#Ive probably said it before but im gonna say it this man needs to be studied
toastsnaffler · 27 days
I will say while I've loved most of elden ring I'm really glad I'm down to just 2 more main boss fights (malenia + maliketh) before I start the endgame boss fights... whew 😮‍💨
#really gorgeous world but frankly its unnecessarily long. theyre gonna kill me for saying that but its true..#some areas/bosses just become overly repetitive when the game is THAT massive like its unavoidable#they tried rly hard to distinguish every area + honestly its a great effort but it couldve been half the size and just as good#like i just did the elphael ulcerative tree spirit bc i wanted to finish millicents questline. and come on man we didnt need another one#the design is sick + loooove the animation. but its a bad fight not bc of the difficulty but bc its janky as hell#lock on doesnt work properly bc of its size and the way it moves. u cant see shit on ur screen fighting them melee its just hack n slash#and theyre always in the most dogshit arenas possible for them like spaces w no maneuverability. its just not fuuuun#especially after youve fought 5 or 6 already earlier on in the game..#and its cool to have variations like the scarlet rot ones but we already HAD one of those just before lake of rot!! the gimmicks worn off#i did everything except maliketh in farum azula today as well and again. it didnt need to be that long. killing beastmen gets boring#after like the first 20 combat is just mashing buttons.. even the platforming is getting dull bc ive done 120 hours of it now#and theres only so many combinations of ladders and hallways and so on that u can possibly cram in here..#i say all this with fondness like i truly do love it. but it couldve been a lot tighter! regardless ill still 100% complete it#and i get most ppl dont try to get every single armament and talisman etc so they probably dont waste time FULLY exploring like i am#ahhh. anyway ill probably do malenia and maliketh tmr bc im right outside both of their arenas. and then call it quits this weekend#ill get my first ending next weekend probably... and hopefully by june ill have 100% and then i can play something else 😭#ik the dlc comes out in june but ill probably take a month or two break before i get to that#it doesnt even neeeed a dlc.......its excessive as it is just make a new game by this point ahhhhh#anyway its like 1am i need to SLEEP. i said i would go out to watch for northern lights but its overcast and im tired and my roommate#didnt wanna come with.. so i was gonna go to bed early instead but i guess that didnt happen lol#gonna feel like shit tomorrow bc i have to be up early to take my meds and she'll wake me up anyway.. but cross that bridge#typing is getting difficult bc im so sleepy okay goodnight everyone#.diaries
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marcos--budt · 1 year
Wjejehhwjejfjwjhwhejd wait wtf is going on with Oli London?? Last time I checked he (she..?) identified as a Korean woman/woman of color and now he's apparently a man again and has become some sort of conservative "politician"??¿? I neeeeedddd to knowww was he a conservative troll all along or is he a performance artist or is he just severely mentally ill what is happening sjdhfjdkdjfjjffj
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analogwriting · 1 month
The Walk-in
Killer x gn!reader (afab edition) word count: 4.2k amab vers. a/n: i got this idea from a revelation i had about how im pretty sure every walk-in in every restaurant ever has been boned in at least once. my source to site is me bc ive been working in the food industry since i was, like, 12.
“Oh my god, y/n, have you seen the new cook?” Your best friend, Wire, spoke up from behind the bar. He was currently wiping it down, preparing for the rush that would be starting soon. 
You were bussing tables when he spoke up, you paused, walking over to him and tossing the rag over your shoulder. “I haven't. Isn't he a friend of the owner’s son or something?”
“Yeah. Met him in college.”
“Ah. Friend hire.” You made a face, causing Wire to laugh. He knows how much you weren't a fan of people being hired just because they knew someone who worked there - especially when it came to the owner. “They never last.” You shook your head. 
“Oh, c'mon. I heard his cooking is great.”
You raised an eyebrow as you went back to wiping down tables. “Biased opinions, probably. Of course they're gonna say his cooking is great. But good cooking isn’t everything in this line or work. You and I both know that.”
Wire had a thoughtful look on his face as he nodded. “That's true.” There'd been plenty of instances where a good cook was hired, but they couldn't deal with the rush or crazy customers. None of them would last through the night. “He seems like he'll hold well.”
You snorted, standing up and folding your arms across your chest. “That's what you said about the last guy.” You rolled your eyes with a grin. The poor sap didn't last half an hour. 
��I was being optimistic?” You snorted and shook your head. “Oh sure. Optimistic.”
“I'm sure he'll become overwhelmed and leave within the hour.” That was your bet. You didn't usually expect much from newcomers, especially friend hires. 
“Wow, not even giving me a real shot, huh?” A deep voice came up from behind you. A shiver ran down your spine - not from fear, but from the sheer attractiveness his voice had. Oh shit.
You turned around and the air left your lungs as the most beautiful and sexy man stood behind you. You blinked, trying to find words to say but your brain wasn't fully caught up with the situation. Holy shit, this was the finest man you'd ever seen in your life. 
“You must be the head server with the high expectations then.” You opened your mouth to say something - only for nothing to come out. You glared over at Wire who held his hands up in surrender with a shit eating grin on his face. He knew that this man was exactly your type and chose to retain that information. 
A sly grin spread across the cook's face. “Cat got your tongue? Where'd all that barking go?” 
Your eyes widened, one of them twitching. Oh, he had a mouth on him too. It was on. 
Finally, your brain caught up. It'd felt like eternity, but it was only a few seconds. You folded your arms across your chest, an unimpressed look crossing your features. “I believe I am giving you a chance, just don't have high hopes. Can’t in this line of work - takes a special breed.” 
You looked him up and down. Fuck, he was fine as hell. “Anyway. They say you're a good cook. The customers will be the judge of that. That's not all, however. Where most people fumble is service itself. Always ends up being too much for people - too busy.” 
Then your brain circled back to what he had said earlier. “And of course I have high expectations. I only want what's best for this place and I don't need people wasting mine or my coworkers time.” 
The man before you just had an amused look on his face as he watched you. That irritated the shit out of you for reasons you couldn’t specify at the moment. “Don't worry, I won't be wasting anyone's time. I assure you, I won't be going anywhere either. You better get used to me now,” he crooned, leaning in as he spoke.
Your eyes narrowed at him. You wanted to punch him in his smug little face. “I've had plenty like you, too. Big talk. Think they'll last. Usually, they're the quickest to leave. Honestly, I’m being generous with an hour.” 
He chuckled, straightening back out. “We'll see when I'm still here after rush then, huh? If I stick it out, which I will, what do I get for winning the bet?”
The sheer audacity of this man. You stared at him, but didn't hesitate in your answer. “A job, duh.” You rolled your eyes. “I don't have time for this. I have a floor to prep.”
The cook laughed. It was one of the most beautiful sounds you ever heard. Damn, you must just be horny. It had been a while since you've gotten laid, but you also had a rule of never sleeping with your coworkers. You didn't knock others for doing it, you just didn't personally. You felt it made things complicated - though you were also an overthinker. Too many what ifs. What if it didn’t work out? What if you hated working together? What if you spent too much time together? What if, what if, what if?
“I'll see you after dinner rush then.” He winked at you and your heart almost stopped. Jesus fuck, you were down bad for a man you wanted to strangle. He walked off, leaving you standing there with Wire. You watched him leave, admiring his fat ass as he left before you turned back to your best friend.
He burst into laughter and you narrowed your eyes. “You're the worst, you know that?” That caused him to laugh harder. “Oh my god. I was just waiting for the moment for the part where you both just tear off each other's clothes and start going at each other right there, holy shit.”
Your face immediately warmed up. “Shut up, Wire. No one asked you.” You folded your arms across your chest with a frown. “You could've fucking warned me he was hotter ‘n hell.” 
Wire laughed again. “And miss the look on your face? That was priceless. I've never seen you be so taken aback before. The great y/n rendered speechless by the new cook.”
“Don't call him the new cook. He's gotta prove himself first.”
Another chuckle came from your best friend and he shook his head. You sighed, looking in the direction said man had left.
“What are you thinking about now?”
“How it's a shame he's not a baker with all that cake he's got. And how I wouldn't mind him icing mine.” Wire burst into laughter again and you just shook your head, clicking your tongue. “Too bad he won't last.”
Your attention shifted to the customers that walked in and you headed over to greet them. 
Rush was busier than usual. It was always insane, but it was even more so tonight. This was something you usually lived for, the chaos of the floor. It kept things interesting and helped time fly by. Slow nights drove you insane, which is why you were always scheduled the busiest nights too. Plus, you were insanely good at your job.
Being head server, your main job was just making sure that things were going out on time, keeping tabs on your servers, and taking care of any customer issues. You were technically a manager, yes, but you liked the title of head server better.
However, you could feel eyes on you all night. Yes, that's typically normal considering you're a server, but this was different. You also knew exactly who the culprit was. The new fucking cook. Every time you headed to the back or to the window, his eyes were on you. You'd glance at him, catching him red handed. 
Only, he didn't look away like most people. He kept his stare, only offering up a grin and the occasional wink as he cooked. Your body heated up every time, flustered that he was so casual.  Your mind was running wild with what you wanted him to do to you. You tried to keep yourself busy, but the growing heat across your whole body was making it hard. 
You tried to lie to yourself, saying it was because rush was busier than usual and you were running around even more. Every time you finally started calming down, he seemed to appear out of nowhere with his stupid smile, sending you into a spiral again. 
You could honestly punch him, that might just solve your problems. He was aggravating in every sense of the word. His cocky attitude was getting to you, making you even crabbier than you already had been. You were trying your best not to take it out on your fellow servers or the customers. It was fine for the most part. 
After rush, you asked another server to cover the one table you had left so you could take a minute. You immediately beelined it to the walk in. You flung the door open, unbuttoning your shirt a few times as you walked in. You closed your eyes, listening to the hum of the fans keeping it cool, and taking a deep breath as you fanned yourself with your hand.
Then the door opened, revealing the new guy. Someone mentioned his name was Killer. Funny. You wonder how he ended up with a stupid nickname like that. 
You glared at him as the smug smile spread across his face. Unfortunately, you knew he didn't end up leaving. His eyes being glued to you all night constantly reminded you that he had proven you wrong. He actually had done pretty well and the customers seemed to enjoy his cooking. He'd be sticking around as long as he wanted now - the job was his. Which also meant you had to deal with the fact that you were going to have to see him almost every day. 
“Guess you're stuck with me now, huh?”
“What are you even here for? Just to bother me?” You were in a foul mood and it was all his fault. You weren’t in the mood for his cocky attitude or ‘I told you so’ right now
“Well, I originally came back here to grab something but now I don't even remember what it was supposed to be now that you're in front of me looking like that.”
You looked down at yourself, confused. “What? Gonna make fun of me?” You were disheveled and hot, your skin flushed in some places. 
“No. You actually look really good like that.” A lazy smile appeared on his face as he folded his arms and leaned against the shelves. What the hell was he doing?
You could feel your body growing warmer despite the cooler air being blown at you. “The hell is your fucking angle? You've been staring all night and now you’re saying weird shit.” 
He blinked, raising his eyebrows. “And here I thought I was being obvious.” 
You stared at him for a moment as your head spun. What did- oh. Your eyes widened slightly and his grin grew. “Now you got it.”
Though, he didn't have much time to say anything else before you essentially pounced on him. You couldn't take it anymore, he'd been riling you up all night and you were at your wits end. And he was here, basically telling you to screw him. Actually, literally. 
You had walked over, grabbed him by the scruff of his shirt and kissed him hard. He grinned into you, wrapping his arms around you. “Finally,” he mumbled. 
You shook your head. “Don't let your big mouth ruin it.” He just laughed before kissing you again, patting your ass. You took the hint, hopping up and wrapping your legs around him. He held you with ease, hands firmly on your ass as he pinned you to the shelves. He squeezed you hard, making a small whine escape your lips. 
Your own hands pressed against his chest before pausing. You felt something through his shirt. “Oh my god - are your nipples pierced?” You had never moved faster than you were right now as you undid his shirt. 
He blinked in confusion at your sudden shift of attention, disoriented and a little pouty that you pulled away like you did.
You opened his shirt and, lo and behold, piercings. Your eyebrow raised and a grin spread across your face. “Now, that's hot as hell,” you mused as you ran your hands across his broad chest and piercings, tugging at them a bit. You heard him inhale slightly but before you could play much further, you were set on the ground, lips attacking your neck. 
You felt his teeth graze your neck before lightly biting at you as a hand slipped past your waistband and you felt him begin to toy with you. Getting right to business. 
Immediately, you melted into him, your hands gripping his shirt as your breathing grew shallow and labored. You cursed under your breath, your legs spreading slightly to give him better access. You definitely didn't see yourself shagging this man so quickly, if at all, and especially in the walk in. Who the hell were you at this point?
Though, it wouldn't be the first time someone hooked up in here and it also wouldn't be the last. You just never thought it'd be you.
“Fuck,” you whined, feeling his fingers circle your clit before sliding down further and a single finger teasing your folds. He kissed you again, patting your thigh. Once again, you knew what he was asking, hiking up your leg and he held it as one of his thick fingers slipped inside of you. You gasped, moaning against him. Fuck, you hated how much you were loving this. The last thing he needed was an ego boost. 
But honestly, you were too horny to care. 
You were ripped out of what little thoughts you had when he slid in another finger, moving them around inside you. You moaned loudly, causing him to kiss you once more to keep you quiet. Sure, the walk in had the constant fan to keep things cool and it muffled noise, but it wasn't completely soundproof. 
Knowing your coworkers, if they noticed both of you gone, they more than likely put two and two together. Especially the longer you were gone. You were kind of surprised that no one checked the walk-in yet, they were typically nosey as hell. 
Your moans were growing louder and you rolled your hips against his hand, wanting more. “You're a noisy one, hm?” 
“Says the one who cant shut the fuck up,” you mumbled back, breathlessly. He just grinned, inserting another digit, causing you to shudder and moan again. He moved his fingers around, his thumb stimulating your clit as he did so. He was hitting all the right spots and it was driving you insane. 
“Keep your leg up,” he said as he let go before reaching that hand around you to untie your apron. He emptied it out and rolled it up all with one hand. You watched in confusion but as soon as you opened your mouth to ask what he was doing the cloth was shoved into your mouth. Your eyes widened in surprise.
“Since someone can't keep quiet, I'm not going to be able to focus on ruining you and keeping you quiet.” Your face turned red, your body heating up even more. You felt like you were on fire. This was the most embarrassing situation you've been in but holy shit did it turn you on. 
Before you had much time to react, his hand placed itself back holding your leg and his other hand began to move inside of you. His fingers moved fast and ruthlessly, his thumb assaulting your clit in the process. Your eyes widened at the sudden change of movement, moaning loudly. The apron muffled it, so maybe he'd been right. You don't know how to keep quiet. Shit, how was this man single? With hands like this? 
