#I'm lying he's totally a himbo
alumi-san · 8 months
Things I liked in season 2:
Priyaleb was cute.
Caleb is a character here, and he's such a nice guy!
Rajbow moments.
Rajbow not breaking up (yes, it's important).
Wayne and Raj are lovable himbos as they are. They, Julia, MK, and Demian, carried this season.
Chase is eliminated in the second episode (I don't like him).
Zee being Zee.
Damien and Nichelle, being a king and queen of this season.
Ripper is a better person and not as gross or annoying as his s1 self (though it's also his downhill).
No fart jokes, thank god!
The humor is better.
Julia and MK are the most unexpected friendships we have this season. They're definitely my favorite antagonist duo in total drama. They are so terrible in a good way.
Raj and Wayne's farewell scene had the best animation in all series.
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This right here is the most wholesome moment in the series by far. I want to hug people who created this.
Things I didn't like:
They didn't change the intro. It's laziness to me.
The fact that the teams almost didn't change. The only differences: Caleb, Emma, and Nichelle on Priya's team. Chase, Ripper, and Axel on Bowie's team. I'm not very angry at this, but it's very boring.
Priya and Caleb should've been eliminated earlier.
Emma being eliminated in the 3rd episode is a crime.
Bowie and Emma did not reconcile. They didn't even interact with each other this season!
Demian being a character tool (he didn't deserve it).
Rippaxel was hilarious but came out of nowhere.
Priyaleb has too much screen time.
Priya became Courtney after episode 7 and tried to kill Caleb.
Ripper is a completely different character here. Did he had a character development off-screen???
Caleb and Axel do not have anything besides their romances.
Is it just me, or did they take Bowie strategic and sassy part away from him? Don't get me wrong, he's still the best, but something was... off.
Wayne's not using his captain/leader skills. Considering he's the winner of this season, this would've been very useful.
The whole separation between Wayne and Raj was too short. To this to work better, Raj should've been eliminated earlier (how painful it didn't sound).
Tho I'm happy between Bowie and Raj, I think Raj should've gotten mad at him. I mean, they builded up the hole. "Bowie is lying to his bf," and then nothing really happened!
Them throwing Mille character development and making her worse.
"I'll be back and get revenge on you!"- and then she didn't (episode 13 doesn't count!).
Poore Nichelle. She was too powerful.
A personal preference:
Priya's coming through self-discovery to learn what she wants would've been interesting.
Imagine if Chris said that Priya and Bowie were actually choosing teammates for an opposite team. It's would've been so bold and interesting!
Demian should've been in the final three instead of Caleb.
I would prefer Wayne to be eliminated instead of Raj.
My dream finale was Raj vs Julia or MK. Like fair vs cheating, get it? Plus, Raj taking revenge on one of them for eliminating Bowie.
Rank: 6/10
It's still way better than All Stars.
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medusas-daughter · 1 year
Theoretically I knew Andre was a nepo baby. But I didn't totally feel it until he told Cate "let's leave this school and never come back" and Cate said "yeah I wish" while looking very uncomfortable. Andre can actually drop out, like he won't starve, he'll always be Polarity's son, he can take as long a break as he can, can leave the Supes business and live off his dad's money, come back and star in a show whenever he feels like it off his dad's name alone, whatever he does his livelihood isn't on the line. We don't know much about Cate's background yet, but I'm guessing she's doing Shetty's bidding because she needs her and she needs the school and she needs a job at the end of it. That scene alone finally made it real. Cate was so quick to forgive Marie for lying in the interviews because she gets it. Andre's outrage was very naive, very "oh you're lying to get fancy clothes". Cate immediately got it. She saw Marie play into Shetty's hand the same way she had to, because they need someone on their side and they need a leg up, not for fancy clothes or fancy parties but to literally survive. She knows the game because she needs the game as much as Marie does. And Andre is never beating the Himbo Nepo Baby allegations now, bless his heart
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sharpen-jadescythe · 1 year
Sharpen goes home, 3
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Wisthera: Sharpen. It's late, mom and dad have already gone to bed. You're not really upset, are you?
Jezzca: We were just joking. Wissy and I fully support however you want to live.
Sharpen: Didn't feel like it. *sits alone, stares at the fire*
Jezzca: Aww! But we love all your adorbable himbo shennanigans!
Sharpen: Well good for you, because this is why I never come home. I'll probably leave first thing in the morning.
Wisthera: Sharpen...
Jezzca: *puppy eyes*
Wisthera: *sits down with him* I'm sorry you had to turn on Clayton like that. I'm also sorry your personal life then slipped out the way it did. And I guess I'm sorry that we had a little fun at your expense. But we were making fun of mom and dad too, for being so weird.
Jezzca: And you're never home, so we miss seeing you, messing with you!
Wisthera: I mean, I'm married, but even I visit mom and dad more than you.
Sharpen: None of this makes up for how you embarrassed me last night.
Wisthera: ...
Jezzca: ...
Jezzca: I slept with a troll.
Wisthera: You what!
Jezzca: It was Vol'jin.
Sharpen: It was not! The warchief of the Horde? Yeah, right.
Jezzca: Okay, so he claimed to be Vol'jin and that's why I slept with him. Feel better, Sharpen?
Sharpen: Weird to know about my sister. But, yes. A little. *glares at Wisthera*
Wisthera: Oh! Well, one terrible thing I did that you can totally use against me in the future is ah... Um...
Sharpen: Rogues are such finks. You can't come up with anything self-incriminating, can you? Not even for your sad little brother?
Wisthera: ... I lied once to get inside the Emerald Dream.
Jezzca: I don't get it.
Sharpen: Me neither. Can't you just go in there with the help of a druid? Or if you're clever enough? I mean Tyrande got in there once.
Wisthera: I thought it was a strip club. Because of the name. I thought the druids were all in on this big, sexy conspiracy thing. And... that went on for a whole summer. Before I got reprimanded for my behavior and thrown out.
Sharpen: Oh. My. God.
Jezzca: That legitimately happened? Whoa. I guess druids, functionally, do seem to be nude and hanging out in what sounds like a night club. Most of the time.
Sharpen: *squints* Who threw you out?
Wisthera: Malfurion himself.
Sharpen: You're lying!
Wisthera: Hey, there's a restraining order on the books till this day. Go look it up, Sharpen. I can't get within 300 feet. It's because I put a wad of goblin dollars down his loincloth.
Jezzca: Ouch! Seems legit to me. The shando doesn't seem the type to forget a thing like that.
Wisthera: *crosses her arms* I tipped him well, you'd think he'd at least be gracious!
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unseelie-grimalkin · 1 year
Came for Fox and the Hound, but got snatched by MAB (lachtna/keagan) 😔 how dare
Listen. Listen.
The overlap between them is extremely surprising to anyone watching at home.
