#I'm more like Vergil irl
meri-meri-mwah · 1 year
This can be personality wise, hobby wise, family role (older/younger child, only child, whatsoever), etc. Explain your reasoning if you have any. 👁️
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iamafanofcartoons · 1 year
No , RWBY is neither misogynistic nor homophobic...it is every bit the opposite
Rwby not written for the male gaze. Redesigns made by critics focus on sexualizing women.  RWBY has women show much less skin than the typical fairy tail woman. Also their clothes have pockets and pouches. Rwby is not written for the patriarchy.
So Personally I've always felt like misogyny was always made by the critics. A common thread in a lot of that group's criticisms seems to come down to not liking that some of the show's villains embody male power fantasies, and that the positive male characters it has aren't the main characters, with the female characters being a harem for them.
It's a female-centered story whose true focus is its main characters' growing and supporting each other through their weaknesses and struggles, and a lot of men can't stand it.
Rewrites and AUs focus on men, on straightwashing women, on validating edgelords, on telling women that they suck. And more importantly,  rewrites are obsessed with not letting women be right about anything or important unless they're tied to a male protagonist story.
But Rwby is about giving women roles typically held by men. Women not requiring men for authority, or guidance, but instead being men's equals. Or in the case of the female antagonists? Having mental superiority over deconstructed edgelords like Adam taurus or the "ends justify the means" deconstruction of ironwood.
They have girlfails like Cinder, who you can hate, but also admire that she keeps coming back and refusing to give up.
They have badass grannies like Maria Calavera.
They have autism-coded women.
And unlike Naruto? Women can actually WIN a 1 on 1 fight against a male opponent.
Edgelord is what incels see themselves as. Incels also see themselves as victims of women. They also see themselves as tragic,  misunderstood,  or entitled to an ego.
Adam is the example of the incel: "I was hurt by society, so I am going to make it everyone's problem! I am a hero of justice, for I am giving the world the justice it deserves! I am an underdog!"
That's how incels, conservatives, otakus see themselves.
They saw Adam as a Vergil Sparda. A dude who murders countless innocent lives for the sake of power.....who believes that power is the only thing matters. He ain't morally grey, he's evil. But he's cool, and to a lot of very emotionally immature people, coolness means morally grey or anti-villain/anti-hero. Adam was introduced trying to rob a train and blow up innocent people....people accused blake of being a murderer and trying to blow up the train, then running from adam. Adam was shown in volume 2, as a cult leader neglecting the deaths of his people. As with "Burning the candle" Yang and Blake scene, RWDE and RWBY Critics disregarded that because it ruined their headcanons of what they wanted Adam to be.
How many Adam fanfics have you seen where Blake is written as the one abusing adam?
Male abusers see themselves as victims of women.
Coffeehouse Crime, Danielle Kirsty, Eleanor Neale. Look them up on Youtube. They cover multiple cases of murderers and abusers. And the details that go into emotional and mental abuse/gaslighting? They cover them all. Including how society turns a blind eye to abuse if its not physical. Which is what Adam fans do.
Btw, if you want an example of a murderer who was an IRL abuser? Just look up OJ Simpson, who got away with both thanks to his fans.
RWBY covers emotional abuse, shows the damage it can do, and shows through Blake the recovery.
Arryn has been a victim of IRL cyberbullying from blacksun fans, BobxEliza fans, and Adam fans.
To where she's had to deactivate her social media.
Art imitates life....RWBY Critics harassing voice actresses. Though thefloofartist actually sent CRWBY gore fanart of Bumbleby and tauradonna ntr fanart, that was horrific.
Roman Torchwick is an example of charismatic sociopaths being the criminal: Society was mean to me, so I'm going to be racist, steal from the elderly, and hurt kids. Sure he has charisma as a character....does that excuse racism, calling Emerald a Street Rat, trying to rob old men, and shooting teenage girls
Jacques emotional abuse and gaslighting, something many people refuse to acknowledge unless its clearly spelled out from A to Z. One Adam taurus fan on twitter made death threats to a woman trying to explain that emotional abuse is real.
Raven is a bandit. A bandit is a killer and a thief. You don't romanticize killers and thieves. One piece paints an unrealistic view of pirates. 
Ironwood and Atlas represent the American Macho mindset and the nationalism issue Americans have. Illegally occupying foreign nations with military force as a means of "peacekeeping"? Removing leaders from power who don't respect your authority or your ideas? My way or the highway? Unwilling to compromise? Willing to work with capitalist Corporations so long as your war machine is funded? The ends justify the means? Only villains say that! Merging the police with the military to have unlimited power? Putting the good ethical cop "Marrow" under pressure and mockery? Treating the poor people as acceptable losses to cut and cutting all aid and support to the 99%? Arresting or threatening good samaritans who try to help the impoverished and underprivileged because they're not recognized by your licenses? Refusing to accept checks and balances because you see yourself as above the law and being the only one with the big picture? Seeing it as your duty to police others?
People were willing to consider Ironwood a sussy baka so long as they could consider Atlas to be like Germany. But the moment CRWBY pointed out how Atlas was too much like America? The "patriots" got furious...because it was too much like looking into a mirror, and the Ironwood fangirls did not like what they saw.
Less character bloat compared to shounen anime. Shounen has thousands of character. RWBY barely has 200. But they focus more on women's characters than men, and that upsets the Cardin fans and fanfic writers. If I had a nickel for every youtube channel that decided to make the racist incompetent bully into some "gigachad", I'd have two nickels, which isn't much, but still weird that it happened twice. Meanwhile, let a man have 3-5 minutes of screentime, the critics will say that Team RWBY don't act like the main characters. Protagonist centered morality only in shounen. Team rwby do face consequences and are forced to evaluate their decisions. The women are the protagonists, and they can spend more than 10 minutes without breaking the Bechdel test. Something that, once again, adam and cardin and jaune fanfics fail within a paragraph.
"A man and a woman can spend several seasons together and be just friends at the end"
Ichigo and Rukia from Bleach, One Piece Live Action, Naruto and Sakura from that Gay Ninja Series.
Or in RWBY's case, I'm referring Blake Belladonna and Sun Wukong
Neither showed romantic attraction towards either gender for the majority of the show. Blake and Sun's arcs in V4 and V5 were about Blake learning to accept help, and Sun learning to recognize and respect people's boundaries. Neither Blake nor Sun actually made serious advances, and simply stayed good friends. Also if lesbians cannot exist without being fan service to you, that just means you're a pervert and need to touch grass.
Anyway, whomever said that RWBY Writers have no idea how to write women need to take a look at how their critics make video after video bashing women and LGBT.
Oh, and twitter calls RWBY post v3 "pandering to tumblerinas".
Given how Tumblr has no pedophiles/lolicons, less conservatives and terfs, and is very feminist? I'll take that as a compliment.
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dmc-questions-anon · 7 months
Personal headcanon that the reasons demons still mistake Nero for "merely a weak human", despite him doing things no irl human could do or survive, is because humans are just Like That in the DMC universe. Both before Sparda separated the Human and Demon Realms (the DMC3 manga says that the Human and Demon Realms used to be one universe, which implies that humans evolved alongside demons, so it'd make sense that humans would be able to do weird shit they can't do in our universe), and (this is just a headcanon of mine) afterwards, because what counted as "natural/normal" laws of physics (and thermodynamics, all that) was shaped by what Sparda thought was "normal" (depending on how much him separating the Human and Demon Realms was him basically having Reality Warping level powers), including what humans were capable of. Which is sorta my headcanon for why Lady is such a impossible (for our universe at least) badass- all humans are just Like That in this universe. Or can be.
