#Is that how you denote the episode and season?
is that fucking abraham lincoln
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frigidwife · 2 months
do you think louis chose/believed armand over claudia in the scene after armand threatens and chokes her? i was under the impression that louis reflexively disagreed with claudia because he didn't want to believe it, but the fact that he also reflexively lit armand's photo on fire makes me think his response to claudia ("he wouldn't do that"/"sit in your choice") was a denial of the real horror he was feeling, that he did believe her and just wished it wasn't true. i rewatched that scene and when he notices the picture is on fire, he waits a second before putting it out, which makes me think his commitment to armand following this scene wasn't out of genuine love, but a strategic choice made out of fear, the same way he martyred himself for lestat to turn claudia. i still see people talking about how much louis and armand did love each other, and i was briefly convinced when madeline called it out (though that scene also contains claudia thanking armand for not treating her like a child, so the legitimacy of the entire scene is thrown into question imo). but after rewatching the season, i don't think they were that devoted to each other. between the actors deliberately playing their flirtations super awkward, the fact that louis never commits until armand threatens claudia and his commitment itself following louis' pattern of chaining himself to his current lover/shark for claudia's survival (a pattern the show goes out of its way to emphasize with lestat's retelling of her turning), and the fact that armand apparently did choose the coven over louis...idk. maybe i'm biased and just sick of the idea that armand and louis' love is some torrid gothic romance when it seems clear that louis and armand's insistence that it was in dubai is deliberately at odds with what we saw, despite how hard they were trying to make it seem that way. even the way they gassed up their first meeting felt staged, and if we're supposed to understand that louis and armand's growing physical distance in dubai denotes emotional/romantic distance as louis' memories are restored, it seems in line to realize that the distance isn't what's new, nor is the performance of love; it's the realization that it is a performance. SORRY this got long, i feel like i'm going a little crazy because i feel the show is saying the exact opposite to much of the analysis on here. in a way i would love to be convinced towards a different perspective because then i could just relax
no i agree with you completely ur not insane and neither am i.... i havent watched that episode in a while but the way the events are sequenced it's not even ambiguous--the relationship with armand is strategic and it has been since the beginning. like i dont think louis's "he wouldn't do that" is even a denial of the kind of person armand is. Bc in the previous episode armand literally almost killed louis for the same secret he's just threatened claudia about. so why would he actually disbelieve her? (laying it out like this i'm realizing why the victim blaming interpretation of louis as ditzy is so prevalent lol.) his frustration reads to me like: i've already sacrificed my freedom and happiness so you can join the coven that you love so much, and now you're saying you don't like the coven? you can't tough it out and trust i have armand handled? the disbelief in "he wouldn't do that" is not that louis wants to believe armand is a better person; it's that louis wants to believe his control over armand is more complete, bc otherwise claudia is right and his sacrifices are doubly pointless. this is the same pattern we saw with louis and his siblings as a human--telling grace to worry about herself, telling lestat how they were four months from bankruptcy; he takes pains to keep them ignorant but then is frustrated they wont register his sacrifice; they see it as him pushing them away (literal knife to paul's throat). louis starting to burn the photograph is him giving up--claudia is ungrateful; this task is impossible. but then the dream lestat which is ofc just louis calls claudia "our daughter" and that's when louis stops burning the photograph of armand. at the reminder that no matter how he tries to accept her as grown and autonomous, she's his child first. and then you can see him double down and regroup--get rid of ghost lestat indulgence to commit fully to companionship with as much control as he can leverage
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maliciousalice · 6 months
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@thresholdbb omg tumblr ate your ask but thankyou for asking!!!!
👕Character whose fashion you like.
Phoar! Startrek really isn't a show I associate with being fashionable. It's very camp isn't it? In theory a lot of the wardrobe is really cool and they wanted to gain that retro-future aesthetic. Did it work? I'm not sure. However it does make a statement. The Startrek aesthetic is really recognizable and that's important! I think that's where modern trek kind of looses the plot. It's not as careful about the unique visual design as a whole anymore and as a result it doesn't settle in our minds. Is it bad artistry? No but it's not as stringent. What I mean by that is older trek cared about nuance. For example every haircut was done the same way on men, or suits were tailored in a way to look sleek but practical (they weren't). Gaudy patterns were important to denote things like status. It looks ugly on the outside but when you're watching the show it envelops you and makes you feel welcomed into the universe.
I digress.
To answer this, the most fashionable character, hands down, is Quark! That mfer always looks good, and has the finest drip in the galaxy. Love that.
🥲 ST moment that makes you cry.
There are two moments that make me particularly sad. Kate's acting in the climax of Resistance is incredible. I read somewhere she had a special-wink-wink- relationship with the Director in the early seasons and she was being tested by this episode in some regard. I think it paid off. I treasure any time her captain-hood is removed, and the extreme vulnerability of Janeway is on display-MWAH MWAH poignant. This episode is beautifully intimate, particularly this scene. It's overall gorgeous and unique in how she whispers to him, as if there is nothing more important than to secure his peace of mind as he dies, and it's heart rending when it ends with her just crouching there, emotionally alone. I love how Janeway is forced into the father-daughter dynamic between her and Caylem, one that she would ordinarily resist (heh themes) because I think it inherently weakens her status. The back and forth throughout the episode of them taking care of each other's welfare is so it's terribly sad when it's torn down and we discover the truth behind Caylem's family. If you've dug around her character you know that her Admiral-Father has had impact on her life. She's haunted by him in both a figurative way by being a Captain, and literal sense later on in Coda. Much like Caylem, she looses her father in a violent manner that she has to carry around while she forges ahead. It also reflects well on Kate's relationship with her actual father, she recently revealed that she was never able to get him on her page, but in spite that she adore him with all her might. So a scene like this is really revealing-I believe she was able to draw upon those feelings and that's kinda neat to be so raw as an actor. SIGH.
This one just straight up made me cry fr because Prodigy s1 is a really mature, well done piece of (Startrek) media. Holo Janeway has an irony about it where in the end she is program designed to be a teacher, and she didn't expect to develop a strong bond with the crew. Her final moments are of displaying a huge amount of selflessness and courage to help the kids get out of trouble, similarly to how Janeway would approach dire circumstances. The music swelling and the ship activating is just OOOOF!!! I love how it parallels Dal's initiation of the first Protojump in a Moral Star. By that means It suggests how proud she is to get to do this for them. As a character she is really interesting to think about, in a way I can't entirely articulate. A lot of her moments are quite sad in general, she has to keep an active role so she isn't ignored, and help where help is needed, but at the same time she has constraints, one being that she manipulated by the antagonists. And In contrast to that, the kids do their best to help her feel like she is important and more than a command program to be used insincerely. She grew to love the Protostar crew, that's evident in her body language in this scene. She has a lot of depth overall. Equal to the real Janeway she deeply feels love, guilt and pain, but importantly she is transformed by the her time on the Protostar and while active, learns and grows with Dal, Rok-tak, Zero, Jankom and Gwyn. It's REALLY sweet that they care all care about each other.
I love her and I love JANEWAY!!!!
🥹 Favourite behind the scenes picture.
Ooooh I love all behind the scenes stuff. My brother in Christ It's super difficult to just name one thing and I'm very greedy!! I wish we had more BTS content for Voyager but sadly, it's a matter of grab what you can, however you can. Anyway, I have an inherent interest in seeing the cogs behind the wheel. I chose these samples because I think they're charming.
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The continuity polaroid's are so fun and a lost technique, I like to think about assistants having to pull the actors aside and asking them to take those. How daunting! Kate's grin in the one where she is offset is SO cute. So she must have been in a good mood, super Cheeky!
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Following that is a screenshot from a video of her having her makeup done. A rare catch. I like this because she often sooks about how much time hair and makeup was spent on her to become Captain Janeway. I get it's a huge time-sink, but love or hate it, the full irony is that her early season appearance is really iconic and in it's own right adds to Captain Janeway's sensibility. Silly goose Kate! Besides that, she looks hot checking herself out, haha.
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Moreover, I love on-set editorial photos of actors in costume. While we did have heaps of them in the Starfleet uniform, I wish we had a larger collection with clearer releases, it would have given an opportunity to see in things of interest better detail. Particularly the lower half of unique costumes. For whatever reason special outfits weren't often established or framed for us to see the legs in the show, so a nice big photograph would have solved that. Also I love that these style of pictures capture an impression of an episode without giving it away.
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Similarly, fly on the wall on-set photos are cool. They're way more intimate and candid than anything else and it makes me feel as though I am spying on the actors, but they're also a good way to document how things might have been on set.
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The Timeless one is interesting too because it's of a deleted scene, we never see Chakotay look at a dead Janeway (how deliciously macabre!), but at some point in time it was in the script and they filmed it.
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Hmm this bts picture of Janeway in the Cardigan is adorable! I believe it was worn by Kate for a Charity but look how cute she looks? Makes me wish we saw her mess around with things like that more because 7 Years is a long ass time to be in uniform everyday ( coming from someone who went to school in a Uniform and enjoyed it for the most part). Casual Fridays anyone?
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I love this gif. It's from the first shoots of Caretaker and Kate looks so radiant! Her smile is is breathtaking! Whenever I see this gif I get a sense of delight. Poor thing had no idea what she was getting herself into, haha. Really though, check out the original Caretaker photos, they're super-cool. The history behind it is fascinating; I'd love to see more footage from that version of the pilot episode. Unfortunately, it's probably not preserved well, much like lots of Paramount's historical material.
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On a similar trend, it's fun to see this set of pictures too. It's for the First Contact film / maybe the Universal studios ride, when she reprised her role as Vice AdmiralJaneway. Kate was genuinely delighted to do this cameo and it shows. As per her operandum she put her whole self into this small segment and that's so darling. It makes me wish we had more of this Janeway at that point in time. I love post Endgame chubby-Janeway. In a fictional sense it denotes that she is comfortable or stressed to be an Admiral (sadly it's the latter in real life) or whatever and I love that for her.
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These kind of pictures are fun because it's been said that at times it was the most playful set to be on. There are tales that the cast were not that serious all the time. You get that impression here, and it's probably why the majority of them are still good friends to this day. They're like a family bros!!! Having worked in media I know that wrapping up after working on something for a long time is really rewarding and I bet they had a good time at parties.
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Apropos previous, the opposite can be said. While they had fun, the hours were long and the scripts intensive. Kate was around for all of the episodes of Voyager in one way or another, and still managed to bring her A-game each time. She is truly admirable! Seeing her so exhausted is charming. She had a lot of weight to carry for the franchise and did an exemplary job performing her way through 7 years of weird and wonderful material. I wonder how often they fell asleep on set? I know I would. Get some rest queen!
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Finally, I've been following Prodigy bts as best I can, and because of my career in animation I get pretty interested in Production art. I love seeing the fast metamorphosis of a visual style. It's really impressive how much attention they applied to the designs, maintaining the older stuff, while adapting a new frontier. One of the lead artists made some pretty neat observations to get Kate's appearance right. It's so cool that they documented that journey, because from my dabbling I know she has a very beautiful, distinct face that isn't easy to capture.
ANYWAY Thankyou for reading my fat thesis fellas. tl;dr i love this stinky Startrek Voyager and by extension the franchise.
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ineffableducks · 1 year
yes like the seraphim. like the highest order of heaven. like. the angels who have six wings and eyes all over them.
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i understand that i probably need to provide evidence even though this is definitely just a headcanon currently. i'm very interested in mythology as a pagan, and i study demonic and angelic hierarchies in my spare time. so this is something i'm very interested in and i feel like i've cracked the case.
