#Jensen x child!platonic
castiwls · 8 months
"sacrifice, that's what we do for the people we love"
being the middle child in the winchester family...
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I’d imagine you being like two years younger than Dean and two years older than Sam. So like literally the middle child
Your memories of your mum are fuzzy but you can recall a few things
When Mary died you were only two so you didn’t really understand what was going on for a while.
When you all first left Lawernce you spent most of that first night in a motel room crying because you wanted your mom and your bed. (Dean had to comfort you cause John left his two toddlers and baby alone in a motel #dadoftheyear)
When you were like ten your dad told you about what he had been doing for the past eight years. You were terrified but he made you promise not to tell Sam. He also made sure you knew that it was your job to keep Sam safe. 
Basically, you stopped being a child at ten.
You and your brothers were really close.
You and Dean basically trauma-bonded over hunting and also having wayyyy too much responsibility at a young age. 
Out of you and Dean, you were more emotionally available so Sam tended to tell you more.
As he got older he would talk to you about getting out and stuff. While your dad and Dean were very much into hunting you and Sam were more of on the sidelines. 
Sam got his love of reading from you. He’d always tell you about the books he was reading and what he was doing in class.
You’re the mediator for the family. It was always you who broke up fights. You were also able to calm your father down.
Mentioning in a passing comment that you didn’t want to hunt when you were like 15 and John flipped.
“If you don’t want to help kill the thing that killed your mom then you can get out.”
So you did. You left at 15 for 6 months.
In reality, you went to stay with Bobby but you never told your dad that.
Dean begged you to stay and would call every day. So would Sam.
Around this time Sam also started to want to leave. 
“I wanna come stay with you.” You sighed leaning against the wall. The phone rested between your ear and shoulder. “You can't Sam. Dad would flip your too young.” He let out a frustrated noise but let the topic go. (for now)
Dean would also call often and beg you to come home.
“Look he didn’t mean it, alright. It was just a heat of the moment thing.”
You did eventually come back. (Bobby wasn’t happy but let you go)
Your brothers were overjoyed and you actually got an apology from your dad (shocker.)
Things were ok for a few years and then Sam got a bit older and started talking about school. He’d only talk to you about it though. It wasn’t that Dean hated the idea but he didn't understand.
One day when you were 18 and he was 16 Sam asked to talk in private. So you took him to a dinner near the motel and he told you about Stanford.
“One of my teachers thinks it's possible.” He pushed the pamphlet towards you. “I just need a signature from an adult and I know Dad won't sign it.” You quietly looked over the pamphlet for a moment. A sense of pride washed over you as well as relief. This was his way out. “Of course, I’ll sign it.”
You both kept it quiet for the next year and when his acceptance letter came in you both kept it to yourselves but you were so proud
#proud parent moment.
Though eventually, Dean found the letter. 
“Did you know about this?” He asked holding up the letter. You felt your blood run cold as you grabbed the letter from him. “Yes. I did know.” You admitted. “It was me who signed the papers.” Your brother's eyes widened a look of betrayal crossed his face. “Why would you do that?” His voice began to rise as he spoke. “Because Sam deserves a future Dean.”
You two didn’t speak for a while after that. Dean got over it though.
When it came time for Sam to leave that's when all hell broke loose.
You’d never heard your dad yell so loud. He and Sam went back and forth for hours until your younger brother just walked out. You and Dean both followed him. After calming him down you went with him to the bus and said goodbye.
Dean was kinda non-plussed (inside he hated it and was worried sick). You were worried but happy that he was getting out.
When you and Dean went back to the motel John was furious. He blamed you (of course)
“This is your fault. You're the one who put all those ideas in his head and look what happened.”
Dean jumped in front of you and told him to back off. 
“Sam’s his own person you can’t blame her for this!”
After this, you and Dean get closer. John starts taking more hunts alone meaning that you and Dean spend a lot of time just driving around.
