#I'm starting to realize that I can't cheat my way through college
mrs-kmikaelson · 1 month
01| The Grey Area
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x reader Summary: You meet Aaron Hotchner and he makes you see everything in colour; he makes you feel like you're the only girl in the room. But then, as you find out that you're not, you realize the colour he actually makes you see the most is grey. Warnings: emotional and physical cheating, forbidden love affair, reader is in government, cm level violence, r is a bitch at first, hotch is a jerk, based on olivia pope and fitzgerald grant Words: 3.8K
Masterlist | Series Masterlist | Part 2
a/n: is this based on scandal by shonda rhimes? yes. why? bc that was peak television. making this a series bc i need to learn how to make things other than long fics (be proud of me).
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For as long as you could remember, life was slow. Everything was black and white: your surroundings, your activities, your beliefs. 
And then you met Aaron Hotchner, and you started seeing things in colour.
"I'm sorry, is this seat taken?"
You barely looked up at the person, just shaking your head and continuing to twirl your pen on your desk. He sat down right after.
You didn't expect him to talk to you. In fact, you were sure your disinterest was written all over your face in bold red letters. 
"I'm Aaron. Aaron Hotchner." He held his hand out; you only saw it because he held it over your desk, not because you actually looked in his direction. 
You stared at his hand plainly before looking up to the front of the class where the professor had just stood up. "And I'm not interested," you said. Presumptuous of you, maybe, but this was Georgetown, and it was your second year. Everybody was competition, and nobody actually wanted to be your friend unless they were looking for something a little more.
It was like you could hear his frown. "I— we can't be friends?" 
Finally, out of just pure exasperation, you looked at him, and boy were you taken aback. Aaron Hotchner, as he so formally introduced himself, had dark, dark brown hair, almost black, and a jawline that wasn't too sharp nor too round. His brown eyes looked at you expectantly, confusion swimming through them. Briefly, you thought he was perfect, but that wouldn't change your stance.
Despite your short-lived awe, you deadpanned, "No, we can't."
Aaron went to open his mouth, but then the professor started speaking and it cut him right off. You looked toward the front and didn't back at him once, listening intently. You were determined to succeed above all things, and no boy would get in the way of that.
Your first lecture of the semester went fine after that. You packed up your things at the end and you were gone before Aaron could try again. You went to one more class then got ready for work without another thought of him.
During nights, you were a bartender at this place near the campus. It wasn't just college kids; it was also frequented by businessmen and other big spenders who tipped well so long as you smiled and laughed at their jokes.
The excessive flirting wasn't ideal, but the job paid the bills, and since you were doing this all by yourself, that was exactly what you needed.
You rarely saw people you knew. There were regulars, and every once in a while you might've seen a kid from one of your classes, but it wasn't something you expected often.
You certainly didn't expect to see the hot guy from Advanced Legal Research.
"Hi there, what can I getcha?" You weren't looking at the customer, busy cleaning a glass and simultaneously passing someone their drink while you spoke to them.
"Hey, you're the girl from my LAW-J 301 course"
You paused at the person's voice, both at their enthusiasm and familiarity, and looked up. When you did, you couldn't help the groan that left you. "Seriously? You, again?" Each word was enunciated slowly, accurately demonstrating your annoyance. However, you got back to what you were doing, taking your eyes off him. "What, are you stalking me, Hopscotch?"
"It's Hotchner."
This time, your sigh was accompanied by a pointed eye roll. "Duuuude." You looked back up. "I do not care. Now, what do you want?"
He snorted. "Do you talk to all your customers this way?"
You flashed him a sarcastic smile. "Just the ones that can't take a hint." He opened his mouth for a sharp rebuttal no doubt, but you redirected the conversation. "Your order, Hopscotch. Or else you're gonna have to kick rocks."
He acquiesced like it was such a hardship you were asking of him, like you weren't in a bar that he came to specifically to order a drink. "Fine. Whiskey, neat."
That, you could help him with. You grabbed a bottle of Jack Daniels and poured some into a glass for him, all the while making conversation. He wasn't special; you did this with every customer. "What are you doing here?" When you got no response, you glanced back up to see a confused expression on his face. You elaborated, "Doesn't seem like your scene." You would've said no offense, but who were you kidding? You were already abrasive to begin with.
But he didn't look offended. If anything, he looked curious. "How so?"
You slid his drink across the counter, cocking your head at him as if telling him it was stupid to even ask. "You introduced yourself with your first and last name, extended your hand for me to shake, then just now, you referred to our class with the course code." You raised a brow then. "A little formal, don't you think?"
Now he looked a little offended. "Formal? I don't think so. I'm a little old fashioned at most."
For the second time that day, you deadpanned. "You're at the bar in a suit and tie. You couldn't have made it any more obvious that you don't do this often."
He got a little red then. You think that, if he could've, he would've loosened his tie, but he just picked up his drink, taking a swig. You'd give him a little credit, though; at least he looked like he could take his liquor. "Fine," he admitted, "my friends dragged me out."
"Ah," you chuckled, "common occurrence here at GWU. You'll get used to it soon, freshie."
He furrowed his brows. "How'd you know I was a first-year?"
You grinned. "You just told me, Hopscotch."
He groaned, making you stifle a laugh. No, you wouldn't laugh at him; that'd make it seem like his presence was growing on you when it wasn't. 
You didn't need new friends, and you certainly didn't need suit-and-tie-wearing, formal Aaron Hotchner.
But he stayed there. He stayed there and talked you as you served other customers, asking you to refill his drink every now and then. You wondered where his friends were, but by the time closing came 'round, you assumed they were long gone.
He talked to you all night, you realized. 
And you didn't totally hate it.
Aaron visited you at work the next day, too. That's when you told him your name. Then you started talking to him in class. Then, before you knew it, you exchanged numbers and he was visiting you at work nearly every day.
But you were right in your earlier reservations. You and Aaron Hotchner couldn't be friends.
You just learned that too late.
"Tallie, tell Gretchen that I need the files on Henderson's case by the end of the day, please."
You walked with your assistant at your side, heels clicking against the floor as you went through all the day's administrative business. Every day, Tallie went over your schedule with you as soon as you entered the building. Time was of the essence in your job, and you had none of it to waste.
"Yes, ma'am, and— if I may—"
"Oh, and contact the President's Chief of Staff. I need to meet with him by the end of the day to discuss the recent terrorist attack in London again. We need to communicate with the British government without overstepping."
"Done, and—"
"And could you please get Rob Burton on the line for me?" You turned down the hall that led to your office. "He said he has an inquiry for me."
"Well, ma'am, um—" You had just reached your office when Tallie stopped, sighing. You looked back at her, raising a brow. Sheepishly, she pointed ahead of you. "There's that."
Your brows knitted together. You turned, following her gaze to see a dark-haired man standing in your waiting room, eyes on his watch. As if he felt your presence, he looked up, and as soon as your eyes locked, you realized why he looked so familiar.
Tallie cut off your thought process. "I kept telling him he didn't have an appointment, but he said you knew him and would let him in, that it's urgent."
You let out a sigh of your own, muttering under your breath, "Somehow, I don't doubt that." It had to be urgent if Aaron Hotchner was at your office. You glanced back at Tallie, giving her a tense smile. "Thank you, Tallie. We'll raincheck that phone call with Mr. Burton?"
She nodded, giving a "Yes, ma'am," before she walked past the man in your waiting room to her desk.
Like old times, you couldn't hold back another sigh, but you got your exasperation under control before you walked up to him, if not just to be professional and keep up appearances.
"Agent Hotchner," you greeted, a faux smile on your face. "It's... nice to see you." It was like the words stung coming out of your mouth, and that was because they weren't true. If he was half as good of a profiler as you thought he was, then he'd know that.
If he knew you as well as he thought he did, then he should've known that regardless.
You didn't bother waiting for his greeting; you didn't care for it. "Let's talk in my office." Not a question.
He complied, following you into your office and shutting the door on the way in. With your back still turned to him, you momentarily closed your eyes, willing yourself to have the strength to sit through whatever it was he had to tell you.
When you had it, you turned back around, dropping all the pleasantries now that you were away from prying eyes. "What is it that's so important you couldn't say over the phone?"
He didn't answer. Deep down, you both knew it was because he could've. He didn't need to be here, but instead of agreeing with you, he nodded to the two chairs in front of your desk. "You're not going to offer me a seat?"
You scoffed. "If I did, would you take it?" You're met with silence, another answer in and of itself. It'd been six years, yet you could still read Hotch's tells like a children's book. He didn't like to say anything when he knew you were right.
You took that moment to examine him. He looked the same, just as you left him. Maybe a bit more worn, a bit more tired, and a bit more cold, but weren't you all?
Briefly, you wondered what he was thinking about you.
He got to the point, as he always did. "I have a suspect for the murders of 12 women in D.C. spanning over the past six months," he told you. "His name is Eric Clark. He's the founder and CEO of a new tech start-up here; they're calling him the new Zuckerberg." The sarcasm in his voice when he said that last bit was evident, shining through his monotonous persona.
You were aware of the murders he spoke of, and you were aware of who Eric Clark was. He was invited to some state dinner you just went to. But you didn't say this. Instead, you shrugged like it didn't matter to you and asked him, "So why are you telling me?"
If your nonchalance bothered him, he didn't voice it. He simply explained, "I need a warrant." A warrant, he said, like that sentence stood alone. What he was realling saying was, he needed a warrant, and he needed you to get it for him. More than that, he expected you to get it for him.
That forced a chuckle out of you, even though you didn't feel any humour at all. So that was why he was here; six years go by without any contact, but now that he needed something, here he was. 
You felt a strange sense of déjà vu. Hotch needing something and claiming that you were the only one who could give it to him.
"You need a warrant," you echoed, splaying your hands out in front of you. "So go take that up with a judge."
You saw a sudden crack in his calm composure. His eyes narrowed just the slightest bit, so slightly you wouldn't have noticed it if you didn't know what to look for.
But you knew what to look for.
"Come on, Y/N." He said your name like you were just old friends, like this stop by your office was a normal occurence. "Everyone knows you have pull in this city."
You did have pull in this city. In fact, you had pull in just about every city in America; being the U.S. Attorney General gave you that kind of power.
So yes, you had pull, and now Hotch wanted you to pull some strings for him as if you owed him a favour, as if you owed him anything.
You didn't say this, but you were sure that your next words said enough for you. "Where's Gideon? Normally, he's the one to come knocking on my door when the BAU needs something." You found it highly unlikely that he'd ever send Hotch, of all people, on his behalf.
Hotch pursed his lips. "He's on leave."
You made a clicking sound of realization, but it was more mocking than anything since you already gathered as much. That meant he was unit chief now, and that was why he was here. So that's what it took? you thought. All it took was a promotion, obligation, and now he was here.
He was here, checking his watch in your waiting room, marching into your office and shutting the door, clenching his jaw and pursing his lips like he was the one with the right to be mad. 
You'd give it to him: Aaron Hotchner sure as hell had guts.
You circled back to the original topic. "Yeah, Hotch, that's not happening." He went to cut you off, but you stopped him by raising a hand. Your were firm as you asserted, "If you're here with me instead of with a judge, that means you have insubstantial evidence. So how about, instead of ambushing me and wasting my precious time, you go back to the drawing board?" It wasn't a suggestion as much as it was an insult.
His jaw tensed, his eyes hardening as he stared at you. "I am sorry to waste your precious time, but precious lives are at stake." Condescending as ever.
"I undersand that, but you clearly have no probable cause." Or did you forget what that was? you wanted to add, but you kept that part to yourself.
You thought, if he clenched his jaw any harder, it just might break. "I have a profile—"
"Which clearly isn't enough—"
"You of all people should understand the importance of a profile, Y/N."
You took a sharp breath through your nose. It was low of him to say that, and it was also such a profiler of him to say it, mostly because he knew it'd get you.
You weren't always the Attorney General.
Perhaps this is why you agreed. "Fine. I'll go talk to a judge for you."
He sighed, "Thank you." He said it without looking at you, then he was opening your door and walking out, and you nearly thanked him for it.
Six years had gone by.
Yet you wouldn't have been able to tell with the way your heart was racing.
You went on with your day after Hotch left, going through paperwork and dropping by the White House. You had a meeting with the President that day, the President of the United States, the most important person in the whole damn country. That was little old you that did that.
You weren't the same girl he remembered, not that girl from Georgetown who rolled her eyes at every one of his corny jokes, and he wasn't the same guy who'd sit and wait for you the by the bar, either. He was the unit chief now. And you were the Attorney General.
Things were different now. 
