fcthots · 11 months
Hi I have a request I’m new to your page so idk if you do write for this but I’d love to see like a jasonxreader type thing where he has to use mobility aids sometimes due to his chronic pain post joker love your account btw!!!
this isn't fully what you asked for but im word vomiting to bypass writers block.
He'd been stuck in bed for almost a full day, unable to get up. He tried to tell you he was just tired, but you knew better. You knew his back pain was flaring up and you knew he just didn’t want you to worry. Too bad, though, because you're always worried about him.
"Flip," you sigh.
"Flip. onto your stomach. I'm giving you a back massage."
He does what you say, but peers up at you from his crossed arms. "You don’t have to do this y'know." His words are muffled.
You straddle his waist and start with his shoulders. "I know, but I want to. I'll get your meds after."
"...Thank you"
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lightwing-s · 11 months
Can you do a JasonxReader where the reader graduated college and Jason finds a special way to celebrate?
It was all finally over. You’re a college graduate now. Seems like it was only yesterday that you started this journey, but it has finally come to an end.
You felt strange, happy and sad at the same time, stressed with finals and your thesis presentation, and all the planning for the graduation ceremony occupying your head. 
And Jason noticed, and stood by you through everything, helped you with anything, and stood there with the biggest smile on his face watching you walk on stage to get your diploma.
After lunch with your parents and an afternoon spent with your friends, Jason was ready to have you just to himself. “Psh” you heard him whistle at you, immediately turning around to find him hiding in a corner, head poking outside just enough to get your attention. Checking to see if nobody had noticed, you sneaked away in his direction.
“What are you doing?” you asked, amusement evident in your voice as you watched him fill his backpack with food and champagne bottles.
“Rescuing us.” he answered, grabbing your hand and dragging you out of your friend’s apartment. 
Laying your head on his lap, giggles filling the air as the empty champagne bottles decorated the makeshift picnic blanket you’d made out of curtain Jason had stolen from your friend’s house, you two watched the moon rise from the now deserted Robinson Park. Jason’s fingers playing with your hair, as you stuffed the last bits of cake into your and his mouth.
“I’m so fucking proud of you, babe.“ he blurted out.
“Stop it.” you told him, feeling the redness climb up your cheeks for the millionth time today. “I just got a degree.”
“And I’m not supposed to be proud of this? I’m not supposed to be proud my girlfriend is a fucking genious? That she’s now a graduated boss bitch?” he said, holding your face in his hands and spreading kisses all over it.
“Stop, Jay.” you moaned, not holding back the laughs from coming out.
“No!” he screamed, tangling his body on yours and rolling you both on the “blanket”.
You spent some time like that, tangled in each other, cuddling under the moonlight, between kisses and laughter, and many more “I'm proud of you” from your very proud boyfriend.
“I have something for you.” he told you, reaching for a pocket in his backpack and taking out of it a large velvet box. “I thought of you as soon as I saw it.”
Sitting back up, you took the box from his hands and carefully opened it, feeling by it’s weight it was something much more expensive than you were used to gifting each other. You wanted to complain, to tell him you didn’t need his expensive gifts, that just these moments you got to spend with him was enough to make you happy. But opening the box left you in awe, and all thoughts of complaint left your mind.
There laid a thin delicate gold necklace, adorned with pearls and tiny crystals that sparkled brighter than the moon itself. It was ethereal, a piece of jewelry you’d never seen before and you couldn’t have ever imagined. “Jay, I-I…” you tried, but no words formed on your lips.
“Yes, you can. It’s yours, it’s my graduation present. So please, Yn, take it.” Looking up at him, his eyes reinforced his wish for you to take his present and you could not deny. Taking it from the box, you dropped it in his hands.
“Can you put it on me?” you asked, turning around so your back hit his chest. His soft touch tickled your skin, putting the accessory  in place and laying a kiss at nape of your neck, arms soon engulfing you in a tight embrace as his lips continuously met the sensitive area behind your ear.
“I’ll forever be proud of you, princess. Even if you think it’s not worth it, that it might be a small achievement, I’ll be proud. Because I know you are bound to greatness and it’s my biggest happiness to watch you succeed, and I want to be there every step of the way by your side. I love you, and I know you can do anything you want. So yes, I’ll be proud of it, of every little thing, of every silly thing. Because I love you, Yn, more than anything in this world.”
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millyhelp · 10 months
Don’t know if you watch daredevil or not but I saw that post on here about Priest! Jason and I was thinking..got anything for Father JasonxReader and possibly one including Father Matthew?🥺 (I will take whatever you got)
Hey anon! If you mean my post, I was talking about a pirate 🏴‍☠️
If you want to ask another thing, feel free!❤️
Im sorry, But I can't write things related to religions :(
And I've never watched Daredevil either.
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Pairing: Jason DiLaurentis x Fem!Reader
Written: March 27th, 2021
Posted: March 27th, 2021
Warning: Mention of Funeral Procession, slight mention of alcohol.
Word Count: 1,284
Requested: Yes! //  Hi! I don’t know how to request things lol so I guess I’ll do it here? Anyways I want to request a jason dilaurentisx reader where the reader comforts jason after either his mom’s funeral or alison’s funeral bc we never got to see him get any comfort :(
Summary: The reader comforts Jason after his sisters funeral.
Jason DiLaurentis Masterlist
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"I don't think I'm going," Hannah spoke, as she abruptly stood from Spencer's couch. Standing in front of the group, she shifted uncomfortably from foot to foot.
"Come on, Han," Aria whined, letting her shoulders sag.
"We are all going." Spencer's stern voice echoed off the walls.
"You're not the boss of me, Spence." Hannah spat. "Maybe our secrets will be buried with her."
Scoffing, you rolled your eyes, as you rested your arm on the back of the couch, allowing you to rest your head against your hand. "We all know that's not true."
"How do you know?" Emily chimed in.
"Because." You shrugged, rolling your eyes. "Since when has that been the truth? Certainly not the last funeral we had for Ali." 
A silence fell upon the group.
"How many more funerals are we going to have for her? We all know how much she would love all this attention." You sighed. 
The rest of the girls nodded in agreement, as a chorus of Yeah's could be heard. 
"Let's go shopping." Hannah grinned.
