#I've also heard his voice in my head very clearly before and am more or less capable of just . getting a ''feeling'' that he's ''with me''
angeltism · 10 months
oh shit maybe I should actually talk about star a little instead of leaving his entire existence vague as hell to uu guys . maybe ? idk I don't owe anybun an explanation of who he is or anything but also . idk ?
0 notes
propertyofyoutube · 5 months
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I thought we were ghost hunting? - EXPLICIT
Summary: You are a content creator and are also a huge fan of Sam and Colby. You finally got that DM to collab with your favourite duo. Colby had been your 'celebrity crush' for a long time now. But little did you know, he was also a huge fan of you...
WARNINGS: SMUT 18+, FILTH, unprotected sex, oral, fingering, biting, kind of public sex (at haunted location)
"I swear you better not be weird!" You said to your best friend as you began driving to the Winchester Mystery House for your collab with Sam and Colby.
Y/b/f/n looked at you with her mouth wide open, trying her best to fight a smile, "what? Why would I be weird?" She said with a smirk.
You quickly glanced at her before rolling your eyes looking back to the road, "dude... I swear to god-"
"Now why on earth, would I... your best friend, do anything weird or embarrassing to you, in front of the guy who is at the top of your 'would sit on his face' list?" She chuckled to herself as your heart pounded, as deep down, you truly didn't know if she would or not.
You stayed quiet for a moment before she spoke again, "y/n, chill. I swear on my life I would never do that. I will only say something, if you..." she pointed at you as she spoke seriously, "don't!"
You rolled your eyes as you let out a sigh, "no girl... it's Colby fucking Brock." You couldn't help but let out a laugh, "every single woman wants a piece of him, I am not going to embarrass myself, I've got more respect for myself than that," you giggle.
You looked over at y/b/f/n as she looked annoyed as she spoke, "well clearly not enough respect!" You frowned at her, "y/n, you are hot! And if Colby fucking Brock doesn't see that, then he's a fool!"
You smiled at her as you shook your head, "you have to say that! You're my best friend!"
"No, I'm your best friend so I would tell you if I truly thought you'd embarrass yourself. Rizz yourself up girl!" She laughed as you rolled your eyes again chuckling as you knew full well you definitely would not be trying anything on with him.
Sam glanced at Colby as he fixed his hair for the 10th time in the passenger seat mirror. "Dude... your hair looks fine!" He laughed as Colby continued to move the pieces of dark hair around his face.
"Are you sure?" Colby asked not taking his eyes off himself.
Sam looked at him again even more confused, "dude, yes." Sam watched as Colby continued to fumble with his appearance, and it was almost as though he looked nervous. "What is going on with you?" Sam asked bluntly.
Colby shut the mirror as he cleared his throat, "nothing... I just wanna look good." He said, he looking at Sam.
Sam quickly realised what was going on as he recalled how many times over the last year Colby has talked about y/n and what your latest videos were. "Ohh... I see what's going on here." Sam smirked as Colby snapped his attention to him looking confused.
"What?" Colby responded very quickly.
"It's because of y/n, isn't it?" Sam couldn't help but smile as he spoke.
Colby started huffing and shaking his head trying to come up with something, "dude- no. I always want to look good."
"But this time it's different and you know it," Sam chuckled as it was very rare Colby would be so nervous to meet anyone, or crumble this much over a girl. Colby didn't say anything as he reopened the mirror one last time and Sam let you a much harder laugh, "dude, just talk to her! Ask her out!"
Colby shook his head, "no dude, I heard that she and Zach may be dating." Colby said with a hint of sadness in his voice.
"Oh... as in Zach justice?" Sam said as he tried to think.
"Uh huh..." Colby nodded.
"Oh..." Sam continued to ponder his thoughts as Colby gazed out the window. "You know... could just be a rumour..." Sam said smiling again.
Colby rolled his eyes believing that y/n was off limits.
As you pulled up the Winchester Mystery House you could feel your body become overrun with chills, your heart pounding harder than ever before. You couldn't really tell if it was because of the house or because of the fact you were about to meet Colby for the first time.
"There they are, pull up over there!" Y/b/f/n said as you looked forward and seen Sam organising things in the trunk of his car. He slowly turned around to see you guys pulling up as he lifted up his hand waving with a smile spread across his face.
You pulled up next to Sam's car, as you turned the ignition off you took a deep breath. Y/b/f/n wasted no time, jumping out of the car excitedly running around to your side of the car to hug Sam. You grabbed your phone and held your keys tightly before taking another deep inhale of oxygen, gripping the handle and stepping out of the car.
"Y/n, hey!" Sam said as he walked to you, embracing you instantly.
"Heyy!" You smiled widely, as you hugged one of your idols. "I can't believe you invited us here." You laughed as Sam pulled away.
"Wait why?" Sam asked looking at her confused.
You thought for a moment, trying to think of what to say that doesn't make you sound like a psycho fan, "I've just been a fan for so long, it's crazy!" You decided an overbearing of confidence and making inappropriate jokes whilst you're nervous is the best option. As always. "You know, that you'd want us in a video... for the comedic relief right?" You chuckled awkwardly, 'why the hell would you say that? You sound so awkward you idiot' you thought to yourself.
Sam smiled wider as he started to laugh, "and I guess we picked the right ones!"
"I am so sorry," you said feeling embarrassed which you promised yourself you wouldn't do. "I promise I'll try not to make too bad of jokes whilst we're filming..." you look down at the floor nervously.
"Oh no please do!" Sam laughed as your eyes shot up at him confused, "that's why we love you and your channel!" You froze for a moment, 'did Sam Golbach really just say he loved my channel? And me?' You thought to yourself. But him saying that actually gave you the slight real confidence boost you needed.
"Well then, I promise to tell all the shitty and highly inappropriate jokes the entire night... between me crying and hiding in a corner of course" you smirked at Sam.
Sam nodded his head, very excited for the night ahead, "that's what I'm talking about it!" He laughed. Suddenly in the distance you hear Colby talking with the tour guide and your heart skipped a beat to the sound of his voice. "Yo Colby!" Sam shouted, catching you off guard as you turned your head to the floor nervously, "come here! They've arrived!"
The next few moments of your life felt like a slow motion scene in a movie, you could feel your heart beat as you looked down at the floor. You prayed that this went well, and that you didn't embarrass yourself or do something stupid.
As Colby moved around the car, his heart too was beating out of his chest, he'd wanted to meet you for so long. But he couldn't help but feel a slight hint of jealousy, that if the rumours were true and you were dating Zach, he was mad he didn't get to meet you first. Colbys eyes locked on y/b/f/n as you were still hidden by Sam, "yo what's up!" He said to her.
Y/b/f/n replied, "sup Colby," just as he took another two steps forward.
His eyes wandered across, your eyes looked up until... boom. There he was. In the flesh. 'Holy fuck, he's even hotter in person' you thought to yourself as you swallowed hard. Colby could feel his palms become sweaty as his eyes stayed tightly connected to yours, he couldn't help but smile, the most cute and almost nervous smile.
"Hi." He said softly.
"Hi." You said back, trying so hard not to make it obvious that your whole body was shaking and your heart was racing.
Colby had a mini battle with himself in his head, 'hi? Seriously? You couldn't have say anything better than fucking hi?' But when you said it and smiled back at him, that face of yours completely took over her entire thoughts.
You both froze, still staring not realising just how long for. Sam looked at y/b/f/n as they both looked between you two, feeling like they were stuck in the middle of something here. Sam smirked as your best friend also did the same. "Well, I think we should get this show on the road!"
The sound of his voice completely pulled you out of your trance as you quickly realised you were staring, and now Colby Brock was going to think you were weird... you got to fix this, and fast. "I mean... we could just stand here staring at each other for a bit longer?" You said to Sam as you glanced at Colby with a smirk. Colby shook his head as an uncontrollable smile appeared on his face, "it's either that... or demons?" Everyone laughed as Colby lifted his head to look at you once again.
"Hey, I'd much rather look at you than talk to any ghosts." Colby's heart raced as he took his shot at an attempt of flirting. He's never felt so off his game before, 'why did this girl have so much of an effect on him', he thought.
"Well then, good job I'm right here Brock, I can distract you all you want!" As the words left your mouth you felt your stomach drop. 'Oh my god. Did I really just say that? Was Colby just trying to flirt with me then?' You felt your body relax slightly, as this was the icebreaker you needed, even it was just banter, you believed.
"Well alright then, I feel like I'm in of a good night already," Colby said as he smiled at you.
Your mind raced as you couldn't comprehend what was happening, you wanted to believe so badly that he might actually be interested in you, but you and your insecure mind just wouldn't allow it. "Right then Sam, get that camera out, cause I have been waiting years to see this intro live and in person!" You giggled as Sam and Colby laughed.
"Seriously? Years?" Colby said with a smirk, deep down he actually couldn't believe that you were a fan of theirs.
"Oh yeah! Actually can I please do it?" You said, joking at first but lowkey would be totally down to do it.
Sam looked at Colby as he just started recording, Colby held up his hands as his cheeks grew red, "if you do a better job than me, Sam you can't replace me with y/n..." he chuckled as Sam made no promises.
"Get over here!" Sam laughed as you handed your phone and keys to y/b/f/n. You quickly headed next to him as Colby stood back, giving you room.
"Sorry Brock, I think your job is mine now," you smirked at him.
Colby tucked his bottom lip between his lips as he looked at you, still in amazement that you so beautiful to him, "if it means I get to see you all the time, then the jobs yours."
You felt your cheeks flush as Sam looked at you both, trying to mask his smile. "You ready?" He said to you as he held up his hand, the lens pointing at you both.
You nodded, "oh Sam, I was born ready!" You said as everyone laughed.
"Perfect!" Sam chuckled as he counted you in, "3, 2, 1..."
"What's up guys it's Sam and y/n!" You said mimicking Colby almost perfectly. He watched in amazement at your confidence and your playful personality. He thought to himself, he was right. You were everything he had dreamed of you being in real life, and he felt this warmth inside of him become more intense with each second you spent near him. Each smile you gave him sending him spiralling.
"Woahhhh!" Sam shouted, "dude! You have been replaced!" Sam laughed as Colby jumped into frame.
"Yoooo, that is fair enough, you smashed it!" Colby laughed as he held up his hand and you connected your palms in a strong high five, as both of your hands tingled from the connection.
"Hey you can't leave me on our channel alone!" Y/b/f/n shouted as she also jumped behind you all.
You laughed as you hugged her and looked back at Colby, "you know what Brock, even though I do you better than you do you, my heart belongs to another..." you said.
"Ouch" Colby joked as he held his hand on his heart, but as you said that his mind instantly went to the possibility that you and Zach are dating, and he kinda felt his heart actually twinge.
"Another channel I mean of course!" You smirk as him as he beamed at you once again, 'where has this confidence come from?' You thought to yourself. "But I think you should show us all how it's done..." you said, as you tucked your bottom lip between your teeth.
Colby nodded confidently as he prepared himself, he and Sam stood side by side as Colby left a gap revealing you and y/b/f/n in between the two of them. He took a deep breath, "what's up guys it's Sam and Colby!" He blurted out as you and your best friend cheered him on.
"And today, we are joined with y/n and y/b/f/n, at... the Winchester Mystery House..." Sam said speaking with dramatic effect in his voice.
"Ooooo" the rest of you giggled.
"Are you guys ready?" Colby said turning to face you both.
Y/b/f/n looked at you as she smiled but you could see the nervousness in her eyes, "I mean... who's ever ready for demons?" She said with a chuckle.
"If the demon is a toxic bad boy and possibly looks like Jensen Ackles... then I am so fucking ready!" You say, joking but lowkey serious as y/b/f/n laughed, knowing you probably were being serious.
"Jensen Ackles... nice choice!" Colby said laughed. You nodded at him slowly as you pulled a face at the camera.
Suddenly you gasped, "Or Rudy Pankow!" You said as everyone started laughing again.
"Well, I think y/n is after a ghost boyfriend..." Sam said with a chuckle, "let's go play match maker!"
You nodded at the camera as Colby turned and looked into your eyes as you felt yourself melt once again in his gaze. 'Well, I'd rather a living, emo, hot AF boyfriend...' you thought to yourself, as the video began.
It has been roughly 3 hours since you started filming. The content you guys were creating as a team was both hilarious and super spooky. The evidence captured made your beliefs change with every beep and every knock. But most importantly, the banter between you and Colby as making you feel things throughout your entire body. Realistically, Colby was trying his hardest to show you how interested in you he was, how nervous you made him and how badly he wanted you. But your mind refused to acknowledge the fact that, that was even a possibility.
"I think we should take a quick food and drink break," Sam said, as he shut off the camera and Colby grabbed the music box, switching it off.
You and y/b/f/n both nodded slowly as you tried to comprehend everything that had just happened.
"Are you guys okay?" Colby asked but he couldn't help chuckling.
"I will be... once I've had an exorcism!" You say laughing, "and some nicotine... I gotta go vape!" You seriously as you headed out of the room to follow Sam outside.
You sat down alone on some steps, eating some snacks that the boys brought for you, puffing in your vape after each bite. As Sam and y/b/f/n sat in the trunk of the car chatting about all things ghosts.
You looked up to see Colby heading toward you with two cans of pop in his hands. After the night you guys have had, you felt a lot more comfortable in their presence now. Which to you felt amazing considering you wanted to know who they truly were and not just who you saw on your screen for the longest time. And they did not disappoint. As cliche as it sounds it was almost as though you guys were all meant to be friends. The further into the night you travelled, the more it felt like you'd all been friends for years. It felt like you all were so vulnerable around each other and it felt so natural to be so open.
"Here you go," Colby said with a smile as he held out your drink. You looked up taking the drink from his hand as you blew out your vape with a smile in return.
"Thank you very much," you said, you were starting to get tired and your experiences tonight so far had your head spinning in circles.
Colby looked at you, as he could tell that there was a million thoughts running behind your eyes. "You okay?" He asked softly.
You turned to look at him again as he sat down beside you on the steps, "yeah! This night has been... honestly one of the best experiences of my life." You said with a genuine smile.
Colby beamed back at you, he genuinely cared if you were okay or not, and if you were happy with how the video was going. You both sat in silence after a small talk chit chat, until Colby cleared his throat, looking out straight ahead at the grounds, "hey... can I- uh- ask you something?" He still didn't turn to look at you as you could see the nervousness on his voice and how his hand fiddled with the bracelet on his opposite wrist.
"Yeah of course," you said giving him your full attention.
Colby took a deep breath, "this may be a little too personal or what, and feel free to just tell me to fu-"
You cut him off laughing, "Brock just ask the damn question!"
Colby hung his head laughing for a moment before finally looking up and turning to face you, "are you... and Zach, uh-"
"Are Zach and I dating?" You said with a giggle, knowing the rumours and edits that have spread across TikTok since you were on Dropouts a few months ago.
Colby nodded reluctantly it seemed like he felt embarrassed for asking.
"No... we're really not," you said as you laughed again. "TikTok man... it even makes me believe things about my life sometimes!" You laughed thinking of all the rumours, especially about your love life, that had spread over the years.
Colby nodded slowly as a smirk slowly started appearing on his face. You looked at him confused as you could feel your body start to heat up, the way he was looking at you made your stomach flip but your core ache. "What?" You said with a slight giggle. Your heart began to race as by the look on his face you weren't quite sure where he was going with his.
