#I'm gonna start these generic tags before I run out of space
Have a silly animatic I made based on one of my old OC’s featuring @boinurmom13​​ ′s Bo again bc I’m obsessed ig
Transcript Below (because my handwriting is a mess)
*CRASH* *THUD* Parker: Bo, I need your help.  Bo: Who are you? Bo: And why the fuck did you break my window? Parker: Not important. Parker: But Bo, listen Parker: I have the funniest idea Parker: Word around town is that you’re good at these sorts of things (at least I assume because that wizard called you a menace) Parker: And Sky won’t help me (something about not wanting to get in trouble. As if we’d get caught) Parker: What do you say? Parker: You down for some hijinks and shenanigans? Bo: ... Bo: What are we doing? Parker: All I need is for you to distract the mayor Lewis: *Complaining about the youth* Bo: That’s it? Parker: That’s it. Parker: I can take care of the rest. -> Stolen from Skylar
*THUD* Parker: I lied. Parker: I have the strength of a cooked spaghetti noodle. Parker: Please help. Bo: (wtf) Parker: Can you move it? Bo: Now what? Parker: (Ah right) Parker: How are your metalworking skills? *Cue maniacal laughter* -> Stolen from Maru Parker: Okay. I’m done being evil now. Parker: Back to our regularly scheduled tomfoolery.
Parker: Now for a magic trick of my own. Parker: Abra- Parker: (Hold on) Parker: (One moment) Parker: (Let me just-) Parker: -cadabra! Parker: (I have too much time on my hands) Parker: Now bring forth the sacrifice. Parker: (joyfully) It’s worse than I could have possibly imagined.
The Next Day Parker: Told ya it would be good Skylar: Parker! Parker: Uh oh Parker: Better get out of here Parker: Bye, Bo! Skylar: Parker, you didn’t... Parker: In my defense, you left me bored and unattended Skylar: *sigh*
The End
And this is the one reference I traced for that first shot of Bo
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indestructibleheart · 4 months
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Hi, fam! Okay, so I'm going to be out at an appointment tomorrow morning, so I'm kicking this off a little bit early. It's technically Wednesday in several timezones and very nearly Wednesday in mine. I'm... also a bit eager to share this, ngl.
I know that I've shared a lot of angst lately, but I swear that's not all I'm doing. 😅 In fact, the actor/playwright AU decided to wallop me in the face out of nowhere after sitting in my WIP folder for months. I'm really excited about it, so I'm gonna share the first scene!
(Also, those of you who have been to New York with me will recognize my favorite brunch spot in this scene lmao.)
You probably didn't even know I was in the room, but I noticed you straight away. You were talking with your friends, happy and animated and fully alive—a person living in dimensions I couldn’t access—and so beautiful. Your hair was longer then. You were the center of attention, but you weren’t afraid. You had a yellow ipê-amarelo in your pocket. I thought, this is the most incredible thing I have ever seen; I'd better keep it a safe distance away from me. I thought, if someone like that ever loved me, it would set me on fire.
"I'm telling y'all," Alex is saying, punctuating with dangerously large bites of his pancake burrito. "The dude's a dick." 
It's been two hours since the nightmare audition, but Alex has been on this tirade since June and Nora first slid into the retro diner chairs across from him (at least forty-five minutes ago).
They're at Mom's: a restaurant-bar in midtown that can only be described as millennial nostalgia incarnate. The trio fell in love with it two years back—post-karaoke, stumbling in right before closing—when Alex saw God in their Fruity Pebble pancakes.  Since then, it's been his favorite place to eat his feelings.
Mom's is just really fucking comforting in general, honestly; whether it's the televisions cycling through episodes of 'Rugrats,' 'Dexter's Laboratory,' and 'Hey, Arnold!' or  the rainbow straws and Lisa-Frank-looking menus, Alex can't be sure. It doesn't hurt that they've made friends with several of the waitstaff, including an eccentric bartender, Pez, whose pink hair and painted nails fit right in with the decor. 
Today, it's the combination of breakfast sausage, bacon, eggs and cheese wrapped up in a syrup-soaked pancake that's really doing something for him. It could also be the margarita the size of his face, which Pez placed in front of him before making himself uncharacteristically scarce. But it's fine. He's probably just busy.
Alex won't admit it out loud, but what really helps is having June and Nora here to talk to… even though Nora is scrolling on her phone.
"I'm sorry," June says. She pokes an ice cube with her straw, and Alex watches as it bobs around her mimosa like a buoy. "That sounds like it sucked, but if he's really that rude… maybe you didn't want to work with him anyway."
Nora doesn't look up as she pops a home fry into her mouth. 
"Several sources say he's difficult to work with," she adds, evidently reading about Henry on the internet. "Though, in his defense, his dad did just die, like, three years ago… and there was that whole thing when he came out after. Remember?"
Alex does remember. Henry's grandmother, Mary Mountchristen, runs a pretty major company that used to own half the theatres on the West End. When Henry came out last year, she tried blacklisting his shows from her properties to punish him—which totally backfired when it got around. At least a dozen other queer writers and producers started talking about how they were also denied the space, and Mary was stoned on the streets of the theatre district. Like, metaphorically. 
Alex, Nora, and June had just moved to New York, but between June's position at Newsday and both Alex and Nora on the audition circuit, it was all anyone in their new circles could talk about. They were some of the first to know when the Mountchristens were bought out of their properties and Henry moved to the States.
This show is the first of Henry's being produced here—and it's autobiographical, which Alex has to admit is pretty fucking baller. So, yeah, Nora's not wrong. He has reason to be standoffish. Still, it doesn't explain why Alex was only halfway through his audition monologue when Henry abruptly stood up and exited stage left as if pursued by a bear.
He shoves another forkful into his mouth. "It's just, like, they're the only people who let me into the room," he says, barely finishing chewing. "Nobody wants to take me seriously, and I really thought this was my shot, you know?"
June and Nora both know Alex is having a hard time landing serious roles after growing up on a sitcom—Nora more than most, as his former co-star. What they don't know is that losing this role, specifically, feels like a kick to the stomach. From the moment Alex saw the script, he wanted to be a part of it. He can't even explain why, and now he'll never figure it out. Henry wouldn't give him a chance.
"It wasn't your only shot, and you know it." Nora fixes him with a look. "Seriously, I get it—I do—but it's just one play, buddy."
June nods. "Something will happen for you, baby brother."
At that, Alex finally groans. "Okay, calling me baby brother doesn't help me feel better about the entertainment industry infantili—"
"—itty bitty, teeny weeny—"
Alex throws a home fry at her face. 
It bounces off her forehead and into the giant gauntlet holding her mimosa with a very unappetizing splash. Just as Alex throws his hands into the air with a victorious whoop, his phone buzzes on the table. 
A glance is all it takes for him to see that it's his agent, Zahra.
"Damn," he says, deflating. There goes that upswing. "You answer it."
June balks. "Me?"
"I don't need to hear how fucking badly it went. Trust me, I got the message." Alex blinks innocently, like he's six years old again, asking her to lie to their mom about that broken vase. "Please, Bug? Besides, Zahra actually likes you."
"Everyone likes me." June rolls her eyes, but she caves—answering the phone with a haughty, "Alex Claremont-Diaz's office," before breaking into a smile. "Yeah, Z. It's me… No, Alex is feeling a little sensitive today."
(He throws another home fry at her. This one misses.)
To her credit, June's face remains totally blank as Zahra no doubt tells her how Alex insulted Henry Fox's name and all of his inbred ancestors just by showing up, or whatever—which is extremely annoying and unhelpful—but, once she says goodbye and sets the phone back down on the table, her face breaks out into a grin.
"Guess you didn't suck too bad," she says. "They want you for the part."
He doesn't know if it's Nora throwing herself at him or the shock that knocks him onto the floor.
Tagging some lovelies. If you haven't been tagged and you want to be, consider this your tag!
@anchoredarchangel, @barbiediaz, @cha-melodius, @cricketnationrise, @guillermosfamiliar, @hgejfmw-hgejhsf, @hippolotamus, @inexplicablymine, @jettestar, @junebugclaremontdiaz, @kiwiana-writes, @lizzie-bennetdarcy, @missgeevious, @mulderscully, @myheartalivewrites, @ninzied, @nontoxic-writes, @notspecialbabe, @priincebutt, @rmd-writes, @rosedavid, @three-drink-amy, @treluna4, @vanillahigh00, @welcometololaland, @orchidscript, @ships-to-sail, @stereopticons
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negativeyield · 5 months
if i die before I bake
Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Swiss (Ghost Sweden Band), Phantom (Ghost Sweden Band), Dewdrop | Sodo, Rain (Ghost Sweden Band), Mountain (Ghost Sweden Band), Cumulus (Ghost Sweden Band), Cirrus (Ghost Sweden Band) Additional Tags: Recreational Drug Use, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort, green out, Pack Cuddles, Crack Treated Seriously, well this was meant to be crack but it kind of veered away from that, Guilt, Marijuana, Panic Attacks, Vomiting, Swiss is fucking zooted Summary: Phantom bakes some homemade edibles for Swiss, but messes up a vital measurement.
read on AO3
“Hey Mountain,” Phantom said, appearing at his bedroom door. “You went on that weed run yesterday, right?”
The drummer was lying on his bed, idly scrolling through his phone. He rolled to his side to look at Phantom, nodding his head toward the dresser. “Top drawer. You having a smoke?”
“No, I’m gonna make some brownies,” Phantom grabbed the bag. “I accidentally took the last of Swiss’s edible he got in Amsterdam. Told ‘em I’d go to the dispensary with you... and then forgot... so I'm just gonna make some.”
Mountain chuckled, “Have you ever baked anything in your life?”
“Of course I have.”
Phantom had not. But how hard could it be?
“Okay, well if you want some help, let me know. I'll send you the link to the recipe we usually use.”
“’kay. Thanks Mount,” he said and made his way back to the kitchen.
Phantom had watched Swiss or Mountain make edibles on a few occasions, but he pulled up Mountain's recipe. He quickly realized it was a little more complicated than he thought. There was pre-baking, and making a butter, and making the brownies from scratch? Phantom looked at the box mix he found at the back of the pantry. It would have to do.
Soon, the kitchen was a wreck. Measuring cups and bowls were everywhere as Phantom filled their shared space with aroma of baked cannabis. It brought some of the other ghouls out of their room to investigate his baking endeavor.
“Fucking hell, Phantom, what are you doing in here?” Dew was the first to appear as Phantom took the roasted leaves out of the oven.
“My best,” Phantom wiped away some sweat from his brow, glancing at Dew. “This looks much easier when Swiss does it.”
Dew chuckled, hopping up to sit on the counter and watch.
“That’s because Swiss has seen every episode of Great British Baking Show and thinks that makes him star baker.”
Phantom threw some butter in a saucepan and started to combine the components of the brownie mix.
“I believe it. This shit is harder than I thought.”
Dew chuckled, jumping down from the counter and ruffling Phantom’s hair on his way out the back door. “Just follow the instructions, you’ll be fine.”
Phantom sighed, returning to his project.
Cumulus and Cirrus also came by, taking a few finger fulls of leftover batter after Phantom had his bake in the oven. Mountain came by briefly while he sat in front of the oven watching them rise.
“Looks good, Iron Chef,” he smiled, patting him on the back. “Did you make them with or without walnuts?”
“Oh fuck, yeah. Be sure to save me one.”
Phantom smiled, feeling a bit better about his baking skills. When the brownies finally came out, they looked just like the ones the others have made. He cleaned up while they cooled, and delivered a generous piece to Swiss’s room for when he returned. Phantom thought about also enjoying one, but a text from Rain about a quick rehearsal tabled that plan. He cut himself a small sliver just to test out the taste, satisfied with the fudgey texture and gooey taste.
“Something is still missing,” Dew tapped his chin. They had spent the last hour and a half rehearsing some new bits for the rituals and testing out a few riffs. One in particular was giving them some trouble. “Maybe we should get Swiss down here. See if he has an idea or if adding a fourth balances it better.”
Rain put down his bass. “Yeah, I’ll go find him.” He left the practice room and headed toward the living quarters. In the meantime, Dew and Phantom continued to run through the bridge of the song.
Suddenly, rapid, running footsteps echoed up the hall. Both of the ghouls turned to find Rain looking pale and panicked.
“Something's wrong with Swiss,” he said, motioning for them to follow. They put their instruments down and ran to Swiss’s room. Phantom could hear the sound of retching from the hallway, which eerily stopped the moment they got into his room.
They found Swiss slumped beside the toilet, eyes unfocused as he barely registered Rain and Dew dropping to his side.
“Swiss,” Dew cupped his cheeks, trying to get the dazed ghoul to focus on him. “Swiss!” The only sound the ghoul made was some weak whimpering. The most he seemed to move was when he’d start to gag and lurch toward the toilet. Rain sat beside him, rubbing his back and looking at the others with concern.
“What do we do?”
“What is even wrong with him? He's sweating like he's back in the pits, but he doesn't feel feverish,” Dew said, hugging his arms across his body. “Food poisoning?”
“I don’t know, Dew, he’s pretty out of it.”
“Is he on something?”
Rain shrugged, “we just got back right before we started rehearsal. He didn’t have anything when he was with me.”
Suddenly, it dawned on Phantom. He looked back at the place he left Swiss’s brownie.
The plate was empty.
“Shit,” Phantom turned back to the others, suddenly starting to panic. “Shit, I made brownies earlier. Swiss had one.”
Dew’s eyes widened “How big?”
Phantom estimated with his fingers. “Not bigger than what Swiss has given me before.”
“Did he eat more than what you brought him or something?”
Rain stayed with Swiss while Dew and Phantom rushed to the kitchen where Mountain was coincidentally opening the pan of brownies.
“Mountain, wait!” Phantom yelled, startling the drummer into dropping the plastic knife on the ground.
“Swiss is sick. Maybe because of the brownies,” Dew explained. Phantom grabbed the pan, sighing in relief to find only the piece he cut for Swiss missing.
“He only had what I gave him.”
“Well what was the dosage?”
“Whatever the instructions said, Dew, I don’t know!”
