#Jatp one shot
t-h-e-seance-tua · 6 months
I'm sorry (JATP One shot)
So here we go, turns out this has been sitting in my google drive for a while. I found it last night and finished it off. It might seem a little rushed, but time passes differently when you are in danger.
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What actually happened after Luke, Alex, and Reggie ate those street dogs?
It was the tingling in his hands he noted first, it had started not long after he grabbed the hot dog.
He wished he hadn’t ignored it.
If he hadn’t, he wouldn’t be in this situation right now.
He was kneeling beside Alex, who was screaming in pain. He was the first affected. He said his throat felt funny only one bite into the hot dog, now his throat was being burnt.
“Can someone call 911!” Luke tried to call out, but was starting to feel his own throat starting to burn. He watched as the man who had sold him the hotdogs pulled out his cell phone.
“Alex, hang on. They will be here soon!” Luke tried to comfort him. Alex didn’t reply, he couldn’t reply. He was curled up on his side, clutching his stomach. Suddenly, he began violently vomiting with no signs of stopping. He continued vomiting until splashes of red turned into a river of red.
“The hot dogs must have h-had battery acid on them,” Reggie said behind Luke. Luke turned to look at him and noticed he had started sweating. Luke could tell that Reggie wasn't okay, that the front he was seeing was fake. A pit started forming in Luke’s stomach as he realised this was serious. Luke tried to form words but suddenly was overtaken by a stabbing pain in his stomach. It came on so suddenly and painfully that he let out a scream.
“Luke!” Reggie yelled, worried for his friend. Luke tried to take deep breaths, to tame the pain but it didn't work. Instead, he put on a fake smile to make sure he didn't worry Reggie.
This can't be happening
“I'm all good, go, grab my drink. Quickly rinse your mouth out.” Luke told him, hoping it would rid Reggie's mouth of the battery acid.
Reggie nodded his head. He went to stand up but instead crumbled onto his knees before falling forward.
“Reggie!” Luke called out before making his way over, clutching his side. Reggie never responded. He felt down to Reggie’s chest and noted that it was rising and falling very slowly.
How was this happening? What was going on?
Luke tried shaking Reggie awake but he wouldn’t stir. He desperately tried pushing himself up from the ground to try and get back to Alex who had also fallen silent. His arms shook before his body collapsed onto the cold, damp street.
His mind began to run through everything. Everything he regretted. This was meant to be the biggest night of the career, of their lives. Instead, the young boy was lying face down in the dirty street, praying the pain would stop.
Why did he have to be so stubborn with his mom? He knew she only wanted what was best for him. After all, he was her only child.
Oh my god, mom.
Luke had suddenly had the realisation that he could quite possibly die on this street, and his mom would never know. His mom; the one that brought him into this world. The one that coaxed him from across the living room to take his first steps. The one that held tightly onto his hand as he walked into school on his first day. The one that bought him his first guitar. The one that had been there when Shirley, Luke’s first love, had broken his heart. The one who wanted the best life for Luke. The one that was worried that playing in a band wouldn’t support him enough on his own. His mother.
An anguished sob escaped his chest that hurt even more than the battery acid in his throat. He was so caught up in his thoughts he hadn’t even noticed the figure walking towards him.
“Hey kid. You’re okay,” The figure tried to comfort him. The figure mimed taking in deep breaths, which Luke mimicked and stopped his sobbing. “What’s your name kid?”
“Luke,” He whispered, trying his best to curl up in a ball hoping to relieve the pain in his stomach.
“Luke, don’t you worry. We are going to get you sorted.” The figure said to him. He could feel something placed over his face.
"My mom, I need my mom." He cried again.
“Don’t worry, we will contact her when we get to the hospital,”
“No, she doesn’t know where I am.” He tried to say under the mask. He kept his eyes closed, hoping that when he opened them he would wake up at home. He could feel his body being moved onto something softer, and he gathered that he must have been loaded into the back of an ambulance.
The figure continued checking him over, and asking him questions that seemed silly for the situation.
What's your name? How old are you? What's the date today? What time is it roughly?
Luke laid there in the stretcher, shivering even though he was covered in blankets as the person continued to ask him questions. When there was a lull in the questions, he quickly jumped in.
“The other guys, where are they?” Luke finally got to ask the figure a question.
“They are being looked after by my buddies, don't you worry.”
The figure continued to poke and prod Luke. Just when Luke thought the pain was going away, another wave rippled through. He felt as if it was ripping his throat apart. Was it ripping his throat apart?
He screamed out in pain and tried to desperately roll onto his side, hoping he could curl up and lessen the pain.
“I'm sorry kid, you've got to stay on your back."
“Please make it s-stop, please I'm b-begging you!” He screamed.
“I've already given you morphine, I can't give you anymore.”
“P-Please, I want my mom,” he cried, trying to move out of the figure's grasp.
“Don't you worry kid, she'll be here soon. We are just pulling up to the hospital now.” The figure told him. He could hear the unclicking of seat belts, and parts of a static voice in the background.
“Attention all units that attended Sunset Boulevard. This is an update that one of the patients-”
“Alright kid, let's go,” the figure announced, loud enough to drown out the radio. Luke opened his eyes to see now 2 figures working around him, getting him ready to offload.
“I'm gonna be sick,” Luke whispered, but one of the figures heard him and quickly gave him a bag just in time to catch his stomach's contents. The figures seemed to work quickly now at getting the stretcher out of the truck, and rushing towards a set of doors, all while Luke continued the throw up. He dropped back down onto the bed, closing his eyes. He was too tired to open them as he was wheeled into the emergency room.
“3 young males, found in an alleyway after accidentally ingesting battery acid. This is Luke, he has been alert and oriented the whole time,” The paramedic began to say as Luke felt himself being wheeled in before they dropped their tone, in a way so they hoped that Luke couldn’t hear
“I’ve just received word from the other crews who should be here soon. One of the males has been unconscious and convulsing since they arrived on scene, the other male has died on route here."
If the pain in stomach wasn’t enough, Luke could now feel his heart shattering.
“W-What do you mean they died? They couldn’t have. Who was it?” He yelled. All they did was turn and stare at him. Luke pushed himself up, trying to escape the gurney, only to be pushed back down by much stronger hands.
“Please, son. You can’t get up,” An older male said. “I’m Dr Macburn, I’m going to do all I can to save you and your friend.”
He knew that these words were meant to bring him comfort, but instead he burst into tears as the reality of potential death set in.
“I need my mom, please,” He whispered through tears.
“We are trying to get a hold of your Mom, Luke. Don’t worry, she will be here,” The older Dr said, holding onto the young boy’s hand.
Suddenly and without warning, Luke began to vomit. He screwed his eyes up and quickly turned to his side, trying to rid the bile but finding it hard to breath. He felt a tube go into his mouth and suck what was remaining. When he opened his eyes, he looked down and saw the stain that should have been green from bile was actually red.
