#If anyone else responds tomorrow I'll just make two
thatoneluckybee · 8 months
It's 12am school night and my tablet's on the verge of death so I'll finish the drawing meme tomorrow chat
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baby-yongbok · 18 days
✧ 5 Minutes - Bang Chan Soft Thought
⤷ Content warning - Themes of pregnancy ⤷ WC - 0.7k ✧ Masterlist ✧
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 "What does it say?" 
"Chan, it's only been two minutes." You huff, smiling over towards your wide eyed boyfriend on your computer screen. 
"How long does it take again?" You chuckle, picking up the box to the pregnancy test and holding it up to the Webcam. "Five minutes, see. Five sets of sixty seconds."
The boba eyed boy whines, slumping into the hotel chair. "That's too long. I need to know now."
"Patience, Channie." You lean in, getting closer to the camera with your chin resting on crossed arms. "Are you nervous?"
"Of course." His voice is soft as he stares up at the ceiling. "But I want this."
"You want a baby?" You shift your tone to match his, soft and gentle. 
"I want a family with you." His eyes find yours through the lens. "It's been on my mind for a while."
"Why haven't you said anything?" He leans in, sparkling eyes looking into yours from miles away. 
"Didn't wanna seem like I was rushing things. I didn't want you to feel... I don't know, just, didn't want there to be any pressure." You smile at him, blinking away the tears that threaten to fall as the timer counts down the final seconds. "But I want this so badly. I only want it with you."
Just as you're about to respond the timer beeps and Chan jolts straight up in his chair. "It's done?"
"It's done." You smile, sitting up and picking up the test without revealing the result. "I want this with you too, Chan. I can't imagine any of this with anyone else." 
His eyes soften and you can make out a faint glimmer at his waterline. 
"Do you think I'll be a good dad?" You nod, a tear escaping and sliding down your reddening cheek. "I do."
His tears betray him seconds after yours did, following the same path down his cheek. "You'll be an amazing mom." He whispers and you nod, fighting back the sobs that burns at the back of your throat. 
"Ready?" He hums, sitting up and leaning in towards the camera. 
"One." He joins in, counting with you. "Two, three." You turn the test over, observing it carefully with wide eyes before turning it towards the camera. 
It would be silent if it weren't for your sobbing. Chan follows suit, bursting into a fit of waterworks seconds after you. 
"We're gonna be parents." You mumble, sitting the test down and covering your mouth with both hands. Chan stands from his spot. Walking away for just a second, leaving you by yourself. 
"We're gonna be parents." He practically screams, not caring one bit about the possible noise complaint. He picks up his phone, coming back into view swiftly. "I'm coming home. I'm coming home tomorrow and I'm going to hug you both."
You're smiling behind your hands. Tearfully chuckling as Chan smiles at you. "I'm going home to my family tomorrow." 
You're sobbing again, speechless as you watch him. "I love you, okay? I love you so fucking much." He runs his hand through his hair, revealing his red ears to match his even redder cheeks. 
"I love you too." You manage to speak through the sobs. You steal a glance down at the test and a wave hits you again. You've never really felt an emotion like this. It's unrecognizable yet welcome. 
"Can I tell the boys? Can we go tell them?" You nod, mumbling a small ‘of course’ before Chan is rushing off to another room where the rest of the boys seem to be gathered. 
"Woah, hyung, are you okay?" You recognize Felix's voice as Chan bursts through the door. "What's going on?" Minho follows. 
"Show them, baby." Chan turns the phone towards the boys and they all look towards you with fresh confusion plastered on every feature until you hold up the test. "We're gonna be parents." 
"You're gonna- WAH!" Changbin is the first to break into hysterics before the others follow. You can't help but laugh loud and hard at the mess that's unfolding on the screen. They're tackling Chan, coming from left and right to hug him and congratulate him as your boyfriend sobs in their hold. 
You hug yourself, filled with joy as you watch them. Chan is surrounded by his family while you hold the newest addition with you. 
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Thank You For Reading! Please Reblog or Comment to let me know how you liked it! It makes my day! 💕
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heavyhitterheaux · 2 months
All Mine
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Synopsis: Jack wants to be more than friends with benefits when he sees you hanging off another person's arm. When he tells you this, you tell him that he has to prove it to you and show you that you're the only one for him.
Pairing: Jack Harlow x Reader
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
Staring down at your phone, you sighed to yourself noticing it was now 2 in the morning and you hadn't been to sleep yet. It was bothering you since your alarm was set for 6 am in order to go to the gym and get ready for work. Next thing you knew, a text message came through on your phone. It had that familiar ringtone that you loved hearing so much. It had been a few days since you had heard it and immediately became excited.
Jack- Baby girl, you awake? I wanna facetime you
Not even bothering to respond to his text, you simply called him while reaching over to turn on your bedside lamp so that he would be able to see you as you sat up against the headboard and waited for him to answer. Once he saw your face he immediately smiled and a slight blush danced on his cheeks.
��What are you doing, pretty girl?”
“Can't sleep and I saw your text. Even though my alarm is set for 6 am.”
“Why? You miss me too much? You need to be with me to fall asleep easier?” He asked and you immediately rolled your eyes
“Don't push it because I’ll hang up on you.”
“You're starting to bicker with me so yeah, my original thought confirmed. You miss me.” He replied as he winked at you.
“Shut up. But maybe a little.” You confessed while showing him how much with your fingers.
“I know it's more than that, but I'll let you slide this time. I have something to tell you though.”
“You're bringing me tacos when I get off of work later? Or you just jacked off to that picture I sent you earlier?”
“I'll have it delivered to your condo later, but no. And also no, it was a gorgeous picture though. I'm waiting until I see you in person.”
“Then what?”
“I wanted for you to hear this from me before you heard it from anyone else.”
“I'm performing at Preakness this year. I'm headlining. So I get to come and see you.”
“Wait… seriously?” You asked as you did a double take and looked on with wide eyes.
“They're going to announce it tomorrow.”
“First off, I'm so proud of you and I think I miss you a little more than I let on earlier.” You told him as you smiled.
“So that means you're excited to see me?”
“Fine. Yes, I admit it. But you already know that I'm always excited to see you.”
“I'm getting there like a day earlier and staying for a few days to be able to spend time with you before I go back to Louisville. You coming to Gazebo? You can stay with me if you are.”
“You said my VIP ticket was waiting for me so that's obviously a yes. And I have a special outfit for your eyes only after your performance on Sunday.”
“Hmm, I like the sound of that. Can I have two special outfits for both weeks?”
“Don't push it. But I'll think about it.”
“I'll take that. At least I made my request known. Now go and get some sleep. Your tacos will be delivered once you tell me you're back home.”
“Mmm, can't wait.”
“To see me or the tacos?”
“Well, I'm getting the tacos first so definitely tacos.”
“Hmm, we'll see about that when I have you whimpering underneath me.”
“Make sure you back all of this up once you see me.”
“I'm always good for my word. You know that. Just wait.”
It was the day of Preakness and Jack was fuming. He had spent the previous night with you since he had landed all for him to open up Instagram to see you posted a picture of you cuddled up with someone who wasn't him while holding a drink in your hand.
He could tell that you were already at Pimlico by the background since he saw trainers and horses passing by.
Was he missing something?
The night went well as you two spent time together with it ending with you underneath him.
You two hadn't argued or gotten into a disagreement so he didn't understand.
He was taking some time to cool off because the last thing he wanted to do was confront you about it and not be in a good headspace. Jack planned on sending you a text to come backstage to see him before his performance so that way you two could discuss this and get on the same page. He had already let his security team know to expect you and to not give you any problems.
The two of you spent a lot of time together so why would you suddenly be hanging off of someone else's arm?
When you had gotten a text from Jack, you immediately smiled and wondered where he had been the majority of the day since you were under the impression that he was going to get to Pimlico early in order to watch the race.
Jack- Come backstage and see me before my set. I told them to let you through.
You- Sure, bubs. Give me a few minutes.
Knowing that Jayden was a big fan of Jack, you turned to him to see if he wanted to join you.
Jayden had worked alongside you for a few years and the two of you had become good friends. He simply asked to go to Preakness with you since he knew that you went every year. You figured since you probably couldn't ask Jack to be your date because you knew how much he valued his privacy and that Jayden was your best option. The two of you did mess around with other people and you knew if the two of you stepped out together there was no coming back from it and the other people you talked to would be blowing up your phone with no end in sight.
“Hey, come walk with me for a second.”
“Sure. Where are we going?”
“To see a friend of mine. I think you'll like him.”
“Okay, lead the way.”
The two of you had gotten up from your table in VIP to start heading towards the stage for Preakness Live. At that moment you were thankful for the hat that you were wearing because it had started to lightly rain. Once backstage, security had let the both of you through and led you over to Jack who had an unreadable look on his face.
“Hi bubs!” You greeted Jack and hugged him as he gave a small smile that almost seemed forced and hugged you back.
“Hey, who's this?” He asked as he moved his head in Jayden's direction who looked a bit star struck.
“Jayden, this is Jack and Jack this is my date Jayden.”
“Nice to meet you man, big fan.” Jayden confessed as he came closer towards Jack and dapped him up.
“You too. Appreciate it.”
“Once he heard that you were performing, he wasted no time in asking me to go. Jay, can you get me another drink and I'll meet you back in VIP?”
“Yeah, what did you want?”
“Another Black Eyed Susan is fine.”
Nodding his head, Jayden started to make his way towards the bar and Jack waited until he was out of earshot to express how he felt.
“What was that?” He asked and you looked at him confused.
“What do you mean, bubs?”
“To be more specific, who the fuck is that?” Jack asked as he saw Jayden walk away from the bar and went back to where your table was on the side of the field.
“Jayden? I definitely just introduced the two of you.”
“You didn't tell me that you were bringing a date…. You knew that you were going to see me so what is up with that? I literally just had you sitting on my face last night and my dick was definitely down your throat. Make it make sense.”
Quickly growing annoyed, you looked at Jack in disbelief about what he had just said and calmly took another swig of your drink before you responded to him.
“I'm not your girlfriend so what the fuck are you so mad about?”
“Yeah, but….”
“But nothing, Jack. You can't be mad if you see me with someone else who isn't you. You made it clear from the very beginning about what this was and I distinctly remember you saying this was a friends with benefits situation. You miss me, you fly me out, you get bricked up, we fuck, and I go home. Don’t try and switch up on me now when this is what you asked for.”
“What if I now want more than I asked for? I don't want to see you with anyone else.”
“I'm going to stop you before you get too far ahead of yourself and before your feelings get hurt. After all, I have a date to get back to.”
“Y/N, wait!”
“No, I'm not waiting. If you really want me like you say that you do, then you need to prove it. Have a good show.” You gave him a small smile before placing a kiss on his cheek that was dangerously close to his mouth before turning on your heels to go back to Jayden. But before you could, Jack turned you back around and roughly kissed you before leaning down to whisper in your ear.
“Challenge accepted.”
Preakness came and went and ever since you had told Jack about how you felt regarding how he approached you about Jayden, he's taking the time to show you that he wanted for you to be in a relationship with him.
Even though it had only been a week, Jack had been sending you flowers, checking in on you and seeing how your day was, and giving you an increased amount of attention.
Truth be told, you didn't know how to feel. There were so many questions running through your head about how the two of you would make this work. First, he lived in Louisville and you lived in Baltimore. He traveled all the time based on what his job entailed and was constantly on the go. You just weren't sure how he would be able to fit you into any of that.
The distance in itself made you the most nervous. The last thing that you wanted to do was waste his time and waste yours. Jack was an amazing person and you knew that he deserved someone on the same level as him. But, you just weren't sure if that person was you.
Currently packing for Gazebo Fest since you promised him that you would still go made you think that you had to tell him sooner rather than later. You deserved happiness too and as much as you might want it to be with Jack, you simply didn't know if you would be able to keep up.
Jack was sending a private jet for you and he told you that you were more than welcome to stay with him while you were in Louisville. You would use this weekend in order to tell him how you felt and would wait until Gazebo Fest was over in order to not bring his mood down. But you knew as soon as you touched down in Louisville that he would be able to tell that something was wrong.
Jack was currently waiting for the jet to land and he was simply in front of the TV in his living room flipping through channels while Urban and Clay were keeping him company until you got there. Urban had noticed that Jack had been off since Preakness and he knew that he had seen you and made a point to ask him about it.
“What is going on with you?” Urban piped up and asked. Jack looked in his direction and Clay’s eyes were on Jack.
“Y/N bought a date to Preakness and when I confronted her about it she told me that I couldn't get mad because we weren't together. She said if I want to be in a relationship with her, I have to prove it.”
“But don't you currently have like five girls in your rotation INCLUDING her?”
“Not since she told me.”
“But, do THEY know that?” Clay asked as he opened his bag of chips.
“I… what's to know? If I'm not calling them back, I obviously don't want to deal with them.” Jack replied as he looked at both of them.
Urban and Clay exchanged looks with each other before sighing because they both knew that this was not about to end well.
“So, you just suddenly had this realization that you want Y/N to be your girlfriend?”
“Or was it simply because you saw her with someone that wasn't you and got jealous?”
“Uh, maybe a little.”
“Don't get into a relationship that you're going to end up regretting. Y/N's a sweet girl who doesn't deserve the run around from you. Out of all of them, I like her the best.” Clay told his older brother and he could tell that the wheels in his head were turning.
“It honestly just might be easier for you two to just be friends with benefits.”
“But I don't want to share her.”
“But, she was sharing you with other girls, was she not?”
“Uh, that's different.”
“No it's not. You were being a whore and got mad at the thought of her probably fucking someone else.”
“Look, I'm going to prove to her that she's the only one I want. She's the one that I know the best and talk to the most. Like I talk to her about real shit while she calls me out on my bullshit and tells me if she thinks I'm doing something wrong. I can't do that with the other ones. She's the only one who really understands me. And she's the only one I spend money on to fly out to places. The other girls simply keep my bed warm when I'm away from her.”
“All I'm saying is that you better hope that this doesn't blow up in your face and you need to tell those other girls that you're done with them.”
“I'm not going to tell them just yet just in case me and Y/N don't work out.”
“And there it goes.” Clay quietly said and Jack looked at him confused.
“Red flag number one.”
When Jack had opened the door and saw you standing there, he immediately picked you up and hugged you as you tightly held him back.
“Hi bubs.” You said as you laughed.
“Hi.” He finally told you once he set you down on your feet.
Once you were fully inside, he immediately captured you into a kiss and deepened it as you wrapped his arms around you.
When the two of you finally broke apart, Jack had rested his forehead on yours and you simply placed another kiss on the tip of his nose.
“I see someone missed me even if it hasn't even been a week yet.”
“You know how much I love being around you and I'm not scared to admit it unlike other people.” Jack said as he eyed you.
All you did was laugh and shake your head at him before asking for another kiss.
“Shut up and give me another kiss since you missed me so much.”
“I can give you a lot more than that if you want me to, that is.” Jack replied as he leaned down to place several kisses on your lips.
“As much as I want to sit on your face right now, you already told me that you had to get up early tomorrow so no. We need to go to sleep seeing as it's already almost midnight.”
“Just one taste?”
“No and besides aren't you supposed to be courting me anyway? Take me to dinner first before trying to get in my pants.” You told him and you still had your tight hold on him.
“Hmm, you have a point, but I've already tried and already succeeded in that department.”
“I'll make one exception for Sunday night after your performance that I know is going to be amazing. But until then, no. But I am definitely going to make myself comfy in your bed.”
