#It’s still seen as not wrong when he eats a horse cause that’s just the circle of life
passions-and-pupils · 10 months
I’d love to see a book that goes in depth on the idea of a creature that eats humans and when they are told by a human to stop they say “how is me eating human any different than you eating cow,” and the human counters with “but cows don’t have sentience the same way we do,” but the the creature simply laughs and goes
“Awwww little human thinks he has a soul, thinks he can comprehend everything we can, how cute.”
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ajbullet · 9 months
My thoughts on episode 3 of PJO: (spoilers)
I so enjoyed doing this for the first two episodes and the response was great, so hey, maybe this will be an entire series thing
-The oracle was amazing. It was a perfect mix of creepy yet humorous with Percy’s perfect voice crack and “you’re a Halloween decoration” line. Having just reread the book, I wouldn’t have remembered that the prophecy came from Gabe so that was a really cool, book-accurate detail I enjoyed.
- The WAY PERCY CHOSE ANNABETH! I freaked out. Cause you know in the book Annabeth is just like “I’m coming” and that’s that. To see Percy go out of his way to CHOOSE her for his quest was so special to me and I loved it (even tho it was for a different reason than I originally thought.)
-Annabeth’s reaction to getting picked was perfect. This is a girl who has waited YEARS for a quest and in no way do I think she was expecting to be picked. Hoping, of course. But Leah’s expression of shock then excitement was perfect
- Grover talking to the horses
-Percy picking Grover
-“I’m going to back the best snacks” The snacks in question being tin cans
-Bro give Thalia a break Percy, wth 😭. He came at her so hard for someone he hasn’t even met. Which was hilarious and so Percy-like, but dang. I thought Annabeth was gonna kill him right then and there.
-“She met a Pinecone’s fate” Like this boy…🤭
-I loved watching Leah’s expressions the whole time the three of them were traveling to the bus terminal. I will never get over how subtle she is able to make her thoughts appear on her face. Like you could clearly tell she was taking everything in for the first time in 5 years, while still trying to remain calm and seem in control in front of the other two
-THE BICKERING OMGS. I wasn’t ready for the arguing, but it fits so well. It MADE SENSE. Like none of these kids know just how much they can trust each other and their all scared and they don’t really know what they are doing so of course they are going to fight and argue and take out their emotions on each other.
-Grover’s consensus song was perfect. I had no idea why he was clapping at first and when he started to sing I was scared because it had potential to be really cringy but I honestly think it fit his vibe and was cute.
-ok, so for the scene with Annabeth in the store, I loved of course cause it was my girl and I originally watched it as a kid with a lot of money placed in front of infinite candy and she couldn’t just pick ONE so she got them all and it was adorable. But I’ve also seen posts talking about her trying to read the wrapper and since she’s dyslexic she couldn’t tell what flavor was what so she got all of them, which would also make sense and is a perfect subtle detail. Now I just saw one post that said she was trying to pick the perfect candy to make Grover and Percy LIKE HER and that just about broke my heart. Feel free to comment or reboot with your opinions because I’ve loved seeing all these different takes on that scene. All I know is it was awesome and the contrast between a girl picking candy and immediately sensing something is wrong and putting up her guard was a perfect way of showing how life is for demigods
-The invisibility cap!!!!
-“We’re lost in the woods, somewhere in New Jersey and we’re never gonna make to LA” was all I could think about
- again the BICKERING. Annabeth calling Percy out. Her asking what he’s afraid of. Grover trying so hard to keep the peace. (As a middle sibling, I felt that in my soul). “He was my protector first!” Loved that. Just the whole conversation was so interesting
I’m gonna make a part two because I have so many more thoughts on Medusa and her story and I’m hungry so I’m gonna go eat.
Part two:
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acti-veg · 2 months
What's the biggest cognitive dissonance you've ever seen in someone? I'll start: I just saw someone who breaks and sells competitive dressage horses as a career start a fundraiser to purchase one of the horses she is breaking in because she is aware that when she sells him, he is going to be abused, and doesn't want him to suffer that fate.
I have so many questions... What about all the other horses she has sold? Why can't she use the profits she has gained from breeding and selling to protect the horse that she has bred..? Is that GoFundMe going to her..? A bizarre lack of self awareness, regardless. I think I am less bowled over by specific cases and more just the general prevalence of huge levels of cognitive dissonance playing out on so many issues. Almost everyone is against factory farming, yet almost everyone still buys factory-farmed meat, even when they have the option not to. Almost everyone is against causing unnecessary harm to animals, yet almost everyone eats animals unnecessarily, even knowing that this causes harm. The environmental science on animal agriculture is absolutely unassailable, yet so many people just put that knowledge in some sort of box in their mind when they go out and buy meat.
I have found that it is one thing to cognitively know something is wrong, or environmentally destructive, but it is quite another to actually put that knowledge into practice.
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laurellerual · 2 years
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Realistically it's more helpful to use material written by George Martin to theorize about what's going to happen in his books, rather than books written by other people.
So where is the evidence that Gendry is prejudiced against wargs? He doesn't even know what they are. The only times Gendry has to deal with this side of Arya he seems to accept what she says to him without any problems or particular judgments:
She must have slept, though she never remembered closing her eyes. She dreamed a wolf was howling, and the sound was so terrible that it woke her at once. Arya sat up on her pallet with her heart thumping. "Hot Pie, wake up." She scrambled to her feet. "Woth, Gendry, didn't you hear?" She pulled on a boot. All around her, men and boys stirred and crawled from their pallets. "What's wrong?" Hot Pie asked. "Hear what?" Gendry wanted to know. "Arry had a bad dream," someone else said.
"You stay here with the horses," Arya said. "I'll get rid of him. Come quick when I call." Gendry knotted. Hot Pie said, "Hoot like an owl when you want us to come." "I'm not an owl," Arya said. "I'm a wolf. I'll howl”. […] When he stopped moving, she picked up the coin. Outside the walls of Harrenhal, a wolf howled long and loud. She lifted the bar, set it aside , and pulled open the heavy oak door. By the time Hot Pie and Gendry came up with the horses, the rain was falling hard. "You killed him!" Hot Pie gasped.
If there's one character in Arya's story who isn't obsessed with the supernatural, it's this guy. For example, he has already met the ghost of High Heart and had no particular reaction. When he witnessed the resurrection of Lord Beric, he merely acknowledged that the Red god probably exists and decided to join the Brotherhood. When Lady Stoneheart was resurrected the Brotherhood split but he decided to stay. Why would wargs be so inconceivable to a person who has seen a witch prophesy and two people resurrect before his eyes? If Gendry is prejudiced against the Old gods or magic he has never shown it.
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First they are not her ancestors they are the Boltons' men, Robb's men, and Hoster Tully's men. These last two are the people Arya asks him to smith for. He has the right to have an opinion on them after the injustices he has seen them commit. However, he just watches her to see how she reacts to the news that her side is not has good as she tought.
Arya begins her journey in the Riverlands still convinced that "wolves don't eat babies" (to metaphorically quote her own words). Arya is wrong and it's a lesson she learns gradually. The very first step is when Mycah is killed and she realizes that her father's men don't give a damn about this injustice. But then along comes the Boltons, Robb's men, and Hoster's men… Post-Riverlands Arya no longer believes that “wolves don't eat babies”. Now she is a more mature and aware person.
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Gendry remains with the Brotherhood even when their original mission is shelved because of Lady Stoneheart. Why? Because he doesn't have nowhere else to go? Yes. Because he is furious that the Freys killed an innocent girl, who was his friend? Probably.
But last we see him in AFFC he's not killing innocent Freys, he's protecting an orphanage. And I think it's interesting to note that when he had just met Arya he didn't care at all about protecting the children, in fact he was willing to abandon them to have a better chance of surviving. Wow character development.
Speaking of Brienne: the reader knows she is innocent. For the characters Brienne is the kingslayer's whore who goes around looking for the Stark girls with a Lannister red sword.
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I wait for evidences that Gendry doesn't accept Arya as she is. But only if they come from ASOIAF books. And no, the fact that Gendry thinks highborns unfairly exploit lowborns isn't proof, because Arya totally agrees with him. Simply he knew it 'already 'cause he's lived in poverty all his life, but Arya has only recently experienced this so she need some time to process what is her role as a lady in this.
I don't know what 'meat boy' means.
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dragon-kazansky · 2 years
His Little Dragon
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Doc Holliday x OC
Dedicated to @callsignscupcake
[Previous Chapter] - [Next Chapter]
Doctor John Holliday hasn't seen his darling Little Dragon for many years. Once as thick as thieves, they were quite the pair, but that long since ended when he left. Now, with opportunity blooming in Tombstone, it would seem they have a second chance at the love they lost. However, a threat looms over the town, and if he wants his Dragon back, he has to win the heart of little Baylie too. Nothing is ever easy.
Word count: 1.4k
Chapter Twenty Eight - Stolen treasure
They ride all day, not stopping unless absolutely necessary. As nightfall draws in, they find a place to camp.
Rachael is more than happy to stretch her legs at that point. Whiskey is just happy to rest up.
Doc climbs down from his own horse and immediately goes over to check on Rachael. His hands settle on her waist and she chuckles as she turns around to face him. He immediately steals a kiss, not caring for the company they keep.
Rachael shies away and bows her head down after the kiss. Doc chuckles softly and guides her over to where two beds had been made up for them. Rachael sits down and get cosy next to Doc.
Wyatt stands at the edge of their camp looking out into the distance. Somewhere put there to cowboys were running and causing more trouble. Trouble for Wyatt to find. They wanted the chase.
This chase was going to end in bloodshed.
Who's blood? Wyatt can't say for sure, but he is going to fight to the bitter end.
Some men had been sent to scout ahead for the trail in the morning. Wyatt intended to wait for their return, allowing everyone else to rest up.
It's late when the scouts return. Most of the group have fallen asleep by now.
Wyatt turns when he hears the horses approach. Despite them slowing down at they bear the camp, the scouts look like they have something to say. They hurry over to Wyatt and pull him to the side.
"Well?" Wyatt asks.
"No cowboys sighted, but we did come across a carriage."
"A carriage?"
"Over turned. Nothing seems to be stolen though. The horses are dead and the carriage was empty, but all the luggage seemed to be there."
Wyatt frowns.
"Show me."
The scouts nod. Along with Wyatt they all head out. Wyatt trusts Doc to take care of anything unruly happening at the camp while he's gone.
It's early morning. Doc is the first to wake. Rachael is curled up beside him, sleeping soundly. He smiles softly and kisses her forehead before rising up out of their make-shift bed. He stretches his arms out and takes a deep breath. It had been some time since he last slept out under the stars. Those were the days.