You would probably class this as the first time in your life you felt truly happy. Hunting with Dean was easier and there were fewer arguments.
Sam would call u often to update you. When he told you that he’d met a girl you were so happy for him. (it really seemed he got out)
But then your dad went missing and Dean insisted on getting Sam to help.
You were glad to have both your brothers back but at the same time felt insanely guilty as you watched Sam fall back into hunting.
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antigonewinchester · 2 years
12x11 I enjoyed this ep although I can see if it might seem too silly to some. The beginning is a fun twist on the “exposition to get the audience up to speed on the case” opening for many eps. Dean having memory problems makes the exposition natural, we know that Dean was hit by a spell so something is up, and then we get to the “Who’s Dean?” and it’s Oh Shit. The eventual turn towards the dramatic was fun—Jensen must’ve had a great time getting to act silly and then the emotional slap of Dean’s monologue at the mirror, trying to remember who he is but failing.
The “Dean as a killer” thread is very blatant this season. I’ve been hesitant about it, because I’ve seen a not insignificant amount of fandom meta that takes the worst, most uncharitable interpretation of this idea / Dean’s characterization. But so far I don’t think the show supports such an uncharitable read, tbh. For instance, I didn’t realize it’s not just Dean who gets framed as a killer, but Mary too. The link between being a hunter / killer, both Mary and Dean framed as diving into hunting instead of dealing w/ their feelings, being drawn to the violence and thrill of hunting in that way, that’s all wrapped up in the “X as a killer” theme. I mentioned “Dean as a killer” as being about Dean as a soldier back w/ my Mark of Cain meta, and that read still works in this season, in both Dean and Mary being soldiers and the tragedy of them being raised as child hunters (although that tragedy is definitely under-emphasized as compared to early seasons). Sam is framed in contrast, with his maybe wanting a life after hunting and that being something Dean and Mary don’t expect at all. There was Sam and Dean’s convo from 12x06 around dying on a hunt being “the best way to go” against Sam’s questioning, or the 12x11 “DEAN: Huh. Well, look, was it nice to drop our baggage? Yeah, maybe. Hell, probably. But it wasn't just the crap that got lost. I mean, it was everything. It was us, it was what we do, you know? All of it. So... that's what being happy looks like? I think I'll pass.” which reminded me of Mary’s comment in the next ep: “SAM: Wait, Mom? Uh... I just wanted to make sure that, um... you’re okay. I mean, I know... you never really wanted this. / MARY: Since when is life about getting what you want?”
speaking of 12x12, the structure of this ep was a nice change of pace. “Everything’s going to be fine” CUT TO everything not being fine. Bringing back Yellow-Eyed Demons… makes sense, in terms of Mary’s character and her trauma. And as an “oh shit, Mary got the group into something that hurt them without their knowledge” and how it calls back to Azazel, the original Yellow Eyes, Mary’s deal w/ him being the spark that lit the doomed fire that burned through the rest of the family…
Also my question of if they were writing Cas as in love with Dean as of S12… Cas’s little monologue when he thinks he’s going to die and wants everyone to run (CAS: No, you listen to me. You– Look, thank you. Thank you. Knowing you, it... it’s been the best part of my life. And the things that... [inhales sharply] the things we’ve shared together, they have changed me. You’re my family. I love you. I love all of you. Just please... please, don’t make my last moments be spent watching you die. Just run. Save yourselves. And I will hold Ramiel off as long as I can.”), I could see how one could interpret the “I love you. I love all of you.” as being about Cas being in love w/ a particular person (obviously Dean) and then loving Sam and Mary, too, in a platonic familial way. It’s ambiguous and there’s certainly enough plausible deniability, but. I do wonder.
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mlovesstories · 5 years
Feeling the Burn Part 1
Warning: housefire, hospital, burns, cussing, foster care, police, drunk parents
Words: 4300
Summary: YN works at FBBC, and Danneel finds out she could use some support after being in a terrible situation. 
