#I'm not really used to drawing men 😅
nellawashere · 1 year
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ixiot-ghostrebel · 3 months
Hey dude. It's me - anon with that SAGAU!kid!reader idea. Well, I was thinking about Liyue or Sumeru men (I'm that kind of person, that's into guys LOL). If there is a relationship, then only platonic one (or maybe father-child in Zhongli's case).
So I will try to go with Zhongli, Baizhu, Alhaitham and Cyno (probably Gaming, cuz he's like a son to me) That's it for now Hope I didn't ask for much tho 😅
Aye aye, Anon! God!Child! Reader Platonic Meets Ups It is!
Also plz note that I might not be able to list every Sumeru/Liyue man there is in Genshin bc Im doing this at the top of my head—
Sumeru And Liyuen Men (And Gaming) With The God Child.
(Warning: Might be OOC!)
The General Mahamatra may not exactly be well-versed when it comes to comforting words (except his puns—and even then, many people would say otherwise), but Cyno is a sincere man. You can trust that he will stick to his word.
And he does, when he promised to look after the Almighty Creator who is a child (not unlike Nahida, but they certainly have more of a mindset of a child—). But was he expecting your chaotic behavior (explosives Klee Style)? Yeah...No.
Bro nearly thought you were held at gunpoint or tricked/manipulated into doing it until he realized you did on your own.
"...Your Grace...Please don't blow up the store again." So instead of protecting you from harm by others, Cyno is more focused on protecting others from harm by you. As much as he doesn't like to think of it that way, you were a lot more dangerous than any eremite or sand monster there was out there.
At least he's still doing his job, being the General Mahamatra! You gift him a flower crown, and he has to take it or else. :)
Since he works with many young forest rangers, and tutors Collei, Tighnari is probably used to dealing with children. Dealing with the Almighty Creator certainly wasn't going to be an issue under this Forest Watcher's eyes.
That was...until you blew up a rishboland tiger. By yourself. On your own. Without getting hurt.
He was not the only freaking out, mind you. Collei was losing it, and Tighnari? He's internally screaming and getting metaphorical heart attacks.
"Your Grace, what were you thinking, running off like that? I know you're strong and you want to protect everyone, but you can really hurt the environment and—" He tries his best to hold back his sassiness while he scolds you, considering some children are much more emotional than others.
He sets up some basic rules for you to follow to make sure that you respect the Avidya Rainforest grounds, but also protect yourself from any form of harm.
Bro becomes a helicopter parent while you're under his care. Have fun, and I hope you enjoy mushrooms. Collei will cook you something else if you don't like what Tighnari cooks, though. :)
This man. He will BUILD you toys. He will DRAW you stories. He may even tell you stories himself.
Mehrak is your best friend when you're around Kaveh. And that man tries his best to make sure your time with him is good. He also refrains from drinking, which is nice! He's improving a little! :D
Absolutely gets worried if you run off without him knowing or if you're hiding from him for too long while playing hide and seek. He goes into an utter MELTDOWN.
And if you blow something up? Boy, if you thought Tighnari getting metaphorical heart attacks was bad, think again—Kaveh might actually get a heart attack.
"Your Grace! What—What were you thinking? Where were you? What did you do? Why did I hear an explosion?!" He's trying to keep himself as calm as possible, but Kaveh is an emotional man. He's kind of failing—
Luckily, with your go-lucky attitude, you pull Kaveh around and take his mind off of work and your explosions! Win-win! :D
The moment Nahida assigned him the task of taking care of the Almighty Creator, who is a child, bro is planning his things carefully. He is safe-keeping his books, he's renovating Kaveh's bedroom (bc yes), he's buying a few colouring books and crayons.
What he caught him by surprise was not how trusting you were to new strangers you barely knew. It was how you had fun with explosions and exploding everything in your path.
You can imagine as you're being carried away by the Scribe, he's giving you a one-sentence scolding.
"Your Grace, don't ever do that again, it's not nice." He would go into further detail, but he's sure you wouldn't care all that much about data and analysis and stuff like that, so he just ends it as it is.
You're still gonna do it, there's no doubt. It's just now Al-haitham is preparing for your next incoming attack as well.
Grandpa gramps is here woohoo! He's probably the most calmest out of everyone on this request list LOL. You can imagine he's following you calmly, apologizing and paying (through Childe's money cough) for the damages you caused.
Believe it or not, but it was Hu Tao who found you first and decided to take you to Mr. Zhongli for babysitting. He contemplates how the Director found you and brought you back.
The first time you explode something, he is definitely surprised. And concerned of the people who got hurt. You can't fault him for being worried for the mortals that were involved—Liyue Harbor is basically his child. Bro's been governing it for thousands of years.
"Your Grace, Little One, let's try not to put strain in the efforts of an adult's day-to-day life." He scolds you, and will definitely be more keen on your whereabouts, but he does this in a gentle tone. At the very least, you give him something to do that doesn't require him to present himself as the supposedly "deceased" Geo Archon.
With the guy's health issues...it's hard to say if he'll be able to keep up with you and your constant outings all around Liyue Harbor. Changsheng is definitely worried about Baizhu's stress levels as he has to figure out what you did this time and make sure no one was harmed.
He constantly has to ask Qiqi to go find you since he literally cannot keep up with your speed, lest he actually faints or something. You were that quick.
Luckily, if he hears of your whereabouts, he will definitely arrive just in time to apologize and give free check-ups to everyone involved in your explosion party.
"Now, Your Grace, please refrain from hurting others. It's not good to hurt someone's health." You can certainly expect Baizhu to give you a scolding—as well as a basic understanding of medical care in case either you or someone else will need it, and he can't make it there in time.
Like Kaeya (And Tighnari in this post), Baizhu will definitely write you some rules in a notebook and makes you recite them at least twice a day so that you remember not to hurt other people or damage your own health.
He is a doctor for a reason. It's his job to look out for others—even chaotic children with explosives.
Bro is basically your Big Brother who does cool dances and gives you snacks and protects you. Since he's a real foody, you'll definitely know which places are the best to buy snacks!
You find his Wushou Dancing cool as well. He takes pride in it tbh. I mean, who wouldn't be ecstatic if the Almighty Creator loves it?
He does get a bit panic-y when he sees you blow things up, though. As much as he wants to pursue Wushou Dancing as his daily career, he still needs his job as a Shipment Guard.
"Y/N! No! Don't blow that up—!" Yes, he took you out once to travel with the shipment goods for one time, and he's never taken you with him again unless you promise not to blow anything that are near the goods.
He usually leaves you in Liyue Harbor when he's making these Shipment trips, but once he returns, you can certainly count on him to give you some tasty snack or a fulfilling dinner, as well as a free small Wushou Dance.
Big Brother Gaming does not disappoint!
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Ghost Rebel Side Notes: I AM VERY DEAD. I AM SO SORRY SOBBING. Life hits you hard and fast sometimes sigh. I've been so busy I haven't been posting much—but rest assured, I have quite a lot of posts for you guys very soon!