“By all means, please do.”
“Oh, one more thing.”
“What's that princess?”
“Will me sleeping naked bother you? It's super hot.” You told him as you smirked and he instantly rolled his eyes.
“I love picking with you.” You told him as you laughed and pinched his cheek.
Day one of Gazebo had been amazing and Jack had been so happy throughout the day. You made sure to tell him how proud you were of him and how much his hard work was paying off. The two of you woke up on Sunday to gloomy skies outside which was the complete opposite of the day before and Jack immediately got a frown on his face.
“Well that doesn't look good.” He said as he stared out the window.
You quickly came up beside him to look out the window yourself.
“Hopefully it clears up. It's still super early. Come on, I’ll make us food.” You told him as you tugged on his hand.
He was hesitant in turning around to face you, so you tugged on his hand once more to get him to follow behind you.
“Bubs, staring outside isn't going to change how it looks. Come on.”
“I know, but what if…”
“No. Stop. We aren't going to think like that. Let's just wait and see, okay?” You told him as you gave him a small smile. He weakly smiled back at you before following you downstairs towards the kitchen.
As you were sipping your orange juice and sitting on the couch with your legs in Jack’s lap after you two had eaten, you heard him sigh as he stared down at his phone.
“I don't like that sigh so start talking.” You told him as you set your glass down and gave him your full attention.
“The team is telling me to delay opening the gates.”
“For how long?”
“I guess until the weather lets up outside.”
“Okay, don't get upset just yet. Remember that this is for everyone's safety. The last thing you want is for people to get hurt. We can just have a movie marathon until they open. I'm not complaining because I get to spend more time with you and have you all to myself.” You told him as you leaned over to pinch his cheek.
“I just don't want to let anyone down.”
“Jackman, would you rather your fans be safe or get hit with a lawsuit later after you were told it wasn't safe, but the gates opened anyway because someone got hurt?”
“Okay, I get it.”
“Good, now I want cuddles so come over here.” You told him as you moved closer and slid onto his lap.
“Either way, you should still be proud of yourself for making this happen.”
When the decision was made to ultimately cancel the rest of Gazebo, Jack was obviously upset and for good reason. He took some time to sulk and then came up with the idea to take you out on a proper date.
The two of you had been sitting across from one another at the restaurant enjoying spending time together when you told him that you were going to the bathroom to fix your makeup.
As Jack was waiting for you to come back, he played on his phone and suddenly hearing his name being called startled him.
“Jack? Did you suddenly forget how to answer your phone?”
He looked up to see Sierra, one of the many girls he had been hooking up with before he decided that he only wanted to be with you and the only thing he could think was
Oh, shit
“Um, hi to you too Sierra and no. Just been busy that's all.”
“Hmm, busy dodging my calls I see. Then who are you here with? Because obviously you did.”
“Why does that matter? Aren't your friends waiting for you?”
“Hmm, why do you ask? Don't want her to see me?” She asked as she leaned down to whisper in his ear and he immediately backed up.
“Sierra….” Jack said through gritted teeth as he saw you appear from the direction of where the bathrooms were.
“Oh, is that her?” Sierra asked as she followed Jack’s gaze. You didn't notice her because you were fixing the front of your dress before walking back to meet Jack at your table.
“Oohh, she's cute. Maybe we can do something with all three of us. But for now, I’ll be over here.”
As Sierra had gotten back to her table, you had finally gotten back as well and noticed that Jack seemed off. He was looking in every direction except yours and made it a point to ask him about it.
“Bubs, I was gone for two minutes. What could have happened in that time frame that made you nervous? Because your face is very telling at the moment.” You asked and simply laughed before stealing a bite of food from his plate.
“Um, nothing.” Was all Jack said and you rolled your eyes.
“Jackman, do not bullshit me because you know that I, out of all people, am going to call you out on it. I know when something is wrong with you.”
“Just still a little upset about earlier that's all. I'm having a good time with you and I'm happy in that regard. I always love spending time with you.” He told you, but you could still tell that there was something that he wasn't telling you.
“You are lying through your teeth. I think that's only some of the truth. Bubs, how are we going to be together if you aren't 100% honest with me? You obviously know that I care about you, so just tell me.”
Jack didn't even get a chance to respond before Sierra once again made her way to the table and looked you up and down before looking over at Jack.
“Jack, make sure you call me once you're done with your little date in case it doesn't go well.”
All you saw was the color drain from Jack’s face as you looked on in confusion.
“And you are?” You asked with a slight attitude.
“Sierra. He's number one girl when he needs a quick fuck. And you are?” She asked and all you did was look at Jack who hadn't said a word until now.
“Sierra, I'm done with you and the last thing you needed to do was come over here and bother us.”
“Oh, I know you'll be changing your mind soon, but I'll let the two of you be for now. If you were done with me then maybe you should have told me? I mean that would have been the polite way to do it. Anyway, have a good date…. Or what's left of it.”
As soon as she walked away, you were doing your best to calm your breathing because you were more than pissed off at that point.
“Baby girl…” Jack quietly said, but you held up your hand in order to tell him to stop talking.
“You call yourself wanting to be in a relationship with me, yet you're out here still entertaining these other bitches who have the nerve to come up to me and talk to me like that in public?”
“I swear I haven't talked to her since I told you that I wanted this between us.”
“But you didn't tell them or cut them off? Clearly because that just happened and I know she's probably not the only one.”
“Y/N…” Jack quickly said as you started getting up from the table.
“I don't have an appetite anymore.”
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tip-top-cloud-surfer · 11 months
The Danger Zone (Part 7) - Hangman
Pairing: Hangman / Fem!Bradshaw!Reader | OC
Word Count: 3.6k
This work, all my works, and my entire blog are 18+ ONLY
Warnings: Unplanned Pregnancy; Secret Relationship; Angst; Undefined Relationships; Overprotective Family; Background Relationships; Use of "You," No Use of Y/N, No Set Physical Description
Summary: You and Jake take some time for yourselves before you tell Bradley the news.
Series Master List
Master List
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About Fourteen Months Ago
Jake glanced around the reception hall. It was Rooster and Emma’s rehearsal dinner and he was more than a little bored. Everyone else had paired off with their plus ones or were trying to get one and Jake just decided to wander around the building to the outdoor bar for a change in scenery.
Walking over, Jake was about to order a drink when he spotted you sitting at the end of the bar, dressed in a dress that hugged your body well and a pair of heels. He had seen your picture before any of the wedding preparations started, and knew that he’d shoot his shot with you if given the chance. He saw that you had a boyfriend, but yet he hadn’t seen the guy around anywhere today.
So, he was going to take a chance.
“What’s a beautiful woman like you doing out here all by yourself?” Jake drawled, letting his Texas accent shine through.
“Trying to get away from my family, actually,” you mused, taking a sip of your drink. “I don’t know if you’ve noticed or not but Bradley’s a bit of a groomzilla.”
“He’s been a diva ever since I met him.”
“You’re Hangman, right?” you asked, turning in your seat towards Jake. 
“The one and only,” Jake returned with a nod. “And you must be Rooster’s one and only sister. The maid of honor.”
“That’s me.” 
“Well, that makes me even more curious about why you’re out here alone,” Jake remarked, taking his seat. “You didn’t even get to bring a guest to pull you out of the bullshit?”
“Well, I did have a guest. And then I sort of broke up with him a few weeks ago,” you replied, causing Jake to nod slowly.
“That’ll do it.”
“Oh, it did,” you replied, taking another sip of your drink. Turning back to Jake, you offered him a playful smile. “Can I ask you something?”
“Why is it that my brother didn’t warn me to stay away from anyone else except for you?” you mused, leaning on the bar top. “What makes you so special?”
“I have a few guesses,” Jake responded, motioning to the bartender to grab a drink for himself. “Your brother and I have a history of not seeing eye to eye on a lot of things. And I have a nasty habit of flirting with beautiful women.”
“He was probably worried that you’d take advantage of me, since he thinks that I’m vulnerable and pathetic right now.”
“You’re not upset about your breakup?” Jake asked, turning to you. 
“It was one of those relationships that you look back on and wonder why you stayed for as long as you did,” you explained before taking a long sip of your drink. “And I think my family was more upset about it than I was.”
“Who cares what they think? It’s your life, your relationship, your decision.”
“I'll drink to that,” you returned with a smile. 
Jake got his beer and the two of you chatted as the dinner dragged on. Laughing at one of Jake’s jokes, you turned around when you heard your name. Penny was standing at the entrance to the hall and motioning for you to come inside. She glanced between the two of you with a look that you would call knowing motherly intuition before heading inside. 
“I should probably go,” you stated, standing up from the bar. “Thanks for the chat.”
“Anytime,” Jake replied, eyes still trained on you. 
“Do you have any plans for after the wedding tomorrow?” you asked, sliding your clutch under your arm. 
“Are you offering?” Jake asked, a smirk overcoming his features. 
“Only if you’re agreeing,” you returned, taking slow steps from him. 
“And if I am?”
“Then if you give me a ride home tomorrow, I’ll see what I can do to repay you for it.”
“I’ll be there,” he stated, nodding in return.
“I’ll be the one standing at the altar in the blue dress next to the bride. Just in case,” you joked, heading inside. Sending him one last smile, you added, “Bye, Jake.”
Present Day
Jake took the initiative and suggested that the two of you take a day trip together away from San Diego where the two of you could talk in peace. And the beach town where you may or may not have accidentally conceived your child together was his first suggestion. 
The two of you walked down to the beach, which was relatively quiet as it was still early in the day. You picked a spot a short walk from the waves where the breeze was present but not too strong and set down your bag. 
“You need help?” Jake asked as you unrolled your beach blanket. 
“I think that I can manage,” you assured him, using the breeze to fluff out the blanket. 
You set it down on the sand carefully before straightening up. Shimmying out of your beach cover, happy to sit in the warm California air in just your bathing suit, you caught Jake’s gaze on you. Tossing your dress onto your bag and slowly lowering yourself to sit on the blanket, you looked up at Jake.
“You know, you staring at me got us into this situation in the first place,” you commented, adjusting your top. 
“I didn’t hear you complaining before,” Jake quipped, sitting down beside you. “And I was staring at your bump, not . . .” You glanced down at your small bump before turning back to Jake. “You hide it everywhere else.”
“Not everyone knows about it everywhere else,” you pointed out softly. You glanced down at your bump again, tilting your head to the side. “Though I guess it is starting to grow, isn’t it?” 
“Has Mav said anything to you since the dinner?” Jake asked, turning to stare out at the waves.
“Not much besides checking in on me. I think that he’s just waiting for us to tell Bradley.” 
“And where are you with that?” Jake inquired, glancing over at you. 
“I know that I have to do it. Mav already invited us over for dinner next weekend, so I have a feeling that he’s getting antsy about it,” you replied softly. “But it’s terrifying to think about Bradley’s reaction.”
“Why? He’s just your brother.” 
You turned back to Jake with a mildly annoyed expression, but he didn’t seem to back down on his opinion. Resting your hands on the towel behind you, you stared out and away from Jake, settling your emotions before you responded. 
“I know that not everyone is close with their siblings. But Bradley and I are close. Because we had to be,” you explained, watching the waves crash rhymically in front of you, helping settle you more. “Look, maybe if my dad lived or my mom lived, we wouldn’t have been as close. But we had to rely on each other a lot growing up.”
“Like with what?” 
“It was usually just us. My grandparents helped out, but they got sick. My mom was there and she took on everything that she could, but she had to work full time. Mav was gone for a lot of the time. Bradley would start dinner for my mom and then help me with my homework pretty much every night.”
You paused, glancing down at your toes and curling them in the sand as a nervous habit.
“Hell, Brad even took me to the father-daughter dance one year. My friend’s dad drove us, but Brad was my guest. There were a lot of times where he was just forced to stand in for someone else for me. And I always feel guilty about it.”
“Because he didn’t have a choice. He was the oldest and Mom couldn’t physically be there for everything. And Mav was busy with his career.”
“Mav wasn’t around that often for you guys?” Jake asked after a moment, a little confused. “How are you guys so close then?”
“He wasn’t around a lot when we were little,” you explained, turning back to Jake. “I think that he didn’t want to spend too much time around us because he felt guilty about it. Like he was taking my dad’s place. But then my mom started to get sick and he took a lot of time off to help with us.” 
“How old were you when your mom . . .?” 
“I was ten, I think, when she got diagnosed. And then I was two months away from turning thirteen when she passed. Brad was fifteen.”
“I’m sorry.” 
“It happened a long time ago,” you replied softly, staring out at the waves. 
“If the baby’s a girl,” Jake ventured after a moment, causing you to turn back to him, “did you want to name her after your mom?” 
“I was thinking of her middle name actually. And it doesn’t have to be ‘Carole’ exactly, but something like it. I don’t want any kid to feel like they have to live up to someone else’s name,” you stated, and Jake could sense from your tone that you weren’t really talking about your baby. “I would want our daughter to have her own name. Or our son too, of course, if the baby’s a boy.” 
“If we had a boy, you’d want his middle name to be Nick then?” 
“No,” you stated, shaking your head slowly. “I, uh, we never talked about it, but I always just knew that Bradley would want to name his son after our dad. And hey, I can’t even remember the man, so I’ll just leave the name for Brad.” Adjusting your sunglasses, you turned to Jake again. “And I kind of assumed that if we had a boy, you would want his middle name to be ‘Jacob.’” 
“Why would you think that?” Jake asked, confused. 
“Most boys have their dad’s name as their middle name,” you pointed out calmly. “Is your middle name your dad’s name?”
“The kid doesn’t need my name,” Jake stated, dodging your second question.
"What about your surname?"
"I just assumed you wanted to name them 'Bradshaw'."
"I wanted to hyphen it actually,” you replied, brushing your hands on your thighs to rub the sand off. “I mean, we’re going to co-parent. So, they can have both of our names.”
Jake nodded slowly, murmuring that he heard you. Staring at the waves again, you knew that it was probably best to not push Jake on the subject of his family. But you literally knew nothing about his childhood except for the fact that he wouldn’t talk about it. And that he was from Texas. That was it.
And if Jake’s family was going to become your family through your baby, you felt like you needed to know more than that. Or at least an explanation for why you didn’t.
“Why do you avoid every question that I ask about your past?” you asked softly, turning back to Jake. “Or your family?”
“Because they’re irrelevant. They’re not going to be involved, I'll tell you that right now. I haven't spoken to them since I was . . . twenty-five," Jake replied, doing the math in his head. "And I'm not going to start again anytime soon."
"Who is 'them'? Your parents?" you asked quietly.
"Why does it matter?"
"Because I'm currently pregnant with your baby and I don't even know if you have a sibling. I mean, that's the most basic information that you share with anyone." Turning to face Jake more, you folded your legs under you. "And I'm not trying to overstep but if we're going to be a team and co-parent, can I at least know something about your past before the Navy? Anything?"
"I'm an only child," Jake replied after a moment.
"Thank you," you returned softly.
"Don't mention it."
Turning back to the waves, you moved to give Jake some space. You clearly struck a nerve with him, though you felt like it was a topic that you had to discuss with him at some point. But it was going to be an incredibly tense drive home if you kept pushing him, so you decided to give him a moment.
"I'm going to go down to the waves for a bit," you stated, slowly getting to your feet.
Jake stopped his staring contest with the horizon and looked up as you walked away and headed down to the wet sand and waves. He watched you as you slowly walked into the water, getting your toes and ankles wet. You set your hands on your hips, which naturally seemed to curve your posture and stick your bump out even further so that when you turned to look down the beach, Jake could see the gentle curve.
