shayberri789 · 1 year
Me finishing writing a paragraph: I'm doing SO good I can totally complete this essay before tomorrow yep. Hehe I got to talk about blorbo in an academic paper
Me trying to start a paragraph: I am in fact, incompetent. How do words work. This is all garbage. I should jsut throw this away. Fuck everything but especially this paragraph. Every word I type is trash.
Me when I FINALLY finish this essay, probably: see now that wasn't so hard, I can totally do this for my next essay
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thetwistedrope · 1 year
OK, sorry to bother again but I have a complex question; who exactly is the first Egyptian God? I have read Atum, Ra, and Knum and Amen. I read they were all creator gods and self created yet they appear to be separate beings who can combine/sync? They all also appear to be aspects or forms of Ra? Then what is Ra's true form? Also what is the take on different tales contradicting each other? What is the belief on this? The more I read the more confused I get, please explain. ❤️
✨🌠✨welcome to kemeticism ✨🌠✨
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kaibascorpse · 3 months
some of you people are so obsessed with having an acceptable group to ‘punch up’ at that you would rather pretend a marginalized group are Basically The Oppressors™ than listen to their valid criticisms about the fact that ‘punching up’ very rarely hits the intended target, and the majority of the actual damage of that act is suffered by fellow marginalized people in your own community. there is a significant difference between venting frustrations about privileged groups and just outright attacking anyone who (you assume) experiences that axis of privilege regardless of - and in many cases outright denying - their actual lived experiences. it goes far beyond just ‘venting frustrations’ when what you’re really doing is trying to find a moral justification to bully people you don’t like, and when your own desire for catharsis and moral superiority leads to ignoring the voices of the vulnerable people you hurt. you’re not ‘punching up’ - you just like punching people for the sake of punching.
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aroaceleovaldez · 28 days
everyone talks about "oh what if Percy could bloodbend" but I think there is woeful little discussion about other potentially fucked up big 3 kid powers:
I mean it's already canonical Hades/Pluto kids can just. straight up kill you. Like literally Nico can just tap people on the shoulder and they get Thanos Snapped. Totally fucking dusted. Sometimes bones are left and he just starts controlling that but that seems to be optional. He does it like three times in Tower of Nero.
Not to mention Nico also being able to just rip people's souls out of their still living bodies. Is that a Ghost King thing or a Hades kid thing or a combo from both? Who knows.
All the different ways Big 3 kids can make somebody just. Explode. Zeus* kids can just build up air pressure, Poseidon kids can build up water/blood pressure, and Hades kids can just make your bones splinter and shoot out.
I don't think Zeus kids would be able to mind-control people by controlling electrical impulses BUT they could just send several thousand volts directly through you via touch so like. That's not great.
Bloodbending for Poseidon kids is obvious but Hades kids have SO many options to potentially control people. Puppet their bones? Control their actual literal soul? If you go the route of "shadows are connected to the person" then dragging somebody around by their shadow? Or given that Hades kids are heavily implied to just have nearly all abilities ghosts are said to, there's a decent chance they could Just Straight Up Possess You.
Poseidon kids can control blood (and actually exemplified in canon - seemingly just about any bodily fluid, as Percy makes Achlys start choking on her own tears/snot). They could also theoretically completely dehydrate you in an instant.
Zeus* kids meanwhile can. Make air bubbles in your blood or etc. Which is VERY bad for those of you who are unaware. Hades kids can probably just yoink all the metals out of your blood. Casually revokes your iron privileges. Poseidon kids are just yoinking your blood In General. Etc etc.
And then yknow, the casual natural disasters stuff. Zeus kids making tornados and hurricanes? Plus the aforementioned just throwing massive amounts of electricity around. Probably also able to make dust storms and stuff. Poseidon kids making hurricanes and floods and earthquakes? Or being able to create geysers just wherever they want? Hades kids also being able to make earthquakes or just shatter the ground or create giant ravines and etc. And, yknow, ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE. And aforementioned insta-killing I guess. Bonus Hera kids probably being able to also do tornados and dust storms and etc, possibly moreso than Zeus kids.
*Zeus with an asterisk because wind/air powers actually seem to be more of an Hera/Juno thing and so exclusive to Jason and not Thalia, while Zeus/Jupiter seems to be just the storms/electricity.
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scrambleseggy · 4 months
When people think women aren’t capable of misogyny I have to laugh because misogyny isn’t men just being creepy and weird and rating women on reddit. It’s not just statistics on violence and crime stories, even though that is a big part of it.
It’s also republican moms and mean girl sisters who encourage competition between women as peak femininity. It’s also women who think having friends is an equivalent to a bravo TV show that includes hair pulling and slut-shaming. It’s also women who tell you certain things make you ugly and “look like a man.” Women who make fun of feminine features in men. It’s women who think the best way to deal with a patriarchal system is by trying to befriend it so they can try to benefit off of it by “not being like other girls” — the way people boil feminism down to the proximity of femininity and masculinity on the internet really bothers me. Some of the worst misogynists I’ve known in my life have been the republican women I’ve grown up around.
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allgremlinart · 5 months
do I think Ty Lee at one point felt genuine friendship and connection with Azula when they were kids before it got corrupted ? yes. do I think Mai wanted to kill Azula with a looney toons hammer since they were 7 ? also yes.
do I think Ty Lee and Mai both incorrectly believe that their internal Azula experiences have been more or less the same ? also also yes. do I think this makes the toxic lesbian love triangle way funnier ? Triple Dog Yes.
