#Including what leads up to the “oath”
asteria49 · 4 months
Gortash to Durge when they reunite. "Let's make our pact anew. A divine oath sworn upon flesh and spirit."
What a weird way to say "let's renew our promise not to interfere with each other." Remaking their divine oath sworn on flesh and spirit... like... like body and soul? Like when two people pledge their undying love? Like renewing marriage vows?!?!?
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vakarians-babe · 2 years
i have a lot of thoughts and feelings about ROP but tbh i will likely not be posting about it much bc for me Tolkien has always been so deeply personal and i want to experience it with as much privacy as i can muster? idk if that sounds weird lmao but i'll summarize some of my early thoughts in the tags and probably promptly not speak about it until it's finished airing.
#it has...promise. it does#am i irritated they teased us with shots of valinor? of the feanorian oath in like majority of promos?#and then ended up showing us like 1 minute of silm content? yea oh my god yea#but i understand its a rights issue#what bothers me MORE though is celeborn not existing and galadriel and elrond being besties#bc it makes me fear a romance plot#and i lived through thinking twilight was good and the bella/jacob to bella/renesmee transition and i will not go through it again#and the reason it bothers me is that celeborn and celebrian are IN lotr. they are included in the rights purchased by amazon.#which is wild to pay millions and not use every scrap#and im honestly deeply concerned by the fact that arondir was the first elf to get called a knife ear#bc why him?#and this just leads me to a larger concern about the way that power relations between races will be handled#bc elves arrived on middle earth first yes and then mostly migrated to valinor before returning to the midst of the humans#and there is a big power imbalance there and it treads the line of colonialism#and i think to tell these stories#the writers should be working closely with sensitivity readers#i already know we'll never really see a redress of the way peter jackson heroicized rohan so completely that everyone forgot the atrocities#that they committed against the dunlendings#whom they colonized#and so im deeply wary of the way these stories will unfold if the writers arent engaging properly with our lived in context#that said!#i love the costumes. i love the world. the soundtrack. the acting.#am i miffed about lore shit? god yea and thats my fuckin cross to bear lmao#but the harfoots <3#i love arondir and bronwyn to pieces and i hope against hope they'll get a good story#so yeah i love parts of it and im concerned about other parts and irritated by some things and love the ingenuity of other things#you can love and hate ROP we exist aspidfjhgs[diufg#this was super long sorry#rings of power#also one more thing
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feroluce · 5 days
For some extra context, I have a whole henghill manifesto I wrote over here, but the tl;dr is that Dan Heng decides to use the Jade Abacus of Allying Oath to save the Express Crew the first time. Boothill urges him to think it over carefully, but he doesn't stop him. And then, the second time Dan Heng decides to use it, we get this instead:
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And just! That's so!! so!!!
Because like. We see in the first battle against Sunday that that Jade Abacus is effective, like we really do just get an entire army lead by a whole-ass Emanator of The Hunt right to our location and ready to fuck shit up. It's important. It's incredibly valuable. That is a huge amount of power to hold in the palm of one's hand.
But Tiernan's relic works the same way.
Galaxy Rangers are terribly dangerous. Boothill comments on this when discussing Acheron's motives, because he can't believe anyone would be stupid enough to get The Hunt on their asses. They're considered to be on a level even above The Annihilation Gang.
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And now, with the burial relic, he has a way to get thousands of them, almost immediately, and all in one place.
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And you can't tell me that wouldn't be something extremely useful to Boothill, like literally life-saving. He's wanted by the IPC. He makes his living as a bounty hunter. His whole driving motivation in life right now is to do whatever he can, up to and including throwing away his own human body, to ruthlessly hunt down one man and kill him in revenge. Like that has to be dangerous, the IPC is a massive entity with far-reaching influence and money and power and weaponry. He surely must have already had some close calls.
Like can you imagine it? Galaxy Rangers are solitary creatures. If Boothill were to find himself near death, he would probably be all alone. Do you think he had regrets? Did he wonder if anyone would find his own burial relic? Did it feel the same way it did when they melted his flesh, replaced it with metal? Did he lay there with his vision slowly blacking out until he thought of home, and family, and the little daughter who he never even got to hear her first word, until he was so full of fury that he could prop himself up on his rage like a crutch and find help?
Tiernan's relic would have been like a get-out-of-jail-free card. Just for one time, no matter where Boothill was, someone would find him. The Galaxy Rangers aren't sociable or organized between themselves, but they help their own. Someone would save him.
He chooses to give all of that up to help Dan Heng.
And I just cannot get over it, especially the wording of it, the pause before he speaks, the gentle way he tells him to hold onto his once-in-a-lifetime treasure...!! He wants Dan Heng to leave this to him! He wants him to keep this precious item that will help him save his companions again in the future! And maybe it's just...wishful thinking, me reading too much into it? But I mean. Just the way he says it...
I really do think it comes from a place of deep kinship and respect. That there's a lot of thought and feeling behind that statement. Something from one Pathstrider of The Hunt to another. Boothill fought for his home and his family, he fought really really hard! But. Sometimes that just doesn't matter. And now he's watching Dan Heng fight for his, too.
When he made that decision the first time, Dan Heng was in the parlor car of the Astral Express. He was completely removed from any danger. He could have chosen to get the hell out of Dodge and not look back. Obviously we know he would never even consider such a thing, but it was technically an option, and Boothill watched him decide to go back into the proverbial lion's den for his friends anyway. And I'm sure that was part of what sealed his decision, to later use Tiernan's relic instead of the Jade Abacus to summon enough people to disrupt Ena's Dream. Because he greatly values ideas like righteousness and justice and saving people, and Dan Heng so beautifully embodies all of that and then some.
Boothill doesn't have people to protect anymore, only ghosts to avenge.
And there is just something so endlessly endearing about him wanting to help Dan Heng, to make sure his friend doesn't go through that the way he did.
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davi-doo · 3 months
Zevlor's Helmite Oath
Zevlor was a Hellrider from Elturel and a paladin of Helm - the god of guardians - as you may already knew from the description of his "Hellrider's Pride" gaunlets. As someone who is not familiar with DnD lore, I did some digging to gain insight about the nature of Zevlor's oath and the circumstance around his oathbreaking. Might as well share what I found :)
Helm is a lawful neutral deity, whose principle can be seen as cold and rigid as he favors one's sense of duty and commitment as a protector, guardian and defender above all else. The dogma of Helm's faithfuls can be sum up as follows:
Guard perfectly, attentively, and with forethought; be ever vigilant. Guard what you are ordered to guard, including that on which your charge depends.
I was not surprised to learn Elturel was home to the strongest Helmite Church in the North. With the famous Hellrider as the citywatch and its strict rulings, Elturel is known to be the most efficient, secured and well-policed city in the region. It's natural for Hellrider to be among Helm's faithful, and I can imagine their paladin's oath is to safe-guard the city and its citizen to their last breath.
I'm not sure in BG3 timeline if the tieflings were forcefully evicted from Elturel, or if they left on their own accord to avoid violence and bigotry against their kind. But either case, Zevlor most likely broke his oath for simply leaving Elturel to lead and protect the tiefling refugees.
In principal, the church of Helm is to welcome whomever come seek their protection, even criminals. However, it's also their duty to turn them in to law enforcement if required, and see their trial to proceed fairly. That means, when the tieflings were deemed as a dangerous minority in the eyes of Elturian, Zevlor and fellow Hellrider must abide to the laws determined for them, or resist and face the repercussion:
All true warriors of Elturel were most likely Hellriders. Those who resigned were stripped of their gear, exiled from the city, and named a heretic in the eyes of Helm for abandoning their post.
Taken that Zevlor still had his gaunlets and his sword, I'm convinced he helped the refugee leave the city in secret. He sentimentally kept the gauntlet out of all the parts from his Hellrider plated armour, because you guess what? A silver gauntlet with eye is Helm's holy symbol. This proved he still held onto the Helmite failth, despite being stripped of the God's divine grace for his moral decision. He owned his choice by leaving the rest behind along with his title, but still took it upon himself to be the guardian of his people. That's why when you came along and protected them from the goblin, which allowed them to travel to Baldur's Gate, the Hellrider's Pride became yours. As for Zevlor, it seems to me he was ready to truly rest, which shows in his conversation with Tilly, too.
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In Act 2, we see Zevlor seeking to restore his oath and fell victim to the Absolute; this is not the sign of him wanting to taste the glory again, but simply because the journey through Shadowcurse land has proven to be overwhelmingly dangerous. Zevlor might have viewed himself as a liability, not only due of his old age, but also his lack of dark vision despite being a tiefling. I believe whatever the watchful Helm bestowed on paladin Zevlor back in the day must have compensated nicely for his lacks. And ironically, with the innate darkvision that allows for better guard, the tiefling Hellrider were supposed to be valuable members in their unit. Until Elturian decided those with infernal heritage are somehow a threat to their hypervigilant society.
