#Ichi Mai e
zegalba · 5 months
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Kazuo Kamimura: 'Ichi Mai e' (2008)
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Bruises on your pretty face
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OneshotPair: Tord (post end) x reader
Song: Class Fight (Melanie Martinez)
Part 3
(A/n): The title didn't want to work
(Y/n) traces her hand over neck, trailing over to the red sweater she was wearing. She grabs the collar of it, pulling it away from her. 'This thing feels kinda ichy'
She brushes the wrinkles out the coat that covered her figuren she looks in the mirror of her room, checking if she looked tidy enough. She wanted to give an good impression on her first day.
There was a knock on the door. (Y/n) Strolls towards it, grabbing the door handle and opens the door.
On the other side stands a woman she regonises as one of generals. "(L/n), it's time to begin your first day. Are you ready?"
The (h/c) haired girl nods, closing the door behind herself. She gets lead through the facility, getting a few stares from other soldiers.
"Don't mind the other soldiers. It's been quite a while since we've gotten a new admission, I'm surprised myself" The general explains, holding her arms behind her back.
They stop at an empty training room, filled with equipment. "This is where you'll be training for the next weeks. It will just be the two of us, as you aren't on the same level of skills as other cadets".
"When will I be joining the other soldiers?" (Y/n) ask, curiously."Once I decided that you have enough experience and skill to keep up with the other. Continuing on..."
They continue walking through the halls, (Y/n)'s (e/c) eyes observing the envoirment.
"Up ahead is the eating hall, where you'll be eating at eight, twelve and six. If you get lost, ask a nearby soldier" As the general speaks. (Y/n) notices a red door.
"Ma'am, may I ask where that door leads to?" She points towards the mysterious red door.
"That is Red Leader's office, the leader of this army. He is most likely in it, so we should not disturb him" The general responds, getting a nod of the girl.
┏━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━┓
┗━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━┛Paul and Patryck stand outside, guarding. Patryck had his hand bawled up into a fist, pressed against his chin. A troubled expression was present on his face.It drew his follow soldier's attention "What's on your mind?" Paul asks, raising one of his thick eyebrows."There is something familiar about the new recruit, but I can't place my finger on it" Patryck answers, turning to the other.
Paul hums "Really? Which one?"
"(L/n), I think her name was. I had lead her to Senna's office a few weeks ago, it's not really a common name of I'm being honest" Patryck responds, still deep in thought.
"(Y/n) (L/n)?"
"Yeah, her"
"Tor- I mean Red Leader has mentioned her a few times. I don't remember what she exactly was to him, a friend, an rival or just someone he used to know"
"Why do I have the feeling this won't end well"
"That's the worse that can happen?"
┏━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━┓
┗━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━┛
(Y/n) holds up her arms infront, blocking the general's punches. Once she notices an opening in the general's attack, she pull her dominant out of the blocking position and punches the general in the stomach.
The general's figure stumbles back, surprised by the girl's action. "Good job, sproute" the general huffs. She pulls out a watch, looking at the time "Time for Lunch, I'll be see be seeing you after twenty minutes"
The soldier walks out the training room, she spots fellow soldiers, which she follow. Even tho this was her third day, she has failed to make any acquaintances.
Finally she reaches the lunchroom, filled with cadets. (Y/n) goes first to get good, grabbing a tray from a pile. After obtaining something to eat, she looks around for any place to sit.
"Hey, fresh meat, over here!" A voice yells. (Y/n) Looks over where it was, an girl a bit older then her, waving at her.
(Y/n) Walks towards her, sitting at the table. At it sat three girls and two guys, seeming the same age as the first girl.
"I had no idea that they accepted people. What's your name, newbie?" The same girl questions, looking interested at (Y/n).
"(Y/n) (L/n), I kinda joined the three days ago" (Y/n) confesses, scratching her cheek.
One of the boys lets put a snicker "Wow, I wasn't expecting you to be that fresh" he soon gets an elbow in the side from an other.
(Y/n) hears a small group past behind her. She didn't think much of it, till a hand appears in her sight. It was going over her shoulder and going towards her chest.
As if instinct, (Y/n) grabs the wrist tightly. She stands up, tugging the arm over her shoulder. Turning around, she slams the person onto the ground, pinning them to the ground.
It was a guy who didn't looked very remarkable, he hisses in pain "Get off me!" He yells, drawing attention from others in the room.
But the girl ignored his cries, making sure he was on the ground. Her gaze was filled with hatred, glaring down at the man beneath her.
She was soon tugged off him, being held back by those she sat with. The guy stands up, looking disgusted at (Y/n).
Unknownly to anyone, Paul was watching from afar, watching every that just happened. He takes a mental note of it and walks out of the lunchroom.
He walks through the hall, it was mostly empty with only a few soldiers in it. His strolls comes to an end, once he reaches the infamous door.
The Dutch man raises his hand and knocks on the door. There were a seconds of silence, before he hears a voice on the other side telling him to come in. Opening the door, Paul walks in. His eyes spot Tord or more known as Red Leader at his desk, doing some paperwork.
"What is it, Paul?" He chimes, nothing looking away from his work.
"There was a fight in the cafeteria between two soldiers. The one who started was a new recruit that joined a few days ago" Paul explains, clearing his throat.
Tord pauses "New recruit? Why wasn't informed of this?" He finally look up to meet Paul's eyes, putting down the pen he was holding.
"You weren't? Senna told us that they were accepted without hesitantion, I thought it was because you had mentioned her before" Paul responds, slightly shrugging his shoulders.
"What is her name?"
"(Y/n) (L/n), sir"
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tokyowalking · 2 months
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Ebiya Art Store in Japan Bridge Muromachi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo. Sharaku's ukiyo-e prints on Chuo Street are one of the most impressive shops in Japan Bridge. In May and November, a "Garakuta ichi" is held, where pottery and other items are sold at reasonable prices.
東京都中央区日本橋室町にある海老屋美術店。 中央通りに写楽の浮世絵が日本橋の中でもひときわ印象的なお店です。 5月、11月には「がらくた市」が開催されお手頃な値段で陶器などが販売されます。
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flyhighpjct · 8 months
‎Olá, jogadores! A MSBY voltou para doar mais capas de Haikyuu feitas pelos nossos incríveis levantadores, afinal, hoje é um dia especial! 19 de agosto é o Dia Oficial de Haikyuu!! no Japão, porque "Haikyu" também pode ser reescrito como 8.1.9 {Ha = hachi = 8} {i = ichi = 1} {kyu = kyu = 9}
PS. A gente procura qualquer motivo para incentivar e ajudar vocês a escreverem fics de Haikyuu, né? <3
As capas são para USO PESSOAL ou DENTRO DO PROJETO FLY-HIGH (se for staff).
Preste atenção às preferências e regras de cada capista!!
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1. Dó, Ré, Mi, Fá, Só quero você! (DOADA)
Personagens/shipp: Sakuatsu
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2. Para minha estrela, com amor (DOADA)
Personagens/shipp: Bokuaka
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3. Quando as luzes se apagam
Personagens/shipp: Kuroken
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4. E se as nuvens fossem algodão doce? (DOADA)
Personagens/shipp: Bokuto
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5. (Sem título) (DOADA)
Personagens/shipp: Bokuro
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6. Cuidando do meu sobrinho por um dia (DOADA)
Personagens/shipp: Atsumu e Bebê Kita
Fanarts: suncelia-art
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7. (Sem título) (DOADA)
Personagens/shipp: Asanoya
Fanarts: dreamingpartone
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8. Smell like Coffee
Personagens/shipp: Iwaoi
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9. Say Something (DOADA)
Personagens/shipp: Kageyama + Personagem feminina
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10. Ocitocina (DOADA)
Personagens/shipp: Kagehina
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11. Love your smell (DOADA)
Personagens/shipp: Kenma
Fanarts: sweetshrubs
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12. Break all the rules
Personagens/shipp: Hinata
Fanarts: alioszas
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13. Eu me apaixonei por saturno (DOADA)
Personagens/shipp: Kagehina
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14. Last Friday Night (DOADA)
Personagens/shipp: Bokuaka
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15. Como adotar o Kenma
Personagens/shipp: Kenma
Fanarts: tamoru
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16. A sombra do outono em meio aos nossos pecados (DOADA)
Personagens/shipp: Hinata
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17. A volta a Itália
Personagens/shipp: Kagehina
Fanarts: tamoru
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18. (Sem título)
Personagens/shipp: Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, Yachi, Hinata e Kageyama
Fanarts: tamoru
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19. Como irritar o Iwaizumi (DOADA)
Personagens/shipp: Iwaoi
Fanarts: nikkiyan
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20. Photograph
Personagens/shipp: Sakuatsu
Fanarts: queenkeiji
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21. Cruel Summer (DOADA)
Personagens/shipp: Atsumu + Personagem feminina
Fanarts: suncelia-art
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22. Lar Doce Lar (DOADA)
Personagens/shipp: Hinata
Fanarts: estereggz
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23. On My Own (DOADA)
Personagens/shipp: Yamaguchi
Fanarts: soktokki
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24. The Office (DOADA)
Personagens/shipp: Sakusa, Bokuto, Hinata e Atsumu
Fanarts: suncelia-art
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pikahlua · 2 years
MHA Chapter 364 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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1 死穢八斎會が密造していた しえはっさいかいがみつぞうしていた shie hassaikai ga mitsuzou shite ita "The Shie Hassaikai were smuggling it."
2 "個性"因子を破壊する精製液を死柄木が押収 "こせい"いんしをはかいするせいせいえきをしがらきがおうしゅう "kosei" inshi wo hakai suru seiseieki wo Shigaraki ga oushuu "Shigaraki seized the purified liquid that destroys quirk factors."
3 受け取ったワシはすぐに複製を試みた うけとったワシはすぐにふくせいをこころみた uke totta WASHI wa sugu ni fukusei wo kokoromita "After receiving it, I immediately attempted to duplicate it."
4 これの大元は人間の"個性"じゃ これのオリジナルはにんげんの"こせい"じゃ kore no ORIJINARU wa ningen no "kosei" ja "This all originated from a human's quirk"
5 まったく面白いとは思わんかね まったくおもしろいとはおもわんかね mattaku omoshiroi to wa omowan ka ne "Don't you think that's incredibly interesting?"
6 キミの言う通り因果とは収束するものじゃのう キミのいうとおりいんがとはしゅうそくするものじゃのう KIMI no iutoori inga to wa shuusoku suru mono ja nou "It's just as you said, cause and effect converge."
7 精製の過程でワシは消失弾とは異なるオリジナルの効果に着目した せいせいのかていでワシはしょうしつだんとはことなるオリジナルのこうかにちゃくもくした seisei no katei de WASHI wa shoushitsudan to wa kotonaru ORIJINARU no kouka ni chakumoku shita "In the refinement process, I focused on the original effect that was different from the erasing bullets."
8 終末論はやはり正論であったと言わざるを得ない しゅうまつろんはやはりせいろんであったといわざるをえない shuumatsuron wa yahari seiron de atta to iwazaru wo enai "I have to say the Quirk Doomsday Theory was still justified."
9 使えるのは一度きりじゃ つかえるのはいちどきりじゃ tsukaeru no wa ichido kiri ja "It can only be used once"
10 計画通りにシャバへ戻った暁にはキミの夢の一助となるじゃろう けいかくどおりにシャバへもどったあかつきにはキミのゆめのいちじょとなるじゃろう keikaku doori ni SHABA e modotta akatsuki ni wa KIMI no yume no ichijo to naru jarou "When you return to Shaba at dawn as planned, it will help you achieve your dreams."
tagline 殻木が託したものーー がらきがたくしたものーー Garaki ga takushita mono That which was entrusted by Garaki
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1 脱獄後もしワシに万が一があった場合を考慮し だつごくごもしワシにまんがいちがあったばあいをこうりょし datsugokugo moshi WASHI ni man ga ichi ga atta baai wo kouryo shi "After the jailbreak, in case something should happen to me"
2 詳細と共に潜伏予定に残す データとともにここにのこす DEETA to tomo ni koko (kanji: senpuku yotei) ni nokosu "we left this place (kanji: hiding plans) together with our data."
3 本音を言えばやはりワシは… ほんねをいえばやはりワシは… honne wo ieba yahari WASHI wa... "To be honest, I..."
4 キミ自身の声と眼笑顔が キミじしんのこえとまなこえがおが KIMI jishin no koe to manako egao ga "still find your voice, eyes, and smiling face"
5 愛おしい いとおしい itooshii "lovely"
tagline No.364 何の為に力を使う  堀越耕平 ナンバー364 なんのためにちからをつかう  ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 364 nan no tame ni chikara wo tsukau   Horikoshi Kouhei No. 364 For What Power Is Used   Kouhei Horikoshi
6 願わくばキミ自身の心に ねがわくばキミじしんのこころに negawakuba KIMI jishin no kokoro ni "Hopefully in your own heart"
7 憎悪が宿らん事を ぞうおがやどらんことを zouo ga yadoran koto wo "may hatred not dwell"
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1 誇れエンデヴァー! ほこれエンデヴァー! hokore ENDEVAA! "Be proud, Endeavor!"
2 まさか君相手にこの切礼を切るとは思っていなかった! まさかきみあいてにこのカードをきるとはおもっていなかった! masaka kimi aite ni kono KAADO (kanji: kirifuda) wo kiru to wa omotte inakatta! "I didn't think I'd possibly have to use this trump card against you!"
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1 ……若返っていく…! ……わかがえっていく…! ......wakagaette iku...! "......He's rejuvenating...! (Note: Literally, this also means he's "feeling young again.")
2 肉体の…全盛…! にくたいの…ぜんせい…! nikutai no...zensei...! "his body...to its prime...!"
