#It's all so beautiful and such a waste to keep it on the 3ds
canadianlucifer · 11 months
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Already preparing myself to be disappointed at the February Nintendo direct!
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honeytonedhottie · 3 months
HONEYS IT GIRL MAGAZINE june edition⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🎀
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welcome back to honeys it girl magazine, this is the june catalog. get ready for the inside scoop on data that i've collected, things i've learned/started doing, and just general info like that organized in kind of a teen-magazine inspired fashion. a magazine for it girls ✨ and now please enjoy, the it girl magazine.
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as you may or may not have noticed, i've been hiatus for most of the month now. and i disappeared because of personal reasons, and one of those reasons being that i felt i needed to reflect. here are some things that i've learned and realized during my reflection time.
in that post i go into things that i went thru during the month of june and the reason behind my absence. something that i mentioned but failed to elaborate on in that post was what i plan to manifest next and i'll talk about it later on in the post.
this summer is a hot one, and one way that i've been getting my vegetable and fruit intake is through smoothies. smoothies and juices are perfect for the summer because they're SO refreshing so im going to talk about some smoothie recipes.
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adriana limas smoothie recipe ; (1 cup cold water + 1/2 avocado + honey). candice swanepoels smoothie recipe ; (1 frozen banana + 1 cup blueberries + 1 tsp protein powder + 1 scoop collagen powder + 1 tbsp chia seeds + 2 tbsp almond butter + 1 tbsp spirulina + 1 1/2 cup coconut water)
smoothies make amazing breakfasts or just amazing drinks to have when ur craving a sweet drink. for me, i like to keep my smoothies simple and use ingredients like strawberry and banana, but lately i've been loving mango in my smoothies.
because of my period of reflection i had time to focus on what i wanted to manifest next and i wanna manifest a trip to italy for the summer + other mini things within that trip.
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i've already created a script for it, and im gonna start affirming for it on the first of july. im so so excited to go and share this with you guys...💬🎀 furthermore i wanted to share some manifestation reminders and posts that have been helping me so far.
patricia navidad in “la fea más bella” is an over the top, feminine queen who i absolutely adore. she was easily one of my favorite characters so ofc i wanted to make this editions style dissection about her.
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she has beautiful blondish hair that is similar to and complements her skintone, making her look super put together and gorgeous. she wears jewelry that she coordinates together. but my favorite outfit of hers HAS to be the one shown above on the left.
if theres one thing patricia knows how to do is to make her outfits work for HER which is why i thought she'd be the perfect candidate for this months style dissection...💬🎀
in this outfit shes wearing a matching pink set, the shade of pink is very soft and matches beautifully with the white (what looks like a corset-ish top) underneath. the color coordination is superb and she makes the shirt pop more by only using one button beneath her bust which draws attention to her figure and the top underneath.
to be a victim to the cringe stigma is to be caged in ur own mind bcuz ur so scared of what others may or may not think of you. lets talk about it. the way others perceive u isnt ur business. lets think about how many times that you've stopped urself from doing something that u rly wanted to do, or something that you've really loved because u were scared of what others might say? imagine all that wasted time and energy worrying?
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its not ur responsibility to keep urself small or digestible for someone. u can't grow where ur comfortable so to grow u have to get uncomfortable even if that means being called cringe by others. bcuz when others call u cringe thats their own projection onto you and it rly doesnt matter. dont take someone else's judgement too personally and just enjoy yourself no matter what...💬🎀
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violetdawn001 · 2 months
What is with the Dreamers' Houses?!?! Part 3.0 Lurien's Spire
Okay, we can all agree that Team Cherry put a LOT of thought into crafting the backgrounds and environments of Hollow Knight. But why is nobody talking about the designs for the Dreamers' houses?! Especially compared with their base forms?  Well, let's start talking about it!
The Last Dreamer, Lurien the Watcher! A.K.A. The guy who is responsible for this whole essay.
His design is the simplest among the three Dreamers.
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Taken from Hollow Knight - Lurien the Watcher
A design so simple that it leaves the fans in relentless debate on what species of bug he is.
So tell me, why is HIS HOUSE the one with the most freaking complicated design!?!?!?! It's as if Lurien is living in a cathedral here!
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Okay, Lurien living in a cathedral might be an exaggeration, but take a look at complicated his Spire is! Look at the floors! Notice the window designs! The hanging banners! The lanterns! And goodness gracious, the dude has wallpaper throughout his whole Spire!
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Did I forget to mention the wallpaper?!?!!
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The insane amount of detail!!!
And we haven't even gotten to the fact Team Cherry went out of their way to incorporate 3D into a 2D POV! You can clearly see it in this window here.
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As we start the walk here…
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We can't help but notice…
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How the pillars framing the window "move" as we do.
Could you believe that a team of four people made all of this? Team Cherry truly wasted no detail in the Watcher's Spire, from the simplest wallpaper to the famous Telescope.
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And here is the Telescope! In all its very-difficult-to-draw glory! Speaking of it, the design clearly costed tons of geo. The cost paid off, however, as the Telescope still works despite the lack of maintenance due to the Infection.
Of course, that can be easily seen by anyone who played the game in a rush. In terms of Lurien's character, the fan can see how he earned his namesake, Watcher.
Yet...has anyone stopped to consider how Lurien set up his office? In particular, how Lurien can position his Telescope anywhere in his main office?  Check out all the windows!
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Did you all notice it? Every single window is open, yet each window is nicely framed with the glass plane. And before you all comment, “what about this window? It's closed!”
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The window design is different from the ones behind Lurien's bed…and matches up with the window where the Telescope is currently at. This implies that this window can open up at any time should Lurien wish it. As the Telescope is NOT facing that direction, there is no need to keep that window open. Lovely for us, as that window keeps Lurien's butler in. If you need proof, check out the photo where the Telescope is again.
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With this in mind, what does the Telescope and open windows tell us about Lurien's character?
First, Lurien is very dedicated to his duty as the Watcher, so much so that he will spend as much money as needed to craft the best tools he needs.
Second, Lurien favors practicality as seen by how every window is either open or has hinges to open it. The Watcher must watch over the WHOLE City of Tears, not just the left side (or commoner side).
Third, Lurien loves beauty. It is not enough to have the windows open; goodness, Lurien could have not added windows at all! But he insisted on a lovely window design that framed the view into the City. And we're not even talking about the pillars and the curtains which frame it as well. 
Fourth and finally, Lurien was able to get both practicality and beauty in the same window. I cannot stress this enough as Herrah and Monomon choose practicality over beauty. Yes, there are beautiful details here and there, but when push comes to shove, both ladies choose practicality with a dash of beauty on the side. This really makes Lurien stand out amongst the Dreamers.
I hope you enjoyed part 1 of Lurien's Spire. Unfortunately, I must stop here as this is merely 1/4 of Lurien's section of the essay. Please feel free to comment and reblog as much as you would like. It's fun reading your thoughts.
If you wish to read more of the Essay, click one of these links below.
Part 1.0: Herrah's Den : Here
Part 2.0: Monomon's Archives: Here
Part 3.0: Lurien's Spire (You are here.)
Part 3.25: More of Lurien's Spire : Here
Part 3.5: Lurien's Spire: Pillows and Patriotism: Here
Part 3.75: Even, even More of Lurien's Spire
Link to essay on Ao3: Here
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stardustizuku · 1 year
Why Miraculous LadyBug Is the Worst Thing To Happen To Magical Girl Genre in All Its History.
It would be easy to sit here and tell you all the logical reasons why Ladybug is a bad show. It has horrible pacing, it has low stakes, repetitive episodes, and a dialogue that is cringe worthy enough to get its own tiktok sound.