✦ Check out The Ghost Rebel’s Blog Description & Info Page to See if Their Mailbox is Open! ✦
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shierak-inavva · 27 days
I genuinely shipped Remy x Rogue from the series and some moments in the comics.
Erik x Rogue just happened to be another pairing I later shipped in addition bc I was fascinated by all of their interactions in the comics.
I knew Remy x Rogue were THE pairing though, so I left it at that.
Then ‘97 happened.
I love Remy and him with Rogue to bits…
but my heart has been beating SO ARDENTLY from all of the moments with Erik x Rogue.
I haven’t been so passionate about a non-status quo pairing since X-Men: Evolution (Cyclops x Rogue 😅), and my heart just ACHES so much for Rogueneto to have a canon happy ending since the comics keep fumbling that up.
anon, man, i get you. i’m new to this fandom entirely but i’m not particularly a fan of the rogue/gambit relationship from what i’ve seen of it—but then rogue/magneto is way more geared towards my personal tastes anyways.
i actually got into '97 BECAUSE i learned about the rogue/magneto relationship and i was so intrigued by the idea of it (my only knowledge at that time of these two characters was ian mckellan and anna paquin and i thought 'well god that's wild as hell i gotta see this' and then BOOM magneto was out here lookin like THAT and of course i got hooked are you KIDDING me) and i was instantly drawn to the dynamic between them and the intrigue of their relationship. getting to see them coming together at the end of episode 2 like that was...well, it cemented the whole thing for me, the girl who no one can touch and who can't touch anyone else, who craves physical intimacy and connection, finally having someone who can touch and be touched by her?? oh my god. the way she melted when he touched her hand, i'm still just unwell over it.
(also scott/rogue in evolution was super cute potentially so you're so real for that fr)
but i think what really draws me to them as a ship is how intensely and deeply their relationship goes in the comics. these are two people who forged a bond with each other that's lasted for years--even when they've been apart or with other people (gambit, for instance) they're still orbiting each other. rogue is always the one person to trust erik, to believe she can still appeal to him or that he can be reasoned with and erik is always there when and if rogue needs help, needs him. PERSONALLY i think that they've fallen together and apart in the comics like they have because they're both so similar and and both so self-sacrificing that they're willing to give up their own happiness together to try and make others happy, to meet outside expectations, and because i think they're both afraid of actually accepting happiness together. rogue is also, i think, not prepared for the kind of relationship/life that erik is offering her. he's intense, and his life is intense, and honestly if she were to choose to be with him it would mean accepting power and accepting the love of someone who wants to help her grow and evolve and be powerful because he sees potential in her and views her not just as a lover but as a partner and an equal. and for someone as powerful as magneto to see you as an equal....i mean i'm sure yall can do the math there.
i'd love to see them both fully embrace a relationship and a life together, but i know that's probably not gonna come together in the comics for us 😮‍💨 at least certainly not any time soon; but the relationship we've been getting bits and pieces of in '97 has the potential to be something really interesting and really satisfying, so i'm hoping they do more with it moving forward !!
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otomefiend · 9 months
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Victor & William Rex
Story Event: Villains want to bother little 'Robin'
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 Premium
Pardon me, I completely forgot to post this. 😅 The grand conclusion to their antics. Those two ❤️🖤
The night with Victor and William was so enjoyable,
I was sad to see it end.
These two men read my desires like an open book.
Victor: "Haha, what a lovely expression, Kate. Can you tell me what you want right at this very moment?"
William: "Kate -- tell us what you want."
Kate: "Victor, William. Would you stay with me just a little longer --"
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Victor • William: "Of course!" • "With pleasure."
They invited me to Leadenhall Market at night.
Due to the late hour, it was so quiet that the usual hustle and bustle of the place seemed like a lie.
(...... The shops are closed. It's already this late)
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William: "Heh, you're so cute with your thoughts written all over your face."
Kate: "What, oh... I'm sorry. After all, you were kind enough to bring me here."
William: "Even if the shops are closed, there are other ways to have fun."
When he looked at Victor, the latter seemed to understand his intentions and smiled in return.
Victor: "On this street, most shops display their recommended products in their windows."
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Victor: "So we can still do some window-shopping in the middle of the night."
Then Victor took my right arm, William took my left arm, and we started walking.
William: "Kate. Those shoes would look beautiful on you."
Victor: "William has great taste. Let's come back later and buy whatever catches our eyes."
Victor: "That bag over there looks amazing. The vivid colour would suit you well, Kate!"
(.... it's so much fun. I had no idea I could enjoy myself to this extent)
Kate: "Ah..."
William: "Did something draw your attention?"
Kate: "Um, ...that ...dress on display over there is really nice."
Victor: "How marvellous! It's so lovely you'd turn heads all over England if you wore it."
William: "Looks like it comes in two colours, red and black..."
Kate: "Which one do you prefer...?"
William: "It's best if you choose the one you like, but if it were me, I would say..."
Victor • William: "I'd go for black!" • "Most certainly red."
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Victor • William: "........."
Kate: "Pfft...hahaha. Looks like there's no agreement."
Victor: "Then we shall buy both, the red and the black one."
Victor: "-- You can wear them on our respective dates, one with William and one with me."
He winked and smiled mischievously.
Victor: "Ah, you've become a naughty girl for toying with two men, haven't you Kate?"
William: "Heh.... maybe we taught you some things we shouldn't have."
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Victor: "Good, naughty girls are welcomed."
Kate: "Ugh.... please, don't make fun of me."
Victor • William: "Hahaha!"
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The two men looked more defenceless than usual, laughing in the middle of the night and clearly having a great time...
(... am I okay to think it's just my privilege to have two such people by my side?)
I couldn't help but feel that selfish desire to monopolize.
William: "What about you, Kate? Is it time for the good little Robin to go to sleep?"
Kate: "... You know what I want to do, don't you?"
Victor: "Still, we'd like to hear it from you."
(... Seriously, you two are so troublesome)
Kate: "Please, stay with me as long as I'm awake..."
William: "Mhm, as you wish."
William: "Victor, I think you mentioned before that there's a pancake place around here that's only open at night."
Victor: "That's right, it's behind that alley. We can have a late-night feast, how splendid!"
(...... it's fun)
(So ​​much so that I will certainly dream about those two when I fall asleep tonight)
Even the night breeze felt more pleasant than usual by their side.
It was a quiet night after the day upon which Kate became the Queen.
Chubby man: "Haa... I need to hurry."
A man carrying a large bag hurried down a narrow alleyway.
At that moment, the sound of someone whistling a tune could be heard, followed by the fluttering of a jet-black coat...
Two long shadows blocked the man's path.
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William: "Good evening. Hmm, are you setting off on a journey judging by the heavy load you carry?"
Chubby man: "...... and you are?"