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gffa · 8 months
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There are better points of connection/references to point out for Batman #138, ones that are far more likely to be deliberate, but I had just read Detective Comics #1000 a couple of days before this issue came out and couldn't help thinking about one giving context to the other. That Bruce thinks he never should have let anyone follow him into this life, that he feels betrayed by all of them, but a special point is made that the oath Dick swore to him as a kid, to uphold righteousness, feels like it's been shattered. That Bruce feels like he should never have listened to Dick's argument about following him into this life--that the cat was already out of the bag, the moment that Bruce himself put on a costume, someone was going to follow him into this life, he couldn't stop it, it had already happened. And Bruce looks back on that and thinks that he shouldn't have allowed that argument to sway him. But he's forgetting what he and Alfred talked about leading up to that moment, why Alfred argued that Dick's inclusion was a good thing:
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"You know how highly I think of you and your abilities. But he could make you better. He could be better. A hero forged in the light." The Detective Comics story isn't just speculation, it takes place when Dick is a kid, but we see a flashforward of Nightwing--it's a confirmation that Alfred's right, Dick is better than Bruce. Dick isn't the one that lost sight of what's important, Dick isn't the one who betrayed their vow--Bruce is. Bruce is the one who betrayed them all, that's why Dick isn't just a brighter version of Batman as a person, it's why we twice see him here as physically a better fighter. He's the better version of what Batman was meant to be. It's hardly a new truth about Bruce and Dick's relationship, it's been around before--Nightwing is the better version of Batman, the one forged in light, the one who brings hope. The one who leads through not just being a brilliant detective and battle strategist and world class fighter, but because people trust him and know he's worthy of that trust. Dick mirrors Bruce's origin story the most out of all the characters, his parents killed in front of him when he was under the age of 10, the anger that lives in his heart is one that burns for justice for people. Dick is the clearer version of Batman:
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So, when their morals crash into each other here, Bruce can't see that Dick isn't the one betraying him (Dick doesn't even really seem to believe that much in Selina's plan so much as he knows they need the peace--however temporary it might be--her plan brings, because Dick tells her that this whole thing is stupid too, just as much as he's ready to tell that to Bruce), Bruce has forgotten that Dick is the clearer version of himself and that he is the one slipping down a bad path. That's why twice in this storyline, Batman underestimates him as a fighter and gets knocked on his ass for it. He can't see it because Zur-En-Arrh is leaking into him to the point that it's not really Bruce or Zur-En-Arrh, it's both of them, and he's so desperate to hold onto Batman to have a reason to hold himself together, he can't see that Dick is the one who should be making the judgement calls here, not himself. He's trying to force himself to stop loving his family, like he can't even see that that's the entire opposite of why he started doing any of this in the first place. It's not just crime that's the problem, it's the suffering people face because of that crime that he never wants to happen to anyone again. Selina's plan is already falling part, he's right that it's not the long term solution she wants to present it as, but in focusing on that, he's lost site of the actual point of what drove both of them to the vow--to make the world a better place. To fight crime so that others won't suffer.
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A central theme of Dick Grayson's character--including Bruce's own view of him--is that he makes the world better just by being in it. Bruce thinks that, by forcing Jason into a state of terror so strong that he can't fight, it will force him out of the life of crime, but he's forgetting that the point isn't just that Jason doesn't do crime anymore, it's that he's not making the world a better place by doing something so monstrous. Jason isn't better off this way. Jason is already no longer murdering people and doing this to him won't help those he killed in the past. Nobody is better off this way. I get why, in Bruce's war zone of a brain, he genuinely thinks this is being kind, he cares about Jason and the only way he can see to save Jason from jail, is to force him onto this path. But he can't see that this doesn't actually help anyone, it doesn't make the world a better place. Keeping Dick or Jason or Tim or Damian from this life wouldn't have made their lives better, even if Bruce could have stopped them. (He couldn't have.) The whole reason he couldn't out-argue Dick even at 9 years old was because Dick was helping to make the world better. Jason and Tim and Damian are all fighting to help make the world better. Knight Terrors was the storyline just before this one and it had a moment where Bruce breaks free of Insomnia's nightmare by hugging his child self and telling him about all the people that were going to find him in the dark--his friends, his children, his loved ones. They made him a better man.
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That's it, that's the story--when Bruce stops trusting his children, when he stops letting them influence him, when he stops letting his love for his family drive him, he loses everything, including his own grip on himself. Because the whole point of having them around was that they made him better, that some of them were directly meant to be a clearer reflection of his whole entire purpose, and the moment he stopped trusting them, the moment he realized Dick--the one he trusted with full access to the Batbox! the one he trained to be the best he could be, to be the one to stop Bruce, if he went over the line--was going against him, that's the moment everything broke.
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raeynbowboi · 4 months
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Today, we're going to explore how to build the Belchers as a DnD Party. Plus Teddy. We're not really going to touch on stats. Let's be honest, the Belchers aren't really great at anything. If we were building them accurately, they'd all be super low level and/or with terrible stats. But it's your character and your campaign, so you can make them more or less optimized as you see fit. They're also all basic Humans, so we're pretty much just focusing on their classes and subclasses.
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Bob is largely defined by his principles and values. As Tina puts it, Bob is a good business owner, but a bad businessman. He cares more about providing a quality service and succeeding his way than making money. And in Little Hard Dad, he's shown to say "It's the principle of it" way too often. This to me reads as a Paladin. Given his belief in quality service and moral principles, I label him as an Oath of Devotion Paladin.
Bob is pretty boring and straightforward, which makes Fighter really fitting for his personality. If he was going to model himself after anyone, he'd choose Shinji Kojima/Hawk. Thus, the Samurai archetype. However, if we're leaning purely into the boring practicality and straightforwardness of Bob, I might suggest Champion instead. It's the most Fighter-y Fighter you can build.
Regardless of his class, make sure to pick up proficiency with Cook's Utensils or the Chef Feat.
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Telling Linda Belcher not to sing or dance is like telling Tina not to talk about horses or telling Bob not to cook. It's just not going to happen. She loves the theater, she sings all the time, and she was once in an amateur garage band. All the makings of a classic bard. Given her love of dancing, I went with the College of Dance.
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Tina is the family member who puts the most stock in things like fate, true love, karma, and damnation. She is also one of the characters that mentions religion more than anyone else. More specifically, she strikes me as a Cleric of Sune, the Faerunian Goddess of Love and Beauty. Sune's virtues include following your heart wherever it leads, championing love and romance at all costs, taking any risk in pursuit of love, being true to your heart and your passions without shame, and trying to make the world a more beautiful place. As such, Tina is the perfect candidate for a Cleric of Sune. Sune has two domains: Life and Light. Given that Tina has at least some interest in nursing, the Life Domain seems more in-line with Tina's values as a follower of Sune.
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I know, I know. It's a sin that he's not a Bard. But Gene and Linda are very similar characters, and both work as Bards. The best thing for a party is diversity. So, I looked at Gene's personality beyond just his music. And the core of Gene is whacky nonsense. Usually, when Gene tells stories, it's an excuse for weird imagery. The Banana-fullo, Fart School, radioactive pizza sauce. Thus, the Wild Magic origin for Sorcerers spoke to me. Gene loves whacky randomness, so he would be drawn to Wild Magic. Plus, he's not really a good bard. He hates practicing, he's unfamiliar with the concept of a workbook, and kind of just expects a music career to be handed to him. Hell, when he got cast in a play and had all of two lines, he didn't memorize them, and wanted to ad lib every take. Gene's a sorcerer with the Entertainer background, but he is NOT a bard. He doesn't take his craft seriously the way Linda does.
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One of Louise's main skills is her ability to pick locks. Bob is literally afraid to go into her room as he expects boobie traps to hurt him. She's a clever tactician, masterminding several heists and revenge schemes. She's good at tricking people and lying to their faces to get what she wants. As for why she's an assassin, in the episode where Louise is uncertain of her future, one vignette paints as a John Wick style Wedgie-Sassin. She's also a fan of Francine, a Special Girl doll that spied on the Russians during the Cold War. She's not typically a fan of girly things, but she does like the one that's a spy. She's definitely the family member who would be the outlaw punk of the group.
In more recent seasons, we've seen a newfound interest in archery, with Louise even making a zombie movie centered around her blossoming hobby. The Gloomstalker/Assassin multiclass is also a very good multiclass in combat, which is why I felt it was the most fitting for Louise. She's also pretty accurate with other ranged combat like spitballs and throwing things at people.
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This one pretty much goes without saying. He's a mechanic and handyman, he's used to moving and hauling heavy objects, plus he's burly, making him a great fit for the party's tank. The Battle Smith is an artificer built for the front line, and they get to be joined by a mechanical ally. Teddy would absolutely take a hit for any of the Belchers. The guy also fell off a roof and walked it off, so he's definitely got the highest Constitution score of the group.