AN- Thanks to @a-magey​ and @luci-in-trenchcoats​! 
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YN walked down the stairs.  She took in the scene before her.  Her dad threw something across the room in anger.  Her mom retaliated with yelling at him to keep doing it, and she threw something back, glass breaking across his knee.  
“Ow!” He bent down to cater to his leg.  When they both realized YN was standing on the stairs.  
“Oh,” Julie scowled.  “The princess is here,” she slurred her words.  YN scrunched up her nose.  To get out of the house, she told her parents, “I’m going to work.  I’ll see you later.”
“Hi, YN.” Danneel greeted the girl during her shift at the brewery.  
“Hi Dee.  How are you?”
“You okay?  You look tired.”
“Oh,” YN sputtered. “Yeah, I’m great, thanks!” YN tried to hide her nervousness.  “Oh, another kid puked, excuse me,” YN sighed.  
Later, Danneel pulled YN aside.  
“I saw your backpack and a blanket on top of the couch.  Are you- are you spending the night here?”
“Oh, no ma’am.  Of course not,” she laughed nervously.
“Gino said it was okay…” YN picked at her fingers.  “I’m sorry.”
“I’m not mad, sweetie.  I just want to make sure that you have people to take care of you.”
“Yeah, I’m fine.” YN shrugged.  
“How come you are spending the night here?  Don’t you live with your parents?”
“I need to go,” YN ran off to the game area of the property.  
“Hey,” Jensen walked through the garage door entrance to greet his wife.  Danneel stayed quiet.  “What’s wrong?”
“I need to talk to you.”
“Uh oh, you breaking up with me?” Jensen laughed.  His wife gave no reaction.  
“I can’t- I don’t know how to explain this.  It’s nothing bad.”
“Okay,” Jensen sat down next to her.  
“I went to the brewery today. You know YN? One of the servers?”
“Umm, the teenager? She oversees the play area, right?”
“Yeah.  She told me something interesting today.” Danneel turned to face her husband.
“Sweet kid.  What happened?”
“I asked her why she was staying late.  She said she didn’t have anywhere else to go to finish her homework.”
“She told me she had a deal with Gino so that she could spend the night in the breakroom.”
Jensen was quiet for a moment.  
“How long has she been doing that?” Jensen sucked in a breath.
“She wouldn’t tell me.”
“She doesn’t have any type of support or anything?”
“YN wouldn’t say.  She seemed very ashamed.”
“Dee, she can’t stay there.” Jensen said plainly.
“I know. I want to help her, but I don’t know how.  She wouldn’t tell me anything.” 
“Am I in trouble?” YN asked.  She sat on one of the bench tables with Danneel and Jensen after the crowds had gone home.
“Oh, no! No. Of course not.  You’re one of our best employees.” Danneel smiled.  “We just wanted to talk about the conversation that we had yesterday.  Jensen and I want to help you if we can.”
“I’m okay.” YN rang her hands together.  
“We know that,” Jensen said.  “We just want to make sure that you’re taken care of and your needs are being met.”
“Please don’t fire me.  I don’t want you to hate me.” YN wiped a tear from her face, feeling as if she had been found out.
“Sweetheart, we don’t hate you.  We love that you work here, and we want you to stay.” Danneel offered her a side hug. “On one condition.”
“What’s the condition?”
“Tell us what happened? At least some of it. Please?”
“No thank you.  Here,” YN slipped off her badge and put it on the table, defensive.
“Thank you for the job.”
“Where are you going to sleep?” Jensen stood to block her path.
“Umm,” YN pursed her lips.
Jensen asked where her parents were.  YN slowly explained that her parents kicked her out a few weeks ago during a drunken disagreement.  
“I asked Gino if I could sleep here because my car isn’t comfy.  I’ll just sleep in my car, it’s fine.  I have some friends who don’t know, but maybe they can let me park my car in the driveway.  I’ll figure it out.”
“How old are you?”
“Sixteen,” YN answered.  
