#IT'S HUGE- Pokemon: Let's Go Pikachu- Let's Watch
callmechito · 1 year
𐐪♡𐑂 - When You Meet (PKMN)
Everyone is their canon ages. With the acception of Butch and James, whom I'm headcanonning as 20 year olds-Mid 20's. I'm gonna try to keep everything as in universe as possible. Also I am writing a more AFAB!Reader but that doesn't mean you can't read (Y/N) as any other gender(s) ^^ 
Also if you've come from Quotev, this is a rewrite! I changed some minor details to the whole scenario even for a few of these guys so yeah. Sorry for any possible confusion. ^^
Happy reading!
(P/O/C) = Pokemon of Choice
(T/O/C) = Town of Choice
(BFF/N) = Best Friends Name
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You were running around in the forest laughing along with your (P/O/C), when you ran into a boy and his pikachu. You groaned, rubbing your behind from the hard impact.
"Hey! Watch where your going!" The boy yelled, fixing his cap.
"I'm sorry! I didn't think anyone would be in this part of the forest." You stood up and stretched your sore muscles. Once making sure (P/O/C) was alright, you turned to the boy and his friends with a smile, "My names (Y/N), (Y/n) (L/N)."
The boy smiled at your kindness,  "Hi! I'm Ash Ketchum and this is my buddy Pikachu." He introduced as Pikachu gave a 'pika'. His two friends, a red head and a taller boy, looked as though they were gonna say hi but were cut off by this Ah Ketchum boy; "I'm sorry about earlier. I didn't mean to snap like that." He scratched his cheek.
You shook your head, "No worries. I don't blame you. I'm sorry but I gotta go now." You turned around on your heel, "Bye guys!" You waved with (P/O/C) not too far behind you.
"She seems nice." Misty commented.
"Yeah. It's too bad she had to leave so soon though." Brock adds.
"I wonder if I'll ever get to meet her again." Ash smiles looking off in the direction you ran off in.
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Today you were at a local Pokemon centre waiting for your best buddy, (P/O/C). It wasnt long before they came out with Nurse Joy leading the way. You got up and ran over to the duo with a smile, "You're okay-!"
"Nurse Joy! You're so beautiful I could melt away!" A boy around your age jumped in between you and the nurse.
You snorted at the boys love sick performance. You peeked over his shoulder and made eye contact with (P/O/C). "There you are!" You pushed passed the boy and grave your dear friend a hug.
"Woah." The boy sighed in astonishment. Suddenly instead of (P/O/C) in front of you, you were met with the eyes of the boy from just a moment before. "You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen." He held your hands.
"Oh!" You blushed, "Thank you." You smiled.
"Come on Brock!" A little boy in glasses dragged the boy away from you.
"Let's meet again someday!" 'Brock' called out to you.
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You stood off to the side as you watched your best friend (BFF/N) and a girl with long violet red hair argue over who should get the wild Eevee that kind of just came out of nowhere.
"Hurry it up Jessie or its gonna get away!" A man with blue hair shouted. He wore an all white outfit, paired with black gloves that match with his boots, a belt, and an undershirt. Not to mention the huge red R on his shirt.
"Come on (BFF/N)! If your not gonna catch it, I'll get it!" You pulled out your pokeballl and out came a (P/O/C).
"No! (Y/n) I'll get it!" Your friend pulled out her own pokeball and out came her Pokemon.
"I don't understand why I don't just ditch you already." You sighed which (P/O/C) nodded along too.
"Sometimes I wonder the same thing with Jessie." The boy beside you sighed. You glanced at the guy who was now standing right beside you. You gulped. He was... actually quite cute.
"Do you, um," You coughed, "...do you want a rice ball?" You held out your lunchbox. The mystery man happily grabbed the offered food.
"Where I come from, they call these jelly filled donuts." He took a bite, "Pretty funny if you ask me." You guys shared a laugh. He caught your eyes, "Thank you. It was delicious."
Quickly, you felt your heart pounding and your face heating up, "No...no problem!" You smiled.
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Walking to the nearest restaurant you can find, you kept conversation with your little (P/O/C); "The ice cream in this place is supposed to be really good. They even have specially made ice cream for Pokemon! Isn't that cool?" You smiled down at your little buddy.
They nodded and made a little noise, which you can only assume meant some form of agreement.
Right as you entered the place, you were behind two people in dark coats. It was... a little intimidating if we're being honest.
"U-um," You stuttered out, the two turned to you, "if you're done ordering... I'd like a turn please." You shyly pointed at the counter.
The girl huffed, "alright. We were done anyways," she turned around, "Biff, bring our order when it's ready." She stalked off to a back table.
"It's Butch!" He called out aggravated.
He stepped aside to let you order.
The employee, who seemed a little suspicious, came back with all three orders; one for the duo, one for you, and one for your pokemon. The green haired man grabbed his order and was about to walk away when he noticed how you quickly retreated your hands from your sundaes. He rolled his eyes and sighed, "Here," he gently pushed you aside, "I got it." He grabbed tray to carry all your orders on.
"Thank you." You nodded.
"Hm," He hummed, staring down at you with his dark shades, "where are you sitting?"
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"(P/O/C), can you set up the blanket over there please? Thank you." You smiled.
"And (P/O/C), can you carry this basket please. I'm afraid it's too heavy for me." You blushed sheepishly as another one of your pokemon carried the basket to where the other was.
"I'm sorry for having you guys do all this work for me. I'll give you guys some extra yummy food to make up for it, okay?" You got up from the river having just filtered your water to keep fresh and healthy for the remainder of your trip to the nearest town possible.
"Wow! This all looks great!" Someone shouted. You looked across the river and saw a boy about your age with a Pikachu on his shoulder. aww how cute! The pikachu had a little tuff of furr on his head!
"Sorry I didn't mean to disturb you. Its just that I saw some Pokemon and wanted to catch them but it looks like they are yours." He scratched his head.
"Oh no worries you didn't disturb me at all! Would you like to have lunch with us?" You gestured to all the food.
"If you don't mind." He smiled. The boy began to look around, "their must be a way over somehow." He spoke out loud. You stood up and quickly ran to a bush.
"Here!" You called out, "a bunch of kids from a small nearby village have things like these everywhere," the kid watched you pull out a long and sturdy plank of wood, "it's pretty convenient." You placed the plank over the river.
"Well I'd say!" He laughed. Him and his pikachu made it over the little makeshift bridge safely and quickly. "My names Ritchie." He held out his hand.
"(Y/N)." You shook his hand.
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You sat in a burger restaurant eating your order with your little buddy, (P/O/C), sat across from you eating their pokepuff. A bell chimed signalling someone came into the restaurant. You curiously looked up and saw a boy around your age with a lot of teenage girls following behind him to the counter.
"Hey dude, check it out. Rich kid in a place like this? Seems weird don't you think?" You whispered to (P/O/C) as he cutely looked over the seat.
"Alright girls. Let's eat at this big table over here." The boy and his cheerleaders all walked over to a big table. Which was beside yours.
"Hey," You whispered to (P/O/C). He looked up at your from his pokepuff, icing bits on his furr.
"Let's get going." You whispered once more. You were about to get up when the boy from the other table stepped in front of you cautiously-trying not to be rude but eh, it's Gary.
"Excuse me miss. But I was wondering if I could get your name. I've seen you somewhere before but I just can't get my finger on who you are." He looked at you in thought.
You looked back down at your little companion, exchanging a similar thought on if you should tell him who you are. 'Mom always said don't talk to strangers.'
"(Y/N) Ketchum." So much for stranger danger. "I gotta go now, sorry. Bye." You walked passed the boy.
"She's a Ketchum!?" The boy exclaimed which startled his cheer squad.
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"Alright so if this equals that then that mean this should be...ah!" You friend screamed as theywas trying to figure out a math problem. They want to be a pokemon scientist one day and math is often involved in science so they have to learn both subjects and be excellent at them.
"Um, (BFF/N), is there anything I can do to-eh!" You got cut off.
"You can help by shutting up! The math I was just trying to figure out! Ugh! It's left my brain forever!" She face cried.
"Ehh! I'm sorry!" You then got up to go grab yourselves some ice cream across the street to calm you both down.
"Ah!" You yelped as you were tackled to the ground.
"Ah! I'm late! I'm late! Hey stay out of my way-whoa..." You looked up and saw a blonde boy with orange eyes staring at you in awe. You could have sworn you seen him somewhere before.
"I'm sorry. I guess I should watch were I'm going." You groaned as you got up. The boy gulped and stood up quickly, a noticing pink hue dusting his face.
"Huh. Oh no! It's ok! I'm Barry by the way." Barry held out his hand. You grabbed it and stood up.
"Barry? Oh I've seen you on TV." You smile excitedly. You had to admit, watching the pokemon league on TV was quite fun. Especially whenever Barry was battling. He was just so cute! Of course you had a crush on him!
"Woah! Really?" His eyes lit up.
"Yeah! You lost 2 rounds in!" You mindlessly say.
"ugh." Barry falls to the ground.
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【As you've probably noticed, I try to keep a lot up to the readers decision. Like gender of your best friend, your pokemon, hometown ect. But in Paul's, I am writing that (Y/N) does indeed have a Togepi. Happy reading!】
You watched a boy your age with purple hair battle against your friend Ash with ease.
"Is that all? I should have expected at least a little bit of a challenge. Shame on me for thinking the weakest trainer can put up a fight with pokemon like that." He insulted.
"C'mon Ash! We're wasting our time! Let's just go." You heard your friend Dawn say. Ash looked like he was gonna get into a nasty fight with this 'Paul' guy. You took this as your cue to get going on your own solo adventure-seeing as you didn't travel with them or anyone else.
Your eyes casted to the boy who seemed to have too little patience in the world. "What are you looking at?" The purple haired boy glared at you-if it could somehow get even more harsh. It seemed he had a constant glare on his face.
"Hm. Oh! Um... nothing!" You stuttered out with a heavy blush, "Hey...Hey lets go Togepi." You turned around as your Togepi followed with his cute little 'Togepiiii'.
"What is that thing? It looks so... useless." Paul pulled out his Pokedex.
His comment caused you to turn around. He was too busy engrossed in his pokedex and trying to drown out Ash, Dawn, and Brock's voices. You hesitated but walked back to the boy so you were face to face.
"It's.. a Togepi." You said almost a little too quietly. Paul had just barely heard you. "and it's cute. And kind of scary." You looked down at the little guy running in circles chasing some butterfly pokemon.
"Sure it is." Paul rolled his eyes. "Do you have any other pokemon?" He crossed his arms.
"No." You shook your head.
"That's probably why." He pointed at Togepi before walking away without another word.
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You walked around a city looking at all the cool colours, buildings, Pokemon shops, restaurants and all that other stuff. Your eyes sparkled up at everything you saw.
"Wow! Hey look at this (P/O/C)! Everything's so bright and beautiful and shiny!" You ran around some more, your pokemon right behind you, looking at everything in awe just like you.
You turned at the sound and saw a boy your age with a camera, facing a cute little cafe. You made eye contact and smiled, "What are you doing?"
The dirty blonde haired boy glanced at you, "Documenting my journey." He puts his camera away, "what are you doing?" He returned the question. He had probably expected you to take some hint and to leave him alone to his business but unfortunately for him, (Y/N) doesnt really work like that.
"I'm here for my next contest." Suddenly you had a bright idea, "if you don't mind, will you come watch?"
He blinked, "What? Why?" He looked almost offended by it. Like why would some random person just come along and ask him to take time away from his day to do that?
"So I can show my mom back home! We don't really have a tv to watch these things. Please! Just one picture! That's all I ask!" You beg.
"What's in it for me? I'm not just gonna do this for free you know-"
"I'll pay for your dinner tomorrow!"
He placed a hand on his hip, now smirking, "and with what money?"
"When I win the contest tomorrow, duh." You smiled.
The boy rolled his eyes, "Fine. Come find me at the pokemon center tomorrow. Then you can get your picture."
Their will be MORE CHARACTERS added - such as;
I will add them at a later date but if you wanna keep track of them + the others easier, this chapter is on Wattpad @/DigitalChito
It is also available on Quotev @/CodexChito however it is OUTDATED seeing as I am rewriting the scenarios so fair warning. Their is plenty of chapters on the Quotev book tho, with the inclusion of Drew from the Advanced Generation series!
Happy reading!!
