#Jaune's Father AU
spooky-month-archive · 7 months
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Spooky Month OFF AU fanart by Sr Pelo
AU created by @moth-pringle
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rwac96 · 3 months
Father's Day Surprise (Blackguard)
Bleiss: "Happy Father's Day, Darling~!"
Jaune: *blinks in confusion* "Bleiss, I'm not a fath--."
Bleiss: *holds up a positive pregnancy test* "As I said, Happy Father's Day, Darling~."
Jaune: *mouth open agape* "Oh, Brothers..."
Bleiss: *hugs Jaune* "I'm so happy you didn't wrap it up when we fucked~."
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zombiedeers · 1 year
CLUE: The Movie AU for Spooky Month !!!
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It is exactly what you think it is!!!
An au of a movie from the 80s that's based off of a board game!
You can tell the roles obviously, but I should state that the names Miss Scarlet, Colonel Mustard, Ms White, Mr Green, Ms Peacock and Professor Plum and even Mr Boddy are all aliases!! They still have their real names but in the context of the movie they aren't referred to them as that because of plot reasons !!
Father's label on his head has been changed from "DAD" to "BOSS" because the latter simply makes more sense in the context of the au !!
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mayisgoingnuts · 10 days
Erm can you kinda rewrite how the scene where Father Gregor fuckin destroys Lila (lol)
Like line by line? :O
Under the cut :)
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"You... you-!"
"WAAAHH!!" Pump cried in frustration, interrupting Skid and censoring his next words aswell. He kept hugging Moloch, while Skid got up and flailed his arms angrily.
Father Gregor groaned and leaved in quick steps, or atleast as quick as he could, clearly unsatisfied. Skid stays a little more with Moloch, before going after the priest with an angry expression.
Leaving the house, Lila and Jaune spots him.
"Wha... who are you? What are you doing in my house?"
However, Skid cut himself as soon as he spotted his own mother, eyes widened. Nervously, he cleans his throat and then starts crying fake tears, now 'ignoring' Gregor.
"Mooom!!" Skid dramatically whined.
"W.. what are you doing here??"
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"Momm... look what he did! He's mean, mean!!"
"Oh.. oh no... son, come here.."
Gregor's face is full of surprise, before being replaced with an expression of nothing but disappointment.
"It explains a lot about your son's problematic misbehaviour."
Lila picks up Skid, now angrier. "Don't you DARE talk to my son like that!"
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Skid discreetly smirks at Gregor, what makes his temper rise a little more yet not enough to the point of being furious.
"I understand the love you have for your son, but your negligence and ignorance has put both your son and other people in many dangers!"
"You don't even know why he's here, and much less what he's been doing all by himself."
Lila's anger vanished for most past, now insecure.
"I.. don't know what you're talking about..."
"He's crazy, mom!"
Gregor squinted his eyes slightly. "And by your lack of confidence, I can already tell that it's not a first time."
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Skid silently groaned, now even more annoyed at him, mentally insulting the priest. Lila is unable to answer, holding her son less tigher.
Gregor then walks past her, frowning. "You are an irresponsible mother."
Once he's gone, Skid's furious expression changes to a nervous one, giving Lila a more sad smile. "You believe him..?"
Lila looks to the sides, then holds him tight once again. Meanwhile, Jaune and Pump had already leaved, Pump not saying much besides "Take me home. ...please."
"No... no, of course not." very, very weakly. There's a hint of worry on Skid's face.
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matchingstripsocks · 10 months
Spoogly moogly tower
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howlingday · 1 year
Cinder: (Holding the true power of Salem, Sinister chuckling)
Emerald: W... What do you intend to do now, M-Ma'am?
Cinder: (Smirks) Oh, you have nothing to worry about, Emerald. I have no intention of destroying Remnant like Salem did. And please, call me Cinder.
Cinder: (Strokes Emerald's chin, Softly coos) You are in good hands...
Emerald: (Shivers)
Cinder: By our combined efforts, the Grimm will serveonly me, and will ensure my rightful place as Queen of the World! And I have just the plan to do it...