NBLM shenanigans
Wolf imagery detailing trauma and adaptations thereof
Animal imagery as shorthand in general (Tríona's Fox Motif 🤝 Lachtna's Wolf Motif, both detail wild animals having grown in domestic environments with humans, with Tríona's Fox being basically raised for pelt and the wealth from selling her off, while Lachtna's Wolf was raised with love and care and that turned that wild strength into a boon for his parents, with the foiling between them in this regard; and this isn't even digging into how these interact with Flan's Hound and Keagan's Cat and how similar that each of them learns from their partner's traits and grows properly where they weren't allowed/wouldn't let themselves, with the differences lying in what a Fox can learn from a Hound and what a Wolf can learn from a Cat and vice versa)
Both deal with "If I don't admit I'm in love, it cannot chase me" and "But I will have a dramatic confession if my emotions are turned all the way up, in spite of the fact that I swore I would bottle these emotions up until I died" (Tríona 🤝 Keagan)
Both have tail-wagging himbos involved (Flannán 🤝 Lachtna)
Both have "I'm so scared you'll be terrified of me because of X that's TOTALLY MY FAULT" energy (once again, Flannán 🤝 Lachtna)
Both have "gods damn it, you WILL stay alive against the odds, so help me, I will pull you to the finish line out of SPITE ALONE IF I HAVE TO" energy (Tríona 🤝 Keagan)
Truths accidentally confessed indirectly (Tríona's storytelling accidentally giving Flan a sense of her trauma and Keagan's avoidance mechanisms indirectly giving Lachtna the exact in to read him for filth: echoed parallels there. Flan's competitiveness giving Tríona a way to address his ill-mannered coping mechanisms within his boundaries. Lachtna's explanations of how he shifts and why a wolf accidentally giving Keagan the sense that shifting is personal and very tied up in who Lachtna is as a person and how eager Lachtna would be to sacrifice that -- who he is now, how he interacts with others and the world -- just to make sure Keagan will never be afraid of him ever again. All four of them gutted to know how much their partner is willing to be hurt or sacrifice for them, with Tríona and Keagan especially being shocked, horrified, and emotionally touched in places in their hearts they thought they could no longer feel)
Acceptance of genderqueer identities from cis men who enable the queerness (a true power fantasy, NGL)
There are surprisingly similar levels of Battle Couple Hilarity going on (Lachtna being a frontline warrior for Keagan to flank with, Tríona and Flan both being adaptable and capable of filling in holes for each other)
The sheer RIZZ ON THESE AUTISTICS IS WILD (Tríona 🤝Lachtna, but also I have a lot of Austistic!Flan headcanons in how I write him so I could count him as well, even if it's not canon that he is autistic. Keagan vibes as the kind of guy who deals with the fistfight of ADHD and depression firsthand all day, every day, to me, for reference)
"I have a surprise for you at home; yes, it's the usual" end-game short messages from one to their partner (Tríona bringing home abused children she yoinked from their parents 🤝 Lachtna bringing home abandoned sheep/lambs to nurse back to health; Flannán and Keagan are so patient about these things for DRASTICALLY different reasons [every foundling Tríona brings home is technically another child for Flan to be a father to and he gets soft watching xir take care of children, while every sheep Lachtna brings home is just another excuse for Keagan to watch Lachtna be a buff farm boi in the wild])
Like. They share a LOT of concepts with each other, it's just a lot of the executions are different because of how Fundamentally Different the four characters are from each other.
Frankly, the black sheep of my currently developed MC/RO pairs is Of Troubles & Smiles, because it barely relies on animal imagery (Ronit is a cat, she hates she shares this with Keagan) and staunchly has less direct trauma involved at all and neither Ronit or Shae are afraid of falling in love with each other or them finding out more about each other. Ronit will happily tell Shae her entire list of crimes and the like, even if she knows they'll disapprove, specifically to see if they'll stick around. Shae will casually tell Ronit old stories about their family and themselves just to see how she reacts and adapts to the information, because she's a respectful fucking weirdo and the ways that manifest are both extremely flattering, pragmatic, helpful, and very cute (to them). Also, it's a NBLW pairing, which IMO has a bit of a different vibe from NBLM, because Shae never has to deal with cis man antics from Ronit (Shae instead has to deal with their cis woman partner weaponizing her feminine nature in ways they can clock are self-sabotage, because that's how obvious Ronit can be about these things sometimes that even Shae can pick them up, and Shae will badger her loudly about this in concern).
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melonadraws · 3 years
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My Son, the Old God...
Here is my Cousland and baby Kieran! I swear he’s not a himbo this time... 
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howlingday · 2 years
(Penny x Jaune AU) I have always loved the idea of Jaune and Penny getting together. Since it help Jaune love again, and also gives Penny the chance to explore more emotions and experience new dynamics that a crush, or first love forces her to deal with. Especially when she has to ask her friends what are these feelings when ever she sees or is around the blonde himbo.
Love at First- LOCK-ON!
Ruby: Penny, this is Jaune. Jaune, Penny.
Penny: Hello, Jaune! (Extends her hand) It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance.
Jaune: (Shakes it) It's nice TO-! (Looks at his crushed hand) Ow...
Ruby: Gah! Penny! Let go!
Penny: (Releases Jaune) My apologies, Jaune! I was unaware you did not fully engage in the handshake.
Jaune: Yeah, that's, uh, my bad. My mom tells me you have to treat a lady gently.
Penny: You... You believe I am a lady?
Jaune: Uh, yeah, I do.
Penny: (Turns away) Am I... Am I a pretty lady?
Jaune: (Stands up, Shakes his hand) I'd say so. You're very cute.
Penny: I... I see... Excuse us a moment. (Pulls Ruby around the corner) Ruby, my friend, I am having a crisis!
Ruby: Huh?! What is it?!
Penny: I have already run a full diagnostic three times in the past fifteen seconds, but there is no issue with my body!
Ruby: And that's... bad?
Penny: No, it is a good thing, but it feels as though my aura chamber and flow regulator is malfunctioning!
Ruby: Uh, where is that?
Penny: The sensation is felt (Points to her heart) here.
Ruby: Oh my gosh! Penny, I think you have a crush!
Penny: A crush? What does that mean?
Ruby: Look at Jaune. Tell me what you think of him.
Penny: ...He is very tall. He is very kind. He is very considerate of others. He was not lying when he said I was pretty. I... I wish to engage him more often!
Ruby: That sounds like a crush to me. Well, no time like the present, Penny. Come on, let's actually meet Jaune this time.
Penny: Jaune!
Jaune: Huh? Oh, hey, Penny! What's up?
Penny: I saw your fight with Team BRNZ. It was a spectacular victory!
Jaune: Oh! R-Really? You liked my fight? What was your favorite part?
Penny: My favorite part was when your confidence in that you would win was so great that you ignored the enemy team to engage in an open discussion.
Jaune: Y-Yeah, I, uh, totally planned that.
Penny: Yes, you did! Hic!
Jaune: Heh heh! I guess I'm a bad liar, huh?
Penny: I am also a great lie detector.
Jaune: Oh really? Well try this! Ahem! I don't want to go out with you!
Penny: ...Oh. You don't?
Jaune: I thought you said you were a great lie detector! I do want to date you!
Penny: Really?
Jaune: Yes! I do! I... I really do.
