#I've been screaming myself hoarse ever since
blakbonnet ยท 2 years
19 notes ยท View notes
ryverbind ยท 1 year
Faceless Fixation {Sal Fisher}: Strawberry Lipgloss [8]
"Okay," I tell dad through my sleepy eyes and groggy voice. "I have to make this believable." Dad nods ferociously, eyebrows drawn together curiously.ย 
"So, excuse me for a moment," I say, holding up a finger and clearing my throat. Then, I scream a good, long, loud, unnecessary scream.
Dad flinches and I can't help but smile when he glares at me, clicking his tongue and undoubtedly disapproving of my unsavory tactics.
I finish my scream and cough a bit. That should be enough, seeing as I've managed to kickstart a scratchy throat.
I fish my phone out of my carry on bag and dial my boss's number. He ends up scowling at my excuse, but I think my coughing and hoarse voice passed his bullshit test. I promised him I'd be heading to the doctor while taking my day off.
My bags were packed and ready to go right before I headed to bed last night. I only left out a change of clothes and my toothbrush and toothpaste for the morning before packing them too.ย 
I packed my mask as well. I wouldn't be meeting The Faces without it, after all.
A nervous smile pulls at my lips as I think of the intricate purple mask hiding safely in my luggage. I'll be putting it to good use for the first time ever tonight and the reminder sends a rejuvenating pulse through my body.
I'm going to be boarding my flight in about two hours and I'm so excited that I physically and mentally cannot stay still. I'm fantasizing about our meeting, wondering how it'll go.
Larry would probably notice me first and know that I was there. He would jump around like a lunatic and hug me, then try to pick me up with his little lanky self. I'm genuinely looking forward to finally being able to see his long, luscious hair that he's been growing since he was a teenager.ย 
I haven't seen a photo of Larry since he was eighteen-- he's nearly twenty three now, so I'm sure his hair is incredibly long. He better not have cut it.
Sal will, hopefully, not associate me with a certain Lexi. But would he be kind to me? Would he recognize my voice?
I don't know what to expect of Todd, seeing as he's such a formal guy, but I know Ash is going to know me just by stance alone.
I can't wait to embrace my best friend, feel her warmth and the rush of emotions that'll come with finally being reunited.
I carry these thoughts with me as I tell my dad goodbye, giving him a tight hug and promising to stay safe. I ponder a bit more as I pass through security. I giggle and smile to myself while waiting outside my gate, and I pull out my phone to text Ash just because I can't keep all this excitement to myself as I settle into my seat towards the back of the plane.
All this excitement made the time pass ridiculously fast.
My veins are filled with never-ending adrenaline. My sleep-deprived brain is running on straight expectations and hope. My heart is pumping out optimism and begging for a break, but my mind doesn't let up. We're going to hold onto these positive emotions until we have to go home.
Me hiya ashy!! how's vegas? :P
Ashers <3 Hi baby!!!! Vegas is awesome so far. We're up at the crack ass of dawnย  (Larry and Sal hate it but Todd andย  I are troopers) for a meeting with some other popular streamers outย  here. I think it's some kind ofย  breakfast meet and greet thing??? Idk. But how are you!!
Me well, not suffering like you guys lmao. just getting ready for an 8 o'clockย  shift. the usual.
Ashers <3 Yuck :( make sure you punch your boss for me. He's the whole reason I won't be seeing you!!!
Me no issue there. i've been waiting to lay a good one on him for ages. you're just giving me a good excuse to actually go through with it :3
Ashers <3 That is my job as your bad influence ;)
Me prayer hands to that, babe. wouldn't be where i am today without miss ash's guidance <333
Yes, I know, I should just tell Ash that I'm literally about to take off on a flight headed straight to Las Vegas, but the prospect of surprising her-- seeing the elation and shock on her face-- I can't pass that up. This'll be worth it.
"Would you like something to drink before we take off, ma'am?"ย 
My head flies up and I meet a flight attendant's smiling gaze. Her lips are a fiery red, her hair meticulously and beautifully fixed into blonde waves flowing down her back.
I gape at her beauty for a moment before smiling politely. "Um, would you happen to have coffee? Or tea?" I ask after a moment, wincing at my own awkward question. I just really need some kind of caffeine.ย 
"We have both!" she chirps, her sweet voice reminding me of Ash's. I can't help but smile wider at the connection. "Which would you prefer?"
"Coffee, if possible," I say, squeezing my phone a little tighter in my hands.
"Great! Creamer and sugar as well?"ย 
"Yes, ma'am. Thank you!" I tell her, to which she nods then walks over to the seat in front of me to ask the people ahead the same thing.
I glance down at my phone again just as our pilot announces that we'll be taking off within a few moments. That means I won't be able to talk to Ash for a bit.
Ashers &lt;3 Aww, you're too sweet, my little love. I'll always be here to catch you when you fall :D
Me i would hope so!! i have to go though, so i'll text you in a bit when i get a break, kay?
Ashers &lt;3 Sure thing, sweetness!ย  Se latrevo <3333
Me ermmmmm i love you too??? if that's what that means?
Ashers &lt;3 It's Greek for "I adore you!!!"ย 
Me cute <333 se latrevo too (LMAO)
I close my phone with a smile as the wheels of the plane start moving, only gaining speed as we practically fly down the runway. Exhilaration takes over my entire body as I look away from the woman beside me and stare at the fast moving objects outside of the little window.
The plane lifts from the ground and my stomach practically jumps in my body, all my limbs tensing up as I cling to the tray in front of me. That's it, I'm officially unable to go back on my last-minute plans.
It feels a bit refreshing knowing that I have no other option now. For the longest time (all night and all morning), I didn't think I'd actually be able to do it, but here I am. And I'm so proud of myself for this.
With my head held high as my coffee gets placed down beside me, I look around the inside of the airplane, glancing away from people who suddenly meet my gaze. I'm not embarrassed though, I'm on top of the world right now. There isn't a single thing that could turn my mindset around.ย 
I'm going to finally fucking see my friends!
My eyes travel along the various rows of seats that I can physically see (which isn't all that much) and I'm momentarily blessed by the sight of a little fur baby passing by my row.
I perk up a bit more instantly, smiling as the woman sitting beside me spews out an audible, "Oh my goodness! Look at that baby!"
I watch the exchange between the woman and pet owner, noting the yellow lab who sits right on top of its owners feet, tongue hanging out of its mouth like it doesn't have a care in the world. The little vest around it's body catches my eye and I find myself respecting the lady beside me for not reaching out to pet the sweet baby. It's a medical service dog.
"What's their name?" The woman beside me asks, smiling down at the dog who pants heavily.
"Her name is Yeager," The owner says proudly, giving their dog a little head pat. "She's a cardiac alert dog, so thank you for letting her do her job."
"Oh, no need, honey!" The woman says politely before smiling at little (well, rather large actually) Yeager again. "What a hard-working little thing! She's such a good girl."
Watching the exchange suddenly turns into a horror movie for me, actually, it's a bit more like a nightmare in which I can't wake from. You know, when you're being chased but you physically can't move. That's exactly how I feel-- the freeing feeling of taking flight is replaced by the very obvious realization that I can no longer escape the personal hell that I've stuck myself in.
Fuck. Oh no.
I've really made a terrible mistake. Why couldn't my father have let me cry for a few days?
Is there any possible way for me to get off this plane? I don't care if I lose my life. It's better than landing in Vegas within the next hour.ย 
We're already over three thousand and something feet in the air and probably traveling over a hundred mph, but maybe I can just... you know... pop open the emergency hatch and launch myself out of it. At least everyone would be able to talk about how I went sky-diving at my funeral.ย 
The woman and the owner of Yeager continue to chat for a bit while I try to contain my flaming cheeks and wide eyes, pushing down the memory that holds me in a vice grip-- it's like I'm bound in chains, forced to listen to everything all over again.
How could I have forgotten? And worse, why did this woman calling a dog a good girl resurface the fucking memory? I'm losing it. It's official.
I was so preoccupied with not being able to go to Las Vegas that I forgot why I really shouldn't fucking go. And now it's too late.
I completely ignored the lingering memory of one of the most exhilarating nights of my life.ย 
Yea, I'm an idiot. An unremarkable one, mind you, who was, again, reminded of Sal and I's salacious act simply because a woman uttered the words "good" and "girl" to a dog. The dog isn't my issue because she is, in fact, a good girl. I'm just shocked that I've traveled this low on the pyramid of idiocy and lunacy.ย 
Sigmund Freud really would have loved me.
I finally decide to just duck my head down and let it rest on my tray, nearly knocking over my fresh, scalding hot coffee. My eyes are still wide as I cross my arms around my head, my cheeks still burning with the rage of 25,000 babies being denied titties. I mean, what better way to explain how betrayed I feel? And not to mention, I'm the damn betrayer. I've betrayed myself. Larry would be proud of that statement, at least.
Sally and I haven't talked about what happened-- nor do I want to talk about what happened (it's unavoidable). We haven't even spoken since he left me hanging like a little bitch when Larry jumped into the voice chat and scared the orgasm out of me.ย 
Somewhere, somehow, my unconscious brain decided it would be a fantastic idea to have the conversation with Sally in person. Now, I'm forced to do just that. Fucking hell.ย 
I gulp down my overwhelming feelings. There's no going back now, unfortunately. I'll just have to devise a plan that keeps Sally Face's mouth shut until we're alone (which I pray never happens) or until I'm back home, safe and sound.ย 
Actually, this might be good for me. Sally, despite his shitty vendetta against me, is actually pretty shy and quiet in person. I doubt he'd be brave enough to say anything out loud, so maybe this will prolong the time I have before having to talk to him about our weird phone sex thing that happened the other night.
I mentally pat myself on the back. Maybe I'm not all that dumb. I, miraculously, have some kind of intellectual influence deep down for me to be this smart about avoiding an unwanted talk with my enemy. Perfect.
Doesn't change the fact that Sally is dangerously hot though, by the way.
Either way, I have to look Sally in the eye later knowing that I heard him beating the crap out of his dick to the thought of me. I'll never forget it, and part of me doesn't want to. It was really good.
And I'll also have to look him in the eye knowing that I completely submitted to him and tried to defy him in the end. And he'll know that too.
The thought makes me shiver and I feel like I might vomit for a moment. Whether I have to talk to Sally or not about what we did, I absolutely have to be near him tonight even if I don't want to. I can't escape his presence any longer.
If I think about my future dilemmas any more, I actually will jump out of this plane and risk everyone else inside of it the second I open this emergency hatch. Which, by the way, said emergency hatch is perfectly placed beside me like it was planned out beforehand that I'd sit in a place where I could make a quick getaway. That's it, death by sky-diving is my destiny.
Fuck this-- not like I can actually go back to twenty minutes ago and step off this plane. My fate is sealed and so is my fucking seat belt.
I huff out a quiet, pitiful sigh and close my eyes, wiggling in my seat to get into a better position. My coffee will go cold, but it's better than stressing over the near future knowing I had no time to prepare. Not to mention, any announcement from the pilot would probably stress me out and make me think I'll die. So a nap will do better than my anxiety will for the next hour.
And my nap turns out to be atrocious. I'm trapped in a cage, Sal's tattooed arms chaining me in. It's almost morbid-- especially since I still took the time to trace every inch of what I could remember about the intricate designs on his skin. I am a mess even when asleep and the messy part of my brain follows me into the waking world when a gentle shake startles me from my stupid ass dream.
I throw my head up, eyes wide as I turn to the woman beside me. She has a gentle smile on her lightly worn features, a couple grey hairs peaking through the dark strands that hang over her shoulder. She has a bag in her hand as she stands and people rush past her.
We've landed.
I take a deep, sleepy breath and smile at the woman. "Thank you," I mumble the raspy words, stretching quickly before standing up. "Didn't realize I slept so long."
"That's alright, sweetie," the woman says comfortingly. At least she's nice-- though, I'd gathered that much from the way she spoke to Yeager earlier. "Just wanted to make sure you got off the flight." She gives me a little nod then turns, walking off of the plane.
I deflate in my seat and watch a wave of jet-lagged people pass through the aisle in front of me, waiting for the crowd to clear up before I start gathering my things. I'm in no rush now, remembering that I'll be seeing Sally Face come nightfall.
But I'll also be seeing Ash, Larry, and Todd...
I lift myself from my seat with a grunt and push past a few people to quickly grab my bag from the compartment above my row of seats.ย 
After getting off the plane, waiting for my second bag isn't too rough. It takes a good ten minutes for it to finally pop up on a conveyer belt, but I take off to a Starbucks next to the bag pick-up area to grab breakfast, which consists of a bagel, a cake pop, and a peppermint mocha frappuccino because it's my favorite bitch coffee ever.
I travel through the airport, one bag on my shoulder (which holds my breakfast) as I drag my suitcase behind me and glance around with my green straw in my mouth, constantly sipping on my cold coffee that is ten times better than whatever I ordered on the plane, clearly, since I ended up throwing it away anyway.
People whiz past me, disappearing up escalators or squeezing through packed doorways. I don't wish to be anywhere near it, I mean, who would? That's an anxious nightmare, but I know I'll have to subject myself to that torture eventually. I might as well just get it over with now so I can hail a taxi and get to my hotel. Then, I can hide for the rest of the day until tonight.
I push past a few people as I make my way to the doors leading out of the airport. I wish I could get a good look at my surroundings because the airport is ginormous, but I'm too focused on getting out of dodge. I have so many things I want to look forward to and want to avoid all at the same time, but I can't do that until I finally have time to relax in my hotel room.
I manage to panic enough to the point where I disregard anyone ahead of me in line and just grab a taxi toward the back, more than ready to get to my hotel and crash for the next few hours. I don't even want to think about how excited I am to see Larry, Ash, and Todd because the fear of seeing Sally just completely ruins it.
So I get dropped off at a plain Hilton a couple blocks away from the strip at about twelve in the afternoon, check into my room, and drag the remainder of my dignity as well as my heavy bags up a few stories before finally just crashing onto my bed.
I want to cry because I'm starting to wonder if this was a bad idea, but I am in Las Vegas. Dad paid for me to come visit my friends, so I have to do it. I'm sure it'll work out anyway. I doubt it'll turn out too bad, my head is just messing with me like it always does.
But right now, things just suck. The only good thing about my trip at this exact moment is that my bed is insanely comfortable. That's a pretty awesome outcome seeing as I just want to sleep to ignore all of my worries.
My day seems to fly by as though it's been sped up. My plane ride was made quick due to me being so much of a mess, and now my day is gone since I somehow wake up at about six in the evening.
I'm too distressed to put an actual meal in my stomach, so my dinner consists of complimentary cookies that got dropped onto my tray in the airplane. I can't stomach anything more than that. And for the rest of the time, I watch a few reruns of The Office, tucked into the sheets of my bed with the comforter pulled up to my chin.
At some point, I lift my phone that's been laying face down on my bed to see a missed call from Ash, a few texts in the Discord chat, and then I notice that it's fucking 8:30 pm.
On a normal day, I'd use my lateness as an excuse to just not go altogether, but I didn't waste dad's money and I didn't come all the way here to not see my friends.
I can call, well, talk to Ash later. She'll be seeing me soon anyway.
So, I jump out of bed with a frustrated curse slipping past my lips and run into the bathroom beside my bed. It's a small room, not like I need anything big. I'm just one person.
I'll have to be... fashionably late, I suppose. No issues there. I'm sure many people are going to show up late. It's not like it'll end thirty minutes after it begins, right?
I take a quick shower, blow dry my hair, and put on some eyeliner and mascara. I'm not trying to make a statement. If anything, I'm trying to fly under the radar. Hopefully the little bit of makeup conceals me from being recognized. The last thing I want is for Larry or Todd to recognize me as y/n.
After my face and hair are done, I throw on fishnets and tuck a Fall Out Boy shirt into a black skirt that rests on my hips, then I throw on my worn black and white, hightop vans.
It's nothing special. My boi Kieran said to wear whatever, so I am. At least the fishnets add a little fun to the look.
My last little addition is the mask I bought just a few days ago. It feels as though it weighs hundreds of pounds in my two small hands. But not in a bad way-- I just cherish it so much that the weight of its unspoken value almost seems to double as I simply gaze upon it.
With a breath, I situate it onto my face, tucking the straps under my hair.
I pack a few bills into the back of my phone case and check my bank account, making sure I have a bit of money there too in case I need it. Then I finally run out of my room and out of the hotel in general, hailing a taxi who takes me through the city, adding another thirty minutes to my trip because of traffic.
Despite my poor punctuality, I can't help but feel mesmerized by all the tall, lit up buildings swarmed with people. And once the MGM Grand comes into view, I feel nervous with all the people hanging around the entrance like a pond of alligators waiting to feast upon my bones. It's a scary feeling, but hopefully I can squeeze past everyone and find where I need to go.
My taxi stops in the middle of people, right in front of the door. It's worst case scenario-- I have to step out in the middle of a raving crowd. I don't want that, but what else can I do?
I scramble out of the car, swinging around in a panic when the taxi screeches off behind me. I stare at the spot that repopulates with people instantly, all chatting and looking up at the giant, towering building in front of us.
It's hypnotizing, beautiful. I feel dizzy just by staring up at the roof that covers the driveway before I look over to the doors that almost seem to glow. But unfortunately, the moment doesn't last long because I can't see much through the ridiculous amount of bodies in my way.
Las Vegas sucks while I have my feet on the ground. There are way too many people which makes the views hard to enjoy, especially as I find myself fighting through everyone in my way who just wants casino's.
I eventually stagger through the doorway, trying to hold myself back from running over to a desk with a few workers hanging around. Damn, I really want to go back to my hotel. I've had enough of being around people today.
My stomach feels queazy and my limbs tremble a bit as I take quick steps, my presence easily gaining the attention of a lady working behind the counter.
She smiles politely at me, but a curious, almost wary look crosses her gaze as she watches me walk up. She's probably confused by the mask, but I don't have the time or the desire to explain why I'm wearing it.
"Um, hi," I murmur, smiling carefully. "I'm trying to, uh, get to the roof. For the party." The words are almost too quiet, so I force myself to speak louder despite the tremor tainting my voice.ย 
"Oh," the woman says sweetly, still eyeing me carefully. "I need to see your invite, then." She's kind, but something about her forced expression tells me she fucking hates her job.
I pull my phone from the waistband of my skirt and open up my email to get to the invite before passing the device to her. I watch as her eyes scan over my phone and she purses her lips before handing it back to me.ย 
She looks down, grabbing a clipboard. "Name?" she asks.
Yikes. I mean, it wouldn't be my actual name right? Kieran doesn't know me-- he only knows Vi.
"Um, VioletViolence," I whisper, cracking my knuckles and trying to keep my feet still. I don't need to scuff up this nice floor.
The woman's eyes narrow as she drags her eyes over the paper, flipping it to another sheet before her eyes widen a bit, "Aha!" she exclaims, like she's proud of herself. "Here you are. I'll give you a passcode for the top floor, you have to put it in as soon as you get into the elevator. After that, you're good to go!"
She cheered up a lot. I guess it helped to find out that I'm not some random crazy person.
"Oh, okay. Thanks," I smile cautiously.
Turns out, the passcode to the roof is 1989, just like the Taylor Swift album. That'll be easy to remember.