But saying that, would be beating a dead horse at this point. Everyone knows this show is a bunch of wasted potential, only made worse by a director who keeps thinking he created gold, when in fact he messed up in a lot of areas – particularly the fact that he’s a grown man who thinks he knows what little girls want.
I’m not here for that.
Particularly, because I can be quite forgiving to shows like this. I mean, they’re kids' shows! Meant for little girls, and I haven’t been one for a few years now. But I still enjoy them.
Why? Well, cause I’m a massive fan of Magical Girl animes. I love the glitter, the sparkles, the silly adventures with friends, and the transformation sequences! Even with all its flaws, I really like them. So, stories or shows that borrow from them, get a pass in all these things. 
I mean, I have fun re-watching WINX Club, I love Star Vs The Forces of Evil despite its flaws. Steven Universe holds a deep place in my heart and She-Ra is…She-Ra is in its very own league of how amazing it is.
So, no. Be it a very dumb show or a very smart one, I can have fun. It’s very rare when a show with, you know, glitter, girly stuff and animals CAN’T hold my attention.
But, well, MLB failed at that.
It’s just, not a good show.
I mean, it could be. But the age demographic would need to drop several, several age groups just to be barely watchable – and even then, I seriously doubt that it would be good for young girls to watch it. The lessons it teaches are concerning, to say the least.
And at this point, you may be thinking,
"Why do you care so much about this show? It’s dumb and you’ve acknowledged it treats its demographic as toddlers. Why do you care so much?"
Well, because I've been here... for a very, very long time.
Listen, I started watching Miraculous Ladybug, back when I was in high school. Maybe a bit old, but, hey, a lot of unique cartoons came out around that time. (Star Vs, Steven Universe, etc). So, I was hopeful. Really hopeful.
Mainly, because I was here before it EVEN premiered. I remember it. The original PV was 2D animated and it had this vague Princess Tutu vibes that JUST I couldn’t resist. It was clear as day that it borrowed a lot of its inspiration from magical girls from the 90's, probably even 80's.
The premise looked similar enough to Kaito Jeanne, and Kaito St. Tail for me to draw those conclusions.
It had a dynamic very similar to Princess Tutu and seemed like a mix of silly and dark like that one was.
To be honest, I could even see hints of Sugar Sugar Rune with Pierre and Felix.
Not to mention, the animation was beautiful.
I will never, never forget that scene with Chat looking at Ladybug starry-eyed under the Paris Moonlight. That was so beautiful, a genuine touch of romance that rang so similar to the Magical Girl animes I grew up with.
I was thrilled, I was excited. I wanted this show to succeed, before even the premier had dropped.
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This is all to say -
I never came to this show with the intention for it to fail.
And I didn’t expect nor want it to be ground-breaking or a giant of the genre. I just hoped I could have a fun time.
I didn't want subversions, I didn't want it to be dark, or deep. All I wanted, was sparkles, fun and a good time.
So, when it first aired, I tried to stay positive. I tried to like it, even when it had all these massive red flags.
I’ve never been a big fan of 3D animation, and especially not how it’s used in Magical Girl animes. (We all know the disaster the first season of Sailor Moon Crystal was).
But I swallowed it down.
The characters were different from the original PV
But I swallowed it down.
The background scenery was bland and generic and hardly felt unique.
But I swallowed it down.
I was here since day 1. I was here when Stormy Weather premiered. I was here before many of you were, and
I swallowed it all down.
Because I really, really wanted this to be good.
And I really thought it would.
But things should have been made clear, when they fucked up the one thing they shouldn't. The one thing that held this all together. The one thing that kept me here even as everything was burning to the ground, and I was too naive to realize it.
They fucked up the thing that started all this, to begin with.
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cosmicdream222 · 1 year
I’ve adapted this post from an incredibly wise shifter named Love/Vanilla, an amino user who seems to have permashifted out of this reality by now. I have found her explanations of shifting and the multiverse to be incredibly enlightening, and want to share them with others. I have edited for grammar and spelling, but full credit goes to this lovely soul. The original post.
How shifting works (the whole package)
If you find yourself asking, "How does shifting work?" you might be thinking about the multiverse and becoming aware of another reality. But that's not the "how", it's the "what." So, how does it work? I'll explain that in this post. Please, please, please read the whole thing. I didn't realize how important this is here, but guys, it's genuinely one of the main misunderstandings. Take the time to read it, it's basic knowledge about the multiverse, and something everyone should know.
You keep waking up here, again and again, and it's exhausting. You've tried everything, done everything, and everyone says you'll shift. But you still wake up here. You still "don't shift," and you have no explanation for it. So, you keep trying and hope you'll wake up in your desired reality while doubting everything. What if it's all just an inside joke? What if you're wasting your time? What if you never shift? And you wake up here again and again. You research, but you already know everything. Everyone else shifts, but not you. There are 25,000 different ideas about why you don't shift, but nobody tells you how. Of course, there are methods and subliminals, but how do you shift? Has anyone ever answered that question?
3D and 4D
This is a very, very important part of shifting, the most important part, actually. But for some reason, nobody talks about it. Why is that? Anyway, let's start with the main topic.
We'll start with the basics. Everything is made up of several planes, but for our purposes, we only need two: the 3D and the 4D.
3D: The 3D is the physical plane. It contains everything you can feel, see, hear, smell, or taste. Your body is physical, the world around you is physical. That's what you guys call "reality." Well, surprise surprise, you're wrong. It's not the reality; it's the physical world. Nothing more and nothing less.
4D: The 4D is the actual reality. We can't see it (because we only see the physical plane, as that's our job), but it's extremely important. It's where our subconscious resides. Every thought and assumption belongs to the 4D, and that's where reality gets created. Everything you want gets added, and you have it immediately. It only works in your favor. Your subconscious's job is to make you happy, keep you healthy, and give you everything you want. Very easy.
We could keep it simple and say, "Well, the 4D is the reality, and the 3D is not." That's 100% true, but we want everyone to understand it completely. You can think of it like a computer. The 3D is the screen, and the 4D is the actual computer. This is a good example to visualize how useless the 3D is and how unimportant it is. The whole process takes place in the 4D. The 3D does nothing else but exist.
The "How" in Shifting
Now, the most interesting part for many of you. How do you shift? How does all of this work? It's much simpler than you could ever imagine:
You want to shift. Your subconscious recognizes it and says, "Okay, here you go!" The 4D gets changed to your desired reality in less than a moment. Your subconscious gives the command "Change; we're in our desired reality" to the 3D. The 3D receives the command and begins to change.
Many people think shifting is like "your awareness leaving your body, floating through the multiverse, and entering your desired reality's body." It's a beautiful idea, but it's not the case. There is only ever one 3D. It can change, but it can't switch.
Why Is It Important?
In short, you're overcomplicating it, and your lack of knowledge is affecting others' journeys. In more detail, due to doubts and limiting beliefs that come with being human in this reality concept, you're constantly questioning everything around you. This questioning happens not only in a positive way; you're searching for explanations, ideas, inspiration, people who share your interests, and even things to blame.
When I first joined this community, I was looking to learn more about scripting and hear other people’s ideas. But what I found was shocking – a community full of misinformation, overcomplication, frustration, and blame. I didn't realize how much wasn't "common knowledge" in this reality. That's why I started my posts – to explain and help clarify things. You know what? After three months, countless comments, and 89 PMs specifically about shifting, I discovered that 90% of you weren't aware that the main problem lies in understanding the concept of the 3D and 4D. It's more common than you might think.
It might sound tough, but none of this is or was ever your fault. Not at all. You're living in challenging circumstances for this kind of stuff, and every single one of you should be very proud of the fact that you're still here and still trying to shift.