Colby looked at you deep in your eyes as he continued to smile, "I was really nervous to meet you today..." he said honestly as he chuckled hanging his head back down to the floor.
Your defence mechanism kicked in as your mouth ran away with your tongue, afraid you'd say something to mess this up, "you were?" You said softly, "why? Scared I was going to steal your job?" You said with a smirk.
Colby just loved how in every situation you always managed to make him laugh, that's why he loved your videos so much. He loved to watch how you nervously joke your way out of any situation, how you refused to let your friends feel down and would everything in your power to cheer them up, but mostly, how your heart was everyone else, saving you for last. He always watched you on his screen, putting every single person, 10 steps in front of you, and he wished he could be the one to put your heart first. So that you could continue to be this gorgeous, bad bitch, kind sweetheart that you were known for. He took a deep breath before speaking, "honestly, this video has been the most enjoyable I've ever filmed so far." He glanced at you nodding.
"Well of course it is!" You laugh jokingly, "it's because I'm here, Sam just knew I'd be a better co host for the Sam and Colby channel..." you made it as obvious as possible that what you said was a joke as Colby thankfully laughed shaking his head.
"You're so humble" Colby joked sarcastically as you let out a giggle. "But You're right, I think Sam has taken a liking to you, looks like I'm on the outs," Colby joked as he chuckled. He leaned back smirking at you.
You dramatically sighed as you leaned back too, "well unfortunately for Sam, I'm not into blondes..." you joked back, trying to hold in a laugh.
Colby watched how the moonlight was perfectly giving your skin a shimmery glaze. He tucked his bottom lip between his teeth, as this was all fun and games so far, but as the night went on he wanted nothing more than to hold you, kiss you and have all of you to himself. "Oh really?" He leaned over towards you slightly, as he looked at your face, your eyes bouncing from one star to the other. "Then what are you into?"
He watched as you fumbled through your thoughts trying to decide whether you should be honest and risk it all, or make another joke to help you escape hope building conversation. You decided that you'd rather the former, "I'm more into..." you turned your head to face him as his face was so close to yours you could almost feel his breath. You watched as his eyes darted across all your features. "Dark haired, emo boys who hunt ghosts for a living." You tucked your lip between your teeth as your anxiety began to flood your entire body, did you really just say that? You began spiralling thinking Colby was about to awkwardly let you down gently, you didn't take in all the signs he'd been sending you all night, all because your brain just refused to acknowledge the fact that Colby absolutely could be into you.
"Well that's good." Colby said as his eyes looked from your eyes to your lips, catching you off guard.
'Wait... what the fuck did he just say?' You thought to yourself.
"Because..." Colby began to lean in closer to you, slowly as he spoke, "I'm into, humble girls who make jokes when they're uncomfortable and collab with ghost hunters for a living..."
As he was just inches from your face, at first you felt terrified but finally, now that he said it, there's no way you could talk yourself out of knowing that Colby does in fact like you like that. You looked at his lips as suddenly, all of your nervousness and anxiety melted away. You needed his lips on yours and you felt as though, no matter what you say right now, he isn't going to turn away. So... your sassiness finally broke through, "oh really?" You say biting your lip gently, "do you really think you could handle me, Brock?"
Colby was completely taken aback as those words left those beautiful lips of yours. He felt his stomach flip as his breath became hitched. You watched as his chest began to rise and fall much faster as you inched closer. You kind of like how much of an effect you had on this man, the man you believed would never look at you in that way. A smirk began to grown on both of your faces simultaneously as Colby finally spoke out in a whisper, "fuck yeah."
You smiled wide and leaned in, you were just about to close gap between you, when suddenly, "yo guys," Sam shouted as you both froze and snapped your attention towards the car. You both exhaled sharply as Sam appeared from around the car, "you ready to film the final investigation?" As y/b/f/n and Sam got closer, you and Colby both began to laugh as you tried to catch your breath. You had never felt so mad at your best friend before but you knew the didn't mean it.
"Yeah..." Colby said reluctantly as in reality his entire body needed to finish what you guys just started, he would love to just fuck the entire video off and take you back to the hotel and give you both the night of your lives. "We're ready." He said as he looked over at you watching as you messed with your hair and how tightly your bottom lip was tucked inside those teeth. He smirked, watching as you try to cool yourself down.
"Great!" Sam said, trying to ignore the fact he definitely just interrupted something here. "So what's the plan... we splitting up?"
Just then, Colby had a bright idea, "yeah, I think we should split into two groups. Y/n and I will go to one end of the house and you two can go to the other and we'll see who can get to the witches room in the attic." Colby gave Sam a look, and it wasn't long before Sam realised what he was trying to do.
Sam smirked subtly as he spoke, "sounds good to me!" He handed Colby a camera. "You guys start in the west and we'll go to the east. And take the Alice box." He said as he handed Colby a piece of ghost equipment.
You couldn't really take in what they were saying... all you could think about was that moment that almost was everything you'd dreamed about for the longest time. And how the feeling of needing him, just wouldn't go away, your body aching for that kiss and desperate to feel more.
"Y/n?" Sam said, snapping your attention back to the world.
"Yeah?" You said, clearly showing your mind was elsewhere during that conversation. Colby couldn't help but let out a small chuckle, knowing he probably thad you imagining the things you wanted him to do to you. And he wanted to do everything that you wanted... and so much more.
"You ready?" Y/b/f/n chuckled as she saw the look on your face. She knew that face anywhere.
You quickly jumped up trying to shake the feeling, "absolutely!" You paused for a moment thinking, as everyone watched you trying not to laugh, "wait... what are we doing again?" Everyone laughed at your obliviousness.
"You and I are going this way and we're going to meet them two in the witches attic," Colby said as he grabbed ahold of your arm pulling you in the direction. You turned to y/b/f/n as she gave you a look indicating she knew something was going to happen between us.
Sam quickly shouted as you walked away, "uh... don't get lost or distracted guys! This place is scary enough!" Colby quickly turned back to look at Sam.
"We won't!" He shouted as he winked. Sam chuckled as he rolled his eyes sighing.
"Come on," he said to y/b/f/n, "we better get this done!" Sam laughed as he and y/b/f/n walked back inside the house.
"So..." Colby said, as he held up the camera that was shooting in night vision. You walked slowly beside him in the pitch black home. Weirdly, your mind wasn't worrying about the fact you were supposedly surrounded by hundreds of spirits, it was more thinking about Colby. How badly you wanted him and that moment you almost had outside. How badly you wanted to have his hands feel every inch of your body. You thought about how you wanted to climb on top of him and show him, exactly what you're capable of. You felt yourself in a daydream, imagining the feeling of his lips on your, on your neck... on your chest... on your-
"Y/n?" Colbys voice caught your attention instantly as you quickly turned your head towards him,
"Yeah?" You felt that awkwardness return as if he could have seen what you were imagining, even though that's impossible.
Colby couldn't help but smirk at you as he could see you trying to hide your feelings, "you uh..." he bit his lip glancing at you through the tiniest amount of light coming from the camera screen. "You zoned out a little there," he said teasingly.
You chuckled as you tried to play it off as cool as possible, "I was just taking myself off to a better place other than this haunted ass house."
Colby shook his head as he laughed, suddenly there was a noise, "shh." He spoke quickly as he held an arm across you to stop you from going forward. You reached up and grabbed his arm as for a moment there was a little bit of fear and adrenaline began to run through your body. After a moment of waiting there were no more noises, Colby looked at you and giggled as he noticed the grip you had on his arm. "So tell me..." he continued walking as you quickly let go. "Where was this better place?"
You rolled your eyes fighting a smirk as you knew exactly what he was doing. He had an idea of what you were thinking about, because he was thinking about it too. "If I told you Brock, then there would be no mystery would there," you smirked as you continued, "and we are in the Winchester mystery house after all..."
Colby suddenly stepped in front of you, stopping you in your tracks as he looked down at you, "so, it didn't have anything to do with me..." he stepped closer walking you backwards slightly, "and you?" Your breath suddenly got stuck in your throat as you swallowed hard, your body beginning to quiver as his voice had changed to a seductive tone. You tried to speak but it was like your words were failing you, all you could think about was how close he was getting and how badly you needed him, and needed him now. You suddenly hit a wall behind you as Colby stopped, inches from your body, he lifted up one arm and place it against the wall near your head as he leaned in closer and whispered, "do you want to know what I was thinking about?" You could hear his voice shaking.
"Enlighten me," you whispered back as you bit your lip trying to keep yourself as contained as possible.
Colby lifted up his other arm that was holding the camera and he stopped the recording before putting it down on a cupboard. Your heart began racing as his eyes quickly connected back with your gaze, your body filled with anticipation and your adrenaline was peaking higher than ever before. "I was imagining, exactly what it would feel like, to kiss you..." he said leaning closer, you wanted to move, but you were frozen as he continued, "to touch you..." he began to trace his fingers along your arm, from your wrist to your elbow, up and down, your whole body electrifying with goosebumps, "to fuck you..." he leaned in as he whispered his lips just inches from yours, you could feel his breath against your mouth, your body dying to close the gap.
"Funny you say that..." you finally managed to whisper back seductively, "because I was thinking about how I would you to my hotel room..." you felt Colby take a deep breath as his body responded to your words with such desperation, "and I'd find out..." you looked into his eyes as they turned black, you could see exactly what you were doing to him, how close you were to practically making him beg. You lifted your arms to his waist grabbing ahold of his t-shirt on either side and pulled his body closer to yours. You quickly felt his hard bulge press against your body causing your heat to twitch. You whispered as he breathed deeply, "exactly, how you tasted..." you licked your bottom lip before tucking it between your teeth.
"Fuck..." Colby breathed out, he'd never had a woman have the must of an affect on him in his life. "I think we might just have to find out for real sooner, rather than later," he spoke as he lifted his arm up and cupped your cheek gently, his touch making you quiver. His nose touched yours as his lips grazed you teasingly.
"I thought we were ghost hunting?" You whispered out as a smirk began to appear on both of your faces.
There a moment, a small pause until. "Fuck it." Colby said as he smashed his lips onto yours. It was instantly deep and passionate. His lips on yours felt like perfection, it strangely didn't feel like a first kiss, it felt as though his was your 1 millionth. It was natural like it was almost meant to be like this. Colby's hands began moving up and down your body as you pushed your bodies closer. Your arms wrapping around his neck as your hands ran through his hair. You tugged slightly earning a low groan escaping Colby's lips into your mouth. The vibrations making you ache even more.
"Sam is gonna kill us," you whispered out breathlessly, careful not to break the kiss. Colby chuckled as you both refused to come up for air.
Suddenly he pulled back and looked around, both of your eyes now adjusting to the darkness. To your absolute luck, it seems he pushed you against the wall right next to a closet. "Fuck Sam." Colby smirked.
"I'd rather fuck you. Right now." You said extremely confidently, all of your nervousness and anxiety was far gone by this point.
"Fuck please do," Colby gasped as he looked down at you. He quickly grabbed your hands pulling you with him, "come on, there won't be any cameras in here." You both laughed as he tugged you into the tiny room filled with cleaning supplies. He closed the door behind you before pushing you back up against it. His lips instantly reconnecting with yours as he grabbed your hands, hoisting them over your head against the door. The kiss was like something you'd never experienced before, you could feel your body starting to beg for more. His hands found their way down your body and then up under your shirt as he felt your waist, pulling you closer to him. His lips left yours as his kissed down your jaw and onto your neck, sucking and biting in the most amazing places, sending your hormones into overdrive.
"Fuck Colby." You whispered out as you tried to hold in a moan. The sound of you moaning his name caused Colby to snap his head back to face you, as you could see the hunger in his eyes and he scrambled to undo your jeans. He pulled them down to your knees before reconnecting your lips again. He suddenly cupped his hand on your sex as you gasped, "fuck."
"Fuck baby, you're soaked for me already," Colby smirked as he began to move his hand along you over your underwear.
You couldn't fight it anymore, you needed him to touch you, you needed to feel him, "Colby... please..." you reluctantly begged.
Colby was taken back by your eagerness for him, "please what, baby?" He teased.
"Please just touch me already!" You shouted a little louder.
"Shhh baby," Colby whispered directly into your ear as you began to grind against his hand, "we don't wanna get caught so you have to promise me, if I do this, you'll be quiet."
"I will! I promise!" You said quickly, your breath restricting your ability to speak properly.
"That's my girl." Colby's voice was dominant and it made your heat pulsate, as he suddenly moved your underwear to one side, wasting no time and rubbing your clit instantly.
"Shit!" You moaned out as you pushed your mouth against Colby's shoulder to muffle your sounds. Colby kissed your neck intensely as he suddenly lifted down with his other hand and hoisted your leg up to rest of his hip, giving himself more access. Once he had more room, he quickly stuck two fingers up into your core as you moaned into his shoulder, biting him slightly to try and hide those sweet sounds of pleasure.
Colby groaned into your neck as your teeth sunk into him slightly. "Oh fuck..." he breathed out onto your neck.
He began thrusting his fingers, in and out picking up his pace quickly, curling them up and hitting your g-stop every time. You felt that familiar build up in your stomach as your climax was quickly approaching. "Don't stop." You gasped as he quickened his speed, pushing his fingers even deeper.
Colby could feel your walls clench around his fingers as he became excited to finally be inside you. "That's it baby, cum for me..."
That was all you needed to hear as your body exploded into ecstasy, your body overrun with pleasure. "Fuck!" You moaned loudly muffled by Colby's shoulder, as your teeth bite slightly harder.
Colby slowly pulled out his fingers slowly as he moved to look at you as you caught your breath, you watched as he placed his fingers between his lips and sucked them clean before he spoke, "fuck baby, I didn't think I could enjoy someone biting me so much in life." He quickly leaned in reconnecting your lips as the kiss once again was hot and passionate. You needed more, you needed him to feel as good as you did right now. You fumbled with his belt and you managed to get it undone, your lips pressed together as his tongue covered in your taste, explored your mouth. He pulled away just for second as he pulled down his leather pants, allowing them to fall to the floor as he moved his hands to grip the back of your knees. "Jump." He demanded, his voice lustful and seductive in every way.
You quickly jumped up wrapping your legs around his waist, doing as he told without question. You felt his hard cock already teasing your entrance as you whimpered for more. Colby grabbed his dick rubbing his tip along your soaked core as you let out moans and gasps. He held you up with ease as he slowly began to enter you, both of you moaning simultaneously. "Fuck... you're so tight." He groaned deeply sending shivers down your spine.
He quickly began to pull himself out and pushed himself back in deeper as you called out. He quickly connected your lips to swallow your moans. As he began to thrust in and out he didn't waste no time or show no mercy. He'd been wanting this all night and you could tell just how worth jeopardising the video, it really was to him. You both moaned out as that knot in your stomach quickly returned with each of his pushes. "Fuck.. Colby I'm- I'm gonna-" you could barely get any words out as you mumbled against his lips.
"Do it baby, let it go." His voice had a hold on you that you couldn't explain. Almost as though his demands had a magical control over your body. Your second orgasm hit, feeling even better than the last, your head becoming woozy as he picked up his pace, fucking you harder and faster as you grabbed the back of his head, tugging on his hair. "Fuck y/n... I'm gonna cum." He said honestly as you could feel him begin to twitch. "Where do you want me?" He asked.
You pulled away from his lips as you looked at him in the eyes, his thrusts powerful, "I told you... I want to taste you." You stuttered between moans.