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fandomregression · 1 year
Pspsps regressor!goh headcanons please 🤲🤲
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Regressor Goh Headcanons!
okay first of all: beautiful concept. goh is babey this is fact
goh starts regressing as he grows as a trainer. his time apart from ash and seeing the ways ash grows make him feel inferior, and he just starts pushing himself. this lands him at a point where he's just frustrated, upset, and he just feels...small
chloe does her best to help him, but its not really working and she isn't very good at this
then ash visits, and it clicks perfectly. ash is a flip, and he realizes pretty quickly whats going on with goh. pikachu ends up dragging over the Baby Bag and ash helps goh just relax and chill out and snuggle for a while as they watch old cartoons from when they were little
over time, ash gradually gets to know lil goh, and he learns that goh is very fussy, has to have his food cut up a certain way or he won't eat, learns that only certain ones of his pokemon can help with goh, and learns all the best games to play to make goh smile
they go to the park a lot because good lord goh doesn't always have a ton of energy, but when he does its best to bring their fastest pokemon and let him just run and climb and play with them
gary helps too!!! gary brings over lots of kiddie books and puzzles and things for goh to play with, and he loves to teach him random pokemon facts
pillow forts...theyre all so good at making huge pillow forts...the professor is tired of walking in and falling on blankies and pillows
give goh pokemon style pancakes or Else >:( theyre his fave foods especially when drowned in syrup. he says that clefairy style tastes the best but he will also accept scorbunny (they are not different flavors)
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zekekaiju · 1 year
As you may or may not know Ash is finally getting out of the Pokemon tv series. This presents a problem, not because of Ash I like Ash well enough but he is terribly generic. That's kinda the whole point of him and his vague dream of "being the very best". You could swap him out with minimal difficulties and his companions are even more basic we literally do swap them out every few seasons. No, the issue is Pikachu. Pikachu is the mascot of the series and the franchise overall. In some cases he was the main draw to the show. Literally the only reason my brother watched the show after a certain point was because of Pikachu. So how do you replace Pikachu? Or rather how do you recreate what made Pikachu special? Well you can't at least not without dealing with everyone comparing your new mascot Pokemon to Pikachu. Those comparisons are pretty much universally going to be unfavorable. If you try to do Pikachu again it is going to fall short of people's expectations. So the solution is don't try. Let me pitch to you my idea for a new Pokemon tv series.
We start off with our protagonist Jet several years after the end of the old series at least 10 probably more like 20 (why the time skip will become clear later just bear with me). The name is amenable but Jet is a nice sensible protagonist name short seems like a cool dude but with a bit of fire in him. Now Jet is sent out by his Mom to do a favor for the Pokemon professor. He needs to fill out the Pokedex for the professor so he has to at least see every pokemon he doesn't have to catch them all but he does need to encounter them. Why is he being sent out to do this? Irrelevant, doesn't matter, he just is. Obviously this is a very dangerous undertaking so his mom gives him her old partner an Arcanine. You see his mom is a retired officer Jenny and she sends her Arcanine along to protect him. Obviously Arcanine is far stronger then anything else starting out and also not exactly his pokemon. So Jet needs to catch his own pokemon to use in Pokemon battles, because it wouldn't be fair to use Arcanine against Jimmy the bug catcher and Arcanine doesn't want to fight unless Jet is in danger or it's an even challenge. So the protagonist's sense of honor and the Pokemon's own feelings keep the overpowered Arcanine from just wiping the floor with everyone. This allows our protagonist and his pokemon to grow while also giving us a cool new mascot that can compete above our current level as needed. Plus you can focus on the steadily growing relationship between his mom's Arcanine and him as the two of them learn to respect each other and work together.
Now another major issue that I haven't addressed is the absence of everyone's second favorite characters, Team Rocket. Jessie, James and Meowth are all leaving the tv series as well. This is a huge problem for pretty much everyone. We all love those dorks and hate to see them go, you could legitimately just keep them in the series but there might be another solution. I propose we have them retire get married and Jessie achieves her lifelong dream of being a nurse Joy. They have two kids who grow up hearing stories of the glory days from uncle Meowth and set off to restart the glorious legacy of team rocket. Armed with a blissey and a wobbufett, they set off and are immediately blasted away by Jet's Arcanine. You see they are completely incompetent when it comes to crime. Nothing else just crime, as the story progresses you see that they are really good at pokemon battles and other aspects of Pokemon life but they stink at being evil. They also serve the same purpose ash's companions serve. The sister acts as a love interest and rival/slash witty banter person to Jet, while the brother is comedy relief/genuinely useful information guy like Brock. He could also have a rotating list of companions but the main companion roles would be filled by the new team rocket. This sounds a little confusing I'm sure but I think it would work really well. Now I don't have names for the rocketeers so currently they are just boy and girl in my head.
This is how I'd do the next iteration of Pokemon. I think it is the best way to go forward with the series. I think it keeps key core elements while still being it's own thing.
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nburkhardt · 11 months
If you get this, answer with 3 random facts about yourself and send it to the last 7 blogs in your notifications, anonymously or not! Let's get to know the person behind the blog. 💛
Oh crap I meant to do this yesterday when I got it but completely forgot haha
My first love is and always will be Pokémon. I grew up watching, playing & collecting. It’s mostly why pikachu is my icon on here.
To go along with the first fun fact, I got two pokemon tattoos on my arm. One is pikachu on top of a pokeball, it’s my first one that I wanted ever since I could remember. My brother ended up paying for it for my birthday! 🥰 the second tattoo is a shiny bellossom, because that’s one of my other favorites! Went with shiny because my first ever caught shiny was Oddish that I ended up evolving into Bellossom. His name is Foster 💚
Hmm 🤔 OH, I’m a huge collector. Like I have funkos, figures, loungefly backpacks, pins & everything in between. I could share a picture if anyone wants.
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firedragon1321 · 1 year
So...this is all I have to say about Pokemon Horizons. I will not repeat it on this account. I have blocked the tag, and I have also blocked tags related to it. After this post, I want nothing to do with it. I just need to get this off my chest so I can move on.
If you’re excited for Ash’s replacements- do not read this. Nothing good in here. Continue scrolling and have a wonderful day.
If you’re not happy or ambivalent- welcome to my dungeon.
This show is gonna be Sue-Town and I hate it.
First, let me post my definition of a Mary Sue, because I’m sure someone will say “but you’re only saying that because Liko is a girl, you sexist pig! >:(”. Mary Sues are real, and they are not gender-locked. That is a myth perpetuated by Sue-lovers, who want to encourage people to write freely without being attacked. While that’s understandable for Little Miss Peggy writing her first fanfiction, it’s less acceptable for a big corporation. So I’m going to use the term “Sue” and ignore its baggage.
To determine what a Sue is, I use three rules. I made them in high school. I made some adjustments to spread away from fanfiction and use gender-neutral language. But the ideas still stick-
The character is “more” than human- usually a sign of author wish fulfillment. They look positively beautiful at all times, have no character flaws, and are generally free of the messiness of human beings.
Everything goes the character’s way. They face no real difficulties over the course of the story, and can do no wrong. Even if the author has to defy logic, they will clear the character’s shining path of all obstacles.
Other characters in the presence of this character alter their behavior. They may fall head over heels for this character, put them on a pedestal, or take them under their wing even if they normally wouldn’t. If the other character is a villain, the “problem” character will become main target of their hatred/jealousy/evil plan/etc. to provide the illusion of conflict. In short, the character is the primary concern of as many other characters as possible.
I can’t say if the Horizons cast will follow these rules at this point in time. But I have enough evidence that leans in this direction.
Liko and Roy both possess mysterious, powerful objects, despite being rookie Trainers. This could lead to Sue Rule 2 depending on how those objects are used. I can guarantee that one or more other parties are gonna want those items, which is Sue Rule 3.
The Rising Volt Tacklers and the Explorers are both tangled up with the protagonists- new Trainers with batfuck nothing except these rare and powerful items. This screams Sue Rule 3. Why else would these seemingly powerful groups tangle with newbies and/or care?
Liko’s only real struggle as of now is Sprigatito won’t listen to her. Which is just a copy of Ash’s Pikachu in Episode One. I’m going to take that with a huge grain of salt. If Liko’s first conflict is a copy of Ash’s first conflict, that’s an early sign she’s going to get swallowed by his shadow. Which doesn’t mean anything good for her as an individual character. Could be Sue Rule 1 later is she doesn’t have her own flaws.
Then, there’s this, which doesn’t make me confident-
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“It seems that pendant has a secret-”
*shows a fucking shiny legendary*
“-and that secret is linked to you.”
(Trailer here- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_c_hMehCORQ)
This could constitute Sue Rule 2 if Liko gets to keep that shiny, or otherwise control it. Giving the characters powerful Pokemon can help make their lives easier. Other characters start with powerful creatures like Charizard (Friede) and Ceruledge (Amethio). These aren’t legendaries, but remember how Ash’s first Trainer battles were against common, unevolved wimps? This seems like a bit much for new characters to deal with. Sure, they’re probably not fighting Charizard. But we know for sure Liko will go toe-to-toe with Amethio.
Which brings me to a problem all these characters share. They look so damn boring. Here’s the mentor! Here’s the rival/villain! Here’s the cheery announcer! They’re character types trying to fill the shoes of a very iconic character. It’s going to take a lot to step into that role successfully, including well-written characterizations. But, um, this ain’t Digimon, where characterization is a priority. Pokemon very rarely has knockout character development.
Which brings me back to Sue Rule 1. I don’t have enough evidence to securely convict anyone of Sue Rule 1 crimes. Well-written characters can overcome all these other issues. But boring/flat characters cannot. Their flatness exemplifies the minor issues, building into a tower of Sue-ism.
“But Ash made friends with legendary Pokemon! He did other stuff you whined about! He even saw Ho-Oh on Day One! Is he a Stu?”
Answer- no. Here’s why-
Ash breaks Sue Rule 1 because he has flaws, especially at the beginning. He is child-like and naive. His intelligence in any field outside of Pokemon (and food, kind of) is very low. At the start, he’s also arrogant and a sore loser.
Ash breaks Sue Rule 2 because he doesn’t get to keep the legendaries he meets long-term. The one mythical he does keep- Melmetal- has a bad losing streak. He loses more often than not. The three big tourneys he won were unheard of to most of the world (Orange Islands), in their infant stage (Alola) or required eight whole episodes to get through the last two battles alone (World Coronation).
Ash breaks Sue Rule 3 because he usually has to prove his worth to other characters. In later seasons, he’s respected as a powerful Trainer. But that’s only after he’s slogged through multiple tournaments and made his mark.
I kind of hope I’m being resistant to change. All of this could be proven wrong later. Horizons does have a bigger story focus than the original anime, which means the characters could be written better. But that also makes characterization even more important. I’m sure Horizons would be just fine as a special like Origins. But it’s meant to replace a world-famous legacy character, is throwing dazzling shit around to distract from basic writing issues, and not convincing me it’s wearing those twenty-six-year-old sneakers very well.
TL;DR- Horizons is a cast of Sues as of now. I could be wrong. There is plenty of time for me to be wrong. But the red flags are all present. Horizons is not providing the same heart that made the original anime a success- merely empty trinkets and fancy lights.
Post Script
As I said before, I’m not going to pester the Internet with this any more. This is a vent post to get my anger out. People who reblog this to steer away from the topic- or to attack me- will be blocked. People who come in later with “aged like milk, lol” will be ignored. 
I’ll scope out Horizons just to see if I’m wrong. If I’m right, I’ll drop it like a hot potato and will never mention it again. It’s not worth stressing about it any more than I already have. I’d rather celebrate the character we lost than hate what replaced him.
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Reviewing Kanto Gym Leader/Elite 4 Music
Today, Tipsy is watching “All Elite 4 Soundtracks [GEN 1-9] 2022″ and she realised that not only are there an ungodly total of 4 Kanto tracks on this video, it’s also missing “Kanto Gym Leader” from Generation 2 and 4′s Johto games (because they’re not the E4 themes), which brings us to a total of six Kanto gym leader remixes in the core series alone, excluding the anime, spinoff games, or Super Smash Bros. 
Here is my review of each of them. 
Generation 1 (the original, Red/Blue/Yellow): Very high energy. I can tell that they put everything they had into this track and pushed the Gameboy to its limits. What I like about it is how victorious and yet intimidating it is, it’s a friendly intense battle. I think this track captures what makes Pokemon music good. It fits exactly what it was made for. 
For some reason, I can only find Pokeli’s edit of the theme with added Pokemon sounds. Even compilation videos like the one at the top of this post use this version. 
Generation 2 (Gold/Silver/Crystal): If the last version of this theme was intimidating but cheerful, this version scraps the cheer completely and focuses on the fight. I don’t actually like it as much as its predecessor, there’s not nearly as much energy, but it’s so hype to get to Kanto after playing through Johto and hear remixes of all your favourite tracks. I love how on some repeats, this version changes up the instruments rather than having a straight loop. Unfortunately the GSC versions of the gym leaders never scaled up with each battle, so it’s a bit forgettable. 
