#I'm not a poetry person though I do intend to read more of it
the-busy-ghost · 2 years
Love how my taste in poetry is utterly irrational, has absolutely no rhyme nor reason, and seems to be based solely on Vibes
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For Chev Simps
I had a painfully beautiful epiphany about Chevalier while reading a book on poetry called Rhyme's Rooms by Brad Leithauser. This here is really nothing more than a personal headcanon though. It's sappy and simp-y and practically nonsense.
First, some context. Of which I'm sure I'm paraphrasing completely incorrectly, but it serves my purpose, so idk.
The particular chapter I was reading (which happens to be the very first) likens rhyming words in any given poem to its inherent 'music.' Sometimes the distance between rhyming words is only a handful of syllables, but sometimes you can go line after line after line after line after line after line, a hundred lines in, before you find the prodigal word that completes the pair—if you were consciously looking for it at all at that point. This might be the case in an intentionally-unrhymed blank verse epic like Paradise Lost (which the book uses as an example). The bottom line is, people aren't meant to seek out those rhymes across that great a difference. Those rhymes happen by default because English only has so many words.
Anyway, the author then falls back on the thought experiment he introduced at the start. Suppose, he says, there's a group of people with perfect recall, the perfect readers of any poem, because they can track rhyming words, those wandering notes of literary music, that exist across a vastness that is impossible for the average person to consciously traverse. Such a reader can enjoy even the rhymes that occur by chance because they can, by virtue of their memory, hunt rhymes to edge of the earth, across any stretch of time. They are "perfect" and they are "patient".
But the author's ultimate point is that while these hypothetical perfect readers can enjoy poems on a level that wasn't intended for the rest of us, they miss out on the exact thing that makes poems so special for those of us without perfect recall: "enlightened surprise," or the beautiful epiphany that comes from reading a poem over and over and over and each time discovering more of its secrets and its music.
Forget that last paragraph because what I want to say about Chevalier is this: as I'm sure you've picked up by now, he is that perfect reader with perfect recall. But imagine we aren't talking about a literal poem anymore. Instead let's talk about a love story told across time. And the rhyming words, the musical notes of this love story are your actions and your affections as beheld by Chevalier.
Chevalier, with his perfect recall, has the distinct ability to match every thing you do and say to its "rhyming" counterpart a hundred thousand, a hundred million actions away. He can "read" a poem written in your very movements through space and time and he can hear the music, no matter how long it takes for the phrase to conclude. He can enjoy you in a way that no one else can.
For Chevalier, you are a neverending poem.
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How do you think the M6 would react to a lying MC? Whether it’s to them or some one else is up to you or how extreme the lie is. Thank you, Arcana Headcannon Jesus <3
The Arcana HCs: M6 and the lies MC tries to tell them
~ oh boy, i did not expect being called Arcana Headcannon Jesus to hit my religious trauma like that, that was a vibe check lol
considering how in the stories MC tends to omit the truth at worst and be painfully blunt at best, i'm going to write them as a terrible liar just as a personal design choice. and also because it makes me laugh. thanks for the prompt, anon, i hope it makes you smile! - brainrot ~
You can totally read his handwriting
You love it when he writes you love letters, they warm your heart, but truthfully you can only make out maybe a quarter of the words on the page
But you can't tell him that because you don't want him to feel like all that beautiful poetry went to waste
At least you think it was poetry
You're running some errands, does he need anything?
Ah, a list of obscure medical devices. Which may or may not be available. And he wrote it down for you, how sweet!
You're so busy trying to decipher the ink blotches that you don't notice his smirk
He totally believes you can read his writing, and all the words on the paper are totally not made up medical jargon
He never says anything because he lives for the moment he can bend over your shoulder and murmur the words he wrote into your quickly reddening ear
You don't mind the questionable objects they bring into the shop without warning at all
Nope, not the bidet-shaped flamethrower
Or the screeching rattle he replaced the shop's front door bell with that makes every incoming customer jump
Or their favorite painting containing colors that the human eye was not intended to see, prominently hung on your kitchen wall
Or the jar of kool-aid pickled garlic, which he still can't open even though it's been slowly emitting a toxic stench for the last month, and which he refuses to part with because he hasn't been able to try it yet
They love you, but they love pranking you too, and seeing your reactions makes them giggle
He would never cause you any harm though
Which is why their collection of poison spitting cacti stays in a pocket realm, next to the void that wouldn't stop teaching the stove salamander explosive curse words
You know royal etiquette like it's second nature
You know all the titles there are, you never get things like pontifex and praetor and procurator mixed up
The table place settings make total sense, who wouldn't use a slightly different type of fork to eat every kind of dish?
And nothing entertains you more than petty politics, nothing at all
In fact, you don't even find Nadia's highly accomplished family remotely intimidating
They're perfectly normal people, just like you, and you are just like them, every move is graceful and your clothes are always pristine
Nadia adores your spirited approach and will happily move purposefully slowly at the dinner table so you know which fork to grab and how to eat the complicated dishes that get served
According to her, you know what you're doing better than anyone else does
You can reach and lift anything he can, no problem
You just need a little more time, but you'll get it
You can get the fallen tree split up for firewood and carted into storage, no biggie
Okay so the sun is setting now and you started before lunch and it never takes him longer than half an hour, but you took a lot of breaks okay
But if he wants to spend time with you that badly, he can help a little
Now you just need to lift those bowls down to eat, you've got this, you're a good climber
You never develop any suspicions around why daily necessities always end up on the top shelves, or why Muriel is so open to you helping with outside chores
He likes being needed
The face you make when you're frustrated is adorable
And he loves that you will never admit it
Please, you can absolutely keep up with her energy levels
Walking to the palace to get a shopping list
And trekking down into the city and through the floating market, the center marketplace, and the south end market to get everything
All to climb back up countless stairs with all your purchases
And walk through all the hallways to give everything to the multitude of requesters
And then back to the cottage for the evening
So you can cook the big evening meal and sweep and mop the floors and spend a few hours weeding the garden
And then all the way back out to the Rowdy Raven for a night of drinking and dancing
And then all the way back home so you can go to bed
She never pressures you to join her, but she always invites you
Hey, she likes spending time with you and you're cute when you're flushed
You believe all his tall tales, they're so realistic
Dove to the depths of the ocean and defeated a giant minnow? Totally
Took out a thousand trained killers with one swipe of his mighty gauntlet? Mmmhm
Climbed to the top of the highest mountain to pluck some stars from the sky, which is how he got these diamonds? Of course
He can go days without eating or drinking and never crave sustenance? That tracks, he doesn't have a gluttonous bone in his body
He knows he can be narcissistic sometimes, but he's not *that* delusional
But he likes seeing your little smile as you indulge his fantasies, because you do it out of love and not mockery
And maybe he likes pretending just for a minute that what he's saying is true
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ntzsche9 · 1 year
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So, hi! I'm Verne (they/them), practically a queer elder in my 30s, brand new to tumblr (dunno how I ever missed the boat), and I only ever seem to write in the 20 minutes or so between pulling up to work and clocking in, or when I'm putting my toddlers down for a nap but don't want to crawl out of their beds and address the chores I gotta do while they're out of the way. I've written poetry, prose, and roleplayed in the past but got away from it for years and years, and only recently started writing again. I have notebooks and lists of story ideas but the few things I have fleshed out are mostly silly character-based "what if?" scenarios, because those are the most fun to me. Too many of my stories are me simply wanting to write a scene, developing a bit of a world around it, then losing interest entirely. I hope this blog can change that a bit, help me focus on following through or figuring out how to better develop small ideas into something longer.
Near-future dystopias
Scifi/Fantasy (urban) with magical realism
History/AltHistory (especially lesser-known and marginalized stories)
Horror, dark, violent, and mature themes
Queer everything. I can't write heteros to save my life and I'm not all that sorry about it.