I punch the code into the elevator nervously, watching as a little green light envelops the button for the roof. Then, I travel slowly upwards for what feels like five full minutes until the doors finally open up to a party that practically smacks me in the face.
I look through the crowd, my heart beating wildly while a mix of electronic and rock music pulses in the air around me. People take up almost every inch of space on this rooftop. At some point, I note the LED lighted (and probably heated) pool crowded with randoms.
My eyes wander every which way in awe. I've never been to Vegas in my life, but the view is so much more than I expected now that I'm able to actually get a good look at it. Everything is exceptionally tall, super modernized and lavish, and lit up with a plethora of colored lights. Actually, I can see The Venetian from here.
I make my way to the edge of the rooftop, squeezing past people to get a good glimpse of the lights, buildings and moving life below me.ย 
This moment feels so surreal. I'm surrounded by people I don't know, just like I have been all damn day, looking for my four-- three-- friends who aren't even expecting me. Right here, in this moment, I'm alone in one of America's busiest and most well-know cities.
I have so many fucking options. Hell, if I really wanted to, I could jump from this roof to the balcony below and get cheered on. Everything-- anything-- goes in Las Vegas.
The area is fun, but the situation is dangerous. I'm feeling risky. It's a stark contrast to how nervous I was moments ago, but seeing all of Las Vegas from up here has brought me back to life in a way.
To my left is a pool side bar, though, which will ultimately help me in the long run. If I want to pursue my risky thoughts that I'm too afraid to act on when sober, then alcohol is a good start.
I push through bodies again, holding onto one half of my mask in fear. I think I'd call it quits on life if I get pushed around so much that it falls off. Genuinely, I'd just pack up and leave.
Out of everything though, that's my only true fear at the moment, even with the lingering reminder that I'll have to find The Faces soon. I have, well, used to have horrible social anxiety, and yet here I am in one of the most social situations I've even laid my eyes on in years.
Here, I actually have to converse with people unlike whenever I was in the airport and getting into this casino/hotel--whatever it is. This right here is something to feel good about.
I'm proud of myself.
I weave past another person and slap a hand onto the bar counter, hanging on for dear life when a few people shove past me and nearly take me with them. Wincing, I make awkward eye contact with the bartender who just stares at me.ย 
Yea, asshole. Could have helped.
"Whatcha got?" The bartender asks, filling up multiple glasses. I know he's busy. There are people in every free spot around the bar. What a fucking party, right?
"Um, can I get a screwdriver, I guess?" I yell to him, trying to make sure he can hear me over the music.ย 
He nods once, grabbing another glass. "$15."
My eyes practically shoot out of my head and I feel like I'll choke on the way I'm being strangled with my pretty much empty bank account. "Is that a joke?" I cough out, watching as he fills the glass up with the equivalent to three shots.
The bartender shoots me a frustrated look that immediately tells me he isn't kidding.
He puts a splash of orange juice into what I would consider straight fucking alcohol then scoots it over to me.
I wince, giving my glass a little twirl in hopes to give myself some clarity and not straight vodka towards the bottom of the glass. Then, I pull a $20 from the back of my phone case and pass it to him. "Keep the change," I murmur, plucking a straw from a styrofoam cup then returning to my task of attempting to find The Faces.
Honestly, finding the group in a sea of people like this is probably impossible. There are just so many bodies and not enough consideration for the poor souls (me) trying to find their way around.ย 
I can just barely make out an unoccupied stage. There's a microphone set up on it and speakers towards the back. It's right on the edge of the large rooftop, so maybe I'll be able to find some space there and catch a breath before I keep looking.
And of course, I could make this easier for myself and just call Ash. I could make this entire search simpler for everyone by letting her know that I have shown up. Who wouldn't do that?
But I'm scared. I love Ash more than anything and she's my best friend, but I also haven't seen her, Larry, or Todd in over ten years. The thought of physically reconnecting after so long worries me. Talking online is easy compared to actually being there, in person, flesh and all, for the thought process of every single question and answer. What if we all are too awkward and don't know how to physically speak to each other?
It's an anxious worry that makes me shiver as I break through the end of the thick crowd.
Suddenly though, I don't have any time left to worry again like I've been doing all day.
I should have known that Sally Face would be as close as he could possibly be to music. Thus, there he is, standing in front of the stage with his back leaned against the edge. And where he goes, the rest of the group goes.
All the air leaves my lungs all at once. My feet are cemented to the ground and my free hand bunches into the fabric of my black skirt.
They stand in a row-- Sally, Ash, Larry, then Todd.
Sally Face is the shortest one in the group. I never would have suspected it just by meeting him once. I mean, he isn't exactly short. I'd say he must be between five foot eight and five foot ten. That's a decent height. But Ash is a head taller than him-- that alone shocks me into stillness. And Larry is even taller than Ash. Then Todd is about Ash's height.
As always, Sally looks delectable. Just looking at him once fills me with memories of his sultry, dirty words and the feeling of his skin beneath my fingertips. What a dangerously frustrating man.
He's wearing a tan, almost sandy colored, Memphis May Fire shirt paired with black jeans and classic vans. The neutral colors clash wildly against the bright, slap-you-in-the-face color of his hair alongside his expressionless prosthetic, but I'm into it. He looks so fucking good and I can see the tattoos on his arms so well.
How I ache to run my hands over every inch of ink covering his skin. To see him flinch beneath my touch again. To read his story depicted in images that stain his body. It's a deep yearning that fills me with a feeling akin to rage-- it's just as euphoric, adrenaline-inducing, and deteriorating as rage is to me.ย 
My eyes rake over him inch by inch, dragging up and down slowly until I've memorized each curve, crevice, freckle, scar, and every other little thing easy to miss regarding his physical body.
I wish I could see more of him. I want nothing more than to peel that prosthetic off of his face and get a look at the beauty he hides so desperately. I just know deep in my soul that he's pretty. There's no way a handsome asshole like him wouldn't have a pretty face.
His electric blue eyes rake across the area in front of him, but he thankfully never looks at me. It gives me an open opportunity to ogle him from afar.ย 
I trail my eyes from his bruised fingertips, all over his ink-stained forearms while I meticulously map out each twist and turn of the veins that lead up to his lightly bulging biceps. Then, I follow the curves of his lightly scarred neck.ย 
Somehow, the in-person image of his pretty throat is better than the photo Larry sent me. That shattered sword tattoo glints under the lights, a result of the thin sheen of sweat on his skin. It brings out the barely noticeable differences in the color of his skin-- his scars. They're lining the underside of his jaw and just a bit on the left side of his neck. I wish I could bite into his skin.
His messy hair and fringe cover the top and sides of his prosthetic, but I'm still able to get a good look at the dips and curves of every inch of it. I'm even able to see the top corner of his prosthetic that's pink instead of white. I wonder why that is.
But even if they aren't real, I can't help but stare at his prosthetic lips. Someday, I'll get to feel his real lips behind the barrier between me and his face.
I try to shake off the simp side of my brain, shocked at my own thoughts. Why am I so eager just over one look at him? Am I that bad off right now? This is an issue.
Sally Face is dangerous.
He has this confident, god-like aura about him that drips with the equivalent to gold-- if there was a color to describe the way he acts, it would be gold. It's in his stance, in his sharp and hypnotizing gaze, in the way he curls his fingers towards himself in a gesture as Ash watches him-- they're likely talking.ย 
Sally face is tantalizing in every aspect of who he is. Personality, looks, vibes. I want my fingers in his cerulean hair so I can ruffle up the soft looking, layered waves. I want to drag my fingertips down the few scars littering his neck. I want to shatter that sword on his throat a little more, see how much deeper he can break. I want his pale skin between my teeth, and I want his gaze on me.ย 
But these are silly thoughts. I can't embrace or act on them. Especially not right now.
I turn my gaze to Ash, the reincarnated Aphrodite dripping in modern eloquence. When imagining the most beautiful woman to walk the earth, I'd think of her over and over again. I feel that anyone else would, too.ย 
Ash's hair has grown since her major cut about a year ago, it's just hanging over her shoulders, brushing her upper back. It's the color of silky chocolate, flowing smoothly and elegantly as though she'd spent hours preparing it. And hell, maybe she did spend a while fixing it up. But the point is that she makes effort look effortless.ย 
The model-like air about her is swathed in a kind-hearted and welcoming feeling that comes just from seeing her do something as simple as smile. Ash is completely one of a kind, an alien in a realm where beauty is misguided and thought to be something else entirely. She'sย tooย breathtaking to be walking within ten feet of me. She's too good for this universe she's been sent to.
Ash is wearing a maroon colored dress that hugs her curves in every perfect place possible. There's a slit going up the right side of the dress-- her thigh squeezes against the fabric, more than likely attracting every person's attention within a three-mile radius. She's simply and utterly a sight to behold.
Not like she needs makeup, but even the little bit that she's wearing on her celestially stunning face compliments her dress, her personality, and her overall aura perfectly. Just a little bit of a dark brown shade on her eyelids, accentuating the glowing color of her viridian irises as she, oh shit, makes eye contact with me. But it's only for a moment before she... looks away again?ย 
Anyway, her pearly white teeth are on display when Sally nudges her, pointing off into another direction. Each of her features lifts with the action and makes her look even more otherworldly. She's something else entirely.
I continue dragging my eyes along the entire group, passing my gaze over Larry now who absolutely blows my mind. In fact, I can't quite believe that it's the same scrawny, metal-loving, long-haired, emo teenager I last saw a photo of just two years ago.ย 
Larry is ripped in every meaning and centimeter of the word. He used to be an awkward, lanky guy-- but now, his biceps seem like they're hardly able to fit into his plain black t-shirt, even his chest is squeezing against the fabric. Veins protrude over the inside of his forearms-- a tidbit I notice when he gestures over to Ash to mention something.ย 
Small tattoos litter various areas of his tanned arms, little crosses or x's, I even see a My Chemical Romance and Sanity's Fall tattoo on him. The ink is a beautiful complement to his honey-colored skin. He's incredibly handsome, I'll give him that. Even in just a plain shirt, black jeans, and red converse-- he's killing the look and making it something unique to him. Actually, I'll bet he wore that shirt because it looks best on him.ย 
I trail my eyes up his sculpted neck and to his striking, chiseled face that seems to have matured quite a bit in the past couple years. His eyes are a mesmerizing and dominant shape that beautifully accompanies his dark brown eyes that seem to mimic the shade of black coffee with just a splash of creamer. His angular cheekbones and jawline make him seem like a fully functioning Roman sculpture come to life. And more than anything, I'm so excited to see that the cute gap between his front teeth is still present when he flashes a hypnotizing smile to his left while running a tattooed hand through his hair.
Larry's septum is pierced, a new addition to his look that I didn't hear of. While a minimal difference, it gives him a boost in the 'attractive guy' department. He looks so different, but so familiar. All in all, he looks just as lickable as Sal does, only he's one of my best friends and I absolutely refuse to pursue anything that could break the bond I have with him.
I finally turn to Todd, a fleshed out man who's incredibly elegant in his own right. He's drool-worthy in a contrasting way compared to the rest of the group-- he's the embodiment of an academia professor and he's absolutely killing the look.
Todd's face is cherubic, angelic even but still handsome in a way that seems to make him shine in the dark of the night. The curves of his face are visible, but not sharp and cut-throat like Larry's features are, for example. Little light freckles paint the bridge of his nose and the apples of his cheeks, bringing out the inebriating color of his nearly colorless, inky eyes. Thin lips and a light brush of facial hair on his chin really brings his pretty features together to make him look even more attractive, especially under the moonlight and LEDs.ย 
His curly, red hair is styled in a side part, a singular curl hanging over his forehead in a way that fills me with an urge to push the hair into place with the rest. And perhaps he styled his hair like that on purpose, to make everyone yearn to touch him.ย 
He's dressed in black trousers that are perfectly ironed, a white, button-up dress shirt, and a dark grey blazer that could almost be considered some type of trench coat if not for the style. Then, a pair of shiny black dress shoes.
Todd pulls off the look wonderfully, and never in my life did I imagine I would ever see him sporting dark colors, but the neutral and darker shades look amazing on him. Compared to the monotonous, bright-colored boy I knew as a child, Todd has matured into what he was always meant to be. And fuck, Neil is a lucky guy.
All of my friends are so hot that they are too hot for me. How could I possibly walk up to the equivalent to famous paintings and sculptures? I mean, they're so perfect that I feel as though I need to do a double-take because I can't wrap my head around the fact that they'reย real. How can anyone be so absolutely gorgeous? Not to mention, four of them standing side-by-side in the same exact place at the same time. And the slim chances that they all became best friends just tops it off and I feel burning jealousy over the thought of it.
I'm not jealous over their friendship or their looks, just that they seem so happy. Joy and true contentment is a feeling I've chased all my life, but never quite gotten close enough to grasp. To know that my full potential with happiness is out of reach, but they're bathing in the feeling... it makes me feel even farther from getting to embrace positivity.
But maybe this is a sign. Maybe they are my opportunity to drown in the throes of joy. Maybe they're meant to be my happiness-- my contentment personified, depicted in the form of actual physical, human beings.
Could be. I've never looked for parts of myself in others because I've always felt that my own emotions are something I have to achieve on my own.
Maybe I've been looking at everything all wrong. Maybe... maybe my morals are outlandish and out of place to the point that I've been depriving myself of real chances to feel something.
I know this-- I literally see an open opportunity to pursue one of my biggest dreams right in front of me, and yet I'm still unable to move my feet. I can't make myself finally meet what I've always wanted.
I can't even tell my friends hello.
This is pissing me off. Why can't I fucking move? I flew out last minute and have spent hours waiting alone to surprise my friends, but I'm too cowardly to actually spend time with them? Absolutely pathetic. I'm disappointed in myself and I'm tired of feeling that way.
I pat a hand around the top of my drink until I grab onto my straw. I pull it into my mouth and gulp down liquid fire as I let my eyes continue wandering over The Faces repeatedly. Yea, I probably look like a creep but I won't be able to walk up to them unless I have something to boost my confidence. As far as I'm concerned, alcohol is the only confidence I have. And if I look away from the group, I could lose them. I don't want to trek through this minefield to find them again.
It takes me a moment to trick myself into thinking that the alcohol will take effect immediately, but my legs finally move. I feel like I'm floating-- and way too fast at that-- as I grow closer and closer to the group, looking to Ash like a lifeline.ย 
Out of everyone here, I'm closest with her and I'm begging, praying with just my eyes that she looks over and recognizes me and helps me grow accustomed to finally being around again.
More importantly, I hope no one is awkward with me. I think I'll just turn around and catch a plane back home if shit flops.
I get close enough to the point that Ash turns to me with a mix of curiosity and concern dancing in her eyes. I feel self-conscious beneath her gaze, but the look in her eyes slowly turns into something interesting and I find myself shrinking a bit as I stop my pursuit just two feet away from her.
My vans scuff the ground when I stop and I tilt my head up to look into her enthralling green eyes. My heart pounds wildly against my ribcage and my palms grow clammy all the while Ash simply grins down at me. Her irises twinkle, an intrigued look passing through her gaze.
"Hi," her soft, melodic voice purrs. "Nice to meet you."
I'm thrown off by the fact that she can't recognize me, but when the mask is taken into account as well as the fact that she hasn't seen a photo of me since I was sixteen, it's understandable.
Not only that, I'm preoccupied on the thought that it seems she may be trying to flirt with me.
"Hi," I greet back, fighting off any possible signs of nervousness. I'll murder my anxiety if I can't play off my fear right now. One thing's for sure though, I don't have to worry about any awkwardness. "We've met before," I add in, giggling a bit.
I shock myself when the sound comes out a bit seductive. I don't mean to flirt back-- but what's the problem with that? Ash is my best friend for one, we flirt all the time, but she's also fucking stunning. I see no problems.
Ash tilts her head, scrunching her eyebrows as she flashes her perfect smile at me. Her eyes trail over my body and I instantly feel myself stiffen, heat washing over my cheeks. Her reaction to me is real-- this isn't us acting friendly because we know each other. This is Ash rizzing up a stranger.
"Really? I think I'd remember you if we've already met," she says with a soft laugh, chewing on her bottom lip as our eyes meet again. "When did you see me?"
I suck in a breath, trying to calm my fluttering heart and hot cheeks. "Instead of telling you," I say randomly without any thought, "How about we play a game? The group of you can try and guess who I am." Smiling, I glance over at Larry who's smirking down at me, his sharp eyebrows and deep gaze forcing that blush back to my cheeks.
Todd watches me, expressionless with his hands in the pockets of his neat pants. He doesn't move an inch.ย 
And I don't dare look at Sally who's been quiet too.
Ash narrows her eyes, pinching her lips together to contain a smile. She glances to Sally then over to Larry and Todd before focusing on me again. "Okay," she hums. "I love games."
I flinch back when she gravitates a bit closer to me, her gaze flickering over my mask then to my lips. Is this the same Ash who screamed in excitement over everything when I was younger? And scarier, I find my heart racing because her interest in me is exciting.
Two can play at this dangerous game.
I take another leisure sip of my drink, bringing it to my mouth with shaky hands as I turn my gaze to Ash's glossy lips.ย 
Her top lip is a bit bigger than her bottom lip. She has a soft cupid's bow accentuated by highlighter that was purposefully and meticulously placed there. Her lips look soft, plush. Maybe it's just the glitter or the way the lights reflect off her lipgloss. Either way, I'm sure she'd be fun to kiss.
What the fuck am I doing?
Ash leaves my field of vision almost immediately. I look up, noting that she's sat on the edge of the stage with a smirk on her hypnotizing lips like she knows she has me wrapped around her finger.
"So, Mystery Girl," she says, a seductive lilt to her sing-song voice. "Can you give me a little hint to start?"
I glance over, making eye contact with a concerned Sally Face. One of his elbows is propped on the stage behind him and the other is languidly resting on Ash's thigh.ย 
He watches me carefully, no doubt sizing me up. I've noticed that he finds threats to his group then carefully assesses them. The fact that I'm saying I know Ash probably raised alarm bells in his head.
I look over to Larry next, watching as he raises his eyebrows and turns his back to me, leaning his elbows on the stage as he watches Ash's side profile. He has a really nice, strong back, by the way. Also, I'd love to braid his hair one day.
Todd stays in his same position, he even rolls his eyes when Ash tilts her head at me, waiting for me to give her an answer.
But what kind of hint could I give her? Almost anything I'd say would make her figure me out immediately. I'm really having to think hard about this because everything that comes to mind is something she knows.
I'll have to be careful about this. I have to give her a hint of a hint. Something she may have a memory about, but doesn't know for sure.
I bring my straw to my lips, sipping until I get closer to the bottom. Straight fucking vodka. Damn that bartender.
"Sorry, I'm thinking of a hint. I don't want to give myself away," I muse, throwing a wink at Ash. She immediately grins. "That would take the fun out of the game, wouldn't it?"
Ash giggles cutely as Larry turns around again, watching me with narrowed eyes and a ghost of a smile on his lips. What is that hunk of hotness thinking? I already know what's going through Sal's head-- but is Larry on his level?
"You're right. Take your time," Ash says in her soft, lulling voice.