You felt a coil tightening deep within you, your hips rolling and grinding against him. You were moaning and whining. The apron was going to be soaked by the end of this endeavor.
Right before you reached your climax, he stopped moving before pulling his fingers out of you. You whined in protest, looking at him with desperation. You should've expected something like this at this point, but you were so lost in the sauce that you forgot who was currently fucking you right now.
He spun you around, pressing you into the shelves, and pulling your ass out. He gave you a firm smack, making you whine into the apron. Fuck, he was driving you insane. It's like he knew exactly what you liked. 
A shiver ran down your spine as he pulled your pants down, exposing you to the cold air of the walk in. It also didn't help that you were soaking wet either, making things even colder. You gripped onto the shelves before you, trying to keep yourself from shivering anymore. 
Soon, you felt his body heat close to you. Now a shiver of anticipation ran down your spine. You had felt him press against you earlier when you were making out. He had felt big and usually you'd end up on your knees, getting a nice jaw exercise before you ended up getting railed. However, Killer kind of just took the lead and took care of you. Which isn't something you were really used to. You were also used to usually ending up having to finish yourself off. 
But by the looks of things that wouldn't be the case this time. 
Killer pressed a kiss to your shoulder before leaning into your ear. You felt the heat of his body wash over you, the sudden temperature shift making you shiver. “If its too much, bang on the shelf twice.” You just raised an eyebrow at him. If only you didn't have this makeshift gag, you would've said something smart. 
“Don't worry,” he said. “I can read your comment in your eyes.” You just narrowed your eyes at him, making him grin - he was eating every moment of this up. You weren’t sure how you felt about him already knowing you so well.
Your glare didn’t last very long before you felt the fat head of his cock press against you. A sharp inhale went through your nose in surprise, not expecting him to be quite that large - he was about the same size as some of your bigger toys. Your eyes rolled back as he began to slide his way into you. You groaned, gripping onto the shelving as you stretched around him. You could feel him throbbing against you as your own walls throbbed trying to expand enough to fit him.
You took each inch of him like a champ, spreading your legs more and bending over to get him to fit all inside of you. He eventually bottomed out and you both were panting as he paused for a moment. You could tell he was holding himself back, which you appreciated. You’d rather not have anything tear. That was never a pleasant experience.
“Look at that,” he breathed. “You took in every inch of me. Good job, baby.” His voice was low as he spoke into your ear. You weren’t exactly sure about the petname, but fuck hearing the praise made your head swim. What was up with you? You were never this submissive. 
You moved, pressing into him slightly as you whined. You needed him to move. He just chuckled, but luckily took the hint.
He pulled out of you slowly, almost agonizingly slow. You knew he had to be messing with you. You glared at him over your shoulder and he just grinned back at you. You had half a mind to take the apron out and say something. You started to reach for it when he slammed back into you. Your eyes widened, tears pricking the corners of your eyes as they rolled back. A strangled scream erupted from your throat as you felt yourself climax suddenly. Pleasure ripped through your body, every inch of you shaking as you held onto the shelves for dear life. 
Your breathing was heavy, labored. You hadn’t been expecting that in the slightest. You thought he’d take it a little easier, but at the same time you’d never felt anything that good…probably ever.
“Too much?” You looked at him through your blurred vision, shaking your head. A smile appeared on his face, replacing the concern that had been there. “I knew you could take it,” he said. In that moment, you realized he was panting pretty heavily too. His skin glistened with sweat, hair sticking to his face. Fuck, he was one of the most beautiful men you’d ever seen in your life.
His hands gripped onto your hips and you knew you were about to have your shit absolutely rocked. You gripped the shelves, bracing yourself. As you predicted, he absolutely started to go to town. One way station to pound town, population: you. Or however the saying went. In moments, the sound of skin against skin mixed with grunts and moans was filling the walk in. You just silently prayed that the cooling system was loud enough to muffle the noise for the most part. 
You didn’t dwell on this too long as your mind was slipping further and further into the lusty abyss of pleasure. Your entire body felt like it was on fire despite the fans blowing right on the two of you. You wouldn’t have been surprised if you the cooler was going to end up being on the warmer side after all was said and done.
With the absolute ferocity he was drilling into you, you wouldn’t be surprised if you couldn’t walk or had some serious bruising tomorrow. You knew you’d have to push through it though because tomorrow was your double. Fuck, you really didn’t think this through. Hell, you didn’t think at all.
Again, your thoughts came and went, never sticking around for long and soon just nonexistent. Your eyes were practically glued to the back of your head as he used you. This was the railing of a lifetime. You’d already came once and you could feel yourself on the cusp of another. Killer was also about at his wits end too - his movements were growing more desperate and erratic.
You reached the edge first, feeling your body shudder once more as euphoria washed over you with your climax. You let out a muffled, long moan. His hips also stilled as he came hard as well. You were filled with warmth, feeling overly stuffed even more so before feeling some of it leaking down your leg. Damn, just how much did he unleash inside of you?
You were slumped against the shelving, trying to collect yourself. Your eyes were closed as you panted heavily, too weak to make any movement right now. Killer was panting too, placing soft kisses along your shoulders and neck while whispering soft praises that made your head spin a little more. 
After a few minutes, he reached over, pulling the soggy apron out of your mouth. “Holy shit,” you mumbled, coughing a bit. 
He slowly pulled out of you, making you whine slightly. You shivered as you were suddenly left empty, still too weak to move. He shoved himself back into his pants before helping you. He dressed you back up; pants on, apron around your waist. He stood you back up. “Are you alright?”
At this point, you weren’t sure - still on cloud nine. “I think I’ll be fine.” You stretched a bit, wincing slightly. “Tomorrow’s gonna suck though.” 
“I can cover for you.”
You looked at him for a moment before bursting into laughter. “No offense, but I think you’d be a shit server.” 
He frowned. “And here I thought shagging you would take the attitude out of you.” 
You raised a brow, putting your hands on your hips. “Is that what you thought? Sorry, this isn’t something that comes from needing to be laid. I’m just always a bitch - personality trait.” You shrugged, retying your apron. You fixed yourself up before looking over at Killer. You snorted, buttoning his shirt back up.
“Looks like I’ll just have to try again.” A smug smile appeared on his face and you looked at him, a smile tugging on the corners of your own. “You can try as many times as you want, loverboy. It ain’t happening.” 
“I’ll ice that cake anytime.” Your eyes widened at his words and he laughed. “Yeah, I heard your little baker comment earlier. So you like my ass?” He winked, making your face turn red. “Fix your hair,” you mumbled. “Make it look less obvious we just boned.”
“Yes, boss.”
You rolled your eyes, flinging the walk-in door open to reveal several of your coworkers standing there. Wire grinned widely, a smug look on his face. “Everyone owes me twenty bucks.” There were collective groans. “No one knows our head server better than me, you should’ve known better than to bet against me.” He shook his head, holding his hand out as everyone forked over money. 
“But they literally never sleep with anyone that works here ever,” someone protested, pouting.
You knew right then and there - you were never going to hear the end of this.
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belovedstarrs · 5 months
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do you even care?!
• pairing : geto x fem!reader
• tags : angst, breakup??, just a shit ton of one-sided fighting (verbal) , language galore, drinking mentioned & used, cheating, geto never betrays jujutsu high au.
• a/n : god im half asleep writing this and i havent proof-read sooooo deal w/ it i just need to actually post and get over this writing slump.
• w/c : 602
• loosely based off of all too well & youre losing me
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you were laying in your bed and pondering. suguru hasnt been home in hours and he told you he was gonna be home at 5 pm, its 10 pm. you checked his location and he turned it off a few hours ago.
you heard the keys jangle in the doorknobs and you quickly got up, you didnt even know what you wanted to say to him. you looked out your doorframe and saw him taking off his shoes at the front entrance as you angrily walked over.
"suguru what the hell! where the fuck where you at? you turned off your damn location. you know what nevermind you were probably at the bar with gojo flirting with some girls since you clearly dont give a shit about me."
it all blurted out, you felt like throwing up. why now? suguru had to take a minute to process everything from you talking to fast. "y/n i wasnt flirting with any girls nor at the bar. i just had gotten a new mission right before i got off and my phone had died." he said with no emotion in his voice. you could tell it was a lie. just by the way he looks uneasy you can tell hes been drinking.
"oh stop giving me that bullshit suguru. if you dont like me just fucking say it. i dont get how you can just cheat on me yet still have the balls to say the words i love you." you wanted to die. you used to love this man with your whole life, why is this happening? why does he lie to you so much.
the past 3 months have felt like hell. sugurus been getting more distant and staying out later than he tells you while getting drunk. you dont fucking get it. why is he doing this? what have you done to deserve this? youve put so much into this relationship and hes tearing it apart like its nothing.
he doesnt even have a response to your stinging words. "y/n i promise i still lov-" you quickly cut him off. "you dont ever keep your promises! stop spouting shit that isnt true for once! your just an asshole liar." you pause for a moment before you continue
"why have you put nothing into our relationship? did you never love me from the start? ive been trying so fucking hard to still love you and act as nothing is wrong and ive tried to tell you that but youre just a dumbass!" you brush shoulders as you go to the front door to quickly put on your shoes and a coat to leave. making sure to grab your keys and get the hell out before he says anything.
there was this burning feeling in your chest that also felt like a little freedom. were you meant to not be with suguru? you wished so hard in your head he would come back for you and apologize, make it right. you kept walking down the street and nothing happened.
you pulled out your phone to text utahime and ask if you could stay the night.
y/n : utahime you awake?
utahime : yeah. why?
y/n : just fought with suguru. wondering if i could stay the night.
utahime : totally! stay for as long as you need.
that gave you some relief. your gonna have to figure out you and sugurus situation but for now you need time to yourself to figure out what the hell youre gonna do with him since you two live together and dont have a actual apartment of your own.
part 2 is out now!!
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made by @belovedstarrs do not copy or use in any way without permission
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xbruised-peachx · 10 months
I NEED MORE GROMSKO SHIBARI IVE BEEN RE READING THAT SECTION FOR DAAAYS (specifically him in shibari you wrote it so good please 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺)
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bc this has been rotating in my mind for a while as well (apologies to anon im sure this was written a while ago but i finally got to it so!) render by me, full version on my pat :3c Word Count: 3,946 Tags: Shibari/Ropeplay, fem!reader, denial/slight edging, lots of teasing, language kink (reader only slightly knows Polish aka me I've been learning lol), slight size kink, riding, creampie, not proofread (aka eve is gonna kill me for the Polish in this fic LMAO) Translations at the end 🔞+ STORY MDNI
“Here... Let me just...” He was talking under his breath, trying to adjust the meters of rope to find the middle. It wasn’t perfect, not some nice silky rope either, he said he didn’t want that. Instead it was brown and twine-like, like the one that always hung around his waist. He folded it again, leaving it in a nice quarter for you, or at least as close as he could get from just eyeballing it. “There... Now, we’re at step one.”
He chuckled softly as you looked off to your side, a printed guide with many steps over there. He gave you the rope, a look of sympathy on his face. You probably weren’t hiding your nerves too well from his expression. He gave you a soft kiss on the cheek, unable to stop smiling as he did. “Masz to, kochanie... I trust you, you know that...” 
You smiled, nodding as you met his eyes after looking up from the instructions. “I know... Hmmmph... But the first step is having your arms behind your back. How are you gonna help me like that?”
He chuckled again, shrugging his shoulders. “I mean... kind of the point of it is that I’m slightly helpless but here...” He bounced his leg slightly, signaling for you to get off his lap. It made you laugh slightly as a jolt of pleasure ran up your spine, no doubt he had other motives as well as you were both undressed. His thick thigh rubbing against your pussy released just a little bit of tension from you. He turned once you were off, facing the instructions as he held his arms in position behind him. You held the bite of the rope cautiously, looking slightly over his shoulder. “I’ll try and tell you, and I’ll tell you the knots, just like we practiced.”
You nodded, still looking over his shoulder, your nose resting on it as you slowly pulled the bite under both his arms, letting the ends hang down. You pulled up on the bite, giving yourself some more room as you started to wrap it around his wrists three times. He told you himself he’d probably need more reinforcement, even if he didn’t resist you. He was a big, strong military man, through and through. But, God, it made you want to see his big body tied up even more. You tried to not fantasize too much in your head as you wrapped, just wanting to experience it all first hand. You kissed the back of his shoulder as you lifted up, letting your breath linger with your smile against his skin as you looked back at the strong rope holding him. “Okay... what knot first, Sobi?”
He cleared his throat lightly, taking a deep breath as he looked down at the notes. “Mmm... I’d say a box tie.” You nodded, remembering him showing you all the types of knots and ties you could do safely. He joked while showing you, saying the military was useful for more than just survival to him... that it was finally coming into use in the bedroom. He felt you tighten it, nodding to give approval that it felt good, secure and not too tight. “Now just wrap it around my left arm, bring it around my chest, then around the right.”
You remembered him saying not to place it too low so it wouldn’t hurt him, nor too high lest it just slip down. Cautiously, you brought it up and around, letting it touch his bicep before lightly pulling it across his chest as your other arm held it onto his bicep. “Right here?”
“Hmm...” Still able to move his arm slightly, he wiggled it slowly, making your hand softly caress his flexing bicep in the process. From the outside looking in, he didn’t seem ripped, but easily he could out-lift anyone he knew, his strong abs and muscles protected by a nice, soft layer of fat that made him so inviting to you. Like your own big teddy bear. “A little higher, like... above the bicep, barely where my shoulder ends... if that makes sense.”
You nodded, listening to him, he had to know himself the best. Slowly, with your arm still caressing him, you pushed the rope up. You heard him take a deep breath out of his nose, truly taking in the feeling of your soft hands against him, your naked body pressed against him. You pushed it even more, leaning up to his ear as you continued pulling the rope across his chest with your other hand. “Like this~?”
He gasped softly as the rope wrapped softly around his other arm, around the same area, taking in the feeling of your soft hands and the rough rope. “Tak~... Y-yes, I like it, kochanie...” His eyes were shut, only cracking open as you started to chuckle.
“No, no... like, ‘jak to?’ As in, is it okay there for position?”
“Oh... heheh, y-yeah, feels perfect there.”
He looked back at you, already his pupils starting to dilate from pleasure. “Mmmm...” you playfully scolded him, “you’re already losing yourself, baby. Got to keep it together, we’ve barely even started.”
He pouted back at you, just playing into the lighthearted joking. “I know... Mmm~... I guess you’re just a natural at it... already making me feel good.” He smiled at you, giving you a wink as you started blushing. He looked down at the instructions, squinting at the next step before taking a harsher breath out. “O, ja pierdolę... right, you have to go around more times now... So, uh, you’ll go under that one on my left and just wrap around... Don’t tease me too much, please, kotku?”
