#I'd say they look pretty good for my first attempt at drawing them
thewild78 · 2 years
I have gotten my hands on them now
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more shit doodls I did during school HAHA
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dceasesd · 4 months
why juni ba’s the boy wonder has my favorite jason characterization of any contemporary comic run: a needlessly in-depth analysis (pt.3)
go check out part 1 and part 2 if you'd like! this is a long one, sorry guys.
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if you haven't already i'd recommend you check out pt. 1 & pt. 2 (linked above), but if you haven't checked them out i've been going over some of the main things people have been criticizing ba's characterization for: 1. the typical boiling down of jason's character to "the angry one" 2. his lack of strategy going into the fight with the demon is out-of-character 3. the neighbor's kid interaction
alright, so this last point is purely based off of one page of the entire comic: the one where the child of one of jason's neighbors is dragged inside his home when his mother see's jason coming.
first off, i love this page. it might be my favorite page in the entire issue. everything about it is great. just thought i needed to say that.
anyway, there's some people who are seeing this page and reading it as "jason protects kids! that's one of his big things! why are they scared of him?"
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here's the thing, though: the kid isn't scared of jason, the mom is. the kid is literally playing dress up as the red hood-- he's not scared of jason, if anything he's trying to replicate him. little kids dress up as their heroes all the time; why is this kid any different? it doesn't really make sense for the kid to dress up of something he's scared of (not everyone is as weird bruce wayne), especially a real person that could be a real threat rather than a concept. i doubt you see many kids in gotham dressing up as the joker or something, because that's just asking for trouble.
the dress-up honestly seems like a ploy for attention to me. the kid clearly knows that red hood lives in his building (which is honestly so funny. take off the mask jason you're giving you're position away (actually this is a really good instance for analysis but i'm determined to not go on a tangent)). if the kid knows red hood lives in his building, what better way to get his attention that dressing up as him and playing pretend? if the kid was scared of him, he wouldn't want to draw that sort of attention to himself. if he had a sort of hero-worshippy thing going on like i suspect, then he would want to get jason's attention. to sum it up,
it's the mom who pulls him away when jason nears, because she either a) perceives him as a threat, b) doesn't want her kid to try and replicate him even more, or, the most likely option, both! the kid isn't scared of him, but the mother believes they should be.
once again, we come back to the whole perception vs. reality theme i talked about in part one! we've come full circle, everyone!
when looking at the neighborhood's perspective of the red hood, ba gives us a few contradictory examples. there's the kid and the mother, obviously, but there's also a slew of other citizens who interact with him at the beginning of the issue, both in fear and camaraderie.
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the unhoused man and the people outside of his building clearly have a familiarity and are comfortable with him, while the shopkeeper is terrified and literally has a banned poster on his wall featuring jason (i am so curious what he did to deserve that, if he even did anything at all). from this, it appears that jason's reputation teeters between fearful and familiar-- a sentiment that also colors jason's relationship with his family.
furthermore, this concept underscores just how lonely jason is-- one of the only good relationships he had in his current life was his fucking landlord, for gods sake, and he's dead.
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i think it's important to note that jason doesn't respond to the friendly greetings from the men-- he could attempt to build camaraderie, the roots are there, but he chooses not to. he could work to try and show the mother that her son is safe with him, but he chooses not to. why? jason is obviously lonely (as ba states in the panel below) and he caves pretty easily when damian asks him for help (both of them are so desperate for human interaction its tragic). so why does he distant himself from the community?
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obviously it is in part due to the vigilante lifestyle, but it is also jason's perception of himself and how he believes others perceive him, especially in regards to his family (ba is literally hitting readers in the head with that theme baseball bat).
he doesn't see that the kid with the mask looks up to him, all he sees is the mother pulling him away. he sees the banned poster in the store. and, as ba narrates, "he was sure he'd been forgotten about" by his family. utrh is jason's twisted way of attempting to reach out and connect with bruce, and obviously that doesn't work-- so he chooses loneliness over rejection.
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like in part one, though, damian refutes this idea by describing bruce's perspective, showing how what jason believes differs from actuality. bruce hasn't forgotten about him and doesn't hate him, as he suspected, but instead harbors guilt over the situation and desires to make it better, which jason must come to understand to be able to open the locked door and begin to move past his trauma.
so, that's what the little kid in the red hood outfit looks like to me. i actually have a lot more i'd like to say about the boy wonder, especially in regards to the whole "door to my past life" thing and what ba does with lighting and blocking in his artwork, so i may do a little post on that as well! i was gonna try and shove it into this one, but i've run out of room! i hope you guys liked my analysis, if you'd like to chat about the boy wonder or any other comics, my dms, asks, and reblogs are happily open! thanks for reading! :)) <3
pt. 1 / pt. 2
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unhinged-simp · 3 months
I love your writing, and I thought I'd drop in with a headcanon request. Hear me out: the reader asking to draw Luca, Towa, Alan, and Zenji (or whoever you like). And when they ask, the reader says it's because they want to draw someone beautiful.
I hope this isn't too big of an ask, and thanks in advance if you write this
Asking to draw them HCs(Luca, Alan, Towa, and Zenji)
Thank you so much, and thank you for requesting! This wasn't a big ask at all. I just had to figure out how I wanted to proceed with it is all. I hope you enjoy.
Spoilers in Zenji's part for the Hotarubi chapter.
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Ever since you first met Luca, you had always wanted to draw him. 
He was just so perfect in your eyes, you wanted to attempt to recreate it in a drawing.
Luca would ask why you were staring at him, and embarrassed you gave some excuses.
One day after watching Luca train, you finally decided to draw him.
He saw that you were watching him, and walked over to ask.
You two conversed before you let out the question you had.
“Luca, can I draw you?” You asked. Luca blinked, a bit startled. 
“Of course, but why me?”
“I wanted to draw something beautiful.” 
“Eh.” Luca blinked.
Luca flushed and stumbled over a couple of his words, but he quickly became happy. 
He'd let you draw him anyways. He'd ask to see the finished product
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When you saw Alan, you were blown away by how pretty he was. 
Every last detail made you want to draw him, but you were too nervous to ask him to model for you.
You would try to analyze him to draw him in private, but he was quick to notice his staring.
One day, you finally had the courage to ask him if you could draw him.
You met up with him at the cafeteria, and after eating, asked what you wanted to ask.
“Alan, can I draw you?” Alan stared at you for a minute. 
“Why?” He asked.
“I wanted to draw something beautiful,” you said.
Alan just looked at you in silence before his cheeks reddened.
Afterwards you noticed that Alan was in a good mood, and that his cheeks still had a bit of that red tint. 
He agreed to let you draw him, wanting to see your art in general. He'd want to see the finished product, but wouldn't pressure you into showing it.
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Towa was adorable from the first second you saw him, especially when he eats that dandelion from your hand.
He was so gorgeous that you just had to draw him.
Whenever he saw you studying him, he’d come over and hug you.
During one of your visits to Jabberwock you were sitting with Towa under a tree, conversing with him.
“Towa, would it be alright to draw you?” You asked. Towa nodded and hummed in response, though he tilted his head in confusion.
“I just wanted to draw something beautiful.”
Towa would grin from ear to ear. He'd hug you and hum happily. 
He’d pose rapidly for you to draw him. He'd lean over your shoulder to see your drawing.
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When Haku revealed Zenji, and you saw him with your own eyes, you were blown away by him.
He was so handsome and you knew you had to draw him.
He’d catch you looking at him, and would question you about it.
You sat at the table at Hotaburi with Zenji beside you, and you pulled out your sketchbook.
“Zenji can I draw you?” You asked. Zenji hopped up in excitement.
“My dear, you'd really draw me?”
“Of course, I want to draw something beautiful.”
Zenji was praising you much more and he had a blush on his face.
He'd do whatever pose you wanted. He'd want to see the drawing, and would get inspired by the drawing you made.
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roxtron · 7 months
Day 5: Rabbit, Reclaim
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For some reason everytime i draw him he looks so young because i'm accidentally overcorrecting since i'm used to drawing older characters. So unfortunately he looks way younger than i meant him to lol, whoops.
But wait there's more- AHAHAHA
While I did initially plan this for GGY week I eventually got the idea to use this as an excuse to draw other GGY designs, soo..
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(Not sure why tumblr formatted it that way with 1 of them big but it doesn't matter lol)
I've been wanting to do this for a while, I put the tags of each person next to their design but ofc I'm still gonna tag them in the post itself so you can see their art for yourself if you haven't already. But I enjoyed each of these in their own ways so if you don't mind I think I'm gonna type a bit of text next to them..
@chipistrate This was one of the first I drew out of these, the design was pretty fun to draw but sorry if I messed up a few details, it was a bit difficult lol. The mask and goggles are really fun to draw and they make for a cool design, along with all the glowing blue. (and yes, I tried to subtly include the heelies lol)
@lunzi0 This was the first fursuit one I did lol. I adore the little stars in the design, they personalize it so well and make it really unique. I wanna try this design again since I feel like the other ones show my improvement a bit better, but I hope you can appreciate the effort I put in on my first attempt <3
@carouselrabbit This one was really fun to draw, I absolutely love the eye shape/lashes, it stands out and I always love drawing eyes with a bit of eyeliner lol, the daycare theme legwarmers is a cool nod to the balloon boy arcade machine being connected to them, and was just a fun addition in general lol, I like the style of legwarmers what can I say, fnaf changed my fashion sense a bit. also the subtle paraells to freddy's design is a nice way to connect a bit to gregory himself.
@puhpandas I can't remember if I talked about this design last time I drew it but, overall I'm really happy with how this came out, it's such an indicator of improvement since I started drawing this and I'm glad I was able to draw it better than last time lol. All the patchwork and similarities to Vanny's suit work really well, and the rabbit you chose to base it off of was a good fit, the colors make it a bit more difficult to shade for but i like detail lol, hope you like it too :)
@dykevanny I knew I wanted to do this since I started but I wasn't sure if I'd have time, and I'm glad I did! I hope you don't mind I combined aspects from the first design I saw and the second one you replied to my ask with, I liked the big purple sleeves lol. (I just realized after doing all the shading I forgot to include the oil splatter on his jacket, sorry!) It was definitely a bit difficult due to the head shape being so different but.. fluffy. i love drawing fluff. And the glowing swirl on the goggles, the shape of the ears, I love a lot about this design. :D
I have a hard time with writing compliments but I wanted to get some of those thoughts out, some of the things I like about these designs apply to multiple lol. I adore every one of these designs but I find it hard to put into words what I enjoy about them, hope the original creators are happy with these. <3
I also kept the ggys without as much lighting effects on a separate file, I felt like I should add them since they're a bit brighter lol, makes them look different.