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I think this party turned out alright. Bob and Teddy are on the frontlines, Linda and Tina are the primary support, Gene is a ball of pure chaos and uncontrolled energy, and Louise is sniping people from the shadows. Everyone's doing what they should be doing to work as a unit, and also happen to be a fairly well-balanced party as well. This is an especially good party for low stakes and silly campaigns, but probably not the kind of party you want to bring to Barovia or Avernus.
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greentrickster · 10 months
(walks up to the microphone and leans in): Okay, so, I’ve seen a lot of Ghost King Danny (which, let’s be fair, is a fun concept, I totally get it), but I’ll see you that and raise you this: Fright Knight Vlad. The current Fright Knight himself is the Spirit of Halloween, but what if it’s like how, while Pariah Dark was the Ghost King, certain circumstances being met can make someone else the Ghost King. And this applies to members of the Ghost King’s court as well, including the Fright Knight.
And let’s say that the Fright Knight, the Ghost King’s right-hand spook, isn’t a battle-based position, but one based on what the current Ghost King most needs from a right-hand spook upon their ascension to the throne. Pariah Dark was a conqueror, so his Fright Knight was a powerful ghost skilled in battle, the Spirit of Halloween. But Danny’s not a conqueror, he doesn’t even typically seek out fights unless there’s a reason he has to. What he’d likely need most is someone who’s really good at politics, has the respect/fear of a decent amount of the Ghost Zone, and who could maybe give him some pointers on how to go about all this. Maybe teach him how to handle his powers better or something while they’re at it.
Which leads to Vlad waking up one morning and the Fright Knight’s sword (the Soul Shredder) is just… hovering over him. He doesn’t know why, his research into ghosts tends to be in regards to ways to gain power, not culture and traditions. Not to mention, he has no idea that Danny finally cracked and accepted his status as Ghost King the night before. He’s got no way (that he’s actually bothered to look at) of knowing that taking the sword is a binding agreement to accept the position and a declaration of fealty to the new monarch until such a time as he’s released from this oath.
Cue the Ghost Zone getting to watch in a combination of amusement and deep concern as their new king and what’s supposed to be his staunchest ally proceed to try and beat the stuffing out of each other in a swathe of chaos spanning Amity Park, Wisconsin, and a good chunk of the Ghost Zone. This is an unprecedented occurrence, no one’s ever accepted the position of Fright Knight without at least a vague idea of what they’re doing, and it’s certainly never been someone who’s enemies with the new monarch. The Fright Knight physically can’t try and overthrow the King, it’s part of the binding agreement accepting the sword entails, so no one who’s planning to attempt just that has ever been dumb enough to try it. Especially because it’s a job you’re stuck with either until there’s a new monarch, or the current monarch’s needs change so drastically that you’re no longer qualified for the job.
Congratulations, Vlad, you’re going to go down in history for this one.
Also, just worth noting, I do not see this going in a shippy way or anything like that. This would be a set-up for enemies-to-friends, with maybe a culmination of some good Badger Cereal (ie, platonic Danny and Vlad bonding, friendship/mentory stuff, maybe some found family if you’re feeling wild). No mental compulsions or anything going on with Vlad for this, either, it’s more along the lines of getting whacked with the Spector Deflector if he tries to use his new position against his king, and possibly it forces him to pull his punches somewhat if he gets into a physical brawl with Danny unless Danny specifically tells him to go all-out. I dunno, I don’t have all the details, I just think it would be funny as heck for Vlad to get himself stuck in a position like this and also that he’d look good in armor.
Also also, I’m a sucker for forced bonding leading to friendships and found family and stuff. And enemies-to-friends. And Badger Cereal and mentor!Vlad and Vlad being forced to be a responsible adult and domestication arcs for villains. And Vlad gaining the power he wants but in a way with all these strings attached and also he’s not actually in charge. I want this horrible man looking fine as hell as he’s dragged kicking and screaming into becoming a better person.
Oh wait, no! It’s not so much a physical compulsion or shock collar or anything like that that’s keeping Vlad in line, it’s learning that, while the Fright Knight technically could betray the Ghost King, it’s one of those actions that generally gets you hunted down by the majority of the Ghost Zone unless they really hate the monarch you’re betraying. And the denizens of the Ghost Zone may not be the biggest fans of Danny, but they like him so, so much better than Pariah Dark, and the twerp’s somehow got Clockwork backing him, so it’s probably worth keeping him around for a bit, at least for a century or two, see how things work out. So Vlad’s landed himself in a position that he can’t relinquish, it can only be taken from him in a few certain circumstances, and if he tries to overthrow or betray Danny, it’s good odds the majority of the Ghost Zone will unify to hunt him down.
Getting strong-armed into being Danny’s staunch ally on pain of ectoplasmic retribution was not how he saw this Thursday going, but b’golly if it hasn’t happened anyway. Maybe- maybe he’ll just call off work today, go grab a bottle of wine to drink while cuddling Maddie-the-Cat, staring into the distance, and asking what he, an angel, ever did to deserve this.
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nightmarist · 8 months
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Spoiler-ish? My cousin beat the game (I'm in act 3 but have some spoilers). This is his stat screenshot from endgame and we figured he was Oath of Devotion based on the buffs. His unnamed tiefling companions are listed as Hellriders, but he remains an exile. I have opinions on what broke his oath and how. But I did wonder if him leading the tieflings out of Avernus was his "last mission for Helm." I suspect being a Hellrider would have shielded him from being ousted (minus the broken oath, and his own sense decency). And the fact he brings two (veteran-looking) tiefling Hellriders implies that the Hellriders didn't push out all their tieflings.
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The losing faith leads to losing your paladin status theory holds water, but I'm using something else in my fanfic.
Oooh thanks!
I haven’t actually reached endgame I’ve been avoiding it for like a month ORZ so I wasn’t sure if there was anything extra when the allies come to aid you.
Devotion was my initial assumption for my fic <3 although I do have certain things I’m writing for his oath restoration/replacement 👀
Elturel as a city exiled tieflings, but the Hellrider status of them could be up in the air or even depend on who you ask in Elturel vs Baldur’s Gate, which is a potentially interesting political tension: You have “tiefling’s don’t belong in Elturel” clashing with “Hellriders are for Life”
I assume the Riders, if at least tiefling Riders, would still consider themselves such, even begrudgingly with prejudice. I mean, the ones you have here plus Tilses is a Hellrider tiefling in the grove and looks young compared to Zevlor. There were some Riders who went to Baldur’s Gate prior to the Descent as well. Even if they don’t live in Elturel I suppose they have a sense of duty to continue to protect with a Hellrider pride.
Zevlor is an interesting case as the only one we see who is specifically stated as exiled.
The idea of the tiefling journey being his final mission I think adds weight to his desperation/devotion! It’s very “My final duty and final act as a Hellrider is to protect my people” and it could very well cost him his life (which is part of the point of rider final missions) so that probably has a lot to do with why he doesn’t bother including himself in future plans.
Not all Paladins are guided by or bound to gods or faith, its the Oath that’s important, but Zevlor is tied to Helm as a Rider.
He does mention Ilmater once or twice in lines, but I think that’s just a Faerûnian thing to acknowledge gods when cursing/talking about their domain, not necessarily being devoted.
His Oath may not necessarily be tied to Helm either but the Narrator implies the loss of both are connected, if not losing faith could have been the catalyst for breaking his Oath or vice versa then at least the loss of both tied to the Descent and/or tiefling exile.
I love this sad goat man
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amelia202sblog · 6 months
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So I have a prospero death theory
From what we see here the hands are medically “tearing” him to pieces this leads into my theory
The red death was inspired by tuberculosis wich caused “death like” spells so many people were buried alive so what if he donated his body to science
(Of course family often makes the decisions after death but my thinking is that it would have been a decision he made before death)
However if he had tuberculosis and went into a spell where everyone would believe him to be dead and his body was donated then maybe we woke up during a operation it’s very common practice even today for medical students to practice dissection on body’s donated to science
It’s even possible that he had some form of chronic illness that was unknown at the time and because of that he went through numerous procedures and treatments that were really painful
While there’s nothing confirmed yet the reason I believe he would donate his body to science is because he was a doctor himself we see in these episodes he has medical knowledge to help will with his throat and immediately react to helping montysor (idk how to spell his name) yes he has the concern of losing teammates but doctors are also under a oath to protect and do no harm (with includes watching a man bleed out on the floor)
This is why this is his fear this is how he died or alternatively he was a medical student and this happened during a practice dissection and it became a deeply rooted fear of his
(Also look at the hands doing the operation they aren’t wearing gloves wich where invented in 1899 so we now have a time zone for when he was alive)
I personally believe that growing up he had a chronic illness that he had numerous medical procedures and treatments that were painful and didn’t work so he grew up to be a doctor to figure out what is going on with him and to make the medical industry better he arranged that when he died to donate his remains to science only to be Fausly pronounced dead and then died on the operating table of some med schools biology lab
(Medical isn’t already the best especially extremely before back then and medical today still often ignores aromatic and asexual has actual orientations and often try to medicalize it as a “problem” or list it as a symptom wich can really screw with the health of the patient so it’s very possible he also could have died from a very preventable illness of the time but died because of the ignorance of the time that sadly is still around today )
Complete side note I believe he was a genuinely good person when alive we see he tries hard to be a good person we still don’t know if he was in on the “wall up Duke plan” but I don’t think he was
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justsomekpopstuff · 2 months
ateez as d&d characters
NOTE: Remember, these are just my opinion and how I would classify them in D&D. You can have your own perspective, just don't be a hater about it. I also know that my D&D knowledge isn't perfect. Don't judge me.