He laid back down and sighed.
“Ring theatres, he is going to have a scope and then a laparotomy, to find out what is happening. We will most likely have to perform a tracheotomy too.” Dr Macburn called out to someone else, Luke was too tired to even open his eyes to see. “I want you to keep a watch on how much blood he vomits. He is obviously bleeding in his gastrointestinal track.”
“Sir, the other kid. I think we are about to lose him too.”
Luke could hear screaming as his mind swam through his thoughts.
What was going on?
Who was the other one on the way?
He didn’t want to think that thought.
Who was the one that had already died?
“You’re okay, you’re safe. Your mom will be here soon,” A voice tried to soothe him, he couldn’t tell where it was coming from, his eyes scrunched closed as if it was going to help stop the pain. The voice grabbed his arms and tried to rub them in a soothing manner. “Please, stop screaming. You’re okay. We are going to take care of you.”
Screaming? Was he screaming? That was when he realised the screams he had heard before were in fact his own.
He opened his eyes to see that a young nurse had been the owner of the voice trying to comfort him. He could see it in her eyes, she was worried for him. Did she think he was going to die?
“Please help me. Please don't let me die. Please,” Luke cried, grabbing the nurse's hand, not wanting her to leave him. “P-Please, I want my mom. She doesn't know where I a-am.”
“We've called your mom, she's on her way. She'll be here soon,” the nurse told him, brushing the hair out of his face.
He closed his eyes, imagining that the hand running through his hair was his mother's. Through his sobs, he let out a little whisper: “I'm so sorry, mom.”
Luke could feel his throat closing, he thought it was because he was about to cry but it wasn’t. No matter how hard he tried, he could not take deep enough of a breath. He opened his scared eyes and tried to look for the comforting voice from before, hoping they would help. As soon as he made eye contact with the nurse who was still trying to comfort him, she knew something was wrong.
“Sir, he’s stopped breathing!”
“We are going to have to perform the tracheotomy now! Grab the equipment!”
He closed his eyes again, trying to forget the pain and drown out the yelling that was happening around him. It was if he could feel how close death was, and he actually was wishing it would happen soon. He questioned every decision he had made in his life that led to this moment; dying alone knowing that at least one of his friends was already dead, and the other on the brink of death too.
It was at this moment, he noted the cold feeling spreading across him, as if it was the grim reaper himself wrapping the poor young boy in his arms.
“Mom, I’m sorry,” was all Luke could whisper as the darkness overtook him.
I apologise for any emotional distress this one shot has caused 😂
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After the show
Pairing: alive!Reggie Peters x reader
WC: 3.2k
Summary: After being away for a few months you were finally back in Los Angeles, just in time to watch your best friend Julie perform with her band. The first time you got to see them live and get to meet them, including the cute bass player.
A/N: Here's something new which probably nobody still counted on getting from me hahah but writing has always helped me cope with some stuff and even though I hadn't pictured myself returning to this, here I am, dealing with life problems by escaping into fanfictions. So, I hope you guys still read it and like it!!
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It had been a while since you saw Julie last. You had lived with your dad last semester while your mom had to go abroad for work. That left you at the other side of the country, a six-hour flight away from your best friend and your normal life.
Of course, staying at your dad's wasn't the worst. You got along great. One of the only plus sides of that move was that you could spend more time together, but you also had to get used to a new place and new people. And you missed your friends dearly. Daily Facetime calls to Julie and Flynn kept you going, but those declined in frequency as well. Everybody got busy, so these past few weeks it had been, at most, one call a week. With your upcoming move back home to California, Julie's successful debut with her band and Flynn managing them, there hadn't been a lot of time. Until now.
You were finally back in California, basking in the Los Angeles sun. The hot sand beneath your feet warmed your soul. A content smile graced your face while you were waiting for Julie and Flynn to join you. This felt like home. Definitely.
Your serene moment got interrupted as someone practically fell into you, making you tumble forward a few steps. You were able to keep standing with arms still wrapped around you. With them came a squeak and the call of your name before the figure, which turned out to be Julie, came around to your front. As soon as you saw that familiar face you pulled her into your arms again. Yep, home. "Oh my God, I missed you so much!", you said, squeezing her once more.
"Same! I can't believe you're back! Finally!" The two of you let go of each other and settled onto the sand. "Tell me everything!"
"Well, you already know basically everything," you laughed. "I mean, the last time we talked wasn't even 24 hours ago."
"I know!" Julie took ahold of your shoulders and shook you. "Way too long! I need a play-by-play of your flight."
"Uhm ok, so, when I got to the airport..." And so you told Julie everything that happened at the airport, on your flight, at the reunion with your mom, the ride home, just everything up until the point where she had joined you at the beach. "When is Flynn coming by the way? Shouldn't she be here already?" You looked around hoping to catch a glimpse of the girl amidst the other beach-goers.
"Oh yes, I forgot to say! She actually had to hang back for a bit. She was able to get us a gig tonight, totally last minute, so she had to organize some stuff, but you'll see her later when you come to the show."
"Oh, so I'm invited, huh?" You bumped her shoulder.
"Of course, you are! We made sure to have you put on the guestlist. Then you can also meet the rest of the band! They're so excited to meet you. I mean, Flynn and I always talk about you, so they're always on us about when they actually get to meet you." She laughed at the dorkiness of her friends.
She could still picture the first time you were brought up in conversation in front of them. Flynn had been late to watching the practice and when she finally did come in, she looked a little distraught. Julie had asked her what was wrong, but didn't expect that the reason for her distress was actually your distress. You had just broken up with your partner who was not ready to commit to long-distance, even just for a while, so you had called your friends in tears. The boys had immediately told Julie and Flynn to not worry about practice and call you back and be there for you. Since then, you had been topic of conversation a few times.
"Actually," she continued, "Reggie could not shut up about you being at the show today since we found out it's happening, so you can't disappoint my bassist by not showing up." Julie wiggled her eyebrows at you. That's what you get for one time mentioning that you thought the dark-haired bassist was cute and asking about him. You had kept up with Julie's band, watched all their music videos and the private photos and videos that Julie had sent you.
You felt a warmth spread over your neck and cheeks, slighty embarassed by the teasing. "Oh please, Julie, shut up." You chuckled and looked out at the waves crashing onto the beach. "Of course, I'll be there. I'm super excited to meet the band, too. And to see you perform live!" Looking back at her, you saw the spark in her eyes that had been lost for so long after her mother's death, but there it was, portraying her excitement for making and sharing her music.
The moment got interrupted by an alarm sound coming out of Julie's pocket. "Oh ok, that's me. I actually have to run now," she said while standing up and silencing her phone. "I need to prepare for the show, but I'll text you all the details and will see you there tonight! Ok, bye, love you!" She shouted over her shoulder while already walking away in a hurry. You laughed to yourself at her behavior. It hadn't changed in all this time. You stayed at the beach for a few more minutes, before deciding to go home and get ready yourself.