Victor: "Introductions can be such a hassle. By the way, it's a shame that your last night's plans at Oxford didn't pan out."
Chubby man: "...... you're the ones who killed the guys?"
William and Victor smiled in confirmation.
The man grabbed a bundle of notes from his bag with his fingers covered in gold rings,
Then held it out towards the two men.
Chubby man: "You're that group of assassins hired by Her Majesty, aren't you?"
Chubby man: "I'll make you a better offer! Not a bad deal, right? Yes? Yes?"
William: "Too bad. I don't remember being hired by anyone, nor do we plan to be hired in the future."
Victor: "Indeed, we condemn others of our own volition."
Chubby man: "Huh...? W-What condemnation... you're just a bunch of murderers!
William: "Hmm? Murderers... us?"
William: "You're right. Evil is evil, sin is sin, punishment is punishment."
William: "It can never be reversed; it should never be."
William: "For this reason we -- conquer evil with evil."
William: "`Cut you throat with this knife. Right now`."
Red droplets sprayed everywhere.
Looking unexpectedly beautiful whilst painting the blackness of the night.
Victor: "Mmm, your curse truly is dazzling. I fall in love with it every time I see it."
William: "I'm honoured by your compliments."
Victor: "By the by, William. Would you like to relay the details onto Kate?"
William: "No...? I'd rather not."
William: "Waking up the peacefully sleeping Kate is definitely not amongst my favourite pastimes."
Victor: "Haha. Yes, I suppose not."
Victor: "Maybe just let her hear your lullaby."
Victor: "As for the conclusion to the evening... I'm also in favour of keeping it a secret."
William: "And why is that?"
Victor: "...I want us to remain the kind queen and the gentle aide in Kate's eyes."
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William: "Heh, you're a wicked man."
Victor: "That's my line, Will."
William: "Mhm, let's go back to the castle. Our lovely Kate is waiting for us there."
The two accomplices smiled at each other as their cloaks flapped in the wind.
Only the two of them knew that the blood had been spilt that night...
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sandalwoodbox · 12 days
Vidder asks: 12, 21, 27?
Thanks for asking!
(This is part of the Get to know the Vidder ask meme. See all my responses here and feel free to send me asks!)
12. Most underrated vid that you wished had gotten more views?
I'm going to say Stray Italian Greyhound for Dear Missy. I really like this vid because I think it most accurately summarizes what I see as the plot of the actual series - Lu Ke's journey to recognizing, accepting, and ultimately living her feelings for Shen Siyi. I'm pretty proud of how it turned out, and it can still fairly reliably make me tear up to watch. It's a really great show and more people should watch it! Even with the weird canonical straight ending it's pretty good tbh 🤣 it has things like men and women dating and breaking up and still being part of the same friend group 🤯 what a concept!
But personally I always advocate for just ignoring the heterosexuality in the last six episodes & just watching them for the bonus Lu Ke / Shen Siyi fluff.
21. How would you describe your vidding style?
Answered here with bonus "what is your vidding process" because I got distracted 😅
27. Advice for anyone just starting their channel?
I'm interpreting this to mean "advice for anyone starting out making fanvids"?
I'd say do what you want and don't expect anyone to see it. Exchanges (like Festivids) and cons (like VidUKon, Fanworks, or WisCon) are a great way to "force" people to watch your vids and not get criticism unless you want it. (YMMV - I am not sure what the experience of submitting to AMV contests is like, for example.)
I'd recommend using a modern fully-featured video editing program like Da Vinci Resolve from the beginning rather than something like iMovie - DVR is more complicated but makes it very easy to separate the vid itself from the source files. That is, you can move the files from your hard drive to a backup drive to free up space and work on something else, then put them back later if you want to go back to a previous fandom!
That said, if a low bar of entry is important, iMovie is also fine. Whatever works for you!
Bonus question 1 (from replies): How do you get ideas for vids?
It depends! Sometimes it comes from blorbos or otherwise loving a show such that I want to share it with other people. Other times it comes from frustration with something not being done the way I wanted in the show, or drawing out a theme that I think the show didn't fully explore. A large chunk of my vids are from Festivids, which is great because I can see what ideas other people have and then make treats for them if I'm excited about what they've suggested and think I have time to pull it off (which is usually only possible for movies and for shows I've already (mostly) clipped, in my experience.) From time to time I'll hear a song and think it's perfect for some character or concept, but I'll generally still end up spending a fair amount of time searching for other potential songs before I actually get started on the vid. More often I'll hear a song and think, that would make a fun vid but I don't know what for, so I stick it in a playlist that I go through every time I'm looking for potential vid songs.
If I have an idea for a vid, I write it down in a spreadsheet. I'll never make most of those ideas, either because I've moved on from the fandom or because I just ended up not liking it as much later. Here's a snippet of vids I will probably never make from my spreadsheet in case it's interesting:
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Bonus question 2 (from replies): What makes a vid you're working on feel done to you?
I'm a bit of a perfectionist with my vids, so this can be tricky. I think I would say: Once I am satisfied that the clips on the timeline are doing what I want and there are no clips that I believe would be strictly better, I try to stop.
Overall my process is: I'll generally make a first draft that doesn't have things that feel obviously bad (but I might still have things I'm not satisfied with but don't know how to solve). I send that out for beta and work on other things in the meantime. Depending on how much I care about the vid / how uncertain I am about it, I might do multiple rounds of beta or send it to multiple betas at once.
Depending on the vid, I might do a pass specifically looking at clip timing or motion or color correction (for example, making sure dark scenes are possible to parse), or anything else that I particularly want to work well for the vid.
Once I have something that feels "final" I like to let it sit for a week to a month, then come back to it to see if there's anything else I notice that I'd want to change before calling it done.
But a lot of times I'm working on a deadline for an exchange or a con, which means that at some point I just have to stop and call it good enough.
By the time I'm done with a vid, I often no longer feel like I can tell whether it's good or not because I'm too deep in it, so I see things nobody else would. I can't necessarily tell how satisfied I'll be with a finished vid until 6-12 months after I've posted it. (So I try to keep that in mind if I'm agonizing over whether people will notice a cleancredits glitch that's only visible in the lower left corner of a clip for like 4 frames.)
I have a vidder friend who I can show things to at that point not for beta but just to ask, is there anything obviously wrong with this? Any reason I shouldn't post this? (The answer is usually: It's fine, just post it!)
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rascalentertainments · 3 months
Account Update 🌟
I haven't been on this platform in years and slowly started making posts and reblogs again. Most of the accounts I did follow back then are either gone, or no longer active. So I'm listing EVERY THING I'm into, so I can follow people back with similar tastes and interests. Consider it a get to know me things whole I make updates. Reblog, share and comment as much as you want, I'd really like to make good use of this site again. Especially since I'm a YouTube Spoofer and part time writer, and always getting inspiration. Which also means my channel is going through revamping, so you'll see some activity on and off as things are scheduled ahead of time.
