#J. L. Jensen
psikonauti · 1 year
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Johan Laurentz Jensen (Danish, 1800-1856)
Korg med rosor, lövkojor
Oil on canvas
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xxc0reyxx · 22 days
did jensen’s NDA expire or what
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Romantic Fantasy & Fantasy Romance Book Recs
I recently made a post looking for the book/reader community on Tumblr and I found a lot of you! A couple people asked for book recommendations so here they are. All of these have varying levels of spice unless otherwise mentioned. I do recommend going into all of these blind and just see if you like them with zero expectations. I find it makes the reading experience better if you aren’t expecting something to be the greatest thing ever. Then you can only be surprised if you like it (or hopefully love it!) All of these are fantasy romance!!
Tagging some peeps who said they also love fantasy romance or seemed like they would like to know about some book recs: @imhilien @raven-reads87 @accidentalspaceexplorer @the-dust-jacket @melindacopp @taylorsversion213 @siruisreader @faerie-smut-merchant @gwelwynn @hitchhikerbooks @astrid162 @arewedancer99 @bookwyrmtaz @sourpatchkid99 @caffeinated-bibliophile @books-and-cookies @eaterofbooks @franticvampirereads @carissabroadbent - sorry if I forgot anyone or if you did not want to be tagged. Happy reading!
- Daughter of No Worlds, the first book in The War of Lost Hearts trilogy by Carissa Broadbent. You’ve got grumpy/sunshine, badass female protagonist, a “who did this to you?” scene, and so much more!! It’s dark but still has so much love and is just. So, so good. I will never shut up about how much I adore this criminally underrated series. There is absolutely nothing I disliked about this book. This is my favorite trilogy ever, up there tied with my favorite series ever. There’s no miscommunication and the characters handle hard situations maturely. It’s dark at times and deals with slavery, torture, and the injustices that entails, but it’s also empowering and full of hope and funny quips. The characters are lovable and complex. The pacing is the best pacing of any book. The romance is sweet yet still full of tension. The plot is incredible. I cannot recommend this book enough. It flawlessly balances the mundanity of living with the largeness of this universe and literal world ending stakes. She balances joy and grief, laughter and sorrow, trauma and healing. It’s a true feat when your heart aches with all of it at the same time. Each book is incredible. The character I was hesitant to love in the first book had me sobbing with the realism and heartache that I felt for her in the last book. If you listen to the audiobook, the narrators were perfectly cast as well. Tisaanah, the FMC has a language barrier and it’s done so incredibly well, especially when listening to the audiobook. It remains one of my favorite things about Daughter of No Worlds. This series is criminally underrated and I will never understand how it isn’t at the top of booktok. 12/10, move this up to the top of your TBR. Each book is just as good as the one before it. I’m obsessed with this series. This series is on KU!! It’s a completed trilogy!!
- The Bridge Kingdom by Danielle L Jenson. And it’s included in your Audible Plus subscription if you have one. The tension, the conflict, the romance. I love a morally grey mc as much as the next gal, but Aren is the equivalent of a golden retriever and I would die for him and Laura. Enemy kingdoms. Marriage. A perfect Enemies to lovers!! Also on KU!! Completed duology, with a third book focusing on a different couple.
- The Witch Collector by Charissa Weaks. This is one of the best fantasy romances I’ve read! The FMC is a mute witch!! The plot, the tension, the characters, all of it is amazing. I fell in love with these characters and this world. Not to mention the ✨sexual tension✨ is some of the best I’ve ever read. It’s well earned too! Alexus and Raina have made my list of favorite ships. The sequel, City of Ruin, introduced a bunch of new characters and POVs (including the villains!) is a lot spicier, and just overall expands the world and the characters!! It’s action packed and made me look at the series in a new light! It does end on a major cliffhanger though, so be aware! Still read it. But it’s not tied up with a bow (yet!) I cannot express how excited I am for the third book and the direction this story is going. Highly, highly recommend! She also has signed copies on her Etsy!
- The Scribe by Elizabeth Hunter! This is a completed urban fantasy with romance series with 7 books. The first 3 books follow the same couple and can be read as a completed series - the other books focus on different couples and are just an extension. A race of beings ascended from angels are at war. Our main protagonist Ava is a human photojournalist who has heard voices in a nonexistent language her whole life and has always been told and believed she’s just crazy…but is she?? I love when we get a character thrown into a fantasy world who has no knowledge of it (like the reader!) it’s so fun. The romance is 🔥🔥🔥 and I love them. Ava is smart and savvy but not otherworldly strong like a lot of protagonists. She’s learning. And MAGIC! I love magic. I love the magic in this universe. The pacing is great and it’s a great balance of romance and plot. It’s a super interesting premise and I just think more people should read this series. I do not recommend the audiobook through - I hated the narrator. Book is great though! Also on KU!!
- I’ve found that whichever SJM series you start with is your favorite but Throne of Glass is next level. It was her first series and she spent half of her life writing it. You can see some of the groundwork for ACOTAR in it. But where ACOTAR is about the romance, ToG is about the plot. The romances are secondary to the plot. But for ACOTAR, the plot is secondary to the relationships and romance. ToG is so expertly planned out and it’s a slow burn into fantasy. It’s my number 1, favorite series. It’s definitely more YA but grows into what I would consider more New Adult towards the end of the series. Do not go into this series expecting spice. There is romance, but there are not any spicy scenes until the later books. The journey you go on with Celaena from Assassin’s Blade to Kingdom of Ash is unparalleled. It feels so special and epic. BUT I will say I went into the series completely blind with no expectations. So I suggest doing the same. And the first few books might seem slow. But KEEP GOING it’s worth it, I swear. And start with the prequel Assassin’s Blade!! It’s broken up into interconnected short novellas for the prequel only. The series has a more full circle feeling when you start with the prequel, and you don’t know things that you might otherwise know if you read Throne of Glass first. Starting with the prequel also made me love Celaena more. If you are just starting fantasy, start with Throne of Glass because it is a slow burn into fantasy. This is a completed series
- The Song of the Marked by S.M. Gaither. I was told this book would cure my Throne of Glass hangover. I’d agree! It also gives me major From Blood and Ash vibes, but with better characters. It’s got a great magic system, fun friendship dynamics and banter, a slow burn enemies to lovers, and some good ol’ fashion mystery surrounding the protagonist. I’m really enjoying it so far and if you like fantasy, I highly recommend!!
- Hollow Heathens (Tales of Weeping Hollow) by Nicole Fiorina - it’s like if Halloweentown met Storybrooke from Once Upon a Time, and had a child. It’s a gothic romance and is just so different from everything I’ve read. Also on KU!! This is a standalone.
- The North Wind by Alexandria Warwick. It’s a fun enemies to lovers Beauty and the Beast and Hades and Persephone retelling. Mix elements of those stories together and you have The North Wind. Also on KU!! Can be read as a stand-alone. The next book, which isn’t out yet, focuses on a different couple.
- An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir. You’ve got a spy posing as a slave to save her brother. A trained assassin brought up in a merciless, brutal school where he wants to escape. There’s a love triangle of sorts, which I usually hate but I didn’t mind it in this! It’s action packed and has made me love YA again. Dark, with themes of generational trauma, the importance of storytelling, the ✨power of love✨, breaking generational cycles, mercy, and tragedy of war. Lots of character growth for everyone!! Inspired by the gladiator times in the Roman Empire. Young Adult but very violent. No spice, all fade to black.
