#They should invent a thing where you can pay someone to give you a hug
squigglywindy · 2 years
Okay y’all hold me to this I’m staying away tomorrow
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laurore-stormwitch · 3 years
So, I did something. Rule of Wolves left me in tears. But I felt we were missing an epilogue, and that’s my take. We can see a little of Nikolai courting Zoya, his proposal and the wedding. I poured all my love into this, all of how much these characters mean to me. I hope it can bring comfort and a smile to all of you who love them as much. I don’t say it much, but this is one of the things I loved most writing, and I hope you’re gonna enjoy it. I send a big hug to whoever has taken this grishaverse wild ride  word count: 4953 you are my endless summer - ao3 
“Is this strictly necessary?”
Zoya asked, faking more annoyance than she felt. She wondered what kind of crazy idea had come to Nikolai’s mind this time, as she stumbled through the woods with a strip of cloth tied on her eyes. Nikolai was guiding her, holding her hand and her elbow to steady her through the fallen branches on the ground. He didn’t answer, but she could swear she could hear the smug smirk on his face.
“I already know where you’re taking me. You’ve kept me away from the garden for two months, I kind of figured out what you were doing.”
“How cunning you are. That’s why I love you.”
She nudged him on what she hoped was his stomach, eliciting a laugh from his side.
“Humour me Zoya, please. What kind of a surprise would it be if I let you see?”
“The kind where you don’t end up being a pile of smoking dust.”
Nikolai laughed again, a crystal-clear sound that made her heart twitch. The threat was not that far from the truth. Nikolai had been entertaining himself way too much with this idiotic courting thing he had decided to pursue. She thought back on when she believed she could have a quiet romance with him. A quiet romance with a man who has a double identity as a privateer and wears a ridiculous teal frock coat. Great thinking, Zoya.
The first hint of how much not quiet Nikolai was going to be had been the absurd deal of public flirting he engaged in, knowing damn well how Zoya was used to propriety. And bitter and ruthless words, at the very best. Not even under torture she would admit how endearing it had been instead; better to keep scolding him. However, as usual, Nikolai saw right through her pretence, caught the gleam of amusement and desire in her eyes. That had only made him become more daring and blatant. Nothing could compare for him to the satisfaction of leaving Zoya speechless. Zoya had tried to match his bold attitude, but she had to admit she was not half as good as him. To this day, he was still rubbing in her face the time where she had almost caused a diplomatic incident due to the shock of his shamelessness. He had just got back from a trip to Ketterdam, right after the coronation. They were waiting at the palace’s gates to meet with the Shu delegation, coming to pay their respect to the recently crowned queen. Nikolai had chosen the moment where their newly acquired allies were emerging from the carriages to lean into her ear to whisper, ignoring the fact that they were surrounded by soldiers and dignitaries, and not just Genya and Alina like last time; Nikolai loved an audience as much as he loved himself.
“I see you’ve resorted back to your kefta”, he had muttered in a casual tone.
Zoya had cut him a quick glare, saying something she would regret later. “Did you like the coronation dress better?”
“Oh no, not at all. If I remember correctly, I suggested you get out of that.” The Shu delegation was getting closer. Nikolai had lowered his voice even more, starting to smile at them. “I stand to my suggestion. There are several outfits I like better on you than a dress. Namely, your kefta, which I'm happy you got back.” She had kept her eyes trained in front of her, ignoring him. “Or the rough spun clothes you use when we are on the Volkvolny.” He had plucked a non-existent dust from his sleeve, keeping the nonchalant attitude of someone who was speaking about the weather. “Your nightdress, the one that looks like a starry night and has a shockingly small amount of fabric.” He had waved a hand in Ehri’s direction, who by that time had been a couple of steps too close to them for Nikolai to keep talking. But the man did have a tendency to risk his life. “But you with nothing on would definitely be in first place.”
Zoya had widened her eyes and a violent rush of blood had tinged her cheeks, while Nikolai had sprinted on to welcome her guests and she stood there like an idiot, trying to catch back her composure. After that, she had quickly understood just how much Nikolai appreciated a challenge. And when he understood just how much Zoya hated to cause a scene, that had been the end for her. At least it seemed like they were alone right now. Better to be safe than sorry, although.
“Nikolai, please at least tell me you’re not about to stage another of your embarrassing public fit.” She asked him now, half pleading and half threatening, as they made their way through the woods.
Nikolai chuckled. “Not this time. And do not lie to me, I know you’ve enjoyed my scenes.”
“I have not.”
“Not even a smidge?”
“You should thank the Saints you’re still breathing after all the stunts you pulled.”
“The Saints and your infinite love for me, I suppose.”
“My love may be infinite, but I assure you my patience is not.”
Zoya tried to keep the smile from her voice, failing miserably. Nikolai had a way to overwhelm her with a now familiar lightness and serenity. Their bickering, his hand in hers, his scent in the air. It all felt like home. So much so that she had found herself subtly pressing on him to get married, eager to have him forever with her. It was a feeling of certainty she wasn’t willing to let go of. It was a treasure she wanted to protect. And she didn’t really care about grand gestures, about big declarations. As far as she was concerned, she could find a ring on her nightstand and they could be married in secret. Nikolai knew that, always seemed to know exactly what kind of attention she needed. He left her his little wire boats everywhere to be found, he concocted small and useless inventions just for the sake of amusing her. He placed hidden notes and drawings in her drawers or under her pillows. He courted her in a way she had never been courted before, dedicating his clever mind to making her feel loved and safe - a task in which he was succeeding brilliantly. 
But the privateer in him came out every now and then. Apart from the flirting, which she could admit she had been enjoying, he had picked up the unnerving habit of pretending to be about to propose to her in the middle of all sorts of gatherings. The first time he had sank down on one knee had been during one of their evenings with the rest of their friends. Everyone had drawn a sharp breath, falling silent and still. But the idiot had simply picked up one of her earrings that had fallen on the floor, winking at her while she narrowed her eyes at him from the upside down. Then he got bolder and bolder. The next time, he had clanked his glass at the end of a state dinner, saying he had a declaration to make for his queen. Zoya had glared at him from her seat, shifting uncomfortably, praying to all the Saints for him to shut up. But the worst had been during the ball they threw last week in honour of some Saint or occurrence she could not even remember. They were dancing, spinning around the ballroom. Nikolai was indeed a very gifted dancer, so she usually let him guide her. It was a strange feeling, the safety of being carried by his arms.
“Your hand is nowhere near the level of propriety, Nikolai”, she had whispered with a playful look, noting the fire on her skin as he had brushed her lower back.
He had smirked. “Let them envy me. I’m dancing with the most gorgeous woman in the room.”
“The one that’s going to step on your foot if you don’t behave yourself.”
Nikolai had nudged her closer, skimming his lips on her jaw. “Want to give them something else to watch?” And then, without preamble, he had kneeled in front of her, right in the middle of the ballroom, holding one of her hands in his. The music had stopped, the room had been filled with ecstatic murmurs. Zoya had caught Genya giggling on the other side of the room, but she could only hear her heart thrumming in her chest.
“What do you think you’re doing?”
One beat had passed. Two beats, and that delicious grin of his had erupted on Nikolai’s face. He had cleared his throat and turned to the people assembled around them.
“Pardon me for the interruption, but I believe it’s time for the Queen to give her speech!” He had joyfully declared, getting back up on his feet. She had looped her arm on his, seething under her breath.
“I am going to smite you where you stand.”
From that moment on, every time he had tried to garner the attention in public endeavours, she had been terrified to see him cause another scene. Deep down, Zoya knew he was not going to ask her like this. He was way too much of a romantic soul to do this. Sure enough though, he was immensely enjoying himself. She supposed she could let him have his fun. As long as she was his, and he was hers, she didn’t really care how many times he would embarrass her. There was nothing on earth that could compare to the feeling of seeing him beaming with happiness. Not even the dragon, in all his lifetimes, had known a warmth like this. Zoya loved him enough to let him have his way at times.
The creak of the garden door distracted her from her thoughts. Finally, Nikolai stopped. She heard him move behind her and place his hands on her hips, while his lips brushed on the skin of her neck. 
“You can look now.”
He murmured against her skin. Was she imagining the slight tremble of emotion in his voice? He sounded thrilled, nervous. Slowly, she pulled the cloth from her eyes, caught back by the light that was flooding the place. Whatever she had thought she was going to see, it was nothing compared to what Nikolai had built. The breath was knocked out of her lungs, the beating of her heart racing up like it was about to take flight. It was her garden, but it was so much more. The structure Nikolai had designed was an engineering marvel of glass and wrought iron, twisting toward the sky, looking like the dome of a chapel. A perfect combination of his brilliance and a most expert Fabrikator’s craft. The whole building was transparent; Zoya could see the sky beyond, the clouds, the ray of sun warming up the place and shattering through the glass in a rainbow of colours. The flowers hadn’t been touched; new pots had been placed, new space to fill. The thorn wood still ran on the sides, around the bricks and the lanterns. But the wall had been painted with every sort of wonder; there was a dragon roaring through the sky, a ship that looked like the Volkvolny sealing a storm-swept sea, with a two-star flag added to Sturmhond’s one. A fox emerged from the bushes on the wall nearer to the door. The Grisha colours and symbols were all over the place, a flash of blue, red, and purple blossoms; waves, fire and lightnings ran throughout the murals. 
“Alina painted them.” 
Explained Nikolai, whispering softly when he noticed she was looking at the walls. Zoya took two steps in front of her, tilting her head up. There weren’t words she possessed right enough for this moment, none of the languages she knew was fit to describe this. The wrought iron was shaped like quince and gusts of wind that towered over the place in a million branches, spreading on the lines of the glass dome.
“Every panel of glass can be opened in the summer. They’re closed now, so that the heat stays in and the flowers can blossom in every season.”
Nikolai’s voice was still soft, still stumbling a little, like he was holding his breath to wait for her reaction. He had poured all of himself into this extraordinary building. This is what love does. If only Lilyiana could see her now. If she could see what she had found. Let love pour through, my little girl. Let your golden hero carry you home. You are safe. Zoya was shaking. Breathing was hard. She turned to him, feeling a suspicious prickle behind her eyes. Nikolai had once again got down on his knee amidst her wildflowers; she caught the sparkle of a jewel in his hand. Zoya smiled, too stricken with emotions to concentrate on anything that wasn't him.
“I hope it’s the last time you kneel to me.” Zoya tried to muster some wit, but her voice came out croaked, her throat sore. Nikolai was undoing her.
“Do shut up, Your Highness. I believe it’s my turn to speak.” The too-clever fox smirked, a clear and expectant look in his gleaming hazel eyes. “I had a speech - honestly it’s hard to remember it right now.” He cleared his throat. “I’ve been wanting you for so long, and I’ve been believing for so long that there wasn’t a future for us, that it seemed impossible to have this.”
He opened his mouth again, clearly about to correct himself, but Zoya was quicker. “Improbable”, she added, unable to restrain herself. Another smirk curled his lips.
“Improbable”, he conceded, immensely satisfied that she had picked up on his favourite line. “I know I’ve kept you waiting. I would have asked the first time you kissed me. I would have asked that night in the cargo hold. But I said something else that night, something I wanted to live up to.”
Zoya watched him carefully, trying to see through him, to wrap her head around what was happening. She felt like her heart was about to burst in her chest.
“There were things I wanted to do before asking you. I wanted to gift you something ill-suited for war, something precious. That’s why I built this.” He gestured to the structure around them. “Because your garden need not be just a monument to grief anymore, but one to life. To the way you make everything around you blossom.” Nikolai paused, his gaze intense and fierce on her. “And then there were other things I told you I would have done for you, once I could.”
“You wanted to give me a crown.” Zoya said, with surprise in her voice. She had started to figure out where he was going with this, had started to grasp his words from the memory of that night, carved inside her. 
“That was the first thing. I believe it worked splendidly. What else did I tell you?”
“You wanted to show me the world from the prow of your ship.” 
She brought her fingers to her lips, as if she could not believe her own realization. Her voice was trembling too, now. She remembered. She remembered when Nikolai had insisted they took a couple of days at sea, during their mission in Os Kervo. Zoya knew Nikolai wanted to travel with her, but they simply had not had the time to do it properly. Zoya had promised him they would, someday, when peace was secured. Nikolai had pressed her on that trip to sail on the Volkvolny, even for a little while. She had not questioned him, thought he was only being nonsensical as usual and had obliged him. He had told her something, on the railing of the ship, as the sun was setting in front of them. That’s why I like the sea, he had said to her, because when you look out at the horizon, you see everything beyond. Look, Zoya. You can see the whole world from here. It’s all ours for the taking. She had laughed, tilting her head to the sun. You gave me Ravka, Nikolai. It’s enough for me. She had been wrong. Nikolai had not just given her Ravka. Here, in the silence of her garden, she knew he was giving her so much more. 
“And then there was one last thing.” Nikolai encouraged her. Zoya drew a sharp breath, catching the ring in his hand into focus. 
“You wanted to give me a sapphire, the size of an acorn.”
Nikolai took her hand and placed the ring in it. The band was made of white gold, in the shape of a dragon curled around itself. Between its tail and its head, it held a glowing sapphire, the colour of a midnight sky. She peered at him under her lashes, too overwhelmed to say anything. His hands were shivering.
“I know it’s not the size of an acorn. We are still slightly broke, and, well - I thought you would have liked it better like this. It’s more elegant, it suits you more.”
Silence enveloped them. Zoya felt his warm uneven breathing on her skin, his nervousness, the sheer truth and love behind his actions taking her like a tide, filling the well inside her that had once protected her grief and caged her heart.
“I wanted you to understand that I’ll always be true to my promises. I don’t know when I started loving you, but I know I’m lost now. I searched for you for a lifetime. I still want you all the time. I want to lay beside you every night, wake up with you in my arms every morning. I want to build the future with you, I want to watch you scowl at people and be the brave and ruthless leader you are.” Nikolai inhaled a deep breath, trying to steady his voice. “You've been my general. You are my friend, the woman I love. I would have chosen you before, I would now and I always will. Would you do me the honour of being my wife?”
Zoya didn’t try to hold back the tears. It didn’t matter. It didn’t because she had never felt safer in her life than she was feeling now, held in the dome that protected her garden, in the hands of the man that had always protected her. What he was telling her now, it had an echo to so many other things he had told her in the past, scattered throughout the moments they had shared. It told the story of how they took care of each other for so long, of their longing, of their strength. How they had found each other at last. She gently kneeled in front of him, folding her hand over the one that was holding the ring. All around them, the flowers had sprouted, their scent clouding them. She placed the other hand on his cheek, locking their eyes together. It took all her might to find her voice within the emotions swimming in her chest. Zoya had never been sentimental like him. She had never tried to be, maybe she could never be. Yet, she wanted him to know now; to know even a fraction of how much her love for him ran deep in her veins.  
“You made me believe that impossible really is just a word.” She tried, wavering, gaining more confidence with each word she brought out. “You made me believe again, Nikolai. You are the hero of every story I have ever heard. And yes, I’ll marry you.”
He opened in an astonishing expression of relief, leaning in her touch. Nikolai slipped the ring on her finger, pressing a kiss to her knuckles.
“Turns out you can be romantic too, when you want to.” He teased, getting up and bringing her with him, circling her in his arms. As she leaned on his chest, she heard the rhythmic pounding of his heart, quick as the flapping of a bird’s wings. 
“It’s hardly a match between the two of us. I know how much you enjoy it, so I let you take all the credit.”
“I appreciate that.”
“Does this mean you’ll stop kneeling in front of crowds?” 
“I think so. I will not stop with the flirting, though. It’s a compulsion.” 
Zoya went on her toes to press a kiss on his mouth. 
“Do keep up with that. I like it.”
She tucked her hand into his pocket, closing her fingers on the blue ribbon he kept on him all the time. Zoya pulled it out, unfurling it in front of them. 
“I believe I’ll need this for the wedding day.”
The smile that lightened up his face was worth a thousand wars to wage. A thousand years to wait. 
To say that the wedding was grand, would have been an understatement. Genya had outdid herself, both with the decorations and the dress. If Zoya had thought she had made a great work with the coronation, what she had managed to create on this day put everything else to shame. Zoya didn’t remember much of it. It had been a whirlwind of colours and voices, people kissing her hand and offering their congratulations, dancing, and music and mostly a lot of drinking on their part. The ceremony had been long and complicated, but as usual, Nikolai had made everything more bearable. Somehow, he had managed to make her feel like they were the only two people standing in the chapel, the same one that held such awful memories and was now a place of celebration. 
She had chosen not to wear gold, and they all went with it. Once had been enough; silver was more fitting for a dragon queen that commanded the storm. Being a queen had its advantages in terms of breaking with traditions. Nikolai had walked the aisle with her; he had never left her side, he had never left the grip on her hand. Zoya could feel his intense desire to make this day joyful for her. She would never stop marvelling at his selflessness, at how good and pure his heart was. To her surprise, he had chosen to relent the traditional Ravkan wedding vows in favour of the ones spoken by Grisha. They applied a lot more to them than any other oath they could make.
We are soldiers. I will march with you in times of war. I will rest with you in times of peace. I will forever be the weapon in your hand, the fighter at your side, the friend who awaits your return. I have seen your face in the making at the heart of the world and there is no one more fierce, passionate, and unbreakable.
There was not much else to say; everything they needed to tell each other, they had already done in the quiet of their intimacy. Everything they needed to share about what it meant to have each other, they already knew. But Nikolai had added something, lowering his voice to a whisper, only for her to hear. 
I will always seek to make it summer for you.
He had spoken the words in Suli. A ridiculous Suli, with an accent as thick as Zoya’s one and probably quite the number of mistakes. Zoya didn’t care. She didn’t know much Suli either, but she had understood. She had felt the urge to wrap her arms around his neck and kiss him senseless, all these people be damned. Instead, she had murmured her answer to him, searching in her childhood for the words, hoping his knowledge of the language was broader than hers.
You are my endless summer. 
Nikolai’s eyes had sparkled, his lips trembled when he had kissed her, knocking her off his feet, and she knew he had understood too. The first half of the party had been slightly tedious. Her dress was heavy, the crown hitched on her head. But as the night went on and the brandy had started to flow, she had found she was enjoying herself much more than she thought. Nikolai’s presence glowed in the room, equally as handsome as her. It was well past midnight when people had started retiring, saying their goodbyes to the newly wed royal couple.
At last, they found themselves alone at a table with all their friends. Tolya was astoundingly drunk, much to their amusement. He was trying to convince Adrik to stand on a chair and recite some poetry with him. Adrik, who was incredibly smiling, seated next to Leoni who wore her usual thousand sun merry expression. Adrik had taken Zoya’s position in the Triumvirate, while Leoni held the post for the Materialki now. She and Genya were deep in an argument about some sort of poison used to make people sleepwalk. Genya was laughing, her head thrown back, a glass of honey tea in her hand. Seeing her happy was a sight for sore eyes. Zoya knew they were all missing David more tonight; her eyes wandered on her friend’s kefta, which stood a little too tight around her stomach. The bump was starting to show clearly right now, four months into the pregnancy. She was beaming. It takes a village, people said about raising a child. This child would definitely never be alone. Alina and Mal had retired earlier, eager to return to their kids. She had held Alina in an embrace a little longer than usual, trying to convey how wonderful her gift to Zoya had been, how much comfort the paintings in her garden would bring. In the middle of the room, Tamar and Nadia were still dancing, or trying to at least, missing every rhythm of the music. Tamar stopped abruptly when she saw Zoya watching them. 
“I can’t believe you two pulled it off, at last!” She made a toast in their direction, making Nadia stumble. 
“I can’t believe Nikolai pulled it off”, Genya smirked, toasting back to Tamar with her tea. 
Nikolai shrugged his shoulders. “I’m known for always choosing the hardest quest.” 
There was little hope to ever make them stop with the teasing. Turning her gaze, Zoya caught sight of Nina and her prince, who had traveled all the way from Fjerda to be here tonight. Nina was stunning as usual, in a dress that hugged every curve of her, stacking on a pile of pastries and forcing Hanne to taste each and every one of them. The reckless Heartrender didn’t miss the chance to weigh in on the conversation, popping a pastry in her mouth. “And to think Zoya was the one to bash me about falling in love with Fjerdans. It backfired right in your face.”
Zoya clicked her tongue. “At least I take care not to let people walk in on us having a private moment.”
“That’s on you”, Nina grinned, “But I guess now you know that the thing about Fjerdans being cold it’s just a myth.” 
“Definitely a myth", confirmed Nikolai, winking at Nina. Leave it to the two of them to be inappropriate.
Tolya downed another glass of whisky. For a giant, he didn’t have a good resistance to alcohol. “Good luck Zoya, he’s all yours to suffer now.” He managed to mutter. “At least he’s not moping around about you anymore like a lost puppy.” Tolya, the most respectful soldier she knew. He really was drunk. 
“I’ll still mop around about her, don’t worry.”
“I can manage, I think", Zoya answered to Tolya, curling her lips. 
She sighed happily, tightening the hold on Nikolai’s hand next to her, while she watched the people who were now her family filling the air with their laughter. He put the glass down, gazing at her with amusement. His golden hair were ruffled, his elegant shirt crumpled, his skin heated. His eyes were filled with awe, a smile dancing on his lips. She felt her breath itch at the sight of him. Nikolai leaned closer to her, bringing her hand up to his mouth. His look turned soft, affectionate.
“You survived today wonderfully.”
Zoya fell silent, watching her golden boy. This is what love does. You fight for it, and it saves you. You build it, brick by brick, and it stays. The dragon spread his wings inside her. 
“You built me a home.” 
She told him, and cocked her head to the side, making some strands of hair fall from the elaborate updo Genya had weaved. Nikolai rushed to tuck them back into the ribbon that held them in place, the one she had taken from his pocket when he had proposed. 
“You gave me something to build it for. Someone to fill it with.”
Zoya knew, in that moment. She knew that every blow, every pain, every loneliness she had endured had been meant to take her here. It had been meant to make her worthy of him, to make her believe they could have this. She knew every loss and every battle had forged her so that she could let herself love him. And Nikolai made everything possible. The weight of his hand in hers felt sacred. 
“We will go on, you and I. We are going to be fine.” 
It wasn’t a question. It was the strongest belief she had ever had. It was hope. After an eternity of fighting and suffering, the stone tumbled inside her, coming to rest. Nikolai nodded, closing his eyes and sighing. The world felt easier. It felt warm, and sunny, full of his light.
“Yes, we are.”
And they would. For years to come, they would be fine.
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lovelyirony · 4 years
hi hello i am feeling very angsty so: rhodeytony ft tony's worrying lack of interest in avoiding getting kidnapped and his bodyguard rhodes' increasing stress levels to save a boss that doesn't want to be saved (and, if the flutter in his heart should be anything to go by - should not be his boss anymore). bodyguard to lovers??
Rhodey is a good bodyguard. Hell, he’s the best. 
That was why Pepper Potts hired him, after all. He’s not easy to fool, can follow anyone with a dogged determination that nearly defies human nature. He’s had successful stories before with glowing reviews from multiple people from all different threatened backgrounds. 
(Including at least three world leaders and a pope.) 
Tony Stark is...new. Well, nearly new. He’s a businessman, which isn’t anything out of the ordinary for Rhodey to deal with. 
…except Tony’s highly eclectic, a billionaire, and purposely makes his behavior as erratic as possible. 
It’s fun. What can Rhodey say? He loves a challenge, and Tony is about as challenging as they come. 
When he first starts, Tony tries every trick in the book. Rhodey still sticks to him, although he does leave some distance. Tony tries to make him uncomfortable by bringing just about everyone who looks home, and all Rhodey says is, “you gonna feed them cereal when they wake up? Because that’s all you have in your pantry right now, and you don’t pay me to do the shopping.” 