Not trying to discount how badass Lady is, because she IS amazing, I'm just trying to account for how much the DMC universe seems to run on Rule of Cool. And not just for Dante, Nero, Vergil, and Trish, but for EVERYONE.
Thanks for the ask!
I definitely agree with the headcanon that humans are more capable of doing certain things in the world of DMC. As badass as Lady is, I feel like I have seen her defy the laws of physics I think.
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yukyunotabibito · 22 days
Celebrating TOA and the people who contribute to make our group what it is.
Repost, don't reblog. Only fill in what you feel comfortable sharing!
Happy anniversary, TOA! Here's to many more years spent together.
From neffi <3
Name: Vergil
Pronouns: She/He/They
Birthday (no year): November 14th
Where are you from? What is your time zone? I'm from the Midwest (America), but my current timezone is PST
How long is your roleplay experience? 'Bout two and half years total I think? If tumblr RP
How were you introduced to roleplaying as a whole? Does warrior cats on the playground count?
How were you introduced to TOA? Stalked the twitter for like a year
Do you have any pets? I have a cat back home, but she's not with me at college
What is your favorite time of year and why? (Season, holiday, general period) Fall! Because it has my birthday :3
What is your IRL occupation? Student <3
Some interests and things you like/enjoy? Well isn't this embarrassing. My current obsession is 2ha/Erha
What non-Fire Emblem games do you play? Devil May Cry, Bayonetta, Elden Ring, Persona, Ensemble Stars, etc.
Favorite Pokemon type & Pokemon: Dragon! Appletun <3
Tell us some funfacts and trivia about yourself! I'm a marine biology major!
How did you get into Fire Emblem? A friend of mine introduced it to me in 6th grade and like any autistic child I immediately got completely obssessed
What Fire Emblem games have you played? (In order of the number), Blazing Blade, Path of Radiance, Radiant Dawn, Awakening, Fates, Three Houses, Engage
First & Favorite Fire Emblem games: First was Fates. Current favourite is Radiant Dawn I think.
List your 5 favorite Fire Emblem characters across the series! Nasir, Kurthnaga, M!Corrin, Erk, and Zephia
Who was the first character ever to make you go “ooh I like this one in particular” and why? Can be any context and reason!
Any Fire Emblem crushes? 😳Camilla. Any hot woman in general, so most of them. Vaguely Nasir.
If you’ve played (or are familiar with) the following games, who was your first S support? Who would you S support nowadays? - Awakening: First was Chrom. IDK now. - Fates: First was Jakob. Mozu now. - Three Houses: First was Claude. Yuri now. - Engage: First was Alfred (Male Alear). IDK now.
Favorite Fire Emblem class? Kinshi Knight!
If you were a Fire Emblem character, what would be your class and stats? Would you be playable? Random village NPC #12
If you were a Three Houses character, what would be your affiliation? (Black Eagles, Blue Lions, Golden Deer, Church of Seiros, Those Who Slither in the Dark, unaffiliated civilian, other - for example Almyran) Black Eagles
If you were an Officers Academy student, what would be your boons, banes and potential budding talent? Boon: reason, bane: gauntlet, budding talent: bow
If you were an Engage character, which nation would you originate from? (Firene, the Kingdom of Abundance; Brodia, the Kingdom of Might; Elusia, the Kingdom of Knowledge; Solm, the Queendom of Freedom; Lythos, the holy land of the Divine Dragon; Gradlon, the desolate land of the Fell Dragon) Elusia
How do you pronounce TOA? 🤔(separate letters, to-ah, other?) As the letters, so Tee-oh-ay
Current TOA muses: Kurthnaga, Nasir, and Zihark!
Past TOA muses? (In no particular order) Velouria, Anankos, Izana, Cadros, F!Morgan, Forrest, M!Corrin, Cadros, Erk (am I forgetting anybody???)
Who was your first TOA muse? If you no longer have them, can you see yourself picking them up again? Velouria. No, I don't think I can see myself picking her up again at this current point.
Do you believe you have a type of character you gravitate towards writing? (If you filled this out last year, has this changed in any way?) I don't even know anymore. Zihark has confused me. #Girl send help.
Do you have characters or types of characters you don’t think you can handle writing, but wish you could? God. If a man could dream.
What kind of scenes, situations etc do you believe you enjoy writing the most? (If you filled this out last year, has this changed in any way?) Emotional drama :3
Do you have any scenario in mind for your muse(s) that gets you thinking “man I hope I get to write this one day”? Hm... I'm not sure
Favorite TOA-related memories? Dollhouse.
Present or past tense? Past? I think?
Normal size text, small text, no preference? Normal please wah wah wah
Got any potential muse delusions to share? 😉Under the right circumstances Yukimura could happen. But I don't that will be any time soon if ever
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baelpenrose · 3 months
Project Praetorian: Stand to Battle Part III
The battle drags on, and the kids board the ship, exhaustion taking its toll. A captured computer yields valuable intelligence about the enemy, and the kids commit some more war crimes. Not like in the funny "ha ha favorite war criminal" tumblr way, no like. Actual, "these kids are war criminals from this battle onward" way. Oh also unsubtle historical references to IRL imperialism/colonialism and race science, bonus points if you figure out which specific 19th century empire the aliens' policies reference. TW for gun violence, gore, and probably the closest thing to a subtle historical reference I'm capable of. Beta-read as always by @canyouhearthelight
Casey was pale, and Xavier was stumbling after the things they’d done in the fight outside. Hell, he wasn’t holding up the best - that steel whirlwind with the mortars had taken a lot out of him. Jonathan seemed fine, and even if Vergil was remaining outside to keep helping with the mop up, he was amazed that Verg wasn’t exhausted from all of this. Molly had been shaking and her voice hoarse by the time they’d stacked up to breach the ship.
Echo and Jonathan alone looked more or less fine, Echo because she hadn’t had to use her powers yet and had been near the back of the advance, and Jonathan because his endurance was genuinely superhuman.
The ship was surprisingly limited in occupants - either it had turned out most of what it had brought to defend it, or they were holing up further in. One door was still locked, and as different teams fanned out to clear the ship, Mark signaled the Praetorians to surround that one, signaling Xavier to get out a concussion grenade. In a normal person’s hands, this would have been disorienting. In Xavier’s…
Jonathan tore the door off its hinges. Xavier threw the grenade and Jonathan slammed the door back over the hatch, then opened it after the brutal whump that came from the other side. Xavier sprayed the room with the P90, but it wasn’t necessary - the grenade would have, with Xavier exaggerating its effect, ruptured the organs of almost anything inside an enclosed space within it. 
Two Spikes and four Croaks were dead inside the room, which seemed to be some sort of spare weapons locker - it had a handful of the strange, wrist-mounted blasters and a few of the larger plasma carbines. 
As Xavier reloaded, Mark gave him a quick fist-bump. “Good job, man. How many more you got?”
“Grenades or times doing that?”
“Whichever is fewer?”
“Concussion grenades I can use to kill every motherfucker in a room with my powers: two. I also have two frags that I don’t need to do anything with.”
