#but this could also possibly open a door for them to become even closer
daydreamerwoah · 2 days
Love Through It All (Alternate Ending - Reader Leaves Simon)
tw: mentions of cheating, divorce; hurt; angst; anger; rollercoaster of emotion; sadness; arguing; crying; mentions of therapy/counseling; not a happy ending of them together
Please read Part 1 for my author notes for the beginning of this story if this is your first time here.
I had some people ask for an alternate ending where reader leaves Simon so here it is :) Few things to note here: This will happen right after the club incident where Simon fights Keegan; everything that happened in the original plot will not happen really so reader cheating and them getting capture is out
*Little flashback* - This is from chapter 10 (in italics)
But now that you and him were back at home, the wrath had simmered... just a bit. He was still mad.... but more with himself. He wanted to cut off the man's hands, but looking at you made all thoughts about that vanish.
"No!" you yelled as you turned on your heels to face him, "Don't fucking sweetheart me Simon! What the fuck was that back there?"
He pulled his balaclava off, tossing it on the bed before glancing back at you, "Please-"
"Stop! No more fucking talking!" It was your turn to see red, "How could you do that?! You went looking for me?! I told you I was coming home!" He tried to speak but you didn't even let him open his mouth, "And you punched someone! Because what?... he danced with me?! Because he had his arm around me-"
"I saw him kiss your neck, Y/n!" Simon shouted. In all the years you had been married, he rarely raised his voice, especially at you... but he also had never cheated until he did. "I saw the way he looked at you!"
"So what?! You think I wanted him back! You think I was going to leave with him! That I was going to cheat like you did to me!" Simon's hard eyes softened, "You stepped out on our marriage! Six times! SIX! Not one, but six! And you didn't even have the balls to tell me. You didn't even tell me how you felt before then! Instead, you fucked some girl! All because you like having rough sex! I'm not some fucking fragile toy that will break! I'm not weak! And you won't even divorce me!"
He stepped closer to you, but you took a step back, "Love-"
"No! I'm not done! I'm so fucking mad right now I could punch something!" You started pacing, "You say I'm yours but you go and act like this?!"
"You are. Sweetheart I swear-" He tried to reach out for you.
You smacked his hand away, "Don't touch me!"
"Hit me love. Y'can punch me. Slap me. Do whatever y'need-"
"STOP!" You screamed. You screamed so loud that Simon's eyes widened so big from your tone. You thought someone would come knocking on the door from how loud it was, possibly thinking you were being hurt. When you thought about it, you were being hurt.... just not physically.
The tension in the air only grew. The anger that was racing through your body was going to force its way out, and that terrified you. You weren't a violent person. You didn't want to see what would happen if you hit Simon... you knew he wouldn't do anything back, but the thought of being like your ex made you want to vomit.
A shift in Simon's eyes only confirmed that what you did wasn't like you. It wasn't the woman he married. But he hated himself to know it was all because of him that you had changed. And he couldn't stop it.
It was as if a dam burst as tears began to fall down your cheeks. The mascara and eyeliner causing black streaks on the skin. You didn't even care if he saw you in pain or not. You wanted to scream and to lash out at him, but your throat had become so dry from shouting already you had no energy left in you.
You lowered your head, softly shaking it, "I need space, Simon. I need to be away from you... You need to be away from me." you said.
"Wait, please don't-"
"Please, Simon... please just give me space and time to think about everything," you sniffed, "I'm begging you.... please."
He stood there, eyes shifting between yours as he listened to you. As he heard your plea. He had been so worried about losing you that he only made things worse. And there was nothing that he could do to fix it other than give you what you wanted. Give you the space you needed.
He slowly nodded as tears formed in his own eyes, and a sob left your mouth as you clamped a hand around your lips to stop the sound from escaping. "Alright," he said, voice barely above a whisper, "I'll give you anything y'want. Promise. Just-" He stopped himself from finishing his sentence, "Alright."
It was the last thing he said before he grabbed his balaclava off the bed and left the house. As soon as the door shut, you couldn't help but sink down to your knees and let out one of the hardest, silent cries you ever had. It was so hard to do anything but cry, and that you did. You cried as you took your dress off. You cried as you sat on the floor in the shower, letting the water fall all over you. You cried as you gazed at yourself in the mirror, feeling like you wanted to punch the glass.
Simon opened his office door before quickly shutting and locking it once he stepped inside. It was cold and dark, like it always was. But this time, it felt colder... damper. The windowless room offered no light source until he flicked on the small lamp on this desk. It barely lit up anything, but it was enough for him to find his way to the couch located off to the side of the room.
He slumped down with a low and painful groan leaving his mouth. It wasn't the smartest idea for him to even be fighting when he was still bruised and battered from the mission he left not even 24 hours ago. Actually, it was a stupid idea, and he knew that. The adrenaline no longer pumping through him, he felt how the knuckle on his right hand had split a little. When he glanced down at it, he felt a rush of sadness fall to his stomach as he looked at the dried up blood.
"Fuck," he said.
He wished someone could punch him in the face. The amount of force that he struck with his first on the guy at the club, he wished it was his face that he hit. He felt like he could take one of his knives and stab himself in the chest. He didn't deserve anything after what he did to you.... You had given him more than he truly deserved by staying with him at the beginning of all of this. All he did in return was made you cry damn near every day.
Maybe he did deserve to let you go; to let you leave him. He thought about if he should just be alone for the rest of his life. Retire and move somewhere remote, so he couldn't have any human interaction. So he wouldn't ever hurt you again by seeing him, by thinking about what he did to you. Or if he was lucky, he'd get himself killed on the next mission he was sent off to. It'd be quick and painless, he hoped. You could even be free from him.
He laid down on the couch, looking up at the ceiling as his huge frame barely fit comfortably on it. But he didn't deserve comfort. He didn't deserve to live, he thought. Maybe one day, he could finally be with his mom, his brother.... his nephew. If they were alive, he was sure his Tommy would have punched him square in the face. He could see the look on his face so vividly. The pain in his heart was worse than the hook that pierced through his rib so many years ago. He thought he deserved another hook.... and he'd let it happen if that meant making you happy once again.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" Ava asked you.
The two of you sat on her couch as you had a glass of wine in your hand. You had been staring at those damn papers for almost an hour as you and her talked about everything, most of the time you just crying in her lap like you were a child needing comfort from a mother.
Four weeks had passed since you and Simon had last spoken or seen each other. And in that time, you felt more angry with everything that was going on in your life. You wanted to.... you really wanted to work things out with Simon, but you knew it was no use. Things wouldn't ever get back to the way they were, and even thinking about getting past his infidelity just made you want to dry heave. And knowing how he acted - looking for you and beating someone up - just made your stomach twist in painful knots.
You needed to be away from him... for a long time.
Nodding, you let out a sob. Even just the act of signing the papers to give to him caused major anxiety in your chest. But you set the glass on the coffee table before picking up the divorce papers with trembling hands, "I have to."
Ava gave you a comforting nod as she rubbed your back softly. She knew it was hard... she had been in your shoes once and she didn't want to see you hurt anymore regardless of if you stayed with Simon or not. She handed you the pen that was sitting on the table, and still with trembling hands, you went through each page, filling them out signing your name. You thought you were going to pass out when you signed the last page, but it strangely felt.... good. Like a relief that you had been wanting since the night you told Simon you wanted a divorce.
But you also were afraid of what was going to happen next. Simon had proved himself to you over and over that he wasn't going to divorce you. Would he get angry? Would he rip the papers up? Would he hurt you even more? You didn't know, and that was terrifying to not know. Yet, you still pulled out your phone and texted him asking to meet the following morning.
When the front door of the apartment opened, you had already been sitting at the dining table. You tried your best to calm your breathing all morning from the anxiety running through your body, but when you heard his heavy footsteps cross through the doorframe, you couldn't help but suck in a breath.
The same thing was for him as he looked around the living room before he saw you sitting at the table. He thought he would feel better when he walked in, but for some reason his heart broke a little knowing he was the one that brought you all of this pain. It broke even more when he glanced down to see the white papers on the table, before meeting your eyes.
"Hey," he softly said, pulling his balaclava off as he walked and sat down across from you.
You tried to keep your composure calm, but your voice was shaky, "Hey."
The silence that engulfed the room for that brief pause could have killed you both. Simon's eyes kept flickering down to the papers every few seconds, and you couldn't help but lower your head. This was going to be way harder than you thought.
"Y'wanted to talk?" he asked, his own voice different than the usual tone.
You nervously bit your lip as you raised your hand and set it on top of the papers. His eyes looked down at the table once more before you slid them across the table, "I want a divorce Simon."
He could only swallow the lump in his throat that was so thick, he thought he would choke on it. He couldn't even form a sentence to respond back to you as his eyes stayed glued onto the papers that were now in front of him. It was stupid of him to think after all he had done you would still want to be with him, but deep down he knew he didn't deserve you. That night he said he'd give you anything you wanted - and this seemed to be what you wanted. But he couldn't help the guilt, regret, anger, sadness, and everything else that flowed through him at the same time all too quick. But he remained quiet - too quiet.
Your heartbeat quickened at his lack of response to you. You almost thought he was going to yell at you, but when he finally took the papers into his hand, you didn't know what to feel. It was... odd.
"I..." he paused, trying his best to not let his voice sound too angry and hurt, "I'll sign them tonight and give em back to you tomorrow," he said before he abruptly stood up. You barely got a chance to see the expression on his face when he turned around heading to the bedroom, "Need to grab a few things. Won't be long."
And he wasn't. He grabbed a couple of dufflebags and hastily threw clothes into them, along with his gear and toiletry items, before he walked back towards the front door. You hadn't moved from your spot at the table as you looked at him with tearful eyes that had yet to fall. But the moment both of your eyes locked on each other, that's when you saw it - the fear in him. It wasn't fear for his life... but fear that knowing he wouldn't know what to do anymore. The harsh thoughts that he wanted to act on; to disappear, die, or take himself out. But that was extreme. He knew he couldn't do that. So he gave you a small nod before opening the door and walking out.
A lot can happen in 5 year... half a decade... especially in a marriage.
And god you never thought it would come to a divorce between you and Simon.
The next day after you'd given him the papers, you walked in the apartment after work to see them laying on the dining table.
He had signed them like you asked him to.
A part of you thought he was going to call or text saying he wasn't going to, but the fact that he did made so many mixed emotions run through you.
Those feelings only continued to be confusing throughout the entire process of it all. The packing up your things. You and Simon cleaning out the apartment. Moving to a new place. Everything was confusing. But as time went on, you began to feel different; good. A soft peaceful aura flowed around you, and it was noticeable. You weren't crying as much anymore. You smiled more.
As much as good distractions came in going out from time to time with Ava, you found yourself enjoying just being alone. The silence that welcomed you each time you came home from work put a warm and comfort feeling in your chest.
Before you knew it... almost a year had passed by since the divorce, and not once had you seen Simon. There were times that you thought about him, the last thing he ever said to you replaying in your mind.
"I'll always love you sweetheart."
It was a promise to you. A promise that he would finally let you go. But a promise that his heart wouldn't beat for anyone else. And it didn't... he would never let anyone get close enough to him ever again.
It was rainy evening - more of a forceful thunderstorm that blew through the entire area - and you were bundled up on the couch watching a movie. With a cup of tea in your hand, you tried to warm up from the cool temperate that was outside since Autumn had set in a couple of weeks ago. There was a quick knock at your door, making you glance towards it. Your eyebrows furrowed as you set the cup on the coffee table and stood up. You weren't expecting anyone since Ava and her husband were gone on vacation.
Slowly making your way towards the door, your pulse quickened thinking it was Simon. No. That couldn't be right. He hadn't talked to you in forever. And he made it very clear that he wasn't going to do anything like look for you.
So who was it?
Looking through the peephole you saw a bulky and tall guy on the other side with his signature mohawk. Your eyes widened as you unlocked and opened the door, looking at him in confusion.
"Johnny?" you asked in confusion, "What're you doing here?"
He looked... tired. Like he had just come back from a mission or something. But he also looked...... nervous? Scared? And his silence made you gulp.
He quickly glanced down at the floor before meeting your eyes again.
"It's Simon."
I had to leave yall on a cliff hanger lol! Seems to be my speciality huh? Let me know what you all think about this ending or if you'd like to see something else (not sure if I'm taking requests for this, but we'll see)
Taglist: @kalypsoox @fruitymoonbeams-blogz @kylies-love-letter @xrosegoldwolfx @linaaaaa654 @jessicab1991 @darkravenqueen98 @yazyazali @thychuvaluswife @chloeforde @cownini @ssc7514
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dullgecko · 3 days
Ok so we’ve had Riz accidentally becoming human sized, but have you considered the rest of the bad kids accidentally/being cursed to be goblin sized or full goblin themselves.
I’m honestly leaning more towards they’re all goblins since then they get the full goblin experience with all the instincts and biology quirks that come with it, also a curse that turns you into a goblin definitely seems like something some jerk of a long dead wizard would create.
Like gorgug is absolutely freaking out cause suddenly he’s small and he has to look up constantly and he’s so used to not using his full strength for anything and now he has to put his whole body into just opening a door, on the plus side he’s now the right size to give his parents proper hugs.
Fabian has to jump on and scramble onto every piece of furniture and everyone at school keeps trying to pick up! The whole thing’s incredibly undignified, plus especially with fighter as his main class he has the strongest urge to pounce on and hunt anything fast moving he sees.
Adaine is used to be quite and unseen thanks to her upbringing, which when she was an elf was still nit ok but atleast you could look away from her for a second and not have her disappear under a table etc.
Fig of course uses her new found sneakiness and increased senses to be an absolute menace, she’s taken to running up suprise biting peoples calves then running away before then can even spot her.
Kristen is trying to use the experience to learn more about being a goblin and kinda what Riz experiences just day to day, also Bucky definitely see her at school and has a mini freak out about her being cursed and turning into a ‘monster’ for turning against Helio (nothing against Bucky he’s just 14, heavily indoctrinated with 2 overbearing racist parents and with what he sees as direct evidence of what they’re teaching/telling/warning him in the form his sister)
Riz is having a bad time because he's trying to wrangle his entire party and they are not at all used to the level of anxiety that comes with being a goblin. They are small, they are prey animals, and he's trying to drag them through the hallways of the school in the middle of the day so he can set them up in the library and start working out how to fix the problem.
All five of them are clustering together as close as possible and on high alert and snappy. Fig, Gorgug and Fabian are the worst of them because they have the urge to protect everyone else.
Adaine has to be holding someones hand at all times or she will literally burst into tears from panic but they need her to focus because she'll have to research to break the curse and turn them back to normal.
They don't all look like normal goblins because their normal ancestry carried over slightly with the change. It's not helping things because it's such an oddity seeing something other than a Chaos Mountain or Bastion City goblin in the school and people keep trying to get a closer look.
Adaine as a high elf is the oddest looking, she's a pearly white with much larger ears that droop down at the ends with a much longer tail. She looks the closest to the goblins that stayed hidden the the fae wilds and escaped being controlled by maglubiyet and kidnapped to the material plane. She honestly looks like if someone wanted to make a marketable toy of a goblin and made them 'cuter' to be more appealing.
Gorgug is much taller and stockier than Riz but looks very close to him in colouration. His ears are a little smaller, and his tail is shorter but much thicker.
Fig is bright red and has little horn-nubs on her forehead. Her ears are slightly longer and thinner than Riz's and she almost looks like an imp and a goblin got crossed. The tuft on the end of her tail hides a wickedly sharp backwards facing set of spikes, similar to the point on the end of an imps tail.
Kristen could be mistaken for Riz's cousin they look so similar like this, if you discounted the hair colour. She has a lot more visible freckles than Riz though and her stripes are darker.
Fabian looks like an Ixalan goblin, goblins that evolved to run around on ships out at sea who are skilled at scaling the rigging, but with far darker skin. His tail is actually prehensile and can hold his full body weight in a way Riz's can't. He's also a little bit stockier but still has a hard time climbing things as much as Riz does because he's not used to it. The tail being much stronger than Riz's is useful, because the rogue has to grab it SEVERAL times to stop fabian chasing after things. Riz thinks, aesthetically, he's just as pretty as a goblin as he was as a half elf.
They're all slowly starting to realise that oh no Riz actually has a fairly high level of self control, and so do most goblins they've met before. Wrangling their instincts takes a lot of work and their rogue is constantly trying to get them back on task as he drags them through the school to the library to set them up somewhere dark and quiet where they'll settle down for a while. They're also realising why he sometimes snaps and gets cranky when they flick a light on when he's in a room. Everything is WAY too bright and hurts their eyes.
Riz ends up setting up his entire party in a study room in the library with the lights off while they start hunting through books for a way to break the curse. Adaine calmed down a lot in the smaller darker room and is happily flipping through the books with her incredibly small version of Boggy perched on her head.
Gorgug ends up conked out napping in the corner because oops, it's daytime and they're nocturnal now.
Fig gets bored and cant resist the urge to go cause mischeif, the librarian ends up catching her and bringing her back once she tires herself out with her biting game.
