#Inhibitor chip
warsamongthestars · 4 months
Its in my personal belief that a brain tumor isn't something you just "get used to" nor is it something that "wears off over time if you leave it alone".
So, personally, I don't think the Inhibitor Chip just "wears off". In the same manner that the ID chip in a clone's wrist still remains functional for years.
I think that something that goes int your head and completely alters your brain chemistry for long periods, is going to leave you a changed person, and in fact, having the chip for a long period of time, probably means that you lose the person you were... not regain it.
That by having the chip active for years, controlling your brain chemistry and brain functionality, you are going to end up getting used to the chip calling the shots--until even the removal of the chip, leaves you a shallow directionless person.
Hell, just months would be enough.
Having the fictional tumor all your life, means that your brain is not only used to it, it'll likely begin to rely on it.
So I call bullshit on TBB's excuse-the-chip plot. They didn't explore the consequences of the chip, especially when it itself even said how dangerous it was to have the chip in the first place, and acknowledged that altering the chip can alter the person itself.
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zoeykallus · 2 years
Hey! Hope you’re doing great 🥰 and feeling well
Love your writing! and I was thinking of an AU where Hunter’s chip activated instead of Wrecker on Bracca, with a fem reader and omegas reaction…of course if you feel comfortable with it.
Have an amazing day!
Aloha! I'm doing okay, thanks for asking :)) Hope you are doing well too!
Interesting request! Let's look into it!
Hunter x Fem!Reader One-Shot - You Are In Violation Of Order 66...
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Warning: Angst / Canon Typical Violence / Inhibitor-Chip Trigger In Hunter / Hurt
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It shouldn't really be a surprise. You came here for a reason. Hunter had been having frequent headaches and exhibiting conspicuous behavior sometimes. That's why you're here today on Bracca in the junk Jedi Cruiser. The guys should all have their chips removed.
Hunter is supposed to go first, but when Tech goes to sedate him, it happens. The chip asserts itself and activates. Hunter's hand jumps out and grabs Tech's wrist to keep the sedative away from himself.
Tech's expression is shocked and worried.
The other hand reaches for Tech's neck.
"Hunter!" croaks Tech.
"You are in violation of order 66…"
You hear the words and your stomach wants to turn upside down. You hurriedly push Omega behind you to protect her. Your gaze jumps frantically around the room. Rex and Wrecker are outside, still on their way here. Only Echo and Tech are with you.
"Go and hide", you whisper to Omega.
Echo's gaze briefly meets yours, but then you're distracted, Hunter knocking Tech off his feet with a kick and knocking him out.
As Hunter's head whips around and looks in your direction, your blood freezes in your veins. His gaze is cold and fixed. That's not your Hunter there. Then he notices Echo heading for his blaster. They have all taken off their equipment because of the scan and the treatment that was to follow.
Both men rush at the same time to get to the blasters. Hunter is faster. You don't really think, before Hunter can turn the blaster on Echo, you leap forward and kick his wrist. The blaster falls out of his hand and slides across the metal floor under a cabinet.
You should have seen it coming, yet his fist hits you like a steam hammer, right on the sternum. You stagger back and gasp for air, that would definitely hurt for a while. Staggering back, you bump your back against a wall.
At first, you can't breathe, the blow has driven the air out of your lungs and knocked you off balance. Adrenaline and panic flood through you. Omega had hidden as you had asked her to. You can't see her anywhere, that's good, then Hunter can't see her either, but you don't doubt he'll find her if no one stops him.
But right now, Hunter is focused on you. He charges at you, and at first you can't help but reflexively raise your arms in front of your body and close your eyes, waiting for him to attack you. But nothing happens.
Instead, you hear a commotion. You open your eyes and see Wrecker wrapping his long, strong arms around Hunter from behind, Echo holding his legs, and Rex picking up the sedative Tech dropped to inject into him.
Within seconds, Hunter's resistance wears off, and finally he is unconscious. Wrecker lays him on the scanner's stretcher.
Your heart races, your muscles tremble. With a trembling hand, you rub your sternum. Taking a few deep breaths, you turn to Tech, who is just coming to, and help him to his feet.
"Are you all right ad'ika?" asks Echo.
"Yeah, sure, just a little shocked," you say somewhat absentmindedly.
"What about Tech?" asks Wrecker.
Tech says with a groan, "It's okay, a few bruises, nothing earth-shattering".
Omega comes storming out of hiding and wraps her arms around you. She looks distraught and is shaking.
"It's okay," you say softly, stroking her blonde hair reassuringly. "That was just the chip, we're going to remove it now, and then we'll have our Hunter back."
You sit at Hunter's side. The procedure took longer than expected, and he has been lying still for a while now. Omega has fallen asleep in Wrecker's arms.
You are about to fall asleep yourself when Hunter finally stirs. Nervously, you watch him. He rubs his eyes, moans softly and slowly straightens up to sit. Hunter looks at you and his expression becomes soft and sad.
"Cyare," he says softly, "I'm so sorry."
He gently reaches out and places his hand on your chest, right where his fist had hit you before.