Here are some common misunderstandings about the 3D and 4D:
"I can enter/leave the 4D": No, you're always in the 4D because you always have thoughts, assumptions, and desires. Your subconscious resides there, and it's still a part of you.
"There are multiple 3D's/4D's": Yes and no. Yes, because everyone has their own 4D and 3D, as well as all the other planes. But no, because you only have ONE of them. You can't enter someone else's 4D/3D. You only have one, and it's your very own.
"The 3D can influence the 4D": No, absolutely not. As I explained, the ultimate rule is FIRST 4D, THEN 3D. This will never change. Remember the computer.
"Your subconscious only gives you what it thinks you deserve": Yes, and it's in the most positive way. It only gives you what you deserve, and what do you deserve? Everything you want, every desire, every wish, and everything positive. That's your subconscious's job.
In the end, you can always trust your subconscious mind. You don't even have to do that; it will do its job regardless. It will shift you, because it loves you and will always do everything for you. No matter what, things WILL work out.
I can't stress this enough: Your subconscious is not your enemy, never was, and never will be.
Here are some affirmations you can use in your everyday life. They can help calm you down and remind you that you are above the 3D world.
The 3D is not the true reality.
I do not have to tolerate the 3D.
My subconscious gives me everything I want.
The 3D has no choice but to obey me.
The 3D cannot influence my reality.
Time does not matter.
Time is irrelevant for me.
The 3D time cannot influence me.
Events in the 3D cannot influence me.
I do not belong to any 3D world.
I have no such thing as an original 3D world.
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mereallycan · 7 months
Edvin Ryding is masterful. There's something about watching him that is so ✨art ✨. Art in the sense of transporting you and bringing you into another world and consuming and subsuming you to see what the artist sees and letting you wholly and fully submerge into the experience so much so it takes on its own life and "3D realness", that you can feel and touch, and has the full attention of your senses and emotions with unmistakeable and fierce ferocity. That you are able to form complex, dynamic relationship, (and not even only in projected relatability) with the art material regardless of what it is. That you are able to experience it in an alive living, breathing, form with a pulse and a heartbeat. Edvin does that. Edvin really does that, unfailingly and beautifully every time. (And since this is about me seeing him right now in young royals) He comes on screen and you're with him at Hillerska and you see Willie and Willie alone and you're fully seeing Willie in all his complex, complete glory and you're immersed and transported and undoubtedly convinced and transfixed.
And then there's actors that leave you wanting and dry and thirsty. There's actors that you read lines from a script along side with all the while that they are on screen, and you can just always see"think" their next course of action and see that they are almost holding their breath, all rigid and stiff. There's actors that keep you on earth, in your own clothes, in front of a screen watching them technically interprete other given directions. Actors that you can tell started walking into a run at the sound of action.
Whereas with Edvin, it's so effortlessly seamless and smooth, it's like he's meant to be walking into the room because he's been walking a long while to enter into it like he intended, he feels the room with such sura and his undeniable presence and feels right at home, not out of place there, not even like he's front of a camera. Edvin is so intuitive and internalizes his characters brilliantly. He's so self directed and innovative and inventive and intelligent and expressive and it's refreshing like soaking fully in a body of water, he's the freshest breathe of air with the most amazing talent and unprecedented skillful performances. He's fully given to and lost in his character that even his voice, at every pitch, his breathe, at every inhale and exhale, his every element, purposeful and powerful, every part and piece of his body, at every second is totally the character, with such fluidity and innateness and natural flow.
With him it's never a sprinkle or a squeeze or a waste or misuse of source material, it's always a platter, the deepest and richest of experience no matter the brush he's been handed or the colour or medium he's painting with. Everything is meaningful and useful and worthy and wonderful. And for that I'm grateful. I'm grateful for him and his genius as an artist that showcases the power and beauty of art and what it represents, maximizing and and utilizing every stroke so meaningfully and masterfully and experiencing his art makes you feel something and everything in the fullest, highest, strongest, overwhelmingly intense, ,"Alice-in-wonderlandesque" escape type of way.
Watching that shift and drop in energy and hold everytime he shares screen used to grind my gears and make me scream internally, but today, today, I choose to see it as reason to be grateful for him and about him.
Tl-dr watching actors trying to act, making an awful attempt at it, and watching Edvin embody and be his character and experiencing him and his performances is something I'm thankful for today.
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carnage-scissors · 1 year
Sakuna of Rice and Ruin is such a good game actually and underappreciated. 55 hours later and finally beating it you feel very accomplished.
The story is wonderfully cohesive. Everything that is brought up within it is tied up very nicely. Nothing mentioned is gone to waste. A lot of the names of people and ideas are based on other Gods and even with that it still shows many similarities to those Gods that actually exist.
The character building,,,, my goodness the character building. The characters are written so well and the development of each one is wonderful. They are all tied to each other so tightly and while that makes many frustrations as there are growing pains it also gives them someone to lean on our grow against for stability.
One thing I really liked was that there is a character who is a missionary and you can absolutely tell that her religion she follows is based on Abrahamic religion but she does not shove it down the other characters throats. Through the entire game she only wants to learn and learn about others which includes whatever religions they followed. I found that to be EXTREMELY refreshing.
The gameplay goes between a farming simulator (the process of making rice is very in depth for a game which is interesting to me, but that's what the game revolves on is the rice you make) and 3D side scrolling to keep things fresh and to get more materials.
I the story I would honestly compare to Full Metal Alchemist where everything mentioned genuinely is not wasted. If something is mentioned at all it is brought up again. Some times in ways you won't even expect it.
You begin the game as a privileged and bratty goddess who only thinks about herself and she is knocked down several pegs because of a mistake she inadvertently made. By the end, while she still absolutely keeps a lot of her fiery personality, she grows much kinder and reliable to those around her or call her friend.
The game left my partner and I feeling incredibly fulfilled. Nothing was left wanting from us and we are used to games normally having spots that drive us insane that they didn't fulfill.
The graphics are beautiful and so is the music that plays during the entirety of it. You can tell that the game was made with a lot of love.
I don't know, I really don't hear many people talking about it at all and I'm assuming it's probably one of those small "cult following"/sleeper hit (I don't know the best word for it- but the people that have played it, from what I have seen, like it a lot. I would compare it to Final Fantasy Tactics if not a smaller following)
I really think if you are able you should give it a try. It has an accessibility feature that allows you to make the fighting and farming much easier- though some pieces of the UI/gameplay are not exactly explained how to equip, but once you figure that out it's smooth sailing
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aena-blue · 1 year
Manifestation - Check Your Beliefs - When Putting Yourself On The Pedestal Backfires!?
Hello everyone! This is another short post to cover a simple topic under the umbrella term manifestation to hopefully shed some light on the topic.
Today we will be talking about what I believe is to be a very important topic, and that is: to check your beliefs! You have to remember that everyone is you pushed out (EIYPO), and that everyone will reflect your beliefs. What’s great about this is that you can recognise the beliefs you have by how other people is showing up and treating you.
The reason I wanted to make this post is because I recently ran across an ‘issue’ where after I changed my self-concept (my beliefs about myself) it ended up having an unintended ‘negative’ effect on my Specific Person (SP) and I thought writing this post might help give a different perspective on this topic.
So like many of you I am currently manifesting an SP. Listening to a lot of different coaches on YouTube and reading content online, I adopted the idea of taking my SP of the so called ‘pedestal’ and placing myself on top of there. Now I am not saying this is a bad thing in itself, but it did cause something to happen that I did not account for.
So like many of you, my SP has shown up in my 3D experience in a, lets just say, less desirable way. So when I did my self-concept work, and I started seeing myself as this amazing beautiful person, worthy and deserving of all that I desire, I put myself higher and higher on that pedestal, but consequentially, I put my SP far far down below me.