Jaune: (Opens door) Cindy! I brought you your snack~!
Cinder: D-DAD?! I told you to knock on my room!
Jaune: Whoops! Sorry, Cindy. It kust have slipped my mind. (Sets glasses and plates) I've brought you toast and butter, and I even made you some tea.
Cinder: Th-Thank you, Dad.
Emerald: Um, hi, Mr. Arc.
Jaune: Hello, Emerald. Have fun, you two! (Leaves)
Emerald: (Snickering) Wow, Cinder, I didn't figure you for a Daddy's Girl-
Cinder: Shut. Up. (Spiteful chews toast)
Emerald: (Bites toast) Mm~! This is really good!
Cinder: It's honey and cinnamon butter.
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mrfathercoffee · 5 months
This au is now called "Sister Salvation"
And gonna be developing alot more lore than just "Gregor is genderqueer and dresses fem" Cause I'm INSANE!!
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confessions-sm · 7 days
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Booo tomato tomato tomato!!
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"I told you to stop eating raw sugar packets" that raises So Many Questions
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eunchancorner · 6 months
Kevin: D-don't be mean to Ms. Lila! You drink around me all the time!
Gregor: Excuse me?
Jaune: Well, look who's calling the kettle black!
I imagine this is when the mailman comes in as a way to de-escalate the situation
Lila's like 'At least I don't drink while watching MY son!'
And yeah that'd be the best time for the mailman to pop in, poor guy is used like Mimzy to just cut the tension
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uneasy-itto · 4 months
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((Made these earlier.One of them is unfished and will likely remain that way until I figure that out.))
((There are lore reasons for these lmao,but you'll have to wait/ask for that >:3))
((Anyway,Ittoku fact,most if not all of his hobbies are creative.He loves drawing,taxidermy,wood craving,and makeup,I probably forgot some but I will update this when I remember and you could always ask about them if I forget to update this post))
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sunny6677 · 9 days
Gregor confronting Lila in The Saturated AU!
(Inspired by @mayisgoingnuts )
(Gregor is also meant to be funny so dw lmao)
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Skid and Pump see the now dead Moloch, and Pump begins to cry a little. He runs over to Moloch, and starts basically hitting the statue repeatedly while crying about how it's not fair. In this AU, Moloch is actually REPELLED by young life—and being the little shits they are, Skid and Pump were basically following him around just to mess with him or beat him themselves. Skid glares at the Statue, and then over at Gregor silently. Pump begins to scream at Gregor. "ITS NOT FAIR! WHY DID YOU GET HIM BEFORE WE DID?!"
Gregor doesn't give an exact answer, and just rolls his eyes. "Hmph.. it doesn't matter." While turning around, he smiles to himself and snickers. "It's funny to watch you cry about something so stupid anyway."
This pisses off both of them because they hear it, and while angrily yelling, they begin to run after Gregor who just quickens his pace and forces himself to limp rather rapidly out of the house.
As Gregor leaves, he seems somewhat pleased with himself, but also nervous. And then he notices Lila slowly getting out of her car with Jaune beside her.
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Jaunes smiles awkwardly at Lila, but it kind of fades once she notices Gregor completely. And Lila slurs out, "Wh.. what's.. what's zat? What's it doin' out my house..?"
Jaune places a hand on Lila's shoulder, and tries to stop her from going any further while laughing nervously. Skid comes running out of the house while Pump stands in the doorframe, but quickly stops and gains a look of slight horror when he notices his mom. Despite standing completely still, Lila notices him and gets irritated real quick.
"Wh.. hey.. how the hell did YOU get here?"
"..is.. this your son?"
Noticing the tone in Gregors voice, Lila becomes offended quick, practically marches foward while Jaune watches and scoops Skid up in her arms forcibly.
"Yeah—what's it to you, you.. old, piece of.."
"..pfff.. oh, that's rich coming from you. You know—I get that you're a widow and all, but seriously.. you and your son really ARE alike."
"..what's.. that supposed to mean?"