Sexy melodrama and smut with too much plot
Fanfiction (I could read/write Fallout stuff all day)
Some Favorite Authors:
Octavia Butler
Nnedi Okorafor
VE Schwab
Madeline Miller
Ta-nehisi Coates
Becky Chambers
Emma Donoghue
Looking for:
Community, inspiration, other writers to follow, and problem-solving tips in storytelling and sticking to stories when things get tough. I really just need some folks to talk to when working through all the things in my head. Open to the occasional tag but I'm not great at responding.
I have plenty more little bits of nonsense in various states of readability, like character backgrounds, alt-ending scenes, slice-of-life banter between characters, etc. These will be posted under the tag #ntzsche misc
Noteworthy WIPs:
Bad Blood - A Fallout Nuka-World fanfic (#ntzsche Nuka-World)
My longest story is a fanfic, but with a cast of characters largely not in the Fallout 4 DLC. I intend to eventually write this in a way that someone who hasn't played the game would be able to easily read.
Lafayette, the son of a 'retired' raider, left his abusive father to find his place in the world and was taken in by an eclectic trauma-bonded found family that inspires him to be a better person and shows him love he is certain he doesn't deserve. When his father comes across them in a raid, Lafayette is given the offer to join him, and he agrees in order to save the settlement and his little brother. Lafayette finds that being with his dad again, and being the son he always wanted him to be, isn't nearly as difficult as he thought it would be. He struggles to maintain the person he wants to be with the person he suspects he is, all while a cast of scheming raiders, wastelanders, and slaves vie for power in the raider city built within the rusted remains of an amusement park.
Salem's Child (#ntzsche Salem)
A background on one of the lesser Nuka-World characters that I got carried away with.
Andrew Rook doesn't look like his parents. He looks like someone they are desperate to forget. Growing up in post-apocalyptic Salem, Massachusetts has it's perks, though. In a fading settlement run by incompetent men who would rather blame the population of feral black cats for their problems than try to solve them, Andrew and his two best friends build a world in their imagination that shields them from the wretchedness of the wasteland and the people they have to rely on to survive.
Another character background that I would love to expand into a few short stories around.
Mateo Zavala was born in the vibrant and tight-knit community of Navarro. His great-great-great-great-great-great grandmother, a pre-war ghoul, is still the ruling matriarch, and it's hard for her not to play favorites when she has over 300 living descendants.
The Crash (#ntzsche Crash)
A what-if real-world rewrite of an event from another story. I just really enjoy writing these two.
Gabe always knew his functional alcoholic roomie would get into a terrible car wreck some day, but he never thought he would be dumb enough to be in the car with him. When the consequences of the wreck threaten to destroy Dave's life, Gabe finds himself doing everything he can to hold those pieces together. The love he harbors for his straight, polyamorous best friend runs deeper than either of them are ready to face, and find that Dave's injury turns their relationship completely on end.
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You Better Watch Out
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Pairing: Krampus!Loki x Reader
Summary: You've decided to spend Christmas alone this year, but someone is going to pay you a visit
Word Count: 3100
Warnings: Mosnterfucking, Slight Dubcon, Bondage, Degredation
a/n:Hey all! My last fic of 2022! And my last fic i'm going to publish on this blog! Staring in 2023, all of my fics will be published on my new writing blog @thebunnyslibrary! I wanted to do something Christmas-y and this just scratched the right itch for me! Enjoy and have a happy new year!
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Ho. Ho. Ho. Your brain had all but tuned out the Christmas music as you drove further into the woods. You’re not sure why, but for some reason this year, the holiday spirit had missed you completely. You had a feeling, though, it was the loneliness.
It seemed your friends were all busy spending their lives with spouses, partners, and their families; Leaving your only option as going to your parents. Which was usually okay; mom always cooked the best food and the huge tv was nice. But this year you opted for some personal quiet time. If you were going to be alone, may as well do it in style. You’d booked a little cabin in the woods, bringing only your laptop and a large stack of books. You’d taken from the 23rd through New Year’s off and you intended to make the most of it.
                The cabin itself was gorgeous. An A-Frame listed on AirBnB by some architect who was spending his winter in Switzerland with his little wife. Little being the operative word, you thought looking at a photo of the two of them that hung in the kitchen as you let yourself in; he was a giant hulking man and she a curvy brunette with big round glasses. But you could see the love between the two of them. Something you’d been seriously lacking as of late. Every relationship you’d had this year crashed and burned and you felt ready to give up.
                You explored more around the cabin until you came across the thing that’d made you book this place. The jacuzzi. It was on a convertible deck; set up to be outdoor in the summer, but now in the winter, a wall of glass enclosed it, giving sight out to the woods. You could see the sun was already starting to set, damn winter, and knew you still had to get your groceries inside and your things put away. The rules for the cabin they’d left were nothing major. Don’t trash the place or set it on fire. Easily manageable
                You opted for a frozen pizza for your first night’s dinner. You’d stocked up PLENTY at the local grocery store before arriving at the cabin. Cocoa packets (with marshmallows), those Pillsbury sugar cookies with the snowmen, and even a Christmas classics collection on DVD you’d fished out of the bargain bin. You’d decided to make a small roast beef with some baked potatoes for actual Christmas dinner, and you were even going to make a small vat of homemade mac and cheese tomorrow to go with it.
                As you walked more through the cabin, you found a cozy reading room with an impressive library. One half architectural and art books. The other poetry and literature. You looked through the shelves and unsurprisingly found “A Christmas Carol” by Charles Dickens. You unpacked your stuff and the groceries while you ate dinner, then lit a fire and settled on the large sofa in the reading room. It had been sometime since you’d read it and thought it would be fun to re-read some tonight, and some tomorrow on Christmas Eve.
                You made it to the ghost of Christmas Present before you’d started to yawn, knowing it was time to head to bed, unaware of the eyes watching you from the forest.
                The next day, you’d slept til nearly 10 in the morning; waking up to find the outside world covered in a slight dusting of snow. Having a quick cup of tea, you got to work on fixing the few things you needed to do for Christmas and Christmas Eve dinner. For Christmas Eve, you were following the family tradition of a lasagna. While it cooked you seasoned the roast, prepped the mac n cheese for baking, and even found time to make a cheesecake. All the while, Christmas classics played from the record player in the den filled the house with warmth, even helping to restore a little Christmas cheer. You would have to leave a note to the owners to see if they were interested in becoming friends; they had impeccable taste.
                The lasagna was, as expected, fantastic. You’d bought a box of cheap Texas toast garlic bread, which in your opinion was better than homemade, and afterward had leftovers for the rest of your stay.
                You opted to spend the rest of evening in the jacuzzi with the book. The parts about Scrooge and Belle tugged at your heart a bit. While you knew Scrooge was greedy and selfish of his own volition, you could understand the loneliness and rejection that had turned him so. You yourself had never had many friends growing up, often finding yourself more in the company of books than your peers. You longed for someone to call yours who would call you theirs. It’d been so long since you’d actually been with someone.  
                The story finished with Tiny Tim’ s famous line, and you closed the book. You stared out into the woods, but the dark forest offered no solace to your loneliness. But you thought you saw…was that…?
Was that…something moving in the forest? You swore you had seen a pair of red eyes staring at you but…it couldn’t be, you told yourself. Just a trick of the light. You sighed and leaned back in the jacuzzi, staring up into the stars. You were in awe at just how many more you could see out here in the woods. You closed your eyes and with something last shred of hope you made a simple Christmas wish, that someone would make you feel something…
                Suddenly, you did feel something as a massive gust of cold air blew through the porch area. But that was impossible! This was a completely enclosed area…right? You made a note to tell the owners that their porch might have a draft. You checked your watch; 12:01. Merry Christmas. You pulled yourself from the hot tub, wrapping yourself in a towel as you padded through the cabin. Your parents had given you a small stack of presents to open. You stacked them carefully under the tree before changing into the new pajamas you’d bought yourself. Extra soft and covered in little stars.
