#I'm so sorry again for the long wait OTL
revengesworn · 10 months
Senju doesn't know much about Catalina at all. Honestly, coming here at all might've been a huge waste of time. But how could rumors about a real-life witch not catch her attention?
Her brothers probably think she's being childish, but who cares? It doesn't matter what they think. It's not like she's getting her hopes up about the magic being real - it just sounds like a fun way to pass the time, and Senju has always had a... strange fixation on the supernatural, to an extent. It's subdued, not even close to an obsession, but when she thinks about things like other worlds and strange powers, something in her seems to stir from deep within...
Well, either way, she's here now. Senju enters Catalina's shop with a skip in her step, her cheerful appearance clearly at odds with the image one would expect of a gang member.
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"Ooooh, look at all this... this is getting kind of fun!"
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chenziee · 3 months
The Heart in the Cage
I'm so sorry for the delay! Work and life in general's been a total dumpster fire the past two weeks 💀 I'll try to get the next one asap but I sadly can't promise anything concrete OTL
Written for: - @truffyfest Summer of Lawlu 2024 - Week 2: CONFESSION | HEART SWAP | “I thought I’d lost you.” - OP Bingo 2023: Volcano - @opfluffzine Wheel of Fluff event: Communication
“You want to do what?” 
Luffy snickered at Law’s question. He did expect him to protest the idea but his shocked tone and horrified expression was just something else and Luffy just couldn’t help it. It was too funny, okay?
“Stop laughing, do you realise how serious what you’re asking is?” Law hissed, his frustration more than apparent.
“Sorry, Torao.” Luffy gulped, forcing his mirth down.
For a few seconds, Torao just continued glaring at him, as if to make sure Luffy wasn’t going to start giggling again… and maybe to try and convey how very unimpressed with Luffy he was. But finally, he sighed. 
“Tell me why exactly should I go ahead with this stupid idea?”
“Because you love me!” Luffy answered immediately with a wide smile on his face, leaning forward to peer at Law’s face. There was a complicated look in his sharp, beautiful eyes, a look that told Luffy that he was fighting with himself over it.
Clicking his tongue, Law shoved Luffy’s face away. “That has nothing to do with it. In fact, it’s all the more reason why I shouldn’t do it.” He narrowed his eyes at Luffy, pointing his finger at Luffy and poking at the centre of his chest. “If my heart is in there and something happens to me, you’re dead, Luffy.”
“So?” Luffy asked, a pout making its way on his lips.
Law inhaled sharply, and it looked like he was counting to ten in his mind before he replied, “So, I’m not going to do it. It’s too fucking risky!” He paused, closing his eyes for a second before shooting Luffy a look. “Why do you want me to switch our hearts anyway?”
With a small huff, Luffy slumped against the backrest of the aquarium bar’s couch, watching as the dim light reflecting off of the water dances across Law’s skin, his face, his hair. There were still some barely visible scratches and bruises, a bandage tightly wrapped around his left forearm where his soulmark was. Covering the deep, long slash Torao got from Blackbeard days ago. Chopper said it was likely going to scar, marring his skin forever.
Leaving a mark where only Luffy’s presence should be…
All the while Luffy was on Egghead and completely unaware anything was wrong until after the crew and everyone else got to safety and he thought to check Torao’s vivre card.
They were lucky Bepo was able to get Law to safety before anything worse happened to him, or any of the Heart Pirates.
“It’s just…” Luffy gestured with his hand vaguely. “We’re gonna go our separate ways again. I wanna have something to connect to you.”
“You have my vivre card. I have yours. Pretty sure Nami-ya still has Bepo’s. We have literal soulmarks. You even made us get fucking tattoos,” Law pointed out, raising an eyebrow.
Luffy groaned and looked away, turning to study the fish swimming happily in the aquarium. “It’s slow, okay? If your heart is with me, I’ll know immediately that I need to check your vivre card.”
When Law didn’t say anything for a while, Luffy glanced back at him. He was surprised to find Law’s own eyes boring into him, studying Luffy’s expression and searching his eyes for something. What that something was, Luffy had no idea… but he decided to wait until Law found it—or gave up. 
It took a long while for either of them to say anything; they quietly looked at each other, the silence hanging around them heavy but somehow, it wasn’t uncomfortable. Rather, it felt like a sense of understanding connected them, an invisible string that tied them together and linked them and their thoughts. Somehow, Luffy wouldn’t mind sitting here like this all afternoon. For some reason, he didn’t think he’d even get bored.
… Okay, maybe not the whole afternoon but he could definitely do a few minutes no problem!
But that wasn’t the point.
“What is this really about, Straw Hat-ya?”
Luffy froze at the question, blinking at Law blankly. What was it about? He didn’t really think about it when he suggested the heart swapping, didn’t bother searching for a reason. Thinking wasn’t his strong suit, after all; the idea occurred to him and it felt right so he just said it… But well—
“I don’t know! Does it matter?” Luffy asked, tilting his head to the side. “It’s not a big deal, and I know you’ve done it already two years ago!”
Law startled at the revelation, obviously not expecting Luffy to know. He stared at Luffy with wide eyes for a moment, before a groan escaped him. “It was Penguin, wasn’t it?”
“Yep!” Luffy confirmed with a laugh. “He also said you told him you’d toss him overboard if he ever told me.”
“Why am I not surprised,” Law grumbled, rubbing at the bridge of his nose. “It was a temporary measure to help with treatment. You basically had a volcano erupt in your lungs and you’d have died if I didn’t do it. There’s no medical reason now.”
“Was there one back then though?” Luffy teased, poking Law’s shoulder. “I mean, you could have used anyone’s heart. Or just left me be!”
Seeing the scowl Torao gave him, Luffy couldn’t help but burst out laughing. That only seemed to make Law more annoyed… which in turn made Luffy laugh harder. 
“You’re right, I should have just let you die,” Torao grumbled, rolling his eyes at Luffy’s amusement.
With one last snicker, Luffy shuffled closer, pressing a quick, loud kiss to Law’s cheek before he poked Torao’s side again. “I think your reason was the same as mine is now,” he said quietly.
“I’m not lying on the operating table with a hole in my chest, connected to a ventilator and on the verge of total heart failure,” Law shot back, his voice completely flat and entirely unimpressed.
“Maybe, but when I saw your vivre card, I still thought I’d lost you for a moment. I never wanted to feel that way again after Mingo almost killed you.” Luffy shrugged.
When Law didn’t say anything, Luffy hummed, looking at Law questioningly, only to find a complicated expression on his face. Did he say something weird? He didn’t think he did but seeing how Torao was staring at him…
“What did I say?!” Luffy cried out defensively, only for Law to heave a deep sigh.
“You’re saying that? Did you forget you actually died not three weeks ago?” Law said, narrowing his eyes at Luffy.
That only served to prove Luffy right! “See?!” He grinned victoriously. “We’re thinking the same thing!”
“We are so not,” Law hissed.
Waving his hand dismissively, Luffy shuffled closer still, throwing his legs over Torao’s lap as he made himself comfortable in his personal space. Law didn’t seem to mind, automatically placing one hand over Luffy’s knee. Luffy’s smile widened at the gesture.
“Torao~” he sang. “Let's do it.”
“You’re such a brat.” Law sighed, shooting Luffy an annoyed look and Luffy grinned victoriously—making Torao click his tongue. “Wipe that look off your face, you won nothing.”
“But you’re gonna do it so I win!” Luffy announced, sticking his tongue out.
As Law rolled his eyes at him and a Room formed around the two of them, Luffy felt warmth pooling in his chest, spreading throughout his entire body. Wow, he really loved this man, didn’t he? It was ridiculous; it felt like every day, he was falling deeper—soulmate or not, it didn’t matter to him.
The birdcage he carried on his thigh didn’t matter to him—it was crushed anyway, just like Law’s chain was snapped, just like it should be. They didn’t need their soulmarks. They didn’t need fate.
And seeing Law’s heart, watching as it beat strongly in his hands, feeling its warmth as he inserted it into his own chest…
He was never more sure of that.
Never more sure this was where he should be.
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tsundereition · 1 year
If you still take requests, can I ask for Jamil with 5B? (Can be genderbend)
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Hello anon!!! Thank you so much for the request and sorry for the delay, the braids took me so long, and then the lace up boots OTL but I'm done and it was very gratifying! This is my first time drawing Jamil too, I like that these requests are making me out of my comfort zone. I hope that you like the result as well ^^ (as a side note, Tomboy by (G)I-dle was playing on my mind constantly while I drew this, and I added the bat just for the vibe lol)
Also, @ the anon who sent an ask for fem!Deuce, please send it again 😭🙏 I don't know which outfit you meant. I'm going to wait a little and if I don't get another ask for that, then I'm going to choose the outfit myself.
I am currently working on another fem!TWST drawing and I have one from another fandom pending after that one. However, you can still keep requesting!