As John steps through camp, he notices that Wyatt isn't around. His horse is gone too. He frowns. If something had happened, he was sure Wyatt would have woken him up to help him. Perhaps he had gone to scout ahead too.
Intending to at least get something to eat, he made his way over to the satchel on his horse. He was about to go digging through it when he heard horses quickly approaching the camp.
Doc looks up.
Wyatt and the scouts have returned and there is something dark and solemn about their expression. Doc doesn't like what he sees.
"Everyone wake up! Wake up!" Wyatt yells.
Everyone starts to stir and wake.
"Wyatt?" Doc tries again.
Wyatt looks at Doc with a pained expression. Something is very wrong.
"Saddle up. Now. We have to go."
"Wyatt." Doc says his name with a warning tone. He needs the man to start explaining now, but he still doesn't. Wyatt turns his horse away and waits at the edge of the camp.
"What's happening?" Rachael asks, looking up at Doc. He comes over and helps her to her feet.
"It seems we need to get on the road. Come, darlin', let's pack up."
Rachael helps Doc pack up their few belongings and within the hour everyone is on the road following Wyatt once again. He seems determined to get somewhere, conversing with his scouts. Rachael can't help but let the worry set in. Something is wrong. He's keeping something from them.
Doc glances at Rachael and sees the set expression on her face. He turns his eyes to Wyatt and rides over, needing answers.
Wyatt turned a his head to Doc.
"What are you not telling us?"
Wyatt clenches his jaw.
"Tell me, Wyatt."
"They found a carriage. Overturned. I went to take a look. We are heading that way now. Doc, you have to stand by Rachael no matter what happens, okay?"
"Okay?" He asks again.
Doc glares at him slightly, but nods.
It's not much further ahead. Wyatt brings them all to a stop. Rachael rides to stop by Doc and Wyatt. She's confused for a moment.
Her eyes follow the road ahead to the overturned carriage.
Rachael hops off her horse and hurries over to the wreckage. Doc follows quickly. Wyatt really should have said something.
Wyatt joins them on foot.
There was no mistaking it. This was the carriage Baylie had left in. Scarlet's carriage. The two horses were dead, the luggage was laying around the back. Rachael was quick to climb up so she could look inside.
Not a sign of anyone.
"This is... This is the carriage Baylie was in. Miss Scarlet's carriage... Baylie? Baylie?!"
Doc hurries over to Rachael and helps her down. He pulls her into his arms and holds her. She begins to panic, grabbing at his coat. Her breathing begins to quicken.
"Wyatt, why didn't you tell us this sooner?" Doc asks, turning to his friend.
"I had to be sure."
"Sure? There is no doubt about it. This is the one. Where is Baylie? Where is our girl?"
"I don't know, Doc. I don't know!"
Rachael cries into Doc's shoulder.
"Baylie. Baylie..."
Doc keeps a hold on her.
"I hope you have a plan, Wyatt."
Wyatt takes his hat off and runs a hand though his hair. This certainly does look back, but there is no proof of anything. Except... the luggage is still here and the horses are dead. They had been shot. A sure proof way of the carriage not going anywhere.
Where was everyone?
"Doc, you take Rachael to the safe house. We can't rule out that they may have made it by other means. I'll take the others onward. If everyone has made it, send word. If they have not... find us. If they do have Baylie, may Hell come their way."
Doc nods his head once.
Wyatt watches the couple for a moment longer before returning to his horse. Rachael doesn't even look at him as he rides off. Doc continues to hold her. If any harm has come to his darling girl, those cowboys don't know what's coming.
"We need to go," he whispers to her.
"Our Baylie..."
"I know, my little Dragon. I know. But we must go. She may be there waiting for us."
"If she's not?" She asks.
"Then I will get our girl back."
Rachael wipes at her eyes and turns away from Doc. She looks at the carriage. Something burns with in her chest. Pure anger. Anger unlike anything she has ever felt before.
Doc can see it from the way she holds her head higher. She glances at him over her shoulder.
"Let's go." Her voice is firm and cold.
Doc follows her to the horses and they climb up. It's Rachael who takes the lead. The dragon is determined to reunite her family by any means necessary, and no one shall get in her way.
The two ride out toward the safe house.
It takes them more than half a day to get there. It's a small ranch out in the middle of nowhere. It was supposed to be a safe place for their daughter to stay at until they were done and come and get her. Now, Rachael was wishing with all she had that little Baylie was on this ranch. Their girl better be in that house.
They ride down the hill and over to the house. Rachael slows Whiskey down and jumps off, running toward the house.
"Baylie? Baylie?" Rachael calls out.
Doc jumps down from his horse and follows Rachael over to the door.
"Baylie?" She calls again.
The door to the house opens and a lady steps out. Rachael stops and looks at her. The woman looks sad and that's all Rachael needs to see.
She falls to her knees and cries. Her heart is broken.
Doc rushes to her side and wraps his arms around her. He holds Rachael against his chest while she cries out her daughter's name again and again. The woman stands by her front door and cries silently herself.
"I'm sorry," she says to the couple. "I'm sorry."
Rachael can only feel pain. Her girl, her Baylie, is gone.
It's kneeling there on the ground that Doc swears Hell is coming. No one takes his daughter and gets away with it.
No one.
@bayisdying - @callsignscupcake - @mrsjaderogers - @cycbaby - @gracespicybradshaw @kiichirose - @askmarinaandothers - @themusingofagothicsoul - @gizmodear - @beaner-life-23 - @luckyladycreator2 - @scissorhandsgirl2000 - @mclintocksdaughter -
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paledarklight · 3 months
omg did carol try that to daryl? i watch twd but i don’t remember that.
So Carol has had a few times she's had consent issues
Season 3 was the scene that people love to Romanticize, her hitting on him and making cunnilngus jokes which he said he wasn't interested so it just comes off as her being inappropriate.
There was her kissing his head , Aftermath of Beth . You can say that this was a sweet moment and maybe depending on how this falls it could be her giving comfort but this could also be interpreted as her invading his space in a vulnerable position. I've seen people talk about how sweet and cute this scene was.
This wasn't cute and this wasn't a sweet moment, he watched somebody very close to him gets shot in the head that is very traumatic even from our real life standpoint, he watched somebody he had very deep feelings for get killed right in front of him and you have somebody who in the past has shown romantic interest in you invading your personal space kissing your head, he wasn't in the state of mind to accept or deny her offer. He was very much like a child.
When they were looking for Beth and share that bedroom at the women's shelter so many people made disgusting remarks about how they were going to sleep together, Daryl was frantic his mind was on other things he was a no state to be thinking about that, if He was looking for Carol and him and Beth was sharing a bed , how they would riot .
I remember some Caryler tweeted something I will never forget and I'm sure you probably know what I'm talking about it kind of circulated around but if you haven't it basically said "Carol is going to make a magic potion and give it to Daryl , hoping around in her underwear in the forest collecting magic mushrooms to use in a spell"
Now that could be interpreted as just something silly
But you know what that sounds like to me
Date rape
That sounds like somebody making a joke about making a roofie and giving it to him
In the show we have already seen that happen, not the roofie persay but using plants to alter your mindset, Michonne ate something or she rubbed up against something and there was that episode where she was hallucinating alternate versions of her life, there was that season 11 or 12 of Carol collecting mushrooms but then realizing halfway through that they were psychedelics,
(Alexandria was going through a good storage and they had to eat horses)
There is her dream of him making her breakfast,
Even though she was married she never let go of that hope that her and him would be together.
She even leaves her sleeping husband to snuggle up to Daryl (can we do a gender swap where Ezekiel is sneaking out on Carol to cuddle some women, I'll wait)
She doesn't tell her husband where she's going to go be with Daryl at his camp (again, she's cheating emotionally on her husband and making Daryl in the middle of their arguments , this man just wants to be left alone)
Has she tried to outright molest him on screen
Would she try, I think she would if the writers could justify it and make it look cute
She slept with Ezekiel after they were broken up knowing full well he has feelings for her still and she used him to do whatever she was doing
She isn't above using sex as a tool of manipulation
And many of her fans have made jokes along the lines that Daryl should feel lucky if she did that to him.
Cause it's Carol and she can do no wrong
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the-firebird69 · 3 months
I'm sorry I yelled at you and so it's OK goes off and he's laughing then he said he felt bad a little bit but he's OK and he said good people don't take it that hard and he likes to show them what he can do. And I'll tell you what it seems like his horse and he says it seems like hers but OK and it does it was a mayor and she says that all the time you have dried out with a horse so you see the horse over there talking to someone so weird that that's what they do so my **** got a little mango and people going what do you sit like and this is the part that hurts every once in a while I find a whole bunch of guys puckering up and Yeah we continue this but really it was bleeding and not too bad and I said why do I do that. The horse made sense he just kind of forced it to happen but really you have to do other things down there and we just hired and we don't bother holding ourselves up make his **** bleed when he tries to ride his DI kill eternity when I try and try to ride me being myself and who and what I am the Macs are saying and that's Mac proper to make his **** bleed. You're probably doing it with the horse too it's like a big deal with you guys 'cause you're old in this bunch of old horses. I started laughing 'cause he said old people and old horses you understand it you got it we know it and I started to laugh now saying yeah that's what they say not usually but this is a smart person but boy that is a weird story nothing went so damn fast I had it on the road I knew about the front wheel some watching it because it would never stay on i'm going like 30 or 40 and I hit it and it still had half throttle i'm going like 55 60 and I had to slow down and I said something's wrong and it was already loose so I went back slow and I said this thing goes so damn fast we should not bring it to him it's illegal since we'll have to do something so you get mad but then you said well you know he didn't put it on right in the news house but it's too dangerous it's very dangerous so we're doing all this stuff with ebikes and we're thinking we're cool and getting whale stuff and then you said it's a white bike and it's four ladies and you're saying it to Dan somehow and you said no it's a lady and you showed Washington with the horse's **** and it's probably his wife who painted it and said he's an animal and they do that. So we are kind of in awe that he figured it out but then the foreigners are attacking it he says that's Why so we gotta get some of that because this is terrible and I looked at Dave and he had a heavy heart and he was afraid in Walmart and he said don't look at me the woman are gonna be mad and the women are mad and still are and he said wow this is craziness and they all are and some of the men and then they're seeing it too we don't want you bothering him and he he says this black beauty might not let me ride him You might try and throw me he might try and throw me he doesn't hate me and I'm his friend but it's a male thing and white beauty will give me a ride if I need one and I got thrown by the damn bike so it's time to laugh saying boy that is ridiculous and I remember if the horse was a male or female and it looked like a male and he's trying to toss you off or something it says you can't just get up on me and the point is that he says he was controlling him we saw that happen and he got mad and you were controlling him real close so he's zooming off and going hey and then he says it's not for you or me it's just what happens every day he said well I don't know what it is yeah I do you have a little game now so he goes off and he says now I can play around with it and he started doing it and people loved it and said this horse is fast and powerful he started eating and felt better and you hugged him and he's he's saying my wife is over there and she was said good man is over here and she says I've seen you before and it goes like this they know that you're a spirit kind of. And that we can't really do it that much and they say we look like ****. So I'm examining moretommy f
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fademirrored · 1 year
minor headcanons: critters: gamma world state
Temry Mahariel:
The mabari: Lethallin is calm, quiet, and always thinking. He's Kieran's primary babysitter once Kieran is old enough to start toddling on his own. Lethallin is incredibly gentle and patient with Kieran, and he can and will rip out someone's throat for looking at Kieran or Temry wrong. Physically, he's got a Great Dane-y sort of build, being mostly legs, with merle coloring.
