#If there was a feature of playing two events together
shonenkun309 · 1 year
Apparently I have enough resources to play one of the revival events that includes Koga's SSR card, but I'm confused which event to play and there are only two events related to Koga.
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@just-somehuman @the-bird-and-the-flute @kogasimp1 @callmeklair @colourless-hydrangeas @randomf2p @blackmond11 @girlinthetardis04 @lost-khione @ama-tera @nerenda @colourless-hydrangeas
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bloogers-boogers · 1 year
Kyle Brofloski/ Eric Cartman (SP FIC) part 3
/A player with lies/
Fatass can actually move? Kyle gets overly pissy for no good reason and Stan needs a damn break
Slight warning ⚠️ the characters name says it all, if you're not comfortable with the ship then this isn't for you, but if you are then hop on in and enjoy the ride ☆
It was a beautiful morning, three boys waited patiently for the bus to arrive, it was a Friday, meaning it's time to finally take a break from school after a hell of a week.
Stan was on his phone as he scrolled effortlessly through his social media, liking randomly posts with out putting to much thought on it.
Kyle yawned tirelessly as he was still caught on doing extra work for school the last few days because of his lack of attendance from last month, so yeah, sucks for Kyle.
And dear Kenny found himself watching some porn shamelessly with out earphones on, as he grinned watching big boobs appear on screen.
The absence of their fourth friend wasn't too noticeable, as Cartman had the tendency to do shit in the morning after breakfast making him come either too late or too early depending on the scheme he's doing.
A blonde beaming boy walked their way, placing himself infront of them, a little too cheerful for their liking.
"Morning to you, Butters," Stan commented, more like a question than a greeting.
"Mornin' hasn't Eric arrived?," he asked glancing at his spot.
Neither bother answering as it was obvious he hasn't.
"Geez, he must be really excited today," He commented as he took out his phone and typed in some music, Kyle arched a brow confused.
"Let me guess, he's 'excited' to lay in bed, doing absolutely nothing, eating junk food for two days straight." Kyle sarcastically said, making the other two boys laugh.
Butters tilted his head, bewildered as he eyed him. Making Kyle feel insecure about being stare down like if he didn't know what he was talking about. He knew the fatass, no one should make him feel like he didn't.
It's Cartman, what else could Cartman be possibly excited for during the beginning of the weekend? If it isn't to lay down in bed and do nothing, mostly school related. Even though he doesn't do much of that either during the week, but still, he had an excuse.
"He.. hasn't told you guys? Oh hamburgers," he looked around, "I think I said too much then," he tried dashing off but Kenny stopped him by placing his hand on his chest pushing him backwards.
"What're you talking about, Butters?," Stan asked, now placing his phone in his pocket.
The blonde scratched his neck nervously before spitting out the truth, "you guys may not know this, but there gonna be a roller derby in town tonight, I thought Eric had already told you guys but-"
"What're you talking about, Butters?," Kyle snapped, gripping on to his shoulders shaking him frantically, "what could possibly Cartman do and hide from us?," He blurted out almost daring.
"Yeah, dude, Cartman's an awful liar, normally he'd come running to us if he was excited about something just to tell us all about it," Stan defended Kyle's argument, even though he found his reaction a little overeating.
"That's what I thought!," Butters exclaimed, letting loose from Kyle's grip, "I figured Eric would've told you by now cause he's been in it since sixth grade. "
"Since sixth grade!?," Kyle blurted out in disbelief, "that's bullshit, Butters. Are you fucking with us? Cartman can't take something seriously for that long!."
"Kyle's right," Kenny chimed in, confused and a little skeptical, "Besides, if Eric's been so serious about something that he's soo into, he would've told me by now."
"And 'in' what!?," Kyle remarked.
"Well if you guys actually let me finish speaking I could explain to you guys what's going on!," Butters snapped now tired, making them all go silent.
"Like I was saying, I'm surprised Eric hasn't told you. Because I do believe he takes it seriously, I've been with him during his games before and he looks.. well, seriously about it?," he explained trying to pick the right words to use, looking at the boys who watched him with odd looks, "guys, Eric's been in the South Park roller derby team for three years, and you guys haven't even realized it? I believe even Clyde knows it! Today's a really important game for him, and he's been waiting for it for the past three months."
Kyle felt his world shattered.
Theres no fucking way.
This is bullshit, he's calling bluff right there.
"Fuck you, Butters," He spat bitter, poking him in the chest aggressively, causing the boy to startle, "FUCKYOU, if you're still willing to pull up this type of shit with Cartman! Trying to mess with us this early in the fucking morning!," Butters slapped his finger away from him, glaring.
"Look Kyle, if you don't believe me then that's all on you, jewboy," he barked back mimicking Cartman's nickname on him, making Kyle snarled.
"Okay guys, calm down," Stan placed himself in the middle of the two boys.
If there someone who's capable on getting to Kyle's level was an angry Butters.
"Butters, you don't have like any proof you could show Kyle or something?," Stan inquired, still skeptical himself.
Butters huffed, as he scroll through his phone shoving it harshly to Kyle's face, earning a groaned from the boy.
"If that isn't enough, why don't you scroll through the south park derby page, ask the coach himself or wait? Ask fucking ERIC!," he screeched out, face heated in temper.
"Dude, chill your hawaiian is showing," Kenny tried calming him down, placing a hand on his shoulder.
"I don't like being called a lying snake," He huffed once more, shoving Kenny's hand away.
Kyle scrolled frustrated through the photos Butters had showed them, they were all separated in a folder called 'Eric' pretty much all the folder had were photos and videos where Eric was included in, or taken with. Or stupid selfies the fatass will take in Butters phone.
What he was frustrated about was that seemingly enough, Eric and Butters were in some type of rally, fat boy grinning wide as Butters thumbs up while being taken the picture.
Date: October 28th, two years ago
On another, it was just Eric seemingly stretching his leg out in some booth, having roller skates on, a white helmet and some gym looking clothing as he glared to what it seemed like nothing but in the background they were plenty of people meaning he must've been glaring at someone.
Date: November 15th, one year ago
Then there was another where Cartman stood full picture, revealing his entire outfit; like a uniform with the number 9 plastered in the front, some red shorts too small for his ass and roller skates on, some black ankle and elbow patches, a green helmet in hand with a white stripe as he posed like he was about to run, grinning confidently.
Date: December 1st, one year ago
And another one, he felt himself being hit by an avalanche of rocks each second he look through each photograph.
Cartman looking forward, some other players beside him showing off their backs, it seemed the photo was taken from a far not as far, but far enough to tell he was about to race and Butters was probably just watching from the crowd.
Cartman's t-shirt said 'South Park derby' plastered big in the back part, words adorned around the large 9 with a goofy cow logo.
Date: January 4th, actual year
He shoved the phone back to Butters, as he glared to the ground defeated. The plan was too elaborate for it to be fake, and there were more photos in there than just those he analyzed.
He clenched his fist tight, and gritted his teeth, holding his head high as he saw Butters leave.
"Wow, I guess Cartman is in the roller derby team," Stan finally spoke out after brief seconds of silence.
"Yeah, I suppose so," Kenny then added.
The silence was now unbearable, Kyle kept contemplating what he just learned. Glancing at the bracelet he held around his wrist 'tsk.'
Stan and Kenny awkwardly shared a concerned look to their friend.
"Maybe Cartman was just too embarrassed to admit it to us?," Stan suggested, trying to relieve the tension that was now formed.
"Probably thought we'd ripped on him, which we definitely would had," Kenny agreed, both boys eyeing the redhead who just stood there unresponsive with a nonchalant expression.
"'Embarrassed' but not embarrassed enough to tell Butters?," he finally snapped, turning his fuming glare at them, "Don't you guys feel betrayed?."
"No," Stan admitted nonchalantly," it's really not a big deal dude, it's not like we all don't play a sport ourselves?," he kept on blabbering, "I play football, you play basketball and Kenny plays with pussy."
"Yeah," Kenny nodded.
"You guys don't get it, we've been friends with Cartman for YEARS, dealt with his shit for years and still, he can't even tell us about being on the derby team? It's not like we haven't seen him do more embarrassing shit! Why all of the sudden is he running off discreetly to play some stupid sport!?," by this point he was all spiteful and riled up, "that bastard doesn't treat us like friends! He treats us like- like some lab rats he likes to test with.
I'm tired of his fucking shit!."
Both boys stood listening not daring to say a word, just letting him spit all his anger out, they've learned by now that it's always best to let Kyle vent out all his frustrating opinions before they spoke out their own.
They knew well enough that he wasn't in all finished.
After like a minute they glanced at each other more surprised that he hadn't added anything else than discovering about their fat friend's secret.
"Well, what you want us to do Kyle? It's not like we can do much." Stan commented.
"Y'know what?," Kyle said with a thoughtful face as he tapped his feet contemplating some type of plan, "maybe we should teach Cartman a lesson about 'friendship' and where it leads people when you overtake advantage of it."
Both boys stared at the red head worrisome not knowing the type of shit they had gotten in to.
"Like what?," Stan follow along, still uncertain about it.
"We're gonna go to that rally and make him fucking lose that so precious game he's been craving for so long."
Bewildered the boys looked at Kyle, speechless.
'My god'
"Kyle, I don't think that's a good idea," Stan tried to reason with him.
"Dude, Cartman does this type of shit with us all the time! This is no different," he blurted out, placing his hands on his hips, "Besides, we have reasons!."
"We do?," Kenny added confused.
"Yes. We do," He said sternly, "he makes us deal with his crap all the time, and we just let him step on us everytime he wants? Cartman little derby game is our payback from all the shit he's made us go through as children! Technically, we're not doing anything wrong," he tried justifying his actions as he walked in circles.
"Dude, you sound like Cartman," Stan blurted out baffled.
"¡IDONOTSOUNDLIKECARTMAN,GODDAMMIT!," he screeched out loud causing them to wince.
Kyle has never felt more betrayed than what he's feeling right now, he doesn't know why this has got him so badly. But it became personal.
He really thought he was already figuring out Cartman and the douche bag, again, makes him reconsider everything!
It's like he's doing it on purpose, he sighed scribbling in his notebook, thinking of a plan to sabotage Cartman's game tonight.
Garrison kept blabbering about his upcoming wedding for like the 100th time of that week, they all already wished he got married and get that shit over with.
He looked to his side, glancing at Cartman who was making paper planes alongside Kenny, throwing it to their sides all dramatic and random flying across the room, among the students. Innocently batting their eyes as Garrison scold them.
Well, it didn't seemed Kenny was too affected by being lied by his BEST FRIEND, was he really the only one who cared to complained? He looked at Stan that was flipping through his textbook not caring for the world.
Cartman seemingly looked in a good mood which just added to his wrath.
He huffed as he rested his chin on his hand.
"Dude, are you sure about this?," Stan asked as he zipped his jacket covering the vegetal oil they had planned on sneaking in, "what if Cartman actually gets injured?."
"Do you really care if he does?," Kyle asked skeptical, glancing at a couple of people who walked in the stadium.
"Good point," he added as he grabbed his phone and dialed Kenny, "Dude, did you bring it?."
"I'm on my way dudes, I couldn't find the cheapest brand I could afford but I found some cheap brand on wish," he said frantically as he was running while talking on the phone.
"Whatever dude, just don't die on us," Stan meaningless said before hanging up, "I can't believe we're actually doing this."
"This is for the best, Stan. Think about all the things Cartman has done to us, think about the time he's ripped on you, call you names, taunting you because you have a girlfriend and show you not even an ounce of respect," the redhead kept reassuring to his friend.
Stan frowned as he contemplated his words, now nodding assertively, "yeah, you're right. Fuck that fatass! He's never treated me with respect no matter how many times I followed through his stupid shit and called him a friend," He blurted out, a he held his fist high on to his chest, more confident.
"Atta, Stan," Kyle beamed patting his friend in the back, now turning to look at a panting Kenny.
"I-Im herE.." he continued panting as he took out some marbles out of his jacket to show them.
"Okay, cover those, we don't want to get caught," Kyle shove the marbles back inside his jacket.
They went inside, buying a ticket and glancing at the huge crowd. They didn't know roller derby was that a huge deal for people, the place was packed.
They spotted Butters in one the seats there, headed twoards the boy as they sat next to him.
Butters turned their way, "Oh, geez, you guys actually made it? Does that mean Eric already told you about the derby?," he asked casually, as he sipped from his soda.
Kyle smiled forcefully as he nodded, "yup," he lied.
"Cool," Butters beamed as he waved at some random player there, knowingly who that was.
"So when does the game start?," Kenny asked from the forth seat at the end of Stan.
"You mean the jam?," Butters corrected unfazed, chugging on some chicken nuggets, "the first pass still hasn't initiated. They're still waiting for the seats to be full, and it normally just starts at eight it's still six thirty."
They look at each other not knowing well about how that sport worked, they didn't looked deep in to it.
"Okay, so when does second round start?," Stan added, earning a scoffed from the blonde.
"Didn't Eric bother to explain you guys?," He rolled his eyes, sipping loudly on to his soda purposefully making the other three boys annoyed.
"In derby they're not precisely called 'rounds', they're jams that consistent on a timer of 2 minutes, that, or the lead jammer decides to cut it short," He continued to explained to them, as he beamed waving another player in the rank, "we could say the end of the first period will be thirty minutes in during jams, cause they're two periods. A game last sixty minutes you guys."
They blinked in confusion.
"And.. what exactly are jams again?," Stan winced out apologetically, as Butters groaned annoyed and roll his eyes in response.
"What's hard to understand?," Butters exclaimed in disbelief, "first pass; choosing the lead jammer, no points counted. Second pass; the pointer starts and the first jam is started."
"Dude, what's a jammer?," Stan asked still confused.
"And how the hell do we count a point?," Kenny added.
Butters frowned, "you guys didn't talk to Eric did you," he guessed out making the three boys look at him with blank stares.
"Look, Butters, where here. That's all that matters," Kyle chimed in, as he extended his arm around his shoulder making him arched a brow.
"My god. What're you guys planning to do." He immediately pointed out, realizing their motivates.
One of the perks of being around Cartman for so long is to recognize a liar, manipulative, two face bitch a mile away trying to take advantage of his naive behavior. This knowledge is something Butters holds dear on to, as it's gotten him out of many messed up schemes from his peers before, even from Eric himself. Giving him a boost of confidence while contradicting someone is he didn't agree on what they're doing, saying or opinion. He felt a little more freeing knowing he can atleast not take shit from his friends when he didn't feel like doing so unlike with his parents.
"Well good luck with that," Butters hummed out as he heard their improvised plan, "if you guys want to actually sabotage Eric's skates you're gonna need to do it now before the jam starts. Their break is thirty seconds long before a next jam starts and their longest break is a minute long on mid period, so you should guess, Eric has no plans on taking his skates off," he said nonchalant, now gesturing a snack seller to come towards him, purchasing a bag of gummy bears.
He held in front of Kyle, "these are gonna be for Eric cause he's gonna win no matter what," he said in a confident manner, intending to provoke the red head.
Kyle frowned, "just you wait!," He screamed as he stormed off to the benches, Stan following behind.
'Fucking asshole, who does he think he is?'
He kept on walking ignoring his best friend's complaints, as he halted abruptly, the whole damn reason he was here was because of Cartman, and he didn't even bother to even check if he was there at all. But now, holy damn. Now he couldn't just ignore him. He stood far apart near the circuit track chatting with all his teammates next to the penalty box.
'Wow' his eyes widen, bewildered. He's seen Cartman's in his derby uniform in Butters pictures, but the real deal was entirely different.
It felt like his surroundings just stopped moving as Cartman was the only person there that moved in a very slow dramatic way. Everything becoming blank an fuzzy as the only color there that blossom was Cartman.
And no matter how far Cartman was from him, he felt like he was the closest thing there that his eyes couldn't unfocused on.
'Kyle, dude!'
"Huh?," he asked now seemingly confused, turning to look at Stan.
"The oil?," He reminded him.
"Right," He blurted out continuing to move, side eyeing Cartman; as he turned his back flipping off some players from the opposite team.
'Oh god'
He stopped again dumbfounded, contemplating how well those shorts complemented his hips and-
"Ah?," He asked startled by the abrupt tone, "right!," He reminded himself, as he shook his head running twoards the benches were the players kept their belongings.
They searched through the bags looking for Cartman's, but they couldn't find it.
"Kyle, look!," Stan pointed out, were the coach sat in a empty bench with a bag seemingly not his.
'That's Cartman's,' he felt it.
"I'll distract him, and you sabotage his skates," Stan ordered, shoving him the oil as he approached the coach.
He nodded, as he slowly pulled the bag away as Stan had forced the coach to help by leading him to the bathroom as he had faked puked.
He opened the bag and looked through Cartman's things, he gripped on to the skates beaming relieved that he hadn't put them on yet. He took the oil from his pocket and opened the lid accidentally dropping it inside the bag. He reached out for it and gripped on to a folded piece of paper.
He examined it closely and seemingly enough, it was definitely a very old careless torn off polaroid folded by the middle. He flipped it open, and found four boys popped up posing silly as one flipped off the camera, another beaming mischievous, the other peace signing smiling, and lastly another making a goofy face.
