#If I show up just fricken
squigglywindy · 2 years
Okay y’all hold me to this I’m staying away tomorrow
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keeps-ache · 9 months
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beachyserasims · 2 months
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A few extra shots of Judi's secret lab
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krash-and-co · 2 years
some of these are going to go against canon but I don't care because yes
𒊹︎︎︎ Lockwood really likes cats, and they like him too. if he sees one, he'll kneel down and just wide-eyed stare at it. and it'll??? like??? go up to him???? Lucy is still trying to figure out why this is.
"do you telepathically speak to cats lockwood"
"do I what"
𒊹︎︎︎ George once created a fake ghost out of mesh, chicken wire, semi-transparent curtains, glow-sticks, and various other random items. He claims it was for "research purposes," but considering it was placed in front of the bed in the spare room Kipps often sleeps in, nobody believes him.
𒊹︎︎︎ Kipps really likes kareoke. whether he is good or not is a topic of argument often. Lockwood says "he's making a wonderful effort," (while covering his ears and visibly grimacing) and George and Lucy just straight up tell him he sounds like a dying animal or something of the same meaning. he's actually not horrible, and Holly may or may not join him. (they are good friends no I don't take criticism. and they are both gay. they're besties and I-)
𒊹︎︎︎ Lucy made Lockwood a bracelet and he wears it literally all the time. he's got his suit, jacket, tie, and oh look at that a bracelet. very professional. he somehow doesn't see the problem.
𒊹︎︎︎ Lucy and George made Lockwood a birthday cake from scratch when he turned 18, and Kipps and Holly were in charge of decorations. Lockwood was sent on a phony errand to buy a very specific brand of doughnuts which he took very seriously. George, who was carrying the cake to put in the oven, ran into Kipps and Holly, who were holding a fold up table.
the batter spilled all over it.
Lucy insisted that the oven would burn away all the germs anyway so she and George quickly scraped the batter back in the bowl, put it in the oven, and served it later, decorated and everything as if they didn't scrape batter off the ground 2 hours before. It was not very professional looking but didn't look like anything happened to it either, and lockwood saw it and actually cried.
however, Kipps and Holly wisely turned the cake down when offered. George, Lucy, and Lockwood ate happily.
Lockwood does not know.
Lockwood will never know.
𒊹︎︎︎ holly, when lacking something practical to wear for a case, will literally cut her dresses shorter or rip off sleeves and stray ribbons without batting an eye. the team was in shock the first time she did this. she doesn't know why.
𒊹︎︎︎ Lockwood knows sign. you absolutely cannot fight me on this.
he learned when he was little; Jessica taught herself and then him because she knew he had difficulty speaking when upset. (he had an even harder time handling his emotions when he was younger.) they'd use it all the time together.
but after Jessica died and he wound up working with Sykes, there were multiple instances where he'd start signing and nobody knew what he was saying. eventually he got even more upset and just gave up, resorting to complete lack of communication until he could speak again. that happened a few times with his Portland Row crew, when he was really frustrated and just couldn't think of anything else to do, and they all felt so bad for not being able to understand him despite how hard he was trying.
lockwood decided he wanted to teach Lucy sign literally out of nowhere. they were just sitting on the couch together, and they're both all quiet until he turns to her and grins. he puts his hands to his chest and then his right pointer finger against his left palm, and she's confused until he explains it means he loves her. "love L. love Lucy. I love you, Lucy." She thinks it's the sweetest thing ever and he really wants to show her more (cuz he's finally with someone he loves and trusts and ow my heart). after that day he started teaching her for little dates and stuff and ahhhh lockyle...
help me I thought about this way to much it's so perfect
but it's better than obsessing over the fact that Netflix ditched us
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i think will knew he was special considering he tells hannibal he's all alone and that they're alone without each other. will understands that hannibal is alone even with all the other murderers he surrounds himself with, because he cannot find the same fulfillment in the company of others as he does with will because only will can see him and understand him and take away his loneliness.
hi anon ! thanks for sending this bc it's smth i've been meaning to expand on for awhile. i wrote a post many moons ago abt it and have another ask thats just been Waiting for a proper reply (srry!) and maybe now's the time to address it
okay so. i think this ask is in reference to my tags on a recent reblog, screencapped here for reference:
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i think youre right that will is aware that he's special to hannibal, considering he's special enough to be one of the patients hannibal decides to try and coerce into their "Becoming." but! i do question will's understanding of the Depth of his uniqueness to hannibal.
in shiizakana (s2e9), after will finds out about randall tier having been hannibal's patient and margot visits him at home to chat abt hannibal's therapy, will has a bit of a stress fit in his next session:
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pacing the room, avoiding the chair. he's questioning what he has in common with hannibal's other patients... he wonders how many others there have been – even bringing up his brief conversation with hannibal's own therapist who tells will he isnt in a particularly unique dynamic with hannibal
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but. this is in shiizakana, 3 eps before the quote you're referencing. so let's move forward and see what's changed:
in tome-wan (s2e12), will finally gets to properly speak with the famed dr. du maurier and he asks how they can bring down hannibal. her only advice being
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so. hannibal's got a bit of an ego (shocker). and during their next session,, things get a lil dicey. will leans hard into this idea. he essentially lists off all the work hannibal's done to get will to be entirely his
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i'd like to argue that will doesn't see this list as a "why im special to hannibal" list but rather a way to stroke hannibal's ego, like bedelia had explicitly said would be hannibal's downfall. bc the fact is,, will Knows hannibal can and likely has done this level of insane shit to others. and narratively,, i'd say a lot of will's dialogue in this scene is influenced by bedelia's advice from the scene before where she advises will to stroke hanninal's whimsey and his need to feel Unique, even god-like. and hannibal even sees will seeing him!
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so yeah will's saying "we're unique together," but that's also flattery on his part towards hannibal.! he's using hannibal's knowledge of his empathy to convince him that Only Will Gets Him. he's saying "yes ive been applying myself to your perspective and u are so unique and special." it's will manipulating BACK. (thats our powerful lil gay.) and i'd argue that all these layers of lies and deceit leave little room for truth and Feelings to leak through the cracks. how much of what hannibal says does will believe? how much of what will himself says does he believe?
all of this and we're still left questioning: does will know just how important and special he is to hannibal? well. i'l leave yall with some words from bedelia
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xviruserrorx · 1 year
I love Arthuriana but I really love BBC Merlin and the twist it's makes because it really pulls the concept of prophecy to new heights. Like a lot of people get mad because Merlin's destiny is that he is to see Arthur through becoming the once and future king and to unite the land of Albion, and this never happens... But at the same time Merlin isn't the only one with a Destiny because we have Mordred and Morgana and Arthur himself... At the same time Mordred's destiny is to unite with Morgana and to kill Arthur at the battle of Camlam... Morgana's destiny is to die by Merlin's hand, Arthur's destiny is to die by Mordred's hand... So yes Merlin has his destiny but that doesn't make his destiny everyone else's because at the end of the day, what happens when someone else's destiny comes before your own?
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sensitivegoblin · 3 days
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roses-for-readers · 8 months
How are you doing!
Can you do tonowari x reader x ronal
Where reader dated Neytiri but Neytiri cheated on reader with Jake and they reader move to where tonowari lives and then Jake and them have to go their for safety and neytiri met the reader for the first time in a long time
Yes you fricken may ask for that! I had an amazing time writing this and I really hope it meets the expectations of what was asked.
To Love Another ~ Tonowari x Reader x Ronal
Synopsis: Neytiri's mating with Jake had broke your heart deeply. Soon after the war had ended, you set out to the ocean. Unaware of what would come with that decision.
Warnings: cheating (obviously), description of injuries, and minor acts of violence
"Tsu'tey, have you seen Neytiri anywhere? I haven't seen her since she had took Jake to train yesterday." I quickly walk up to Tsu'tey when I see him come storming towards the entrance of Hometree.
A deep scowl was on his face, but as he got closer, his eyes soften just barely. He placed a hand on my shoulder as he guided me inside. "They are fine. But we have to gather the war parties. The sky people have attacked the Tree of Voices."
I frown at the news of what had happened to our sacred lands. I don't bother asking more questions as I walk off to help get the groups organized. Getting all of them gathered around as we listen to Eytukan speak to the clan.
I stand alongside Tsu'tey as I feel him rest his hand on my shoulder. I glance over at him in confusion as he stares at the entrance with a sad look in his eyes. "I am very sorry, my friend."
I look over at the entrance to try and understand what he was meaning. I saw Neytiri walking towards us with Jake following behind as they held each other's hand.
Jake began to speak to everyone about how we needed to handle the situation. Tuning out him and Tsu'tey arguing as I could only focus on Neytiri with a small frown at the fact she wouldn't even glance in my direction.
"You have mated with this woman!" My head turns to Tsu'tey as he exclaimed that to the whole clan.
I feel disbelief as I look back at Neytiri to wait for her to dispute the claim. For her to say she would never betray what we had with each other. That she wouldn't throw away what we had with a vrrtep she had only know for a few months.
"We are mated before Eywa."
I felt my heart shatter as she confirmed what Tsu'tey had said. But what made it all worse was the fact that Neytiri had then finally decided to look at me for the first time since she came back. I glare at her as I tighten my grip on my bow as rage begins to take over my body.
Tsu'tey lunges at Jake as they get into a small fight. Everyone watched as Jake pushed Tsu'tey off of him and threw is knife to the side to show he didn't want to cause anyone harm. He began to try to explain how we had a common enemy that the clan had to fight off together.
In the middle of his speech, Grace fell to the ground unexpectedly. Jake following soon after as Tsu'tey quickly kneeled above him. But Neytiri quickly pushed him off and leaned over Jake protectively with a snarl.
I watched her in disgust as Tsu'tey reluctantly walks back towards us. He grabs hold of my arm to drag me away from the crowd as they began to whisper. "Come. We must begin preparing our defense."
Hometree had fallen, Grace had been killed, and Jake was gathering the clans together after becoming Toruk Makto. Everyone was preparing for the final assault against the sky people.
I was walking around the camp as I checked up on anyone who seemed to need any reassurance for the upcoming fight.
"(Y/n)." My blood runs cold as I hear her voice sound from behind me. I keep walking in hopes she wouldn't try to push for a conversation. But she just grabs hold of my arm as she continued to speak, "(Y/n), I want you to understand-"
"Understand?" I turn to her with a glare as I shove her hand off of me. Not even giving her a moment as I harshly poke her chest as I take a step towards her. "Oh, I understand tiyawn. You made your choice for all the clan to hear. You let them know that I had given you multiple years of my life, time, and unwavering devotion to you for it to just be thrown away for some demon who barely knows you."
Tears prick at the corners of my eyes as I keep talking. Feeling embarrassed and frustrated at the same time as I keep looking at Neytiri. She reached a hand up to try and wipe away at the tears. "(Y/n), don't be sad. I want you to know-"
I slap her hand away with a sharp hiss. "I am not sad. I am furious. I am hurt by what you did. I learned of your disinterest in me after you mated with him. You couldn't even look me in the eyes to tell me the truth about how you really felt." I watch her back up slightly at the harshness of my tone. But I don't relent as I take a step closer each time she backs up. "Oh, but don't worry. After the fight tomorrow, everything will be perfect for you. You'll still be an amazing huntress for the clan with your special little Toruk Makto after all of this. And I'll be remembered as the person who gave you everything before you decided you got bored."