- The Serpent and The Wings of Night by Carissa Broadbent!! I had high expectations for this book. Carissa’s other series, The War of Lost Hearts, is my favorite series ever. And now with one book out so far, Crown of Nyaxia is making that list too. The world building. The characters. The complexity and emotions and just everything about it. It’s a masterpiece. I love the relationships!! And the last quarter of the book had me on an emotional rollercoaster through the end. I wanted to reread this book the moment I finished it. If a dark, gritty, high stakes fantasy romance with Hunger Games meets vampires and swoon worthy, epic romance (and some spice!!) sounds like your thing, drop everything else your reading and start this. This is the first book in a series and was just released. Carissa is my favorite author and one thing that she does really well is write strong, healthy relationships. Her characters don’t fall into lust and then in love - it’s a buildup of respect, trust, friendship, and then love. (And 🌶️🌶️ of course, but the relationships are more than that.) Raihn is my new #1 book boyfriend!!
- The Undertaking of Hart and Mercy by Megan Bannen is a new comfort read for me. but if you want a super fun, quirky, romance with You’ve Got Mail vibes set in a fantasy universe that also has zombie like creatures, this is it. I know that sounds weird af, but it is so cute and I can’t stop smiling as I read it!! It’s a new favorite and is just SO CUTE! And I cried!!
- A Deal With the Elf King by Elise Kova! This is a standalone, enemies to lovers, arranged marriage fantasy romance!! I love all the characters in this, especially the growth of the MMC! The FMC feels a lot of responsibility to take care of everyone around her and she doesn’t allow others to disrespect her (especially the MMC!) There are lots of swoon worthy lines that had me smiling and blushing and some spice! Highly recommend!!
- The High Mountain Court by A.K. Mulford. It has witches, fae, a fun magic system, mates, natural LGBTQIA+ and POC representation, spicy, enemies to lovers, touch her and die (and the opposite touch him and die!), a truly wonderful and swoon worthy romance, and is just a great NA fantasy romance! Each book focuses on a different couple and follows a cohesive storyline!
- Between Wrath and Mercy by Jess Wisecup. You’ve got a mom hellbent on getting her kidnapped teenage daughter back. She needs the help of the Crown Prince - her first love - to do it. A spicy fantasy romance that is both character driven and plot driven. It’s so refreshing to read “older” (ie not 16 - 25 years old) characters in a fantasy romance!! The tension is high and the grief and love that intermingle to form the emotional backbone of these characters is so poignant and beautifully done. It’s also nice to see a mom who has an identity outside of being a mom! But she’s still a great mom! It was so refreshing to read and the second book is even better than the first! Very dark and yet also sweet and romantic and intense.
- The Cruel Prince by Holly Black! Also known as The Folk of the Air trilogy. If you’re looking for a spicy fantasy series, this isn’t it. There’s no spice. But if you’re looking for an AMAZING YA fantasy villain arc with enemies to lovers, fantastic storytelling, plot twists, and just an overall faerie adventure, read this series. I was hesitant to read it because of its YA rating/audience. But it’s easily one of my favorite series of all time! I love the characters, the plot, the arc, and the writing style! I read each book in less than two days. Highly, highly recommend. I also read them on audiobook and the narration is fantastic!
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bookishbethanyerin · 4 months
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• february reading wrap-up •
I really went in on novellas this month–and honestly, a good novella really just *hits*–and I also gobbled up a bit more fantasy and paranormal romance than usual. I even read a book written by a man (😲), which is something I haven’t done in quite a while.
I also made some headway on my rivals to lovers WIP, though my editor brain has been really kicking in and making me second-guess absolutely everything. But hopefully I’ll be able to finish up the first draft thia month and then really get cracking on editing.
What have you loved this month?
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Top 10 current favorite books
(saw other people doing this so I'm just going to hop on since I can't keep anything to myself 🤪)
1. Words of Radiance by Brandon Sanderson - nothing bad to say about this book, literally the blueprint for high fantasy
2. A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J Maas - okay don't @ me 💀but no one can pry this book away from my cold dead hands. Peak problematic fave. Got me back into reading and also changed me as a person.
3. A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini - read this when I was younger and it has literally always stuck with me
4. The Poppy War by R.F. Kuang - I didn't love the rest of the series as much but this book was next level
5. Little Women by Louisa May Alcott - I never used to like classic books but I'm obsessed with this one. Amy March owns me now and always.
6. The Bridge Kingdom by Danielle L Jensen - I don't know what it is about this book but the characters and Lara's attempt at redemption kept me awake at night
7. World War Z by Max Brooks - especially topical after the pandemic, all the different perspectives make for such a poignant story
8. The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon - amazing sapphic high fantasy led by an amazing cast of women
9. The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins - no one does it like thg
10. The Likeness by Tana French - the nostalgia and trying desperately to hold on to people is *chefs kiss*
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jolieeason · 4 months
WWW Wednesday: Feburary 14th, 2024
WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme Sam hosts at Taking on a World of Words. The Three Ws are: What are you currently reading? What did you recently finish reading? What do you think you’ll read next? Here is what I am currently reading, recently finished, and plan to read from Thursday to Wednesday. Let me know if you have read or are planning on reading any of these books!! Happy…
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thebookishcrypt · 1 year
Batch ratings for 2020: Fantasy edition
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afro-hispwriter · 3 months
The French Mistake was a mistake
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Dean Winchester/Jensen Ackles x reader
Soulless Sam x reader(brief mention)
Summary- Dean is starting to believe you and him aren't meant to be in any universe
Warnings- 6x15(doesn’t follow it completely), mentions of suicide, mentions of being admitted to a facility, break ups, so much angst, mentions of anna, lisa, and ben, dean is a asshole lowkey(in the situation at least)
Not edited
Sam and Dean burst through the window and landed on a blue mat but before they could stand up someones yelled,
"CUT!" Bells rang, clapping, and whole bunch of talking started. The brothers looked around, Balthazar was gone and that's when the confusion started.
 "Great solid fall." Someone slapped Deans ass making him jump.
"Jared, Jensen outstanding. That was just great!" Said a old man in a chair and from behind a kid started speaking nonsense.
"Supernatural, scene one, "Echo." Take one, tail slate. Marker." And closed one of those movie boxes.
"So no angels?" Sam says.
"No angels, I think."
"Should we be killing anybody?"
"I don't think so."
Sam and Dean looked at the group of guys sitting around tv screens all talking. Then one yells "Moving on" and lights start turning on.
"Thats a wrap on Jared and Jensen." 
"Who the hell are-?"
It went by quick after that. Dean got dragged up to makeup stations and got the makeup he didn't think he had on him. Sam got dragged into an interview he had no idea how to answer.
They met up again, settling on being sent to another universe where they are actors who play Sam and Dean. They walked out of the building and the sight of Baby gave Dean a huge smile. But he watched a guy throw stuff over it and saw a whole bunch of Baby's. 
"Im gonna be sick." Dean says and starts to back away.
"We need Cas." Sam says and Dean tries to do some sort of "prayer"  but that was short lived when they spotted the man. 
That ended up being fake too. Cas' name in this universe was Misha. Misha? They kept walking around the lot until they saw the trailer that said "J. Ackles." 
"Thats fake me." Dean says and pointed at himself.
"This mist be fake mine." They walked in and Dean was instantly in awe. The fish tank and the freaking helicopter. Dean looked around the trailer and noticed a framed picture on a table. It was of fake him and a woman with brownish red hair. Maybe his sister? But the picture looked a little too intimate to be that.
It made him think of you. You left the team after the showdown with Lucifer. But he couldn't blame you. He hurt you, deeply. From Lisa, all the way too Anna. He really did like you but his connection too Anna was too great. And Lisa, Lisa and him are good. He loves her and he loves Ben. But every once in a while his mind would drift off to you, wondering what you were up too.
It was a dick move. Sam called him out on it, as did Bobby and Ellen. 
All this thought of you made him want to see if you were in the universe. Sam was typing away on fake his computer.
"Hey Sammy, I want to check something." Dean says and takes the laptop and plops on the couch. He starts typing in your name.
Y/n L/n Supernatural 
Pictures of you popped up, along with a description of your character. And again the bottom in the little box there were drop down choices with answers.