Generation 3 (Fire Red/Leaf Green): Heck yes, back on the bullshit with EVERYTHING HAPPENING ALL THE TIME, and it’s emphasized even more by how they seem to use every instrument available on the gameboy in this track. Because of the GBA’s sound system using compressed audio, this version actually sounds way dirtier than its Gameboy counterparts. This is also hard to listen to with how chaotic it is. However it’s all good fun, I’d say while I prefer the original, this is a good evolution of it and fits Gen 3 well. 
Generation 4 (Heart Gold/Soul Silver): Holy SHIT that intro!!! The intro is way longer than the Gold and Silver version, I’d say in general it’s a huge improvement, adding a final verse before the loop where the music is higher just like in the original before moving down to the GS low key. Like all the battle music in HGSS, this feels like a battle for your life. Again, the actual battle is not as strong as Johto gym leaders, but it’s so nostalgic, a true sequel to FRLG. This sounds much better than Gen 3′s compressed trumpets and guitar. Makes me want to pick up Soul Silver, but I need to complete Platinum again before I can touch it... 
Generation 5 (Black 2/White 2): With this gen they went back to the drawing board - rather than emphasizing the chaotic core instruments like Gen 3 and 4, instead they DE-emphasized the main tune, returned to more chiptune sounds like the original, and put the background synth in the spotlight!! That synth bar at 1:58 and 2:17? That is sex. I love this experiment. It blends in with the rest of the music in gen 5, which knocks it down a bit, but compared to the other versions of Kanto Gym Leader it’s refreshing and new. Gen 5 was going for a different sound after the designers got sick and tired of the same pseudo orchestra noises across the last two gens. 
Aaaaa??? I can’t add any more videos. T_T  
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Nintendo Switch (Let’s Go Pikachu/Eevee): Hell yes, now we are finally on modern technology, with the Nintendo Switch’s audio giving Game Freak the full power they need to make an Anime tribute version of the theme. That’s right, the battle music in LGPE is supposed to sound like the anime. Full orchestra, baby! With this cool guitar serving an undercurrent to the whole thing. It sounds kind of like a Xenoblade version of the theme, which means after a minute of listening my brain switches off, but I think objectively this is the easiest to listen to other than the original, because of how natural it sounds. So many layers, but none of them intrusive and irritating. 
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BONUS: The original Anime theme from 1995: Dear god, this is SUCH an 80s/90s style piece of music, the progression, the “boop boop boop” synth noise, the switch to a sudden guitar solo, the constant change in instruments just like in the Gen 3 version... I think if Game Freak had the resources, they’d have made the games sound like this. It’s got that almost pseudo jazz style that they have fallen in love with in recent years. 
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doubleddenden · 4 days
Pt 2 of changing Ash's teams a bit, now we're in the Orange Islands.
Please read the other post first, but basically the run down is that these would be Ash's teams if I wrote the anime. 1. My au, my rules, but I will be reasonable. 2. I don't like the "too cute to evolve" rule, that should only apply to Pikachu. If a Pokemon evolves that didn't originally, it's because I wanted it to and have changed the script a bit to make it work. 3. If I replace a Pokemon he caught, it's not because I hate them (at least for now). Sometimes they'll just be rotated to another trainer's team, sometimes we'll keep the personality of 1 Pokemon and put in another, that sort of deal.
So now that that's settled, let's give a preview of what I'd make Ash's final Orange Islands team be:
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If this registers as familiar, it should. Anyway, read on for more.
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The Orange Island sage would start out as normal- Brock ditches the gang for a lesbian, Tracey joins up- the difference here is that MISTY would be the one to catch Lapras and be sort of its mother.
As for Charizard- he actually rescues Ash, Misty, and Pikachu from TR's air ship at the beginning. He's still a bit of a tsundere, but after seeing how grateful Ash and Pikachu are, he decides to rejoin the team. He still quarrels a bit with Blastoise, rekindling their foregone rivalry, but he's much mellowed out a little, and Bulbasaur actually steps in when things go too far.
He's still not 100% obedient, in fact he'll only fight strong opponents and he might disobey commands, but at this point he is on the team again and will cooperate with Ash. They even have a few bro moments sometimes, but Charizard is quick to return back to tsundere mode.
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Things pick up a bit at some point. One night, Team Rocket tries to steal everyone's Pokemon and only Bulbasaur is left. In a fit of desperation, especially after Pikachu and Togepi cry out for help, Bulbasaur FINALLY lets go of his fear of evolution (read the Indigo post, some things were rewritten) and evolves into Ivysaur, gaining the last boost of power he needs to save his friends. Ash was pretty concerned about him, and even Ivysaur was still scared after remembering how Blastoise and Charizard were when they evolved, but Blastoise and Pikachu congratulate him and even Charizard seems impressed. Ivysaur finally sees its okay to evolve- evolution didn't make the other two into jerks, he's known that from watching Pidgeot and Arcanine evolve before, no, Charizard was just an ass and Blastoise was sometimes too. Ivysaur no longer fears evolution, and now he wants to get stronger, which Ash is happy to help with.
Snorkax joins the team like usual. I'm actually pretty okay with keeping things as they are, but I'd have moments where Snorlax decides to fight for his friends. He becomes about as reliable as he was in the Johto league, just a few years early and through natural comraderie. He still has eating and sleeping issues, though.
Eevee, however, is going to be an interesting case. Ash discovers Eevee from an island where it spent his whole, very short life alone, growing up in isolation. Its a bit scared of outsiders, but thanks to Pikachu and Togepi, he knows that the gang is safe and befriends them. He's still young and shy, but eventually warms up to Ash and even agrees to travel with the gang. He's not much of a fighter, but the others around him teach him various tricks to fighting better. Misty and Tracy try to help Ash figure out what to evolve it into- Jolteon, Flareon, or Vaporeon, but ultimately Ash decides that he'll let Eevee decide if he even WANTS to evolve.
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Eventually another huge fight breaks out between Charizard and Blastoise, but now Tracy's Scyther and Misty's Starmie (Staryu got left in this au) also get caught up. It's actually due to a machine brought by Butch and Cassidy that causes Pokemon to go crazy. Ivysaur evolves into Venusaur in a last ditch effort to snap everyone out of it, and it works, and using a full powered Solar Beam, he stops the machine and saves everyone. Charizard and Blastoise look at Venusaur as an equal now, and Venusaur understands that he is now powerful enough to compete with them, but decides to instead do his own thing. Ash is proud of Venusaur, and now a new gag gets unlocked: Venusaur hugs everyone tightly with vines, but affectionately.
Some time after, Ash and Charizard have their bonding moment. After Ash stayed up to thaw out Charizard and show he actually cares, Charizard's heart finally melts and he and Ash are finally friends again with full cooperation.
Eevee at this point has gotten to see and earn genuine friendship from the team- even Charizard when he was still tsundere. He's still not quite good at fighting, but at some point he starts to show signs of knowing odd moves. At night, his eyes glow red and he uses the move Bite, during the day his eyes glow purple and he uses Confusion. The gang (and thus the audience) are confused at this point.
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Finally, a few days before the last gym and during the day, when Team Rocket tries to get the group again, Eevee evolves into ESPEON- Ash's first Gen 2 Pokemon to give him, Misty, and Tracy one each. Ash's pokedex can barely read it, but the gang soon comes to understand Eevee's powers manifesting were a sign of evolution, and Espeon is now a Psychic type. Espeon uses Swift and Psychic to save the gang, and is absolutely thrilled to finally be able to battle with the others.
Oak would plant another Johto seed by revealing that Espeon is a "newly discovered" evolution of Eevee found in the Johto region, who only evolves into Espeon during the daytime if his heart is filled with friendship. The gang realizes Espeon loves them a lot now, and this is probably the best outcome to Ash's evolution debacle. Tracy would ask that if Espeon evolves during the day, what about at Night? Oak would reveal Umbreon, a Dark type, stumping the others, but wouldn't spend too long on that as Ash would have a battle to get to.
From here on out, Ash wins the final gym badge with Charizard teaming up with BLASTOISE instead of Pikachu in the 4th gym's double battle. It would be tough at first, but after Charizard mellowed out and Venusaur properly stepped up to mediate between the two, plus Espeon's friendships with both, they put aside their differences and work incredibly well together by creating steam that obscures the opponent's vision and even wins together with a combined Flamethrower and Hydropump. The two are still rivals at this point, but are also respected friends at last.
Ash would fight the champion as normal, except this time he'd keep Snorlax since it felt random to ditch it for Tauros imo- not unwelcome, just random. It's a clutch fight, especially against Dragonite, but Ash finally wins and becomes champion of the Orange Islands.
Then he gets home and learns they're not officially affiliated with the International Pokemon League Association and has a small melt down, but he's still proud of the team that brought him the win.
I'd imagine that Gary would show up still to save the day from TR again, except he'd have an Umbreon already. Ash and Espeon would battle Gary and Umbreon and lose, and after rubbing it in his face, Gary tells Ash that while he was busy wasting his time in the Orange Islabds, he already got a badge in Johto. He then jokes that since he beat Ash, that must make HIM the champion now. After leaving, Ash decided that's where he's going next.
And that's where we'll leave off. Tomorrow we'll do Johto
And if you're still wondering why that became Ash's Orange Island team, it's because that was Red's ORIGINAL GSC team in gen 2 when you fought him on Mt Silver. By this point, GS would be out and GF would probably have shared that info with the writers since Ash is basically anime Red at this point- although... not quite.
But that's for another time.
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moby-writing-and-stuff · 10 months
The Poke-Zoo: Garymolga (NSFW)
The red-headed young man sighed as he wiped the sweat off his brow, a rake in hand as he looked over the large expanse in front of him. He was clad in what he usually wore to do this rather hard labor after closing time, a pair of overalls, no shirt, and large rubber boots. Trees with pokemon jumping to and fro, eating from the berries he had laid out earlier. A few flying types circled far above, looking for places to build nests as the orange light of sunset shined in through the few windows. 
“Right….All done” Kamon muttered, as he let go of the rake and collapsed onto the ground, a big smile on his face. Some of the pokemon wandered out of their enclosures and walked closer to him. Specifically, a Pikachu walked up right to his side and chirped at him. Kamon smirked and gave it a quick pat on the head. Right as he got comfortable, he heard the sound of the opening door echo through the place, spooking the pokemon away. “Oh for fuck’s sake” he muttered, climbing to his feet and grumbling. “Hey!” he shouted as he got out of the thicket “We’re closed! Come back tomor-” he froze as he saw who exactly had just walked inside.
It was three people. The two in the back were wearing simple black outfits with flat grey caps on their heads, hiding their faces from him, along with grey boots and gloves. The most obvious object was a big red R slapped right on their chests. But it was the third person who drew most of his attention.
He was quite tall, towering over Kamon by a huge amount. His hair was cut extremely short, like a military buzz cut. His eyes, a pair of cold brown small dots, moved around the entire area, scanning it for everything that could be seen as a threat or an advantage. The few pokemon that peeked out to see scampered back into the woods the moment those eyes passed over them. The man was also wearing a dark red suit with a small R etched onto the breast pocket, and by the looks of it, it was quite expensive. He took a step forwards, his shoes clacking rather loudly on the stone floor. 
“Hello son,” Giovanni said, a sadistic looking smirk on his face as he looked down at his 20-year-old offspring “It’s been some time since we’ve met face to face, hasn’t it?”
“Y-Yes it has, father” Kamon stammered out, his tiredness being replaced by a cold sweat. His face flushed red as he suddenly realized he was dressed like a farmer in front of his father “I-I-I’m sorry about the outfit father. I-If I’d known you’d be coming, I would have worn something more p-presentable”
“Heh,” the man chuckled, a cold sound that sent shivers down Kamon’s spine. “It’s ok. I’m not expecting you to run this place while wearing a fine suit. Indeed, that’s one of the things I wanted to speak to you about”
“O-Oh?” the young Rocket member asked, looking at this father. The man gave him a nod before turning to the grunts
“Keep watch out there! I don’t want anyone entering this building, I don’t care what permits they have!”
“Yes boss!” both grunts said with a salute
“And put on something less obvious,” Giovanni said “Remember, we’re still not welcomed in Kanto” with that he turned and walked alongside his son, towards the back wall of the Zoo.
“W-What did you want to talk about, father?” Kamon asked, typing in the code to open the secret door. “Y-You said I’d have autonomy here”
“And you will still have it” Giovanni said, clearly attempting to calm his son down as the door hissed and slid open. Kamon took a deep breath and nodded. It was a lot easier to speak to his father over the phone or video calls, the aura of power and danger didn’t translate through those means of communication. Being in front of him, despite knowing that he cared about him. “The operation has been bringing quite some extra money. Seems there has been untapped demand with the Zoo”
“Yeah, there has,” Kamon said as the door opened fully, revealing the metal stairs that led to the hidden zoo. “It’s been a bit hard to keep up honestly”
“That’s part of the reason I am here,” Giovanni said as the pair began to head down the stairs, the door closing behind them as they kept speaking “The zoo has brought enough income that I believe its best to give you some support”
“S-Support?!” Kamon said, his eyes going wide and a small smile breaking through his lips
“Yes. Some grunts who have proven to be loyal, but not that good at missions will be transferred here, they will work as the staff for the zoo.”