Those four boys were them.
He felt himself contemplating between the bottle of oil or the polaroid photo, feeling himself softened, unsure of what to do.
He gulped, "C'mon, dude, Cartman's coming," Stan said worrisome, as he grasped his arm dragging him away to their seats.
"So? Did you manage to oil them in time?," Stan asked expectantly, sitting down.
He nodded reluctantly knowing damn well he didn't.
The jam was about to start, as the players got in position. For what Butters had told them, Cartman was the pivot, so he placed himself in the pivot line alongside the opposite team's pivot which is infront of the blockers and lastly behind them, the jammers.
A pivot being the one that normally leads the blockers signaling the strategies that will be put to use, also being the only teammate there that could turn into a jammer during a jam.
Apparently the first pass is where they choose for the the lead jammer.
Then second pass is when the score begins to count.
Or something like that for what he understood.
Kyle bit his nails nervously, watching Cartman smirking mockingly the other pivot. The red shorts and white shirt with the added helmet suit him so well it even looked grossly cute.
He rubbed his face with his hands, he wasn't thinking straight, literally.
He rubbed his legs as he heard a whistle blow initiating the first pass.
He digged his nails on his legs, seeing Cartman skate on the rank was extremely..
"Don't worry, dude, we'll get him next time," Stan reassured him, placing a hand on his shoulder in a comfort gesture. Probably thinking he looked upset that the 'plan' failed.
'Oh God,' he plead merciful, looking Cartman rolling around the track as he 'booty block' a blocker.
He unintentionally bounced his leg frantically, as he keep watching Cartman making sure the jammer pass through with ease.
"We still have the marbles," Kenny reminded, as he was kinda entertained by the game, stealing Cartman's gummy bears from Butters.
But he was already too far off to listen, seeing how a blocker shoulder bumped Cartman's side as he hip trusted his side in response moving him sideways letting his jammer pass through.
Two whistles were heard as the referee gesture south park's jammer as the lead jammer, the crowd cheered as most there were obviously from the town.
Cartman stretched his back, clapping hands with the jammer in a smugly manner.
He quickly stretched down his hands to his toes as he quickly went back to position.
Kyle mentally saving that small moment savoring every second, his leg bounce some more, unknowingly receiving a concerned stare from Stan.
He felt himself heated, as his legs moved frantically, faster, zoning out by the fuzzy and blurry feeling he felt, breathing heavily as he watched Cartman now on his second pass.
He panted, as he tried grasping for air, Stan turned his way giving him a weird look alongside Butters who heard him squeeze.
'Oh god' he thought as he abruptly stood up, dashing to the bathroom, he excused himself as he pushed some people out of the way.
'Hormones, hormones, hormones, stupid hormones!' He screeched angrily smaking his head consistently, earing weird stares from the people around.
He entered the bathroom turning on the sink and splashing water on his face, cooling himself down. Not daring to look down.
He looked at his flustered face, in horror realization, 'there was no fucking way' he eyed his dilated pupils as he gently caressed the side of his eye.
'No. Way.'
Stan dashed after him, entering the bathroom and kneeling beside him as he found his friend curled up in a ball at the floor corner.
"Kyle, what's wrong?," he asked worried.
Kyle hold on to him as he bawled his eyes out, sobbing uncontrollably by the overwhelming emotions.
Stan was left bewildered as Kyle vomit on him still holding him by the arm.
"Dude, chill the fuck out. Tell me what's going on," Stan said sternly holding on to his shoulders making him look at him in the eye.
Kyle swallowed loudly, denying with his head as he stood up tirelessly, "let's just go.."
Stan reluctantly stood up not furthering questioning his friend as he followed behind him brushing off the vomit out off his jacket.
Stan halted looking at his best friend continued walking off, he went to Cartman's bag as he got out a piece of paper writing down 'we need to talk, meet up at yours after your derby race, fatboy -s,' now no longer caring being caught in the rally or snooping in his stuff.
Cartman quickly rolled down town, not caring about ruining his derby skates as he was afraid of possible blackmail by the hippie of all people!
He couldn't even celebrate his victory with the guys by getting pizza, cause he had jolted off like a mad man not being able to enjoy his awsome evening.
He gripped tightly his bag as he got to his side of the sidewalk eyeing Stan sitting in his doorstep.
"What the hell do you want," he pointedly accused, almost slipping down by a small peddle.
Stan stood up looking at the floor with both his hands in his pockets.
"I think Kyle's really affected about you not telling us about being in the South Park derby team," he bluntly admitted, causing Cartman to tilt his head confused.
"Huh?," he said.
"Look, fatass, just.. I think you should talk to him." He frowned, glaring at the floor before glaring at him, "Dude, I'm serious, if you try saying some stupid shit to him I promise you I'll tell everyone about the Jody incident," he threatened.
Cartman flinched, "who told you," he shuddered out.
Stan rolled his eyes, "you weren't really being discreet Cartman it was a public park dude, anyone could've seen you ." He shaked his head dismissively, "look, I don't care if you're gay and shit, I just need you to tell Kyle you didn't mean to hide the derby thing from us."
Cartman spat offended, "he kissed me, dude! Not the way around, I was startled okay!?."
"Yeah, whatever dude. Just talk with Kyle," Stan shrugged off indifferent before walking off.
Cartman grumbled, he couldn't believe Stan had saw the incident with Jody. He really wasn't expecting it! That dude just sent him a letter in his locker and he figured it'd be some chick confessing her overbearing love for him not the ginger kid he manipulated back in forth grade.
He sighed as he tossed his bag at the door before taking off his skates angrily and bitter, tossing them to the ground as he walked barefoot to Kyle's front door.
He knocked unwillingly, as he placed his arms behind his back hearing steps head down stairs.
"¿Yeah-" Kyle's mouth flattened, gripping on to the door frame, "what you want, fatass?."
"You're hippie boyfriend complained to me you were upset over the rally thing, I didn't know you'd figured it out," he shamelessly rat on Stan.
Kyle frowned, "I don't care," he spat out dryly.
Cartman stared at him for brief seconds; he wore a white t-shirt and some black square patterns bottom pj's. His gaze fell on the now naked wrist, Cartman figure Kyle would eventually take the bracelet he gave him but now looking at his wrist, it made him feel a little disappointed.
Kyle awkwardly hid his hand when he noticed.
Standing awkwardly for seconds that felt like minutes.
Things between them have just been so awkward nowadays, and Cartman hated to admit why.
"Okay, cool.." he blurted out looking at the ground then turning around and walking back home.
"Wait," Kyle spat out, now holding on to his arm stopping him.
Cartman cursed inside him for feeling his heart skip a beat.
"What do you want?," he shoved his hand off.
"I think we should just.. talk about it," he admittedly struggled out, wincing his eyes, "someone has to put an end to it."
"I don't know what you're talking about," Cartman glared defensively, acting like he didn't know.
"Cut the shit, Cartman. You know, I know," he stated firmly, gripping on to Cartman's shoulders making him look at him, "we should just get it out of our chest and move on."
"I don't know what you're talking? I've moved on, Kahal, but it doesn't seem like you have," Cartman continued lying between teeth, "you're making it weird, our dynamic it's just..flopping? And it's your fault! You broke our rule, kyel," he continued pin blaming Kyle.
Kyle glared at him, "Cartman, were not gonna leave from this spot until we finally discuss it. It's driving me crazy."
"Watch me," he dared trying to leave, but was gripped hard on to his arm earning a '¡owe, Kyel that's hurts!,' "okay, fuck! We'll talk just let me go you asshole!," He whined out in a cry, scowling him as he now let him go, rubbing frantically the injured area.
Things weren't going to turn back to normal. They knew that, it was hard to grasp it. And they've tried so hard to shove it off.
He and Cartman hated change, that was something they both openly agreed on.
Their dynamic has always been like that; they've have some bizarre moment between each other and they shoved it off behind the back of their brains trying to not acknowledge it, trying to not take it seriously. Just getting back to their usual banter ignoring whatever happened between them that shook them off from their usual dynamic. Like a intruder invading a home that was built by scratch and decorated with time and being carefully planned; moving all their stuff and placing them elsewhere, stealing them, breaking them pretty much destroying the property they built for years.
They feared for it to happen again, making new barriers and creating knew strategies to prevent the intruder to make his way back in. Putting up locks and blocking the windows.
Not acknowledging how'd it'd affect them physically and mentally.
Making their little spacious home fell more like a trap, tight, suffocating, imprisoned. Being scared to get out but also craving to get out and breath some air, some freedom.
Screeching for help, as they longer couldn't stand those walls, trying to grasp on the little space they had while it slowly killed them.
They figure it wouldn't be any different now, but they were wrong. They just couldn't, they had went to far pretty much breaking a entire wall out, being in for so long inside the opening freely feeling just being too overwhelming for them to welcomed, handle.
No longer having the energy to just block it, as they were just tired, and the damage was too much to build around it with out destroying it more in the process.
Which they have been doing unintentionally, being so.. out of character, feeling more vulnerable around each other, one being uncontrollably unable to handle his anger and paranoia and the other uncontrollably unable to control his stress and obsessions. The bars were just unbalanced and their personalities were going elsewhere, being mix up with so many feelings they can't just grasp in to it all, having to forcefully grab one an drain it dry inevitable taking all their energy out as they couldn't keep up with the ongoing changing feeling. It felt wrong not being able to control their emotions, it was frustrating not being able to grip on to one, knowing your place and how to act.
It felt so unnatural, and somewhat obsessive being so dependent on each other even when it came to their feelings, characterization and personalities.
Kyle sighed defeated, sitting in the sidewalk, Cartman hesitated before sitting besides him.
Cartman rested his chin in his hand, Kyle half lidded eyes darted to the empty street.
It was time to open up to change.
"So.." Kyle trail off, trying to lighten up the tension between them.
"Kyle, it's clear you don't want to talk about it," Cartman said with a bored face.
"No- I mean I do! It's just.. I don't know were to start," he admitted, looking at the beaming light from the poll from the other sidewalk.
"You mean being some psycho gaywads or about the change of our dynamic?," he guessed, now relaxing his body, shivering lightly as he was already feeling the cold sweep in.
Kyle pouted thoughtful, "honesty? Both," he said, taking out from his sock the bracelet Cartman gave him.
"Seriously? Fucking gross dude," Cartman winced dramatically sticking out his tongue in disgust.
Kyle chuckled unfazed by the comment, "I- I was really angry today cause you didn't tell me about being a south park derby, and somewhat thought I'd be vengeful by throwing my bracelet away, but I just couldn't. I want to have it on me, so I justified myself putting it under my feet for I to continuously stepping on it yet still have it, you get me?."
"Wow, how evil of you," Cartman remarked sarcastic before rolling his eyes feeling a smile crept out his face, "does that mean you've still had it on before today..?" He eyed him expectantly.
"Yeah, dude, I like it. The colors just match well," Kyle nodded admittedly, gently caressing the fabric.
Cartman felt his cheeks heated, flustered embarrassed and slightly flattered, "thanks.." he sighed heavily, "I- I was kinda disappointed you didn't have it on just now," He laughed nervously before playing it off, as he grabbed the bracelet from Kyle's hand and tied it up back on to his wrist.
Kyle let himself smile back by the gesture, letting those feelings invade his now tight fluttered chest.
This felt nice.
"Well now that were being honest here, I was mesmerized by your ass at the derby rally this evening," He shamelessly admitted.
"Woah there, kahal, a little bit too much don't yah think?," he added, a little baffled by Kyle's boldness.
Kyle chuckled, he really enjoyed Cartman's red flustered face. He enjoyed being able to do that.
He leaned forward, "I really liked that kiss," he admitted in a whisper, slyly smirking as he saw Cartman face burning hard red flames, he could swear he even heard a small 'yelp' coming out from his mouth.
Guess the fatass can't find his way to snap back at him, which is a accomplishment on it's own cause Cartman wasn't the one that'll keep his mouth shut always wanting to have the last word into everything even if he had to blabber nonsense to get that.
He squiggle his mouth, moving his eyes fanatically left and right, left, right, left and right again. Kyle cautiously counted each movement, waiting expectantly.
"Me too, jew.." he blurted out after brief swallowing seconds.
"Cool," Kyle nodded, as if he had already knew that.
"About the derby thing, I honestly didn't bothered mentioning it to you guys cause I know the type of assholes you are, not much about.. well it wasn't a you thing," he admitted as he glance the other sidewalk.
Kyle nodded understanding, anger long gone by that point.
"So now what?," Cartman reluctantly asked after another brief seconds of silence.
Kyle shrugged.
They sat for over an hour before being called out by Gerald, who'd ask Kyle to get inside as it was already getting too late. Still not exactly finishing everything they wanted to say but it was enough to bare for the night, Cartman waved goodbye as he left to his home and Kyle stood in his doorstep looking out for Cartman until he saw him get inside his house before reluctantly getting inside himself, contemplating how things unfolded between the two and how good Cartman's gigantic ass looked when he walked off.
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rbfclassy · 2 months
more ex husband toji plsssss
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SYNOPSIS...nsfw and sfw headcanons of baby daddy!toji
INFO...baby daddy!toji x fem!reader, toji is also your ex husband, little bit of angst, some fluff, toxic!toji, reader and toji have a daughter, toji is a good dad, possessiveness, arguing, oral (f!receiving), p in v, mentions of marriage, not proofread
OTHER...likes and reblogs are appreciated
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baby daddy!toji who is quite literally annoying, always bothering you when he comes over to pick up his daughter. He’ll make jokes about you, constantly poke you. You swear he’s like a big man child
baby daddy!toji who constantly has women wrapped around his arm every few months, and as much as you tell him you don’t want your daughter around that he never listens to you because why would he?
baby daddy!toji who is also your ex husband, little do you know he always keeps his ring in his pocket
baby daddy!toji who still has a soft spot for you. No matter how many arguments or fights your guys get into he is always right behind you in every situation. You called him one night crying because you were stranded at a bar, scared. Toji nearly ran out the house barefoot to come and pick you up
baby daddy!toji who isn’t afraid to say you still look sexy to him. Hand always caressing your cheek before you swat it away and ask him, “don’t you got a girl?” Oh yeah, he does
baby daddy!toji whose relationships never last longer than 2-3 months because they’re simply not you. He knows he’ll never be able to replace you but he still tries (he ends up giving up)
baby daddy!toji who spoils his baby girl, buying her toys, clothes, shoes, whatever she wants. He loves seeing her cute smile and chubby cheeks because she looks just like you
baby daddy!toji who hates how toxic you and him are to each other which ultimately ended up in the downfall of your marriage. But besides that, you two were perfect together and he misses that
baby daddy!toji who loses his shit when he find out through gojo that you’re going on a date with someone. He pulls up to your house banging on the door before you swing it open. He’s barging in, slamming your door shut and y’all instantly get into a heated argument. “Don’t be slamming my doors, Toji! You don’t pay for shit in this house!” You yell, a scowl on your face. “I don’t give a fuck! When were you gonna tell me you were fucking somebody else?!” You weren’t even fucking the guy, you didn’t even get to go out on a date with him yet.
baby daddy!toji who let’s you go out on your date, but he knows he ruined your mood, mentally cursing at himself for being so possessive over you. He can’t help it. That’s why he’s texting you ‘even if we aren’t together you’re still mine’ while you’re on your date. He doesn’t give a shit if the guy sees
baby daddy!toji who shows up to your house unannounced, early in the morning to apologize. “I’m sorry for how I acted, mamas. Let me make it up to you, yeah?” Your knees are pushed to your chest as his tongue is lapping at your clit, long drawn out moans filling the room, your fingers entangled in his hair. “Mmmm, I hate you so much,” You whimper, legs twitching as the pleasurable sensation. “Shhh, just let me make you feel good.”
baby daddy!toji who has your favorite flowers sent to your door as another apology, a note written on the small card asking if you forgive him yet
baby daddy!toji who gets sad whenever your daughter asks why you and him aren’t together anymore, letting a sigh because he knows she’s too young to understand. It’s times like these where he wishes you and him could be happy together. “Let’s just say daddy has been mean to mommy a few times.”
baby daddy!toji who always shows up to the parent events and shows. His baby girl is being featured in a play? He’s there in the audience with you. She’s getting an award for student of the month? He’s right there congratulating her. If he can’t be the best boyfriend, he sure as hell is gonna be the best father
baby daddy!toji who notices the moments when you feel insecure about yourself, noticing the days when you’re quiet and more reserved, noticing how you hide away from him when he picks up your daughter. You’ve been having insecurity issues ever since giving birth to your baby girl and toji hates that you can’t see how good you look all of the time. “That outift looks good on you, might have to give Mia another sibling,” he says with a smile. “Toji!” You gasp, playfully smacking his arm. But he sees that smile on your face and hopes he made your day a little better
baby daddy!toji who got too drunk one night and crashed at your place in the middle of night. He was drunkenly babbling as you were taking care of him. “I miss us. You were my girl. You still are my girl,” he spoke. His words made you freeze as you stopped and stared at him for a moment. “You’re drunk, Toji.” You shook your head. He meant every word he said
baby daddy!toji who pops up when he gets a late night text from you asking him to come over. He’s there in a flash, never able to deny you. You two on each other the minute he walks through the door, sloppily kissing each other while he carries you to the bedroom
baby daddy!toji who can fuck you slow and sensual or fast and rough. His favorite position is missionary so he can look at your pretty face while you cum on his dick for the third time. “Missed me, mamas?” He asks, breathless. You nod with a whimper, eyes searching his, the tip of his dick rubbing against your sweet spot with each thrust of his hips. “Oh fuck, I missed you too.”
baby daddy!toji who swears up and down you’ll be the best he’s ever had, literally wifey material in his eyes. You’re beautiful, amazing personality, a good mother, makes him laugh, and you got good pussy. It’s all worth it when you drive him crazy or make him upset. What more could he ask for? One day he’ll put a ring on it
baby daddy!toji who is big on cuddling. This man is a tank, beefy as hell. Who are you to deny a cuddle from him? He’ll wrap you up in his arms after a bad day or after sex and you just fall asleep instantly
baby daddy!toji who stares down any man that look at you when you ask him to take you to run some errands. If looks could kill, multiple people would be dead. He doesn’t like how they’re practically stripping you with their eyes and having sex with you in their head. Only he can do such a thing—in real life too
baby daddy!toji who gains the courage to talk to you and ask if you’re willing to try again with him and be a family. You’re his forever girl no matter the stupid arguments or situations. He’s scared of what you’ll say but he just needs to know or it’ll always be a dying question in his mind. So, would you?