“You need a bed, YN.” Danneel pulled the girl to sit back down.  “Give us a minute.  Why don’t you go grab a soda?”
The teenager moved to the refrigerator and pulled out a vanilla soda before walking to the stockroom.  
“What are we going to do?”
Before they could finish their conversation, YN tried to sneak out the side entrance.  
“YN, don’t even try.  Come here,” Danneel motioned to the table they were sitting at.  
YN slumped over and walked to stand across from them.  
“I don’t mean to cause trouble.”
“You’re not! If anything, you’re helping us.”
“You’re an employee. We care about our employees.”
“Thank you.”
“Come spend the night tonight. Just so we know that you aren’t somewhere where you could get hurt.”
“No, I can’t.”
“Yes, come on, we close in five minutes.  Go do your homework.  We’ll leave in half an hour.” Jensen told her directly.  
She gave in.
“Yes, sir.” YN threw her backpack over her shoulder and went into the breakroom.  
“You ready, YN?” Danneel walked into the break room, finding YN hunched over to work on her homework.
“Yeah. Thanks.”
“If you’re okay with it, Jensen is going to drive your car and I’ll drive you back to our house. That way you won’t have to worry about getting lost.”
“Okay,” she shrugged.
When they got to the Ackles’, YN was given a key to the guest house. “If you need anything, text me. Here’s my number. Drive safe to school tomorrow. Sleep well,” Danneel hugged YN and sent her on her way.
YN drove from the Ackles’ home to school, leaving the key under the mat on the back porch.
Thanks for letting me spend the night.  Key is under the mat.
When your shift is over you better come back.  At least until we can find something for you.
Don’t ma’am me.  Your butt better be in the guest house by 8pm.  I’m going to check.  I’ll take away employee privileges.  Ya know, like that soda you like. ;)
Okay.  Promise.  Thanks.
“No! I’m not coming home!” YN slammed her phone down onto the side table.  She jumped when she heard a knock on the guest house door.
“Uh- Am I interrupting something?” Danneel smiled after she stepped inside.  
“Price of admission, remember?” The older female smiled.
“Okay,” YN ducked her head and walked to a couch and practically fell into it.  “Mom is either high or drunk. And angry.  She’s an angry drunk.  That’s why I left.  Well, and they sorta kicked me out when they blacked out.  I told them I wasn’t coming back.”
“Yikes.  That sounds like a lot.”
“Do you hear sirens?” Danneel asked, turning away from the girl.  Her phone dinged, indicating a text.  
Police here, come here. Bring YN.
Okay.  Be right there.  
“We need to go into the house.  Come on.”
The girls entered the main house and met Jensen in the front entry.  
“Ms. YLN?” A police officer stepped toward YN.  She backed up to stand next to Danneel.  “Your parents have reported you missing.  They said that you won’t come home.”
“They’re drunks.  Who wants to live with that?” YN snapped.  Danneel shushed her.  “Did you encounter them today?  Let me guess, they were drunk?”
“Please come with us,” the detective walked toward the door.  
“Why?” YN stood still.
“You are now in the custody of the state.”
“What?  No, I’m fine.”
“I can see that you’re fine.  But there are regulations and procedures when a child is taken out of the family structure.  Please don’t make this difficult.” The detective tried to guide her out.  
“You’re telling me I will have to live with other people?”
“If you don’t have anyone else we can place you with, yes.”
YN looked away.  
“No one who would care.”
“Can she stay with us?” Danneel chimed in.
“Unfortunately no.  At least not tonight.  She has to be with us and we process paperwork.”  
“Can I go to school tomorrow?” YN looked at the man.
“It’s not-”
“I’ll take her.  I’ll pick her up from wherever.  She can’t miss school, the one constant in her life,” Danneel defended the girl. .
“Hey,” Jensen butted in.  She ain’t going anywhere,” he looked to his wife.  She nodded.  “We’ll take her.”
YN’s eyes went wide.
