#Immune cancer
drdodulmondal · 11 months
How does the immune system fight cancer
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Cancer can commonly get around many of the immune system’s natural defenses, allowing cancer cells to continue to grow. Some immunotherapy treatments help the immune system stop or slow the growth of cancer cells. Others help the immune system destroy cancer cells or stop the cancer from spreading to other parts of the body. Immunotherapy treatments can be used alone or combined with other cancer treatments.
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crazyw3irdo · 1 year
okay, i think any time anyone asks what superpower we’d like to have most everyone on this website would say shapeshifting but what kind of shapeshifting would you like
type 1- wild shape, you can turn into any animal, real or fictional
type 2- mystique, you can turn into any real person
type 3- cosplay, you can turn into any humanoid fictional character
type 4- jake the dog, you’re super stretchy
type 5- character creator, you can alter your own appearance- like changing voice hair length texture color, changing height and weight, transing gender, etc, but you can’t add anything non-human (ie horns, wings, claws, etc)
type 6- additional features, you can add things like snake eyes, horns, cat ears, tail, claws, wings, mermaid tail, but you remain humanoid overall and can’t change things like height or gender presentation or hair color. you can still change your voice tho
type 7- were-wolf, we all know what a werewolf is, lads. can be any kind of animal. can be straight up wolf or more monstrous wolf form that’s up to you.
type 8- furry, you just become your fursona. or any kind of fursona really you can change between them
type 9- antman, can become small or big
type 10- other, say what kind ya want
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rebeccathenaturalist · 7 months
Obviously it would have been better if the Chernobyl disaster had never happened. But to see how wolves and other wildlife have adapted to the nuclear contamination and ambient radiation there gives a glimmer of hope that, even if the worst were to happen worldwide, we might still see at least some of the life we know today continue onward. Here's hoping that scientists, both in Ukraine and otherwise, will continue to be able to safely study Chernobyl and its effects.
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manycowboypirates · 11 days
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Day #2 Nooooooooo Saitama noooo
Luckily it's just a badly paste png, why waste money on cigars when you can give it away to caped baldy?
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eatclean-bewhole · 2 months
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Chlorophyll is on the top of the list when it comes to disease-fighting micronutrients.
What is chlorophyll?
CHLOROPHYLL is the compound in plants that is responsible for their green color. It also helps plants absorb energy from the sun (photosynthesis).
Why is Chlorophyll so important?
When we metabolize this powerful micronutrient from green foods it helps to cleanse our blood by separating our red blood cells, making our blood more free-flowing much like water (alkaline) instead of sluggish (acidic). When our blood is more fluid it can flow easily. In addition, chlorophyll oxygenates our blood which alkalizes our blood, tissues, and body. This is the healthy, healing environment we want to strive for. This is especially important for those diagnosed with cancer.
More oxygen (less inflammation)
= Alkaline (less acidity)
= Healthy, healing environment
SOURCES: spinach, kale, romaine lettuce, arugula, broccoli, spirulina, parsley, alfalfa, green beans, kiwi, green grapes, nettle sprouts 🥬🥝🥦
Molecules: doi.org/10.3390/molecules28145344
Amy Myers MD: amymyersmd.com
SnyderHealth.com: snyderhealth.com
Verywell Health: verywellhealth.com
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mindblowingscience · 11 months
In a medical first, scientists have hindered the growth of bowel cancers in mice by harnessing immune cells in the large intestine. One of the most exciting new cancer treatments is immunotherapy, which works by training the body's immune system to identify and destroy cancer cells. However, most current immunotherapies only benefit a small minority of patients with bowel cancer – fewer than 10 percent. "We have discovered that an important group of immune cells in the large bowel – gamma delta T cells – are crucial to preventing bowel cancer," says immunologist Lisa Mielke from the Olivia Newton-John Cancer Research Institute at La Trobe University in Australia.
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citrine-elephant · 15 hours
i have decided that leon s kennedy deserves a lil radiation sickness. just a lil. as a treat.
why not? smack him around with an old mri machine. throw him a lil too close to tall oaks. have him discover ancient catacombs with a disease that enhances radiation or some shit idk
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hazelbutterflies · 4 months
House Bill 237 Rapid Response Info Sheet (5/24/2024) (link to this on Google docs)
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(id: Simone Hetherington, a speaker during public comment, urges lawmakers not to pass the masking bill during the state Senate Rules Committee in the Legislative Building in Raleigh, N.C on May 15, 2024. She is wearing a gray sweater and standing in front of a brown podium and microphone, she has long brown hair and is wearing glasses and a white face mask with head straps.)
Update + Call to Action!