I don't give her a moment to collect herself as I turn away and keep walking through the camp. Only stopping when I find a quiet spot a little ways on the outskirts. Sitting down as I take a few deep breaths to calm my racing heart. Praying to Eywa for a, hopefully, successful outcome for the day that will follow.
"You were very harsh with Neytiri." Tsu'tey's voice sounds as he comes to sit beside me. I give a huff to acknowledge that I heard him, but don't say anything to him. He placed a hand on my shoulder as he continued, "She was trying to make amends. You could have at least heard what she wished to tell you."
"She said she wanted me to 'understand'. Her first words weren't even an 'I'm sorry'." I grit my teeth as I glanced at him. Tears forming in my eyes as I replay the memories I had with her in my head. "I gave her everything I had to offer her. I've loved her for years and she couldn't even give me the decency of letting me know she didn't feel that way anymore. She went and mated with him even though she has only known him for months. What makes him so special? What does Jake Sully have that I couldn't give her? What did I do to be treated like dirt by the woman I loved?"
I let out a weak sob as I finish talking. Wrapping my arms around myself as I stare up at the sky. Tsu'tey doesn't try to explain away why I should have listened regardless. He didn't tell me to pull myself together and keep preparing for the fight. Tsu'tey simply moved his arm around my shoulder and pulled me into a hug as he let me cry.
"I am truly sorry that this all did happened to you. You deserved a better way of learning of what happened. But you are a kind hearted person. You will find someone who will understand that."
I bite my lip while leaning into his side. Wiping my eyes as we watch the stars shine brightly with the night. "But what if I never find someone else?"
"You will. I know it in my heart, my friend."
Weeks had gone by since the assault against the sky people. We had been victorious in the fight despite the fact there were heavy losses. The one that hurt the most was Tsu'tey because I had then lost what felt like everything that was connecting me to the forest. But I found comfort in the fact I knew he was with Eywa and reunited with Sylwanin.
I was currently checking over all my supplies I had tied to my ikran's back. Double checking the medical herbs that I might need to redress the wounds I had gotten from some of the demons during the war.
My ikran made small clicking noises as she looked past the cliff edge into the endless night before us. I rubbed her neck as I let a small shushing noise as I began to do the final preparations.
"Tam tam. It will be alright, Vayvi. We will find somewhere we belong out there." I stare out to the ocean before us with a deep sigh. Patting her neck lightly as I turn back to the forest. "It will be better this way."
I take a step back while taking multiple deep breaths. Shaking slightly as I finally remove the few pieces of jewelry that I had been gifted by Neytiri. Holding them in my hands as I think of where I could set them. Though after a moment, I loosen my grip as they just fall to the dirt haphazardly.
I let out one last sigh before finally climbing onto the back of Vayvi. Using all my self restraint to not look back one last time. Knowing full well I probably wouldn't be able to go through with the plan. That was the whole reason I chose to leave in the middle of the night; so there wouldn't be anything or anyone that could potentially change my mind.
After I make tsaheylu, I give her a small pat before she leaped into the sky. The breeze cold against my cheeks as we kept going. But I let out a small laugh at the feeling of being free after everything that happened because of the sky people.
We continue flying as the sun begins to rise in the sky. I smile at the difference in the color of my morning sky compared to what it looked like from the forest. Vayvi gives a small shriek as she gets a little higher in the air as the light reflects across the water.
We keep on course until storm clouds begin to form around midday. I spot a small formation of rocks a small ways in the distance. Guiding Vayvi over to them, we land just as it begins to rain just slightly. I sigh as I jump off her back to give her a small pat on her neck.
The first thing I do is look down to my stomach to check that my wounds hadn't opened up during the ride. Satisfied that I didn't see any blood smeared against my skin. After that I begin to rummage through my bag before I pull out some dried out meat that I had made sure to stock up with before leaving. I offer a piece to Vayvi, but she jerks her head away with a disgruntled noise.
I sigh as I take a bite of the meat, chewing quickly as I grab my bow and get out a few arrows. Moving over to a spot that was slightly higher than the rest of the rocks I had landed on. Searching the surface of the water as I try to look for some movement against the falling rain.
The moment I see a fish come near the surface, I let loose an arrow just below the reflection I saw. Waiting just a small bit, I smile when the arrow floats back up with the fish. I put my bow down as I carefully step into the water. Only having to swim out a little ways to grab the fish.
Before I could get back to the rocks, I feel the water underneath my feet swirl just barely. I look down to see nothing within my vision, but the sense of being watched began to form in my stomach. Carefully making my way back to the rocks to rest next to Vayvi after retrieving my bow.
I pull off the fish from the arrow and hold it out for her to take the treat I caught for her. She ignored my offer as she looked to the water behind me with a low growl. I kneel down as naturally I can as I set the fish down. Taking a deep breath before shooting back up as I turn my body around. Ignoring the shooting pain in my stomach as I pull back an arrow to be used if needed.
My breathing calms down as I see a few Na'vi sitting on their own mounts in the water. I keep my bow taunt as I look between the men with a guarded expression.
One of them tries to get closer, but I point the arrow at him with a small hiss. He raised his hands in surrender as he stopped guiding his mount closer. "We mean you no harm. We simply wish to know why you are here."
"Resting. Now leave," I quickly demand as I send him a glare. Firmly standing my ground even as Vayvi nudged my side with a soft whine.
He looked down towards my stomach as a worried look crossed his face. "You are bleeding. We can help you back at our village. We could show you the way there if you just follow us."
I stare at him for a few more moments before lowering my bow. Reaching a hand down to feel around my bandages to feel a warm wetness that I knew wasn't from the rain. I bite back a grimace as I finally give a reluctant nod. "Fine."
The man gave his own nod before looking back at his friends. "Go ahead of us and let Ronal know that she will have someone that needs her assistance coming soon." His tone was firm as he spoke, silently demanding his words to be followed to the syllable.
The other men give him curt nods before diving under the water. He watches the water for a moment before looking towards me once again. He sends me a reassuring smile as he turns his mount to the side. I give a nod before getting onto Vayvi's back once again. Huffing as she finally decided to eat the fish after I connected for tsaheylu.
He quickly begins to glide along the water after that. I fly low to the water behind him as I keep a tight hold to the saddle. Biting back my discomfort with each breath I take as we get closer to his village. I press my hand firmly against my side in hopes to keep a form of pressure on the wounds.
It didn't take long for his village to reach my line of sight. I sighed in relief as we steady got closer to the shoreline. He was on the sand waiting for me as Vayvi finally landed.
He tried to help me down, but I bare my fangs at him before getting down on my own. He gets a strange look in his eyes as he simply watches me almost struggle to get down.
"Tonowari, what is going on? Who is this that you brought back with you?" A woman comes walking out from a nearby hut as the rain slowly begins to get worse. Though she is unfazed as she softly glared at his 'Tonowari'. "Your hunting party came back without you to tell me you were coming back with someone from the forest."
Tonowari held up his hands in defense as he took a step towards her. "Ronal, calm down. We were about to come back from the storm when we had seen..." He stop for a moment before looking back at me. Seeming to realize he hadn't bothered to ask for my name when we met.
He gave a small nod before looking back at Ronal. "(Y/n) land on some rock. I thought it would be best for us all to come back here before the storm reached its worse. Would you have preferred we left as (Y/n) suffered in the rain bleeding out?"
"I wasn't bleeding until you showed up." I send him my own glare as he tried to twist how the events played out. He looked between the two of us as he tried to find something to say to get himself out danger between the both of us.
Ronal simply scoffed as she gestured for us to follow her back inside the hut she had come from. I walk past Tonowari as I send him another glare before following after her.
Once I walk into the home area, Ronal is sitting on the ground with supplies ready to be used. I move to sit in front of her as she immediately begins to remove the bandages that I had one. Neither of us looking up as Tonowari also came through and sat nearby to watch the process.
I grunt slightly as her fingers move across my skin to assess how bad it was. Her face scrunching up in confusion as she looks intently at my stomach. "What has even made these wounds?"
"The demons call them 'bull its'. They tear through the body in seconds." I take in a sharp breath as she slowly begins to clean the skin. Grinding my teeth together to keep from cursing her out.
"You were in the war?" I glance at Tonowari as he looked surprised from the statement. I gave him a small nod as he leans a little closer in interest. "We have heard stories from those who have heard of it. Was it true that-"
"The wounds are not the same," Ronal bluntly cuts in as she rubs a balm along my skin with a concerned look in her eyes. "You have three in the front, but only two that show on your back. What happened to the third?"
"It hit the bone and got caught inside my body. We had to use knives and fingers to dig it out for the wounds to be treated the first time." I shudder when she begins to stitch up the areas where my skin had separated again
"Your wounds barely seem as if they had begun healing. Why would you be so stupid to travel in your condition?" Ronal's words were harsh, but I felt there was an underlying bit of curiosity of her own.
"I had nothing left tying me to the forest. I had to leave before I began to loose my mind thinking of everything the demons took from our people." I take a deep breath to relax my body as I wait for her to finish. Looking at the roof to focus on something so I wouldn't disrupt her movements.
Tonowari tilted his head as he heard my answer. Staring intently as he tried to make sense of what I said. "There must have been something that would have made you stay. A friend or family member that would miss you. I'm sure that you probably had a potential mate that would have wanted you to help rebuild your home."
I clench my fists at his words. Slowly looking down at the woven mats with a sad frown. "There was a girl that I did love in the clan. We promised ourselves to each other a few years ago. A demon came to learn and she taught him how to be one of the people. Before the war happened, she had... mated with him. I found out with the rest of the clan after it had happened."
Ronal stopped wrapping the plants she was using around my stomach. Glancing at me for a moment before returning to her work. Tonowari looked down with a sympathetic look in his eyes. Speaking lowly as he looks back up at us, "I am sorry that happened to you. It's a shame you both couldn't talk things over to form an understanding."
"I shut her down the first time she tried talking to me after it happened. I left before she could try it again." I stare at him with a serious expression as I shake my head. "The trust was broken, no matter what she might have said or offered. I doubt it could have been fixed."
None of us say anything else as Ronal finishes her work. Though it doesn't take long for her to stand up with a stiff nod. "Your wounds should be fine now. But you need to properly rest so this does not happen again. You will stay here until they are fully healed and I do not want to hear any arguing or whining of the matter."
I can't get a word in before she walks out, leaving me and Tonowari alone. I look at him with a confused look as I carefully ask, "Is she always that... blunt?"
He smiled as he stood up himself. Chuckling with a small nod of his head. "It is her way of showing her concern for your well-being. We will check on you soon so we can get you anything you might require. For now rest."
He leaves soon after to leave me alone once again. I take a moment to breathe before laying down to try and get a bit of rest. Focusing on the sound of the rain outside until I finally calmed down enough to let my mind rest with my body.
A couple weeks had passed since I had arrived at the Metkayina clan. Ronal had made a point to check my bandages practically every day, no matter where I was or who was around. But everyone seemed to be used to the behavior she was giving me after I told some others how I got the wounds.
Currently, I was stood on the beaches with a few of the women of the clan. Explaining how my bow worked and the proper ways of holding it and shooting an arrow. Not even breaking my train of thought when Ronal came to my side and began to do her assessment of my condition.
The conversation carried on for awhile until someone close by began to laugh obnoxiously. Everyone turned to see one of the males that was around my age standing nearby with a few others. Though his friends didn't seem impressed with his attitude.
"Is something wrong?" I politely ask as I turn my body towards him. Tilting my head as I readjust the grip I had on my bow.