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Plus I'm working on creating my own animation studio with friends to bring my original ideas to life as movies and series in the future. I love to spread joy and fun to others to who aspire to animate as well! Warning: there's a a ton of things I love! 😅
Animation/Cartoons 🎨
Behind the Scenes and Animations tests
Animation Trivia
How to Draws
Animation History
Kid Cosmic
Ben 10 (Classic-Omniverse)
Teen Titans
Samurai Jack
OK K.O: Let's Be Heroes!
Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja
Codename: Kids Next Door
Voltron: Legendary Defender
Justice League/Unlimited
Young Justice
Batman Beyond
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
The Batman (2004)
Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes
Hazbin Hotel
Spectacular Spider-Man
Gravity Falls
Wander Over Yonder
Sponge bob Square pants
Johnny Bravo
Johnny Test
Scooby-Doo/Mystery Incorporated
Code Lyoko
Avatar: The Last Airbender
The Legend of Korra
Transformers: Prime
G.I Joe Renegades
Wolverine and the X-Men
Danny Phantom
American Dragon: Jake Long
Star vs The Forces of Evil
Penn Zero: Part Time Hero
Tales of Arcadia
Lego Monkie Kid
TMNT (2003)
Wild Kratts
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur
Xiaolin Showdown
El Tigre
Miraculous Ladybug
Steven Universe
Monster High
Static Shock
Hellboy: Animated
Tangled: The Series
Lilo & Stitch The Series
Darkwing Duck
DuckTales 2017
Wish Concept Version
Lego Monkie Kid
Buddy Thunderstruck
King of the Hill
The Simpsons
My Life as a Teenage Robot
Comic Books & Manga 🔥
Marvel & DC
My Hero Academia
Fullmetal Alchemist
Monthly Girls: Nozaki-kun
Jonah Hex
My Little Pony
MLP: Legends of Magic
Ouran High School Host Club
Jujutsu Kaisen
My Hero Academia: Vigilantes
Voltron Legendary Defender
Scott Pilgrim
Anime 🇯🇵
My Hero Academia
Sonic X
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Ya Boy Kongming!
Monthly Girls: Nozaki-kun
Cowboy Bebop
Urusei Yatsura (2022)
Scott Pilgrim Takes Off
Tiger & Bunny
Solo Leveling
Jujutsu Kaisen
White Cat Legend
Dr. Stone
High Card
Demon Slayerw
Trigun: Stampede
Delicious in Dungeon
Love is War!
Polar Bear's Cafe
Rascal the Raccoon
Movie Franchises 🎬
Kung Fu Panda
The Fast Saga
Star Wars
Scooby drop
Lego Movie
TV Series 📺
Stranger Things
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Video Games 🎮
Sonic the Hedgehog
BROK The Investigator
Crash Bandicoot
Sly Cooper
Party Games
Mario & Sonic at the Olympics Series
That's mostly the just of me and what my channel is going to start having. If you have any questions about favorite foods, animals, book series, sports or anything about personal tastes, feel free to drop them I'm my asks box, and Ill get to them as soon as possible!
Hope you'll like what I have to offer! 🌟🌟🌟
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abihastastybeans · 2 months
5, 10, 13, 15, 18, 19, 21, 29 from here
(i just realised that that's a lot so feel free to skip some/answer selectively if you want to do that!)
(are you kidding ofcourse I'm gonna answer all of that, let's make a game out of it and see how long it takes me)(it's 15:05 when I started answering)
5. Favourite song in your native language
Can't think of one rn😭 The first one that came to mind is Venmadhi Venmadhi from Minnale because some guy was playing that on the bus yesterday. I think it's a lovely song, especially the third verse :)
10. Most enjoyable swear word in your native language
I don't really swear in Tamil😂 I only use words like stupid/wastrel/dog/buffalo... y'know the most common ones lol
But, again, the first swear word that came to mind is *looks around to make sure no one's listening* "watha" - which is basically the Tamil equivalent of fuck - because one of my friends called another friend that this morning lmao
13. Does your country (or family) have any specific superstitions ot traditions that might seem strange to outsiders?
Well there's so many but i generally think that doing rituals/ chanting slokas or vedas must be very strange to outsiders who aren't really used to that! Imagine being a white christian and you encounter a yagna happening with a giant fire, lots of huge shirtless men saying very weird words in their blaring voice, adding all kinds of different things into the fire, while surrounding people watched on... I'd be terrified 😂💀
15. A saying, joke, or hermetic meme that only people from your country will get?
18. Do you speak with a dialect of your native language?
Gosh I speak so many dialects - depending on who I'm talking with. There's what I consider the normal one, there's the one mixed with random English sentences😂, there's the local chennai dialect for when I'm dealing with/in public or local vendors💀, there's the tambrahm (wow it feels weird to say it like that) dialect because that's what I was raised on in mum's side of the family
19. Do you like your country's flag and/or emblem? What about the national anthem?
I've honestly never thought about this before...
Flag - 🇮🇳 It's a good one, I like what it stands for. But no one would forget the struggle it would take when you were 6 years old and were asked to draw the national flag and you wouldn't remember how many spokes are there in the ashoka chakra😭 or even if you remembered, you wouldn't know how to divide them evenly throughout the circle... So much stress. 7/10
Emblem - it's a bit complex if you ask me but eh. It looks cool i guess. I like the phrase 'satyameva jayathe' ("truth alone triumphs" in Sanskrit) so there's that :p 5/10
National Anthem - I love it!! I like the picture it paints, listing out all those places! Only criticism is that it was very difficult for younger abi to sing the beginning because it was so very low and i struggled for a long time😅 9/10
21. If you could send two things from your country into space, what would they be?
Aloo mutter gravy and methi roti👍
29. Does your region/city have a beef with another place in your country?
I was thinking really hard...before i realised🤭
MYSURU. WHY do you do that to your sambar??? It's nice, I'd be lying if I said it's bad, but how?????? How did you come to the decision "oh you know what. I'm gonna make this taste sweet. Yeah."??
We went to Mysore one time and had some sambar and do you know what happened, cal? My cousin threw up, that's what happened.
(it was because of the long uphill travel but the sambar definitely contributed :p)
What you lack in sambar, you make up for it with Udupi rasam so. I forgive you😤
(now the time is 15:55)
"Hi, I'm not from the US" ask set
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multi-fan-dom-madness · 6 months
Sorry, it took me a bit to get this request to you, and Tumblr is being Tumblr 😅.
Hello, love! For the first kiss ask:
How about Tal with an accidental first kiss ooooor taller gently grasping the shorter's chin. (The chin grasp kills me 😫).