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d4yl1ghts · 4 months
late escapes (1)
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benedict bridgerton x shy, fem!reader
summary: the second bridgerton son finds you outside and an unlikely spark flies between you two
warnings: mentions of anxiety, anxiety attack (not really though)
A/N- i promise the next fic i post will be anthony guys
part 2
Attempting to catch your breath from the bustling atmosphere of the ball, you decided to breathe in some fresh air. You leaned against the wall as your breathing gradually yet slowly decreased. As you thought back to the overwhelming outfits and decor, your heartbeat raced in fear. You were personally never one to enjoy the events of the social season. They usually left you feeling rather anxious and breathless.
Hiding behind a boundless and beautifully engraved pillar, you silently cleared your mind and opened your eyes and noticed a chestnut-haired and handsome man staring at you in concern from across the garden. Once you had made eye contact, he decided to make his way toward you. “You look like you’re having a tough time over there.”, he called as he made his way over. It was almost teasingly but once he noticed your forced laughter, he stopped.
“Are you alright… Lady Y/N, I believe?”, he questioned. “Yes, I was just in need of some fresh air and time alone, Mister Bridgerton.”, you admitted. “Oh, I’ll go back inside then.”, he chuckled slightly. “No, it’s fine. Sorry.”, you laughed awkwardly. “Well, I thought I would come out here to escape the mamas, they’re so pestering and irritating, I needed to escape them.”, he huffed playfully as he recalled the interaction. You giggled as you imagined it. “I don’t think you can blame them.”, you replied, not acknowledging the meaning behind the words.
Benedict stared at you and smirked charmingly. “I know. A handsome man who is a talent at art. Who can blame them?”, he repeated your words from earlier with a cocky smirk on his face. You rolled your eyes as your cheeks flushed slightly but thankfully the dim lighting hid it. “You enjoy doing art?”, you questioned. “That is what I just said. No, I’m only joking. Yes, I do a lot of art in my free time.”, he nodded his head. “Wow, I never would have took you to be an arts man.”, you responded as you smiled at him.
“Really? Why not?”, he truly wanted to know but he mostly wanted to keep talking with you. “I don’t know, I thought you’d enjoy horse riding perhaps.”, you answered, not really knowing how to respond- you simply were just shocked by the fact and you didn’t know why. “Oh, I do enjoy horse riding, just not as much as art.”, he sent a gentle smile your way. “Do you have any passions?”, he asked. “I suppose I do enjoy reading and playing the piano.”, you confessed shyly. “My sister, Eloise, enjoys reading, I’m sure you would get along well and my other sister, Francesca, enjoys the pianoforte.”, he stated as he gazed thoughtfully into the distance. Were you going to meet his family in the future?, you thought to yourself.
“Yes, you do have a few siblings, is it seven or eight?”, you asked as you took in his features whilst he looked the other way. Grey-blue eyes that glistened in the moonlight and his perfectly swept chestnut hair. He was quite the man. You weren’t sure how he hadn’t caught your eye before. Perhaps you were too focused on escaping the event to notice him.
“Eight.”, he simply answered.
Abruptly, he turned back to face you and noticed you sitting there idly as you absorbed his facial structure. He cleared his throat to get your attention. “Shall we return to the ball? We can hide in a corner together so I can escape the hunting mamas and you can escape the attention.”, he offered. You smiled at that. He was so understanding, he just automatically knew how you were feeling and you had only known him for a few minutes (or so it felt like it). Time flies when you’re having fun, as they say.
“I would love to hide away in a corner with you, Benedict.”, you replied innocently. Benedict attempted to contained his laughter but failed. He simply laughed at you as you realised what you said. “No.”, you said as you giggled and headed back inside to hide in a corner with Benedict.
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wheeboo · 4 months
to love and be loved | jeon wonwoo
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SYNOPSIS. in which wonwoo tells you about his first (and only) love. PAIRING. jeon wonwoo x gn!reader GENRE. fluff, hurt/comfort, friends to lovers WARNINGS. self-doubt talk on reader's end, self-indulgent wooweee, this was painfully hard to write lmao n have no idea if any of this makes sense WORD COUNT. 1.6k
requested from anon: Hiiiiiiii first of all congratssss for you 2k. For the event, ive been thinking the same exact story with wonwoo and #6 from list 3 - #6: “You’re not hard to love, nor are you unlovable. You just… Need to let me in, and let me show you you’re just as worthy of love as anyone else is.”
notes: i'd quite literally do anything to have these kinds of talks with wonwoo ☹️☹️. anyway i hope u all enjoy this <3 hits close to home >< tysm anon hehe <3
join the 2k celebration!
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"Hey, uh, Wonwoo?"
"...have you ever been in love?"
A cricket chirps into the evening air right after you ask, and you suddenly feeling like you're holding in a long-winded breath. Then you hear a loud crunch by Wonwoo from the crackers he was snacking on, and you blink up to him wiping away the corner of his mouth. There's the slightest glimpse of a curve to his lips that you manage to catch.
He silently offers you a cracker in your direction, the anticipating silence between the two of you growing thickly. You take the cracker from his hand, muttering a quiet thanks, before nibbling on it absentmindedly.
The night is absolutely beautiful right now, swearing that you could spot and make out the constellations above if you squinted hard enough. The distant chirping of crickets is the only sound that breaks the silence as the coolness of the night rolls in, carrying with it slight breeze that whispers through the leaves overhead the balcony of your apartment.
"I have."
You swiftly turn your head to him, eyes widening intriguingly. "You have?"
The chuckle that leaves him is somewhat awkward, a tad bit hesitant. He crumples up the bag of crackers and sets it aside, chugging down the last sips of his drink and setting down the empty can as well.
"Did you... ever confess to them?" You ask, suddenly feeling curious, though there's a bit of disappointment at the tip of your tongue.
You swear you could see the thoughts swirling around his head. Wonwoo keeps his eyes fixed up to the night sky. There's a distant look in his eyes, as though he's peering into some past moment that only he can see, before he shakes his head, a faint smile crossing over his lips.
"No, I didn't," he answers calmly. "They were too far away, so... I just chose to admire them at a distance."
You lean back against the wall behind, your shoulder momentarily brushing against his. "Did they know you?"
Wonwoo purses his lips together. "Mhm."
"Well, you missed your chance!" You exclaim, prodding him playfully with your elbow. "I can't believe you let them get away, dude. Like right through the little cracks of your fingers. You could've been in a relationship by now."
This earns you a low, playful scoff from Wonwoo. "Are you assuming that they loved me back?"
Immediately, you feel the heat crawl up your neck and to the tips your ears.
"Well, um... Yeah, I am," You admit sheepishly, letting out a small sigh. "I mean, who wouldn't fall for a guy like you? You're nice and... charming. I think anyone would be lucky to be loved by you."
There's a silence that falls between the two of you, one simply more than just comfortable yet denser than ever, because the thought of being loved by Wonwoo seems to linger longer than you notice. You steal a glance at him, seeing his face still turned upwards towards the night sky and the moonlight reflecting on his glasses. Strands of his dark hair blow across his forehead in the breeze. You can't quite decipher his expression, but a flicker of something𑁋perhaps surprise, maybe even amusement𑁋dances on his features for a brief moment.
He finally turns back to you, a small, hesitant smile playing on his lips. "You think so?"
"Yeah," You confirm, nodding lightly. "Absolutely."
Wonwoo still keeps his eyes on you as you glance away, seeing the way you fidget with your hands in your lap and smoothing out the creases in your pants nervously. He glances down at his own hand and back at yours, lips pursing together in contemplation, but only folds his fingers back together the second you reach over him to grab the crumpled-up bag of crackers. He feels a little bit too warm in his sweater right now.
"Are you okay?" he asks.
A crunch echoes through the air. Then another. And another.
"I've just been kinda... thinking a lot lately, I guess," You reply slowly, quietly. "And it sort of makes me sound desperate in a way, but there are times I just wonder if, um... if anyone has ever felt the same way about me."
Wonwoo tilts his head slightly. "Love?"
"Not just love, but... seeing me, you know?" Being able to talk about this out loud makes your chest feel heavy. "Since it's hard these days to find someone who sees you for who you are, not for who you can be. I... I just feel like I'm hard to love sometimes. Hell, maybe even unlovable. It’s hard to break out of that mindset when things get hard again.”
A thoughtful quietness seeps through the nighttime breeze, which sends goosebumps up and down your skin, but you don't mind it because you know that Wonwoo is listening either way. And the more you think about it𑁋the thought of knowing that he's here, with his presence is right next to you𑁋it seems to comfort you more than you notice.
There's a small hum of acknowledgement that you hear from his end, unsure if it's just your imagination or if he's actually responding as your mind feels a little jumbled up right now. But then Wonwoo shifts beside you, his arm lightly pressing against yours.
"But I... I think I've reached a point in time where I can say I love myself a little more than a few years ago, or last year, or even just yesterday," You continue to ramble a bit aimlessly, chuckling dryly to yourself. "It’d be nice to share that with someone too, you know? To finally get over this loneliness. But it's not entirely a sad loneliness or a happy one. It's, like, uh... both put together, I guess."
A few moments of silence pass. You feel Wonwoo gently nudge your leg with his.
"I'm proud of you."
You peer up to look at him, mind nearly going blank from the way he's gazing at you. Or maybe it's just the moonlight that's making him appear so... picturesque. "What for?"
"For loving yourself, silly," Wonwoo muses almost cheekily, and the delighted tone that you catch makes your stomach leap. "Even if it's just by a small percentage than yesterday, it's still okay. You're doing good. I want you to know that."
You're doing good. It's just those three singular words that has heat forming in your eyes that you somehow manage to blink back before anything could spill, and hearing it come from Wonwoo feels different. There's a vulnerable sweetness to them, a sincerity that catches you off-guard. You force a smile𑁋a grateful one, nonetheless𑁋before it shifts into a frown.
And Wonwoo catches it right away. "What's wrong?"
Your lips form a thin line, pressing together in thought. You refuse to acknowledge why you think your heart feels slightly... jealous.
"I hope whoever you loved before knows how lucky they are one day," You say to him. "if you're still in love with them, that is..."
Wonwoo stills for a minute, pensively. "I am."
"You are?"
"I never stopped."
You stare at him for a few moments, an eyebrow lifted in disbelief at him, before crossing your arms together and letting out a small, incredulous laugh. "Then you should've said that you're in love with them, idiot."
Wonwoo sucks in a breath.
"I'm in love with you."
You blink instinctively, once, twice, three times, momentarily thinking that Wonwoo's presence might somehow disappear into thin air. But he's still there𑁋a certain softness in the way he's looking at you, a gentleness that seems to wrap around you like a warm embrace𑁋waiting for you. His words suspend heavily in the air, and maybe the world is also holding its breath just as you are too.
"And... You're not hard to love, nor are you unlovable. You're far from that," Wonwoo continues, voice tender, fond, and soft as a lullaby. "You just... need to let me in, and let me show you you're just as worthy of love as anyone else is."
You could only sit merely frozen at this point, throat tightened and jaw dropped in shock among many other weird, fuzzy feelings happening throughout your body. Something between relief and disbelief. Hope and hesitancy. Comfort and uncertainty. You have the capacity to run yet you choose not to𑁋you're letting him in, letting the warmth of his words seep into the cracks of your doubt.
Your mind reels dizzily, almost like the world has been tilting away off-balance.
"You... You're in love with me?" You repeat, almost dumbly, because you cannot seem to fathom anything that's been said in the past few moments. "All that talk about earlier... about who you..."
Wonwoo hangs his head down low, rubbing at his neck in a bashful manner. "It was about you."
"And you never... you never told me?"
"Honestly, I'd like to think a part of it was you being a tad bit oblivious." And then he just simply grins, his nose crinkling along with it. "But that's okay. Watching you slowly figure yourself out made me realise that maybe I needed to find myself a little more too."
You open your mouth to say something, but nothing comes out, and you could feel the heat of embarrassment spreading painfully throughout your face. At first, you have the urge to brush it all away as a silly misunderstanding. Maybe laugh it off, retreat back inside, and go to sleep pretending all of this didn't happen. But the sincerity in his eyes stops you.
You lick your dry lips, the cool night air beginning to feel a lot less suffocating.
"Did you?" You ask vaguely, before shaking your head repeating, "Did you... find yourself?"
Wonwoo lets his eyes roam over you, taking you in, before leaning back on the wall and bringing his gaze back up toward the night sky. Your eyes refuse to leave him, and perhaps this is what it's like to admire someone from afar and close up all at once.
The two of you take a deep, deliberate exhale together.
"Yeah," he answers, smiling softly. "I think I found myself right where I want to be."
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angelsforthenight · 7 months
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MRS. AND MRS. SMITH — abby anderson x fem!reader
ways you can help gaza 🇵🇸
do not buy tlou2 remastered!
a/n: this is way more inspired by the mr and mrs smith series (2024) not the 2005 one!!! this explains why they’re wives :3
you’re an assassin along with your assigned partner/wife, abby anderson. fed up with her toxic behaviour, you’re pleased when the mission is centred around you seducing a man for murderous motives. why? well, because you know it’ll get under abby’s skin. little did you know, things would blow over way more than you thought it would.
cw: mdni, owen feature🤮🤮, long fic, kinda slow-burn ig?, femme fatale, arranged marriage couple, kinda toxic relationship, violence, mention of blades, car sex, mean!abby, bratty!reader, dom!abby, degrading, bdsm, ass-smacking, finger-fucking, cursing, jealous!abby, hair pulling, dry-humping, finger-sucking, choking, rough sex, teasing, squirting.
“short brown hair, rugged beard. got that?” abby’s murmuring voice comes in from the earpiece you’ve got attached. you groan and roll your eyes, wishing you could mute the goddamn thing.
see, any other day, you would’ve loved to hear your wife’s pretty little voice guiding you — her praises when you’d do something right or her degrades if you’d do something wrong both sending shivers down your spine, compelling you to do whatever she wanted.
but not today. today you’re over it. so what do you respond with?
“yeah, i know, anderson. we both got the fucking brief.” you hiss. you know how pissed abby gets whenever you curse at her; so that’s exactly what you do. you relish at the thought of her gritting her teeth, not being able to snap at you in front of all of these people.
that’s right, you two are at a charity gala event. it’s fancy. too fancy to the point where it’s intimidating: glistening chandeliers, artistic decorations and bustling people wearing glamorous attire. you and abby needed to blend in with the crowd so not only are you two dressed smartly for the occasion but are also split up. not that you’re complaining. you’re sick of her. sick of her petulance whenever you’d get glorified by the agency instead of her, sick of how sometimes she can be so simple-minded, sick of how, at points, she lacks at making you feel loved.
your job is to take out an owen moore, for unforeseen reasons. you never question what the agency tells you to do, neither does abby.
you’re planning to lure him in an concealed area with your enticing charisma, make him believe you’re going to sleep with him before slicing him dead with your blade. you prowl through the many people, scanning the area with a keen eye to find him. claude debussy plays as background music, taming your harrowing nerves. killing is never easy.
“found him yet?” abby sighs.
“please don’t distract me.” there’s way too many people and it’s beginning to stress you out. what if you never find him? failing the mission is the last thing you wanna do.
“i’m getting bored. plus, small talk with strangers pisses me off.” she complains.
“not my goddamn problem.” you retort, the ends of your tight-fitting dress flailing against your legs as you pick up the pace, worrying if there’s not enough time, worrying if he’s even here in the first place.
“literally what is your problem? acting extra fuckin’ snobby tonight...”
your eyebrows knit together. abby always finds a way to get under your skin.
“let’s not fucking start—“ you’re about to snap and make yourself look like a fool in front of all of these people until somebody accidentally bumps into you: spilling his drink all over your dress. great!