Or maybe they weren't.
Because Aaron Hotchner came striding into your office just later that night.
Your door flew open, Aaron walking in thereafter with a stone cold frown and determination etched onto his face. It wasn't like the Aaron you knew to frown so much, but that wasn't what you were focused on.
You immediately shot up from your chair and rounded your desk, baffled by his behaviour. "Hey! What the hell do you think you're—"
You didn't get to finish your sentence. Before you could berate him, Aaron's hand was on the back of your head and his lips were slamming into yours. Slamming was the right word. This was fervent, almost violent, like he wanted to bruise you, like he wanted to permanently mold his lips into yours.
Your eyes went wide. You should've pushed him away—you really should have. But it was like you weren't thinking. Like you were on auto-pilot, your hands automatically went to his hair, your lips moving in unison with his.
This was muscle memory. God, how could you have ever forgotten what this felt like? Like ecstasy, and butterflies, and all good things in the world. Kissing him felt like everything all at once.
But everything meant that it came with all the bad in the world, too.
Your senses came back to you as you pushed him away, stumbling backward. You were sure you would've fallen, had your desk not been right behind you. You were heaving, and he was no different.
Fuck. What did you just do?
Your eyes darted to the door, alarm flashing through them. "Tallie—"
He finished your thought, assuring you, "She's gone. I sent her home."
Relief flooded your body. She wasn't here, she didn't see anything. That was good. But then what he said actually hit you. Your eyes narrowed into slits. "You did what?" He rolled his eyes, opening his mouth to retort, but you kept going. "You sent my assistant home?"
You scoffed. He sent your assistant home, and he was just admitting it proudly like it was nothing. Maybe nothing was different after all if Aaron was still here, barging into your life like he owned it, like he owned you.
And perhaps he did.
"You can't— you can't just—"
"I can't what?" he cut you off then took a step closer. "I can't come see you?" Another step. "We used to see each other all the time."
You were already cornered, right against your desk. "That was before," you responded. "Before—" the rest of your sentence got caught in your throat. You had glanced down momentarily, catching sight of his hand in the process. There, something glinted in the light. A golden band.
A wedding ring.
Your chest tightened, your voice getting smaller. "Before that." Even if he wasn't a profiler, it was impossible not to notice the crack in your voice.
You didn't know how you didn't feel the ring when he had his hand on your head.
Confused, Aaron followed your line of sight, right down to his hand. When he realized what you were referring to, he sighed, "Y/N, it's not what you think—"
A humourless chuckle left you. "It never is, is it?" You could count the number of times he'd said that to you. "God, I can't believe it." You chuckled again before your laugh faded into something angrier. No, not angrier. You were furious.
You didn't know if there was even a word in the English language that could describe how furious you were.
"You—" you took a deep breath, stopping yourself from yelling. "You're doing this to me— again?"
You slapped his hands away when he tried to put his hands on your arms. You didn't want to feel that fucking ring touch your skin. "Again?!" you seethed. "What, two times wasn't fucking enough for you? You had to go and do this a third time—"
"Please, just—"
You refused to let him get a word out. "No! I don't need any more of your excuses, Hotch!" Lord knew that if you heard them, you might just believe them.
You nearly did the first time.
To think that he had just been in your office hours earlier, acting like he didn't know you, like he didn't break you down just to build you back up and do it all over again. 
He could've at least given you the courtesy of leaving you alone, but it appeared that he couldn't even do that. Still, he was defending himself, false conviction lacing through his voice. "Haley and I are separated—"
"Separated?" That forced another chuckle out of you. "Sure, and I'm the Pope."
His glare at you hardened, like he was mad at you "I'm being serious."
Another laugh. He couldn't figure out why the hell you were laughing.
"Haley, haley, haley." Your voice raised. "It's always about fucking Haley." Even when he was with you.
Especially when he was with you.
His jaw locked. "We're not together right now."
You snapped, "Tell that to the fucking ring on your finger, asshole." 
It was laughable, really. You were the Attorney General of the United States of America. You sat in one of the highest offices of the land. Yet Aaron Hotchner still had the ability to turn you into putty in his hands.
The Attorney General didn't play second fiddle to anyone.
But you'd always be second to Haley Brooks.
"Get out, Hotchner." 
"What?" He had the audacity to look hurt, confused. You didn't understand what there was to be confused about. 
You managed to wriggle yourself out of the space where you were stuck between him and your desk, walking to your door and nearly yanking it open, holding it for him wordlessly.
He scoffed. "Y/N, come on—"
You shut him down. "No. I did what you asked earlier. I got you your warrant, therefore we are done. Now get out."
You didn't meet his eyes but you felt them burning into you with the same heat that'd make an unsub crack. It was the same heat that'd make you crack, too, which was precisely why you refused to look at him.
After what felt like a lifetime of staring at you, his footsteps sounded. You didn't look up until you watched his shoes pass you. Immediately, you closed the door, locking it.
Your hand fell around the door handle, your forehead resting against the door. Briefly, you wondered what the sensation in your eyes was, until you realized it was tears.
You hadn't cried in so long.
But whenever Aaron Hotchner came around, tears seemed inevitable.
taglist: @c-losur3
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echobx · 4 months
I feel like high school sweethearts jj maybank fic would be so cute if you need jj ideas
author's note: okay so,,, bc this is so close to the OC!fic I've been working on for over a year now, I'm gonna give you HCs also bc my brain isn't letting me write at the moment
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you meet in detention, you're first time in detention, JJ's not so much. he knows his way around, how to sneak out especially and when he proposes the idea you decide to just do it, to follow him out.
from that day on he will always try and get you to move more out of your shell, be more poguey than you have been ever before.
he doesn't even realize that he's falling for you until a guy from the football team asks you out on a date.
JJ tries to convince you to not go, but he doesn't have a good enough reason, because surely being in love with you won't convince you to stay.
but the date goes well, and you don't know why you hate that it does. maybe you would've liked it more if it went horribly.
JJ introduces you to the Crew after knowing you for just a month, and they all welcome you with open arms.
so when you come almost crying to Kiara about how weird everything feels, and she has a hard time to not laugh in your face for how oblivious you are, it all starts to dawn on you.
but risking your friendship with JJ? you aren't sure if it's worth it.
and when John B dares him to kiss you in a game of Truth or Dare, he can't find a good answer to not do it, and you can't either.
when you officially start dating, nothing changes much. sure you go out with him, and your alone time is now split into friends stuff and making out, but other than that it's the same.
you have a few rough patches, especially while in school because people start to make up rumors of JJ cheating on you, and even though you know he would never, it still gnawes on your ego.
college is better that way, although the distance doesn't feel so good either. but you get through it with weekend visits or fully focusing only on JJ when you are on break and can go back home.
and at your graduation dinner, JJ finally decides to propose, not having wanted to pull your focus away from studying if he had done it earlier, he says.
of course you say yes, he's the love of your life after all.
the ceremony is rather small, just your family and friends, at the beach.
and when you find yourself pregnant JJ takes care of everything, even going so far to be the stay at home dad for the first two years, and then the next two because two kids are better than one.
he does everything in his power to let you have the family and the carrier you always wanted.
and there isn't a single day that you ever regretted skipping detention with him.
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please don't copy and/or post my work onto other platforms! ~e©ho
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222col · 1 month
Your womanize!Art fic is too good to be true seriously. Can you please right a fic about womanizer Art who can't move on from his first and only love who made him become a womanizer because he realized that he can't love another girl who's not her. One day he meets her in a bar drunk because she had an argument with her boyfriend and Art takes this opportunity to convince her to leave her boyfriend and go back to him by begging her and being her little good boy
oh my lord yes, thank u so much !!
"when you gonna think about settling down, art?" patrick asks him, the two of them sat at their hotel bar mid tour. "never thought you'd be the one asking me that, pat." art laughs, sipping on his whiskey. "i know, but we're getting older, artie. we can't just keep fucking anything that moves." they look at each other, laughing their way through more drinks. "i'm happy just fucking anything that moves, easier than a relationship." art breathes out, fiddling with his glass. "you can't seriously still be hung up over her?" patrick asks, looking to his friend, art knowing exactly what and who he's referring. art had only been in one real relationship his whole life, meeting you at college and immediately falling head over heels. the two of you were together for a few years, but when art went on tour, everything fell apart. he cheated on you, you cheated on him, it got messy. neither of you meant to hurt each other, both lonely and needing attention while art was half way across the world. you were the only person art had ever loved, patrick still convinced that art never did fall out of love with you.
"patrick, that was half a lifetime ago." art sighs, lifting his glass, signalling a refill to the bartender. "you're not denying it though.." patrick pushes, eager to hear the confession from his friend. "i'm not 'hung up' on her, i just don't think i'll feel about someone else the way i do about her." art articulates, bringing his glass to his lips. sipping down the brown liquor, enjoying the burn down his throat as a distraction from you. "do feel about her?" patrick's smirking now, holding his own drink in his hand, repeating art's words back to him. "do, did, whatever. i'm never gonna fall in love with someone how i did in college, don't want to." patrick's hand pats art on the back, picking up his jacket and standing from the stool. "well, unlike you donaldson, i don't mind the idea of actually having feelings, hence why i'm off on a date, take it easy, buddy." patrick disappears, leaving art alone sat at the bar.
art knows that patrick is right, there's something about you that art just never got over. it's not like he never forgave you for how it all ended, he wasn't exactly innocent either. it's not the relationship that he never got over, it was you. art had been in love with you since the day he caught your eye in the cafeteria back at stanford, and he still was to this day. half the reason he sleeps around and never dates is because he knows it'll never compare, no one will ever compare to you. art knows he's getting older, knows he should be thinking about settling down, starting a family, getting ready for the day retirement comes, but art only pictures that with you. it's not like he hasn't seen you since you broke up all those years ago, the two of you speak on the phone every couple of months, meet up for sex when he's in your city or when he flies you out to him, you've even been to a few of his matches. he hadn't heard from you for a while, some excuse about having a boyfriend now, never stopped you before, he'd always think when you told him you couldn't see him this time.
finishing his glass, art leaves the hotel and heads to a bar he always goes to in the current city he's in on tour. sitting himself on a stool at the bar, ordering a beer and watching the world go by. "something strong, please." art hears from the stool three people down, leaning over to confirm his suspicions, it's you. trying desperately to hide the grin plastered on his face as he notices the mascara down your cheeks. standing up from his stool, he pulls you around into his arms. "wha- art." your body melts against his tall frame when you feel the familiarity of his grasp. "what are you doing here? what's wrong?" he asks you, letting you out of his grip. taking your drink from the bartender and leading the two of you to a small table in the corner. trying your best to wipe the stained skin under your eyes. "i hate that you're seeing me like this, it's so embarrassing." you half laugh across the table. "you still look hot." art shrugs, smirking to you. "now please tell me what's going on?" his hands reach across the table to hold yours, accepting, you begin to explain to art the argument with your boyfriend. "i know you don't want to hear this, we were in town for a weekend away, and it just went so sour. we had a big screaming match so i just started walking, i remembered you talking me here so that's where i ended up." art strokes the skin on the back of your hand, gritted teeth as he listens to you. "he sounds just lovely." art spits out sarcastically, through rolled eyes. "art, don't." you sigh, keeping one of his hands in yours, sipping your drink with the other.