3 あれは… are wa... "That's..."
4 エリちゃんの……⁉︎ ERI-chan no......!? "Eri-chan's......!?"
5 マズい! MAZUi! "This is bad!"
6 体が絹のように軽い からだがきぬのようにかるい karada ga kinu no you ni karui My body is as light as silk
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1 え e "Eh?"
2 あれ are "Huh?"
3 えええ"個性"が… えええ"こせい"が… eee "kosei" ga... "Ehhh my quirk..."
4 ついでにマントも頂くよ裸じゃ格好がつかないや ついでにマントもいただくよはだかじゃかっこうがつかないや tsuide ni MANTO mo itadaku yo hadaka ja kakkou ga tsukanai ya "And also your cloak, I'll take them. It'd be embarrassing to go naked." (Note: Literally, he's saying "being naked wouldn't look good/cool.")
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1 この"巻き戻し"は この"まきもどし"は kono "makimodoshi" wa "This Rewind"
2 使ったが最後 つかったがさいご tsukatta ga saigo "when used, in the end"
3 最終的に僕は消えて失くなる さいしゅうてきにぼくはきえてなくなる saishuuteki ni boku wa kiete nakunaru "I will ultimately disappear and pass away."
4 だが"夢"のバトンは死柄木弔に引きつがれている だが"ゆめ"のバトンはしがらきとむらにひきつがれている daga "yume" no BATON wa Shigaraki Tomura ni hikitsugarete iru "However, the baton of my dream is being passed on to Tomura Shigaraki."
5 僕の残る役目は君たちの猪口才な罠から彼を救い出すことだ行かせてもらうよ ぼくののこるやくめはきみたちのちょこざいなわなからかれをすくいだすことだいかせてもらうよ boku no nokoru yakume wa kimi-tachi no chouzaiwa na wana kara kare wo sukui dasu koto da ikasete morau yo "My remaining role is to free him from your insolent trap, so do me the favor of letting me go."
6 自滅上等の超強化…エンデヴァーさんがもう一発撃てればまだ… じめつじょうとうのちょうきょうか…エンデヴァーさんがもういっぱつうてればまだ… jimetsu joutou no choukyouka... ENDEVAA-san ga mou ippatsu utereba mada... A self-destructing super-regeneration... Even if Endeavor-san could fire another shot, we'd still...
7 夢ね… ゆめね… yume ne... "Your dream..."
8 OFAを手に入れた先の話っすか? ワン・フォー・オールをてにいれたさきのはなしっすか? WAN FOO OORU wo te ni ireta saki no hanashi ssu ka? "Is that what you were talking about before with getting your hands on One For All?"
9 時間を稼げ! じかんをかせ��! jikan wo kasege! Buy time!
10 後学の為に聞かせて下さいよ こうがくのためにきかせてくださいよ kougaku no tame ni kikasete kudasai yo "For posterity's sake, please tell me about it!"
11 単純だよ たんじゅんだよ danjun da yo "It's simple."
12 コミックに影響されてね コミックにえいきょうされてね KOMIKKU ni eikyou sarete ne "I was influenced by comics, you see."
13 その悪役は世界中から恐れられていた そのあくやくはせかいじゅうからおそれられていた sono akuyaku wa sekaijuu kara osorerarete ita "Those villains were feared all the world over."
14 何でだと思う? なんでだとおもう? nande da to omou? "Why do you think [that was]?"
15 悪いことするから? わるいことするから? warui koto suru kara? "Because they do bad things?"
16 悪いこととは? わるいこととは? warui koto to wa? "What sort of bad things?"
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1 文化も価値観も無数に広がるこの世界で ぶんかもかちかんもむすうにひろがるこのせかいで bunka mo kachikan mo musuu ni hirogaru kono sekai de "In this world with countless cultures and values spreading,"
2 誰もが顔をしかめ嫌悪する行為… だれもがかおをしかめけんおするこうい… dare mo ga kao wo shikame ken'o suru koui... "the action that anyone would frown upon in disgust..."
3 それは sore wa "That [action] is"
4 思い描く未来を阻まれること おもいえがくみらいをはばまれること omoi egaku mirai wo habamareru koto "to be blocked from the future they envision."
5 だから僕はね だからぼくはね dakara boku wa ne "That's why I"
6 世界中の未来を阻みたい せかいじゅうのみらいをはばみたい sekaijuu no mirai wo habamitai "want to block the future of the whole world."
7 ただ tada "Just that"
8 そう在りたいと願っただけだ そうありたいとねがっただけだ sou aritai to negatta dake da "I only longed to become like that."
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1 アメリカ合衆国ワシントンD・C アメリカがっしゅうこくワシントンディー・シー AMERIKA gasshuukoku WASHINTON DII・SHII United States of America, Washinton D.C.
2 叩くなら今です! たたくならいまです! tataku nara ima desu! "Now is the time to strike!"
3 今徹底してトムらを討たねば我が国も危ないんだ! いまてっていしてトムらをうたねばわがくにもあぶないんだ! ima tettei shite TOMURA wo utaneba waga kuni mo abunainda! "If we don't thoroughly attack Tomura now, our country will also be in danger!"
4 "危機"をどう捉えるかだ "きき"をどうとらえるかだ "kiki" wo dou toraeru ka da "What do you perceive is the crisis [here]?"
5 我々は既に他国より半歩ーー われわれはすでにたこくよりはんぽーー wareware wa sude ni takoku yori hanpo--- "We are already half a step ahead of other countries---"
6 レッドゾーンに踏み込んでしまっている レッドゾーンにふみこんでしまっている REDDO ZOON ni fumi konde shimatte iru "but we've gone and stepped into the red zone!"
7 君のせいでねティモシー・アグパー きみのせいでねティモシー・アグパー kimi no sei de ne TIMOSHII AGUPAA "And it's because of you, Timothy Agpar."
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1 "個性"専門機関の報告によればトムラは最早 "こせい"せんもんきかんのほうこくによればトムラはもはや "kosei" senmon kikan no houkoku ni yoreba TOMURA wa mohaya "According to the Quirks Special Agency report, Tomura has already"
2 人の手に負えない段階まで来ている ひとのてにおえないだんかいまできている hito no te de oenai dankai made kite iru "reached a stage where he can no longer be controlled by human hands."
3 つまり何が起きても不思議ではない未知領域 つまりなにがおきてもふしぎではないアンタッチャブル tsumari nani ga okitemo fushigi de wa nai ANTACCHAPURU "Meaning, no matter what happens, it's no wonder he's untouchable (read as: unknown territory)."
4 そんな化物に君は そんなばけものにきみは sonna bakemono ni kimi wa "To a monster such as that, you"
5 "敵対意志"を示してしまったんだ "てきたいいし"をしめしてしまったんだ "tekitai ishi" wo shimshite shimattanda "went and showed your hostile intentions"
6 スターとミサイルでね SUTAA to MISAIRU de ne "with Star and those missiles."
7 ……! "......!"
8 つまり… tsumari... "In other words..."
9 迎合すると…⁉︎ げいごうすると…⁉︎ geigou suru to...!? "[You want us to] ingratiate [ourselves to him]...!?"
10 既に先進国間ではどこが一早くトムラの信頼を得られるかにらみ合いが始まっている すでにせんしんこくかんではどこがいちはやくトムラのしんらいをえられるかにらみあいがはじまっている sude ni senshin kokukan de wa doko ga ichi hayaku TOMURA no  shinrai wo erareru kanirami ai ga hajimatte iru "Already among the developed countries, a standoff has begun over who can gain Tomura's trust the quickest."
11 どう支配されるか考えるなど馬鹿げている‼︎ どうしはいされるかかんがえるなどばかげている‼︎ dou shihai sareru ka kangaeru nado bakagete iru!! "It's ridiculous to be thinking about how we'll be ruled [over by him]!!"
12 被害を抑える為だ ひがいをおさえるためだ higai wo osaeru tame da "It's for the sake of reducing damage."
13 機を窺い穿つ為だ! きをうかがいうがつためだ! ki wo ukagai utsu tame da! "It's so that we can lie in wait and strike!"
14 一度でも支配を受け入れてしまえば いちどでもしはいをうけいれてしまえば ichido demo shihai wo uke irete shimaeba "If you go and accept his rule even once,"
15 奪われ骨抜きにされるだけだ! うばわれほねぬききにされるだけだ! ubaware honenuki ki ni sareru dake da! "you'll just be robbed and stripped of your bones!"
16 国の未来の為だティム! くにのみらいのためだティム! kuni no mirai no tame da TIMU! "It's for the sake of the country's future, Tim!"
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1 そんなものが未来であってたまるか‼︎ そんなものがみらいであってたまるか‼︎ sonna mono ga mirai de atte tamaru ka!! "Can such a thing be a future!!"
2 そのイスが言わせてんだろう? そのイスがいわせてんだろう? sono ISU ga iwasetendarou? "That chair's making you say this, right?"
3 アグパーさん! AGUPAA-san! "Mr. Agpar!"
4 スターが SUTAA ga "Star,"
5 何の為に戦ってきたのか なんのためにたたかってきたのか nan no tame ni tatakatte kita no ka "for what reason did she fight?"
6 キャシーが KYASHII ga "Kathy,"
7 何の為に殉死したのか…‼︎ なんのためにじゅんししたのか…‼︎ nan no tame ni junshi shita no ka...!!" "for what reason did she martyr herself...!!"
8 わからなくなっちまったワケじゃないだろう⁉︎ wakaranaku nachimatta WAKE ja nai darou!? "Is that why you don't get it anymore!?" (Note: I think he's still talking about the "chair," aka the fact that he has to act as a politician and country leader.)
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1 少年少女は しょうねんしょうじょは shounen shoujo wa "Young boys and girls"
2 大人を見て育つんだ おとなをみてそだつんだ otona wo mite sodatsunda "grow up by watching adults."
3 大人はその少年たちを支え おとなはそのしょうねんたちをささえ otona wa sono shounen-tachi wo sasae "Adults support those young children"
4 共に紡ぎ ともにつむぎ tomo ni tsumugi "and weave together with them"
5 そして soshite "and then"
6 また次へーー またつぎへーー mata tsugi e--- "on to the next---"
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1 その為にヒーローは そのためにヒーローは sono tame ni HIIROO wa "[Isn't] that the reason heroes"
2 力を行使してきたんじゃないのか‼︎ ちからをこうししてきたんじゃないのか‼︎ chikara wo koushi shite kitanja nai no ka!! "use their power!!"
3 エッジショット EJJISHOTTO "Edgeshot"
4 そう…どこにでも忍び込む…忍者ヒーロー… そう…どこにでもしのびこむ…にんじゃヒーロー… sou...doko ni demo shinobi komu...ninja HIIROO... "Right...sneaking into anywhere...the ninja hero..."
5 人の体なら……幾度も忍び熟知している…‼︎ ひとのからだなら……いくどもしのびじゅくちしている…‼︎ hito no karada nara......ikudo mo shinobi jukuchi shite iru...!! "If it's a human body......I'm familiar with sneaking into one many times over...!!"
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1 ……諦めてたまるか……! ……あきらめてたまるか……! ......akiramete tamaru ka......! "......as if we're ready to give up......!"
2 ミルコォ‼︎ MIRUKOO!! "Mirko!!"
3 足掻け‼︎ あがけ‼︎ agake!! "Struggle!!"
4 無駄なことを… むだなことを… muda na koto wo... "[To do] such a useless thing..."
5 首だけになっても喰らいつけ‼︎ くびだけになってもくらいつけ‼︎ kubi dake ni natte mo kurai tsuke!! "Even if it's just to bite his neck!!"
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1 エッジショットは受け入れない‼︎今止まった心臓は おれはうけいれない‼︎いまとまったしんぞうは ore (read as: Edgeshot) wa uke irenai!! ima tomatta shinzou wa "I, Edgeshot, will not accept this!! His heart that stopped just now,"
2 我々が決して失ってはならぬ命だ‼︎ われわれがけしてうしなってはならぬいのちだ‼︎ wareware ga keshite ushinatte wa naranu inochi da!! "it's a life we must absolutely not lose!!"
3 まだ間に合う!欠けたものは俺が埋めて まだまにあう!かけたものはおれがうめて mada ma ni au! kaketa mono wa ore ga umete "We can still make it [in time]! I'll fill in the missing parts"
4 動かす…‼︎ うごかす…‼︎ ugokasu...!! "and move them...!!"
5 神原… かみはら… Kamihara... "Kamihara..."
6 戻れなくなる…! もどれなくなる…! modorenaku naru...! "You won't be able to return...!"
7 だから dakara "That's why"
8 後を頼みます…‼︎ あとをたのみます…‼︎ ato wo tanomimasu...!! "I leave the rest to you...!!"
9 袴田会長 はかまだかいちょう Hakamada kaichou "Chairman Hakamada"
10 忍法千枚通し"極" にんぽうせんまいどおし"きょく" ninpou senmai dooshi "kyoku" Ninpou Thousand-Sheets Sending "Finality"
11 俺がこの子の心臓になる‼︎ おれがこのこのしんぞうになる‼︎ ore ga kono ko no shinzou ni naru!! I will become this child's heart!!
tagline ヒーローは未来をつなぐ ヒーローはみらいをつなぐ HIIROO wa mirai wo tsunagu The heroes connect/weave the future
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blurredcolour · 2 years
一期一会 | ichi-go, ichi-e | Part One
一期一会 | ichi-go, ichi-e Masterlist
Summary: The Tokyo premiere of Elvis brings Austin Butler into your life. He proves difficult to treat as just another client, and the effects of your choices will have lasting consequences.