The weasel: Nehn has been Temry's pet since they were a teenager. She lives in their pack or their pockets and likes to put in inconvenient appearances. She also likes to try to eat fingers, generally with limited success.
The owl: Atisha is Temry's hunting aid at night. She's a barn owl, and while she's not the most intelligent creature in the world, she is very good at dropping rabbits at Temry's feet, and that's the important part.
The crow: Samahl likes to act as lookout during the day. Temry didn't really train him to do this. He just sort of started doing it after he started following Temry around because they fished him out of a pond and fed him jerky. He's a worryingly clever little thief who likes to collect shiny things. His collection lives in Temry's pack, though, so they're not too concerned about it, even if they do need to fish their wedding ring out of it every other day. They're not entirely convinced Samahl isn't a mage having a laugh, but they suppose they'll never know. He likes to tag team with a shapeshifted Morrigan to cause Antics and Shenanigans.
The fennec: Honestly, Dalen is less a pet and more an unexpected tagalong. He climbed into Temry's pack one day and fell asleep, and stayed unnoticed for probably 18 hours, at which point he decided to stick around.
The hart: Sabrae is an albino hart. He's tall. He's very pretty. He's very majestic. He's also dumb as a post. He's very sweet and very obedient and does exactly as he's asked at all times because if he doesn't then he loses track of where his own ass and head are.
Madry Hawke:
The mabari: Grim is a mountain variety of mabari, which means he's basically a Newfoundland with a nubbly tail. He consists of endless amounts of black hair and slobber. He's very friendly and tends to play dumber than he is. He's still a puppy when the Blight starts, so he's still got enough pep in his step to follow Madry to Skyhold during the Inquisition, even if he is visibly slowing by then.
The horse: Kelpie is an Akhel-teke that Madry steals from some rich fuck on the way out of Kirkwall, because stealing from rich fucks is one of Madry's favorite hobbies, even when the situation is urgent. She's almost entirely black except for a white face and highlighter blue eyes. She looks very alarming coming down the road on a foggy night. She can and will chase someone down to check their pockets for snacks. Madry will make no efforts to contain her enthusiasm.
Petrichor Lavellan:
The dog: Mi'Durgen is a high content wolf/mabari cross. He's worryingly intelligent and can generally be seen visibly weighing the pros and cons of whatever he's being told to do, and tends to ignore anyone who isn't Petra or who Petra hasn't temporarily put in charge of him. He actually makes Petra's trek to find the Inquisition again after Haven gets buried easier, since he's waiting for them outside the cave when they come stumbling out into the snow.
The moose: Some people ride horses. Some ride harts. Some ride dracolisks or nuggalopes or other strange creatures. Petra has a bull moose named Revas. They've had Revas since before the events of Inquisition; together they tended to act as trail breakers for the clan when they were on the move, riding ahead to make sure there was nothing in the way. Revas is generally calm, but with the air of someone holding onto their patience with both hands.
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"'m fine," she murmurs, rubbing her tailbone for a moment as she watches Joel.
Tommy breathes a sigh of relief, "I- people were tellin' me they saw you around, I thought they were just seein' things or maybe mistaking somebody for you."
"And you didn't come to the house?" Joel blinks, "People are tellin' you they've seen me back here an' you never thought to even go, hey maybe I should check the house I literally fucking put 'em in," he snaps.
"C'mon now Joel," Tommy shakes his head, "I just heard 'bout it late yesterday afternoon."
"Plenty of time."
Tommy sighs, looking to Ellie and then back to him. "How... was the trip? Somethin' go wrong?"
"Everything went wrong," Joel says sharply. "Where should I even begin this bullshit- we make it to the base. Ain't anybody there. I get stabbed. I nearly die. These two, at twelve and fourteen, have to stay with me for weeks while I'm basically in a fuckin' coma. Your horse is dead, by the way- got too cold and sick. Died. They had to eat that for fucking survival 'cause they were on their own."
He pulls Tommy aside harshly so people can get through the door. "And then they get kidnapped while I'm still out. I don't even think you wanna know what that man said and almost did t'them. Don't you start lookin' sorry 'cause I'm not even finished. We get to the hospital finally. Marlene an' everybody's there. Ellie drowns. Fireflies knock my ass out and when I wake up, guess what they tell me, Tommy? Guess what your former lover tells me? My little girl has to die to save you god damn people. My little girl."
"No," Joel growls, shoving Tommy in the chest. "I did unspeakable things in front of Lili to get us the fuck outta there. I killed 'em all, Tommy. Yeah go ahead and look stunned, go ahead and drag Maria to the church to pray for me- you ought to just go right t'Hell. Fuck you." He nods a little. "Fuck you, Tommy, for not helpin' us. I have risked everything," his voice breaks, "I brought Tess. Everything. An' you continue t'give me nothin'."
"I- we're givin' you a place to stay," Tommy tries.
"No you ain't," Joel laughs, "Not for free. Givin' is free. I'm not complainin' about havin' to work around here but don't you use that word when I know what givin' is and have yet to see it from you."
Joel points over to you and Ellie. "See those girls? They're my daughters. If your wife has somethin' to say about that I'd love to sit an' have a chat with her. And as far as you and I are concerned?" he huffs, "I think my brother died a long time ago too. The last time you hung up that god damn radio is the last day you were livin' for me. 'Cause I sure as hell don't recognize you now."
He steps aside and shoves past Tommy to open the diner door for you again, giving you a small smile. "C'mon girls. Let's get somethin' t'eat."
“We hate you!” I call to Tommy before hopping inside the door, “potatoes potatoes potatoes.” I hurry over to the line up of food and grab a tray.
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charnelhouse · 3 years
Chainsaws and Parking Lots
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A/N: Adrian Chase x F!Reader Wordcount: 1.9K Warnings: Rough Smut. Blood Kink. Public Sex. Oral. Sex near dead bodies. Hurt/Comfort ish. Pain kink. Summary: Adrian never knows how to deal with tears. A/N: lol dis is wild and written in a daze
“I do bad things.”
“Correction,” Adrian exclaims. “You do bad things to bad people.”
You shoot a glare at him - your brows knitting together.
He loves the violence of you. He loves watching you tear people apart.
“What the hell did you use?” he murmurs - already hard - already half-blind with it. You turn toward him - your sneakers are stained red. You're not even dressed in your suit. Civilian clothes. Interesting. You wordlessly point to the gore-ridden tool that is nestled between the pieces and parts of dead bodies. Hot as fuck.
“Is that a chainsaw?” He places his hand on his chest - feels the thump thump thump of his own heart beginning to beat too fast. His cock twitches.
You nod mutely.
He wants to breathe i love you against your carnage-drenched hair. He wants to shove you against that tree by the road, ruck your shorts down and lick your pussy. He bets you get soaked - dripping with that punch of girl-flavor he finds addicting. Adrian Chase could eat pussy all day every day. He’s great at it. He thinks - or so he's been told by like three people.
“What I’d do?” you ask no one in particular. Your eyes are round and big and your voice is small and hushed as it slips from your mouth.
He gingerly pulls you away from the massacre you’ve caused. He wants to tell you how Tobe Hooper has nothing on you, but that might not fly. Your shirt is dark and soggy. Your cute white sneakers branded in arterial spray. He needs to be tactful here. He tries to think how Chris would react? If he’d react at all? They’re just extras. They just got in the way. They’re regrettable casualties except they’re not too regrettable because they did work for the mad scientist that we are currently hunting!
He controls himself. Shouldn’t come on too strong.
Instead - he pinches your cheek with his clumsy, gloved fingers. “You’re adorable.”
You blink at him - mouth parting in surprise. “That was - was not adorable.” He sees it - he sees your throat bob and your lashes flutter and your eyes go all glassy with tears. You swallow thickly and scrub a hand over your face. “You’re so fucking weird, Vig.”
He thinks that means that you're fine, but then he's wrong.
Your face goes flat before it collapses. You start melting down. Your chest heaves (he’s totally not looking). You press your hand to your stomach - choking on air.
Fuck. Shit. Fuck.
He could wax poetic about how the both of you are born killers - how this is strictly the job even though he’s about 92% sure he hasn’t been hired to do any of this in particular. You’re the Waller puppet with the enhanced strength and fighting prowess and he really wants to ask you if whatever experimentation you got as a kid made you like ten times prettier? No one should have tits and bone structure like that and also be able to wield a chainsaw like it’s a baton.
“Okay,” he murmurs as he studies your stricken face. “It’s alright?”
Great. Excellent job. He was making strides in human empathy.
You wrap your arms around yourself. Your face is still screwed up - still very lost and confused and he finds himself stumped.
“Chill out?” he advises as he steps toward you - palms-up like he’s attempting to gentle a bucking horse. “It’s fine. It’s totally fine.”
You chew your lower lip - expression anxious. “I didn’t - I didn’t mean to kill them all.”
“Okay...” He slowly peels off his mask. You’ve seen him before. “Just as an FYI, people tend to bleed to death when you cut off their body parts.”
You huff out a laugh. Your teeth vibrantly white against all that dark red. He wants to eat your mouth - your skin. He thinks you're going to cry again - maybe start sobbing.
He makes a decision - selfish as it is.
He can’t help himself. He grasps the curves of your hips and yanks you toward him. You go rigid. He presses his lips to your throat - wet and insistent. You sigh - relaxing into him - going to putty. He trails them up your jaw before he tucks your ear lobe between his teeth and bites. You shudder - your blood-caked fingers digging into the backs of his arms - trying to rip through his tactical suit.
He’s going to fuck you. He’s going to fuck you covered in blood because how fucking spectacular would that be?
You grip his face to wrench him down to your mouth. It’s a saliva-laden kiss. Messy and wet and tastes like metal. He doesn’t mind - not at all. In fact - he really fucking likes it.