The House of Representatives did not concur with HB 237! Next, the bill will be going through the Conference Committee to be amended again. We still need to fight and let the members of the Conference Committee understand the implications of this bill. Please focus your calling and emailing to members of the Conference Committee, found in this document and the link here! We have scripts you can utilize to communicate with them!
Our goal is to contact legislators to 1) oppose HB 237 altogether and reject the criminalization of masking, 2) advocate for, at minimum, the inclusion of a health exemption!
So far, there are no Senate Conferees for this bill. We will update this sheet if they are added! We do not know when the Conference Committee plans on meeting but it is important to continue contacting them!
Scripts, talking points, and contacts can all be found below!
Step 1: Email NC Representative Conferees
Copy/Paste the email below and the contact list of the NC Representative Conferees. You can also use ncmegaphone.com to send these emails automatically!
Example Email/Letter
Hello Senator/Representative [Last name],
I am emailing today to express my opposition to the amendment to HB 237, also called the Unmasking Mobs and Criminals Bill, that was proposed on Tuesday, May 7th, 2024. I am a constituent of District [Number], living in [Town Name], North Carolina.
The proposed removal of the health and safety exemption ignores the ongoing pandemic, impinges on federal rights, and would have larger material consequences on the economy and our communities’ collective well-being.
As we speak, new COVID variants have emerged and are predicted to cause a wave of infections, disabilities, and death this summer. Thousands of people continue to be hospitalized, disabled, or killed by COVID-19 every day in this country and around the world. Health and safety professionals identify masking or the use of high-quality respirators as the best protection against airborne viruses and diseases. To remove the medical exemption in the midst of an ongoing risk to public health is irresponsible and endangering your constituents.
Earlier this year, Congress held its first hearing on Long COVID and the need for research and resources on this complex and often confusing illness. From the advocacy and testimony of doctors, frontline workers, and Long COVID patients themselves, there has been an international push to recognize Long COVID as a disability. Disabled Americans are protected under the American Disabilities Act to have access to accommodations necessary for thriving and survival. High-quality masks and respirators are medically necessary for those disabled by or at risk of being disabled by COVID-19 and other airborne viruses. To remove the health and safety exemption would be a violation of the federal rights of disabled and immunocompromised citizens.
The larger material consequences of this amendment to the bill on the state of North Carolina cannot be understated. Hospitals, schools, social services, and even restaurants and recreation spots are massively understaffed, underfunded, and overworked. This amendment to remove the health and safety exemption, essentially increasing the potential spread of sickness and disease, would put these already overextended aspects of our society and our economy into further disarray and strain.
I strongly urge you to consider these material consequences, but more importantly, your disabled and immunocompromised constituents by voting against any amendments to House Bill 237 that would further restrict masking as a necessary precaution.
NC House Representative Conferee Emails
Step 2: Call the NC House Representative Conferees!
Rep. John Torbet (R), 704-263-9282
Rep. Brian Biggs (R), 919-733-5865
Rep. Sarah Stevens (R), 919-715-1883
Rep. Erin Paré (R), 919-733-2962
Phone Zap Script
Hello Senator/Representative [Last name],
I am a constituent of District [Number], living in [Town Name], North Carolina, and I am calling today to ask you to vote against the proposed amendment to House Bill 237 (the Unmasking Mobs and Criminals Bill). Removing the health and safety exemption for masking in public would harm my life and the lives of many other constituents. Thousands of people continue to be hospitalized, disabled, or killed by COVID-19 every day in this country and around the world. Removing masking as a protection would contribute to economic decline through overcrowding and understaffing of schools, hospitals, and businesses.
High-quality masks and respirators are medically necessary for those of us who are disabled and/or immunocompromised. This amendment would be a direct violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act which was created to protect and accommodate disabled citizens. People have the right to protect themselves from airborne contaminants. I strongly urge you to consider these material consequences, but more importantly, your disabled and immunocompromised constituents by voting against any amendments to House Bill 237 that would further restrict masking as a necessary precaution.
Additional Talking Points
Masking as ADA accommodations
Masking as a tool for survival; medically necessary like a wheelchair or other mobility and accessibility aids, glasses, hearing aid
When we criminalize masking we make it impossible for immunocompromised people to work, support the economy, be part of society
Collective Wellbeing & (What they Care About) The Economy
Collective impact on hospitals, school and work sick days. Will cause more people to miss work and school; cause delays in receiving crucial healthcare; deplete the labor force and damage the economy
Disconnecting from COVID, and focussing on masks as necessary for general health & wellness for many elderly and disabled people. (COVID is triggering potentially)
Ban as Impinging on Personal Freedom / Protections of 14th Amendment / Encouraging Profiling
It is not a functional or rational measure, it is like saying that because people wear shirts in one context then no one can wear shirts in any other setting; it impinges on our freedom
Mask wearing has been presented as a matter of personal choice and now we suddenly don’t have that choice, the choice is being made for us
People have different reasons for needing to cover their bodies (religious, physical, psychological) and they should have a right to do so. You cannot determine the reason that someone is covering their body just by looking at them; this ban could impinge on 14th amendment rights
This will disproportionately impact people who are already discrimination and biased treatment from law enforcement.