The room started heating up with Dewdrop as the epicenter. “Phantom, you saw Swiss— this is not the fucking time for I don’t know, I need some fucking number—”
“Guys,” Mountain yelled over them, the bag of weed, that now had a sizable dent in it, in hand. His face was especially serious. “Phantom, where is the extra butter?”
He stared at Mountain blankly. “What do you mean?”
“You followed the recipe I told you? Pre-baked the amount you usually see Swiss and me make, right?”
“Okay, then where’s the leftovers? The recipe is for triple the amount of butter you should have used.”
Phantom suddenly felt like he was going to throw up. “I-I didn’t know that.”
“Shit,” Mountain cursed as Rain called down the hall for more help. Mountain went running, leaving Phantom feeling numb and a majorly heated Dew.
“I thought you were following the instructions,” Dew said, his eyes starting to flicker red, like embers in a fire trying to kindle.
“I was, but I was looking at the butter recipe Mountain told me to use and also reading the back of the brownie box and— and, I guess… I guess I got confused,” Phantom ran his fingers through his hair, tugging on the roots. Dew huffed, turning to go back to Swiss’s room. When Phantom started to follow, the fire ghoul whirled around, eyes fully glowing now.
“You’ve done enough, Phantom. We’ll take care of him.”
He left Phantom standing awkwardly in the hallway, his guilt feeling like a tight wire wrapped around his neck. He stood there until his anger kicked in. Phantom marched into the kitchen, grabbing the pan of brownies and slamming them into the trash can with such force the metal pan bent at a ninety degree angle.
He was angry at Dew. At the fucking instructions for being confusing. At Mountain for not telling him when he was leaving for the dispensary. Really, he was just furious at himself. How did he possibly think that much weed was supposed to go into one batch of brownies? What kind of idiot didn’t double check the recipe when making an edible?
Phantom banished himself to his room, throwing around a few things before collapsing on his bed in a fit of guilt-soaked tears.
Rain think he preferred it when Swiss was vomiting.
After the last time he hugged the toilet, just as Phantom and Dew went to check the kitchen, Swiss had a moment of improved coherence.
“Rain,” he mustered, spitting into the toilet. It was a relief just to hear him have some sort of orientation to what was happening around him. That relief was quickly thwarted by what followed, “I don’t… feel… good,” he said, his voice slurring and slowing. Rain had to lunge to catch Swiss’s dead weight as he suddenly collapsed.
“Fuck!” he yelled, pressing two fingers to his neck. Ghoul vessels did have heartbeats— usually slower than humans— but present. Even for a ghoul, though, Swiss’s was faint. “Dew! Phantom! I need you!”
To his surprise, Mountain was the first to arrive at his aid, helping Rain pull Swiss out of the bathroom and into the more spacious bedroom.
“He just passed out,” Rain said, obsessively checking the pulse points in Swiss’s neck and wrist.
“He’s greening out bad,” Mountain sighed, looking up at Rain with dismay. “Phantom fucked up the edible ratio. It won’t kill him, but we need to watch him until he comes down.”
Swiss’s eyes finally fluttered open again. Still unfocused, and even more out of it than before. Dew appeared at the door, chest heaving with anger. Phantom was nowhere to be found. Mountain took one look at Dew and shook his head.
That didn’t help Dew’s fury. “Excuse me?”
“You’re hot right now. You know he gets sensitive to emotions when he’s high, and right now the last thing we need is him panicking when he can barely comprehend why he’s panicking. You can come back when you cool off.”
Dew looked like he wanted to bite off Mountain’s head, but he did back out of the room.
“Mounty,” Swiss muttered, briefly focusing on the earth ghoul’s face. His hand limply waved, and Mountain grabbed it from the air and squeezed.
“Hang in there, bud. You’re gonna be okay.”
Swiss felt like he was dying.
Or locked in some shadow dimension. Either was possible.
Maybe this was the purgatory thing he’s heard so much about. A land between heaven and hell. It would explain why he felt like the world was melting between his fingers while also feeling like he was floating. He was burning hot and doused in sweat, but also wanted nothing more than to be wrapped in blankets.
A lot of contradictions. The only thing Swiss was sure about was that his stomach fucking hurt.
His head was in the toilet again. Throat burning. A hand rubbed his back and he tried to focus on that instead of the sour taste in his mouth.
Then darkness.
Maybe he was dying.
Sometimes he’d hear some voices. Muted, warped voices he could hardly identify.
One came through clearly. Swiss couldn’t quite identify what was being said, but he knew it was Mountain.
Mountain sounded upset. Swiss frowned working hard at trying to focus on the slow moving blobs around him so he could find Mountain.
A warm hand took his.
Fingers tinkered with his hair.
Touched his blazing skin.
He hoped he wasn’t sick.
They would also get sick if that was the case.
“You can sleep, Swiss miss.”
“We’ll keep you safe.”
Swiss didn’t want to sleep. He was exhausted to the point he couldn’t move, but sleeping seemed like something he wasn’t supposed to do. Like he’s fully succumb to the darkness.
Like he’d wake up in the pit.
His throat suddenly felt tight. Fingers tingled. He tried to suck in more air, but his lungs were sluggish. Slow as the rest of him. Swiss fought, feeling his body being turned. Being lifted and then put down again—
“I don’t wanna go!” he tried to scream, but only parts of it made it to his mouth.
Pressure on his cheeks. A hand on his chest. Swiss’s vision dotted for a few moments before realizing Rain was nose-to-nose with him, his ocean blue eyes pleading for something Swiss couldn’t hear over the sound of ringing in his ears. He looked at Rain’s lips come together and split in the shape of the word breathe.
I’m trying, he wanted to say, but he had no breath to do it.
Rain pressed on his chest. Tapped a pattern that Swiss took to mean as cues to breathe in and out. He tried— and struggled— to follow them at first, but soon fell into rhythm. He felt his body start to relax. His fingers regained feeling. Swiss felt the air fully inflate his lungs, hold, and exit with a slow whoosh.
Slowly, he faded into sleep.
Swiss woke up feeling like he had been dropped in boiling water. He was drenched, the feeling of his clothes on his skin making him nauseated all over again. Feeling a little more mobile, Swiss grabbed at his shirt, trying to ease it over his head.
“Woah, woah, woah, what’s wrong?” a voice asked. Dew's voice. 
“’m fucking hot,” Swiss said, back, trying and failing to make it over his head. Frustration started making him upset, and he took a break from his shirt and clumsily pulled at the drawstring of his sweatpants instead.
“Okay, let me help you,” Dew whispered, swatting Swiss’s hands away. Swiss stood still as Dew dropped his pants and helped pull his shirt off. The cool air on his burning skin was a relief, but Swiss still didn’t feel comfortable. He grabbed his underwear, but Dew caught his wrist.
“Those too?” he asked hesitantly.
Swiss nodded, trying to jerk out of Dew’s grasp, but being unsuccessful. Dew sighed and released him, and Swiss finally felt at ease.
He stood there until his body temperature felt normal again.
Then he realized he was fucking freezing. He slumped back on the bed, grabbing as many blankets at possible while Dew watched him, dumbfounded.
“Cold now, Swissy?”
“Freezing. Cuddle me, Dew?”
The fire ghoul groaned, and something landed on Swiss’s face.
“Okay, but you have to put your drawers back on.”
That seemed like a fair exchange. Swiss slipped on his underwear and opened his arms for Dew to come warm him up. The fire ghoul dropped into Swiss’s arms, muttering something about how he “better not puke on him”.
Swiss’s throat was dry when he woke up again. HIs room was dim. Less chaotic than before. Swiss tried to roll to his back, but found something blocking him.
Or someone.
“Swiss?” a soft voice asked, moving so he could plop onto his back. It was Mountain staring down at him with concerned hazel eyes.
“I’m falling off the bed,” Swiss muttered, weakly trying to shove at the massive drummer. Mountain’s concern shifted to mild amusement, and he gave Swiss some more space.
“Just making sure you don’t aspirate, Swissy.”
Satanas, his head was pounding. Swiss flopped down on Mountain’s chest, finding some comfort in the feeling of his heartbeat under his cheek.
“Is he awake?” Rain asked, walking in with Dew in tow.
“He is,” Swiss answered. “He is also so fucking thirsty.”
“Good,” Rain handed him some brightly colored drink. Swiss stared at is suspiciously until he explained. “Electrolytes.”
“Oh. Thought you were trying to poison me,” Swiss muttered, and slowly sipped at the cool beverage.
“That would be Phantom,” Dew muttered, quickly getting an elbow to the ribs from Rain. Swiss looked at them, confused.
“What about Phantom?” His bandmates looked at him and then one another. Swiss couldn’t tell if it was guilt or pity, but he didn’t like it either way. “Whatever it is, fucking tell me.”
“He’s usually pissy when he’s almost down,” Mountain said as though Swiss wasn’t sitting right fucking there.
“Think he’s good enough to tell him?” Rain asked.
“For fuck’s sake,” Swiss pinched the bridge of his nose. Rain placed a hand on his knee.
“Did you eat the brownie Phantom baked for you?”
Swiss slowly dropped his hand, the realization of his pre-nap snack hitting him the moment Rain said it.
“Yeah… it was good, but I’m guessing maybe a little too much?”
Dew scoffed. “At least triple the dose you usually do.”
That certainly explained why he felt like he was on a different plane of existence earlier.
“Damn. Uh, how bad was I?” They looked at each other again. That, and the fact they looked exhausted pretty much answered his question. He also realized Phantom wasn’t among them. “And where’s Phantom?”
Dew pressed his lips together. “I, uh, told him to stay out of the way.”
From the way Mountain and Rain exchanged a glance, Swiss had a feeling it was a little more than that. He sighed, pushing himself up to try and stand, but a rush to his head made him topple right back down.
“Where the hell do you think you’re going?” Dew asked.
“To see Phantom. Make sure he’s not beating himself up over this.”
“You can barely stand still!”
Swiss looked at Dew. “Then go get him!”
Dew looked at Rain, who shook his head. The usually calm water ghoul looked at Dew sternly. “I’m not the one who yelled at him. Go fix it.”
With a groan, Dew departed. Swiss laid back in his bed, focusing on a singular point on the ceiling until the spinning stopped.
“Hey Rain?” he asked after awhile.
Swiss ran his hand over his bare chest and thighs. “When did I strip?”
He chuckled. “A few hours ago.”
“Dew said you wanted cuddles.”
Swiss sat with that for a moment before shrugging. “Yeah... that checks out. Can you grab me some clothes, please?”
Phantom wasn’t sure what to do. He snuck down near Swiss’s room a few times to try and gauge what was going on, but couldn’t quite get a complete read. Things seemed to calm down at least. Less sounds of vomiting. Rain, Mountain, and Dew had begun to take shifts of just one or two of them staying with Swiss at a time. Phantom wanted to assume the best, but he still felt his worst.
So he shut himself in his room. Lights off, so his main source of light was the glow of iridescent constellations on his ceiling.
Swiss had helped him put those up. And Phantom had basically poisoned him. What a good packmate he was.
Because he wanted to torture himself, Phantom looked back at the recipe for the butter. Sure enough, it clearly called for almost four times the amount of butter he used— if he had just fucking read it correctly, Swiss wouldn’t be spending the night worrying about choking on his own vomit.
Hot tears ran down Phantom’s face. Though he had formed some great connections with the others, he was still so new. Would they send him away after this? Would any of them trust him again? He ruminated on these increasingly destructive thoughts until there was a soft knock at his door.
“Phantom?” Dew said through the door. “You in there?”
“Yeah,” called, his voice raspy from crying. The door opened slowly, and in came Dew. He was much less angry than usual, but still seemed a little peeved. After taking in the dark room and Phantom curled up on his bed, his face softened.
“Hey…” Dew said, sitting on the edge of Phantom’s bed. To his surprise, the fire ghoul reached out and put a warm hand on Phantom’s calf. “Swiss is okay.”
“He is?”
“A little loopy still and post-high cranky, but yeah. He’s asking for you.”
Phantom bit his lip, curling more into himself. “He’s pissed, isn’t he?”
Dew’s eyebrows furrowed together. “Swiss? At you? Not at all.”
“You are.”
Dew sighed, pressing his fingers together in his lap. “I was. But, I shouldn’t have yelled at you like that. I was mad and… and scared. Really scared.” Dew looked at him with with this sad expression. “Sorry for taking it out on you.”
Phantom finally sat up, pulling Dew into a hug before he could protest. The lead guitarist hugged him back, pinching his cheek as they pulled apart. “I hope you know you’re banned from baking, though.”
“Fair enough,” Phantom said, smiling for the first time in hours.
They went to Swiss’s room where Rain and Mountain were perched on his bed with them. When Phantom entered, they grew quiet, and started to move out of the way. Swiss opened up his arms.
“C’mere Phantom,” he said with a grin.
All the stress of the last several hours of soaking in self-doubt and guilt came tumbling down at once. Phantom practically tackled Swiss as he dove into his arms, reveling in the joyful laugh the multi-ghoul let out as he squeezed Phantom tightly.
“I’m so fucking sorry,” Phantom said into Swiss’s shirt.
“Don’t be, Twinkle Toes, that brownie was fucking fire. Perfect ratio of gooey, but not underbaked. And truly flattered you thought I could handle that much THC.”
“It did seem like a lot…”
“I fuckin’ bet,” Swiss chuckled. “It’s okay, though. I’m good. Sometimes I need a green out every so often. Keeps me humble.”
“Also freaks us the hell out,” Rain said. Swiss pressed his lips together, almost like he felt guilty about being basically incapacitated. He reached out toward the others, and Phantom felt the bed dipped as Rain joined the huddle. Mountain and Dew soon followed, encapsulating the two of them in their body heat and weight.
“Thanks for taking care of me, you guys.”
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nobodysdaydreams · 4 months
Okay, now they REALLY gotta drop the Jacobi duck-related lore 🦆 (and I need to stop holding out hope Blessie will return 😔💔)
(Or my reaction to Wolf359’s Mission Mishap Episodes).
Welcome back dear readers! My schedule has been busy lately, but the Mission Mishap episodes were mercifully short, so I’ve been listening to a few episodes per week and have gathered my reactions here for you all to enjoy.
Tagging the mutuals who got me invested in this, and if you want to be tagged or untagged from these posts, lmk, or you can follow my blog or simply follow the tag "#bods wolf359 reactions". Anyone who has followed me for a while knows my updates are inconsistent, so I apologize in advance for that and for any spelling/grammar mistakes in my posts.