                “Merry Christmas” you whispered to yourself as you fell asleep, but as you fell asleep, you felt that same rush of cold air.
                Cold. That was what you felt as you opened your eyes. Where was the blanket? You reached to pull the covers back up but found you couldn’t. Instead, your arm felt…restrained. You frantically turned and saw your wrists had been shackled to the headboard. Oh shit…shit shit shit… you looked and saw your legs were spread wide, bound with black silk ribbon. And your clothes; gone were the warm fuzzy pajamas and instead you wore a midnight blue babydoll and black silk panties that matched the ribbon binding your wrists. You squirmed, trying to undo yourself from the restraint. You looked at the nightstand tables, desperately searching for your phone.
                “Oh, don’t struggle, pet. Wouldn’t want you harming that beautiful skin of yours….at least not before I get my chance.” A raspy voice purred. Sounding like a freshly sharpened skate gliding across an icy lake.
                “Who…who’s there?” you asked, meekly. You could see a figure lurking in the shadows.
                “I am here to fulfill your Christmas wish. To feel something.” There was a mischievousness in his voice, but it was not playful or comforting. He stepped into the moonlight beaming in the windows and you instantly wanted to shrink away.
He was tall, his…horns, nearly scraping against the ceilings. They were black and curved, with some small chains with decorative stones wrapped around them. His skin was a pale, icy blue. But his face was marked with ridges and lines and he had ritualistic tattoos up his arms and all over his chest. His hair was inky black, a few plaited braids hung against a massive mane. Crimson red eyes raked over your form. You wanted to cover yourself, hide; but with the restraints, you had no chance.
“Please…please…this has to be a dream.” You closed your eyes and shook your head, making the chains rattle. “Whoever you are, please just leave. I’ll never say a word…” You gasped as a long-crooked nail, more like a claw…ran down your cheek.
“Hush, little pet. No harm will come to you on this night.” He paused, smiling wolfishly, revealing sharp pearly fangs. “At least none that you cannot stand.”
“Who-who are you?” You were starting to feel even more of a chill with this man, this creature, being so close.
“I am Loki, a spirit of Winter and the woods. One who seeks out and tries to restore a warmth to those who are lacking it.”
“And you do that by chaining people to their beds?” You demanded. Still afraid but trying to not to show as much.
“Well, my methods can be a bit…unconventional at times. But it seems you are in need of some truly unconventional methods.” His fingers grabbed your chin and forced you to meet his crimson eyes.
He stared at you, as if studying you. “So alone…” he mused, as if he didn’t quite mean to say it aloud. The fingers holding your chin, ran down your chest to where your nipples had hardened from the chills. “Is this all from the cold pet, or are you excited at the feel of my touch?” He purred as he tweaked your nipple, making you inhale sharply.
The more you looked upon him, the more you couldn’t help being entranced by the angular jaw and his piercing eyes. His chest was exposed, as he wore only dark black pants and boots, and there were more markings and tattoos all over his body.
His fingers trailed down, rubbing over your panties. “And your little quim is getting so wet.” You bit your lip and shook your head, wanting to resist and fight. But his hand slipped under the panties and his long nail rubbed your clit, making your hips buck. The slight edge of pain drove the intensity of the pleasure.
“My wanton little slut. I think I know just how to fill you with Christmas spirit.” He said, emphasizing the fill in a way that made your breath hitch. He climbed up on top of you in the bed, kneeling between your spread thighs, but still managing to push them even further apart.
“Please…no…this has to be just a nightmare.” you protested weekly. But he ripped away the panties like they were made of tissue papers.
“Perhaps…perhaps not.” He said, his voice low. “But if it is, let us make it one you never forget” He adjusted himself, bringing his face close to your cunt, letting out a small breath of icy air. “So sensitive, little one.” Giving a slow gentle lick, you could feel his tongue felt cold on your hot cunt. But the feeling drove you wild with pleasure and you let out a low moan. He chuckled and went about his work, laving small licks against your clit. He brought two fingers up, just to ease them into your cunt, his touch just as icy as his tongue.
“My little pet, your little quim is absolutely divine.” He growled. “And it’s all mine.” His tongue and fingers were bringing you the most blissful pleasure you’d ever felt. Reaching the most intimate spots that you never could.
“Loki…I’m…I’m gunna…” you panted, getting closer and closer to climax.
“Yes, my pet. I feel your cunt tightening around my fingers. Cum on my face; let me taste you.” He ordered. His commanding voice drove you over the edge. You called out his name as you came, bucking your hips as far up as you could in the restraints. Your hands long for something to clasp, seeing his horns right in front of you… Why were you enjoying this so much? But why did this monster seem intent on pleasing you?
He licked up every drop of cum he could, sucking lewdly on your clit as he fingered you through the orgasm. When he finally pulled away, breathing heavily, you could see his chin in the moonlight, completely soaked.         
                Without a second thought, he pressed his lips against yours, kissing you fiercely. He ground his hips against you, his form making you feel small. He broke the kiss, panting heavy.
                “Well well, for someone on MY list this year, you sure do TASTE like a good girl. Tell me, my little snowflake, why so glum?” He asked, tenderly stroking your cheek with his finger.
                “Why…why would you care?” You breathed. “Isn’t this what you wanted?” you said, confused and dazed.
                “Yes, but I didn’t expect you to be sensitive and…frankly, cute.” He said, grinning. Your face heated up.
                “Well…I suppose…I just didn’t expect you to be so…nice?” You said, sheepishly. “You seem to WANT to make me cum.”
Loki stared at you in disbelief. “Are you saying you’ve never had a partner who was trying to please you?” he asked, incredulously.  You looked away, not wanting to answer. A sigh left his lips.
“How foolish mortals can be. Constantly in search for beauty but ignoring it when it’s in plain sight.” He gave you another kiss, much gentler this time. And you both paused for a moment, he even laid gently on top of you so as not to hurt you.
After a brief moment of kind silence, you spoke. “Perhaps I ended up on your list not because you were here to punish, but because you were NEEDED. I did wish to feel something. And I’ve certainly felt some things tonight.” You let out a small chuckle.
“I suppose that could be possible.” He smiled a true smile this time, but that mischievous glint was in his eye. “I’m still not convinced this isn’t a dream, but why don’t we make this my best Christmas, yet?” you asked
“As you wish,” He purred. “Shall I keep the restraints on?” he asked, genuinely.
“Yes, I wanted to feel. Make me feel.” You said, your voice now heavy with desire.
“Well, who are you ordering me around, little thing?” he said, reaching down to tweak your nipple, HARD.  “I am the one who commands you. I am your god.” He leaned down, squeezing your cheeks and holding your mouth open to spit into it. “Swallow that my sweet cum whore.” You did so, your eyes rolling back. He smirked.
“I take it back. You ARE a naughty little girl.” He said, kissing you as he pulled his pants down, freeing his cock. Big, and blue. Just like the rest of him. Your toys back home could barely hold a candle to his. You bit your lip.
“You want this, don’t you my sweet girl? You want to be my little whore? Beg for my cock.” He said, sliding his cock along your cunt, feeling you get wet.
“Please…please fuck me Loki. Please.” You bs egged.
He pushed his cock in, making you gasp at the feeling of being split open by him.
“Fuck…this tight little quim…” he grunted, rocking his hips and fucking you deeper. “So perfect around my cock.” His cock was cool, like the rest of his touches, but you felt yourself getting hotter and hotter from his touches. As he fucked you, he peppered your neck and face in kisses, growling sinful things in your ear. “Such a naughty little girl…I’m going to claim this cunt as mine…you will always remember…you belong to me…” He promised.
“Loki please…fuck me….” Your please were cut off when Loki wrapped his hand around your throat, squeezing just enough.