Kristen is surprisingly chill about the whole thing and tries to go to her classes as normal, right up until her brother sees her and starts saying some very hurtful stuff. She abandons her idea at that point and comes back to cuddle sadly with Gorgug and Fig where they're napping in the corner.
Fabian, at some point, finally registers something in his brain and whispers something in Riz's ear before dragging him off. They disappear for nearly half an hour and Riz returns disheveled with a thousand yard stare, a split lip, and a VERY smug and equally dishevelled looking Fabian. If anyone asks him what happened he just says bathroom and nothing else.
Riz just goes back to helping Adaine look for the way to break the curse without comment. Fabian sitting down next to him and playing on his crystal because he doesnt understand any of the wizard shit they're doing but keeps intertwining his tail with their rogues.
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ssreeder · 1 year
Katara’s and Sokk’s confrontation made me so sad. Which I think was the point, so good job! Like I understand why Katara snooped, I probably would of done the same if I was her. She knows shit is up and wants to help, but in order to understand how fucked up everything is she ends up unintentionally hurting Sokka and it ends up in confrontation. (Which you know, sounds familiar, but what do I know?)
Sokka shouldn’t of called her a bitch though ): I understand being upset about it but he could’ve handled it a lot better. I know the trauma makes it hard but he needs therapy. I’m interested to see how he handles (or doesn’t handle) the fallout of his actions. Oh, and the reunion. I need to see the boys reconcile.
That being said, when you preemptively apologized at the beginning of the chapter I was starting to expect Sokka was going to get kidnapped by the Dai Li if he ended up straying too far in the library scene. I’m glad that it didn’t happen, but I’m still worried about the possibility.
(Also Katara’s dawning horror of Toph and Sokka getting along could be an entire different field of trouble if they didn’t made me smile)
(And Zuko’s backstories are so cute and made me smile. Love me some bursts of happiness in the middle of angst town.)
Ohhhhh boyyyyy… how Sokka handled his confrontation with katara was a semi-typical heated teenage sibling argument where the more passive sibling finally snaps but Sokka could have probably controlled the level or hurt he dished out to katara (they have always had a good bond & what he said to her was uncalled for)
The biggest reason I think he went right for such a gut punching word stems from his trauma, more specifically “female trauma” - he was hurt by a woman who betrayed him and created a lot of hurt and anger inside him. Sokka refers to her as ONE WORD (I’ll let you guess) & when Sokka lost his cool back at the SWT camp when he saw her he used that same word freely to display he anger and hate toward her. She was a trigger for his anger and when katara pushed him and triggered that same anger he was already so accustomed to using that word to attack it came out without him even realizing until it was too late.
He shouldn’t have said it, absolutely not, but it’s kind of his fault because he conditioned himself to attack that way…
OMG YEA SOKKA KIDNAPPED LETs gooooooo - but yeah I think people would riot if he got captured for like a 47th time haha. Because we all know if SOKKA gets captured SOMEONE… *cough* *COGUH* is going to rip through BSS to get him back. Idk if does sound fun haha. ;)
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pbueckerslover · 2 months
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pairing(s): caitlin clark x female!reader
warnings: language, smut w no plot, thigh riding, strap on use, rough caitlin
⊹ ࣪ ˖ based on this request: “ need thigh riding with cait pls 🙏🙏 & possibly strap too?? ”
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the door flung open as caitlins grip on you tightened. the second you were in the room she pushed you up against the wall. she tapped your legs signaling for you to wrap them around her waist. you did just that and she picked you up like it was nothing.
her hands ran up and down your thighs and you swore you could already feel yourself becoming wet. she moaned into your mouth as you tug on her ponytail. she walked the two of you over to the bed and placed you on top of it.
she left you for a second to grab what looked like a box. she opened it, revealing her long silicone strap. you smiled at her before she came back over towards you.
“before we do this.. i want you to do something else for me first.” she said looking down at you practically on your knees for her. “anything baby.” you replied preparing yourself for what was about to come.
you watched as she took off her clothes, leaving her only in a sports bra and boxers. she smirked at you before also removing yours. you had on the pink lace set that she loved. you bought it just for her. just because you knew how much she would love it.
she was practically drooling at the sight in front of her. she placed her hand on your cheek before smashing her lips against yours again.
she sat down next to you pulling you onto her leg. “take these off.” she said tracing the hem of your underwear. you slip off the panties and you can’t help but notice her watching your every move.
once you were only left in your bra, caitlin signaled for you to sit on her thigh. “you want me to ride your thigh?” you questioned. she sighed before replying, “trust me baby.”
so you did as she said and started to rub your already throbbing clit against her thigh. to your surprise it was actually fucking amazing. you had never done this with her before but now you’re questioning why.
you moaned out her name as the pleasure started to take over your whole body. she couldn’t keep her eyes off of you. she watched every little thing you did, proud that she was the one to make you feel this good.
“fuck... cait. feels so fucking good.” you said which caused her to let out a moan of her own. “yeah baby?” she said with a smirk on her face.
you could feel yourself getting closer so you started to pick up the speed. seconds later you were releasing all over her thigh, your loud moans filling the room.
“made a fucking mess for me.” she whispered watching you move off of her. “that was amazing cait.” you replied looking up at her. “yeah? i’m not done with you yet, baby.”
you watched as she now was putting on the strap she had put aside earlier. you almost moaned at the sight. “want me to fuck you? make you feel good?”
you were already saying yes before she could even finish her sentence. she moved over to you, lining her tip up with your entrance. deciding not to tease you, she slammed herself into you with no warning.
you yelled out at the feeling causing her to start to move faster. “such a good fucking girl.” she moaned out as she watched you take every inch of her.
her praise almost sent you over the edge. you moved yourself on her cock making sure she was feeling pleasure too. she moaned from underneath you before you kissed her again. her hands moved to your chest, finally removing your bra.
she started to suck on your nipples, all the pleasure almost becoming too much for you. “baby... caitlin it’s too much.. can’t take it.”
she locked her eyes with yours shaking her head at you. “yes you can baby. take it like the good slut you are.” she breathed out thrusting herself into you harder.
your moans started to become louder and she knew you were close, again. “cum for me pretty girl.” she whispered into your ear, holding you close to her.
you came all over her cock with one last string of moans. “fuck.. caitlin i love you so much.” you said practically out of breath.
she placed a kiss to your forehead. “i love you more my sweet girl.” she replied before resting her head into your neck. you giggled at her actions, wrapping your arms around her waist.
the two of you laid like that for a while before caitlin decided to get up. “where are you going?” you asked confused why she was all of a sudden leaving.
“gonna go start the shower. meet me in there.” she winked at you before disappearing into the bathroom. you chuckled before getting out of the bed yourself and running after her.
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⇾ be sure to checkout my masterlist if you enjoyed! any type of interaction is appreciated :,)
⇾ thank u sm for reading!! i hope you enjoyed this one 🩷🩷 i love caitlin sm can’t wait to write more for her!!!
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chaithetics · 6 months
Late Night Mends
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Pairing: Kid (Monkey Man) x reader
Word count: 2.1K
Warning: 18+ MDNI, mentions of anxiety, injuries, not a lot of spice, some fluff, not proof/beta read lol, does not contain spoilers for Monkey Man.
Note: Absolutely am in love with Dev Patel, he adores the world and fandom love! Also special mention to my friend @mittos who helped with this prompt/story ideas. Go and see Monkey Man if you haven't already! And if you have go and see it again! Also jaan is a Hindi term of endearment. Also can we take a moment for Dev Patel's side profile?! Comments, and reblogs are always appreciated as well! I hope you enjoy!
It was late, extremely late. It had been a slow night but it was quickly becoming the latest it had ever been without his tired, bloody presence. It made you uncomfortable how late it was becoming, he never took this long to show up after a big match. You bit your nails as you couldn’t help but think about the possibility of where he was and scarily, what condition he was in. 
It was a risky field that Kid was in, especially when he was the losing dog for the overeager, sweaty crowd not to bet on. He took the punches and rarely complained about it, you’d only ever been to one of his fights before and never again. It was too painful to watch, you��d bitten each of your fingernails right down to the beds, and you swore that it gave you a few grey hairs. If you had any, each of them could be traced back to being his fault, you were sure. You loved him, truly adored him, but he certainly knew how to stress you out. 
You’re sitting down waiting for him to arrive. You don’t even realise that you’ve put your hand up to your face to bite your nails but now you know that you must’ve as you’ve been subconsciously biting them as you look out the window waiting, lost in your thoughts. You could think and use that as a distraction but no, the more you think or gaze off, the more you think about him, worry about him and overanalyse every little thing to be analysed, including what would need a magnifying glass to do so. You sigh and rub your face tiredly and also as another poor attempt at a distraction to take your mind away from him. 
It was a ridiculous thought, nothing could distract you from him, Kid lived rent-free in your mind 24/7, no matter what you did or wanted. And now was his prime time for filling your head. 
You rub your face some more and then look up, you can hear the door quietly open and the sound of gentle footsteps start to make their way to you. You look up as you try to glimpse the start of his lean shadow to confirm that he’s really, really, finally here. The light switch turns on as you see his arm stretch out and then he’s standing there in your doorway. 
You look up at him as he stands, he just looks at you for a moment. His gorgeous doe-eyes are wide, he looks exhausted and defeated but there’s a small smile on his face as his eyes meet yours. Ever since you’d known Kid, he had always been a man of few words, which seemed to balance out just how expressive his handsome face was. You liked that though, that his eyes truly were the window to his soul. You did like his voice though as well, you’d have no problem with him using it more. Sometimes he would talk though, about his sweet mother, the stories of Hanuman that his mother had told him and that had vividly stuck with and inspired him still. 
You quickly take him in, there’s sweat in his hair, a cut in his cheek, and his knuckles are bloody as always. You bite your lip as you look at him, chewing over your words so you don’t come across as either a scolding lover or treating him like a patient. 
“Your hands…” You finally say as he steps closer to you and you can see that he made some attempt to cover them with a bit of cloth but the blood is all over his right hand. 
“It’s fine.” He says in a soft whisper, his voice is melodic as always but a little hoarse and deep. He looks down at his hand he tries not to flinch when you take his hand and it’s further proof that no, it really isn’t fine. You sigh and move his hand to check his fingers, it causes discomfort but based on the movement you know it’s not broken at least. It was genuinely impressive that he was still alive, still functioning and not just with everything he’d been through as a young boy, but with the amount of beatings he’d taken at the club. That he’d somehow avoided major damage to his body, that his handsome looks were still intact, and also his teeth. That was a big surprise you had to admit. 
“Sit down.” You look at him with a look of concern, one that he doesn’t like. “Come on, I’ll clean it up.” You say softly.  He runs his right hand, his good hand through his damp but perfect locks and he sighs, sitting down, waiting for you to fix his wounds and to feel your tender touch. 
You’d had the first aid kit ready to go, sitting on the floor waiting for his entrance. You always used it, he always needed it. Your medical background certainly helped, some nights you’d crack a joke that that was the only reason why he was with you. The first time you made that joke his eyes widened at first, and he immediately stuttered to try and reassure her that that wasn’t the case. He didn’t realise that it was a joke. You’d kissed him to reassure him and he kissed you back so sweetly. Now when you made the joke he’d just look at you and give you a small, precious chuckle. You just want to make him smile, make him laugh, bring him joy, and make him feel safe. He deserved that at the very least, especially with his gigantic hug. 
His hand clearly had taken the worst of it, you hold it gently in yours, and his hand twitches for a moment. He’s spent most of his life being devoid of affection. He craved a gentle touch, to feel seen and safe in the company of another. He’d started to find that with you, in the way you looked at him, how you carefully held his hand in arms when cleaning an injury and wrapping it up. You somehow had never noticed it, he figured it was because of how attentive you were to his injuries, to him, and his lips quirked up into a secret smile you’d miss over the irony of you not noticing this because of how attentive you were being to him. 
“You were later than usual.” You say as you clean his bruised and bloodied knuckles. 
“I know.” He whispers as he looks up at you, he’s tired but there’s a small smile on his lips as he knows the scolding is incoming, just what degree is it going to be from you tonight, is the question. 
“I was worried, my fingernails are almost as bloody as your knuckles because of how much I was biting them.” You say as you try to clean his hand gently, noting how his hand occasionally twitches in response.
“Would’ve been quite a match.” He whispers before he looks at your hands, noticing your nervously bitten nails. His cheeks heat up as he can’t help but feel a little bit of guilt about causing you to worry so, he’s spent so much of his life without someone who cares about him like this. You sigh and roll your eyes at his response. 
“You’re going to be the cause of every single grey hair I have in this lifetime.” You say as you treat the knuckle wounds, making sure you’re gentle. “All I do is worry, you spend every night getting beaten, thrown off tables. It’s going to be too much one day. Something will go wrong. Then what?” Kid can’t help but look up at you, it’s a conversation that’s happened more than a few times. “What if it’s your spine or something? I won’t be able to fix that-” “It’s okay. It’s fine. I’m okay, jaan.” He says as he looks up at you, his big brown eyes are widened and he’s looking at you with his sad puppy dog eyes, he feels bad for making you worry so much. 
You sigh, biting your lip as you try to stop yourself from saying anything else. He’s too sweet and so you nod and finish cleaning and bandaging everything. After a moment, you cup his cheek as you look at his warm eyes and you go to get him some water to drink. He watches you and continues to as he drinks the water. You two have become quite good at playing a game of watching each other, almost like it’s a sport to observe the other. 
He looks at you, tilting his head which tousles the gorgeous locks he has a little. You sigh and run a hand through his soft brown curls, damp with sweat but somehow miraculously not blood. His hair has always been absolutely perfect. You feel bad for essentially venting your anxieties at him right as he’s come from a long night of work at the club. 
“I only scold because I care.” You say but you’re not sure if it’s him or yourself that you’re trying to convince more as you say the words, but it’s true technically. “It’s a form of doting really.” You say as you look at him as he adjusts in his seated position, looking up at you with his wide, doe-eyed orbs. Even if it was a form of doting, you could never stay mad at him for long when having to look into those gorgeous eyes. They’d melt away any troubles and you’re sure if awards were given out for best brown eyes, he’d win. You hated that he did this, that this was how he had to get by. That he had to take these awful, unhealthy beatings but you love him anyway.
He was freshly bandaged now, he moved his hand up and Kid started to slowly caress your cheek, he traced some invisible line so gently with the pads of his fingertips as he looked at you. His doe eyes were filled with adoration and peacefulness as he concentrated on your beauty. You let him, it was soothing and sweet and you had no reason to even consider stopping this. You were his and he was yours. 
Your eyes glance down at his fingers, and then you put a hand up to cup his cheek and look into the most beautiful eyes you could ever imagine seeing. After he feels your touch his eyes quickly close and he inhales. He isn’t sure if he’ll ever get used to the feeling of your fingers on his face, of how your hair feels against his skin, or your breath, but he knows for sure, that he’ll at least never tire of it. 
His fingers glide down do your mouth and he traces your lips as he looks at them. He tilts his head and before he can even move, you’ve moved your head to press your lips together. There’s something about how gentle his hands are with you, how they feel even after everything that has happened to him and that he does. How it just takes a glance at you for him to melt into a puddle. 
You put your hand back into his hair and run it through his curls as he kisses you back and the kiss deepens almost immediately. He cups your cheek gently as your lips move together in sync and you can’t help but start to tug his locks a little and his hand moves to your waist to hold you close against him. You continue to play and tug his hair as his lips move down your chin and jaw and he kisses your neck. You gasp out and tug on his hair a bit more as you feel his breath tickle your throat between his passionate kisses. You struggle to not let out a giggle as he does this and you feel your cheeks heating up as you tilt your head back so your neck is as exposed as possible for him while he kisses your throat and makes his way to your collarbone. 
He always gets like this, and so quickly. He just needs a little touch, the reassurance of you being there and he feels an all-consuming need to make up for the years of loneliness, the lack of affection, the lack of physical contact outside of a fight he was guaranteed to lose. He has you in his arms and it’s something right for once, if it was a game this would be a victory, some kind of peace.
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satorusugurugurl · 5 months
I Think He Knows
Summary: When your novel takes off and becomes a best seller, doors of opportunities open for you. You can work on the series you have dreamed about all your life. And you’re also given the chance to stay in a tiny cottage in Europe for two years to help with inspiration! Your best friend, Geto Suguru, shatters at the news. How could he possibly tell you how he feels when you’re leaving him? His opportunity appears right before him when you confess that your editor thinks a change of scenery will help with your not-so-steamy romance scenes. They’re lacking a particular spice because you’re a virgin. So, Suguru does what any best friend would do. He offers to teach you how things work. Will you cross that line as friends? Or will you both say goodbye?
Pairing: Geto Suguru x FAB!Reader
Word Count: 4,505
Warning: Language, suggestiveness, mentions of sex, mentions of death, depression, insomina
A/N: BestFriend!Suguru series is now our Saturday special!! Let’s goooooo!!! 😈💚
Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six Part Seven Part Eight Part Nine Part Ten Part Eleven Part Tweleve
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Fifteen years ago, you and your family moved to Tokyo from the countryside due to your father’s job. You were so nervous, walking into your kindergarten class and holding your bag as your homeroom teacher introduced you to your new classmates. Everyone stared at you as you were ushered towards a table with two boys. One stuck his tongue out at you while the other colored with crayons.