“Fuck,” you gasp as Adrian rails you into the cold, hard pavement. He’s got you trapped beneath him - pinned like a pretty butterfly on stark paper (but not the alien variety)
He sucks in a breath when you hitch your knees higher over his waist. Your pussy clutching at him - tight and hot as a fist. “Um,” He kisses your cheek - drags his tongue along the ridge of your jaw. “This - like not to be weird - but this is probably the sexiest thing I’ve ever done.”
You arch an eyebrow and he draws his hips back - the head of his cock catching on the fluttering rim of your hole before he drives forward. “Shit, Vig,” you wheeze, which really kind of gets him going (not like he already was). He’s had to think about mile-long CVS receipts in order to keep himself from blowing his load. It’s nearly impossible because the air is swamped with that copper-stench of blood, there’s the evidence of your extremely violent tendencies just above your head, and the stimulating thought of them getting caught screwing in public next to a pile of dead bodies. Fucking cool.
He almost - almost - hopes that Chris would show up looking for them.
He lifts himself up slightly - forearms framing your face. He bears his weight - glancing down between you to watch as his cock disappears inside your sex - the thick of him obscenely shiny with your slick. Your thighs are splayed open - your shirt is hiked above your perfect tits where there’s more gore - more and more red just painting you like an abstract splatter piece.
You’re making really hot noises - high-pitched, breathy uh uh uh’s that stroke him off. “Can we like do this more than once?” he asks as he eases himself out of you. Your expression morphs into displeasure - your teeth click in your mouth. He’s already got you before you can complain. He licks his fingers and shoves two of them into your fucked-out cunt. He grinds his thumb against your clit - making you jerk.
“Sure,” you reply in between hitched moans. “Sure - fuck - whatever you want, Vig.”
He simpers. It could be sort of kind of romantic if he thought about it. The night sky is plumb-purple blue as a liver. The stars faintly twinkling behind the wash of smog that swells from the city. The subtle smell of decay and pungent oil from the chainsaw. His glasses fog up because of the cool temperatures while the two of you remain fever-hot. He finally has to remove them after they slide down his nose for the tenth time. He grins as he watches you writhe on his hand. Each pump of his fingers - straight to the knuckle - creates crude, squelching noises.
“You’ve got the juiciest fucking pussy,” he praises as his eyes bare down upon your exposed cunt - watching it bloom around his ministrations. He’s gotta get his cock back in there, but he also doesn’t mind this honey-slow pause - this moment that he can really look at you fully as he massages in and out and his thumb circles your perky little clit and he smiles at you in the cold dark of this abandoned parking lot outside an abandoned warehouse. “Can I lick it?”
You nod - furiously - desperately - and it really gets him charged up - to watch you splayed on your back - spread out and needy. Fuckk, it's nice.
He removes his fingers and lowers himself so that he can force your knees over his shoulders. Your heels knock against his suit - his spine. There’s your cunt - gaping and glossy and clenching on air. He glances up at you - the heave of your tits - the blood staining your face - caught up in your hair. You’re clean down here - just all wet from him and his fingers and his cock and -
“Adrian,” you plead and it rumbles through him - rides him hard - the delicious bite of your voice calling him by his name.
He goes to town - his lips kissing your parted entrance - his tongue thrusting inside you to taste your heat. You're soapy - the slim tang of salt and sweat and flesh. The brush of cordite and iron in the creases of your skin. He suctions his mouth over your clit - flicking it until you fist your hands into his hair and yank. He sucks a fold into his mouth - he nips the other. You’re panting - nearly grinding down against his face - potentially breaking his nose, which he genuinely wouldn’t mind because he’d be able to tell Chris that it happened because he was tongue-fucking you on the hard cold ground next to a bunch of dead bodies.
He licks and licks and worships. He traces the tip of his tongue over the tiny nub that throbs and swells and sometimes he teases his fingers inside you - relishing as they contract around his knuckles. He feels you come - a muffled scream against the back of your hand. The rush of your liquid - your pleasure - the sticky feel of it on his chin and jaw and the way your eyes dance over him - provocatively - sweetly -
“C’mere,” you demand and he goes - sliding up and over your body - his cock so hard that it bounces against his stomach - the rough texture of his suit. He buries you beneath him - frantically kissing you with his pussy-soaked tongue. Your thighs widen - your heels digging into his ass to maneuver him just right. He sinks back inside the molten ache of your cunt. You gasp at the stretch of it - the slight burn he imagines as he barrels into you without caution because he knows you can handle it. He fucks you hard - leveraging his weight - your nails digging into his throat - his cheeks. “Does it hurt?” He presses his face where your shoulder meets your neck - he laps at the spots of blood. “Is my cock hurting you?”
“Yes,” you sigh - hips bucking up and into him. He grabs a handful of your ass - forcing your thigh up higher.
“Let me get deep,” he mumbles as he takes you in long, tortuous strokes. He eases himself out - right to the tip - before plunging forward - forcing a whimper out of your mouth. “My little killer queen,” he calls you. The blood in his nose and the ripple and rock of the Queen song in his ears. The moon glinting off the chainsaw that rests not far from their tangled bodies.
You shudder - going tight around him. The burst of a surprise orgasm pushing through your core and curling around him as he tries to dream up more CVS Receipts and blueberry muffins with tentacles and his grandmother in a top hat, but it does nothing. He drags himself through the dripping clenching bite of your cunt - fucking you relentlessly as you take it like a champ. The sloppy, messy thrusts are met with your lips murmuring don’t stop don’t stop don’t stop, Adrian. Vig. Adrian.
His pace stumbles - he hits his high - fills you right up with spurt after spurt of his warm spend. He’s surprised - falling back on his heels while you sit up on your elbows. Your thighs hang open and he watches his own pearly spunk drip from your puffy, swollen pussy. Jesus. Fucking. Christ.
“You’re pretty good at that.”
He frowns. “At what?” He needs his glasses. He needs a burrito and idly wonders if you’d grab one with him and then let him eat you out again.
He forgot that’s how this started. “I’m totally an empath,” he smirks - slapping his hand across your cunt and making you yelp. You kick him in the chin. “Shit,” he hisses through clenched teeth. “Okay - I deserved that.”
“You can make it up to me.”
“Fuck yes I can.”
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those-little-sheep · 2 years
 I've seen several people say Chrissy Cunningham has horse girl energy, and as a life long, card carrying, currently professionally employed horse girl ...I kinda want to write the AU. Featuring thing such as...
The Cunninghams own a fancy fancy hunter-jumper barn, the kind full of high five to six figure show horses that winter in Florida. Chrissy's mom trains the hunters and equitation riders and her dad does the jumpers.
Chrissy as the Hunter/Big-Eq Princess. Hunters and Equitation are disciplines that have a not entirely undeserved reputation for being toxic af at the upper levels. Both are centered around a kinda subjective ideal of how a horse (hunters) and rider (equitation) should look/move. There are plenty of genuinely good riders in both disciplines, but there’s also a reputation of “the thinnest girl with the longest legs on the most expensive horse” ends up sweeping every class. I’ve heard plenty of horror stories of coaches being straight up verbally and emotionally abusive to their students, a lot of eating disorders, and (especially when male coaches are involved) SA is not unheard of either. So it seems like an environment rife for Chrissy to end up in a similar mental state as she does in canon. 
Jason the Jumper. Jumpers are a bit more rough and tumble, focusing less on perfection and style, and more on getting over the biggest jumps as fast as you damn can without knocking down any rails. Agility, power, and speed are the name of the game. Big jock energy. He’s a bit of a reactive prick when he rides though and is too heavy handed with his horses.
Wayne takes a job working as the general handyman on the Cunningham’s farm and Eddie and him move into the cabin on the property. They used to live in Indianapolis but Eddie crossed the wrong people in his drug dealing, so Wayne (who grew up in the country) quit his factory job to move them out to the farm in hopes of helping Eddie start over fresh. They move in during the winter when a lot of the horses are still down in Florida and he fucking hates it. There’s nothing to do, he doesn’t know shit about horses, they’re big and scary, and he has to muck stalls which he thinks sucks. 
Spring comes, the show horses and rides who have been gone in Florida come back, and he sees Chrissy for the first time. This itty bitty slip of a thing sailing around on a 17hh horse over three and a half foot jumps like it’s absolute nothing and he is entranced. Suddenly (and Wayne fucking knows) he’s asking to do more chores, spend more time around the barn, just so he can watch Chrissy ride...and in the process realizes Jason’s a dick (both to Chrissy and to his horses) and sees how brutal Chrissy’s mom can be to her during her lessons. He starts to really think this whole horse riding thing in general might be bullshit. 
It starts getting hot and Eddie does not know how to cope at first. Chrissy sees him about to die of heat exhaustion with his long ass hair and gives him her scrunchy to put his hair up in a man bun. He keeps it. Also a lot of sweaty Eddie in tank tops with tattoos on full display doing manual labor. 
Eddie has a motorcycle cause why not? Hell yeah Chrissy’s gonna ride behind him like a little back pack. 
Chrissy’s childhood pony colics (potentially deadly tummy ache for horses) and Eddie stays up with her all night taking turns walking the pony and offering it water, he lets her sleep and spends hours just going up and down the barn aisle with this damn pony. 
Eddie turns out to be a natural with horses on the ground once he starts warming up to them. He’s a naturally empathetic and sensitive dude, I could see him picking up on how to read horses’ body language and how to work with them pretty quickly. He’s able to calm down one of Jason’s upset, panicky horses when Jason’s temper is only making things worse, which pisses Jason off to no end. 
Chrissy teaches Eddie to ride. He eventually is...sufficiently competent. Maybe one day she gets him his own scruffy ass horse to ride around on the farm with her.  Chrissy starts enjoying riding for riding again without feeling all the pressure from her mom and competing. 
Eddie is really really into Chrissy wearing her riding clothes. Tight ass pants for the win. 
Eddie helps Chrissy change her discipline over to Jumpers. He sees how stifling the Hunter/Eq world is for Chrissy and encourages her to either quit or try something different. Her mom will flip if Chrissy tries to do something else, so Eddie helps her sneak around to practice for switching to the Jumpers and she eventually goes head to head with Jason.   
Chrissy has a nasty fall at a big horse show. Hurt/comfort feelings ensue. 
Chrissy starts teaching some beginner lessons. Eddie encourages her since he hasn’t died yet and she taught him, and turns out to be really good at it/enjoys working with the kids and helping them learn to love something she’s so passionate about. It helps her as she’s recovering from her fall.  
Eddie’s past catches up with him?
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camilos-mivida · 2 years
The Arranged Marriage
Part Two - Her Contrary and His Assurance
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Pairing with Aged-up Camilo Madrigal and Female Reader
Summary: Your bestfriend of all time, Camilo Madrigal, had signed a contract, not just any plain contract, an agreement of an arrange marriage with you, without you knowing. Not that you were against with arrange marriage, you had always seen it coming since you had turned down every suitor you'd ever had and your family were already too desperate for you to find someone to settle down so you wouldn't be alone. Although knowing Camilo, everything he did has a reason behind it. So why did he?