You smiled devilishly, doing as he said, pulling the rope under, but letting your fingers trail up his arm to his shoulder as you pulled it around. “No promises...” As you pulled the rope around his chest, you let your fingers interlace on the rope. They trailed gently across him, his soft hair and chest being teased, also acting as a double check to make sure it wasn’t too tight. He rolled his neck back, a soft kurwa escaping his lips as he loved your delicate touch against him, contrasting beautifully against the ropes that bound him, hugging his body roughly, but also comforting. You chuckled, catching his mouth as he leaned back, continuing to pull the rope around. Instantly, the kiss was deepened as he groaned softly in your mouth, his tongue trying to enter as soon as he could. He was desperate, even now, even just at the beginning. It was cute in its own way, but you couldn’t let him have everything, especially with the way he teases you himself. You let your tongue meet his for a moment, but quickly pulled away with a cheeky grin, watching as his face turned from confusion to frustration, letting out a little huff out of his nose. You looked over his shoulder at the directions again, because lord knew he wasn’t looking.
You pulled the rope under the stem, leading it over and around, then over and around again, until you repeated on the stem. It was hard to read the instructions from here, but you could tell the knot was secure but adjustable. He took a deep breath, leaning his head up slowly as he looked back at the directions himself. He attempted to wiggle his arms, but couldn’t get much of anywhere, ensuring it was perfect. He smiled softly as he read. “Okay... there’s another rope over there, you’re gonna attach it to the other one. Remember the ‘lark’s head’ knot?” You nodded, reaching over to grab the other long rope he had already prepared for you.
“It’s so nice how prepared you are, Sobi,” you smiled, genuinely complimenting him. He smiled softly, chuckling in response.
“Mmm, what can I say? A lovely lady like you who trusts me with her heart asks me if it’s okay to do one of my fantasies? Heh... Am I not supposed to make her life easier?”
You smiled, pulling down on the knot as tight as you could to keep it secure. “You say that like it isn’t a fantasy of mine as well... You’ve tied me up and just... I wanted to see you in it.”
He looked back at you, a smile on his face as his cheeks flushed red softly. “How are you liking it so far?”
“Better than I imagined even,” you said with a big smile on your face, pulling the rope around his arm, this time going under his chest, your pinky playfully twirling in the hair on his chest leading down to his stomach. “I really love how it looks on your arms... Mmm, you already know how much I love hanging off them as is, so...”
He laughed softly, his laugh trailing into a heavier breath as your fingers continued dancing softly on his skin. “That you do... I imagine we have a similar feeling when I wrap it around your thighs, see that little bit of squish.”
“Probably it’s something similar... but your arms are too firm to squish,” your voice trailed off, bringing one of your hands up to run along his bicep again as you brought the rope around a second time, leaning up to his ear, letting your breath softly trace the shell of it. “So big and strong... everytime I touch you like this I just... mmm~, I want those arms doing something else to me.”
He smiled a devilish smile, just barely turning towards you as you slowly nuzzled yourself in the crook of his neck. “Mmm~, and you are worried about me getting worked up? Seems you are working yourself up, kochanie... I can feel your hips rubbing on my back right now.”
You hadn’t even noticed it, but he was right. A blush further spread across your cheeks as you backed away, finishing pulling the rope around. You did the same sort of securing, pulling it up and around a few times around all three branches of the rope. Looking back over his shoulder, he beat you to it, leaning to read himself. “Now’s time for the front.”
You smiled widely at him as he gave you a knowing glance. “Lap time again?”
He shook his head softly, “Not quite, it’s just you have to wrap it around my shoulders in the front, then you can get back in my lap... Trust me, I want it more than anything right now.”
You chuckled softly, pulling the rope through his arm to the front, starting to wrap to his shoulder. “Hehe... I can tell,” you said as you looked down to his growing hard on. It was clear he was into this, his tip pink and barely poking out. You smiled deviously, reaching down with your free hand to pull lightly to get his foreskin fully out of the way, making him quickly suck a breath through his teeth at not only your touch, but the feeling of the air hitting his sensitive tip.
“K-kurwa~! Kotku, I-... shit, you can’t just do that without warning...”
You smiled, feeling a little guilty but you knew he wasn’t too serious, just frustrated from all the teasing... how the tables have turned on him so suddenly. “Mmm~... sorry, you just looked like you needed just a little release...” You pulled the rope over his shoulder and to his back, pulling around and under to meet his other arm, pulling it through. “You seem so pent up, Sobi. Am I wrong?”
You tilted your head cutely as you asked him a question, sitting at his side as you sat there, waiting for his answer. He shook his head, his eyes almost pleading with you as he met yours. “No... God, no you aren’t. I really need this, baby please...”
You smiled at him, pity in your expression as you pulled the rope over his shoulder, reaching the end of it. There was one more rope left, this one a little shorter than the other two. You leaned over his lap, arching your back to tease him more. Your breast against his thigh as you read the instructions, your ass in the air so tantalizing to him, he groaned, cursing under his breath and making you smile more. “O mój kurwa boże...”
“Hmmm...” you played ignorant of your teasing, just reading what comes next in the directions. “Oh! Now it’s lap time!”
“Ohhh... great~...” His voice dripped with sarcasm as he closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. You couldn’t help but laugh softly at him not being able to take such teasing. Though you suppose, this was a whole different level for him; rather than him just touching along your inner thighs, teasing the outside of your lips, or making his hand go the same pace as your grinding hips. His hands were literally bound as you were bent over in front of him so alluring, your naked body literally right within reach, but was physically incapable of being the palm of his hands.
You tied the last rope in the back, pulling it up and through his arm then letting it dangle, the rope tickling at his thighs. He bit his lip as you saw you readjust, coming back around to his front. Meeting his eyes, you picked up the rope, letting the end graze along his thighs in a tantalizing way, holding it in your other hand as you came to straddle his lap. He looked you up and down, his breath getting heavier moment by moment, seeing how close you were to him, hell, even able to feel the heat from your pussy as it sat inches away. “Don’t tease me too much... I know I keep saying it but... Kurwa, I don’t know how much more I can take...”
His voice trailed off into a more desperate tone, almost sounding like he was whimpering, begging you to give him what he so desperately wanted. You only gave him a pitiful smile, “I’ll try... But it’s a little... hard when I feel you so excited under me. Mmm~...” You let your hips just barely scoot forward on him, earning a groan from him but you said to yourself it was just you adjusting as you pulled the rope across the right under the opposite collarbone. “ It’s just so tempting...”
He chuckled, barely bucking his hips up to yours, making you gasp softly and nearly lose your grip on the rope. “I can say the same for you, kochanie~... So, so tempting...”
You giggled, feeling his cock nestled right at your entrance but unable to enter. Unintentionally, he just led himself into this little trap... a little trap that left him yearning to be inside you even more. “It’s only a little more, miśku... then I’ll have my way with you...” You let your hands trail more on him as you pulled the rope across to the other side, going over then under, making sure to take your time tying a decorative knot at the front of him. You watched him intently as his chest rose and fell rhythmically, despite the deep breaths he was taking. His own eyes watched as your small, delicate hands tied the twine on him, watching those perfect hands expertly work the frayed, imperfect rope.
He whined softly as he wiggled his hands, feeling your wet pussy pressed against him. He knew you wanted this, though your hands went slow, it was just to mess with him more. So you could just feel him get harder under you. He didn’t even think he could get so turned out, but the harsh ropes binding him, making it so he couldn’t touch you. He could only groan in frustration, though the denial only excited him more.
You pulled the rope under the one by his arm and pulled through his arm, letting it rest behind him. You leaned up to his ear, unintentionally grinding yourself on him again as your sultry voice whispered in his ear, “Just one more knot... then I’m done.”
His breath hitched as you spoke, his hips desperately rising to meet yours again, anything to help with this painful hard-on he had. But you didn’t help at all, wrapping your arms around him and leaning over his shoulder, nuzzled close by his neck as you tied the final knot. So close to him, you were able to hear the little whines he let out under his breath as he grinded himself into your core. You bit your lip, suppressing yourself from letting out your own moan. “Pragnę cię tak bardzo, kochanie... Pr-... Pleeeaase~...” He desperately whined as he grinded himself further into your now sopping wet cunt, trying to tie that knot faster as you couldn’t resist him anymore either.
You finally finished it off, pulling your arms out from around him and immediately locking them around his neck, pulling him close as you kissed him messily. He didn’t help at all with the mess, barely able to control himself as he pushed himself into you, his tongue running along your bottom lip within seconds. You welcomed him in though, fingers interlacing with the bottom of his hair as you pulled him even closer.
Still grinding, even with your tongues interlocking, he was wanting so much more. He pulled away his eyes half lidded as his pupils dilated with lust. “Proszę, baby, fuck me already~... Boże, I can feel how wet and I just... Potrzebuję cię, kochanie~... I’ll do anything...”
His begging turned you on even more, it made you not want to do as he said... just so you could hear it more. But you couldn’t resist it either. Slowly you pulled yourself off his lap, just to tease him more, build more anticipation in him. He helped out, wiggling his hips down the bed more so they were parallel with it. You reached down to him, holding him by the base, feeling it throb with just your fingers as you lined yourself up. Slowly slipping your entrance on him, you expect some more resistance with the lack of foreplay, but after a couple little pushes, you were able to take him in, moaning as you slowly slid down, taking him to the base. He watched for as long as he could, until he just succumbed to his own pleasure, moaning softly and closing his eyes, head falling back just barely. You smiled devilishly, seeing him already losing himself in you. You wait for his eyes to open, looking at you with such desire before you asked, “...You ready?”
He chuckled softly, biting his lip as he bucked his hips up, egging you on to continue, “As ready as ever... How about you?”
You rolled your eyes at him light-heartedly, putting your hands on his shoulders as you slowly moved up. “Mmm~... maybe I should tie your legs next time too.”
He laughed, letting out a deep exhale through pursed lips, “Don’t know about that one, baby... Nggh~... already... hard enough as is.” As you slid back down, he leaned forward, getting right by your ear as you gasped, him doing another little thrust to push himself deeper inside. “Nie masz pojęcia, co mi zrobiłeś... How badly I want to grab your hips and fuck you so hard right now.” His voice came out as a growl... so deep and nearly threatening... but with him restrained, he was unable to act on such empty threats of good times.
“Heheh~... But your hands are tied, quite literally...” You ran your hands down his shoulders, running them down to where the ropes crossed in front, holding onto that for balance as you pulled yourself up again. He groaned, kissing onto your jaw as he cursed under his breath. “I’m the one in control here, Sobi... Mmm~, and I’ll fuck you so good if you just sit back and enjoy it...”
You felt him nod softly, lifting off your jaw as he met your eyes again, reaching right by his head before going down again, starting your rhythm of riding him. He watched you carefully as you took him in so expertly, his mouth sitting slightly agape as his breath got heavier. You started to roll your hips, earning a more needy moan from him as his head went back, and you saw slightly behind him, his hands balling into fists as his moan turned to a whimper. You felt so powerful right now, turning this huge, strong man to whining and begging under you, despite you still having to look up at him as you hit the tip of his cock. That thick hard cock too... you couldn’t get enough of it. When your hips rolled just right, it hit that spot inside that had you shutting your eyes as well, clinging even harder on the ropes. So focused on riding him, you could only let out heavy pants but once he bucked his hips, seeing him hit the spot inside you, you couldn’t help but cry out, cursing under your breath.
As you continued, he kept up his own little thrust inside you, making you moan more and more. Part of you wondered if he was chasing his own climax, or if he was just trying to make you feel good. Everytime you moaned though, breathily saying his name, you would see his arm wiggle, shoulder desperately trying to reach to you but being unsuccessful. He pulled himself forward, resting his head on the crook of your neck as he moaned more, his thrusts getting slightly more erratic. “Mój Boże~... proszę, baby... I’m so... Kurwa~, I’m so fucking close, are you?”
You giggled softly, feeling yourself on the edge but just barely there yourself. “Just about~... Ahh~! I-I’ll get there soon, just finish whenever, babe...”
“C-can I cum inside you? Please, please, please, kochanie, I want to so badly, pleeeeaase~...” He desperately whined, whimpering as he started to increase the pace of his thrusts, making you moan and your own climax approached just as quickly.
You giggled softly, leaning over to whisper in his ear. “Oh~... you will finish inside me... Nggh~... Come on, Sobi... Do it, cum inside me make me yours~”
Those words pushed him over the edge, biting onto your shoulder as he pushed down as hard as he could, cumming with a growl that turned quickly to a whimper. Erratically pushing himself deeper inside with little thrusts, you felt the warmth go even deeper inside you. Those deep thrusts against you nearly sent you over the edge, but as he slowly came down from his high, he pulled back, thrusting harshly as he let out one final spurt of cum right into your g-spot. Feeling that warmth all pressed against you, you hit your climax, moaning out his name as you came. He admired the sight, finally coming down fully to see you shaking, bouncing slightly on his still hard cock. He kissed your neck, encouraging you as you came down. “So good, kochanie... You fucked me so well, kotku... Moja piękna dziewczyna~... so beautiful cumming for me...”
You caught your breath, coming down to his wonderful words, leaning over and catching his lips as they lifted, bringing him in for a much more passionate kiss. When you leaned back, opening your eyes slowly, the both of you were smiling, unable to hold back the love you felt just from gazing at each other.
“Thank you, kochanie...” He wiggled his arms, making sure you could see it. “Now, could you uh... untie me? I just want to hold you now...”
Translations! Masz to, kochanie- You got this, baby Tak- Yes Jak to- Like this, jak being the comparative "like" rather than the enjoyment "like" O, ja pierdolę- Oh, fuck me Kotku- kitty/kitten Kurwa- fuck O mój kurwa boże- Oh my fucking god Miśku- bear (diminutive) Pragnę cię tak bardzo, kochanie- I want you so bad, baby Proszę- Please Potrzebuję cię- I need you Nie masz pojęcia, co mi zrobiłeś- You have no idea what you've done to me Moja piękna dziewczyna- My beautiful girl
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I just watched space babies and Im gonna put some moments under the cut that are just so,,,
-lets make this episode into one big exposition/lore dump so everyone knows whats going on
-dinos <3
-ruby stepping on an actual butterfly and 15 blowing life into it again 😭 that was so stupid I absolute love it
-"One day this is wyoming"
-"Aha! Is that like a, uh, matter transporter like in star trek?" "hehehE! weve gotta visit them someday."
Im not even much of a star trek fan but I could totally watch doctor who with my star trek-autistic dad if there was a crossover. Also a crossover would be bangers.
-"Most of the universe is knackered, babes" fair.