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Okay now that I've gotten all that- Sorry this post is so long! I didn't think it'd end up taking up so much space lol. Buut.. working on this drawing and thinking about it and potential context behind it gave me an au idea for it, but I'll put it under the cut since I understand most people probably won't care and just wanna see the drawings lol.
Idk if I'm confident enough to write for it but I'll give a bit of a summary.. I'll keep it under the cut for people who aren't interested and just wanna see the art though lol.
After the main events of SB and Ruin, now that the mimic's been set free, Cassie's taken control of by what's left of Vanny, using her as a new host. But with Cassie being the only human left alive down there, after being reawakened, Dr. Rabbit has nowhere left to go but back to his old host.
Vanessa, Freddy, and Gregory hadn't gone back to the Pizzaplex after ruin, but they were trying to figure out a plan to get Cassie back safely. One night after Freddy and Gregory disappear, Vanessa leaves to go find them. As dangerous as the pizzaplex is, it's her best guess for where they might've gone. She doesn't want to think about what could've happened to them, in denial for the worst case scenario. She tries to keep herself calm by telling herself they probably just left to go back for Cassie, maybe they didn't want her stopping them.. but deep down she knows it can't be that simple. She knows something's off, even if she's not ready to admit it.
When returning to the pizzaplex, she brought along her own V.A.N.N.I. mask, though unlike the one Cassie used, it was clear of the mimic's influence. After all, she was going to need some way to travel through potential blocked routes.
By the time she found Gregory, she'd still been wearing the mask, seeing him down the end of a dark hallway. He looked confused, afraid, his mind was a wreck of conflicting emotions. She started rushing towards him, happy to see him okay, until he finally spoke.
"You need to get out of here."
She stepped back, taking off the mask, only to be faced with the worst case scenario.
It was a wreck, covered in stains and tears, but it was still recognizable. He was wearing that old suit again.
As he waved, she could see Freddy's claws peeking out from the doorway, as the two stepped closer towards her.
So, she did what he told her to do, and started running. She could hear a faint voice coming from the mask, and put it back on before finding somewhere she could hide.
It was his voice again, telling her which way to go.
I guess that was the dramatic way to summarize the main idea behind it, lol. Basically Gregory and Dr. Rabbit work the way Sun and Moon work in Ruin, whichever one is in control in the real world, the other is left behind in the AR world. Or at least that's my interpretation of how they worked, considering Sun was always in mask-on scenes and moon was mask-off. I'm not too sure where the plot might go from there, and maybe I'll consider writing for it, I dunno. I've never wrote fanfic before because I get deadly afraid of writing them out of character lol, but maybe?? I have ideas for scenes and premise and stuff but I don't know if I have the confidence to write it.
But anyway! That was just more of a fun side-idea I came up with while working on this, if you read this far thanks, hope you enjoyed :)
here's some silly little lineless doodles as a reward for making it to the end hehe
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now that's what I call an art dump
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thunderxleafart · 9 months
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Hey y'all! :D Now that the holiday madness has died down, I finally managed to finish this off!
It seemed only fitting to draw the twins enjoying the Christmas season, since I adore those lil buggers so much, but it looks like they have a friend with them this time around! ;D
That's right, it's good ol' Edward! Honestly I love most of the characters from Thomas (especially the model series), but Edward definitely earns a special place in my heart along with those cheeky little twins. Plus I will always have a soft spot for the father/son bond he seems to have with the twins. ;; It's just so wholesome! And you bet Edward is one of the only engines the twins will never play tricks on, cause he genuinely respects and looks out for them, so they respect him right back. :D Wholesomeness all around!
Just some wholesome train content for y'all as we close out 2023 and head into the New Year! <3
I spent a lot longer on this than I'm willing to admit LOL but after everything, I'm still pretty darn happy with how it came out! Backgrounds are a pain as always but I'm still pretty darn happy with how it all came together in the end! Especially since this was my first attempt at drawing Edward, and I'd say he came out pretty darn good! :D
The Holiday season has been pretty up and down for me this year, a lot more stressful then previous years, but Christmas Day was still a blast hanging out with my fam. <3 I finally have my grubby lil hands on the Railway Stories collection, and I was really happy to see how everyone reacted to the things I got them! ;3 So overall, a good year!
I'll be putting together another art-in-review type thing for the year that'll hopefully be posted tomorrow, so stay tuned for that! :D
I hope you all had a nice Holiday season, and I look forward to bringing you all sorts of fun new stuff in the New year! ;3 And as always, thanks for looking everybody!~ ^w^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Edward, Bill & Ben (c) Thomas & Friends Art (c) Me! <3
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gothcsz · 10 days
𝑻𝒉𝒐𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉𝒇𝒂𝒓𝒆 / Interlude.
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GIFs by uuuhshiny
PAIRING: Javier Peña x Original Female Character
SUMMARY: Flashback to the first erotic phone call between our favorite couple.
RATING: 18+ Minors DNI.
TAGS: more phone sex to satiate our horniness, dirty talk is a given, masturbation (f&m), porn with feelings, lots of terms of endearment, javi thinks she's really pretty and perfect, fluff at the end because these two are in love and it sickens me (in the best way possible), you don't really need to read the main fic to enjoy this, if there's typos/grammatical errors just pretend that there's not, other things that i'm probably forgetting.
A/N: okay, listen, i couldn't help myself from writing this because it was living in my head rent free since i mentioned it in a previous chapter. this takes place between chapters 15 and 16 here on tumblr (17 and 18 on ao3 bc they don't match up, sadly) so, um, yeah 🙃 idk when the next real part of this will be out... but just know blood, sweat, and TEARS are being poured into it. lol anywho, my thoroughfare baddies, i hope you enjoy this as much as i enjoyed writing it 🖤 and alliigator tears by beyoncé definitely fits them like a glove. as always feel free to drop any type of feedback/support on this blog or ao3. i'd really appreciate it <3
♰  read on ao3. ♰
♰  playlist | pinterest | series masterlist ♰
Javier leans back against the sticky leather of his couch, the phone pressed against his ear, his voice low and teasing. “So, is this the part where I’m supposed to ask what you’re wearing?”
Her soft giggle floats through the receiver, and he can almost see her biting her lip, playful yet coy. She shifts on her bed, the soft rustling of her sheets barely audible. “You can if you want,” she flirts, “but m’afraid you might be a little disappointed by my answer.”
He chuckles, “I doubt that. You could be wearing a potato sack, and I’d still think you’re the most beautiful girl to ever walk this godforsaken planet.” He’s anything if sincere and it makes her cheeks flush.
She toys with the cord of the phone, fingers tracing the spiral absentmindedly as she tries (and fails) to suppress the smile spreading across her face. “Y’know, Marilyn Monroe did that once,” she informs, leaning back into her pillows. “Just to prove a point.”
“Yeah?” he questions, taking a sip from his beer, “And what point was she trying to make?”
“That she looked good in anythin’.”
“Seems like you two have that in common, then.”
Her laugh is magnitzing, drawing him in. “That’s like, one of the best compliments you can give to a girl.”
“Being compared to Marilyn Monroe? Really?”
“Well I’ll tell you right now— you run laps around her.”
Her blush deepens, staring up at the ceiling in a futile attempt to calm the butterflies fluttering wildly in her stomach.
“Oh, stop it.” He always makes her feel like she’s crushing for the very first time.
The soft hum of the phone line hangs between them, a balm against the ache of being apart. Talking over the phone just isn’t enough anymore. Not after tasting each other, not after knowing what it feels like to reach euphoria together.
It’s become almost unbearable to stay away, more difficult than ever before.
He can almost feel the heat of her skin, the way her chest rises and falls with each breath. He imagines her sprawled out on her bed, hair fanned out like a halo, lips parted just so.
“Just saying how it is.”
Her hand tightens around the receiver, heart pounding in her chest. She isn’t exactly sure how to navigate this type of call. She can sense it escalating it into more… naughty territory just by the way tension is building over the line. 
It’s something she’s always been curious about, eager to explore, but she’s never had a boyfriend or lover who made her feel bold enough to try it.
And now she has one of the two who is more than willing to indulge.
“What about you?” she whispers in a sultry tone— an attempt to sound confident and not embarrassed. “What are you wearing?”
“Not much,” he admits, the shift in her voice enticing him, which in turn has blood pooling at her cheeks. “Sweatpants, a college t-shirt,” he pauses for a moment, “Thinking about you.”
She bites her lip, the image of him lounging comfortably in his space looking handsome as hell without trying, so close yet so far, sending a thrill through her. “I’m flattered… what exactly are you thinkin’ about?”
“How one of these days I’m going to be selfish enough to keep you in my bed all night. Treat you the way you deserve.” His cock stirs at his own imagination, memories of their date clouding his mind like a beautiful and welcomed storm. “I’m always thinking about you, sweet girl… every inch of you.”
She blinks rapidly. “Javi,” she breathes, “can’t say things like that. Makes it real hard to wanna stay in my own bed tonight.”
“That’s the point,” he replies lowly, using a seductive tone that sends shivers dancing down her spine. “If I didn’t give a fuck about your dad, I’d sneak over and climb your window to show you just how much I want you.”
“I mean… you could…” Her eyes flit over to the open window of her bedroom, imagining his broad frame climbing through and taking her right here on her bed. Her thighs rub together.
“I don’t have a death wish.”
“Honey, dontcha think we’re past that by now?”
He smirks, taking another sip of his beer. “Not entirely in the clear.”
Right. And at the rate they’re going— he’ll never be.
Another bout of silence before he asks, “So… what are you wearing? Told you what I was sporting, it’s only fair that you return the favor.”
Her voice is soft, almost shy, as she answers, “Just a camisole and some sleep shorts.”
He paints a vivid picture of her in those simple clothes, clinging to her curves. It gets him hot all over. “You wearing any underwear?”
There’s a pause, her hesitation makes his pulse quicken. Then, her angelic whisper replies “... No.”
A grunt escapes his lips. “I just know you’re looking real cute right now laying in bed.”
Her lips curl into a small, mischievous smile, “Who said I was layin’ in bed? Could be on the couch… or in the kitchen…”
Javi chuckles knowingly. “You wouldn’t be speaking so freely if that were the case.”
She hums, the sound vibrating through the line, “Hmmm, I guess you’re right.”
Her fingers play with the delicate bow at the front of her camisole, a teasing thought crossing her mind. “There’s a bow tied to the front of my top,” she murmurs seductively, “If I undo it, my tits will spill out.”
A low growl rumbles in his chest. “What a fucking sight that’d be. They’re gorgeous.”
She chews on her lower lip, lightly tugging at the tied string, the tension in her body building. “Yeah?”
“Hell yeah,” words drip with intent. “Love feelin’ them in my hands. Wanna bite and lick all over them, mark them up. Know I’d be able to make you come just by playing with ‘em.”
