#I'm gonna tag this so I can find that tiktok later
rius-cave · 7 months
You know... on that Hellhound thing. Considering Adam hasn't lived in hell for an extended period, he probably wouldn't have the same inter-rank prejudices against Hellhounds and Imps other Hellborn and more ingrained sinners possess.
Which is a weird thing to say about Adam of all people.
I guess it'd be more accurate to say: all demons are equal in how much they suck compared to him and the denizens of heaven.
But it could easily result in Adam being the confused party on that tiktok Audio with the guy who's just kidnapped a whole ass man and adopted him as a dog. Here have a link to a video where that's not the dynamic but it gets my point across, and if you haven't seen it already I think you'll like it: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTL8mTswV/
Adam: "So where's this dog I keep hearing so much about?" Succubus Coworker: "Oh, he's right here!" Hellhound: Adam: "...That's a grown ass man."
"Hell citizens suck, but all of them do so equally"
You know nonny this is funny cause I made this headcanon with my gf a while ago that, yeah Adam is all kinds of gross, he's rude, he's loud, he's sexist, homophobic, etc. The only thing he isn't is... racist LMFAO. He's like ??? what are you talking about, they're all my descendants and they all came from my nuts
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telomeke · 11 months
Current Tag Game
Tagged by @colourme-feral in this post – thanks dearie! 💖
Current time: 9:59am (when I started this! it's now much later but I'm not gonna re-write...).
Current activity: Had a work deadline last night so tidying up the aftermath (deleting unwanted files, etc.).
Currently thinking about: How the project submission for work went. Annoyed that I skipped gym this morning just in case there were last minute changes to the project submission and we'd have to re-submit today; but now that's not needed I'm missing legs day. Also thinking about munching on something extra because breakfast was too light (hardboiled eggs, grapes and blueberries – all originally meant as a post-swim snack, re-purposed to become breakfast since gym was canceled). Maybe fry up an omelet and sausages, or grill some salmon? 😋 Or shall I just munch on some creamy Whittaker's milk chocolate since lunch will be soon and anything heavier might spoil it? 🤔  
Current favorite song: I don't know if they qualify as favorites, but songs will enter my brainspace and then swirl around in there for a while, refusing to leave. So I'm constantly listening to them (on YouTube, not Spotify; don't have a smartphone) and/or singing along in an effort to exorcise the earworm. At the moment the playlist in my head is:
I Don't Think That I Like Her Anymore (Charlie Puth)  Charlie constantly amazes me with his superhuman ability to churn out catchy melodic turns and unusual aural takes on percussion sounds for his backing rhythms (e.g., the light switch in Light Switch). This song continues with his quirky stylings, and I'm loving the pounding bass coming in to frame the heavyweight sock-it-ta-ya message of the song's chorus after the light plaintive vocals of the introductory and intervening verses. The second (melodic) line of the chorus ("Cause they're all the same") is so simple and yet so perfectly fitting after the bold hook of the first line – I find myself asking each time I hear it how could anything else ever fit better? And then it builds and builds to a big finish, at the end of each chorus and also at the end of the song – that key change from B Major to C# Major is quite a genius step, retro yet so fresh. (But still... C sharp? 👀 OK if your electronic thingamajig can auto-transpose but hell on a trad keyboard.) I know this song is from a year ago but I'm not simply wallowing in nostalgia (oh all right, so yes I am a bit) – there is nonetheless a BL connection that first got me hooked on this. The cast of my current fave I Feel You Linger in the Air did their own take on the TikTok Kpop dance challenge of this song (linked here, with other TikToks here) and they're just so cute dancing along. Nonkul attempts a little elbow jab in homage to the original choreo, while Bright gives up after a couple of bars and just goes on doing alternating wrist twirls like those you sometimes see in Southeast Asian dance… 🤣 Alee and Tian seem like they're having fun, as does Attila, but who knew Khun Robert could actually look this good, all goofy and charming when he smiles doing a silly little jig?
All I Want for Christmas is You (Mariah Carey)  Ever since Ms. Mariah broke her icy containment after Halloween (see this video here 😂) I've been singing along, getting in the mood for carols, fruitcake and Christmas decorations because it reminds me of time spent with (departed) family. Happy because those are happy times worth recalling, but also bittersweet because those loved ones are no longer around.
One of Your Girls (Troye Sivan)  While I tend to feel a pinch of resentment whenever Aussies of European origin seem to get opportunities in the West more easily than non-white people do, I have to remind myself it's the system and not the talent that is at fault. So credit where credit is due and I'm a fan of what Troye has done with this and his earlier releases (like his video with PP Krit 😃😍). One of Your Girls is just so beautiful and languid as it teases with its message, and consistently Troye is breathtakingly beautiful and languid in the video, teasing us with an offering of the forbidden. I'm feeling things I never thought I would. 😮 The choreography is pretty daring too. (Especially that crotch flare – where did they tuck the dangly bits? I'm wincing as I watch.) Also shout-out to all the different representation with the models. 😍
Then I'm Gonna Give You Up (Rick Astley)  This is Rick Astley spoofing Rick Astley (more explanation linked here) and just so funny. Especially since the original song is already iconic on Tumblr.
Fast Car (Luke Combs)  Another nostalgia trip, this is an absolutely stellar rendition of the already phenomenal original by Tracy Chapman. Almost like Marc Cohn's Walking in Memphis with its sense of urgency and of bottled emotions about to explode, maybe just a shade less of Marc's full-throated growl in Luke's voice, but earthshaking nonetheless. In these 21st century times (and in my corner of the world where BL and queer rep cross my dash all the time) I love that Luke (a married man with a wife and two kids, looking for all we know like the straightest of the hets) didn't change Tracy's line "So I work in the market as a checkout girl", paying homage to the original and smashing at the gender-obsessives everywhere in a quietly powerful way.
Currently reading: My language study textbooks; not much time for anything else though I do miss having a good work of fiction to keep me company whenever the slate of Thai drama dips in quality.
Currently watching: I Feel You Linger in the Air – a really impressive work, solidly-grounded in its universe with overhanging familial, social and political intrigue that threatens to overshadow (but never really does) the chemistry between Khun Yai and Jom.
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I've fallen in hard love with this and just hope that Tee Bundit will display the wisdom associated with his name (for those as linguistically-obsessed as I am, Bundit is the homologue for pundit in English, pandit in Hindi and pendita in Malay) and wrap up the finale with more finesse than he has done on his other shows. (Something tells me though that the sense of foreboding you get while watching IFYLITA is partly due to the dread that Tee is going to rush and stumble through the last bits, leaving viewers less than satisfied with the ending like he did with Lovely Writer, Hidden Agenda and Step by Step.) However this goes, I'm a new fan of Nonkul and Bright's acting, and can't wait to see more of them.
As to what else I'm watching – I'm still trying to finish Only Friends, if only to be able to say that I've finally watched a Jojo show all the way to the end. It's not for me, though it has some moments that shine (like Neo's performance, and all the shirtless scenes) but I struggle to find anything that satisfies on a more cerebral level. I'm not opposed to sensuality and messy drama being foregrounded over more intellectual underpinnings (all hail KinnPorsche) but for me it doesn't go earthy and raw enough to make up for whatever else it doesn't do.
Current favorite character: Pat and Pran from Bad Buddy will always be on this list, but because I'm currently enjoying IFYLITA I'm sure I've been visited by Por Jom, Khun Yai, Khun Ueangphueng, Ba Prik, Ming and Khun James in my dreams lately (and also a certain racing piglet 🤣).
Current WIP: All in my head, but I have a final wrap-up post on Bad Buddy locations percolating, as well as one on the graphics in the show (that give us hints of Pat and Pran's interior worlds).
Tagging names I've seen more than once cross my dash and/or notes:
@neuroticbookworm @airenyah @alexis-mika @belladonna-and-the-sweetpeas @wen-kexing-apologist @twig-tea @pandasmagorica @respectthepetty @dribs-and-drabbles @waitmyturtles @dimplesandfierceeyes @writerwithoutsound @bengiyo @grapejuicegay @lamonnaie @lurkingshan @callipigio @italianpersonwithashippersheart @recentadultburnout @kattahj @theheightofdishonor @fiddlepickdouglas @dc-alves @brazilian-whalien52 @slayerkitty @silvercrystal1 @dudeyuri @ranchthoughts @suni-san @chawarin-panich @lurkingteapot @solitaryandwandering
and anyone else who'd like to play. 😍 Apologies if you've already been tagged; point me to your post if so! And apologies if I've forgotten to mention anyone; if I follow or if you follow me please know you are loved and do play along if you wish! 💖
Also a special tag carved out for the lovely @visualtaehyun as a part-apology; you've tagged me before on a couple of other games and I wrote out about half of my replies – but then work deadlines became urgent and got in the way. Ruefully I had to abandon those posts (especially since they're now weeks out of date). So this is my way of saying thanks for tagging me on those tag games, sorry for not replying, and I hope you'll play along with this one because I love getting to know like-minded people on Tumblr! 💖
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jess-moloney · 2 months
I think that the magazine won't see the light of day or, if it does, it would be a total disaster like the rest of the business. If they can handle that well, you can imagine the magazine will go in the same direction.
I also wonder if it happens, how is Jess gonna promote it with a private IG account? Who's she gonna promote it to? Jamie's fans? The bots that follower and the followers she bought? Her four friends?
If she wants to get to the fashion industry with that magazine (which i doubt she's gonna do anyways), she needs a public account, to tag people from that industry. They're not gonna pay her much attention, if any, but at least, with a public account, there's the possibility that more people can see it.
But as i said, even with Renell having a public account and knowing many celebrities, is not gonna get much out of it the way these people handle things. Very poorly.
The magazine industry is not exactly a dying one but you really won't hear about new magazines that are getting successful. There will be the old standards for a long time like Cosmo, People, Newsweek, Time, but even they are moving to more digital publications. People will still buy these magazines because of their decades long history. Of course there are more magazines than I mentioned but you get the idea.
People who are going to find success in this now, in 2024, are far better off with an e-zine or some other form of internet or digital publication. They are also better off making it free at first and then transitioning to it being subscriber based or having a mix of free and paid content.
Considering that Renell and Jess can't even seem to design a decent website (not only for the "collective" that Ice Studios is supposed to be but the web store as well) I find it hard to believe they could build a digital publication that is also functional. To publish a magazine you need more than just photographs. You need editors and some kind of compelling content.
As for Jess, I would assume she's part of this in some way because she's 50% business holder to this whole dumpster fire of a "brand". Except, with a private account on IG, no Twitter, not even a Facebook page or TikTok or something else to get it out there how is she going to promote it? I'm willing to bet that even if there are Jamie fans who are interested it's only because they stan her and even then, that would be a minority of Jamie fans. I also don't think it would be enough for them to want to buy a copy of this alleged magazine let alone subscribe to it.
Renell has a following of a handful of people who seem to buy her clothes sometimes, but if I had to guess (based on their sample sale and the massive surplus of clothing we saw them trying to get rid of) she doesn't have nearly enough people to sustain publishing a magazine. The startup cost of printing it and getting it distributed alone would lose them money, which I highly doubt they have a chance of making back on sales.
I wonder why there's been absolutely no updates on this since the casting call. No news or announcements. You'd think that Renell or Ice Studios (the account) would announce the "Newly casted Ice Models" and promote them, because it's been long enough I'm sure if this was a real casting call they know who they picked. Since they had them wear bikinis you'd think they would have announced them during summer or a few weeks later but...nothing?
So does this magazine exist? Will it exist? Was it all a PR stunt? A way for Renell to generate free IG content knowing she doesn't have to pay these models since they showed up for a casting call? Why not get actual celebrities in this magazine? Who's going to be writing for it? Editing it? Distributing it? I feel really bad for the hundreds of girls who showed up thinking this was a good career move for them because I have a feeling none of them are going to get cast for anything and it was all just a waste of their time.
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liltaz-asatreat · 2 years
Ask game! Ask game! Ask game!
"Fire" for the WIP asks please
You can find the ask game here! :D (Feel free to send a word in! I probably won't get to it until tomorrow though lol)
(And don't worry, Noodyl, I saw your other ask too, but I have multiple works with "fire" in it, so I'm gonna do both :D lol)
I don't remember if you've seen the few posts about this wip either, but this is from the new long term wip I'm writing called Double Troubles! If you haven't heard of it before, I can send you a link to where I talked about it more in depth :)
Anyway, here's the exert, and I'm adding a bit more than what I've been sharing with the other asks (like, a lot more, so much that it's the length of most of the Julia exerts I've posted lol) because I haven't shared a lot of this one, and I'm excited about this whole scene (it's gotta go under a readmore though):
(Also, credit to @institute-of-planar-shitposts for letting me use her taz OC, Sunshine, in my story [only in this bit she's only referenced as the half-elf bard Meadow saw in a tavern in the past] and the song Meadow sings is Could Have Been Me by The Struts [which I first learned of this song by watching Sunny's Sunshine tiktok using the song here] And you should totally check out the stuff Sunny's shared about her story she's writing about Sunshine!! I think she has it tagged as "Sunshine" on her blog and I have all the reblogs tagged "Sunshine tag! :D" on mine)
Meadow grabs Magnus' hand, and he helps him out of the well and onto solid ground. He looks around, still trembling, and...