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Party/Campaign Concept: You never know what, or who, you will find out on the open seas. After spending his early years learning the ways of piracy and justice, Captain of of The Silver Light, Hongjoong, works to assemble a crew of trusted companions to join him on the high seas for adventure, anarchy, and retribution to those who abuse their power. After traveling the world, he found outcasts, rebels, and other like-minded individuals who were shunned to the outskirts of society because they did not fit the mold of "proper" society. Together, this ragtag band of pirates sail across oceans, assisting with an oath of justice, to bring justice, liberation, and adventure to those in need of it most - but, they have to find each other first!
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Hongjoong: Human Paladin
Hongjoong doesn’t remember most of his early years. He did his best to block them out as much as possible. The point where things began to turn around for him was the day he ran. Still a child, barely alive, tired and hungry, he ran through the streets of his harbor town, hoping beyond all hope that he could find a way out. He somehow managed to stow away on a ship, not realizing that that ship was the property of one of the most fearsome pirates to ever sail the ocean. At that point, all Hongjoong cared about was that he no longer had to return to the life he ran from. Hongjoong was discovered by the pirates a few days into their journey into open waters when one of the sailors found him rummaging through the pantry for food. Despite their notorious reputation for pillaging and other crimes, the pirates ended up taking Hongjoong under their wing, showing him that sometimes you have to cause a little anarchy in order to do some good. The captain of the crew treated Hongjoong like their own son, showing him what it meant to lead a crew and all of the skills it took to be feared by those in power, and beloved by those in need. No matter how many places they visited, their goal always remained the same - only take from those who have plenty, and give to those who have none (and maybe keep some to yourself just for fun). Hongjoong took every lesson to heart, forming a strong sense of justice and a desire to be a positive force to be reckoned with. When he eventually came of age, Hongjoong left the crew to build one of his own - one that would take on the mantle of justice and retribution against those who abuse their power. The first period of being on his own was harsh. Being the captain of a crew of one was not exactly the most rewarding work he had encountered, even on the ship he had managed to steal from a royal navy and redesign to his heart's delight. But slowly, as he took on more small jobs, stealing from the rich rulers of cities to give back to those in need, he garnered a reputation that would follow him everywhere he went. His stories began to spread like wildfire amongst the towns he visited, leading to him gaining the title of “The Charitable Pirate King”. His knack for chaos-creating, anarchy, and justice would end up reaching the ears and hearts of many, including those who would eventually become his crew.
Seonghwa: Half-Elf Warlock
All Seonghwa knew was that he was found on the front steps of an orphanage in a harbor town with a note stating only his name. He was taken in by the workers of the orphanage, but just because he had shelter does not mean that everything was fine. The conditions of the orphanage were destitute at best, and all the other children were regularly ignored by the workers. Even as a young child, he took it upon himself to care for the other children and the house they occupied - it was the only thing he had control over, and he was going to control it. That is when a plague swept over the harbor town, hitting the orphanage especially hard due to the harsh conditions. Seonghwa had his hands full taking care of all of his sick siblings, trying his best to provide them with the care that the real workers refused to provide them. One of the children, barely three, was much worse off than some of the others. Seonghwa regularly prayed to any deity he could think of, begging for the little one to be spared. One entity, one of healing and light, heard his pleas and showed themselves before Seonghwa, asking him if he would really do anything to cure the child. Seonghwa replied “yes” without hesitation, and so the entity bestowed powers of light and healing upon him, giving him the chance to heal the child. From then on, Seonghwa never had to worry about the little ones anymore, contracted to an oath of healing. As soon as he came of age, the workers kicked Seonghwa out of the orphanage, forcing him to take on multiple hard labor jobs just to keep himself afloat. That was, until, he heard rumors of a lone sailor, one who had taken the seven seas by storm - a pirate king in the making, “The Charitable Pirate King”. One day, the up and coming pirate king pulled into the harbor, parting the crowds as he made his way through the town. The captain approached Seonghwa, asking him his name. The captain introduced himself as Hongjoong, and reported that he had heard tell of someone in the village who had the power of light and healing. Seonghwa looked at the young captain, shocked, knowing that he was the person that Hongjoong was talking about. Seonghwa confessed to being the one with such powers, showing the light glowing from his palms that never seemed to dim. Hongjoong, seeing such potential in Seonghwa, offered him freedom - a place on his crew as his second in command. Seonghwa knew he had nothing left to lose, leaving the only place he’s ever known to embark on a new adventure aboard the Silver Light.
Yunho: Human Bard
Yunho grew up in a very loving home. The only challenge was that both his parents were forced to work to keep them afloat, leaving Yunho in charge of raising his younger brother. Yunho taught himself how to play the lute, using music and stories to keep himself and his brother entertained. Yunho quickly learned how to spin a tale full of fantasy and adventure. It was all they had besides each other, even though they knew that their parents loved them - until they didn’t come home. The boys never found out what had happened to their parents, but they knew that as long as they had each other, things would be okay. Because they were still young, Yunho took to sharing his music and stories on the streets in the hopes of earning money to keep them going. Yunho packed up what they had, and with his brother they began to travel from town to town, continuing to try and pick up some more money as they moved. They finally reached the coast, now well into their early adulthood, still sharing stories and music where they could without being run out by soldiers. One night, as they wandered the streets for somewhere to sleep, a kindly baker invited them in, taking pity on them. The baker provided them with food, allowing them to sleep inside the shop for as long as they needed. That was the safe place that Yunho and his brother needed to start over. Yunho’s brother began to work for the baker as payment for their kindness as Yunho continued his storytelling. That was, until, one day he ran into two other men while heading to his usual storytelling spot. The two men were scouring a map with intensity, seemingly trying to figure out where exactly they were. Yunho stopped to help them, before recognizing one of them - "The Charitable Pirate King", Hongjoong. For Yunho’s kindness, the captain offered Yunho a position in his crew. Yunho was initially hesitant, not wanting to leave his brother behind, which Hongjoong sensed. Hongjoong let Yunho know that his offer would remain open until the next dawn and walked away. Yunho scurried back to the bakery, desperate to speak with his brother. As soon as Yunho mentioned the offer, his brother immediately told him to take it - Yunho couldn’t spend the rest of his life looking after him, and he would be okay working with the baker. He told Yunho that he could always visit if he needed to, but that this was a once in a lifetime opportunity - he shouldn’t miss it. Late that night, Yunho left his brother to join Hongjoong on his adventures on the Silver Light. This is where he would eventually meet his best friend, Mingi, and become the light of inspiration and encouragement for the crew. His stories and music would always bring a lighthearted air to the others, one that would keep them going through their darkest challenges.
Yeosang: Half-Elf Rogue
Yeosang had no memory of his parents, who happened to be elven and human royalty. There were many, though, who were outraged by Yeosang's birth, stating that a half-human half-elf was blasphemous. One such person was his father, the elven prince’s royal advisor, who stole Yeosang in the dead of night, abandoning him where Yeosang would never be found - a large human village far outside their borders, whose street urchins took pity on him and did their best to keep him alive. As he grew, they taught him the ins and outs of survival on the street, from pickpocketing to various scams. His quiet demeanor and innocent-looking face kept him out of trouble while he snuck around to survive. It would be his sneaking around that would lead him to Wooyoung. One day, an adolescent Yeosang was wandering the alleyways a village, trying to lay low after his most recent pickpocketing spree when he heard a commotion from the other side of the alley - soldiers, clearly chasing after someone. Yeosang went to the end of the alley, laying in wait before a figure flashed in his view. He grabbed the figure, yanking them into the alley and covering their mouth as the soldiers rushed by. That figure was Wooyoung, a local troublemaker that Yeosang had heard about. To “thank” Yeosang for saving him, Wooyoung swore allegiance to Yeosang, refusing to leave his side (much to Yeosang’s dismay). However, Yeosang managed to find use for Wooyoung - he was now the (very loud) distraction to Yeosang’s heists. Together, they were a formidable pairing, managing to pull off even the most difficult of capers. Fully grown, Yeosang and Wooyoung became notable names in the thievery game - until one day, when they picked the wrong target. Charging through the streets of a coastal city, they scoured everywhere they could for a place to hide from the kingdom’s soldiers. They came across a menacing looking ship and raced aboard, finding a place to hide amongst the cargo on the deck. When they heard the soldiers leave, they stood up, only to find three men staring back at them - Seonghwa, Yunho, and “The Charitable Pirate King” Hongjoong. Fearing the worst, Wooyoung immediately began to spin a tale about how they got there, while Yeosang looked for an escape route - until Hongjoong began to laugh. The notorious captain let the two of them know that he had heard tell of their skills and heists, and offered the two of them a place on their crew. Knowing they had nothing left to lose, Yeosang and Wooyoung agreed, finally in a place where their skills could be used for the good of others.