Sighing, he held his head in his hand for a moment. He ran his hand through his hair and angrily tugged at the strands.
"Way to fucking go, Jake," he cursed himself, glancing up at the sky.
He always got defensive whenever anyone asked about his past. Coyote was on the receiving end of a lot of it until he finally wore him down. There was a lot of tequila involved, though. And he knew that reacting defensively to you, when you were clearly trying to help in your own way, was not going to be a winning strategy. Not if he wanted to maintain a good relationship with you.
Letting out a groan, Jake got up from the ground. Dusting off his shorts, he pulled his tank top off since he was starting to sweat and made his way down to where you were standing.
You leaned down, picking up a smooth rock from the ground and running your thumb along it. The sound of footsteps made you turn around. You couldn't help the surprised look on your face when you saw Jake approach, though you offered him a small smile as he moved to stop beside you. A wave rolled up and you glanced down at your toes.
"Did you think about what living situation you wanted?" Jake asked, turning towards you. "I'm open to moving into your apartment or you could move into mine. Or we could get a place together."
"We'll definitely need more than a one bedroom apartment at some point," you stated, picking your head up. "When is your lease up?"
"Seven months. I signed it after we got back from our last deployment," Jake replied, staring out at the water. "You?"
"Two months," you stated, causing Jake to turn to you urgently. "I know, it's pretty soon. My landlord is already sending me almost daily texts about renewing my lease."
"And . . . do you want to?"
"I don't think that I want to raise our baby there," you responded after a moment of thought. "So, no I don't think I will."
“Did you want to move in with me?” Jake offered, causing you to turn back to him.
"Do you want me to move in with you?" you asked him, turning the question around on him.
"I don't want to miss anything," Jake stated, causing you to nod. "I know that it's a one bedroom, so that might be a little awkward, but if sleeping on the couch or buying a bigger bed means that I don't miss anything, then I'll do it in a heartbeat."
"Okay," you agreed, trying to keep the emotion stable in your voice. "Then I'll move in with you when my lease is up."
"You're sure?"
"Yeah," you assured him. "Moving in together isn't as big of a commitment as having a baby together."
"I suppose not," Jake agreed, smiling softly. He looked down the beach before turning back to you. "Do you think our baby was conceived on this beach?"
"Jake," you gasped, smacking his chest.
You looked around with pink cheeks, hoping that no one overheard him, which only made Jake crack up more. He had suggested that the two of you go for a walk down on the beach late that night, but you had been the one to suggest skinny dipping, which, of course, led to the two of you getting sand in some awkward places.
"No one's going to hear me," Jake replied confidently.
"I still can't believe that we did that," you sighed, holding a hand to your head. "What were we thinking?"
"We could have a repeat, if you wanted to jog your memory."
Scoffing indignantly, you leaned down and splashed Jake with some of the ocean water that was washing in towards shore. As he turned away from you, you straightened up and shook your head at him.
"Get your head out of the sand, Lieutenant."
The two of you eventually made your way back to your bags. Drying off with your towel, you sat down and laid back on your hands, soaking in the sun. Jake offered you a water, which you took with a quick 'thanks.’ Jake took his seat beside you again and the two of you chatted about the upcoming week.
But you couldn't help but notice how his eyes kept dropping down to your bump.
“Did you want to touch it?” you asked softly, causing Jake to whip his chin up to face you. “My bump, I mean.” 
“You don’t mind?” 
Sitting up a bit more, you reached over and grabbed his wrist. Dragging his hand over, you placed his hand on your small bump before leaning back again. You stared at the waves, letting Jake have the moment to himself. As much as you could anyways. It took a few moments but Jake spread his fingers out and gently cupped your bump with his hand. 
“Did your doctor say how long it would take until we can feel them move around?” Jake questioned, causing you to turn back to him. 
“She said that it’ll be a few more weeks. Maybe months. Depends on the baby, I guess.” 
Jake nodded slowly, staring down at your bump for a moment as he smiled softly.
"Well, here's where you were conceived, little one. I think, anyways."
Jake smirked to himself as you pinched his side in retaliation. Shaking your head at him, you looked down at your bump, which still had Jake’s hand draped over it.
"Just ignore him,” you told your bump.
You and Jake decided to take separate cars to Maverick’s house for dinner. You arrived early to try and scope it out and then Jake would come a few minutes after you. It was an attempt to try and reduce the initial shock of it all, though that wasn’t going to be very easy. Or maybe even possible. Walking into Maverick’s house with a batch of fresh cookies, you smiled when you spotted Emma. 
“Hey,” she greeted you, walking over to give you a tight hug. “How’re you feeling?”
“I’m alright,” you replied nervously, returning her hug a bit tighter than normal. 
“Where’s . . .?”
“He’ll be here,” you assured her as you released her.
Emma nodded slowly before Maverick walked over to you. She took the plate of cookies from your hand and slipped away, leaving you and Maverick to talk. Maverick pulled you in for a hug, giving you some silent support. 
“It’ll be alright. He’s been in a good mood today,” Maverick whispered to you, causing you to nod slowly. “We’ll be here.”
You nodded again as Maverick pressed a supportive kiss to your head before releasing you. Taking a second, you composed yourself before walking into the dining area to finally see your brother. He was in the middle of setting something on the table when you approached and turned to you with a smile. 
“Hey, why the long face?” he joked, pulling you in for a hug. 
“Just worried that Emma let you cook again,” you lied, accepting his hug. “I thought I smelled smoke on my way in.”
“You’re the one that actually set the oven on fire last time,” Bradley scoffed, releasing you from the hug. 
“How was work last week?” you asked, helping your brother set the table. 
“Fine. Just some guys breathing down my neck about bullshit.” He glanced over at you from the corner of his eye. “Are you feeling better?”
“Yeah, I’ve been much better,” you agreed, setting down some utensils. “Went to see my doctor.”
“Everything’s fine,” you replied quietly. 
“Good,” Bradley stated, looking at you oddly. “So, what’s wrong then?”
“Nothing. I just have some news,” you spoke softly, looking away from your brother. 
“What kind of news?” Bradley asked, confused. 
“The kind that you should sit down for,” you responded, straightening up as Bradley frowned. After a moment, you added, “I’m going to grab something from my car and then I’ll come and explain it all to you guys.”
Without too much fuss, you turned and walked out the door. Jake was walking down the street, having chosen to park down the street, out of view of the dining room windows, when you stepped out of the house. You walked down a few steps to greet him.
“You ready?” Jake asked you. 
You nodded, smoothing down the front of your dress, before holding out your hand. Jake stared at it for a moment before taking it. Turning to the door, you opened it again and stepped inside, gently pulling Jake with you. 
At the sound of the door opening, Bradley turned away from his urgent conversation with Maverick. He quickly registered the fact that you weren’t alone, the fact that the person you were with was Hangman, and the fact that the two of you were holding hands. 
And Bradley did not look happy about it. 
Tags (PRETTY PLEASE have your AGE on your blog or message me about it to be tagged--thank you!):
[If I missed you, don’t feel bad about asking to be tagged again! But please make sure that your age is in your bio/comment/etc. Thanks!]
@mrsjobarnes @wishiwasacasualfan @bethabear12 @everythingmarveltopgun @hardballoonlove @mavrellover91 @fangirlvoice @senjoritanana @sophslastbraincell @xoxabbs88xox @emma8895eb @dempy @harperdoodle @itsmytimetoodream @sarahjoestewy-blog @the-annoying-fan @athenabarnes @midnightmagpiemama @praline357 @sucker4seresin @sunsetsimpsblog @sgt-barnesveins @abaker74 @shanimallina87 @kellyIs04 @trickphotography2 @kmc1989 @boiolay @offical-potato @topgun-imagines @caitsymichelle13 @daddymack01 @hangmandruigandmav @hotch-meeeeeuppppp @lilylilyyyyyy @lillunna @bcon24 @sky0401 @ashcosmo @blackwidownat2814 @specialagentjackbauer @imareallygoodlawyersbrick @percysaidnever @silenthappyplace @buckysteveloki-me @havlindzk @hookslove1592 @mamachasesmayhem @aviatorobsessed @marvelogic
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chuuyasheaven · 10 months
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♡ Everything for you, my love. (pt 2) ♡
Tags: Chuuya Nakahara / afab! Reader, sexting?, sending nudes, Reader's a bit drunk, Husband! Chuuya, EVERYTHING IS CONSENTED, rough sex?, pet names (doll, baby, angel, sweetheart), praising (afab! receiving), spanking (like once), birthday sex, slight teasing, overstimulation?, Reader's wearing lingerie+thighs highs (also has thick thighs), dumbification?, might contain grammar errors, rushed, etc.
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It really sucked that your husband, Chuuya, had to work, especially on your birthday! He said that he won't have to tomorrow, but you needed him. What's a birthday without him fucking you dumb? You thought about asking him to leave early, but knowing he'll won't. Then you came up with something else. .
You: Hey Chuuya Chuuya: Hey You: I miss you, can't you come home early? :( Chuuya: I wish i could, I'm really sorry, baby. I swear when I come home we can celebrate your birthday You: When will you come home tho? Chuuya: I don't really know, 9pm? You: But that's way too long! Chuuya: I know, I'm sorry I'll try to hurry up okay? You: Alright, let me send something to make it better! ;) *3 attachments sent*
When Chuuya clicked on the photos, his eyes widened. Three photos of you in black laced lingerie with matching thigh highs, all in three different angles. You were lucky he was in his office, anyone could've seen these if he wasn't careful enough!
Chuuya: Are you really gonna do this to me? You: Can't I send you some selfies? Chuuya: I'll be home soon, you better prepare yourself.
You put your phone next to you, waiting for him to arrive. You started feeling excited, thinking about how he would fuck the living daylights out of you. After waiting for two hours, you heard the door open, footsteps making their way to you. Just as you sat up, Chuuya walked through your bedrooms door. He kept on walking until he stood before you, grabbing your chin to make you look at him. "So you could've come home sooner?", you asked in a teasing tone. "It's complicated, but it's not important right now.", Chuuya said, letting go off your chin to pull you on your feet. Chuuya then smashed his lips against yours, his hands now sliding down to your waist.
Separating from eachother, Chuuya continues to speak. "Couldn't my wife wait for me to come home?", he teased, you giggled before responding. "Chuuya, it's my birthday. What kind of birthday would it be if I wasn't spending it with my husband?", Chuuya chuckled before sitting down onto your shared bed, patting his lap as a signal for you to sit down. As you did, he stroked your hair gently, kissing you again. From kissing you deeper, he tasted some light wine in your breath. After the make out session, his hand made it's way to your thighs. "You look so fuckin' beautiful, doll,", he said.
His hand slid down to your black laced panties, playing with your cunt through your panties. Your breath got heavier as he got you wetter than you were before. "You're already wet?", Chuuya asked with a smirk on his face. Your hands made it down to his belt, trying to unbuckle it. When his belt was unbuckled, you then removed everything else in the way until you got his dick out. Before you can fuck yourself on it, he wanted you to beg first. "Nuh uh. You gotta ask nicely first, sweetheart.", you groan in slight frustration before doing what he said. "Please, Chuuya. . I need you so bad right now.", all he did was nod while pushing your panties to the side. You put it inside you and whimpered at the feeling of stretching you out.
Waiting a bit for it to adjust, Chuuya kissed you again. "Now ride me like a good girl, alright, baby?", you nodded, starting to move your hips trying to find a rhythm. His hands on your hips guiding you how to move. As soon you got a steady rhythm, you started to whimper louder while Chuuya was grunting softly. "S–shit, keep going, doll. .",you sped up a little when you suddenly felt a spank on your ass. "Who's a good girl f'me, hm?", you got even more turned on because of the spank when another one was heard. "Answer my question, baby. Who's being a good girl right now?", "Me, I–i am!", you choked out. It wasn't long until you came around him, gushing around his cock as he came inside you.
You were trying to calm down before Chuuya easily picked up and laid you onto the bed. He took off your panties and threw them somewhere. "I can't let the birthday girl do all the work, now can I?", Chuuya slid inside you and waited a few seconds before moving, when you adjusted again, he started to thrust into you. His pace was slow and rough, his grunts becoming more audible. Your whimpers turned into moans now, which were music to Chuuya's ears. He got faster, picking up both of your legs and positioned them on his shoulders, resulting him to fuck into you deeper. You already felt your second orgasm near, chanting his name like an prayer. "You're doin' so good— fuck. . so pretty for me, aren't you, angel?", he praised you again.
"Chuuya, 'm close— ah!", you tried to warn him but he kept on thrusting into you, needing you to gush around his dick once more. "You wanna cum? You wanna cum around my cock again, huh?", at this point you weren't able to talk right now. "Tell me, who was being good tonight?", you tried to really answer but all what left your mouth were only either his name or moans. "C'mon, I know you can say it. I haven't fucked you dumb now, have I, sweetheart?", "N–no,", you managed to respond. "See? Let me ask again, who was my good girl tonight?", you took in some heavy breaths trying to concentrate. "I–it's me. .", you answered him, he smirked before cumming inside you and you came around his cock again.
"Do you want me to continue going or wanna go take a bath? It's up to you, baby."
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slayfics · 9 months
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You paint Denki’s nails.
800 words~
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You carefully stroked the brush across your nails, ensuring to lay down an even level of paint.
“Man, that’s a strong smell,” Denki said, walking up to sit next to you on the couch.
“Oh sorry, I guess I could move to my dorm,” you said, placing the nail polish brush back in the bottle.
“No it’s fine- by all means continue cutie~” he said, in his usual flirty tone.
You rolled your eyes and continued to paint your nails.
“Hey, what’s that look for?” He asked defensively.
“Nothing little Pichu,” you said, continuing to paint and not looking up at him. You didn’t exactly mind Denki’s casual flirting, but it did irritate you that he flirted with anything that moved. You found it impossible to take any of his compliments seriously when he tossed them around so casually to anyone.
“Pichu? What happened to Pikachu, hm?” He asked, making himself comfortable on the couch.
“Pichu fits you better. He also hurts himself when he uses his electricity,” you said laughing.
“Ouch! Ok, you got me, but I’m working on it! I don’t fry my brain as much as I used to anymore!” Denki said, defending himself.
"I know I know, you've been working really hard," You agreed as you finished up with your nails. "Hey, let me do yours." You offered.
"What?! Paint my nails?" He asked, looking at you with a confused expression.
"Yeah come on, girls love a guy with painted nails. It'll help you," You said teasingly at him.
"Hmm, alright go ahead then. Besides, I'll take any excuse for a cutie to be close to me," He said laughing and sticking out his hands for you.
You playfully hit him on the shoulder for his remark.
"Hey!" He laughed, "You're being extra feisty today."
"You deserved it!" You said searching your bag to choose colors for him. "Hmmm- how about yellow and black? Maybe- your index and ring finger yellow then the rest black? That's pretty spicy I think."
"Sure I trust your judgment," he said, shrugging his shoulders.
You untwisted the cap of the nail polish and pulled his index finger closer to you. Denki watched as you carefully painted even strokes of color onto his nails. His heart beat just a little fast at how close you were to him.
"Wow, ok, I see your vision now. This is looking pretty cool. And~ since you're handing out tips~ what else do you think would help me with the ladies?" He asked, tilting his head as he watched you switch to the black nail polish.
"Be more picky," You said plainly as you continued to paint.