Feel free to use one or both or switch it up! 🥰🥰
hiiii friend! I'm so sorry this took so long for me to get to; between realizing that my OC Tal is in fact aro/ace and does not feel like they'd fit the prompt, and just general life things, and also the muse being a fickle beast, things have been A Lot! but I'm finally happy with how this turned out, and I really enjoyed the chance to explore the softer side of another OC: Commander Creed! <3
Broken Rules
Summary: Creed decides the best path forward is to just be honest about his feelings.
Warnings: this is mostly just fluff but blog is still 18+; gn!reader
Word Count: 887
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Creed has always been a man of action, of direct words, of clear intentions. He says what he means, and means what he says—even when everyone around him would rather waffle and oscillate and obfuscate. Even as a cadet, participating in the training simulations with the other young clones destined to become commanders, he earned a reputation for being rough, abrasive, blunt.
His Jedi commander calls him grumpy. He calls them naive. Without fail, they laugh with a mischievous smile—and that always gets you going, a tiny grin threatening to break over your face. 
As a nat-born handler assigned to his battalion, you’re one of very few personnel aboard the Messenger that Creed doesn’t fully understand how to act with. His Jedi colleagues at least make sense; they’re part of the war effort to minimize loss of life and to protect the Republic, same as he and his men are. His brothers, of course, he has no problem connecting with. Most of the other nat-born contractors stay out of his way, which is more than fine with him. 
But you? You baffle Creed, and the only thing more confusing to him is the way you make him feel. 
If he’s being blunt with himself, he knows it’s a crush. It’s the only thing these feelings can be—the anticipatory tightening in his chest when he hears your voice around the corner, the fluttering in his chest whenever you smile in his direction, the maddening urge to tilt your head up so you meet his gaze straight on. If he’s being honest, he knows that the way you act around him, shuffling your feet and glancing away from his gaze, probably means his feelings aren’t one-sided. But these are things the Kaminoans never trained the clones for, and instead of facing the situation head-on like he does everything else, Creed waffles. 
And he’s so karking tired of it. 
So he’s not entirely certain what he’s doing outside your personal quarters, but he’s knocking on the durasteel door before he can talk himself out of this. It’s late—at least, his body tells him it’s late; there’s no way to know for certain when they’re in hyperspace—but despite the hour, it’s only a moment before your door slides open. 
“C-Commander!” You immediately stand straighter, smoothing out your sleep clothes. “What can I help you with, sir?” 
Your name falls from his lips before he can process it. Your first name, not your title, or your last name, but a name that feels so unfamiliar and yet sounds so right coming from him. “I’m not here on business.” 
“Oh.” You blink at him. “Well, still. Is there something you needed?” 
“I—” Creed sighs, drawing a hand over his face. “May I come in? I’d like to speak with you.” 
He catches the momentary flare of panic that crosses your features, but you step aside regardless. The door slides shut behind him. Your quarters are sparsely furnished; it makes his heart feel funny, that you haven’t made this space your own yet, despite being attached to the 387th for months now. 
“No decorations?” he asks. 
“Um.” You sound taken aback. “It’s...against GAR regulations to—”
“Right,” he says, waving his hand. Maker, could he be any worse at this? “My ARCs would tell you regulations are in place to be broken.” 
“Are you...giving me permission to break the rules, Commander?”
“Call me Creed,” he says, finally lifting his gaze to yours. “Please.” 
His eyes flicker down to your lips as they part in surprise. Stars, you really are a sight, and he wonders why he hasn’t taken the time to fully appreciate the view until now. Heart pounding in his chest, he wipes his palms on the fabric of his blacks. 
“The answer is ‘yes’,” he says. When your brow furrows in confusion, he continues, “About breaking regulations. Because I’m about to break several.” 
“What’s going on?” 
Idly scratching at his ear, a nervous habit he picked up as a cadet, Creed sighs. “I like you.” 
He winces internally at the brusque timbre of his words, but understanding dawns over your face like the sun’s first rays. Swallowing harshly, Creed forces himself to stop fidgeting.
“May as well throw out all the handbooks,” you say after a moment. “Can I break a few more?”
You close the distance until you’re in his personal space. Peering up at him from beneath your eyelashes, you reach with tentative hands to brush your fingertips over the swell of his cheeks. Creed nearly leans into your touch. Instead, he does what he’s been wanting to for weeks, and he tucks one finger under your chin to tilt your head up as he leans down. 
Your lips are soft and warm against his own. He exhales a shaky breath as your hands slide around his neck, anchoring him to you; this is so far beyond uncharted territory that Creed can’t help but simply marvel at the rhythm you set. Mouths moving slow and in sync, you tilt his head, deepening the kiss. 
When you pull back, he finds you already gazing when he opens his eyes.
“Never woulda thought our big scary commander would break so many rules,” you say with a soft, teasing smile. 
Creed hums. “I won’t tell if you won’t.” 
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Ragu: @dystopicjumpsuit @clonemedickix @littlemissmanga @wolffegirlsunite @anxiouspineapple99 @wings-and-beskar @sinfulsalutations @523rdrebel @sunshinesdaydream @moonlightwarriorqueen @sev-on-kamino @starrylothcat @deejadabbles @starqueensthings @mandos-mind-trick @idontgetanysleep @eyeluvmusic21 @wizardofrozz @mythical-illustrator @sleepycreativewriter @bobaprint @dickarchivist @a-single-tulip @thorsterstrudle @droids-you-are-looking-for @goblininawig @cw80831 @mssbridgerton @lune-de-miel-au-paradis @9902sgirl @dreamie411 @jedi-hawkins
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textsfromthetva · 7 months
I come to confess my sins 😅 I have mixed feelings with Brad, a kind of love-hate and I don't know if it's because I'm easy to convince or because I'm a simp of fictional men. I mean, when I first saw him I thought he was irritating and not that attractive to me, but with the following episodes with that uniform and that hair (even that sassy but funny attitude) I admit that he got me. But there are really attitudes that I can't stand (like how he seems to care more about himself than about others and as an empathetic person that I am, that annoys me) but seeing that people love him (very few tho) made me change my mind lol
PS: His new hairstyle definitely looks much better on him, I don't know why.
Yes! A convert! Welcome to the team.
And since you brought up the hairstyle, and there's several bits in my fic that discuss that, you get a little taste:
He had drawn up a whole list of possible scenarios for this confrontation, and how he would respond in each of them, but Brad does not react as X-5 would have expected. He doesn’t seem freaked out at all, he seems... curious.
“Well, aren’t you a handsome devil,” he drawls, taking a deep drag of his cigarette and blowing the smoke out through pursed lips.
X-5 snorts. Ah yes, there’s the vanity he has been observing, that he himself has been criticized for back at the TVA for the last thousand years or so. “Hello, Brad.”
Brad tilts his head minutely, stepping closer. “I’ve got to admit, it’s been a long time since I had a dealer spike my drugs with hallucinogens, but this is some good stuff.”
“You’re not hallucinating,” X-5 says.
“Is that so?” He moves closer still, and for a split-second X-5 thinks he’s going to touch him to confirm his corporeality. Instead, Brad changes course at the last minute, circling X-5 to take him in.