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sugoi-writes · 5 months
FUCK. I WROTE PART NINE AND HAD IT ALL READY TO GO AND THEN MY KID GOT HER HANDS ON MY PHONE AND CLOSED THE APP. THANK LUCIFER I HAD THE FIRST HALF SAVED AS A DRAFT BUT STILL. OTL sending this separate because I was paranoid she'd do it again and I would have to write the second part a third time 😭 also realizing I forgot to put my sig at the bottom of Pt.9
..... Annnnd of course, after pressing send I remember that I forgot to rewrite the part where reader chokes Alastor when they cum. just shoot me holy motherfucking shit
At some point I'mma just make these into a full blown PWP fic. It seems like they get longer with each installment 🤣 (I'm sorry btw, I always feel kinda bad whenever I leave long messages in anyone's inbox 😫
It's a fitting pet name Hunny Pun! You're the queen of puns and you're so so SO sweet like a Honey Bun! is that icing or Alastor's jizz on you??? ... im so sorry i'll see myself out again 😭 CAN'T FIND AND KISS ME IF I FIND AND KISS YOU FIRST BABES~! ❤️❤️❤️
I can't hold on to my anonymity anymore guys so I'mma be making Pt.10 my reveal post~ it's killing me that I can't leave rabid fangirl messages on your works like you all do here for me! I really did wanna wait until I got the Smutmus Holy Trinity complete or at least in the revision stages but just- GAH! I NEED YALL TO KNOW HOW AMAZING I THINK YOU ARE. Beautiful beautiful minds, inside and out i can't even-!
Seriously though, I can't even begin to express how grateful and happy I am to have met any of you! And there are no words in the English dictionary (or any at all really) that I could use to describe what I feel about how accepting and supportive you've been! I could NEVER thank yall enough for helping me to find the joy in writing again. I love all three of you so much and I'm honored to call you friends!! 🥺🥰💋
- ☄️❤️ Smut Santa
False Alarm for the Next Part!! And honestly, thank God, the vibe is still not charged HAH--
Oh no!!! I'm so sorry that happened to you!! I had a similar experience when writing my part 2 to my Nun! Alastor fic. Fun fact: had to re-write it 5 times because I kept forgetting to save it. ;;_;; hhhh my baby fever is so bad I'm crying, but man, KIDS! What a little stinker 🥹❤️
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Also, my ask box is usually super empty? Like, you could LICK the floor with how neat and empty it is? I LOVE messages? Even better if they long like Alastor's girthy fucking co--
We--We were- when we??? ALASTOR GETS--??? MY HANDS AROUND HIS???
*Danny.Exe has experienced an Error*
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☄️❤️Anon... babycakes. At this rate I'm gonna do more than fucking kiss you. I think we're past that now. And if you keep calling me 'Hunny Pun', or similar pet names, I'm just gonna jump your bones--
Hug you!!!! I meant hug you!!!
GUYS CODE TREAT, CODE TREAT, THE ANON VEIL IS DROPPING!!! ITS DROPPING DHDHDJDHDJ-- You will never gain a mutual as fast as you will then I SWEAR
☄️❤️!!! Smut Santaaaaa! 🥹😭❤️ Your mind is a beautiful, smutty, enchanting place!!! Knowing that you've been religiously cranking this out, while also having a kiddo... Seriously, how do you do it??? If anyone deserves the praise rn, 🎵it's you??? It's you, ITS ALWAYS YOU!!🎵 ❤️❤️❤️
Don't push yourself too hard! Please? ❤️ I will treasure these rare, scrumptious little treats for as long as I have brain cells left ❤️ I will call you friend until you tell me to quit or I lose my voice for good. And even then, my lips will keep moving and repeating the same thing until I'm blue in the face. ❤️❤️❤️ you are such a sweet, sweet, soul, and I can feel your vibes, and they are so wholesome! I can't wait to meet the person or sexual fiend behind it all! I feel like I speak for us all, and not just the main 3, but EVERYONE: everyone who has read your posts love you to bits. And they love your work to bits. Best believe when you publish your first work, we'll be there. En masse. And we will be EAGERLY returning the love you surprised us with.
Thank you for all that you do. On this post in particular, you deserve a foot rub, a forehead kiss, and a hug that lifts and spins you off your feet! 💗💗💗
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Have a blissful, best of days you can have, dear! You deserve it! 💗
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crystalflygeo · 1 month
You popped up on my page which has led to me spiraling down the rabbit hole of your content which I devoured with gusto. Seriously, I really enjoy your work so I hope you don't feel pressured at all when I ask if you plan on continuing "Last of her kind". It's just that I either need a light at the end of the tunnel via future updates, or if I need to retreat into my mind palace for solace. I remember you saying at the header of the last chapter that you felt unhappy with the quality, but as someone who just binged everything I will vehemently assure you that it is not a problem queen! I will gladly eat any dinner you put before me with vim and vigor! Again, no pressure to continue or not I just need answers so my soul can be at peace. Keep up the great work and I wish you a happy day!
Pls this is so sweet you are so sweet aaaaaaasgacvgjacvhajscbshakcbsakj
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I do plan on continuing and finishing it!! It's just that I have been so busy and nowadays rarely got time to myself and write and enjoy things OTL but omg comments like this really give me life tyvm hun <3 I kith you and hug you I'm so happy you liked my stuff scvgsavcsjabchjabckhabjk (I hope you don't have to wait too long tho scgvghsvja sorry y'all)
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ethtyn · 2 years
ll2 liveblog: etho's pov
love the way he just throws us into the action with "you have 24 hours to live, good luck," everybody scatters. you're so right king the rest of the rules are totally unnecessary <3
fucking. then he makes skizz explain the rules. girlboss behaviour tbh (LOVE that we get the boogeyman back !!!!!!)
"(keeping all of the moss) is what i wanted to do too, but i didn't want to get blamed for it, is pretty much what it boils down to" me as fuck. also, second of the three G's (gatekeep).
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like. look at them.
i know it's like asking a fish to breathe normal air but Etho please i am trying to manifest a Martho (Etyn?) team up PLEASE stop making him think you're boogeying 😖😖
(i'm five minutes into the episode btw aren't u so glad i haven't been doing individual posts this whole time)
NAURRRRRR NOT SKIZZ ALREADY 😭😭😭 Grian's "i see the rules don't apply to you?" lmfao
WAIT i didn't even realize this breaks timmy's curse, at least for first green death of the server. n*ce
Scar with the fall damage 💀 ppl are dropping like flies LOL
bro the fact that Etho's stuck with Martyn this long. i am going to THROW UP. pleasepleasepleasepleasePLEASEPLEASEPLEASE...
"i'll give you some wood as a...as a reward" ayo ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
it's actually really interesting seeing exactly how much video is being cut out. we're 11 minutes into the video but 30 minutes have already gone by in the session. i don't remember exactly but aren't sessions 2-3 hours? cutting that down to 44 minutes is fuckin impressive in that case actually
"okay so we've proven that none of us are the boogeyman right now" HAVE WE GRIAN?? because i heard Tango super unconvincingly say he wasn't and NO ONE ELSE.
"did you flinch? did that freak you out?" you little freak. i love you and am kissing you on the mouth
KCMXKFKD Grian buying Etho's loyalty with a diamond sword..."i will serve you however you wish"...GRITHO ENJOYERS WINNING
I'M CRYING i paused to write that last point and then IMMEDIATELY upon unpausing Grian's like "good, now kill Martyn 😈" and Etho's like. "actually? 🤔 Martyn wya 👀" STOP IT. STOP KILLING MY MARTHO DREAMS.
aaaaand they left him in the Nether. i hate it here OTL
i was so focused on Skizz whispering sweet nothings into Etho's ear (giving him a lovely compliment) that i didn't even notice Jimmy and Joel dying in lava until Martyn asked if it was a boogey kill LMFAO helpppp
"oh, so you're gonna make a boat with a new friend, hey Joel?" [Bdubs voice] ETHO STOP IT.
Jimmy's "sorry Rancher 🥺" after Joel kills the cow 🥴🥴🥴
wait where tf is the enchanter this season? did Grian finally get a clue and use spawn protection if they did a single enchanter again?
hello again Martyn 👀
"can i buy your silence about this spot." "i guess so. you got any diamonds?" "how 'bout wood, you want some wood?" Etho stop trying to give Martyn your wood 😩
oh RIP Cleo, they really are playing on hard mode from the first episode this season
Scarcledubs teamup? 👀👀👀
the way Etho looks at Bdubs after he says the breed stock comment. the dismissive "i'm not interested". i need to lie down (is already lying down)
i am so sorry 👇🏻
"do you wanna be our dad?" "...i don't think i could handle it."
👆🏻 sorry again.
this bit is going weirder places than i just took it tbqh
Etho confirmed not 43 (yet)
Pearl & BigB teamup??? also Pearl double-fisting diamond hoes on the serial killer server is objectively so funny
Etho sowing discord and distrust wherever he goes my beloved <3
HELLO AGAIN MARTYN...BELOVED...PLEASE STAY. look Etho is even setting up by himself... there's room for you too...
"got me...got me excited" ETHO I AM BEGGING YOU.
