#Japan World Heroes
outofcontexttokusatsu · 10 months
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mo-ok · 10 months
I'm -
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Adding future vision to my list of skills
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char350 · 10 months
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Had a blast meeting Kamen Rider Gaim and Go-on Red at Japan World Heroes 2023!
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skajador · 10 months
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Come find me as Asakura at Japan World Heroes tomorrow for a special treat 🐍🐍🐍
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cosmic-orchaid · 10 months
Something I heard from a friend.
Recently, I attended Japan World Heroes with a few of my friends.
A couple of them attended a panel with the actor for Ultraman Gaia.
During audience questions, one fan asked "If Agul was a female, would Gaia date Agul?"
And do you know what Takeshi Yoshioka said?
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softer-ua · 11 months
So I’ve been joking for a while about how Inko manages to afford all of Izuku’s AM merch
But I decided to nerd out and look closer, and I’m pretty sure the only expensive piece Izuku owns is the poster he got from Sir
You might think his dorm looks absolutely stacked
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but that’s only because it’s a very small room and he brought every piece he owns
If you look in his old room it’s all the same posters
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so he’s owned it all for at least a few years, he’s been working up to this for god knows how many years, just to be the proud owner of 5 posters so basic even he would put tape on them
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All of his figures are less than 50$
One of which he’s had since he was a child
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And it doesn’t look like the other unidentified figures are anything special either(except maybe AM in his yellow suit)
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Izuku only has generic fanboy shit, like maybe one of the posters is a custom but I honestly I don’t think he owns a single special anything
The dead guy poster is 100% the coolest thing he has, no wonder he’s so reverent about it 💀
As for fits this is all we’ve really seen is
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So yeah Inko isn’t dropping stacks on merch, I’m pretty sure those sweaters were a 2 for 1 deal because they’re almost identical 💀
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sobasluuurp · 10 months
you know, aside from the fact that I fully believe that All Might living would be 100% more interesting and is backed with past foreshadowing and theming, there's another factor that points to that outcome.
The only other time Nighteye's prediction has been wrong was back at the Overhaul battle, in which Deku used Eri's quirk to prevent himself from sustaining injury. At the time, fans speculated that the true reason that Nighteye's prediction didn't come true was because her quirk messes with the natural flow of time, thus negating Nighteye's ability to accurately view what was in store -- in other words, her quirk's ability to literally undo what would've happened in any other situation distorted the vision that Nighteye saw because, well, she undid it before it could happen. And you know what quirk is yet again in play now that All Might is in his would-be final battle? It's Eri's (reverse-engineered) quirk again.
Perhaps if AFO wasn't rewinding indefinitely -- if he was at his full power and maturity -- he would've been able to easily kill All Might here. But instead Rewind is coursing through his veins, and whatever might've happened without it is doomed to never be. He's missing quirks he gained later in life, he's impulsive and desperate, and All Might is just as determined as ever. He's got this, and he'll live.
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abs0luteb4stard · 2 months
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W A T C H I N G 🏳️‍🌈
"MY WAY: The Life and Legacy of Pat Patterson"
He was a semi-openly gay man within professional wrestling. Publicly, he was secretive about his sexuality. He had a poor, sad, lonely upbringing until he was more successful his father accepted him more. But he didn't have much support from his family when he came out to them as a teenager in the late 50s. Had to leave home at 16.
He's been the subject of rumors and erroneous stories because of homophobia in wrestling and in society.
He was a talent and a genius for wrestling and helped so many wrestlers over 45-50 years throughout the 80s, 90s, 2000s, and 2010s all the way until his death in 2020. He was like 'required reading' for anyone dreaming to wrestle, he put on shows and matches that today are still unbelievable.
I think he's a good man. He's a hero.
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eijiroukiriot · 7 months
why do you see bkg as trans?
i've had this ask sitting in my drafts since like august BECAUSE i knew if i did the question justice it was gonna get VERY long and pretty personal - if i'm gonna talk about it then i gotta talk about it in all earnest. and you've given me the floor to talk about it. so!!