Her thighs twitch instinctively, a wave of arousal washing over her. She can almost feel his hot breath against her skin, the way his teeth would graze the hardened nub of her nipple, his tongue swirling around the sensitive area before suckling it into his mouth. The image sends a jolt of pleasure straight to her core, her breath growing ragged.
His smirk is damn near audible as he hears her reaction over the line. “What’s wrong, baby? Wasn’t expecting that?”
She swallows hard, “You and that fucking mouth of yours, Javi.”
Another dark chuckle, words coming out in a low purr. “That’s not even the filthiest thing I could have said.”
Curiosity and arousal bubble within her. “What is, then?”
His voice drops even lower, “I’d latch right onto those pretty tits, querida. Fuck you with my fingers ‘til your pussy is crying for my cock.”
Her hand tightens around the phone, eyes fluttering closed as she lets the scenario he’s planted in her mind take over. The thought of his fingers inside her, stretching her, teasing her, making her lose control, is almost too much to bear.
“Wouldn’t take much— I promise you,” she tells him.
A satisfied laugh rings through the receiver. “Gotta build your tolerance up. It’d be too easy to just give you what you want every time.”
The faint thudding of her neglected clit is slowly but surely driving her crazy. She needs to touch herself, or hell, sneak out her damn self and drive to his place just to have him fuck her.  “S’not very nice to torture me, cowboy.”
“I’m not torturing you, my spoiled girl,” he tilts his head, fingers drumming along the tattered fabric of the armrest, “It’s gonna make it that much better when I finally give you what you need. Gotta warm you up first. Tease you.”
She blows out a breath, heart skipping a beat as he calls her his spoiled girl.  “You do enough of that by not doin’ a goddamn thing. So fuckin’ annoying.”
“I can say the same to you. Damn near half hard any time you’re around.”
She giggles and he smiles, “Does that mean you tug one out when I leave ya?”
“Sometimes… most of the time…”
“And now?” She asks a little boldly.
“With the direction this call is goin’ in, I was hoping we could indulge in that together.”
Her breathing picks up again and attuned as ever, he notices. “You ever done this before, palomita?”
She hesitates, her thumb tracing the curve of the phone. “No,” she admits, feeling the heat rise in her cheeks. “Not like this.”
There is a beat of silence, and then his soft, reassuring voice breaks her nervousness.  “That’s okay, hermosa. I’ll talk you through it. Just listen to me, and I’ll take care of everything. I’ll take care of you.”
I’ll take care of you. His words are like a warm embrace, wrapping her in a sense of assurance. Her body tingles with curiosity, nerves, and growing desire. “Okay,” she whispers, her voice small but eager.
He hums, finishing off his beer and placing the empty bottle aside. “Now, I want you to do something for me. Pull the string on your top. Let your tits spill out, princesa.”
Her fingers tremble slightly as she tugs at the string, letting it fall open, pulling the fabric beneath her breasts. The cool air kisses her bare skin, making her shiver.
“Okay, they’re out.”
“So compliant. Me encanta.” He praises tenderly. “Fuck me, I wish I could see you right now. Bet you’re lookin’ good enough to eat.”
A soft whimper spills from her lips, the praise stirring something deep inside her. “Javi,” she breathes, body already aching for more and nothing has happened yet.
“Shhh, just keep listening, baby. Now, slide your shorts down. I want you laying there, all soft and naked, just for me.”
She follows his instructions again, mind swimming with ardor as she kicks off her shorts. She lays back against the pillows, her body exposed for whatever he’s about to throw at her. “Okay, they’re off.” She informs, coyly.
“There we go. Don’t be shy.” He hears it plain as day in her voice. He’s so used to her sharp tongue, her playful teasing when she’s strutting around town like she owns the place. But here, on the phone, she’s different— modest… compliant. He fucking loves that he can elicit this facet of her personality. 
His large hand palms at his erection over the fabric of his sweatpants. “Doing so good. You ready to hear what I’d do to you if I was there?”
Her breath is ragged as she nods, realizing he can’t see her. “Yes,” she whispers.
“I’d kiss you slow at first,” he begins, “down that pretty neck of yours, taking my time, tasting your skin. Always so sweet. Like strawberries and honey all over.” He grunts, squeezing his dick, practically tasting what he’s just described on the tip of his tongue.
Her eyes flutter closed again, her body responding to his every word. Picturing him hovering above her, his lips grazing her neck… she can’t help but let her hand come down to grope her own breast, kneading the full, warm flesh with her free hand. “Oh…” an airy gasp tumbles from her.
“You touchin’ yourself, palomita.”
“And when did I give you permission to do that?”
Her eyes snap open, “I-I—”
“It’s okay, I’ll let it slide this time,” he licks across his teeth and she shudders.
This time. Will there be more times? God, please let there be more times.
“What are you touchin’ on?”
“My tits.”
He groans, squeezing his cock, “Fuckin’ perfect. Could spend hours between them. I’d suck those pretty nipples into my mouth, just the way you like.”
Her body arches as if his mouth were already on her. She moans his name and he revels in it, “It feels so good… just hearing you.”
“I know it does,” he says, a cocky smile in his voice. “ I love hearing all your sweet noises. Making me so proud, cariño. Reward yourself by rubbing your clit.”
His words make her bolder, her inhibitions slipping away as lust takes over. “I wish you were here so bad,” she whines, manicured fingers moving down her toned body until they’re between her legs and she spreads her thighs, exposing herself.
When she reaches her clit, her eyes widen at how wet she is— almost not believing how worked up he’s able to get her. Her tone grows needier as she begins to rub wide, slow circles against her sensitive pearl. “I wanna feel you inside me, Javi. Want you to make love to me.”
His breath shudders, the tenderness in her voice slicing through the heated tension. Make love. The words hit him in a way he’s never felt before. He can’t remember the last time someone asked for that— hell, he doesn’t think he’s ever done it. Not with Lorraine, not with Helena, not with anyone. He’s always been about the rough, fast release, the urgency of a quick fuck.
Slowing down, savoring each moment? It never seemed like his thing.
Too intimate.
But now, with Paloma’s soft moans in his ear as she touches herself under his guidance, it’s different. She’s saying his name like it’s sacred, begging him not just to fuck her, but to make love to her. And for the first time, the idea makes him want to lose control in the gentlest way possible.
What a sight she must be sprawled out with her hand between her thighs. “Fuck, I’d love nothing more. You’d feel so damn good wrapped around my dick. I’d go slow. Let you feel every inch of me stretching out your tight cunt, chiquita.”
She mewls, clenching around nothing and slowly picking up the pace with her fingers, smearing her sticky arousal around her pussy, spreading her folds and massaging her labia. “No one’s ever made me feel the way you do, honey. I’ve never wanted anyone like this.”
Her words hit him like a shot of adrenaline, stroking his ego. It drives him wild. “Don’t tell me that,” he growls, his voice strained. “Not when I can’t do anything about it.”
His head falls back against the couch, his teeth gritting as he forces himself to slow down, schooling his hand movements so he doesn’t come so soon. That’s how much power she has over him— how much she gets under his skin in the best way possible.
And it’s killing him that she’s not here, that he can’t reach out and feel her, make good on all the promises in his head and on his tongue.
“You’re everything, Paloma. I’d make you feel like the only woman in the world because that’s what you are to me.”
Her chest tightens, lust and emotion wracking against her ribcage. “You’re the best I’ve ever had,” she admits shakily, words laden with sincerity. And I’ve only fucked him twice!
He lets out a low groan, finally pulling his cock out from the restricting fabric and he pumps slowly, tightening his fist around the heated skin as precome squirts out from his slit. “Damn, palomita. You don’t know what you’re doin’ to me. You’re so perfect. Everything about you is perfect.”
Her confidence soars at his words, body humming. “I’d do anything for you.”
“You don’t have to do a thing but be yourself,” He says this so sincerely, it’s almost painful. “You’re already everything I need, nena. Just you, laying there, listening to me… that’s all I want. Still touchin’ on that pretty pussy?” Just asking her has his shaft twitching in his calloused palm.
The intimacy of his words makes her feel cherished and adored in a way she had never felt before, yet the crudeness of his question makes her feel sexy and desired.
“She wet?”
“You know she is.”
“Suck and spit on your fingers then, fuck—” he cuts himself off with a groan, adjusting the phone to rest between his shoulder and ear to bring his hand down to cradle his balls while he picks up the pace at which he’s fucking his fist, “put two inside. Slowly. I want to hear you spit on them.”
She can only assume that he’s also touching himself, and envy curls in her belly— jealous of his hand for being able to have him in a way that she hasn’t yet. 
Her skin prickles as she obeys, her digits messy as they slide up to her mouth. She licks them deliberately, exaggerating the motion so he can hear the wet suction of her lips around her fingers before she spits and some of it dribbles down her hand. The sound is shameless, and it earns her a sharp curse in Spanish from him.
“Dios mío...” His voice is ragged, barely holding on to control. “I want you to spit on my cock like that when I fuck your throat, corazón.”
“Oh my god,” her back bends as she sinks two of her fingers inside her cunt, and while it feels good— it’s nothing compared to how his had felt. So thick and full and calloused. “Javi,” feeling more comfortable, she continues, “I know you’ve got your cock in your hand,” another grunt from him and a ghost of a smirk haunts her plump lips, “Wanna hear you spit in your hand and wrap it around him. Can you do that for me?” She asks, oh so sweetly, almost echoing his words to a T.
He almost comes then and there, that lilt in her tone and the presumable pout on her lips making him feel like he’s dreaming.
He can envision her looking up at him through those thick lashes of hers, mouth parted while his heavy cock hovers over her face. “‘Course baby. Anything for you.”
He brings his palm to his mouth, spitting into it obscenely, and the sound earns a quiet, satisfied sigh from her. The added wetness makes it easier for him to stroke himself, his grip tightening as he imagines her lips around him. “Add another finger,” he demands, “Know you can take it. Just how you take this dick, babygirl.”
Her ring finger joins her pointer and middle, a slight burn comes with the stretch, the pad of her thumb grazing her clit and it makes her hips buck upwards, breasts swaying with the movement and she almost lets the receiver slip from her grasp. “Oh honey, this feels fuckin’ amazin’.”
“The things I’d do to be there with you. Wouldn’t even touch you. Just stand there watching as those pretty fingers get swallowed by that tight pussy.” She gasps, curling her fingers and just barely brushing up against that soft spot that makes stars dance in her eyes. The spot he so easily finds and pleasures as if it’s nothing. Like a fucking expert.
“Turn over. On your stomach,” he instructs, twisting his wrist and shuddering at how good the motion feels on his dick. “Put that fine ass in the air.”
She’s dizzy, his instruction almost muddled from the pleasure she feels by fingering herself. She pulls her digits out, core aching from the sudden emptiness. 