A smile grew on Colby's face as he bit his lip, you were doing something to him that he had never felt before, "fuck yeah." He said as he suddenly slipped out of you, dropping your legs as you landed on your feet.
You wasted no time and slid your back down the door until you came face to face with his now throbbing cock. Colby gripped himself as he began to stroke, looking down at your beautiful face, using his other hand to cup your cheek as his thumb ran along your bottom lip. You parted your lips as he positioned himself and you quickly took as much as you could of him into your mouth as he moaned out louder himself this time, throwing his head back in pleasure. "Fuck y/n, just like that." You bobbed your head, taking the rest of him in your hand. Suddenly he looked down at you, "fuck... I'm cummin." Suddenly his groans were deeper and raspier as he watched your mouth surround his cock. You felt him twitch inside you, as it was quickly followed by his hot cum hitting the back of your throat. "Fuckkk..." he moaned as you slowly slid your head back off him, careful not to spill a drop. Colby looked down at you absolutely mesmerised by your beauty, as you showed him his cum sitting in the back on your throat. "Oh shit," he gasped as you smirked before swallowing every last drop. Colby reached down and tucked his hand around the side of your head, gesturing for you to stand up. As you rose to your feet he instantly kissed you. Only this time it must softer as you both caught your breath. "You... are incredible." He whispered as he pressed his forehead against yours.
You couldn't but smile as your breath slowly began to settle as did your heart rate, "right back at you, Brock."
You both chuckled as he kissed you sweetly one more time. "We better actually go and find this room..." Colby said with a slightly giggle.
You both bent down and grabbed your pants as you pulled them back up. "Y/b/f/n and Sam are going to kill us." You laughed as Colby done up his belt.
When you both finished he moved closer to you once again, as he lifted both his arms moving your hair to behind your shoulders as he cupped both sides of your face with his hands, "promise me, we can do that again." Colby said with a smile as he bit his lip.
"Fuck yeah.. maybe not in a janitors closet next time?" You laughed as you glanced around. Colby chuckled before kissing you one last time.
"Come on," he took your hand as you opened the door, grabbing the camera and continuing your mission.
"Well well well..." Sam said as he and y/b/f/n sat on the floor in the witches attic. They both looked up at you and Colby, standing there, hand in hand. Y/b/f/n looked at you with the biggest smile, trying not to laugh. As Sam raised his eyes brows at you both, also his hardest not to laugh, "nice of you to join us..."
"I'm so sorry, we got lost-" you said as Colby squeezed your hand tighter, trying not to laugh.
Sam stood up looking at you both with squinted eyes. "Hmmm, lost my ass" he said as he looked at your hands holding tightly together.
Colby laughed finally, "yeah dude, we got lost..." you hid your face behind Colby's shoulder as you felt your cheeks burning up. "You may want me to edit this part though..." Colby said with a smirk.
Both Sam and y/b/f/n mouths dropped wide open, "I'm not even going to ask..." Sam said with a laugh.
AUTHORS NOTE: hey guys, I hope you liked this! Let me know if there's anything you'd want to see! X
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bronx-bomber87 · 1 year
Happy Saturday everyone. I always forget Eric’s wife had a spot on the show. Every time I get to this episode its a reminder. Also fair warning he’s gonna make me extra feral in this one. He is in a suit and yummy street clothes in this episode. Gimme gimme all day. I blame Eric for all my reactions in this ep for how he looks haha This is also a shorter review like last time but good stuff in it none the less. Off we go.
2x16 The Overnight
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We start off with our lovely ship at American Idol auditions. A guy is getting arrested giving out meth smoothies. Lucy has to go back for his backpack. As she does she gets roped into an audition because it has his audition sticker. I’m surprised there wasn’t a gif set of her singing. It's such a good scene. I did my quick made one above with my phone. But a really good set should be produced. We get to hear Melissa’s wonderful voice again. It's in a much better context this time. Not a soul crushing and depressing way. She chooses a song from Aretha Franklin. 'I never loved a man'. She CRUSHES it.
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I hope she gets another opportunity to showcase her voice in the future. The ending of this cold open cracks me up so much. The judges are impressed by her audition. Ready to give her that coveted golden ticket. Lucy hears Tim’s voice and bolts LOL Him bringing her back to reality. Their 'No no no' is so damn funny as she runs towards Tim. I love it so much. Tim having no idea what just happened. Thinking she's just running behind for no reason. Such a great cold open.
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I love this scene for quite a few reasons. First and most importantly we get Tim Bradford in a suit. Sweet baby James. What a visual to start off the episode with. I need more this is my life. He should go to court more often. Honestly should be illegal to be that damn fine. *fans self* Second I find it very sexy he donates blood so often. I mean of course he does. To quote Lucy. Most Tim Bradford thing I've ever heard heh Tim as a person is just so friggin attractive.
Lastly I adore Nyla giving him a hard time. Doesn't waste a second before calling him a machine LOL Tim's face in that third gif is too cute. He's commending her shot and only shakes his head. How far Tim and Nyla have come. Reached a playful joking stage I love it. You know Lucy is enjoying someone else giving Tim crap. The proud wifey smirk of hers when he gets tossed his ball. I love them.
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Lucy is running the front desk since Tim is off at court. She meets a reporter Valerie Castillo from the Herald asking for public arrest reports. She is looking for a scoop on recent robberies at 5 star hotels. Asking if Lucy has heard about them? Lucy says no. Valerie goes on to say she is trying to get away from Hollywood stories. Do something more impactful. So she can be taken seriously as a journalist. Lucy being her empathetic self wants to help her out. Lets her know the reports she’s looking at don’t have enough info. Tells her she wants CAD reports instead. Valerie asks what those are?
Tim comes striding in with the answer. Looking like sex on a stick in that suit. Good lord he can wear the hell out of that thing. Look at that fit on him. Thank you to his tailor. *chef's kiss* But I digress…Tim is clearly not a fan of this woman and what she is asking of Lucy. His cop gut going off and not liking this interaction at all. Tim instantly distrusts her and doesn't hide it.
Does crack me up they wrote Ros in as a character he can’t stand LOL I’m sure they had fun with this. Tim clearly doesn’t like the media especially her paper. Says her paper has a bias against cops. She bites back ‘Like the bias you have against me?’ She’s not wrong ha Tim says that's cute but isn't buying what she's selling.
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Tim tells Lucy to get those reports back from her ASAP. That they’re gonna hit the streets as soon as he’s changed. Ooh lord the way he unbuttons his jacket and barks out his instructions on the move. Mercy. It shouldn't be that hot and yet here I am always a puddle. Ever the model just as much walking away as he came in. My god he's attractive haha It's truly not fair. Valerie says Tim shouldn't talk to her like that. Lucy is bemused by this statement.
Says he's her T.O. and its just his style with a smile on her face. (We all know she loves his style heh) I do love how this scene finishes out. Valerie saying ‘If ass is a style...but he sure can wear a suit’. Indeed madam indeed. Then proceeds to watch him leave LOL Checking out her own husband as he exits the scene haha Cracks me up. He does look damn fine in that suit. I can not blame her.
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Tim instantly tries to steer Lucy away from Valerie. Telling her she’s bad news. Saying reporters always have an agenda. Lucy tries to be snarky and replies 'To get truth? Sounds Horrible.' Tim continues on despite her snark and says they aren’t to be trusted. Lucy being her sunshine self wants to see the good in Valerie. That she’s doing this to help the victims of these robberies. Tim thinks she’s being naive with this woman. Lucy battles back he just doesn’t trust anyone. Well that’s not true. He most definitely trusts you Lucy. With his life. But she has earned it ten fold out of him which is why she has it.
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I’m with Tim on this one.(No surprise there I know ) That trust is something to be earned. I am the same way. It’s not something I just hand out like candy either. You have to prove to me you are worthy of that trust. Once you're in you're gold but you have to earn it first. He knows how trusting Lucy is and he doesn't want her to get burned by this person. This is his way of watching her back and trying to protect her from a potential disaster. Lucy doesn't heed his warning and it shows in her sassy face she gives him above. Lucy is so sure she is the right one in this situation. Like she is humoring him by listening.
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They get a report of this idiot trying to use his snake to get out of paying for his car repairs. He pulls it out as a threat and It backfires pretty badly. As he waves the snake it bites him... (Like I said an idiot) I adore Lucy taking command of this situation. Also her heart for any living creature. I’m not a snake girl myself but I do love her taking the snake's side over this guy’s haha
This is our marriage scene of the episode. Tim says EMTs won’t step foot in here till the snake is neutralized. Tim says he’ll flush it out and kill it. Lucy is against this plan and tells Tim he can’t kill it. Their banter in this scene is primo. He is sassy right back asking what are they gonna do? Snuggle it? LOL Lucy ignores his sassy jab as she hops down and decides to do something herself. Tim isn't a fan of this plan since the snake is venomous.
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Tim looks very concerned as he watches her. The way he raises his gun ready to destroy this thing if it goes after her. I love his face as she talks to the snake. Calling it by it's name, telling it she isn't going to hurt it haha He is wondering what she’s going to do with this thing. Then is impressed af when she traps the snake in a tire. What a bad ass moment for her. Snake whisperer can now go on her list of skills on the job ha Lucy proudly walks back to him with the best reply ‘Not his fault his owner is an idiot.' LOL I love this.
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Valerie catches Lucy on the way out for the night. Claims she got her story about a Murphy scam. Rich men hiring sex workers then the sex worker has a partner. They rob and steal from them. The victim can’t report the crime without copping to their own. Says she came by to thank Lucy with a drink. (Mmhmm....)
Lucy is hesitant and says she shouldn’t…. You know that cop gut of hers is telling her it's wrong. Valerie asks 'Is it cause Tim wouldn't approve?' Lucy looks behind her like she can sense Tim’s disapproval from afar. Valarie sweetens the pot telling her she can be her inside person. Lucy concedes and decides to go. This can only end badly Lucy….
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They make it to the hotel and Lucy quickly realizes they’re not there for a just a drink. Valerie has tracked one of the women who’s been scamming these men. Lucy is upset and feels betrayed. Says she can’t arrest people on her own. She’s a rookie. Valerie notices the man being scammed is a big time movie producer. Says this will get her a killer story and her a high profile arrest. You can see the regret written all over Lucy’s face.
Lucy tells Valerie she is texting Tim. I love this. She knows she’s in over her head at this point. So she is going to reach for her lifeline. Tells Valerie as such letting her know she could get fired as a rookie. That she needs a senior officer on scene. Also she really needs him to rein this in TBH. This has gotten way out of hand and needs Tim to come help her.
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Tim arrives and Lucy thanks him for coming. (Like he wasn’t going to come and bail his girl out.) Doesn’t even have to say I told you so. This entire moment is doing it for him really. Lucy doesn’t fight or deny the hot water she is in. Not even a little. Just says ‘I’m in trouble aren’t I?’ His sexy Mm-hmm will do just fine for her. You know she’s just so relieved he's there to get her out of this. To save her from herself in this moment. The way she looks at him like he is her saving grace. Makes my heart happy. Doesn't even care she is in trouble just relieved he is there. So much said in such a small scene.
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He looks sinfully handsome in that denim jacket *oh my lord.* Valerie says she’ll write a story about Tim if he punishes Lucy for this. Lucy panics and tells her not to do that. Tim isn’t phased at all by her intimidation of a story. The cocky way he walks into the room. Takes control of the situation. Says the cup against the wall trick doesn’t work. You know Lucy is rooting him on while he does this. Tim makes a joke about there being an app for that. Valerie believes him cause he walks in so confident and says that so damn smoothly. She can't help but reply 'Really?'
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The way he says ‘No’ to her LMAO I'm dying. He is having a little fun in this moment messing with her. I love this man so much. Why is he so damn attractive in this moment? I actually know why ha. He's protecting Lucy and trying to do damage control at the same time. Also by taking control back from Valerie, by putting this situation back in his court. Tim calls in backup to help them if the accomplice even shows up. Tells Valerie she’ll be far away from the action if it comes to that. Not gonna let her get her story after potentially endangering Lucy for it.
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The accomplice ends up arriving and Valerie has a ‘See’ look on her face. Thinking she is validated in all she's done to this point. Getting to watch Tim in action and in street clothes? Don’t mind if I do. They’re about to go after the guy when they notice Valerie is missing. She’s gone out on the balcony to get a photo. Clearly back tracking on her 'Killer Story' that'll get her taken seriously for a paparazzi shot instead.
She ends up getting her shot on the balcony but slips and Tim has to rescue her. She is refusing to let go of her phone as she hangs on to the railing. Lucy tells her to let the damn thing go. The guy sees them rescue her and takes off. Tim gets her up and takes off after the guy. Leaving Lucy with Valerie while he does so. This is the last we see of our handsome hero him in this ep sadly. The accomplice ends up getting arrested by a grumpy and tired Lopez in the lobby of the hotel LOL
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Lucy’s SL wraps up with Valerie signing her statement. I love Lucy telling her like it is. Letting her know how wrong it was to take advantage like she did. Lucy is inclined to trust people and it bit her in the ass this time. (What he was trying to protect her from.) Unfortunately for her Tim was right on this one. She did have an agenda. Tim didn’t rub it in her face but also didn’t say she wasn’t in trouble for it haha Lucy has a mic drop moment with her. Telling her instead of going for the serious story she sold her on she went for the cheap shot. Gets up and walks away from her. Boom. Once again not a ton to content but still enough goodies ❤️
That wraps up 2x16 for our ship. Thanks as always to you all for your likes/comments and reblogs. Forever appreciate them. Can't believe we're almost done with S2. 6 left to review in this one.
Side notes- Non Chenford
Always enjoy Nyla’s SL’s. When I first watched this ep wanted her to her back with Donovan. But glad she didn't much better fit with James but we’ll meet him later down the road.
Wopez engagement ❤️ They so cute. I love them. Happy for Angela and Wes.
See you all in 2x17 :)
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freesia-writes · 1 year
Chapter 22: Return
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During the Clone Wars, the Bad Batch is tasked with a variety of missions across the galaxy. An unexpected addition to their team throws a wrench in the mix, particularly for Tech, who finds a particular connection with this disillusioned Padawan-turned-mechanic named Vel throughout the events in this action-adventure romance. COVER ART BY @zaana!!
Master List of Chapters
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Tech bounced his knee impatiently as the Marauder lurched out of hyperspace, Alderaan appearing in front of them. As they slowly glided toward the surface, Hunter appeared behind him, resting a hand on the back of his chair and observing the planet. It felt like they'd been here yesterday, but months had passed.
"There are so many impracticalities, Hunter," Tech confessed.
"We've been over this. Life is short, and ours even shorter. She's handy on missions and clearly made an impact on you. You already shared all your reasons, and we're here anyway," Hunter replied. 
"True. But I am concerned that my perception of reality has been altered by literary portrayals of this sort of thing," Tech returned.
"Well, take it one step at a time," Hunter advised, turning to gear up with the others.
Tech's hands tightened on the steering controls momentarily, and he sought distraction by moving through the long-memorized actions of the switches and buttons of the landing sequence. He had been forced to make a quick departure after his last conversation with Vel, called to another mission before she had woken up. He had remedied the situation by sending a transmission, informing her of his absence and his regret at their separation.