San: Half-Orc Barbarian
San was actually raised in a very loving home - parents who adored him and cared for him, and an older sister who taught him the ways of the world. They lived mostly isolated on a farm, selling what they grew to the local villages. They were beloved by the people they sold to, and they always commented on what a lovely family they made. However, there were some in society that saw half-orcs as inferior. One day, as the family was tending to the farm, some strangers came begging for food and shelter. Because of their kind natures, San’s parents took the strangers in, not realizing that those strangers would be their undoing. San and his sister do not remember much of what happened next - all they remember is fire, blood, and suddenly only having each other as family. That was the day that would haunt San forever. Many years later, a now grown San was sitting at the bar of his sister’s tavern. She had made a name for herself, using the hidden inheritance their parents had saved for them to build the tavern that would keep herself and San alive and safe. He sat at the bar, nursing an ale that his sister had poured for him, when a group of already drunken thieves barged in. They instantly became a nuisance, harassing every other patron they came across. San could feel his temper beginning to boil at their antics. It wasn’t until they began harassing his sister, the most lewd and awful comments escaping their foul mouths that San snapped. He launched himself from his seat, charging at the group with force. Despite his powerful strength, San quickly found himself overpowered by this drunken group. That was when a group of strangers joined in the fray, beginning their attacks against the drunken thieves with ease. The unconscious thieves were soon thrown out of the tavern, leaving them to the constables for the night. San went to thank the group, the leader introducing himself as Hongjoong, “The Charitable Pirate King”. San had heard whispers of this crew’s adventures from some of the other patrons, but he admitted to the crew that he thought they were just a myth. The crew laughed, joking with San to not tell anyone - they had a reputation to upkeep after all. San’s sister thanked the crew profusely for helping and keeping her tavern safe, offering them a reward for their services. They declined any reward, but turned to San and offered him a spot in their crew, stating they could use his strength. San’s sister encouraged him to go, knowing that he was meant for so much more than just being a tavern bouncer. San left, promising his sister to send money and to visit often, before setting off with the crew of the Silver Light. There, they presented him with the weapon that would be his crowning jewel - a large battle hammer that only he could wield. San could use his passion and his strength to continue to fight for those who needed it, knowing he always had someone else to watch his back. 
Mingi: Human Druid
Mingi grew up in near isolation, despite being born into a very deeply connected faction of druids. He was born on an island far away from any mainland, where the whole population lived in connection to the island nature and all its creatures. Despite being collectivistic, with every child raised together as a group with the same naturalistic magic, Mingi was always an outcast. It did not help that as he grew, he grew to be tall and broad, very different from all of the others. This led to him being teased and ousted, even though Mingi was an incredibly kind and gentle soul. And so, Mingi regularly found himself alone. One day, a now grown Mingi was sitting on the beach by himself, taking time to meditate to the sound of the waves crashing on the shore. He was feeling at peace until he heard some of the others giggling, beginning to taunt him for his “scary” looks and the fact that he was all alone. Mingi did his best to ignore them, but they came closer, continuing to taunt him. Mingi began to feel his emotions taking over, the magic coursing through his body becoming too overwhelming to handle. He started to lose control, and he bolted for the water with the others chasing after him, shifting into his wild shape as he dove into the waves - a large, intimidating-looking whale shark. Despite being entirely harmless, the size and look of his whale shark form scared away those who taunted him, finally leaving him alone again. Mingi swam off, knowing that there was no longer a point in returning home - he wasn’t welcome anyway. That was when Mingi heard a voice above him, calling out if he was all right. Mingi, in his wild shape, peeked out above the water. A random stranger peered out from over the railings of a large ship with a concerned look. Confused, Mingi shifted back into his human form, and the stranger cast a rope ladder over the railing for him to climb. As Mingi crawled over onto the deck, the stranger handed him a cloth to dry himself off, again asking Mingi if he was okay, noting that he had watched Mingi be chased into the water. The stranger introduced themselves as Yunho, sitting Mingi down as another stranger walked up with food for Mingi to eat. They asked if he wished for them to bring him back to the island, but Mingi refused - he had no home anymore. That day, Mingi found himself in the care of the crew of the Silver Light, no longer alone. Mingi would still have nightmares of his time on the island, but Yunho took it upon himself to calm Mingi’s mind, always sharing stories and songs to bring him comfort. Mingi knew that he would never be an outcast again, finding a home that loved him no matter what. 
Wooyoung: Human Barbarian/Rogue
From the time he was born, Wooyoung made his presence known. As a toddler, he would regularly yell “hello” to everyone he passed by, always asking questions and showing affection to those around him whenever he got the chance. He was full of love and passion and volume, a spark of joy to behold. However, that spark of joy would soon be dimmed. A cult raided his village, destroying everything and capturing all of the children for the sake of their master to be put to work. Wooyoung and all the other children were forced to build shrines for this cult in complete silence. Every day was filled with grueling hard labor, the likes of which no child should ever experience - and it nearly drove Wooyoung insane. Years he spent in silence, his light nearly snuffed out completely, until one day, he snapped. Tired of being forced into silence, Wooyoung screamed out, rallying the other children and teens into revolting. Wooyoung picked up a pickaxe and began to smash the chains that bound each child together, sending them into a full-fledged riot. Wooyoung and the other now older members of the group fought off the guards, his passion inspiring them all to liberate themselves from the cult. That day, every one escaped into freedom, leaving Wooyoung to now live his life as he pleased. He hopped from place to place, no longer afraid to use his voice, causing whatever chaos he needed to in order to keep him alive and supplied. This pattern of chaos-creating would end up being how he met his best friend, Yeosang. Wooyoung latched on to Yeosang, the two of them finding a balance and rhythm that helped both of them achieve their goals. Wooyoung’s loud, boisterous, and chaotic personality served as an excellent distraction for Yeosang’s silent, tactical means of getting what they needed. Even when they found themselves faced with “The Charitable Pirate” Hongjoong, Wooyoung did his best to get them out, even if it meant yelling, lying, or fighting their way out. Thankfully, that was not the case, and Wooyoung followed Yeosang in joining the crew of the Silver Light. Wooyoung immediately took it upon himself to bring everyone together, using his friendly demeanor to start breaking the silences that fell upon the still new crewmates. Though they would never admit it out loud, the rest of the crew (even Yeosang) were thankful for Wooyoung, because they knew without his overly-friendly and loud nature, they would never be as connected with each other. Wooyoung would never have to live in silence again. 
Jongho: Human Fighter
Jongho was born to a family of nobles who served an arrogant, prideful royal family. These royals took their role too seriously, and made sure that everyone who worked for them “knew their place”. Even as a child, Jongho never understood what made them so different aside from their title, but his parents told him to keep quiet and do as he was told so he would be okay. And so, Jongho did as he was told, training in various forms of combat and weaponry to serve the family as a personal guard. From a young age, he showed great potential in anything he picked up, and had a knack for learning things quickly. He showed the royals that he was an asset to hold on to, even if it meant having to keep his opinions to himself. One day, Jongho walked through the halls of the royal palace, tasked with guarding the crown prince. Everything was quiet until one of the royal maids accidentally tripped and fell into the crown prince, nearly knocking him over. Before Jongho could even react, the crown prince shoved the maid to the floor, screaming at her in disgust for “daring to touch royalty”. Jongho was horrified at the scene - a grown man screaming at an innocent woman for an accident she had no control over. Jongho, without even thinking, immediately stood in front of the now distraught woman, still on the floor, staring the crown prince down with a glare. The crown prince ordered Jongho to move aside so he could “teach the wretch a lesson”, but Jongho refused, finally letting his feelings towards the royal family be known - they were crass, arrogant, and didn’t deserve to rule if this was how they treated the people who worked for them. Needless to say, Jongho was quickly banished from the kingdom, with nothing but his skills to keep him going. Jongho bounced around from town to town, doing odd jobs that used his skills well to keep him going. Still a knight at heart, Jongho regularly practiced his combat with any weapon he could find in the early hours of the day before heading into town for work. This habit would continue even in the harbor town he now resided in, stocking cargo ships and hauling fresh fish from the fishermen. One morning, as he practiced as usual, a voice called out to him, stating that Jongho was “doing it wrong”. Immediately whipping around to sass the voice that he was doing it properly, he came face-to-face with “The Charitable Pirate King” Hongjoong. The captain recounted that he and his crew had watched Jongho practice for a few mornings now, seeing his potential and skill. Hongjoong offered Jongho a chance to put those skills to use as a part of the crew of the Silver Light. Jongho, having nothing left to lose, agreed nonchalantly, walking with the captain to begin his new life using his power and knowledge to do what he wanted. He no longer had to be at the mercy of those who saw him as a means to an end - he was now the fighter that he longed to be. 