“Oooh.” You said in awe, looking at the picture the dark-haired boy was coloring. “That’s pretty! Did you draw that?”
The crayon stopped moving as the dark-haired boy looked up at you for the first time. His dark eyes widened as he looked you over, a rosy flush dusting his cheeks. “I uhm,” his eyes darted back towards the paper, “yeah, I drew it.” You leaned in, your eyes sparkling in awe, as your classmate sucked in a deep breath as you got closer.
“So pretty!”
Swallowing hard, the boy continued coloring. “I-If you want it, you can have it when I’m done.” His voice is so timid that you almost don’t hear it.
“Eh?! Really!?” You smile, revealing a missing tooth. “Thank you—uhm, what’s your name?”
“Thank you, Geto!”
“You’re welcome.”
That day marked the beginning of your friendship with Geto Suguru! You two have been inseparable ever since that day. You were having play dates and attending the same middle school, high school, and college! You even lived in the same apartment complex, just two floors separating you.
Suguru never once gave up on his passion for drawing, trading his crayons and construction paper for oil paint and canvas. You didn’t have an artistic bone in your body. You did, however, have a way with words. You were constantly losing yourself in characters you'd create and worlds you built, and you never thought of sharing them with the world until Suguru pushed you to do so.
You took his advice and submitted your novel to several writing competitions, not expecting anything to come from it. Boy, were you shocked when you won first place and were allowed to publish your novel! The publishing company loved the story, your characters, and the premise of it, so much so that they signed you on for a whole saga.
That was great! Your characters would finally be given the chance to shine. Their stories would be told! There was just one issue that you kept running into while working on the sequel. Your high-end fantasy novel was a romance between the princess of your series and her knight. You ended the first book with a very intimate kiss and confession. The whole purpose was to have readers wanting more, and they wanted more.
Your reader wanted more Ilaus and Oaklynn, more kisses, sweet whispers of nothing, and steamy smut. The readers wanted to see the lovely, innocent princess and her hot knight getting freaky. Which you were all down for! You wanted them to get to that point as much as your readers! You wanted Oaklynn to be face down getting plowed by Ilaus more than anyone else! You had written their story and made them suffer; they deserved to be happy with each other.
So why was writing sex scenes your kryptonite?!
You anxiously watched Nanami Kento, your beta reader and editor, scroll through your phone and read the latest pages you had written. His face was stoic, unreadable as his eyes glimpsed over the screen. Your leg bounced as he put your phone down, his eyes focusing on his mug before he sighed.
“Oh my god, you hate it.” Anxiety settled in your gut. “It’s terrible! I knew it sucked.”
Nanami winced, his eyes not meeting yours, and he brought his mug to his mouth and took a sip. “Why did you call his penis ‘his raging meat stick’? Like it was a slab of salami?” Your friend watched you slam your head gently against the table. “And for her, you called it her fairy cave?” This time, your friend didn't wince; no, the bastard chuckled.
“This isn't funny, Nanami!”
“I know,” he took another sip, “look, it's not bad; I just think if you're going to write a sex scene, you need to refer to the genitals as genitals and not lunch meat and damp mystical caves.”
“L-Like use the word penis?”
“Or cock, dick, not meat stick.”
“Shh!!” you reached over the table, covering his mouth with your hands. “We're out in public!!”
Nanami pulled back away from your hands. “Oh please, we know Gojo and Sukuna. They are more foul than that.” He had a point; the two could make grandmothers cry with their colorful vocabulary.
The first half of your novel was easy to write—lots of action, passionate kisses, and dialogue. The middle had hit you with a brick of writer's block. This was your first time writing anything remotely spicy other than making out with tongue. The scene you were stuck on right now wasn’t even a full-on sex scene! That made it so much worse! They were pleasing each other in a tent with just their hands! It's a simple mutual masturbation scene.
But using a meat stick and a fairy cave would not cut it. And the next couple of chapters were due to your agent in a week. If Nanami pretty much flat-out told you these scenes sucked, there was no way in hell you would be turning this in to your agent.
“Fuck, Nanami, what am I going to do?”
“Scrape it and rewrite it.” Feeling your gaze on his, Nanami breathed out a breathy huff. “Look, it's not terrible, trust me; I know you're capable of more.” Your trusted friend chuckled as you puffed out your cheeks.
“Oh yeah, scrape it; maybe I'll use a hot dog instead of a meat stick this time.” What were you going to do?! There was a week to turn the poorly excused terrible smut you'd written into something that would please Nanami, your agent, and the publisher.
Nanami patted your shoulder as he collected his stuff. “You know, sometimes our own experiences can help.” Great, now you were frustrated and a blushing mess!
“I-I can't do that!”
“Well, then read some erotic novels for inspiration if you have any questions if you don't want to use your personal sexual experiences.”
“That’s not what I me—”
“Look, let's meet on Tuesday for lunch, and you can show me what you have then. I gotta run to class; I’ll see you then.”
With a heavy heart, you watched your friend rush out of the café and return to Campus. Nanami was full of good ideas. Using one's own experiences was a good muse. It was something you would do if you had any experience. The number one reason you had so many issues writing smut seems like this was because you were a complete and total virgin.
That was the sole reason why writing sex scenes was your kryptonite. Because you had zero experience, writing about something you had no experience in was hard. So Nanami’s advice, while appreciated, was utterly useless. You had no experience, and there was no way you were hooking up with some random person to inspire you.
Oh well, you had a lovely long week to try and fix the monstrosity you had created. It wasn't like your agent would call you out of the blue! Yeah, you had a week! A week! It was all good!
A bag slammed on the table as you packed your laptop and notepad. With a squeak and a jump, you turned to see your agent staring down at you—a look of dismay and stress plastered over her face.
“U-Utahime?” Her expression remained the same as she adjusted her baseball hat. “H-Hi, what's up?”
“Meat stick?”
“Fuuuck.” you cried out, throwing your head back.
“I come in to give you good news, and I hear that Nanami is saying you're struggling with the sex scenes?” She sips her coffee anxiously, her foot tapping against the tile floor. “You told me it was a romance? And you can't write sex scenes?!”
You hushed her, standing up and putting your index finger against your lips. “Shut up! Please! I'm working on it; I'm just struggling!” Utahime laughs, crossing her arms over her chest. “I'll fix it! I promise you’ll have a super spicy mutual touching session by next week!” she gives you a skeptical look, one you're pretty sure was on your face as well. “B-But what good news do you have?” Your agent and friend relaxes as she grins.
“You know that cottage that you saw online? The one in Europe that inspired your book?”
“The one that I can't find? Yeah, I know it.”
When you graduated high school, you and Suguru had stopped at a bookstore while shopping for supplies. You were grazing through pictures of European castles when you saw this darling little cottage. It looked similar to the cottage in Sleeping Beauty. It was made of stone in the woods beside a river where a water mill ran.
The cottage was gorgeous; it got your creative juices flowing. You imagined characters living there, and it was honestly the inspiration for your book. You desperately searched for it. Wanting to learn more about the cottage that had inspired your fantasy world, you couldn't find a lick of evidence. You had been under the assumption that it was either destroyed or didn't even exist. So you had given up on finding it two years ago.
“Well, your lovely agent made a few calls and sent out some photos, and she found it.”
“Shut up bitch.” Utahime just smirked, pulling out her phone. “Oh my god, oh god! Are you serious?!” Her phone slid across the table, the screen illuminated by the cottage that inspired your novel. “Ahh! Oh my god!”
“I also got in touch with the owners of the cottage. And when I told them a best-selling novelist was in love with their cottage, which they just so happen to rent out, they offered for you to stay there.”
“Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god!”
“Maybe staying here will get your creativity flowing! Help you with the next few novels.”
Your body was vibrating in excitement. “Oh my god, yes! A week here would be great!” A low ‘uhm’ from across from you drew your attention from the phone to your agent. “Or a weekend?” she shook her head.
“They offered it to you for longer than that.”
“Seriously? How long are we talking?”
Utahime’s smile was wide and warm. “You’re gonna need a few bags.”
The second you left the coffee shop with a coffee in one hand and a brown paper bag in the other, you bolted down the street. Your meeting with Utahime went so well! You couldn’t wait to tell Suguru all about it. By the time you reached the apartment complex and his door on the third floor, you were panting.
Glancing at the handle, you luckily didn’t find a tie on it, meaning he didn’t bring home some chick, so it was safe for you to come in if you wanted. He did that for you after you walked in on him eating some bimbo out on the kitchen counter. Knowing it was safe, you unlocked the door with your spare key and headed inside.
The smell of paint was strong, meaning Suguru was in the zone and probably had been for hours. Meaning he hadn’t eaten. He was so lucky to have you as his best friend in the whole world, or the man would have starved.
“Suguru~!” Stepping through the apartment, you followed the sound of alternative music toward the spare room, which he’d turned into his makeshift studio. Stepping inside, you didn't find him, but his easel had a new canvas.
Quickly rushing forward, you stared at it, and your heart sank. Suguru had sketched out an aquarium, the base colors down, and a girl stood in front of the tank. The colors hadn’t been placed on her, but you knew who she was from the ruffled sun dress she wore to the braid that cascaded down her back.
“Riko.” Her name tore at your heart as you reached out to touch the sketch of the girl who had been taken far too soon.
Before you could touch the canvas, a creaking floorboard had you pulling away, rushing far for the easel. Your best friend walked in, a fresh mug of water in his hand, while he scrolled through his phone in the other.
God, how he had changed in the fifteen years you’d been together. His hair was longer, pulled in a bun; his bangs hung in his face. Suguru’s left arm was inked with a dragon; it swirled around the head of it tattooed on his shoulder. His lip was pierced along with the cartridge of his ears, and he was wearing his black gauges. That boy you met in class was now a man who was shirtless and covered in paint.
Suguru finally looked up; seeing you standing there startled him, causing him to spill water on the floor. “Fuckin’ hell!” He yelled, putting the mug down to grab the edge of his tables covered with tubes of paint. “You little fuckin’ shit.” His words held no heat as you placed his food and coffee down.
“Oh please, you’d starve without me. I tried calling you when I came in.”
“I was in the kitchen.”
“No, you weren’t.” You sat on the table inches from where Suguru stood. “I walked through there; you sneaking a girl down the fire escape? Not wanting me to catch you doing something indecent again?”
There was always a playful, teasing tone between the two of you. Especially now that you were older and he was a man whore. His dark eyes narrowed as he grinned, slotting between your legs as he sipped coffee.
His eyes trailed over you. “Why would you be jealous if I was?” You shook your head as he pushed your hair back. “Damn, I was just talking to Satoru.” Suguru rolled his eyes as you whistled. “You would like.” He ruffled the top of your head.
“Nah~ I’ve seen you go down on a girl.” He opened his mouth again. “And no, I’m not jealous; I just don’t wanna see you going at it.”
“Yeah, he said we’re all going out tonight; something about that sushi train place.” He pulled out the sandwich you brought him, taking a bite. “Said we had to celebrate.”
“Oh, we do.” Suguru swallowed the mouthful of food. “Because I got some great news today.”
“Really? Did Nanami like your new pages?” He stepped away, grabbing the mug of clean water as he stepped back in front of the canvas.
“Well, no, but that’s a whole other situation.” The excitement buzzing in your chest could no longer be held in. “Utahime found the cottage!”
Suguru perked up, knowing exactly what you were talking about. “Shut the fuck up, she did, where?!” He’d helped you search for your inspiration for hours; he knew how badly you wanted to go there.
“It’s in a wooded area in England. Super pretty! The owners have read my book and offered to let me stay there!”
“Well, that’s gre—”
“For the next two years!!”
Glass shattered, leaving both you and Suguru in stunned silence. Your best friend was pale, the color leaving his cheeks. His eyes were distant as you looked down, seeing the water spreading over the floorboard, sliding under Suguru’s bare feet.
You were the first to move, not to pick up the glass but to grab Suguru’s face gently. He was as still as a rock; he only got like that when he had flashbacks to that night. Seeing that he was painting Riko must have meant he was stuck in that moment from your second year of high school.
He shut his eyes tight, leaning into your touch, cluing you in. It wasn’t a flashback. He took a deep breath before lifting you, putting you off to the side, away from the glass. Something wasn’t right with Suguru; you knew it from his lingering touch and the lack of light in his eyes.
“What time did you get up?” You asked as you bent down, helping him pick up shards of glass.
“Are you going to leave?”
“I asked you a question first. What time did you get up?”
“Three this morning. Are you leaving?”
Peering up, you found his eyes focused solely on you. “I’m uhm—I’m waiting for Utahime to contact the owners.” He gritted his teeth, his eyes returning to the glass on the floor. “It’s not set in stone yet, Suguru.” You gently nudged his hand with yours; those words had him relaxing a bit, like relief was washing over him. “Why were you up at three?” He stood up, tossing the broken glass in the trash.
“About Riko?”
Riko Amanai was a person Suguru didn’t like talking about. He went to therapy for what happened, but her death left a mark on him that probably would never heal. He had his good months and his bad months. Between the canvas and the nightmares, you knew he was going to have a hard time this month.
You didn’t push him; you hated to pry that part of his life. That didn’t mean you weren’t there for him, though. If he wanted to talk to you, your door was always open. There had been many nights when he would show up and ask to stay in bed with you. Those were the nights when nightmares were too much to handle when he had too much on his mind. Those were the nights you both stayed up, talking about life, your novel, or his work. They were also the nights you both fell asleep in each other‘s arms and got some of the best sleep of your lives.
“I’m going to grab the broom. Just stay here.” Suguru grabs a white sheet and covers his newest canvas up before heading out of his room towards the kitchen.
Great, you just had to go prying into his trauma. What the hell is wrong with you? He would’ve talked about it with you if he wanted to talk about it. It was wrong to dig into what was happening in his mind. You worried so much about him, and sometimes you forgot you had no right to question him.
Despite your prying and prodding questions, Suguru was still warm to you. He wrapped an arm around you and plopped down on the couch with you while he finished eating breakfast and drinking coffee. He showed you some of the paints he wanted to get the next time he dragged you to the art store. Suguru acted like everything was normal when you both knew it wasn’t.
He was masking; he often did when he didn’t want to talk about what was going on in his mind. Or when he didn’t want to worry you. You could easily see through his façade, but you weren’t about to ruin the rest of his day with your questions. You lay there on the couch with him, listening to him talk about his paints and the commissions that he had received.
The mundane conversations lasted until four o’clock. The two of you freshened up before heading downtown to meet your other friends for your not-so-celebratory dinner. Satoru had invited almost everyone you knew. Nanami, Shoko, Sukuna, Haibara, and Yuki cheered when you two entered.
You were pulled towards the bar by Shoko and Yuki, who squealed over how lucky you were to have found your cottage. Suguru snatched a beer from the bucket on the table, chugging it as he sat beside Satoru. The white-haired man hissed out a sigh, his arm wrapping over Suguru’s shoulder as the two watched you closely.
“I can’t believe they offered her to stay there for two years.” Satoru purred out. “Like fuck, it’ll be weird not having her here.”
“Please shut the fuck up.”
Satoru pulled his dark sunglasses off, glaring at his best friend. “Who pissed in your cereal?” He paused, pursing his lips together. “Oh right, the girl you love is leaving you. I have an idea; tell her how you feel!” A handful of gyoza is shoved into Satoru’s mouth.
“I can’t. You know I can’t.” Nanami glanced at the two before him, gulping down his beer. “If I tell her, it’ll be like I’m holding her back. I can’t do that.” As he steals another glance at you, confusion, doubt, and anxiety settle in Suguru’s stomach. “If she wants to go, she can go.”
Thankfully, after his little rant, the conversation drifted from you and focused on school. The whole night, no one brought up the cottage, nor you leaving yet. As you assure them, nothing is set in stone yet, but finding out where your inspiration was was enough to drink to.
The happiness that seemed to radiate off you made Suguru feel bittersweet over the whole situation. He was happy for you. He knew how much finding that cottage. He spent his free time looking into it for you. But he could never find anything. He desperately didn’t want to go either. You were his best friend. You had been for fifteen years, and he was utterly in love with you, but he didn’t want to cross that line.
Now that there was a possibility that you would be leaving, he regretted all the chances he had to cross that line, and he never took it. That’s why he slept with so many girls who shared attributes similar to yours. Some of them had your eyes, others had your hair color, and there were just some of them that looked similar to you. It was a way to cope with being unable to tell you how he felt. But at least he didn’t ruin your friendship.
Between the lack of sleep and the new fear of losing you, Suguru needed something more potent than beer. He shimmed over to the bar, ruffling your hair as he passed you. As he leaned over the bar, waiting for his drink, Nanami squeezed in next to him.
“I think I know why she might be leaving.”
“Huh?” Suguru’s pierced brow lifted in confusion. “Why would there be a reason for her to leave? She’s always wanted to go to that cottage.”
“She offered to stay there to help with her writing. I may have called Utahime and given her a heads up about the pages I read today.” Nanami sipped his drink. “We both agreed that change of scenery might help with her writing.”