Based on my previous experience with my SP, I started seeing him as someone who wasn’t worthy and deserving of me, how could he be, he had treated me badly and I was now seeing myself as this amazing person worthy of all the best. Problem is of course, that this assumption was based on how he was showing up in the past, not how I wanted him to show up now.
Have you been in this situation? Are you currently in it? By holding these thoughts, I was also holding my SP in the old version of himself. But also, he now started to reflect these beliefs to me.
In a drunken moment of honesty, my SP told me he didn’t deserve me, that I was too good for him, and he admitted to treating me poorly in the past. (And this happened a second time just a few weeks ago). On one hand, I was happy that he was recognising me as the person I believed myself to be now, but on the other, I was saddened by his confession. Of course I realise that I created that, through my own assumptions. 
It made me realise that I had not gone about changing the story in the right way, sure, I had changed my part positively, but unfortunately, I changed his part in a very negative way. He now told me I should leave him, stop wasting my time on him. He told me he would never be able to let me go, so he wanted me to walk away, to do what he could not do. It was heartbreaking.
I spent some time thinking, and meditating on what had transpired after it happened for a second time. This was after he came back after dumping me for someone else about a month ago (you can read all about that in my latest post!).
I will admit, there was a part of me that wanted him to worship me, to see me as someone above him, does that sound horrible? But I realise, I had only created another issue, and that I was keeping my SP in a story where he felt inadequate, and scared.
My original intent was of course for SP to change, to grow, to evolve, to become the version of him that is worthy of the new version of me. But in order to do that, I need to see him as that version now. For it is already done. I can no longer acknowledge the old story, the unworthy version of him based on his previous actions, (because those were of course also my creation).
I still listen to my affirmations I have created that incorporate my self-concept and the relationship I desire to experience, but I have added one new thing and that is “SP is worthy and deserving of my love”, and when I say it in my mind, I feel it, and I send him so much love.
I’ll admit, I was scared to change him to a better version of himself, because I was scared that the better version of him, would easily be able to find someone else whereas the ‘current’ (old) version of him has been struggling romantically for many years. But that is my fear and my insecurities talking. So I’m working on that. So I guess my point is, check your beliefs, check your fears, identify where the root cause, blockages and resistance lie, and then work on it.
I use a mix of affirmations, meditation and mindfulness practices to shift states, transform beliefs, and find peace and acceptance within myself. And I will accept that the best version of my SP still only loves, adores and only has eyes for me. 
I hope this post was helpful to you in some way and I wish you all the best on your manifestation journey!
I now offer email coaching on my Etsy Shop for anyone who needs help, assistance, guidance or just a cheerleader for their manifestation journey.
You can email me or use the “ask me” function for anything that might be on your mind, or on your heart. I am here for you all, always. Please note that the Ask Me’s are only open for dream interpretation, general questions or advice at this time.
Please consider supporting my intention & affirmation art business in return for my time and energy by making a purchase or sharing my shop on any of your social media, every page click helps my business grow and I appreciate all of your support.
You can get a sticker for about $2 and if you make a purchase and send me an email to let me know what you bought I will happily give you a free 3 card reading for a question of your choice or 1 free email for manifestation coaching, regardless of the cost of your purchase! 🧡
If you'd like to donate to my channel/blog I gratefully receive energy donations via Paypal, every little helps! 🧡
For anyone that feels so inclined I do have an Etsy Shop for tarot readings.
Much love and light to you all and to the universe 💛💜
~ Lady Blue 💙
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3llix · 2 years
Art Advice I’ve Picked Up
This is mostly aimed at myself, someone who’s been doing art a long time, and someone who made their hobby into their job and how it fucking sucks. This isn't advice for art as a career, more for those who got burned from trying to make it their career, and now want to turn it back into a passion or hobby.
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Don’t draw through the pain, don’t try to power through the pain, it doesn’t work. It’s never worth it and you will fuck up your hands, arms and shoulders.
Take a break, take the damn break, rest your arms, hands whatever and do the stretches! They do work! 
Taking a break obviously helps if you’re hitting a brick wall with drawing, you might feel like everything you make is shit and a ton of other awful thoughts. Take a break, get a drink, some food or walk around and come back later
If the shitty feelings persist, move on to something else and tell yourself that the bad feelings don’t last forever, you won’t feel like a shitty artist forever. That feeling could go away in a day, or even an hour.
Imposter syndrome is awful and will try to ruin your day, be aware of it, I still struggle a lot with it too. But just by realising it exists can you make you more self aware about it in future.
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Just because you’re good at art doesn’t mean you should make it your job. Turning any hobby into a job will make you lose the love for it.
You will burnout if you try to keep art a job and a hobby, you will not have time to draw for yourself, you will not be able work on all those passion projects and ideas. You will burn out, you will start to hate art.
This happened to me, and I’m still trying to unlearn the unhealthy habits I formed when it was my job, it’s very hard making art fun, and indulgent for myself. But I’m trying.
If you do make art your job, make sure you have hobbies that are not related to art. It’s really good if one of these hobbies can be outdoorsy too, I like biking a lot. But do what you can with what you have.
There will never be a perfect time to start drawing, or any other creative project. You can clear a whole month to work on something and you will waste that time, because your trying to make a perfect moment to be creative you’re putting unnecessary pressure on yourself.
The only perfect moment is now.
The perfect materials are what you have with you.
The only skills you have are the ones you have now.
No waiting until you can draw or write better, or saving a project till you’re more skilled, the only time to do it is now, even if you’re writing in between bus journeys or doodling on a scrap of paper, make that new Renpy file while waiting for the microwave to ding.
Learning to make that first step is also the most important, and learning that the first stroke doesn’t have to be so precious.
Learning when to give up on something that isn’t working is also a good skill. Sometimes a project doesn’t work out and we don’t finish it or we need to quit, it can be painful but there’s still a lot to learn from unfinished works.
You can recycle old ideas, nothing is wasted even if you don’t finish.
Trim your dreams, TRIM THE DAMN DREAMS. 
Don’t let s project outgrow your skills, or what you’re actually capable of, there’s a lot of things to take into consideration like, money, time, energy.
You can start a big, huge projects and realise it wasn’t what your actually wanted to make in the first place.
Making a game? Why are you making a 20 plus hour, 3D platform shooter with puzzle and farming mechanics as a solo dev? Trim those damn dreams. Dreaming is good and I know it’s fun but it’s easy to let an idea grow into an oak tree, it becomes all consuming and a burden to carry round.
So trim back, oak trees are beautiful but never underestimate a daisy
And eventually you could have a whole field of flowers and shrubs, instead of one oak tree.
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Trying to find an audience online is bullshit, trying to create art that’s got mass appeal is bullshit, social media is a horrible place for creative pursuits, but it’s the best we have at the minute.
Make the things you want to see, I know that’s in a lot of art advice but that's because it’s true. You can fall into a trap of thinking only in numbers and engagement, of chasing praise and approval and in the end it will feel hollow, because you only ever made things to appeal to others.
And so you your only gain approval and engagement from a place that isn't authentic.
So yes, make that self insert OC, or “Cringey” dating Sim
Also, trying to find an audience can trap you into doing one thing, aka a one trick pony, because you’re are rewarded for making repetitive “content” with engagement and likes, and punished when you try something new, because it doesn’t do as well.
Never fucking call your art/creations “content.” You are not a machine making things to be consumed.
You have limited resources when it comes to art, both in time, money and even your own body.
Yes, you do have to treat your own body as a limited resource, like the very first tips, its so easy to destroy your own body in the pursuit of creating something, your eyes, hands, arms, shoulders even your brain.
