#I'm posting from my sideblog because it's my first time participating in one of these so I'm a little shy
dollhouseassets · 4 months
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ Freak-ify Britney CAS Challenge ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
by @puppycheesecake. Thank you for making the challenge, it was pretty fun! There's some trivia and a little bonus under the cut.
I couldn't decide which idea I liked the most, so I did both 😌 Now on to presenting the Britneys:
🤡🍬 Haunted Doll
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Just a very cute and dainty little clown ball-jointed doll. She likes pink and pompoms, and dislikes people that try taking a peek into the broken, dark crevice located on her stomach.
Treat her good, and she'll be good to you as well.
There are some absurd rumors that this doll became haunted thanks to the hatred she harbored towards the girl that broke her. As a dedicated collector, you know there's no such thing; people only make this kind of stuff up to secure rare dolls to themselves.
The newspapers that covered Britney Beigeleigh's death did prove it was suicide, after all.
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😈💘 Minion of Lilith
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Unwelcome criticism is everywhere and those who take it to heart shall lose themselves.
Britney was tired. It was as if there was a fault even if the way she breathed. If only she could find a way to prove there was more to her if people would just make an effort to go past the surface...
Her troubles fell on listening ears. But little did she know, the occult have a different point of view on certain things. And now, whatever remains of her soul is now forever bound to the deal she made on that night.
Can't say she didn't get exactly what she wanted, though. Now everyone can't seem to get enough of her.
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♡ Succubus!Britney is buck naked so I thought it was better to censor her nips and 🐈‍⬛ just to be safe. And it's not like I couldn't put any clothes on her; they just kinda ruined the vibe for some reason? She does have an outfit though!
♡ The texture on Succubus!Britney's collar was overlapping onto the wings, but that actually made them look cooler so I kept it that way! The collar and womb tattoo are indicative of her deal with the demoness whom she made a deal with so I didn't want to take it off. The metallic part looks silly, but the rest makes it look like she has moth-like patterns on her bat wings.
♡ The saddest thing is that Doll!Britney doesn't look as clown-esque as I wanted her to because the texture on ruffle collar I wanted to put on her was overlapping with the one on her dress... 🥲
♡ I feel like they're looking rather simple but I wanted to put a ton more CC on them and things were either overlapping with one another or there were simply not enough slots to have everything all at once *head in hands*
♡ I did change their traits though! Doll!Britney is a Loner, is Proper and Evil; Succubus!Britney Hates Children, is a Cat Lover and Evil.
♡ These two Britneys may or may not be accomplices and girlfriends...
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I may keep them as my OCs, I've gotten attached already 😹
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foursidecity · 6 months
OK!! New big post because it seems the interest in psychonauts lost media has gone COLD
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This is gonna be a longish post but it breaks down some of the lost media digging I've been doing and links back to my archival site so I'm just gonna put it under the read more
Years and years ago when psychonauts first came out, majesco did TWO sweepstakes, one was marketed as a golden disc from select retailers, there were 15 golden discs in total but only 5 were eligable for a grand prize of 5'000$ each! It's not certain if their even is a disc though(while their promotion states DISC!!! Their actual rules say 'certificate!!!'. ) And if there is.. no one has any clue what it could look like! Is it painted? Is it shiny? ... is it cardboard?(joking!! But really their marketing was real bad)
The SECOND sweepstakes is also... well lost? Ish? Kind of?? Majesco built an online community to Duke it out on who was the biggest nerd: PSYCHOPORTALS!
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This was exclusive to the states(and even in the states, their was only a few areas that were eligable to participate) , and supposedly they had people running around the streets handing out flyers, on college campuses doing events, they even has a national radio campaign! (And I haven't found a single thing!!!! Well except for some cool web page assets and a few small articles that were archived from the wayback..)
Their were 10 online portals to unlock, and LA Won!! Kind of. Well they won PART of the contest ,,,(so says a mixnmojo post from the time that dosent expand on it further, no other sources say LA DIDNT win the whole dang thing though!) THREE seperate forums say to tune in next week on April 28th for more info but... theirs kind of no record after that! Theirs some information on a 'psi recruitment seminar' as an in person event held with tons of cool gear and trivia but I only ever found one news article for it.. wich means there's more stuff out their were missing!
So all that information to say: hey theirs cool stuff here!! I made an archival website just for it! All the merch and dates and lost things I could find have all been compiled right here(brand new website too! Redecorated and new code from the ground up! It's still a wip but it's got all new info and lots of old images of merch)
You can also check out my sideblog @psychonautswebarchive for more steady updates too!
If anyone has any info or ideas( or if you were around during the razputin.net era or even had a psychoportals account and participated!!) Please reach out to me I'd love to hear from you!
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snakebites-and-ink · 29 days
Introducing the Seven Songs of Suffering event!
This will be a seven-day whump event running the second week of September. Prompts will be songs that can be related to whump in some way, which I'll release at the beginning of that month or possibly the end of this one. Prompts here
But how are you supposed to use a song as a prompt? However you want! You can use the title as your prompt, you can pick a line/section of the lyrics to use as your prompt, use the overall picture the song paints as your prompt, or even just listen to the song as you create. Whatever works for you.
I will tentatively say that I'll try to reblog all submissions for the event as long as they fit the types of content I'm okay with having on my blog. We'll see how it goes.
The official event tag will be #sevensongsofsuffering2024. Use this to have your participation recognized!
Answered questions:
What are the requirements? For participation: Respond to at least one of the prompts. For completion: Create something for each of the seven prompts.
How should I tag? If you want me to see and reblog your works, use the official event tag (#sevensongsofsuffering2024) and make sure your privacy settings aren't preventing your blog from showing up in the tag. This is the only place I will be looking for works in this event. If I don't seem to be finding your works you can talk to me about it. @ ing me will not make you any more likely to have your work reblogged. Also make sure you tag with any important trigger warnings so people can filter as needed. Other than that, you're of course welcome to use whatever other tags you see fit for organization, exposure, etc.
Do I need to include CWs within the post as well as the tags? YES. I am not in the habit of copying over people's tags, and I don't want to miss anything important, so please include CWs somewhere within the body of the post if you want it to be reblogged.
Where will this event be hosted? It'll just be on my main (the blog I'm posting this from) for now, because it seems kind of silly to make a whole new blog just for one week. (I'll put a link to the event masterpost on my pinned master-masterlist so you don't have to go through all the rest of the stuff on my blog for this.) If it ends up becoming a repeating event I'll probably make a new sideblog for it.
Is NSFW allowed? You're allowed to create it and it can count for completion, but I will not reblog it because I keep my blog free of sexually explicit content.
Are late submissions allowed? Once the week ends, I'll probably have a small grace period to allow last-minute submissions and assemble the list of completionists. After that, you are more than welcome to use the prompts, but you will not be added to the completionist list and I will not be likely to reblog it.
