#It upsets me that people forget he was a child too...
leavemeal0newithmym0ss · 10 months
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Okay I have two main points against the “why didn’t he just dye his hair”: #1 do you know how fucking expensive hair dye can be? And continually dying your hair? It doesn’t last forever and the cost would add up. And what happens when some comes off and people ask about it? What’s he supposed to say, that he dyed several random strands pink just because? Not to mention the messes it can cause (especially when it’s newly dyed). Also this is literally just easier then going through the process of dying his hair every few months
#2: he’s literally a freaking toddler what do you mean 😭 ???? I know he’s a genius but he still is a kid. Do you just think he came out of the womb with the knowledge of someone who graduated college? He still had to learn right from wrong and critical thinking skills...
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simpxxstan · 3 months
best friend's older brother seungcheol
this is part of my 550 followers celebration event! find the rest of the members' headcanons in the event too as i post them through this month!
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no warnings: just fluff.
thinking about best friend's older brother!seungcheol who isn't even attractive to you for most of your life
seungcheol, attractive? hell no. you don't understand why every girl in your class drools over him. they ask you for his number, for tips to ask him out, for favours to set them up with him, and you oblige, because you don't get the hype but you don't care about protecting cheol from these girls.
and it doesn't seem that cheol minds either. at each of your birthday parties, you don't even call half the people who turn up, because they just want to ogle seungcheol. and seungcheol even lets them.
you don't care because you just want to spend time with his sister, who's your bestest friend, and it's a small price to pay for her treasured company. and you don't really mind seungcheol's company too, occasionally. although he pouts too much whenever the three of you don't play the game he wants to play.
you don't know how to define your relation with him. he's been everything you had missed in being a single child. teaching you to drive even when your hand-eye coordination sucks. helping you with your precalculus exam even when his own geography exam is the next morning. rescuing you from dumb teens who'd tried to spike your drinks.
but he's not really a brother. you know that more as you grow up when you stop seeing him as just your best friend's older brother, but also as a specimen of the opposite sex. the way his voice becomes deeper, his hair falls longer to the nape of his neck, the way he can no longer fit into the makeshift tent in your room when the three of you play UNO.
and yet, you can't imagine any romantic notion cropping up in your mind with regards to him.
that one time someone asked if you ever had a crush on seungcheol, and you'd laughed straight in their face. crush? on seungcheol? ridiculous, absurd, preposterous. you tell seungcheol the same the next time you see him, and he laughs with you too. see? no scene of romance.
thinking about best friend's older brother!seungcheol who is head over heels in love with you
has been so for the last four years, when he's seen you really grow up into a remarkable woman.
the two of you are just two years apart, so he sees you hitting puberty mere months after him. and boy, he's down bad since that day.
he's not been able to maintain any relationship with anyone he dates simply because he always finds flaws in them that aren't in you. can't bake? too bad, you can. can't sing idol songs? too bad, you know every idol song's lyrics and choreography. can't keep a seat for him during lunch? too bad, you never forget. don't know his favourite ice cream flavour? too bad, you know every ice cream flavour he has liked since he was ten years old. have clear skin? too bad, he would choose your shiny, oily skin any day. wear skirts? too bad, he prefers your baggy jeans because you have pockets to store candies in.
and yet he knows that you don't think of him like that. it doesn't particularly bother him, because he doesn't need you to love him for him to love you.
thinking about best friend's older brother!seungcheol who gets the news of you going abroad for college from his sister, not from you directly
"you didn't even bother to tell me." he says, after almost an hour of you coaxing him to tell you why he's pouty and upset.
"i would tell you, eventually, i would." "and when will eventually come around?" you don't answer, just hug him from the side and press your face to his shoulder. he's gotten remarkably broad in the last few years, perhaps to fit in with his jock image. but his body still feels as soft to you as it did earlier as well, whenever you had hugged him.
"you'll call me?" he says after a long time. "of course." "when will you leave? in august?" "yeah, so i'm still here for a couple more months. this entire summer, i can chill finally." you smile, but he doesn't. his eyes lock onto yours, and your face burns up with the attention he's giving you, although you don't want to look away.
"two more months." without any clue of what's going on in his head, you shoot him a confused glare. "yeah, two months. two months are a long time." "not really. but they're enough." "enough?" cheol doesn't reply. he doesn't need to. actions always prove louder than words.
thinking about best friend's older brother!seungcheol who now spends more time with you than ever
he's not even being subtle about it. he totally stops going out for parties and random date nights, in favour of spending every evening with you. your best friend is busy with her boyfriend, who's also pining because she's leaving too with you, so cheol has you completely to himself.
together, the two of you explore every nook and cranny of the city you were born in. cheol is surprised at how little you know about your own city, and you're shocked at how much he knows. "you gangster. how are you so familiar with these parts of the town?" you blush as he drives you thru the red light district of the city, clutching him tight as you sit behind him on his motorbike. "i've spent many a happy evening in these lanes, sweetheart." "do you want to drop me off and enjoy here then? i can take the bus home." he grabs your hands which are wrapped around his shoulders and pulls you closer to him. "don't say stuff you don't really mean, sweetheart."
sweetheart. that's a new nickname, but he's using it ever so often these days. he checked your reaction the first time he used it, and while your eyes had grown wide in mild shock, you'd not really protested against him. and he knows you've never not loudly protested against something you don't like. so he knows pretty well you don't mind the nickname. and if the way you're wearing the same lipgloss and the same pair of jeans every day ever since he complimented it once is anything to go by then you like the nickname too.
thinking about best friend's older brother!seungcheol who you're touching a little more as each day passes by
you don't know when it starts to happen, but you rather start to looking forward to seeing him every damn day.
you hope he doesn't realise why you keep wearing the same lipgloss every day. you hope he doesn't realise why you suddenly enjoy riding his motorcycle with him. you hope he doesn't realise that you no longer argue with him when he insists on taking you to places he's more familiar with.
and you certainly hope he doesn't ask why. because to be honest, you don't know if you could answer it yourself. why do you want him to look at you more? why do you want to touch the muscles on his back through his white t-shirts? why do you let him beat you in every arcade game as long as it means that he celebrates his victory by hugging you?
perhaps because when you try to think of your life without seungcheol, you come up with a blank. you simply cannot imagine a life where he’s not a part of it. a life without him at your birthdays and new year parties? a life without him on your emergency dial? a life without him being your go-to person for any excuse you want to whip up to get out of a situation? a life without your #1 supporter no matter what you’ve done? you can’t imagine it at all. 
and this realisation makes you think again on what your relationship with seungcheol really is. 
thinking about best friend's older brother!seungcheol who brings you to the beach the day before his birthday
it’s also your last week in this country. the two of you spend the entire day wandering through street stalls that are set up next to the beach. you buy him a seashell locket that he promptly wears around his neck. he buys you as many glasses of boba tea as you like, which turns out to be nearly every flavour sold at the stall. 
when night comes, the two of you lie down in the rocky sand along the beach, slightly isolated from the rest of the crowds, and giggle to your own inside jokes while embracing the scent of the sea breeze mingled with the cool night air. 
the clock strikes midnight in the distance, and you whisper in seungcheol’s ears, “happy birthday, cheol-ah.” he laughs softly, his voice hoarse after all the talking of the day. “you’re the first to wish me.” “like always, isn’t it?” you turn on your side to face the man, his arm outstretched and your head lying on his arm, barely touching and yet so, so close. “i’ll always be the first to wish you, cheol-ah. even with a time zone difference.” you almost laugh when you see the way his lips go from a smile to a pout, sadness spreading across his features. “i’ll miss you, sweetheart.” he turns to face you too, his bicep flexing under your cheeks as the two of you face each other and breathe in the same air. under the moonlight, his sharp features look soft, his eyebrows hidden under his bangs. 
“can i ask you something?” seungcheol hums, his pout deepening. the impulse burns through your veins. something about how much closer you’ve grown over the last few weeks makes you feel braver. “can i kiss you, seungcheol?” the man in front of you smirks, “i thought you would never ask.”
his lips meet yours halfway and take away any ounce of hesitation from your mind. the first kiss is short, but when you pull away to take a breath, he leans in further, his body coming slightly above you as he tucks you into his arm and deepens the kiss. his other hand cupping your cheeks. 
“is this my birthday present?” seungcheol asks you from above you, breathless. you giggle, shy from the proximity. “if you want. did you like it?” “like? fucking loved it, sweetheart. best birthday present ever.”
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rhysazriel · 3 months
Feel My Touch [Azriel]
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SUMMARY: After Azriel left you high and dry one night, he’s left with the task of coaxing you out of your subspace. (4.2k)
WARNINGS: kissing, teasing, swearing, smut, dirty talk, dom/sub relationship, unprotected sex, very brief mentions of daddy kink 
A/N: in my humble opinion, Azriel and subspace should always go hand in hand together, he is a dom!!
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You’d been feeling a little soft the past couple of days. Azriel had been busy most days with gathering information against the mortal queens, leaving you to your own devices until the sun allowed the moon to shine and he loved on you a little. 
You’d been patient, to say the least, and last night he took his frustrations from the day out on you and offered no aftercare to follow.
It was something he’d done (or rather, hadn’t) a few times, but only when he had a bad day or he needed to teach you a lesson – when you’d been a bad girl. Well, you’d been a very good girl so you were awfully confused last night when Azriel fell asleep moments after slipping out of you; not offering any love or care that he usually showered you with after.
You were unable to sleep – too caught in your own head trying to figure out what you did to upset him. Did you forget to do something? Did you say something you wasn’t supposed to? You didn’t know. What you did know was that Azriel very rarely used his real dominant side unless you were in big trouble or he’d had a real bad day.
That strict rule he’d set on himself meant you’d only been in subspace once or twice before and it’d always been something to massively worry Azriel. He was used to seeing his love be this independent, badass female that didn’t let people boss you around. Not watching you mope after him with teary doe eyes and a permanent pout in your bottom lip.
But when you have one of those nights where he is ruthless and mean and doesn’t follow through with any aftercare, you’re left to coil into yourself and drown in this dark hole of submission where you feel like a tiny person that needs constant reassurance and love.  
You’d always been affectionate; you both were–Azriel more so secretly–but when you were in that turmoil state, it was worse. You’d seem like a child that leeched onto his limbs and wanted to sit in his lap while sucking on his fingers as he read a book. You never truly realised you did those things in your sub head because you seemed to disassociate from yourself and into a childlike mindframe.
The first time it happened, Azriel made the situation worse. He thought that by showering you with affection and love, he’d be able to coax you out of it. Unfortunately, it shoved you deeper into your dark hole and took almost three days to get you back to your normal state and frame of mind.
The second time it happened, he tried another approach. He was harsh and mean and demanded that you snapped out of it. It only made you coil into yourself more and for hours, all you could say was, “I’m sorry, Az. I’m sorry I was bad, please don’t hate me!” to which, Azriel’s heart broke and he coaxed you out of it again with a little more love and affection.
Maybe that was why he didn't like to delve too far into the kink very often. He much preferred you as your vibrant and independent self and if he was honest, seeing you in such a subby and insecure state had bile rising up his throat. He hated knowing that he rendered you to a helpless state outside of the bedroom. 
He’d had a long week and he knew he probably should have coddled you to his chest last night and reminded you he loved you, but he was fucking spent and when he awoke this morning to go back out again, you were still fast asleep and he didn’t want to wake you.
He hoped to come home to you lounging on the sofa with some snacks or wine waiting for him. But when he rolled home at 7:30 and kicked his shoes off at the door, he was greeted with the complete opposite. There was no warm scent of cookies wafting through the house and the sofa was bare with the cushions placed neatly; like you hadn’t sat down in hours.
Azriel made his way closer into the house with furrowed brows and a twitching nose. He could very clearly smell garlic and a cheesy hint of tomato sauces and meatballs. When he crept into the kitchen, he found you dishing up two plates of your homemade spaghetti and meatballs and popping little garlic dough balls into a side dish.
Your dining table was decorated with wax candles and two tall glasses of wine, the good cutlery put out by their placemats and Azriel was certain he could also smell a hint of caramel chocolate that you’d no doubt baked a cake from. 
His brows were still furrowed as your back stayed turned to him. Your hair was thrown in a messy nest atop your head and you were in nothing but a pair of tube socks and one of his dress shirts.
“What’s all this?” he coughed out to clear his throat and catch your attention. You had both plates in your hands as you spun around with slightly widened eyes and a big, toothy smile. 
“You’re home!” You squeaked, placing the dishes of piping food on the placemats. You reached for him on your tiptoes, pressing a longing kiss to his chapped lips and he kissed back but didn’t let his eyes close like yours did.
“I am, what’s the occasion?” he asked again, hands on your hips as you wrapped your little arms around his broad shoulders. 
His dress shirt rode up your body as you stretched and he could feel the delicate skin of your hips and soft material of your cotton underwear beneath his palm.
You seemed to blush at the question, avoiding making eye contact with him but Azriel tried to chase your line of vision to force it upon you. You tried to shimmy out of his grip but Azriel wouldn’t  have any of it. He gently pinched your jaw with a bent pointer finger beneath your chin and a thumb hovering across your bottom lip.
His head dipped to get a better look at you. There was a barely familiar look in your eyes and it was only when Azriel really looked that he noticed the perk pout in your lips. He should’ve known the second he saw you that something wasn’t right. 
You never pranced around the house in his shirt unless you were sick or  having a lounge day – neither of which were currently happening.