It's just gone.
Everything is... it's just gone.
The only things left where Phandalin once stood are the charred remains of buildings standing at the very edge of a perfect circle of black glass and, in the epicenter of the circle, a burned out dwarven figure standing with his right arm raised in the air and on the end of it is the silvery gauntlet.
This has got to be enough evidence to know that he's cursed, right? Would this still have happened if he hadn't been anywhere near this?
“Meadow, I– I know, but I need help getting the others out,” Magnus says, disrupting his thoughts and delaying the inevitable doom spiral that he surely will go down later.
“Right. Yes, of course.” Meadow mumbles, and he grabs the part of the rope Magnus offers him before Magnus gets behind him with the end of it to act as an anchor.
Together they manage to help the other boys out of the well, and then all four of them work together to pull Killian out too. After they drag her a few feet away from it, they all stop and look at each other in silence.
“So what now?” Taako asks, and Meadow laughs a little hysterically.
“I have no fucking idea.”
“Well, we can't leave the gauntlet here,” Merle says as he looks over at it with his hands on his hips.
At this rate, Meadow's going to become a Pokémon master of super powerful, indestructible artifacts because he has a funny feeling that the gauntlet is going to be just as resistant to everything as the amulet is.
“Killian was looking for it and knew what it was, so she must have some sort of way to contain it,” Magnus says.
“I don't trust her to take it no matter if she has something to contain it or not,” Meadow says immediately.
The others look at him questioningly. “Why not?” Merle asks. “She definitely knows more about it than we do and wanted to avoid this happening.”
“Uh... Because I–” Meadow sighs. “I've seen something like this before.”
“Wait, you have?” Magnus asks incredulously.
“Well, why didn't you tell us what was going to happen then?!” Merle asks angrily.
“Yeah, any information could've helped, Dow!” Taako agrees, and Meadow winces.
“I– I didn't know this was going to happen!” he says defensively. “I didn't even know it was like the– the other artifact I saw once a few years ago until it was too late!”
Taako and Merle scoff, but Magnus' face relaxes slightly. “Do you know anything about it that could help us now?”
Meadow licks his lips nervously and nods slightly. “Yeah, uh... the other artifact like it... It takes over the will of whoever is using it like the gauntlet did with Gundren. And it's really powerful and really hard to beat the temptation to put it on and use it; I... I'm the only person I know of who's been able to handle something like that without using it.”
“Well that's convenient,” Taako says sarcastically.
“I mean, it's true!” Meadow says desperately. “I'll even say it under a Zone of Truth spell if I need to! Look–”
He takes a deep breath, his heart hammering wildly as he reaches into his pocket and pulls out the amulet. It's a deep green emerald shaped into a teardrop with silver trim, and it's set on a thin golden chain. He holds it up by the chain to let the boys look at it, and it starts whispering again.
“What the hell?” Merle asks quietly. He reaches out to grab it, but Meadow yanks it away.
“No! You can see it with your eyes, but don't– don't touch it.” he says in a panic.
“What did that do that was just as bad as the gauntlet?” Magnus asks, tearing his eyes away from the necklace to look at him.
He fights the urge to look away from him, mostly because he needs to keep an eye on all of them to make sure they don't lunge for it. “I... I don't want to talk about it,” he says quietly. “Please just... just know that... it was bad, okay? I've been trying to find a way to destroy it for years now, and nothing's worked, so I have to keep it on me. And I guess– I guess also that gauntlet.”
Meadow stuffs the amulet back into his pocket, and Taako eyes him warily.
“Don't you have a spell that identifies what magic objects are?” he asks. “You were buzzing to cast it on the umbrella and the gauntlet before Gundren took it. Do you think you'd be able to figure out anything else about the glove?”
“I can give it the old college try,” Meadow says with relief. “To be honest, I don't know if I'll get any more useful information from it though if it's made by the same person who made the amulet because I tried casting it on that too, but all I got from it was a really intense headache.”
Taako frowns. “Weird. You sure you were casting it correctly?”
Meadow rolls his eyes. “Yes, Taako, I was casting it correctly. It's not like that was my first time casting the damn spell.”
“Well, while you go do that, we'll tie up Killian, so that when we wake her up, we can get more information from her about what she was doing here in the first place,” Magnus says.
“Yeah, good idea!” Merle says. “I can heal her after you do that.”
“Is it alright if I come with you to the gauntlet?” Taako asks, and Meadow's shoulders tense up again before he quickly adds, “I'll give you space, but I figure just because you were able to pick up the necklace without putting it on, that doesn't mean the glove wouldn't be different.”
Meadow relaxes again as much as they can in this situation and nods. “Yeah, if I start to put it on...” they swallow hard. “If I start to put it on, don't hesitate to kill me, okay?”
“Are you sure?” Taako asks slowly, and they immediately nod.
“Positive. I'd rather die than be allowed to use that thing.” Even if it means they'd die in the Plane of Logic too. They still don't know how that works.
The two of them walk toward the gauntlet, and as they do, Meadow looks around the area more carefully. They were convinced while being awake in the other plane that Barry would be okay and able to talk to them after he died, but he's obviously not here anymore. They have no idea what they meant by that or what they should even be looking for, but if Barry was a ghost or something, he should still be here, right?
Taako peels off to the side as Meadow gets within five feet of the glove. They stop walking and look around the empty field of glass one last time.
Just more proof that they don't know what their talking about up in that other plane.
Meadow sighs and focuses back on the gauntlet. They take a few tentative steps forward when it starts speaking in their mind.
“Heeeyyy, buddy! Hey, buddy, put me on! Haven't you ever wanted to control fire? To know how it feels to hold that kind of power? I can help you defeat your enemies and protect the people you love!”
Meadow snorts with scorn. “I don't have anyone left on this plane that I love, not anymore, and I don't have any enemies either,” they say quietly, so that Taako doesn't hear. “You can fuck right off.”
They feel a wave of desire and enchantment magic wash over them, but they resist it with relative ease. After the wave passes, the gauntlet becomes quieter, and they feel more confident walking up and grabbing it.
They look over at Taako who looks tense with his wand out, and they give him a thumbs up. “It's all good!” they call out. “I'm gonna cast the spell now, but it's gonna be about ten minutes.”
Taako looks both a little relieved and a little annoyed. “You're casting it as a ritual? Just use a spell slot on it, we don't have all night!”
“I don't have any spell slots left,” Meadow says helplessly. “I only get mine back after sleeping and resting for about eight hours.”
Taako shakes his head and sits down on the ground. “Well, I can't leave you here by yourself, so start casting I guess.”
Meadow sits down too and holds the gauntlet in one hand as they go for their bag before they stop themself and put their other hand back down on their knee.
They can't play their clarinet one handed, so it looks like they're going to have to sing.
They mentally shuffle the songs that they know that are somewhere close to the forefront of their mind, and they settle on a song they first heard a half-elf bard sing in a tavern close to the Fountain Pens and Silver Ink guild hall. Makes sense that would be the one to come up considering the situation, and gods do they need the pick me up.
“I don't wanna live as an untold story,” they begin singing quietly. “Rather go out in a blaze of glory. I can't hear you, I don't fear you–”
“Are you going to start casting yet?” Taako calls out to them, and they stop singing and sigh in frustration.
“I mean, I already was until you interrupted me!” Meadow calls back, and as they do, the faint glow of golden light that was starting to surround the glove fades away again.
“I thought you cast spells with your clarinet or whatever,” Taako says.
“Yeah, usually! But I can't exactly play it one handed, so I'm singing!”
Taako frowns. “You are? You're not that far away, and I couldn't hear you.”
“I don't like singing in front of people; I told you that already. And I don't need to sing loud for it to work.” Meadow says irritatedly.
“You were singing Bohemian Rhapsody just fine with us in the cave!”
“Because everyone who knows that song sings it at the top of their lungs whether they sound good or not. It's literally impossible to not sing that one quietly!” they say as they roll their eyes.
“You didn't even know everyone knew it until Magnus told you that and Killian recognized it!” Taako says exasperatedly.
Meadow's face heats up in anger and embarrassment. “Do you want me to fucking cast this spell or not?”
“Yeah, fine, do your thing.” Taako waves them off, and they roll their eyes again.
“I don't wanna live as an untold story. Rather go out in a blaze of glory. I can't hear you, I don't fear you! I'll live now 'cause the bad die last. Dodging bullets with your broken past. I can't hear you, I don't fear you now!”
Meadow continues singing as the gauntlet begins to glow gold again, and as they sing, the light gets brighter and brighter until it steadies out at about the brightness of a halogen light bulb. They loop the song a couple of times until the spell is complete, trying to take to heart the fact that they can't hear the gauntlet nor fear it and ignore the fact that they are very much wrapped up in regret, and all at once, they're bombarded with what could only be described as static.
Their vision goes gray, and not in the way where everything turns gray-scale. Literally all they see is the color gray with different shades of it moving around like the static on a TV when they switch to the wrong channel. They can also hear that TV static noise loud in their ears, and they yelp in panic as they drop the glove and cover their ears instinctively. Their brain feels like fuzz, and they get slammed with a massive headache.
They squeeze their eyes shut tight and rock back and forth, still covering their ears and trying not to cry at how overwhelmingly loud, overstimulating, and painful it all is.
After about a minute, everything slowly starts to fade again, and it leaves their ears ringing more than usual and their heart still thumping wildly with anxiety.
“Meadow? Can you hear me?”
They feel someone put a gentle hand on their arm, and they jump in the air so bad as they recoil that they tip over and fall on their side.
Their eyes snap open as they see Taako standing over them looking worried.
“Sorry, it's just, you screamed a little and started... doing that–” He gestures at them helplessly. “–and then you didn't respond.”
“Oh, yeah, um... sorry about that,” they mumble, face heating up a lot as they push themself back up into a sitting position.
“Are– are you okay?” Taako asks. “Did the gauntlet do something to you?”
Meadow shakes their head. “No– I mean, yes, I'm okay, but no, the gauntlet didn't do anything to me exactly. I just... I didn't get anything from the spell except static. A lot of it. And it was painful.”
Taako frowns. “Like how we can't hear Killian static?”
Meadow thinks about that for a second. “Actually, yes. A lot like that.”
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splintered-emotions · 2 years
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I posted 10,596 times in 2022
That's 8,343 more posts than 2021!
51 posts created (0%)
10,545 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 3,883 of my posts in 2022
#star wars - 447 posts
#that fanart tho - 395 posts
#marvel - 365 posts
#dsmp - 336 posts
#words - 236 posts
#lotr - 219 posts
#tiktok - 185 posts
#stranger things - 183 posts
#amazing art - 143 posts
#fic rec - 115 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#and the admin wouldn’t fucking switch them out of that class despite the toll it was taking on their mental health free time and other class
My Top Posts in 2022:
French Onion, Broccoli Cheddar, and Pho soup :)
French Onion - Who is your favorite author(s)?
there's honestly so many so i'm just gonna name a few:
@jackdaw-kraai with his wonderful Guides
@irndad and the tasm!peter fics
@yellow-feathered-faerie who i really must work on that Mandis fic with eventually
chancecraz on ao3 and their time travel star wars fics
and of course, you
Broccoli Cheddar - What was your inspiration for this wip
this is honestly an odd inspiration but i had an absolutely terrible math teacher last year who used to give the most difficult tests and during winter break, while i was cramming for the 3 tests we had in the three weeks after it, i convinced my mom to rewatch the hobbit with me, and a few days later, at like 1 in the morning, i just started typing up Transported and here we are
Pho - Describe your ideal writing set up
i think i'd have to say like music (probably The Amazing Devil because it makes my brain go brr) playing in the background, my laptop charged and not trying to burst into flames, discord open on the side to share snippets and just talk, and me actually having the time to sit down and write without any interruptions
13 notes - Posted January 5, 2022
Hello! If Lotr/The Hobbit requests are open, I hope it's alright that I request one ;-;
Could you please do something about a Reader who was Merry and Pippin's best friend when they were really little kids but they left Middle Earth somehow. But now that they're adults, she gets back to the Shire and now she's a kickass blacksmith who is still really witty and comforting with them and it's a really sweet and wholesome reunion? You can either do Polyamory or Merry x Reader if that's not your thing. I think Merry would be the most likely to get a crush on a human blacksmith reader with big muscles because he strikes me as the kinda guy who'd like Tomboys
I also have this hilarious idea of, since the Reader is human, Pippin finds out that she became an adult at 18 and he's so jealous because she's officially an adult and he's not lmao. Thanks so so much, I hope you're doing well hun! Keep being awesome!!
okay i finally finished it! this may have taken a slightly different route than you were expecting but i hope you like it regardless!