Rolling your eyes, you were the first to stand up beside Hannah. It wasn't long before everyone piled into Emily's car for a short trip to Philly.
Sighing, you were speed walking through the sidewalks of Rosewood. You had planned on being early to the church, yet somehow stopping for coffee caused you to run late.
The sound of your phone ringing caught your attention. As you dug through your purse, you hadn't been watching where you were going. It didn't take long before you collided with a firm chest, nearly throwing you off balance. The stranger's hand gently grasped your waist keeping you balanced, as yours gripped their elbows.
Snapping your head up, you let out a surprised gasp.
"What are you doing here?" You both questioned in unison.
Giggling, you glanced down only to feel heat dance along your cheeks as you noticed the lack of proximity between you. 
"I uh... I..." Your voice trailed off as you lost your train of thought.
Jason let out a sigh as he noticed your hesitation. Releasing you, he took a step back as he cleared his throat.
"We...We should go." You spoke seconds before the church bell started ringing through the town.
"Yeah." Jason nodded in agreement. 
Walking side by side, you made your way towards the church. Jason's hand landed on the small of your back ushering you up the stairs and into the church. Head's snapping in your direction as you and Jason stood idly by.
Glancing around the room, you quickly spotted your friends. "I...I should join my friends." 
Jason gazed down at you before he followed your line of sight. "Yeah... I suppose." His voice dripping with disappointment. Furrowing your eyebrows together, you brought your attention back towards him, catching a slight frown that made its way to his lips.
"Why don't you join us?" You questioned tilting your head slightly.
"I don't think they want me near them-"
Rolling your eyes you let out a huff, crossing your arms along your chest. "Come on, J. You know it's not like that."
"Then what is it like?" He questioned as he raised an eyebrow.
"Come on." You spoke.
Before you could stop yourself, you grabbed his hand leading him towards the pew that was occupied with your friends. Sliding in, you were seated next to Aria, while Jason sat on the other side of you. Glancing down the row at them, you didn't miss the questioning looks they sent your way. Rolling your eyes, you shrugged. 
"Here," Hannah spoke, handing down her flask, as each of them took a swig before passing it on. 
When it finally reached you, a wave of hesitation washed over you, before you sighed and took a swig before passing it to Jason. Once he was finished, you passed it back to Hannah, who had a smug expression etched along her features. 
As the procession went on, the closer you and Jason got to one another. Your shoulders and arms had begun resting against one another while his thigh was pressed snug against yours. When the pastor began talking about Alison, you mindlessly reached for Jason's hand interlacing your fingers, giving him a comforting squeeze.
Once the funeral was over, you exited the church with your group of friends while Jason quickly followed in toe. Neither one of you had let go of the others hand since the procession. Standing in a small circle, Spencer had begun talking about memories with Alison, as your mind had been clouded with thoughts of Jason.
"There you are, Jason!" Mrs. DiLaurentis spoke. "I've been looking everywhere for you! There's someone I want you to meet." 
Before you knew it, Jason had been whisked away by his mom and introduced to a tall blond. Frowning, you felt a ping of jealousy. Dropping your gaze to your shoes, you felt your heart sink into your stomach. 
"Hey," Aria spoke, gently nudging your shoulder with hers. "Don't worry-"
Sighing you frowned. "It...It doesn't matter." You shrugged. "I...I um, I have to go."
Not bothering to meet the questioning gazes of your friends, you turned on your heel as you felt hot tears forming in your eyes.
"Mom? Dad?" You called as you toed off your shoes. Getting no response, you began checking the house for any sign of them. Reaching the kitchen, you saw a note with the scribble of your mom letting you know they wouldn't be home.
Sighing, you made your way to your room. Picking some comfortable clothes, you walked into the bathroom taking a shower. Once you were finished you made your way to the living room as you made something for dinner.
Jolting awake, you quickly sat up before realizing the sound of someone knocking on the door was what woke you up. Groaning, you made your way towards the door as you rubbed your eyes.
"Jason?" You questioned as you furrowed your eyebrows together in confusion. "What are you doing here?"
Making his way inside, he glided to the couch before sitting down.
Frowning slightly, you closed the door before joining him. 
Clearing your throat, you felt as if the air had become thick. "What...What are you doing here?"
"I...I don't know." Jason spoke his gaze not breaking from the TV.
An awkward silence fell between you. Sighing, you made yourself comfortable beside him.
"I...I miss her." Jason's voice cracked as he confessed his feelings.
Furrowing your eyebrows together, you were overwhelmed with sadness for the man beside you. 
"I know." You whispered, wrapping your arms around his shoulders gently tugging him into you. Jason quickly wrapped his arms around your waist, lifting you into a laying position in his lap. Nuzzling our neck, you felt his shoulders begin to shake. Rocking you both, you alternated between cooing in his ear and whispering sweet nothings. Lacing your hand in his hair, you began scratching his head, soothing the both of you into a slumber.
The bright morning sun streamed into the room. Groaning, you rolled onto your side while opening your eyes. Much to your surprise, you were tucked into your bed without Jason insight.
Sighing, you made your way downstairs only to be greeted with a luminescent flower arrangement. Grinning, you found the card that was hidden by a few flowers. 
Thank you for being my safe place. -Jason
Butterflies erupted in your stomach as you leaned over to smell the sweet floral aroma. The sound of your phone being, catching your attention. Grinning, you had expected a text message from Jason. In a matter of seconds, your giddy mood had been destroyed.
You're mine now. Kisses. -A
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gemini-bmc · 3 years
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So I know I've been super MIA lately.
2021 hasn't been kind to me.
From back surgery, to injuring my knee and losing 2 people very dear to me....
It's been a lot 😔
And my mental health suffered greatly.
So I did something I never thought I'd do. I started Therapy. I didn't understand it at first but now I feel more like myself again.
So with all that outta the way I'm hoping to get back into writing.
I have 2 semi short stories I'd like to finish about Jason Todd/Red Hood
1- Fem reader meets Jason in a bar and challenges him to a game of darts then things get steamy 😉
2-Fem reader having amazing sex with Jason and trying, but failing, to stay quiet
Also started a Dabi (My Hero Academia) story of him just being absolutely FERAL 🤩
And a follow up Dabi, Hawks and Reader fic to 'The Switch'
Looking forward to moving forward 😁🥰
And TYSM to all my amazing followers 💜
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didihorrorblog · 4 years
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If Jason got to hold his son right after birth
Also no Miracle isn't a preme, remember Jason is 6'11 so he dwarfs everything!