at first i had these typed out as two separate points but i think they go a lot more hand-in-hand than that, so to start - when i think about my own gender and why i can't bring myself to identify fully with womanhood a lot of it is because there's something that feels so free about masculinity. mostly just like because of womanhood on a societal level a lot of my experience as a girl forever has been "you need to think about how your existence makes other people feel. you really need to present yourself in a way that's pleasant for other people. the way you look, the way you talk, the way you conduct yourself - people are entitled to having a say in all that. and if any of that isn't living up to the way it's supposed to be, then that's a fault of yours." here's a vent post i made when i was 17:
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which is mostly really superficial examples of the suffocating expectation of girlhood but it's also so blatantly about bkg. in the moment my thought process was more like "i'm so deeply unsatisfied with so many parts of being a girl, it sounds like there'd be so many less people to answer to if i were a boy" but it's funny reading back on it bc it's like "dude are you just talking about bkg". but then who's a better example of choosing to stomp through life exactly as loud and rude as he wants to be without answering to anyone than bakugou katsuki!! honest about his thoughts in any case!! free to speak as bluntly and rudely as he wants!! never putting up with shit that makes him feel unlike himself!! walks with big wide steps and wears stupid baggy clothes and doesn't care what people have to say about it and doesn't feel worse if they do disagree. grins crazy blasting himself through the air. fights with big windup swings and shouts all the while. huge huge presence and so unafraid to assert it. named himself great・explosion・murder・god dynamight. i think i project a big sense of defiance onto bkg's character because everything he is just feels so defiant to me. there's just a lot that i admire about boyhood and bkg feels like the embodiment of it to me
and then you've got bkg himself, who like- isn't even fulfilling the "doesn't feel worse about himself if he is genuinely not the greatest or kindest" part of it!! bkg's character is so centered around figuring out who he is and like navigating through the mortifying ordeal of existing and not actually liking the person you are and trying to figure out where to go from there- he really thinks he has so much to prove...both in the sense that he DOES want to project this big image and also that he really can't cut himself a break. and then he freaks out when he's not becoming the person he wants to be and picks a fight with deku over it and totally breaks down and picks himself back up and forces himself to seriously rewire the entire view of himself and others that he's had his entire life - he's 16 - and goes to all this teeth-clenching effort to be a better person and has highs and lows and wears himself raw and then comes back to life. well the quality of the later part of his arc is very debatable. but his character is so about just figuring out who he is and kind of failing at it a lot of the time. and then eventually figuring it out and getting confident and stable in it. he makes friends who rib on him because they know he's got a good heart under it all, and moreover he lets them. he gets good at shouting something back and carrying on. you see the amount of conscious thinking it takes him to take some of those steps - rethinking his relationship with deku, the god am i really fucking doing this scoff before he gives kirishima back the money - but a lot of it is just steady growth. growing up. genuinely getting more comfortable and more okay with himself over time. but there's also all these little failures along the way because he's just a kid figuring it out, and also genuinely this anger towards the world for not understanding it when he does assert himself (sports festival....where deku also specifically notes that he knows he's not as confident as he wants to be!)
i haven't really closely reread bnha in a sec so a lot of this is probably a lot of projecting (i know it's undeniably influenced by the picture of bkg i have in my head) and i probably also didn't really clarify anything, because in the end everything bakugou is feels very trans to me. "the image you have of bkg katsuki in your head can actually be so personal" etc. digging into my archives i found this post from years back where i described basically the same stuff about bkg being a teen figuring himself out and saying "so yeah he's trans" without being able to hit it more on the head. kirishima is my favorite most special boy of all time, and i love him in so many ways, but bkg is my cringefail stinky teen boy in w the unshatterable determination to actually go MAKE himself the person he wants to be, no matter how many missteps he makes on the way there. it brings me a lot of comfort to imagine him being a self-made man as a part of the because gender is so confusing and questioning can be so intense. i'm 23 and i'm typing all this about an anime boy so i hope it's evident what a soul-bearingly honest answer this is bc otherwise oh haha embarrassing. but yeah i love that kid. i hope every little victory and day where his voice sounds good to him and glance of his top scars in the mirror feels like one of the high points on the journey
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outofcontexttokusatsu · 10 months
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true-blue-sonic · 9 months
Do you prefer Espio as someone of Japanese analogous descent with Ninja heritage or as some weeb that adopted Ninja-ism after Knuckles Chaotix?
Definitely the former. I can't really explain why, but I just really like the idea that Espio indeed was born into a family of ninja, and that is where he learned all the tricks of the trade. I think he could absolutely have taught it to himself after Knuckles Chaotix since he seems driven enough for it, but the idea that his family also were ninja is more appealing to me.
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alteredphoenix · 1 year
Yeah, I’m not going to lie: I legitimately kept expecting Touya and Endeavor to both die at the end. Hell, I was expecting the whole family sans Shouto to go with them. But as much as I would’ve liked BNHA to have the dark and the grit, this is not that kind of story, so I’m not surprised everyone made it out alive. (Okay, I’m still shocked that Touya is still hanging on by pure hatred when in any other story he would’ve fucking died, and that’s also if you ignore the sudden ice quirk development, but that’s beside the point.)
Like there’s a part of me (as both a writer that really likes her grit thrown in with the soft stuff no matter how minuscule it is and as a reader in general) that wanted to see him and Endeavor get wiped out...but at the same time, from a narrative point of view, they had to survive so (a) Endeavor is actually forced to reconcile with the fallout of his actions and try to be a better husband and father to his family, on top of rebuilding Hero Society, and (b) Dabi gets rehabilitated. Although to be fair, I’m not sure how that last part is possible because the guy is practically a burnt skeleton, so you can’t really blame the reader for wondering how the hell he’s going to spend the rest of his life in such a horrific condition.