He continued smirking as he shook his head in disbelief. Gesturing to my bow as he finally voices his thought, "It just doesn't seem like you actually know how to handle your own weapon. If you did, then you wouldn't have gotten injured by a demon's weapon."
Everyone went quiet when his words finally came out in the open. Ronal looked as if she was about to yell at him, but stopped when I let out a small laugh.
I kept my gaze on the man before gesturing my head to a few of the nearby trees the island had. Giving him my sweetest smile as I look him over. "How about I prove I can handle it? Go point at a spot on one of the trees and I guarantee I can hit it. If I miss, maybe you could help me learn how to handle it better."
Everyone seemed shocked by my words, the man most of all. But he quickly recover as he began to walk over to the trees with an even bigger smirk.
"What are you doing?" Ronal quietly asked as she watched me notch my arrow. A deep scowl on her face as she grabbed my arm.
I shrugged her arm off as I focused on the tree next to the Na'vi's head. Smiling to myself as I slowly lift my bow and pull the arrow back. "Humbling him."
Just as he was turning around to face us again, I released the string. The arrow hitting the tree just a few inches away from his face. He fell to the sand in terror as he looked over at me in shock. I simply smiled with a small shrug. "I missed."
"You almost shot me! What is wrong with you!? You could have shot my face!"
"I know. I was aiming for your throat." I start laughing at the shocked look on his face. The others soon joining in until he walks away in an embarrassed huff.
Ronal grabs my arm and begin dragging me from the group with a frown. "You ripped your stitches out."
I look down at my stomach to see a small trail of blood going down my skin. But I keep smiling as I follow along after her. "It was worth it though."
She gives a small hiss as we get to the healing pod. Pushing me to sit down as she grabs the supplies to redress my wounds. The both of us sitting sitting in silence until she let's out a whispered breath. "It was a good shot."
Another week had passed since the incident. Ronal and Tonowari had both been attentive for my healing process and made sure I didn't pop the stitches again.
I was sat in my temporary home as I began checking the few supplies I had left from the start of my trip. Mentally making an inventory of all the things I would need to ask for before I finally took off.
"What are you doing in here?" I look up as Ronal and Tonowari come walking in. Feeling surprised to see them after the community's dinner had finished just a small while ago.
I quickly set aside the bag I had as I turn to give them my full attention. "I was checking my supplies to see what I would need for when I leave."
"Leave?" Tonowari looks startled at the thought as Ronal scowled in response. Tonowari took a step forward as he moved his hands while trying to find his words. "Why... why would you leave? We thought you were enjoying your time here."
"I have enjoyed it here. More than I thought when I first arrived," I carefully reassure him while looking between the two of them. "I just thought I should be well enough in a few days to continue on with my travels. To move on and find a place to belong."
"You can't be that dense." Ronal snapped as she glared down at me. Tonowari tried reaching out to her, but she pushed him away. Taking a step forward, her voice raises with each word she says, "You have stayed here for weeks. We gave you shelter and food. I personally patched your wounds each time they broke open! Now you think you can just leave us because you suddenly feel like it!"
Tonowari and I stare Ronal in shock by her uncharacteristic outburst. I slowly stand up to take a cautious step towards the both of them. "I didn't think you would care. I am not of your people."
"What does that matter? You could stay here in the clan with us." Her voice cracks slightly as she continues looking at me. Her eyes tearing up the longer we stare in each other's eyes. "You can't just leave us."
My gaze softens as I realized the depth of her words. Her outburst covering her desperate plea for me to stay. Reaching out, I brush my fingers along her arms as I glanced at Tonowari. He took his own step closer to us as he gave his own nod to encourage me.
Focusing on Ronal again, I carefully cup her cheek. Taking a breath as I rest my forehead against her's. "I can stay with you both if you truly wish for me to."
Ronal gave a small sob as she moved her arms around my body to hold me close. Her lips softly pressing against mine before she rests her head against my shoulder. I softly rub her back as she continued to cry in my arm. Looking up to see Tonowari stop behind Ronal with a twinkle in his eyes. He leaned down enough to place his own kiss to my temple before he moved his arms to wrap around the both of us. No more words needed to be shared for us to understand what we were all agreeing to try in a relationship.
I hummed softly as I sat in the marui with Ronal as we waited for Tonowari return from the hunt. My hand rubbing her slightly enlarged stomach as I nuzzle my head in her neck.
"You are doing it again," Ronal softly chides as she continues working on the herbal mixture she needed. Though she didn't do anything to push my hand away.
I smile as I place a gently kiss to her neck. Inhaling her sweet scent while moving my hand to the bottom of her stomach. "I can't help it. You look so beautiful with our child inside you. Just as you did with Ao'nung and Tsireya. Absolutely beautiful, yawne."
"You and Tonowari have such a strange obsession over my pregnancies. I act no differently than I normally do."
"Oh, really?" I lean my head away to be able to get a look at her face. Keeping my hold on her with a knowing smirk. "If I remember correctly, you were very emotional during your first pregnancy. So much so, that you cried in my arms because you were scared of me leaving. And that was before we all knew that you were pregnant."
"Your memories are lying to you. You hit your head so often, I'm surprised you remember anything."
I smile at her bluntness, but decide not to say anything else. Instead, leaning back towards her as I begin to hum once again. But the sound of the horns going off causes both of us to stop all actions.
We wait for a small time before Ronal stands up to head outside. I quickly get up and follow behind her to see what had come to our home. The moment we get outside and get a look, my heart begins to pound.
Tonowari was stood in the center of the group as he conversed with a group of Na'vi from the forest. Even from a distance, I could tell that it was Jake and Neytiri along with what I could assume to be their own family. I take a deep breath before moving to join Tonowari with Ronal.
The moment we joined in at the center, I could see the recognition in both of their eyes. I gave them a small nod in acknowledgement before focusing on my mates. Though not quite catching all the words as all my mental strength went to not breaking down in front of everyone.
My attention perked up when I had heard Ronal say that we couldn't take them in. I placed my hand on her arm as I looked at her in confusion. She shook her head with a frown as she looked back at the group. I looked to Tonowari with pleading eyes to see he had a similar reaction. We both looked at Ronal until she met our gazes. Her determination faltered as she looked between the two of us before finally giving a small nod.
As Tonowari announced our choice to the group, I nuzzle my nose in her cheek with a weak sigh. Mumbling a small 'thank you' to her before pulling away. Smiling as Tonowari walks over to us before gesturing in the direction of our pod.
"(Y/n)." I look over to see Neytiri staring at me with furrowed brows.
I nod my head before lightly pushing my mates away with a forced grin. "I will catch up. Go and rest now. The both of you, Ronal." I wait until they both go away before turning back to face Neytiri with a serious expression. "It's good to see you again."
Her ears twitch slightly as she gives a small nod. A faint smile crossing her face in return. "I'm glad you are alright. You just left one day we had no idea if you were alive."
"I know," I sheepishly admit with a frown. Looking away for a moment as the memories come playing back in my mind. "I had to get away from there. I couldn't be in the forest anymore without thinking of the war. But..." The words catch in my throat for a moment. Taking a deep breath, I look back at her with a sorrowful look. "I should have still said goodbye. No matter how I felt about everything back then."
Neytiri seemed surprised by my admission, but she gives a hesitant nod. "I understand. And I should have said this long before you left, but... I am sorry for what happened."
My eyes begin to burn as I blink away the tears before they form. Giving a small nod while glancing at her children. "They will like it here. The clan will treat them as if they were born on these shores."
Neytiri smiles as she looked at them as well. A silent agreement falling between us over what had happened long ago as I finally walk away to go and rest with my family.
I let out a sigh as I walk through the doorway. Smiling as I see Tonowari and Ronal laying down with a small bit of space between them. Immediately walking over to rest myself next to Tonowari so Ronal had the space she wanted.
"How do you always know when she wants to have her own space?" Tonowari asked as he held me towards his side. Sending Ronal a glance before pressing a small kiss to her head. The action earning him a small hiss.
I chuckle as I move my arms to wrap around his neck. Resting my head on his shoulder as I look over at her. "It always depends. But whenever she's pregnant and wants to be held, she has an arm around one of our waists. I remember figuring out that one specifically right before Tsireya was born."
Ronal sends us a small glare before turning onto her side facing us. Her face relaxing when she closes her eyes. Even though she didn't want to be held, Ronal moved her leg to rest over Tonowari's.
I grin as I press my fingers to my lips before placing them on Ronal's arm. "See? She doesn't want us to leave her alone. She just wants affection on her own terms." Looking up at Tonowari, I give him a kiss on his lips before resting my head on his shoulder.
"Be quiet and rest already." I laugh softly at her annoyed tone, but close my eyes as well. Letting my body slowly relax in the presence of both of my mates.
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msfantasy-comics · 1 year
The Opposites Attract
Dick Grayson x Reader
Summary: A Head Cannon on which Dick Grayson and Y/n oppose each other yet remain wholly compatible.
Warning: Y/n is depicted as angsty and a little feral. 
Masterlist - Tip Jar
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Opposites attract they say.
Yet Dick and Y/n are such polar opposites surely their difference outweigh each other.
Despite it all, the two love birds gravitate each other due to their completing differences.
Extrovert vs. Introvert
Dick is insanely outgoing and is recharged by socialising. His perfect setting is in a crowded rowdy rooms where the conversation moves like wildfire. Wild and Abrupt.
Y/n on the other hand, prefers a quite space with one-on-one conversations.
In typical extraverted fashion. Dick adopts the introverted Y/n and encourages her to step outside her comfort zone and talk to others.
But it’s just not in her nature.
How the hell are you meant to jump into a conversation?
How are you meant to have a say on a topic when three other people are talking over each other to get their 2 cents in?
You gave up almost immediately and retreated back to your safe corner always from the shoulder bashing and elbow jabbing walk way.
Dick was initially disappointed to see you give up so quickly until he noticed that you were carrying on your socialising in your own way.
You sat silently as strangers poured their heart out to you.
Silently nodding and humming in agreement every now and then before the person sighed, thanked you for listening and walked off.
Dick really admires that about you.
Dick: “Need some company.”
Y/n: “Only if you bring me the good vibes.”
Optimist vs. Pessimist
Dick is a buzzing bundle of bountiful energy.
Dick is never short on absurdly positive outcomes despite all odds indicating otherwise.
Why live in a delusional state? You know the realities of life.
And the reality is that life can be shit and it doesn’t turn out well for everyone no matter how much they try or desperately scramble to achieve their hopes.
Hope is pointless.
There is just something obnoxiously wonderful about Dick.
How is it that your boy wonder lights a flame in you that fills you with certainty that all will be right as long as he is here?
You greatly admire how infectious Dicks positivity can be.
Y/n: “Why keep sending them to Arkham only to escape and ruin lives? Might as well just put an end to their burdensome presence.”
Dick: “Oh honey nooooo. Everyone deserves a chance at redemption. Snuffing out the life of a person doesn’t solve the root of the issue.”
Y/n: “Who cares! Nothing matters in the end anyway, we will all die and become obsolete. Only to let the next generation bitch and moan about the inequality of it all.”
Dick: “Ah, my precious little sunshine can be such a downer, yes you can.”
*Condescendingly pinches cheeks*
Secretive vs. Open
Dick just wants the best of both worlds.
To be the figure head for heroism, hope, peace and safety, without an of the consequences of having your image publicly known.
Dick would never want to endanger the lives of those around him due to his passions in crime fighting.
Therefore, he must maintain the secrecy of the bat and the mask.