“Can you enhance both the remaining concussion grenades?”
“Yeah.” Xavier’s voice was slightly haggard. “You?”
“Used all my grenades up on the way in.” Mark admitted. They came to another room, surprisingly unopposed - he was beginning to wonder if the enemy were afraid at how badly this initial attempt had gone. 
Xavier got a frag out as Mark watched, and winced in sympathy as Jonathan tore the door open. Xavier threw the grenade inside and this time there were screams. Casey stepped around and blasted a few targets with buckshot, and Mark stepped around and saw a handful of aliens he didn’t recognize, hulking beasts that looked almost like an ox and an ape, ones that soaked up rifle rounds but went down almost quiet, thrashing in panic as they fell. 
There were still Croaks in the room, dead ones, and a Spike who’d had its chest blown open, but the new arrivals were the object of curiosity. “What are these…?”
“Shock unit maybe? Or livestock? Maybe specialized labor? Lab will figure it out.” 
“They weren’t armed.” Casey said, quietly.
Had they been? He thought about it. They hadn’t been. 
He forced himself to focus. We still have a job to - he thought he saw something moving, and he snapped his weapon in that direction, barely managing to not fire only because of the drilling from Curtis about fire control. Fortunately a shout came, “Hold fire, friendlies!”
Other troopers. Mark lowered the weapon, and started shaking. “Anyone found the bridge? We’re struggling to find enemy contact…”
“They’re concentrated in a zone inside the ship, where there’s more room. Bunch of Spikes holed up there, looks like. Weird weapons, not the plasma this time. Like they’ve got something to use inside ships if they get boarded so they don’t cook their own systems. We lost a couple guys to it - some fucked up weapon that shoots a ton of tiny needles at a fucked up velocity and rate of fire.”
Mark shuddered. “Got it. At least it’s something the body armor might do something about with the ricochets, I guess?”
Echo laughed. “That’s a bad day, if that’s what we’re taking as a silver lining.”
“Take us there.” 
Mark took a breath, and Xavier grimly loaded the grenade launcher. Casey loaded her last few fireball loads into the shotgun. Mark looked around at the troopers gathered up in front of the big doors, counting. “Hang on, where’s everyone else?”
“Still fanning out, clearing out the rest of the ship. We’re having a hard time contacting them - most of the comms got fried during the fighting outside, and a lot of the ship is interfering with signal for what we’ve got left.” 
Mark could have sworn that hitting a concentrated enemy position with less than your available force was a profoundly stupid thing to do and that Curtis had drilled him about that repeatedly when he’d been doing tactical exercises. Trying to fix the problem, though, meant that the enemy might be able to escape and start picking off the elements of Imperator troopers moving around the ship. 
“Okay. Set up some sentry guns here to keep them from moving if we’ve got them. If we don’t, just have your squad machine gunners lay in and light up anything that tries to come out. Where the fuck are all the officers that are supposed to be in here, anyway?” 
“Captain Reynolds, Lieutenant Richards, and Lieutenant Pranav are all KIA. Sgt Curtis and Sgt Stacker are here, but they’re moving around the ship, and currently out of contact.” 
“Got it,” Mark wanted to curse. “Okay, fuck this. Yeah. Set up SGs in front of these doors, shoot anything that tries to come out. I don’t think we should split up if they try to break out and start picking us off, but I don’t want to wind up pinned between hammer and anvil if any of the aliens trapped throughout the ship decide they want to try to rendezvous here, either. Our best bet….”
Jonathan suddenly unlimbered his weapon and let off a crackle of fire down the corridor, and Mark saw a few Croaks explode, limbs torn off thrashing bodies, and a few pulped organs blown out of their abdomens. 
“Point proven. We have to take this thing, now. Get shaped charges on the door, let’s fucking breach. Everyone, ready up!”
The trooper looked at him. “You sure you got this?”
Echo and Xavier flanked him. “Do what he says.” Xavier nodded. 
A few guys began placing the shaped charges, and Mark took a breath. What he was about to do was either going to win the battle or it was going to get him and his team all killed.
Then, stepping back, and pulling down the hall, they blew a hole in the door and let the storm of fire follow through it as the aliens attempted to suppress. Xavier launched a grenade into the room and Casey blasted flames, even as a hail of brutal flechettes flew out of the breach.
Casey screamed, clutching a bloodied arm, and Shiloh dragged her to the side. Xavier clutched the side of his head, where a flying needle had torn his ear halfway off. Shiloh could barely keep their feet when Casey got back up, and they slowly slumped against the wall when Xavier’s ear was reattached. 
Xavier fired another grenade and slowly slumped as the blast tore again, and then Casey forced herself up, blasting into the room, to more screams, and dove to the side. 
Flechettes tore through the breach again and another man dropped, Shiloh crawling over to start working on repairing his guts, Jonathan laid suppressing fire into the room, firing at an enemy they could barely see, when Mark suddenly noticed the sparks from the damage - between Casey’s blasts and Xavier’s, there were exposed electronics. Mark slammed himself against the bulkhead and started focusing again, just for a moment, and pushed himself to focus into the metal, grabbing the power surging into the air, from the ship’s wiring, from its power systems.
Then he forced the electrons in the other room to align into the abundance of spilled blood that some of the enemy troops were already standing in. And he heard more screaming. 
A few troopers threw grenades through the breach, and abruptly, charged. 
Mark was barely standing as the rush occurred, and he almost blacked out after the mass electrocution he’d just done.
Echo followed Jonathan and the other troopers into the room, firing her carbine at every alien that moved, but she was fully aware that she wasn’t really the primary threat.
Jonathan charged into the room, along with the common troopers, lighting up Spikes, Croaks, and a handful of aliens that primarily seemed to be cowering behind controls, looking somehow both avian and vulpine. When his machine gun finally ran dry, he tossed it aside and whipped out an entrenchment tool, delivering savage blows that shattered bones and split flesh.
A Spike drew some sort of ax-like close combat weapon and attempted to challenge Jonathan but found its weapon swatted aside - where it buried itself in the wall - and then found itself beheaded a moment later. Echo half emptied her rifle into a Spike that looked like it was taking aim at his back - and then, as a few of the troopers were finally declaring the room clear, she took a look around. The center of the massive room - which seemed to be the ship’s control room - was a mass of burned briquettes that had once been bodies before Casey had carbonized them. Many others were horrifically mangled by Xavier’s grenades, and still others lay horribly contorted, wracked with signs of electric burns.
She found herself struggling to breathe, even as Jonathan tore the doors the rest of the way off, and the bodies were slowly hauled out. Casey’s blasts had consumed a lot of the oxygen in the room - maybe it had done damage to this knot’s ability to defend themselves.
Echo took a breath. The bird-fox things, another species. They had seemed almost depressingly physically inept, and had crumbled easily. She wondered what their autopsies would reveal. 
She took a breath, and then looked at the computers, hoping they’d be useful, even as the men started carrying the wounded out. She placed a hand on the terminal and took a breath, looking at her exhausted friends. They’d worked so hard to get here, to push this hard. To capture this ship. Now, it was her turn.
Jonathan stood behind her, taking up a position to keep anything off her back, then she focused on the computer. 
The alien computer chirped and whirred as she forced her way in, a sensation that repelled her as much as it excited her. The first thing she forced was the language map that she’d already created with her experiments with the other one, and then began looking for ship sensors. 