"Hm? What do you mean?" He asked.
"You flirt with everyone Kaminari, and everyone knows it- no girl wants that," You explained. "Girls like to feel special. They don't want to be with someone they think would just date anyone. They have to feel like you mean it when you say you like them or call them cute. So, stick to flirting with one girl. Maybe you'll have better luck that way."
"Ohh- Ok, I think I get what you're saying," Denki responded and looked solemn for a moment as he processed your words.
You two sat in silence for a few moments as you began painting his next hand.
"Hey- do... Do you want to go to the arcade tomorrow?" Denki asked, his voice sounding unusually unsure.
"Sure, you gonna kick Kirishima's ass at Mortal Kombat again?"
Denki laughed, "Always! But um- no... I meant... Do you want to go to the arcade... with just me?" He clarified.
You paused painting his nails and looked up at him, "What?" You exclaimed surprised by his question.
"Well- you just told me I should focus on one girl and... If I'm being honest- you're the one I think about all the time. I'm not just saying flirty stuff to be charming or something- I... I mean it with you," He explained, as he searched your dumbfounded expression desperate for an answer.
You felt like your whole body was paralyzed. Was Denki being serious? All those times he flirted with you- he wasn't just joking? Did he really mean everything he said?
Your cheeks warmed up the more you processed his words.
Denki began to panic at your silence, "Oh man, you can totally forget everything I just said if I made this weird. I don't want to ruin our friendship or anything!"
"No! It's not that- I... I uh... yeah- let's go to the arcade tomorrow. Just you and me," You said, your blush deepening as you went back to eyeing his fingers to avoid his gaze. It was suddenly hard to look him in the eyes now.
"Yeah? You want to?!" He exclaimed excitedly. "Ok! It's a date then."
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Tags: @unofficialmuilover @maddietries @fiannee
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demialwrites · 5 months
Do you have a blind spot when it comes to people flirting with you? Do you want an office affair with Tseng? Look no further
It's 7:36pm. No offense to Reno but to Tseng, you're a better sight than he is. Tseng is obsessively drawing the lines of his letters darker into the blanks on his paperwork. His pencil is etching a letter T deeply into the paper when you come into the office.
"Hey, Reno. Chief." You place a short stack of paper on Tseng's desk. "All done, Sir." You give him a smile. He tries to remember if he's seen you give that exact smile to anyone else. Then the corners of your eyes crease in concern. "Maybe you need a day off, Chief."
"Yeah, right," says Reno.
Tseng ignores your suggestion. "I'll check over your work. Please have a seat."
"Boss, it's been months," says Reno. "Lay off the newbie."
You smile, fidgeting. "It's fiiiine."
Not that invested in the matter, Reno lets it drop. It's been two long, boring days since he's been in the field so he gives you a nudge. You respond by scrutinizing him closely, asking him silently if he really wants to start. He smirks.
"Okay, but I won last time," you say confidently.
The slick, black sofa is soft enough to cushion elbows and knees as you begin trying to pin each other to the genuine leather. Tseng stares hard in front of him at the words you've written, trying to ignore the stupid laughter coming from your direction. He goes over each paper three times.
"Reno," you suddenly yell. "No teeth. I told you."
The pencil lead snaps.
You look up at the sound. Reno tries to take advantage of your distraction to dislodge himself from under you but you're well-practiced by now. You compensate by shifting your weight.
"Reno, go home," Tseng orders.
You get up, grinning because you won this time, too. Reno pushes past you grumpily, making you laugh.
"See you guys tomorrow," Reno calls behind him, his voice lacking any trace of anger.
You watch Reno leave with a flat expression. After waiting five seconds, you hop onto the corner of Tseng's desk. "He's gone."
"Lock the door."
You're off and back in a flash. You're back on the desk, pulling him strongly by the suit jacket. It's a hungry kiss, like neither of you have eaten all day. Your hand drops his jacket and hovers near his hair, like you long to run your fingers through it. But he told you once that fixing clothes out-of-place is easier than hair. He smiles into the kiss. You've tried to listen and do as he's asked. Always. You stopped needing your work checked two months ago. Neither of you needed to stay this late. This song and dance is just waiting until everyone is gone. Then off come the clothes and you test if a random piece of furniture can bear the weight of two full-grown adults.
You're patting his cheek gently. "Hey, should I get the towel?"
You never miss a detail. Tseng gazes up at you. You're too good for him, he considers.
You frown. "What's wrong?"
Before he can stop himself, he shoots a frown at the now-empty sofa. You catch this and follow his gaze.
"Oh, that? Good warm-up, huh?" You wave your hands in front of you. "Nothing's going on."
Tseng is still frowning but doesn't meet your eyes. "It doesn't matter. I don't like it."
"It's just some fun! I have to stay sharp. You know that."
"It's not just fun for him."
"What? But...oh. I see."
Watching you go from confused to realization to looking apologetic makes Tseng feel guilty. It seems like you genuinely didn't know Reno was flirting. Wrestling others into submission seemed to be one of your favourite forms of exercise. You're both lucky none of the furniture broke during a particularly passionate night.
"Tseng." Hearing his name jolts him out of his thoughts. You continue, "Am I supposed to stop with Elena and Rude, too?"
"No, I," He stops, pressing his lips together. The mention of others makes him question why he cares in the first place. This was supposed to be just sex, which is why the affair was being kept secret in the first place. Just sex meant a lesser chance of interference in the duties of both of you.
"Well, you seem to be having an off day. Maybe tomorrow?" You kiss his forehead.
"Ah...yes." He doesn't actually agree and he wants to stop you from leaving. He also hopes you didn't see his ears heat up and how stiff he's trying not to be. But he wants to have his thoughts together first. He refuses to face such a conversation without preparation.
You exchange good night's and his gaze follows you out the office door.
"Damn," he says quietly.
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kpopsexstories · 2 months
Hi again I actually have several ideas for x male reader and member x member idk if you have a limit so I'll put just 5 here
1 Nerd/unpopular bottom Kun x jock/popular top male were they secretly hook up behind the school during lunch(bottom kun top male)
2 johnny x mark were mark has a crush on johnny, and it's causing him issues so johnny offers a one time hook up so he can hopefully move on
3 top jaehyun x bottom Xiao jun were jaehyun has a guy crush and Xiao jun has a crush and on nct movie night sneak off together
4 bottom chenle x top male reader were chenle keeps being annoying to the new sm artist cause male reader doesn't seem to acknowledge his existence till male reader gets so irritated he decides to give chenle all his undivided attention
5 verse park jisung x verse male reader jisung is straight but he has a gay friend who helps him out since he can't Date
I hope this isn't too many I tried to make specific situation and give them different positions so the smut could hopefully be easier to write
Hi there! 👋😃 I've saved all of the above ideas and would guess that at least 2-3 of them will happen, in good time.
For now, however, I'm giving you #5: "verse park jisung x verse male reader jisung is straight but he has a gay friend who helps him out since he can't Date"
This will be the first story in my new Gay K-pop Smut series. It ended up being two parts, in which Jisung tops in part 1 and bottoms in part 2. Part 2 will be posted tomorrow (August 10). Please enjoy 😊
(Oh, and if you have more requests, sending them one by one makes it easier for me to respond to them as I can't respond to the same request twice – and no, there's no limit, keep 'em coming if you want to. Requests are highly motivating and inspiring! 😊)
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GAY #1: NCT Jisung Pt. 1 (of 2)
NCT Jisung can’t date. As his gay friend you help him out with his sexual needs (*Requested*)
Content Warning! This is a 100% gay story. Check out this post for my straight smut or this post for more gay smut.
Pairing: Vers NCT Jisung x verse male reader
Content: Foreplay, Jisung fucks you from behind, Jisung penetrated for the first time
Type of Sex: MEDIUM
Word Count: 2.9k
“This dating ban is killing me,” Jisung said and flung his arms in the air.
“I thought you didn't have a dating ban,” you said and sat down beside him on the bed.
“We don't and we do. We can't be seen with girls in public.”
You look at your friend curiously. “Well, what's bothering you? You're so busy with work you hardly have time for me. You don't have time for a girlfriend, so do you really want one?”
“Yeah,” Jisung said and threw himself backwards on the bed. He put his hands on his stomach on top of his over-sized hoodie and stared at the ceiling. ”I mean no. I don't need a girlfriend. But I have urges like anyone else, and if I can't date I'm not getting what I need.”
“Mm,” you said and nodded slowly, as if you could totally understand what the man was going through. ”We're not in public now though…”
Jisung raised his head and glared at you. “I love you man, but I'm not gay.”
“I know,” you said and smiled. You leaned on your elbow and moved closer to Jisung's out-stretched body.
Jisung relaxed and lay his head back down. He let out an audible sound.
“I just need physical contact,” he said with a slow frown, as if seriously contemplating his options. “I mean come on, it's human nature. I get the company's logic, but we're young men. We have needs.”
You put a hand on Jisung's arm. “Yeah, they didn't think this one through,” you said with compassion. Your hand moved down his arm and over his hand, closer to his crotch. Jisung didn't seem to notice.
You observed his face and continued: ”It should be in their interest to keep their artists happy.”
“Exactly!” Jisung exclaimed. Without looking at you, he put his hand on yours and squeezed it. “God, I'm so horny.”
A thrill rushed from your heart and through your body. “What, right now?” you asked and braided your fingers into his. Your tone of voice was a little too happy.
“No, but in general,” Jisung said and you felt disappointment. Without moving his head, he glanced sideways at you to try to read your thoughts. ”I need…”
“Maybe I can help,” you interrupted and pressed your hip against his.
He finally turned his head to face you. “How?” he asked, but you were sure that he knew the answer.
You let go of Jisung's hand and reached for his bulge, and felt a soft dick through the sweatpants he wore. Jisung's eyes stayed fixed on your face, but you could swear the frown was fading.
“Remember back in school?” you asked.
The frown turned into a smile. “Yeaah,” Jisung giggled and closed his eyes. You squeezed the dick lightly and felt a boner forming.
That was all the approval you needed. “Let me help you,” you repeated, but Jisung didn't reply.
He didn't need to. As his shaft grew, you pulled up his hoodie and let your fingers glide into his pants. You squeezed the dick through his underwear, then reached inside them to touch the skin of Jisung's rock hard shaft with your fingertips.
He might be straight, but he was horny and deprived, and it wouldn't be the first time you experimented sexually. Jisung knew that you could keep a secret, and you already knew that this encounter would go far beyond a simple hand job.
Jisung closed his eyes and moaned. His hands fell to his sides, and the hoodie was pushed higher up his flat tummy. Your hand in his pants took a firm grip around the shaft, and when you repositioned yourself and your arm was raised, his pants slid slightly down his hips.
You smiled and admired the clear view of his v-line as you began to jerk off your friend.
“Slowly,” Jisung moaned and opened his eyes wide. “I'm gonna come.”
“I thought that was the goal,” you said.
“Yeah, but if that was all it takes I could just continue to masturbate alone.”
“Right, I forgot,” you said and laughed. “You need a girlfriend.”
Jisung sneered at the joke. “Come here,” he said.
That's when you leaned in over him, kissed him on the lips, and foreplay began for real. Your best friend certainly didn't need to ask you twice.
Despite how you used to experiment in school, you weren't sure how Jisung would react to any of this. He definitely wasn't gay, that much you knew. Now that you were both older, maybe he was done experimenting and didn't want this at all. Maybe you were even jeopardizing your friendship.
But Jisung immediately kissed you back. He raised his ass and moaned as the dick was pushed into your hand. Whatever his thoughts and feelings were, his needs were strong and in this moment he let them make his decisions for him.
You caressed his waist and stuck your free hand inside the hoodie. Jisung was warm to the touch, mushy yet solid as you traced your fingers over his ribcage and pecks.
You made out, just like you had back in school. When the hoodie slid higher and Jisung's nipple was revealed, you bent down and kissed it gently.
Jisung seemed happy. This kind of intimacy was exactly what his body had been longing for.
When a passionate thrill took hold of him, he suddenly pushed on your shoulder, prompting you to roll on your side. Jisung wrapped a leg around yours and kissed you deeply. Laying side by side in each other's arms, you began to grind against each other while exploring your bodies with your hands.
“Mm,” Jisung moaned.
“Ahh,” you sighed when he squeezed your waist and caressed your ass cheek.
When the hoodie was up to his neck, Jisung sat up straight and took it off. He came back down, leaned in over you and pulled your shirt. You raised your arms and upper back to help him slide it over your head.
Shirtless and horny, there was no stopping either of you now. The innocent make-out session was becoming increasingly erotic.
You reached back down into Jisung's pants. This prompted him to sit and lift his ass, and pull the pants and underwear down.
It was not the first time you saw your friend naked. It wasn't even the first time you had sex. But it had been a few years. Things felt different this time.
Jisung's exposed body beside you looked amazing. God, you wanted him so bad. You always did, but knew you could never have him. You had a mission to help him with his problem and were more than happy to do so, but truth be told it ached your heart, knowing that sex was all there could ever be between you. You could be a friend with benefits, but you could never be the girlfriend Jisung dreamed of.
Not that it really mattered. There was no way you'd back out of the chance of touching and kissing every bit of Jisung's sexy body, now that he was asking you to do so as a friend.
Jisung reached out to un-zip your pants. You relaxed and smiled up at him. He didn't even glance at you, fully focused on taking your clothes off.
When you were down to your underwear, you couldn't take it any longer. You suddenly jumped up at the man, hugged him tight and kissed his soft lips hard. Fuck, I'm so horny. This is so good!
Jisung rolled over and sat up on your lap. He placed a knee on either side of your thighs. You squeezed his naked body and wrapped an arm tight around his neck, to keep your upper body from falling back onto the mattress.
Seated in each other's arms, Jisung's hard dick got caught between your stomachs. Your chests rubbed together as you began to thrust your hip, poking your covered boner between his bare ass cheeks.
You made out with passion while your hand explored his back, waist and firm ass. Jisung rode you slowly over your underwear, sending immense pleasure to your cock each time he rubbed against it.
“Wanna fuck me?” Jisung asked. He wasn't oblivious to the fact that you had desired him through all these years.
“Yeah,” you whispered.
Jisung gave you a naughty smile. “Me first,” he said with a seductive smirk.
There's a little gay in all of us, you thought and smirked back.
“You sure?” you asked.
Jisung put a hand on your cheek and looked straight into your eyes. “Turn around and bend over.”
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Sex starts here…
Before you knew it you found yourself on all four. Jisung was on his knees behind you, pressing the tube you had given him into the palm of his hand. He smeared the gel over his dick and around your hole, then bent down and kissed your back.
He guided his cock with his hand. You spread your legs wider, and he pulled your ass closer with a hand firmly planted on your hip.
He seemed experienced and that surprised you. “Have you done this before?” you asked.
“Yes,” Jisung said. “Don't you remember?”
“Yeah,” you said and laughed. “But I didn't think you did.”
“I do. It felt great and I've dreamed of it happening again many times since then. We also used to watch gay porn together, remember? I still do sometimes. Maybe I picked up a thing or two.”
You didn't respond, as you felt the head of Jisung's hard cock play around your asshole. It found its target and gradually expanded it. You were used to it. It didn't even hurt.
Jisung, however, was not accustomed to the sensation. He grimaced, having all but forgotten how tight an asshole can be compared to a pussy. Even with the lube it hurt him, the way the head was pressed into a tight ball when it tried to squeeze inside.