You looked in awe at the line in front of the club the band was playing at tonight. So many people were here to see your friend perform. It was crazy. And you actually got to walk past all these people to tell the bouncer your name and be let in before all of them. The whole experience was so surreal, but it was everything you had ever hoped for your friend. Inside was already pretty packed as well but Flynn had texted you where to find her, so you made your way through the crowd to the roped-off area at the side which was slightly elevated. You once again gave your name to the woman standing there. She scanned her clipboard before she moved aside to let you in.
You spotted Flynn pretty easily in her eye-catching outfit. She was sitting in the far corner, closest to the stage, typing away on her phone. You walked up to her and tapped her on the shoulder. "Hey there, stranger!"
She turned around quickly. Her eyes widened when she saw you standing there before she jumped out of her seat with a wide smile on her face. "You're here!" She pulled you into a hug. "It's so good to see you! Wait, let me look at you!" You were pushed an arms-length away, so that she could check you out from head to toe. "And you look amazing! Perfect! Show-stopping!"
"Well, I hope not. I did come here to watch the show after all." You took the seat next to Flynn's, catching up with her until the lights dimmed and the show started. You and Flynn immediately got up from your seats as the stage lights came on and illuminated your friend and the rest of the band. Julie's gaze quickly flickered up to where you and Flynn were standing before she started playing the first notes of the song. Actual tears sprung to your eyes as you watched your friend live her dream. You were so proud of her.
You watched her interact with the other band members while performing. They all seemed to have so much fun on stage and you could clearly see their passion for music shining through. More than once did your eyes glance over to the bassist. You had to admit that Reggie looked even better in person than on the screen. He had to know what he was doing when he put on that leather jacket for the performance. Damn.
When the show ended, you actually felt out of breath from all the dancing and jumping and singing along you did with Flynn. The whole concert was so much fun and you could not get rid of the smile on your lips. "So, I am in charge of getting you to Julie's for the after-show party," Flynn turned to you and explained.
"Wait, there's an actual after show party at Julie's? And her dad's fine with it?"
"Yeah, it's just a few people and as long as we clean up and don't make too much noise, he's chill. So, you coming?" Flynn held out a hand for you to take and then skillfully maneuvered you through the crowd. The ride to Julie's turned out to be Flynn's mom who greeted you with a hug. You three chatted for the whole ride, mainly about your last semester and the show, before she dropped you off at Julie's. Before driving off she reminded Flynn to be respectful and considerate of the people living in the house to which Flynn rolled her eyes, but promised to be on her best behavior.
After her mom was gone, she turned to you. "Ok, come on, we need to get some snacks and drinks out before the others arrive." She led you to the garage, which you hadn't entered in what felt like years, and pulled the doors wide open. The lights turned on and as you looked around you realized that not much had changed, except for some trinkets being strewn about here and there. You quickly helped Flynn get some drinks out of the mini fridge and onto the table as well as some snacks when the first few people already started arriving. You easily recognized Nick, one of the first to enter the garage. He hadn't changed much from when you last saw him, still had the same Golden Retriever look to him. Carrie was also easy to spot. She spotted the two of you instantly and came over to greet you. From your calls with Julie and Flynn you were already aware that the feud had ended and there was some kind of friendship blossoming now.
"Hi, girls!" She greeted both of you with a hug before she turned to you. "It's nice to see you! How long have you been back?"
"Oh, just today actually. Been quite a busy day." You made some more small talk with her while other guests arrived and Flynn went off to greet them. It wasn't long until the conersations stopped to greet the arriving band with a round of hollers and applause. The guitarist, Luke, you knew, basked in the applause, entering the garage with raised arms and a grin, ready to high-five his friends that were waiting for him. Julie, Reggie and Alex followed. They had the same grin on their faces, the performance high, but passed up on the high-fives.
Carrie excused herself, but you didn't stay standing alone for long as Julie spotted you and pulled Alex and Reggie over to you. "Guys, I want you to meet someone," she exclaimed and proudly introduced you.
Aley was the first to speak up. He had a nice smile on his face. "Hi! It's really nice to meet you! I'm Alex. Julie has told us so much about you, it's like meeting a legend." Julie hit him in the arm for that comment. "Hey! What? It's true! You're always talking about her like she's a celebrity or some kind of myth. No wonder Reggie-" He got cut off by another hit in the arm, this time from the bassist. "Alright, fine, I'll stop stalking! Anyway, nice to meet you. I'm gonna go over there to my boyfriend." He turned and walked right into the arms of a long-haired guy on the other side of the garage who had been engaged in a conversation with Luke.
You turned back to the other two still standing with you, holding back a laugh. Your gaze fell onto the one who had yet to introduce himself. His eyes were still trained on Alex' back, but as he turned towards you, he realized that your focus was already on him and his cheeks turned red. It only took him a moment to regain his cool though. "I'm Reggie. Nice to meet you!" His eyes trailed your body once over. He shot you a smile. "I can't believe you're even prettier in real life than in the pictures." That earned him another smack against the arm from Julie. He yelped. "Hey! That's not how you treat your bassist!"
"Whatever, go get Luke, I want to introduce him, too!" Rubbing his arm he left, pouting, to get the guitarist. As soon as Reggie said a few words to him, he came jumping right over and put his arms around Julie's shoulder, placing a kiss on her cheek. She chuckled a little at the display of affection. "Luke, I wanna introduce you to-"
He cut her off, saying your name himself. "You talk so much about her. How could I not know?!" He smiled brightly and pulled you into a hug. "Great to finally meet you! How did you like the show?"
"Ah, it was amazing! You all looked so great out there! I had so much fun and everything sounded great! You even played my favorite song," you admitted.
"Oh, and which one is that?" You told him your favorite song, him nodding along to your answer. "Yeah, great taste you got there!" He looked around the room as a group of guys called his name. "Alright, I gotta go entertain for a bit, but we'll definitely catch up soon!" He promised with a wink and another kiss to Julie's cheek.
"Is he always like that?" You asked her.
"Most of the time." She nodded before breaking out into a laugh which you joined.
At some later point in the evening you found yourself on the couch with a drink in your hand. Reggie let himself fall into the seat next to you. "Hi there!" You smiled at him.
"Hi!" The small smile he gave you made him look even cuter. "Sitting here all by yourself?"
"Well, I was just waiting for you to come keep me company."
"Oh." That took him by suprise. "Here I am!"
You tilted your head to the side a bit, taking him in some more. He was still wearing the leather jacket you liked so much during the show with a simple white shirt below it and a pair of jeans. "I really liked to watch you play. I wanted to tell you that before, but you left so quickly."
"Ah, thank you! Yeah." He rubbed his neck as his cheeks turned pink. "Sorry that I left so quickly. I actually did want to talk to you some more! Julie told us you were coming to watch us play, so I- we put some extra effort into making this show amazing!"