@sophieswundergarten @oflightningandstars @acollectionofcuriousreblogs @herawell @commsroom
Also tagging @lovelyladylavie because I promised I’d tag you way back on this post and forgot (I’m so sorry!) but my reactions are all under the tag so you should be able to find them!
Mission Mishaps: A Little Night Music
"Not fully reading your contract before you sign it...not understanding your job responsibilities, and wanting commander off your back" I love Doug's sponsorships and the dramatic irony 😂 *Cue The Fine Print playing in the background...*
I guess the only actor they could get was Doug. Nice of him to fill us in on what Minkowski and Hera are saying though.
It's so fancy. Mannnyyyy PhDs. Very impressive, Doug.
I'm so happy we got more radio show Doug. I need to hear him do a radio show where all his personalities talk to each other. Being the special guest on the show is Cutter's punishment for all eternity. The Dear Listeners make 5 copies of Doug so he can be all the characters.
"The feeling you'll die miserably..." yikes, broke character for a second there Doug.
"Ah yes...the way the piano notes dance around the...other piano notes...absolutely fantastic piece for when you want to start your day with the paino-y energy" Well said Doug.
Oh boy. Cowboy music. Is this the return of Badass McAwesome? Do I dare to hope?
Ah, well, better luck next time.
His poor toe. I hate when that happens too, Doug.
The...mind eraser?
Don't like how that sounds. Especially after the threats in "Change of Mind".
Better not be foreshadowing.
"This song is a mutant, it's superpower is being catchy. It never leaves."
Okay, THAT better not be foreshadowing.
"Afraid of the plant monster?" I wish we could be, Doug. I wish we could be. 😔🪴
"Worried you'll never get back to Earth to see you're family?" Oh, Doug. 💔
"Bosses you're pretty sure are kind of evil" Kind of is generous Doug.
Yeah...yeah Doug that got very dark there for a bit.
Moral boosting? Oh dear. MUTE 😂 AFTER TWO MINUTES 😂
I love Doug. Poor fellow. I enjoyed the broadcast Doug. They don't appreciate your talents.
Mission Mishaps: The Space You’re In
I love the title’s double meaning.
More of Doug dodging his work I see. A common theme.
“Please stop going off on tangents” I guess Cutter and Pryce didn’t send them up with any ADHD meds. “I’m here for work 😊” Nice cover, Doug. 👍🏻 nailed it.
“I’m gonna get that thing that I forgot”. You do that Doug.
How did I know Doug was gonna break something? 🤣
Specimen incubation period??? BLESSIE????
How dare they tease us with Blessie lore?
Good question Doug. Why IS there a harpoon?
Doug literally has no where to hide. 🤣
Oh right. Space. Why do I see that backfiring?
PFFTTT—- Did she just call him a lizard? 🦎
“It’s beautiful” -> “I hate space” poor Doug. I’m sensing a pattern 🤣
Mission Mishaps: You Want, I Solve Ah Doug stealing coffee from Minkowski. Once again, I sense a pattern.
Wait. A puppy? 🥰🐕‍🦺🐾
“The mean lady who runs this place” really Doug? You did just steal her coffee.
2 tails? Well, twice the wagging, I see that as a win. 🥰
Follow him Doug!
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The dogs are multiplying? David Bowie is here? Okay Doug is hallucinating for sure.
Ah hello Hilbert.
Why is he treating the manual like it’s the ring? 🤣
Well. That was weird.
Oh, Hilbert. All to get Doug to bond with the manual.
And yet something tells me he still won’t read it. It does sound like he might be cuddling with it at night and killing anyone who tries to take it from him though. Mildly concerning. Mission Mishaps: The Veldt Oh my gosh. The episode description. Eiffel goes into the greenhouse… y’all. I don’t wanna get my hopes up, but…
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I’m so excited guys. I don’t wanna get my hopes up, I know I shouldn’t, but I need Blessie back!
So Doug is doing his chores again. I sense a pattern.
He does a great Australian accent. Again, I need the aliens to clone Doug just so he can have a show where his different personalities talk to each other. Hm. Oxygen chamber has a lot of passwords. And a lot of weird ways to enter passwords. Which is nice for protecting the air, but not so great when you, you know, desperately need air and only have a few seconds to enter the password.
The binary forms of color? This is so extreme not to mention boring. Not one sign of Blessie. I’ve been bamboozled. And WHY is there a timer? This is so weird.
Well I’m upset. We went to the greenhouse and didn’t see leaf or stem of Blessie. 💔
I’m not giving up hope. If not in the show then in fanfic that plant is coming back.
Mission Mishaps: Lights Out
Another entry from dear Doug. I wonder if Minkowski and Hilbert are gonna have him do something he doesn’t want to and then hijinks ensues and Doug messes something up?
HP Lovecraft, Call of Kuthulu? Oh me too Doug stuff is hard to pronounce.
Doug does a good creepy narrator voice. It’s funny to think of Hera listening to all this. It reminds me of those people on Lovelace’s crew reading stories together.
“Property of Dr….”
DOCTOR WHO? (A good show, but I’m literally asking the question).
Is it that girl on Lovelace’s crew who liked to read? (I’m sorry it’s hard to keep track of their names).
Ah yes, and the star is acting up. As is Doug’s imagination. I’m sure this couldn’t possibly go wrong.
Hilbert. What sample? What escaped?
I’m not getting my hopes up this time. You teased me with Blessie once. I’m not falling for it again. I’ve been burned before.
It just sounds like a little mouse. 🐁
…I hope it’s not one of the spiders… I’m now beginning to realize Doug’s fears…
“It’s small and scurrying”
Is it a mouse?
Doug, it’s probably just a mouse. “It’s staring at me.” Well it’s probably scared too, Doug.
Doug, you better not have killed that poor little mouse.
You killed the maintenance drone Doug? Well that was a wild ride. At first I thought they weren’t gonna go the “Doug messes up a thing Hilbert and Minkowski are doing” route but they always surprise me with their ability to bring it back there. Not that I’m complaining, I’m loving these stories. Mission Mishaps: Cold Turkey More Doug! Wow. 553 days. That’s… that’s a lot.
Thanksgiving? Is this the same Thanksgiving from Hera’s memory? 🦃
Banned from the kitchen? Oh poor, Doug. Was Hilbert not available? I guess he’s Russian so he doesn’t celebrate it. But he can probably cook.
Doug is just like me fr. Don’t ask my partner what happened when I tried to make him food. All you need to know was that I tried my best, and it’s the thought that counts.
Doug is gonna burn this Turkey. I know the actress was probably busy and these are “extra” episodes, but Hera please come online and help him.
Oh gross. Cans of spam? Disgusting.
Right, maybe Hilbert can do something. But on the other hand, Hilbert and Eiffel can make each other worse. And what was that about psychoactive properties? What was Hilbert exposed to?
“Can I give indifference? I have plenty of that.” Yes, Hilbert, you made that very clear.
“Oh well if I have to “come on”.” “Really!” “No.” Hilbert is lowkey hilarious 🤣 “I like pecan pie…maybe thanksgiving is not so terrible.” 🥧
I love how Hilbert sounds like he’s plotting something ominous even when he’s just talking about pie. 🤣
But seriously, why was he in Texas? He never answered that.
“The best way to keep him away from the kitchen was to put you in charge” oh poor Doug. She was right though.
Aw, this is sweet. I like how it connects to what we saw in Hera’s memories too.
Mission Mishaps: No Complaints Aw man, SI-5? What happened to Doug?
First they take Blessie from me then they force me to spent time with his killers.
Well gang, I guess it’s time for the adventures of Whiskey Man and Duck Boy.
Wow. Sitting in a car and brooding in the rain. An action packed adventure if I’ve ever heard one.
Oh wait, are they stalking Maxwell? They said she was from a small town.
“Did you stalk me?” Yes, he did Jacobi. Kepler was acting so creepy at that bar, I’m sorry. What even was that?
“I really hate you sometimes sir. ✨You’re the worst✨” oh Duck Boy you have no idea.
What video. WHAT VIDEO.
Please tell us why Jacobi is brooding and PLEASE tell us about the duck video.
Jacobi taught him questions only? Wow he really does love to dig his own grave.
Kepler is not your friend Jacobi. If you think he is, you… gosh you really need to meet somebody. Anybody.
All this complaining… Jacobi really is the evil version of Doug sometimes…
What was on Jacobi’s mind? What did Rachel think was on his mind? Oh, his one year recruitment.
Nothing good ever comes out of a mysterious duffel bag. Why does he have all those fireworks?
When your evil boss takes you on a fake stake out and gives you some fireworks to blow up because he knows you crave destruction: 💣🎆🥰🎇🧨😍
I like that they play fireworks sounds as they roll the credits. It’s a nice touch. Mission Mishaps: Happy Holidays Already down to the last one. Time flies when you’re having fun. Oh more SI-5. Hopefully a little less Whiskey Boy, a little more Duck related lore.
Oh no such luck. :(
Geez, Kepler really does love flexing every single bit of power that he has, doesn’t he? Just get to the point already! Why couldn’t he have been the one to go instead of Maxwell?
“Oh no! Not a binary fault in the quartical… um… that’s bad!” Duck Boy stop being funny I don’t want to like you.
Not Kepler’s slow claps… I swear this man is infatuated with the idea of being a super villain.
What are they afraid of?
A holiday party?
the evil space corporation has a HOLIDAY PARTY?
For what holiday? Cutter and Pryce clearly hate holidays. They’ve ordered people killed on nearly every holiday we’ve seen! … actually maybe that’s their way of making the holidays their own… and it makes me wonder who they want to kill at this party. Jacobi and Maxwell have a right to be concerned about this.
“We don’t ask questions. We trust that we were given orders for a reason.” THAT ONLY WORKS IF YOU ARE WORKING FOR TRUSTWORTHY PEOPLE. And committing or endorsing murder takes you off the trustworthy list.
The idea of Cutter and Pryce celebrating Christmas disgusts me. Like, physically I have a hard time stomaching it. Christmas is about joy, and love, and goodwill toward mankind. Cutter and his crazy science gf have no place involving themselves in that. Not unless they show some serious remorse and do some serious penance and jail time.
What kind of horrifying messed up gifts do people get each other? I hope Jacobi gets a pet duck.
… Maxwell’s mom died? “We all know you don’t talk to your mom” “…my mom just died?” “No Jacobi.” STOP BEING FUNNY.
Compare this to the holiday stuff that happens with the Hephaestus… this has such a creepy undertone. Especially when you imagine the events happening at the same time.
Well, that’s all for the Mission Mishaps. Sorry it took me so long guys, but I love and appreciate your patience. Excited to finish the rest of the series and hopefully I’ll have more for you soon!
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cosmossystem · 18 days
Hey, I'm sorry for suddenly dumping this onto your askbox, but I just feel the need to be heard
I honestly don't care about being anti and proship at all
But... Everytime I see a post from someone who proudly calling themselves anti... It's always so scarily violent
All those posts saying "kill yourself", "deserves to die", all of that stuff
If you don't like a person or stuff they make... Just block them, mute the tags they use, forget they ever exist
Literally easier to do that than harassing the said person or making others uncomfortable with your violence tendencies
This is why some people that have "I'm an anti" or "Proship dni" have become such a redflag to me, even tho most of the time people who uses them are genuinely just good people who misunderstood what proship is
I wish this whole discourse never existed, I miss everything before 2020...
^^ this
and we feel the exact same way
like we dont have any hard stances on shipcourse because both sides have misinfo and both are wrong about some things-- like, we are firmly anti-lolisho and thats one of the things that is usually seen as "proship", but we do have "problematic" ships and we believe in SALS and are anti-censorship. so much misinfo flies between the two because no one cares about being right, they care about looking right, much like every other fake-activist (which are unfortunately common these days.)
the only reason we even care to begin with is because antis have been so violent to us about it. if you arent with them, youre against them, and if youre against them, youre a target.
it seems like theres a lot of antis in neurodivergent & plural spaces, too, which is just crazy to me, so it feels like we have to specify every time "yes, we're the proship in your DNI, just block us please."
i do wanna say that while 2020 made things worse, ive been in shipcourse + fandom spaces since 2016 and it was pretty bad back then too. like in 2016 i had an anti-ship & anti-ddlg blog and there were DOZENS of other antis in the tags -- yall remember "character-against-bad-ships" blogs? yeah. we ran several of those and had hundreds of mutuals running them as well. (im getting flashbacks to "sonic-for-real-justice". eugh.)
we Fully Converted To Proshipism (/j) in about 2018-19, so i saw how bad it was getting right before covid and honestly its never fully recovered. fandom hasnt really been peaceful since... maybe before 2016? i dont know, i wasnt there. flaming and ship wars have always been around but i honestly cant think of when all this "pro v anti" stuff started. seems like it was a slow buildup and now its just fucking everywhere.
i know this wasnt the point of your ask, but im gonna go on a tangent here because i like to yap:
i think the current state of shipcourse is caused, in part, by the fact that younger generations are getting into fandom. except, i think every time someone points this out, they get it wrong and pin it on some bullshit like "younger fans are mistaking fandom for activism/politics!" that argument sucks because that doesnt afford any empathy to the teenagers and young adults who grew up in this awful fucking political climate (including myself.) fandom IS politics to young people, because they have been aware of the state of the world since the time they could read and dont know a world that isnt inherently political in every way.
and then that brings up the misconception that fandom isnt / should never be political, which isnt true and is literally just denial of what is already happening. every form of media and consumption is inherently political. proshippers tend to be wrong about that, plug their ears and lalala until it goes away while ignoring the very political parts of fandom-- like the misogyny, racism, ableism, aphobia... etc.
and so we get stuck in the same song and dance because everyone is wrong and parrots the same disinfo. fandom is very black and white like that. its either everything is ok, or none of it is, with no room for nuance. like for instance: you can enjoy shipping the canonically-aroace character with someone and that doesnt make you a bad person, but dont pretend that doesnt have any real world implications. and so on.
anyway. thank you for the ask, anon. sorry this got really long and passionate. im very opinionated.
- red
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This, is definitely overdue.