“No, you can’t.  You don’t have to.” YN gasped at Jensen’s statement.
“We’ll see,” the police officer said.  “Grab your things for the next few days if you have it.” He exited the house.
“Do you have your phone and charger?” Jensen asked.
She checked her pocket.
“Phone, but not charger.  It’s in the guest house.”
“Go get it.  And your school stuff!” Danneel yelled after her.  
YN was placed in a crisis shelter for the night.  It was midnight before she could relax enough to fall asleep.  Somehow, she got her own room for which she was thankful.  
Her phone beeped her alarm at 5:30am the next day.  The staff at the shelter showed YN where the cereal was before she got ready for school.  Danneel picked her up for school an hour and a half later.  
“Hey, YN.  Tired?”
“Yeah,” YN climbed into the SUV.  
“Take a nap.  The school is kind of far anyway.”  Danneel looked over to find YN already leaning against the SUV wall.  Danneel sighed, sad for the girl.  
The detective picked YN up from school.  
“Where to, homewrecker?” YN stomped toward him.  
“I got your stuff from the shelter.  The Ackles family is waiting for you.  Let’s go,” he said plainly.
YN sighed, relieved.
When they arrived at the house, YN was grateful that her car had not been moved.  She grabbed the key from under the mat and started to bring her things back into the guest house.  
“Wait,” the officer stopped her.  
“What?  You already ruined my life.  What else can I do to make my life worse, huh?” YN smarted off.
“Stop.  Let’s let the Ackles’ know you’re here.  We have some paperwork to go over.”
YN rolled her eyes.  He ignored her and knocked on the front door of the main house.  A maid answered the door.  She moved out of the way, and she took some of YN’s things out of her hands.  
“Thank you.”
“Of course, Miss,” the maid responded.  
“Hey, YN.” Danneel entered the foyer.  She wrapped her arms around the girl. “Go get some water, I’m sure you’re parched.  Make a sandwich too.  Or anything you want, kiddo.”
YN dropped her items off to the side next to Danneel’s purse and entered the kitchen.  
“Hi, YN,” Jensen stood up from sitting on a stool at the island.  
“Please, no more hugs.  Can I get some food, please?  I didn’t have lunch.”
“Absolutely.  Anything you want that‘s in there.” Jensen made sure to stay still, fighting his instinct to comfort the girl.  YN found the ingredients to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.  
YN’s eyes went wide.  
“What?” Jensen saw her freeze.  
“I forgot about work! I’m so sorry.  I meant-”
“With everything you got going on, I think we can work something out,” Jensen chuckled.
“But if I don’t work-”
“I’ll make sure you get paid.  Don’t worry.”
YN took a deep breath.  Danneel walked into the kitchen and motioned for Jensen to come into the living room.  
“Eat your food and hang out for a second,” Jensen walked past YN.
The detective explained that they were considered kinship placement, and that he needed some forms filled out.  Once that was done, he let them know that child services would be checking in later on.  YN walked into the room as he left.  She took a deep breath.  
“You’re okay,” Jensen said evenly. Without warning, she ran into his arms. She sucked in a breath and held it without realizing it.  Freezing, she stood like a statue with her arms around him.  “It will be okay,” he whispered into her hairline.  “That asshole is gone.”
“Why don’t you stay in the house with us?” Danneel offered. “Jensen’a not here half the time, and I’d like to see you more often to know you’re okay.”
“Are you sure? I don’t want to bother-“
“You wouldn’t, sweetie. Trust me. You’re the least bothersome person on the property!” She laughed. “Why don’t you go do your homework in peace and then I’ll call you for dinner?”
“Yeah. Thanks. I might sneak in a nap too. I’m exhausted.”
“Hey, YN,” Jensen walked into the brewery while it was closed.  “Homework?”
“I got used to doing it here,” YN shrugged.  “Do you want me to leave?  I can do it back at the house.”
“No, no.  We’re going to have a meeting.  As long as that doesn’t bother you, you can stay.”
