#cocoa writes
dokiwrites · 2 years
HIIHII BEST FRIEND!! you totally don't know who this is!!!! anyways, may I req some simple rui kamishiro dating hcs?? have a great day!!
oh of course "person I totally don't know" i love this dude, also i had no clue what I was doing so go easy on me thx<3
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He absolutely would have you test out some of his stuff, if you get hurt he'd probably feel bad for the next month
he loves you very much!! he has a reserved seat for you to watch all the WxS shows !
if you two go to the same school.. oh no.
You'll be in the hallways and you'll hear Rui going up to you screaming, "LOOK AT MY LOVELY S/O!! :}", and everyone just stares, you're never living your tomato face down
DEFINITELY has you personally meet the rest of WxS, they all adore you
I like to believe Rui gives really nice hugs, very warm and sweet, "just like you!" he says, he is nice.
you both play pranks on tsukasa, you both almost broke his skull though when you got rid of the "CAUTION" sign for spilled water, nice going guys!
all in all, he loves you very much, he wants to be with you forever and ever! he just hopes you want to as well.
hope you liked whatever i just typed on the keyboard, live love rui kamishiro
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hotcocoabuns · 1 year
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A small teaser for the fic I wrote for my darling @toastydumpster’s dreamling pancakes comic! I wrote the whole thing in a single sitting after midnight while listening to Je te laisserai des mots by Patrick Watson, and gradually losing my grip on reality. They go together now, I guess, hshshs. All that’s left is editing and beta reading, so I’m hoping to share it on my socials and AO3 soon.
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thetopichot · 6 months
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There should be poly relationship between 3 people. The ones who drink tea, the ones who drink coffee, & the ones that drink hot cocoa.
Basically a grumpy, a sunshine, & a British person.
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apollokids · 1 year
Thoughts about tsats, trauma, and the cocoa puffs
Nico’s personality in tsats feels most reminiscent of what he was like in The Titans Curse which (imo) is a sign that he is slowly healing and living with his trauma.
The Sun and the Star emphasizes that trauma and PTSD can make it feel like one’s past life events happened to a completely different person, and it mentions that Nico relates to this feeling. This distancing of oneself from past memories, experiences, and personality can result in feeling disconnected for a while, taking on new personality traits, feeling like a chameleon mimicking others, or just feeling empty.
For some people (maybe, depending on when trauma occurs), healing can be about reconnecting with our childhood selves. Depending on what someone was like before trauma, like maybe Nico for example, that can mean becoming more emotional, being more playful, indulging in your childhood interests (eg. mythomagic cards). And Nico’s progression practically mirrored mine exactly through the years, and the ways I changed in ED treatment.
It's hard to let go of a disorder when in some cases it feels like the only thing that’s stayed stable in our lives. Suffering is touted as the pinnacle of art-- we see its romanticization everywhere. It sounds weird to say that I miss being sick, or I miss my suffering, when I'm actively trying to make my life better, but those thoughts do come up. And when it comes to characters I project that misery on to? Well, if I’m suffering, then they have to suffer with me! (After all, they’re just characters, it’s not that deep, right?) Except I found that the more I made my characters suffer, and focused on the ‘beauty’ of suffering, the harder it was for me to heal from my own. Whenever my health was in decline, I characterized my favorite characters the same way. It was just as hard to allow those characters to heal as it was to allow myself to heal. (Other people might not feel the same, though.)
I think Nico choosing to accept the physical manifestations of his demons (while also setting them free, and allowing them to exist as they please) mirrors the suggestion I was given in treatment when I struggled with the idea of ‘giving up’ my eating disorder– because to me, it was always either defeat the disorder or be consumed by it, and defeating it sounded like killing a part of me or erasing a part of my past or my home. Approaching treatment from the standpoint of killing my eating disorder scared me too much. I knew my disorder had caused problems for me, but many of the habits and behaviors I’d developed had served as my coping mechanism and they helped me survive. 
So, my therapist told me: “You don’t have to shun your disorder, kill it, or say goodbye. Instead, you can acknowledge that it served a purpose during a point in your life in which you used it to survive, but you no longer need to hold on to it and that’s okay — you’re setting it free. Maybe even instead of saying goodbye, you can say ‘thank you, I’m alright now.’”
And that’s pretty much… exactly what Nico did with the demons. Bob, too, acknowledged that he was a titan, and that was part of his past, and that’s okay — but he’s allowed to change. And Nico is too.
I just found that really really wonderful because I related to it so heavily. He didn’t want to conquer his trauma in battle. He wanted it to just… be acknowledged, and set free. And it followed him, but he can have a better relationship with his past now. He’s not consumed by it. It’s just there, it’s a part of him, and he can continue to live his life. And I think reading this book (while trying to maintain and navigate post-treatment life) was exactly what I needed to remind myself why I’m doing this.