The gel helped though, and your ass was stretchable. Gradually, the hole expanded and the head slid all the way in. From there, it only got easier.
Jisung was overcome by the immense pleasure your asshole gave him. He hadn't had sex in a long time, and the last time he was with a man was with you.
He was desperate for it. Be it with a man or a woman, he needed and wanted this badly. He could hardly contain his arousal and excitement, which became obvious to you when he squeezed your hips hard and began to thrust fast.
Last time you did this together you both lacked experience. Your sex had been soft and insecure. You had spooned the man and slid inside him with caution, and he had penetrated you while you lay motionless on your stomach.
This time, you had both changed. You knew what you wanted and dared to take it. There was no reason to hold back.
When you first felt Jisung's cock expanding your hole you closed your eyes and let the sensation take over your body. As the dick rubbed against your insides, you opened your mouth and moaned.
Jisung's rapid thrusts felt incredible. His hard shaft filled you up and slid in and out of you with ease. The head jammed repeatedly against your g-spot, bringing both of you ever closer to an orgasm.
“Mm, I forgot how good this feels,” Jisung grunted. You weren't sure if he meant gay sex or sex in general, or if it was more personal than that.
“Ahh, you're so eager,” you said. It was a positive remark, not a complaint, but it made Jisung slow down.
He leaned over you and kissed your back. You spread your legs wider and collapsed on the mattress. Jisung's heavy body weighted on yours. Your chest pressed into the mattress as you rocked your asses up and down.
The side of his face brushed against yours. You felt his warm breath on your skin. “Mm,” you whispered. Your bodies clasping together in harmony felt unusually nice and romantic.
“Is this what you needed?” you asked and twisted your neck to kiss Jisung's cheek.
He turned his head and kissed your lips. “Yeah,” he whispered.
“Can I… Can I fuck you?” you asked.
Jisung went silent for a moment. He had only ever had one cock inside his ass – yours – and that experience was brief and a long time ago. “Okay,” he finally said softly.
The response thrilled you. It wasn't unexpected as you recalled that Jisung had enjoyed it the first time, and he wasn't one to shy away from trying new things. But at the same time, something changed in your friend.
He stopped thrusting slowly into you, and just lay there on top of you, completely still. He stopped kissing you but made no effort to change positions. When the bumping mattress stopped moving, all you could feel was his weight on your back and his pulsing organ still deeply engaged inside you.
You lay like this for several minutes. It felt nice. But you realized that though Jisung seemed willing to try to take your cock, you were the one who needed to take the initiative. Maybe your friend needed a push.
You gave it to him by rolling on your side. Jisung's body slid off you, and when he hit the sheets he too rolled over and turned his back against yours. Your asses touched, until you did a one-eighty and faced his long, slim, sexy back.
You couldn't wait to feel Jisung in your arms again, to rub your dick against his cheeks, and to penetrate his cute, tight ass. You were about to get what you wanted.
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You put your arm around Jisung and spooned him. You felt his beating chest and flat stomach, which moved in and out with each deep breath. You caressed his skin, briefly grabbed his dick and stroke it, then reached in between his legs.
Jisung let you come inside. He raised a knee to spread his thighs for you. Your fingers found his hole and massaged the rim. You pleasured him softly, slowly loosening and expanding his ass.
You turned to reach for the tube Jisung had left on the bed. You squeezed the gel out, and rubbed it on your fingertrips and around Jisung's pink asshole.
He just lay there, motionless with his mouth half open, as your fingers slid inside him. First just one. Then two. Then three.
As Jisung gradually expanded and was slowly able to take more of your hand, you stuck your fingers deeper inside. Lubricated and gentle, you carefully massaged the walls inside his ass, and felt around with your tips to find your friend's pleasure points.
Through it all, you had your eyes closed and your face buried in Jisung's shoulder blades. Your nose brushed against his back, and the soft, warm skin felt great to touch. You occasionally kissed and licked him, and his hair tickled your forehead.
When you had three fingers deep inside your friend and attempted a fourth, Jisung grimaced and asked you to stop.
“Ouch,” he said. You had reached his limit. The question was, was it enough to attempt the next step. Would he be able to take your cock? You certainly hoped so, and in this moment, so did he.
You slowly pulled your fingers out. Your hand had started to cramp, plagued by the tight grip of Jisung's hole and the uncomfortable position as you had tried to reach as far inside the man as possible. It was a big relief to both of you when the fingers slid out.
“Can you take it?” you asked while playing with your dick between Jisung's legs.
“I can try,” Jisung said.
That's what you wanted to hear. You pushed yourself away from your friend and looked down. You had a hand on his shoulder while guiding your cock with the other.
The head found its place, taking the position your fingers had just been in. The gel had dried up, so you grabbed the tube and added some more, before attempting to push the head inside.
Jisung's body remained frozen. He tensed up as you penetrated him slowly. You let out a deep sigh, fully focused on the sensation of the tight asshole gripping your head and stopping the blood flow to it.
“Are you okay?” you asked when the head was half way in. You could imagine Jisung's strained expression.
“Yeah,” he said. You could tell that he was fighting hard to appear more comfortable than he was. Being penetrated from behind wasn't easy for someone who wasn't used to it.
Still, Jisung took it like a champ. The head eventually came all the way in, and just like when Jisung first fucked you, it all got easier from there.
When the shaft was part way inside, you pulled your hips back slowly. You withdrew to just before Jisung's tightest spot, then thrust back in to where his hole felt soft and spacious.
Jisung started to relax. Your fingers had already loosened him up, and the small, slow but repetitive motions of your head and shaft rubbing against his insides made the pain bearable.
Within minutes, it wasn't just bearable, but felt pretty good. Soon, the experience was as pleasurable for Jisung as it was for you. You could hardly wait to dig into his skin and fuck the man hard.
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Click here to continue reading part 2.
Click here to buy me a coffee.
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gracies-baby · 8 months
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Mess It Up
(Gracie Abrams x Reader)
"So, Taylor, how's it going with Travis?" Gracie asks as she sits with Taylor and Selena in Taylor's living room.
"Great, it's going really well. He's so sweet and he's got the looks. It's usually one or the other, you know?" Taylor responds before Selena speaks up.
"When are you gonna get a girlfriend Gracie? You can't wait around for her forever" Gracie sends her a sharp glare in response.
Everyone knows how Gracie and Y/n feel about each other. They know that Gracie loves Y/n and Y/n loves Gracie. They know that they were friends with benefits for years. They know that Gracie's fear of commitment made Y/n cry to her sister many times a week and caused Y/n to pull away.
"I'm not waiting for her. I just haven't found anyone I'm interested in"
"She left you 3 months ago, Gracie, and you still haven't slept with or even kissed anyone else" Taylor responded with annoyance clear in her voice. Their conversation is interrupted when Y/n walks into her sister's house.
"Hey Tay, have you seen my- oh. Hi" Her smile turns to a frown when she makes eye contact with the brunette.
"Hi" Gracie replies as she sets her drink down. The two stare at each other until Taylor interrupts.
"What were you looking for?" She asks her sister causing Y/n to turn away from the brown eyes.
"Oh, uh, nothing. I'll just come back later" She stammers before locking eyes with Gracie once more before rushing out of the house.
"Later. Meaning when I'm not here" Gracie speaks with a frown as she picks up her drink.
"Gracie, just talk to her. She's a hopeless romantic. All you have to do is run up to her and say something romantic. Sing one of the many songs you written about her" Taylor scolds.
"But-" Taylor interrupts.
"Or you can just pine over her for the rest of your life"
"I'm gonna go. I'll see you tomorrow" Gracie walks out the door with a sigh.
Y/n wakes to the sound of someone knocking on her door.
"I'm coming!" Y/n opens the door to find her ex?
"Gracie? What are you doing here?"
"I love you. I love you so much. I don't love anyone the way I love you" Gracie slurs with dilated pupils.
"Gracie stop. You're drunk. You don't love me, you just love having a fuck buddy" Y/n replies angrily as she goes to close the door only for Gracie to push it open again.
"No, I do love you! You're all I think about and I hate myself for what I did to you. Please, tell me how to get you back" Gracie exclaims desperately as she stumbles with tears in her eyes.
"Come inside. You can stay here for the night" Gracie walks inside and sits on the couch as Y/n goes to the kitchen.
"Drink this. You need to sober up" Y/n tells the brunette as she hands her a glass of water.
"I'm not that drunk" Gracie slurs as she takes the water.
"Gracie you can't just come here drunk out of your mind and confess your love to me. If you really want to be with me, then ask me out properly. Sober. I'm going to bed" Y/n grabs some pillows and blankets for the brunette before walking to her room leaving Gracie to sit in silence.
Y/n wakes the next morning to the smell of bacon coming from her kitchen. She walks out of her room to see Gracie standing at her stove as she takes a sip of her water.
"Gracie? What are you doing?" The shorter girl asks as she rubs her eyes.
"I'm making breakfast. I need you to know how much I love you, Y/n" Gracie replies as she turns to face the girl with a soft smile.
"Gracie you don't need to do this"
"Yes I do. I hurt you so much and you need to know I won't ever do it again" Gracie steps closer to her before their lips slowly move closer together. Just when Gracie goes to intertwine their lips, Y/n's phone begins to ring. They quickly pull away as Y/n reaches for her phone.
"It's, uh, Taylor. I forgot I told her I'd help her with something today. Um, do you mind locking up when you leave? You remember where the spare key is, right?" Y/n rushes to grab her bag before running out of her apartment. Gracie mumbles in agreement as she's left in silence once again. After a few minutes of thinking, the brunette rushes out of the apartment and locks the door before rushing back to her own.
“Dude why are you making a cake?” Audrey asks her roommate as she walks into the kitchen to see the brunette put sprinkles on the pink cake.
“It’s for Y/n. Just trying to show her how much she means to me, you know?” Gracie replies as she puts the cake on a plate and turns to her best friend.
“You’re gonna have to do more than that. You treated her like crap” Audrey takes a seat on the couch before turning on the TV.
“I don’t know what else to do! I can’t think of anything! I want her to know I’m ready to commit to her” Gracie exclaims as she takes a seat next to her friend.
“Sing one of the songs you wrote. Oh! The blue! Sing that one. She’d love it”
“How do you know about that one? I never told anyone about it” Gracie asks as she turns away embarrassed.
“I heard you singing it the other day. We do share an apartment, you know?” Gracie sighs before saying goodbye to her roommate and taking the cake to her car. The brunette drives to younger Swift’s apartment before knocking on the door.
“Gracie? What-“
“I made you a cake. Pinks your favourite colour, right?” Gracie asks nervously as she picks at her finger nails, holding out the cake.
“Y/n I love you so much. Please give me one more chance. I promise I will never hurt you again” the taller girl begs before Y/n takes the cake from her and pulls her inside. She puts the cake on her table before gently pushing her lips against the brunettes, wrapping her arms around her neck.
“I love you too Gracie. Are you sure you’re ready for this commitment?” Y/n asks as she plays with the hairs on the back of Gracie’s neck.
“Absolutely. There’s no one else I wanna be with” Gracie responds before pulling the shorter girl into another, more passionate kiss.
“Taylor’s gonna love this” Y/n mumbles before giggling into the kiss.
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richeeduvie · 5 months
obsessed with baby not being allowed to come on their like 3 day business trips and it being such a drama and heartbreak
imagine them on the phone and roman finds out she’s going to some party stewy’s throwing back home, he’s threatening to commit one second and being degraded the next
'Roman. I love you.'
Roman's staring at the message and already feeling like death's on his skin.
'if you see anything on social media or in the press, it is nothing like what you would be thinking. Stewy is throwing a party. Not even anything stereotypically drug-prominent. It's professional and I'm inviinited.'
Baby's so nervous that it's like she had a stroke in the midst of her text.
Roman doesn't respond.
'Roman please do go overboard on a reaction. It's a professional event and if there are drugs, serious drugs, I won't do anything. You know that.'
Roman doesn't respond.
It's five minutes until Baby gets a photo sent to her. It's a knife on a dresser.
'slitting my wrists ttyl'
...Baby just sighs.
'Roman. Don't be a bitch about this. Suicide's dramatic.'
'I said ttyl fuck off.'
Roman's looking pissy and small when he phone begins to ring. And ring - he scratches his head. He's already whiny.
He picks up, breathing into the phone and pressing the tip of the knife into the dresser.
"Hi, you dirty fucking whore. You're a slut, you already picked out who you're gonna fuck at Stewy's gangbang or do you need to do a gutter-pill or two to do that."
"It's a been three fucking days. I just hold no importance to you. I don't know why I believe your assurance. Every fucking time. I think I'd be ten times stronger as a male if I was a incel. Screw your vagina. Screw you!"
"...Keep it up and you will be. You can't fuck anybody else and no, I don't plan to fuck anyone myself but sometimes you push it, Roman."
Roman takes in a breath, raises a hurt brow.
"...Why the fuck would you say that?"
He sounds hurt. Baby, in her panic, took the degradation a bit to harshly. It's all fake, but she still shouldn't mention any idea of wanting someone else. Not with Roman. He takes nothing seriously, but nothing's a joke when it comes to her.
"I was joking, Roman. You're planning to slit your wrists, harshness is sensible."
"It's fucking bitchy. And hurtful. Fuck you."
Baby closes her eyes.
"I won't go. Okay? I'll call you tomorrow, we can screen-watch a movie."
Roman just wants to go home, not having you to press your hands into him, like you'll grab at the hot parts of his stomach makes him even more sick. But he'll fucking take it over you at Stewy's party. He doesn't care if you don't do anything. You just should be...waiting for him.
He waits for you. It's only fair, he doesn't think of doing anything outside of you other than work or something with his family. Jesus, Roman can't love you more than you love him, that's just ridiculous.
But if he outbids you in that sense, he can hold it over for you forever.
"Stay on call. Don't be a fucking bitch."
"Okay, Rome."
The best thing you can do is just keep yourself breathing into the phone, it's easy to not be a bitch when you're not saying anything for Roman to get at.
And Roman listens, knife pressing harder into the dresser as he relaxes on the bed. He presses harder remembering you want to go to Stewy's stupid fucking party.
But Roman chucks the knife across the room once you've settled with your breath.
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a-not-so-clean-blog · 4 months
Ratonhnhaké:ton x irish/native M reader (commission)
1050 words 🤍
You always looked up to Ratonhnhaké:ton, both physically and admirably. I mean what more could someone want? Tall, handsome, strong, protective, and sharp as a coyote. He was everything you dreamed of and more, and despite only knowing him for a few mere months he already occupied your dreams nearly nightly. Even your waking hours weren't immune to his visage in your wandering imagination during a hard days work on the homestead.
While Warren and Prudence took care of the farm and the livestock your job was to care for all the working animals. Train the guardian dogs, tend to the horses and plowing steer, even care for the sole messenger hawk that Achilles has. It's not particularly difficult but it does have you traveling around to different parts of the homestead all day. Plenty of travel means plenty of time to wistfully daydream about his beautiful black hair, strong build, and sunkissed skin. You could imagine him so well it felt like you could reach out and touch him.
“Good afternoon (Y/N).” Ratonhnhaké:tons voice ripped your attention from your imaginary paramore to the genuine article.
“Oh! Good afternoon Ratonhnhaké:ton!” You quickly reply, slightly startled by your lack of awareness. You looked down at him as you're perched on your horse. He looked irritated. “Is everything okay?”
“Everything is fine. The mission was a success at least.”
“You sure?”