Pairing: Austin Butler x Female Reader
Warnings: Fluff, Language, Sexual Tension, Longing Glances, Brief Violence, Mentions of Alcohol Consumption, Mature/Explicit Themes [oral and manual stimulation - f receiving, penetration, unprotected intercourse] - 18+ Only
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Disclaimer: For entertainment purposes only. This story is in no way based on fact. The rumoured bar fight between Austin Butler and Ezra Miller has been disproven. This is only an exploration of one possible explanation. The thoughts and experiences of life in Japan are based on my own experience of living there for nearly seven years and may not reflect the thoughts and experiences of others.
Inspiration: This fantastic gif set courtesy of @carnevol
Word Count: 10,208
“Sources close to Austin tell TMZ the incident never happened, and Austin never even stepped foot in a pub during his time in Japan as the initial claims suggested. Not to mention, the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department tells TMZ they have no record of the incident.”
You smile to yourself as you skim through the article on TMZ, body jostling with the movements of the packed rush hour train taking you home to your Asakusa apartment after another long day. It had worked. The best ¥20,000 you’d ever spent. Sliding your phone into your purse you shift your eyes to the scenery flying by the window, letting your mind wander back a few days.
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The morning of June 28, 2022 promised to be hot and clear in Tokyo. The rainy season was not living up to its name this year, with temperatures much hotter much sooner than expected. The weather, however, was the furthest thing from your mind at 5 AM that morning.
After years of studying, of working your way up the rigid corporate ladder, you were finally being deployed on a translation assignment. Sadly, not as one of the primary translators assigned to the celebrities in Tokyo to promote Elvis over the next few days, but even being an alternate was an achievement.
It was not common for people born outside of Japan to be hired by translation companies, but since arriving in Japan five years ago, you had immersed yourself in the culture and the language. It had not been difficult to do so; your teaching assignment from the government had you living in a fishing village on the northern island of Hokkaido. It had been in your best interest to learn to communicate with the locals. Long, dark winter nights had been perfect for studying, and you had measured your progress by taking the Japan Language Proficiency Exams twice annually.
As your teaching contract came to an end, two years ago now, you had just achieved the level of N1, native speaker, and thought you may as well shoot for the stars when you applied to work for a translation company in Tokyo that often provided services to the entertainment industry.
By some miracle, they had actually taken a chance on you. The first year, you had not stepped out of the building on assignment once; in charge of arrangements by phone, making tea for the office, observing your superiors.
When that didn’t make you up and leave, you were slowly used as a supplementary translator at conferences, inching your way closer to TV shows and red carpet events. When you’d received the assignment in early June, your colleague Sachiko had pulled you into the bathroom to squeal with you excitedly. She was nearly fifty and had taken it upon herself to look after you as her own daughter.
You’d run everything by her, what to wear, how to do your hair and makeup, wanting everything to be just right for this opportunity.
You looked yourself over in the mirror, hair pulled back off your face, makeup just enough to make you look fresh-faced, but not too bold. Your black skirt suit was perfectly tailored, and you wore a black blouse with black lace accents on the collar and cap sleeves beneath it. Despite the heat, you were wearing black nylons, a must in Japanese society, and modest black heels. Not too tall as to stand out.  Your job today was to disappear into the background, a shadow placed behind the talent to ensure the list of interviews, and later the premiere, were perfectly executed to the studio’s standards.
Despite the low chance of rain in the forecast, you still took your umbrella as you headed out to the train station in the weak light of dawn. Rather than just a probability, you’d found the percentage of precipitation in the forecast was more of an indication of how much of the day it would rain or snow. The day’s schedule began with morning shows and that meant the group needed to be on camera in Fuji television studios by 9:30.
The team for the day – Sachiko, Yuka, Mr. Kimura, and yourself, met at the office before heading to the hotel to join Mr. Luhrmann and Mr. Butler. That was how you were instructed to address them, even if they requested otherwise.
Protocol and hierarchy were deeply entrenched into Japanese society. Everything one did orbited around where one fit into the current social situation. Thus, you entered the suite last, carrying a bag of clipboards, pens, water…anything the primary translators might need in the execution of their duties. Mr. Kimura was in the lead, the supervisor for the day. As he’d introduced himself to them and their people, you had set your items down in the corner and lined up with Sachiko and Yuka. Mr. Kimura introduced Sachiko as Mr. Luhrmann’s translator, Yuka as Mr. Butler’s, and you as a back up. The three of you bowed deeply at the waist, hands pressed to the outside of your thighs, giving the highest level of courtesy to your clients for the day.
As you straightened, you swallowed thickly as your eyes were caught by the startling blue of Mr. Butler’s gaze. You’d never encountered a gaze with such a physical impact in and of itself. You could fairly feel his eyes taking in your face…trailing down your body. You felt several things …confusion – you were not entirely certain what you had done to draw his attention……panic – you were supposed to be invisible, and he was most definitely looking at you…attraction – he was handsome. Why hadn’t you prepared yourself for that?! Everything about him was lanky grace. Long limbs, long fingers, long lingering looks. And then he opened his mouth to speak.
“It’s very nice to meet you all” He murmured in agreement with whatever Mr. Luhrmann had said. Well shit, you job was also to listen even through a cacophony of chatter…this was not a good start. But you did hear the sleepy rasp in his voice…his voice dripping with a southern accent that tasted like an old fashioned – bourbon forward with a sweet cherry finish. You were fucked.
You managed to murmur platitudes about looking forward to working with them, prompted by Sachiko and Yuka as they cheerfully replied first. You turned to gather the bags and stood against the wall as the primary translators stepped forward to work on building rapport with their clients. You fished a clipboard with the schedule on it from the supply bag and busied your eyes with tracing the numbers and letters on the paper. You knew it by heart, but the exercise was grounding, and you were able to slow your racing heart.
The scent of citrus mixed with something utterly masculine seeped into your thoughts and you lifted your head, startled to find him standing right in front of you. The plush of the hotel carpet had muffled his approach. You cleared your throat to try and regain your senses.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t see you there. Is there anything I can help with you, Mr. Butler.”
That mouth, with those luscious pink lips, formed your name. You watched his tongue move with the vowel sounds as though he was tasting it and you shifted a little on your heels.
“Th..that’s right.” It was a herculean task to tear your eyes from his lips, to speak coherent words. Meeting his eyes had been an equally bad idea, though. There were flecks of colour in the rich blue of his irises, and you had just wanted to spend hours cataloguing each of them devotedly.
“I just wanted to say hi, even though we might not work that closely together.” He had outstretched his hand, and you had reached yours out in kind, watching as his warm skin and long fingers engulfed yours completely.
“Please let me know if you need anything. Anything at all. I’m happy to help.” You had felt the blush on your cheeks; you were helpless to stop it. You settled your eyes on his left cheekbone, the beauty marks trailing along his skin there.
You’d spent so long in Japanese society, where eye contact was considered too forward, that looking most people in the eye was rather difficult. Mr. Butler’s eyes were like staring into a welder’s arc…certain to blind you.
“There may be times when Yuka needs a break or has to step away. I will take over then, but hopefully I’ll be able to let you know so you’re not startled.” Focusing on the task at hand had helped you find the ability to articulate yourself again.
“I look forward to it…” He murmured and squeezed your hand again before releasing it gently. His personal assistant appeared then, from somewhere to the right of your eye line, and pulled him into a discussion about the schedule. You had seized the opportunity to escape, sliding along the wall to check in with your team. They had sent you down to ensure the van was ready to depart and you took a deep breath of the scentless air outside the hotel room to refocus.
You found the van waiting out front of the hotel and called Mr. Kimura to confirm it was ready. You waited patiently, making polite conversation with the driver, before you had heard some squealing from a group of girls waiting to the side of the hotel entrance. You looked over to see those long legs carrying him down the stairs with nothing short of a cocky swagger. The distance allowed you the opportunity to take in his outfit: black pants, black boots polished to a shine, a white t-shirt and open pinstripe button-up.
It was not fair how handsome he looked in that assortment of clothes, with his tanned skin and sun-kissed hair. You had tensed as you felt it again…that gaze…you stifled a gasp as he had caught you in the process of drinking him in. You turned to confirm one last thing with the driver, hoping the blush would disappear from your cheeks. They were still warm when the scent of citrus came close again…mixed now with a hint of cedar. His cologne had been evolving as his body heat warmed it. You swallowed tightly and slid on your KN95 mask. It was perfectly matched to your skin tone to encourage eyes to overlook you.
There was only half a seat left on the forward bench when you went to climb in last. Beside Mr. Butler. He’d settled with his legs slightly spread but upon seeing your conundrum, he’d shifted to make room for you. You gritted your teeth and perched on as little of the seat as possible. The driver pulled the rolling door shut and you had jumped a little at the sound.
“So, may I ask how you found yourself in this profession?” He spoke in a low voice, just for you, and you could feel it slide along your skin. The question made your lips slide into a thin line beneath your mask, reminding you of the constant micro-aggressions: ‘Where are you from?’ ‘Why can you speak Japanese so well?’ ‘When are you going home?’ Japan was not an easy place to make a home when you had been born somewhere else.
The driver had pulled out into traffic, swerving suddenly as a cyclist darted into traffic, and your perch on the seat did nothing to prevent you from being thrown into his side. He may be slim but under those clothes he was solid. His hands had gripped your elbows to steady you as you began apologizing profusely, pulling back to return his personal space to him.
“Really, I am so sorry” You looked up into his eyes as you apologized one last time, sitting your butt fully into the seat. Your thigh had pressed against his and he made no move to shift away. You could see his face was earnest, question genuine, so you took a deep breath and launch into the simplified version. Once you were fully seated, his hands had settled back into his lap.
He leaned in, listening intently as you spoke, focusing your gaze on the city passing by the window. It was, again, just shy of making eye contact, but you could see those damn blue eyes out in the periphery of your vision. You got the impression the mask bothered him, but it was still required for staff and crew to wear masks when in close proximity with talent. He had asked the occasional question as you explained all the forces that had brought you here, mostly your own efforts, but mostly he just listened with such an intensity your heart fluttered irregularly.
As you neared the end of your answer, you had noticed you were only five minutes from the first television station and could hear Sachiko talking to Mr. Luhrmann about what to expect.
“Did you have any questions about your first interview, Mr. Butler?”
He had started a little and shook his head. “Austin, please.”
“I apologize but I am not able to do that, Mr. Butler.”
He sighed and rubbed his fingers along his chin thoughtfully. “What is ‘good morning’ again?”
“Ohayou gozaimasu. You can slow it down and remember it using English words though…Ohio goes-I-muss.”
He grinned and practiced it a few times. “So arigatou goes-I-muss is thank you then?”
You nodded encouragingly. “Exactly. But Yuka will be right there with you.”
“You’ll be there too, right?” He asked quickly and something in his voice had made you glance at his eyes quickly. He somehow seemed a little…nervous?
“Absolutely, I’ll be behind the camera” You nodded and turned as the driver had parked and was now opening the door. You slid out quickly and stood off to the side to bring up the rear again. The glass building was huge and imposing as the group headed in, Mr. Butler chatting with his assistant and Mr. Luhrmann alternatingly.
The two men were run through make-up and mic’d up backstage while you helped Yuka and Sachiko prepare for the live, simultaneous translation. It was possibly the most difficult task that could be requested of a translator. The hosts would speak to the guests in Japanese with the translators immediately translating into the ear of the guest from behind. The guests would then answer in English and the translator would translate it into Japanese for the host and the camera. To an outsider it looked like utter chaos. To a translator it was a very careful juggling act, and the clipboards for notetaking were essential tools to ensure it all went smoothly.
Once everyone was in place, you had stood behind camera to watch the live segment. You could not help but feel a growing affection for Mr. Butler. He kept his arms crossed, obviously feeling out of his element, but was still so warm and friendly in his responses. He would have been a dream to translate for, you thought. He modulated his answers to make them easier to relay, and always turned toward Yuka as she provided English translation to him. A gentleman who refused to ignore what everyone was begging him to not see.
He had found you pretty early on in the segment and glanced when he delivered his adorably accented ‘good morning.’ You had grinned brightly, eyes crinkling with your encouragement, and he had found them again as the clips of Elvis had played. You had to admit you were quite excited that you would get a chance to watch the film that evening. There was something in the way that man moved that made it difficult to breathe…
After the segment came to an end your group had moved off the set to allow the rest of the morning show to play out. You stepped away to the windows overlooking Tokyo Bay to slide your mask off one ear, taking a deep sip of water from your bottle. You slid the mask back on and turned to see if they had been freed from backstage. He was looking at you again with that gaze, pretending to listen to something his assistant was saying. Your breath hitched in your throat, and you were grateful as Mr. Kimura came over to give you more marching orders and keep you on task.
The rest of the morning show segments were taped to be aired a later date. They were at most five minutes long, but with driving time, it was nearing noon by the time you returned to the hotel. Mr. Butler had saved you the seat beside him every time, asking questions about your favourite restaurant in Tokyo, or how to say good afternoon. He also asked if any temples or shrines would be open after the premiere was finished and after he humored Baz with some karaoke.
“Kaminari-mon and Sensoji temple stay lit and accessible all night long, so you could definitely go see those no matter what time you’re finished for the day.” You had replied.  Stepping out back at the hotel, you confirmed on your schedule that lunch was next, then Mr. Luhrmann and Mr. Butler had a break before a special segment would be recorded at the hotel.
They would be meeting Yukawa Reiko, a Japanese music journalist who had met Elvis three times before his untimely death. She was also known for her close relationship with Yoko Ono and John Lennon. Your group headed up to the suite where a set of high-end bento lunch boxes were waiting along with a variety of bottled drinks. You hung back against the wall as Mr. Kimura gave them another run down of the schedule and invited them to eat.