SO a couple things from the new season have been making me think that crowley was a rlly high ranking angel.
like we all knew that it was a little weird how he had the power to literally stop time in the first season. and then in this season, we see him literally manufacture star nurseries and nebulas. he's a lot more powerful than he lets on. as someone else described, he's incredibly powerful and being "just some guy" about it.
anyway we get some hints about what level of angel he's at. in the last episode, muriel tells him that only those ranked thrones or dominions or higher can access certain files in heaven. and crowley can.
now quickly, here are the ranks of the angels.
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now, higher orders don't necessarily mean they are more powerful. in the context of good omens alone, gabriel is the supreme archangel and the most powerful. and even though principalities (like aziraphale) are ranked closer to god, they are less powerful than archangels.
so yeah crowley totally could have been an archangel, except they're ranked below thrones and dominions which means he couldn't have accessed the files. it doesn't even seem like saraqael could have accessed them, as she just watched even though she is an archangel. so i think crowley once upon a time was a higher rank than an archangel.
so that leaves four candidates. dominions, thrones, cherubim and seraphim. and thanks to a little line in episode 201, i think i've worked it out.
when beelzebub warns crowley about heaven's extreme sanctions, crowley tells them that (paraphrasing), "extreme sanctions aren't a thing. we just made them up to scare the cherubs."
THE CHERUBS. now, the plural of cherub is cherubim, and a cherub is often depicted as a baby angel, with similar iconography to cupid. so it makes sense that he's describing making up a story to scare the baby angels but it ALSO implies that the cherubim were ranked beneath him.
what's the only order of angels above cherubim? seraphim. va-voom.
and in case i need to further prove my case, do you know what the base word for seraphim is? it's the hebrew saraph, which means "burning" and sometimes is used as a noun to denote... "serpent."
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i've never really been into the fan theory that crowley was raphael before the fall. and now i don't think i do, mainly because im convinced he was one of the seraphim and raphael is always described as an archangel.
we might never know crowley's angel name, if it was different to his demon one. but i think the main takeaway is that he was a lot more powerful than first impressions might serve.
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imminent-danger-came · 11 months
i've only ever dipped my toes into lmk, can you give me a light summary on the significance of blue in mk's new character design?
So in lmk, characters are often associated with a color. You have purple for Macaque, pink for Ne Zha and Pigsy, green for Mei, red for Red Son (lol), blue for LBD, yellow/gold for SWK, MK, and Tang, the list goes on—a characters "color" is important to how they're portrayed!
For example, in the episode 1x09 "Macaque", we see MK's color change from yellow to purple, which visually (and I'd say impactfully) shows the effect Macaque's mentoring has on him:
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We also see color changes denote significant effects for other characters!
Take Wukong's possession as for example. Wukong goes from his normal, warm/yellow color palette to a cold blue:
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His eyes, outfit, and abilities all change color, showing the Lady Bone Demon's complete control over Wukong.
This same color shift is seen in Mei, with her colors going from Green, to Red, then back to Green, with the final change cementing her progress and control over the Samadhi Fire:
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All that to say a characters main color is important, and changing the color is a big deal for the character and for the narrative.
So what's the deal with MK and teal?
Teal/blue are a colors often associated with the Lady Bone Demon and the Underworld:
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MK's color palette has incorporated more and more teal across the seasons (as can be seen here!). That on it's own wouldn't be enough, but this along with the fact that he fought a shadow/teal version of himself, he seems to have some association with the curse/underworld, AND we see a little smudge of teal in the top right corner of his golden power in 4x08:
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All of it points to a scary color palette shift for MK!
(Of course Wukong has teal in his design as well, but it's the fact that the teal in MK's design keeps increasing, even overtaking the yellow, like it does in the 5th anniversary lego set.)
I also don't know if this is significant in the slightest, but I'll always think about Mei burning away MK's outer yellow jacket to reveal the teal hoodies underneath:
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The way he's able to directly withstand the samadhi fire feels like it means something, so I'm noting it down here!
Well see if this is relevant anywhere, lol
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jestiamy · 5 months
LMK mandarin dub (and how characters address eachother) ; an old and. mostly unfinished project I was working on a bit ago. only got mk & mei, alongside past swk & macaque
mk (qi xiaotian) calls mei (long xiaojiao) her full name, and she does the same inversely. I did not find any notable exceptions, but to be honest I did not look very hard. if anyone is interested in seeing how they call eachother in specific episodes or whatever ; send me an ask and I'm open to looking. but I don't feel like combing every single episode to try and find them aimlessly.
my full notes on past macaque (liu'er mihou) and monkey king (sun wukong) via the flashbacks in the season four special. notably, I've yet to go through the flashback in season four episode two yet. I can only talk about part one of the special.
peach tree segment :
- Sun Wukong greats Liu'er Mihou (swk and lmh will be used as shortenings henceforth.) with his full name. followed quickly by Xiongdi/兄弟. literally composed of the characters for Elder Brother and Younger Brother - used as 'bro,' sort of. it's a way men call close friends/comrades. notably doesn't denote that one or the other is older or younger.*
* age and respect is like. a really big deal in chinese culture. really really big. I'm assuming everyone in the brotherhood refers to eachother as XiongDi to denote that they see themselves as on equal standing. though don't quote me (I'm not an expert; I did most of this post in. january. and stuff like this can get confusing when it comes to immortals)
- lmh greets swk as 'Hou Wang Bixia'/猴王陛下 - [pronoun] majesty, the monkey king. the pronoun in question is between his majesty, your majesty, my majesty. pretty sure this is translated as 'my king' in the english dub, so I'm leaning towards my majesty. the way swk reacts ('come on, don't be like that! eat some fruit, enjoy the sunshine!') as well as how he delivers it can make it very safe to assume this is not a sincere term of address on lmh's half.
mountain segment :
-lmh greets swk as xiongdi. when swk replies, swk calls lmh his full name.
-when lmh rants at swk for his inability to consider others, he calls him Sun Dasheng/孫大聖 - great sage sun. intended to highlight his arrogance within context. also, with consideration, I personally believe to put an emotional distance. (pretty sure he says 'great sage wukong' sarcastically within the dub, or something of the ilk, which is rather close to it's like. tonal goal. though it is missing the fact lmh calls swk by his last name, a rare occurance in mandarin. from observation I think it's usually only to show. really high respect? don't quote me though.) it's a variant shortening of his full title, Qitian Dasheng (great sage equal to heaven.)
* notably, lmh does not call swk a demon/variant of demon at any point, which is contrary to the english dub. shortly before calling swk sun dasheng, he says exactly - "你已经着了魔" ; which can be translated as 'you are possessed,' but I'd say it's closer to other translations like you're obsessed/you're obsessive.
I'm, ironically, struggling to find the mandarin dub of season four (I remember having literally the exact opposite problem around this time last year but you know. life goes that way sometimes.) when I do find it, though, I'll be quick to note it down ; though I don't think they directly address eachother in that. so.
mostly this was a pet project for. me. I realized it was actually really hard to find people who noted this stuff down and I was like. hey you know what. why not. though due to extenuating circumstances I ended up too busy to finish it ; I still thought what I already had was pretty interesting. though I don't really go into as much detail as I could have, as I was assuming I'd be noting a lot more character dynamics in this post than I did
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alicepao13 · 5 months
Hudson and Rex S06E15
So, as I’m sure a lot of people have already figured out, we just watched the intended season finale. CityTV, you better hope I never get to cross that ocean. I mean, every season finale aside from the two where Peter Mitchell was in charge (coincidence?) were run of the mill episodes which could have fit anywhere in the season. Maybe it will be fitting for this season to start and end with viewers wondering what they watched. But I’m getting ahead of myself here and I might be wrong. Let’s focus on 15 which may very well be the best episode of the season for me, probably tied with S06E04.
The spoiled scene with Charlie and Sarah’s mentioned anniversary. Rex totally wants to stay with Jesse after their “celebration”. I’m trying to figure whether Jesse is pretending to be naive or is actually being naive about it. Or if the whole response is the writers being unable to outright say that Charlie and Sarah really spent their anniversary having sex all night.
Speaking of, two years, Charlie Hudson? What are you waiting for, an epiphany to hit you in the head? Oh, wait.
What do you mean, we didn’t save the day? There’s a dead woman? Huh? 
Nice bomb explosion by the way.
“My bosses are gonna hate this but tell me more”. lol Jesse
How did we end up as security detail for the woman who might become prime minister?
Look, I like when there’s a case where they’re toying with supernatural elements. That’s why I loved Castle so much. And Jesse is always eager to believe. Charlie on the other hand looks like he’s got tons to say on the subject. Rex too. Apparently he doesn’t believe in time travel either.
Any so called time traveler should come back to the present with the numbers for the lottery. That would be ample proof for me :P
Can I say how much I like the camera work on this one? Good directing by John Vatcher.
Rex is getting so many pats in this episode. Deserved.
This campaign manager is on par with the Veep campaign managers. And by that I mean he’s ruthless and self-centered and I want to punch him.
That food now possibly has dog hair in it.
I come from a country where it’s pretty normal to put a musical montage right in the middle of an episode (even a dance number), so I’m not going to say anything about the needless song.
Thunk! There goes Charlie. Again. I’ll spare y’all the concussion speech. Besides, time moves in mysterious ways in this show, maybe it’s already been six months since episode 11.
Seriously, why do you tell Rex to chase a lead if you can’t survive being ten feet away from him?
I can’t remember the last time any of my shows put a bomb vest on one of the main characters. The latest that I remember was FBI but it was on a minor character. That had been a great episode too.
I haven’t yet decided whether that bomb vest looks too amateurish. To be fair, given who the culprit was, it shouldn’t look professional.
Sarah finding Charlie as he has a bomb vest on is like, the best thing that has happened lately on this show. Her look. His look as he realizes that he’s got his entire family now in this (and the mantra of no, no, no that must be playing in his head, I’m filling the blanks, don’t mind me). The slight zooming in of the camera in both of their shots, denoting the direness of the situation.
I was almost waiting for Charlie to say “this isn’t as enjoyable as it was last night” as Sarah was touching him while she’s checking the bomb vest. It writes itself, come on.
In my last review post I wrote that I was hoping the earphones would serve for Charlie to call Sarah and tell her goodbye or something like that. This certainly exceeded my expectations.
We’re a bit late for love confessions under duress but when Charlie was asked about whether Sarah was his wife and he replied “Not yet”, that was a nice moment. At least we know where his head is at.
Their silent communication. They’re so in sync.
Elsewhere, Joe and Jesse are quietly trying to figure out a way to save innocent people and somehow not get their friend blown up.
Superintendent Joe Donovan making airplane noises. I laughed so much.
They are holding hands as they’re walking to their doom! Oh, by the way, interesting music choice. I wonder if it’s score created for the show or non-original music. I’ve certainly not heard it before on the show.
Goodbye kiss! I love it here. And look at the shot of Charlie and Rex leaving as Sarah is staying behind.
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Me: no way it’s the convict. Five minutes later: it’s the fucking convict!!! Ten minutes later: it’s not the convict???
Ha, Charlie using the mute button which is pretty convenient but almost no one uses on calls. 
Okay, they fooled me with the bomber. But the takedown went pretty much as I expected. Nice communication with Rex through hand signals, again. Although the detonator flying off the lady’s hand… anything could have happened.
Rex’s influence to the system will be more K9s lol. They may also have ensured unlimited funding for the SJPD.
Can the time traveling guy tell us if Charlie is going to propose anytime soon? Or is the “not yet” considered a non-proposal proposal?
This is the first time I’m hearing about the so called Alice in wonderland syndrome.
“Everybody needs a Rex”. Ah, yes. Our catchphrase.