“Perfect,” Kamon said as the two reach the bottom, into the large hidden zoo. All around them, transparent glass separates them from small rooms. Almost all the rooms are empty, except for two close to the large computer at the back.
Giovanni smiled and started walking towards the two occupied cells.
“This should allow you to focus your efforts on the main program here,” Giovanni said as he looked into the first cell. It was small, the size of a bedroom, with yellowish grass, a small pond, and a sunlamp constantly shining down on the occupant.
Said occupant is a 19-year-old young man with dark tanned skin clad in shiny rubber which is a light red with cream color on his stomach who was sitting, hunched over a bowl of berries. Twitching behind him are 3 rubbery tails, moving around with each small motion he does. Out of his clearly dyed hair, two rubbery fox-like ears peek through as he looks up from his food and looks up at Giovanni in curiosity
“Vul?” he mutters, his eyes blank and lacking the intellect of a human, more like that one of an animal.
“Heh, admiring my handiwork?” Kamon asked, walking up to see the Vulpix that used to be Hau, grandson of the Kahuna of Melemele Island. The latexmon cheered up the moment he saw Kamon and jumped up, his twitching cock moving along with him.
“Vulpix! Pix!” he chirped, running up to the glass and smiling as the two, shaking his ass to make his tails wag.
“Heh, quite impressive work,” Giovanni said with a smirk, turning away from Vulpix “No issues with former personalities resurfacing?”
“None,” Kamon said with a smile as they approached the other enclosure. “I’ve run tests. Shown him pictures and items relating to his old life. No reactions, same with recordings of his old voice and the like. There’s is no way to break the control over him.”
“Perfect” Giovanni said as he looked into the second enclosure, which was made to resemble a small forest. Resting on one of the branches was the first victim of the program, a black-haired 20-year-old trainer who was coated in latex made to resemble the Pokemon Passimian. He was laying on the biggest branch of the fake tree, hand wrapped around his rubbery member and rubbing it, moaning as he did so “S-Simi!”
“Um….sorry bout that” Kamon muttered, sweat pouring down his head “He’s a bit more….active in that department than Vulpix, haven’t exactly figured out why…”
“That doesn't matter,” Giovanni said with a smirk as he tapped on the glass. The monkey latexmon jumped at the sound and smiled, his eyes similarly dull to Vulpix. He grappled down from the tree and dashed up to the glass, humping against it.
“Passi! Passimian!” he said with a big dumb smile, still humping against the glass
“This is rather fitting don’t you think?” Giovanni said with a smirk, though his tone made it clear he wasn’t speaking to anyone specifically. “All those times you got in my way, ruined my plans. The S.S Anne, the plans at the Whirl Islands, the Lake of Rage, the capture of Celebi, Dr. Zager’s plans for the meteorite, the power of those three legends in Unova. And after all of that, here you are, where you belong. A dumb, horny animal barely worthy to look at me, much less speak to me” his grin grew even bigger, sending a shiver down Kamon’s spine “What do you think of that, Ash Ketchum?”
“Pasi?” the Passimian titled his head, confused at the name he had never heard off before. 
“Hehe, exactly” Giovanni chuckled and turned away from the latexmon and back to his son “Any other sightings of persons of interest?”
“Um, y-yes sir” Kamon stammered out, clearly freaked out by his father’s demeanor. “I-I got reports from our agent at the train station that one of them is coming this way…. W-Why do you ask?”
“Cause I think I’ve got an idea how that stupid monkey can actually be of use to us,” Giovanni said, grinning as he looked at the Passimian latexmon who was once his greatest enemy, “Start warming up the converter, he’ll need just a little bit of work for this one. I want him to be just intelligent enough for complete sentences. And with enough self-control that he doesn’t hump everything in my office...I’m not interested in him that way. All I want is a chat. And maybe more."
"O-Of course father" Kamon stammered out, shaking a little at his father's tone. He hadn’t quite expected this...but this should be easy enough to do.
Gary Oak smiled as he stepped out of the crowded train station, and smiled as he felt the breeze of Viridian City hit his face. It had been a long trip back from Sinnoh, and he was happy to be back home in Kanto.
“Right, best get moving” he muttered to himself as he stepped off the train platform. He looked around, seeing crowds hugging returning friends, trainers from far-off regions excited to start the rounds of the Indigo League. As he walked through, he felt something buzzing in his pocket. Curious, he pulled out the orange phone that Rowan had given him as a going-away present and answered “Hello…? He asked, confused as to who would be calling
“Hey, Gary! It’s been a long while, hasn’t it?” the voice on the other end said, a voice that sounded strangely familiar.
“Daisy?” he asked, a smile breaking on his face as he heard a giggle on the other end
“Yup!” the girl giggled “It’s been quite some time since I cheered you on, hasn’t it?”
“Oh yeah” Gary blushed at that “Arceus, the fuck was wrong with me…”
“You were a hormonal teenager that wanted attention?” Daisy said in a teasing tone “Don’t worry, no hard feelings. It was fun to travel around for a bit, even if you were an insufferable prick for some of it”
“I think you’re giving me too much credit” the young researcher chuckled as he walked into the park at the center of town. “Prick is too nice a word. I was a complete asshole!”
“Heh, yeah. Fair.” she said with a giggle “So, how was Sinnoh?”
“It was great,” the brunette said with a grin “Professor Rowan is a hard-ass, but he’s really smart. I think I’ve learned more about Pokemon evolution in the past year than I did for the 17 years I lived with my gramps.”
“Heh, don’t let him hear that. You’ll be sleeping on the couch for a month” Daisy joked, making both of them laugh rather loudly. “Anyways, there’s a reason I called ya”
“What is it?” Gary asked as he took a seat on one of the benches
“Did you run into Ash on the train?”
“Ash? No, I haven’t seen anything about him ever since I caught the end of the Unova League on TV last month. Why do you ask?” the 20-year-old trainer asked, frowning a little.
“Oh, no reason. He’s a bit delayed on coming back, but he sent a text saying he decided to go on a new journey. Just wondering if you bumped into him on the way out” Daisy said. Despite the calmness of his friend’s voice, Gary frowned as he heard what she was saying.
“No, I haven't seen him since we met up in  Sinnoh about two years ago. Didn’t even catch his battle in the Unova League.” Gary explained, frowning
“Huh, that sucks. He did really well” Daisy said on the other end.
“So I’ve heard…. So, where was he when he started that new journey?”
“Oh, he said he visited that new zoo in Viridian City. Said that inspired him to go out and start all over again”
“A zoo?” Gary muttered, frowning at that. While it wasn’t common knowledge, Pokemon Zoos were frowned upon by the authorities, since it tends to be much more trouble than it’s worth to keep Pokemon happy inside large buildings like that as opposed to just keeping them in large enclosures, as most Safari Zones did.
“Oh yeah! They opened up in that old gym where that weird bald guy with the orange suit ran things. Remember him?” Daisy asked
“Hard to forget…” Gary muttered, rubbing the back of his neck as he remembered that weird pokemon looking thing that threw him aside like a used rag. “Wait, they turned a gym into a zoo?!”
“Oh yeah. Apparently, it was cheaper than just tearing it down” Daisy said
“I see….” Gary muttered, glancing around “Hey Daisy, I gotta go. Talk later” he muttered, and hung up, not waiting for a response. “Right, let’s got check out this zoo...”
Gary frowned as he approached the building, maneuvering his way through the crowd of people that were walking around. The whole area outside had been renovated into a sort of waiting area, with benches, fake grass, picnic tables. The place was quite packed as well, families milled around, heading inside and out of the zoo, balloons all over as kids carried them around, some vendors were set up selling food and drinks to those who were hanging out.
And standing right beside the stairs to the zoo, was a guy in a white shirt, overalls, and rather large rubber boots, handing out flyers.
“Um, hey,” Gary said, walking up to the guy, hands in his pockets
“Hi there!” the guy, clearly an employee for the zoo, said with a smile so fake Gary wondered if he had ever smiled at all “Can I help you?”
“Yeah, I was wondering, how much for a ticket?” the brown-haired researcher asked, trying to stay as calm as he could. The guy frowned for a second pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket
“Yeah sorry, it’s my first day… Haven’t memorized these yet…..” he muttered
Great standards for employees right here…. Gary thought as the guy stammered out the price for one adult admission. The brown-haired trainer shook his head and shoved the money into the guy’s hands.
“U-Uh… alright. Here you go. Have fun” the guy said with a stammer at the money that was handed over, giving Gary a small slip of paper.
“Thanks,” Gary muttered as he started moving up the stairs, blending into the large crowd. His eyes wandered over the outside of the building, seeing that many banners and balloons were hanging from the entrance, as the old symbol for the gym circuit could be seen on the floor, being stepped on and ignored by the people going in and out of the building. “Wow…. no respect for what this place used to be…” he muttered as he approached the entrance.
“Welcome to the Viridian City Gym!” the woman behind a counter said with a smile as Gary finally reached the entrance.
“Hi,” Gary said as he handed in the ticket. She nodded and stamped it, handing it back.
“Well, there ya go. Remember we close at six, so please try to leave before that!”
“Sure” Gary muttered as he cracked open the door and stepped inside. “Well…. This is impressive” he said, despite his reservations. The entire floor had been transformed into a forest, with pokemon jumping and moving around inside. The stands had been torn off and replaced with huge tanks filled with water, with aquatic pokemon jumping from one tank to another. Flying types circled the area above, settling on nests built into the beams on the ceiling. Workers moved around, making sure all the pokemon were fed and watered. He did frown as he saw that on almost every wall and on the beams were various cameras, scanning all over the area. Heavy surveillance for a zoo…. He thought, lost in thought.
“Impressed?” a voice said behind Gary, making him jump in surprise as he was snapped out of his wonderings. Turning around, he saw a guy with bright red hair. He was dressed like pretty much all the other employees. A black shirt, overalls, big rubber boots, and gloves.
“Yeah, I am. A bit” Gary said, crossing his arms as he turned to look at him “and you are?”
“Oh right,” the guy chuckled. “Sorry, I’m Kamon. I’m the guy running this place”
“You're running this zoo?” Gary asked, suspicious as he looked over Kamon. Despite the heavy clothes he was wearing, Gary could see that he was quite muscular for his height.
“Oh yeah. My father bought it from the government a few months ago” Kamon explained as he grabbed a bucket filled with berries “Said it was a shame that it got shut down despite the criminal element having left ages ago”
“Oh? Interesting” Gary muttered, frowning. “So he just left you in charge of this?”
“Oh yeah. He’s very busy overseas, so he left the running of this to me. I think he’s doing business in Unova right now” Kamon said, a small smile on his face as he walked away “Anyways, enjoy!”
“Thanks, I will” Gary muttered, frowning as he looked at the supposed manager walking off to the small forest. Something about this doesn't add up…. The government wouldn’t just shut down a gym out of nowhere. Especially not after getting an Elite 4 Member to run it…. And leaving someone like this in charge of a business as complex as this. His frown deepened as he walked around the thicket of greenery, stopping in front of a rather large fake tree. There’s something going on here…. And I think I know what the best way to figure it out is. I’m taking a page out of your book here, Ash he sighed and looked around. This stretch was abandoned and out of sight of the cameras Fuck it, here goes nothing. He took a deep breath and jumped into the bush, moving deeper and deeper into it, until he was out of sight of everyone and everything. “Right…. Time to get comfy for a few hours….” he whispered to himself, wincing as he felt a branch pinching his ass “Fuck…. This is gonna be fun…” 
“Guh” Gary muttered, blinking as he opened his eyes, blinking a bit. “Fuck I fell asleep…” he muttered, shaking his head and rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. He moved some of the branches out of the way of his eyes and peeked. 
The zoo was dark, some traces of moonlight peeked inside, illuminating the path. A few pokemon could be seen still moving around, yet most of them were happily snoozing away
“Well, the plan worked at least” Gary muttered as he crawled out of the bush, shaking the loose leaves off his body. “God, that branch went places branches are not meant to go…” he muttered, rubbing his sore bum as he looked around “No guards… weird” he muttered as he made sure his pokeballs were still on his belt “You’d think a place like this would have some security at night to prevent thefts…” he said as he began walking, frowning as he saw that the cameras were not moving either “And they shut down the cameras after dark…” he whispered. 
He took a few laps around the enclosure, finding nothing out of the ordinary. Just more sleeping pokemon, a few eating a midnight snack, and a couple that looked at him with confused looks on their faces before going back to whatever they were doing. But as he began his fourth lap, he heard something.