“It's not a big deal.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out his beaded armband, or at least what was left of it. The threads were cut and a good chunk of the beads were missing completely, the rest was barely holding together because of the weaving. “It got cut in a fight.”
“May I?” You held your hand out to Ratonhnhaké:ton and after a moment of hesitation he neatly dropped the broken beadwork into your palm.
“Do what you want with it. I can not mend it and it's too much trouble to return to my village to get it fixed.” Although his expression remains neutral there was a hint of sorrow in his voice. Knowing his history it wouldn't surprise you if whoever made the band has passed. It felt like a dart to the heart thinking about it, but you had an idea.
“When are you leaving the homestead again?”
“A few days at most. Why?”
“Come by my house tomorrow night if you have time. I'll make you a good meal before you go.” You smiled warmly and he simply nodded.
“If I am still here I will.” It was rare for him to actually accept any invitation from anyone on the homestead, but you had a good feeling about this time. You waved to each other as he began walking back to the manner and you rode to Warren's farm.
One day later and to your excitement there was a knock at the door. You almost tripped at you rushed to answer.
“Ratonhnhaké:ton, welcome!” You open the door and beckon him to come in.
“Thank you for having me.” He came in and stood in the foyer awkwardly, something clearly on his mind.
“It's my pleasure, really.” You tilt your head a little. “You look like you want to ask something though?” He stared at you for a long moment before responding.
“Why do you call me that.” His voice was quiet, almost cautious.
“Call you what? Ratonhnhaké:ton? Oh no, did I pronounce it wrong, I'm sorry!” He shook his head before you could continue.
“It's not that, it's just… you know you are the only one on the homestead that calls me by my name. Why? Why not call me Connor like everyone else?”
“Ratonhnhaké:ton is a good name. It would be a shame not to use it. I can stop if it makes you uncomfortable though.” In all honesty you liked being the only one to use his real name. It made you feel special, like you knew a piece of him that others didn't.
“...Do as you wish. I was just curious.” A slight tint of red kissed the tips of his ears. It was cute and made you smile.
“Oh! I have something for you!” You excitedly ran to the other room. Ratonhnhaké:ton followed but kept some distance between you two. A habit he picked up because people found his stature intimidating.
Grabbing something small off your workbench you returned and confidently closed the distance between you two. “Hold out your hand.” He complied and held out his hand with his palm upwards, his eyes widening when a familiar texture fell upon his fingers. There lies his beaded armband fully restored. His disbelief was clear but so was his gratitude.
“How did you do this?” He stared at the beads as he rolled them between his fingers. He could tell which ones were new but the color difference was minimal, almost undetectable.
“My great grandfather was native and he taught me when I was very young.” You smile fondly of the memories.
“You are native?” His eyes shifted from the armband to you.
You couldn't help but laugh at his question. Not that he was wrong to ask given your fair complexion, but you simply found it humorous he still thought he was the only native on the homestead. “I am. I know it's difficult to tell by looking at me but that is because the rest of my blood is Irish.”
“I didn't know.” He stared at the beadwork in his hand before reattaching it to his coat. “Thank you. This means a lot.”
Your smile spreads from ear to ear. “I'm happy I could help!” You shift your weight as a way to fidget. “I know you don't stay for long but will you stay for dinner? I made stew.”
“I would like that.” His expression softened slightly, he looks almost relieved. It's hard to imagine someone so big could be scared of anything, but as his eyes softened you realize that sometimes fear can take many faces and forms. You couldn't help but wonder if you could alleviate some of his anxieties, or if he would even let you. Perhaps with time, but for now you are content just being a little closer to him.
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glittter-vamp · 1 year
Ohio Is For Lovers | J.B
Joe Burrow x Reader.
Warnings: 18+ MDNI. Mention of pregnancy. Explicit language.
Word count: 3,888
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It's been almost two weeks now since you found out about Joe possibly becoming a father and you hadn't talked to him since. He still hadn't told you about the situation, Mariana told him you had been out of town for work so he had left you alone. You just couldn't believe that he would lie to you about this, sure you guys weren't serious but you were still having sex with the guy after all. Joe also completely threw away that new years game, you assumed it had been because of the news he got about him becoming a dad, which sucked for everyone else on the team and the fans. "Hey do you have aspirin? I have like a weird pain in my back from that stupid chair at work." Sasha asks you as you guys hang out in your living room having a wine down Wednesday without the wine. "It's in my bathroom in the medicine cabinet." You nod and she thanks you leaving to your room. "So, why are you so mopey?" Sasha asks coming to sit next to me. "Hm?" You hum. "You've been like not yourself for the past few days, what's up?" She asks. "Nothing, work just has my ass beat." You yawn. "Lie again." Sasha says and you roll your eyes. "It's nothing." You shake your head not wanting to get into your feelings right now. "Is it a certain football player?" She raises her eyebrow and you sigh knowing she's not going to let it go. "Okay, safe space time. Spilll your heart out!" She says turning towards you so you had her full attention. Sasha has always been one for deep talks even though she was the first one to make jokes and not be the serious one in our friend group.
"I don't know... I guess it bothers me that Joe still hasn't tried reaching out to talk about this whole baby thing, but I also feel like it's dumb to feel this ways because it's not like we're serious." You say. "I don't think it's wrong that you're feeling like that, just because you two aren't in a committed relationship doesn't mean him having a baby won't affect whatever it is you two have going on with each other. Like I can't imagine having your fun with him, building some sort of relationship... serious or not and then one day he's just like "so listen, I'm actually getting back together with my baby momma so bye" or worse that he's been two timing...which with men? Never surprising." She shakes her head.
"I guess you have a point, I just think maybe I'm being stupid cause we've only just started all this." You shrug. "Yeah but he's a sexual partner lying about something pretty big, I can see why the red flags are popping up to you." Sasha says. Before I could respond there was a knock on my door. You two look at each other confused since you weren't expecting anyone, Mariana was with Ja'Marr out of town because of some pre Super Bowl events and Peyton had to work late today and couldn't join us.
You get up from your couch and look through the peep hole and your stomach dropped immediately seeing who it was and you turn to Sasha giving her a stunned look. "Who is it?" She whispers getting another knock on the door. "Joe!" You whisper yell and her eyes widened. "I thought Mariana told him you were out of town?!" She whispers back. "That's what she told me!" You whisper back. There was yet another knock on the door. He definitely knew you were here and he was not going to leave.
"Open it!" Sasha says and you let out a big sigh. You compose yourself and open the door meeting face to face with Joe after a week and a half. "Uh, hey..." you say awkwardly. Joe looked completely unamused and frankly, like shit. He looked tired and washed out. "Can we talk?" Joe asks and you look back at Sasha who was looking at you two. "I have company over- actually it's getting late and I have work tomorrow. I'll talk to you later?" Sasha says getting up and grabbing her stuff. "Oh um, okay." You nod mentally screaming at her, to not leave. She gives you a hug and whispers good luck before she turns and gives a Joe a dirty look pushing past him. JOe looked at her confused but didn't say anything.
"Now can we talk?" Joe asks and you sigh letting him through the door and closing it behind it. "Say what you have to say." You sigh. "What the hell is your problem? Why did you lie about being out of town?" Joe asks and you scoff. "My problem?! MY PROBLEM? Are you insane?" You say back in disbelief. "Yeah your problem!? You're hot and cold with me, we agree to being friends with benefits, have sex without protection for gods sake! And then you practically ghost me and have your best friend lie to my face and say that you're busy out of town with work?! I know we aren't serious or anything but I don't appreciate being lied to" He argues back which made your blood boil hearing those last words. This man was about to get dropkicked, you thought to yourself.
"You know, you have some fucking nerve to call out anyone's lies at the moment with the one you've been keeping from me." You cross your arm looking at him and he looks at you confused for a second before his face drops. "Y/N, That's different- The hell it is! You're angry towards my lying about going away for work and not talking to you when I didn't but it's totally different to lie to me about having a fucking kid with the woman who had me being slut shamed online for weeks? God, hooking up with you has got to be the dumbest thing I've ever done." You say rubbing your temples. "It's a complicated situation Y/N! I don't even know if it's mine, she was cheating on me first remember? Whose to say she's just not fucking with me? And we just started messing around with each other, what would you have done if I just said "Oh, by the way, I might become a dad in a few months with another woman but we should keep fucking each others brains out anyway?" He says sarcastically making you scoff. "I would of respected you a bit more for being an adult and communicating with me what was going on, instead of having your friend and teammate be a man and tell me because even he thought I should be respected enough to know! If I got pregnant and didn't know who the father was, I'm not gonna sit here and pretend I'm not and keep having sex with you! Which I know that's what you were going to do with me!" You snap back shutting him up.
"I'm sorry Y/N... I should of handled this situation better. I just felt like everything was finally going really good between us and this was going to fuck all that up." Joe sighs looking at you with eyes filled with sadness. "Well lying to me about things isn't going to ever help you Joe." You say to him. "Can we just over?" He says stuffing his hands the pockets of his sweats. He was wearing some weird rainbow pant, a blue hoodie and a beanie now that you were really looking at him. "I don't think us starting over every time we have an issue is the answer but I can settle on just being friends right now, I still have some stuff I need to think about. Like you said, all of this is a lot." You answer to him which you weren't lying about. You didn't know how you felt still having sex with a person who had no issue lying to you about serious stuff. "That's fine." He nods solemnly but you couldn't help but be distracted by his outfit at the moment.
"I'm sorry but dude what the hell are you wearing? You look like Eminem in 8 mile if he had a crossover with the wizard of oz?" You snort, Joe looking down at his outfit. "I like it." He shrugs not being phased by your comment and you chuckle shaking your head.
"I'm sorry about your loss by the way, that game was pretty rough." You say to Joe and he takes a deep breath letting it out. "Thanks, that was probably the worst game of my career so that's fun to deal with." He sighs. "You'll get it next season." You nod and he gives you a small smile. "I should get going, but I'll text you? Promise, no more lies between us?" He asks sounding of more of a question than a statement. "Yeah." You nod walking him out. "Goodnight." He says giving you once last look. "Goodnight." You respond before shutting the door and locking it. What a fucking night.
A few weeks later:
"That movie was so fucking stupid." Peyton says as we walk out of the theater. "You only think it's stupid because they killed off your favorite character." You laugh sipping on what's left of your soda before throwing it out in the nearest trash bin. "Exactly!" Peyton says. You and Peyton had decided to go to the movies on a nice Saturday afternoon since Sasha and Mariana were both busy and you both hadn't seen each other since New Year's Day. "Wanna get some gelato? My treat." You ask Peyton walking back to your car. "I could use a cheat day." Peyton agrees. You drive to the gelato place near the theater and park. "Only we would come and eat gelato in the middle of winter." Peyton says as we enter the empty shop. "This is the perfect time to eat it, it won't melt." You smirk. You two order some gelato and pay for it taking a seat by the window.
"So, how's life?" Pertain asks taking a bite of the gelato. "My job is opening up another branch in Rhode Island, they offered me a transfer with better pay." You say and Peyton's eyes go wide. "You're leaving Cincy bitch!?" He asks. "I haven't decided but it sounds kind of nice. Something new." You shrug taking a bite of my ice cream. "If you leave me, I'll die. I love Mariana and Sasha but those girls are way to boy crazy for me." Peyton says fake crying making you laugh. "You're so dramatic! You can visit me anytime if I choose to leave but Ohio doesn't feel permanent to me." You sigh. "Not to sound like an ass...but are you feeling like you need to leave because of the whole Joe thing?" Peyton asks. "It's part of it, I still get looks in groceries stores & im sure any day now news will break about his ex-girlfriends pregnancy so I'm sure that whole thing that happened the night we met will blow up again... I just didn't sign up for that." You shake your head. "That's reasonable. When that first happened I had a few journalists in my DM's trying to get information about you for the tabloids." Peyton shakes his head. "And you didn't tell me?!" You ask shocked. "No, you were going through enough." Peyton says unapologetic which made you roll your eyes. "You're annoying." You say making him laugh. You two finish your ice cream and leave walking back to your car when Peyton says something. "No way." He says stopping in his tracks. You look at where he was looking at and spot Joe across the street getting out of his car along with his ex girlfriend. Neither of them seemed content to be together. Staring at them Joe spots you and you can see the color leave his face. Peyton shakes his head at him and you look away and get into the car, Peyton following you. "You okay?" He asks. "Yeah why wouldn't I be?" I ask turning on my car. "I can keep my word and call my group of gay friends." Peyton says making you snort as you drive off. "Don't be dramatic." You giggle. "It's okay to be bothered- I'm not. It's weird but I can't be bothered and I'm not." You say continuing the drive. But as much as you said those words to yourself, you were bothered by what you just saw.
************************* After that whole weird run in with Joe, you made your way home after dropping Peyton off at his. You were in your apartment now and you couldn't stop thinking about seeing Joe with his ex or whatever she is. It made you glad that you decided not to continue having sex with him if they were that friendly to be riding with each other on a Saturday evening.
As you sat on your couch watching a re-run of The Office, your phone vibrates next to you. You pick it up and see that it was Joe sending me a text.
Joe: Hey, can we talk?
You sigh not really wanting to get into it right now with him.
You: If it's about today, that isn't none of my business.
Joe: You said we can remain friends and I really need a friend right now. Can you come over? Please, I'll send you gas money. 
You debate for a moment but for some reason you couldn't say no to him.
You: I'll be there soon.
Is all you reply. You get up from the couch and throw on some warm clothes and shoes. It was late and freezing cold outside tonight. You drive all the way to Joe's, once again the door flying open before you could ring the doorbell. "Gotta stop doing that." You mutter walking in and he chuckles.
"I made us hot chocolate... thanks for driving over here. I really appreciate it." Joe says as you follow him to the kitchen. "So what's up? Need help with the wedding planning?" You ask trying to lighten the mood and he gives you an annoyed look. "I think she's bullshitting me." Joe says handing you the hot mug. "Why do you say that?" You ask taking a sip of the hot chocolate which was surprisingly really good.
"I agreed to talk to her today face to face, that's why you saw us together and she just seems like she's lying." Joe says leaning on the counter in front of you. "Lying about the pregnancy?" You ask. "No, but lying about that I'm father. She went from, 'I think it might be you, to 'You're the dad and I know'. He says and you nod not really knowing what to say or how to feel about all this information. "She's what, 32 weeks now? I did the math. She was away on a girls trip 32 weeks ago, so she said and after that I was out of town for a week and a half for work stuff... we didn't have sex for two weeks...probably longer because that when the cheating rumors started and we were fighting every other day. How would it be mine?" Joe asks and you sigh. "We cant determine anything until the baby is here and you can get a paternity test done, Joe. The best thing you could do is get legally prepared in case she gives you trouble to obtain that test or has some trick up her sleeve." You tell him. Joe was definitely going through it right now, you did feel bad. I couldn't imagine having a baby with someone who cheated on you.
"The thing is...what if it's not mine and I'm over here being there for them both when she's giving birth and stuff. That's not fair to me." Joe says. "If that ends up being the case it really isn't fair but what if it does end up being your kid and you miss that special moment of when he or she is brought into this world? I think it's better safe than sorry." You say and Joe takes a deep a breath sighing. "I should of left her immediately after I found out she was cheating." He mutters. "I didn't know you stayed." You raise an eyebrow. "I very stupidly blamed myself for her actions because of how I was never home and then when I realized there was no excuse for what she did and I got angry... I did what I did because I wanted to get back at her." Joe says giving you a look filled of regret as you sipped your hot chocolate.