Tony scowls at that, and then changes his strategy. 
It’s an odd strategy. 
Tony decides he will just make Rhodey his friend, starting with the nickname of “Rhodey.” 
“That’s stupid,” Rhodey says, because he can already tell it will stick. 
“Not my problem, just my solution,” Tony grins. “Now come on, we’re getting burgers.” 
They’re at a sit-down restaurant. One of Tony’s favorites, actually. Rhodey is not sure why he’s sitting down across from the man with the most influence in the world, but he is. 
“So, what’s new with you? Who are you?” Tony asks. “Pepper sent me your file. You’re from Philly, right?” 
“Oh my god, you sound weird when you say it like that,” Rhodey says, deciding against formality as he basically tells Tony Stark that he sounds weird and shouldn’t say “Philly.” 
“Oh what, is that not what the locals call it?” 
“I’m going to take you there and they’re going to beat you up.” 
“Not the worst Sunday night I’ve ever had,” Tony mentions. “Hey, look at the menu. I don’t want you to flounder when the waitress shows up and you know fuck-all about what they have to offer.” 
“Okay asshole, any recommendations?” 
“The banana milkshake and bacon-burger.” 
Rhodey looks at the menu. 
He does end up with the bacon-burger, but chooses strawberry for his flavor of milkshake. 
“You traitor.” 
“Oh am I? Well then let me tell Pepper that you stole the last good pen she had then-” 
Tony flings a fry at him, and Rhodey laughs. 
Here’s a concerning thing: Tony has a very “c’est la vie” approach about kidnapping. 
Like he genuinely doesn’t really give a shit if he knows what’s going on, or even if he doesn’t. 
Rhodey was eagle-eyed and chased a van three fucking blocks and caught up to the driver, wherein he punched his lights out and got Tony out. His hands were bound in zip-ties and his suit was rumpled, but Tony just blinked at him. 
“You think you broke a racing record with that?” 
“Are you okay? Are you hurt? Did they take anything?” 
Rhodey’s all over Tony, checking for any injuries, any stolen wallets or watches, and thank god everything is there. (Not that Tony would really care if anything was stolen, save for his sunglasses. He spends far too much on those, in Rhodey’s opinion.) 
“Okay geez,” Tony says, batting Rhodey’s hands away. “I’m fine. These people were amateurs. Shit, I’m running late for my consultation meeting, aren’t I?” 
“You just got kidnapped,” Rhodey says, tone rife with disbelief. “You just got taken and your concern is with the consultation meeting?” 
“Well I figured that you were going to come by or I’d be gone a lot longer, but now that I’m not? Yeah. Yeah, I am concerned with the consultation meeting. It’s a tech start-up company, only not that shitty Silicon-nice-guy start-up. It’s a more inclusive thing. I don’t know, I read their little ‘about’ section on their website. Which needs work. But that’s besides the point.” 
Rhodey just follows, dumb in disbelief. 
The few rare times that previous clients have been kidnapped or even attempted, they’ve needed a day to recuperate at minimum. They were shaken up, and usually beefed up the security for the rest of time after it. They also scheduled therapy appointments. 
Tony treated this like it was a traffic jam and he was only running five minutes behind. 
The second time it happens when Rhodey’s there, it lasts a little longer. 
Rhodey has to admit, he maybe did some...under-the-radar looks. The FBI wasn’t moving fast enough, and the legal channels weren’t up to snuff. And besides, Tony did say that he could use Jarvis if he really wanted to. 
(Turns out they both went to MIT at the same time, and Tony had been that obnoxiously short guy in his econ class that rarely showed up, but when he did he showed up in a suspiciously nice outfit.) 
It was a weekend. Rhodey had gone away for two seconds to get a drink for Tony and then he was gone. 
It was...bad. 
The problem is this: 
Tony definitely doesn’t need to be kidnapped as often as he is. He has so many inventions that can prevent that, he’s sold quite a few of them to the military. 
But for some fucking reason, he doesn’t want to be saved. No, he’s content just going along with what’s happening, even though everyone else around him wants him back. Needs him back. 
He finds him bruised and tied up to a shitty folding chair. 
“Hey darling,” Tony says, lips a bloody red. “Can you believe this chair? I would’ve thought they would at least have gotten something a tad nicer. I am their best-dressed guest, after all.” 
Rhodey looks over the torn shirt and the pants that have all but been shredded. His shoes are battered and stained beyond repair. 
“Don’t,” Rhodey says. He sounds tired. He is tired. “Don’t do this.” 
“Don’t do what, get kidnapped? I hardly try,” Tony snaps. “Or do I just have a sign on my back that you didn’t know was there?” 
“You know I was in the Air Force,” Rhodey snaps back. “I got high enough clearance that I was one of the guys who got to see what brand new toy you sent our way. I know you could use any of those, shit, you probably tested it out, so you would know.” 
“And your point?” Tony asks. “What, you’re saying I should know better? Saying you know better than me?” 
“You know what? Yeah, yeah I am saying that,” Rhodey yells as he’s untying him. “I am fucking saying that I know more than you because you couldn’t give less of a shit if you tried about your own well-being! You were kidnapped and I’ve been running myself ragged trying to get you back, and you just don’t care!” 
Tony stares at him. Really stares at him. 
“Let’s go home.” 
Nothing else is said in the car ride home. Tony can’t even look at Rhodey. 
They go home, where Pepper greets Tony with a hug and makes him swear not to leave again, and Tony says “I promise,” only they both know that he’s lying. 
But they’re not calling him out on it yet. No, not tonight. 
Rhodey stays. Technically he doesn’t have to. Jarvis is the most advanced artificial intelligence system in the world. Hell, he’s the only one that’s even in his league, but Rhodey just...feels better staying. 
And Tony’s mansion is a gargantuan structure with about twenty different rooms to choose from, so Rhodey gets a nice view and tries to go to bed. 
He’s never gotten enough sleep. He knows he never would. That’s why the army loved him: he could be up at any hour and he’d be fine. That’s why his dad called him the bane of his existence in a loving manner: Rhodey would be up at four in the morning filling out the crossword before anyone else could. 
He’s up at four a.m. making breakfast. 
Tony’s pantry is still shit, but it looks like Pepper went shopping for him or had someone else do it, because he actually has eggs and juice and actual food instead of the odd pickle jar or way-too-old yogurt. 
“You’re...up,” Tony says. 
Rhodey turns around. 
“Sorry. I, um. Stayed.” 
“It’s fine,” Tony says awkwardly. “What are you making?” 
“I always mess those up,” he says. “Either too much cheese or I forget I’m cooking it.” 
“You want one?” 
“You gonna make me one?” 
“Accidentally cracked one too many eggs, so yes. You want onions and spinach in yours?” 
“Sure,” Tony says. “What are you doing up?” 
“Always bad at sleeping,” Rhodey answers. “Can never really stay asleep for too long.” 
“Forget to take your melatonin gummies?” Tony answers, grinning. 
Rhodey can see a bruise on his collarbone. 
“You sleep okay?” 
“No, but I rarely ever do,” Tony says. “Especially after yesterday’s fiasco.” 
“You mean the whole weekend,” Rhodey says, putting the rest of the eggs into the pan. “Can’t imagine that was fun.” 
“Oh come on, it was a ball,” Tony answers sarcastically. “They let me play cops-and-robbers and I was given pizza. Clearly it was a fantastic time.” 
Rhodey stares at Tony. 
“You know in the contract that I had you sign it specifically states that you have to let me help you, right?” 
“It says you have to rescue me regardless of feelings or previous obligations,” Tony says. 
“Rescuing you doesn’t just mean I chase after vans and track you down in an abandoned warehouse, it means that I rescue you from those situations before they can happen. But I can only do that if you agree that you won’t get kidnapped,” he says. 
“And what, I want to?” Tony asks. “Do I say that?” 
“You don’t have to,” Rhodey says, flipping the omelet over. “You never think you’re worth rescuing it because you think you’re never going to be good enough and I think you think that you owe me for giving a shit.” 
Tony looks at him. 
“You’re really honest.” 
“I try to be.” 
“I love that about you.” 
Rhodey’s hand shakes slightly as he moves the omelet a bit in the pan. He hopes Tony doesn’t notice. 
“Well I would love it if you stopped being kidnapped.” 
“Aye aye, Colonel Rhodes,” Tony says, saluting. Rhodey rolls his eyes. 
“Oh my god, do not.” 
“What, am I not supposed to thank our armed services for making this country safe?” he mocks, standing up. “For going above and beyond the call of patriotism and helping keep Americans everywhere safe?” 
Rhodey threatens to eat his omelet when he breaks into singing the national anthem. 
There’s an...understanding. 
Tony starts taking up training with Happy and almost agrees to regular training with Rhodey until Rhodey wants him to get up at six and do some workouts, and he yells “No!” after one workout session. 
Rhodey pointedly pretends like he’s not staring at Tony’s chest when he lifts up his shirt to wipe away the sweat. 
“Come on Rhodey my darling, let’s do breakfast.” 
Tony dragging him to breakfasts, lunches, and dinners. It’s...nice. Rhodey ignores it when Tony waggles his eyebrows as he takes the check and calls him “darling, honey, baby,” and he lets him because it sounds nice. 
He doesn’t say anything to Tony. No, you can’t date your boss. It’s unprofessional as hell and Tony probably is just doing it because Rhodey’s in close proximity and they have a good banter going. 
The next time that Tony has an attempted kidnapping, Rhodey is there. 
He’s there, and he’s being taken away, dragged from Tony, and Tony for the first time looks terrified. 
Rhodey tries to struggle, tries to do anything, because Tony has to get away, and he...
He’s knocked unconscious. 
When he wakes up, his head hurts worse than it ever has, and for a moment he’s pissed at Tony because he forgets that he’s been kidnapped and there’s no control over the thermostat because the room is hot as all get out. 
And then he sees Tony across from him, and he’s never seen Tony angry. 
“I’m sorry,” Tony says, voice shaking. “I’ll get us out of here. I promise. I’m sorry.” 
“Not your fault we have assholes take us,” Rhodey says. “But god I would kill for some air conditioning.” 
Tony smiles a bit at that. 
Here’s a problem: you cannot give Tony Stark anything if you want him to not escape. Either that or he has to be unconscious because he’s a stubborn son of a bitch. 
And they used actual handcuffs to keep him there. God, what a joke. 
Tony learned how to break out of handcuffs when he was twenty and chained to a bedpost on accident. (Long story.) 
This is nothing. 
But the problem is that Rhodey’s here. His bodyguard who really shouldn’t be putting his life on the line for someone as shitty as Tony, but here they are, and he has to get him out. 
“Follow my lead,” Tony whispers. 
“Well of course I will, who else has as much experience being kidnapped as you?” Rhodey mutters. 
“Okay is now going to be the time where you sass me? You’re here too. I could leave you.” 
“You’re not gonna do that, Pepper would make you come back.” 
“No she wouldn’t.” 
“Yeah she would!” 
“Not after I tell her that you used the last of her salad dressing.” 
Tony snorts, looking at the room. They don’t have security cameras, which is just...questionable. Oh my god, he got kidnapped by amateurs. 
He’s kind of embarrassed. 
Rhodey gets free, and they’re both headed towards a door, and Rhodey picks up a stray part of a metal pole, and Tony cannot lie and say he’s not intrigued by that. 
Not saying he hopes Rhodey gets to use it. 
He’s just curious how he’ll utilize it. 
They get to just. Walk out. They fucking walk out. What kind of people did they get kidnapped from? It can’t be that easy, can it? 
It can’t be...
It is. 
Okay sure Tony is driving in a hotwired car and they’re being shot at, but all things considered that’s not the worst thing. And the truck is probably considered stolen anyways, and once Tony makes it to the highway, it’s not like they’ll be able to follow without making it onto national news, not that they haven’t already. 
Pepper’s very effective at getting things to trend on national news when she wants to. 
Rhodey is sitting on a beach chair. He shouldn’t be, and he also shouldn’t be drinking a mimosa because it’s four p.m. and definitely the morning, but he figures since he got kidnapped he’s allowed at least one mimosa. 
“So. Your first kidnapping?” Tony asks. “All things considered, yours went well. I think next time we should go to Wendy’s or something, I was starving-” 
“I’m just. I’m glad we’re okay,” Rhodey says. “But yeah. Maybe next time. If there is a next time. I’m going to I think make you hold hands with me so that you don’t get napped by terrible, shitty people.” 
“You could’ve just asked to hold my hand, we didn’t need to be kidnapped together,” Tony says. 
“Hm, is that a breach of contract?” Rhodey teases. 
“Only if Pepper decides to enforce it, and she won’t because you’re the first bodyguard to have an actual success story with me,” Tony says. “So. I’m thinking maybe we skip the kidnapping next time and go straight for dinner.” 
“Oh thank god, I thought you were gonna say a fast food restaurant.” 
“I still could, you don’t know,” Tony grins, winking. “What if our first date is to Burger King? What are you gonna do?” 
“Be mad that I still like you,” Rhodey grumbles. 
Tony cackles, dropping a kiss onto his hand. 
“Do you think I should get another bodyguard or will dragging you away during a party be too awkward for them?” 
“...I’ll think about it.” 
(They don’t get a new bodyguard. 
No matter how much the other security complains that Rhodey’s the only one who knows where Tony is at all times, and they can’t exactly ask them if they’re busy doing...things. 
Rhodey finds it hilarious.) 
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filmsmakkari · 3 years
Wordcount- 1.7k
Hamilton!Tom Holland x Angelica!Reader
Tom Holland x Princess!Reader
I would recommend listening to the song here!
Full Series Masterlist
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Your time in Hasnaa was joyous. You wished you could have stayed there forever, but you most unfortunately had to return to your husband, and your disastrous marriage in London. With him, the days were drab and dull. It felt as if every day dragged on longer than the last, but drag on they did, and before you knew it, five years had passed.
You were sitting at the end of the table what felt like miles away from your husband, when a servant entered with a letter in her hand.
“It’s from Prince Phillip, your grace.” The servant girl curtsied before exiting.
“Thank you,” you said as you opened the letter.
It read:
My Dear Aunt,
Cold is my heart as I reckon with the affects my father’s whims have had on our family name. I’m not sure if word has yet reached you there in London, but I must most regretfully inform you that our dear Duke of Saataun has had a most unfortunate affair with the young Countess Nadia Renoylds. Apparently, it took place when we were visiting grandfather at the Fadar da Hasnaa, a considerable time indeed. He also had the privity and connivance of the count, whom he paid off to not tell mother. Apparently, the entire affair was an elaborate scheme on the Renoylds’ part. Their most intricate plan was for the countess to seduce father into an affair, and then blackmail him. If father did not find himself in a prosperous enough position to put wealth into their pockets, they would tell mother of the affair. Of course, this all took place many years ago, and father did pay the count off. None of this would have come to light if those vultures Anthony Monroe, Christopher Jefferson, and Aaron Blackwell hadn’t accused father of embezzlement. To prove his innocence, father published an essay entitled “The Reynolds Pamphlet”in which he admits the truth of his affair, and how he did not in fact embezzle money, but rather used it to pay off his mistress’s husband. In truth it isn’t much better, but he committed no crimes. He might have mortally wounded his prospects, but his papers are orderly, that is a fact none can deny. I have attached a copy of The Reynolds Pamphlet with this letter so that you may read it yourself. Tis no surprise that my mother is outraged. She has father sleeping in his office, and last night as I was passing her cracked bedroom door, I saw her setting fire to all the hundreds of letters he’s written to her. I know it is much to ask of you, seeing as you are the ruler of a large realm, but if you could journey here to see her, I’m sure it would be much consolation. With our dear Peggy sick in Paris, you are the only of her sisters with the ability to make the journey. Please consider.
Votre neveu le plus adorant et le plus vrai,
Prince Phillip of Saataun
Your heart sank as you read your nephew’s words. You quickly took the “Reynolds Pamphlet” from under his letter and read it.
It Read:
I owe perhaps to my friends an apology for condescending to give a public explanation. A just pride with reluctance stoops to a formal vindication against so despicable a contrivance and is inclined rather to oppose to it the uniform evidence of an upright character.
The charge against me is a connection with one Anthony Reynolds. For purposes of improper speculation, my real crime is an amorous connection with his wife, for a considerable time with his knowing consent, if not originally brought on by a combination between the husband and wife with the design to extort money from me. I had frequent meetings with her, most of them in my own house, the Duchess with our children being absent on a visit to the King.
This confession is not made without a blush. I cannot be the apologist of any vice because the ardour of passion may have made it mine. I can never cease to condemn myself for the pang, which it may inflict in a bosom eminently intitled to all my gratitude, fidelity and love. But that bosom will approve, that even at so great an expence, I should effectually wipe away a more serious stain from a name, which it cherishes with no less elevation than tenderness. The public too will I trust excuse the confession. The necessity of it to my defence against a more heinous charge could alone have extorted from me so painful an indecorum.
The essay went on for several more paragraphs, but you could not bear to read any more. Your heart felt as if it was cracking as you thought of your dear Eliza. Oh, all the pain she must have been in. How could Thomas, your Thomas have done such a thing? How could he have hurt your sister in such a way? The anger must have been clear in your eyes, as your husband suddenly spoke.
“What is it?” his monotone voice asked. He barely even looked up from his newspaper.
“My dear sister, Eliza, and our brother, Thomas seem to have been involved in a scandal. I must return home immediately.”
“Oh, well you do that. I shall remain here.”
Oh, of course, he was. You held back an eye roll as you stood and went to your quarters to begin packing.
You booked passage on a ship that was heading for Saataun the next day and quickly made your way home. Your carriage was awaiting your arrival when you stepped off the docks, and you immediately directed him to Eliza’s palace. When you knocked on the door, to your surprise, it was answered by your nephew, Phillip, now fourteen years old. You hugged him tightly.
“Where is your mother, Phillip?” you asked as you released the boy.
“At the store, I believe. But father’s just upstairs, in his office.”
You thanked the young boy before rushing up the stairs and into Thomas’s office.
His eyes widened at the sight of you. “(Y/N)?”
“I came as soon as I heard,” you said flatly.
“Oh, (Y/N), thank God,” he rose and walked towards you, taking your hands and trying to kiss it “someone who understands what I’m struggling here to do-” he paused as you snatched your hand away from him.
“Congratulations, Thomas.”
He looked at you confused.
“You have invented a new kind of stupid! A damage you could never undo kind of stupid, an open all the cages in the zoo kind of stupid! Truly, you didn’t think this through, did you?”
You gestured with your hands as you spoke. “Let's review, shall we? You two a rumor a few-what was it, three- people knew and refuted it by sharing an affair of which no one has accused you!” You got close to his face, saying, “Thomas, I begged you to take a break and you refused to.”
Now you were pacing and speaking loudly. “You’re so scared of what your enemies will do to you when in reality you’re the only enemy you ever seem to lose to! Do you know why Jefferson can do as he pleases? He doesn’t dignify schoolyard taunts with a response! So yes, congratulations, Thomas.”
“You’ve redefined your legacy. No, really! Congratulations,” you said, walking out.
“It was an act of political sacrifice!” he exclaimed.
You stopped in your tracks, looking back at him bewildered. “Sacrifice? Thomas Holland, you know nothing of sacrifice.”
“What does that mean?”
“Thomas, I languished in a loveless marriage in London, I lived only to read your letters. I look at you and think “God, what have we done with our lives, and what did it get us?” It doesn’t wipe all the years or all my tears away, but I’ve returned to Larione, and this time I’m here to stay. Do you know what I’m here to do, Thomas?”
“(Y/N)...” he said, coming close to you and cupping your face.
As much as it pained you to do so, you grabbed his hand, tearing it from your face, and saying, “I’m not here for you.”
Thomas sighed, tears burning in his eyes.
You felt the anger begin to rise again as you spoke, “I know my sister like I know my own mind! You will meet a more gentle, kind, trusting soul. I love my sister more than anything in this life! If it comes to choosing between her happiness and mine, I will choose hers every time! Yelizaveta is the best person in our lives, so never again make the mistake of forgetting that you have been blessed with the best wife! For the rest of your life, every sacrifice you make is for my sister, you be sure to give her the best life!”
You raised your hand and slapped him as hard as humanly possible and turned to leave. You paused in the doorframe, turning back to him. “Putting what we had aside, I’m going to find my sister and I am going to stand by her side. I already know “you could never be satisfied.” God, I hope you’re satisfied.” And with that, you were gone.
Your night was spent whispering comforting words to your younger sister, remarking to her “Oh, my dear Eliza, I fear you have married an Icarus. He has flown too close to the sun.”
You did in fact stay in Larione, just as you had told Thomas you would, choosing to relocate to the Fadar da Zuri. It was frowned upon by the public that you, the Empress of Jimbaari, were staying in a palace outside of your country without a husband or some other guardian, but you didn’t care. Your sister and her happiness were all that mattered to you. You prayed for your sister’s happiness. You also prayed that she’d forgive Thomas. Not, in fact, because of your love for Thomas, but rather as you didn’t want anything weighing on your sister’s gentle soul.
As for your ever most complicated relationship with Thomas, you barely interacted with him, not speaking to him when at their home and not writing to him. Though sometimes, you would catch him staring at you with such deep longing that it made your heart ache. And it pained you so deeply, because you knew you couldn’t have been more in love with him- even after his betrayal. So, pray you did. Prayed for your sister’s inner peace, and your own, prayed for the well being of the children, and prayed begging the lord why in all his goodness, he would cause you the utmost pain by bringing that foolish soldier Thomas Holland into their lives.
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karasuno-chaos · 4 years
Making the Bed (Bokuto x Reader)
How can someone be so dumb and so sincerely loveable at the same time?  Bokuto is an absolute treasure.-Giz
Word Count:  1,512
Fluffvember masterlist
“I still can’t believe you’ve never properly made a bed.”
Your boyfriend shrugs, dumping the sheets in a pile on the bare mattress.
“It never seemed that important.”
“But weren’t you confused when you moved out and had to make your own bed?  Or you went to a hotel or slept over at someone’s place and those beds were all neatly put together?”
He shrugs again and gives you that bright, easy grin that you love.  You’re always amazed at how unbothered he is by the details of normal life.  Things like stoves and raincoats and fitted sheets are unnecessary complications.  Bokuto’s simplicity is genius even in its childishness, and you admire it even when it frustrates you.
“I know your mother must have shown you how to make your bed at some point,” you insist as you attempt to detangle the bundle of fabric.
“She probably did and I just forgot.”
“Or you didn’t pay attention in the first place,” you tease, tossing an empty pillowcase at him.  He hits it out of the air with a chuckle.
“Alright then, today you’re going to learn properly.  I want your full attention.”
“Oho?”  He lifts an eyebrow, golden eyes sparkling with mischief.  “Like I could ever look away from you.”
“I need you to focus on the bedding, not me.  If I’m going to be too much of a distraction, I’ll convince Akaashi to come teach you instead.”
“You want to invite Akaashi over?  Let’s do it.  We can have a movie night!”
“No, that’s not what I’m saying.”  You sigh exasperatedly, but you should’ve known name-dropping one of his best friends would be a distraction.  Your boyfriend adores his friends, and he’s easygoing enough to be friends with almost everyone.  You love that about him, but you aren’t going to invite anyone over until the bed is made.
You’ve been living with your boyfriend for a few weeks now, and it has definitely required adjustments from both of you.  You’d known about many of his unconventional habits beforehand, but you’re still discovering quirks in his lifestyle that really made you question how he’s survived since moving out of his parents’ house.
When you’d hauled your suitcase into the bedroom a few weeks ago, you’d taken the jumble of sheets on the bed as a sign that Bokuto had intended to wash them before your first night officially living together.  A few days later, after he’d innocently asked where that wonderful scrunchy blanket had gone--it had taken you several minutes to figure out he was talking about the fitted sheet--you’d had to reconcile with the fact that Bokuto doesn’t know how to properly make his bed.  You are determined to change that.