Martyn accidentally killing their last cow with the fucking lava bucket 😭😭 you can tell he's genuinely sorry too JFNFJCKFKF
SOMEONE DROPPING A FUCKING LIT BLOCK OF TNT DOWN A HOLE AND PRAYING IS SO FUCKING FUNNY. no way that was a Martyn boogey attempt he's so much more calculated than that?????
it's so endearing to me that Etho's first instinct is to call people by a nickname out of their usernames (that isn't what everyone else calls them) unless they're a closer friend (Littlewood, Skizzle, etc). also RIP BigB (it was Martyn, turns out 😩)
this whole negotiation with Cleo. "Cleo let me steal your cows 🥺" "no." "🙄🙄🙄🙄 FIIIIIIIIINE" god the POUT. obsessed. also SO proud of him for getting over his fear of Cleo one attempt at stealing her cows at a time <3
i haven't watched Martyn's POV yet but if he fucking fell down one of Etho's holes to his death i am going to CACKLE WILDLY especially considering Etho made a comment about it TO HIM (i think) earlier in the session. "i've done this in every smp i've ever joined and people fall down them and get mad at me" LMAOOOOOOO
we got a "take care, bye-bye" 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺💖💖💖💖💖
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dourpeep · 2 years
HEY SPROUTTTT this is mika :D how have u been? I HAVEN'T BEEN HERE IS SO SO LONG
pls forgive me mika OTL OTL at the very least when I saw "mika" my brain was like HOLY SHIIITTTTT IT'S MIKAAAA followed by "uuu wait whomst"
But besides the short term memory, I have been alright! Very busy!! Trying to figure stuff out when it comes to jobs as well since I don't want to be working in uh "word for something that requires a lot of energy" w/ low reward job because it stresses me out and I don't have much liberty to take time off because I get paid not much OTL OTL OTL BUT it's okay since I'm doing what I can to find work in my field nodnod
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ghost-kitty · 2 years
God bless you 😭 you’re back with Ride To Die!!! I like waited for so long and when yesterday I found out it’s been uploaded I read it all again from the start and it’s been as beautifully written as I remember 🥺
The last chapter was so emotional and sweet at the end I almost cried!!!
Ps I feel the need to draw something for your AU it’s that ok?
Thank you so, so much, that means the world to me 🥺❤️ I definitely plan to update the next chapter sooner this time, but atm I'm working on HTDMD and a new fic (because apparently I love to torture myself OTL)!!
And OMG OF COURSE!! I would be honored if you did! 😭🙏
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strayslost · 3 months
i am once again trying to think of supernatural secret / weird meri-style verses for akutagawa. the problem is i am SO uncreative it's not even funny
i was originally planning to wait until we got more canon information on like, what knight!aku is all about, fyodor's motivations, the canonical stuff going on in bsd that's yet to be revealed overall, and then use that for my verses, but... i am too impatient and idk how long the wait will be haha. i do still really want to explore that stuff, especially knight!aku (WHAT DOES IT MEAN????? ASAGIRI PLEASE-), but i think i'll add additional verses once we get to that point in canon using the new content rather than force myself to wait??
if that uhhh. makes sense. otl. but anyway. back to my non-existent ideas.
i still really want to explore stuff with him teaming up with wells + time travel shenanigans, but i don't have any ideas for that yet. what i do have is a separate concept of like... akutagawa having a different supernatural secret that he doesn't know he's keeping... something involving the idea of "hunger", maybe??
for instance - his traumatic and painful life as a child that led to him feeling so empty for so long, and his suppressed desire for something more/a meaning to live... what if those parts of him interacted with some kind of otherworldly force that combined with his ability?? i'm thinking as i type here but i want to do something with the concept of akutagawa having been subconsciously holding himself back without realizing it. so whatever he encountered, it strengthened his ability and gave him the power needed to survive, but fused with his psyche, which... idk how that'd affect him yet lol.
idk. i'm going braindead even as i type unfortunately, rip ;~; i have concepts like the "idea of hunger [for more]" and "holding himself back" or maybe having the way he's dehumanized by others lead to some kind of supernatural occurance in my brain but... as soon as i try to develop them. i'm stuck. THIS TURNED INTO KIND OF A VENT POST I'M SORRY BUT TLDR IF ANYONE WANTS TO PLOT STUFF WITH ME I'M DOWN????
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kyooongie · 1 year
Sorry it took me a few days to respond I got swamped with uni work (swamped meaning I neglected my assignments in favor of reading bbh fics and being on twitter and then school caught up with me) but GOD talking with you is so nice, you're saying everything I've been thinking recently about fics T^T I know exactly what vibe of fics you're talking about, those kinds of fics stay with me and affect me for a while because of how good the writing is, "real stories" is a great way to describe it. I love those ugh I'm not kidding I've been thinking in my mind for like a year or two that I wish people would write some of those kinds of beautiful fics for bbh on here again. I pretty much gave up hope though because exo tumblr writers in general are few and far between, and exo tumblr writers who do series or longer works are pretty much non existent nowadays.. And I feel like these kinds of fics aren't usually requested, more like the authors just come up with the idea for it, at least I think? Anyway hearing you say that you're planning on doing that kind of special gorgeous/longer/ao3 type fic for baekhyun literally made my entire year ngl :') I'm definitely looking forward to whenever you post them!!!!! Like so so much!!!!!!!!!! I'm sure I'll eat it right up. Finally some good fucking food for bbh fans LOL you're doing god's work fr fr ily.. Omg I have a rule of not reading incomplete fics too because if an author discontinues a fic or goes MIA it's too much for my poor heart ahah also I try not to read long fics that end in heartbreak/angst. I get too depressed like let me be happy and end up with my kyoongie baby pls omg... I read felon two years ago by accident because I saw it had so many parts so I thought it was complete so I read it OTL it's so incredible though so I can't even mind that it's without updates. I believe the author said last fall that she wanted to finish it before the end of 2022, so maybe hopefully we'll get an update this year instead, I'm manifesting it!
omg i can relate im soooo behind on readings fgdshjfdks AND IM AN ENGLISH/HISTORY MAJOR SO ITS BAD T__T baekhyun fics are just way better to read like im sorry...... also i keep staying up really late reading them/writing them and then missing my 8am oops
thanks for looking forward to my work omg!! i hope it doesnt disappoint xx im working on a long one but im thinking about putting out some short ones in the mean time bc i have SO many reqs waiting to be filled haha. i havent written fanfic since i was like 14 (lol) so it might take some getting used to.. hopefully my first attempts arent too horrible ;__ ; i do have a couple more ideas for long fics too hehe just trying to juggle school and friends and everything too so i dont have as much time as id like to write :-(
i will manifest a felon update too.. hopefully our combined psychic powers make it happen !!
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cocoachoux · 8 years
Pairing: Levi/Eren Rating: General Word count: 4.4k Other Tags: bad boy/punk!Levi, pastel/punk!Eren and awkward encounters
Pastels could actually look nice in leather and piercings… Or maybe it was just Eren who was the exception to the fashion rule. The boy was full of surprises as Levi found out.
Happy New Year everyone! :D I'm starting off this year with a fic that is looooong overdue. This fic is for Maddi, @lillilgirl‘s friend, in return for the lovely art she did for the COMH collab over here (it's the one where Levi's and Eren's noses are touching! ♥). She requested a story with bad boy/punk!Levi and pastel/punk!Eren. I hope I did the prompt justice honeybun! Thank you again for the amazing art! ^^
Levi often wondered if expressing himself through appearances was actually worth it, especially how… loud his clothing choices were.
It wasn’t the color that people had an issue with (black was a staple color for everyday wear after all), nor was it because of the material (though, people would raise their eyebrows when they see him strut down the hallways in his leather pants), definitely not. Maybe it was the combination of the two paired along with more than the standard amount of piercings all over his face and his extreme side shave hairstyle that made him look like a walking ’70s fashion show.
Or maybe it was because of his naturally stoic expression that screamed, “Fight me” to every person who passed by. Who knew? He looked great and anyone who thought otherwise could fuck off for all he cared.
He was used to it, though, the staring anyway. He was comfortable in his attire choices and wore them with confidence. People’s gazes naturally gravitate to him and admittedly, it felt oddly satisfying having that kind of power over someone, intentionally or not.
But all that attention came with a price.
See, because of the way he looked, rumors started circulating around the school about how much of a ‘bad boy’ he was, and that he could beat the shit out anybody. And while the last part may be true (with all the training he received from his uncle, high school brats had nothing on him), those rumors earned him the reputation of being the strongest student in the school.
And with that kind of reputation, came with many challenges. Literally.
Not too long after those rumors started spreading through the student population (he had suspected that Hange was to blame for it), guys came flocking to him left and right, challenging him to a fight. ‘Asserting dominance’ or some shit. Levi didn’t know and didn’t care, but it got annoying real fast. It was funny the first few times back when he was a freshman – the look on the seniors’ faces when he was able to pin them down in a few seconds were delightful – but now being a junior (and undefeated), he didn’t have time to play games anymore.
Contrary to his appearance, he was a bright student, taking AP classes with all those high expectations and stress that came along with it. He was halfway through his third, and critical, year in high school and had scholarships to apply for and test preparations to attend to. Top that with having a part-time job and participating in club activities and sports teams, he had a lot of responsibilities to juggle and not keel over from exhaustion. He literally had no time for bullshit.
Which was exactly why he clocked the guy in the face.
Thinking back on it, he really shouldn’t have retaliated the way he did. It wasn’t a proud moment in his life, but he was stressed out and tired from a long and grueling day of classes and studying. He just wanted to go home and sleep until the next year. Suddenly being ambushed by a stranger once he stepped out of school grounds didn’t help his situation at all.