Once found, she looked for announcements - and began guiding the remaining troopers through. Helping them find each other. Helping them concentrate their forces to deal with the last few pockets of resistance. This was going to have to be a more frequent part of ship storming, if they were going to do it - find a terminal she could do this from….
Focus, focus.
More and more troopers were coming in, loading the wounded into transports, pulling wounded or exhausted Praetorians off…
As long as she was here, before Imperator got a crack at it, she wanted a shot at getting a word in with the alien ship. An idea of the colonizing system that was coming for her homeworld.
Ascendency was the first word she found. The Ascendency - an empire that…five species. None of those words translated, but images did. She recognized them. Spikes, soldiers. The big things, laborers. The bird-fox things…Pilots, explorers. Found on a low gravity world, used to flying. Few in number. Given rewards for mapping the stars. The Croaks - innumerable, whatever was needed, the lowest of the low. There was another species, tall, slender, and angular, one that they hadn’t seen yet, far more specialized in labor, and seemed to be a leader caste, but…
This was an advanced ship, one meant to be converted to a military base.
What was wanted from humans? Extermination, or assimilation?
The answer was complicated - she saw records, garbled. Spikes and the tall skinny things had fought, Spikes winning at first until the skinny things had blasted them from orbit and the Spikes had conceded. The Croaks had yielded almost immediately to the disciplined  and ruthless Spikes, and the big things had needed no convincing to join with a growing empire that gave them resources that made their labors easier - they’d been…medieval-ish? When contacted. The flying things, mercenaries, maybe? The language model she was imposing either wasn’t as complete as it could be or there were a lot of concepts the Ascendency had that Echo’s language and culture had no equivalent for. Probably both, if she was being honest with herself. 
There were other things now extinct, though, because they met the Ascendency and refused to yield. 
The message was clear. If they were wanted, if they were useful, and if they surrendered fast enough, they might be allowed to be given a caste and a use in the Ascendency - and not permitted to stray from it. 
Echo swore to herself right then. Her species was not going to be enslaved by these things.
There was more, but…the humming, the spiking headaches…
She disconnected. She’d interrogate the damn thing more later. “Jonathan. You okay?”
His armor was still ragged, but he looked good. “Yeah. You good?”
“Yeah. Thanks for watching my back. Let’s go see the others. I have a lot to tell them.”
AFTER ACTION REPORT: Operation: Landing Denied Personnel Engaged: 800 Imperator Legion Troopers, forty-six APCs, twenty-two last-generation Blackhawks, and eight VTOL airborne Personnel carriers.  8 Praetorians.  Allied Forces Involved: One Company, South Dakota National Guard. Personnel Lost: 232 dead,  82 Wounded. 21 Missing Presumed Dead. Six Helicopters and eighteen APCs destroyed, additional twenty APCs damaged but repairable. Allied Casualties still counting. Enemy Casualties inflicted: Total Loss. Enemy Dead, confirmed: 4200 Croaks, 423 Spikes, 215 Bulks and 28 Fliers. Possibility of additional dead Spikes and dead Croaks - battlefield sanitization ongoing. Enemy Captured: 5 Bulks, 2 Fliers, 19 Spikes (wounded) and 43 Croaks. Destroyed enemy main battle tank equivalent: 6, captured 1.
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actuallysaiyan · 8 months
Okay but like I have another one not as much fleshed out cause I'm a sub and a Dante girly, but imagine fighting for dominance with Vergil 👀 like he's got you exactly where he wants you but you're an asgardian who doesn't go down without a fight but he wants to hear you down right beg for him. But momma didn't raise no quiter, so you both end up rolling around in the sheets, at one point you're on top before he uses his strength to pin you down. At another point he ends up on the bottom with you on top, riding him like you own him. The most surprising thing of all is that Vergil is living for this, absolutely loves being able to be kept up with, being able to have a partner who keeps him on his toes AND can go head to head with him in the strength department, ugh my man's is living the dream right there
These are just all head canons and ideas I'm writing about in my own little story. It's a crossover story 👀 which explains why you have an asgardian s/o. I'd love to tell you more if you're interested 🤔 I just have a feeling Vergil would love a partner who play fights him in bed but also could fight him irl, straight up brat tamer vibes from this one
I think it would take a lot of trust and understanding and time for Vergil to be comfortable with this. But for sure, he loves someone who can keep up with him. He likes a meek and submissive lover too, but if you show him that you can keep up with him, he's so hard. He doesn't want to be necessarily tied down or bonded, but if you get on top and ride him, he'd have a hard time holding on.
If you're a brat with him, the first time he may be so confused. He'll get upset. But then if you were to gently coax him and to explain it to him, he'd be a bit more intrigued. You tell him it's a game of sorts. He's still not sure how to proceed but he's so turned on by your way of talking back. It turns him on all of a sudden.
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vergils-beloved · 2 months
Just started following you, so I'd love to learn more of your ship if you'd like to share some of your favorite bits of lore and such. 😄
hello! thank you so much for your ask :3
due to the nature of our relationship, i don't have an s/i (unless you count my fursona) but i'm more dating him IRL if that makes sense. so there's no story or s/i lore that i can share. but i can share my irl selfship backstory ^^
i was a self shipper way before i even knew that dmc is. i'd say i usually had around 10-15 or maybe 20 f/os at the same time with my main f/o switching every couple of weeks or months, but no one staying in that position for more than 4 months then i eventually met vergie and at first i thought i would hate dmc (which is funny bc it's my special interest now) but he still pretty much immediately became an f/o like any other. didn't think he would last very long and back then i would count the months he was my main f/o, even saying stuff like "he's not gonna make it far into 2023" and stuff well as you can tell he never left what makes this better is that back when i thought he was a regular f/o i got a tarot reading that said we are or might be soul mates. made me happy at the time but i didn't think it's gonna be this serious lol (but i'm happy abt it) i eventually removed all my other f/os from the list bc i just lost feelings, and i never gained a new f/o after him because since meeting vergil i've just never been able to catch feelings for any other characters there was a bunch of stuff that happened that led to me eventually accepting him as my irl boyfie which i'm not gonna talk about but what matters is that it happened :3 he makes me very happy and we love each other a lot 💙
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fabdante · 1 month
Been trying to think about the Differences between preboot and reboot Vergil, but got kinda stuck, so I'm floating that question over to you- if you want.
One difference I noticed is that preboot Vergil is more... old fashioned? (And like, I guess the same could be said for preboot Dante and reboot Dante, but anyway. Setting that aside for now.)
Like, preboot Vergil likes poetry and books and is a snob about not using guns (probably just because Dante DOES use guns, and Vergil always has to outdo his little brother), but also preboot Vergil doesn't seem like the type to care about computers the way reboot Vergil does. And part of it is just because each character came out at different times irl, but also like. Preboot continuity, Mundus lost and the Human World was largely safe from Mundus' influence. Or at least, safer than the reboot's Human World, anyway.
The main reason reboot Vergil learned so much about computers (and secret societies, and running them) is because they're tools Mundus uses to keep humanity under control. Preboot Vergil never had to deal with that, so he never had the motivation to learn that.
Preboot Vergil and reboot Vergil both talk differently, too. Again, I think part of it is that the games came out and were developed in different times, but also preboot DMC universe just feels kinda... weirdly archaic? In terms of like, fashion and architecture and technology and such. And there's a little bit of that in Limbo City, too, but not nearly as much as in the preboot DMC. (I feel like you can see this more in the first DMC anime, but old school fashion really is prevalent in the preboot DMC universe.)