Charlie, put the phone down. When is that man clocking out? Who’s going to make sure Rex is getting adequate rest? I need to talk to his superior. Joe!
Well, I kept saying that I wanted Charlie and Sarah to be in danger again together since they hadn’t after they had become a couple, and I got my wish, thank you, show. We could have had an aftermath scene with them but I’m not going to complain about it in an otherwise good episode.
Promo: I’m beyond frustrated that they keep shuffling the episodes and they wouldn’t even give it a rest when they got the season finale or the 100th episode on their hands. Today’s (yesterday’s) episode would have been a better 100th episode than The Rookie’s for sure (which is embarrassing for The Rookie). But instead we get to watch it as episode 99 and have a run of the mill case for the 100th, which, unless it ends up in a huge celebration scene, is going to fall flat. We basically end off exactly as we started, expect I now know this is 100% CityTV’s fault.
Speaking of, is CityTV even going to acknowledge that it’s the 100th episode? Is anyone? I’m obviously not expecting the magnitude of promotion ABC gave The Rookie or 911 this season (and that was a lot) but something that shows they’re not completely neglecting Hudson and Rex. It doesn’t seem like we’re getting renewal news anytime soon, so I’d settle for them celebrating the episodes they already filmed. There are quite a few production companies involved too, this does not only fall on CityTV. If Shaftesbury wants to celebrate this milestone, I won’t say no.
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church-of-lilith · 1 year
Vinylatte Good Omens Fic Masterlist
the maggie/nina tag on ao3 post season 2 has been almost impossible to navigate if you’re trying to find actual fics of them. so i decided that i would compile all of them i could find and put them here in one place for anyone who’s been looking.
**denotes fics where they’re more of a background pairing, but still prevalent
Pre-Season Fics
Shrinking Violet by deathbymistletoe
Really cute one shot written and published after the early screening of the first two episodes. Explores Maggie’s feelings for Nina but is canon divergent after 2x02
divine intervention by literary_lesbian
In which Nina thinks her intentions are pretty clear, but Maggie needs a bit more reassurance.
all this (and heaven, too) by literary_lesbian
5 times Nina & Maggie assume Aziraphale & Crowley are together + the 1 time they actually are.
Atlas (then suddenly, I saw you) by Andnever_ever_eatpears
A collection of fics set throughout Maggie & Nina’s relationship. Currently at 8 works but the author says there’s 11 planned so definitely keep an eye on this one!
When I’m Ready I Hope She’ll Be There by gutsandglitter (@applebottomclaudiajeans)
A collection of fics that take us through Maggie & Nina’s relationship as it develops. Currently at 4 works and they’re some of the sweetest most well written stories you’ll ever read.
One Shots
The times, they are a-changing by WrittenMemxries
4 times Nina enters Maggie’s shop + 1 time she enters her house
i’m begging for you to take my hand, wreck my plans, that’s my (wo)man by Lavenderknives (@lavenderknivess)
Maggie is closing up the record store, but Nina has something she wants to say.
lost in your current like a priceless kombucha by Lavenderknives (@lavenderknivess)
Short crack-ish fic where Maggie makes her own kombucha and brings some to Nina.
my, my, how can i resist you by Lavenderknives (@lavenderknivess)
Maggie and Nina have a silly little movie night because they deserve it!
and she aches (just like a woman) by literary_lesbian
A year after The Whickber Street Traders and Shopkeepers Association meeting, Nina comes to terms with what she really wants.
and yet it moves by literary_lesbian**
Aziraphale knows he should leave Earth behind entirely, if he means to take his role in reforming Heaven seriously. But when Maggie calls out to him, he can’t help but listen in. He never was very good at following the rules, even his own.
a new light by literary_lesbian
Nina has always hated the holiday season and the decorations her fellow Shopkeepers on Whickber Street enjoy utilizing to the extreme, year after year after… Until Maggie comes along and sheds some light on a few things.
terms of endearment by literary_lesbian**
In which Crowley learns something new about humanity, and he and Aziraphale finally come to terms with their feelings.
hymns for a broken heart by andiwriteordie
Five records Maggie gives to Crowley, plus one she gives to Aziraphale
worm-hearted by findmebythemilkway**
“Would you still love Mr. Fell if he was a worm?” Maggie blurts out and immediately blushes. Nina snorts in her respective corner. Crowley, who’s been busy eyeing both the television and the bookshop, redirects his eyes to her. Maggie offers him a toothy grin. “I’m… sorry?” Crowley asks. He can’t wait for Aziraphale to arrive and hear this.
I’m ready by Culties
Nina has a confession to make and reminisces on her relationship with Maggie so far.
Like Real People Do by My__name__Leo**
Aziraphale and Crowley are on a double date with Nina and Maggie. But what happens when Crowley gets overwhelmed?
who wants to live forever? by lovelosvers**
“Maggie,” he turns mock serious. “Would you describe The Velvet Underground as bebop?” She looks bewildered. “Never in a million years,” she says. “So you see my point, then,” Crowley grins.
Tilt by DoonaRose
Maggie tells Aziraphale that her and Nina have started a relationship but that he can’t tell Crowley because Nina doesn’t want to hear ‘I told you so’. Aziraphale tells Crowley because he can’t help himself and then Crowley decides to show Nina that him and Aziraphale are also now doing the kissing and being a couple thing.
a little uncertainty by TheTellersEye
Maggie and Nina talking about the future and being cute.
Mr. Fell is Back by ughdotcom
Mr. Fell is back. Nina and Maggie have a few comments.
Multi-Chapter Fics
Moving On by neowitcher
Maggie and Nina have endured a lot in a short amount of time and now that Aziraphale is off to Heaven, any heavenly or demonic threats seem to have departed. Now, the two women are left spending their days in each other's company and are steadily growing fonder of each other. Maggie fears she's moving too fast when all Nina wants to do is move on.
The Third Fall by cordsycord
The Second Coming of Jesus Christ, son of God, came to Earth, against the predictions of dozens prominent religious scholars, on the relatively normal day of June 21st 2024, four months before the Earth's 6028th birthday. It was raining in London. The M25 was backed up. The Tube was late arriving to one station, and early arriving to another. Tourists took pictures at all the places that tourists enjoy taking pictures at.
Coming Back Around by CLOVERTOWN3
After Aziraphale leaves Earth, Crowley is left to drown in his sorrow. Together, Maggie and Nina weigh the tasks of keeping Crowley in check and solving the mystery of Aziraphale's strange and sudden promotion. All the while Muriel learns more about love, heaven, and the nature of humanity.
Whickber Street Relationship Counseling (And Rescue Service) by staroversea
The incredible true story of how 8 shopkeepers become responsible for a very emotionally fragile demon.
Uncharted Territory by Justanothernerdsstuff
Seven months after Aziraphale took his new position in heaven, Crowley is coping the best he can.
Most Ardently by borealisaurora**
Aziraphale brings Pride and Prejudice with him to Heaven, and with its help and the help of some friends, he realizes where he went wrong with Crowley and what he needs to do to fix it.
We Could’ve Been Us by elusive_ellipsis**
Aziraphale's last words to the one being he could ever say he loved were "I forgive you," but he knows that Crowley will never forgive him. Nina and Maggie try to convince him that he can make it up to the demon, but Aziraphale is only staying on Earth until he accepts that their relationship is truly over.
You’re Crashing but You’re no Wave, You’re Just an Angel Cast out of Heaven by Blueleaf12
Where is Crowley supposed to go after the Metatron whisked Aziraphale away to heaven? Bunk across the hall from where the Archangel Gabriel once resided in Aziraphale’s bookshop? Fuck no, now was the time to mope with those two human women you royally messed up trying to get together.
Something lasts forever by Aidaran
After Aziraphale leaves, Crowley is left to drink himself to death and be just as miserable as he can be. Lucky for him, Nina doesn't have patience for drunk demons in his shop, and Maggie is always willing to give a helping hand.
what it all comes down to by dollsome**
Aziraphale starts sneaking out of Heaven to visit Give Me Coffee or Give Me Death. It helps immensely.
Shepherds of the Damned by angelwithawand**
After Aziraphale leaves, Crowley carves out a life of his own.
on the inside and no sunlight by the_moonmoth**
In which Crowley makes some friends, Aziraphale does some thinking, and they both learn a thing or two about communication
66 notes · View notes
telomeke · 1 year
I consider myself quite visually-oriented, but oddly I've not applied that so much to the dramas I watch, preferring to focus on the text and narrative as though they were a book come to life.
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But this scene in Be My Favorite (beginning at Ep.5 [3I4] 1.55, when Pisaeng goes to see Max in the café) is so chock-full of meaningful visual details whacking you in the eyeballs that I've simply got to write about it.
It's not a secret that Max is portrayed as the wise queer elder in BMF. The narrative clearly shows him inhabiting that role, with his queer activism (Ep.8 [3I4] 5.43, Ep.10 [2/4] 2.58) and him doling out advice to Kawi (e.g., Ep.4 [1I4] 3.03, Ep.5 [2/4] 10.07, Ep.6 [1I4] 16.11, Ep.8 [3I4] 4.35) and tough love to Pisaeng (Ep.5 [3I4] 2.53) as they grow into their (queer) identities.
The visuals in the scene at Ep.5 [3I4] 1.55 really reinforce this purposeful portrayal as well.
First of all, the camera angle is pitched low, so that Max towers above all others in the scene, amplifying his physical stature (and drawing attention to his intellectual one as well).
He is also dressed in shades of yellow and rust, which call to mind the robes (that range in hue from saffron to cinnamon) worn by the greatly respected and influential Buddhist monks of Thailand. With this chromatic and cultural context, the colors of Max's wardrobe are meant to signal his seasoned wisdom and authority as he sternly counsels inexperienced babygay Pisaeng. (GMMTV has also used these colors to denote similar higher-thinking preoccupations and orientations in Moonlight Chicken and Bad Buddy as well – see this write-up linked here.)
Now the colors that we see in the café interior are also significant – the abundance of white with yellow and gold/metallic accents is a color scheme that is also used very often in the Buddhist temple architecture of Thailand. You can see this too in the scene where Pisaeng comforts Kawi after the funeral of the latter's dad (Ep.8 [2/4] 4.42):
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(above) Be My Favorite Ep.8 [2/4] 4.42 – Pisaeng and Kawi talk on the steps of a Thai temple, most probably after the funeral of Kawi's dad (note the white, yellow and metallic accents)
A Google Image Search for "Thai Temple Architecture" will also bring up many examples; Wat Benchamabophit is a sumptuously typical one. The similar colors in the café are thus playing their part to emphasize the monastic theme and Max's role as the sacerdotal senior in these hallowed grounds.
Among all the pops and pings of yellow in the café décor is a prominent disk (likely a representation of the sun) that can be seen on the noren of the doorway behind the servery.
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(above) Be My Favorite Ep.5 [3I4] 2.32 – Max and his halo while talking to Pisaeng
The cinematography has some shots carefully positioned so that the disk appears to encircle (in turns) Max and then Pisaeng like a golden halo – Max at Ep.5 [3I4] 2.32 and Pisaeng at Ep.5 [3I4] 2.47.
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(above) Be My Favorite Ep.5 [3I4] 2.47 – Pisaeng and his halo while talking to Max
Significantly, the halo in Buddhist iconography is also used (as it is in Western art) to evoke holiness and/or enlightenment. In this BMF scene we see it first around Max, and then around Pisaeng, which suggests that the (queer) wisdom being imparted is moving in the direction from the former to the latter.
But the brightest splash of yellow must surely be the large sunflowers on display behind Max.
