them, and it's so earnest and sweet that you feel your heartbeat in your throat a bit. "i sound like i'm kissing up to you, but—you have a really nice smile, also."
you have to sit back in your seat, fanning your face dramatically as you both laugh. "wow, i'm not used to someone—"
"time's up, extra."
you blink so hard that your eyes are crossed when you open them, and you look up at the man standing there, waiting for his turn, just as the timer dings and the room comes to life with a bustle. the person across from you only frowns, too timid to say anything in response before they're getting up and casting you a regretful glance. they're barely a foot away before the chair is taken, so aggressively that it scrapes against the floor and shakes the table.
you can't believe what you're seeing. you can't believe bakugou is sitting across from you, right now, ruining everything.
"what—are you doing?" you hiss, though your feelings — with a mind of their own — flutter like butterflies in your stomach at the sight of him.
the scowl he gives you is ugly, as always, but his face is smoother than you remember it being today; freshly shaven, maybe. the cologne he's wearing is strong, woodsy, potent enough that it dizzies you from across the table, that you can only imagine how sweet it smells soaking into the soft skin of his neck. even the shirt he's wearing, you notice, is a button down that you've never seen him in.
"the hell do you mean?" he growls, face pinched as he leans closer, so that his voice doesn't carry as it usually does. "'s'it look like i'm doin'? saving you from some sorry dumbass."
"bakugou," you grit, though the room quiets as everyone takes their seats again, and you have to swallow back your annoyance so you don't draw anymore attention to yourself.
you're not dumb enough to think he'd get away without some people fighting for his attention, too, the same way they did to mina, and — as irritated as you are, suddenly, at his appearance — you're not exactly keen on sharing him, either.
"they were very nice, thank you very much,"
"psh," he rolls his eyes, a muscle in his jaw jumping. "couldn't even look me in the eyes to tell me to fuck off—"
"maybe because they were worried you would blast them through the window—"
"and i would have—"
"oh!" you clench your hands into fists and squeeze your eyes shut, trying to will your anger back down. losing your cool isn't a good look, especially in a room of people that are trying to get to know you. "are you serious right now? why are you here?"
"you really wanna spend our five minutes doin' this?"
and there's something about the way he says it — our five minutes — that has your stomach turning in that horrible way it always does, whenever you bite into the softer parts of him. the look on his face is pensive, nervous if you thought that he was capable of being nervous. his shirt, his shaven cheeks, his alluring cologne; he's here, right now, on a date with you. pushed his way into it, even.
you straighten in your seat and sit back, dropping your eyes to the table, ashamed at the fire you've just thrown at him. "can you at least tell me why you're here in the first place?"
bakugou is silent for long enough that you can't stand not to take him in, how appealing he is to look at, how your heart sings when he looks back. one shake of his head has him sighing and then he's leaning back, too, staring only at the strawberries.
"this is her birthday thing, ain't it?"
"yeah," you murmur in agreement quietly, fiddling with your own fingers in your lap as your nerves harden into bitter disappointment. he's here for the same reasons you are, you tell yourself: for your friend, only.
distantly, you try to remind yourself that this nothing out of the ordinary. that you shouldn't be thinking of him this way, getting so hung-up on someone that's never expressed an interest in you to begin with. there have been a few late night conversations in the stairwell, that ran longer than they should have, that revealed more than they should have — but it doesn't make him yours. not in the way you want it to.
in an attempt to swallow down your own sourness, you reach for a strawberry, picking through them until you find the fattest one, and then bite it to the stem. a little stream of juice sprays out, dripping down over your bottom lip as you scramble for your napkin. you lick after it before patting at your face, spreading the sugar, the sweetness.
bakugou leans across the table so suddenly that you startle, mouth twisted like he's struggling to say what he's about to say. "alright, look—"
the timer rings, horribly, but his ruby stare never dims, never leaves yours and yours never leaves his, either, as if you're both suddenly trapped in a weird limbo of in-between; in-between the quiet moments, in-between the loudest ones, in-between everyone else, together.
and then mina notices.
"oh my god, blasty, you came!" she shouts, springing up from her seat to wave at you both from across the room. her earrings jingle loudly, bracelet beads knocking together as she leans too far to the left, champagne-drunk already. it snaps the moment between you and him, worry filling the gaps as you think about how you're going to get her out of here, once the night is over.
bakugou sinks a little further into his chair, as if it will hide him, before grumbling to himself. cheeks reddening, you realize; strawberry-kissed. he heaves a heavy sigh before digging his fingers into his eyes, deep enough that an ache develops in your own, and he opens his mouth to speak again when someone else approaches the table.
"okay, time to switcheroo!" he sings, grinning too cheerily at you, enough to make you laugh at his enthusiasm.
it darkens bakugou, considerably; "piss off," is all he says, scooting his chair further into the table as if to claim it. he barely gets another word out before the man is starting to protest, and the look he gives him then is awfully viscious: nostrils flared, looking up from beneath his long lashes and furrowed brow, as if this stranger had pissed in your champagne. "i said, fuck off, before i howitzer you through the—"
"okay!" you interrupt, reaching across the table with both hands to close one of bakugou's. his fingers are curled dangerously, and you swear you can see little sizzles of steam slipping between your linked fingers. "let's just—do an extra skip this time, okay? how about you just gives us this one, and you go to the next table?"
the man frowns — which is a bit flattering — but ultimately takes the lifeline you offer, trailing away without another word down to the next table. you can feel the couple on the other side watching you and bakugou now, a little open-mouthed, and your heart quickens at the worry that they're noticing him, that your new five minutes are going to be wasted, too.
—but his hand hasn't moved from yours and his eyes have returned, full to the brim with some emotion you can't read. if you had to guess, you'd say regret, maybe, but you aren't sure how to take that, and so you don't.
you should let him go, literally and figuratively, but the solidity of your logic is no match for the soft beat of butterfly wings in your gut.
"what are you doing?" you ask him again, softly, surely, because you want to hear the answer whatever it is. he either needs to deny you, here and now so you can move on — or he needs to acknowledge the confliction on his face, the soft intertwine of his fingers into yours.
bakugou looks at you now the way he does in the stairwell, the way he does when the sun is painting you warm, too. "i told you," he murmurs, "savin' you from some dumbass."
"but why do you even care?"
another heavy sigh falls from him and you can feel your glass-fragile heart breaking when his hand slips from yours, a little roughly. it surprises you when he grabs the champagne bottle from the center of the table and pours himself a small glass, downing it in one, bitter go before filling up your flute, too.
liquid confidence, maybe; his cheeks darken, noticeably, before he's running a rough hand over his face, still struggling to wash out the words.
"why the hell do you think?" he finally says, though his harsh question lacks the abrasive tone his voice usually has; instead it's gentler, more sincere, bakugou — katsuki — in his rawest form. "why d'you think i do—any of this shit?" one hand waves around to gesture to the span of the dining room, but you know he means more than that, much more. "you think i spend that much time after work just 'cause i have time to waste? jesus."
"i don't know," you say, earning a flat look. "why do you?"
"why do you?"
you take the glass from the center of the table and peer down into it, how it bubbles. maybe you're playing dumb and maybe that's what's really bothering him, but — someone like bakugou deals in absolutes, and you need him to do it now.
the struggle is clear, though, across his face, thickening how he swallows and turning down his lips that much more. you feel a bit bad in the silence, when the timer rings and the muscle in his cheek jumps again.
before anyone can even approach the table, he simply sticks his hand out, and the man beside you was definitely watching on, because he doesn't spare you a glance before going around.
and maybe, you think, decidedly, that's enough.
"because i don't want to go home yet," you tell him honestly, trying to ignore the blood rushing in your ears with his mouth twists and he starts to squirm at your truth. "because i'd rather spend the night with you in a stairwell, than anywhere else."
there's a ludicrous amount of tension that leaves his shoulders then, so much that you didn't notice it until it was gone, and he slumps back into his chair with pink ears, now. the sight makes you smile, widely, as if the sight is a confirmation.
maybe for him, it is.
"yeah, well," he grumbles, eyes dropping to the strawberries before darting away, as if he'd thought of something he shouldn't have. "that's what 'm sayin', too."
"no, you're not!" you laugh, nose crinkling when he side-eyes you with a frown. "you're not hardly saying anything!"
"i'm here, ain't i?" he argues, huffing like a bull. "makin' a damn idiot of myself just to stop you from—"
"—going home with some dumbass?"
"well, yeah!"
"so you want me to be going home with you, then?"
"yeah! no! i mean—" he scowls when you laugh again, lip pulling up over his teeth as if he means to bite into your softest parts, too. the thought is more thrilling that you're willing to admit — at least for now. "quit laughin'!"
but it's not just you; across the dining room, you realize mina's giggling, too, turned around in her seat, ignoring the chatty man that wouldn't shut up about his ex. when bakugou turns around to glare at her, she nearly tips out of her chair by throwing her head too far back, and when he moves to stand up like he needs to help her, all she does is wave at him to turn back around.
and he does, to you, cheeks flaring as he grabs the bottle of champagne again, pouring himself his own glass to glare into. he mutters out another quiet, "jesus" before slamming both his elbows on the table, rudely, and holding his glass up for — what you belatedly realize is — a cheers.
behind him, the afternoon sun has long since set, replaced now by nightfall and stars that shine through the floor-to-ceiling glass windows — but he glows regardless, and the look he gives you is just as warm.
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calicoups · 4 months
reader being quiet cos they had a bad day and coups trying to cheer them up 🥺
this man would turn into the biggest clown to make you laugh fr 💯
warnings: hyperventilating due to crying (idk if this is a warning but put it down just in case)
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"honey, i'm home!" seungcheol sings as he enters the house, keys jangling as they spin around his pointer finger. he slips off his shoes, hangs his coat up and walks to the living room only to find you snuggled up in a layer of blanket, blank eyes boring into the tv screen.
"hey, doll," he whispers as he saunters over to the couch you're on. a large hand goes to stroke your hair, he's towering over you and you instantly move into every pass of his hand that smoothens your hair.
when you push his hand away, he's confused. did he do something wrong? did he miss something important? he never misses anything due to the events he has recorded on his calendar, though.
he watches curiously as you sit up, pulling the blanket along with you as you wiggle into the corner of the couch. and as you stare at him, he knows what you need. you just need him. the glossy eyes of yours give it away, even though you tried so hard not to show any negative emotions.
tossing his keys and phone on the coffee table, he doesn't hesitate to quickly but carefully place himself next to you. as soon as his hand tugs you onto his chest, into his arms, the tears in your eyes fall. thick, hot tears rush down your cheek and linger at your chin, some soaking the material of his blazer and white shirt. he didn't care if you cried into his suits, never did and never will. if he could be the one for you to lean on and let out your tears, he would do anything.
"i'm here. let it all out, doll."
that's all he whispers as he rubs your back and runs a warm hand over your hair, just sweet words to comfort you. through tears, you explain to him yet his heart squeezes everytime you take a big gasp of air or when another fat tear escapes your eye, he wipes every single tear and whispers 'breathe, sweetheart, i got you' when you begin to hyperventilate.
once you're done explaining, you can't help but let out a huge shuddering breath. at this, seungcheol presses you into his chest further, heart almost breaking at the sound.
"i'll get you some water, hm?" he tries to slip out of your arms but you tighten your hold in protest, "you need to hydrate after crying all those tears, silly."
well, you were a little thirsty after all that so you allow him to grab you a glass of cool water which you drink up surprisingly fast. seungcheol takes the glass from you and swaps it for his phone, tapping around, "let me show you something."
you track his thumb as it swipes through his phone before it settles on a picture of soonyoung looking into the camera lens, he held a croissant in one hand with chocolate smeared around his lips, "he said he misses you."
it makes you giggle and you don't see it but seungcheol is smiling so fondly at you. but your smile fades a while later, remembering the events of your horrible day.
it doesn't go unnoticed by seungcheol at all. being an attentive person, he notices many things about you. he notices the way the tears reform in your eyes, the way you yank lightly on his blazer sleeve and bury yourself back into his broad chest.