“This assignment is something…” he heard a voice say on the opposite end of the room. Frowning, Gary gently stepped into the forested enclosure and followed the voices.
“You can say that again. I know the boss has come up with some weird plans, but this is something else” another, much gruffer, voice responded to the first
“Eh, I don’t think this was the boss’ idea. I think this was that weird redhead’s idea” the first voice said, as Gary reached the other end of the thicket. He gently moved the branches out of the way to get a good look at the two speakers. They were two rather tall guys, one much broader than the other. They were wearing the Zoo’s uniform but were clearly trying to take them off.
“Ah yeah, that makes sense. That guy is a bit weird in all honesty.” the gruffer guy said, crossing his arms “I mean, a zoo? What kind of cover is that?”
“One that apparently draws in money,” the first guy said with a shrug as he headed to the back wall.
“What is he doing?” Gary muttered. The guy felt the wall for a few seconds before a brick sank under his hand. A loud hiss rang out over the whole room, as the wall in front of the two began to move down, sinking into the floor. Bright, pure white lights turned on, revealing a steel hallway and a bright red R plastered on the wall. 
“Team Rocket!” he hissed as the two grunts headed down the stairs, the door closing right behind them. Not waiting another second, the brown-haired trainer dashed out from his hiding place and jogged up to the door. “Well, this explains a lot… Zoo opening up without complaints from the government, someone that young running the place, the fact no one made this a gym again. Team Rocket has all the resources to do all of this…” he muttered as he tapped the wall, looking for the button the grunt had used. He smiled as he felt the brick sink under his hand and the door hissing open. 
He took a deep breath and stepped down onto the steel stairs, the door closing behind him so fast he didn’t have a chance to think over this. He sighed and kept going, the steel clacking beneath his sneakers. He glanced up, blinking a bit as the lights began to flash. “Guh” he muttered, rubbing his eyes as the flash kept flashing in a strange pattern. 
“Why the hell would Team Rocket do this?” he wondered as he kept heading down, passing various doors. “Money? I doubt they have that much need for money… and owning a zoo doesn't give you the amount of power that being a Gym Leader... What is the play here?.....” he blinked for a second, standing in place as the lights kept flashing in a pattern.
Flash. Stop. Flash flash. Stop
He shook his head, grabbing the side of his head as he kept on going down the stairs, a bit slower now. With each step he took, the flashing of the lights became faster and faster. A soft crackling began to play over unseen speakers, but he couldn’t really understand it. It seemed to be nothing but random gibberish, but he still found himself nodding along to it
Flash. Stop. Flash flash. Stop
“Man… T-They need to get these lights fixed…” Gary muttered to himself as he kept on going down “I-It is kinda nice to look at though…” he muttered as he moved closer to the wall, resting his body on it as he kept on walking so that he could devote more energy to watching the pretty flashing lights as they kept their perfect pattern. 
Flash. Stop. Flash flash. Stop. Flash. Stop. Flash flash. Stop. Flash. Stop. Flash flash. Stop.
“Huh…...whu?” Gary stammered as he stumbled over his own two feet as he finally reached the bottom floor of the base. He blinked and grabbed the side of his head. His brain felt a bit fuzzy, but he didn’t worry about that and instead looked around the room.
It was a large circular room, around the size of a house with dozens of rooms separated off by glass. Most of them were bare, but there were two near the back that had people inside of them. 
In the back of his head, something told him that this wasn’t normal. That a room like this shouldn’t be at the bottom of a zoo, but each time he tried to focus on that though, the pattern from the lights hit him again. Flash. Stop. Flash flash. Stop. He shook his head again and started looking around, more curious than cautious now, as the same gibberish from the speakers was now looping in his head. 
“Is someone there?” a familiar voice suddenly came out of nowhere, sounding through the speakers. Gary blinked for a second and looked around, seeing no one.
“W-Who’s there?” he asked, groaning as the flashes repeated in his brain
“Gary?” the voice asked “Is that you?”
“W-Wait… Ash?” the spiky-haired young man asked, looking around a bit faster “Is that you?”
“Yeah!” Ash said, a tone of excitement clear in his voice “What are you doing here?”
“I-I…” Gary blinked, why had he come here again? Each time he tried to focus on it, the flashing lights hit him again. He groaned “I-I….I came here looking for you!” he said, finally remembering
“Oh, awesome!” Ash said calmly as if Gary had just asked for the time or something mundane like that. “Well, you don’t have to worry. I’m really happy here!”
“Oh yeah! This is sooooooo much better than pokemon training or stuff like that” Ash said “Loads better!”
“W-What?” Gary stammered out, walking ahead towards the two enclosures occupied “W-Why would you say that?”
“Cause it's true?” Ash said with a chuckle “I mean. As a trainer I had to walk miles each day, getting sunburnt every three minutes and constantly have to check over stuff like how much food I was carrying, if I could carry more without snapping my backpack off or stuff like that. But now, I don’t have to think about anything except how much fun I have just...being like this!”
“B-Being like what?” Gary asked as he passed in front of the first enclosure. It was made to resemble a field in the middle of summer with yellowed grass and a small pond. It looked...really pretty, the kind of place Gary would enjoy running around without a care in the world. He could see poking out of the grass what looked like the tails of a Vulpix, but he didn’t pay it much mind
“Come over and see,” Ash said with a small giggle “I’m in the next enclosure”
“A-Alright” Gary muttered, taking sluggish steps closer to the next one, blinking as it became harder and harder to focus on anything except Ash’s voice. He stopped in front of it and peeked inside, not noticing how the glass was shimmering in a familiar pattern. 
It looked like someone had taken a chunk of forest and plopped inside of it. There was a massive tree in the center with a tire swing. Next to it was a pond and huge bits of tall grass hiding anything else. He did see what resembled the tail of some pokemon he didn’t know the name of poking out of it, but he couldn’t focus on that.
“Right! Now, push the red button to open it up” Ash said in a cheery voice “But first….”
“First what?” Gary muttered, looking at the place inside, as the flashing on the glass hit him again and again.
“Well, rules are rules, Gary. You need to put your pokemon in the bin over there”
“W-What?” Gary muttered, blinking at that
“You heard me. Rules are rules, and good boys follow rules. If you wanna see me, you have to do it” Ash said in a cheery tone that would have made Gary nervous if he could still think.
“Rules are rules….and good boys follow rules,” Gary said, unhooking his belt and dropping it into the bin. The pokeballs clattered inside.
“Good! Now your clothes!” Ash said as the pattern reflecting off the glass hit him again, even faster than before.
Gary nodded, not even arguing this time as he yanked off his pants, shirt, and shoes, chucking them into the same bin as his belt. Soon, the 20-year-old trainer was standing buck ass naked in the cold metal room. After a second of waiting to see if Ash had anything else to say, he pushed the big red button next to the enclosure.
The glass trembled as it began to lower into the floor, leaving free access to the enclosure.
“Awesome! Come on in Gary, I’ll show ya what I meant” Ash said, his voice echoing through the room. Gary nodded mindlessly and stepped inside, feeling the synthetic grass under his bare feet. The moment he stepped inside, the glass hissed and sealed again, but the brunette didn’t care. He just walked forwards, moving through the tall grass and shivering as he felt it tickle his naked body. “I’m right over here!” he heard Ash’s voice, finally without the distortion of a loudspeaker, instead it was coming from his left.
Gary nodded and headed over, his thoughts cloudy and messy. He couldn’t even think at this point as he moved the grass aside. Standing in front of him was Ash. Only it really wasn’t.
“H-Huh? A-Ash?” he muttered, forming words difficult in his current state. “I-Is that?”
“Oh hey, Gary!” Ash chirped. His suit shimmered in the light of his enclosure, his tail moving around lazily on the floor as small movements made it shift. It was clear that it sent shivers of pleasure over the 20-year-old’s body, but he managed to not moan out loud.
“W-What are you wearing?”
“Wearing? I’m not wearing anything silly!” Ash giggled. Gary blinked, and despite the fact that something about that comment didn’t seem right with him, a group of bulbs right behind Ash started flashing in a familiar pattern.
Flash. Stop. Flash flash. Stop
“This is what I look like now Gary!” Ash said, walking closer to his one-time rival, his tail swinging behind him as he did so, his latex-coated member twitching in between his legs “And it feels amazing!”
“I-It does?” Gary muttered, blinking as he stared at the person who used to be his rivals years ago
“Oh yeah! It feels fantastic!” the former trainer giggled, his latex-coated chest shimmering in the small amount of light that was present in the enclosure. “It feels so much better than being out there!”
“D-Does it?”
“Oh yeah! No worries about food, sleep or thinking. All that matters is being obedient and horny. Doesn't that sound nice Gary?” Ash said with a smirk as he got right next to Gary “Just obedient and horny. No thoughts, no will, just pleasure. Nothing but pleasure”
“No….. thoughts…..no will…...just...pleasure…….” he said, a dumb smile forming on his face with each word “Nothing….but…….pleasure…….”
“That’s right,” Ash said “Just being a good pet for Master. Just being horny, dumb, and obedient. Doesn’t that sound like a good life?”
Flash. Stop. Flash flash. Stop
“Y-Yes…….Just be horny, dumb, and…..obedient” the brunette said with a dumb smile forming on his face.
“That’s right. Just a big dumb obedient horny pokemon. No more name, no more thoughts, just pleasure, and obedience.” Ash smirked “That sounds great, doesn't it?”
“Y-Yes….I-It sounds amazing,” Gary said with a dumb chuckle
“You want that, don’t you?” Ash asked with a smile, leaning even closer to Gary, his latex-coated member touching Gary’s bare skin “You want to let go of all that dumb human stuff and serve Team Rocket as a good latexmon, don’t you?” Gary was about to respond but was interrupted by the lights behind Ash going off once again.
Flash. Stop. Flash flash. Stop
“Y-Yes!” he gasped out, his body shuddering in pleasure as the cold rubber that covered Ash rubbed against it. “I-I want to serve Team Rocket! I-I want to be a latexmon!”
“You sure about that?” Ash said, giving the mind-controlled young adult a smirk “There’s no turning back from this” he said as he grabbed Gary’s erect member with his hand, giving it a little stroke “Though I think that’s a very small price to pay for feeling this good”
“Y-Yeah…. I-It would be a small price….” Gary said with a dumbass grin on his face, moaning as he felt Ash’s fingers around his sensitive meat.
Ash smirked at that and gave him one last big tug on his dick and pointed at a small camera on the ceiling “Then go ahead and tell them. Tell them that you refuse who you are, tell them what you want to be”
Gary nodded mindlessly, took a few steps closer to the camera, the fake grass crunching under his bare feet. He glanced up at the camera, and with a smile that showed there was truly no free-will left in his skull, he spoke.
“Hello, my name was Gary Oak. I used to meddle in Team Rocket’s affairs, but I’ve decided that I’d rather spend the rest of my life as a latexmon in this zoo. I will be mindless, obedient, and you can have all the fun with me you want! I will never threaten Team Rocket again! I will never be forced to think for myself again! I will never stop feeling the pleasure of obedience!” he smiled as he looked at the camera.
“Good boy Gary!” Ash said as he snuck up behind his former rival, giving his ass a strong grope, which sent a shiver of pleasure through Gary’s body “It felt good, didn’t it? To let go of all that useless free will?”
“Y-Yes” the brown-haired boy nodded.
Ash smiled and pointed to a smaller door that had just opened. “Now, run through there...oh, on all fours. It’ll be good practice.
“Good boy.” A voice spoke in Ash’s ear as soon as Gary left. “Now head up to my office for a chat...once you’ve gotten a little more dressed. If I like what you have to say, you can have a treat.”
“Yes sir.” Ash nodded, his voice a bit less emotional than it was when he spoke to Gary. A small loincloth with a few big leaves in the front had been wrapped around one of the tree branches, and while the Passimian didn’t quite feel the need to cover himself, he wouldn’t question an order.
As he did that, Gary had gotten on all fours and walked out the door, stumbling over his own legs as he did so
“N-Need…. Practice” he muttered, as he followed the instructions that were given to him. He clambered out of the enclosure through a side door and stood up. He was back in the big room, alone this time. He looked around lazily, blinking slowly. “W-What now?”
Right as he said that, he heard a click from above. He looked up and saw what looked like a baseball launcher, though there was shiny liquid dripping from the front, splattering onto the floor in front of Gary. He looked at the puddle forming and smiled as he recognized the same sheen that was on Ash’s. The machine creaked and moved, pointing right at him
Don’t move a voice rang out from the loudspeakers. Gary’s eyes went wide as he grinned and nodded. The machine creaked again, and with a deafening pop, a ball of latex blasted out of it and hit Gary right in the chest.
