aria0fgold · 10 months
bro... brooo///... broo???? brO???!!?! BRO1?!?!?! WHAT IN THE ACTUAL F U C K IS THIS BRO?!?!!? SO IT WAS FR SAITO???? IT WAS SAITO??????
I was like: Did Saito used plastic surgery to look like Boss or what- NAH DUDE SAITO FUCKING USED THE PSYNC MACHINE TO LEGIT S W I T C H BODIES?!?!?!!?! WHAT THE F U C K
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world's most annoying man is not allowed outside due to his inability to shut up
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one of those 'peter in gotham' aus except lex fucking luthor is the one that finds him. Can you imagine the shenanigans. peter accidentally goes through a portal and lands in the outskirts of metropolis where luthor just so happens to have a factory doing Something. and luthors employees find him and go to luthor like Hey boss,, Umm. theres a teenager in the grass. luthors like, what happened? cue the factory workers going i dont know! the kid jsut fell out of this weird portal thing! and hes like,,, Hm.
superman definitely should be relevant but i still want the batfamily to meet peter. can you imagine that luthors kryptonite reserves were discovered and confiscated. and theres some discovered in gotham, whether it be naturally discovered there or someones like, selling it? and so thats how peter gets sent to gotham? although i cant see luthor letting him loose on the big wide world without some insurance, because hes definitely obscuring some of the facts from peter in order to manipulate him.
hmmm maybe luthor traps peter in a deal that peter cant easily get out of (at the cost of his or someone elses safety) so that even when peter Does discover how bad luthor is, he cant just bail out. idk i just think its very funny how every single person peter is vaguely acquainted with turns out to be a supervillain. or somehow personally wronged by him. and i think that should extend beyond universes.
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crimescrimson · 2 months
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Ada Wong & Leon S. Kennedy: The History [ Resident Evil 4 (2023) ]
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otrtbs · 11 months
“you can just take guns to music concerts in the united states” some of these bitches need to never speak again and i’m so serious about that.
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casualavocados · 2 years
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frogathy · 8 months
childhood was spent thinking i’d go to hell and men would not love me if i swore so now to heal from that i am swearing as much as i fucking can until i come to my own fucking conclusion about how i feel regarding the usage of such crude vocabulary
#it needs to be my own decision and understanding that i do not want to swear#not because other people Told Me it’s not ladylike or im going to go to hell if i do it#if i end up deciding hey you know what i really dont like swearing then Boom i actually have a reason other than guilt and shame#because i will have been able to feel something Other than guilt and shame when swearing. if that makes sense#like instead of being consumed by guilt and shame every time i swear or think about swearing#i am able to come to it without bias and understand for myself (without guilt and shame) why it is wrong or harmful#(or rather IF it is wrong or harmful. ive not comr to my conclusion yet but you can see i still have preconceived notions about it)#and who knows maybe men wont love me after all and i will be unloved by God if i swear#then so be it because ive never known a single thing in my life without someone else telling me#i just want to figure it out and understand for myself without someone holding my hand because im too stupid to come to my own conclusion#my parents put me in a classical school so i could learn to think critically but then have removed every chance for me to think critically#because they are afraid i will make the wrong decision (even though supposedly i have learned critical thinking™)#and they didnt do that intentionally of course. and this sounds resentful but i truly dont mean it that way#i LOVE my parents and the fact that they wanted to put money into giving us good education rather than just nice possessions#they have wonderful hearts and the best of intentions. but no parent is perfect and every single one will affect their kids in some way#whether they meant to or not. or maybe they did something with good intention without realizing the harmful outcome#every day i realize that individuation is an actual thing and its not just a montage in a disney movie#froegis meep tag
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bloodydrew · 11 months
if i wanted to get into heaven and god said Neil Gaiman waiting inside i would piss on gods feet for the sole purpose of getting sent back down
if i have to deal with Neil Gaiman speaking one word after this episode not only will i close the tab i will delete my bookmark out of spite and have to rewatch the entire series again for the experience of being able to skip the intro and the credits when he’s mentioned
i dont even know why i hate him so much. he writes books but i am just mad because i am angy
he better have some fucked up backstory to explain this if hes just some shithead whos a fan of sad gays and wanted to make his version ill go ham
BETTER have had a book make him kill a man cuz if he didnt Im going to make him
episodes not even about him. vaguely mentioned in the credits bc he wrote it and I lost it
where the fuck is Neil Gaiman if hes still alive im going to so deeply wish he wasnt
crusty old man
ill punch Gaiman and his sad frail old man twig bones will simply flake apart under my epic huge meat fist and he will disintegrate until all thats left is one final book he kept on him at all times simply titled Now You Fucked Up in ancient yiddish
im not breathing im hyperventilating at this point
i hope theres a date given for when Neil wrote the second season script so i can make it a reminder on my phone
everyday once a year i will see it and do anything but be happy about the second season of Good Omens
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orcelito · 11 months
I think one of the best things about writing Vash the Stampede is I can just do whatever the fuck I want. There are very few limits to his physical capability. He's got superhuman strength, weird as fuck flexibility, impossibly precise dexterity, and the Devil's Own Luck
Add in the incredibly variable & minimally defined plant powers and there is just... so fucking much I can do
Many times now I've ended up being like "would this even work??" Or "how would I explain this happening??" & it's just like. Fuck It. "Because Plants"
Because Plants is my favorite excuse. I enjoy this creative sandbox very much.