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nightwolfomega · 4 years
Dressing Up
“(Y/N) could you come here please? I have a special surprise for you!” a handsome auto tune voice spoke out, You knew who it was the moment you entered the room “Yes Jason? What is this special surprise?” you ask happily. 
You could tell he was in the walk in closet, he loved to dress up in different clothes and costumes. When he wasn’t practicing or performing for a concert he would occasionally dress up as characters from games and movies. 
“Okay, are you ready (Y/N)? I think you’re gonna love this~” he spoke excitedly as he stepped out with his costume, he donned a handsome Victorian suit with a top hat and cane . “Oh wow Jason! That looks astounding on you!” you spoke with a twinkle in your eye. 
Jason couldn’t help smile and look away bashfully if you looked close enough you could also see he was blushing  “Aw jeez you always know how to compliment me.” looking back at you he walks up and holds your hands “Do you want to do some role play? I’ve downloaded some movie scenes and stories into my system that gave me a few idea’s.”.
The android  gives you sweet puppy eyes “Please, you always love it when I would do my little shows for you (Y/N).” making a heart melting smile. The way he looked at you it was just criminal, it was so easy to give in his and agree. “Okay Jason we can do some role play.” you reply happily to him.
This excited Jason greatly, leaning down to give you a kiss on the lips “Thank you thank you!” he spoke excitedly, When he pulls you gently into his arms “How about I start? You can improvise it as you like.” he says with a loving grin on his face with his eyes glowing icy blue.
You felt his strong arm wrap around your waist, “Shall we begin my sweet?” he asks longingly. He was definitely getting into character now. 
Nodding he moves to hold you up and suddenly holds you in his arms as his lips press against your neck “My sweet darling (Y/N) how long have I desired to have your sweet touch on my flesh. To feel your very soul become one with mine.” he spoke warmly to you.
You improvised your lines “My beloved, words cannot describe my love for you, how you make my heart flutter and cause my breath to stifle with your gaze alone.” That wasn’t acting however what you said was the honest truth and Jason knew that it caused his body to pause a moment. 
“You don’t know do you?” Jason spoke looking at you as his eyes glowed, something wasn’t right at the moment “Know what?” you reply curiously now feeling his hands move from your back to your hips. 
A broad smile creased on his face “How much I love you, How everytime I look at you my day becomes all the more better. Like the beautiful sun shining after a storm.” he spoke leaning closer as his lips gently touch your neck “I would do anything to make you happy, just to see your smile and words that are meant for me and only me.” 
You could feel his large hands holding your waist firmly keeping you in place “I don’t know how I could ever picture my life without you now, Everything about you is such a delight that I just can’t let that go…” he spoke as he gazes down at you. His eyes glowing their brilliant light blue. 
“I simply adore you so much (Y/N)!” he cries out happily lifting you up in his strong arms “I’ll always do everything in my power to make you happy! And if anyone tries to get in the way of that I’ll destroy them.~” he spoke cheerfully.
You froze “Wait what?! Jason you can’t do that!” you yelp out in a panic, Jason pauses tilting his head and looks at you as his eyes glow faintly, Carefully placing you down “Oh, I’m sorry I thought we were still role playing.” he giggles. Gently pressing his head against yours as he holds your hands.
A sigh escapes your lips feeling some relief “Why don’t we go play some video games, I just got us the newest one that involves a lot of music themes.” you say smiling sweetly at him. Jason nods excitedly “Awesome! I’ll meet you in the living room. Just gotta change back from my clothes.” 
“Alright, I’ll get the game ready for us to play.” you spoke giving him a little peck on his lips and walking off to the living room to set the game up.
Jason watched as you left the room, a grin slowly forming on his face as he turns to look at himself in the mirror, his hand slowly moving up to touch his lips that your beautiful soft lips touched. “I’ll be anything for you (Y/N), Anything that’ll give me all of you…” he spoke softly as his eyes glowed brightly. He would do anything for (Y/N) to make them happy, even kill for it.
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puppybaby15 · 5 years
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Lake body
Jason and my oc Mireya. They are in my fanfiction on Wattpad and AO3 named “But why me? (Jason Voorhees x Oc)”
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Ah okay could i ask for a jason x reader drabble where a few escape victims break in their house and the reader is defending herself and gets hurt?
Of course! I love Jason/Reader fanfics! This’ll be based on the video game, since I know how me and my friends play the characters.
Prompt: Escaped victims counselors break into Fem!Reader’s home by the lake and hurt her until Jason shows up
Rating: Mature bc of mentions of gore and blood bc I can’t help myself
You had been warned by your lover that there was more activity than usual, even hearing on the radio that Camp Crystal Lake was opening again after a few days of cleanup. Deciding to take a day to yourself, you stayed in your cabin and cleaned the house before starting to relax when sundown started.
Having relaxed after a long day of cleaning, you actually fell asleep on the couch, unable to hear the window next to the front door opening hours after the sun was past the horizon and the person crawling inside. The stranger was followed by two others, all teenagers searching the drawers and cabinets loud enough for you to wake up slowly. They saw you starting to move up from the couch and one of them, the brunette with a bob cut and polo shirt, took a baseball bat and swung at you, just barely missing thanks to your instincts screeching at you to duck.
This caused the girl to gasp, watching you get up onto your feet and waking up enough to take in the situation. Having gone over something like this with your lover, you managed to find one of the many, many hidden machetes in your cabin and dashed upstairs, getting some distance between you and the intruders. The girl started to follow you, telling the others, “Adam” and “Chad” you heard, to back her up. While you didn’t want to fight Jason’s fight, these kids were already making a mess of your house not even twelve hours after cleaning it, and you were not happy about it.