Warnings: Slightly(?) mentions of curse words
Check the previous and next part in this Masterlist
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You still haven't processed what happened, the dinner commenced after the engagement, leaving you and your thoughts alone. You were chewing on your food thoroughly as you tried to align everything that just happened. You spared a glance to your side, seeing Camilo eating normally.....that can't can't be.
There must've been something going on inside his brain right? You spared a glance at everyone else, I can't be the only one whose mind is in a horse track right? Like as they said they had planned it for a week so what could they be thinking right now? Why is no one speaking up? Even this Carlos beside me is just munching on his empanada, speaking of empanada, let's try one.
You reached out your hand on the serving spoon of the plate, Carlos handed you the plate and you took an empanada. "Thanks"
You were about to take a bite when all of the sudden Camilo decided to talk to you.
"Y/n, I-"
You were startled causing yourself  to accidentally drop the empanada on your plate that you were about to eat, and then again, you caught everyone's attention.
"Dear, are you okay? Is there something wrong with the food?" Julieta asked, concerned, her eyes looking at you and the empanada you failed to take a bite.
"Estás bien, tía. It's just the empanada is still hot, heh" You told her, taking your sight back down on the empanada and blowing it before eating it.
"It's not even hot" Carlos spoke, poking on the not hot empanada. You side glared at him as he mouthed, excuses, and smirking after.
You took your gaze away from the sore eyes and turning your head made you meet Camilo again, por amor de dios why am I sitting beside the twins, you looked over at the other side of table, seeing your siblings having fun with their foods with the other Madrigals.
The ring of the band was cold, no idea where on earth could this has been placed before your fingers but it definitely was cold. You were unconsciously staring at the ring time to time, you were admiring it? Not really sure, but sure it was unusual for you.
If you were to tell the truth, the ring really looks beautiful, with all the designs and colors, just wow, but as you said earlier, it was too much for an arrange marriage. You frowned to yourself, grabbing your spoon and fork to go back to eating and that's when you noticed you had already finished the foods without noticing it.
"See that's what you get when your distracted" Carlos annoyingly whispered to you, you slightly slammed the table, "Carlos enough!" You spoke up in a whisper. Camilo glared at his twin from behind, giving him a come-on-man look.
"I-is everything fine there, cariño" Alma asked, seeing your palms still hands the table after hitting it hard.
"Sí abuela, we're fine here" Carlos spoke and faked his smile towards abuela.
"Oh, look at the time! It's already getting late, we should head home now" You told them, seeing the dark streets from the open windows.
"Oh um, dear, you're to stay here for now" Your mother said, looking at both of you and Camilo.
"Since the two of you are engaged now, we thought that you two might wanna have some time along together" Your Abuela smiled sweetly at you while explaining.
Isn't that illegal? Or is it because we're bestfriends and nothing would be different in having a sleepover than before... although it did have difference, you were now engaged to him.
"Or if you want, Carlos could be also there for an extra company" Abuela Alma suggested, gesturing the other guy beside you.
"No, I've had enough of him for tonight, thank you" You immediately denied the offer, sending a glare to the boy beside you.
Carlos scoffed. "That's mean, cuñada"
Carlos smirked when he saw you feeling weirded out by him calling you his in-law.
"Then it's settled, we'll see you tommorow Y/n, we must head home now" Your father wiped his mouth, before standing up with your family and thanking and waving the Madrigals a goodbye.
Is being arranged marriage means you're being under control? I wasn't even given a choice if I would want to stay here...
Your family had left the casa while you were still on your sit, watching the grandkids clean up the table.
"Camilo cariño, you can now go ahead with our beloved Y/n, tu primas can handle the dishes on themselves"
"But it's Camilo's duty today" Mirabel mumbled, looking at the pile of dirty dishes.
Camilo looked at you and his abuela, "Sí abuela, gracias"
"The food was delicious Señora, thank you" You too thanked her for the delicious meal despite having engaged at the same time you were eating.
"You can call me abuela, mija, and you're very welcome too" Alma tucked your hair away from your face as she slipped her hand on your chin, moving it side to side, admiring your beauty.
Abuela distanced her hand from your features as Camilo held your hand and pulled you away from the kitchen and headed to his room.
"She'd be a great in-law right?" Abuela asked as she looked back to his other grandchildrens.
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"What did just happen?" You asked as soon as Camilo closed his door, walking away from him.
"Abuela admired your face?" Camilo spoke, picking up his ruana from the floor that he threw away the last second he exited his room, and hanged it on the chair.
"No not that--well part of it but that's not what I'm asking about"
"Then what is it?"
"Camilo, you know what I mean" You scrunched your brows, sitting down on the chair infront of his vanity.
"I really just wanted the best for you, Y/n" Camilo told you, walking around and closing the windows.
"And you think it's best for me to marry you?" You spun the chair away from the mirror and turned to him.
"Isn't?" He tilted his head back at you, closing the last window.
"Why did you agree, Camilo? Why did you agree on the arrangement?" You asked him directly.
"Why not? Don't you want be married to your bestfriend?" He joked, sitting down on the edge of his bed.
"Madrigal, I'm serious" You walked towards him land stopping with both of your hands on your waist.
Díos, last name call...and she's standing really close.
"I am serious!" Camilo raised his shoulders wuth his hand, telling his truth.
"Drop the act and tell me why you agreed!"
"I'm not acting" He defended himself.
"Then why did you agree?" You asked him, again.
"You won't stop won't you?" Camilo questioned, looking up at you.
"Why the hell would I stop? This is about us!" You exclaimed and for some reasons Camilo smiled when you mentioned 'This is about us'.
"Why are you smiling?" You noticed his contagious smile and asked him about it.
Camilo shook his head as he bowed down. "Nothing"
You felt like you were pressuring him to speak the reason to you, but who wouldn't, you just wanted to know the truth and why. Although knowing Camilo for years, you knew he was a sweet soft spoken man.
You breathed out as you crouched down, placing your hand on his knees as support, his eyes met yours.
"Are you alright?" Camilo had asked you, placing his hands on top of yours.
"I would be if you answer my question" You told him, having a glimpse of your doe eyes in sight.
Well I do want nothing more than for you to be alright.
He sighed and squeezed your hand before he began to explain. "It's because they expected so much for you but you kept declining everyone and I thought that maybe if I took the arrangement then they'll stop bugging you" Camilo told you.
...Mierda that sounded so wrong.
"Th-that doesn't make any sense" You spoke once you analyzed what Camilo just said.
"Why would you give up your chance to find your someone just for my family to stop bugging me?" You questioned him as you stood up, walking backwards, away from him.
Your untamed thoughts began to overlap each other, making you, once again fogged up. You were to spoke directly to your point before your words could eat you up. You raised your hand backwards at him, showing him the gorgeous family passed down ring.
"This? Th-this, this ring is too much for this! Too much for that reason you just said!" You cried out with your hand still in the air.
"It fits perfectly beautiful on you!" Camilo also stood as he accolades you, gesturing your left hand.
"No Camilo! No! I don't want you to give up your chance to find your own real love just because of me! Be like your parents and not mine, don't settle down with me just because you feel bad. You're lucky enough that you have the freedom to choose who you'd settle with" You spoke as your voice quivered, and eyes tearing up.
You reached your hand out to him, "Please" you pleaded for him to take the ring off your hand, you felt nothing but to feel bad, you won't let his pitying to do something that he would regret later in life.
It was heartbreaking for Camilo to see you like that, he breathed out and stared at your hand, he held it up, softly rubbing his thumb on your knuckles, he examined how beautiful his mother's ring is on you. His eyes peeked up from your hands as he pecked your soft hand instead of removing the ring.
"I'll be okay with you, mi vida" Camilo whispered as he stayed at his position with your hand on him.
You sobbed, shaking your head. "No you're not"
"What makes you think of that?" Camilo asked in his sweet-tempered, loving voice. He stood straight, now holding both of your hands.
"Because of what you just said! You're only doing this so they would leave me alone! That's cruel if I'll let you" Camilo took notice of your tear stained face and ran his thumb from where your tears were.
"That's not really what I meant, um wording delivery problem, I meant, I'd be glad to take the place of what they expected for you of finding a good and loving husband to settle down with, and plus, I could be more than just that" Camilo wrapped his arms around you,  pulling you in his warm and comforting embrace.
"Are you doing this because you love me?" Your voice still trembled as you looked up on him, but it was the lasts of the anxiety you were feeling.
"Te amo tanto mi vida, I always have and will" Camilo planted a kiss on your forehead before pulling you back in his embrace.
"Come, let's lay down, my legs will collapse any second if we didn't"
What Camilo said made you laugh as you both made your ways to his bed.
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Hey wait there's more! Had to cut it since this felt long already for this post! Planned to make this part angsty but was defeated by Camilo's sweet and kind nature.
If there's a part that you may think that had gone way too fast, it's because the reader was directly saying her point since if she didn't, she might be too clouded to say it.
And this is also my twentieth Encanto fiction!!! Yey!! Thank you for reading! Do correct me for my mistakes and do tell me what you think of this!!! I'll post the next half later on! Have a beautiful week! Xx
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Demon Headcannons for the Brothers
AKA I can’t name shit and I am a monster fucker
Also to the person who commented that my last headcannons post was for monster fuckers, this entire blog is for monster fuckers lol
When he’s in his demon form you may notice him puff up and shake his wings a bit, he says its to stretch his wings, but if you pay attention he doesn’t seem to do it around anyone else
He has some big ass talons that he can bring out at will, and holy shit are they SHARP. Like, you know how when a knife is sharp enough it can cut through things like cardboard with little to no effort? Yeah, they’re that sharp
His wings are exceptionally soft and have a beautiful sheen to them, he takes good care of them after all. (That is when his wings aren’t molting)
Yes, he molts. And he hates it. His wings look scruffy and they get pretty itchy, not to mention his feathers get EVERYWHERE. Like they will pop up all around the House of Lamentation for about 3 months after he’s done molting
He doesn’t just steal actual valuables, he steals any shiny things that he likes. You’ve actually found a box full of random shiny objects in his room before. Some of them are from his crow familiars, some are just from him finding/stealing them
You’ve seen him on multiple occasions, hopping in the hallways like a crow. It usually only happens when he’s excited though
His wings are very soft, not as soft as Lucifer’s or Asmo’s, but still very soft. And he loves to wrap you in them, even if he doesn’t admit it. He will take any chance that he can find to do it.