Penny: I will run it by General Ironwood. Ciel, would he approve?
Ciel: I cannot say for-
Nora: Say yes, or I break your legs.
Ciel: Ulp! Uh, I'm certain h-he will be reasonable.
Ruby: Ha ha! Jaune and Penny, sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G~!
Weiss: Stop acting like a child!
Yang: First comes love, then comes marriage~!
Weiss: I said stop! Blake, please help!
Blake: ...Then comes a baby in the baby carriage.
Ren: They're certainly lively.
Pyrrha: Yes, I... I'm happy for them. All of them.
Penny: Thank you again for asking for this date.
Jaune: Thank you for accepting it. I know I'm not much, but thanks for humoring me.
Penny: You are very welcome, though I do not understand how I am humoring you? Did I make a joke?
Jaune: No, I just... I'm not exactly the best guy in the world, and you could be with anyone of them if you wanted to, but I'm glad you agrred to this date. Even if it is just a walk in the park.
Penny: I enjoy walking, and I do not believe I would have much more fun than with anyone else. One moment. ...Yes, I am 97.85% certain I would not enjoy this as much with any other boys.
Jaune: Heh heh... You say that like you're a computer, or something.
Penny: ...
Jaune: Penny? Is everything okay?
Penny: Jaune, I... I am a computer.
Jaune: ...W-Wow! You've gotten a lot better at lying, Penny. You didn't even hiccup.
Penny: It is not a lie. I... I am not human. (Flexes out her hand, Hand splits into multiple tools) I'm not a real girl.
Jaune: Wow... That... That kind of ruins everything for me.
Penny: I... I see...
Jaune: I mean, I was going to get us some ice cream, but knowing you're, uh, robotic? Mechanical? An android? What do you want to be called?
Penny: I want to be called Penny.
Jaune: Well then, Penny, how do you want to spend the rest of the night. If you can't eat ice cream, we can always go dancing, or see a movie, or-
Penny: I can eat ice cream!
Jaune: You can? Great! Let's get us some scoops! I'm actually glad, because I don't think I actually have the lien for dancing, or movies.
Penny: Jaune, are you... bothered that I'm not a real girl?
Jaune: Well, you make my heart beat like crazy, and I've only had girls do that to me before, so you must be a girl, too, right?
Penny: Yes. Yes, you're right, Jaune!
Jaune: There's that smile! I'd hate for someone cute as you to look unhappy.
Penny: And I do not want to be unhappy.
Jaune: Well, ice cream works great, right?
Penny: It does! It really does!
Jaune: Hey, uh, after the tournament, do you, uh, want to...?
Penny: Yes.
Jaune: Do this again?
Penny: I have already said yes.
Jaune: Yes! Perfect! I can't wait until after the tournament! You said yes, and I-I-I can't believe it!
Jaune: I can't believe it...
Pyrrha: Jaune? Jaune, I'm...
Jaune: I... I don't blame you. (Grabs Crocea Mors, Looks to the screen) I blame her.
Pyrrha: I... I need to take care of something. I know you're grieving, but-
Jaune: I'll help you. Penny... Penny would want me to.
Pyrrha: I'm... I'm sorry for your loss.
Jaune: ...Thank you.
Ruby: I think that's the last of them. Everyone alright?
Jaune: I'll check the alleys to make sure none of them escaped. (Runs to the alley)
Jaune: (Enters alley, Reaches end) Nothing here. That's good. (Shivers) It's cold out here. How do these people survive without dust?
Jaune: (Turns, Sees green and red blur) What the hell?! (Runs out) Guys, is everything... all...
Penny: (Turns, Sees Jaune) Jaune...
Jaune: (Shakily steps forward, Runs while laughing) Penny!
Penny: (Opens her arms) Jaune!
Jaune: (WHAM!) Ow...
Penny: Jaune! Are you hurt?!
Jaune: (On the ground, Crying) I feel like a just slammed a warship... SNIIIIIIIIIIIIIIFF! BUT I DON'T CARE! (Gets up) You're back! You're here! You're... You are the Penny I remember, right?
Penny: I am not. (Pulls him into a deep kiss, Jaune embraces her and their lips part) The Penny you know has been upgraded.
Jaune: Sensational... (Chuckles) So you're much better now, huh?
Penny: I am. But only because you are here. (Sirens blare) I... I have to go. I'm sorry.
Jaune: Don't be like that. (Steps away) I'll see you again soon.
Penny: (Eyes artificially moisten) Sensational! (Activates jet boosters, Flies off)
Jaune: (Sighs) I must be the luckiest guy in Mantle.
Clover: FREEZE!
Jaune: The luckiest guy in the- OOF!
Jaune: (Sips his coffee) Mm. And that's when we showed up here.
Penny: You... have been through a lot.
Jaune: Yeah. B-But I'm stronger for it!
Penny: I'd rather have you be safe.
Jaune: Same to you, but we can't make guarantees when we're Huntsmen.
Penny: No, we can't.
Jaune: ...So, uh, rocket feet, huh?
Penny: Actually, they are jet fuel-powered flight attachments that connect to my thighs.
Jaune: ...So jet boots?
Penny: (Giggles) I suppose that is more accurate. (Sighs) I missed this.
Jaune: (Places his hand on hers) And I missed you.
Penny: I am happy to see we agree on this.
Jaune: I'm happy to see you happy.
Penny: Salutations, Huntsman Jaune!
Jaune: (Chuckles) Hi, Penny. How are you?
Penny: I am functioning at 90% full capacity.
Jaune: 90%? What's the missing 10%?
Penny: (Hugs Jaune) This is 3%. (Kisses Jaune, Speaks without parting) This is also 3%.
Jaune: (Pulls away) Wow, I didn't know you could do that! Wait, that's only 96%. What's the missing 4%?
Penny: (Looks away) I... I do not think I am ready for 100% yet.
Jaune: Well, what would get you to 100%?
Penny: Something I am not equipped for. (Glances between his eyes and his legs) But I'm aware you are.
Jaune: (Looks down, Blushes) O-Oh! Uh, yeah, that's, um, ahem! That's a... different perspective for sure. Have you talked about this with anyone? Your dad?
Penny: I do not think he would understand, or how I would understand. But I have found videos, and that is how I learned.
Jaune: Uh, w-what kind of videos?
Penny: Adult-themed situalional comedies.
Jaune: Oh, thank god.
Penny: Also known as pornographic entertainment.
Jaune: (Groan) ...Does Ruby know?
Penny: About the videos? Because she was actually-
Jaune: ABOUT YOUR PROBLEM! (Covers his mouth) I'm sorry, Penny, I didn't mean to yell.
Penny: It is alright, Jaune. I enjoy hearing your squeaks of emotion. But to answer your question, no, she isn't aware, but I believe she suspects something.
Jaune: Well, let's go ask her. Uh, before that, what did you mean she showed you porn?
Penny: We were watching videos when an advertisement popped up. I clicked the link, but she exited before I could see the full details. I remembered the URL and searched for it later.