His shadows finally allowed themselves to circle your chest and up to your neck, a few straying to your arms before they returned back to their master. 
You were in subspace.
Azriel let out a soft sigh and closed his eyes for a moment, feeling the weight of his wings droop on his back. He knew this was his fault, that he basically shoved you down into that little mindset last night when he left you to sort yourself out and didn’t kiss you goodnight. He knew you were  feeling needy and just wanted to please him.
“Baby…” he cooed, both hands cupping the sides of your face and your plump lips squished slightly between his hold. 
“I don’t want you to be mad at me anymore,” you murmured in a slight whine, like the words were stuck in your throat and you were too scared to mutter them out.
Azriel leaned down and kissed softly at your mouth, nudging the tip of his nose against your own. Brushing stray chunks of hair from your face, he pulled back just enough to allow you to look at him. 
“I’m not mad at you, my love. I never was,” he told you in a gentle tone. His words were spoken in a soft drawl – slower than usual to stress how much you needed to listen to him.
You let out a pathetic whine and tears started to pool in your eyes. You wanted to argue that he was, that surely you’d done something to upset him for him to act the way he had. 
Azriel seemed to know what was running through your head. Like you were too worried to speak in case you angered him further or he punished you. 
Punished you outside of the bedroom. Something he’d never done and never would. 
“But I made you dinner to apologise. I’m sorry, I swear I didn’t mean to make you mad,” you pouted in a frantic state, like you were desperate to show that whatever you did to warrant the cold shoulder after sex last night, you didn’t mean it and you were sorry.
Azriel shook his head and kissed you again. “You didn’t make me mad, angel. You never make me mad,” he mumbled against your lips. 
The look in your eyes suggested you didn’t believe him. That perhaps you were telling yourself that his gentle tone was a trap. That he’d shower you with affection before neglecting you again, right when you believe he wouldn’t. 
“I was mean last night. I didn't take care of you after, did I?” he tried to encourage you to agree, to get you to nod your head but you stayed silent.
“It’s okay, my love. I’m not mad at you, could never be mad at you, baby,” he shushed you. Azriel released his hold on your cheeks and coddled you into his warm chest, pressing comforting kisses to the top of your head as your arms wrapped around his middle.
You didn’t seem to believe him, worried that maybe he was just saying that to coax you to warm back up to him before he punished you. Maybe as soon as you start smiling he’d throw you over his knees and give you a spanking. You were unsure if that’s what your subby mind wanted or not.
Azriel pulled you out of his grasp and held your face again. There was denial swimming in your eyes. You didn’t believe that you had done anything wrong – you didn’t think you deserved to be let off the hook. Azriel squinted and tilted his head a little, trying to read what was going through your head.
Do you want to be punished? Wouldn’t that just shove you further into your submissive headspace?
He knew you, it was best not to entertain the thought of Azriel being above you—being dominant—being daddy. Every other time he’d snapped you from your subspace, he’d had to remind you that he didn’t want his little girl – that he wanted his baby, his fiancé, his strong and independent female. 
He had to remind you that he was Azriel and he wouldn’t respond to you if you didn’t address him as such. But he also had to be careful. If he didn’t go about it the right way, you could fall deeper and it was the last thing he wanted.
He leaned down to kiss at your lips again but you didn’t kiss him back. You didn’t think you should be allowed to. Azriel frowned, his lips smearing against your closed mouth. 
“Why won’t you kiss me back, baby? Just want some kisses,” he pleaded softly, nose bumping yours and he coaxed tiy to open up; to kiss him back just as gently.
“That’s better…” he breathed. 
You let yourself sink into the kiss, your arms wrapping back around his neck as your chest bumped with his. Azriel still had his hands on the sides of your flushed face and they sunk down your body in tender holds. His palms rested on the little dips in your hips as he pulled you closer. Your neck craned up to meet his kisses and he dipped down to keep your touch intact.
An idea sparked in Azriel’s head and his grip on your hips loosened. His hands snaked around to the front of your (his) shirt and he began unbuttoning it from the bottom to the top. You don’t break the kiss or comment on his advances. You let him have his way with you, do what he pleased because you thought this was it: your punishment was just beginning.
But oh, how wrong you were. 
When the shirt slipped from your shoulders and swam at your ankles, goosebumps broke across the surface of your soft skin. Your nipples pearled and they scratched against the material of his leathers. The sensation caused a careless whimper to slip from your mouth, and into his. Azriel tried not to grin at the noise and let his warm, scarred hands run up the expanse of your bare back.
“Feel good, baby?” he mumbled into your mouth, hot tongue sliding against yours and you hummed again, welcoming his heavy taste of coffee and mint. 
Your mind was in a state of turmoil. Was he going to punish you? Was this his way of proving he wasn’t mad? What was he going to do? You can’t think straight.
You nod your head, kissing back with just as much vigour as you could but Azriel slowed the pace, wanting you to just feel him. 
“Just taste my lips,” he guided. 
His mouth moved slowly across yours, touch barely there but enough for you to feel him, to taste him. The gentleness of his touch helped to clear your mind to a state of blankness where you had nothing but him.
From the thumping of the bond that tugged on his chest, Azriel knew what word was festering on the tip of your tongue. His mouth barely caressed you as his left hand came up to massage your jaw. 
“Azriel,” he corrected you before you even spoke, his words a breathless whisper. He didn’t let his eyes close and you didn’t let yours open.
He watched you keen for more, to get a stronger taste and he felt you shiver in just your underwear and tube socks. Azriel allowed his hand to wander to the backs of your thighs before hoisting your small frame into his arms. Your legs wrapped instinctively around his middle, minding the expanse of his wings, and with his lips still on yours, he carried you through the hall and into the bedroom.
He didn't throw you on the bed like you expected. Instead, Azriel slowly eased you back on the balls of your feet while keeping his tongue against your own. 
“Daddy,” you mewled as he backed out of the kiss just enough to unbutton the lapels that contained his weapons to him. 
You felt the rough graze of the leather brush across your nipples and you expected him to blindfold you, to tie you up with the belt that holstered his weapons. But he let it fall to their ankles and you were left in another state of confusion. 
“Azriel,” he corrected you again, nosing at yours and tugging the leathers off his chest. Azriel guided your small hands to his torso, allowing the heat of his skin to warm yours. 
“I’m here, Y/N. Just feel my skin,” he encouraged in a soothing mutter.
He guided your hands across his chest and shoulders, coaxed you to squeeze and grope at his muscles and he started to swell harder in his pants when your thumb brushed over his nipples and fingers reached to lock in the tendrils of hair on the nape of his neck. With your mind and hands occupied on his body, Azriel took the opportunity to unbuckle his belt and slip out of his trousers.
He toed off his socks and kicked the clothing to the side; a prominent tent pitched in his boxers and you bravely let your hand fall further down his body. Your wrist knocked against his length through the cotton pants and he stifled a groan. “Please, daddy,” you whispered in a shaky tone against his lips and he could taste the cinnamon bagel you had for lunch.
He subtly shook his head against you, nose bumping yours as he eased you onto the bed – crawling between your parted legs and helping your head to lay back on his pillow. He knew his scent was encompassing your senses and boggling your mind. He also knew it was what would bring you back to him.
“Come on, Y/N,” he whispered softly. 
You’re swarmed by the darkness of his shadows that caress your skin, that whisper gentle reminders that he wasn’t made. Even through the shadows that swarmed you and the dim lighting of the bedroom, Azriel could still see your face – still make out your fluttering eyes beneath closed lids and he urged you to open them.
“Open your eyes, my love. Feel my touch,” he breathed.
His hips were gently rutting against yours, body keeping your thighs parted. Azriel reached a hand between your bodies. He didn’t want to break the touch to take off your underwear, so he opted to pull his aching cock from the waistband of his boxers instead. His tip was oozing with precum that he knew you loved to taste but you can do that later.
Azriel just wanted his love back.
He massaged your dripping core over your knickers, soaking the fabric as you whined desperately at him. Azriel peeled the fabric aside, thumbing at your swollen little clit and he felt your body jolt under his touch. “That's it,” he coaxed encouragingly, rubbing slow circles and you felt his cock bump at your entrance.
You let out a shallow shrill, one that was drowned by the silence of the room and he cooed at you. Azriel had one arm bent by the side of your head to hold up his weight and his hand was angled perfectly for him to brush strands of hair from your clammy forehead. “Gotta come back to me, Y/N. Gotta taste my lips and feel my skin, my love.”
You keen under his touch as Azriel dragged his thick cock to your weeping hole, feeling it flutter against his tip at the anticipation of intrusion. “Shh,” he cooed, circling your entrance before pushing in just a few inches. You gasped against his mouth, welcoming his tongue as he massaged his against yours.
He slowly sheathed in, vision dotted and he tried to muffle his belts of pleasure. You were clamping him down, walls soaked and warm and he felt so fucking snug in your tiny little cunt that stretched around him. 
“So good,” he praised, shuddering breaths across your face and your back arched, your chest out and into his.
“Daddy, please,” you mewled in a soft gasp, eyes wide open but you were staring straight through Azriel, like you didn’t really see him. He shushed you, rolling his lips deliciously and suckling on your tongue. “Come on, Y/N,” he guided. “Come back to me, love. Come back to Azriel.”
His hazel embers were drilling into yours in a gentle manner, like he was trying to get you to find the light in his eyes and swim to it. He tugged on that bond again, surging as much love and force as he could. 
He could feel your heart hammering against his chests and you were clawing at his back when your eyes met. “Yes,” You gasped as his cock hit against your precious little spongy spot.
Azriel grunted and panted above you, a sight so fucking holy toy thought you might’ve gone to heaven. But his thrusts were anything but angelic and his curls and wings were feigning devil horns above his head. 
“Azriel,” you choked, fingernails tearing into the taut skin of Azriel’s shoulders but he fucked into you harder at the mention of his name spilling weakly from your lips.
“That’s it. Just feel me, my love,” he grunted, slick sounds of your pussy squelching and his cock thrusting filled the air. Az’s chest was heavy on yours, a crushing weight that he couldn’t seem to hold up but the touch of his body on yours was what you needed. That push of guidance and pulling of grounding that knocked you into you right mindset.
“Azriel!” You cried again. 
Your voice was much harder, louder – you were more sure of yourself and him and where your mind was racing off to. Your eyes were still locked in an intense gaze and he didn’t know if your body was relaxing because you were close to your release or because you were out of your subby headframe.
You tugged back on that bond, finally, and Azriel could hear the pleads and cries of his name that you echoed through the bridge that connected your souls. 
“Cum for me, Y/N. Want you to cum all over my cock, baby. Come on.”
Azriel nipped at your bottom lip, let your tongue run across his gums and lick into his mouth. He could feel your thighs trembling from either side of his body and he kept going.
“Wanna cum! Please, please, please,” you begged, eyes frantic and wide. Azriel’s lips smeared against yours messily, cock sliding easily as you gripped him tighter and tighter. “Cum, baby. You don’t have to ask, just cum,” he promised.”
“Azriel! Fuck, Azriel!” 
Ecstasy washed over you with a shrill cry, eyes shut tight as Azriel met his own release and spilled into you hotly. You squirmed as he stilled, panting and frantic. Your hands were all over his clammy skin as you tried to regain a sense of consciousness.
Azriel’s hands looped around your face, shushing and cooing you to open your eyes, to come back to him. “Hey, shhh. Open your eyes, my love. Come on,” he spurred tenderly, tip of his nose nudging yours as your eyes slowly fluttered open. 
You blinked away the orgamsic blur and a toothy grin sat lazily on your lips.
He waited a beat, tried to decipher for himself whether or not you’d snapped out of it and was back with yourself. 
“Cauldron, you literally fucked it out of me,” you choked out a drunken giggle. 
Azriel let out a sighed laugh, head in the crook of your neck and your eyes were dazzling in post-orgasmic bliss.
“You’re a nightmare,” he joked into your chest, kissing his way up to your mouth. You offered an exhausted giggle, cheeks tinted pink from embarrassment of the underlying situation at hand. 
“I’m sorry, you know. Don’t know why I got like that,” you apologised. You felt a little silly, if you were honest, but Azriel never let you feel that way for long.
He shook his head and kissed your swollen lips again. “Don’t,” he said. “Was my fault for not making sure you were alright after. I normally do, I don’t know why I didn’t last night,” he admitted lowly. 
It was your turn to shake your head and scratch your blunt fingernails through his curls and at his scalp. “Not your fault, we both know how I get sometimes. Thank you, for snapping me out of it.”
Azriel kissed you softly, lips enveloped in a tired kiss as he slipped out of you, both of you hissing at the lack of warmth you offered each other. He sighed as he fell onto his back, sweaty chests cooling from the air. You coddled into his chest, his seed dripping from your sore cunt but you didn’t make any attempt to stop it.
Azriel snorted. “You’re dripping on the sheets.” 
You rolled your eyes at the comment and peeled your body away from his, sitting up to look between your parted thighs. Sure enough, there was a soaked patch just beneath you where arousal was starting to stick to the sheets.
You shrugged. “It’s your cum, not mine,” you argued playfully, shooting fake glares at the culprit. Azriel grinned cheekily at his love, reaching out for you so he could massage at your thigh the way he knew made you relax. 
“Well I do apologise,” he quipped in a playful tone and you hummed, playing into his mood.
“Mhm, you can change the sheets.” You leant down to kiss his cheek before hopping off the bed and padding nakedly to your bathroom. You switched on the light and allowed it to drown out into the bedroom so Azriel could see just how much mess you made. He couldn’t stop the blush that sat heavy on his cheeks.