Why did Y/n Carter leave Supernatural?
Why did Dean and Y/n break up?
Do Y/n and Sam get together? 
That made Deans eyebrows furrow. Why would you and Sam ever get together? But he immediately groaned. When Sam was still soulless he apparently went to go see you, wherever you were. Because apparently Sam and Bobby were the only one to know where you went. He then proceeded to heavily dropped hints that he slept with you. It had taken everything for Dean not to beat up his soulless baby brother. 
Y/n Carter must be your name in this universe. Ironic how fake you and real you share the same first name. He clicked on the option that said why you left the show.
It was released that she left the show due to personal reasons but fans speculate it has something to do with her ex of 7 years Jensen Ackles(who plays Dean Winchester aka her love interest), leaving her and marrying a now former mutual friend, Daneel Harris now Daneel Harris-Ackles. 
"Holy shit" Dean mumbled, "Im a dick here too." 
"Whats wrong?"
"I looked up Y/n, wanted too know what she was up to. Apparently im an asshole here too." He passed the computer to Sam and he started reading. 
“At least you’re aware.” Sam mumbled and Dean shot him a look. “Huh seems like you guys broke up in this universe just after dad died in ours and she left the show around the time our Y/n left us." 
"You know where she is and wont tell me." Dean says with a slight glare.
"She doesn't want you too know, and for good reasons." Sam says.
"We need to find a way to get back to our universe." Dean says and looks over at the framed picture of fake him and the woman. It gave him a great unease. 
After trying to drive fake Baby. Sam and Dean just settled on getting driven to 'Jared's place as they should say. Fake Sam had a huge house, a freaking mansion. Dean noticed a tanning bed and opened it. 
"What am I Dracula?" Sam asks and shakes his head. Dean walked over to the large curtains as he heard animals making noises.
"Dude you have a freaking camal in your backyard."
"It's an alpaca, dumbass." A familiar woman's voice made them whip around. A woman at the top of the stairs, wearing a short black dress. 
"Ruby?" Dean looks at the woman is shock and she scoffs. 
"Gen, who is it?" The next voice that popped up was so sweet but sounded tired. Another woman appeared behind fake Ruby, dean let his eyes trail over her figure before his breath hitched.
"Y/n." He breathed out and took a step forward. He watched you swallow harshly all the way from where he was. You looked so beautiful, beautiful in every universe it seems. 
"G-Gen." you shakily said and grabbed her hand. "You said he wasn't going to be here."
"I know honey, I told a certain someone not to let another certain someone into the house even though I thought I didn't have to worry about it." Fake Ruby said all of that while glaring at Sam which made him shrink back. 
"I can't be here." You let her go and start to rush down the stairs. 
"Y/n wait let me talk to Jared and I'll take you back to your hotel room."
"Y/n." Dean walked towards you as you made it to the bottom of the stairs. "Hey." It had been more than a year since he last saw you, at least the real you. 
"Hey? Thats all you had to say after you admitted me to a fucking psych ward!? Dean took a step back and you took a step forward. "Got me written off the rest of 5?" You shoved your finger into his chest "You didn't even bother to visit me!" You shoved him fully this time.
This must have been what the internet was talking about.
“I-I-.” Dean tried to think of something to say but he was blank.
“Oh now you don’t have anything to say. Nothing about this being good for me, that everything is going to go back to normal after I get it. News flash Jensen, nothing worked. Fuck! WHY DIDNT YOU JUST LET ME DIE?” You screamed and shoved him hard making him almost fall back. 
“Okay Y/n honey go wait in the car.” Gen grabbed you by your arms and guided you to the door. 
“Fuck you Jensen, I wish I never fucking met you.” Gen opened the door for you and the boys watched fake Ruby watch you go to the car. She took in a deep breath before whipping around to the two boys. 
“Seriously Jensen, nothing you couldn’t say anything too her? Do you know what this could do to her?” Dean bit his lip and wiped his eye with the back of his hand. “Crying, you’re crying? Jesus I don’t want to see you talking to her outside of work, you’ve ruined my friend for the rest of her life.” 
Dean looked down at his shoes in shame and it felt weird too. This wasn’t his life, so why was it affecting him this much?
“And you.” Fake Ruby looks at Sam. “We’ll talk later.” She walks up to him and wraps a hand around his neck and pulls him down to her lips. He didn’t kiss her back, the shock of the whole thing has Sam stumped. She pulled away and let out a disappointed sigh before walking about of the house. 
It was quite for a mom between them. 
“Sammy we need to go home now.” Dean says, it was so quite Sam almost didn’t catch it. He didn’t sound like Dean.
“Dean, you okay?” He watched his brother bring bath hands up and wipe his eyes before turning around.
“Im going too stop asking you about her from now on.” He says and Sam cocks his head.
“About Y/n? Dean what’s happening in this universe, is nothing compared to what was happening back home.” 
“No you don’t understand! This just proved that me and Y/n don’t work, in any universe.”
“You don’t know that.”
“Yes I do. Fake me left her first another woman after 7 years Sammy. And I left her for a woman who ended up wanting to ruin us. And them I didn’t even try to go after her after you disappeared, like you told me too. Im fucked up Sam, its better this way for her.” 
“Dean don’t say that-.”
“Sammy please, let’s just find a way back.”
A/n- if people want it, planning on making more about dean x reader, but the Jensen situation in this one… there is no coming back from that kinf of situation.  so no. But I have a big plan for Deans, I really hope people want more and want too know about it😁Feedback appreciated, I will love you forever
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cheynovak · 1 month
A Night to Remember 
Part 5: pushing boundaries 
Jensen Ackles x F/Reader Y/N      
Warnings: On screen chemistry, sexual tension, unfaithful, ...     
Side note: English isn’t my first language 
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Will the world believe that Jensen and Y/N were acting, will the world believe the picture was a publicity stunt? But more importantly, will they?    
Or is their tension towards each other, their ‘harmless’ flirting going to burst into flames? How much longer will they be able to keep their professional distance?  
Headline: TMZ News
Y/N Y/L/N announces Departure from "The Boys," Sparks new speculation over cozy photo with Co-star Jensen Ackles. 
In a surprising and emotional announcement, Y/N Y/L/N, who has become a beloved character on the hit series "The Boys," revealed that she will not be returning for the upcoming season.  
The news has left fans reeling, especially given her character's immense popularity. Y/L/N, known for her dynamic portrayal and strong on-screen presence, has been a fan favourite since she joined the cast last season as Soldier Boy’s love interest.  
Her departure marks a significant shift for the show, which has built a dedicated following thanks to its daring storytelling and complex characters. The actress shared the news on her social media, thanking her co-stars, the production team, and the fans for their unwavering support.  
"It's been an incredible journey, and I am so grateful for the experience and the friends I've made along the way," she wrote.  
While the official reason for Y/L/N's departure remains undisclosed, fans and media alike are speculating on possible causes.
The recent photo that surfaced online has added fuel to the fire.
The picture, which shows Y/L/N and her co-star Jensen Ackles looking particularly close in a bar, has sparked a flurry of rumours.  
The two actors, who share significant chemistry both on and off-screen, were seen enjoying a night out, leading to questions about whether their friendship extended beyond their professional relationship. The timing of the photo's release has led some to wonder if it played a role in Y/L/N's decision to leave the show.  
Some insiders suggest that the image might have caused tension behind the scenes, while others believe it was a planned publicity stunt. Despite the rumours, neither Y/L/N nor Ackles has commented on the nature of their relationship or the speculation surrounding the photo. 
 "The Boys" production team has yet to address the departure publicly, but it's expected that the upcoming season will undergo significant changes to account for Y/L/N's absence. Fans are left to speculate how the show will adapt and what new dynamics will emerge among the remaining cast members.  