#speculation nation#trigun#itnl shit#<- relevant bc that's where this is most applied. happens in Sentido too but not as much#ive pulled some bonkers shit in itnl so far and we havent even gotten to the Truly bonkers shit yet#like him just casually jumping from the 3rd floor like it's nothing. several times.#him with his insane balance holding a struggling kid still as he balances a cup of water on his knee#climbing 100 feet up a giant structure with minimal handholds IN THE DARK???#getting blasted with a Lethal amount of electricity & walking off 4th degree burns like 'Meh. it hurts i guess. no big deal tho'#AND the fucking. fly test around the 500 ft tall butte where hes just fucking jumping and soaring#& then clips his wing 50 ft in the air so he goes for a Tumble (50 ft in the air) and he grinds thru the sand for like hundreds of feet#bc he was flying FAST. creating a fucking gouge in the land from his tumble. giant cloud of sand kicked up in the air.#he comes to a stop on his back. his wings fucking Hurt. but him himself? oh he is Just Fine.#CRAZY! BONKERS I TELL YOU! and it's perfectly within the bounds of canon!!!!!!#i love playing in this sandbox soooo fucking much i swear lmao#vash is also so goofy and lovable and makes scenes so entertaining to write#until it comes time to Hurt Him and then that's fun to write too heheh#idk man like i love his personality Of Course. but the creative liberties this universe has allowed me to take is SOOO fun#im over here pulling stunt after stunt and i have plans for even more#OH GOD THIS ISNT EVEN MENTIONING THE ANGEL CENTIPEDE THING!!!!!!!!!! hfsjhfkshfjdbdjshdj#oh vash the stampede my beloved. how i enjoy writing you so...
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#so because i hate myself obviously i decided to finally finish naruto. after all those years. it was time#and damn you guys. and here i mean you guys who love this show. i would like to ask you how#i skipped all the filler eps for my own sanity (thank you anime filler list i owe you several hours of my life)#i have seen the first 250eps or so when it was still freshly coming out all those *checks watch* eleven years ago. wow. horrifying.#so it only took me like 3 days since i also kept skipping all the flashback scenes. some of which i have seen at least 20 times#im not even joking. 20 times. the exact same scenes. within 100-200 eps. why and also fuck you#anyways#i have just a few more to go but i know how it ends anyways so its just a formality now but like. i have just one teeny tiny question#why the fuck. is sasuke evil again#for the ten thousandth time#yo fans of naruto. completely seriously how do you deal with this shit#i dont hate the show. it has been a huge formative anime of my childhood/adolescence. my entrance to fandom#my reason to learn english and also japanese#my reason to start drawing and writing and creating and so on and so forth#but my fucking dudes. the story writing of the show is so shit#the show couldve ended at ep 340 or so. for what reason were there fifty different plot twists#i swear no one was amazed anymore. there were no plot holes to fill i promise you. why would you keep snowballing more#''secret evil plots'' and ''actually even stronger eviler more god-like creature that wants to end humanity for whatever reason''#this is like number one rule of good story telling. you cannot keep telling the reader actually this was all someone else's evil plan#and then keep going with the ''actually'' three more times#im so annoyed because regardless of how bad the quality of the show always was and how mediocre some of the characters were#*cough* all the women ones *cough*#i still loved the show. if nothing else for nostalgia sake#but sasuke turning evil for the nth time like 10 eps before the show ends really makes me want to throw hands#to quote my real life friend chidi anagonye: the dot above the 'i' broke me. sasuke being evil again for one last plot twist did it#his character is so empty what the hell. i cant even say that his actions are out of character bc i dont think he even has any#also now that i started shitting at the show. whats with all those bible references. why?? for what reason???? stop?#i get izanagi and izanami and a literal ep called sengoku jidai but my dude. cant you just do one?#(if i see obito's tragic backstory flashback one more fucjing time i will lose it i swear on this. or worse - turn evil!)#also if anyone of you read this whole rant im sorry but also this ones on you <3
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chalkeater · 1 year
Howdy, saw your posts recently and took to looking around. From reading it seems that there are several people attempting to label Kimberly E a b as a groomer who misgenders characters. Not only is there no evidence of this being the case, Kimberly in question can be see criticising others to get them to stop misgendering Kris, it seems that this spawned from individuals like Snow Collector being offended that Kimberly went anywhere near their beloved DR character and have been looking for the most repulsive thing to accuse them of for lack of any real issue. They do create nsfw content but it is appropriately tagged, of proper consenting age and kept to their spaces.