“No, it’s fine.  Don’t mind me.” YN looked down at her work and started writing.  
“That’s a lot of writing.”
“Don’t have a computer.”
Jensen silently walked away quickly and came back with a laptop.  
“I’m not using it right now.  Type your paper.  It’s connected to the printer in Gino’s office.”
“Wow.  Thank you.” She accepted it knowing he wouldn’t take a refusal.  
“No problem, kid.”
“I like the new shirts.  This graphic is hard to read though,” Danneel picked up one piece of clothing before laying it down on the table to see it better.  “I don’t know,” she sighed.  
“YN!” Gino called for the teenager across the room.  She looked up at him.  “Come here for a minute.”
With wide eyes, she slowly walked toward the group.  The girl crossed the dining area.  
“Which shirt do you like the best?” He motioned to the items on the table.  She froze out of nervousness.  “No need to be scared.  Which one would you choose for your uniform, let’s say?”
“That one,” YN said.  She then recoiled, feeling ashamed of how fast she reacted.  
“It’s simple, and you can read it.” YN looked away.  
“Go put it on real quick.”  Danneel picked it up and tossed it to her.
“Oh, it’s soft.” YN said under her breath.  She took it and changed in the restroom.  When she walked out, the team immediately smiled.  
“Agree, looks good,” Jensen said.  “You’re right.  I like the design and the font too.  Keep that one.  We have a few extra for samples.”
“Thanks, Jensen.” YN beamed.  
I love this shirt.  I love this family.  They make me feel better.
“YN-” Gino caught her attention. She snapped her eyes to him.  “You can go finish your homework.  I think we’re almost finished anyway.”
YN shyly looked at the floor and shuffled her feet back to her assignment on the table.  
A few minutes later, YN heard her name again. She peered around the computer screen.  
“We’re locking up, come on.  It’s getting late.” Danneel smiled.  “Bring the laptop.  Use it.  We only use it for random stuff anyway.”
“Thanks,” YN pulled it into her chest after throwing her backpack over her shoulder.  
“Sweetie, you look exhausted.”
“Gotta study.  And work.  Makes a girl sleepy,” YN sighed.  
“New rule at our house, you work half the time that you do now,” Danneel guided her out of the building.  
“You work four hours a day during the week, right?”
They arrived at their vehicles.
“Leave your car here. We’ll stick in one of the garages.  You’re too tired. Tomorrow is Saturday anyway.”
“I’m okay-”
“I know your parents didn’t do this much. Looking out for you.  But I’m telling you, you’re tired and compromised.  Please just get in the truck,” Danneel said plainly.  “I’ll move your car.”
“Okay.” YN slowly put her things in the truck and climbed in, yawning.  Jensen took the driver’s seat and waited for Danneel.  
“You okay, kiddo?”
“Tired,” she yawned again.  “But yeah. Ready for bed.  Busy Friday night. Lots of kids everywhere in the play area tonight.”
“Let’s go home then. It’s already midnight.  Sleep in tomorrow, okay?”
“Homework,” YN whined.
“Give me your backpack,” Jensen held his hand out.  
She raised an eyebrow at him.  
“You don’t get this back until ten tomorrow morning.  Get your stuff out of it that you want.  Computer and your work stay in it and are coming with me.”
The older one waited until she fished out her phone, charger, and headphones before passing it to him.  
“Okay, Jensen,” she laid her head against the door.  Before he knew it, Danneel was in the car, and YN was slumped forward, asleep.
“That kid,” Danneel looked into her visor mirror.  “She works herself to the bone.”
“Yeah.  I took that from her.  She was planning on getting up early, but I told her no.  That she can’t start her work until mid-morning, give her some time to rest.”
“Good.  I’m sure she has had plenty of sleepless nights.”
When they arrived home, Danneel shook the girl awake.  YN jumped, the seatbelt stopping her from going anywhere.