Think I’m joking? Spend the night in his room once. If you wake up before him you’ll find that his wing is draped over you like a blanket. And if he isn’t in one of his tsundere moods, you may find him wrapping you up in his wings when he hugs you. (This boi loves you so damn much just hug him)
He does the snake tongue thing when in his demon form, and yes, he adamantly denies that he does, but you’ve seen him do it multiple times
Speaking of snake stuff though, yes, he can unhinge his jaw. He did it once to eat a taco in the middle of a raid that he was playing through with some of his friends. You still can’t decide if it was horrifying or awesome (or for my monster fuckers like me out there, arousing)
He has venom that he can control whether to inject it or not, its a mix between a neurotoxin and a hemotoxin. So when you’re injected with it your blood starts clotting as you suffocate to death from your muscles not working
Levi does shed his skin every now and then, and he HATES it since he’s usually confined to his tank for a couple days to help him shed and his skin gets all tight and itchy before it happens
Has hissed at Lucifer at least once in front of you
He doesn’t really show off many horse traits (or more unicorn traits) for his symbolic animal being a unicorn, instead he just acts like a cat
Like, fully a cat.
The only person that he constantly likes affection from is you, with his brothers, depends on the hour, just like a cat. Also, you could’ve sword you’ve seen him cleaning himself with his tongue before, he denies it whenever you ask however
Also, he can breathe green fire. He doesn’t do it much however. It only really happens when he’s exceptionally angry. Like Lucifer did something to piss him off, Mammon stole a magic tome of his that’s from like 1000 year ago and is now irreplaceable, and Levi is playing his video games so he can’t download Ebooks all in the same day angry. Its pretty hard to get him that angry, but when he does you’ll see green fire come from his nose (and see him destroy the House of Lamentation) Its one of the few times that not even Lucifer will confront him
He glows under UV light in his demon form, just like scorpions. Y’all found out when you found a video of a person finding scorpions with a blacklight and tried it on Asmo. He now shows it off at any party he goes to
He does actually have a scorpion tail, he just doesn’t bring it out much though.
He does have venom he can use with his scorpion tail, its a mix between a neurotoxin that paralyzes you and an extremely powerful aphrodisiac
In fact, his venom is used in a popular aphrodisiac sold on Akuzon, just with the neurotoxin removed
His charm is ridiculously strong, like, he can probably get nearly anyone to do whatever he wanted, but funnily enough he doesn’t usually use it that much for nefarious means. In fact, usually the worst that he does with it is help his brothers with pranks. He doesn’t see a point in using it to get the people he wants, his looks and natural charisma usually work just as well for that stuff.
Dude has tried eating at least one of everything in the Devildom, and I don’t just mean food. Remember the pillar incident? Or the Little Ds in Levi’s game? Yeah those are nowhere near the oddest things he’s shoved into his mouth. There’s a reason why Asmo doesn’t buy fruit scented products after all
He does actually have a tail with a stinger on it, its just usually retracted so you don’t see it since its hidden under his jacket
Just like his buggy and snek brothers he has venom as well. It’s technically not as bad as his brother’s venom since it won’t directly kill you, but since it causes pure, agonizing pain, its still not fun at all. But thankfully, just like Levi, he can decide whether to inject it or not. Which is good since his stinger also doubles as an ovipositor
His tongue is really long, like it can extend up to a foot long and is actually a bit rough, do what you please with this information, I know I will ;)
His eyes glow in the dark. And you didn’t know until you woke up in the middle of the night and saw a pair of glowing magenta eyes staring at you
He can actually float through using his magic, in fact, he sometimes does it in his sleep, and yes that means you’ve walked into his room and seen him sleeping on the ceiling. He just usually doesn’t float because he’s too lazy
Beel’s and Belphie’s link is honestly kinda crazy. Usually its pretty tame, but sometimes it can border on freaky. They can usually have a rough guess on what the other is feeling, they can feel if something is wrong with the other, and you swear, they always seem to sneeze at the same time.
Just like his brother (and just like a cow tbh) his tongue is also kinda rough, but nowhere near as long as Beel’s
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soulmate-game · 3 years
Curiosity Killed the Exorcist
“And then, see here? You have to be on the lookout for subtle signs like these. This indicates that he’s…” Marinette nodded as Tim continued explaining, pointing out various body language and other clues out on the Batcomputer. It had only been about six months since the Batfam collectively adopted the little ladybug into their menagerie of heroes, and started teaching her deductive habits and skills. She would not allow them anywhere near Paris on pain of death (some of them had already tried, and Bruce was still recovering from the bruise to his ego. The bruise on his ass from being teleported out of the city and onto the stone of the Batcave was gone, though) but she welcomed any help they could give from within Gotham’s city limits.
Usually, at least in the beginning, they did their mentorship at a distance over video call. But then Tim found out her identity, and Marinette made the excuse of wanting to meet with them in person to gauge their trustworthiness for herself and erase their memories of her identity if they failed her test— and, well, it all snowballed from there until she was teleporting to the Batcave every few days for detective lessons. She was practically a Bat herself, if not for her out of theme codename. And she found herself surprisingly comfortable with the thought of them being a… very eccentric extended family.
Tim was flipping to another saved video in the Batcomputer archives to show another example of his current lesson, when Tikki flew up to Marinette in a hurry. She was holding Kaalki’s glasses. The little kwami whispered something in Marinette’s ear, instantly making the teen blanch and force on the glasses.
“Sorry Timmy, gotta cut this short! I’ll come back tomorrow to make up for it! Okay? Okay! Awesome, you’re the best, bye!” She ignored all of Tim’s protests and rapid fire questions, instead opening up a portal and jumping through it as fast as humanly possible. The portal has barely disappeared before an all-too-familiar voice rose up from behind Tim.
“Maybe I’m still drunk, ‘cause I could’a sworn I just saw a portal closing in the damned Batcave, of all places,” the British-accented drawl was accompanied by the flick of a lighter and accompanying fizzle of a flame. Tim groaned, mentally making a note to ask how in the world Marinette had known that John “Annoying asshole” Constantine was showing up soon, and if he could be in on the warning next time. Bruce, cowl still off, walked over from where he had been sparring with Damian and crossed his arms. He had also heard Marinette’s hasty exit, and made a few mental notes of his own before focusing on the exorcist in front of him.
“What do you want, Constantine?” he grumbled. Any time the blond brit showed up, things only got far more complicated than he ever enjoyed. And he always gave Bruce a migraine, to boot.
“Two things actually, Batsy,” John held up to fingers as his free hand tucked his lighter away in his pocket. His unlit cigarette stayed in his mouth though, probably just for the familiar feel of it. “One; I’m gonna need you to tell me why there was a portal closing when I walked in, because I’ll be honest. The implications there are way more interesting than what I came here for in the first place.”
“None of your business. What’s the second thing?” Bruce immediately shot him down, but John was not one to be deterred. He never fucking was.
“But you hate magic! You make sure I know that all too bloody well every time I pay you a visit, so why the sudden change in heart? Huh?”
“Drop it, Constantine. What. Do you. Want?”
“Fine, fine. I need your help with…”
— * — * — * — * — *
A week later, Marinette was sitting with Jason and Damian in one of the manor’s sitting rooms, the three of them just minding their own business and silently enjoying one another’s presence. Even if two of them would never admit it. Jason was reading Jane Eyre for the millionth time, Damian was leaning against Titus on the ground as he sketched, and Marinette was embroidering a sunhat. Unfortunately for her, Alfred the Cat was currently asleep on her lap and thus holding her hostage.
Even as Tikki flew up to her ear in a panic and whispered, making Marinette prick herself with her needle. She hissed for a second but shrugged off the familiar pain, much more concerned with whatever news Tikki had given her. Damian and Jason were already on high alert from the second that a whispered curse had left her lips, and were staring straight at her and her kwami and Marinette frantically tried to find a way to get up without awakening the cat sleeping on her.
“Uh, what’s wrong?” Jason asked, feeling thoroughly confused and left out. On one hand, he knew that if they were in physical danger she would have moved Alfred the Cat without hesitation. On the other, he did not like the sheer amount of anxiety he could see her experiencing. Marinette’s frantic eyes shot over to him, pupils mere pinpricks and hands mouth agape as she tried to form some sort of plan.
“Uh— “
“Ah! You must be the fair maiden that the Bats are comfortable with using magic around them,” John goddamned Constantine threw the door to the sitting room open wide, making it bounce off of the wall and lightly smack back against his shoulder. He ignored it as he grinned at the three younger people in the room, waltzing in casual as anything. He wagged a finger at her playfully. “I’ve been awfully curious about you, ya know? Brucie boy knows a shit ton of magic users, but he never likes seein’ any of us do our thing. And to not only allow you to teleport without any apparent discomfort but to actively protect your identity from me? Now that’s a damn accomplishment and I really gotta applaud you for it,” he mockingly clapped his hands a few times. “So what’s your secret, huh? I won’t tattle.”
“No thanks. Kaalki, a little help?” Marinette carefully pushed Alfred the Cat off of her lap before diving into the portal that Kaalki whipped up for her, the entire process happening so fast that Constantine couldn’t even get out a proper “hey!” before she was gone and the portal closed. He just nodded, hooking his thumbs in his pockets.
“Ya know what? Fair. That’s fair.”
“Goddamn it, Constantine!” Jason threw up his hands in frustration. “Why the fuck do you have to scare away one of the only sane people in this family?”
“Part of my charm, little red riding hood.”
— * — * — * — * — *
“You know, I’ve been pretty damn nice not teleporting right over to you whenever you disappear. So why don’t you just tell me why you’re avoiding me now that we happen to be in the same room by complete accident, huh?” John asked from where he sat in one of Bruce’s lounge chairs sipping on a beer. Marinette mimed choking him, clearly fed up. He had been trying to have a conversation with her for the past three months, ever since that one time he caught the tail end of her portal closing in the Batcave. Three. Long. Months. And he hadn’t given up, because something about this little Parisian teenager intrigued him. She was sixteen, that much he had gathered from the Bats. But to be sixteen and not only in possession of the Horse miraculous but also clearly the Ladybugs, since he had seen Tikki more than once as well, now that was interesting.
Anybody being in the possession of more than one Miraculous was already cause enough to be keeping an eye on them, which was why he had been keeping an eye on the Paris situation and had pieced together on his own that the presence of Tikki meant that this little parisian teenager was none other than Ladybug herself. Now, that? That was a whole new level of concerning, especially since he knew firsthand that the old Grand Guardian was gone and passed his title down to— yeah, Ladybug.
After that deduction, his interest in Marinette had swiftly switched from curiosity to fuck-I-need-to-know-what’s-going-on-here. Because no kid should have to deal with that kind of weight, and Constantine always looked out for kids when he could.