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(above) Be My Favorite Ep.5 [3I4] 2.54
Aside from the higher-minded connotations associated with the yellow color, the choice of bloom is significant in a number of other ways. Sunflowers turn to face the sun's illumination as it moves across the sky, and this parallels how Pisaeng has come to the café to seek out Max, the haloed source of his enlightenment.
In addition, various Thai websites (including the Pantip forum, linked here) point out that in Thailand the sunflower is symbolic of steadfastness, which to me aligns well with Max's unwavering confidence in his LGBTQ+ identity and dedication to the cause.
And finally, the Thai words for sunflower (ทานตะวัน, pronounced something like taan dtawan) can be roughly translated as "to resist/oppose the sun", which also fits really well with Max's leanings toward LGBTQ+ activism and the peaceful protesting for equal rights in the face of searing opposition.
All of this fingerpointing to wisdom and high-mindedness is given an additional boost when we look at the prominent Thai lettering on the wall behind Max (that spells out the café's name "เจ-ดีย์", pronounced something like che-di).
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More often spelt without a hyphen, เจดีย์ refers to the Thai chedi or stupa, which is also a Buddhist religious building in Thailand (usually bell-shaped and functioning as a holy reliquary and/or a place of meditation) within a temple complex. You can see a painting of a chedi on the café wall next to Pisaeng at Ep.6 [1I4] 6.27:
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(above) Be My Favorite Ep.6 [1I4] 6.34 – Max and Pisaeng chat on the café terrace next to a painting of a chedi
The idea that Pisaeng has entered a hall of greater erudition is further underlined by the name of the café on the wall. However, in real life when using Roman letters the café spells its name Jedi, not Chedi (you can see this on their Facebook linked here, and also at Ep.3 [2/4] 6.17 and Ep.6 [1I4] 12.35).
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(above left) Be My Favorite Ep.3 [2/4] 6.17; (above right) Ep.6 [1I4] 12.35
And although it's not a Star Wars-themed café, they do have a drink called the Yoda, drawing attention to the café's name as a pun on the noble knights of the film series as well (see this link here).
Remembering that the Jedi in Star Wars canon are a line of monastic, wise, peace-loving elder fighters (Yoda being a prime example), the café name behind Max also calls out to his senior queer activist role in Be My Favorite.
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(above) Be My Favorite Ep.5 [3I4] 2.30
Coming back to the colors, it's impossible not to notice the streaks of pink in Max's hair:
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(above) Be My Favorite Ep.5 [3I4] 2.49
In Thailand the head is considered the seat of knowledge and wisdom (leading to much unnecessary handwringing on foreign websites around touching a Thai person's head; see this link here that sheds more sensible light on the matter). As for the color pink, it's historically been symbolic of the LGBTQ+ community.
With his distinctive coiffure, it's not difficult to see that Max is being presented as radiating pink knowledge and wisdom. (Also worth noting is that the streaks in his hair fade to a somber gray in other timelines when he is not the sagely elder and/or the narrative has taken a darker turn, e.g., at Ep.7 [2/4] 3.10 when his standing is downgraded to popstar Kawi's put-upon assistant, and at Ep.11 [4/4] 1.45 when Kawi is in the ICU.)
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(above left) Be My Favorite Ep.7 [2/4] 3.22; (above right) Ep.11 [4/4] 1.54
‌I never knew that all of this visual signaling in film actually had a technical name, but it does. This is called visual rhetoric, when details in the setting, props and wardrobe echo and amplify the same message being conveyed by the dialogue and drama on screen, and I learnt this from the wise and always-spicy @respectthepetty's posts on Reading the Visual Rainbow (linked here and here). RTP's posts have greatly enriched my understanding and enjoyment of the dramas that I watch, especially Thai BL, and I highly, highly recommend reading them. 👍💖
Anyway, if Max in this scene is the venerated elder imparting wisdom to his rapt congregation (and that includes the viewing audience too; it's not just Pisaeng), what is his message here? I think that there are at least two messages being conveyed.
At the level of the text, an exasperated Max is admonishing acolyte Pisaeng (beginning at Ep.5 [3I4] 2.53) for all of his bumbling around coming to terms with his queer identity:
"Listen. There are wars going on around the world. Our politics are crap. People get locked up because they voice their opinions. Ice is melting at the poles. People are killing people because of race or religion. Who are you? Are you that important? Why do you even think other people would care where you go or what you do?"
But Max's tone and choice of words are maybe a touch harsher than they need to be? Especially in Thailand, where jai yen (ใจเย็น, meaning coolness of heart; see this link here for more explanation) is so important in polite social interaction, his diatribe seems far out of proportion compared to Pisaeng's clumsiness, insensitive as it might have been.
I think this is because it's not actually Pisaeng that is the intended recipient of this rant – the message is actually meant for the larger viewing audience. In Thailand where queer people face considerably less risk to personal safety than in other countries but are nonetheless still subject to discrimination, Max's questions ("Who are you? Are you that important? Why do you even think other people would care where you go or what you do?") are not just telling Pisaeng that he should be worrying less about how others might perceive him, but are also highlighting that no one should even have to worry about been seen as different (and treated differently for it) in the first place.
Because – following the mention of wars, dirty politics, arbitrary detention, restricted speech, global warming and ethnic cleansing – idealist Max's questions can be directed to broader society as well, if you re-phrase them a little differently to encompass all queer people and not just Pisaeng, like this:
"Who are we (to you)? Are we that important (in the larger scheme of things)? Why should other people care where we go or what we do (if it's just us living our lives as private members of society)?"
Max is declaiming that on a grander scale, the fixation that conservatives have on denying queer people equal rights based on fictional, imagined reasons is farcically illogical and wholly unwarranted compared to the actual problems being faced by the planet. At its plainest, the message is: stop objecting to equal treatment for LGBTQ+ people, because surely it must be a non-issue that equality should apply to all, since it harms no one.
And all of this ties in to the second message of the scene, that is trumpeted loudly by the visuals – and it's about marriage equality.
I learnt about the most important part of a Thai wedding ceremony called รดน้ำสังข์ (pronounced something like rot naam sang; have also seen this reversed as sang rot naam) when I looked up a scene in Not Me The Series, in order to reblog a post by @wen-kexing-apologist referencing marriage equality in that BL:
During the rot naam sang, elders in attendance pour water from a ceremonial conch shell (nowadays replaced by a symbolic, cone-shaped vessel) onto the hands of the bridal couple, and this marks the moment when the pair are formally married. During that particular scene in Not Me, various elements onscreen came together (in another example of visual rhetoric) to form an unspoken comment regarding the issue of marriage for all in Thailand (more info in the post linked here).
Since then, anytime something shaped like a cone or funnel appears in a Thai drama, especially in the presence of water, I can't help but wonder if they're referencing a wedding somehow (remembering @respectthepetty's post on reading the visuals, and the scene in Not Me).
And this scene in Be My Favorite (starting at Ep.5 [3I4] 1.55) is absolutely doing just that, especially in the light of Max's little sermon on equality and Thai BL's years-long march in support of queer marriage in general.
When queer elder Max pours water into one of the cone-shaped coffee filters at Ep.5 [3I4] 1.55, the scene has been set up as an explicit visual reference to the rot naam sang, with the filters standing in for the symbolic conch.
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There are two funnels in front of Max, but only one gets the water. Both pour-over coffee sets are identical in form, function and capacity (with only a superficial difference in the appearance – one has a metallic frame and trim while the other doesn't). But the funnel on Max's left (despite being the equal of the other) receives no water at all, emphasizing how only cishet couples in Thailand are allowed to get married, while everyone else outside that definition is denied. (The two funnels are actually separate filtration sets placed side-by-side just for this scene.) And then Be My Favorite unequivocally draws a line through this to show how wrong it all is, by having Max's arm physically cross out the visual of the two symbolic sangs or matrimonial conches (one filled, one empty) at Ep.5 [3I4] 2.24.
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This is not the only time BMF shows up with drums beating for marriage equality – we see this on the activist signage display at Ep.11 [1I4] 11.27 and also when the doctor sidelines Pisaeng (at Ep.11 [4/4] 0.36) when discussing Kawi's health because he's not a blood relation or a legal spouse.
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(top) The activist signage display at Ep.11 [1I4] 11.27; (bottom) the doctor asks if there are family members he might contact regarding Kawi's health, when Pisaeng is right there in front of him (Ep.11 [4/4] 0.36)
Given all of Be My Favorite's focus on this matrimonial LGBTQ+ cause, my hope for the finale of the series is that Pisaeng and Kawi end up in a timeline where marriage equality does become a reality for them (not a prediction though, just wishful thinking). And it's not just their own wedding that I would like to see. 😍
In different timelines, Pear ends up with nothing but heartache for choosing the wrong guy – e.g., Pisaeng absconding before their wedding vows in order to kiss Kawi in a drunken declaration of love (Ep.2 [4/4] 5.46), her relationship with Kawi souring because Pisaeng (apparently) came between them (Ep.7 [2/4] 11.28), and settling for a prison sentence with slimeball Not as her jailer because she's pregnant and doesn't want to wait any longer for marriage (Ep.7 [3I4] 4.00).
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(above) Be My Favorite Ep.7 [3I4] 3.50 – a tearful Pear explains to Kawi why she's marrying Not
My hope is for the finale to bestow a Happily Ever After on long-suffering Pear for once. And with all the discourse around marriage equality in Be My Favorite – wouldn't it be a nice touch if her soon-to-be spouse James (whose name pops up on the wedding invitation at Ep.11 [3I4] 0.27) turns out to be somewhat different from the usual boring supermarket box-cake variety?
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(above) Be My Favorite Ep.11 [3I4] 0.27
Whether it's trans, lesbian, nonbinary or another option, so many possibilities abound. As long as they make her happy... I can only hope. 💖
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blackbird-brewster · 1 year
CM Fanfiction on AO3
I'm a bit of a stats nerd, and I've been wanting to put this together for ages. The following are some statistics regarding Criminal Minds fanfiction of AO3. Do with this what you will, but if ever someone tries to tell me this fandom isn't misogynistic -- I will just point to this post.
I spent an abhorrent amount of time putting this together, hope it's interesting to other people. Please don't send me hate mail for my opinions.
Base Statistics
Total Fics Tagged Criminal Minds: 34,561
These stats were compiled by me on 20/06/23 via AO3's filtering system.
Note: These were taken at face value, meaning these numbers may not be exact. In order to get exact statistics, I'd have to stringently filter out things like mislabelled fics, spam, fics with multiple categories (to find pure slash, femslash fics), etc.
Tumblr will destroy the resolution of the graphs, just click to see full res :)
Fanfic statistics gathered from AO3, episode totals gathered from IMDB.
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CM Fanfiction by Category
Most Popular Category: F/M (26.2%)
Fics Counted in This Statistic: 34,561
These totals weren't all that surprising, in a fandom that is largely obsessed with two men and no one else, I sort of expected this.
The only reason F/M has the largest amount of fics (vs M/M) is because 37% of all F/M fics are "Spencer/Reader". (More about pairings below)
If 'x reader' fics were excluded from the data, then the distribution would skew to: 34% M/M vs 24% F/M
Sorry, I just saw the 'other' category is the same colour as F/M on the graph. Other accounts for 2.3% of all fic categories
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CM Fanfiction by Rating
Most Popular Rating: Teen and Up (30.3%)
Fics Counted in This Statistic: 34,561
I think it's interesting that the most popular ratings are Teen and General -- even though a huge portion of readers only read Mature/Explicit. There are absolutely incredible works that are rated Teen and General, and it's just a shame people don't read them as much as smut. That's probably the same in most fandoms though.