"oh, my baby."
gently, he takes your face in his hands and brings you close to his own to stamp a kiss on your cheek, then the other, your nose, your forehead. he doesn't stop until he pulls the sound of laughter out of you. he doesn't stop even when you scrunch your face and sniffle a little after your tears had stopped.
"i'll get that horrible guy for you, i'll teach him a lesson so he doesn't ever mess with my sweet girl again."
"you wouldn't hurt a fly, cherry," you laugh a little because you know seungcheol isn't the violent type.
"hey, i'd do anything for my silly girl."
"silly girl? you're my silly guy then."
and all he can do is chuckle at your words, squeezing his arms around you.
he wouldn't hurt a fly, yes, but he'd go to the ends of the earth for you.
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here's the soonyoung pic i was talking about hehe (i know he isn't holding the croissant, just go with it >_<). hope you enjoyed this and if you did, please consider reblogging/commenting and liking <3
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writingoddess1125 · 8 months
I Fell in love Alone pt. 3
Another shot of depression for you all-
Buggy x GN Reader
Angst and Sad
No warnings just sadness
Support me in Ko-Fi
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When Buggy woke up the next morning, He felt awful.. his head was swimming and nausea was going through his system like a tsunami. He shifted and felt the emptiness of the bed next to him- The hangover now not being the worse pain he felt..
He laid there, pressing his face into the pillow as he took in what remained of your scent...thinking of the mornings he would touch your hair or look at your sleeping form next to him, He just wished he'd cherished them more. The creak of the door drew him out of his thoughts, turning to see you walking in with some breakfast and water for him.
He sat up slowly and watched you with foggy eyes at every movement you made. Setting down the tray of food and pouring him a glass of water, as well as kicking a bucket closer to the bed just in case he needed to puke, you already dressed and ready for the day which clued him in that he must have slept very late- or you got up very early.
"Feel better?" You ask softly, he nods softly at this- lying about feeling better. The pain from you not being there just stronger then the sickness of the hangover. Awkward silence fell after this, Buggy finally breaking it with a anxious sigh and turned to meet your eyes.
"(Y/N) I wanted to say im sorry for everything and how I acted can we-" You cut him off quick with a shake of your head, sighing heavily as you tried to hold back the tears that threatened to fall.
"Buggy I'm still leaving... This does not change that... I'd never want you to hurt yourself but I am not staying either. I know youre upset but that changes nothing-" You said finally, His face crumbling at your words as he looked away from you. A storm of emotions going over his face as he sat there in the bed.
"I appreciate you being honest with me and honored you shared how you felt... but you are 6 months too late" You say with a final breath, looking to see his eyes flashing with rage.
"Get some rest..." You say softly and get up to leave the room. Closing the door behind you as you heard the first crashed- Him inside the room throwing and destroying the cabin in a fit of pure anger. Taking a shaky breath you walked away, the echoing of his angry cries fading as you left.
You should have known better then to think Buggy would let this go so easily...
For the next 3 days, you saw the love bombing. The gifts magically at your bed, the flowers, the candies and more things you knew possible. How did this guy manage to find a kitten in the middle of the ocean!? The whole crew was also now watching you- you knew it and truthfully that hollowness began to return at having everyones eyes on you all the time like they were waiting for you to fold to Buggy.
You returned everything, bringing it back to Buggys door every chance you got and avoiding even going to dinner your friends bringing you dinner as you didn't want the eyes on you.
Buggy was starting to get frustrated more at himself for failing to get you interested in him again- thinking that you caring for him while hungover showed you still cared and he could keep you from leaving. You almost thought he was going to not port just to keep you on the ship, however it was a pleasant surprise when he did- even if he seemed upset at it as well.
Once at port you exiting the ship with gusto finally the freedom of the small place lifting your spirits from the dead and the idea that you wouldn't be trapped like before filled you to
Spending the day with your friends as you scouted out the village, your crew gathering supplies as you found you way around and planned a new life in the cute village.
Once back to the Big Top your few friends through a going away party for you, Food and drinks being set out as music filled the ship. It was a emotional release you had needed before departing from your life as you knew.
However Buggy's absent from the dinner was very noticable and you knew why.. as the night came to and you giving final hugs to your friends you packed the last of your things in a sack and bring them over your shoulder as you make your way to the Main Deck. Next to the exit you see a figure sitting there, already knowing who it was.
"You really aren't going to stay?..." Buggy said softly as he sat on a barrel looking at the sleepy village.
Stopping you lean against the rails and look at the Captian- he luckily wasn't drunk like before but he looked depressed...
"Buggy... I don't think we are good for each other now-" You say softly, seeing the hurt in his eyes at this. Normally he would throw a fit at being confronted like this- but instead he seemed to accept it and bow his head humbly. "You love bombing me proves that- I know you want to do better now but that doesn't erase what you did before..."
"If...If I became the man you deserve that would treat you right?... would you come back?.." He asked softly, his own fake pride and ego being tossed to the side for the hope of your return.
"I don't know Buggy- I do love you.. But I don't think I can be with you. We are both bad for each other and... You broke my heart" You admit, seeing how he winced at your words. Nodding in a sad understanding that it had been his fault for this- Rubbing the back of his neck.
"But... Maybe in the future, if things are better. We can give it another go." You suggest, unsure of your own words- However you see Buggy look at you, a flash of something you'd never seen in his eyes before. Hope and Drive.
"Really?... If I get better we can maybe see how far this thing can go?" He said softly, you nodding as you adjust the sack over your shoulder. Buggy Biting his lip in thought and nodding, smiling sadly as if he had been told a disappointing joke.
"Well, I'll do what I can to be what you deserve. Even if I am the Biggest Fool in the East Blue, ill be the best there is"
He sadly laughed at this, Opening his arms to gesture to himself in a almost pathetic way.
"You know me! I manage to fail upwards. And Hopefully I can still land before your feet" He said with his signature smile, unable to help yourself you giggle softly.
"I have faith in you"
You kiss his cheek and give his hand a squeeze, tears rolling down your cheeks as you turn and begin to walk off the ship you'd call home for the final time.
"Goodbye Buggs" You say softly as you walk to the pier and into the darkness of the sleeping Village.
Buggy stood there on the deck of his ship, watching the love of his life walk away- taking away what shred of love he had left in his blackened heart- Yet he could only be angry at himself for it... he had driven you away.
His fist clenched as he held back his own tears, looking up to the sky to keep them from falling and let out a shaky breath. Vowing silently to become the best to bring you back to him..
Tag List-
@starsali @nerdisthenewcool @aleisha127 @delectableworm @aleracrovn @myhubbyisbuggy @d1ner @soft-mafia @foggyturtleknightangel @devils-blackrose @valentinass-whotookmyname @onelatenight-longago @natalieisfreeziing @straightedgegoth
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heartshapedbubble · 1 year
Hi can I request Andrew, Luca, William, Wu Chang and Antonio reacting to having an s/o that can crush a watermelon between her thighs.
this req made me shit bricks when i first received it in august LMFAOOOO this was so fun to write anon thank you so much for this/gen
andrew, luca, william, wu chang and antonio reacting to their s/o crushing a watermelon between their thighs🕸⚡🏈☂️🎻
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andrew kreiss🕸
he is... confused to say the least
when you first did it he jumped out of fear thinking you hurt yourself by doing so
this man would probably burst into flames after one pretzel stick he has NO idea how to react
....he'd be lying if he said it doesn't interest him though
like. he is INCREDIBLY lost and maybe even disturbed but like. do it again
"is this something they do to sinners in hell? can you use it as self defense? does it hurt your thighs?" a bit gulity of asking these questions ngl but he can't help it
might start avoiding you after that... simply out of fear that it was a bad omen and that you might try crushing his skull instead when he messes up in the games LMAO
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william ellis🏈
not shocked at all
he didnt even fucking flinch when it burst he just stood there with his usual 😃 face
"hehe. nice. now watch me" (proceeds to crush a watermelon with his own thighs)
tbh william can be competitive as hell and he would somehow make a competition out of this too
after that whenever y'all ate watermelon in the manor he always shouted "DID YOU GUYS KNOW ___ CAN CRUSH WATERMELONS WITH THEIR THIGHS¿¿¿¿¿ GO ON ___ SHOW THEM!!!!"
might ask you details on how you train/build your thighs just in case...there's always room for self-improvement
next time he sees you he's going to whip out two watermelons and ask you if you can crush both at the same time (cheeky bastard)
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luca balsa⚡
mans is just losing his shit at it
"how do you do it??????? how long did you have to build your legs for this??? at what angle does it crush the fastest/easiest???? what technique did you use???" like andrew but with zero self control or fear
so intrigued he'll whip out the nerd glasses and the notepad to study it. bring a few extra watermelons cause once he begins you'll realize it's gonna be a looooong day
i kinda think that he'd be more interested in the physics aspect of it than the crushing itself tbh
after enough research he would try to crush one with his own thighs
...which didn't really go well🥲he's got chopstick legs but we still love him
that absolutely did not discourage him though. he'll find a way to do it himself. somehow. one day.
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wu chang☂️
their reactions are quite different
at first they just kinda... side eye each other. not condescendigly tho they just have to clarify they're both seeing the same thing since they didn't expect this when you told them you have a suprise for them
xie is like ☺ "thats... very cute honey!! i'm very proud of you!!!! you've been working very hard!!!!"
no idea how to properly react or process it really but since you seem really happy about it he simply has to share your enthusiasm okay!!! xie the world
fan just smirks. "now crush a pumpkin."
this motherfucker is going to tease you and give you more and more impossible physical challenges just to make you all red in your face and see you angrily give up just crush his head instead at this point
would rather drown himself in that goddamn river again than admit out loud that it's absolutely badass but it becomes obvious after some time. he's not an emotional mastermind after all
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antonio paganini🎻
not overwhelmed by it either! hes just chill like dat
he finds it so funny actually - he's grown tired of all the elegant plays and balls that he experienced while playing for royalty so this little peculiar performance of yours put a wide smile on his face
it gave him a good laugh too, not in a mocking way it's just so bizarre and unexpected that he couldn't help but laugh
would joke about it like "i love a partner that can just beat the shit out of me" after seeing it lmao
"you can kill people with that, but personally i wouldn't have an issue with it if it was your thighs in question~" what a fucking flirt GET HIM OUT
if you'd challenge him to do the same he'd just give up after the first two tries... his legs aren't his best asset
he CAN crush a watermelon with his hair though. maybe you should be more careful the next time you try to wriggle out from its grip...
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spectersgirl · 7 months
if ur taking requests!! harvey and reader getting into a heated argument and harvey being his usual self takes it too far by saying something he didn’t mean and it ends up real angsty but then they make up somehow cuz i don’t like sad endings lol
if ur not don’t worry abt it :)
I'm always taking requests! I may not do them but I'm always taking them 🤪
Harvey Specter x Reader
The New York skyline really was beautiful, and maybe you could've appreciated it if you were standing in Harvey's office under different circumstances.
The air crackled with tension as you and Harvey fought, the biggest fight you'd had in your entire relationship.
"You can't just bulldoze your way through everything, Harvey!" your voice cut through the silence, blazing with frustration. "One day you'll realize you need to listen to others instead of assuming you have all the answers, and it'll be too late."
Harvey's features hardened, his gaze unwavering as he spoke coldly. "And sometimes, you need to understand that this is how it works. I've been doing this a hell of a lot longer than you have. You don't get to lecture me on how to handle my cases, if I wanted your opinion I would've asked."
The words, sharper than intended, hung heavy in the air leaving a bitter taste in both your and Harvey's mouths. You tried your best to hide it, but he saw the flicker of hurt that flashed across your face, a mix of betrayal and anguish clouding your expression.
