tinybro · 9 months
jasico server was chatting about the cupid scene and jason getting nico's memories blasted straight into his brain and how jason being shot with one of cupid's arrows while with nico and this was just never brought up in canon again and now i'm thinking like...what if that's just how cupid's arrows work? not by magically manifesting love for someone out of nothing, but by giving someone the perspective that'd make them fall in love naturally? jason gets a front row seat to nico's memories and instantly understands him intimately and can trust him completely without any doubt or suspicion
so what if jason, after slowly realizing he's totally in love with nico, just thought back to the arrow incident and it made him second-guess everything? because maybe he's only feeling this way because cupid hit him with an arrow with only nico was around and it's no different than any other god messing with his love life
#i live for anything that drags out the pining/pre-relationship period as long as possible okay#give me the drama of jason frustrated about constantly being manipulated by gods#in love with nico but convinced it's just cupid fucking with him and not wanting nico to get dragged into it#maybe telling nico eventually because he's having trouble hiding his feelings and he doesn't wanna hurt nico by confusing him#which is of course an emotional rollercoaster for nico#hearing jason say he's in love with him only to then immediately hear that it's just godly fuckery#nico agreeing to help jason find cupid to get it reversed because he knows how much it sucks having feelings for someone unwillingly#and he doesn't want jason stuck mooning over someone like him just because he was unkucky enough to be with nico for the cupid incident#whole quest in which nico develops feelings in return and angsts because he's sure jason only feels that way because of the arrow#maybe a slip-up in the middle somewhere with nico accidentally revealing he likes jason back before backpedaling wildly#so now jason has hope despite himself because he'd never really thought it was possible anyway given nico's feelings for percy#and he doesn't like being manipulated by gods but he doesn't mind the idea of being in love with nico#and what if he just gave up on the hunt for cupid entirely and let it happen#while nico feels guilty since clearly it's just cupid arrow magic fucking with jason and he's enabling it#and then of course when they finally find cupid he explains how his arrows work and that he can't just FORCE someone to be in love#no more than hera could with jason and piper by fucking with their memories to push them together#cupid's methods are just way more effective#my tag babble ended up longer than the actual post oh my god#pjo#jasico#my dumb headcanons
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Was Frank present when Eddie got dropped in the water? Bc that sounds goddamn hilarious.
no but Wally had to go over to him like "um. Frank. i dropped Eddie-" "you what" "-in the water. i dropped him in the water" "you WHAT?" and then they went to the Lake™️ to just. stare at his facedown unconscious body.
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rileys-battlecats · 5 months
PSA, keep your dog on a leash when you're in a public, unfenced area. dedicated to the lady that just tried to reassure me, "no she's nice! put your dog down! she's nice!" babe i believe you when you say your dog is nice. what you have not considered is that the dog I am holding is NOT nice and WILL attempt to attack your dog if I put him down. also we are RIGHT next to a busy road and there is Nothing stopping your dog from running into traffic. pls put her on a leash im literally begging you it is SO dangerous for her to not be on a leash here
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adrift-in-thyme · 2 months
Note to self: never again let it slip to an irl person that I write whump
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anendoandfriendo · 4 months
"Fuck your online discourse" actually, no, we do think the halloween DID flag shouldn't be used but it's not because of some bullshit like "waah it's just a recolor" it's because the system that created that flag is a huge fucking racist and ableist last we checked, and we never saw ant kind of apology for being racist and ableist to endogenic systems. We never saw them stop being anti-endogenic or anti-Black (because let's be honest, Black endogenic systems specifically would be the ones most affected and hurt by this).
Like, we know people have forgotten by now, but we were THERE just before TPA became a thing, when systems like The Entropy System were fully mask-off in their bigotry (we call anti-endogenics facsists because of the personal experience of having the not-pleasure of seeing shit like the above link lmao), and such other things. We used to be very visible on Twitter as an endogenic system who's seen this shit but it was kind of taking over 99% of our focus when we were working retail instead of working at home, so we ended up tapering it away.