You peered your head out of the bathroom and Azriel swore his heart fucking grew twice it’s size and he almost forgot how to breath. You had a shy smile on your lips and a look in your eye that he knew all too well. “I know you snapped me out of it but I still want to feel you… can we take a bath?” You asked, eyes hopeful as you gnawed on your bottom lip.
Azriel swallowed back the love that wanted to spew out of his mouth and nodded his head. “You can have anything you want, my love,” he sighed, dreamily. 
He followed you into the bathroom. When the water was drawn just enough and to the perfect temperature, you climbed in together with your back resting against his chest and Azriel’s lips pressed to your neck.
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feedback is always appreciated!! <3
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theoi-crow · 7 months
The humans in Greek Mythology are the mega rich and powerful:
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In my college classes people are often shocked when I tell them my favorite part of Greek mythology is the gods themselves and I'm not a big fan of the humans.
99% of my classmates prefer the humans in mythos, especially the ones that stick it to the gods like Sisyphus and feel bad for humans like Kassandra and Helen who have been wronged by the gods because "they're just like us." My classmates and teachers hate the gods and don't understand why anyone in modern times would want to worship such violent and selfish beings whenever I point out there are still people who worship them. They hold onto the idea that people in mythology embody the human experience of being oppressed by terrible gods and fate and we should feel bad for them because "they're human just like us" but they forget that the people in Greek Mythology are NOT just like us. They are more relatable to medieval royalty, colonizers and ultra rich politicians who make laws and decisions on wars and the fates of others, especially the poor and the very vulnerable.
Every hero or important human in Greek Mythology is either some form of royalty or mega rich politician/priest-priestess (of course this is with the exception of people who are explicitly stated to be poor like the old married couple in the myth where Zeus and Hermes pretend to be panhandlers). All of them have an ancient Greek lifestyle more relatable to Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump, and especially to British royalty during the British empire, than the average person.
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All of them.
Odysseus, Patroclus, Theseus, Helen of Troy, Kassandra, Diomedes, Agamemnon, Perseus, Hercules, Aeneas, Paris, Any human who has a divine parent or is related to one, etc. Although sometimes the story omits it, it is heavily implied that these are people who own hundreds or even thousands of slaves, very poor farmers and the tiny barely there working class as royal subjects.
They are the ones who make laws and whose decisions massively affect the fates of so many people. So no, they can't just be forgiven for some little whim, because that little whim affects the literal lives of everyone under their rule. By being spoiled they've just risked the lives of thousands of people and possibly even gotten them killed like when Odysseus' audacity got every single slave and soldier in his ships killed or when Patroclus as a kid got upset and killed another kid for beating him at a game. (A normal person wouldn't kill another person just for winning a game but royalty and those who think they're above the law do it all the time, plus the class status of the child wasn't mentioned but the way he didn't think he'd get in trouble implies the kid was of lower class, possibly the child of a slave or a foreign merchant.)
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The gods get a bad reputation for punishing the humans in mythology but, if not them, who else is going to keep them accountable when they are the law?
And whose to say the humans beneath them weren't praying to the gods in order to keep their masters in check?
Apollo is the god in charge of freeing slaves, Zeus is the god of refugees, immigrants and homeless people, Ares is the protector of women, Artemis protects children, Aphrodite is the goddess of the LGBT community, Hephaestus takes care of the disabled, etc. It wouldn't be surprising if the gods are punishing the ultra rich and powerful in these myths because the humans under their rulership prayed and sent them as they did historically.
Every time someone asks me if I feel bad for a human character in a myth, I think about the many lives affected by the decision that one human character made and if I'm being completely honest, I too would pray to the gods and ask them to please punish them so they can make more careful decisions in the future because:
They are not just like us.
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We are the farmers, a lot of our ancestors were slaves, we are the vulnerable being eaten by capitalism and destroyed by the violence colonialism created. We are the poor subjects that can only pray and hope the gods will come and correct whatever selfish behavior the royal house and mega rich politicians are doing above us.
And that's why I pray to the gods, because in modern times I'm dealing with modern Agamemnons who would kill whatever family members they have to in order to reach their end goal, I'm dealing with everyday modern Achilles who would rather see their own side die because they couldn't keep their favorite toy and would gladly watch their subjects die if it means they eventually get their way. The ones that let capitalism eat their country and it's citizens alive so long as it makes them more money. These are our modern "demigods," politicians who swear they are so close to God that they know what he wants and so they pass laws that benefit only them and claim these laws are ordained by God due to their close connection just like how Achilles can speak to the gods because of his demigod status via his mother.
Look at the news, these are humans that would be mythical characters getting punished by Greek gods which is why anything Greco-Roman is jealousy guarded by the rich and powerful and is inaccessible to modern worshippers because Ivy League schools like Harvard and Cambridge make sure to keep it that way. That's what we're dealing with. These are the humans these mythical beings would be because:
In our modern times the humans in mythos would be the politicians and mega rich that are currently ruining our society and trying to turn it into a world where only the rich can manipulate wars and laws, just like they do in mythology.
Fuck them.
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I literally have so much more to add about my disdain for them and I didn't even touch on the obvious ancient Greek propaganda.
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ageingfangirl2 · 10 months
I Want A Divorce! Shanks (OPLA)
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You get ill and Shanks offers to do your jobs around the ship, but he gets distracted easily and wants your praise. You love the man-child, but sometimes you have to tell him to actually like his age. Shanks x Reader FLUFF!
'You have a high fever so I'm going to recommend bed rest until it breaks, can't have you getting any worse,' Hongo states, placing a cold cloth on your forehead which was nice in your current state.
You cough, 'I guess I can take it easy Hongo.'
Over Hongo's shoulder, you notice Shanks watching and listening intently to the doctor's orders, 'I'm going to do all your jobs so you just rest up.'
You and Hongo snicker sharing a moment, both of you knowing Shanks wouldn't be able to cope with all that you did around the ship without complaining. Hongo pats your shoulder as he gets up from the bed. Shanks immediately takes his spot, tucking you in. You were the fourth crew member to join and the only female, and had been charmed into dating the notorious red-haired pirate.
'I love you darling but you don't even know half of what I do around here,' you whisper, throat sore.
Shanks puffs out his chest proudly, 'I'm going to make you proud, I'm going to do so good everyone will be begging me to do your jobs instead.'
You smile as he leans down and kisses the cold cloth.
Shanks bursts through the doors of his quarters which you shared and throws himself on the bed next to you burying his face in a pillow. He could be an overdramatic diva at times but he was your diva. Before you can say anything Lucky walks in holding a tray of food that makes your mouth water and forget your partner.
'How are you feeling? Hongo said you should eat more fruit so I made you a fruit salad for after your soup.'
Ignoring Shanks who was now mumbling into the pillow you sit up and accept the tray of food and glass of water, 'You're all too good to me Lucky. How are the new guys?'
Lucky shrugs his shoulders, 'confused and maybe a little scared because they follow your instructions which makes captain grumpy.'
You nod, 'I'll talk to him. Thanks for the update.'
Lucky leaves and closes the door behind him. Shanks rolls onto his side and reaches for the fruit salad but you swat his hand away, 'My fruit salad captain.'
Shanks pouts, sticking out his bottom lip and shooting you his best puppy dog eyes, 'Why didn't you tell me what you did? I wouldn't have agreed otherwise. I love you, but dealing with the new crew is tedious.'
Just wait until he found out all the other odd jobs you did to help out the rest of the crew, there was a reason people called you mother hen. You pop a slice of apple in your mouth and sigh, 'What do you want me to do darling? Give you a pat on the back? Feed you a treat, give you a belly rub and call you a good boy? It's not easy but you never back down from a challenge. I know you'll give it your all until I get better.'
Shanks sits up and stops pouting, a look of determination in his eyes, 'You're right I can do this. I'm going to make you proud.'
You scoff as he steals some grapes and jumps off the bed with a new lease of life, you really did have him wrapped around your little finger.
Your fever had come down and you didn't feel like death anymore, but Hongo insisted you stay in bed for a few more days. The crew had bets on Shanks he didn't know about, he'd gotten better at doing your jobs but wasn't great. You promised to stay in bed so the crew could make some money off your partner.
You were sat up in bed reading the newspaper feeling much better and enjoying relaxing for once. Shanks walks in and climbs on top of you, lying on you with his full weight, 'I know your secret babe,' he chuckles, head now resting on your chest, eyes locked with yours but he doesn't look upset.
You put the paper down and start running your fingers through his hair, 'Hongo asked me to stay in bed longer, I actually enjoyed not having as many responsibilities, makes a nice change. I'm sorry for deceiving you, Shanks.'
Shanks nuzzles into your hands more enjoying the massage, 'Now I know how much you do I want you to slow down. I'll try and help more when I can, and the crew promised to fix their own problems before coming to you for help babe.'
'Thank you. However, you lying on top of me is making parts of my body fall asleep.'
Shanks smirks, 'I'll wake them up when I need them.'
You throw your head back and laugh at his playful and flirty antics, 'I want a divorce.'
Shanks matches your laughter, 'I'm never letting you go, you mean too much to me. Maybe a few years after the marriage you can talk about a divorce.'
For all the years the two of you had been together you weren't engaged, everyone assumed you were married and the two of you kind of went with the flow. Little did you know Shanks wasn't joking about marriage this time around.
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ama0310 · 2 months
Children of the Dark
Character: Spencer Reid
Requested: No
Type: Angst/ Fluff
Summary: When home invasions involve the murder of entire families, the BAU is called to Denver to identify the killers who possibly have been abused while in foster care, something that hits quite close to home for Agent Y/N L/N 
A.N: Based on "Children of the Dark" (Season 3, Episode 4)
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The fluorescent lights of the buzzed overhead as Y/N stood frozen, watching Ervin's interrogation through the one-way glass. Her breath caught in her throat as Ervin's words painted a vivid picture of abuse that hit far too close to home.
"Hey," a soft voice broke through her reverie. "You hanging in there?"
Y/N turned to see Spencer approaching, his brow furrowed with concern. She forced a smile, but it didn't reach her eyes. "I'm fine, Spence. Why wouldn't I be?"
Spencer leaned against the wall beside her, his lanky frame casting a shadow across the floor. "This case... it's stirring up some ghosts, isn't it?" His voice was gentle, probing without pushing.
Y/N's fingers unconsciously found her engagement ring, twisting it around her finger. "It's just..." she hesitated, searching for words. "These brothers, Ervin and Gary. What they've done is unforgivable, but the abuse they suffered..."
"No child deserves that," Spencer finished softly.
Y/N nodded, her gaze drawn back to Ervin's haunted face on the other side of the glass. "Foster care abuse is more common than people realize. It doesn't excuse their actions, but God, Spence, I can't help but feel for them."
Spencer's hand found her shoulder, a comforting weight. "Y/N, you don't have to pretend with me. I've noticed you playing with your ring – it's your tell when you're upset."
She stiffened, caught off guard by his perceptiveness. "I..." she began, but the words died in her throat.
"I'm here if you want to talk," Spencer offered, his voice low and sincere. "About anything."
Y/N met his eyes, seeing the warmth and concern there. She managed a small, genuine smile this time. "I know, Spence. Thank you."
Before she could say more, the rest of the team filed in, gathering around to watch as Carrie continued her interrogation of Ervin.
Ervin's voice cracked as he spoke, raw with emotion. "I wanted to stop. Gary... he had it so much worse when we were kids. He never got the chance to fight back then."
Emily  leaned forward, her voice steady. "So he fought those other families instead?"
"Only because I wouldn't go back," Ervin whispered, shame evident in his slumped shoulders.
"Back?" She pressed. "Gary's going to your foster home, isn't he?"
The tension in the room became palpable. Hotch's voice cut through the silence, sharp and urgent. "Get him out of there. Now."
As two officers rushed to apprehend Gary, Y/N felt the walls closing in. Phantom hands seemed to grab at her, pulling her hair, the ache of hunger gnawing at her stomach – echoes of a past she'd fought so hard to forget.
Spencer's hand on her shoulder made her jump. "Maybe you should sit this one out," he suggested gently.
Y/N's jaw clenched, a flash of anger and frustration cutting through her turmoil. She gripped the case files tightly, using the physical sensation to ground herself. "I told you, Spencer, I'm fine," she snapped, her voice low and tight. "Just... leave it alone."
Without waiting for a response, she strode out of the room, her heels clicking sharply against the marble floor. The weight of her past pressed down on her shoulders, but she straightened her spine, determined to face whatever came next – just as she always had.
The sun was setting, casting long shadows across the street as Y/N practically leapt from the SUV. Her heart was racing, adrenaline coursing through her veins. Spencer was already there, his lean frame taut with tension.
"Guys, fall back!" She could hear Hotch call out to the team, his voice sharp with urgency. "We can't risk making them feel cornered."
She turned to Spencer, her voice dropping to a whisper. "What does he want with the boy?" Her fingers instinctively found her engagement ring, twisting it anxiously. "He's just a child, Spence. He's been through enough without being dragged into this nightmare."
Spencer's brow furrowed, his analytical mind working overtime. "Most likely using him as a human shield," he replied grimly.
Before Y/N could respond, a hush fell over the scene. All eyes turned to the donut shop's entrance. Tyler, the young boy at the center of this chaos, emerged slowly, fear etched across his small face. Derek moved with lightning speed, scooping the child up and whisking him to safety.