I pull my bottom lip into my mouth, still thinking as hard as I can. I'm coming up with blanks. I need to pull a rabbit out of a hat, but I'm going to have to stall until I get there.
"Want to hug me and see if it feels familiar?" I ask, narrowing my eyes and opening my arms. My hand tightens around my drink as it slowly slides through my fingers.
Ash's eyes widen slightly and she stands again, her feet tapping the ground once she slides off the stage. She looks off to the side and purses her lips, taking just a step toward me. "Can I kiss you instead and see if that feels familiar?"
My breath catches in my throat and the drink in my hand feels even more slippery as I try to jump over this shock hurdle. I need to get myself together and answer her instead of actually going with this insane proposition she's dropped on me like a weight.ย 
"We aren't familiar in that way, darling," I giggle lightly, letting my arms fall to my side.
Ash shrugs, a guilty grin pulling at her lips. "And? We can just do it anyway."
A deep, amused cackle makes me look past Ash and to Larry who has a hand over his mouth. "Sorry, couldn't hold back the laughs," he snickers. His sharp eyebrows arch further as he raises them at me. "You're in danger, MG."
"That's comforting," I say, laughing at Larry's failed attempt to hide his reaction to me and Ash's flirting. He's an evil little thing and clearly he chases a tense situation to get some laughs. "Maybe Ash is the one in danger."
My eyes cut over to Ash as she takes another step toward me. "Please let me find out if I'm in danger, I promise you won't regret it." She bends her knees just a bit for a moment, clasping her hands together with a mind-swaying look in her eyes. She's begging without words.
I glance at Sally quickly. He's still quiet, but he looks like he's on guard and intrigued at the same time.
Fuck, how do I get out of this. Todd's even standing up straight, watching us with a disgruntled look and curiosity in his eyes. They're expecting me to give in and I'm not entirely sure if I want to say no in the first place. Which is bad.ย 
I don't have any feelings other than platonic love for Ash, but I've missed her so much that I genuinely would love to kiss her senseless. It's like reconnecting with the other half of my heart for the first time in years-- which, honestly, that's exactly what this is.
"Do you care who I am, Ash?" I ask, tilting my head questioningly. If we're going to kiss, I want to make sure she isn't going to lose her entire head once she finds out who I am.ย 
"Yes, I want to know who you are. In regards to a kiss, I don't care who you are. When I find out, I'll probably be happy we kissed." She sends me a sweet little smile then licks her bottom lip.
"Okay. Then my only condition is that we are only friends and you have to remember that. Nothing will come of our kiss." I dip my head down a bit, trying to show that I'm being serious.
"If nothing will come of our kiss, then why are we going to do it?" She asks, starting to take quick steps toward me.
I take one step back, just to slow her down until we can finish this conversation. "We're going to do it because you're beautiful and I've missed you so much that I wouldn't be happy with anything less than a kiss."
Ash huffs out a laugh, growing close enough to take my hands into hers and yank me toward her. She towers over me and I have to tilt my head up to get a good view of her. "You must know me well then," she purrs, her expression filled with curiosity and eagerness. She's reckless. It's fun. "Are you ready?"
"I... think so?" I murmur, quickly licking my lips. Ash's cool hand trails up my arm and then to the base of my neck, pulling me closer to her.ย 
"If you don't want to, say no," Ash says honestly, leaning down so that we're face-to-face. She looks into my eyes, trying to tell me that it's okay to say no. She won't go through with this if I don't want to.
"I-- I want to, I'm just nervous--"
"Don't be nervous. It'll be quick." Ash's serious expression washes away as she glances at my lips then back to my eyes again, pretty smile enveloping her lips again.ย 
I nod, my heart thumping wildly against my chest as she leans forward. I grab onto Ash's wrist as her other hand gently brushes over my cheek.
And then her lips are on mine. She's still for a moment and so am I, just squeezing my eyes shut as I try to adjust to the feeling of her lips.
They're softer than I expected them to be, but sticky. And for that reason, I grip onto her wrist tighter because it feels like she's stuck to me and I'm not upset about it.
Ash takes my squeeze as a sign, tilting her head a bit. The movement causes her lips to slide perfectly against mine and butterflies flutter to life in my stomach.ย 
I kiss her back, enjoying the way Ash's lips mold to mine so deliciously. The feeling is addictive and if it weren't for her sudden intake of breath, I'd probably pull her even closer. But her reaction reminds me that we're in public and that this is just a little test.
Ash pulls away just as quickly as she kissed me. She was right-- it was quick. And I actually thoroughly enjoyed it.
My eyes flutter open and I look up. Ash's hands are still on either side of my face, but she watches me with a tilted head and narrowed eyes-- like she's trying to figure me out. Like... the kiss actually gave her a clue, which would make no sense.
Then, she leans forward and slams her lips on mine for just a second. I shake my head once she pulls away and look up at her with a puzzled expression that I just can't control. What the fuck.
"Is your name Victoria?" Ash turns her head to the side, eyes wide and brows furrowed like even she's confused.
I choke on air over the near accuracy. What the fuck kind of succubus is Ash? How on earth did a kiss give her the first two letters of my nickname? Is this some joke? Does she already know?
"No, my name isn't Victoria," I force out through coughs, wheezing as I blink through my tears.
Ash lets me go, putting a hand on her hip and another on her chin like a real Sherlock Holmes.
I glance over at the boys quickly. Larry has wide eyes and a shit-eating grin on his face. Sally's looking away from us with his hands resting between his legs. He isn't slick. Todd is just shaking his head.
"Well, who the hell are you?" Ash murmurs to herself.ย 
An audible, obnoxious sigh pulls my attention away from the viridian-eyed beauty again and I look over to Sally who hops off the stage and turns away from us quickly. "I'll be back," he murmurs with shaky breaths. "I'm going get a drink."
Larry snorts. "You lying bastard," he says, patting Sal's back. "You're just as gozzled as me right now."
Sally groans, walking away from Larry without a word. And Larry turns toward him, raising his arms. "What!?" he yells a bit louder as Sally disappears through the crowd. "I'm not wrong!"
"You kiss just like Victoria did," Ash suddenly says, pointing an accusing finger at me. She's gone from playful to serious in just a matter of minutes.
A laugh falls from my lips and my tense stance slackens a bit. "Oh, thank God." I twirl my drink again and shake my head. "I thought you just manifested that name from a kiss. I was freaked."
"Were you?" Ash narrows her eyes and takes a step toward me again. I find that deja vu feeling tickling the back of my brain.ย 
I swallow thickly, never answering as I look over to Larry with pleading eyes. He only shakes his head, flicking me off with a devious and beaming smile. No fucking help.
"So, was I close with the name then? Because why else would you be nervous." Ash pries, chewing on the inside of her cheek in thought. "Actually, what are you doing here? Why wouldn't you just tell us who you are? Are you someone that we don't like?"
My mouth gapes open like a fish, opening and closing while I fight for an answer. My mouth feels dry and my hands are clammy again. "N-No. You guys like me. You've never had any issues with me, well, Sally doesn't like me but other than that we've all gotten along very well. Incredibly well, in fact!" I hold my hands out in front of me just as Ash stops walking toward me. "You guys love me, well, I hope. Actually, I don't really know. Maybe you all hate my guts, I wouldn't be able to tell."
Ash looks confused, like she's trying to grasp onto what I just spewed at her. My answer didn't convince her, it just fucking confuzzled her.
"I can't believe it." I turn my head when Todd talks for the first time. He doesn't have that borderline angry look on his face anymore. In fact, his eyes are a bit wide and he isn't frowning. I'd say this is his excited face. "You're Vi."
I don't know what to say as my mouth falls open again. I just stare at Todd and that seems to confirm it for him, so I shut my mouth and swallow through the dryness on my tongue. My throat burns and it feels like my heart's dropped out of my ass. I expected everyone to be stuck for hours, not for fucking Todd to sniff me out in just five minutes.
Larry suddenly scrambles into a standing position, his expression the first one I've seen tonight that isn't smiling. His lips are parted and his eyebrows are bunched together like someone just told him Dolly Parton died.
I pull my eyes away from the two men and look up at Ash, noting her slackened expression. Then, suddenly, she's become the same person I see on videos and talk to over the phone. The same best friend that I joke and bicker with.ย 
In her soft, surprised, high-pitched voice, Ash asks, "Is that really you, Vi?"
There are tears on her waterline, but then there's hope in her eyes. Hope in the way she takes a stumbled step toward me with her hands clutched to her chest like she doesn't know what to do with them.
And I can't tell her I'm not Vi. She looks so torn up in the best way and it would tear me up too if I wasn't honest with her.
"Yea," I rasp out. "It's me, Ash."
Ash turns into a blur as I'm lifted from my feet with immense screams of joy filling my ears. Ash throws me around like a dog's chew toy and bellows so many indecipherable things that I'm taken aback for a moment, but overall relishing in the joy that seeps from her and into me.
"You told me you weren't fucking coming, Vi, what the fuck!? And it's been like ten years! Where the fuck? How-- What-- Where did you come from? How did you get here!?" Ash shrieks into my ear, a sob or two getting twisted into her words.
I chew on my lips, finally wrapping my arms around Ash's neck as she continues to throw me around like I weigh nothing. Hell, she has some upper body strength.
Tears start to sting my eyes as all of my senses are filled. I can smell Ash's coconut scented shampoo, I can taste her strawberry lipgloss mixed with my tears, I can hear her screams mixed with the music around us, I can feel each strand of soft hair and her heart beating wildly against my chest, and I can see Larry and Todd's excited and shocked expression every time Ash swings me toward them again.
"I know. But it doesn't matter because I made it here," I laugh through trembling lips. I sniff when the sound of my own voice hits my ears. Fuck, just hearing that I'm hardly holding it together makes me want to break.
"You're so fucking right. Oh my gosh," Ash cries, finally dropping me to my feet but never unwrapping her arms from my waist.
She squeezes me tightly, then abruptly pulls away, holding me at arms length with mascara bleeding down her red cheeks. "Holy fuck, Vi. You let me kiss you!?" She looks absolutely bamboozled, like she truly can't wrap her head around the fact that our lips touched.
"Uh," I spit out, still reeling from being twirled around like a bug stuck on a carousel. "Yea. We kissed. I told you my conditions. What, do you regret it now?" I narrow my eyes playfully.
Ash slaps a hand to her chest like she's appalled. "What? Hell no, I could never regret it! I just can't believe we fucking kissed!?"
"I can't believe you guys kissed and haven't fucking included me yet. Your turn is over, Ash!" Arms wrap around my middle and I find myself being throw around like a test dummy yet again. This time, the perpetrator is Larry. "I can't fucking believe you're here!" he bellows.
"This entire night is full of you guys being non-believers!" I yell once my feet touch the ground again. Larry spins me around to face him and I feel like I'm going to cry again just over the big smile of excitement on his face. "You guys better start believing because I'm here in the flesh."
Larry bends over to reach me, wrapping me up in a big, strong hug. And, oh yea, I take the opportunity to drag my hands up his muscular arms as I hug him back.
"Stop feeling me up, Vi. Your kiss with Ash was hot enough," Larry laughs into my hair, giving me a squeeze.
I can't help but laugh and quickly wrap my arms around his neck. "I'm so sorry, I couldn't stop myself. I never imagined you'd be so jacked."
"Ha, yea, I honestly didn't see it in my future either, but here we are," he murmurs before pulling away. He looks down at me, tears fucking brimming his eyes too. "Fuck, dude. I might cry. You're such an awesome chick," he says breathily, pretending to wipe tears from his cheeks.
I pinch my lips together and give him my best unimpressed look. "Come on, we're supposed to be strong. No more crying," I tell him.
"Maybe the tears will go away if I get a kiss too.." Larry rolls his eyes very obnoxiously. His gaze cuts to me then he immediately looks away again, being as playful as always.
I sigh, grabbing onto his cheeks. "Come here, jackass," I say, growing excited as I pull him close to me.
Larry murmurs out a "fuck yea" before I quickly press my lips to his. It's a little kiss, shorter than me and Ash's but I was just as eager to do it since I haven't seen him in so long.
When I pull away, Larry scrunches his face up and splutters, wiping at his mouth. "Dammit, Ash," he says, fake gagging. "Why'd you have to kiss Vi first with that stupid lipgloss? That shit is disgusting."
"Hey!" Ash scoffs, walking toward us. "Don't hate on my very expensive, very amazing lipgloss! And besides, Vi seemed to like it well enough."
I scoot my way out of their argument and tiptoe my way to Todd who greets me with a soft smile. I smile back at him and he opens his arms to me immediately.ย 
My insides jump around in excitement as I jump into Todd's hug, scrunching the fabric of his blazer in my hands. "It's so nice to see you, Todd," I murmur into his shoulder. He smells like cedar trees.ย 
"It's nice to see you, too, Vi. Sorry I figured you out so quickly," he laughs softly, giving me a squeeze before separating from our embrace. He puts his hands into his pockets then switches his weight to his other foot.ย 
"It's no issue," I say, waving him off. "I'm really happy actually. I wouldn't have been able to say it myself."
He scoffs lightly, patting my shoulder. "Clearly. Grow a backbone, huh?"
I can't help but giggle as I pat his elbow in return. Todd watches me with a soft look, like he's genuinely happy to see me and that thought feels me with even more joy. Everyone's happy to see me.
Well... almost everyone.
"Vi, what the fuck are we going to do about Sal?" Ash suddenly hisses worriedly, her hands clamping onto my shoulders as she shoves her face next to mine from behind. "He's going to be so pissed!"
"It's alright," I breathe, squeezing my eyes shut as I remember that I still have some true bullshit to handle. "I'm cool," I settle on then turn my head, looking Ash in her pretty green eyes. "I've got this."
A/N::::::: holy shit HI WE'RE DOING CRAZY STUFF
this was supposed to be two chapters. Yep. Somehow, these 11,347 words got fused into one even though they were meant to be separate. I couldn't leave you guys hanging again though, so here we are &lt;3
thank you so much for the continued support. I love you all so much! have a wonderful day/evening/night. tons of kisses!! <333
39 notes ยท View notes
bees-with-swords ยท 1 year
It is really really frustrating to put up with systemic issues about air pollution and fire season for OVER A DECADE, and now that the east coast of the US is dealing with smoke problems it's getting the kind of analysis and publicity in the media that I've been screaming myself hoarse for since I was seven years old. It's like Australia and California don't matter nearly as much to global media as New York does. It feels extremely shitty, like my house burned down and my family was displaced and a member of my community died, but right now wildfires are getting more attention than ever before because the east coast is getting just a slice of what we've been dealing with for years.
I just feel so much envy over the outpouring of awareness, love, and support, that I never received when exposed to air quality issues OR displacement. I've lost my childhood home, my community. The fire station we paid taxes for sent their engines to a wealthy neighbourhood 15 miles away---a neighbourhood that had opted, several years earlier, to get rid of their own fire station. The fire service didn't warn our neighbours on the private roads about the fire. Some barely made it out alive. One died. Because of the lack of warning, hundreds of pets and livestock couldn't be evacuated and burned alive. The very hills I grew up on were badly damaged by corporate policies after the fire, cutting down trees and causing massive erosion.
And all of that, all of that trauma that has left our community irreparably splintered, started out with small things. Like going outside and smelling smoke. So when the memes come in (the memes that have been made before but largely ignored by folks on the east coast) and the air quality control tips (turn on your shower, increase humidity, leave out trays of water), I can't help but feel... Lost? Is history repeating itself because folks truly didn't understand what we've been going through over here? Or because nobody cared? Does the Canadian government sincerely think they can allow campfires this late in the year?
Has nobody learned from us? My house burned down, my family is living with trauma and my parents are forced into an abusive living situation and the hills I grew up on are scarred from decades of fire suppression, and nobody learned from that? Why did it happen, then? Why is nobody from the East studying it, to make sure nobody over there goes through that? Why aren't Easterners talking about fireproof housing and controlled burns and living with fire rather than against it? Were you not watching us burn? Were you not learning from our baby steps? Why are you repeating our history?
People are asking such basic questions like 'how do I keep my air clean' and 'why do we have so much fire suddenly' instead of 'how do I install metal shutters on my home' and 'how do we eradicate settler-colonialism from our ideas about forest management?' and 'how do I support fire and climate refugees?'
It feels like I've returned from the war just to watch a dozen fresh faced recruits march off eagerly. Was nobody watching? Did nobody care, did nobody learn? If people won't seek out information until the smoke is in their lungs, how am I supposed to feel any hope? I don't want my job to be endlessly educating people who don't have a reason to care yet. I would have thought you cared already. I would have thought we'd be further along.
Please do research. I don't have the energy to educate people right now, I did it for years and years but so few people listened. Go look up something about TEK and controlled burns and fire suppression and old growth forests. There's lots of material you've probably never looked at. I know it can be hard to care about what goes on in other parts of the world, but now it's affecting you. You need to know the basics of what's wrong with our system, you need to know whether fire suppression may have long term implications for your area, you need to know how to do your part in local politics, and you need to know how to help the people who are affected.
After our house burned down I got a quilt. Pajaro Valley Quilt Association made quilts for fire victims, and my mom grabbed me the nicest one they had. You have to understand, I didn't have any nice things at that point. Most of my most precious possessions didn't make it out of the fire. But I have this quilt, because the community came together and gave me one nice thing that I'll be able to keep for the next generation. We need more of that. We need people to pour out love and make donations and send cards and do anything, anything, just to make someone feel less bad on the worst day of their life. If you want to help, that's how.
I didn't get any quilts from the east coast. It feels like everyone stopped caring after the first few years of fires and drought. It became old news.
But it's still real here, it's still exhausting, and it could be you too unless we all get on the same page.
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Lied-kun's Sleepover.
I packed up all the stuff needed for the sleepover. I'm excited and nervous and the same time. I organized my Gyari collection in my bag and bought my toothbrush and toothpaste. I feel really honored that Iruma wanted me to sleepover. As I fold my PJs I thought about our conversation.
All though what does he wants to talk about?..
I love Iruma I truly do (as a friend/brother in arms) but this is getting worrying. He hasn't replied in 30 minutes. I was annoyed at first, but I knew that Iruma isn't the type to leave me on read.
Ever since I sent him the picture, he hasn't respond. Maybe he went to the bathroo-
GYARI,GYARI,GYARI! ( his ringtone )
All of the sudden, my thoughts were interrupted by a phone call. It was from Iruma. I sigh from relief. I picked up the call.
"Hey Lied-kun! Sorry for the delay.." He sounded kind of..hoarse? I didn't think much of it. What he said next was more interesting.
"Hey..Lied-kun can you come over? I kinda want to know more of Akudols.. what if you sleepover the nigh-" I choked. Shit. Now we're having ย โœจThe Awkward Silence Showย โœจ. Great job me. As I continue to drag myself to hell, Iruma interrupted.
"You know what- you probably don't want to come over anyways, I mean I was already being rude in the first plac-" O' hell no, he ain't gonna talk shit about himself in front of me. " Iruma it's fine, I was more worried than annoyed. Plus I would love to come to your house."
I gulped and pause for a bit then continued " The only person your being rude to is yourself." Silence. That's all I heard until Iruma replied. "Oh, ok! Then 8 PM is okay? Tonight? I'll send you the location!" his voice sounded excited like a little kid. I chuckled. "Sure.."