His instincts, honed by eons of fighting dangerous Varients, are telling him to turn around, to not let himself get flanked, to prepare for an attack, but he also knows it won’t be coming. Brad isn’t the type to physically assault someone. They differ in that regard. He still finds himself squaring his shoulders and drawing himself into his full height.
Brad notices. “Ah. You’re not me.” He comes back around, eyes roaming shamelessly over X-5’s body before settling on his face. “You’re a soldier.”
X-5 raises an eyebrow. “What makes you say that?”
“The posture,” Brad replies. “And the god-awful haircut.”
X-5 has to fight the urge to touch his hair, to defend the style, but really, Brad is right. It’s the haircut of a soldier.
“So who are you really?”
X-5 shrugs. “Maybe I’m your twin.”
“I’m an only child,” Brad promptly fires back.
“As far as you know.”
Brad gives him a lopsided smile. “Fine. Keep your secrets then.” His gaze travels down X-5’s body again. “What’s your name, soldier?”
Actually fuck it, have one more:
“You should grow your hair out,” Brad tells him, “You’d look very handsome.”
X-5 laughs, ignoring how irrationally flattered the backhanded compliment makes him feel. “I’d look more like you, you mean.”
Brad isn’t even remotely put off by the comment. “I look good,” he says with no trace of shame. “It’ll soften your features. So would losing the beard.”
“Some of us don’t have the spare time to maintain an attractive permastubble.”
Brad smirks like X-5 just made a damning admission. “I don’t see you having anything better to do.”
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lover-of-mine · 6 months
okay so: opinions on buddie having a confession similar to the jolink one at the end of 19x20?????
(I know jolink have more of a romantic/sexual past than buddie do currently, but when I first watched that scene all I could think about was buddie, because of the fact that the kids were included as part of the speech but not the main focus, and the whole 'I'm so in love with you. How do you not see that?' bit and so many more reasons that have escaped my brain right now)
(Also full disclosure: I'm not a fan of jolink as a couple, and wish they'd stayed as friends, but I do love the buddie parallels/vibes they give me 😅😅)
((Sorry this was long!!! 💚💚))
(just to get it out of the way, I was fighting and kicking and screaming at them putting jolink together because they had such a great friendship and damnit media needs more friendships between men and women who are straight but not trying to get with each other)
I'm kinda obsessed with the idea of getting something like that now that you mentioned lol. I mean, there would have to be some adjustments, I feel like a lot of it works the way it does because they slept together and decided to say it was just casual, with the way they explicitly draw the line and said "no we are just friends" and I feel like that wouldn't work as long term as they played it with jolink when applied to buddie (not unless they want to make us suffer more for a few seasons but if buddie sleeps together then wakes up and go nah we should just be friends is never gonna happen again, I'll burn something down), but I am legit obsessed with the idea of Buck hiding behind Chris for a change and just snapping, listing things about loving Eddie and Eddie is just staring at him with his exasperated husband face and going "you idiot I love you too". If they kiss in the rain too I would spontaneously combust (with the lightning and the well and every bad thing that happened to Buck involving water and the way the moment they start getting along involves literal fire, the symbolism behind them getting something good in the rain would be everything to me really)
But since we're talking Jo, I rewatched the perfect storm the other day, that's why I ended up making the parallel between April and Buck, and I keep thinking about a situation like when jolex gets together. The whole they have a huge fight, Jo tells Alex to stay away from her, then she shows up hurt, Alex gets all protective, he's about to say it, but then the tree falls into Alex living room, and they ignore it until Jo says she doesn't deserve it, that she'll ruin it and Alex is all you asked yesterday you wanted to hear it I'm gonna say it but them he freezes, and she's all i don't hear anything, and they banter a little bit before Alex finally says he loves her and they kiss. I feel like if we get a proper build up with buddie where everyone is aware of where they are going and they keep fighting against it until something snaps but right before they actually do something the universe intervenes, and have them dance around the fact that they almost said it dealing with an emergency, all while the tension between them keeps getting higher, until they finally get a moment alone and they can talk and Buck is all we should just forget it, you're my best friend, I'll mess it up, depending on the nature of the emergency that stopped them you can even add a line of like "that was a sign, the universe was stopping us from making a mistake" that Eddie could counter with his level is skepticism "I don't believe the universe speaks to anyone and you wanted to hear me saying it so I'm saying it" and then freezing and having them banter back and forth until one of them says I love you and the other goes in for the kiss, could work. And it would be one hell of a scene.
So the conclusion here is that Jo has very buddiecoded love confession since Alex and Link get the best friend place before things evolve and either one of them makes for a killer getting together scenario for buddie.
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SGU Week Day 7 (Yeah I skipped 6, I think I mentioned my fave eps indirectly a few times): Found Family
Colonel Young was definitely father figure to some of the younger men on board, so in the memes I make, he has definitely adopted the "Dad" role. I usually photoshop the name on his uniform to say "DAD" instead of "YOUNG" because I am that kind of neurodivergent lmao
So here's some Colonel Dad for ya~
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My choir teacher told me this joke in grad school and I haven't gotten over it.
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I may be in the minority, but I like this ship. I wasn't sold either way until I saw their alternate future in Epilogue, and later after reading an interview from Alaina Huffman where she talked about her thoughts on the pairing. Definitely swayed me in support of TJ being the Hot Stepmom of this little family. ❤️‍🩹
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This is actually how it all started, me making memes in Facebook messenger about Rick and Morty.
God I'm cringe
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Maybe he does want to be your "slightly crazy uncle," but he's gonna be a tsundere about it the whole time
That's a mental image you have now
You're welcome
All right, this has been something! Kinda reminds me of all those RWBY art challenges I used to do when I was younger and less busy and less tired. You know, like 4 years ago. It was fun! I'm glad I got to draw again, even if I didn't really have time and was doing it in between putting resin coatings on rings. 😂 Maybe I'll get to draw more in the future. The memes will certainly continue at a breakneck pace. Just gotta post em. I also got to use my new little keyboard because sometimes typing long things on my phone makes me dissociate haha 😅
Also I'm aware SGU week technically over, but I haven't gone to bed yet, so it's definitely still Sunday fight me IRL
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amenemisa · 7 months
I came to confess, I didn't mean Mori to be trans 😂💔💔
Only sometimes I have seen that a different version of the characters becomes interesting, for example! Mori in a parallel world, if it existed, it could be a girl :)🍓🌟✨
Or I mean a completely different type of anime characters, for example BSD in a completely opposite way!~✨
All its male characters are women in a parallel world and all its female characters are men... It's interesting🦉
And that... I really like your new art 😭💖💖💖 especially Mori's lips, also his face; he looked so small and cute and delicate 😭✨💖
I also love Mori in his original and original state 😊🌟🍓✨
Let me say this... in my gallery, which has 10,000 photos, 4,037 of them are art and fanart from Mori :)🌟✨🍓
My personality is usually such that I am not used to defending much; But when people say that Murray is a pedophile without knowing anything, I get really upset! I have many reasons why he is not a pedophile, I can talk about this until the morning; But I won't do this because I don't want to bore you 😂😭💔
In addition to all the talking I did 😅 I have a personal question, if you don't mind....of course, if you don't like it, you can not answer!~ I just wanted to know..."Are you a girl artist or Boy?"