"come home to me, i'd never treat you like that." art's whole demeanour changes, softens, he's always been sweet but you've never seen him quite like this. "yeah, we had our issues at the end but we never argued like that." your heart is in your stomach. you'd always thought art would be your future, but you didn't think you'd both find your way back to each other. "art, i can't-" you start, your hand still resting in his as he brings it up to his lips to softly kiss your knuckles. "baby, please, come back to me. he sounds like an asshole, just come home to me instead." your eyes flutter closed, breathing deeply, really considering art's words. "i want you back, okay? i always have, since the day you left i've wanted you back." he's begging you, your first love, your beautiful blonde first love, across the table from you, ten years later, asking for you back. "art, we both hurt each other, both did things we shouldn't have, i don't wanna hurt you again, i don't want you to hurt me again." art shuffles his chair in closer, leaning over to be as close to you as the table will let him. "we wouldn't do that again, you could come on tour with me, travel the world with me, be with me again." his free hand moves to stroke the skin on your cheek, feeling you melt against the contact. "stop fighting how you feel, i know you still love me too." eyes closing softly again, breathing deep, love me too, after all these years, you both never moved on fully. always being drawn back to each other. "let me show you good i can be for you." eyes fluttering open, looking to the blonde through your lashes. "take me home, then."
it's like slow motion, the road lit by street lights and neon signs, hand in art's as he pulls you along to his hotel. turning back to look at you, smirking, eyes dark. his lips first attaching to yours in the elevator up to his room, hands caressing your body, soft moans against your lips. "i've missed you." he mumbles, lips on your neck. inhaling the perfume, the same one you've been wearing all these years, high of the scent of you. "i know, i've missed you, art." hands pulling and grasping at his hair, as the elevator doors open. walking you out down the hall, lips still attached to yours, leading you with his body. "it's been so long since i've tasted you, too long." art mutters, fishing the key out of his pocket and pushing the two of you through his door. it had only been a year since art last fucked you, one weekend at your apartment before you met your boyfriend.
ripping your jacket off your body as the two of you slipped off your shoes, lips still attached to each other, undressing each other as quickly as you could, desperate to see each other fully. "god, i swear you get hotter each time i see you." art groans, laying you down on the bed, fully naked before him. "shut up, art." you chuckle, his body crawling on top of yours. "oh yeah, you gonna make me?" he teases, sloppy kisses placed down your chest. you hum at his response, pushing his head down between your legs. hands wrapped around his hair, his tongue disappearing into your cunt, lapping up your wetness. moans vibrating against you as art's tongue moves up to your clit, flicking over the sweet spot as the room fills with heavy breathing. "fuck- that's so fucking good, good boy." the vibrations ripple through you from art's mouth, the noises he's making almost louder than you, revelling in your sweetness. his hands wrapped around your thighs, pink tongue devouring you, his blue eyes overshadowed by lust as he looks up to you. keeping his gaze on you as he watches your back arch, hands gripping tighter on his hair. smirking into you as he feels your body jolt, thighs squeezing his head into you, his name echoing off the walls as you become undone on his tongue.
pulling his body up over you by his head, smirk covered in your wetness, dripping down his chin. pulling his swollen lips down to yours, legs wrapping around his waist as you flip the two of you over. art laid on his back, knees either side of him as your wetness starts to slip over his cock. grinding yourself against his length, feeling his tip rub against your clit. his arms snaking around you before pinning them down above his head, smirking up to you above him as you do. he knows he could get out of your grip if he tried, but he loves seeing you pin him down like this. lifting up your hips, holding art's arms with one hand as you line him up with your entrance. sliding down on him as your hands go back to holding his wrists against the bed. sitting up on his lap, rolling your hips against him as you sink down to the base of his cock. moans escaping both of you as you take him fully inside of you, his hips bucking up as you grind your hips against him. once adjusting, bouncing yourself up and down on his dick. art's eyes rolling back, his hips jumping up to keep meeting you there. finally letting his hands free as you steady yourself on his chest, his hands immediately reaching to your ass, helping guide you as he gropes your skin. "jesus, shit- you feel fucking amazing." you mutter, head leaning back as the two of you fuck each other at speed. his cock bigger than anyone's you'd fucked, seeing the bulge of him in your stomach as his hips slap against your skin. "so pretty like this, all mine." art mumbles, eyes on yours. your body falling against him, lips attacking his, tongues sliding over each others as art pounds himself up into you. "cum on my cock, baby please, i've missed how it feels."
art's words, and the speed in which he's fucking you, send you over the edge. orgasming for the second time today, clenching down against him as his arms around your body keep you still. moans hitting his ears as art's thrusts get sloppy, eyes in the back of his head as he curses his way to orgasm. painting your walls as your name leaves his lips, bodies sticky with sweat, collapsing against each other as his cock stays inside you. "fuck me, that gets better every time." art chuckles into your neck, his chest still rising and falling at pace. laughing back at him, kissing his cheek, jaw and neck. "i mean it you know, i want you back, for real." art mumbles, finally slipping out of you. "i want the same thing art." you smile, placing your lips softly to his forehead. "are we actually gonna try and make a proper go of it this time?" you laugh to him, moving to lay next to him on the bed. "i know, so unlike us." art laughs back, his fingers drawing circles on your hip. "you're my future, i don't wanna lose you again." he whispers against your lips. "me neither."
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heartnosekid · 8 months
well, friends. i’m sure a good lot of you have seen this post. i was denied today. i have to contact a lawyer and i don't even know how to begin advocating for myself outside of simply contacting the firm an ex-friend of mine used to obtain disability.
if you would rather not read the whole vent, i completely understand. but if you would still like to provide answers or support to me, here are my main issues.
i need advice from others who have been denied disability and have gone through a lawyer to obtain it. i need advice on what to do about getting started with victim advocacy. that's about it, i reckon. i love you all. my dm's are open. you will be blocked if you clown.
and yes, i realize my stim blog is not the place to talk about this. i understand, but this is my largest audience and i feel i would be a fool to not post this somewhere it may be actually received.
tw for mental health talk / long vent under the cut, particularly of the despairing kind, and also mentions of CSA / CSAM, psychosis, and my general disabilities. if this post needs more trigger tags, please let me know and i'll add them.
my whole life i have been treated as if i am not struggling because i can do the bare minimum to keep myself alive. i can survive, but never thrive, and even surviving now has become difficult. i can't feed myself regularly, my guardians do that for me. i can't stand for longer than a few minutes at a time without extreme duress and pain, which makes cleaning, showering, and going out super difficult and beyond draining. i can understand abstract concepts and certain ideas and am emotionally intelligent, but i struggle heavily with understanding money or how government works, particularly when it comes to laws and loopholes. i don't know when i'm "being had", as it were, and others have pointed this out to me throughout my adulthood. it feels as though this entire disability journey has been me "being had". they gave me something to cling on to, the possibility i may be able to receive real help, and it seems as though they basically knew the whole time they were going to deny me again. for the fourth time. i know that is unrealistic but, it does feel that way.
i wrote several full length books when i was a child / young teenager, and had two published. i won't share the titles because i have outgrown what i wrote and find them childish and frankly embarrassing, but everyone upon learning that i have written and had novels published, immediately jumps to the conclusion that i am some kind of self-sufficient, incredibly intelligent and capable person. i have never once been able to effectively take care of myself. without my guardians, i wouldn't be able to manage money, insurance, bills, cars, groceries, among other things. i don't even halfway understand how insurance on anything even works despite having been shown how it works.
i can see something, be "taught" to the best of someone's ability, and i will still not be able to learn. this has been a constant issue throughout my life, and the american public school system has continually helped these issues perpetuate. all schooling has done is teach me how to parrot back concepts and ideas, remember them for a limited amount of time before losing them to the void, and not how to fundamentally understand and learn them or utilize them in daily life. even higher education was like this, and i was not able to thrive throughout my experience with college despite making mostly okay grades (i cheated and lied a lot, okay. i'm not proud of it but i felt i had to get through or i would be severely punished). i had to a sign an agreement that i personally still do not fully understand to "obtain" my associate's degree, and i do not know why despite the fact it was explained to me, in detail. the information has not registered, and i now no longer have anyone that was involved in said agreement to explain it to me. everyone i say this to is like, "what? that doesn't make any sense." and i'm like. yeah. it doesn't, and i have zero ability to explain it to them in a way that makes sense.
i mention my associate's degree because i am sure in some form or fashion it was used against me in the disability process, since i was "able to complete higher education". also it should be noted i did an early college program. also probably has been used against me. also cheated through most of it.
people have always considered my kind of autism to be hyper competent, since it appeared that way when i was a child, despite showing several signs that i was struggling with a math-centric learning disability, called dyscalculia. i have since deteriorated to the point of barely having the knowledge a young adult should have, about how life works financially and honestly in general.
i have extreme fear about what may happen to me without proper assistance. my guardians will be able to take care of me for some time, but after that? that feels like a black hole to me. it doesn't exist nor will it while i am under-assisted, and this black hole fills me with utter despair. i try not to let it permeate my daily life, so as to not dwell in a future that doesn't exist yet and has the possibility for change. but god. it fills me with literal existential dread, and it is becoming so much more difficult to ignore the older i get.
a lot of factors have been used against me my entire life to deny me assistance, and these reasons being yet another factor has really dredged up a lot of shit from my past.
this is besides the point, but i also learned recently that CSAM was made and distributed of me when i was a child and wow. that has hit me in ways i cannot even describe. part of me is like, why was i not allowed to know after the fact, even when i became an adult? i was directly involved. why did no one tell me my abuser was convicted for counts of spreading CSAM, and that they lied directly to the court system about their inappropriate actions with me? i was disenfranchised in more ways than one by more than one person on allowance of my abuser, and i am just now hearing about it. i don't know how to deal and i don't know how to get started with victim advocacy in my area.
but at the same time, whilst being treated as severely more competent than i am, i have also been infantilized relentlessly, by nearly everyone around me. how does this make any sense. i feel incredibly stupid and uninformed and at the same time privy to things about my disabilities others are not, while not being able to effectively communicate it. i feel i am screaming and begging for help, nearly at my wits end with a lot of things, and all of it is reading as "owie booboo" to anyone who could do anything to help. i feel i am falling through the cracks, and i fear having to crawl back up through them. i fear i won't make the trek. i fear i will lose motivation and let myself rot. it feels like no one in a position of power has taken a true effort to really help me and i cannot help or advocate for myself. i am very scared.
on top of all of that stuff, i am withdrawing pretty heavily from cymbalta, experiencing heightened panic attacks every day, PNES (psychogenic non-epileptic seizures), more episodes of psychosis and hallucinating than i'm used to, all of my mental and physical issues are out of control, and now this disability stuff. i also won't be able to see a psychiatrist for...maybe a week or so more, so no bridge meds till then.
these last couple weeks have just really kicked me down. thank you for reading if you got this far. i appreciate you more than you know and i have no idea where i would be without y'all and this blog. i love you all so very much.
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merp-blerp · 3 months
My Gaylor Journey: A Year Later 🌈
So, I posted about my Gaylor opinions a year ago today, my first (intentional) post about Gaylor after properly looking into the community for the first time and eventually joining it. I can't believe it's been that long, Jesus! Feels both too long and yet too short of a time. Well, I want to commemorate that; hopefully, I'll make sense, as there's so much I feel and want to say. I don't think I'll ever truly get it all out of me. But here:
I've enjoyed my time here so much! This period has been surprisingly influential for me. For one thing, I've gained some lovely mutuals! I've never had so many before, so it's new, but I enjoy you all. You guys are so kind, smart, and welcoming!
I've also learned so much about queerness, the queer experience, and queer history that I just never would've known before. And I was already very into queer history before. I adore how I listen to Taylor's music now. "Wrong" interpretation or not, looking at her music from a queer lens is so interesting and so easy. I had looked at it from a queer perspective before, but it was more through my eyes. How could this song relate to me and my queerness? Never in regards to the possibility of Taylor's. It's crazy to remember being younger, listening to her music, and getting queer vibes, but assuming I was projecting. Nice to know I was never alone in my thoughts. Looking at the potential real muses is fun, but just daring to look at things another way has been fulfilling alone. I had no clue I could get more connected with Taylor's work, but somehow this community has proven me wrong.
Being here has also saved me from a lot of worrying probably. The Swiftie community since Joe ended whatever he had with Taylor has been very much so changed since I discovered it in 2018, so while I have nothing against nice Swifties, I'm glad I mostly stick to the Gaylor side of things these days. This fandom's less crowded and I like experiencing Tay's art this way. Being a fan shouldn't feel so crazy. Not too long ago, I was having a conversation with one of my college mentors, who's a Swiftie, the day after TTPD was announced, I believe. We were both excited and I spouted out several watered-down versions of Gaylor theories (can never be too careful who you Gaylor in front of), cutting out the gay parts, and what I thought they meant for what TTPD was expected to be; theories like the burning lover house symbolizing "a new phase of her career" starting with TTPD, or white symbolizing rebirth, blah, blah, you know. And absolutely no offense to my mentor, she's lovely, but I was a bit gobsmacked when her theories only had to do with Joe. It was so... bare-bones. Dry. Boring. Don't you wonder what this means for Taylor herself, not just some boy she may or may not be dunking on? She also had so much seemingly incorrect info about the Toe narrative, saying Joe has a music career (he doesn't???) and that Taylor herself confirmed, word of mouth, that she cheated on Joe, which definitely would not be very characteristically "cryptic and Machiavellian" of her to just confirm like that. Just saying it would not be how she tells us a detail like that. I didn't realize people truly thought she cheated till that conversation. They were just very hard to believe things, whether or not you believe in Gaylor or mainstream narratives. She said a lot of her theories came from TikTok, so misinformation isn't shocking in the slightest; people rarely give good sources over there, so if you find someone who does they seem to be a needle in a haystack, sadly. But that conversation reminded me just how much things have changed, both in me and the fandom. Having fresh relationship drama for the first time in 6 years made some Swifties feral and I'm glad I'm not in it. Getting swept up in that shit is easy and I fear I could've if it weren't for jumping ship in time. As Taylor's signaling gets louder and louder again, possibly gearing up for another coming-out attempt, I think I joined just in time. The goddess of timing found me beguiling, I guess.