“The fuck do you mean?” A twinge of anger flashed over Suguru’s face. “Her writing is the best. There’s nothing for her to work on. She got published, for God's sake.”
Nanami chuckled nervously. “There’s no doubt that she’s a talented writer. While her dialogue and kissing scenes and her world-building are superior to other authors, I’ve read for. Her romance scenes are atrocious.” When Nanami saw the look of bewilderment on Suguru’s face, he nodded. “By romance, I mean sex scenes.”
“Well, she’s never had a boyfriend; I don’t think she’s even kissed someone.” Nanami makes a humming sound of understanding as a revelation overcomes Suguru. “Do you think if her sex scenes get better, she might now want to leave for as long as she said?”
“Maybe. But it’ll take a miracle for her sex scenes to improve.”
A miracle that Suguru was willing to provide. If he could help you, maybe, just maybe, you might consider staying if you’re given a chance to leave. And if he’s lucky, perhaps he would finally find the strength to tell you how he felt. Downing his drink, he rushed back to the table, grabbing your hand.
“Hey, can I talk to you?”
Your eyes glitter, making Suguru’s heart thunder. “Sure!” He drags you through the crowded restaurant, pulling you outside towards the alley. “What’s up?” God, you look so pretty with flushed cheeks.
“Nanami told me about the sex scenes”
“That traitor!” You pout, tilting your head back with a grumble. “Fine, go ahead and make fun of my usage of deli meat for describing genitalia.” The teasing never comes. Instead, Suguru's musky, earthy smell crowds you as he slams his hands on either side of your head. “S-Sugu?”
“I have a proposition.” His voice purrs out, making your heart race spike. “You’re struggling with the sex scenes. That’s why you’re thinking of leaving, right?”
“Y-yeah, and?”
“What if I help you? If your sex scenes get better, do you think you might not need to leave for two years?”
Heat begins to fill the tiny space between your bodies. You feel your exhaled air mingling with the others. Fuck was it the alcohol?
“I-I mean, maybe I wouldn’t need to leave for so long. Maybe just a week.” There’s a gleam in your best friend's eyes. “But how are you going to help me?” His mouth inches closer, and you can feel the heat as he leaves an inch away from your lips.
“I can teach you.”
Forever Tag List:
@darkstarlight82 @pandoness @nealeart @simp-plague @sugurubabe
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heartzolivia · 2 months
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warnings: cursing, making out, slight praise, afab!reader, pussy eating, fingering, vaginal sex, unprotected sex
a/n: not proof read, this is also my first time writing in like 7 years so...
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you sat in the common room of the dorms on a random friday night. everyone in class 1-A was engaged in their own activities. yours just happened to be the lightning bolt haired boy sitting across from you.
He sat on his phone playing some game with kirishima as they laughed aloud and chuckled to each other. it irked you how denki could just sit there while looking so incredibly hot. his arm veins were slightly bulging from his tight grip on his phone, his shirt was slightly lifted revealing his v line and god was it making you feel some type of way. you grabbed your phone from the side of your thighs and opened yours and denki's messages. waiting for kirishima to get up and get some water to send your message.
meet me in my room in 5.
he looked up from his phone after he received the message sending you a smirk before nodding knowing what the message was initiating. you quietly snuck away from the common room to your dorm room where you sat on your bed awaiting his knock. once a knock was heard you swung open the door, not even getting a chance to say anything when denki's lips made their way onto yours. backing you into the wall and closing the door behind him. you practically moaned into his mouth at the intensity of it all. he pulled away and started attacking your neck with his mouth.
"god I missed you so much" he whined into your neck as his hands roamed over your body. your hands found their way into his hair pulling him in closer to you if possible. "we literally did the same thing yesterday kami" you sighed out. his hands finally rested roughly on your hips underneath the sweater you wore. he pulled away from your neck and looked into your eyes. his eyes held so much lust and it made you weak in the knees.
"can't wait much longer...please kami I need you." you pleaded as the sensation between your legs was starting to become unbearable. at your words he picked you up and dropped you off onto your bed where you rested on your elbows looking up at him. he dropped to his knees at the foot of the bed, right in-between your legs with a grin on his face. "m' gonna make you feel so good baby" he murmured as he planted little kisses on your inner thighs, getting closer to your soaked pussy.
he flipped up the skirt you were wearing and put his thumb on your clothed clit rubbing it slowly just to tease you. you left out a soft moan at the sensation, rocking your hips up to try and release any sort of pleasure. "your so soaked pretty girl, this all for me?" he groaned at the sight infant of him. you nodded at his question. he smirked and swiftly in one motion pulled your panties off. he looked up at you one last time before attaching his mouth to your pussy. his tongue danced on your clit while his finger found its way to your entrance. he inserted one finger, sending a wave of pleasure throughout your body. he worked his tongue on your clit skillfully while he inserted another finger going at a pace that felt just right.
"oh fuck! just like that baby!" you moaned out grabbing a fistful of his hair and brining him closer to where you needed it. he groaned as you pulled his hair which sent vibrations straight to your clit. "if you keep that up im gonna-" you were cut off as you shakily came around his fingers. "good job sweet girl...are you ready for me now?" he cooed eager to let his cock free from the tight holding of his boxers. you nodded and he took off his shirt quickly following his jeans leaving him in his boxers. you sat up and reached your hand out to rub him through his boxers. you pulled them down and his cock sprang free. "so pretty" you mumbled and laid back down spreading your legs from him.
he shifted in-between them and slid his tip across your clit. "don't be a tease kami" you whined. he chuckled "someones desperate." you rolled you eyes at his statement but didn't get to reply as he roughly shoved his dick into you. you gasped at the sudden action. he grabbed your hips so hard it was sure to leave a bruise as he slowly started to pound into you. his thumb found its way to your clit to rub it nicely. you wrapped your legs around him making him go deeper hitting you in the perfect spot every time. he groaned throwing his head back at the intense pleasure. "oh fuck, you feel so good. im not gonna last long" he murmured. as he increased his pace that familiar sensation brewed in your stomach, he rubbed your clit once more and you came for the second time his name coming out as a moan.
as you came you wrapped tightly around his poor cock. knowing he was about to reach his peak he pulled out and stroked himself a few times as he came on your stomach with a groan. his hot load laid on your stomach as you both caught your breathe. he collapsed next to you. "shit. it feels better every time" he said and you both laughed. "maybe being friends with benefits isn't so bad" he joked. "just get me something to clean this up with" she smiled as she pushed his head away gesturing towards her stomach. "yes ma'am" he smiled.
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qwimblenorrisstan · 2 months
The Clandestine Culinarian Pt. 4 (Finale) | Azriel x Reader
Summary: After everything fell apart at Rita’s, Azriel is still recovering from the poison, and you give him an ultimatum. Choose between you and Elain. Months of silence ensue, before his choice becomes clear, at last.
Word Count: ~3.3k
Warnings: Mentions of poisoning, attempted sexual assault, illness, death (background characters), arguing, violence, an extraordinarily sassy rhys, but it all ends okay
A/N: If y’all crucified me for this being so late I wouldn’t even blame you…I’m so sorry for the wait but I hope this is a good way to finish off this series, and I am planning on doing maybe like epilogue more about their relationship, hope you enjoy<3
Requests are open!
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The entire situation had been a mess, Cassian was pissed off, Azriel was still in Madja’s tent, Nesta and her girls a drunk mess, stumbling home, Feyre dealing with Elain, and you at the House of Wind.
You trained until your body refused to move anymore it was so sore and hurting, and then you slept, ate, and repeated, trying hard just not to think. You didn’t want to think about how Elain had, for some reason, tried to keep Azriel away by poisoning him of all things so he forgot about you, or how she hadn’t even thought about the potential consequences of it.
It made you angry, foolishly angry, that she’d done something to your mate. The bond wasn’t accepted, but it was still there, lying dormant and flaring up at any little thing. You could barely feel any sign of life from his end, and you hated to admit how much that worried you.
But you wouldn’t go check on him, not when he hadn’t cared about you for all those months. Even if Elain had poisoned him, he still chose her over you before that, and he could have her now. He could have his sorry-ass excuse of a partner, the female that poisoned him.
You had been lying in bed, half-asleep, when your door creaked open and you heard heavy footsteps. You were standing up in a second, slightly panicked, before seeing Cassian as he stood, face slightly pleading and serious. He gave a sheepish smile that was strained when he saw you so frantic.
“What could you possibly want at this hour?”
You asked, rubbing your eyes as you let yourself relax into the bed again. For all you knew, he was only up this late for midnight snacks. He moved closer until he was standing beside your bed. He hesitated, swallowing before speaking.
“It’s Az. He’s..he’s sick, Madja says he’ll be alright, but he wants to see you.”
Your eyes narrowed, and he almost winced at that, moving to sit on the bed beside you.
“He doesn’t want to see Elain? Shocking.”
You replied, not bothering to hide the bitterness in your tone. Cassian’s warm palm came to rest on your shoulder, shifting you so you had to look at him. He gave you a begging look.
“I’m not going to try to apologize for him, but even if you’re pissed at him, which I would be too, at least be there for him. You two could smooth things over in the future, but you can’t go back and be there for him if you aren’t now.”
He said, hand leaving you as he got up from the bed, it creaking before springing back up to its normal height, and he walked out of your room. You knew he was right. If you weren’t there for him now, you couldn’t undo that, and he was sure to remember.
With a grumbled sigh, you got up and locked your door, throwing some clothes on, running a brush through your hair, and splashing some water on your face, before begrudgingly walking to the outside Azriel’s room, where he was sure to be. Getting yourself ready, you sighed, before walking in, looking annoyed and pissed, but at least you were there.
Azriel was in his bed, looking just about the same as you’d seen him before. Pale, shaky, sweating, and shivering slightly. He looked sickly, for sure. There was a pile of tonics in the corner, with directions on them, probably from Madja for the shadowsinger. The shadows were agitated but also sickly, slower and thinner than usual, their wispy forms trying to pull at you to take you to him.
His eyes opened as he heard you sit in the armchair next to the bed, watching him with a cool expression, trying to stay neutral but failing as some of your anger bled through. He shifted to his side, blurry hazel eyes peering up at you.
He began, his voice slightly raspy, but not like usual. Your sharp voice cut him off.
“Don’t. The only reason I’m here is because your brother guilt-tripped me into it.”
Not entirely a lie, not entirely the truth. His eyes lost some of their intensity as if they’d been expecting that. Right when you were about to speak, the door clicked open again, and you saw Elain peek around the corner, eyes widening when she saw you there, and heard the growl that came from you.
You huffed, standing up.
“You can choose this bitch who tried to poison you, or you can choose your me, not because I’m your mate or any other bullshit, but just for me. Your decision, but I won’t sit here and let myself be misled by an immature Illyrian who doesn’t know what he wants.”
You snapped at him and grabbed Elain’s wrist before she could slip away, yanking her inside and trapping her against the wall. Azriel tried to sit up, clearly alarmed and thinking you were going to hurt her, not to mention his pain and guilt.
“And you… where do I even start?”
You said, and she swallowed, opening her mouth to speak, but you cut her off.
“Sure, you had some prophecy or something that I would hurt him, but you could’ve told someone instead of almost fucking murdering him! That’s the most selfish thing I’ve seen in a-“
“That is enough.”
Azriel’s voice, weak but still authoritative, spoke. He was leaning against the closest post of his bed, standing somehow, and glaring at you. Elain slipped away before you could stop her, and you vaguely heard her shoes clicking against the hallway floor and some sniffling. She was crying. Good.
“You don’t get to decide what’s enough. She almost killed you.”
“Using poison she got from your room. Why did you even have that?”
He snapped back, and you nearly physically recoiled at that. Still so sassy for someone who nearly died mere days ago.
“I didn’t want it getting into Kier’s hands. Or anyone’s hands, for that matter.”
You hissed back, and his gaze, still a bit clouded but piercing as ever, glared down at you.
“Why not give it to Rhys? Unless you were planning a better use for it involving him.”
That was what made you shut up for a minute and just think. He thought you were trying to poison Rhys?
You quotationed, now just genuinely confused and exasperated.
“Don’t act like I’m crazy. You worked closely with Rhys and Kier, your shop is burnt down by one of your biggest investors, and you’re brought to Night Court into the home of the High Lord and his Inner Circle with a vial of the deadliest poison in existence? I’m not an idiot.”
“Right, so you were running away from me because you thought I was trying to murder you, and not because you’re afraid to face your feelings with your mate?”
His reasoning made sense, you were afraid. But there was a reason Kier had burnt down your shop even being one of your biggest investors in it. A reason you hadn’t shared with anyone, not even your family.
“Face it. You’re suspicious.”
He said with a tone of finality, eyes burning into you even as tears welled in your own.
“Fine, you want to know why Kier burnt down my shop, you asshole? It was because I wouldn’t have sex with him. He doesn’t like being told no. And trust me, he had far worse plans with that vial than even Elain.”
You spat out, and Azriel looked genuinely surprised at that, brows furrowing in a temporary look of confusion, eyes softening, before his face hardened again.
“You’re lying.”
He said. Your hands clenched in fists as you looked around the room, finding a bowl of fruit, probably gifted by Feyre as a get-better-soon gift.
You walked over, picked up an orange, and ripping it open, shoved Azriel against the bed and forcefully pushed the orange into his throat, moving his jaw to make him chew it, and even as he gagged, you forced him to swallow it.
The mating bond, having been dormant for so long, flooded back to life now that it was accepted, whether willingly or not. And the first thing you shoved down the bond, was the memory of your truth.
Business had been slow that day, customers only coming and going for basic pastries and treats that you and your family already had in stock while you made some more for the next day.
Bored out of your mind, you agreed to take the closing shift.
“I’ll be home in 5,”
You had told your older cousin as he’d left, and he’d given a shrug and gone home. At least the closing shift sometimes gave you a view of the town drunks on the streets, which was a little entertaining sometimes.
While wiping down a table, you heard the jingle of keys and the front door opening with the little bell attached to the top and you immediately whirled only to find a drunken Kier sauntering up to you, sly smirk on his face.
“What are you doing here, Kier?”
You asked in as firm a tone as you could manage. He stalked closer until you could feel his hot breath against your neck. He lowly chuckled, and you could smell the alcohol from his breath.
“I only want to play,”
He said, his voice ever so slightly slurred and his hands sliding over to hold your waist as you were backed up against a wall.
“It’s only fair since I’ve been turning a blind eye to your little shop here~”
He said, and panic shot through your veins as his hands slipped under your shirt, his mouth too close to your own. You shoved him off, freezing momentarily as he hit the ground and crumpled before you hopped onto the counter and slid off of it into the kitchen, where you grabbed a knife with shaky hands.
You couldn’t beat him in combat, you knew that, but it was at least comforting to know you had a tiny chance at self-defense.
He stumbled and got to his feet, wobbling over to you, hands on the counters for support as he scowled, glancing down at the knife as if it were just a small bug in his way.
“You know, I’m gonna need another vial soon. Wife’s been getting on my nerves, might need a new one.”
He slurred with a sloppy smirk, and you swallowed, trying to hold the knife steady.
“Get out of my shop.”
You said, trembling. He scoffed, but turned around anyway, walking unsteadily towards the door and falling into it, and as he left, he gave one last drunk scowl and chilling words.
“You’ll regret this.”
Azriel said, eyes staring up at you in what seemed like shock and horror combined, a hint of guilt in there too. You only looked down at him, a sort of pissed off and sad “I told you so” in your expression.
You stuck your pointer finger out at him, right beneath his collarbones, where you could feel his heart beating. The bond kept lurching with emotions and thoughts that he tried to hide, to keep locked behind that silent fort he’d built up over the centuries.
“You can make your decision, but I won’t be some damsel in distress waiting for you. It’s me or her, Azriel. Choose wisely.”
You spat, before storming out, only to find Rhys leaning against the wall outside as you slammed the door behind you. He had a raised brow on his face and a slight frown, though the usual smug smile still plastered on.
You said, voice stiff as you glared at the High Lord.
“Easy, I’m just an innocent bystander.”
He said, raising his hands in mock innocence. In the months you’d been staying with them, you had learned that Rhysand was anything but innocent or a bystander in most, if not all situations.
“Go on, give your little advice. I know you’re dying to do so.”
You said in an exasperated tone, with a tiny hint of amusement as he smirked, and opened his mouth to speak with a dramatic wave of his hand.
“I think you should both give each other a second chance. Cassian and Nesta hated each other at first, and look at them now! Or, rather, hear them.”
He said, gesturing to the all-too-loud sounds of Nesta and Cassian enjoying their evening in the usual fashion in their room. You cringed, and he chuckled lightly.
“Seriously though, give each other a second chance. Doesn’t mean you have to be happy about it or immediately apologize, but personally, I think you two have some wonderful chemistry. I mean, the way you shoved that orange in his mouth? Spectacular-!”
“Thanks, Rhys.”
You said in a dry but also begrudgingly amused tone. Sometimes you wondered if the High Lord was really a radio host or a carnival director underneath. It would make a lot more sense than him playing the all-powerful but smug High Lord.
“Anytime, my wonderful advice is free of charge.”