Especially when the guy was sprawled on the ground, not moving.
Shit. He didn’t kill him with one punch, did he? He didn’t use that much strength.
He bent down and gingerly poked the side of the stranger’s face.
No response.
Levi didn’t even bother to hide his groan of annoyance. Great. Just fucking great. This was exactly why Kenny kept lecturing him about thinking before acting: because of shit like this.
He examined the listless person’s face and didn’t recognize him. From a rival school maybe? He wouldn’t be surprised if his reputation spread to Maria High and St. Rose as well since the schools were only separated by mere fences.
Levi sighed. What should he do? Should he bring him into the nurse’s office? But the nurse was probably long gone by now. Besides, he didn’t want to get reported and go sit in the principal’s office for causing a disturbance despite the incident happening off school grounds; it would hurt his chances of getting into his top college choices if it was on his record. Maybe he should-
Levi raised his head at the new voice to see another stranger storming towards him, eyes blazing, teeth baring and- wait… was that a pink leather jacket?
Not making the same mistake again, Levi calmly stood up as the other person approached. He put his hands in front of him in a defensive stance and stepped away from the guy who was still on the ground, motionless. “He started it.”
All those years of writing brilliantly-worded essays and assignments to pass his English classes didn’t help him in real life when it came to his preferred method of speaking abruptly. He briefly wondered why he even bothered taking AP English Literature and Composition in the first place if he didn’t actually benefit from it.
Even the new guy seem confused by the childish response that came out of his mouth, stopping a few feet away from him and gave him an odd look. “Uh…?”
Levi took the chance to clear his throat. “He ambushed me and I punched him.” Still need to work on speaking better, but at least he got the main point across.
To his luck, the new guy seemed to accept his answer and visibly deflate from the angry expression he had worn seconds ago. “Why am I not surprised?”
Levi barely caught what he mumbled under his breath and crossed his arms. “You friends with this guy?” He nudged his chin to the sprawled body.
He was puzzled when he received a snort from the new stranger. “Kind of, but not really. We just tolerate each other’s existence but we back each other up from time to time when we’re not fighting ourselves.”
“Right.” That sounded like a weird and complicated relationship but the same could be said with him and Hange (well, he might interpret it that way but they probably didn’t).
The new guy (fuck it, he would call him ‘Pinkie’ until he got a proper name) dropped down and placed his hand over his kind-of-but-not-really-friend’s wrist and then checked his breathing. Whistling lowly, Pinkie said in astonishment, “Wow, you knocked him out cold.”
“I can see that.” Levi checked his phone and sighed in frustration when he realized how late it was getting. “Look, I’m really sorry that I retaliated the way I did to your not-really-friend. Do you mind if we take him to my place until he wakes up? I only live a few blocks away from here.”
He honestly expected Pinkie to decline and call an ambulance or something but received a nod instead.
“Okay. I’ll grab this side and you grab on the other. I can’t wait to see his face when he wakes up from getting the shit beat out of him from a single punch.”
It was a long walk to his house.
Normally it would take him a few minutes to get back home from school, but lugging a lifeless body (he decided to call him ‘Horsie’ since the guy was pretty lean and sturdy despite his frame) along wasn’t easy. At least Pinkie was good support and was relatively silent the whole way to his house except for the occasional remarks about how dumb Horsie was to attack without thinking. Hah, he heard that one before.
They finally made it to their destination but before Pinkie reached for the door, Levi stopped him. “Hey, can you hold onto your kind-of-friend for a moment?”
Before Pinkie could protest, he pushed Horsie onto him, watching him stumble from the extra weight before regaining his balance. “Hey!”
Levi ignored him and eyed the door with an intense gaze. He outlined the door frame before he zeroed in on the doorknob. Checking underneath and the sides of it, he finally nodded in approval and carefully opened the door.
He heard Pinkie shift behind him and blocked the entrance with his arms. “Wait.”
Pinkie started to get irritated. “What now, man? Are you going to let us in or not?”
“Hold on for a second. My sister’s not home yet so I have to do it.”
Confused, Pinkie asked, “Do what exactly?”
Not entertaining him with a reply, Levi scanned the wooden floorboards and the walls with the same intensity he did for the door. “Guess he was in a rush this morning,” he mumbled.
Looking at his options, he sighed before he took off one his shoes and the scarf around his neck. He looped one end of the fabric with his hand while the other one tied between the shoelaces. Once secured with a knot, he twirled his makeshift lasso and threw the shoe to the furthest side of a framed picture on the wall and tugged on the scarf.
Pinkie yelped in surprise behind him when the ground beneath them rumbled before it stopped just as quickly as it suddenly came. He pulled back his scarf and shoe and stepped through the door. “Okay, it’s safe now.”
“Safe? Safe from what? What exactly did you do?” Pinkie asked, wearily eyeing the place as he slowly stepped inside the house with Horsie’s arm slung around his shoulders. “We’re not going to die, are we?”
“No, not this time at least,” Levi pressed a few buttons on the control panel that was hidden behind the picture frame before positive beeping sounds came from it. Putting the frame back to how it was before, he turned to see the incredulous look on Pinkie’s face. “What?”
“‘Not this time’?”
Levi stepped towards the living room as Pinkie followed. “My uncle’s in charge of security control for the house and likes to set up different traps depending on his mood. It was just simple floor movement triggers today so it was easy to disarm. ”
“Diff- Are you serious? He does this every day?” At Levi’s nod, Pinkie was even more flabbergasted. “You’re shitting me.”
“My uncle does use some… unorthodox methods for securing the place, but we’ve never been robbed so it gets the job done.” Nodding to the couch he said, “Put your not-friend there. I’ll go get the first aid kit and some water in case he wakes up.” Leaving Pinkie to take care of Horsie for now, Levi stalked off to the washroom and grabbed the kit located in the medicine cabinet before heading off to the kitchen.
When he got back to the living room, Horsie was laying on the couch and Pinkie was checking for any additional injuries. “How is he?”
“Nothing’s broken from what I can tell, just a swollen cheek.” Pinkie accepted the ice pack Levi passed to him and pressed it against the swelling as he turned Horsie to his side. “You sure know to hit clean, though. Not even a broken nose from the force of the punch.”
Levi rubbed the back of his neck at the compliment. “Thanks, I guess. I had lots of practice.”
Pinkie chuckled. “I bet.” Seeing that Horsie wasn’t going to move anytime soon, Pinkie left the ice pack and sat down on the floor, back against the couch. “You’re quite the legend at our school.”
“Really? What school do you attend?”
“Maria High. I’m a freshman and same goes for this idiot here,” Pinkie jabbed a thumb behind him, “He heard about how you were undefeated from one of the seniors and wanted to fight you himself. Didn’t expect him to take off immediately, but it didn’t take long for the victor to be settled, huh?”
Levi plopped on a nearby armchair and rested his chin on his hand. “It’s not the first time something like this happened. The fights slowed down in the middle of my sophomore year, but there are the occasional freshmen who don’t know better and want to see for themselves.”
“You a senior?”
Pinkie visibly grimaced. “Sorry. You must be doing lots of studying and test prep stuff, huh?”
“Yeah. It’s partially the reason why I hit your not-friend there in the first place. I was stressed out and lashed it out on him. Not that what I did was right or anything, but I didn’t expect to be ambushed after school either so it took me by surprise.”
Pinkie offhandedly waved it off. “It’s fine; he’s used to it. And his name’s Jean. ‘Not-friend’ and ‘kind-of-friend’ sounds really weird in a regular conversation.”
“Are you going to give me your name too, or do I still have to refer you as Pinkie in my head?”
“Pinkie? Why that name?”
“Because it’s the color of your jacket.”
Pinkie looked down to what he was wearing and laughed. “You sure you’re not in elementary school? You’re about creative as one.”
Levi huffed in irritation. “Art was never my strongest subject. So are you going to tell me your name or what, Pinkie?”
Pinkie rolled his eyes, but he was still smiling. “I’m Eren. It’s nice to meet you, Captain Levi.”
“Seriously? That’s what they call me?” Though he shouldn’t really care, he expected a title that was at least more fearsome than that.
“It’s that or the Savage of Sina.”
Ah, that was better.
Levi got more comfortable in his chair now that the fiasco was settled (more or less anyway, Jean still needed to wake up). He eyed Eren who was distracted with his phone and took a good look at him.
The pink leather jacket was what caught his attention first, but underneath was a pale yellow shirt with broken heart prints. He raised a brow at that but then he saw the ripped, mint jeans and the pair of white converse that were absentmindedly tapping on the carpet.
Trying not to be as creepy as possible, his gaze traveled up to Eren’s face and caught the multiple piercings along the ears and eyebrows. Hell, the kid even had anti-eyebrow piercings on each side of his face, too.
He had never met anyone like Eren before – someone who was the same yet different from him, in terms of clothing choices anyway. It was though he took the clothes from his wardrobe and did a pastel color swap and it would be just like Eren’s. He appreciated punk aesthetics but Eren, on the other hand, looked like a cutesy badass if he had to categorize it. A special breed of punk that he has never heard of before.
“It’s rude to stare, ya know?”