Jaune: Okay, I'm both less concerned and more concerned. Let's go talk to Ruby.
Penny: Sensational!
Jaune: Penny! Oh, thank goodness you're okay! Are you hurt?
Penny: No, but... I feel strange. I... I am now the Winter Maiden.
Jaune: The-? (Exhales) Ah, not again. Listen, Penny, you don't have to do this! You can-
Penny: It is okay, Jaune. It was my decision, and I do not regret it.
Jaune: (Gulps) If you're sure. I just... I can't lose someone else to this Maiden stuff.
Penny: I understand.
Jaune: Will you promise me you won't do anything reckless, or crazy that will get you killed?
Penny: (Hugs him) I promise.
Jaune: I'm counting on you to keep it, Penny. Don't be a liar.
Penny: I will not.
Jaune: Penny! Penny! Is she okay?! I just got the news, and I've been trying to get here as fast as I can, and, and, and-!
Yang: (Slaps Jaune) GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF! If she sees you panicking like this, she's only going to get worse.
Jaune: Right. Right... Thanks, Yang.
Klein: Ahem! If the master will follow me, I can lead you to her. However, I must warn you; I have done all I can, and even as a combat medic and part-time mechanic, I had trouble.
Jaune: Did you oil her joints?
Klein: Heh heh, no, I did not.
Jaune: You should have.
Klein: Oh, I'm sorry! I, er, thought you were using humor to- Nevermind. She's in here.
Jaune: ...Thank you.
Klein: I'll... I'll leave you alone with her.
Jaune: Thank you. ...Penny. You... You need to wake up. I... I need you to wake up. I need you to wake up because I can't do this alone. I can't lose you again. Not like this! I wanted to grow old with you. And yes, I know how crazy that is, because that's what I am. I'm crazy. I'm crazy for your smile. I'm crazy for your laugh. I'm crazy for the hiccups you make when you lie. Damn it, Penny, I'm crazy for you because I... Because I love you. I love you so much, it hurts. It hurts worse than you can imagine.
Penny: ...I can imagine.
Jaune: Penny? Penny, you're alive!
Penny: Yes, I am... And I... I love you, too.
Jaune: Penny! I... I want to kiss you, but... I don't want to hurt you.
Penny: Kiss me. I'll let you know when it hurts.
Jaune: (Gulps) O-Okay.
Jaune: That's it, people! Stay close to the center and move forward! We'll be out of Atlas in no time!
???: I love seeing you take charge.
Jaune: Thank you, but I'm already spoken for?
???: Oh? Describe her for me. Maybe I can beat her.
Jaune: I doubt it. She has beautiful, copper hair with radiant lime green eyes, and the most perfect freckles you've ever seen installed on a woman.
???: What if she were that, and human?
Jaune: I doubt you could compare to her, even if you are human.
???: Jaune? It's me.
Jaune: Penny?!
Penny: Salutations, Jaune! (Kisses him deeply, Pulls away) My boyfriend~.
Jaune: It worked! You're human! You're-! You're cold.
Penny: I no longer have a heating element. I have nerves, and they are telling me I'm cold.
Jaune: Here. Take this. (Hugs her)
Penny: A temporary warmth for a permanent body.
Jaune: Once we're in Vacuo, I'll keep you warm as you want. All day, and all night~.
Penny: Jaune! (Slaps his arm) Oh no! Did I hurt you?
Jaune: You could never hurt me Penny. You love me too much.
Penny: Oh, Jaune~.
Jaune: Plus your arm is too weak. (She slaps him more, He pulls her in for a deep kiss) Forgive me?
Penny: You are lucky you are cute.
Jaune: I'm lucky because I have a girl like you. But I need to get back to work. Check on Winter, she might need help over there.
Penny: Very well. I love you, Jaune!
Jaune: I love you more, Penny!
Penny: (Boops his nose) Not scientifically possible!
Penny: Please... You have to...
Jaune: I can't! You can't ask me to do something like this!
Penny: No one else can...
Jaune: I... I don't...
Penny: You can... I know this because I love you...
Jaune: ...I love you, too.
Jaune caught his breath as the world fell around him. He felt numb, if he could even feel that. There was shouting, but it was a distant and muffled squeal. He simy dropped to his knees and wept.
His heart stopped. He whirled around to see Penny standing next to him, her green eyes shining brighter than before. He glanced back and forth between the woman in front of him, and the woman he loved and killed.
"But how?" He choked out.
Penny looked to behind her, where an older Oscar Pine stood, smiling. Jaune stood up, but he moved so fast, he almost lost his balance. Thankfully, Penny was there to catch him.
"What- I-I don't..." Oscar held up a hand to the stammering knight.
"Allow me to explain." He began. "I'm from a future where we defeat Salem, and where you die in the final battle. You and Penny were also inseparable there. She was so wracked with grief, I had to do something for her. So, I did this." He stepped aside, revealing a portal. "This will take you both to a universe where neither of you both fell in love, you both died, and Salem is defeated and gone forever."
"I... I don't know if I can do." Jaune gulped. "The woman I loved, that I still love, is dead. I don't think you can compare. No offense."
"No offense taken." She smiled. "I am also hesirant as well, but it's worth a try, isnt it?" She looked down at the other her. "For her?"
Jaune grit his teeth and kelt down, picking up his dead love. He stepped towards the portal.
"First thing I need to do is give her a proper burial." He looked forward. "And then I need to grieve."
"That is acceptable." Penny replied. "We can lay her down next to my Jaune."
"What's our success rate of us ending up together?" He asked.
"I believe you once told me to never tell you the probability of failure. It was a quote from the movie date when we met again in Mantle."
"Yeah, that's right." He chuckled. "Maybe this will work out." He looked down at the Penny in his arms. She died with a smile. "But first things first, Penny." He stepped through the portal.
"First things first." She repeated, following him into the next chapter.
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tronrpg · 3 years
what *is* a user?
We just don't...
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okay, so this one we kinda know. But for the purposes of world-building, we can break it down further.
In the meta-fiction, Programs are digital beings who live on the Grid, and Users are biological beings who live in the Real World. Users can come to the Grid, and Programs--or at least ISO's--can exist in the Real World. Like any unnecessarily complex and totally awesome scienceing, this process involves lasers.
Let's back that up a little bit, though. Does this mean that all humans are Users? Programs, to varying degrees, appear to have reverence for Users that approaches the level of religious fervor; believing them to be the ones who brought Programs into being--and through a level of abstraction, this is largely true. (I would argue that whether or not Users intended their programs to behave as they do in the Grid is largely immaterial, as the original movie is pretty vague about this--there are two scenes where Users and Programs (Flynn/Clu and Alan/Tron) are heard to directly communicate verbally; although it's most likely that we're not meant to interpret this as a literal back and forth communication. Most likely it's a shortcut to imply the will of the User being communicated to their Program through their terminal commands.)