“I. Told. You.” He growled, each of his words being punctuated by a hard thrust, driving the full length of his cock inside you. “I don’t.” Thrust “Take orders.” Thrust. “From bratty little whores.” His last thrust had your eyes rolling back as he resumed a punishing pace. You were already so sensitive from your last orgasm, and his other hand was circling your clit and driving you even crazier.
“I can your cunt tightening around my cock AGAIN.” He degraded. “But if you want to come this time, I better hear you ask nicely for it. Go on…tell Loki what you want for Christmas.” He mocked. But it seemed to make you want it more. His hand was still squeezing your throat, but you choked out
“Please…please can I cum…for Christmas?” you whimpered, tears leaving your eyes out of desperation. He leaned close to you and whispered.
“I am going to cum within you, so that you always know, always remember, who you belong to. Now. Cum.” He ordered. You came hard, harder than you’d ever truly thought possible. Every nerve was on fire with pleasure and passion. Above you, Loki stilled as he filled you with his cum, squeezing your throat so hard you thought you’d pass out. He gave a few more thrusts, riding out his orgasm, then slowly lowered himself to meet your body, kissing you again, but with all the tenderness of a lover.
As you two lay there in post coital bliss, you could feel the bonds fall away from your arms and legs.
“Shhhh.” He breathed, adjusting you two to lay on your sides, still connected. But as he held you, you did not feel cold. You felt safe and secure.
“You mortals have some interesting customs nowadays. Not bad, just interesting.”
“I suppose. But some of the old customs were pretty odd too. Candles on a dried tree? No wonder London was constantly on fire.” You both chuckled.
“I wish there was some way to tell if this was all a dream.” You said; your eyes heavy with sleep.
“Perhaps. But even if it is, I’m sure you shall remember it.”
“Then remember the good times and fret not about the details.” He mused.  You wanted to respond, but his soothing voice and gentle touches pulled you into sleep.
The next morning you awoke, feeling better rested than you’d had in some time now. You looked around the room and all was as it should be. Your clothes, your bed, the sun was shining bright on a beautiful Christmas morning. But as you looked, there was a small blue box sitting on the night stand.
“No….it couldn’t be.” You opened the box and there, encrusted with your birthstone, was a small silver “L.” In the box was a note.
Merry Christmas, my darling pet. I hope I’ve made this one to remember.
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drakulateeth · 2 years
My femme fatale essentials
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I have seen way too many posts and articles about how to become a femme fatale and most of them are useless. And since I have had the femme fatale mindset ever since I was quite young, let me share with you what being a femme fatale actually entails:
Being in touch with your dark side.
By this I mean, understanding and not suppressing the negative traits that we have. Being selfish, arrogant, wanting to lie, wanting to steal, craving violence. Once you look at those feelings in the face and truly understand them, you will no longer be a slave to them and to what society says is unacceptable. Regardless this does not mean wrecking havoc in others lives and self-destructing, but you should accept yourself fully and work on whatever you see fit, however you see fit (I'm a popstar, not a doctor).
2. Having a generally dark and muted color palette.
For your clothes and your environment, I think this is quite self explanatory. Dark reds and browns, shiny pinks and even deep blues. Candles, antique furniture, old books, heavy curtains, classic cuts for clothes, for this part I would suggest you mix the stereotypical aesthetic with your own authentic style. Do not buy into the mainstream products you see online though, please, I would suggest see what type of Halloween decorations you enjoy and move from there. (My inspiration ever since I was young have been vampires)
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3. Being the demise of men.
My personal favorite. I have yet to destroy anyone's life but I have used the feelings that many guys had for me, for my benefit. From school projects, to concert tickets, to snacks, free rides around town, to now getting a guy that likes me, that I of course do not like, to do most of my work in the conference I am working on. And in the end breaking their little hearts.
The way I go around it is that I act cold (I already look intimidating) and never give them actual hope, so when the situation blows in the guy's face, he knows that it was his fault and that him being blinded by lust cannot be my problem. This is where the be in touch with all your feeling and urges comes to play. Be ruthless. (I should do a whole separate piece on being ruthless, 10/10 would recommend)
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4. Emulating classic and/or glam looks.
For this part, fuck trends and do what works for you. You must know yourself first and then craft a look, I cannot tell you to just do a red lip and you will look stunning. You should know your undertones and what shades of lipstick compliment your face. I only wear dark reds and browns, otherwise I do simple nudes, because pink or purple or anything vibrant looks terrible on me. Pick and choose whatever suits you and I repeat stay away from trends. Hair, make up, scents, dresses, shoes, nails, everything should be coherent, should suit you because YOU are wearing them they do not wear you, basically look well put together in a glam way in a darker color palette. (The look is a very simple part)
5. Having a very particular hobby that must be intellectually stimulating.
For me it would be learning languages, I already speak four (French is one of them, you want someone to be hypnotized by you, speak French with the accent, even if it is visible you are not French, it still sounds hot) and I intend to learn three more because I have picked them up but have not taken them to intermediate or advanced levels yet. Your hobby can be anything as long as it is very intellectually and artistically stimulating. Think playing the cello, the harp, the violin, the piano, think classical ballet, ballroom dancing or even belly dancing, sculpting, writing poetry, pottery, I can go on for ages. You have read this in other guides too, be curious, be authentic and indulge in the things that you enjoy.
6. Oozing sex appeal.
That starts with being confident in your body and being in complete touch with yourself. You already know what I will say on this, eat well, do something physical that makes you feel good, take care of your health, wear well made lingerie, have a deep and sweet perfume (I am a Dior girl, I buy a dupe for daily wear, and the actual perfume for more important matters). The rest, I don't know you, you must figure it out yourself, a guide I made cannot dictate your life, do whatever makes you feel sexy. Start with sexy lingerie, shiny jewelry, also gun and dagger shaped things, put on a sultry playlist, imitate supermodel walks, the world is your oyster.
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7. You must stand tall
The main appeal of the femme fatale, is the self confidence, the directness, living their life in their own terms. They have boundaries, standards, refined taste... basically they are the dream girl that would do everything to get what she wants, there is this sort of perfect imperfection about their poise, their anger, their movement. They seem so cool yet so ready to strike, at any moment they might unleash hell. I always loved them because they seemed so multidimensional. I never particularly enjoyed the nice and sweet heroin in media, I related more the the amoral, darker "villains" hence me being a well known bitch from age 12 until now.
(During my formative years I was an only child and quite spoiled, so I think it makes sense I subscribe to the philosophies that I subscribe)
On an ending note, I would suggest pick a few fictional characters that have traits you would like to emulate, and live as they would. We live in the age of information, chances are you already know what you like or not about the aesthetic, so make it your own and live authentically. The only thing I want to say is, bring back misery to men's lives, because 1. the trope is based on that and 2. because they love it.
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*I also have a bone to pick with the coquettes that girlblog from their bed all day and make those ugly moodboards about femme fatales. More on that some other night
Happy hunting my maneaters,
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Okayy soo Hey guys!! My first post on tumblr here~~ I'm gonna give an introduction about my self and tell about who I am so here we go!~
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🌻• I'm a teenage girl from India, who loves doing, thinking, reading aesthetic, fun stuff.
🌻• I love all kinds of art and I am deeply interested in them, whether it be singing, dancing, whether it be painting, drawing, poetry. Just ANYTHING.
🌻•I'm a proud Hindu girl who deeply loves God and is proud of her culture🧡
🌻•I can speak, write and understand Hindi, English and Gujarati well. I can just read and write Korean alphabet yet, I'm learning the words and grammar.
🌻• I also have a Youtube channel! I'll drop the link in my description its called 'Purple💜💜'. Im not active on it now but I'll comeback soon, I usually upload kpop edits there.
🌻• Bestie: @pluxyrainbow
🌻• I've also been a fan of animation since childhood so I am a HUGE fan of My Little Pony and Miraculous Ladybug, and I'm getting into anime and have watched alot of Disney and Pixar's stuff.