It just makes me sad that for these types of fans, Taylor's music and craft aren't about her anymore, but about the guys. It's so weird to see fans introduce new Swifties by going over all the supposed muses instead of talking about her and how this song or album communicates her emotions about a situation. They are deeply missing out. Even when I was only in the general fandom, despite my jokes about the boys, I ultimately thought Taylor was the most important factor in her songs. And it seemed like others thought that too, until all this new Joe-Travis-drama eclipsed that. Or till some bad new fans came in just for the drama and to hop on the more trendy version of "loving" her that's going on now. Or maybe I was in my own bubble and it's always been like this. She was never simply "Mrs. Alwyn" and she's not "Mrs. Kelce" or even "Mrs. Kloss" and it's strange to see her get called that as if she's not TAYLOR FUCKING SWIFT. That's not enough? Maybe I'm taking it too seriously or literally, but it feels so wrong to boil her down to just that. I get where it comes from, Taylor's music appeals to the hopeless romantics such as myself, but there's more to Taylor, us, and life than just romance and being someone's "spouse".
Many Swifties rightfully criticize the media for only focusing on Taylor's alleged love life, but some of them hypocritically do the exact same thing, only I'd argue it's worse because they seem to think they're entitled to do so because they're fans or feel like her friends. We don't know Taylor. I don't know Taylor. If she's openly talking about her album(s)/re-record(s) and the craft behind creating it, or her emotional journey creating it, maybe don't yell out to her face about some trivial thing connecting to whoever you think the muse is (looking at you TIFF 2022—I'll never be over that). I'm glad Taylor seems to recognize this behavior and has at least tried to remind fans of the distance between herself and them in recent years; I mean, compare the songs she wrote for fans years ago like "Long Live" and "The Archer" vs "Dear Reader" and potentially "You're Losing me" and "But Daddy I Love Him" if you interpret them that way. They're all wonderful, but more recent songs remind us that she's a stranger to us as opposed to just talking about how grateful she is for us (which I'm sure she still is). I've mentioned in the past that I think this is part of why the TV eras beyond the Red TV era and promo for TTPD have been so laid back in comparison; she doesn't want fans getting way too into "defending" her from [insert "ex-boyfriend" here] like they did during Red TV's release, so she's making it less "exciting". 1989 TV didn't even get music videos. She's never dignified invasive questions with a response to interviewers, so why would she for some fan(s)? You aren't any more special or any less of a stranger to her than those interviewers were. None of us are, including Gaylors (that's why we can't out her, strangers can't out strangers with only pure speculation).
I find it interesting to see how differently the two sides of this fandom treat the potential ex-muses of songs. In the general fandom, there's a lot of animosity, where swifties love to joke about hating or destroying whomever (and I'm chill with jokes), but sometimes it goes way too far. Many Swifties hate most potential exes, exceptions being people like Harry Styles or Taylor Lautner because they have their own fandoms that tend to overlap with Taylor's. But Gaylors rarely do the exact same with exes. Potential exes aren't brought up unless necessary and I've never seen anyone even jokingly hate anyone purely because they are an ex and therefore bad; it might be around, but the fact that I can't find it nearly as easily is something. We'll hold ex-muses (and Taylor) accountable for potential mishaps in past relationships and that's it. Say what you will about Gaylors, but I've never heard of any Gaylors sending someone like Dianna Agron death threats like some Swifties have done with John Mayer.
One huge thing I was not expecting when joining this fandom was becoming slightly disillusioned by the Swiftie title. Don't get me wrong, I'm fine with being called that, as I know that's what I am ultimately and it's not terrible to be a Swiftie inherently by any means. But being opened up to the deep homophobia, bullying, and even doxxing in the Hetlor community has really made me feel odd lumping myself in with "Swifties", as they still call themselves, at times. I don't know how I never stumbled across it when in the general fandom, at least not that I can recall (I feel like I would if I did). From what I gather, Swifties have a rep for being a pretty sweet fandom, and many people are, but I can't help but feel sour about it sometimes after seeing what I've seen from some Swifties. I hope one day the homophobia and just basic vitriol with these types of fans can be lightened up by a cultural shift or something. Way too many people are unaware of the layers of the conversation about outing, closeting, speculation, etc. I myself wasn't before entering the Gaylor fandom and I'm glad I am now. I knew lots of history, but didn't properly apply it to how we can see things now. It's very odd, almost embarrassing, looking at some of my old Swiftie posts now, especially ones about Joe and Gaylors, because I don't feel that way anymore. I was never hateful, but I had some wrong ideas. I guess I'll keep them up though, in order to be honest with myself and anyone who wants to maybe dig into my blog. Plus there's not actually anything to be too embarrassed about from what I remember, it's just a very "in my head" type of thing. I'm glad I'm not as emotionally invested in Taylor's supposed exes anymore. Even when it comes to Karlie as an LSK, I'd be fine if Kaylor was broken up or never together. Surprised and maybe a little sad, but I expect to be okay if that were to be a revelation. It feels much healthier.
I even suspect that being here has helped me with accepting my own queerness further, and I thought I had fully done that already. I guess internal acceptance is a forever journey, at least for me. I came out to my grandparents mid last year and early this year, something I was planning on delaying till I went away to college (I'm doing college virtually for now). I think this community helped me.
I deeply wish that both sides of Taylor's fandom could come together, hear each other, and co-exist. I hate that Gaylors are so vilified for simply suggesting a random lady might be queer as if seeing potential hints of queerness in other people and pondering their sexuality hasn't always existed in queer culture and continues to prevail. We still see primarily femme sapphics ask how they can signal that they're queer without saying so, much like what Taylor might be doing with her hairpins and games. Why is it wrong to be on the other end of that interaction, seeing and acknowledging the signals? In my personal opinion, I think it's at least a bit homophobic in and of itself to say that queer people must come out in a loud, upfront, obvious-to-straights way in order to be seen as queer, otherwise they are forcibly slated as the default of straight. Yes, some people have a boundary about speculation, and that should 100% be respected for those folks, but Taylor specifically has set no such boundary as of me typing this out. Why still force her into the straight box when she's never plainly said she's straight, always toeing the line no pun intended, not giving any clear answers for now, which she doesn't owe. Honestly, I feel like it's more likely that if she were straight she would have such an issue saying plainly; straight people don't coyly tiptoe around saying they're straight like that, but that's just my perspective. When the discourse around speculation is brought up, I often see people say something along the lines of, "Well, I wouldn't want someone to speculate on me," and that's completely fine to feel, but that's your boundary. Not everyone feels that way. Some want to be seen without a definitive word out of their mouth beforehand. This is coming from someone who, when offline, sometimes gets a bit internally antsy when people inform me they could tell my lesbian-ness with or without me intending to signal, though not offended. Yet I also sometimes hate to tell people in verbal words. It can be exhausting, not in just a scary way, but in the sense that it can be akin to explaining that you breathe; being queer just comes so naturally for me because it is natural, so explaining gets tiresome, especially since straights never have to. For me, and in general, speculation is not as black and white as "you should never do it" or "you should always do it". You shouldn't cross people's boundaries, but you shouldn't assume people's boundaries either; that can be just as wrong and dangerous.
Gaylors and Swifties are the same fandom, so why can't we act like it, even when we disagree?
Everyone and everything I've involved myself in here has been so enriching and even if all the Gaylor theories were somehow proven wrong, I wouldn't regret my time here. It's meant too much to me. I'm very grateful and excited to see how this progresses for me. I can't find enough words to express it.
To any rude Hetlors out there, I hope you find it in your heart to treat others with kindness instead of throwing shade at those you simply don't understand/agree with. If you're going to hurt others, I don't want anything to do with you. Kindly leave for both our peace of mind.
To the vast majority of you who have been wonderful, welcoming, and kind, especially the ones who were here before I entered the Gaylor fandom, and didn't leave after, I love you all. You can stay. ♥
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bellarkeselection · 2 years
Hey can I ask for a request for Damon Salvatore please. In which the reader is struggling to keep focused on her studying and Damon walks up behind her and cuddles her and helps her and say how proud he is to have her as a girlfriend/wife which ever you choose . It can be full of fluff as I’d love to see a lived up Damon sorry if this doesn’t make sense
You're My Proud College Girl
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Flipping through pages of my history college textbook I sighed feeling a headache rising in my brain. I have been studying the material for hours knowing that midterms were coming up and I can't seem to remember half of what we've been taught so far. Footsteps entered the living room of the Salvatore's house but I don't bother looking up from my notes. "Hey babe, what are you still looking at those books for. I thought you would be done studying by now." He sits down beside me on the couch his hands resting on his knees just staring softly at me. Damon and I started dating before I graduated from high school. He doesn't see the point in it but since I'm human he won't compel me a job because I told him I wanted to earn it the right way and not cheat.
"I thought I was but - my mind just can't seem to remember half of this. I've been putting in the hours to study and do the reading but I just can't...maybe I'll just have to retake the class and try better." Throwing my hands up in the air laying back on the cough. The fire cracking softly in my ear as I sighed heavily wishing this wasn't so hard. I didn't realize that my high school teachers made it easy on us until I met this professor. He acted like his class was the only one when in reality I have like a couple more on top of it. "Hey now that's not how you felt last semester. So you have a hard professor do you want me to take care of him. I'll eat him or compel him. Whatever you want. I just hate to see you so frustrated when all I see is how awesome you are. I'm proud of you, Y/n." My boyfriend spoke intertwining my hand in his leaning forward and kissing my forehead where I leaned into his touch finding it comforting.
Lifting my head up from his shoulder my eyes locked onto his icy blue orbs. Even though he acts like the tough vampire guy he is sweet on me. He's spent time helping me study too when I didn't even ask him too. "What did you say, Damon?" Blinking my eyes I couldn't really grasp how he found me awesome when he was a vampire with super powers and I'm just a human. He tucks hair behind my ear smiling longingly at me. His right hand resting on my check feeling me lean into his palm. "I'm proud of you, Y/n. You're putting in a lot of effort and not just saying you can't do it. But how about you take a break from studying and we go to the grill for some food." I could've sworn he used his vampire hearing as a cheat sometimes because my stomach growled seconds after that. Nodding my head slowly he gets to his feet pulling me in for a hug. "Thank you, Damon." He squeezes me closer to his embrace with my arms around his neck. "Anything for my college girl."
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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somebodystoleme · 2 years
as the night drifted away | osamu x reader
part 1: you know when it’s time to go | miya atsumu x reader
summary: atsumu thinks back to you while you move on way too fast from him.
w.c: 1,009
a/n: trust me this is just pent up aggression from my ex, also ty sm for all the reblogs and notes last post!! i appreciate it! i will probably re-write this one day. but this is just plain thoughts about love. also making a tags list so lemme know if u would like to join.
warnings: cheating, angst to happy-ending
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and i'm sitting on a bench in coney island wondering where did my baby go? the fast times, the bright lights, the merry go sorry for not making you my centerfold
atsumu spends his time sitting on a bench, trying not to cry. which is rich coming from him because he states he never cries. he misses you more than you think. he should be heading home to aurora to listen to her complain about something new she's going through. but he can't bring himself to get off this bench. you used to force him to sit on the bench and watch the stars. he realises now how stupid you must have felt. when everything went down.
he hasn't seen you anymore since you both graduated college. osamu, the only person from college who you insist on talking to, says you're doing well actually. osamu only talks about you, as if we all are still in high school again.
"didya know that y/n got accepted to med school?"
"they apparently got invited to model for some small time company!"
"y/n and kenma started playing video games together."
and he couldn't help but to think that this is his way of punishing him for taking y/n away from him, so many years ago.
y/n's hot pink converse place a little mud each step as you walks to the door and the more steps you take the more freaked out you get. a whole new school and everything. "it's going to fun! c'mon home economics is like, the easiest class alive." aurora stated so matter-of-fact "i know, but-" when aurora opens the wooden door to the classroom, you make eye contact, with a boy of course. but he just kept staring as you walked in. and you couldn't help but stare right back. everyone already had a spot and there was one seat right by him and another by a blonde boy who looked all too well similar to other boy. aurora quickly took the spot by the blonde boy and you couldn't help but to grin at her happiness to finally talk to a boy.
once you took your seat, you smiled at the gray haired boy and told him your name.