But right then, Marinette was glaring at him. She had been just coming over for a normal “family” dinner with the Waynes, which she attended from time to time. And apparently they had decided to have Constantine already over so that they could chaperone a meeting between them that would hopefully appease the stupid british magic user enough that he left them all alone again until the next time he needed help.
“Believe me when I say, you’d rather not know,” she replied sharply, glaring Dick. He was the one who had convinced her to come despite her recent close calls with Constantine in the past few days. He studiously avoided her gaze. “I just would rather not cross your path, and there’s no reason for us to interact. Why do you care, anyway?”
“You see, now that is an excellent question!” he chugged the last of his beer and gestured to her with the empty bottle. “Normally, I wouldn’t give a flying rat’s ass. But I’ve put two and two together, since I know who Tikki is,” he nodded to the red and black Kwami. “And maybe I just wanna keep an eye on the new Grand Guardian to make sure she’s doin’ alright. That’s an awful lot of magic and responsibility that you don’t deserve, but I’m not about to try to take it away. Keepin’ an eye on you is the next best thing.”
“Try again,” Marinette shot back, crossing her arms. “You were interested in me before you learned about me being Ladybug.”
“I’m nosy, what do you want me to say? I saw a portal in Batman’s man-cave, I get curious. Sue me.”
“Well. I have Bruce and everyone else already watching out for me, so you can leave me alone now. If I need your help, I’ll make sure to ask every other magic user first before contacting you.”
“Woah, now what’s all this venom for?”
“Uh, maybe we should go and actually eat dinner?” Dick tried to step in, hands up. Constantine had stood up from the chair he was in, which was usually a cue to change the subject as fast as possible. “Before Alfred has to come get us?”
“Maybe I’ll be less venomous if you let the subject drop and leave me alone!”
“Context would be nice, though.”
“Seriously guys, let’s go! Food!” Dick was once again ignored.
“Context is the last thing you need in this situation,” Marinette’s voice was suddenly soft, her arms dropping to her sides. “We’ve had this conversation so many times in so many now-deleted timelines. Just drop it this time.”
“If those timelines are now-deleted, then I obviously don’t remember what’s so bad about telling me why you’re acting like I’m some hated family member you’re avoiding!”
Pure. Fucking. Silence. As they all watch with front row seats as Marinette flinches at the word ‘family’.
Pure silence as Constantine’s shoulders drop at the sight of her flinch, realization slapping itself on his face.
“See? I fucking knew you would— that this would happen. This always happens, you always hate finding it out, but you’re so— so stubborn!” Marinette was blinking away tears, digging in her pockets and bringing out Kaalki’s glasses. “You’ll drop it now, at least. You always do.”
“Now what is that supposed to mean?” Constantine rubbed his forehead, still trying to sort through his amalgam of emotions. Marinette just shook her head, turning to Kaalki.
“Do you mind showing Monsieur Constantine the way out, Kaalki? I’ll grab you a load of sugar cubes afterward.”
“No, wait, hang on a second!”
A portal opened up under him, making John “Stubborn Idiot” Constantine drop ten feet down onto the hardwood, polished floor of his house. His bruised tailbone would take a while to heal, but his frazzled mind was by far the more concerning development. He staggered to his feet, reaching for the nearest bottle of tequila.
“Ugh, fuck my damn life.”
— * — * — * — * — *
“Marinette..?” Damian nudged the girl with his shoulder, frowning. It was after dinner that same day, and as much as he hated to admit it he had grown to actually like having her around. She was a good friend to have. And seeing her slumped back on one of their sofas, sketchbook covering her face and not a single rambling conversation to be had or heard? It was very concerning. She just made a groaning sound to answer him, prompting his frown to deepen. “Are you alright?”
“I just can’t believe that such a sweet, adorable thing like you is half made up of Constantine’s genes,” Jason mused bluntly from the opposite couch, where he tossed a rubber ball up and down out of boredom. “But now I see where you get all of your Disaster Bi-ness from.”
“Shut uuuuup,” She groaned, chucking her sketchbook at him. He caught it in midair, replacing his rubber ball with it and tossing it up and down in the air. “I’m just frustrated. This timeline is still perfectly stable, so I can’t erase it. And I can’t exactly ask ‘hey, can someone commit a horrid atrocity that makes this timeline split from the main one so that I can erase it and we can start over from four months ago?’ because that would be horribly irresponsible of me. But seriously, Jason. If you’re gonna ever commit, like, city-wise arson? I’d probably condone it right now if only so I have an excuse to use time travel to get out of this situation.”
“Not committing arson unless you give me a better reason for it, Pigtails.”
“But are you okay?” Damian asked again, seeing as she had completely ignored him.
“I’m fine, Damian,” she finally sighed. “And I know how this is gonna go. He’s going to totally ignore me now, until we meet during some magical crisis and he only interacts with me when necessary. Then he pretends we never met, we have a private little one-sided whisper-argument about how he will never make a good father figure and I would be better off leaving him alone, blah blah blah. Avoidance is a coping mechanism I guess I inherited from him.”
“Guess it’s a good thing I’m trying to bite that in the bud then, eh?” Marinette startled out of her sitting position, seeing John stumble into the room…
Drunk off his ass. But apparently still at least mildly coherent.
“I agree with deleted-me’s, I’m not gonna be a dad. Not me,” he tripped, landing on his still-bruised ass and hissing in pain before continuing from the floor; “So if you’re looking for another Daddy dearest, that ain’t me.”
“See, I knew this is how you’d—”
“Let me finish,” he interrupted. “I don’t know how long the booze is gonna last and I need it’s courage here. ‘Kay? ‘Kay. Where was I? Right. But I know magic, ya know. The kind that doesn’t rely on little bobblehead gods to do. I got— like, a million books. Shit ton of books. At my place. Ya can read ‘em. My books. At my place. But I ain’t gonna parent, but I can lend ya books. Maybe give magic advice. Teach a little. Little bit. Didn’t think I’d have a child, but apparently I do and she’s the fuckin’ grand guardian and a damn hero, and I don’t know how the fuck I was able to help make someone like that. But whatever, it’s not like the world’s ever fuckin’ been easy on me,” He pulled out a sample-sized bottle of whiskey from one of the pockets on the inside of his trench coat and chugged it. After a brief wince and hiss at the burn, he kept rambling. “My door’s open, is what I’m tryin’ to say. No guarantee I’ll be in any state to talk to when you walk through it, but it’s open.”
Deciding to steadfastly ignore the tears streaming down her face, Marinette just swallowed thickly and nodded.
“I, uh. I think I can work with that.”
John barely made it to the nearby bin in time to vomit into it.
— * — * — * — * — *
I hate my imagination sometimes, guys. I started imagining a convo between Mari and Constantine at like 4am and it wouldn't leave me alone until I got it down. but by the time I wrote it, I kinda forgot like 60% of the original convo and just winged it. And this was born. I 100% blame @multifandomscribette because their Bio!dad John Constantine headcannons are amazing and even though this isn't in that universe, those headcannons are exactly what inspired this. So blame them, lol.
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Why Aleks Took Alina’s Letters To M*l
I’ve ben thinking alot about this recently, it was brought on by a couple of things the main one being I just read ‘The Tailor’ which is another short book that LB wrote similar to Demon in the Woods, this one is deleted scenes from shadow and bone told from Genya's point of view but it does give us more information on what went on with the letters Alina had written to M*l. So disclaimer obviously there are spoilers for the tailor so if you haven’t read that book and don’t want to be spoilt stop reading now. I also want to put a trigger warning in here as I do discuss the topic of grooming. 
I’ve talked a little before about why I think Aleks took the letters but as I’ve said I’ve just read the short story and its given me some more information on it. Before reading the short story I kept seeing various theories and interpretations on why Aleks might have stopped the letters, one of my own was that he was using them to gain information on Alina and because after her comments about not wanting to be grisha and whether anyone had ever escaped the LP he considered her a security risk and so was taking the letters to make sure she wasn’t planning a break out with M*l. But one theory that I’ve seen alot of antis using is that Aleks wanted to isolate Alina because he is a groomer and he was hoping that if he isolated her then he could become her new singular confidant and have an easier time manipulating her. Literally though the amount of times I’ve seen antis use Aleks taking Alina’s letters to M*l as ‘evidence’ that he was grooming Alina. But I’m here to blow some holes in this theory because he never actually isolates her and he never becomes her sole confidant. Again something I’ve spoken about before but Alina has friends at the LP (even more so in the show) she has genya, marie, nadia, in the show you can probably add fedyor to that list too and of course Aleks himself. It always kind of amuses me when I see the claims that Aleks isolated Alina because she actually had more friends and a more well developed social support system at the LP than she ever did at Keramzin or in the First Army with M*l. And while she does confide in Aleks alot he by no means becomes her sole confidant. She also confides in Genya, Marie, Nadia and even to some extent Baghra. Again this shows that she has that better support system because she does have many people she can go to for emotional support and advice whereas before arriving at the LP the only person who provided this role for her was M*l. If Aleks took the letters because he wanted to isolate Alina so that he would become the only support she could turn to then he wouldn’t have stopped there. He would have isolated her completely made her feel completely alone, he would have isolated her from the other grisha too. There are so many ways he could have done this, he could have told the other grisha and Alina that she was too far above their station for them to be allowed to socialise, he could have insisted that she eat her meals with him privately instead of in the hall with the other grisha, he could have trained her separately with private lessons only, he could have confined her to her rooms for her ‘safety’ and only let her leave for lessons and meals. This would have limited the amount of socialisation she’d have with others and ensure that she only relied on him and that she really did feel completely isolated from everyone else. But he doesn’t do that he leaves her be to form friends and socialise as she wishes. The only way in which he interferes in her social circle (other than taking the letters) is by sending Genya to her and asking her to spy for him. To be honest though I don’t necessarily think this was a manipulative or malicious move, Aleks was aware that Alina’s life had just been uprooted and that she was likely going to struggle to adjust not to mention Alina was a bit of a wild card, so asking Genya to keep an eye on Alina was probably a smart general like thing to do. 
Going back to ‘The Tailor’ in this short story we learn some interesting things but one thing we learn is Aleks’ actual motivation for taking the letters. The letters were given to the servants and then the servants gave them to Genya who was passing them on to Aleks. Genya is clearly feeling guilty and unsure about taking the letters and there is a really interesting scene where she is talking to Aleks about this and it is here that Aleks says this:  “Old bonds,” he says as he gives the horse a final pat and pushes off from the fence. “They can do nothing for Alina but tie her to a life long gone.” 