What formats are allowed for prompt fills? Any creative work! I might talk about it like it's a writing event just because me and at least most of my mutuals are writers, so that's where my mind goes automatically. But it can be writing, drawing, painting, comics, 3D, photography, etc. Anything you yourself make.
Can this event be combined with others? Absolutely! As long as a work responds to one of this event's prompts, it counts even if it also responds to something else.
When do I need to post to get reblogged/counted? Anytime September 8-14. You don't have to post things on their specific days as long as you get it posted sometime within the week. I am in Mountain Daylight time but I'll try to be conscious of other time zones.
Any other questions? Ask me! My askbox and DMs are open :)
This is my first time hosting an event like this so please bear with me
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uncharismatic-fauna · 4 months
I'm trying very hard to come up with a constructive way to say these polls have been more of a source of frustration and annoyance than fun. It's not that you've done anything wrong, tumblr is just the wrong place for this I think. Tumblr users are ignorant at best of basic geography and biology concepts more often than not. Sitting through a month of confidently incorrect "propaganda" from people has been maddening. Most of these match-ups have had one objectively correct answer and people are still getting it wrong, making it into a popularity contest even though every post has said it's not that. It's become the only thing you post, too, which is upsetting because that's not the content I followed you for. If you do it again maybe make a new sideblog for it?
First of all, thank you. I do appreciate your input! Constructive criticism and suggestions are always welcome here.
I can try running a sideblog for the tournament ext year, although I will say that running this blog (even without the tournament) is already fairly time consuming, especially on top of grad school and a full time job, and I'm not quite sure i could juggle two blogs on my own. I'm sorry if the polls have been a nuisance-- I've tried to keep up with the Uncharismatic Fact of the Day, as I'm aware not everyone wanted to participate. I've also been tagging the polls themselves so that people can blacklist them as they like; unfortunately I can't do much about other people's posts.
I'd disagree that most people are choosing the winner based on popularity; I've seen some rousing arguments in the replies, and most of the tags are full of people reasoning out why they chose who they did. In general I'd say that the winners have been largely consistent with who "should" win (although I'll also say that "should" is subjective; for example, in the official tournament i believe the northern elephant seal should've won, but the simulated competitions bore a different outcome).
Nevertheless, be assured that the tournament is quite literally less than a day from being complete, and then we will return to our regularly scheduling programming.
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diy-fire-water-pups · 7 months
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This is a blog for you to interact with some of the Paw Patrol pups: The Firefighter and EMT pup, Marshall; The Recycle Do-All pup, Rocky; and last but not least, The Cool Water-Loving pup, Zuma.
Before you can send asks or start a RP, please check the rules under the cut first. Hope to see you around and have some fun!
Ps.: Askbox opens from Friday to Monday early morning (GMT -3). It's closed as soon as I wake up.
1- Be respectful. There’s an actual person sitting in front of a computer or holding her cell phone here, spending time to play as her favorite pups, interact with people she doesn’t know and have fun; Time which she could be using for working and earning money to not worry about what to eat tomorrow, if her own dog and cat will have their food too and if the bills will be paid in time or late again. I’m here to have a good time. If someone starts being a bother, I’ll make use of the block button and delete asks or whatever’s sent my way. I’m not wasting time with assholes.
2- Same goes for the pups, actually - if I feel someone’s bothering them, I’ll do the same as above. Even if I’m not the one affected but I feel the pups would be. 
3- If you wish to RP, please send a DM to my other sideblog, self-indulgent-paw-patrol, so we can discuss about plots first. You don’t need to DM me if you just want to send asks or interact with the pups, though, that’s only for RPs.
4- EDIT! Thanks to some encouragement and the positive reception this blog has been receiving, I'm willing to try RPing crossovers again (Never did it here before, but I've done in other askblogs I've moderated in the past in other fandoms). The thing is, PLEASE TALK TO ME FIRST! Sometimes I don't know your muse at all, so it would be good to get to know them a bit first, before we plot anything. The ideal is for you to have an "About" page for your muses so I can check them out!
5- I’m willing to RP ships, be it platonic or romance, but absolutely NO NSFW will be allowed here. From the possible ships with the pups in this blog, my OTP is Rocky x Zuma, followed by Marshall x Everest and Chase x Marshall. I’m open for shipping the pups with OCs, granted I get to know the OCs first.
6- Feel free to reblog any posts you may find in this blog, including the pups' answers to asks they get. The only posts you shall NOT REBLOG (but you can like) are the posts tagged as #RP if you're not the one participating in it. That's basic ancient Tumblr etiquette!
7- M!A (Magic!Anons) are allowed but within a limit! The effect will be applied ONLY to the ask that sent the M!A. I won't be taking M!As that intend to affect other asks or RPs. Dare the pups to do silly stuff all you want, but within this limit. Also, I'll still hold my right to decline a M!A for whatever reason.
Rules may be subject to change in the future as I see fit. For now, that's about it!
Now I'll take the chance to promote my friends' pups askblogs too just because I can XD Make sure to read their rules before interacting too!
@jurassicsnowpups - an askblog for Everest, Rex and Tracker!
@pcwpatrol - an askblog for Chase!
@taking-to-the-skye - an askblog for Skye!
@stretch-n-fetch - an askblog for Liberty!
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seth-whumps · 1 month
Hey, for some reason my Tumblr's making it really hard to find WWE rn— so apologies if you'd rathered I asked there, but I'm considering running my own Whump event for one of my fandoms, and I was wondering if you had any like advice or tips for running whump-centric events or just in general??? /genq /nf
Hiya anon! Thanks for stopping by! (I'll reblog this post with the WWE account so you can find it in the notes.) So! Event-running! This is the first event I've ever done, but it was honestly such a blast. Here are some things I learned from it:
-> Have a separate event sideblog, please. You don't want your main account mentioned a thousand times. It's much easier to find everything when it's sorted all in one block of notifications. Set it up from the get go. Learn from my mistakes.
-> Also, have your participants mention the sideblog. Not every post will show up in the event tag.
-> Lay out the event rules before you start the prompts. Consider including an FAQ. Define what is in the theme of the event before designing the event. Keeping everything concise right away will help when making prompts.
-> Find a time and a length that works for you. Don't feel pressured to do a 31 day event just because it's long. Week-long events are beloved, especially in fandom communities. However, if you've got a solid amount of time and the motivation to commit, go all out and have a blast with it.
-> Participate in your event! If you're running it, you may not have the time, but the prompts should be something that inspires you too--so don't feel afraid to fill a few prompts and post them. (Unless it's a competition. Then, you're the judge.)
-> Make connections with people in the community. Having a friend along the way who will hype up your event goes for a lot. Shoutout to Bug and Mello for the WWE. The hype kept me going.