He had also determined it was the right thing to do, concerning his apparent interest in her, to follow in the steps of a variety of literary and historical characters and maintain communication during their time apart. He had been diligent to send transmissions on a regular basis, filling her in on their adventures as much as he could while maintaining confidentiality. 
Unbeknownst to the others, he had even made a few attempts to reflect upon and convey his feelings, in a variety of approaches, from descriptive analysis to poetry, though the latter was too subjective for his tastes. And now, forty-two missions later, they had completed their recent objective and found themselves landing on the very planet on which Vel had been recovering from her spinal injury.
Vel grimaced, wiping a bead of sweat from her brow. She had completed five full laps on her own, without any of the equipment, and was going for a few more with the assistive walker. It had been a long journey, but she was able to get around on her own and was now working on her stamina. She paused for a moment, leaning on the walker, when she heard his voice.
"If you keep pushing yourself like that, you're going to be outrunning me in a week," a gravelly male voice said. She turned to see Arthen grinning next to her, dressed in his standard medical attire, with a datapad in his hand. "You've made so much progress."
She stood up straighter, tilting her head and returning his smile with a bright one of her own. "Well, you know I've got you to thank for that, so you're really just complimenting yourself."
Arthen laughed, wagging a finger at her before tapping on the screen. 
As Clone Force 99 entered the expansive physical therapy facility, Crosshair located Vel immediately with his sharp eyes, nudging his brother with an elbow. Tech followed his gesture, spotting her brown hair, and felt considerably unsettled. 
"You sure you don't want us to come with you?" Wrecker asked, wrapping an arm around Tech's neck and rubbing a fist into his hair.
"No, thank you!" Tech snipped, wrestling himself away from his brother and fastidiously returning his hair to its... well, you know.
"Alright, we'll see you at lunch," Hunter said, "Come on." They headed for the door, Crosshair turning back to give a wink before disappearing into the corridor. Tech stood for a moment, watching Vel talk to the medical personnel, going through his speech again in his head to ensure it was precisely adequate. 
With a deep breath, he approached them slowly, hands fidgeting at his sides, "Hello, Vel."
She turned toward him, utter shock on her face. "Tech? What..." she drifted off, "I mean, hello." 
As she identified this newcomer, Arthen's eyebrows dropped briefly, but he recovered quickly and extended a hand. "Arthen Rass. Nice to meet you... Tech, was it?"
"Yes," Tech responded automatically, shaking the hand after an initial pause. He turned to Vel, shifting awkwardly from one foot to the other, unsure where to begin despite all his practice.
"Um, I was just about to finish and go tidy up," Vel said, feeling a need to escape the situation.
"Might I have a quick word before you do?" Tech inquired politely, having trouble looking at her, eyes heavy with the weight of the time they'd been apart.
"Sure," Vel answered, "Arthen, I'll see you later?"
"Looking forward to it," he responded warmly, leaning in to kiss her cheek. He lingered for a moment, whispering something in her ear that caused her to blush and push him away, then he offered a nod to Tech before heading for the door. 
Vel turned to face Tech, cheeks still flushed, and he stared at her, dumbfounded. So many questions flew through his mind, and he was completely thrown off from everything he had been thinking leading up to this moment. 
"You are romantically involved?" he asked bluntly.
"Yeah, kinda," Vel answered, looking at the ground for a moment before raising her eyes back to his. "What are you doing here?" 
"I came... We came... We were on a mission nearby," Tech finished, still clearly distracted. 
"Nice," Vel responded flatly. "Well, it was good to see you. I'm sure you've got places to be." And she turned toward the door.
Tech's mind was racing, but the sense of urgency brimmed over his self-control, "Vel, I came to see you. It has been a while, but as you know, I have not stopped thinking of you."
Vel stopped, turning over her shoulder, eyes narrowing. "As I know? I don't know anything, Tech. You disappeared without saying goodbye. Then you show up after months and months and just expect everything to be the same? You can't keep dropping me off and fetching me like a spare part when you suddenly find a need for me again."
"That is not--" Tech began, feeling flooded with responses and questions.
"Take care of yourself, Tech," Vel said, turning back to the door, "And tell the boys I said hello." And with that, she walked as smoothly as she could, exhaustion requiring her to use the assistive walker, and disappeared out the door. Tech remained, arms at his sides, frozen in place by the oppressive weight of confusion and disappointment.
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haleigh-sloth · 8 months
Do you think Vox and the other vees will play an important role in alastor's arc?
Yes. I explained there, and I also implore you to read this one too.
My post was super long so I'll repeat the Vox part again and add extra points.
Obviously Vox will be an issue. There's a photo of him and Alastor shown together in the finale (Vox's head is torn out but you can see it clearly being him, obviously put there to be noticed).
Alastor--someone who is basically embodying the sin of pride, very full of himself, big ego--took the time to get competitive with Vox. Compared to Sir Pentious who he didn't give enough of a shit to even remember fighting at all, it's definitely important to note that Alastor went on the offensive just to get personal with it and compete at all.
There's an interpersonal conflict there that clearly has a negative hold on Alastor. And I'd very much bet that this interpersonal conflict will be a major obstacle between Alastor and his redemption/acceptance of salvation through the hotel.
The second meta I linked talks about Alastor's redemption and him being clearly set up to hurt Charlie first (the deal he convinced her to make when she was in a dark place and vulnerable--manipulative and not cool lol). I personally am anticipating Vox to have something to do with this.
Alastor caring enough to be competitive against Vox, I'm getting the feeling that the deal he made with Charlie will be when he needs help/something to aid in his beef with Vox.
I think this personal issue with Vox will be the gateway to Alastor betraying/hurting the group of people who
1. he genuinely likes and has put a substantial amount of effort into protecting, and
2. accept him how he is, even when he says their salvation is a lost cause/joke, the group of people who built him a new radio tower to come home to after he had to flee the fight they were counting on him to win.
Alastor lives in the hotel and the hotel is going to work on him, but it won't be truly successful until whatever darkness he's holding onto (this shit with Vox that seems clearly like a revenge ploy of some sort) is dealt with, which is going to be the biggest challenge for his arc before he can join his friends in their redemption.
I don't know about the other Vees with Alastor, only that Valentino is obviously a problem and not someone we're meant to root for. I think Valentino will be more of the main issue for Angel rather than Alastor.
Other things I've noticed on my rewatch of Hazbin Hotel with Vox and Alastor:
Alastor constantly talks in a radio voice. His real voice comes out in sparse moments, usually serious/intimidating moments, or when he's thrown off guard. Vox constantly talks in his real voice and was shown using a static/mic voice when he heard Alastor was back.
Alastor doesn't like showing his face through a screen (his face was made for radio after all), also hates modern technology, while Vox embraces modern technology and is a crowd pleaser (angelic security systems amiright). Alastor hides but he doesn't care about pleasing, Vox bares himself to the world but cares about how he's perceived. They're completely opposite in every way.
So yes it's going to be a big show down, both a physical conflict and interpersonal conflict. I'm sure of it.
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Sunny meets Camp Halfblood
Chapter 2
Chiron hovered over the boy in the bed. When Dionysus had brought the mysterious lad from the woods, everyone had seen. So now, a crowd of curious children are peeking their heads through the windows of the infirmary. "Annabeth-" Chiron started, sounding exhausted. The young blonde girl- who through years of acting as her father role, he knows is beyond trustworthy to be here, watching the boy- nodded her head. "I'll take care of it." She stepped outside, clapping her hands together. "Cmon everyone! Get a move on! Apollo kids, you're supposed to be at horse riding! Ares kids, quit arguing! Go!" Percy, the boy who everyone knows can't keep his nose out of anything, so Chiron didn't bother kicking him out, laughed. "That's my girl," he said, watching his girlfriend, Annabeth. "Isn't she something?" Chiron merely nodded and turned his attention back to the young boy. "His eye.." He slowly removed the patch to examine what lies underneath. He wasn't expecting such a shocking sight. In his socket was no eye, just a dent in his head where one should be. Along the dent was a large, grotesque scar, very fresh. Percy peered over and winced. "Yikes. Wonder what happened to the poor kid." Annabeth walked back in an glanced over at the boy and sucked in through her teeth. "He must've been attacked by a monster." Though, Chiron didn't seem so sure. "I'm not sensing any sort of demigod attributes to this boy. He feels.. mortal." "But if he's mortal, then how did he get in?" Percy asked matter-of-factly. "That's what I can't seem to figure out... Mr. D!" Chiron called out to the camp's director who had found the mysterious boy in the woods. "Do you know anything about this child?" Mr. D looked up from his game of solitaire, very annoyed to have to be involved in something he really doesn't want to be involved in. Which is anything that has to do with Camp Halfblood. "Of course I do." "Is there anything you can tell us?" "I don't feel like it." "Are you serious?" Percy spat. "Why are you being so stubborn." "Listen here, Peter Johnson. I am the god of madness and insanity. When a person goes crazy or is manic or anything like that, I know. But I have a line not to cross. I don't tell people about it." "That's... actually very responsible," Annabeth said, very surprised by the god's maturity. "Also because I don't like getting involved in whatever you mortals are going because it's a stupid waste of time." "Aaaaaand there it is," Percy said, rolling his eyes. "Wait," Annabeth cut in. "You know mortals if they are manic or crazy or whatever?" "Yes," he said, clearly wanting this conversation to end so he can continue to be left alone. "So.. this boy.. is he-?" "He's a bit manic, yes. Not a danger by any means, though." Everyone else in the room exchanged suspicious glances. Not a danger, sure. To Mr. D, who is an all powerful god. But to them? They might not be so lucky. But before they could decide what to do about the now potentially dangerous boy they have harbored in their infirmary, they heard a light groan from an unfamiliar voice. "Sounds like he's back in reality," Mr. D said nonchalantly as he adds a 3 of clovers to his clovers pile. Annabeth drew her dagger and Percy prepared his pen, Chiron moving his wheelchair back, reading to jump out of it if need be. The boy sat up, revealing just how pale and sickly he looks in the light. His eye was dark with thin black hair hanging in his face. He kind of reminded Percy of Nico, just more.. sickly than scary. The boy blinked a little, his eye adjusting to the light before looking up at the people who surrounded his bed. It took him nearly 30 seconds to realize that he was actually in danger. But instead of screaming or crying or asking questions, he froze up and laid back down. "If this is Hell, and you're here to punish me for what I've done, please just make it quick..."
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yinnina · 1 year
𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙲𝚛𝚒𝚖𝚜𝚘𝚗 𝚃𝚢𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚝
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Drip.... Drip... Drip...
I woke up feeling a lot better than I did the night before. The first thing I noticed once I opened my eyes were my crimson red nails, 'I guess I was too tired, that's kinda funny.'
I stretched before grabbing my uniform and a towel, heading outside of my dorm, finding a few students outside of the shower already. The halls were crowded, but soon each student started leaving in order to catch breakfast.
"Sorry! Are you ok?" A boy who looked younger than me bumped onto my chest. He was pretty short, but he looked like he could hold himself together.
"It's alright, are you feeling alright?" The boy nodded and explained to me that he was in a rush to take a shower and needed guidance, "No problem, I'm heading there, so it won't bother me to take you there."
"Thank you! Say, could I perhaps get your name?" I chuckled, "[Y/N] [L/N], pleasure to meet you."
The boy's eyes widened, "As in... The soon-to-be queen of the Zaterrian people?! As in the soon-to-be queen of the Walking Sand Desert?! I gotta be dreaming, or maybe I'm dead!" Zaterrians was what we called the people from back home, and they were named after one of the queens that managed killing half an army during war.
Sure, we kept peace most of the time, but that didn't meant that we didn't have rules that would behead people for kicks and fun—which you could clearly point fingers to more than half of our rulers. Did we kept peace with other nations? Sure. Are we known for being cruel to people? That too.
"You aren't dreaming nor dead... Is it that much of a surprise?" I murmured, and the boy shook his head, "No, it's just that... It's not an everyday thing you see royalty, more or so a girl just in general."
I shrugged, "Honestly, I am just as surprised as you onto why I'm here. The headmaster probably kept me just to bring eyes to his school."
The boy chuckled, "I'm Kirin Alsteek, and I'm also from the Walking Sand Desert. From the north, rather."
I raised an eyebrow in interest, "The north? Then you—"
I was interrupted by a certain red hair, "[Y/N], right? I've been informed that your schedule has changed," he handed me a paper, which I took quickly, "I also recommend you two get ready, you will be punished severely if you're late."
He left without another word, and we both sighed in defeat, "I guess he's right."
I nodded, leading the boy to the bathrooms. After we were both done, we quickly changed into our uniforms. Our attires weren't very different from neither each other nor the others, the only exception was that I wore a skirt that reached my thigh. I also wore square heel shoes that boosted my height ever so slightly.
I took off my jacket, revealing my red vest that laid on top of my shirt. "I believe this is where we part ways, more or so because I wouldn't want to be late on my first day here, but it was a pleasure meeting you, your highness."
Kirin bowed, and I told him that it wasn't necessary, but he only gave me a closed eye grin. He left quickly as he came, and I made my way to the Ramshackle dorm, waiting at the gates for the animal-mage and the magic-less boy as I stood out there, I watched as Crowley left the dorm, greeting me as he passed by.
"I swear, people here are weirder than the people from Rose Killer."
I heard footsteps from behind me, and I turned to meet two confused looks from certain boys, "I didn't know that they had female uniforms."
The pitch-high voice of Grim took over my ears, "Honestly, I didn't expect it either, but this works just fine."
Yuu joined in on the conversation, pointing at me, "I thought you might like the heat..."my ears perked at this, "Oh, you mean why did I take off my jacket? It's nothing much, really. I just didn't feel like wearing it, that's all."
The boy nodded, but it was clear to me that he didn't understand a word I had said, gladly for him, I left the topic alone and walked to the school with them. "Did I tell you that I just got my schedule changed completely?"
The creature then yelled onto my ears, more or so because I was in the middle of both of them, "What?! Did you do something wrong on the first day? Honestly, I wouldn't even be surprised."
I crossed my arms and furrowed my brows, "Well, first of all, I didn't do anything wrong. Second of all, I think that one of my classes was full, that's all."
As we walked to school, we held light conversations. The building wasn't far away from the dorms at all, but there was a little walking to be done beforehand.
"Hey, do you think I'll ever be able to go back home?..." The question threw me off, but I gave Yuu a tooth grin, "Don't think negative, I'm sure you'll make it back home safely after all."
He gave me a bittersweet smile, and Grim nodded in agreement, "Yeah! You have the great Grim after all! I'll make sure that you make it safely!"
Both mine and Yuu's sweat dropped a little, "There he goes again," Yuu whispered.
"You just can't miss it," I said in a hushed voice.
And clearly, Grim heard both of us, we just didn't pay much attention to his screaming. The school building then entered our vision as we made our way through the crowd of people.
"Wow," Grim was awed as he looked around, "so this is Main Street, huh? This is incredible!" the creature crossed his arms, "I didn't get to see much of it yesterday. What's the deal with these seven statues? All their faces look pretty scary."
Yuu shrugged, and I rolled my shoulders back as Grim kept going, "Like, this lady looks like she got some reeeal anger management issues," he pointed towards the Queen of Hearts and stared at her statue for a long while until we were interrupted by a voice.
"You don't know the Queen of Hearts?"
We all turned to meet the face of a red haired boy who had the painting of a heart on the left side of his face.