She lets the phone slip from her grasp, shuffling onto her stomach, her knees trembling as they dig into the mattress while her ass lifts into the air. The texture of her comforter brushing against her sensitive nipples makes her keen and he hears the faint whine over the crackle of the landline and that makes him dizzy.
She’s never gotten herself off like this before, and her nerves dissolve into excitement as she calls out for him again, phone tucked against her ear, one cheek pressed against the mattress, fingers eagerly awaiting further instruction.
“Put those fingers back inside, baby. I want you to pretend it’s me. Feel how tight you are, how badly your pussy needs me to fill her.”
She writhes under his command, cheeks flushed with arousal, as her hand moves between her legs once more. She slides three fingers inside again, her wet heat wrapping around them, hips instinctively rocking to meet her own touch. “Oh God, Javi,” she moans, quivering as she imagines it’s him, his cock stretching her, buried deep inside her completely.
“That’s it,” he growls, his own hand moving faster, jerking himself with the same intensity he imagines she’s giving herself. “Now bounce on them, pretend it’s my dick.”
She swivels her hips, keeping her wrist locked tight to keep her fingers upright as she begins to ride them in this position. It feels so good, better than anything she could have ever fucking imagined. “Oh jesus fuckin’ christ— Javier I’m not gonna last long, oh fuck—” her words taper off into a loud moan.
He chuckles, dark and husky. “Quiet down before your daddy hears you,” he warns, the thrill of being caught only adding to the fire between them.
She bites her lip hard, body trembling as she tries to keep the pleasure at bay, stifling the sounds that threaten to escape. The phone digs into her ear, his voice the only thing keeping her grounded in the storm of her own lust. “I can’t… it feels too good,” she whispers, breath ragged as her hips buck uncontrollably against her hand.
“I know, princesa,” he purrs, soothing yet commanding. “But you’ve gotta be quiet for me. You don’t want anyone knowing how dirty you’re bein’ right now, do you?”
She shakes her head, even though he can’t see, teeth sinking into her lip to keep her moans at bay. The phone slips slightly from her, resting inches away from her face, his voice still filling her ear as if he were right there with her.
“Wanna ride you so bad,” she’s so drunk off dick she’s getting through a phone call and lewd instructions, “Might not come close to any of your previous whores but I promise I’d make it worth your while.” 
The second she says it, a flicker of insecurity tightens her chest. She doesn’t know where the jealousy comes from, but it’s there, bubbling up from the small pit of doubt she carries inside. Being with a man like Javier— someone who’s been engaged, lived a life so far removed from her small-town world, who knows his way around a woman’s body like second nature— it makes her feel out of her depth.
He’s been with women who’s entire job was to know exactly how to please a man. He’s so confident, so sure of himself, and here she is, fumbling through dirty talk over the phone, trying to measure up to whatever came before her.
How could a small-town girl like her ever compare? She bites her lip, feeling the weight of that doubt creep in, even in the middle of something so intimate.
But she says it anyway, wanting him to know. Wanting him to understand that despite her uncertainty, she’d give him everything.
“Not come close?” He scoffs, “fuckin’ crazy, palomita. You’re already lightyears better than any of ‘em.” He leans over, letting a string of spit fall onto the head of his cock before his fist returns to the quicker strokes he craves. Each movement is fueled by the mental image of her submitting to his every command. “I’d bend you over and pound into you so hard, you wouldn’t be able to think straight. I’d watch that sweet ass bounce back against me, see the way it moves with every thrust.”
His reassurance cuts through the lingering haze of her insecurities. The doubt fades away, replaced by a surge of raw desire. She moans, body rocking against the bed, imagining him behind her, his hands gripping her hips as he takes what he wants.
“Oh yes!” she gasps, her free hand finding her clit, fingers circling it in sync with the thrust of her other hand buried inside her. She’s desperate, moving faster, harder, matching the intensity of his voice in her ear. “I’d take you any way you want. Any way, just to feel you inside me again.”
He curses under his breath, large hand moving with a newfound urgency as he tries to prolong his own orgasm, wanting to hold on just long enough to hear her come undone first. “You’d let me fuck you from behind, wouldn’t you? Let me spank that pretty ass ‘til it’s red, leave my handprints all over your soft skin.”
“God, yes,” she cries, her body trembling with every thrust of her fingers. She feels the pressure building, the tight coil in her belly about to snap. “I’d take it all, Javi. I’d let you fuck me so hard. Scream ‘til my throat is raw, ‘til the only thing I know is your name.”
“You’d be so loud,” he grunts. “I’d have to cover your mouth to keep those pretty screams quiet, wouldn’t I? You’d be cryin’ for me, beggin’ me to stop, but you wouldn’t want me to. You’d love every second of it.”
Her body jerks at his words, digits moving faster as her climax approaches. “S’hard to keep quiet when I’m bein’ fucked by a cock so good. Need you to fill me up,” she gasps, her voice breaking as the pleasure overwhelms her. “Oh shit, I’m gonna come.”
He curses, his own body teetering on the edge as he imagines himself pumping her full of his cum, pulling his cock out and watching his spend drip down onto her pretty pussy. Fuck. “Go on, get yourself off,” he urges, his tone both commanding and tender. “Let me hear you fall apart. You’re doin’ so good for me. I wanna hear you come, palomita.”
With a final thrust of her fingers, her body shatters, her orgasm ripping through her as she mewls his name, her entire being convulsing, shuddering from head to toe. “Javier… oh my God,” she moans, barely contained, as she buries her face in the pillow to muffle the sound.
He lets out a low, primal growl as he follows her over the edge, his body tensing with his own release. “Fuck, Paloma,” he pants, milky spurts dripping over his knuckles, voice filled with both relief and satisfaction.
Hearing her name fall from his lips like that damn near takes her out.
“You’re perfect, baby. So fuckin’ perfect.” He babbles, trying to even out his breathing.
She lies there, her body utterly spent, her breath coming in stuttering gasps, the aftershocks of pleasure still coursing through her like soft waves.
“Jeez, that was…” She tries to find the words, but they seem to hang just beyond her reach. Heaven. She feels like she’s floating somewhere between realms, tethered only by the soft, steady tone of his voice.
“Yeah,” he breathes, understanding and satisfied. “You don’t even have to say it, nena. I know.” He pauses for a second, and she can almost hear the smile tugging at his lips. “Fuck, give me a second. I gotta clean up this mess I made.”
She giggles, a playful note in her voice as she bites down on her lower lip. She slowly pulls her fingers from her sensitive pussy, savoring the last of the sensation. She brings them to her lips, licking at them. “Take your time. I just cleaned my mess up.” The purposeful loud, wet pop of her lips around her fingers makes him groan in appreciation.
“Evil woman,” he mutters, leaving the phone by the couch as he rushes to clean up in the bathroom. The sounds of running water and his quick movements fill the background before he returns.
She turns to lie onto her back, stretching her limbs like a lounging cat while fixing her top.
“You there?”
“Mhm,” she hums, content and satisfied.
“You did so good, princesa,” he praises very pridefully. “Especially for your first time doing this. You were amazing.” His words are sincere, the tenderness unmistakable.
She feels a flutter in her chest, her heart skipping at the praise. Hearing how pleased he was makes her glow with pride. “Really?” she asks a bit bashfully.
“Really,” he confirms, the smile in his voice clear. “I knew you’d be amazing, but damn, you blew me away.”
She’s over the moon, her cheeks flushing with excitement. “I can’t wait to do it again,” she admits, her eagerness bubbling to the surface now that the initial nervousness has faded.
“We won’t have to just do this over the phone for much longer. We’ll have all the time in the world to do whatever we want together. No rushing, no holding back, no sneaking around.” There’s a warmth that coats his words, that speaks to more than just the physical side of their relationship. While the thought of tangling up with her in the comfort of his sheets sounds like fucking paradise, it’s not what he’s most eager for.
What he’s looking forward to, more than anything, is being able to walk hand-in-hand with her in the open, to take her out in public, proudly. To share with the world how happy she makes him, how proud he is to have such a remarkable woman by his side. Never one for public displays of affection before— he’s always been too guarded, too private— but with her, everything’s different. She’s shifting his perspective on so much, and though it unsettles him sometimes, he’s found he doesn’t mind the change. Not with her.
“Anything you want. Whether it’s in bed or out. You being content is all I care about.”
Her heart stirs, fluttering with emotion at the way he always puts her needs first, making sure she’s more than content. It���s that selflessness of his, the way he cares for her, that has her falling even harder. He always brushes it off, insisting he’s the opposite, but she sees through that. He’s good to her— so much more than he gives himself credit for.
“You make me feel so special,” she murmurs softly as she stares up at the ceiling, a dreamy smile playing on her lips. “It’s like you always know exactly what I need.”
“That’s because you are special, Paloma,” the sincerity of his words making her chest ache in the best way. “You deserve that and more. I just wanna make sure you’re always happy.”
She swallows hard, feeling the weight of what he’s saying. There’s no doubt in her mind anymore. She’s in love with him— completely. How could she not be? He’s everything she never knew she needed: protective, caring, and so damn thoughtful, even when he’s not trying to be. It’s like second nature to him.
He lets out a soft, almost bashful laugh, a sound so rare it makes her stomach tighten. “You just don’t know how lucky I am to have you.” There’s a vulnerability in his voice that catches even him by surprise. “I adore you so much.”
The openness in his confession after everything that’s just transpired between them, hits her like a wave. She’s used to the way he keeps his emotions guarded, but this side of Javier— the unguarded, raw version— is something new, something precious. Maybe it’s the clarity that comes after the release, or maybe it’s been simmering inside him for a while now, but he feels compelled to express it, to let her know how deeply she’s embedded herself in his life.
And it’s uncharacteristic for him, this kind of vulnerability. He’s always been the strong, silent type, the one who doesn’t talk about his feelings unless absolutely necessary. But her, in her gentle, unassuming way, has a way of bringing it out of him, coaxing him to show sides of himself he’s kept hidden for years. Just like he can draw out her vulnerability in sex, she shines a light on his softer edges, the parts of him that long to be known, to be seen.
“Now get some rest,” he continues, his words a tender caress. “I’ll see you soon.”
She blinks rapidly, her vision blurring as her eyes well up with unshed tears. There’s an overwhelming sense of gratitude and love swelling in her chest, making it hard to breathe for a moment. He’s not the kind of man to throw words around carelessly— when he says something like this, it holds weight, it means something.
A part of her, the cautious part that’s been guarding her heart, once would have hesitated, would have put up a wall to protect herself from getting hurt again. But there are no warning bells going off this time. No second-guessing that they’ve both crossed a threshold where they’re truly seeing each other for who they are— flaws and all. And it’s enough.
“And I adore you, Javi.” They’re not saying the word love just yet, but it’s there, nestled between the lines of their words. For now, this is enough. It works for them
“Goodnight, cowboy,” she adds with a soft smile, the familiar endearment laced with warmth and affection.