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Alright, hi, hello. Let's talk- as my shittily drawn comic says-
First off, I'm Kaz, I also go by Wolfy, Fifty (from my old tumblr user/tag/whatever), and any variation of Peppermint. One friend who has tumblr as well calls me Pepsi on discord for shits and giggle and another knows my real name. Well, both know, it's just a 50/50 on what they use-
I am a sexuality questioning neurodivergent genderfluid creature, I don't care what pronouns are used for me as long as the person talking to me is comfortable with me. A friend of mine has full access to my tumblr. If you see kny/ds (Kimetsu No Yaiba/Demon Slayer) stuff reblogged on here, it's probably from her because at the time of making this, my current focus is cookie run.
On here I'll be most commonly showing myself as a kitsune with just, a chalk board on hand. Or, well, paw.
Okay, general blog rules and things to know.
No explicit nsfw. You can send asks being curious about certain habits of my ocs and draw whatever kinda art of them you want (do not touch ANY little ones I will block you so fast), but anything in regards to me myself or my friend, absolutely the fuck not.
Oc shipping is perfectly okay with me! Just don't ask about children and keep your fan children to yourself, please and thank you. I do not want asks about my ocs having children in my askbox.
I am VERY much a multishipper, if you see me shipping my ocs with my other ocs, do not assume you can't come in and make an offer of one of your own ocs. Do not be afraid to talk to me about shipping ocs or oc interactions in general.
As long as I'm credited, anyone is more than welcome to use my art for whatever the fuck they want. If it's something questionable, I'd prefer you keep it to yourself, but otherwise, go ahead. Although I'd be surprised if anyone wanted to use my art for anything-
I do NOT. I repeat, do NOT. Take commissions. I'll take requests to draw ocs and other such things, alongside canon characters, but I do NOT take commissions. Requests will really only be sketches, occasionally colored and sometimes legitimately finished because I had the energy for it.
I feel as though this should be obvious, but I'll say it anyways, pro-shippers, racists, lgbtq+phobics, assholes of generally any kind, especially those obsessed with politics, aren't fucking welcome here. This blog is here for me to look at content from people I like and affectionately blast my mutuals with whatever cracked up shit I come up with. If you can't help but be a piece of shit in my safe space, you can go fuck yourself.
Be kind. I don't care who you are, I don't care what you came here for, but if you can't bare to spare a shred of kindness when you talk to me, I don't want you interacting with my blog. You can criticize my art, the way I write, the way I talk, just how much I ramble, but if you can't be nice about it, I'd rather you say nothing at all.
Alright, that should be that.
If you wanna contact me, you can contact me on here through tumblr's messaging system, but you can also contact me on discord at .peppermintstars! If you're gonna friend me on discord, please warn me before you do. I don't have the best experience with randomly being friended and I may end up blocking you on instinct- I do have a twitter although I don't use it so I won't bother linking it until I start using it.
I hope to eventually start streaming sometime this year, be it with or without a 2d or 3d model, so if you wanna support me, you can find me on twitch and youtube!
I'll also give a list of the media I'm into and what you can expect me to be reblogging! Or at least looking at-
Cookie Run! Primarily ocs. (I don't know what the fuck is going on in the story rn and I need to get caught up-)
Persona 5 Royal and in subsequent, the Persona series in general.
Demon Slayer! (Or Kimetsu No Yaiba if you prefer to call it that.)
Pokemon. I like to watch the animes and if I can I'll get whatever new game comes out, even if I get it a bit late-
How To Train Your Dragon! Yes I'm still into HTTYD even years after the first movie came out. That shit ain't going no where.
Honkai: Star Rail and Genshin Impact! Although the interest for these has diminished and isn't ever really consistent, I may as well list them because I either do play them or have played them.
Cult of The Lamb! I like Narilamb. I like Narinder. I've a thing for powerful higher beings in general okay-
Dungeons and Dragons! If you need a dm or an extra player for whatever reason, I am more than open to joining a campaign.
Dark Souls! And other souls-like games from FromSoftware- ties into the D&D thing because I get way too many ideas watching playthroughs of those games.
God of War! Again, the liking of powerful higher beings- also ties into D&D.
The Resident Evil series! Leon Kennedy is hot and Ethan Winters was a good dad.
FNAF! Alongside other such mascot horror games- Poppy Playtime included (mostly just for Dogday.)
Mythology and folklore! Hopefully evident by the fact I chose a kitsune as my persona on here- also connects into D&D again to no one's surprise.
That should be everything I can remember off the top of my head!
That's all, thank you for reading, have a good day, and here's a sleepy kitsune for your troubles!
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solosikoasgf · 1 year
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nothing like loving you, chapter one
previous chapters: prologue pairing: solo sikoa x oc (nariah 'riah' perry) themes in this chapter: tense family dynamics (bloodline), initial magnetism + unspoken chemistry word count: roughly 2.4k author's notes: besitos on all the love for the prologue! taglist: @rez-luvs-hook — @southerngirl41 — @harmshake — @christinabae — @dreamsinfocus — @thesamoanqueen — @thewarlordsworld — let me know if you want to be added! song recommendations: heavy by tank and the bangas,
— riah ,
news of the draft flows through the corporate office, and the office is abuzz as our section starts rearranging content schedules to accommodate the changes. rumors buzz through myself and leah, my coworker and other content associate. we met when we both started as wide eyed interns, and we both cried and got terribly drunk when we got hired full time, and spent countless nights up together when we got paired to handle content for nxt. our first year together was spent all over the country, bunking in rooms together, downing red bulls, and making friends with the budding talent. even though it was technically off limits - we saw these people every day, every event. it was impossible to not make some friends.
"i'm so excited for indi," leah mentions, leaning back in her chair to scoot over into my cubicle space. "she's gonna be crazy good on main roster."
"oh yeah. i talked to her a couple days afterwards, she's so excited. the women's division is really ramping up to be something special. indi, alba and isla joining is going to take it over the top, really." i click through a couple press articles, switching to twitter to get a read on how fans are responding to it all. "do you think with the shakeup, we could be changing divisions too?"
with draft changeups came staff change ups - people moved divisions, got promoted, and the like. i honestly liked being at nxt - it wasn't has high as pressure and roadtripping with my work bestie made it even more of a party than work.
leah's eyebrows knit together, and she scooted in closer, leaning her elbows into my desk. "we're the newest, so i would hope not....you don't think dan would try and break us up, do you?" she pouts slightly, running hand through her bright ginger hair. i smile, leaning my head into hers.
"and split up his best content tag team?" i roll my eyes, brushing off her worries - just in time for our manager dan to walk up to my desk.
"nariah, i know our one to one is later, but you okay with it happening right now?" he questions, flashing a smile at leah and i. i nod, picking up my laptop and giving leah a shrug before following. dan was cool - i worked under him as an intern and he got promoted to manager when i got hired. he didn't ride me too hard and always tried to look out for our best interests.
i take a seat opposite him in meeting room we snagged, watching as he settled in, a wide white smile that contrasted with the smooth brown of his skin tone. he leans into the table, like a kid with a secret he can't keep.
"you're getting promoted."
"i'm sorry, excuse me, but what?"
"molly and i have been really impressed with your work. the metrics and engagement on the content you've personally been in charge of has been some of the best posts we've gotten across all our socials. and a lot of the nxt talent has praise for you - especially when you've handled their personal brand posts and not just the ones for general nxt. so we think you can take on some bigger talent. we're promoting you from junior content associate to content coordinator, and we're changing your division." his smile grows even wider with every sentence, and i can't form a sentence.
i didn't think this was going to happen - shit, i thought i would be with nxt for the next one or two years before anything happened. all the content i did was work, but i had fun editing, or brainstorming new ideas. and it was fun to interact with fans and see what they responded best to, to figure out what should be signature for talent.
"too shocked to talk?"
i laugh, shaking my head. "i just did not expect this by a long shot. thanks, dan, really. you really have been my mentor this entire time and i really appreciate you."
"no, nariah. this is all you. i gave you the tools, you went above and beyond with them. that's what we look for."
my smile won't go down, and my cheeks hurt, but i can't stop - until my mind brings leah to the front and it falls slightly. "what about leah?"
"you know i can't talk to you about her, but i am splitting you both up. she's doing good too, but she'll be going to a different division. y'all are both rising up the ranks."
i let out a breath of relief, but a little saddened i'll be away from my partner. "what division am i going to?"
"main roster, men's division. in particular...." he leans back in his chair, with a wider smile. "you'll be assisting in the content for the bloodline specifically."
holy shit?
"excuse my language, but you're shitting me right now. you're putting me on bloodline content?"
"yeah. we think your ideas could be really good in helping where the story is going next. and we've gotten word they want to start pushing solo a little more, and since you worked with him a little in nxt, we think you'd be great to take point on that when the time comes. we actually want you to head down to pensacola to meet with them and start shadowing, since the next two weeks of matches will be down there. you'll be working under tyrese. so after you wrap it up today, head down tomorrow."
i study his face to see if he's serious, but the smile remains, and dan doesn't tend to play games when it comes to work. i leave the conference room a lost for words, replaying the conversation in my head on repeat until i can grasp the full understanding. when leah and i leave later, both shocked with the days events, i hug her a little tighter, and we both look at each other in wonder: things are really changing for us.
a roadtrip and several phone calls later - including a long one with leah as we bounced around ideas of what we could do for our respective assignments - find me falling in step behind tyrese, who takes point on bloodline content, with some others personally picked by the talent to handle personal brand posts. we hadn't really spent much time together, but word around that he was a good guy, just harsh on deadlines and the kinds of edits that went out. but considering the kind of press that surrounded the bloodline, it made sense, but i'd be lying if i said it didn't put me on edge a little.
"so the guys tend to drift between gyms - josh, jon and sefa all have multiple gym memberships so they go wherever. joe has a spot where his trainer is that he prefers so it'll be rare you really see him like that." he turns to walk backwards, keeping his eyes trained on me. i squirm internally, trying to keep a neutral but interested face. since i had shown up, i had felt a little under scrutiny, and it took me far too long to even pick an outfit, settling on my usual streetwear casual - slightly baggy cargos, a slightly oversized tee, nikes. spent half the morning fighting with my curly bundles to make this slick back low ponytail full. i wanted to feel like myself, but wanted to look approachable. my hands still smooth over my tee, still feeling slight scrutiny from tyrese's eyes as he goes over some scheduling details.
as we round the corner into the training room, i take a deep breath, hearing booming laughter, and try to put on a smile to calm my shaking nerves. we come upon the twins and solo, all engaged in conversation until they see tyrese, who they great with enthusiasm, like a long lost brother. "aye guys, this is nariah, i told y'all she'd be joining us as apart of content."
i smile, swallowing down nerves as both usos take turns shaking my hand.
"damn, new content? i got high expectations since our boy been holding us down." jimmy grins.
"i'll try my best, but i think my work speaks for itself. i think we can add some fun stuff as well as some really edgy things for y'all. as long as your open to it."
my eyes drift to solo, who's held his spot quietly without moving since i came in. his hoodie is just pulled back enough so a peek of blonde shoots through, and his sleeves are rolled up, revealing tatted forearms. he doesn't give a smile, a nod, a word, not a single bit of acknowledgement at my presence. even now, he stares at me with intensity that doesn't come off as friendly, and i'm stuck between feeling awkward and a little offended. truth be told, i hadn't mentioned to anybody how we had met previously, or what had went down.
it wasn't like it was bad, either. it was quick and fleeting, but my neck still felt warm at the thought of our last encounter, only calmed by the thought that he may not remember anything of that night. but then why the hell was he staring at me so hard for?
so i hold his eyes, trying not to let it get to me. "looking forward to working with you guys."
— solo ,
i don't have the time to mess around with whatever new people the office sends down here, seems like one or two cycles through and gets transferred out every couple weeks, not being able to hack it. i'm always more focused on the problems in front of us, and it's always like i'm damn near the only one. as friendly as things seem behind the scenes, there's always an underlying feeling of tension that flows through all of us, even amidst the smiles and camaraderie. when sami left, the rift got a little bigger, and with my brothers losing their titles, it's grown.
if anything, it's left more pressure on me to deliver.
i've never been one for alliances or any of that buddy shit - i've always looked out for myself and made my own path independent of everybody else. i didn't have the elder's support like roman, or have a twin like my brothers. it's always been just me - and that's why i'm solo. but since joining the roster, that feels threatened. i don't know the peace of my own rules and judgement, used as a guard dog of sorts for roman.
and it's not like i mind - the closer i am to roman, the more i have leeway for what i want in the end - but it's almost like i'm a pet, and i ain't never been with that shit.
i like to train when it's late - the quiet of the training facility is easier to navigate. it's just me and tupac, the weights and my own determination. it's what i look forward to - or at least i did, until i find somebody else in there instead. i glance at the clock - one in the morning. the hell is anybody else even doing in here?
there's a low hum of rnb music as the quiet and shadowy figure goes through a series of stretches in front of the mirror. it takes me a moment to place the face as nariah - the content girl from earlier. she doesn't see me and her eyes are closed as she sinks down into the yoga mat, stretching her body over the floor, with audible deep breaths.
i clear my throat and move toward the center, pulling my hood down. it startles her, and she jumps a little, sitting on her knees and her head snapping up. once she recognizes me, she exhales, hand on her chest. "sorry. didn't see you."
"yeah, i can tell."
she doesn't respond, looking at me in the mirror as if she was waiting for words.
"you gon' be in here much longer?"
her eyebrows raise. "maybe. there's enough space for both of us, you know. i won't get in your way."
not the answer i wanted. i shove my hands into the pockets of my hoodie, scowling. "what are you even doing in here this late?"
"the trip down here was long and fucked up my sleeping schedule a little. couldn't get my mind to calm down so i thought i'd get some time in. i should ask you that. weren't you in here training earlier?"
"don't mean i can't train on my own."
"true." she stands, facing me from her spot. "i won't bother you. unless you want to stretch with me before you get started."
i snort, and i swear there's a playful look in her eyes. "what?" she asks, eyebrows raised. "big guy like you can't be flexible?"
"ain't nobody say all that."