Top Relationships for Each Rating: General Audience: Spencer/Reader Teen and Up: Morgan/Reid Mature: Hotch/Reid Explicit: Hotch/Reid Not Rated: Spencer/Reader
It's no secret that this fandom worships Hotch and Reid above all other characters, but I think there's something to be said that a M/M ship dominates the Mature and Explicit ratings. Slash fic (M/M) has always been more popular than femslash (F/F) in pretty much any fandom, and the history of fetishization of mlm relationships in fanfiction (the fetishisation usually being written by cishet women, not talking about queer people writing queer fic) is always worth discussing.
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CM Fanfiction - Top 10 Characters
Most Popular Character: Spencer Reid (19.9%)
Fics Counted in This Statistic:*indeterminate due to crossover (multiple characters per each fic)
No surprises here with the top three being the men who make up some of the most popular ships.
Notice how Jack Hotchner, a CHILD who was in 22 eps out of 300+ -- is featured in MORE fics than main characters (who were in multiple season) like: Luke, Matt, Tara.
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CM Fanfiction - Top 10 (BAU) Characters
Most Popular Character: Spencer Reid (20.5%)
Fics Counted in This Statistic: *indeterminate due to crossover (multiple characters per each fic)
This one is filtered by BAU members only. Sorry, 'reader', this is about main characters only.
Notice how Gideon (45 total episodes, 2015 fics) and Elle (27 total episodes, 1371 fics) made the top 10 list even though characters who were on the show for YEARS missed out.
Main Characters not in the Top 10: (* denotes section chiefs. Bold denotes characters who appeared in more episodes than Gideon) *Erin Strauss (24 total episodes, 1361 fics) Alex Blake (48 episodes, 1190 fics) Tara Lewis (97 episodes, 1108 fics) Matt Simmons (49 episodes, 642 fics) Ashley Seaver (13 episodes, 279 fics) Kate Callihan (23 episodes, 247 fics) Jordan Todd (8 episodes, 130 fics) *Mateo Cruz (6 epsiodes, 88 fics) Stephan Walker (15 episodes, 66 fics)
All three men who didn't make the Top 10 are men of colour. Which is worth pointing out because the main reason Derek and Luke both made Top 10 is because they are popularly shipped with Reid. Outside of Morgan/Reid and Reid/Alvez -- I doubt they would have been tagged as much as they are.
Also worth nothing that Tara Lewis who appeared in 97 episodes, which makes her the EIGHTH highest billed character (above Luke, Gideon and Elle) -- doesn't even make the Top 10 most written about characters. She also happens to be the ONLY Woman of Colour on this list. Coincidence? Doubtful. She's also the ONLY canonically QUEER character -- and yet....even in the F/F tag she doesn't make top 5 (more about ships below)
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CM Fanfiction - Top 10 Relationships
Most Popular Pairing: Reid/Reader (24.5%)
Most Popular Character Ship: Hotch/Reid (18%)
Fics Counted in This Statistic: 20,873 out of 34,561 (*includes fics with multiple pairings tagged)
This was WILD to me. I knew that 'Spencer x Reader' fics (I grouped ones tagged 'reader' and ones tagged 'you' together for this graph) were popular but I wasn't prepared for how skewed this data was. I don't have much to say about it anything involving Reid tbrh
Only three out of ten top relationships DO NOT involve Spencer Reid.
For people who don't know: using a slash ( / ) to denote a pairing means the pairing is romantic, using the ampersand (&) to denote a pairing generally indicates a non-romantic relationship.
Notice the ONLY F/F pairing that made Top 10 was JJ/Emily (with only 10%)
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CM Fanfiction - Top 5 M/F Relationships
Most Popular Relationship: Spencer/Reader (52%)
Fics Counted in This Statistic: 9741 (72% of the total F/M fics on AO3)
Look, I don't know what to say about this. It speaks for itself. This show had an incredible ensemble cast who were all integral to the show's success -- yet, the only character anyone cares about in the fandom is the generic white dudes. Misogyny at it's best.
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CM Fanfiction - Top 5 M/M Relationships
Most Popular Relationship: Hotch/Reid (45%)
Fics Counted in This Statistic: 7870 (75% of the total M/M fics on AO3)
Again, no comment about the most popular ships
I was, however, surprised that Hotch/Rossi made Top 5
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CM Fanfiction - Top 5 F/F Relationships
Most Popular Relationship: JJ/Emily (71%)
Fics Counted in This Statistic: 2927 (65% of the total F/F fics on AO3)
For people who don't know: using a slash ( / ) to denote a pairing means the pairing is romantic, using the ampersand (&) to denote a pairing generally indicates a non-romantic relationship.
It's not surprising that JJ/Emily dominate the femslash category. They have always been the main femslash pair in this fandom. However, they only make up 49% of all F/F pairings!
I was surprised to see that 'x reader' fics took 2 out of 5 slots on this one. And I was especially surprised that Emily/Penelope made top 5. (I mean it's only 148 fics, but there they are)
Again, note how Tara Lewis (a canonically sapphic character) isn't a part of ANY of the top 5 pairings, even though she was in 98 episodes. That's a travesty imo. Tara/Emily trails at about the 7th most popular F/F ship with a mere 115 fics
In Conclusion...
Most of this was to be expected. This fandom has always praised the male characters while pushing the women aside, so the amount of works focusing on Reid and Hotch wasn't that surprising.
I think it's interesting how people tend to throw Jemily shippers under the bus (broad statement made via my 18 years in this fandom), because Femslash is by far the smallest portion of the shippers in the entire fandom. People just hate women
Do with this information what you will. This was mostly compiled because I've always been curious, and also I think it serves as an important archival tool for the fandom.
Please don't send me hate mail for my opinions.
Word Count & Additional Tags Information Below Cut
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CM Fanfiction by Word Count
About 52% of all CM fics (34,561) are under 5,000 words
This was a really fun one to do, and was mostly included because I was curious. I think it'd be worth getting even more specific by trying to work out the average word count for all fics under 5,000 words.
Hey, if you're a marathon author with long works -- look at YOU!! You're a very small percentage in this fandom, and as someone who prefers long-form fic -- I am personally thanking you for your dedication.
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CM Fanfiction - Top 10 Addition Tags
Most Popular Tag: Fluff (21.7%)
Fics Counted in This Statistic: *indeterminate due to crossover (multiple tags per each fic)
I honestly expected angst/whump/hurt/comfort to be first on this. I guess if you add up all the variations of those type of fics, they'd be top tag.
Obviously this one isn't ever going to be perfect, because tons of people either don't tag their fics, or they don't use the prescribed tags above. Still, I thought this was worth adding to the post.
For more stats please see my, [Tara Lewis Fic Stats Post]
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howlingday · 6 months
My idea for a potential DEATH BATTLE! #8
2023 Dec 12, 26, 27, 30, 31
2024, Jan 1, 2, 19, Feb 8, Mar 14, 24
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Thumbnail art
P3 Hero vs Neku Sakuraba (Persona vs TWEWY)
The Reaper will claim someone's soul permanently today!
FIGHTER 1: The P3 Hero, the Wildcard Messiah that ended the Dark Hour.
FIGHTER 2: Keku Sakuraba, the Shibuya Saviour in the Reaper's Game.
Wiz: Memento mori; remember that you will die. Time never waits and it delivers all equally to the same end, be it by aging or a bullet.
*insert clips of playing chess with Death from The Seventh Seal, Grim from The Grim Adventures of Billy and Maddie, Death from Castlevania*
Boomstick: So, take off your headphones and remember to make bonds and connections as they make life worth living. The world ends with you, so it's up to you to expand it. He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick.
Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win... a Death Battle.
PREFACE (What to know): So, Season 10 just ended and its final episode gave a teaser for Season 11 showing the Fool, Death, and The World tarot cards. Many suspect that this hints towards a Persona MU, which could be this one as the P3 Hero is represented by the Fool, Death, Judgement, and Universe Arcanas (The Universe is the Thoth Tarot equivalent of The World), and even though I started another suggestion as of me writing this, I wanted to this suggest this one as soon as I could. I get that it is not yet confirmed or denied. However, I want to get it out on the slight chance that it is the planned episode.
As of Pi Day 2024, Persona 3 Reload has been released, DLC has been announced, and Persona 6 is rumored to be released in 2025.
Also, I am not giving the P3 Hero a specific name. The SMT Wiki, Persona 3 Movies and P3 Dancing call him Makoto Yuki, but I don't like that name because it means that there'll be two Makotos if we involve P5 and three if we involve P2. I get that their names are spelled with different kanji to denote different meanings, but other sources from ATLUS call him by different names: the PQ2 Artbook calls him P3 Hero and the P3 Manga calls him Minato Arisato. For brevity and ease, I'll be referring to the character of today as P3H.
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ANALYSIS OF ARSENAL (What I will be giving them):
Consider this to be part of the preface as this will cover something that you should know. To have them at their absolute best, I will take P3H at his endgame and Neku with his powers and experiences from NEO.
For the sake of the argument and animation, both will fight on their own, so no navigators, All-Out Attacks, Light Puck, Cross Combos, Fusion attacks, Mashups, or Killer Remixes. Any thread that Neku wears will have the effects of Final Remix or NEO. I will also use the affinity system from P3 Reload instead of the one from P5R, which although expansive, P3's battle affinities make more sense to use since we're talking about the P3 protagonist.
Both have vast arsenals that the player can choose from. P3H can have a bunch of items that can restore his health and SP, the Ultimate Personas and skills or Fusion Spells/Theurgies like Primal Force, Armageddon, Infinity, High Counter, Arms Master, Spell Master, Regenerate 3, Invigorate 3, the ultimate weapons and items like Lucifer's Blade and the Omnipotent Orb, or he can have none of that. PQ and PQ2 are canon, so do I include the status circle moves, Link attacks, or the game-breaking Heroic Gemini? Neku can have game-breaking threads, Psychs, and Pin Sets like Dope Line+SOS Boosting threads + Wild Boar Resonance which can one-shot a lot of bosses, the Eden Set which grants total invulnerability, the Darklit Planets Set, the Yearlong Ensemble, and the Black Cat set, all of which are supremely powerful, or he can Week 1 pins and clothes. How the heck will I go over their arsenal and skills?
The best way to go about this is to max out their stats and analyze this fight twice. The first battle will be analyzed using a traditional playthrough setup, and the second will be using the absolute best equipment and tools they can reasonably access (no PQ stuff).
Connections (What do they have in common):
1. They are known for being or at least appearing antisocial or asocial but learn to make genuine connections and friendships. Said friendships give them power. Examples for P3H include: 1. Social links unlocking the Ultimate Personas of an arcana, 2. Social Links boost the EXP gained when fusing Personas of their arcana. Examples for Neku include: 1. Shopkeeps and cashiers can give you details of some clothing threads and/or give you access to more powerful clothing, 2. Fusion attacks can be performed, 3. A Player who fails to make a Pact will be erased if they don't have a partner within a certain given amount of time, and a player who has made a Pact is erased seven minutes after their Partner is erased. Said friendships helped them overcome the final bosses of their game which only served to reinforce the themes of friendships and connections. This is further emphasized by the fact that the mobs of their games, Shadows and Noise, are manifested from and/or attracted to negative thoughts. Said enemies also include a "Reaper": P3 has a boss Shadow known as The Reaper, and TWEWY's Noise creatures are created by other Players of the Game called Reapers.
2. Both have an intimate history with death. During the majority of P3, P3H had Death sealed within him. At the end of his journey, he sacrifices himself to become the Great Seal. He is also orphaned due to the death of his parents, and in the P3 Movies, Makoto witnessed their deaths. Neku is traumatized by the death of his best friend (even though this is from the events of the Another Day timeline). He has also died at least twice; he was shot dead by Joshua, came back to life, and was shot again by Coco.