“Goodnight, palomita. Sweet dreams.”
They linger for a moment, neither one wanting to hang up just yet, their shallow breathing filling the line.
“Thank you… for everything,” she murmurs without really thinking, not just thanking him for tonight, but for proving to her that she was more than just another woman being used to exorcise his demons.
He lets out a soft snort, “If anyone should be thanking someone, it’s me to you, cariño,” he says, his voice gentle yet firm. “For giving me a second chance. I know I don’t deserve redemption, but I’d move heaven and earth for you. You know that, right?”
Her heart skips a beat, overwhelmed by his convinction. She knows, without a doubt, that he’s telling the truth. He’s already done enough to show his sincerity, and she feels that trust settling in her bones now.
There’s no hesitation. Just a quiet, steadfast belief that this— whatever they’re building— is real, and it’s good.
“I know, Javi. I know.”
And with that, they finally hang up, leaving both of them with a sense of newfound sense of peace. Hearts feels lighter, fuller, and as she lies back against the pillows, she can’t help but smile, knowing that with him, she’s found that something she’s always yearned for.
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roo-bastmoon · 1 year
Last time I'm gonna get into this...
Within the past 24 hours, there have been FIVE attacks on Weibo with paid hashtags against Jeon Jungkook.
JK has been accused of cheating on a blonde girlfriend, leaving a string of broken hearts, getting a girl pregnant, inappropriate behavior at what looks like a club or karaoke bar, and sexually harassing female staff. These accusations are being systematically criticized and debunked when errors are pointed out.
Clearly, there is a smear campaign coinciding with the release of 3D.
Now look, I cannot promise you that all the "evidence" is manufactured. But it's definitely being weaponized. So I'd ask you to just keep an open mind, use your critical thinking skills, and be patient, because this isn't the first time rumors like this have exploded and it won't be the last. Sometimes it takes a while for the truth to come to light.
You'll never catch me in these streets acting like a cult member. I'm not going to sit here and draw up schematics and comparison photos in some desperate attempt to convince the timeline of anything. Nor am I going to say someone rented a similar apartment, staged it with mood lamps and a doberman, and then had an actor wear a mask to set up JK (more likely, it's a random couple that got filmed without their knowledge). I won't delve into conspiracy theories about companies or competitors or comebacks or cosplayers or any of that.
If later it turns out that Jungkook has a partner other than Jimin, I really hope all the members of this community join me in quietly accepting that and calmly wishing him and Jimin well. The vast majority of people here do not ship them because they are pretty dolls to play with, but celebrate them because they are wonderful human beings with a unique, decade-long relationship that makes us light up inside.
Their bond and their characters speak for themselves. And until they tell us otherwise (or, sadly, until REALLY CONCRETE evidence is leaked--which will be hard to prove in a post-fact world full of AI and deep fakes), we can theorize all day long about their behavior and what it means for their personal lives, but only the Tannies ever truly know what the Tannies are going through.
And as frustrated as we are with not knowing, they have a right to keep it that way.
So please get out of my ask box and instead refocus your energy (she said lovingly). The ajumas are most definitely planning a last minute crazy-cakes push on idolplus and the gap in votes is nowhere near safe for Jimin. It's all hands on deck!! We have less than two days to get the only remaining BTS member his end-of-year award before he serves his country, so please make accounts and VOTE.
Also please stream and buy the new releases to the best of your ability, of course.
And finally, if you have the energy, take a moment to lift someone else up today. Even if it's just a kind word in their inbox. Be a good human and do something gentle and nurturing for yourself while you're at it.
Chins up, my puppykitties. We gotta pull ourselves together.
We are ARMY, and we have battles to win.
Plus, tomorrow begins Jimtober. You guys remember Jimin? Here, let JK help you out with that.
Okay, byyyyyyeeee.
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P.S. I love you guys.
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Tim Stoker X Archival Assistant!reader
Summary: here you go, some headcanons for our Tim and how your relationship would start, enjoy:)
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You first met Tim as an archival Assistant. Your first day on the job.
You were joining a bit later than all the others. You still had some things left to finish at your previous position at the Institute and you do not leave things half done.
Tim's first reaction to you was to flirt. To flirt shamelessly:
"Hey gorgeous, what brings you down to our dark, creepy archives?"
It only escalated from here
You were positively flustered (Tim can have that effect even on the most confident of people. No one stands a chance if Tim uses 100% of his charms)
And eventually, you were rescued by a laughing Sasha:
"Come on, Tim! Leave the girl alone! You don't want to scare away a new Archival Assistant"
"Me? I am positively delightful!" Tim put his had on the heart, pretending to be mortaly wounded by Sasha's statement.
"I can't imagine a universe where I'd be scaring away a girl... Especially this charming" he'd finish winking at you, prompting you to laugh lightly.
"So, an Archival Assistant, eh?" Tim continued in a suave tone
"Starting today, yeah" you replied.
"Alas, my prayers have been answered" Tim raised his arms toward the ceiling "I have been graced with seeing your pretty face each morning!"
His flirting didn't stop. In fact, it escalated exponentially over time
The next morning he would greet you with a pick up line. And then the next morning and the next...
He seemed to have an endless supply of them.
Somehow he managed to not repeat a single one.
Definitely uses cute nicknames on you: sweetheart, darling, babe.
Will sometimes try cringy ones just to get a rise out of you.
You knew Tim's reputation, so took all his flirting attempts with a grain of salt.
"You can't have me seriously believing that Tim, 'I can charm a copier if I put my mind to it' Stoker, actually has feelings for me" you laughed.
Sasha sighed. She has just finished listening to Tim's 'Why cant she believe I have feelings for her? I have been so open and genuine about them' rant.
Tim definitely tries distracting you from your work, preventing you from doing anything productive. Any chance he gets:
You were currently sitting at your desk, trying to find any trace online regarding the statement of the week. You were pulled out of your thoughts by wheels skidding on the floor. Looking up you saw Tim on a wheely chair, sliding up next to you.
"Did you know that..."
or another time:
Your peaceful work was interrupted by a paper airplane hitting the side of you head. You looked up and saw a grinning Tim Stoker. He waved at you and motioned for you to unfold the paper. Once you did, you saw a cutesy doodle of you and him holding hands and a bunch of hearts around. You simply raised an eyebrow and put the drawing aside.
Tim was, however, pleasantly surprised, seeing it taped to the side of you computer screen the next day.
Did I mention flirting? I feel like I should mention it again, for good measure. Flirting Lot's of flirting. Lot's of shameless flirting
Sasha definitely notices Tim's feelings for you. Almost instantly.
And she would tease him. Mercilessly. Relentlessly.
She would also take on the role of your biggest shipper. Whenever you and Tim talk, you better believe she is making heart shapes at both of you from a safe distance.
She also uses her amazing computer skills to make cute and embarrassing edits of you two.
Sasha is also, coincidentally, the most amazing wing-woman ever (probably because she had to take action after seeing you and Tim pine for each other relentlessly).
You would be sorting through the statements when she would approach you and ask sneakily:
"So, Tim took you out on a date, yet?"
"No" you'd say and add quietly "Unfortunately"
This wouldn't slip past Sasha's keen ears:
"Unfortunately? So you do want to go on a date with him!"
You'd splutter to deny it, only prompting her to laugh more.
"Maybe if you sent him some more... Positive feedback to his flirting attempts and maybe told him a simple 'yes' to his countless attempts to invite you out... Maybe then, you'd already be smooching and planning your wedding..." Sasha said pointedly and the added more wistfully "and maybe then I wouldn't have to listen to his rants about you"
After quite a restless night you decided to give it a shot. "Why not?" You reasoned. What's the worst thing that can happen? An awkward break up when he realises he doesn't like you that much and having to work with him for at least another year? You decided not to dwell on that much.
Obviously Tim was low-key surprised when instead of shutting down his flirting attempts you flirted back. He was even more surprised when you agreed to go on a date with him.
He nearly lost his composure, but once he finally processed what happened, he beamed at you and tripled his flirting.
Throughout the day he was very hyper and becoming a bit too much to his colleagues and you
But can you blame him? He finally got the green light form you. Of course he's going to rant about it to Sasha. Of course he is going to make small doodles on the margins of his paperwork that he is later to hand in to Jon.
Tim DEFINITELY took you kayaking on you first date:)
It's a great opportunity to flex his muscles and have great fun at the lake.
Chances are you ended up falling into the water:
You were rowing in perfect harmony while exchanging some quips back and forth. It was great. Until Tim said something along the lines of:
"Sure, you're right. Can't argue with that cuteness. You could probably say that the Earth is flat and I'd believe you" he briefly took his hand off the oar to ruffle your hair.
"Hey! If I ever tell you nonsense like that, I expect you to correct me" you turn to smack him with your oar. Tim ducks out of the way, making your kayak rock from side to side.
"Don't do that! We're gonna flip the boat" You say gripping the side of the kayak for balance.
Tim grins wickedly before shifting to the other side, making the kayak careen dangerously "Don't do what? This?" he suddenly goes to the other side.
"Yes! Don't-" you're cut off as the kayak predictably flipped over and you both ended up in the slightly chilly water.
Tim laughed. You prepared to give him an angry tirade, but couldn't help laughing with him.
You got out of the water at some point... Completely soaked through.
You pulled off your shirt and put it to dry, huddling in a blanket, which, by some miracle, wasn't completely wet.
"You sh-should take off your shirt to dry" you told Tim, chattering your teeth.
"Woah! If you wanted to see me shirtless, you didn't have to flip the kayak" Tim said, taking his shirt off "You could've just asked" he smirked at you. Prompting an eye roll.
"You do remember that you were the one who flipped it, right?" You deadpanned raising an eyebrow.
"Hmm...." He pretends to think "Maybe I wanted you to see me shirtless" Tim shrugged and said "Details"
You could only shake your head and laugh.
And of course the only logical solution was to cuddle. For warmth. And because it felt nice
Tim wrapped his arms around your torso and snuggled into your neck, while you fried some marshmallows for s'mores on a campfire.
When you came the next day holding hands, Sasha was extatic.
She might or might not have started planning your wedding.
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A/n: anyway, that concludes the headcanons, I hope you like it:) I'm definitely writing headcanons for Dating!! Tim
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mookymilksims · 5 months
I was struggling with how to respond to blackswan, and you said it all so perfectly! Thank you so much.
I want say this in general because the drama is done and we aren't ever going to get a response here.
Firstly, thank you for saying that, while I never look to represent anyone, it is a relief to know that I wasn't the only one thinking it.
I've wonder why simsecret is such an environment recently, and then I realized that the simblr community space is a PR warzone.
People, in general, are afraid to speak up, afraid to speak their minds, for fear of losing notes, being canceled, receiving anon hate.