The moment it touched his skin, shivers and waves of pleasure ran up and down his body, sending him to his knees as the goo stuck to his flesh and began to spread. The white rubber stuck to his body, molding and forming around his abs and every contour of his body, rubber dripping off and splattering to his legs, spreading out slowly to it. 
“Aaaaagh!” he moaned, rubbing his hands over the rubber to help it spread further and further. The rubber stuck to his fingers, forming a pair of extremely tight mittens. His fingers fused together as he lost the use of all except his thumbs. He raised them up to his face and gently moved them, moaning as he felt the rubber touch the skin beneath.
The machine took aim again, and with another loud blast, shot out another ball. This one hit right in his hyper-sensitive member. He screamed in pleasure, shooting out a blast of cum as the rubbery goo formed around it a few seconds later. His cock was wrapped in snow-white rubber, which sent him even more waves of pleasure, as the rubber constantly sent waves of pleasure with each small motion he did. The rubber spread around his legs down to his thighs.
“OoooooooUAGH!” he moaned as he felt something being shoved into his ass. He looked back, his entire body shaking in pleasure as he saw a large black lightning bolt-shaped tail sticking out, twitching with every small motion of his butt. He giggled and shook it as another ball shot out of the cannon and hit him in the head this time. The rubber washed over his face and hair. His hair went black as the rubber was absorbed by the follicles and, shivering he felt two large, squirrel-like ears form from the rubber. He moaned again as two patches of yellow latex stuck to his face, leaving two yellow circles.
“Good boy” came the voice over the PA, making the rubber-coated young man shiver in pleasure “Now sit tight for one more second” Gary nodded and sat down in place, moaning as he felt his tail being shoved even deeper into his ass. The moment he moaned, two bits of latex shot out of his mittens and attached to the rubber on his chest. From those bits, two bright yellow wing-like flaps grew, attached to his arms and his torso and completing his look.
“Well done!” came the voice from the PA, but this time right behind him. The now latexmon jumped up and turned around, smiling as he saw Kamon walk up to him, with a smirk on his face.
“T-Thank you!” Gary moaned every small motion of his body sending waves of overwhelming pleasure through his body. His cock bounced and blasted out another stream of seed by the mere motion of turning to face his new master
“Settle down...we’re not quite finished. Besides...I think you want to properly thank Ash for convincing you.” Kamon remarked before presenting a tablet. “Look in here”
Gary nodded and stared into the small screen in his new master’s hand, only to be greeted by a familiar pattern
Flash. Stop. Flash flash. Stop
“You’ll be all set by the time Ash comes back…” the redhead said with a smirk as he looked at the hypnotized young man.
The Passimian boy gingerly opened the door to see Giovanni sitting in his chair.
“I think I’d like a little chat with you, boy. Now...what should I refer to you as?”
“I’m Passimian, sir,” the latexmon said with a smile, squatting on the floor with his rubbery tail twitching on the floor “Why would you call me something else?”
“Heh that’s right,” the mob boss said with a smirk as he turned off the microphone. Despite how he was speaking earlier, the young man in front of him didn’t really remember who he used to be. The new command his son planted inside of him readded some memories and gave him the ability to speak again, but the name Ash didn’t mean anything anymore. He had been simply repeating the words that were fed to him.
“What’s your first memory?” Giovanni asked the panting latexmon in front of him
“Waking up in the zoo basement sir!” Passimian said with a big smile “Then being led to my enclosure by Master Kamon!” 
“So you don’t recall the lights?” the mob boss asked
“No, sir. Um, like the lights from earlier today?” the latexmon asked, tilting his head in confusion
“...Hm, that’s right. How did it feel, looking into them and...learning how to speak?”
“It felt funny sir. Felt like lots of useless info was shoved in my head… Things I didn't need to know to do what I exist to do…” Passimian said, rubbing his head.
“I see…” Giovanni said, leaning back in his chair “How does that tail feel? I imagine it’s pretty degrading to be perpetually fucked.”
“Degrading? It feels amazing!” Passimian giggled, sitting down to shove the tail further into his body “I-I love this feeling master! Being constantly fucked is what makes latexmons feel good!”
“Interesting” Giovanni said as he laid back with a smirk on his face “Well, either way, you did good, Passimian”
“T-Thank you, sir!” the latexmon squeaked as he stood up, the plug lodged deep in his ass slowly moving outwards “M-May I ask a question, sir?”
“Hmm, very well” Giovanni muttered, curious about this 
“Who’s the Ash you had me pretend to be?” Passimian asked “The way you had me speak sir, it sounds like you know who this person is”
“Oh, Ash was an annoyance for me and my group.” Giovanni explained, looking over Passimian with a curious look “He was a trainer from some small, useless town named Pallet. He set out on his journey three years ago, with some jumped-up electric rat of a Pikachu. Ever since that day he was nothing but a complete pain in the ass for me and my organization.” he stopped and looked at the latexmon standing in front of him.
Passimian blinked at him, his eyes dull and less expressive than one expected before answering “I hope this ‘Ash’ got what he deserved, sir.” he said with a big smile
“Oh he did,” Giovanni said with a smile “Now, head back to your enclosure, Kamon will give you dinner soon”
“Yes sir!” Passimian said with a big smile as he took off back towards the door, running on all fours like the monkey he really was.
“Heh, well this program is turning out even better than I first thought,” he said as he pulled a cigar from his pocket.
Passimian stepped back into his enclosure, smiling as he felt the synthetic grass under his bare feet. He got into a more comfortable, ape-like stance as he ripped off that stupid loincloth that Mr. Giovanni asked him to wear. He smiled and shivered as he felt his cock touch the cold air of his home.
“Well, good to see who’s back,” a familiar voice said. The latexmon looked up and smiled as he saw his master, who was surprisingly still clothed. “How was the meeting, Passimian?”
“It was ok, Master!” Passimian said with a smile
“Good,” Kamon said as he walked closer, opening the glass enclosure “Now come here, I have one last question for you”
“Okay, Master!” Passimian said, hopping off his enclosure and onto the cold metal floor. He shivered, both at the cold and at the arousal the movements caused, but he didn’t shoot out a stream instantly. He had grown used to the neverending arousal and it took a bit more to get him to cum. He shook his head and walked right next to his master. As he walked, he saw the boy he had interacted with earlier, moaning and humping the air as he stared into a screen, a pair of earbuds inside.
“Heh, don’t worry he’ll be done soon,” Kamon said with a smirk
“That’s good master!” Passimian giggled “It’s been getting lonely with just me and Vulpix”
“I know,” Kamon said as they reached the big glowing machine. Passimian still didn’t know what this thing was, but he knew that his master used it a lot. The redhead criminal smiled as he typed away on it. The screen flickered a bunch of pictures began to pop up, all of them of young men around Passimian’s age, some seemed to be 19, others a bit older around 21. But they all were near his age range. There were three with red crosses over their faces
“Now, some of these other boys we’ll need to nab, we can’t lure all of them here. But you can pick which one we capture first, Passimian.” Kamon said with a smirk, looking at his favorite pet
“...Him. He looks cute,” Passimian said after thinking for a good few minutes and pointed at one of the many targets. The one he pointed at had a head of spiky brown hair under a yellow and blue hat.
“Perfect” Kamon said as he hit a few more buttons “Thanks Passimian”
“Your welcome master,” the latexmon said with a smile 
“Now, I think you’ve had a long day,” Kamon said with a smile, rubbing his hand over the rubbery hair of his pet “So…. Go full mon”
Passimian stood up straight, his eyes going wide as those words were spoken. His brain fizzled and felt even more mushy than usual for a second. Connections that were running a second ago stopped and shifted, as he let out a dumb giggle and smiled at his master.
“There we go, how do you feel?”
“Pasi!” the latexmon chirped, smiling at his master, rubbing his cock with his free hand “Pasi simian simi!”
“Heh, good” Kamon chuckled as he patted his pet’s head again “I missed having you like this. I much prefer my mons dumb and horny, not talking. Now, let’s give you that reward for all your hard work” the redhead walked over to the other latexmon and took the earbuds off and the tablet away.
“Mol?” he mumbled, blinking as he broke free of his trance. He looked around and saw Kamon, a big smile breaking out on his face “Em! Emolga!”
“Hello Emolga,” Kamon said, giving the new boy’s cock a quick poke, making him shiver and buckle. “You look like you’re good and ready, aren’t you?”
“Emolga!” the newest exhibit chirped with a nod
“Well then, we’ll just have to break you in. Passimian!”
The monkey-like latexmon dashed behind the newest member of the group and grabbed the tail, pulling it out with a loud pop. 
“EMO!” Emolga yelped, surprised by the sudden action as Passimian chucked the tail aside, latex still dripping from the plug. He lined himself up and shoved his big rubbery cock into the Emolga’s waiting ass. Emolga moaned loudly, a big smile on his face as he felt himself being filled, but by something a thousand times better than his tail-plug.
“Heh, good work,” Kamon said as he saw Passimian slapping his thighs against the big butt of Emolga, the combination of smacks and squeaks rining out through the entire room as he fucked him raw. Kamon glanced at the computer. Now that Emolga was all done with his brainwashing, he had to set up his new enclosure, his food, all that.
“EMOOOOOOOOOOO!” the sounds of the newest pokemon blasting out a wad of cum, as he was fucked hard by the one who used to be his biggest rival slapped against his ass, pumping his ass full of his cum.
“Heh, you know what, all that shit can wait” he said as he undid the buttons of his overalls and slapped the off button for the cameras. He stripped himself bare, his muscular body being a stark difference to the lithe bodies of the latexmons. He stood behind Passimian and grabbed his tail, pulling it with a strong tug
“PAAAAAAAAAAAASI!” Passimian moaned, blasting a glob of seed of his own, right into Emolga.
“Hehe, don’t stop now” Kamon said as he lined up his own cock, his red pubes shimmering in the small amount of light there was. “We’re gonna have a very fun night!”
If you enjoyed this fic, please check out my Patreon to support me if you can. And a shout-out to my top-tier Patrons, Jerry Nelson and Vikitren!
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littlesolo · 2 years
Kacy Fic - Video Games (unfinished)
I saw a post about a new Pokemon video game having four player option in it and immediately thought of Lucy. Then my head kept thinking about Kate and Lucy and video games throughout the day. This is the result. I guess it could be called slight crack, but I haven't checked with my only expert on that sort of thing @i-like-turkey . It's not finished either, but I'll write what else was going to be included.
Video games hadn’t been a huge part of Kate’s childhood. There were arcade games at the bowling alley, lots of the other kids had game systems, and Noah had a Gameboy. She’d played them all, but didn’t really have a need to own a game system of her own. They were more fun with people anyway.
Lucy has a Nintendo Switch. When they get back together, Lucy winds up spending even more time at her place than she had before. She practically moved in, her own place being used basically as storage for her life when she was single. Once they were back together, everything she needed was at Kate's or she brought it over. Her Nintendo Switch was one of those things. When she and Kate get a place of their own together, it has a permanent spot next to the tv. Since getting back together, they’ve taken time to get to know each other more.
Kate learned about Lucy’s knowledge of Pokémon from one of their visits to Jesse’s house. It’s more than understanding why an evolved form of a Pokémon is better than it’s original state. That much even Kate could follow. Pikachu was the one Pokémon Kate knew of, but when Jake explained why Raichu was his favorite and was better, it made sense. That’s just logic though and Lucy’s knowledge extended beyond that.
To unwind, Lucy plays Pokémon Snap. It’s a simple game and makes her happy. Kate gets the appeal and is slowly learning all the different Pokémon names. At first it was something that just Lucy did, but a game without high stakes or life in the balance or violence was soothing after cases that sometimes had all three. Kate found herself on the couch more than once just watching Lucy play. She also plays Let's Go, Pikachu, but again, it's not exactly a high stress game and that makes it perfect.
Over time, the game collection grows. Turns out they both had memories of playing Street Fighter when they were kids. Sure, it’s a fighting game, but the people in the background at the open market don’t seem phased by the fight going on in front of their stalls. Not even when the fireballs came out. And it wasn’t like Mortal Kombat, with spines getting pulled out. On a frustrating day, a fighting game is a good stress release. That’s what has Lucy buying Super Smash Bros. Ultimate next.
That winds up leading to Lucy getting a game just for her. The one game she remembers playing on Noah’s Gameboy is Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening. When they play Super Smash Bros, Kate gets a look at what Link and Zelda look like. She was used to the itty bitty version of the characters from her brother’s Gameboy pocket. Even when she played as a kid, it wasn’t so much what Link looked like, it was about what items and weapons you had and how many hearts. Lucy shows her some of the Zelda games available for the Switch, but they’re more advanced than Kate is familiar with.