“Koutarou, I’m serious,” you say, reaching across the mattress to grab his chin and hold his gaze. “I need you to focus and learn this, or else I’ll be sleeping on the couch until you figure it out yourself.”
“Then I’ll just sleep on the couch with you.”
“Not allowed.  It’s not big enough for all of your beef as well as me.”
“But babe,” he whines, a pout beginning to form on his face.  You know if he sinks into emo mode, you’ll never get the bed made.  It’s a good thing you have an instant remedy for his mood swings.
“I know you can do this.”  You lean in to give him a kiss, and when you pull away, his full attention is on you.  You’ve always loved the cheeky grin he gets when anticipating victory after a challenge.
“Ready to get started?” you ask, releasing his chin to grab the fitted sheet.
“Hang on.”  He reaches out for you and draws you back to him with a hand at the back of your neck.  He smiles into the kiss, and you can’t stop the giggle that escapes your throat.  Your boyfriend is a big goof, but you wouldn’t have it any other way.  The kiss is just earnest enough that you’re tempted to brush off the laundry lesson, but then Bokuto pulls away.
“Okay, let’s do this.”
“Right,” you chuckle.  “Grab the other end of this sheet.”
“The wonderful scrunchy blanket,” he grins, and you roll your eyes but don’t bother correcting him.
“Let’s start at the top.”  You push aside the bare pillows and other sheets.  “First we tackle these corners.”
It takes you a bit to find the right side of the fitted sheet.  Once you convince Bokuto to stop pretending the sheet is a parachute, you tuck in the top corners.
“Make sure you get it pulled tight,” you advise, “or it’ll pull right off and we’ll have to redo everything.”
“I always wondered how everyone got the bottom cover so flat,” he hums, easily lifting his side of the mattress to snap the corner into place.  The ease with which he exerts his strength sparks fondness in you.  “I just thought they had fancy fabric shrinkwrap or something.”
You burst into laughter.  Bokuto maintains a straight face as he watches you, but amusement glints in his eyes.
“Fabric shrinkwrap,” you repeat.  “It’s not a bad idea.  Maybe you can make it the next big invention and save millions of people the pain of making the bed.”
“Maybe I should.  This already seems like too much work as it is.”
“Well we’re almost done with the hardest part.  The third corner is always trickiest because it pulls the whole sheet tight, so it can be hard to get into place.  Want to give it a try?”
Once again, he lifts the mattress with ease, and you swear the movement must have shifted the corner you’d covered, because as Bokuto pulls the sheet towards him, it flies off the top corner, undoing half of your work.  He drops the mattress and blinks before a cheeky grin spreads across his face.
“What were you saying about making sure it’s pulled tight?”
Your responding sigh turns into a shriek as you’re pulled onto the mattress.  Your boyfriend bundles both of you into the fitted sheet with the ease of someone with ample experience doing so.
“You just undid all of our hard work,” you scold as he hugs you to his chest.
“Why bother with all of that when we can just snuggle like this instead?”
You have to admit that there is an appealing coziness in the cocoon he’s made with the fitted sheet.  It’s less thick than a sleeping bag, but you’re plenty warm when sharing the little space with your boyfriend.  You wouldn’t mind napping like this once in a while, but it feels too confined for a full night’s sleep.  Still, it might be worth taking a break and resting for a bit.  Bokuto is already settling into his hold around you.  You can feel the comforting warmth of his breath against your scalp as he presses his lips to the crown of your head.  Absentmindedly, you trace patterns across his back and sigh happily while you listen to his heartbeat.
This is why you didn’t make plans this afternoon.  Bokuto almost always gets distracted during the most basic of chores, and half the time, you let yourself get distracted, too.
“Hm?”  You feel the warm rumble of his reply in his chest.
“I’d like to get this done before dinner.”
He chuckles and leans back to look at you.  The way the sheet is compressing his hair reminds you of his messy bedhead and how much you’ve enjoyed waking up with him every morning over the past few weeks.
“Okay.”  He kisses the tip of your nose fondly.  “I’ll be good.”
“You always are,” you promise, and you mean it.  Even when he’s distracted, he’s the best.
After untangling from each other and the sheet, you get back to work.  Bokuto is much more focused, and you tackle the fitted sheet with ease.  Progress slows when you get to tucking in the corners of the top sheet at the bottom of the mattress.  You have to explain the method and demonstrate a few times, but you’re satisfied that he’s figured it out in the end.  You narrowly manage to avoid a pillow fight when the pillowcases come into play, but once you step back to observe the final product, you can’t help but smile.
“Good job,” you hum, wrapping an arm around his waist and patting his chest.
“I had a good teacher.”  He kisses your temple.
“Well then, what do you want for dinner?”
Rather than replying, he flops onto the bed, and once again you’re shrieking as he pulls you down with him.
“What are you doing?” you laugh.
“Taking a nap.  I’m tired after all of that work.”
“Was it really that bad?” you ask, though you’re snuggling against him.  There are still a few hours before dinner, and you figure he’s earned some cuddles for his efforts.
“It was worse than practicing receives for an hour.”
Knowing your boyfriend, he’d love to practice receives all afternoon.  You chuckle, relaxing in his embrace.
“Whatever you say, babe.”
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girlandthedarkness · 4 years
Lin Beifong x Reader
kind of a sequel to this headcanon with Lin Beifong
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The advantage to be the Avatar's friend is that you not only travel different places with her, you as well make a wide circle of friends and acquaintances. So it's not a surprise that you joined the search for new airbenders after the Harmonic Convergence. You were glad to find new airbenders with Korra and her friends, you thought that Lin will be against that, but she tells you to do what you please.
- Are you not mad? You ask thoughtful
- You know I never could be mad at you, also, spirits know, this group need someone who can think. She said with a small smile.
The journey was intense, and without any success, only one airbender has joined you. Ba Sing Se was even a bigger mess, the queen holds airbenders hostage for her own army, the blood in your veins was boiling. How dare she hold these people? You thought nothing could calm you down, It was until you saw your girlfriend who notice your anger and sadness. She learns about your situation and warns Korra about Red Lotus, whose members had escaped. Later, when the airbenders were safe, she holds you in her arms while you let all the emotions through tears.
- I saw enough of Ba Sing Se, remind me never to come here. You said while Lin just let a small laugh.
You were so excited when you heard that another airbender was found in a city entire made of metal. But you knew something was wrong the moment you saw Lin's face when she heard about Zaofu. Her frown became even deeper and she looked rather annoyed, insisting to turn back to Republic City. You stayed silent as Korra and Lin had a fight about if they should return to Republic City or collect a new airbender. They decided the last one.
- Something's wrong? You asked when you two retired to yours shared room.
She sighs heavily and gives you a painful glance, instinctive you pulled her closer to your body and give her a bear hug, so she knew that you're here for her.
- It's ok if you don't want to talk about it. You said concerned
- There's someone in Zaofu that I don't want to come face to face with. she said so low that it was almost a whisper
- Who? You question impatiently
- My sister.
When you arrived in Zaofu, Lin chose to remain inside the airship, instructing the group to not tell that she came along with them. You roll your eyes, the last night the only thing she told you was that she doesn’t want to face her sister because of a big conflict they had in the past. You tried to reason her why she should encounter her sibling, but she was way too stubborn to see your point.
Aiwei show you the city, the statue of Toph Beifong, who invented the metal bending. You with Bolin were so thrilled to see the city, their buildings and architecture.
 - You are so lucky to date the Toph's daughter. He said, whispering to you.
You giggle at these words
- Well, you lucky enough to try and learn the metal bending, at this word he let a deep sigh
- I hope.
You meet the matriarch of the city at dance rehearsal, you let a surprised sigh, because she looks so much like Lin, perhaps both of them look very much like Toph? Probably you never saw her in real life, only the statues and some portraits in the books.
Suyin named all of your group members, giving you a smile.
- I heard you are a wonderful healer?
- Yes, she is, the answer for you Korra, but also one of the best fighters. You heard a tone of pride in her voice and suddenly you felt shy.
Your discussion was interrupted by Aiwei who leans to Suyin and whispered something in her ear. You frown deeply when you saw that, looking at you Korra smiles, because this face reminds her so much of a certain Police Chief. But you realized they knew there was someone else on the ship, because of the seismic sense, such being the case why you could never give Lin sneak hugs.
- Aiwei says that there is someone on your ship?
- I told you Y/N, its Chief Beifong, for some reason she didn't want to come with us?
- Lin is here?
- Do you know her? Ask Korra dumbfounded
- Didn't she told you about me? Y/N notice the hurt in her voice
- Suyin is her sister, Lin's sister. You offer clarity
After the reveal, everyone suddenly developed the ability to walk fast, you barely could to hold the pace. They rushed so fast, that you were the last one to enter. When you come into the ship the intense atmosphere could be almost touched. Two Beifong's siblings gaze at one another and then the hell gets loose. They accused each other of so many things, such as tearing apart the family, Suyin accused her sister of not making any contacts with her in thirty years. You saw the almost ashamed stare in Lin's eyes at this word, so you moved to her side to bring a little bit of comfort since everybody looked for some reason so betrayed.
- Y/N why don't you tell us? Wonder Bolin
- I thought you didn't have secrets from me?  Korra asks a little bit hurt
At first she was shocked when you reveal your relationships with Chief Beifong, after that she enjoyed to tease you about it. But then the reality hit her, you started to spend so much time with Chief Beifong, that she internally always rolls her eyes. Isn't chief very busy woman? It bugs her how you depart from her, she was so happy to spend some time with you at home, but then Unalaq happened. She was relieved when you decided to help them to find the new airbenders, but then Chief joined them and it was once again you and Lin.
- I'm sorry that I didn't tell you, you started to apologize, but that's not my secret to decide to reveal it or not. Also, I thought we came here to meet the airbender? You try to pretend you don't see Su's intense gaze.
- It's my daughter, Opal. Finally said Suyin
You were holding Lin's forearm, while Suyin decided to introduce her family, you wonder if it's for the whole group or only for Lin. She started with her twin sons, Wei and Wing, who were playing power disk, something they invented. She proceeds to introduce to Huan, a metal bending sculptor, to his delight you let go of the Chief hand to take a closer look at his work.
- It's so beautiful and unusual, you smiled when you heard a small noise produced by Lin.
- Finally, said with pride Huan, someone who understands art.
While Suyin takes you to meet her daughter you came closer to Korra.
- Listen, I'm sorry that I didn't say to you anything, but as I said it's not my secret.
- Well of course it's not, it was yours and Beifong's secret, one of the many I guess. She said with a huff
- What do you mean? You looked puzzled
- I'm ok that you two dating, I'm even ok that Chief keeps her secrets, but you are my friend and I met you first, she said, looking at Lin who clearly could hear them, the last one rolled her eyes.
- I'm still your friend and I care about you, I'm sorry that I didn't pay you a lot of attention. You said sadly
- No Y/N, I'm sorry, Korra stoped you while everyone keeps moving, I guess I'm just a little bit jealous, she gazed ashamed to ground.
- I guess we both are guilty. You said, taking Korra in a warm embrace that she returned.
You meet Opal soon after, the young woman expresses so much of delight over meeting her aunt. But still mad at her sister Lin dismissed girl's joy, receiving a disapproving look from you. On the other hand, you are pleasant to encounter with her.
- I like your hairstyle, she said with a smile
- I can try to make you a similar one.
- So we have the airbender, we should turn back to Republic City where I can protect Korra from members of the Red Lotus. Your chatter was interrupted by Lin.
- Zaofu is the safest city in the world, I assure you, Avatar Korra is secure here.
You admired the Huan's sculptures when you saw a shadow approaching you.
- There's something stunning in metal, you said while turn around to see Suyin, perhaps the way sun reflex on it.
- Bolin said you see my sister. She said with a small smile
- By see you mean dating? You chuckle.
- So it's true, I never thought she would find someone who will bear her.
- She's not how you all portray her, just because she doesn’t show off all of her emotions, don't mean she is evil and have none. You rant, not in the mood to listen how your girlfriend is bad.
- I'm sorry, I didn't mean anything malicious, but sometimes she's so stubborn. She let a long sigh from her lungs.
- Well, I'm pretty sure not only her since you had such a big fight that destroyed your relationships. You said still defensively of Lin
- You right, I guess we didn't just inherit earthbending from our mother. She said with a smile, that you return. After that the silence fell between you two.
- I want to make up for the way we meet today, do you know how?
- I need to know as much embarrassing stories as you can recall about Lin. You said with a sly smile on your face.
It was early morning, the early fight between two Beifongs still fresh in your head, you were so scared that they will hurt each other. But when Lin lost her consciousness, your heart skipped a beat, you tried to heal her, but except some small scratches, she is physically healthy. It was a deep emotional wound, that sadly your healing can't even touch. You smile slightly at the peaceful face, no frowning, just Lin. You saw her eyes moving underneath her eyelids.
- How many times should I say to not look at me while I'm sleeping, I can feel it. She said without any malice
-You scared me to death, you get closer to her body on the bed
- I'm sorry, she said while she opened fully her eyes and moved her head to your chest
- How do you feel?
- Relieved.
- Do you want to talk about it?
- Maybe other times, did you even get any sleep? She asks with a concern in her voice
- I couldn't, not until I'm sure you're alright.
She lifts her head from your chest and look at your face.
- You look ill, she said with a small smile. I think you need to sleep.
With that word she switches your position and now your head is on her chest. You raise your head to give a kiss on her lips, after you settled down, she kissed you on the cheek
- Goodnight Lin. You said almost falling asleep
- Goodnight Y/n. she put you closer drifting away as well.
A/N: “Kinda cheesy end, but this woman deserves some happiness. It was supposed to be a comfort Lin small fanfic, but it gets out of my hands and become my biggest English work”
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hendrickfw · 3 years
A ray of hope/LU AU
The end was near. An enormous asteroid, a hundred kilometers wide, was about to impact Earth. The last time it happened was about seven hundred years ago, during the golden years of heroism. A young white duck astronomer wearing a red jacket watched through his telescope, noting the object getting closer to Earth.
-Jet? Please turn off the light and get to sleep.
Jet´s brother, Turbo, was sleeping in a blue pajama. He stood up and walked to his brother.
-I can´t. I´m a witness of a cosmological event never seen before!
-Wait. Space, you mean?
Turbo loved space. He pushed his brother apart and started watching through the telescope. His eyes opened wide at the incredible sight of the rock.
-Guys, someone is trying to sleep here- said Rebel, putting his pillow over his head.
Jet, Turbo, and Rebel were triplets, all brothers of the large Duck family. They lived in Acmetropolis in their uncle´s Nash Duck house. Their mother traveled through all the galaxy, so she rarely was with them. The trio also passed their time with their uncle Ebenezer McDuck.
Rebel went with them after his complaints were unheard. He used some green pajamas. He wasn´t so happy about being out of bed.
-Wow, that´s so cool! You never told me a pink lady was flying over there!- exclaimed Turbo, making Jet curious.
-Pink lady? What are you talking about?
Jet pushed his brother and started watching through the telescope, impressed by the phenomenon before his eyes. A strange pink-dressed woman flying near the asteroid fired some kind of ray to it. The meteor was destroyed, although some debris continued its trajectory to Acmetropolis.
-That´s impossible! That is some abnormal event! How is a woman able to fly? What did she fire? Why...?
-Kids. What are you doing?
Another white duck opened the door. He was Nash, the uncle of the ducklings. He seemed mad after seeing his nephews out of bed late at night.
-Nothing, Uncle Nash- responded the three, hiding the telescope behind them.
-You should be sleeping. Remember that tomorrow we´ll visit your uncle Ebenezer.
-Ok, Uncle Nash- the trio responded again in unison.
The ducklings returned to bed, ready for the next day. Although, the strange event they have just seen got them intrigued.
While they were sleeping, some meteor debris fell to the city with some cosmic energy. Fortunately, it wouldn´t affect any individual. Right?
Acmetropolis University
It was a summer day in the city. The people could feel the heat of the day. There was, at least, one person, or animal, without that kind of problem. He was Tech E. Coyote, a Ph.D. student of the Technology Department of the biggest and most important university in the city.
Tech, as his ancient name suggests, was a coyote with brown fur. His green eyes, concentrated on his latest invention, still showed a wild persona, but also wisdom. He was wearing a lab coat. Despite someone's sound entering into the lab, his concentration didn't leave the device in front of him. Smith Pierce, Tech's professor, entered the lab. The coyote did not hear his presence until he felt someone touch the chair where he was sitting.
“You should rest. We're going to have a meal with the rest of the class at Pizza Fest. You coming?”
“I don't think so, sir. If I want to investigate the astrological phenomenon of the time, I must finish the intercosmic suit.”
Of course, the genius knew about the asteroid in the direction of the planet and wanted to investigate it closely. Very close. Smith, as much as he wanted to convince Tech to get out, knew he wouldn't make it. The professor sighed and walked out.
“If you change your mind, we will be waiting for you. Warner Street corner with Mouse.”
Tech nodded from afar, still adjusting the suit's protection systems. There wasn't much time, as the asteroid would arrive in a few days.
“You know? If you listened to me, I'd introduce you to my friend the roadrunner. Both could complement each other very well in the lab” asked a female voice. Tech had to start paying more attention to his surroundings while he was working.
“The delivery guy? You know I don't trust working with anyone since Casey, Lexi.”
After Smith's departure came Lexi Bunny, a tan fur bunny. She didn't study anything related to science. Instead, she was an athlete. She had been a cheerleader in high school and was now looking to pursue basketball. Despite this, she had taken some physics and engineering courses (specially to learn more about those subjects than his brother) under Tech's mentoring. Since then, they have become good friends, although Tech has had confidence issues.
And that's why Lexi wants to include him in ger close group of friends. In addition to the roadrunner whose name went through Rev, there was his older brother Ace. Rev also claimed to have two friends who would introduce them today. Just the ideal situation to take Tech.
“Today Rev will introduce me and my brother some friends. You should come, it'll be fun.”
“I can't. I have to finish this before I miss the opportunity.”
“Then do it as a favor. Remember the time you...?”
When Lexi pursued an objective, she usually made it. That's what he admired her. Well, he had to admit that, from the few times they'd come out, he'd had more fun than usual. Maybe he'd do the same this time, even though there'd be more people outside of her brother and herself.
“All right, all right. I 'm going. Just help me put some things in store” the most he tried to hide his smile, he just couldn't. He really enjoyed the company of the bunny.
As they both began to pack the objects Tech used, Tech recalled a recent comment from the bunny. That would serve to kill the silence in which they were involved.
“And... are you sure you want to do it?”
“I don't know. It's a big step and, so far, Ace hasn't taken it well.”
“We can postpone it so you can think about it better, discuss it with him and, well, with me. We haven't decided everything.”
“Doesn't it bother you? It's a decision that's yours too.”
“Not at all. I'd rather you be comfortable, specially.”
Lexi felt unsure of the action to take, but at least she was happy to have Tech's support. It was comforting to some extent.
Once they both finished storing everything, they left the University and walked to the city subway, from where they took transportation to downtown. Tech felt somewhat uncomfortable about being in such unhygienic, crowded environments, but at least having Lexi by his side giving him conversation took those thoughts out of his head. Soon they arrived and took to the streets of the metropolis. A short time passed, and they entered the Pizzarriba establishment.
Pizzarriba was a pizza restaurant created in the 21st century, miraculously afloat after losing almost all its establishments to Pizza Fest. Luckily, the original restaurant was still standing. It continued to maintain the same style as in its founding years, specially to attract customers.
Lexi, followed by Tech, walked through the door. It was Tech's first time on the establishment. Lexi quickly ran to one of the tables. Tech recognized her brother, Ace, whose grey fur was unmistakable for the coyote. He wore a jacket and jeans, his typical outfit after finishing his auditions. He was the only one on site, probably saving space for the group. The table was big. How many friends would the roadrunner bring?
- What's up, Doc? Ace asked Tech after hugging and greeting her sister.
-Hi, Ace.
Ace gave room for both of them to sit down. Lexi sat next to him and Tech was left next to her. Before they could start chatting, the three of them heard the door of the restaurant open with an unusual sound of someone talking.
“... a-robot-commissioned-by-my-dad-so-I-had-to-look-for-a-replacement-and-you-know-how-difficult-it-is-to-find-a-modulator-at-the-middle-of-desert-so-I-improvised-putting-together-several-remnants-of-old-inventions-with-something-of-cheese--which-reminds-me-have-you-proven-this-pizza-is-delicious-and-look-there-are-my-friends-hello-Ace-Lexi-and-you-should-be-Tech-is-a-pleasure-Lexi-told-me-a lot-about-you-and-your-inventions-sound-awesome...”
Tech started to feel dizzy. He didn't know what it could be, but it started a little after the roadrunner arrived. By focusing on his problem, he failed to hear the last words of him, at least until Lexi interrupted him.
“Hello Rev. Tech, he is the friend I have told you about.”
Tech tried to return to his posture and reached out to say hello. He didn't expect a loud, quick handshake from the roadrunner. He heard that he continued to speak with the same speed and joviality, which caused the coyote more dizziness. It was nothing to his liking. Rev was the typical roadrunner one could find in the desert, with blue plumage on the body and violet on the tail. He was wearing a sports suit because he probably was used to run a lot. After the introduction, Rev returned with his friends and introduced them.
“He-is-Slam-the-Tasmanian-demon-and-he-is-a-professional-fighter-and-very-good-at-it-I must-admit...”
Slam was a little bigger than the average Tasmanian demon. He was huge in Lexi's opinion, but behind his smile she saw the personality of someone friendly rather than intimidating. They hoped it would, even though Lexi didn't hesitate. Tech failed to understand Slam's growls, but by his raised hand he suspected it was a greeting.
“... and-he-is-Duck-and-between-him-my-brother-Rip-and-I-we-are-best-friends-practically-brothers-or-what-do-you-say?”
The black duck was crossing his arms, without saying a word. Everyone noticed that he looked coldly at Ace, who looked back at him the same way.
“Rev, I didn't know you knew the duck.”
“Umm-yes-why-do-you-know each other?”
"Unfortunately," Duck replied.
"And this got awkward," Tech said louder than he wanted. Slam made sounds agreeing.
The three newcomers sat in front of those who were already there. The large size Slam occupied in the chair explained the size of the reserved table. Lexi was the first to break the tension when she saw Duck's shirt.
“Where did you get that? I've been looking for that shirt for centuries!”
Duck watched his shirt. He changed his expression of discomfort to a smirk. He looked at the bunny pointing at his shirt.
“This shirt? Please, the biggest fans of Duck Dodgers are the only ones who can carry them.”
“Well, lady, it is your lucky day. I´m the Duck Dodgers fan club leader so I may allow you to join us. Do you know where we are?”
“Please give me something easy. Here was Dodgers' first fight in 2021 during the concert of a famous band of the time.”
“2021? Wasn't he a hero in 2500?” Ace asked, intrigued or her sisters´ knowledge of the character. He knew of her love for the hero, but not how much she had dived into his history.
“Actually, no. It's a common mistake. Duck Dodgers debuted at this restaurant in the 21st century but is best known for his heroics in the 25th century. Besides, it wasn't at a concert by a famous band of the time. The Caballeros were not popular when they played in the incident" corrected Tech. Everyone looked at him and Tech felt uncomfortable. “What? You can't be the only ones interested in superheroes.”
“Told you” bragged Lexi to her brother with a big smirk.
"Sure, I already knew that." Duck bragged too, though everyone distrusted his sincerity.