So take every shortcut you can, trace 3d models, use photographs for backgrounds whatever you think of that can make the creation process easier and less time-consuming, you'll thank yourself later, when you can still pick up a pen without vice like pain.
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That’s all I can think of for now, but I’ll update it if I think of something else, I’m sorry for spelling errors and if it sounds a little bitter, I started this when I was suffering a spell of tendinitis in my wrist. I mostly wrote this as a reminder to myself, but I hope maybe it can help someone else out. 💜
Also I know large blocks of text can be overwhelming, so I tried to break it up with some little snippets of my own art, hopefully it makes it a little easier to read. 
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remimibanana · 6 months
Nintendo 3DS Retrospective Part 2: A System’s Function
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The beauty of this handheld is that there are so many things you can do on this system without even having a game. I think it's what gave the 3DS its charm, giving you a reason to keep playing.
As a kid, I didn’t have any internet. The closest I had was this Telstra Prepaid Wi-Fi stick where I used to waste all the internet downloading Sailor Moon videos. There was a short period where I was able to connect my 3DS to the internet so I got to experience at least the heyday a bit!
Anyway, I spent most of my time on the system itself, the lovely Home Menu and all its built in software. I have a lot to say about all these!
Part 2 is under the cut!
I had three 3DSs at the very end, to which only one works properly. The other two have issues but I still kept them for the precious memories. It's crazy to think how long this handheld has been in my life, and how many memories it gave me.
Without it, I don't think I would be who I am today. I really don't know we will live in a world without it...
For as long as I can, I will keep playing on it! I’ll be 50 and still be on my 3DS lol
How did I get my first 3DS?
It was out of nowhere. I didn't know I was going to get this life changing handheld. My dad and I were driving to our family friend’s house as we always did back in the day, while I stared out the window blissfully unaware.
Once we got there…my dad stopped the car and pulled out a box from under the seat and handed it over to me, telling me that he had a surprise.
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It was a red original 3DS?! I took it into my hands, staring at the box in disbelief. I remember the box so vividly, and the awe I felt at the fact my dad got me this?! My dad looked real happy to see me so happy.
I remember wanting to rip it open right then and there. My dad told me to wait until we actually got into the house since he also had another one for my family friend. At the time, I only had my DSI which I used be on all the time.
I remember rushing in and opening my 3DS with my family friend who opened theirs, plugging in the handheld and turning it on for the very first time. The setup music is so nostalgic to me for this reason, I spent some time setting it all up and exploring the home menu.
Unfortunately, it doesn’t charge well to this current day, you have to press down on the charger in order for the system to charge at all. I think something is wrong with the charging port but I was never able to fix it.
This was the first 3DS I ever modded, because I was too afraid to mod my 2DS back when. If I bricked my main 2DS, I would have cried. I nicknamed it my “Luma 3DS” after the custom firmware and installed a whole bunch of games on it! I even got a custom theme with the Luma 3DS logo.
I put it somewhere but I don’t know where it ended up aha
How did I get my second 3DS?
My red 3DS lasted probably a year or two before it decided to stop working out of nowhere. The blue LED would turn on, and then a small pop sound could be heard as it turned off. I remember I was really upset, because I loved this handheld.
I was out of a 3DS.
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For my birthday shortly, my grandma bought me a white 3DS XL, the same one as above! It came preinstalled with Mario Kart 7, which is why its my favourite Mario Kart.
I remember pointing at it in Big W when she asked me what I wanted, and my grandma didn't look as happy as I was. I think the price displeased her but she still bought it for me, hehe.
This was my main handheld for years, where my brother used play on it from time to time despite how much I didn't want him to. I still have it to this day, although it is worse for wear. One day, it refused to boot into the Home Menu.
No matter what I tried, it wouldn't boot. It would either be stuck on the Black Screen of Death or it would be stuck on the Home Menu transition you would get when you pressed the home button. It was really devastating for me, I had so many memories on here that I couldn't access anymore.
My red 3DS started working out of nowhere, by the way. One day, I tried turning it on and it booted into the home menu without any trouble. I remember showing my dad and he wondered why I even got this white one if the red one was working.
That’s when I dubbed it my dad’s 3DS since he liked to play Mario Kart 7 with my brother and I from time to time and he would use this one. I actually wiped the whole 3DS for him since I wanted my dad to have it (even though I didn’t have to do that lol).
How did I get my current 2DS?
Surprisingly, I got out of gaming for a while. At least on the 3DS side, which is utter blasphemy to me now. I can't believe I'd ever stop playing this handheld! I feel like it makes me a fraud, you see how much I harp on about this handheld and yet I stopped playing it lol
In 2019, I made a friend who really liked Pokémon. He would often bring his 3DS XL to school to show me his games and all the Pokémon he caught. He would ask me if I had any of the Pokémon games and I said I did. This prompted me to find my red 3DS and buy Pokemon Moon so I could play alongside him.
But alas, since my red 3DS has those issues as you know, it was really hard for me to have a fully charged handheld. I felt so bad when my friend wanted to battle me, but I couldn't half the time since the 3DS was either dead or about to die.
He were kind enough to give me his charging dock for the 3DS, but it still didn't solve the issue.
That’s when I decided for my birthday, I would ask for a new 3DS! I wanted to play with my friend! It was harder to find a new 3DS on sale in the shops at this time, so I went to my local pawn shop. I remember wanting an actual 3DS, but my mum wanted to get something a bit cheaper.
This is why I have my 2DS! It came with its own case, which was one of the reasons I chose it. I didn't mind not having any 3D functionality, since I never used it anyway on either of my previous 3DSs.
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It still works to this day, and fully modded! I finally got over my fear of modding it, nothing happened. It really is easy to mod your 3DS, by the way.
I do plan on buying a Japanese New 3DS LL one day, the pink and white one! I've always wanted it for myself!
A sad story...
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I used to keep all my games in this case right here, since I didn't like keeping them in their original boxes for some reason. It's a decision I regret to this day, since I really like the boxes!
As I mentioned above, I got out of gaming for some time. It seems like during all that, I misplaced the case. It was gone from sight, no matter where I thought I left it. I looked everywhere, but it was nowhere.
To this day, I have no idea where it is. It's been years...perhaps its gone forever. It's really sad to lose something that meant a lot to you, although I don't blame anyone but myself for this. I should have taken better care of it.
I lost all the games I had physically, and that was practically all my games. I had so many I received over the years, all in a poof. I hope I can manage to find it one day, there are a lot of precious memories in it!
I have a fun fact with this that I’d like to share!
I had two copies of Super Mario 64 DS in here because I lost my first copy and asked my grandma to buy me another one, but then my mum found the first copy some time after lol
Now I take better care of things, but if it ever shows up, I will cry profusely. I hope I can find it!
Home Menu
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When you turn on your 3DS, you are met with the Home Menu in all its glory.
It's probably one of my favourite menu designs, alongside the Wii. It's simple yet so effective, the BGM is one everyone will never forget and it's also customizable! I feel like Nintendo peaked here, and then just ditched it when the Switch rolled around.
I used to love scrolling all the way until the very end of the menu, and making the icons bigger or smaller! I also loved making folders to store my games. Ever since my white 3DS, I have a folder for the system titles and a folder for my games and demos!
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With the Home Menu, you were able to customize it with themes! These could be bought from the Theme Shop, which sadly stopped working when they shut down the Nintendo eShop.
I’m using Pokemon Sun and Moon— Tropical currently, but I like swapping them out from time to time. Some have their own BGM and sound effects, while others simply change the background.
Here are some of my favorite ones I have!