When Link's Awakening comes out for the Switch, Lucy gets her a copy as a surprise. Kate hadn’t meant to get so absorbed in it, but that weekend was mostly spent with her playing and Lucy watching from behind her. It’s fun and Lucy teases her a little about how she should have known that the game for her would involve puzzles. She gets stuck though more than once.
“You know, you can look up the walkthrough online. It’ll tell you what to do. Some gamer on You Tube has probably uploaded the game play and you can see how to do it” mentions Lucy when she gets stuck the first time.
“No, that’s cheating.”
“How? When you need answers at work, you do research! This is the same thing. Kinda.”
“No. I want to figure it out myself.”
“What did you do when you got stuck when you played before?”
“I got Noah to help me, but I wouldn’t let him tell me how either.”
“That must have been fun for him. Trying to peek over your little hunched shoulders, watching you try to figure it out…”
“He’d give me hints.”
“What qualifies as a hint? Can I give you hints?”
“Not if you look up the walkthrough first.”
Link’s Awakening is Kate’s game. She’s offered to let Lucy play, but her girlfriend says she has more fun watching her.
That's as far as I got before I started feeling it was stupid.
The last few parts would have been about two games they had to return.
Mario Kart had them getting too competitive. It didn't matter what character or what course, there were certain days where they just couldn't stand losing. Maybe it was family stress, or a tough day with no leads, or just desperately needing a win. They'd make the mistake of picking Mario Kart and it didn't end well. The only solution was to sell it. Super Smash Bros became the go to game when they were feeling even a hint of stress. It's hard to get too mad when you lose when you lost as Yoshi getting sucked up by Kirby. Princess Peach utterly destroying Cloud Strife is just satisfying to watch.
The other game they wind up getting rid of is Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe. Kate's never been very good at platform games. She hated the Sonic the Hedgehog game with a passion, so it wasn't a surprise that Super Mario Bros had the same effect. Thing is, after killing Mario five times in a row, Kate gives up. Lucy does not.
She'd been working at home and could hear Lucy playing a game. Lucy kept the volume way down, but based on what she heard, she knew what game it was.
"Shoot. Damn. Fuck! Damn It!"
Lucy gets progressively more frustrated as she dies over and over, but refuses to quit. It drives Kate nuts. It doesn't help that neither of them ever get past the first level. That gets given away to save their sanity.
They have the team over and let them play, but they tend to have more fun watching the two of them play something.
That's all I had. I don't see me coming back to it, but I figure I'd post what I had anyway.
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This is not Saeran related. I remember that you are a fan of Pokemon, so can you recommend me which game to play first? I started to loving Pikachu because I watched the movie and now I'm interest to play the game^-^
Oh! Pokémon was my first fandom. I've been playing for as long as I can remember and consuming the anime and manga all the same. I have great news for you, Anon. This is a great journey to start as it's one of the most popular games in the world. There's no wrong way to love it.
Pokémon games are structured in a way that allows you to be a first-time player or a veteran. It doesn't matter what your skill level is! All Pokémon games are easy to pick up for the first time. Every one of the games is structured to allow this to be a game that is your first experience and a call-back to old games if you're a player that's been around for a long time.
Pokemon can be played on Nintendo consoles. So, your first step to playing is making sure that you've got a console to use! Do you have a Gameboy, a Gamecube, a DS, a DSi, a3DS, or a Nintendo Switch? Now, depending on what you have, that's going to factor in what you can play. A lot of the older games are viewable on Digital Downloads on the Switch now so you can bypass some of it but not all of it!
Now, each Pokemon game is centered around one region. So, if you pick up the original games, Blue or Red [or you buy Let's Go, Pikachu or Let's Go, Eevee for the Switch which are fun little remasters of the originals], that would be set in the Kanto region! Pikachu originates from that region! If you like our buddy Pikachu? I would say this Let's Go Pikachu might be a good game for you. Unless you want to try out the original Blue or Red on your Switch!
But if you pick up Ruby or Sapphire for the Gameboy, or [Alpha Sapphire and Omega Ruby on the 3DS via a Remake], that would be set in Hoenn. The Pokemon world is huge and there are many places for you to explore! They're based on real locations in our world and it never stops! Personally, if I were to list my favorite games?
I would go and say I love Pokemon Shield, Pokemon Black, Pokemon Sapphire, Pokemon Silver, Pokemon Blue, Pokemon X, Pokemon Moon, and Pokemon Pearl are the versions that I played and love. There are 8 official generations, so two core games [and a few of them have a bonus 3rd game with extra content like Pokemon Platinum (matches with Diamond and Pearl) or Emerald (matches with Sapphire and Ruby)].
There are two Pokemon games that come out each generation, and in that game, the only difference is you get a different legendary Pokemon and there's a few minor Pokemon that are specific to that game. The box art? Look at that because that's the big thing you'll be catching!
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There are a lot of Side Games that you can play that also don't involve catching and training! I suggest checking out Pokemon Ranger for the DS or Pokemon Mystery Dungeon if you want to play with a lot of Pokemon but maybe don't want to jump into gyms! The anime is a lot different from the game itself, though. If you want to catch a Pikachu, do your research and see where it's available in that game!
Anytime a Pokemon game comes out, that's the first time someone plays or the hundredth. That's the great thing about this game. It's always someone's first game out there, and I love knowing that a lot of kids get to experience that, or even teenagers and adults who get to play for the first time! It's just, ugh. I love it.
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epicspheal · 2 years
hello! I'm coming from twitter after reading your thoughts after deactivating both of your accounts, and I've thought to say that I've deeply enjoyed your thoughts and inputs regarding Pokémon and your OC lore although I've never personally reached you besides some rts and such. Your health comes first, so I wish you real good on your path to healing, it was nice to have you in the fandom! :)
Hi Anon, Thank you I appreciate your kind words! Like I said in the tweet I haven't quite decided how I want to handle everything (like completely deactivating this blog or just leaving it up but defunct). I'm just really overwhelmed with this Tumblr. I am immensely honored and flattered by all the people who have liked/reblogged/asked questions. It warms my heart to know people find me approachable enough to want to have these discussions and that people like my OCs (especially since I grew up in a time where everyone was witch-hunting OCs ready to call them Mary sues at the drop of a hat I was really anxious about talking about them). But at the end of the day, I am an introvert and at times it's a struggle to keep up with the asks and DMs I get and try to post my own original posts (be it thoughts on the franchise, or just OC posts or fanfic). I love this blog but it's become way too hard to keep up with it and I don't want people thinking I'm ignoring their asks or DMs when I'm really just too drained to even talk. It's the same with my twitter, I enjoy talking to people but I'm also just rapidly getting drained with the constant engagement.
And if I'm being frank, I'm just really burnt out on Pokemon. I came into Pokemon as a kid through the anime but I have long since stopped watching the anime religiously. And the manga well to be honest has never really grabbed my attention outside of the SwSh arc (I've never finished a single manga arc because I was get bored/annoyed with the plot). So all I had left was the games.
Pokemon SwSh reignited my love for the franchise in a way I hadn't felt since gen 5. But as I've come to realize recently, it was an outlier when it comes to Switch titles. I haven't finished Shining Pearl or Let's Go Pikachu and I quite frankly have no desire to finish them. Even Legends Arceus which I was super hyped for I am struggling to play and not because I find it difficult, but because the playstyle just doesn't appeal to me. As a Pokemon fan since 1999 I am of course happy to see the franchise innovate and take risks like it is with Legends. It needs to be done. And I am happy so many people are enjoying it. But I also realize that this direction is not what I truly desire from the franchise and that's fine. Everything isn't for everybody. So with all of this plus the fact that IRL my mental health has taken a huge nosedive I just need to step away. Again I'm still debating between completely wiping everything or just leaving somethings up but keeping a low profile from now on. I want to thank everyone again for reading and interacting with my blog. It means a lot to know how this little thing I made at the spur of the moment grew and I've met a lot of wonderful people through it. I have some asks I need to finish answering and after I'll figure out how I want to handle things.
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mystic-wolf · 3 years
video games // karasuno
im rough as fuck after my vaccine and basically been in bed all day and I wanted to just ramble about the boys so here's their favourite video games.
A true gamer tm. He plays everything and anything but his favourite is Monster Hunter. This boy has like 3000 hours and fully upgraded 12 rarity armour. He can solo elders in 5 minutes like its nothing. You love to just sit beside him on the sofa watching him play and explain all about the different monsters and their weaknesses. He looks so cute when he's into it.
Suga is a Call of Duty fuck boy. He gets tilted so much on this game and you just laugh at the insults he throws at his teammates. He loves to play split screen zombies with you and do the easter eggs on the maps together and when you're tired he'll let you cuddle up to him and play through the campaign.
He loves Mario Kart. I'm convinced he's in the top 100 in the online rankings and takes pride in being so good at it. He mains king boo and is an expert at using his power ups at the right time. Asahi is a baby too so he definitely goes easier on you and lets you win a few races so he isn't whiping the floor with you.
This boy is super into playing Pokemon. He loves to play nuzlockes and stream them on twitch. He'd also ask you for nicknames for everything he catches and names your favourite pokemon after you. Also definitely has a tiny pikachu tattoo.
Tanaka loves gta. He loves teaming up with you and the boys to do online heists and gets super into it. Lots of screaming and laughing when you do races together or go to his nightclub.
Big nerd!! He has a level 100 dwarf on World of Warcraft. #forthealliance. He loves going on hunting parties with you and you guys have a shared set up so you can sit beside each other and share snacks.
Tadashi plays stardew Valley and NOTHING else. You guys have a cute farm together and get married in game and feed the animals every morning. He blacked out in the mines one time and got super panicked because it was the first time and you just laughed and found it hilarious.
Hinata isn't a huge gamer but he is obsessed with Taiko. He has his own setup at home but loves to go the arcade every few days with you and play duos. He's a master at it and loves to help you learn (especially when he holds your hands to guide them.)
Tell me this man isn't into brain training on the DS. He carries it around with him everywhere and will do his daily exercises when you guys are at the coffee shop or when he takes you shopping. He's a smart boy and nothing gets in the way of his quick maths.
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appreciatingactors · 3 years
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Okay so I legit don’t know how I made it this far into my blog without bringing Ryan Reynolds up once?? He’s legit my favorite. Where did I go wrong?
I have had many the sex dream about this glorious man. Even told my boyfriend that if Blake wasn’t in the picture, I’d make a move.. Unless Blake was into it. I’ll take both. But, of course this post isn’t being made just to appreciate his and his wife’s good looks. 
I, for the life of me, cannot remember what I saw Ryan in first. But I can tell you that the first movie that stuck with me was Green Lantern. It was an awful movie. Let’s face it, Ryan’s talents were wasted in this movie. Ryan regrets it, we regret it, the Green Lantern regrets it. 
Let’s move onto the good though. I want to start with 6 Underground, because that is the most recent one that I have watched. My boyfriend was telling me about this movie, and I typically am not one for action movies. He ended his argument with “Ryan Reynolds is in it.” ?? Okay! Why didn’t you say so sooner!! So I watched it with him and I gotta say. It was a great movie. It had me thinking about it for weeks afterwards. Will there be a part 2, Ryan?
Next, of course, is his starring role in the Deadpool movies. No, we are not including Deadpool from X-Men Origins, though he played him there too. Deadpool is my favorite Marvel character, I even had 2 autographed comic books that were given to me as a wedding present (then the nasty divorce, ex-husband has them now), so when the Deadpool movies came out, I was ecstatic. Plus, they got the PERFECT person to play him. Ryan Reynolds is exactly what I wanted Deadpool to be, and he embodies him outside of the movies, he essentially IS Deadpool. 
Finally, let’s talk about his small (yet EXTREMELY important) role in Detective Pikachu. I, let’s face it, am an extremely huge nerd. Pokemon is my jam, man. I have a sketchbook filled with my Pokemon drawings. Detective Pikachu just added to my obsession, and honestly, him being Pikachu just made so much sense. In the anime, Pikachu was always the super sarcastic, touch me and I will kill you kinda Pokemon. That is who Ryan is as a person, so really, the casting directors in Hollywood are fantastic at this. 
Thank you, Ryan, for being the star of my dreams and the star of my many nerdy obsession movies. 
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punz4lyfe · 2 years
Pokemon Journeys Episode 114 Review
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Pokemon Journeys Episode 114. Let’s review:
A very lovable episode imo.
The whole episode felt like a huge step-up from episode 68, improving on that own episode’s faults and taking advantage of the opportunities in hand. For example, not only is Torkoal back into fucking existence (though, where he and the other missing mons were last time was never explained, naturally), but the interactions between Ash and his old mons felt more meaningful, like Ash trusting his fire-types to train Gengar and having more close conversations with Infernape instead of just “a hug, a few second-battle, and then goodbye”. We also finally had interactions between Ash’s current and old mons and many of them were very wholesome to see, like the fire-types pretty much accepting Gengar as one of their own (bonus points in that he has a similar backstory to Charizard, Infernape, and Pignite).