“Wouldn’t-it-be-amazing-to-have-superpowers-or-what-do-you-think-guys?” Rev asked with his speaking speed. “I-mean-I-already-run-fast-but-I-wouldn´t-be-annoyed-if-I-was-faster-or-which-powers-would-you-guys-like-to-have?”
"Definitely jump higher, be able to reach places I couldn´t." Lexi replied, already knowing the answer.
“Besides the intellect, which I already possess, probably some form of technokinesis. It would be helpful to me when working.” Tech replied, showing off and being honest at the same time.
Slam made incomprehensible sounds to others again, but Rev interpreted them as the ability to eat more.
“I don't want superpowers. With my agility I could kick any thief” said Ace confidently.
“Finally, you share my opinion, Ace. I wouldn't need either. Duck Dodgers never needed. I just need my natural duck strength.” Duck added.
“Where was that strength when you needed my help moving a ladder in the supermarket, Duck?” The others couldn't help but laugh a little bit about the anecdote.
“The ones with wheels to move around, Ace?”
“Nice deduction, Tech.”
"You are despicable..."
The afternoon passed quickly and was fun, even for Tech or Duck, who were the most apathic. After eating the pizza and getting to know each other a little better, everyone returned to their homes. Everyone had their own responsibilities to attend.
Rev was the first to get home thanks to his speed, despite being the one who lived the farther away. The roadrunner arrived at his parents' house. Ralph, his father, greeted him immediately, diverting the little attention paid to his son Rip. He asked his favorite son to help him build his new Robo-Amigo as Rip was too "inexperienced" in the robotics area. Without hesitation the roadrunner arrived to the garage, where he began to work.
Slam, after lunch, arrived at the arena where he had a contract to fight. At the moment his fights were against unexperienced players, as his sponsor, Pierre Le Pew, still kept him to fight the great cup champion for later. The demon didn't want to serve just cheap entertainment because he wanted to have fun with the fights, besides being able to have an extra income if it wasn't too much, because the economy wasn't going well lately for him.
Duck came to his apartment, which was extremely messy, with dirty laundry all over the place. It looked like a homeless man lived there. And, honestly, it was near the truth. Despite the ducks´ confident and arrogant behavior, Duck was nothing but a drag on society. Not even that house was his: it was an unpaid hotel room for four months. Duck's life was miserable, and he knew it very well. Only his job of picking up trash from a public pool said it all. Duck threw himself in his bed and looked at a photograph of his adoptive parents, dead at that point. Duck missed them and would do anything to bring them back. It was the best thing that ever happened to him.
Tech returned to college, to the same lab where he spent the rest of the week working. He was already late and had to continue with his armor. He had Lexi's insecurity in mind. The coyote hoped she could solve the problem. But the voice of the roadrunner didn't go out of his mind either. In truth, listening to him speak so much, with that force and speed caused him a terrible headache. He didn't dislike him, on the contrary, they were almost “birds of a feather”, but that voice detail was still there.
Lexi and Ace returned to their apartment. It was humble, the best they could get. With Lexi's scholarship and Ace's salary as a stunt, it was the best they could rent. It was cozy, but Lexi wanted to change. Between the two brothers several discussions had been emerging and Lexi thought the best was to take some time apart. Luckily, she had found support in a coyote, who was willing to share the same roof with her. It was a possible way out.
Ace, meanwhile, was saddened by the constant conflicts with his sister. He understood that she needed her space and was no longer a child, but he was the older brother and their parents had commissioned him to protect her. Was he wrong to want to do his job?
But, despite each other's problems, the same event brought them together. It wasn't their meeting at Pizzarriba. At about 6:30, they all fainted without any apparent explanation. It was only a matter of time before someone noticed and they were taken to the hospital.
Some general stuff. This is my AU fanfiction of Loonatics Unleashed where the heroes have some solo adventures before they form the team. This is an awfully done introduction. I don´t really trust my English writing abilities, so please tell me if you find any grammatical mistake. If any hero wants to help me with that part I will not be able of thank you enough.
I finally decided to make it a shared universe with my other fanfiction: Los Tres Caballeros viajan de nuevo. I´m not sure if I´ll use any characters referencing that story because I want to focus on the show cast. For now I just want to put the important pieces on place before starting everything.
And feel free to comment. I´ll try to upload more but, I´m finishing this semester and the exams and essays will take my time. Anyway, for those shippers, I may have some Tech/Lexi at the start but I´ll transition it to Tech/Rev and Danger/Lexi.
I hope you like it and happy weekend to everyone.
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misskatebishop · 3 years
Tumblr media
Make my messes matter
Word count: 2090
Pairing: Steve x Tony
Warning: Hurt/Comfort.
Summary: Tony has a bad day at home and Steve comforts him.
Tony rests his head against the cold metal, holding tightly his bag against his chest. He closes his eyes while the music fills his surroundings. It’s almost midnight and he has nowhere to go. Nowhere to sleep. Tony feels the tears prick his eyes, biting his lower lip to not allow a sob to come out. He’ll not cry. Not anymore.
He didn’t do anything wrong, but Howard never believes him. Not surprising, though. Yet, being kicked out of the house wasn’t something he was expecting. Of course, he had plans to move out from his parents long ago, but he’d never put them in order. He hoped that he would have more time. More time to build and secure life for himself. A life where he wouldn’t need Howard’s money to survive. But at 18, life isn’t what anyone expects it to be.
It’s a funny and ironic story that he wanted to grow up when he was a kid, and now he wishes he was a kid again. He wishes he didn’t have to worry so much or feel so overwhelmed at such a young age. But he’s Tony Stark and people expect better of him. They expect too much when all Tony wants is to work on his own projects. He wasn’t ready to assume a high post in his father’s company. Not yet. There was so much he wanted to do.
So many places to go. So many things to see, to listen to, to touch, to know. He didn’t want to spend his life in an office, barking orders around, filing paperwork. He wanted so much more to himself. Of course, Howard couldn’t see it that way. He said he was tired of Tony’s excuses to assume his place in the world, he was tired of having supported him his entire life, just for Tony to refuse when he’s offered the post of director in the R&D department. In fact, he’s tired of Tony. He’s been tired of his son long ago. And Tony was tired of living from crumbs. Crumbs of love. That’s not what life is supposed to be.
After Maria’s death, things just got worse. Howard became a constant burden on his shoulders, always asking and demanding more of him. As if he could never be enough. As if Howard had fed him his entire life just to reap the fruits of his work now. As if Tony owes him an entire life and that he should be paying back now. Tony couldn’t see an exit to himself. He couldn’t see a light out of that. He felt like a bird constantly locked in a cage. Unable to sing his beauty. To become what he was born to: fly freely. Spreading beauty in the world.
But Howard could never understand the meaning of such simple words as no, or I’m not ready or give me more time. He crushed Tony into expectations that he may never be capable of achieving. It hurts. So after being hit, insulted, mocked, he was done, then Howard screamed for him to get the hell out of his house. His house, he emphasized. After all, Tony couldn’t be more than a mere tenant living under his father’s roof while he worked out his life.
He’s so fucked up.
The automatic voice sounds inside the train, letting him know that he will descend in the next station. Tony sighs, looking at the empty wagon. There is some freedom in it, to be able to walk away and don’t look back. To be able to follow his own path. But for an eighteen-year-old, unemployed, and who just had graduated, freedom is always frightening. There isn’t any expectation of life. What could he do? He’d had to work his way out of this. To start job-hunting, and conciliate it with his master’s degree, which he just had been admitted to. Scary. Terrifying. So lost.
No prospect of life. No home. Just a few banknotes and his credit cards in his wallet. A couple of clothes in his bag. Nothing to offer. Why would someone take pity on him? Why would someone take him in?
Tony tucks his headphones inside his bag, holding on a post as the rails brakes, the sound is almost comforting for the fact that tonight he has a destination in mind. Tomorrow, he will think about somewhere else. But for tonight, he prays that he can count on Steve.
For his misfortune, Howard chose to kick him out at the moment that his closest friends were far away. He didn’t know Rhodey’s location since he was on a mission for the Air Force, and Pepper was in Vancouver for the next three months. He had nowhere to go, but Steve’s.
Tony was afraid of how Steve would react when he knocked on his door at… Tony glances down at his phone, 12:41 a.m. He had hung out with Steve before, he could say that they were friends. Steve is a good friend, actually, but Tony feels more for him than he’s able to voice and since he had embarrassed Steve at a party weeks ago, when he vomited on his shoes after drinking too much, then told him he loved him in front of everyone since then Tony hasn’t answered his calls or texts until he finally stopped receiving them.
Fate is a bitch, though, and here he is asking for shelter for the very same man.
Tony strides through the streets of Brooklyn, he doesn’t know the neighborhood very well, but he knows where Steve’s building is. Tony gasps, rubbing his hands together to warm them up a little bit. It’s November, but the weather gets especially cold at night. He can see his breath whenever he exhales. Tony hurries up the stairs, getting breathless easily due to his heart condition. At least, he’d remembered to pack his medication, only enough for the next two months, though.
Because being homeless and unemployed is not enough in his list of failures, he also had to have a chronic illness.
Tony stops before the door with the number 13. He raises a fist, taking a deep breath. Steve must be sleeping, and he hates the fact that he is about to disturb him. Tony looks at the stairs again, thinking that he could wait there until morning, but Steve would be mad if he knew that Tony didn’t call him. Tony knocks hard. Harder than he should. Maybe, he should call Steve’s phone, although, after weeks without any news from him, it would look weird. It was already weird standing here in the middle of the night after confessing. Tony raises a fist again, wondering if Steve would really get up and check the door but before he could knock again, the door opens.
“Tony?” Steve frowns, staring at him. He rubs his beautiful eyes. Tony feels helpless, unable to acknowledge the emotions in his features, he can’t tell what Steve might be thinking just looking at his face.
“Steve, I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you up, I-” Tony starts to say.
“You didn’t. I was watching a movie,” Steve says, looking at both sides of the corridor before stepping aside. “Come in.”
Tony does. Steve locks the door behind him, throwing the keys on the kitchen counter. His apartment is small, but it’s cozy and it serves Steve well. It feels warm inside here.
“What happened? Are you okay?” Steve takes Tony's bag from his shoulder, putting it on the couch. Tony sees a movie he doesn’t know playing on the TV and a blanket and cushions on the couch. “Are you hurt?” Steve’s blue eyes scan him from top to bottom.
“No. I-I am fine,” Tony assures him.
“C’mon here. You must be cold,” Steve goes to the kitchen, and Tony follows him timidly. “It’s still hot, I made it minutes ago.” Steve hands him a mug filled with hot chocolate. It smells so good and tastes incredible when Tony takes a sip. “Nothing better than hot chocolate to warm you up,” Steve smiles.
Tony agrees, adding in his mind that there’s nothing better than hot chocolate to push away the distress in his chest. Tony rubs his eyes, feeling them dry for the fact that he had cried earlier, and Steve must’ve noticed how red and swollen they are because he asks again:
“What happened, Tony?”
Tony ponders if he should tell the truth or just invent an excuse. He ends up with the truth because it’s Steve, and he hates lying to Steve.
“My father kicked me out. I have nowhere to go.”
Steve looks… He doesn’t know how Steve looks. Pitiful? Sad? Relieved? It’s hard to know. Steve is only three years older than him; they met in an art exposition months ago in the National Academy School of Fine Arts. Pepper is passionate about Arts, and she dragged Tony along that day. It was his lucky day that Steve was exposing his work there, they ended up talking and exchanging phone numbers. After that, Tony asked him out to a few parties, one of which embarrassed Steve in front of everyone. He couldn't forget about that. But nothing really happened between the two of them, except for some stares and slight brushing of hands.
“I’m sorry, Tony.”
“I don’t wanna bother you, but--”
“Of course you can stay, Tony,” Steve cuts him off, walking in his direction.
“Oh,” Tony lets out when Steve's big arms wrap around him, pulling him into a hug. “It feels nice.” Well, Tony didn’t have the intention to say it out loud. He steps back, breaking the hug. “I-I-” what?
“Yes, it felt nice, too,” Steve looks almost fond of him, but… Tony didn’t want to get attached. He couldn’t, what if Steve didn’t love him? Tony feels already loveless. He couldn’t bear the thought of being fed with crumbs again.
“Thanks,” Tony says, he passes through Steve to wash his now empty mug. “I really appreciate it. I didn’t think you would take me in after that party.”
Steve comes to his side, a frown on his face.
“What? Why?”
“I-I embarrassed you in front of everyone. I literally threw up on your shoes, then I--” Tony stutters nervously because he always feels nervous next to Steve. The blond always gives him butterflies in the stomach, he just can’t help it.
“Oh, no. Why,” Steve shakes his head, looking confused. “Why would you think that, Tony? You almost passed out. You leaned on me all the way back. Why would you think I was mad at you?”
“Why would you not?” Tony blurted out. “You took me to my house, and I--” Tony breathes deeply. “I thought I had embarrassed you in front of your friends, I made a scene, and I told you--” he stutters. “I-I didn’t want to make it weird to you. I understand if you--” Tony shakes his head, gulping. He couldn't help but frown when Steve laughed.
“I was more worried about you than embarrassed. Trust me, Tony. You didn’t call me to tell me you were okay the next morning. I was worried. You didn’t answer my calls either. I thought you had changed your mind about what you said,” Steve sounds… sorrowful.
Tony blinks. He really thought Steve was mad at him, he really thought… Did he really misunderstand it all? It wasn’t possible, right? Steve was just being his usual self, kind and nice. He couldn’t really...
“Wait, you…” Tony points to Steve.
“You didn’t embarrass me,” Steve shrugs. “I love you, too. I called to tell you that but you didn’t answer me.”
Tony wraps his arms around Steve’s neck, tiptoeing to reach his lips, aware of Steve’s hands sliding to his waist to support him. Tony tastes the hot chocolate in Steve’s mouth, and it somehow suits him because Steve smells like home. Everything about Steve is cozy, lovely, and adorable. Tony feels a warmth flowing through his body, the feeling of safety invades him. He knows he can trust Steve, somehow, he knows, he wants to believe that Steve will not abandon him. Perhaps, that’s a love that he can let himself get attached to.
Steve breaks the kiss, still keeping Tony in his tight embrace.
Tony rests his head against Steve’s chest. “You can stay for as long as you need, Tony,” Steve kisses the top of his head. “It’ll be okay. You’re gonna be okay.”
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ssatoritendou · 4 years
First Date
Pairing: kirishima/reader
eijirou kirishima 
Word count: 1.7k
+ summary: Your twin brother Tetsu sets you up with his hero bro Kirishima and you are both nervous for your first date 
Genre: Fluff 
Warning: none
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"Are you nervous?" Tetsutetsu asked you. "Why would I be nervous? You said he was a nice guy, Tetsu and that he liked me. It's not like I didn't like him. I think he's cute but now you are scaring me." "I'm sorry for scaring you, sis. He kind of has a crush on you. Now how are my hero costume improvements coming?" "Good. The steel is the same material as your quirk. So when you use it and are fighting villains it’s like double the power." "Thanks, ____." He pulled you into a hug and a kiss on the head. "Now, don't be nervous. I know Kirishima he will be a gentleman tonight. I'll see you later." He left the support course lab. There was an explosion in the neighboring lab, meaning that it must have been one of Hatsume’s inventions. 
"Hatsume are you ok?" "Tetsutetsu there's no problem just showing this one from 1A one of my inventions that would work well with his quirk." "Hatsume how many times do I have to tell you to call me ____ because then people confuse me with my brother." "Anyways kid what did you think of the invention?" She completely ignored my comment and turned her attention to the kid on the ground. I leaned over the table and saw Kirishima on the ground. "It was cool but I don't think it's for me, Hatsume." He said he was being kind to her. "Is it just me or are there 2 of you and 2 of ____!" He shouted your name at the end shocked that you were here in the lab. You giggled a little bit. "I'll take him to Recovery Girl. Can't have you get detention again for injuring the students. Come on Kiri." You helped him on his feet only for him to stumble a little back onto you. "Sorry." He said turning as red as his hair "It's ok. Just save it for tonight." You smiled at him. "Huh? Oh right." He rubbed his head. He looked like he might explode. "I'm sorry if I'm making you nervous. It's just cute to see you all flustered. Anyhow here we are at Recovery Girl's office. I'll tell her why and you just lay down." "Thank you." "Anytime." You walked over to Recovery Girl's desk. "Hi Recovery Girl Eijirou Kirishima got injured in the support course lab it was my fault. I accidentally bumped into him and he fell and hit his head on the table." "Are you sure it wasn't Hatsume with another of her inventions because I heard that explosion?" "Uh, sorry I lied. I just don't want Hatsume to get in trouble." "It's ok dear. Let me fix your friend and I'll tell him that you brought him here. Now go back to class." She rushed you out of the office.
"Kendo, Momo what are you guys doing here? Did something happen?" "No ____," Momo said reassuringly. "Tetsutetsu sent us over to help you get ready." "I'll help with your makeup and Momo will help you with your outfit." "Um ok. I was thinking about something simple and comfortable. Kirishima said it was going to be casual." "Hm. I think I got something. It will go with your complexion." Momo said while creating the outfit with her quirk. It was a pink corduroy skirt-all with a white sweater for underneath. "You should wear your hair up." "Um ok.” You pulled your hair up into a high ponytail. Kendou then started doing your makeup. When she was done you put on your brown leather knee-high boots. "If Kirishima doesn't end up drooling over you then he must be an idiot," Kendo said. "And I would blame Kaminari and Sero," Momo added. "Thank you, guys." You walked downstairs to see Kirishima waiting for you. Tetsu was there too. You gave him a look. 'What the hell are you doing here?' 'I wanted to make sure you were taken care of.' 'You aren't dad!' "Um, what are you guys doing?" Kirishima said. "It's a twin thing," Tetsu said. "You hurt her I will seriously kill you Kirishima." "Tetsu I suggest you take Kendou and Momo back to their dorms. After all, it's the manly thing to do." He rolled his eyes and went upstairs to retrieve the two girls. "I'm sorry for him. He thinks because we live in the dorms he has to be the father figure." "That is the manly thing to do." He said with a laugh. He looked at you for a minute. "You look...you look very nice. Beautiful, I mean. Damn, why can't I speak?" "Kirishima you look handsome." You kissed his cheek. "So where are you taking me?" "I was thinking about the arcade. But if you don't want to." "No that sounds perfect. Let's go." He held your hand as you walked to the train to go to the nearby mall that had this huge arcade. "We can eat before playing some games or we can play games and then eat?" "How about whoever ends up with the least amount of tickets has to buy the food?" "That doesn't seem fair. I mean I'm the man I should-" "No Kirishima. Just because you are a man isn't a good enough reason come on it will be fun." You whined like a child. "Ok. Ok." The two of you played a lot of games but when Kirishima heard your stomach growl he knew it was time to stop. Both of you counted the tickets. You had sadly lost but you paid for the meal. "So Tetsutetsu tells me that you can control metal with your mind." "Yeah pretty boring I guess compared to the hero course students." "Are you kidding my quirk! Your quirk seems so awesome. I really didn't like my quirk or ever think I have what it takes to be a hero." "Kirishima that's ridiculous. I mean Tetsu’s quirk is similar to yours but I think you are superior and you have natural people skills. You care about others and put them before yourself. That's the making of a great pro." "How is my quirk superior to Tetsutetsu’s?" "Easy. I can't control you with my mind and you won the arm wrestling match during the sports festival. I mean the things I got away with as a child because he did them. The number of cookies he has stolen for me." "What made you decide to be in the support course?" "I always liked making things with my quirk. Tetsu did convince me to take the hero course exam I passed it but I wasn't really interested in it. I rather make the pros better at their job than being involved in combat. Sorry about Hatsume earlier." "Don't worry I think all first years are used to it by now. She a crazy person." "Yep everyone knows that." "You were willing to take the fall for her?" "I didn't want her to get into trouble again. I mean if you had the chance to help Bakugou not get into a fight with someone wouldn't you try?" "I see your point. Damn Bakugou can be such a hot head sometimes but it is useful when it comes to combat." "Uh-huh sure but that's not all it takes to be a hero. You have to deal with civilians and you have to be kind to them. Bakugou isn't really good at reading people's emotions. But I barely know the guy he can be different with his friends." You shrugged. "I mean he can't be all that bad if you risked yourself for him." "He has a softer side when it comes to his friends. He's my best friend." "I'm guessing you are his." "I would like to think so." He said with a smile. "I have to use the bathroom I'll be right back." You left the table and went to the bathroom.
When you were done you saw a little girl crying looking around. "Hey, are you ok?" "I can't find my mommy." She sniffled. "Can you help me?" "Yeah sure. Maybe my friend can help too." You went back to the table to see Kirishima with a big teddy bear. "Huh, I came back with a teddy bear and you came back with a child. I guess you win?" "Um, my little friend here can't find her mommy. I figured that a hero in-training would be able to help me find her." He blushed a little. "Ok! Now little girl what is your name?" "______." "It's very nice to meet you ______. I'm Kirishima and this is ____. Now, do you remember the last place you saw your mommy?" "By the bowling alley." "We should go there first." He picked up ______. "Would you mind holding the teddy bear?" "No." You picked up the teddy bear and followed Kirishima. When you approached the bowling alley. "Do you see your mommy anywhere?" You asked leaning over to the girl in Kirishima’s arms. ______ looked around the alley. "There." She pointed at the women screaming at the manager. "Um, excused me?" The woman whipped her head towards you and took ______ out of Kirishima's arms. "Oh thank god you are alright. ______ never wander away from me again. Thank you so much. I hope she wasn't a pain." "It wasn't a problem ma'am," Kirishima said. "Thank you again." She said before leaving. "Bye ____! Bye Kirishima!" ______ yelled. "She was cute," Kirishima said. "We should probably start going back to school. I'll carry the bear." "You don't have to. Thank you for the bear." "It's the least I could do you did pay for dinner." "It was my pleasure," You said with a smile. "You know how early you said you thought it was cute when I got flustered?" "Yeah." "You are cute when you are smiling." You blushed a little. "Thank you." He walked you to the dorm room doors. "This is my stop. I had really fun tonight Kiri can we do it again next Friday?" "Yes of course. You can call me Eijirou." "Ok. See you later Eijirou." You kissed his cheek and walked back inside. Only to be met by Tetsutetsu. "Coming home late?" "We helped a little girl find her mom. It was the manly thing to do." "When you say that you make me feel bad for scolding you." "That's my point. Go back to your dorm before Vlad gives you detention." "You sound like Mom." "You sound like her too." "Ahh! I was trying to sound like Dad!" he yelled in defeat.
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aimee-maroux · 4 years
Plato-nic Love (Part I)
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I sadly didn’t finish the whole story in time but this is part one of Seren and Plato’s epic love story for the ages XD
Illustrations were done by the wonderful @sigeel​ 😍😍😍
So this submission is by the two of us!
Plato-nic Love
Seren poured a libation of wine and started working on the grapevine that had been growing in the family garden for a while. At first, her mother had tried to get rid of it but it had proven the essence of indestructable life and so they had accepted its presence much like Seren had come to accept the presence of its patron god. She was about to cut off a branch to use for making a crown later on when she heard a familiar voice. "How is my favourite bacchae?" She sighed. It had been about a year since she had agreed to become his faithful follower and needless to say she was still the only one. "Do you know what day it is?" Seren started frantically going through all the calendars she had studied, from the reconstructed Attic calendar to the Roman calendar before and after the Julian reform -what moon phase were they in again? "You always think we don't care about these things but I have a sursprise for you." Dionysos flashed her a bright smile. "What?" she said flatly. A surprise from a god couldn't possibly mean anything good.