Preboot Vergil talks like he could fit into an older time period than reboot Vergil, is what I mean. Idk, I just thought it was interesting.
I spent a long time thinking about this one because I was just having a hard time articulating myself sdfghjkl the Vergil's being two very different people is something I feel strongly on but I was definitely struggling to put it into words.
This one got long so, more beneath the cut!
But I think its fair to call the preboot universe kinda archaic and old fashioned. It's hard to pinpoint when they're even meant to be set because technology is such a vague concept in them. Like, they have it. In 5 we see flat screens even. But also everyone's using landlines. That sort of thing. It's not exactly something on Capcoms forefront and I think that's fine, its not necessary to what's going on. The reboot, however, is decidedly contemporary to the time it was released and thoroughly embraces that. Reboot Vergil is a biproduct of this as the designated Alex Garland tech guy (after seeing a few Garland projects with their tech guys I feel like I can firmly say at least one thing he consulted on as his time as writing consultant on the reboot and this is one of them asdfghjk I think Vergil was his idea, he loves a weird tech guy. Vergil fits right in with the Alex Garland weird tech guys.)
However I think they key differences between the Vergil's are a lot more personal. They behave very differently, their motivations are very different, psychologically they're fairly different to.
Preboot Vergil is a fairly blunt, straight forward person. He's very upfront with what he's doing and why most of the time. He doesn't really seem to care much to lie or manipulate anyone about it (though he's surely capable of it if we look at characters like V, his literal human side does like to lie and manipulate if it's going to make things easier for him and get him to his goals though how much of this is a result of his comparative fragility is up for the asking). I think this is largely because he doesn't seem to care much about other people most of the time so like why bother lying and manipulating them, he doesn't usually need them for anything.
His goals are singularly are to further himself. He doesn't want to rule, he doesn't want to make things better or worse for anyone, he just wants power, Why he wants that power is largely a response to the fact he's lacked it most of his life. It's a trauma response. He lacked the power to save his mother, he lacked the power to help his brother, he lacked the power to help himself, but his father always had it and his father was always able to protect others and more importantly himself. So naturally Vergil thinks he needs to accumulate as much as possible to be safe. Power is everything to preboot Vergil because it's not something he's had and we see him continue to struggle for power through the games (such as Nelo Angelo being a complete loss of control for him or 3 Vergil choosing to go into hell because it might get him closer to that power he craves, and closer to understanding his father who's power he idolizes). In 5 to we see him raze a whole city, robbing it of so much life to fuel himself, because he just wants that power. Like, to him, power is everything because he never had it so all of his goals are really just on gaining that and little else.
Preboot also I feel lacks a lot of social graces. He's very much used to being alone. I won't comment on if he likes it or not but he's very evidently not a people person. He's also a very old fashioned person. His interests are old fashioned, this mentality of might is right is very old fashioned, he often feels like he's from some bygone era he can't return to. Like, I'm not going to say he hates people or anything but he also seems largely disinterested in most of them unless they're put right in front of him. They're also very often stepping stones to his goals (he's very willing to rip off Nero's arm, after all, if it means he gets what he wants) and he never really seems to be sympathetic for that. He's very introverted and even the bits we hear about his childhood he tends to prefer to be quiet and alone.
I'm not sure even how much he cares about what Dante thinks about him, he just wants Dante to agree with him because he wants to be right. There's a respect he has for Dante and I do think there's similar mother issues between both preboot and reboot Vergil (mommy liked Dante better blah blah) but there is a respect and a care there because they are brothers and all that.
There's also preboot Vergil's relationship with humanity which is largely...negative to him. He doesn't really seem to care about humanity much as a concept, it's just a thing he has to get rid of and has been a bane on him this whole time. Only really in 5 do we see him sorta accept that he can't part from it but what he does with that going foreward remains to be seen.
Reboot Vergil, however, is a very different person.
I want to preface this with part of what makes reboot Vergil so interesting is this nebulous nature of him. We don't have a lot of concrete answers on his thoughts and feelings because he isn't the perspective the games set in most of the time and we're supposed to be guessing on his true thoughts and feelings. I'd argue this is another key difference. Preboot Vergil is very clear cut, reboot Vergil is not. So this is just my read on reboot Vergil, it's going to differ from other peoples read on him. But given it's my analysis, I'm going to talk about my viewpoint so here it goes.
Reboot Vergil's charismatic and personable for starters. It's hard to imagine him not fitting into a crowd and commanding it, he seems like the sort who can very easily work a room. Manipulation is his bread and butter. He seems to like people and like humanity, despite feeling superior to it. I compare him to a chess player a lot but he's a chess player. Everything is very planned and paced out many steps ahead and he likes the challenge of it. But I think this charisma is a very big divide between them and a very big aspect of reboot Vergil's character. He's a pretty rich boy who knows he's a pretty rich boy to.
I also believe in my heart of hearts from 11 years of over thinking this game that he genuinely meant well. I know this is a point of contention asdfghjk perhaps I've been won over by the charismatic pretty rich boy, perhaps this is what he wants me to think. But based on the game and even more importantly Vergil's Downfall, reboot Vergil seems to genuinely think that what he did in the game was what had to be done. And if he had to lie to Kat and Dante, if people had to die for it, it was all because there were no better options (that and he's petty). He genuinely believes that humanity needs a protector, that someone worse will take over from Mundus if he and/or Dante don't, that he's the best option for this role, that sacrifices had to be made to get here and he was big enough to make them. If he's right or not, whole separate subject. But what's important is in his mind he is doing a service to humanity and that service is his destiny.
Which goes on to say that if he thinks humanity is so worth protecting despite their weakness, despite comparing them to children, despite him thinking he's superior to them, he must then care about humanity. I think this because I mean Downfall tells us this. Kat represents his humanity in that game and he spends the first half of the game kind of a wreck about her. The only thing he regrets is how he treated her, he spends the first half of the game trying to save her, he tries to justify himself to a not Kat Kat only for her to tell him he's full of bullshit like. If Kat represents his humanity then it goes to say despite his fumbles in the main game, he at least used to care about humanity a great deal. And I think it's fair to assume that about him. Some people might argue otherwise but unlike preboot Vergil and Dante who always knew they were half demon, reboot Vergil spent most of his life thinking he was human. He's spent his life surrounded by humans, caring about those humans, being raised by those humans. He can feel superior to them and also have genuine affection for them, which I think is the case up until he kills hollow Kat in Downfall.
Where preboot Vergil's motivations are deeply rooted in his traumas, reboot Vergil's I think are largely rooted in this belief of destiny and that he thinks he has to be doing what he's doing. That it's for the best for mankind and that he's the one who has to do it. But I think that childhood trauma for preboot Vergil is also a big difference for reboot Vergil who's character is also very defined by his privilege.