You, however, don’t understand how or why your boy wonder hides his true identity.
It’s not like Dick Grayson is an every day normal civilian.
He’s a fricken heir to Gotham wealthiest philanthropist.
It’s not like he doesn’t have any privacy on either alter egos.
But the Bats secret is not your own to share.
So instead you live freely by your own rules.
You admit your identities and aren’t afraid to show the public your true self.
You honestly couldn’t care less about public perception.
Dick, admires your unapologetic lifestyle.
Aggressive Random: “You shouldn’t -“
Y/n: “Piss Off- no one asked you.”
Dick: “Ah sweetie… maybe you should listen to what they have to say.”
Y/n: “I couldn’t give a rats!”
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habaritess · 2 months
Is Claire Bear one of the villains of The Bear? Part 1
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This is going to be kind of long, so I decided it'd be better to cut it up into 2 parts.
Recent discussions on here about Claire and Donna (@currymanganese, @thoughtfulchaos773) has got me really thinking about her character. I find it was weird how the majority of the people in The Bear have such a high opinion of her, and yet what we the audience see from her short time on screen is someone much more grey and maybe even a little sinister. Why sinister? Because Claire seems to have a major lack of conscience and is also incredibly manipulative. If Claire is such a great person like every fricken character seems to believe, then why do the writers create a character that has this many alarm bells?
I wanted to “understand” it.
I believe the first warning signs of Claire was that story she told about her childhood. A childhood friend broke her arm and while all the other kids were scared and panicked, Claire was calm. Carmy assumed it’s because she wanted to learn how to fix her broken arm so that she can help her, but Claire said she wanted to understand it. The graphic injury made her want to understand it. Let that sink in. The other kids were disturbed by the injury and no doubt also by the cries of the injured girl. Claire wasn’t. She was mentally disconnected from the scene because her empathy wasn't activated. Instead, she chooses to analyze the broken arm as if it isn’t connected to a fellow playmate. I suspect that this story Claire tells explains exactly what kind of person she is. She looks at people as a thing to analyze, and she does so in order to get what wants from them. 
We get an example of how she observes other people when she correctly guesses what Carmy named his restaurant. Carmy is completely shocked. When you watch the show, you get the impression that Carmy was infatuated with Claire while they were growing up, but they weren’t close. Definitely not close enough to the point where Carmy would have spoken to Claire about what he would name his hypothetical restaurant, but Claire is quite confident that Carmy had once “told” her. He never did. I suspect that Claire has been observing Carmy, just as she has been observing many people, and she guessed what he would have named just by what she knew of him. In one way, you could view this scene as a sweet thing, that it is evidence of Claire being secretly in love with Carmy for a long time, but the way the scene was portrayed was not of something sweet( or at least that was my impression of it). In fact, Carmy seemed a little disturbed by it even, and I suspect even he had some small alarm bells going off.
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During the whole conversation, Carmy gave off the impression that he was forcing himself to make small talk with an older acquaintance to avoid being rude, but he would rather been anywhere else. He had no intentions of getting reacquainted with Claire, and gave the fake number as a way to dodge any future engagements. Most people would have taken the hint… but not Claire.
Claire always gets what she wants.
It is very common for a person who grew up in abusive, dysfunctional households to find themselves in relationships with abusive individuals. It’s partly because these individuals are drawn to the negative treatment that they are used to and don’t believe they deserve anything better, and also because abusive people are adept at spotting abused individuals, and know who they can and can’t manipulate. 
Little observant Claire knows Carm. She probably knew of his past crush on her and knew of his family issues. Carmy used to be way more withdrawn and quiet, lacking any friends, and was probably desperate for any positive attention. Carmy is one easy to manipulate, and Claire knows this and takes full advantage. Claire wants her some Carmy. I don’t believe she always liked Carmy, but I believe she was fully aware of his attraction towards her and probably had Carmy as a possible person to get with in the future if need be. She wanted her some Carmy and shoot her shot, but the first sign of trouble for her was Carmy barely recognizing her. She continued on and got what she thought was his number, only to find out it was a fake. This probably enraged her, and she went on a mission to get him, and get him she does through pure manipulation tactics.
She calls him, the first thing she does is ask him if he gave her a fake number, then informs him that she is “hurt”. This is the first guilt trip. Claire knows that poor, sad, lonely Carmy who grew up in a dysfunctional family that he consistently tried and failed to please, would be horrified at the idea that he let someone down. That they were sad because of him. Claire goes on to inform him that she knows his entire family plus the Faks. This is important. She is informing Carmy that he can’t escape. She is tying him down to her and giving him only a few choices.
Carmy does not confront problematic individuals. He spent the majority of his life living with his alcoholic and narcissistic mother who could never be reasoned with. He learned it was better to withdraw within himself, dissociate, and appease the people around him in order to lessen the toxicity of his environment rather than confront the problems directly. Eventually, he learned the only other way for peace is to cut certain people out of his life, and he did so by cutting off the majority of his family. If he can’t separate from them, he reverts back to his coping mechanism for dealing with his dysfunctional family,  mentally absorbing their toxicity and trying his best to appease them, never truly standing up for himself, like he did so with David Shields, the evil chef in his past. Claire took away his option to run away. She knows too many of the people he knows. Her threats trap him with her and he reluctantly accepts he can’t get away from her and rather than be upfront and straight up telling her he can’t deal with her right now, he reverts back to what he usually does and focuses on appeasing her needs. Claire continues on the attack by repeatedly asking him why he gave her a fake number and applying more mental pressure. He denies it and apologizes repeatedly for the mistake, and note that in this scene, she smiles broadly at his apologies. She is loving his groveling and knows she got him where she wants.
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He is still the weak Carmy she observed growing up. She still continues on accusing him of giving her a fake number, really laying down the guilt trip. She then asks him if he truly wanted her to have the number to which nonconfrontational Carmy reassures her that he did, but come on. Listen to him. He sounded incredibly unenthused and she had him repeat it twice. She is not stupid. She knows he didn’t want her to have his number. Rather than accept reality, she doubles down. She asks him if he was busy today. Carmy hesitated for bit and was trying to confirm to her that, yes, he was busy, but despite knowing that he was going to decline her, Claire interrupts him, tells him not to make this weird, and asks for a favor. Carmy is guilt tripped into believing he did wrong for giving Claire a fake number and thus denying such a favor would be really wrong. Claire made it such a big deal that she even threatened to have Fak punch Carmy in the face for it, really laying down how disagreeable his actions were to her and that he deserved punishment in some way for it. Carmy is gaslighted into thinking his actions were horrible and now he must make it up to Claire… somehow. He does so by doing what he has learned to do since his childhood. Do what they want no matter what he feels about.
Now that Carmy feels like he owes Claire his attention, they start to make future plans together. Now, Carmy doesn't want to do this with Claire, but feels obligated to do it since he feels like he can’t escape her. On season 2 episode 5, Carmy decides to use the forced time he has with Claire to do something productive for the restaurant. He actually changes their plans to hang out… to go mail their wine permit off. Note here that before he calls Claire, Carmy actually sighs twice and shifts uncomfortably on his feet. Note that Carmy shuffles his feet when he is in a situation he doesn’t want to be in, like he did in the beginning of the Christmas episode with his family. He really, really, REALLY doesn’t want to hang out with Claire at all, but forces himself to appease her.
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We get another inkling of how emotionally detached Claire is when she brags about being a horrible driver. The girl is a doctor, but she is excited about being a bad driver because of the risks involved. Being a bad driver not only put the driver at risks, but others as well, but Claire does not care about this part. Now one can suggests she is just joking to play with Carmy, but putting what she says in context with other things she said, it fits her personality to not think of others. Carmy attempts to start a conversation with Claire by asking her about her residency. Claire chooses not to answer him and instead tries to throw it back at him, leading to an incredibly uncomfortable moment. One thing I notice about the beginning of this scene is that Claire is clearly annoyed by Carmy’s change of plans. You can see how irritated she is in the beginning of the scene by her head movements and expression, so her dig at Carmy in this conversation was her way of getting back at him.
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Claire knows that Carmy is using their hang out time to do something convenient for himself, and she is pissed about it because it’s just yet another sign that he “just not that into her.”
End of Part 1
Part 2
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storiesfromafan · 11 months
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A/N: Hi everyone, been a little while. I have been working on various stories in an attempt to break the writers block. Finally finished something, though I'm not 100% on how I feel about it. Hope you enjoy.
Mattheo x Fem!Reader
Spin The Bottle
How the Hell did you get here, starring down at an empty glass bottle. Which was pointed at you, and on the other end was none other than Mattheo ‘God’s gift to every Hogwarts girl’ Riddle. That pointed, smouldering gaze boring into you, making you want to slink back to oblivion.
Ah yes, good old days where you weren’t on anyone’s radar. Not even Mattheo fricken Riddles radar. The bliss of not being notice, blending into the students around. Free of social queues, or being social in general besides you’re few friends. It was such a nice existence, and this past month you began to miss it.
But like every teen girl, towards the end of fifth year, you began to feel a bit restless. The need to feel pretty, to be seen by the opposite sex as something to desire. So, during the break you had taken a trip with your parents to Paris to visit family. While there you sort out advice from your older female cousins. They were beautiful, graceful and everything you wanted to be. They took you under their wings. Guided you, and made you over.
So, when it came time to gather on Platform 9¾ and head back to Hogwarts for sixth year, you were nervous but excited. Joyous but also filled with dread. For the invisible nerdy girl finally took off her glasses and used contacts. No longer boxed in by framing bangs, now they are slowly growing out. Along with the growing out your bangs you had ditched tying your hair up every day, instead letting your (colour) locks flow over your shoulders in soft curls, all thanks to your cousins and their tips. Finally, your frumpy clothes were gone, replaced with more fitted and fashionable ones.
Your sixth year was your fresh start. New year, new you. That’s what you told yourself. Unfortunately, your lack of social queues made you oblivious to notice all the eyes that saw and followed you. You were the shiny new penny, with a gleam catching everyone’s eye. Including the Syltherin heart throb that’s gaze was currently all you could notice.
Now back to the question at hand; how the Hell did you get here. Chalk it up to teen insecurities, some ambition and lack of male attention. That’s how you got here. Along with your friends pestering you to finally go to a Slytherin House party. They had begged, no pleaded with you. And reluctantly you gave in. Though a small part was intrigued. The stories over the years of House parties always piqued your interest. And going from an ugly duckling to a beautiful Swan made you think you should go. But you did not expect to play spin the bottle, nor have Mattheo land on you!
The boy should be outlawed for being so good looking, as well as charming and over all dangerous to the female population! And just like all the other girls, you had a small crush on the guy. But what female student didn’t? And if they said they didn’t, they are lying. For Mattheo was every girl’s type. All girls like a bad boy, and Mattheo was the definition of bad. He had the looks, the attitude, smokes, drinks, skips class, pulls pranks...you get my drift. Mattheo was the bad boy every girl wanted to save, or sacrifice themselves in the process.
“It’s you” Ella, one of your friends whispered nudging you.
Her words brought you back to reality, which also made time seem to return to normal. Releasing the breath you had been holding you looked to the bottle and then back to the Slytherin before you. Now came the time for the game to claim your first kiss, and with Mattheo.
Shakily you moved to your knees and moved to lean over the bottle, Mattheo following your movements. You both met over the bottle. He looked into your eyes, which no doubt showed how frazzled you were. A soft, sweet smile formed on his lips, which seemed to settle your nerves.