Lawful or unlawful behavior can’t be predicted by mask-wearing, nor can intent. Mask wearing is not inherently bad or harmful. It should remain a neutral choice
There is no legitimate link between medical mask wearing and the original intent of this law against racist hate groups; this is an outdated and a misguided use of previous legislation.
Ongoing Pandemic/Risks to Public Health and Safety
As we speak, new COVID variants have emerged and are predicted to cause a wave of infections, disabilities, and death this summer. To remove the medical exemption in the midst of an ongoing risk to public health is irresponsible and endangering your constituents.
Personal Connection
Having been disabled by COVID-19, I worry for others who could be disabled and also for what would happen if I were to get sick again; I could lose the ability to work and support myself or to participate in social life, be dependent on systems that can’t support me
Quick Facts
What is HB 237? What’s happening now?
HB 237, also known as the “Unmasking Mobs and Criminals Bill”, is a law that makes face coverings in public illegal. There are several exemptions, including an exemption for “health & safety reasons” that was passed in March 2023 to account for the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Currently, NC lawmakers are attempting to remove the health & safety exemption to retaliate against students holding Palestinian solidarity protests. The removal of this necessary exemption would further isolate disabled/immunocompromised people and create even more consequences for protesters who are arrested.
What is a phone or email zap?
Phone and email "zaps" are an easy and direct way of letting public officials and others know what you want them to do or to stop doing. It may involve voting on a particular bill, or actually implementing plans they have proposed but haven't acted upon. People in positions of power take such actions seriously. Politicians usually keep track of their pro and con calls on controversial issues. Phone and email zaps are particularly useful when you need to respond to something quickly. (ACT UP)
If you’d like to hear more about why this bill is bad please listen to this episode of death panel. Something the podcast highlights is that this is revenge on behalf of Republicans because Republicans hated that we cared about others and had mask mandates during 2020-2021. They also hate that we care about solidarity and we’re masking during protest against the genocide of Palestinians. It’s all connected.
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swagging-back-to · 10 days
it should be a cut and dry case if you go to a restaurant and get glutened by them. and by case i mean criminal. not just suing for damages and distress.
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bpod-bpod · 2 months
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Anti-cancer Courier
A virus-like particle engineered to deliver cancer-specific antigens [molecule, complex or fragment with potential trigger an immune response] to dendritic cells of the immune system which will in turn activate an attack by T cells on the tumour
Read the published research article here
Image from work by Ruijing Tang and colleagues
The United Innovation of Mengchao Hepatobiliary Technology Key Laboratory of Fujian Province, Mengchao Hepatobiliary Hospital of Fujian Medical University, Fuzhou, China
Image originally published with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Published in eLife (reviewed preprint), June 2024
You can also follow BPoD on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook
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science-lover33 · 1 year
The Power of Immunotherapy: A Deep Dive into Cancer Treatment
Immunotherapy, a groundbreaking approach in cancer treatment, has been making waves in the medical world. 🌟 But what exactly is it, and how does it work? Let's delve into the intricacies of this cutting-edge therapy. 💉
Immunotherapy at a Glance: 🔬 Immunotherapy, or immuno-oncology, is a therapeutic strategy that harnesses the body's immune system to combat cancer cells. Unlike traditional treatments like chemotherapy, which target both healthy and cancerous cells, immunotherapy is highly targeted, making it a game-changer in the fight against cancer.
Key Players in Immunotherapy: 🦠
Tumor Antigens are molecules found on cancer cells that act as red flags, signaling the immune system to attack. 👥
T Cells: The immune system's soldiers. They are trained to recognize and destroy threats, including cancer cells.
💡 Checkpoint Inhibitors: Proteins that, when blocked, enhance the immune response against cancer. 🧬
CAR-T Cell Therapy: Genetic engineering to supercharge T cells for precision attacks on tumors.
How Does Immunotherapy Work? Immunotherapy comes in various forms, but they all aim to accomplish one goal: boost the immune system's ability to recognize and eradicate cancer cells. Whether through checkpoint inhibitors, vaccines, or CAR-T cell therapy, the goal remains: empower the immune system's fighters!