Minutes crawled by like hours until finally, Gary was subdued and shoved unceremoniously into the back of a police cruiser. The case was over.
Y/N's focus immediately shifted to the children's welfare. She approached Derek, who was engaged in a heated phone conversation. As he hung up, frustration radiated from him in waves.
"What's going on?" Y/N asked, dreading the answer.
Derek's face told her everything before he even spoke. "Social services won't intervene until they complete a full investigation."
The words hit Y/N like a physical blow. "We have to take them back?" Her voice rose in disbelief. "Derek, no. We can't do that. There has to be another way!"
The unspoken weight of Y/N's own history in foster care hung heavily between them. The entire team knew fragments of her past, and they'd been watching her closely throughout this case, witnessing her slow spiral.
"It's out of our hands," Derek said softly, his eyes filled with regret as they both looked at the two children huddled in the back of a car.
Y/N squared her shoulders, a determined glint in her eye. "I'm going with you to drop them off. And before you argue, it's not up for discussion."
Spencer appeared at her side, concern etched across his features. "Are you sure that's wise?"
Y/N met his gaze, her voice steady despite the turmoil inside. "Those kids need to know someone's in their corner. I want to be that person." She leaned in, pressing a quick, reassuring kiss to his lips. "I'll be fine. We'll play chess on the jet when I get back, okay?"
Spencer nodded reluctantly, tapping the hood of the car twice – their little ritual – as Y/N slid into the passenger seat.
The drive was tense, Y/N's eyes constantly flicking to the rearview mirror, taking in the children's frightened faces. She gnawed at her nails, lost in memories of her own time in the system.
Derek reached over, squeezing her hand three times – their silent code of support. Y/N managed a weak nod as they pulled up to the foster home, where the foster mother waited with an unreadable expression.
As Derek spoke with Tyler, Y/N knelt before the little girl, her heart aching. "Hey, beautiful," she said softly, clasping the child's small hands in her own. "I want you to have this." She pressed her business card into the girl's palm. "If you ever need anything – big or small – you call me. Anytime, day or night. Someone will always listen. Promise me?"
Tears welled in the girl's eyes, mirrored in Y/N's own. It was like looking at a younger version of herself. Unable to contain her emotions, Y/N pulled the child into a fierce hug before reluctantly letting go.
As they guided the children back to their foster mother, Y/N's every instinct screamed at her to stop this, to whisk these kids away to safety. But the law tied her hands.
"I can't believe we're letting them go back," she murmured, wiping away a stray tear as they headed back to the car.
Just as they were about to leave, Y/N's phone rang. Spencer's name flashed on the screen.
"Hey, Spence–"
His voice cut through, urgent and sharp. "Are you still with the kids?"
"No, we just dropped them off. We're leaving now–"
"Did you check their backpacks?"
Confusion colored Y/N's voice. "What? Why would we–"
The crack of gunfire split the air, drowning out her words and shattering the fragile peace of the moment.
The world seemed to slow as Y/N and Derek burst from the car, adrenaline surging through their veins. Y/N's phone quickly placed back into her pocket, Spencer's frantic voice still echoing. Their guns were drawn in perfect unison
The house loomed before them, an ordinary facade now transformed into a potential crime scene. They entered with practiced caution, the air thick with tension and the acrid smell of gunpowder.
The scene that greeted them was one of horror and heartbreak. The foster mother lay crumpled on the floor, but there seems to be no wound. And there, standing was Tyler. The gun in his small hands looked obscene.
Y/N's heart shattered, the pieces lodging painfully in her throat. She stepped forward, her arms trembling almost imperceptibly as she aimed her weapon. "Tyler," she called, her voice deliberately soft, "drop the gun."
Derek moved to check on the foster mother, but Y/N's focus remained laser-sharp on the boy before her. Her eyes darted around the room, taking in the shattered picture frames, family photos now pockmarked with bullet holes.
Tyler's eyes, brimming with unshed tears, flicked between Y/N and the ruined photos. "They're lies," he choked out, his voice raw with pain and betrayal.
Y/N inched closer, deliberately placing herself between Tyler and Derek's line of fire. "I know, Tyler," she soothed, her voice thick with empathy. "You could have hurt her…made her pay, but you didn't. Because you're good. You're nothing like Gary."
"Y/N!" Derek hissed, realizing the danger she was putting herself in if things go south.
She ignored him, her focus solely on Tyler. "You're protecting your friends, yourself. You're going to be okay." She holstered her gun slowly, raising her empty hands. "I was in your shoes once," she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper. "I lost my parents in a fire when I was four. Spent fourteen years in a foster home where... where terrible things happened."
With each revelation, she took another cautious step forward. "My foster father... he'd come into my room at night…every single night. My foster mother starved me because of it. For fourteen years, I prayed for someone to save me." Her voice cracked, tears threatening to spill over. "I made it out at eighteen. Fought like hell to get into college, then the FBI. It was agony, Tyler, but I survived. You will too. I promise you that. You’re not like Gary. We’re not like Gary, Tyler."
Y/N could see the other children huddled on the stairwell, their eyes wide with fear. Her heart ached for all of them. "Let's make a deal," she offered, her voice gentle but firm. "You give me that gun, and I swear to you, I will walk you and every child here out of this house. You'll never have to come back. How does that sound?"
She was close enough now to see the tremble in Tyler's hands, to count the freckles across his tear-stained cheeks. "Please," she whispered, "just give me the gun."
Time seemed to stretch as Tyler wavered, the weight of the moment palpable in the air. Then, slowly, shakily, he extended the weapon towards Y/N. She took it gingerly, passing it to Derek before enveloping Tyler in a fierce embrace.
The boy clung to her desperately, his small frame wracked with sobs. "It's going to be okay," Y/N murmured, her own tears finally falling. "I promise you. It's all going to be okay."
They remained locked in that embrace until the wail of approaching sirens broke the spell. As child services arrived to relocate the children, Y/N knelt before Tyler one last time.
"If you need anything, Tyler – anything at all – you call me. I'll always be here, okay?"
His voice was small, fragile. "Do you really think I'll be okay?"
The question pierced Y/N's heart like a dagger. She nodded emphatically, cupping his face in her hands. "I know you will. I'll make sure of it. You're going to be more than okay, Tyler."
She hugged him once more before watching him climb into the child services car, a piece of her heart going with him. Exhausted and emotionally drained, Y/N made her way back to Derek, who waited silently by their vehicle. As she sank into the passenger seat, the weight of the day settled heavily upon her shoulders, a mix of sorrow for what had happened and hope for what might still 
The car hummed quietly as they drove, the silence between Y/N and Derek heavy with unspoken words. Y/N's revelation hung in the air, a painful secret now exposed.
"Y/N," Derek began, his voice gentle.
She cut him off, her tone sharp with barely contained emotion. "What happened in that house stays there, Derek. Understand?"
"Y/N, we need to talk about—"
"No," she snapped, then softened slightly. "Please, just... leave it. And don't breathe a word to anyone. Especially not Spencer." Her voice cracked on her fiancé's name, betraying the depth of her fear.
She leaned her forehead against the cool glass of the window, unaware that her phone lay forgotten in her pocket, the call still connected.
As they pulled into the Denver police station parking lot, Y/N spotted Spencer through the windows. He was pacing frantically, his lanky frame taut with worry.
She entered cautiously. "Spence? I'm back. Are you alright?"
Before she could react, Spencer engulfed her in a fierce embrace. Confusion etched across her face as she returned the hug.
"Spence?" she questioned softly.
His next words sent a chill down her spine. "I heard everything."
Y/N's body went rigid. "What? How?"
"The call... it never disconnected," Spencer explained, his voice thick with emotion. "I heard the gunshots, and I was terrified. Then you started talking, and I... I couldn't bring myself to hang up." He pulled back, his eyes searching hers. "You've never opened up to me about your past like that. Now I understand why, and I'm so sorry for what you went through."
Y/N blinked rapidly, fighting back tears. "It was a long time ago, Spence. I'm fine."
"No, you're not," he said firmly, cupping her face in his hands. "And that's okay. I know it still affects you. I know it's why our relationship took time to develop. You don't have to tell me everything, but please, don't shut me out. When you're struggling or having a bad day, talk to me. I'm here for you, always."
The desperation in his eyes broke something inside her. "I know," she whispered, leaning in to kiss him softly. "I'm sorry."
Spencer studied her face, noting her red-rimmed eyes. "How are you feeling now?"
Y/N sighed, her shoulders sagging. "Overwhelmed. Helpless. How can I make sure that Tyler will be okay? Maybe Garcia could keep tabs on him, but—"
"What if we adopt him?" Spencer's suggestion came out of nowhere, stunning Y/N into silence.
"What?" she breathed, hardly daring to believe she'd heard him correctly.
Spencer's eyes lit up with excitement. "I had Garcia look into his background. He's a good kid, Y/N. You've already bonded with him. What better way to ensure his well-being than to bring him into our family?"
"You'd really want to do this?" Y/N asked, hope blooming in her chest.
Spencer smiled, taking her hands in his. "We've been together for three years, we're engaged. I think this could be wonderful for all of us. What do you think?"
Tears of joy sprang to Y/N's eyes. "Yes! Oh my god, yes!" She threw her arms around Spencer's neck. "We need to tell Garcia right away! Or better yet, let's go tell Tyler! I don't even know where to start with the adoption process, but I'm sure you do."
Spencer laughed, spinning her around. "We'll figure it out together."
 She knew there would be challenges ahead, but the thought of providing a loving home for Tyler filled her with indescribable joy. The boy deserves something good. Everything good.  With Spencer by her side and Tyler in their lives, she finally felt like she was building the family she'd always dreamed of – one built on love, understanding, and healing.
Author's Note:
I know this isn't Part 2 of Silver Springs, but I just rewatched the episode and wanted to write this.
Anywhoooo if there's any request I would love to write them!!!
And don't worry I'll write Part 2 of Silver Springs soon!!!
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kneelingshadowsalome · 6 months
How does Minotaur!Konig handle an argument with his wife/his wife being upset with him? He clearly avoids making her upset as much as possible because he loves her and only wants to see her happy, and she loves and accepts him as he is, quirks and all so I don't really see them getting into fights but maybe he gets way too reactive and violent with someone in town over a perceived slight and she gives him the silent treatment on the way home or something. I feel like he'd be so sad even if she only didn't talk to him for like an hour 😞 I can also see his insecurities/abandonment issues coming into play, he starts overthinking and makes it a whole big thing in his head and meanwhile she's already forgetting that she was even upset with him. These are just my thoughts but maybe you have something else in mind/see it playing out differently!
Yes absolutely!!
Minotaur!König cannot cope with this shit at all. The last time he did something “bad” ended in him being thrown into a cold, dark Labyrinth. Even as a grown man he goes straight into survival mode if he sees that he has somehow disappointed his beloved 💔
His wife knows how König is so it would take a lot for her to visibly show she’s upset with him. Our bull tries to avoid chaos as best he can which means arguments between these two are extremely rare — but they do happen! Because one thing you must know about all versions of König is that they think they’re always right. Minotaur!König is just as thick headed as the rest of them so if he thinks that “his cause is just” then he will stand his ground no matter what. He will claim that water is wine if he thinks it’s so!
Some petty perceived insult directed at his wife could get him riled very easily, could get them both into trouble because König won't cool down before he’s drawn blood. He wants to give this poor soul's head to his wife, on a plate if possible, and if he can’t do that the tension just won’t go away. How can life go on if he hasn’t done what’s right??
She has to guide König in social situations and explain later what it was all about, what different phrases mean and how he can’t just kill people if they don’t behave the way he wants them to. In some ways, she knows she is dealing with a child and has to be patient, how could this poor man know how to behave when he lived underground all those years? All he was taught was that he’s evil, unwanted and ugly, so the last thing she wants to do is hurl blame at him and scream. Silent treatment would totally be one of her ways to show him he didn’t get points home this time, but for König even the tiniest distancing looks like she’s abandoning him. Throwing him mentally into a tiny tiny Labyrinth, telling him he’s not wanted, that he’ll never be loved :(
And poor König doesn’t know what to do and how to be, for a while the anxiety threatens to take over. He reaches for her hand, then pulls away fearing she doesn’t want to be touched. He tries to talk, but nothing comes out because he doesn’t entirely understand what he should apologise for. He stands in the middle of the room and watches her blow air on the coals and just go on about her day, thinking that the time has finally come when she tells him to get out of the house.
It takes years before König takes the initiative in reconciling because he simply doesn’t know how to do it. Blunt, pained statements such as “Are you upset with me,” and “You’re disappointed in me” are common before he learns that the world is not going to end even if they’re not happy with each other all the time. His wife is usually the one who comes to him and says that everything is okay and that she was only upset with what he did, not with who he is.
Just imagine this adorable goof being both stubborn in his "I don’t have to say I’m sorry" policy and crippled by his "Are you going to abandon me" fear 💔 How can you even be angry at this man? There’s no chance, especially when he’s a jerk only once or twice a year 🩷🦬
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cameronspecial · 11 months
New Daddy
Pairing: Drew Starkey x Reader
Warnings: N/A
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 0.6K
Summary: Millie decides she needs a new daddy after one time out.