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urghblergh · 20 days
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Got to make your own content, if you end up with a rare ship I guess. 🥲🤲
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opens-up-4-nobody · 2 months
#sorry im thinking abt death again#because it's weird to think that ive been in the room. maybe a meter away from someone as they died#that someone being my mom. its just weird. the time in the hospital feels like it happened in some dark little pocket universe detached from#time. a calm room and then the soft blips of a monitor then the nurse rushing in to say she'd passed#i dont kno y ppl use that phrase: passed on. i mean i do. it softens the topic. makes it sound peaceful. ive yet to use it. i just say she#died bc thats what happened. is that insensitive? i dunno. when i was home i realized that i come off as much stranger than i think. the way#my family see me doesnt fit how i see myself. i dont kno what to do with that. i dunno. theyre all together today#for an early easter. and im halfway across the country again. nose so stuffy ive had to mouth breathe for the last 3 days#and again. everything feels the same as it did before but also profoundly different. sometimes i cry in the mornings. or when i think abt#future vacations she wont be there for. bc in the end she quickly slipped away in a way that couldn't be described as peaceful until her#last half a day. and all i can think about in that tiny room is how scary it would be to lose control like that#and how its not fair and she didnt deserve to die only halfway through a lifetime. but its not about fair and its not about deserving.#sometimes bad things just happen. that's life. and now i own a book called motherless daughters. and now im standing with the countless#others who've lost their moms too early. ive already become aware of 3 ppl in my daily life who are in the same club#i keep thinking about this moment that happened between my parents at the hospital. apparently my dad was helping her get cleaned up and her#stomach was so bloated she looked like she had a bby in there. which my dad said. and my mom apparently said: but it's a baby no one want. i#dont kno y that upsets me so much. all the things i heard abt her being in the hospital before i got there upset me. and the rest of my#family was there to see it. so i have the least traumatic version of the story. and i got almost 27 years with her. except my sisters#probably got more time with her bc i spent so much time away. or maybe not. i dunno.#i dunno. im just sad that shes gone and sad that it was drawn out even a little bit. 6 days isnt long but im sure it felt like an eternity.#again not fair. nothings fair. 53 years of unfairness culminating in a tragedy. she would hate me characterizing it like that. she lived a#full life as they say. full with an asterisk on account of length#unrelated
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Having Oliver Queen be the one to comfort other characters when in situations because he hardly ever got any in his five years and he wants to make sure no one else has to feel that way
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tunamayojazz · 1 year
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a look into yuta and toge's couple dorm life
(template by pckgmeat)
#i just think yuta plays takashi kokubo's music bc it helps him sleep/have a peaceful time#i really tried to nail the average japanese self-help book cover vibe lol i hope i did#ive drawn toge reading skip to loafer before so naturally he also reads hirayasumi#which i highly recommend for slice of life enjoyers by the way#kinda regret drawing toge's cursed speaker bc i think i could have drawn something else that showed his personality more#well ill say it here#it would have been a personal planner/journal plastered with splatoon and panda stickers#the stickers are slipped in between the cover and a protective sleeve he does not stick them directly onto the planner itself#it must be said#ive also talked about this before in another artwork but toge takes his stationary very seriously#the first years have observed this and actually chipped in to get a expensive gift card from his favorite stationary store for his bday#they also know which store because they all go on shopping trips ! and that's canon#as you can see i have a lot to say about this and i love it. brainrot is a wonderful thing#in contrast to toge enjoying cooking at home maki is a restaurant/cafe connoisseur#she enjoys eating toge's food too but really finds joy in eating out and exploring all the food tokyo has to offer. mostly unhealthy food#that's why yuta looks out for chances to get food coupons and brochures about new eateries in the city#a thoughtful person to his friends#he's always thinking of them#ok im done for now but i have more to say. will continue in another post lol#thank you for reading !#ottoge#inuokko#inumaki toge#inumaki#okkotsu yuuta#okkotsu yuta#yuuta#jjk#jujutsu kaisen#art
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moe-broey · 2 months
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Oh, poor thang!
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over-salted · 1 month
help me im losing it
i was talking to my sibling about movies and i was going to say Pirates of the Caribbean and instead I said SPIDERBIT
literally nada q ver con spiderbit
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3416 · 1 year
Mitch’s mental health PSA | Postgame Media Availability 01.25.23
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quietwingsinthesky · 7 months
Prompt: the archangelcule celebrating Jack's birthday 🙏
Lucifer runs himself ragged all week getting the party set up (and despite the fact that he’s done this for Jack every time he needs it since he came back into Michael’s life, it still leaves Michael surprised and wondering what happened to the boy who only knew how to bite the hand that fed when Michael abandoned him, when did he learn to be gentle and reliable, why did Michael waste all this time not seeing him?) to the point that he looks like he might fall asleep in front of the birthday cake before Raphael nudges him with their elbow, and he wakes up to sing.
They sing quietly — loud noises hurt Jack’s ears, one of many little oddities, but they rearrange their lives around his needs: no vacuuming unless he’s out of the house and no yelling from room to room — while Jack looks like he’s about to jump right out of his seat with how much he wants to blow out the candles. Gabriel scoops him up in one arm after, lets Jack’s tiny hand curl around the handle of the (dull!) cake knife while his lays over it to guide him, and helps him to cut pieces for them all himself.
(birthday 3 sentence ficathon! come toss a prompt!)
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eoinmcgonigal · 10 months
I'LL SUGGEST JIM!!! Full cast sweep here, let's go.
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Hmm, trying to find a good screeshot where he doesn't look mildly concerned is tricky. I know there'll be one, but given that there's usually some variation of this expression on his face, this'll do nicely. Handsome chap. Sturdy. I have zero idea how he survives in that many layers. Impervious to so many things, which is useful if Lewes is your C.O.. He's always there, somewhere, but fits unobtrusively into the scenery, so to speak. He looks like he's lurking with intent, just waiting to give a hug to anyone who asks for one. No one has yet asked him for one, though. He lives in hope. Perhaps this is also why he is so loyal to Lewes. He naturally gravitates towards whoever is in need of hugs, but is too polite to just give them one. Like one of those anxiety service dogs coming up to you in the waiting room to comfort you, if he's loitering just on the edge of your personal space you should probably hug him. It's for his benefit. And yours. He can sense your need.
Looks: 10/10 Huggability: 9482324/10 Derangement: 8/10 Utterly essential upport character vibes: 108/10 Other: -4 for making me concerned with that heavy jacket Total: come-here-and-hug-me/10
You just want cuddles, don't you
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