"then come on."
i hesitate, but step beside her, looking at her face in the mirror for guidance. she doesn't smile, but her face lights up just a bit, content in my choice as she leads me through stretches. the lights in the training room are still somewhat dim, so i rely on her low voice to guide me along the sounds of the music playing in the background. after a while, my mind empties - no longer concerned with my earlier problems.
i focus on feeling my body connect with my mind, and the tasks that i've done to get me here. i focus on nariah's voice, and then her face as we sit across each other for seated stretches. her voice fades out a little as i find myself more tuned into her face - dark eyes with light circles under them - no doubt from the late nights. full and glossed lips, long and slender limbs. after a while, i realize i'm not moving anymore, and neither is she, and we're both just quietly staring at each other.
something's there.
i don't know what it is, but it's there. pulling me in, making me want a little more. the air feels a little heavier, and her eyes hold mine with quiet intensity for another moment, but something in the back falls with a clatter, and it breaks the tension, and she clears her throat, averting her eyes and scrambling to stand.
"i'm gonna go. you're good, right?" she dusts herself off.
"yeah..." i stand, putting some more space between her.
"alright then i'm gonna..." she mumbles, rolling up the mat and looking for her bag, "i'm gonna go now. see you later, i guess."
i watch her disconnect her bluetooth and scramble out the door, and it takes me a moment to come to myself, shaking my head. no time to be distracted.
with everybody on home turf, the next two weeks were going to be brutal. and i needed to focus.
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lonelyvomit · 2 years
I know you write so I hope you don't mind me bringing this to you, Apparently something is happening at Ao3 to do with board membership and someone running for it could cause really strict censorship rules to be put in place. I only started writing few months ago and if this actually does happen I'm worried I could lose all the stuff since I've wrote since it's all explicit and some of it is pretty controversial.
yeah I've seen a post about it on my dash a couple times and finally took a look at the original transcript. there's a fairly new employee running for the board, and she's openly advocating for censorship with the classic "we need to be socially responsible" bullshit - which, for anyone who has been around fandom and fic spaces for longer than couple years, the pattern is always the same. once the banning starts it's never gonna stop, it goes from "problematic" content to queer content to smut in general, all under the "protect the children" excuse.
ao3's entire point right now is that it's the one place where writers can safely post their fiction. because they understand fictional people don't get hurt and people themselves are responsible for reading the tags and deciding if the work is something they want to read, just like people check warnings on video games and horror movies and then decide if they want to consume it - for some reason when it comes to fanfic, some people have suddenly decided if they don't like it, it shouldn't exist at all.
starting to worry about external people's collective opinion and trying to limit ao3 to their standards - or even worse, as she seems to be interested in making ao3 more accessible in her home country, China, which we know censors fucking everything - is going to end up in a mass deletion of so much fandom content. it doesn't protect anyone, it's just puritanism and "video games cause violent behavior" with a new fancy wording and aimed at fanfic instead. and personally, yeah, it would delete a lot of my favorite works from others, a lot of works from my friends, and few works from myself too.
idk if literally anything here made sense I'm sorry lmao the topic pisses me off (not as in "I'm pissed at you for bringing it up" but as in "oh my god this world is full of fucking idiots") so I ended up ranting lol.
anyway the board members are voted and anyone who had donated over $10 to ao3 before July 30th (so unfortunately we can sweep in anymore) has the right to vote and they should've already received an email about it. to anyone with the right to vote - please keep Tiffany G out 🙃
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desudog-gone · 11 months
My controversial AI opinion is
that I wasn't against it (and was always interested in machine learning getting better) just as long as its not being used for personal gain / to capitalize off it
Fandom project making a game from 2002 fully voice acted? That's cool! The project was obviously never going to be done officially and it helps more people get into it or just generally breath more life into someone's beloved franchise.
Generate random anime chicks? It'd be nice if it was trained on art that consented but honestly if no money is being made I kinda.... don't personally care. Ppl using free generators aren't gonna pay anyways, and I am a firm believer in one of the internets beauties being the way things are passed around. Also most of these are bust shots only, all kinds of artists like to do challenges where they draw the rest of the outfit
Make a chatbot DM so someone can play dungeons and dragons without a DM? That's dope, and helps people who want to try out character ideas, or people (if you're like me and everyone you know hates being the DM) play the game they otherwise wouldn't.
A chatbot that helps write fantasy stories? I've used these before for writing practice, it's really handy to have something to help when I'm really just at a brick wall.
A meme being dubbed? These are funny as all hell! I want to hear Emminem read text posts and spy from tf2 read memes with his face on it.
This is because mostly these things all help someone, a real person be creative who is still putting creative work and thought in.
I start having issues when things cost money. It can be argued in every one of the ones I've listed prior that "they wouldn't have paid a real person anyways" but the issue now, is people are willing to pay people who own machines, just so they don't have to pay artists.
Because the second you use other people's art for MONEY. You stole it IMO. The moment you train a machine off someone's art and sell that machine's time, you stole.
Running off donations is one thing, requiring funding, running off in app currency 'points', etc, that's stealing.
Am I frustrated with the amount of people who get more attention than actual artists for using machine learning, tagging their posts as things theyre not? Yes, to no end.
Does some people being scummy make it so I think nobody should do anything with machine learning ever? No, I don't think that.
IMO, I've always preferred machine learning to be... bad. I prefer messed up hands and blemish spots and bad checkerboards. I think "ai" is useful for inspiration but should never replace real work.
The fact is, people will be gross money hungry little shitbags. But that doesn't mean if I offered a machine a portfolio of my art and asked it to make something that makes sense, I'd be in the wrong.
I'm tired of the idea that inanimate machines are the one to blame. We need to blame thieves for thieving. Sweet and simple. A computer didn't steal your art. A person did, and he makes money giving server space to people.
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mystery-star · 1 year
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I posted 195 times in 2022
That's 127 more posts than 2021!
181 posts created (93%)
14 posts reblogged (7%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 179 of my posts in 2022
Only 8% of my posts had no tags
#mystery alaska - 56 posts
#ben wade - 37 posts
#3:10 to yuma - 36 posts
#ben wade x you - 23 posts
#john biebe - 23 posts
#ben wade imagine - 23 posts
#ben wade x reader - 23 posts
#anon - 20 posts
#jack aubrey - 18 posts
#anon ask - 18 posts
Longest Tag: 136 characters
#while i'm just trying to keep my shit together and not have another mental breakdown bc we're on vacation and i'm supposed to be relaxed
My Top Posts in 2022:
Trapped - Spock
Pairing: Spock x reader (gender neutral)
Warnings: swearing, bit of angst
Words: 818
A/N: Sorry that I have not published a lot for Spock lately but I have not been writing a lot in general. However, I have a few more short Spock stories in my drafts that I’ll publish in the following weeks.
Please do not repost my work on other sites or platforms!
It wasn’t your first away mission by far. And yet you hated that your boyfriend and superior officer treated you like a child. He would insist that he was not worried for worry was highly illogical and that as leader of the away mission he was responsible for everyone’s safety and felt it was necessary to remind some members of the rules. Sulking over it, you didn’t really focus on examining the bush in front of you.
“Ugh why did no one tell me it was gonna be so hot?” the partner you were teamed up with said, fanning himself. You only shrugged and threw a glance at him to see how he was sitting down on a small boulder a few feet away. Or better said tried to because the moment he was sitting, the rock moved and threw your colleague face first in the dirt. Had the situation been another, you might have laughed. But the animal that looked a little like a turtle, but one that could walk on two legs if it got up, let out a hurling roar before taking quick steps into your direction. After freezing for a second, you started running towards where you suggested other members of the landing party. “Help me” your colleague protested but since the being was more interested in you, you simply ignored him. As you were running, the ground suddenly started shaking a little more and as you looked back you swallowed hard.
“Oh fuck” you breathed. It seemed like a couple of friends had joined the turtle-being and were now all coming after you. You couldn’t even say how many there were but it still brought more energy for you to run. You met some other crewmembers and they didn’t even need to ask what was going on because they saw and heard your distress before you could even tell them to run.
“Let’s split up” someone suggested and after counting to five, the three of you ran into different directions. A glance behind told you that luckily, the beings had split up too so that now only two of them were still after you.
“Why did you have to sit down on that thing?” you scolded your colleague but still hoped that he was fine and didn’t have to deal with one of the beings while he still was on the ground.
“Ensign” you suddenly heard Spock’s voice. As you turned your head to the side to look at him, you almost fell over something on the ground but he caught you, pulling you along by the wrist. Luckily, he wasn’t asking what had happened. Not yet.
“What...” you pressed out when you saw him running towards a wall. Only a while later you saw the small crack in it that could probably fit the two of you but not the animals. Happy that soon it would be over, you sped up again, almost running as fast as your boyfriend who had been dragging you behind. Once you reached the tiny cave, Spock almost pushed you in before joining you. The space was very small; you couldn’t even stand properly and no matter how much you tried, you always were touching your boyfriend somewhere. It made you glad that he was here with you. You knew of Vulcans’ aversion to touch others if it could be helped.
“How did these beings end up chasing after you?” he asked and you were glad to hear he too was a little out of breath. Outside the cave the two ‘turtles’ tried getting into the crack as well but then gave up, making a lot of noise outside. You only hoped it wasn’t something bad, like them calling reinforcement.
“Jefferson” you started explaining how he sat down on what he thought to be a rock. “Regret you told me in particular not to touch anything?”
“The assumption that I told ‘you in particular’ is not correct since the entire landing party has been present when I gave you the instructions”
“And yet you looked at me” you replied under your breath “But thanks anyways. You really saved my ass out there”
“I fail to understand how solely your buttocks have been in peril” you chuckled
“It’s a saying”
“Have you been injured?”
“No, I’m fine. Just exhausted from the running. I hope the others are fine though” you explained that two other people were being chased too. By now the aliens in front of the wall had calmed down too. “Do you think they will stay for long?”
“I cannot say” you shrugged
“Well, I guess then all we can do is wait” you smiled because even though you both were on duty and therefore Spock would insisted on formalities and all, you still enjoyed spending some time with him. And the fact that you had to be close to each other made it even better...
46 notes - Posted October 5, 2022
To Boldly Write - Star Trek Masterlist (Jul 01 2022)
Please do not repost my work on other sites or platforms
Tumblr media
Spock x Reader
Actions speak louder than Words [Smut]
The Biggest Compliment
Tender Loving Care
Wherever you go
Come and go
Shipping Experiment
Waiting for you
Of Trifles and Truffles
Scaredy Cat
The Romulan Incident
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
(K)night in Black Armor (Mafia AU) (Incomplete)
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 15.2 [SMUT]  | Part 16 | Part 16.2 [SMUT]  | Part 17 | Part 18 | Part 19 | Part 19.2 [SMUT] | Part 20 | Part 21 | Part 21.2 [SMUT] | Part 22 | Part 23 | Part 24 |
(K)ibA Series Masterlist
Spock x OC
Threshold of Space (Further Series)
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 |  Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16
The sequels are on FF.net
Passing Boundaries 
See the full post
65 notes - Posted July 1, 2022
Scaredy Cat - Spock
Pairing: Spock x reader (gender neutral)
Warnings: none
Words: 326
A/N: Yes. The writing challenge is still somewhat going and you get more short-Spocklets (at some point)
Please do not repost my work on other sites or platforms!
“Now come on, don’t be a scaredy-cat” you shouted in your fiancé’s direction when he refused to step onto the boat you currently were preparing to sail out.
“Interesting you should mention a feline” he said placing his bag on the floor.
“What? Are you scared of water?”
“No. It is illogical to fear water since it is something essential for most humanoids”
“So?” you asked, knowing there was something he didn’t tell you
“However, as Vulcans descend from felines, as you so often have to make fun of…”
“You don’t like water, just like cats” you concluded “But there are kitties that love water, you know?”
“I am well aware. Yet I doubt the term ‘kitty’ is fitting since it mostly are members of the subfamily Pantherinae that do not avoid water” you chuckled
“Alright then tiger, here you go” you got closer to him, grabbing his bag and throwing it onto the deck.
“Please do not handle my belongings so carelessly”
“Well, you can get them back if you come” you said, wiping some sweat off your face. “We have life vests, so neither of us is gonna drown” you pecked his cheek “You know, you’re the best First Officer a starship could wish for, so I’d love to have you as my deputy here”
“I do not know how to sail” you chuckled
“To be honest, I’m not too much of a sailor either. But” you clasped your hands together, giving him a solemn look “This thing has an engine. So we might not even need the sails”
“Then the term ‘sailing’ is not quite correct, I suppose” you chuckled
“At least it fits better than flying, huh?” when you looked back and saw he still hadn’t moved you let out a sigh “Alright, you know what either you get on the boat now or I’ll throw your bag overboard so you actually do have to get in the water to get it”
122 notes - Posted June 18, 2022
Secretive - Spock
Pairing: Spock x reader (gender neutral)
Warnings: none
Words: 589
A/N: Just a little thing I wrote for a writing challenge.
Do not repost my work on other sites or platforms!
Of course you loved Spock. Deeply. But what you hated about the relationship is that he didn’t want anyone to know. At least if it could be helped. There were a few people who did know, after all.
“Hi (Y/N)” a fellow cadet shouted as he caught up with you, letting out a breath “Whew, your fast. Stole something?” you glanced at him and recognized him.
“Hi” you greeted back, not really wanting to look up from your PADD
“How about dinner tonight? Just the two of us, fancy restaurant, delicious food. What do you say? I bet you can use some actual social company after learning with the Vulcan.” he said the last word as if it was a curse.
“Spock and I get along very well”
“Bullshit” you didn’t reply. “Well, what about tonight?”
“I don’t want to”
“No? Come on, you’ll love it. It's a date” he gave a wink and smiled.
“That makes me say no even more”
“How so?”
“Well, first of all, I have a boyfriend”
“Just because you don’t like something doesn’t make it a lie” you said chuckling inwardly when you noticed it sounded like something Spock would say. “Okay, bye” you didn’t even look at him before walking off to meet your fellow cadet in the library. “Sorry I’m late” you said before sitting down and giving your boyfriend a chance to say something. He reacted with an eyebrow rise.