"You know what, Harvey? Maybe you're right. Maybe I shouldn't bother trying to help if you're just going to throw it back in my face," you replied, your voice trembling ever so slightly with restrained emotion.
For a moment, regret crossed Harvey's eyes, but his pride took over once more, replacing the regret with a coldness. "Fine. Maybe it's better this way."
The harshness in his words reverberated, a feeling of finality rippling through the room. You hated this, but there was nothing left for you to say. You stormed out, leaving him with nothing but the click of your heels on the tile floor. The door sealing shut made Harvey sigh, immediate regret over his words hitting him like a wave.
The hours that followed were agonizingly slow, each minute dragging on as Harvey remained seated at his desk, getting nothing done as the weight of his own words bore down on him. His usual confidence faltered as he replayed every word of the argument in his mind, grappling with the realization that his pride had cost him the most important thing he'd ever known. He swirled a glass of whiskey he'd poured absentmindedly.
It wasn't until a soft, hesitant knock broke the silence in his office that Harvey stirred from his thoughts. you stood at the threshold, your shoulders tense and eyes glistening with tears. He saw every emotion you felt plain as day on your face, and his heart lurched.
"Y/N, I didn't mean what I said," Harvey began, but you raised a hand, interrupting him.
"I know you didn't. And neither did I," you admitted, your voice cracking with vulnerability.
A fragile silence loomed, a moment of uncertain energy between you, before Harvey closed the distance, wrapping his arms around you in a tight hug. "I'm sorry," he murmured, his voice laced with genuine remorse. "I'm so, so sorry."
You nodded, hugging him back and resting your head on his chest, the tension evaporating as you both relaxed for the first time that day. "I am too."
Harvey gently pulled away, cupping your face with a tenderness that said everything he didn't know how to. "We make a good team, you and I. I can't lose that."
A small smile formed on your lips, unable to hide the fact that you shared the sentiment. "Me either, Harvey."
With this admission, he gently leaned down to kiss your lips, a longing present there as you kissed back.
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lucysarah-c · 1 year
Summary: Levi feels overwhelming jealous and decides that nothing better to set things clear of who owns who than a good old fucking
WARNINGS: SMUT, HEAVILY EXPLICIT CONTEXT. Levi x reader. Dubious concent, Degradation, spitting, oral sex, oral male sex, harsh sex, vaginal sex. Top Levi. Sub Yn. UNSAFE SEX, don't be silly guys wear condoms not like Levi here. Desk sex. Canon universe. Dirty talk. Smut. Praise kink. Possessive behaviour. Possessive sex. Rough sex. Breeding kink.
Context: Y/n and Erwin used to flirt but it never reached far. They broke up before anything happened. Y/n and Levi began to have a relationship, Levi was her first. Levi get overwhelmingly jealouse. THIS takes place before Erwin becomes a commander or Levi a captain BUT, after the events of ACWNR.
I wrote this to practise smut for my main multichapter Levi fic, this my 4th smut so be nice lol. I'm self concious of my smuts so... practice makes perfect. This could be consider an spin off from my fanfic Holy Ground.
Thats it... in case I forget any warning or tag, feel free to tell me.
She was so happy, the way she jiggled and did a little dance in her place during lunch. The smile from one ear to another, it was absurdly big for her face. Levi just admired from the other side of the table, the glass (that was actually made of wood) of water close to his lips and he couldn’t help to smile a little bit. If she was happy then he was too, it was as simple as that.
“I’m going to be in charge, I’m going to be in charge” She repeated almost mockingly but also cheeky, as if it was a little kid showing off their win.
“The commander will still be around, don’t forget that,” Hange reassured the girl, who was getting ahead of herself, with it. The brunette was smiling tired as if they were the mother who succumb to the idea and wasn’t getting as much credit as they should “I agreed to Erwin to this, don’t forget that either”
“Yes Yes! Thank you!” The girl hastily agreed.
“She’s not listening to me,” Hange said while chuckling bitterly.
“She’s definitely not listening to you,” Levi agreed with them.
Y/N squealed again, gritting her teeth as the emotion was too much to handle. Erwin was leaving for a week to the capital and he had just announced to her that she could fill his work during his absence. Not that he was letting her do any actual leading work but more like not letting his paperwork accumulate and make sure everybody delivered their part on time.
Those were the crumbs of Erwin’s job, even when he wasn’t officially the commander yet and Shadis was still around, but it was the biggest official responsibility the girl was getting tastes off and she was enjoying it as there was no idea. It was a high state to be in, not only for the responsibility but also for the relief. Not only hers but everyone else. ‘War is over’
It was a shared alleviation, with both of them on good terms. The trench war that had fallen upon everybody during winter had been lifted. ‘They are in good terms, not a couple but good terms and that’s what it matter,’
They were over, both. Y/N was secretly dating Levi but it was like a whispered fact. They didn’t give any sort of hint that they could be together but people could feel it, or at least those who wanted to believe it. Erwin on the other hand was playing the mature party, the ‘we are comrades of many years and also friends, let's keep the friendship’.
Then, once the not hostile interactions began again people were quick to question him ‘Are you two back together?’  and the answer was always ‘We had always been friends, that’s what we are,’
Levi wondered if it hurted the blond, at the beginning it was obvious but time heals everything… right?
That was another hard edge of the polygon that this situation was. Levi and Erwin had been setting the base of a good comrades and friendship relationship. What was an enmity when the short man came to the scouts, became a mutual respect and, then it evolved to both starting to get along. What felt a disinterest of the blond’s romantic situation with his actual girlfriend become a ‘I’m fucking his ex behind his back’.
Not that Levi regretted it but he wasn’t used to that, playing those sort of games and the guiltiness of not being the mature party to set things clear made him grim uneasy. ‘I own him an explanation’
“Should I pay for the cleaning service or the first time is free?” Erwin questioned, entertained, as Levi, who came to deliver some papers, got overwhelmed with the state of the office and began to clean on pure will.
“How the fuck can you work in the state this place is in? When was the last time you brushed the fucking dust from this shelfs?” Levi, who was already in a whole rampage of cleaning duties, complained.
“I’m doing my job, Shadis’ job and trying to make sure the scouts aren’t erased from the military… I’ve not had time recently to keep the space tidy,” Erwin excused himself while he went back to work on his desk.
From his peripheral view, he could see the agile and tiny shadow of Levi moving around the office, murmuring to himself and clicking his tongue like a mother who says ‘nobody helps me in this house?! what are you going to do the day I am no longer here?’
“This is not the first time you have this shitty load of work, I’ve never seen your office this fucking pigsty,” Levi lectured again and as soon as he said it, he regret it.
“Well… mh,” Erwin doubtful tried to find the politically correct and ambiguous answer “Someone else took care of it before,”
They both knew the reality to that. Levi didn’t insist because he was one of the reasons that person wasn’t doing these duties anymore. The blond also joined in the mood. This time, silently, Levi kept carrying on his previous activities. Without an actual team to lead and had finished training cadets in the morning, his afternoons were quiet and relaxed.
“If you don’t want me to mess up your stuff, say it now beforeI lose my boundaries,” The shorter man clarified as he had finished tidying up the place.
Only the office was suffering the rampage of his obsessive behavior but the attached bathroom and bedroom felt off limits. The future captain wanted to respect those boundaries. 
“Erwin,” He insisted.
“Sorry, what?” The blond raised his attention from the papers to look at the other man then, as he processed the words , he replied “Oh yeah, please, feel free.”
“You sure? even the room and the bathroom?”
“I’ll clean every corner…” he insisted.
“You’ll make me a huge favour,”
Erwin chuckled a bit dry “I don’t know what you think I hide in my personal chambers but yeah, go ahead,”
Those words kept resonating in Levi’s head. His pale fingers folded the laundry and then found a place for them in the wardrobe. Between the tide of uniforms, bluish and purplish pieces of clothes there was a striking colour at the back of it. Levi, who was kneeled on the ground to tidy up the bottom of the closet, didn’t give credit to his own eyes.
Behind boxes that probably had special occasion outfits that were worth keeping separated from the rest. Behind the couple pairs of spare training boots, behind some perfumes, behind some tightly squeezed sweaters that he wasn’t wearing during this hot season, behind all that there was something that had a pastel pink ribbon.
That was all Levi saw between the space of the hanging laces of the spare boots. The colour was striking, nothing like the rest. It was so back in the wardrobe, so covered up, so squeezed on the deepest corner that it screamed ‘I’m a secret’
But Levi had been there before searching for secrets, back when Isabel and Furlan were still around and if that pink thing ‘whatever that is’ had been there, he would have seen it. There was something so particular about that shade of pink with golden tiny letters on the edges. He had seen those before, he knew exactly what that was the second his eyes landed on it.
His pale hand slowly but surely penetrated to the back of the wardrobe, reached the pink ribbon and pulled from it. The champagne coloured cardboard bag had the name of the expensive Sina’s wall clothes shop that his, his, girlfriend liked so much. The subtle rose pearl ribbon was tying the opening of the bag. The satin fabric of it shined gracefully in the light of the room and felt like velvet under Levi’s finger as he pulled from it.
Usually, he was known for his stoic uninterested expression but right there, he was lost in the process. His lips slightly parted, his hands grabbed and pulled out part of the items inside of the bag. A perfume, hygiene stuff, a cute thick baby blue dress, stockings, what seemed to be pyjamas, a thick knitted cardigan, cute soft and pretty rose pearl underwear.
He didn’t need to get it closer to his face to smell it, it stinked with his girlfriend’s perfume. He didn’t need to check the size of it, because he knew it by heart. He didn’t need to question where he got it from because Levi already knew.
Morning before leaving to the former HQ of the scouts for their winter break, their winter break. Before the ball, before all the shit that went down. Her, his sweet baby girl, carrying on that cardboard bag on her elbow as she delivered Erwin’s breakfast. The cardboard bag with the clothes for the morning after the ball, the morning that was meant to happen but never did. The morning after everything was planned for them to lay together for the first time. That cardboard bag.
It hit him like a bulk of ice water. The simple thought of those ridiculously expensive clothes that his girlfriend wore lying there as a dirty secret made him want to throw up in range.
‘What do you do with her fucking clothes? you jerk off? you sniff them? to keep them as a last hope or a lost dream? you keep them… you keep my woman’s clothes. You, you who said you moved on, you who said that you just wanted her as friends’
Levi, who had plenty of sex but non relationships before this, was the only authorised to keep Y/N’s clothes aside from herself, obviously. Because those were her clothes in his place. He felt it possessing his body, the rage. The thought of his innocent angel talking to the blond and him observing her to keep memory for later on, later on when he may grab those stockings and stroke his dick with them.
‘if this was the underground…’  Levi said to himself ‘I would have cut your dick off and fed it to the dogs, then I would have made you bed for it,’
Levi gritted his teeth so hard that they began to make a crackly sound against themselves, painfully almost.
The anger was clouding his judgement, he knew that Erwin was much more than just his girl's ex and so that made the thought stop there… a mere thought. ‘We are not in the underground,’ Levi remind to himself. While down there taking matters into bloody hands was the norm, and the recommended if you wanted to keep your own head safe and send the message; Levi was smart enough to quiet himself down.
‘I need to be subtle like this surface assholes yet assertive’
He was quick to place everything right as it was, hide the crime scene and Levi had cleaned enough houses to know how to cover up a scene. Once the door opened, he was just making the bed.
“You want tea?” Erwin's approach was friendly, perhaps happy that Levi was finally easing out between both.
His face was stoic as usual, the voice was monotone as it should be but the eyes. Erwin was a clever man and he noticed the change of attitude, those silver ones were aiming for blood.
“Everything alright?” the commander in line questioned.
“If by alright you mean the mess you have in this fucking place,” Levi replied and moved to the door of the room as he knew the tea was going to be at the office.
“Ah, sorry,” Erwin chuckled, slightly imprinting a ‘non-aggressive’ attitude.