Immunotherapy is a testament to the power of science and innovation, offering new hope to cancer patients worldwide. 🌍
Let's continue to explore, research, and advance this remarkable field to improve the lives of those affected by cancer.
Postow, M. A., Callahan, M. K., & Wolchok, J. D. (2015). Immune Checkpoint Blockade in Cancer Therapy. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 33(17), 1974–1982. doi:10.1200/jco.2014.59.4358
Rosenberg, S. A., Yang, J. C., & Restifo, N. P. (2004). Cancer immunotherapy: moving beyond current vaccines. Nature Medicine, 10(9), 909–915. doi:10.1038/nm1100
June, C. H., & Sadelain, M. (2018). Chimeric Antigen Receptor Therapy. New England Journal of Medicine, 379(1), 64–73. doi:10.1056/nejmra1706164
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aria-ashryver · 6 months
caesar keel over yet?
ik you sent this a couple weeks ago, but i thought it was funnier if i answered it today
Diagnosis: Aggressive HER2+ ductal carcinoma, weakly estrogen positive, metastasized, technically incurable Name of Tumor: Caesar Classification: little bitch
108 IV lines / blood tests / self-administered injections
19 Eggs harvested
9 Embryos frozen
8 Supplementary medications
5 Ultrasounds
4 Computed Tomography (CT) scans
3 Mammograms
3 Chemo regime changes
2 Core biopsies
1 Positron Emission Tomography (PET-CT) scan
1 Bone Scintigraphy
1 Multigated Aquisition (MUGA) scan
1 Echocardiogram
1 Electrocardiogram (ECG)
1 round of genetic testing
1 "this is the biggest tumour I have seen in my recent years as an oncologist"
1 reclassification from Stage 2 to Stage 4
1 "this is one of the best responses to chemotherapy I have ever seen"
(and GOD KNOWS how many litres of Paclitaxel, Pertuzumab, and Trastuzumab pumping through my veins...)
We can safely call it. At my last clinic, my oncologist told me he was happy with that my last few scans had remained stable, and that I wouldn't require any surgery or radiation therapy.
Folks. I did it.
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creepyscritches · 25 days
At least twice a week since July I've had people thanking me for my neuroendocrine cancer education and telling me how often they use the resources I built them :') idk imposter syndrome is ever present and in healthcare you can even have thoughts of "Man, am I spending too much time educating/researching on poorly understood cancers?"
I'm still struggling to decide on format, but I'm currently compiling my research and resources to make a self-guided cancer education resource for my team. I really enjoy my job rn but I think focused cancer education would be nice to springboard into later in life once I finish learning about the inner guts of the ACA. I'm finally healthy enough to consider higher education, but the catch is my employer insurance is the only reason I can get my medical care...and leaving for school to be able to focus more officially on cancer education means I'd lose that medical care security :(
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thoughtportal · 3 months
What could be causing the rise?
Some scientists posit that the Covid virus itself could be contributing to the higher numbers of cancer diagnoses, especially for those who are suffering from long Covid. "The idea that some viruses can cause or accelerate cancer is hardly new," said the Post. "Scientists have recognized this possibility since the 1960s, and today, researchers estimate 15% to 20% of all cancers worldwide originate from infectious agents such as HPV, Epstein-Barr and hepatitis B." 
Because "infection with SARS-CoV-2 occurs in several organs either directly or indirectly, it is expected that cancer stem cells may develop in multiple organs," said a 2023 study published in the journal Biochimie. Lung, colorectal, pancreatic and oral cancer could particularly be exacerbated. 
While not officially confirmed, the virus is said to cause full-body inflammation. "Inflammation triggers many genetic changes in a genome that can create a propensity of developing cancer in certain individuals," Dr. Kashyap Patel, CEO of Carolina Blood and Cancer Care Associates, said to News Nation. "We are completely under-investigating this virus," Douglas C. Wallace, a geneticist and evolutionary biologist at the University of Pennsylvania, said to the Post. "The effects of repeatedly getting this throughout our lives is going to be much more significant than people are thinking."
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jj-exe · 5 months
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Holy orange bottles, Each night I pray to you
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mindblowingscience · 2 years
Using new machine learning techniques, researchers at UC San Francisco (UCSF), in collaboration with a team at IBM Research, have developed a virtual molecular library of thousands of "command sentences" for cells, based on combinations of "words" that guided engineered immune cells to seek out and tirelessly kill cancer cells.
The work, published online Dec. 8, 2022, in Science, represents the first time such sophisticated computational approaches have been applied to a field that until now has progressed largely through ad hoc tinkering and engineering cells with existing—rather than synthesized—molecules.
The advance allows scientists to predict which elements—natural or synthesized—they should include in a cell to give it the precise behaviors required to respond effectively to complex diseases.
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