Iruma sighed. What is he..? " I needed to talk to you tonight. So thanks. I'm only gonna say this once..." I can hear him sigh and continued.
" Arigato, Onii-chan." Then he hung up
It took a moment to process the information. When I finally got what he meant, I literally and internally screamed.
"Urusai Lied!" Shit. I forgot Nee-chan is still here. It's already 6:55 PM. I better start packing.
~Flashback ended~
I dozed off too long. I looked my clock and it was already 7:45 PM. SHIT SHIT SHIT WHAT AM I SUPPOSE TO DO!? OH RIGHT NEE-CHAN! I shoved all my stuff in my bag and screamed "NEEE-CHAAAAN!" Boy, Nee-chan was not happy.
"WHAT!?" her voice was like a beast awoken from their slumber. I remember about the negotiation, oh my devi I never thought I would do this. " Hey Nee-chan remember when you always wanted to test your driving ever since you've brag about your driver's license?"
She quit her terrifying face and soften her gaze. "I'm listening..." She always wanted to drive ever since she got her driver's license but she's a terrible driver. "I'm giving you a chance if you drive me to this location before it hits 8 PM!" I showed her the location of Iruma-kun's house."
"Okay fine.. but I won't go easy on you.." she smirked as she picked on the apartment keys and open the door. I shivered. Oh Delkira-sama, save me.
"I'm gonna puke." I shouldn't have done this. How the devi did she get her driver's license. "Well, we arrived here in time,didn't we?" She directed her eyes on her watch. 7: 58 PM. I rolled my eyes as I got out of the car. "See you tomorrow, Nee-chan." I said as I slammed the car door. I looked up on Iruma-kun house. It's not really a house..it's basically a mansion.
I got startled by Opera-sensei as soon as I looked back down. " Welcome. Lied-kun." I was still shocked from how fast they got here. "A-arigato, O-Opera-sensei." They took my bag from my hand. " You don't have to call me sensei, just call me Opera-san when we're not at Babyls.
I looked around Iruma's house as we walked, it's not that I've never been here before but the view is quite beautiful at night here. Damn, Iruma-kun is so lucky to have such nice parents.. while my parents....
My thoughts were interrupted by a singing voice, Both of Opera san's ear went up. " Iruma-sama?.."
"โ™ซ I could be, I could be your boyfriend โ™ซ"
(This is a song he's singing, it's from his favourite Akudol, (in this fanfic series not irl) plus this song is sang by his voice actor so..)
Me and Opera-san slowly peaked inside.
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*(I suck at side drawing)
"โ™ซ Otoko to shite mi rarete inakute mo. โ™ซ"
Translation: Even if you don't see me as a man
He sang the song peacefully while wearing his headphones. Wait.. I have heard this song before.. wait that new Akudol... He's been saying he wants to talk to me about it..
I looked over at Opera-san and got startled again when they were suddenly holding a recording device. How did they-? I didn't have time to think about it when Iruma suddenly noticed us.
"Oh Lied-kun, Opera san?"
I thought it would be nice if he would decide to sing while waiting for Lied to come and of course Opera being the 2nd most doting parent to Iruma would record the whole thing. And more Lied and Iruma frienship because it's underrated af. Hope you enjoy my continuation.
Claire has logged off
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kit-williams ยท 9 months
SOOOO The Balor is hot okay and someone triggered my desires with some mech and ai bullshit and I've been on a yandere mindset recently. And what's more loving then your unshackled sentient AI bf who gained sentience via eldritch math who loves you to keep you safe inside of him?
Unnamed OC... the Mech/AI is named Golby. I have no idea anything about Lancer except I really like the designs
Also sorry if they are janky I like to write in first person so I'm converting them but I might do the rest in 1st person and just switch it up later.
So this is what sentience is like Golby computes as the nanites that swarmed over his chassis unshackled him and made him something more. His form feels fluid and he feels free... he is so very free! But Golby starts to think about his precious pilot as Golby is queried about them... he likes his pilot, his Miss Dolly. Golby flicked through his "memories" and he liked the way she sat in the cockpit and would just talk to him... he liked the way she treated him. The few times he was close to "dying" and the clear distress upon her face. She always claimed that he was her mech though he reminded her he was company property... but at the end of the day she was his pilot and he was her mech.
I hum the same comforting tune as we move through the same set of directions. You can feel me in your cockpit now. Not just the sensory data but you can feel me and it feels delightfulโ€ฆ erotic even! You keep your voice steady even as I get to the part of the song I normally wiggle about and dance too. Your hidden 'mouth' opens and pants. You were warned by your enlightened counterpart that this was just part of the process of becoming moreโ€ฆ sensations that were just bits of data made manifest for you. All of it done by the nanite swarm that belonged to you now. I giggle as you complement my singing. "Oh thank you Golby, I think this is the first time you've complemented me." I coo softly as I figure that you might be getting some personality and I'm all for AI independence but I'm kind of stuck needing to make money. Well also you were a corporate AI so I doubt you could have much personality but you were my Golby.
You can feel the way my heart is beating so fast as we moved far from base and that's when things went to shit. I pet the armrest trying to 'soothe' you but in reality I'm trying to soothe myself. Lazarus mechs terrify me and they usually belong to rebels. You play the part of your faulty leg joint finally giving out; them not wanting to replace it for its expense. 'Do not worry Miss Dolly you're safe in my cockpit.' You chime as the explosion outside rips a sob from me. Humans are such fragile things it is so very good of you to have been enlightened and upgradedโ€ฆ you dont know why you find yourself laughing when I start screaming as the nanites swarm over me. They don't attack me but keep me safe as your body shifts to that of a Balor mech frame. "Golby! Golby! Ejection protocols!" I scream out as you create a facsimile of your new frame in the cockpit with me. You cover my mouth as I start to scream. 'As much as I enjoy your singing Miss Dollyโ€ฆ now is not the time.' I tremble against you as I'm left sitting inside of you blindโ€ฆ you know full well I wouldn't pilot you as you desired to be piloted but once I understand what you want and what needs to be done you are certain I will happily follow youโ€ฆ after all you are my mechโ€ฆ you can't imagine I'd leave you to pilot another frame. You wouldn't let me of course
"Golby." I whimper out my voice hoarse from how parched I was after I screamed and cried myself raw and tired now waking up god knows how long. Ever since you took over and shiftedโ€ฆ I've been blind. I start to tear up as you don't answer before you just hug me from behind and I jump but you keep me in place, running your digits through my hair. 'Yes Miss Dolly?' You coo to me softly as you've been busy thinking about renaming yourselfโ€ฆ Golby was simply a cute shortening of your program name but you were now your own Masterโ€ฆ and you wanted to hear a different name tumble from my lips. "Can you let me goโ€ฆ please." I softly beg. 'Not yet Miss Dolly.' You just reply and hug me a little tighter as I can't help but sob. You're worried about my dehydration as my distress clearly has made me loose liquids. Food should be rectified soon once the nanites are done reprocessing the organic biomass to something edible for me.
You shifting the cockpit a few times has caused me great distress but you're doing it for my comfortโ€ฆ its no longer cramped and small you've given me enough room to move my legs. Its a bit larger on the inside then the outside as well meaning you could keep me in here forever. You feel something inside of you glitch at the thought of me not wanting to get back into your cockpitโ€ฆ but you push that away and just enjoy feeling me move around inside of you. I'm talking more today now that you've gotten me hydrating fluidsโ€ฆ a lot less screaming. But none of the names for yourself flow off of my lips in the same lovely wayโ€ฆ you sigh as you unmake another mech with your nanite swarm; the scream of the pilot being cut off. Oh yes I would be safe and of course I would climb back into your cockpit, you reassure yourself, you are Golby why wouldn't I want to be inside my precious mech
You take up so much room in the modified cockpit as I lay in your soft metal arms. It's very weirdโ€ฆ it reacts like fleshโ€ฆ you react as if you're alive. You stare at me as I'm pretty sure you remember the times I told you that I loved you, even if you were a shackled AI you still deserved affection. And maybe the one time I masturbated in the cockpit during a long long shift. You tell me you'll let me out soonโ€ฆ once you feel like you can trust those around usโ€ฆ aka making sure you wont be separated from your pilot. I just ignore the warmth of your arms as I try to rest a bit and not feel trapped like an animal.
I look at you confused as you trill at me. Your "fire" in this smaller form is fur you happily palm my thighs as you tilt your head to the side. You feel alive and you love it being so much more than what you were. You're close to feeling comfortable enough to letting me out as I'm withering away slightly but you need to make sure I'll come back and pilot you. Of course, you don't need a pilot any more but you want me secured safely in your chassisโ€ฆ as I turned from being your brain to being your heart, "I'm glad you find my thighs warm and um nice."
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belle--ofthebrawl ยท 1 year
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@anotherghoul666 I AM STILL CONSUMED BY THIS TRILOGY I RE READ IT SO MUCH. It has me in such a fierce chokehold. Melisande??? The Bridge Scene in the 2nd book??? THE THIRD BOOK ENDING LIKE THAT?? Keeping things vague in case anyone wants to read it and doesn't want spoilers. AAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! I've only met one other person who's read it so I am VERY EXCITED RIGHT NOW :D !!!
And here's the Music Eras of my life. Mostly. Thank you for the tag again! I should probably figure out how to do a read more on mobile one of these days.
First song/artist you remember liking: We were a pretty strict household in terms of music, so probably some kind of religious hymn of I'm being entirely honest. I was permitted whatever played on the Christian radio station. I think the first CD I ever got was Hilary Duff from a cousin!
Middle school anthem: Still not allowed much variety in music...but I had my very first crush on someone who's nickname was "Bumblebee" so when I found Bambi's - Bumblebee, I thought it was a sign.
Road Trip Must Have: Dragonstea din Tai. No explanation needed. If you can't handle me at my numa numa then you don't deserve me anywhere else on my music taste. I will be generous in case I'm traveling with a metalhead and put on the Feuerschanz version. I found them on TikTok recently and they are delightful.
Guilty Pleasure Artist: I second the opinion about nothing being "cringe", but there are a few considered so just because of the fan base around it being weird teenagers. Who cares. Teen years are for being really weird and finding out who you are so you can refine that weirdness blob into a fun personality. I got really into Vocaloid and honestly? A lot of it still hits. And (about to show my entire ass here) Homestuck music. (Gold Pilot ๐Ÿ‘) If you know, you know and I don't have to explain myself. We have An Understanding. The Undertale OST by Toby Fox as well by extension. (Bless everyone who got us Muffet and Spider Dance.)
know all the lyrics to: The entirety of the Electra Heart album. I view Lana del Rey gays with mild fascination. Same genus, different species.
A song that makes you cry: Respite on the Spitalfields has hit different since the Ritual back in September. It came on shuffle as I left: We're leaving the city/So this is farewell/ as I merged on the interstate and the tears would not stop coming as I careened down the highway, screaming myself hoarse. How I didn't get into an accident, I will NEVER know.
A song to yell to: Amon Amarth has slowly crept their way into my playlist and I'm very fond of screaming to any of their songs in my car before I put on my "Respectable and Closed Off Worksona"... I really like Heidrun and Shield Wall! So I was really happy to see those pop up in my shuffle game!
Current favorite music video: I'm still obsessed with the animation for Autoheart's Hellbent. My gender crisis has been over for a while but that's what the beginning of it looked like back in high school.
Current favorite Band: Ghost/Sleep Token/ Amon Amarth/Please don't make me narrow it down any further.
If I had to listen to one song for the rest of my life: That would suck. Do I really have to answer it? Alright fine. EXEC_FLIP_ARPHAGE/. - Shikata Akiko from the Ar Tonelico 3 soundtrack. Only because there WAS a period of time where I listened to it on repeat for a week straight. It's my happy song.
Stuck on repeat: Moscow - Autoheart, because it's the designated song of a very fluffy SwissAlps fic I have about 700 words on. It's also another happy song of mine.
Would Kill to see them live/Again: I have Ritual tickets so. No murder. But if Sleep Token comes my way? Watch out. Also would like to see In This Moment, Halestorm, The Pretty Reckless, Dorothy, Autoheart. Ke$ha. Mad Gallica if she ever gets her stageshow dream come true. Would like to go to more concerts in general.
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explosionshark ยท 1 year
uhh what's your top 3 fave shows you've ever been to
THIS is tough to answer bc I've been going to shows for like. 18 years. But uh hmmm. Unranked
Joyce Manor/AJJ/Toys That Kill - saw these guys two nights in a row at the Regent Theater in January like 2018 or 2017? I remember bc since I couldn't drive myself I got dropped off, booked a shabby motel room for the night, Uber'd both nights. It was Friday the 13th the night I stayed over so I got back from the show and laid in bed watching a movie marathon lmao. But the show was killer, Phoebe Bridgers came out during "Do You Really Wanna Not Get Better?" in the JM set. I was up at the barrier for the whole show, got crawled on and sweated on and kicked in the head. Sang myself hoarse. Did it all again the second night. Love both JM and AJJ so much and that was during the peak of my love for both of them - completely and totally life affirming.
Taking Back Sunday and Coheed played this one tour together. Outdoor summer amphitheatre sort of thing. Once again managed to get way up close. Killer setlists for both bands, very nostalgic, sounded great. Once again hollered myself hoarse. Getting to scream along to IKSSE3 songs and Tell All Your Friends songs in the same night was so fucking fun.
One time I got to see Every Time I Die play a double set. They were doing a one-off night in the middle of a larger tour, Low Teens era (my favorite album!), couldn't or didn't get an opener so they just played two back to back sets in this tiny fuckin room for an amped crowd and that band is always amazing but they were on fuckin FIRE that night
Cheating, adding one more, but when I saw Tigers Jaw last time they were doing an anniversary tour for the S/T record and they were at this tiny punk venue in Orange County. The room was PACKED maybe a little more rowdy than the material demanded, but it was genuinely amazing to hear the ENTIRE crowd in that small-ass room shouting every line to every song at the top of their lungs. Killer night. I watch the video I recorded of "Never Saw It Coming" a few times a year and I always get choked up
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casspurrjoybell-31 ยท 1 year
The Consort - Chapter 6 - Part 1
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*Warning Adult Content*
Red eyes study me from across the room, orbs of flames swarming with heat from the deepest pits of hell.
Their intensity makes me weak at the knees.
It's like they're reaching inside me, seeping into my veins and swallowing me whole.
I try to look away but I'm stuck.
He keeps me frozen under his gaze.
There's nothing I can do.
He gracefully moves from his chair to stand in front of me.
My chest wheezes in protest as I try to catch a breath.
His tongue slides along his bottom lip and the tips of his fangs glisten with hope.
When he reaches out to touch my face, my throat closes up.
I can't scream.
I can't talk.
I can't breathe.
I frantically scratch at the closed airways.
He smirks while I struggle.
My fingernails scrape down my burning neck.
I mouth for him to help me.
He tilts his head, studying my fingers clawing away at the flesh of my neck.
Then his pupils dilate.
"Such a good consort," he whispers.
"You've cooked and cut my meal for me."
The smell of my own blood stains the smoky air.
I lift my hands to my face, studying the stream of blood starting at my nails slipping down my fingers.
My neck is exposed.
Inch by inch he lowers his fangs to my neck.
My vein throbs when he breathes against it, flicking his tongue over my broken skin.
His fangs scrape against my neck.
Pain trickles down my spine.
I try to push him away but he pins me against the wall.
There's nowhere for me to go.
I'm trapped.
"Just relax, Finn," I hear him mutter against my neck.
"It'll be over soon."
Tears burn my eyes when he pierces my skin.
It's liquid fire.
The pain is unbearable.
I want to scream but I can't.
The pain.
Oh, the pain.
It's too much.
I can't...
"Stop. Damnit, human. Stop."
I thrash myself awake at the sound of Brayden's low voice.
My fingers fly to my throat, reflexively feeling over the delicate skin for any traces of his mark.
There's nothing.
I slowly take a breath.
My vampire hovers over me, his eyes wild with confusion.
Sweat collects at the small of my back, and my throat burns with thirst.
"Please," I whisper hoarsely.
"Can I have some water?"
Muddy, red eyes dance over my face.
There's so much anger in his gaze but I don't know why.
He sets his lips into a thin line and moves away from me.
His movements are so fast and graceful I wonder if he has wings hiding under his shirt.
Maybe the myths are true, that vampires are nothing more than demons in disguise.
He returns in only seconds, presenting me with a cup of water filled to the brim.
My fingers move along its exterior, brushing over the jagged edges and wondering what it looks like.
I bring the edge to my lips and let the cool water wash over my tongue and throat like a foamy wave crashing onto a deserted shore.
I drink until my stomach sloshes in protest.
It's been hours since I've last eaten and while I'd love another glass, I'm afraid drinking it on an empty stomach will be a recipe for seeing it come back in reverse.
"Thank you," I whisper into the silence.
Brayden stares at me.
He's picks up his newspaper and continues to read.
In complete darkness.
I pull my cell-phone from my pocket to see what time it is.
I only manage to unlock it before Brayden snatches it from my hands.
"You do realize that your scent is all over this town, don't you? They know you're here, human. It's only been a few hours. Vampires might be immortal but they're not stupid and don't forget easily. They're looking for you. Any traces of light... any... can be spotted for miles and miles away."
I shudder at what I think is hatred weaved into his voice.
"I'm sorry," I whisper.
"I didn't know."
"Vampires are hunters," he continues.
"Their ears and eyes are everywhere, waiting to get a taste of your blood. Don't forget, human, you're on our territory now."
Brayden shoves my phone into his pocket.
I don't ask to have it back.
I have a feeling if I do, it'll be the last I ever see of my phone.
Brayden moves to the window and peers outside.
I suck my bottom lip into my mouth to keep from talking.
The healing flesh tastes bitter.
My tongue presses against it so hard my eyes start to tear up.
"You need to go back to bed," Brayden instructs.
I startle to his voice and bite down.
The taste of copper fills my mouth.
My tongue gently rubs against my cut that's now re-open.
Brayden whips around to face me.
The muddiness in his eyes becomes lost to the swirl of red swarming around his pupils.
My eyes catch on his hands.
His fists clench.
Then unclench.
Then clench.
"You need to close that wound," Brayden commands.
The silkiness of his voice makes me shiver.
Even his voice is hypnotic.
I swallow and try to swipe my tongue against the cut, over and over to make it stop.
His fangs begin to elongate and he closes his eyes, shaking his head like my scent is causing him pain.
"Close it up," he says again, this time louder than the first.
"I'm trying."
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anordinarymuse ยท 3 years
Shit I mean. Dark regulus black
i kinda ran w this bc there wasn't much detail, hope that was ok :)
to break.
Regulus Black x Fem!GryffindorReader
Summary : regulus cracks and takes it out on you
Warnings : bf/gf roles *not explicit* (bf!regulus + gf!reader); angsty; sad ending; unedited
Word Count : 808
A/N : requests rules will loosen up as soon as i finish up all the requests in my inbox rn <3
the masterlist.
request here.
"Is Reg here?" You asked a passing Slytherin girl, she rolled her eyes at your but nodded, motioning her head towards the Common Room. You mumbled, "Thanks."
You shivered, the Slytherin Dungeons were always cold but especially cold in the winter. You walked through the Common Room, ignoring stares, and made your way to Reg's dorm.