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Millie loves her mother and father, but when Drew gives her a timeout for hitting him, she is not his biggest fan at the moment. Y/N watches her little girl play on the playground while bouncing baby Tristan in her arms. A little boy approaches Millie and Y/N can’t hear the conversation they are having, but it seems to entertain her daughter. “Hi, I’m Chris. And I am four years old. I have a daddy, but no mommy,” the other child introduces himself. Millie beams at his last words, “I’m Millie. I have a mommy and daddy, but I’m mad at my daddy. Does your daddy want to marry my mommy? You can be my new brother. I already have a little brother.” Chris doesn’t really know what Millie wants to do, yet he still agrees to it to make her happy. 
Y/N spots her daughter walking toward a man with a new friend and her maternal instincts kick in. She runs over to her daughter, placing a hand on her shoulder. “Millie, what are you doing? You know you shouldn’t approach strangers,” Y/N reprimands her daughter. Millie smiles up at her mother, “But he’s not a stranger, Mommy. He is my new brother’s daddy. You should give him your phone number.” Y/N’s eyebrows knit at her daughter’s words. She readjusts Tristan in her arms.
“What do you mean, Millie? This little boy is not your new brother. Do you want a play date with him? Is that what you mean?” 
“No, his daddy is going to be your husband. Chris doesn’t have a mommy, so you can be his mommy.” 
Y/N’s eyes widen at her daughter’s words and she looks up apologetically at Chris’s dad. “Millie, I have a husband already. Remember, he’s your daddy.” Millie crosses her arms with a shake of a head, “He’s not my daddy anymore. He was mean to me. He put me in time out.” Y/N can’t help but giggle at her daughter’s words and she can’t wait to tell Drew the story when they get home.
Millie runs into the house, going to wash her hands for the snack she is told that her father is preparing for her. Y/N pushes the stroller into the house and leaves it at the front door. She takes Tristan out of the car seat and heads to the kitchen to find her husband cutting a strawberry into a flower. “You might want to start looking for a new house,” Y/N jokes, coming close to him to kiss his cheek. He moves away from her with confusion written on his face, “Why?” “Apparently, your daughter is in the market for a new daddy. She even went as far as telling me to give my number to her new friend’s single dad,” she explains to her husband. Betrayal crosses his features as his little girl runs into the room. “You don’t want me as a daddy anymore, Mills?” he questions with an upset look.
She shrugs, forgetting her slight against him and just wanting her snack. She runs over to the counter and reaches for the fruit in his hands. He moves his hand over his head and out of her reach. He shakes his head, “Nope, strawberries are only for little girls who want their daddy.” “I do want you, Daddy. You were just mean to me,” she pouts, jumping for the strawberry. Drew doesn’t give in to her reach. “Well, what do you say to daddies that you want?” Millie knows the game her dad is playing and wraps her short arms around his legs, giving his leg kisses since she can’t reach his face. “I love you, Daddy. Can I please have my snack now?” she asks. He grins down at her and picks her up into his arms. He kisses her cheek, handing her the strawberry. “Of course. I love you too, Baby. Just don’t hit people and you won’t get a timeout.”
Taglist: @winterrrnight @loves0phelia
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pandorxxx · 1 year
Read part 1 here:
Neteyam x omatikayan fem reader (all aged up)
Warnings: HEAVY SMUT, cursing, soft-dom Neteyam, brat-Tamer, oral (both receiving and giving. Neteyam eats 🍑 in this one, sorry if you’re not into that). P in v, multiple orgasms, creampie, daddy kink, praise kink (kinda).
Synopsis: Ever since you and Neteyam decided to make it official, you had been nothing but a nightmare for him. And when he walked into the hut from a long day without your favorite fruit, there was no way you were going to let him slide.
It had been exactly 5 months since your 21st birthday extravaganza. 5 months since you and Neteyam decided to make it official. When you both told your parents, they were very happy for you both. Your father especially because he knew what a promising young man Neteyam was, and the fact that he would undeniably make a great mate. The relationship was going great…for you. Neteyam did everything in his power to keep you satisfied.
But if he was being honest, you were a complete nightmare. More bratty and selfish than you were when you were single. And let’s not forget to mention how needy you were. But he took it, because he loved you so much. But boy, was he getting sick and tired of you.
He would walk home from his long day of training, and stand outside of the door. Basking in the last few minutes he had alone before he had to deal with you.
He sighed deeply, walking into the hut. His eyes landed on your small figure, admiring yourself in the mirror. Hell, that was all you ever did.
“Did you get my fruit?” You asked, pulling your braids into a ponytail as you watched him walk to the cot languidly.
“Hello to you too.” He spoke sarcastically, plopping down on the cot. You frowned, turning to him with an angry glare. His eyes shot to you and he sighed, closing his eyes briefly to maintain his patience.
“Baby, the fruit you want isn’t in season right now. Remember? I told you that.” He gestured calmly. You stomped your foot like an angry child, walking over to him.
“But that’s what I want, Teyammm!” You whined, getting on your knees in-front of him as he sat on the edge of the bed.
“Baby, I understand that. And you know I’d get them for you if I could. I’ve looked everywhere, and they’re just nowhere to be found.” He explained, caressing your cheek as you pouted up at him. You smacked his hand away harshly, making him clench his jaw in restraint with a low groan.
“Ugh! You’re so annoying. Why don’t you just look HARDER!” You shouted, smacking his chest, only for him to have no reaction.
“Ok, y/n.” He muttered, standing to his feet in-front of you, walking over to the dresser to take his war belt off. You cocked an eyebrow, turning around to face him.
“OK? What does that mean?” You asked with aggression, standing to your full height.
“It means that I’m done talking. And I’d advise you do the same, because i am not in the mood for this shit tonight.” He shook his head, removing his woven necklace, placing it on the dresser.
You eyed him up and down in shock. He was becoming angry with you, and you knew that. You also knew that the only way to get what you wanted, was to play nice. So like always, you played your roll. Your demeanor softening into a sad pout. You walked over to him, turning him around to face you.
“What’s wrong now?” He asked sarcastically with a low sigh to follow. You shot him puppy dog eyes, and his demeanor immediately softened. You had him wrapped around your little finger.
“I hate when you get upset with me, Teyam. You’re gonna make me cry.” You whimpered, eyes becoming watery. You were such a great actress, you could cry on instant. After all, You had a lot of time to practice on your father. That’s how you got everything you wanted.
“No, baby. Don’t cry, please? I-im sorry. I’ll do whatever I have to, ok? I’ll get your fruit, Princess.” He reassured you, caressing your flushed cheeks. You sniffled, trailing your dainty hands down his chest.
“When?” You asked, cocking an eyebrow at him as your hands trailed over his abs. “First thing Tomorrow morning. They’ll be here before you wake up, I promise.” He nodded, pecking your forehead.
“You’re the best, you know that?” You asked, your hand finding the band of his loincloth. He smiled, caressing your cheek with his thumb.
“Oh, baby. I’ll be my absolute best for you, and only you.” He confessed. Your hand made its way to his covered cock, palming it gently. His entire body froze, sucking in a sharp breath as he stared into your eyes.
“And how can I ever repay you, daddy?” You smiled, leaving small kisses on his chest. He let out a satisfied groan, throwing his head back.
“I-I would answer, but I’m assuming you already have something in mind Princess.” He strained, feeling his loincloth become looser and looser around his hips before it fell to the ground. You spit in your hand before connecting it to his throbbing cock, jerking it slowly. A series of curses and moans left his mouth as he watched you play with his cock.
“I can’t wait to get my fruit tomorrow. But until then….I think I’ll just snack on you instead. How’s that sound?” You asked sensually, speeding up the pace on his huge cock.
“Sounds good, Princess. Sooo s-so good.” He moaned, watching you slide down to your knees in-front of him. Without another moment to spare, you attached your mouth to his length, bobbing your head slowly as you stared up at him with lustful eyes.
“Oh my- f-fucking God. Juuust like that.” He muttered through a clenched jaw, holding the sides of your head as leverage to buck his hips into your mouth.
You hummed on him, swirling your tongue around his tip. You made it slow and sloppy for him, letting your spit cascade down your neck and breasts.
“Fuuck yes.” He groaned, watching you through hooded eyes, mouth slightly agape with low pants seeping through. You opened your mouth wider, letting him fuck your face just how he wanted to. He picked up the pace, the squelching and gagging noises egging him on.
“I-Im gonna cum, baby. G-Gonna cum!” He moaned, tucking both of his lips away, eyebrows scrunched as his eyes locked with yours.
“Mhmmm!” You hummed, eyes rolling in pleasure as you watched him fall apart. That was all he needed. His large hand found the top of the dresser, clawing at the wood as his eyes rolled back. Loud whimpers left his mouth before he released in yours. Your cheeks swelling with his seed. You let it trickle down your throat with a satisfied hum. He pulled out of your mouth slowly, a loud gasp leaving your swollen lips as he watched the lines of spit that connected you two.
“Fuuuck, girl. You’re gonna be the death of me.” He chuckled breathily, leaning back on the wall in exhaustion.
“Well don’t die yet. I’m horny now.” You pouted, untying your top and throwing it to the side. He looked down at you with low eyes, shaking his head with a light chuckle.
“When are you not horny?” He asked, rubbing his hands down his face in complete exhaustion. You crossed your arms, rolling your eyes at him. He sighed loudly.
“Whenever you want me, I give it to you. But right now…I’m so fucking tired. You have worn me out babe. And if you want me to be energized enough to go get your fruit, I need some sleep.” He explained, walking over to the cot slowly. You huffed, getting off of the ground to turn him around. “I want it.” You commanded, pouting up at him with your arms crossed.
“What, do you think I’m your Fuck toy or something? Huh? You know I am a whole person outside of just being your boyfriend? It’s been a long day, and I’m tired. And that little performance you just gave…only put the icing on the cake for me. So please….please just let me sleep.” He begged, hands intertwined with each other as he awaited an answer.
“Teyammm! Let me get on top then. You won’t even have to do anything but lay there.” You whined, caressing his biceps. He trailed your body for a moment, thinking about how good you would look riding him. With a low sigh, he finally gave in.
“You sure do know how to get what you want. Spoiled ass.” He smirked, backing up into the cot before taking a seat. You untied your loincloth swiftly, tossing it the the side of the room before straddling his lap.
“Whatever. Lay back.” You commanded, pushing him back with force. You two had been having sex long enough to not have a repeat of last time. So in one swift motion, you grabbed his cock, lining it up with your entrance to slowly slide down on him.
“Finally…I’m getting what I want.” You moaned, placing your hands on his broad chest, using it as leverage to bounce on him with full force.
“I-I always give you what you want. You’d kill me if I didn’t.” He spoke breathily, watching your breasts bounce with every subtle movement.
“Mmm hush!” You whined, eyes rolling to the back of your head as his swollen tip slammed into your sweetspot with every bounce of your hips.
His hands trailed down to your ass, gripping the plush flesh with his bottom lip tucked between his teeth to keep him quiet like you asked. Soft grunts and groans rumbling in his chest with every harsh meeting of his pelvis to yours.
“Teyammm, w-why are you so quiet? Am I not doing it right?” You whined, eyes meeting his. He looked at you completely dumbfounded.
“You t-told me t- mmm!- to hush. You’re doing so good, baby. Sooo so good!” He moaned, head titled back in complete bliss as his face scrunched in pleasure. He was so close, he could feel his muscles tensing and his heart racing until…you stopped with one hard bounce to his pelvis, almost knocking the wind out of him. He opened his eyes instantly, being met with your all too familiar angry demeanor.
“What? What could I have possibly done NOW?!” He shouted, rolling his eyes at you. “You’re annoying me! Being all quiet and shit. What is that supposed to mean? That I’m not doing my job, huh?” You asked, tilting your head as you awaited an answer.
“You told me to be quiet, DAMN! Do you not remember that?” He asked, gesturing wildly as his muscles tensed in anger. You rolled your eyes with a loud groan.
“NO I DONT REMEMBER THAT!” You shouted, smacking his chest hard enough to leave a handprint, but he still had no reaction to it. He ran his hands down his face with a loud growl.
“Holy shit Y/n, You’re driving me nuts! Just get up, I’m done with your shit tonight.” He sighed, placing his hands on your torso to lift you off of him. You smacked his hands away harshly. “NO!” You shouted, staying in place stubbornly.
“Hit me one more time…” His tone was serious, and dark. You loved to push neteyam’s buttons, but you knew when it was time to stop. And this was definitely the time. But, you felt like pushing him alittle further tonight, maybe you could wake the beast in him…the one you met the night of your party.
“Or what?” You challenged, eyebrow cocked as you awaited an answer. “Fuck around and find out. How about that?” He snarled, eyeing you up and down. You shot him a sarcastic smile, raising your hand to hit him again. But before it could connect to his chest, he had flipped both of you over, his arms engulfing your head.
“You’re such a fucking brat.” He spoke lowly, shifting your legs over his shoulders with one hand, completely folding you in half. He began to thrust into you, hard and deep, still maintaining a somewhat slow pace. Just so you could feel all of him, deep inside of your slippery cunt. After all, this was now considered a punishment.
“Too deep, Too deep, Teyammm!” You moaned, eyes rolling to the back of your head as you tapped his thigh, essentially tapping out.
“Hush! Not another fucking word. I’m sick of you talking.” He growled, pecking your agape lips as he fed you the deepest strokes you’d ever gotten. Loud squelching noises and heavy grunts flooded the room.
“I-Im sorry Tey! I’m sorry!” You nodded lazily, giving him those puppy dog eyes that seemed to work so well on him. “Not trying to hear that shit right now.” He shook his head with a dark chuckle, rolling his hips into you.