‘Calm down, calm down,’ his head repeated ‘I had always liked to save the best bite for last, savour the taste,’
But the overwhelming feeling of foreign anger was a demon possession. Y/N was his first romantic partner and he had made it clear that she was the last one. Dealing with the necessity of making clear that something was ‘mine, mine and only mine’  and the overtaking greedy green demon of jealousy was something he wasn’t used to.
Especially since they were trying to keep it as a secret. Like an optical illusion that once you see it, you can’t undo it. Levi felt his trust in any aspect of the matter abandoned his rational side, Erwin wasn’t trustful around his girl. His girl. How his large hand would land on the bottom of her back as he squeezed to pass through on a tricky small corridor.
‘Why doesn’t he stuck his hand on his fucking asshole before touching her?”
Or the little tap on her shoulders as he appeared to reach for a book she was jumping for. Her pounding expression as he messed up with her height. The smile he gave her, the adoring eyes of a lost lover. Levi felt as if he was losing his mind.
“You alright?” Hange questioned, concerned next to him during dinner as he had dead eyes, that type of expression he usually saved to hunt titans outside of the walls.
“Yeah,” He quickly replied but the pressure his fingertips put against the palm of his hands wasn’t healthy or painless. They were walking back to the blond’s office, for more paperwork before his trip. Levi hadn’t even mentioned to her, he kept it to himself. But if he had to declare it to her, he would have say “I trust you! I don’t trust him,”
‘I can’t take the bag away, he will notice,’ Levi replayed the options in his head as his insomnia kept him up at his shared room in the male barracks.
The simple thought of those clothes pure as a white dove laying in Erwin’s personal chambers was driving him nuts. They smelled like innocence because that was what she was before Levi stepped in, and that innocence was something she gave up for him. It was his gift, Levi was the man that made her feel safe enough. Erwin had no right in keeping a little fragment of that innocence.
‘Maybe he forgot to give it back,’ His only rational size tried to fight back the overtaking of his soul  ‘Please, he had over half an year to give them back. Those clothes weren’t forgotten, they were laying perfectly saved and protected there. There were kept with love, with affection, with lust’
His memory recalled that time that someone dared to cut Isabel’s hair and how quick he was to kill them. ‘I’ve grown soft’
‘We are not in the underground anymore,’
He waited for his dessert patiently so the third day of Erwin’s absence, he insisted on delivering papers to his office. She was there, immaculate, and sat down on a chair that looked absurdly big for her. Y/N smiled brightly when he crossed the room, submerged in paperwork. Trying to give more than just her best performance, prove she was worthy of such responsibility.
“Hey there” her voice was soft and excited, it held the kind of feelings that being in love could only. It bothered him how much it made him tremble inside, getting her adoration gaze upon him.
“I made you tea,” Levi said as if the tray with it wasn’t enough information and then added “And more paperwork,”
She groaned a complaint and stood up, the chair was pushed backwards to hit the window on the back. Her slightly bending position over the desk as she tried to add perspective to the strategy plans that she was analysing. If she hadn't been so lost in her work, she would have noticed the lock click or the tray left at a side round table and not at the desk.
The pencil in her rosy lips moved from one side to the other as she studied the situation. The candle burned steady on the upper right corner and the window revealed the dark panorama of the training forest. It was late, late enough for cadets to be on curfew and superiors crawling back to their chambers.
“You’re getting yourself overwork, let him have some shit to do when he comes back,” Levi said. His finger brushed her hair out of the way, scooping it to her right side and making the hairs of her neck raise.
She hummed as Levi grabbed the sides of her hips and pushed them backwards, her cheeks resting on top of his groin as his fingers tried to feel the flesh of her thighs through the uniform.
“Oi, I’m talking to you,” He insisted as she kept her attention on the blueprints.
With the neck exposed he began to kiss and gently suck the sweet stop of it right where the jaw met the neck. Taking his time nibbling the left shoulder and the collarbone as his left hand left the hip and pushed the white shirt she was wearing to a side.
Her humble mixed with a repressed moan resonated, her hand trying to push the one that remained securing her hips,  “I’ve a lot to do,” was her first attempt to brush it off, “I need to focus, Levi,” she insisted.
His lips were persistent trailing her shoulders to her neck, as the nibbling became playful bites that made him dip his teeth slightly deeper.
She chuckled, “Stop it,” without any conviction in it. Her teeth pressured slightly on her bottom lip as she enjoyed the demanded attention from her lover. Levi’s sucking the tender parts made her escape a shy moan.
“Miss L/N? I’m retiring for the day,” a strong knock at the door of an office that wasn’t hers and the voice of a soldier on the other side made her come back to her senses.
“Sure, you’re dismissed from activities John,” She replied quickly readjusting her shirt, ashamed. Levi’s patronising hand didn’t leave her hips which made her turn around frowning seriously.
“Stop it, you’re insane if you think we will do anything here,” she whispered.
Y/N had hardly initiated anything before, her girlhood lost only a couple of months. Therefore Levi had always been the controlling one and, aside from his personal preferences, kept it vanilla. She was a little delicate Sina’s wall flower, unused to the rough handling and a taste made for sweets.
Levi’s pale slender finger tapped rhythmically the bones of her hips that he refused to let go and little could she do against his power. Thoughtful, he observed intensely making her pale. Silver piercing eyes in the search of any weakness.
She glazed around, “I-I don’t want to disobey him,”
Levi’s stoic expression remained outside, but he could feel his core burn with irritation. The mere thought of Erwin’s feelings or wishes holding privilege over him made him tutted.
“Oh,” a breathless mock, baring teeth as the clench of anger turned into a smirk. Levi allowed a chuckle to escape momentarily before humming “So it’s a matter of orders?”
The sudden change of attitude made her turn around completely, “Well yeah…” she hesitated “He’s… my future commander,”
The dark haired man frowned intensely, each word filled the fire that burned him from inside.
“No, no,” his voice was passive and quiet but deep. His movements were casual, as he raised a hand to touch his jaw, wondering or pretending that he did. Before the same hand grabbed her soft face, pressuring the cheeks together as his thumb caressed her lips. They began to turn so scarlet with blood rushing in. This thumb pushed her bottom lip down as he admired the inside without rush, he had all the time of the world.
The girl, on the other hand, timidly tried to remain still as her mind battled the idea of comprehending what was going on. 
“I’m the man you answer to, I own this pampered little body of yours,” Levi’s voice got authoritarian as it got firm, not excitement whatsoever as if he held all the power. Why the rush or the strength if he already knew who was in charge “If I say that we are fucking here, with me bending you over this polished desk so I can fuck you harsher and steadier than in a bed, to the point the only shit you can do is part your legs wider trying to fit me in that slutty tight cunt. The only possible answer from you is asking if I want my cock sucked first.”
“You’re getting it all wrong, sweetheart,” His voice was steady and patronising, as he was talking to a child. “He’s not your commander, he’s nothing of you and you’re all mine.”
The push on her chin to make the head bend downwards, forcing her eyes to look up.
She was in a complete blank state, Levi had never behaved like this before. But she felt her heart thudding, was all she could feel aside from the saliva accumulate. The thought that she may have been biting more than she could chew echoed at the distance. Her body filled with the stupidness of bravery, the shameless intrigued to know how far this could go. Poisoning curiosity clouded her judgement as Levi’s voice deepened with husk.
The only few inches that made Levi taller than her felt like feets. The strength that he showed off in the training grounds felt like completely put into the grip of her cheeks and this new version of him, that she wasn’t entirely sure from where it came from, was making her lose concentration. She had always liked Levi’s dominant nature, sure but this? She felt like she was a prey getting cornered as her aggressor wetted his lips to the thought of having her as a whole course meal.
Tired of pampered little daddy’s princess, it was time for her to learn how to please him properly. To take what he had to give and be grateful for it. They had spoiled her rotten, it was his duty to show her the place where she belonged. And that was keeping his cock wet and warm.
Words were trapped in her tight throat as her mind spinned around, trying to grasp the situation as Levi did her face. Hazily shy tongue tasted the salty feeling of the man’s thumb. The hash texture of the teeth under his digit, the velvet feeling of her tongue and the witness of her mouth around it. Enough to almost make him blush or smirk, no holding back, no anymore.
“Good girl,” Levi’s puffed heated whisper made her tremble.
Glittery eyes, the embarrassment was unfurling in her rosy cheeks. Ashamed of how much it made her feel tight and warm but yet as if there was a place inside her that wasn’t filled properly. The deepness and reassurance of his tone, she wanted to hear it forever. On repeat until it was the only word she knew.
The whiddraw of his finger, only to add two more. Index and middle pushing deeper as she voluntarily ran her tongue under them. Hollowing cheeks as the pulling sensation pushed Levi’s finger deeper. The spit filled her mouth as it got wider. The pressure those digits did against her tongue as they adventured deeper, pushing her jaw and tongue downwards as they curled at the end, forcing gag reflex. Her mental will of keep sucking as brushing her tongue against them filled her conviction despite the overwhelming feeling of throwing up. ‘His dick is bigger,’ the thought that kept her pushing forward as the man felt the spit of her lips against his knuckles, sometimes teeth nibbling slightly. 
“Good girl,” he repeated, “You want to impress me?”
She hummed a positive reply as her pressure intensified while Levi took them away slowly. Rubbing his fingers together, enjoying the moisture that made them glide easily. 
Taking a step behind, Levi sat down in Erwin’s English green chenille chair. Resting his weight on the pushed surface as if he carried on so much on his shoulders. Elbows on both sides as if he was waiting for entertainment. Knees parted, creating an outward tilt that made the bulge shine prideful as it strained against the tight white trousers.
It made her jolt in her body, the sight of it as if she would never get used to it. Seen it before but it was always as mesmerising as the first time. The candle was still burning on the desk. The window was as wide open behind the chair as Levi’s leg while he waited for service. The idea of anyone recognizing that there was still someone in Erwin’s office or, for goodness sake, Erwin coming back from the trip early made her tremble. Her bottom lip became a prisoner of her teeth as she still wondered how much of a good idea this was.
“You don’t call me that.” His deep frowned expression made her remain quiet “Call me commander,”
“Commander, sir..” Her breaking voice as she tried to process whatever that was happening conceived him the pleasure of carrying on.
“What a good girl,” Levi breathed out, mocking how easy it was to make her obey. “Come here. Are you going to behave for me?”
Her body combusted, it felt tight and warm but empty. Her covered knees with the combat boots hit the carpet of the floor as she squeezed between the chair and the desk. Levi pondered the idea of calling someone, so they would come in and force her to gag on his dick as she kept sucking while he tugged her under the desk. ‘Maybe for another occasion,’
“I asked you a question,” Levi’s firm, demanding voice warned. His demeanour held the undertone of someone who won’t accept rebellion.
“Yes,sir- Commander, sir,” She quickly corrected, and it made a chuckle echo in his throat.
Whatever was the thing that possessed Levi was making her succumb to a situation that she truly didn’t comprehend but made her whole body feel in a way it had never done before. Her body ached with the need to take anything he offered, thank him for it and do her best to get a compliment for taking it so well.
The meat of his inner thighs felt trapped, he petted himself through his uniform pants, lazily as his body rested on the cushioned surface.
“Make me happy, do your job,” Levi ordered with his voice dying from husk. She was reluctant at first, it felt wrong that it was someone else's place. It even smelled like someone else. Levi dedicated her his undivided attention as he frowned deeply.
“Do I’ve to do all the fucking work?” Levi complained under his breath as he sighted. Pale hands quickly unbuckled his belt, then he raised slightly from his place, just to push the leather off completely and let it rest on the desk.
A short hiss quicked his breath and then he sighted, as he unbuttoned the front of his pants and dragged down the zip. His hand reached for his cock as it shifted to the contact and then pulled out.
Y/N glazed up to him, trying to find the conviction. The fear of being seen from the training ground while sucking her boyfriend’s dick at someone else's office was something hard to forget. His finger’s run through her hair before gripping it in a handful made ponytail. Strands of hair tangled with his pale fingers as he pushed her face close to him.