"Do I really have to say it? Woman—you really do have no self awareness, do you? Heh.. for one thing, you arrive to your house clearly drunk and act like I'M the one in the wrong here. You speak to your own son like that—and everybody wonders why he's such a brat when you're probably the one teaching him to be that way. You—"
Gregor begins to walk away, smiling proudly.
"—need a serious reality check."
Lila starts to glare, processing his words, but is so drunk she can't even turn around. Jaune stared at him, her gaze seeming to falter as if she cant really defend Lila from those words—while Aaron stares in confusion. After a while, Pump slowly walks out of the door—timildy. "..uh.. Ms. Lila..? I know you don't really like me, but can you—"
Jaune scoops Pump up. "I got him! I'll.. I'll take care of this, Lila. Uh.. bye!"
"..yeah. See you later." Lila says flatly, holding onto Skid tighter.
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dokidokitsuna · 5 months
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The Diary of Penny Polendina
The other day I was inspired to try working on a different NeverFell Projects installment, one that would probably be a lot shorter and quicker to write, because it's not like I care that deeply about Penny, right??
Well, I was incredibly wrong. ^^; So wrong that I'm actually having trouble with this story now...essentially, Penny goes through a bit of a 'rebellious phase' (gross oversimplification, but that's all you get for now) and there are, surprisingly, a lot of aspects of that character arc that I want to explore. Plus, a pivotal connection with Pyrrha, the climax of which I haven't quite figured out yet...
God only knows if I'll be able to finish, or if I'll just write the first 2/3rds of the story and leave it at that. But I figured I might as well warm up by talking about the designs. ^^
Penny's new look is basically 'Disney's Pinocchio, color picked from Arthur Watts' character design'~
I didn't necessarily want her to look evil, just...bolder. Like she specifically picked 'daring' items that maybe her father or Ironwood's PR team would rather she didn't wear, at least not compared to the more innocent frilly pastels she had on before. Between the chest window, midriff, and short sleeves, she's actually showing a lot more skin than before, despite still being 90% covered up. ^^;
Those multicolored wrist accessories are prototype weapons invented by Dr. Watts, that mix and pressurize Dust from the cartridges to cast "artificial magic". This way I get to do a bit of the 'Winter Maiden Penny' stuff in this Vol. 3-locked AU~
Penny's magic usage is one of the things that stumped me when writing this story...In NeverFell, magic isn't just glowy rainbow lasers or weather powers-- it essentially allows the user access to any conceivable semblance at any time; its potential is limitless. Being a beginner, Penny would probably just come up with one signature 'spell' to use in tandem with her Floating Array...but I can't decide what I want her to do. ^^; I think I'd like for her to do something connected to dance, because I feel like that's something unique to her, the way she dances with her weapons before striking. Nobody ever points out how the "robot" in the cast is the one who chooses to spend energy on unnecessary movements that aren't even used to maneuver around an enemy; they're just cute and fun. ^^ I think that's a great encapsulation of who Penny is~
Redesigning Pyrrha is always super difficult, because her original design is so perfect. But I like this end result a LOT. ^^ I may need to adjust the pant legs a bit, but overall it feels like a very believable alt outfit that keeps the spirit of the character.
Pyrrha is another one of the stumbling blocks in this story, because I'm now forced to create at least one malleable personality trait for her-- i.e. one that isn't intrinsically tied to Jaune and/or the plot. Something that she could actually take into a meaningful relationship with a different character... I had the idea to expand her "I'm sorry!" gag into a real guilt complex, where she has trouble letting go of instances where she's made mistakes or hurt someone. In this case, dismembering Penny 1.0 and essentially ending her life. :T She seeks out 2.0 in a desperate effort to make things right, and ends up helping her with ...things, and growing as people or whatever, and all that other stuff I have yet to write. ^^;
I just realized that Pyrrha could use her polarity semblance to pull Penny towards her in a situation where they need to reach each other...that's so cute. ^^ I gotta remember that~
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arc-misadventures · 22 days
A little context before we begin:
On the RWBY Discord I am a part of (No links) we once again went off on a tangent on how we collectively agree that being in a relationship with, Cannon Blake would be considered a pain because of her past exploits. And why, Fannon Blake is the superior, Blake!