Splatoon: Squid Sisters
ACNL: Paw Print Room
Kirby Copy Ability Global Poll
Sonic Boom Shattered Crystal
Persona Q2 Theme
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To go with themes, they made badges that you could obtain and add to your menu!
When they released, I remember downloading the Nintendo Badge Arcade when I had the chance to. I'll be making a special post just for it, so please look out for it!
I used to put badges anywhere and everywhere I could! It didn't matter if it looked good or not, I just wanted to have as many as I could!
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You could even put them on folders! The absolute peak of this feature.
My favourite badges are the ones that act like software icons, where you could click on them and it would open the software! As you can see, I have ones for each of the built in software. The original titles have been put in a folder at the very end, out of view.
Streetpass Mii Plaza
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The iconic plaza that everyone knows! You can’t go hearing Streetpass without the Streetpass Mii Plaza!
I've spent a lot of time on here during my time on this handheld, from its initial stage to what we have now with all the DLC! I have always loved the concept of Streetpass, and I wish they brought it back for the Switch.
Let’s talk about each of the things you can do in it! I come from Australia so I'll be using the European names for everything, by the way.
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I feel like we can't overlook the main plaza area. The iconic BGM, the sea of Mii characters that you can look over as you increase your plaza population and all the various options and games you can choose from!
Puzzle Swap
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I love this little game so much.
As the name suggests, you swap puzzle pieces with the people you Streetpass with to complete various puzzles and gain new ones!
I remember trying very hard to complete all puzzles I had, especially excited when I met new people who had the puzzle pieces I needed! I love the BGM and the little tweet of the bird that swoops in to deliver the pieces you got.
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With my 2DS, I have loads of puzzles to complete since I always choose pieces from puzzles I don't have when I get Streetpasses. They are really rare nowadays after all. I want to try to do as many puzzles as I can.
Otherwise, I use Play Coins to buy pieces. This takes forever since you can only buy one at a time, and you aren't guaranteed a piece you don't have. I like to sit there and do this from time to time while watching something.
I have over 500 left to collect...I hope I can complete every single puzzle one day! That will be one of my life goals!
Streetpass Quest
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Saving the world has never been so much fun.
This was the first game I ever completed fully, and probably will be the only one. You have to save the King who looks exactly like your Mii from the evil Dark Lord who kidnapped them by recruiting soldiers!
I originally beat this on my white 3DS, slowly progressing through all of the floors. There are many enemies and many types of floors that require certain abilities that are based off the Mii's colour. Very simple but fun!
I remember there was a floor that was bright white which required a Mii with black to darken the floor and a floor that was pitch black, requiring a Mii with white to brighten the area.
The only issue with that was I never got a Mii with those colours. I would buy soldiers with Play Coins, and yet I never got black or white for some reason.
There is also a sequel to this game, where you have to save the Princess and the Prince too! I remember being really surprised when there was more to play.
Later on, they introduced new games, as well as the concept of Streetpass VIP! It was a one time payment and you would receive all of the games available and have added bonuses, such as the ticket system!
I have played every single one, but I'll just talk about the one I enjoyed the most!
Streetpass Garden
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This is my favourite game out of all of them. I remember choosing this as the free game that the Streetpass Mii Plaza was offering on my white 3DS.
I love how simple and yet fun it all is. You plant a seed into a pot and the people you meet water the flower and make it grow. It takes a lot of people to do so, more than you would expect.
Once it blooms, you can germinate for seeds! Each seed can either be a new breed or an alternate colour of a breed you already bloomed. There is a percentage for each of these, and I always chose the ones that guaranteed a new breed!
Your goal is to fill up your planter handbook and become a master gardener! I think I was very close to doing so on my white 3DS, while I’m still trying to on my 2DS.
For some reason, I chose the Streetpass Slot Racing game on my 2DS for my free game and I remember regretting it since I didn’t enjoy it as much as I thought I would.
I just wanted my garden back man.
Activity Log
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It's so simple yet so charming.
I love the grid aesthetic they chose, it reminds me of my school notebooks I used to use.
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All your titles are shown in this little book and I think that’s so cute. I love flipping through all the pages and seeing every single title I’ve ever played appear on there.
Even Homebrew appears on here, which I found really funny. You see normal titles and then you have the FBI manager.
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I loved just looking through each the days, seeing what I played the most!
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This reminds me of the Wii, where you would get an envelope with your play time. I actually didn't know this was a thing until I looked at the Activity Log recently.
System Settings
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I really love the System Settings. I suppose that might be a weird sentence, but it's true!
The BGM is an absolute banger, sometimes I love to boot up the application to simply listen to it all! Please tell me I’m not the only one who does this.
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My favourite one is the Internet Settings, Nintendo didn’t have to go so hard on something like this but they still did. I could listen to this for hours happily and vibe.
The little guy helper is the very best, I never really needed any help to connect to the internet, but I still used the helper anyway. I wish we had something like this guy on the Switch.
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I would often visit Other Settings, particularly the Profile section. You can edit the User Name, Date of Birth, Region and go onto the Nintendo DS Profile, and that’s all you could do on there.
Nothing truly special, and yet here I am mentioning it for a very specific reason. It’s probably really odd and weird, but I still want to share it with you all!
I might be the only one but…I like to vibe to the Nintendo DS Profile.
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It’s basically the DSi Settings but only having the ability to edit the Message and Colour. The sudden change from the light yellow to black as you see this on your screen….so good.
I love the BGM of this so much, it’s unfunny. It makes me feel things, so much nostalgia for something that most people overlook. I vibe so hard.
As soon as I found out that this existed, I was always there. I still do this from time to time in fact, whenever I’m on the System Settings.
I can hear it even now….
To be continued!
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With that, Part 2 is done! We're far from done though, I still have more things to blab about in Part 3! Can you tell how much I like the 3DS?
Hope to see you there!
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bitchdelorian · 8 months
Why do you even like Fallout 4 if you think it's so bad then
the serious answer is while i think it's poorly written overall and there's some serious problems with the construction/design of it i do still think it's a really enjoyable game overall w enough good parts to keep me coming back to it. i mean i wouldn't have 330+ hours in it on steam if i didn't think that
the main obvious part is that mechanically and graphically it's superior to every other fallout game. i do think the world design is good, i really enjoy myself exploring it and doing settlement stuff (im a sucker for sandbox shit first and foremost if there's a game with sandbox elements it's GOTY for me.) it's a beautiful game and i enjoy being in it, and i think the combat mechanics are overall superior to the other 3d games so that helps a lot.
wrt the writing, while i do think it's overall pretty fuckin bad, that's mostly just in the main quest, and there's still a lot of heart in it that shines through imo. there's a lot of sidequests and other content that i think is very well executed and adds to that enjoyment of being in the world; i like the companions and their stories, even if i feel like a lot of them were cheated out of the depth and content they deserved, so i enjoy exploring the world with them. and then even with the main quest, like i said, there's some heart in it - i don't really know a lot about the behind the scenes of the production period, but i get the impression that a lot of the flaws w writing were because too many people were working on it and so too many elements got pulled in different directions. the main story of 4 itself isn't actually all that bad, it's just that too many little holes and missing details (like real meaningful motivation for the Institute in the example for what these posts were talking about) that are kind of stupid stack up against the main story. but there's also a lot of really good little details imo where it's clear someone, somewhere, had a really good idea, wanted it to be explored more for the depth it added to the story, but could only slip in a few passing lines that the average player might miss. ultimately i think that's 4's biggest flaw - really good potential that's just kind of wasted, presumably because there's too much shit and they didn't give themselves enough time to meaningfully explore it or flesh it out, and too many people with too many conflicting ideas were trying to make everything work. 10 pounds of shit in a 5 pound bag if you will. i think that's part of why Far Harbor was so well received, and imo was one of the best fallout dlcs to date, because they were able to explore and flesh out everything they wanted to on a more achievable scale.
anyways tl;dr i like it because i enjoy being in the world and even when the writing sucks i can just play with the entire game like dolls and pretend it doesn't suck
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somediyprojects · 11 months
DIY treasure hunting: keys
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Project by Kate Pruitt:
I’m so very excited to introduce Treasure Hunting, a new monthly column for DIY Wednesdays. If you’re like me, you can often be found browsing the aisles of thrift shops, scouring the tables at flea markets or haggling over prices at yard sales. Sometimes you inherit a random item unexpectedly, or perhaps you walk past give-away piles on the street and feel an involuntary cringe over the wasted possibilities. This column stems from those experiences and from a love of objects and their formal properties.
