varpusvaras · 4 months
The doctors had told him that things would get easier after the first trimester.
Fox had believed them. He had kind of had to, to preserve his own sanity. He had to believe that at some point, he would stop throwing up, sweating and shivering and being so damn tired that he'd fall asleep just about anywhere.
It had, in fact, been true. Of course he still occasionally felt a little sick when he smelled something unsavory, but it was only occasionally. He didn't wake up to being hot and cold in tandem so much anymore either. He was tired, still, but only to a degree that he had to sit down a couple of times a day, and maybe take a nap. Otherwise, he had been feeling pretty good during the start of the second trimester.
But then, a new challenge had crept up on him.
It had started small, so small that he had barely even felt anything at first. When he had noticed it for the first time, he had actually been happy about it.
What a fool he had been.
It had only gotten more frequent from then on, and most importantly, stronger. So much stronger.
So much stronger, in fact, that he had looped back around being tired, since every time he tried to sleep or even rest for a moment, it would start again.
It was happening again now, as he lay in their cooled bedroom, the lights dimmed and the blinds shut to escape the summer heat. He would've loved to take a nap, but he was yet again realising that sleep would not be happening.
There was a light knock on the door, and Breha peeked in.
"You're still awake?" She asked. She kept her voice quiet, in case Fox was somehow sleeping.
"Yes", Fox answered. "I don't think I will be getting any sleep."
Breha made her way to the bed, and sat on the edge of it next to Fox. Her fingers very quickly found their way into his hair, pushing it back from his face.
"Try to at least close your eyes", she said. "It's better than nothing."
"I know, I know, I'm trying-" There it was again, cutting his words into a breathless gasp.
Breha sighed softly, continuing to pet his hair.
"Is it that bad?" She asked.
Fox pressed his hand against his abdomen, and poked at it slightly. It was still, for the most part, hard muscle he had spent so long acquiring during his training, and had took even more time and effort to keep during serving. He hadn't even needed new clothes, yet, apart from a pair of dress pants he had very much liked and sorely missed now.
Fox had no idea how there was a whole baby in there, somewhere, but there was no mistake of it, not since-
Fox hissed slightly when there was a blow straight into his ribs.
"Yes", he said. "I'm going to send Bail a very pointed message. Those are definitely his elongated legs kicking my insides around the clock."
Breha barked out a laugh, that she quickly tried to cover up behind her hand.
Fox turned to glare at her.
"You think this is funny?" He asked. "You think it's funny that our husband's giant long-legged offspring is trying to break my bones?"
"No, no, of course not", Breha hurried to say, but she was definitely still grinning behind her hand, and-
-and maybe Fox was tired enough, because the longer he laid there and watched her laugh about it, the funnier it suddenly got in his mind as well.
"How dare you", he said, trying his hardest to keep himself from breaking out into laughter as well. "How dare you make me laugh when I'm miserable."
Breha could no longer hold it in. She broke down into loud, bright laughter, and Fox could only hold his own in for a few more seconds, before he eventually followed her suit.
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The Night Security
Danny decides to tag along with Dani and travel around the world. With him now being in his late twenties he decided he could use a break from all the craziness back home, and he's been wanting to spend more time with Dani.
Dani despite it being years still looks the same, they had gone to Frostbite to make sure nothing was seriously wrong, Dani was completely healthy but it seems Vlad's messy attempts at cloning alongside her also being a halfa had made it so Dani would age a lot slower than a normal human would.
Danny until that point hadn't realized that he also looked very young for a man who was almost 30, but he could just get away with it by just saying he had a baby face.
To gain money for their travels Danny decided to start doing random jobs normally he would end up with being night security since those positions weren't very popular and always had a position open or where willing to have an extra pair of eyes on the job.
With that being said Dani and his sleep schedule were completely flipped over now being practically nocturnal. They would go out shopping or have fun while the moon was still high in the sky.
Now with that being said, he had no clue why there always was at least that one person at whatever job he would have that seemed to believe he was a vampire,
Yes a vampire, and he could brush it off if it had only happened once or twice but no! This has happened in the majority of his jobs.
And look he gets it, he only gets night jobs, he hangs out with Dani outside only when the sun is nowhere in sight, and yes both he and Dani were sensitive to the sun but that was normal for people with pale skin they would burn easily and considering that pale blue eyes tend to struggle seeing with too much sun clarity especially since they're not used to being around the sun as much as before.
See he gets all those can kinda be vampire things but they where also just very normal and common human things as well.
So yes he was out here fighting vampire allegations instead of ghost ones like when he was young.
" Mr.Kent sir you dropped this."