The only way I can see things going forward post-war is if Eri gets called in to use her quirk on him so Shouto can have udon with him. Touya doesn’t have to forgive Endeavor (because, really, he shouldn’t) or the rest of his family, but the udon thing is something Shouto’s wanted to do, so it’s a start.
Honestly, I’m not even really sure how else to feel about Touya (obviously) surviving other than he’s a tragic figure and he should’ve died that way, but - and as much as I hate this turn of phrase - it is what it is.
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The Japanese Holocaust Hero, Chiune Sugihara
Japanese Consul Chiune Sugihara Heroes are often born unexpectedly from dire circumstances. Confronted with an intolerable situation, they choose to act with humanity, rather than meekly back down, or join the angry mob.  Japanese Consul Chiune Sugihara, and his wife Yukiko, when confronted with the Nazi Holocaust rapidly encroaching upon Lithuania, followed their hearts in direct defiance of…
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arc-mvge · 2 years
All the FromSoftware heroes
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problemswithbooks · 2 years
“If everyone ends the story being buddy buddy with them I think that comes off as childish/unrealistic” I definitely agree with you there, it would be a bit strange if they’re all buddies by the end or there isn’t some kind of unease! To be honest the only villain I can see having a buddy buddy or shall we say mending their broken relationships by the end is Touya, given he has his family which I know their relationships are a bit….messed up but still there’s that. With Toga and Shigaraki I don’t really see whom they could be “buddy buddy” with by the end, and this is going off the assumption of the villains not dying by the end.
I think the reason many people think it’ll end with the LoV being besties with with some of the main cast by the end is simply that that’s how many redemption arcs end if the character doesn’t die. This is why people hate the idea of Endeavor having a redemption arc--because they think it’s going to end with everyone forgiving him in the end, either posthumously or not. And given that the story seems to be leaning toward a redemptive type ending for at least the main three LoV characters, that inevitably makes people assume they’ll be pals with everyone in the end (or at least with the characters who matter). 
Personally I think it’s to early to rule out redemptive death completely. I highly doubt Hori would kill Toga given he enjoys his Yuri bait to much, plus she hasn’t been shown to be physically/mentally at her limit to the point where her death would feel more expected. But Touya and Shigaraki could easily do the “sacrificed myself because I’m dying anyway” trope. 
People who are against this, say it would mean the Heroes, particularly Izuku and Shoto failed to save their villains--but that’s a very limited view on what saving can mean. As long as Izuku frees Shigaraki from AfO’s control, and Shoto manages to sooth Touya’s anger/hurt to the point where he can care again, then they are in a sense saved. I mean, in the end of Star Wars, Luke saves his father, but he still dies--that doesn't mean he failed.  
Touya and particularly Shigaraki dying is an easy way to end things and have it make sense. Again, redemptions usually end with people forgiving the character in question. The issue is that Hori didn't set up that dynamic in his story earlier, while also having the LoV double down constantly. There’s also the problem of Enji, and Bakugou’s arcs which are still ongoing and have racked up hundreds of chapters. 
Having the LoV change their minds in the last 50 chapters is hard enough to believe, but having the world (because their actions were shown to have global consequences) forgive them no problem just because they helped stop AfO, the guy they were helping without much complaint twenty-minutes ago, is even weirder. On top of that many people suspect Izuku will be Shigarak’s new bff along with Bakugou, while Aizawa becomes his father figure because Kurogiri tells him to as a dying request. And Ochacko and Himko are (girl)friends by the end as well. 
This isn’t me saying I’m against redemption arcs or even these over the top optimist/unrealistic ones, but they have to fit the story. Bnha has always shown with characters like Bakugou and Enji (or even Aoyama) that forgiveness takes work and no everyone will be 100% okay with you regardless. These characters that have for the most part done equal or less then the LoV in terms of harm,  fought and bled to be better people and even then don’t get hands held. So, if Hori does end it with everyone being pals I will call that some crap writing. 
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loosesodamarble · 2 years
A/N: This is just a little experiment for myself, trying to write actual prose in Japanese. I know my followers are largely English-speaking so no one will really be able to read this. But I wanted to try my hand at writing in Japanese. It's not as long as other fics I've written and it's not even the most I've written in Japanese in one go. If anyone wants to try and make sense of it, be my guest and let me know what you think of the conversation.
Summary: When faced with the notion that the people around her are her "family of choice," Haruka turns it down.
「選んだ家族ですか?あっ、そんなことは全然信じられません。」 と言った春花は。
「えっ?どうして明夢くん?」 響平は聞きました。
「選んだ家族のことは…存在しません。」 春花は泣いているようだった。「家族は家族です。友達は友達です。二つのことを間違えるために選ぶのとか二つのことは同じだと言うのは…好きじゃないです。」
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