I’m not advocating aggressive hoarding habits by any means, but there are some seemingly mundane, disposable, obsolete objects in the world that are not entirely without merit. Treasure Hunting will take these objects and find a way to make them wonderful again, through their visual impact as a collection or their value as a new and improved functional or decorative item.
The first post is about old keys. The key is a pretty standard tool that we all own, but as a design object, it’s spectacular. The possibilities for using keys in interesting and beautiful ways are endless, so forgive the length of this initial post; they won’t all be this lengthy, I promise. I hope you enjoy the new column and stay tuned for all the treasures yet to come! — Kate
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Image above: A collection of keys from JeepersKeepers
Nothing combines form and function quite like a key. Their beautifully peculiar notches and curves are not just for decoration; the shapes are dictated by the maze of gates inside their corresponding door lock. Maybe if I studied locksmithing a bit, the process would be demystified but as it stands now, keys are magical. They certainly look magical. With a humble purpose, low price point and everyday availability, keys are an untapped resource for creating a captivating home display.
Images, from top: A key display from Llubav Choy Duerr’s living room, a collection of skeleton keys from Country Living
Hanging Composition This style of loosely composed objects as wall décor seems so effortlessly chic to me. I love how it catches the eye, and then allows it to wander off the composition. The beauty is not only in the overall visual impact of the varied shapes and sizes. It’s also in the details you can only see close up, the intricacies and history behind each rusted or labeled key. Another benefit to this display is that you can add to it as time goes on, enriching it with an ongoing collection of pieces found here and there.
How to Get the Look
1. A successful composition can be loose and organically shaped, or rigid and linear. First, measure the size of the wall space you have.
2. Tape off the dimension on the floor so you can roughly plan out a composition to see if it works and to give you an idea of the spacing you need.
3. Begin hanging the keys on the wall using a hammer and small picture-hanging nails or brads. These will cause minimal damage and allow you to make a few adjustments without causing any eyesores in your wall.
4. If you have trouble finding varied sizes or shapes of keys, consider drawing silhouettes of keys onto decorative paper, fabric or wood veneer and add them into the mix. The combination of 2D and 3D objects can be quite striking if there is a common shape that keeps them unified.
5. Carefully place your keys in the frame and replace the backing or glass, and it’s ready to hang!
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Images clockwise from top left: Key art from CB2 (no longer available), Mamie Jane’s DIY key art, Ballard Designs (no longer available), Restoration Hardware
Framed Key Art Sometimes quantity in a collection is unnecessary. I love the look of a single object or group of objects hovering in a frame. The focus given to a seemingly mundane object once it’s framed is mysterious and visually quite interesting. Placing a small collection of keys in to a framed wall piece is a quick and easy way to display the objects.
How to Get the Look
1. Find a frame or frames that will fit your key collection. If you want to have glass in the frame, you will need to use a shadow box or a frame deep enough to fit your keys. Paint or treat the frame if necessary.
2. Use a piece of cardboard, foam core or wood as the backing for your piece. Cut it to size, so it will fit perfectly within your frame.
3. Cover the backing with paper, linen or a fabric of your choice. Use spray adhesive to attach the paper or fabric to the backing.
4. Use small nails or tacks to hang the keys in place. If your keys are lightweight, you can choose to use a small dab of hot glue at the top of the back of the key to permanently set the keys in place. Remove any loose glue threads by blowing on them for a few seconds with a hairdryer.
5. Carefully place your keys in the frame and replace the backing or glass, and it’s ready to hang!
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Images clockwise from left: necklace from November Rose Atelier, gift package by Oh, Hello Friend, porcelain keys available at Chatchada
Loose Keys Keys are like little mysteries unto themselves, which is why they can be charming just on their own to give as present or wear as an accessory. You can personalize a plain key with paint, gold leaf, decoupage and other craft techniques, or you can simply use a beautiful antique key on its own — either way, keys are little treasures that make the perfect objet d’art.
How to Get the Look
1. You can fake the look of these beautiful cast porcelain keys by dipping real keys into plaster-of-Paris or thick white paint. First, bend a few paper clips open and hang them on a string to make drying hooks, and place a layer of newspaper or paper towel underneath the drying station.
2. Mix up the plaster-of-Paris or paint in a small bucket, ensuring you have enough liquid in the bucket to submerge the entire key. Give the key several coats, allowing it to dry between each coat. This will help achieve that thick, made-of-clay appearance.
3. Attach the key with a pretty ribbon to a gift, or string the key on a chain to create a lovely pendant.
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amours-world · 2 years
Hey!! I’m in a similar boat like you were, congratulations on everything you’ve received! I know this isn’t the life I deserve. If I may ask, how did you improve the self concept aspect and how did you apply the law? As I think my self concept and negative thoughts might be what’s blocking me
Hello how are you ? <3
Already I would like to tell you that you deserve the best and the most beautiful in life because you are special, don't be hard on yourself, go at your own pace and don't let anyone tell you that you won't make it. .When I started to apply the law I was doing or less 3 challenges in the week but nothing worked because: I was always very hard on myself, I was always looking for confirmation from 3D and I hated myself. It was really really hard to get rid of my negative thoughts, every time I thought to myself that I had my dream life, I had another thought which was that you didn't deserve it, which depressed me even more . Eventually I deleted tumblr for a week because I was in bad shape again. For the whole week I deleted tumblr my life hadn't changed my adoptive parents were always arguing, school was stressing me out and I was getting more and more stressed. The following week, I went back to tumblr and took on the cutie's challenge to change self-concept. At first I didn't want to do it because I thought it was a big waste of time because neither method worked for me, but after reading hundreds of success stories on how the concept of self changed their life, i thought i had nothing to lose, so i do them. So I had a simple routine, I took up the challenge, in the evening I did meditation and every morning in front of the mirror I complimented myself. I wanted so much to have a good image of myself that I repeated myself every time I had free time affirmations, at first I had a lot of negative thoughts but I erased them by repeating myself until I was convinced that I could do it and that nothing could stop me from having the life that I deserve. The second week I started to feel more confident, calmer and that's when I started to see the results. Already my parents weren't arguing anymore and my mom had 300k in her account even though she's a housewife and my stepdad has been retired for years, we don't have any financial problem anymore, I get money money every week now, I no longer have negative thoughts. Even though sometimes I feel down, I remind myself that I can do anything and that I am special. I also get gifts from my teachers and the boys keep calling me beauty or princess and lots of other things.So the advice I give you is to be patient, to be less hard on yourself, to do activities that make you happy, to meditate a lot, to not let anyone tell you that you will not succeed. don't and especially if the 3D shows you something you don't want, don't be angry or depressed, just tell yourself that it will change no matter what.