He said before he was gone in half a second, winnowing probably, and you realized that he didn’t even live in the House of Wind, and he’d just been eavesdropping for fun, not even by accident.
You walked down the halls, eager to just rot in your bed all day, or something to distract you, when you ran into Mor, who was in a different dress today, red like usual, but it was lighter and airy, not usual for her. You raised a brow.
“Did you go shopping?”
You asked in a knowing tone, and she smiled, her eyes shining with guilt.
“It was on saaale..”
You let out a slight huff of laughter, shaking your head in amusement as you looked at the dress. It was cute, you wouldn’t deny that.
You and Morrigan hadn’t gotten along the best at first, which was quite natural considering her father had murdered more than half of your family, but things had eventually smoothed over.
“At least it’s cute. Better than whatever the hell you call those things you got the the Solstice.”
You said in an amused tone and she made a sound of mock-outrage.
“Such betrayal, when I put so much thought into it, too.”
She said, playfully shaking her head as she strode off into the halls, leaving you alone. Shopping didn’t sound like a bad idea. Maybe you could stop by Feyre’s art corner too.
The next few months had been miserable.
Azriel knew he fucked up. Elain had been completely moved to a different house for the time being and made no effort to contact him after the incident in his room. You were giving him a complete cold shoulder, and he wasn’t sure what to do about it.
Most days, Cassian and Nesta were there to act as a buffer between the two of you, but tonight they were both out on a date, leaving only you, Azriel, and the shadows in the House of Wind.
Azriel didn’t think he’d ever seen you scarf your food down so fast. Just another way to get away from him. To pretend he didn’t exist.
He knew he’d said things and implied things that were wrong, so very wrong, but he’d truly believed that you had malicious intentions up until the point where you’d shoved that orange down his throat and forced him to relive what you didn’t want to. Everything made much more sense now. Why you had been so prepared for some sort of raid on the shop, or why you’d grabbed the vial of volucrae first.
He’d been an idiot. Accusing you of trying to kill the High Lord.
His shadows tugged at him, trying to pull him away to fix things.
‘Our mate is hurt. Fix her.’
They would hiss at him, agitated and physically pulling him along. Just this once, he let them. So they would see how useless it was.
You were sitting off the edge of one of the many cliffs near the House of Wind, which made sense, given the sentient home had been built on the top of many mountains. The view was pretty, and almost worth the 10,000 step trek to get up. He still remembered how Feyre had taught you how to winnow the first few days so you didn’t have to suffer through the stairs.
He silently watched for a moment, letting the silence persist even as the shadows pulled him to you, forcing him to sit down next to you. They left him, lurking beneath you and gently inching up your hands. Traitors.
He began, his voice careful, ready to back off at any moment if what he said was too much.
You asked simply, as if he were nothing more than a bug. That made his temper flare far larger than he should’ve let it. You were the one who had shoved an orange down his throat and accepted the bond, even if not with good intentions. He’d been going insane with all sorts of primal urges and desires he didn’t even know he had anymore, and you just gave a “what?”?
Calm down, he told himself.
“I’m sorry.”
He said. It wasn’t enough, and he knew it. It fell short for the way he’d left you alone at the House of Wind with only Cassian and Nesta, or the cruel words he’d spewed to you, or the things he’d accused you of. Not to mention what Elain had made him do. Rhys had shown him, and he’d been disgusted ever since.
“Are you saying that because you really are sorry, or because I’m your mate?”
You asked, finally turning to look at him, eyes stubborn as ever even though you looked like you were about to cry. The sight made his heart ache.
“I’m sorry for the way I’ve treated you, what I’ve said and done, mate or not.”
He answered truthfully as the shadows crept further along your skin, their whispered touches cold but not uncomfortable. His eyes scanned you, taking in your body language and expression. Every hint of anything was taken in and evaluated because of years of training and practice.
You only sighed, flopping back onto the mossy patch behind you, not caring what bugs might lurk there.
“Yeah, well, I guess I’m sorry for being kinda bitchy.”
You begrudgingly said, he only smiled, joining you beside the moss, staring up at the sky. The stars were pretty tonight.
“I don’t think I’ve ever met another female that would shove an orange down my throat.”
He admitted in a slightly sheepish tone, which got a snort of laughter out of you, face scrunching up slightly like it always did when you laughed or smiled. He’d noticed.
Your hand was slowly enveloped by his, replacing the shadows as they wrapped around the both of you, pulling you closer until his wing was also shimmied under your back, curled around you, pulling you against him.
“It was warranted. But, I forgive you.”
You said, and he smiled, head leaning to the left against yours.
“I forgive you, too.”
He then admitted. You sighed, mind already wandering to the countless anxieties that plagued it. The future and all its potential problems.
“What’re we gonna do, Az?”
You asked, glancing over at him. He let out a hum of thought, meeting your gaze with his hazel eyes as he gently smiled.
“We’ll figure it out.”
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torialefay · 8 months
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📞 “Bye Basket” 💬
bangchan x reader (f); drabble, fluff
✨summary: chan is leaving for tour, which means having to leave you behind. he makes sure to do for you what he can before he leaves.
✨wc: 900
✨warnings: none
• “Christopher, let me innnnn,” you pounded on the door of the bedroom you both shared.
• “Give me 1 more minute!” you heard him panic from inside.
• ‘What could he possibly be doing that he wouldn’t want me to see? I literally see his bare ass every day,’ you thought.
• He had been the perfect little boyfriend lately. Cooking meals, complimenting you 24/7, and making it a point to cuddle you for an hour every night. Hell- the two of you had just gotten back from a haunted house because YOU wanted to go. There’s no way Chan would have picked that shit.
• But he knew how much you loved Halloween. Even if he didn’t.
• He knew how this was your favorite time of the year. Even if it wasn’t his.
• And he also knew that he was leaving tomorrow. Even if he didn’t want to.
• Tomorrow he was headed out to begin his next world tour, and although you were so so proud of him, your heart hurt. How could it not?
• You actively tried not to think about it, but it was hard. You’d gone through it before, so you knew everything would be okay, but it definitely would not be fun.
• “Okay, okay, okay,” you heard Chan say as he waddled toward the door. He unlocked it and pulled the door wide open.
• “You good?” you asked, still confused as to what was going on.
• “Yeah, look!” he smiled, swooping both of his hands toward the bed in a grand gesture to focus your gaze there.
• You walked toward the bed to see a small basket resting on top. Inside of it was… laundry? Just a bunch of black clothes. Albeit very neatly folded black clothes.
• ‘Proud of him for that one I guess.’
• “What am I looking at?” you raised an eyebrow.
• “Wellll, I know you wanted a Boo Basket,” he tilted his head to the side and opened his eyes wide, putting on a look as if to say ‘See, I pay attention.’
“But I thought with me leaving, a Bye Basket would be a bit better.”
• You looked back down to the small basket in front of you. You carefully went through the contents.
◦ Your favorite of all of his black hoodies. You remembered how his ears had turned red when you told him how handsome he looked in it.
◦ A small roller ball of his favorite cologne. Classic Chan to get you your own. Hell, he loved it so much, he’d probably be excited if you just decided to wear it now. Scratch that, he’d love that his signature scent had become yours too.
◦ 3 packs of your favorite candy. I guess he was well-trained at this point. He immediately got them for you every time he went out to grab something- even if you specifically said you didn’t want anything.
◦ A heavy silver chain-link bracelet. You carefully examined it, thinking it was weird he’d think to give you this considering you already wore this exact one. The one he created that says “STAY” across the front. He wore it often too. ‘Weird’… You looked down closer.
No, this was a special one. It didn’t say “STAY.” Instead, in his own handwritten font, the inscription “CHRISTOPHER.”
◦ A small polaroid photo. It was one he had insisted on taking a few nights ago when you were cuddled up on the couch. He gave in and watched a scary movie with you. Obviously it was such a special moment to him that he was willingly watching one, so he needed it to be a memory.
◦ A black… battery? Charger?
• “What is this thing?,” you asked, looking up to Chan.
• “It’s a battery extender. For your phone! So even if you’re out all day, you can still answer my calls and let me hear that sweet voice,” he beamed, obviously proud of himself.
• “Channie, this is perfect. You didn’t have to do all of this!”
• “But I did. I’m so so so sorry I have to leave you, my love.” He sat down on the bed, pulling you along to sit on his lap.
• “I’m so sorry that my job takes me away from you, but hopefully this will help suffice until I get back.”
• You cupped his face and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “I’ll manage.” You couldn’t help but smile.
• After Chan had left the next day, you went home to sulk.
• First plan of action: put that hoodie on.
• As you unfolded it and went to throw it over your head, a white slip of paper fell out.
• The final gift in the basket: a letter.
◦ “If you’re reading this letter, then it means I’m probably gone. I want you to know that wherever I travel, a piece of your heart is always going there with me. I promise I miss you more than you will ever miss me. I can’t wait to get back home to you already. This isn’t goodbye for long. I will be back before you know it. Love you forever. -Channie.”
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captainfern · 1 year
May i request your majesty 🐈..
Cosy! Sfw (or if you find a way to make it NSFW then go wild) headcanon/ imagine of fem! Reader, reading to the boys every night or after a mission?? Like.. so mother ?? Bc they mostly fight and train and wrestle so, they have a lil calm, story time moment with the reader ??
Ugh I’m reading a book rn and thinking I just wanna mother these boys and read them a story!! Babies !!!
"This Is Not A Book Club"
141 x gn!reader [platonic!]
[Imagines 1]
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• summary - what the request says :) • rating - sfw • wordcount - 1.8k • warnings - ik the request is for fem!reader but no specific pronouns/gendered language are used in this, pet name "love" is used once tho, strong language, no smut sorry fellow whores ✋
this idea is so fucking cute i just had to write it omfg. also i love that gif soap and ghost's interactions are just too adorable *pat pat*
You didn't mean for it to become a habit.
It began on a whim.
After a strenuous mission, you relaxed in your respective room, curled up in your bed, reading a book. The main light was off, and you relied on the soft glow of the lamp on your bedside table. It was a relatively new book— you were only a chapter or so in— when a light knock at your door made you jump.
You hadn't been expecting it. It was pretty late, too.
You were surprised when Gaz poked his head in, apologising for interrupting. He figured he could unwind in your room, since the rest of the 141 were doing their own thing, and he needed some company.
You accepted, of course— how could you not when he looked at you with those deep brown eyes?
He settled on the bed next to you, sprawling himself across it near your feet. You laughed as he sighed, face buried in your duvet. He lifted his head, peering at you quizzically.
"What are you reading?" He asked.
You held the book up. "I... honestly don't know. It's pretty good, so far though."
He hummed, intrigued, as he scooted closer to you, head now resting parallel to your thighs.
"Read to me?" He asked, long eyelashes casting shadows across his cheekbones beneath the lamplight.
You smiled. "I'm two chapters in."
"That's okay," he muttered. "Just fill me in on what's happening."
You did, explaining the last couple of chapters in as much detail as possible. You then told him what the book was about, reading the little summary on the back. By this stage, his head was now resting on your lap atop the blanket, hand cupping your slightly bent knee.
"Right, okay," he said. "Now you can read from where you were reading."
You chuckled at his enthusiasm for you to hurry up and begin. So, you obliged, reading a couple of chapters before his breathing slowed. You looked away from your book, realising that he had fallen asleep, head still resting in your lap. You smiled, gently patting his head.
He mumbled incoherently.
"Gaz, come on, you fell asleep," you giggled, nudging him. "You need to go to bed."
He yawned, forcing himself to sit up. His eyes drooped, bleary with drowse as he stumbled off of your bed.
"Fine, but I'll be back for the next chapter tomorrow." He muttered, leaving with his eyes barely open.
The next evening, at roughly the same time, Gaz found his way into your room again. This time, with Soap in tow.
"Soap?" You greeted skeptically.
"Gaz said you're reading to him. I like a good storytime, too." He smiled, sprawling himself out on the rug beside your bed. He didn't give you any room for argument as Gaz resumed his place resting against your lap.
"Oh...kay... do you want me to fill you in?" You asked as you grabbed your book from your bedside table.
Soap shook his head. "No, no, don't worry. Gaz filled me in on the way here."
You laughed. "Of course he did."
So that's how you began reading to both Gaz and Soap. That night, Soap did much the same as Gaz did previously by falling asleep— face to the ceiling, stretched out on your plush rug. His soft snores prompted your eyes away from the pages. Gaz, too, was drifting in and out of consciousness.
You closed the book gently. "Okay, you two, time for bed."
Gaz got up without much of a fuss, but he had to shake Soap to get the man to cooperate. Soap grumbled and complained the entire time Gaz hoisted him to his feet. Then, still muttering grumpily under his breath, he let Gaz lead him out of the room.
The next day really confused you.
Both Gaz and Soap turned up, and once they were comfortable in their usual positions, a soft knock echoed through your room. Soap opened the door for Price, much to your astonishment.
"You too?" You questioned as your captain took up position in your desk chair, near the foot of your bed.
He relaxed in the chair, legs spread and arms folded across his chest.
"Got nothing else to do, love." He said simply, imploring you to pick up the book with a nod of his head.
You were in slight disbelief, but nevertheless, you continued with the book. While Gaz and Soap relaxed, listening to the peaceful lull of your voice, Price asked the occasional question. You stopped patiently and replied, ignoring the frustrated groans from Soap on your floor.
"Just shut up and listen, Price."
"Watch it, MacTavish."
Not long later, you managed to finish the chapter before Soap fell asleep. You waved them all goodbye as they filed out of your room, and you forced yourself not to laugh as they did.
Now, if you were confused before, the next day threw you completely.
Once again, Gaz lay sprawled out on your bed beside you, Soap on the floor with his arms behind his head. Price returned, too, taking his place in your chair. Then, just one word into the newest chapter, the door creaked open.
Ghost slipped in, almost silently, and you couldn't help but gape at your lieutenant as he lumbered into the room, cozy black hoodie on and hands jammed into the front pocket.
"L.T, I knew you couldn't resist," Soap beamed from the floor. "You want in on the book club?"
You scoffed, smiling. "This is not a book club."
Ghost just shrugged at Soap. "Lonely outside when I can't hear you lot making a racket."
He stepped over Soap and sunk himself onto the end of your bed, leaning himself up against the wall. He stretched his legs out, brushing your and Gaz's feet, knees cracking as he settled down.
You stared at everyone, slightly dumbfounded. Then, you turned to Ghost.
"You're... here willingly?" You asked him.
"You... willingly want to listen to me read my book?"
You took a deep breath. "Right, okay, cool. Um, do you need—?"
"Johnny's given me a rundown." He mumbled.
Of course he had.
And that's how it started, just over two weeks ago. Every night, especially after a particularly rough mission, the boys seemed to gravitate to your bedroom. They'd curl up and listen to your soft voice as you read to them; reading them to sleep on many occasions.
Despite Ghost and Price's lack of enthusiasm compared to Soap and Gaz, you could tell they enjoyed it just as much as the younger two did. It made you smile, feeling all warm and fuzzy inside knowing you could bring these hardened military boys some peace and comfort.
"Okay, so you're telling me, the kid didn't even know he was a wizard?" Price asked, leaning forward in his chair.
You laughed. "No, he didn't. Well, now he does."
"Ridiculous." Price muttered, shaking his head.
Ghost scoffed. "It's unrealistic."
Soap rolled his eyes. "Obviously, Ghost, it's a fucking fictional book about wizards an' shite."
"No, I mean, some big cunt with a beard turned up with a fucking ugly cake and told the kid he's a wizard, and the kid just believed him?" Ghost grumbled. His attitude had definitely shifted since the first time he joined their little, as Soap called it, book club.
"Yeah, basically." You smiled.
You had just introduced them to the Harry Potter series. You weren't even halfway through the first book yet.
"Ridiculous." Ghost said, echoing Price.
"Well, what would you have done, eh?" Soap questioned, sitting up, now cross-legged on the fluffy rug.
"What, if a big cunt called Hagrid turned up on my eleventh birthday and told me I'm a wizard?" Ghost mused. "Woulda knifed him, Johnny."
"Whatever." Soap scoffed.
When they weren't arguing about the book you were reading them, the night's with the boys were really peaceful. Relaxing, too.
A balm for their tortured souls, and a salve for the wounds they had earned during battle.
Dusk would fall, and they would limp into the comfort of your bedroom, warm and smelling sweetly of you. Waves of exhaustion would pin them in place while they clung to the presence of you for stability. Some days, all four would find themselves curled up on your bed— Gaz laying next to you, head on your lap; Soap on the floor, but his head resting on the edge of your bed, a hand resting in the crook of your arm as you held the book; Ghost with his back to the wall, your legs propped up over his, his gloved hands stroking circles on your shins; Price settled next to Ghost, shoulder to shoulder, his legs beneath yours as well, a hand resting warmly around your ankle.
They listened carefully, silently, as you read to them, basking in the comforting warmth of you. Battered, bruised, and bleeding from the cuts of battle, they rested tranquilly at your side. Their ears were no longer ringing with echoes of explosions, nostrils no longer filled with the acrid stench of gunpowder and death. They could hear only you, voice silken with each word you spoke. They could smell only you, the candles that burned and permeated the air, rich and sweet and a consoling sense of familiarity.