"You certainly did! How long have you been playing bass for?"
"So long I can barely remember. I learned the guitar first though," he admitted.
"So you play the guitar as well, wow! I've never had any musical ability. Julie's mom tried to teach me to play the piano a long time ago, but it was completely hopeless." You chuckled at the memory. It was right in this room so many years ago.
"Maybe the piano just wasn't the right instrument for you? I can teach you some guitar if you want. Or bass, if you prefer."
"Alright, I'll hold you to it, but really don't get your hopes up. It might end in an absolute disaster," you joked. "Let me actually give you my number, so we can set a date."
"Oh yeah, totally!" He pulled out his phone and opened it to a new contact. You put your number in and called yourself right after saving it.
"Now I have your number as well." You smiled at him before saving the number into your phone as 'that cute bassist'. You hoped he had seen the name but when you looked back at him his eyes were trained on your face.
An hour moved by as you kept sitting on that couch, talking and laughing with Reggie. Luke, Alex and Julie had each come over for a few minutes but left fairly quickly to give the two of you some space.
"Hey, do you want to get some fresh air? It's getting a bit stuffy in here," you suggested to which Reggie agreed. The doors had been closed by now to keep the noise from reaching the neighbors, so that you hadn't noticed it'd gotten a bit chilly. Before you could say or do anything Reggie already took off his jacket and laid it over your shoulders. You pulled it on tighter as you took a seat on the stairs, the smell of the leather enveloping you. It smelled good, you imagined Reggie to smell distinctly of the jacket as well.
"Can I ask you a question?" He asked warily.
"Of course." You assured him, placing a hand on his thigh.
His eyes fell from your face to your hand. "Are you flirting with me? Like, are you actually hitting on me?" His hopeful eyes found yours again as your smile turned wider.
"Yes, Reggie, I have been all evening."
"Oh, ok, good, so I didn't misinterpret anything." He laughed a little and placed his hand over yours that was still lying on his thigh. "You see, I think you're really pretty. I've thought that since Julie and Flynn showed us pictures of you for the first time. And now I know, you're really funny, too, and I'm just totally blown away by you, so I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me?"
"I would like that a lot, yes. You lnow, I've had this little crush on you for a while now that Julie and Flynn have been making fun of me for. There's something about you that really draws me in." You bit your lip, taking Reggie's attention from your eyes to your lips.
"So, uhm, can I kiss you right now?" He asked.
Your lips spread into a wider smile as you shuffled closer to him on the stairs. "Yes, Reggie, I'd love that." There wasn't much of a gap between your faces anymore now, but he took his sweet time letting you feel his breath on your lips before finally connecting them. His lips moved softly against yours. He squeezed your hand on his thigh and brought the other one up to cradle your face.
You pulled back a little to catch your breath. When there was a crash from inside the garage your gaze quickly flicked to the door to check if anyone was coming out. When nobody did, you turned back to Reggie. "Do you wanna go back inside or keep doing this?" You asked him, hoping for the latter.
"I think, I'd rather stay out here a bit longer." He smiled before catching your lips in another kiss under the starlit sky.
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dixonsbrat · 6 months
should i start reposting all my old jatp fics now that the show is getting attention again and there could be a possible revival of the show??
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legolasghosty · 3 months
one hundred and four pretty please?!
Absolutely! Thanks for the ask!!! Holograms timeeee!
A minute later, they were left alone in a large, open dressing room. Half a dozen mirror tables stood against the teal walls, though most of them were bare. Luke immediately flopped onto a light grey couch near the doors.
“Careful,” Alex warned, “Carrie will kill you if you wrinkle that vest.”
Luke stuck his tongue out and slipped the mostly unbuttoned dark blue vest off, tossing it off to the side. “Says who?”
“Says Willie,” Alex retorted, picking it up from the concrete floor and folding it over the back of a chair.
“Wait Willie like the guy who ran you over in the lobby last week?” Reggie cut in, perching on the coffee table beside Luke and resting his elbows on his knees.
(Send me a number and I'll write that many words on my WIP and show you!)
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mouse-fantoms · 11 months
Can someone explain the science behind me being about to like share fics no problem (showcases my writing ability)
Yet when it comes to original works, I in no way in heck will share that or if I do it takes me A LONG time to share stuff I write (showcases my writing ability)
The math ain’t mathing 😭
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phantomoftheorpheum · 3 months
Game: add 10 gifs from your favorite shows and tag 10 people.
Tagged: yeah, no one tagged me in this, I just keep getting notifs that people are embedding my gifs for this & I thought it looked fun.
The Expanse - It's just my favorite show ever. Probably my favorite overall group of characters ever, too.
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2. Dark - An actual masterpiece.
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3. Gilmore Girls - A nostalgic fall favorite that didn't age great in a lot of ways, but means a lot to me. (we don't talk about the revival).
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4. Skins - An incredibly formative show for my teen years, like I wanted to be Effy so badly.
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5. Game of Thrones - Despite a nosedive in quality as it progressed, season 3 alone is so absurdly good that it still wins a spot.
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6. Arcane - Absolutely gorgeous to look at, and then it's actually a good show, too?? I really hope season 2 sticks the landing.
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7. The Bear - I knew when the first trailer dropped that this show would be for me. I always end up crying for Tina.
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8. Taskmaster - A much needed pick me up, a different genre from everything else on the list, and absolutely my happy place.
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9. Julie and the Phantoms - It just inspires pure, childlike joy? And it arrived in my life at a really difficult time & reminded me to just enjoy things.
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10. Shameless (US) - When it was good, it was really good. Another show with another 3rd season I adore.
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This was really hard, actually! There are several shows that just missed the list. This definitely reminded me how many shows have an absolutely incredible 1-3 season run, then start losing the plot a bit. But the game is "favorite" not "best," so I decided to go with some shows that had very high highs for me, despite their low lows. There are also a few shows that I think could eventually end up top 10 for me, but they're too new for me to be sure if they stand my personal test of time.
Tagging: Anybody who sees this and wants to do it! (also tag me if you do, I'd love to see what your favorites are)!
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comment-exchange · 1 year
312. [Podfic] Edge of Jealousy (Julie and the Phantoms)
Title: [Podfic] Edge of Jealousy
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50126656
Platform: Archive of Our Own 
Creator: MeggieJolly
Work Type: Podfic
Fandom: Julie and the Phantoms
Rating: Gen
Pairing: Julie Molina/Luke Patterson
Length: 00:03:55
Warnings: None
Number of comments: 0
Completion Status: Complete
Short summary/description: Podfic of Edge of Jealousy
Luke’s thoughts during the performance of ‘Edge of Great’ during Julie’s Party in 1x07.
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unsaidkaylee · 8 months
I had an idea whilst on a road trip earlier, to write one shots based on different songs. So this one came to me whilst I was listening to ‘what ifs’ by Kane Brown and Lauren Alaina. It’s by no means perfect and I might rewrite it but lemme know what you think?!