"I SAID: I have a SURPRISE for you!" Confetti and flower petals started raining down on them and from above sounded a rustic melody played on pan pipes. Seren looked up to see Hermes sitting on a treebranch, grinning as he played the instrument his son invented. "Ha ha, very funny, Hermes." Dionysos took Seren by the shoulders. "He was supposed to play the Time Warp. Because it's exactly ONE YEAR TODAY that you became my bacchae and do I have a surprise for you!" "Yeah, you said so. But maybe it would be better if-" "Nonsense! As your patron god I am exceedingly generous. You see, I have noticed your infatuation with Plato." "You don't say." "Yes. Anyway, Hermes was so nice to pay grandfather Kronos a visit and relieve him of a little artef- well, details, it doesn't matter! What is important is that you will get to meet Plato!" "Really?!" There was a nagging voice in Seren's head that told her to be careful but Dionysos had just told her she'd get to meet Plato! "Really. All you have to do is take my hand. But I have another gift for you. Hermes, come down here!" The messenger god swung himself lazily from the tree and floated down until his winged sandals touched the ground. "My brother pointed out that you might have difficulties speaking ancient Greek fluently so he will grant you the ability to speak it like a native for as long as you give up your native English." Seren gaped. "That... is surprisingly thoughtful of you." "Hermes, do it! And no nonsense like giving her a lisp or a foreign accent!" "Of course not. Why would I do that?" Hermes grinned at Seren. "I'd not even be there to see it." "What? Now? Wait!" Seren cried out as divine magic rearranged the synapses in her speech centre. "I did not agree-" "She'll speak fluently once you arrive in Greece," Hermes said, "Once you return, the magic wears off." Dionysos gave his brother a suspicious look. Then he beamed. "Perfect!" Dionysos clapped enthusiastically. "Hold on tight!" He pulled her into his embrace and Seren instinctively hugged him. The world around them began to blur and the heavens seemed to turn back as they sped through time and space. There was a sudden jolt and the world was clear once again. Only, it looked strange. But not strange enough for Seren not to recognise her patron god had spoken the truth. This was ancient Athens! She felt a nasty queasiness but she was much too excited to care about that just now. She had known about polychromy but the sheer explosion of colours in the city made her heart sing. The reconstructions were mere shadows of the vibrant paint on the statues, buildings, and clothes. And the Akropolis! It looked majestic even now but the ruins were nothing compared to the magnificence of colour and architecture. Seren stood in awe, even though they were miles away down in a sidestreet. Potters had laid out their painted vases and other works as they created new ones. Seren couldn't decide what to see first, jumping this way and that until the unsavoury sound of regurgitation briefly diverted her attention. Dionysos leaned against the mudbrick wall of a house and puked his guts out. "How can you be so chipper?" Dionysos groaned, wiping his mouth. "You're mortal!" We travelled both time AND space. You should be barfing like a youth at his first symposion." But Seren just ignored him in her euphoria. "It's Athens!" she cried. "ANCIENT Athens!" "That fleet-foorted son of a-" "What? What is it?!" "Nothing, nothing. Everything is fine. I just..." Dionysos leaned against the mudbrick house. "Hermes could have said something about the inconvenience of travelling." Seren shrugged. Who cared, they were already there. "I want to see EVERYTHING!!! The sculptures! The pottery! The architecture! The clothes..." "Speaking of which..." Dionysos grinned. "We should get you something less 2020. If you want to meet Plato, we need a certain disguise. And you want to look your best for him, right?" Seren screwed up her face. "Plato isn't about looks. He's about the beauty of the soul." "Well, if you want to go dressed in that tasteless pink sweater and leggings combination. But let me tell you, nothing looks better on a woman than a finely woven chiton." "Yeah, you're not at all biased." "It's one of the few things even Apollo and I agree on, so it must be true." Seren would have been happy just roaming the streets of ancient Athens for a couple of days. Or for however long this time thingy would allow. The prospect of meeting Plato both exhilarated and terrified her.
Dionysos bought her an elegant chiton in the extremely crowded agora. Seren hardly suppressed a squeal when he paid with real ancient drachmae. Only they didn't look ancient at all. "Why is nobody staring?" she asked, as another group of people walked past them without paying them any mind. "Did you put glamour over my modern clothes?" Dionysos laughed. "No need, honeybee. This is Athens. At a time like this they get tourists from all over the world. One strange, foreign costume is not going to turn any heads." He pulled her away from the merchants and splendour of the agora into the entrance of a seemingly abandoned house. "Put it on," he said, handing her the chiton. "Don't peek!" she reminded him before she changed into her new garment. It felt cool and pleasant on her skin and the quality of the linen was indeed fantastic. Despite the loose fit the fabric was so delicate it hugged her figure in an almost revealing way, making her feel exposed. "Is this really acceptable dress?" she asked. "Only with this worn over it." Dionysos came up behind her, closing another layer of cloth over her shoulders with simple dress pins. "You look great, honeybee," he said sincerely. "Plato can consider himself lucky. You got the brains, you got the looks, and even that austere, joyless personality to match." "I get the impression you don't like Plato much." Dionysos slung the belt around her waist and fastened it. "What gave it away? My graffiti, my groaning everytime you bring him up, or the charming way I speak about him?" "The graffiti was a pretty obvious hint." "I hope you appreciate my gift all the more, honeybee." "I do." She smiled. "But I don't think I could appreciate it any more than I already do. This is a dream come true. The most exciting day of my life. More exciting even than Delphi." "Be careful not to tell Apollo," Dionysos warned but he looked pleased. "Sure. If I ever run into him I'll remember it." As they stepped outside, the streets were empty. "Where is everybody?" "Oh, it must be time to crown the victors." "Victors? Of what? It's too cold to be July, isn't it?" "Not the Panathenaic Games." Dionysos smiled broadly. "It's not an athletic contest. Today..." He made a dramatic pause. "Is the last day of the Great Dionysia!" "Oh." Seren was disappointed. "So we can't go and watch any of the plays?" "I'm afraid it is too late for that. But I can show you my theatre and the temple with my cult image if you want."
Seren politely admired the simple wooden log that was supposed to be a representation of Dionysos and genuinely marvelled at the masks that had been dedicated below it. She patiently listened to Dionysos as he recounted the story of the very first Dionysia in Athens and how he used to mingle among the crowd every year to watch what the people of Athens had put on the stage in his honour. Once they arrived at the theatre it was already empty but it was a stunning sight all the same. Seeing everything intact and in its full glory filled Seren with unknown joy. The decorations, both permanent and temporary, were as colourful and flamboyant as the god they honoured. When they made it back to the streets of Athens, there were already groups of shouty drunk people roaming about. "Victory parties," Dionysos explained when he saw Seren's face. "In fact, we are about to attend one too. But first..." A purple mist shrouded the god's body and when it dispelled, his simple chiton had given way to a slutty ankle-length skirt that hung low enough to expose part of his bum cheeks, his arms, wrists, and ankles adorned with golden jewellery. "I know you practiced with the aulos. You're gonna be a flute girl." Seren startled. "What? No! I'm not nearly good enough!" Dionysos shrugged, making his golden bracelets clink. "I don't think I need to tell you that other kinds of women are not allowed at symposia. Unless you want to play the role of a hetaira..." "F-Flute girl is fine."
They arrived at a house that obviously belonged to someone well-to-do. "A group of revellers is about to show up here any minute. We'll join them to enter the symposion. Trust me, they're too drunk to realise we don't belong." Seren nodded nervously. "Now would be the time to ditch that respectable dress." Reluctantly, Seren freed herself of the protective extra layer of clothing and received the aulos flutes Dionysos handed her. The revellers did indeed show up. Loud and obnoxious, it was impossible not to notice them. A man in his late 20s or early 30s led the group. Half-naked and well into his cups, crowned with a wreath of ivy and violets, he was all but carried by two sturdy lads who looked like they were half-naked professionally. "Come!" Dionysos tugged on her arm and they danced along, she awkwardly, he with a grace and confidence she envied. The leader of the group pounded against the door and yelled for "Agathon". Seren's heart skipped a beat. "Is that... Alkibiades?!" she whispered to Dionysos. "The very same." "We are at THAT Symposium?!!" "We most certainly are." Seren gaped at the man who would eventually be the ruin of Athens by defecting to Sparta and then to Persia. He rattled the door, shouting "Agathon!" and dropped his single piece of clothing in the process, quickly picked up by his lads. Seren shrieked when the man suddenly leaned heavily on her, his arms reeling for support. Dionysos was quick to jump to his other side, taking most of the load off his bacchae. "AGATHON!" Alkibiades yelled once more, in the manner drunks yelled on their way home from the pub after closing hours. He kept demanding to see Agathon with a heavy tongue until a servant boy finally opened up and led them to the andron. Alkibiades managed to stand on his own, stumbling towards the host of the party while announcing how completely and utterly wasted he was. "Let's bring the bacchic spirit to this lame party!" Dionysos cheered. Seren gazed around with stars in her eyes. The room was bright with torches and the klinai were populated by men both young and old but all shirtless and all with crowns of ivy on their heads. She looked more closely at the guests while Alkibiades spoke to Agathon, probably congratulating him for his victory. But none of the symposiasts looked like any of the artworks she had seen of Plato. They were most likely created after his death anyway. "Soooo..." She leaned on Dionysos' shoulder. "Where is Plato?" Dionysos gestured at the kline at the very end of the room, occupied by two young men. "The dark-haired one."
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"THAT is Plato?! I thought he'd be at least in his 30s!" Dionysos grinned a smug grin. "He wrote the Symposion in his late 30s. But this, honeybee, is the year the titular symposion actually took place. The first year of the 91st Olympiad. Or, as you would say, 416 BCE." Seren gaped at the young man seated on a couch with a blond youth. He had long, curly hair crowned with a wreath of ivy like all the symposiasts, young and old. A strong, Greek nose gave his face a distinct personality. Who would have thought the man Seren knew only from his words and artwork showing him as an old man could be so... hot. The blonde guy leaned over, whispering something to him. Maybe they were flirting. It wasn't anything unusual back in the day, Seren knew that. But they seemed to be about the same age. Shouldn't- "Play, flute girl," Dionysos nudged her with his elbow, "I'll clear the kline for you."
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Seren watched him shimmy over to the pair and tried to remember how to play the aulos. She had practiced so much but right now it felt as if she knew nothing at all. Her idol, Plato, might be listening! Her cheeks burned as she blew into the wooden instrument, the tune an embarrassing version of "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star". Despite playing the role of a dancer, Dionysos sat down with the two no doubt aristocratic young men in his usual impudent manner. The blond youth's face turned sour. "What is the meaning of this?" "I came for the entertainment." "We are very well entertained by each other's company, thank you." Dionysos gave the blonde guy a cheeky grin. "Does your company agree?" He crawled on the kline until he basically sat on Plato's lap, prompting the young philosopher to blush. How cute! "Some people can be such a dull affair, talking about nothing but themselves all the time." The angry blond yanked Dionysos off Plato. "This was a philosophical symposion before you arrived!" "Yes. And to shame! You are celebrating a victory at the Dionysia. Where is the revelry?" "There are countless symposia all over Athens. Why did you have to come and ruin this one?" "You know exactly that I didn't ruin anything. But please, if you have any grievances take it up with my master. Alkibiades." "You know what? I will!" The blond aristocrat got up from the kline and grabbed Dionysos by the wrist, effectively pulling him off the kline. He dragged the god behind him as he made for the door, leaving Plato all alone on his bed of colourful cushions. Dionysos winked at her as they passed and it was at that moment that Seren noticed that his "friend" was the only one wearing laurel instead of ivy. Did they just... cock-block Apollon? But not all is lost, she reasoned, if Plato likes Apollon, he likes blondes, right? Right?
Shyly, Seren sat down next to the man whose teachings she still hadn't figured out. And maybe neither did he. He was so young and handsome. She was close enough to smell his heavy perfume and either oil or sweat or both made his chest gleam in the firelight. It really was quite hot in here. He didn't fit the stereotype of the philosopher at all, being so young and handsome and quite brawny. But no matter how hot he was, his physical appearance was dwarfed by the beauty of his brain and thoughts. His intelligence was that much hotter. That being said, Seren liked to think she would be less flustered if the man were old enough to be her father. But he was not. He must be about her own age. "We got rid of the other flute girl." "Wa-What?" "You must know there were already celebrations with heavy drinking last night. Surely you played at Alkibiades' place or some other house?" Seren nodded timidly. "So Pausanias suggested we refrain from drinking tonight and we ended up sending away the flute girl as well. A shame, because before you came in, it was all boring speeches of the old men assembled here. I enjoy the delightful harmony of music much, much more." "You don't like philosophy?" "Of course I do, but not at a drinking party celebrating the Dionysia. You're not from here, are you?" "Ahm, no?" "I don't think I've met a Spartan flute girl. Most of them come from Peiraieús." Seren laughed nervously. What the fuck, Hermes?! "I hope it's not a problem?" she mumbled. "No, no. I'm just surprised. Do you have a name, dear?" "I... I am Seren." "Seiren? What a fitting nickname! My name is-" "I know who you are!" Seren gushed, "I-I-I admire you greatly, Plato!" "Oh?" To Seren's great relief he smiled. "So you have seen me compete?" "Uh, yes, of course!" Seren would be thrilled to see him at any competition, really. "It's just a silly name my wrestling coach gave me. To intimidate my rivals, he says." "I like it!" "You like my broad shoulders, Seiren?" Seren blushed. "No, that's not what I, uh..." "It's all right. Lots of women admire them." "Ahahaha." Was he flirting with her? Or just bragging? "You may be an outstanding athlete," she said, "But I admire your words even more." "My poetry?" Now it was his time to blush. "Did you play it?" "Not yet." Seren decided to be bold, "People want to hear the same songs, Sappho, Pindar and the like. But... But maybe you can teach me how to play yours?" "No I... I burned them all." "Why would you do that?" "I wanted to focus better on my studies. Maybe I made the wrong call. Mousaios, the guy who just left? He said music is like medicine and can create harmony between opposites, that a musical education is helpful in the study of philosophy. Ah, I don't know. I don't want to bore you, flute girl." "You're not boring me, Plato. Please, tell me your thoughts!" And then, all of a sudden, a large drunken group walked into the room and joined the party, Dionysos among them. There was noise everywhere, and Plato leaned in very close and asked: "What do you say, Seiren. Shall we make our excuses and leave?"
to be continued...
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nblesbianbenhanscom · 4 years
43+45 for kaspbroughzier or streddie
anon! hello! a million years later, and your fic is ready! are you even still here? i hope so ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
i had to go with the kasproughzier cause i love those goofs and also sonia is the perfect no, really you don’t want to meet my family.
the prompts were ‘trust me, you don’t want to meet my family’ + ‘you may technically be an adult, but you are still my child.’
read it on ao3
Little Dashes of Doom
“Eh-Eddie, your phone is r-ringing,” Bill says. It’s the tenth time in the last half hour.
“Just turn it off, Bill. I’m not going to answer it.” Eddie doesn’t look up from his computer.
“Buh-But it’s your ma.”
“I know, Bill. I already told her when I was coming home. She can chill.” He sounds tired, and Bill just wants to wrap him up in a blanket and make him relax between him and Richie. This semester had really kicked all of their asses.
Bill watches the phone as it stops ringing. It dings a moment later with a voicemail. Bill picks it up and turns it off. He kisses Eddie’s hair as he sits it on the table next to him.
“H-How’s the puh-aper coming?” Bill asks as he opens up the fridge. Bill himself had just finished his own last final just a few hours before.
“I hate fucking Shakespeare,” Eddie growls.
“Th-That good, eh?”
Eddie doesn't respond while Bill looks through the fridge. He finds a beer and heads to the couch where Richie is playing on their shared Switch. His legs are spread awkwardly, one up and over the back of the couch, the other hanging down by the floor. Bill sits in between his legs, pulling Richie’s leg into his lap.
“Hey, babycakes, you ok?” Richie asks without looking up.
“I’m ok.” Bill takes a sip of his beer. “You ok?”
“Yeah, fine. Why wouldn’t I be? Shit! I just fucking died!” He sighs and lets the Switch fall to his chest. “What are we doing for food?”
“We have l-leftover p-pizza,” Bill says.
Groaning, Richie sits up and tugs himself closer to Bill with his legs. He leans close and kisses Bill’s neck.
“I am so tired of pizza.” Richie scrapes his teeth against Bill’s chin. “Maybe I’ll just have you for dinner. How does that sound?” They giggle and Eddie huffs from the kitchen.
“Ugh, rude of you to start without me,” Eddie grouses, but there’s no real heat to his words.
Bill and Richie giggle again.
“S-Sorry, E-Eddie!”
“We were just discussing dinner.” Richie kisses Bill’s neck again.
Giggling, Bill pushes him away. “Shhh… St-Stop.”
Richie just pulls him closer and they giggle again.
“If I fail my final, it will be all your faults!” Eddie yells.
“Wh-What d-do you want for d-dinner?” Bill asks.
Eddie is silent for a minute. “Surprise me.”
Bill turns and kisses Richie. “We’re guh–nna go p-pick up dinner.”
“We are?” Richie asks. Bill nods. He holds his hand out and Richie takes it. They go to the door, tug on their coats and boots. It’s cold outside, but Bill just holds tightly to Richie’s hand.
“Where to, Big B?” Richie asks after they’ve climbed in the car.
Bill shrugs. “I don’t care.” He thinks for a minute. “Wh-Where do you—”
“I already told you what I wanted.” Richie winks.
Leaning back against the passenger seat headrest, Bill smiles at him. “Ok, b-but like a-actual food, Richie.”
“Ugh, you’re no fun,” Richie says. They talk for a few more minutes and end up going to the local diner. They get pancakes, fries, salad, and pie. Sometimes Eddie has trouble eating when he’s stressed, and they want to make sure to get him something he’ll eat.
When they get back, Eddie’s computer and his books are in a neat stack. The bathroom door is closed and they can hear him screaming at someone.
“I am working on my finals, mommy!” Eddie screams. Richie and Bill hesitate in the doorway. They look at each other but creep in. It’s been a while since Eddie had gone off like this. When they’d first met him a few years back, he’d yelled a lot more. Richie liked to tease that he was a feral chihuahua until Eddie’d absolutely lost it and tried to beat Richie up. It hadn’t gone well; Richie was so much taller than him and he had just pulled him into a hug, apologies sliding off his tongue. He promised to never do it again. After that, there were less and less explosions until there were none.
“No! No! You listen! I’m doing my work. I’ll be home in three days. Three! You have my–” Eddie pauses. “Please, would you just–”
Richie puts the food on the table and Bill clears away Eddie’s school work.
“God damnit, mom! They are not my roommates, they are my boyfriends. We have been over and over–” Another pause. “Well maybe I won’t come home then!” There’s another pause followed by a loud banging sound and then Eddie begins to sob.
Bill and Richie look at each other as they sit there listening to Eddie cry and yell at himself. Bill can’t quite make out everything he’s saying, but he knows it’s not good. He hears things like pussy, and coward, and little bitch. Things that he’d been told his whole life. Things Bill had thought he’d worked through.
Bill had apparently been wrong.
“I’m gonna go get him,” Richie says, and gets up. Bill catches his hand, and shakes his head. They sigh.
“Wuh–ne m-more m-minute.” He swallows hard. Richie sits back down slowly. Bill hates this just as much as Richie, but he doesn’t want to push Eddie too hard.
Slowly, Eddie’s sobs lessen. Bill wants to get up and go to him, but still he hesitates. Richie leans into his space and rests his head on Bill’s shoulder.
“Can we go get him now?” Richie asks.
Bill licks his lips. He’s about to say yes when they hear the bathroom door open, and Eddie sees them as soon as he looks up.
“Oh,” he says softly. His eyes are red and puffy. He swallows hard several times. “I-I–” And then tears fill his eyes, and his face crumbles, and Richie and Bill go to him, pull him close and let him cling to them as he cries.
“It’s ok, Eddie, we’ve got you,” Richie murmurs into his hair. “We’ve got you.”
“L-Let it out, b-baby,” Bill whispers.
Eddie’s fingers dig into Bill’s shirt as he sobs. His whole body is shaking and Bill wishes he could find Sonia Kaspbrak and give her a piece of his mind, but he tries to push these thoughts away as he kisses Eddie’s hair.
They sit on the couch, and it takes a long time for Eddie to calm down. Even after he’s stopped crying, he still clings to them. He whines when Richie pulls away.
“I’ll be back, my love, just going to get you some water,” Richie says as Eddie grips his shirt hem.
“But I–” Eddie’s hoarse, and Bill can’t help but feel sorry for him.
“I-It w-will help,” Bill says. He reaches out and pulls Eddie’s hand free. “It will help.” Slowly, Eddie lets go and lets Bill lace their fingers together. He leans back into Bill and closes his eyes.
After Eddie drinks his water, he looks around at them with heavy sad eyes. He’s cradled between them, both of them pushing into his space.
“I’m–I’m sorry,” Eddie says.
“What for, love?” Richie asks. He strokes Eddie’s hair, kisses his temple.
“Because I–Because I’m such a freaking mess,” Eddie whispers.
“Yo-You’re n-not a m-mess.” Bill kisses Eddie behind his ear and Eddie’s eyelashes flutter a little.
“Your mom is a fucking cunt,” Richie says.
Bill frowns at him. Eddie usually freaks whenever someone says something bad about his mom.
“Yeah, she is,” Eddie says. 
Bill and Richie make shocked noises. Bill squeezes him.
“I’m just so tired of her. She’s...” His voice waivers and takes a deep breath. “I have to use the bathroom.” Eddie gives them each a kiss before he gets up.
Once the door is closed, Richie looks at Bill, scowling.
“What the fuck is that bitch’s problem?” Richie growls.
“I d-don’t kn-know.” Bill sighs. He scoots closer to Richie. “I h-hate her so much. It’s been s-such a l-long t-time si-since–”
“Yeah, he’s been doing so good.” Richie huffs. “I just wish I could meet that bitch just one time so I could–”
“Trust me, you don’t want to meet my mom,” Eddie says. Richie and Bill jump, neither of them had heard the toilet flush. “C’mon. I’m hungry.”
Sharing glances, Richie and Bill get up and follow Eddie into the kitchen. He’s sitting at the table, pulling the food out of the bag and frowns at the fries.
“Aww, fuck, they’re cold.” Eddie’s lip trembles a little. “I’m sorry. I should have waited to call. I just finished my final and I–”
“N-No, b-baby. It’s ok. Th-The fries w–ill heat up,” Bill says.
“Yeah,” Richie agrees. “That’s why God invented microwaves, right?” He picks up the container and throws it in, pushing buttons quickly. “See? It’s fine.”
Sniffling, Eddie wrinkles his nose. “Nuked fries taste so gross.”
“I think we got some cheese and Ranch. That will help.” Richie goes to the fridge as Eddie looks at the rest of the food and looks up at Bill.
“You two are the best, do you know that?” Eddie asks. Richie kisses his hair as he wraps his arms around Eddie’s shoulders.
“N-No you,” Bill says.
Wrapping his fingers around Richie’s forearms, Eddie kisses his inner arm. “I love you both so much.”
“We love you, too.” Richie pulls away as the microwave beeps.
After they eat, they curl up on the couch to watch TV. They’re all crossed limbs and elbows in stomachs and pulled hair, but they don’t really care. Eddie just lets the others hold him close, pet his hair, kiss him.
“Are you doing better?” Richie asks after a bit. Eddie shrugs.
“Wh-What happened?” Bill asks.
Eddie shrugs again. “Just the usual. I finished my paper like right after you left, so I decided to call her before she called the police like she did that one time, and she said since I was done with my finals that I needed to come home right away. When I said I want to stay with you two, that my ticket is nonrefundable or exchangeable, she said she didn’t care about the cost, that she’d pay and…” He sighs. “She just wouldn’t listen. She kept saying, ‘You may be an adult, but you’re still my child.’” He huffs. “I’ve been financially independent from that old bag for over a year. She has no right to say shit like that to me any more.”