For now, the focus remains on Y/N's next steps. While her departure is a loss for "The Boys," it opens up new opportunities for the actress. As fans bid farewell to her character, they will undoubtedly be watching closely to see what exciting projects she takes on next.  
Jensen sat in his study at home, scrolling through his phone. The news of Y/Ns departure from "The Boys" had just hit, and he felt a pang of sadness. Friends from the cast had called and texted him. Asking if he knew more, but he didn’t.  
As he read the article he was upset and angry, what hurt the most was finding out through her Instagram post, like everyone else. He sighed, running a hand through his hair, and opened his messaging app.  
Hesitating for a moment, he finally typed out a message to Y/N.  
J: Hey Y/N, just read the news. Can't believe you're leaving. Wish I had heard it from you first. Are you okay?  
He hit send and stared at the screen, waiting for the familiar three dots to appear, indicating she was typing back. Minutes felt like hours as he waited, his mind racing with questions and emotions. Jensen watched as his message was marked as read, but no reply came.  
His chest tightened with worry. After a few minutes of silence, he couldn't hold back his thoughts any longer.  
J: Y/N, please talk to me. Was it because of that night? Did I mess things up for you? 
J: I’m so sorry if I did anything wrong. I never wanted to cause you any trouble.  
J: Please, just tell me what's going on.  
He stared at his phone, hoping for a response, but still, nothing came. The silence was deafening, and he felt a mix of guilt and sadness wash over him.  
J: Please, Y/N, I just want to understand.  
Jensen felt a lump in his throat as he typed out another message, his fingers trembling slightly.  
J: I really hurt you, didn't I? If I did, I'm so sorry, Y/N. That was never my intention.  
J: I just want to make things right. Please talk to me.  
He sent the message and leaned back, his mind racing with memories of their time together. Jensen's phone buzzed, and he quickly opened the message, hoping for a conversation. His heart sank as he read her response.  
Y/N: Please, Jensen, just leave me be. 
Jensen felt a surge of desperation. He couldn't just let it end like this. 
J: Y/N, I can’t just let this go. I need to know what's going on between us. Please, talk to me. I thought we were ok, that you weren’t hurt?  
J: You said you weren’t...  
After a few moments, another message from Y/N appeared.  
Y/N: It hurt me more than I thought it would, Jensen. But I understand. You chose your marriage it normal, just leave me alone, please. I need time.  
J: I get it. Y/N, I’m so sorry. I never wanted to hurt you. I was trying to do the right thing, but I never meant for it to end up like this. Can we please talk about it?  
He sent the message, hoping she would be willing to have an honest conversation. Jensen stared at his phone, feeling a deep sense of guilt and regret wash over him. Y/N’s words echoed in his mind, and he couldn't shake the feeling that he had let her down.  
Just then, his wife Danneel peeked into the room. “Hey, are you ready for dinner?” she asked, noticing his troubled expression. Jensen looked up, trying to muster a smile. “Yeah, I’m coming.”  
They sat down for dinner, but Danneel could tell something was off. Jensen picked at his food, his mind clearly elsewhere. Finally, she broke the silence.  
“Do you know why Y/N quit the show?” she asked gently. Jensen’s reaction was immediate. He tensed up, his fork clattering onto his plate. He looked up at Danneel, his eyes betraying the turmoil he felt inside.  
“I... I’m not sure,” he stammered, though he knew it was more complicated than that. Danneel’s eyes narrowed slightly, a mix of concern and curiosity crossing her face. “Jensen, why does it upset you so much that she’s leaving?” she asked, her voice tinged with a hint of jealousy and nervousness.  
Jensen sighed, running a hand through his hair. “Danneel, it’s not just about her leaving. It’s... complicated. I just feel responsible, like maybe I could have done something to help her stay.”  
Danneel’s gaze softened, but the worry didn’t leave her eyes. “Are you sure it’s just that? You’ve been really upset since you found out.” Jensen hesitated, knowing he needed to be honest but couldn’t.  
“Ever since this photo got out, and people started talking. I think it caused problems for her, and now I feel like it’s my fault.” He started.  
Danneel bit her lip, a mixture of relief and lingering doubt in her expression. “Jensen, I understand that you care about your co-stars, but it’s just a show. Our family is what’s important.”  
He reached across the table, taking her hand in his. “I know, and I love you and the kids more than anything. I just hate that Y/N’s hurting because of something that might have been my fault.” Danneel nodded, squeezing his hand.  
“Just remember where your priorities are. She’ll find her way." 
Months had passed since Y/N had announced her departure from tv for a while and Jensen found himself checking her Instagram regularly.  
Y/N had decided to take a break from acting, and her feed was filled with vibrant snapshots of her travels. She seemed to be on a journey of self-discovery, documenting her adventures around the globe.  
One day, Jensen scrolled through his Instagram feed and saw a new post from Y/N. She was dancing joyfully in Brazil, her face lit up with a carefree smile. He couldn’t help but feel a mix of relief and sadness seeing her so happy yet so distant.  
J: I'm glad to see you smiling. Brazil looks amazing. Hope you're doing well.  
A few weeks later, another post appeared. Y/N was soaking up the sun in Bali, wearing a bikini and looking more relaxed than he had ever seen her. He sent her another message. - 
J: Bali suits you. It’s great to see you enjoying yourself.  
The posts continued: under cherry blossoms in Japan, exploring ancient temples, hiking through lush forests. Each time, Jensen sent a message, and each time, he was met with silence.  
J: Japan looks beautiful. Hope you're finding what you're looking for.  
Y/N read each message, but never responded. Jensen knew she was seeing them, as the read receipts popped up every time. Despite the lack of replies, he couldn’t stop himself from reaching out. 
He felt an unshakable sense of responsibility and guilt, hoping that his words might somehow reach her heart.  
J: Wherever you are, I hope you're happy and safe. Just wanted to let you know I'm thinking about you. Miss you on set... and I miss our talks.  
As the months went by, Jensen came to accept that Y/N needed her space. Even though she wasn't responding, he hoped that his messages were providing some small comfort or at least letting her know that he still cared.  
Despite the silence, Jensen held on to the hope that one day, Y/N would find it in her heart to respond, or better yet, come back to the world they both loved.  
Jensen's heart sank as he scrolled through his Instagram feed and saw the latest post from Y/N. She was in Italy, wrapped in the embrace of an unknown man, their smiles radiant against the backdrop of a romantic setting.  
A pang of jealousy shot through him, followed by a wave of conflicting emotions. He knew he had no right to feel this way. Y/N had made it clear that she needed space, and he had respected that. But seeing her with someone else stirred up a mix of emotions he couldn’t quite shake.  
He hesitated for a moment, his thumb hovering over the screen. Should he reach out? Congratulate her? Or would that only make things worse? But a few days later he was home alone and had a little too much beer.  
Y/N glanced at her phone, surprised to see a message from Jensen. It had been days since she posted the picture from Italy, and she hadn't expected to hear from him anymore. His message, however, caught her off guard.  
J: Who's the guy? How long have you two been together?  
She furrowed her brows, unsure of how to respond. Was he genuinely curious, or was there something more behind his questions? Before she could reply, another message popped up. 
J: Sorry, ignore that. I shouldn't have asked. It's none of my business.  
Y/N sighed, feeling a mix of frustration and concern. Before she could reply, another message came through.  
J: I'm drunk. Sorry for prying. Hope you're happy, Y/N.  
Y/N's heart sank as she read the message. She could sense the underlying pain and regret in his words, and it tugged at her heartstrings.  
Y/N: It's okay, Jensen. We're just friends. And I am happy. Take care of yourself, okay?  
Jensen's heart skipped a beat as he saw Y/N's reply. It had been almost a year since she last responded to one of his messages, and he felt a surge of relief wash over him as he read her words.  