There's a bizarre and unspoken rule here that you need to do everything publicly in a very calculated manner and it incentivizes people to not be themselves and think about how other's will perceive them more. Then you consider that a good chunk of people in this community are not very good people, so who's rules are we even playing by?
I've been hearing from a lot of new and old simmers who state that this space is very depressing for them because they felt lonely and anxiety when attempting to interact with each other. Anxiety when posting their gameplay. Anxiety when asking questions to other simblrs. Anxiety when reacting to other people's post.
Tumblr was made to connect with people. So why is simblr causing so much anxiety and pushing people who want to connect and interact and speak up; into silence?
Then spaces like Simsecret start to make a little more sense. It seems to be a rebellion to the atmosphere here in simblr. Same can be said for the anon feature here on tumblr.
When people are having an easier time connecting on FB, Reddit, and Discord than tumblr, despite being mutuals here it's safe to say there is a root problem in this space.
I think this whole situation reveals a bigger problem with simblr in general, that just hasn't really been addressed.
I want to offer some solutions here that are pretty simple so I hope no one takes this as being condescending:
If you really like someone's blog, don't even look at their notes. Heart it. Send them a direct ask off of anon and talk about what you love about their content.
Reblog their content, again, don't look at the notes, if you like it and it makes you happy, and you want it on your page, reblog it.
DM simblrs, I mean is this a stretch? Just reach out and say hello. If you want to befriend them, be the first to extend that olive branch. The worst they can say is no or not respond, that's not that bad.
Real life topics such as queer-phobia, racism, sexism, etc will always rear it's head into any space with humans in it. You bring your biases with you. If you see someone express very harmful views, speak up. This doesn't mean or have to mean you or that person is getting canceled. These could easily be teachable moments, and even healthy dialogue. Unless you literally studied and work in sociopolitical fields and are an active activist, the vibe should be to not expect anyone to know everything. These ideals are so deeply engrained into us from a young age, it wouldn't be fair to expect each and every person to know exactly how these complex super structural systems work.
Tell jokes sometimes, I'd love to know what sense of humor you guys have, we get memes like once in a blue moon. Let's try to not make this space so serious, it has everyone on edge.
There is so much beautiful art work and content in general right here on tumblr but I've heard simblrs express anxiety with reblogging that because they don't want to lose followers by posting non sims content. I literally love the rest of tumblr for the very reason that I can translate that work back into my game. And I just thought someone's photography or drawing or story was so good I wanted to see it on my blog.
I mean bouncing off the previous one, why don't we interact with the rest of tumblr? That would be dope.
And this shouldn't even be regulated to the rest of tumblr, I'd love to engage with more ts1, ts2, and ts4 simmers as well.
I mean I think I've made my point, because I can keep going with this. I don't think this is going to fix sim secret or the need for simmers like blackswan to dirty delete. I'm actually very disappointed in that whole situation because she could've received a lot of support but she dug herself into a deeper hole after her actions. I'm sad for her and sad that this situation was flipped into drama and not that black simmers in general are tired of the micro aggressions. Which is a way more serious message. But people are afraid to speak up. So I guess everyone active in this community will keep going around and around in this cycle. I certainly intend to KEEP applying the solutions I've outlined above, anyone feel free to join me.
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rozeliyawashereyall · 3 months
Some Korey drawings, disorders, coping mechanisms, and relationship with Jay.
TW: Jay, terrible coping mechanism, dubious consent(?) in Jay's section, injuries.
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I've mentioned her Hypomania and face blindness a few times, mostly her face blindness. But not what her BPD
Face blindness, or, Prosopagnosia, is a condition where you have difficulty recognising people's faces. There is no treatment, but there are things you can do to help you recognise people. But it's especially harder for Korey since she's almost blind in her left eye due to the fire incident.
She resorted to drawing the people she meets in her scrapbook so she wouldn't forget them.
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Now to Korey's bpd and mania.
I'd like to put out- not all manic people have the same type of episodes, some are more dangerous some are more "lenient" this is just how it is for my character from past experiences with manic people and research.
She mainly experiences Hypomania (symptom of bipolar disorder, but can also be a symptom of other mental health conditions.) rather than full blown manic episodes. Although hypomania is not as severe as mania, it can also be dangerous and have negative effects on a person's overall well-being. One study found that people were more likely to engage in risky behavior during hypomanic episodes.
(The reason why she now has a buzzcut, is because in a manic state, she cut off her hair, but they were lucky enough that it didn't look bad)
It's pretty obvious Korey is very very reckless and hyperactive, and while it all mostly were desperate attempts for her parents attention, a lot of them did spiral into episodes, very dangerous ones. Korey's episodes would also result in her not sleeping for days. Most of the reason for her sudden energy is because of her mania, but there are times it's fuelled by adrenaline instead <- you can tell when she's having an episode when she's paranoid and not sleeping
There are days where her episodes are more depressive rather than manic. And she is the complete opposite of her natural optimistic self. Staying in her room in surprising silence. Barely eating or talking.
There's also a few times where her episodes get a bit.. too extreme to handle and end up hurting herself, or snapping at someone, and holy shit does Korey have a creative vocabulary when they snap. (She immediately starts apologizing when she snaps out of it)
Safe to say, she overthinks a LOT. Almost everything others do but never shows it, masking her disorder symptoms. Varen's usually the one who helps her get through these thoughts, being the greatest older brother he is.
She's a very troubled person, but they're trying their damn best to be a good friend to the bugs and the boys.
Her coping mechanisms at first was just "endure the pain, it'll go away soon" which.. isn't really a coping mechanism, but it helped her hold on, kinda.
It's a little healthier now, actually talking to someone about her feelings rather than bottling them up so it can result in an episode- but there are days where Korey would just, go into an abandoned house and absolutely destroy everything in sight, treating it like a rage room but also severely hurting her hands in the process.
There are times where they'd spend the entire night there, screaming and destroying everything in the process. Glass, wood, metal, doesn't matter, if it's in her way she's destroying it.
It's best not to bother them when she's like this, just let her take out her anger on objects rather than people..
Her go-to person to rant to is normally Raine or Esther ( @willowve01 and @asmrbrainrot ) or Calix if she's feeling brave ( @pinkcocopuff-aqualoid )
Though when she finally decides to talk about her feelings, their voice is almost completely gone from all the crying and screaming they did back at the abandoned building.
Jay Akeins. (He/They)
First! The Akeins family are all Rex followers, very few are Nixintes. Jay is one of the few family members.
Most followers of Nix are very welcoming and kind to everyone. But not Jay, definitely not Jay.
Because, boy, oh boy, is this a toxic relationship.
Jay and Korey met when they were both about 8 years old. Jay, with no family to actually care about and teach them, immediately got attached to Korey. Who wouldn't when they're the only one who showed you affection?
Jay's family is very, very close to the Adiels <- them and the Akeins have a long history together. They were visiting the Adiels with his family before seeing Korey in the yard, playing by herself. So he approached her. And his obsession started a year later from there. She actually did not like Jay at all when they were younger, but Korey was basically forced to be nice to him as kids by her parents, and it unfortunately grew into a habit that developed into whatever they have going on because it's definitely not a friendship.
Now, manipulation is a long-running theme in the Akeins family, even with the kids. Jay, noticing Korey starting to branch out with other people to befriend, along with his growing feelings thwords her, started using the manipulation to his advantage.
There were little to no boundaries in this friendship. Whenever Korey would express discomfort, they'd basically manipulate her into thinking she's overreacting, slowly mending Korey to how he wants her to be.
The only boundary Korey managed to put was them staying as friends and only that. But unfortunately, that didn't stop Jay from slowly breaking it. Eventually it did get to a point where they kissed (kinda forced?? But also not really??). Korey did make sure they stayed as friends after that. Refusing to bring it up and even ignoring whenever Jay asked.
In Jay's mind, they were destined to be together! To live happily ever after~ and his family fully encouraged this delusional dream of his. (He would NOT like Calix) The difference between him and a lot of other obsessive people, is that he's very aware of his actions, and he doesn't feel guilty.
Speaking of encouraging...Jay fully encouraged and enabled Korey's manic thoughts. And for those who somehow don't know, this is a seriously bad thing.
Jay hates Korey's siblings actually, seeing them as only an obstacle to get rid of. He scares Noah the most (how dare you). Thankfully, Esra caught him and was THIS 🤏 close to beating Jay's ass if Korey hadn't walked in.
They tried to convince Korey that her brothers were the ones at fault, but it was in vain as she didn't believe him. Korey unfortunately ended up forgiving Jay despite her brother's protests.
He and Korey attacked by a violent tiger halfblood at 14, Jay was brutally killed, Korey managed to survive.
They still haunt her. Even in death he won't leave her alone.
Korey's experience with Jay taught her that you can say no, and if they don't listen, you have the right to punch them.
Alive!Jay AU
He's basically the embodiment of the "red means I love you" song
Jay hates, and I mean they HATE the other bugs and the gator boys. Has tried multiple times to get Korey to leave them and stay with him and only him. All of his attempts have failed so far.
The baby bugs are not safe from his glare. He would never act on his thoughts though, can't risk Korey hating him (more than she already kinda does).
He occasionally gets chased by Quartz ( @aspenm00n ) and Everlynn yelling insults at him
(Korey actually has weekly sessions with the bugs and boys where they list all the reasons why Korey should break their friendship up)
He still hates Esra and Noah. Lynn has had to stand up for Noah many times, before also being brought to tears by Jay (how FUCKING dare you) This was one of the very few times where Noah actually snapped at someone, putting on a brave face and defending the little gal. Thankfully Esra was around and got Lynn and Noah out of this situation...before ripping into Jay.
^ This event is important, because it's where Korey started to lose trust in Jay
Safe to say, the bleeding heart trio were not happy after learning what happened.
He will pull every trick in the book to piss off one of the bugs.. specifically Raine and Varen ( @keyaartz ). He will get on every nerve, he will mention family, past experiences, anything to anger them— and use the situation against them to make them seem like the villain in the situation.
But out of everyone, he especially hates Calix because of his relationship with Korey. They intimidate him the most.
Varen has actually attacked Jay once when they first met–
Raine has had to resist attacking him too many times
And Korey is very close to beating his ass her damn self
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Like zoinks dude, this seems like obsession rather than a crush—
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luminouslywriting · 5 months
just read your domestic Buck headcanons and I LOVE them 🥰 i'd be interested to know more about the kitchen sex and praise
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Ooh I am just loving getting these asks!! Keep sending them my way because I really do enjoy them! You're all so lovely! Again, please note I don't write full smut, but this one was a little fun haha! Hopefully it was what you were looking for!
Warning: Spice below the cut haha!
-Gale has long and hard days at work and if he comes home and you're in the kitchen....it's just a recipe for disaster and spice, let me be the first to say!