-> Spread the word! Ask for interest in the event, garner community support, post your prompts in advance and answer asks quickly and timely. Find a whump blogger to signal boost it (me! I will gladly!).
-> Relax and have fun. In the end, running the event seems like a bigger deal than it actually is--your job is to set it up and reblog. After that? You just watch the community go wild.
I hope this helps! And, side note: what fandom is this for, anon? Chances are I will happily participate!
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dgdraws · 1 month
Maybe saying this on my 18 follower art sideblog is silly, but I want to offer some gentle pushback on the sentiment that's been going around re: notes on art and lack of engagement.
TL;DR make it your practice to be the person who rbs art with nice tags and you can build a community of likeminded folks
There are myriad reasons why online comment culture has shifted, I'm not gonna waste time pinning that stuff down, bc it's actually immaterial to my perspective, which is:
You can find or create a community of people who will lift up your art. But it requires that you participate in the culture you want to see more of.
I had been a lurker on this site for a decade. I held back participating in discussions, creating or sharing art, engaging directly with anyone outside of following blogs and rbing posts without commentary. And during that time, I made no connections, no friends, built no community.
I was afraid of scrutiny. I have felt the humiliating lurch of earnest engagement turning to dread and exposure and a deep regret of allowing myself to be vulnerable. I pulled up the ladder behind me so I would never have to hear the slightest dismissal or repulsion or ridicule from others. In so doing I also cut myself off from praise, understanding or connection. If no one gets a chance to let me down, then it's as though they're holding me up, right? Wrong!!!
I paid good money for a therapist to help me work out the lie there. The realization that I felt isolated and misunderstood because I never gave people the opportunity to show up for me was so hard to grasp. How could my safety net be the cause of my profound loneliness? But it is true. The people in my life couldn't disappoint me, but they also couldn't help me or support me or really love me the way I needed.
Opening myself up to disappointment has been a long, tough road (and goodness knows I'm not ready to let my parents let me down (again) yet). But my relationships are strengthening. My sense of identity is more stable. I am not inconsolably lonely deep in my heart anymore. Because it turns out people do show up when you give them the opportunity.
Not every time. Not every person. But enough of the time that it builds resilience. Every time I reach out and someone reaches back, I get a little braver. I trust a little more.
To bring this back around to online culture and community: I started receiving interest (and notes) after I started showing interest in others. Once again it turns out that people want to turn up for you, but you must give them the opportunity. This means making yourself vulnerable. It means taking the first step.
If you want a community, a group of people who interact w a certain set of values, you have to demonstrate it. Live those values. This is how we create culture. We choose what behavior we want to encourage and we set an example. This is as true in a workplace or a family as it is for tumblr or ao3. If your boss puts up a sign that says "we see mistakes as a chance to learn" but they punish people when they mess up, that's just words on the wall. If they accept errors graciously, if they work to suss out the root of the problem to resolve it, if they are open about their own mistakes, that is the culture.
So if we want to see more reblogs, but not just that, real engagement and chances for connection, then it starts with you.
Here's what I do that has helped me make friends and spark genuine interest in my work;
Reblog LOW NOTE art as much as, if not more than, posts with thousands of notes. Feel proud to give someone the first note on their work!
Incorporate leaving nice tags into my gratitude practice (it is a form of mindfulness! noticing what specifically draws me to art I rb both engages me more deeply with the work and makes my own art better)
Queue up several art posts from the same artist (people notice when you are consistently in their notes!)
Participate in art events like artfight, various -tobers, other challenges (as with making friends anywhere, repeated exposure leads to familiarity and chances for connection!)
Follow people back or even initiate following blogs who interact with your posts (do not approach this with a f4f mentality, only follow people you actually want to hear more from)
Set up post notifications for portfolio style art blogs (ie sideblogs exclusively for original content) so you keep up w your network/mutuals even if you're offline when they post
Low key notice what the people engaging with you like most about your work and consider expanding on those ideas. This is not about "tailor your work to an audience" it's about thinking, "so-and-so left feral tags on my post about this oc so I'll do my practice sketches of them" or "people seem interested in this storyline so let me feed off that enthusiasm and develop it more"
Don't get hung up on it when individuals don't reciprocate. Assume good faith. You never know what is draining someone's energy. Remember that you are offering a gift, your time and energy yes, but also the chance for someone to show up for you too. If it starts to feel like an obligation, reassess where you're putting that energy, but don't be afraid to be generous.
This has worked wonderfully for me. I went from a person scrolling longingly past posts about beloved mutual culture, not quite believing it could really be like that, to a person who happily gets 3 notes on my former flop posts and posts reblog bait for my besties and reblogs the bait they post for me :)
Apparently I had a lot to say! I kinda hope this doesn't break containment but if it does, please be niceys. I understand if this mindset is not available to you bc of social trauma, depression/anxiety, disability, mental illness or whatever else but please avoid venting that on this post. I love you and I hope you can get here someday, because you're worth it. In the meantime, try to be gentle with yourself and others. xoxo
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blubushie · 1 year
READ THIS BEFORE YOU SEND ASKS/INTERACT. ASK BLU ANYTHING DAY (ABAD) is on the first full weekend of every month!
MINORS: Block the "#blu lewd" tag OR I WILL BLOCK YOU and do not DM me unless it's to ask to join Blucord. This goes ESPECIALLY if you're 16 or under. Adults on the internet are not your friends, and I am not comfortable speaking with you privately without a third party present.
G'day fellas! You can call me Blu, and I can be invoked like some Lovecraftian horror by mentioning Sniper in the TF2 tags. King of Sniper Lore (and Australia), Messiah of Bludaism, also known as the "Sheepshagging Roorooting Horsehumping Mountainfucking Melonpiping 13x-Divorced Breastmaster Hitman Inenrt Dingoboy Piss Cheese Jorts Bludysseus Blu'nt Bushgod Sniper Blog" despite not being a Sniper blog (and not actually shagging a sheep or rooting a roo or being married to start with or caring all that much for cannabis, I'm a psychedelics bloke). I'm just Like This.
Been told I'm the "Sniper kin of all Sniper kins." Not sure what a kin is these days but from what I've heard I'm content with not knowing.
This is my only blog. I have three sideblogs. One is @blu-doods, where I post my shitty stick figure art for laughs, and the other two are @art-reblugs, where I reblog art on (I reblog art here too, but the pickings are far more slim) and @post-reblugs (same as art but for text posts).
Again, not a Sniper roleplay blog. That said feel free to call me Sniper as a joke because I do very much enjoy it. Just keep in mind that I am my own person and not a fictional character. There's a real person behind the screen.
Sometimes I go on tangents and start infodumping. You can find the masterlist here. Also please read my DNI list and check out my pronouns page (I spent so much time on it).