A weight lifted off his shoulders as he read her reassurance. Knowing that she was happy, and that there was nothing more between her and the man in the photo, eased his mind in ways he couldn't describe.  
J: Thanks, Y/N. I'm glad to hear that...  
Jensen hesitated for a moment before adding one more line to his message, his heart pounding in his chest. 
J: ... I miss you Y/N.  
With a deep breath, he hit send, his mind racing with a mix of emotions. He knew he was taking a risk by admitting his feelings so openly. Not waiting for her response, he added.  
J: I miss the sound of your voice, the way our conversations flowed effortlessly into the night. I miss the laughter that filled the air whenever we were together, the way your smile could light up even the darkest of days.  
His fingers flew across the keyboard, each message a testament to the depth of his longing. 
J: I miss the warmth of your skin, the way your touch sent shivers down my spine. I miss the way you smelled, like sunshine and summer rain, a scent that lingered in my mind long after you were gone.  
He hesitated for a moment before typing out his final message, his heart pounding in his chest as he dared to be bold.  
J: And if I'm being completely honest, I miss the way you made me feel, the way you ignited a fire in me when you flirt, that feeling I never knew i missed. I miss the way you whispered my name, the way your lips felt against mine, the way you left me breathless and wanting more.  
Fuck Y/N,  I wish you where here...
With a shaky breath, he hit send, his stomach in knots as he waited for her response. He knew he was taking a risk.  
J: I've been dreaming about us. About that night. I can't shake the feeling of your touch, the way your body felt against mine. I dream about making love to you, feeling you respond to me, the way I imagine you would moan and gasp with pleasure.  
With a shaky breath, Jensen typed out his next message, his fingers trembling slightly with anticipation.  
J: Do you ever think about it? About us? About... being together in that way? About the way your body feels would feel beneath mine, the way your breath hitches when I touch you just right. Dream about the taste of my lips, on yours, the feel of your skin against mine, the way you arch your back and beg for more...
Because I do, I want to feel you squirm beneath me, to hear you moan my name as I take you to places you've never been before. I dream about trailing kisses down your neck, across your chest, until you're trembling with need. I want to taste every inch of you, to make you scream my name until you're begging for release.  
Y/N: Jensen please don't. You made your choice.  
His heart sank but then he read her next massage.  
Y/N: But I can't deny that I miss you too... 
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spnscripthunt · 9 months
In Their Own Words: What is the most difficult sacrifice you’ve made to pay down your medical debt?“
“Had to move into rental place from home and not able to buy a house. Cut in some household or good food for kids.” -35 year old woman with $5,000-$10,000 in medical debt, Texas
“Quality of life. We’ve never been able to ‘get ahead’ because we have a 35 year old disabled daughter. We’ve had medical debt for 35 years varying from 30k down to $500.” -60 year old woman with $2,500-$5,000 in medical debt, Tennessee
“Not paying bills on time, creating larger bills due to late fees. Depleted savings.” -38 year old man with $2,500-$5,000 in medical debt, North Carolina
“Cutting out any expenses/services I can. No job, fixed income and chemo. Even with insurance, no one can afford cancer.” -67 year old woman with more than $25,000 in medical debt, Nebraska
“Limiting birthday/Christmas gifts for children and grandchildren.” -83 year old woman with $1,000-$2,500 in medical debt, New Jersey
“Getting a second job. I’m exhausted and I don’t see a way out.” -44 year old woman with $1,000-$2,500 in medical debt, Ohio
“I can’t do anything; I literally stay at home. Never taken my kids on vacation. I’m a single mother and all my money supports the household. So, there are not a lot of extras in my house.” -55 year old woman, with $2,500-$5,000 in medical debt, Missouri
“Strain on relationship with [my] father due to asking for help to pay medical expenses; negative impact on mental health issues (e.g., significant increase in anxiety symptoms).” -35 year old woman with $10,000-$25,000 in medical debt, New York
“This was medical debt for my (now deceased) husband — my credit cards are maxed-out, savings is gone, I will need to relocate to afford rent and pay down bills.” -67 year old woman with $10,000-$25,000 in medical debt, Illinois
Source: Lopes L, Kearney A, Montero A, Hamel L, Brodie M. Health care debt in the U.S.: the broad consequences of medical and dental bills [Internet]. San Francisco (CA): Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation; 2022 Jun 16 [cited 2023 Oct 11]. Available from: https://www.kff.org/report-section/kff-health-care-debt-survey-main-findings/
So far we've raised $3,196.20 [2:11 PM Eastern; Sun Oct 15] for RIP Medical Debt toward our $5,000 goal.
With what we've raised so far RIP can wipe out over $300,000 in medical debt (nationwide).
Our goal is to wipe out $500,000 in medical debt (nationwide) and, as an incentive for donating $10+ we're doing an (optional) raffle of the last of our server (group) purchased scripts.
Key raffle scripts:
$1000 - signed Walker & Gotham Knights pilots
$2000 - Wayward Sisters (by Kim, Briana, Kathryn)
$3000 - The Winchesters (signed by so many)
$4000 - Stranger in a Strange Land (Jensen & Danneel)
$5000 - Lebanon (JDM, Sam Smith, J2, Misha)
Our fundraising page:
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only-ari · 6 days
these are just the books on my tbr and other random ones I found on booktok. If your rec isn't on this list, please drop it in the comments!
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happygirl2oo2 · 20 days
Queer Sports Romance Books Recs For Pride Month 🌈 (all are books I've either read or currently have on my own tbr list)
Rookie Recovery (Bobcat Boys #1) by Jemma Croft and Lex Veia [mlm]
Vancouver Orcas interconnected series by Amy Aislin [mlm]
Hockey Guys interconnected series by Sarina Bowen [mlm]
Prove It by Stephanie Hoyt [mlm]
Fake Boyfriend interconnected series by Eden Finley [mlm]
Caught off Guard by Catherine Cloud [mlm]
Chicago Thunder interconnected series by Jodi Oliver [mlm]
Don't Look Down (Best Laid Plans #1) by Jessica Ann [mlm]
Hockey Ever After interconnected series by Ashlyn Kane and Morgan James [mlm]
Love & Other Inconveniences by Catherine Cloud [mlm]
Time to Shine by Rachel Reid [mlm]
Relationship Goals interconnected series by Brigham Vaughn [mlm]
Light Up the Lamp by Kit Oliver [mlm]
Puckboys interconnected series by Eden Finley and Saxon James [mlm]
Hot Shot (Orlando Storm #1) by Marissa James [mlm]
Breakaway partially-interconnected series by E.L. Massey [mlm]
Delay of Game interconnected series by Hannah Henry [mlm]
Offsides interconnected series by J.J. Mulder [mlm]
Roughing (Portland Seabirds #1) by Michaela Grey [mlm]
Stick Side interconnected series by Amy Aislin [mlm]
Let's Do This (IFU Hockey #1) by Loren Leigh [mlm]
CU Hockey interconnected series by Eden Finley and Saxon James [mlm]
Back to Center (Mohegan U Hockey #2) by Ryan Taylor and Joshua Harwood [mlm]
Penalty Box interconnected series by Ari Baran [mlm]
Shenanigans (Brooklyn Hockey #6) by Sarina Bowen [m/f with a bi mc]
The Inside Edge by Ashlyn Kane [mlm]
Icebreaker by A. L. Graziadei [mlm]
Hockey Bois by A.L. Heard [mlm]
Three Is The Luckiest Number by Catherine Cloud [mlm]
Not Over You by Samantha Wayland [mlm]
Wake Up, Nat & Darcy by Kate Cochrane [wlw]
It's a Love/Skate Relationship by Carli J. Corson [wlw]
Off the Bench Duet Series by Kimberly Knight [mlm]
Car Racing
Pole Position by Rebecca J. Caffery [mlm]
Lights Out Series interconnected series by various authors [mlm]
Fast Love (Fast Love #1) by Kerry Lockhart [wlw]
Driven By Passion (Gamble Racing #2) by Renee Dahlia [mlm]