However, the term "user" had a specific connotation in computing circles back in 1982--a user, at the time, was anybody with the knowledge, skill and patience to make a computer do what they wanted. To be a considered a "user" in 1982 meant being able to write programs, maintain databases, work with mainframes and networking, and have enough hardware knowledge to be able to make repairs yourself, or be able to build a computer out of parts. "User" hits differently now, of course--i work in IT, and i type "User" about three hundred times a day when i log issues. A User in 2021 is anyone who can turn on a computer, sign in and fumble with a keyboard and mouse in an attempt to get it to do things. I wind up fighting for the Users just as much as i fight with them.
So far, we have only seen two humans on the Grid, Kevin and Sam Flynn. Both were shown to be deeply knowledgeable about computers, and while Sam didn't seem to use his "User power" very much, he picked up how the Grid worked pretty quickly and was able to adjust.
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pictured above: Sam Flynn, Adventure Himbo. likes dogs and motorcycles, probably has seven old laptops lying around with Kali Linux installed. three of them still work.
Would a baseline human with no particular computer knowledge be able to do what Sam and Kevin can do on the Grid? I doubt it--they would probably lack the knowledge necessary to change things. That may be an innate "power" of biological beings on the Grid that allows them to alter its systems, but without computer knowledge on an intuitive level, an average person may not have any way to access it. Therefore, all Users are humans, but not all humans are Users. This fits with the original concept of "Users" as we know it from 1980's computing jargon--humans like Kevin, Lora, Alan, Walter and Dillinger are special because of what they know, not what they are. And as a side note, i rather like that, because a lot of genre fiction relies on main characters being the other way around; and i think it largely sends the wrong message. You won't ever be a Skywalker, kid, and the odds of you being a Jedi are pretty slim even if you really really want to be one--midichlorians and all--but learn to code and step in front of the right laser array, and ZAP, you're instantly the most popular dude on the Grid!
Coming to the Fract--should Users be player characters? I'm thinking very much no. Specifically for the Fract, User influence should be like background radiation--everywhere and faintly detectable if you know what you're looking for, but invisible. The point of the Fract is that the programs within don't know that they're not on the original Grid, and there hasn't been any communication from Alan One or anybody else on the other side for macrocycles; so they're effectively on their own. And the game lore itself is specifically not going to state who stole the Grid copy or why. This will allow DM's to come up with their own background scenarios.
If a User appears in the Fract, it's because whoever is out there on the other side found a way to get in, and that should be considered a VERY big deal. A User with sufficient knowledge could repair the Fract and make it better than the original Grid, or they could twist it and mold it into a digital hell. Either would have massive ramifications for the world of the game and the barest possibility of meeting a User in the digital flesh should make most Programs shiver in their circuits.
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aneenasevla · 2 years
Heavy Bakery - Chapter 7
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Chapter 7- Those bastards are persistent!
Sidenote: The Chapters are getting longer, so I think It'll take a little longer to post, because I need to translate to english, but don't worry, the story is already finished in my archives, so you don't have to worry about if the fanfiction is going to end of not. So you have all the rights to charge me for updates if I take too long (just wait at least 3 days, I need to draw the illustration too LOL).
After that eventual day with Tokita Ohma and the psychopath (who was eventually introduced as “Rayan Kure”) Other weeks passed smoothly for Kanami and the team. Paikon was a little disappointed to have missed the commotion, and Tomoyo was relieved not to have to run into brutes. Apparently, the girl had a healthy fear of them, which made her the most sane girl around…
…Because Kanami sure didn't have much, desensitized as she was.
She came home at night, stretching a little. She hadn't done that in a long time, since she'd been injured. Now, more healed, she could go back to the academy without any problems. She opened the door of her own house, a typical two-story house in the suburbs of Tokyo, and was greeted with a meow and two yellow eyes in the darkness. She turns on the light and the darkness takes the form of a black cat, tail raised.
“Heey Medey, hello boy” she lets the cat greet her, rubbing his face between her legs “Yes, yes, I'll give you dinner, patience.” and she enters the house, closing the door and hanging the key in a safe place.
All she needed was a hot bath, something relaxing like something mindless on TV, and a good night's sleep. Oh, of course, Medeyami's food too, because he needed it.
“Hey bro” the man calls on his cell phone, looking through binoculars, outside the house “the bitch is in her den. Yeah, the one that knocked Kisame down. Nice.”
“Are we going to bring the whole gang to take down one whore, seriously?”
“Man, all I know is that she took down eight of us in one day. She is not normal.”
“Holy Fuck.”
“Yeaaah. And the other day I saw one of those Kure coming out of her bakery. I knew the guy was one of them, those dark eyes never fails”
“Damn, she's got them all watching her back.”
“I'm telling you, asshole. Better get rid of her right before she passes our location to them, if she hasn't already…”
“All right, let's go” and the two go down the stairs.
Steam comes out of the bathroom, where Kanami exits, towels tied around her torso and hair. She walked carefree around the house, the cat sleeping peacefully with a full belly, in its typical little spot inside a basket in the corner of the room. The wound didn't look like it was going to open anymore, so after getting dressed, he stretched out in the bedroom, before practically throwing herself on the bed and lying down.
She ended up turning her mind back to the incident, wondering if she would ever stop receiving these annoying visitors. Not that she couldn't handle it, just that she didn't want to have to deal with things worse than knives and baseball bats… in fact, she didn't want to have to deal with any of that. She wanted… she just wanted to work in peace as an ignorant civilian and save enough money to open a better restaurant, somewhere else in town, maybe with more space and more structure, more workers… god knows how much in her plate she already had.
But in just one month, a total of two bodybuilders appeared (albeit one at least “peaceful”) and nine crooked gangsters. And if that wasn’t enough, one of the brutes was a blond psychopath straight out of a Terminator movie, and the other was a bottomless himbo with eyes that said that he wanted a hug under the mass of seaweed on his head.
Damn it. She thought of the forbidden word.
She grabbed a pillow and buried her face in it, screaming and feeling like a teenager with hormones in her head.
Goddammit! Since when does a creature like that have so much sex appeal? That same appeal peaked when he looked at her with that hint of surprised joy with those piercing brown-gray eyes, framed by two perfect eyebrows… her face was red, her breathing, heavy.
“Calm down, idiot. Calm. Down.” she muttered to herself, “I'm sure the moment you remove the pillow from your face, take a deep breath, count to three, relax and sleep, you'll forget about him in an instant…” She took a deep breath, “one... two..."
She removes the pillow and all she sees is a face.
Their eyes locked for an instant, what the…
“Hello.” the burglar said.
“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIIEEEEE�� and her leg hits the man’s stomach, making him scream in pain.
“Ooomph!” He falls to the ground, hands over his belly, squealing.
Stunned by shock, she looked around to get a better look at the threat.
That's when Kanami knew that she was surrounded.
Look, indeed, credit be given, Kanami managed to take down two, but that was before they showed up en masse and stormed into the house, smashing one of the windows and tossing the furniture aside. The poor cat ran away, confused by what was happening, it was good he was a coward, after all, she didn’t want him to be a hostage or something.