"y/n. sophomore."
"osamu. sophomore."
he didn't like talking to you (at least you thought) and he mostly spent his time correcting the teacher on cooking recipes. for the first time, you just stared at him, mostly in shock at how someone could be so good at cooking.
but by the end of the class, you felt at least a little bit closer to him. his favorite food was rice, he had a twin named atsumu, and is the spiker for the high school volleyball team. the more times you pulled up the chair next to him home economics, the closer you got to him.
by the end of freshman year, you were osamu's honorary best friend. his competitive demeanor came out quickly as you two spent the afternoons playing volleyball together when his parents were working.
you ran your hand through your hair, grinning. "c'mon 'samu, i know you can do better." he smirked back at you, "y/n, you're so mediocre at volleyball, don't even."
"i'm still winning-"
"by one point."
"so what?"
atsumu remembered how beautiful you looked playing with osamu. also remembering how much he wanted- no needed- you. he wouldn't tell you but aurora and him were about to start dating but once he saw you he knew he didn't want her.
so he spent his whole highschool chasing after you. he needed you. you just radiated kindness and happiness. you were the teenage dream. he couldn't help but to feel some sort of jealousy towards you. but the more times he coaxed you out of spending time with osamu, the more he realized how different you are.
confidence and beauty.
the more you noticed atsumu running after you, the more you noticed the fact that osamu was avoiding you. you mainly thought that it was because your parents decided to ground you for the whole senior year. (you don't like to admit it but it was because your parents caught you drinking with aurora)
"trust me, 'samu is not mad at you! he just notices that- you and i are closer."
"i mean, tell him we can hang out tomorrow at the cinema." atsumu nods his head in response.
"i'll see you on monday! have a nice weekend." he says before heading to his car.
osamu didn't show up to the cinema but atsumu did. "i'm so sorry y/n- i don't know why he got his panties in such a twist. you and i can go watch a movie, right?" that was the day you realized you were so over osamu and now drunk on atsumu.
you constantly tried to ignore how aurora and atsumu talked and whispered to each other. but you couldn't shake that he likes her. you even had the thought that maybe you and osamu not talking anymore was a curse, maybe he is the better miya twin. but that night, senior prom, he completely proved you wrong. and you two started dating the next day.
as fast as you two started dating, he knew it was over that night. the look in your eyes which he you would've loved him for a lifetime. and the sadness he felt right after watching you leave. as he sits and looks up at the sky he hopes you might be kind when you remember him. even though he wasn't kind to you, he hopes for forgiveness.
you fiddle with the straps of your white dress while also playing with your feet. you can't believe you're sitting in osamu's house after everything. as sappy as it sounds you can't believe you met him, again. he's just perfect.
his light airy smiles right at you. and only at you. you can't help but to feel that it was destiny to end up with osamu.
it all started with atsumu breaking your heart that you found osamu again. sitting in some five star restaurant, post breakup. he knew it was you the second you walked in. he would even serve you just to talk to you again,
"hi y/n."
"osamu, wow, you work here?"
how lucky you are. he might possibly be the better miya twin.
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Ok Here's my Big Long Rant About Chloe Gong's Books
So I discovered These Violent Delights towards the end of 2021, just before Our Violent Ends came out. My ex-girlfriend recommended it (funny enough she also got me into Taylor Swift. She was super toxic and later cheated on me but she had pretty good taste all around) and I had heard of it before so I decided to give it a shot. I settled into bed that night, planning to read a chapter or two, and three hours later, I had finished the book and probably almost screeched at the cliffhanger, and then began the agonizing wait (it probably wasn't more than a month, but still) for OVE.
The entire time, I could not stop thinking about how much I loved these characters. The relationships seemed authentic and fleshed-out and every character was so unique, and it was just so well-written. I especially remember being completely obsessed with Juliette (hence the username) and loving Benedikt and Marshall, although I was so so worried it was going to be queerbait.
When OVE came out, I got it out of the library and once again read it one night. This time, I was in tears by the end. To this day, only 2 books have made me cry (the other being They Both Die at the End) and OVE is the only one that has made me cry every time. They became my new obsession almost instantaneously, and when Foul Lady Fortune was announced, I was completely ecstatic.
When FLF was released, I went to the book tour and actually got to meet Chloe Gong. I was fangirling out of my entire mind and was probably super embarassing, but she was super funny and down-to-earth. I cried (again) in the parking lot as soon as I stepped outside. A few months later, she announced Last Violent Call, and when I found out that Roma and Juliette were alive, I actually fell on the floor. I went to the Immortal Longings book tour, although I sadly couldn't go to the FHH one, and I'm currently scheming up ways to get tickets for Vilest Things (Miss Chloe, please come to Philly again, I don't know if I can drag my mom to New York twice).
There are so many reasons why this series is so unebelievably important to me. First of all, the queer representation is honestly unlike anything I've ever seen. The queer characters are fully fleshed out and have personalities and arcs outside of their queer identities, but their queerness is also not a footnote or shoved in for "diversity points." When Benmars became canon and got their "Because I love you!" moment I was in complete shock--I honestly hadn't allowed myself to hope for it to happen. As the queer representation carried over into FLF, I just grew more and more overjoyed with this series. These books also came to me right when I needed them. LVC particularly came out during a very difficult and stressful time in my life, where my mental health was very bad. I remember thinking to myself all week, "Just hold on until LVC comes out," and it really helped me push through that period of time.
Chloe Gong was also pretty much a realization of my dreams. I knew I wanted to be an author for a while, but I really had no idea how to get there. I always thought, "Go to college for something you don't entirely hate, get a real job for about 10 years, then you can start publishing books." Seeing someone only a few years older than me with the same dreams as mine succeed in bringing them to life has been almost a lifeline over the years. I'm no longer as scared of what my future holds, or whether or not I'll be happy with my life. I honestly read her blog posts about her publishing journey probably once a month, just to keep myself motivated, because if she can do it, so will I.
So thank you so much @chloegong for this amazing world you have created. These books really mean the world to me and have brought so many amazing people into my life, and I can't imagine who I would be without them. This is way too long and way too personal, but I just reread FHH and was deep in the SS feels, so I had to get it all out there.
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ikuzeminna · 7 months
Hi! How did you learn to read Japanese? If I'm not wrong that you do, is the Japanese depiction of the GW characters' personalities different from their Western depictions?
Hey! Learning how to read Japanese is definitely an adventure in and of itself. For me, I had learned how to read and write hiragana and katakana from the Yoshida Institute’s site long before smartphones existed, along with a few kanji. I would use hiragana for my cheat sheets at school. (Yes, I learned a whole different alphabet just to cheat at history and geography instead of simply studying for my exams like a sensible person, even though I realized it was way more effort. I'm not exactly smart.) I started learning kanji properly years later with the kanji learning app Japanese Kanji Study, which I can't recommend enough, then took a brief language course and then accidentally ended up studying Japanese in college for 1.5 years, which is where I learned all my beginner's grammar (みんなの日本語 anyone?) and, as is totally apt for a beginner, hentaigana.
It’s funny when you can't string five sentences together without issue, but can make out Nobunaga's scribbling, something many natives are incapable of. Great, balanced education you thought up there, folks.
At least I got a laugh out of one Ranma ½ episode where Ranma found Kuno’s journal entry and couldn’t read it because of course that doofus would write it in the most archaic manner possible. 
Anyway, as far as reading aids go, I’m just gonna plug everything I’ve used over the years for anyone interested. The Firefox extension 10ten reader has been a lifesaver, as has been Jisho. When it comes to comprehension, Google translate is dog crap. I’d recommend Papago, which must have been trained specifically on East Asian languages as the results are much better. Not perfect, but better in my experience. Google translate has long incorporated OCR (image to text) so it may be less useful, but I’m very fond of the no-install Capture2Text which can convert manga speech bubbles to text, provided the scans are clean enough to read the kanji.
For grammar, I stuck to Minna No Nihongo. Bought all the books and slowly work through the lessons now.
The most valuable asset though is having a fluent or native speaker you can ask. Nuance is impossible to grasp if no one explains it to you. Even with vocab, you’ll run into plenty of words with the same meaning. Dictionaries often don’t distinguish in those cases. Having someone you can ask makes learning a lot easier.
Now for the Gundam Wing part of your question.
I’m not exactly sure what you mean by Japanese and Western depictions, or rather who you mean. If we’re talking official sub vs. dub then yes, there are a few differences. Heero isn’t perpetually constipated in the original (he actually has a sense of humor!) and Duo is a lot less flirty than his dub version. But it’s nothing grave. Certainly not Seto Kaiba levels of the dub rewriting his character to make him rant about not believing in destiny every time he opens his mouth.
Or Saber Rider being the leader of the Star Sheriffs. wtf I grew up with a lie D:<
Now, if you’re referring to fandom spaces, I am, without a doubt, the wrongest person to ask as I have never seen what the Japanese Wing fandom is up to and have never really been in touch with what the West is doing either. Have I seen fanfics and do I know 1x2 is the most popular ship? Yes. Have I spent 10 minutes looking at a manga panel, trying to figure out what is going on, only to hit the back button as fast as I could once I did? To the detriment of my poor eyes, yes. But when it comes to fandom differences, I think @muwi-translates could give you a proper answer. I can’t really say much as I’m not involved in the fandom in a way that lets me know such things.
I just sit here in my bubble, talking to myself most of the time.
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literaryoblivion · 3 months
Abandoned WIP-Sterek
As stated before, this is an abandoned WIP snippet. I’ll tag them with #my abandoned WIPs to organize it. If you see any and are so inspired by any of these to either create your own or finish, PLEASE tag me! I’d love to see if someone was able to take it and run with it since it stalled out for me.
Older Single Dad Derek goes back to college, where Stiles is his professor.
No writing but here's the idea: Single Dad Derek Hale deciding to go back to finish his degree and taking classes from newly minted professor Stiles and like maybe Derek's kids get sick but he /can't/ miss class so he sends a desperate email to Professor Stilinski and Stiles is like, it's fine. I didn't know you had kids, but it happens I get it. And somehow Stiles offers to come over and give Derek an overview of the lecture and the notes. AND obviously he wants to spend more time with Prof. S, because damn, he's just so amazing. XD and let's just say they actually live nearby each other and start seeing each other at the grocery store or the park. And Stiles sees Derek's kid as well, who he obviously falls in love with! OF course. But actually I was thinking Derek had like 2 or 3 kids...like Isaac and Erica… And maybe at one point he can get a bit overwhelmed, trying to combine it all, and Stiles can be there to support him! and meanwhile Stiles is like I shouldn't become so attached to a student especially since it's his first official year, but he's kind of falling for Derek so hard, and Erica calls him Batman which is awesome, and Isaac shows him his scarves and he's like damnit this is so far from staying professional, I'm going to get fired.
Deaged Derek & Stiles: What if Derek and Stiles got deaged and Scott has to take care of them and like bb stiles gets bb Derek to go sneak off and mess things up and bb Derek tries to resist but he likes stiles so much he ends up going along with it and they disappear and Scott has to go find them and they are in the woods asleep wrapped around each other
Next time, Scott is going to insist that Stiles and Derek wait for him before just barging in. He’s the alpha for crying out loud! A courtesy heads-up text about a possible witch lair is not enough. Of course he can’t tell either of them that now because they are naked and running away from him. Oh, and they are also babies. “I’m not a baby; I’m five!” Stiles shouts, holding up his hand with his fingers splayed to show with his fingers how old he is. He’s even stopped mid-run to turn around and make an angry face at Scott because how dare he think he’s a baby. Derek’s a little farther back from Stiles, not realizing Stiles had stopped running, but he is slowly walking back to stand next to Stiles. He leans over to see Stiles’s indignant face and tries to mirror it, crossing his arms across his chest before muttering, “And I’m seven.” Scott sighs, “Well I guess that clears up how old she turned you guys.” Scott holds up his hands as he steps closer to them, hoping they don’t take off running again. He might be a werewolf, but chasing after little Stiles and Derek through the woods has taken a lot out of him, and he doesn’t want a repeat performance.
Sterek Week theme involving crayons: wisteria, brown sugar, grand canyon, heat wave, macaroni and cheese. Basically Derek goes with Laura and her kids to the grand canyon and Stiles is their tour guide.