“I have not made a comment about your tardiness since you are not late” you checked the time. Indeed, you still were a minute early
“Oh, well” you sat down with a chuckle “I thought Charles slowed me down”
“How so?” you sighed, not sure if you wanted to tell him. You hated to tell him that every so often, you were asked to a date by other cadets. Often the same cadets that made fun of your boyfriend. Which was one of the reasons you always said no, even if they just wanted to be friends when hearing you were not romantically interested in them. But when he just kept looking at you, you sighed and told him what the other male had wanted “I understand”
“Doesn’t that bother you? Or make you mad?” he glanced at you and he folded his hand on the tabletop, leaning slightly closer to you.
“(Y/N), I am half-Vulcan and am therefore able to supress my emotions. Furthermore, even if this was impossible, I still would not feel either of the sentiments you have suggested since I trust you and know that getting emotional over such a matter is illogical. That is, as long as all these people do is simply ask you. In case someone ever bothers or even molests you, however, I will be willing to assist you, should you need me. Since others are unaware of our relationship and you are amiable, caring and attractive, it is only logical that other people desire a relationship with you and thus inquire if you are interested in them as well. Therefore, the sole thing that I am thinking about the matter is that I truly appreciate what we have and that you chose me” you smiled at his words.
“Thank you, Spock” you said “This means a lot to me. And you do too. Mean a lot to me, I mean” although there were people around, you leant over to him and quickly gave his hand a squeeze before leaning back and opening a textbook on your PADD “So, astrophysics, right?
246 notes - Posted February 26, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Casually – Spock
Pairing: Spock x reader (gender neutral)
Warnings: none
Words: 337
A/N: Aaand here we go again with another piece I wrote for my writing challenge.
Do not repost my wirting on other sites or platforms!
Spock was lingering at the door frame while you were cooking
“Oh, if you’re already here, could you had me the carrots?” you asked, pointing at the vegetable.
“Is there some issue with the replicator that I may need to have a look?”
“Why?” you asked in confusion, tasting the sauce.
“Since you are cooking, I assumed…”
“Ah. Oh no” you chuckled, putting in some salt “I just saw this recipe and wanted to try it out because it seems tasty. I like cooking in a way” you admitted. He still hadn’t moved, so you pointed at the carrots again “Carrot?”
“(Y/N), there is something I would like to ask you”
“Sure. Go on” you said taking the carrot yourself, knowing he wasn’t even listening. On the other hand, Vulcans didn’t like touching raw food with their hands so it was mean of you to expect that from him.
“I have come to the realization that you mean everything to me and I do not desire to spend the rest of my life without you by my side” you chuckled
“That’s sweet. Same here, I love you, Spock”
“Thank you. Therefore, I wish to inquire if you could imagine marrying me. I do not mind if you prefer the human or the Vulcan…”
“Woah Spock” you glanced at him “You-you’re proposing that casually?”
“I was not aware there is some kind of ritual?”
“No. No there isn’t. Just… usually you wait for a special moment to ask. When everything fits”
“I see. However, as I have just had this realization – that I wish to be your husband – mere minutes ago during meditation, therefore I suppose the timing was rather adequate” you chuckled
“Well that’s just cute. You had the thoughts and immediately had to know. Logical and cute, I give you that” you smiled at him “Alright Spock, therefore that was the right time” you wiped your hands at the towel and walked over to him and cupped his face, gently kissing him on the lips “Yes”
390 notes - Posted March 23, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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beef-bakery · 2 years
Zaun’s Most Beloved
Synopsis: you win a spot on the rebooted dating show, Zaun’s Most Beloved, after your friend entered you as a surprise. And who could possibly turn down an all expenses paid date with the man of your choosing?
Rating: Silco x GN!Reader - SFW - 2.3k words
Tags: no pronouns used but reader is wearing a dress and makeup, modern au in a way?
Inspired by this fanart by @dad-dumpster just because of the mystery element
Next part
You shifted awkwardly in your chair, throwing a distressed look at the director, trying desperately not to look at the audience in front of you. The director was oblivious to your pointed looks, busy talking to the cameraman. Luckily enough, a showrunner managed to see your discomfort and came over to you.
“Hey, can I help you?” he asked, moving his clipboard into the space between his waist and arm.
“Yeah,” you said, relieved to be acknowledged. “Um, do you know where the bathroom is?”
“Oh, yeah.” He looked down at his watch. “Uh, just so you know, we’re gonna start rolling in 10 though, so you might have to be quick.”
“That's fine,” you said quickly, desperate for the interaction to be over.
“Here, I'll show you the way so you don't get lost,” he said, turning and beckoning for you to follow.
As you walked past the divider separating your chair from the other three, you observed the set. A cheesy thing, a replica of the old 1960’s show which preceded the one you were about to be on. Walking through the studio door, you caught a quick glimpse of a long coat before it disappeared behind another door.
When you finally got to the bathroom, the showrunner nodded to you before stationing himself outside. You walked through the door and did your business, wondering how you managed to end up here.
You were never one for the spotlight, keeping to yourself most of the time, and although it wasn't hard for you to interact with strangers, you found it was more comfortable to be around the people you already knew.
And yet, it was one of those people who had caused you to land a spot on Zaun’s Most Beloved. You had heard the raffle on the radio, claiming that the winner would become a contestant on the famous dating show set to be rebooted in Zaun this fall.
The first run of the show had been stationed in Piltover, giving the general public a look into the high-class dating life of Piltovarians. After its cancellation years ago, someone had the grand idea to station the show in Zaun as a major comeback.
Regardless, you had been less than interested, complaining to your best friend about it. Little did you know he had signed you up for it, later saying he thought it would be good for you, a change of pace.
You had argued, but once you had heard the contestant you'd pick would end up going on a prepaid date with you, up to 1,000 dollars, you'd agreed in a heartbeat. You'd hardly ever ventured into Piltover, the transportation fees nearly killed you out of shock, but this was enough to last you several months of rent in Piltover.
And that was how you ended up here, in your best dress, standing at a porcelain sink, staring into your reflection. The stranger looking back didn't look like you at all. The makeup the team had dolled you up in was far different than what you’d normally wear.
You took a deep breath before opening the door, looking to the showrunner on the side. You gave him a small smile before allowing him to lead you back into the set.
The director was sitting in her chair next to the host, who gave you a winning smile. You flashed him an awkward one before settling onto your chair.
“On air in 2,” another showrunner called, flipping through her clipboard.
Those minutes couldn't’ve passed faster as you found yourself desperately hoping for more time. You wiped your sweaty palms on your dress as the director began counting down.
“Three, two-” She pointed at the host on one.
Theme music queued in before the host began speaking.
“Hello, and welcome to Zaun’s Most Beloved! I'm your host, Ash. And chosen through lottery, we have the person our contestants will be attempting to woo tonight. Please tell us a bit about yourself.” He gave you an encouraging smile as you realized that was the first time you had heard his name.
“Hi, Ash,” you said before introducing yourself. “I'll admit, I'm a pretty private person and there isn't a lot to say, but I was born and raised in Zaun, and I, uh, still live there. I mean, how else would I be here?” The audience gave a respectful chuckle, which you took as encouragement before continuing. “I work in financing for a small company, and I like to read and garden in my spare time. I also love cats and fish, I'd really like to own some one day.”
“What a wonderful-sounding person!” Ash said to the camera. “Now, let's hear a little bit about our contestants. Contestants, why don't you tell us about yourselves?”
“Hi, I'm Contestant One.” A raspy voice spoke, somehow smooth in its cadence, washing over you like the waves in the harbor. “I’ma CEO of a company in Zaun, but I'd rather not reveal its name so as to not prematurely reveal my identity. I'm a single father of a wonderful little girl and although we don't have many pets, I'll say that I also like fish and cats.”
“It seems like the two of you have a lot in common!” Ash gave a grin to the man you couldn't see. “And onto Contestant Two!”
“Hi, I'm Contestant Two and I'm an art student! I make sculptures and I came here looking for a new muse.” Although his voice gave nothing away, Contestant Two’s words led you to believe this was someone younger than you, which in its own way was a bit repelling. You’d never really been into younger guys.
“A charmer! And onto Contestant Three.”
“Hi! I'm Contestant Three and I own a small shop on the Promenade.” said a soft voice. “I work with a lot of plants and I have a pretty green thumb. I also like to read in my spare time.”
“What a bunch of lookers! Why don't we move onto the next question?” Ash said your name, prompting you to speak.
“Oh! Um, what made you choose your career path?” you said quickly, the host catching you off guard.
“I'd say just circumstance,” Contestant One mused. “I'd never really planned to be the CEO of my business but I'd always thought I'd be a leader. I'd led other groups before but becoming a CEO was honestly just circumstantial.”
Jeez, how pretentious could a person be?
“I've always been good at art, I'd been doing it since I was young, and I'd been accepted into a Piltover school on a scholarship and I thought what the heck, you only live once.” You could hear the smile in Contestant Two’s voice.
How quaint.
“Similar to Contestant Two, I'd been pretty good with plants ever since I was little. My father owned the shop before me and I worked with him then. When he passed I took over the shop.”
“Oh I'm so sorry.” You said, pitying the man as he got choked up.
“It's okay, it was a while ago.” he sniffed.
“Uh, next question?” For once, Ash seemed as though he was at a loss for words. He exchanged awkward looks with the director who shrugged in turn before putting his TV persona mask back on.
“What's a trait you value the most?” you said robotically, having used the time the contestants spoke to rifle through your memory to find the questions you had prepared before.
“Either loyalty or honesty. It's very important to me that my employees are loyal to me and I can trust and rely on them. But more than that, I prefer that the people around me are wholeheartedly dedicated. Not to say that I am only taking from them. I also, in turn, give them my full fealty. As for honesty, I think it goes without saying that no one likes to be lied to, but I don't like to beat around the bush for an answer. As a CEO I like to make sure my time is spent wisely, and that includes transparency in any relationship, especially romantic.”
Gods, could this guy go a minute without mentioning he was a CEO? It's like he wanted to rub it in your face.
“I think I value kindness the most. There's nothing like getting unwarranted kindness with no strings attached and I thoroughly enjoy giving and receiving compliments in addition to general goodwill.”
“Sincerity,” Contestant Three said at last. “I've had my fair share of people using me and full transparency means a lot to me.”
“What thoughtful answers! I'd say we have a lovely batch of bachelors tonight.” the audience gave a polite laugh before Ash continued. “And for our next question? Take it away!”
“Transparency is important to me too, Contestant Three. For my next question, what's something you're looking for in a relationship?”
After a moment of silence, Contestant One replied, “I'd say companionship. There's something to be said about being able to enjoy each other’s presence and personality without any romantic intention. And as I said before, I value honesty so this might be hard to hear or cause you to not pick me; but to be truthful, I don't want a relationship where we rely too much on each other. My ideal relationship would be somewhat casual, taking things somewhat slow because as you can imagine, I don't want to move too quickly for my daughter’s sake.”
“It seems like you care a lot about your daughter.” you said, tilting your head to the side.
“I do,” he said fondly. “She's my most treasured companion.”
As much as you disliked Contestant One, you found his relationship with his daughter sweet. He had taken her feelings into consideration and clearly deeply cared for her. The paternal relationship spoke greatly about his character, showing vulnerability and care.
“Someone fun,” Contestant Two said quickly, interrupting your thoughts. “I’d like someone spontaneous who’s always down to do something or go somewhere. My art relies a lot on how I'm feeling in the moment and I'd love someone who could conjure that feeling in me just by being around me.”
“I hate to break it to you, Contestant Two,” you pushed a strand of hair behind your ear, a bit annoyed at his interruption of your thoughts. “but I wouldn't describe myself as the most spontaneous person. I like reliability and routine and while I might enjoy the occasional impromptu outing, I like to have things planned out in advance.”
“Oh, well I'm sorry to hear that,” Contestant Two said, sounding genuinely remorseful.
“Contestant Three?” Ash prompted, breaking through the tension that had builded.
“On the contrary to Contestant One, I'm looking for commitment. There's something very special about devotion and relying on each other for everything.”
As much as you hated to admit it, what you looked for most in a relationship was closest to Contestant One’s. You weren't looking for commitment or something that would only last a little while, burning bright but all too quick, leaving you to pick up the pieces of your heart.
“This leads us into the final stretch and onto our last question.”
“What would your ideal date be?” you asked, shifting a little in your seat. As much fun as this was, you were becoming unbearably uncomfortable from sitting in the same spot for far too long.
“My ideal date would probably be dinner along the coast. A lot of daytime activities are often busy and populated and we wouldn't be able to interact in a private setting. Dinner would be nicer because it would grant us the privacy and intimacy I'm looking for.”
How fascinating. A man who didn't want commitment but partook in private and intimate settings.
“An art class I think,” said Contestant Two. “I've taken paint and wine classes before and it's always been a great experience. I'd love to go to one with a partner and get to know them while making something special for each other.”
“Probably just coffee,” Contestant Three said. “It might seem boring but there's nothing like getting to know someone over a classic cup of coffee. Besides, being in a public setting while getting to know each other wouldn't cause awkward tension or unneeded uncomfortability.”
“And that concludes the question portion!” Ash turned to you. “Would you give us the honor of revealing the lucky man you will be taking on a date - sponsored by the show, of course!”
“That's hard,” you said. “They're all a lovely batch of people, but I think I'll have to go with Contestant One just because we’re looking for very similar things in a relationship.”
“A wonderful choice! Why don't you come down here and meet each other?” Ash gestured to the front of the stage, where he was standing in between the divider.
You got up from your seat, grateful to be free from your chair, walking down the stairs to the platform in the middle. You saw a coat sweep across the floor from the corner of your eye, but your gaze remained determinately on the platform in front of you.
Standing in front of Ash, the camera right next to your face, you allowed yourself a glimpse of the man you had chosen before your breath caught in your throat.
Mismatched eyes bore into you, ones you had only heard about through word of mouth, never seeing them in person until now. Cleanly slicked back hair glinted off of the lights, a gray streak deviating from the center.
Your name coming from his mouth broke you from your trance. “It's nice to finally meet you.” Chipped teeth glinted off the stage lights. “I'm-”
“Silco.” you breathed.
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matan4il · 2 years
I don't even want to type the name Lucy all summer lol. I'm just not worried about her and the main reason I'm not is they blew up both Buck and Eddie's relationships. There was absolutely no reason to do that IMHO. Realistically the general audience didn't hate Taylor. She was at least given more layers then Anna and having a side character reporter actually could have come in handy. If you only left Eddie single then I would be more worried about that since Lucy is a lot like Buck, meaning the opposite of Anna.