Levi blinked when he got caught staring but Eren didn’t even look up from his phone as he continued, “You’re wondering about my clothes, aren’t you?”
“Yeah, sorry. Just wondering where you got them from.” He was curious where one would be able to get mint green ripped jeans plus that leather jacket. No department store or mall nearby would carry that kind of style.
“Isn’t it a bit ironic for you to be asking me that?” There was mirth in Eren’s voice as he put his phone away, giving Levi his undivided attention. Eren gestured a hand to him and Levi looked down to his black leather pants that had zippers in various spots and multiple chains hanging off the loops.
Levi offered him a lopsided smirk. “Heh. I guess so, but black is a common color for us punks, no?”
“That’s true. It’s a bit easier to find our kind of style in black or red.” Eren bent his knees and pulled them close to his chest. “Getting piercings isn’t a problem since many accessory stores have stuff I like, but for clothes, I have to order them online and sometimes it can be a hit or miss since most of it comes from overseas.”
“Yeah, that can be a problem,” Levi supplied, “But why the pastel colors though?”
“Why punk in general?” Eren retorted, “I just like the colors, that’s all. They’re soft and nice to look at. And when it’s matched with clothing that’s the complete opposite of what people expect, it’s fun and unique.”
Levi nodded thoughtfully. “I think I understand. It feels good to break out of a stereotypical mold and be whatever the hell you want to be.”
Eren broke out into a grin at that. “I’m glad you get me. My sister says I should be one or the other, but I like mixing the two styles to have them both.”
“Tell me about it. My sister also tells me that I should tone my style down so I don’t look like a try-hard rock band leader.”
The two laughed about how eerily similar they were and the rest conversation flowed easily. Levi learned that Eren was on his school’s rugby team already despite being a freshman. He said it was because last year’s team composed of many seniors who had graduated so the positions were opened to freshmen as well. Levi still commended him for a job well done by making it on the team, earning his spot because of his dedication to the sport. It was endearing to see the pastel punk boy flush from the compliment.
Levi also answered any questions Eren had about preparing for his junior year – “Enjoy the little time you have left, Eren, before everything turns into shit” – and what his plans were after high school. It was actually nice to vent to an almost-stranger about the ridiculous amount of schoolwork he had to do before his last year of high school and telling shitty customer stories that he had to go through from his part-time job.
He didn’t realize how much time had passed until he heard the front door open and there was a pause of silence.
“It’s safe,” Levi called out.
Shortly after, he saw Mikasa poking her head into the living room. She was about to greet her brother but stopped short when she saw they had guests over. “Eren?”
Levi watched as Eren’s eyes flashed with recognition before breaking into a smile. “Hey, Mikasa. I didn’t know you lived here.”
“You two know each other?” Levi asked.
“His sister’s the female rugby captain for Maria High. Our schools always have mock matches and practices together,” Mikasa explained. Stepping closer, she looked at Jean, who was still unconscious on the couch and whipped her head to her brother. “What did you do to him?”
“My friend started it first, don’t worry about it,” Eren said, “We’re just waiting for him to wake up before leaving.”
Mikasa looked doubtful but there wasn’t anything she could do about it. “If you’re sure. Did you start on dinner yet?”
Levi shook his head. “No, I haven’t. Kenny’s working late and Mom’s out with friends so it’ll be just us tonight.”
“Do you want to stay for dinner, Eren?” Mikasa asked.
Eren perked up at the offer, but sheepishly asked, “Would I be imposing?”
Mikasa smiled at his childish behavior. “No, I don’t mind. And I don’t think Levi will mind either. Besides, I’m sure your friend will be hungry when he wakes up and I’m used to making meals for four anyway. I’ll call you guys when it’s ready.”
When Mikasa left the room, Eren turned to Levi. “Man, your sister’s nice. Isabel usually makes me do the cooking at home,” he said with a pout.
“Is Isabel the rugby captain sister of yours?”
“Yeah. She can be intense but she’s a good person. You should meet her sometime.” Digging for his phone, he added, “Which reminds me, I should call home that I’ll be having dinner here. I should also call Jean’s mom, too. She’s very kind but a total worrywart.”
Once Eren made his calls (and reassuring Jean’s mom that her ‘darling baby boy’ was safe), Levi invited Eren to his room to play video games.
Levi let out a bark of laughter when Eren saw his room with a bewildered look on his face. “Not what you were expecting?”
Eren looked around the industrial-level clean room and the off-white walls that weren’t decorated with posters or pictures. “Not exactly, no.” There was a faint smell of lemon and Eren was willing to bet that Levi cleaned up his room before going to school. The only mess he could see was the stuff in the trash bin, and even then, it somehow managed to look cleaner than his own room.
“I guess we’re both full of surprises, then. Go sit on the bed while I get the console set up. Do you have a preference of what game to play?”
“I’m pretty good at shooters if you have any.”
Nodding, Levi set to work booting up the game system and passed Eren a controller as he seated next to him. They played a quick campaign run to see what the other’s skills were like and then quickly moved on to the 1v1 mode.
“First to five wins?” Levi asked.
“Sure. Winner gets the loser’s share of dessert.”
Levi shook his head but agreed to it nonetheless. He wasn’t really big on desserts anyway, so it wouldn’t be much of a loss if he did actually lose.
Eren took the first two games but then Levi quickly tied the score. Their skill level was nearly on par with each other’s, winning and losing every other game, but Levi was lucky to catch Eren while he was reloading his gun to seal his victory in the end.
“Aw, man!” Eren flopped back on the bed and covered his face with the controller. “I was so looking forward to eating your share in front of your face.”
Levi rolled his eyes and poked the side of Eren’s stomach. “Rude. And to think I was going to offer you my share regardless of the outcome, too.”
Eren suddenly sat up and wrapped his arms around Levi. “Did I also forget to mention that you’re the best? Because you are. So strong and undefeated,” he gushed, nuzzling his cheek against Levi’s shoulder, careful not to rub his piercings on the leather.
The junior stiffened at the contact, unused to this amount of affection from anyone (besides Hange… but Hange was Hange and one must learn how to get used to Hange, fast) let alone an acquaintance. An acquaintance that shared a lot of common interests as him. And if he was being completely honest with himself, an acquaintance who was cute in appearance and in personality.
Ah, fuck.
Levi held his breath, hoping that the embrace would only last for a few more seconds, but it didn’t. If anything, Eren made himself more comfortable and engulfed Levi in a cuddly position. What the hell was he doing? He barely knew the kid.
But if honesty hour was still going, he would say that he didn’t mind the position at all. It was a tad uncomfortable (leather and more leather, what did you expect?), but Eren was pleasantly warm behind him and he felt oddly safe in his arms.
After a few minutes just sitting and being held, Levi couldn’t take it anymore and turned his head to look at Eren. “Are you flirting with me?” Tact. That, he had none of.
Eren didn’t seem bothered by the accusation. In fact, he batted his lashes and lowered his eyelids. “I don’t know. Is it working?”
Levi’s heart pressed against his chest and he could feel his body ran hot and cold at the same time. He hoped that he wasn’t shaking as badly as he thought he was.
Taking his chance, he gently pressed their foreheads together. The tips of their noses touching, and he could feel Eren’s breath fan over his lips. “Cute.”
Eren’s mouth curled up into a smile before he closed his eyes, waiting.
Oh, wow. Eren really was cute.
Levi mentally slapped himself out of it and slowly closed the space between them, pressing his lips against Eren’s softly before pulling away.
It was chaste and it was sweet. Not punk at all.
Eren opened his eyes and chuckled at Levi’s shyness. Taking charge, he held Levi’s chin and kissed him more firmly than their first, holding onto Levi’s waist as their mouths moved against each other’s.
Levi was surprised by Eren’s forcefulness, but he welcomed it just the same. Eren was full of many surprises and Levi enjoyed discovering something that he didn’t expect.
They abruptly pulled apart at the loud voice, faces flushed and mouths parted open. First to scramble off the bed, Levi straightened his jacket and offered his hand to Eren. “Let’s continue another time.”
Accepting the offered hand, Eren replied, “You bet your leather-clad ass we are. And I expect a new number in my contacts list by the end of the night.”
“Wow. Not even our first date and you’re already so demanding.”
Eren tugged on one of the chains on Levi’s pants on his way out and Levi smirked behind him as he followed him down.
Mikasa was waiting for them at the bottom of the stairs and to their surprise, Jean finally woke up. Eren slapped his hand over his mouth to prevent laughing at the dopey expression on Jean’s face with the ice pack still miraculously stuck to his cheek. Levi’s eye twitched from the way Jean was blatantly ogling at his sister while she was on her phone.
Noticing their presence, she looked at the two for a moment before smirking. “Hope I wasn’t interrupting something,” she said teasingly.
Levi flipped her off. “You said that dinner’s ready, sis?”
Mikasa rolled her eyes but decided to let the topic drop, for now. She needed something to talk to Isabel about next time they have their meet. “It has for a while. Go wash your hands and help me set up the table.” She turned her heel and walked back to the kitchen.
Jean let out a low whistle once she was out of ear-shot and shot Levi an appreciative look.
“Dude, your sister’s hot.”
Levi curled his hand into a fist, but Eren turned to Levi to help diffuse the situation.