I am halfway through Death Note and Gakeun Babysitters yet, and I have just started One Piece.
🌻• My hobbies are dancing, singing(although im not good at it yet-), drawing, reading and listening music, I enjoy playing games and sports too. I'm a just started begginer at keyboard too.
🌻• I want to become a music idol and performer when I grow so Im trying to improve my skills day by day.
🌻•Im getting into working out recently(without equipments).
🌻• To describe myself as a person, I am a kind and one of a kind(pun intended lol) person, I am very loyal and have strong morals and opinion. I never judge or bitch about anyone unless they actually are a bad person.
Even though I would hate a person due to how they treated me or how they treat others, I would never go to a extreme of wishing smth really bad to a person, bc at the end of the day we're all God's kids c'mon
Lets say I'm a picky extrovert or a loud introvert because it takes me time to open up to people(due to trust issues and safety measures yk), but when I open up, I JUST DONT STOP TALKING😭😭.
🌻•I love Harry Potter and am a very big Potterhead⚡️💙.
🌻•I love listening various types of musics.
🌻•I stan some Kpop groups as well:
And almost listen to every other kpop group.
🌻•I'll upload my Harry Potter and other Kpop group's profile soon to let yall know more about it in those ascepts.
Soo that's it for today bye guys see ya!🩷
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lokilysolbitch · 1 year
My new fixation is bad poetry
and its making me think about how to define art and poetry and what makes poetry good etc but I can't go back and find my sophomore english teacher and rant about it so I'm making it yalls problem. but mr c if ur in here pls read also what do you mean thats one way to skin a hamster. thats not how it goes what are you talking abou
first of all, ive finally figured out my current definition of art: records of the human experience or just experience in general. so yes paintings and poetry but ALSO tiktoks or a decorated room. idc if you think its stupid there are remnants and references to human experiences ALL OVER those. so basically if it left a mark at any point, its art. maybe not always "good" or skilled, deep, etc but it is art (to me)
secondly, what is poetry? the same sophomore english teacher asked this at the beginning of a unit and the class was struggling. every time we listed a requirement for poetry he went "is that necessary though?". "it has to rhyme" "does it?" "it has to be deep" "does it" "it needs to have words!" ".....does it?" man idk i was 15 and sleep deprived
but now im less sleep deprived and i have an answer. I would consider poetry a spectrum (but not necessarily flexible. i wouldn't say you have to bend it's meaning to make something fit) but also playing with language, to be playful with it and have fun with it, to use it as a toy in a way. using language in a way different from its intended use. so writing a personal narrative about a deep topic? not poetry. maybe you had fun with it but thats still its main use. to make words rhyme, to alliterate, to use words just plain wrong? probably poetry. its still a spectrum. and im aware this means that saying something like "yew nork/glass fork" would count as a shitpost and poetry while "Ill love you and ill never stop loving you" doesnt and um i dont care i said what i said--
this would also mean most books and speeches would have little bits of poetry in there and i stand by that too. maybe the entire thing isnt poetry but bits of it could count. i came to this conclusion on the meaning of poetry because i saw too many "aesthetic" free verse poems that were just. tweets. you coulda just made it a sentence and posted it for free. there was no attempt to play with language. you just used it the way you were supposed to. its just a quote.
im definitely going to add more onto this about what i think poetry critics miss sometimes and why formal teaching of poetry is flawed but not all in one post bc its a lot. However i have one last concept to attempt to define. this one has always made me the angriest
where do i even start. maybe we should just get rid of these terms completely and make people say what they mean. is it good or did he just use literary devices correctly. is it good or is it genuine. is it good or is it deep. is it good or is it entertaining. is it good or do you like it. is it good or is it popular. is it good or is it complex. is it good or is it creative.
ive been saying since i was i was maybe 12-13 that even though good does not have a solid stable meaning, there is still a sense of what good is. We know what its supposed to be. classical music, Edgar Allen Poe, Da Vinci are good. sure most people barely know or understand or care about these things other than one piece of work they can recall because they had to look at it in highschool that time and the teacher seemed to appreciate it. and we know that reality tv, messily hand drawn animals, and half assed near unintelligible tiktok skits are bad.
but....wait we like those though
ive come to the conclusion that while still shifting, "good"'s meaning in scholarly settings tends to come down to whatever those somethingth century european dudes and what the modern smart looking guys deemed intelligent. and in colloquial settings, what everyone likes.
many pretentious types will say rap is bad and the subject matter is crude and the same way im sure some old european guy would have said or has said traditional african music is too weird and primitive to be respectable.
now. i dont really listen to rap intentionally. if its in there its in there. I used to be pretentious and after changing i just never got too deep into it BUT. i listened to a Nicki Minaj song one time just to see and yeah it was not family friendly but dear god was it clever. the way she'd drop the most genius alliteration-personification-allegory-englishvocabword and then just keep it moving like im not gonna have to stop and ponder the seven layer reference to bedtime hanky panky. its smart. its creative. its complex. and so many rappers can write about the same topics over and over and still come back with a new way of phrasing it. its genuinely impressive
but so many still wouldn't consider it good.
the term good when it comes to art, while having somewhat of a meaning is still useless. make your own personal standards for what is important for you to see in art. its kind of silly for us to collectively decide "okay this art? we like it. this is good" and then go to a different community (age group, culture, race) and go "were going to show you the new gold standard for good! its what we liked! you dont do it like this?? then yours is bad!". historically thats never been a good move
what i find important with poetry (and by poetry i mostly mean song writing bc i dont even read poetry like that) tends to be "is it a poem? or a sentence/paragraph". everything other than that just has to do with my taste and what I prefer in the moment. and it goes the same for everyone else. there's no universal good or bad with art. its just what a dominant or culturally respected group of people said was important.
limericks are bad tho jesus told me/j
TL;DR: i think anything that records an experience is art. i think toying with language mostly makes it poetry, and i think its weird people create little boxes for good and bad and make everyone else adhere to it
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modernmonkeymind · 2 years
We all want to be entertained, distracted from our lives. There's nothing wrong with a Netflix or YouTube binge, but perhaps its not so great that its become the default for us, or at least for me. Don’t get me wrong, I love me some TV, but watching the crew of the Discovery getting themselves into trouble, or the Click (wholesome though he is) making jokes about goofy memes doesn’t actually accomplish anything, and it takes time that could be used in more fulfilling ways.
Social media can be a great resource, and a serious distraction. I decided to back away from social media almost entirely once I realized I was letting people I didn't know piss me off, especially when I wasn't going to change their mind (hello Dunning-Krueger, didn't see you over there).
To challenge myself and get my head on straight, I'm embracing Cal Newport's Digital Detox for March, eliminating social media and all streaming video. I'm letting myself have access to a limited number of sites, primarily 84000, Suttacentral, and the Storygraph. I'm also planning to post to Mastadon twice a day (a poem and 3 good things), and Tumblr. I'm not restricting podcasts, audio books or music. I'll be using Basecamp, Meetup, and Zoom for personal development and to keep commitments I've made. I'm planning to revert my phone to something akin to what Steve Jobs originally intended, a sort of smart dumb phone that can make calls, texts, access messaging apps, maps, the app for my smart scale, One Bus Away, Streaks, audio, YNAB & my bank, and thats about it. In other words I'm making my phone a tool again. The question of course, becomes what to do without access to technological pacifiers. The answer really is most anything that doesn’t require a computer or smartphone, but some of my favorites these days include:
Meditation: I've been practicing based on the teachings of the Nalandabodhi, and Shambhala lineages recently and plan to meditate for seven minutes in the morning and/or evening, in addition to short sessions sporadically throughout the day. I'll also be single tasking for the most part, using activities like reading, walking, reading/composing poetry, and painting, as meditative practices.