Also the kiss reinforced the unhealthy ways Buck used sex in the past. I just don't see how it's a healthy start to any relationship between her or Buck and Eddie.
But again just to bring home the fact--- they set up Taylor for four seasons and Anna for 3 seasons and left them both still single in the end. As a writer why do that to yourself. Your in S6, no promise for 7 or more. They either plan to leave them perpetually single best guy pals, or their storyline is together. I think either way it's always gonna be their storyline together.
You can't bring another partner male or female that can compete with the others place in their life and they won't gain audience approval. It was cringy enough watching Anna take up space with the Diaz boys. Please don't do that to me again.
Hi Nonnie! Oh, I’m with you. Honestly, I think they figuratively blew up any future relationship either Buck or Eddie could have on the show, no matter with what kind of a character (man, woman, recurring character or a more permanent fixture on the show) the second they made them so integral to each other’s life. I swear, after the end of 303 and the way Eddie and Buck basically gay married each other before God and Chris, bathing in that golden light, no one else could stand a chance. That they’ve made this r/s even deeper and more intense since, and that the show actually chose to also literally blow up both men’s romantic relationships (and in the same manner, more or less, and during the same season) is just proof 911 must know that Buddie is the only thing that makes sense as either man’s endgame at this point. Not to mention Christopher’s endgame! That boy deserves to have both his dads living with him, married and struggling to figure out how to keep their sex noises down.
Oh, def the kiss was unhealthy and there was no way that Buck and Lucy would have gotten together as an official, romantic couple immediately after it. In the long run, after enough time has passed? That I can’t rule out. I’m not saying the show will take it there! Just that it’s a possibility I’m not discounting. Also, we’re at the end of s5 and there’s no telling how long 911 will run for. Yes, there’s no real guarantee for a s7, but I can’t see it running for less than 9 seasons given how it’s still Fox’s strongest scripted drama. But even if the show goes ahead and tries Buck with Lucy, which I’m still not sure it will, even then, there’s no way they’re endgame.
I’m totally in agreement with you, personally I am READY for Buck and Eddie to get together, to have their ‘oh’ moment and see with new eyes what has always been staring them in the face. I think Tim’s plans are a bit more long term, so they won’t just yet, but I’m here and I know nothing else will satisfy the viewers.
I hope you have a wonderful day, lovely! xoxox
(I got an influx of asks, I WILL answer all of them, but it might take a sec. If anyone wants to check whether I've already answered theirs or to read my replies, here's my ask tag. Thank you! xoxox)
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what-the-honk · 3 years
warning(s): swearing
w/c: 2.1k
in-game, Platonic
Summary: Dream keeps annoying techno so techno tickles him but then it ends in a tickle fight between the two.
This is a request from @noxissleepy (can’t tag you for some reason) I hope it’s okay! <3
I got a little carried away with this one lmao-
Dream had been annoying poor Techno all day. Just causing general annoyances by tripping him up, throwing things at him, scaring him, and the like. They were currently taking a walk, Techno prayed that this would calm down his hyper friend who strode along happily beside him.
"Dream.." Techno spoke, stopping and closing his eyes as Dream threw a small twig at his head for the third time in the space of like five minutes.
"What?" Dream chuckled as he also stopped walking.
"You are seriously getting on my last nerve today" Techno replied, opening his eyes again and looking over at his friend who looked back at him with a smug look on his face. Techno looked at him for a further couple of seconds before looking away and shaking his head as he continued walking, the whole time Dream was chuckling to himself. Dream broke into a slow jog to catch up with his friend who was storming ahead by this point.
"Hey! Techno! Wait!" Dream called out, Techno just continued walking.
"Techno~" said in a sing-song voice "Techno!" He repeated, his friend still didn't react however, he just continued to walk, a neutral expression on his face.
Dream wasn't having any of it. He went quiet for a second, continuing to walk beside the other guy who was still awkwardly not speaking. A smile started forming on Dream's face as he thought of a smart and hilarious idea, or so it seemed to him at least.
He stuck his foot out, tripping his friend up once again before immediately taking off running and cackling.
"You little- Dream!! Get back here!" Techno called after the guy, instantly taking off after him without hesitation. Dream's laughter turned more frantic sounding when he heard his friend's footsteps stomping on the ground behind him.
"No!! Techno I'm sorry! Leave mehe- HAHA! Leave me ahalone!" Dream replied, never once slowing down as he continued to run away from the other guy who wasn't far behind him.
"You can't run forever Dream" Techno said in a menacing tone, "I'm gonna get you eventually, why don't you make it easy for yourself and just stop running?" He continued.
"NO!" Dream practically screeched in reply, "never!"
"No? We'll see about that, see how long you can run for.. shall we? I can't imagine it'll be very long before you're all out of breath" Techno taunted his friend, he was going to get him back for being such an annoying shit all day, and he wasn't going to go easy on the guy.
"Shut- shut up!" Dream cried, he was already getting pretty tired and out of breath. "You're crazy!" He continued, still laughing uncontrollably due to nerves and also the fact that he found his own actions hilarious.
"Come on Dream, give up!" Techno said.
"N-No!" Dream replied. He ran until his lungs burned, but he knew that if he stopped running then he'd be done for. He had no idea what his friend was planning, but he knew it would be nothing good.
Unlucky for Dream however, he tripped over a rock causing him to stumble and crash onto the grass landing with a dull thud. He turned himself over to face his friend who had slowed to a walk. Dream watched in horror as Techno stormed towards him with purpose. Butterflies exploded in his stomach as he saw this, he knew that he was done for now.
"Techno- please wait- I'm sorry! I didn't- I didn't mean to-" Dream tried to plead with the guy while still giggling hysterically.
"My ass! I'll show you sorry" Techno replied with a smirk. Before Dream had time to do so much as even ask what his friend meant by this, Techno practically pounced on him, pinning him onto the ground. Dream let out a scream before dissolving into more frantic laughter.
"Wait for what? Christmas?" Techno replied sarcastically, only causing Dream to laugh even more as he tried to shove his friend off him.
"Fuck off!" He laughed, shoving his friend away from him but Techno easily managed to overpower the other guy.
Dream couldn't do anything but laugh hysterically as Techno just stared down at him with a menacing grin. Without warning, Techno attacked his friends sides, squeezing and poking them vigorously.
"Techno no! Plehehease dohohont!" Dream cackled.
"Why not?" Techno smirked,
"Fuhuck you! I hate you!" Dream could barely get any words out from laughing so hard.
"I should hate you for annoying me all day" Techno smirked as he roughly poked all over his friends ribs and sides causing him to thrash around in Techno's grip.
"I- I'm- I'M SORREHEHE!" Was all Dream could yell out.
"Stop! Techno please stop!" Dream cackled as he grabbed his friend's wrists, managing to stop him momentarily.
Techno just gave him a look, raising his eyebrows and smiling like he was waiting for an answer. Techno pulled his hands out of Dream's grip, wiggling his fingers on his sides causing Dream to start cackling again.
"Oh I do?" Techno smirked,
"YES!" Dream replied among other unintelligible nonsense.
"How much does this suck? Huh?" Techno smirked, darting his hands to his friends knees and squeezing them causing Dream to emit squeaky, high pitched sounding laughter.
"Haha! Listen to you!" Techno sniggered.
"Fuck you" Dream managed to say though all of the giggling.
"Huh?" Techno smirked,
"Yohohou are soho dead!" Dream spat out as his friend pinched all over his knees.
"Oh what are you gonna do huh? Tough guy" Techno commented sarcastically.
"I'M GONNA KILL YOU! STOHOHOP!" Dream shrieked with laughter when Techno shot his hands back to his sides.
"Oh you're gonna kill me huh?" Techno smirked,
"YEHEHES! YOU AHASSHOLE! PLEHEHEASE!" Dream cackled as he tried to slap and grab at his friends hands.
"Please huh? Beggars can't be choosers Dream" was all Techno replied, still squeezing his friends sides and wiggling his fingers on his ribcage.
"Are you still gonna kill me?" Techno sniggered, bringing the torment to a halt. His friend just breathed heavily and looked up at him.
"N-No.. oh my god.. please don't- please don't do that again" Dream puffed,
"Do what? This?" Techno smirked poking his friend in the ribs causing him to let out a slightly pained laugh.
"Agh- hahaha stooop" Dream whined as he folded his arms over his stomach.
"Move your arms" Techno smirked, grabbing the other guy’s arms and trying to pry them away from his body however they were practically glued to him.
"No" Dream sniggered, knowing what would happen if he did move his arms.
"No!" he repeated as his friend grabbed his knees causing him to reach forward, trying to push Techno's hands away.
Techno took this opportunity to grab Dream's sides again. Dream shrieked with laughter as he continued to try and stop his friend's merciless attack. Techno grabbed Dream's wrists and pinned them above his head.
"Techno.. please.. cut it out!" Dream pleaded, trying to sound serious but he couldn't stop the nervous giggling from escaping his mouth.
"Hm.. I don't think so" Techno sniggered as he used one hand to pin Dream's arms and the other to squeeze his sides and all over his torso.
Dream let out a high pitched squeak before dissolving into fits of laughter.
"TECHNO NOHOHO! NONONONONO PLEHEHEASE!" he cackled, tears flying from his eyes and down his face.
Techno said nothing and just laughed at his poor friend. He poked all over his ribs and stomach causing the other guy to start frantically wriggling and laughing.
"Can't breathe huh? Then how are you talking?" Techno smirked, stopping for a second to let his friend breathe.
"I- I hate you- I hate you so much" Dream said as he regained his breath.
"Huh?" Techno sniggered,
Without warning, Dream twisted his wrists out of his friend's grip in one swift motion. Before Techno could even comprehend what just happened Dream lunged forward and pushed him backwards.
"Shit!" Techno yelled, chuckling as Dream smirked and grabbed his friend's wrists, trying to pin him down.
"No!" Techno yelled as he tried to push his friend back with his feet. Dream reached down and grabbed Techno's knees causing him to dissolve into laughter as he kicked and tried to grab his friends hands.
"Dream nohoho!" He laughed,
"The tables have turned now, huh?" Dream smirked as he pushed his friend's legs down before perching himself on top of them. Techno let out a panicked yell mixed with some cackling as he tried to slap at the other guy.
"I'm not even doing anything" Dream sniggered as he watched Techno who was hysterical.
"Why are you laughing?" He asked but all he got in reply were more slaps and laughter.
"You're crazy" Dream chuckled as he slowly reached for Techno's sides. This only made his friend worse. His laughter got louder and more frantic and he desperately slapped at his friend's arms. Dream smirked and jabbed his friend in the ribs.
"Dream plehehease, I'm gonna throhow up!" Techno pleaded but Dream was having too much fun.
"Oh yeah? Sucks now that the shoe's on the other foot huh?" Dream retorted as he squeezed his friend's sides causing him to let out a yelp as he kicked and thrashed under his Dream’s weight. Had he not been weak from laughing so much he would have been able to throw Dream off.
"I'm pretty sure my shoes have stayed on the same feet" Techno said through his laughter.
"Smart ass" Dream scoffed, smirking at his friend who was hysterical.
"P-Plehease st-st-AHAHAH! STOHOHOP!" Techno struggled to say through his constant laughter.
"Sorry? I didn't catch that" Dream replied, deliberately trying to make things worse.
"NOHOHO YOU DICK!" Techno cried as Dream reached for his knees again.
"What?" Dream smirked,
"COME ON!" Techno continued to cackle as he tried to bring his knees up.
"You're not so smart now huh? You could've killed me" Dream said, grabbing onto Techno's sides again, wiggling his fingers vigorously.
"I wish I did!" Techno chortled whilst trying to grab Dream's hands.
Dream's attack came to a halt "I'm sorry?" He questioned earning only a nervous giggle from the other guy.
He grabbed each of his friend's wrists and pinned them above his head. Techno laughed hysterically as his friend used one hand to pin him and the other to tickle him.
"What did you say?" Dream smirked as he wiggled his fingers all over his friend's sides causing him to let out a shriek.
"No way, this is hilarious" Dream sniggered as he slowly inched his hands further up his friend's body towards his underarms.
"PLEHEHEASE! I- I CAHAHAHAN'T! I CAN'T STOHOHOP!" Techno screeched as he desperately tried to bring his arms down.
He pulled his knees up hitting Dream who was still perched on top of him.
"Then say it" Dream smirked, wiggling his fingers on his friend's sides.
"Say what?!" Techno questioned as laughter bubbled from his throat.
"Say you're sorry" Dream replied, lifting his hand for a second.
"Nohoho fuhuck yohohou!" Techno cackled as he tried to wiggle free but had no such luck.
"I guess I'll just have to keep tickling you then" Dream sniggered causing Techno's laughter to become more frantic as he shook his head, tears rolling down his red cheeks.
"NO NO PLEASE!" He begged as Dream continued to squeeze his sides,
"Then say you're sorry" Dream replied,
"I- HATE YOU! COME OHOHON!" Techno continued to laugh like a maniac as he wriggled and thrashed under his friend's grip.
"Just say you're sorry and I'll stop, that's all you have to do" Dream said in a nonchalant way as he wiggled his fingers on Techno's lower sides. This must have been a sensitive spot because Techno let out a shriek.
"YOU DIHIHICK!" Techno yelled but this only caused Dream to go harder on him. He squeezed around his ribcage causing Techno's laughter to peak, throwing in the odd gasp or hiccup.
"Huh? You know, if you just apologised and stopped being a stubborn little shit then I'd stop" Dream explained, the other guy continued to laugh, unable to say much.
"OKAHAHAY! I- I'M- I'M SORREHEHE" Techno finally caved in,
"Alright, fair enough" Dream sniggered. He let go of his Techno's wrists and moved to sit beside the other guy who dried his eyes, tears staining his face, breathing heavily.
"Oh my god" he groaned as he rolled over. Dream stood up and reached a hand out to help his friend up.
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❝ words: about 800.
❝ a / n: don’t forget to comment and reblog if you liked it, i’d really appreciate it!