Reboot Vergil's unique across both halves of the franchise. He was adopted into wealth and all the opportunities that come with it. The fandom strongly differs on how that childhood was. Most people in the fandom tend to imagine a sort of bad childhood for him, as a sort of neglected rich kid or abused in other ways within his wealthy family. I don't. But there's really no evidence one way or another, all we really know is Vergil's adopted into wealth and gets into hacking and computer stuff as he's growing up as an outlet for his growing feeling that he doesn't belong here. And it's fair to say rich kids aren't like...immune to childhood trauma, the trauma of his time in the foster care certainly is something that impacts him to a degree. But I think it's also fair to say that he's afforded a lot of opportunities a lot of the cast are not, particularly preboot Vergil who goes from a bookish kid to falling into hell to being brainwashed by a guy for who knows how long and also being assumed dead like...twice along the way. Reboot Vergil was given the tools to succeed and create his own independent wealth and found a secret organization like.
Which all goes to say reboot Vergil's less focused on power I think because he has it already. He's got social power from his social graces, he has power from his wealth and success, he has man power with the Order. Now, that doesn't mean he can't want more. On the contrary, I've argued many a time that I think if put into the position of demon king he'd be a great example of absolute power corrupts absolutely. He's going to want more. Vergil wants to be a little god king and if he's going to be a god king he might as well be the best god king.
But where as preboot Vergil wants power because he lacked it, reboot Vergil's never lacked it. What reboot Vergil's never had is people telling him no which is why I think he reacts so badly to it at the end of the game. Which also ties back to I don't think preboot Vergil wants to be in charge of anything as much as he wants power to protect himself. I think reboot wants power because he wants control. He thinks he on some level deserves it because he thinks he's right because, again, no ones ever told him he's wrong. I compare him in some of my essays (I think these two) as a divine thing raised as close to divinity as a human can be, which ties into this I think.
Back tracking a little to social graces between them, they're both weirdos let me be clear. But they're different types of weirdos asdfghjk. Like preboot's a little shut in who likes his poetry and being alone and giving people scary looks so they leave him alone and fighting his brother for fun. Reboots a little weirdo because he's a germaphobe who is literally immune to every germ on the planet, probably constantly pulls all-nighters fueled on nothing but coffee programming shit, and is just a big nerd under all that pretty rich boy charisma.
However it's very clear to see how good reboot Vergil is with people. And he seems to like them. It's hard to imagine preboot Vergil having a relationship like reboot Vergil has with Kat. Like it's hard to imagine him seeing someone in distress and not only helping them save themselves, but then sticking around to help in their recovery, giving them a place in the world, becoming that persons most trusted confidant, and so on and so forth. Which, again, could just go into the 'reboot Vergil's manipulative bucket' (as I often say about Kat and Vergil, it's about what can you reconcile about this relationship). I tend to personally characterize reboot Vergil as more extroverted also where as preboot is certainly very introverted.
As for the relationship with Dante, I talk about that a bit here . But where as I think there's a begrudging respect and brotherly affection between the preboot twins, the reboot twins struggle with that more. Vergil still wants to be right, but he also doesn't really know his brother. He had an idea of his brother and its not what he got. Which I think he's probably sad about I mean he worked hard to find Dante and he was excited to build that relationship and then Dante's here, is not what he expected, and doesn't even seem to trust him all that much like...it's a weird time.
They both have mommy issues though. Both Vergil's have that. Different mommy issues though I mean preboot thinks Eva abandoned him because she cared more about Dante despite the fact she died trying to find him (not that he knows that for most of his life). And reboot Vergil thinks Eva liked Dante more which he finds deeply unfair (and there may or may not be evidence backing him up because how reboot Eva talks about Vergil tends to be Odd ).
Long story short: Reboot Vergil's a very charismatic rich boy who's gotten everything he's wanted in his life and is now struggling with the fact for once he is not. Preboot Vergil's a weird non social guy who wants to feel safe even if it means he takes everyone else out with him. Also preboot Vergil would need reboot Vergil as tech support if he ever got a cell phone that man would not even know how to turn the damn thing on.
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prototypelq · 7 months
DMC Questions Anon here!
How do you think the characters in DMC feel about snow? How do they react to it?
Contractually obligated to answer this one today, because it's been a helluva snowstorm outside, and I wasn't expecting it this far down february (nervous chuckle looking at the date of the ask, anyway)
Disclaimer: I think the weather really doesn't bother the sparda idiots that much. If Cerberus, King Cerberus and Berial is anything to go by, then Hell has all kinds of extreme temperatures going on, so the loser hybrids should be resistant to it all. This has pretty much been the main reason why I could not think of anything to write on the topic. However, today's snowstorm has reminded me of an important note:
The Vibes
Weather makes the vibes, so this answer is not literal 'do the twins feel cold', but more of a 'what weather do they vibe with'.
Sooo, we have the Winter and Summer camps to divide characters into.
Dante goes into Summer category - he doesn't mind the snow too much, but if his clothing choices are to go by then he likes warmer temperatures. Vergil is in the middle - cause a certain beloved mutual of mine (p.s. all of my mutuals are my beloveds, I'm just calling out a specific one here) has pointed out Vergil haven't experienced actual sunlight in about twenty years, so I imagine he would love both to warm up in the sun and the wintery vibes. Unlike Dante, who has 5 pieces of clothing in total, and doesn't care too much about his looks, Vergil likes to dress for the occasion and I think he loves his scarfs, he seems very much like a scarf guy, so yeah he'd dress properly in winter at least.
Nero is a Summer boi for sure, he doesn't really get cold in winter, but he always Feels cold the moment temperature drops below 15 C outside. I like to imagine him puffing with wingclaws when they're out in winter xD. He loves shorts, slippers and tank tops for summer walks.
Kyrie is a Winter girl. We have no canonic idea on what the hell the climate of Fortuna is, but based on irl Italy i imagine it gets both warm in summer and cold enough for some snow in winter. Kyrie would try to spend as much time possible when there's snow around (driving Nero a little bit crazy), she loves gluhwein and maybe ice skating. Yeah I can easily picture her dragging Nero (and Nico) to the city ice ring when it's up. She also likes cycling in other seasons.
Not sure, but Nico also goes into the Summer camp too.
Trish is the same as Vergil, she's ambiguous, she mostly just likes the natural weather phenomena of human world without their destructive properties, when compared to Hell.
Lady goes into Winter camp for me. She dresses for the weather, but the winter vibes suit her better I think. Probably would be good at ski running...now that I think about it, she'd be awesome at biathlon... I also think she runs in other seasons, I mean, she has to be constantly training in the background to be able to keep up with demons, right? sports-obsessed Lady headcanons go
Lucia is ambiguous because she likes both seasons, though I imagine winter and proper snow would be uncommon for her. Another gluhwein fan for sure. She probably likes stretching in the summer.
Patty is a definitive Summer lover, but she likes snow-related activities too, and has the common sense to dress properly. Likely a skiing fan, when the cold is mild. I also think she really likes swimming, or some other water-related activity in summer.