“oh shit. sorry, i didn’t mean that.” you hear a man’s voice as you stare down at your ruined dress in disbelief. you slowly glance up at the culprit; only to find the noted brown hair and rugged beard staring right back at you. owen moore.
despite your worked up embarrassment and your extreme annoyance, you manage to flash a smile.
“it’s okay, but... you do realise you owe me now right?” you bat your eyelashes, hoping you don’t look silly.
“and what’s that?” owen chuckles, rubbing the back of his head and making immense eye contact. he’s already flirting back, you think. this is about to be so fucking easy.
with a few drinks, owen’s already tipsy and you’re leading him to the vast room. you make him believe you’re just as woozy; stumbling and giggling away. you take advantage of his obliviousness: your hand brushing against the slit of your dress, fingers cupping the wooden handle of the blade in the garter wrapped around your thigh. whilst he laughs and babbles nonsense, you carefully trace the edge of the blade — feelings of excitement rushing to the surface. regardless of the fact that killing is never easy, it’s also never not exhilarating.
you’re about to fully whip out the blade until owen decides to be bold: setting his slobbery hands against the small of your back and trying to lean in for a kiss.
“woah.” you feign a grin, pulling his hands away. “we go at my pace.”
“aww… please?” he mumbles, trying to seem like an adorable puppy but instead making it look disgusting. this is sad, you think. you try to grab your knife again but he’s now grabbing your arms; desperate for a fruitless smooch.
“come on… don’t play hard to get.” he growls, his sudden aggression catching you a little off guard. no need for stress, you know what to do. your knee prepares itself to kick hard in between his legs until somebody’s arm suddenly emerges from behind, wrapping around his neck and squeezing hard.
“what—“ you breathe in bewilderment, eyes widening. despite owen choking and uselessly clawing at abby’s arm for escape, her gaze stays intently trained on yours; a death stare. it’s unnerving.
it doesn’t take long for owen to turn cold and slack, eyes rolling to the back of his head. abby lets him go, but not without cracking his neck first, and you watch as he flops onto the floor.
“what the fuck, abby…” you mutter, palming a frustrated hand across your face. “where the hell did you even come from?”
“there’s doors.” she tilts her head towards the backdoor behind her. you hadn’t even noticed it. your eyes travel back to her; irresistibly ogling at the black suit clinging to her body, complimenting her form. you almost forget you’re supposed to be mad at her.
the blonde chuckles wryly, a petty exhale. “you starin’? assumed pussy boys were more your type.”
“real fucking mature.” you snarl. “i had him. i was this close to killing him, abby.”
“you were taking too long.” abby shrugs, condescendingly pouting. you grit your teeth.
“jealousy? really? grow up.”
“at least i watch where i’m going. nice dress, the wet splotch is a nice touch, really.” she slanders, narrowing her eyes. you scoff, trying to pretend as if that dig didn’t offend you.
“you’re a fucking child. help me with the body.”
you two leave the building with ease, pretending as if owen is a friend that’s had too much to drink, wrapping his arms around the both of your shoulders and leading him to your car. abby opens the boot and you two push him inside. you two will decide on how deal with the body later.
for now, you’re sat on the passenger’s seat whilst abby drives, the two of you salty and quiet. abby’s driving way too fast; her hand gripping the steering wheel like her life depends on it. she’s obviously fuming.
“can you slow down?” you glare at her.
“you owe me… i mean, who even says that?” abby grumbles, ignoring your request.
“a lot of people do. now slow down, we don’t wanna attract attention from police knowing there’s a dead body back there.”
“not to mention that you’ve had an attitude since last night! the way you were flirting with that oliver guy? or whatever the fuck his name was, had to be on purpose. to spite me.”
abby starts driving even faster, increasing your stress. “owen.” you correct, “you’re so self absorbed!” you continue to beg for her to slow down.
“he’s, like, the embodiment of revolting too. don’t even get me started at the way he was trying to force himself on you. i should’ve put a bullet in his brain.” abby rattles on, pure jealousy oozing from her tone.
“you were definitely enjoying it too. i know you were.” she turns her head to look at you, not paying attention to the road.
“abby. abby!” you scream as abby almost runs through a poor family trying to cross the road.
“fuck.” abby murmurs as she swerves messily, just in the nick of time, steering into a deserted field. the two of you are out of breath from the fright, hearts racing from the adrenaline. abby rests her head on the wheel, letting out a long sigh.
“just what the hell is the matter with you?” you scold, “all this shit over a mission? are you serious?” abby’s lack of response leads you to continue yelling at her.
“of course we’re going to have to flirt with our targets now and then! the fuck happened to your professionalism? if i had known you’d be acting like this then i would’ve never—“
“why didn’t you kiss him?” abby raises her head to look up at you, her face blank. you blink, a little taken aback by the unexpected question.
“i…” you look away. you’re not exactly up for abby knowing that you couldn’t kiss him because of her. “where even are we anyway?”
“nice try. since you’re so professional, why didn’t you kiss him? he clearly wanted to. you could’ve easily killed him then.” the corner of abby’s lips arch up into a smirk — the familiar smug look of hers that never fails to get you weak.
“for someone who’s had so much to say just a second ago…” she leans in a little, arm resting against your headrest, “…you’re awfully quiet.” her voice is hushed down to a soft whisper, and you swear you’re beginning to feel a little lightheaded.
“look, abby, you’re my wife… so…” you mumble in response to her pressing question, avoiding eye contact. abby chuckles, loosening her tie. here comes the floodgates.
“don’t play dumb and pretend as if the agency didn’t arrange that.” her finger presses against the dome light of the car; illuminating your embarrassed face. just what she wanted to see.
“you’ve been enjoying yourself, seeing me all jealous like this. you liked playing femme fatale, hmm?” her finger slowly twists itself around a strand of your hair, before she yanks a handful, forcing your head closer. you wince, eyes clenched shut. your cunt decides to flex too — reminding you that she’s got a mind of her own, and that she finds being in an empty field like this, in abby’s car, pretty fucking hot.
“let’s face it…” abby whispers, so close that you can feel her breath tickling your ear, shooting heavy tingles down your body.
“you want me so bad it hurts.” her eyes drift down to your thighs that are starting to shift uncomfortably in your seat. it’s beginning to ache down there and it seems like abby’s aware of that. you can’t help it. after all, abby sitting so close: loose strands of hair framing her face, unfastened tie and darkened eyes fixed on you, feels so good that it’s suffocating.
you squirm a little and abby grins, her fingers still laced in your hair. her grip slightly tightens as she licks her lips. she looks hungry.
“maybe what hurts is your fingers in my hair.” you quip, though your voice is a little shaky.
“maybe you need to fix your attitude.” abby retorts, “like, seriously, pipe down… you’re probably soaking down there.” she snickers, right on the money.
“fuck you.” you glare at her, gauging her reaction. you want to believe you’re saying this out of sheer anger for what went down tonight, but deep down, you know that’s not the case. in reality, you just want to get under abby’s skin. it’s what you’ve been craving since the beginning; to get her pissed.
you wipe the pleased look off of abby’s face, which is now replaced with a frown. your heart pounds with anticipation: so much so that your chest faintly heaves, lips parted.
abby’s eyes wander to your lips and in one swift movement, she pulls you in; pressing her lips against yours. you’re quick to kiss her back, the sweetness of her mouth sealing yours. fervent can’t even begin to explain the way you two are kissing. akin to wild animals, small muffled groans escape the both of you.
desperation is thick in the confined air of the car, as abby pulls away and shrugs her blazer off. you stare up at her.
“hurry… with your slow-ass.” you whine.
“watch your fucking mouth. c’mere.” abby commands. you naturally do as she says and she begins to unzip your dress — not without making sure to go deliberately slow.
“why do you have to be so mean?” you sigh, burying your face in the crook of her neck.
“oh, trust me… i’m only gonna be meaner.” she warns whilst planting gentle kisses on your neck. you’ve always admired abby for her ability to vary from being sour to tender in seconds. little did you know, the peppered kisses on your neck served as a prior apology to how cruel she’s going to treat you in a second.
once everything is off, abby marvels at your body. like a painting in an art gallery, she makes sure to pay attention to even the minuscule details of your body. it’s her favourite thing in the entire world.
“turn around.” abby mutters, her eyes hazy; voice bleeding with lust.
“just do it.”
you hesitantly do as she says. abby beams: finding your weak resistance amusing yet is also excited to break you.
“now… bend over.” she coos, clearly poking fun.
you shoot her a glare, cheeks flushed. “what am i, your dog?”
“don’t piss me off.”
you glare at her for a few seconds longer before sighing, reluctantly bending over.
“arching that back and everything… wooow.” abby teases, “and to think i haven’t even touched you yet.”
“oh, just fuck off, abby…” you complain, the embarrassment beginning to overwhelm you.
“what was that?”
“i said fuck—“ but you’re cut off by a yelp when abby brings her palm down flat against your ass. you flinch violently; very, very taken off guard.
“mm? didn’t quite hear you. repeat yourself.” abby taunts, smacking you again. you grunt and flinch yet again, feeling the sting of her slap coarse through your body. abby’s humiliating you, milking every last drop of your embarrassment. the worst thing yet? you’re enjoying this way more than you should be.
“i’m not kidding. speak.” abby commands, showing no signs of mercy. your skin is already starting to gleam red, and your pussy? well, it’s a fucking party down there.
“abby…” you cry, completely under her control. the more she smacks, flesh recoiling under her palm, the more your head goes blank.
“go on babe… finish what you were saying before.” abby prods. this time, when she smacks you, her fingers grasp the flesh on your ass tightly; watching in delight as her fingertips leave little red marks. you’re trembling like a leaf, both from the pain and the arousal.
see, the thing with abby is that she never likes to let things go. she adores jabbing at you until she gets what she wants.
another smack, this one so hard that you need to press your palms against the window. abby then grips your waist and pulls you way closer; making your ass press against her hips.
“you wanna get fucked?” abby mutters, teasingly bringing your waist back and forth against her hips: hard, playful thrusts. your bare cunt pressing against her crotch is, without a doubt, driving you insane. you frantically nod in response to her question, in which abby replies with latching her hand around your neck; forcing you upright so that your back is now against her chest.
“use your words.”
“y-yes…” tears begin to stream down your face. you’re desperate, yearning for her touch as if it’s a life or death situation.
“so finish what you were saying.” her fingers slightly squeeze around the sides of your neck.
“i-i told you to f-fuck off but i d-didn’t… haa… mean it.” you splutter. the you a while ago would’ve had her mouth agape in horror at your behaviour right now.
“see? that wasn’t so hard, was it?” abby coos, her fingers tracing down your stomach, in between your thighs. long, drawn-out circles are traced on your swollen clit, her fingers pressing just the right amount of pressure. you groan, and abby taps her chin against your shoulder; smirking at how your legs are writhing, desperate for more.
“where’d all your attitude go?” the blonde ridicules. her other hand moves over to your breast, squeezing it, her thumb caressing your nipple. as to the hand working on you, her middle and ring finger brush against your folds; up and down. she’s touching you but it doesn’t feel like it’s enough: abby knows that.
“don’t do this to me, abby…” you exasperate. she lets out a breathy chuckle before flipping you over and setting you down onto the car seat. she reclines it back, eyes yet again fixed on you. you stare up at her with big glossy eyes, your head blank as if you’ve been dumbed down.
abby gloats at how helpless you look, grabbing your face with one hand and squishing your cheeks. “you look stupid.”
“shut up and fuck me.” you mutter in a muffled tone. abby laughs as if what you’ve said was the funniest joke in the entire world. you wonder if abby can feel your cheeks burning up against her palm.
before you know it, abby plows her thick fingers so far inside your cunt that you’d squeal, if it wasn’t for abby’s hand still clenched on your cheeks.
“this what you wanted?” abby purrs, fingers curling up against your g-spot already. you moan, back arching and squirming.
“oh! riiiiight, you can’t speak.” she gloats, playfully shaking your head with her hand. you whine in embarrassment, yet you secretly enjoy how she’s handling you like a doll.
abby’s finger-fucking you rough, wet squelch noises filling up the car. the sound of it is so erotic that it leaves you dizzy, eyes rolling to the back of your head. the blonde releases her grip on your face but not her thumb, that slips inside of your mouth.
“suck.” you mindlessly do as she says, as if you’re brainwashed. you can see abby’s cheeks tint red when you slowly suck her thumb, making sure to keep eye contact.
abby chuckles, looking away. seems like she didn’t think you’d actually do it.
“you’re shy.” you point out. you triumph over the fact that now it’s her turn to be embarrassed, but not for long.
“shut the fuck up.” abby says brusquely, her fingers operating way harder than before; relentlessly pounding against your g-spot. you cry, feeling overwhelmingly good.
that rigid attitude you had a moment ago? now dead and buried. you feel surreal, a series of mewls and sobs leaving your lips.
“nothing smart to say anymore? you look fucking pathetic.” and she’s right. you look like a hot mess. abby smothers your tears all over your face. you mindlessly move your hips, fucking yourself on her fingers. she smirks, loving what she’s seeing. you feel a knot beginning to untie in your stomach, sublime throbs coursing all over your body.
“i’m cumming…” you manage to choke out.
“i know.” abby buries her face in the crook of your neck, and you shiver at the feel of her breath against your skin.
“i’ll decide to be nice and let you finish.”
and that’s your cue. with an ending moan to seal it off, you feel your body tense up, eyes widening. abby leans in and presses her forehead against yours. you squeeze your eyes shut, before your body relaxes. you’re panting like a dog, staring up at abby with foggy and depleted eyes.
“so cute…” she murmurs before cupping your chin and kissing you — this time, soft and tender as opposed to the way she was kissing you before. you feel warm.
so absorbed in each other, you two forget about how you’re in the middle of nowhere and how the body in the car boot needs to be dealt with. for now, you two have something more important to worry about: how you’re gonna clean up the mess you’ve left all over the chair and dashboard.
a/n: you made it !!! thought it’d be funny if the target was owen😭😭 hope u enjoyed reading <3
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angelicdanvers · 9 months
pairing: luke castellan x fem!reader
summary: y/n and luke share strawberries and sweet moments together. the events of the series do not occur; 'tis essentially an au :) inspired by strawberries and cigarettes by troye sivan. wc: 2.1k key: n/n = nickname
taglist: @repostingmyfavs @rinisfruity14 @soobin-chois @alorastvr @amortencjja | pm or comment to be added <3
a/n: this is just pure fluff! i hope you have a great day/night <3
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“n/n, babe, we’re here.” luke gently tapped his girl’s shoulder, watching the moonlight elucidate her features.
stirring awake, y/n turned towards her boy, a soft yawn escaping her lips. “was i asleep for too long?”
luke shrugged, “just enough i’d say. i don’t mind, it was peaceful.”
“hey!” she feigned offence, whacking him lightly on the arm. “that’s very rude.”
“hey,” he sarcastically deepened his voice, “not my fault you talk nonsense, lass.”
y/n stared at luke for a good minute before cringing. “don’t do that again, i beg of you.”
“you beg of me?” luke smirked, tilting his head down slightly, the shadows contouring his face. 
“SHUT UP,” y/n practically yelled, fluster running through her body. “i’m gonna stash you in the trunk and drive back to camp.”
“too bad,” luke said, taking the keys out of the ignition and dangling them in front of her face. chris recently taught him a magic trick and this was the perfect moment to make use of it.
“the keys,” he quickly performed the trick, “are gone.”
y/n sent him a blank expression. “okay.”
“hey! that was a great magic trick!” he defended, knowing underneath her stoic look rested a look of adoration. 
all in the meanwhile, y/n turned around and began shuffling into the backseat through the gap between her and luke. “are you gonna join me back here or not, lukey?”
“once your ass is out of my face, yes.” 
rolling her eyes, y/n situated herself in the back of the camaro, leaning her back against the door and folding her knees up on the seat. she watched as her boyfriend lightly struggled to get through, but quickly caught onto her method of adjusting the seat first to allow more room.
within seconds, luke was in back, resting his head on y/n’s chest as she played with his hair. luke slowly slipped his arms around the girl’s waist, holding her tight as he focused on the sound of her breathing. 
carefully looking up, he placed a soft kiss to her collarbone, bringing a slight tinge of red across her cheeks. it wasn’t as visible, but luke could feel her body warmth fluctuating.
“you’re beautiful,” he muttered against her skin. “you’re so damn beautiful.”
“you’re handsome,” y/n replied. “i’m surprised they’re letting you walk free when being this handsome’s illegal.”
luke grinned idiotically against her skin. without thinking twice, he hauled himself up along with y/n, placing her on his lap. looking up at her, he admired the way her eyes engulfed his, how her lips pursed, how her nose had a light scrunch when she grinned. 
y/n could never understand the hold luke had on her. she was infatuated with his every move, her love growing everyday despite reaching the max a very long time ago.
pulling him closer, y/n feathered a kiss upon his lips, to which he responded eagerly. as they fell into a comfortable embrace, the two couldn’t fathom leaving each other’s lips for even a second. 
but as time dwindled on, they knew they couldn’t get too comfortable else they’d lose focus on their surroundings and any incoming danger. breaking their session, luke leaned his head into y/n’s chest, now focusing on the rhythm of her heartbeat.