As I looked upon them for the first time in what seemed like a decade, our time spent together in my childhood and their tweens came rushing back, almost flashing before my eyes. The summers spent stealing from Old Farmer Maggot and hanging out at various hobbit parties that I clearly wasn’t invited to were reminiscent of a much different time.
It had been prior to I had been apprenticed to the only blacksmith near Hobbiton and Merry was forced off to visit some relatives or another for months on end, leaving us with no time to see each other, let alone act upon the last things that we said to each other. Although it sometimes seemed like it had been just yesterday when our relationship began to split from the almost something that it had become, but given the new signs of maturity on his face and the burn scars on my hands, it was clear it had been far longer than either of us expected.
Pippin stood next to his cousin, looking between the two of us as we refused to say anything while we took in the differences in each other’s appearance. I had certainly changed far more than Merry, given the fact that blacksmithing required a lot of strength, far more than I had had last time I had seen either of them. The buff female blacksmith had very little similarities to the teenage girl that had never worked a day in her life.
I suppose if I had known how much muscle I would have to build up to truly become good at making even the simple things that hobbits nearby required, I would have thought twice before deciding on this. But now wasn’t the time to rethink the decisions that I had made for my life. Now, I needed to figure out how to begin a conversation with a figure from my not too distant past.
“So,” I said, not entirely thinking through the rest of my sentence just yet. “Have fun with the Tooks?” Oh fuck that was terrible. I was a fool and I would never speak again.
“Yes.” Thank the Valar, he was just as awkward as I was. “And how is your apprenticeship going?”
I could almost see the wince as he finished speaking. We had to break this ridiculous tension somehow. There had to be some way to talk beyond just standing here awkwardly as Pippin looked on. “I kinda finished that a couple summers ago. My master passed on the shop to me once I was done and left to apparently go adventuring. Imagine a 60 year old man going across Arda in search of adventure. Although I suppose with Bilbo, you don’t really have to.”
He seemed more at ease with this topic, immediately replying, “I’m not convinced he truly went. The Mad Baggins was apparently quite tame before he left the Shire.”
“I don’t believe that. That pipeweed smoking hobbit would have jumped at the chance to do it. Although his stories did speak of some hesitation.”
“A Took could never pass up the chance,” interjected Pippin. “I guarantee that any one of our cousins would enjoy it.”
“But Bilbo isn’t a Took. He’s a Baggins. Baggins never do things like that,” stated Merry.
“I thought he was half Took. So there would have been an equal chance of doing it.” I took a breath before saying, “Either way, I assume you didn’t come here to discuss whether or not BIlbo actually bested Smaug, chiefest and greatest of calamities. What did you need?”
The sudden change in topic seemed to lower the energy in the room, but I could see Lobelia Sackville Baggins coming closer so I needed it to look like I was running a “proper establishment” before she decided to enter. This decision wasn’t driven by a sense of urgency, but rather an urge to escape a lecture before she hands me her frying pan to be fixed again after banging on Bilbo’s door again for an hour.
Pippin started, “Oh! I believe that—”
“Frodo asked us to stop by to inquire after a frying pan that was sent to be mended a few days ago. Would you perhaps have it currently ready?” That was oddly stiff in its phrasing. Did he think I was trying to get him out of the shop? Or did he know that Lobelia, the bane of my existence, was approaching?
“I think it’s back here somewhere. Although I think I need another day to fully work on it.” Okay, this was my chance. I could ask. After years of not seeing him, we could finally have a chance at what we had both wanted. “I needed to take a couple days off for my birthday a week ago and the new responsibilities that have been dumped on me have been ridiculous. They don’t tell you that when you legally become an adult, but anyways, I could meet up with you sometime tomorrow to drop it off. If you wanted to do so of course.”
“Sure, but—”
“You’re an adult?” Pippin asked. “But I’m older than you and I’m still a tween.”
“You’d hate being an adult. You have to do taxes and stuff and you can’t just spend the entire day hanging out with friends.”
“Yes, but it’s about the principle of the matter. I am 5 years older than you and yet I’m not even of age.”
“That’s your loss for being born a hobbit. I however can do adult things and buy a pint without my cousin chaperoning me.”
“Regardless,” Merry interjected. “I believe that I shall be free at around noon tomorrow, so would you like to meet under the party tree?”
“Uh, yes of course. I’ll have it done by tomorrow. As long as Lobelia doesn’t have anything new to bring me.”
“Good then. Well I suppose we shall continue this fruitful discussion tomorrow.” At Pippin’s newly open mouth, he continued, “Alone.”
“Yes. Now shoo. She’s coming in and I don’t want to have to pretend like I’m just a blacksmith in front of you too.”
“We will be back!”
See the full post
21 notes - Posted January 31, 2022
i fucking watched the new doctor strange movie and i'm so close to just rambling about the bits of marvel that i hate and the reasons why
24 notes - Posted May 17, 2022
Can I get “that dance, that they did today? it kinda reminded me of when we…” with a pairing of you choice 🥺?
Also makes sure to eat and drink water 🔫
okay so this ended up being a tasm!peter parker x gn!reader fic because i had an Idea so here. also it's kinda implied desi!reader, but it can really be read any way.
also you better do the same 🔫
the link to the dance which i mention is here
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Finals were over. My bed was calling my name as I walked back from the horrid chem exam that had caused far too many all-nighteres in an attempt to memorize all of the ions and their charges as well as the formulas that we had learnt only a couple weeks ago.
But now, I could sleep for as long as I wanted until I had to start packing everything. Which was not until tomorrow because the dorms were supposed to be cleared out by next Friday. That left at least 18 hours that I could use to conk out if I wanted to wake up by about 9am tomorrow.
Unfortunately, or perhaps very fortunately, my plan was thrown away as soon as I saw Peter sitting on the stairs in front of the building, playing on his phone. “Did your ethics final finish up early? I thought you were supposed to be out by 4 at the earliest.”
“Kenobi cancelled it. Something about his nephew getting sick.”
“Well that leaves plenty of time for our must watch movie marathon we had planned a couple weeks ago.”
“Wasn’t that supposed to be during packing? So then if it gets far too cheesy, we could distract ourselves with loading up some of the boxes?”
“Yes, but I found out one of the ones I used to watch with my friends recently came back onto Netflix. And because I couldn’t find it literally anywhere else without having to pay an extravagant amount of money for one movie, we’re going to enjoy the experience of this movie without the need for literally anything else. Other than snacks.”
“Of course we would have snacks. Why was that ever in question?”
“With your appetite, it never should be.”
“Hey, you know that’s because of the spider bite.”
“Like you didn’t come over to my house and eat half of my snacks alongside your own when we were in middle school.”
“Well, sixth period P.E. for all three years causes a person to get a bit hungry after school.”
“And that doesn’t explain the time that we went to Build-A-Bear and you told me you wanted to eat a bear.”
“That was something I told you in confidence and something that I didn’t expect you to almost yell in front of your dorm.”
“Everyone deserves to know that you looked at a Gollum plushie and went, ‘That looks like it would be a good snack.’” “Were you like this before your chem final?” he asked. “Because I could have sworn the person I fell asleep next to was not out to kill me.”
“I was a different person then,” I stated while leading him into the building. “I cannot be expected to treat someone who decided to sit out here in 90 degree heat for 3 hours while I took my final nicely.”
He gasped dramatically, playing it up despite the fact that some of my neighbors were coming out to see what havoc we were causing today. “I have helped you study for countless tests and quizzes and even stayed up with you until 4am last night and this is how I am thanked? I shudder to call myself your boyfriend with such poor treatment.”
The Bridgerton marathon shortly before finals kicked into full swing seemed to have done something to him. But honestly, as long as we didn’t get another complaint regarding our arguments prior to the time that we made it upstairs, it would be fine. “And what do you say to the hours that I spent reviewing vocabulary with you for a final you didn’t even take?”
“I thought I had the final until I went to Kenobi’s room and saw the note posted on his door. And when I went to text you, I saw that your final had already started and decided against trying to distract you.”
“Well you should have distracted me anyways. Why wouldn’t I have wanted a text from you? After all, it wasn’t like that final was particularly important, I would have passed the class either way. Plus, you’re far more important than some stupid chem final that is only vaguely relevant to my degree.”
“I’m sure Windu would agree with that assessment.”
“Windu has a stick up his ass. Which I can finally say in front of other people because I’m finally out of that fucking class.” It still hadn’t entirely hit me that the school year was finally over, but the fact that I could hang out with Peter without needing to study or work on a project was beginning to cement it.
“True. I’m not looking forward to when I have to take him next year for organic.” He took a second before continuing, “Are we ever going to unlock your door or are you planning on watching it out here?”
“Right, that. I barely even noticed that we were here.” Which was surprising, however, this could easily be blamed on the sleep deprivation and the Peter’s distracting presence.
See the full post
27 notes - Posted June 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
so why is my heart broke?
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tasm!peter parker x reader
warnings: angst, cursing (as always), and i think that's it
summary: you almost got hurt because of a fight between Spider-Man and the villain of the week. now Peter's trying to stop it from happening again
“I’m breaking up with you.”
“I can’t keep putting you in danger like this,” Peter said.
“That doesn’t mean you break up with me, you dumbass.” You took a look at his face before continuing. “Oh, you’re serious.”
“Of course, I’m serious. I can’t see you get hurt again and again because I’m Spider-Man.”
“I get hurt once because I was somewhere the fight got to, and somehow this is what it results in? No, Peter, I refuse.”
“You can’t refuse,” he states, albeit with some confusion. “I’m breaking up with you.”
“Peter Motherfucker Parker, I refuse to let you break up with me.”
“I refuse to let you refuse to let me break up with you.”
“I wasn’t even involved in the fight before the villain of the week fucking crashed into the cafe I was picking up coffee from. How could this have resulted from you being Spider-Man? If anyone else was fighting them, the same thing would have happened.”
“Everyone who I have loved while being Spider-Man has been hurt by this, and I refuse to let you be a victim of the Parker curse.”
“I will stay right here beside you to show you that there is no such thing. There is simply the fact that I love you Peter Parker, and I will not leave your side.”
“And it is because of that that I can’t let you stay. I can’t see you get hurt.”
“Well this is hurting me. I’m in love with you and you just want me to leave? I can’t Peter. I can’t see you getting banged up on TV and know that I can’t do anything to help. I can’t leave you.”
“But you should.”
“When has that ever decided what I was going to do? What we were going to do? Fuck what I should do,” I exclaimed.
“I can’t lose you. No matter how much this would hurt both of us, it would never compare to the pain of losing you.”
“And the same applies to you. Do you think I would be okay knowing that you had, that you had died out there, fighting an alien or some shit? I can barely handle the idea of breaking up with you and yet you want me to live knowing that you are out there risking your life every day without anyone on your side? No one there to patch you up when you get hurt? No one who knows what you’re going through every time you show up with bruises and cuts?”
“And what would happen to me if you weren’t there because of me? Because I can’t live without knowing that you were safe. No matter how difficult it is to leave you, there’s no option here where you’re safe. There’s never been one as soon as you chose me.”
“And I’m going to keep choosing you. I am always going to choose you, Peter. Despite all the dangers and slightly insane ideas, I love you.”
That seemed to cause the last remaining bits of fight left in him to dissipate. “I love you too. Despite your stubbornness.”
“Hey, I think that it’s warranted right now. You were about to lose the best thing in your life because you got scared of something that wasn’t your fault. Someone had to do something about it,” You retorted.
“I’m glad someone did.”
108 notes - Posted April 9, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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northropi · 2 years
Tumblr Now
://INITIATE_GREETING Alright so Tumblr. The Tumblr. That one. The one that bad people thought was the antichrist itself in 2015. In my and others' effort to have actual plan Bs in case of Twitter doing what we think Twitter is going to do we're coming here despite the memes of keeping us out.
I suppose that I should open by saying that I have a pet peeve for superhero and urban fantasy shows to such an extent that they are the bad guys in my self-insert lore.
Now that I have torpedoed my attempts to gain a following on this site I should say that I actually remember liking it here. Getting all the formatting stuff right is going to be a little adventure on my part but hey I did some coding stuff in Uni (I did not finish Uni). The only real reason I never made an account here is because, well, exactly the time I would have made an account happened to align with, you know, that time where a lot of the people I would have been following were banned for posting lewd stuff. I understand they have reigned that back and allow it if it's properly tagged- which it should be- but I'm gonna have to comb the fine print there before I push it.