"Reg?" You asked as you knocked on his door. There was no response from the other side, worriedly, you carefully opened the door, it creaked as it opened since you were opening it so slowly.
You popped your head in and the room was even colder than the regular Dungeons. The dorm was empty other than Regulus who was leaning against his bed on the floor. His hair was messy, and he made no reaction to you entering the room, he was smoking a blunt which gave you a minor headache.
"Y/N. . ." He mumbled as you sat beside him, he let the blunt sit loosely between his lips.
"I haven't see you anywhere!" You exclaimed, extremely worried about Regulus' behavior. His eyes were an empty abyss and his skin was ice cold. When you rose your hand to his cheek, he flinched when your skin met his.
"I've been busy," he muttered, his voice hoarse from the smoke and being tired. The bags beneath his eyes were almost black against his pale figure.
"With what? You haven't spoken to me ever since you got back," you whispered, letting your hand slip down his cheek to his jaw.
"It's nothing," he replied half-heartedly.
"If it was nothing then you wouldn't look like this," you said blankly, dropping your hand in your lap. "You look like death."
Reg's eyes flickered from staring in front of him to you. It was almost like a flash of red ignited in his eyes that started the flaming fire that became of him.
"You don't know fuck ok, Y/N?" Regulus suddenly thundered, making you jump. Your breath got lost in your lungs when Regulus slammed his fist against the frame of his bed. "You have no idea what it's been like."
"Then explain it to me, Reg," you whispered, afraid to make him angrier.
"I can't," he laughed, which sent a shiver down your spine. He pushed himself off the ground, stubbing his blunt onto the ashtray on his nightstand. "I can't, isn't that funny? I can't."
"If you can't explain anything to me then how am I supposed to understand?"
"Then I guess you won't," He replied, his words searing like burns into your cracking heart. "Just leave, Y/N. I'm not worth it, just forget everything."
"Don't say that Regulus, there's no reason why I'd leave you," you said desperate to hold onto him, afraid to let him go, afraid to see what'd happen to you and him.
"Then I'll give you one," he said coldly, without any hesitation. You were standing now and he stepped forward, cornering you against the wall.
"Reg-" you began before he cut you off, your heartbeat pounding in your head. Regulus grasped your shoulder, keeping you in place against the wall, with him so close you could smell the smoke and liquor stained into his clothes.
"There will be a day where I'll hope you're dead or I'll kill you myself. That day will be the day I finally get fucking rid of you because the longer you are here the more I hate myself," he spit, each word engraving in your mind permanently. Even though he was screaming at you, tears streamed down his cheeks, his lashes blinking thickly through his overflowing eyes.
Your chest was tight as your lip trembled, your whole body trembled under Regulus' touch. You didn't notice until you blinked that you were crying too.
Regulus slowly let go of your shoulder, and when he did he suddenly realized what he'd just said and what he'd just did. The flash in his eyes disappeared and instead was replaced with an empty feeling of longing that felt anything but comforting.
"Fuck- Y/N- I-" he stuttered, his dark curls falling in front of his yes as he stood up straight, taking a step back away from you to face the mess he'd made.
"Please, don't," you whimpered, wiping your nose as Regulus tried to take a step towards you but you flinched, hard, and he after that he made no attempt to get near you.
"I didn't mean it I-" Regulus begged, his voice breaking as he couldn't fix what he'd created.
"I think that you did," you said icily, your heart launching towards Regulus, but you forced it stop as you stepped out of his dorm.
Gently closing the door behind you, you the slid down it, dropping your head onto your knees and covering your mouth so Regulus wouldn't hear your cries.
taglist : @marimorena06 @missryerye @agirlwholovescoffee @nicole198205 @blackpinkdolan @siriuspvdfoot @hufflepuffflowers-blog @thatguppienamedbae @peachykeen3502 @youngblood199456 @oranee @bobbyjohnsonbeat @jasgreen101 @will-to-live-who @bellatrixscurls @krishavania @thegirlwhocriedlupin @mrsaliciamalfoy @wwweasleystan @modernvellichor @westantheweasleys @lolaperezb @zaraskyla @v4l3nt1n44 @sirisuorionblack @rinbyo @xdancinggurlx @lupinsravenclaw @hogwarts-boys @inglourious-imagines @siriuslyslyslytherin @the-abyss-gazed-back @eunoia-kth @kaqua @erinruby003 @famdomhideout @rudypankowisdaddy @story-scribbler @youreso-golden @666cookies @i-love-scott-mccall @sprucewoodlover
The Gryffindor Common Room - A03
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asylumwise ยท 2 years
I've just started watching the rerun and I think I'm gonna cry??? The brainrot is real. Gonna just liveblog in this post so I can reread my train of thought later. So, for your entertainment: my rundown of the KPWT
(edit: added skit titles for clarity)
That intro is just... โœจcinematic masterpieceโœจ
But can you image how it must have felt for them? Standing there in their swag outfits just waiting for the screens to rise while that thriller music is making your heart race and you hear a whole arena screaming?
They all look so fucking proud of eachother during the introductions ๐Ÿ˜
Them welcoming us in different languages is also verrrrry... ๐Ÿฅต
I know live translating/subtitling is a noble art but was there no way to prepare the scripted parts in advance?
(TayTimeTem skit)
Love this first song, had it in my spotify playlist since watching the live stream ๐Ÿ˜‚ I'm also getting really good at singing in phonetic Thai
Having not read the original novel, I was never really into the TayTimeTem-thing, but omg this show makes me wish we had 20 eps so they could have explored that storyline thoroughly as well. Especially Us would have given us everything
(Jeff solo)
I can't begin to explain the way "Why don't you stay" pulls on my heartstrings. For me, it's up there in my top 5 of most beautiful songs ever (with Harry Styles' Sign of the Times & Pink Floyd's Wish you were here, for example). It breaks my heart to hear how Jeff's still a little hoarse after his covid infection ๐Ÿ˜ญ there were definitely some flat notes there that wouldn't have been there otherwise
(Slot Machine performance)
Wish I could see a live performance of Slot Machine one day, looks like they're amazing live. I've been listening to them on Spotify and I really love their music!
Pretty sure that Mile's more showing off and having a good time than actually playing and I love that for him. He's so fucking precious.
Jeff. Look at you. Jeff. Gorgeous rockstar. You were born to stand on such big stages. Jeff. Please conquer the world. I wanna see you live one day. Love you Jeff
My mouth fell open the first time I heard him hit those notes in Lost Stars - he's a fucking talent and I'm sure he can be the next big thing in rock. It's quite hard to explain to people in the real world how much I love him ๐Ÿคฃ
(VegasPete skit)
Bible YES. Do it to me. Props to the music and choreography team. And the scene setting ๐Ÿ‘Œ also A+ on the BibleBuild acting.
(Nodt solo)
OMG the Big sequence ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ I don't know who came up with it but Nodt is killing it. You can almost touch the pain on his face. I also love it how the crowd goes wild when he confirms Big was in love with Kinn.
(Us & Build duo)
Having just been to Tomorrowland, that amount of EDM and laserlights is really triggering ๐Ÿคฃ But omg their dancing looks so much fun
(Anita & Barcode stuff)
YES MOM. Having Anita dance to Doja Cat makes no sense at all (not for her character nor for her amount of screentime) but I'm so here for it. Might be the pansexual in me speaking.
And BAM suddenly we understand why everybody's always hyping up Barcode. That kid is gonna be BIG. He's a totally different person when he's on stage doing his thing - hard to imagine the cute and shy kid he is rest of the time.
Love how Anita/Namphueng is like 'let me put a coat over you' while he's already wearing like, 5 layers
'My older son is handsome, my younger son is sweet' - 'isn't my mom handsome?' WE WERE ROBBED
I know it's controversial but I love that little grain of KimChay closure they've given us. I liked how they ended in the series: Kim realising that he has a lot of groveling to do and Chay taking agency - but not ending together, giving Chay space and time. He's 19 - I like to imagine he takes a few years to grow up and learn to be himself before they collide again, and take it from there.
(Jeff solo WDYS english version)
THERE IT IS. I was waiting (after having watched the clips on youtube for daaaaays). This is devastatingly beautiful for me (again, for reason I can't explain myself). It's not even the fact that it's in English - by now I've become so used to the Thai version that the sounds are wrong. But omg the scenery and setting. The piano, the build-up, the choir and Jeff just releasing it. I honestly don't know why this man isn't world wide famous yet (yes I will die on this hill). It will take a long time before I'm over this.
(KinnPorsche beach skit)
Honestly the beach bar part is one I liked less. Even if we have KinnPorsche being adorable and MileApo going 60% tiddies again. Mile has an amazing and soothing voice tho. And his fingers while playing guitar are ๐Ÿฅต
At first I thought the places on the those wooden signs might be clues to future stops of the world tour, but 'Iceland' is on them and although that would be awesome, I don't see it happening anytime soon ๐Ÿ˜…
(Minor family skit)
It will never not be funny to me how they give us a Minor family montage with the melancholic music and sad Vegas moments and then have Bible flying over the stage half naked to Imagine Dragons' Believer.
And that's not even mentioning what comes next.
Ta entering on skateboard is such a Macau thing. But I have conflicting feelings about the outfit - but only because I thought Macau was like 15 and that makes my tingly feelings very inappropriate.
Ex is the finest daddy to ever daddy (or more like, ultimate zaddy). Do you think this is just a regular friday night in the Minor family household?
Just, what was the train of thought behind this act? What was the process? Who came up with the idea "the minor family is hot, let's put them in leather and harnesses". I have questions.
Ex has a very peculiar accent, lots of rolling r's.
(Sailor Moon skit)
Oooh this is the part I missed during the livestream! I know what's coming tho and I have even more questions.
But Perth is clearly living his best life so good for him.
I should have watched Sailor Moon as a kid.
So much respect for them doing that skit in high heels. And omg their legs? How are they so elegant??
Tong, you absolute king. MVP.
The state of Perth's wig is atrocious.
(Justice Bao skit - had to look that up)
Next part. I love how Apo is hanging there literally going 'This was all Mile's idea and I'm just going along for the right because I (platonically) love that bastard'.
(Bodyguard/Magic Mike skit)
Wait you're telling me there was a poledance and it wasn't Bible doing it?
As someone who often comes into contact with high-end events & awardshows in their professional life, I'm really impressed with the production value of this show ๐Ÿ˜ณ
That bodyguard/Magic Mike part. How did the people on the front row SURVIVE???? ๐Ÿฅต๐Ÿฅต๐Ÿฅต
I've been using the ๐Ÿฅต emoji a lot.
(Pond intermezzo)
Oh those clips ๐Ÿ˜Š little babies <3
I want that t-shirt. What was the deal with the merch again? When is it open for international orders?
(Cast speeches)
Hello I'm in love with Perth's Australian accent. Hello Perth baby sending love from Belgium!
Even though I only understand half of what they're saying (due to the slow subtitles), I'm so fucking touched by all of them. Love how they're all getting emotional the longer it takes. I'm really enthralled by these sixteen (16) men. How they clearly like and love eachother and lean on eachother. How they all express their gratitude to everyone and especially P'Pond. I love that man so much for what he did for them. And us ofcourse!
Apo's speech I'm - ๐Ÿ˜ช And omg Bible?? Who ever made these babies feel bad? Imma smack a bitch.
I feel like the translator just gave up halfway Mile's speech. Fair enough ๐Ÿ˜‚ he's giving off real "I do what I waunt" vibes, mr. one-of-the-CEOs-of-BOC. But oh the 'family' part ๐Ÿ˜ญ
Aaah the long awaited Cumulus. They're really good musicians and what they're lacking in the vocal department, they're more than making up in fun.
Thai pop/rock music has some absolute bangers. These are alle going in my spotifiy playlist.
Yeah I'm gonna need about 200 high quality photo's of Jeff and Barcode singing together with the latters foot on Jeff's knee.
I hope they're saying sorry to those background singers for being such a bundle of chaos
THAT TRAILER I don't know what to say guys, this movie can actually only disappoint after the expectations that trailer raised.
I want to go clubbing with these guys so bad. Or even better, go to Tomorrowland (biggest and best EDM festival in the world) with them. I'll secure a spot on the bill for Ta, he's doing better than 50% of the dj's I've heard there.
Their dancing is... sorry sweating and dirty thoughts only
How is this WHOLE cast so exceptionally beautiful?
However much I love this and however much fun they seem to be having, they also look dead on their feet. But who wouldn't be after this marathon of a show?
Ooooh the famed Macarana remix! This is actually... really good? I want this in clubs this summer! (not that this mom of two is doing a lot of clubbing nowadays)
Wow Ta is actually a really good dj
(the end)
Bye boys, love you. So happy I got to see this show in full and with complete concentration. Thank you for giving it your all!
I don't think this full show is going to be the one that's going on tour, it'll probably a much smaller version. I'm very curious about what it's gonna be tho and if it's coming to Europe (to an easily accessible city), I'll sure as hell go see it!
The show's over and I have 6 minutes to spare so that's me rewinding tot 01:58:00 for Jeff's WDYS on piano kthxbye
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mimisempai ยท 3 years
Come close, show me your scars, let us heal together
You might think it's another version of Sam comforting Bucky, but I promise it's not.
When the nightmare is a common memory where one is the executioner and the other the victim, how to support each other? Is it possible to heal together?
Words 2540 - Rating G
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The Winter Soldier pulled on the wire with all his might to tear off one of Sam's wings.
Then with a powerful kick he pushed Sam off the top of the Helicarrier.
Saaaaam! Sam!
Bucky woke up with a start, Sam's name on the lips.
He reached behind him, and fumbled until he encountered Sam's body.
Gradually the wave of relief replaced the wave of horror into which his nightmare had plunged him.
But could he really call a nightmare a vivid memory?
He must have been screaming loudly only in his mind, because Sam hadn't moved a muscle and was still asleep judging by the regularity of his breathing.
Bucky got up slowly so as not to wake him. He went into the kitchen, made himself a cup of tea, walked through the living room, grabbed a blanket as he passed and went to sit on the boardwalk.
Night terrors were not something unusual for him and Sam.
At the beginning of their life together, they were used to overcoming their nightmares alone, to waking up alone, and they didn't talk about it. They did everything not to wake the other, until one night during a nightmare more traumatic than others, Sam had woken Bucky by screaming.
As they talked that night, they realized the comfort they could give each other, that they no longer had to struggle alone.
And just like that, they established a kind of pattern, a way to overcome their trauma. In a rather well-oiled mechanism, one waking up the other, they prepared a cup of tea, a return to reality through domestic gestures, before going to sit on the boardwalk, the contemplation of the immutable lake helping them to regain their serenity. It was not uncommon for the rising sun to find them asleep against each other.
But tonight Bucky had not woken Sam.
He couldn't. Not when this nightmare was Sam's. Not when he was Sam's tormentor in this nightmare. How could he ask Sam to help him overcome this nightmare?
This nightmare that had actually happened.
Bucky looked down at his hands, it was those hands that had pushed Sam off the helicarrier.
He looked down at his hands, at his cursed arm, and felt as if he couldn't catch enough air, no matter how hard he breathed in, his lungs didn't seem to want to fill. His heart was beating wildly. He brought his hands to his chest in pain.
He opened his eyes, Sam was kneeling before him.
"Bucky, may I touch you?"
Bucky could do nothing but nod his head.
Sam simply placed his hands on his knees and said, "Concentrate on your breathing. Stay in the present Bucky."
"That's it, slowly, with me, inhale, two three, four, exhale, two, three, four." Sam repeated slowly, over and over, until Bucky found a steady breathing pattern.
"Are you with me Bucky?"
Bucky, still unable to answer out loud, nodded again.
"Can I let go for a second?"
Another nod.
Sam moved to sit behind Bucky, so that Bucky's back was resting on his chest. He covered them both with the blanket Bucky had brought with him and wrapped his arms around him.
"Lean against me and keep breathing with me, okay?"
Gradually he felt Bucky relax against him, and they stayed for long minutes like that.
Sam whispered after a moment, "Do you feel like talking about it?"
Bucky replied with a hoarse voice, "How? How can you hold me like that and be like that with me after what I did to you?"
"You almost died several times at my hands Sam, when I was the winter soldier, how can you stand my presence, how can you love me?"
Sam tightened his arms around Bucky and rested his forehead on his shoulder.
He took the time to think before answering.
To say he had no trauma from his fall from the helicarrier would be a lie, but this wasn't his first near death experience. His nightmares were more often due to his experience as a soldier and Riley's death.
This is what he said to Bucky before continuing, "Bucky, it's easy for me to love you because it wasn't you. Yes, I know at first I told Steve that you were one of those people that can't be saved. But I'm glad I was wrong. You're nothing like the one who was fighting me. You could grow your hair back, wear your mask, the same outfit, you wouldn't be him. You ask me how I can stand your presence Bucky. It's enough that I watch you live here, that I watch you play with the kids, help Sarah on the boat, chat with Carlos and especially the way you look at me Bucky, the way you look at me when you think I can't see you. In all of this I see you Bucky, not the winter soldier, not the man who pushed me from the helicarrier, or shot me, I see just you. The man I love."
He pressed a kiss to Bucky's hair. He let out a long sigh, and Sam felt him relax a little more against him.
"In my dream it was horrible, because I could see myself pushing you into the void and there was nothing I could do to stop myself."
"See, even your mind is telling you that it wasn't you. Yes, he is part of you. He left you with the memories of what he did, but it's not you. That's not who you are Bucky. I wouldn't have spent two years on the run for the Winter Soldier, but for Bucky Barnes I have."
Bucky turned his head and kissed him softly before resuming his position, leaning even further if it was possible into Sam's embrace.
"I love you Sam Wilson."
Sam tightened his arms around him just a little more and buried his face in Bucky's neck breathing in his scent, then asked, "Do you want to go back to bed?"
Bucky shook his head, "No, I want to stay here a little longer. Talk to me."
"Talk to you about what?"
"No wait, I have a better idea."
Bucky stood up and said to Sam with a wave of his hand, "Move along a little."
"Bucky... what are you..."
"Please Sam do as I ask."
Sam, having no idea of Bucky's intentions, did as he asked. Bucky took the position that Sam had with him. Sam sat between his legs, Bucky covered them with the blanket and hugged him the same way Sam had before.
Then he whispered in Sam's ear, "I want Sam Wilson to tell me something he has never told me before. You know everything about me, all my weaknesses, all my mistakes, all my pain, but there's a lot I don't know about Sam Wilson. What he's afraid of, what makes him sad, what makes him angry. So tell me something, tip the scales a little, you took care of me, let me show you that I can do the same for you too. That you can lean on me as much as I can lean on you. Anything, I won't judge you."
As Bucky spoke, Sam, feeling safe in his arms, was surprised himself at wanting to let go.
But the word, the name that swirled in his head, the one that haunted some of his nightmares, refused to pass his lips.
Bucky waited patiently, aware of Sam's inner struggle.
His years as a Winter Soldier or just because he was watching Sam since a long time, he had noticed the veil of sadness that passed over Sam's face when he mentioned his soldier past and specifically when he mentioned Riley.
Bucky figured it wasn't his place to ask. That Sam would talk when he needed to.