The whole team had then waited in silence for the clients to decide if they would take the food back to their rooms or if they would invite you dine with them. Assumptions were never made, interaction was never forced, but Japanese hospitality dictated that you all wait until the clients’ wishes were made clear.
“Please, eat with us” Baz had smiled brightly, and you couldn’t help the thrill in your stomach. More time to stare at him. Maybe he would ask you more questions, you had thought. You grabbed a bento and a bottle of sanpin-cha – a blend of jasmine and oolong teas from Okinawa. Mr. Butler was right beside you, looking over the selections. You could empathize; the stylized labels provided little insight to a non-native speaker. You had walked him through the choices, describing the tastes of each, before he settled on a barley tea. He pulled out a chair for you at the long table and gestured with a graceful motion of his hand, inviting you to sit.
“Thank you very much” You sat with him warmly, pulling a pair of reusable chopsticks out of your bag and had removed your mask to start eating carefully. You looked to him and decided you should at least ask him one question in return…but nothing cliché…not about his last twenty-four hours in Japan…not about making the movie…
“So how did you end up in your profession?” You turned his own question back onto him. You flushed with a hint of pride at his soft laugh before he launched into the simplified version of his career for you.
People had begun to excuse themselves from the table, Mr. Luhrmann back to his room, your team to rest for a while in the bedrooms of the suite, but the two of you had stayed there just talking. Somehow, you’d landed on the topic of travel, and you had regaled him with your current project of visiting each of Japan’s forty-seven prefectures.
“The country is only the size of California, but each region is so remarkably distinct, it’s just so fascinating to explore them all.” You were chancing more frequent glances at his eyes the longer you talked. They were somehow irresistible, drawing you in like refreshing pools of water on this very hot day.
“I really wish I was here longer; my first time and its all of forty-eight hours…” He had sighed wistfully, but a polite cough from his assistant, recently returned from her room, brought you both back to reality.
“I’m sorry Austin but we need to get you ready for the meeting with Ms. Yukawa.”
He had apologized to her and then again to you before excusing himself. Finding yourself alone in the suite, you had slid out of your suit jacket, slipped out of your heels, and stood in front of the air conditioner to try and cool down. You knew that the heat in your cheeks had little to do with the temperature outside and much, much more to do with the intensity of Mr. Butler; it was almost entirely due to your growing desire for the man. You exhaled slowly, trying to ignore the lingering scent of sandalwood he had left behind, the low note in the cologne he was wearing.
It had flooded your senses and spoken to the ancient part of your brain that was quite insistent he would make an excellent mate; the sooner you swapped gametes, the better. You slammed the heel of your palm into your forehead with a groan, trying to reset your brain like a faulty hard drive. You were not successful.
You had managed to get some rest and recollect yourself, heading down to one of the meeting rooms where three chairs had been set up with a plexiglass barrier between them for Mr. Luhrmann, Mr. Butler, and Ms. Yukawa to engage in a filmed conversation. It would be easier translation this time as the footage would be edited to allow for smooth playback for the Japanese audience. Ms. Yukawa had not been provided a translator and asked if someone might be able to assist her as her hearing wasn’t what it used to be. It was hard for her to hear Sachiko and Yuka with masks on and plexiglass between them.
Mr. Kimura had nodded at you then and your veins flooded with a thrill of adrenaline. You stepped forward and bowed deeply to her, introducing yourself to her warmly. You had felt those eyes on you again, watching intently, and surely listening, as you spoke Japanese. You took your place behind her, off camera, clipboard in had to note important words to hit in your translation. You narrowed your focus to just the words, trying to push out that accent that felt like it was licking at the shell of your ear every time Mr. Butler spoke. You could see the joy on his face, as well as Mr. Luhrmann’s, as you translated Ms. Yukawa’s statement that she was grateful to tears for such a beautiful film about Elvis’s life.
There was passion in him, you realized. Passion for the film, passion for the man he had been chosen to portray…and unless you were mistaken, a desire to like every part of his life with that same passion. The allotted time for recording the meeting flew by rapidly and as it ended, it took you a moment to re-engage the rest of your brain, to flesh out into a full human and not the pared down translation machine. You thanked Ms. Yukawa profusely for her time and returned to your place at the back of the room as Mr. Kimura instructed your team to go rest for the next two hours while the clients changed for the premiere.
You did not miss the slide of Mr. Butlers eyes along your cheek as he was ushered up to his room to get ready. Your eyes had flicked to his, and he’d nodded to you before following his assistant out the door. You had followed your colleagues back up to the working suite, hanging up your suit jacket before laying on one of the futon on the floor to try and sleep. You’d been up since five and the main event of the day was still yet to come. You were restless at first, mind filled with his voice, his glances, his cologne…but fatigue, thankfully, won out and you managed an hour of sleep before forcing yourself up to brush your teeth and fix your hair and makeup.
You could only imagine how tired the two men must be, all of this heaped onto the jetlag…
It was a fleet of sleek black cars waiting in front of the hotel entrance for your group this time, and you waited at the door of the last car in the line. Lowest in the hierarchy meant you needed to be there first, waiting. The combination of squealing and the familiar caress of his gaze turned your head to look up at the steps. Your fingers nearly dropped the supply bag as he stepped out of the hotel doors in all white, shirt unbuttoned down to his sternum, a gold chain and pendant on the tanned, exposed skin of his chest.
You had briefly wished your heart would arrest at that point…the rhythm was so chaotic it would not have been too much to ask. You swallowed quickly as there was a lot of saliva in your mouth all of a sudden. You had turned away and snapped your mask onto your face like armour, holding the car door open for Mr. Kimura to slide in. Mr. Butler’s eyes met yours and he had offered you a nod with just the hint of a smirk before sliding into the front car with Mr. Luhrmann.
You quickly jumped into your vehicle and the trio of automobiles headed out through traffic to the event. It was quite frankly unlike anything you’d ever experienced; a glittering pink carpet packed with media and fans. Somehow through it all Mr. Butler seemed utterly calm and cool, while Mr. Luhrmann stole the show with over-the-top excitement. You were all watching the Jailhouse Rock dance performance by a popular Japanese dance group when Yuka tugged at your sleeve sharply.
“I have a headache and sore throat; protocol says I have to leave. Good luck.” She had bowed deeply to you before slipping off through the crowd. You looked after her in concern before Mr. Kimura shifted to stand beside you.
“Are you ready?” He asked and you nodded quickly, grateful you’d had a bit of a warmup earlier in the day with Ms. Yukawa. You stepped over behind Mr. Butler and took a breath to interrupt his focus on the dance troupe. Your senses were flooded with that cologne again, eyes inadvertently fluttering shut. The whisper of your name, in that voice, against your ear made then snap open again. He was so very close to you…your heart rabbited in your chest, but you clenched your fists, digging your nails into your palms to ground your focus.
“Yuka has had to leave, I will be assisting you through the Q&A, Mr. Butler.” You had leaned up to murmur in his ear.
His smile was small, just visible to you, as he nodded once before looking back to the performance. Every concession and consideration he had provided Yuka was offered to you two-fold. His eyes sought yours as you translated questions, he broke his answers into neat chunks or simply kept them brief to allow you to accurately convey his words to the audience. By the time you were ushered into the theatre to watch the film, you wondered if he might not just sleep through it. It was dark enough and surely he had been tired enough.
You, however, were on the edge of your seat from the first. The haunting line from Suspicious Minds took a hold of you and the film did not let you go for all two hours and thirty-nine minutes of it. It was not so absorbing, however, that you didn’t feel his presence in the seat to your left like the glow of superheated embers. Every nerve in your body was happily announcing to you that he was right there, that man on the screen who was moving his hips like that, making you cross and re-cross your legs in an attempt to keep your arousal to yourself.
His gaze had found your thighs as your skirt inched higher along your nylons with all your fidgeting. You had sunk your teeth into your bottom lip, taking slow breaths through your nose. Do not look at him, you had thought. Do not acknowledge or encourage…your fingers gripped the hem of your skirt, not so subtly, and tried to pull it down a little.
Lust was not the only feeling the film had aroused in you, however. By the time he was delivering the speech about the bird without legs, you were dabbing at your eyes with the cuff of your suit jacket, trying to wick away tears before they could fall down your cheeks.
As the credits began to roll, the theatre erupted into applause, cheers, and a standing ovation. You were quick to join in, risking a glance at him. He was blushing now, and you felt somewhat vindicated to see him embarrassed for once today. But how humble it was of him, to be able to embody such an ego on film so very well and yet remain so down-to-earth. You had all piled into the cars then, heading back to the hotel suite. You had been weighed down by the sudden realization that this magical day really was at an end. You and Sachiko were in the middle of a sweep of the suite when you heard Mr. Butler calling your name. You looked at Sachiko and she dropped all her professionalism with a broad grin.
“Ichi-go, ichi-e” She stated simply, and you had flushed scarlet. She’d proceeded to shoo you out into the main room, and you smoothed your suit jacket in a self-soothing motion.
“Mr. Butler?”
He laughed and shook his head. “Look, Baz is determined about the whole karaoke thing, and we have no idea where to go or how to do it…Please?”
You swallowed roughly, Sachiko’s words ringing in your ears. Live life now. Live it to the fullest as though this moment would never come again.
“Of course, I can help you two find a place.” You grabbed your purse and nodded.
“On one condition…” He had grinned slyly.
You had looked to him startled; not certain he was in any position to put stipulations on a favour he’d ask of you.
“You have got to stop calling me Mr. Butler.” He laughed cheekily and you couldn’t help your bark of relieved laughter.
“Fine…Austin. Are you two ready to go now?”
He had nodded enthusiastically, and you had bowed deeply to Sachiko, thanking her for all her hard work that day, before following him out. Honestly, karaoke bars were not that hard to find once one knew what they were looking for, but you reminded yourself you too had once been a lost foreigner. You found a reputable chain location close to the hotel, one you even had a points card for, and booked them a room for an hour. Their assistants were there, along with a few other people you didn’t recognize. You weren’t certain if you were meant to join them until long, warm fingers wrapped around your wrist and pulled you into the room.
Even with the air conditioning it was warm, so you slid out of your suit jacket…The skin of your arms was not given the opportunity to cool down, however, as the fabric of your jacket was quickly replaced with the heat of his gaze taking in the new territory. You made sure everything was set up in English for them, passing the mic to Baz who was bouncing with excitement. You tried to find the back corner of the room, but your wrist was in his grasp again and you were pulled into the space beside him, pressed quite close.
It behooved any resident of Japan to learn a karaoke specialty song, inevitably you would be called upon to perform for karaoke with friends or colleagues and it was better to be prepared. You had been sly in your choice, learning a song that usually came with guide vocals at most establishments. Many people usually knew it from graduation ceremonies, but that would not be the case with this group. So, when the tablet was thrust into your hands by an enthusiastic Austin to input your song, you had easily found Angela Aki’s 手紙 ~拝啓 十五の君へ~, (Letter: Greetings to My 15-Year-Old Self). That was not to say you had not been petrified; a fear which only deepened when he performed Polk Salad Annie for you all.
To hear his voice in the movie theatre had been one thing. To hear it coming from the man next to you, to feel the vibrations of his voice where his side pressed against yours, was entirely another. He had handed you the microphone, still warm from his grasp, as the opening strains of the song came up and you tried to push out all the distractions. You knew this song; you would be fine…and you sang. It was not going to win you a Grammy, but you made it through without missing notes or words, the hallmark of a successful karaoke performance. You even had the room clapping along to the beat during the bridge.
You were still grateful when the song ended, passing the microphone to his assistant as though it was scalding your hand. As she took over singing a Britney Spears song, you felt him lean in close.
“Will you tell me what it means after this?” He had intoned into your ear.
You swallowed visibly, had seen his eyes flick to your throat to watch the motion closely, and nodded firmly. More songs were sung, and suddenly the five-minute warning flashed across the screen. You double-checked if they wanted to extend the time, but everyone was suddenly looking quite tired…even Austin. You had settled the bill for the drinks, snacks, and booth rental with Baz; you did the talking, he did the paying. The group meandered back to the hotel, and you stopped in the lobby as people began filtering up to the elevators, wishing each other good night. Austin leaned in close to your ear, looking as though he was saying farewell.
“Give me five minutes? I want to take you somewhere.” Were the words that actually came out of his mouth.
You had nodded, rendered mute, and sat in one of the lobby chairs, checking your texts idly. True to form, he was back within the promised time frame, wearing the black short-sleeved button up and black pants from that afternoon’s meeting with Ms. Yukawa. He had a mask over his face, but truly it did little to hide how overwhelmingly attractive he was. You had moved to your feet as you saw him step out of the elevator and he took your hand, leading you to the line of cabs.
He helped you in and looked to the driver. “Kaminari-mon onegai.”
You had been running through an endless list of guesses as to where he wanted to take you, but this was the best of all. You squeezed his hand gently and added your more formal ‘onegaishimasu’ to the driver who bowed and pulled out onto the much quieter streets.
“So…the song…It obviously meant something to you…”
Your cheeks reddened but you nodded.
“It is a letter to the performer’s 15 year old self, talking to them about all they have been through…saying things like believe in your own voice, don’t give up…even as an adult there are nights when my heart is broken and I can’t sleep, but I am still alive…I was a pretty awkward kid, I would have loved to get a letter like that from myself at that age. Because things are better now. I can pull up the lyrics if you’d like?” You looked to him in the intermittent glow of streetlights and signs, but he shook his head.
“I’ll look it up another time, I’d rather look at you right now.”
Your heart gave one terrific thud, and you were certain that might have been the last blow it could take, but somehow the rhythm kickstarted again and you exhaled shakily. The driver pulled up to the massive lantern hanging beneath a bright red gate and turned to ask you for fare. You pulled out your wallet, filled with cash as Japan was still very much a cash-based society and paid, despite Austin’s protests, before sliding out.