Redline (Redline #1) by Emma Barlowe [mlm]
Furious by Jamie Pacton and Rebecca Podos [wlw]
The 7-10 Split by Karmen Lee [wlw]
The Prospects by KT Hoffman [mlm]
Batting Style by Louisa Masters [mlm]
You Should Be So Lucky by Cat Sebastian [mlm]
The Smile Has Left Your Eyes by Danielle Dawsen [mlm]
We Got the Beat by Jenna Miller [wlw]
Always More (Sports #1) by Nicole Pyland [wlw]
Roller derby
Mighty Millie Novak by Elizabeth Holden [wlw]
How You Get the Girl by Anita Kelly [wlw]
Love and Sportsball (Atlanta Cannons #1) by Meka James [wlw]
Zone Defense interconnected series by Becca Seymour [mlm]
Fence comic series by C.S. Pacat and Joanna the Mad [mlm]
One Last Play by E.B. Neal [mlm]
Coming Out on the Sidelines by Dev Hahn [wlw]
Forward Entry (Sydney Swallows #1) by Aurora Crane [mlm]
The Game (Charleston Condors #2) by Beth Bolden
Atlanta Lightning interconnected series by Riley Hart [mlm]
Fumbled Past (San Diego Seals #2) by Cecelia Storm [mlm]
Onside Kiss (Domingo #1) by Octavia Jensen [mlm]
You Started It (Fan Service Series #3) by Hinsel Meyer [mlm]
Tigers and Devils (Tigers and Devils #1) by Sean Kennedy [mlm]
Roosevelt College interconnected series by Christina Lee [mlm]
You & Me by Tal Bauer [mlm]
Crushing on the Quarterback by Baylin Crow [mlm]
Deuce (Tennyson Bend #2) by P.T. Ambler [mlm]
You Don't Have a Shot by Racquel Marie [wlw]
Everything for You (Bergman Brothers #5) by Chloe Liese [mlm]
Cleat Cute by Meryl Wilsner [wlw]
Pull Me Under by Zarah Detand [mlm]
The Game Changer (Denver Defiant, #1) by Finley Chuva [wlw]
I Like Me Better by Robby Weber [mlm]
Finding a Keeper (Sports #4) by Nicole Pyland [wlw]
Don't Hate the Player by Shelby Elizabeth [mlm]
Endgame by Zoe Reed [wlw]
Hotshot by Clare Lydon [wlw]
Attractive Forces by Jax Calder [mlm]
The Unexpected Dream (Sports #3) by Nicole Pyland [wlw]
Always the Almost by Edward Underhill [trans boy x boy]
Alondra by Gina Femia [bisexual girl mc]
Catch and Cradle by Katia Rose [wlw]
Tears in the Water Margherita Scialla [LGBTQ+]
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soundrooms · 2 months
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C L A R I C E J E N S E N | Austerlitz, NY
➜ In the studio with Clarice Jensen (via Headphone Commute)
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winchesterwild78 · 2 months
Chance Meeting pt 19
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Master list
18+ Minors DO NOT interact
Please be kind and all mistakes are my own. All work is mine. Please don’t take or copy it.
Warnings: Angst, heart break, physical assault, SMUT
A/N: This chapter is another ride. Stay with it. I promise happiness is on the way. It’s also a bit of a roller coaster. I haven’t mentioned the kids names or his ex for a reason. This is fiction and I don’t want any disrespect towards Jensen’s family. I adore him and this is just fiction. However, because he’s older it made sense for him to be divorced and with children. I edited this quickly, so please overlook any errors.
*Time Jump 5 Days*
You sat beside Jensen nervously with your leg bouncing. Jensen placed his hand on your leg trying to calm you down. You looked at him and he gave you a soft smile. His attorney was looking over some things and the three of you were trying to figure out how to deal with the current situation with Ashley and the baby. “So Jensen, you said you didn’t sleep with her but you did wake up in bed with her, right” his attorney asked. You felt sick to your stomach thinking about it. Jensen looked over at you and then said “yes” softly. “Okay, so we need to petition for a DNA test to see if the baby is yours. I believe we can push to have an amniocentesis done and DNA extracted that way. We should have the results soon” he said typing away.
You tensed up and Jensen felt it. He looked over at you and you were fighting tears back. “You okay baby” Jensen asked leaning over. You shook your head no. You stood, cleared your throat and excused yourself. You went to the bathroom and went into a stall. You covered your mouth and let out a sob. The idea of this child being his broke your heart. You knew if he did sleep with her it was before you met, but it still hurt. Even though he said he didn’t remember it, it still hurt. You tried to compose yourself but it took a few minutes. Your cell phone went off, it was a text from Jensen.
J: you sure you’re okay baby. We can leave if you want to.
Me: No, I’m fine. I just needed a minute. You keep talking. I’ll be back soon.
J: Okay. I love you. ❤️
You let out a soft sob
Me: I love you too, Jensen. So much.
You finally got yourself together and walked to the sink. You heard the bathroom door open and a woman say hello. You didn’t look up but said hello back. You took some paper towels and wet them, washing your face.
The woman walked up to the sink and stood there for a minute. You started to walk away and she said “hello y/n” and you spun on your heels. You looked at her and knew it was Ashley. “Are you enjoying your time with my future husband” she said as she stepped closer to you. “I saw his cute little post. Isn’t that sweet. He felt guilty and asked you to marry him. Don’t worry once he realizes he wants to be with me and our baby you will be yesterday’s news.” She said as she stepped even closer to you.
You took a step back. You saw her pregnant belly and your heart broke a little more. She really is pregnant you thought to yourself. “Jensen doesn’t love you and if that baby is his then he will step up, but as far as Jensen and I we are solid and nothing is going to change that. We are getting married and there is nothing you can do about it.” You said as you walked towards the door. Just as your hand was on the handle you felt something hard hit you and your head hurt. Then everything went black.
You woke up to the sounds of steady beeping. You felt a hand on yours and your head hurt really bad. Your eyes fluttered open and you saw Jensen sitting beside you. “Hey babe” you said in a weak voice. Jensen’s eyes looked over at you and went wide. “Oh my god, y/n. You’re awake. Let me get the doctor” he said standing up. Before you could say anything else he was out the door. You waited until Jensen returned with a doctor and a nurse. “Hello Miss Y/L/N, I’m Dr Roberts. How are you feeling” the middle aged man said stepping towards you. “I’m okay. My head hurts bad and I’m really tired” you said. The doctor took some vitals and the nurse checked your IV and drew some blood.
“Well you took quite a bump on the head. I’d be surprised if it didn’t hurt. You’ve got a concussion and a big knot on your head. I want to keep you another night and we will see how you’re doing tomorrow.” The doctor said before giving you a soft smile. “Wait, how long have I bet out” you asked. “Almost 4 days” Jensen said. You looked at him with wide eyes. You whispered “oh wow”.
The doctor and the nurse left and Jensen took your hand. He looked like he hadn’t slept in days. “Jensen, have you slept” you asked him rubbing his hand. “Not really, I couldn’t leave your side. I’m so sorry this happened to you” Jensen said with tears in his eyes. “It’s not your fault, Jensen.” You said looking at him. “Please tell me she’s been arrested or something. I don’t even know what happened for sure. I just know she was in the bathroom and we had a little back and forth about you and the next thing I know I’m waking up here. What the hell did she hit me with” you asked him.
Jensen’s face dropped and he whispered out “a metal pipe”. Well that explains why I have a headache you thought. “Was Ashley caught” you asked. He shook his head no. “I’m so sorry baby. When you were gone for as long as you were and not responding to my texts we went to the bathroom and found you on the floor in a puddle of blood. I was terrified I lost you. There is a warrant out for her. They lifted her prints off the pipe and there is surveillance footage showing her entering and exiting the bathroom. You and her were the only ones on the video going into the bathroom. I’ve called Clif and he’s gonna hang around for a while until we can make sure you’re safe. He said hugging you.