Sparda likely liked Summer more, just because he didn't have to worry as much about his family getting sick, but on his own had no preference. Probably liked reading outside in good weather though. Eva is a summer person in my eyes too, though I don't yet have a concrete picture in my head as to why. Maybe because she misses her garden and is locked inside the mansion with two literal hellion children in wintery seasons xD
Thank you for the ask Ember! This has been fun to think about)
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sovawife · 1 year
my irls should fear me. i'm slowly becoming more and more fearless when it comes to openly talking about how i like vergil
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hi ruth!!! :] for that ask game, i have many so i'm just going to rapidfire them at you!!! a little tf2 heavyweapons guy indulgence is necessary every once in a while <3 🍄🥰
funky orange, forest green, the purple christ ALIVE the purple!!! ocean blue (a slight spoiler hehe) & cherry blossom since we met irl in the spring! :] green screen, always! 🏋🏻‍♀️🏋🏻‍♀️🏋🏻‍♀️ void black + ice blue, esp in the madness and mania right now... and... ofc... to finish it all off... lilac bites u bites u bites you bites yuo bites y-
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SARAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! 💖💖💖💖💖💖💥💥💥💥
funky orange: you are very fun, your blog is a joy <3 RIGHT BACK ATCHA!!!!!!!! 🥹🥹🥰😘💕 no but fr whenever i see your icon or url i get warm fuzzies... like that's sarah!!! sarah thee bröth-lovied!!!!! you never fail to bring me joy 💝💝💝
forest green: let's elope <3 ANYTIME BELOVIED,,, not just for tax benefits.,, but also for love 💞💞💞💞💘💘
jrwi purple: you are so right about your blorbos WEEE THANK YOUUU 🥰🥰 since our interests don't entirely overlap i love the idea that u support me in my blorbomania even when u might know NOTHING abt the blorbo in question,... that is true love + support right there 🥰💘 but like i also get it bc i feel the same way abt u, i KNOW in my heart that ur correct abt everything re: your blorbos who only hold blorbo-in-law status for me... i don't know vergil but you are correct about EVERYTHING with him 💖💖
ocean blue: uhh... seashells for you? !!!!!!! a slight spoiler!!!??!!! 👀👀 AHHH NOW I'M EVEN MORE EXCITED HEHEHEHEHE 🥳🥳💃🕺💃🕺
cherry blossom: you remind me of spring awww, i really like that, that's so sweet!!! 🥰🥰🌺🌻🌼 i cannae lie, in that particular regard, i'm not sure i feel the same,, because for me, i flew back home to 20 degree F weather like three days later MKDGHFDDF not very springlike unfortunately 😅😅 for me, you remind me of summer+fall, cause we started talking in the fall and bc you live in The State Of Eternal Summer (florida 🫡)
green screen: you can do anything, I'm proud of you !!!!! wahhhhhhh SARAAHHhhh ;___; thank u,.... and the same to you of course!!!! all the stuff you've been doing lately, with the substitute job and the house cleaning and the evil peepaw situation... u are so strong adn i'm so proud and i wish i could spirit u away to a pocket dimension to give u the 1000 hour nap u deserve 🤧🤧💝💝💝
void black: you are too hard on yourself! learn to take it easy :c 🥺🥺🥺 ookay. okay. yeah., thats fair. i'll try 💞 but also,, 🪞🪞🪞 U TOO!!!!! u are one of the most kind and giving and patient and generally amazing people i have ever known... if i could reflect the love i have for u back into your own soul u would never feel another negative thing about yourself again....THATS CHEESY BUT ITS TRUE AND IM STANDING BY IT 🙈😤😤💗💗
ice blue: wrapping you in a blanket rn omg,, i would love that bc im actually cold rn... and the closest blanket to me rn is my favoritest blanket in the whole world... it has kitties on it and it's soft and fleece and it's the best.. i am wrappng you in here with me.... i love u 💓💓
lilac: biting yuo NO U!!! >:3 bites yuo bites yuo bites yuo bites yuo bites yuo bites yuo bites y
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upon-blades-twilight · 9 months
Rules & Mun Info & Credits
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Adult muns only! There will be mature content on here. I'm fine interacting with muses that are minors, but I will cut things off if I feel like it's getting weird.
Be respectful and kind and I will do the same.
Private messages are always open. Especially if you're shy or want to discuss something like plot details.
English not your first language? That's absolutely fine so long as we can communicate plenty well enough that we can understand one another. In fact, let me know if you'd rather I simplify my vocabulary and sentence structure for you. I will happily oblige.
You do not have to be an experienced rper to write plots with me. You'll always be welcome even if it's your first time.
There is no rush to reply or any kind of post requirements. Post length is up to you and I typically will mirror you. Do what you feel comfortable with and just enjoy yourself. I have a lot that occupies me from day to day, so I’ll take a while with replies, too.
Alternate and Cross Universes are totally fine.
OCs and canon characters from other fandoms are also welcome.
'You' as a self insert / reader is just as welcome.
Doubles are absolutely fine. It doesn't matter what characters I'm currently active with, your's will be welcome, too. That includes other Vergils. We could always play with ideas like doppelgangers or Blue Vergil + Red Vergil.
Crippling bodily harm and death to my characters must be talked about first. I allow it, but it'll only be true for that particular thread. Actually I encourage it.
Discord RP is very fine too if you prefer. Ask me for my discord ID.
Anyone is welcome to send asks and/or prompts. You do not have to be a role player yourself, or have the intent to role play with me. See tag list for the prompts I have reblogged. Prompt lists and ask memes don't have a use-by date, and you can send as such from lists I haven't reblogged. If you do this, please include a link to the list/meme in question otherwise I may not understand it.
Prompts and asks do not have to be based on my main canon divergent arc or Ouroboros. Please state if you want a more canon, time specific, or even muse or person specific answer. Such as a question for me where the answer is very dependent on a specific muse I interact with, maybe even your muse, or even you as in yourself. Or maybe you wish to have an answer from Vergil from DMC3, rather than Vergil from DMC5. If nothing is specified or obvious then I will choose on a whim.
You may reblog ask memes and prompts from me without sending me an ask or prompt from the list. It's very much appreciated if you do, but I don't mind at all if you don't.
Anything I answer to you can be used as a starter even if it wasn't originally meant to be. All you have to do is reblog and reply to it.
For those that wish to interact but not RP, anything can be made into solo drabbles and answers. For example maybe there's a starter sentence you'd like to send, but not for me to make a starter with you out of it, but rather to use it as a prompt for a drabble of whatever I want. Just add (SOLO - Vergil/Ouroboros) at the end of the ask in these cases. If you like this idea but wish me to write it with a pairing or even self insert / reader in mind, just indicate that too. Such as (SOLO - Vergil) or (SOLO - Ouroboros/Reader).
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Yo! Mun here, I go by Kris or Greed. I'm 38, genderfluid (any pronouns are fine), and often enjoy drawing and writing. I am often busy IRL so I can be very slow at replies. I do love chatting though! My DMs and Discord is always open for that, especially if you're the type that enjoys bantering with writing ideas between our characters.
This is a side Tumblr! Follow backs and my personal Tumblr is @everdreamtree
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On the subject of DMC and family, I'm curious as to how you think Nero would interact with Vergil and Dante when they get back from their underworld road trip? Cuz I've seen so many interpretations with Nero being abrasive and almost downright hostile to Vergil and... I can't help but disagree with that take. Nero's whole deal has always been about family and being a better person than how he's perceived and while I don't expect him to "forgive" Vergil for certain dumbshit decisions, I do see him at least wanting him to be a part of his life.
But I'm curious about your thoughts on the matter. What are your interpretations?
I mean. I agree with you in that I don’t think Nero would be actively hostile or antagonistic or anything like that toward Vergil (the same goes for the inverse as well). I do think he’d be fucking furious at both Vergil and Dante when they get back, though.