This is something that has been spoken about before in the fandom, Aleks stopped the letters because he knew that Alina would not be able to access her grisha power and flourish at the LP whilst she was still holding on to her old life and her bond with m*l. He’s realised something that I feel like m*l and Alina never really do, which is Alina will never again be that same girl that grew up at Keramzin. She can’t go back to that life and so the only way she can really reach her potential is by letting it go. Now here’s the thing, is it morally grey of Aleks to take the letters? Yes of course it is. Being separated from M*l causes Alina great pain and distress and thinking M*l has abandoned her really hurts her. But I also can’t say that Aleks was wrong. I mean it is canon that Alina didn’t harness her powers until she let go of M*l and embraced her identity as a grisha and as the sun summoner. So while yes it was very upsetting for Alina to think that M*l had abandoned her and this is where alot of Genya’s guilt comes from, I don’t know what other way there was to get Alina to move past that block and reach her powers. Her co-dependency on M*l was damaging to Alina so it’s difficult for me personally to see this as some villain move when in the end it ultimately benefitted Alina. 
Something else that I found really interesting in this short story is that when Genya expresses guilt for taking the letters and worries that Alina won’t ever forgive her, Aleks says he will give Genya the letters, he then says the above quote explaining his reasons for keeping the letters from Alina and then tells Genya that she can do whatever she likes with the letters. She can give them back to Alina, send them to m*l or destroy them, but it is left entirely up to Genya on what she wants to do and ultimately Genya decides to burn them. What’s interesting about this to me is even though Aleks clearly thinks stopping the letters is the best thing for Alina, if Genya feels like its going to destroy their friendship and isn’t ok with taking the letters then Aleks isn’t going to force her to. I mean he could’ve pulled rank and said you’re my soldier you’ll follow orders or he could have asked someone else to take the letters instead, but he instead leaves it up to Genya. 
Anyway that’s enough babbling for today. If you do get the chance and haven’t read it already I would recommend The Tailor its a very interesting read and gives alot of backstory on Genya and some insight into her relationship with Aleks.  
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Hello! I was wondering if you could please write something about how the Fellowship (+ Thorin?) Would help a s/o who's Disabled and Chronically ill. Like she has a lot of symptoms like chronic pain, chronic fatigue, difficulty sleeping, difficulty breathing at times, difficulty walking at times, higher sensitivity to the cold, difficulty talking at times, and anxiety, depression and executive dysfunction?
I've been really struggling with my chronic illnesses lately, namely my Autism, Anxiety, Sleep Apnea, a really bad Overbite, Raynaud's Syndrome, Asthma, etc, so I'd really appreciate an Imagine like this. I have a really weird disorder where one of my legs is longer than the other, and it's been causing me a lot of pain and difficulty walking lately, and people have been bullying me for it a lot too, so I could really use a Comfort Imagine right now. Thanks so much hun!!
It's no problem! I'm glad I can provide some comfort!! For each character, I'll use a specific struggling area, to make it a bit easier!! I hope I got these accurate enough, and of there are any mistakes, feel free to point them out!! You are strong, beautiful and so, so amazing!! Keep being you!! ❤❤
Help (The Fellowship// Thorin x Fem!Reader)
Aragorn (Autism)
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Aragorn has known you for a long time, so helping with your autism is not new for him
He's particularly experienced in reading your emotions and meeting your needs, whether it's helping you out of stressful situations or calming you down, he's there 🥺
If there are large and boisterous gatherings in Rivendell, its almost guaranteed that you can become over-stimulated quickly, and Aragorn immediately senses this (spidey senses õoõ)
He's fast to find your hand and give it a gentle squeeze of reassurance
If that doesn't seem to help, he'll instantly stop what he's doing and take you out of the room
If you're someone who prefers lots of space and little physical contact, he is 100% respectful of this and asks if you'll let him touch or hug you (very much gentleman 😌)
If ever you're confronted by someone of importance, Aragorn is right by your side to ease some of the tension
Sometimes there are things you find difficult to say or get out of your system
The king seems to know exactly what it is and will help you out by saying it or asking you simple questions that you can easily answer
And he always reminds you, no matter WHAT
You may struggle with some parts of your life, but every day, he's constantly telling you that you're very intelligent and kind
His patience is unending and he'll never let you think down on yourself
Overall, Aragorn is always someone and reminding you that it's all going to be okay ❤❤
Legolas (Anxiety)
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Most nights, Legolas keeps watch (since elves don't require much sleep) and notices that you jolt awake out of the random
Now, most of the Fellowship notices that you're usually awake and ready to go before anyone else
But Legolas is really the one to address you first
You were a bit nervous to explain, since you didn't want to worry him or the great of the fellowship, amount the other disadvantages you have
He gently encouraged you, and finally, you explained to him your sleep apnea
Yeah, he was very concerned
I mean, his blue eyes widened with terror when you told him that you could basically die in your sleep if you weren't attentive enough 🙃
Legolas, from now on, sleeps directly next to you, or keeps extra careful watch over you at night
Because he could NEVER see his precious mortal friend become injured... Or worse 🥺🥺❤
The other members had noticed a change in his behaviors towards you as well...
Gimli teased him whenever he caught Legolas giving you some extra lembas bread or offered to carry you 👉👈
You really tried to assure Legolas that it wasn't a big deal when you were awake, since you're aware of your breathing situation
But still 😤
Legolas will always bring you comfort and take great care of you, and that will NEVER CHANGE
Because he loves you very much ❤🦋
Frodo (Anxiety)
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Frodo is familiar with the feeling of great anxiety, seeing he had a stress-free life while living in the Shire and suddenly was forced to carry a piece of jewelry all the way to giant ass volcano
It's easy for you two to comfort each other and seek refuge in thoughts and feelings ❤
He's not super comfortable with the thought of you having a panic attack though...
Only because he's never had one
It starts to give him a panic attack whenever you have one around him the first time 😳-
Any time you begin to breathe heavy or hyperventilate, halfling boy is hot at your heels, rubbing your back and reminding you to breathe gently
(So many hugs, if you're up for it)
After you calm down, he's constantly checking on you, asking if you need anything etc.
Really, he just wants to know if he can help 🥺
And even with the weight and stress of carrying the ring, Frodo manages to cheer you up somehow
Samwise (Asthma)
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Sam has never had to deal with asthma once in his life
He's very nervous when the subject is brought, afraid it might trigger something inside of you 🥺👉👈
But you just chuckle, assure him that it's alright, and you have ways of keeping it under control
And now, he wants to know everything about it, just to have the awareness in case something happens
Sam just wants to protect you forever, and this was a great way for him to start
He constantly reminds Aragorn that you'll need breathing breaks and will convince Gandalf to let you ride on his horse
He'll scold Pip and Merry if they are trying to drag you around and be silly, because as he says
"You'll rouse him/her/them up! We can't have Y/N gettin injured!" 🤨😠
Sam is MOM
As always, he's very kind and always makes sure your needs are met ❤🥺
Pippin and Merry (Raynaud's Syndrome)
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Very confused halfings 🤔
Also extremely concerned!
You were eating one of the lesser pleasurable nights
It was cold and rainy, and a fire couldn't be started, not to mention the quiet arguments of Aragorn and Gandalf in the nearby woods
And Pip's eyes widened when he saw the tips of your petite fingers begin to pale upon hearing Aragorn mention Orcs
"What's wrong with your hands?!" He squeaked, pointing towards your now white-colored fingertips
You hadn't even noticed, nor felt, considering they were numb anyways
Merry looked over his cousin's shoulder and his eyes also widened, not with fright, but wonder
They were both fascinated with your condition, convinced that you were casting some spell Gandalf showed you
Although you reassured them it was just an extremely frustrating inconvenience that you had, among other things
So from then on, the disastrobus duo did their best to keep you out of the cold (and stressful situations!!)
As a distraction, the pair will tell you great stories of the shire, doing little dances and skits that always cheer you up 🥴
Sometimes, they can be a little rambunctious though...
Merry will pick up on this fact quickly, and nudge Pippin to get him to calm down
Even though it may not feel the best
They find your syndrome absolutely fascinating!! 🤔🤔
All in all, these two are always up for keeping your beautiful smile on your face and your spirits high!! ❤🌺
Boromir (Depression)
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Throughout the journey, Boromir has always found an easy way to make you smile
After all, he himself has a fascinating way of brightening anyone's spirits
Yours included ❤
Boromir may not have great stories from The Shire, like Pip and Merry, but he sure has a lot of positive things to say
He'll often suggest sparring with the two troublemaking halflings, just so you can see him goof up and get knocked over 🥺
If the nights become cold and weary, he'll give you a warm hug or a nudge on the shoulder
And a few words of helpful encouragement along the lines of;
"Don't fret Y/N. You have more strength than you'll ever know."
"Let our spirits never dampen! We've come this far!" 😊
He's also an incredible listener
Boromir wants to hear what you have to say if you ever need to rant or get something off of your chest
And don't think for a second that he would ever judge you 😤
Son of Gondor sees past all of your insecurities and knows you for your beautiful, amazing self ❤❤
Gimli (Walking disadvantages)
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As you travel across great plains and mountains, your limp doesn't go unnoticed by Gimli
It may take him a while to open up about it, since he's afraid he might offend you in some way
And once he asks you, you inform him that it's a difficulty that unfortunately cannot be changed any time soon
And where you come from, lots of people tease and bully you about it
He did NOT handle it well 😳
Although this Dwarf is short and a bit slow at times
He's fascinatingly strong 😳
And so, he makes it his duty to be your designated carrier 🥺
At first, your a tad skeptical...
I mean, he's only around 4 feet tall...
Gimli will happily carry you great distances when you need a break, and even longer
(Sometimes it's just to show off around the others-)
"Gimli, are you sure you don't want a break?"
"Aye lass! The strength of Dwarves is unending!" 😌
*struggling to breathe*
11/10, fantastic dwarf, will never let you down!!
Thorin (Executive Dysfunction)
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Another Dwarf??
Thorin himself has trouble keeping composure with his time management (and sense of direction 🙄)
This means that he'll have an undying amount of patience for you and you only
There's just something about you that he fond of, and it fills in that little sassy, brooding place in his heart
Can also relate to you whenever you grow frustrated at the setback of your journey or lack of sleep
Is 100% willing to help you find your lost belongings (and once again, ONLY YOU)
Thorin will literally make the whole traveling party stop so that you can put something in your bag and make sure that you put it somewhere you'll remember
Always happy to give you extra gentle reminders of keeping your pack closed
The company is utterly SHOCKED with how he treats you
I mean, this man has always been extremely stubborn and hard headed
But when you show up, it's another person he can easily relate and share frustrations with
Also a master at organization?!? 🤔
The one thing he could do successfully was organizing the damn journey and traveling company, so ofc he's gonna be good at that 😂
Yeah, Thorin definitely has a soft spot for you
King under the mountain will never run out of patience and kindness for you 😌💙
Sorry these took so long!! I hope you like them!! ❤❤
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