The temple complex was much quieter now than it was during the daytime, but it was well-lit and striking. His hand took yours again as his other busied itself snapping photos on his phone. You walked slowly, letting him set the pace, telling him a little about the history of the place. The normally bustling Nakamise shopping street was shuttered for the evening, but you were thrilled as Austin gravitated to the intricate street art painted onto the metal shutters. Your path up to the temple was winding and inefficient, but he was so clearly enjoying himself and you were feeling very privileged to see it.
You had showed him how to cleanse himself with incense before stepping onto the sacred grounds and led him over to say a prayer on the steps of the temple. You had fished a few five yen coins out of your wallet, holding one out to him.
“Go-en, it’s a homonym for destiny. The best coin to pray with. This temple is dedicated to the bodhisattva Kannon. She embodies compassion.” You dropped your coin in the wooden coin box before bowing deeply and pressing your hands together. You waited quietly as you heard the noise of his coin ricocheting against the sides of wooden box after he tossed it in, finishing your prayer with a bow. As soon as you had looked up, his hand had seized yours again.
“What else can we do at this time of night?” He was so intently focused on making the most of every moment in this country, your heart ached a little.
“I’ll take you to my favourite izakaya…it’s like a pub. I actually live quite close to here.”
He had nodded eagerly and, unfortunately, neither of you had been blessed with the slightest inkling of what would happen there.
It was busier than you had anticipated, with a large number of ex-pats seated at tables. The owner had heard the bell above the door jingle as you entered, calling out his blanket welcome of ‘Irasshaimase!’ before looking up. He grinned broadly and called out your name in a more personal greeting.
“Konbanwa Nakamura-san! Futari, onegaishimasu.” You held up two fingers, asking for two seats.
“Kauntaa de ii no kai?” He gestured to the only two open seats at the counter, next to the yakitori grill. You looked up to Austin.
“Are you ok with the counter?” He had nodded enthusiastically and the two of you had wound your way over to take the seats. You hung your suit jacket and purse on the hook under the counter, asking the owner for one English menu along with a Japanese one for you.
You worked through the options with him, choosing a few snacks and drinks. You placed the order with the owner, feeling Austin’s gaze on your mouth and throat as you spoke. The blush had crept up from below your blouse, but you remained focused on what you were trying to communicate. You looked to him slowly as you finished, and he shook his head in awe.
“I don’t think I will ever get tired of hearing you speak Japanese…You really love it, don’t you.”
You laughed shyly but nodded with a shrug.
“I do…it’s a language with a lot of meaning and history and levels of formality and…” You nodded again and watched the fingers of his left hand trace along the characters of the Japanese menu in front of you.
“It looks impossible to read…There’s no reference to anything I know here.”
“You start with the basics, each segment of the more complicated kanji has a meaning, so it’s all about how they are combined and where certain characters are placed.”
He raised an eyebrow dubiously and you laughed, pulling out a notebook and pen from your purse.
“Let me show you. So, for example,  there are two words for love: ai and koi. But the difference between them is illustrated by where the character for heart is positioned. This is kokoro – heart.”
You carefully drew the kanji 心.
“It’s pretty straight forward, four chambers just like a real heart. A much more accurate representation than a Western heart symbol. Now this, is ai, a deep abiding love. Long lasting, and can describe either romantic or platonic love.”
You drew the kanji 愛.
“The heart is here, in the middle…in your chest…” You were so wrapped up in your explanation that you didn’t even process that you were pressing your hand against the centre of his chest. He was watching raptly, licking his lips.
“Whereas koi is a shallow love, based on attraction, usually describing flings or the early stages of a relationship. It’s also part of the word for lover, only used for romantic situations.”
You drew the kanji 恋.
“This time the heart is at the bottom of the kanji, between the…” Your words stumbled a little, and you gestured vaguely towards his lap. “…legs.” It was your turn to watch the way his Adam’s apple bobbed in a visible swallow.
The clunk of your drinks being set on the bar pulled your attention away from his throat. You moved to put away the notebook, but he plucked it from your fingers, carefully extracting the page you’d given him the kanji lesson on. You watched as he folded it with care into four before sliding it into his breast pocket. You took a deep, bracing sip of your drink as the snacks began to arrive and you two set about sampling the various items.
He had asked more questions about the different kanji on the menu, and you had happily explained them, using the same technique your first Japanese teacher had used. You had used the stroke count to differentiate the kanji for one, two, and three; gotten him to see the shape of a cow’s horns in the kanji for gyu 牛 (beef). Neither of you had noticed the couple beside you leave, nor the increase of volume as a new boisterous group arrived. You did, however, notice him tense as someone hollered his name through the crowd.
You turned your head to follow his gaze, eyes widening a little as Ezra Miller had crowded into your local izakaiya with a pack of friends. The conversation had seemed friendly at first, if a little tense. The two celebrities had exchanged pleasantries and explanations of what had brought each of them to Tokyo.
“I saw the film when I was in Hawaii…Decent job, Butler.” Ezra had said in a tone that set your teeth on edge. It was very clearly a back-handed compliment. You saw the muscles of Austin’s jaw bunch as they clenched in an effort to stay civil. “Well, if you’re done with your Japanese tutor here, why don’t you two get out of our way so we can sit down” They had said, snide tone no longer gilded with a sheen of feigned civility.
“Don’t talk about her that way.” Austin had said tersely, sitting taller on the bar stool. “We were here first and have no intention of leaving until we’re good and ready.”
“Defending a nobody in a department store suit, Butler? What happened to the revolving door of actresses and models? Why are you wasting your time on a dowdy thing like…” You never did get a chance to hear the rest of Ezra Miller’s insults.
Austin had slid to his feet, drawn himself to his full intimidating height, and employed the toned muscles of his right arm to slam his right fist into Ezra’s jaw. Everything seemed to move in slow motion as their face had snapped to the side under the force, spit flying from their venomous lips as they stumbled back into their group of friends. As they tried to scramble back to their feet, to lunge at Austin, things were suddenly sped up to twice the normal speed. Ezra’s friends were holding them back, Austin standing still and intimidating, shielding you from the problematic star. You had moved quickly then, spurred on by the reactions of the staff and patrons of the izakaiya. You pulled all the bills out of your wallet, totalling around ¥20,000, and put them on the bar. It was roughly the equivalent of $200 USD, much more than your bill.
You called out to the owner, who was taking in the scene in stunned silence. You assured him you would be leaving promptly, asked him not to call the police. He had eyed you and the stack of bills for a brief moment before nodding sharply. He collected the bills as you grabbed your suit jacket and purse. He sent one of the yakitori cooks to drag the Miller group out the front door before motioning you to follow him out the back. You had slid your arm through Austin’s, dragging him after you through the kitchen and out into the alley.
“Come on, please…” Your heart was racing, terrified a career ending scandal might taint all his hard work promoting the film that day. The Japanese were not as forgiving as the rest of the world when it came to scandal. You needed to get him out of public and the fastest way to do that would be to take him into your one room apartment. It was a short walk to the next block where you lived, walking as fast as your heels would allow. Austin had stridden alongside you smoothly with those ridiculously long legs, hand clasping yours. You unlocked the gate before leading him up the stairs in your building, hands a bit shaky from the adrenaline, but you’d managed to unlock your front door and pull him into the entryway.
You had spun and slid your heels off as you stepped up onto the hardwood floor, a very practiced movement. He unzipped the sides of his boots and kicked them off to sit beside yours, following you into the hallway of an apartment you called home. It took precisely ten seconds to run from one end to the other. You had timed it once, out of curiosity. You reached into the fridge and pulled out a pack of frozen peas, reaching for his right hand as he got close enough, looking his knuckles over.
You gently pressed the improvised cold pack to his skin, making him hiss a little. Your heart rate had yet to recover from the rush out of the restaurant and down the darkened streets, the sprint up the stairs, the fact that he had defended you…You gasped a little as you felt the skin between the thumb and forefinger of his left hand slot itself below your chin. His thumb and fingers had gently pressed into skin on either side of your jaw as he guided your head up.
“Why won’t you ever look me in the eye?” He whispered softly, eyes searching your face.
Aside from your cultural adaption to Japanese ways, you had also been so afraid of what he might see there – the naked, unabashed desire you had felt for him since first laying eyes on him that morning. You took a fortifying breath and snapped your eyes to his now, no longer interested in trying to hide it. The flames of the fire blazing in your lower abdomen flickered in your eyes as you let yourself fall into his rapidly shrinking blue irises. His pupils had been rapidly expanding as he was finally able to see you. You heard the sharp intake of breath through his nose before his lips crashed into yours, body surging forward to push you back into the refrigerator as he pressed into you greedily.
You shuddered as you felt the outline of his hard cock pressing against your stomach, free hand reaching up to twist your fingers into those cursed curls that had been teasing you all day. The sound of the bag of frozen peas hitting the floor hardly registered in your brain as he pushed them out of your other hand to employ both his hands in pulling your blouse of out of your skirt. His fingers quickly snuck up and underneath the silk to stroke along the skin of your sides. Your breath shuddered into his mouth at the feel of his touch, the callouses on his fingers, the warmth of his palms.
His tongue took advantage of your open mouth to finally get a chance to taste you. The feel of the slick muscle of his tongue sliding along your own made your toes curl into the hardwood floor. Eventually oxygen became an unavoidable necessity, and you pulled back from his lips to gasp for air, breath thick with desire. You could feel him panting against the skin of your throat as took deep inhales of your scent.
“Fuck you smell so good; it’s been all I could think about all day.” His generous lips brushed against your skin as he spoke, making you shudder. He took the hint, showering your sensitive skin with kisses as his clever fingers found the zipper on your skirt. You chuckled wryly, breathlessly.
“You have no fucking idea what your cologne has been doing to me, do you?” You carefully stepped out of the fabric as it fell to the floor, hands hooking into the belt loops of his pants, pulling him after you as you moved deeper into the apartment to where your bed was.
“Oh, I think I do. When I caught you with your eyes closed on that pink carpet…I just about ripped that mask off to kiss you senseless…” He replied, standing still as you worked his pants and shirt off. Once they lay on a pile on the floor, he pulled you tightly against him, seizing your lips with his, kissing you until you felt unsteady on your feet, as promised. His fingers hooked into the waistband of your nylons and slid them down to your knees before he gripped your hips, lifting you onto the bed. He knelt at your feet, looking down at you in your bra and panties hungrily. His lips fell victim to the ravages of his teeth as he pulled the nylons up and off each leg in turn.
You watched, chest tight with anticipation as he tossed them aside, lips working their way down from your right ankle, along the inside of your calf, to your knee and up your inner thigh. You trembled as he got closer to the centre of your need, licking your lips eagerly.
“Did they survive?” His eyes looked up to yours as he came face to face with your panties. “The way you kept crossing your legs…I was rather hoping for them to be utterly ruined.”
You flushed and threw your head back with a sudden laugh. He grinned as he pressed his forearm into the mattress beside your head, stretching his body over yours as the fingers of his other hand slid past the waistband of your panties, seeking your folds. He hummed, pleased as he found your slick.
“So not entirely unscathed then…” He drank in your face as your eyelids fluttered, threatening to close at the sensation of his languid, exploratory strokes. Your thighs pressed together around his wrist needily, having fought to be well-behaved for so long.
“Please…” You breathed in desperation and his lips found yours, kissing you soothingly as fingers traced around your bundle of nerves before applying gentle but fleeting pressure. You squirmed beneath him, gripping his shoulders tightly, hips pressing up to his hand eagerly.
His lips pulled back from yours with a parting nip to the flesh of the lower one. He sat back onto his heels and tugged at the waistband of your underwear, getting you to lift your hips so he could divest you of them. He then gripped your elbows, pulling you up to a sitting position before reaching behind you to unclasp your bra. His fingers teasingly dragged the straps down your arms, raising goosebumps in their wake before that too was removed and tossed aside. Latching onto your right nipple, he had settled his hips against yours, leaning you back onto the mattress. His skin was frustratingly still clad in the fabric of his boxer-briefs but, as he ground against your core, you stopped your internal complaining and moaned eagerly.
The fingers of his free hand cupped the mound of your left breast as he settled back over you on his right forearm. He continued to pleasure your breasts as his hips rocked against yours insistently, the once hint of a shape now a very definitely hard, generously sized cock pressed tightly against you. As you grew wet enough to soak into the fabric of his underwear, he pulled back out of your reach, sliding down between your thighs to taste you eagerly.
Your hips had a bad habit of bucking towards his mouth needily, and he held them down with a firm grip as his tongue parted your folds to lap at your clit hungrily. He watched your face hungrily as your fingers sank into his curls again, crying out his name reverently. Throwing his left arm across your hips, pinning you under his elbow and hand, he freed his right hand to seek out your entrance. The pad of his index finger slowly dipped in and out of you before pressing deeper into you, making you throw your head back with a whimper.
Thrusting the digit in and out of you, working you open, he gradually added a second and third finger, curling them up to press against the area that made you toss your head to the side and swear like a sailor.
“Ohhh Jesus fucking Christ, Austin!” You wailed and he was relentless; manipulating the sensitive spot inside you with those delicious, dextrous fingers until his arm could no longer hold your hips down. You bucked hard, thighs clamping tightly around his head as his tongue had not once let up on your clit. Your orgasm had rocked through you, leaving you a trembling, gasping mess.
You watched through hooded eyes as he cleaned you up with his tongue before licking his fingers clean, savouring every last drop of your nectar. He had raised up on his knees again, sliding his boxer-briefs down to allow his insistent cock to spring free, slapping against the taught skin of his abdomen. The man was blessed, and you were about to be as well.