“Eyes on me” Mattheo said softly. “Forget everyone else, it’s just you and me...”
With some ease in your eyes and body, Mattheo didn’t wait for that spell to break, for he was the one to close the distance. The feel of his soft lips against yours brought you back to reality. Mattheo Riddle was kissing you! (First name) (Last name) were locking lips with the most crushed on male in your year, no school!
Slowly Mattheo moved his lips against yours, his tongue coming out to run along your bottom lip. Your body stiffened. First your first kiss, and now your first French kiss he wants to take!? Who did he think he was?
Noticing your hesitance, Mattheo pulled back and looked at you with questioning eyes. He hadn’t forced his tongue into your mouth, nor did he take your first French kiss. Part of your heart skipped a beat at how the bad boy had some gentleman in him. The ohhhs around you both brought you back to the present. You had just kissed Mattheo. In front of a group of your peers.
Feeling the heat in your cheeks, you averted your eyes while moving back to your spot. But before you took your turn you decided to make a quick exit. You couldn’t play on. You shouldn’t have played in the first place! Some groaned and protested of your choice to leave. But Ella saying she’d spin instead helped ease those around you.
It didn’t entirely matter to you. You were a mixed bag of thoughts and emotions. Escaping the party, which was in fine form, you headed to a bathroom. You need a moment of as much silence you can get so you could sort yourself out. Once in the nearest bathroom, you turned on the tap at the sink. Cupping the cold water you were about to splash your face but stopped, you remembered the make up you wore. Instead you let your hands cool before placing the cool, wet hands on the back and around your neck.
‘I’m an idiot!’ you thought with a groan, as reality sunk in.
After kissing Mattheo you practically ran from the circle of your peers. Who does that? No one had ever done that before. You knew that because there has never been any gossip of someone kissing and running. Until now. You will be the talk of the school. How pathetic you are to kiss the schools heart throb and then run away like a baby.
Then you replayed the kiss in your mind. Mattheo had been gentle, and not forceful. From the way other girls talk about him, he was meant to be some scoundrel that takes what he wants, but does it in a way that makes you want more. He might be a bad boy, but he still was respectful. You touched your lips with your fingers. It was a perfect first kiss. You smiled at that. Only for it to fall knowing you’d had ruined your chance by taking off like a spooked animal.
‘Good job’ you scolded yourself, looking at your reflection. “Just perfect” you huffed.
“You or the kiss?” Came a curious voice behind you, making you turn around and clutch the sink behind you.
Upon turning around you were greeted by the boy on your mind, Mattheo Riddle. He gave you a soft smile placing his hands in his pockets.
“Personally, I think both are perfect” his voice was soft and slightly echoed against the walls.
It took a few minutes before his words sunk in. Mattheo Riddle just said not only was your kiss perfect, so are you. No doubt the look on your face marked with confusion and some horror. He thought you to be perfect. Was he crazy? Possibly. Or was this some big joke? More likely.
“I...I don’t understand...” You said in disbelief. “I’m far from perfect...”
Mattheo gave a soft, genuine smile. “I think you are”. He slowly moves across the bathroom. “I think your caring, smart, thoughtful, attentive, adorably cute...and that was all before your change”.
He stopped before you as he finished his words. Once again you were floored. Mattheo has noticed you all along! He saw you when you thought you were invisible, or rather thought you were invisible. You always thought your friends, some of your house mates and teachers always saw you. You had only became visible when in your first broom riding class in first year when you fell off your broom while a few meters off the ground. Also the numerous times you had been a klutz and fallen down staircases, quiet ungraceful too. Being uncoordinated and smart, every mistake or accident got your peers laughing at you.
“I-I don’t understand” you said softly. “You noticed me before?” You asked, needing an explanation.
Mattheo brought his hand up and moved a bit of hair out of your face. “It’s hard not to when you were the first person I encountered on the train in first year. You were all alone in a carriage. Dressed like a boy with crazy hair” he chuckled.
A light bulb went off in your mind. How had you forgotten that moment? He had asked if he could share the carriage, and you had meekly said yes. You both sat quietly, studying the other. Finally Mattheo took the initiative to talk, though he had been rude. After seeing you jump, he realised you were nervous, maybe a bit scared.
“First time away from home?” He had asked with a sigh.
You nodded your head watching him with big (E/C) eyes.
“It’s like that” he offered with a softer tone of voice. “Your parents were sad to watch you go. But they were just like you, leaving their family to go to Hogwarts”.
Once again you nodded your head, but slowly.
“Look at it like this, you’re on an adventure” he sat back further with a genuine smile. “Every moment away from home you are learning, exploring and making memories, all stories to tell your parents when you see them”.
Mattheo had shown a moment of kindness to you. But looking back over the years there were other times he had been kind to you. From opening a door and letting you enter first, to helping take potion ingredients that are too high on a shelf down for you, to stopping you from falling into the lake a few times when students had tried to push you in. Mattheo Riddle had always noticed you and had been so kind.
“You were always kind to me...” You said slightly dumbfounded.
Mattheo playfully rolled his eyes. “Don’t let everyone hear you say that. I have a bad boy rep to keep intact”.
You laughed at his words. “Sorry, I won’t go broadcasting it”. Mattheo then laughed.
Once you both stopped laughed, you both looked at each other. You took this time to study the boy before you. He had changed so much since first year. He was cute back then but now he was handsome. Much taller now, you had to tilt your head up to look at the male before you. His gorgeous brown eyes shining with humour and delight, a rare sight to be seen, as they usually show coldness and boredom.
“You’ve changed so much since the tomboy with crazy hair” Mattheo chuckled.
You rolled your eyes, “shut up” you chuckled playfully pushing him.
Before you could retract your hand, Mattheo reaches out and took your hand in his. Watching you closely he brought your hand to his lips, leaving a chaste kiss to your knuckles. You felt your breath hitch at his ministrations. He was being charming, like he would with many other girls, but with you it was real.
“I didn’t mind the tomboy you. Nor did I mind the frumpy, nerdy look you had going” Mattheo stated, thumb caressing the back of your hand that was still in his hold. “But I would be lying if I said I didn’t like your new look. I want you to know I have always like you, the you on the inside”.
If your brain was working you would have either melted, knees would have gone week at his confession and actions. He was making it hard not to fall head over heels for the boy before you. Than you asked yourself why he followed you? Why he has said what he has?
“Why? W-why tell me this now...” You thought out loud.
“Isn’t it obvious?” Mattheo asked. “I thought I was being apparent, and I thought you were smart” he joked. “(Y/N/N), I like you”.
You were shocked. The school bad boy just admitted to liking you. And possibly liked you for sometime. Any girl would swoon and kiss Mattheo for such a confession. But you weren’t like those girls. You pulled back your hand and moved away from Mattheo, thinking of running from the room. Running was something you liked to do recently.
“Where are you going?” He asked watching you with slight worry but a lot of hilarity. “Going to run away again? Might have to call you Cinderella”.
You stopped and shot Mattheo a dirty look. “I’m not like Cinderella”.
“Yes you are, you ran after we kissed” he stated matter-of-factly walking towards you.
“I-I” you spluttered trying to figure out what to say as you move backwards, Mattheo moving with you.
Feeling your back coming in contact with a wall, you jumped. Mattheo taking no time, placing a hand on either side of your head blocking you in.
“No running away this time Cinderella” he said softly, holding your gaze with his deep brown eyes.
Seeing as you weren’t going to speak, or run, Mattheo moved his left hand to caress your cheek. The contact made you jump, but the soft movement slowly soothing you.
“I serious (Y/N/N). I like you. Past, present and future” his words held sincerity that made your heart flutter. “And I hope I’m part of that future...”
Mattheo’s words left you speechless. You had never heard him speak so much to you, let alone hear how much depth he had in him. The Hogwarts bad boy, Slytherin heart throb was opening up to you. Mattheo Riddle likes you. The ugly duckling, turned beautiful Swan, as stated by your friends.
“Are you going to say anything?” Mattheo asked, fear leaking into his voice. He of all people was the last you’d think to be self conscious.
Snapping out of it, you stood up straighter. “I like you!” You blurted out not thinking. Once realising what you just did you groaned and hung your head.
Mattheo started to laugh, but it wasn’t malicious. It was hearty and warm. As his laugh died down, Mattheo lifted your head up. He looked you in the eyes, nothing but warmth and joy in his eyes.
“You are too cute love” he said softly. “And I’m glad you like me back”.
You smiled threw your embarrassment. Before you could say anything, or try to say anything, Mattheo took the opportunity to capture your lips. Shocked you tensed up, but feeling him lace his fingers in your hair relaxed you. He was soft, tender with you. But then his tongue ran along your bottom lip, causing you to jump a little again.
Pulling back Mattheo looked at you reassuringly. “It’s alright love, no rush”.
Mattheo took you into his arms and held you close. You rest your head against his chest, muttering sweet things in your ear.
Unfortunately that was the moment a few girls walked into the bathroom, and came across you both. You all looked at each other, before you felt your face heat up and you pushed Mattheo away. Not waiting for him or the girls to speak, you took off out of the bathroom. Without skipping a beat, Mattheo took off after you and the girls found themselves giggling at what they walked into, or what they could have walked in on. If Mattheo’s reputation was correct.
Feeling a tad humiliated you didn’t listen to Mattheo and his calls to slow down or stop. You had decided you were done for the night. And hoped tomorrow’s gossip mill isn’t about you.
A/N: as always, happy for feedback :)
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Alrightyy saw Challengers for numero uno tonight and these are some thoughts/things that really got me the second time round!
*Thess are just my opinions the film can be read however anyone else wants
Okay so hear me out.. Tashi is such a dom, Art is such a sub and Patrick is such a switch and oooh it got me how at the beginning it felt like he was Arts dom, then he finds this girl he thinks is fantastic and maybe he thinks she could be the glue to bring him and Art and her all together BUT then it totally fricken backfires and instead he loses both. Art the little puppy he is starts wagging his tail in Zendayas direction and next thing ya know he's got a new owner and Patricks a thing of the past much to his palable distress. I mean christ boyos living in his car and starving, boys a mess since his lost his dom and sub poor boyo, so now various things I noticed some of which I feel back up my argument haha
Gosh theres so many little moments, Patricks thing for Art seems so obvious yet Art seems totally clueless.
1) Patrick is defos bi, not just because he just so is but also cause he matches with a guy on his dating app during his swiping.
2) The doubles match they play in the past? Gosh they're all over eachother! And Pats clearly in charge of that relationship and Art seems totally cool with that (for then anyways..)
3) When him and Art are watching Tashis game at the vert beginning Patrick grabs Arts leg in exhilaration. I mean he always seems to be touching or in the space of his boy for christs sake.
4) When Tashi mentions the fact Arts going to Stamford Patrick noticeably makes a face, you could say its because shes paying attention to Art instead of him or that hes upset because shes going to college instead of going profesh BUT I really didnt read it that way. To me it looked like he was upset Art was going to college, they've been together for years after all and now their splitting up, poor boyo.
5) When Zendaya asks if theres anything going on between then, Art laughs and says no BUT Patrick??? Science and he looks down, hell he wishes there was summat.
6) He taught Art to jerk off. Fucking hell.
7) There kiss man, all three of then and then just Art and Pat, just soo much chemistry.
8) When he reveals he slwpt with Zendaya to Art, and Arts smile drops. I think he's heartbroke at him sleeping with the girl he likes but I also see it as pain at being left out. These two people he's entwined with and now he's outside looking in. I also think If Patrick had seen that reaction he'd have seen a looot sooner that his relationship with Tashi might backfire greatly.