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poisonouspastels · 8 months
I think a lot about the fact that Herobrine as a creepypasta initially was not malicious at all. Like literally he was just some guy who made very specific tunnels, cut leaves off trees and built pyramids in your world, all weird things but really not harmful. Like his worst crime was telling someone on a forum to fuck off when they kept talking about him. But then with time there's been all this additional detail added on like the redstone torches and traps and shrines and he's seemingly gotten more aggressive as an entity within writing and other media. Like he'll actively go out of his way to hinder the player in game or in some depictions irl in some way. All of this is to say I think the more we tried to figure out Herobrine and shit the more we pissed him off a little. Give the man some space I'm sure he's tired of the 12 year olds trying to summon him every other day. EDIT: Please check out my Minecraft AU if you like MC stuff like this, I put a lot of work into it with my partner.
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batcavescolony · 10 days
I feel like comic writers and some fans have forgotten that Young Justice is mostly about the girls. The main storylines were about Secret/Greta, Cissie, and Anita. The boys were there but they had their own runs. Take Young Justice Dark Crisis, yeah it's all about the boys IF you only read the first 5 ish comics. After that it's either big comic events or about the girls. Really the girls are the main characters of Young Justice, the boys are there to draw people in.
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fiomeras · 1 year
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Watched this show
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ganondoodle · 6 months
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Sonia redesign + Zelda (ancient)
she is the one to seal ganondorf in an intentionally cruel way to take revenge for him killing rauru
she also had a daughter from a previous marriage that she named Zelda after an ancient legend from long forgotten times; while she technically had both time and light powers, she could only take ahold of one (struggeling to grasp a certain power you are pressured to awaken reference ;) ) which is time, it was not the one she was supposed to manifest as her status was always associated with light, in her younger years she was often looked down upon but despite that later proved to be a capable leader
shortly after her first marriage was ended rauru and the rest of the remaining sonau (engl zonai) came from the underground to warn the folks living on the surface from a great evil that was told about in ancient texts they had found while mining desperately for the stones they had grown reliant on for survival
this warning later evolves into the plan to seal ganondorf away before he could even become a threat, through all those discussion and planning sonia and rauru grew closer and eventually married; the plan was to be executed in secret to give ganondorf no time to even consider to reveal what demon they believed he really was, but the secret got out and ganondorf enacted a counterattack in the form of stealing one of the enigma stones in order to put pressure on the hyrulian kingdom, but he gets betrayed by the gerudo that will be their sage in the last confrontation, however in the time that the gerudo sage takes to warn sonia and mobilize to save rauru ganondorf has already confronted him and though he did not plan to kill him he does so, more on accident really, as rauru did not listen to a single word he said but instead acted erratic like a helpless man trapped in a cage with a hungry bear, essentially starting a fight of life and death
when sonia arrives at the scene it is already to late; thanks to the enigma stone ganondorf can escape her grief-striken rage but sonia is out for revenge and sees him killing rauru as proof of the warnings of old, she wages war and at the end seals ganondorf in a cruel cage between life and death, even at the cost of her own life
her daughter, having witnessed it all, grows up bitter and determined to make hyrule a kingdom that will never fall again
(totk rewritten project)
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plasticsandwich · 19 days
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girls season ↓
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secret kitty unlock.........
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fictionadventurer · 2 months
Maybe the problem with Christian fiction is that it's non-denominational. People are just "Christian", with no effort put into showing what practicing that religion looks like for them specifically. No indication that there are other Christians who could have different beliefs. No wrestling with differing ideas and the struggle of how one should live out their Christian faith. And that makes it unrealistic and unrelatable.
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notnights · 27 days
Thinking about this concept art again because of course
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helyeahmangocheese · 5 months
the way that 99% of the major plot changes are at their core just hammering down the fact that this is a character driven story about a dysfunctional family is the most miserable build up to "family, Luke, you promised" because now we're talking about a 5-year arc that ALREADY includes
percy developing rightful anger at the absentee gods
medusa accurately describing the gods as monsters and the rest of them as victims
echidna, mother of monsters, nailing in that maybe their parents aren't actually the shit they think they are
percy outright telling annabeth "family isn't supposed to be like that"
annabeth AGREEING with this and acting upon it
to the point of convincing hephaestus, a god himself, that they should be different
and will POSSIBLY (we will know within a few weeks) include
percy and sally getting back at their abuser, prioritizing their family
percy going back home to his family for the school year despite the dangers
percy at the same time having a conflict about this because chb is also his family
annabeth going to her family too, despite their complications
& this is all in the span of one summer with 4 more to go so it is needless to say that I am SO NERVOUS.
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happy four year birthday to the child I regret the most fondly.
To celebrate I will be driving my follower count down by reblogging my own art. this is an exercise to cull the weak, so the strong may escape it by either surviving naturally or blocking (#bday booster shot)
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t4transsexual · 2 months
first time talking about smth not trans/t4t related on here but yall are really fuckin awful to aro/ace ppl. like i see like "u cant identify as asexual until ur 18 its an inappropriate sexuality for a child to have" and its like ok thats just like homophobia/transphobia again. u just made queerphobia again. do you know how many times i heard that its weird for me to identify as trans "so young" (i was 16)? and like "u cant identify as aro/ace if ur traumatized cause what if its just the trauma" ok and what if trauma with men made a girl a lesbian? you just made homophobia again. and dont even get me started on "WELL WHAT IF THERES AN AROMANTIC HETEROSEXUAL CIS MAN WHO WANTS TO BE QUEER" and oh yeah im sure youre so scared of "predator men" invading your spaces sike u just made transphobia again. like at what point will we as queer people stop attacking our queer siblings and collaborate as a community to create meaningful change? at what point?
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