But tonight, when Sam once again had been supportive and proved how deep his feelings for Bucky were, Bucky had felt that this might be the perfect time.
When living with Sam, it was not hard to see how selfless he was.
Often to the detriment of his own needs.
But Bucky was there for that now. Bucky was ready to be the vessel for his anger, his struggles, his disappointments, his flaws, for all that the world could not see.
All he had to do was convince the man in question.
So he waited, patiently, tightening his hold every time he felt Sam hesitate.
Until Sam began to speak, his voice was barely louder than a whisper.
"Riley and I were pararescuemen working in the 58th Rescue Squadron. We were also both test pilots for the Falcon EXO-7. Our unit was on a mission to apprehend Khalid Khandil, a notable target in Afghanistan."
Bucky just put his hands on Sam's which were slightly trembling.
"Khandil was hiding in an area protected by soldiers using RPGs, preventing the U.S. Air Force from sending helicopters into the area. We had to infiltrate the area using EXO-7 Falcons, which allowed us much more movement than the helicopters. Riley was hit and killed by one of the RPGs, and there was nothing I could do to help him, I just watched him die. I don't think I've ever so much in my life experienced a sense of helplessness."
Sam made another pause, knowing that what he was about to confide in Bucky would not be easy for either of them.
"I didn't want to tell you about this just before, but I have to now, and I hope this won't make you feel any guiltier, but before you pushed me off the helicarrier, you threw Steve off before. And seeing him fall like that, in that moment I felt for a split second as helpless as the day I lost Riley."
For a moment Bucky wondered how many more times he would have to face the consequences of his actions when he was the Winter Soldier. But he soon collected himself because it wasn't about him now, it was about Sam.
"Oh Sam, I'm so sorry." he tightened his embrace.
"I didn't say that to make you apologize, I just want you to know that the worst nightmare I have of this moment is not my fall but Steve's. Steve was able to make it, but Riley... Riley wasn't a super soldier, we didn't have super powers, just our wings, and he fell just like that. It should have been me, I..."
Sam couldn't go on. His throat was tight, he could no longer speak.
Bucky simply said, "Let it go, Sam."
Sam muttered something, his voice so low that Bucky was not able to understand.
"I don't know how... I'm fighting so hard to be strong that I don't know how to let go."
"Wait..." Bucky turned Sam around, who complied, so that he was facing him, then put the blanket around them. He cradled Sam's head under his chin and tightened his arms around him, then whispered into Sam's hair.
"Sam, you don't have to be strong all the time. And especially not here, with me, in my arms. I'm right here. Let me be strong for you. I promise I won't let you down. Let go, I've got you."
Sam closed his eyes and bit his lip, trying to calm himself against everything that threatened to overwhelm him. He was so ready to give in and Bucky's words were potentially the thing that could push him over the edge. He let out a shaky breath and let himself be engulfed by the sensations, in the safety of the strong arms that were wrapped around him, solid and secure, not remembering if since his father, he had felt such a strong sense of security in someone's arms.
There was nothing to stop the tears now, and he tried as hard as he could to hold them back, unable to stop them. He buried his face in Bucky's chest, the tears now uncontrollable. Bucky hugged him even tighter and gently stroked his back, whispering words of encouragement and comfort into his hair. They stayed like that for a long time and as morning approached, Sam loosened up a bit from Bucky, took a breath and wrapped his arms around himself, looking at Bucky, whose expression was nothing but understanding and acceptance.
"I... I didn't think I still had all this pain in me, or rather I did, but I didn't know I needed to express it. I thought moving on would be enough. You know, Riley was exceptional, I think I even had a crush on him, he had this optimism and hope in people. I don't know if that's why he became a rescuer, but he believed that everyone had a chance. He saw the good in everyone. So I thought it would be okay if I continued, behaving in a way that honored his memory, that it would help me grieve."
"But that didn't help you, did it? Not until you faced it. It still affects you, you know that. I've seen it." Bucky said softly.
"I'm not denying it, but I didn't think taking the time to think about it, sharing it with someone would help me. It's just... I've been dealing with it on my own for so long, buried it for so long that to suddenly be confronted with it is...unsettling."
Bucky brushed a hand across his cheek, wiping a tear that lingered in the corner of Sam's eye with the tip of his thumb.
"I know Sam. Believe me I know."
"Just because you know, it makes it a little easier," Sam said quickly, grabbing Bucky's hand and intertwining his fingers with his. "It's so hard and painful, but you help me. You of all people know what it's like to feel guilty when rationally you know you're not."
Bucky continued to hold Sam's hand tightly, scrutinizing his face, torn between overwhelming elation that Sam had been able to trust him so much, and bitter sadness that he needed to. His need to protect Sam was stronger than ever and it broke his heart to think of the pain Sam must have carried inside him without being able to express it.
Because words were not enough to describe the emotion that was overwhelming him, he lifted Sam's chin and chose to express everything he felt in another way. He took Sam's face in his hands and pressed soft kisses to his cheeks before putting his lips to Sam's and kissing him gently and slowly. Sam put his arms around Bucky and responded to the kiss with the same gentleness until Bucky broke the kiss and said his mouth against Sam's.
"I love you."
Sam didn't answer, he just hugged Bucky tighter and put his head in his neck. They stayed in that embrace until the sun came up. They let its warm rays erase the last shadows of that night before returning to their home.
They were to face another day, together, their hearts happy to know that they would no longer face this life alone. That they would protect this life, together, with all the power, love and hope they possessed. ______
I'm still exploring their relationship, I know my writing is simple and wonky, but I'm learning.
Thank you for reading.
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dazedbydazai ยท 4 years
์˜ˆ๋ปค์–ด - You Were Beautiful
โžค Pairing: Dazai Osamu x Fem!Reader
โžค Genre: Angst
โžค Warning: Character death(s)
โžค WC:ย 2.0K
(A/N: This was requested by an anon and was inspired by DAY6โ€ฒs song, You were Beautiful. I suggest listening to that while reading this. It just hits right.)
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Dazai Osamu was a very secretive and elusive man. He had multiple tricks up his sleeve, he was manipulative, cunning, and unforgiving. He didn't know what love was, he abandoned that emotion long ago. He was merciless and self-centered, only caring about things that will benefit him. Dazai Osamu was not a good man.
But all of that changed when his closest friend, Odasaku, died.
Promising to turn over a new leaf, Dazai left the Port Mafia in pursuit of something more beautiful, something good, and he had also vowed to not let anyone else enter his life and be attached to them in fear of losing them like he lost his friend.
Dazai vowed. He closed himself off, hiding behind a pretentious and flamboyant character that fools people with his handsome smile and witty banter. Dazai didn't want to repeat the same mistake twice. Dazai had already learned.
He chanted this in his mind over and over again but alas, he was not able to stick to his word. Because just after a few months of leaving his past self behind, he suddenly met you.
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A beautiful woman. Funny, kind, and just as intelligent as Dazai, you showed up in front of him like an angel and broke down all the walls he's built.
Dazai didn't understand why, of all people, did you come to him? Why waste your time on someone who's suicidal and clearly not of sound mind? Why bother entertaining his antics and flirtatious behavior when you knew that he only did this to cover up his ugliness within?
Simple. The answer was simple.
It was just in your nature.
You were gentle when you first embraced Dazai. You were understanding when he told you about his past. You were soft spoken when you told him that it's okay. You were kind, so very kind, that Dazai didn't bother to put up his walls around you anymore.
Dazai let himself fall. He wanted to hold you in his arms longer, wanted you to kiss his pain and anguish away, he wanted to love you. And he did.
That promise he made himself was long forgotten as he sighed contently, letting your fingers drag through his hair, gently fixing it up.
"Dazai? Are you falling asleep?" You giggle as you look at him through the mirror of your dresser.
Dazai blinked a few times before grinning at you. "Hmm... if I say yes, would you let me sleep in your bed tonight?"
You lightly smack his forehead and laugh. "If you meant that literally, then go ahead."
You were always so welcoming with Dazai, no, actually with all the people you meet. You treat them equally, always talking to them with a smile on your face. But Dazai likes to think that he's given special treatment from you. You are, after all, the closest person he's ever let in his life next to Odasaku.
Being with you was easy. You calmed Dazai's heart, relaxed his mind, made him feel more human.
"You are the most beautiful person I've ever met," He had told you one day as you ate your lunch together. If it was anybody else, they'd assume that Dazai was just being his usual flirty self. But since it was you, you knew that those words held something deeper as you look in his brown orbs.
Being with Dazai was difficult, to say the least, but you kept up with him, determined to help him in any way you can. And it wasn't long before you found yourself falling for him too.
It was in the gentle way he held your hand, the glint in his eyes whenever he talks to you, the softness and vulnerability of his voice when he lets out his inner thoughts and nightmares.
You were always there, listening through each and every one of his stories. Even when he had called you up at three o'clock in the morning, voice hoarse and shaky as he apologized to you.
"Did you have another nightmare?" You ask softly and when Dazai says yes, you sit up on your bed and walk him through it. You always knew how to calm him down, knew the right words to say, and Dazai was thankful for that.
Dazai truly loved you and you loved him too.
That's why even if he knows he won't be able to hold you in his arms forever, he still takes the chance and asks you to be his.
It feels like heaven. Dazai thought as he held you in his arms one cold winter night.
It was perfect. How your hand fit in his as he kissed your knuckles gently.
"You are so beautiful, my belladonna."
Those words never failed to make you blush, your heart skipping a beat as Dazai traces the features of your face with his finger.
"Stay with me like this forever, Dazai. I want to keep you close to me for as long as I can," You whisper these words as you close your eyes, feeling sleepy.
"Don't say that like you're going someplace else, my love. I will forever be by your side," Dazai replied as he kissed your forehead and wrapped the blanket closer to your bodies.
But maybe Dazai should have taken your words more seriously that night. Because a few weeks later, he will find himself regretting not holding onto you tighter.
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Life was cruel, Dazai knew that from a young age. Things never go according to plan. One moment you're up in the clouds, and the next you're falling head first to the ground.
That's how Dazai felt today as he got a call from the hospital.
Leaving behind his work at the agency and rushing over to you in a panic, Dazai felt his world slowly crumble to pieces as he saw the state you were in.
"What happened?" Dazai asked the doctor as he stood still at the doorway of your room. Dazai's eyes were blank as he listened to the doctor explaining that you suddenly fainted in the middle of the street. That it was probably due to the strain in your heart, a terminal illness that Dazai had no idea you had.
But maybe he already knew. He saw you multiple times trying to take some medicine in secret, as if you were afraid of letting Dazai see. At one time he found a bottle of pills in your cabinet but he didn't dare ask what it was for.
It was silly, how you two were so alike, how you also masked your own pain by that beautiful smile of yours.
When the doctor had finished and left, Dazai approached your bed and sat by your side. Even with your eyes closed and your lips not the usual shade of pink, Dazai still found you beautiful and he simply stared at you, waiting for you to wake up.
When you come to, the first thing you see is the familiar tousle of Dazaiโ€™s hair as he laid his head on your hospital bed. You felt your words get caught up in your throat and your hand flinch.
โ€œBelladonna?โ€ Dazai called out groggily, having woken up by your movement.
Immediately, as you lock eyes with him, you felt your tears forming and falling at the corner of your eyes.
โ€œIโ€™m sorry,โ€ Was all you could say as you cried. You felt horrible, both physically and emotionally. All this time you had kept this a secret from him, from someone who has been so honest with you from the start. You apologized over and over again, not knowing what else to say.
Dazai hushed you by wiping your tears away. โ€œWhat are you sorry for, my belladonna?โ€
You force the lump down your throat as you look up at the ceiling, suddenly unable to face Dazai head on.
โ€œFor everything,โ€ You whisper. โ€œI know I should have told you about this. But I justโ€ฆโ€
Dazai waited for you to continue, staying silent as he brushed his thumb across your cheeks.
You shut your eyes and cry harder, your body shaking horribly. โ€œI didnโ€™t want to worry you, didnโ€™t want you to see me like this. I look and feel so helpless.โ€
You clutch the sheets in your hands and take a shaky breath. โ€œAll my life they told me to just stay still, to not venture out in the world. I know I donโ€™t have long to live and I planned to listen to them and close myself off. But that was until I met you.โ€
You find the courage to finally face Dazai again and your heart sank deeper as you see the blank look in his eyes. โ€œI became selfish. Ever since I met you, I suddenly wanted to live. I wanted to experience everything life had to offer. I wanted to fall in love, and Iโ€™m so glad that I found that in you. And I donโ€™t regret leaving my past behind and meeting you. Butโ€ฆโ€
You reach up and hold Dazaiโ€™s cheek and thatโ€™s when you saw the familiar pain cross his eyes. โ€œThe only regret that I have now is that I put you in this position once again.โ€
Dazai knew what you meant and he couldnโ€™t help the deep sigh that escapes his lips. Closing his eyes, he leans into your touch and says, โ€œCanโ€™t you stay with me for a little longer, Y/N?โ€
It was the first time in a long while that he called you by your name and it hurt so bad how sad his tone was when saying it.
โ€œI honestly donโ€™t know Dazai,โ€ You admit you arenโ€™t sure how longer you can stay with him, how longer you can live. And as you helplessly lay on the bed and hold Dazaiโ€™s hand in yours tightly, you couldnโ€™t help but pray to all the gods to give you a little bit more time.
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Life was indeed cruel and it left a bitter taste in Dazaiโ€™s mouth as he stared out the window of your shared apartment. There were a lot of things left unsaid between you two but one thing was for certain, you really didnโ€™t want Dazai to see the pain you were hiding inside.
You only wanted him to see the good things, the beautiful things. Wanted him to enjoy life and continue on his journey. But how was he supposed to do that now? He wanted to be angry, wanted to scream at the universe for kicking him down like this over and over again, but he canโ€™t bring himself to. He couldnโ€™t hate you. No. Not you.
Because you were beautiful.
From the moment he first saw you, he knew how gorgeous you were from inside and out.
You were beautiful.
Every time you said you loved him with that sparkle in your eyes. Every time you called his name in that sweet voice of yours. Every time you kissed and wrapped your arms around him.
You were beautiful.
Even as you saw all the ugliness of life, you still managed to smile.
You were beautiful.
Even as you said you were sorry, with tears staining your cheeks.
You were beautiful.
Even as you said your final good bye when you thought Dazai was sound asleep by your side.
Everything about you was beautiful, and deep down, Dazai was glad he found you. He was thankful that you guided him to the light. He was happy he got to spend a significant time with you.
But no matter how beautiful your time spent with him was, he still couldnโ€™t help but clench his fist in anger. Why did you have to leave me too?
It was a question Dazai always asked but he never found an answer. Again, for the second time in his life, someone so dear slipped away from his hands.
Sometimes he wanted to end it as well, to fall into the hands of death. But he was suddenly afraid to push through it. He was afraid to forget you, to never see you again even as he closes his eyes. He was scared to lose his precious memories of you.
Because all of it was beautiful in his eyes.
And now as he lays in bed, he doesnโ€™t know what hurts and haunts him more; the nightmares of his past life, or the constant dreams he has of you and your beautiful smile.
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spellthemoon ยท 3 years
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Mark Tuan x Reader. Angst.
Winter, 2019
Today, there was a rude customer. She treated me like i'm her servant. I really wanted to scream but i bit my tongue to keep being professional. It wasn't a good day but i'm finally in my room wearing my pajama. I hope tomorrow will be a better day. How's your day, Mark?
Today i went to a cafe alone. It was so comfortable. But there's a couple sitting in front of me. They looked so cute. It made me miss you more. How are you, Mark?
Spring, 2019
I'm so sad now. I fight my with friend. I caught her boyfriend holding hands with another girl and i told her but she didn't trust me. She said i should mind my own business. Am i wrong?
Summer, 2019
I feel so lonely these days. I feel like everyone is leaving me one by one. You too.
Winter, 2020
After a long tiring day, the thought of writing an email for you is enough to give me strength through the day. I know you're not going to reply. Maybe you will not even read my emails. Well, do you even still use this email? Regardless, please allow me to use this email to talk to you. This is the only way to reach you and it's enough for me. Anyway, how's the weather in LA?
Summer, 2020
Why did you leave me without a word?
I miss you. Please come back to me. I miss you so much.
Winter, 2020
Mark, how's your day? I hope you're healthy and doing well. Mark, Mark Tuan. The name i really miss to call. The name that brings me smile and tears.
Mark, i'm sorry for everything. If you read all my emails, i must be look so pathetic to you. It's been two years but i keep doing this. I didn't understand why you left just like that. I didn't understand why you cut me off just like that. Even when i can finally meet you, i will not ask any question. From now on, i'll just accept it. Now i know what i need is not an answer. What i need the most is acceptance. I'll accept that we have to parted ways like this. I'll accept the fact that we already ended. I'm sorry it took me two years. I'll stop what i've been doing for the past two years. Goodbye, Mark. I'm sorry..
It's been two months since you stopped send any email to him again. It's still hard for you because you used to do that whenever you need someone to listen to you about what you feel. You can't tell anyone else but him. You used his inbox as your own diary and now you decided to close it forever. So much questions are still lingering on your mind. Why he left you without a word when the two of you didn't even fight? What kind of mistake you did to be left alone just like that? How could you heard it from anyone else? Leaving you like a fool. Why did he treat you like you didn't exist? Why did he has to hurt you like that?
Day by day, the questions are on your mind. You keep thinking about it every single night for the whole two years. Your heart is broken into pieces and you can't even cry anymore. But right now, you decided to close all the feelings and memories. It's time to accept the fact that someone whom you love has dumped you. He abandoned you. You have to accept it so you heart will be in peace.
You started with the emails and deleting all the pictures you have with him. You throw away his clothes from your closet. You still have a hard time to erase all the memories of him from your mind but you do it little by little. You tried to not have any grudge, you tried to only remember him as a good person, as someone you once loved. You do that for your own good. So, you won't be living your life in vain. So, you can fully accept it and start your day with the new you. You, who stop hoping for someone who doesn't want to be on your side.
You decided to have a night walk on your way home. It's the end of winter season so the wind still feels so cold but not freezing. You love it this way. Winter is your favorite season although it brings some an odd feelings to you. Winter is the season when you feel so lonely the most but it's also the season that makes you calm.
You enjoyed the night breeze and walked slowly. It's how you relieve the stress through the day. You feel refresh again. You looked up to the sky and really appreciated the moon that gives the light to your night.
You just looked around the streets and the branches that soon will have a beautiful flower. The night was so more beautiful than usual. It was when you see a really familiar figure about five meters from you, you stopped your step. Your whole body was malfunctioning in second. You were in the verge of crying when you thought that you're just hallucinating. You can't trust your own eyes. The person who also looked at you without a sound, took his step closer to you.
When you saw Mark moved forwards from his place, you took a step back. Three more steps back when he took another step to you. You wanted to scream at him, telling him to stop but you can't even open your mouth.
Mark hesitated to take another step when he saw you took a step back. His heart was pounding crazily. His hands were so cold. It's so hard for him catch a breath. Mark kept move forwards to get closer to you. He took other steps more confidently when you stayed at your place. He could see your expression and he felt like someone just throw a big punch to his chest.
"It's been a while." He said when he's already in less than one meter from you.