3. Both wear headphones and even use a similar MP3 player. P3H uses one from Sony's NW-S20x series and Neku's seems to be based on Sony's NW-S200. Their music players are used to symbolize their lack of social skills or meaningful connections at the beginning of their journeys.
4. As minor as it is, both are a sort of "Chosen One" or hold unique positions in their power systems. P3H is a Wildcard, so he can wield multiple Personas, which only those who have formed a contract can do. Neku is the Proxy of the most powerful being in Shibuya and his high Imagination allowed him to use a lot of psychs during the initial Reaper's Game.
Personal reasons (Why I want this battle/like this MU):
I consider this MU superior to Joker vs. Neku. Aesthetically, P5's style meshed better with TWEWY's graffiti and urban aesthetic, and there is also the Shibuya connection with similar themes of reaching out, forming connections, and defying the game you're in, but then P3 Reload was released. There are also the connections mentioned above. I also think this MU is more appropriate thematically due to the themes of death and broadening one's world.
Art and animation: 
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It'll be in 3D unless someone can get their hands on P3H sprites. The models do exist for both characters: P3H has models from all his games and Neku has models from KH DDD and NEO. However, the following pieces of art by u/Crossover and u/Ok_Administration_45 respectively show that the sprites do exist.
To get the most out of P3H's Wildcard ability, I will give him some of his roster from the P5R Full Moon Challenge Battle and some extras.
1. Orpheus
2. Thanatos
3. Messiah. 
4. Orpheus Telos to represent his max strength
5. Helel for Armageddon.
6. Satan for Armageddon.
7. Vishnu for Infinity.
8. Ananta for Infinity.
9. Sigfried for Scarlet Havoc
10. Mithras for Scarlet Havoc
Neku will use a mix of psychs that are iconic like Shockwave, Massive Hit, Force Rounds, Pyrokinesis, and Cure Drink as well as pins related to him specifically (in NEO, Topo the Talented, Black Hole Bunny, and Hotaru can only be obtained if Neku is the one who maxes out their pre-evolved forms) 
Possible setup: 
We open by looking at the sky. black as pitch, and the full moon's pale light beautifully shines down. However, this does not mean peace, especially not for the leader of SEES or the Composer's former proxy. We cut to the top of the 104, our teenage heroes have already engaged in a fight, and not just with each other. P3H is fighting animals with tattoos for limbs and Neku is fighting masked humanoids with shadowy skin. After cutting down the black armies, they face each other. 
"Ready?" P3H gets into his battle position again.
"Yeah." Neku prepares himself with new pins.
1. Shockwave vs Sword. The two teenagers engage. Neku uses Shockwave, creating a blade, and clashes blades with P3H. P3H gets a good slash and stab in, knocking Neku back, but Neku charges in, landing in a horizontal slash, a vertical slash, and then uses Stellar Flurry, finishing his combo off with a Lance Lunge, knocking P3H back instead.
2. Neku then uses Pyrokinesis, engulfing P3H in flames. Yet, P3H is barely affected, taking slight damage. He grabs his Evoker and quickly points it to the side of his head. "Persona!" After pulling the trigger, Orpheus is summoned and he casts Blazing Hell, surrounding a large area in front of him in fire and heat.
3. Neku takes massive damage, and P3H rushes in to use Orpheus' physical power, but Neku quickly backs away and uses his Force Rounds. P3H dodges the energy bullets as he closes in on his foe and switches his Persona. "Thanatos!" The Death God comes out and slashes with lethality and precision, capping the combo off with a Brave Blade, slashing hard and wide, but Neku narrowly escapes yet again. Neku senses something odd about this guy... "Focus... Open up your senses..." His Soul is varied, and there are a lot of powers within, but they all have different affinities and weaknesses that he can exploit. He needs to be careful, and maybe he'll win. He switches to Hotaru and meets Thanatos' slashes with his own, hitting the Persona with its weakness to Light, dizzying P3H a bit. Neku charges up a Massive Hit psych. "Goin' up!", and P3H is sent flying this time.
4. P3H quickly picks himself up and feels the power of Theurgy. He grabs his evoker and summons the power of Sigfried and Mithras, the Scarlet Havoc. The scarlet razors and slashes are so fast that they blindside and overwhelm Neku. P3H sees his opponent is down. "Come forth, Messiah!" and he uses Debilitate on Neku, Heat Riser on himself. "Siegfried!" Using Concentrate, he then uses Vorpal Blade.
5. Neku uses a Healing psych but barely hangs on after the brutal slash attack, but he switches his pins again to a Doomed Life, Doomed Attack, Doomed Defense, and Doomed Mobility combo. P3H notices that his buffs are effectively nullified, and he even starts to feel weakened. Neku then uses an Entanglement psych, but P3H very-handedly dodges, until Debilitate and Heat Riser wear off. Neku then easily catches P3H, using his Black Hole Bunny, dealing strong damage. 
6. Neku then charges Topo the Talented and fires the missiles, but P3H breaks free of his confines and switches personas again to "Orpheus Telos!", tanking the damage soundly.
7. Neku senses extreme power from the Soul, so switches his pins to Over the Top and a combination of Apport and Psychokinesis. All his pins in Reboot are quickly filling up again. He combines Psychokinesis with Apport to summon meteors and even f*cking subway trains and throws them all at P3H who sees the incoming attack, but he's low on health. He pulls his Evoker, summoning the power of Ananta and Vishnu, and casts Infinity, protecting himself from the powerful strike. By this point, he's almost out of SP, but he's far from dead. Neku sees this, so he uses a Healing Aura and Inspiring Aura psych combo to heal and buff himself up and switches Psychs once again, this time to a combo of Nexus Ray and Laser Inferno psychs.
8. With a Concentrate, P3H charges up his magic energy while Neku raises his arm, and charges the energy at the end of his hand. Messiah unleashes a charged Megidolaon and Neku fires his Ray/Laser amalgamation. We get a wide shot of Shibuya and the 104, and we see a giant flash of light. Both teens are still standing, but very close to dying, panting. Thank goodness for Endure.
9. P3H wins by sheer overwhelming force. Neku has exhausted most of his pins, and they're not rebooting fast enough, even with Over the Top. He switches pins again, but P3H summons Messiah again and casts Salvation. Neku tries to attack, but with a summon to "Orpheus Telos!" and he holds off Neku for enough time for the Theurgy gauge to charge. He uses an SP recovering item and uses debilitate again, and Neku is crippled yet again. P3H summons Helel and Satan, thinks of his dear friends, and casts Armageddon. Neku is unable to use any healing psychs in time. His last thoughts? Shiki, Beat, Josh, Rindo…
10. Ending 2: Neku wins by wearing down his opponent. Neku uses Grave Marker quickly to knock his opponent off balance, and he's able to launch attack after attack, keeping his adversary on the backfoot. P3H can't even switch his Persona, His Theurgy is ready, but as he tries to grab his Evoker, Neku binds him with Entanglement. Over the Top really came in handy. Neku, thinking of his friends, charges up a final attack like in the TWEWY fight against Draco Cantus. P3H sees oblivion, but he only thinks of his friends. He didn't tell Junpei, Yukari, Mitsuru, or even Aigis goodbye...
11. The winner takes the loser's headphones and music player (call them "World Expander's Music Set '' or "SEES Music Set"). If Neku wins, then he also picks up a pin that looks like the Gekkougan High emblem named "Full Moon", and all of these are top-tier gear. The winner does not get to simmer in his thoughts because he hears the sounds of swarming creatures behind him. He turns his sight to the amassing Noise and Shadows around him. "I'll live on for the both of us." They lunge at the black armies.
12. KO!
Strengths and weaknesses:
+ Is more powerful as he fought Nyx, who could affect the population on a worldwide scale as opposed to Anguis Cantus, Draco Cantus, Dissonance Tapir, or even Phoenix Cantus, all of whom would at most affect just Shibuya. Even if he fought Nyx with a team, P3H is still more powerful. At most, it can be highballed to say that P3H is a planet buster since Nyx, once fully completed, could destroy the Earth, and P3H stopped this fully powered Nyx.
+ His magic is arguably stronger than Neku's psychs. This is especially true for skills like Ragnarok, Pralaya, Infinity, and Armageddon.
+ Sword allows for greater range in close combat.
+ Has resistances and immunities with Null, Void, and even recovery with Drain or can redirect attacks with Repel. Items like Omnipotent Orb or Tome of the Void can Null damage or status effects.
+ Has instant death/kill options such as Maeigaon, Door of Hades, and Mudoon.
+ Megidolaon and other Almighty skills bypass resistances. If treated like in mainline SMT, then all Pierce skills will also bypass resistances except for repelling.
+ If given access to all his passive abilities, then he can likely passively recover and outlast his opponent with skills like Invigorate and Regenerate, return damage with High Counter, reduce damage a lot with Firm Stance, increase hit rate with Apt Pupil, reduce the cost of his skills with Arms Master and Spell Master, double evasion rate against all magical attacks except Light, Dark, and Almighty with Angelic Grace, flat out nullify, repel or drain most of Neku’s psychs, amp his own attacks and odds of inflicting status conditions, survive certain death with Endure and Enduring Soul (these stack), and increase damage with his own weapon with Weapons Master.
+ Heat Riser and other Enhance skills increase his own Attack, Defense, and Agility/ Hit/Evasion rate or reduce the opponent's.
+ Dekunda removes inflicted debuffs, Dekaja removes the opponent's buffs.
+ Rebellion and Revolution increase Crit Rate.
+ Tetrakarn and Makarakarn put up barriers.
+ Charge and Concentrate can boost the damage of their next offensive skill.
+ Life Drain can recover a small amount of HP from a foe.
= Comparable speed as both have dodged light-based attacks,
- Theurgies take a long time to charge up.
- Abilities like Regenerate and Invigorate don't recover a lot of HP and SP.
- Buffs/debuffs, Tetrakarn, Makarakarn, Charge, and Concentrate are not permanent and wear off after a certain amount of time or upon using their next offensive skill.
- The high-class attacks and Recovery skills require large amounts of HP and SP respectively.
- Instant kill options have a low success rate.
+ If given access to all his pins from the first game like Mega Man is given access to all his weapons, then Neku has the edge in versatility (sheer number of psychs and affinities) and invulnerability (Eden set), so he can overwhelm P3 and exploit his weaknesses.
+ Greater mobility and can even teleport (more so if he is given access to Flowmotion).
+ Edge in range due to ranged attacks.
+ Most pins work by cooldown and don't drain HP, so even if they're exhausted, they'll immediately begin to recharge. This includes the healing psychs of Aqua Barrier and Dark Barrier, and even NEO's Healing Aura as well as the buffing psych Inspiring Aura. This all pairs well with the Over the Top psych which reduces reboot time by 40%.
+ Turbo psych increases the amount of uses per pin, adding extra longevity to the pins.
+ Can cripple his opponent by inflicting negative status effects like Immobility or Airborne to immobilize, HP Drain to continuously reduce the target's HP by a percentage. The Doomed psyches also reduce the opponent’s Attack, Defense, and/or Mobility. These don’t count as mental ailments so Unshaken Will does not nullify them.
+ Debuffs on opponents last longer with the Blight psychs.
+ Psychs like Nexus Ray and affinities like Time and Gravity could count as Almighty skills and thus bypass resistances and passive skills. Other psyches like Stellar Flurry can count as Pierce skills (I already mentioned the significance of Pierce skills).
+ Is more experienced.
+ Threads increase his stats, nullify or reduce knockback. There are also threads that increase his stats more when in low health (Second Wind, Steely Resolve, etc.), increase the capacities of psychs with abilities like Reinforced Chains, Stranglehold, or Synergy, provide skills like Resistances to poison, shocks, or burns, Regen and Auto-Charge (allows the release of psychs that require charge up time).