"I hurt you"
You smile and say softly, "It wasn't your fault. Just a bruise, nothing bad".
He sighs and gently pulls you close, wrapping his arms around you. You don't tell him how much you've frightened yourself, you don't want him to blame himself even more, you know he already feels bad.
"How is Omega?" he asks softly while still holding you in his arms.
"She wasn't hurt, she was scared, but she's fine".
You point to Wrecker, who is holding Omega in his arms.
Hunter kisses your temple.
"Good thing you stopped me, I think I would have killed Echo otherwise".
You swallow, the thought has crossed your mind too.
He gets up from the stretcher and pulls you to the side with him.
He says sternly, "We should get moving, so something like this doesn't happen to another one of us."
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Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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jedi-lothwolf · 8 months
Febuwhump Day 4: Obedience
Fandom: Star Wars The Bad Batch
Summary: It takes place when Wreckers inhibitor chip activated.
  Inhibitor chips were scary. That's how Wrecker saw it. In a simple form at least. He saw them for more then just that. They were inhumane. They were cruel. They were so many things that it was hard to comprehend them.
    But at least his never activated. When Rex had showed up and had told them that he knew where to get them removed, the batch followed. They knew it was dangerous. The chips made them a danger to their loved ones.
    Then it happened. Wrecker hadn't thought his headaches were a big deal. He looked at his family and suddenly it didn't matter that there were his family, that he cared about them. He blindly obeyed the chips orders.
    Never once did he think he was wrong. It was like his mind had been taken over completely. The men in front of him may be his family but they were traitors. The girl may be his sister but she needed to be brought back to Kamino. She never should have left.
    Someone else had grabbed the rains. Wrecker had never been one to blindly obey orders but now he couldn't stop himself.
    They tried to stop him. Tech laid still on the ground from where the man had choked him. Hunter and Echo seemed nervous to hurt him. They tried to see if Tech was okay but couldn't make their way towards him.
    Rex didn't seem to pay attention to who Wrecker was. He was a man under a terrible influence. He didn't want him dead but he didn't want him close.
    Trying to get close seemed dangerous. The group tried to get Wrecker's gun away from him. Hunter yelled for Echo to get Omega out of there, just in case.
    The man did as he was told.
    Soon they would have him under control. Not before he knocked Hunter out and pinned Echo. Rex had been thrown aside and Omega had been cornered before Rex stunned him.
    When Wrecker woke up, he felt the shame. The memories of what he had done to his family haunted him. He couldn't look them in the eyes. It almost physically hurt.
    Tech's neck was bruised. There were dents in Echo's legs. Hunter seemed to have a sensitivity to light he didn't normally have. Omega was close to him, trying to comfort him. Rex seemed mostly unfazed.
    As the others started to get their chips removed, Wrecker wondered if this is how Crosshair feels. The blind obedience was something that, once out of it, wouldn't haunt you.
    It was like the worst kind of manipulation. You can't see through it. You're so loyal to your family and then, in an instant, all those years don't matter. It was the worst feeling. That guilt wouldn't go away. At least the chip was gone. 
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injuredcyclist · 10 months
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Six seasons down, one more to go. The inhibitor chip and Yoda arcs were very, very good.
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lunarninja613 · 2 years
I found this really cool article a little while ago that talks about how Crosshair has gotten his inhibitor chip removed. I know some people believe that Crosshair hasn't gotten his inhibitor chip removed, and I respect that. Maybe he got his chip removed, maybe not. Maybe the chip is still there, but it's damaged. I don't know, I don't work for LucasFilm or whoever makes The Bad Batch.
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dixieconley · 9 months
How the Clone Wars should have gone, given that Anakin was canonically a slave. (wtf Lucas?)
Rex: Yeah, we all have inhibitor chips. They make us less aggressive-- Anakin: You have slave chips. Rex: No, inhibitor chips. Anakin: Slave chips. They all need to be removed. Kix! Do you have a scanner? Kix: Er, no. You need a level 5-- Anakin: Nevermind. I'll build one. They need to come out immediately.
::slave chip comes out of one trooper who volunteered, because ARCs be crazy:: (Fives. It was Fives. Because Fives.)
Anakin: Huh. Why doesn't this have any explosive? Rex: I *told* you. They're inhibitor chips. Anakin: Nuh uh. Slave chips. They gotta do something else.
::a little later, some slicing, orders discovered::
Anakin: Slave chips! All of them out! Rex: Okay, but this is just one itty bitty bit of the GAR. There's 3 million of us. Anakin: *Lots* more scanners. Rex: ::facepalm::
::Scanners sent to every ship in the fleet and the Guard::
Fives: So who activates the chips? Anakin: Depur. Fives: ::thinking that this is a reasonable name rather than a generic term for a slave master:: Where do we find them? And can we kill them?
Cue Kamino being invaded, the Kaminoans interrogated (and Nala Se summarily executed), and relevant information discovered.