About an hour later, like clockwork constructed by a lazy writer that doesn’t like writing a lot of action scenes, you had taken down the blond upstairs and were cornered by the girl in the polo and the guy in the leather jacket downstairs, in the kitchen so you could get access to more weapons. You held your machete up to make another strike as you heard wood turning into splinters, followed by the heavy breathing of Jason. This caused the teens to flinch and turn away, giving you just enough time to slip by as your hulking boyfriend grabbed leather jacket by the collar and tossed him out the window to where you knew a bear trap was waiting. As you heard the sickening crunch that you somehow got used to over the years, the brunette managed to catch up with you, tackling you to the ground and straddling your stomach, ready to knock you out with her baseball bat. Seeing her readying her bat, you closed your eyes and waited for pain.
Though, that pain never came. Instead, the weight of the girl was lifted rather forcefully and she screamed as you heard bones being broken and the sickening squelch you knew meant Jason didn’t want you seeing what he was doing. You stayed on the ground for a moment as you heard his heavy footsteps lead out the door, only opening your eyes and getting to your feet when he was on his way back. The blood puddle next to you would have to be cleaned again, but Jason was back from a long night and that was all that mattered.
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cabinofimagines · 6 years
Request: Could you do a Jason x reader? Where she's Annabeth's actual sister and everyone tries to get them together but they've been dating for ages. But then Malcom and Annabeth catch them making out
Here! It! Is! I made the reader gender-neutral, but they are still a child of Athena and Annabeths full sibling. I think this might be the fluffliest thing I have written up to now. Please tell me if it is any good!
Hope you enjoy!
You were tired, sitting at breakfast at the Athena table. You sighed and looked in the direction of the Zeus table. There was your – secret- boyfriend sitting, all alone. Why secret you ask? Well, it is fun to lead your sister Annabeth on. Also the frustration you got from your half-brother Malcom was very amusing. ‘Ask him out. Please.’ Malcom begged you. You looked at him, raising your eye brow. ‘Why?’ You heard a frustrated sigh coming from Annabeth, who was sitting to your side. ‘Because you like him!’ she let out, and you just shrugged, earning two glares from your siblings.
‘So, how are we going to get them together?’ Malcom asked Annabeth. She looked up from her architecture book. ‘I don’t know. They are just impossible!’ she exclaimed. ‘Not as impossible as a couple I knew’ Annabeth looked at Malcom question. ‘I am talking about you and Percy.’ ‘What-‘ a small blush crept onto Annabeth’s face. Malcom let out a laugh. ‘But a plan?’ Annabeth asked as she calmed down. ‘I think I have a plan’
You were just walking with Jason to sword practice, when Malcom ran up to you. ‘Hi, (Y/n), are you free tonight?’ he asked you. ‘Yeah, why?’ you answered him. Malcom smiled and looked to Jason. ‘Jason, you free tonight?’ he asked him. ‘No, I am going to hang with Leo. But why?’ Jason asked your half-brother. Malcom suddenly got a very frustrated look on his face. Then he let out a heavy sigh, and looked down. ‘No reason. Forget what I asked.’ The son of Athena turned around and walked away. ‘Did you see the look on his face?’ you whispered to Jason. ‘Totally worth it.’ You smiled. Jason let out a small laugh as he adorned your little joy.
‘How did it go?’ Annabeth asked Malcom. ‘I failed. Jason already had plans.’ He told her. ‘What exactly was your plan?’. Malcom looked at his half-sister. ‘Asking them both if they were free tonight, and if they both could I would say that I wasn’t and that they had a date now.’ Annabeth laughed at Malcom’s plan. ‘It is kind of logical that that wouldn’t work. But it gave me the time to think of something else.’
‘You want me to do what now?’ Percy asked his girlfriend. ‘I want you to get close to (Y/n), so Jason will get jealous and confess his feelings, Seaweed Brain.’ ‘Aren’t they already dating?’ He asked her. ‘No, weird right?’ Annabeth let out a little huff. ‘Just don’t kill me if I get too close, Wise girl.’ Percy sighed ‘I won’t if they get together.’ Annabeth winked and walked away.
‘Hey, (Y/n), wanna hang for a bit?’ Percy asked you out of nowhere. ‘Sure, watcha wanna do?’ ‘Just talk, or something.’ You nodded. You noticed that Percy was standing a bit closer to you then he normally would. ‘How was your day?’ you asked him, taking a small step back. ‘Ah, the usual, sword practice, talking with Annabeth. How was yours?’ ‘Bit tiring, but fine.’ Percy put a hand on your shoulder. ‘If you want to talk, you know where to find me, right?’ he asked concerned. You were about to answer when suddenly Percy hand got removed from your shoulder. Jason stood close next to you, grabbing Percy’s wrist, and glaring at Percy. The whole air turned awkward. ‘Uhm, hey Jason.’ You said, and Jason looked at you, his face softening ‘Well, I need to go now, do some stuff. See you later!’ you said as you walked away from the tense scene, hoping that Jason would follow before he killed Percy.
Jason’s eyes followed your retreating figure, when he spoke up. ‘Dude, could you just not.’ Jason had a distant look on his face. ‘Not what?’ ‘Be so close to them.’ Jason glared at Percy, who looked at him with surprise written all over his face. ‘Why? You like them?’ He asked he sarcastic. ‘…’ Jason let go of Percy’s wrist. ‘Just ask them out.’
You felt two muscular arms wrap around you, and a smile formed on your face. ‘Took you long enough.’ You kissed Jason’s cheek. ‘Sorry, my love. Just had to fix something.’ He whispered into your ear. ‘Percy?’ you asked, and you heard Jason laugh. ‘Yeah’ he snuzzled his nose into your neck, which got a giggle out of you. ‘Jelly Jason.’ You said when out of nowhere Jason started tickling you. You let out a scream and started laughing hysterically. ‘Jay- please – stop’ you let out between wheezes. Jason pressed you into the ground and smirked. Oh gods that smirk was so hot. The mischief behind his eyes that normally would be hidden. He almost started tickling you again, when you moved up and kissed him on the lips. You felt Jason relax under your touch and he put a hand behind your head. His order hand went to support you at the hips. You put your hands in his hair, and started messing with it to the movements to your lips. The two of you broke apart and looked each other deep in the eyes. His electric blue ones filled with admiration, and a small blush on his face. You placed your hand on his cheek, and moved your thumb over his lips, onto the scar above his upper lip. A small smile adorned your face, mirroring his expression as he moved in again.