-something about "the question is, why did I run?" "cause it was scAry!" "It was new. I LOVE meeting new things, so why did it give ME the shivers? I couldn´t run fast enough I was like 👏 WOOSH!"
I was like *clap* WOOSH!! (New stim unlocked)
-"So, this place, grows babies. What for? FoOd?" "fOo- who-whOT. FOOD? Theyre not tOmAtOes"
The way he said tomatoes is very special to me. As well as the general absurdity of that whole moment, actually
-giving her phone the space-time-signal boost!!! THAT MADE ME SO HAPPY TO SEE ON SCREEN AGAIN
-space babies. First I was a bit annoyed and baffled by the way he kept saying space babies but eventually he said it so often I just went "SPACE BABIES :D"
-ruby and 15 handling the space babies??? 😭 Man that was so pure
-maybe thats growing up queer and autistic but this line killed me
"Nobody grows up wrong.
You are, what you are, and that is magnificent"
Okay Im just gonna sit down and CRY because I really needed my comfort character to tell me this. Im not ready for it yet but I still need it. Ill get back to this once Im at peace with myself. To heal.
-"because I, am absolutely lovely, arent I? 🥰"
-"And do you wanna know my secret?
Theres no one like me in the whole, wide, universe. No one like me exists, and thats true of everyone. Its not a problem, captain pops. Its a superpower 💪 High five!"
-i absolutely laughed out loud and almost woke my father when ruby tried to calm the space babies and 15 kept scaring them.
"Theres no such things as the bogeman. That thing, was more-- sort of like, a, uhhh," "BOGEYMAN!"
-"That should recalibrate the whole shebang"
-abortion allegory got like super spelled out at one point and that was a bit awkward but I have no strong opinion on it, because the point they make still stands.
"Hang on. So, the planet down below will refuse to stop the babies being born, but once theyre born, they dont look after them??"
-the way jocelyn said 'because its terrifying" after 15 said "and WhY was I so scared?"
Also: "Yeah but Ive met a million ugly bugs, *I´m* and ugly bug, ThAt THIng, made me run, I just wonder why" youre not an ugly bug gorgeous
-"babies with a flame thrower?!" Was possibly the stupidest thing Ive ever seen and Im so happy cause that is exactly how doctor who works. Babies with flame throwers. Who even thought of that.
Also reminded me of the fact daleks had flame throwers at one point
-"The teaching software, it told a story!" "it invented the bogeyman!" "For the babies 🥺" "For the space babies 🥺" (i love them)
-snot monster
-it did confuse me how familiar they seem already. And that he basically gave her a tardis key before she even really agreed to travel with him. I LOVE them dont get me wrong but that felt too quick
-seeing mum at christmas <3
-"tell your mum not to slap me" someone has never recovered from jackie and sylvia
-ohhh dna scan
-probably something I forgot but:
Episode was fun. Too exposition heavy at times and structured differently from 'normal' who. But fun. And also super silly. And we LOVE super silly.
Space Babies. Space babies with flame throwers.
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riceys · 10 months
Could you write for schlatt?
I'm thinking an English/German girl who is his graphic design (does like his thumbnails and like website) and after late night and long discord calls he slowly realises he doesn't just see her as an employee or friend but something more? I saw this sort of idea some where recently and it's giving me brain rot. Plus the banter between an English/german person would be unhinged.
YESSS OMG ACTUALLY LOVE THIS ive thought about this so much recently and i know german soo
gonna do hcs for this :)
also im very bad at formatting so sorry about that (ill probably rewrite stuff after i figure out how the fuck to do it)
Jschlatt x german/graphic designer!reader hcs
warnings-some nsfw at the veryyyy end
Wilbur introduced you two after schlatt said something about needing an artist for his channel
'find graphic designer !!!' schlatt mumbled while writing on the dull yellow paper. He was in a call with some friends, not really paying attention to what they were doing as he was busy making a sort of to-do list
"schlatt are you there?" the thick accented voice brought schlatt out of his daze
"hm yea sorry whatd you say willbur"
"i said my mate is a graphic designer, i can send you her info if you want." wilbur repeated with a laugh
"oh shit yeah thatd be great man thanks"
definitely left the call to go talk to you after that
very caught of gaurd by your accent, wilbur had failed to mention the slight language barrier as you were used to doing work in german
"so its a little ram with a sweater" his voice suprised you, wilbur didnt say anything about him being american.
"a what?" you laughed at the foreign word nervously. He sounded intimidating and it was kinda hot???
"a uhh," he laughed pulling out his phone, "einen bock? i think." Any sense of intimidation melted away as he stuttered out the poorly pronounced german.
absolutely melts when you giggle at this ^^
he LOVES your laugh!!! specifically that he can hear the accent come through in it
once you start working for him finds a way to sneak your art into everything he does and pays you way more than he should be
"Schlatt this is like triple my rates, you really dont need to pay me this much"
"consider it a tip, toots"
flies you out to every single event he goes to. merch photoshoots? you're in every photo. creator clash? he bought you the best seats in the house. says its a "business thing". (its not)
gets to the point where you're spending every other month in Austin with him before you move out there.
when chuckle sandwich starts he begs you to do all the art for it too (not that you would've said no)
Also begs ted to have you on as a guest
guest turns into member after the first chuckle week, where schlatt insisted that you be there cause you made the art
finally asks you out the week after the 1st chuckle week where they stay for the week to decompress
took you to boa then going stargazing
asks you out in german
"Sehr Schön" you breath out as you look up at the stars. Schlatt next you is freaking out trying to get the courage to ask you out.
"Du bist Sehr Schön" He misspronounces, still managing to make you blush. He only knew what that meant because he had been studying how to ask you out in german all week.
He puts a finger under your chin to shift your focus to him before speaking, "y/n, Ich mag dich wirklich, wirst du mit mir ausgehen?"
It was obvious he had used google translate and taught himself how to say it as he mispronounced many words and had a slight stutter, but it meant the world to you
Pulling him in for a kiss you paused to look at him, "Du bist dumm, Jschlatt"
asks you to speak to him in German
teases you so much (lovingly obviously)
also (nsfw time)
learns how to call you a slut in german
when he fucks you so good and you start babbling in german
sorry if this wasnt great i kinda got carried away and its my 1st writing thingy
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the-kipsabian · 27 days
He doesn't really need a tag partner (I'm sure there are people he trusts enough to team with) but if Chuck is out forever can we have Kip step in and be a person for OC to lean on? I mean we could get him on TV possibly weekly (win win in my book) plus maybe we can get OC corrupted and boom it helps push the storyline with Trent? IF Chuck is able to come back, maybe he uncorrupts him? Thoughts?
SO. im sorry ahead of time that this will get longwinded and probably not gonna make a lot of sense but i have A LOT of thoughts regarding this whole situation
so this has been a very common thing to discuss in my dms ever since the shades of the best friends betrayal started when trent and oc entered into the tag team tournament (also shoutout to bugs for dealing with my shit constantly cause i know i can be unhinged ough), and what we dubbed as savior!kip has become a very intense hope in this storyline so... yeah ive been thinking about this possibility a lot ngl
im gonna put the rest of this under the cut cause lmao yeah. im gonna go off the rails
i wanna start this by saying that while i do want chuck to come back, im specifically hoping that he'll come back to team with trent again and to torment oc, that all of this has been one big ruse to see if oc really is their best friend or not (spoilers: hes not. trent is right about everything he said dont @ me). and oc is slowly starting to lack friends; seeing how things are going, things with kris arent that great. shibata and hook have their hands full with so many other things. rocky is obviously siding with trent, even if he doesnt say it directly out loud but roppongi vice forever basically, and the rest of chaos is mostly in japan (and okada is evil now so...). danhausen basically doesnt exist anymore. everyone oc has had around him has slowly disappeared, for one reason or another
so where does that leave us, exactly? you turn to the other side (or more in this case, the other side turns towards you to help out)
kip has been critical on twitter about the don callis family, and basically saying he would never join them due to disrespect from don. and we all know how much kip loves and cares about oc (i dont have to proof this to you you have seen all the sweet tweets and other stuff. this man used to use the kissy face emoji frequently while tweeting at or about oc come on now), so seeing these two words colliding would probably not sit very well with him, i'd imagine. while someone could argue that kip has lost interest in oc since he has dropped the title and thats all that was ever about...
first of all, the "sweet little clementine" nickname has been used multiple times throughout the timeline. this wasnt just a mind game trick to get into ocs head during the title feud, it was in there way way before that ever happened (i believe we are talking about full gear 2020 if i recall my timelines right [its around 3 hours and 9 minutes]); he has always been affectionate about oc in a really weird way (hes british tho so thats probably why). second, how many times has kip been after anyone else between ocs title reigns and after? exactly zero. when mox and fenix were champs, he didnt say a peep (he did, whoever, put out my favorite tweet of all time when oc lost the title to mox). after oc gained the title, he started tweeting again about it. and again when oc lost it, not a word. kip hasnt said anything about the international title or rodney since then; the only time he did post, he told rodney to fuck off cause clementine was his. and since then? kip has been keeping an eye on the best friends feud so... do whatever you wish with that information (1, 2, 3)
the point is, the obsession was NOT with the title; hes just always been affectionate about and towards oc, but in a really weird and obsessive, kind of a destructive way
why is this necessary to bring up? well...
do you really think he would stand idly to the side to watch oc align himself with someone like don callis when all his other friends have abandoned him, all these things considered?
do i need to remind you of something? cause i will remind you of my favorite post
Tumblr media
throughout this entire time, kip never gave up (im aware this is technically non-canon as this is a quote from stream but. if you know their history over on twitch, it counts. the feud bled over there during its prime too). yes this technically had everything to do with him tearing ocs friends away from him when this was posted, but.. dont you think its fitting tho? considering the situation oc is in now? and while yes it might seem that kip is taking the side of trent in this whole thing, this was specifically before don callis inserted himself into the situation by whispering whatever the hell into ocs ear
and what better time and way for kip to insert himself back into ocs life as the one person he can still rely on than right here and right now, when oc is so desperate for a connection and friendship that he'll take don callis of all people?
if we want to dig more into my personal observations, kip has never felt as respected or perceived as he did/does when hes across the ring from oc. this feud was the highlight of his career since the comeback (and arguably, his [and miros] feud with the best friends ending with arcade anarchy was the other, so these two have always been connected more or less), its the one thing people keep talking about in reference to him apart from the box; how he should have been the one taking the title from him, how kip should have been elevated from that point forward too. how people talk about him almost only when he has faced oc in the ring afterwards (which has been at least three times if i recall right from the top of my head) or had a chance to challenge again for that title before oc lost it entirely
so what is the conclusion i wanna draw from this? kip keeps bringing him up. he keeps on leeching on him. he wants that attention off of oc, but also from oc. and what better way to do that than to now befriend him, show him support, be there for him when everyone else has abandoned him?
except its not entirely malicious. it might start as such, but its definitely mutually beneficial, more so than intended; sure maybe kip takes the chance to get to oc when hes down and vulnerable, but theres also that high chance that he'll see he can actually help. kip can help pull oc back up and help rebuild him. kip can be useful and important in this equation too, not just oc (which.. its gonna show kips true colors tbh. considering how kip treats oc as a whole, but he was taking trents side earlier about everything when best friends broke apart so...)
i think this is enough of me rambling, so im gonna get to the point of the ask lmao; but yeah, while i'd love for chuck to come back, i dont think he needs to be the one to uncorrupt oc from under kips spell. cause there wont be a spell to begin with. while yes it might start more or less as a corrupting relationship if they got to tag together with oc, i dont think ultimately it would be harmful to him. just like kip would be there to be supportive of oc, eventually he would return the favor by helping kip flourish, like he has done more indirectly in the past. they are mutually beneficial to one another, for better or worse maybe, but its not going to lead oc down a dark path in my opinion. if anything, oc is uncorruptable at this point (especially without the belt but i feel like that story has completely died by now with roddy holding the title so im not going to touch that rn), and him getting love and support from someone genuine, although surprising in this case, it would just make him more likely to return that favor than to turn against it. what i mean is, oc would be the one to uncorrupt kip, if anything
thank you for coming to my tedtalk and im soooooo sorry for all of this
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horrorscoupes · 11 months
im supposed to be writing a term paper rn but instead im gonna explain why regulus’ listener does not need a dedicated name because ive been pondering it for like. a year
cw: the usual dehumanizing/demeaning/manipulative/etc regulus shit 👍
the biggest and most overarching theme of regulus’ storyline is and always has been a comparison of love and obsession/possessiveness, especially now that we’ve gotten some extra info on the guy they were seeing before regulus came back from the slammer. obviously there is something so incredibly wrong with him- both because he’s Like That but also because in a patreon stream erik said smth to the effect of “oh just wait until you see how he ended up like that” which to me means that something either deeply traumatizing or catastrophic led to regulus being the mangy beast he is today. <- this is supported (in my opinion) by how rampantly insecure he is shown throughout all of his videos, most noticeably in the beginning when he’s vulnerable about how he’s been lonely too (“I don’t want you to be nervous when you’re with me. I want you to feel safe. At home. Because that’s how you make me feel. You make me feel so warm inside. It’s been a very long time since I felt that way.” [Yandere Invisible Man Makes You His Forever (11:10)]). that quote among many others lends to the theory and idea that something happened to him/one of his charges/etc that irreparably affected his ability to maintain healthy boundaries. all of that is obvious tho.
i think that regulus choosing his listener as his charge (as opposed to being assigned to them as ive seen some people on here say)(“I believe they were not his official charge, but he has now kind of taken them on as an unofficial one… …They were not his-- they were never an official charge of his, but, y’know they are… He would now consider them a charge. I don’t know that they would agree.” Working on the Train Model and Hanging Out (2:34:00)) was very deliberate, since it’s very clear that for as long as he was in their house the first time, no one was overwhelmingly worried about their absence from the outside world. that isn’t to say that no one was worried at all, we still don't know how he got caught, but it’s obvious that his preying on them had to do with their predisposed social isolation. this is clear to me because he watched them for a great deal of time before he ever intervened. 
before i get to the main point i also want to chime in on the ever present discourse of how he managed not to starve to death. in my opinion, there are two equally likely scenarios for his first stint with them, with one being far more likely for the second stint. his listener had close to no mental strength before him, and certainly did have much during his stay with them, so there’s no particular evidence that could prove he Never Ever put them to sleep (or just left them magically paralyzed) and left to filter feed out in the real world for a bit. i don’t know how likely that is after he got out of prison, but i don’t think it’s entirely out of the question. the second, probably more likely, possibility is that after days/weeks/months of nonstop love-bombing, physical affection, and manipulating regulus’ listener Did enjoy being with him. not in a conscious or happy sort of way, but by way of their body and brain reacting positively to his presence. when you don’t have anyone else, even an abuser can be a point of relief.