“Want me to punch him out instead?”
Or not. He and Eren were way too much alike.
Grabbing the front of Eren’s shirt, he pulled the boy down and kissed him right under his anti-eyebrow piercing.
Smiling, he said, “You’re a doll. You do that while I go reactivate the traps.”
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quackiseok · 4 years
— sweet dreams
feral boys x gn! reader || headcanons
Tumblr media
genre : fluff
warnings : swearing
summary : the feral boys' reaction to you falling asleep in their embrace or on them!
a/n : AYY HELLO!! i'm so sorry for the lack of content these last three days OTL but here's something i wrote, hope you guys liked it! ♡
song to listen to while reading :
let's say dream has just finished recording for his upcoming manhunt video and it was a chilly night
well, the solution? a gun CUDDLES!!! ♡
he's a sucker for cuddles and you love cuddling with him too, so why not?
the two of you plopped yourselves on the bed, warm blankets wrapping the two of you together
the first plan was to watch a movie, but the two of you ended up talking to each other and leaving the movie unwatched
he share many stories with you, letting you rest your head on his chest whilst listening to him. he would also put an arm around your shoulders to keep you warm and close to him 🥺
as time passes by, it was getting late. you felt really safe around dream, especially if you were in his embrace
your eyelids grew heavier each time you tried fighting it off and focus on dream's voice, which leads to you unconsciously falling asleep on his chest
after a few seconds talking, dream would realize your sleeping figure in his embrace and OHMYGOD
lowkey scared that he might somehow crush you or something because you're the tiny little spoon in the current situation
man, he had to refrain himself from taking a picture of you sleeping in his embrace
and the fact that you felt safe enough to fall asleep in his arms makes him tear up (in a positive way!) 🥺
would slowly move you to a more comfortable position and carefully pull you closer to his chest, making sure that he doesn't wake you up
[hugs you tightly]
ALSO just like any other times, mans would secretly mark the date in his phone's calendar because OHMYGOD????? this date better be stamped on history books
after getting into a slightly more comfortable position, dream would just adore you— even only from looking at you, his serotonin level will always go 📈📈
would 100% whisper i love you's or other sweet words while looking at you
mans just smiling to himself, thinking about how much he loves you and adores you— and how lucky he is to have you in his embrace 🥺💞
after some time, he would start to drift away too and ending up sleeping while hugging you tightly in his arms 🥺
the two of you were sleepyheads
like at the weekends? both you and george would just lazily lay on the bed and fall asleep together regardless what time it was
even at noon? NAP TIME
and today was one of those lazy days
you were laying your head on his lap, which leads to him to his habit of playing with your hair while joking around with you and talk about random things
he just absolutely adores your fluffy hair 🥺
he'd also learn how to braid hairs from youtube just so he could braid yours 🥺
the way he caressed your head was so comforting, which leads you to feel sleepy. you still wanted to talk with george so you tried fighting off the sleepiness but ended up falling asleep anyways
after not hearing a respond from you, he realized you fell asleep.
a blush crept up on his cheeks as he looked at your sleeping figure on his lap
ohmygod he absolutely adores this and 100% would plan more sleepy days with you just to see you fall alseep on his lap again
george would admire you shyly, his fingers still softly caressing your hair while making sure not to do it too hard since he doesn't want to wake you up 🥺
he looks at you > gets shy from how adorable you are and how much he loves you > look away > missing looking at you > back to the first step (put this cycle on repeat)
GOSH he just wants to pull you close to his embrace now but that's not possible to do since he doesn't want to wake you up ;(
as he secretly admires you, he would slowly feel sleepy too but he doesn't want to move you away from his lap
so this man right here decided to just sleep in a sitting position which he didn't mind too much since he could still lean his back on the stacked pillows
come on— he doesn't wanna ruin this adorable moment :( it's worth the back pain according to him 👍
and so with that, the two of you fell alseep peacefully 🥺💞
mans a whole ass tease @ you
mf would browse through hundreds of websites and collect the cheesiest jokes he can find to use them on you later 😳
also won't stop clinging on you for 24/7 but you don't mind since he's so adorable 🥺💞
and today was just the same like any other days, he clung on you and begged you to cuddle with him
how can you refuse such a sweet offer????
so here you are now laying on the bed with his arms around your shoulders, holding you close to him
the two of you would just joke and laugh at many things, just havin' a wholesome fun time 🥺
don't forget the fluffy blankets around the two of you (you adore soft blankets so sapnap bought you at least 3 blankets and you absolutely loved all three of them 🥺)
until at one point everything felt so comfortable that you didn't even realize you were drifting yourself to sleep
and the moment sapnap realized you fell asleep sweetly in his embrace?
he can't help but let out a soft chuckle when saw your sleeping figure
oh man, he was gripping on the pillow tightly so that he doesn't lose control and pull you closer to him which could wake you up
100% gonna make you cuddle with him everyday until you fall asleep on him (mans just making it a routine now)
he would also have to refrain himself from squishing your cheeks while looking at you in awe 🥺💞
even though he's growing sleepy too, he won't give in so easily
like— hello??? a cutie pie just fell asleep in my arms, sleep can wait 🖐🖐
but then eventually he'll fall asleep anyways, but he swore he tried his best keeping his eyelids up and that's sweet 🥺
((would 100% unconsciously pull you closer and just hug you tightly in his sleep ♡))
we all know how much alex LOVES driving and mans really good at it (he knows what he's doing fellas)
especially with you 😳😳
the two of you would blast banger songs together while enjoying the road and the pretty view from the window 🥺
it was one of those afternoons again where the two of you went for a stroll with his car
both you and alex planned on only going for a short stroll, but ended up strolling around for almost 3 hours now
but neither of you cared, alex loves spending lots of time with you and same goes with you 🥺💞
the two of you wanted to get some fresh air for a bit after such a long drive, so you stopped by at the nearest field before driving back home
and man, the view was indeed beautiful
the two of you had moved to the back seat so he can get closer to you
as the two of you talked while watching the sun setting down, you started feeling a little bit sleepy
you shrugged it off at first and continued to talk with alex, but then you couldn't help but fall asleep with your head leaned on his shoulders eventually
and when he realized you has fallen asleep on his shoulders?
definitely will plan on doing this in the furture but at home so he can just adore your sleeping figure for as long as he wants to
he has to drive back home but this moment is very important so he chose to stay there for at least the next 1 more hour 🥺💞
he just wants to kiss you on the forehead so bad but he's scared that he might wake you up :[
but then again, it was getting really late and he has to drive the two of you back home so he would carefully make you lay down on the back seat and he would put his jacket underneath your head as a pillow 🥺💞
and when the two of you arrived back home, he would carefully carry you back in and just cuddle you up for the rest of the night until he falls asleep too ♡
karl jacobs has 2 moods : the wholesome mood and the cursed mood, no in betweens
he can either be very wholesome and send you the cutest hamster pics ever or just send you cursed, unexplainable images like macaronis boiled in gatorade
but even though he's in the cursed mood, his clinginess for you will stay the same ♡ (which you absolutely loved)
you loved both of his moods anyways since it's sweet and funny 🥺💞
today, he was feeling extra wholesome so he would just chill with you on the sofa in your matching frog hoodies and your head on his lap
((yes, he bought matching frog hoodies with you at christmas to wear them together 🥺👉👈))
the two of you would be watching cartoons, especially adventure time!! (it's superior cartoon, you can't change my mind)
then as time passes by, you felt your eyelids grew heavy but you tried fighting it back
yeah, you ended up falling asleep at the end 😔
karl noticed how you grew silent and when he checked on you only to see you sleeping on his lap?
yeah karl's never gonna leave his seat, 100%
mans just smiling to himself from looking at how cute you are in your oversized frog hoodie, asleep on his lap 🥺
GOSH this better happen frequently in the future because if not? he'll commit ARSON
he would try softly play with your hair, making sure his touches were soft so he doesn't wake you up
the cartoon is now long forgotten, his focus is just full on the sweetheart sleeping on his lap 🥺💞
he would constantly check on you and pull the blanket back up to your body if it moves back down, and make sure that he doesn't shift his legs too much because it might wake you up :(
will also try his best to not fall asleep because MAN, HE CAN'T JUST SKIP THIS HISTORICAL MOMENT
but he fell asleep anyways after holding back for around 40 minutes, which is impressive 😳
just like george, he doesn't mind falling asleep in a sitting position 👍 backpain = worth it
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fuck-goes-on · 3 years
pairing/s: dio morrissey x f! reader
summary: dio was being a brat, dancing with another girl in front of his mommy, so you take it upon yourself to remind him who he belongs to
warning/s: SMUT 18+ (MOMMY KINK, MMlb dynamics, light bondage, cock slapping, hand jobs, edging, orgasm denial, degradation, praise kink, dacryphilia (crying is arousing)), dom&sub aftercare, comfort, mentioned ricky and eddie
note/s: GODDAMNIT im back to my bullshit again huh, this time we fuckn making dio our BITCH!!! hhh ok all i need to do now is write eddie, and mayhaps all three of them together OTL gif is mine lol
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You were not having a good day. You had missed your bus stop after already being an hour late to work, and to top it all off, you were accused of the mistakes in a large business report you and your coworkers wrote. After a long day of trying to fix whatever went wrong in the said report, Dio, your little devil, dragged you out of the comforts of your home to a nearby club and wind down with him.