“Ohhh fuuuck.” You squealed, wrapping your trembling arms around his neck gently, bringing him dangerously close to you. So close that you could feel his breath tickling your nose. The eye contact was lethal as he drilled into you at an agonizingly slow pace. So deep you could feel him in your stomach.
“I-I hate you…sooo much.” You moaned, throwing your head back in absolute bliss. He knew that whenever you would tell him that, an intense release would follow.
“Gonna cum, huh? I know you like the back of my fucking hand, Princess.” He chuckled breathily, using the opportunity to leave kisses on your exposed neck.
“Yesss, I’m so close Tey!” You whimpered, shifting your trembling legs to the side of his hips. He began to speed up the pace, kissing every inch of your neck and jaw.
“Mhm, cum for me Princess. Be as loud as you want. Let everyone know that your spoiled ass belongs to me. I’m the only one that can handle you, right?” He asked breathily, in between kisses.
“Yes Teyammm!” You whined loudly, eyes rolling to the back of your head as your entire body began to tremble at once.
“Fuuuck, this is the only time I like to hear you scream my name.” He moaned, watching you come undone beneath him. Your juices flowed out of you with every slow thrust, making their way to the sheets.
“I-I want more. give me MORE!” You whined, in the middle of your peek. He shook his head with a slight chuckle.
“Any more and we’re gonna have to sleep on the ground. You’re making a mess, baby.” He explained, pulling out of you slowly, watching the rest of your essence cascade out of you like a river.
“One more time, Teyam! I-I’m so fucking hot for you.” You moaned, turning around in-front of him. You laid your head on the bed as your hips stayed mounted in the air. You spread your knees farther apart, opening yourself up to him.
“Oh my-“ he muttered under his breath, smacking your plush ass with a low groan. His mouth began to water, licking his lips as he admitted your dripping cunt. He bent down, immediately attaching his lips to your clit, flicking his tongue against the ball of nerves. You let out a low moan, spreading your legs a little wider for him.
He held your cheeks open to get better access, completely devouring your sensitive heat. He sucked on your clit like a pacifier before licking a long stripe up to your ass, swirling his tongue around to hole.
“Yesss, juuust like that daddy!” You moaned, a delirious smile plastered across your face in pleasure.
He began to French kiss your ass, letting his spit cascade down his chin. With a low hum, he stuck his tongue out, wiggling his head in between your cheeks, making your tail sway high in excitement with small whimpers falling from your precious lips. He sent it one last peck before he stood back up, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.
“You taste so good princess. Just like the fruit you’ve been nagging me about for the past week.” He chuckled, sending a hard smack to your ass once more.
“I know that. FUCK ME.” You frowned, backing your ass up into him. He smiled, lining his cock up with your entrance before plunging into you.
“So fucking cocky. You just think you’re so hot, huh?” He asked, thrusting into hard and deep.
“I-I am hot, daddy. You don’t think so?” You moaned breathily, gripping the sheets so hard that your knuckles were white.
“You know how I feel, you just wanna hear me say it.” He moaned, mouth slightly agape as he watched your ass smack against his pelvis. The sweet music ringing through the entire hut, along with your pornographic moans that he loved so much. He shifted his hips up, jamming into that sensitive sweet spot of yours repeatedly. You bit your lip with a satisfied smile, shifting your head on the cot to look back at him.
“You like that? Hmm?” He asked with a sensual tone, smacking your bruised ass a few times, earning a few low hums in satisfaction from you. You let out a small giggle in response, followed by a series a curses as your stomach muscles started to tense.
“I-I’m gonna cum, Teyammm!” You moaned, eyes rolling to the back of your head as you began to push your hips back into him to meet his rhythm.
“Shiiiittt! me too, baby.” He groaned, speeding up the pace. He threw his head back, loud growls rumbling in his chest. His thrusts became sloppy, cock twitching inside of you from his incoming orgasm.
“Oh my God, Yesssss! I’m- I-“ you cried, an intense release following. Your entire body twitching with each deep stroke. Your walls fluttering around him caught his attention. He looked down, admiring his cream coated cock with every thrust.
“Mmm, did you get what you wanted, Princess? Have I satisfied you enough?” He asked with a hint of sarcasm. But in reality, all he ever wanted to do was make you feel good. If you were happy, he was happy.
“Yes, daddy! I-I love you! I love you sooo much!” You moaned breathily, coming down from your high.
“Ohhh baby. I love you more!” He moaned, sending you one last thrust before painting your fluttering walls with his seed. You could feel the liquid trickling down into your womb, filling it up just right. A series of moans leaving his and your mouth as you both came down from your peeks. He pulled out, watching his seed flow down your trembling thighs.
“Can I go to sleep now princess?” He asked, grabbing a cloth to clean you up first. Silence followed, not even a hum in agreement.
“Y/n?” He asked, shifting around to see you cooing with your eyes shut tightly. Your legs slowly buckled to the cot, laying you completely flat. He chuckled to himself, wiping your thighs one last time.
“What am I going to do with you, Princess?…”
Taglist: @number1gal @loak-bae @tiredmamaissy @neytirishottie @viajaeger @terrorthewolf @lethargicluv @reyzzsostellar @m0nst3rfk3r @agelsully @jakescumdump @wekiamo @st-cass @cleardonutangelwagon @tsireqas @satanlovedays @afro-hispwriter @urfavgirlmakenna @fanboyluvr @iameatingmyhair @secretflowerobservation @violet-19999 @xreadersstuff @sweetllamaparadise @lia-nath @sullymenrhot @dotheyevenknowmars @xdbluesky @slay-nt @domino-x3-blog @ladylovegood-69 @itssomeonereading @sweetirilly @skxawngmia @j-jinxee @im-in-a-pansexual-panik @cumikering @pxndorasdream @itsaleidasworld @atxxokirina @yeletta @blueslxt-primary @jackchampismybbg @eywascall @valeriearriana37484 @avatarsslut @bee782916 @atxxokirina @taylormarieee @loaksdog
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jackiepackiee · 5 months
Not your Typical Confession
Chuuya x Reader
Gonna edit in the morning
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Chuuya Nakahara was an enigma to all of those lucky enough to have met him and live to tell the tale.
Stronger than stone, a certain kind of elegance akin to nature itself. Brilliant as blossoms off the trees of spring. Loyalty bleeding throughout every vein. Onto vines of care and protection he let grow to only his closest companions.
One of which was you.
So when you see him kick back his motorcycle stand before walking towards the entrance of the port mafia, you feel intrigued.
A tug on your heart that seems to physically pull you in his direction.
Mouth moving faster than your feet.
“Wait up!”
He hummed in his usual late night tired tone.
Stars barely visible from the city lights blowing the scenery up in a warm glow.
Rain just having calmed moments before, when he turned you could see the contact his boot made with a little puddle.
Dreary was the night.
And dreary were his eyes.
“Hi! Just me.”
God, was your bright tone infectious.
“I noticed that.”
Something was off. A lack of sarcasm that his words always held. Mean in textbook, but humorous in tone.
This was cold.
“…no need for attitude.”
Suddenly that stupid little puddle was really catching your eye.
“Yeah, well no need to be a nuisance. And we still stand.”
Did his voice always have such a desolate tone? Maybe with his enemies on harder missions, or when Dazai said something that seriously made him upset.
“I need a drink, so read the room and scram.”
Oh wow, maybe his tone is just this cold. And maybe he did need that drink.
“I- well… umm.”
“Spit it out. You can’t seriously ha-”
Fuck his tone, and fuck that stupid puddle.
“I’m only ever nice to you, but tonight you’re so mean!”
One drop of water falls from a leaf, then two, then…
“I’m always mean.”
“Not to me.”
Drop three.
“Well I’m not always nice. So the point you’re making is? You can’t make me happy, so give up.”
“…what happened?”
You could feel your heartbeat in your fingertips. It was faster than normal, as if you were in some high intensity fight.
“Just work. So forget about it.”
His eyes rolled back, the kind of thing a child would do when they didn’t get what they wanted.
“What? I said for-“
“No! You’re being a total dick to me as of late and for that I think I deserve to at least know why.”
Rarely did you stand up to your friends. Stranger or enemies, sure? But this was out of imagination for your actions.
Had the world stopped spinning? Maybe it had, because time definitely stopped for the both of you.
Air was even still. Not daring to bother your outburst.
“It’s not fair, I hate it. I hate this, I hate us! When we are “friends” one day but the next you act as if you want me gone.”
Not a single part of him reacted. On the outside, at least. Every stab wound he’d ever obtained could not have been this painful combined.
To see you break.
“Maybe I do care too much. Maybe I do overthink your every little action, but there isn’t anything else good for me to focus on.”
His voice had changed, for a quality you could notice. To something soft. One he always used after a tough mission of yours while comforting you. Soothing you with gentle words and petting your hair.
But something new was there. A sense of desperation.
“Am I all you have here?”
Never had silence felt so haunting. Slowly carving the scene into a sculpture of perfect stillness.
“I have these beautiful thoughts, and a world that fascinates me. Societies I can look in on and be a part of. Ideas that I may only ever understand in the moment, and actions that I make knowing I’ll regret them even after I die. But people? You’re the only human I can actually trust.”
“I’m sorry.”
“I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry. Fuck, I didn’t mean to swear, wait. Shit- wait! Damnit…”
His hat tipped low so you couldn’t see his eyes.
“I hate to swear around you.”
His arms crossed over his black suit. Red shirt still visible from underneath his arms and jacket.
“That’s not my confusion.”
“I know. Just… I can’t bring myself to stomach the idea that I’ve been neglecting you.”
He spoke with a hesitation on the words of confession.
“Neglect is a bit much.”
“Not when you’re the only thought I like to have on my mind.”
Brown/blue eyes flickered up to you. He fiddled with the cuffs on his suit sleeves.
“I think too much, but for so many thoughts you’re the only positive one. And I’m sorry for neglecting you.”
“I don’t have anyone else either.”
He was vulnerable. Never had he ever willingly showed that side of himself to a single person he’d ever known. He’d cried, he’d screamed, but never once had he put down his strength and displayed his feelings in such a way.
Ready for whatever punishment you could cause. Taking those now exposed feelings and plucking each heart string until they all wore down. Snapping at a delicate touch.
And this was his reality. That he hated caring for you.
And yet he’d die before he’d stop caring.
Only now was he aware of all this.
“Why now? Why now have you been getting further away from me?”
“Because I can’t admit to myself that I need you.”
There it was, the hideous truth. A truth that he only just now came to terms with.
“I need you, because I love you. Well, at least I think I do? You make the world so bright. Every morning is worth while, and work is worth the fight. I have to stay healthy so I can protect you. See that smile every day. And when- when you call me human. It’s all there. All I need, you.”
If Chuuya wasn’t human, then what could explain this intense urge to pull you close and tell you all that’s good within you? What he loved.
So he did just that. Pulled you into a close hug, down into his red work shirt that smells of cologne.
“I love you too, Chuu. More than I ever realized.”
Maybe this wasn’t the perfect confession, but perfect isn’t irrelevant when you’re in his arms.
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mouwrites · 8 months
Hopefully requests are open and if they aren’t then please ignore my ask!! I would like to request if you could write a platonic ninjago x younger sibling!reader where the Reader is basically the crying child from fnaf? A crybaby, easily scared and clingy in a sense that they only feel safe with the ninja or their older brother, if you cant do this then you are free to ignore this ask, Have a very nice day/night or evening where you are!
Here you are my darling! I hope you have a lovely day/night too! :D
Ninjago - Ninjas With a Sensitive Little Sibling
He's already a protective older brother, but with you being so sensitive, he's ultra-protective
Even when people are being nice to you he's hovering carefully, making sure they don't do anything that might hurt you
Not that he really needs to hover; you usually stick to his side anyway
Maybe that's also why he gets worried when you're on your own, though... he's not used to not having you nearby
Whenever he's forced to leave you, he makes sure you're in good hands (i.e. with the other ninja) first
He knows you're sensitive, but he's still Kai; you're not escaping a little sibling conflict
Sometimes he gets annoyed when you follow him around too much, and he'll get all quiet
He knows why you do it, but that doesn't mean it doesn't irritate him a bit
There have been times during which he'd snap and tell you to go find someone else to follow around
If/when that makes you cry, though, he does a complete 180 turn
He crouches down to your level, smoothing your head and frantically telling you he didn't mean it
"Aw, Y/n, please don't cry! I didn't mean it..! Please don't cry!"
Then he'll give you a piggyback if you want it, entirely forgetting his earlier desire to be alone
He's also pretty protective, but he's more focused on your character and emotions than actually defending you from the world
What I mean is that he'll watch for when you're upset, and when you do get upset he'll take the opportunity to try and build a little character
He's super gentle and always supportive, of course, but at the same time he wants you to grow
So when you cry, he'll hug you until you're calm but then he'll try and talk it out with you
"What made you upset?" ... "Why do you think that upset you?" ... "How can we make sure that doesn't happen again?"
I think he's just really emotionally mature, and he'd want his little sibling to have that maturity, too
Of course, he doesn't force it on you; you're just a kid after all
But he tries to get you on the right path
He still gives you lots of affection though, and is always checking to make sure you're comfortable
When you have to separate, he does try to leave you with one of the other ninja, but if he can't he'll offer lots of reassurance that he'll be right back
He'll be so proud if you're able to be alone for a bit!!