Derek wants it known that he did not want to go on this trip in the first place. BUT because he’s a very kind, giving, generous brother and amazing, wonderful, terrific uncle, he agreed to help out his recently divorced sister take care of her two sons and one daughter on a much needed family without that cheating, lying, bastard of a dad vacation. He could tell his sister really needed to be away, and quite frankly so did his niece and nephews, and there was no way Laura was going to be able to handle hiking/riding a donkey down the Grand Canyon with all three of them by herself. And, he had the time, had just gotten over a disaster of a relationship himself a few months back, and so he said okay. Plus, the pleading look Laura had given him after she told him about the trip was enough to get him to agree too. It was a vacation they all needed, really. But now that he’s here, riding a donkey named Wisteria, in what feels like a heat wave because he is sweating bullets with the sun beating down on him, he’s regretting agreeing to go. And the fact that their tour guide is sitting pretty (literally, he’s gorgeous) in front of them and Derek can’t help but stare at his ass (not the donkey) while they slowly make their way down the canyon.
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starxsstuff · 1 year
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[Now playing] Lovers rock -TV GIRL
🎸- He definitely calls you "luv"
🎸- He seems all chill and "nonchalant" in public but in private he's the biggest lover boy ever
🎸- Will come up with the dumbest excuses to touch you
🎸- going from the last HC,he's just NEEDS to be touching you in some way
🎸-Will make other guys know your his
🎸-You would send him weird crap in the middle of the night and he'd just roll with it
🎸- Your Contact on his phone is "My tune Or My melody" (don't even think about it Sanrio fans.)
[Now playing] My My-Chenayder(I love this song sm)
🎸-if he had to meet your parents he would poop bricks and stay close to you the whole time
🎸- He can't sleep knowing he didn't say "I love you" or he would just go to your house to lay with you
🎸- everytime he sees you he buries you with questions just to hear you constantly talk.
-Angst??-(I'm not good with this category)
[Now playing] Step on Me-the Cardigans
🎸- If u guys get into a heated argument you won't here from him for DAYS until he comes back realizing he made a mistake
🎸- I feel like his school mates would be assholes and he'd roll with it sometimes but try to apologize to you in private
🎸- (Might be an angst fic) You once caught him cheating and he didn't even feel sorry he just let you leave
🎸- (might also be angst fic maybe from the college AU) You were walking to your school/college when you were shot by some random man and you started to choke on your blood but made it to the gym floor and passed it. Hobie was HYSTERICAL
[Now playing ] Blue hair -TV GIRL (any song that comes on my Spotify playlist I'm just putting it here)
🎸- He would constantly praise you and says things like " your doing so good" or "good girl"
🎸He will MAKE you look him in the eyes the entire time
🎸-He would try so HARD to not make noises but always fails(you just the goat)
🎸-He would grab you by the neck 100%
🎸- he would say weird stuff like "you taste so good luv"
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Here's a small hobie x black reader fic where the reader is A smoke/drug addict(bear wit me)
[Now playing] Cigarettes out the window- TV GIRL
I was waiting in the office waiting for my boyfriend hobie to pick me up from rehab.
I was in rehab for five months but was still in need for more Drugs.
Hobie tried his best to make me stop but nothing would work so he'd just give in
"Hey baby" I say smiling as he came through the doors. He ran up to me and hugged me. (Time skip cause I'm tired).
We were in his house on his couch. I was BORED and hobie wasn't helping,but I wasn't bored I just needed some coke and I'll be fine...
I took some coke out of my pocket,snorting it and looking at hobie with red eyes. "Luv! I thought rehab helped you!! You said you'd quit!?". "I'm sor-....." I fell asleep in the middle of everything.
My dream was weird I was in a pool full of bags of weeds,drugs,pills anything TBH. You were excited till a voice said "snap out of it, your losing him" and that's what gave me motivation to stop
-Few months later-
Me and hobie watched the sunset holding hands. "I haven't felt this good in forever, thank you baby for helping me give up my addiction" I say getting on his lap and holding his hands. He pulled in and time went in slow motion.. that sweet passionate kiss was all I needed sll along.
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Hey pookies!!!
I'm going to sleep now
Ty for the likes on my recent post I'll post the College AU part 2 tommorow bye luvies!!
Made by - @milesmoralesloverr
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littlepuppylee · 6 months
Update On My Life:
Hi everyone!
I know it's been a while since I've been active, a lot has been going on in my life recently, and my recently I mean the past year. Just a warning, I do talk about just like anxiety, depression, and dealing with trauma and thoughts of sewer slide.
First, I would just like to thank you guys for being patient with me and my absence. I know I don't have a large following, but I still have people on here who I would chat with occasionally. I haven't been doing well since July of 2023. To sum everything up, I had jumped from relationship to relationship, got cheated on in one, had a fwb relationship for the first time and got my heart broken, and was uhhhh not well mentally lmao. Sorry I'm avoiding trauma dumping. But hey I finally lost my virginity, so that's something.
So for me, whenever I've been in relationships, I kind of neglect my NSFW Tumblr blogs mainly because I don't want my partners finding them and either 1. finding out some kinks that I'm not ready to share, or 2. presume that I am cheating on them or being unfaithful.
I'm also in therapy and I should be starting some anti-anxiety medication that should also help with depression. Yay, Zoloft. Oh yeah! Officially diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder - not surprised since it runs in my family- and Atypical Depression - I didn't fit the entire criteria for Major Depressive Disorder since my depressive episodes aren't long enough, which also runs in my family - as well as some symptoms relating to PTSD - I don't fit the entire criteria for PTSD I think; I just remember being diagnosed with Acute Stress Disorder. I'll talk to my therapist about that for clarification.
Also, don't be like me and jump from relationship to relationship as a way to distract yourself from the negative feelings from the past one. 1. That just isn't fair to the other person if they are not aware of this, and 2. You need to give yourself time to heal. I never gave that to myself because I thought I was fine. I thought I was better, but my therapist helped me realize that no, I am not better. She had said to me that just because I feel better, that doesn't mean I am actually better, and when she asked me for my thoughts on what she had just said, I realized that I haven't been better for a while. I haven't been better for a long time, which became more obvious when I opened up to her about a traumatic event that happened when I was 12-13 and hadn't talked about in years.
I ended my most recent relationship because I realized that I was in fact not okay and not over my trauma, and the levels of anxiety and feelings of apathy from depressive episodes that I was feeling was affecting my relationship. It was a good relationship, but I probably shouldn't have been in a relationship to begin with at the time considering 1. my grandfather died and that was a bit traumatic to witness, 2. I had just gotten my heart heavily broken, and 3. uhhhh mental health got SUPER bad :] Thoughts of sewer slide, but I'm hanging in!
Alright! Let's get onto the positive stuff! Besides that, the second semester of my second year of college is going super well academically speaking. It's the end of the semester right now, finals are coming up very soon, and I have 2 B's and the rest are A's as of this moment. All I have left now are mostly papers, 2 official finals, and a presentation. I'm also an aunt now! Not too fond of kids myself, but my nephew is the exception lmao, he's pretty cool for a newborn. I've also been reading a book right now called 'Tiny Traumas' to hopefully help me identify some areas in my life that could've contributed to the way I think, act, and feel, and how to move forward. I also finally get to start working, so making some money will be nice. Putting off relationships for a while and focusing on making money and bettering myself
What have I learned? Well, I can't have sex without developing feelings - found that out the hard way, I genuinely DID go through a traumatic experience and I had been downplaying it for years because nothing physical happened, don't trust Gemini men, don't date a 23 year old at 19, DON'T TAKE HIM BACK AFTER HE CHEATS EVEN IF IT WAS ONLY EMOTIONALLY CHEATING, and I cannot do a polyamorous relationship. Scratch that, what I actually learned was that I was a unicorn lmao. At least it makes a good funny story to tell.
So I'm mostly making all of this known to hopefully help feel someone less alone, especially on the NSFW side of Tumblr, as well as to just vent a bit while avoiding trauma dumping. This is also just to help show where I've been and how I'm doing. Besides that, I should be back for good, and I hope you guys are doing well :)
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Keep it down. Katsuki Bakugo (College AU).
warnings!: cheating (on y/n and on y/n's boyfriend), dub-con, college au, quirk usage, marking, breath play, coercion/blackmail, spanking.
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I'm feeling deviously horny and I find that it's the perfect timing since everyone (well almost everyone) is hanging out downstairs.
Everybody knows Bakugo goes to bed early. Sometimes it's annoying when we are all going out and he complains about how he would rather be getting in his "beauty rest".
It's about 9 pm on a Saturday, so everyone usually stays up pretty late.
I fake a dramatic yawn. "Hey guys.. I'm gonna head to bed. Long day training today and I promise you the second my head hits that pillow I'll be knocked." I yawn out.
"Oh alright y/n goodnight!" Mina says before the rest of them say goodnight as well.
I head upstairs, rubbing my thighs together as I go to create some sort of friction with the uncomfortable sensation between my legs.
The dorms are set up between boys a girls.
But my dorm is right across from the boys dormitory since my parents were defiant of me getting a dorm until they finally gave in and they gave the extra room (that they made just in case) to me.
I feel worried for a slight second before I quickly stop that feeling realizing that there's not way Bakugo will hear me. I can't be that loud..
And besides he's asleep anyways, not to mention the rooms are pretty far considering the fact that there's a corner.
I walk in and immediately take off my clothes and take my vibrator out of my dresser.
I lay down in silky bed sheets.
Feeling the warm and comforting feeling around me gets me more aroused.
I turn the vibrator on the medium setting and bring the pink toy to my clit, causing whimpers and whines to accidentally slip from my mouth louder than intended.
But it's fine everybody is far from me so nobody will hear me right?
I moan louder as I feel my stomach begin to twist.
Louder and louder forgetting where I am as I'm caught in the moment of my high.
Rubbing harder and harder against my clit and labia that it's impossible not to scream to the beat and abuse the toy is laying on my cunt.
I finish and I almost thought I got away with how loud I was.
"'m gonna have to do this more often." I say inbetween pants almost too soon when I hear a knock on my door.
"Uh- uh-huh?" I say covering myself in a blanket knowing whoever it is will probably walk right inside knowing all my classmates.
"Keep it down will you? I bet people hidden on deaf ears could hear your desperate ass to get some dick wet." My door opens and there reveals Bakugo in the flesh.
Damn it damn it. I was really hoping his asleep self wouldn't hear me.. him of all people too. Why couldn't it have been a girl or something. They would have understood.
Oh he's so gonna make fun of me and probably tell his entire stupid friend group about this.
And what do I tell my boyfriend if he finds out through Bakugo that he's heard me in the sheets.?
"Um.. 'm sorry. Didn't mean to be that loud." I mumble, now being frightened by the phone that he's looking at in his hands.
"What did you say? I can't hear your damn mumbling." He says as he closes the door.
"I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to wake you. Please, please don't tell anyone that you heard me please! My boyfriend would leave me in seconds if he knew you heard me in bed please." I begin to beg.
"I won't tell anyone.." He walks closer, pressing buttons on his phone.
"Oh thank you." I let out a breath I hadn't known I was holding.
"But only if.." He starts.
Oh no.
Now I'm frightened.
No. Terrified of what he could make up.
I hear a media coming from his phone as he turns up the volume.
It consists of my noises I had made previous to all this when I was pleasuring myself..
I begin to shake.
"Please delete that Bakugo.. I'll get in big trouble!" I begin to yell and tremble on my words.
"Shh. I told you to keep it down." He shooshes me. "Listen, Princess. If you make those noises using me instead. I won't show anyone. I won't talk." He makes a proposition.
At first I almost automatically say no.
I would never cheat on my poor boyfriend.
But I also don't want him to leave me when he finds out that I was doing this and Bakugo could even frame me and say another man was with me..
"Uh. I'm not so sure. What about my boyfriend? That's cheating.." I say. "Isn't there any other way?" I ask.
"Hah, yeah there is. And it's that I tell your sweet little boyfriend for you that you were in here begging for another man's dick and I have audio recording to prove it!" He smirks and holds up his phone and comes closer.
"So what'll it be, Princess? Gonna play nice f'me?" He walks closer and grabs a fist full of the comforter my naked body is hiding beneath.
I stay silent for a moment before weakly agreeing.
"So. Show me what you look like. Take off the blanket and be quick with this y/n. I still need sleep tonight so you better be full of haste." He takes his hand off the blanket as i begin to slip it off my body. Revealing my bare chest. My thighs sticking together from my juices from earlier and just everything he never should've seen from me.
I hear him grunt and he comes closer, feeling my legs up to my thighs with warm calloused palms. Moving up to my stomach and my bare chest, pinching my nipple as he watches it harden under his touch.
My body shivers as he plays with the pierced bud, my nipple piercing suddenly feeling colder than usual.