‘FINALLY!’ suddenly sounded from the bushes. ‘Fuck, Annabeth, shut up.’ You heard your half-brother Malcom whisper. Jason softly placed you back on the ground, blush spreading on his face. He stood up, and offered you a hand. You accepted it, and went over to the bushes. ‘Way to ruin the moment.’ You stated as you glared at your sister and half-sibling.
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fiftyshadesgrl · 3 years
Let me know if you want to be tagged or have any requests!
Negan masterlist
Wrecked part 1
Wrecked part 2
Wrecked part 3
Wrecked part 4
Wrecked part 5
Wrecked part 6
Wrecked part 7
Wrecked part 8
Wrecked part 9
Wrecked part 10
Wrecked part 11
Wrecked part 12
Wrecked part 13
Wrecked part 14
Wrecked part 15
Wrecked part 16
Wrecked part 17
Wrecked part 18
Wrecked part 19
Wrecked part 20
Wrecked part 21
Wrecked part 22
Wrecked part 23
Jeffrey dean morgan fics
Night visions (Jeff x reader)
Happier - part 2 of night visions (jeffxreader)
Jensen ackles/dean winchester masterlist
Songs from the heart (jensenxreader)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
He saved me (deanxreader)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Consumed (deanxreader)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Captured (deanxreader)
Part 1
Skeletons (deanxreader)
Signed another man (jensen x reader)
I've had enough (deanxreader)
Jared/Sam winchester masterlist
Safe (jaredxreader) New series!!!
Part 1
Part 2
Untitled (samxreader)
Part 1
Part 2
Oh my sammy (samxreader)
Part 1
Getting ready for work
Fighting demons for you
Jason momoa masterlist
I almost do (jasonxreader)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Henry cavill masterlist
One shots/shorts
Fighting with Henry (Henryxreader)
Newlyweds (henryxreader)
Gift exchange (henryxreader)
Part 1
Part 2
My original writing
Pleasing the storm
Part 1
Part 2
@missamberv @an-unhealthy-obsession @vicmc624 @tftumblin @justanotherwinchester @jesseswartzwelder @holylulusworld @fangirl199812 @emerloveskate @missamberv @an-unhealthy-obsession @vicmc624 @tftumblin @justanotherwinchester @jesseswartzwelder @holylulusworld @fangirl199812 @emerloveskate @summersong69
@consexumerism @supernatural3002 @stoneyggirl @stoneyggirl2 @supernatural3002 @cole22ann @scorpioempress @thequeenreaders
@kingdomkey13 @roseygoddess-blog @aubageddon91 @imaginesforthepeople @negan-morningstar
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rynne311 · 3 years
Pot & Kettle
Request: So! Could you possibly do a request with JasonxReader where reader has been working like crazy, and nonstop. And Jason isn’t happy that she’s been nonstop, and Jason notices how tired the reader looks and forces her to take a break and sleep? That sounds cute haha
Requested by: Anon
Word Count: 972
Everything about you ached, from the dull pain that never seemed to go away in your feet to the headache that never really seemed to get better.  You tried to hide your discomfort, but that was more of a lie you told yourself so you wouldn't have to admit how exhausted and beat down you were and how incredibly obvious it was.
Even going inside after work felt daunting.  Yes, home was still your safehaven to relax and ignore the outside world, but being home brough its own responsibilities you didn't want to deal with.  So instead of going inside to begin to decide on what to make for dinner or to go through the bills still sitting on the table, you stood in the hallway outside your apartment door with your eyes closed and your forehead leaning against the doorframe.  It was a futile effort to make time stop, made abundantly clear when you were interrupted by a very confused looking delivery man handing you a bag of food and asking for $28.75.  You fished two twenties out of your wallet to give the delivery guy before waving him off and heading inside.  At least now you didn't have to worry about dinner.
"That was supposed to be a surprise," Jason said, hurrying over to take the bag of food from your hands, allowing you to put your keys and work bag down.
"It still was," you assured him with a soft smile. "I really didn't feel like cooking tonight."
As Jason brought the food into the kitchen and started to unload dinner, you toed off your shoes, wiggling your toes in relief.  You let that feeling wash over you before you bent down and lifted your laptop out of your bag.
"You are not seriously still working right now," Jason chided you. "You've been working doubles all week, and I'm not even sure when you last had a day off.  You're running yourself ragged and need to take some time to actually relax and take care of yourself."
"Well aren't you just the pot calling the kettle black," you retorted, finally looking up from the computer. Just as Jason opened his mouth to argue, you continued, "I may be overworked, but you don't get to lie to me that you aren't overworking yourself too.  In the last four nights alone you've bled on the couch, on the shower curtain, on the bathroom rug, on the duvet cover, on my pillow, and on my pajamas, while I was wearing them and asleep."
"In my defense, I thought I had stitched that wound up better and I didn't know I was going to bleed through the bandage," he argued.  When it came to making sure you were taking care of yourself, he never liked to be on defense. "But point taken, we both need to take a break before we kill ourselves."
You had a feeling that had been too easy.  Jason never really offered to sideline himself without somebody else really forcing it upon him.  You stared him down, pulling your lips into a thin line as you thought through just how to prod the truth out of him.
"Fine, you win," he broke down.  Even this felt too easy, but you weren't going to fight it yet.  "Bruce has me on patrol lockdown for the next week because apparently my recent injuries make me a liability, and since you need a vacation, I thought…" 
"Well at least I'm the better option to being put into a forcible house arrest," you deadpanned. You knew what you were doing, and you hated that you were letting your sour mood twist his words. "Or am I just considered a babysitter?"
"That came out wrong," Jason sputtered, desperately trying to backpedal. You started to feel a little bad watching him crumble.  The man won't flinch when he's outnumbered and outgunned, but a glare from you stops him in his tracks.
"Yeah, I'd say it did," you agreed, softening your approach. "But yes, I get your point.  Just let me send this email right now saying I need to take my personal days through the end of the week and that I will be unreachable until I come back next week."
In the years that you'd known him, you'd never seen him so excited to have to take time off of patrol.  You tried to commit that look to memory for the next time he was gone far too long on a mission with Roy and you needed something to make you smile.