“Jensen how can this woman do this? If you broke it off why is she still so convinced you’re hers and the baby is too.” You asked choking back tears. “She’s just obsessed and needs professional help. If the baby is mine we will figure it out. Until then I want you to rest. Don’t stress and don’t think about her or the baby” he said kissing your head.
Your head was spinning with all the thoughts of Ashley, the attack, Jensen possibly being the father of the baby, how his kids would react to a new baby, if you’re still going to get married if the baby is his. Ugh! Your head wouldn’t stop. The only sound in the room was the steady beeping of the machine. You could feel the tension and you just wanted to cry. You pushed the call button and the nurse came in. “Yes ma’am, how can I help you” she said with a soft smile. “Um my head really hurts is there anything I can take for it” you asked not looking at Jensen. “Yeah, I’ll go grab it and be right back” she said and she left.
Jensen looked at you and said “baby, everything is going to be okay. I promise” he kissed your hand. The nurse came back and you took some medicine. When she left you looked at Jensen and said “you can’t promise that. I thought I would have been safe in an attorney’s office, but somehow I was attacked. I love you, but I’m scared. She won’t stop until I’m out of the picture.” You said as the tears broke loose. He reached for you but you turned over. Sobbing you asked him to leave. You wanted nothing more than for him to stay, but your heart was breaking and you were scared for you and anyone who loved him. You loved him so much but how could you compete with the baby if it’s his. You would never make him choose between you and his children. He’s an amazing father and he would be to this child. If you’re in the picture she might not let him see the baby or she would stop at nothing to drive a wedge between you two. Or worse, she might get you out of the picture permanently.
You heard the door shut and you just cried. The medicine finally kicked in and you fell asleep. When you woke up it was dark out. There was a soft light coming in from under the door and the television was on. You rolled over and reached for the light. Your heart was hoping Jensen would be there when you woke up but you knew he would give you space.
You grabbed your phone to send him a text. Picking up your phone you noticed you had a few missed texts. A few were people texting to check on, a few were from Jensen, and then there was two that made your blood run cold. It was Ashley.
Ashley: I told you he was mine. That was just a taste of what I’m going to do if you don’t leave him
Ashley: *picture* (it was a picture of Jensen leaving the hospital. He looked like he was crying.) Why is he so upset. Maybe I’ll follow him and make it all better. I can’t wait to feel his arms around me again.
You felt sick. The picture of Jensen had to have been taken after you told him to leave.
You: Jens, baby I’m sorry. Please call me when you get this. I love you.
You looked at the time. It was a little after 11pm. He shouldn’t be asleep. You waited for a text or phone call. Nothing. You started to get worried. You sent another text.
Me: Babe, please answer me. You don’t have to call me but please just tell me you’re okay. I got another text from her and I’m scared for you.
Still nothing. You tried to call but he didn’t answer. You texted Gen and Jared and asked one of them to call you. Gen called you right away. “Y/N is everything okay” she asked. “No, I got a threatening text from Ashley and Jensen isn’t answering my texts or calls. I’m really worried.” You started crying. “I told him to leave Gen. I’m so scared someone is going to get hurt because of my relationship with him. I was trying to keep him safe.” You said through sobs. Jared grabbed his keys and took off towards your’s and Jensen’s house. Gen told you she’d stay on the phone with you until we heard back from Jared.
You talked to her about your fears and she did her best to calm you down. “I’m sure he’s okay, y/n. When he spilt with his ex we found him passed out cold many nights. I’m sure that is what’s going on.” She said reassuring you. About 20 minutes later you heard Jared in the background. Gen told you Jensen was fine and Jared brought him back to their house. He had been drinking but he wasn’t passed out he just didn’t take his phone outside with him.
You finally let out the breath you had been holding. “Okay. Thank you, Gen. Please tell Jared thank you too, and tell Jensen I love him and I will talk to him tomorrow.” You said She told Jensen you said you loved him and you heard him giggle and say “hey guys I’m gonna marry her. Shhh don’t tell her” You smiled and told Gen thank you again and hung up.
At least he was safe and you could rest a little easier. Your mind kept playing what he said over and over again. He wanted YOU and he wanted to marry you. He LOVED you, not her. Even if the baby was his you two would figure it out. You decided she was not going to win. Jensen loved you, you loved him and the two of you were going to get married. He had room in his heart for you and all of his children. You two were going to be fine.
The next morning when you woke up Jensen was sitting beside you. As soon as you saw him you let out a sob. “I’m so sorry Jensen. I was scared and thought I was protecting everyone. I know we are better together and we will figure this out. I love you so much.” Jensen stood up and wrapped his arms around you. Kissing the top of your head trying to calm you down. “I know baby. I was hurt but I know why you did it. I’m sorry you got hurt because of me. I love you and I can’t wait to marry you. We will tackle whatever comes our way together.” Then he kissed your lips.
A few minutes later the doctor came in and said you were good to go home but you needed to rest and take care of yourself. Since you have a concussion there were certain things you couldn’t do according to the paper. Jensen looked over at you and looked at the doctor. “I’ll make sure she’s taken care of Doc. So what about sex, can she have sex” Jensen asked smirking at you. You turned red. The doctor chuckled and said yes as long as there weren’t any acrobatics involved. Jensen said “well, I guess I can resist acrobatics for now”. You playfully slapped hit arm and he kissed you.
The doctor left and Jensen helped you get up and get dressed. Once you were ready he helped you out of the hospital and into his car. When he got in the drivers seat he took your hand and kissed it. “I’m so glad you’re okay baby and you’re coming home. We’ve missed you so much.” Jensen said looking at you.
“Oh Jens, I’ve missed all of you too. How are the kids doing” you asked. “They are okay. They’ve missed you and can’t wait to see you. We told them that you got hurt by a bad person but were going to be okay. Little man was really upset. He cried for almost an hour. It was heartbreaking but in a weird way made my heart melt to see how much he loves you.” Jensen said. “Oh poor little guy. I hope he knows how much I love him too. I love all of you very much.” You said giving a soft smile to him.
When you finally arrived home Jensen helped you into the house. You went upstairs to o your room and decided to take a shower. Jensen was walking in your shared room and saw you getting undressed. “Need any help sweetheart” he asked with a grin. “I don’t know Mr Ackles. Are you talking about my clothes or something else” you said with a smirk and a wink. Jensen growled and attacked your lips.
You got undressed and so did Jensen. He helped you in the shower and he stepped in. You leaned back standing under the falling water. Jensen moved in close and put his arms around you. You missed his touch. You missed his lips, and everything about him. He kissed your lips and started kissing a line across your cheek, down your jaw, onto your neck. A shiver ran through your body at the touch of his lips. He kissed down to your breasts and one of his hands cupped the breast not currently being teased by his tongue. You moaned and called his name.
Your hands were running over his body and you found your way to his hardening cock. When you took it in your hand Jensen moaned.
Jensen spun you around and gently pinned you to the wall. His hand finding your folds and running in between your folds. His hand was met with a dripping wet pussy. “Damn baby you’re ready for me” he said into your mouth as his lips ghosted over yours. You moaned and nodded your head yes. He started to rub your clit and as he rubbed his fingers pushed inside. You gasped and moaned as you felt your core tightening and your release building. You knew it wouldn’t take long because it had been awhile since he touched you. He could feel you getting closer and helped push you over the edge. As you came he crashed his lips to yours helping you ride out your release.