Unfortunately, the whole affair is another instance of a trans person being harassed, misgendered and labelled a groomer.
You and others in the community are getting caught in the crossfire in an attempt to isolate this trans person from other creators.
While I hold little respect for the people spreading such harmful misinformation I will say they seem to be quite young and lacking in experience which may be why they have acted to harshly.
Your art is very pleasant, I'm sorry you have to go through this or even be involved.
Thanks for your input and additional info on this.
I did ask for their (Kimberly's) side of the story and what youre saying here is in line with what ive been told
As a reminder here's my small response and way of processing this all??
Additionally: next time anyone comes up to me for a callout in my inbox I want you to send me facts and links and evidence. This is the REAL world where my actions and my thoughts affect people
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ghost-of-you · 1 year
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I put on MTV just because and then bam, older started. I haven't seen them play on MTV Brasil since wildflower. I'm grinning like an idiot. Ashton slow dancing looks real pretty in the tv. I'm losing my mind.
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shanti-ashant-hai · 1 year
dadi's coming over next week. pray for me yall
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crescentmp3 · 1 year
reading old conversations continues to give me terroble terrible psychic damage, it turns out.
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lupismaris · 2 years
I am a nonconfrontational person who genuinely avoids conflict and fights and making people's days harder but i will say that working in academia especially state funded public academia has shifted that to a point where i will suddenly find the ability to become incredibly confrontational if i have the fucking receipts for your goddamn incompetence
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pepprs · 2 years
i like uh. literally cannot believe what is happening is still happening btw.pain and suffering (update omg i hit tag limit CRINGE but i think i was done anyway lol)
#purrs#ive felt sort of beholden to keeping it quiet on here bc i felt bad since it was still kinda a secret irl. but i think the word is#traveling fast irl so im giving myself permission to talk about it with my dearest belovedest mutuals some of whom are irl friends i have#ghosted for the last week and a half despite initially trying to set something up bc i have been so miserable over it that i can’t function#and for that i apologize and i swear to god i will get it together eventually. but ok. the thing that happened is that. lol i am crying#typing it bc how do i even say it. my supervisor who is also my mentor who is also dare i say my friend who is also my close colleague who i#is also the reason i even got to the place im in to begin with in so many ways… got a new job. and didn’t tell us she did and dropped it on#us last week. literally a week after i started my new job and i was so so so looking forward to getting to work closely with her in this new#way at last and um. that is not happening anymore. and it could be so much worse like thank GOD she didn’t *** or whatever which is#something i worry about literally constantly. but this hurts. it’s devastating and i feel betrayed even though im so happy for her and she d#deserves it so much. and im so fucking sad and do fucking scared bc there’s literally 3 of us now and we have to NOT PANIC and act like we#are processing this totally fine or else we will face Consequences which are the same reasons she’s leaving probably. lol. idk. it’s very#cringe to post about it and not vague and i know it’s like weird to be close to work and to your colleagues and whatever but it has never#been just work and it’s like. how can this person come into my life and utterly transform it and we go on this journey together and we JUST#reached this beautiful glorious pinnacle but then you leave?? and who knows how long she was planning to do this. lol. and despite how s#much i care abt her im the least close to her personally out of everyone on the team so i am suffering and withering and exploding and#sobbing and howling and barking and i want to talk to her so bad and tell her how much she means to me and that it is physically painful to#think about doing this without her bc she was supposed to like. help me and stuff bc she went thru baiscally the same path im on lol and we#have a lot in common in terms of identity / life situation and i was like ummmmm hi can you teach me how to be a fuller version of myself.#and this ks like such a wake up call that no *i* need to teach me that and no one can. but i don’t want that to mean losing her and im so#scared that she won’t be in my life anymore and i am going to miss her so much. im going to miss every little thing and it’s killing me and#i can’t stop crying about it and it feels like a fucked up nightmare and everything is different now and im temporarily secon in command who#which is like wtf no that’s YOU. come back. how could you leave. but she needed to i guess and i just didn’t know how bad. but it hurts ummm#lol. and if she knew how hard ive been losing my shit i think she would be angry and sad and like surprised bc i think she thinks im#normaler than i am now but it’s like god. there was so much to look forward to and i was already feeling weird about the future and now it’s#like the little parts of it i at least knew i could count on are totally gone because she’s leaving us for fucking ****** of all places LMAO#delete later#i know it’s like weird to vent abt irl stuff / ppl so candidly i know what it suggests about me but this is like my best possible coping#mechanism rn i guess or at least it feels the best bc ppl like the posts and you don’t even have to say anything it just lets me know that#like. im not insane for it iwguess. even though iwreally feel like it. idk. i just am going to miss her so much. i wish i could stop crying
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