“Relax.  It’s just me.  We’re back.  Go inside. Get some sleep, okay?” Danneel slowly hugged YN.
“Okay, she whispered back YN used the key to unlock the front door to the guest house.  “Good night,” YN waved.  
GOOD MORNING! Come into the house for some waffles.
I’m okay.
I will bring Jensen and we will bring you over here if we don’t see you in five minutes.  Wear your PJs.
YN walked in from the backyard.  She quietly waved to the family and ran a hand over her hair.  After using the restroom, she entered the kitchen again.  A stack of waffles towered on a plate at the table.  
“Those are for you, eat up.” Jensen followed behind her with his own plate of food.  
Jensen gave YN her backpack to start her homework.
“Stay here,” Danneel cleaned off the table.  “You’ve been on your own for a while.  Hang out.  You don’t have to be alone all the time.  And you didn’t eat a lot of your food.  You feeling okay?”
“Yes, ma’am,” YN sat down after trying to leave the house.  
“I know you’re lying.  You’re only this respectful when you try to hide things.  It’s okay.” Realizing again that YN had been neglected by her parents, the mom said, “you’re not used to breakfast, are you?”
“No,” YN admitted shyly.  
“Are you hungry?”
“I’m okay.”
“That’s not what I asked.” Danneel put down her dish towel and faced the girl.  “Forget about the food.  Are you hungry?”
“Not really.  I guess my body got used to not eating this early. I’ll be hungry in about an hour.”
“Okay.  Go clean up and come back in an hour then,” Danneel smiled and turned back to her dishes.  
“Okay, be back in a few,” YN gave a relieved sigh.  Smiling as she exited, she silently thanked whoever was in charge that she knew this family.  
In just that amount of time, YN stepped foot in the kitchen again.  A whole new plate of warm waffles were on the table.  She sat down and ate them.  The house was quiet, but she knew they were home.  YN was startled when Jensen walked quickly through the kitchen to their driveway.  
“Sorry, YN.  There is an emergency at the brewery, and he had to go deal with it,” Danneel entered the room after Jensen slammed the door shut.  “He didn’t mean to scare you.”
“It’s fine,” she settled back into her seat.  
“So, tired?” Danneel sat across from YN to drink her coffee.  
“Yeah.  It’s kind of a constant though.”
“Not anymore.  You need to rest.”
“No offense, but you already cut my hours.  I’ll be making less now, and I can’t pay for my car without the money, plus pay for gas or anything else I need.”
“Jensen didn’t tell you?”
“Tell me what?” YN put her fork down.  
“We’re paying you as if you were working those hours.  Your paycheck won’t change.”
“What? I work for my money.  I don’t get it for doing nothing,” YN sat back in her seat, trying to understand what was happening.  
“You’ll earn it.”
“I’m so confused.”
“When was the last time you did anything as a family?  Or when they told you to go to bed early, or eat your veggies?’
“A while.  Why?”
“That’s how you’ll earn the money, then.  By listening to us and being part of our family.  Even though it’s just me and him, you’re still allowed to be treated like a family member.”
“Umm. Okay,” YN shrugged.  She picked up her fork and took a bite of her food.  “I appreciate it, but I kind of don’t understand?”
“You’ll see,” Danneel nodded.  “Now, I noticed that you get scared when there is a loud noise.  Is there anything else that makes you nervous?”
“YN,” Danneel sighed, begging for the girl to answer her question.  
“Coming up from behind me and yelling my name.  My dad does that when I’m in trouble.”
“Okay, we’ll work on that, then.”
“Thank you,” YN said with a mouth full of waffle.  She giggled as a piece of whipped cream slid out of her mouth and dropped onto her plate.  Danneel laughed.  
“In the future, please don’t talk with your mouth full.” Danneel winked at the girl and took her coffee cup to rinse it out in the sink.  “You doing anything fun today?”
“My friends kinda ditched me.  I think I may just take a nap.  I have homework, but it’s actually all extra credit due at the end of the week.”