The club wasn’t somewhere you would go, but it seemed to please Dio and you thought to yourself, why not just enjoy it? You weren’t needed at home, anyways, with Ricky out with his friends and Eddie at the library to study. And of course, Dio was with you the rest of the night.
He took you to the bar and ordered the both of you some drinks, glancing at you with a grin. You sat in front of him on the stool, leaning back against the bar to see that mischievous glint in his eyes. "Now, isn't this fun, mommy?" He said unabashedly, his hands resting on your thighs as he stood in between your legs. He picked up your drink once it arrived, sniffing it once before handing it to you.
"It's alright," You teased, giving him a half-smile. Sipping on your drink, you take your time scoping out the area. There were multiple bodies on the dance floor, all dancing and swaying to the beat of the songs, and there were groups of people sitting at the booths and the bar. You looked back at him, catching the soft expression on his face before it melted back to his confident persona. "I can see why you and your friends like coming 'round here, it's entertaining and the booze ain't bad either."
Dio glowed at your praise, perking up and broadening his shoulders. "Of course! I wouldn't bring my mommy anywhere that's polluted with a bunch of drones." You shook your head, amused by his words. Leaning in, you pressed a kiss on the edge of his lips, feeling him chase you when you pulled back. He pouted for a second before bringing back his cheshire grin, "Do you want to come dance with me, mommy? I promise you'll have a good time."
"Hmm, I don't know, baby," You said regretfully, "I'm feeling too tired to dance. How about you go and have fun, hm? Mommy will keep an eye on you from here."
You laughed as he harrumphed, knowing that he brought you here solely to show you off, and now he wouldn't get the chance to. Your devil was a popular guy amongst the punk grunge community, that much you knew, but you've never been introduced into it.
Watching him slunk into the crowd, you silently observe him as you drink your liquor. He walked through the crowd as if it would part just for him, and it did. His head was held high, a slight swagger to his walk, and-
He approached a girl, slightly shorter than him, definitely a fan of him by the way she reacted, and led her to the dance floor. You glare daggers into the girl across the room, but mostly directed it into the leather-clad shoulders you were oh so familiar with. Your grip around your glass tightened as he turned her around, her back facing you, so he could catch your eyes as they ground against each other. You throw back your drink, finishing it in two gulps before standing up and stomping your way towards them.
Dio's shit-eating grin grew wider as you got closer, and the little devil had the gall to look pleased when you grab him by the arm and pull him away from the girl. Thankfully, she must've noticed your dark look and scrambled off into the crowd. You seethed at him as he grabbed you by the waist, pulling you flush against his body. "What's the matter, mommy? I thought you wanted me to have fun." He whispered in your ear.
You reached your hand up to run your fingers through his black hair, suddenly gripping it tight and tugging his head backwards. He moaned out loud at the action, an open smirk on his lips you desperately wanted to erase. His eyes were dark as his gaze landed on your tense expression, and you knew then that that was the reaction he was looking for.
"I didn't mean that kind of fun, baby. If I'd known you wanted to be a slut tonight, I would've treated you like one," You growled at him, making him bite his lip to suppress his whimper. You let go of his hair, turning around and start walking towards the exit, knowing Dio would follow you out.
The ride home was fast, your hand clutching at the steering wheel tightly while your other hand held Dio’s just as tight. You felt his eyes on you the entire time, but besides your joined hands, you ignored him completely. 
When you arrive back at the empty home, you had slightly calmed down but still intended to punish Dio. He almost bumped into your back in the hallway of your house after you paused in the middle. "Mommy?" He quietly asked, feeling the shift of your energy.
You turned to face him, eyes hardened, your gaze made him cower. "Go to the bedroom and strip. Hands above your head. Don't touch, or it'll be worse for you. Understand?"
Dio nodded, his breath catching in his throat. But you aren't satisfied with that, so you grabbed his jaw, forcing him to open his mouth. "Y-yes, mommy, I understand."
"Good. Now go." You watched carefully as your devil scrambled up the stairs towards your room, his leather coat flying behind him. You took your time, however, before following him up. After bidding your time by checking things around the house, you finally climbed the stairs and entered your room.
Dio was spread out on top of your pristine sheets, as naked as the day he was born, with his hands above his head. You were pleased that he took your orders seriously for once and hummed in appreciation. His eyes were on you, tracking your every movement and waiting for your next order.
Instead, you reached down underneath the bed to grab the box of toys you shared with your three boys and pulled out a soft strand of rope. You moved to straddle Dio around his chest, far away from his leaking cock. Taking his wrists, you pulled them up and tied them to the headboard. You checked the knots to see if they were tight enough to stop him from moving his hands.
After being satisfied with your work, you shuffled down Dio's body, now sitting between his bare thighs and running your hands against his skin. "You know how this goes, right, baby? Tell me your word."
"Drone, mommy," Dio replied, already sounding breathless and all you did was tie him up. He struggled against his restraints, and when that failed, he bucked his hips down to chase your hand. You tutted and slapped his thigh, hard enough it left a pretty pink mark.
"No, Shane, mommy is going to punish you, so behave," You warned him, amused as he moaned loudly for you. You waited for him to settle down before spitting on your hand to wrap around his cock. Watching him jerk and groan, you kept at a slow rhythm, thumbing at the slit on the red cockhead every time your hand rose. "Do you like that, baby? You like mommy touching you right?"
"Yes! Y-yes, mommy, I love it," Dio hissed out, trying his best not to thrust up into your grip. It was fun seeing him unravel under your touch, how you affected and shook his whole being. It gave you a sense of power, of control over him, and nothing gave you more pleasure than that.
You abruptly pulled your hand away, making him cry out in want. You tsked at him, giving his cock a sharp slap in annoyance. Satisfied with the way he whimpered, you brought your hand back on him, this time tugging him faster and tighter. "Tell me, Shane, who owns this cock? Hm?" You asked darkly, observing how close he was to coming.
"It's yours, mommy- ah, th-this cock is yours!" He swore loudly, orgasm building quickly and eyes focusing on your hand. Growling, you pulled your hand away again, relishing in his sweet cries for more. You slapped his cock, once, twice, watching it bob left and right at the impact.
Grabbing his chin in your other hand, you made Dio look at you straight in the eye before resuming your fast and harsh rubbing. He sobbed pathetically, tears slipping from the corner of his eyes, mouth open wide with lewd sounds coming out of him.
"That's right, baby. This is my cock, so tell me- Why did you let that bitch grind on it? Is mommy not good enough for you anymore? Have to go out and whore yourself out to anybody who wants you?" You pushed his thighs wider apart, leaning your still clothed body as close to Dio as you can. He shook his head frantically, trying to speak and explain himself but before he could, you slap his cock once more. "It's okay baby," You cooed, faking sympathy. "Mommy will just have to remind her cock that it belongs to her only, isn't that right?"
Dio wailed as you keep jerking his cock, his orgasms denied multiple times it almost hurt. He pulled at his restraints, wanting to hold his mommy, but to no avail, he was tied down perfectly to your liking. "Ngh, mommy, mommy- please, I'm sorry, I'll be good, please-"
"Aw, baby, I forgive you," You said as you smiled at him, your hand pulling away from his flushed purple cock yet again, denying him of his pleasure. Thick tears start to streak his face, and you wipe them away with both of your hands. Pressing a kiss on his forehead, you felt him tip his head closer to yours, eyes shining with unshed tears. You soften at the sight of him and meld your lips together in a slow kiss. You licked at his bottom lip, nipping at it lightly and pulled at it as you leaned back. "Are you okay, baby? Still with mommy? You did so well for me, Shane, the best. Mommy will reward you now, okay?"
"Y-yes, thank you, mommy," Dio whimpered out, gasping out loud as your hand makes contact with his sensitive cock for the last time. Your movement is slower now, less tight but good enough to easily bring him to a high. You don't let go as he finally came all over your hand and his stomach, crying out loud at the intensity of his orgasm. "F-fuck! Thank you, thank you, thank you-"
"That's my good boy, taking his punishment so well and remembering his manners. You're so good for me," You mumbled against his temple, pressing soothing kisses at the matted hair and skin there. You reached up to release his wrists from the rope and kissed it lightly. You let Dio rest and relax on the bed as you moved around the room to get lotion and wet tissues.
Sitting next to him, you started rubbing the lotion at the irritated surface of his wrists, soothing it the best you can. You then clean up the mess he made on his belly and your hand and wipe away the tear stains on his cheeks, throwing away the used tissues in the garbage can near your dresser.
Thankfully, Dio calmed down as you took care of him, his breaths going back to a normal pace. You took off your clothes before laying down next to him and smile when he immediately curled into your side. You rubbed his back and stroked his hair, humming a random tune to lull him to sleep.
Before he did, he opened his tired eyes once more to stare up at you. You tilted your head in question, wondering what he has to say.
"You did well too, mommy. You feel better now, right? No more tension?" He asked, and you freeze in surprise. It made sense, Dio using his brattiness for you to let off some steam from your bad day. And he did succeed; You felt infinitely more lighter than you did at the start of the day, and it was because of your little boy.