Yoga: I got into yoga asana because I was stiff and not very grounded, and I decided to train to teach for similar reasons, since yoga is so pigeon holed as something only bendy acrobats can do. I've not gotten on the mat in a few years at this point, but want to get back to it, inspired by my teacher starting to teach again earlier this week after an extended health crisis. I'm planning to just do a couple minutes to start, probably just Sun Salutations/playing around.
Walk: A great form of exercise most anyone can do, and it doesn’t have to cost a thing as long as you have a decent pair of shoes and appropriate clothes for the weather. I've been taking daily walks more regularly recently, but most of the time this is a bookstore circuit that leads to lots of temptation. Going forward I'm planning to walk more in nature and go to libraries instead. I'm setting a 12k goal in Streaks, and shooting for 20k. I've already been hitting in this range most days which has helped with some serious weight loss.
Read: I’ve always got a couple books going. At the moment the list includes a commentary on the 37 Practices of a Bodhisattva, and Donut Economics by Kate Raworth. Books are magical things. You can learn most anything you might be interested in (I highly recommend Raworth's book), you can learn about another person’s experience of life in their own words (Montaigne basically invented the personal blog before the internet or computers were a thing when he thought up the essay format). You can also exercise your imagination and relax with a good novel (the human imagination has one solid advantage over TV & movies in that it isn’t restricted by a budget!) The plan is to dial back and do my best to only read one or two books at a time instead of the four or five I've usually got going. I'm also planning to read more poetry after my interest was reignited by Sister Jina's wonderful collection, which leads to the next item.
Write: Mostly when I say write I'm thinking of journaling and composing poetry by hand. I'm shooting for spending some time every day writing, but not worrying about getting a polished poem at the end. Just fifteen minutes of concentrated work.
Paint: I've taken a couple classes on watercolor and messed around a bit with acrylics. I'd like to spend some time each day painting, actually focused on having something to show for it each time, though that could be childish goofing around. I'd like to take a shot at using acrylics to recreate ukiyoe, get inspired by Zen/Chan watercolors, and take a shot at Sumie, though I definitely want to take a class in the latter at some point sooner than later!
PLAYING WITH MY CAT: Do I need to explain?
NOTHING: Seriously, we've become so obsessed with "productivity" and "getting things done" that as a culture its as if we've forgotten what it is to be alive as a human being. I'm going to try to do this more often, whether standing in line, walking somewhere, or just having nothing in particular to do.
I'm not expecting March to be easy, but thats kind of the point. I'm getting rid of some things I enjoy , but the fact that something isn't easy just means its more worth doing. I'll be journaling about it, and plan to post here once a week.
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silmaryel · 10 months
ASMR time in Faerun
This is just the little drabble I wrote to accompany art commission by velnna/MAF from this link, please do check for credit and artist's socials! I wanted to post fic separately not to bother them with my shenanigans :)
! BIG DISCLAIMER, I have not written in many years, English is not my first language, I'm just having fun and being motivated by the amazing fandom of BG3 and a certain red-eyed fellow, don't come at me, pretty please.
So the fic/art premise I had in mind is to finally have someone [someone being Tav] read for Astarion this damn book he can't part with. I added some AMSR sprinkles for funsies and tiny bit of angst.
Setting is somewhat after Act II confession. My Tav has a name and background, but wanted to keep it vague here.
Pairing: Astarion/Fem!Tav
Warnings: None, a bit of angst, Astarion dealing with new feelings and experiences
Mood: fluff + light angst
Words were slowly blurring in front of him. Astarion has been reading the whole time the rest of their companions prepared and ate some awful, without a doubt, dinner. His eyes focused briefly on Tav - when she thought he wouldn’t notice, bard was throwing occasional glances at him through the day. Of course she was, after last night's confession, they both had no fucking idea what..."they" even were anymore. He slowly returned to his reading and decided to call it a day after a few more pages.
"Move, will you?" Mulling over the state of his personal affairs, he was surprised by Tav actually coming over to his tent’s entrance and plucking the book from his hand. She lay beside Astarion on some make-shift blankets. 
"Rude. Sneaking up on me, stealing my book and demanding I abandon my very comfortable spot? Where are your manners, darling?" 
"I am hardly able to sneak up on you, definitely not able to steal from you, and I'm just setting up a nice evening for us, love." - came the smooth answer.
"Oh?" Astarion felt a familiar twinge of uncertainty. They have discussed...well, sex, or lack thereof from now on, haven't they? Was he misunderstood? Her next words confused him even more.
"You happily indulge in whatever new shitty romance or poetry we find on our way. What do you say for me indulging you this time, hmm? Where did you finish?" Tav was looking at him expectedly, a smirk dancing on her lips.
"I...what?" Astarion's brain short-circuited for a moment, leaving him without his usual witty demeanor.
He heard her sigh in a "I'm not annoyed, but let's pretend I am" manner he knew all too well. "The book, where did you finish, my love?" Tav has finally picked up on his confused expression. "Astarion, I'm just trying to propose reading you aloud this..." - she glanced quickly at the book cover and raised an eyebrow - "Cranial Nerves and other highly specific triggers", if you don't mind, of course. I'm a little surprised at your choice of literature this time though. Anyway, it could be a nice way to spend another night in those wretched lands, hmm?"
So it was not about sleeping together, but reading together? Ah, a cute try on her end to make things, well, normal. Whatever is considered "normal" in their current circumstances. Worry was replaced with relief and curiosity. No harm in a little deflection then, is there? 
"This is what you used to do with your past lovers? Playing an old, boring, married couple?". For some reason, it sounded more accusatory and less sarcastic than he intended to. Astarion cringed inwardly at his own words. What was happening to him? When seduction was off the table, he was stumbling over his practiced lines like some damn virgin.
Tav's easy smile faded a bit. Oh shit, did he hurt her? 
"This is what I want to do with you, if you let me. If not, just say so and I’ll go back to my tent." 
There was no mockery in her words, no play, no humorous retort he'd expect in their usual banter. Faced with simple honesty he had no answer other than being honest himself. And frankly, it could be fun?
"Fine then, I suppose. Start on chapter 3, please." The vampire was not above smiling softly, more to himself than at Tav. He was learning an unknown dance, and for the first time in…well, for the first time, his partner was the one more skillful at it.
Astarion shifted slightly, leaning on his elbow and letting her lay comfortably beside him. Soft candlelight was warming his skin, playing in Tav's hair and on her freckles. She flicked through the pages for a moment and, propped on her forearms, started reading. Bard's voice had a calming cadence to it, quite different to her usual high octave sweet ramblings or singsong spells. If he could fall asleep, he definitely would, as she was reading out passage after passage in that new, almost whispery manner. His own little bard. It had a nice ring to it.
Cazador, tadpoles, Absolute, all of their current troublesomes suddenly seemed far away, if only for this brief moment of respite. Astarion was looking at Tav with something he would recognize as tenderness or, perhaps, even affection, if only he was familiar with how those felt. But for now, the only coherent thought he had was: "This is nice too". And it was just enough for both of them.
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alwaysurvalentine · 11 months
an open letter to the greatest person I've ever met - original poem?
I don’t really know what I am doing…
Just that I'm doing my best. 
I am trying to be the person you saw me as,
And I think I’m doing okay?
I don't really know. 
Were you proud of the person I was before you were gone? 
I like to think you were, afterall I have changed exponentially since my younger years.
You sat me down one time, if I remember correctly we were both reading across the table from each other. You drew my attention away from my book and started a conversation about relationships. How you didn’t want me to be alone just because that was the life you had chosen for yourself. I don’t remember exact quotes anymore, just vague recollections. 
And, don’t get me wrong, I do not fault anyone but myself for how I decided to take your advice, but I think you wanted to see me happy with someone that wasn’t just family or a close friend. I think you knew I was good by myself but I could do great things if I had someone to lean on that wasn’t just a friend. 