All in all he's just super supportive regarding your needs, but also wants you to learn and grow
Out of all the ninjas, he coddles you the most
When someone makes you cry he's on them like a feral cat
Once he's satisfied that they've gotten what they deserved (or when they're done beating his ass 💀) he'll come to check on you
He's a little scatterbrained, so he doesn't always remember that you're fragile
Sometimes he'll accidentally make a backhanded comment or leave you all on your own
When he realizes his mistake he flies into a panic, especially if he's mid-mission and remembers that you're alone
He hates seeing you cry, and just the thought of it makes his stomach churn
He always gives you the tightest hug when he realizes his mistake/gets reunited with you, apologizing a million times
Honestly he's more upset about it than you are
Long after you've stopped crying, he's still apologizing (and probably crying a little himself)
Just call him a crybaby and he'll stop on the dot
He'll just stand up and furrow his brows
"Okay, I see how it is. I was all worried about my little Y/n and now they're making fun of me. I guess that's what I get!"
(You're both able to laugh about it, dw)
As has been established, he's not the most emotionally intelligent out of all the ninjas
Sometimes he struggles to know what he's feeling himself; your emotions are a whole other realm to him
That doesn't mean he can't tell when you're upset, though
Whenever you start to whimper or cry he's at your side in a second, holding your shoulder affirmingly
He's not always sure what to say, but if you want to hug him he'll hug you back
He'll patiently wait for you to calm down, then he'll try to understand why you were upset
"Um, do you know why... what... made you... cry..?"
Be patient with him, I promise he's trying 😭
He starts to learn after a while which things upset you most, and he starts to look out for them whenever you're with him
Whenever he spots one of those things, he's already hurrying to your side before you even start crying
He feels really proud whenever he's able to catch a fit before it happens :)
Honestly, as protective as he feels towards you, he sometimes wonders if you're better off with the other ninjas
You're just so emotional, and he feels like the other ninjas might understand you better
He actually sometimes looks to them to help calm you down
But ultimately he does prefer to be the one to help you, both because he feels responsible and because he loves you the most
He was a pretty rowdy kid when he was your age, so he has a little trouble understanding you
He was rude where you're sensitive, he was cruel where you're gentle... when he thinks of you compared to his younger self, it's like night and day
So he doesn't always catch things that might make you cry
(makes it a little hard to be protective when you don't know which things to be protective about...)
Only when someone else points them out, or when he hears your high-pitched whine, does he realize that you've been upset
He'll rub your back and try to calm you down, but honestly he's a little apprehensive
Like I said, he can't really relate, so he struggles to empathize
That doesn't mean he won't try, though
He'll give you a hug and tell you everything is fine, but he's not sure if he's actually being helpful
"Hey, hey, it's okay..! Here, give me a hug!"
He just feels really bad for you, especially because of this
He asks the others for advice sometimes, trying to understand what it might've been like to be a kid who spent more time being afraid and gentle than trying to be tough and evil
They always assure him that he's doing a great job, with him being so great at showing kindness already
He still doubts himself, and he probably always will, but he'll never stop trying to be there for you
If you were anyone else's sibling, or just a random kid, Nya would absolutely coddle you
She'd be the most protective person ever, always at your side, ready to defend you from the world
But since you're a Smith...
Sorry, you're getting none of that
She'll never berate you or anything, but every time you start to have a breakdown, she tries to get you to toughen up a little
"Come on, my Y/n, dry those tears. It's not that bad. I'm here."
She'll still be hugging you anyway while she says this
The way she sees it, Kai can do the babying, and she can do the actual teaching
Though she can't help the distaste she feels whenever Kai treats you like a baby
She's talked to him before about getting you to grow up a little, and he does agree that you can't always be this sensitive
From then on they work together to find the balance between comforting you and toughening you up
(Kai still does most of the comforting and Nya still does most of the toughening)
She knows what it's like to be the "weaker" sibling, and she doesn't want that for you–not now, not ever
She'll even give you fighting lessons if it makes you feel stronger :D (tbh she probably will anyway)
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Thank you so much for this request! And thanks for reading, take care sweet duckies <33
(divider by saradika)
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 1 month
Cinder: So? What do you say Bleiss? Leave behind that loveless self-centered group you Call a Family behind and Join me! After all, What do they do for you? In your own words, Your Father's a bastard, your sisters are bitches and your mother's a lost cause, and for your little Brother? You left him to. You're letting him become just like Jac-
Bleiss: Shut your Whore mouth Fire-bitch! you don't know shit about my Family!
Bleiss: Yeah, the people in my family can suck, That's just how some families are, but I know-
Bleiss: *Blinking away tears* I know That's there's good there. My family is little, and broken but ...
Willow bounced a set of small girls on her knees. They giggled and held tight to their mother's arms.
A much younger Winter lets them ride on the back a small beowolf summon. She's focusing too much on maintaining it to join in their laughter, but the corner of her mouth curls up.
A small boy is born. He's Named Whitley. The set can't stop playing with him, and become annoyed and upset that they must be separated so he may nap.
Klein makes them French toast sticks. It's finger food unbecoming of their station, but it Doesn't matter so long as Father never finds out.
Jacques tells the truth of the Marriage.
Willow turns to the bottle. Winter Leaves. Whitley is brought further under Father's wing. The twins are torn.
One Clings to Winter, but defers to Jacques. The Other Holds onto Whitley, striking against Jacques. They forget their mother when she's out of sight.
They Fight. They Change. They're no longer sisters.
One Crude, one Polite.
A Black Sheep and the Poster Child.
A Gele and a Schnee.
Beacons Comes. They see each other again. They hate each other (Why'd things have to change?)
Both of them are rude and mean in their own ways. They don't realize it (One's Wild and Free, the other still Bound by 'Atlesian Ideals')
Weiss pays Bleiss's tab at a bar one night. She can't have anyone close to her in debt, can she? (And maybe a little kindness will make Bleiss Drink Less)
Bleiss Gets fuckers to stop hating on Weiss. She's a bitch, but she's not fucking Evil. (She knows evil. She took it's last name.)
A laugh here, a smirk there. And old joke shared between the two. Memories come back.
Willow never stopped loving them. She just forgot to care for herself, and in that way, them.
Whitley was left alone with Jacques. They had to pry His talons out of Whitley.
Winter tried to give them a path out of Jacques' hold. They followed the steps, but blazed their own trails.
Bleiss: *Fully Crying* ... But it's Good. Yeah, It's still good.
Bleiss: *Drawing her sword*And I'm not letting some heartless Ember fuck us over AGain!
Cinder: ... That's a Shame. You could've- Hrg!
Bleiss: *Throwing an Iceball into Cinder's stomach* SHUT THE FUCK UP AND FIGHT ME!
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pasta-in-the-pudding · 7 months
Can you do Jeff, Ben, Liu, Masky, EJ, and Toby with a child experimented reader? Like they have scars and there wrists are swollen from being restrained, and everything? 
𝕀'𝕞 𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕣𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕥𝕠 𝕘𝕖𝕥 𝕜𝕚𝕟𝕕 𝕠𝕗 𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕕 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕘𝕦𝕪𝕤 𝕙𝕠𝕨 𝕕𝕠 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕖 𝕦𝕡 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕤𝕥𝕦𝕗𝕗/𝕝𝕙
ℂ𝕣𝕖𝕕𝕚𝕥𝕤 𝕥𝕠 𝕕𝕚𝕧𝕚𝕕𝕖𝕣 𝕘𝕠 𝕥𝕠 @𝕒𝕟𝕚𝕞𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕕𝕘𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕘𝕣𝕒𝕡𝕙𝕚𝕔𝕤-𝕟-𝕞𝕠𝕣𝕖!! 𝔾𝕠 𝕗𝕠𝕝𝕝𝕠𝕨 𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕞 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕤𝕦𝕡𝕡𝕠𝕣𝕥 𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕚𝕣 𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕜!
𝕋𝕙𝕒𝕟𝕜 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕤𝕠 𝕞𝕦𝕔𝕙 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕣𝕖𝕢𝕦𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘!!
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Jeff the Killer
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He's a total insensitive asshole at first
"God damn kid, the fuck happened to your wrists? You cut yourself or somethin'?"
When you start sniffling and crying he knows he's fucked up
"Oh shit, wait hey I-I didn't mean it!"
One 3 hour long lecture from Slender and EJ later about how you do not in fact, cut yourself, you were held as an experiment for your entire life, he feels like he's come out a changed man
He is too much of an asshole to apologize, but he will try to make it better by initiating small talk
"You know, I was kind of an experiment too in a way"
"Yeah, I mean you know, I definetly didn't have it as bad as you but when I was growing up, my parents would force me to do things just to see how i'd react. And you know, how I look now is kind of a result of that"
You definetly don't like him after that, but you feel a little better
Jeff is an acquired taste for most people
No one just likes Jeff when they meet him LMAO
But as he continues to try and relate to you, you can commend him for trying
You still don't like him that much, but he's alright
Ben Drowned
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He doesn't even mention it
He notices your scars and stuff, yeah, but he doesn't bring it up
1, he doesn't care enough to ask
2, he doesn't wanna make you upset
But sometimes, it's the guy that's too busy playing video games to actually listen to what you're saying that people trauma dump on
Which he doesn't mind
He's not a gossiper, and he forgets everything so chances are, if you tell Ben something, he's taking it to the grave
Er...second grave???
So as you sit there, telling him all you endured, he just sits there quietly
Maybe occasionally popping in with a "Damn that's crazy"
He probably isn't listening im sorry
Or maybe he is idk
The only way to really tell if he was is if months later, you mention something offhand and he's like
"Oh yeah I remember that. That's when a little bit of your skull was removed, right?"
And you'll just look at him like 'you were actually listening????'
Homicidal Liu
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Liu, like Ben, notices but doesn't say anything
He and Jeff had a similar childhood, but even if he didn't, he still wouldn't risk bringing up trauma
But sometimes he gets a little concerned
Like if your wrists look a little more swollen than usual, then he will ask if he can see them
And he'll carefully look them over before getting an ointment that's supposed to help with swelling and rubbing it on them
He also has a lot of scars, so he gets the insecurity that comes with them
If he notices you covering up your arms or neck or wherever, he will offer one of his cardigans or scarves
And he will help adjust it so that it fits on you just right
Once it's on he will tell you how amazing you look
And if you really wanted, he'd let you keep the stuff he gives you
Or he'd go out shopping with you for something that better suits your style
Whichever you want, really
Eyeless Jack
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He's probably one of the first people you meet when you get to the manor
And probably the one you see the most often
He is tasked with giving you your daily medicines, checkups, etc
He understands that a hospital room probably will bring up some trauma for you, so if you want to do your checkups in your room or somewhere else in the manor, he'd allow it
Really all he does is put lotion on your bruises, anti-itching ointment on where you were bound, cleaning and bandaging wounds, cleaning your scars, and giving you any medicine you might need
After that, he reminds you to be careful around your bandaged areas, and to try not to itch where he put the ointment, and then you're good to go
If you want, he'll give you a candy of your choice and a sticker
You do have a designated therapist, like all other members of the manor, but if you wanted to open up to him too he'd be ok with that
You opening up about your experiences also helps him give you the right medical treatment
And he assures you, that he and every other medical professional in the manor will never treat you how you were treated then
Of course, he understands that overcoming trauma is a process, and especially with medical professionals in your situation
But he will continue to accommodate whatever you need in the meantime to make you feel more comfortable
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Toby from the beginning makes it clear that you can talk to him anytime you need
He loves helping people feel better, and would love to help you feel better
So if you do decide to open up to him, he will show you his own wounds and scars to make you feel better about them
He also helps you see that taking your medicine is cool and radical
(Take your meds kids, they're there to help you)
He will accompany you to the medical wing when you are finally able to go into hospital rooms
He wants you to feel safe, and if you need a break, he will be there to comfort you
He will also let you come with him when he needs to go to the medical wing, just to show you that everyone needs medical help sometimes, and that it's not scary here
He will let you touch his bandages so that you can see it's completly normal and helps your body get better
He's definetly the best to have around for medical reasons
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Regarding Stolas and Stella. It says something that both their VAs were thinking there was something more to their relationship than the actual showrunner.
Fans wanna throw up this excuse that “their headcanons weren’t true.” But what about the actual input from the actors? Do they not get a say in their own characters?
Also I have to be honest, this whole arranged marriage has been completely pointless as a ‘plotline’ because Stella is just a nothing character and Andreaphuls is going to be the big bad.
You can write Stella out of the show and nothing changes, hell in hindsight she wasn’t even needed for S1. You can have her just be dead and things can play out the same. Striker could still be involved, just don’t show who hired him, but it’s revealed later that it’s Andre.
Yea definitely I find it very notable that her VA thought we'd see more of her side of things and then... nope. So many people thought there would be more to her, and that doesn't translate to thinking she'd be a good person like the "stop crying about your HC" people insist, but rather, we simply thought she'd be, A PERSON AT ALL. She was set up to be genuinely upset over being cheated on, like so many of her S1 scenes are her screaming with rage and throwing things and panting over it. We also had this plotline that once the Stella/Stolas marriage had been happier. These people insisting Stella was always just evil seem to forget the S1 era of this show and how its subtlety was so good. How it was able to tell us a lot without insane biased BLITZO KYS party type writing. Remember this dialogue? (Sidenote, God seeing this makes me remember why I used to like Stolas and this show a lot less critically its such a shame it used to be so good).