My ask box is always open to whatever you want to say. Questions, comments, infodumping, or whatever else comes to mind. I particularly enjoy things relating to TF2, astronomy, nature, classic cars, and weapons. :]
If you find a weird animal or plant and want to know what it is, send me a picture with the location and there's a fair chance I can ID it! ("Location" doesn't need to be city, just state or general region!)
If you're looking to do art or something of me, please see this post for a guide to what I look like and this post for my rules on what is and isn't acceptable!
We now have a Discord server! If you want to join just DM me, but please ask only you and I are mutuals or we interact often :]
My avatar was done by the incredibly talented @grumpygrumblet!
I have autism, selective mutism, and some other issues that aren't really important. Point is that sometimes it can be hard for me to talk or properly put my thoughts into words. This makes me come across as cold sometimes. I'm not good at communicating with words and I'm better at expressing it in person where I can rely more on touch. I apologise if I seem rude because I'm not trying to be. Let me know and I'll try to articulate what I mean to say in a gentler way.
I'm 23.
Bushstraight. AMAB transmasc. Weird bloke.
I grew up in Alice Springs and spend most of my time in the NT. On the first Friday of the month there's a good chance you can find me at the Daly Waters Pub. CU in the NT! (Not now though because I'm stuck in America for the foreseeable future. Oops. Try me again in 2025!)
I hunt professionally for pest control. Usually it's invasive animals like pigs, cats, or feral dogs. I'm also licenced to occasionally deal with nuisance native wildlife like crocodiles, but aside from assisting in relocation efforts I've yet to be called out for a crocodile. I'm alright with this—I really don't want to shoot a crocodile.
I also hunt to feed myself and my dog. Her name is Misty and she's an Australian Shepherd/Golden Retriever mix. You can see her here or by checking out my "mistyposting" tag.
I used to participate in kangaroo culls and by law I have to shoot them in the head so if you ever want to know what it's like to pop skulls, reckon you can ask me. Also on the kangaroo thing: if you're Australian and from 2020-2021 ate kangaroo or bought kangaroo dog food or leather, there's a chance I'm the one what got it to you.
I'm a bushie. This means I'm a survivalist who lives out in the bush. I technically live in a van (ute + camper in the tray) but if there's good weather I'm usually sleeping outside unless it's an area with a lot of dingos (they don't usually bother people but I'm not going to take risks with my dog). I have no permanent residence and I move from place to place for work. Occasionally I have to go into cities for work (I'm looking at you, M*lbourne) but these are thankfully rare occasions and only when I'm strapped for cash.
Sometimes while clearing a squatter's land I'll find Psilocybe mushrooms and take them back home and get high when I'm done working. It makes for an interesting experience and my favourite thing to do is lay on the top of my van and watch the stars for a while.
I have a mullet and I am awful proud of it. It's easy upkeep since I can cut it using the mirror of my van.
I've drank my own piss on more than one occasion. The first time was because I was dying of dehydration out in the bush and it kept me alive for 2 days until I found water. The second time was for science. Certified Piss Kink Guy. (Editor's note: I do not in fact have a piss kink.)
I have infinitely large balls.
I am a bogan. I am proud of that too. Viva la boganism.
I am Ameristralian. I was born in the US and came to Australia when I was 2 years old—both of my parents are American but my parents lived in Australia for work. I grew up in Australia but when my parents split Dad went back home to California to buy back my grandfather's station and I spent most of my high school years in California (years 10-12) and lost my accent. I now live in Australia with a very thick American accent so I get the "lost tourist" spiel a lot and I reckon I'm never going to stop having to prove I'm Australian. It's gotten me into pub fights before and will continue to do so. I had a stroke in 2023 and now have my Aussie accent back LMAO
I've been told I'm "Sniper IRL." (Cheers, bloke I met in a Sydney pub, for getting me into TF2 by telling me this.)
I fucking love crocodiles to a possibly dangerous degree. Technically I love everything nature and especially animals, but crocodiles are just something special to me. I blame Steve Irwin and the fact my favourite thing to do as a nipper was go up to Darwin with Mum during the dry season and go croc spotting.
I like TF2, nature (particularly plants and animals), astronomy, and history. My special interest is sniping. I also love science and medicine. PLEASE ASK ME ABOUT THESE THINGS BECAUSE I LOVE TO TALK ABOUT THEM.
I swear a lot. I will not apologise for it. Fight me, cunt.
Please ask me about the shit I've seen out in the bush. I have so many stories. Actually, just ask me anything. Just talk to me in general, please. I need it.
I like knives (penchant for Bowie knives and machetes), firearms (penchant for antique bolt-actions), and old cars. I think pre-1970 Land Rovers are pretty spiffy. I can alternatively be invoked by incorrectly stating what model of Land Rover Sniper drives. It's a bloody 1965 Series IIA!
If you wanna learn the rest of the lore, you'd best delve the blog. ;]
I can also be found on AO3 also under Blubushie.
blu lewd: Horny asks and reblogs of suggestive art. I'm making a tag for this since I've been getting so many asks from thirsty anons (I love you, thirsty anons). MINORS: BLOCK THIS TAG OR I WILL BLOCK YOU.
haemocyanin: Usually reblogged gore art (blood is not included in gore, I'm talking viscera). Also includes discussion of gory topics. THIS TAG IS STRICTLY GORE. Please block this tag if that makes you uncomfortable.
blu slew: Discussion of hunting. May contains photos from hunting. This includes animal death/animal gore, so anyone who is uncomfortable with seeing this PLEASE BLOCK THIS TAG.
blu a fuse: Angryposting. Will include venting—if that bothers you, block this tag.
blus blues: Venting/sad hours/personal, generally depressive, journals. Basically me screaming into the void about how shit sandwich my life is. May include discussions of trauma so if that bothers you, block this tag.
blu jarate: Anything that mentions piss in referral to urine because it's brought up a lot on this blog (not in a kink way, just in general). Block this tag if piss makes you uncomfortable.
blu boos: A personal medical journal of sorts. Block this tag if talk of injuries disturbs you.
Postbin: Hate asks. Will probably include transphobia or homophobia or intersexism because people pick on the easiest things ay? Block if you don't want to see people clowning on me.