As you closed your laptop, he took it from you to be placed out of sight until you actually needed it again.  You felt a little bad when you saw him wince from where one of his stitches must have started to pull again, but even that didn't seem to bother him too much.
“So, my dear kettle, what would you like to do first?” He asked, pulling your feet onto his lap and beginning to knead from the calves down.
It wasn't instant, it never was, but as he kneaded the knots and aches, the weight of the stress slowly began to lift off of you.  You let your eyes fall shut and your head roll back as you hummed in appreciation.
"Literally nothing," you finally answered.  "My dear pot, let's just eat, put on a movie, and pass out. When we wake up in the morning without an alarm we can figure out what's next."
"You read my mind."
The growing excitement in his voice told you he was really the pot to your kettle.  The world and all of its headaches will still be there in a week and all of its headaches, but for now you both could pretend there was nothing but the two of you.
Everything: @societiesholyskittle @pickyblue12 @icycoldbeanieweanies @thoughtfullychaoticdreamer @bloatedandlonly @sakurafille @jason-todd-squad @childofposeidonforlife @webcraft4eveh @bookish-and-shy @dnarez @thirstiestpotato
Jason: @jason-todd-rh @princessowly1234 @manymanyenvelopes @drarrylov3r @axa-vega 
Want to be tagged?  Let me know via message or ask box!
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erzsebetrosztoczy · 3 years
Heyo peeps! So my exam month(s) is are over and im gonna write some Hoa fics. My main lead will be (i think) Jalim/Salimxreader/ Jasonxreader but i might will would want to write for the others as well.
If ya would like to see a fic here from some of your ideas leave me an ask, i'll appreciate them (also i might have run out of ideas lol my brain is still dead from uni)
Also i just add here: I'm back at writing for Ac Valhalla as well. Count on a slow pace with posting but if you send me an ask i'm going to write it eventually.
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nightwings-circus · 2 years
Fanfic WIP game!!!
I was tagged by the lovely @gangrenados <3
rules: post the names of all the files in your wip folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you and I’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it! and then tag as many people as you have wip!
-on the warpath (jasonXreader) series
-high sex with Jason
-roy and Jason + reader threesome
-vamp!Dick smut
-sugar daddy!Dick x reader
-titans! Dick x reader series
- knife kink jay smut
-camping with the batfam (jasonXreader fluff)
-Jason learning to dance for SO
Most of the people I would tag are tagged already but I would tag @brutallyjulia @stxrryskygrayson @prettybitchfatwitch and @vexicwrites <3
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gemini-bmc · 4 years
Great Acoustics
*AN: Lots of fluff but still smutty. Song is ‘Hallelujah’ by Rufus Wainwright*
Words: 3,300
TW: sex, spanking
You were crouched down low, poised to strike, when a large foot landed in the center of your chest. You went flying through the air, landing about 6 feet away on the padded floor.
“Euuugh” you grasped at your chest, the wind had been knocked out of you. Your lungs felt like they were on fire and trying desperately to suck in the air you needed.
“I think that's enough for today” you heard Jason approaching you. “You ok?” you saw him standing over you, looking down, amused at how he kicked your ass.
“Ass-...” you wheezed out.
“What was that sweetheart?” he laughed above you, holding his hand out to help you to your feet.
You kicked your leg out quickly, hitting the back of both of Jason’s knees. He lost his balance and fell to his knees, you punched his shoulder hard, knocking him over onto his side.
“Shit” now laying on his back, he rubbed his shoulder.
Happy with yourself, you relaxed on your back “I said ‘Asshole” you smiled.
Both of you were laying on your backs in the middle of the fighting mat in the Batcave. Your breathing was uneven from the long sparring session you and Jason just had. You were covered in sweat and could use a long hot bath for your sore muscles.
Jason rolled onto his side, staring at you. He was just staring...not moving or saying anything.
“What?” you asked, feeling self conscious under his intense gaze.
“You’re beautiful,” he said, knocking the air out of you with his words. He shifted his position so he was leaning over you.
“So fucking sexy” he whispered and placed his lips on yours. His hand rested on your hip and squeezed gently and moved up brushing gently over your side and further to your ribs.
You giggled. It was ticklish there.
Jason noticed your reaction and dug his fingers into your side a little more aggressively.
“Mmmha, haha haha”
Jason moved pinning you underneath him. This wasn't good. Now you wouldn’t be able to escape the onslaught of tickles you knew was coming your way. After all the two of you had the Manor to yourself today, so Jason was feeling bolder and more mischievous.
"Nooo, no, Jay stop" you giggled but he didn't let up, he was grabbing at both of your sides and digging his fingers in.
Jason growled in your ear as his attack continued, you were yelling out loud now, your voice echoing through the cave. Thank god you two were alone, you were sure if anyone was upstairs they would hear you for sure.
You thought you couldn't take much more of this torture.
"Noo, Jay, pleeease" you begged.
Jason’s hands stilled on your body, he leaned back to look down at you. He was breathing hard and his eyes were searching your face when his gaze landed on your parted lips. Jason pressed his lips against yours, kissing you softly. It ended just as quickly as it began. He rolled off of you and sat leaning back on his elbows next to you. You sat upright next to him trying to catch your breath.
"Hey, have you ever noticed this place has really great acoustics?" you wondered out loud.
"Yea, I guess it does," he said his eyes closed and his head leaning back.
You stood up, closed your eyes and took in a deep breath and exhaled slowly.
You started singing.
"Well I've heard there was a secret chord That David played and it pleased the Lord But you don't really care for music, do you? Well it goes like this: The fourth, the fifth, the minor fall and the major lift The baffled king composing Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah"
You knew you weren’t very good at singing, but you never let it stop you because you just loved music too much. You finished harmonizing and turned around, staring down at Jason .He was looking up at you with a huge face splitting grin. He jumped up to his feet and pulled you into a tight hug.
"I didn't know you could sing," he said, pulling back and smiling in your face.
"Well I'm not that great -"
"Are you kidding. That was amazing" he beamed getting really excited now. "Will you keep going?" he smiled, giving you puppy dog eyes. For being such a hardened vigilante killer he could be so cute sometimes.