He was wearing the same shade of red I wore, and had the same arm-band that I had on my left arm, the only difference was that I was wearing a skirt with high-knee socks and didn't have my jacket on me at the moment. But other than that, we both had the same pattern on our uniforms, had the same tie, and even both of our uniforms were slightly loose in the neck.
"Queen of Hearts? Is she some kinda big deal?" Grim asked the red haired boy, and I slammed my hand over my forehead, 'For a monster, you sure know your Big Seven.'
The boy responded in a slightly cheerful voice, "She was a queen who lived in a maze-like garden of roses long, long ago," we all turned to look at the statue of the Queen of Hearts, "she was a strict woman who prized order above all. She wouldn't tolerate a rose being off-color, or her playing-card soldiers being out of step.
"She basically ruled over a kingdom of madness, but not one of her subjects dared to defy her. You wanna know why? Because the punishment for breaking a rule was immediate decapitation!"
We all listened to the boy talk, and I spaced out for a moment, thinking to myself, what if that was me someday? I wouldn't mind being feared, even if I already was.
Grim was in shock, saying how that was messed up, but the boy only smiled, "Pretty cool, right? I'm a big fan. I mean, who would bother to obey a queen that was kind all the time?"
I chuckled, "That is true. A leader must be strong, both inside and outside in order to be followed. But I believe that is besides the topic," I turned to look at the boy, "I do hope we get your name."
The boy smiled brightly, introducing himself with cheer, "Name's Ace. I'm a first-year student here, as of... today! Pleased to meetcha!"
"I'm [Y/N], pleasure to meet you."
I didn't know why, but my gut felt like something more was behind this whole thing. I simply tried shrugging it off at the moment as Grim smiled proudly and cockily, "I'm Grim! I'm a prodigy who's planning to be, like, the greatest mage who ever lived. That there's my far less interesting hench-human."
Grim was clearly talking about Yuu, and we all knew it, "'Yuu'? Huh. Name's got an odd ring to it."
Yuu only smiled awkwardly, "It's nice to meet you."
Grim then decided to get the attention of Ace once again, pointing towards the lion. "So tell me, Ace. Is that lion with a scar in the eye a famous ruler too?"
"Of course!"
Sure, I had paid attention to my history lessons, but every story did touch my interest. If there was one thing I could never get bored of, it is getting told stories. That is pretty much how I spend my time while inside the Blood Temple, and not because I was locked inside, trapped and waiting to die, I simply never went out because everyone knew better than going out when the sun was out.
I always loved listening to the stories that the people told me, like how they became royal guards, or how the one of the past rulers almost died—which was very often, if you asked me. But for some reason, our bloodline either died really young, or old enough to have a grandchild.
But don't get me wrong, most of them died pretty young, one of our rulers dying on the night of her coronation at eighteen. It was said that she died due to a broken heart, since coronation has to be done in the same week, if not day, that the last queen passes on.
"That's the King of Beasts who ruled the savanna. But he wasn't born into the throne—he had to earn it through hard work and elaborate schemes. When he became king, he decreed that the hyenas would be pariahs no more, and should live among his subjects as equals."
The Grim was in shock, "Sounds like a great guy! Not everyone's able to look past social status like that."
I then remembered Kirin, 'Yeah, thanks Grim, really appreciate it. In all honesty.'
Grim continued to ask about every other ruler, and Ace answered with honesty about the Sea Witch, the Sorcerer of the Sands, the Fairy Queen, the King of the Underworld and the Torn Fairy. And even after all of that, I still had this guy feeling.
"Pretty cool, huh?" Ace then gave us a cocky grin, "Not like some piddling weasel."
I sighed. "I'm seriously starting to think that everyone in my dorm is just as messed up in the head," I murmured to myself.
Ace laughed loudly till his stomach hurt, clearly mocking both Yuu and Grim, "Come on, you're the ones who turned orientation into such a fiasco, right? The one summoned by the Dark Mirror who can't even use magic, and the monster no one summoned at all.
"It took everything I had not to burst into laughter right in the middle of the ceremony!"
Grim was trying to tell him off while me and Yuu simply stared at the boy, him and disbelief and me in disappointment. This boy was the most naive person I've ever come across, right below You and Grim—ignoring the fact that Grim was a monster, not a human.
"So I'm the end, neither of you got admitted and now you're janitors? Ah ha ha! SO lame!"
The fight was mostly between Grim and Ace, I didn't say anything, and rather just listened to them.
"Uh-oh... This is not gonna end well," Whispered Yuu to me, and I nodded my head as I watched both boys from slightly afar.
"Unlike you, I have classes to get to, so I'll let you get back to picking trash. Bye!" And as much as I wanted to tear his guts apart, I knew the boy was right, and he clearly knew it too, for he waited slightly, turning towards me as he gave me another one of his grins.
"Myuh-uh!" Grim called out, "You ain't walking away from me! It's too late for that!" We couldn't see anything other than blue flames that surrounded us. I then thought, why was I even brought into this whole mess? In all honesty, I could've just left for class without a problem, so why exactly am I here?
"No one makes fun of Grim, Master of FireN I'm gonna make that explodey-head of yours explode all over again!"
"Explodey-head?!" The boy asked, clearly irritated, "You wanna throw down with me, shorty? You got some guts. You wanna talk hair, huh? I'm gonna shave you like a toy poodle!"
I sighed in irritation, watching the whole scene unfold in front of my eyes and seeing as students started surrounding us. Clearly, I would never catch a break in this school.
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missizzy · 3 months
Narrative Interlude: About Her(Baldur's Gate 3, pre-Shadowzel)
(Takes place in the universe of my first playthrough, where, I should note here, Lae'zel currently has the Haste Helm.)
The duel proper, of course, didn't take place. It likely never would have. Sara Tully made that pretty clear by the way she spoke to both of them as they got up, that she never would've allowed it. Lae'zel hadn't wanted to honor Shadowheart with it by then, anyway.
That girl had had some nerve, talking about ceasing hostilities when she'd just tried to kill her. Lae'zel wondered what Sara would've done had she actually done so right in front of her. Would she have turned her out of camp, even killed her? She might have felt like she couldn't afford to; even putting the artifact aside, they needed Shadowheart's healing powers.
She briefly wondered if she might leave one of the two of them behind in camp that day, but it seemed not. Maybe she hoped a few more battles fought together-and there would be fighting, here in the Underdark-would lessen their hostility. They'd shared plenty already the previous day, but Lae'zel admitted to herself it was possible that it would work.
It was true that despite everything, she was developing a bit of an admiration for the half-elf. Part of her was even impressed by her getting the better of her the way she did the previous night. There'd been surprising strength in the way she'd managed to hold her down, and Lae'zel would remember the ferocity in all the words she had spoken for a very long time.
Now they were getting ready to head out, Gale and Shadowheart still fumbling with the armor the former especially wasn't used to wearing, while Sara briefly talked with Wyll and Karlach. Lae'zel was holding her own new red helmet, perhaps a little worried about how she would feel once she put it back on; she was fairly certain it was making her feel more violent, at least when a fight was clearly imminent.
Of course, when she watched Sara now, the feelings that filled her were still of a very different nature. Feelings she knew their leader didn't return. She wished that could make her aggravated at her this morning, for letting Shadowheart off so easily for what she'd very nearly done the previous night. But her heart would not cooperate.
And she knew she wasn't even hiding it all that well, even before the voice behind her inquired, "Ogling our dear leader again? Or trying to devise a way to accidentally topple Shadowheart into one of those chasms today?"
Lae'zel fought back the impulse to whirl around and put her sword to Astarion's throat; she feared that would only amuse him. "You do not get entrusted with my mind, vampire," she hissed, without even looking back at him.
"I wouldn't expect to be," he replied, unfazed, "but some things are obvious enough. Also given how alike the two of you are-"
"Alike?" Now Lae'zel did turn around, and gaped at him. "I am nothing like her!"
But he just shook his head and said, "Not the first time I've heard those exact words from people like the two of you. You'd be amazed how many of them I've encountered in my time. You're both of you zealouts who have made your lives all about serving the side you're on, which you think is oh so different from any of the other sides that are in your way, and really, it's not."
"You really think there's no difference? I admit, I do not have extensive knowledge of this Lady Shar she worships, but from what the rest of you have told me...if you think Vlaakith is anything like that..."
Astarion shrugged. "I suppose I myself know only what I've been told about them both. So maybe I'll turn out to be wrong. But I don't think I am." And he turned and walked back to his tent.
Feeling more fury at him than she even had at Shadowheart the previous night, Lae'zel strode over to where Gale and Shadowheart now had all their armor and gear on. She watched the former flick an alarmed gaze over the two of them, and might have rolled her eyes had she been in less of a temper.
Then she saw Shadowheart roll hers.
That meant nothing, she told herself. It was a perfectly reasonable reaction for anyone in their situation.
But then she found herself locking gazes with the other woman. She didn't like the touch of smugness she had, but beneath that was an anxiety, a lingering anger, and a determination that all felt disturbingly familiar.
As Sara came to join them, Lae'zel turned her head away, and roughly strapped on her helmet. She was now hoping it would make her feel a little more violent, and right away.
It didn't.
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Sirens Song
Fandom: Ikemen Vampire
Pairing: Comte x reader
Prompt: Day 7 - Against the wall /Table sex, "Can you feel what you've done to me?"
Word count: 1813
Notes: This is my contribution to @xxsycamore #kinktober2022 challenge! (I am posting a little early - sorry!) It is also the first fic I've ever posted online, so please let me know if you like it! I usually write for myself so it feels a little scary to share, but this is basically my love letter to Comte.
(The song that I primarily had in mind for this was The Love You Want - Sleep Token)
WARNINGS/SPOILERS: NSFW, smut, 18+ minors DNI, Comte's first name, angst, fingering, biting (light, no turning), sex
The way the golden sun streamed in the windows it was easy to understand why everyone went out today. It was probably the last warm day before the bitter cold of winter. Sebastian stood in the front doorway and turned to look back at you "Are you sure you don't want to come with me? It's too nice outside to stay cooped up all day."
"Thanks but I'll be alright. I'm looking forward to a little time alone actually."
"Well, if you're sure.." he said giving you a sheepish smile "Since you're staying in can you put the clean dishes away before dinner?"
You gave him a gentle push out the door "No problem, now go! Have fun!" He turned and walked off with a wave as you closed the door behind him. The mansion was so quiet now. Quieter than you had ever heard it before. You stand there with your back to the door and take a deep breath absorbing the stillness that was so very rare. You let out a sigh "I suppose I should get that done before I forget." you say to yourself as you walk toward the kitchen.
You look at the mountain of dishes to put away from the banquet the previous night with a new determination. Still in a good mood despite the work, you start singing aloud some songs from the 21st century. It's been some time since you heard them as your phone died many moons ago, but you still remember the lyrics of your favorites almost as if you could still hear the music clearly playing in your head.
You return all the assorted pots and pans to their proper places first. Next the plates and glasses. You managed to get everything put away fairly quickly thanks to you being so familiar with the kitchen. As you were sorting the last of the flatware into the drawer -
"You have a beautiful singing voice, you know."
Your stomach hits the floor and your head snaps up to the sound of the voice, you see him standing, leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed and a smirk on his face. Looking more casual then you had ever seen him before, without his overcoat, tie, or even shoes, le Comte has appeared as if from thin air. He tilts his head slightly staring directly into your eyes. Your whole face floods with heat "When- How- I- I thought everyone went out today?" you finally manage to stammer out.
"Oh they did. However, I chose to stay in and catch up on some of my letters and enjoy a little peace and quiet. Seems you and I had similar thoughts." he chucked to himself.
"I'm so sorry, if I had known- I wouldn't have been singing so loud! I-I'm sorry if I bothered you, I can-"
Before you could finish your flustered apology, he cuts you off "Tis not a bother, ma cherie. In truth, your song called to me reminiscent of the way sirens call to sailors. I was entranced, but I must confess I do not recognize the melody."
Just when you thought your face couldn't get any redder, a whole new wave of heat spreads across your cheeks. "Oh." you said shocked, but still embarrassed, "It's just some of the music I used to listen to in my time.. Um, would you like some tea?" You asked trying to change the subject. You turned to the cupboards, happy to have a reason to break the intense eye contact. There is something different in his eyes today. Something almost wild. You had noticed in the past that his eyes tend to follow you, but you tried not to read too much into it. After all, you are certainly not anyone influential or of great historical importance.
"I'd love some" You didn't hear him move but you suddenly felt his closeness. You put the kettle on the stove and turned around to push yourself up and sit on the counter. If Sebastian knew you were sitting on his counter he would surely flick you. You felt like being at eye level might help you relieve the awkwardness you felt, but it ended up giving him a chance to get even closer. You weren't exactly sure how it happened, but he was now very comfortably positioned standing between your knees, his liquid gold eyes searching yours. Saying nothing, he reached up an gently placed a stray lock of your hair behind your ear, fingers just barely ghosting across your skin.
Heat. Everything felt hot. His eyes seemed to melt every part of you. Feeling the heat start gathering in your belly under his honey gaze gives you a shred of confidence. Why else would he be this close? He wouldn't be standing like this if he wasn't interested, right? You slowly leaned forward, and when he didn't move away, you leaned in further delicately placing a kiss on his lips. He presses into you returning the kiss, and you feel one of his hands run up the side of your thigh. Just as you started slipping your tongue into his mouth, he pulls away.
Oh no. Feeling instant regret and shame, you knit your eyebrows together and look down at your hands in your lap.
"Cherie.. are you sure.. is this what you want?" you hear him say in a low breathy voice. "Are you sure you want.. me?"
Your eyes dart back up to meet his, surprised at his sudden confession. You can see something akin to  loneliness in his eyes that leaves you heartbroken for a moment. How could he not know your true feelings? How could he not see that you've only ever had eyes for him? "Comte," you say softly "How could I not? You are the sweetest, kindest man I've ever-" Before you could say anything more his lips were crushed against yours again, full of desire. Pushing his tongue past your lips, you grab handfuls of his shirt. His hand continues its journey up your thigh to your hip and his other hand wraps around your back, pulling you tight against his chest. You pull your legs up and lock them around his waist. Your fingers start frantically unbuttoning his shirt when you feel him lift you. Still kissing you hungrily, he carries you out to the dining room and sets you on the table.
You pull back and look at him perplexed for a moment, and as if reading your thoughts he answers in a low growl "My bedroom is across the house and I simply cannot wait that long." After that his mouth is on your neck, tongue lapping at your pulse point, his skilled fingers working to open your blouse. Your whole body feels like it's being consumed by fire and you bite your lip, struggling to stifle a moan. His mouth travels lower, across your collarbone, and lower sucking on your breast and cupping the other in his hand. You hear him muttering something in French as his other hand wanders ups your skirt on your bare thigh, leaving a trail of goose bumps in its wake. His fingers find the top of your panties and he practically rips them off you. Suddenly the ceiling is in view and the weight of his body on top of your own, you can feel his length pressing against the inside of your thigh being constrained by his pants. Kissing you again, his fingers find your already wet center, and he works two of his fingers inside, his thumb teasing your bud. You couldn't help but whimper at the sudden sensation. Your hands move on their own to his pants trying free him, wanting more. He removes his fingers from you and you feel the loss of them. He pushes himself up, blond hair falling in his face and you get a full look at his bare chest. His skin pale, muscles lean and yet somehow toned but absolutely gorgeous. You open his pants and his cock springs out, larger than you were expecting, but you are ready.