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•|| Soft and Sweet ||• (Mermay 2024)
Prompt 4: Soft and Sweet Featuring: Killer, Creme, and Cocoa! Ship(s): None Summary: Teaching Creme how to eat a crab. Warning(s): Eating a crab. F in the notes for poor Crabby boi. Credits: Leviathantale and the Mermay Bingo I'm using are both by @skumhuu!
Killer flinched when he heard a high-pitched voice curse so loudly, then he quickly lashed his tail back and forth to swim towards the source as he recognized it as one of the pup's voices.
Upon arriving at the distressed pup's location, he couldn't help but chuckle when he saw Creme wrestling with a crab in frustration. The poor little octopus kept getting pinched by the crab pincers every time they tried to bite it, and it was clearly pissing them off.
The fins on the sides of their head flicked angrily as they lunged at the crab again, wrapping their small tentacles all around it as they fruitlessly attempted to take a bite out of the hard shell. They quickly retreated again with tears in their eyesockets when they wound up getting pinched. Again.
Abrupt giggles from nearby caught both Creme and Killer's attention, and they looked to see Cocoa watching Creme attempt to eat the crab. Creme let out a quiet snarl, their tentacles twitching as they glared at Cocoa. "The abyss are you laughing at?!"
Killer backed up into the shadows of the cave to stay out of sight as Cocoa flicked their fins and swam up to Creme, a smug look already adorning their face. "That's not how you do it, you dumb isopod."
"As if you know how to 'correctly' eat it!" Creme snarked back, crossing their arms as they pouted. They kept using their tentacles to pull the crab back towards them every time it tried to run away though.
"Well, I know it's definitely not the way you were trying." Cocoa responded bluntly, which earned them a swat from Creme.
As the twins continued bickering with each other, Killer swam out of hiding and drifted over to the two little octopi. "Do you really wanna know how to properly eat a crab?" He purred in amusement, hearing a startled squeak from both pups as they whirled around to face him.
"Yes, prove them wrong--!"
"No, I don't need help!" Creme quickly snapped back, talking right over their sibling. They lunged at the crab yet again, picking it up and angrily bashing it against a sharp rock that they found. "Stupid son of a blobfish! Why! Won't! It! Just! DIEEE?!"
"Hey, hey, hey. No need for that kind of language." Killer scolded Creme, but he didn't sound too stern.
"But you say those words all the time." Cocoa pointed out, crossing their arms and raising a bonebrow as they stared at Killer.
"True, but I don't want your other parents knowing that I taught you those things." Killer shrugged, then swam closer to Creme when he saw that they were still struggling with the crab. "Here, just let me help."
That earned an indignant hiss and a couple nips from Creme, but he didn't back down and instead took the crab from the pup. Surprisingly enough, Creme didn't attempt to take it back. Instead, they sat down on the ground and crossed their arms as they pouted.
"Hey, hey, pay attention!" Killer snapped his fingers to get both of the pups to watch him, then he proceeded to take apart the crab. First ripping the legs off, popping the t-shaped shell part on the underbelly, prying off the hard top shell, then pulling out the gills and filtering organs before finally pulling out some of the actual meat too.
The twins watched in wide-eyesocketed awe as he taught them how to dissect the crab, and they were eager to reach out and try the meat when he handed them both equal portions.
"Woahhh, this is actually soft!" Cocoa spoke first, gently squishing the meat in their hands out of curiosity.
"An' 's swee'!" Creme's comment came out muffled as they had already stuffed their mouth full of the crab meat, but they were clearly enjoying it too.
Killer just gave an entertained smirk as he cracked open the large claws, then hesitated as he heard hissing again. He looked over to see the twins already fighting over who would get the most crab.
Sku, children were a handful and a half.
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ramblesbiab · 4 months
thinking about Mizu being similar to the meteor and how it changes the "All metal wants to be a sword" exchange. It makes the image of young Mizu, still left with a bit of hope, saying that maybe the metal doesn't want only one thing in life, that it might not want to be a sword, an object which causes only pain, the line between life and death, so much more haunting. It feels like a metaphor for her whiteness, the idea that she's destined to violence as her one and only path. Child Mizu wants to believe there's more. But the meteor yields eventually, to none other then her - because she enforces this path, this idea, on herself most.
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hopelesslysleepy · 1 month
cocoa, quietly dust
*Deep breath* Here we go.
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Summary: A three part work centered around Aziraphale's white winged mug.
Rating: G
Chapter 1: powder (4,706 words)
Chapter Summary: In a rut of monotonous waiting, Crowley asks Aziraphale for a cup of hot chocolate and drinks it out of the angel’s white winged mug.
The angel swiftly walked towards the backroom and called over his shoulder, “Will dark chocolate suit you?”
“You know it does,” Crowley muttered, pushing his glasses up and rubbing both his eyes and his throbbing temples. He would devour whatever Aziraphale gave him. And he was fairly certain the angel understood that.
Crowley's memory of London's first chocolate house inspired by the lovely RiaTheDreamer and her gorgeous fic Are We Meant to Read the Footnotes, specifically Chapter 50. Yes, 50. And guess what, there's more where that came from! Clear your schedule for 3 days and go read it.