“C’mon. Behave..” Levi breathed out as his other hand tugged his own pants off down his thighs and grabbed his dick from the bottom. 
Gripping tightly the strands, making her his as he pushed her closer. Shiny curious eyes getting closer to his cock as she didn’t push away anymore, her breath ghosted against it. The difference of temperature of his warm shaft made him want to buck his hips against it.
Yn’s mouthered herself as he lazily did one, two jerks to push down the foreskin to reveal the flushed deep red tip. The side thick vein shined proudly as he pressured near the sack and then raised up to pressure the slit. Her rosy lips parted to give it a timid kiss before flatly running her tongue against it, giving it a particular harsh suck to that throbbing vein. Closed eyes before they opened lazily to look through her eyelashes with lidded eyes. 
Levi’s breath stuck on his throat as she got him wet enough to engulf him soon. “Yeah, just like that, as I taught you,” Levi growled as he remembered that those lips had only been corrupted by him. She was getting better and he could tell. By the grip of his made ponytail, he pushed himself down her throat, quickly and aggressively.
No time, no patience. He did another tug and forced more of himself deep down her throat. Enjoying the warm and the wet as he groaned echoing in the empty room. The idea that he had been training her to take him exactly as he liked him, drove him nuts.
The girl choked a noise as her eyes tear up, relaxed her jaw to take him deeper as Levi forced her head still while his hips rocked forward.
His hissing reaction to each time he drove deeper into the engulfing wetness that dripped from the corner of her stretched rosy lips. “Fuck, suck harder. I taught you how to suck a dick, didn’t I?”
‘I’m trying!’ she wanted to say but Levi was so thick, so heavily against her tongue and he wasn’t yet all the way. The tip hitted the back of her throat each time he trusted forward. If she hollowed her cheeks, she would gag more on the spit. It would have been easier to run her tongue as he pushed in if she wasn’t fighting to slack her jaw trying to fit him.
The wet glide produced obscene loud noises as it sliced Levi’s cock.
“This view is mine only mine,” Levi moaned as he observed her face contouring, eyebrows drawn together as she tried to fit him all in.
Y/n’s also glazed up to look between heavy lids Levi undo in front of her, dusty cheeks, frowned expression and nor particularly of pain, groans resonating in his throat as his dick hit his throat. She gagged, hopefully, as he hissed before letting his head fall back. It was ridiculous how much he was enjoying it. The wet lovely noises before her gag as he forced her head to bob down on him filling the office. He liked it so much that he moaned while painfully gripping her hair.
He tugged her off, impossible pumpled red lips fighting for oxygen as she was breathless. Dizzy on arousal and in confusion. Watery eyes looking up to him and he commanded “open up,”
Reflective pinky tongue out as it was covered in glistering saliva, flat exposed as Levi hollowed his pale cheeks. Gathering moisture and with a loud sound, let the spit hit her mouth.
“Swallow,” and she obeyed, at this rate not questioning much. “Open up,” he breathed and smirked at the clean surface, ready for him to ruin again. “You’re a fast learner,”
Re-adjusting his position. Without warning, his firm grip that pushed her off, forced her back on his cock. Easily slipping in, she put all her back into it. Each time an inch deeper, a harsher pressure and moved more her tongue as they got a pleasant rhythm.
“Fuck, yeah. Just like that, love. Use your tongue more,” Levi seemed to have lost all inhibitions and he began to succumb to the pet names. All she could do was whimper around it and dipping into Levi’s thighs for balance.
Seeing him come undone was marvellous, it filled her pride. Maybe he was the one in command but her mouth delivered so much pleasure that he was head slackened against the chair, hissing in need, was beyond comparison. Maybe those previous underground chicks were naturally better but Levi became insane around her, always wanting more, always ready to break another rule for the sake of having her.
Hm her throat groaning warned him when he had pushed her all the way down, her nose against the dark hairs tingling against her nose, drooling down her chin as the spit turned thicker and sticker. Deeping her nails on his legs, patting out heavily of her nose.
Handful of kick breath as she her throat pushed Levi’s head past it “Shallow, shallow all of it,”
No more resting on the chair, curved for a better view as he tighten the grip to fuck fastly her flusterring throat. Tears merciless crossed her cheeks as she jerked and turned impossible red trying to fit it all.
“That’s it, fuck.” his breathing quickling as his voice was covered in necessity and arousal “You’re taking it so well, so fucking well,”
‘Oh that’s it,’ who needs oxygen when humanity’s strongest soldier is loudly moaning how good you take it. There was no instinct of survival, as she took all of it, felt deeper each time and drooled over his hips. The burning sensation each time that he went balls deep and the prideness of taking each inch.
Sobbing as it becomes too much at some point. She wasn’t sure what was wetting her face, her tears of her split as her hazy brain fighted for survival. Her knees hurted from the strength of not falling backwards from the trust of his hips.
“Fuck, yes yes,” Levi was in his own world, scratching the desk chair that didn’t belong to him. Staining with dark spots the chenille  each time that he drove to abused that hole “Fucking shit,”
At this rate, she wasn’t even trying to not gag to reduce the chances of someone hearing. She couldn’t take it anymore, too much. Her lungs hurted as her hand pinched his thighs, patted them. Anything that would make Levi erase the grip. Finally free, Yn rested one hand on the floor as she caught her breath.
“God…” she hissed dizzy, coughing as their ragged breath filled the place. Levi took a brief moment to observe her down, quickly catching his breath before raising from the chair to grab something from the desk. 
Piercing grey eyes looking into her demanding, squeezing her cheeks together. Forcing dewy eyes to look back at him with tears on the corners, glimmering gems looking into his. ‘What a pretty little sight,’ He was the only one he had seen it, and he was going to make sure it remained that way.
“Whose whore are you?”
“Yours,” this time with conviction, making him sight contented.
“Get up, I’m not done with you,” Levi growled.
Tugging from her forearm, obligated her to raise up by placing a hand on the carpet. Warm red cheek against the cold surface of the desk, hands pinned on the back. Levi’s cold hand made the hairs of her neck raise as he pushed the shirt and jacket up her back as far as they could go. Hot tongue tracing up her tailbone as he travelled the exposed skin.
It took all her self control to not moan under the minimum touch, she had been feeling dripping since the moment she decided to thoughtlessly invest in this idea and finally the attention was back on her. Hips pushing hard against hers as he humped her clothed ass, enjoying the pressure and squishing her against the desk.
Persistent lips sucked the crock of her neck a couple of times before straightening up. Palm of his hand on the bottom of her back. Pupils going thin as he remembered the owner of the office touching that place. Levi sighed breathless as he admired the view, her timid arousal eyes looking at him from the corners as he gave another good push with his hips, trapping her against the table. Soft moan as he shoved her promptly onto the table.
Levi wished she would be wearing a skirt, it would make it so much easier. Cursed under his breath the uniform tight pants.
“W-what is that?” She quickly questioned as he grabbed her hands and tight them together with his own belt, quite painful.
“This,” Levi bended to hower on top of her, to whisper “is for making me so fucking jealous,”
She could feel the bruises happening, not only around her wrists but on her hips as Levi gripped them with such strength as his teeth clenched. 
Pelvis pressing against hers “Levi,” Yn gasped enjoying the friction but it was getting too much to handle. The moisture between her legs was getting uncomfortable as she needed something, anything, to fill her up.
Strong tug from her hair, pushing part of her upper body up and mixing her pleasurable necessity with arousing pain.
“I think we had already agreed it was commander, cadet,” Levi gritted his teeth.
“I’m sorry, sir. I’m sorry commander-” Y/n hissed in pain and then her face fell into the cold surface again, breath clouding the polish surface as her lungs ragged. Slightly shaking to the sides, trying to win back his interest and finally allow her some relief.
Undoing her belt and pulling down the pants, they reached far enough to her knees. The boots would make it impossible to take them off completely, the tingling sound of the buckle moving as her legs parted trying to fit him between them better. Biting the inner part of her cheeks with the molars, patiently waiting for him to finally rampage inside her.
Levi was taking his time, lazily jerking his hard cock as he admired the views. Pert, round ass and youngful beautiful legs that shined with her wetness that runned known from her neediness. It made him bite his bottom lip, thumb parting her inner fingers without touching her clit. If she was coming, it was from his cock only.
Tight little hole, he had been using it non stop the last couple of months and yet, it still looked so small. Gripping her ass, pushing it to the side to admire it better. Fingers kneading the meat to his heart content, full display only for him. ‘I’m getting that damn Captain promotion just for this, my own desk to ramble her every fucking day,’
She couldn’t take it anymore, feeling the tip of his head running up and down her folds, collecting her slick, but not getting close to her enter and neither to her clit. .
“Commander, please. Please-”
“How pretty is it when you beg,” Levi murmured holding his shaft as it leaked an ooze of precum with excited “Beg me more, princess,”
“Please, I really need you inside-”
“Oh you can do much better than that.”
Planting her forehead on the desk, sucking her bottom lip harshly as she got exasperated. She couldn't touch him, she couldn’t see him, she could barely feel him as he refused to get near the good places with his dick. Legs trembling in anticipation “Sir, please. I’m begging, fill me up until all I can feel is your dick pointing me to the point it hurts,”
His sinister chuckle as the words would have been impossible to come from her lips a few months ago when she was still an innocent girl, now she sobbed for him.
“I wish he could see you. Hungry little slut for my cock,” Levi grunted as he pressed the head against her enter and trusted himself aggressively.
Red bruised lips from biting parted soundless as she pulsed around him. It felt as if he was in her throat. It felt too much to handle but he didn’t wait for her to adjust, not this time. His right hand on her neck, forcing her head back down and imprisoned her. She felt the need to push away but the desk made sure there was nowhere to run. 
Air hissed through his clenched teeth as Levi drowned his eyebrows together, it was a heavenly warm and tight encompass. Despite the grip on her hands, keeping them together, her knuckles paled as she pressed her fingers into her palms. The feeling of her cunt being abruptly filled, her legs trying to part more in vain to fit him better. She could feel Levi press and pull against her walls, it was overwhelmingly good that she swore she was sobbing.
Her moans began to mix with Levi’s groaning as he gravitated and rocked his hips. Moving himself steadily, trying to fully make his wave the tight place. Levi hissed breathy as she tugged his cock in all the right places.
Quickly, despite feeling his hips against hers, buried to the hilt and satisfied groans living his mouth, he didn’t wait. Slowly pulling out, her legs backed up of how painfully slow it was before rambling back on it. Slamming himself with no restriction, stood up properly to repeat the action.
Jaw tightening up as his teeth clenched “fucking shit, yeah, that’s it. Open up,” sighed as he enjoyed every minute.
“Commander-” her voice soft as a plea to then wheezed incoherent moans that filled the room. It felt too much, Levi bottoming each time, pistoning her hips.
“This fucking hole was made for me,” Levi pushed Yn’s cheeks apart as he gritted “I could barely fit my fingers before and look at that, now your cunt is sucking me in so nicely. Doesn’t want to let me go. Do you feel me rearranging your guts? It’s taking my fucking shape”
Levi had always had a dirty mouth but hearing him talk like that felt too much. Each time that he went balls it, it hit all the nice places. It was overwhelmed, to the point that all she could do was just slacken against the desk. Sobbing in pleasure how good it felt, she kept teething over the edge of coming but it kept building up.
“Are you crying because it feels good?” Levi pulled out completely, making her gasp loudly and watching the slick still connecting them.
“Ah…” She breathed, unable to perform any actual word and her legs shaking. Gladly she was that the desk was doing all the support, otherwise she wouldn’t be able to hold herself up.
Grabbing her neck and using it as support as he smacked back in with a loud wet smack. Bending over, whispering “or because I’m fucking you in Erwin’s desk as some cheap corner whore?”