"Be sure to tell me if there is pain, ma cherie." You nod, then grip the edge of the table as he lines himself up. He leans back in to kiss you as he slowly pushes himself inside you, carefully, feeling how your walls stretch to accommodate him. His breathy groan against your lips as he goes deeper and deeper is heaven to your ears. Once you are full to the hilt, his hands start exploring your every inch of your body, one coming to rest on your ass.  You put your arms around his back as he starts moving his hips rhythmically, you feel yourself start winding up already. Now you really can't help but moan as he starts licking and nipping your neck again breathing heavily, while he slams into you again and again. His fangs scrape the delicate skin but he is careful not to break it. Your fingernails start digging into his skin and you know you won't last much longer at this rate.
"I'm.. so close" you barely manage to whisper out.
"Sing. Sing for me."
As if the words themselves were what pushed you over the edge, you arched your back up into his chest, head thrown back and you cry out. Your mind goes hazy as your walls clamp down and you feel his bucking hips start stuttering as he rides out his climax as well. Taking ragged breaths, his whole body now laying on you, his head on your already heaving chest. Your fingers find their way into his soft hair.  You both lie there for a moment comfortable, catching your breath.
"Can you feel what you've done to me?" he asks in a quiet voice. He lifts his head to meet your eyes, looking into them like you are the most precious and rare treasure in the world.
"Comte.."  you say somewhat timidly.
"That is my name. I want you to know it."
"Abel." You say softly, in a voice barely above a whisper, and a smile more beautiful than the day itself blooms across his face.
Sometime later - You've changed the tablecloth and start setting the places for dinner, as most of the residents have already arrived home. Sebastian hurries through the dining room, rushing past you "I'm sorry I'm late, the shops were running low on some of the ingredients I needed, so I had to go way out of my way" he states trailing off into the kitchen. You smile to yourself and continue setting plates, lost in your own thoughts. Not a moment later, you hear him loudly yell from the kitchen "WHO WASTED MY GOOD TEA!?" You weren't sure, but you could have sworn you heard Abel chuckle from the other room.
~~Thank you for taking the time to read this! i hope you enjoyed it! :)
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letthewhumpbegin · 1 year
In the Line of Fire - Shadow and Bone
Fandom: Shadow and Bone, Six of Crows Characters: Jesper Fahey, Kaz Brekker Prompt: this was written for day 14 of @juneofdoom. Prompt: "What were you thinking?" Word count: 2198 Warnings: contains descriptions of gunshot wound, self-sacrifice (no character death).
A/N: I know this is a day early, but since I am very short on time tomorrow, I've decided to post this already today. Story can also be found on my AO3 and FF.net (you can find me under Thiswouldbeakick on both sites 😉)
GIF by me
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The decision was made in a split-second, and actually more instinctively rather than consciously. Everyone would agree it might not have been the smartest thing to do, but bang in the middle of a shootout, one tends not to make the most rational decisions.
That was why Jesper saw only one way to stop the bullet that was now hurtling towards Kaz: get him out of the way before the round could bury itself in the thief's flesh.
"Get down!" Jesper threw himself at Kaz, effectively tackling him to the ground. Kaz groaned audibly as the both of them landed on the ground and he caught Jesper's full weight on his chest. He needed a moment to get his breath back. This had been a very close call, Kaz knew that all too well. But what he heard next, made Kaz realize this situation had just gotten way worse.
"I-- I'm hit..."
Jesper made a feeble attempt to push himself off of Kaz's chest, but couldn't find the strength and slumped back down. Kaz tried to keep it together, despite his discomfort at large parts of his body being in contact with someone else. Something was clearly wrong with Jesper, and the gunslinger wouldn't be helped if Kaz lost it completely.
The way Jesper limply rolled onto the floor as Kaz gently pushed him off of his chest was all the more reason for concern. "Jesper?" Where Kaz's voice never faltered, it did now at the sight in front of him. Jesper lay on his side, whimpering in pain, and a look of indescribable fear on his face. Something Kaz had never seen in the gunslinger before.
"I'm hit..." Jesper repeated, stammering and gasping for breath. Kaz's eyes hastily roamed over his friend's body. He didn't need long to see the bloodstain on the back of Jesper's grey coat. The wound was halfway between Jesper's shoulder blades and oozing blood. Kaz had seen too many injuries in his life already to know Jesper wasn't walking this off. No, this could easily prove fatal.
"Help me." Jesper's voice cracked as he reached a trembling hand out to Kaz's arm, and for once Kaz let him. Kaz vigorously nodded his head. "Hold on, Jes, hold on."
An involuntary cough rocked Jesper's body, and Kaz startled to see Jesper cough up some blood. They needed to move quickly and get Jesper to a Healer as soon as possible. Jesper's gaze found Kaz's face for just a moment, before his eyes rolled back and he passed out.
Kaz scrambled to his feet. Jesper would pull through this, Kaz would do everything in his power to make sure of that. But he couldn't do that alone. No, he needed the help of the only other person in the world he trusted enough.
Kaz took a deep breath and yelled out as loud as he could. "Inej!"
The first time Jesper found a tiny bit of consciousness again, there was a flurry of things happening around him. He heard people moving, conversing in low, yet urgent tones, and he felt hands touching his apparently bare shoulders.
With his consciousness slowly returning to him, so did the pain. It was like his back was on fire, leaving him unable to breath in too deeply, and on the verge of screaming out if he moved even the tiniest muscle.
Jesper opened his eyes just enough to see blurrily through his eyelashes. The dimly lit room he found himself in wasn't familiar to him, and neither were the two middle-aged women hurrying around him. Healers, Jesper presumed. At least, he hoped so, because the pain to his back was excruciating and he had never felt so weak as right now.
Jesper whimpered, making a very feeble attempt to move. "Kaz?" His mind, still foggy with only half his consciousness returned to him, suddenly fed him the last images he remembered from before blacking out, and why he had taken a bullet in the first place. "Don't worry about him now." One of the Healers pressed a gentle hand onto Jesper's back, urging him to lie still. But instead of calming him, it only made Jesper more worried and panicked.
"Kaz." His friend's name rolled of Jesper's lips in another half-conscious, frightened whimper. Again those hands trying to be gentle as they held him down. "No..." Jesper moaned. Tears of pain and fear made their way into his eyes. "Kaz... I need to see him. Why won't you tell me if he's alright?"
Jesper was just about to completely lose himself in his fear, when he heard the sound that finally managed to calm him somewhat: the sound of a cane on the wooden floor.
"I'm fine, don't you worry about me." Kaz slowly limped into Jesper's line of sight. He didn't look as composed as usual, but at least he was up and walking. "Let the Healers help you, Jesper."
Jesper finally relaxed, and immediately found himself on the brink of passing out again. He had never before experienced pain like this, and his exertions of just now certainly hadn't made that better. With a last strand of consciousness, Jesper looked past the Healers at Kaz standing a few feet behind them. He stood with both gloved hands resting on his cane, an expression on his face one did not often find there: concern.
Kaz's eyes locked with Jesper's, and he minutely dipped his head once. It was a small movement, but Jesper caught it and knew what it meant. Kaz took care of business, Kaz would take care of him, and whenever he did you were in good hands.
Jesper's muscles lost all their strength as he gave in to the Healers and disappeared into unconsciousness once again.
When Jesper awoke again, he immediately knew where he was. Without even opening his eyes, he knew he was back in the Barrel. The sounds and smells were unmistakable and he recognized them out of thousands.
But what he couldn't quite place was the soft surface he lay upon and the warm blankets he felt all around him. One didn't easily find these things in the Barrel, and a twinge of fear settled back in Jesper's chest. Was he really safe right now?
Jesper very slowly opened his eyes. A frown creased his brow as he found himself almost face to face with a golden-colored crow's head. He was about to blame it on the fogginess of his mind, when he realized he was staring at the handle of Kaz's cane, which stood leaning to the side of the bed Jesper found himself in.
Jesper slightly lifted his head off the pillow to look past the crow's head. If his cane was here, Kaz must be, too.
And indeed. He found Kaz sitting, slightly slouched down, in a comfortable chair a few feet beside the bed, fast asleep. One elbow rested on the armrest of the chair, while his hand supported his head as he slept. His face peaceful for once, and his entire body relaxed.
Jesper blinked sluggishly a few times. He had never actually seen Kaz asleep before, and the sight was strangely off to him. There had been rumors going around the Barrel for years that Dirtyhands never slept. Jesper was never quite able to prove those rumors wrong, although he was rational enough to know they couldn't be true, but he now had to unequivocally conclude that Kaz slept just like anyone else.
But was Kaz alright? Jesper could see the slow rise and fall of his chest, so he didn't really look on the brink of death, but Jesper still worried. Kaz was a star at hiding the things that bothered him, especially when it came to injuries. Jesper only vaguely remembered Kaz ensuring him he was alright back at the Healer's, but he needed confirmation on that again.
"Kaz..." Jesper mumbled as loud as he could get his voice after it not being used in a while. Kaz didn't even stir. "K-Kaz." Jesper slightly moved and he instantly felt the searing pain between his shoulder blades from where he had been shot. He winced loudly, his hands tightly gripping the edge of the bed. In his somewhat uncontrolled movement, Jesper knocked over Kaz's cane, which fell to the floor with a loud clatter.
Kaz nearly jumped a foot into the air, waking abruptly with a gasp he did his best to suppress. He looked around in confusion for a moment, before he locked eyes with Jesper. They held each other's gaze, until Kaz bent down to pick up his cane off the floor. He set it in front of the chair he sat on, resting both hands on the handle.
"Welcome back," Kaz finally spoke. "Tell me you're alright." Jesper demanded before Kaz could say anything else. His voice was still croaky and hoarse, but Jesper couldn't care less about that now. All he wanted was real confirmation that Kaz had come out of the shootout unscathed.
"I already told you." Kaz's spoke flatly, brow creasing into a frown. "I know you, Kaz," Jesper mumbled weakly, "you hide any injuries you have when one of us is injured. You want us to be alright before you even begin to think about yourself." Kaz shifted uncomfortably in his chair, the wood creaking softly as his muscles tensed. "How do you know?" "You're not the only one making observations," Jesper answered, "so tell me, truthfully, are you alright?" Kaz nodded sincerely. "Yes." Jesper sighed in relief. Kaz wasn't hurt, so at least he hadn't taken a bullet for nothing.
An uncomfortable silence hung in the air for a short while. Even though he was only half awake, Jesper effortlessly sensed Kaz had something he wanted to speak about. The thief sat staring at his own hands resting on his cane in front of him. A hard, yet unreadable look on his face. Jesper knew that look. It meant Kaz's brain was working overtime, and Jesper could easily deduce that would have something to do with the events of the shootout.
Finally, Jesper had had enough. "Just speak whatever's on your mind," he sighed. Kaz's gaze flickered onto Jesper, but the expression on his face didn't change. "What were you thinking?" Kaz spoke softly, but his tone was unforgiving. "When?" Jesper answered sarcastically, "I have many thoughts." "Don't take me for a fool, Jes." For a heartbeat Dirtyhands surfaced, before Kaz's expression immediately softened a little again. "I know you threw yourself in front of that bullet. And I also know that, if you hadn't, it would have struck me." "It would have killed you," Jesper corrected. Kaz slightly cocked his head to one side, mulling those words over. "And instead it nearly killed you."
Jesper was caught off guard by that comeback and hesitated before he spoke again. "Well, maybe... I didn't entirely think it through." "Why do it at all?" Kaz shrugged non-understandingly. "Half of Ketterdam would be celebrating my death." Jesper chuckled softly, before his tone turned very serious. "Kaz, I... I know you don't give a kruge about yourself, and many people would indeed rather see you dead, but there's also still people out there that do care about you... I care about you."
The usual frown on Kaz's brow deepened even further. His lips parted slightly and he took a breath as if he meant to say something, but finally settled upon just a deep exhale. "Just-- don't ever do that again," Kaz eventually spoke. A small smile tugged at the corner of Jesper's mouth. "Sure, boss."
Jesper shifted minutely under his covers. His back ached uncomfortably. The Healers had healed the wound, but his body still had a lot of recovering to do. He felt fatigued, out of strength, and like he could sleep for days on end. Apparently, Kaz had seen it, too. "I'll leave you to get more rest," he said solemnly.
Jesper watched Kaz slowly get to his feet. He couldn't help but notice how Kaz winced at the seemingly extreme stiffness in his bad leg, and how he leaned on his cane even heavier than usual.
"Exactly how long have you been sitting at my bedside?" Jesper frowned suspiciously. "You've been out for over a day, so..." Kaz admitted reluctantly, "more than a day." Jesper blinked a few times in surprise. Not only for hearing he had apparently been unconscious for more than a day, but more so that Kaz had refused to leave his side all that time.
Kaz walked a few paces, before looking back over his shoulder, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes and a smirk playing on his lips. "You're not the only one who needs to make sure their friend is alright." Jesper chuckled. A pleasant warmth settled in his chest at seeing this side of Kaz. It was rarely glimpsed, but there definitively was a sensitive side to him after all.
"Thank you," Jesper said sincerely, "for helping me." "Don't get used to it," Kaz answered with a grin. And Jesper immediately knew: if it ever came to it again, Kaz would help him no matter what.
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Useful Links Section | Writing Masterlist Make a request from my prompts list
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folliesandfolderols · 8 months
Writing prompts days 30 and 31
From this prompt list. If you've read this far, I'm not sure you need any explanation, but the short version is I hadn't written any fiction since 2019, I set a goal to write at least 150 words/day in 2024, and this list was my way in. Also I abruptly decided on day 2 I would write an entire Tim/Damian story connecting all the prompts, because I am Good at Judging My Limits. /sarcasm Anyway, I finished the first draft and I'm unlocking old entries as I edit.
Read from the beginning here
Days 28 & 29 here
130. "Spread your legs for me." ... "Spread them wider."
Damian's jaw dropped just for a second before he recovered. "I suppose I can indulge you, since you've asked."
Tim resisted the urge to roll his eyes and just smiled instead. "I would appreciate that." He rolled off Damian to lie against his side. "Well?"
Damian didn't move for a moment, eyes fixed on the ceiling above them. "If I say or do anything you don't want, you will tell me to stop."
Tim's smile softened involuntarily. Even though Damian was making it sound like an order, he knew it was a request. "Of course."
"Very well." Damian looked at him fully. His face had turned scarlet, but his expression was cool. "Roll over onto your stomach. You may arrange your arms however you wish."
Curious, but willing to go with it, Tim followed instructions.
"Good." Damian rose and knelt beside him. His hands traced the muscles from Tim's shoulders to the small of his back, pausing at the gnarled scar that memorialized the loss of his spleen before moving on again. "Do you know," he continued in a conversational tone, "I really haven't had much chance to touch you as I'd like, so I appreciate the opportunity. I imagine passivity doesn't come naturally to you any more than it does to the rest of us."
Tim pressed his face into the sheets to hide his confusion. He'd expected Damian to pin him down and grind them both to orgasm within minutes, not whatever this was.
"But then again, I have on occasion noticed something. You like to watch me when I interact with my animals. You tried to hide it but I saw you looking."
Stung and somehow feeling more naked than he had five seconds before, Tim turned his head enough to make his voice clearly heard. "Mostly because of the novelty of you actually being nice to another living being. Don't think too much of it."