💙: Random thoughts or stuff from me. No worries, I don't ramble often. Also contains reblogs of things I just Vibe With that don't fit any of my other tags. Formerly #bluposting
💬: IRL quotes. Usually things between me and my father, but sometimes includes other people.
blu news: Updates on my life. This may include failsafes.
blu whos: Answered asks. Please send me asks or talk to me in literally any way as I often spend weeks without even seeing another human out in the bush and let me tell you it is NOT good for one's state of mind. I may not like people but humans are social animals and it's a terrible Catch-22. Ask me about my work or life or my fic or about TF2 lore or Sniper or literally anything please.
abad: Discussions or asks from Ask Blu Anything Day, a monthly... Event? Where some of my ask rules are suspended. ABAD is your licence to go nuts in my ask box, and the rule of ABAD is that I have to answer everything honestly.
mercposting: Catch-all TF2 tag. As I get asks about TF2 often, this is the tag used so I don't clutter the main tag.
blu drew: My sketches. I don't do digital art so all of it is traditional and usually of varying quality. It's typically animals or plants I see out in the bush.
blu bushie: My adventures in the wilderness.
🍄🍄🍄: Contains discussions of drugs.
🍄: Triposting! These are trip reports from the times I get high on various different drugs, but usually mushrooms. Also contains any posts I reblog or make while under the influence of drugs. (Formerly #blu flew)
🍺🍺🍺: Contains discussions of alcohol.
🍺: Drunkposting! Contains any posts I make while under the influence of alcohol.
learnin the blus: Random thoughts/rambles regarding my fic.
blu hoohs: NOT MY ART. Just stuff I've REALLY liked and reblogged. My own art is never tagged with this.
blus clues: Me speculating on headcanons and lore, usually about TF2. I love lore speculation.
sniperposting: Shit specifically about Sniper since I seem to talk about him so much. Also things from my life that Sniper would also probably do.
bushman: Reblogs relating to survivalism, bushcraft, camping shit, and general bushman activities. Also includes reblogs of things related to these.
blu planet: Reblogs relating to nature and the natural world.
blu zoo: Discussions of animals and plants. May contain pictures of things I see on my adventures!
stockman: Discussing my former job as a stockman.
blu pew: Weapons, mostly firearms and knives.
true blu: Things specifically relating to Australia. Usually cultural things.
code blu: Things relating to medicine. This especially applies to bushmedicine.
blursed: Reblogged shit that I think is cursed. Usually text posts, sometimes images.
blusome: Just uplifting things I see and reblog. Everybody needs some added light every now and then.
blu spew: Funny things. Titled for me spewing out my coffee in the morning when I see them.
blu polls: My polls.
blu views: The VERY rare occasions I discuss politics. Most of this is either about firearms or rarely nature conservation.
mistyposting: Posts relating strictly to Misty.
moonyposting: Anything relating to Mundy, my emu. On this blog he's referred to as "Moony" so as not to have him confused with Mundy from my fic (or canon Mundy).
blu tunes: Anything relating to music.
blu chew: Anything relating to food.
ford blu: Anything relating to cars.
blu id: Posts where people ask me to identify animals and plants.
blu marbled jack: Anything relating to Jack. This is because I once saw him eat an entire block of cheese.
ask game: Ask games I find.
answered asks: Answers to things I've asked.
blubook: Posts relating to literature. It's a pun about the Australian boobook, a type of owl. Get it? Because owls are smart? And it's reading? Nevermind.
fanart: Art specifically of me because I get a lot of it (and adore it when I do)!
blucord: Discussing things that go down in the Discord server.
blu muse: Poetry I write (because apparently I'm doing that again).
blu misc: Anything that doesn't fit into the rest of these tags.
blu queue: Queued posts.
blu reviews: Submitted posts.
bluroarer: Things I'm tagged in.
smoke signals: Back-and-forth discussions in reblogs.
dozposting: Posts about my lovely lady, @eyes-like-iron-fangs-of-rust
horseposting: Me talking about horses. I fucking love horses.
dream journal: Where I log my dreams.
eminence: Me infodumping about DND/my DND character Redd (cuz Redd + Blu = eminence purple).
PMP: Info relating to my job as a pest management professional.
matildaposting: Me discussing my late 70s Dreamer camper or other campers.
🌌: Wereshitposting—late-night blogging I get up to when the world is quiet and I can't sleep.
Also I'm writing a Speedingbullet fic on AO3 because it's boring out here and I have brainrot so go read that I guess, cheers. Chapter 10 is my magnum opus.
Here's the link to the original F/M version of the fic, and here's the link to the M/M edited version of the fic. The M/M version isn't as good and there may be pronoun errors here and there because the F/M is my primary focus and how the fic is originally written. The M/M version is also discontinued at Chapter 7 as I couldn't work Jesse's backstory properly into Jake. Sorry, folks.
If you're looking to do fanart or something I have a reference for Jesse and Suki. I also have an appearance detail for the rest of BLU team. (If you do fanart of Jesse and Mundy together I will love you forever and ever.)
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dragonsareoverrated2 · 10 months
My pinned I guess?
//Ongoing Arc: Beautifly and the Beast!
//Finished Arcs: Dragon Pains, Blood of Blackthorn.
Hi, before you say anything about my name. One) DragonsAreOverrated was taken, and two) I dislike dragon types for very personal reasons that are related to my damn genetics donor of a father, so before you go on and tell me 'Dragons are great actually because-!' I dont wanna fucking hear it.
Alright, now that thats out of the way.
My name is Ichika and my pronouns are she/her, call me anything other than that and I will find you and bite you, or my Crobat will, which ever one of us gets to you first.
I'm the champ of the Naljo, don't know what that region is? Its in between Johto and Kanto, but it's a shithole here so don't come.
... I mean, I cant stop you if you want to visit me, I dont mind visitors...
I'm 23 years old, birthday April 22 (Marianne made me put this here), and am dating my girlfriend who… I think is what you guys would call a faller? She's not from here, but she's still from a place that had pokemon. She's 23 and named Marianne, she was originally from Kalos, moved to Hoenn, beat the league, and then got sucked up into another dimension which is mine.
She sometimes will pop up and write in pink, all her stuff will be tagged with #Mon Amour, which is what I asked to to put it as. I don't know that much Kalosion. She also has her own intro post here.
My team is Kage my Tyranitar (She/Her), Doku my Crobat (He/Him), Yuki my Mamoswine (She/They), Zappu my Ampharos (He/It), Noyaki my Ninetails (She/Her) and Ame my Vaporeon (He/They).
If you wanna battle, schedule it with the league, Im busy trying to fix this stupid region.
Update: I have an assortment of dragons I am taking care of for the foreseeable future.
Any care tips would be appreciated-
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I call the Noibat Midori (He/it), the others finally gave me names-
Monterio (He/him), Kin (She/her), Daitan (She/Him), Hoshi (They/It), and Nagisa (She/They)
//Ask games that are open!
//A important note for Pelipper Mail and Musharna Mail
//Naljo Dex Logs Masterlist!
//Ooc info under the cut!
//How she looks!
//This is a sideblog! Unreality. Mod is an adult and goes by she/her he/him pronouns All art I use is my own! I follow from @theshadowqueenofthedistortion, more info about me on my main! Here's some of my other accounts as well!