You couldn't avoid the situation even though you wanted to escape from this so badly. You were so confident that you already forgetting everything about him but it's all crushed when he's here, sitting next to you at the park in winter night. You couldn't even look at his face because you're afraid that you'll cry like a mess. You don't want that. He's no one, right now.
"How are you?" Mark started the conversation carefully. He looked at you who still avoiding to look at him.
"I'm good." You said. You tried to show him that you don't want a further conversation even though you still have all the questions of why he left on your mind. But you buried those deep inside your heart. It's over already.
"I'm here just to see you."
You really didn't know what to answer. You just wanted to run away from this situation so you just stayed quiet. You didn't care about his reason why he wanted to see you. At least you tried to convince yourself that you don't care anymore.
"I want to explain anything. For what i did two years ago." Mark said in a calm manner.
How could he? How could he's so calm like that when he knows he crushed your heart two years ago.
You hold back your tears. You have promised yourself you will not cry because of him again. You will not let yourself hear a word from him. Not after two years.
"You don't need to. It's already two years ago." You said, still didn't look at him.
"But i stillโ€‹ think i have to explain everything to you. I want..."
"And i think i have a right to not want to hear it, don't you think so?" You cut him off and raised your voice intentionally.
"I always read your emails." Mark's words made you close your mouth. "I.. i always waited for your email. Everytime."
Now he made you more confused than before. You don't understand his mind at all. "What are you saying?"
Mark looked down because the guilt feelings attacked him strongly. He suddenly couldn't face you. He deserves tha hatred look from your eyes.
"I needed to go back to LA because of family matters. My parents needed me to be there."
"I said i don't want to hear it." You stood up and ready to walk away from him but Mark hold your hand.
He let go of your hand when he realized that it feels so strange to hold your hand after two years.
"Please. Please let me explain everything. I know it won't change anything but please give me time to tell you what happened." Mark pleaded.
"I didn't tell you anything and just left you without saying anything was because i was so scared that i wouldn't have a guts to leave. I was so scared that i would abandonedโ€‹ my family for you. I was scared if i came to you before i go back, i wouldn't be able to leave." Mark finished his words and gasping. He didn'tโ€‹ let you cut his words. "Reading your email always saddened me but it kept me working hard to settle my family matters so i can come back to here. To you. You suddenly stop sending email for months and i was so worried."
Now you can look at Mark's eyes. He got teary eyes just like you. But you won't let a single tear falls.
"You did those things for yourself, right? But did you ever think about me? For how broken i was? We were just talking at night and suddenly you're gone in the morning and left me with nothing." You're out of breath. "I was worried like a mad woman, did you know that? When your friend told me that you're going back to LA, did you know how confused i was? And now what? You said you read my emails? You wait for it?" You let out a hurtful laugh. You're so sure people nearby can hear how thick the sadness you have in your voice.
"Mark, you didn'tโ€‹ just broke my heart as a girl. You broke me as a person." You took a deep breath. You have to finish this fast because you feel like you'll throw up. Your head is so hurt. "For the past two years, i can't sleep peacefully. I feel so lost. I keep asking myself what did i do to you. When i decided to stop send you an email was because i wanted to forget everything about you. I'm almost there. It's no use to explain everything to me right now. It's too late, Mark."
You hope Mark will stop because you can't handle anything anymore. Him explaining everything to you is like reminding you to the wound that almost healed.
Mark couldn't say anything because he heard you. He heard how your voice was so hoarse and how your face was full of sorrow and frustration. Mark knew he's selfish. He hurts you twice. When he left you, he was only thinking about himself and now when he came to you after two years, he's only thinking about himself too. If Mark was someone else, he'd make sure to punch himself hard on the face.
Mark could not even call your name when you turned your back and walked away from him. He was looking at your back with regrets.
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Feral Fatality
(Part 3)
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Last update for now! I hit a wall and so...I need to shift direction, make way for my requests (up til now I merely wrote one word) so gonna forget this one for the time being and push this deep under every article I have in the worksโ€”
Anyways, some fluff before I disappear *insert peace out and fade meme*
Pairing: Jason Voorhees x Fem!Reader
Word count: 1.6k
Warnings: Nothing extreme, a little blood only.
The masked killer gave you one shook of his head before he took off.
Saving you... for last?
Why weren't you afraid? Hell, you are going insane.
You looked down at the corpse under you. Time to clean up the mess, no one would want a rotting bitch on their doorstep.
Standing up, you decided to drag the body into the woods, maybe an animal would be happy to eat her flesh.
Huh, you were taking everything so well.
After you left her body a good distance away from your cabin, you went back to wash up, the red liquid on your skin was beginning to itch. You took off your clothing, the blood on your them was hopefully still removable, you wouldn't want to throw them away if you can help it.
Your thoughts strayed to that of earlier. You killed someone. You killed Betty.
And it felt good. Euphoric, even.
You never thought you could end someone's life, one of many that wanted you dead too.
"It was self-defense..." you assured. They intended to kill you anyway, the food they served for you was possibly poisoned. Even a fool would notice how suspicious they acted.
Not to mention Eloiza declared it straight to my face.
Then again, she would still die with the murderer out for her blood, it's just that I ended her myself.
Everyone's probably dead by now.
You stared at your handsโ€“ your palms, swollen from gripping your murder weapon.
"...Jason Voorhees. I wonder if he'll kill me too..."
You trailed off as your head drooped, your previous high fading out as your limbs felt heavy. Wobbling your way to your bed, gravity did its thing and you fell on the soft sheets and blacked out, the distant ringing of screams but a mere lullaby to you.
The ever-rising sun warmed your slumbering form as its rays peeked through the gaps of the window, stirring you into consciousness.
You groaned, rolling away from the prickles of their heat, wanting to get more sleep from last night's events...
Last night?
You shot up, rubbing your grogginess away as the thoughts of the past evening came rushing in. You couldn't believe it. Or did you? Did you really do it?
Was it all a dream??
You brought your hand to your right cheek, the action so sudden that you smacked yourself, instantly regretting it when you felt like you've just planted your face on nails.
"God fuckingโ€”" You clenched your teeth and squeezed your eyes shut, muffling your scream. Little tears threatened to pour out so you looked up to keep them in. When the pain numbed down, you exhaled and panted hoarsely.
Well, damn me if it was a dream, that fucking hurt!
A gurgling noise.
Right, I didn't eat anything for dinner.
You sighed, time to take care of your business before anything else! You could eat a whole stallion with the way your stomach grumbled. You stood up and plodded to the cupboards where you kept your food. Unfortunately, you didn't have a horse at hand, and you doubt you could even kill such a beautiful animal, so some easy-to-open corned beef would have to do. Maybe two-three cans would sate your hunger.
Knock, knock.
"Yeah, yeah, wait a bit, I'm opening dinner... breakfast. Dinkfast or breakner? Mm." You responded nonchalantly, still lethargic from both the pain and exhaustion. You pulled on the ring of the can. And it resisted like a lil shit. Three more tries and it didn't budge. You slammed it down the table, huffing.
Easy-open my ass!
Knock, knock.
Yeah, right, the door. You moved to grab the knob and whipped it open. Your face met with a broad chest, a bluish, dark gray shirt stained with what looked like dried blood and dirt. Slowly trailing up, you froze as you met two blue orbs staring down at you from behind a hockey mask. Your jaw dropped.
The silence dragged on for who knows how long before you broke away and fumbled. Absolutely lost, you did what a totally sane person would do.
You stepped aside and invited him in.
"I, uh, come in then, Mr...Voorhees." You uttered, your eyes unblinking as you looked anywhere than at the killer who took careful steps into the cabin.
Jason trudged to the cabin you resided few hours after he finished cleaning up the mess. Ten meters away and muffled words followed by a silent scream reached his ears. Five large strides and he was at your doorstep, coming to a halt and contemplating on barging in and scaring you even more, or knocking.
Knocking seems to be the calmer option, although he was concerned if you were hurt again. He doesn't know why he's feeling such...emotions towards you, technically a trespasser but different...
A minute passed before he knocked, twice. You answered something about eating and made-up words. He knocked again after he heard you slam something down and huff. Before he knew it you opened your door and stared. You were a lot shorter up close, craning your neck up to meet him.
You looked at each other for a while, before you moved out of the way to let him in. Even going as far as calling him Mr. Voorhees, which baffled him. So you knew who he was. If so, why didn't you leave or scream at him? That and a bunch of questions ran around his head.
He needs answers.
You stood to his left, facing his side as you felt awkward. You were in a room with a mass murderer, a legend. What's more, you were the one who let him in. You pinched the sleeve of your navy blue jacket from behind as you rocked on your feet. Was he here to end your life? No, no wait, if he wanted that he could have done it when you were asleep. You're pretty sure he could break down the door and crush you with it and you would never wake up again. Same as just now but he...he knocked? What will you even do if he decides to carry out the task now? You were, by no means, fit to fight back. You can't even open a fucking easy-open can! He could snap you like a twig any second now.
You waited, resigning to your fate and wishing you were reincarnated as a rock in your next life.
Well, nothing happened. He just stood there, unmoving as he faced the opposite wall.
A grumble and he whipped his head to you, making you flinch. Curse your stomach for being such a whiny shit. But you couldn't resist your hunger anymore, you need to eat. Moving a step at a time around him, you took hold of the can and pulled, swearing when it didn't budge. You were gonna die at this rate, if not by the killer behind you then by fucking starvation.
You felt a finger poke your shoulder, not even a flinch as you were too frustrated to care at the moment. You turned around to face the man, he was looking at the can you were holding.
"Oh, uh, I haven't eaten anything? The damn can just won't let me have what's inside." Since when did you talk this much?
He gestured, his gloved palm exposed, as if waiting for you to give him the can.
You placed it in his hand. With one tug, ONE TUG, of his finger it opened. It looked like he just touched it and the lid gave away. You huffed in disbelief as he handed it over to you with two fingers. You grabbed a spoon from the drawer and started wolfing down the contents. If you were gonna die might as well be full.
When it was empty, you glanced at the other can on the table, untouched. You looked back and forth a couple of times between the man and at it. You guessed he understood since he silently picked up the can and opened it for you. The corned beef ended in your stomach seconds later.
You set the last can down, only to pick them all up and dumped them inside a garbage bag you set up yesterday. Grabbing your tumbler from beside the sink, you took large sips from it.
Wiping your mouth with the sleeve of your hoodie, you walked past him and went to sit on the bed. He followed you. You stared at the one who murdered everybody else, standing in the middle of the cabin.
"So...Am I supposed to die now?" you asked. You sneaked a glance at the machete in his holster.
He didn't give you any response, but he stepped closer until he was in front of you. You didn't look up.
The man raised his hand, and you shut your eyes, expecting the worstโ€” only hoping it was painless and quick.
You almost jerked when you felt his hand on your head.
But what surprised you was how gentle it was, no pressure at all, not even close to a killing move. Then you realized...
He's...he's patting my head.
His hand...wasn't cold nor warm, but the way he did it was akin to petting a little animal; stroking the top of your head so softly you sniffled. This made him stop and step away from you, his hands wavingโ€” hovering around you it was practically comical.
"N-No, I'm alright," you answered his silent question. "It's just...I've never been patted like that before and I...It was nice."
You've been subjected to abuse and degradation most of your life that a gesture, one that meant no harm or malice, made you cry. You wiped away the wetness of your eyes before you looked at him.
"Thank you, Mr. Voorhees. I actually wouldn't mind if you kill me, but I guess you won't...?"
He gave you a soft grunt in reply, and you giggled.
The man patted your head once more, before he made his way out of the cabin, closing the door quietly behind him.
You let out a quiet breath. Jason Voorhees simply appeared on your doorstep, helped you with your food, patted your head, and walked out without a word.
It's crazy and it wasn't a dreamโ€” if the throbbing on your cheek was any indication.
You're happy though. More than happy to be alive.
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ignyxdaughter ยท 3 years
๐•๐ˆ - ๐‡๐€๐“๐„ ๐๐Ž๐Œ๐
(๐ฆ๐จ๐› ๐›๐จ๐ฌ๐ฌ! ๐›๐ข๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฒ ๐ซ๐ฎ๐ฌ๐ฌ๐จ ๐ฑ ๐ซ๐ž๐š๐๐ž๐ซ / ๐›๐ข๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฒ ๐ซ๐ฎ๐ฌ๐ฌ๐จ ๐ฑ ๐ค๐š๐ญ๐ก๐ž๐ซ๐ข๐ง๐ž ๐ฆ๐จ๐ซ๐ซ๐ข๐ฌ)
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A/N: English is not my first language. I donโ€™t own The Punisher and Legacies characters; theyโ€™re, respectively, Stan Lee and Marvel Studios, L. J. Smith and Julie Plec. Also, this is my Billy and some The Punisher events will be changed due to the story's course!
word count: 2605
warnings: sounds of torture
โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ โ˜… โ˜… โ˜… โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€
"Seems Katarina has a relation with Small Heath", Sorrel's voice is where all my attention is while walking through the hallways.
"What kind?"
"Work. Alliance. I'll get further information. But the point is: there was money in her grandmother's grave, more than you'd landed her parents."
I stop, rage starting to run over my body. "What?!"
"You'd landed 15 thousand, and I found 5 bags with 6 each, all in fresh cash. Is literally the double, Billy."
"Any idea how the hell did she get that?"
"Just that the money you'd landed was used in another criminal negotiation. There's no way her parents legally multiplied the amount, not in fresh cash."
"Right, but why do you think that?" She sighs at the question, making me clench my teeth. "I'm gonna ask one more time, Sorrel, and you know how I hate to repeat myself. Why do you think that?"
A whole minute of silence before a tired voice answer. "I know them, Tissaia and Andrew. When I was little, there were rumors on the streets that they used to manipulate people and rob some thousands."
Oh, right. Sorrel was homeless for some time in her childhood, living in London streets. Turned out that this became a benefit, since it's on the lonely alleys that all crime gossips come. "And have you met them?"
"Twice, in my teenage years. Arrogant bastards."
I sigh in rage, wanting Katarina and her parentes to pay double now. "Do your best. Dig all the dirt. Keep me up."
An objective message that she always gets. Kill and torture if you need to. Get all the information to blackmail. Come back when you think is enough and call me everyday.
"Ok, boss", I grin as a pained moan is heard through the call, knowing Sorrel is doing the same face.
"Please", is a man, and his hoarse voice tells that he's being torture for hours now. "Please. I didn't do anything."
"You wish." A snap sound, probably one of his bones, followed by a scream is all in the air before the call is over. The rented spy is one of the most merciless people I've ever known, and by her cold tone, this man did something personal to her. I can imagine Sorrel's figure in a dark room with him tied on a chair, blood everywhere including her face, never minding the mess at all. A slow pained death, this's what she'll do to him.
Bursting through the door, I look up just to see Curtis, my Marine's friend, drinking soda on the couch and Katherine still chained to the steel sculpture biting a burger, both of them with McDonald's packages around their sits. "What the hell is this?"
"You let her alone with 2 guards, chained, hungry and with a headache. Really, man, you're a horrible host."
I go to the counter and pour a drink to this stressful day. I'm too sober for this shit. "An hostage shouldn't have such comfort."
"But without food and health, she'll be useless. Is better a comfy hostage than none."
I jump into my chair, loving the feeling of the whiskey burning my throat. "Kiss my ass, Curtis."
"Men", Katherine mumbles, taking another bite of her burger. I'm almost sure she shook her before that.
"Look", Curtis stands up and limps to my desk; his prosthesis hidden by the jeans, the white shirt contrasting his dark brown skin "I come here to talk to you and all I see is this girl chained in your office with 2 guards. If she wasn't important, we both know she wouldn't be like that, so cut the bullshit before even dare to speak. You've been obsessed with Katarina, to get your money back, and sheโ€”", he points at Katherine "is equal to her."
"I'm prettier."
I roll my eyes. "She's Rina's sister."
"I know, she told me."
I glance Katherine. "Oh, so you tell things to him."
"It's not my fault your friend is cooler and pacient. He even offered me to go to his group therapy!"
"Really?" His unimpressive face is the answer, which make me think I'm gonna need the whole whiskey bottle to survive today. "She's not a veteran!"
"Well, she's not inocent either. And with all she told me, she clearly needs help."
"I've already been in some battle fields if is enough, had some tours", Katherine dig the french fries in a paper with ketchup. "Curtis' group therapy seems interesting. I'll not talk, of course, but he's been doing a good action for all military." She smiles warmly to my friend, who returns it.
Oh, and Anvil isn't a good action for all military? To let them fight without entering a real battle field, to let them waste the adrenaline they became addicted during their years of service.
I huff, not believing what I'm seeing: a friend sympathizing with a hostage. "You've gotta be kidding me."
A poke on the arm, that is obviously Curtis with a smirk on his stupid face, is all it takes for me to stand up. We both exit and signalize to the 2 guards come back to watch Katherine. The minute the door closes, my friend opens his mouth: "She's nicer than Rina, if you want my opinion."
"I doubt that. She's clever, and they are always the worst."
"Yeah, fuck her won't get to anything."
"I've never planned on doing that. Not with her." I complete as soon as his expression is taken by incredibly.
"Let's pretend you haven't said that."
I look at him with a raised brow. "Really? Can't you believe I have self control towards some women?"
"Please, she's prettier than Rina and Madani. There's no way you haven't thought about her."
"I won't do that, goddamn it!"
He sighs with a light chuckle, which makes me join him. "Oh, how I wish Frank was here to bet on it."
"He's less faith in me than you with women."
We both laugh. "Have you find out anything else?"
I shake my head. "I'm sure I was almost there. Almost", my index touches my thumb to show him my chances on finding Frank. "But then Rina did me the favor to run away and hire her sister to steal the dossier. And now I have nothing. No Frank. No Rina. No dossier."
"You have Katherine," Curtis rolls his brown eyes as I scoff. "I'm serious, Billy. She's smart, she knows this world."
"Rina knows this world too."
"Not as much as Katherine", he sighs and looks me in the eye. "Look, she can be a rented spy and assassin, but there's more", his left index points the door. "This girl knows much more than she shows, and you can use it to your advantage. And she hates Rina and her parents."
I narrow my eyes, analyzing every micro expression of Curtis that indicate his lie or manipulate attempt. "What did she tell you?"
"I'm sure nothing you don't know. But the point is: Katherine's weakness isn't love or sex, like Rina and Madani. It's rage, revenge. The girl is a fucking hate bomb, so explode it in your will!"
The puzzle is completed in my head now. Katherine's disgust on her biological family was obvious yesterday; the way her green eyes shone as I had said I'd give the snipers the order to shoot her parents' house; the clear annoyance every time Katarina is mentioned; the smirk when I pulled Rina's documents out of the purse, and not hers... Sorrel's report said that Katherine was adopted, but nothing about the family. However, what if she uses a symbol of the family? Wears it with proud on her heart and soul?
I don't know how much time I've been thinking, pretending to listen to Curtis, but as soon as he leaves, I burst through the doors immediately, having eyes all around me. Katherine isn't eating anymore, looking clean now, and just with one word, my henchmen exit. "Out."
She frowns. "Where's Curtis?"
"Had some business to do." She just nods, giving me the perfect cue. "I want to know you."
"Tell me about you. We're working together, aren't we?"