“want some strawberries? mr. d’s kids gave me two pints of them and some melted chocolate. hopefully it hasn't solidified by now,” y/n asked, realization hitting along the process.
luke nodded, a toothy smile playing on his lips. he carefully shuffled to the left side of the car as y/n moved to the right, grabbing the little picnic basket resting on the floor. “wanna take it outdoors?”
luke looked outside, scanning the area for any obvious threats. so far, nothing. “sure, i’ll grab the blanket from the trunk.” the couple ventured out and onto the grass with their necessities, unable to pry their eyes away from each other and/or the beautiful stream and meadow before them.
placing the picnic blanket down, luke grabbed the basket from y/n and began sorting things out. “y’know,” she started, watching him carefully, “i can’t wait to do this once we have kids, too.”
a visible blush overtook luke’s cheeks, and he fought back a gigantic smile. “why is that?”
“i don’t know, something about you looking like a 1950’s housewife right now is making me go feral.”
luke paused and raised an eyebrow, both of them stifling a little cackle before y/n contained herself and continued. “no, i guess just thinking about us having our own little family and being able to do things like this is a very sweet thought. they’d be all over us and give us absolutely no privacy, but they are a symbol of our love.”
luke couldn’t hold back his grin as he looked up at his girl. he has, unapologetically, always thought of how their kids would look like, what their names would be, the little trips and things they’d do as a family — and he’d tell all of this to chris. 
after all, he was the one who played cupid and got them together. luke couldn’t help but still have him as his best-best man. 
“i’d love nothing more than that,” he laughed, reaching for y/n’s hand which she accepted immediately. “they’d be very sweet children. crazy, but sweet.”
y/n’s smile stretched from ear to ear, and she leaned in to place a chaste kiss on luke’s forehead. “one day, castellan.”
“one day that’ll be your name, too, l/n.”
y/n softly giggled, trying to hide her excitement and happiness. biting her bottom lip to refrain herself from going even more ballistic, she reached over and dipped a strawberry into the chocolate. “oh wow, this isn’t dry yet.”
luke wiggled his fingers in front of her, “magic.”
shaking her head and laughing, the two began snacking on the berries and talking about the latest news on olympus, in camp, and even american politics.
“wait, so clarisse and chris might be a thing?” y/n gasped as luke filled her in on the latest camp news. “how did i not notice,” she deadpanned, gawking at the news after.
luke nodded, his eyes wide. “honestly, i think they’d be cute.” y/n agreed, laying down on her side and leaning on her elbow to prop her head up. “i think percy may like annabeth.”
luke stared dead ahead at her, raising his brow seriously this time. “what?”
“hey, i think it’s probably a mere crush,” she defended. “plus, they’re little, they won’t care about any of that until they’re older.”
“percy better treat her right if that is the case,” luke warned. “that is if annabeth reciprocates, too.”
“good point,” y/n noted, “but do keep in mind that this is the same boy who will do anything for his mother. he’s bound to treat a girl right.”
luke smiled at that, interlocking his fingers with y/n’s. “he is a great kid.”
“he definitely is.”
luke looked down at his wrist, the watch reading nine, realizing it was a bit past the time they were planning to leave. “we should get going now, love.”
y/n pulled a face, “oh shoot, you’re right.” she quickly got up and packed the food, tossing the car keys to luke.
luke was puzzled. “wait, how’d you get the keys?”
she smirked, mocking his finger wiggles, “magic.”
“there’s no way you outsmarted the son of the god of thieves —“
“suck it up, buttercup,” y/n responded, walking away with the basket and leaving him dumbfounded.
luke rushed after her with the blanket, and they carefully placed their stuff in the trunk. the sudden chill in the air brought goosebumps to y/n’s arms, but she paid no mind to it. her boyfriend, on the other hand, did notice.
“okay, off we go,” luke said, both of them entering the car. just as he turned on the ignition, there was a low rumble alerting them. “was that the car or something else?” y/n cautiously asked, looking outside.
“i’ll check it out, stay here,” luke’s voice was low as he hopped out. y/n rolled her eyes as she followed after — there was no way she’d let her boyfriend go out alone when there was potential danger around them.
“y/n, really?” he cocked his head to the side.
she shrugged, moving to stand beside him. listening carefully while staring at luke, her mouth formed into an ‘o’. “it’s the car. we gotta check the hood.”
“damn, nice ears,” he complimented, unclasping the hood and looking closely at the engine. y/n raised a brow, “would be sad if i didn’t considering dad’s hephaestus.”
luke paused, “oh yeeeah!” y/n shook her head and whacked his arm again with the back of her hand, chuckling lightly. moving closer to look at the engine, she muttered a quick “ah.”
“are we screwed?” 
“nah, bud needs an oil change. we got any?”
luke nodded slowly. “i think we do in the back?”
y/n sprinted to the trunk, popping it open and looking closely. in the far back rested the oil, and just enough of it. she was terrified there wouldn’t be enough for a good second.
grabbing the jug and funnel, she ran back to her boyfriend, lightly shoving him out of her way. luke was mesmerized as he watched his girlfriend work away on something that was effortless for her. 
despite the heat of the engine, the goosebumps didn’t leave y/n’s skin. luke felt like a shitty boyfriend for not doing so sooner, thus he instantly took off his blue flannel and rested it on her shoulders, letting it wrap around her body on it’s own. y/n smiled at the gesture, soaking in the warmth.
“okay, i think we should be good to go,” y/n commented after a brief moment of silence. luke went ahead to put the items away as y/n ran to the stream to quickly cleanse her hands. 
“i’ve got your handkerchief, by the way, babe!” luke yelled, letting his girl know in case she forgot.
“thank you, love!”
y/n sprinted towards luke, opening her arms a little. he could tell what she was up to instantaneously; he stashed her handkerchief in his pocket and stepped a metre or so away from the car.
just as she neared him, luke opened his arms and ran to her, catching her as she jumped and wrapped her legs around his waist. their laughter filled the air as he spun her around, both their smiles illuminated by the moonlight.
luke softly placed y/n down against the car door, leaning down and pressing his lips against her’s. responding without hesitation, the two kissed for a mere moment, pulling away and resting their foreheads on each other’s.
“this is nice,” y/n whispered. “we should do this more often.”
“we should,” luke agreed, placing a kiss on the tip of her nose. 
the drive back to camp was amicable, but the second they entered the big house, they were met with a confused mr. d and percy.
“why do you guys smell like cigarettes?” the latter asked, his blue eyes full of curiosity.
“why are you with mr. d?” y/n lightly retorted.
mr. d rolled his eyes at percy, “that’s not tobacco smoke, peter, that’s car smoke. what’d you two do to the car?”
“nothing!” luke chimed, “it’s perfectly fine. just needed an oil change is all.”
“the oil was fine, did you do anything on the hood?” he asked, trying not to be exposed near chiron for failing to commit to his duty; he was ordered to let the hephaestus kids know half the vans and cars needed an oil change three weeks ago. 
“gods, no!” percy responded horrifically for them, “not this here, not right now!”
“nonono nothing happened!” y/n reassured, but before she could say anything more, luke stepped in. “why lie, n/n? you know it’s true.”
he had a smirk growing on his face, one y/n was terrified to see but could tell there was a reason beneath the layer of insinuation. 
“bah, forget it. that car belongs to you two, i don’t even wanna be near it!" mr. d cringed as he left the room, unwilling to hear any more.
percy’s eyes darted back and forth between the two, suspicion rising. he lowered his voice, “you guys lied just to keep the car didn’t you?”
“no, not at all,” luke replied convincingly, following with a quick wink.
y/n laughed at both the boys, the three soon walking down towards camp. 
that long night felt like an endless daydream.
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i-suc-at-art · 4 months
DpxDc prompt #2
Full prompt from this idea
Tim and Danny are apart of an online RPG which is basically DND but anonymous and online. (it’s mainly for secret nerds who don’t have anyone irl to play with)
Danny plays as a changeling rogue who will often swipe things from players they don’t like
Tim plays a Variant Human, monk who wields a pole staff (my guy is not subtle) and will often give back the things danny (who’s known as wraith) (Tim goes by Scarlet Redpoll (mainly just Scarlet though)) stole
Rules of the RPG:
Everyone remains under their game handle (so there’s no doxing) NO REAL NAMES
You can interact with other parties who are using the same campaign as you, however when interacting with main story plot your party will go into its own private server
You can have a party of any size however it’s recommended to have a party over 4.. However you can make it with two or three or solo (but that’s just kinda sad..)
There is a chat feature and call feature in the game, however no hate speech, or bigotry
You can’t join a call unless your apart of the party
ofc this doesn’t stop it from happening but that’s not really relevant to the story
There are Dms (dungeon masters) but your team can also just use the computer for your Dm
Your character can be completely customized, and you’ll move around on a map
Ok now to the fun stuff
Danny and Tim (Wraith and Scarlet) have been playing together for about 3 months, and have made a commitment to play every 2 weeks on sunday (ghosts tend to take a break every 2 weeks on sundays (and B forced Tim to take a break from everything including cases every 2 weeks on sunday) Although sometimes each will get pulled away from the game and they’ll have to end early.
Anyways their campaign doesn’t super matter, only that they are online friends. Ok so one day Tim texts Wraith (they use online name bc y'know tim’s like uber famous) that he can’t make it to their session today bc his dad is forcing him to “bond” Aka he’s going to a gala with Bruce and Dick to stop a heist team that has been rampant across socialite and high society events. Wraith tells him it’s alright, and that coincidentally he’s busy too and was just about to cancel.
As Tim surveils everyone he curses Bruce for making him come. Tim had gotten into the habit of getting a night off from everything. He’d also not gotten a chance to do ample research on the guests beforehand because he’d been working on researching the thieves. He’d heard some chatter about the group looking into a possible haunted vahz, that was on display for the night. Tim had been surveying the party staying near the vahz making sure everyone checked out. Dick had texted saying that he’d cornered a possible thieving candidate and that he needed Tim to run an face ID check, on the picture he’d taken. The photo was of a young woman, her red hair caused Tim to think of Babs, but the woman’s simple teal evening dress couldn’t be further from her style. He’d done a quick search of the woman, she seemed to be some sort of rich young socialite, definitely Dicks type.. Her name was Kelly Jankins, no criminal history, or past arrests, she had a couple of parking tickets that were waved from her late teens. But nothing out of the ordinary. Tim texted Dick the information (save for the part about her being Dicks type) before stuffing his phone back into his pocket and moving from his post to go and get a drink. About 20 feet from his post he bumped into a nicely dressed guy, his hair black and suit tailored.. He also wore a Vladco pin on his left breast pocket.
He’d apologized and Tim told him it was no big deal, his eyes were blue.. But he could have sworn they were green when he first looked up. And his voice.. It sounded so familiar. Why did it sound familiar..?
As Tim walked away it hit him like a truck.. Wraith.
Danny, Sam, Tucker, and Jazz had been stealing for some time now, after Danny had been outed as Phantom to the whole town by his parents. Him, Sam, and Tucker had decided to all leave Amity since all of their parents were unaccepting.. Sam’s parents had gone so far as to write her out of their will.. Danny had told her and Tuck to stay in Amity and fix their relationships with their family, but they’d both said ‘that if Danny wasn’t in Amity Park then they didn’t have their family.’ So they left. The three stayed with Jazz for a bit but she was a broke college student that barely had enough money for food and rent. So the three started stealing food.. It was out of necessity at first, and only from big companies, but when Sam got an online invitation to a big gala that was showing off some old artifacts from a rich guy’s private collection, Danny felt a pull toward a particular item from his core. The item belonged to someone in the ghost zone.. and he needed to have it. He needed to return it.
So they stole it. Danny was to be Sam’s plus one as he’s basically a haunted item metal detector. Sam would steal the item and Tuck would turn out the lights and secretly system. Then Danny would get him and Sam out of there. Most of their plans would be similar to this format. Sam would also grift from the other patrons, only stealing from the ones who seemed to have a shit ton of money. Eventually even teaching Danny how to do it too, she’d told him that ‘using his ghost powers were a cop out’ when he brought that up.. and that ‘anyone would be able to feel the chill of it.’ Which Danny was sure that that was untrue.. But he learned how to steal a wallet, or a phone Sam’s way.
Jazz had been against the thefts at first saying that all of these items belonged to the original owner. But soon she was persuaded when Danny told her that they were stealing stolen items. Stolen ghost items. Some of the items even had a ghost core attached to it. So Jazz became their planner, she’d make sure they’d have all the info they needed and that no one got caught.
Danny ends up in jail after being caught trying to lift someone’s wallet.. Jazz was there to legally get him out and pay the bail. Tucker got caught in a backroom of a place they were stealing from. ‘Oh yeah that’s her brother who would often get himself trapped in closets looking for the bathroom.. She apologizes profusely..’
So when Tucker had found their newest item, a haunted vase that had a shit ton of death and destruction attached to it, Jazz had thought up the plan. She’d heard whisperings that Vlad had gotten invited to the party but Danny was going to go in his place since Vlad would never go. Then they had a plan. A plan they were meant to stick to, until someone ran her face and Danny started being followed. So they abandoned the vase opting to get out of there instead of getting caught.
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021894s · 4 months
— 17 longing [3.5k w]
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PAIRING: brothers bsf! sunghoon x f!reader
WARNINGS: cussing, jealousy, sex, oral (m receiving) MINORS DNI!!!
AUTHORS NOTE: ITS HERE what we’ve all been waiting for ehe, enjoy <3
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The morning sun filters through the curtains, casting a warm glow over the room as you wake up in Daecheong, your mind still buzzing with the remnants of last night's conversation with Saerom. Your revenge plan, a daring little scheme that's both out of character and exactly what you need right now, is set into motion with a simple phone call to an old fling. You're not usually one for pettiness, but seeing Sunghoon and Ningning together has worn down your patience, and you're ready to show sunghoon he was an average fuck – even if a small voice in the back of your mind whispers that none may compare to him.
The agreement to spend the day at the lake comes easily, with everyone eager to enjoy the warmer weather. The house is a flurry of activity as everyone preps for the day, the kitchen buzzing with the sounds of breakfast and light-hearted banter. You're all gathered, plates in hand, when an unexpected knock echoes through the space, slicing through the chatter and leaving a startled silence in its wake.
with a heart racing from excitement and a hint of mischief, you call out, "I'll get it!" All eyes swivel towards you, a mixture of curiosity and surprise etched on their faces as you stride confidently towards the door. Your hand wraps around the knob, turning it with a flourish to reveal the person on the other side – Jaemin, standing there with that familiar smirk that promises nothing but trouble.
In that moment, as you stand in the doorway with all eyes on you and Jaemin, you feel a surge of satisfaction. This is your game now, and you're playing to win.
Jaemin's arms wrap around your waist in a familiar yet unexpected gesture, pulling you into a warm hug as he greets you with a playful "hey pretty." The air crackles with a mix of surprise and amusement as you lead him into the bustling kitchen.
"Hey everyone, this is Jaemin," you announce with a smile, introducing him to the group despite the fact that he's already acquainted with the Ksana boys. The easy camaraderie between Jaemin and Heeseung is evident, a connection that transcends mere acquaintance, forged through shared moments at past parties and gatherings.
Sunghoon's expression shifts ever so slightly, a hint of confusion flickering across his features as he observes Jaemin's arrival and the interaction between you two. His gaze lingers for a moment longer than necessary, a subtle curiosity dancing in his eyes as he processes the new dynamic in the group. The air around him seems charged with a mix of emotions, leaving you to wonder what thoughts are swirling in his mind amidst the morning's unfolding events.
Heeseung's voice cuts through the hum of conversation, his tone a mixture of surprise and genuine curiosity as he addresses Jaemin, "Jaemin, hey, what are you doing here?"
without missing a beat, Jaemin's arm wraps snugly around your waist, drawing you closer into his side. He flashes a confident grin, his eyes alight with a playful spark as he responds, "Ynnie here invited me." The words hang in the air, weighted with an unspoken understanding that his presence is as intentional as it is welcomed.
Heeseung's eyes narrow slightly, a shadow of uncertainty passing over his expression as he takes in Jaemin's casual display of closeness. "Right," he says, the word edged with a hint of skepticism, his protective instincts flaring up subtly at the sight.
You catch the tone in Heeseung's voice, and with a quick, pointed glance, you communicate a silent message to him, one that's clear and firm: "don't even think about it." Heeseung pauses, reading the resolve in your eyes, and after a brief moment, he nods almost imperceptibly, deciding that it's better to let the weekend unfold without interference, to not dampen the spirits of the gathering.
Jaemin seamlessly integrates into the group, his presence injecting a fresh energy into the morning, you can't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at how your little revenge plan is unfolding. The day ahead promises to be filled with unexpected twists and turns, and you're ready to embrace every moment of it.
As the group organizes themselves, the logistics of car space quickly become apparent. With the other vehicles filled to capacity, you find yourself heading towards Jaemin's car, the two of you naturally pairing off due to the lack of space elsewhere. The engine hums to life, and the convoy begins its journey to the lake, the anticipation of a leisurely day ahead palpable in the air.
The silence in Jaemin's car lingers only briefly before he breaks it with a question that carries a hint of his characteristic confidence. "So what's the real reason you called me here? You haven't hit me up in months, miss me that much?"
