#I'm Not Being Sarcastic
existennialmemes · 3 months
Just sitting in my skinner box (social media), aggressively pressing my button (posting nonsense) waiting for my treats (attention)
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boghermit · 6 months
Alright. Someone rec me some leftist youtubers who don't constantly talk shit or yell over each other.
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mareastrorum · 1 month
This WoW ad is doing a great job at reminding me how absurdly shitty the writing was.
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evilwriter37 · 1 year
Just had the greatest experience of going to check out someone's blog for their video game fanart and instead got spammed with dinosaurs. Amazing.
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elaynetrakand · 1 year
I love it when I find a new ship that has me so interested I start dissecting the source material for totally random “clues” that likely don’t even mean anything, it’s the BEST.
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littlerosetrove · 2 years
I already knew it before this last episode, but She-Hulk was a miss for me. I didn’t hate it, but I didn’t really like it either. I am a Marvel fan, but a critical one. 
Let me try to keep my overall thoughts brief, and keep in mind that this is how the show and characters came across to me.
The writing and storytelling was generally sloppy and kinda disjointed. 
The only fully formed character was Jen while literally everyone else was a walking stereotype of some sort, and just one dimensional caricatures. Even so, I still didn’t learn all the much about Jen. What I did get was: she’s a lawyer (not a great one either), I think she wants to date but is satisfied with hook-ups I guess, kinda self-centered, honestly a bit dismissive and belittling towards her cousin Bruce, and......???? 
Clearly part of the story was supposed to showcase Jen coming to terms and peace with living her life as Jen and She-Hulk. To me her “acceptance” wasn’t executed well. Her only inkling to even be a superhero came up in the second to last episode when Matt Murdock, a stranger, told Jen she can do good as a lawyer and as She-Hulk. Until that point, Jen had no interest in being a superhero. She only used She-Hulk to get attention.  Even by the end of the series, and in the last episode, where She-Hulk/Jen says something about being a lawyer and a superhero, I just.... didn’t buy it. The show, to me, did a poor job of convincing me that Jen 1) wants to be a superhero, and 2) is on her way to being a superhero. 
She-Hulk never cared or thought about property damage the entire time, nor did she seem to think about the fact that 99.9999% of the people she was confronting are human and easy for her to kill or seriously harm. My favorite example is her throwing a fucking car at Daredevil when she had no clue if he is super-powered or not. 
The “pairing” (re: they had a little banter I guess and slept together once) of Daredevil/Matt and Jen didn’t work for me. It felt very contrived and forced. While the actors themselves have some chemistry, that doesn’t make up for the fact that the writing for their characters coming together or whatever, just didn’t work for me. I do not care to see more of them together in the future of the MCU. 
The writers really used the fourth wall break in the last episode as a cop out to actually concluding some storylines and the show as a whole in any satisfying way. In some way the fourth wall break of Jen/She-Hulk saying, “No no, let’s do this ending differently” worked for me, but mostly not. Just *sighs* nothing really felt like it mattered. 
I also never cared for the show’s constant “men bad” approach. 
To reiterate, I don’t hate this show, but I don’t particularly like it either. I also don’t hate Jen, but the show didn’t really endear me to her or She-Hulk despite the actress playing her trying her best. If there’s a second season I don’t know if I’ll watch it. At most I’ll read spoilers about it just to keep up with the MCU overall. 
EDIT: I was reading reviews on this show and someone made a great point: She-Hulk/Jen legit got out of criminal charges by demanding to speak with the manager. Holy shit. 
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misiahasahardname · 2 years
ah, i love the fifth of november.
the fireworks, the bonfires with a straw man burning in them, the loud noises, my brother crying louder than the fireworks because of sensory overload, the constant anxiety of having a seizure but not being able to look away from the flashing because pretty colours, and the shit traffic that you spend hours in when trying to drive home.
good times.
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guhhhhhhhhhhh · 9 months
Man.... tumblr really has changed. Someone filmed themself having gay sex on the senate hearing room floor and I haven't seen a single post about it
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arosetolivefor · 10 months
something I appreciate about the Strangelove ´88 video is that they went "why don't we objectify Dave for a difference"
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calierthewolf · 10 months
(in response to your bio) Well I think you're funny! :) 💚💙
thanks, I guess?
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demigods-posts · 8 months
okay but imagine being king of the gods and blaming a scrawny twelve-year-old kid for stealing a sacred object of yours that is your responsibility to keep up with me. and the only basis for your argument is that he is your brother's spawn so the kid must be a menace. king behavior. truly.
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i hope he’s having a good day (for the anon thingy)(are you?)
oh my god i love you more than anything
really, like i'm being a hundred percent serious, i kinda wonder a lot if people follow my blog and then don't look at my pronouns and think i'm a girl and you used 'he' and that matters so much to me, thank you i love you
and yes, it was a good day, the guy ended up being cool and i bought a typewriter and you just made it so much better<33
I hope you have/had an amazing day Anon
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calware · 3 months
i love it when homes in homestuck fics inexplicably have extra rooms that aren't there in the comic. don't worry it can get non-euclidean this is a non visual storytelling medium
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(I haven't played twst in months but if my memory is serving me right:)
Malleus tends to take most things very literally right? He takes the straightforward path, direct instruction without much consideration for anything else etc etc He's also not at all good with any type of """modern slang"""
MC, from what little they talk, uses a lot of sarcasm and snark right?
But also the two of them have canonically spent much more time together talking than we get to see and Malleus actively seeks them out to have conversations
So anyway;
MC gets used to adding what are basically irl tone indicators to the end of their sentences whenever it's needed. Just an offhand "i'm not serious/not literally"
And one day during their regular nightly walks Malleus is doing his pouty face because he's just come back from some meeting or another (that he actually attended for once) and sure it's great that his friend is thoughtful enough to always make sure he's following the conversation but there are times with all the other little humans where sometimes things just don't make sense. Not that he cares of course! It doesn't matter to him what they're talking about, he doesn't care if he's included or anything.....just... it'd be polite (that's it!) if he was included
Which is what he says when they ask why he seems upset (even though he's not upset! Really!)
And casually they say "well I'll just have to clear it up for you everyday then"
And now as far as Malleus is concerned they're engaged
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arttsuka · 2 months
jed and octavius: *wrapping up augustus in bubble wrap* "there! now you can scoot around all you like without fear of breaking"
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iloveacronix · 9 days
There are no new posts on the Machia tag...this is unacceptable guys you all needa cook for her/j💔🙏🙏
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She came out really bright but I don't feel like fixing it, I think she looks neat. Have a Machia in a suit or smth idk I just wanted to draw her in something that wasn't her armor ^^
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