I threw myself into relationships, hoping they would make me happy. Hoping you would approve of them and knowing how big of a challenge that was to give someone. Looking back, you probably knew then that I was going to lose you. You weren’t trying to replace yourself, but I think you wanted me to have someone to lean on when the time came. 
Your advice was good, and well intended. But I still don’t know what to do with it. Like, how do I know when someone is the right person? I wish I had asked you more about love outside of family while you were alive. There is so much more advice I wish I could ask you for, that I was too scared to ask for while I was still considered a child. 
I wonder if you knew. You probably knew all along now that I think about it. But I wonder if you saw how I looked at her? If you saw how I would’ve done anything for her, all she had to do was ask. I think you would’ve loved me anyway, scoffed at my fear that you wouldn’t love me anymore. How silly was I to think that you wouldn’t love me anymore? You were my best friend and the greatest person I’ve gotten to know. 
I hope you’re doing good wherever you are. You deserve it. Just know that I do miss you all the time. I know you’re not in pain anymore and I should be happy about that but, why’d you have to leave so soon? We didn’t get to go to flagler, we didn’t get to go on a crazy road trip. You didn’t get to visit me states away. I don’t blame you though, I can’t really blame anyone for anything that happened. 
It’s about to be a year since I last heard your voice, and I know I don’t cry about you as often as I used to, but I really do hope you know how much I miss you. I miss just going to your house and cooking up a storm because who could teach me to cook except you? And packing up to go camping, with me slowly taking over prepping the camper because you were “getting too old”. 
You taught me so many life skills and I wish I would’ve thanked you when I had the chance. 
(poetry? by yours truly, Valentine)
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hirazuki · 1 year
Tag game: Tour my bookshelf!
Thanks for the tag, @general-illyrin!
An estimate of how many physical books I own: Including those in storage, probably over 800 by now. Those physically with me, currently, in my apartment: 267.
Favorite author: It's a tie between J.R.R. Tolkien, Paul Scott, and Dorothy Dunnett. They are my holy trinity ♡
A popular book I've never read and never intend to read: Hm, probably one of the YA ones floating around, with the courts and roses in the titles? Or the book with Gideon and Harrow. Those just don't appeal to me, particularly in terms of writing style ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (idk specifics, sorry y'all, I don't really keep up with literature past like. mid-ish 20th c, and even that's super late for me. It's 18th/19th c. gothic all the way for me XD)
A popular book I thought was just meh: Mmm, again, I don't really know what's popular tbh despite working in a library lmao; if it doesn't concern The Hyperfixations, it literally does not register in my brain XD. So probably some assigned reading in school, like Catcher in the Rye or The Great Gastby. I was an extremely unimpressed teen/young adult with most of the 20th c. American literature we were given to read.
Longest book I own: Of the ones in my apartment at the moment, just doing a quick visual scan, it looks like it's The Dictionary of Mythology; though tbh, I suspect my BHS probably has significantly more pages, despite it looking so tiny in comparison. But I'm too lazy to actually go look XD
Longest series I own all the books to: Depends on what we mean by "series." If it's strictly linear plot, then I think it's The Lymond Chronicles, by Dorothy Dunnett. If it's just same universe/same characters, it's definitely Agatha Christie's novels. If we're including comics as part of books? It's Lucky Luke, sitting at 82 issues yes I have all of them XD
Prettiest book I own: A New Treasury of Poetry, it has a beautiful cover and includes really lovely plates interspersed throughout the collection.
A book or series I wish more people knew about: Ahaha, none! I used to have one series, but then; well. Let's just say that, while I am firmly against gatekeeping, I can't help but notice that popularity sometimes does spoil some things ^^;
Book I'm reading now: Re-reading The Silmarillion, and making my way through History of Middle-Earth and Nature of Middle-Earth.
Book that's been on my TBR list for a while but I still haven't got around to it: The recently published Fall of Numenor is next in line for me to read.
Do you have any books in a language other than English: Yup, plenty in Greek, some in Spanish, and a handful in biblical Hebrew.
And lastly, paperback, hardcover or ebook? Oh, paperback for sure. I can't stand ebooks for my own personal use -- it's a great concept and I love the accessibility it provides, but it's just not for me; unless I'm reading fanfic, I require a physical item in my hands in order to be happy. Hardcovers are gorgeous, but I primarily read lying down on my back and they are very cumbersome in that respect. Paperback is cheaper, lighter, and there's far less guilt attached if you're a messy reader like me (pen/pencil notes, folded pages, reading in the bathtub/on the beach/while eating lunch or dinner, art/craft projects involving glue and paint everywhere in the apartment, keeping tons of plants on the bookshelves, etc.).
Tagging, no pressure: @ruiniel, @baked-hylian, @cruelfeline, @dear-kumari, @nomadicism
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can I get a tdlr?
TDLR: There has been much talk recently about the existence of The Sage Space and its many sub-spaces. What is all of this talk about if not the latest in rationalfic's long line of "fun things"? As we have been on and off rationalfic's good side for far too long, we decided it was time to do something about this. And we have some good news.
This is The Fantasy Literature Review, or (as I'll call it) TFLR for short.
TFLR is the rationalfic version of the old SFWA Bulletin of Science Fiction, a periodical that had its heyday in the '60s. As our friend Nostalgebraist says,
"I'm still not over my fondness for Science Fiction magazine… The SFWA Bulletin was the magazine that had the most to do with me. I read it religiously from the moment it started until I dropped it from my hands about five years later. It wasn't just the fiction that stuck with me. It was the letters, the discussions, the weird ideas, the science, the poetry, the good writing, the bad writing (occasionally mixed up together), the ideas that might have made a story, the ideas that made a person, the books I'd read and the movies and the TV shows I'd seen, and yes, even the ads and the reviews, though I never really paid much attention to them."
We, too, can't forget all of this. While we don't have the backing of an established professional organization (or, for that matter, its funding), we intend to live up to rationalfic's ideal: The good should never be hidden away.
TFLR, then, is where you'll get the latest news of rationalfic-related developments, as well as the thoughts and opinions of the group that we've chosen to call "TFLR." You'll see, for example, rationalfic making contact with the world at large, and other exciting and funny stories.
Here's the rationalfic community discussing the different sub-spaces of the rationalfic community, and its various problems and frustrations (from the sage-space
to the dirt-space to TFLR itself, a.k.a. the best of rationalfic). What started as a way to keep in touch with the rationalfic community quickly turned into something more. And now we're here. TFLR is real, and you'll see it starting now.
In TFLR, the "Sage" is just a nickname we use for the collective consciousness that is our community. It is the common language and reference point for understanding this group of people. The Sage does not, in fact, do anything. What it is like for any given member of the group is something akin to this:
There is a certain person in the group, and she has the same name and a different voice, and her head is shaped like a heart and her body is all twisted. If you say her name, she will make a sound like this:
#thesis #rude #sage #unrelatable #bad #sad
…And this is the message she receives from you.
(This is very much a joke – we have not had time to come up with a serious name for the Sage. I'm sure you can imagine the possibilities!)
The Sage speaks for herself and for everyone who thinks like her.
"What do you think? Are you feeling the Sage in this thread, or do you think the Sage should come here and do some Sageing of his own? And what does it mean when we see someone with their head shaped like a heart? Could the Sage like the people who like the people who like the people who like their friends? Does that mean she's not a sage? Maybe she likes those people too. Does it mean she's a sage? Maybe those people are too. What's that? The Sage doesn't like that. She's not like that. What would she like to be? Do you think the Sage has a soul? What does the Sage feel? What kind of things are the Sage made of? What is the Sage made of? Does the Sage have thoughts?"
The Sage talks like that because that's what the Sage does.
#thesis #rude #sage #unrelatable #bad
"What about this story? How do you know what a good story is?