I will confess that at this point my knowledge of the state of this site is vague to the extent that I'm mostly here to follow people who went here before other places, especially considering I seem to be the sole VTweeter that is not on Insta or Tiktok. In fact, as most of my output is art, I may end up frequenting art sites more often. In fact, I was met with decent traction on my backup acct immediately.
On DeviantArt.
Like a week before they did their shit.
Yeah it's probs Newgrounds now even if I'm not quite doing numbers there yet. But I'm likely to crosspost everywhere when possible. This may end up partially replacing my current Wix blog if I can get it to display info in the encyclopedic format I want for the sake of loreposting.
There'll be a better intro later- this is me getting my bearings and asking for help with that from friends. Tumblr is my most likely outright replacement for Twitter once I learn due to it having a similar capacity for being able to scream into the void and have your friends say "lol" beneath it, even if at a glance Newgrounds is my more likely portfolio site and Wix is gonna be where a lot of long-form posts end up. Will twitter collapse? Well one of my friends, who is a mushroom, she is cool, thinks not- that the businesses that rely on Twitter will be waiting like vultures to pick it up if Elon steps down. This makes sense- the brands all find value in Twitter because it's popular. It's a feedback loop they exploit for outreach.
But Elon does not make sense.
Why did he launch a car into space? It was because it was an easy way to get haha funny internet points. Why did he buy Twitter? And why might he, I believe to be in the cards, destroy Twitter, out of spite, at his own loss?
It's not like I'm sitting here weeping, the follower grind I had to where I'm at aside. Like I'm at 282 last I checked, that's pretty nice, and I hope my regulars are checking my new sites. I don't think Twitter was some sacred grounds as a lot of strawmen are painted. It was just convenient and cool people are there. Were there. Half expecting it to be gone when I tab back over just out of sheer jinxing lol. I really should have done all this earlier. Got pretty complacent with the idea that the situation had stabilized. Alas, Society.
I am, as with all sites I am spreading my high-aspect-ratio membranous wings into, eager to check this out and meet new people. I just hope I don't have to start from zero.
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voiddoesntexist · 2 years
hello everyone !! ★
bit of a more special post today :]
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gahhh what an early post !! but i did tell you guys to stay tuned >:] because all of my blogs are about my life and my co*des, i wanted to take a more "gyaru" approach with this post, i guess you could say ? i decided to make the theme of this "where to find gyaru inspiration"!! so lets get started <3
where do you find gyaru inspo, void?
obviously, inspiration can be anywhere you look. google, tumblr, twitter, instagram, tiktok, pinterest, etc etc etc. but here's how i organize everything so inspiration is easy to find.
of course, any kind of inspiration starts with pinterest (in my opinion). you can always search up substyles and other stuff on your search bar. but personally, after reading brief explanations on my substyle of choice, i add it all to my gyaru board (and if i weren't lazy, i would organize them into their respective sections too). this way, it's easy to find inspiration that you particularly like in one spot, and the stuff you often search up also pops up a lot in your home page ! i like using my home page when i'm unsure on which style to do. of course, you don't have to do this (or take any of my advice honestly). other gyaru have made pinterest boards and you could always use those too !!
moving onto instagram !! in my opinion, it's a little harder to use, but it still gets the job done. anytime i feel inspired by the gals i follow, i favorite them. after that, i just look at my favorites page instead of my following, which gives me easy access to everyones posts. i don't often look through hashtags, but you can also use those :] here's some of the gyaru i follow on instagram -> @/maliciouscitrus @/vixenren_ @/khmergyal @/jandoras_box_boutique @/kohleathestrange @/noveqie @lady_lavvender @nauro.0 and more !! many of these gals are also on tiktok :]
now, tiktok !! i find tiktok easier to use for inspo than instagram, but the only thing about it is that there is no real variety when looking through tags top to bottom all the time. i would personally suggest following a bunch of gals ! this way, more of them will be added to your for you page. plus, you would end up having a pretty diverse following page with lots of different videos to look at <3 another VERY important way for me to keep up with particularly inspiring or helpful videos is favoriting them and putting them in a collection !! here's some of the gyaru i follow on tiktok -> @/luwuci_ @/evrytaeevr @/cinnagal @/kenbaii @/harurin7777 @/vixbun @/sweetpotatopunk @/tasiajanee_
i'm gonna collapse google, twitter, and tumblr into one paragraph :) google is a good quick platform, but it's likely to show you wrong results, so i wouldn't recommend it for especially new gyaru. when i do use google, i put all my gal related tabs into one gyaru themed tab group. twitter is not really a good resource of inspiration unless you follow lots of gyaru fan accounts and actual gyaru. they're a little hard to find though since looking up the term "gyaru" will often have a bunch of unrelated tweets about it. i'm not really used to tumblr, but i'm sure it could be very helpful, especially following the right gals :)
that's really it, then !! thank you so much for reading everyone, and i'll see you later <3 happy searching to all, it's late and i have to get some sleep lolol
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dynamimight · 6 months
cw: THIS IS NOT A FIC, the internet is simply my diary lmao. just a lil thing to get stuff about tumblr rn out of my head. read if you please, i also rly want to talk about this w/ppl 😭😭 (readmore bc i put this in fandom tags)
i recently have been feeling a certain kind of way about reading fanfic; if i find myself scrolling (bored/looking for fun stories as always) i kinda just quickly scroll through the whole page and give?? up??? like im not as excited as i used to be. this is for a few reasons:
1. i feel like a lot of fics are the same now 👍🏼 not a terrible thing, but i really look back to the quarantine era of "forced creativity" (a different conversation) and think about just how much people were writing; not to "give out content," but to truly explore an online writing community and do something that was worthwhile. the resurgence if the "[as]" trend on tiktok really put that into perspective for me: quarantine forced ppl to explore creativity, created job opportunities based on that (influencers/content creators as we now know them), and really pushed artistry to the point of basic normalcy. even though this was a cool kind of thing (seeing so many ppl create), our level of understanding art and its brilliance was lowered. which brings me to point 2-
2. a good amount of the "creative era" of quarantine was simply ppl replicating other ppl's original ideas, or straight out stealing them to add an extra topping of fame, bc ofc "everybody wants to be famous." my best examples of this are the two sides of the tiktok coin: dancing & damelio.
dancing became a big thing, and it made sense to start dancing trends; a trend is just popularity + replication. but charli damelio becoming famous for creating one of those trends and it later being stated that a completely different girl, jalaiah harmon, created it and had no recognition until the news came out?
and yes, she was on ellen, but that pales in comparison to the millions of dollars that the damelio family made bc of one instance of improperly following a trend.
and that's what i see now with multiple online spaces; they've become boring bc everyone is doing the same thing w/o giving proper credit to anyone. before content creation & whatnot became huge, no one irl would go around seriously saying tht they created some huge, celebrity-reach trend without being checked.
now, the difference between tiktok and fanfic pertaining to "trends" is based on power imbalance. no one is gonna believe a middle schooler saying that they started the trend of wearing skirts over jeans when it was very obviously some a-list celeb. in writing, you look to your favorite authors, poets, etc. and formulate your own writing style. whether that's word choice, plot format, or anything else you can cultivate to your own writing experience.
while you can always put your own spin on new dance/fashion trend, writing is different. you wouldn't put a spin on a classic in the same way: it would be a modern retelling, or smth symbolic of the original. adding an extra move is is not equal to adding an extra sentence. and that is what leads me to my final point-
3. writing is becoming/has became very formulaic. a good amount of fics in the most popular fandoms here follow a similar style. we see this with the short cycle of complaints that went around when the fic format of "short blurb with a group of character names under it" came about. along with the fact that the format probably came from the notoriously unoriginal & wattpad-esque booktok, everyone who wanted activity in their notifs was using that format. and so now, with every new group of teens that comes here to enjoy stories and explore writing, the new "trend" isn't a fully fleshed out story: it's like pushing out content.
i'm not complaining, and i'm not saying that everyone lacks originality. i enjoy whatever ppl put out bc i know that any form of writing comes from some place within. i am simply making a written observation of something i've noticed happen over the last couple of years- being a younger teen when it started, and now growing into the basics of adulthood.
the internet is my diary lol
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ambassadorarlert · 11 months
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toxic!armin head canons
author’s note: this fr has been a long time coming. it took a while to gather my thoughts lmao. he can’t be sweet all the time, right??😭
warning: modern au. toxic characteristics — obsession, jealousy, possessiveness. gaslighting.
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we're not gonna look away from armin's whole underlying character trait of being a known manipulator. he is going to gaslight you.
armin starts his mind games as a last resort. when he's desperate to have his way. when he's being back into a corner, and you're holding your ground in an argument or disagreement. when you're winning and he's losing. he'll play into his unfortunate-baby face-sweet-boy persona and say, "i'm only telling you/doing this because i love you!" armin slaps, "I don't know what you want me to do." at the end of most arguments because he knows it will make you quit arguing out of pure frustration.
we can all agree armin goes through your phone
he immediately clicks on iMessage to see who you’ve been texting. snoops through everything. pictures, contacts, notes. all of it. armin goes all up in your private dm’s, discord, looks through your snapchats. who you’ve been sending tiktoks to. he’s so extra, he even scrolls on your social media timelines. your dash. your fyp. just to see what you’re always looking and giggling at bc who is making you laugh if it’s not him ? arminknows he won’t find anything and that you would never do anything behind his back. but he looks anyway and holds his breath just in case. and, if he does find something he doesn’t like, he will confront you about it and not even address the bigger question
major attachment issues. in bold, italics and regular size font.
the root cause being his parents died when he was really young and was only raised by his grandpa who worked all the time. /: armin definitely has mommy issues. he's very anxious to pleasure you and do everything you want him to bc a.) he's hopelessly devoted to you b.) for some reason he think it'll make you love him more. armin will get really attached to you after the first date, and everything in your relationship moves quickly. he says i love you first. 3 months into the relationship you’re moving in together. engaged after 1 year, married 6 months later. he’s sensitive and in tune with everything you’re doing and feeling and saying. the slightest change in your voice, oh you must be mad at him. when you're literally just tired and have 0 energy, he must be annoying you. armin needs regular reassurance and validation. he will straight up ask “do you still love me?” at least once a day.
armin gets jealous so. so easily.
armin thinks he's not good enough for you and that you deserve someone who can do the things he can't, while simultaneously not being able to bear the thought of you being with another man. he views other guys as a threat and is off-putting on purpose. he goes through your followers and interactions daily and reports guys who leave compliments and thirsts. he gives guys dirty looks when he see's them obviously looking at you. will ask trap questions like "would you still be with me if you could start your life over?" armin is well liked among your girlfriends but makes no effort with your guy friends, and has succeeded in distancing you from a few of them. he disguises ultimatums as open communication. armin's jealousy is a delicate spectrum.
he's very possessive of you.