“Commander-” Yn weeped as she gritted her teeth, feeling the pressure of Levi’s hand on her neck and the other on running up and down on her body before painfully grabbing her hips again.
“You’re fucking dripping, you enjoy it Don’t you? You get off by me treating you for what you’re, just some tight cunt for me to use? Wait until you see his face when he notices the stains on the carpet,” Levi growled, getting himself excited.
“Ah-” She cried, trying to part her hips wider in vain, restricted by the uniform. Levi raised his right knee to the desk, to shift the angle and go deeper, if it was even possible.
The orgasm was foreshadowed. She came, muffling her cries the best she could so the rest wouldn’t hear, the bricks were thick but not that much. Pulsing against him as she cried overwhelmed. Levi wasn’t stopping.
“Ah- Fuck,” He moaned feeling the sudden walls sucking him so nicely.
“Tell me how much you love it.” no waiting, only unstoppable necessity of more. The desk shaked under the power and the blue-prints with the stressing paperwork falling from it. The candle falling and, luckily, turning off. Leaving them in the dim of the night.
“I-I love it, it’s so good. I love your cock-” Bumbling and sighting out. She didn’t even know what else he wanted from her, she couldn’t even feel her arms or her legs from knees down at this point. Head turning to the side, trying to catch some fresh air. Desk fogging with her rushed puffs.
“Ah- Ah-Ah” little noises escaping her lips as she felt coming again, jolting her body as Levi didn’t seem to have intentions to stop but the rhythm getting chaotic. Without lights all she could feel was the permanent presence of his hand on her neck, keeping her in place.
“I’m gonna breed you properly, so anyone can know to who you fucking belonged to,” Levi muffed out, hitting deeper and rougher each time. If it was even possible. The head of his cock met her cervix each time as he got carried away, dangerously.
“Fucking hell, yes” Levi gritted his teeth, succumbing to a muffle mix of swearing as he reached the end. Head throwing back as he lost any rhythm and inhibition. 
“Levi…” forgetting the formalities and saying his name. The fingers of her feet contorning in pleasure, her hands tugging from the belt, arching her back and squirmed.
The not yet captain pressed as deep as he could, as his dick twitched and unloading himself inside. Laying on top of her back as both tried to regulate their breath, resting his chin on her shoulder as he admired her dizzily state and her features covered in wetness, from tears, spit or the sweat. He waited there until he finished working himself out.
“Stay still,” he groaned, raw voice after all what happened, straightening up. Both hissing as he withdrew his softening dick.
She attempted to look over her shoulder but she couldn’t even phantom the idea of gathering the energy for that. All that she could hear was Levi’s humming as he pushed her cheeks apart. Thumb gently massaging the hole as it began to leak his cum.
Then something began to clean her up as he kept prying open to see it all out.
“So pretty,” he murmured, mostly to himself.
All she could do was lay there limp, gasping for air or for her consciousness. It was so dark when she finally opened her eyes again. He was gently tugging her from her arms, soft quiet touch nothing compared to before.
“Do you want a shower?” He offered, knowing that they could take advantage of staying in the private chambers. After all, it was almost a suicide mission trying to leave the higher ranks’s building at the middle of the night without getting caught.
Not entirely sure how but Levi had manoeuvred both of them to be cuddling against the chair, playing with her hair.
Sleepy hummed a negative replied “I can’t feel my legs… neither my hands,”
“Oh yeah…” he undid the grip but she hissed loudly now down from the high, noticing the deep marks around her wrist.
“What the fuck happened to you?” She questioned once she felt her regular partner was back.
“I got carried away,” was all he murmured.
“It’s my fertile week, you said we weren’t going to sleep together these days,”
“I got carried away,” he repeated uninterested in going into details.
She fell asleep at some point and he allowed her. Carefully as a mother that puts a kid on the crip, Levi slided her body off from his. He cleaned the papers, picked up the blue-prints, and turned off all the candles. The place was right as it was before they came in, except from one thing.
The uncomfortable silence as both pondered over the recent activities “... how am I supposed to look at Erwin’s face after this?”
Levi didn’t reply right away, chuckled dryly and said “well better for you, less neck pain from looking up,”
Pale finger reaching across the wardrobe, pulling out the pink ribbon bag and opening it. He admired the lingerie with what he had cleaned up his own load off. It was pristine before he stole it a couple of days ago and now it was stained with him. As so was her. He could help it to grimace as he folded it and put it between the clothes.
‘I’m fucking insane,’ he thought with no remorse. However, Levi was sure that if the blond found out, he wouldn’t bring it around. It was either admitting that he had kept his ex clothes or both pretending this never happened. As the future captain was getting to know the Commander in line… he bet that this was the last time he was going to hear from this.
Perhaps this was the last time he could let his inner sassy thug shine through until he had to shut it down to behave as a proper leader. Then when the blond came back, they crossed pathways in the corridors.
“I cleaned your office. You live in a pig’s shit,” Levi casually commented.
The tall man smiled “Thank you, I appreciate it,”
Humming positive as the former thug slowly kept his stroll in the opposite direction but stopped midway “Oi,”
Both man looked over their shoulder to see what the other had to say, Levi casually dropped “I also put stoppers to your desk, that shit moves a lot,”
The blond frowned, Levi stoically turned back and kept going as if he had said nothing. It took all his will power to not smirk on his way down to the mess hall.
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maximoffcarter · 2 months
The proposal.
Pairings: Casey Novak x Alex Cabot.
Summary: After seven years of dating, Casey Novak and Alexandra Cabot are ready to propose toe ach other, though it's a bit of an ordeal to get to the proposal.
A/n: Surprise surprise! I decided to post this one today for my bestie. Once again, bestie here giving me the best ideas @saurgaeee. I don't even know if the end is good but I believed the rest of it was pretty cute haha, I hate knowing how the story will go but then at the very end I end up getting stuck. But hope y'all like this! Don't be afraid to send me an ask or message if you got any requests, I'm up for anything for now. Enjoy and leave your comments, reblog, hearts, whatever you'd like, will be very much appreciated🫶🏻
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*not my gif*
“I can do this…I’ve got this.” Casey whispered softly as she took a deep breath, shaking her hands as if that would help to shake off her anxiety. “It’s gonna be okay.” She breathed out as she straighten out her posture and knocked softly on the door.
“Come in.”
Casey cleared her throat as she opened the door and offered a small smile. “Hey, Liz.” She closed the door slowly behind her, walking to Elizabeth’s desk.
Elizabeth sighed heavily as she took off her glasses and looked up at Casey. “What did you do?”
Casey frowned as she shook her head. “Literally nothing. Why would you ask that?”
“I can definitely tell you’re nervous. You don’t just come here and say ‘Hey Liz’ if you didn’t do anything. And I’m pretty sure you want to ask me something so.” Elizabeth leaned back in her chair.
Casey raised her brow. “You don’t even say hi to your worker and friend?” She grinned.
Elizabeth rolled her eyes. “Hi, Casey. What did you do?” She grinned.
“I didn’t do anything, but…” Casey sat down and sighed. “I do wanna ask you something.”
“Okay, shoot.” Elizabeth stared at her with a raised brow, her curiosity pretty clear.
Casey nibbled on her lip as she stared back at Elizabeth, thinking that it really had looked easier than it actually was. She cleared her throat again and looked down at her hands as she tried to organize her words. “I uh…I wanted to…” She whispered softly.
Elizabeth huffed a chuckle. “You’ve never been so nervous, Case. What has you so nervous that you can’t just ask-“
“I want to ask Alex to marry me.” Casey said rapidly as she looked up at Elizabeth. “And I…wanted your blessing.”
Elizabeth raised her brow as she stared at Casey with a defying stare. “You wanna marry Alex? My Alex?”
Casey nodded. “My Alex but…yes.” Elizabeth stared at her. Casey cleared her throat again. “Your Alex, yes.” She nibbled on her bottom lip as she stared at Elizabeth.
“Have you already talked about it?” Elizabeth simply asked.
“We have…more than once. I uh…I already talked to her father, and he said yes. But…I wanted to ask you.”
Elizabeth nodded. “I see.”
“So…” Casey wetted her lips nervously. “…do I have your blessing?”
Elizabeth kept staring at her, her face not showing any emotion. “You know what would happen if you hurt her, right?”
Casey nodded. “I know. I would never do that.”
Elizabeth nodded back. “You’re good to go.” She said as she put back her glasses and went back to read the files she had in front of her.
Casey frowned and looked at her for a moment before she stood up. “Uh…” she looked back at the door and then at Elizabeth. “Okay, thanks.” She then walked to the door and was stopped before she could leave by Elizabeth’s voice.
Casey looked back at Elizabeth. “Yes?”
Elizabeth smiled as she looked at Casey. “I’m happy for both of you. You know I also care for you, and yes. You do have my blessing. Thank you for considering me.” She smirked. “I’ll be waiting for the invitation.”
Casey smiled softly as she nodded. “Thank you.” She turned back and left the office.
If anyone would’ve told Casey that she’d be asking her boss for someone’s hand years ago, she’d have laughed in their faces, but here she was; feeling relieved that both Alex’s dad and Elizabeth Donnelly had given her the blessing to ask Alexandra Cabot to marry her. It might’ve been silly, Elizabeth would be probably teasing her about it for a long time, but asking for a hand in marriage was usually what was done in her religion, and even if she knew that Alex was not religious -she herself wasn’t religious anymore-, she still wanted to keep that tradition going. Marriage had just been legalized for same sex couples and after years of being together, Casey thought it would be a good idea to finally ask Alex to marry her.
They had been dating for around almost seven years, and even if they were already acting like a married couple with promises rings, Casey thought it would be cute to officially be able to call Alex her wife. The idea of it brought butterflies to Casey’s stomach. Never in her life did she think that she’d be marrying someone, after being engaged once, and being single for a very long time, she thought that maybe she was destinated to stay that way, but after meeting Alex and falling deeply in love with her, she knew that her story had been rewritten. She was the happiest she has ever been with Alex, and she hoped that things would go as planned.
“So, what brings you here, Alexandra? I haven’t see you in a while.” Branch leaned back on his chair as he looked at Alex, who was standing in front of his desk. “You look like someone is going to scold you, and that someone is clearly Elizabeth.” He grinned.
Alex huffed a nervous chuckle as she looked down at her hands. “Right, well…it has nothing to do with work or a case. I wanted to ask you something…about Casey.”
Branch nodded. “Is everything alright?” He raised his brow.
“It is. She is. We are.” Alex cleared her throat as she looked up at him, taking a deep breath. “It’s a…well. I know Casey worked with you for a while, and for what Casey tells me, you’re the reason she started in SVU and also the reason she kept going. You supported her a lot.”
Branch offered a faint smile as he nodded. “I like to think so. But what is your question, Alexandra?”
Alex took a deep breath as she straighten her posture. “I want to for your blessing to marry Casey.” She tried to hold a serious face, but her anxiety was definitely present, and she was ready to walk out of the office before anything else could happen.
Branch frowned as he looked at Alex. “You know that…I’m not her father, right?”
Alex nodded. “I know. But…I know that you care for her, and Casey appreciates you so much, just like I do. But…I thought I’d ask you before I do it.”
Branch nodded as he looked away for a moment. “Alright. Well.” He smiled as he looked back at Alex. “You do have my blessing, Alexandra. Go ask her.”
Alex smiled widely as she nodded. “Thank you, sir.” She huffed a chuckle as she walked to the door.
“You know better than to hurt you, right?” Branch simply asked, raising a brow as he looked at Alex.
Alex stopped in her tracks and turned to look back at Branch, nodding. “I know, sir. I-I wouldn’t dare.”
“Good. Now go get your girl.” Branch grinned.
“I…have someone else to ask.” Alex smiled.
Branch frowned again. “Who else?”
Alex sighed as she smiled. “Mary Clark.”
Branch chuckled. “You two are something else.” He nodded. “Good luck.”