After a chase through the house, in which two brooms, a frying pan and a knife were used (by her), they managed to corner her and drag her into the living room, immobilizing her with a climbing rope. She was screaming and squirming and kicking and thrashing around on her stomach like a fish, but one of them, a little more heavy than the others, sat on her back and left her breathless. Then they gagged her because she threatened to bite.
“Holy shit, dude, this wench is a piece of work, isn’t she?” one of them said. It was what had been slapped with a frying pan.
“But there's no fish that doesn't fall into the net at least once”, said another, the one who took a broom into his head, walking toward the kitchen near the living room and taking a water bottle in the fridge, drinking straight from the hole “Oh wow, I really liked your fridge, girl . I want this”
Kanami couldn't answer, of course, but on his face there was a face of pure hatred… which was actually disguising fear.
How did things get to this point? What did she do wrong? What were they going to do with her? She wanted and didn't want to know at the same time. All she knew was the horrible things she heard about women in this situation, and despite knowing a thing or two about that since childhood, she didn't want to get anywhere near half of them. Then she decided to conserve energy for the time being, thinking about what to do.
“Hey Guiche, I think the beast is already tamed” said the one on top of her, playing a little with the chef's knife she had been trying to use.
The one called Guiche laughed, “Oh, you see? Women are all the same, just give her a chokehold and they stay soft like a kitten. Then we give a more potent dose, of course. For now I think we agree we want her alive and in one piece, peacefully binded in our QG.”
They all laughed. Disgusting bastards. Kanami tried to ignore the speech as much as possible, counting the amount. Ten…fifteen…counting a few more out there…
Damn, there were too many for her to deal with alone. She wasn't any superhuman or hero of nowhere, she was just a girl that happened to be strong… how did she get into this mess, again…?
She shook his head, this was not the time to cry, think!
Maybe she could, I don't know, find a way out… she had a ladder that went upstairs… no, too risky, she could fall and break something.
Maybe the broken window upstairs…? … And play Die Hard and get her feet full of glass, barefoot as she were? No, something else, please…
When she finally made up her mind, she took a deep breath and… let it out, leaving her body completely inert, adding the touch of leaving a trail of saliva in her opened mouth. The man on top of her widened his eyes, alarmed.
“Spit it, fatass”
“I think the bitch passed out…”
“Great, easier to carry”, he smiled, as the others repeated the gesture, some of them laughing “Get off her, if she is out, she won’t cause us more trouble”
And finally the man came out of the top. Great!
She only waited two seconds before moving, rolling over to the opposite side of the guy and using her legs to propel her up.
“What the hell!” one of them exclaimed, but she quickly silenced him with a high kick to the vein in the neck. Another tried to approach but this one went straight to his balls, the man fell squeacking. The fat one, with the knife, threatened to pierce her, but she dodged and put her foot down for him to trip.
For her luck and his misfortune, he never listened to his mother that he shouldn't run with a knife. Blood stained the rug when he stabbed himself. 
God… how disgusting… She would have nightmares about it. But he tried to ignore it as much as he could. Focus, focus.
“The bitch is loose! Grab’er!” - two more went up, and while she kicked, she took the opportunity to try to free herself from the ropes.
“Fuck, she's just a woman! What's up with you, huh?” The man called Guiche pointed a pistol at her. That's when she stopped. In fact, everyone stopped at that moment.
Kanami's eyes widened, frozen like a deer in the spotlight. She was fucked. He had a pistol. That was it, she was going to die there, send her mother her goodbye and blessings.
Until the man... turned his head at an angle he shouldn't have... and fell to the ground, as simple as that.
"Hey hey… don’t be a chicken trying to cheat with fireguns. We're all having fun here, aren't we?" The familiar voice made her eyes widen even more, especially when she saw two baby-blue spheres glowing in the darkness and a devilish smile accompaining that.
Oh… about that thing…”, he leaned over to speak, entering the "business mode", “I think you already know that the big ones are getting together to end the Worms, right?”
“Yep, I do…”
“Straight to the point: there's a crowd gathering right here, in this neighborhood.”
Ohma raises her eyebrows.
“This close to Yamashitakazuo?”
“Yeah, the old man might be in danger. In fact, the neighborhood itself, down in the sewers, could be swindling right under our noses. Fusui sent me a message, saying there's a few people gathering about three blocks from here. They call themselves “the carp”...”, He shows a patch, an embroidered design that you put on coats, torn from some - “this is the symbol of the crew.”
Ohma looked at the drawing, and his eyes widened.
“I've seen this before.”
“You saw it? Where?”
“That's exactly the group that was last week here at the bakery…the guys had it in their coat.”
Rayan understands “Ohhh… and she was attacked by those fucks, right? She's probably being watched and we, or rather, my presence here, is just adding fuel to the fire” he gives his usual devilish smile “Fuck yea… more people to dominate.”
“It was taking a while for you to show that psychopath face of yours, to be honest. I was about to mistake you for a clone”, Ohma even lets out a snort of derision, amused.
“If you’re willing to bet with me, soon the bakery's aunt will have a visit… I wonder.. will there be cake?”
“Fuck it, Raian! I said “No Killing”!!”, A deep voice echoed in the room, “What part did you not understand?!”
“The “Nothing” part, I think” Rayan jokes, “But I don't give a damn, you know.”
“Hmm?!” She widens her eyes when she sees the pair.
She never thought that the vision of the Terminator and a Sea-Monster-Head themselves, both weighing about two hundred kilos in front of her, could give her so much relief.
“Hang on, Kanami,” Ohma said, as she watched…
In fact, she didn't know what was happening anymore, she just saw shapes and bodies flying at odd angles. She could only take steps backwards until she hit the wall, slipping to the floor, tears welling up in her eyes. He closed them as she crouched, listening to the sounds of intense beating. This was all a dream, wasn’t it? Could it be she actually was sleeping at home, in the tranquility of her bed, still lying in the mattress after thinking about her favorite type of man.
The noise ceased, as if made by order. She was almost sighing in relief when she heard a maniacal laugh echoing from somewhere. She cried almost immediately.
“Raian, that's enough.” she hears Ohma's voice, “Do you have to embarrass me every time?”
“Said the idiot who demands an Assassin not to kill.”
“It’s different!”, he sighs, “Go get the runaways, then, if you’re so eager.”
“Hehehehe, see ya”, and the heavy footsteps disappeared where the entrance door would be.
She was about to sigh in relief again when she felt a hand on her shoulder, making her cringe even further, the stubborn tears not stopping to flow.
“Hey. Are you hurt?” was the deep, low voice, next to her. Another hand took the gag from her mouth.
She had to control the tremors in her jaw before she started to look: the man was squatting down next to her, looking at her with clear but calm eyes, under his thick wavy hair. He was looking at her curiously, even though she couldn't quite see his expression.
“Y-yes…, she then corrects herself, trying to be cool “I mean, no, I'm not injured… just… traumatized and trapped in this ropes, fearing for my life… but… other than that, I'm fine.”, but ending kinda sarcastic.
He scoffs a little, “Here, I’ll free you” he then lifts her up, for a moment she didn't understand how she got to her feet so fast, as if she had no weight. A slight cut with a knife and it was loose.