FINALLY onto the topic that i started word-vomiting over in the first place. i think that the most articulate and correct way to refer to them is as “regulus’ listener” for one very specific reason. i think that they are purposefully nameless. he doesnt call them by petnames or by their actual name because they don’t need it. they are not a person to him, they are a possession. he wrote over their memories of their boyfriend, wiping away the way him calling them “sweetie” made them feel, because he will never call them that in any kind way. 
his most recent video gave A LOT of context to their living arrangement and the way that he controls them on a day-to-day basis (as all of my friends have suffered through hearing about lol). and i think that the context we learned is really important when set against all of the other manipulatorcore characters we get to see on there. it seems very vital that his listener has no name and no identity, but he still requests their permission to “help” them (“I can rework these memories. I can make them feel better than you could ever imagine. Mine. I can help. I can fix this. Can I help? Will you let me help? Please let me help.” Possessive Yandere Demon Rewrites Your Memories (4:03)). in doing this he offers them autonomy that he has no obligation to give, but he still won’t give them a name. because, as he calls them 52 times in that one video, the only thing they will ever be to him is “Mine.” 
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steffigraf · 4 months
warning for a clearly anxiety-ridden oversharing freakout below the cut. sorry. i’m too sensitive and i’m unfortunately acutely aware of it.
tldr; im being a drama queen. gonna take a tumblr break for a week or two. to my mutuals, feel free to dm for my insta. i’ll be active until i wake up tomorrow morning and then i’m gonna zip
gonna preface this by saying this is in no way directed to the people whom i actually talk to constantly on here like you lot were lovely and im just dealing with a lot of demons in my head :(
anyway. sometimes i feel more like a product manufacturer than a person on here. and idk. i know most of you guys are really just following me for gifs and content and whatever but. yeah. idk. i guess the things i say don’t matter to anyone unless it’s funny. or if people want to call me out. not that im mad abt that exactly btw i do appreciate when people respectfully call me out for my own mistakes but. sometimes. i feel like im in a fishbowl and you’re all just waiting for me to say something wrong and cancel me. or then again, maybe most of you already think im a shit person and you just stay for the gifs. or maybe you guys think i’m a loser who has nothing to do but spend all day on this goddamn website.
and i know, somewhere inside me, that that’s not true and that it’s clearly the anxiety talking. maybe it’s just me maybe i’m making this up in my head i dunno. but i’m just kinda tired right now. too tired to battle the anxiety like usual at least. and i don’t really feel wanted outside of the content i produce, beyond the notes of my gifs or my fun posts. which ik shouldn’t matter but. i’m a pathological people pleaser etc etc.
(god, seeing this all typed out, i can’t even fucking blame you guys if you actly don’t like me cause. i kinda wanna shake myself by the shoulders and tell myself get a grip girl the world doesn’t revolve around you shut up shut up shut your damn mouth—)
i’ve been trying to manage by unfollowing and blocking a few people (which btw, if i did that to you and we used to be mutuals, it’s probably nothing personal i mostly just kept people i’m a bit closer to). but i’m still not really settled. and considering how i’m posting like every other day about feeling like shit, you guys probably figured that out lmao.
and well. on a separate note. seeing that rat’s name alone is too much for me sometimes. i couldn’t watch his game with carlos. i spent hours in his match with daniil turned away from the television, wearing noise canceling headphones while trying (and failing) to talk myself down from a full blown anxiety attack. i’ve said this before but the way people talk about him, both the fucked up silence and the justified outrage, it reminds me way too much about a family problem i have right now. hits uncomfortably close to home. prior to this i kinda thought i’d made my peace with the whole family situation but no apparently not. had he won the semis, i wasn’t even sure if i would be able to stomach cheering for jannik if it meant having to watch that man play.
so. idk. between the way actual tennis has been making me feel and the way tennisblr in general has seemed for me lately, i figure i need some space.
long story short ive been spending way too much time on tumblr this ao. and its gotten really bad for my mental health i guess. so i think i need to take maybe a week or two, to clear my head. watch tennis without opening this app every other point. spend time with people i love. get back to therapy. try to be a functioning adult.
(this is so fucking dramatic for a goddamn week of no tumblr i know that and i want to smack myself upside the head because why am i like this why do i make things snowball why why why—)
anyway. yeah. that’s it. if you actually read through all of that then. thanks. if not it’s okay too.
to my mutuals, the ones whom i’ve had at least some form of friendly interaction with in replies or dms, you can ask for my insta account btw. not that i’m crazy active on there but like. if you guys wanna be friends beyond the anonymity of this yknow. no pressure though.
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ourflagmeansgayrights · 8 months
ofmd s2e4 rewatch where i pause to jot down my thoughts and other random shit
it's been a busy week since last thursday and shit's only gonna get busier for me after tomorrow so hopefully i can get through these two episodes out before i go to bed lol!!! anyway once again these posts are just me rambling so i can process the insane amount of information in these episodes and if u want to read them too that's fine.
s2e1, s2e2, s2e3, s2e4, s2e5, s2e6, s2e7, s2e8
rip everyone who wanted homoerotic sword fighting in the gentebeard reunion. have a headbutt as a consolation prize.
obsessed with stede holding raw room-temperature meat against his bruised face bc that's not even a little bit how that works. i love this show.
ok so jim saying "he'll probably get around to killing you after he's rested" in response to stede saying ed needs to regain his strength actually gives some pretty good context to why they want ed of the ship so bad. bc they DID fully try to kill ed and now he's here and alive and like. if i were jim i would be pretty worried abt ed holding a grudge abt that.
wont lie stede being like "we dont just banish people, that's not us!" makes me thinkg abt how they fully banished izzy from the ship in e6. i mean technically izzy banished himself on accident but. lol.
also izzy's absence in this scene indicating he is not yet considered part of the entire crew
roach: i need that steak back, it's dinner stede: (pulling the steak away) oh, right fang: maybe let's put the banishment to a vote? stede: (steak back on his face, apparently having forgotten he was literally just about to give the meat to roach) aw do we have to :(
ed chained to the ship is doing. a lot for me. i wont lie.
buttons saying he's been to the gravy basket a few times... how many times has this man almost died??????
it is deeply funny to me that they edit the split second flashback of the drowning and mermaid hallucination to look all creepy as if that whole scene wasn't set to an incredibly sappy 80's love song (said with immense affection)
OBSESSED with stede trying to be like. encouraging to izzy. and being like "he cant hear you he's got no head" about izzy yelling at the ruined figurehead. this fucking dork.
so ive seen ppl talking abt how the crew's in a deadlock abt banishing ed and which ppl they think were pro-banishment and which were against, but the scenes with the crew make it look like everyone's voting for ed to get kicked out. so tbh i think like either of the following interpretations are pretty valid: the crew is split 50/50 on if they should banish ed OR the crew 100% wants to banish ed and stede was gonna try and leverage izzy's vote to try and get more ppl to change their mind. doesnt rlly matter either way tho
also the fact that izzy was the one to keep ed's body is. interesting. the others must've known abt it and helped izzy hide the body in the secret room. but izzy being the one to be like "no we're not throwing him overboard" is. something. no conclusions abt this atm im just rotating this fact in my brain.
i also just have a lot of thoughts abt the mutiny and the fact that like, jim's a trained assassin and the others are also pretty experienced killers and they probably knew they hadn't completely finished the job. and there was plenty of opportunity for them to do something about that. but instead they hid his body and waited for ed to succumb to his injuries. it feels kinda like ed's "technically i outsource the big job" rule. idk. thoughtssss.
frenchie in this scene is so funny bc he seems both actually apologetic abt kicking ed off the ship but also very relieved/vindicated to see him go.
didnt realize olu almost said smthng to ed lol i thought ed was just saying "fuck you" to him for no reason ghfjkghjkfh
"first time i've ever been on this side of a walk of shame" wee john i have so many questions. how many times have you been banished from a ship.
obsessed with archie just being like "way to make this awkward brah." her shitty boss put her life at risk in an attempt to make her and her coworkers kill him in a weird roundabout suicide attempt and her summary of the situation is "well, this is awkward :/"
"shitty sailing with you" sick burn, jim
"you're making it really hard to look up to you, man" LOVE how black pete is still a blackbeard stan. despite everything.
just ONCE i want someone to appreciate roach's sandwiches :(
"dont you want your sammy" STEDE I WOULD DIE FOR YOU
also i disagree with the subtitles here im like 99% sure says "you're no fuckin mermaid" not "you're not a fuckin mermaid" but that's just me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
stede looks SO sad abt not being a mermaid
love how everyone in this episode just sort of nods and is like "yeah okay" every time buttons tells them he's turning into a bird
altho with stede in this scene specifically im convinced that he's just jumping at the chance to follow ed to the island. he was absolutely gonna come up with some shitty excuse to go ashore anyway but it's nice of buttons to give him plausible deniability
i love how much ed hates nature
why do the subtitles say "gyp-" this has been bothering me all week. the line is "like a drifter"
i also love ed's line delivery of "a wolf?"
anyway dumb posts abt the spider tattoo backstory: 1, 2, 3
i love to see ed getting hugs... wish i could give him a hug :(
ok also buttons talking abt the gravy basket made me think ed needed like some sort of spell or smthng to snap out of it but instead it just kinda wore off by the end of the episode (maybe, depends on how you read the whole buttons turning into a bird scene). this is very funny to me for some reason
anne rubbing the cup she's holding against her tit. queen.
stede bonnet idiot dumbfuck moments
i LOVE anne's line delivery of "eddie motherfuckin teeeeach" like yeah that's cj's girl alright. or was cj's girl. who knows.
SECRET HANDSHAKE im cryinggggg. i love them.
stede's voice sounds so weird when he says "i wasn't looking for you" and that's because he's fucking lying through his teeth
LOVE how anne and mary look at each other after the "shipmates" "former" interaction like they are immediately on the same wavelength. and that wavelength is fucking with ed and his ex. they sniffed out a messy relationship dynamic and were like "oh hell yeah we need more of this in our lives"
ed is SO bitchy this whole scene i fucking love it. ed's face when he says "him?" fdhjksgfjhdgkj
ed: whatever 🙄 anne: whatever? 👀 mary: whatever! 😈
wee john getting more goth is so good
drunk izzy rambling at the ship's figurehead is so funny to me tho i miss drunk izzy
ed's crew lady macbeth "out damned spot" moments
i like how there's a goat in the background of this scene in anne and mary's house and it is unexplained and also never seen again.
ed's face after stede says "that's romance" is soooo good this bitch is so pissed. like oh would you have met me at the docs if i peeled the guard's face off instead of just paying him off? is that what fuckin does it for you???? not that it matters bc i dont care. but. cunt.
yeah im just focusing in on all of ed's faces in this scene. "quite the shift going from wearing people's faces to antique collectors" gets ed to freeze in the middle of bringing his drink up to his lips and just kinda stare off into the distance.
"how did you meet" has ed kind of frowning for a split second before stede starts answering and then he rolls his eyes very dramatically and sighs deeply
ed immediately being like "actually i was gonna kill him myself!" trying to undermine stede's meet-cute story. also anne and mary nodding along in complete unison bc this is just normal pirate conversation to them.
also as someone who has been team "no ed was dead serious abt the plan to steal stede's identity" this was very vindicating for me. it's a bad plan and it doesn't make any sense but logistics literally dont matter in this show. what matters is giving this story the "falling for the mark" trope makes ed's character arc in season 1 that much tastier!!!!
ed and stede going back and forth telling their story i cant fucking wait until theyre happily together telling this story and instead of ed trying to downplay it and ruin the meet-cute-iness of it they're just building on each other and being sappy and adorable
"more like i relented" one of the biggest lies i've ever heard this man say fjhkgjkfdhk
"until he completely boned it" SAY IT. FUCKING SAY IT. SOOOOO TRUE ED.
auauhghgh the beard bit......... crying
THE!!!!! QUIETEST LITTLE "thank you" OF ALL TIME. TIED MAYBE WITH ED SAYING "thank you" AFTER "i think you're very sophisticated" IN 1.05
i dont blame stede for trying to get ed to open up right after that bc that was the first bone ed's thrown stede's way since he woke up. unfortunately ed is not in the mood to talk abt his near-death experience and mermaid hallucination sequence.
LOVE anne's little gesture when she says "rabbit" and the little hip cocking
stede being like "uhhhh we could leave" during the knifeplay exhibitionism moment
i giggle every time at the way the crew is instantly like "fuck closing our eyes we're doing any fucking surprises"
ngl idgw the crew yelled abt the piñata reveal. but ok
loooove stede's half of the crew just blowing past all the screaming and tension from ed's half. jim screams "STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!!!" abt the blindfold and roach is like "you won't want to stay the fuck away from this caaaake!" like roach fdhsjfgdhfjkghkj read the room?????
i love how much stede just. completely misses all of annie's flirting
ed coughing during the blunt session i love himmmmm
ok but ed's trying to be like "im totally over stede i dont even like him" and then ed reminiscing fondly with a distant smile abt the 1.06 stabbing scene
"and that was the... second time you left your wife?" underrated line
love how annie's been all quiet and seductive and then when she goes to make her move she's just like "WOUND THIS" and aggressively sits in stede's lap
also ok. "they're gonna be so jealous" is that annie talking abt ed and mary or is that annie using they/them pronouns for mary.
also i love how they have that one medusa painting just. in their kitchen. im obsessed with the interior decor of this lesbian antique store that annie and mary live in
the way she's so touched by the poisoning attempt hjfgfjksghskjhgjkh
buttons being like "aahhhhhh do i give her... this bowl......????" fhjkghkfsjhk
"yeah, babe" TEALORANGES WIN
im honestly sad izzy's pathetic wet beast moment only really went for like three tiny scenes in one episode bc this shit was so funny to me. crawling away saying "you're born alone you die alone" over and over again. sir what are you even doing.
god buttons in this episode is so fucking funny bc i keep forgetting he's there. also why is he even there. like was he even invited to dinner or did he just sit down and annie and mary were like "oh ok i uh. guess we'll go make another plate??"
ed's face after buttons says the bit abt "i can tell this rabbit was intelligent" is soooo funny why is he so fucking pissed fdhsjkgyjdfkghjk
stede talking abt the sea when what he's actually talking abt is ed part 2 electric boogaloo
ed very calmly. standing up. and smashing the chair. im obsessed with him.
stede bonnet stupid dumbass moments
ed's voice is so quiet at the start of this scene he's not even yelling at stede until stede says "it's not fair" ohhhhhh my babygirl is so fucking sad........