Alex gulped as she heard the ‘good luck’ but simply nodded and offered a smile before she exited the office. It’s been about three weeks since she’s been thinking about doing all this; three weeks of torture in her mind since she hated lying to Casey, and she had been telling Casey that she’s just busy and with a load of work when in reality, she’s been to probably five different jewelry stores trying to find the perfect ring for the redhead. She knew Casey had grown up Catholic, she knew marriage was like a big thing in the religion and even if they wouldn’t be getting married in a church, she wanted to do things right. Casey’s parents were not in the picture anymore, her parents being divorced and creating a distance with Casey since she came out to them, so she knew somehow this was going to be hard for Casey. She wanted everything to be perfect and she realized that asking Branch and Mary Clark was important since they saw Casey grow up, and Casey had always mentioned how she really appreciated what they had done for her and the support she got from them when she was suspended.
Alex had secretly talked to Elizabeth about marrying Casey, Elizabeth had been kidnapped by Alex for a whole afternoon to try to find a ring, Elizabeth letting Alex know how silly she was being because she didn’t think it was a big deal, but in the inside, she was melting at how Alex was a bundle of nervousness as she looked at various rings. So for the last two weeks, Alex has been keeping the box with her at every moment, too afraid that if she left it back home, Casey would easily find it. Alex had only met Mary a few times, after Casey had been working with her again, she had been introduced and she had visited Casey a few times while working with Mary. Mary reminded her a bit of Elizabeth, so she thought maybe it wouldn’t be too bad to ask her, but now standing right outside her house, her anxiety was very present again and she felt like she was about to faint.
“Alex.” Mary smiled. “What a pleasure to have you here. Come on in.” She stepped aside for Alex to come in, closing the door afterwards and then walking to her living room. “Want something to drink?”
Alex shook her head as she cleared her throat. “No, I’m good. Thanks.” She offered a small smile and started looking around to stop her nerves.
Mary sat on the couch and raised her brows in curiosity. “So, is there anything I can help you with? I’m sure that’s why you’re here.” She signaled to Alex to sit down, a smile on her face.
Alex sat down on the couch in front of her to face her, her hands fidgeting with her coat. “Yes. I mean…not work related.”
“Ah.” Mary grinned. “Casey related.”
Alex gulped as she nodded, taking a deep breath. “Yes. I uh…well…” she huffed a chuckle as she looked down at her hands. “I just-“
Mary chuckled softly. “Casey did say you looked cute when you got all nervous.”
Alex looked up at Mary and blushed slightly. “She said that?” She smiled.
Mary nodded. “She always talks about you.” She smiled. “I know why you’re here, Alexandra.”
“Y-You do?”
“The answer is yes.” Mary smiled.
Alex’s breath hitched as she stared at Mary. “How did you-“
“You’re not nervous just for anything, and if it’s Casey related, it’s easy to put the pieces together.” Mary grinned. “You have my blessing. I know Casey grew up in religion, and I’m sure you thought this would mean a lot for Casey.”
“That’s right.” Alex smiled. “And yes, I want to marry Casey.”
Mary’s smile widened. “Have you gotten the ring?”
Alex looked into her pocket and handed it to Mary. “I got it two weeks ago. Have been with me ever since.”
Mary chuckled as she opened the small box. “This is beautiful, and very Casey.”
Alex’s heart warmed at her words, sighing in relief as she smiled. “I’m…so glad to hear that.”
Mary gave back the box and smiled. “You two are very lucky to have each other, and I’m sure Casey is gonna be the happiest. Thank you for considering me for this.”
“Well, I know you’re someone important for Casey, and I know Casey is important to you.” Alex smiled.
“Like a daughter, yes.” Mary smiled. “So, I’ll be here if you guys need anything for preparations and everything, will love to help.”
“Everyone is just…telling me to go ask her and already talking about the wedding as if she already said yes.” Alex shrugged. “Am I missing something here?” She chuckled nervously.
Mary stood up and walked to the other couch, sitting down beside Alex, grabbing her hands, and offering a small smile. “Do you really think Casey is gonna say no?”
Alex shrugged. “I mean-“
“She loves you, Alex. And for the first time in the years I’ve known Casey, I have never seen her happier. So yes, we all agree that Casey will say yes.”
Alex smiled softly as she nodded. “She will.”
“And you already know the terms and conditions, right?” Mary grinned.
Alex nodded. “I could never hurt her.”
Mary nodded. “Very well, so tell me, you have anything planned?” She smirked.
Alex groaned loudly as she threw her head back. “Elliot, this is stupid. We should just leave it here.”
Elliot chuckled as he walked to Alex, picking up the ball from the floor and putting it on the glove. “C’mon, Cabot. You got this.”
Alex shrugged. “What is the point anyway? It’s not like I’m gonna play with her or anything.” She raised her brows as she looked at him, putting the bat against her shoulder. “I know Casey will love to know that I’m learning softball for her but…it’s useless. I hate playing sports. I’m better at running.” She offered a small smile.
Elliot sighed as he nodded. “Casey loves you no matter what.” He smiled. “Why did you want to learn then?”
“I want to take her to the batting cages.” Alex shrugged. “Thought if I had a bit of practice, I wouldn’t make a full of myself there.”
“She knows you don’t know how to play.” Elliot grinned.
“And I could’ve impressed her.” Alex grinned. “But I just decided is better if she teaches me.” She handed Elliot the bat and walked back to her bag to grab her bottle of water.
Elliot squinted his eyes as he walked to Alex. “And why would you want to take her there, anyway? You know she goes time to time on her own.”
Alex shrugged as she looked back at him. “Well, we always go out to eat or for a movie, I thought maybe doing a different date wouldn’t hurt.” She tilted her head. “What?”
Elliot smiled as he shook his head. “No, nothing.”
Alex nodded. “Right.”
“Am I gonna be best man?”
Alex sighed as she covered her face with her hands. “Is it that obvious?” She mumbled as she looked back at Elliot.
Elliot chuckled as he placed everything on the bench and then looked back at Alex. “No, Alex. It’s nice.” He smiled. “I’m happy for you, the ice queen finally found her fire.”
Alex rolled her eyes playfully. “That’s stupid.” She grabbed her bag and then started walking with Elliot.
“Makes sense in my head.” Elliot grinned as he grabbed his things and placed his hand on Alex’s back.
All the way back home, Alex kept playing in her mind the last few days. The moment it was legalized, the thought never left her mind. They had mentioned it before, they had talked about it, once the relationship became pretty serious, Alex brought it up once out of nowhere; never in her life did she think that she’d be talking about marriage with someone. All of her past relationships have always ended before they could even drop the L bomb, but Casey had been different. The moment they had met, the very first time they talked, Alex knew she was screwed, and Casey never left her mind. After she had come back from Witness Protection, the first thing she did was try to get in contact with Casey again, and from there, they became inseparable, Alex being Casey’s biggest support after being suspended. Alex couldn’t have been happier once she asked Casey to move in with her, and the very first night after they had moved all of Casey’s stuff to her place, she knew that she wanted forever with Casey. And to her surprise, Casey thought the same thing.
And now, seven years later, here she was. Carrying with her the box that was literally holding her future. She tried to calm herself down with the fact that she has been with Casey for seven years now. Seven. Mary and Elizabeth had made it very clear that it was obvious that Casey was going to say yes, why wouldn’t she? Unless she didn’t want to officially take that step with Alex, then maybe Alex would scare her away and Casey would want to leave her. But that was just Alex’s anxiety playing tricks with her. She took a deep breath as she unlocked the door of their apartment and walked in, finding Casey in the kitchen. Alex closed the door behind her and leaned over it, smiling softly as she looked at her. She was scared, so scared, but she couldn’t wait to pop the question.
Casey looked up at Alex and smiled. “Hey you.”
“Hi.” Alex smiled, dropping her bag by the door, and then walked to the kitchen, wrapping her arms around Casey’s waist, and kissing her shoulder. “Making dinner?”
Casey nodded. “Yep. I came back home early and thought I could do some dinner for us.” She put the knife down and turned in Alex’s arms, smiling as she faced the blonde. “Good run?” She kissed her nose and then wrapped her arms around Alex’s neck.
Alex nodded softly. “Yes.” She smiled as she pecked her lips softly. “So…I was thinking that for our date tomorrow…maybe we could do something different.”
Casey furrowed her brows. “Like what?”
Alex shrugged. “Well, you said you wanted to go out to eat on Friday. We really didn’t see any good movies that we could watch tomorrow, so I thought we could do something fun together.” She smiled. “I was thinking we could go to the batting cages?”
Casey’s eyes lit up as her smile widened. “Wait, really?”
“Why not? I mean, you love it, and I could really use a different way to work out.”
“Well, if you want a different way to work out, I have many ideas in mind.” Casey bit her lip softly as she felt Alex’s hand go up and down her back.
Alex raised her brow. “I wouldn’t say no to those.” She grinned as she leaned in and kissed her lips. “But what do you say?” She whispered against her lips, pecking them softly.
“I’d love that, baby.” Casey smiled. “But are you sure?”
Alex nodded. “Yes, my love.”
“The sounds like a plan.” Casey kissed her lips softly. “Can you help me get the table ready? Just need to fix this for the salad.” She turned again to finish.
“So, wanna try?” Casey grinned as she looked back at Alex.
Alex gave her a shy smile. “Uh…I just…I don’t think I can do this, Case.”
Casey chuckled softly. “C’mon, baby. You’ve just been standing there watching me. Looking all cute, of course, but still.” She grinned.
Alex chuckled softly as she sighed. “Will you help me?”
“You know I always will.” Casey went out the cage for a moment and brought a helmet for Alex. She walked to Alex and put it on her head carefully, kissing her nose as she smiled. “Still looking very cute.”
Alex rolled her eyes playfully. “C’mon, let’s get this over with.”
“Okay, so, you gonna stand like this, grab the bat right here. Try to keep steady and just focus on the ball.” Casey showed her first how to stand, positioning herself behind Alex, and then wrapped her arms around Alex, placing her hands on top of Alex’s in the bat. “Just focus on the ball.” Once the ball came their way, Alex jumped slightly as Casey moved their arms to bat. Casey chuckled softly. “That was good.”
“Yeah, cause you have your arms wrapped around me.” Alex smirked as she turned to look at Casey.
Casey smirked as she wetted her lips. “If you wanted my arms around you. You could’ve asked for cuddles, you know?”
“I like to watch you in your element. Plus your arms feel good around me, and you behind me? Even better.” Alex bit her lip as she leaned in to kiss Casey’s lips.
Casey chuckled against her lips. “Wanna try again?”
Alex hummed. “Why don’t I watch you again so I can try it on my own next?” Casey raised her brow. “I promise.” She rolled her eyes playfully.
Casey sighed. “Okay, but next one you do it.”
Alex nodded. “Yes, baby.” She smiled softly as Casey positioned herself again, not noticing that Alex quietly exited the cage and went to their stuff.
“You need to focus on the ball and just swing the bat. With practice, you just know the perfect timing.” Casey said as she showed Alex, smiling as she saw the ball go. “See? You just-“ She turned to look at Alex and gasped softly as she saw Alex kneeling with a small box in her hands, her eyes widening as the bat fell to the floor. “Alex…” she breathed out.
Alex giggled. “I thought of so many ways to do this, but this is something you love, that you’ve done your whole life, and I thought maybe it would be more special than any other thing.” She cleared her throat as she tried to hide her anxiety. “I know we’ve been dating for years now, and we basically live together already, but I wanted to do this. I want forever with you. I want to officially call you my wife. Casey, I love you so much.” She chuckled nervously. “I had this whole thing planned to say but…you already know how much I love you. So…Casey Grace Novak…will you marry me?”
“Yes.” Casey sobbed. “Yes!” She jumped on Alex, wrapping her arms around her neck as she kept saying yes over and over again, falling on top of her.