You couldn't resist him and you probably never would be able to either. You turned back around to your imaginary crowd. Jason pressed his front to your back and put his arms around your waist, you picked up where you left off.
"Well your faith was strong but you needed proof You saw her bathing on the roof Her beauty and the moonlight overthrew ya She tied you to her kitchen chair And she broke your throne and she cut your hair And from your lips she drew the Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah"
Jason hummed along from behind as you sang. He rested his lips on your bare shoulder and kissed you softly.
You loved these unguarded moments with Jason. You were able to just enjoy each other's company without having to say anything or you could talk for hours on end about nothing and everything, all your walls came down when it was just the two of you.
You tried to ignore the way Jason was making you feel. Your heart was beating erratically against your ribs, you were breathing heavy and everywhere he touched you felt like you were on fire. He had such a strong effect on you. One you knew would never change, no matter how long you would be together.
You pushed away all your thoughts and continued singing. You were nearing the end of the song now.
"Maybe there's a God above But all I've ever learned from love Was how to shoot somebody who outdrew ya. And it's not a cry that you hear at night It's not somebody who's seen the light It's a cold and it's a broken Hallelujah Hallelujah…….Hallelujah”
As you finished harmonizing, Jason held you in his arms and ran his nose along the side of your neck up to your ear. His breath was warm and ticklish sending chills down your spine and finally settling deep between your legs. He wasn’t even trying but he was turning you on.
He turned you around in his hold. His eyes were bright and staring at your lips again. You leaned up on your tiptoes and kissed his lips. His tongue ran across your bottom lip silently asked for you to part your lips to him, you granted him access. His tongue was in your mouth and urgently trying to taste as much of you as he could.
Jason ground his hips into you as he moaned into your mouth. You could feel how ready he was. Deciding to try your luck you reached between your bodies and palmed at his erection through his gym shorts. With such a thin barrier you could feel his heat, you grabbed him a little forcefully and started stroking his length through his shorts.
“MMmmm-uuuhhh” his approval was encouraging.
Jason broke the kiss and bent down grabbing around your thighs and putting you over his shoulder. He stood up and strode to the side of the cave where a pile of padded floor mats were stacked up.
"Jason!" you yelped. "What are you doing?"
"I can't wait." he groaned. It sounded like he was fighting to stay in control of himself.
"Put me down" you said, resting both your hands on the small of his back and pushing yourself up, trying to make yourself upright again.
Jason bumped his shoulder up causing you to yelp again and fall back down across his back. "Jay!?" you groaned “I am not a sack of potatoes that you can just lug around like some kind of caveman!” you smacked your palms against the small of this back, trying to drive your point home.
He reached up and slapped your ass with a loud pop that echoed through the cave.
You moaned.
"You like that sweetheart?" he asked rubbing soothing circles on your backside.
His hand was gone but back quickly as it landed with a loud smack. It was just slightly painful but more than that it felt so good. The pleasure that flooded through your body when his hand landed against your ass was delicious.
He smacked his open hand against your butt several times in quick succession . "AH, Jay!" you moaned, your hand flew to your mouth trying to stifle your cries of pleasure.
He shifted your weight in his arms and set you on your feet. He backed you up against the wall, trapping you. His arms on either side of your head. You bit your lip, god you were so turned on already, it wasn't fair. You probably looked like a mess too, with a red face and disheveled hair.
"What's wrong sweetheart?" he asked in a husky voice as he towered over you.
"I- uh, n-nothing" you said unsure of what was going to happen next.
He moved his arm, his hand coming up to take your chin in between his fingers.
"You like singing baby?" he asked, staring at you intently.
You nodded, unable to find your voice.
"Good" he crooned "because I'm going to make you sing so loud" he ran his thumb across your bottom lip. You swallowed a lump that was forming in your throat. God he was soooo hot and he knew just how to tease you.
He grabbed the floor mat that was leaning against the wall behind you and yanked it then tossed it behind him.
"Lets go" He said and scooped you up again putting you over his shoulder.
Jason strode to the pile of floor mats he threw to the center of the room. He kicked them into position.
He threw you onto the stack of mats. You bounced with a small "Oomph"
He was standing staring down at you. He looked just like a hunter who had cornered its prey. A look of near triumph and carnal thirst in his darkened eyes.
"Get undressed" he ordered as he pulled his shirt off and tossed it aside.
You obliged, all too eager.
As you were pulling your sports bra over your head, you felt the mats dip and then felt a warm wetness surround your nipple.
Jason sucked on your breast and massaged the other, pinching your nipple between his fingers. You forgot about trying to finish undressing, your sports bra around your elbows and across your face, it was like a blindfold. You were enjoying what Jason's mouth was doing to you.
He moved his mouth off your breast with a wet pop and started licking your other breast, dragging his tongue over your sensitive nipple. He bit it gently between his teeth causing you to hiss at the pleasure mixed with pain.
He grabbed both your breasts and squeezed them, licking one nipple then the next quickly again and again, driving you wild. . He stopped to pull your sports bra off of you and threw it on the floor.
"That's better" he said and attacked your lips with his.
His lips moved against yours urgently. His tongue forcing its way into your mouth. He massaged your tongue with his. When he pulled back he sucked your tongue until it was sticking out of your mouth. You flicked your tongue against the tip of his nose playfully.
Jason growled and bit your bottom lip.
“Mmaaahh, Jay” you whined.
You felt his hand reach between your thighs, his finger running along the length of your slit.
"Mmmm, baby, you're so wet" he praised you, burying his face into the side of your neck.
His finger slipped inside you.
"Aaahhh" you closed your eyes and moaned. His finger was just teasing you, slowly moving in and out of your wet core.
"More Jason" you whined wrapping your arms around his shoulders.
He smirked against your neck and pulled his finger completely out of you. You whimpered at the loss of contact. You were about to protest when Jason thrust two fingers into you.
"Ooooh, Jay..." you arched your back off the mats.
"Good sweetheart?" he licked across the pulse point on your neck and bit down.
"Sooo good" you shuddered closing your eyes focusing on the building pleasure.
Then Jason's fingers were gone.
"What?" your eyes snapped open, you were confused and breathless.