you're his everything and he wants everyone to know that. you're so gorgeous, he's not gonna hide you away. armin recognizes that you're your own person, and you can show off however you'd like. as long as he's somewhere in the background. he encourages that you tag him in all your posts. he fights for his life trying to convince you to let him come with you while you go out with your friends and he wins most of the time. but when he has to stay home, he stays up and waits for you, he double/triple texts and asks when you'll be home even though you made a point to give him a timeframe. and don't even be 5 minutes late because armin already has seventy-five questions lined up. if he's feeling extra silly, he'll start a fight over text. 🤪
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2023. do not copy or repost any work by arlertwitch on any other platform. violators will be prosecuted. 🪼 — @artsyblkblocked / @sleazymac-n-cheesy / @arlerts-angel / @chiinni / @aegonslawyer / @stoned-eren /
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ghostprinceiii · 2 years
(MCC 24 spoilers in tags sorta)
#I have a headache rn so my excitement is kinda curbed but Whoo! Second place!!#I haven't watched all of them (not from the start and I think I've missed a handful too) but usually for MCC I've been watching Ranboo's#POV consistently. First POV I watched so it's the one I've stuck with. This time though I decided to watch TommyInnit's POV cuz there were#more people on that team that I was familiar with (3 vs 2). So the plan was: Ranboo pre-show (but I woke up kinda late and it wasn't as#involved as previous times) & on side monitor + Tommy main POV + Wilbur during Ace Race. I did stick with that for the most part and I#unmuted Wilbur's stream during that event but for everything else I didn't really switch back to Ranboo cuz I got really invested in the#orange team :) Really liked the vibe! Way more team communication and explanation of game mechanics than I'm used to seeing so it was a lot#easier to follow and felt a lot more organized and chill. I've been meaning to watch Tommy's POV for a while now but I haven't been in the#habit of rewatching alt POVs of streams I've already seen (especially MCC cuz I know how it ends y'know?). Might keep watching Tommy's POV#from now on though cuz I really like the structure of his streams and how he creates content in general (I can and have go(ne) on a long#tangent about that btw) but I had a lot more fun watching this time than most other times so I think I might do his POV for live and Wilbur#/Ranboo to watch after the fact especially if they keep teaming together. I also find they get the most clips showing up on tiktok for me#so even if I miss what happens live I'm almost guaranteed to see a condensed version of it later lol.#Anyways congrats to the winning team and this month's event was fun to watch! This was mostly just a personal post cuz I wanted to process#my thoughts I'm gonna go get some water or something :3 Would love to play in an event like this myself it seems so fun but I am a very#stressed person with chronic tech issues lol so I don't think it'd work out so well x(#ghostprince posts#MCC#MCC24#Comepletely forgot to add the tags clarifying that I like Ranboo's POV I just find it to be a bit loud and hectic sometimes and harder to#follow live specifically so it's more enjoyable to listen to later I guess? Idk this doesn't really sound better tbh#Whhhhhhh blogging time over gonna go back to sleep and hibernate until the 25th
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Dorm leaders reaction to the reader doing the: "So take off all your clothes trend." pt.2
[ pt.1, pt.3 ]
[ Kalim, Vil, Idia x gn! reader ]
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"Ace, what is it?" You groaned out with a tired huff, Ace who looks extremely happy and was basically jumping all over the place, Deuce was beside him with an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry, [y/n]-san but please just go with Ace's antics this time, he's been ranting about it for three days straight and I'm losing some sleep." You look at Deuce worriedly before smacking Ace at the back of his head, "So? What is it about?" Ace rub the back of his forehead, a pained sound left his lips before he sprung back up and shove his phone onto your face. Trying to catch his phone from falling, you saw a girl wearing a brown jacket and dancing to the song, raising your brows at him. "And what will I get in return?"
Ace nodded before he motioned his fingers into dollar signs, sighing as Grim finally look alive with that notion, Grim shook you hard. "Come on! My henchmen, we've been short on money! I need my tuna!" At that statement, you can say no to Ace anymore.
But what you didn't expect is for the video to go viral.
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Kalim Al-sim:
Kalim's the one doing the advertising for your video, Jamil get headaches every time Kalim pulled a student to the side of the hallways to just show him the video of you dancing, the pomefiore student was startled as the dorm leader of scarabia pulled him aside from the hallways, "u-um, hello Kalim-san is there anything you need?" At that question, Kalim grinned brightly like the sun and showed him the TikTok video. "Here! Watch this, you're gonna love it!" Jamil sighed before pulling Kalim away from the student. "I'm sorry for the inconvenience but we will be going now." Kalim pouted, "Why'd you do that Jamil?"
"Please don't do that again, just make another account and share it."
"Wait, you can do that?!"
You got another set of 100 followers the next day, You gape at the usernames of the new hundred followers as you let out a tired sigh, the next day you find yourself in front of the scarabia's dorm leader who was none other than Kalim.
"Kalim, please, I'm begging you. Stop making new accounts everyday."
"Wait, how'd you find out?!"
"Your usernames has Al-sim in all of them with different numbers."
Vil Schoenheit:
He found your video through his fans, his phone was buzzing up like no other, well his notifications were like that every day but it was out of the ordinary with how many tags or mentions he's getting per second. Vil click at a notification as his tags led him to an edited video. An edit of me? Vil lightly blush as your dancing figure went up in bright colors on his phone screen.
The edit was nicely done, it accentuates your dance moves more than the original video, Vil smiled to himself before liking the video and saving it into his phone for later, Vil was always shiningly beautiful but it seems to double more today.
"Roi de poison, your beauty shines even brighter today, what gives?" Vil raises his brow and looks towards your direction, "I always shine brighter than ever Rook, now move on to your classes, I'm gonna be talking to my potato for a minute."
"Oh, Vil? Do you need anything?"
"Come, to my dorm later potato."
"What why?"
"We need to make you even beautiful for your next video, I will support you all the way."
Idia Shroud:
One of the few people that found your video the second you posted it other than Cater and Kalim, watch your video as his daily dosage of serotonin, "Brother? You're watching that again? This was the 30th time this week."
"O-ortho!" Ortho laughs before going out of his big brother's room, Idia's hair goes up in flames with it turning a slight pinkish color, Idia mumbled out inaudible words, your video was playing on loop on his big screen. A knock on his door startled him, he flinch as his eyes came upon the sight of you who was at the entrance of his doorway, your face undiscernible as you continued to watch your video that was on his screen.
You smirk before looking at Idia with a teasing grin on your smug face, "Like what you see?"
Idia's hair burst out into big and bright flames, least to say that at least the dorm was saved before the fire got even worse.
"Didn't know that you miss my face this much. Just tell me a word and I'll dance for you only." You teasingly wink at him as he flush a crimson tint and so do his hair.
"I- p-please stop [y/n]."
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aetheternity · 3 years
Adventures in the Kawata twins
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Disclaimer: This takes place during the present when they're all adults. This isn't an x reader persay but reader is mentioned.
Synopsis: Takemichi & Chifuyu are stuck taking care of the drunk Kawata twins. It can't be that hard they'd assumed. Though they fail to understand that the twins are dumped on them for good reason.
"Takemichi, you plan on being a designated driver?" Draken asks as Takemichi plops into the seat next to him at their shared table.
"Yeah, I don't feel like drinking tonight." He explained with a shrug.
"Great!" Mikey exclaimed allowing his straw to slip back into the something red he'd been sucking down. "Then you can take care of the Kawata brothers." He pointed to the end of the bar where both brothers sat. Smiley swiveling back in forth in his chair while Angry just glared at all the people. Their eyes lazily hovering over the thick crowd of people.
"They're barely sipping their drinks." Takemichi scoffed
Draken snorted with a deep laugh, "For now." Though he stopped talking when Mikey elbowed him.
"Yeah ok I'll take them home later." Takemichi replied.
"Not just take them home." Mikey grunted, poking his finger out at Takemichi. "You gotta watch them!" He gestured first to Takemichi then back to the two boys at the bar.
"Ok ok sure."
How bad could they possibly get after all? They were never apart as far as Takemichi could see. Even now they were calmly sipping their drinks, Angry's feet swaying back and forth against the side of the bar stool, his face full of frustration as he played with the straw between his lips. Meanwhile Smiley began talking about something random that barely caught his brother's attention his warm smile stretched tightly against his face.
They were calm. This was gonna be fine....
An hour later~
"Where'd they go!!" Takemichi clung to Chifuyu's shoulders like they were his life support shaking the poor man like a doll.
"Well where's the last place you had them?!" Chifuyu screamed back, head darting up over the crowd trying to locate at least one of the missing twins.
"They're not lost remotes!!" Takemichi grunted
A sudden burst of clapping across the bar made Takemichi and Chifuyu whip around. A rhythm slowly forming as drunk onlookers turned to face the same direction. Suddenly a big blue tuff peaked its way over the crowd followed by a fist raising in the air and Angry's full face coming into view.
"Shit." Chifuyu cursed
Takemichi lead the rush through the crowd, Chifuyu right behind him as the two of them made their way closer to one of the rickety tables near the back corner of the bar where Angry was now pointing out into the crowd. A smile almost as big as his brother's plastered onto his face. But it had a much gentler feel to it, almost as if he did it everyday.
"You! You got what I need! Everybody!" Angry belted as he sung into an invisible mic. "But you say he's just a friend!! Now the ladies!"
"And you say he's just a friend!" Reciprocated the crowd.
"Oh God who's he singing about? Name?" Chifuyu scoffed as he held onto Takemichi's hoodie for fear of getting swept away in the crowd.
"Wait? Angry likes, Name?!"
"You must be the most oblivious person in the world to not have noticed. Even I noticed!" Chifuyu yelled over the crowd.
Takemichi sighed reaching out for the wobbly table working to keep it steady as Chifuyu went around the other side tugging at Angry's pant leg.
"And you say he's just a friend, oh baby, you-" Angry continued until Chifuyu finally managed to catch his attention. "Takemichi! Chifuyu! Hi!" He bounced on the table almost causing it to tip.
"Angry come on, let's go find your brother!"
"Ooo yeah!" He giggled like a child.
"Holy shit I didn't even know he was capable of laughing, let alone smiling." Chifuyu blinked shaking his head.
"Catch me ok!" Angry beamed
"Wait Angry!-"
Takemichi's legs folded beneath him as Angry laid on top of him. Surprisingly he wasn't that heavy, though his body weight came out of nowhere and all at once. It left Takemichi with zero breath in his lungs as an uncharacteristic Angry laid on top of him, Chifuyu's smug grin just above him.
"Thanks for the support!" Takemichi groaned in pain. With both hands Chifuyu pulled Takemichi up, helping him support Angry's weight as he wrapped the younger twins legs around his waist.
"Why-" Chifuyu gestured to the current display.
"It'll just be easier."
Angry clung to Takemichi's hoodie like a curious toddler, sticking his fingers beneath the back to play with the tag.
"Come on, we're gonna go find your brother." Takemichi soothingly rubbed Angry's back before turning to Chifuyu.
"And how do you plan on doing that?" Chifuyu asked
The sound of glass shattering a short distance away and the sounds of loud screams and grunts called the attention of almost everyone in the bar. Aside from those too busy making out or puking to see.
"I'd say follow the screaming."
They'd barely arrived on the scene but the crunches of glass underneath their shoes spoke volumes. Smiley's fists repeatedly slamming into a now completely shattered glass mirror. Blood seeping through his damaged knuckles like a punctured water bottle.
Chifuyu immediately slipped his arms under Smiley's armpits. Shaken a bit by the stoned face that stared down at the shattered mirror beneath them.
"Come on Angry we gotta go!"
"That's Smiley! This is Angry!" Takemichi yelped, shifting a distracted Angry around to look at Chifuyu.
"At this point can you blame me?! It's like we fell into an alternate dimension." Chifuyu groaned "Wait is that possible right now?"
"I don't think so!"
"Get off! This cunt is asking for it!" Smiley reached for the only part of the mirror still even slightly assembled. But before he could punch it in Chifuyu slipped an arm around his waist.
"Let's just get out of here before the cops show up!"
Even in disarray Takemichi was pleased at how much easier it had been getting the twins out of the bar then it had been finding them.
"You can still drive a bike right?" Takemichi asked as he reached into Angry's pocket for his keys. He placed a disoriented Angry on the back, trying to push his leg over the side.
"God, your knuckles are wrecked!" Chifuyu gasped astonished. Some of the glass had chipped off while some stayed wedged inside his closed fist.
"It's fine we can remove it when we get them home."
"Hey do you think Name likes that song?" Angry nodded his head, snapping his fingers to an imaginary beat. "I like the bartender, yeah if you're looking for me I'm at the bar with her!" He sung
"I'm sure it'd be just as uncomfortable for Name as it currently is for us." Chifuyu sighed "Come on get on back." He explained to Smiley.
"Fuck you."
Angry fidgeted around behind Takemichi only holding onto his waist when Takemichi physically slid his hands there. His smile deepening as he grinned along to the music he hadn't stopped singing.
After a bit more pleading Smiley plopped onto the back with his arms crossed over his chest. "Ok, now all we need to do is get them home right?" Chifuyu called over the roar of the engine and the sound of Angry still harmonizing with inaudible music.
"Actually.. I told Mikey I'd look after them for the night.."
"I hate you."
"Chifuyu, please! I can't do this without you! Once we put them to bed the rest should be easy right?"
They pulled up to a red light and for the first time tonight Takemichi could hear himself think. Yeah ok, the rest of the night really shouldn't be too difficult. The hard part was getting them out of the bar right?
"Fuck are you looking at shit stain?!" Smiley screamed to a man casually minding his business across the street.
"Angry!" Takemichi screeched
"See you did it too!" Chifuyu pointed
"Shit, I mean-"
"Huh?!" The man called turning to make eye contact with the four people in front of him.
"Can't this light change any fucking faster?!" Chifuyu yelled
"You wanna go bitch!" Smiley called
"Smiley, please shut up!" Chifuyu was practically withering. Smiley nearly left off the bike when the man came charging forward.
In that split second the light turned green and Chifuyu sped off with Takemichi trailing just behind. A flood of nervous tears beginning to stain his face.
"You know Mikey set you up right?" Chifuyu grunted as he hauled an agitated Smiley into his and his brother's shared flat.
"I figured after looking up to see them both gone." Takemichi gasped and heaved, shutting the door behind him and Angry.
"I'm making ramen." Smiley announced, staggering off to the living room.