Alex laughed, wrapping her arms around Casey’s waist. She felt tears in her eyes as she held Casey who still kept repeating yes, she didn’t know if she had tears because she was laughing or because she wanted to cry, and for a moment her mind registered that they were both in the dirty floor, but at this moment, she didn’t care one bit…Casey was now her fiancée. Casey started peppering her face with kisses, chuckling as she was trying to hold back her tears. Alex then moved to sit down, Casey straddling her lap and her face moving to Alex’s face to look at each other.
“Can I put the ring now?” Alex laughed softly.
“Oh, yes! I’m sorry!” Casey laughed, looking down and taking her promise ring off, and putting it on her other hand. Alex placed the ring on her finger, making Casey gasp softly. “Is that…is that your birthstone?” She smiled softly as she felt her heart warm.
Alex chuckled softly. “Yeah, I uh…I thought it would be cute.” She looked back up at Casey and smiled. “Fits your eyes perfectly.”
Casey felt her eyes getting teary again as she placed her hands on Alex’s neck again and pulled her in for a kiss. “I love you. So much.” She whispered against her lips.
“I love you more.” Alex smiled. She cleared her throat as she looked around. “Do you think maybe we could…”
“Right! I got too excited.” Casey chuckled as she stood up, helping Alex stand up afterwards.
“You don’t say baby.” Alex grinned as she stood in front of Casey, kissing her cheek. “You wanna keep going?”
Casey shook her head, pulling Alex to her by her waist. “I want to go home with my fiancée.”  
Alex bit her lip as her smile widened. “Let’s go then.”
“So, should I still do it?” Casey whispered softly in her phone, her eyes on the bathroom door to make sure Alex was still showering.
“Why wouldn’t you? Just stick to the plan.” Olivia said on the other line.
“What if she thinks it’s stupid?”
Olivia sighed. “Honey, you’re already engaged. Just do it.”
Casey nodded. “Okay. I will.” She heard the water turning off and raised from the bed. ‘Gotta go, thanks Liv!” She hung up the phone just in time, smiling as Alex walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her body.
Alex frowned as she looked at Casey. “You haven’t changed, baby.”
Casey looked down at her body, noticing that she was still in her robe. “Oh, uh. I just didn’t know what to wear.” She chuckled.
“Are you okay, Case?” Alex walked to her and placed her hand on Casey’s cheek. “You seem nervous.”
Casey shook her head as she smiled, leaning in to peck her lips. “All good. We better hurry, our reservation is in an hour.” She offered a small smile as she walked to the closet.
As they drove to the restaurant, Casey kept her purse in her lap, fidgeting with it as she tried to focus on the road. She would be lying if she said she wasn’t surprised that Alex had decided to propose first, she had also been the first one to give the promise ring, so it only made sense. She had also been so touched when she learned that she had talked to Branch and Mary, asking for her hand, Casey almost sobbed when Alex was telling her about it and how nervous she had been. They hadn’t really said anything to the squad yet, the only person that knew for now was Olivia -or that’s what she thought- because she had been the one going with her to pick up the ring. She had thought about doing it the moment they came back from the batting cages, but she still wanted it to be special for Alex just like it was for Casey.
Once they got to the restaurant, Casey had asked for a private spot so it would only be a moment for the two of them, Alex blushed once they got to the table and Casey pulled the chair for her to sit. She then sat down in front of Alex and smiled softly as Alex looked at her, grabbing her hand from across the table and stroking the back of it with her thumb. Her eyes then laid on the beautiful ring that Casey proudly wore, making her smile widen as she touched it. Casey’s whole body warmed as she stared at Alex; Casey loved how naturally beautiful she was, her favorite was when Alex had no makeup on, she had no imperfection at all, and the way her hair just fell perfectly in her face, framing it perfectly, Alex had mentioned that she missed her short hair, but she loved how much it had grown and Casey confessed she’d love her anyway, and those beautiful eyes…those blue eyes that made her melt. She smiled softly, thinking that she didn��t want to wait any longer.
“Baby?” Casey smiled softly.
Alex looked back up at Casey and smiled. “Yes?”
“Did I tell you that you look so beautiful tonight?” Casey grinned.
Alex rolled her eyes playfully. “Just like a bunch of times since you saw me back home.” She grinned.
“You’re always beautiful. But tonight…you look stunning.”
“You’re cheesy.” Alex chuckled softly.
Casey looked down at their hands and grabbed Alex’s, her thumb touching Alex’s promise ring. “Are you still gonna wear this?” She smiled softly.
Alex looked down at her ring and smiled. “At least until we get our rings once we’re married.” She looked back at Casey.
Casey smiled softly. “How about changing it now?”
Alex frowned, a grin on her face. “What?”
Casey reached with her other hand on her purse, getting the small box out and standing up to kneel, a small gasp from Alex. She smiled as she opened the box. “I was gonna wait until after dinner. I wanted to order your favorite dessert, which we still can.” She chuckled softly. “But looking at you…I just couldn’t wait any longer. I really thought I’d beat you into proposing but…you made me the happiest woman alive when you did. So.” She took a deep breath. “You’re the love of my life. I was so happy when you came back into my life, and I just couldn’t imagine it without you in it anymore. I love you more than words can describe…and I know we’re engaged already, but I couldn’t not do this. Alexandra Marie Cabot…will you be mine forever?”
Alex sobbed softly as she nodded. “Yes. Oh my god, yes Casey!” She leaned down and grabbed Casey’s face in her hands, kissing her softly but breaking the kiss as she couldn’t stop smiling. “Oh my.” She laughed softly as she saw Casey putting the ring on her. “That’s…that’s your birthstone.” She looked up at her and smiled.
Casey chuckled softly. “Guess we thought the same thing, huh?” She smiled as she kissed Alex’s hand. “It goes with your eyes.” She winked at her as she stood up, leaning down to kiss her lips again.
Alex shook her head. “I love you.” She smiled. “I was ready to jump on you but...maybe it’s not the best idea right now.” She chuckled.
Casey smiled. “You can jump on me when we’re back home.” She smirked as she sat back in her chair. “I really did want to give it to you last night but…I just wanted it to be as special as it was for me.”
“You could’ve asked me in the shower this morning, and the answer would’ve been the same.” Alex grinned as she grabbed Casey’s hand. “So, now it’s double official.”
Casey chuckled. “You can call your dad now.” She grinned.
Alex tilted her head. “You called him?”
Casey shrugged. “I did the same thing that you did. I asked your dad…and Liz.” She chuckled.
“They’ll be on our asses, huh? Making fun of us.” Alex laughed softly.
“Oh, definitely. She saw me yesterday and was asking me if I was still nervous.” Casey chuckled. “But it was worth it.”
Alex smiled. “We’re way too cheesy.”
“And I love us.” Casey laughed.
Elizabeth shook her head. “You really did think the same thing. It’s beautiful.” She grinned as she looked up at Alex. “So…have you thought about who’s going to marry you?”
Alex shrugged as she sat back down. “Not sure yet. We were thinking about the civil wedding being the only one, so there’ll be a party after.”
Elizabeth nodded. “Would you like me to marry you?”
Alex smiled. “I…wanted you to uh….be my witness.”
Elizabeth smiled as she nodded. “It’ll be an honor.”
“Thank you.” Alex smiled.
“Who is Casey asking?”
“I think she’s asking Mary.” Alex shrugged. “She’s like a mother to her.”
“Very well. I’ll make sure to find you someone. I’ll be in charge of that.” Elizabeth smiled.
Alex nodded. “Okay. We’ll go today to get the license, so I’ll let you know when we have it.” She stood up and then turned to look at Elizabeth. “Did you intimidate Casey when she talked to you?”
Elizabeth shrugged. “Just enough for her to be a little scared.” She smirked.
Alex rolled her eyes playfully. “Right. See you tomorrow, Liz.” She smiled before she left.
Elizabeth smiled as she shook her head. “Who could possibly be good to marry these two?” She whispered to herself as she looked down at her files. She then heard a knock on her door and looked up. “Lena, what are you doing here?”
Lena smiled as she walked to Elizabeth’s desk. “I heard the news, Cabot and Novak getting married.”
Elizabeth smiled. “The rebels are making it official.”
Lena laughed. “Have you got anyone to marry them or are you doing it?”
“Alex asked me to be her witness. So, yes. I’m looking for someone.” Elizabeth raised her brow. “Got anyone in mind?”
Lena smirked. “I’m in, let me know when it is, and I’ll clear my schedule.” She nodded and then walked out of the office.
Elizabeth just stared at the door and nodded. “I guess I found the right person.” She chuckled.
“Okay, I just went to check on Casey, she’s looking beautiful.” Olivia smiled as she closed the door behind her.
Alex groaned. “Why is it a thing to not be able to look at my fiancée? I just want to give her a kiss.”
Olivia chuckled. “Because it’s supposed to be bad luck. And you’ll see her in half an hour.” She smiled.
Alex sighed as she turned to look at herself in the mirror, smiling softly as she looked at her dress. “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?”
“You look beautiful, Alex.” Olivia smiled.
“I can’t wait to marry her.” Alex smiled as she turned to look at Olivia. “Never in my life did I think that I’d be getting married.”
“Fate changes sometimes. And you two got lucky.”
Alex smiled as she nodded, trying to hide her nervousness and anxiety. Half an hour felt like two hours for both women, but finally the moment had arrived. They had opted to get married in Alex’s house in the Hamptons, it had a beautiful backyard, big enough for their friends and for the small party they had decided to have. Alex decided she’d be the one waiting for Casey, but still walked down the aisle in the arm of her father. Alex felt like she was going to faint as she looked at Casey, smiling softly and feeling her eyes getting teary. Elliot had been the chosen one to take Casey down the aisle, telling Casey that it would be an honor to take his ‘sister’ to Alex.
Elliot smiled as he looked at Alex. “Take care of her.” He winked at them and went to sit down in the front.
Alex smiled as she held Casey’s hand. “You look beautiful.”
Casey smiled as she tried to swallow back her tears. “So do you. So beautiful.”
Alex looked back at Elizabeth and frowned. “Who’s going to marry us?” She whispered softly as she noticed no one was there.
“Desperate much, Alexandra?” Lena said as she smiled, standing behind the small table and smiling at both women. “Surprised?”
Casey chuckled softly. “A little?”
Alex nodded. “Yeah.” She chuckled.
Lena smiled. “You two were always a pain in the ass, so I thought it was the right choice for me to be the one to marry you two. And we all agree here that you two are definitely meant to be.” She winked at them. “It’s an honor to marry you two. So, shall we begin?” She grinned.
After the whole ceremony and signing papers, finally Casey and Alex said their ‘I do’ and the ceremony was finalized. The guys helped add some other decorations so the party could start. Alex and Casey never separated from each other, talking, and laughing with the rest of the guests and taking pictures. Both women felt like they were living in a dream, staring at each other every possible chance to make sure they were actually living in this moment. Eventually, the moment of their first official dance arrived, standing in the middle and holding onto each other as they swayed to the music.
Alex rested her forehead against Casey’s and smiled softly. “Not that I don’t love our family and friends but…I cannot wait to get out of here.” She whispered softly.
Casey chuckled. “You and me both, baby.” She smiled. “Can’t wait to get out of here with my wife.”
“You got something planned, Mrs. Cabot?” Alex raised her brow as she grinned.
Casey blushed softly. “You know that if I get Petrovsky in trial, she’ll definitely call me Mrs. Cabot, now?” She chuckled.
Alex shrugged. “I wouldn’t mind that. After all, it is now part of your name.” She grinned.
Casey nibbled on her lip as she smiled. “And to answer your question…yes. I do have something planned.” She leaned in to whisper in her ear. “But that’s for me to know and for you to find out later.” She smirked as she pulled away, enough to kiss Alex’s lips softly.
“Can’t wait.” Alex smiled against her lips, pulling her impossibly closer to kiss her again. “I love you.” She whispered against her lips.
“I love you even more.” Casey smiled, kissing her lips again.
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