Luke’s POV
Turning the engine of my car off, I opened the door and walked towards her front door. This was the third date I had been on with Ally, and tonight I was going to ask her if we could make it official. I knocked on her door and took two steps back. Her dad answered the door and invited me in. I smiled and accepted, stepping inside and greeting her mom.
‘Damn, I should have bought her mom some flowers’ I thought, but was soon snapped out of my thoughts when I heard her coming down the stairs. I watched as she got to the bottom. I walked over to her, kissing her cheek. “You look beautiful.” I complimented her and her cheeks turned ever so slightly pink. I put my hand into hers and squeezed it. “Shall we go?” I asked, and she nodded. “Curfew is 10:30, young man.” Her dad reminded me, and I nodded. “She’ll be home safe and sound by 10:29, sir.” I told him, and he smiled, opening the door for us as we left. I led her round to the passenger side of the car, only letting go of her hand to open the door for her. Once she was in, I closed the door and walked around to the drivers side, getting in next to her. I glanced at her and smiled. “What?” She asked, and I looked away for a second before looking back. “Did I tell you you looked beautiful tonight?” I said, and her cheeks pinked up again. I chuckled as I started the engine, and drove to the restaurant.
We parked up and I got out of the car, walking around to open the door for her. She smiled up at me as she got out. “Are you going to do that everytime?” She asked, and I looked at her. “You best believe it.” I said, taking her hand and leading her into the restaurant. I gave my name and and we were seated straight away. The server took our drink orders and left us alone. I reached across the table and took her hand, smiling as she looked into my eyes. It was like she could see into my soul, and the thought took my breath away. I cleared my throat to talk. “Okay, I was going to wait to do this but I don’t think I can wait a second longer.” She looked at me, waiting for me to continue. I smiled nervously. “Ally, will you be my girlfriend?”
Ally’s POV
I looked at Luke in complete shock. Did he really just ask me that? I slowly pulled my hands away from his. Of course I wanted to be, but could I open myself up to getting hurt again? He looked at me, unable to read my expression. I looked down at my lap. “I’m sorry.” I muttered, and he frowned. “Ally? What’s wrong?” He asked. I looked up at him and sighed. “What if….what if you hurt me? What if you leave me? What if you find somebody else and you don’t need me?” I ask. He looked at me and reached for my hand. “Slow down, Ally. I know taking this step is huge, I feel it and I understand. But….what if I was made for you, and you were made for me? What if this is it, if it’s meant to be?” He asked, walking around to where I sat. “Ally I’m not a fool playing a game. I really like you. And I…I don’t take these feelings lightly. When I feel them, I know it’s real. So, Ally, I’ll ask you again, will you be my girlfriend?” He asked, and I smiled, nodding as I wrapped my arms around his neck. “I’d love to be yours, Luke.”
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jaladdin · 3 months
Thinking quite terribly hard about Nick's costume design. More aptly about how completely plain it is next to everybody else's and how, in turn, that makes it unique. I think it also tends to add to the "Nick is just plain/boring/etc" agenda that a lot of the fandom has when - at least in my eyes - it's anything but.
Under a cut, because I doth yap.
Because Nick seems to pick out his clothes the way he does his actions — based entirely on how best to fit in the situation at any given moment and blend in. Hiding any real shred of who he is as a person.
In school hallways it's a letterman jacket; a jersey or a letterman is something you see before you even really see who's wearing it. it lumps him in with The Team, and there's no need for personal expression. The jacket does the talking Nick needs it to.
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In the music classroom, it's a Keith Haring hoodie — the right kind of artsy that'll be quietly approved of, but still basic enough to blend him in, whereas something like a band tee would say something about him as a person and his interests. Things we know he is either trying to actively hide, or things he hasn't even really figured out for himself yet.
(You can also go the 'Keith Haring is a queer icon' route, in which case it's interesting that that's the only thing Nick wears that's really able to be identified as maybe-possibily being related to any of his interests. And that he hides it under his letterman in the hallway.)
We definitely see glimpses of that Real Person - the way he dances when nobody's watching, the jokes he texts Julie - but for the most part when there are eyes on him, he's pretty firmly locked away.
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I have Other Thoughts on Nick's dance costume, but that's an entirely different ramble for another time. For now: everything about it blends in! The black of the hat against the wall, the blue denim bathed in blue light. Nick is, yet again, just part of the scenery. Which brings me to the main point I'm trying to make. That being Nick is what he is surrounded by.
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In dance class, it's a repeat of the letterman: a jersey that lumps him in with the team, and even though Nick is absolutely at the center, there's nothing that makes him stand out from the others. Just the way he likes it!
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He's not even in the front. He's sometimes not even in focus. He's not even in the blue which at least draws the eye.
And then in episode 9, when he's already surrounded by the green of the trees and the plants and bushes, the green of his shirt blends right in. The sun hits the gold-ish of his hair. He's holding flowers to fit right in among the plants! Somehow, even though Nick is the only character in the shot, he might as well still be part of the background.
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There is one singular exception to the rule, which is that Nick stands out in I Got The Music. Pretty drastically, actually! While everybody else is wearing vibrant color, Nick is in a black and white suit. He's not in the background, he's leading the charge with Julie.
Not only that, but the suit doesn't really fit/suit him well. At all. It doesn't look good, and the costume designing on JatP pretty much always looks good. So what the hell?
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The thing to remember here is that this is Julie's fantasy. Nick stands out in this dream sequence because he stands out among the rest to her. But even in a fantasy, Julie can't put Nick in something well-tailored and flattering, because...
What does she know about him? Julie doesn't really know him at all. Flynn gets clothing in IGTM that suits her. One look at her wearing her outfit and you know exactly who she is. Because Julie knows who she is, and in her mind's eye it's easy for her to pick out a costume that works.
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Nick? He's a blank slate for her to project on. And he's done a great job at locking away the fact he's a real person from view.
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littlemissaddict · 10 months
Hi could I get JATP Luke x reader where the reader is best friends with Julie and she’s part of the band too but behind the scene she gets bullied at school physically (because people are jealous of her voice) Julie and Flynn never noticed that she tried to cover up her bruises
Thank you for the request, I don't really write for jatp anymore but I've whipped up a little something for you. I also may have gone a little off plot with the above request but I hope you still like it.
No-one had ever realised, or so she thought as no-one have ever commented on it, that she only ever wore long sleeves and she never wore short skirts or dresses. Some might say it wasn't a conscious choice, that she that wasn't her style but in truth she would have loved to wear half the outfits that both Julie and Flynn wore without a care.
The truth was that even though she was part of the band, her peers at school seemed to hate her where they adored Julie and the boys, not like she could blame them what wasn't to like about them. She could handle it when it was just funny looks and sharp words but lately it had been physical. It started with kids tripping her in the hallways so she either fell and grazed her knees or bruised herself when she fell against the lockers. Then it had escalated a few days ago, a group of them had cornered her after school as she was heading out from a late study session in the library, one boy had grabbed her wrist so hard she'd had been left with finger shaped bruises encircling her wrist. They were painful and sore when she moved her arm but she'd been able to hide it from her friends, from her parents, from everyone.