"No no no what you need to do is lay down. This night has been a nightmare." Chifuyu said
"You wanna go fucker." Smiley spat
"Smiley please-" Takemichi tried
"Takemichi, Michi! Look look at my Tiktok dance! You gotta watch!" Angry tugged on Takemichi's jacket sleeve with kid like hops trying to get his attention.
"Just.. I can't right now please we-"
"Why?!" Angry's outburst immediately brought quiet to the flat, the beginnings of tears brimming in the corners of his eyes.
"Shit, don't let him cry!" Chifuyu exclaimed
"Ok! Ok do the dance!"
Angry straightened, smile reappearing fully. He patted the tops of his chest, shaking his hips to nonexistent music. "You need a woman's touch in your place, just protect her and keep her safe." His arm juts out to the words he's singing, "Baby, worship my hips in ways, so feminine with grace."
Takemichi and Chifuyu blink, mouths hung in a small 'O' as they watched the awkward drunk assembly of movements matching terribly with the surprisingly on key singing. Without warning Angry clutched his knees, bile spilling from his body like a sprinkler system.
"You're in charge of Angry then." Chifuyu patted Takemichi's back as Angry continued to unleash on the once clean living room floor. Coughs escaping his drunken body. "I'll take care of.. ah shit! Where'd he go now?!"
"Maybe that's enough dancing for one night." Tiptoeing around the undigested waste Takemichi reached for Angry's arm. "Want some water?" He asked pulling a staggering Angry into the kitchen.
"There's-" Takemichi managed to get him there just in time. Angry's fingers clutching the edges of the kitchen sink as he leaned forward emptying everything in his stomach down the drain with a loud heave.
"Take your time it'll be-"
"Smiley no!" Chifuyu's voice rang across the flat. As well as the sound of multiple fragile items breaking.
What would soon follow in the next minute and a half were, a hard thud, harsh obscenities spewed one after another, and more things breaking only a couple doors away from where Takemichi was massaging Angry's head.
"Chifuyu, what's going on?!"
Chifuyu clattered out of the bathroom stumbling back and forth between both feet. "He punched me in the jaw." His thumb grazed over his jaw inspecting his hands for any sign of blood. "Do the twins have duct tape in here?"
Takemichi grabbed a paper towel dampening it before patting the sides of Angry's lips and the base of his chin where a small amount of his puke was currently leaking down.
"What do you need duct tape for?"
"Don't worry about that."
Chifuyu disappeared with the tape too quickly for further questions to be asked. Angry's smile was barely visible at this point the alcohol potentially flooding out of his system.
"Will you wash my hair Michi?" Angry pleaded with a tiny whimper.
"You should probably rest." Takemichi replied, he turned to fill a glass of water in the sink before handing it to Angry.
"Can I rest in the bathtub?"
"Why're you so violent when you drink?!" Chifuyu yelled
"Here just go to the couch!" Takemichi gestured, pushing a confused Angry back into the living room before bolting down the hall.
"What the- omg!"
"Get me some rope or some shit!" Chifuyu grunted, pulling both of Smiley's hands together.
Smiley laid beneath Chifuyu on his stomach duct tape wrapped around his mouth. His legs kicking around aimlessly as muffled noises slipped from his mouth. The shower curtain covered in blood and laid in a ball on the floor and the pole now bent in the bathtub. The window in the corner smashed in from the inside, pieces of glass littering the white tile.
I'm pretty sure this isn't what Mikey meant when he said take care of the Kawata twins!"
"Well he won't stop struggling! What else am I supposed to do?" Chifuyu gripped the duct tape, pulling it around Smiley's balled fists before ripping it with his teeth.
The sound of glass shattering in the living room brought Takemichi back down to reality. "Ok fine, just don't hurt him and clean his wounds!"
Takemichi rushed back into the living room tripping over his own two feet. His thoughts immediately scattering as he looked over the new situation. Angry's once full cup of water mixed with his vomit on the floor as the glass was now shattered in the growing mess.
"I want water.." Angry said, reaching out to Takemichi.
"Lay still on the couch and I'll bring you a new cup." He sighed
Takemichi dug around for a few seconds in the cupboard grabbing a new glass from the middle shelf. He hadn't noticed before but the Kawata twins had a gorgeous flat. That was slightly more wrecked right now. But it was clean and gorgeous almost to the point where it looked brand new.
He reached for the faucet, positioning it to fill the glass with hot water before turning it upside down to empty the glass. The water splashed against his disheveled black hoodie dampening it a little more than the sweat of this night already had. When he refilled the glass it was with cold water turning the sink top off and walking back over to Angry's kid like wonder stare on the edge of the couch.
"This house has big ceilings." Angry pointed, mouth agape.
"Yup, here." Takemichi transferred the water to Angry's open hands. He got down on one knee untying Angry's shoelaces, slipping his shoes off his feet before placing them next to the head of the couch.
"Wish I lived here." Angry nodded softly, kicking his socked feet as he sipped the cool water in the glass that had been placed in his hands.
"Lay back ok."
A deep "oof" caught Takemichi's attention as he looked to a staggering Chifuyu, pulling Smiley along like a police officer arresting a perp.
"Ok, from this point on I need to be paid." He grunted
"What happened to your face?" Takemichi gestured to the gushing bruise on Chifuyu's forehead. Blood beginning to leak down the sides of his face.
"What do you think happened? He fucking headbutted me." Chifuyu rubbed the blemish with one hand.
For the first time all night Smiley finally tapped out. Collapsing onto the floor in a small ball. One shoe kicked off God knows when. Hair a disorganized tumbleweed atop his head.
"What do you think Name would think of this song?" Angry bounced in his seat spilling water into his lap.
"Oh God please no more singing!" Chifuyu huffed in exasperation.
Takemichi can already see the crease of Angry's eyebrows and the quiver of his bottom lip. "What he means is we'll hear it tomorrow because you need sleep."
A folded blanket laid on the top of the couch and Takemichi reached for it. He shook it out before placing it over Angry's descending shoulders. Slowly the comfort of falling asleep began to rise on Angry's face. Eyelids heavy and face falling into warm ease.
"You promise?" He questioned as he laid his head on the arm rest.
"Yes bright and early tomorrow."
"Night." He whispered and less than a minute later he was fast asleep just like his brother.
For the next couple minutes Takemichi worked to clean the blood off Chifuyu's face, arms and a couple other places.
"Geez he did a number on you."
"On me, on the bathroom, on that mirror in the bar." Chifuyu listed off as Takemichi walked back to the living room leaving him to pat his bruise.
"But you did do a great job bandaging his hands."
"Uh huh."
Takemichi reached up to his face squeezing the bridge of his nose and the lids of his eyes. Chifuyu came up to his side as the blonde gestured to Smiley. "You're not gonna leave him like that are you?"
"You're right we should put a blanket on him." Chifuyu nodded, shaking his finger in front of Takemichi.
"I meant untie him!" Takemichi followed as Chifuyu went into the first available bedroom.
"Fine, once we get them both pills and clean up we can leave."
"Are you insane! Did you forget my bruises? If he wakes up at anytime before the sun and attacks it's your problem." Chifuyu snagged a blanket off the top of the bed slinging it over his shoulder.
"Why didn't we just put them in their beds?" Takemichi groaned
"It's too late they're already asleep just let it go." Chifuyu huffed
Takemichi followed Chifuyu back into the living room. With both hands he opened the blanket fully before letting it lay flat over Smiley's now relaxed figure.
"One you're insane if you think I'm going home. It's almost three am and watching these two for one night has given me nice horror stories to tell Mitsuya next time he talks about his sisters. Two I was dead serious about needing payment especially now if I'm gonna be spending hours cleaning."
Morning came sooner than Takemichi would've liked. The sun blared through the window like the worst alarm. He squinted covering his eyes with one hand before shifting on the floor with the blanket he'd pulled from Souya's closet.
Before he could reexperience restful slumber a couple faint knocks had him tossing aside the blanket entirely. Yanking the door open with a low 'what' from the depths of his fatigue.
"Morning to you too." Draken's voice brought him back.
"Heyo Takemichy." Mikey grinned proudly
"How was last night?" Draken asked as Mikey entered the flat ahead of him.
Though the question really didn't need to be verbally answered as the image of Smiley laying on the ground with duct tape over his mouth and a half kicked away blanket revealing his taped up arms. The smell of puke still slightly thick in the hot apartment and the blood all over Chifuyu's jacket spoke louder than words.
Even with sleep still in the midst of Chifuyu's eyes he turned to Mikey and Draken standing behind him.
"Never a fucking gain." He pointed aimlessly, eyelids dashing over his eyes to properly bring the beauty of sight back to him.
Smiley rolled over, or half way over immediately awakening when he realized he was tied up. His head jerked towards Chifuyu with mumbled questions.
"Hold on."
"FUCK!" Smiley's grin was back full force. The edges of his eyebrows twitching, voice echoing through the flat. The unnecessary roughness at which Chifuyu had ripped away the tape showed off some prominent reddening just below his nose.
"Ah!" Angry nearly flew off the couch with the way he sat up immediately falling back into the pillow behind him. Clutching his head with both arms. "Who's being loud." He groaned
"We figured we owed you guys breakfast for taking care of the twins last night." Draken remarked amusement creeping onto his face.
"And this is way less than I was expecting. No cops or anything." Mikey nodded
"What happened to my fists!" Smiley grinned crazily
"Everyone stop talking!" Angry grit
"Take the twins out." Chifuyu said "I'm going home to sleep."
"Ditto to that." Takemichi yawned
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Haikyuu manager headcanons!!
Okay so these adorable teams all have the softest spot for their tiny little manager-chan, and here's how they all treat her.
[Ari's note: okay manager fics and headcanons are my absolute favourite and I love writing them]
*.` | Karasuno
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They are extremely laid back with you, compared to some of the other teams. They give you your space, at the same time listen to you when you have something to say.
Respectful simps. Similar to how they act with Kiyoko (ugh yes queen-chan) they're in tears whenever you do things to motivate them, like cheer at their practice matches or give them good luck charms.
They still have the good luck charms you fastened on their bag before one of the matches.
Tanaka and Noya would literally worship the ground which you walked on. Like wow how did they get so lucky as to have three?? Cute managers?? On their team??
Yachi and you would probably subtly simp over Kiyoko with them too ngl.
Hinata and Kags would probably see you as an older sister, eventho you're their age because you're so caring and responsible.
Suga is literally your mom and Daichi is your dad. They make sure you're all healthy and you're doing well in school.
Asahi gives you hugs whenever you're sad or upset! Fite me but I think this gentle baby gives the best hugs ever >:( he's like your comfort senpai and you'd do the same for him, especially when he's feeling insecure or down.
Yams would probably be very shy around you, but he'll warm up in time.
Ahhh the best part. Tsukki! He'd find you annoying and simply not get why you're so Mcfreaking happy at first (shut up u salty beanpole, manager-chan is just a ray of sunshine, okay?) But he soon finds it endearing and slowly gets closer to you.
You walk home with Yams and Tsukki every day since your houses are close, and Tsukki walks you to your door to make sure you're safe!
Ennoshita, Kinoshita and Narita all see you as a little sister and often help you with your managerial duties.
The team cares and respects you so much, and are so thankful you've joined them!!
Meat buns at Ukai's are your hangout spot, and everytime you see them chilling you're so thankful to have such great friends.
*.` | Aoba Johsai
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Aaah we're at the team of one of my favourite characters!! I'll start with Oikawa (can't you tell I'm so biased omg)
Oikawa absolutely adores manager-chan because although she's tiny, she's very strict, and doesn't let his fangirls near the gym when he's practicing, which he appreciates.
"yn-chan, you're so good to me, can I take you out as a thank-you?" Cue Iwa-chan's ball which comes flying at Oikawa's head. "Stop flirting with the manager, shitty-kawa"
Iwa's very fond of you too, but he doesn't let it show too often. Sometimes he picks up your favourite coffee from the vending machine and claims that he bought it by "accident". (How believable<3)
Kunimi probably sends you weird tiktok videos and tags you in funny memes. Very wholesome 10/10.
Kyotani just?? Doesn't understand you?? Like wow, she's small but the team listens to her?? Why?? He later finds out you're the manager. Mad dork here didn't know you were managing the team for the past month, and thought you just came to the gym to watch them practice. Smh.
Matsukawa and Hanamaki give you headpats and like taking selfies with you, much to Oikawa's dismay. He wants to be the only one taking pictures with you.
Like no manager-chan. Stop. Get away from them. My phone's right here I wanna take selfies with you :(
Kindaichi is cool with you. Y'all are bros and you game together sometimes.
Watari and Yahaba join too, and they're surprised to know that you're so aggressive when you game.
Cue a jealous Oikawa who struggles learning how to game just so he's invited to play with you. Simp smh.