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cambion-companion · 2 years
Sorry but now I need to know how “and winter came” continue… like how the story of out little lovers ends; would they have their own little dragon-wolf? Is just such a fantastic story 🥰
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I was originally intending to end this with part 2 haha but how cute would it be to see them after Lady Stark becomes his wife? I think there will need to be a Part 4 after all. I'm thinking of including a Direwolf bond in another chapter as well as a certain Meraeda bonding with a dragon and Aemond teaching her to ride.
Tag List: @faithmust92 @xcharlottemikaelsonx @gotjonsa1 @ml0103 @castle-in-the-air0
And Winter Came Part 3
Part 1
Part 2
Aemond x Stark!reader
Word count: 1800
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Winter had passed, the summer zephyr stirring your skirts as you sat at the oaken table of the small sitting room.  A flock of white doves flew by your window, a salty breeze from Blackwater Bay stirring your hair. The war was over, after your father had found out about your marriage to Prince Aemond he had made the difficult decision to pull his forces in favor of the Greens.  The whole of the North followed Lord Stark’s lead and the rest of the Targaryen civil war was swift, ending with Aegon II on the throne, and your return to King’s Landing on Aemond’s arm.  
You had not returned to Winterfell since leaving to find Aemond at Harrenhal.  Your father had broken an ancient oath to save you yes, but he had also made it clear you would not be welcome back home.  It was with an aching heart you relayed this message to your husband.  “I had wished to take you to the North someday, show you the deep snows and the Weirwood where the Old Gods still sleep.”
Aemond took your hand in his, kissing your forehead gently. “Give it some time, my love.  If your father loved you enough to change his allegiance, he will forgive you.”  He smiled ruefully, his lovely sapphire eye sparkling. “Besides if we wish to go, who’s to stop us?  Vhagar inspires men to become rather amenable to me.”
Time had passed, and still no word from Winterfell, no raven carrying a message of reconciliation from your lord father.  You gazed out of the arched window, overlooking the many red roofs and sandstone buildings, you ran a hand absentmindedly over your swollen belly.  The many heated, breathless nights spent tangled in bed with your Targaryen prince had proved fruitful.  
With a smile, you recalled how Aemond’s face lit up at the news of your pregnancy.  He had lifted you in his arms, spinning you around while the both of you laughed with overbrimming joy.  He had hardly left your side during the four months you’d been pregnant, only leaving to attend important council meetings or when his mother summoned him as she had done this afternoon.
You rose from your plush chair, casting one last look to the distant water sparkling in the sunlight, before walking to the raven’s rook as you had done every day since arriving at the Red Keep, each time hoping for some word from the North.  
There was a scroll for you, with trembling fingers you took it from the Keeper, breaking the dire wolf wax seal, your eyes scanning the brief note.  Clutching the parchment to your chest, you gathered your skirts and hastened back to your chambers.  Aemond, having finished with his duties, was waiting for you by the stone mantle of the great fireplace.  He turned at your arrival, his violet eye widening at the expression on your face. “Has something happened?”
“My father!”  You could barely breathe, as you extended the missive for Aemond to take. “He has invited us to Winterfell.”
Aemond looked the message over, his face unreadable.  “This is what you desire, my wife?” His eye flitted back up to you, lowering his hands.
Despite yourself, you hesitated. “I know our welcome will not be a warm one, for lack of better words.”  You moved closer, reaching up to trace your fingers along Aemond’s sharp jaw. “They will need assurance my father made the right decision in forsaking Rhaenyra.”
Your husband placed his hands to your pregnancy bump, rubbing his thumbs along the fabric of your dress. “Do you wish to go?  I worry for your safety, there will be many who see you as a traitor.” He continued over your protestations. “I know what it is to be given such a title, even if it is in error.”
You nodded, lowering your gaze. “You are right, of course, but I do wish to return.  I have longed for it, as you know, for months now.”
“What was it you said to me at Harrenhal?”  Aemond tucked a finger under your chin, urging you to look at him. “‘When the snow falls, and the white winds blow’…”
“The lone wolf dies, but the pack survives.”  You finished, tears blurring your vision.
Aemond made a soothing sound in the back of his throat, wiping the falling tears from your cheeks and pulling you against his chest. “We will leave as soon as you wish, my little wolf.  Let the people of the north be assured they fought for the right side.”
It was on the back of Vhagar, the largest dragon in Westeros, you traveled back home. The journey was a short one, especially compared with the time it took to travel on horseback.  Aemond held you tightly against him the entire time, the stead beating of Vhagar’s wings lulling you into a light slumber.
Most northerners had never seen a dragon before, only heard tales of their ferocity and the ruthlessness of the Targaryens because of them.  The welcome you received at Winterfell was tense, mostly due to the fact a dragon the size of an island loomed well within eyesight of everyone in the fortress.  She could easily destroy the Wall much less your entire home in the space of only a few hours, and everyone knew it.
Your family greeted you inside the muddy courtyard, your father’s noble face softened upon seeing you, his grey eyes flitting to your pregnant belly.  There was a pause, before he opened his arms to you, embracing you tightly. “Daughter.” It was one word yet conveyed more emotion than you had seen before in the man.
“Father.”  You hugged him tightly, savoring the familiar smell as you buried your face into the soft fur of his cloak.
He pulled away, his gaze sharpening as it landed on Aemond, who stood beside you. “Well met, lord Targaryen.  I have heard much about your exploits in the South as well as your dragon.”  He motioned with a gloved hand to where Vhagar could be seen over the fortress wall.
You were led inside, learning that your brothers had been unable to return from their duties abroad to see you.  You had a sneaking suspicion they still held grudges against what your love for Aemond had cost them.  Guilt prickled at your heart as you sat to dine with your father and his household.  After your mother had died, Lord Stark had refused to remarry, thus the company in the hall was mostly men save for a few serving girls who carried heaping plates of food to the oaken table.
Aemond had been right, the conversation was subdued, many less than friendly faces observed you and your husband as you ate and drank and spoke with your father.  To his credit, Aemond seemed to be making a concerted effort at polite respect, engaging your father in conversation of the history of the North.  You suspected he had read up what he could about the North in the library of the Red Keep.  With a small smile at that thought, you ducked your head and took another mouthful of hot soup.
“I think he likes me.” Dusk had fallen, you and Aemond had elected to take an after-dinner stroll through the wood.  
You looked over at him, cradling your abdomen with a hand as you walked. “I think he does as well.  You certainly charmed him with your extensive knowledge of his lands and people.”
“Hmm, I knew those dusty books would come in handy one day.”  
Your footsteps halted, you had reached the pool beside the great Weirwood tree, its white bark contrasting strikingly with its red five-pointed leaves.  Aemond looked down at his rippling reflection in the water, his eye met yours as you also lowered your gaze to the gleaming surface.
“I understand now why you love your home as you do.”  Aemond’s voice was soft, his hand reaching around to pull you gently against his side.
“It holds an old magic.” You agreed, raising your head to place your lips against his in a warm kiss. “I wish to have our baby here.”
“That is months from now, Y/N.”  Aemond shook his silver head. “I’m not certain it’d be wise to linger here for that long.”
“Please, Aemond.”
The prince sighed, his eye taking in your earnest expression. “Very well, far be it from me to deny my wife anything.”
He kissed you again, wrapping his strong arms about you, the image of your entangled bodies under the ancient tree made double, reflected on the still mirror-like surface of the Weirwood lake.
It had taken some convincing, especially with the presence of Vhagar, but your father acquiesced to your desire of staying.  The winds of winter blew strong against the stone walls of Winterfell the night you felt the baby begin to make its way into the world.  It was the longest night of your life, your body racked with pain unlike anything you’d imagine feeling.  Aemond stayed by your side the entire time, sacrificing his fingers to your grip as he held your hand.
The screams of your newborn daughter were drowned out by the howling wind of the snowstorm.  Exhausted, you took her into your arms, hair damp on your forehead as the babe took her first breaths.  Aemond knelt beside you, caressing your face before gently taking your daughter’s hand in his, her tiny fingers curling around his finger.
Your eyes fluttered; the ordeal of childbirth had taken its toll.  Aemond kissed your sweaty brow. “You’ve given me a daughter.”  His voice was sweet and low, the expression on his face unlike any you’d seen there before. “What will we name her?”
“Meraeda.”  You whispered. “The name of my mother.”