9) Patrick vsiting Stamford, first person he goes to see, his girlfriend maybe..? NOPE hes too busy chasing Art around the tennis court 😭
10) There's a ton of hot moments in this film. And the hottest? To me? That bloody stool grab with his foot. He wants Art close, he always bloody does! And the churros christ! And once again showing Art who's top so to speak, eating his churro, and telling him hes proud of his snakey behaviour. And that it makes his relationship with Zendaya hotter (I bloody bet it does) He never ever seems to show jealousy about Arts feelings for Zendaya, he points out thay he doesn't see him as competition to her not long after and I BET his doesn't. Cause I think he'd love it if Art was with him and Zendaya.
11) My God this bit gets be cause it gets echoed later. Him and Zendaya are making out and this girl who he's with and cares about is just talking bout his tennis game. And tbf what does he say?? "Weren't you gonna tell me bout Art" hells bells could you be more obvious?? And then the fight, he asks her if she's talking about tennis and her reply "I'm always talking about tennis" and I mention this cause it's gonna be relevant later.
12) The injury happens and everyone loses something. Zendaya has lost her career and ability to play tennis to her full potential. Art loses his best friend and Poor pathetic Patrick lost his bestfriend(and secret love) and his actual girlfriend all in one day!
From here on I cant guarantee my numbered points are in timeline order as the timline stated getting more out of sequence🤣
13) Zendaya and Art in the diner and after hearing Art and Pat dont talk no more saying she's a homewrecker after all. And what does Art say?? Zip. Nada. No denial just silence.
14) Okay lets talk that sauna scene. It was gloriously tragic. Patrick is clearly unaware why Art is THAT hostile towards him. I mean thinking of it from his point of view he'd have more reason to be angry considering the snakey girlfriend behaviour. But he never is angry at Art, not once no matter what he did. Of course we then discover Art is SO pissed cause he knows about Atlanta. Christ I bet pur stupid idiot boy Patrick thinks hes just being cleverly smug with that "when we were teenagers" line but idiot boyo your rubbing salt in the wounds 😭
15) still about the sauna, the naked trying to be top dog like old times but no no no, not anymore. Arts not his to be in charge of anymore. And the camera shows Art as higher while Patrick slouches nearby. Patrick asks him when he's so mad but doesn't get an answer. This scene was tragic to me, Patrick just seems hurt by Arts attitude. Art points out that they're no longer peers and I love this because thats the difference between the Zendaya/boys relationship and Arts and Pats. Pat may have been the dom so to speak with Art but he still saw them as peers. Zendaya doesn't. Thats the main difference in their relationships. Respect.
16) One of my fave damn parts of dialogue in the movie. (I really can't remember exact phrasing but this is how I rememeber it) Art is so sus of Pat, Pat asks him if he misses it, Art says he doesnt. And when Pat says he wasn't talking about tennis, Art says "Your always talking to me about tennis" and oof the punch to my gut that was. And it seemed to Patricks too! His face, this poor boy has twice been talking to the people he cares about, abou their relationship and they just say their talking about tennis, he cant catch a break😭
17) Pats reaction to Zendaya asking him to throw the game, is he offended for himself? Nopeee he's mad that she'd do that to Art. He says something along the lines of fucking him was one thing but to have Arts victory be a lie?? Gross, too far, too much of a betrayal.
18) For the third time, having just fucked Zendaya in the car and she just immediately brings up him throwing the match, like crimeny man this boy is probs sick of this game getting in the way of his relationships haha
19) Ooh that match point is glorious glorious cinema my friends. Patrick is so interesting in this whole match. Him deliberating on if he's gonna tell Art? So juicy and the way he did was fucking hilarious. That unspoken signal? Beauty.
20) Arts reaction? Wow oh wowww. The lad went through the five fricken stages of grief! The denial "fuck off!" the rage, throwing his racket, the bargaining, looking at Zendaya as if to say its not true (when she has no fucking clue what just happened). The depression, those sad sweaty tears 🥲 and then? That gorgeous smile, that acceptance. I think he felt catharsis, his marraige was clearly dysfunctional at this point and maybe knowing she cheated, knowing she'd threatened to leave if he lost, maybe that helped him let go of it. Ripped off the bandage, turned off life support, finally shake the pedestal he'd put his wife on( he compared her to jesus for christs sake). He made it through to the otherside and Patrick was there waiting for him with open arms ()iterally lol)
21) When Pat sees Arts smile? His own blossoms, clearly in relief and exaltation. I truly think he told him not to throw his game but to spur Art on. To finally unlock his potential. And to get the old Art he knew back and it bloody worked. That final back and forth, the pure energy, those sexual grunts all building up to a crescendo of a climax. Hooo boy
22) That goddamn brilliant leap in the air. Art is freed and flying, and Patrick doesn't hesitate he flings his racket to the floor because the thing that mattered to him most was never tennis. And he catches his boy with arms wide and then that embrace. They have finally come back together. It was beautiful. What does losing the match matter to Pat when he finally has his arms all over Art again just like he did in the beginning. We have come full circle.
Hahaha this is purely my own read into the movie and obvs mostly about the Patrick character and how I saw his actions. Now a few little bonus notes I noticed.
Nearly everything the boys eat/drink seems phallic, hotdogs, bananas, churros, even those drink bottles and cigarettes. Boyos are obsessed!
Zendaya on the rock at the beach was very little mermaid. Also in that scene when she said she wouldn't wanna get between em. Art said they didn't love together but Pat says "It's an open relationship" hecks you too obvious boy.
This movies so chock full of foreshadowing too, the story about Cat who got injured a week later. Patrick at Tashis party saying she'd have deals and a foundation which she does but via her relationship with Art instead just really cool script tbh
(Will probs add more when I remember em/see it for third time cause I am planning on that🤣🤣)
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isak-dot-gov · 20 days
Heyyyyyy I thought I'd just gab my thoughts lol
Could you please write a Judgment day x reader [Platonic] OR a Rhea Ripley x reader Where Readers was out for an injury (Kinda like how rhea is Was a bit ago) and they've been out yk just living their normal life, And one night the Judgment day is doing what they do yk being emo and incredibly edgy as they do And reader makes a suprise return
I just think that would be so fricken cute tyyyy xox your writing is amazing
Surprise Return
Pairing: (Platonic)Judgement day x Reader
Word count: 1582
My masterlist:)
The arena was electrified with the hum of anticipation. Every seat in the stadium was filled, with thousands of fans screaming and chanting in a cacophony that only heightened the excitement. The massive screens hanging above the ring lit up with the dark, brooding graphics of Judgment Day, and the audience’s reaction grew even louder.
Judgment Day was at the height of their dominance in WWE, a faction that embodied a unique mix of strength, rebellion, and pure chaos. Led by Finn Bálor, the group had become a force to be reckoned with, and their presence commanded attention. Beside Finn stood Damian Priest, his towering figure exuding a cold, intimidating presence. Dominik Mysterio, the group's newest member, looked out into the crowd with a sly grin, soaking up the mixed reactions from the fans.
But tonight, the spotlight was on Rhea Ripley. The Eradicator, as she was often called, was back in action after a minor injury had sidelined her for a few weeks. She stood in the ring, her posture defiant and strong, black lipstick accentuating her smirk as she looked out at the sea of faces. The crowd's reactions were divided between boos and cheers, a testament to the polarising nature of Judgment Day.
Rhea grabbed a microphone, her voice cutting through the noise like a knife. "So, this is the welcome we get, huh? After all the entertainment we provide for you ungrateful lot?"
The crowd’s reaction intensified, and Rhea’s smirk only widened. She thrived on the tension, on the energy that only a live WWE audience could provide.
Damian took the mic next, his voice a low, growling baritone that echoed through the arena. "You all think you can stop us? Think again. Judgment Day is here to stay, and we’re stronger than ever."
Dominik chimed in, his smirk growing more pronounced. "And trust me, none of you are ready for what's coming next."
Finn nodded in agreement, his eyes gleaming with a dangerous intensity. "You’ve seen what we can do. But this… this is only the beginning."
As they continued to hype up their dominance and plans, Rhea’s mind drifted for a moment. She couldn’t help but think about you. You had been an integral part of the faction before your injury—one of the few people who understood what it meant to walk the fine line between chaos and control. The friendship between you and Rhea had been instantaneous and deep; there was a mutual respect and understanding that went beyond words.
The crowd's reaction suddenly shifted, pulling Rhea back to the present. The lights flickered, and then, without warning, the arena went dark. A murmur of confusion rippled through the audience. Judgment Day looked around, bewildered but ready for anything. The titantron flickered back to life, and a heartbeat-like thump echoed through the stadium speakers. It was a sound that everyone knew—your entrance theme.
Gasps of surprise and excitement filled the arena. Fans were on their feet, their eyes glued to the entrance ramp. The Judgment Day members exchanged shocked glances. Rhea’s heart raced in her chest as she tried to process what was happening. 
The screen above showed a series of highlights from your past matches, a montage of your resilience, strength, and charisma. Then, the heartbeat thumping faded into your entrance music. The crowd erupted in cheers. The lights around the entrance ramp flashed in time with the music, creating a spectacle that had everyone on the edge of their seats.
And there you were, stepping out onto the stage, illuminated by the spotlight. Your presence sent a wave of exhilaration through the crowd. Dressed in your signature gear, you looked just as fierce and confident as ever. The months of recovery and rehab seemed like they had only made you stronger.
Rhea’s face broke into a wide grin, a mix of relief and excitement. "No way," she muttered, shaking her head in disbelief. The rest of Judgment Day mirrored her reaction, stunned but thrilled to see you.
You took your time walking down the ramp, soaking in the atmosphere. Every step was measured, a reminder to the WWE Universe that you were back and better than ever. As you approached the ring, you locked eyes with Rhea, and she knew immediately—your return was more than just about getting back into the ring. It was about reclaiming your place in Judgment Day, your family.
Sliding under the ropes, you stood up and faced your teammates. Rhea was the first to move, stepping forward and enveloping you in a tight hug. The crowd’s cheers grew even louder at the sight. "Welcome back, Y/N," Rhea whispered, squeezing you tightly. "We've missed you."
You laughed, the sound filled with emotion. "Missed you guys too. It's been too long."
Finn, Damian, and Dominik crowded around, each giving you a hug or a pat on the back. Damian, always the stoic one, even cracked a rare smile. "It's good to see you, Y/N," he said, his deep voice softening for a moment. "We’ve been holding things down, but it wasn’t the same without you."
"Thanks, Damian," you replied, smiling up at him. "I’ve been itching to get back in here and stir things up again."
Dominik, the newest member, looked at you with a mix of admiration and respect. "Glad to have you back, Y/N. We could use your... unique touch around here."
You chuckled, appreciating the camaraderie. "Oh, don't worry. I’m back, and I’m ready to make some waves."
Finn handed you a microphone, his grin never fading. "Say something to the people, Y/N. Let them know who’s back."
Taking the microphone, you turned to face the crowd, who were still buzzing with excitement. "It’s been a long road to recovery," you began, your voice steady despite the emotions swirling inside you. "But I'm back now. And I’m ready to remind everyone exactly why Judgment Day is the most dominant force in WWE."
The crowd roared in response, and you could feel the energy surge through you. This was where you belonged, and you weren’t going to let anything take that away again.
Rhea took the mic back, still smiling. "Judgment Day was already unstoppable. But now? With Y/N back, there’s no one that can touch us."
