ssreeder · 1 year
Katara’s and Sokk’s confrontation made me so sad. Which I think was the point, so good job! Like I understand why Katara snooped, I probably would of done the same if I was her. She knows shit is up and wants to help, but in order to understand how fucked up everything is she ends up unintentionally hurting Sokka and it ends up in confrontation. (Which you know, sounds familiar, but what do I know?)
Sokka shouldn’t of called her a bitch though ): I understand being upset about it but he could’ve handled it a lot better. I know the trauma makes it hard but he needs therapy. I’m interested to see how he handles (or doesn’t handle) the fallout of his actions. Oh, and the reunion. I need to see the boys reconcile.
That being said, when you preemptively apologized at the beginning of the chapter I was starting to expect Sokka was going to get kidnapped by the Dai Li if he ended up straying too far in the library scene. I’m glad that it didn’t happen, but I’m still worried about the possibility.
(Also Katara’s dawning horror of Toph and Sokka getting along could be an entire different field of trouble if they didn’t made me smile)
(And Zuko’s backstories are so cute and made me smile. Love me some bursts of happiness in the middle of angst town.)
Ohhhhh boyyyyy… how Sokka handled his confrontation with katara was a semi-typical heated teenage sibling argument where the more passive sibling finally snaps but Sokka could have probably controlled the level or hurt he dished out to katara (they have always had a good bond & what he said to her was uncalled for)
The biggest reason I think he went right for such a gut punching word stems from his trauma, more specifically “female trauma” - he was hurt by a woman who betrayed him and created a lot of hurt and anger inside him. Sokka refers to her as ONE WORD (I’ll let you guess) & when Sokka lost his cool back at the SWT camp when he saw her he used that same word freely to display he anger and hate toward her. She was a trigger for his anger and when katara pushed him and triggered that same anger he was already so accustomed to using that word to attack it came out without him even realizing until it was too late.
He shouldn’t have said it, absolutely not, but it’s kind of his fault because he conditioned himself to attack that way…
OMG YEA SOKKA KIDNAPPED LETs gooooooo - but yeah I think people would riot if he got captured for like a 47th time haha. Because we all know if SOKKA gets captured SOMEONE… *cough* *COGUH* is going to rip through BSS to get him back. Idk if does sound fun haha. ;)
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itachi91-sr · 2 years
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sarakiz · 2 years
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was randomly thinking about karen chen's very short-lived carmen free program and had to whip up a quick appreciation post for this Look™
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sleepygaymerdisease · 7 months
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inkskinned · 9 months
i got rickrolled today but it didn't work because i have adblocker installed, so youtube just told me i violated the terms of service. yesterday i was trying to edit a picture as a joke for my girlfriend, and google made me check a box to prove i'm human because i wasn't "searching normally".
it isn't just that capitalism is killing fun and whimsy, it is that any element of entertainment or joy is being fed upon by this mosquito body, one that will suck you dry at any vulnerability.
do you want to meet new friends in your city? download this app, visit our website, sign up for our email list. pay for this class on making a terrarium, on candlemaking, on cooking. it will be 90 dollars a session. you can go to group fitness, but only under our specific gym membership. solve the puzzle, sign up for our puzzle-of-the-month-club. what is a club if not just a paid opportunity - you are all paying for the same thing, which makes you a community.
but you're like me, i know it - you're careful, you try the library meetings and the stuff at the local school and all of that. the problem is that you kind of want really specific opportunities that used to exist. you are so grateful for libraries and the publicly-funded things: they are, however, an exception - and everything they have, they've fought tooth-and-nail to protect. you read a headline about how in many other states, libraries have virtually nothing left.
do you want to meet up with your friends afterwards? gift your friends the discord app. you can choose to go to a cafe (buy a coffee, at least), a bar (money, alcohol) or you can all stay in and catch a movie (streaming) or you can all stay in bed (rent. don't get me started) and scream (noise complaint. ticket at least).
you want to read a new book, but the book has to have 124 buzzwords from tiktok readers that are, like, weirdly horny. you can purchase this audiobook on audible! your podcast isn't on spotify, it's on its own server, pay for a different site. fuck, at least you're supporting artists you like. the art museum just raised their ticket price. once, they had a temporary exhibit that acknowledged that ~85% of their permanent art galleries were from cis white men, and that they had thousands of works by women (even famous women, like frida! georgia o'keefe!) just rotting in their basement. that exhibit lasted for 3 months and then they put everything away again.