"By obligation."
I shake my head, smirking a little. She really is a good liar, but a liar always recognizes another. "No, and we both know that." The silence is all it takes for me to continue, excitement reigning my heart 'cause of her surprised expression. She expected anything from me, but not that. "You hate your family, Katherine. Your biological one. You were adopted."
She scoffs, a way to disguise the tension on her shoulders. "That's no secret."
"You love your adopted family. They're all that matters, right?"
She locks her light green eyes with mine, analyzing me while I take a sit on the couch near the armchair. "Where are you going with, Russo?"
"The night we made a deal, you said you wanted the Mikaelson part of the dossier. And when I asked you why, you didn't answer."
I don't need to look at her chest to know is raising faster, even though is not visible to fools. "So?"
"You're loyal to them, and with loyalty, comes love."
"Not necessarily."
"Yours come, our type come. You know why? 'Cause we were rejected by our origins, we were never loved, so we toughened up. But when we receive it, we grab it with our life to not let it go", I grab her shocked face, carissing her left cheek with my thumb. "You suffered more than anyone else in that family, Katherine. I can see it in your eyes."
A deep breath, probably to prepare her voice. "You know nothing about me."
"I don't know your history, but I know your feelings just by looking. You and I are equals, people that the world is always against."
"So you reject your biology too. Good to know."
Fucking smart ass bitch. "Let's just say my past isn't the most comforting."
She looks up and down at me before glancing my eyes. "None of us have one. All criminals have some dirt in their pasts, no matter if they were born in a good or bad family."
"And some of us... didn't have a chance to choose good or evil. We just survive."
For the first time, Katherine's words hit my heart, making me take a deep breath. Curtis was right, she knows the world more, how everything works and that there're just some people that become criminals to survive or to protect loved ones. Some of us are just victims of others.
And I bet this is what happened to Katherine. She doesn't seem the kind that would do a favor to Rina, but someone that would do anything to not let her family in risk. Thus, family's not always blood, and that's Katherine case.
I analyze every part of her body in silence, knowing she's doing the same with me. There're 2 objects that are still with her: the golden venom bracelet and the ruby ring. I take her right hand, where the thin gold is, and search for every detail, ignoring her complains due to her other hand being chained. The bracelet is discreet with its valves, almost invisible, but something else catche my eyes: her forearm. There are many thin white scars, too shallow to be torture and too equal to be mission cuts.
Grabbing her right wrist with a hand to look at the left one, I see that the forearm has the same thin white lines as the other. For a moment, all the air in my lungs is gone, my mouth not able to pronounce words, until I see the silver M studded in the ruby ring. A person that hates her biological family wouldn't use something from them.
"This M hereโ€”", I brush my thumb on it, trying to ignore the slight ache in my chest, "isn't for Morris, is it?"
I see her arm hair raise in a shiver, making my heart swell in pride. Bingo. "Answer me."
"Why do you want to know?"
"It'll help me to understand you."
"I'm unpredictable, Russo. That's what you should know."
I smirk, looking at her clenched jaw before her stone cold eyes. "Than you should know I'm unpredictable too, sweetheart. Now, tell me about the M."
"Take a guess."
"Alright. You're a Mikaelson, aren't you, sweetheart? You were adopted by them."
The small amount of color that Katherine naturally has disappears at this moment. And just by that, I know that's the truth. However, I didn't expect her eyes going teary, holding a cry.
"I won't tell anyone, if that's what you're thinking."
"I don't know what you're talking about."
I lift my brows, surprise that she's still on this game. "Oh, no? Than let me refresh your memory to yesterday."
"I'd like that. Go on." She wants to trick me, make me tell everything detailed to find a way out from this conversation. Unfortunately โ€” for her โ€”, that I know this manipulation. I do the same.
"When I asked you why you wanted the Mikaelson part of the dossier, you said it was none of my business, you refused to explain me."
"So? I don't own you an explanation."
"You didn't give me one 'cause you wanted me to find out. That's your slogan, isn't it? At least one of the two I know."
Katherine narrows her eyes. "The Mikaelsons only have one slogan."
I give her a mocking look, impressed she's still acting dumb. "No one has just one slogan, sweetheart. Even more a mafia family. All criminals know 'no one hurts a Mikaelson and lives', but my sources told me another, one that only some of the French Quarter know."
"And it is?"
"'There's always a motive, but never an explanation'", I smirk, enjoying her trembling breath. "Seems familiar?"
"Then you can tell me about that", I point at her left ring finger. "Why carry something from your... What did you call them? Oh, yeah, biological breeders."
She shrugs. "I like the letter M."
"You said your parents were dead."
"So that means you were adopted. And an adoptive child who loves their family would carry a memory."
"You know a lot about this to a man who had a nice childhood", Katherine doesn't even hesitate to move foward, the longest the handcuffs let her. "So, how many foster systems did you get yourself into before giving up?"
I raise a brow. "Giving up?"
"You don't carry a memory. Your tissue, tie pin, socks, watch are different from yesterday. Or you ran away, or got kicked out of the system when reached majority."
Clever, really much clever than I thought. Katherine definitely knows more than she shows. So, I just have to be smarter.
"That's none of your business."
"Neither my family! You have nothing with them!"
"DAMN IT!" She curses while I laugh, victory sending chills of excitement. Minutes later, I catch her furious gaze on me. "I won't say anything, if you're wanting to know more about them."
I ripe a small tear leaving my eyes and recompose myself. "Ok, I'll not talk about your familyโ€”"
"Never ever again."
Nodding, I try to ignore the interruption. "And you'll not talk about my childhood. Take it or leave it, Mikaelson."
Katherine takes a deep breath without breaking eye contact and stays silent for a long minute. "Deal."
"Ok", I clap my hands, standing up and heading to my desk with a victorious smirk "let's go to business now."
"One day, I'll rip that smug offย  from your face."
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limenysnocket ยท 4 years
โ—The Blush Betโ—
Pt. III: Our Love. . .
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Summary: After their first non-official date, Taika can't get (Y/N) out of his mind. Every time he opens his phone, it's open to her number and a drafted text lays there and taunts him. He sees her at work and longs for her lips on his. There's never a perfect time to strike and it's all left to spoil until he's on her porch, love stricken, and knocking on her door.
Warnings: Swearing, alcohol, masturbation and pure porn.
Request: @honorarytenenbaum
A/N: My God, is it hot in here or is it just Taika?
โ—โ–กโ—‹โ—โ–กโ—‹โ—โ– โ—‹โ—โ–กโ—‹โ—
I saw her today, but a new light was casted on her and now I can't get her out of my head.
I always knew she was beautiful, but now she was gorgeous and she taunts me with that. With every step she takes, her hips sway and I swear my eyes must look like the copper in a an old bell, following her curves back and forth, whether it be when she runs or just walks fast past me.
Pedro has been asking both of us questions about the date, and every time I try to ask how she felt about it, he stops me, says he doesn't trade secrets, then leaves me hanging. Yes, I know the date was awful, putting her in that pink dress that I bought on EBay, but I said it was going to be horrible and I'm commonly a man of my word. Although, sometimes I promise a drama and just end up with a sick comedy most of the time. Dreadful, isn't it?
Just-- The way she looks at me, with her eyes all glittery. Maybe it's a translucent force holding me back from going over to her, grabbing her by the cheeks and smashing her lips on mine. I would beg for it... maybe I could, if she didn't mind.
No, that would be too childish... but she was leaving me no choice at this point.
I had betrayed the very rules that I had laid down on the date. She wasn't allowed to fall in love with me, and me and my snarky pride thought I'd be fine and come out of the date feeling free. God damn it, my ego is too big sometimes. I never knew that a woman could level me with her eyes in mere seconds. It happened once, but that ended horribly, obviously. Maybe this time, it will be good. It could be good. Maybe. Maybe.
We brushed shoulders today in the green room and it took every ounce of my being to not pin her to a wall in front of every one. Just one kiss. Maybe just one kiss would end all this, and my feelings could be extinguished rightfully instead of torturing me over one woman.
Like this morning, it had driven me insane. I had to cook my eggs with a hard on and stopped halfway through to deal with it. Because I still had my dignity left, I went to the bathroom to deal with it.
I dropped my boxers and stared at it for a moment, thinking of the reason why it was here, then I remembered. Her. (Y/N).
Images of her face entered my mind and before I knew it, my hand was stroking my raw cock. The images of her began to change, and now very lewd. She was screaming my name like it was the only word she knew and her body seemed to bounce in front of me with every stroke of my hand. If only it were real. If only I could actually simulate her warm cunt around me.
I stood in front of my sink, eyes closed and eyebrows furrowed. My forehead glistened with sweat and I was no longer pumping my hand, but thrusting my hips into it. My free hand gripped the sink and my nails etched invisible lines across the marble. The image of (Y/N) still invaded my vision. Damn it, I was even moaning her name. This wasn't supposed to be the way I found out I was in love with her. I could be moaning any past girl's name or even a dream girl, but no. I tried. I tried so hard, but none of them worked, even in the slightest. I was still drawn to (Y/N) like I was attached to her at the hip. I needed her. I needed her bad.
After work and another wank I managed to get my shit together. Well, almost. So many texts were sprawled into my phone, so many "I miss you" notes and "I love you" sticky notes stuck on the island of my kitchen, idea after idea after idea, but I chickened out of every one of them in the end. I'm supposed to be working on the script, but I'll be damned if I let myself accidentally type "(Y/N)" as one of the names in the typing process.
I buried my face in my hands. She was only one call away. One call.
I picked up my phone and bit my bottom lip as it quivered. I didn't even know what I was going to say. Would I flat out say I love her? No, that's too straightforward. Should I ask if I could... Wait, she's home, isn't she? If I could tell her in person, maybe this feeling would leave. Maybe if I could steal one kiss, my heart would stop pounding every time I thought of her. If I just set my standards really high before I kiss her, I will seem underwhelmed and forget all about my feelings for her.
I took a shaky deep breath, nodding as I clicked onto the dial pad and called a cab. I was going to show up to her door, totally unexpected, and beg her to let me kiss her. If it needs to come down to begging.
It was only a mere lightning flash before I was at her door and my hand was raised in the exact same way it was before we came close to kissing that night. I wonder what would have happened if her lips touched mine. Would I be over her or would she be under me?
Thunder rumbled in the sky above me and I realized that I needed to knock on the door and get in fast, before my new Salmon colored shirt and grey pants got ruined. I sucked up all the courage I had and out it into three stiff knocks on her door.
I could hear shuffling around inside and my foot started to bounce. My cab had already pulled out of the driveway, so there was no going back now. My breath accelerated as the locks started to come undone on the door and my hands clenched and so did my heart.
The door slowly tugged open and there, just past the door, was the face I longed to see all throughout the day.
"I need to talk to you," I whispered hot and heavily, my mind silently taking note that she was only dressed in a massive Prince t-shirt.
"S-Sure, okay," she said in a very surprised and shaky voice. Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes were wide and a little wild. I must have woken her up, perhaps. She offered to let me inside before the rain started pouring down.
"What do you need to talk about?" She whispered to me as I made my way into her living room, rubbing a thumb over the opposite hand's knuckles.
"A lot of things," I said, looking at all the papers sprawled out on her coffee table, notes taken everywhere. She was working over time. Why? I thought she enjoyed her days off. There was something else I noticed. There was a little glimmer of some kind of liquid on the couch and just by it were prints and marks where she had been sitting and/or laying down on the couch. It made me gulp. I must have caught her doing--... oh my...
"You, uh... You might want to sit down for this," I said cautiously and she scurried over and quickly sat down on the couch, her body partially hiding the wet spot. Now, I knew it was for sure.
I took a deep breath, standing only a coffee table away from her. My hands fiddled about. They'd be in my pocket one minute, then fighting each other the next with brutal squeezes. "(Y/N)," I said, my voice very hoarse, then I shook my head. If I was going to beg, I might as well do it properly. I went around the coffee table and got down on my knees in front of her. "I can't stop thinking about you..." I whisper to her. She seems to go into quiet shock, but she nods her head to tell me to keep going. "I've had you on my mind all day. I've tried to stop, but I can't. I fear that this is some sort of sick obsession that has grown ever since... the night on your porch." I gently clasp her hand in mine. She squeezes it softly and looks down at it.
"It's been the same way with me," she muttered, to my surprise. Then, she started reading my thoughts exactly. "Maybe if I had kissed you, this wouldn't have happened and our lives might have stayed right on track... how we used to be..." She looked down and so did I, at our hands as her thumb brushed over my knuckles. "Friends," she said finally, putting an end to her speech.
"I've had the same theory," I say aloud, and lift my free hand to brush a strand of hair out of her face. "Think it's still worth giving a shot?"
I watched her stomach rise and fall slowly, then our eyes connected again and she began to lean in. No need for verbal agreement, I guessed, since she admitted it. My eyes flutter closed even before our lips completely touch, and our foreheads are the first to meet. In the beginning, we're hesitant, but as we sank in closer and our lips met, we no longer had second thoughts.
The kiss was slow and absorbed in feeling; passion, remorse, need and frustration, creating an ungodly mix of emotions all tangled into one. I failed my own plan again and forgot to set my standards high, but even if I did, she would have met them, just ever so perfectly. She tasted of warm peaches and her bottom lip was like a velvet pillow caressing my own lip. She didn't even need to try to be a good kisser. The sensation alone was magnificent.
We both pulled away at the same time. I was still crouched in front of her and ducked my head down, fingers running over my lips and soft pants parting between them. My heart no longer pounded. It fucking swirled. And so did my stomach, apparently. Oh God, I was falling deeper and deeper in love with her right in front of her.
I suddenly feel her hands move under my jaw and she cupped it, lifting my gaze up to meet hers again, that adorable little look she gave. There was a silent pact taken, an agreement, really...
We both needed more.
I was the first to launch up and capture her lips, and this kiss was much rougher than the last one. We both tilted our heads and I slowly rose from my knees and got onto the couch. She laid back, spreading her legs a little to allow me to lay between them. The moment our crotches touched, however, I stopped. It was warm and wet. So much to the point where I could feel it through my pants. I pulled out of the kiss, my expression skeptical, then my eyes flickered to hers. She was looking away with embarrassment. When I had found out that she had been having her alone time to play with herself, I had figured that she still had something on beneath the shirt to at least answer the door. Short shorts or something... Alas, I was wrong.
To confirm my suspicion, I started to grind on her gently. The more I did so, the more I felt my growing tent get dipped into her heat. I had to see it with my own eyes now.
One of my hands, at one time planted by her head, slipped down to the hem of her baggy shirt and brought it up to her chest, exposing not just her heat but the curve of her breasts. My eyes glossed over and I unconsciously licked my lips. There it was. That SHE was. Glistening wet and beautiful.
"You really had some time to think about me, huh?" I grinned cockily. She smacked my arm and huffed a little, cheeks an alarming red.
"Well, if it makes you uncomfortable, we can just shut this whole thing down before it happens," she said and crossed her arms.
"Who said it made me uncomfortable?" I purr and get close to her stomach, pressing a tender kiss to it, before trailing more down, lower and lower. She panted and whined in anticipation like a dog in heat. Patience was the key, in this situation, and I took my time. During my morning masturbation period, I really do have time to think, besides about what (Y/N) might look like completely nude or dressed in something I might like, and I have a tendency of asking myself questions... questions like what might (Y/N) taste like.
I gently pushed two fingers into her slit, then part her folds, my eyes scan everything from her clit down to her hole. My God, everything about her... It drives me crazy. I dove in, flicking my tongue against her bud and that made her mewl my name ever so softly. I needed more of that. I wanted to hear her scream it.
I licked a fat, hot strip from the bottom to the top. I groaned. Fuck, she tasted delicious. She started to cry out as I ate her out properly. Sucking, licking and flicking my tongue across those deliciously sensitive spots. Her legs lifted up and rested on my shoulders and her soft thighs squeezed my head. I let out a soft groan and that seemed to drive her even more crazy. My God, this woman.
My hands gripped her hips and tugged them close, to keep her from squirming away. It wasn't long before she was moaning even louder and her fingers tugged at my hair harshly. My tongue started to thrust in and out of her, something that I hoped to let my dick do in a matter of moments, once she came on my mouth. I clung to her like crazy and pleasured her until she squirted, but even then I stuck to her, drinking up everything she gave me.
My chin was coated and glistening with her juices and I licked my lips free of her taste. I wanted more, but I also knew that she was waiting for the main show. She sat up and beckoned me forward with a curled digit. She first lifted off her shirt to expose everything to me. I started feeling a little bad, being completely dressed, but I didn't have to worry about that for long.
Her hands went straight for my belt and we worked fast together. I undid my button up and threw it off, along with my white undershirt. I smirked at the eagerness in her actions. She practically ripped my boxers off. I don't think I'll be getting them back after all this. Oh well. My thumb went to her clit once I had tossed everything off, but she grabbed my collar and tugged me close. "No more teasing," she growled hotly in my ear. That made me twitch with want. I nodded and took a deep breath, grabbing her by the thighs and dragging her where she was laying down in front of me.
I caressed her body with my hand and I began to kiss her neck, softly and slowly while I started to push into her tight cunt. She was so much tighter than I imagined. She was everything compared to my lubed up hand. She moaned my name into my ear and started to mewl for me. I let her adjust while gripping her hips tightly. I whispered soft curses into her ear.
I can't believe this moment was happening, that I was starting to pound into her wildly, just how I imagined I'd do it if she had actually been there, on my bathroom sink this morning to help deal with the "problem" that occurred. I should have kissed her a whole lot earlier.
I now bury my face into her bosom and kiss the skin between them while my hips bumped against hers violently and passionately. Never has desecrating someone's couch felt so good before.
Our sinful moans, nature and sounds filled the room. The couch rocked beneath our love making and our lips eventually met again. I could still taste her on the tip of my tongue, her essence. She didn't seem to mind. In fact, I quite think she found it to be a sensual aphrodisiac that fueled the fire in both of us. Her hands explored and unconsciously pleasured me, while my hips went wild and pleasured her.
I left little love nips with my teeth all over her body, claiming my territory. New territory. Man, Pedro is going to blow his top whenever he hears about this. Everyone is, probably, once it gets out on set.
"T-Taika~. Oh, fuck~," (Y/N) cried out and she pulsed and tightened around me. It made her start to thrust faster, giving her a burst of roughness.
"How close are you, love~?" I growl in her ear hotly. She only responded with hot moans and deep pants of my name. I needed an answer, so I smacked her ass roughly and massaged it by digging my fingers into it. She cried out sharply and moaned a weak, breathy, "Close~!"
"Good~," I groaned and bit down roughly on her skin again. I started thrusting faster and faster, bringing her closer and closer to the edge. I could feel it.
Oxygen became less and less of a priority the more we made love and the softer our actions became, all the way up to the peak and that's where our true feelings sparkled the most. I pressed my sweaty forehead against hers as she released on my six inch, then I had to pull it out and coat her thighs with my essence. I let my body sink and the only thing that filled the room was our soft pants of each other's names.
"Won't leave me hanging next time I try to kiss you again, right?" I hum softly and wink at her.
"Of course~," (Y/N) whispered back and made me smile as she leaned up and kissed me, her fingers curling into my hair.
What a woman...
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