//Semi-Serious blog, I will participate in active silliness and also write serious stuff. Will sometimes touch on death, abuse and a few other things, I will tag the serious stuff with their appropriate tw/cw tags.
//No Shipping, a lot of the stuff in here is closed off.
//I am very open to crossover stuff!
//Pokemon in this universe have human levels of sentience, though multiverses that don't are well known and won't be questioned.
//Real life animals exist along side Pokemon in her universe, like divergent evolution (not the pokemon thing, the science thing)
//A warning that this character is rather antagonistic but not evil. If you are actually able to get her to like you she will chill out a bit, but you're gonna have to work to that. Also please tell me if she's being too much at all, this is my first time writing a fully bitchy character-
//Magic anons are on! But I am picky about what I let through.
//What the tags mean. //Shadow Mod Speaks: Mod speaking. //Mod Reference: Me and/or Zorana making references for this account //Shadow Art: Art by me that isn't a ref/finished. Stony Ground: Her post/response tag. Stone Edge: Her closed and/or serious RP. I will also use this tag when responding seriously to something. What's with the dragons?: When Ichika is mainly talking to herself. Prismatic Rival (Prism): Ichika talking about her Rival who is a jerk Broken Eggshells (Hatch): Hatchling Posts and Ichika talking about her!
//Marianne related tags will be in her intro post
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daughter-of-sapph0 · 2 months
Hello! Congratulations on nine thousand followers... wow. Now that it's been... gosh... nearly an entire year since its conclusion, how do you feel about the best-evangelion-girl poll, in distant retrospect? I'm still a bit salty that Lilith didn't win, but hey, ridiculous gimmick polls are a democracy and I've only got one vote. Have you ever felt like you might host some other similarly complex poll again? I would really like to hear your final thoughts on the whole running-a-gimmick-poll-blog experience, now that that one is over. It's the reason why I found your main blog in the first place lol. I also really like your OCs, I ended up looking through your 'my art' tag one day and your pixel art, both old and new, is amazing. I hope you are having a wonderful ninethousandfollowersday. #lilithsweep
hi bestie! thanks for the ask
here's a quick explanation for everyone who doesn't know. I have a sideblog @best-evangelion-girl. now, it's mainly a queue blog for the anime stuff I like. but original it was a poll gimmick blog, to find which character in Evangelion was definitively the best girl and end the dumb debate once and for all. the only catch, none of the participants where any of the human characters from eva. they were all either angels or evas or mechs or whatever from the manga, anime, rebuilds, and other spinoffs. in the end, Ramiel ended up winning. but fan favorites Lilith, Unit-02, and Misato's Car all came in close behind.
I would say that in retrospect, if I would do that whole thing again, I would have planned it out better. firstly I would only do half as many entries. a lot of them were just filler. there were a ton of repeat entries because of the differences between the anime and rebuilds, and a bunch of nothing entries like the eva 4444C or whatever that cannon fodder from the fourth rebuild movie was called. I also would have scheduled the posts out ahead of time, instead of making them the day the results came in. also, I literally made all the posts on my phone during work, which probably isn't the best use of my fifteen minutes. I probably should have just waited until I got home lol.
my advice to anyone making a gimmick poll blog as someone who's done it twice now (I also had one for fictional transgender characters), start small. you don't need 64 or even 32 unique entries. you can just keep it simple. also, if you feel like it, try seeding your results based on what either you think is the most popular or by having a mini poll of a bunch of entries and ranking those by popularity.
as for if I'll host another competition like that, I'm not sure if I will. I don't have anything planned at the moment, but I'll keep you posted.
also, thanks for checking out my OCs! I love my little blorbos, and I'm super happy other people like them too! I'm still trying to figure out my style, but I feel like I've finally nailed it. pixel art is amazing, and after being almost entirely self taught for about two years, I feel like I've improved dramatically.
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prolestari · 2 months
I was tagged by @hils79, so here we go!
1. why did you choose your url?
I put my old penname lickitysplit through a Google translator and ended up with prolestari, and I thought it was neat :)
2. any sideblogs? if you have them name them and why you have them.
I have my writing one at @prolestariwrites that I still use. I have an art one from when I used to draw and a couple of fandom event types but I don't use any of them anymore.
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
I joined at the end of 2016 because my friends were using it.
4. do you have a queue tag?
No, I have no idea how to use it lol
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
To check out fandom stuff and to promote my writing.
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp?
My icon is Gelda from Nanatsu no Taizai. This is a picture I drew of her that I've always been proud of.
7. why did you choose your header?
I don't have a header because I'm too indecisive!
8. what’s your post with the most notes?
I honestly don't know, but I guarantee it was something dumb. Maybe the Scooby Doo DMC joke I made?
9. how many mutuals do you have?
I would say in the 40-50 range?
10. how many followers do you have?
I have 1791
11. how many people do you follow?
I only follow 342 people, which seems super low.
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
I used to make them all the time actually lol, and will do so occasionally
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
I check it in the morning and then after work I'll scroll through and reblog stuff
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
No comment lol (but yes)
15. how do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’ posts
I ignore them, I'm curating my own space
16. do you like tag games?
I don't mind them, I don't usually participate though
17. do you like ask games?
I used to like them a lot but now I'm worried I won't get any asks lol
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
Probably @bettybattaglia, her stuff is always amazing and she is amazing too!
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
Unfortunately I don't but I admire them all a great deal!
20. tags?
Tagging my lbfad mutuals: @harocat @sassybluee @moonsorchid @eldritch-bisexual @circumference-pie @canglanjueeeee
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monstersandmaw · 2 years
hey! I was wondering if you have any advice at getting stories out there? I’ve started a sideblog to practice some writing and I’d love to get some engagement - I’m not even sure if my posts are showing in the tags I’ve used :/
Ooof, it's rough starting out when no one knows your blog name and you have no idea if your stuff is being seen or if it just hasn't found its audience yet. Hang on in there, Anon!
I'd say maybe have a few stories ready to go, and if you've already posted them, create a masterlist immediately before you lose track of where your stories are (searching for stuff on Tumblr is a lost cause), even if it's only got a few things on it to start with. That way if someone does find your work, they can find more of it immediately. Link it at the bottom of every story too, and on your blog.
Make sure your grammar and formatting is as tight as you can get it. People know quality writing when they come across it, and if it's well written and edited, they're more likely to stay than if it's full of goofy paragraphing, typos, and has a jokey 'lol un-edited' at the start (I'm exaggerating for effect, but I have actually noped out of stuff on AO3 after reading that in the author's notes at the start. If the author doesn't care, why should the reader?).