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There was a lot of intrigue and mystery as to how things occurred in regards to their marriage at this point in time but we knew Octavia, granted she was a young child in the early marriage but still, she saw the home environment as having changed. I think her missing signs as a child because she was little could explain some of it... but clearly there was more to everything than that alone. And she blamed STOLAS specifically for it from what we saw. She says to him you ruined it, aka the cheating was the instigating event. Stolas' "I thought love would be fun" in the song of this episode and his failed explanations to Octavia suggested multiple possibilities. Back then a lot of people suspected Stolas was gay and now in 2024 we know its true, so the scenarios that seemed to be at play were either:
A) Neither of them loved each other but pretended to for Octavia's sake and maybe other reasons, but then Stolas broke that arrangement by sleeping with Blitz which angered Stella for reasons outside of love ie reputation.
B) Stella genuinely loved Stolas while he never did her, he tried to make it work but just couldn't, leading to Stella being furious over being arranged married to a guy, falling in love with him, only to find out he never loved her and no longer wanted to pretend.
Both of these are really interesting and this all felt so much different than S2 imo. We didn't need to be spoon fed a side to pick. Getting to have seen which of those scenarios it was and Stella's perspective would have been so good. At this point in time they were both victims and in turn the arranged marriage had made Octavia one too as she was stuck caught between them and their drama. It felt nuanced, realistic, interesting and cool. Stolas was still allowed to fuck up back then (just like Stella). It was painted as understandable but still a fuck up. Now, hes just a victim, victim, victim, and to write him as one, they took this interesting thing and twisted it into something else.
They made Stella some evil animal torturing bitch from birth that seemingly was completely unaffected by being raised and forced into an arranged marriage and that decided to devote her sole existence to stick around Stolas to torment him in various over the top and cruel ways (what is with this show and making people throw hate parties). Instead of being ANGRY, like she was in S1, panting with rage and clearly stressed, shes gleefully happy when it comes to her urge to hurt Stolas and at the idea of hurting him? How in the fuck is writing Stella to be like that instead of just focusing on how she felt about the marriage and how it affected her not outlandishly unrealistic and weird and stupid? Being forced into an arranged marriage and then the guy not loving you and cheating on you would hurt and affect anyone. Yet she seems so unaffected. Shes not allowed to actually feel anything other than hate for Stolas, she can feel no grief for herself, love for her daughter, sorrow at having to move out of her home for the past 18 or so years, nothing. Shes just a device to beat on Stolas so we feel sorry for him and she has no goals or thoughts outside of it.
Even fucking VALENTINO in Hazbin was shown to have more depth than this in that he was allowed to be shown to be upset at Angel changing where he lived. Yes it was shown as unhinged abuser's upset, but he shown as being bothered and hurt by Angel not wanting to be around him. I repeat: Rapist pimp Valentino who has convinced several people into abusive sexually exploitative soul contracts was allowed to be shown to be hurt and to long for someone more than Stella was.
Stella is so much so a device instead of a person that they had to shove in a brother character and divorce settlement plotline to overturn the assassination plotline (since that too has fulfilled its purpose as Stolitz drama now). All of this nobody saw coming because all of it was barely set up to the point Stella is still actively working against this new plotline once it comes in and is told by her brother she's a stupid cow and to stop doing what shes doing. And so she does. Instead of getting to drive her own story and goal and what she wants, instead of perhaps being written to change her mind herself, to choose to focus on something else even temporarily, nope, just have a man command her what to do (while still giving her no sympathy over being merely a puppet either of course). Now its time for the bullshit Andrealphus plotline so Stella can be replaced by the gay male character who gets to be a relevant plot driving antagonist instead. Its pathetic writing.
This show constantly does this. It sets things up, people get invested, then it gives them the middle finger and tells them they're stupid idiots for seeing what was actively shown and trusting the writing and it focuses on something else its now decided instead. Striker being bigoted straight and a joke is another example. The fact he appeared in Blitz's dream sequence, flirted with him while proposing blitz follow an alternate path in life in which they work together - nope you saw none of that he's just a dumb joke and you're dumb for seeing things and expecting consistency!
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abditorial · 9 months
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JJK characters when the reader comes home tipsy ♥︎
FT. Geto, Gojo, and Nanami
WARNINGS: Alcohol, reader is drunk, pet names (like sweetheart, love, honey, etc.), Nanami’s is suggestive but no real NSFW, SOO much fluff!
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The entire time your friends were dragging your ass home, you couldn’t help but think “I’m so screwed”. Suguru was just fine with letting you have a night out with your friends; He trusted them to take good care of you, and knew you weren’t just some child that had to be watched every minute. So when you told him about the plans he was very supportive and excited that you got to have a fun night with friends. However, his only concern was that you shouldn’t drink too much. And now here you are, drink… Because you drank too much. You broke the one rule he had set for you and now you were certain he would never let you go out again. In fact, you were bawling your eyes out as one of your friends helped you up the front steps and knocked on the door, muttering out some nonsense.
When Suguru answered? The tears grew stronger. Your friend was trying not to laugh as they quickly gave an apology, but before they could explain you were quick to jump in. “SUGU!” You wailed, leaping forward to wrap your arms around him and shove your tear-stained face into his pajama shirt. “I’m sorryyy….” The words were muffled, but coherent. Your boyfriend gave an awkward laugh and told your friends he could take care of it and they left, stifling their sober chuckles. Meanwhile, he dragged you into the house and sat you down on the sofa, standing before you while you sniffled and looked up at him with such sad, sad eyes. “You told me not to drink too much, and then I DID.” You burst out into tears again, hands trying to wipe them away but failing because it came out like a tsunami. “Please don’t leave me!”
“That’s what this is about?” He rolled his eyes playfully when you weren’t looking and kneeled down beside you, gently wiping your tears away. Again, you sniffled and looked at him with confusion. Plus those sad, sad eyes again. “I’m not upset, okay? I just said that so you wouldn’t drink until you were passed out on a club floor, because that’s a little bit scary I’m sure.” He stood up and suddenly walked away, though you could tell he was just in the next room over, your guys’ bedroom, because his voice could still be heard. “I’m glad you had fun with your friends, and I’m sorry for making you worry.” He came back out with a big blanket, wrapping it around your shoulders and over your head like a swaddle almost.
“Really?” You sniffled again, clutching the blanket to your chest.
“Really.” And now you were sobbing because you couldn’t believe how understanding your boyfriend was. Even if he was chuckling at how silly you were.
Satoru was not good with drunk people, apparently. You were usually the one babysitting him, making sure he doesn’t almost destroy the entire universe and all. But now the roles had swapped, and they had never done that before. Now, I admit, Satoru wasn’t very fond of the idea of you going out with friends to begin with, but it wasn’t because he was trying to control you or anything. It’s because he also wanted to go out and you said no because last time he tagged along you had to literally drag him home because he passed out. Ironic that he had to pick you up from the bar you were at and drive you home himself.
You were very clingy under the influence, giggling and laughing while holding onto his arm or his hand and always commenting on how strong he was. Obviously he entertained this idea, laughing an arrogant laugh and flexing for you which made you practically squeal. But now you were running around your guys’ house and getting into everything. Trying to cook yourself something, and then forgetting about it and almost burning your house down while you’re at it. He was chasing you only to quickly fix the messes you made. Good, maybe now he’ll understand how people feel about him…
When he finally catches up to you, Satoru pulls you into his arms while you giggle and squirm endlessly and covers your face in kisses. “You’re such a handful! Why can’t you just lay down with me and talk about how strong and cool I am?” He was pouting, and for some reason this made you laugh even more instead of playfully slap him and roll your eyes like you usually did. “What’s so funny?!” He relaxed his hold on you… But instead was now tickling your sides, making you burst out into even more laughter. “St- Haha, Stop!” You finally managed to get out, and when he did stop you looked up at him with big eyes and said, “Let’s watch a movie!”
So he got you all tucked into bed with a nice movie snack and got your favorite one started up, but as soon as he put one arm around your shoulder you fell asleep against his shoulder. Satoru sighed and just rested his head on top of yours. “They really made me do all that work, and for what?”
Nanami didn’t really think much of it, to be honest. When you suggested the idea of going out with friends he didn’t hesitate to approve. All he wanted was that you text him every now and then and keep your ringer on for the sake of him knowing you were okay. He even made sure you knew he would be okay with picking you up if you got too tipsy to walk home yourself, so he wasn’t worried about that either. He just wanted you to have fun!
Except there was one thing he didn’t take into account, and it was that you were going to pounce on him when you got home. Your friends dropped you off in good condition, except that you were stumbling over both your words and your feet. He smiled and thanked them before helping you inside, one strong hand on your bicep to keep you steady. This really riled you up apparently, because you turned and clutched the collar of his shirt and yanked him down for a kiss. You were giggling in between every kiss, pulling away just to see how cute he looked with lipstick covering his own lips.
“Honey, I don’t-” “Shhhhh… Hehe.” You place a finger to his lips to shut him up, still giggling. You lean in for another kiss, hands trailing down his chest. This time he pulls away, and when you lean in for another kiss he puts his hands on your waist and pushes you back lightly, a very stern expression on his face that makes you pout. “Whaaaat?”
“You’re drunk, dear. I’d rather not do anything until you’re fully sober.” You whined, but didn’t try to push it any further for the moment. You dramatically stumbled over to the couch and fell face first into the cushions, wailing, though no tears fell. He sighed and followed you, sitting down at your feet and staring at your figure that was nearly crying now. “I promise it has nothing to do with you, I just don’t want you to wake up and regret anything.”
You lifted yourself up slightly and looked over your shoulder at him, eyebrows knitted together in a sad expression. “Do you promise I’m still sexy, though?”
He fell silent for a moment, because that was arguably the most unexpected question he had received. “I will always find you sexy, dear. Don’t worry.” All was well again when you smiled and leaned up against his arm, giggling again.
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Recently I’ve been kind of obsessed with Geto. Apparently he canonically gets more girls than Gojo and I think that’s so real because who can possibly resist a long haired man… Both is good, though.
Threesome fic when?
As always, requests are open! Find more information here…
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Listen in my defence Garp is a Dilf or a Gilf depending on the time line XD 
Maybe Garp (or Sanji if writing Garp makes you uncomfortable) S , K , I , W , H
Congratulations! You got six letters because I accidentally did V instead of W at first!
Also I will write for any character from One Piece (barring child characters given that this alphabet is inherently more mature) so long as I've gotten to them in the show, so you don't have to worry about me not wanting to write for a certain character. Like I would write for Blackbeard if someone requested him.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
Given Garp's insane strength, it would be very easy for him to hurt you even just accidentally. He never sets out to hurt you. With his power and his connections, there's no real need for violence. However, if you catch him in a bad mood and really push your luck, he might grab you too tight and effortlessly break your arm. He realizes what he's done the second he hears the snap and immediately regrets it. You'll be hauled off to see a doctor immediately and he spends the next month spoiling you in an attempt to make you forget about what happened. All that being said, upsetting him to this point is borderline impossible, so this is very unlikely to happen.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
All that he wants is someone to have by his side for the rest of his life. Ideally, someone that isn't going to raise his blood pressure like the rest of his family does. He just wants to be able to relax and have fun with his darling in his down time. You guys are going to get married, but it'll likely be no more than a marriage certificate unless you really push for a wedding. He's too old and set in his ways to care that much about ceremonies and "superficial shit", as he puts it.
Don't worry about children. This man has adult grandchildren. He's good. He really does not want to be starting over with a baby at his age. Not to mention the fact that everyone in his family is a damn criminal. He does not want to see another descendant on a wanted poster before his deathbed, thank you very much.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
Presuming that you two have a significant age gap, Garp is usually mistaken for being your father. He isn't a particularly romantic man (no one in this family is), so very little about his behavior would make people think that you're a couple. In public, he'll be walking beside you, but usually isn't touching you beyond brief touches to get your attention. He's talking loudly (usually lightheartedly complaining about his family) and making dumb jokes.
In private, he's a bit more affectionate, but most of the time it's in an annoying way. He's like a young boy that thinks the only way to get his crush's attention is by being a nuisance. Except you're married and he's in his seventies. He'll be pranking you and going out of his way to do things that'll get a rise out of you. He can be normally affectionate with quick kisses on the cheek before he leaves the home, or by picking you up in a hug and spinning you around.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
Desperation for a normal family member combined with his devil-may-care attitude. If he finds someone that he likes well enough to pursue a relationship with, why shouldn't he go after them just as strongly as he would a pirate? What's so wrong about him wanting to have some company on lonely nights? He's a marine. He's a good man. You'll come around and learn to appreciate this arrangement.
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
You have three options with Garp:
1: If he isn't bringing you with him on his ship while he's working, you have all of that time to make a break for it. It might be tricky giving the marine base he keeps you at the slip, but it's much easier than trying to run away from him directly. These escapes will be short lived. Maybe a week into your freedom, Garp will rock up wearing a hawaiian shirt and carrying a suitcase while asking why you went on vacation without him.
2: You have three step-grandchildren that would be eager to get involved. You don't even need to convince them that you're here against your will. All you have to do is ask if they want to piss off their grandfather and they'll be on their way to wherever you are to begin the game of darling-keep-away.
3: Assuming there's a big age gap here... you could also just wait him out. Sure, it'll probably take a couple of decades for him to finally kick the bucket. He isn't the type of yandere to kill his darling so he can "take them with him", so you'll still have the rest of your life left. It'll be easy to afford a therapist for everything you went through after you cash in on your late husband's pension and life insurance policy, so at least you have that to look forward to.
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
As discussed in H, yes, but it's accidental. He genuinely has no desire to harm his darling. His attitude is too carefree and lax with you to become violent without several other extreme factors being at play.
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