You can't help but roll your eyes at his presumption. "Get over yourself, I simply just need to prove something," you retort, keeping the true motive close to your chest.
Jaemin casts a quick glance your way, a mixture of amusement and curiosity in his eyes before returning his attention to the road. "And that is?" he probes further.
"I'm not telling you, just shut up and drive," you respond, an edge of playful firmness in your tone.
"Yes ma’am," Jaemin replies, his chuckle resonating in the confined space of the car, acknowledging the unspoken rules of this little game you've started.
the cars pull up one by one to the lake, each person eagerly disembarking and stretching their legs after the short drive. The group quickly falls into a bustle of activity, claiming a spot and setting up for a day of sun and relaxation.
Once everything is in place, you stand and begin to shed the layers of clothing that conceal your carefully chosen bikini. As the fabric falls away, you become acutely aware of the eyes on you. You catch Sunghoon's gaze for a brief moment, his look is fleeting but noticeable. Then there's Jaemin, who, when your eyes meet, offers a shameless smirk, clearly unfazed by the moment.
However, it's not Jaemin's attention that you're seeking. His smirk might be confident, but you find yourself wishing it was Sunghoon's eyes that lingered on you, not just a passing glance but a look that held a hint of something more, something deeper.
The group finds solace from the sun under a large umbrella tent, lounging in their chairs while the guys take on the task of inflating tubes for the water. The sound of air filling plastic melds with the gentle lapping of the lake against the shore. It's Sunghoon's voice that cuts through the casual chatter, his question pointed and unexpected.
"Since when have you guys been a thing?" he asks, looking directly at you and Jaemin.
The question hangs in the air, and you can feel the shift as everyone's attention suddenly turns towards you, a mix of surprise and curiosity coloring their faces. You open your mouth to respond, but Jaemin beats you to it.
"We had a little fling months ago, and I guess she missed me so much she had to bring me here," he says with a teasing tone.
You let out a deep sigh, frustration bubbling up as you elbow Jaemin in the abdomen, a silent reprimand for his cheeky remark. "Ignore him," you say, trying to dismiss the implication.
Turning to Heeseung, who looks a bit uncomfortable with the conversation, you scramble to smooth things over. "We're just... hanging out! Yeah, we enjoy each other's presence, right?" Your words are punctuated with a pointed look at Jaemin, a silent plea for him to play along.
"Right," Jaemin concedes, perhaps catching the warning in your eyes.
Sunghoon nods, a simple "Ahh, gotcha," escaping him, his response doing little to dispel the tension but enough to move the conversation along.
Jake declares the tube ready, passing it to Saerom, who eagerly heads towards the lake to lounge on the floatie under the warm sun. As she drifts away, you turn to Jaemin, holding out the sunscreen, a silent request for his assistance. Without hesitation, Jaemin takes the sunscreen from you and starts applying it to your skin, his touch gentle and familiar.
A quick glance towards Sunghoon reveals him already watching the interaction, You quickly avert your eyes, but not before catching his knowing gaze. It seems like your plan is falling into place.
As another tube becomes available, you seize the opportunity to float on the lake, soaking in the sun's embrace on your skin. Unbeknownst to you, Sunghoon's gaze lingers from a distance, the memory of your soft skin beneath his fingertips vivid in his mind. He's lost in the recollection, a silent yearning to relive that night's sensations, though he'd never openly confess it.
Ningning's voice snaps him back to reality, her concern evident as she checks on him. "You ok?" she asks. Sunghoon brushes off his momentary distraction with a casual, "Yeah, I'm fine. It's just hot. Are you getting in the water?" Ningning nods, "Yeah, just wanted to make sure you're good," she replies before Sunghoon reassures her, "Don't worry about me." With a smile, she joins you and Saerom in the water.
The conversation flows effortlessly among you three, Ningning bringing up the topic of you and Jaemin. "So you and Jaemin, huh? I didn't see that one coming," she comments. "Yeah, me neither, to be honest," you respond, and laughter follows as the trio of you delve into discussions about school, boys, and more. as much as you hate to admit it, ningning is actually a really fun person.
The arrival of Niki, Jungwon, and Sunoo adds a new wave of energy to the water-bound group. You're caught off guard when Niki playfully splashes you, his chuckle a familiar sound that prompts a feigned exasperation, "Niki, you bitch-" But your words are cut short as you leap off the floaty and onto his shoulders in a playful pursuit, "I'M SORRY, I'M SORRY!" he exclaims, laughter bubbling up from everyone witnessing the scene.
Jungwon chimes in, still chuckling, "You think he'd know not to mess with y/n by now," as you retaliate with a splash far grander than his, water flying into his face. The playful banter and lighthearted splashing are the perfect display of the camaraderie and shared experiences that you so appreciate.
Back on shore, the dynamics shift as the guys observe the playful chaos unfolding in the water. Heeseung's comment, "How'd I end up the only bitchless guy here?" elicits laughter from the group, highlighting his unexpected solo status among couples. Jake's suggestion, "You should've invited Kazhua," only adds to the amusement, pointing out Heeseung's missed opportunity for company.
Heeseung's response, "Well, I didn't get the memo we were all inviting girls," is met with Sunghoon's playful jab, "Sucks to suck," teasing him further.
everyone immerses themselves in the joy of the water. Jaemin's closeness is undeniable, his actions intimate yet affectionate as he wraps his arm around your waist under water, leaving a soft peck on your neck, prompting a smile to grace your lips. Heeseung's playful protest, "Hey! Please don't be all kissy with my sister in front of me," cuts through the moment, drawing laughter and the collective gaze of the group.
While the scene is light and full of laughter, a keen observer might catch the flicker of annoyance on Sunghoon's face, adding a layer of unspoken complexity to the mix. The day continues with the group enjoying each other's company, both in and out of the water, culminating in a shared meal that brings everyone together. As the day winds down, the group retreats back to the house, carrying with them the memories of a day well spent.
The group's laughter still lingers in the air as they return to the house, the day's escapades etched into their sun-kissed skin. One by one, they peel away from the collective hum of friendship to find solace in the showers, the warm water cascading down, taking with it the salt and the lightness of the ocean breeze.
In the living room, the couch becomes an oasis of comfort, each person finding their spot, nestling into the cushions. The TV flickers to life, casting its glow on the room as scenes from various movies unfold, a quiet companion to their shared relaxation. The films roll on, a comforting backdrop that fills the room with familiar sounds and images, allowing for peaceful moments of reflection.
As the sky outside darkens, the aroma of dinner begins to permeate the house, a siren song that eventually coaxes everyone away from their cinematic reverie. you gather around the sitting in between sunghoon and jaemin, serving each other with the same ease as they share jokes and recount the day's highlights.
And there, amongst the clinking of cutlery and the murmur of voices, you finds yourself stealing glances at Sunghoon, heart caught in a silent dance of uncertainty. Each look, each accidental brush of hands under the table, is a question left unanswered, a story untold. Despite the laughter around the table, a thread of tension weaves through the room, as delicate and as potent as a whispered secret.
the night deepens, the house begins to quiet down, the energy of the day's excitement giving way to the calm of the impending night. One by one, everyone bids each other goodnight, voices a soft symphony fading into whispers as they retreat to their respective rooms, the promise of tomorrow's adventure already sparking dreams of rugged trails and verdant vistas.
In the solitude of your room, you reflect on the day, the laughter at dinner, and the plans for the hike tomorrow’s morning. you made jaemin sleep on the floor not putting it past him to try something had you let him stay in the bed with you. you feel yourself start to doze off, the exhaustion hitting you all at once.
In the calm of the morning, wrapped in the soft cocoon of bedding, you lie motionless, the muffled sounds of your friends' departure seeping through the walls like a distant melody. Saerom enters the room, taking a seat on your bed opposite of where you were laying’ “y/nnn wake up, we’re about to leave” you groan, tucking yourself further into the sheets, as a muffled “i’ll stay behind” left your lips. saerom sighs but ultimately leaves you, knowing better than to wake you and have to deal with a grumpy y/n.
An hour slips by like a shadow in the early light, and the pangs of hunger gently nudge you from the embrace of slumber. With the languid grace of the newly awakened, you descend the stairs, each step a soft echo in the quiet house. The kitchen, awash with the warm glow of morning, reveals Sunghoon, an island of stillness amidst the mundane rhythm of breakfast and idle scrolling.
His gaze lifts as you enters, a silent acknowledgment passing between you before words find their way into the space. "You didn't go on the hike?" you inquire, curiosity lacing the simple question.
Sunghoon's response is casual, a shrug in his voice as he explains his absence. "No, hiking isn’t really my thing, plus it’s too hot." The words hang in the air, a simple truth that seems to say more about his character than the words themselves.
"Ah," is all you offer in return, a sound that carries a world of understanding. Turning towards the fridge, you search for sustenance, the normalcy of the action grounding you in the reality of the day. The domestic scene unfolds with a quiet comfort, two souls sharing the simplicity of a morning unfurling slowly, the unspoken connection between you as nourishing as the food you seek.
you’re preparing your food when you feel sunghoon’s presence next to you. “be honest” he says “did you invite jaemin here to spite me?” you’re a little unsure how to answer “what are you talking about sunghoon?” “well seeing as you haven’t even so much as muttered his name in these past few months it’s a little hard to believe you took him back so suddenly” he tells you in a sarcastic tone.
“fuck off sunghoon, worry about your own relationship” a hint of anger and annoyance in your voice, who did he think he was??? “is that what this is about? me inviting ningning?” he shifts closer to you, his voice going to a whisper, “she was supposed to help me forget about you but, it hasn’t worked” you shoot a glance at him, making direct eye contact “what?”
“i haven’t stopped thinking about you since that night, and I know it’s wrong but fuck baby not a minute goes by where i don’t crave your touch” you’re utterly speechless, this whole time it was all an act? to get over you? you don’t think too much before you pushed your lips against his in a hungry kiss.
your tongues exploring each other's mouths. you could feel sunghoon's hard cock pressing against you , wanting to feel him inside of you. you wanted him so bad, deciding to skip foreplay, you reached down and started undoing his pants, freeing his cock. quickly pulling down your shorts and panties after.
Sunghoon grabbed your ass and lifted you up, pinning you against the kitchen counter. you wrapped your legs around him, pulling him closer. He started thrusting his cock and you could feel yourself getting wetter and wetter.
"Fuck, I missed this," sunghoon whispered in your ear, his lips moving down leave kisses on every exposed inch of skin of your neck.
"Me too," you replied, moaning as he fucked you harder and harder.
you were both lost in the moment, your bodies moving in sync as they chased their orgasms. it was messy and quick, the both of you desperate to feel each other again. you could feel yourself getting close, and you knew that sunghoon was too. you grabbed his ass, pulling him deeper inside you.
"I'm gonna cum," sunghoon whispered, his voice strained.
"Me too," you replied, your voice trembling.
you both came at the same time, your bodies shuddering as they released your loads. Sunghoon pulled out and collapsed on the kitchen floor, panting and sweating. you slide off the counter and lay down next to him, your body still trembling from the intense orgasm.
you lay there for a moment, catching your breath, taking in what just happened. you looked at sunghoon and smiled.
"Wanna do it again?" you asked, voice playful.
Sunghoon looked at you and grinned.
"Always," he replied, pulling you closer and kissing you deeply.
you both get up off the floor, gathering your clothing as you follow him up the stairs to his room.
the both of you shed whatever clothing is left, hopping in the shower. you wrap your arms around his neck, kissing him, moving down to his neck and slowly sinking down to your knees, he doesn’t even protest, letting you have your way with him, after all it’s all hed been thinking about since you both got back from japan.
you take his heavy cock in your hands, giving it a few quick strokes before sticking out your tongue to lick his tip. he quietly groans, taking that as a sign to take his entire length into your warm mouth. "fuck baby, you take me so good." He ran his hand down your arm, feeling the goosebumps rise on your skin. "missed your mouth so fucking much."
you felt a shiver run down your spine as sunghoon spoke, his words sending a rush of heat to your core. you couldn't help but feel a sense of pride knowing that you could satisfy him in such a way. you quickened your speed, sunghoon threading his hand through you hair pulling it gently,
but your moment was quickly interrupted by the sound of commotion downstairs.
sunghoon's eyes widened as he realized your friends had returned. He quickly reached down to help you up, whispering, "They're back."
your heart sank as you realized how bad it’d be if everyone found out what you two had been up to. you quickly wrapped the towel around yourself and made your way to your room after gathering your clothes, trying to be as discreet as possible.
once in your room, you couldn't help but feel a sense of disappointment. your moment had been ruined, and you couldn't help but feel like you had been caught in the act. you looked at yourself in the mirror, still glistening from the shower, and couldn't help but feel a sense of longing for sunghoon
Meanwhile, sunghoon was still in the shower, trying to compose himself after the interruption. He couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt for what you had just done. But at the same time, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride knowing that you had felt the same way this entire time.
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taglist: @cornenhapovs @myjaeyuns @magssu @leeknowsgfsblog @jentlecoeur @heeslut4life @variety-is-the-joy-of-life @jaeyungxrl @rapmonie2047 @anormieee @nishislcve @leesura @en-happiness @kimsunoops @heelariously @rikiwaify-blog @ihrtgyuuu @purennn @hoonharem @g0niki @hearts4itoshi @yongbokified @shuichi-sama @xiaoderrrr @hongshuaknow @skylalyla @yzzyhee @jwnghyuns @seokseokjinkim @syzavxy @xrvrqs @soulvrrs @velvetkisscs @ak-aa-li @eneiyri @starlvcieszsq @meowmeowjang @hanhaeji @moonlighthoon @gaylilseokie @seunghancore @heelovesmeknot @nyfwyeonjun @kookify @jayhoonvroom @heesminee3 @charlizefaye @mooniikay @ccrriiied @nikiswifiee @heemilktea @yorukoshii @sumzysworld @glxzillx
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xndrexcruz · 1 month
When The Two Of You Drop Hints That You’re Dating | FC Barcelona
✮- summary: you and your boyfriend talk about how the fans have noticed you both dropping hints to your secret relationship
✮- warnings: none
Requests are open
masterlist here
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João Félix
You couldn’t stop smiling as you saw all the comments on your latest Instagram post. Fans had been quick to notice that both you and João had attended the same event recently.
“Are your notifications going crazy too?” João asked, looking up from his phone with a sly grin.
“Is that even a question,” you laughed. “They’re convinced we planned this, going to the event together but not posting at the same time.”
João chuckled, clearly amused. “They’re not wrong. Although I didn’t think they’d catch on so quickly.”
“You underestimate our fans, João.”
He shrugged, still scrolling through the comments. “They think we went together, but they’ll never find out the truth.”
“Unless we tell them.”
João’s eyes sparkled mischievously. “I like keeping them guessing. It’s fun watching them try and play detective.”
You leaned over and gave him a quick kiss on his lips. “It won’t be long before they solve that mystery.”
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Pablo Gavi
Late at night, you and Pablo had been spotted together, and fans were quick to post about it.
“Have you see the comments?” Pablo asked, showing you his phone with a smirk on his face.
“Yeah,” you giggled. “They’re sure we’re together because we were seen last night.”
Pablo grinned. “And here I thought we were being discreet.”
“They have sharp eyes,” you admitted. “But they don’t have much to go on.”
Pablo shrugged. “Let them keep guessing. It’s part of the fun.”
You leaned in and nuzzled your face in his neck. “Whatever you want Pablo.”
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Pedri González
Both of you posted Instagram stories featuring the same song, and fans immediately picked up on it.
“Did you notice what the fans have been saying?” Pedri asked, looking at his phone.
“Yes,” you laughed. “They’re convinced something’s going on between the two of us because we used the same song.”
Pedri chuckled. “I just liked the song you had played earlier and thought I would post it.”
“Funny, I did the same thing,” you replied. “But it does look a bit suspicious to be honest.”
Pedri shrugged. “Let them think what they want. We’re just enjoying the same song, it’s not a crime.”
You leaned over and gave him a quick kiss. “That you’re absolutely right about.”
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Fermín López
After his game, you were seen getting into Fermín’s car, and fans were quick to talk about it.
“Did you see the reactions?” Fermín asked, looking at his phone.
“I did,” you smiled. “They are 99% sure we’re together because I got into your car.”
Fermín laughed. “I thought it was the gentleman thing to give you a ride.”
“They have sharp eyes,” you admitted. “But it was just a small hint.”
Fermín shrugged. “Let them speculate. It’s fun that way don’t you think?”
You leaned in and kissed him on the forehead. “Just a little.”
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Héctor Fort
You both wore matching bracelets, and fans quickly noticed if after a while.
“Have you seen what they’ve been writing?” Héctor asked, showing you his wrist as he reaches for your hand .
“Who hasn’t at this point ,” you say, enveloping his hand in yours. “They’re saying we’re together because of our matching bracelets.”
Héctor smiled. “I thought it was a cute, nice gesture.” he mutters, connecting his lips with yours.
“And it is,” you replied, kissing him back.
Héctor shrugged, as he pulled away. “It’s okay, it’s not like they’re wrong.”
You leaned over and gave him a quick peck. “True.”