Towards the end of a chapter, you could sense a shift in the room. Some time ago, Soap had wiggled in beside you, head in the bend of your arm and shoulder. He breathed deeply, slowly, eyes closed and hair dishevelled against the sleeve of your shirt. Gaz, too, breathed slowly as sleep had overtaken him, hand still heavy on your knee.
Ghost had slumped to the side, somehow managing to tuck his hulking frame between Gaz and the wall. Mask still on, you could see his eyes, closed and smeared with black. Price, too, had fallen asleep; still, impressively, sitting upright. His head tilted forward, hat low over his forehead, snoring softly.
You sighed to yourself, closing the book and carefully putting it back on your nightstand, mindful not to disrupt Soap curled into your side like a cat. You nestled back into your bed, snuggled up with your task force, a sight you had never thought you'd see. As you wiggled to get comfortable, Soap stirred, groaning as he looked up at you, still resting his head near your chest.
"S'all right, go back to sleep." You whispered, angling your arm so it draped securely over top of him.
He didn't reply verbally, just burrowed deeper into your side, reaching a hand around to physically tighten your arm around him. He ran his thumb over your knuckles, before he fell back asleep.
Your other hand found Gaz's head, delicately skimming his hairline, smoothing along the soft skin of his forehead and cheek. You heard him sigh contentedly, still deep asleep.
Eventually, the warmth of the room and powerful bodies around you carried you to sleep.
And it was the best sleep you ever had.
idk if this was good or not lmao but thank you my darling anon <3 this was nice to write mwah mwah xx
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graysnetwork · 10 months
i was watching Gilmore girls at the beginning of the year i think and then i suddenly got the urge to watch again, so i'm finally on the last episode of season 2. Im completely in love with Tristan but at the moment i'm loving jess (i also searched up jess edits on tiktok and i've spoiled things for myself so i will be debating on skipping that one scene)
Also Ik this is not the best but I hope u guys like it
Warnings— none
Summary— Jess is turning into a great student and Luke not lorelai can think of a reason he’s become an amazing kid all of a sudden.
The library
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Two full weeks, two full weeks had gone by now and no calls from the school had been made to Luke's phone. This was more concerning than actually getting calls from the school. And another notable thing was that Jess started leaving every day at the same time 6:30 and he'd come back home at 9:30 or even earlier.
Luke was getting suspicious but he didn't exactly know how to bring it up since it was very possible he was cheating on his tests, maybe copying off some one else for work. So he decided he'd mention it another day, and every time that decided day came by he'd put it off again, and again.
the two of them were in the diner, it was surprisingly very quiet, there was only one person which was also surprising and then the person walked out. Jess started cleaning up the table before checking his watch.
He dropped the towel and rushed upstairs, he came back down with a backpack, had he been hiding that thing?
"where are you goin?" Luke asked, finally looking up from the counter “somewhere.” “what do you have in there?” “some things” he shrugged and opened the door, before he could even get one foot out the door he could hear Luke’s heavy steps get closer to him, he turned around again.
“What do you have in there” Luke said again, “why do you wanna know, it’s nothing important” Jess rolled his eyes and checked his watch again.
“I’ve never even seen you come outside with a backpack, and I need to know if you’re stealing things again” Luke gave him an annoyed stare, Jess unzipped the the bag and showed the books in his backpacks.
“Oh” Luke muttered, and looked over to the side “happy? Cause I need to get going” he zipped the bag up again. “where have you been going?” Luke sighed, it was time he got the truth.
“why do you wanna know?” Jess rolled his eyes again, “because I gotta know these things” another sigh came out of Luke, and Jess mumbled something. It took a good few minutes to get him to admit.
“I’m goin to the library”
He said it quietly but at least it was coherent.
“You’re late” you smiled as Jess sat down in front of you, “I know, I’m sorry, Luke wouldn’t let me go until I told him where I was going and what I was bringing” he smiled back at you and took out his books. “well, you’re here now, that’s what matters to me, now what’s today? math?” You smiled again and the two of you started opening your books.
“Today is math day” jess nodded and started reading your math notes.
“Jess, in the library? Is he meeting behind it and doing something?” Lorelai drank her coffee, “I didn’t think about that” Luke said as he gave her a doughnut.
The moment very quickly ended when Jess came in and quickly went upstairs without saying a word, Luke and Lorelai could hear the thud from Jess’s backpack hitting the floor.
Jess came back down and grabbed a doughnut; pink icing. Very weird to the two adults in the diner. Unknowing to them the only reason he grabbed it was because you swore that the pink icing on the doughnuts taste different.
“So anything new and interesting happening?” You asked as you and Jess walked around after studying, it was the quickest you’ve ever studied but that was because it was English, all jess had to do was read and write some answers.
“no, but, if you call getting a new shipments for the diner interesting, than yes, there something new happening” he smiled at you, “sounds very interesting” you smiled back at him.
“what about you?” Jess turned to you again “what about me? Nothing” you shrugged “cmon there’s gotta be something that’s happened so far this week” Jess said, “there’s nothing, nothings happened, and im 100 percent sure nothings gonna happen” you smiled again at him.
He wrapped his arm around your shoulder and smiled “how about I give you something to look forward to then since you’re free” Jess’s brows perked up, “really? how?” your hand reached up and grabbed his that was on your shoulder.
“how bout you, me, and chinese food, and we can do it on, Friday? You said your parents are leaving on Friday right?” He smiled as you two got closer to Luke’s diner.
“yeah, my parents are going on Friday.. that sounds like a plan” you smiled “it’s a date” he smiled. “Cmon I’ll walk you home” he walked past the diner “thanks Jess” you wrapped your arm around his waist as the two of you continued you way down the street.
“Did I see that right?” Lorelai’s eyes were wide and her brows were furrowed, “wow” Luke said, it was the only thing that could be uttered at the moment as they had just seen; You and Jess walking together.
“That must be why he’s going to the library so much! y/n’s always at the library!” Her mouth hung open in shock, it was silent for a few moments “y’know what, this is good” like said as he nodded while drinking his coffee.
“This is good?” She looked at him confused, “yes, he’s doing good in school, and it seems like he really likes y/n, as long as he isn’t hurting her, or doing bad things than I’m happy about this” Luke smiled “I guess this is good..” Lorelai smiled back at him.
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pearlywritings · 1 year
Your bed is enough
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synopsis: after experiencing a not so nice day at work, Diluc decides to stay at your place tonight
prompt: 27
requested by: @bobaboob
pairing: Diluc x fem!reader
tw: pure fluff, domestic moment, established relationship (you are engaged)
word count: 1.2k+ words
a/n: check my Token of appreciation writing event!
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It feels like hours have passed since the moment Diluc put the key from the tavern in his jacket’s pocket and took your inviting hand to follow you home. Though home in your and his case could mean two places - either the winery, where he offered you to move in with him a couple of months ago, which with the recent engagement feels absolutely right, or your apartment, situated in the city itself.
And tonight it’s the latter.
Diluc rarely complained and even more rarely he complained out loud, but the evening was worse than he could ever remember. Nothing functioned right - both Charles and a couple of waitresses had fallen sick the day before (he’s gonna find and strangle that merchant from Inazuma who’d offered them, as it turned out, expired snacks from his land), the number of patrons was surprisingly and almost overwhelmingly high, some barrels came with broken taps and he’ll have to deal with extra work tomorrow both with the casks’s supplier and the workers who missed the defect… Oh, and then one of the drunkards must’ve been in such a stupefied haze that he mistook the red-haired male with someone and intentionally spilled a bottle of wine all over his already messy uniform, blaming him for seducing his wife and taking her away from him. The Ragnvindr nearly exploded back then, and the man was out of the door before he could realize who’d he just offended.
You got it - the evening was horrendous.
And even now, in a bath, in your oh so familiar bathroom, in the comfort of your - now also shared - living space, with you getting ready for bed on the other side of the door, he can’t shake off that exhaustion that enveloped him like a heavy cocoon. Hopefully he’ll manage to scrub the smell of alcohol off of him at least.
When he emerges into the bedroom with a towel on his head and some loose sleeping pants sitting low on his hips, he finds you standing in front of your bed, already dressed for sleep, and staring at the piece of furniture with utmost concentration. There is a line between your brows, your pretty lips are pursed and arms crossed. In his eyes even this looks ethereal - if that’s one of the views he’s going to witness once you become his wife - getting to see you focused and serious while helping the winery owner with his work affairs, - then he wants to marry you as soon as possible. He really can’t wait to add another ring to that beautifully crafted engagement one on your finger.
Forcing himself out of his blissful dreams and deciding to finally ask what brought you to such a state, Diluc makes his presence known with a polite cough. You immediately whip your head in his direction, and the previous signs of your brooding are gone, replaced with a soft smile and a bright glimmer in those eyes he loves so much.
“Oh, you are out already,” uncrossing your arms, you make a step closer and he does the same, until you two are standing in front of each other and your hands reach to the towel. “Are you feeling better, dear?”
“Somewhat,” he answers honestly, lowering his eyelids, letting you wipe the heavy mass of his hair dry. “Do I still smell of alcohol?”
“Hmm…” You move your face even closer, sniffing air close to his chest. “No, I don’t smell any. Oh wait, how about here…” and you shamelessly press your face into his neck, making the man shudder and open his eyes. You caught him off guard and shook him out of his drowsy state.
“My flame?” He feels your hands still in his hair and you softly giggle, tickling the sensitive skin even more.
“What?” Is muffled against his shoulder and Diluc shakes his head. But there is a slip of an adorning smile and he can practically feel some weight of the evening disappear.
“Nothing, my dear. If you haven’t suffocated yet, then there is none.”
You plant a kiss where his neck and shoulder connect and draw your face away, tugging the towel and completely dragging it off of his head. Ah, here it is, the bright grin he loves so much and readily mirrors in response.
“Yeah, there is none. Only an amazing smell of my body wash. Now you smell like me.”
“And I am honored,” he says sincerely, to which you happily hum, disappearing in the bathroom and reappearing only a moment after. “But I can’t help but wonder what got you so deep in thought?”
At first you raise a brow at him, but when he motions to the bed it clicks, and you hum, long and thoughtful.
“Oh, nothing, really. I was just thinking that maybe I should get a new bed. You know, enough to fit two people?”
Ah, that’s what it was about. Admittedly, Diluc is a big man - both tall and muscular, and you have only a one-person’s bed, which he alone could take over completely if lying sprawled. He knows he could always take the couch, but in those few times he stayed at your place, you insisted on sleeping together. And those closely tight embraces under the same blanket are ones of the fondest memories the redhead possesses.
“You know, we could redecorate this place a little and use it more frequently when one of us doesn’t have enough strength to go all the way to the winery. And the bed could be the first step.”
“Is your bed cramped when we sleep together?”
He is as surprised as you are when the question hangs in the air - he didn’t expect it to just burst out of his mouth. However, he also doesn’t want to let go of this tight, but so comforting space just yet - admittedly, it gives him some indescribable sense of completeness.
You stare at him silently, as if trying to guess what he’s thinking about and what answer he expects. But nothing is better than the truth itself.
“It is,” crimson eyes widen slightly and are immediately cast down. Not letting him dwell long on whatever he’s already imagined in his head, you step closer, touching his scarred forearm, gently gliding your fingertips over the skin, asking for his attention. And when he gives you just that, Diluc sees a reassuring smile. “In the good way.”
You chuckle softly when he releases a sigh of relief, and reach to cup his cheek, feeling your heart skip a beat when he leans into your open palm.
“But I am worried that you are uncomfortable. I see how much you love to stretch in the morning while in bed at the winery, and there is not enough space in my bed. And I can be in the way of your outstretched arm-”
“You are never in the way,” the words are firm and the dancing flame in the depths of his eyes is proof enough. “You are right by my side. And that’s why it’s perfect.”
“Oh, you…”
With the trilling laughter you let him fall onto his back, landing on the soft mattress, and draw your body right on top of his. Your chemise rides up, bearing your thighs, and rough fingers don’t wait long to dig into plush skin. You stare down at him, with palms firmly planted on his wide chest, feeling the steadily beating heart under the fingertips, relishing in the appreciative look he is giving you. And for all of that and so much more your bed is perfect, because it's enough.
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radioisntdead · 5 months
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Maybe one day I could learn to love you..
Alastor x reader, Human au!
Alastor and reader are put in an arranged marriage and, one of them falls and the other doesn't know where he stands.
Murder, death, inaccurate portrayal of the 1920's??, OOC, this was edited but there are probably misspellings around, not beta read [How do I acquire a beta reader??] Me projecting my Aroace vibes onto the reader and Alastor, reader is implied to be afab (is that the right term?) because 1920's but GN, also reader is put in a wedding dress.
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You and Alastor didn't know each other super well, you knew each other well enough to be friends but not super close, the only way the two of you even met was because his mother was a close friend of yours,
The two of you were "getting up there in age." and "should marry soon."
Frankly neither of you wanted to get married but you couldn't exactly express that to your folks, and Alastor couldn't bare to see his mother sad that she wouldn't be able to see her only child start a family.
There was only so many times you could use the "haven't met the right person'' excuse before they decided to set you and Alastor up.
You and Alastor sat at a café to see how things play out and long story short agreed that it would be beneficial for the two of you to wed, a marriage of convenience.
His mother would be satisfied in thinking her son wouldn't be alone when she was gone, and your parents wouldn't nag at you, saying you'd become a spinster.
You sat in a dressing room, in a beautiful white dress, your mother was right outside along with a few family members, you could barely make out their voices saying how excited they were.
You looked into the mirror, your makeup was beautifully done, hair done up like a princess's
Anxiety filled you, you wondered if you would feel like this if you were marrying someone you had romantic feelings for?
You shook your head and took a deep breath, standing up you opened the door, being greeted by smiling faces.
Can we become we,
You walked down the aisle, a painted smile plastered on your face.
No longer known as just you and me
Alastor continually smiled, not breaking it as the two of you exchanged vows.
he gently took your hand and slid the ring onto your finger, taking a moment to lift your hand and kiss it,
You could hear a few folks in attendance cooing at the action, you could already hear the on-coming whispers of how 'in love' the two of you seemed.
Two separate lives now in unity
"You may now kiss the bride."
It was quick, a small peck before turning around to face your loved ones and others that were invited.
Stuck here together but
Unease filled you as the reception came to an end, after the concerning amount of dancing and drinking, it was time for them to bid the two of you farewell for your honeymoon, you hugged your parents goodbye, he did the same with his mother and the two of you stepped into the car and there you went.
Will this always be just an arrangement
You were uneasy as you got ready for bed, silently praying that you wouldn't have to do anything, but preparing yourself for the possibly that you would just have to grin and bare it, lay back and disassociate.
Thankfully nothing happened, Alastor bid you a goodnight and promptly passed out.
And neither of you brought it up, consummating your marriage was never a topic between you, and for that the two of you were secretly relieved.
You were glad you married Alastor out of all people. [Said no one ever]
Can we become more
As time went on you and Alastor became closer, and feelings began to consume you, sneaking in slowly, it started with you noting how Alastor preferred more bitter or savory foods as opposed to sweets, or how he preferred black coffee to tea.
It was the 1920's, you didn't have a term for what you were back then, and so you thought you were just not meant to be in love, that maybe something was wrong with you? Why weren't you wired like your peers were? You thought that maybe you were too young for feelings like that but you realized that wasn't the case as you grew
You remember talking with your friends, and while they were more prone to crushes or saying what they would do to someone based off their appearance, you always felt a little odd, you were reassured by them saying maybe you just had higher standards, or just hadn't met the right person yet,
But that didn't really explain the fact that you didn't look at a person and think that you wanted to bed them
Than half of a union we’re chosen for?
Alastor had a similar experience, although he had been different in other ways, after all he did killed people so that probably had an effect on it (it probably did but not in this case)
His dear mama just told him he hadn't met the right person yet, and he didn't have a reason not to believe his mother.
On his side he was going to avoid it as long as he could, and he did until he was matched up with you, and wedded.
It not only gave him a cover, you were a perfect alibi, it gave his mama peace of mind.
You were a good companion as well, you weren't overly touchy, you were smart and had your wits about, you could keep up with him,
You became a good friend who he just so happened to wed.
Where I am your best half
The romantic feelings you felt you clung onto desperately, afraid that if you let them go you'd never be able to feel them again, after all where would you find someone like Alastor? [In a Prison probably]
Not to mention the two of you were already married so that was already a done deal, this is the best situation to be in, right? Falling in love with a person you were already married to?
And I am yours
Your affections became more obvious by the day, lingering touches, acts of service becoming more frequent, spending more time together.
For Alastor it was becoming harder to hide the Blood stains that would get on his shirts from you.
Stuck here forever and hopefully not ending in estrangement
Alastor's mother absolutely adored you, you were a decent person, loving and caring to her son, not to mention you were such a sweetheart to her, helping her in the kitchen, helping her move around as it got harder to do in her old age.
It’s the step of faith, We have to take sometimes
His Ma sat him down one day while you were out running errands, telling him to cherish you more,
Not wanting to disappoint his ma, he slowly but surely began to return your affections a bit more, not by much but a little bit more.