"Tt." Damian stroked up his back again. Tim flinched as soft lips pressed a kiss to his shoulder. "I didn't, actually, until fairly recently."
Because he hadn't thought much about Tim at all, of course.
"But now I wonder if perhaps . . ." He buried his fingers in Tim's hair and carefully worked them through the damp strands. Tim shivered and dug his fingers into his arms, folded beneath his head. Damian dropped another kiss on the top of his head, and a third onto his bicep. "You wanted to be petted as much as they do."
Tim was going to either melt into this bed in a liquefaction of lust or flip over and gag him. It was even odds at the moment. He fought to keep his voice light as Damian bit over his ribs. "Before you ask, I'm not into pet play."
"Fortunate, since I'm not either." Damian's tone had gone fond. Tim had heard the exact same one when he was chastising Alfred the Cat for begging him for belly scratches and then biting his hand. The slow, steady pressure of his palms' movement continued turning Tim's muscles to goo. "That doesn't preclude spoiling you a bit." On their next trip down, his hands slid lower, to Tim's ass. "May I try something I've wanted to attempt for awhile now?"
"Sure. Like I said, I'll stop you if I don't like it."
Damian's hands moved to his thighs, directing them outward. "Spread your legs for me." Tim obeyed. Damian moved between them and gave another nudge. "Spread them wider."
Like all Bats, Tim's range of motion was greater than most people's, so this time he spread his legs almost into a split, until he nearly started to feel the stretch. Damian patted his flank the same way he used to Titus. "Just like that. Good."
Tim sucked air in between his teeth at the words, warmth pulsing in his belly. So sue him, he wasn't immune to the Robin praise kink curse. Worse, he could tell Damian noticed because his hands froze for a bare second before he said, "You're doing very well."
Ugh. Tim hated himself for the way that made his cock leak.
Damian pushed his ass cheeks apart, thumbs rubbing up and down their swell. "I'll just—" he began, and then licked from Tim's perineum all the way to the top of the crease.
Tim jolted and could barely restrain a shout of surprise. "Dami—"
He could feel Damian's smile against his back, where he rested his face for a moment. "I told you I would spoil you."
Tim felt like he'd been punched in the gut, albeit a lot more pleasantly than normal, and the noise he made probably sounded like it too. "I—" He cut himself off with a groan when Damian did it again. "Oooh my God."
Damian exhaled a laugh, a warm huff of breath across the sensitive skin beneath his mouth. "Try to hold still. I don't relish the thought of a broken nose because you got carried away."
"Hey," Tim said with as much indignation as he could muster, which was very little at the moment. "You just said I'm doing very well."
Damian pressed his mouth directly to Tim's hole, and sensation zinged up Tim's nerve endings straight to the base of his skull, driving out thoughts and leaving only a pathetic whimper in his throat.
days thirty-two, thirty-three, and thirty-four here
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kimhargreeves · 1 year
Concert Confessions-Ian Bruce x Reader (The Correspondents)
Summary: You've been long time friends with the boys from The Correspondents, the mutual pining between you and Bruce is making your friend Tim desperate for you both to just date. You decide to do the impossible before their concert at night.
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(This is based on the English band The Correspondents. I was about to write a fic soon, but saw someone asking for someone to write so I volunteered! So this one shot is for the person who accepted in me writing it. @atomicbug Hope you enjoyed it!!)
It's been many years since I've known Bruce and Chucks known as Tim also but his closest friends call him that. I've been with them from the very beginning, meeting both of them when we were still studying. I used to see them always hanging around with each other until eventually I met Bruce in art class, i was enamored with his work from the very start.
We started with small conversations until it started with hanging out at classes and spending almost everyday together. I still remember the same day easily getting along with Chucks like we had been friends for years.
It took a while until they finally started a band together and started touring and meeting fans with their unique music and still continuing to be themselves. I absolutely loved their music style and how artistic they are
I started working alongside with them as well, thinking and worrying that I wouldn't be able to see them often, well sometimes I would work with them whenever I was free since I started working alongside with a company in making music as well.
Today is one of those days where I would be hanging out with them and finally being able to see Bruce. Often they would insist on me working with them on a song, or sing on stage but I was afraid of what their fans might say if they were to see a female with them, clearly having feelings for the bands singer.
"(Y/N)!" I heard voices calling out to me. I turned around as I stood in line at a cafe, many people weren't around anyways so I turned around and shrieked when I saw my best friends.
"Guys!! You're finally here!" I exclaim running over to them and hugging them tightly, they hugged me back until we parted and we smiled.
Chucks almost hasn't changed a bit, and Bruce continues to look the same as ever with his glasses and neatly styled hair. Both of them were wearing jackets because of the cold weather.
"We're happy to know you accepted the invite." Bruce said looking down at me since I was shorter than him since he's tall.
"You know we'll I'd never say no to you." I smile as I blush looking up at him.
I hear a hum and I glanced and saw Chucks smiling at us both but said nothing. I knew well what that smile meant.
"It's nice to know that, you've always been our number one fan after all." He said as he reached down and patted my head.
The three of us stood in line ordering whatever we wanted to eat, I blushed when Bruce would get close to me. I could feel my heart beating faster whenever I am next to him, these feelings for him hasn't faded a bit at all.
"Why don't you both head back and grab a table? I'll be there with our food." Chucks said to us both, before I could follow Bruce I felt Chucks grab my arm.
"The tension is killing me here, (Y/N). Please just confess your feelings to the lad, you've both been pining each other for years now. I'm getting old here, woman. I want to be an uncle soon!"
He joked but that only made me only more embarrassed. "Shhh I'm getting to it!" I said making sure no one listened what we had said.
I composed myself and quickly followed Bruce until we sat down on a table with him sitting in front of me. "It's really nice to be able to see you again." was the first thing he said when we sat down.
My face must've looked like a tomato due to how hot I felt. "It's n-nice to see you again! I really missed having you around."
"I also noticed that you dyed and cut your hair." He said reaching up and touching my hair. "It suits you. I think you look even more pretty than before."
How am I supposed to answer to that? I felt like passing out. I smiled at him still blushing as I tried my best to hide my face, "You're way too kind, Mr. Bruce." I say making him chuckle as he adjusted his glasses.
"Tell me, (Y/N). How's life been treating you lately? Any news going on?" He excitedly asked getting himself comfortable in his seat.
I chuckled and shook my head. "Nothing much has changed, same work, same schedules, my parents visited me last week and I took them around my working place, I will say things have been a bit weird."
"Hmm? How come?"
"There's been a guy around who hasn't stopped asking me for lunch at work..hmm? Everything alright, Ian?"
"Everything's fine!" He exclaimed and made an odd look. I shook my head and took my his hands in mine.
"There's nothing to worry about, I declined his offer since I've been too busy, besides he isn't my type."
Bruce sighed loudly and seemed relieved at my answer. "It might sound selfish but I'm glad you declined. Who would be there to protect you if something were to happen to you."
I looked at him and noticed he was blushing as well, still not letting go of my hands for a second. "Thing's haven't been easy on tour lately, there's something that's been stuck on my mind ever since you left a year ago."
It had been a long while since I had seen the boys. I wonder what he's been hiding from me. I will say seeing him again makes me want to have him all to myself and not leave.
"I'm back!" We quickly let go of each other and looked at Chucks surprised. "Here's everything we ordered, dig up fellas."
We nodded and began to each at the many desserts we ordered and noticed Bruce has ordered my favorite dessert, he still remembers that I used to order it almost everyday before heading to classes.
"You know tour has been very fun, but there's just one girl who hasn't stopped trying to call this guy." Chucks said almost too loud for the building to listen.
I've known him for being dramatic so I don't know wether to believe in him, but I decided to play along. "Oh really?"
"Has that woman tried calling me? I haven't noticed." Bruce said drinking his coffee. "Besides no woman can be as equally charming as I am."
"Hmm that's true. You are too flamboyant." I said making Bruce almost choke on his coffee. Chucks and I laughed. "I'm just joking..I actually really love how weird, quirky and how artsy you are. You're just my type." I smiled.
Chucks took a sip of his tea and looked at us, "Just date already you lovebirds."
The lights to the stage were dimly lit with the crowd of people calling out the bands name. People all around us were making the final adjustments for the show tonight. Everyone was too busy to stop for a second to speak, wires were being brought up on the stage, microphone stand was adjusted along with keyboard's were being placed in it's correct spot.
I stood aside so people wouldn't run into me or each other, leaving them to do their job. The stage was nearly done.
"(Y/N)." I looked to the side and noticed Bruce now dressed at his finest, in a black suit with matching tie. He looked very handsome. I look to the side to shy to look at him, seeing him dressed like this always stirred something in me.
"You're almost ready for the night?" I asked leaning against the wall and Bruce did the same, crossing his arms and looking at me.
"Almost ready. There's just one thing missing. Come on." I was taken back when he reached down and grabbed my hand pulling me close to him as I followed him.
We made it to the other side of the stage without being seen and stood behind a black curtain, we were all alone. Bruce stood behind me and leaned down to rest his head on my shoulder. I could feel my heart beating faster, could he hear it as well?
"See those people out there." He pouted without moving from me. "They're all here because of you. If it weren't for your support we never would've made it. This is all for you, (Y/N)."
Bruce now began to hug me from behind and I reached up and held him. "I haven't been myself for a year, you're the only person I've been thinking of whenever I have to travel."
I looked up at him and now stood in front of him when he stopped hugging me. He reached his hand and held my face, "I love you, (Y/N). I always get upset when I have to see you leave, won't you stay here and make me the happiest man alive?"
I began to shake and tears began to fall down my face, making Bruce panic when he saw me crying. "Did I say something to upset you?!" You asked concerned.
Quickly I shook my head not wanting him to get upset thinking he had said something we shouldn't have said. "It's nothing like that!" I assured wiping my tears and looking back up at him through his glasses.
"It's just… I've always secretly liked you from the start and I didn't want to get your career involved is all."
"You should never feel like that. All the time you were away, I kept on drawing and making paintings of you, as cheesy as it sounds it made me cope with you bro being around."
That's too sweet. "Ian Bruce… I've always loved you too. I'll make sure to not leave you then." I blushed and took a step closer and I wrapped my arms around him and leaned up and pressed my lips against his.
I felt him hugging me back and deepening the kiss, I had my hand tightly held onto his suit and felt his hand behind my head. Slowly we parted and before we could exchange words someone ran into us and hugged us.
"About time you both confessed. It was dragging on for far too long." Chucks hugged us both and seemed like a proud parent. "I love you both, but he was driving me crazy with always talking about you while on tour. He even said he's writing a song about-"
"That's enough." Bruce said trying for Chucks to not comment on the topic.
"Well, I can't wait to hear my boyfriend's new song then." I smiled looking at them both.
Bruce seemed to blush at the mention of the word 'boyfriend'. "Boyfriend..I love the sound of you saying it." He came over again and kissed the top of my head and hugged me.
"How about after the show we all head out for drinks? My treat for you both." Chucks said winking making us blush again.
Before we could go on talking, they were being called on stage, now ready for the big concert. I wished them both luck when they ran on stage and I stayed behind with the rest of the team behind, ready to enjoy their big night.
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afarcryfrommymain · 2 years
An accidental brush of lips followed by a pause and going back for another, on purpose. For whichever characters you want :3
(Prompt from this list)
Aphid and Sharky for this one because I need more practice writing Sharkys perspective fr.
"Aphid c'mon!" I reach my hand out further trying to wrestle the damn thing out of his hands.
"Sorry Sharks, rules are rules," hes grinning at me with that evil ass look in his eyes as he holds my hat just out of reach.
To be honest I bet my hat as a joke. Aphid joining us for a round or two of poker was probably a spur of the moment "sure I need to sit down for any amount of time" because despite what everyone thinks and how he fuckin acts hes not a terminator or whatever. Hes been running around like a damn dog all week and I haven't really seen him much. So when he sat down to play I wanted to join in and I didn't have a buy in and like an idiot I said "I'll bet my hat thats probably worth 5 bucks" and almost immediately lost it to him. Hes been wearing it the whole time as a trophy. He also lost his $5 in the very next round so thats something but apparently he's keeping the hat.
"You won by luck! I know you barely know how to play!" I'm chasing him around, Grace keeps side eyeing us which yeah, we're being annoying, but he took my hat! What else am I supposed to do!
"And yet you still lost!" He teases, I lunge for it again and he moves just out of the way before putting cap on the wrong way around and laughs, "babes you gotta try harder,"
"Babes? Like the pig?" I say a little confused because, c'mon? Babes?
"I dunno man, I'm trying out nicknames!" He shrugs, i find it a little funny but still, I know "babes" is not the best he could do.
"Would you two take... whatever this is outside?" Grace pipes up, sounding tired.
Dep looks at her embarrassed.
"Sorry! C'mon," he says gesturing for me to follow him as he walks out of the door.
Its dead of night when I step outside, the back door light being the only one out here, shining a light on the back of his head. Clearly highlighting my damn hat.
"Mk Aph, im getting my hat back one way or another," I say rolling back my sleeve, "we can do it the easy way or the hard way,"
Hes quiet for a second, staring into the woods, I cant see his face but his posture looks, stiff like he's waiting for something.
"Aph?" I raise my voice a little, maybe he could hear me? "You there?"
He startles a second before turning to me, blinking, he looks like he's lost or something.
"Yeah- yeah, I heard ya!" His expression changes back to the one he had inside, he smiles at me again, "I'd rather do it the hard way,"
It takes me a second to pop back into reality, I'm not entirely sure what happened there, but he isn't gonna say it, doesn't matter since he chose the hard way which means wrestling and charging at him full speed to get my hat.
I practically tackle him to the ground and he just is dying laughing, barely holding my hat away now. Its a beautiful sight. I take advantage and go to climb and grab the damn thing from his hand when, while crawling to reach above his head my lips just barely brush his and I freeze. I realize the position I've got him in, pinned to the ground, his face half an inch from my own. I cant fuckin help but stare, dumbly down at him. Hes looking back up at me, like he's waiting for something.
"So uh-" I inhale sharply. I am incredibly focused on how our lips are still practically touching.
"Yeah?" He says I can feel his mouth move against mine, he's giving me a slightly impatient look, like he's expecting me to do something but it takes a minute to register in my brain.
Oh, I'm suppose to kiss him. Hes just waiting on me. Thats probably what the look is for, I really should lean down now. I really want to lean down too so no clue whats happening there.
"Sharks? Hon? Ya there?" He tilts his head at me confused.
"Really going with the pet names huh?" Is what I settle on because my brain has been completely fried by this shit.
"If you don't like it I could stop, just thought it'd be cute," he kinda fidgets with the hat that he's still holding above his head that I completely forgot about, "like I mean, I want something cute to call you since we're like, dating n shit? Is that weird, I haven't done this in a while," he asks awkwardly.
Thats what finally gets me to lean down and go back for more. When I do I watch his eyes flutter shut and I do the same, I feel as he brings one of his hands down to hold my head where it is. I bring my hand to his side and God is this sweet. Its heated and deep and his stubble tickles my beard and it can not be any better. I feel his other hand on my shoulder before it runs down to my side. Keeping me close.
I pull back for a second, and we get locked in the much more fun kind of eye contact. Hes smiling, almost giggling, giddy, I am too honestly. Its then though that the original goal reenters my mind.
"Hey Aph?" I gently murmur into his lips.