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Lamine Yamal
Lamine posted a video on social media, and you were in the background. Fans quickly picked up on it.
“Did you see the comments on my video?” Lamine asked, looking at his phone.
“Yes,” you replied. “They know we’re together because I was in the background.”
Lamine grinned. “I didn’t even notice you were there.”
“Well, they did,” you replied.“But it’s not much to go off.”
Lamine shrugged. “They cling on to the smallest details”
You leaned in and rested your head on his lap. “I guess so.”
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Marc Guiu
You posted a selfie at the pool, and Marc posted a picture you took of him at the same pool, making fans suspicious.
“Have you been reading what they’re commenting?” Marc asked, showing you his phone.
“A few,” you grinned. “They say we’re together because of the pool pictures we took earlier.”
Marc laughed. “I just wanted to share a nice picture you took, is that so bad?”
“And it is a nice picture,” you replied. “But you know they want to know what’s going on between us.”
Marc shrugged. “Well they can keep guessing for now.”
You just nodded as you splashed him. “But soon they’ll know the truth.”
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Marc Bernal
Marc showed you a fan tweet comparing the shoes you both wore in recent photos, hinting at your secret relationship.
“They’re really smart,” he laughed, showing you the tweets on his phone.
You grinned. “Maybe we just like the same brand. Us wearing the same shoes doesn’t prove anything.”
“It’s a pretty unique style,” he reminded you.
“Well how do they know we were together?”
“They don’t,” he shrugged. “But they’re guessing.”
“So, we leave them guessing.”
He nodded. “I find it funny seeing them going crazy over a small hint like that.”
“If you like this, we can drop more hints.” He leaned in, giving you a sweet kiss.
“Sounds like a plan,” you say kissing him back.
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pomrania · 7 months
Fairy vs Walrus: the game
You are a fairy and a walrus, travelling together bound by that most sacred of pacts, "wouldn't it be hilarious to prank some humans". However, you both have different ideas of how to go about your journeys.
(This is a variant on a game I'd partially written up yesterday; this morning I realized that not only could I adjust it to be about this subject matter, but that would solve one of the problems I'd had regarding end conditions.)
Requirements: two players, one to be the fairy and one to be the walrus; two d6s for each player; the encounter table, below, or make up your own
Here's a basic summary of the gameplay loop. Both players roll their dice. They each say a feature of the scene, and then determine which feature the fairy and walrus go to. If that doesn't conclude the game, then it starts again at a new round; there may or may not be a minor time-skip between rounds.
Encounter Table 1. a depiction of your kind 2. a tasty treat 3. an obstacle you'd need the other party to help you get past 4. a street performer singing a song you like 5. the setup for a stupid pun 6. a human's doorstep (All entries on this table are subjective to each party rolling; an obstacle for a fairy looks very different to an obstacle for a walrus.)
At the start of a round, roll both your dice in secret. One result will correspond to an entry on the encounter table; the other result is how much power you have to go there, whether by force of argument or simply going in that direction until the other party decides to follow instead of getting left behind. You can assign the dice as you choose; so, if you rolled a 3 and a 1, that could mean entry 1 on the table and a 3 for power, or it could mean entry 3 on the table and a 1 for power.
Once both of you have assigned your dice, share the feature from your table’s entry. Figure out together what the scene looks like, such that both elements are present; for example, if the fairy had entry 2 and the walrus had entry 1, this would mean a scene that involves both a depiction of a walrus, and something a fairy would consider a tasty treat. Then, reveal your other dice result, the one for power. If your dice value is higher, then the fairy and walrus go to the feature you'd rolled; the other player describes what happens.
In the event of a tie, where both parties had the same result for their power roll, reroll both dice, and use the new results to compare power. The exception is if the tied results were both 6. In that case, both the fairy and the walrus feel so strongly about going in a certain direction that they do it without regard for the other party, get far enough from each other that the bond strains, and the magic fades; the humans realize that there's an actual walrus among them, and the walrus becomes limited to normal walrus movement. Decide whether you want to end the game there, or continue playing; in the latter case, the fairy arrives in time for the magic to come back, and a bunch of humans are left wondering why they all hallucinated a walrus.
Assuming you don't get too far apart, the game concludes when you manage to show up on some human's doorstep. Describe which of you the human is more surprised to see.
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cepheustarot · 5 months
Who will appear in your life soon and why?
Attention! This reading is for entertainment purposes only. This tarot reading does not give a 100% guarantee that all the described situations will occur or being ultimate truth. You build your own life and destiny and only you know yourself best.
✧ Masterlist ✧ Paid readings
Pick a pile. Choose one or more pictures. Trust your intuition.
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Pile 1: An optimistic and cheerful person will soon appear in your life, who is looking for the pros and positives in everything. By themself this person is calm, reacts calmly to difficulties and problems in life because he believes that everything can be overcome. This person is able to adapt to sudden changes but prefers a stable life without impulsive changes. They can also be called moderately emotional, they do not dramatize and do not react sharply to anything but they are not stingy with feelings. By the way, they are very good friends, loyal, always ready to support and help, ready to help with solving any problem. They can also be generous, constantly give gifts, can pay the bill at the store / cafe for you, can get tickets and invite you to an event, to a movie, etc. Next to this person, there is a feeling as like a stone wall, you can always rely on them, you feel calmer with them. But this person can be very picky and categorical at times as they may have a peculiar taste and therefore it is difficult to make a choice. This person can also fall into melancholy, apathy at times and at such moments becomes uncommunicative, talks little, shares something, generally closes themself in. During such a period it is important to support them the same way they do and then they will be able to return to their former state soon.  This person will appear in your life as support and help in order to fulfill your goal. They can either directly participate in achieving the goal (for example, motivate, work with you on, be in the role of your coach, etc.), or morally support. To a greater extent I see that this person will play a role in realizing your desires but this does not mean that they will do everything for you, they will inspire you to take action.
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Pile 2: A very emotional and sensitive person will soon appear in your life, to some extent i can say that they like to romanticize a lot around them, like to create aesthetics and a certain atmosphere, look beautiful, dress up, decorate a room or something like this. I see that they like to create something with their own hands and their activities have creative features, for example, they can draw, write, create something from clay, they can create compositions from flowers, do scrapbooking and everything like that. As I said earlier, they are very sensitive, they may have developed high emotional intelligence, their facial expressions are very emotional, they may have competent speech in which it is very rare to hear word-parasites. They deeply appreciate the connection with loved ones and if you can get closer and trust each other, then such a person will remain in your life for a long time. They also work a lot of time, they are purposeful but they need to see the result, otherwise their work will come to naught without it. They can become very attached to things because for them it is something memorable and associated with significant events in their lives.  This person will come into your life as an employee, a work partner, you can work on a project with him, make a deal, you can come up with ideas for creating something (here you can also include the creative sphere, for example, you will write a song together, you will work on creating a book, a series of short stories, you will do the feat). Cooperation with him will be painstaking, very saturated, sometimes difficult, as it is difficult to get along with them or you may not agree on some nuances but the result of the work done will definitely please you two and your efforts will pay off, bear fruit.
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Pile 3: A somewhat mysterious, cold, detached and introverted person will soon appear in your life. They do not really like to talk about themselves, show their intentions and attitudes to a person not through words but through actions and deeds, through their behavior. This person likes to spend time with himself, they generally may not consciously make many friends, acquaintances, like to be alone, they value their personal space very much. They are also anxious individuals, constantly immersed in their thoughts, they may have low self-esteem which they hide very much behind their behavior. It is difficult for them to make a choice, they are very indecisive and very easily give in to pressure from the outside. They probably have as many complexes and fears. But at the same time, they are very smart, hardworking and diligent, erudite, they like to act according to a plan, they have everything clearly thought out and calculated. They are also passionate about a lot of things and have a lot of knowledge, know a lot of facts, can support almost any topic with this knowledge. They are curious, inquisitive, like to learn new things, explore something.  Speaking of why such a person will appear in your life... To be honest, I don't see any positive aspects here. They play the role of a person here, a third person who spoils relationships with people and they can negatively affect your relationships with friends, family or acquaintances in the company which will cause a strong quarrel between you. So for the most part, this is a warning, be careful! Perhaps these people will want to "take revenge" on you in this way or frame you because they dislike or have a personal dislike for you. They could also be offended by you because of some trifle but for them this trifle looks like a whole tragedy.
Thank you for reading! I will be glad of any feedback 🖤
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sunaluv · 2 years
WAG: wife or girlfriend of a sports star
Featuring: w.ushijima, a.miya
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Ushi is dating a rich gyal, I’m all for the head cannon
You first met wakatoshi at a fundraiser event for charities involving schools and sports. You were attending with your fathers company, as he always liked to make huge donations at events like these.
Your family was quite wealthy, as you were soon due to inherit a carefully and meticulously crafted empire built by family generations back.
You floated around the room throughout the whole night, solidifying existing connections while creating new ones. You had spoken to a lot of investors, pro athletes, coaches etc.
You had gotten used to the structured, formal conversations with people, so when you first talked to wakatoshi it was kinda refreshing.
Like… he knocked you out of your automated business trance and you found yourself talking to him like a normal person.
For the rest of the night whenever you could, you naturally gravitated towards him, always asking how he was an stuff.
You talked so much and he asked for your number that night yk to keep in touch. Wink wink wink.
After that day, you frequently sat in on the adlers practice under the guise of being there on your dads behalf. But you started to hide it less when you became official.
People caught on to your relationship bc paparazzi are nosy 😒
The two of you STAY on Pinterest like ‘rich couple aesthetic’ yea that’s u.
The both of you are rich so the gifts have more meaning n stuff ygm.
Wakatoshi is sow CYUTE when it comes to gift giving like he didn’t just buy it because it’s pretty and gold and compliments your skin, he bought for some reason like it goes well with this one outfit he saw you wear in a fashion magazine, or the meaning behind the items ya know
But there’s no deep reason behind the sleek black sports car or the stack of red bottoms or the custom tailored suit he surprised you with bc he remembers your exact measurements
K maybe not the last one but still
He lurrrvs u and he knows u know, even if he isn’t as loud about it like other people.
Atsumu has a big social media presence, we all know his pr team hates him
You guys got together after he would not stop flirting with you in your comments, DMs, all of it.
A while ago you posted about wanting a man who will make sure you’ll never work again and you best believe half the comments was him shooting his shot
You eventually had to give in
You were going to anyways u just wanted him to sweat a lil
Y’all linked up or whateva and unsurprisingly atsumu stuck to his word, you didn’t have to work for anything as long as you were with him, he’d do anything for you
He even insisted on carrying you into the stadium ‘like the princess you were’ where they were going to play soon, you said no bc that’s too much for u 😔
You best believe you pull up to his games dressed so casually yet so captivating with his (and soon to be your) last name draped across your back
His feed, stories tweets etc are filled with you and honestly the people love it. After watching their favourite setter thirst for you for damn near a year straight, they were happy #y/ntsumu was finally a reality
The wags of the rest of the team have this little best friend group it’s so cute. Just a bunch of pretty girls being spoiled by their athlete boyfriends for no reason at all.
10/10 athlete rich boyfie.
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rafedarling · 18 days
queen have u seen the new photos of Drew. 🤭🤭
dad!Drew x reader where like it’s the blue suit red carpet and the whole family is in italy together and reader thinks drew looks so yummy so it’s like smut where they get back to the hotel and they have to be quiet AF
yass girl and not gonna lie, he looks fucking hot !
𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐬𝐤𝐲
pairing: dad!drew starkey x mom!reader summary: at the venice film festival 2024, drew and you, both acclaimed actors, make a stunning appearance on the red carpet for the premiere of the new movie, ‘queer’. your two-year-old twin daughters, ophelia and olympia, accompany you and drew, captivating everyone with their sweet presence. after the event, the starkey returns to their luxurious hotel suite, where, after putting the girls to bed, you and drew indulges in a passionate, intimate moment, trying to keep quiet as your daughters sleeping in the room next door. | word count: 2,8k warning(s): english is not my native language. 18+, smut, piv, creampie, cum play, sexual content, language, MINOR DNI!!
au: fill this form if you want to be tag. like, reblog & reply or much appreciated! tagging: @rafeyslamb
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As the sun was setting over Venice, casting the city in a warm, golden glow as you and Drew Starkey arrived at the Venice Film Festival. The air buzzed with excitement as stars from around the world gathered to celebrate the premiere of QUEER, a film that had garnered significant attention for its bold storytelling and representation. Tonight, you and Drew were not just co-stars but partners, sharing the spotlight with your two-year-old twin daughters, Ophelia and Olympia.
As you stepped onto the red carpet, the cameras flashed, capturing the perfect image of a beautiful family. Drew looked stunning in a deep navy suit, the black lapels adding a sharp contrast that highlighted his chiseled features. His hair was styled just so, a little tousled, giving him an effortlessly handsome look. You wore a flowing, elegant gown that complemented Drew’s suit perfectly, the fabric shimmering under the lights as you walked hand in hand.
Ophelia and Olympia were dressed in matching white dresses, their blonde curls bouncing with every step as they clung to your hands, their little faces a mixture of awe and curiosity. They had been to events before, but nothing quite like this. The sheer scale of the festival, the grandeur of the venue, and the attention from the media were overwhelming for anyone, let alone two toddlers. Yet, they handled it with the grace of seasoned professionals, waving shyly at the cameras, their innocent smiles melting the hearts of everyone watching.
As you posed for photos, Drew leaned down to whisper in your ear, his breath warm against your skin. “You look incredible tonight,” he murmured, his voice filled with genuine admiration.
You smiled, feeling a rush of affection for him. “You’re not so bad yourself,” you teased, glancing at him from beneath your lashes. “But I think the girls are stealing the show.”
Drew chuckled, his eyes softening as he looked at Ophelia and Olympia. “They are, aren’t they? Just like their mom—beautiful and captivating.”
The interviews followed, and as usual, Drew handled the press with charm and ease. The reporters were eager to hear about your experiences on set, the dynamics of working together as a couple, and of course, how you managed to balance your careers with raising your daughters. Drew’s answers were thoughtful and sincere, emphasizing how much he valued the time spent with his family, both on and off the set.
“They’re the reason I do this,” he said, glancing at you and the girls with a smile that made your heart skip a beat. “Having them here with me tonight makes it all the more special.”
The night continued with more photos, more interviews, and a palpable sense of anticipation for the premiere. But as much as you enjoyed the spotlight, the most important part of the evening was the shared experience with Drew and your daughters. You could see the pride in Drew’s eyes every time he looked at you or the girls, a silent acknowledgment of the journey you had been on together.
After the screening of QUEER, which was met with a standing ovation, the four of you were whisked back to your hotel in a sleek black car. The night air was cool and refreshing, a welcome contrast to the heat of the cameras and the lights of the red carpet. Ophelia and Olympia, who had been little stars all evening, were starting to show signs of fatigue. Their little eyes drooped, and they leaned heavily against you and Drew, their tiny bodies growing limp with exhaustion.
Back at the hotel, you and Drew worked together to get the girls ready for bed. The suite was spacious and luxurious, with a separate bedroom for the twins. After helping them out of their dresses and into their pajamas, you read them a story, your voice soft and soothing as they snuggled into their beds. Drew sat beside you, one arm draped around your shoulders, his other hand gently stroking Olympia’s hair as her eyes slowly closed.
Ophelia was the first to fall asleep, her hand clutching her favorite stuffed bunny. Olympia held out a little longer, her eyes fluttering open and closed until finally, she gave in to sleep. You and Drew sat there for a moment longer, watching your daughters’ peaceful faces, their soft breathing filling the room with a sense of calm.
Finally, you and Drew quietly left the room, closing the door behind you with a gentle click. The suite was silent, the only sounds the soft hum of the air conditioning and the faint noise of the city outside. You leaned against the door, your eyes meeting Drew’s across the room.
“They were amazing tonight,” you whispered, a smile tugging at your lips.
Drew walked over to you, his gaze intense as he cupped your face in his hands. “They take after their mother,” he said softly, his thumb brushing your cheek. “You were incredible too. I’m so proud of you.”
You felt a warm blush spread across your cheeks at his words. “Thank you,” you murmured, leaning into his touch. “I couldn’t have done it without you.”
Drew’s eyes darkened with desire as he leaned in, his lips hovering just above yours. “We finally have some time to ourselves,” he whispered, his voice low and husky. “What do you want to do?”
A shiver of anticipation ran down your spine at the implication in his tone. You slid your hands up his chest, feeling the warmth of his skin through the fabric of his shirt. “I can think of a few things,” you replied, your voice breathless as you closed the distance between you, capturing his lips in a passionate kiss.
Drew responded immediately, his arms wrapping around you as he deepened the kiss, his tongue teasing yours as he pressed you against the door. The world outside faded away, leaving only the two of you and the intense need that was building between you. His hands roamed your body, expertly undoing the zipper of your dress and letting it fall to the floor in a soft rustle of fabric.
You broke the kiss just long enough to help him out of his jacket and shirt, your fingers trembling slightly as you undid the buttons. Drew’s hands found your waist, pulling you close as he kissed you again, more urgently this time, his need for you growing with every passing second.