-Because it goes one of two ways—
Gale comes home and literally just stops you in the middle of whatever you're doing (whether it be cutting vegetables, setting the table, pouring a drink, it does not matter what it is), and in that nice voice of his goes, "Honey, I'm starving."
-If he's in that sort of a mood, things get carried away awful fast and the kitchen will need a deep cleaning
-You can forget about cooking if that's the sort of mood that he's in because he's going to be feasting on you minimum 4-5 times before the clock has even hit 9 pm.
-It's in these sorts of moods that he wants to focus entirely on you and losing himself IN YOU
-Man's has been working hard and doing his best to provide for you and sometimes, it's more of a present and a treat for him to get to spoil you in this way than for you to pleasure him
-That means he's absolutely not letting you get handsy while he's being handsy and mouthy haha
-He draws those orgasms OUT and yes, several a meal has been burned or discarded in the Cleven household over this
-You could be attempting to stop the fire on the stove and that man wouldn't even remove his right hand from you while the left attempts to put out the fire haha
2. It's a softer version of this—but essentially, if you're in the kitchen and you're eating or you're cooking, he likes to watch you
-Gale is a really observant person and he internalizes a lot of his feelings and so he'll watch you very lovingly doing things
-A lot of the time, this ends in him hugging you from behind or wanting to dance with you in the kitchen
-Or if you're both eating and he's feeling particularly clingy that day, he'll just pull you into his lap and you'll have to move your food to adjust to said demands
-These are all things that have led to some spicer situations in said kitchen
Other notes about the kitchen:
-Places that have needed to be sanitized: Against the fridge, the floor, atop the countertop, atop the dinner table, the dining room chairs, pretty much any available counter space that exists, the door to the kitchen, etc.
As for the praise thing haha:
-I just really believe that he's a very soft-spoken man who doesn't verbalize a lot, so it's important to him in sex to let you know how beautiful and loved and important you are
-Yes, he definitely says, "Good girl," multiple times
-Doesn't really swear during sex but has when things have gotten to be overstimulating for either of you haha
-If you have insecurities about a certain portion of your body, you best believe that he's taking the time during sex to reassure you that he wholeheartedly knows that you're beautiful and loves every single part of yourself
-He might even make you do positive affirmations about your body afterwards just to make sure the lessons have sunk in
-If not.....😌 then he's about to have a great time teaching you how to love yourself more
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marshallpupfan · 2 months
Hopefully this isn't too weird or invasive a question, but I'm curious what draws you to Paw Patrol as an older fan, and also what your experience has been like in the fandom and as a collector? (I'm assuming you're an older fan and probably close to my age from the non-Paw Patrol media you share haha).
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I am indeed one of its older fans, and I can think up a few reasons that keeps drawing me to it.
One I can say right away is the fact I have a big love for canines, thus I tend to gravitate towards anything with dogs (and wolves, depending on if they're heroes or villains). They make up plenty of my favorites characters, as some of you seen in one of my previous Asks, and I generally tend to enjoy things more when they're involved (a friend recently recommended an older game to me, which I enjoyed all the more because you got to travel around with your trusty dog).
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Funnily enough, not too long ago, I took an interest in the Asterix and Obelix franchise because of its dog character, Dogmatix... and I was quite thrilled when I heard he was getting his own spinoff cartoon! Of course, it was only available in French at the time, but much to my luck, the first half of season one got dubbed in English and [officially] posted on Youtube, free to watch! I gave it a go, and I thought it was pretty good! If anyone's curious, click this link to check it out. And yes, this might've been a thinly-veiled attempt to talk about this cartoon somewhere, since there aren't many English-speaking fans. lol
Arquebus/Musketix is the best character.
But yeah, the pups are one of my biggest draws to PAW Patrol, and unlike some fans, I rather like it when other pups get added to the cast. Boomer and Claw both certainly helped renew some of my interest in the franchise, particularly during a time in which I felt things were going downhill. Hey, I just love dogs!
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Obviously, Marshall's easily my biggest draw to PAW Patrol. I'll admit, I tend to take a far bigger interest in an episode when he actually gets some good attention... and it's why my interests start to wane when he doesn't. The dude's legit my #1 favorite animated character, so I suppose it's no surprise to hear I often tune in specifically for him. That's not to say I don't get enjoyment from the other pups, but I'm just so crazy about that spotted pup!
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Another aspect that draws me to PAW Patrol is just how fun it tends to be (or used to be, but the modern seasons still have their moments). I don't want to go too deep into this because I don't want things to get too serious, but let's just say... life can be quite rough anymore, and it never seems to get much better. I often look for something that can help me escape that for a while, even if it's just for a half hour at a time. I found that PAW Patrol does that for me. It's cute, colorful, fun, doesn't try to be complex, and by the end, everything turns out okay. And if I need cheering up after a bad day, a certainly clumsy, spotted pup often always puts a smile on my face. Some days, I need that.
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As for my experiences with the fandom, I'd say it's been largely positive. I do tend to meet a lot of friendly people, many of which tend to be supportive and/or cheerful when I need it, and I generally enjoy interacting with most of them right back! I certainly don't regret being a part of it for the last five years or so.
With that said, I've had encounters that certainly weren't pleasant. I think everyone knows about my copycat by this point, so no need to retread that old ground. There's one infamous user out there who just seems to hate everything (unless it involves Everest), and he often turns hostile if you don't agree with his opinions. The same dude even tried arguing and verbally attacking those who work on PAW Patrol... including their families, too! Crazy guy. I've also encountered some fans who seem to make stuff up, believe their headcanon to be fact, and then become angry when people don't agree with them. I once had someone tell me Ryder is "gaslighting" Rubble, and... I don't even want to know what that means or why they believe that.
And in-regards to being a collector, the reception I often encounter has been quite positive, too. Most fans really seem to enjoy seeing my collection, even if it's just out of curiosity to see just how much merchandise they made of one single pup. I still get compliments on it all the time, from both fans and non-fans of Marshall, and I've even seen other folks who just think it's legit cool.
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Surprisingly, I've only had one negative encounter so far, and it was, believe it or not, from someone who used to be a fan of PAW Patrol. She became one of those folks who encountered bad users, got tired of them, and then decided every fan must be awful... and of course, she tore into me because I "talk too much" about Marshall and deemed me a "freak" for collecting so much merchandise. Most of what she said was largely laced with swears and insults, and I'm sure she believes she put me in my place or something... though in truth, I was laughing at most of her replies. Why she felt the need to throw such a temper tantrum on me, I'll never know, but she didn't succeed in even the slightest to discourage me or anything. lol
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cboffshore · 3 months
how to give yourself pointless homework and enjoy it: a guide to worksheet style analysis and an incomplete Skybound character study
Or: this is me making good on what I said in this post. Under the cut we go!
Step one: find something that SEEMS sort of inconsequential, but probably isn't. It's best if you don't consciously choose this something. For me, that was a single line from the mop prank scene that occurs just before the end of "My Dinner With Nadakhan", which popped into my head COMPLETELY unbidden and made me go, hey, I could make an analysis of this:
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(Note: I forgot about the "well" when I hinted this was an eight word line. To keep my numbers and reputation tidy, let's all pretend "well" is just an utterance like "uh" that's not exactly a word for my purposes.)
Step two: open up your note-taking device of choice and start thinking about the surrounding context of your chosen something. For this one, that's most of the episode, plus my constant, underlying quest to kick the Jay Angst Hand Hook Eye Gouge and Unfair, Disgusting, Reductive Nadakhan Characterization genres in the metaphorical kneecaps. Which means my central loose question became:
What can this say about both Jay and Nadakhan?
Step three: attempt to sift through those thoughts to find a few cohesive mini meanings. Or just one. For instance: my chosen line implies that there was a prior discussion of this prank's outcome amongst the crew. Prior planning is a given, but the fact that they seem to have laid bets opens up a new, more reckless angle. It also raises questions about Nadakhan's honesty, specifically when in the series he's ever fully honest or when there starts to be a noticeable change in his honesty. (And I do believe he has moments of it, self-serving as they are, but that's a whole other deal. Just needed to mention that real quick.)
Step four: convert those mini meanings into questions. Ultimately, I stopped at four, although two of them sort of blur together and I likely could have kept going, but unfortunately I did this over a single lunch hour and ran out of time. This gave me the following worksheet lineup:
How can we trust that this is a genuine comment on Nadakhan's part?
What might it mean (for either character) that Nadakhan thought Jay would run?
Why would Nadakhan risk this prank if one possible outcome is Jay leaving?
Based on the implied discussion and the structure of the prank itself, especially the aftermath, where might Nadakhan be at on the trusting-his-crew scale? Conversely, do they trust him?
Step five: answer the questions, essay style or even just as fragments or a stream of consciousness freewrite. Go one at a time. Cite other context clues, if you'd like; you can go as detailed or vague as you want. I ended up taking comprehensive notes that didn't properly cite things but did mention existing concepts, which I might post later. I also kind of blurred 3 and 4 together into a single answer, because the answer I had for 3 transitioned nicely into an exploration of 4. I just forgot to draw that dividing line.
There's no formal step six, but it might look something like turning your chosen answers into something more cohesive! Maybe there's another similar thing you can examine using those same questions (adjusted as needed) and cross reference with this first set. If I wanted to do that, maybe I'd look for a scene where Jay expresses an expectation of Nadakhan (or, since I don't know if that even exists, just a general expectation).
And.... that's pretty much it! I'm still not sure why I did this, but I've been buzzing to do some proper character analysis lately, and this format was a nice way to ease back in.
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Jeff Fictional Universe (JFU) Headcanons
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A/N: Hi everyone! I'm on holiday at the moment and don't have too much time for writing, but my next fic is close to being finished and here's this in the meantime: it's a bunch of my headcanons about Jeff the Landshark that haven't explicitly made it into my JFU fics yet.
Send me an ask if you have any of your own headcanons about Jeff, I'd love to hear them and see if they'll fit into future stories! Have a good day y'all and I hope you enjoy!
Warnings: vague mentions of death, not proofread.
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➼ Jeff was experimented on by MODOK. This one is pretty canon to Jeff’s official comics since MODOK officially created the land sharks, but in my mind, it went a lot deeper than that. Jeff doesn’t really remember any of it, nor does it affect him anymore, but he’ll still get a bit nervous in lab environments and snap at people who get too intrusive, even if he doesn’t know why he does that.
➼ He’s a mix of a bunch of animals – a shark most obviously, but he has the behaviour of dogs/cats and the toe count of guinea pigs, to name a few.
➼ Jeff understands every language, but he can only speak his own. He doesn’t expect anyone to speak his language because of this, but he can get frustrated that they don’t even understand his language. Especially with Natasha.