Speaking of AO3, if you have an account on there, so long as you're not taking money for your writing on here, you can also link to Tumblr from AO3 (if you don't know how to code a link, google it, it's really simple - even I can do it!!) and if people don't have to copy paste a URL, they're probably gonna check it out if they use Tumblr too. Same for other socials - link back to here. Use the audience you may already have somewhere else, but don't spam them.
Interact as your blog's name so that people see your name around the place, because tags suck. (I don't follow any tags, I only follow people, so I'll very rarely come across something 'out in the wild'.) Since you're a sideblog, you can always go anon and then sign off your ask as your sideblog's name.
Be patient. It sucks, but don't expect to get hundreds of notes overnight.
Open your blog to all the prompts and challenges that you're comfortable with. Don't burn yourself out, but if people can engage with you and if they get something out of it too, then they're more likely to reblog your work. That's what I did at the start - I just got people to send me prompts for free stories and I wrote for free, for *exposure*, you might say. (Don't write anything you're not comfortable with, obviously, but be open to new challenges and writing things you maybe hadn't thought of).
Participate in fandom challenges if it's fandom you write for, and look for other writing challenges or events. That can help build a sense of community and might bring you an audience that way.
If you're in a server with people whose opinions you trust, share your work on Discord and maybe ask them for feedback and/or reblogs if they're on Tumblr. Only if you're comfortable with that.
At the end of the day, remember why you're writing though. Notes and responses aren't the be all and end all of creating. Create stuff first because you enjoy creating it, and then share it because you want to share it. Don't give up or get disheartened if you don't get much traffic for a long time, and just keep on sharing anyway. That way, when people do find you, they've got a good backlog to go through as well!
If anyone has any more advice to add to this, please feel free to stick it in the notes!
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catchingbigfish · 2 years
15 tags, 15 mutuals tag game <3
thank you for tagging me, @doublegoblin! (i know you tagged me on my main, but it just makes life easier to post to my more active sideblog) no-pressure tag for @ls-daydreams, @words-after-midnight, @saintedseraph, @horrormama, @winterandwords, and anyone who might want to participate!
1: are you named after anyone?
kinda, lol. my dad picked my name because he liked it, but my middle name is such a common one on my mom’s side that i can think of half a dozen who share it. 2: when was the last time you cried?
i’m a frequent crier so the most recent circumstances don’t actually stick out in my mind. i know that i’ve somewhat recently welled up because of how sick i am, lol. almost any emotion can get me to cry. 3: do you have kids?
nope! i actually got my tubes tied at 24. 4: do you use sarcasm?
sometimes! it used to be a default mode and in the last few years i’ve worked away from that a bit. 5: what's the first thing you notice about people?
usually i notice their general vibe, if that makes sense. how do they present themselves and interact? like, are they nervous or outgoing or reserved, that sort of thing. 6: what's your eye color?
kinda golden brownish — hazel-y, i’d say. 7: scary movies or happy endings?
if i have to pick, scary movies, but they can have happy endings! one of my favorite films is They Look Like People and i would call that both. 8: any special talents?
i liked @doublegoblin’s answer a lot — my memory is really detailed. i can remember conversations near to verbatim; if i remember something, it’s almost like a video i can replay. 9: where were you born?
louisville, kentucky — never lived there, though! 10: what are your hobbies?
fiber crafts, primarily crochet and hand-sewing my own clothing; cooking vegetarian food; and tarot! 11: have any pets?
one kitty! he may actually be a raccoon, or perhaps a raccoon-demon hybrid. 12: what sports do/have you played?
i have never been athletically gifted but i tried cheerleading and volleyball as a kid! 13: how tall are you?
i think around 5’5”. 14: fave subject in school?
in k-12, english, no question. in college i liked my creative writing classes but religious studies and gender studies superseded the lit and writing classes pretty quickly. 15: dream job?
i actually really love my day job. it's like that concept of "what you love, what you're good at, what the world needs, and what you can be paid for". i investigate allegations people are being treated unfairly due to a protected class (like race, gender, religion, and disability) -- primarily in housing, but i'm also assigned to cases involving education and attempts to access businesses (think hotels or stores). if you've heard about recent allegations Black people's homes are being appraised for more money when they whitewash it, that's the sort of thing i'd investigate. plus, i have clean enough work/life boundaries and work standard enough hours that i have the mental capacity to devote my time outside work to things i love and enjoy (like my writing!) without suffering burnout. it's a pretty good gig, all things considered, and i plan to be here long-term.
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avaantares · 2 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers (except me because I've already done it). Spread the self-love 💙 (also sorry if you've gotten this already!!)
Top 5 fics? Isn't that like choosing a favorite child?
Well, here goes:
Fic: Children of the Future Age Fandom: Devil May Cry Probably Definitely my most popular fan work, this 330K monolith was meant to be around a tenth of that length when I started writing it during the final week of 2019... but during COVID lockdown, it became something of a coping mechanism, and I escalated from a simple one-problem plot to a convoluted braid of several interlinked conflicts, with a whole lot of character work on the side. Ultimately, I spent over a year writing and editing the thing. It gets the top slot by virtue of its length and complexity, its characterization, and because it was just fun and therapeutic to write. And it has the dubious honor of having been stolen and sold by plagiarists! (Okay, that part is less fun.) It's also been translated by fans into both Russian and Chinese, which... wow, that's a lot of words to translate, and I'm honored that anyone would volunteer to spend that much time with it. .
Fic: Splinter Fandom: Torchwood & Sarah Jane Adventures This is my earliest novel-length Torchwood work, and arguably not the best-written, but still a favorite because of all I put into it. I did SO MUCH RESEARCH for this one, to the point that after reading it, several other authors asked me to tech-read their stories because they thought I was either some kind of biologist or a medical professional (sorry, I'm just a nerd!). Also there's timeline fracturing and causality paradoxes and, oh, yeah, a boatload of angst. Very on-brand for me. :D .
Fic: What Dreams May Come Fandom: Torchwood & Doctor Who Another long and plot-twisty fic, this one plays with time travel and some other elements that I really enjoy writing. I included a number of my favorite characters from both series, and it was fun to get my teeth into their personalities. It also features an original character whom (to my surprise) most readers seemed to really like. This story was later republished in the Doctor Who zine Tales From the Matrix. .
Fic: The Night of the Fractured Mask Fandom: The Wild Wild West I've written so many Torchwood fics that I could probably populate a whole faves list just with those, but in the interest of variety, I'll pull out a story from the second most obscure fandom I've written for. Ever since I was a kid watching reruns of this 1960s spy/Western/proto-steampunk adventure series after school, I have been in awe of Artemus Gordon (and Ross Martin, the absolute genius who played him, who is largely responsible for the existence of one of my sideblogs). This is just a quick little character study, but I think I succeeded in capturing Artie's voice a bit, which felt like a pretty big accomplishment. .