He backed you towards the bed, his hands never leaving your body as he guided you onto the soft mattress. The cool sheets contrasted with the heat of his skin as he hovered above you, his gaze raking over your body with a look of pure adoration.
“You’re so beautiful,” Drew whispered, his voice thick with emotion as he kissed a trail down your neck, his lips leaving a burning path on your skin. “I can’t get enough of you.”
You arched into his touch, your fingers threading through his hair as he continued his descent, his mouth hot against your collarbone. “Drew...” you moaned softly, your voice trembling with need as you felt him reach for the clasp of your bra, expertly undoing it and tossing it aside.
He paused for a moment, his eyes meeting yours as he gently cupped your breasts, his thumbs brushing over your hardened nipples. The sensation sent a jolt of pleasure straight through you, making you gasp. Drew smiled at your reaction, clearly pleased with himself as he dipped his head to take one of your nipples into his mouth, his tongue swirling around the sensitive bud.
Your back arched off the bed at the sensation, a moan escaping your lips as you clung to him, your fingers digging into his shoulders. The pleasure was almost overwhelming, every nerve in your body on high alert as Drew lavished attention on your breasts, his hands and mouth working in perfect harmony to drive you wild.
After what felt like an eternity of blissful torment, Drew continued his journey downward, his lips trailing kisses down your stomach, his hands guiding your hips as he slowly pulled your panties down, leaving you completely exposed to him. He paused for a moment, his eyes darkening with lust as he took in the sight of you, his breath coming in short, ragged gasps.
“God, you’re perfect,” he murmured, his voice filled with awe as he gently spread your legs, positioning himself between them.
You bit your lip, anticipation building as you felt the heat of his breath against your most sensitive area. “Drew, please...” you whimpered, your voice trembling with need.
He didn’t make you wait any longer. With a low growl of desire, he dipped his head, his tongue flicking out to taste you. The sensation was electric, sending a jolt of pleasure straight through you, your hips bucking involuntarily as you moaned his name. Drew’s hands gripped your thighs, holding you in place as he continued to pleasure you, his tongue and lips working together to drive you closer and closer to the edge.
You clung to the sheets, your body trembling with the intensity of the sensations as Drew brought you to the brink of ecstasy. Just when you thought you couldn’t take it any longer, he pulled back slightly, his eyes meeting yours as he inserted a finger inside you, the sensation of his long, skilled fingers pushing you over the edge.
You cried out, your body shaking with the force of your orgasm as Drew continued to work you through it, his fingers and mouth never stopping until you were completely spent, your body going limp with exhaustion.
Drew climbed back up your body, his lips capturing yours in a heated kiss as he positioned himself at your entrance. You were still trembling from the aftershocks of your orgasm, but the feel of him so close, so ready, reignited the fire inside you.
You wrapped your legs around Drew’s waist, pulling him closer as he hovered above you, his breath warm and ragged against your lips. His eyes locked onto yours, a mixture of love, desire, and admiration swirling within them. He held himself there, just at your entrance, teasing you with the promise of what was to come.
“Are you ready?” he whispered, his voice rough with emotion.
You nodded, unable to find the words as anticipation coursed through your veins. The look in his eyes was enough to send another shiver of pleasure down your spine. You could feel him, hot and hard, pressing against you, and the need to have him inside you was almost unbearable.
“Please,” you breathed, your voice trembling with need. “I need you, Drew.”
That was all the encouragement he needed. With a slow, deliberate movement, Drew pushed forward, filling you inch by inch. The sensation was exquisite, a perfect blend of pleasure and pressure as he stretched you, your bodies fitting together like they were made for each other. You both moaned as he entered you fully, the feeling of him deep inside you almost overwhelming.
Drew paused, his forehead resting against yours as he took a moment to savor the sensation, his breath coming in short, ragged bursts. “You feel so good,” he murmured, his voice thick with emotion.
“So do you,” you replied breathlessly, your hands gripping his shoulders as you adjusted to the feel of him inside you. The connection between you was palpable, an unspoken bond that had only deepened over time. Every touch, every movement felt like a promise, a testament to the love you shared.
Drew started to move, slow and steady at first, his thrusts deep and measured. Each movement sent ripples of pleasure through your body, building a delicious tension that made you gasp and cling to him even tighter. His hands roamed your body, one settling on your hip to guide your movements, the other brushing the hair away from your face as he kissed you deeply.
The kiss was passionate, filled with the kind of raw, unfiltered emotion that only came from years of love and trust. You could feel the intensity of his feelings in the way he kissed you, in the way he held you close as if you were the most precious thing in the world. It was more than just physical; it was a connection of souls, a merging of hearts.
As Drew’s thrusts became more urgent, the pace quickened, and you could feel yourself teetering on the edge of another orgasm. He seemed to sense it too, his movements becoming more purposeful, his hand slipping between your bodies to find that sensitive bundle of nerves that he knew would push you over the edge.
When he touched you there, the sensation was electric, your body responding instantly as pleasure exploded within you. You cried out his name in silece, your back arching off the bed as the orgasm ripped through you, your body trembling with the force of it. Drew didn’t stop, his movements relentless as he continued to drive into you, prolonging your pleasure until you were a quivering mess beneath him.
Finally, with a few more powerful thrusts, Drew followed you over the edge, his own release coming with a guttural groan as he buried himself deep inside you. You could feel the warmth of his release, the pulsing of his body against yours as he collapsed on top of you, his chest heaving with exertion.
For a moment, the two of you lay there, wrapped in each other’s arms, both of you trying to catch your breath as the aftershocks of pleasure continued to ripple through your bodies. The room was filled with the sounds of your breathing, mingling together in the stillness of the night.
Drew finally lifted his head to look at you, his eyes soft and filled with love. He reached up to gently brush a strand of hair from your face, his thumb grazing your cheek as he smiled down at you. “You’re amazing,” he whispered, his voice hoarse but filled with sincerity.
You smiled back at him, your heart swelling with love. “I love you, Drew” you replied, reaching up to cup his face in your hands. “I love you, Drew.”
“I love you too,” he whispered back, leaning down to press a tender kiss to your lips. It was a kiss filled with all the love and affection he couldn’t put into words, a promise that he would always be there for you, no matter what.
He rolled over, pulling you with him so that you were lying on his chest, your legs still entwined. You could feel the steady beat of his heart beneath your ear, a comforting rhythm that lulled you into a state of contentment. His arms wrapped around you, holding you close as if he never wanted to let you go.
The two of you lay there in silence for a while, simply enjoying the closeness, the feel of each other’s bodies pressed together. The world outside might have been filled with the glitz and glamour of the festival, but in that moment, it was just the two of you, wrapped in each other’s love.
Eventually, Drew shifted slightly, his hand running up and down your back in a soothing motion. “We should probably get some sleep,” he murmured, though there was a note of reluctance in his voice. “The girls will be up early.”
You chuckled softly, knowing he was right. As much as you wanted to stay in this moment forever, the responsibilities of parenthood would call soon enough. “Yeah,” you agreed, though you made no move to get up just yet.
Drew smiled, tightening his hold on you. “We’ll have plenty of nights like this,” he promised, his voice filled with certainty. “Plenty of moments where it’s just you and me.”
You nodded, feeling a warm sense of contentment settle over you. “I’m looking forward to it,” you whispered, pressing a kiss to his chest before finally, reluctantly, rolling off of him.
You both moved slowly, the exhaustion from the day and the intensity of your lovemaking catching up with you. Drew helped you pull the covers up over your bodies, his arm wrapping around you once more as you settled against his side. The bed was warm and comfortable, and you could feel yourself drifting off almost immediately, the events of the day a pleasant blur in your mind.
As you closed your eyes, you felt Drew press a soft kiss to the top of your head. “Goodnight, my love,” he whispered, his voice the last thing you heard before sleep claimed you.
“Goodnight,” you murmured back, a smile on your lips as you finally surrendered to the peaceful darkness.
And with that, you both fell asleep, wrapped in each other’s arms.
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elizadraws · 10 months
Bulgarian Music in Studio Ghibli films
”Myth has it that Orpheus was born in what is now Bulgaria. It seemed to be fact, not myth, that his daughters are still singing there”
These words were written by the New York Times in the remote 1963 — the year in which the largest Bulgarian folk ensemble crossed the Iron Curtain to conquer an entire continent with its cosmic art.
The 1975 release of Le Mystère des Voix Bulgares, a compilation album of modern arrangements of Bulgarian folk songs, further popularized Bulgarian music, and in 1977, a vinyl record featuring the folk song “Izlel ye Delyo Haydutin” (Eng: Come out rebel Delyo) began its journey aboard the Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 spacecrafts.
From this point on popularity from the West spread to the East, and Bulgarian folk music made it to the entertainment industry, including legendary Japanese anime films, like the cult cyberpunk “Ghost in the Shell” or the heartwarming Studio Ghibli features.
In this short article I write about two occasions of Bulgarian music playing in Studio Ghibli’s films.
The record that inspired the creation of “Only Yesterday”
“Only Yesterday” is a 1991 Japanese animated drama film written and directed by Isao Takahata, based on the 1982 manga of the same title by Hotaru Okamoto and Yuko Tone. Set in rural Japan, the film draws parallels with the peasant lifestyle present in Eastern Europe.
The original work is a compilation of short stories about 11-year-old Taeko’s daily life in 1966. Director Takahata had a hard time making it into a movie since the manga, told in the form of a memoir, has no plot to hold a feature. Together with producer Toshio Suzuki, they came up with the solution of bringing the narrator of the story, adult Taeko, into the movie. But there is a curious anecdote about how this idea came to mind.
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Taeko picks safflower as the Bulgarian song “Malka moma dvori mete” plays in the background. © Studio Ghibli
In a 2021 interview with students from Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, producer Suzuki recounts how a record of Bulgarian songs performed by the children choir “Bodra Smyana”, introduced to him by director Takahata, inspired the creation of the movie. Moved by the cosmic voices of the children, they decided to make “Only Yesterday” a musical. He also recalls what a tiring process it was to acquire the rights to the music, but if you’ve seen the movie, I am sure you will agree that it was worth it; the haunting, beautiful songs with the pastoral images of farmers picking flowers contribute to one of the greatest scenes created in cinema.
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Producer Suzuki showing the record that inspired the creation of ”Only Yesterday”. Source: Studio Ghibli’s Twitter
In “Only Yesterday”, we can hear two songs from the album Bulgarian Polyphony I by Philip Koutev Ensemble. The upbeat “Dilmano Dilbero” [Eng. beautiful Dilmana] sets a happy mood as the protagonist gets changed and ready to go on the field. As the scene shifts and Taeko starts narrating a sad story about the girls in the past picking safflower with their bare hands, the song and mood shift as well.
While the first song has a fast rhythm, with lyrics about pepper planting that can also be interpreted figuratively, the second one, “Malka Moma Dvori Mete” [Eng., a little girl sweeps the yard], is a ballad about a young girl who is forced into marriage but has never known true love.
Both compositions sing about life-cycle events like marriage and the regular coming of the harvests, with lyrics perfectly fitting the setting and plot of the movie, which makes me wonder if the filmmakers chose them by chance or if they had someone translate the words.
Bulgarian Cosmic Voices Enchanting Howl
“Howl’s Moving Castle” is a 2004 Japanese animated fantasy film written and directed by Hayao Miyazaki, loosely based on the 1986 novel of the same name by British author Diana Wynne Jones. Set in a fictional kingdom the movie draws inspiration from various places in Europe. One of them being Bulgaria.
The story focuses on a young girl, named Sophie, magically transformed into an old woman, and a self-confident but emotionally unstable young wizard, Howl, living in a magical moving castle.
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A sketch of a Star Child. Source: The Art of Howl’s Moving Castle
If you’ve seen the movie, you surely remember the scene when Madame Suliman ambushes Howl and tries to strip him of his magic powers. Star Children encircle him and his companions; their shadows grow big, dark and intimidating. They start dancing and chanting unintelligible magic words and are almost successful in their devilish act.
This scene, together with the music played in the background, have been a favourite of many fans of the film. Some even recount it giving them nightmares when they were children.
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Star Children encircle Howl in an attempt to strip him of his magic powers. © Studio Ghibli
It turns out, however, that these aren’t any incantations, but the lyrics of a folk song. In Bulgarian. And a love song! Contrary to popular belief, the lyrics have nothing to do with magic and are actually about a boy taking his sweetheart, Dona, to the market to buy her new clothes. The excerpt used in the movie is very short and a bit altered from the original, but the words used go like this: Trendafilcheto, kalafercheto, Done mamino, translated as “the rose, the costmary, my darling Dona”.
I am planing a follow up article where I will post the translated lyrics together with a brief explanation on how they are related to the movies.
If you want to comment on or add something, I would love to hear!
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xenonarrow · 2 months
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At last, my piece for the Moon Knight fanzine Lunar Labyrinth (@moon-knight-zine) from last year! This is the first time I work with a zine project and it was definitely a delight.
I had fun with the symbolism on this piece, more info under the crack:
Prompt/Subject: My place in this zine was part of the artists for the 4th chapters, Waxing Gibbous: Order. The prompt was changed and revised through the process, ultimately revolving around the concept of being reborn, rebuilding, discovering each other's strengths and ultimately the chapter's namesake order. I played with the concept of rebuilding a literal set of mirrors as a visual metaphor.
General setting: I chose to feature the MCU version of the character(s) with some elements from the comics since the time of the planning was very close to its release on D+. The scene is set inside one's house as I often use them with the symbolic value of one's personality and emotional state. I chose Steven's apartment from the MCU for two main reasons: 1) It's shown at the end after the events of the series, implying they still use it as home 2) The layout of the set is well documented and also nice and cosy. I used a combination of pictures from the behind the scenes and artbook + a rough scene I put up in Blender as reference for the subjects' placement, perspective and palette
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Character(s) There is only one (physical) character in scene that I called "the body" since it's placed in a way so the face is not visible. This is deliberate so to not give away any clue about which alter is fronting - he can be any of them, all or none at the same time - it's just the body. The physical appearance. The medium with which the psyche interacts with the rest of the physical world. The body's clothes were a tough choice but I ended up with Steven's pyjamas since it was what they wearing at the end of the series. Steven, Marc and Jake are represented in the mirror with their Duat sequence clothes (except for Jake's attire for his only on-screen appearance + comics version fake moustache because honestly he feels naked without them) and in a pose reflecting as much as their individual vibe and role as I could in a single image: Steven and Jake are helping the body putting the mirror pieces back together in two different ways, one in a more concerned / affectionate manner and the other is slightly more blunt and direct. Marc is covering his face, as hiding away is kinda fitting for his character on different occasions (hiding memories in an attempt to protect Steven, Hiding parts of himself and his life to his loved ones, running away from his problems etc). Being dramatic as usual.
Mirrors I love using mirrors as visual metaphors. And I love how they used them in the series. I am very normal about it. In this piece the mirrors function as a reflection of the inner self (or selves, in this case): the same body is reflected in three different mirrors (the alters) which are more or less fractured based on the status of their relationship with a specific alter and themselves: Jake has the most pieces missing, since in the series he's the most elusive one to the point of the others not being aware of his existence up until the end despite still being active in protecting them in times of need. The background of the mirrors reflects the pattern of the (head)space as seen in some parts of the Moon Knight (2016) comics while the colours are chosen and assigned based on the box colours used in Moon Knight (2021). The pattern is not following the perspective of the shards on the floor because it's not a physical space the mirror is reflecting but it's more of a "door" to another dimension, the psychological one. The back of the mirrors has a hieroglyphic inscription vaguely inspired by those seen during the first costume sequence at the end of ep 1 (will be back at this later)
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The moon dart (that shiny thing stuck in the rightmost mirror): The moon dart symbolises their connection and service under Khonshu. It was thrown diagonally hitting all three mirrors (and causing the fractures in them) and it got stuck in Jake's, symbolising his status as the one in the system still under the god's leash. The dart has also a side, positive connotation: despite the havoc that being Khonshu's avatar has brought, it also started to bring them together and work as a team.
Hieroglyphs: There is a thematic back-and-forth in this segment of the mirror, as the empty sections symbolises a loss of self in favour of being an Egyptian deity's puppet (hence the hieroglyphic inscriptions, vaguely resembling the pyramid texts where a certain hymn features an earlier and more violent version of the god Khonsu being a slayer for the king), but in the same inscriptions (see the second picture) carry a hopeful message: "There is no son who is strong against his father, but you are strong and mighty while Ma'at (personification of order, balance, harmony) dwells on your arms and your Ba (plural) will last forever, repeating rejuvenation like the Moon". I used "father" referencing the comics where Khonshu leans heavier into posing as a fatherly figure as a manipulation tactic, so the sentence can be interpreted as escaping from Khonshu's leash and finding strength and balance among themselves. It also echoes the usage of the moon dart.
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Easter eggs: There are two easter eggs in here. Three Ba birds with the alters' faces can be seen over Steven's mirror, it's a little signature detail since a previous drawing with them apparently became iconic in my corner of MK fandom? They are also mentioned in the hieroglyphic text. There's a tiny Dracula hiding under the carpet layer. We can't see you in the finished piece, but we know you're here you big fucking nerd
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WHEW that was a lot. Thank you for reading this far!
Here are some other progress pics if you fancy:
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