“N-No, she doesn’t,” Bill agrees.
“Honestly, she never should have talked to you that way, ever,” Richie says. Eddie leans a little closer to him. He plays with the strings on Bill’s hoodie.
“I know,” Eddie whispers.
Bill can hardly believe what he’s hearing. His heart fills with pride and he pulls Eddie’s legs into his lap and cups Eddie’s face in his hands before kissing him so, so gently. When they pull apart, Bill pushes his forehead into Eddie’s forehead. 
“L-Love you,” Bill whispers. When he pulls back, Richie presses his own kiss into Eddie’s temple.
“You know, you don’t have to go,” Richie says. “You can come home with us.”
“O-Or we c-could go wi-with you,” Bill says.
Eddie shakes his head. “It will be ok.”
Sighing, Richie shakes his head, no. “You shouldn’t have to deal with her alone. Let us come with you.”
“I couldn’t ask you to do that,” Eddie murmurs.
“Y-You d–idn’t. We’re t-telling you. We’re coming wi–th you,” Bill says. Richie smiles at Bill.
“You really don’t–”
“Eds, you may as well give it up. We’re coming with you, and if your mom can’t deal, well, fuck her, and we’ll leave early.” Richie pauses. “In fact, plan on it. We’ll all have to change our tickets, call our families, but we’ll split up the break evenly. It will be fun.”
“We can’t afford that!” Eddie protests.
“Y-Yes we c-can! I just got p-paid for th–at piece I wrote a why-while back,” Bill says.
“No, Bill, you were going to use that for a new computer!” Eddie says.
“I’ll j-just st-steal yours.” Bill strokes his arm.
“You’re ridiculous,” Eddie murmurs, but there’s a small smile on my face. He sighs and leans into Richie. “You guys are the best, do you know that?”
“N-No, you.” Bill laces their fingers together.
“Yeah, spaghetti, you’re the best.” Richie kisses his hair.
Eddie closes his eyes, and settles back.
“We d-don’t have to m-make any d-decisions tonight,” Bill says. “W-We can t-talk t-tomorrow.”
“Ok,” Eddie says. He sighs again and sits up. “You guys wanna do something?”
“Like what?” Richie asks.
“Play Mario Kart?”
“Only if you don't cry when I kick your butt!" Richie says as he pulls himself free and gets up to set up the Switch. Eddie scoots around and leans into Bill's side.
"Yeah, we'll see who cries, Tozier!" Eddie teases.
Bill knows it is a toss-up between the two; they are both really good. It's Bill that's going to be the loser, but he doesn't really care. He's terrible at video games, but he loves being with his boyfriends. 
He sits there listening to them argue about who is the worst player and waits to be handed a controller. He loves listening to them bicker like this, and he knows Eddie bickering is a good sign. Licking his lips, Bill leans into Eddie, eyes closed for a moment. 
"You ok, Bill?" Eddie asks as Richie's attention falters. He's fighting with the cords and cursing under his breath.
"Yeah, I'm good." Bill takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly. "Love you so much."
Eddie squeezes his hand. "Love you."
"Got it!" Richie says triumphantly. He tosses a couple of controllers at them and sits near the TV. "You two losers ready?"
"Shut up, buttmunch," Eddie says. "Get ready to eat my dust!"
"Bring it!" Richie says. 
Bill struggles with his controller and gets settled. He knows the next couple of weeks are going to be hard. Eddie had agreed tonight that they would change their winter break plans, but that doesn't mean that it isn't going to be a struggle. He knows Eddie wants to break free, but Bill knows it isn’t easy; Sonia has a firm grip on her son.
Bill is not looking forward to the back and forth that is inevitably coming, but he decides there is no point in worrying about that now. Right now, Eddie is happy, Eddie is safe, and the three of them are going to have a good night. Tomorrow is future Bill’s problem, and tonight all he has to worry about is not driving the wrong way on the track. He knows everything will be ok.
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eternalglitch · 4 years
Like Father Like Son: Chapter 3
Prologue Arc 1: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3
Mikey let out a small sound in the back of his throat, bending down to pick up the odachi by its hilt, hands shaking slightly. His reflection stared back at him, eyes wide and face a paler shade of green than was normal, pale enough that he could actually see his yellow freckles that oh so rarely showed up. “Guys?” he whispered. “Has Leo ever gone out without his weapon?”
Read it HERE on ao3.
Chapter Specific Warnings: no specific ones (please see the general ones listed in the prologue)
Chapter Three: All Green and Blue
“He’s not picking up. Why isn’t he picking up?!” Mikey demanded, looking up from his phone. The youngest couldn’t help but shift from foot to foot, a sort of buzzing energy from his anxiety making him want to move. Why couldn’t his brothers walk faster?
“Yeah, it is odd he wouldn’t answer either of us…” Donnie agreed, squinting at his wrist tech. “I can’t locate his phone’s location, either. It’s either out of battery or broken.”
Finally, Mikey thought with relief, Raph’s pace noticeably quickened, his brothers right on his heels. “Okay… okay. First, we’re gonna backtrack the possible routes to the pizza place, and then we’re going to check any place he could have ended up. Donnie?” The leader of the group glanced at the purple turtle, gaze expectant.
“On it, I’ll hack any nearby cameras and run a scanner through social media looking for buzzwords,” the technological prodigy replied, typing quickly. “I’ll compile a list of people that might’ve gone after him as well.”
“People that went after him?” Mikey asked, now even more nervous, his voice rising a pitch or two until it cracked completely. “You think the foot clan or Big Mama is behind this? What if they’ve hurt him?” Mikey reached out and clung to Donnie’s elbow, staring over at Donnie’s screen as stats whizzed by. The other turtle tolerated it, but didn’t stop typing to pat his shell or head. That was a sign things really were serious. “What if he’s all alone and scared or… or I don’t know! I can’t even begin to picture him being scared!”
“Again, Michael, I’m sure it’s really nothing, we’re just being thorough—“ Donnie finally started to reassure him, but his eyes never moved from the screen until a loud clatter rang out. Donnie froze, Mikey almost stumbling as he was also pulled to a sudden stop. They looked down.
Leo’s sword was lying, innocently forgotten, all alone on the sewer floor.
Mikey let out a small sound in the back of his throat, bending down to pick up the Odachi by its hilt, hands shaking slightly. His reflection stared back at him, eyes wide and face a paler shade of green than was normal, pale enough that he could actually see his yellow freckles that oh so rarely showed up. “Guys?” he whispered. “Has Leo ever gone out without his weapon?”
“I’m sure there’s a reason… or… or an explanation,” Donnie grasped at, but after he glanced at Raph, who shot him a panicked look, Donnie bowed his head, his eyes flicking back and forth as he thought.  
It was Raph who spoke next, his voice low and urgent. “If something did go down– someone must’ve been inside of the sewers– I’m not sure Leo even made it outside for the pizzas in the first place.” The eldest scratched his head, his expression slowly darkening.
“So they came here purposefully looking for us and somehow we didn't even notice them brothernap Leo from right here?” Mikey looked around at the ground, eyes flicking up and down the sewer walls like the name of the culprit would be left behind with a clean, neat note. He needed someone to tell him flat out that it was going to be okay, he realized weakly, hugging the sword close. Someone to crack a bad joke about the situation, or know what to say. He needed… he needed his brother.
“I’ll call April,” Raph said, phone already out. He already had her number pulled up as well, finger hovering over the green button to call. “We’ll need eyes in every possible place, including checking to see if this was on Leo’s way to or from the pizza place.”
“I now have generated the list of most likely suspects,” Donnie added, pulling up a screen that had a numbered list of the names of their many yokai nemeses. At the top of the list were the various yokai that constantly fought with them on the regular, and the list continued down until it ended with a Warren Stone, although Donnie must have added him just to be safe; in reality, Mikey barely remembered the guy. “It looks like the first name my algorithm came up with is those mutant crabmen we came across recently- apparently they sometimes linger in this area.”
Raph nodded, pulling his phone away from his tympanum and giving them a thumbs up. “April’s in,” he confirmed. The way he said it was heavy; the air shifted, and the panic is forced down until Mikey only has to concentrate on being efficient and focused. “Now, Mad Dogs; let’s move.”
The floor framed between Leo’s hands was swimming; sweat dripped down and splattered onto the negative space that the floor was made up of, and he was dimly aware that his arms shook under the pressure of holding himself up. Get up, he told himself. Get up, you have to do something. Anything. Just get up, Leonardo.
“Get up,” Draxum echoed his sentiment, voice expectant.
The repeat was like a slap to the face; Leo could only lift his chin to stare at him, a bitter laugh being swallowed before it escaped his lips. Sure, he knew he needed to do that, but it seemed a bit ridiculous for the guy with the metaphorical big red button to ask him to as well. He had a concussion and had just been fried; what did Draxum expect him to do-
The collar let out a shrill buzzer sound, and Leo only had a split second to think what? before the collar lit up for a third time. His arms gave out and he hit the ground hard, and even though he knew what would happen if he screamed, he couldn’t help but do so anyways. The result was exactly as expected. His mouth felt dry.
“Don’t you think the shock’s intensity is too high, Boss?” one of the gargoyles asked from above him. Leo couldn’t see which one; stars danced in front of his hazy vision. “He looks kinda dead after just four zaps.”
“Yeah. And it’s probably going to take a lot of these shocks for it to sink in,” the other agreed. “He keeps making it worse.”
Draxum scoffed, and Leo flinched slightly at the sound, hands weakly rising to shield his head from any more attacks. “Well. I just set it to what he should be strong enough to take. It’s his own fault for being weak. He’s lucky; I don’t have the advanced setting on yet.”
Leo felt Draxum’s nails dig into his bicep as the yokai reached down and hauled him up to his feet, Leo swaying as he tried to lean away from the yokai. “Stay still,” Draxum ordered, and Leo bit down hard enough on his inner cheek he tasted copper, barely accomplishing the feat.
Draxum circled him, hands clasped behind his back. Leo’s head felt foggy, and he didn’t even bother watching Draxum; his head kept drooping forwards, like when he was watching Donnie’s favorite Jupiter Jim movie without Raph around to liven things up. Everything hurt so badly. His hands wrapped around himself and Leo shrunk a bit under Draxum’s assessment.
“You’re slower to catch on than I would have thought,” Draxum said after a moment. “But let me spell it out now, just for the sake of ‘fairness,’” he added with his fingers punctuating the last word with air quotes. “The collar has three things that you will be shocked for. Any vocalizations, or any failure to follow my exact orders as well as… well. I could always just order it to go off.” Leo flinched, his fists tightening. Was Draxum enjoying this? April had taught them the meaning of the word sadistic at one point, after their first prank day on her where no one had told her it was coming. And that was the only word Leo could think of at the moment when he glanced up and into Draxum’s eyes.
This was sadistic.
“It was quite the impressive invention, really,” he continued. “Somehow a simple shock collar had a complicated A.I. that understood the situation at hand enough to correct situational humor. Not to mention it didn’t even need to feel the vocal chords vibrating; it could be programmed to listen for a certain individual’s voice and go off regardless of if it was being worn or not. A bit overkill, if you ask me, but who am I to judge?” A smug smile crossed his lips. “Your brother must have felt quite strongly about this to have put so much work into fixing your flaws.”
He didn’t know anything, Leo told himself. Donnie was just like that, he had made his dorky and kind of insensitive gifts for everyone, he hadn’t been trying to single Leo out or anything. Of course not. Even if Mikey and Raph’s inventions hadn’t caused them any harm at all when they used them, just tried to prematurely stop them from doing it. Even if Leo and Donnie were the main two that squabbled, he never would have… Leo shook his head, one hand slowly rising to press against his forehead.
He couldn’t think like this, he needed to bounce his ideas off of someone for it to be useful. Had Dad ever taught him what to do in a situation like this? A quick scan through memories of Splinter handing him his first pair of swords, of noodle fights and throwing stars, and the only thing Leo could come up with was the advice “stay with your brothers. You will protect all of them, and they in turn will all protect you. And if you get separated, stay in one spot until we can find you.”
Yeah, great, but that advice had been from when Leo was seven. When Splinter had first let them wander a bit farther into the sewers to explore with just the four of them. This wasn’t getting lost in the sewers, this was- this was something more. He was starting to have to face the knowledge that this was something serious, even.
“Pay attention when I am speaking!” Draxum suddenly snapped, and Leo went rigid when the collar let out a low, almost inaudible chirp, his eyes darting down to where he could see the blue rim of the machine before back up to Draxum. The collar didn’t otherwise react, though, but Leo kept still, wondering when the proverbial shoe would drop. “How will I teach you anything if you keep zoning out?”
“It miiiiiight be the concussion,” Muninn offered, one hand on his chin. “We’ve seen a few guys get hit before, Boss, and they also had that spacey look to them.”
Draxum threw up his hands. “Well, he should learn to deal with that. Injuries are something to be powered through.” The yokai took a deep breath, and the two gargoyles dipped as his shoulders slowly became less tense. “But. Very well. Before I forget, a few rules,” he said, voice suddenly back to the flavor of ‘calm with an undertone of smugness.’ AKA the most punchable tone of voice Leo had ever heard. “No trying to escape from me.” The collar let out a soft beep and Leo winced. “No trying to take the collar off.” Another wince. “And, other than attacking, absolutely no contact with any other turtles.” What? That wasn’t- he couldn’t just do that. Leo opened his mouth, keen to argue, but Draxum just raised an eyebrow, crossing his arms and waiting.
On second thought, Leo had nothing to say. His hands curled into tight fists.
“Excellent. And now that I have…” Draxum trailed off, pausing. He fixed Leonardo with a puzzled gaze. He leaned closer to Muninn, holding up one hand to loudly whisper to the gargoyle. “What was this one called, again?”
Muninn blinked, turning and glancing at Huginn, who shrugged back at him. “Uh… ha, wow, Boss, wait, you don’t know?” The gargoyle asked, chuckling nervously. “Didn’t you hand pick him, though?”
Draxum’s eyes widened, slightly flustered. “No! Well, yes. But…” All three villains turned and stared at Leo, who crossed his arms as he stared back at them, lifting his chin slightly in a challenge. This guy had been after them long enough to at least know their nicknames, he thought, somehow still finding it within him to be annoyed.
“Wasn’t it… Larry or… Lawrence?” Huginn weakly offered up, but Draxum rested his chin in one hand, thinking.
“No, it wasn’t that. What was it again…” Draxum trailed off, frowning.
Muninn suddenly perked up. “Hey, wait, why don't we ask him? Hey, turtle! What’s your name?” he yelled, and Leo felt one of his eyes twitch. He glanced down at his shock collar, and both gargoyles made little ‘oooooh’ sounds of understanding.
“That’s right, it was Green!” Draxum suddenly said, hitting his fist into the palm of his other hand. He smiled, brushing some of his hair over his shoulder. “I remember now, how silly of me to have forgotten.”
“What? But- but he’s the one wearing blue.” Huginn darted around Leo, pulling at the bandana tails behind his head. It was a light touch, but even just that made Leo sway, his arms having to slightly go forwards as he forced himself to stay standing. He didn’t know if he would be shocked again if he fell, but from the way black dots swam in Leo’s vision, he couldn’t afford to risk it. “I don’t know, Boss, I think his name would be Blue if he’s named after a color.”
“Nonsense, I’m sure of it,” Draxum declared as Leo weakly shooed the gargoyle away from him with one hand. “It was definitely Green. Besides, that’s but a small detail. I could call him whatever I wanted, really. More importantly, we need to decide how to go about making him my ideal warrior before any of the others show up.”
Leo flinched, one hand absently reaching up to rub at the collar. The skin underneath it already felt raw and uncomfortable; he wondered if it was going to leave scars.
He then wondered if he’d ever be able to even see if it had.
“Ooh, why don’t we inject him with some more ooze?” Muninn suggested, clasping both hands together excitedly, wings fluttering as he hopped slightly into the air. “That seems to make everything better! Think of the possibilities: spikes, a tail, and our personal favorite—”
“Fire-breathing!” The two gargoyles sung at the exact same moment.
“A tempting idea, but no,” Draxum said, shaking his head. “Physically speaking, his body is as good as I had hoped for, it’s the rest of it that’s the issue. Respect and obedience should come naturally with the aid of that collar, but as for training techniques…” Draxum circled Leo yet again; was he trying to make him dizzy enough to fall over? “With the level of sheer incompetence that I’ve witnessed, it would take far too long for me to train him myself from scratch. And I don't trust you two to be in charge of it, either…”
“Ouch, Boss,” Muninn said, one hand over his heart. “That really hurts.”
“Wait, wait, wait!” Huginn flapped harder, shooting over to Draxum. “We actually know exactly how to do this! I mean, not to flex or anything, but Muninn and I did do our fair share of training in school.”
“Uh,” Muninn stammered, looking lost, but a quick elbow from Huginn and he blinked and also smiled at Draxum. “Yeah, absolutely. So…” he trailed off, shooting his friend a nervous glance.
“What faster way to train someone than to just give them a bunch of experience! You know, the good ole ‘learn as you do’ method!”  Huginn finished with a flourish.
“Hmm, you do have a point,” Draxum considered. He stopped walking. “Surprisingly.”
“Why thank you,” Huginn trilled, bowing.
Draxum’s gaze went back onto Leo, who couldn’t help but shrink away, hands nervously reaching up to hold onto the top of his plastron. “And that gives me the perfect idea…”
“Draxum!” Raph bellowed, kicking open the door, Mikey and Donnie flanking him on either side. The turtle huffed, glancing around the lab as he searched for his target.
The third name on Donnie’s list had to be it, right? Surely. It had taken them far too long to hunt down the Sando Brothers and force them to tell them anything, and the next yokai they had tried had had similar results. April hadn’t found anything, either, but the pizzas had been paid for so… so…
Ugh! Raph couldn’t put these pieces together right now. He just needed to find his younger brother and save him from whatever mess he had found himself in this time.
There was the sound of slow clapping, and the sheep yokai appeared from around the column of ooze, one gargoyle perched on his right shoulder. “Well, well,” he greeted them, a smile on his face. “It’s quite rare for you turtles to come and seek me out. To what do I owe the pleasure?”
“Cut the cr—“ Donnie started to say, but Mikey beat him to it, bounding in front of his brothers. Raph almost reached out to pull him back, but he stopped himself; he understood Mikey’s point of view enough that he had also barged in, weapons ready to go.
“Where’s our brother, you creep?” Mikey demanded, his weapon already spinning in his hands.
“Ah,” the yokai replied, blinking at them. The gargoyle snickered softly, and Draxum glanced at it, some message passing between the two of them. “I’m afraid I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
The way he said it- it was casual. Too casual. That was suspicious, right? Raph couldn’t possibly be the only one to think so. “You’re lying,” he snarled. “What did you do with Leo?”
The gargoyle perked up, about to say something, but Draxum covered it with one of his hands. “Really,” he said, sounding exasperated. “Whatever you silly children are accusing me of, I don’t have any involvement. Search my lab, if you must, but I’m in the middle of some very important experiments. I’d really rather not fight today; but I will, if you insist. That is,” and the yokai sneered at them, eyes flashing. “If you have that kind of time to waste. Whatever you’re up to, it sounds very... urgent.”
(Chapter Four –>) 
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breaddaerb · 4 years
Oi Bread,,,,tysm for the hcs,,,also colud ya do Razejoy ones,,?
[ raze x killjoy I ]
✎↷: YES! i read through your reblog the minute i woke up and it was so freaking good my god. thank you for paying attention to my writing, it means a lot 🥺 awoo... we should be friends if you’re okay with that! in the meantime, enjoy these hcs!
because killjoy and raze have always been close, finding them in a relationship wasn’t all that surprising. before protocol, they knew each other because of kingdom: killjoy with her internship there and raze as a anti-kingdom soldier. how they crossed paths was peculiar, because raze had singlehandedly broken into kingdom and fell into a standoff with the other girl.
at this point they were only seventeen, eighteen or so, but the encounter with raze had changed killjoy’s life. killjoy had already teetered on the edge of leaving kingdom, and raze only worsened the girl’s wonders by telling her about the world that killjoy didn’t know about. the one without due dates, the one where her inventions could easily thrive in the markets.
unbelievably, the engineer actually let the girl talk her through it. she didn’t know how the soldier managed to get in and out of her wing of headquarters (its because she let her.) but she was going to hold onto those words for the rest of her life.
they kissed the last time raze visited her. killjoy had pulled her in, with stiff limbs knocking against each other. the german had given her a light peck as a goodbye and a thank you, even when she never admitted her gratefulness out loud. raze had grinned, held her by the shoulders and hugged her tight. farewell, friend.
it was weird to find out that this agent - not by the name of izzy, but raze - would be joining them. the twenty-year-old genius had met those bright, energetic eyes from the other side of the docking bay and thought to herself: “i missed you.”
their friendship really only blossoms from there, and the kiss goes unspoken about. and then raze and killjoy have a fight.
what it was about, both of you would tell them different stories, but it had ended with them being in a tense stand-off in killjoy’s lab just like all those years ago. where killjoy finally lost her stubborn fight, sitting on the floor wearily and holding a hand to her temple - raze was at her side within seconds, her nails gliding over the brunette’s scalp in a mock massage. they stayed like that for a while and eventually shared their apologies for such a prolonged fight.
and they shared a kiss. one, and then the next, soft and fleeting. if it was the energy in the room, killjoy couldn’t tell you. the more reasonable answer would’ve been the lingering feelings left from so long ago, or how the engineer was doomed from the moment raze had blew out the wall in her original lab. ‘chaos is a factor of attractiveness’, she subconsciously thought.
the duo can be considered destructive at best, and it’s not as if killjoy encourages raze to blow things up to test their durability or not! she thinks her partner is adorable, but if she dares to land a gunpowder-caked hand on one of her pieces of equipment, then it’s over for her. she’s made this incredibly clear to raze, and when the woman doesn’t like to listen, killjoy would grab her by the hips and pull her down onto her lap where she was working and firmly tell her to behave.
it usually works because raze likes to cuddle, and most of the time she’ll sit there with her arms around her neck and legs pressing into the engineer’s stomach. it’s harder to work with her there, but killjoy would much rather have that then a random explosion on her precious robots.
if you thought that cats were cute when they gave you dead rats, imagine how cute raze was when she handed killjoy a firework and told her to light it up. in her laboratory. killjoy confiscated it and made her girlfriend whine about phoenix and hers’ plans to blow up everyone’s rooms, and the engineer had groaned. “well, why not do it in jett’s quarters? her belongings are more burnable than mine.”
jett never got to collect another gundam set after the chaos that took place in her room.
most of the time, killjoy and raze are in killjoy’s own lab. it’s somewhat larger and it smells cleaner, and raze has always liked to curl up on the soft cushions killjoy has set up all over the place. and since they don’t have a shared workspace like cypher and killjoy did, raze’s ‘man cave’ corner had also been turned into a makeshift work space. the rule is no explosives in the room, but killjoy has allowed raze’s boom bot and her satchel so long as she stays in the far edge of her lab.
the german is lenient with raze. she gives into her puppy eyes easily, as much as she hates them, but the brazilian has always managed to return the favor well. what she wasn’t lenient with was raze trying to do a double satchel into her lab so she could land on her beanbag, and the engineer literally slapped the woman mid air and sent her sprawling to the floor.
when the other gets sick or injured, there’s coddling involved. when raze’s injuries were gruesome to the point where she was bedridden made killjoy sit on the side of her bed the whole time, working on her reports or entertaining the woman. vice versa.
they really don’t spend time without the other. killjoy is easily entertained by raze, and raze enjoys sharing bad jokes with killjoy, so it’s a win win situation.
with that being said, it didn’t explain what the new agent yoru saw when he walked into the kitchen the first day he arrived. it was late at night, so he didn’t expect anyone to be out, but instead he saw killjoy sitting on raze’s shoulders, with the two of them trying to see who could safely get the cookie jar down from the top cabinet without breaking it.