If I’m, with you, I can take it
The two of you would go dancing at the speakeasy Mimzy worked at, cook together, he'd murder people behind your back, the two of you would spend time together doing projects like puzzles.
But if we are one, What happens to you and I
Alastor's mother started getting sick.
It started with a cough, which she dismissed to you and Alastor as just a cold, that didn't stop the two of you from making her meals and making her rest but it got worse, the cough turned into hacking late at night and struggling to breathe.
If I’m, with you, I will make it
The doctors couldn't do much, only suggesting medicines that would give her relief.
Will this always be just an arrangement? We’ll find out in time if we don’t break it
You were there with her, at one side while Alastor was at her other, Alastor held her hand as she breathed her last breath.
Can mine become yours, combining our dreams
Alastor was a complete and utter mess, after all that was his mother, the person closest to him besides you, gone.
He would never see her again, he would move to call her and tell her good news,
She wasn't there,
He went to call her at noon like he did every day?
She wasn't there, he had to train himself to not automatically go to the phone, if he found himself dialing her telephone he'd hear the phone operator ask who he's trying to call, and he'd have a moment to remember that the person he was trying to call was no longer with them.
Without keeping score
You were a shoulder to cry on, helping him keep sane, the two of you grieved for his mother together, you helped plan a great funeral, sparing no expense she was practically a second mother to you after all.
Always together, but never bored, No choice in the matter but
The world didn't end when his mother died, he was lucky enough to get a few weeks off but Radio waits for no one, and he was needed back.
This will never work without each other
He went to work, you'd listen in on the radio while doing whatever you did, working, vibing, I don't know what you did for a living.
Can we become we, start a new line on this family tree
Things healed, they would never be the same, obviously you can't bring back the dead, but things were okay, the two of you had each other especially after the stock market crash and everything that followed,
Two hearts connected by one beat
You had a special place in Alastor's twisted murdery heart, it was likely that Alastor wouldn't return your affections, but that was alright, you were content staying near him.
Your hand in mine and
The two of you were dancing, he held your hand as he twirled you around, looking into his eyes with your own lovesick ones you smiled
"I could never choose to love another"
It slipped out, it took the two of you a moment to process it, Alastor let out a sigh, a twinge of guilt? Or something else flashed in his eyes
"Maybe one day I can learn to love you, too."
One day would never come through, for your life was cut short before Alastor's, a bad flu had taken you out, folks often forget how deadly the flu can be.
Alastor was by your side as you breathed your last.
The world didn't stop spinning because you died, but he didn't handle it well, first his Ma and now you, two of the most important people in his life gone just like that, both taken out by some type of sickness, was this punishment for murdering people? The two innocent people he cherished perishing?
Alastor would more then likely never see you or his mother again because when he fell below you were safe and sound above.
While Alastor was clawing for power below you were living your best afterlife above, doing whatever hobbies your heart desired, moving forward with new friends, family that included Alastor's mother, and maybe a paramour? Or maybe not, you were okay with or without one.
Unfortunately for Alastor you were embedded in his memory, every once in awhile you would pop in late at night when he was trying to sleep or do something productive, plaguing his mind with what ifs.
On the other side you were blessed with ignorance, after all he couldn't haunt your memories, he couldn't pop into your mind with what ifs, and you couldn't miss Alastor if you didn't remember him.
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Good evening folks! I need to quit killing the reader off, sorry this was delayed!
I was going to go a completely different direction with this but that would've had a happy ending
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babygirl-riley · 1 year
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Ghost and you have been co workers with benefits for while. Will something change?
Warnings: smut, porn with no plot, piv, f!receiving, simon being spoiled, mask kink, voice kink, little semi public sex(?), secret relationship, swearing, fluff
“Means we can break any law. I find it funny that you’re the only one I look for.”
simon x reader guide
simon x reader smut list
The meeting was hard to focus, it was steps for the upcoming assignment. Cartel was making moves that have become more erratic and more dangerous. Even though yes that is bad, you couldn’t get over the fact Ghost brushing his hand up your thigh, higher and higher, giving a quick squeeze before retracting.
It’s been two months since you both been fucking. It was wrong. Him being your lieutenant and you being his sergeant. The first time you both fucked it was behind ammo crates, you both were fighting then next thing you know he was hiking you up and pushing his cock into you. The sex has been fast and hard never in between.
There was also a rule, ABSOLUTELY no kissing. You both agreed that kissing made it real and what you both have is NOT real. Just a release. However, today you had to end it. Soap almost caught the both of you when you were fucking in the showers. Thinking that it was empty until the door open, Soap singing to the high heavens. Asking Ghost if he is in here and to discuss some football.
“Wheels we be up tomorrow mornin’. 0500,” Price said closing the meeting up. “Get rest.”
You were up and leaving first, you needed to breathe. How could you end it when your skin goes up in flames ANYTIME he touches you. Ghost knew something was up based how you would be leaving right after you both fucked or even not touching him subtlety. He would never admit it but he was touched deprived. For some ungodly reason he loved when you would give that attention to him.
Ghost didn’t want it, he needed you. He needed your touch, your attention, just fucking you. He needed you. Ghost never felt like he was a moth to a flame, always returning when it would start shining in the darkness. Ghost never went back to women, rarely at most. If he did call back it was twice possibly three times before he would disappear on them. Not only you were on his team but he couldn’t shake you off.
Ghost knew that it was wrong as well. Just couldn’t leave you, he hated when you would laugh at Soap’s jokes to patting Gaz’s shoulder. He was possessive. You were his. This new feeling came only a week ago, feeling his blood boil with rage when watching things unfold.
You didn’t expect a knock on your door. Half of you at least. You knew the knock. Ghost. Once the door opened he stepped in cornering you inside. “We can’t do this.” You mumbled as he closed the door behind him.
“Can’t what.” He said gripping your hips as he got closer.
“This.” You whispered as you smelt his smell. The gun powder. Cologne. Cigarettes.
He didn’t say anything but his face getting closer to yours. “Probably.”
“We should stop this.” You whispered having your back pressed more into the wall as he moved your thighs to plant one of his in between. Ghost lift his mask up, you felt his breath on your lips. A new feeling boiling up into you.
“Probably would be the smar’ route,” He whispered his sigh making an imprint on your lips. God all you wanted was to kiss him, smash your lips together. Break the rule. “I just need-just one. Bloody. Kiss.”
You looked down at his lips then to his eyes. “That would break many rules Ghost.”
“Simon.” He said quickly. “And we have already broken many love.”
Your heart started to race. “Simon.” You whispered then next thing that happened his lips were on yours. You gasped at first and didn’t know what to do. However you kissed back, both of you fighting for dominance of the kiss.
You thought you were going to be in charge until he backed you up to the bed. You laid down as he moved on top of you, he slid his hands under your shirt sending shivers down your spine. Everything was feeling good, his hands, his lips, the tent that formed in his pants. You wanted it all. Even though few minutes ago you were about to break it off. How could you now?
Ghost…Simon broke the kiss as he kissed your cheek, your jawline, then your neck. You hummed as you moved your head for him to be able to give access better. His kisses on your neck were sloppy then he bite not too hard to leave a mark but hard enough to have you curl into him.
“I dreamt of this,” He whispered into your ear taking it between his teeth before lifting your shirt off. “Latchin’ my lips onto your skin Tasting ya fully,” You moaned as he gripped your beasts. “We made the rule of no kissing but the more I thought about it the more it became addicting to think of. Like an itch ready to be scratched.”
You lifted yourself up to have him throw your shirt across the room. “Ghost I-.”
“Simon,” He bite hard onto your shoulder making you gasp. “I’m not your Ghost anymore. You call me by my name yeah?”
You nodded as he kept kissing down. You felt like your body was on fire, he has only had his lips on your cunt, liking it, eating it like a man starved. Right now however he is slow, precise, hitting all the soft spots on your skin. Mapping out different locations that made you tic.
Simon latched his mouth on one of your nipples as he swirled it around. You sighed as you rutted up into him, everything just was intensified. He slid his hands down to your jeans unbuttoning and shoving them down with your panties. He sucked hard onto the nipple before releasing it with a pop the started with the next one.
You softly kicked your legs to hear your clothing drop on the floor. You looked down at him, his painted eyes shut, looking like he was in heaven. It made you pussy clench around nothing, he just looked beautiful like this. He did the same event that he did on your other nipple then kissed in between your breast before opening his eyes. You both locked eyes as he kissed more down towards the place you wanted.
You didn’t even realized you stopped breathing by the time he kissed both of your thighs. “Simon stop teasing.” It was suppose to come out more authoritative but it came out as a whine.
Simon chuckled blowing on your cunt. “Needy needy,” He whispered before pressing a finger on your clit. “Fucking soaking doll.”
You hissed feeling that familiar shock course through you. “Simon please.” You begged basically almost panting.
Simon smirked at you before licking a long strip from your entrance to your clit, giving it a small flick with his tongue. You gasped gripping the sheets as he started devouring you cunt. Sucking and biting. You rolled your hips following his movements with his tongue. “Fuck,” You whispered as his tongue played with your hole. Simon could feel you tightening from it. He moaned sending the vibrations right into your core. “Ah!” You yelped, it’s like he has never touched you like this before. When you both first started fucking, your body was sensitive and needy.
The noises that came from his mouth was ungodly, the slurping, the squashing noises coming from your wetness. It was pornographic. Simon entered one of his fingers into your entrance, making your eyes roll. “Fuuuck,” You sighed feeling him pump his finger in and out of you before adding a new one in. “Right there Simon.”
“Say it again,” His voice was mumbled still latched onto your cunt. “Say my name.”
You started to pant as your orgasm was closing in. Before you could say his name a knock came at the door. You jumped, you tried to get back up before Simon’s large hand placed you down. He shook his head now going slowly on your pussy. You glared at him trying to get up before he bite your thigh. “Y/n I have paperwork for your assignment tomorrow.” Price.
You froze and gasped as Simon continued to suck on your clit. He gave you the look of ‘You gonna answer.’ Again you glared at him before clearing your throat trying to gather your thoughts. “Perfect, will you slide it underneath the door?”
It was silent at first, you bite the back of you hand as Simon pumped his fingers harder and faster onto the spongy spot. You quietly whimpered as your eyes rolled back. Your orgasm was coming quick and you tried to hold. You heard the paper slide under, feeling relief. “Of course. Remember 0500.”
“Yes sir.” You couldn’t believe that Simon kept going as you answered.
Simon then started to suck hard on your clit. Making you lay back fully trying to move away. Simon locked his arms around your legs pinning you down. “I know you almost there dove,” His fingers being sucked in and held made him want to cum right then and there. You were a naughty minx, he kept thinking to himself. How you were clenching anytime you would try to withhold a moan. How fast he moves his fingers. “You can cry all you want now.”
That you did, you whimpered as you felt yourself clenching around his fingers. Simon loved watch how his fingers would be engulfed as you whined through your orgasm. He made one last lick before kissing your thighs. “There ya go pretty.” He whispers as you heard the unbuckling of his belt.
“Simon everything.” You whisper looking down at him. He gave you a quizzed look. “All your clothes.”
Simon stood there before pulling his sweatshirt over his head and pulled both pants and boxers down. You sat up placing your hands on his abdomen. “Come here.” You whispered as he leaned down kissing you.
He kept kissing you as he lined his cock up to your entrance. He slowly push in, both of you stopped kissed as he grunted. Your mouth gaped open, you sighed as he settled into you. His cock pressed against your cervix. “Fuck.” He whispered leaning down to kiss you once more.
You whimpered into the kiss when he pulled out and slammed back in. God it felt like home, him being inside of you. Feeling his cock rub against your walls. His kiss. You grabbed onto his bare back, gripping his muscles, feeling them contract. Going over his scars softly, you would usually be surprised that he would even show off his bare body, besides his face. Right now, you just enjoyed his presence, he is handsome with it without scars.
You felt his hands grab yours as he put them above you. Gripping your wrists, you latched one of your legs up as he started to speed up. His cock hitting that spot that made you see stars. You grabbed around his neck kissing him once again. Both of your tongues dancing as both of your hips slapped against one another.
Simon moaned into your mouth as you second orgasm starting to spill out. You whimpered as your pussy clenched around his cock, begging to milk into you. You whined loudly as you gripped everywhere on him, bliss filling your veins. Simon kept his lips on your swallowing your moans and gasps. His thrust became harder and faster, one of his hands snaking down to your hip pinning you.
He stopped kissing you as his placed his forehead against yours. “I-I know this,” He hissed feeling his orgasm creeping in. “I can’t-I can’t stay away.” He whispered thrusting harder, sloppier.
You moaned from him saying that, you didn’t want to end it. You wanted more. You needed him. You wanted him. “I can’t either Simon.” You whined cupping his cheeks, watching his face soften.
Simon groaned deeply, looking into your eyes. You felt him faltering and his cock twitching more, his long vein rubbing against your walls. You could feel another orgasm coming, you snaked your hand between you and him and rubbed you clit.
“Ah-Simon please,” You yelled the coil burning through your skin. “I need you to cum with me please!”
Simon went faster his thrust sloppy. “Of course, I’m-bloody hell-I’m right there!” He said loudly.
Simon placed his face on the side of your neck. Panting loudly, you gripped his neck and wrapped your legs around his waist. You came hard, harder than you ever had with him. Simon grunted and slammed into you pushing himself farther than he was before. You felt your walls become full of his cum, mixing yours and his together.
Both of you laid there for a moment, sweat sticking to each other. His weight wasn’t all the way pressured but enough to feel like a blanket. You rubbed his back, having your hand go up and down into his mask, through his hair. “I’m serious,” Simon mumbled pulling his arm on the other side of your neck in. “I can’t stay away. If you tell me that it’s done, I don’t know if I could.”
You laid there for a moment thinking how the hell it got to this point. You couldn’t either. “What are we going to do?” You sighed.
Simon pushed himself up, shaking a bit. “We have to keep it a secret love.”
You laughed rolling your eyes. “It didn’t seem like you wanted to when Price was here.”
Simon smiled, actually smiled. It was rare for him, especially when it wasn’t just the two of you. “Yeah he probably knows already.”
You smacked his shoulder. “He would be the one to keep our secret from, you muppet.”
Simon chuckled pushing a wet strand of hair out of the way. “This is going to be fun.” He kissed your cheek. You sighed rolling your eyes once more. He started to pull out, you winced and felt disappointed. Even your pussy was upset that he left. “Come here Sargent.”
He laid against your pillow taking you with him. “Yes sir.” You whispered leaning into him. You both slept softly, shit you know that this secret wouldn’t last long.
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daengtokki · 8 days
I’d love to read about Seungmin taking care of you while you’re sick. I know he’d be so sweet and loving 🥰
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Kim Seungmin/gn!reader
wc: 1.1k
rating: fluff
Day 3 of Seungmin's birthday oneshot countdown!
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A crash echoing in from the kitchen wakes you from your doze, and you groan so loudly you’re afraid he hears it. What could he have possibly dropped? All he was doing was grabbing the painkillers. He’s trying his best. He doesn’t even have to be here right now.
“I’m sorry. I couldn’t get the drawer open, something was stuck inside…uh, here ya go.” His clenched fist hovers over you, and he drops two capsules in your palm. “Are they the right ones?”
And the migraine is just making you more sensitive. Having him with you while you’re feeling under the weather is brand new. "Yeah, thank you."
“Oh, you need a drink”
“No, I have my water”
He stops and turns back to you, a shy smile stuck on his face. This isn’t the first time, or the second time he’s been here, but it’s never for very long, and never overnight. And he doesn’t have to take time away from his own busy schedule for you, ever—you’ve told him that countless times. But now it’s late and Seungmin is still at your apartment, comfortable in his shorts and sweatshirt and his warm socks. You don’t think you’ve ever been more attracted to him than you are right now.
“I’ll be right back”
He spins and heads back to the kitchen, and you listen carefully to try to figure out what he’s doing. The faucet, the cabinet doors opening and closing, and the clink of cups, or mugs…he must be making tea. Eventually, the scent drifts into the bedroom—spicy and sweet. Seungmin returns with a mug in each hand, and he’s taking his time, being as careful as possible as he sets them on the bedside table.
“I’m not sure if it really works, but I saw it when I stopped at the store on the way here. If it just tastes good, I guess that’s okay, too.”
The pounding in your head becomes unbearable, and you have to squeeze your eyes shut. “What is it?” You whisper, trying not to sound too irritable.
“How bad is the pain…one to ten?” Seungmin carefully sits on the edge of the bed, your mug of tea in his cupped hands.
It does smell nice. “Uh…a seven, maybe.”
“It’s supposed to help with headaches”
“Oh, you’re so sweet. Come over here”
“Yeah?” You nod again, and he nods back. “Okay.”
This is also brand new, sharing a bed. It’s a shame the first time has to be under these circumstances, but you’ll take him any way you can get him. The original plan was to have dinner, but after a few subtle hints, you managed to turn it into a late dinner and a sleepover. The migraine ruined it, but Seungmin still insisted on coming over, even if all you did was stay in bed and put up with him.