“Meraeda Targaryen.”  Aemond repeated, almost reverentially. “She is beautiful, just like her mother.”
Indeed, the infant had inherited your dark hair though her eyes sparkled with light purple irises as she gazed at the adoring faces of her parents.  Meraeda yawned widely, scrunching her pink face up and nuzzling against your breast.
Aemond placed a tender kiss to her soft head. “Sleep, my little dragon.”  He ran a finger down your cheek to trace your lips. “And you, my darling wife.”  His lips pressed against yours, you melted into his embrace as he wrapped his arms around you, your baby girl nestled in between you.  “I will watch over you tonight.”  Aemond settled back, his gaze never straying as he watched you fall into a deep slumber, your daughter sleeping in your arms.
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kisscara · 1 year
O7. manager faruzan [fanboy!scaramouche x drummer!reader] ⎯⎯ heartbeat rhythm series
a/n: each paragraph with the members are a separate intreview. this is a filler chapter fixating on what faruzan is like and what 5O5 thinks about her.
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"madam faruzan?"
yun jin, feeling her curiosity peak, repeats back what the person behind the camera said to her. the camera man nods, "yes, what do you think about your manager?" yun jin awkwardly giggles before sighing.
you exclaim at the cameraman, "madam faruzan!? oh, i like her a lot! besides the fact that she's on the eccentric side and tends to follow wherever we go and somehow finds out our private accounts on social media, she's cool! we've known her since high school, so it makes everything much more fun."
yun jin rubs her chin, "she can be privacy invading." the cameraman chuckles, "how so?" yun jin puts a leg over the other and hums. "let me see, how would i explain this..."
yoimiya laughs, "madam faruzan's okay. she's uptight but she always has the best band activities planned out for us! although, she does startle me a lot. this one time i was walking to a cafe and-"
"i literally see her with binoculars, hiding behind a pole!" hu tao frantically gestures, "that girl is on something! not to mention, she's like a super spy. she always knows what we're doing at any given time."
ayaka kindly says, "whenever i'm spending time alone outside, madam always happens to be there. she's looking out for all of us and i appreciate her service."
as you can figure out from what the members have commented about their most lovely manager, faruzan does seem to be a little too interested in the band members' private lives and activites, thus explaining how faruzan found out that you gave scaramouche a private performance. (see chapter five for clear up)
faruzan is strict with the way she works and is frequently seen barking orders at 5O5. across the web and within articles, she wears pencil skirts pairing with a white button up, and her pale teal hair is bunched up into a bun. faruzan is also close friends with the rest of her classmate prodigies that graduated high school early just like her.
those prodigies being alhaitham, tighnari and albedo. they may or may not be featured in this story in the near future...
but faruzan's mean demeanor is a mere exterior for the inner fangirl that proudly lives inside her mind. that's correct, madam manager faruzan is obsessed with the very band she manages.
it started when she was still in high school and her brilliant brain boosted her to her last year as a thirteen-year-old. she stumbled upon your band's practice in the music room when you five weren't doing live performances just yet.
yun jin had asked for her opinion on their performance and faruzan was more than happy to give them her perspective, but she wasn't one to sugarcoat things. during that time, she instantly pointed out all of their flaws and the things they should change to play even better.
yun jin was overjoyed about it; she loves some good constructive criticism. when faruzan graduated that year, she vowed an oath to become their manager and she did, just a year later after applying for a job at Inazuma's TEYVATMUSiC live house.
even though faruzan is the youngest by a year, she leads these six, including yanfei, to a great future in their music career... but she should work more on giving them space rather than following them around 24/7.
tags: @mariusvonhangme @scaramoo @mikismusings @rizakari @akagism2 @sakiimeo @ohmyfinggod @aethersluvrr @scarafrisbee @kaoyamamegami @liliumaraneae @dreamsofminnie @starfart19 @kunisbeloved @luhvashh @makiswrld @kyouzki @mimissubway @loucaroarz @theblueblub @angelunatic @shinjuuz @thenightsflower @coquettemaiden @thefandomcrow @cotton-eee @lovely028 @hrtswinter @duckyyyx @kissingkzuha @dazaisboner @adeptusx @tomotofu @yukiipc @loverhole @star583 @soobasaur @dr8amy @scaraapologist @raideneiari @rvoulte @aaeng121 @pyrrhicgaze @tjjjrsj @enviouspeanut @d4y-dr3am3r @aromaticism @undecidingfate @idontwantoeatspicy
taglist is now closed as i've reached the max tags in a single post. (50/50 tags occupied + officially removed users whose names aren't linked)
what happens when you, a talented and well-known drummer across the web, grow an intense crush for the student council president, who's also your number one fan? from annoying sisters to nosy bandmates, the next event that happens is always more chaotic than the last!
© kisscara
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pix3lplays · 3 months
I'm kind of going feral for a fae AU for HSR boys, like Sam, Screwllum, and Svarog. Imagine instead of robots, they're magic-tech, or insectoid because robot parts function very similarly, aesthetically/externally, to machinery.
Screwllum would be Spring or Summer Court fae, an investigator, an inquisitor. Curiosity is where he draws power from, and from change, hence the butterfly motif. He would be a noble, but not beholden to anyone save for the king and queen, and he wouldn't have any official ranking outside he's... just there.
He'd be outcast in the sense that most fae know not to trust him, because his allegiance is Truth and not politics or family. You can't bribe him. Not really.
He'd reveal all truth, but would try to do it gently unless you're the worst of the worst. Imagine being a runaway fae and you teach him to reconsider some fae law? He's not really moral or amoral, but neutral. Many have attempted in the past to wriggle out of punishment by convincing him to let them go via a battle of wits (maybe a puzzle or chess, which would only buy you time, he'd still pursue you for the sake of truth and "justice"), or via logical debate. Imagine what a slow burn it would be and how you'd be the only one he constantly pursues, since he can't change the law, but he can make a sport of finding you and playing fae games. And the fae would consider that apt punishment too, eternal dance of cat-and-mouse. Never free again... not that you'd want to be >:)
Svarog would be either Winter or Autumn court, I think solely because he is fiercely protective but incredibly neutral, even moreso than Screwllum. Where Screwllum understands the depths of emotion and how it moves others, Svarog has his Duty. That's where he draws strength from. Duty and Oaths. Know that he will be very literal, which would make him, sadly, a joke among the fae, who often trick each other into certain tasks or pride themselves on their wit and ability to outsmart one another.
This would lead Svarog to make extremely looooooong promises or statements that are incredibly descriptive, so descriptive and specific that it might take years to recite the oath he has, since he considers all contingencies. He may have to psychically impress it upon the fae dumb enough to think they can actually trick him, so they're deadlocked into doing exactly what they say they'd do and not some metaphorical version (like when you make a wish and a genie twists it). They still make him an outcast because he has no finesse, and little in the way of court manners, but his strength is respected immensely. If he doesn't serve a noble house, I feel like he'd be the only son of a brutal lord that died, so he has a little almost-fiefdom to protect, including a little sister, Clara!
Sam would be Summer or Winter, because he's unrelenting, harsh, and brash. He might be royal or low-caste, rising up through the ranks but in the Wilde, like not of the Court. The fae have two major factions, one where it's always survival of the fittest, and one where it's organized, where they control their wild nature, but only insofar as it pleases the rules set down by the ruling High King and High Queen.
Oooh, I hear you, I hear you…I don’t know Much about making fae lore so I don’t have much to add but…yeah I like these…
Screwllum…he’s so cool, AAAAA
I love Svarog and Sam too I promise but…Screwllum….
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astarionsilverbough · 8 months
AHH! Another place to gush about your work! Stupendous! Wonderful! So excited for more 🙌
I live for the softness ❤️ a glutton for the sweetness of their relationship.
Things I like thinking about include
Hair care: Astarion not being able to see himself and Halsin’s braids so they can take care of each other hair which is such a soft bonding activity which can also lead to a gentle bathing and washing together. Also scar hurt/comfort???
Halsin & animals playing with baby ducks and other baby animals. Imagine Halsin gently placing a small chick in Astarion’s hands to hold 😭
Wild shape shenanigans: Astarion’s feet hurting or just for fun using Halsin as his steed and general wildshape cuddling ❤️
Astarion having a hoard of little wooden creatures Halsin whittled. Also if Halsin had a hidden talent for drawing it would also be soft and angsty because Astarion can’t see himself, but now he can at least see how Halsin sees him.
Okay so firstly thank you so much my dear 😭💕 secondly, thank you specifically for this ask because my GOD it is so soft but nothing gets to me like braiding a lover’s hair/scar care like NOTHING does so I’m now just thinking about -
“Hold still, darling, it’s the last one.” A pause, and then - a mockingly scandalized gasp. “Halsin! Keep those hands to yourself, if you please! This is delicate work.”