Only she hadn't. Flynn had caught sight of it accidently when she reached across the table for something at lunch and only decided not to say anything when she caught sight of the way she quickly tugged her sleeve back down over it. Now Flynn wasn't stupid, she knew something was up and she was worried but in the middle of the cafeteria was not the place to discuss it. So she went to Julie, who was at a loss for words as to why she hadn't come to them for help as they were friends after all. And because they were in the studio when Flynn approached Julie about it, the boys overheard everything.
"Okay back up, what do you mean she's covered in bruises?" Alex had asked, a little confused as to why a couple of bruises were a worry to them.
"Yeah we all know she's clumsy, could it not be because of that?" Reggie piped up.
"I doubt it when the bruises are shaped like fingers" Flynn shot back, the worry for her friend the cause of her rudeness towards Reggie.
"And the way she has been hiding them, if it was just because of her clumsiness then why would she feel the need to hide them" Julie added, her eyes drifting over to Luke who had been way too quiet considering this was his girlfriend they were discussing but when her eyes found him, she found him lost in thought as if he was going back through his memory to try and find anything that could point to what was happening to their friend. Julie didn't blame him as she'd done the same.
"Wait, do you guys think you could follow her just for a little bit, see if you can figure out what's going on" Flynn suggested, perking up at the thought of getting answers so that they could help her.
"But she can see us.." Alex spoke cautiously as if it wasn't already obvious.
"Yeah but no-one else can so you'd have to be close enough to see but far enough away that she doesn't catch you" Flynn explained and she'd barely finished talking before Luke had poofed out of the studio, clearly with a place in mind of finding her.
Luke knew that she like to spend an hour or so after school in the library to catch up on homework so that once she left the schoolgrounds she didn't have to worry about completing it, which meant she could focus on other things like the band or sneaking off with him. When he landed in the library it was quiet, there was a couple of people in there but she wasn't one of them and a glance at the clock told him she had either already left or she didn't come today. Although something was nagging at him, he was sure she'd mentioned this morning that she'd be joining them at Julie's once she'd finished her English Lit essay so he decided just out of curiosity to wander around the halls just to see if he could find her.
A commotion a little further down the hallway drew his attention and when he turned the corner, not only did he come face to face with the source of it but he found her. She was in the middle of a circle of people, kids he'd never seen before but assumed went to school with her, Julie and Flynn only from the looks on their faces he could tell they were anything but friendly and as he got closer he could hear what they were saying which only confirmed that he was right.
"You're not even that good a singer, I don't know why they haven't kicked you out of the band yet"
"Yeah, you don't really fit in with them, they'd be better off finding someone else"
"And that guitarist, Luke was it, god knows what he sees in you I bet he'd be better off with Julie" a final one spoke as they leaned forward to tug on the oversized hoodie she was wearing.
That was enough for Luke, he'd seen enough, heard enough but he couldn't understand how a teacher or anyone else hadn't heard it and at least come to her rescue as it wasn't like he could do much because no-one could see him. He had to do something, couldn't risk them saying or doing anything else but at least he could tell them back at the studio that their fears had been right. Figuring that if he made enough noise that it sounded like someone was heading their way it'd probably get them to back off enough for her to leave he started banging on the lockers closest to him to make it sound like someone was there hearing everything that was being said and when he chanced a look around the corner he saw that his plan had worked for once.
He could see the group giving each other panicked looks, she was also looking in his direction and when she met his eyes he was quick to wave her over. Thankfully they let her go without a word, obviously not wanting to take the chance of being caught out as bullies and she sighed out in relief as she rounded the corner finally away from their torment.
Only her relief was short lived as she realised that she'd now have to explain what had been going on. Embarrassment and guilt flooded though her as she turned back to Luke as she was expecting to be met with a lecture telling her that she should have told them but instead he was quick to sweep her into a hug letting her know she was safe.
Eventually she would have to explain the full extent of what had been going on but at least now it was going to get better and hopefully with the help of her friends she could put a stop to the bullying.
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emmy-everafter · 15 days
Tagged by @sparrowmoth to share about my WIPs. Idk if anyone is actually all that interested in these, but on the off chance that you are, feel free to swing by my ask box with questions!
Rules: Post the names of your WIPs and open your ask box for questions about them.
Published WIPs
Right now, there's just one: Don't Come Any Closer (But Don't Move Away), Win/Team (Between Us/UWMA), rated M, 3 chapters out of ????
(I actually have written several chapters ahead but updates will likely slow down over time as i catch up to the place where I'm currently drafting. But we're getting to the good stuff now and ugh I'm so excited, I love this fic and these boys so much!!)
Unpublished WIPs
Greenhouse fic (better title forthcoming), a short and fluffy sequel to We're Gonna Need a Bigger Pentagram. Jesper/Wylan (Shadow & Bone/Six of Crows), rated T, one-shot. I have about 2k words written and because it's a Jesper POV, I'm planning to publish it later this month as part of "Jesptember," a celebration of our favorite Sharpshooter from the @i-can-read-to-him Wesper discord server.
A Week in the Life (tentative title), followup to the greenhouse fic and continuation of the Coven of Crows universe. Told through flashbacks to a time before WGNABP. Mostly gen crows-as-found-family with hints of Wesper, Helnik, Kanej, and Kuwei/Jesper (I forget if people use Kuwesper for just them or for them + Wylan oops). Probably rated T, probably 6 or 7 chapters. I've only written out a bit, the rest is all outline right now.
Other general ideas for Coven of Crows stuff that I'm happy to talk about!
The time travel crows fic (it has a title but I don't want to share it yet). All the crows ships, probably rated M, gonna be a longfic. I have some chapters written but I need to revise them because I changed my mind about some worldbuilding stuff. Time travel is hard to write, y'all!
Servant & Lever(age): a six of crows Leverage AU, rating TBA, length TBA, mostly just outlines at the moment.
I Won't Give Up Your Ghost, Julie & The Phantoms longfic, rated T or M. I have maybe 8 chapters of this written? But I don't know if there's enough people reading JatP anymore for me to maintain motivation when doing a longfic and I also got distracted, but I had a solid outline for the rest and may come back to it eventually
Untitled sexytimes fic, Palm/Neungdiao (Never Let Me Go the series), definitely rated E, one-shot. Will I ever finish this? Who knows.
A few other half-written or half-baked Thai BL fics, mostly M or E one- and two-shots, for shows like Moonlight Chicken, Tale of a Thousand Stars, etc.