"You're fuckin' beautiful." He says as he lowers his head to mine and places a sloppy and wet kiss on my lips, pinching my nipple causing a whimper to erupt from my throat. This gives him the perfect lewd opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth and fight against me.
He pulls away leaving my lips puffy and red and me breathing heavily.
He brings his left hand to my side and smacks it, using his quirk to burn the skin ever so subtly, leaving a big read and purplish hand mark on my hip.
"Mm- but.. what about (boyfriends name)?." I say, pointing out the harsh mark he left on my bare hip.
"Guess no more sex unless it's from me for a while huh?" He chuckles.
"It's not funny! I can't even wear my hero costume or else he will see it!" I whisper shout.
"Well then just say it happened in training!" He mockingly whisper shouts back.
"Don't mock me." I pout and look away.
"I'll do what I want. You do know your relationship is on the line don't you?" He says as he spreads my legs and brings his still clothed body inbetween them, spreading his legs to straddle himself on my bed.
He stares at my naked cunt as I become insecure, closing my legs before he looks into my eyes to see that I was feeling insecure.
He spreads my legs again but this time instead of staring he comes inbetween them to meet his face with mine, pressing his clothed erection against my wet cunt.
"Hey." He rubs a hand on my cheek. "Relax. You're perfect. You're doin' great f'me baby." He places a peck on my lips.
There's butterflies in my chest now.
I hate myself for feeling for the words he'd just said but I can tell he meant it with all sincerity I his voice.
My cunt clenches around nothing at his beautifully spoken words I thought he would never say. Especially not now. Not here.
I crawl over to him on hands and knees since he's now sitting across my bed from me.
"Come to feel what you do to me?" He says as he grabs my hand gently and brings it to the big hard erection in his sweats.
He's shirtless, his muscles being perfectly defined.
He looks gorgeous like this.
"Wanna see it?" He asks almost rhetorically.
I nod my head in agreeance as he stands up and slides his sweats and his boxers down at the same time.
His large and veiny cock springs from his pants and begins to bend upwards and to the left but held down due to the sheer mass.
It just looks heavy.
I swallow the spit collected in my mouth before I start drooling.
"Yeah? Wonderin' if it'll even fit aren't you? But you'll make it work won't you, Princess. Why will you? For who? Me or that sicko of a boyfriend he's being cheating you into thinking he is?" He asks.
I begin the think of his words before knowing my answer.
Sicko? So he's lying isn't he. I look into Bakugo's eyes to see slight sympathy.
"Bakugo what do you mean sicko?" I ask, standing up to continue looking up at the man who sulks for me.
"He's cheatin' on you. Thought I'd tell you before you get too mad at me for fuckin' you while you had a man." He looks down then back to me as he places hands on my hips.
I hug Bakugo softly.
He's an ass for what he's doing to me right now but I wanna squeeze him and thank him for this.
"Well. Come on, Princess. Get your revenge." He winks and pushes me back to the bed before spreading my legs as I giggle at his fast pace.
He slides his tip up and down my folds.
"You ready?" He asks, genuineness prone in his crimson orbs.
I nod a quick yes before he slowly begins to slide into me.
I start to moan quite loud and lewdly before he takes his hand and places it over my mouth, covering my nostrils in the process.
"Sorry baby, gotta keep it down." He presses his free hand down on my lower stomach making me feel a tight pulsing in my core and in my stomach.
I tap his arm in desperate need of air.
He takes his hand off briefly and soon places it back on when I'm ready.
He continues to make hard and lucid pumps into my sweet cunt, making the tight knot in me break and come close to snapping.
I tap his arm "I'm gon- come.." I moan and breathe out.
"Yeah? Hold it in a little longer okay baby? Come with me okay?" He says rubbing his hand on my cheek.
I moan into his touch softly before he sticks his thumb into my open mouth and I suck on it softly.
He groans when he sees me do that and I feel him bottom out in me as his thrusts become sloppier.
"Fuck baby.. come with me. Now. Come f'me baby. Cum on my cock fuck." He grunts and makes one big thrust which makes both of us finish together.
I'm seeing white as he coats my walls with sticky white.
Our juices mixing as he pulls out to watch them flow out of my abused hole.
"My pretty little pussy." He says as he stares at it. "'S so pretty."
I giggle.
"You sure did enjoy that for someone who was not all for the idea in the first place." He says.
"Would you take a picture and send it to (boyfriends name)? Let him know I'm leaving his ass." I say.
"Sure can." He smirks.
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catholicdaredevil · 3 years
could i get something with matt where it’s like you guys act married but are hiding the fact that you’re in love with the other person from each other because you’re both stupid when it comes to feelings and everyone you meet assumes you’ve been together forever even though you’re not actually a couple?
so since i'm only really doing little drabbles right now i'm changing this a bit to just fake dating at a wedding because somehow in my brain i got the entire request a little backwords in my head when i started and didn't realize i was wrong till like halfway through but i hope you enjoy!! also i hope no one notices or minds me cycling through new girl character names as my randomly named side characters since i'm in the middle of a rewatch. this ended up longer than i thought and i kind of lost my way towards the end so maybe not my best work but hey i'm gonna put this under a keep reading since it ended up around 1.5k words
"matt please, i can't go single. it'd be way too embarrassing, you know nick's gonna be there, and with his girlfriend-"
"is this the girl he cheated on you with?"
"then fine i'm in."
when you'd gotten the invitation to your old college friends wedding you had been excited. you hadn't seen her in years, life and jobs getting in the way of being able to meet up and see each other. plus weddings were a lot of fun, you got to see a bunch of old friends, dress up, and get absolutely fucking plastered. that is until you found out your old boyfriend who you dated for all of college and two years into law school, that you thought you were going to get married to, that you had been deeply in love with. who had then broken your heart into a million little pieces by cheating with your old coworker. you were excited until you found out he was going.
your old boyfriend who had left you needing not only a new boyfriend, but a new apartment and job. the one bedroom you shared significantly more crowded once his new girlfriend moved in less than a week after you found out.
luckily you had two friends you had let you move in with them while you looked for a new apartment. even more luckily one of them had just agreed to be your fake date to the wedding, so you wouldn't have to go alone.
"ugh, you're the best matty. i gotta go pick out a dress," you surged forward to smack the loudest kiss on his cheek before rushing out of nelson and murdock.
it was one wedding. he'd be fine right? he could pretend to be your boyfriend and not slip up and admit he was desperately in love with you. right?
it had been going great. he'd picked you up on time, in the suit he knew was your favorite no less. and your heart, like every other time he wore it, skipped at least three beats when you had opened your door. his cheeks a deep red, as he held his hand out for you to take. just a quick taxi ride to the other side of town and a couple deep breaths by both of you before you entered the hotel and there you were. at a wedding. pretending to be dating.
if he felt the way your whole body was trembling just slightly with his arm casually around your waist he kept it to himself. you had calmed down about ten minutes into the ceremony, which was beautiful really. but as you settled down, he found himself gearing up. it really was a nice ceremony and he tried so hard to not sit there and overthink every aspect of this in his mind.
was he supposed to kiss you? was it okay if he did? how far did pretending have to go? god why did it have to be pretend. why couldn't he have just told you, preferably years ago, that he was in love with you. then maybe you could be real dating at this wedding instead of this embarrassing facsimile of his want.
"matt, it's over. just the reception and then we can go, i promise."
so caught up in his head he hadn't even realized the crowded room had finished clapping and people slowly filtered out to go towards dinner. he cleared his throat, snatched his bearings tightly and stood letting you lead him to your table.
you grabbed both yourself and him plates of food and after dropping them off with him at the table then worked your way back through the crowd to get drinks. he felt so awkward, sitting alone at the table, at an event where he really only knew you. he thinks he met your friend, the one getting married, maybe twice back in law school. each time at some shitty bar in a large group, everyone getting shit faced after finals or something.
"matt," that voice had him clenching his teeth as he turned to face it. "so good to see you again dude, i didn't realize you'd been invited."
before he could even open his mouth to respond, your scent drifted closer as you stepped up next to nick in front of him.
"he didn't. well not officially, we came together." your words stiff, the fake air of nonchalance stale around you. you set the drinks in your hands down on the table and maneuvered around your ex boyfriend to sit.
"hey baby, thanks for getting my drink," he grabbed the hand that had just set his glass down in front of him to press a gentle kiss to your palm before holding it in his lap.
you tried to cover up the heat in your cheeks by quickly drinking the glass of wine in your free hand but couldn't help but watch nick out of the corner of your eye to see his reaction. it was worth it to watch the dumb look on his face as he put two and two together and came up, finally, with four.
"oh. so you guys are like dating, huh?" nick's clipped tone got under matt's skin. how was he gonna be annoyed like he wasn't the one who cheated on you. he had no right.
"yes." your body jerked straight up and you choked on your own spit silently as nick and matt had a stare down. a very pointless action when matt was not only blind but wearing his usual red sunglasses. matt met the gesture anyways, before he heard your quiet choking and turned back to face you. "i've been in love with you since the day i met you."
he continued to grip your hand, his thumb running across your knuckles under the table. something in the way he said it, in the way his skin felt against yours had things shifting into perspective. there was a revelation here, bubbling underneath the surface if you just dug for it. this was almost too real.
"i- um, congrats. really, that's uh that's cool, i uh i gotta go," neither you or matt turned to watch nick leave, his brain panicking at the way you froze. shit, he'd gone too far. you really should have come up with a plan before, and now he's fucked it up.
"matt, are you-"
your words trailed off and your eyebrows pinched together your brain still struggling to make sense of things. oh how quickly the whole night had gotten turned around. he couldn't have actually meant it, could he? he could just be that good at acting, except matt was a terrible liar when it came down to it, so if it wasn't acting.
"shit, i'm sorry, i'm so sorry, i don't know why i said that. i didn't mean to make it weird, we can go, i'm sorry." matt dropped your hand like it burnt him, grabbing his cane he stood. you stared down at your hands, the sudden absence of the warmth of him felt worse than it should. you were friends. just friends.
sharp laughter at the table next to you shocked you back into the moment and you looked at him, really looked. the tension running across his shoulders, the grip on his cane, the way his jaw was clenched so hard it had to hurt. they all added up.
"matt are you in love with me?" your eyes dropped back down and you followed the designs in the carpet your voice barely more than a whisper.
"how- um, how long have you been in love with me?" out of your peripherals you saw him sit back down next to you. he sighed and grabbed the long ignored drink in front of him, downing it in one go.
"since the day i met you, i- i'm really sorry. i shouldn't have come, i shouldn't have said that i just-" one peek up from the carpet at him and your world came crashing down.
he was. he was in love with you. matt murdock, your best friend, was in love with you.
he sat as still as a statue, ready for whatever cosmic punishment was going to befall him for this. for fucking up one of the most important friendships in his life, how could he have fucked this one up so bad. his fingers sat on top of his thighs, tapping nervously as he waited for you to respond. if you responded.
it felt like hours to him, but just the barest of seconds for you. your brain finally caught up, and you surged forward crashing your mouth into his. your hands immediately flew to grip in his hair, needing something, anything to ground you to this moment.
to kissing your best friend. to him kissing you back.
his brain shut down and rebooted and when he came back he had one hand cupping your face, the other tightly wound in the fabric of your dress at your side almost pulling you out of your seat to bring you as close as possible.
"i'm in love wi-" you spoke, pulling away but he shook his head just slightly and immediately pulled you back in.
"sh, just kiss me."
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my-undeniable-truth · 2 years
I'm Still Here
I am a Millennial. At least that's what the media labels me as. Apparently I am to blame for a long-suffering economy, a sharp decline in religious belief, a lack of home ownership, people not wanting to work, etc.
I am 30 years old. The schools told us we could be anything we want. My parents alternated between "you can do anything you put your mind to" and "be realistic".
I was taught to stand up to peer pressure but speaking my mind at home was considered a form of disrespect.
I was taught to use my "common sense" but never to question the religion I was raised in.
I was taught that marriage was sacred and between a man and a woman. But my parents later divorced when I began college.
My mother met another man on Facebook. My father withdrew emotionally and began sitting on the porch, in a chair, the empty beer cans scattered about.
My father is a veteran with PTSD. He would become angry with my mom over the smallest incidents. For instance, he snapped at her because she asked him if he needed dandruff shampoo, a little too loudly in Walmart.
Mom felt like she was doing more than her fair share; dad felt neglected. She "hardened" her heart as she put it; he drank too much. In church, we sat in separate pews.
She was unknowingly going through a midlife crisis. He was neglecting his mental health. Neither communicated, and neither went to therapy.