You softly smile at him, eyes tearing up a bit at his thoughtfulness. "Yes, baby, I feel much better. Thank you for this, love you so much, Shane."
"I love you too, mommy. Now let's sleep, you tired me out." You chuckled and cuddled Dio closer to you, the both of you drifting off to a peaceful slumber.
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dumdumdrawstumtums · 3 years
Round Reno - Always a Professional
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Reno walked in to the empty room of Shinra headquarters where two enemies of Rufus Shinra were tied up and gagged. "Woo boy, so it's time for a challenge is it? Well I'm always up for it," the cocky red head said. He put down his weapon and then started to undo the remaining buttons on his suit as he sauntered over to the pair, then made a show of unfastening his belt and pants button and letting them hang open. "I'm definitely going to need the room, especially with so much on my plate," he said getting close to both men as they looked worried and confused. 
They started to sweat, getting a little nervous about what really was going on. There had always been rumors. That if you got caught by Shinra, there was a good chance you wouldn't be seen again. It was beginning to dawn on them exactly the reason why. 
Reno came over and sniffed the two of them and licked the one on the right, who was clearly sweating the most. "Delicious. It's like you made yourself perfectly juicy, just for me," he said smacking and licking his lips. "Now let's make this quick. I'm on the clock. I don't get paid to chat. I get paid to handle business. No matter how much indigestion it may cause me." 
Despite his big talk, that didn't mean that Reno wasn't a show boat. He stood in front of the captured pair, who still fought and shouted in their gags. He brushed his open jacket and shirt to the sides to show off his muscular chest and abs. "Sorry boys, I thought I'd give you a good look at your room before you end up there. Don't worry it may not look it but I'm sure I can make you fit," Reno said slapping his toned abs and even doing a bit of a belly roll and move to show off to his literally captive audience. "Alright, it's dinner time," he said rubbing his hands together.
He quickly went to the first chair and put a foot in between their legs and tilted their head toward his. "Say goodnight. Try not to be too rough on my insides, alright?" he said with a smile before he opened wide and sent the captive man into darkness as he took his head into his mouth, then grabbed him from the sides and shoved him into his mouth and used his increased strength to pull them into his throat, all while his foot was on the chair. 
He winked over at the other prisoner that watched in horror as his companion was swallowed quickly. Gulp after gulp, sent the bound and gagged man into the rapidly swelling Reno. Then finally Reno was finished. He groaned and moved his bulging belly toward the prison and rested it on their lap then let out a belch directly into their face. "They wanted to say hello before it's your turn," Reno said smirking. 
He collapsed for a bit onto the chair that the eaten prisoner had previously occupied, draping himself over it. "Ooof, I really hate doing clean up, but....URRRP....I'm damn good at it," he said in a sing song voice that clearly showed this was fun. 
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He rubbed his belly a bit before getting up again. "Sorry can't rest and enjoy this for too long. I have a job to do and dessert to consume," he said stretching to look and wink at the still tied up other prisoner. Reno grunted and struggled to pull himself up. "Man, you feel way heavier than you looked on the outside," he said patting his bloated gut. 
He waddled over to the second prisoner and let his gut sit in their lap and pin them against the back of the chair. He belched again and slapped his heavy belly. "Ooo they're a squirmer. Why don't you head in there and tell them to knock it off. Maybe then I can have some more dessert. Some cake after all this meat sounds great," he said like it was no big deal. "Don't tell me you're enjoying this? Not that it matters. I can't stay and play, much as I'd like to. So in you go!" Reno said leaning forward and pulling the bound prisoner over their teammate filled gut and filled their view with darkness as he opened his maw around them. He swallowed hard, sending the struggling man to his gut, swelling himself out further. Swallow after swallow forced his gut surging forward, taking the belly from a beachball size to even greater heights (and widths) until finally the second course was nestled in the tight confines of his stomach. "OH WOW, You guys are definitely heavier than you seem. Too bad. I still plan on that big dessert binge. Now how about you spend the time before you add to my waist on where the rest of your base is at alright?" he said poking his moving belly as the pair tried to settle in together. "*hic* Hey settle down! Just deal with it. I'm sure you'll have more friends joining you eventually. Though you might have returned to lifestream by that point, URRRRAAPPPP" Reno said patting his gut, picking up his weapon, then waddling out of the room to join Rude and Rufus that were waiting for him. "It's too bad I couldn't show that new blond in town some of my other abilities. At the very least I can show him just how much I can deep throat." 
(AAAAA @askbloatedbellyblog WROTE THIS FOR ME LAST NIGHT AND I'M LEFT A MESS, A HEAP OF THIRST/// SO MUCH I LOVE LIKE HOLY JEEZ please someone enjoy this as much I have because I'm still rabidly fawning over it OTL)
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angstywishes · 3 years
I would love to hammer nails into the joints of Beau's fingers :) see how he patches himself up afterwards
NEMII I'M SO SORRY THIS TOOK FOREVER (っ >Д <;)っ i hope this was worth the wait OTL
BUT considering your fingers have a lot of nerve endings since they're our main feelers, getting stabbed in your fingers hurts so very much. if you hammered the nails in, he'd probably injure himself as well, biting down on his lip so hard. i'll put a fic under the cut for them patching themself up for you, and since you had to wait so long i went ahead and made it special!!
(CW: fingore, excessive bleeding, implied brief captivity(? it's kind of a saw situation))
He can still hardly believe it. That someone would do something like this.
The worst part is, Beau doesn’t even know why. Normally, someone would tell him what he’s done. Some reason he deserves it. But there isn’t a reason.
His hand is just fucking mangled. Totally and irrevocably. He’s completely alone in the room, and he’s so fucking scared to even try to fix it.
His gut churns just looking at it, and he wants to scream all over again. He feels like he’s still screaming, his throat is so, so raw. His lip is chewed through and bleeding down his chin.
And they can’t figure out why.
The nails are driven in deep, pinning his hand to the table. The hammer is still sitting next to it, and he realizes. He knows.
The reason is suffering. For the sake of suffering. He looks around, warily, wondering if he’s being watched. He can’t think of another purpose, for this room, this table, this hammer being within reach. It’s the only explanation.
Someone out there wants to see him do this. And that terrifies him.
Shakily, they pick up the tool, drawing in a deep breath.
It’s not like he has much choice, after all. He has to escape.
He can hardly even line it up properly with the nail, fuck, god, he just can’t, he can’t do this — It hooks, and he bites down on his blistered lip and pulls.
His vision goes white for a moment, and all he can think about is how much it hurt going in. It hurts so much more coming out, somehow.
He waits for the throbbing, pulsing pain to subside, and looks down at his hand.
The nail has hardly budged.
Beau just wants to cry, and never stop crying.
He can’t do this. It’s impossible. It’s sick.
But, somewhere in his mind, he knows that even if there’s no reason for this, it’s what he deserves. This blinding, agonizing pain, given to him for nothing, is what he’s earned.
Eyes watering, he hooks the hammer in again, and continues to pull.
It takes.. Hours. By the end of it all, they’re a wreck, cradling their hand and sobbing weakly. Their hair is plastered to their neck with sweat, and the table is just covered in blood. So much blood.
They could get up, but they’re so exhausted, and so afraid of moving. Afraid that their hand will just fall apart, somehow. But he has to stand eventually.
It’s only then he notices the box by his feet. Slowly, he pushes out the chair, careful to keep his hand still, and sets his eyes on the rudimentary first-aid kit laying there.
“F-fucking hell,” he wheezes hoarsely, looking around the room again. This is sick, it’s so sick.
Carefully, slowly, he picks up the box. It won’t be enough. He’ll have to go to the hospital. But there’s no way in hell he’s leaving the room like this.
The kit is mostly empty, only containing gauze, tape, and splint sticks. He’ll have to make do. Like always.
“I hate this,” he mumbles to himself, “God, I hate this.”
So carefully, he moves his hand, whimpering involuntarily. The joints are just fucked, and still seeping blood. It’s dizzying, but he knows how much hands bleed.
Gingerly, he wraps all the digits in gauze, watching the white fabric swiftly turn red and damp. He presses a splint stick onto one, wincing at the pressure.
Just a little more of this, and they can leave. Just a little more.
The splints placed, they wrap the whole thing in tape, trying not to think about how much it all hurts, trying not to think about how they’re ever going to heal.
“Are we done here?” He asks no one, voice breaking. “A-are you happy?”
From somewhere in the room, he hears a lock click open.
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mfingenius · 3 years
if it's not too much, what're your methods in dealing with blocks? I'm in a pretty long going art block right now but I can't find the urge or motivation to make something OTL ty for reading!
Hello 👀 sorry this took so long, I was trying to really think about it bc I couldn't think of anything that would sound helpful. It's still not going to sound as helpful as I'd like but:
Basically, I force myself to create anyway. I HATE the process, I often end up hating the result, and most of the time I have an awful time BUT once I get through it and I actually created something (however crappy it is) it gets a little easier, and I just continue to do that until I'm finally back and feel motivated again.
When I don't have the energy/mental space for that, I just give it time. It's not what I prefer because I've gone months without creating and it just makes me feel worse, but sometimes you just gotta be gentle with yourself and wait it out
I hope it helps babe <3333
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