Then a user asked what if, Blake had, Kali's personality.
Then I asked: 'What if they swapped places, and Kali was the, 'B' in Team RWBY instead of, Blake. And, what if, Blake was Kali's mom?'
Others agreed that, that would work, and that she wouldn't have dated, Adam in this AU. Because we don't like, Adam.
He was a sad waste of potential.
When I simply asked the question: "But, what if she married, Adam in this AU?'
And, the response to my question was a simple: "Go on."
Well, here is where I went:
Kali: I actually don't know who my biological father is.
Jaune: You don't?
Kali: No, I'm a cat faunas, and my mom is a cat faunas. But, Adam, that's my 'stepfather,' he's a cow faunas. If he really was may father, I'd be a... Well, I don't know what kind of faunas I'd be. So, I know he's certainly not my bio-dad. Whoever they are, or were... they have to be a cat, since I'm a cat, and my mom is a cat. So it makes me wonder… Am I the result of a drunken one night stand, and my mother married, Adam to cover it up, or did, Adam, and my mother kill my real father, and covered it up!
Jaune: You think your mom may have killed your real dad?!
Kali: You'd believe it too if you met my mom.
Jaune: That's not a comforting thought. But, could he have been human?
Kali: A human? I never thought of that.
Jaune: And, what if the reason your mom hates humans is because he ran away when he found out she was pregnant with you! O-Or, what if; the reason you never knew your father is because, Adam killed him after he knocked your mom up! Or, what if they know who your father actually is, and they can't say who it is because it would be such a huge scandal if the truth came out!
Jaune: (GASP!)
Jaune: What if you are the secret love child of, Blake Belladonna, and Jacques Schnee, and you're actually, Weiss's long lost half sister?!!!
Kali: (GASP!)
Weiss: (GASP!)
Kali: HRKK?!
Weiss: HRK?!
Jaune: Oh gods…
Kali: Oh gods! I didn't throw up because of you, Weiss! I'm totally okay with you as my little sister!
Weiss: Same her!
Kali: It's just… the thought of, my mom sleeping with him... it's just so disgusting!
Weiss: I get that! I find the thought of him sleeping with my mom to be just as disgusting too!
Jaune: Uhhh... You guys, okay?
Kali: I'm fine.
Weiss: Me too, the idea was just... so out of left field! It caught me completely off guard.
Kali: Good thing it's not real, cause that would be... disturbing.
Weiss: Good thing it's just a mad conspiracy theory!
Kali: It's total speculation!
Weiss: A throw away comment!
Kali: Just ones of those thoughts!
Weiss: Totally irrelevant!
Kali: Haa…
Weiss: Haha…
Jaune: …
Jaune: You two totally want to get a DNA test now, don't you?
Weiss: Absolutely!
Kali: Let's go!
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rocknroll7575 · 2 months
Percy jackson au,
How many Demigods did Jaune and Hestia have and how does team RWBY and Ren, Nora react.
Yang: So VB... Who's the kid?
Jaune: Oh! Right! *picks up 5-year-old Furiosa from behind his leg* Everyone, this is Furiosa Arc, my daughter!
Ruby/Nora: DAUGHTER!?!?
Ren: *looks at her with a raised brow* She looks almost nothing like you
Jaune: She takes after her mother more, which isn't a surprise, her family genes are pretty powerful.
Blake: Who's her mom?
Jaune: Uh... well... you guys might not believe me
Weiss: Why? It's not like she's a demigod- Oh my oum she is, isn't she?
Jaune: Yep!
Yang: Whoa! Way to go VB! Which Goddess?
Jaune: Hestia
Yang: Really? So if she's anything like Percy and the others, is she gonna be as strong as them?
Jaune: Well... because I'm not exactly from Earth and Humans here on Remnant had to adapt and evolve differently, it's possible she'd be stronger
Yang: How strong?