I hope I have answered all your concerns love xoxo
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maximuswolf · 11 days
I think "gaming fatigue" and people hating Ubisoft games comes from the same issue - gameplay design hasn't changed much the last 10-15 years
I think "gaming fatigue" and people hating Ubisoft games comes from the same issue - gameplay design hasn't changed much the last 10-15 years As someone who is around 30 and has played games since I was 5 years old, I have played just about every type of game there is. So when I sit down to play something I often have this "gaming fatigue" as people call it; I cant find a game I want to play. However I dont think its because Im getting old, its because I feel like I have already played every game that comes out. With Star Wars Outlaws I spent most of my time gambling as it had invented a new form of poker that was fun to master. The stealth and action gameplay however was nothing new and I was bored through it all, and its the same for most Ubisoft open world games. I spent more time downloading Far Cry 6 than I did playing it. I felt like I had already played the entire game.Its also why I really liked Elden Ring or Astro Bot's challenge levels, they want to challenge the player so they throw new things at you that keeps you on your toes. Its new and exciting. I think this is also why anyone who has played games for as long as me absolutely loves fun little games like Balatro.Generally speaking games just don't seem to innovate much when it comes to their mechanics. With Starfield I was tired of its procedural exploration, crafting base building and ship combat the second it was announced. Its overdone and they didn't even implement it well. Hogwarts Legacy had a beautiful recreation of the Harry Potter world but the combat was insanely repetitive. I haven't touched the game since I finished its main story, which feels like a waste of such a beautiful world. I wish it had reasons to keep me playing it.So no, I don't think gaming fatigue is something that has to happen as you age. I think its due to games spending too many resources on better graphics and bigger worlds, but barely any on trying to create new mechanics or new gameplay loops. Its weird as you can study game design just about anywhere, but maybe these people aren't taken as seriously as the people with hard skills like engineers or 3D artists. Submitted September 14, 2024 at 02:05AM by Less_Tennis5174524 https://ift.tt/OrwF1u7 via /r/gaming
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articlezings · 4 months
How to Stop Social Media Envy in Its Tracks
Do you sometimes find yourself feeling envious of other people’s lives while scrolling through your social media feeds? It’s normal and quite common to experience feelings of sadness or envy while poking around online. It’s important, however, to remember that people are only sharing their best, most glamorous photos and that we all have our ups and downs. Here are seven tips that will help you to shake off social media envy.
1. Become aware of your feelings
A study in Germany asked 600 adults to discuss their feelings about social media. One-third of those who participated shared that they were coping with negative feelings while on social media sites. The dominant emotions were envy and frustration.
Dr. Hanna Krasnova at the Humboldt-Universität shared the following: “By and large, online social networks allow users unprecedented access to information on relevant others—insights that would be much more difficult to obtain offline.” Research proves that we experience unpleasant feelings because of the inflated, retouched presentations that people create online. Stop and realize that it’s all a make-believe, virtual world. The first step is just acknowledging that this envy occurs, and it’s normal.
2. Step up your real-world interactions
Research shows that people who look at an acquaintances’ vacation photos while spending time together in person do not experience the negative feelings they do while scrolling on social media. Here’s an idea—spend more time with your close pals, and look at pictures from their latest family gathering or vacation in person. Spend more time talking and interacting socially in 3D, and you’ll be less prone to the social media blues.
3. Stop comparing yourself to others
Cut out all of that negative self-talk and realize that it’s like watching “reality” TV—there’s a ton of styling, hair and make-up behind that stuff, and the same applies to social media. You’ll always see people’s wildest, sexiest, funniest, most adventurous photos, right? So remember that fact the next time you’re stuck on your ex’s page seeing how great their new partner’s hair looks, or how awesome their Norman Rockwell holiday photos were. Stop comparing yourself to fantasy worlds created by other people, and love your life, right now.
4. Do something new
So, you keep getting annoyed when you see old high school or college pals living large online… do something about it! Do you feel stuck in your job or relationship? It’s time to take stock and use these unpleasant feelings as a motivational tool to help you get out of your funk. Take a new class, end a toxic relationship, and work on improving your life—for real.
5. Stop competing
Take a moment t’ think before you post. Who are you trying to impress or please? Odd are that the people or person you are trying to “get back at” or attract won’t even care about what you post online. It’s not a beauty pageant, and it’s not a popularity contest. Life is beautiful, so stop wasting time in the virtual world of one-upmanship.
6. Take a social media break
Every now and then, take an entire week off from social media. This may sound crazy at first, but I’m smack in the middle of a two-week Facebook fast and I love it. It’s extremely liberating to step back and focus on your real, actual life, just letting the Facebook alerts pile up for a while. Don’t fret—it will all be there waiting to aggravate you when you log back in.
7. Swap out your social media time
Find a new activity to replace the time you generally waste obsessing over social media pages. Get busy volunteering or learn to cook—you get the idea. As corny as it may sound, we are all wasting precious time online when we could be enriching ourselves. Simply reading a great book or calling a friend and talking—you know, the old-fashioned way—could be healthier options to scrolling and getting annoyed.
In the end, social media can, of course, be a helpful tool for reconnecting with friends and family. Just be aware of the perils of spending too much time there in the vortex of envy.
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rajatkhannablog · 6 months
The Unsung Heroes: Exploring the World of Spare Parts
In the realm of innovation and technology, there exists a silent yet indispensable hero - Spare Parts. Often overlooked amidst the glitz and glamour of cutting-edge gadgets and advancements, spare parts play a crucial role in keeping the machinery of our world running smoothly. From the intricate gears of a clock to the robust engines of automobiles, spare parts quietly ensure that our lives continue uninterrupted.
The Backbone of Innovation:
Imagine a world where every malfunction meant a complete overhaul or replacement. It's a scenario that's not only impractical but also economically unfeasible. Spare parts step in as the unsung heroes, offering a cost-effective solution to repair and maintain various devices and systems. They extend the lifespan of products, reduce waste, and contribute significantly to sustainability efforts.
Versatility in Functionality:
The beauty of spare parts lies in their versatility. They come in all shapes and sizes, tailored to fit a diverse array of equipment and machinery. Whether it's a tiny screw holding together a smartphone or a complex circuit board powering a spacecraft, spare parts come to the rescue, ensuring seamless functionality across industries.
The Art of Replacement:
Replacing a spare part may seem like a straightforward task, but it requires meticulous precision and expertise. Manufacturers invest considerable time and resources in designing compatible spare parts that seamlessly integrate into existing systems. The art of replacement involves not just swapping out components but also ensuring that they adhere to quality standards and specifications.
Innovation Through Adaptation:
The world of spare parts is not static; it's constantly evolving. As technology advances and new challenges arise, manufacturers innovate to meet the demands of the ever-changing landscape. From 3D printing revolutionizing production processes to AI-powered predictive maintenance enhancing efficiency, spare parts continue to adapt and evolve, driving progress in diverse industries.
Challenges and Opportunities:
However, the journey of spare parts is not without its challenges. Supply chain disruptions, counterfeit products, and compatibility issues pose significant hurdles. Yet, these challenges also present opportunities for innovation and collaboration. Companies invest in research and development to overcome obstacles, while partnerships strengthen the resilience of supply chains.
Looking Ahead:
As we navigate an increasingly interconnected world, the importance of spare parts will only grow. From renewable energy infrastructure to the burgeoning field of artificial intelligence, every innovation relies on the foundation laid by spare parts. Recognizing their significance and investing in their development is essential for driving sustainable progress and ensuring a resilient future.
In conclusion, spare parts may not always bask in the limelight, but their contribution to our lives is immeasurable. They are the silent heroes, working tirelessly behind the scenes to keep our world in motion. So, the next time you marvel at a technological marvel or marvel at a smoothly running machine, remember to spare a thought for the unsung heroes - Spare Parts.
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