"you ditching me without a note or anything" ed's literacy confirmed
"expecting me to just melt back into your arms" eddie my man. stede has not given literally any indication that he expected this at all. you are telling on yourself fhdjskghfkjshd
this scene is so fucking good i barely have anything to say abt it. just. u can rlly tell david jenkins wrote this ep himself lolll
"i was all in, mate. i was all in." IM SOBBING
oh nooooo i forgot that ed's line delivery of "im sorry my horrible naked chin disgusts you so much" isnt actually as sarcastic as the words itself make it seem. like it feels like ed wanted to say that all angrily and bitter but instead he just sounds sadddddd
ok ok but the way stede says "i love your chin naked or otherwise" and then after a pause (during which ed is keeping INCREDIBLY still bc u know otherwise he's just gonna burst into tearssss) stede whispers "ed" and ed is immediately like "don't" and then. stede going in for the "i love you" but like the way he's so slow with it?? he's literally like "i. love." and idk if it's bc he's trying to make this as clear as possible or if he's giving ed enough time to cut him off if he doesn't want to hear it
and ed DOES he DOES cut him off with "you don't get to say that to me" and he like. keeps glancing at stede out of the corner of his eye but not quite looking at him directly bc he knowwwwws it's like staring into the sun baby and ed knows if he looks at stede's face it's literally all over.
but also ed's face after stede pivots to "i love everything about you" he's SO pissed. he quietly groans and rolls his eyes bc this bitch. finding stupid loopholes to not being allowed to say "i love you." fuck this guy ed hates him so fucking much (lying)
oooooh when stede says "you don't have to say it back to me" ed's mouth opens and closes a bit before "not about to" bc this man is trying. SO hard not to cry (so am i but it's not working sorry there are tears on my face right now)
idk idk idk smthng abt "it's nice. feels good." makes me hurt so fucking bad bc the entire time since ed's woken up stede's been getting headbutted and snarked at passive-aggressively but stede's still like "i love being near you it makes me happy :)" brb i need. a fucking moment.
honestly tho how did annie and mary even overhear that bit bc they were on the other side of the room and stede was whispering SO quietly. opposite of when ppl in this show dont hear things despite the things being said like two feet away from them (1.03 geraldo and jackie talking abt how blackbeard was looking for stede, 2.01 zheng saying the indigo was worth way more than she spent on it)
LOVE how anne being like "stede likes the ladies" is how ed figures out "ohhhh wait ok theyre just fucking with us, got it" bc this guy??? liking women????? lmao
this also HAS to be why he gets over mary like his brain mustve gone "wait hang on why the fuck would he go back to her he doesn't even like women. guess maybe he really did panic huh" hdjksghfckghkjsh
obsessed with these TINY tiny details abt the ed/jack/annie/mary polycule dynamics we're given. ed would've expected as much from annie bc she's a fucking psycho. mary apparently used to not be like this. im putting the pieces together im connecting the dots.
ed and stede's knowing smug looks at each other. im obsessed.
annie being rlly sensitive to the word "bitch" im considering that more hints abt the polycule backstory
yayy fanny newspaper
"really? i mean she stabbed you, you poisoned her, and then she jumped on my face" stede this is all part of their very elaborate and deeply toxic sex life ok stop kinkshaming them
curious if ed and stede are too distracted by mary spelling out their worst fears to comment on all the smoke coming into the room
"everything must go" like a fucking clearance sale. this is such a silly line. this is a silly show. i love it here.
wait are they crying while they hug??? bro these girls are so fucking messy i love them
ed saying "see you guys" before he leaves them in their burning house. i would die for him
ok team arts and craft time while making a prosthetic for izzy. obsessed with how the b plot of this episode is literally "the crew struggles to get along but they eventually set aside their differences and work together when they realize there's someone even more cringe and pathetic than any of them"
"YOU ARE!!! HARASSING A CRIPPLE!!!!!!" is suchhhh a funny line im sorry im gonna miss izzy at his lowest fhsjkhjksf. literally they just knocked on the door my dude calm downnnn
obsessed with izzy being genuinelly touched and expressing it by saying "fucking cocksuckers." this man is allergic to having feelings.
stede and ed painfully talking over each other bc everything is awkward and difficult. i love them.
ed's face when stede offers to let ed stay. his very quiet "yis." the way he says "might be nice" and then VERY QUICKLY looks away
stede yelling GREAT at the top of his lungs fhdsjkguydfgfjkhl
i love when these guys try to play it cool bc theyre so fucking bad at it hgdfgvjfxdkgjjdkkgjhfdkh
stede bonnet dumb idiot moron moments
ed staring off lovinglyyyyyy
buttons jumpscare
also is that fucking sage. are we doing cultural appropriation here
buttons saying "Earth Wind and Fire i wanna go higher" hfjkhgfdjkhgjkh
i love how ed. does not question this "fuck yeah, brother. fly."
ed teach lovesick fool moments
i love how happy ed sounds telling stede abt buttons he sounds like his old goofy self for the first time all season.... im gonna cry
also i like how the crew adopts izzy as their new creature. 10/10
post credits scene is annie and mary at dinner with buttons. i guess it's after stede goes to comfort ed but before they go eavesdrop on that convo.
buttons enjoying his last meal as a human. and also he's like "there's too much fucking on that ship i need to get away from it all." and his way of doing this is becoming a bird. love that.
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dballzposting · 4 months
okay my brain isn't fully turned on and I have more to say on this subject that won't come out of my brain rn but ive been thinking about this for days and i need to share
I think trunks is like. he watches culturally important films, or like cult classics, a lot bc he feels it is a good way to expand his worldview or like just become more cultured. but by and large he does not like them.
oh for sure there's some he enjoyed. And there's a few where he's like 'Well, I didn't enjoy it, but i definitely think it was a good film. Just not my thing.'
meanwhile goten does not seek them out at all. he could not care less. BUT if Trunks is watching one when Goten wants to hang out, he'll sit his ass down and watch! He's not passing up a free fancy people movie!
And almost every time he REALLY likes it. And after every single one he goes on for like 30 minutes about Themes and Symbolism before interrupting himself to see if trunks wants to go get milkshakes.
and then after they get shakes trunks has to spend the night thinking about it. Why does goten seem to Get things so easily? Why does understanding worldviews he doesn't necessarily agree with come so naturally to Goten, when Trunks is actively trying?
Why won't Goten stop asking to see the movie where a disembodied head bites a girl in the butt (Hausu)??? Why does he think that's so funny????????????
PART 2: (Copy & pasted just to keep it all in one place)
okay i think i figured out the rest of what i wanted to say re: goten and trunks cultural movie bonanza as an example it's not like goten knows what chiaroscuro is. but he DOES notice and enjoy how filmmakers use lighting to draw the eye to or away from stuff. He picks up on the little clues. and once he starts watching enough of a certain genre he likes noticing how so-and-so film stands against the others. it's like i spy to him. and he likes hearing what a film has to say, under its layers. trunks talks like that sometimes, when he's doing business stuff. it's all code. it's mental stimulation but Trunks is like UGH nobody has said anything for FIVE MINUTES can we PLEASE move the plot along. this is like a BUSINESS MEETING tbh. and it's not like he doesn't get the plot or, once he's taken a film class, the meaning of certain techniques. he just can't bring himself to care. AND THE MAN JUST WON'T LEARN HIS LESSON AND HE KEEPS WATCHING THESE DAMN FILMS. also Goten like. he doesn't know these movies. his parents don't fucking watch movies. i mean maybe chichi watches like. romance and martial arts movies probably. he probably likes to compare himself to crouching tiger hidden dragon. so he DOESN'T know what to expect!!! when trunks is like 'hey im gonna watch Citizen Kane or Vanishing Point or Deliverance' or whatever and goten says NEAT i would like to watch also and trunks is like 'I know. that's why i told you. come over around 4 okay' and so goten doesn't have any sort of knowledge of these movies! it's exciting!!! bc the movies he saw growing up were his moms movies about kissing and punching and then whatever trunks took him to see in theatres. so like action and comedy and some horror. so it's new! it's fun! even when he doesn't really like the movie he's like 'well im glad i got to experience this new thing with my best buddy Trunks' ALSO they watched Eraserhead once and goten sat there afterwards on the floor (he likes to sit on the floor) for like ten minutes chewing his lips before turning to trunks and saying something to the effect of 'Trunks. I'm worried about what kind of father you're going to be.' and trunks just sort of. sat there. and looked goten in the eyes for a while. bc he didn't have a response. okay i think i got it all out of my system thank you for your time (i have been making my way through my movie bucket list so this is very strongly on my mind)
TL;DR: Trunks watches classic and high-rated movies becasue he thinks that he's an intellectual / because he's interested in increasing his cultural/artistic literacy & expanding his worldview. But he doesn't really enjoy most of them. And it is Goten who actually is able to see through to the heart of the film, exercise deep empathy, and reap delight at the tactics of storytelling unique to the medium. He's like WOOOAH SO COOL & MEANINGFUL .. (offers a critical analysis perfectly, that is sensitive and insightful). And Trunks is like wtf .... (stays awake at night pondering his deficits.)
From what I'm gathering he A.) Has the capacity to UNDERSTAND what he's seeing B.) Has the capacity to ANALYZE/INTERPRET what he's seeing C.) Has the heart to EXPERIENCE the movie in full and D.) Has the faculty to ARTICULATE/VERBALIZE what he's experiencing.
Goten no doubt is lacking a lot of cultural and artistic context, but he makes up for it with his observant eye, and then over time what he gathers from one movie transfers to the next and he's able to feel even more moved and offer even more insight ....
It's because his heart is open .. Trunks is trying too hard without realizing it. And you can't have an open heart when there is inner pain that you're not aware of. That's what I think about Trunks .... his trying to be someone he's not (a movie-savvy type of guy) is entirely self-removed without intending to be... He thinks it's self-improvement but really he's being entirely daft to what intrigues his mind and what would really facilitate his growth. And he can't be open-minded toward others if he can't be open-minded with himself.
But the format of movies I guess really works for Goten, they're not usually longer than two hours and they're faster paced than say a novel and they're colorful and they have a lot of movement and the mode of drama-deliverance is altogether captivating for him .... They can communicate a lot with a few small visual or auditory details and Goten is hip to just picking up on those, because he's genuinely engaged and enjoying himself.
But Trunks has elected to adopt this hobby on an intellectual principle. But all the rest of him is like ehhhh whatyever. He probably likes sitting and chilling and eating popcorn. But there's a lot he's not into. It's just not his medium. Just doesn't work for him
I also think that part of it is that Goten notices a lot of things just because they are new to him. Trunks has been watching movies his whole life. Menahwile Goten has been only watching the movies of LIFE ... The lighting of the sun and the pacing of the seasons <3 Also Ponyo
So the whole thing is new and he's like "WOOOOAH .. SO COOL HOW the camera was so high in that shot so that it made me feel tall..... really shows you how small the character feels..." And Trunks just like Didnt notice that
Also trunks just DOESNT CARE !!!! But he doesnt know that he doesnt care. SILLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I like this part regarding Goten: "He picks up on the little clues. and once he starts watching enough of a certain genre he likes noticing how so-and-so film stands against the others. it's like i spy to him. and he likes hearing what a film has to say, under its layers. trunks talks like that sometimes, when he's doing business stuff. it's all code. it's mental stimulation"
Thats such a way to put it .... Goten is being such a genius rn. He would liken it to the mysterious business-speech. IT'S ALL CODE. IT'S MENTAL STIMULATION.
I don't know any of these movies but I do agree that Goten would sit for 10 minutes and then say that to Trunks ... It's like him to assume that Trunks would be a father one day becasue that's just natural to him that's just life.
When this all started I think that Trunks was like "You sure you wanna watch this with me? It's not like Kung-Fu Panda or anything."
And Goten said "Are you kidding? I LOVE your movies. They're like delicate poetry being told through the form of telenovelas."
Becasue the only life-action TV Goten had been exposed to before was his mother's telenovelas.
I don't really agree with this next part but it's obligatory.
Goten would pick up that Trunks isn't enjoying the movies as much as Goten is, before Trunks even gives proper acknowledgment to his boredom. Trunks just keeps watching them and Goten respects that and doesn't think about it much, but eventually it must be pointed out that hey, Trunks isn't getting as much out of these as Goten is.
Maybe he keeps inviting Goten over so that Goten can tell him what the movie is about. That would make sense. But really I think that Trunks just likes to chill out with him.
But the way that Goten woiuld crunch the numbers in his head (if he's ever removed enough from the movie to ponder) (maybe during a pee break or something) is "He doesnt like the movies. He keeps watching the movies. He keeps inviting me to watch the movies. He doesnt like the movies. But he always invites me. Why do people watch movies with somebody if they don't like the movies? As an excuse to be with them. He just wants to hang out with me."
But he would take it too far and he would fall on the couch next to Trunks and start kissing on him sweetly and when Trunks goes like WHAT Goten says "you dont even like the movies. You just want to hang out with me and eat popcorn."
And the most self-awareness that Trunks had exercised about this whole thing was when he was wondering why he sucked such shit at watching movies compared to Goten. He never really thought about WHY he was doing this to begin with. And so he's doing some hard calculations in his head meanwhile Goten nuzzles him like a pigeon
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be-steddie-myheart · 1 year
secret relationship steddie hiding from the party until they slowly find out one by one
~~okay i havent written anything in a while so im sorry if this isnt that good but here ya go!~~
Steve fell for Eddie pretty fast after Vecna was taken care of. After him, Dustin and the girls dragged his bloodied and broken body out of the upside down, Steve started visiting Eddie in the hospital. Not sure what the tight feeling in his chest was, or why he was pleading, begging, for him to wake up and look at Steve. When that day finally came Steve felt like he could kiss Eddie! Eddie was alive, Eddie was going to be okay, Eddie helped defeat Vecna. A few months after Eddie woke up, and him and Steve got closer, he finally did kiss him, and Eddie kissed him back.
It’s nearing the end of the Summer of ‘86 and Steve and Eddie have been in a peaceful, blissful little bubble of secret romance. To the party, they’re just bros being bros, but to themselves in the cover of nightfall or eddies cozy trailer or Steves big empty house theyre boyfriends. Boyfriends. Steve still couldnt wrap his head around it, but knowing that the sweet little kisses peppered all around his face and the strong arms cuddling him from behind were all his to cherish made it absolutely okay that no one suspected a thing. That is until their shared little shitbird child, Dustin, started asking too many questions.
It started off innocent enough, Dustin bursting through the doors of Family Video, “STEVE! I need a ride to the arcade tomorrow, im GOING TO beat Maxs’ high score on dig dug, i can feel it.”
“Sorry bud but i am busy busy tomorrow, I have a shift here, and then I have to take my car to the mechanic, its making an awful clicking sound, and then ive got a doct..”