Thank you to the wonderful RitzWrites for beta reading and being a fantastic source of encouragement!!
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dazai-on-my-mind · 3 months
Thinking about it again. Atsushi and Kyouka come over for dinner and movies occasionally because none of them had a proper childhood and only Kyouka and Chuuya have a vague idea on what Studio Ghibli even is so now they're going through Miyazaki's entire filmography.
Ranpo recommended Your Name once and now Atsushi and Dazai go to him for movie recs when they wanna watch something new.
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dokiwrites · 2 years
HI slides into your inbox smoothly . feel free to decline, but can i ask for some sayo hikawa x reader hcs ? :3 no specifics besides fem/neutral reader - sorry if this doesn’t make sense ajcbkd i haven’t reqed from any writing blogs 💔💔 thanks, and again feel free to decline !! ^-^
live love sayo hikawa
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Sayo is a kind girlfriend! or atleast she tries to be
She'll go to hold your hand and then instantly put her hand back and she doesn't know how to ask
she cant hold your hand but she just likes to casually pick you up bridal style like okay
she'll play guitar for you!! you love it and shes glad, shes totally written a song for you
if you go to the Roselia shows, shes very happy !
she likes to just be in the same room as you, even if you arent talking or doing anything, she likes the company
she loves you !! she may be learning slowly, but in due time, she's the best girlfriend you could ever ask for.
dances, enjoy gayass
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evilasiangenius · 1 year
Aziraphale finally upgrades to a smartphone and
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Crowley has an iPhone. Aziraphale knows Crowley has an iPhone. But he gets an Android device, because they're more customizable and he means to root the new phone anyway and install his own programs.
Of course this means Facetiming is now impossible.
The two angels, fallen and otherwise, have a very heated discussion about this incompatibility issue. Eventually there is a compromise and they both agree to install an additional messaging app in order to communicate by video chat. So Crowley is on Telegram, and Aziraphale is on Line.
Look, they're just going to have to meet in person...
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livingincolorsagain · 6 months
i have a very strong urge to write a little fluffy winter-vibey sambucky fic
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unityrain24 · 12 days
i feel like i see it everywhere in fanfics and headcanons and incorrect quotes and like everything why is the general consensus that loki massive sweet tooth T^T honestly i feel like they'd get nauseous and be disgusted by super sugary and things
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ramblingoak · 7 months
May we have some regency copia please? 😊😊😊
Alright so this one takes place alongside the regency Terzo fics I did. I actually have somewhat vague plans for all of the brothers it's just a matter of you know...getting the time to actually work on them 😩.
I don't have anything written for this yet but my plans for Copia were to have him be kind of a longer from his family? The black sheep basically. He has a smaller (compared to his brothers) estate he moves to and the Reader is hired on as possibly a housekeeper or something? Or maybe he just runs into you in town at the shop you work at.
BUT Copia is very dashing and handsome in his immaculate Victorian clothes (especially his riding pants I'M NOT SORRY). I was thinking maybe you run into each other during a rain storm while you're walking home from your shop and he gives you his coat and makes sure you get home ok. Obviously oh no the rain is making his clothes stick to him and his hair his plastered to his head and yeah he just looks very very nice.
More plot TBD xD
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weshney · 2 years
DP Writing Prompt
Where Danny's ice core makes his human half cold.
Think about it.
Danny shivers and can't get warm when his ice abilities first manifest. Sure, after removing the excess energy he felt better. But what if it wasn't permanent, or only made the cold just tolerable to his still very human body? I know the Phandom likes to give Danny cold immunity, because that's convenient and makes sense. But just. What if he got the short end of the stick and was chilled, constantly?
Angsty, right?
But also.....
Imagine, if you will, a very clingy, touch-hungry Danny always trying to steal everyone else's body heat.
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thelocalmuffin · 6 months
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Start your new year off right with a hot cup of cocoa that you can make right on your stovetop! ☕️
I wrote down the recipe and @CoolCoolSkies made this gorgeous recipe card you can find in the soon to be published @winterwonderlandzine!
Thank you so much for collaborating with me! This was so much fun!
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elizaellwrites · 6 months
Happy New Year Everyone!
We survived 2023!
For better or for worse,
With happy memories
And stressful times,
We move on to another season of
This game we call life.
However your 2023 went,
What comes next is an open door.
You can work towards your goals,
And whatever you’re hoping for.
Whether something big or small,
Public or personal, material or conceptual,
Every day is a new page to begin.
But always remember to take time for yourself.
One can’t abandon themself in
Pursuit of something else.
Despite crisis, goals, and daily stresses,
Be kind to yourself, even through the messes.
A new year is full of chances,
Even if that chance you take is yourself.
May this year of 2024 be kind to both you and I,
As we try to navigate the road ahead.
Here’s to the next chapter of our lives!
Who knows what plot-twists will be thrown our way,
But, hey, most of us are readers here anyway.
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