Like. Save for Kyrie, Nero’s whole life has been a series of abandonments. Not all of them were voluntary (or even knowingly), sure, but from what I’ve taken away from his character in canon, it’s left marks regardless. And irl, that’s not something that just goes away as a young adult/adult. There’s no way Dante and Vergil skipping off to the underworld together — without a second thought and potentially no way back (at least, no way that Nero would be immediately aware of) — is going to not feel like one more for the pile. Nero has every right to be angry over that, and that’s on top of Dante withholding the truth from him for so long (which is going to create its own set of doubts).
That being said, in all honesty, I think Nero’s first instinct will always be explosive anger. However, if some time has passed — let’s say at least 6 months to a year or so — and he’s had time to process everything and vent to Kyrie when needed, I genuinely think he might just straight up avoid them for a while. This is more speculation, but Nero’s life and attitude has mirrored Dante’s fairly closely. Assuming that’s worth going on and holds any weight, Dante started mellowing out at the later end of his 20’s/early 30’s.
So uh… yeah. I can totally see Nero being at least a little more mature and avoiding them (at first) because, yeah, he’s still fucking angry, but he doesn’t want to blow up on them the first time he confronts them in (relatively) normal circumstances. Maybe even kind of bitter (“Why the fuck would I want to see them? They left me, why should I go to them?”) and angry at himself for wanting to see them. I’m sure they’d inevitably come find him in that case, either together or for their own reasons.
That’s just my line of thought going solely off my gut and my interpretations of the characters, tho. I could be totally wrong and Nero just lovingly uppercuts them both into orbit on sight lol. Because I can see that too tbh.
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scalproie · 3 years
u already know... vergil
First impression: oh👀 hes... kinda cool👀
Impression now: So I've been stuck on this part for a while. I asked myself: what do I say here? Do I write an entire essay that go in extreme details over what, how, and why I like this character so much? Do I try to explain why he's literally been a constant presence in the back of my mind for what is soon to be 5 years without sounding insane? Do I just write [UNINTELLIGIBLE] or put a funny gif or a picture of his face with a lot of blue hearts💙 and call it a day? Idk man, but I can at least safely say this: Vergil is my absolute favorite character of all time.
Favorite moment: easy answer is everytime hes on screen💙 but for real. really. seriously. If I HAVE to choose one (1) moment. with the way I'm literally ALWAYS biting on my knuckle irl when Im seeing that scene. the slow reveal. the entire game worth of anticipation. his silhouette. him slowly turning. him having the most confused face known to man. "The Alpha And The Omega". fucking hell man. actual goddamn shivers.
Idea for a story: YALL KNOW ABOUT BAMBI 2 AU LOL. most of what I want has been covered in "Rebirth" anyway. And Im doing so many AUs with this man and his family. Have to work on that star wars idea with Vader Angelo. I also have a few ideas for an AU where the Mundus attack didnt happened and dante and vergil are just. some dudes in Redgrave.
Unpopular opinion: I already voiced them before but I cant invent another one out of nothing so: I dont see him and V (and Urizen for that matter) as separate characters and I dont particularly care about his relationship with nero's mom/lady in red.
Favorite relationship: NERO NERO WITH NERO theres so much potential there!!! I KNOW I dont have to look very far for this content to find it BUT. I genuinely think this is THE most interesting dynamic we can get in future content. I am EXTREMELY sensible for stories between father & son characters that are fully fleshed out on their own. AND I FEEL THIS WAY EVEN MORE BECAUSE OF THE RECENT VoV LIKE... AFTER A LIFETIME OF BEING LOST TO IT, IT WAS THE SON WHO SAVED HIS FATHER FROM DESPAIR...
Favorite headcanon: this man doesnt need to eat or sleep :) also librarian vergil my beloved💙
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So, I have some thoughts on shipping in the DMC 'verse.
For the most part, I'm open to pretty much any ship in the DMC universe save for Spardacest- not my thing (no, this post is not about Spardacest or the whole argument of pro or anti)
For the most part, I can tolerate pretty much any ship going. I even like a couple; I'm partial to Nero×Kyrie (when Kyrie is actually written with a personality- looking at YOU, game devs) and I actually really enjoy Lady×Vergil on occasion, and I also really like Vergil×OC/Nero's Mom. I'm cool with Dante×Lady even though I don't see it. Or Lucia×Dante. Don't care. Put anyone with pretty much anyone, and I'm not going to get up in arms about it, whether it be for or against. I'm not in those ship wars.
What I REALLY like about DMC, (and what this post is actually about) is tt it has such rich platonic and familial relationships. I feel like so much of media and fandom are focused on romantic or sexual relationships, and while those are interesting and often times stuff I like, my absolute favorite relationships and tropes are centered around much more platonic bonds. Friends, Found Family, Brothers, Father and Child, Platonic Soulmates- these are the things that make me really happy in a piece of media, and this series is full to the brim with it! I love the dynamics between Dante and Lady and Trish- how they are the strangest of adopted families, how Dante loves them with everything he is, their banter, all of it. I love the yin and yang dynamic of Dante and Vergil- the brothers in conflict, on opposite sides, finally reconciled with one another and able to heal. I love Vergil and Nero and the awkward sort of thing budding between them- respect, sparks of paternal love beneath the surface, the hope of something once thought lost. I love Nero and V, the kinship they forged in a short time, Nero's selfless care for his ally turned unlikely friend, V's turmoil over using Nero and his desire that- if only- Sons of Sparda did not need to spill shared blood.
Sorry to wax poetic and ramble, especially when this post was supposed to be about ships, but like- Idk, you guys, I just really love that DMC isn't about the ships- at least not for me. It's just so full of deep platonic relationships that you just genuinely don't see much of anymore and honestly I live for that stuff- especially between men cuz like apparently we've made deep emotional bonds too taboo for boys irl, poor boys.
But yeah, just random thoughts hit me before I fell asleep and I had to wax poetic about it or my soul wouldn't know rest.
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kimarisgundam · 2 years
Me: Fever. Vomiting. Arm hurts. Muscles are sore
My cat: it's time to jump on your stomach and put my butt on your face when you're sleeping
(It's not the Rona™️ btw. My body is just reacting a little less favourably to the diphtheria jab...)
(Ever since graduation, I've been working in a clinic that does surgery, so I kinda receive more jabs than most people cos I need to be inoculated against lots of random stuff...
Vaccines are super good and I'm all for receiving them, my body just likes overreacting to every jab 😅)
(I'm also sorry for being so inactive again recently! I wanted to post art! But I've been so busy with my job @_@... I've taken on more confidential work, so I can't elaborate... but I'm neck deep in paperwork lately 🥲
My asks, DMs and comments are lowkey piling up, I'm sorry for not replying!! I'm just really emotionally drained after interacting with so many people irl everyday 😔
I've neglected a few of my gacha games lately... and I've been wanting to get more into Resident Evil, but I don't have the time again 🥲
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^ thankfully I have this Vergil plush to accompany me everyday in the clinic 😀! Seriously, I can't believe I received 3 of these this year for my birthday...)
(I love you dad. Thanks for letting me snuggle you everyday. I can't believe my colleagues and boss are calling you "dad" too. I'm not willing to share my dad with anyone. All of them need to back off >:U ! Go and find your own dad! This is my dad! I've known him since I was 8! Clearly I'm first in line to get married to him >:U)
(I'm joking 😂. But seriously though. Back off. My colleague tried to squeeze the butt of my plushie that day >:T )
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