Fic: The Light Within Fandom: Guardian (Zhen Hun) I'm being a bit self-serving with this last one. 😅 I do really like this story, especially the sibling dynamics in it, but for some reason it has garnered the least attention of any finished work I've posted on AO3 (only 121 views in the nine months it's been up). Admittedly, it started out as a joke, but it quickly took on a life of its own and became a charming little far-future sequel to the TV drama. I'm including it here in the hopes that someone in the tiny Guardian fandom who missed it the first time around might check it out.
I will be sending out some Asks privately, as that's how I received this one, but for anyone who has NOT done this yet and would like to participate, send me a message or Ask (off Anon) and I will drop it in your inbox! Everyone deserves a chance to self-promote once in a while. :)
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myfeelisfunny · 3 months
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Hello hello, I am Mia and I have totally lost control over this blog! 🥳🥳
But because I read somewhere, that to help others (the blog) you must first help yourself (me), I have decided to finally get it together and start to organize some stuff!
So here we go, I guess...
💫About Me💫
There's actually not very much to be said about me specifically.
I'm Mia (on the internet at least ;D) and I have this Tumblr account, thx byee :))
jk, here are some Tumblr-relevant facts about me:
🙆‍♀️ I'm a cis woman, going by she/her pronouns
💬 I speak English, German, French and a bit of Spanish (I don't tag posts language-specific, though)
⌛ I started my fandom journey on Wattpad and am now very happy to have deboarded that particular train for Tumblr xD
🫣 I've also been here for a while, but spent most of my time lurking
💻 I actually don't have any other social media, because I'm very susceptible to doom-scrolling (but I want memes, so I'm very thankful for Tumblr and my saviour the chronological dash lmao)
🩷 I love that there's a community here for any obsession I find myself falling into, so I tend to just cram all of the fandoms in here without thinking twice (but my organization-effort does include trying to compile a list of my most consistent ones :D)
❤️ my offline hobbies include but are not limited to: reading, writing, singing, music, photography, knitting, Magic: The Gathering, nature (whatever that means)
📚 I am an indiscriminate enjoyer of all things written down, whether it be traditionally published books, comics or fanfiction
✏️ I wrote some fanfic in my teenage years, switched to poetry for a while, before coming back to long-form fandom writing
⁉️ Although I am an advocate for Don't like it, don't read it!, I recognize that sometimes it's not that easy. I myself have clear boundaries of what I am and am not comfortable seeing. Therefore I will disclaim that I participate in RPF for fandoms I post about here, but because this is my multifandom dumping site, I'm keeping the rpf-side of things confined to sideblogs with the appropriate notice.
💌 I am always delighted to meet new people and make new friends, so if you want to chat, please don't hesitate to send me a DM or an ask!! <3333
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💫About this blog💫
As previously stated, this is my multifandom dumping site. But it is also my meme dumping site. Anything that is not related to a fandom is not specifically tagged (mostly).
In regards to fandom posts, I usually tag the fandom itself and, if relevant, specific ships. I don't normally tag characters, because that would get out of hand pretty quickly. ^^"
My top five most-consistent fandoms at the moment are:
🏎️ Formula 1 (sporadic live-blogging)
🌟 Captain America
🕵️ The Man from Uncle
🔎 Midsomer Murders
🌜 The Sandman (Netflix)
For more/all of them see the fandom list, I definitely had time to compile yet.
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My own two cents are organized like this:
✨ #mia screams into the void for original posts
✨ #mia rambles to the void for my comments on other people's posts
✨ #artsy for all things art
✨ #kitties!!! for all things cats
✨ #oh don't go breaking my heart for all the heart-break
✨ #wtf did i just witness for all the mind-break
✨ #oh…oh no for all things 'this is very funny but also wtf people'
✨ I am working on the happy stuff, but atm it's mostly #lmao and all of its variations
✨ #queue what queue no you queue for...the queue
I am really trying to get some organization into this, so I might come up with some more things to differentiate between stuff. I hope this makes sense to anyone else aside from me as well lol.
In any case, if you have read this far, I am really impressed! Thank you for giving me the time of day, I am so glad you exist! (also pls come and chat with me if you want) 🥰🥰
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venus-haze · 1 year
hi battie how is your trip going?? any highlights?
I'm going to go ahead and answer this one first, so y'all get a rundown of what I've been up to the past 2 weeks!
To preface, I'm definitely more of an East Coast Beast Coast type of woman, but goddamn those California beaches are breathtaking, especially Santa Monica and Malibu. I might love them the slightest bit more than Miami (and I still dream of South Beach).
We also participated the picket line for the WGA/SAG strike to show solidarity! Non-union members can join the protests outside of the various studios in LA, there's info on the union websites (WGA seems to have a more consistent picketing schedule on their website, but since both unions are striking together, they overlap anyway). They have plenty of signs there to borrow, so you don't have to make your own or anything lol. I highly encourage anyone in the area who feels strongly about workers' rights and wants to raise hell over AI to go!
Back to the touristy, vacation stuff, the Hollywood Walk of Fame is worth going to if you're especially passionate about film or television. I nearly fell over getting a photo of Bela Lugosi's star because it's literally on a corner, so I was getting ready to cross the street when I noticed it beneath my feet as the walk sign changed. The Chinese Theater is also there, and the Hollywood Museum is a fun, kitschy and kind-of low budget attraction that I feel is an essential stop for classic Hollywood fans. Otherwise, it gave major Times Square energy, so if you're not big on tourist traps and crowded sidewalks, you could skip it.
We were in town while John Waters was getting his star on the Walk of Fame, which was so exciting! The Academy Museum also opened an exhibit on John Waters' films that runs through next August and they still had their exhibit on The Godfather's 50th anniversary open. I'm going to post my photos from The Godfather exhibit on my sideblog @lostloveletters (needless to say, between the two exhibits, I spent so much money in that museum's gift shop oh my god).
Also, we went to Griffith Observatory and the Hollywood sign, though the Observatory felt the most like a pilgrimage of anything we did. Besides the bust of James Dean (a questionable likeness, to be honest) outside the building, there wasn't much acknowledging Rebel Without a Cause since it's a science museum, after all. A lot of Star Trek merch in the gift shop, though.
I'd like to visit LA again! It's such a big city and so spread out, I felt like there was a lot we didn't have time to do despite being there for so long. It's unfortunately near impossible to get around without a car, so we had to take a lot of rideshares when walking wasn't an option. That's something that definitely makes me prefer the East Coast over the West Coast. New York, Boston, and DC just have more expansive public transit systems that's severely lacking in LA, and those are far from perfect, too. The only times I've used rideshares in my many visits to New York were to get to and from the airport, and even then I try to take taxis.
I got in late last night, so there's probably a lot I'm forgetting!
🦇 Battie
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