Clark turned around slightly spooked he hadn't heard the young man a moment ago, which should be impossible with his super hearing. Focusing on the man In front of him he realized that the heartbeat he was now hearing was... too slow, unhealthily so. If he had just been hearing the heartbeat he would have been sure it was from someone dying, but the man In front of him showed no struggle or weakness in spite of that.
Clark snapped back into the present. "Oh! Right sorry about that, it's been a very long day usually I'm out of here long before the sun sets."
"No worries man I totally get that, I just saw that you dropped your glasses case near me and wanted to quickly return it."
"Well thank you Mr.?"
"Fenton, Danny Fenton I work the night shift here."
Danny doing his job
His coworkers spraying holy water to prove he's a vampire:
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check my tags for some extra ideas I had on this
Just an Idea
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kylos-starlight · 4 months
Okay probably won't be on till later this evening. I got some (bs) to deal with at "home" (If we can even call it that.)
I. Am. Having. A. Terrible. Time. /srs :D
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nyerusnova · 4 months
nevermind i saw the leaks, i was right lmao.
jason is fine and they just coordinated to trick failsafe to get it to frazzle out afaik.
that makes sense considering the entire point of #147 was bruce deciding to work with his family despite his growing paranoia over their safety, etc. given that zdarsky has been trying to explore bruce's mental state, it would have made no sense for him to immediately validate that paranoia, instead.
#jason todd#bruce wayne#comics#dcu#unpopular opinion that while this arc has been kinda weird at points and def not as good as the failsafe arc from last year (?)#its still trying to do something interesting WRT exploring bruce's mental state and how it causes continued problems with the family#and trying to get him to work through that so that he can actually work with his family instead of against them#i keep seeing batfam enjoyers saying that they want the batfam to actually feel like a family and work together#and that's exactly what this run has been trying to build up towards actually lol#like if you want that you WOULD have to explore why that hasn't been the case already#and it has to start with bruce being a weird bastard about everything and everyone he cares about#and since it's THE batman title it is obviously going to focus on BRUCE -- that only makes sense#everyone else is a supporting character and will not be in there apart from supporting roles (or occasionally a secondary main)#i think its done it a bit clumsy because of the restraints of modern comics as a whole#but there's a lot of dudebros who are mad that bruce is like emotional and communicating recently -- so that's probably a good sign? lol#like i have my gripes with it but on the whole... i see the vision and i feel a bit sad that you can TELL where zdarsky was restricted#but that's a whole different post for when i actually sit down and put myself through reading all the stuff in a oneshot#because the monthly thing makes it easy to forget literally everything lol#see ya'll when the TPB comes out in a couple of months lol#tuesday spoilers#comic leaks
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sleepinginmygrave · 4 months
hkkjhhhh i really hate my dad
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wildflowercryptid · 1 year
⚠️ spoilers for some year 3 + 4 dialogue with gustafa's child below! ⚠️
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[ some of the text in the second image is cut off, the full dialogue is likely meant to be "hold on a second. has gustafa been riding your coattails this whole time?" ]
no, because why is bea so brutal towards gustafa oh my god?? like you're really just gonna ask that question when he's within earshot??? 😭😭😭
#rock 🤝 gustafa <- designated sugarbaby in their relationship#does she talk like this about matt or gordy too or???#funny ha ha's aside i do think teen bea continuing to talk about gustafa like that would probably lead to them having a fight w/ tris#tris loves gustafa a lot and really respects his passion for music so they're more than happy to provide for him and let him focus on that#so bea's phrasing would probably agitate them in the moment and the situation would steamroll from there#(ya'll know how spats between parents and teenagers can go. 😓)#i can imagine gustafa coming home to see bea slamming the front door behind her and storming off#and then finding tris (who he's rarely seem actually angry before) fuming in their bedroom and starts putting the peices together#tris definitely apologizes to bea for getting angry with her after calming down and talking it out a bit with gustafa#they eventually talk it out together after bea has some time to herself and starts to understand her parents' relationship dynamic more#(it's hardly a one-sided transaction since gustafa keeps tris grounded and makes sure they're not running themself ragged w/ their work.)#maybe it also leads to bea being more curious about what gustafa exactly does as a musician so she starts asking him about it more 🤔#okay i'm gonna stop rambling in the tags i'm sorry i keep doing this ha ha#i just have a lot of thoughts about these guys and i have to get it out aaaa#story of seasons#bokujou monogatari#a wonderful life#sos gustafa#gustafa (awl)#oc : tris beckenbauer#chara : bea lantos-beckenbauer#🕹 : gamer time#mj.txt#awl spoilers
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chirpsythismorning · 11 months
☎️🎲 🤼‍♂️ ✈️🚪 ➡️ 🫀🎮⌛️
Don't Dream It's Over by Crowded House
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previous ⏪︎ now playing back to playlist