They're all very gentle with you, and since you're their first female manager, they make sure to never make you feel uncomfortable.
You guys like grabbing ramen together and having eating contests. They really bring out your aggressive side but you love them for it.
*.` | Shiratorizawa
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Can I just say Semi bsf material? Yes? Yes. Semi Eita is best friend material.
Makes you cute little Spotify playlists and you help him write lyrics to songs occasionally. You play an instrument too and you guys can just jam out for hours on end together.
You get the idea of applying to be the manager because of him, and it all took off from there.
Goshiki loves you. You're fond of your kohāi, and you genuinely just give this touch-starved future ace a lot of hugs and cuddles, which he's SO grateful for.
Like wow, y/n-chan isn't just pretty?? She's also so sweet? And smart? And capable? Semi why have you been hiding her for so long??¿ >:(
Goshiki is just so protective of you, he'd commit murder if he had to.
You have to earn Ushiwaka's respect, yk? And slowly but surely he comes to realise how dependable and responsible you are, and treats you like an indispensable member of the team.
He's got your back. And if he ever senses you're upset, he's trying to cheer you up as best as he can.
"do not feel upset, those grades will mean nothing to you in the future. I doubt you will be able to remember what you got in your second year, third monthly test." You think he's being sweet, and yes he is (in a way), but he's also trying to be reasonable and logical.
Tendo loosens you up and you tend to play pranks on the others with him.
The funniest was when you tried to prank Ushijima by adding wasabi to his onigiri and he?? Didn't get it??
Like "y/n-chan, Tendo, why did you add wasabi to this onigiri? It would've been so much better with tuna mayo??" And he has no reaction whatsoever?¿?
Cue Goshiki who tries the onigiri because he wants to prove he has spice tolerance like Ushijima, eventhough you can low-key see him tearing up.
Shirabu is your voice of reason and you and him often study together. You also have deep and philosophical conversations at 12 a.m. over text, and it is just so wholesome.
He respects you so much, not just because you care for him, but because he finds your brain so fricking smexy.
These eagle babies bring out the best in you and you're always eager to push them forward and bring out the best in them.
*.` | Fukurodani
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First thing's first, besides Akaashi, you are the only other person who can cheer up an emo-mood Bokuto.
Just say "Hey Bo, you're gonna look so much cooler when you spike the ball like the true ace that you are" and his hair's all perking up and his eyes are shining.
Akaashi thinks you are an angel sent from heaven.
You're very soft on your baby owls, and they genuinely just love getting positive affirmations from you.
Akaashi always blushes when you compliment him on his sets. And you can hear him murmur genuine words of gratitude.
The other members do too. They're glad because sometimes people focus on Bo too much and forget to give them recognition, yk? It's easy to get overlooked :(
But thanks to manager-chan who's so attentive with all of them, and who's aware of all their quirks and moods, they're all so touched and so so happy.
You have a habit of getting cold pretty often, especially since practice finishes late and it's pretty chilly by then.
Konoha always lends you his jacket and walks you home, since your home's are the closest. There's just something about you that makes you soft.
You get along really well with Kaori and Yukie, and you'd definitely consider them your best friends, considering y'all are in this thang togetherrrr!!
The Fukurodani team are just all a bunch of crackheads, but they're your crackheads and you wouldn't trade them for the world.
You're a very tight-knit family, (like ugh I just get lots of comfortable, safe vibes from Fukurodani :(( <3)
You guys hang out at the store near your school pretty often to recharge after grueling days of practice together.
*.` | Nekoma
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My second favourite team, Nekoma!! They are precious, gentle, soft babies and I love them to bits and pieces >:(
I'll start with Kuroo. You've always had a tiny soft spot for Kuroo ever since you've become his lab partner in chemistry class.
His notes are immaculate. I mean, cmon we're all hoes for pretty notes
You think he's so incredibly smart and talented, so when he suggests you become the Nekoma manager, you just agree right away.
You guys grow closer since you've started spending more time with him, and you banter around more often than not with chemistry pickup lines.
"hey kitten, let's form a covalent bond"
He's so whipped after you retort back. Like wow she called me sodium fine and said I'm like an exothermic reaction? Permission to simp??
(Ari stfu this isn't a Kuroo fanfic)
Kenma and you definitely play animal crossing together, and he even lets you try his switch, after you guys grow closer.
Kuroo is so insulted, he's never even touched Kenma's switch before >:(
You also push Kenma to do better during practice and he starts to care more about volleyball, since you seem so enthusiastic about it.
Yamamoto isn't even subtle about his simping smh T-T unlike Kuroo, he shamelessly flirts with you, and can't wait to show you off to Tanaka and Noya at the next camp.
"we have such a gorgeous manager now, Nekoma is ThRiViNg" he says in his head with this ridiculous dopey ass smile on his face +_+
Since deep down inside, you're a huge baby, you, Lev, Shibayama, and Inuoka get along so well. They're just happy energetic kittens, and they make you feel so happy.
y'alls energy just match, yk?
Although Fukunaga is shy to tell jokes, he tells them to you, because he knows you'd never judge him, and you actually kinda enjoy laughing along :) he's so touched.
Momma Yaku!! Yaku always lends you his jacket and makes sure to carry snacks for you in his bag. He knows you care so much about the team that you often neglect your own health, which is why he's always there to make you're feeling healthy and good.
Kai and Teshiro help you with your homework and like talking about their favourite singers with you.
They're all just such amazing human beings who treat you so well, and you feel so blessed to be a part of their team. You adore them so much, and they adore you back tenfold.
*.` | Inarizaki
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[Ari's note: Ello there luvs, you've made it to the bottom of this sweet hc post and just get ready for Inarizaki :( they're my favourite team of all time, and I'm just so biased, I'm sorry ;-;]
Inarizaki's entire team just adores you so much, they think you're the light of their lives.
They're all super touch starved babies, and once you realized that, you've made sure to ensure they never feel that way.
Aran is kinda like your protective senpai, and his heart flutters ever so slightly when you call him that senpai kink oops and give him headpats, and he loves patting your head in return.
The twins are so incredibly soft for you.
Their fangirls are sometimes pretty mean, but one glare from the duo is enough to shut them up.
Osamu cooks bentos for you and gives you the warmest hugs when you ask for them, burying his head in the crook of your neck.
Your hand is almost always in Atsumu's because he's so slick?? Like y'all, this mf would be like "y/n-chan, my hand has been aching for a while now" and when you go to observe it, he just pulls your hand into his and pulls you to follow him.
His entire body heats up when you kiss his cheek after a particularly good game, and his brain literally goes "grrrr empty", when he's usually so sly.
The twins are your bodyguards, they follow you everywhere and protect you all the time.
Enter Suna Rintaro, your meme king. He definitely records funny moments that happen during practice and send them to you, just to make you laugh, or memes of the members.
He also definitely takes pictures of you when you aren't noticing, simply because he likes the way your hair looked, or because you looked so beautiful.
Like the twins, his eyes widen whenever you kiss his cheek or ruffle his hair, and it's literally like suna.exc has stopped functioning.
Congrats manager-chan, you broke the kid -.-
Omimi might come across as stoic and cold but he's actually a huge softie, and you often give him positive affirmations.
He's also definitely a huge lover of your hugs, and looks forward to them as motivation to play well.
He'd never tell you though, he's shy™.
My baby Kita compliments you all the fricking time.
"y/n-chan, I mean this is the most sincere way, I think this hairstyle looks stunning on you"
Or "you're so capable and you work so hard, I'm so thankful to have you by my side"
And he has the most genuine expression on his face, his eyes are so earnest and shining so bright.
And when you smile at him, he's like oh shit I made her smile, depression whom? I only know serotonin.
Ginjima is usually rash but with you, he takes his time and weighs everything he says.
He doesn't wanna accidentally hurt you and regret it since he was being careless and not thinking at all.
You calm him down when he's getting too hotheaded with gentle words and he's suddenly a blushing mess.
Unlike some of the other teams that tease you a bunch, Inarizaki treats you so gently. Their little princess, as they think of you.
So mf-ing protective, like if someone looks at you wrong, you can totally bet Atsumu's going for their ankles, sangwoo style, or Osamu is trash talking them to their knees.
Would drop anything and everything to help you if ever needed.
They think you're they're entire world because you go above and beyond for them, and they genuinely love you. Like actually LOVE you to bits and pieces.
[Ari's note: AHHH so the manager fic is done this was literally such a joy to write!! I hope you enjoyed it
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Big big hugs <3 have a beautiful day, luvs!!]
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fallingsunflower · 3 years
obviously feel free to not post it but i need to vent a little bit and your blog is sort of a safe place for me. i really want to just enjoy my life and being in harry’s fandom and all these stuffs but my mind is just making it impossible to me. my ocd and overthinking is exhausting and it definitely shows for example in that aspect. i got a date for my harry show yesterday and i’m so happy about it but on the other hand i’m thinking too much. what if it’ll get cancelled? how’s this all gonna look? what if something will happen to me and i won’t be there? it literally came to the point where i follow my fav tiktoker who’s a harrie and i feel like i can’t copy her makeup tutorials or outfits inspirations anymore because her show got cancelled last year and what if that will make it happen to me? the same with holivia, sometimes i’m just having the most random thought and i’m overthinking it the whole day which ruins my mood and makes me upset. it’s pretty much about everything in my life but here, i’ll say it on the fandom example because that’s what bothers me a lot especially lately. sometimes im just anxious for no reason, i feel like something will happen and it gets even worse when i know that a few times when i did think so it became true. it’s just tiring, you know? i want to enjoy my life but my brain tells me that this will happen, that will happen and later i’m worried that by thinking about that thing so much, i’m gonna manifest it (?) it’s probably a wrong word but i hope you get what i mean. i’m sorry for venting in your inbox, just felt like i needed to let this out.
It's okay! You can vent. I'm sorry that you're dealing with this. Those feelings can be scary and definitely off-putting.
I've been dealing with some anxiety lately too. It's definitely tiring. I think the thing about anxiety that's so frustrating is that it's both physical and mental. It's one of the only mental disorders that affects both and you get trapped in this cycle - you get a thought that triggers your anxiety which triggers your heart rate to spike which further triggers your anxiety. It's an endless cycle.
Something that helped me was trying to realize what was in my control and what wasn't. I tend to get anxious over things I can't do anything about so I had to sit back and recognize that. But on top of that, I also tried to look at what I could change. Oddly enough, changing things I was unhappy with that I was in control of helped my anxiety with things I couldn't control.
My point is, you might find it helps to put your energy into other things that ground you and that you're in control of. This goes for the anxiety and the OCD, because guaranteed they're related. OCD is an anxiety disorder.
I have a thread somewhere too to help with overthinking. Not sure where it is but if you want me to dig it up I can. It might be under one of the hashtags down below but my tags never seem to work for some reason.
Just please know that everything that happens, like with concerts being cancelled etc, is out of your control. Your mind is trying to dictate your actions because it thinks you have a say in what goes on but you don't. It can be hard to recognize though so it's a frustrating mindset to try and break.
And I'm also sure "manifestation" isn't helping. That word circles around nonchalantly and sometimes it causes more harm than good. Scientifically speaking, there's no evidence behind manifestation (sorry to those who believe it - I'm speaking from my studies and unbiased facts).
I hope this helps a little. Feel free to vent whenever! I don't mind listening <3
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ambivalent-anarchy · 4 years
You've Got Moves
Part 2
Gender: Female
Pairing: Peter Parker x reader
Warning: None
Summary- [Y/N] asks Peter to do some TikTok dances with her.
Bonus: Clueless Peter. FLUFFF. Also guy best friends are the best best friends to have lol
If you need a description for Asher, just think whatever your idea of a really hot guy is lol.
A/N- this is a repost because the first one was blocked from tags due to tiktok being weird about links😬
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"Oh my gosh bitch, just ask him."
Your best friend Asher glared at you with pure impatience in his eyes. You'd been going on about this in every gym class for literal weeks.
"Oh my God, doesn't that guy over there have such a classic 'tiktok guy' face?"
"Ooh, look he's flexible! He's probably a really good dancer too."
"You think he'd do a tiktok with me? Nah, that's dumb."
"I bet he's a tiktoker and I just haven't found his page yet."
It drove him crazy. He didn't know whether you had a crush on this guy or if you really were just that obsessed with tiktok to the point where you were finding random people who looked good to do them with, but at this point he didn't care. He just really wanted to stop having conversations every day that ended with him staring at some guy and wondering if he could throw it back.
You watched the boy in question occasionally. You'd practically studied his physique, his face, his little ticks. Everything. But you didn't even know his name. All you knew was:
You definitely wanted to do a tiktok with him.