The crowd’s cheers were deafening, and you felt a rush of adrenaline. Being back in the ring, with your friends by your side, felt like coming home.
Just as the cheers started to settle, the sound of someone’s music blaring through the speakers cut through the celebration. The crowd shifted from cheers to a mix of surprised gasps and jeers as a rival faction’s entrance music played, signalling an unexpected interruption. 
Rhea’s expression instantly turned from joyous to serious, her eyes narrowing as she turned toward the entrance ramp. The rest of Judgment Day followed suit, their muscles tensing as they prepared for whatever was coming.
You, however, were grinning from ear to ear. “Guess I get to dive back in sooner than expected,” you muttered, cracking your knuckles in anticipation.
A few seconds later, a group of wrestlers emerged from the back, their expressions cocky as they strode toward the ring. You could feel the tension in the air thickening, the energy in the arena shifting from celebratory to confrontational.
The lead rival grabbed a microphone, a smirk on his face as he looked at you. “Well, well, well. Look who’s back. Y/N, isn’t it a bit too soon for a comeback? We all thought you’d be smart enough to stay on the sidelines.”
You stepped forward, the smile never leaving your face. “Funny, I was just thinking it was about time someone reminded you who runs this place,” you shot back, your voice filled with confidence.
The crowd erupted in cheers, and you could see Rhea and the rest of Judgment Day smirking at your response. It was on. 
Before anyone could make a move, you lunged forward, sliding out of the ring and charging up the ramp. The rival faction was caught off guard, stumbling back as you threw the first punch. The rest of Judgment Day quickly followed, launching themselves into the fray.
The crowd went wild as chaos erupted at the top of the ramp. You ducked and dodged, delivering quick jabs and powerful kicks, adrenaline pumping through your veins. Rhea was right by your side, taking down opponents with a combination of raw power and skill.
Finn, Damian, and Dominik were equally relentless, the five of you working together in perfect harmony. It was like you had never been away—your movements fluid, your teamwork seamless. 
The rival faction quickly found themselves overwhelmed, retreating under the onslaught. Within moments, you and Judgment Day had cleared the ramp, sending the invaders scrambling back through the curtain.
Breathing heavily, you looked over at Rhea, who was grinning widely, her eyes shining with excitement. “Now that’s what I call a welcome back party,” she said, laughing.
You laughed with her, the exhilaration of the fight still coursing through you. “Wouldn’t have it any other way.”
As you made your way back to the ring, the crowd erupted in chants of your name. Rhea, Finn, Damian, and Dominik joined in, raising your arms in celebration. You felt a surge of pride and happiness, knowing that you were finally back where you belonged—with your family, ready to take on whatever came next.
And with Judgment Day by your side, there was nothing you couldn’t face.
Isak speaks: I love writing requests sm but I also get scared I'm not doing a good job because I'm not in the person's mind lol
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little-teacupss · 23 days
Memes/Vines/Sounds with Fay and the VK's! + Mount Olympus
Warnings: Mild cussing, insults, and technically implied NSFW if you squint.
Three of these are from tiktok: credit goes to trinitytheeditor for the rumor, one with Maleficent, Morgie, and Hook and the jail one, and then credit goes to, and for the make up/make out one.
Morgie: Now tell us which of us will be the object of your attraction?
Fay: Oh wow, there are so many great options. This is going to be so hard.
- Hook makes a dramatic entrance -
Hook: Hello sisters, I'm back from war.
Fay: Hello! Sailor!
Maleficent: Whenever somebody tells me their kid is an angel, I think. Aww. So was Hades.
Morgie: May I have some of your fries?
Fay: Of course, can I have a bite of your burger?
Morgie: Absolutely not.
Hook: Some perfect couple, and he won't even share his food with her.
Maleficent: It had avocado on it. She's allergic to avocado.
Morgie: Are you so jealous of our relationship? You want Fay to die.
Fay: You know, maybe you shouldn't kill people.
Hades: Your right torture is a better method to get information.
Fay: That's not what I said.
Hades: You smoke.
Morgie: - screaming - Fire! Fire!
Hook: Has anyone ever told you look like Ursula?
Uliana: No, they usually say I look like Uliana.
Hook: Who the fuck is that?
Uliana: Me.
Hook: What is it today, Hades? I know you know it, H ades.
Hades: - sighs - Hook its hump day.
Hook: Yeah! Whoop whoop!
Hook: Excuse me, everyone. Sex! Now that I have your attention.
Maleficent: You don't have our attention.
Hook: Money!
Maleficent: I'm listening.
Morgie: You had me at sex.
Hook: Pervert.
Fay: You have all of our attention just by screaming anything.
Hook: That's good to know. ARRG!
Zeus: God of the Underworld!
- Fay gasps -
Fay: What will they do if they find one of the God's here like this with me?!?
Hades: Lucky God?
- attempts to shove him out the window -
Fay: No! No! Get out!
Fay: Look at how many friends I have three whole friends.
- shows a picture of Maleficent, Hades, and herself -
Uliana: One of them is you?
Fay: You better believe I love me like a friend.
Maleficent: You know there's a rumor going around?
Hook: What that we're gay for each other?
Hook: No, see, I'm straight, but, like if there were a man I'd want to marry, it would be Morgie.
Maleficent: How do you feel about that, Morgie?
Morgie: It's not helping with the rumors.
Maleficent: I think the kiss you shared on my birthday isn't helping with the rumors.
- sirens in the distance -
Morgie: Oh no, we're going to jail.
Maleficent: Hook's going to jail, I'm saying I was kidnapped.
Morgie: That's a good idea. We're both kidnapped.
Hook: If I'm going to jail, we're all going to jail.
Maleficent: You know what, Hook, Morgie, I need you two to make out right now.
- everyone process what she said -
Maleficent: I meant makeup!
Uliana: - laughing her ass off -
Morgie: Excuse me!?!
Hook: - sighs - Oh, alright.
Hook: It was then he realized while reading his mind had been else where, and he'd have to start the fricken page all over.
- Spider on the wall, Morgie and Hook are hiding behind Fay -
Fay: Alright, kids, it's nothing to be afraid of.
Morgie: Look!
- Spider has vanished from the wall, Fay packs down the entire house and moves Morgie and Hook into the van -
Fay: Say goodbye to the house, kids!
Hello! This is part two of Memes/Vines/Sounds with half of the rise of red characters, hope you've enjoyed and maybe I'll do a part three, have a wonderful day!
If you want to be on the tag list, just ask!
Tagged list: @giveityourworst and @brokenmilkcrates, want to give them a special thank you for being my mutuals and supporting my stories!
Anyway till the next story! Ba bye!
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its-time-to-write · 1 year
Ooh I just read the other part to the baby Jamie tartt story and it was amazing!! What about where it’s bea’s first soccer game and the team shows up and Jamie is just a proud dad or she’s 2 or 3 watching her dad play and cheering super loud and getting into it!?!
Heyyo! Mixed this with another ask. It was fun to write! Thank you!
Tumblr media
today’s a day like any other
Bea is two years old and five months, and she’s at the age where she is talking in sentences and can understand things that are happening around her. She makes little two-year-old jokes that only she understands, and her favorite person in the whole entire world is Sam Obisanya. 
You have a picture of her at her second birthday party, pointing at something while Sam holds her, both in matching Obisanya 24 kits. She can’t read, but she knows enough to tell that the markings are the same. She wears it every day it’s clean, and some days it’s not. You think it’s hilarious because Jamie has to cajole her into wearing her Baby Tartt 9 kit. 
Jamie is her second favorite person. She calls him “dada,” and shrieks whenever he comes home from training. Both of you are in your mid-twenties now, and you get stares whenever you’re out with her. The press is still the press, but they keep Bea’s face out of it when they speculate how long Jamie will keep “playing house,” or you will “put up with his antics.” They comment on young marriage and early divorce, and you and Jamie make the choice to laugh through it. 
He calls Ted about once a week for advice on marriage and fatherhood, and Rebecca stops by for lunch for you and Bea twice a week to give you advice on marriage and encourage you in motherhood. Bea adores her, almost as much as she does Sam. Almost. 
Rebecca had been hesitant at first to share, but once you said, “I’m pretty sure you know what red flags I should look for,” she laughed and went full steam ahead. 
All that to say, Bea’s favorite people are Sam, Jamie, and you, in exactly that order. (You could rank the rest of the team, but honestly it’s pretty close between some of them and they don’t need that type of competition.) 
Bea is two years old and five months, and she is at yet another football match, wearing her Obisanya 24 jersey and bouncing up and down in your arms. You’re three months along with your son name undisclosed so you can still hide it, but you’re wearing one of Jamie’s kits as opposed to your own. You put tiny lines of red and blue face paint on Bea and are standing up in Rebecca’s box, pointing things out to Bea. You point to a tiny Sam on the pitch, and Bea starts yelling, “Sam, Sam, Sam!” He can’t hear her, of course, but he’s looking around and smiling. The stadium is chanting, “Go, Sam Obisanya,” and Bea picks it up. You see Jamie nudge Sam and point up to where you’re sitting and Sam waves. Bea waves back, giggling.
“Bea, do you see Dada?” you ask. Jamie’s face is on the big screen, and she wiggles even harder. She’s practically vibrating in your arms. You think this might be the first game she actually understands enough to remember. You spend the first half narrating the game to her- “See, Sam has the ball. He’s trying to get it to Dada. Oh look, there he goes. Do you think he’s going to pass it?” 
Bea is watching intently as Jamie zips by player after player. You see him fake out Wolverhampton’s last line of defense and then the stadium erupts. He’s scored the first goal of the game. 
Bea is yelling her head off and bouncing again. Jamie looks up to where he knows you are an blow a kiss, which only makes Bea lose it more. 
On the drive home, all she can talk about is how “dada got a goal,” and “dada is my favorite.”
Bea is seven years old and one month, and she is very adamant that she wants to play football. Her friends are all playing, plus she’s Beatrice fricken’ Tartt. Isn’t football in her blood?
You and Jamie tried to talk her out of it, not wanting her to feel like she had to. She insisted.
So there you are on a Saturday morning, seven months pregnant (yes, again thanks to goddamn Jamie Tartt) getting ready to cheer Bea on in her first match of the season. 
Her kit says Tartt 24 because of course it does. The teams are doing little stretches to get ready, so you smile and reach down to get a juice for four-year-old Theo (no, you don’t call him Ted) out of the cooler Jamie brought. 
“Eyy, it’s the Tartts!” says a voice. You look up to a grinning Dani. 
“Dani! What are you doing here?” you ask, grinning back.
“Couldn’t miss my favorite niece’s first match, could I? And I heard you had drinks,” he says, peering into the cooler. 
You laugh and someone else says, “let me know what’s in the cooler, bruv.” You turn, and there’s Isaac, Colin, and Michael. Dani waves to someone across the field, and it’s Sam, Jan Maas, Richard, and Bumbercatch. Roy’s Jeep screeches into the parking lot, and you see him get out followed by a flurry of pink. Of course it’s Keeley. 
“I hope I’m not late,” says another voice, and Bea runs up to say “Aunt Bex!” and does a flying leap at Rebecca. 
All of Bea’s uncles are here, minus Ted and Beard, to support her at her first game. 
You think you might cry.
Jamie, on the other hand, is looking extremely proud of himself. 
Bea is showing of her number 24, Sam is grinning proudly, Richard, Isaac, and Jan Maas are hyping her up, and Dani is doing arm curls with Theo hanging onto his wrist. 