“this is what my new workplace has to offer?” he drawled, and watched as the two women simply turned to look at him. so they could sense him. good. raze laughed and killjoy stifled a chuckle, sliding the cookie jar down into her arms. “it’s group bonding,” killjoy explained simply, taking out one of the cookies to place in raze’s mouth. “want one?”
he was beginning to feel at home already.
cypher encouraged raze and killjoy’s relationship, but what he didn’t encourage was the constant tormenting when the two teamed up on him. he didn’t like his exploding cameras, and he didn’t like to find exploding alarm bots when he turned the corner. someone’s blog i read before had said tech wars, and they’re absolutely right - it’s a whole mess with the trio.
raze and killjoy went on a date to an amusement park. both of them were fans of the more extreme roller coasters, and spent the day doing that and eating junk food. honestly, unhealthy eating habits seem to have untied the two women, with killjoy’s convenience store food stash growing bigger and bigger everytime the brazilian visited her. most of their bodies are probably made up of msg and sodium.
they have a pet crab. his name is jared, and he’s nineteen.
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thetomorrowshow · 4 years
Slower Than Words Ch. 4
1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12
Another week, another chapter! This one’s a bit more intense than the last two have been, so be careful. Just let me know if I missed anything in the content warnings!
cw: food, suicidal thoughts and measures (in the form of a lack of self-care), starving oneself (as an act of defiance)
Time passed. Days, weeks, perhaps even months. Slower than either of them would have liked, but it did pass. Virgil sometimes laughed at the thought of someone watching them communicate—the precise spelling had begun to evolve into complex combinations of squiggles and pats, a sort of shorthand, their fingers blurs as they spoke the language they were inventing. It was slower than speaking loud, and probably slower than sign language, but much faster than the spelling of every individual letter that they'd begun with. The two men were connected in some strange way, almost knowing the other's meaning before it was spoken.
Every night before falling asleep, both would flick the each others' wrists (their sign for 'pay attention'), then press their knuckles into each others' arm. Virgil wasn't quite sure what it meant, but for him it meant a mix of 'good night' and 'I'll be there when you wake up'.
Then one day, Patton was not there when he woke up.
Virgil tried to refrain from freaking out. Patton was probably just in the sectioned-off area, everything would be fine. Virgil took in a few deep breaths, trying to calm himself enough that he could hear over the pounding of his own heart. “Patton?” he called out, knowing the other man couldn't hear him. A clang! shot through the air; Virgil leaped out of bed and drew his fists up to his face, rocking back on his heels. Fight-or-flight had kicked in, and fight won out. As he waited, though, nothing happened. No familiar arms pulled his hands down, silently whispering words of comfort. No rough hands grabbed him and dragged him away. Nothing.
Moments later, his heart slowed slightly and Virgil realized that the noise that had scared him so badly was the chute opening to drop food in. And Patton still wasn't there, Patton who normally woke him up wasn't there to hold him and let him know that everything would be all right and with a shock, instead of blind panic, Virgil noticed his face heating.
Did he . . . did he have a crush on Patton?
Now we don't have time to unpack all of that, his mind helpfully supplied. Virgil snorted before striding toward the curtain in the corner, waving around it before eventually pulling it back and stepping in.
Patton wasn't there.
“Patton?” Virgil called again, his walking no much less steady than a few moments before. He checked the spare bed, then walked the room in a sweep. Nothing, there was nothing, Virgil was all alone again after months of having someone to hold him and he couldn't handle it. There was a tray of food on the floor, but he couldn't bring himself to eat anything, a pit of anxiety boiling in his stomach. After sweeping the room three more times, Virgil curled up on the still-warm bed, choking out a few despairing sobs. He was alone, he was all alone and soon the rough people with mean voices would grab him and drag him away to that room, that room where—
Virgil wrenched his mind away from that train of thought, knowing that the blurry memories of the room would only scare him more. He had to keep a clear head, figure out how to get out of here and save Patton.
So, naturally, Virgil pulled the blanket over his head and sobbed.
Hours passed, and still Virgil didn't come out. He didn't know why; some instinctive part of him insisting that he stay hidden, perhaps, but it wasn't like the blanket was stopping him from seeing any threats. If anything, it was muffling his hearing. It didn't seem to matter, though, as he was left alone all day and night. At intervals he knew he should be expecting, the metal flap at the base of the door would unlock and make a loud noise as a food tray was pushed in or pulled out, but no one ever entered the room.
Virgil never got up to eat, though he knew he should. It gave him some sense of satisfaction to know that they wanted him to eat, and it was in his power to refuse it. Hopefully he was making more of a statement than throwing a fit.
“I'll eat if you bring Patton back,” he croaked out, pulling the blanket down enough for his head to pop out. There had to be a camera somewhere in this room, even if Patton had never mentioned one. He cleared his throat. “Seriously, that's the only way you're gonna get me to eat. Bring him back.”
Nothing. The thought struck Virgil that maybe they didn't care about whether or not he ate, but he shoved it away. If they didn't care, they'd stop giving him food. Another thought—what if Patton escaped? Virgil threatening his own health would just make them look for Patton harder, and he didn't want Patton back here.
Well, no. He wanted Patton free, yes. But . . . if he wasn't free, then couldn't he be here? Just thinking that made Virgil feel guilt tear at his insides. Of course he would give up Patton if he had the chance to be free! Of course he would!
Virgil physically shook his head, then pulled the blanket back over himself. He was going to sleep, because then he could escape his own head. Patton usually was there to help if he was anxious, but before. . . .
Before was so long ago. What had he done before? He'd normally just . . . dealt with it, hadn't he? He'd had Patton there to work through it with him for so long, he could barely imagine doing it by himself again.
In time, Virgil fell into a restless sleep, tossing and turning with nobody to ground himself to.
Virgil was hungry.
Nine meals had passed since Patton had disappeared. That was a full three days, and Virgil was beginning to wonder if he would be able to hold out until Patton came back. He'd been drinking cupped handfuls of water from the tiny sink behind the curtain, but his legs were growing too weak to walk across the room to it. The most recent time—several hours previous—he'd fallen halfway there and crawled the rest of the way, pulling himself up onto the toilet to even reach the faucet. Then he'd dragged himself back to the bed, forgoing the easier task of resting on the closer, unused bed for the one he and Patton had shared.
Come to think of it, why had they shared a bed? The mattresses were twin-sized, there was no way that had been comfortable.
Again, Virgil weighed his options. They hadn't pulled away the meal tray yet, so he could roll out of bed one more time and get something to eat, keep his strength up. More importantly, though, what was the point?
Without Patton, Virgil had nothing. No hope. No eyesight. No one to talk to. No one to hold him when his nightmares got particularly bad. Absolutely no one, and Virgil was a nobody, so it all worked out. Whether or not Patton came back, Virgil was certain they were watching him. Studying him. Whatever they did to his eyes, they did it on purpose and now they were watching to see what he'd do. Well, it was too bad for them, because Virgil would rather die than let them win. In all honesty, he'd rather die than do a lot of things, but this one was the most important at the moment. So they thought they could take Patton away from him? He was going to take himself away from them.
His mind made up, Virgil rolled over to face the wall, despite the fact that being turned away from the door caused the hairs on the back of his neck to stand up. It didn't matter anyway, he couldn't see any signs of an attacker. Besides, he didn't care who came in unless it was Patton.
Die out of spite? Virgil was pretty sure he could do that.
Virgil's plan to die out of spite was cut short the next morning, about an hour after the tenth meal was pushed in.
He'd been seriously reconsidering his death, but Virgil was nothing if not stubborn. Not to mention he wasn't sure he even had the strength to get out of bed by now. He was contemplating what he'd say to Roman if he were here, when a loud noise roused him from his daydream.
A thud and a cry met his ears, then the same slamming noise as before—surely the door closing. The voice was recognizable too, but Virgil couldn't let his hopes get up; many times before, Patton had laughed wheezily, as if he wasn't sure that a laugh was supposed to have sound (which was probably on the nose), and even more often, he'd made unconscious noises of exclamation. That was his voice, the sound Patton would make if he were thrown to the ground.
Thrown to the ground—?!
Virgil rolled out of bed, almost forgetting his weakness, and crawled in the direction of the hitching breaths until his reaching fingers met fabric. Quicker than he knew he could move, Virgil found the person's arm and flicked his wrist, then pressed his knuckles up against it. It had to be Patton, he'd know that arm anywhere, and sure enough, the person's fingers traced a light P into Virgil's arm.
Virgil realized, suddenly, that he was crying, babbling Patton's name over and over again as he pulled Patton into his lap, freezing when the other man hissed in pain.
You okay? Virgil spelled onto Patton's arm, hoping it was nothing too bad. There was a long moment in which Patton didn't move, and Virgil held his breath.
Put stuff in my ears. Hurts.
Virgil let out a choked cry, then hugged Patton as gently as he could. At that moment, he was reminded of exactly how jelly-like his bones felt. He reached out, and as he assumed, the tray with breakfast was just beside them.
Virgil ate slowly, supporting Patton so that he could eat as well, though he claimed to not feel like it. Virgil made sure to leave half even so.
“I've got you,” Virgil muttered as he helped Patton to the bed. “Don't worry, we'll make it through this. We've got each other. We can survive.”
Virgil didn't know if he was talking to Patton (who couldn't hear him), or himself, but it didn't really matter. They were together. Everything was so much better than it had been alone, and everything was going to be okay.
Taglist (I’d love to add you, just let me know!): @enragedbees @gotta-love-alejandra @bunny222 @basiic-emo @patt0n-sanders @rosiepupper @fangirlgeekandfreak @dn-fan21 @that2000skid @remy-the-lemon-berry @itsadastraperaspera @xionbean @sanderssides-angst @hell-yea-we-gay-tonight
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imagine-jjba · 5 years
valentine’s day headcanons.
since it’s valentine’s day/the day after, i’ve decided to make some headcanons! these are just how the jojos would celebrate the special occasion. after all, it’s a day of celebrating your love for the people around you, especially your romantic partners. hopefully these headcanons will be very fulfilling towards those who are interested in the whole valentine’s day thing! personally, i’m not actually that interested in it. i just enjoy the small headcanons that people post and decided that i should post some of my own. i mean, i’m an imagines blog for a reason, lol.
this is excluding joseph because i already posted a drabble for him for valentine’s day! please check out that post if you want to read something like that!
happy valentine’s day!
jonathan ;
he’s been preparing for this day! he wants to spoil you with as many gifts as he can carry, which is a lot! he’s prepared chocolates made from the best of sellers. he’s also prepared some jewelry for you, if you’re willing to wear it. he would also clear his schedule for the day, just so he can spend his valentine’s day with the person he loves the most. of course, he also makes sure to give gifts to others that he holds close to him.
when the day finally rolls around, he’s very excited. he makes sure to mention to the maids and butlers in the mansion that he’s going to be busy with you. he doesn’t mention this to dio, as he’s very wary of him. the last time he fell in love, things didn’t work out too well, especiall with dio involved in the whole fiasco.
once you finally meet up, he’s going to make sure that you’re comfortable and feel loved the entire day. for the start of the day, he takes you to somewhere fun. just a fun place so that the two of you can relax together! most likely, he would take you to the river.
you two would have so much fun there, watching the nature go by. it would be similar to a picnic date, but without the food. he’s saved that for later. you would cuddle up to the cuddly bear of a man, feeling his love and trying to pour just as much affection into your actions. you would also do some cloud watching, maybe a bit of bird watching as well! you’d both try to find ways to keep yourselves busy as you sat there and cuddled for hours. of course, during all of this, he always reminds you of how beautiful you are, along with just how much he loves you. you tell him that you love him back, which just leaves the both of you very flustered, but feeling happy and lucky to have such a wonderful partner.
after that, he would take you out to eat! it would be at a fairly expensive restaurant, but he would never mind spending some money on you, especially with how much he loves you. it’s a resturant with very savory foods, along with a variety of things to choose from. he doesn’t want you only having a limited amount of options, after all.
once you order both order your food, you start talking to jonathan. he would say how lucky he is to have you by his side. he also makes a very cheesy promise to protect you when needed. of course, you make the same promise to him. even if you’re most likely smaller and weaker than him, you still want to protect him in some ways. even if you both know this, he’ll still swoon at the idea of having someone to rely on at all times. especially with his feelings. jonathan is a very empathetic person and always wants to have someone near his side, both emotionally and physically!
when your food arrives, you both make small talk while eating. it isn’t awkward, though. you’re both enjoying the company that you have. plus, the food is amazing! jonathan seems to be enjoying it as well, watching his face melt in joy when he tastes his first bite of food is very adorable, in your eyes. it makes you want to pull him into a hug, almost like a stuffed animal. but you don’t do that, to save both yourself and him the embarrassment. while you’re eating, jonathan makes sure to have some sort of physical contact with you. whether it’s a simple holding of hands or an innocent hand on your thigh is up to you!
when you finish eating and jonathan pays for the food, you both leave to have your next adventure of the day. jonathan has heard about one of the traveling carnivals that were coming, so he wanted to take you to one of them. they seemed exciting and something that the both of you would enjoy. there would be many shows that you could watch, such as small plays put together by the actors, as well as other things. it was very entertaining, to say the least. you ended up laughing at a lot of the scenes. jonathan always loved to hear your laugh. it always made him feel safer.
there was the brand new invention there as well. at first, you had no idea what it was. once you got a worker to explain what it was, however, you were excited to try it. the idea of a carousel seemed to be entertaining. so, you both got on your individual “horses”, as well as everyone else did. once the ride started, you both were having the time of your lives. up and down, you felt like you were having the time of your lives. such an invention was fascinating to you. plus, it was very fun to ride those fake steeds. jonathan laughed through the entire thing, which ended up making you giggle along as well.
at the end of your trip to the carnival, you bid a farewell to the workers there before heading off on your way. next, jonathan planned on heading to a band that was playing for the special day. thankfully, you made it there on time, just as they were starting to play songs. of course, you both watched in awe as the band played many tunes. you always wondered how they could do things like that. you both ended up immersed in the moment as the band played all throughout the town. it was very exciting for you especially, as you hadn’t gotten many chances to do that sort of thing. jonathan was more than happy to take you on this trip.
after the band, he made sure to take you to a nearby park. it was a very nice one, though, you noticed that there were couples all over the place. thankfully, the young joestar knew a spot where you two could get some alone time. once in that spot, jonathan would finally give you his gifts. it made you blush, of course, but you ended up accepting them. you also gave him some gifts of your own. no matter what those gifts would be, he made sure to treasure each one of them. he wouldn’t want to accidentally hurt your feelings. if it was something he could wear on his person, you would catch him wearing it practically all the time. if it was something else, he would make sure to put in a spot where he could always see it in his house. he always wanted to be reminded of your generosity and love.
the gifts he gave you were very special to you as well. the one thing that you treasured the most was a necklace that he had given you. it was a simple one, though, it had a precious gem in the middle (this would depend on your favorite gems). he would have also said that he got you this because it reminded him of you. he also gave you the chocolates that he had, as well as flowers! it was a lot to carry, but you managed.
after you exchanged gifts, you suddenly pulled him into a tight hug. at first, jonathan was surprised. he wasn’t expecting this sudden burst of affection. however, he would never be opposed to such a thing. so, he would lovingly scoop you up into his arms and lift you off the floor. he would hold you up in the air and grin like he was holding the most precious thing in the world. to him, you are the most precious thing! he also wants to make sure that you know this as well. after he settles you down, he makes sure to give you a very shy peck on the cheek. it makes both of you very flustered, but in the end, you’re both giggling.
after that, he makes sure to help you carry the stuff that he got for you back to your house. once there, he gives you an affectionate kiss on the back of your hands. he really hopes that you had a nice date with him and wants to continue to keep having nice dates! he really loves doing these sorts of things for you. when you tell him that you feel the same, you can see his eyes light up as he greets you his final goodbyes.
while he’s back home, he’s gushing about you during dinner and can’t stop thinking about all the cute things you did that day. he really wants to capture your smile, somehow. maybe if he could ask a painter, they would be able to capture the cute expressions that you make. however, it wouldn’t be as good as seeing the real thing. he wishes that you have a good rest of the night and falls asleep thinking about you.
jotaro ;
jotaro isn’t very fond of valentine’s day. however, he’ll make an exception for you. he really wants to show his appreciation for you, after all. though. he really isn’t sure how to do that, sometimes. well, he tries his best to plan for your date, but can’t think of much. he isn’t really the type of man to plan things like this out. then again, has he ever been the type to plan anything out?
he tells you to meet him at the movies. it isn’t the best thing that you’ve heard of, but neither of you are really the romantic type. it doesn’t really matter where you two go, just as long as you go somewhere. so, when you’re meeting him at the theaters, to your surprise, he’s wearing something else other than his school uniform. genuinely, you thought that was the only thing he had in his closet. however, he seems to be wearing something nicer than that. though, it’s just a plain leather jacket and jeans. at least it’s a step up from what it was before?
you bicker about the movie you want to pick originally. it turns out that jotaro is very picky about what he watches. it can’t be too cheesy and predicable, but it’s also can’t be too confusing and hard for him to understand. you end up settling for Beetlejuice. the plot seems interesting enough and jotaro doesn’t seem to have too much of a problem with how it looks. though, you’re a bit wary about him actually enjoying it. there’s not much point if one of you isn’t enjoying the movie, right?
however, after you get your popcorn and drinks and settle into your seats, you realize that this movie is actually right uo his ally. it’s very entertaining for him, as he seems to chuckle at some of the scenes. at least he’s interested in it. depending on if you’re interested in the movie or not, you’d either watch jotaro’s facial expressions, or you would focus on the movie in front of you. either way, the cast of characters is interesting enough.
once you leave the movie, you’re very pleasantly surprised that he isn’t upset about anything. maybe it’s because he enjoyed spending time with you? that’s just a maybe, you can’t read him sometimes. though, he does allow for you to grab onto his hand and pull him towards a different direction in the mall.
there’s all sorts of things that you’d like to make the serious looking man try. especially cute things that would normally never go with his aesthetics. however, the more you mess with him, the more enjoyment you get out of it. of course, it’s embarrassing for him, but he’ll put up with it for your sake. he doesn’t want to admit it and would most likely never tell you it, but he does like the sound of your laugh. he also finds you cute, so that’s the main reasons why he puts up with so many of your antics.
you try on some of your own outfits yourself, whatever you feel the most comfortable in. jotaro would find you to be beautiful no matter what you wore. even if it were something that wouldn’t look good on most other people, it seems to fit you well. he subtly points it out. if it flies over your head, you just smile and nod and try on another outfit. however, if you notice his attempt at flirting, you try to awkwardly flirt back. it ends up backfiring and you’re both red in the face. awkwardly, you end up moving on to a different outfit anyway.
by the end of your closet disaster adventures, it’s about time you get something to eat. so, you head to the mall’s food court. all the food that you could ever imagine is there. so many different small restaurants are there, so you decide to pick out your favorites. depending on what your favorites exactly are, you could end up sharing some with your boyfriend. he’s willing to try something if you offer it to him, but he’ll say his opinion on something his doesn’t like. most likely, he’d bound to end up with his own larger meal. after all, he’s a very tall and muscular man. he needs to eat lots!
after you both eat your meals and laugh amongst each other, you decide to walk throughout the mall some more. there, you find an arcade. it’s not like you’ve been out in a while, neither had jotaro. so you both decide to check out what’s in there. you’ve been in there once or twice, just to play some games when you’re bored. jotaro doesn’t really care for these sort of things, so he hasn’t been in there. you end up playing a bunch of games with him, all the way from space invaders to pac-man. there’s a bunch of games that you two play. you make sure to get the most of out them and play as many games as you reasonably can. you also end up teaching jotaro about the games. at least he understands some of it, but you don’t really think that he gets most of them, as you end up winning most of them. he also seems genuinely confused about some of the controls.
there’s also a claw machine there! you end up seeing some sea creature based plushies there. you remember just how much jotaro loves marine biology, so wouldn’t it be cute for him to be holding one of those things? they have very cartoonish faces as well. it’s absolutely perfect! you wait for him to be busy with another game while you win it for him. you easily get it (since these aren’t rigged like they are in today’s world) and end up gifting it to jotaro. at first, he wants to reject it, but since it’s valentine’s day, he might as well accept it. he does his signature tilt of his hat, but it’s mostly out of embarrassment. it’s a dolphin plushie and it’s very adorable! you both decide to name the little guy together. whatever you decided to name him is up to you.
then, after the arcade, you finally decide to leave the mall and take a walk outside. it’s a bit cold since it’s february, but you don’t mind it all too much. it gives you an excuse to huddle closer to jotaro. he isn’t too upset about it, luckily. you continue to walk home in silence, which isn’t too bad. you get to properly space out after a while of being focused. it’s very nice, especially when you get to stare out into nature. jotaro makes sure to hold your hand, even when you’re both embarrassed about it.
once you get to the outside of your house, you make sure to give him a small hug. jotaro isn’t expecting it, but blushes immensely when it does happen. you thank him for such a nice day out and for him to have a nice rest of his valentine’s day. of course, now he feels like he has to return the favor. so, he musters up whatever amounts of affection he can and leans down to hug you as well. it’s very intimate, especially for how non-affectionate he is. it’s a nice change of pace for once, however. though, it’s funny, how it feels nothing like his usual personality.
he says nothing as he leaves, but he’s very grateful for the time that you two spent together. he also hopes that you two have a nice future ahead in your relationship. maybe you two could go on more dates like that? it’s a very nice thought to him.
you end up seeing an artist, one who’s painting people for a bit cheaper. the art looks great, in all honesty. plus, giorno seems to like the idea of having you two painted together in a picture. once you get into a weird, yet nice pose, you start getting yourselves painted. it takes a while, which is why it was suggested to sit down. now you and giorno are finding out why you were supposed to sit down. it’s a bit tiring, even for someone who’s as fit as your boyfriend. when the painting’s done, it looks beautiful. you two want to hang it up at home, which leads giorno paying the man a generous amount. the artist thanks you and off you two are once again.
josuke ;
josuke is very happy that valentine’s is coming around. he’s always dreamed of having a date for one. now is his chance to impress you with a nice date! like jonathan, he takes a little while to prepare his date with you. of course, he wants everything to go smoothly and fine. he wants to take you on one of the best dates you’ve ever had, though, you already have that with all of his dates. he wants you to have tons of fun on the date.
he first takes you to a café, where you two talk about all the adventures you had before. there were so many adventures that you could recall, but you also mentioned when josuke had asked you out. it was adorable, the way he nervously gave you a present and asked you out. though, he seemed to find it embarrassing, even now. the way his fave flushes at the memory makes you want to tease him lightly, but it’s also very cute. you end up getting a drink, depending on your tastes, it could be either coffee or tea. josuke would stick to his normal order of coffee. you also order a nice bread snack that you both share. it had a nice, sweet filling in the middle. perfect for date that you were having.
after a while of chatting and finishing your drinks, you end up paying for it, despite what josuke says. you know that he’s probably saving up for something that he wants, so you don’t mind paying for your little treat.
afterwards, you both start to discuss what to do next. he hadn’t planned much for after that small date. josuke ends up having an idea to hopefully catch his friends and spend a few hours with them before going over to his house. it sounds like a good plan to you, plus, you still have gifts that you want to give to your friends. so, you start walking around morioh, looking for your friends.