“T-thanks” she's breathing hard - they... me... what's going on? What was there? Why did they attack me?
“First, calm down…” he looks at the place and finds a chair, straightening it, pointing to it ”sit down, you’re shaking.”
“In the middle of a bunch of bodies that… OH MY GOD IS THAT BLOOD?!”
“Hm?” He blinks, looking at the bodies on the floor, “Oh, I forgot you're not used to it.”
“Of course not! And what the hell are you eh?!… Uugh… holy shit, there are dead people in my house”, she burps, her dinner wanting to come back, “get me out of here please… before It get even more dirty…”
She didn't have to say it twice, she was pulled by the arm out of the living room and into the kitchen, where at least the body count was at zero, just inside the counter, next to the fridge. She had to contain the anxiety attack, trying to control her breathing, in a fetal position, sitting on the floor, curled up. Ohma just looked at her trying to calm down.
Kanami almost got another fright when she heard a meow, but she calmed down, it was just Medeyami. She brought the animal along and hugged it. That calmed her down a little more.
“Who is this?”, Ohma tries to bring up the subject.
“Ah… it's my cat, Medeyami…” She caresses the cat, which also looked a bit urchined up.
“Nice.” he gives a half smile. Then he looked to the side and sighed, not knowing how to start. Kanami interpreted it as him giving her space, and she internally thanked him for it.
“Okay... I'm calmer…” she finally said, after a while, “now... please don't lie to me saying you're a “backstage professional league fighter”, which I know you're not. You're a secret agent, aren't you? Some kind of killer, like the other?”
“No. I told the truth” Ohma scratches his head, “Everything I told you was true. Raian who is the real Assassin here, I'm really just a ring fighter of sorts.”
“My God…” - She spends time stroking the cat, to calm him down, but also trying to calm herself.
“… You… had questions, didn't you?” He sits in front of her.
She nods, but it takes her a while to breathe and get back to normal before her mind clears and she finally organizes her thoughts.
“You… came from “Inside”, right…”
The question made Ohma turn his head back to her.
“How do you know that?”
“Heh, so it's true”, she smiled a little, “That was just a hunch… based on instincts, I think? I came from there. Well, eh.. almost. From a neighboring area right between Rikuko and Kumo wards…”
“Hmhh”, he nods, “so you didn't come from there, not properly…”
“Yea… well, but where I stayed there were some bad elements. I think I ended up picking up a few things. I'm not comparing myself to you, though, as you confirmed to me that it did indeed come from inside “the Inside”…”
“Yeah… but I left that place years ago…”
“Well, uh… I don’t mean offense, Mister Ohma…but-”
“I’m not mister”, he frowns, “Mister is Yamashitakazuo.”
“Hnm, and by what honorific should I call you?”
“It is not necessary. Ohma alone is enough”, He waved his hand.
“Right… Ohma. No offense, but that place stinks…”
“Well yes… there isn’t even running water right…”
“Not only literally… they have a strange and unique smell, metaphorical, impregnating… and everyone who lived there smells the same. Only those who spent time there, like me, can recognize that… And, well… when I saw you, I smelled that on you.”
Ohma looks at her, a little confused, and then, as sort of hiding from her, puts his nose to his shirt sleeve to sniff. Kana took a deep breath, between wanting to laugh and being angry.
“It's not a real smell! Did you not listen to me?”
“Ah… right”, he huffs, sort of like a light laugh, “so you have this keen sense of smell…”
“Yeah… in a way. And no, stop trying to smell you, you don't stink right now… well, except for sweat and a little blood, but other than that it's fine.”
��Anyway… I found out you're from there. And well, that explains a few things.”
“Does it?”, He raises an eyebrow.
“Your bearing, almost never relaxed when in an open place. That curious way of someone who is only really living now. The fact of thinking only of the present. Annoyance at trivial things like… pulling me out of the middle of the room so I can calm down… when… you're clearly used to… this…”, she points with her thumb at the blacked out guys in the room, not really wanting to look there, “and also the fact of being so happy because of a damn cake-”
He narrows his eyes, clearly scolding, and Kanami rolls hers.
“Okay, it’s not every day someone gets a thank-you-cake…
“It took you two days to make that. All that effort, just for me. You're not even giving yourself credit, woman.”
She looks at him, surprised.
“Oh… so… was that why?”
“Even now I'm still pissed they ate the first one.”
After a moment of trying to hold on, she lets out a snort and finally bursts out laughing. The cat got off her lap, annoyed. Ohma was also annoyed. Or rather, confused.
“What's funny?”
“Oh, no big deal… it's just that…” she holds back another burst of laughter, “I've never received a compliment like that. Or rather saying: I've never seen anyone like what I made to the point of being so possessive.”
He grunted, crossing his arms, not knowing how to react.
“Thank you”, she continues, “it made me feel a lot better.”
He nods, still in the same position but more relaxed. “Welcome.”
A moment passed, without them saying anything, she just didn't know what to ask.
“Hey, Ohma…”
“Why are you still here? I mean, at my house?”
“Isn’t it obvious? There may be more Worms coming this way, looking for you. Someone has to stay in the area to get them. The others are actively hunting as we speak.”
“Worms?” She looked confused, but assumed it might be what he called criminal people - And… did you say “others”?
“Yea. Some people I know”, he gets up a little, to look around, “but I don't think they'll show up anymore, though. We can get out of here.”
She partly couldn't believe it. This all… because of her? Okay, not quite a typical situation, but that's exactly why she felt something bubbling in her chest. She was no teenager, she knew what that was. She tried to erase it right away. It wouldn't get her anywhere.
“Hey… Kanami… you turned pale and then red all of a sudden” he puts his hand on her forehead, “hnm… you don't look like you're sick.”
Her eyes widen when he touches her forehead, dodging a little. “I-I'm fine, I just… it was a busy day, okay? Not everyone comes out of this unscathed, especially those who are definitely not used to it.”
“I see” he gets up, “I suggest you pack up.”
“Wha- pack up?”
“Uh… would you rather stay here, then?”
“Oh… right… “, she gets up, “yeah, actually… I'd really rather spend the night in a hotel or something…”, she brushes the dust and the cat's fur off her clothes…
Until she realizes that the outfit she was wearing was a sleep dress that was almost see-through because the fabric was so thin. It sinks in and her face couldn't get any redder.
“I think changing clothes is good, too” she almost muttered, holding her voice, it was no use screaming, anyway. If he saw something, he'd already had plenty of time for it.
“It's cold outside, so yes.” he says, without any change in his voice.
She nods, and tries to walk to her room, not wanting to embarrass herself anymore. She opened the door and came face to face with one of the thugs she had knocked out waking up.
That's when she screamed, kicking him in the face in fright.
“Hey, what happened?” was Ohma's voice from behind, until she looks at the fallen guy “Oh…”
“G-get him out of here please…” she asks in a pained voice.
He doesn't say anything, just drags the guy out of the room, holding him by the armpits. She closes the door and leans against it, falling to the floor as well, shaking like a green stick. The tears came back, and she let them out.