#byler#stranger things#bizarre love triangle playlist#mike wheeler#mike’s pov#this just feels like a really good song to end the playlist#it fits well with mike bc he just reassured will in the cabin that they would kill vecna together#and now they're standing here together#'there's a battle ahead. many battles are lost. but you'll never see the end of the road while you're traveling with me'#'now i'm walking again to the beat of the drum and i'm counting the steps to the door of your heart'#yeah idk about ya'll but i'll take a door/heart reference any day of the week#'only shadows ahead--get to know the feeling of liberation and release' aka shit is about to go down folks.......#'hey now hey now don't dream it's over'#sort of reassuring from a byler standpoint that although this ending might have felt hopeless in a lot of ways... like a lot.#mike is telling us through his actions as we near the end (reassuring will/choosing to stay by will's side): 'don't dream its over'#'they come they come to build a wall between us. we know they wont win'#this feels poetic bc a large chunk of the audience might still be in denial about the possiblity of mike and will even despite this shot#but the writers have made it clear with literally everything thats built up to this point that 'we wont let them win'#whether it be vecna or denyers#other lyrics in the song just fit really well with the overall ending of s4 in general#'there's a hole in the roof' was one that was a little too on the nose#'my possessions are causing me suspicions but there's no proof' reminds me of will telling mike he senses vecna again (superspy encore?)#'in the paper today tales of war and of waste-'#again trying to emulate going out on this sort of hopeful note with the doom of apocalypse right before us#4x09#gif
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flowerakatsuka · 3 months
one of these days i need to sit down and write out the lore i've thought up for kuroba's youkai au bc i went a lil wild with it.
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braveburned · 4 months
shaking gregory at the dash write with me plot with me
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oculusxcaro · 1 year
-gives u a grimace milkshake-
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"Ahh, no thanks, ummm..." Khare's rambling trails off as the cup is shoved into her hands, feeling delightfully cool to the touch. Her nose wrinkles a little, both at the incredibly sweet aroma emanating through the plastic top and that it was given to her by a complete stranger. Thoughts of drugging immediately runs through her mind, of falling asleep only to wake up strapped to a chair, inside a cell but... nobody would be so stupid as to attempt such a thing in public, right? She looks down at the shake in her hands. She's heard people raving about this, the unnaturally purple liquid topped with a frothy layer of cream. She hadn't much time to get used to the sweetness of things in America before... everything, and had no idea what it was even meant to taste like other than being, well... sweet. Well, here goes nothing. Khare cautiously uncaps the shake, a blob of cream catching on her fingers while doing so. She tries that first and it's... almost synthetic, if that was a word. There was barely a hint of cream, not like the shakes at Pauli's. The purple liquid similarly tastes of disappointment, her tastebuds scratching as though trying to deduce a flavour in the same manner that drunk blind men would argue about the colour of the sunset. Either way it made her lips pucker, whatever taste there was cloying unpleasantly upon her tongue.
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"Yeah no, that's gonna be a miss from me. Maybe next time."
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snekdood · 8 months
i just kinda feel like if you asked ram he'd tell you he doesnt rly give a huge fuck about all this like yall do lmao
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pastafossa · 2 years
Pasta, she even stole this part🤬🤬🤬
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What the ever loving fuck, is there anything this girl did not plagiarize from me??? You gotta steal my TRT link text here, too???
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rainbowangel110 · 2 years
Me: And I think that the reason why I'm behind in class is because I do listen, but my brain doesn't connect the listening neurons to the understanding neurons, I space out while listening and I don't notice it. It's like here, to there, to here, and back again everytime!
My dad: Oh don't worry sweetie, everyone does that! Everyone has many thoughts zooming about in their head, like a bunch of planes in the sky.
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galaxietm · 1 year
it's me, ya gurl the internally screaming person who wishes she could curl up in bed all day because of all that's been going on, back at it again with yet another update on the whirlwind / wacky situation i have going on, in the sense of: i'm so emotionally tired ya'll, i really want to be here more / write but ughhh, there's so much going on here it's not even funny.
activity should resume soonish; i'm saving drafts to a goo.gle doc so i can try to write, the same with the starters i owe.
i may also put out a starter call for some comfort muses to try to help myself relax, so i guess stay tuned if you may want one.
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jaythelay · 2 months
"Hmmm I can have a Lawyer President and Space Vice President or just a lawyer president and a guy most dems don't like. Hmmm." -kamala deciding whether to drop the lightest of balls.
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tadbitfooled · 4 months
really love someone doing the math in the Gale tag and pointing out his tower-townhouse is basically worth 2.6 mil USD
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