Tossing the fabric aside, he had slid up against you, cock pressing against your still-fluttering core as he settled his hips between your legs again. You arched your back up to kiss him appreciatively, not caring that his mouth tasted of your climax. His tongue twined with yours, moans sliding from his throat and down yours are he slid his cock between your folds, the crown snagging on your clit, making you whimper in reply. Before you could pull your lips back from his to beg, his cock began to sink into you, stretching you, filling you.
“Aus..Aus…tin…” You had stuttered between your whimpers, chest heaving.
“I know, you’re so fucking tight, holy fuck…” His head dropped to press against your collarbone, and you felt him shudder as he attempted to maintain control over his body’s urgent wish to slam into you. At last, he had settled into you fully, pelvis slotted snugly against yours. You shuddered and flexed your walls unintentionally, making him moan raggedly against your skin.
Unable to resist any longer, he pulled his hips back before pushing into your heat again, making you both moan. He set an easy pace to start, your exhales of pleasure meeting in the air between your mouths, curling around each other in the low light of your apartment. The pendant on the end of the gold chain knocked against your chin teasingly and you gripped it in your teeth teasingly.
The delicious feel of his cock sliding against your walls, nudging your cervix with each thrust, made your eyes roll back in your head. His pace increased as his left hand slid to cradle your jaw again.
“Lemme see your eyes” He ground out huskily and you fought to open them, to lock them onto his. Your walls clenched around him at the vision he presented above you, pink lips parted, eyebrows crinkled in pleasure, jaw working in concentration.
“I’m gonna…”
“Oh fuck, please…” His hips slapped into yours faster, your thighs spreading wider, heels digging into the bed as you just…needed…
“AHN!” you arched hard against him as his fingers found your clit again. You forced your eyes wider rather than clenching them shut as your release ripped through your body. Your walls clamped down around him tightly, pulling him under with you as he swore a litany of curses into your neck, flooding you with his hot cum. Shuddering breaths echoed in the quiet room as you both fought to calm racing hearts, to satiate the burning in your lungs. He slid from you carefully, making you whimper at the loss, before rolling to lay at your side. He gripped your right hip with his left hand and rolled you into his chest, pressing his plush lips to your forehead.
You lay your cheek on his chest, listening to his heartbeat slowing to a normal rhythm beneath your ear pressed to his skin.
“Thank you…for defending me…” You broke the silence and he scoffed sleepily.
“Thank you for saving my ass after I hit him…” He replied. You could tell sleep was working against him, the marathon of a day catching up with him.
“What time do you need to be at the airport?” You left off the word tomorrow as it was definitely today now. He was leaving today.
“Leaving the hotel at 9…” He murmured softly and you kissed his chest, just above where the pendant lay. You waited patiently, fighting off your own sleep, letting him drift off before you slid from his embrace to set an alarm and assemble his clothes on the chair beside the bed, hoping to make the wake up a little easier on him. You cleaned up in the washroom, coming back to stand on the threshold of the bedroom, watching him sleep soundly, bathed in the light from the street. God he was perfection. Your heart panged a little with the knowledge that this was surely the end of…whatever the last twenty hours had been.
“Ichi-go, ichi-e” You had whispered to yourself and blinked as the idea came to you. You fished out your wallet and found a clean, shiny five yen coin. You found some origami paper on your coffee table and carefully folded a pouch to slide the coin into. You added a slip of paper, writing out the expression on one side – he would be able to use his phone to translate it if he wanted. You added your email on the reverse. You slipped it into the breast pocket of his shirt, along with the folded note paper from the restaurant, before sliding into bed with him to enjoy a few hours of sleep.
══ ❀•°❀°•❀ ══
You slide your shoes off in the entryway and step into your apartment proper, sighing a little as the scent of his cologne is almost gone. You flick on the lights and set down your things, changing into comfy clothes before pulling out your phone again. You mindlessly scroll through Twitter as you lay on the bed, his name catching your eye. You click on the post, not your usual habit, but curious after your experience with him. The photo of him posing with some fans on the streets of Los Angeles makes you smile…such a sweetheart.
The chain around his neck, or rather the pendant, catches your eye and you zoom in, gasping to see he’s slid the chain through the centre of the five yen coin, wearing it proudly. You swallow back something akin to a squeal. So, it had meant more to him than just a chance meeting…
Your phone buzzes with an email notification and you roll onto your stomach on the bed, cheeks aching from your grin as he’s sent you a screenshot of the translation of the phrase you had written for him. What had previously felt like an ending, in the early dawn of June 29, is transforming into a beginning right before your eyes.
Read Part Two
一期一会 | ichi-go, ichi-e Masterlist
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bl4cktourmaline · 6 months
Can I please request a fluff alphabet with Ichika? (C, G, J, K, X) Thank u and have a good day!
↳ C, G, J, K & X
♬ x/modmafuyu is typing...
↻ Hello Anon~! Thanks for visiting our garden! Hope this flower is to your liking!
𝅘𝅥𝅮 If you would like to grow a fic, click here and read the writing rules for each writer 𝅘𝅥𝅮
■ Contents: Fluff
► ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : Ichika Hoshino
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C onfession - Who confessed first? How was the confession like?
Ichika most likely confessed first between the two of you. Although Ichika was a little nervous at the thought of confessing to you.
What if you didn't like her back? What if she screwed up the confession? Will she still be able to stay as friends?!
Ding dong!
'Ah it is time..' As Ichika packed her stuff and made her way to the rooftop.
"Ichika! You're finally here. What is it that you want to talk about?"
"I-I like you [name]!"
Never bring up how she confessed to you. The poor girl has and always suffer from the embarrassment that day as she blurted out her feelings immediately.
G ift - What's their favourite gift from you?
Ichika usually isn't used to receiving much gifts unless it was on valentines. However that changed when you and her started dating!
The moment you found out she loves Miku songs, you wouldn't stop giving her every Miku CDs you found in shops and purchase them for her.
However her favourite gift from you is a homemade miku keychain. She finds it very heartwarming as you took the time to make it for her!
"Ichi~ look what I got for you!"
"Hm? What is it-"
She saw a familiar teal pigtail girl dangling from your hand.
"I-is that a miku keychain?!"
"Yep! Made by yours truly~"
Safe to say, she definitely hanged the keychain on her guitar case. She is just so happy you took the time to make her something she really likes!
J ealous - What makes them jealous? How easy is it to make them and how would they react?
Ichika doesn't get jealous easily, though when someone keeps taking you away from her every time, she would start to feel a little annoyed.
"Hey [name]! I forgot that Saki wanted to hang out with us. Sorry about that"
"Saki wanted to hang out with us today? I thought she went shopping with her family?"
"Sorry about that [name], I may have gotten a little bit jealous seeing them trying to take you away from our conversations every time."
K isses - How they feel like and how often?
Although it isn't often, kisses with Ichika are always so gentle and soft! Even though you've been together for quite a while, Ichika is still a little shy in the relationship.
"Ichi, thanks for helping me with my homework."
"It's no problem [name]"
Ichika quickly gave you a quick peck on the cheek.
It's always full of surprises whenever she kisses you as it doesn't happen regularly. Maybe you should bother Ichika more if she would give you kisses like that after helping you..
X oxo - Are their messages with you different from how they text others?
Ichika's messages with you aren't that different from how she texts other people. More like she will be embarrassed trying to be lovely dovey.
Though she does ocassionally try to call you pet names, but regrets and corrects it to try to not seem 'weird'.
Ichika: Hey love, are you free later?
Ichika: [name]*
[Name]: Call me love again, then we'll talk.
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04tenno · 11 months
Do you think that if the latest live action version of the games comes to be, they’d be a bit more open about the queer characters being queer? Not anything direct but not as vague as some of them are in the games?
I also wonder if they wouldn’t be held back by some of the same things the games are, would characters who receive less screen time get more of that. Really, I don’t know why I’d bother thinking about it so much right now but I must W o n d e r
Oh, like the Hollywood movie that was in the works a couple years back? I'm not entirely positive that one in specific is still going through, since Nagoshi was the one overseeing it and we haven't seen any news in years, but I suppose worst case scenario they could always do other live action adaptations.
RGG adaptations historically have next to nothing to do with the games or have any real supervision, so it depends on who's behind the wheel. Any opportunity to shake up and retell the existing stories does have potential. The original Like a Dragon movie and the stage show had Majima be a lot more forward than almost anything that was actually in the games at the time, for example, but they were still in the realm of plausible deniability.
So it'd be heavily dependent on the chosen plot, format, and priorities in the script and direction. If it's an all-new story and/or cast, well, I haven't seen Poetry of the Soul or the Yakuza prequel, so I'm not sure what the precedent is. But if it's a proper adaptation, which game/era is being adapted matters hugely for potential representation. And the format and priorities matter because a stage play, one-off film, a series of films, an average drama, and a miniseries all have vastly different amounts of time to dedicate to plot and characterization.
For example, one would expect no adaptation of Yakuza 3 would just Leave Out Mine's Motives Entirely and reduce him to a monster who wants all orphans dead, right? But the comic adaptation did exactly that. Of course, it was from Haruka's perspective and she has every right to think so, but considering the comic was specifically meant to summarize the whole of Yakuza 3 as a replacement for the wiki, choosing Haruka as the viewpoint character was a mistake from the beginning. But that's how it happened with only a few panels to tell the story, and a "plot-focused" Yakuza 3 film adaptation may make the same mistake.
In all honesty, though, I think the games have waaay more opportunities to make it work. A show might have a fighting chance, but the average RGG game now is about 48 hours, which would be grossly long for anything other than the annual NHK taiga drama (and honestly, those are still grossly long).
I personally think Yakuza: Like a Dragon is the queerest game not by virtue of having anyone declare their love but by having a host class that relies on charm in a game with only male enemies, having Essence of Titillation and Essence of Restoration work on female party members, having Ichiban get a honk-honk from a guy and it giving him the biggest stat boosts in the entire game, having those teasing hints about Nanba and Ichi or Zhao and Ichi, Having Nick In The Game Period, having the plot center around a family with two dads, having one of said dads' gender nonconformity be the most respectfully-depicted instance in the entire series (and referring to him as an actress and mother), having Ako in the game and both treating her normally and having her be voiced by a woman in the dub, having NPCs express wanting to be reborn as the opposite gender.
Like... that's the run-on sentence to end all run-on sentences, but I could go on. These Bitches Queer.
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eliseinmemphis · 2 years
Favourite elvis fics right now/all time? ⚡️
pretty much anything in my fic recs tag but rn the ones i am frothing over (in absolutely zero particular order) are:
'tease' by @fantuhsise austin/reader, nsfw, i needed to lie down after reading this
'depravity' by @lindszeppelin elvis/reader, gun kink, nsfw
'when i'm down on my knees, you're how i pray' by @butlerstyles austin/reader, nsfw, religious trauma goes brrrr
'craw-fever' by @aconflagrationofmyown elvis/reader, nsfw, the way they weave words to build a scene and setting i am in awe
every single fucking yandere elvis fic by @venus-haze elvis/reader, sometimes nsfw, yandere obvi, im obsessed and i need more toxic elvis fics pls and thank u
'i got your necklace on' by @mesbouquins elvis/reader, sugar daddy, nsfw
this little blurb by @mesbouquins elvis/reader, sugar daddy, this gave me the vapours
'put me in a movie, daddy', 'i wish i was your girl', 'mermaid motel', and 'say yes to heaven' all by @satninpretty elvis/reader, nsfw, i cannot believe how perfectly they manage to capture elvis as a person it feels so real
'russian roulette' and 'you may be good looking but you're not a work of art' by @elvisabutler elvis/reader, nsfw, gun and knife kink respectively
'make me purple' by @ggwritesstuff elvis/reader, nsfw
'pink scarf' by @missmaywemeetagain elvis/reader, nsfw, cheating, literally iconic
'as sweet as a peach' by @fantuhsise austin/reader, nsfw, i listen to that man reading that recipe at least once a day
'helpless' by @eu-whoria austin/reader, nsfw, but also everything on their masterlist
'一期一会 | ichi-go, ichi-e' by @blurredcolour austin/reader, nsfw, this shit makes me soft af
'are you looking for trouble, honey?' by @dreamersparacosm austin/reader, nsfw, cheating, he's an asshole and im simping
'dangerous' by @adoresbutlers elvis/reader, gun kink, nsfw
'tattooed heart' by @foreverdolly austin/reader, nsfw, violence, biker au
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毎日、良い一日を mainichi, yoi ichi nichi o/may you have a good day, every day
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Moon Day 18 in Aries/Disseminating Moon
day’s V I B E – I The Magician Rx
Seriously? Today’s Priestess of Good Fortune literally has the ABRACADABRA triangle depicted with her but we’ve got The Magician in reverse🤪The 18th moon day is one that can often feel quite karmic. Nothing happens without a reason today and depending on how you carry yourself, you may feel this lunar day is either a curse or a blessing.
Don’t be afraid of making a mistake or having a bad day though. Whatever transpires, this lunar day is for your learning; you’re accumulating perspectives and deciding what kinds of energy you want and don't want to entertain going forward. On another note, you may also find today is a really fun day to exact revenge on someone or situation that has recently made you feel disrespected LMAO It’s gonna be a cursed day for them.
All in all though, this lunar day feels quite like a blessing for a lot of you reading this. I’m sure it’s because you’re actually the The Magician of your own Life and you know that. You’re mastering your spiritual energies and because of that, you’re not that easily swayed by other kinds of external energies, not even the cosmic ones. Isn’t that insane? Go have a great one, Wise Ones~🥳
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Priestess of Good Fortune
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m o o n a v i g a t i o n ♥︎
‘I am realising that Good Fortune starts with me wanting to have a good day. When I open my eyes, I decide my vibe and that commands the Universe to bring to my table only experiences that empower me. I am always having a good day no matter what happens because I see the reason behind it all. I am a wise one. I am in control of my reactions towards everything that is happening around me.’
☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・.
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☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・.
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couldbebetterforsure · 5 months
#I feel like I've made it clear by now on my blog I'm a ryuseitai girl there are NO bad songs in ryuseitai's discography I'll fight on that!
girl i love these idol power rangers too but you can't mean that when growing starry days and seishun emergency exist😂
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What did I say, Anon?! 😡😡😡😡😡😡
I kid, you’re free to feel that way, Anon! But I truly sincerely mean it when I say I don’t think there’s a single bad song in the Ryuseitai discography. So, why don’t we go through all of their songs and I talk about why I like them!
I’m only gonna list Ryuseitai specific songs, so ones that features them as a group in the song or their solos. I’m not listing the shuffle unit songs or their version of songs like Brand New Stars, since those aren’t specifically Ryuseitai songs.
Yumenosaki Ryuseitai Uta: Dakara FIGHTING! ✊ (FIGHTING!) FIGHTING! ✊ (FIGHTING!) From what I understand this is in universe Ryuseitai's first song, from before the current Ryuseitai was even formed. And what banger it is! It's a shame there's no MV for this one, I feel like it could get a good one. I love that everyone says their catchphrase during it (well...I mean Midori made an attempt...) A perfect song for introducing who Ryuseitai are and what they're about as a group.
The Unrivaled Meteor Ranger: Absolutely catchy classic! So much fun to play in the rhythm game, I get so into it (which means I keep breaking my combos). I just feel like I'm having fun listening to it, as if I'm watching the boys actually perform on the stage in front of me. They also sounds really good during the chorus for this one!
Goshiki no Shooting Star: Shooting Star! Shooting Star! Kagayake! Seigi koso...Shinjitsu to! Shinjiteru! Inochigake! Mamorinuke! Doro ni mamire nagara mo!!! *insert head bopping cat gif* I think this song does a fantastic job of showing how much of a kick Chiaki's voice gives the group's vocals. His voice is the deep and strong, and when he backs someone else's vocals it gives the lines an extra oomph that I adore!
Super Nova Revolu5tar: I love the build up to the opening lines! I think Ryuseitai may sound the best as a whole in this song. Their voices merge together so gorgeously in the chorus. I love the part that goes from violins to guitar as the boys talk it's beautiful! The whole last minute and a half of the song is gorgeous and I won't budge on that.
Ryuusei Hanabi: Practically everyone and their mother adores this song, and for good reason! It's an absolute bop from start to end. The use of traditional Japanese instruments, the chants, the beat of it. Another fun one to play in the rhythm game! Though I can't full combo the song on hard mode 😭 Fun fact, this is one of those few songs I already knew of from years back! I always find myself at the very least tapping along to the chanting.
Growing Starry Days: Hot take, Ryuseitai should get to sing more soft sounding songs. I know sentai-esque songs are their main thing, but damn it this song is too damn beautiful to be one of the VERY few soft songs they do! I heard this one isn't popular, to which I say FUCK THAT! Another song that really emphasizes how Chiaki's voice really brings the group's vocals together. I can't helpt smiling every time I listen to this song!
Unlimited Power: I just love that this is a song of thanks from Ryuseitai to all their fans, that's so damn sweet. The part where they all list the colors and their names is adorable (well except for Kanata 😂) Just as I can hear how well they get across their gratefulness in their voices throughout the song, I end up smiling and feeling just as thankful for them for making me smile so much with their music!
Meteor Scramble: Like I said last time I LOVE that they included their names in the lyrics! And in fun ways too, they play around with word placement and even Japanese pronunciation of English words for Tetora and Midori. Chiaki (ichi ichi akirametecha), Kanata (negau kanata e ikenai), Tetora (tachimukatte toraburu o), Midori (saa let me dream), Shinobu (manazashi no bun). I enjoy the high pace energy of the song, and I ESPECIALLY love the guitar solo section!
Suisei Halation: I fucking love this song, it feels like such a 80s-90s sounding anime opening in all the best ways! The beat once the chorus hits is so high pace, it's so much fun to listen to and just as much to play in the rhythm game. I can picture waking up to watch an anime with this opening on TV whenever I listen to it. My favorite part is when the boys all take one line each from the beginning of the chorus, it has a cool feel to it!
Heart Heat Beat: While not as soft as Growing Starry Days, this song does have a softer feel to it compared to other Ryuseitai songs. I love listening to it while I walk, though I always end up bouncing along because it has such pep in it! I feel like this song is a hidden gem of Ryuseitai's discography, I rarely hear anyone speak of it but it has such a fun and adorable feel to it. Also, I really love how powerful Midori's "ikou yo" is, it's not often he puts that much power in his solo lines.
Nekketsu Ryusei Ninpouchou: The old video game sounding opening to this song is such a nice touch. I loved how everyone's voices sounded throughout this song, they flowed together so well. Combine that with the energetic feel to it all and it makes for such a fun song. I love how it changed from slower pace to higher pace at several points and yet never loses that energy. Also, I think this song has some of Shinobu's strongest singing in it!
Colors Arise: Another song that sounds like an anime opening in all the best ways! The guitar sounds absolutely fantastic in this song and really gets me so pumped up. I think my favorite part is when the song suddenly sounds like a completely different song a little over two minutes in before swinging back to the main chorus. It's such a fun change that manages to not feel awkward.
Relax Paradise: RELAX~! ☺️ I'll be honest on first listen this song wasn't my thing, so that would've made this post super awkward, huh? But after listening to it a couple more times I really started to get into the bubbly energy of it all. Like "you know what? yeah I DO wanna go relax in the jungle!" I am super duper eager for the full version to drop, I wanna embrace the bubbly relaxing atmosphere.
Seishun Emergency: Wooo, get a chance! Woooo, make a chance! Don't give up! Don't give up! Be my girl! Yuzurenai battle!!! I heard this is another song that gets a ton of hate to which I say, why don't you people like having fun?! It's such a fun song with lyrics that are basically a shoujo romcom, what's not to like here?! There's such fun energy throughout this song and I really love how Ryuseitai and Knights combine their voices in this one! I can't sit still whenever the chorus starts up.
Hamutaro Tottoko Uta: People who hate on this song have never felt the joy the little things in life can bring. Cring is dead, let’s get you some fun and whimsy! It has a catchy marching-like beat and you can’t help but clap, move your foot, or bounce along to it with Ryuseitai and Ra*bits. Plus, c'mon guys, it's HAMTARO! Daiiiisuki na no waaaaaaaa~! Hiiiiimawari no taneeeeeee~!!!!
Always Hero: BURNING HEART!!! JUSTICE BLAZE!!! 🔥🔥🔥 It's a song that feels very Chiaki in energy and lyrics. Despite not being a cute song, I just come out of listening to it feeling like Chiaki is adorable!
Marine Blue Rendezvous: Puka puka~ Love the slow feel of this song, I feel like I can sleep to this song. Not in a bad way, I mean listening to it is so relaxing, I can't help but be lulled into a peacful nap 😊
Mahiru no Zanzou: No joke, Midori's best singing is on display in this song. His voice is already soft, so his solo really showcases that. But there are moments where there's a emotional power there that hits me in my little heart juuuuust right!
Iron Heart Tiger: Another hot take I have is that Tetora's singing voice doesn't get enough praise. I think this song, especially with its high pace energy really helps to get across how pleasing it is to listen to sing!
Shippuu Jinrai Shinobi Michi: Such a Shinobu song, so very fitting for him and enjoyable to listen to from start to finish! I love the bouncy feel it has while also being mixed with some softer moments, befitting a ninja!
Okay, that’s all of Ryuseitai’s songs and why I love them! If you noticed I missed a song, please kill me where I stand because that means I failed to defend the honor of Ryuseitai’s discography if I forgot one 😞 Hope you enjoyed hearing my thoughts!
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zegalba · 5 months
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Kazuo Kamimura: 'Ichi Mai e' (2008)
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tgrailwar-zero · 4 months
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Class: Saber
True Name: Miyamoto Musashi
Gender: Female
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Height/Weight: 167cm / 56kg
Source: Historical Fact
Region: Japan
A former Servant of the Interlopers, both during the mysterious 'Origin War' where the Interlopers allegedly first invaded the Solar Cell, as well as during the first 'THGW' as the Saber-class Servant.
While her memories of the 'First THGW' are spotty, due to the THGW being a 'black box' of sorts, she remembers the 'Origin War' well, having been cursed into a violent, berserk, and ruthless version of herself that was promptly put down by Sigurd and turned into a shadowed warrior meant to roam the catacombs of the Nameless City. Due to this, she carries a shame that she hides behind her smile, wanting to both do right by her Masters, and atone for her former sins.
Upbeat, yet focused. Empathetic, but ruthless. Sharp, although caring. Miyamoto Musashi lives by the law of her own blade, acts upon the clarity of her own feelings, and has much more experience than one may think.
Even when faced by her former allies, despite understanding their loathing for the once 'Interlopers', she opts to put her trust in her Masters- hoping that this time, they'll be able to carve forth a brighter path. - Musashi is a Servant of constant adaptability, due to her unique sword-style. However, she is at her best when engaging in close-ranged combat, using her Niten Ichi-ryu technique and personal skills to keep her opponents on the back foot. While her innate Magic Resistance makes her difficult for mages to touch her, her lack of innate mana means that she can only push out so much magical power before it starts interfering with her physical being. Quick-witted and free-hearted, Musashi is a Servant that tends to either rock the boat or keep things steady as needed. She lives by her own Way, and will tend to prioritize that over anything else. However, this doesn't make her disloyal, rather she makes her opinions, actions, and thoughts clear when relevant.
Strength: B
Endurance: B
Agility: B
Mana: E
Luck: B
Magic Resistance (A) - Cancels spells and Greater Rituals 'A-Rank' or lower. To many modern Wizards, this makes her almost untouchable.
Heavenly Eye (A) - A Mystic Eye ability that permits the resolution of a desired result as "inevitable," by way of committing the entirety of the user's existence to the act of achieving the outcome. A powerful Mystic Eye that takes every possible outcome, and cuts it down to 'one'.
Fifth Force (A) - A stance that instantly maximizes Musashi's power. While the Niten Ichi-ryu is a constantly changing battle art, one that adapts to the field of battle when needed. However, if Musashi is going up against a particularly powerful opponent, then she will take this specific stance.
Book of Five Rings (Unranked) - Musashi's own understanding of the Niten Ichi-ryu and the concept of 'Void'.
Emptiness (A) - The highest order a swordsman can attain, based around the teachings of Suigetsu from the Yagyu Shinkageryu. If one is nothing, then one is invincible.
Battle Continuation (EX) - Unlike the traditional Battle Continuation, that allows one to take a mortal wound and remain standing, this is the embodiment of Musashi's scrappy nature to survive. No trick is too lowbrow, no tactic too uncouth, and no escape too shameful- after all, you can't win in the end if you're dead!
NOBLE PHANTASM: Six Realms Five Rings - The Divine Figure of Kurikara
The dual blades of Miyamoto Musashi roar to life, their force manifesting the form of a mighty Nioh that slashes with the elements of earth, water, fire, and wind- before finally Musashi draws her blade and slashes with 'Void'. While technically an 'Anti-Unit' Noble Phantasm, it is truly an 'Anti-Karma' Noble Phantasm, able to cleave anything in two- be it even something supernatural and intangible like curses, misfortunes or one's very karma.
NOBLE PHANTASM: Ganryuu-jima
This is a Noble Phantasm that centers around the heretical killing method of making the area (Island) into an Anti-Swordsman 'stronghold' (Bounded Field), luring the opponent to the center, and then utterly crushing them. An Anti-Swordsman Anti-Swordmaster Grand Bounded Field.
As the one person who witnessed this technique is dead, it makes defining what the move truly looked like difficult. If she were a Berserker, this move would manifest as a deluge of waterside prowess and swordsmanship- however, as a Saber she can act more strategically.
Normally she would just possess 'Six Realms Five Rings', but it seems as if your connection through the 'First THGW' has unlocked this Noble Phantasm as well.
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koreanstudyjunkie · 1 year
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Which Is Harder Korean or Japanese?
I have been studying Korean for almost 6 years now and I recently started studying Japanese earlier this year - about 6 months ago. This post will just be me comparing the 2 languages and pointing out their similarities. The actual answer of which is harder or which is easier is for you to come up with and I also think it depends on your background - for example your native language or other languages you know well, which one you learn first, how much you have learned, etc. I know some people that have learned Japanese that find Korean hard and I know Korean learners who find Japanese hard or vice versa they find it easier.
Disclaimer: It's kind of difficult to add audio to all of this, so I'll leave a link to the Instagram post I made with all the audio.
SIMILARITY #1 - Sentence Structure
Japanese & Korean have the exact same sentence structure. Instead of me having to take time to learn it I was able to skip over that, because I'm already used to it in Korean.
The General Structure (which is sometimes more flexible than this) :
Who | When | Where | What | How | Verb
저는 오늘밤에 지수의 집에 영화를 보고 싶어요
I want to watch a movie at Jisoo’s house tonight.
저는 - 私は = I
오늘밤 - 今晩 = tonight
지수의 집에 - ジスの家に = at Jisoo's house
영화를 - 映画を = movie
보(다) - 見(る) = to watch
고 싶다 - たい = want to
(어)요 - です
SIMILARITY #2 - Numbers
You make numbers in Japanese the same way as in Korean. As long as you know the first 10 numbers, the rest become easy. Also some of the numbers even sound alike, making them easier to memorize. A major difference is that Korean has 2 number systems - one that’s Korean based and another that comes from Chinese. We’ll look at the Chinese one here - sino numbers.