"Have you told your parents about all this?" You ask changing the subject not wanting to talk about what happened between you guys when you first met again. "Yeah... I don't think I've ever seen them so disappointed in me." He sighs. "My sister went through something similar, she was dating this guy back when I was in college who the whole family just hated for her, he treated her like garbage and cheating on her with her best friend. They finally broke up and a few weeks later found out that she was pregnant. She decided to keep it and my parents were furious, so were the siblings but we were there for her much more than my parents were. Fast forward a few years later and my parents adore that grandchild and she's happily engaged to a man that actually respects and loves her." You shrug.
"I'm glad things worked out for your sister and nephew or niece but, that's not how I pictured becoming a dad. I'm still not even sure if I wanted kids and dating at my age with a kid isn't gonna be easy." He scoffs which makes you snort. "Joe, you're a hot millionaire quarterback. You could have 6 kids with different women and you'd still have a larger dating pool than most guys. Look at nick cannon, dude is on baby number 68 with baby momma 54 and the women and kids just keep coming. All he does is rap battles and go on podcasts." You say making him laugh.
"Okay, maybe you're right but still this is going to change things." He shakes his head. "It is! But you don't have to go through it alone. You have friends and family that will be there for you." You nod. "I know but I don't even know where to start, the baby will be here in two months and I have no idea what to do." Joe says brushing his fingers through his hair which you've noticed has gotten a bit longer than usual. You weren't mad at it.
"Okay, follow me." You say hopping off the bar chair and heading upstairs. Joe giving you and look of confusion but he doesn't hesitate. You walk over to the closet guest bedroom that was to his bedroom and turn the lights on. You noticed even though it was tidy he had a bunch of shoe boxes stacked in here. "Okay, this here can be their nursery. The crib can go here, changing table here, maybe a rocking chair here. Baby cam up here, toys over here with a play pen and a dresser over here." You say finishing off and Joe looks at you in an amused way. "But we don't even know if the baby is mine so why would I spend time and money on the baby if I don't know." Joe says and you sigh. "Joseph, you spent thousands of dollars on me when you bought be those earrings not knowing what was going to happen to us why is it an issue for you to do the same for someone that might actually be your child?" You ask and he bites his lip nervously having nothing to say because you were right. "So, as I was saying...this would be a great room for them. It's close to yours and it's quiet and comfortable." You nod looking around before you turn back to him and you notice him staring at you in a way you've never seen before.
"What? Do I have chocolate on my face?" You ask and he chuckles shaking his head no. "I've just missed you putting me in my place." He says and you playfully roll your eyes. "I'm serious, I know I can be an ass sometimes and I appreciate you calling me out on stuff, especially...when you don't have to." Joe says inching closer to you. Your breath hitching in your throat. You can smell his aftershave on him and the hot chocolate he was drinking. Even when he's pissed you off, he still drove you mad. "Can I be honest with you?" Joe asks feeling his hands gently grab your waist. All you could do was nod as you got lost in those beautiful blue green eyes of his.
"I only brought up the whole the whole friends with benefits thing because I was scared of you rejecting me for anything more serious." He says and you raise an eyebrow. "Why are you telling me this?" You whisper. "Because I'm tired of all the lies and bullshit. I've liked you since I've met you, even if I fucked it up and showed otherwise." He says laying his forehead on yours closing his eyes. "Joe, I think you're just feeling really vulnerable right now because of the last few weeks in your life. You don't mean that." You say and he snorts. "You haven't left my mind since the second party we were at." Joe says. "That just could of been guilt because of the whole crazy tabloid and social media rumor stuff." You say and he leans back looking at you unamused. "Stop doing that. I'm being honest with you right now about my feelings, stop making excuses for what I've felt and how I'm feeling now." Joe says making you bite your lip.
"Sorry... I guess I kind of suppressed some of my own feelings too but Joe... C'mon what are we doing here. You might have a baby and our whole whatever this is we have going on, has been so up and down. I don't think a relationship is smart." You say to him and he nods looking down at his feet. "I know, I really wish things were different. I'm not asking anything of you but I just needed to tell you how I really felt. I at least owed you that." Joe says and you give him a small smile. "Look at you, being emotionally mature. Dad thing already hitting you." You laugh and he gives you an unamused look. "Shut up, come on. Let's go down stairs, I need help picking out stuff for this so called baby room." Joe says and you chuckle nodding. "But, before we go...just one kiss?" Joe asks with hopeful eyes and you chuckle. "Joe..." you sigh. "One!" He mouths holding up one finger and you grab the back of his neck giving him a sweet tender kiss filled with more emotion than you anticipated. It felt so wrong but yet, so right.
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creatingnikki · 11 months
It's about a week until Diwali. The year is ending and it may be the festive season but there is a sense of longing and nostalgia and sweet sorrow in the air.
I think of how I was spending this time last year. I think of you. I decide to respond to your texts from yesterday. It's not like I don't miss you or think about you. It's just — what even is the point?
Me: Hi, Happy Friyay! You: I'm stacked with work. Me: Okay, I'll leave you to it, then. You: Don't.
You ask me to stay and I ask why. You say you have something important to talk to me about. I sense it. That's not like you. I ask you to call me right away. And you do.
You're at work, in the office I would have been at too if I hadn't moved back to my city. It's raining — it's always raining in Bangalore. You say you have something to ask me. That you finally have the courage. But you're a bit afraid. I tell you to not be stupid and spill, it's me.
You ask, would you have dated me? I keep thinking about how lonely I am and how exhausting the dating process is. And my mind always comes back to you. I always had you. So, would you date me?
At 5:30 on a Friday evening as I am trying to wrap up work, I was not expecting to hear this. Of course, I have thought about it before. We are very different as people and yet, we are us.
I would have been open to the possibility, yes, I say, but not as an option because you're lonely and you don't have anyone else.
Are you mad? You are never an option, not as a friend, not as a lover, you say immediately.
And I sit through this unexpected call with you. Sensing your sadness, sensing your loneliness, sensing your need to always be strong and act like nothing fazes you because you are a 'man'. But you're leaving for home tomorrow, I know it's hard. It comes with its own set of worries and anxieties.
Last year, you and I spent the day and night together before you were leaving for home for Diwali. Now you say you wish I was here today too.
We joke about it, we always do. And I keep aside my feelings of being a filler girlfriend to you. The way you talk to me, how often you reach out to me, the comfort you seek, the tenderness you look for in me — I'll give that to you for now. As much as I can.
In a year or two you will get married to someone your mother chooses for you and then you will invite me to your wedding making jokes about how I must make sure to behave myself. And I'll be happy for you, I will. I never wanted to end up with you as a lover. We were never lovers, my love. We were never going to be. But I love you, my friend.
We wouldn't have to date to make each other happy or satisfied. Because even when no strings were attached you were always here. You showed up. You have never left. Neither have I. Labels or the lack of it are not an issue, I realize. It's always the actions, it's always time, that alone is the litmus test.
You have passed it. I never expected you to. In fact, I never necessarily even wanted you to. But now that it's been a year and now that you have, I see it. And I miss you. I hope before next Diwali we can meet and I give you that hug you keep saying you don't need because you joke about being a strong man (lol) but I know just how much you long to be held like you are precious and loved and seen. You are precious. I do love you. And most importantly, I see you.
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icy-watch · 3 months
(I hit the unfollow button when trying to hit Q&A......but I hit follow instantly to fix it, sorry)
Before I leave tomorrow on my vacation I thought I'd request a show/series that is very dear to my heart. Like, if you made me pick between this series and Ninjago I'd mostly likely pick the former.
The series is called Kekkaishi. It's an anime and manga by Yellow Tanabe. The anime ran on Adult Swim between October 2006 to February 2008 and the manga ran from October 2003 to April 2011 with 35 volumes (one more than Attack on Titan btw).
I dunno if you're into anime or manga.....but....it's so forgotten. So not known. It hurts me really. When the anime was airing and the manga was still being made, it was so popular and highly ranked....but now...
I grew up watching Kekkaishi along side other young children shows like Spongebob, Fairly OddParents, Danny Phantom, etc.
The basic summary boils down to this: Two families that are called Kekkaishi or "Barrier Master" guard a mystical site at night from creatures known as Ayakashi (different than "demons", those are a separate thing). They've done it for 400 years. Oh, and the "mystical site" is the grounds of a middle/high school building. The protagonist is Yoshimori Sumimura and......
Oh ho ho hoho
You think I'm obessed over Lloyd...
You think I go crazy about Geo.....
You think Luz is a sweet bean.....
no....no no no
Sniff wrong in Yoshi's direction and it's
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(the sweet grace of the Death Note won't save you from my wrath)
But anyways, the anime was canceled after 52 eps; I don't know why. I wish it wasn't. THERE'S SO MANY ARCS I'D LOVE TO SEE ANiMATED!!!!! The Julia mini arc! The Blank Box arc (my personal fav), the Healing Hidagou + Tokine Imprisoned arcs, and the Final Sealing Arc (would LOVE to Ufotable animate honestly)
You don't have to liveblog it but I'd still love it if you'd watch it. Plus all 34 volumes can be bought on Amazon!
Icy, it seems you and I have a lot of shared interests so I'd thought I'd at least share this one with you. I hate how something I love so fondly is so unknown (it honestly makes me depressed thinking about it)
Here's some pics from the anime and manga!
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(don't get me started on Gen or Souji 😭)
There's a chance I might not see your reply before I got on my vacation depending on when you respond/if I decide to check my tumblr before I leave (the location is a campsite with shitty or no wifi)
(You're good. Happens every now and again to everyone)
Oooo, I've kind of heard of Kekkaishi. I had a couple of ex-friends who were reading the manga when it was still coming out. I don't know if they ever watched the anime tho (probably, if it was on Adult Swim).
I haven't read any manga in a while. I was taking a break from the anime culture for a little while and just haven't gotten back into it. The aforementioned ex-friends were kind of the reason why. I'll probably start again by rereading the first series I ever completed (Chrono Crusade) that 1 or InuYasha. Again.
I'll def keep Kekkaishi in mind. It looks and sounds interesting. I might add the anime to a poll, just to see if anyone else is interested in seeing me liveblog it.
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kitkat-moon · 4 months
Sanemi x Gn!reader
Warnings: minor swearing?
A/n: 1st time writing for Sanemi...
A/n: you're also a loud/partially mean person when you wanna be...
A/n: another story for the date? And why you're scared of Obanai?
A/n: you're the Shadow Hashira... :)
Requested: @flamehashirarengoku
You and Sanemi didn't have a good relationship for the longest time, especially since he was filled with Obanai... And he scared you a lot.
Eventually, you became a Hashira... Was it really a good thing though? You sat at your first meeting, right beside Sanemi and Obanai. Neither of them minded you, making it easier for you at the time.
𝑩𝒖𝒕 𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒍𝒆 𝒅𝒊𝒅 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘
After the meeting, you left... Escaping the building before anyone could confront you.
This was how every meeting went until...
"Spar me." those two words dragged you out of your thoughts. Looking up, you saw Sanemi hovering over you.
"..." you stared, almost dumb founded by his statement.
"Y/n! Spar me!" he snapped. Tiredly you stood, rolling your eyes at the taller male.
"Fine." you grumbled, earning a glare from him but you didn't really care...
¿𝒐𝒓 𝒅𝒊𝒅 𝒚𝒐𝒖?
After a moment or two he already looked like he wanted to kill you. He couldnt even 𝙩𝙤𝙪𝙘𝙝 you, let alone hear your steps.
"This is sad..." you muttered, swinging at his arms, just for him to dodge your attack. He rolled his eyes and swung back at you.
"Wind Breathing, 1st Form: Dust Whirlwind Cutter." he dashed at you, swinging with as much force as he could manage.
"Shadow Breathing, 3rd Form: Defaming Darkness." you mumbled as you slipped past his attack, a dark 'mist' surrounded him as you attacked again, catching him off guard.
After a few more minor attacks, everyone agreed that you had beaten Sanemi. He started at you before mumbling,
"Good job, Y/n...."
You have him a small, cocky smile but kindly responded,
"You as well, Sanemi."
You guys still didn't talk much, but you did start to notice him hovering around you more. Not like right beside you, but he was always 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚... Nonetheless, you ignore it. Of course, he didn't like that, butbit wasn't your problem...
Well, one day Sanemi got 𝙨𝙞𝙘𝙠 of being ignored and came over to you while you were eating. Obanai wasn't around so you were more comfortable with the situation than normal.
"... Did you need something, Sanemi?..." you said quietly, looking up from your food to meet his cold glare.
"Do you hate me or something?!" he spat, seething.
"Uhm-" you stared, tempted to snap back but almost enjoying the scene.
"Well?! Obviously you're ignoring me!" you laughed and waved a hand at him,
"Sanemi Shiniguzawa, what makes you think I'm ignoring you?" you said with a small, yet condescending smile.
"You act like I'm not here!" he yelled, scaring off some of the nearby wildlife.
"Well maybe, if you would come and talk to me I wouldn't 'ignore you'."
"Sanemi." you sighed, "why does it matter ifbi ignore you? Mostly everyone else does anyways."
He sighed, shaking his head furiously. You could see a hint of blush coating his cheeks.
-𝙊𝙝 𝙢𝙮 𝙜𝙤𝙨𝙝-
The situation just got more awkward as you two talked until... Well- he 𝙛𝙞𝙣𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙮 confessed...
"Y/n...I- ..." he hesitated for a moment, actually 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙜 about what he was going to say to you.
𝑨𝒊𝒏𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒂 𝒏𝒆𝒘 𝒐𝒏𝒆?
"Go out with me..."
You stared at him, completely surprised.
𝑩𝒖𝒕 𝒘𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒚?...
"Uhm... Ok?" you mumbled before laughing, "I wouldn't mind that, truthfully."
He smiled slightly and nodded,
Was all he said for a moment.
𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒊𝒔 𝒂𝒘𝒌𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒅
"I'll come by your estate tomorrow then..." he muttered before leaving, his face and ears still dusted a soft shade of pink.
The next day when he came by you were already sitting outside, waiting for him.
You guys spent the day together. He bought you food, hair pins, bracelets, and a bunch of other stuff... He was so kind to you today. It was a bit different that you had initially expected.
At the end of the day he walked you to your estate, but when you got there he stopped.
"Y/n...i love you... A lot."
𝑺𝒖𝒓𝒑𝒓𝒊𝒔𝒆𝒅 𝒃𝒊𝒕𝒄𝒉?!
"I want you to be my girlfriend/boyfriend." he continued. He was a lot quieter than normal, 𝗍𝗁𝖺𝗇𝗄 𝖦𝗈𝖽, and he was blushing. You didn't really mind it but it was awfully different. After a few seconds, which felt like years to him, you answered.
"I love you, too, 'nemi...and I would love yo be your girlfriend..." {𝗂𝗌 𝗂𝗍 𝖻𝖺𝖽 𝗍𝗁𝖺𝗍 𝗂 𝗐𝖺𝗇𝗍𝖾𝖽 𝗍𝗈 𝗋𝖾𝗃𝖾𝖼𝗍 𝗁𝗂𝗆 𝖻𝖾𝖿𝗈𝗋𝖾 𝗌𝖺𝗒𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗒𝖾𝗌 𝗃𝗎𝗌𝗍 𝖻𝖾𝖼𝖺𝗎𝗌𝖾?}
He smiled and out of 𝙛𝙪𝙘𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙣𝙤𝙬𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚 he kissed you. It wasn't rough but it was passionate. Kissing him back with the same passion you pulled yourself closer to him, wrapping your smaller body around his. He soon pulled away, but he still held your body against his.