≥ This is a big stretch, but Neku could find the weakness of the Personas. Neku can read minds with the Player Pin and is even able to scan Soul by the time the events of NEO happen, and Personas are seen as the manifestation of the soul.
= Similar speeds as they both have dodged light-based attacks.
- Most healing pins have a limited number of uses (Already mentioned which ones don't). Those that don’t have a limited number of uses cannot be used until fully recharged.
- Cannot bypass Infinity.
- Does not have abilities or equipment that can completely nullify, absorb, or redirect damage.
Ending puns:
"P3H shouldn't take it personally, but he faced his Mass Destruction."
"Neku may have been psyched up, but he was left Twisted."
Name: The Reaper Hour
The name refers to the Dark Hour and the Reaper's Game. It is also a nod to the Reaper Shadow and the Reapers.
Art: Look at Yate's "My Dread Burns with You" and simply add their MP3 player to the art and you get the gist of the art. If you want an original answer: take the Reaper symbol, have it wear Neku's headphones, and have it use an Evoker. Around where the "neck" would be the Sony MP3 player. In the background is a giant Midnight Hour clock being broken like in P3.
Sound: TWEWY's rock + P3's hip hop. The opening sounds like Twister, but when the combatants engage, the music shifts to a mix of Mass Destruction and Hybrid (The sound of Hybrid + the instrumentation and lyrics like that of MD). When the battle reaches its climax, the music sounds like Burn My Dread like it's the P3 Final Boss, but it has elements and lyrics like those of Calling. Death is calling the protagonists, but only one will heed the calling.
Imagining the fight was pleasant, but the preface was a nightmare. Worse still, my increased workload meant I couldn't finish this when I wanted to, and I could rarely find the energy to work on this. Getting this out before the announcement of Season 11 did not make this any easier, not that I could actually do so. I apologize for the long time between posts and for any inconsistencies. Still, I had fun, and I wanted to pay respect to characters that I look up to. They taught me that even if making connections is hard, it is never impossible, and that not reaching out only makes life worse. Friends help us, and whether or not bonds are the answer to the question of life, they should help us grow. Some will harm us, some will leave, but is that a reason to cut yourself off from the others?
Psych affinities -> Persona affinities:
No affinity and makes bodily contact = Physical
No affinity and is ranged = Gun (P5) or Physical (P3)
Burst = Nuclear/Nuke (P5) or Fire (P3)
Darkness = Curse (Eiha, P5) or Darkness (P3)
Electric = Electric
Fire = Fire
Gravity = Almighty
Kinesis = Psychokinesis/Psy (P5) or Physical (P3).
Ice = Ice
Light = Bless (Kouha, P5) or Light (P3)
Poison & physical = Physical
Poison & ranged = Gun
Sound = Wind
Wind = Wind
Time = Almighty
Sadly, I can only barely account for one of these contenders since I did play The World Ends With You, though my time with it was very... forgettable. Not a lot for me to grab onto, to be honest. BUT that doesn't detract from this great idea of yours! Hopefully, we'll get another Death Battle in the near future.
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Late on the train to 'Midst'
Hello all, and it's time once again for me to try to infect you all with my weird niche interests. In this case, it's a podcast that was recently(ish) picked up by Critical Role, which is how I heard about it. But I can say right now that those folks who still follow me from the Magnus Archives day are probably going to enjoy this one. Hell, I think a lot of my followers might, so let me pitch 'Midst' to you.
The Podcast
'Midst' is a narrative podcast with three narrators. So rather than a strict script, it's three people with great voices telling you a story, narrating actions, slipping into and out of different character voices, all set over a really well-engineered sound-and-musicscape. The episodes are loosely outlined, but the actual scripts are improvised between the narrators, weaving in and out of each other's narrations and 'yes and'ing their way into a greater whole. It may sound a little confusing, but I found it surprisingly easy to follow along with. And each episode ranges from 15 minutes to a half-hour, so it's an easy listen. The second season has just begun to release over at the CR YouTube channel (there were 2 seasons out before CR picked it up and is releasing remasters, so beware spoilers if you go to the tag here).
The Setting
Okay, unless you're a nerd like me, the technicalities of the podcast might not mean quite as much to you. But the setting is where things start to get really interesting. This is a space western. Classic, but definitely also not classic. While the vibe is pure space western, with a feel that's vaguely akin to 'Firefly' or 'Trigun' or 'Cowboy Bebop', the actual setting isn't so much space as it is the Un.
The Un is somewhat liminal, a vast sky filled with light from an undetermined source, filled with clouds and glittering mica shards which defy gravity and can slice through almost anything in their way (though they can be deflected). On the largest of these shards some people have set up homes. And elsewhere in the Un are islets, tiny planets that make up the habitable universe of 'Midst'.
There doesn't seem to be a proper central authority in the Un, but the closest thing they have is the Trust, a cult based around the worship of what seems to be a space western stock market, in which all of its members have their deeds (and themselves) weighed and judged. And those people in the Trust, the Trustees, wear their morality literally on their sleeve. Those deemed 'good' either from good deeds or (far more often) from inherited goodness or goodness based on their position in society, have white Valor beads adorning them. Those deemed immoral, or (again more often) in debt have Caenum, black beads denoting how much they owe the Trust. Those Trustees in debt seem to exist in something close to slavery, constantly having to do more and more work to try to break even. And the entire Trust society is built on their backs.
Below the Un is a velvet black fog so thick it lays like an ocean at the bottom of this universe, its surface an obsidian mirror. This is the Fold, a place where a dark mist can penetrate through anything and bring with it Tearrors, events in which the fabric of reality itself seems to tear itself apart. People and things die or go horribly (or sometimes not horribly) wrong thanks to the Tearrors. These Tearrors can be kept at bay with a weird sort of lightbulb, which is how folks can stay alive in the Fold without completely coming apart at the seams.
And there, at the Meridian, half in the Un and half in the Fold, rolling through both to create perhaps the only place in this universe with both a night and a day, weird as both are, is Midst. A small islet of red dust and weird plants and animals. A place where people live and work and die. A place that feels a lot like a western.
And with that, we have our setting. And within this setting are vast array of characters, but for this particular story, there are three protagonists. Each of them is solely narrated by one of the three narrators, and it is around them that the story and the world of Midst unfolds.
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Lark is perhaps the protagonist we know the least about, but she's also the protagonist who feels the most classically western for this space western. She's a monster hunter living on the outskirts of society on Midst. She sells hides, and she has few friends and fewer words. She's gruff, dangerous, and has lived long enough that she's got a dark past and has seen some shit. She also has a red glove that apparently kills anything it touches, which is cool.
Lark is intelligent, grounded, but is also largely a mystery at this point. She's also got a hound dog named Landlord, who is the best, and is the only character who is apparently guaranteed not to die.
Phineas Thatch
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Look at this wet cat of an armored man. Everything about him screams try-hard, wannabe, senpai-notice-me energy. If Lark is the western character, Phineas is the space character, hailing from the Trust. He is in debt, but also the Adsecla (second in command) of an elite group of cop-soldier-celebrities. The media follows them everywhere, which is something of a problem for a guy who is terrible with people and the media in particular. Phineas is a decent guy, fairly good at his job, but nothing he ever does is good enough, and all his best instincts are being systematically squashed by the cult he has fanatically devoted himself to. There is no one who believes in the Trust more than Phineas, even as it's griding him down to nothingness.
If you like a character who is pathetic even when he's doing cool things, who never wins, whose struggles all seem to come to nothing, and you can't quite figure out if the universe just hates him or if he's his own worst enemy (it's probably both), then Phineas is the character for you.
Moc Weepe
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Look at him. Just look at this weird, alabaster, spidery guy. I know that I and many of my followers love a bastard man, and Mr. Weepe is a grade A bastard man. He is a co-owner of a cabaret on Midst, and he oozes his way through every scene he's in with some of the best lines and worst actions of the podcast. He has the power to be both alluring and repellant, he's got an absolutely delightfully bizarre voice and and even weirder laugh (and yet is also part of a really cool musical number), and he is both terrifying and pathetic all at the same time. This asshole contains multitudes. And a lot of those multitudes revolve around screwing someone over for his own gain.
He should be the least sympathetic of the protagonists. Lark is a cool and aloof badass. Phineas wants to be a good man. Weepe? He wants to be rich. He wants to be powerful. He is also constantly plagued by a mysterious medical condition that seems to have been brought on by exposure to an extremely severe and almost-lethal Tearror. He is somehow, weirdly, sympathetic, at least up to a point, and not nearly as clever as he thinks he is. What can I say? I am predictable, and Moc Weepe is definitely my favorite of the protagonists, even if he's demonstrably the worst.
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I won't spoil the plot, as that's part of the fun. I can at least spoil the first scene, which is also the finale of the first season (they loop back to explain how they got to this event throughout the run of the first season): we are on Midst. All three protagonists are there.
And the moon has just exploded in the sky.
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rifki16 · 4 months
Tadaima, Okaeri Episode Seven Light Analysis :)
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Photo Credit: Tadaima, Okaeri Twitter Promotional Account
A very nutritious, yet simple and ready-to-eat onigiri ball.
The show was quite quick compared to the episodes before. However, it didn’t diminish my enjoyment of the episode. I would like to divide the recap article into two sections. Before moving to the two sections however, I want to just share my elation of the episode as it has a same-sex wedding ceremony, a pretend one, yet still very cute. I haven’t watched that many BL anime shows before, however, a lot of people on Twitter said that Cherry Magic the Anime was the first anime show to feature a same-sex wedding, even though that it was literally an epilogue form of a show and lasted barely 2/3 minutes. I would like then to point out that this anime is the first child friendly anime to feature a same-sex wedding ceremony. Hikari acted as the officiant. It was the cutest wedding recemony I have ever seen in a BL manga, so far (I’m looking at you Sasaki to Miyano future possible subsequent seasons).
a). [Continuation] Growing up around worried, yet well-intentioned, parents.
I think in my episode 6 review, I was quite shocked as to what omega people were expected of in their universe. The very fact that omega people were supposed to just be locked up away in a tower or sent away to a convent, just because of their supposed frailty, really chilled me. I understand the fact that omega people are unable to control their hormones and hence more susceptible to sexual assault, but to just keep them away seems too far to me. Side note: Why are omega people being blamed for the assaults as their inability to maintain their hormones is not their fault? More importantly, aren’t the other secondary sexual identities the ones who assault omega people who are in heat? But aren’t alpha people always taught to breed among themselves and always shown disgust by the sight of an omega person? And aren’t beta people the ones who can always control their hormones? So, which secondary sexual identities keep sexually assaulting omega people?
Setting my confusion aside, I think Masaki’s parents parenting technique is just irrational. However, in this episode, we saw the cynically-minded cousin, Kazuhiko, met with Masaki and Hikari and thawed his behavior and perception of Masaki. I was so glad that Hikari was there with his Ma-chan, because Kazuhiko really had no boundaries whatsoever with Masaki. As Kazuhiko was trying to caress Masaki, Hikari stopped Kazu-chan and insisted that Masaki is his and his papa’s.
Kazuhiko then tried to clear up the confusion and told Hikari that he didn’t intend to take his Ma-chan. Kazuhiko then tried to explain what was it that made him insistent about the Alabama-style inter-cousin marriage agreement. He said that he pitied Masaki. He felt like he was responsible for Ma-chan’s happiness, despite not knowing what Masaki happy as Hiromu has eluded in the previous episode. Whatever Hiromu was doing to Kazuhiku, I think, was doing well in at least making space between Masaki and his big family. The scene then ended with Kazuhiko himself realizing that Masaki was actually making the gentle smile after looking at Hikari’s smile, a smile which he had seen in his childhood – denoting that Masaki might actually be happy.