I have some other Six of Crows ideas but I'm much less certain that I'll get around to writing them so I haven't listed them here
No pressure tags for anyone who feels like sharing (apologies if you've already done this and I missed it!): @oneofthewednesdays @hotpinkmurex @magicandpizza @ace-kaz-brekker @starwritebrekker
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1mnobodywhoareyou · 9 months
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on ao3. chapters and one-shots posted in chronological order below the cut.
Summary: Julie never found her way back to music, instead seeking a career in psychology that led her toward research in grief and loss and now a new job as a professor in a college. Sunset Curve managed to find moderate success as a band and Luke is also contracted as a songwriter at their label. They’re currently on a short hiatus while they adjust to life with a new family member and Reggie is taking the opportunity to take some classes in person with the slower pace and more stable lifestyle. Their lives begin to intersect in curious ways.
Primary Relationships: Willie/Alex/Reggie, Luke & Willie & Alex & Reggie, Julie & Flynn, Flynn/Carrie, Julie/Carrie, Julie/Luke, Ray/Caleb, Bex & Everyone
Rated T Aged-Up, Everyone Lives AU | WIP | JatP
Bex at Covington Records (Rated G)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
the important questions (Rated G)
Chapter 6
bad influence (Rated G)
Chapter 7
NEW Chapter 8
that's what Christmas means to me (Rated G)
rewrite the pain (Rated G)
come here you little gremlin (Rated G)
it's a trash can, not a trash can't (Rated G)
papa's got jokes (Rated G)
peace offering (Rated T)
what about love (Rated G)
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onlygenxhere · 2 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your five favorite fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers! Spread the self-love. ❤️
This made me so tempted to reread stuff but I barely have time to read all the new stuff all of you are writing and the books I want to read and watch the tv/movies I want AND you know write new stuff. It's actually a wonderful problem to have.
So Five fic recs for me...
Don’t Want to Miss a Thing from my Found Family Fluff series. One of the very first stories I wrote in this fandom. This is actually the 8th fic (there’s 11) in the series and there’s things I like about them all (of course) but It’s Alex’s pov and it’s just the four of them laying around in Julie’s room after her appendectomy because they can’t bear to leave her. They’re all touching in some way and it’s the first time they really notice the magical connection they have with each other. It’s just soft and sweet and I really love it.
The Truth is Finally Breaking Through – One-shot Julie and the Phantoms go on tour. I wrote this for the jatp big bang 2023 which technically got cancelled but me and my artist @beanomatica decided to keep working together and it’s the only art I have for a specific fic and it makes me so freaking happy! I also think the story is pretty funny and cute. It’s Juke of course but there’s povs from everyone.
It’s the End of the World as We Know it – The way this idea took over my life was so crazy. I don’t think I’ve ever written so much, come up with so much au, like it almost feels original (even though I’m borrowing from so many other things) I want to write more in this universe (I mean I have written some but those mostly feels like a continuation of this story) but I don’t have a clear plot yet. I hope it’ll come to me but for now…
Julie and Luke’s Book of Dares – This one rolled around in my head for nearly a year after I watched Dash and Lilly before I started writing it and making it jatp. It’s the only au I’ve done (so far) that is basically a retelling of something else and it was fun and challenging trying to keep both stories true to themselves and I’m pretty damn proud of it.
Love the Way You Love Me – Smuttiest thing I’ve ever written and I’m writing another rukebox explicit fic right now that’s twice as long and has WAY more sex in it and I’m still not sure it’s smuttier than this. I almost posted this annon but then decided I needed to just own it. I like to read all different kinds of genres and I like to write it too. It’s some damn fine smut if I do say so myself.
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sianagrace · 6 months
Julie and the Phantoms
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Julie and the Phantoms (JATP) is a one-season-wonder musical comedy series created by Dan Cross and David Hoge, with the notable executive production of Kenny Ortega (HSM, Descendants, Cheetah Girls, etc.). With the recent passing of her mom, Julie gets kicked out of her school’s prestigious music program for being unable to emotionally perform. When looking through her mom’s things she stumbles across a “Sunset Curve” CD and accidentally welcomes the “phantoms” into her world. Luke, Alex, and Reggie, AKA “Sunset Curve”, were a boyband from the 80s that died prematurely. After hearing Julie sing and realizing they can be seen when they play their music, they form a new band, Julie and the Phantoms.
While the show does employ a dual-focus narrative for the heteronormative pairing of Julie and Luke (never “resolved” because (a) the actor who plays Julie is a minor and Luke is not and (b) the creators were hoping for a second season, possibly with a follow-through for the more age-appropriate love interest, Nick) they also use it for the sort of rivalry that Robynn Stilwell discusses in Smash. Episode six, “Finally Free”, presents the culmination of the competition between Julie and her ex-best friend, Carrie, in their back-to-back musical performances. Carrie and her band, or rather, backup dancers, perform “All Eyes on Me”, a me-myself-and-I song dedicated to Carrie’s greatness and high social status. Though their performance is technically clean and impressive, it also solidifies a class and character difference between Carries and Julie: Carrie’s dad is a rich music executive and she is, in every way, a quintessential Disney-fied mean girl. Julie is by no means low-income, but her single-parent multi-child household and the recent loss of her mother do not position her as privileged either. Notably, Carrie is blonde and white and Julie is multiracial and brown. Though never directly stated, one may argue that this intersectional identity that Julie has is the “other cultural aspect” (Stilwell 384) used to provide deeper meaning for the show. Julie and the Phantoms perform “Finally Free” an uplifting song up to interpretation: free from grief, from judgment, from fear. All of the songs performed by Julie and the Sunset Curve boys stand out from Carrie’s due to their emotional depth and interpersonal interaction: Julie interacts with her bandmates, while Carrie’s are solely there for show.
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The “inevitable coupling” in this series happens through an inevitable, albeit unconfirmed, grouping. In the first episode, we watch Sunset Curve interact with a waitress named Rose, to whom they gift a CD and t-shirt. As they exit the venue, Luke comments about how big their band is going to be, how much that waitress’s compliments resonated with him, and how excited he is to play the Orpheum. Minutes later when Julie’s looking through her mom’s things she stumbles across a Sunset Curve CD and t-shirt. We’re never told Julie’s mom’s name in the show, but given their physical similarities and how much Julie associates her with flowers, it’s widely considered that Rose was, in fact, Julie’s mom. In the final episode, Julie and the Phantoms perform at the Orpheum, fulfilling the band’s dream, and one of her mom’s. Almost every song the band sings together includes a duet section for Julie and Luke; singing/performing is where most of their connection and relationship advancement comes from. As Stilwell concludes, the creators employ duets and musical cinema to “create character relationships that would take longer to establish through normal exposition like dialogue...” (393).
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With the exceptions of “Unsaid Emily” and “Perfect Harmony”, every musical interlude is incorporated fully into the physical and time constraints of the series, establishing this as a backstage musical. Most of their singing/playing is in preparation for a performance or purely for practicing and jamming together. There are lots of wide shots showing the band collectively in Julie’s garage, advancing the narrative as they perform.