A few drops of rain still onto you, earning a quiet giggle from you and a smirk from him...
He took you inside and helped you ready yourself for bed before he left...
He kissed your forehead softly and sighed,
"I'll see you soon...(N/n)..." he slowly turned to leave as you drifted off to sleep, a small, rather cute smile placed on your tired face... He made sure to memorize that...every last speck of your peaceful state, knowing it would be a rare sight from that day forward...
𝖥𝗈𝗋 𝗍𝗁𝗈𝗌𝖾 𝗈𝖿 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗐𝗁𝗈 𝗐𝗈𝗋𝗋𝗒...
Sanemi got home faster than he expected, laying out on his futon.
He slowly began to think about your sleeping state again and quickly fell asleep...
𝒲𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝒶 𝒷ℯ𝒶𝓊𝓉𝒾𝒻𝓊𝓁/𝒽𝒶𝓃𝒹𝓈ℴ𝓂ℯ 𝑔𝒾𝓇𝓁/𝒷ℴ𝓎 •••
A/n: don't repost pls!! And I hope you enjoyed!!
Also: what are your nicknames (N/n)'s??
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meetmyothersouls · 1 year
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Darling Death
A collaboration with @sufferingstarlight
Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4
Warnings: toxic male behavior, talks and mentions of death and dying, cemetery, not proof read
Chapter 5 - Day 5
"So, grim reapers can cook too? Let me add that to the list of random abilities you seem to possess," I said as I took in the array of food on the dining room table. Bacon, eggs, oatmeal. "You made pancakes too?"
"Actually, they're crepes." He seemed proud of himself, but also the slightest bit timid, like he wanted to make sure everything was to my liking. He stood in the entry way as I took a seat. I filled my plate with three glorious pieces of bacon, a hearty scoop of eggs and two of the crepes-not-pancakes.
"I gotta say," I said, as I shoveled a fork full of the stuff into my mouth. "Pancakes are better." I looked up, my cheeks stuffed with food. Timothee stood there, staring at me, a hint of a smile plastered on his face and I realized he looked more like he was lost in thought...and maybe admiring me. He quickly realized I noticed shook his head, as if erasing the expression from ever existing.
"Are you not gonna eat?" I asked, suddenly feeling embarrassed about the amount of food I had on my plate.
"I don't really need to eat," Timothee said, shrugging. "But I'll sit with you."
I watched him as he walked effortlessly to the table, if I didn't hear the slightest clack of his shoes on my hardwood floor, I would have assumed he was floating. He pulled out a chair and took a seat.
"Lemme guess, grim reapers feed off of a portion of the dead's souls, giving them sustenance until the next victim they reap passes?"
"Yes, actually."
My eyes snapped up, meeting his. There was a mixture of seriousness and amusement in them, and it was a mixture that made my stomach flip in a way that I wasn't expecting. This time I shook my head and scooped up the rest of my food with my fork.
"You're fucking weird, man. Speaking of, I've got work today and a date tomorrow, so would you mind keeping the gloomy stalker show to a minimum? I can't have another outburst like I did the other day. Josie is already sick of my shit as it is."
When he didn't respond I looked back over at him. His hands were in white knuckled fists on the table, if he were holding a glass, I'm sure it would have shattered into a million pieces. His dark hair curled over his eyes, so this time I couldn't make out their demeanor, though if it matched his fists, it wasn't a good sign.
"A date? Really Y/n?" Timothee finally said.
"Uhm, yeah? Why is there some rule that bars me from going on a date before I die?"
"No, but maybe I should make one," he said under his breath.
"What was that?" I asked, hearing every word he'd said. Was he jealous? All he was supposed to be here for was collecting my soul.
"Nothing. Is this date with a boyfriend?"
"Not that it's any of your business," I said even though the thought of Tristan and I being more than just friends almost made my breakfast come back up. "He's an old friend that's liked me for at least a decade. Last week, before you showed up, I agreed to give him a chance over dinner and a movie."
"So, there's no boyfriend?"
"Why do you care?" I pretended to be annoyed.
He smirked at my tone, and even though the fact that he seemed so interested in my love life, or lack thereof, should have bothered me, it did the exact opposite.
"I don't. It's just that sometimes the goodbyes are messy when there's a lover involved, so you might not want to make him any promises on this 'date'." He put the last word in finger quotes.
The rest of that day went by shockingly quick and uneventful, though Timothee couldn't resist a casual jump scare or two. He'd walk behind me, unknown to anyone else and run a finger across the back of my neck or blow into my ear. Each tease made me want him to push me against a wall again, run his nose against my neck and breath my 'underworldly' scent in. And weirdly enough, I started to like the sound of that.
Darling, you smell like the underworld.
Day 5
I slid on my strappy black dress, the one I pretty much reserved for dates, disappointed that Timothee wasn't around to see it on me. I hadn't seen much of him, which was weird considering I couldn't get rid of him lately. I tried to push away that feeling. The feeling of missing someone you have no right to. The empty chest feeling that is only cured by one person's presence.
The only thing I didn't like about that dress was how much it showed. It wasn't as revealing as it could be, but it still showed the one part of me I always tried to cover. My collar bones. It wasn't that they were bad, they were actually quite nice. It was the dark, swirling birthmark staining my skin on my left collar bone. I'd tried everything from makeup and concealers, that eventually just melted off of it. To removal that even lasers couldn't touch. It was just...a part of me. Every time I wore this dress, I watched as my date's eyes travel down to it. Normally, I'd wear a cardigan to cover it up, but with mine and Tristan's fifteen years of friendship, he saw it before.
I made my way to the semi-fancy Italian restaurant, already limping in the heels I shouldn't have worn. It wasn't until I walked inside and met Tristan at the table, he already reserved for us, that Timothee took a seat. Right next to Tristan. I wasn't unaware to Timothee's eyes sweeping over my body. The last few days he'd only seen me in casual clothes, nothing this fancy. Then I saw it. His eyes locked on my birthmark.
I shot him a look, the irritation evident in my eyes and face. Tristan looked in the direction of Timothee, a confused look on his face, but, of course, couldn't see him. Tritan looked around the room, wondering who I could be giving this look of disdain to. Little did he know he was sitting right next to him.
"Thanks for giving me this chance," Tristain said.
I hid my cringe. Why did he make it seem like he was interviewing for a job.
"We've been friends forever, Tris, why wouldn't I give you a chance."
Beside Tristan, Timothee rolled his eyes. He leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms, watching me in amusement.
Tristan perked up at my answer, hope filling his eyes. Timothee pushed out his bottom lip into a pout shook his head in mock sadness. Then I remembered what he said the day before. Don't make any promises. So instead, I just smiled at him.
We placed our orders and drank our drinks awkwardly while we waited. I hated how strange this felt, even if Timothee wasn't sitting in between us, Tristan and I had dinner together many times, why did he have to make something as causal as eating food together feel so different this time.
"So, y/n," Tristan said, breaking my train of thought. "I've been thinking and, I really think you should open up a bit."
Timothee made a face of mock shock and put an index finger to his mouth in thought.
"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked, not able to hide the slight attitude brewing inside of me.
"It means I know you like me. And for some reason you won't let me in. So, I think tonight is the night that that happens."
"Let you in? Wha the fu-"
Sensing the mood, the waiter approached with our plates and politely placed them in front of us and walked away without asking any questions.
"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" I finished my sentence.
"It means that this is the way the rest of tonight is going to go: we're going to eat this food, and I'm going to pay for it. Then we're going to go to the movie you picked out at 8, which I am also paying for, then you're going to take me to your house and we're going to do what I say from that point on."
I was shocked into silence, my mouth hanging open in disbelief. I'd known Tristan for fifteen years and he'd never once acted this way. I looked over at Timothee and I almost wished I hadn't. His face was almost dark with rage. His eyes normally a greenish-blue color was now completely black. His furrowed and close to his eyes and he worked his jaw in a way that I'd only seen people do before a fight. Then, he stood up, the chair behind him fell to the ground causing Tristan and a few people in the surrounding area to gasp. Our waiter came over and picked up the chair and whispered a polite and confused "I'm sorry." Timothee made his way to the front of the restaurant and slid out of the door once a busboy held it open for a older couple to come in. And suddenly, I felt a lot less safe without him sitting at the table with me. This new side of Tristan seemed sinister.
Tristan shoveled a ravioli into his mouth, glaring at me. "Are you not going to eat?"
"I'm not hungry," I said through my teeth.
The door opened again, and I heard the sound of a familiar voice. I turned around and there he was, Timothee. My grim reaper. I didn't hide the smile on my face, I couldn't help it. This time it was clear everyone in the room could see him. I watched as he spoke in a whisper to the busboy at the door. Timothee glanced in my direction and winked. Then the busboy looked over at us and nodded. Instant relief flooded my entire being.
I wasn't sure how he was able to change so quickly, but he was now wearing a very expensive looking suit, all black with small accents of red and a pin attached to the collar that was none other than a scythe. The entire restaurant quieted and watched as he walked, in seemingly slow motion, to our table. All eyes, including mine and including Tristan's were on him. The busboy followed behind and quickly pulled out the chair that Timothee was sitting in moments before.
"Y/n," Timothee greeted me, pulling my hand into his and kissing the top of it. Already, I felt my core turn molten. His lips felt like fire and ice on my skin.
"Who is this man?" Tristain said, disgusted.
"You must be Tristain," Timothee said extending a hand. When Tristain didn't take it, he elegantly curled his fingers into a first. "I'd say it's a pleasure to meet you, but it's unfortunately the exact opposite. Tell me, does it bring you pleasure to try and take advantage of women, or do you do it because your dick is small?"
I snorted and spat out some of my drink. I could see Timothe's smirk forming along his profile.
"Excuse you?"
"What do they call that these days? Small dick energy?"
I covered my mouth with my palm, resisting the urge to laugh.
"Who are you?"
"I'm a...close friend of y/n's." Timothee said, putting an emphasis on the word close that made me bite my lip.
"Wow, I've waited all this time for you to give me a chance y/n and you just take in some twink off the street?"
Timothee shrugged, "I've been called worse." Then he leaned in closer, luckily the rest of the restaurant went back to their food and conversations. "Allow me to tell you how the rest of tonight is going to go..." Timothee's gaze hardened and instantly Tristan's eyes glossed over, his mouth hung open, and he was transfixed on Timothee, as if he was being hypnotized. "You're going to get up from here and you're going to leave."
"I was just about to leave, yeah," Tristan said calmly.
"And when you leave, you will not contact y/n again."
"Good, good," Timothee praised and selfishly I wished it was me he was praising instead. Then, he took a fistful of Tristans shirt and pulled him closer, "and if you do," Timothee spoke so softly I could barely hear what he said. "I will kill you myself. And trust me, you don't want to see what kind of death a reaper is capable of."
Tristan nodded and stood up and waved. "Enjoy your meal," he said as he made his way to the door. I watched until he left, waited a few minutes to be sure he wouldn't reappear and turned back around. Timothee was already sitting in his seat.
"Will he be, okay?" I asked.
"You still care about that?"
"I mean I don't want him to die on the way home. He seemed out of it."
"Unfortunately, he'll be fine."
The waiter stopped by and took away Tristan's plate. Timothee nodded politely and focused back on me.
"You don't own me you know," I said, in a voice that should have sounded headstrong but was anything but. As time went on it seemed more and more to me like that's exactly what I wanted. "You're just here to collect my soul."
"Technically, I do. I am sent here to watch you, look over you until your time is up. I am meant to protect you. Though, this situation is unlike one I have ever encountered."
"How do you mean?" I asked.
"You should eat," Timothee said, changing the subject. "Eat your dinner, and I'll take you to that movie."
"Okay, but you have to keep talking."
Timothee nodded. Only resuming the conversation once I scooped a bite of lasagna into my mouth.
"Most of the souls, at least everyone I've collected have not been able to see me. I wasn't expecting it to have this type of effect on me."
I swallowed my lasagna hard as he said the words.
"I don't own you. No," he started, then reached out and brushed my hair away from my collar bone. He let his finger graze my birthmark. I shudderd at the touch. "But I'd like to. Very much."
He scooted up, his chest flush against his side of the table and one of knees made their way in between my legs. He dropped a long arm beneath the table and slid his palm up my leg. I dropped my fork. "I wish I could be the blood that traveled through your veins, the air that you breath into your lungs." His index finger grazed my core through my panties and I jumped, hypersensitive to the touch. My plate clanging against the table, my glass tipping over.
"Can we go?" I pleaded.
"Eat your food. All of it."
I started to protest.
"Or do I need to feed it to you?"
I shoveled in the rest of my lasagna and downed my entire diet coke. My skin tingling as Timothee gave me small touches under the table. We walked out moments later, my knees weak. Timothee laced an arm around my waist, holding my up and against him. His temperature freezing against my hot skin. We began walking in the direction of the movie theater, but somehow between soft touches and him pressing his nose into my hair we strayed off the path.
"Look!" I said, pointing to a cemetery. "Let's go in there."
"What about your movie," Timothee called after me.
"It's already 8:35, it's already started."
"I loathe cemeteries," Timothee groaned.
"What!?" I pulled his cold hand into mine and drug him into the foggy gates of the local cemetery. "A grim reaper scared of a graveyard!? This is where the bodies of all those souls you take go!"
"I didn't say I was scared. I just don't like them."
"Why?" I teased. It was getting dark, the cemetery would close soon, but for some reason I felt compelled to go in there. Like I needed to be there. "If you're scared say you're scared." I climbed upon a stone bench next to a large oak tree. Timothee stood in front of me and for the first time I was eye level with him. Then it hit me. "I've got eight days to live." I said it out lout without even meaning to. "Eight days to live and...I've not even gotten the chance to live."
Timothee looked at me and maybe it was because we were eye level for the first time, but it seemed like he really saw me. "If it makes you feel any better," he said, taking my arms and draping them over his shoulders. He circled his around my waist, pulling my closer into him. He ducked his head slightly, running his nose along my chest, stopping at my birth mark. He kissed it lightly causing my back to arch. His touch there felt like dark magic and sin. "I wish it was anyone other than you."
"Because now that I know you exist, I don't want you to cease to."
And before his lips found mine, they hovered there, his cold breath swirling and mixing with my warm breath, becoming too intoxicating for me to pretend I didn't need him now. His lips skated across mine effortlessly, like a dance we'd practiced for eternity. My hands slid into his dark, curly hair. I wrapped my legs around his waist, earning a soft groan from him. He turned us around and sat on the bench. He kissed me like it was the first and last kiss he'd ever have. Like sadness and hope mixed together to form a melancholy war between life and death.
A kiss can change a human life. And that one did.
This has been a Sufferingsouls production
Tags: @dayafied @soulofendlessbook @fashphotolife @scentedkittenperfection @weasleytwinscumslut @timotheel0ver @mxciscastleintheair @marvelmaniac2000 @lovelyrocker @divine-1 @love-poems-only @starberry-cake @inlovewithphantasy @alexagirlie @misswestfall @softhecreator @livresjaunes @timmymyluv @inannamoon @harrys-thick-thighs @s-we-e-t-t-ea @timolaurence @its-schmackin-dude @justagirlwhoneedshelp @kteezy997 @sufferingstarlight @xoxoloverb @tropicalrozmajzl @iloveneilperry @syirnge @patronsaintofthetwinks @roseboysareprettier @onlyenoughiamweird
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