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On your way back home, you haven't said a word. You don't even know what to say. But as soon as you are in the intimacy of your place, you explode slamming shut the door. Javier knows he is fucked. Javier knows he has to give you some explanations, but it doesn't matter where he starts or if he makes up his words, he's well aware that he's going to compensate you somehow for hiding it from you. It's not about the pet-name, it's about the shamelessness of that woman, it's about who else has been in his —old— bed before you.
“Estate calmada y es—”.
(Keep calm and lis—).
“Disculpa, ¿qué fue lo que dijiste?”
(You said what?)
You watch him gulping as you cross your arms on your chest in a clear offensive position. And your boyfriend isn't sure if he's more scared of what you are thinking about him right now or if you are going to punch him at some point. The rage is consuming you while the seconds in silence continue passing away, raising your brow to urge him to start before you lose the little patience you have left.
“Son informantes”.
(They're informants).
“Ay, ya, Javier. No me cuentes historietas para no dormir”. You laugh inevitably with a sour and bitter tone in your voice.
(C'mon, Javier, don't try to lie to me).
“No son historietas”. He replies taking a step closer towards you. “Sí, me he acostado con esas mujeres. Pero eso fue hace mucho tiempo, antes de que te conocí”.
(I'm not lying. Yeah, I fucked all those women. But that happened a long time ago before I met you).
“¿Por qué te iba a creer ahora? ¿Por qué no me dijiste antes, ah? ¿Te has… estado riendo en mi cara todo este tiempo, llamándome igual que a esas putas? ¿Eso soy para ti? ¿Una puta recurrente?”
(Why would I believe you now? Why haven't you said anything before? Have you been… laughing at my face all this time, calling me like you used to call those bitches? That's what I am to you? A current whore?)
“¡Claro que no! ¿De qué carajo estás hablando? ¿Tú te estás oyendo? ¿De veras te estás oyendo?” Javier has lost his head too, yelling at you and not caring if you're about to cry or to jump over him to hit his face.
(Of course not! What the hell are you talking about? Are you hearing yourself? Are you really hearing what you're saying?)
“Lárgate. De. Mi. Casa. Javier”. You point out waving a hand to highlight every word.
(Get. Out. Of. My. House. Javier).
“Ey, no… Escucha, ¿de acuerdo? Escúchame y no digas algo de lo que te puedes arrepentir”.
(Hey, no… Listen, okay? Listen to me and don't say anything you can regret later).
“Tú me vas a oír a mí. Fuiste un perro y vas a ser un perro toda tu vida. Si hubieses… tenido un mínimo, un mínimo de decencia, la habrías puesto en su lugar. Le habrías dicho que ese mundo ya no era tu mundo. Le habrías dicho quién soy yo, en vez de dejarle la puerta abierta”.
(You are gonna hear me now. You were a hooker man and you will be all your life. If you have had… any decency, you would have put her in her place. You would have said that that world wasn't your world anymore. You would have told her who I am, but you left an open door to all of them).
“Eso no es justo, y lo sabes”.
(That isn't fair and you know it).
“Lárgate de mi casa”. You repeat opening the door and leaving him enough space, holding back your tears because you're not going to give him the pleasure of crying for him.
(Get outta my house).
Javier kisses and licks his lips a little noisily, his hands on his hips and his gaze away from you trying to make a decision. He knows you're not going to listen to him right now, nor even later, maybe tomorrow. But he doesn't want to leave. He doesn't want to feel like he's running away from the police after committing a felony.
“¡Largo!” You yell pointing at the outside of your flat with a hand.
(Get out!)
He nods his chin, rubbing his bottom lip with one of his thumbs before obeying you and leaving your house. When you hear the lift closing and he's away enough to listen to you, your cry breaks your own heart, resting your back against the door and sliding your anatomy down to the floor. You feel stupid and disgusted. All the things he has been telling you, they were all lies? Did he tell them too to those women? But, why you? Why have had him destroy you like that? What have you done wrong with him?
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GENERAL TAG LIST: @mayans-sauce @peoniarose @destynelseclipsa @band-psycho @myakai13 @petlaufeyson @-im-fantastic- @horsesandwolvesaremyanimals @rocketqueen @rosieposie0624 @ellyseveronica @Jessprins13 @diaryofkali @ravenmoore14 @starrynite7114 @kenbechillin @miahelen @monkeyluver4546 @sheeshgivemeabreak @jadesamhart @rawrlittlepanda-95 @megapeacelovemusic-blog @katsav17 @skits90s
NARCOS: @trulysuccubus @purrrrfect @diogodxlot @danniburgh @velia27 @catcher11 @pedritobalmando @mys2425 @tanyaherondale @kalimont83 @scullys-alienpussy @acourtofsnakes @pascalesque @encounterthepast @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead @gemini0410 @nikkixostan @lozaa94 @arveeee @thoughtfulpandelwasteland @cjbtw @goldielocks2004 @aurelie-celine @spideysimpossiblegirl @agirllovespancakes @kingpascals @im-an-adult-ish @hoam-2 @pedritomando
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incarnateirony · 3 years
Gotta admit, I'm a bit anti Jarpad. Just because he comes off as entitled. BUT given how he and his wife have their hands in the fans pockets EVERY SINGLE DAY, I'd have thought he was far more minted going forward than Jensen. Neither have anything to worry about.
Corollary of that is Jarpad seems to know how to spend, his wife dresses in 10 grand of clothes daily and he wears 200k of watch on his wrist. Investment watches are usually kept pristine, not worn daily. His wife wears a 1.5m engagement ring. They frequently put pictures of the house on her blog and it's stuffed full of expensive crap. I'd feel claustrophobic living there, seriously.
Please correct my points, cos I'm really interested!
1. Lol-jackles (who is a bit of an arsehole IMHO) said JP would be getting the same for Walker as for SPN and extra (cut of profits as exec), so that's around $200,000 dollars per episode. The ensemble cast of Walker looks really expensive so that surprised me. Do you think that's true?
2. He shoves his overpriced vitamins #Mantrafamily down his fans throat and they are EXPENSIVE. He's an investor, though he's changed his story on his position several times. How much do you get from them?
3. He apparently owns a lot of property, including student housing in Austin.
4. He is owner or part owner of San Jac and Stereophonic in Austin.
5. His wife shills products daily on her blog
FYI, I HATE the "family" tag. The family is the fans not the stars. My test, I know my family's phone number and they wouldn't get an injunction if I went to anyone of their houses. Apply that test to J2?
Fans are PRODUCT to actors and definitely to Jarpad "I care so much I want you to feel better so buy my yellow vitamin wee"
I mean I never said Jared would end up homeless in a box. You can be blackballed and have money in the bank, these two statements have nothing to do with each other.
I haven't checked the Walker payrole. That statement could be true, but I'd say to take it with a grain of salt until you see a receipt about his paygrade. For example, on SPN last I knew he was making about 125K per episode (Jensen was 175K, Misha was just over 100K).
Jensen's value was higher due to a mix of... well, quality, quality of his representation, and the fact he had a few other skills in his pocket on access like directing.
Jared being a producer on Walker likely is worth a paygrade boost, and he headlines the show, truly. It's a matter of how his agent negotiated his worth.
On the other hand, it would be INCREDIBLY stupid for CBS/CW to accept a pitch that high on Jared on a show that hadn't been tested for its success. If Walker was still running its 0.3X in appropriate follow-up to SPN on the same TV season, sure. I guess. But with its fairly stable 0.15 for the last bazillion episodes that is rounding it up or down to 0.1 or 0.2 depending on its thousandths, that is baaaad. The first season should have been more conservative on its paygrades, but CW isn't known for the wisest business decisions and may have highly overestimated its potential appeal, in which case--LOL.
There is some wiggle room on potential budget because at a base, Walker is not a very expensive show to shoot, as it can just drop a camera in real world locations and roll from there. Very little CGI and the like. Again, I'd have to review what the show budget is to see what's going on.
Now to clear up some other things:
Jared does not actually own Stereotype. His friend owns Stereotype. He supported them early on with a small investment but his respective share is not enough to be a decision maker or an "owner" any more than anybody else that owns some stock in a company does. San Jac he is one of the owners of. One of. He holds far larger investment in it with several friends, so he is one of a few co-owners.
Things Jared owns:
Several empty lots
His fancy ass house everybody knows about worth about 5 million (Gen's been given power of attorney)
The "student housing" is:
a 4 bed, 2.5 bath home also for families, that can be arranged like a multifamily unit if needed. If you saw it from the street, you'd go "awww, that's a cute house." (some dude nobody knows has power of attorney--he owns a building company, not gonna be more specific)
a 3 bed, 2 bath home (power of attorney guy has this too)
A funky little duplex with 4 bedrooms per unit, best I can tell. (power of attorney guy has this too)
A singlefamily 3 bed home (different power of attorney guy)
One random suite in a business building with like 200 suites granted to him by a family member
The three with matching "power of attorney" is basically the three rentable ones so Jared himself doesn't have to be your landlord. In total there's 15 bedrooms between three properties (one truly multifamily, one arrangeable-as). These properties aren't located anywhere near each other. There's another 3 bedroom home in there that may be rentable. And some office space that got passed to him and basic cross searching in the past brought up a billion bankruptcy filings so I'm pretty sure it was "quick, Jared, take this".
jared doesn't own some giant mega campus complex. Jared owns a few homes that in theory could be rented out to students. This isn't unusual nor is this something the Ackles don't have too. Jared is the equivalent of that dude you find that owns a couple of houses and rents them out, but he goes through a property management agency by proxy of a building company that does the renovations that puts it in there for him, on 3/4 homes. He's not a landlord titan. He's a guy with a fraction of side income by the time it gets to him on a few properties.
So let's get that set straight before anybody makes it sound like Jared floats the student housing business in some lucrative scooby doo real estate scheme.
Yes, Jared is a co-founder of Mantra. Which is honestly... god, don't get me started on why Jared Padalecki should not be simultaneously broadcasting for mental health and then packing nootropics down people's throats. (x for general nootropics) (x for phenibut in particular, which might explain his outburst on SM)
(That's just the one that jumps out as most problematic but the cocktails involved could really just not go over well with the wrong person, some of these things are like mixing OTC ritalin and SSRIs)
At the end of the day, regardless of the ethicality of mantra, I mean, sure, it's a business decision. It makes money. At the end of the day, though, this is not a career move.
Again, nobody ever said Jared's gonna end up living homeless in a box eating beans out of a can. The discussion is whether or not he has arranged himself a viable career forward in media.
Renting out a couple homes by proxy isn't gonna land him roles.
Selling miracle water that turns people into paranoid messes (but with great memory!!) isn't gonna land him roles.
Owning a bar isn't going to land him roles.
None of this actually adds any content to the discussion of Jared Padalecki's professional media career, which his stans keep trying to enter to the conversation to offset discussion of Ackles' business acumen in the acting field.
These are nonstarters in the conversation, at the end of the day. I just wanted to set straight some general details about them.
Jared has a future with an INCOME, but that doesn't mean he's arranged a future in MEDIA. And leave it from Jarpad stans to try to fuck up that conversation.
News flash: Rich White Man Bought Stuff To Make Money. More at 11.
The inability to see how this isn't the same as like. Owning a production company. And owning a record label. And owning a publisher (mostly for vinyls but other potential). And having establishment across multiple distributors and production hubs (WB, Amazon) as a path forward in media is B A F F L I N G.
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unforth · 3 years
Alright in a few minutes I'm gonna get this show on the road (literally, in more ways than one) and so a few notes/warnings:
I have been a Wheel of Time fangirl since 1994 and it ain't gonna change now. This doesn't mean I'm uncritical (on the contrary, there are things I detest about the series) but in the end this is one of my original fandoms and it matters a lot to me. I was trading theories on where things were going from the minute I met other readers, when I was in high school. The first Internet People I met in "real life" were folks I chatted WoT with on an internet forum run by WotC (I ran a table top game for them, in fact, at my first Gencon). I sobbed my eyes out when Jordan died. This series is an integral part of my fandom soul, for better or for worse, and I've waited nearly 30 years to see it live, so whether the show sucks or rocks or somewhere in between, assume I'm going to be a feral fanswirly mess over it.
I have not finished reading the series because Time. I don't care much about spoilers, for this or in general, but I will murderate anyone who tells me the details of Rand's ending (I know the general gist).
Flip side, this blog is not and will never be spoiler free for Wheel of Time. I will try to remember to tag spoilers if I'm talking about stuff beyond what the series depicts, but no promises.
I will tag all Wheel of Time posts "wot." Liveblogging posts are always tagged "live blog" or "liveblog" (sorry, I never remember if I use a space so I tend to use the two interchangeably). Spoiler tag is "wot spoilers," if I remember to use it.
If you're new to WoT and wondering what the fuck I'm talking about...The Wheel of Time is an epic fantasy series by Robert Jordan. He started writing it in the 80s, and so while it does have representation problems, it has way fewer than you'd expect from a work written at the time (for example, cast is roughly 50/50 male/female, PoC exist in the books, that kind of thing...no queer rep, though, at least not really...it's complicated...). It spans...13 books? 14 books? That came out between the mid-80s and like 2010 or so. Something like that...and the books average roughly 800 pages each, so there's a fuckton of it. Jordan died before he finished the series, and the last three were completed by Brian Sanderson based on Jordan's notes. The series follows three young men (Rand al'Thor, Mat Cauthon, and Perrin Aybara) and two young women (Nynaeve al'Meara and Egwene al'Vere) from the same village as they set out to find out why Bad Things Happened to their home, and ends up spanning a huge world, involving a cast of literally hundreds (if someone told me there were over a thousand named characters I'd honestly believe it), and of course there's a Big Bad Evil that must be faced.
I love Rand al'Thor a Very Normal Amount, which is to say, I literally copied his tattoo onto my arm.
I love this entire series a Very Normal Amount, which is to say, my first-born son is literally named after a character from it.
All of which is to say: I'm kind of out of my mind excited right now. I will be screaming about this. It's not my normal fare and I don't care. If you're into it, please scream with me (I know I've got at least 4 moots and a couple followers who are right here with me). If you're new to the fandom, be warned and blacklist accordingly. If it's not your thing, I can at least promise that, as always, I tag every post.
The kids are heading to school.
And I'm a lump.
And I'm gonna watch the thing.
And quite possibly literally actually cry my own real physical wet tears. Because. It's my fandom, one of my original, founding fandoms, made living breathing flesh, and wow.
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