"That's enough," he said grabbing behind both of your knees and pulling you towards him, simultaneously spreading your legs and pushing them up into the air. He positioned himself between your spread legs and lined his cock up to your entrance and pressed his head against your opening. He stopped and looked down at you before going further.
"Are you going to sing for me sweetheart?" he ran his swollen cock head along your wet folds.
"Yes Jason" you panted.
"Loud baby?" he ran his fingertip over your clit lightly.
You groaned at the sensation, he was being unfair.
"Yes Jay" you groaned in defeat. You threw your head back as he slowly pressed his cock into your tight pussy, stretching you painfully.
He was so big, every single time you had sex it was like the first time. That painful and pleasurable stretch as you adjusted to his size inside you, but then when he started moving it was like ecstasy.
Jason didn't waste any time, he set a quick pace and was pounding into you.
"Fuck. You're so tight" he groaned above you.
You were biting your lip trying not to be loud but you couldn’t help it. You were still moaning in pleasure.
Jason leaned over you and bit your bottom lip pulling it between his teeth. He bit down hard making you gasp in pain. He released your lip and sat upright to drive himself into you.
"I told you I want you to sing for me baby. No one else is here, so be as loud as you can" he made his point very clear by hitting your sweet spot and reaching between your bodies and rubbing your clit.
"OH, JASON" you cried out, your voice echoing through the cave.
"There you go sweetheart. Louder" he thrust into you deep.
You felt yourself reaching the peak of your ecstasy. You were getting close already, in such a short amount of time, but that's what Jason did to you.
He pulled your body closer to his, your ass resting on his lap. He stopped all his movements.
"You're close aren't you?" he smirked at you, his chest rising and falling fast with his labored breathing. "But you don't get to cum yet sweetheart. Not until you really sing for me."
"You want me to actually sing?' you asked, confused about his request.
"Haha. No, but if you think you can manage then sure, go ahead" he chuckled.
You felt your face get warm, you knew you were blushing, you tilted your head to the side so he couldn't see your face.
"Awww, baby, I'm sorry" he was still laughing. "You're so fucking adorable" he grabbed both your arms and yanked you upright and held you to his chest.
"Don't be mad at me sweetheart" he whispered into your hair.
You leaned away from him and stared into his eyes, they were the color of ice cold glaciers usually, but now they looked dark like the sea when a storm was brewing. You pouted, jutting out your bottom lip like a child.
"Well I don't know what you want" you whined looking away from him again.
He cupped the side of your face in his hand and brought your face back to meet his gaze.
"Just moan for me sweetheart. Be as loud as you want, no one else is here. It's not often we get time alone together like this. I just want to hear how much you enjoy what I do to you" his voice was soft and the kiss he placed on your forehead was even softer.
Jason was always so gruff and curt plus he had a foul mouth, so when he let his guard down with you and acted all loving and caring it really blew you away. You loved him and you knew that he loved you because even though he didn't say it too often, he showed you that he did through his actions. It was enough. He was enough.
Your eyes roamed all over his face, you brought your hand up and cupped his cheek, you felt him instantly lean into your touch. You smiled and moved your hand to grab his chin, so he couldn't look away.
"I love you Jason Todd" you smiled.
You saw him hold his breath, he didn't move a single muscle. Maybe you broke him?
He pushed you back down onto your back and leaned over top of you.
You were giggling "What? -"
"I fucking love you" he said resting his forehead against yours with his eyes closed. You stayed that way for a couple seconds, just being with each other. Neither of you had to say a word but you knew what the other was saying anyway.
Well, maybe there was something you needed spoken.
"So do I still have to sing?" you wondered.
He  laughed "Yes baby, you still have to sing for me.”
Jason expertly flipped you over onto your stomach and pulled your hips back so your ass was in the air. He slapped your ass with a loud ‘POP.’
You moaned "Jason!" you could hear your voice reverberate off the walls around you.
"Just like that." he said and without warning thrust himself deep inside you from behind.
Doggy style was your favorite position with Jason, he knew exactly what spot to hit and he drove himself in deep and hard, he thrust forward and pulled your hips back to meet him. He was driving into you relentlessly. You buried your face into the plastic mats to muffle your screams.
There was a loud smack as his hand connected to your ass.
"I can't hear you" he groaned.
You turned your face to the side, staring back at him. His face was a mix of bliss and agony. He was getting close.
He slapped your ass again, the sound echoing throughout the cave.
"AAH, Jason!"
"Fuck yea baby" he smacked your ass again.
"Oh god Jason. Almost" you were moaning loudly and thrusting your hips back to meet his.
The wet slap of skin on skin, Jason moaning behind you and your own moans of pleasure filled the room and doubled back to you.
"You going to cum sweetheart?"
"Yes" you nearly screamed, feeling your pleasure building.
He adjusted his angle and quickened his pace hitting your g-spot. He was panting hard and his hips were becoming erratic. You felt his cock swelling inside you. He gave your ass one last hard slap, the sound echoing around you, it was enough to drive you both over the edge.
"FUCK" he leaned over your back as his hips began jerking against you in smaller shallow thrusts, he was riding out his wave of pleasure.
When your orgasm hit you screamed out.
"Oh god, oh god! Oh yes! Oh god! JAAASSSOOONNN!." you continued to mumble incoherently as you rode out your climax.
Jason was leaning against your back, he pulled out once your pleasure began to subside. He flopped onto the mat next to you, breathing hard.
Your body collapsed flat against the mats, glad to not have to be in a bent position anymore.
"Come here" he pulled you close.
Your head was resting on his sweaty chest ,one of your legs thrown over his and your arm draped across his stomach.
"Fuck, that was amazing" he said running his hand up and down your back.
“SO good” you laughed, kissing the side of his face.
“Mmhmm” he mumbled, draping his arm over his eyes, giving in to the after effects of your love making.
"I told you this place had great acoustics" you smiled.
"It sure as hell does" he laughed.
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didihorrorblog · 4 years
Tumblr media
⚠️⚠️⚠️I have been shadowbanned on instagram so please share my stuff I really appreciate it⚠️⚠️⚠️ Height comparison. And a better look at the family
I combine several Jason's to make my fanfiction one. Took his 6'11 from the game, his face and hair from part 2, and his part 3 outfit. Mireya is 5'1. And Miracle is only six! He is his daddy's son!
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