(il) 일 - いち (ichi) = 1
(ee) 이 - に (ni) = 2
(sam) 삼 - さん (san) = 3
(sa) 사 - よん (yon) = 4
(o) 오 - ご (go) = 5
(yuk) 육 - ろく (roku) = 6
(chil) 칠 - なな / しち (nana/shichi) = 7
(pal) 팔 - はち (hachi) = 8
(gu) 구 - く / きゅう (ku/ kyuu) = 9
(ship) 십 - じゅう (jyuu) = 10
(shipil) 십일 - じゅういち (jyuuichi) = 11 (10 + 1)
(shipo)십오 - じゅうご (jyuugo) = 12
(eeship) 이십 - にじゅう (nijyuu) = 20 (2 x 10)
(samship) 삼십 - さんじゅう (sanjyuu) = 30
(gushipo) 구십오 - きゅうじゅうご (kyuujyuugo) = 95 (90 + 5)
(baek) 백 - ひゃく(hyaku) = 100
…and so on and so forth
This also goes for ages and telling the time. Both languages follow the same structure for this too.
Basically just attaching (sal) 살 / さい (sai) = Age to the number
19 years old
(yeolahop sal) 19살 (Korean uses different number system here but it’s still 10 + 9)
(jūkyūsai) 19歳
Native Korean Number + O'clock/Hour + Sino Number + Minute
9:10 o'clock
아홉 + 시 + 십 + 분
く + 時 (じ) + じゅう + ぶん
SIMILARITY #3 - Particles
It seems like the same particles in Japanese are essentially the same as Korean. They have topic marker, object marker, time/location-marking particle, etc. There might be some unique ones for each language - like I said I’m a beginner in Japanese and probably haven’t come across it yet. Here's a decently sized list to of them that I noticed off the bat.
(eun/neun) 은/는 > は (wa) - topic marker
(ee/ga) 이/가 > が (ka) - subject marker
(eul/reul) 을/를 > を (wo) - object marker
(eh) 에 > に (ni) - time/location marking particle
(eseo) 에서 > で (de) - doing action at location
(ui) 의 > の (no) - possession particle (..'s)
(uro) (으)로 > で (de) - a means of doing something
(uro) (으)로 > へ (e) - to, towards
(buteo/kaji)에서/부터-까지 > から/まで (kara/made) - from/since-until
(mada) 마다 > まい (mai) - every, each
(to) 도 > も(mo) - also, too
(gwa/wa) 과/와/이랑/하고 (there are many ways to say and in Korean) > と (to) - and
(ina) (이)나 > や (ya) - and; or
(ji/jiyo/jyo) 지/지요 (죠) > ね (ne) - right?
(ege/hante) 에게 (한테) - に (ni) - to, from
(man) 만 > だけ (dake) - only
I noticed that most of the time these particles function the exact same, however there are some instances in which they cannot be used the same way in both languages. For example, sometimes は(topic particle) is used instead of が (subject particle) when in Korean you’d use 이/가 (subject particle) instead.
where is the bathroom?
화장실이 어디예요?
*if we followed my list above word for word and used the Japanese example and translated to Korean it would become: 화장실은 어디예요? which doesn’t sound as natural and may be seen as “wrong”. トイレがどこですか would probably have the same affect as the Korean sentence for reference.
Of course you must learn the rules in each language of when a certain particle must be used and not just look at this list and apply it to both languages as if it’s a “one size fits all” kind of thing.
I won’t go into much detail, because there are hundreds of words between these languages that are pronounced similarly or the same and share the same meanings. I made 2 other posts on it in the past.
(gajoku) 가족 = 家族 - かぞ (kazoku) = family
(junbi) 준비 = 準備 - じゆんび (jun'bi) = prepare
(sajin) 사진 = 写真 - しゃしん (shashin) = picture
(dosogwan) 도서관 = 図書館 - としよがん (toshokan) = library
(byongwon) 병원 = 病院 - びょういん (byōin’) = hospital
One thing I must say is that hard and easy are very subjective, and when I rank these they are on a comparative scale - for instance compared to Korean conjugating is hard in Japanese or compared to Japanese learning the Korean alphabet is very easy. But both of them have harder and easier parts in their own way, because learning languages is not a straight line to the finish.
My personal rankings from 1-10, feel free to rank them yourself in the comments
Korean (4) vs Japanese (6) - alphabet
Korean (3) vs Japanese (6) - conjugating verbs
Korean (8) vs Japanese (7) - grammar
Korean (5) vs Japanese (9) - reading
Korean (8) vs Japanese (6) - listening
Korean (7) vs Japanese (10) - vocabulary
Korean (2) vs Japanese (8) - writing
Korean (7) vs Japanese (6) - speaking
FAQ? :
💥Does knowing Korean make learning Japanese easier?
I'm not fluent in Korean or Japanese, but I am at a high enough level that I can give a bit of my experience on this topic. I've only been studying Japanese for about 6 months now. My answer is Yes and No. Yes, because certain concepts are easier to grasp and the many similarities. No, because it’s still an entirely different language with many other rules that differ from Korean.
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plaindangan · 1 year
Junko is a being of chaos. That’s for sure. And as a being of madness she loves one thing, sexual tension~
So what she did is very simple, she went into V3’s class, composed of the 8 girls and a cute, adorable, laughably shy but hot emo detective, and decided madness needed to ensue~… so what she did was pretty simple, she somehow convinced him to do a photo shoot to help her (bouncing those fashonista gyaru tits made her quite convincing) and took a naked pic of him~!.. his face and expression absolutely adorable and shy and cute and Awwww inducing.. and revealing how is cock was.. MASSIVE! The boy was known for being untrusting in himself, shy, assertive, but also as Kaede would say, to have the potential of being so much, mainly due to his many skills, and how cool and competent he was when passionate by a case (or someone tried to touch the hat, no one touches the hat) the concept of beta and alphas may be laughable… but that cock represents VERY well how much of a beast can Shuichi be once he gets some confidence~! A massive pulsating made for breeding and pleasure fat cock, with massive pair of balls that could probably cover each girl’s entire room in a few shot… and themselves~
Now what would be every girl in V3’s class reaction to it~? (Each reaction separately (a la Angie who groped ass)
Bonus point if some of the girls aren’t that innocent, if the reaction are varied, in character but mainly cute and hot, and if every girl is way bigger and sexier than in canon~ (like kirumi miu Kaede and tsumoomoo being so large they’ll make bimbo porn actress and amazons look small and flat~ and Angie having a GIGA ass that was the reason Atua was so popular~)
Disclaimer: Below is content that's more on the racy side! If not for you, you probably shouldn't read!
"I've prepared a very titillating show for you eight miss-outs!~ Let's give it everything we've got, iiiii'ts cock display tiiiiiime!~"
"He...certainly is quite the grower." Kirumi said softly. The voluptuous maid whispered to herself. She was in the midst of sweeping when she got the message. She tried to remain stoic but...increasingly found herself unable to really look away. After several minutes, she even found herself alarmed to find that has been groping one of her melon sized breasts for who knows how long. Huffing, the maid hurries herself to her restroom. Maybe she can squeeze Shuichi into her schedule later on?
Himiko was instantly taken aback by seeing such a massive rod and grew instantly flushed. There...was still an hour before show time right? Locking her dressing room door, the redhead began to finger herself as she continued watching suck an impressive specimen. After this show, she definitely was going to make his cock disappear!
"Th-that whore-ass bitch!! H-h-how did she...oooo!!!"
She couldn't lose like this!! She was going to be the one to claim Poo-ichi! Her! The smartest, sexiest and baddest bitch in their entire community! But...if that's how its going to be this meant war!!! She was currently sleeping in the buff when she got the photo. Not even bothering to put on any clothes, Miu raced out of her place to her workshop.
Her latest project: The Bimbo-inator!! If its a blonde bombshell Shuichi wanted, they she'd just have to make herself more appealing. Make her ass fatter! Make her E-cups to F cups! Even reduce her IQ if she had to!~ By her claim as the greatest inventor - she would make that damn emo twink hers!!
"Wow...it's plain to see that she really went for the fanservice route with this one!~"
Tsumugi gazed lustfully at the picture of Shuichi...and continued to scroll past. You see, one of the perks of being under Junko's service (granted, these perks were vary far in-between due to the chaotic nature of her 'boss') was that, in exchange for agreeing to quite the lewd cosplay later, Junko would snag some great pictures for the cosplay...f-for references of course! And only for Tsumugi's eyes to see.
That's right Junko lifting his heavy cock. Posing to suck on it. Sending Shuichi's fat, milky, ass that anyone would like to pound. Groping his large, cum heavy, balls!~ Yes...this would heavily 'inspire' Tsumugi's next ero-line!~
"Nyahahaha!~ God has really blessed our little detective greatly. I must get him to join us!~"
Angie happily hummed as she continued to work. Her current project? A rather lewd display of Shuichi's large, succulent, cock!~ Sculpted to exact length and perfect!~ That wasn't the only thing Angie had worked on. For the past hour, she had painted, carved, sketched, even used clay to portray just how hung and sexy Shuichi was.
If someone were to open up the door, they would have saw a fat-assed artist, creating murals for some sort of God. Though if they mistook Shuichi for one, Angie wasn't going to correct them.
"I-I knew it! Shuichi has become a true degenerate!! I...I'll punish him for this!"
Tenko had immediately left the dojo, her toned thighs working over time to get to the detective's agency. She..she'll definitely punish him! It to be because of that big...filthy...nasty....alluring....dick! That dick! Y-yes, it had to be because of it! Tenko will punish him by ensuring that can never rise again! She'll put it between her thighs...rock back and forth on it...and if he's not cumming from that, maybe her fat, firm, ass could do the trick.......
T-to punish him of course!!!
"Eh? What was that?"
Security guards glanced towards the bushes...but at that point Maki had quickly moved to a different location on the other side. Quickly scurrying up a tree and looking heavily annoyed...right? The assassin was surveying a government complex and had taken a moment to glance at her phone. She usually doesn't bother looking at her phone, but upon seeing a message from Shuichi, one of her few friends that know not to bother her when she's working unless its for an emergency, she decidedto take a quick glance...
She was ashamed to admit that upon seeing what Shuichi was packing, she gasped a bit and had to quickly ditch her last hiding place before the guards caught her. Grrr...it wasn't like Shuichi to do this...it had to be Junko!! Gah, the Hell he was doing with her!? Wasn't she good enough for him, too? She might not have her chest...but she sure as Hell had at least a well toned body and a pretty nice ass too. She...she'll kill him with it once she gets home!!
"Take a look at this!~"
Junko had personally arrived that morning right in front Kaede's place. Smirking as she shoved the phone of Shuichi's monster cock right in front of Kaede's face. She knew damn well how much she pined for Shuichi...and what better way to induce despair than to show off the cock of her crush at the hands of an outsider!~
"So how does it feel seeing such a long fuckrod, hm?~ How it rised just for me and not for you!~ Are in you in despair?~"
......."N-no that's wrong."
Huh? Junko blinked...and it was then that she realized some things now that she had time to calm down. First of all, Kaede was wearing a pink bathrobe that seemed to have been put on in the rush. The tall woman's large pale breasts were mostly exposed and Junko could easily see that she wasn't even wearing panties under there! Second of all, her face was heavily flushed and she was breathing heavily. Thirdly, there was a...scent in the air. A scent that she was pretty familiar with...because it came from the guy she was with yesterday! Looking past Kaede, her eyes widened at what she saw on her couch.
A buck ass naked Shuichi, totally naked, sweating and cock absolutely still dripping heavy droplets of cum from the session with Kaede that he had.
Smiling coyly, Kaede flashed a peace sign at Junko. "Keep the picture, I'm happy I got the real thing!~"
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momoty · 10 months
BLEACH headcanons
(Part. 01)
🇧🇷 um compilado de HCs que anotei enquanto pensanva nos personagens.
atenção!: spoilers, ichihime, chadishi, renruki, baseado em algumas coisas mencionadas no mangá e no Klub Outside.
Ikkayumi sente falta da Yachiru (na real acho que já se tornou um fato).
Em um dos encontros de Ichihime, Ichigo acaba citando alguma frase de Shakespeare super romântica enquanto conversavam fazendo Inoue corar e rir. Ichigo fica super envergonhado e Orihime percebe e explica o que achou fazendo Ichi ficar um pouco aliviado rindo da situação.
Quando criança, Ichigo ajudava a arrumar o cabelo da Yuzu quando tinha algum evento para irem. Com o tempo ela acabou aprendendo a fazer sozinha.
ChadIshi são muito respeitáveis um com o outro. Cada um respeita muito o limite e espaço do outro. No início do relacionamento havia perguntas como "posso te beijar?" mesmo que um falasse "não precisa perguntar sempre que quiser fazer isso, a menos que eu esteja chateado." (definitivamente Ishida aqui). Com o tempo eles simplesmente pararam já que ficaram mais e mais próximos.
Se Yuzu tivesse uma conta no TikTok ou no YouTube com certeza faria aqueles vlogs super aesthetic fofinho e confortante preparando comida.
A família Abarai tem uma casa no mundo dos vivos onde ficam quando passam um tempo lá. Não é algo grande ou luxuosa como na Soul Society mas é o suficiente para deixá-los aconchegantes. Isso veio quando descobri que Ichika e Kazui se vêem regularmente. (E pra quem perguntar como assim luxuosa? Meu amor em algum ser. A Rukia vem de uma família nobre, dinheiro é o que não falta).
Ishida tem uma pelúcia em seu escritório do hospital que Chad deu, já que ele tinha muitas e não havia mais espaço em casa. Ele fez uma roupa bem bonita pra ela não passar frio.
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