➼ When you first got the ability to speak to animals in the JFU, Jeff was the first animal you could understand, but you had gotten so used to answering Jeff’s mrrrs with random assumptions that you didn’t even notice. Jeff also didn’t notice because you had actually been fairly good at guessing what he wanted. It was only after a few days and a long speech by Jeff that you both had the moment of realisation.
➼ Jeff cannot read; you and Natasha have tried to teach him but to no avail. It became a challenge between the Avengers that anyone who teaches Jeff to read would win. Tony got closest to winning, but you later realised that Jeff was just reciting a section of the book which Tony had taught him to memorise, and he still couldn’t read anything else. Bruce decides that Jeff is just biologically incapable of reading full words.
➼ Despite this, Jeff can write a few short words/phrases; mainly his, yours, and Natasha’s names.
➼ Even if he can’t read words, Jeff understands all the letters of the alphabet individually and is convinced that the letter ‘E’ is written backwards (Ǝ). Any attempts to correct this are met with a scolding from that land shark and a lesson on how to ‘write it properly’.
➼ Somehow, Jeff has even set his phone keyboard to have a backwards E. Nobody is sure how he managed this, or even why he changed it, since he types in his own language and only uses the letters ‘m’ and ‘r’.
➼ He will sometimes ‘correct’ Natasha and your mission notes to have ‘the proper Ǝ’ because he doesn’t want you to look bad or be embarrassed. This leads to Maria Hill and Fury sometimes even writing their Es backwards since they’re so used to seeing it and reading it as if it were normal.
➼ On the topic of Jeff’s mental abilities: Jeff can only count to 4, since he has 4 fingers on his front hands (he only has 3 toes on his back feet, but that’s another matter – see ‘Class Pet’ for Jeff’s reaction to this information)
➼ If Jeff tries to count above 4, he reverts back to 1. This has led to some issues when you asked Jeff to scout out how many soldiers there were during a mission (Jeff had stowed away, but he was put to good(?) use). You went out expecting an easy fight, only to be confronted by 13 soldiers and a realisation that Jeff cannot count.
➼ There aren’t many foods that Jeff won’t eat; he’ll happily root through the trash for an extra snack, however, Natasha cooked for him once and that is where he draws the line. He immediately taught himself how to cook and he is excellent at it, and will often step in to cook when Natasha says she will (much to your relief). He is not so good at cleaning up after himself – but you leave that chore to Natasha.
➼ Sharks have some understanding of what Jeff is saying when he swims with them, but he has a ‘land accent’ and sometimes they find it easier for you to translate for Jeff, much to his annoyance.
➼ Jeff hopes to find other landsharks like him one day… little does he know that he’s the last of his kind. The others attacked civilians in an invasion orchestrated by MODOK and were put down by the Avengers; Jeff was saved by being the runt of the litter and was left in his cage rather than being sent out with the others.
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400 year old Jeff headcanons (these aren’t all canon to the JFU, but it’s a fun version of Jeff that @wolferine and I brainstormed in discord.)
➼ Jeff is 400 years old but nobody believes him; they even go as far as to call him a baby constantly since his appearance has never changed.
➼ He was kicked out of the landshark group because he ate all their food. Jeff is exceptionally hungry for a landshark. He spent some time in the sea after that and befriended the oldest greenland shark, who was still just a pup like Jeff at the time.
➼ Jeff still goes to visit his friend from time to time, glad to have had someone with him for his whole existence.
➼ When you and Natasha take Jeff in, it is the first time in his 400 years of life where he has been content to settle with a family for their entire lifetimes. The Avengers promise that their children will look after Jeff when they’re gone, like a tortoise (once they realise Jeff isn’t a baby).
➼ Jeff replies to any scolding with ‘I’m older than you’ or ‘respect your elders’, much to Steve’s annoyance because that’s usually his line, but now he’s being called a youth by a tiny, round, short legged shark.
➼ The other Avengers expect Jeff to scold Thor when he comes to Earth and calls Jeff a baby on their first meeting, but to their surprise, he just accepts it. Jeff mentions later on that he met Thor roughly 350 years before during a battle on Earth. Thor doesn’t believe Jeff is that old until he finds a portrait of the battle back on Asgard, and spots a familiar landshark in the drawing; he still doesn’t believe it can be Jeff and assumes it is just Jeff’s ancestor, so Jeff bites him in annoyance – that spurs a memory and Thor suddenly realises that it was Jeff who fought in battle with him (because Jeff had accidentally bitten Thor in the heat of the battle, and he’s been bitten by so many creatures in his life that he instantly recognises the landshark bite.)
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Jeff taglist: @unexpected-character @wolferine
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bogos-bint3d · 8 months
Considering Yellow just came out, I'm curious how you interpret Justice!
Ok so I don't really know how to start so to get things going I'll begin with some pictures of them
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I have to say, they give me SO many feelings. I originally started work on them long before I even knew what undertale yellow was. My first attempts at drawing them (which you can see in the top left that were used for reference) were done back in June, but I was planning things for them several months before.
I remember them actually being pretty much the very first fallen human who I felt motivated to make something with, because I saw a comic of someone's own interpretation of them. I noticed how in that comic, they went to Mount Ebott intentionally, for the other humans or something, and that was sort of the beginning of my inspiration, but I felt like I could do more with it. So, starting off with that I kinda built on it. I wanted to do something different from what I'd seen before, where they wanted to get justice on the monsters FOR hurting the humans. I remember someone saying something along the lines of them thinking justice was a little bitch, which of course was a valid interpretation, and that's what made me sorta go in a different direction.
For me, I saw justice as someone who would've wanted justice for the MONSTERS, from the very start. They were the kind of person who didn't really believe the legend of humans and monsters, but of course knew Mount Ebott was a very dangerous place. And, yknow, believed monsters were just a legend, they loved to think about the fact that if monsters WERE real, they were probably trapped unfairly. Think about Chara for example. Though they were human themself, they still hated humanity, and felt connected to the monsters. They wanted the monsters to be free and to go against the humans. I imagine justice to have been something like that. Not as much hatred for humans as Chara maybe, but still knowing of all the bad that humans had done, and, being an edgy teen, felt genius for the concept that this ""old """"silly"""" legend"" would probably have been biased in favour of the humans. (which they were actually right about. Good for them 👍🏾)
Am I explaining this correctly? I'm not sure if I am lol
So anyways, yes my justice interpretation very much did not want justice on the monsters once they discovered the legend was true, but rather was very much on the side of monsters getting justice on the humans.
Let's see, what else is there... Ah so as I was explaining before, seeing that comic also sparked the idea for me that they went there looking for someone. They'd usually never even get near to Ebott, however, they end up having to. Ok this part is like it's own separate infodump so like take a breath. So this all ties in to one of my other fallen soul interpretations, integrity. I won't get too into them right now because that is like a WHOLE OTHER CONVERSATION, so for now I am going with the BARE ESSENTIALS. Justice went there specifically to go look for integrity, because in my little interpretation thing, they're siblings. I'll show some quick things about them then straight back to Justice I prommy
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Their name is Leo (I don't have a name for justice yet I'm so sorry Leo is like the only human I've named so far), and ended up on Ebott after a stupid dare by the rest of their ballet class. So anyways after justice finds Leo is like. No where at all. They have to go on over to Leo's dance class cause that's the last place they'd been and ask around the other kids to find out where their 10 year old sibling was because they'd been FUCKING MISSING FOR LIKE SEVERAL HOURS only to find out the other kids left them on MOUNT FUCKING EBOTT, where multiple other children have all DISAPPEARED upon going there. So now justice gotta go to death mountain to find their lost sibling no big deal
I feel much more nervous about talking about my fallen soul interpretations now than I would've, like, four months ago, simply because the presence of uty has had such a grip on the fandom that people have kind of accepted it as canon. I think it's actually a really stupid and petty thing to mad/sad about, because a lot of effort was out into it, and I'm sure it's very very good, but I just, well I guess we all just whish we were the best, right? I'm scared yellow will completely overshadow any other existing interpretations, and people love it so much, they won't care about my own. I REALLY hate myself for this, and I just want to say I think you should all keep loving yellow! It seems really good! This is just my own dumb fear shining through haha
But anyways, enough of that! I'll explain more about the souls another time because if I keep going on right now I might become physically incomprehensible. There is so much more about justice that I'll dump on you all another time, trust me, I just hope you all like what I've got so far ❤️ thanks :)
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attyrocious · 1 year
heyyy I'm new to digital art, would you mind sharing some tips regarding programs and tutorials and etc? also on how to turn a real life piece into a beautiful and clean digital piece... really love your art
oh good luck with your art journey! my experience with digital art is pretty dated (as in a decade + levels dated) and i might be too out of touch to give beginner tips but regardless, allow me to attempt
Programs: it would help to know which hardware you have for digital but ill put down some i have experience in 1. Clip Studio Paint Pro - PC/Android/ipad/everywhere i think? unfortunately they betrayed humankind and its now a subscription everywhere but on PC. i bought a one-time license years years years ago on sale and its probably the best available on my end. I also got it on subscription on android so i can sync works between my PC and tablet. its very flexible in a way that you can draw with it in the most basic way single layer sketches or whatever but they have so many features and keep adding more.
2. procreate - ipad only never been an apple user but my friend is, and he's been a procreate user forever. he recently tried CSP on ipad though and he still claims he likes procreate better for ease of use and compatibility with tablet ergonomics and apple pen
3. medibang paint - pc/android/ipad
free forever. and out of all the free programs i recommended my other digital art newbie friend this is what he liked best.
4. adobe photoshop - dont even look at this the only reason i have one is im leeching off company license. its still unfortunately the industry standard tho but CSP is much cheaper and has the same controls and most of the basic functions 5. Paint Tool SAI - my first art program but i haven't tried it again. honestly still think this has the best brush flexibility and pen pressure control ----- As for tutorials, i find digital art has such a steep and high skill ceiling and its a challenge im still tackling and probably will forever tackle haha. I'm trying to osmosis painting techniques from splash art painters from League of Legends who most of them post complete timelapses (my favorite being Bo Chen) where you can study not just their techniques but like, art directions that make their pieces striking. Anyway, I also promised a friend I would make a simple coloring tutorial so maybe after inktober hustle, I would look for a piece there I'd use for the guide.
---- Traditional to digital is never a satisfactory process to me but if you can, invest on a scanner. I use an epson v39, had it for years.
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scanned vs edited. the goal is to at least get the white of the paper as white as possible and the blacks the blackest, without whitewashing/burning the rest of the colors. Level correction function is your best friend here and most art programs have that.
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Then i just clean dust and errors and slide the contrasts around until it looks as close to the original piece
If you have a decent phone camera, you can get away just posting instagram aesthetic pics with materials framing it or smth and just edit as usual. natural light tends to be a lot more forgiving than the harsh light of scanners anyway.
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Anyway I hope this helps and have fun learning!
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