Because I draw and design a lot myself... and most of the art I create is from Fukumori,... I got curious (of course, I'm not a digital artist! I'm terrible at digital design 💔 so I dare myself to only draw in the design...Design book )
I'm sorry for writing a long text😭 I'm just so happy to see someone who is both interested in Mori's character and answers my questions, besides you are from another country and that makes me totally curious and happy!~✨ 🍓🌟
A friend from another place on this planet!~ I wish you success in all stages of life (and your art) 🍭✨
Yes yes i know you didn't mean a trans Mori but if we think about him as a girl we need to go to an another dimension. I need a story for that dimension, i just can't draw a thing without a meaning :') So that means i should think about a dimension that Mori is a girl... (Oh yeah please don't get me wrong, i don't mean any harm)
Anyway! In any universe, i can't imagine him as a girl :') that's why i said that our original Mori is the best. And don't need to mention that i can't draw girls eheh...
Bsd in a completely opposite way- Ok Kouyou and Yosano would be so hot ᕕ( ՞ ᗜ ՞ )ᕗ But really, still i don't want fukuzawa and mori as a girl. And yes you're right, that would've been interesting~.
Haha another Mori lover, i love him so much either. But you know Fukuzawa is my heart (*´︶`*)ฅ♡
Oh well i agree that he's not pedophile. And i can talk about it for hours but yes like you said there's no need to bore anybody with this subject (but you can bore me, i would listen you all night).
I am a girl artist haha, you can say this just by looking at my drawings xD
Hey- IF YOU DRAW ABOUT FUKUMORI YOU MUST SHARE THEM WITH US -(or just with me please ╥﹏╥) and i am sure that your drawings are beautiful. Every drawing has its unique value (。・ω・。)
And you don't need to apologize for anything. I must apologize from you because of this late answer eheh... You can text me whenever you want, you can request anything etc!
Aww and thank you for your all good wishes! I hope the same for you~~
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rielzero · 7 months
When two pansexual men kiss, that's gay. They don't cease being pansexual though.
When a pansexual man kisses a gay man, that's gay. The pansexual doesn't cease being pansexual though.
I'm aware all the bg3 companions are canonically pansexual.
If i use charactername gay as a tag, it's because I'm drawing m x m art or ship with that character specificly.
Fandom is really scary on dash sometimes, a lot of aggression. 😅
Fellas is It gay if men kiss :D
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mmollymercury · 2 years
For the ask game, mbti for Julieta (sorry I'm simping hard and I loved the Luisa one :3)
Aww thank you ‼️💖💖💖 I'M SO SORRY IT TOOK ME FOREVER TO GET AROUND TO THIS. I've still got lots of things in my inbox I've been meaning to get to😅😅😅 sorrryyy!
So, I've actually already done all the MBTIs for the triplets, you can see that here🥰🥰
But to compensate, I'll do all the other questions for Juli💗💗
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⚧ - Pronoun hc: she/her🥰
🏳️‍⚧️- Gender hc: cis female.
🏳️‍🌈- Orientation hc: idk,,, never really thought abt it, I guess she can be the token straight,
🌌- zodiac sign hc: Just like Bruno, she's a libra♎💗
🧠- MBTI/Enneagram hc: link💗🥰🥰
❤- OTP hc: Julieta and Agustín give me the strength to carry on😭😭😭
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🧡- Everyone I ship with this character: Agustínnnn😫🥺🥺🥺💗
💛- Brotp: The Madrigal triplets💗💗 also, I imagine her and Félix to have a really good relationship 💫💫 (this is strictly familial love tho, guys😤😤😤)
💚- Notp: basically anything disgusTANG😤😤‼️‼️‼️
💙- Crossover ship: 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
💜- Crossover non-ship relationship I like: idea: her and Tiana. Boom💥
💖- Happy hc: When she's cooking, sometimes she does a lil jig. When her kids were babies, she'd always take a break from cooking to dance with them, the kind were you ballance them on your feet🥺🥺🥺
Agustín is such a gentleman, he always opens the door for Julieta and offers his hand to her when there's a bump in the road, most times; he ends up hurting himself in the process while Juli comes out unscathed.
Agustín's vows were very long, yes they were filled with fluff but mostly because he wrote down nearly every accident he came to Julieta with, with each one, he stated how much deeper in love he fell.
He does a goofy, signature, pure Agustín 'ooo!' plus grin when Juli gets dressed in something special. He'll bob on his feet too, like a happy puppy🥺.
While I imagine Félix and Pepa’s music taste to be mostly upbeat and danceable, Julieta and Agustín's is more mellow and smooth, think 'I'm so happy now' by Willie Wright ❤ perfect for graceful dances like that one animation test🥺🥺
People would question why Julieta would like Agustín, Alma too (briefly) but Julieta was always enamoured by him and liked his honesty and clumsy nature, I'm sure a lot of guys would bother her at her stall with minor or fake injuries just to flirt with her (she just gives off 'preferring more feminine men' vibesss)
When Agustín gets drunk, he sometimes forgets Julieta is his wife and flirts with her, asking her on dates and stuff.
One time, when Agustín went to kiss Julieta’s hand, he completely misjudged his position and kissed his own instead. Julieta laughed 'Ay, Agustín.'
Despite the bees, Agustín still gives Julieta flowers every anniversary. Every anniversary he gets stung.
❤🩹- Angsty hc: I feel like being around food since a very young age, constantly, would give her either a dependence on it, or a repulsion. In Julieta’s case, I think it's a dependence. She eats when she's stressed and also gets the urge to cook if she's upset, because it's the only way she feels useful.
📖- AU I'd like to see them in: modern au, modern au, imagine her on a cooking show like bake off and all the family watching ADSFGHFFFKL-
😋- Funny/stupid hc: she gives Agustín raspberry kisses😙😙😙 and sometimes when she's cooking, she'll draw little pictures in the dough before folding it, then laugh to herself, thinking: 'hehehe, no-one will ever know🤭🤪'
🪞- Appearance hc: she's beauty, she's grace, there's no flaw on her face. Seriously tho, between the triplets, I think she probably started getting grey hairs first. All of their jobs are stressful, don't get me wrong, but I think that Julieta standing all day and being in a hot environment, she's prone to exhaustion and pain. Agustín will help massage out those knots, but it still has a mental effect x
��- Food hc: chef's palate, because obviously👌👌🤌🤌🤌 she finds the flavour in everything, just like Camilo! She loves combining flavours and experimenting with a variety of ingredients. She'll know when something is objectively rank-tasting but she's got a food critic palate, a taste for everything! Bruno on the other hand...