Jensen turned off the water and grabbed the towels. You both dried off quickly and he led you to the bed. He gently laid you down and positioned himself between your legs. “You okay with this sweetheart” he asked leaning down to kiss you. You nodded your head. He took his length in his hand and lined himself up. He pushed in slowly letting you get used to his size. You gripped his biceps and moved your hips a little. His size and girth took your breath away. It was a pain and pleasure you craved. You looked at him and said “move baby”. He nodded and with one thrust he bottomed out. You gasped as he set a steady pace.
You knew he wasn’t going to last as long as he normally did because it had been awhile for him too. You wrapped your legs around him and pulled him closer. He leaned down capturing your lips in a passionate kiss. You could feel his thrusts getting sloppier and you knew he was close. “Cum for me Jensen” you whispered into his ear. That was all it took before he was coating your walls with his warm seed. As he softened he kissed you and got up to get a washcloth to clean you up. He returned and cleaned you gently and once he was clean he crawled in bed with you.
He put his arms around you and pulled you close. “I’ve missed this baby, and I’ve missed you. I’m so glad you’re safe and home” Jensen said kissing you gently. You smiled and snuggled in his arms. “I’ve missed this too and I’m glad I’m home. I love you, Jensen” you said kissing him. “I love you too, y/n. Now, one last thing.” He said sitting up. He opened the bedside table and pulled out something. Tears filled your eyes when you saw it. “I had to bring this home when you were in the hospital. Every night I would hold it and pray you would get to have it again. I’m thankful I can give it back to you.” Jensen took your hand and slid your engagement ring back on your finger. A tear slipped down your face as you looked at it. You were glad to have it back, but you were more glad to be back in Jensen’s arms.
Forever tags: @nescaveckdaily @nescaveckwriter @kr804573 @jensengirl83 @k-slla @jackles010378 @jawritter @xx-spooky-little-vampire-xx @roseblue373
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eludin-realm · 8 months
Character Name Ideas (Male)
So I've been browsing through BehindTheName (great resource!) recently and have compiled several name lists. Here are some names, A-Z, that I like. NOTE: If you want to use any of these please verify sources, meanings etc, I just used BehindTheName to browse and find all of these. Under the cut:
A: Austin, Aiden, Adam, Alex, Angus, Anthony, Archie, Argo, Ari, Aric, Arno, Atlas, August, Aurelius, Alexei, Archer, Angelo, Adric, Acarius, Achilou, Alphard, Amelian, Archander B: Bodhi, Bastian, Baz, Beau, Beck, Buck, Basil, Benny, Bentley, Blake, Bowie, Brad, Brady, Brody, Brennan, Brent, Brett, Brycen C: Cab, Cal, Caden, Cáel, Caelan, Caleb, Cameron, Chase, Carlos, Cooper, Carter, Cas, Cash, Cassian, Castiel, Cedric, Cenric, Chance, Chandler, Chaz, Chad, Chester, Chet, Chip, Christian, Cillian, Claude, Cicero, Clint, Cody, Cory, Coy, Cole, Colt, Colton, Colin, Colorado, Colum, Conan, Conrad, Conway, Connor, Cornelius, Creed, Cyneric, Cynric, Cyrano, Cyril, Cyrus, Crestian, Ceric D: Dallas, Damien, Daniel, Darach, Dash, Dax, Dayton, Denver, Derek, Des, Desmond, Devin, Dewey, Dexter, Dietrich, Dion, Dmitri, Dominic, Dorian, Douglas, Draco, Drake, Drew, Dudley, Dustin, Dusty, Dylan, Danièu E: Eadric, Evan, Ethan, Easton, Eddie, Eddy, Einar, Eli, Eilas, Eiljah, Elliott, Elton, Emanuel, Emile, Emmett, Enzo, Erik, Evander, Everett, Ezio F: Faolán, Faron, Ferlin, Felix, Fenrir, Fergus, Finley, Finlay, Finn, Finnian, Finnegan, Flint, Flip, Flynn, Florian, Forrest, Fritz G: Gage, Gabe, Grady, Grant, Gray, Grayson, Gunnar, Gunther, Galahad H: Hale, Harley, Harper, Harvey, Harry, Huey, Hugh, Hunter, Huxley I: Ian, Ianto, Ike, Inigo, Isaac, Isaias, Ivan, Ísak J: Jack, Jacob, Jake, Jason, Jasper, Jax, Jay, Jensen, Jed, Jeremy, Jeremiah, Jesse, Jett, Jimmie, Jonas, Jonas, Jonathan, Jordan, Josh, Julien, Jovian, Jun, Justin, Joseph, Joni, K: Kaden, Kai, Kale, Kane, Kaz, Keane, Keaton, Keith, Kenji, Kenneth, Kent, Kevin, Kieran, Kip, Knox, Kris, Kristian, Kyle, Kay, Kristján, Kristófer L: Lamont, Lance, Landon, Lane, Lars, László, Laurent, Layton, Leander, Leif, Leo, Leonidas, Leopold, Levi, Lewis, Louie, Liam, Liberty, Lincoln, Linc, Linus, Lionel, Logan, Loki, Lucas, Lucian, Lucio, Lucky, Luke, Luther, Lyall, Lycus, Lykos, Lyle, Lyndon, Llewellyn, Landri, Laurian, Lionç M: Major, Manny, Manuel, Marcus, Mason, Matt, Matthew, Matthias, Maverick, Maxim, Memphis, Midas, Mikko, Miles, Mitch, Mordecai, Mordred, Morgan, Macari, Maïus, Maxenci, Micolau, Miro N: Nate, Nathan, Nathaniel, Niall, Nico, Niels, Nik, Noah, Nolan, Niilo, Nikander, Novak, O: Oakley, Octavian, Odin, Orlando, Orrick, Ǫrvar, Othello, Otis, Otto, Ovid, Owain, Owen, Øyvind, Ozzie, Ollie, Oliver, Onni P: Paisley, Palmer, Percival, Percy, Perry, Peyton, Phelan, Phineas, Phoenix, Piers, Pierce, Porter, Presley, Preston, Pacian Q: Quinn, Quincy, Quintin R: Ragnar, Raiden, Ren, Rain, Rainier, Ramos, Ramsey, Ransom, Raul, Ray, Roy, Reagan, Redd, Reese, Rhys, Rhett, Reginald, Remiel, Remy, Ridge, Ridley, Ripley, Rigby, Riggs, Riley, River, Robert, Rocky, Rokas, Roman, Ronan, Ronin, Romeo, Rory, Ross, Ruairí, Rufus, Rusty, Ryder, Ryker, Rylan, Riku, Roni S: Sammie, Sammy, Samuel, Samson, Sanford, Sawyer, Scout, Seán, Seth, Sebastian, Seymour, Shane, Shaun, Shawn, Sheldon, Shiloh, Shun, Sid, Sidney, Silas, Skip, Skipper, Skyler, Slade, Spencer, Spike, Stan, Stanford, Sterling, Stevie, Stijn, Suni, Sylvan, Sylvester T: Tab, Tad, Tanner, Tate, Tennessee, Tero, Terrance, Tevin, Thatcher, Tierno, Tino, Titus, Tobias, Tony, Torin, Trace, Trent, Trenton, Trev, Trevor, Trey, Troy, Tripp, Tristan, Tucker, Turner, Tyler, Ty, Teemu U: Ulric V: Valerius, Valor, Van, Vernon, Vespasian, Vic, Victor, Vico, Vince, Vinny, Vincent W: Wade, Walker, Wallis, Wally, Walt, Wardell, Warwick, Watson, Waylon, Wayne, Wes, Wesley, Weston, Whitley, Wilder, Wiley, William, Wolfe, Wolfgang, Woody, Wulfric, Wyatt, Wynn X: Xander, Xavier Z: Zachary, Zach, Zane, Zeb, Zebediah, Zed, Zeke, Zeph, Zaccai
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jolieeason · 5 months
Feburary 2024 TBR
NetGalley: Indie Authors/Publishers
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