Paul’s return was a wonderful and welcomed feature. It’s great to see his character development still in-tact (like caring for his Pokemon and being on respectful terms with Ash and Infernape) and wanting Ash to continue to prove himself by challenging him with the same species of Lance, Cynthia, and Steven’s aces. It was nice to hear him become a Gym Leader as well, but why does Dawn have to be literally the only person before Journeys to not have gained anything?
Other things I liked was Infernape just picking up and carrying Professor Oak, Palpitoad actually show a personality by being all cuddly with Goh (let’s face it, the dude was a blank slate in Best Wishes), the episode not cramming down the same Muk and Tauros jokes down our throats, Electivire being friendly around Pikachu and Grookey, and just seeing many of Ash’s older Pokemon return after years of absence for some of them. I do wish we had a few more interactions, like maybe a third mon training Sirfetch’d with Sceptile and Oshawott and at least one Pokemon actually talking with Dracovish. And also, really guys? Not even a mention of Tracey? Does he and Ash just purposefully try to avoid each other whenever Ash comes over? This has been going on since Best Wishes!
I also don’t like the big group photo at the end of the episode. I’m sorry, but it just pales in comparison to the one taken at the end of Best Wishes. For one, the position and composition are all horrible as everyone is too bunched up to each other to the point many mons are almost completely hidden behind other mons, worst examples being Leavanny, Sceptile, and freakin’ Dragonite. Secondly, who ever drew this shot must’ve forgotten about size, as evident by Kingler. Third, the other side of Donphan is clearly missing, Krookodile is about to eat Talonflame, and Tauros got a trim on his mane. And lastly, it just doesn’t show as much love and personality as the Best Wishes pic, so it’s really as fun.
Oh well, I’d still give this episode a 9/10. Very wholesome to watch. And next week will start the beginning of the Masters 8 Tournament, so let’s fucking go~
(and no, I’m not tagging all of Ash’s Pokemon, just the ones that stuck out)
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buttmuncher91 · 3 years
a lot of advanceshippers love to say such bs about Drew even to this day. Drew is not my favorite character & it’s fine to prefer advanceshipping over contestshipping and I kinda like advanceshipping , but some of the things they say are ridiculous! This is not bashing on all advanceshippers or advanceshipping in general, this is just some quotes (not exact) I’ve seen that I’ve had problems with.
”Drew is a jerk! Ash would treat her right!“
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Both would treat her just fine! Drew watches out for her & tells her when Harley is tricking her, saved her friends & brother when she was busy, saves her friends, cheers her up when she’s down, & they both calmly talk to each other when alone.
Besides, there are some things to point Ash being a jerk to her too! Ash yelled at her because he was butthurt he had no boat to get his next gym badge & skips out on watching some of her contest when May even watches him battle regular trainers.
And it’s not like May is an innocent angel herself. She yelled at Ash & Drew for no reason, had her torchic attack Ash, & forced Ash to agree to let her travel with him by bringing up her bike.
I know May & Ash have developed a lot sense than, but so has Drew & y’all are just stuck viewing him how he reacted at the beginning.
”May hates Drew & loves ash!“
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She doesnt hate Drew. At the very worst, she sees him as a friend & has seen him that way by “Who, What, When, Where, Wynut.” Like I said we seen them talk a lot when they run into each other & heck, she even ditched the group, including Ash as he was talking to her, to talk to Drew when she saw Drew. So tell me again how she loves Ash way more than Drew lol!
And in ”Spontaneous Combustion“ May blushes at Drew after he waved and walked off. May never blushed around Ash, even when some weird couple accused her of being Ash’s lover. And there was nothing in that scene that indicates her getting red met something else. She wasn’t sick, doesn’t look mad, didn’t do anything embarrassing, etc... so it looks as if she really likes Drew.
”Drew is a flirts with any girl & would cheat on May, but Ash would never cheat on her!”
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You people have nothing to back this up. Drew had fangirls gushing all over him? May being Norman‘s daughter and probably because she’s referred to as hoenn princess, has a lot of fanboys! In fact, Ash is more likely to cheat on May then Drew dispite him being oblivious, as Drew showed 0 interest in his fangirls & ran from them. If he was such a flirt, he wouldn’t run from fan girls, but would try & you know, FLIRT with them. Drew also showed 0 interest for other girls, & only teases May. You advanceshipper fanbrats (not saying all advanceshippers are fanbrats just the advanceshippers who think this) only pretend he is to make up reasons for May to reject Drew.
”He only likes May for her rack, & wouldn’t care for her if it was flat!“
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Talk about reaching. Drew only stares at her FACE! He never stared at them, & the anime gave her chest 0 focus. He isn’t just some creeper. Despite not being interested in her, he treated Breanna nicely & she was flat. He may just have puppy love/a crush on her, but saying he’s just trying to win her because of her rack is complete bs!
”Think about it, Drew & May would make ugly babies!”
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Based on what? Cuz Drew has green hair? As someone whose least favorite color is green (okay, okay dark/forest green is pretty), I think this is a stupid claim. Even with a weird hair color, there’s a chance the child could be cute, & really beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Hair color is NOT even close to a huge factor to what separates not ugly to ugly. And they don’t have to make babies if they do get together. They can just choose to adopt to help out those who need a home or just happily be with each other with no children at all.
”Drew is in less episodes with May than Ash, so advanceshipping is better & will be canon!”
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🤦‍♀️Misty has the most screen time with ash. By this cruddy ”logic,” Misty & ash (so far) are canon. Yes, misty has much more screen time with ash than May. Misty had all of Kanto, Orange Islands, AND Jhoto with ash... as well as a cameo with ash in Hoenn, and TWO separate cameos in Alola. And at this point, May could have spent more time with Drew. It’s been 4 regions that Ash hasn’t even thought of 1 of her Pokémon after all this time. I’m no pokeshipper, but let’s be real here.
And most of the time Ash & May are on screen, it’s them focusing on their goals/Pokémon. They cheer & encourage each other too, but it’s mostly friendship stuff. Could something happen later on between them to spark love? Sure. But nothing in the anime ever pointed to that. And you can literally say that with Ash and... ANYONE! Like Ash could grow up, met back up with Roxie & they could fall for each other.
When Drew appears on screen, you mostly see hard evidence for contestshipping, weather on Drew’s side, May’s side, or both. Yes, there’s evidence on BOTH sides that they like each other. At best, advanceshipping looks one-sided on May’s side. And even then, it mostly looked that way in the beginning of AG. There’s way more evidence that May likes Drew & vice vesa than with ash & May, even with “less contestshipping hints!“ A lot of hints for shippings are overblown. Not just advanceshipping hints, but poke/pearl/negai(actually never mind, negai is under looked & over hated)/amour/etc... are over blown & it’s just ash being his usual nice/childish self. With Drew, it’s obvious he likes her as how he constantly stares at her, teases her, gives her red roses (& says they’re for beutifly), etc... While I think I covered how May likes Drew enough already. And yes, this could just be a kiddy crush for the both of them, but in the end there’s still harder evidence that Drew & May like each other.
Plus there are a lot of canon fictIonal couples who had less screen time with each other than other characters. Naruhina, ichihime, Hinny, gochi, etc...
“Drew never saves May’s life, unlike Ash!”
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So? May never even tried to saved Ash, like she did with Drew!
Ash has also saved: Angie (who has a more confirmed crush on ash), Dawn, Pikachu (3x I can think of), Chinchar, Lillie (or at least attempts to help a lot of times), Celiebi, Erika’s Gloom, Serena, Misty’s sisters Pokémon, a ton of CotDs & their Pokémon...
And what of those who saved Ash? Misty, Sabrina’s... family photographer, Gary, Iris, Clemont’s father, Zeroara dude, a ton of officer jennys, Pikachu, a lapras, Paul, Drew (ya keep on hating him if it werent for him Ash Brock and Max would probably be dead in that crate Jessie, James & Meowth trapped them in so not even advanceshipping could happen).
“Rivals can’t be dating!”
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Where did you get this bs? Even in the pokeani IN THE AG SERIES this has been proven false. Watch Pasificlog Jam again. Who put you in charge of how couples should work anyways? If a writer wants to have rivals hookup in their story, than they have that freedom to have the rivals hookup regardless how upset you get over it.
“Ash & May kissed in a banned episode, so advanceshipping is canon not contestshipping!”
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Come on guys, they’re 10. The anime creators aren’t gonna have two 10 yr olds kiss on the lips. Its really creepy some person came up with this. No, it’s not creepy cuz I don’t like advaceshipping (I actually like some aspects of it). Again, it’s creepy because they’re 10. If they were like 13+ yrs old, it‘d be okay, but NOT 10. Plus, even Japan is very sensitive when having kissing on the lips happen with kid shows. Even with adults, they censor it/show something else as the kiss happens & just imply it happened. Expecally how they view kissing on the lips in the first place, they ain’t having 2 ten year olds kiss.
And there would be NOTHING to imply that they where going to kiss. Around this time this episode that they kissed claimed to happen (episode 357), Ash & co. where heading to fortree. Nothing ever was implied from the both of them even want to kiss each other. They just where supportive friends of each other with no hinting there where secret feelings or developing feelings from ether of them. Theres also nothing beyond that episode that implied the kiss happened. Because if it did actually happen, I’m sure something like that would impact the next few episodes, but nope no mention of any kiss nor do ash & May act any differently around each other in 358 and beyond. So even if it did happen, it was going to more than likely sink the ship, like it was some akaward thing they did because they were “under the mistletoe“ & afterwards just agreed to be friends & forget about it. The pokemon anime was always about friendship, adventure, and Pokemon themselves, never romance.
Also episode 357 is “Take This House and Shuppet!” not “A Kiss Under the Mistletoe!“ The Japanese episode is the same as the English barring names & episode number.
Were do you get such a sorce for this info? “my friend’s japanese friend who talked to the director of the AG anime & saw it!” or some other ridiculous unreliable garbage like that? Give me actual sources with interviews from the writers talking about this supposed banned episode. Bet you can’t, unless it’s fake & unreliable. If it existed, it would have floated up by someone from Japan. After All, even if for 20 mins that episode should’ve existed if it was just banned. Like “Electric Soldier Porygon” was banned completely & only aired one time in Japan. However, there are places that you can watch the episode despite it being completely banned due to putting a lot of children in the hospital from seizures. That was older than the supposed advanceshipping kiss episode as ’Electric Soldier Porygon’ is a Original Series episode in Kanto the 38th episode. No one can find this supposed advanceshipping episode nor is it even listed in the banned episode list. It should be harder to find this older banned episode than it should be to find this supposed banned kiss episode.
“Why should May choose Drew over Ash? Ash is like a literal god!”
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What? Yes, he’s befriended every legendary & come back though poketears, save the world so many times, has arua abilities (he rarely uses), & whatever else, but it’s not like he seems that BA or whatever. Ash not aging seems over focused on, when in reality NO ONE is aging. It took him 7 regions to win 1 league (a questionable one at that), can’t remember Pokémon he seen before & sometimes forgets what he learned, & needs saved by others sometimes. Some god, can’t even rescue himself. Besides, who knows what Drew has done on his adventures. Drew has also saved Ash, Brock, & Max from trouble, isn’t Drew awesome saving someone ”like a god!”? Drew also has beat him in a battle as well, is that y’all’s problem?
And where is Ash’s voice in all this? It’s like this in all this anti-Drew bs. “Drew is just this terrible creature who possesses all 7 deadly sins & is the creation of Giratina & thus May hates & so does everyone else! However... blessed by Arceus himself, we all just know not dense Ash Ketchem is waiting to sweep May off her feet & save her from the demonic spawn that is Drew who is lusting after her bewbs😡” (<-original ideas, do not steal jkjk). Like there’s NOTHING to indicate ash wants her. And do you think this of May as well? Like do y‘all think May is just this perfect, sweetest, most divine woman in the pokeani that only Ash “blessed by Arceus“ is the only guy that should be blessed by such an angel? 🤣
Look, I like Ash & I like May. But even with my favorite characters I wouldn’t go as far as to think so highly of them that it makes Helga’s obsession with Arnold look like nothing. And just because Ash is more amazing with more feets & whatever, doesn’t mean May has to love ash or that Ash has to choose may because Drew doesn’t measure up to him.🤷‍♀️ Just think about it, should Timmy’s mom go with Dinkleburg? After all, he is smarter than Timmy’s dad, has more money & is more successful than he is. And Wandesemo is more popular, not stupid, & mostly competent unlike Casmo. Should Wanda dump Casmo for him? Of course i understand wanting the best person to end with you’re favorite character. But that’s not how love works & in the long run isn’t fair to both Ash & May (& Drew, but I know you haters don’t care about that).
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