“It’s okay if you don’t like it. It’s very gingery.”
“It smells good.” You take a sip, and it’s not too hot, so you take a bigger one. “Thank you.”
Seungmin keeps a careful distance on top of the blankets—too much distance, but he’s going to treat you like this migraine could break you at any moment. You have to look at him through squinted eyes, try to smile and let him know you’ll be okay if he gets closer. You’ll be okay if he touches you.
“The lights...I forgot to turn the lights down.” He’s up and headed for the kitchen again. The light clicks off. Back in the bedroom, he flicks the light switch on the wall, so now the only glow is from the hallway light spilling in through the cracked door. “That’s better.”
“Much better. Six.”
Back on the bed, same distance. He nervously rubs his thighs, and his knees.
“You look cute in your pjs. Is this what you usually wear to bed?”
The pink on his cheeks rises slowly, and ends at the tips of his ears. You don’t think it was that odd of a question, but Seungmin is clearly a little flustered. Hopefully it wasn’t too much.
“I’m sorry, too personal?” You laugh. It’s not—you know he isn’t that sensitive, but he ended up being much more shy than you expected.
Idol Seungmin is a different person. Seungmin with his fellow members is also a different person. Your version of him, at least so far, is quiet, a little unsure, and not always confident in his actions.
“No, it’s not,” he smiles. “I don’t wear this much to bed, usually, but that didn’t seem appropriate tonight.”
“Well, if you get warm…”
“I’ll take off my socks.” He wiggles his toes and moves himself closer.
It hurts your head, but you let yourself laugh. Seungmin is funny, and he knows it. You’ll indulge him every time. “Is that a promise?”
This is different. It’s not the same as your closeness on the couch, or in the back of the car—this is your bed, and it doesn’t get more cozy and intimate than this. When you let your pounding head rest on his shoulder, his cheek lands on you. Something finally gives, and he seems to relax. You’re not sure what you did, but he shifts again, and you feel his soft lips press against your forehead. “Four.”
“If I could kiss away the pain, I would,” he says under his breath.
“Can you try?”
Whether he’s ready or not, you wrap your arms around him and bring him closer. But he does the same. Seungmin squeezes, but not too tightly, and places another kiss on your forehead, on your temple, and down your cheek. Wherever he can reach.
“I think it’s working”
Seungmin keeps going, “it’s a good thing I came over,” and finally makes it to your lips. He kisses very cautiously, and not nearly long enough when he pulls away to look at you.
“What is it?”
“Nothing, just checking”
“I’m good…three and a half.” The strong fingers kneading into the back of your neck is the same move from his last visit. “That feels nice.” Hopefully, his next move is also the same as before.
“Does it? It’s not too much?”
You shake your head and close your eyes, and his lips press against yours again. This time he stays. His tongue slides across your mouth to gain access, and you let him in.
“Three," you somehow manage to get it out between his kisses, “two…”
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writing-in-the-impala · 7 months
Secret Smokes (Part 12)
Pairing: Teacher! Remus Lupin x Reader
Series Summary: When the reader bumps into the new DADA professor on the bridge in Hogwarts she begins to build a friendship with him all thanks to their shared feeling of not belonging and love for muggle cigarettes. Their friendship blooms while they both fight internal battles deciding what is wrong and what is right leading to a lot of fluff, angst, flirting and a rollercoaster of emotions.
Warnings: Swearing, smoking, drinking, teacher-student relationship, angst, jealousy, fluff, smut.
Word Count: 3190
A/N: Thank you to everyone who's still reading and leaving lovely comments every time, you are literally my motivation and fuel to keep posting I truly love you all
 | SERIES MASTER LIST (All chapters) |
Previous Chapter, Part 12, Next Chapter
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Remus's office had become your private safe space, you would go there as often as possible without raising suspicions that you weren't in your dorm. You wouldn't sleep there most night but you would sit and listen to music, chat and cuddle before reluctantly walking back to sleep in your own bed. It felt like everything was moving fast but at the same time the only thing that had changed since before Christmas was now you were allowed to cuddle, kiss and speak honestly about how you feel.
Lessons were interesting as you and Remus tried your hardest to avoid suspicions but sometimes you would get lost in each others eyes especially the days after you had just slept together and woken up next to each other. Your tutoring lessons became a lot more flirty as it was just the two of you, Remus started locking the door during them just in case. You still learnt a lot but he would often kiss your neck as he stood behind you helping to guide your hand to preform a spell correctly.
While approaching the first full moon of the year you noticed Remus became more possessive over you. It showed up in small things like telling off Sebastian when he got too touchy in Remus's classes, but he also became more protective, he would walk you back to your dorm at night just in case and he would make you tea and make sure you ate properly. It was as if Remus's emotions were dialled up. Sometime he would bite you when he kissed you, this would become a lot more common closer to the full moon, he would constantly express how he craved you in the days leading up to the full moon. He was less angsty which lead you to believe he was angsty with you because he was frustrated before over all the emotions he had felt in regards to you. The evening of the full moon you were sitting in his office with him, his body was aching and he was sitting on the sofa in pain as you made him a cup of tea with wolfbane inside to help dull it's bitter taste. You bought it over to him stroking his hair lightly. "Here drink this, the wolfbane is inside."
"I'm so lucky to have you." He said gently through the pain. You could tell he appreciated you taking care of him but also wished he didn't need to be taken care of. "I should probably head to the shrieking shack soon." He said looking at his watch.
"I can walk with you." You offered and he gave you a gentle smile.
"No dear, I don't want you anywhere near that place, besides Sirius will probably be there soon so I'll be in safe hands." He stood up masking the pain with a straight face and went to change into clothes that can get destroyed just in case. You walked with him up to the edge of the castle you couldn't kiss him goodbye as it was too risky so you simply opted for a wave as he gave you a longing look and wave back. You couldn't sleep all night, you just thought about Remus's pain. You could hear howls every so often throughout the night which made you feel somehow comfortable as you knew he was close and he was okay. The next day at lunchtime you went to visit his office to check on him. He slowly opened the door leaning most of his weight on his cane and his face changed from profesional to a look of shock and love as soon as he noticed you. "I bought you some chocolate cake from lunch." You said lifting up the small brown bag in your hand. He opened the door wider letting you in and slowly walked over to his desk, sitting down slowly as his body ached with every move. You noticed he was wearing pyjama trousers and a jumper that was more tattered than his usual choices.
"I really appreciate you thinking of me Y/N, but you didn't have to do this for me." He said ripping open the bag to use it as a plate for the cake. "Would you like some?" He offered to you and you shook your head.
"How was the transformation?" You asked as he picked at the cake.
"I don't remember much of it to be honest, I rarely do, I know I didn't get as scratched up this time, but my muscles ache a lot which usually means I moved around a lot."
"Does your human physique affect your wolf physique?" You asked also picking at his cake.
"I never thought about it that way, I think the muscles are linked in some way, no one really studies us." He admitted with a sad face.
"How's the pain?"
"My energy levels are extremely low, currently my bones and muscles ache so I've been simply reading my book in bed and catching up on sleep."
"Sorry for making you leave your bed,"
"Darling it's my pleasure to spend time with you thank you for remembering about me."
"I'm going to have to get back to my lessons but I'll come check on you in the evening." You explained standing up.
"You know you don't have to it's okay if you're busy, I won't be much fun in my condition." He said beginning to stand up but you quickly stopped him so he wouldn't strain himself too much. You pecked his lips lightly goodbye and let yourself out.
The rest of the day was uneventful, you headed over to visit Remus straight away after dinner, bar of chocolate in hand. He opened the door slowly again, you stood on the other side of the door holding up the chocolate bar, covering your face. You peeked to the side from it and he had a huge warm smile on his face.
"If you bring my gifts every time you should come here more often." He moved to the side and you almost hopped in filled with excitement to see Remus.
"Don't get used to it," you plopped yourself down on the sofa making yourself comfortable as Remus slowly walked over and sat down next to you using his cane for support. "What'cha reading?" You asked picking up the book that was laying besides you.
"You'll be glad to hear it's a muggle book, it's called an inspector calls."
"Oh I know that one it's a play."
"I like it, reading it feels like going to the theatre."
"We should go." You expressed not thinking through what you're saying just speaking.
"That's a wonderful idea, let me know a weekend you may be free or maybe we can do it over the a half term."
"Sounds like our next date is planned." You said going in to kiss him this time.
"Just let me heal first." You hugged him but only lightly as you didn't want to hurt him anywhere he may have scars. You sat down pulling out a book of your own while he grabbed a different one off the shelf. "Are you changing books already?"
"Well if we're going to the theatre I don't want to spoil the ending, plus it was beginning to get a little depressing." He slowly lowered himself to sit beside you.
"So you decided to go for?"
"Secrets of the Darkest Art." He replied.
"Because that's so much more enjoyable." You expressed sarcastically.
"I'm refreshing my memory,  what high brow work of fiction might you be reading?"
"Something intellectual." You stayed flashing him with the book cover of Breakfast at Tiffany's making him laugh. "Don't be so smug."
"It's your turn to change the record." He stated as the music finished.
"How did you know it's going to finish?"
"It's your turn to change it." He simply repeated without lifting his eyes from the page.
"Yeah I'm not changing it, it's your turn old man." You said starring at him and he lifted his eyes to meet your gaze.
"I see how much you care about my health when it really matters." He began to slowly stand up making sounds of pain just to tease you and you immediately stopped him and stood up to change it.
"Well maybe you should invest in a CD player or something that you don't have to flip every five seconds, something with a remote."
"Why? I've got you. Besides have you forgotten about magic dear?" He said and the record player shut nearly snapping your fingers and automatically it began to play. "I prefer the way records sound."
"How do you do it so naturally?"
"Do what?"
"Magic." You stated and he shut his book sitting up to face you. "It doesn't come naturally to me, I barely remember it's there, it feels so foreign to me."
"You need to be open to it, I'll teach you, just let me. Don't be so closed off." He said gently placing his hand on your leg and you nodded. "Promise me?" He pushed and you nodded. "You need to use your words Y/N." He said sending a hot flush to your cheeks.
"I promise." You said and he leaned in to kiss you.
The following weeks you kept your promise, you worked hard to learn everything, Remus pushed you to use magic in the evenings in his office making it all feel more natural to you. It took time but you were beginning to use magic for the small stuff. In his officially tutoring lessons you began to move on to learn your Patronus charm.
It was late in the evening on a Monday when you were still trying to get it right, you were so close the spark was coming out of your wand. "Just focus on a memory that is stronger than any other." Remus who was dripping in sweat almost shouted. It had been hours but you both knew you were so close. You tried again and it was close but it wasn't working. "I don't think I can do it." You said in almost defeat.
"That's okay my dear we can try again tomorrow." He said coming up to kiss you, he moved the hair out your face, put his arms around and leaned down placing a gentle kiss on your lips. "You're doing so well, you just need to find the right moment, try and search deeper." He explained and you lingered on his words, you tried many memories, even the one of your first kiss with him but none worked but that's the moment you thought of the day he took you to the lake to see the light bugs the vulnerability but the love you felt in that moment. "Can I try one last time?" You asked and he nodded letting go of you, his hand letting go of yours last as he was stepping back.
"It's okay if you can't do it today, you still have a lot of time to learn." He comforted you and that's when you tried the new memory. You focused your mind and cast the charm and a blinding light came out in front of you, you saw a wolf begin to run around the room but yours and Remus's faces were in utter joy but then you noticed his turn to confusion as he studied the animal. He looked at you with a new look, one filled with love but laced with a hint of fear as he came up to you, arm open putting them around you and pulling you into his chest. He leaned to kiss you and kept repeating. "I'm so proud of you." Between kisses. That night you didn't go back to your dorm but instead Remus decided it was a special enough occasion to open a new bottle of whiskey.
You left early morning to get back to your dorm, reluctantly peeling yourself out of Lupins arms. You tiptoed down the corridor in the direction of your dorm when you saw Percy. Panic set in. You thought about finding a way to avoid him but there was nothing you could do. "L/N." He said as walked past.
"Percy, to what do I owe the pleasure?" You shot him a forced grin.
"Why are you wandering around the halls this early?"
"I just went for a morning stroll." You averted his gaze.
"In last nights clothes?" He pointed out stepping closer to you, looking down his nose almost like Snape would do.
"Percy, please let it go, this doesn't concern you."
"As your prefect-" he began and you scoffed at him walking past but he quickly followed you. "It concerns me when it involves Lupin." You froze as Percy said the words.
"I don't know what you're talking about." You simply stated as Percy came up to you and leaned in tight.
"I've been watching you. He could get fired overnight with his condition, I don't even need to prove that you two are fucking." He whispered in your ear and you automatically went to slap him in the face and push him away from you.
"You're such a prick you don't deserve to be in Gryffindor." You said pulling out your wand and pointing it at him as he stumbled slightly back and pulled out his. You immediately disarmed him and hit him with a stunner. You kept hitting him until he fell on the ground. "I used to consider you my friend." You said trying not to cry.
He got his wand back and hit you with a stunner of his. "That's when I thought you were a nice girl not one that goes around fucking her professors."
His last word was muffled with a loud shout of  "Enough." And both your wands fell to the ground. You both looked in the direction of Lupin who was running up to you followed by McGonagall. He didn't have any words when he reached you but just stood starring at you with an unreadable look while McGonagall caught up behind him. "Mr Weasley, Miss L/N would either of you like to explain to me why you are duelling in the corridor first thing in the morning?" She began standing next to Lupin.
"We were practicing for our exams." You said without skipping a beat.
"Now however good that is of an excuse that doesn't explain why you are both shouting at each other and doing all this in the middle of the hall. I expected better of you both especially a prefect of my house." She caught your bluff.
"Professor may I speak to you in your office it's a personal matter." Percy said not looking at Lupin.
"Very well. Mr Weasley I will see you this afternoon in my office for detention where you can explain yourself and Miss L/N you will report to Professor Lupins office to serve your detention with him." She stated and then looked at Lupin. "If that is okay with you Remus?" She asked him gently and he nodded not taking his eyes off you.
"That's not detention for her, she likes going to his office," Percy protested.
"Then you will serve your detention with Professor Lupin and Miss L/N will report to me. Any more objections Mr Weasley?" She looked down his glasses at her and he shook his head no. "Okay, as you both were." She said waving her hand to signify letting you both go. You both scurried away, no more words exchanged between you and Percy. You looked back to see Lupin and McGonagall walking away side by side, his hands were in his pockets and he looked as if he was explaining something to her you wandered what it may be.
In the evening you went to see McGonagall, the tension was thick in the room as you entered. Her office was very different to Lupins, it had a similar shape but it was significantly bigger, it felt a lot more wooden and less comfortable but it still felt like it was full of love. Her personality came through in the small rug on the floor and the framed picture all over the wall behind her desk. When she questioned you as to what caused the fight with Percy you were most honest beginning with "You see Professor, Percy likes me as more than a friend and I've rejected his advances many times, I kissed a boy at a party on New Year's Eve and he's been annoyed with me ever since." She nodded to show she's following your story however you could tell she was lost as to how this is relevant. "So he's now in a vendetta to ruin my life because I don't like him." You finished and she nodded.
"How did this lead to you duelling in the hall?" She asked calmly.
"I'll admit something, I didn't go back to my own bed last night, I was heading back in the morning and Percy confronted me, started threatening to get me in trouble, his face was very close to mine like he was about to kiss me or spit on me so I slapped him to get him off me." She simply nodded.
"Miss L/N to me it sounds like things in terms of self defence, however why were you both still fighting when Professor Lupin and I approached."
"He was pissed off-"
"L/N." She warned.
"Sorry, he was annoyed. He kept shouting at me and he was holding his wand and I just thought I should disarm him, it all happened quite fast." You explained.
"I have to say Miss L/N I'm proud to hear you naturally used magic like that. I see Professor Lupins tutoring is very useful, I'm truly proud of the enormous progress you've made this year. After your exams you owe that man champagne." She said her tone was motherly, her last sentence made you smile.
"You are right professor, I owe Professor Lupin a lot for all his help this year." You felt comfort speaking with her about him and also quite excited to speak well of him with someone else.
"I don't know how much you know about him however I remember when he joined Hogwarts he was alike you in your early years, I think that's why you both get so well along."
"What do you mean professor?"
"Well you were both just as cautious and untrusting of magic-"
"He was untrusting of magic?" You questioned finding her words amusing.
"He has been hurt by magic at a young age and it meant he wanted very little to do with our world, it, being at Hogwarts didn't feel natural to him at first."
"I know about his condition." You blurted out.
"Well then he must trust you very much. He's a good man, we're very lucky to have him in the school, he cares a lot and wants to help." She said and you nodded feeling awkward, you didn't know what to say as a yes would be weird. "Anyway I've gotten chatty, I apologise, you're free to go, thank you for your honesty." She said dismissing you.
"Thank you professor and thank you for the chat." You said standing up.
"My pleasure." She had a warm smile as she looked back down at the paperwork in front of her and you left. You felt positive.
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NEXT CHAPTER | More stuff I wrote
A/N: Yes Inspector Calls is a nod to David Thewlis being in the BBC adaptation of the play
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