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high-pot-in-noose · 2 years
It's actually kinda trippy for me that my online identity is more or less 'a writer'. I love literature, writing, and so on, of course, (except the actual typing part) but it makes me wonder how I got here, to be this way.
For the first two decades of my life, anyone who knew me could be asked about what kind of person I was, and everyone would say without hesitation, "an artist." Family, friends, classmates, teachers, people who only knew of me by word-of-mouth — if they knew nothing else about me, they'd still know that [my name] meant 'artist.' I was the stereotype of an art kid, the kind you might find in a cartoon. Paint on my hands and clothes; expensive mediums kept carefully in my day-to-day bag; partially finished projects always on-hand to start working on no matter where or when.
No one, not even myself, looked at me and thought, "writer." The only writing I did was in English class, and only non-fiction. I was garbage at fiction — I spent so much time on art, I literally did not know how conversations worked; my dialogues felt like they were written by a new and confused AI.
Well, that's not completely true — I wrote 'poetry,' too. But I will be perfectly honest with myself about it for the first time in my life — what I put to paper back then was not really poetry, it was doodling with letters. I used flowery language and metaphors to describe scenarios that went nowhere, that meant nothing, that didn't come from any sort of sincerity, just for the lovely way it sounded and felt being read aloud. It was another medium that I used to create pretty pictures of fake things, but meant to be seen in your mind instead of with your eyes. They didn't mean anything.
Actually none of my art ever meant anything.
At lot of my best works were just things I cobbled together for fun, just to see what the end result would look like. And then people would see them and be like, "Oh, this is so powerful. It's so heavy, I'm tearing up. What does it mean?" And then I would pull bullshit out of my ass for it, saying this and that as I looked over the painting or sculpture and try to see what it was that person was apparently seeing.
What was it that they were seeing? I still don't know; those things I made are still just colorful lines and dots and swirls on a receptive surface that made a pattern just by coincidence. Just splashes of paint that fell in a form that happened to mean a feeling in the eyes of someone who saw it. They don't mean anything, they're not saying anything, they're just lying to everyone that they do, and I lied along with them because I didn't want to hurt anyone by saying that they're seeing love when there's actually none.
I suppose that's why I don't make art anymore. I got tired of lying. And these days my artistic skills are so degraded I can't even fake it anymore even if I wanted to. It's more honest this way, I think.
I think I like myself better as a writer. When something I write evokes a sentiment, it's because I intended to, and what's felt is exactly what's meant to be felt. Words can mean many things, but I know exactly what those things mean, and so every interpretation is by design. If it hurts, if it enrages, if it makes the reader laugh — yes, that's what it means, that's what I mean.
And so I feel a little more understood. And so I think I'm also more understanding. You know what I feel, I know what you feel, and we're feeling it together like we're sitting next to next even though were separated by thousands of miles. You'll never know me as Artist (a lie), that thing I used to think I was, but you know me as Writer (the truth), what I am and still will be.
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agentmika · 2 years
for the reading ask. do you read the brothers karamazov. have you read the brothers karamazov. will you read the brothers karamazov. when will you read the brothers karamazov.
2 6 7 12
*cue elijah wood cut-off hysterical laugh* thanks for the questions bee! if you had asked me #1 I would tell you that brothers karamazov is on next year's list for sure. Now for the rest: 2. What are 2-5 already published nonfiction books you think you want to read in 2023?
I always mean to read more nonfiction than I do every year...I think three that I have in mind right now are: 1 - Capitalist Realism by Mark Fisher (yes I've technically already begun reading this and it's short but also there are 2 days left in the year and it's not top of my current reading priorities) 2 - White Tears/Brown Scars: How White Feminism Betrays Women of Color by Ruby Hamad (had a fellow biracial with white mom friend recommend this to me)
3 - Lead from the Outside: How to Build Your Future and Make Real Change by Stacey Abrams 6. Do you have any conceptual reading goals? E.g., I plan to read books on food history.
I suppose that no, before seeing this question I hadn't thought of things in this way. Prompted by it however, I suppose I have an interest in reading more about labor strikes and unions throughout history as well as black history and in particular, the experiences of other women of color. 7. What languages do you plan to read in? Do you want to read anything in translation?
Afraid to say that I'm barely bilingual so I will be reading primarily in English though I intend to practice my Spanish more actively so hopefully will start branching out into that as well. Another thing that comes to mind is this poetry collection I once heard about in different languages shown side by side with English translations–I might search that up later and add that to the list.
12. What's your 2023 stance on rating/reviewing books?
I am terrible at remembering to log things on like, Goodreads or Storygraph ever. I have a personal notebook that I occasionally remember to update and I usually write a personal half-page review for myself in there under a section titled SOME THOUGHTS where depending on the book it might be an overall review or it might be some ranting/raving about a particular piece I loved or hated, etc etc. Which is to say my stance on rating/reviewing books is I'd like to do it more myself for me and for sharing with my friends but I don't necessarily care to do it with any regularity nor do I often read reviews. I'm pretty review-neutral.
2023 reading ask game!
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zyrafowe-sny · 2 years
🎶 and 💖 for the ask game! And go you for getting some writing done today!
(This is litfeathers on her main blog btw)!
🎶 Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately?
Not exactly? I actually don't listen to music very much (can't wear headphones often), but do have songs in my head frequently (and used to sing in a community choir pre-pandemic). Lately my brain has been frequently playing Such Great Heights by the Postal Service (NOT the Iron and Wine cover). A week or so ago something reminded me of the lyrics so it's apparently back in rotation.
💖 What made you start writing?
Hrm. There are a few moments that could count as when I started writing. I pondered this while driving for half an hour, so it turned into a bit of a personal essay.
I was always a bookworm, and in elementary school I loved spelling homework assignments that had us write a short story using X number of spelling words. I'm pretty sure I was writing short stories and poems for fun by age 8, and around 9 is when I started imagining a fantasy world heavily influenced by Narnia (and other favorite books). Back then, I thought I might be a professional writer someday.
In middle school, I started scribbling my first fanfic in journals (often just scraps of dialogue, mostly Star Wars). I think I still managed to write some things for that fantasy world in late middle school/early high school, but by high school I don't think I seriously considered writing as a career (not that I really had a strong alternate calling). From time to time, I still wrote little bits of fanfic that I never posted anywhere. I wrote more poems.
I got heavily into reading fanfic in college since I didn't have easy access to "fun" books. (I'm going to be vague and say I wound up in mostly social science, so I had lots of academic reading with very little fiction for school.) I wrote and posted a ficlet, then started and never finished a short multi-chapter. That unfinished fic hung over my head for years and years. I didn't write poetry anymore. I would sometimes drift off to sleep refining that imaginary world I first dreamed up in elementary school, but didn't actually write more fiction. There were essays and papers (and later mostly memos in a Master's program, though I did cobble together a thesis). Maybe occasionally I'd type the beginning of an idea for a fanfic, but didn't do more with it.
Work involved writing, but not fiction (and I didn't get to do as much writing as I wanted). I tried journaling for a bit, but that fizzled out when I was grieving and kept writing the same thing day after day. There weren't as many scraps of ideas.
Some years later, I started watching The Owl House. I got into it pretty late, so I was bingeing S2 when TTT aired. And then it got stuck in my head. Especially the haircut scene in TTT. For the first time in years, I had the itch to write.
There was still the memory of that unfinished WIP hanging over me, so I decided to go super old school and write a 100 word drabble (the word limit was sacred once upon a time). Then I wrote a few more of those to continue the drabble sequence. And then I posted it. All 600 words.
But then I posted a 2k fic just a couple days later. Then another short fic soon after that. And now I'm just short of 28k posted on AO3 between mid October 2022 and mid January 2023. I know there are far more prolific writers, but that's a lot compared to the nothing I'd been writing for years and years.
That's, um, probably more than what was intended by the ask, but it's been a long, rambling journey getting back into writing fanfic.
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