She cheated on him; he took his frustration out on the family. Yelling at her, at my two sisters, and me. Mom used me as her therapist/sounding board, dumping everything on me.
It started my senior year; their marriage ended my first year in college. They raised me to believe gay marriage was wrong, but here our family was suffering because their marriage self-destructed.
Both neglected their responsibilities and yet refused to drop their expectations of me. And they wonder why I suffer from anxiety, depression, and PTSD.
I was hit as a child. In the Bible Belt, they call it "spanking". Just another word for abuse.
My parents said they did it to teach me respect. Respect who? You or me? So you violated my personal boundaries because you felt like I didn't respect your authority? All I did was learn to fear you and hate myself.
My parents said they did it out of love. Well that's where I call bullshit. I am an empath. I feel the emotions of others. All I ever felt from them in those moments was frustration and anger.
I fail to see how it is done out of love when you as the parent are willingly inflicting pain on a child who can't defend themselves.
In later years, I would suffer anxiety attacks whenever I saw a child being spanked. Whenever the topic of spanking came up in a conversation, I would do my best to change the topic or find an excuse to lave the room.
Whenever I heard my sisters being spanked, I would experience flashbacks. I would find myself back in time, in those moments where I was assaulted. I would feel the pain again.
I was told I was "too sensitive". My dad would tell people he was trying to "toughen" us up.
We weren't allowed to cry much. How many times have I heard "I'll give you something to cry about"?
My parents were also overly critical of us. If my opinion didn't suit theirs, I was automatically wrong. Their response was often "I didn't raise you that way". Teaching me to be honest and then attacking me for thinking different, for making a mistake, or for failing. No wonder I lied, cried in private, feared the disapproval of others, suffered from low self-esteem, etc.
My best friend, who is gay, has saved me countless times. He's helped me realize that I don't have to live up to others expectations. He's helped me learn self-acceptance, embrace who I am, and embrace self-care.
To Christian standards, I might be selfish. With each day, I'm learning more and more how to be myself.
I am recovering from another mental breakdown. I've struggled with my mental health and suicidal tendencies for most of my life. Not to mention self-harm.
Recently I struggled with opioid addiction and with being in a toxic relationship.
I'm a college dropout, a job hopper, a disappointment, the family fuck up, mentally ill, a recovering drug addict.
I'm numb. Angry. Lost. Confused...
But I'm also
A survivor. A fighter. A loving person.
I'm someone
Who wants to make the world a better place
Who tries every day
To be better
Than my parents were
Than my ex was
Than who I was
I'm tired
of feeling
inadequate, useless
To quote Linkin Park:
"I'm tired of being
who they want me to be"
it all,
I'm still here
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cocobeanncteez · 4 years
ATEEZ Wooyoung- School President (Oneshot)
Genre: light angst, suggestive/steamy, high school au.
Pairing: SchoolPresident!Wooyoung x badgirl!reader
Warnings: none.
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"Miss L/N, detention after school till 4 p.m." your chemistry teacher said, making you mentally groan. It was the last class of the day and you were dying to go home, but now you had to stay for an extra hour. All your classmates turned to look at you, but they weren't surprised. "You still haven't submitted the assignment."
"Can I just submit it tomorrow?" you asked in a bored tone.
"No, you were supposed to submit it a week ago," she said, gathering her stuff to leave the class. "Detention with Mrs. Hwang today." You heard people around you snicker. Well, fuck. Mrs. Hwang was the strictest teacher in school. Even you were scared of her despite your badass attitude.
You got up from your seat, leaving the classroom with an annoyed expression on your face.
"Detention again, Y/N?" your bestfriend asked as she made her way to you with your other friends.
You rolled your eyes. "Ms. Jang will never fucking let me live in peace. I'll see you guys tomorrow," you said, making your way to detention.
You were surprised to find the room empty. Usually, there would always be about three or five students. Since no one was here, you decided to ditch; you would skip school the next day so that your teachers will forget about it. You turned around to leave, but ended up bumping into someone, slightly startling yourself.
"What are you doing here?" you asked, raising an eyebrow at your school president and heartthrob—also called 'senior's eye candy' at your school—Jung Wooyoung.
You had to admit, he was certainly the most handsome guy you've ever seen. Jung Wooyoung was absolutely perfect. Every girl wanted him and every guy wanted to be him. You were sure half your school tried to hit on him despite the fact that he has a girlfriend.
"Unfortunately, I'm here to make sure that you won't escape detention as Mrs. Hwang is busy, so take a seat," he said, moving around you to sit on a chair and taking a notebook out of his bag.
You always found Jung Wooyoung very interesting. Other guys like him—the nerdy ones—can't even talk to you, let alone look you in the eye. Jung Wooyoung was the complete opposite.
You sat on one of the chairs, immediately taking your phone out.
"You can't use your phone here," Wooyoung said, not looking up at you from his notebook. "Why don't you complete your assignment?"
You scoffed. "And if I don't? What are you gonna do about it?"
"Nothing," he said, looking at you. "It's not affecting me in any way, so I don't care. However, Ms. Jang is gonna fail you again if you don't submit your assignment."
You knew he was right. And that annoyed you; you really just wanted to shut his pretty mouth up.
"Whatever," you mumbled, taking out a notebook and the assignment sheet to start working on the reactions you had to write.
However, you were completely blank. You didn't know or understand a word given on the sheet. You bit your lip as you stared at the sheet, wondering what to do.
Finally, you took out your phone and googled all the reactions, easily finishing the assignment in less than half an hour.
"You know, you won't be able to copy during finals," Wooyoung said, closing his notebook. "Even if you're copying now, at least learn what you've copied."
"I didn't ask for your comments," you retort. He was about to say something, but his phone rang.
"Hey, baby," he answered. " . . . I'm in charge of detention today . . . Oh, that's okay," his face fell slightly. " . . . No, it's alright. We can go some other day . . . Hmm, I love you too. Bye!"
You snorted, feeling bad for the boy. You were surprised someone as smart as him hasn't figured out that his girlfriend has been cheating on him. You've seen his girlfriend shoving her tongue down random people in the club, and hitting on people at your school. You remembered how shocked you were when you first found out that she was cheating on him; because why would anyone cheat on someone as perfect as Jung Wooyoung?
"You can leave now," Wooyoung said, getting up from his seat. "Detention is over." You nodded, leaving as fast as you can, just wanting to go home and sleep.
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"Your grades aren't very bad, but they aren't great either, Y/N," your class teacher said. "You'll get into an average college with these grades. But I know you can do much better. So I've asked one of the prefects to tutor you in Chemistry and Physics."
You groaned. "Can I do it by myself?"
"You wouldn't do it by yourself," she said. "Anyway, Jung Wooyoung will be tutoring you. Discuss and decide your timings with him. I expect you to score well on the next exam. I do not want to see you fail in any subject again." Before you could say anything, the door to the staff room opened, revealing none other than Jung Wooyoung. "Ah, Wooyoung, I just told Y/N that you will be tutoring her," she said. "I'm expecting you to do a great job."
Wooyoung smiled. "I won't let you down, Mrs. Park. But Y/N must put in efforts or else there's no point," he stated in a polite tone, and you rolled your eyes.
"Yes, that's true," she turned to look at you. "I'm expecting nothing but your best efforts, Y/N." She's always expecting something, huh, you thought. You only smiled, bowing politely.
"I'll do my best."
"What the actual fuck is this?" you mumbled, staring at the lengthy derivation written in Wooyoung's notebook. He rolled his eyes, so tired of hearing you say that to literally everything you saw written in his notebook.
"Ah, why did they have to make me tutor you of all people?" he whined. "You clearly haven't paid attention in class for even half a second."
"No one told you to accept it," you said, ignoring his last comment.
"I had to," he scoffed, stretching his arms out, making you glance at the veins on his arms. "Extra credits, you know?"
"Nerd," you muttered under your breath. He heard you, but didn't say anything. He began teaching you how to derive it; you paid attention for the first few seconds before zoning out. When you zoned back in, he asked you to explain what he just explained. You bit your lip, thinking of what to say.
He sighed. "You didn't pay attention again."
"I zoned out, sorry."
"That's what you said for the previous derivation," he said, a disappointed look on his face while he packed up his things.
"You're leaving already?" you asked, glancing at the time on your phone; you still had twenty minutes left.
"I'm not going to waste my time teaching you right now," he said. "You clearly aren't in the mood to focus." You only scoffed, watching him leave the library. You bit your lip, feeling kinda bad for not paying attention when he was making an effort to teach you.
The look of disappointment he showed you had somehow made you determined to prove that you could focus and do better.
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You were at Wooyoung's house, sitting on his bed and scrolling through your social media while waiting for him to finish changing out of his uniform. You spent an entire two weeks studying your ass off, and you were proud you made a big improvement, thanks to Wooyoung. He was quite surprised that you were actually making an effort to understand whatever he taught you. You both even became friends, and you were quite happy about that.
"I'm done," he said, coming out of his bathroom, making you look up from your phone. You held your breath at the sight of Wooyoung dressed in grey sweatpants and a black tank top. You couldn't stop yourself from checking him out: the veins running down his muscled arms, his exposed collarbones, his sharp jawline, his plump lips . . .
You were so immersed into checking him out, you didn't realize he was doing the same to you. He loved how your uniform skirt rid up your thighs, and how another two buttons on your shirt were unbuttoned, exposing a little bit of your cleavage. Before you knew it, he was slowly making his way towards you, eyes now locked with yours.
"Let's start, hmm?" he said with a smirk; he knew you were checking him out.
You clear your throat a little. "Yeah, let's start."
You spent the next half an hour trying to pay attention to whatever Wooyoung was teaching you. It didn't help that he absentmindedly placed his hand on your knee, or brushed your hand with his; he knew exactly what he was doing to you. Your mind kept wandering to the things you want him to do to you right now on his bed.
" . . . and now you should tell me," he leaned a little close to you with a smirk, making your heartbeat speed up. "Which formula should be used?"
"Fuck this," you muttered, pushing the books aside before straddling Wooyoung's lap.
"Took you long enough," he chuckled, and you crashed your lips on his. He instantly kissed you back, hands moving to grip your waist. You wouldn't admit it to anyone, but you have been dreaming about kissing Wooyoung the second he talked back to you a year ago.
You pulled away to litter his neck in kisses, sucking the skin gently. He groaned softly, making you smirk. "Fan of neck kisses?"
"You have no idea," he said, hands moving underneath your skirt to grip your bare inner thighs. He gave it a squeeze, making you involuntarily grind down on him. He moaned at the feeling, encouraging you to do it again. You moved your lips back to his, grinding on him even more. Wooyoung's hands slipped into your panties, grabbing your ass to help you grind down on him faster. The friction made you moan, craving for more. You tugged on his shirt, breaking the kiss to let him pull it off. You ran your hand down his toned torso in awe, loving the feeling of his abs beneath your fingertips. Your eyes widened at the tattoo above his hip bone. "You have a tattoo?!"
Wooyoung gripped your hips, moving you off of him so that he could hover over you. "Mhmm, bet you never expected the nerdy school president to have a tattoo, huh?" Your hands moved to his hair, playing it with while he began to kiss your neck, driving you crazy.
Wooyoung kissed down your chest till where your shirt was unbuttoned. He glanced up at you, fingers toying with the buttons. "Can I?" he asked. You nodded, letting him unbutton your shirt and slip it off you. You sucked in a breath when he ran his fingers over the lacy material of your bra.
"Take it off," you whined, making him chuckle.
"Patience, baby," he said, one hand gently rubbing your thigh.
But you really didn't have any patience right now.
You brought his lips to yours while you moved his hand to touch you where you desperately needed him, surprising him a little. He kissed you back hungrily while his finger moved on your clothed clit, applying pressure, making you get wetter. Your moans made him smirk; he loved how he was the reason behind it.
You both got startled at the sudden sound of his garage opening. He halted his movements, pulling away from you instantly.
"One of my parents is back from work," he said, quickly putting on his tank top and handing you your uniform shirt. You quickly buttoned it and straightened out your hair; you really did not want Wooyoung's strict parents to suspect anything since they already did not like the idea of him tutoring you in his final year of high school.
Wooyoung's father knocked on his bedroom door before opening it, finding you and Wooyoung busy writing equations.
"Oh, hey, dad! How was work?" Wooyoung asked with a sweet, innocent smile like as if he wasn't smirking a few minutes ago while touching you.
"Hello, Mr. Jung," you said politely.
"Hello, Y/N," he said. "Work was all right, as usual. How is your tutoring session going?"
"Good, dad," Wooyoung said, trying to control himself from smirking. "It's going really great."
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