“Jesus okay, a simple no would have sufficed”
“It really wouldnt have.” Steve said, sarcastically.
Dustins whole face lit up as he said, “thats okay ill just ask Eddie!” before turning heel and running to the door, Steve swearing he saw a cloud of dust following him he went so fast.
“Youre busy too?! What the hell man?! Whats the point of having two older friends with cars if i cant get rides from them?!” Dustin yelled a little too loud in Eddies little trailer.
“Sorry dude, ive gotta help Wayne out around the house, probably gonna take all day and night.” Eddie said with a smile forming on his face. Tomorrow, Steve had told Eddie to keep the whole entire 24 hours free, as he planned something cheesy, romantic and that would probably make Eddies heart swell a million times bigger.
“Ugh! whatever ill just ride my bike!” Dustin exclaimed.
“Its good to exercise!” Eddie called out the door as Dustin stomped off.
Mike and Dustin were sitting in the basement at Mikes house complaining about having no ride to the arcade the next day.
“Have you noticed how Steve and Eddie are always busy at the same time lately? Do you think theyre hanging out together without us?” Mike asks.
“Yeah you know, now that you say something it does seem like that. They didnt even know each other before us! You’d think they would be more grateful!” Dustin exclaims.
“Eddie, baby, come on in.” Steve smiles as he opens the door to his house. Once Eddie is inside it doesnt feel so empty. So cold.
“So what do you have planned for us, sweetheart?” Eddie asks, voice low, clearly excited to get the plans in action.
“Well i figured we could do some barbecuing together, skinny dip in the pool, watch the sunset and then lay under the stars,” Steve takes Eddies hand and leads him into the living room to the couch, “but right now i just really need to kiss you.” Steve spins Eddie around and gently pushes him onto the couch before crawling into his lap and planting his knees firmly on either side of Eddies waist. Steves arms drape over Eddies shoulder as their lips connect. Steve flicks his tongue out trace Eddies pouty bottom lip and Eddie opens his mouth to let Steve in. The kiss is passionate and hot and heavy and pretty soon both boys are frantically tearing at each others clothes. They try to get Steves shorts off without him having to give up his seat on Eddies lap and bump heads, giggling, as they get back into exploring each others mouths like its the first time again.
“I knew Eddie was going to be here! I knew they were hanging out without us, those jerks.” Dustin says as he hops off his bike and lets it fall into Steves front yard, Mike coming up right behind him. “Im catching them in the act of having fun without us.” He said smugly as he bursts through the front door. “Aha! Assho- OH MY GOD!”
Steve startles and jumps off of eddies lap, hiding himself behind the couch while Eddie grabs a pillow and covers his lap.
“What the actual fuck Henderson?!” Eddie exclaims. Mike walks in at that moment.
“Oh dude were you guys kissing?! Gross youre like my parents.” He said with a disgusted groan.
“Are you guys dating?” Dustin asks at the same time.
Steve holds his finger towards the boys, “First of all, its not gross because we literally are not your parents and second of all,” he looks down at Eddie, who is already looking up at him, giving him the go ahead with his eyes, “yes we are dating. But please dont tell anyone else, its still kinda new and we dont want a bunch of people knowing.”
Steve makes Dustin and Mike pinky swear they wont tell anyone what they saw. They also get a ride to the arcade by a grumpy Steve Harrington and a giggly Eddie Munson.
Two days later, at Eddies trailer, Steve is preparing breakfast for the two after a lovely night spent together.
“Kiss the chef, eh? Dont mind if i do.” Eddie giggles and gives Steve a chaste little kiss on the lips, “smells delicious sweetheart, I cant wait to eat.”
Steve smiles at the compliment and now he cant wait for Eddie to try what hes making.
The bext trailer over, El rips the blindfold down from her eyes as they almost bulge out of her skull.
“What?! Was Steve with a girl?!” Max asks frantically, the makeshift spin board with everyones names on it between them.
“No, Steve is at Eddies house and he is kissing him and making him breakfast” El says with a hint of surprise in her voice.
“No way.” Max gets up and goes to leave her trailer with El following closely behind her. They dont even knock on Eddies door, they just slam it open as Steve and Eddie jump apart from each other.
“What the hell is up with you twerps and not fucking knocking on doors?!” Steve yells.
“El saw you guys kissing so we had to come over and see if if it was really happening. Gross by the way.” Max said.
“Maybe dont spy on people if you dont want to be grossed out” Eddie laughed.
Lucas and Will found out the next day because Lucas wanted to get some basketball tips from Steve and Will tagged along because, come on, its Steve Harrington, who doesnt wanna look at that. After the boys apologized for the precarious situation they were found in, Will stayed behind after Lucas started to leave.
“Im really happy for you guys” Will spoke softly.
Eddie ruffles his hair, “thanks baby Byers, anytime you wanna talk you know you can come to us” Will thanked him and left before Lucas got curious as to why he wasnt following.
Robin and Nancy walked in on a hot and heavy makeout sesh at a party at the Hoppers-Byers household.
“Im surprised but im happy for you guys! you seem to fit well together” Nancy smiled after the inital awkwardness was over. She looked expectedly at Robin.
“Oh yeah i totally did not, didnt know you guys were together. What a complete shock but im- im happy for you” Robin spit out quick, knowing she was the only one who knew because she helped Steve through his bi-panic when we he realized he wanted to kiss Eddie.
At that same party, Steve and Eddie were interrupted again by a very high Argyle and Jonathon.
“You guys are cute. Know where we can go make-out?” Argyle asked while Jonathon blushed.
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analogwriting · 1 month
The Walk-in
Killer x gn!reader (amab edition) word count: 4.2k afab vers. a/n: i got this idea from a revelation i had about how im pretty sure every walk-in in every restaurant ever has been boned in at least once. my source to site is me bc ive been working in the food industry since i was, like, 12. also guapo means 'handsome' in spanish.
“Oh my god, y/n, have you seen the new cook?” Your best friend, Wire, spoke up from behind the bar. He was currently wiping it down, preparing for the rush that would be starting soon. 
You were bussing tables when he spoke up, you paused, walking over to him and tossing the rag over your shoulder. “I haven't. Isn't he a friend of the owner’s son or something?”
“Yeah. Met him in college.”
“Ah. Friend hire.” You made a face, causing Wire to laugh. He knows how much you weren't a fan of people being hired just because they knew someone who worked there - especially when it came to the owner. “They never last.” You shook your head. 
“Oh, c'mon. I heard his cooking is great.”
You raised an eyebrow as you went back to wiping down tables. “Biased opinions, probably. Of course they're gonna say his cooking is great. But good cooking isn’t everything in this line of work. You and I both know that.”
Wire had a thoughtful look on his face as he nodded. “That's true.” There'd been plenty of instances where a good cook was hired, but they couldn't deal with the rush or crazy customers. None of them would last through the night. “He seems like he'll hold well.”
You snorted, standing up and folding your arms across your chest. “That's what you said about the last guy.” You rolled your eyes with a grin. The poor sap didn't last half an hour. 
“I was being optimistic?” You snorted and shook your head. “Oh sure. Optimistic.”
“I'm sure he'll become overwhelmed and leave within the hour.” That was your bet. You didn't usually expect much from newcomers, especially friend hires. 
“Wow, not even giving me a real shot, huh?” A deep voice came up from behind you. A shiver ran down your spine - not from fear, but from the sheer attractiveness his voice had. Oh shit.
You turned around and the air left your lungs as the most beautiful and sexy man stood behind you. You blinked, trying to find words to say but your brain wasn't fully caught up with the situation. Holy shit, this was the finest man you'd ever seen in your life. 
“You must be the head server with the high expectations then.” You opened your mouth to say something - only for nothing to come out. You glared over at Wire who held his hands up in surrender with a shit eating grin on his face. He knew that this man was exactly your type and chose to retain that information. 
A sly grin spread across the cook's face. “Cat got your tongue? Where'd all that barking go?” 
Your eyes widened, one of them twitching. Oh, he had a mouth on him too. It was on. 
Finally, your brain caught up. It'd felt like eternity, but it was only a few seconds. You folded your arms across your chest, an unimpressed look crossing your features. “I believe I am giving you a chance, just don't have high hopes. Can’t in this line of work - takes a special breed.” 
You looked him up and down. Fuck, he was fine as hell. “Anyway. They say you're a good cook. The customers will be the judge of that. That's not all, however. Where most people fumble is service itself. Always ends up being too much for people - too busy.” 
Then your brain circled back to what he had said earlier. “And of course I have high expectations. I only want what's best for this place and I don't need people wasting mine or my coworkers time.” 
The man before you just had an amused look on his face as he watched you. That irritated the shit out of you for reasons you couldn’t specify at the moment. “Don't worry, I won't be wasting anyone's time. I assure you, I won't be going anywhere either. You better get used to me now,” he crooned, leaning in as he spoke.
Your eyes narrowed at him. You wanted to punch him in his smug little face. “I've had plenty like you, too. Big talk. Think they'll last. Usually, they're the quickest to leave. Honestly, I’m being generous with an hour.” 
He chuckled, straightening back out. “We'll see when I'm still here after rush then, huh? If I stick it out, which I will, what do I get for winning the bet?”
The sheer audacity of this man. You stared at him, but didn't hesitate in your answer. “A job, duh.” You rolled your eyes. “I don't have time for this. I have a floor to prep.”
The cook laughed. It was one of the most beautiful sounds you ever heard. Damn, you must just be horny. It had been a while since you've gotten laid, but you also had a rule of never sleeping with your coworkers. You didn't knock others for doing it, you just didn't personally. You felt it made things complicated - though you were also an overthinker. Too many what ifs. What if it didn’t work out? What if you hated working together? What if you spent too much time together? What if, what if, what if?
“I'll see you after dinner rush then.” He winked at you and your heart almost stopped. Jesus fuck, you were down bad for a man you wanted to strangle. He walked off, leaving you standing there with Wire. You watched him leave, admiring his fat ass as he left before you turned back to your best friend.
He burst into laughter and you narrowed your eyes. “You're the worst, you know that?” That caused him to laugh harder. “Oh my god. I was just waiting for the moment for the part where you both just tear off each other's clothes and start going at each other right there, holy shit.”
Your face immediately warmed up. “Shut up, Wire. No one asked you.” You folded your arms across your chest with a frown. “You could've fucking warned me he was hotter ‘n hell.” 
Wire laughed again. “And miss the look on your face? That was priceless. I've never seen you be so taken aback before. The great y/n rendered speechless by the new cook.”
“Don't call him the new cook. He's gotta prove himself first.”
Another chuckle came from your best friend and he shook his head. You sighed, looking in the direction said man had left.
“What are you thinking about now?”
“How it's a shame he's not a baker with all that cake he's got. And how I wouldn't mind him icing mine.” Wire burst into laughter again and you just shook your head, clicking your tongue. “Too bad he won't last.”
Your attention shifted to the customers that walked in and you headed over to greet them. 
Rush was busier than usual. It was always insane, but it was even more so tonight. This was something you usually lived for, the chaos of the floor. It kept things interesting and helped time fly by. Slow nights drove you insane, which is why you were always scheduled the busiest nights too. Plus, you were insanely good at your job.
Being head server, your main job was just making sure that things were going out on time, keeping tabs on your servers, and taking care of any customer issues. You were technically a manager, yes, but you liked the title of head server better.
However, you could feel eyes on you all night. Yes, that's typically normal considering you're a server, but this was different. You also knew exactly who the culprit was. The new fucking cook. Every time you headed to the back or to the window, his eyes were on you. You'd glance at him, catching him red handed. 
Only, he didn't look away like most people. He kept his stare, only offering up a grin and the occasional wink as he cooked. Your body heated up every time, flustered that he was so casual.  Your mind was running wild with what you wanted him to do to you. You tried to keep yourself busy, but the growing heat across your whole body was making it hard. 
You tried to lie to yourself, saying it was because rush was busier than usual and you were running around even more. Every time you finally started calming down, he seemed to appear out of nowhere with his stupid smile, sending you into a spiral again. 
You could honestly punch him, that might just solve your problems. He was aggravating in every sense of the word. His cocky attitude was getting to you, making you even crabbier than you already had been. You were trying your best not to take it out on your fellow servers or the customers. It was fine for the most part. 
After rush, you asked another server to cover the one table you had left so you could take a minute. You immediately beelined it to the walk in. You flung the door open, unbuttoning your shirt a few times as you entered. You closed your eyes, listening to the hum of the fans keeping it cool, and taking a deep breath as you fanned yourself with your hand.
Then the door opened, revealing the new guy. Someone mentioned his name was Killer. Funny. You wonder how he ended up with a stupid nickname like that. 
You glared at him as the smug smile spread across his face. Unfortunately, you knew he didn't end up leaving. His eyes being glued to you all night constantly reminded you that he had proven you wrong. He actually had done pretty well and the customers seemed to enjoy his cooking. He'd be sticking around as long as he wanted now - the job was his. Which also meant you had to deal with the fact that you were going to have to see him almost every day. 
“Guess you're stuck with me now, huh?”
“What are you even here for? Just to bother me?” You were in a foul mood and it was all his fault. You weren’t in the mood for his cocky attitude or ‘I told you so’ right now.
“Well, I originally came back here to grab something but now I don't even remember what it was supposed to be now that you're in front of me looking like that.”
You looked down at yourself, confused. “What? Gonna make fun of me?” You were disheveled and hot, your skin flushed in some places. 
“No. You actually look really good like that.” A lazy smile appeared on his face as he folded his arms and leaned against the shelves. What the hell was he doing?
You could feel your body growing warmer despite the cooler air being blown at you. “The hell is your fucking angle? You've been staring all night and now you’re saying weird shit.” 
He blinked, raising his eyebrows. “And here I thought I was being obvious.” 
You stared at him for a moment as your head spun. What did- oh. Your eyes widened slightly and his grin grew. “Now you got it.”
Though, he didn't have much time to say anything else before you essentially pounced on him. You couldn't take it anymore, he'd been riling you up all night and you were at your wits end. And he was here, basically telling you to screw him. Actually, literally. 
You had walked over, grabbed him by the scruff of his shirt and kissed him hard. He grinned into you, wrapping his arms around you. “Finally,” he mumbled. 
You shook your head. “Don't let your big mouth ruin it.” He just laughed before kissing you again, patting your ass. You took the hint, hopping up and wrapping your legs around him. He held you with ease, hands firmly on your ass as he pinned you to the shelves. He squeezed you hard, making a small whine escape your lips. 
Your own hands pressed against his chest before pausing. You felt something through his shirt. “Oh my god - are your nipples pierced?” You had never moved faster than you were right now as you undid his shirt. 
He blinked in confusion at your sudden shift of attention, disoriented and a little pouty that you pulled away like you did.