"Nah, Ash. He's probably gonna think I'm weird. I mean, who just goes up to someone and says 'yo you wanna do a tiktok with me?"
Asher facepalmed and groaned. "Literally anybody that wants to do a tiktok with someone else, [Y/N]." He rolled his eyes with a chuckle as he ruffled your hair with his hand. "C'mon, stop being a wimp and go ask the guy. Cuz if you don't, and I have to keep hearing you going on about his 'classic tiktok boy look', I'm seriously gonna jump off a cliff."
"Fuck you," you snickered with a smile.
Asher gave you a smirk. "You wish."
"Ewww," you groaned. Rolling your eyes, you looked back to the boy you'd been thinking about. He was sitting with his friend on the other side of the gym. You bit your lip anxiously. "Nah, I'm not gonna do it." You looked again. "Okay I'm gonna do it." He was just sitting there minding his own business. "Uh-uh. Nope. Not gonna do it."
"Oh my God..." Asher shook his head. "Fucking lost cause- HEY YO PETER!," he yelled to the other side of the gym, waving his hand wildly and signaling a 'come here' motion when the brown haired boy looked towards him.
Gasping, you turned around and slapped Asher's arm harshly.
"What was that for?!," he asked, rubbing the spot lightly.
"You knew his name?!," you hissed. "You knew his name this whole time and you never told me?!"
He simply smirked in return. "You never asked," he said, earning a middle finger from you.
"You suck," you scolded.
"You swallow," he shot back with a smirk.
Looking back, it made sense that Asher would know his name. After all, he was the social butterfly of social butterflies. You were sure that the only way you had caught a friend like him was because you were already his best friend before he hit puberty. While with others it causes acne and insecurity, it made Asher a literal supermodel (along with a bit of acne, I mean c'mon it's high school). And the fact that he was athletic, being on both the basketball team and the tennis team didn't hurt either. He hung with practically every clique in school, dragging you along wherever he went, though he preferred to hang with the popular crowd the most.
You both looked back to where Peter sat to see that he hadn't moved yet. He was halfway standing up but seemed to be caught up in a deep, frantic, borderline-panicking conversation with his friend.
Asher cocked his head to the side. "Aw, I think he's shy," he snickered. "You got yourself a little shy tiktoker." He shook his head slightly and as he continued to laugh. "Hang on, I'll go get him."
"Just don't say anything weird," you said, pushing him away to go fight your battle.
You drew in a long breath as you watched them converse and you waved when you saw Peter's eyes following Asher's point in your direction.
Knowing your best friend he was probably saying something super embarrassing that you'd have to explain away later, that is, if Peter walked over there in the first place.
"You know he really likes you, right?"
You swung around and looked to the bleacher seats on your right to see a curly haired girl with a book in her hands staring at you with the most unamused face you've ever seen in your life.
"Who?," you asked, extremely confused as to why this girl who never talked to you was talking to you. "Trust me, Asher and I have already been down that road. We're good where we are."
"Not him. Parker," she said tilting her head in Peter's direction. "He stares at you alot. It's pretty weird if you ask me. But then again, you stare at him alot too," she noted rather blatantly. "You guys could probably work. You're both dorks." She smirked, satisfied with her observations and went back to her book as if nothing happened.
"I don't like him," you mumbled back. "I don't even know him."
She didn't raise her eyes from her book as she sighed loudly. "Well then why're you so obsessed with doing a video with him because he has a 'classic tiktok boy look' when you've got Asher -who arguably has more of a 'classic tiktok boy' look than Parker- right next to you, who would probably be more than willing to do some lame dance with you being that he's your best friend?," she asked (more accused than asked).
"Oookay, whatever...," you mumbled, figuring you didn't need to explain yourself to someone you didn't know, turning back to where you could see Asher walking back to you, Peter and his friend close behind. When they finally reached you, Asher put a hand on both you and Peter's shoulders with a smug grin on his face.
"Okay. [Y/N], meet Peter. Peter, meet my dear friend [Y/N]."
You plastered a smile on your face and waved, to which Peter nervously smiled and waved back. He shared a quick look with his friend and then spoke up. "So, uh, can I help you or something?," he asked, snapping you from your thoughts.
"Hmm?," you hummed.
"It's just that, I-i don't.. really know why I'm over here.
"You threw your hand over to the left of you, expecting to hit Asher in the chest. "Ugh, Ash you didn't even te-" You turned your head when you felt nothing but air. "Ash?"
"Hey [Y/N]!"
You turned your head towards his voice and saw that Asher had moved to sit next to the girl who spoke to you before.
"We should really read this book Michelle's reading together. It's called 'The Slaughterhouse Five'!"
You rolled your eyes. Asher hardly even read books unless they were required. Dumb flirter.
You tilted your head toward this "Michelle" girl, whose head was stuck in a book as she actively ignored Asher sitting next to her. You chuckled, mouthing a quick 'good luck' to your friend before turning back to the timid boy who was watching you expectantly.
Shaking out the anxiety in your head, you finally spoke to him. "Uh, I have this thing that I'm trying to do and I know you don't know me and I don't know you and we've never really talked at all and this is kinda weird, but I kinda think that you'd be awesome for it," you rambled, continuing when Peter nodded. "So would you maybe wanna do it with me?"
"Well, what is it exactly?," he asked.
You shrugged. "Just some tiktoks," you said. "I mean, it's totally fine if you don't wanna-"
"Um, sure. But question, and this is probably gonna sound really lame but," he started. He blushed as he looked down at his feet. "What is a tiktok?"
You slapped your hand over your mouth, trying to hide a laugh. You looked to Peter's friend who was still standing there beside him. "I-is he serious?"
His friend laughed too, nodding his head. He patted Peter (whose face was now beet red) on the back and whispered into his ear. Peter's face lit up. "Oh! Gotcha. Thanks, Ned."
"So will you?," you asked.
He scratched his head. "Well sure, but full warning. I'm not much of a dancer."
Michelle looked up from her book once again. "Shut up, loser. You pick up combinations faster than anyone I know."
Your face brightened. "I knew it!" You grabbed his arm and pulled him to the closest wall. "Okay so we'll just start off easy, alright?" Peter nodded in response. "Ummm, let's do this one."
Peter watched it about three times and handed your phone back to you, to which you gave it to Ned so that he could record it.
"Uh, we go right first, right?," Peter asked, going over the entire dance in his mind as he stood beside you while you checked with Ned to see if the shot was good.
"Yeah," you said, smiling as you got a thumbs-up from Ned. "Alright let's do this."
Peter would be lying if he said he had any idea what he was doing. Technically, he knew the dance. It wasn't hard at all and only took him watching it two times to get the hang of it.
But what was he really doing??? First, some really cool guy with the best haircut and chiseled jaw he's even seen who he never thought would be talking to him ever just walks up to him and Ned and practically demands (in a really cool, nonchalant, and non-aggressive way) that he goes to the other side of the gym to the girl that he's been secretly (well not so secret by the way Peter crushes) crushing on without giving him a clear reason. Then he gets there to find out that this totally hot girl picked him out of everyone in the entire gym to do dances with and he actually manages to suck up his nervousness enough to agree??
In a word, wild.
"Okay, that was pretty good," you said as you watched the video. Peter didn't know why, but he could feel a 'but' coming.
You gave a small smile. "But-"
Ah. There it was.
"Look dude," you sighed before pointing at his face. "You are, like really cute. You gotta own that and put it to use, man!"
Peter's eyes went wide and immediately he looked to Ned, who was also freaking out behind you.
You called him cute.
He liked you and you just called him cute.
You were one of the most popular girls in school, he liked you, and you just called him cute.
You continued. "You gotta put some false confidence on it! Bite your lip or something. Get into the music, man."
Peter's face was the reddest it'd ever been and you were sure that he was probably never used to getting a compliment by the way he was acting.
"U-uh, um. Wowww, heh, uh thanks," he mumbled, not really sure how to respond. His voice was wavering and he looked anywhere but you. "So, uh, you want to r-run it again?"
But of course, like all good things, it came it an end.
The gym coach came out clapping his hands together, demanding everyone's attention. "Okay everybody time for drills!"
You sighed. "Guess I'll just have to go with the first one. Thanks anyway, Peter," you said with a smile. "You've got some moves."
Once you turned away, immediately your face fell.That sucked.
You walked back to where Asher was getting up from his where he sat with MJ, and to your surprise, they were actually having conversation.
He waved and tilted his head to Peter in question. You shrugged in response, giving a 'kinda' motion with your hand.
"Hey [Y/N]!"
You turned back around and saw Peter with a cute and bashful smile on his face. "What up?"
"I-i was....I was wondering if m-maybe you'd...like to, um, maybe do this again tomorrow?"
On the insides, you were totally freaking out. This was great. You thought you'd scared him away but he wanted to do it again. "Yeah, totally! We can go to my house after school and-"
"I can't right after school," he rushed. "How about 6?"
"Sure. That's fine. 6 it is. I, uh, I need your number so I can send you my address." You whipped out your phone and gave it to him so that he could put his number in. Before sending your address, you paused. "You're not some psycho killer, are you, Peter?"
He laughed. "Nah, you've got nothing to worry about from me."
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~that afternoon~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
KingAsh👑😎: he there yet?
[Y/N]: nope
[Y/N]: said he's on his way tho
[Y/N]: hes lucky hes cute otherwise I'd be mad that hes so late
KingAsh👑😎: pls don't tell me u fell in love after one tiktok🙄
[Y/N]: of course I didn't jeez man
[Y/N]: but i mean im not blind👀
[Y/N]: also...
[Y/N]: whats up with u and that Michelle girl?? did you get her number?
KingAsh👑😎: ...
KingAsh👑😎: Fuck u
[Y/N]: u wish
KingAsh👑😎: well only if you think you can handle me😏
[Y/N]: omg just stop talking forever
Your head popped up from your phone when you heard the doorbell ring. You sent a quick text to Asher and ran downstairs to open the door for Peter.
"Uh, hey!," he said with a smile. "Sorry for being so late."
"Hey Peter," you greeted. You paused. "Um, mind if I call you Pete?"
He blushed, scratching his head. "Nah I don't mind. I get that alot," he said, stepping into your home.
"M'kay, I got some pizza in my room if we end up getting hungry and ahh, let's go up," you said, leading Peter to your room.
Peter looked around and noticed how quiet it was. "Where are your parents?," he asked.
"Well that's a million dollar question," you chuckled. "I live with my uncle."
"Oh," Peter hummed. "I live with my aunt." He announced, a bit too strangely happily.
"So, it's a Friday evening," you said, shifting topics. "We've got all the time in the world! So let's get it! I'll teach you everything..."
What you didn't know was that Peter spent almost all of his time on patrol scrolling through all the popular trends of tiktok and even finding your page and practically obsessing over it for hours. He'd studied and prepared and he was determined to impress you. And hopefully, if everything went according to his plan, you'd think he was more than cute by the end of the day.
Part 2 here
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mickadamz · 4 years
deanstar ik this is a really personal ask and you don't have to answer if this makes you uncomfortable but how did you know you were trans? I'm questioning my gender identity and idk if i'm overthinking things or not
i can tell youre from the confessions blog... on a real note doe. uhhh i dont actually know for sure? i think i found compilations of lgbt vines or something and i joined tmblr arpund maybe. late middle school (7th-8th grade) it got me thinking abt gender and stuff.
initially i thiught i was genderfluid, i tried different pronouns and stuff. at first i did hop on as a trend bc i was young and didn't want to be an 'evil cishet' (nothing wrong w being cishet!) but anyways i eventually discovered that i was trans and later figured out i was a binary trans guy.
there's a lot of overthinking, ive had plenty of 'what if im faking' moments. These feelins amplify during puberty as well because i had many thoughts that were like 'oh what if its just a hormonal imbalance and im faking it for attention' and it sucked but after like. maybe 5 or 6 years im pretty confident that i'm a trans guy.
its your journey and being trans is different for everybody so i cant tell you what exactly you will feel, but i can give some advice: try different pronouns (if youre not already), try different names if you want, think long term (would you be most comfortable being an old woman, an old man, or an old enby? how do you see yourself when you think of the future?), mess with gender presentation, etc.
maybe watch videos by trans people. get various perspectives. watch tiktok compilations. dig through some tags, see if things click. see if you feel thst 'oh, i do that too' thing.
it's tough at times and there's nothing wrong with realizing that a certain label/identity didn't fit like you thought it would. sometimes it takes a while to find yourself. but when you do, it's like the weight of the world is jusf lifted off your shoulders. it'll stll be tough, ther's obstacles (like whether or not you're able to transition. various things can prevent one from medically/surgically transitioning such as pre-existing medical conditions, money, or personal choice) but at least you know who you are and who you're gonna be.
i hope this makes sense and i wish you luck, anon!!
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