you eventually find them, all one by one. first, you end up finding okuyasu. he seems to be a bit down, not having a date. he complains about it, which compels both you and josuke to invite him to hang out with you two. he, of course, accepts the invitation and brightens up instantly. next, you two catch koichi and yukako having their len date. you end up talking to them, asking if they would like to tag along. yukako doesn’t really seem up for the idea, but koichi totally is, so she ends up just following him. you then catch shegechi, asking the young boy if he has anyone he’s thinking about to give a valentine and he says that he was just going to give his love to all of his friends. it’s very sweet to you, so you hug him and ask him if he wants to come along. he’s very excited to do so!
then, there’s rohan. rohan’s a different case. you aren’t sure if josuke really would like him there, but you’re somewhat friends with the man. it would only be fair if you at least tried to invite him. plus, you know he would be holed up in his house, so your little group walks to his house. yukako and josuke both express that you shouldn’t be doing this, but okuyasu doesn’t mind. koichi thinks that it’s a good idea to be getting rohan out of his house! so, you end up at his front door, knocking away. he pretends that he isn’t home, of course, but you can see right through that act. you don’t leave him alone, however, so you do whatever you would do in a situation like that. eventually, rohan opens the door, irritated. you even have a small present for him. just a small, store-bought set of chocolates. you hand it to him and he’s genuinely surprised that you gave him something. you had already given your gifts to your friends as well, so it was the least you could do. asking him to come, he’s very debateful of it, but ends up coming anyway.
things are a bit tense with the mangaka around, especially with josuke there. he’s a bit more protective over you than usual, lingering very close to your side and holding your hand tightly. it’s not in a creepy way, though. he makes sure to give you enough space. though, you can’t help but want to comfort him. so, you give your bits of affection in ways that you know how. depending on what you give him tos how your affection towards him, he would either give you the same amount back, or blush and stutter. once again, it’s very cute all the same.
dwang gang + friends end up going to the local mall for some shopping. you end up going all around with your boyfriend, looking in stores. there’s cute things that you could see him wearing, but you don’t want to embarrass him too much, so you just suggest the idea to him. he also ends up going with you into a make-up store, where you ask one of the workers to try and give josuke a nice, badazzled make-over. his face is proceeded to be covered in purple sparkles and glitter. though, it is a very cute look on him. it also costs money, but it’s very worth it. you even end up getting some matching make-up done to yourself! now you two look like a real cheesy couple on valentine’s day. at least it’s a very fun concept to try out. it’s very nice to see josuke having fun with you for once.
you also end up getting lunch at the mall, which is just something simple. this time, josuke pays for a shared meal. it’s a nice meal and it tastes great! the others will mention the matching make-up, which leads you and josuke to come up with a fun little pose together. you end up making the group laugh, which makes you laugh as well. josuke likes hearing you laugh.
after eating, you also find a photobooth! josuke decides that he wants one set of pictures with his friends and one with just you, so before it’s the couples turn, you practically have to have every squish into one booth. it’s very crowded, with the amount of people inside a tiny space, but you end up making it work. the pictures end up coming out fine as well! then, it’s your turn to take a picture with your boyfriend. you both take some silly and actually romantic poses, one where you even press a cheek kiss to him. he gives one back in the last photo. that one’s definitely one of your favorites.
after that, you end up saying goodbye to your friends and head back to josuke’s house to end the date with some video games. it’s something that you both enjoy. when you get to his house, you’re properly introduced to ms.higashikata as his significant other. tomoko is very nice to you, even saying that if her son says or does something stupid to tell her right away. it embarrassed josuke, but you end up having a good laugh. once he manages to shoo her away, you head to his room.
leaving the door opened so that she doesn’t think other things are going on, you start to set up the video game console. you both pick out some video games that seem fun to play, specifically some nintendo games. it’s very fun to play together, and you even have challenges against each other. it makes you laugh, which is all josuke could ever hope for. he ends up winning some, while you end up winning others. all and all, you two managed to have a very successful date! josuke is very proud of that fact. it almost seems like he’ll take that fact to his grave.
when you have to go back home, josuke makes sure to give you his gifts. one of them is a small tomogachi that you like! you’ve always wanted to have one, now’s your real chance to get one. josuke shows you how to play with it, as well as take care of the digital pet. he also gives you a nice flower crown that he made from the flowers he bought. he had to ask his mom how to make it, but it looks very beautiful on you. you let him put it on your head, which ends up in the both of you smiling brightly. lastly, he gives you some chocolates. it’s a cute assortment and you’ll have to savor it over time! don’t eat it all in one sitting!
giorno ;
like his father (jonathan), he’ll want to absolutely make sure it’s one of the best days of your life. he’ll also want to spoil you on the special occasion. but he also knows that you would probably prefer it if you weren’t around the many riches that you two are often surrounded by. though, he would still like to buy you expensive gifts.
he ends up giving mista time off. after all, he doesn’t need a body guard, really. he’s very powerful by himself. plus, if he really needs it, you’re there by his side. regardless of if you have a stand or not, you’ll probably want to help out in a fight as best as you can. though, he’s taken special measures to ensure that an attack wouldn’t happen. at least, he hopes that things will go relatively well.
you also live together in the same house, as it would be much easier that way. he doesn’t want anyone harming you in any way. he would make sure you’re safe, but also give you the space that you wanted/needed. he even gives you your own room where you’re free to do as you’d like.
when he starts the day, he presents you with a beautiful outfit to wear. it’s custom-made as well. you absolutely love the details that it has. even if you don’t really like the luxurious life as much, you still can appreciate something that must have taken a considerable amount of time to craft. you put the outfit on and thank giorno with a kiss to his cheek. once you’re in the outfit, he helps you do your hair, if you’d allow him. he would compliment you, as well.
after you two were ready for your day out, you would head out towards the shops. you took a car to get near the area, but walked afterwards. people all around you seemed to be decorated and dressed for the event as well. you were pretty excited to be able to spend the day with your wonderful boyfriend.
the first stop you would visit would most likely be a flower shop. there, giorno would be able to pick out flowers for you. you seemed to really like the flowers. how they smelt, the vibrant colors, everything. you really liked everything about it. so, of course giorno had to take you to a flower shop. there, he let you explore around the place, as well as look around himself. while you’re busy looking at all the flowers, he’s trying to pick out some that he thinks would suit you the best. maybe something purple? or something red? he’s usually good at picking out colors that match, but everything you usually wear matches you. eventually, he settles for a red rose. you end up getting a nice, white calla lily that would match giorno well. when you show each other the flowers, you both laugh at your ideas, finding them to be very ironic. he ends up paying for the flowers, and you two are on your way.
next stop, an ice cream shop. if you’re dating someone like him, then of course you’re going to get ice cream on valentine’s day. you always got gelato anyway, even on non-special occasions but sharing ice cream with him seemed fun. it took a little while of deciding on what you wanted (mainly from giorno’s part), but you eventually settled on getting a banana split. once you two sat down on a nearby bench, you both started to enjoy the sundae. of course, giorno’s sharp eyes just so happened to catch some kids playing nearby. they were holding some money in their hands. listening closer to their conversation, you could tell that they were debating on buying ice cream for them.
giorno, bless his kind soul, ends up going up to them. you’d advise against this, but they seem too young to really think anything of it. you don’t know much of their conversation, but the kids eyes’ seem to light up and giorno hands them some more money he had in his pockets. maybe he was handing them more money to teach them to be kind? who knows, but you can tell that giorno feels some sort of sense of pride in what he did. he ends up coming back to tell you about what the kids said and did while finishing up the ice cream with you.
after that whole fiasco, you decide to just take a walk around town. you really have no idea where you’re going, but giorno doesn’t mind. it’s just as long as you’re having fun together, that’s all he’s concerned about at the moment. you both end up talking about how you even started dating. it was a wild adventure, which lead to giorno asking you out. it was very cute and wholesome, the way he asked you out. besides, you wouldn’t have been able to say no, even if you wanted to. it was just cute to say no to!
after the painting experience, you end up running around town, looking for something to do. finally, you find yourselves near a doc. you figure that riding a boat together wouldn’t be so bad, so you pay someone to row the two of you across naples. the entire town is also decorated for valentine’s day, you also see other couples sailing on their own gondolas, exploring the beautiful city for themselves. the guide explains things to you, though, you already know most of the areas in the city by now. there are a few places that you didn’t know of, however. those are the interesting bits in your gondola ride.
after you get back to where you first docked, you get off the gondola. once off and ready to go, giorno takes you to a very romantic place. a very expensive restaurant. it’s packed full of people, but you managed to get one of the best spots available. it’s next to the window, where you can look out onto the city and into the ocean. the view is magnificent and so beautiful, you just want to stare outside all night. however, you eventually settle down and start ordering your food. you decide to go for something simple, while giorno gets a linguine all'aragosta o all'astice, a very expensive italian dish.
once the food comes, you’re very surprised about how fancy everything looks. you’re wide eyed, really. everything settled in front of you looks stunningly delicious. giorno laughs at your shocked face, which you end up laughing at as well. after that, you eat. it tastes even better than it looks! your boyfriend lets you try some of his meal as well and even that’s great. maybe this restaurant is really a good place to eat at. though, it is a bit expensive and pretentious for your tastes. you’d rather be somewhere a bit subtler, so would giorno.
you talk about how wonderful your date is. everything was perfect, from the beginning of the day where you got ready, all the way up to now. giorno acts confident, saying that he knew it was what you wanted, but you can tell that he was probably at least a little bit nervous. you’re not very used to being this pampered. you reassure him that everything was even more than you initially expected.
by the end of dinner, you teo decide to go home and get some rest. after all, you’ve been out all day. giorno makes sure to give you his presents. he gives you many accessories and jewelry, explaining how each one of them reminds you of him. he also tells you how much he loves you.
jolyne ;
jolyne isn’t too bothered about the idea of valentine’s day, but she she is excited about is getting to spend time with you. she texts you in the very early hours of morning to get ready for the beach. you wonder why she’s waking you up so early to go to the beach, but then again, she’s just like that all the time. of course, you get ready and meet her (secretly) outside of her house.
once you meet up, she takes her dad’s (or mr.kujo, as you call him) car and drive to the beach. does the girl even know how to drive? well, regardless, she’s driving. and she’s pretty good at it as well. the mini road trip you have consists of you listening to jolyne sing while you laugh along. who knows, maybe you sing as well!
along the way, you two stop at a gas station to get snacks for the day. a large bag of chips and some other goodies should be good enough for the day, plus, you’re probably going out to eat for dinner as well.
when you get to the beach, the sun’s just starting to rise. you find it pretty nice, watching the sunrise with your precious girlfriend. she seems to be pleased with it as well, moving her arm slyly to hug onto you as you look up at the sun. smiling back at her, you end up getting everything set. towels laid down on the sand, putting sunscreen on, everything.
you both head towards the water, making sure that your bags are being watched closely by at least one of you. though, at this time, there’s not much to worry about but the coldness of the water. it’s starting to get hotter, there in florida, so coming to the beach must have been a great idea.
playing around in the water, you end up splashing each other, because that’s really what ends up happening when you’re hanging out with her. you both end up laughing and falling in the water together. at least, near the shore everything is fine.
if you don’t know how to swim, then she would try to teach you how to! he best way to learn is if you have someone helping you out. plus, it’s always cute when you practice whatever you learned from her. she’s holding onto you the entire time. you just have to trust her, is all.
if you do know how to swim , she’ll probably want to race you to a certain point, then back at the shore. regardless of who actually wins, she’ll still be happy about it. at least she gets to spend time with you. you’re also grateful for the time you spend with her.
after you swim for an hour or two, you head back up to shore to make sand castles. it’s childish, yes, but you haven’t done it in a long time. you two also have a competition for sand castle building. actually, almost everything you two is competitive, but you never really get discouraged by the loss. building epic sand castles is better than really caring about winning or losing, anyway. in the end, you figure out that pretty much not your sand castles suck. the sand isn’t really the best for sculpting, but at least you two tried and had fun. you both end up kicking them down and laughing about it after.
after that, you start to bring out the snacks that you two bought earlier. it’s not the best of snacks, considering it comes from the gas station, but it’s the best you could have thought of. eating the snacks regularly becomes boring after a little while, so you bot decide to turn it into a game of “who can toss snacks into the other’s mouth more?” it’s a very fun game, nonetheless. plus, at least you’re eating!
soon after the snacks are over, you head back into the water for some more fun. plus, it’s probably time to get wet again. after being on the sand for so long, your skin is pretty much dry. it’s not as cold as when you first got in, but it’s still decently cold. you start to get in slow, but jolyne has other plans. she ends up jumping in and splashing you with water, causing a water fight.
for most of the rest of the day, you’re alternating between sitting in the sand for breaks, eating snacks, and actually swimming. overall, you have a pretty fun time at the beach! you even watch the sunset together, sitting on the sand and holding hands. you secretly hope that no one is judging the two of you, but jolyne would scare anyone off who even tried to judge.
after the sun completely sets, but there’s still a little bit of light out, you two pack up and start to leave. you end up driving back and singing songs once again. it’s a little less energetic, but you two manage. when you stop singing, you end up holding hands with jolyne whole she drives. for a second, it makes you wonder how life would be if you didn’t have her by your side, but you don’t want to think too deep into that today. so, you keep with the happy thoughts and are just thankful that she’s in your life right now.
jolyne takes you to a burger joint, one that’s local to the part of florida you’re in. you haven’t been there before and neither has your girlfriend. so, you have to really look at the menu and decide what you want. eventually, you end up getting two simple burgers. when they come to the table, it smells good. it’s really delicious too! you put ketchup on yours, while jolyne tries to see if she can make it a cursed burger by finding something gross to put on it. it turns out that there really isn’t anything too gross to put on a burger, so you end up working with what you have. it turns out to be actually good.
you two share some ice cream and fries together, dipping them in and generally just messing around. from an outside perspective, it just seems like two kids having fun. your relationship is not very out there, as you would like to keep it at least a bit subtle to people around you. it’s not too noticeable, but it’s also not too much.
by the end of the date, you’re very tired, but you also had tons of fun. jolyne always makes sure to keep you happy, you can count on her for that much. you, of course, think that she did a fantastic job at keeping the both of you happy. though, as you’re leaving the restaurant and driving back home, you can sort of see how tired she is. you feel a little guilty for making her so tired out, but she says that she’s happy to do this for you.
you never really imagined her to be the type to be cheesy, but as you’re driving back home, she ends up taking your hand and kisses your knuckles, smiling softly against your skin. of course, these actions make you red in the cheeks, feeling your heartbeat pound faster and faster against your chest. she makes sure to tell you that she loves you and wouldn’t trade you for the world. you say the same to her, as you really do feel that way. you both want each other to know just how loved you are.
when you’re finally back home, mr.kujo is immediately there to wonder where his daughter and you went. jolyne lies to him about the date part, but you can see it im his eyes that he understands what went on. however, he also understands that she’s responsible enough to be making her own decisions, so he decides not to bother you. plus, you seem to be on the msn’s good side.
when you’re up in her room for a while, you end up giving her a cheek kiss and stroke her hair, telling her how much you love her. at first, she’s a bit taken aback. she isn’t really used to you initiating these kind and soft actions, but she leans into your touch, affectionate as always.
when you have to leave, you kiss her forehead and tell her to have a good night. walking downstairs is simple, but you can feel mr. kujo’s eyes watching your back, silently judging you. maybe he’s haunting you now? whatever, you were pooped. you might as well pass out when you get home and shower, right?
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chaoticowlpost · 4 years
To New Friendships
Before the fic starts, I just want to tag @nourix-png because they’re so supportive and sweet and I love seeing their name in my notifications so here’s the update you asked for <3 (also check their account out because they have amazing art <3)
“Hello, Draco,” Harry said slowly, not yet sure of what to make of the other child. “I’m Harry.”
Draco took a pause before straightening himself in his seat and said, “Hello, I’m Draco.”
Harry couldn’t help it. He let out a laugh at Draco’s mistake and felt himself warm a bit towards the other boy when he noted his embarrassment through the light flush that covered his cheeks.
Harry’s mom ruffled the other boy’s hair before sending them off to Harry’s room with Harry leading the way while Draco trailed behind him. Once they arrived, Harry closed his door and they both took a seat on the beanbag chairs that were scattered on his floor.
While Harry practically flopped himself onto the red one, Draco sat carefully on the adjacent blue seat, wobbling a bit as he sank down into the material.
“So, you’re Draco.” Be cool, Harry, You’re the older one here so you have to look impressive. 
“I am,” Draco nodded before letting his eyes wander around the room. “You don’t have to pretend, you know.”
“What?” Harry asked, feeling confused. 
“You don’t like me.” It was a simple statement, one that was said with only the barest hint of a frown. “You could just ignore me and do whatever you want, if you like.”
Guilt washed over Harry, and he suddenly felt bad about his initial greeting with Draco from earlier. Especially after his mom warned him about the problem in their family.
“No,” Harry shook his head, because it was true. “I don’t dislike you. I just wanted to see my friend.”
“Right,” Draco nodded. “I’m sorry you can’t see him because of me.”
“No!” Harry exclaimed, realizing that Draco misinterpreted what he meant. “I just... didn’t know we had guests over.” There, Harry thought. Nice save.
“I’m sorry for-”
“Stop apologizing,” Harry panicked, unsure of what else he could say to make the blond forget how he acted just minutes ago. “Seriously, it’s fine.”
“Right,” Draco nodded, still looking unsure. After that, an uneasy silence settled between the two, and Harry was already regretting giving in to his mother so easily. 
“Do you know the hand clap game?” Harry asked, although he was pretty sure that the other kid didn’t. His Uncle Moony taught him.
“No?” Draco responded, his eyebrows furrowing. “What’s that?”
“Here, I’ll teach you,” Harry said, excited at the prospect of getting to play it with someone else other than Moony, who kept winning against him. He began teaching Draco every step of the actions.
“-and then after each round, you have to add another clap at the end,” Harry instructed, repeating the game slowly as he taught Draco.
“And if one of us loses?” Draco asked. 
“I dunno,” Harry shrugged. “My Uncle Moony normally chases me and tugs my ear.”
“Let’s do that, then,” Draco said excitedly. Harry quickly agreed and they began playing. Naturally, Harry was majority of the time in the beginning as Draco was still prone to confusing the steps but, apparently, the kid was also a fast runner.
“I got you!” Harry laughed, wrapping his arms around the other boy so he couldn’t escape. Draco slumped and gave in as Harry tugged on his ear, pink from all the other times he lost.
“One last,” Draco insisted for possibly the tenth time. Harry didn’t mind; this was fun. Except Harry, still high on all his winnings, made a mistake while counting and clapped one too many times.
“Ha!” Draco cheered triumphantly, grinning wide. “I win.”
“That’s not fair!” Harry protested, pouting. “I’m tired from all the running.”
“Or maybe you suck at counting,” Draco teased. Harry narrowed his eyes and leaned forward, flicking the other boy’s head before bolting away.
“Hey!” Draco laughed, getting up to run after him. They went on like that for a while since they were both beginning to get tired, meaning they paused their game every few seconds to take a breather, because that’s how these games work.
“Be careful,” Harry heard his mum say as she walked in the room. Both he and Draco stopped running to greet her. Once she left, Harry shot back up and began bouncing on his bed.
“C’mon, you haven’t caught me yet,” he taunted the younger boy.
“But your mother told us to be careful,” Draco said warily. 
“We are being careful,” Harry huffed, but Draco still looked hesitant. He didn’t want his new friend to be uncomfortable, so he decided it would be better to give in. “Or we could just watch the telly.”
“The... what?” Draco asked, tilting his head a bit to the side.
“The telly,” Harry repeated, gesturing to the black screen that was placed above a high drawer. He knew, of course, that not a lot of wizards had them because it was a Muggle invention, and it could be hard to get them to work in magical houses.
“I was wondering what that was,” Harry heard the other kid mumble, more to himself than to Harry, which made him grin.
“There are loads of channels,” Harry bragged, grabbing the remote. “Follow me.”
He dove under his blanket, holding it up so that Draco could follow him as they crawled through the dark space until their heads were peeking through the bottom end of the cloth, facing the TV.
Harry fiddled with the remote and turned it on before facing Draco, excited to see the awe on his face when the light of the TV filled the room.
“Are they trapped?” Draco asked worriedly, looking at the screen with wide eyes.
“I don’t think so,” Harry furrowed his eyebrows. “My parents said that they’re just acting, and everything is recorded. Like a photograph.”
“Oh,” Draco murmured, still staring at the bright screen.
“Look, this is my favorite channel,” Harry said, flicking to the one that showed a cat and mouse chasing each other.
“Kneazles don’t look like that,” Draco commented.
“It’s a cartoon,” Harry explained. “They’re animalat- animini?... drawn animals.”
“Oh,” Draco nodded, not paying any attention to Harry’s little slip up. 
He and Draco sat there and flicked through the various channels until the sky was dark outside, interrupted by a knock on the door while they discussed whether the animated mermaid in the movie was accurate or not.
“It’s time for dinner,” Harry’s mum called through the door before they heard the sounds of her footsteps fading. They both crawled out from under the sheets and went to follow the Potter matriarch. 
The dinner was a chatter-filled one. Both Lily and Harry were excited to ask about Draco while the kid in question was happy to learn about Harry’s life as well. 
Once dinner was finished, Lily began taking out the dishes while James finally caved and started asking Draco a bit about himself and his family until the little blond boy stood abruptly, gathering his plate before marching in the kitchen.
“Here you go, Mrs. Potter,” Draco said, looking up at her as he extended his arms, trying to reach high enough to place it in the sink.
“Thank you, sweetheart,” she cooed, wiping her hand to run it through the boy’s head. “If only my husband and son could learn a thing from you.”
Harry, feeling indigent, gaped at the two from his seat while Lily threw a pointed look in his general direction.
“Go help your mother, Harry,” James shrugged, picking up the paper and straightening it out for him to read. 
“But Mr. Potter,” Draco said, standing in the entryway that connected the kitchen to the dinning area. “You’re her husband. Shouldn’t you be helping her.”
This time, it was James’ turn to gape while Lily cackled loudly from the kitchen. “He has a point, dear,” she singsonged. 
“I-” James sputtered, folding the newspaper and tossing it on the table. “Of course I can help her.”
He stood up and gathered his plate while Harry followed suit, marching behind his father as they went into the kitchen to place their utensils and plates into the sink.
“I told you I like him,” Lily smirked at James, who simply rolled his eyes.
“Hey mum,” Harry asked once she and James were finished talking, because it was rude to interrupt adults. “Since we’re done, can Draco and I grab one of the board games and go up?
“Sure, Harry,” she smiled, dismissing the two after Draco’s light protest.
Unfortunately, they weren’t able to make it much further than setting up the game and establishing the rules when Lily knocked on their door once more, telling them that Narcissa was back and it was time for Draco to go home.
“Does he have to?” Harry frowned, slightly bitter at the fact that they didn’t get to play the game.
“I’m sure Draco could come over again soon,” she said, trying to placate her son. “But I think Mrs. Malfoy is tired, so we should let them go now.”
“If she’s tired then she should rest, and Draco could stay here with us,” Harry argued.
At this, Lily let out a small huff of amusement. “Maybe plan a sleepover for another night.”
“Fine,” Harry pouted. The trio went back to the living room where Mrs. Malfoy was waiting, making polite conversation with James while Draco put on his shoes. 
When both families stood on opposite ends of the doorway, Harry frowned as Draco gave him a small smile.
“We should play again sometime,” Harry stated. Draco looked up at his mother for permission, who nodded and turned back to talk to his mum. 
“Bye Harry,” Draco whispered before stepping away when his mother did.
“Hey,” Harry said, taking a step forward as well before pulling the younger boy into a hug. Then, he whispered, “You have to come back.”
“Okay,” Draco nodded seriously as they pulled away.
“Promise?” Harry asked.
“I promise.”
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