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crybabyddl · 11 months
Just finished my rewatch of jatp. My perfrct track record of not crying during Unsaid Emily remains untouched. I will say though, I was very close to shedding a tear this time. However, I didn’t even cry during Stand Tall! I always cry during Stand Tall!
Anyways, I couldn’t stop thinking about all the headcanons and theories that us tumblr fantoms created and the little easter eggs we discovered while watching and rewatching the series. It makes me really appreciative of the fact that we had a sense of community during a time where a lot of us were alone, scared, and uninspired. Just like Julie, I felt a renewed sense of purpose and hope. I think that a lot of people felt the same after watching the show. Julie and the Phantoms is what inspired me to learn the piano, the ukulele, and it led me to getting a guitar. When I learned how to play the chords for the soundtrack, I was playing those songs nonstop. It really helped me brave through the unsure feelings that came along with the pandemic. It made me forget my fears about the future.
I don’t feel as hopeful about things as I did back then, but JATP will always be a land-marking point in my life. It represents newfound joy, reignited passion, and abundant vivacity. As someone who loves and is extremely passionate about music, this silly little netflix show really hit me in the most sensitive places. And while I remember having a bout of serious depression after finishing the series, (along with intense rage that while I was dealing with my depression at its lowest point, the cast of jatp was living what felt like my dream) the lessons I learned from the show were far more significant. It literally brought music back into my life, no joke.
The friends I made because of JATP will always have a special place in my heart. A lot of them don’t use tumblr anymore, and I don’t use it nearly as much as I used to, but I’m still so grateful to have been introduced to such kind, accepting, and funny people. The stories, theories, headcanons, fanfictions, moodboards, inside jokes, memes, and fanart we created will always be remembered and cherished. I’m still pro-cheesecake, I’m still highly allergic to sleeves, and every time I see an unnecessary or fake zipper, I think of my fellow tumblr fantoms.
I don’t think I’ll ever truly “get over” Julie and the Phantoms. It was the first thing that truly resonated with my spirit as a new adult. I was 19 and had dropped out of college, feeling completely lost and like I had nothing going for me. Going into lockdown because of the pandemic didn’t help with any of that, and I was aimlessly, endlessly scrolling on social media, hoping to find meaning and purpose. And one day, my friend posted a clip on snapchat of what she was watching on netflix. The guy was cute and it looked like him and the girl he was next to had a nice connection so I asked what show it was. That’s how I discovered JATP, almost 2 weeks after its release. I also just have an unhealthy attachment to the show and the characters so I refuse to let this media that speaks to my soul die.
All that being said, we really deserved another season. I think it would cure me entirely, if I’m being honest. Even if it was just a little Christmas special where they decorate a tree and do those mini stories like filler episodes of a cartoon series. Hell, I’d settle for an animated JATP episode. I just think we all deserve it after what we’ve been through not only as a fandom, but as human beings. I will never forgive netflix for it’s terrible job at promoting, because they only failed when it came to this show specifically. They managed to keep every other show, even ones far less deserving of acclaim and attention, afloat during and after the pandemic. The only reason JATP managed to get anywhere was solely the cast, creators, and fans. Paul Becker was on fucking overdrive, churning out BTS videos WEEKLY. Fanfiction writers were bursting at the seams with multi-chapter series and one shots about every possible scenario. We got things trending on twitter during the two most chronically online years. Fanart was being shared like crazy, and we had the instagram fantoms so confused by the memes that they retaliated and claimed they were superior.
Meanwhile, tumblr was in its shadowbanning era, and fantoms were in the TRENCHES trying to get their content to reach beyond mutuals and taglists. We received barely any appreciation, except for when we trended on twitter asking to renew jatp and on tumblr for jatp appreciation week. Let’s not forget when we thought Owen had a secret tumblr and we all started accusing each other of being him. I will never forget when we all rallied to get Madi to 1 million followers because we didn’t want her to become overshadowed by the boys and all the attention they were getting. We all watched their instagram lives and I will always love the tumblr fantoms who made gifs of the cutest moments from those. Everyone saw me shamelessly simp over Charlie with facial hair wearing a santa onesie. We created a whole Carrie redemption arc out of thin air, we created origin stories for Rose and the Petal Pushers, and we forced the creators of JATP to give us the official last names of Reggie, Alex, and Flynn (This adventure SPECIFICALLY!!!) We were ruthless in our efforts to uncover their last names. We used breadcrumbs to make theories and speculations, only to end up begging in every comment section and dm inbox we could to get Reggie Peters, Alex Mercer, and eventually—though much, much later—Flynn Taylor. We gave Willie more crop tops, we basically storyboarded a second season, complete with episode titles and songs! We uncovered the Sunset Curve EP using the grainiest photos in existence, we created a loose timeline surrounding everyone’s birthdays, deaths, and significant events. We orchestrated a fucking CONCERT TOUR for this band. Oh, and let’s not forget when Kenny and the boys went to Hawaii. That Hawaii trip was so eventful for the fantoms, you have no idea how serious I’m being unless you were there for it. That was something unlike anything else for so many reasons. There’s a lot more, but that’s the stuff that came to mind immediately.
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invisibleraven · 8 months
Okay but I just saw 31 (what would their tumblr look like) and I need the answer for Reggie, Willie, Carrie and Julie plz plz plz.
Reggie -all the cute animal pictures and videos he can find with tags in all caps about what a good doggo/kitty/whatever they are -star wars fanfic and gifsets, some of them made by him (his han/luke coffee shop au is notoriously unfinished) -obnoxious julie and the phantoms stanning, since no one who follows him knows he is part of jatp and he laughs at the thirsty posts about his bandmates, though the ones about him he never reblogs and even gets accused of being a reggie hater, which makes him laugh so hard he cries
Willie -every post regarding tony hawk stories he can find, because willie stans him AND thinks it's hilarious no one knows who he is -pictures of his art/graffiti/faceless shots of Alex (all his shots of Alex are tagged #being gay would do crime for him) -unhinged cracky posts about cryptids, he reblogs Carlos' Ghoster Toaster blog updates a lot as well
Carrie -has a very aesthetic blog full of celebrities and her aspirations -very much tells you who she is in a small bit of self promo and has a pretty healthy following (though she blocks all requests for feet pics) -does occasionally reblog posts calling for aid around the world, to be the 'good celeb' but always does it for issues affecting the Philippines as it's a part of her dad's heritage
Julie -uses it as a place to put song lyrics and poems that won't work for the band but she wants out of her brain-a new kind of dreambox (she sets them to private when she doesn't want reggie to find them yet) -has a whole set of posts reblogged of shoes, even pictures of her own collection, though some more intense sneakerheads give her flak for doodling on hers -complains about her himbos and band drama in spanish, but she has a loyal bunch of latino followers who are urging her to ask a certain himbo (or two) out already because it's pretty dang obvious how she feels about him/them
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