"Yeah?" Hes a little breathless, and looks ever so slightly annoyed we stopped, which I totally get but also-
I snatch my hat from over his head and jump up, shoving it back on my head where it belongs "gotcha," I flash a shit-eating grin his way and get ready to move.
The dawning realization as he jumps up to chase after me is almost better than the make out sesh we were having.
"You ass!" He says as I immediately start cackling and begin to run, he gives chase and goes after me, "I won that hat!"
"Its my hat!" I shout back at him, because it is!
"Not anymore!" He yells, which are bold words for a man who is not currently holding my hat.
We'll both probably stop n give up soon but for now its nice to have some normal fun n shit.
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deep-hearts-core · 1 year
IT'S IRELAND TIME. well, not quite yet. but it is in that this is the last time they hosted the contest and also they scored second.
Cyprus Not bad & not a bad start. I don't have too much to say about it beyond the fact that I don't think it's bad. It's simultaneously very 90s Eurovision while also, I feel, laying the groundwork for the 00s entries to come. I've definitely heard bits of the chorus in compilation videos before.
Turkey Whoa, that was NOT how I was expecting the verses to sound based on that chorus. But they're really beautiful. S,ebnem knows how to use her voice and sings in a way that makes her ring through the arena, almost, I can almost hear it, during those gorgeously empty sections where it's just her and the drum. Maybe I might have my year winner already. This is GOOD. She looks good, she sounds good.
Norway I like a lot of the more upbeat country from this era, and there are parts of this that I like - like the harmonies and everyone playing the guitars. But it's not clicking. I don't think I like his voice, and for some reason my brain keeps trying to parse the Norwegian phrases as English and that's confusing me. Although that's not really the guy's fault.
Austria Loving the dance routine. It's well-executed and fitting to the song. She sounds good, too. Although, I don't love the outfits, and... I feel terrible for saying this but Bettina just looks old. She looks like a helicopter parent going to Zumba.
Ireland This song is just so 90s. I get why it scored well when it did, but I'm watching this from 2023, as someone who wasn't even born yet in 1997. It's SO of its time that I just cannot get into it. I bet my mom would like this song.
block ranking: Turkey > Cyprus > Austria > Norway > Ireland. this is a new thing i'm gonna try out for these 20+ song contests because I struggle with remembering everything and cut my watching into pomodoro-style blocks with breaks in between (i'm gonna go make some tea before SLO->ESP).
Slovenia It's just poorly constructed. I don't like the way the notes fit together.
Switzerland This, by contrast, is an alright song (backing singers did well!) but I dislike Barbara's voice a great deal.
Netherlands Yall know I love a good girl band. This is, at least, a middle of the road girl band. They're clearly having fun and I vibe with the verses (especially the last phrase before the chorus in each verse), and the chord progressions. However, the rhythm of the title lyric goes too quickly. This one also falls victim to the "too many wide shots" thing that absolutely drives me crazy.
Italy Alright, so one of the things I've noticed lately, singing in a barbershop quartet format (this is relevant, bear with me), is that head voice is a lot harder to tune, especially when vibrato slips in. This woman has that problem. She sounds good, but she's also above the rest of the music, just slightly. Also the beginning was weird and took me by surprise for some reason. Everything else was pretty good, though. Not my fave song ever but a solid 90s entry.
Spain And this one just bores me to tears. No personality to it. Sorry, Spain.
Block ranking: Italy > Netherlands > Slovenia > Switzerland > Spain.
Germany Conflicting feelings here. I enjoyed it, but also it feels dated, but also the beginning of the chorus is really good, but also I'm not sure if I like her voice or not, but also that outfit is queer af by today's standards and I kind of love it.
Poland Chorus is a little messy, but the song feels original and it has the perfect amount of sass for a song titled, if I'm understanding the Polish correctly, "But I Am". I love it. My only real complaint is that if the lady from Jalisse was slightly over the notes, Anna Maria is slightly under them.
Estonia This is a lovely subtle song, and Maarja-Liis Ilus has a sweet, very young sounding voice that is satisfying to me personally. However this is slightly to her detriment, because I feel like she kept trying to be just a little bit sexy and it just didn't work because she sounds like a seventeen year old trying to be sexy.
B&H I love love love the instrumental in these verses. They give me the vibes of the Yael Naim, Ingrid Michaelson type music I listened to in middle school. However with an instrumental like that the singer, I feel, needs to be a little smoother in tone (like Ingrid Michaelson or Yael Naim). And the chorus didn't fit with that instrumental at all. I was really enjoying it until the chorus kicked in and then suddenly it was a totally different vibe.
Portugal Distracted entirely by the fact that her backup singers are straight out of The Matrix.
Block ranking: Poland > Estonia > Germany > B&H > Portugal.
Sweden It's just kinda frenetic. It doesn't fit together and the rhythms in the instrumental are too fast. It's really not bad but... idk. Maybe i'm only saying that it's not bad because I have a certain affection for Swedish entries before their "scary success" era.
Greece The return of the hand cymbals! Eh, this one's okay. It's very Greek.
Malta Very pretty song, although she does run into the lady from Jalisse's head voice issue a couple of times herself. Or maybe her head voice is just a little shrill timbre-wise and that's just how my tired headache-having brain is interpreting it rn lol. But that dress though. Barbara Dex much?
Hungary While "Hungary goes Backstreet" is already not really my thing, this entry is further sunk by the fact that none of these guys are particularly great singers. I'll give them this, though: there's a cool shot in here where the singers are shot from behind and you can see the audience and a light kinda runs over the spectators. That looked pretty cool.
Russia Russia almost never sends things like this. But then again, this was fairly early in their participation, wasn't it. While it's not my speed, Alla definitely embodies the Primadonna title. She carries herself just like an aging leading lady. A good fit for the song.
Block ranking: Greece > Russia > Malta > Sweden > Hungary
Denmark We didn't need this. It sounds okay but like. Listen. Okay, these days I'm less of a hater of rap in Eurovision, but that's also because it's gotten better over the years. This 40something Danish man I don't think knows really how to rap well. And the dancers and the school aesthetic were def too much.
France It doesn't leave much of an impression, although I do enjoy listening to it. Mostly what I get out of this is that the singer is very young.
Croatia Heavy sigh. It's a no from me. They don't sound great, the outfits suck, and I'm no huge fan of [rifles through genres they used on Produce 101] new jack swing? Is that what this is?
UK It ain't no Walking On Sunshine, but it's still damn good. There's just this swell to it, this movement and push and growth, that feels like it's getting the song's message across. There's something in the composition that, when you listen to it, feels like love.
Iceland Gay rights I guess? Vampire rights also? It's so Eurodance (which I don't really like) and the mixing was off, I can't hear him very well. But gay rights, I guess.
ok sorter time!!!
My top 25 1)Turkey 2)Poland 3)UK 4)Italy 5)Germany 6)Cyprus 7)Estonia 8)Netherlands 9)Russia 10)Greece 11)Ireland 12)Norway 13)France 14)Switzerland 15)Malta 16)Austria 17)B&H 18)Slovenia 19)Portugal 20)Spain 21)Sweden 22)Iceland 23)Hungary 24)Denmark 25)Croatia
Miscellaneous thoughts I really enjoy the messages from past winners and other contestants that they played after every other performance. Best one was probably Niamh Kavanagh telling Linda Martin, "it's your fault, you started it" and Linda responding, "well, you gave them the heart attack the next year." Obsessed with how messy that winner's recap was. Katrina got the words wrong! The tambourines were off rhythm! It was endearing. I also love how multilingual this contest was. Not only English and French but a solid amount of Irish in there. I suspect we'll see less and less English as we go further back in time.
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buckysxgal · 11 months
You're Being Mean
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Summary: Sanji confesses to the Reader, they should be happy but why are they suddenly resentful.
Word Count: 627
Genre: Angst. Hurt / Comfort.
Characters: Sanji, Reader (GN), Nami (mentioned), Zoro, Franky & Robin.
Warnings: No happy ending.
A/N: Franky and Reader have a sibling bond. He calls them 'little one' since Franky is huge. Also, this is my very first time writing for One Piece, I've been hyper-fixated on it for months, I'm currently on Dressrosa Arc!
This is based on Little Women and a bunch of Angsty ZoSan TikTok's I saw today..
Sorry if this sucks.
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Silence broke across the deck as I stared at Sanji, standing in front of me with a bouquet of flowers in his hand. I peeked over his shoulder to see Zoro with his hand covering his eyes, as if he couldn't bare to witness what was happening. I focused my eyes back on Sanji, his eyes staring at me full of hope. A knot began to form in my throat as I shook my head.
"No Sanji." Sanji flinched slightly, as if my answer had slapped him.
"What?" Now he was confused.
"You’re being mean." I stuttered back to him. I saw a flash of green out of the corner of my eyes, making his way to the cockpit to escape this awkward situation.
"What? How am I being mean?" He said with a slight chuckle, as if he couldn't believe what he was hearing. He began walking closer to me, putting his hand out as if to caress my face.
"Stop it!" I shouted. He flinched again dropping his hand back to his side.
"Stop it! I have been second to Nami in your eyes and I will not be the person you settle for just because you cannot have her. I won't do it." I turned my back to him, sniffling. I could see Robin standing in the doorway leading to the kitchen, eyes wide and hand covering her mouth. She looked at me with sympathy, she knew what I felt for him and what me saying this must've done to me. I faced Sanji once more.
"I won't…" I started quietly, shaking my head. "I won't. Not when I've spent the last few years loving you." Sanji opened his mouth to speak but I cut him off with a hand up in the air. I walked past him, lightly brushing his shoulder on my way to Franky's workshop. The door was shut, a signal that he was busy but he never minded when me or Robin interrupted him. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door.
"One second." Franky's voice called from inside the room. A few seconds later the door opened.
"Hey little one. What brings you her-" he stopped mid sentence, seeing the tears streaming down my face.
"Hey, hey what happened?" I shook my head flinging myself into his arms. He cradled me against his chest and brought me inside the workshop, closing the door behind us. I cried for a few minutes in his arms before I heard another knock on the door. I could hear Robin's voice calling out to us. The door opened and closed again and footsteps made their way to the couch me and Franky were on. She took a seat on the other side of me and place a hand on my arm, handing me a mug.
"It's Hot Chocolate." She spoke softly. I nodded and took a sip.
"What happened little one?" Franky asked from my other side. I took a deep breath.
"Sanji confessed to me." I muttered. Franky looked down at me.
"Well that’s super, shouldn't you be happy? I thought you liked him?" Franky said, very clearly confused at my crying.
"I refuse to be second to Nami. He hasn't given me an ounce of attention like he does to her in all the time that I've known him. I refuse to be the person he settles with just because he can't have Nami." Franky wrapped his arm back around me as I started crying again. Robin brushing my hair back. With her other hand she grabbed the mug of Hot Chocolate out of my hands and placed it on the table in front of the couch.
"I'm sorry darling." Robin said, running her hand over my back soothingly.
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sweet mornings (james lee x reader)
details: fluffy drabbles, gender neutral reader written in 2nd pov, general canon, you and james are lovers, reader is very sleepy sorry if ur also an early bird like james 😭
summary: 2 scenarios of james spending a morning with you; one with past him and the other with present him.
a/n: hi aoba <33 i've been well and trying to ignore that my summer break is almost over T_T + here's ur request, thanks for it !! 💖
past james
Your eyes fluttered open and you were greeted by the warm rays of morning sunlight, accompanied by the sound of quiet singing next to you. You turned to see your boyfriend laying next to you. He was playing a game on his phone and singing to himself.
The song you weren't familiar with, but you could appreciate his lovely singing voice either way. You had never heard him sing before, and you weren't surprised to hear he sang well. Of course he could sing. What couldn't he possibly do?
"Mm?" He glanced your way. "Hey, you're awake."
"Yes, good morning," you replied groggily. "What time is it?"
"Time for you to get a watch!" Soft laughter spilled from his lips when you groaned in annoyance. "Relax, it's like 9 AM. And it's a Saturday in case your sleep deprived brain forgot. You can sleep in until noon if you want."
You squinted your eyes as his words processed in your head. You contemplated about whether or not to fall back asleep until he started speaking again.
"It'd be a real shame for me, though..." He smiled and gave your cheek a little poke. "If my partner sleeps the day away on the only day I'm free."
"Remember I got those contests to attend to tomorrow? I'll be busy all day Sunday, so Saturday's my only free day."
All you could do was nod, still not exactly awake yet to properly take in information.
"Well? Do you wanna hang out in your bedroom all day or what?"
"James, can we... talk later?"
He huffed, though it wasn't in annoyance at all. "Okay, clearly you still need more sleep," he said, before putting his phone away on a desk by your bed and pulling you in to cuddle properly. "I guess we did stay up pretty late."
You adjusted yourself as needed to fit more comfortably into his embrace. "Had to make the most out of our rare sleepovers since you're always busy, you know."
"That's what I'm saying with my lack of free time, but you're clearly planning to sleep in all day."
The way he spoke made it sound like he was pouting a little and you cracked a smile at that. "Yes, but at least I'm still spending time with you by sleeping with you."
"Oh, really~?"
Uh oh.
Before you could exclaim anything along the lines of, "No, not like that!" he was already attacking you with kisses and words of teases. Which you protested against, of course. But then you realized he was absolutely using this as a chance to get you to be less sleepy. And was it working?
...Yes. Oh well. You could always nap later.
present james
Another day, another morning.
There was no warmth next to you or any sound of soft breathing so you figured James had gotten up already. Your eyes scanned the clock on the wall.
9 AM.
Perfectly reasonable time to get up, but you knew him well enough to know he had gotten up earlier than that.
You sighed. It was a Saturday and he probably got up at 5 AM. Even on his days off, that man always got up early. Guess he wasn't kidding about his old habits dying hard--scratch that, his current job still required him to get up early. That didn't dispute your point though, because he finally had a chance to sleep in and he was choosing not to? Unacceptable.
With just the slightest hesitation, you forced yourself to crawl out of bed and stumbled towards the bedroom door. There was a faint smell of something familiar that only grew stronger when you opened the door.
"James?" you called out, beginning to wander into the kitchen.
"Aw, you're awake?" James somehow turned around the moment you walked in.
You rubbed at your eyes. "Are you cooking?"
"Yes, your favorite breakfast." He put his hands on his hips for a second, smiling warmly before facing the oven again. "I was going to wake you up in bed with breakfast but then you woke up."
"And I was going to find you and drag you back to bed," you replied as you walked closer to bury your face in his back and wrap your arms around his waist.
He laughed softly. "Come on, you know I can't help but get up early. It's just the way I've always lived. Besides, early bird always gets the worm."
"Uh-huh is right, now go back to bed, love. I need to practice serving you breakfast in bed."
Your face contorted into one of confusion with amusement mixed in. "And why exactly do you need to practice that?"
"Am I not going to be your husband one day?"
The casual question caught you offguard and heated up your cheeks. It wasn't as if marriage with him never crossed your mind, but him suddenly bringing it up just flustered you. You only snapped out of your thoughts when he gave you the lightest nudge with his elbow.
"Go on, then. Get a few more minutes of beauty sleep, and I'll come give you breakfast before we start our day together. Does that sound like a plan?"
His smoothtalk left you with no room to argue. There wasn't much reason to in the first place. You just chuckled and decided to head back into bed as he said.
Although definitely calmer now, James was still the same as always. An early riser and a teasing lover. You wouldn't have it any other way.
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