Outside of her room, after taking care of getting the guy out and throwing him in the living room with the others, Ohma heard the sobs in the bedroom. Not wanting to get close and disturbs, he sat at the bottom of the stairs, waiting for her to be done. 
He sighed, suddenly a little tired, also feeling responsible for all this mess.
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Next Chapter Here
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bubblyqueer000 · 2 years
😩(2021 APRIL FOOLS JOKE POST (OLD)) Mondo Owada x Me uwu🍆
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This was an April fools day post from last year and I'm posting it the day before April fools day 2022 because I'm going to make a part 2 tomorrow so I hope you like it ૮ ˙ ﻌ˙ ა
PS If your pronouns are what’s in your pants mine are Mon/Do/Owada ( )っ✂╰⋃╯
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My name is Bubz Abazure. I’m the ultimate fan fic writer at Hope’s Peak highschool (This is the japanese version so Hifumi is a doujin artist and not a fan fic writer bet you didn’t know that you fake fan haha now me and all of the other real fans are going to make fun of you >:C ) I got into Hope’s Peak cause some bear bitch saw that I had like 57 kudos on AO3 and went ‘OOOH YO LET’S GET THIS GIRL SHE’S REVOLUTIONARY’. I was excited to go because I’ve always wanted to go to Japan but when I got there it sucked because there were no subtitles when everyone talked so I didn’t know what anyone was saying! I only speak American! Anyways I get to this fuckin school and fuckin faint and fuckin wake up in a fuckin classroom and see a fuckin note that tells me to go into the fuckin gym at 8 fuckin o clock. FUCK! It’s 3:00 AM I’m eight hours late. I go to the gym and the other students are there already and they’re exhausted from waiting for me for eight hours.
“Sorry y’all I needed my sleepys! Wait I know you! Y’alls are those characters that I write about fucking random probably teenage readers on the internet!”
“What the fuck” Said everyone collectively excpet for Mondo because he was too busy blushing over how hot I am.
“Anyways have fun killing eachother >_<” Said Monokuma before he dipped. We all left because we were sleepy. But not really I just slept for thirty seven hours and then another eight. I was sitting in my room crying because I was depressed that I would never see my family again or whatever until I heard a knock on my door and wiped my tears away, not wanting them to think I’m a little sensitive poopy baby BECAUSE I AM NOT >:c I was surprised that the person at the door was Mondo Owada (The guy whose dick I was talking about on the rules page). I was gasped when I saw him because I thought that he was just going kill me but then I didn’t care because I’m emo so life is meaningless to me but then he saw my scared expression.
“Don’t be scared you’re so segsy.” He said with a himbo smile. I blush and look away but then my beautiful shit-brown eyes hits the light of the room making my face more visible to him “Have you been crying? Like a little sensitive poopy baby?” OH NO MY WORST FEAR! I start crying more out of pure embarrassment and rub my eyes, totally ruining my eyeliner so I looked like a hot topic employee. “It’s okay! Girls cry or whatever I think it’s hot cause it reminds me that you have a coochie c:”
“Wow that is pretty hot,”
“Speaking of which I have arrived to recieve your consent to gaze upon your tiddies, milady.”
“Oh shit that’s hot i guess want to do the nasty?”
“Yee” Without warning Mondo pushed me onto the bed and ripped off my shirt and I was all like ‘wtf I wore that on the first day for a reason it’s my favorite shirt you asshole’ but I didn’t say that cause I wanted that big biker butter boy baby maker. After that he ripped off my skirt and left me lying there as nakey as the day that I was born cause I guess I wasn’t wearing underwear? Idk.  “God you’re fuckin hot. Now time to rip my clothes from existence.” He said and then suddenly wasn’t wearing any clothes revealing his meter long king kong dong and shoving it into my thirty two flavors of bootylicious bubble gum ass
So like that was hot or whatever but then we just kinda laid there and talked.
“When I was a kid I had a crush on Adam Sandler (True story) so how the fuck have my standards gone down?” I asked as him, snuggling close to Adam- I MEAN MONDO.
“Idfk I mean I don’t have high standards the last ten girls I asked out rejected me.”
“Wow you must be really lonely aha sucks to be you.”
“Heh… Not anymore Bubz chan… I love you.”
“I love you too… Non existent character that I use so I can forget how lonely I am.”
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phoebehalliwell · 4 years
okay so, like, i was searching for some wyatt content on tumblr and instead i got someone insisting he's evil, never meant to exist, and doomed for an unhappy ending and i'm bummed out, so do you have any Fun Wyatt and friends/family/love interests/whatever facts lying around by chance? bc like. they missed him so hard, bc he's so earnest and sweet and lowkey a himbo and??
brooo nothing bugs me more than when people are like you know that if wyatt was just born human he’d be a murderer/serial killer/terrorist etc. because no?? he wouldn’t????? just because he was a toddler tortured to a psychological breaking point in one (1) reality doesn’t mean that’s he evil it means that He Was A Toddler Tortured To A Psychological Breaking Point In One Reality. did we watch the same show? wyatt is a total sweetheart and has the same upbeat positivity as his father and familial loyalty as his mother. so, without further ado, some cute wyatt headcanons:
he’s very much into cottagecore
like he follows multiple cottagecore instagrams and is the type of bitch to tweet oh to be sitting in a meadow full of wildflowers with lazy bumblebees buzzing by and birds chirping in the nearby trees and the sun streaming in through the light fluffy clouds in cute shapes floating in the bright blue sky that type of shit
he loves picnics
like he has an actual picnic basket basket and he chris and melinda will do picnics in crissy field and wyatt will bring fruit and cheese from the farmers market and chris will bring boba for everyone and mellie is on bread/cracker duty
speaking of bread, i think wyatt tries to bake his own bread
that being said, i don’t think he’s like,, remotely good at it
he keeps trying tho!!
i also don’t think wyatt’s like,, a good cook, but i think there are a few recipes that he learned and memorized from piper and so he can make like a grand total of four bomb ass meals from heart
everything else he cooks has to be from a recipe, bc he might be like creative, but not necessarily in a cooking sense
i also think wyatt has mini herb gardens growing on his kitchen window sills
voted most likely to go to an art museum on a first date
voted most likely to go to an art museum alone
he just really like art museums okay??
i think his favorite era/style would be impressionism bc it has a really soft/light/peaceful energy to it
i think piper and leo once all took the kids to the getty or something on a family outing bc it’s cultural! and educational! and uhh piper doesn’t actually like art museums all that much.
like she thought she did, but like wyatt and leo will stand in front of a painting for So Long
like piper chris and melinda will all look at a piece and appreciate it and all that, but wyatt and leo will just like. vibe. at a single painting. for like. a half hour at a time.
speaking of wyatt and leo, i think leo really wanted to like teach wyatt to throw a football when he was little, toss around the ol pigskin, but as it turns out leo is Not Good and football
piper on the other hand can throw a perfect spiral, and she taught all of her kids how to play
the halliwells would sometimes have mini football game in the backyard, teams usually divvied as wyatt & chris vs melinda, piper, & leo
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