When Masaki’s dead parents Voice Over (VO) was playing over the grave visit scene, I was very sad. I think I have talked it out with my psychologist before. Many people who have homophobic or bigoted parents experience this firsthand. The idea is that this kind of parents has such a strict set of mindsets of what can make their child happy be it that their child needs to be rich, to marry and create a heterosexual nuclear family, to be the most sought-after doctor, to have the highest rank in their office, or something, and their child has to adhere otherwise their happiness will not materialize. Sadly, these parents never realize how the enforcement of their perception is the very thing that bars their child from being happy. I’m not a psychologist or a parent, but that’s my story and the many stories I have listened or read. The VO monologue of the letter by Masaki’s mom really hit me when she said:
“If I’d understood him better, known him better, perhaps things could have been better”.
As well as when she said:
“I’ve forced many things on him, believing it was the best for him”.
Isn’t that what we, as kids, all ever want? For our parents to try to understand us. I mean, most of the times, we don’t even understand ourselves, why can’t our parents then just try to come along the journey with us in finding ourselves?
Going back to what I intended to say. Many people have said that the abusive, harsh, manipulative actions by our homophobic or bigoted parents should just be brushed away just because that they mean well. I think when my psychologist and I had this discussion, I insisted on the fact that I know that my parents meant well. Yet, their perception of what well is really frightens me as an agnostic free-minded person. I think the way that we can see this phenomenon is through the humanist perspective. Yes, our parents, our homophobic, bigoted parents are parents, they were just doing their best – as eluded by Sheldon on the ep 13 of Young Sheldon – they made mistakes, they have good intentions. However, people can become monsters and have screwed up perspectives of what an ideal world is. So, no, I don’t think their abusive actions can get a pass, albeit that we still can see them as humans.
I think what the VO monologue gave me was another type of wishful vindication. The fact that my parents found their error and had hoped that they would try to understand me more than to just shove their perception of what I should be. I was taken aback a little when Masaki’s mother ended the letter by saying that she had hoped that Masaki could find someone that could make him happy, something which can make me segue to the next section easily.
b). Can you really escape the cycle?
These past two weeks have been quite physically challenging for me. I needed to move out from my old room to a new one. Afterwards, I needed to change to find a new place to live entirely, with all the hassle of finding a new place, ya know, setting parameters, finding possible places to live, surveying the possible places, and finally making the decision on where to move. Hold up, I’m not done, I also needed to move all of my entire stuffs which I have accumulated from all of the years I’ve lived in this city and setting it all up again in the new place – very exhausting. I know it’s a trauma dump, but bear with me. All of those physically demanding works really made me regressed on a lot of perceptions or points of view which I have so long tried to establish to better my mental health, something which Masaki talked about in the first scene of the episode.
When Masaki lamented that he had not progressed at all, after meeting with Kazuhiku, due to how he reacted to Kazu-san’s taunts, I really felt that. It seemed like whenever a crisis or a huge problem arises, all of my mental health progress seemed to just have been wiped away. Hiromu really answered his husband’s sadness by a very loving hug and iterated how he has seen Masaki fell, after which Hiromu affirmed that he always tried to catch his husband and reminded him of how to smile again, of the great love they both have in Hikari and Hinata.
I really had hoped that Hiromu would actually talk more about how Masaki has actually grown, and that he could handle all of the sad depressive episodes a little better whenever it appears, like what Shirosaki said to Momose in My New Boss is Goofy.
I don’t know whether what Masaki said was a pattern of codependency, or whether what Shirosaki said was something of a hyper/toxic-independence. What I think I could take from the scene was the fact that Masaki was always able to get back up again even after being kicked in the gut by life multiple times, simply by listing all the love he has in the world. I think that’s beautiful.
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vestaclinicpod · 9 months
Audio Drama Sunday - 24th December ❄️✨
A very festive Audio Drama Sunday to you all! I think Christmas has come early this year because so many of my current fave shows gifted us new episodes this week! 
🤠 OUGH I’ve made it up to ep 9 in @caravanradio and this is where it starts absolutely punching me in the heart. I’m so excited to listen to ep 10 but then it’s over AGAIN. All I want for Christmas is S2 of Caravan to be perfectly honest. 
🧳 Travelling Light by @monstrousproductions (7) This episode made me feel homesick for a culture that doesn’t even exist. I found the philosophy discussed so interesting and keep mulling it over! I don't know what metaphorical shoreline I'd be considered part of!! 
👁️ I bloody loved Benevolent by @malevolentcast. They absolutely nailed the cheesy Christmas special vibe and I was so happy to hear the long-awaited return of arguably the best character in anything ever at the end there.  
🌒 @monkeymanproductions I loved the answers to the MTO Q&A! I just adore this show and it’s always so interesting to get the behind the scenes scoop!! I really do want that Cass-only episode though. Pretty please? 
🎙 Welcome To Night Vale (240) ahhh!!!! What does this mean?! If this is going to be an exploration of nature vs nurture I am so here for it. Let’s . . . maybe let’s not kill our doubles this time? 
🏛 @the-mistholme-museum RUINOUS. Oooh I love a twist on a fountain of youth story and this one was particularly gripping. There are so many new revelations so far this season and I’m thrilled to hear that we’re getting two more episodes! I don’t want it to end!
🎧 Yay more The First Episode Of with @starshipqstar. It was absolutely fascinating from a very indie creator POV to hear how people with talent and experience found approaching audio drama for the first time. But I also think it’s important to address the DEEP SADNESS that there will not be a Starship Q Star season 2!! What?!! Christmas is CANCELLED. 
🐬 The dolphin emoji I use to denote @patterspod has never been more apt as we met Big Wave Dave in the latest episode. If you like weird and you’re not listening to Finding Pattersby, I just don’t know what to tell you. It’s just something else. 
🌨️  @thewhitevault (4) oh MAN I love this show so much.  I refuse to believe that a certain character is really dead but … maybe they are, I just can’t accept it. It sounds as though something absolutely monumental is happening to the show’s main family and I need to know how the stories are going to entangle!!! 
❤️‍🔥 The Love Talker (5) Jeeeeesus this show almost makes me regret listening to it every episode. I love this set-up where we get a new character’s perspective each episode, every new piece of the puzzle is even more disturbing than the last. 
🏢 @somewhereohio (S2E3) oh no! It’s spreading!! It’s honestly a little funny to me to listen to the show as someone who has no context of what makes Ohio, Ohio. I’m sure I’m missing a lot of cultural context but also, after listening, I’m probably not going to visit . . .  also it’s great to hear Rae Lundberg popping up in new shows - they always do such a good job!
🧬 Regina Prime - What a fun departure from the world we think we know in this bonus Regina Prime episode! I feel like the next season is going to be even more expansive and I’m very excited for it!! It’s also made me realise that I no longer trust W Keith Tims in anything after listening to The Love Talker! 
I hope everyone’s having a wonderful festive season! I’m going to be doing the #12DaysofPodmas again where I post an official review of a show I love every day until Jan 5th as a little gift to the amazing creators who’ve made my year so much better! I’m sure they’d love it if other people did the same! ☃️
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nalyra-dreaming · 7 months
Hi~ I know it's a strange question but I always love to read indeep reflections about characters and feel like yours are always so perfectly put.
I see that Lestat as an alpha male comes up often, do you think it's a valid opinion? Because I watched the first season so many times (I'm reading the 1st book right now) and still I don't see where this take is coming from.
Do you have any ideas other than this infamous episode, because we all know something different might happen in S2 that will (or will not) change our view.
Also maybe you already talked about it or you are tired of this subject and I can totally understand. Have a nice day!🌞or evening 🌜
Glad you like, dear!
Mhhhh. Depends on how you define the "alpha" (traits).
I have written A/B/O, for Hannibal (and Naruto). But I... tend to subvert the trope somewhat, because I think that it is more interesting to see both, the Alpha and the Omega, at each other's mercy.
And in that aspect I think Loustat would fit very well (and both ways, too).
But, given I come from the books and know a thing or two about Louis and Lestat... I wouldn't assign them the more rigorous definitions, if that makes sense. Their power dynamic is a lot more fleeting, if you know what I mean. It changes.
That said, Lestat is the more prominent figure in the chronicles. He is the one who becomes the "Prince" of the "Monarchy of Darkness" (as the Tulane sources denote). He is the one leading them. (And Louis is the one leading him.)
In that sense I can see the notion applied, though, again, I personally don't see it that... fixed. I like it more in flux, and tbh, I think especially for these two, who are two sides of the same coin, it is.
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enteringdullsville · 21 days
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“Looks like you've had an obsession with the occult for a LONG time...”
It’s Color Theory Episode 43.
Hexed, I’m Sure
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Despite both having repeatedly appeared in the interim, this is the first episode since “You Live Like This?” where Ingrid has extended dialogue and Bryan speaks at all. Fittingly, that was Ingrid’s previous focus episode.
This the first six page comic since “Factory Reset”, back in episode 22. This is also the first episode Geneva speaks since then.
This is the first episode since “Walking the Dog” where Ingrid and Geneva appear together.
The second page was the last to be added. It was made to make the conversation feel less one sided and to give Ingrid a little more depth. In general, the actual script deliberately gives Ingrid more characterization than was originally storyboarded.
This is Clarence’s first voiced appearance since “Leveling the Playing Field”.
This is the second episode where Lyman directly and deliberately views a person’s memories, the first being “Look Deep Inside”. While she’s not seen in detail, unlike Chloe in the aforementioned episode, Young Ingrid’s design (top of his right eye, bottom right of his left eye) is borrowed from her chibified design shown in “You Live Like This?”, as denoted by her hair curving downward instead of pointing up. The other memories shown feature her as an adult, Geneva and Lyman himself being visible in two of them.
When Lyman turns to look at Ingrid after his monologue, he very briefly loses his cleft lip in a rare occurrence.
This is the second episode to feature one of Aziz’s editing notes and the first to feature multiple. The second note establishes the series-long running gag of Geneva butchering complex words. Additionally, the monitors behind him once again show him editing a previous episode. In this case, it’s “The Evils of Lies and Hate”.
No orange, yellow, violet, or gray Drewmans physically appear, and if you exclude Aziz, exactly two of every remaining color type appears throughout. That being said, Landon appears on a monitor and he, alongside Violet and Martin, are mentioned by name.
None of the core six appear, aside from Rudy and J. appearing on Aziz’s monitor.
As of this episode, Lyman’s skin is slightly less yellow, mirroring a similar change in his Rough Sketch incarnation.
Geneva’s badge has been changed from the abstract shapes to the stars on her sweater as of this episode.
Ingrid’s skirt bunches up when she’s having her brief freakout. She doesn’t bother fixing it afterwards, and it becomes part of her standard design for the rest of the season going forward.
In general, Ingrid’s calmer characterization here is highly reminiscent of how she was portrayed in Rough Sketch, being far more angst ridden, socially awkward, and moody.
Clarence and Geneva’s last exchange reflects how he was in Rough Sketch while she wasn’t (and is in fact a partial replacement of him), but in-universe is meant to be taken literally.
While the seeds for Chloe/Geneva, Angie/Bryan, and Rudy/Olive have been sown before this episode, this is the first episode to actively focus on a pairing outside of Violet/Gordon (who are already married anyway) and Tyler/Fuchsia (who haven’t technically had a focus episode about them as a duo yet).
Ingrid’s last line is the second of many Book of Mario references. The first was back in “Versus Sylvester”, with the “This battle is inevitable” graphic.
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