walmart proudly supports this strip of land by the street! here are some flowers with wilting leaves. its employees have to pay out-of-pocket for their uniforms. my friend once got fined by the city because she organized a community pick-up of the riverfront, which was technically private property.
no, you cannot afford to take that dance class, neither can i. by the way - i'm a teacher. i'm absolutely not saying "educators shouldn't be paid fairly." i'm saying that when i taught classes, renting a studio went from 20 bucks an hour to 180 in the span of 6 months. no significant changes to the studio were made, except they now list the place as updated and friendly. the heat still doesn't work in the building. i have literally never seen the landlord who ignores my emails. recently they've been renting it out at night as an "unusual nightclub; a once-in-a-lifetime close-knit party." they spent some of those 180 dollars on LEDs and called it renovating. the high heels they invite in have been ruining the marley.
do you want to experience the old internet? do you want to play flash games or get back the temporary joy of club penguin? you can, you just need to pay for it. i have a weird, neurodivergent obsession with occasionally checking in to watch the downfall and NFT-ification of neopets. if i'm honest with you all - i never got into webkins, my family didn't have the money to buy me a pointless elephant. people forget that "being poor" can mean literally "if i buy you that toy, i can't afford rent."
you and i don't have time to make good food, and we don't have the budget for it. we are not gonna be able to host dinner parties, we're not made of money, kid. do you want some kind of 3rd space? a space that isn't home or work or school? you could try being online, but - what places actually exist for you? tiktok counts as social media because you see other people on it, not because they actually talk to you.
there was a local winter tradition of sledding down the hill at my school. kids would use pizza boxes and jackets and whatever worked, howling and laughing. back in september, they made a big announcement that this time, rules were changing, and everyone must pay 10 dollars to participate. when im not scared shitless, i kind of appreciate the environmental irony - it hasn't gone below 40. so much for snow & joyriding.
i saw a bulletin for a local dogwalking group and, nervous about making a good first impression, showed up early. the first guy there grimaced at me. "sorry," he said. "there's a 30-dollar buy-in fee." i thought he was joking. wait. for what? the group doesn't offer anything except friendship and people with whom to walk around the city.
he didn't know the answer. just shrugged at me. "you know," he said. "these days, everything costs money."
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the-gayest-sky-kid · 10 months
god i love my friends. shout out to people who love their friends. this is a post for friend lovers
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captainsaltypear · 8 months
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kiwi · 7 months
everybodys gotta get back into the practice of using pseudonyms online... i remember the time of screen names where u never ever told anyone ur real name and that was just understood as basic internet safety. plus having a screen name is fun because sometimes it sticks so well that it becomes part of ur identity that u can use in whatever facet of ur life you choose. it rocks to pick your own name
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cowboybrunch · 4 months
i love when characters get angry when they're frightened. shelter dog characters. i love when they bite, not able to tell the difference between a hand that feeds and a hand that strikes. there is no difference. a hand is a hand is a fist. i love characters that are deemed unadoptable. unlovable.
and i love when someone loves them. i love when someone sits with them, patient. they don't flinch at the snarling and snapping. they're not trying to fix it—there's nothing to be fixed. this is you, all of you, and ill wait. because one day, one day you'll take the treat. go on, draw my blood. spit and curse and rage. you're safe with me. one day, you'll feel safe with me.
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cat-in-a-mech-suit · 1 month
Being forcefully raised as a woman is not any less traumatic and emotionally repressive as being forcefully raised as a man. Femininity is not inherently pure and safe. Coercing someone to perform femininity is not any less toxic than coerced masculinity. Being dysphoric around femininity or having trauma from women doesn’t make you a misogynist.
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mcapriglione-art · 1 year
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what do you want!!!!!!!!
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beybuniki · 2 months
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origin - rising
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chase-prairie · 1 year
Loving reminder from your land history auntie:
North American golf courses have had 50-100 years of arsenic and mercury based fungicide and herbicides applied to their soils.
Do not eat anything that has been grown on a golf course or downstream from a golf course. I know it sounds cool and radical, but you are too valuable to poison yourself with heavy metals.
Protect each other, turn your local golf course into a pollinator garden, not a sex forest or community garden.
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milesofstars · 4 months
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dont worry about it jason...
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stargirl230 · 8 months
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thanks for the light
I was just trying to figure out how procreate works but then the op brainworms got to me and 35 hours later here we are! can you tell I miss home-cooked meals :')
(no reposts; reblogs appreciated)
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pocket-dragon · 10 months
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Durge murder aura detected
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