You opened his shirt and, lo and behold, piercings. Your eyebrow raised and a grin spread across your face. “Now, that's hot as hell,” you mused as you ran your hands across his broad chest and piercings, tugging at them a bit.  You heard his breathing sharply hitch and you looked at him with a grin.
You squirmed out of his arms, making him look at you with a confused expression. You placed a hand on his chest, gently pushing him backwards and guiding him essentially. He tripped, falling back into a few sacks of onions. He looked up at you as you slowly straddled him. “You’re gonna learn why I run the place tonight, guapo.” 
Before he could ask you what that meant, you kissed him. Your hands found their way to his chest again, groping and squeezing him. He let out a few grunts in response, clearly enjoying himself. His hands found their way to your ass, squeezing roughly. You groaned against him, your head spinning.
You felt his hands move from your ass to your thighs, squeezing there too before they found their way to your waistband. It wasn’t long before he had your pants undone and your cock out. Part of you was glad you wore your comfy pants, easier to move around. 
When the cold hair touched your cock, your breathing hitched as it twitched in his hand. “Fuck,” you mumbled. 
Your head dropped down to his shoulder as he began to stroke your cock. A shiver ran down your spine from finally being touched by him. You’d been imagining it all night and you honestly couldn’t wait to get to the actual railing part. You planned on riding him like no tomorrow.
He removed his hand from your cock, causing you to whine in protest. “Patience,” he crooned, earning a glare from you. He just smiled at you, kissing you so soft and in a way that caught you off guard. It gave him leeway to spin you around and bend you over, pressing you into the floor. You yelped at the sudden movement and him pulling your pants down just enough to expose your ass to him.
“You fuckin- fuck.” Whatever insult you were going to say completely derailed as you felt one of his thick fingers slide into you with ease. He must’ve used your own precum to slick up his own fingers. You didn’t even realize that’s what he had been doing.
You sank to your knees, ass in the air as he worked you. Fuck, you didn’t like not being the one in control. It was a whole different feeling. You’d need to regain control but-
Your thoughts were interrupted as he inserted another one. Damn, his fingers were thick and drove you inside as they moved about inside of you. He worked you as if he’d done it a million times before - as if stretching you was something he did every day. You hadn’t pegged him for a whore but maybe he was, you didn’t know. Nor did you care that much.
You bit your bottom lip, your eyes rolling back as you felt the third one make its way inside of you. He pumped his fingers in and out of you before you suddenly felt his other hand wrap around your cock. Your eyes widened at the sudden double sided attack you were facing. A loud moan erupted from you as pleasure began to make your body really buzz. You wouldn’t last long at this point.
And you didn’t. It wasn’t long after he started his assault that you came hard, making a mess on the floor below - gonna have to clean that up later. He removed his hands from you, making you shiver as you were suddenly left empty. Fuck, what the hell was that about?
You weren’t about to let him have the upperhand again. You pushed yourself off the ground despite still being a bit disoriented from your high. You looked behind you, another shiver running down your spine. He looked down at you like you were his last meal on death row. Or like an apex predator that hasn’t eaten in weeks and you were a juicy antelope or something. The wild look in his eye made your heart race with excitement.
“Pull your dick out,” you instructed. He blinked at your sudden demand, but he didn’t hesitate. Your eyes widened as you saw the sheer size of him, but you also knew you could take it. You had plenty of toys that size - you just weren't expecting someone to actually have that size of cock. 
“Too big for you? Wouldn’t be the first time.” That smug smile spread across his face and you had half the mind to just walk off, leaving him to his own devices. You were too horny for that though. You needed his dick in you right now.
“What did I say about your mouth,” you mumbled, rolling your eyes.
You moved, pressing yourself against the thick head. You bit the inside of your cheek as you slowly lowered yourself onto him. As he made his way inside of you, you began panting as he stretched your insides to the max. He was throbbing inside of you and you were throbbing around him. You could already feel your legs numbing with pleasure. Fuck, you were going to feel this tomorrow - and it was your double day. Awesome. You really were great at thinking ahead.
You were thinking about a head alright. 
All your stupid thoughts went out the window as you felt Killer bottom out. He was completely inside of you now and you felt utterly full. You were panting heavily, as was he. Even being in the cooler, both of you were also sweating a considerable deal.
After a few moments of catching your breath, you began to move - slow at first, trying to find a good rhythm. You heard him grumbling about wanting to go faster. “If you wanted it your way, you shouldn’t have acted like a smartass,” you said. You were in control now and you were going to remind him of that.
Oh, how very wrong you were.
“Punish a smartass? I can do that.” 
Before you could even process what he said, you felt him place his hands on the bottoms of your thighs before pulling your legs up and locking his hands behind your head. Was he really going to full nelson you right here in the fucking walk-in? 
If someone opened the door right now, you’d be on display for everyone to see. Oh dear sweet Jesus, that somehow made everything hotter.
“I-” You weren’t even able to form a single word before he was absolutely using you. He pistoned his hips, slamming in and out of you - your own dick bouncing around. His cock dragged along your insides, hitting all the right spots in the process. Your head was spinning and your moans were loud despite your best attempts to quiet them. You just hoped the cooler was loud enough to muffle the noise enough. Walk-ins canceled out a lot of noise but they weren't completely soundproof. 
Then you heard it. The click that signaled someone was opening the door. You scrambled quickly, but felt yourself being hoisted up inside as Killer stood up. He moved, heading to the part where the shelving stopped and the wall dipped in a little. It was the perfect little nook for hooking up. Why you didn’t start there, you weren’t sure.
He moved quickly, pressing you against the wall before pressing as close to you as he could to hide himself from view as well. Only when he did that, he shoved himself so deep inside of you so suddenly, you felt him slam into that sweet spot that made your vision go white for a moment and ecstasy flooded your body as you climaxed, making a mess of the wall before you. You inhaled but before you could make too much noise, his hand covered your mouth, muffling your noises right as the person walked in. 
Your head was spinning and you were struggling to keep it together. “Find them?” you heard someone call. The door must’ve still been open. 
“No! I could’ve sworn I saw Killer come back here.”
“Same. I thought I saw y/n.” A sigh could be heard.
“I wonder where they went.”
“Wherever it is, they’re probably shagging.”
“Probably not. Y/n is very against sleeping with their coworkers. We all know this.”
“Wire thinks otherwise and no one knows them better. Not to mention the insane sexual tension from dinner. It was painful to watch.” 
If you weren’t about to explode at the moment, you would’ve been offended - maybe even said something. The only thing you wanted right now was them to leave so that Killer could fucking finish fucking you. You could deal with everything later. You didn’t care about what was being said.
Finally, the two of them left. Killer let out a sigh of relief. “I didn’t think they’d ever leave,” he said before slowly removing his hand from your mouth. You fell into a small coughing fit.
“Are you-”
“I swear to fuck, if you don’t finish what you started, I’m going to lose my marbles.”
Killer looked surprised for a moment before that stupid, smug smile was back. “Yes, boss.” You rolled your eyes but the attitude didn’t last very long as his hands gripped your hips and he started going to town once again.
Your nails dug into the metal walls of the cooler, your body both hot and cold. You were moaning and whining, not even caring if you were heard at this point. Your entire body was buzzing with pleasure. The fact that you’d already came twice and was more than likely going to a third time? You might just pass out from the euphoria of it all. 
The line cook’s movements grew more desperate and erratic. You knew he wasn’t going to be lasting much longer and neither were you. Both of you were making enough noise and with the skin slapping on top of it, there was no way the cooler was masking all of it.
He slammed inside of you one final time, sending both of you over the edge. You came all over the wall again, knowing you were probably going to have to scrub the damn place at this point. You shivered as he filled you up to the brim and then some, feeling it trickle down your leg.
The two of you stayed like that for a moment, panting heavily as you recovered. After some time, Killer straightened up, slowly pulling out of you. With how oversensitive you were right now, it almost riled you up again. When he pulled out, another shiver racked your body as you were suddenly left empty. 
You heard him shuffle himself around before moving to help you. You turned around, looking at him.  “Are you alright?”
At this point, you weren’t sure - still on cloud nine. “I think I’ll be fine.” You stretched a bit, wincing slightly. “Tomorrow’s gonna suck though.” 
“I can cover for you.”
You looked at him for a moment before bursting into laughter. “No offense, but I think you’d be a shit server. Completely different vibe from cooking.” 
He frowned. “And here I thought shagging you would take the attitude out of you.” 
You raised a brow, putting your hands on your hips. “Is that what you thought? Sorry, this isn’t something that comes from needing to be laid. I’m just always a bitch - personality trait.” You shrugged, retying your apron. You fixed yourself up before looking over at Killer. You snorted, buttoning his shirt back up.
“Looks like I’ll just have to try again.” A smug smile appeared on his face and you looked at him, a smile tugging on the corners of your own. “You can try as many times as you want, loverboy. It ain’t happening.” 
“I’ll ice that cake anytime.” Your eyes widened at his words and he laughed. “Yeah, I heard your little baker comment earlier. So you like my ass?” He winked, making your face turn red. “Fix your hair,” you mumbled. “Make it look less obvious we just boned.”
“Yes, boss.”
You rolled your eyes, flinging the walk-in door open to reveal several of your coworkers standing there. Wire grinned widely, a smug look on his face. “Everyone owes me twenty bucks.” There were collective groans. “No one knows our head server better than me, you should’ve known better than to bet against me.” He shook his head, holding his hand out as everyone forked over money. 
“But they literally never sleep with anyone that works here ever,” someone protested, pouting.
“Wait - does that mean they were in there boning when we…?”
You knew right then and there - you were never going to hear the end of this.
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onlyjaeyun · 3 months
i see the bra strap idea has made it into the chappy 👀 hoon silently freaking out in the inside forsho, jake checking on yn while silently cursing hoon in his brain, AND IT WAS JAKE! I KNEW IT! jake definitely gave hoon a nice bonk on the head later :3 also I saw hoon go very silent when they talked about staying over
hoon in his lil brain : i finally get to fuck in peace 🙄 good pussy in peace
jake being on guard duty so no one gets between hoon and yn <3 he's just happy for his friends to be fucking people he approves of
I HATE THAT FUCKING MOM- THE AMOUNT OF RAGE I FEEL?!? LIKE WHY DOES SHE HATE YN THAT MUCH?!? YNS A SWEETHEART TO NIKI AND SHE PROBABLY WOULD HAVE BEEN SWEET TO YUKI AND KENTA TOO IF THIS BITCH HADNT INTERFERED! NIKI IS DEFINITELY SNITCHING TO HOON AND HOONS GONNA GO BAT SHIT CRAZY AGAIN (pun intended) won't be surprised if hoon takes a quick solo trip to Japan during the girls trip and who knows, a certain sperm donor might be found in a ditch with multiple broken limbs with no witnesses and he doesn't remember shit about who did what to him 🤭❤️ guessing the falling out is gonna happen before or during the girls trip or them realising that there was a miscommunication so hoon is absolutely all emotional and feeling nothing but pure rage and AHHH I LOVE <3
kinda miss fuma being around to fuel hoon's jealousy 💔 he's such a fine man, I need him to rearrange my guts 😫
also hiii zadie!! im visiting home and I've just been super duper busyy 💔 the sun here is so nicee but it's so hot I feel like I'm gonna evaporate if I go out in the sun- but I've been eating good food and studying for my exams so hehe how's you been pretty girl? - 💫
HELLO BABY!!!!🩷🩷🩷 im so so glad youre enjoying your time at home, i hope youre also resting!!!🤥 thank you so much for your amazing hcs and suggestions and ideas i was so, so excited to use this one i lit thought about it ever since you sent it to me 😭
ive been doing well, just spending time with family and friends and work ofc!!!!
unfortunately hoonyn will actually......notgetofuckinpeace 🤕 since they will go no contact after the next chapter 😀😀
i love how you guys are so mad at the stepmom and i know its gonna get worse in the following chaps so im just ready atp 😝
also, bc ive noticed a lot of you guys have said similar things (regarding the nishimuras) they actually live in seoul too so hoonie wouldnt even have to gosll the way to japan to yk..be ch!hoon 😝😝😝
to give you guys a little overview of the upcoming written chap: the realisation of the miscommunication and second fallout will all happen in that chapter if that makes sense...the reason will be revealed to everyone and thats when hoonyn will have their "fuck." moments bc theyre gonna realise their lives were basically based on a huge game of intentional miscommunication 🫣
that's all im gonna say!!!
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sootwilb · 3 months
Hello, i just wanted to say the post you made today that got like 3 mean comments? I agree with you. Im just a pussy hiding rn but I need to get my thoughts out somewhere. Feel free to ignore because idk how long it's gonna be lmao, I just want to talk to someone who feels the same way as me.
Biting, and not being very self aware at all, are very ND things. It's pretty bad that he didn't stop when she was in pain, but... this was 2 years ago. He's mentally ill. He's probably autistic. He isn't heartless, he isn't evil, he made a mistake and if he knows whats best for him he's learned from it.
It pisses me off that people are using this as an excuse to bring up his messy house, as if this- isnt the same guy who wrote a song about how he wants to jump in front of a train??? Mental health matters until they are messy! Because ew, who would want to look up to him?
I DO. I look up to him. I DON'T support him hurting his girlfriend at all. I really don't. But there's a lot more to it. This is the man who released an album in 2020 which kept me company. These songs brought me through my OCD diagnosis, my suicidal thoughts, and he helped make me realise I WASN'T ALONE. It's so empowering when someone you enjoy watching is open and honest about his mental health. Its nice to know whenever something happens to me, or I think something, I know- Wilbur has been here too.
So I won't be dropping him. I'll keep it on the lowdown. I genuinely can't stop loving him I always always will. Four years of the worst mental pain ever, and him being the only person who I felt genuinely understood by? I won't give that up. People who haven't been here would never get it. ABUSE IS NOT OKAY. But I need something to keep me going, and I'm not risking like- attempting suicide without it. I don't care how parasocial I sound. I really don't. He's been an advocate for mental health, he's been empowering for teenage girls.
And lastly, my dad has been falsely accused of abuse before. They straight up lied. So even if all the signs point to it, I will wait until wilbur and wilbur only, confirms it.
If you do end up posting this, hey guys who think I'm justifying abuse! I'm not. He's unwell. He's SICK. I will support him and he deserves love and he deserves to get better.
hello lovely anon! firstly i want to say im sorry you've been through all of that
wilbur is someone who is autistic and mentally and chronically ill, i hate that people are using this as an opportunity to villainise these traits when people who have them already get a bad reputation as it is. i hate that people support mental health until the person suffering from it is messy and makes mistakes. like ive said before wilbur doesn't deserve shunning he deserves support and help
feel free to dm me if you want to talk more about this anon
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