It’s no use. They’re already everywhere, those clever, keeping hands; it’s Astarion’s fault, really. He’s naked and hovering over the larger elf’s very inviting lap, which also happens to be conveniently barren of clothing.
And he can’t be distracted - the customary braids in Halsin’s hair are best done when the elf’s mahogany locks are just damp enough.
“You always save that one for last,” Halsin burrs against Astarion’s chest, big hands cupping his ass.
The tips of Astarion’s ears go pink. “Nonsense.”
Halsin tips back and gives him a knowing smirk. “Is it because it’s the mating braid?”
He says it in elvish - low, and smug. Astarion reacts all over.
“You’re dreadful,” the vampire says, “absolutely horrible. Accusing me of sentiment? I know I have a tadpole in my head but - Halsin!”
Somehow he manages to pinch the bottom of the last braid and hold it aloft as his absolute beast of a lover rolls him into the sheets with a gusting laugh.
And, later - much later, after they’ve gotten filthy again and after Astarion finally finishes that damn braid - Halsin gets Astarion spread out on the sheets and slowly, gently massages the sigils carved into the landscape of Astarion’s spine.
Rosemary oil slicks Halsin’s way as the elf - looming over Astarion now with a thigh on either side of Astarion’s narrow hips - runs expert hands up and down the length of his back, thumbs pushing in all the write spots to loosen the tension he unknowingly carries in the places around the tattoo.
“It feels different,” Astarion says quietly. When he speaks, he speaks in elvish. Halsin’s hands pause; Astarion rarely speaks in elvish.
“What does? Are you in any pain?”
He says it evenly - measured and calm. An oath-bearing warrior he may be now, he will always be a Druid at heart.
Astarion smiles faintly against his own upper arm. They’re folded under his head, keeping it pillowed as Astarion watches Halsin’s reflection in the sliver of mirror just past the archway leading into their bathing chamber.
“No, darling,” he hums, “not anymore. It… feels different. The mark. Like you’ve gone and purged whatever evil was still lurking inside it. My own personal shadow curse - and you’re the light that drove it out.”
There’s a beat of silence. Astarion expects it, of course he does, but it still renders him breathless when Halsin bows over him and kisses slow and lingering down the exposed side of his face. Shifting, Astarion presses up and back against the larger elf, reveling in the strength of him, the heat of him.
“Evil could never dwell in this body,” Halsin murmurs in aching tones against Astarion’s ear, “for the sunlight of your soul would cast it out. You have only ever been made of light, dawnstar. No darkness could snuff that out.”
He expects it, most of the time - when Halsin utters some absolutely heart-shattering epitaph dedicated to their love or Astarion in general - but this time, Astarion’s moved to genuine tears. Call it the vulnerability after sex, the boneless exhaustion of a good massage, whatever.
Really, it’s just Halsin. And it will always be just Halsin, won’t it, he thinks, turning his head to catch the larger elf in a kiss as his fingers find the mating braid in his thick hair.
A thrill runs through him.
It feels like sunlight.
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taudad · 9 months
Major Takeaways I had from my first tournament
T’au are fighting an uphill battle right now. It’s sad, but true that right now we don’t have much that hits hard and we don’t have much staying power
1st turn is REALLY important for how we play. Since Kauyon doesn’t kick in till turn 3, the difference between 2 and 3 rounds of getting shot at is significant when it comes to your Kauyon Output. Plan accordingly to hide if you get 2nd turn
Strategic Reserves are your friends. Especially when fighting Space Marines, you need to keep your big targets off the table at the start of the game. My Stormsurge was Oath of Moment’d in 2 of my 3 games before it could get a single round of shooting off. If you’re playing a big crisis bomb or Stormsurge you need to keep it in reserves until you know you can shoot with it
Ghostkeel and Piranhas are our MVPs. I’m not including Tetras here because they’re Forgewold and hard to get, but these two did WORK. The durability of the Ghostkeel on my Home Objective is what made me present a challenge at all to my opponents, and the two Seeker Missiles on each Piranha plus the drone harassment are crucial to hurting enemy vehicles and knocking opponents off of objectives for secondaries
Ethereals are worth it for the CP alone. I had two Ethereals, one leading a strike team, the other alone, and the extra CP generation gave me some much needed flexibility. It allowed me to use great stratagems like Tank Shock and Grenades that I otherwise wouldn’t have the CP for. Plus if you put a gun drone on them, they act as a pretty good action monkey once you bring them in from Strategic reserves
STEALTH SUITS. Between the rerolls of 1s to wound for guided units, to Infiltrating with Stealth, to bring a cheap source Markerlights guiding, to the FREE once per game Rapid Ingress, this is a must have unit. I ran 3 minimum strength units and will likely be doing so indefinitely
Our enhancements are great! I used Exemplar of the Kauyon, Puretide Engram Neurochip (PEN for short) and Through Unity, Devastation and all of them came in clutch at different points of my games. In particular, the PEN was fantastic as it allowed me to Rapid Ingress 2 Crisis Bombs (for FREE with the Stealth suits) on my opponent’s turn two when I went second and it gave me the possibility to Overwatch a second time as well
It’s still possible to have fun in 10th. I lost 2/3 games, but my second loss went 54-56 and was one of the best 40K games I’ve ever played. Play your best, aim to have fun and don’t beat yourself up if you don’t do well. We got this, Shas’os!
For my personal list, I’m likely going to revise the armament of my second crisis team to have Fusion Blasters and Missile Pods as the Burst Cannons and Flamers are just useless against anything T5 or higher and might swap out the Coldstar commander for a Crisis Commander as the reroll 1s might be worth the lost movement and assault if I’m Rapid Ingressing the unit anyways
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tanoraqui · 2 years
I think the Silmarillion fandom is very inclined toward hindsight bias re: the homicidality and moreover the perceived homicidality of First Age Fëanorians. To be fair so is the text of The Silmarillion! But I do think it’s important, when considering political and social dynamics of Beleriand, to remember that:
the majority of kinslaying was 85% of the way through the First Age or later, AFTER everything else had gone to firmly hell first
for that matter, Celegorm & Curufin’s attempted coup of Nargothrond was 80% of the way through, when everything had gone halfway to hell first
the Doom mentioned the House of Fëanor specifically, and of course there’s the Oath, but the Doom very much included “and everyone who follows them” and nobody knew exactly what the Oath would lead to (see: point 1)
exactly 2 people are named in conjunction to the Kinslaying at Alqualondë. One is Fëanor, starting it. The other is Fingon, the Valiant, rescuer of kings and foiler of dragons and High Prince then King of the Noldor, ending it with “the foremost of the host of Fingolfin.”
With that in mind, I think a highly likely summary of Beleriand social/political dynamics is,
Fëanorians, on average: Fuck you all, we did what we did and we’re doing what we’re doing!! (But we did not mean to kill (so many) people to get here, and we’re even kinda glad Fingolfin & co are here for backup, because we may have bitten off more than we can chew. (Wasn’t it generous of King Maedhros to let him wear the crown for now?)
About 1/3 Fingolfin’s people: @Feanorians you bastards led us into kinslaying and Doom and then you burned the ships and LEFT US to suffer on the Ice. You TRAITORS.
About 2/3 Fingolfin’s host, especially those who ended up in Nargothrond and Gondolin: @Fëanorians you bastards led our people into kinslaying and Doom and then you burned the ships and left us to suffer on the Ice. You TRAITORS. / @the ‘foremost’ of Fingolfin’s host: Why the FUCK did you run in and start killing people; what the FUCK is wrong with you
Beleriand locals, led by Thingol: You’re ALL a bunch of lying kinslayers, some more duplicitous than the others I guess—except you, Finrod, you’re an angel and we’re delighted you’re here. Your followers are…alright. Have a third of the continent <3
A number of locals significantly less affiliated with Thingol and Doriath: …okay kinslaying is BAD, obviously, and ship-burning and abandonment…also bad, but less so. Definitely wasteful, definitely a dick move. Your royal family has weird internal feuds. But thank fuck someone is here with better weapons to aim at the Enemy so I can keep living on my farm rather than die or move to Doriath!
That said I can easily believe Fingolfin took general responsibility his people’s part in the Kinslaying, and even when apologizing, specific names of which of them took part, up to and including Fingon, were deliberately left out of the commonly known narrative. Better to have any given individual plausibly innocent (while potentially guilty) rather than some definitely guilty and the rest assumed still potentially guilty and lying about it! But I’m equally sure that detailed gossip from Noldorin infighting slipped through, albeit garbled. Just how much might’ve depended a great deal on specifically how Finarfin’s kids were all feeling about their eldest (full) cousin.
Tldr: for most of the First Age, if someone was side-eyeing the Fëanorians really hard over Alqualondë, they were almost certainly side-eyeing the Fingolfinians for the same reason, and if they were side-eyeing the Fëanorians over treachery/abandonment, it was equally based on hearsay and obvious old grudges, rather than anything they had done in sight in Beleriand.
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