She's constantly trying to convert him, let's say that.
🛌- Sleep hc: Contrary to her personality, I think she snores very loudly. Agustín does too tho. Their bedroom is the loudest it's ever been when they sleep lol. Yep, they're those parents.... aka mine😫
🏡- Domestic hc: Best mam. She's the first one up, yep, even before Alma! And she uses this time to make everyone specialised breakfasts. When everyone comes downstairs, all the food is inexplicably the right temperature for them. She greets everyone with a good morning and a 'did you sleep well?'. Also, she still tucks Mirabel into bed💗💗💗
Julieta: goodnight, Te amo mi bebita preciosa!
Mirabel: mam!
🗡- Badass hc- as a teenager, when people would bully her brother, she'd make a patch of rock hard bread to throw at them😈😈😈 she's a protective mam and will be very stern to the parents of the children who hurt them.
❓- Anything else you want: you can't say she wouldn't pull a 'I'll krump with you sweetie!'
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It’s funny how we project our own lived experiences onto the characters. I thought Garou was just genuinely avoiding the question because it’s awkward as hell to talk about that stuff as an 18 year old with a parent figure. But I’m a cis het woman. Of course i would see it like that; what could two supposedly straight cis men (ONE and Murata) meant to portray with Garou’s reaction? When it’s just as normal for kids to have crushes on celebrities. Every male straight OPM fan in the vicinity related to him liking the yellow ranger, having liked the yellow ranger themselves when they were growing up.
Sorry this is a bit long. I don't know when to stop talking sometimes 😅
You're right. It's very true that our own experiences affect how we interact with media. Everything -books, music, movies- is skewed by our own reality. I do not presume to know what ONE and Murata intended (if I ever do, it's mostly for comedic effect) and I am almost certain they meant to just have this silly little bonding moment between Garou and Bang as a moment of levity after several pretty intense chapters. (Do I genuinely think ONE and Murata intend to make Garou not straight? No. I love how ONE writes, but, having seen how they portray Puri Puri Prisoner, I doubt they would write a queer character as seriously and nuanced as Garou).
However, I just find it so interesting that what one person sees as "omg Dad, stop, you're so embarrassing" another person can see as "oh no, oh no, I can't tell them, what if it changes everything, what if they see me differently, what if they treat me differently, what if they can't reconcile their perception of me with how I actually am and leave me". And then when I picture Garou thinking the latter coupled with him only just now getting Bang back, it really makes more sense to me that Garou is freaking out because he's worried something bad will happen if he doesn't answer right.
But, like I said, that has to do with my own experiences. I couldn't tell people in high school "oh, I don't like people like that" because, at the time, I would get made fun of for being a "cold, unfeeling machine" or "a weirdo" or "a psychopath". Hearing the dreaded "you'll find someone someday" like the right person would come along and fix me. I didn't like being treated as someone less human, so I'd make up answers. I'd say my type was "Johnny Depp" because I really liked Jack Sparrow. Or I learned that everyone was really into Chris Evans and remembered that when people started talking about types so I could supply his name when asked about my own.
So when I see Garou squirming and sweating and stumbling along after being asked that question, I see my own experiences and recognize the signs of discomfort and the attempts to answer and move on. I see my own reality.
Even if that isn't what ONE and Murata intended when they wrote and drew this scene, that's what I felt. And, yeah, perhaps I'm not "interpreting" the texts correctly, but that's what happens when you make art. Draw a painting using blue and one person who sees it feels calm while another person might feel sad. Does one person feel incorrectly?
This is why I'm not a lit major. I don't really think I'm cut out for these kind of existential, unmeasurable questions 😂
Plus, with the end bit, expressly saying he likes Yellow Ranger because she looks like/reminds Garou of his mother, implies one of two things:
We've got a serious Oedipus issue on our hands, and I'm worried for Garou.
Garou doesn't really have romantic feelings towards Yellow Ranger and his feelings are probably closer to idolizing or hero worship.
Either way, poor Garou really needs a proper parental figure in his life. I'm really excited to see Bang fill that roll!
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kriz-fics · 1 year
I just wanted to say I love A Sword’s Legacy you’re world building is so rich and vivid it really transports you whilst reading. I know you mentioned certain translations for clothing items in the latest chapter and that made me curious about the aesthetics of each of the different regions in the world. I was wondering if you could elaborate or give a short summary.
(p.s don’t feel pressured I just think it’s evident throughout the fic that you’ve given a lot of thought to the setting and I would love to hear more about it)
Hi, Anon! (Cute Bear Anon, omg, hehe)
Thank you so, so much for the lovely comment! It cannot be said enough, I really do appreciate the interactions! Each one is so nice and also very motivating! Makes everything so, so worth it 😊
Sooo, aesthetics! Lovaya is a mishmash of a lot of them, a country-continent that big would, inevitably I should think, have its own separate cultures (which gets about as integrated as it can get after the Annexation). Speaking of the Annexation, I'm starting to mention they used to be separate kingdoms until the Reisses came so that affected culture even more. But then, we're not talking about that so I'll stop before we get off-tangent, lol
I'll put the rest under a Read More since I... got carried away 😬😅
I chose to go with 'fashion' aesthetics since you mentioned the southern clothing items, but if you meant something else, please let me know, I'll be glad to elaborate on that!
We start with the North. Aesthetics would be furs, furs, and lots of furs. And wool. Because it's the coldest region.
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Midlands. Took more liberty here and started mashing styles. It's the most typically 'Medieval/Renaissance Europe' region but I did not draw styles from those eras (here's where we go more on the fantasy counterpart culture thing).
Men's fashions:
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For court, the older men wear chains with their tunics. Robes are also part of the 'mature' fashions.
(Younger) Ladies' fashions
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(Older) Ladies' fashions: favor high-necked, more covered-up looks
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'Common' looks
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The South. As I mentioned, I drew from Greco-Roman fashions BUT I also veered wildly away from that in the end (again, fantasy counterpart culture). The "Northern" South have less revealing fashions (as Eren notes, lmao)
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Desertfolk fashions (more Byzantine influence, I imagine their sandsilks to be very elaborate)
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The far south is the most revealing of Lovayan fashions (as Eren once again notes, bless him)
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Of course, as with fantasy, I have to pack on some opulence with the blingy belts and wraps etc. And that's the fun of just going wild with worldbuilding!
'Common' southern looks (without the "podonza" or that cloth wrapped diagonally across the body)
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Soo, these are roughly what I envision Lovayan fashion aesthetics to be. Of course, what I have in mind is HEAVILY embellished but these are where I got the basic ideas from.
As you can see, I think I went overboard, lmaooo. But I love this ask! Again, thank you so much for the message and for taking such an interest in the story and in the world!!
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