Jaune: I really don't know but Hestia says she'll be really strong, way stronger than Hercules!
Ruby: Who?
Jaune: Long story, also she's pretty much a goddess herself
Nora: Really? Goddess of what?
Jaune: Fury
Nora: Why that?
Jaune: *lets out a long sigh* Another long story, but trust me, you don't want to anger her without me or her mom around! *Chuckles*
Furiosa: *embarrased* Father!
Jaune: *Smiles* Oh she speaks!
Furiosa: Father, you're embarrassing me!
Jaune: Well I kinda have to in front of all your aunts and uncles!
Furiosa: *hiding her face* Father! Stop!
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brokentrafficknight · 5 months
Wholesome au cinder breaks a vace by mistake ands to ptsd from the madame she falls begging fir forgiveness from her new parents witch leads to group hug and lots of parental head kisses and " its okay mommy and daddy are here"
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There is no feasible way for me to do this with just chibis lmao
Have poorly written fanfiction instead c:
The crash came before Cinder even had a chance to turn and catch her mistake. She’d been told countless times not to chase Ruby through the house and now, as she turned to see just what they had done, the rush of playing with her sister had died. Scattered across the floor of the living room were the pieces of her mother’s vase.
“Oooh…” Cinder didn’t have to look back to know Ruby was peeking her head out from the kitchen, no longer confused why their game of tag had been abruptly cut short. “C-Cindy—”
“Get the broom, Ruby,” Cinder choked the words out, head held low as she counted the shards of porcelain. Her hands balled up into shaking fists until her whole body started to tremble. She could already hear Jaune, Pyrrha and Summer’s footsteps approaching. Their words were drowned out by the sinking feeling in Cinder’s chest as memories of the Glass Unicorn resurfaced.
A shaky hand clutched for the Madam’s collar, waiting for the shock to come as her throat tightened and every breath became more and more difficult to take in. Tears welled in Cinder’s eyes against her will. Poisonous words filled her thoughts and dropped her to her knees scooping up the broken vase together into a pile,‘This is my fault, they’re going to hate me.’
‘They’re going to put you back in a collar. How could anyone love someone like you?’
‘You’re nothing. Broken. Unwanted. Unwelcome.’
Gentle hands took hers and gently squeezed, snapping her out of the fog as she looked up into warm, deep blue eyes. There wasn’t a hint of the anger and hate that she had been dreading, only the concern and care of her father. Jaune’s voice was calm and soft as he said, “You’re okay, just breathe.”
“I’m sorry… I’m so, so sorry… Please don’t hate me, I’m–” Another hand covered hers and Cinder’s eyes met her mother’s, Pyrrha’s. Her mother merely smiled and shook her head at every apology Cinder made. Her hand yanked away from Jaune’s to clutch at her collar, only finding the jewel pendant they had given her for her birthday.
Summer drew her into a hug, rocking her back and forth just whispering, “It’s going to be okay, Cindy. We love you.” Hot tears streamed down Cinder’s cheeks, stinging her face as she broke into weak sobs and clung to Summer for dear life. Jaune and Pyrrha hugged both of them tight, laying soft kisses to Cinder’s head and rubbing her back as she began to catch her breath. “It’s just a vase.”
The pieces of the vase were gathered up after Jaune carried Cinder off to the kitchen to get her some water and a snack. The table the vase had sat on would go without it for a month before Pyrrha would proudly set a ‘new’ one there. The cracks were sealed back together with a powdered gold lacquer. Standing behind the rest of her family, Cinder admired the work from far nervously.
Amber eyes met emerald green and Pyrrha smiled brightly, motioning for her to come closer, dropping low to be closer to her daughter’s height. Cinder approached slowly, cautiously, before being pulled into a warm hug that she couldn’t help but smile. When Pyrrha whispered into Cinder’s ear, she felt her heart swell, “Something precious being broken doesn’t mean you have to throw it away. Not when you can fix it. I think it looks prettier like this.”
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