Rex: So it's the Chancellor. Anakin: No, he's my good friend. Rex: … Anakin: I'm depukrata. (The slave word for a freed slave who enslaves others.) Fives: ::no concept of natborn names:: Everyone! The general's Depukrata now! Everyone: Hello, Depukrata! Anakin: ::anakin.exe has stopped working:: Anakin: ::incoherent frothing rage:: Let's fuck some shit up! The 501st: ::cheers, gets out the heavy ordinance::
Palpatine gets wrekt. (Fuck that guy.)
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newgrean · 1 year
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The writers were too scared to let Shaak Ti do this
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chiliger · 6 months
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Caught in places a clone shouldn’t be.
(Aurebesh translation: Upper left - “Inhibitor undetected.” Lower right - “ARC : CT-0317 . . . Knows too much. Terminate.”)
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Every so often I wonder what it would have been like if any of the other Bad Batch members had their inhibitor chip activate - and which one would be scariest to face off against.
We already know what Crosshair and Wrecker are like: while Crosshair's personality shift is subtle enough that, apart from Tech, it takes the rest of the squad a while to finally notice something is wrong, having an angry sniper after you would be petrifying. Wrecker goes from a loveable and affectionate gigantic teddy bear to an absolutely terrifying murder rampage machine, and if I were watching "Battle Scars" as a kid I have a feeling I would be hiding behind the couch.
But if anyone else's activated... Well, Echo is a skilled ARC trooper who also can access just about every bit of online information about you. Hunter's heightened senses and tracking skills mean you'd have a really difficult time hiding from him, you'd be running knowing that at any moment he could knife you in the back. And with Tech, you literally have no way of knowing what he is going to do or when he is going to strike (he may decide the best course of action is to bide his time) or if he'll even be physically present when it happens, but you do know that when he makes his move, there will be no escape.
So, while my first reaction is that I'd be most terrified of Tech and Hunter, let's be real: I wouldn't want ANY member of Clone Force 99 coming after me.
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Plo Koon: What would you say if I took in another mentally ill trooper?
Mace: What's in the box?
Plo Koon:...
Mace: Master Plo, what's in the box
Plo Koon, opens a 5.11 box: His name is Fives, found him wandering around lower levels of Coruscant
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babyscilence · 4 months
If Kal Skirata knew about the inhibitor chips, he and Vau would have single handedly burned down Kamino and the Empire and adopt every clone after
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crimson-nail · 11 months
we talked abt this earlier but its probably a good thing knives apple’d himself at the end of trimax, because if he’d found out from chronica that they started chipping independents he would’ve had The Conniption Fit To End All Conniption Fits
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britney-rosberg06 · 9 months
and it’s not fair. it’s not fair he was shot down in cold blood of course but it’s even more unfair that he didn’t get to die as himself.
His armor free of the blue and grey paint cleanshaven and bald the only indicator of who he was in a small tattoo on his temple. He spent his whole life sharing his face his voice his life with millions of others and he fought and literally killed for the right to be different. To be himself but they took even that away from him and he died as just another one amongst millions.
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robotsandramblings · 25 days
lol k k so TBB Scorch actually survives and they take him prisoner back to Rex's clone cell and find out it was his inhibitor chip all along, so they take it out and Scorch reverts completely back to a [Republic Commando] cheery silly joking version of himself
and Emerie, who has worked with this quiet ruthless no-nonsense gruff commando for years, is just like "?????? WHO THE FUCK IS THIS MAN"
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short-wooloo · 6 months
The way people hype up pre-inhibitor chips order 66 is ridiculous, especially when they deem it better and more realistic and "nuanced"
You mean to tell me that in 3 years of fighting alongside each other, none of the MILLIONS of Clones told the Jedi about the entire series of contingency orders? Especially the "kill Jedi" one? That's silly
"Well the Jedi did know never thought it would be used against them-"
Shut up
That's still stupid
A "kill Jedi on sight" command would be a red flag on principle, but beyond that, it makes no sense for the Jedi to know of it (and it's pretty much impossible for all the MILLIONS of clones to know of it and the Jedi not to know) and not be against it, the Jedi always try to avoid killing as much as they can preferring to take people alive and such, they would definitely be horrified at the idea of an execution in the spot of one of their own, even if a Jedi did betray them
Oh, and the reason people give for why all of the clones comply with the order is silly too
It's always some variation of "they were trained to follow orders"
And how is that different from mind control/brainwashing/conditioning?
And lastly, I'll say this
Just because there was mind control doesn't mean there's no nuance
Aside from the trauma the clones may experience from having their minds hijacked, there's all manner of responses they may have
Some might try to cope by ignoring it
Some might not even realize something happened, genuinely believing order 66 was their own choice
And maybe the chips don't actually cause true mind control per say, maybe they just make sure the clones can't disobey, compelling those who resist to follow orders, with those who chose to follow orders being unaffected
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oohyesplease · 2 years
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For such a dark episode, the colours of the animation are beautiful.
I think this is the moment Cody decided he was done. He sees the clone troopers leaving, numbers dropping. The Empire arriving with TK troopers to take over. While being led by a guy who just executed someone who surrendered for peace.
I don’t know what’s happening with his inhibitor chip, but it sure looked like he had his own mind made up at this point.
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