Jamie slides his arm around your waist and presses a kiss to your neck. 
“Jamie Tartt,” you say, “did you invite all of them?”
Jamie grins. “I might’ve.“
“That might be the sweetest thing you’ve ever done. It might even make me not mad at you anymore.”
Jamie pulls away a little, indignant. “What’re you mad at me for? I haven’t done anything!”
You point to your stomach and say, “Oh really, then what do you call this?”
Jamie fixes you with a devilish grin. “Proof that I’m still fucking sexy?”
You giggle like a teenager. He is definitely still fucking sexy. 
The game is filled with wild cheers from Bea’s aunts and uncles, especially when she performs a header. 
“I taught her that,” Roy says to anyone who will listen. 
They swarm her on the field after the game’s over, uncaring if she’s won or lost. It doesn’t matter. They don’t all play for Richmond anymore, but they will always be a family. 
Bea is sixteen years old when she causually mentions a boy named Thomas in one of her classes. You’re all at the dinner table and Jamie doesn’t clock it, but you do. 
Jamie is only a few years out from retirement. He’s around the age Roy was when Roy hurt his knee, and although he’s still tearing it up on the pitch, you both know his time is coming to a close. 
He’s a lot sadder than he lets on, but you remind him there’s more to life. Your family has become somewhat famous, even in the States, so he’ll still have opportunities to do what he loves. Just not with the League. It’s become a bit of a routine, at this point, having the same conversation at the end of ever season. 
Just one more, Jamie promises, One more and then I’ll retire. You just hope he isn’t forced to by an injury.
But anyway, Bea’s got her eye on a boy and Jamie is completely oblivious until you bring it up that night while getting ready for bed. He’s flossing his teeth and your putting lotion on your face. 
“She fuckin’ what?” Spit goes flying. 
“Jamie, that’s disgusting. Please wipe that up.”
Jamie grabs a towel and swipes at the mirror. “How d’you know? It could just be a friend. She’s too young to be thinking like that!”
You smile. Bea’s a very thoughtful girl. You’re pretty sure she timed the name-drop with great precision and care, testing the waters. 
She’s a lot like you. 
“Babe, I just know. And, not sure if you’ve noticed, but she’s not seven anymore. Plus, I’ve seen Thomas around. He’s a very bright, respectful young man. Bea’s got a good head on her shoulders.”
Jamie pales, not listening to a thing you said. He grabs your hand. “Babe. Babe. Think about what I was like. Fucking hell, I was an absolute wanker. Oh fuck. This is not fucking good.”
He’s spiraling. He’s spiraling about his oldest daughter and it’s adorable. His hair is all crazy from running his hands through it, and his eyes are wild. You know what Jamie was like. You met a toned-down version of him, and you’re pretty sure he wouldn’t want Bea even near someone like that. You’ve heard the stories of how he was before. 
“Jaim,” you say, “it’s going to be ok. Seriously.”
“You don’t understand,” he says, hands now on your face. “I was an absolute shithead. I was rude and a fucking dick. I didn’t treat women well, or anyone well, and I don’t want Bea with someone like me.”
You understand. You’re not minimizing his concerns or apathetic about Bea, it’s just that you know the daughter you’ve raised, and you tell Jamie as much. “I know this is new for us, but she’s wonderful. And anyway, it’s not like she’s going to end up like me, twenty-two and knocked up.”
“We were married!” Jamie protests, “And twenty-two is like being a real adult!”
You raise an eyebrow. “We were barely married. And we were basically kids.” 
Jamie still looks distraught, so you place your hands on his wrists. 
“Darling, don’t worry. She’ll be ok. We made it this far being stupid, and she’s so much smarter than either of us.”
Jamie snorts, which you take as a victory. 
“And anyway,” you continue, “any boy that breaks her heart has like a million of her scary uncles to deal with. I promise, promise, promise she’ll be alright.”
Jamie smiles at that. “She does, doesn’t she?” He kisses the tip of your nose. “Suppose it’s a good thing you didn’t have any of those, otherwise we might not have gotten together.”
You laugh. “Alright, you sentimental dweeb. It’s past your bedtime.”
“Just one more kiss,” Jamie replies, and then his lips are on yours and you forget what you were even talking about, anyway. 
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milgram-tournament · 9 months
MILGRAM Best Song Tournament, Round 1, Match 9 CAT vs. THE PURGE MARCH
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Propaganda for both options under the cut!
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Propaganda for CAT:
"You like jazz? Jazz is chaos within order. Got to love the whole band. Vibraphone, saxophone, trumpet, flute, piano, guitar, drums, bass… Go, rhythm section, go! The song sounds tender at times and aggressive at others as different instruments pop up at different times. Sometimes they follow Kazui’s voice (“follow the king of the masquerade”). Sometimes they get to be the focus. You have the chill piano one moment and the screaming guitar in the next.
You’ve got a lovely “jingle” (“Lie until it gets better…”) which occurs at the beginning, middle, and end. It fits the “newspaper ad” style of the video really well. Also at the very end, there’s one more line that gives the jingle an upward contour, giving a sense of finality. “Until you can meet the king of the masquerade.” You’re there now.
The two verses start off differently before they take on a similar melody. It feels like Kazui is talking to a different person in each verse.
The chorus is a beautiful façade the first time and a sinister truth the second time.
The opening for solos shows that this jazz song means business. I love how the saxophone and trumpet especially get in your face. And with the tacet on vocals, the walking bass really shines if you lend it your ear.
And the smoke break! Silence is golden. Glass click. Lighter. Huff.
As always, Kazui’s voice is super deep. He hits even lower notes this time around. He’s a fifth lower than the next lowest singers (Haruka and Shidou)."
-Great instrumental choice. Kazui and jazz is *chefs kiss*
-Symbolism. THE SYMBOLISM. I can’t type out all my thoughts but ifykyk
-The almost comic like style of the MV is really appealing.
-Lyrics!! There is so much to unpack but it’s really cool.
-Kazui eating the dove… fricken iconic.
FIRST OF ALL the vocals????? BEAUTIFUL. His va put his whole pussy into this song and you can tell!! The way he sings the chorus is so damn addicting I'm so in love with him. His voice is more or less stable throughout the entire thing until the final chorus but you can hear the emotion peaking out which fits perfectly with Kazui keeping everything hidden. The way his voice turns into a sort of whisper during "all the things I wanna do that I can't say outloud"??? The way his voice starts trembling during "this feeling it's yearning to be satisfied"???? The way his voice turns into a sort of whisper AND starts trembling during "hey, if I said I liked-liked you, what would you?"?????? HEAVENLY! You can really feel how afraid Kazui is under his disguise and my heart breaks a little everytime I listen. Not to mention how absolutely powerful his voice gets at the climax!!!!!! It's insane!!!!!!! It's genius!!!!!! It makes me wild makes me crazy makes me eat my walls!!!!!!!!!!
THE SMOKE BREAK?????? What other song has something as powerful as that huh???? This isn't just a song produced by the milgram machine using his memories, this is HIS song and he is OWNING IT! The music builds up so much and gets so intense right before it, I can literally feel myself get tense and starting holding my breath right before he takes the break and everything relaxs… it's not just a break for him, but a break for the viewer. The song is spiralling out of control just like his life and his lies and he has no choice but to put it to a quick stop before its too much to handle.
THE IMAGERY IS WILD!!!!! He's a magician!!! Little magic guy!!!! Using tricks and lies to amaze and captivate the people around him! Trying desperately to magic his own feelings into something else! But it's all fake! It's all tricks and no matter how hard he tries he can never actually change himself into what he wants! But he's trying to convince himself the same way he's convinced his audience!! And when you're watching a magic act, are you there for the magician themself or are you there to watch the show?? The people in his life only cared for him when he performed for them, but they didn't give a drop of love to who he was a person! ALSO the transformation of the wedding ring to a cigarette to the dove at the end??? Makes me wild every single time! Right infront of his wife, he showed her that their marriage was something unhealthy for him that was slowly killing him from the inside. AND THEN he uses it to harm himself???? And then he turns that cigarette into a dove- a representation of love and literally TEARS INTO IT. He tears his marriage apart with his mouth!!! AKA HIS WORDS. makes me wild. Also fun fact Kazui says he started smoking because when he was younger it was "just natural for everyone to smoke" and that lines up with his reasons for marriage perfectly.
Kazui looks really hot in it. You should vote for Cat because Kazui is insanely attractive. What other reason do you need huh? Hot gay middle aged man.
Propaganda for THE PURGE MARCH:
"Despite the shorter length, the Purge March has several distinct sections in its structure.
It starts with a rolloff, and then… they don’t follow it. Amane isn’t here to follow the beat.
There’s the spoken-word intro and the upbeat first verse listing the tenets. The prechorus (“dou shiyou mo nai…”) has an amen break. The most-sampled four-bar drum beat. Well, there’s half of it. Is it supposed to mean something? Can I get an amen?
The chorus is so, so cheerful… unless you’re actually listening to the lyrics (“I’ll crush your throat too”) or watching the video. And it’s super catchy. 
The second part of the verse dials things back. Now we’re in reality. This is how Amane breaks her tenets. All the while, those tenets are spoken into both ears over the singing. Get some good headphones. She sounds different in each ear.
The music picks up again with the amen break as Amane happily strolls back home, and then-
The somber second chorus, with Amane’s lower singing voice and mournful spoken words, leads into the final chorus, with new lyrics and a more forceful tone. The once-meaningless chanting now has real words. “You’re sorry? I don’t care! Please go ahead and die already.” You can hear Amane’s anger despite the cheerful melody. She harmonizes in the final phrase, as if to say “we’re in this together, me and my little color guard troop.” And finally, it’s just her. Speaking. "Oboetemasuka?" Accompanied by only a single drum.
She is both Amane Momose and not. She upholds the doctrines that she was raised with, but she can’t."
"Purge March is geniunaly one of my favorite pieces of fiction both in and out of the context of trauma. Its fantastically directed and composed. The batton twirling is spetacular and energetic, the set and character design of Amane conveys a lot about the world she’s in and the story she’s telling. Purge March contextulizes a lot of Magic in both expected and unexpected ways (insert the entire cat symbolism thesis here) Purge March casts Amane in the role of a scary child. The glowing eyes, the framing of Amane as Above the viewer, the brutality and catharsis of it all. It seems tailored made to make you Scared of her. It’s a continuation of the cycle of abuse that we the audience repeated in T1 when we gave her that verdict. A red flashing warning sign about the Inhumanity and Monsterous qualities of Amane Momose. But Amane as a monster is fufilling and freeing. Again, its deeply cathartic. I would write more if I wasnt so sleepy at the moment but its just some Fantastic work overall. Purge March is also just fantasitic vocally and also hids electricity sounds in the instrumental which I think is evil and awesome."
-Amane’s vocals and how they slowly get more and more off the deep end is both really sad and cool to watch.
-The symbolism of the marching band and the flags. Ifykyk
-The beginning where it sounds like a propaganda TV show… really shows just how far Amane’s thinking is rooted in her cult and how that’s shaped her perception.
-The LYRICS. They work so well but it’s also creepy AF considering it’s a child who’s singing it.
-“So there is no second time, I’ll give back the judgment that you gave to me!”
-The overlapping part… gives me chills everytime.
-Building off the last point, the last “I’ll crush your throat too.” Ouch.
-“Remember MY cries, MY repents, MY words of “I’m sorry” that I said to you?”
-The song also does a great job of showing how much the guilty verdict messed with her.
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