“Why did they ditch you?” Danneel sat back down.
“I’m not cool anymore.  I’m a poor kid whose parents can’t keep it together.  I don’t go to a rich school or anything where everyone has perfect lives, but they ignore me now.  No offense.”
Danneel laughed.  
“None taken, I get it. It doesn’t sound like you have been able to rest in some time now.  I think a nap is a good idea.  We have to go to the brewery later.  Why don’t you take a nap and then we can go pick up your car at the brewery after?”
“Yeah.  Was something wrong at the brewery?  How come he left so fast?”
“Some idiot vandalized a sign.  Nothing too crazy.”
While the girls were talking, Danneel’s rang to the tune of Crazy Love.  
YN smirked. Jensen.
“What’s up, babe?”
“The garage is burned down! It happened so fast!” Jensen spat out the words quickly.
“While you were there?”
YN’s attention snapped to the conversation.  
“I was moving YN’s car out of the garage so that she could get it later, and then there was this ploom of smoke outta nowhere,” he started coughing.  “I’m safe, but the car is toast, fire and police are here.  So is Gino.  They’re making me go to the hospital for precautionary reasons, but I’m  fine,” Jensen gagged. “I’m fine.”
After Danneel figured out what hospital the emergency crew was taking him to, she and YN drove quickly to see Jensen.  
“Is he okay? Why would someone do that?”
“Not sure.  Jensen said he was fine, but he says that all the time,” Danneel shook her head.  “Let’s go see him.”
When they arrived, the two ladies ran into the hospital lobby.  
“Jensen Ackles, please.  I’m his wife, and this is his daughter,” Danneel begged, eyes tearing up.  “He was brought here.”
“One moment, ma’am.” The attendant looked for Jensen’s file on the computer.  Danneel bounced her leg up and down in nervousness with YN by her side. “He just went into surgery, ma’am.
“Surgery?” YN looked at Danneel.  “He was fine when we talked to him on the phone, miss.  He was coughing, but that was it.” Danneel stood there, frozen.  “Danneel, sit down.” The younger one took her arm as Danneel stared straight ahead in shock.
“Surgery?” Danneel processed.  
When Danneel was seated, YN walked back over to the lady behind the desk.  
“What happened?”
“I just work the front desk, miss.”
“My dad is in there.  I don’t know what is going on with him, and I need to so that I can tell my mom, because she is freaking out,” YN growled, faking her relationship with the Ackles’.  
“He was burned in the fire.”
“Jensen didn’t say anything about that on the phone.”
“He was probably in shock, miss.  The doctor will be out to talk with you and your mom when they have an update,” the lady smiled at YN.  
“Okay,” YN slowly turned around to face Danneel.  Her expression changed when YN walked toward her.  “He got burned, Dee,” YN whispered.  
YN’s head turned to see a man in a white coat walking toward her and Danneel.  
“Dee?  Wake up,” YN tapped her shoulder.  “Dee.” Danneel rubbed her eyes and popped her neck from the uncomfortable position she was in.  
“Hi there, my name is Dr. Jones.  I wanted to let you know that Mr. Ackles is recovering from his procedure.”
“Why were you operating on him in the first place?”
“Well, we think he was using his hands to get out of whatever situation he was in, so his arms and hands suffered burns.  I think he will make a full recovery, but it will take a while.”
Danneel put her head into her hands.  
“He is alive, Mrs. Ackles.  Please try to focus on that.” The doctor quickly walked away to attend to nurses asking for his attention.  
“Jensen will be okay,” YN sighed, talking to herself.  
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thekillingjoke-haha · 3 years
Life without A Script
Summary: After filming for Spn wrapped up Rob was looking for new roles instead of paying attention to his daughter who seems always his last thought.
Paring: None. Platonic Rob Benedict x Daughter!Reader
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Other Characters: Jensen Ackles,Jarded Padalecki,Genevieve Padalecki, AgedUp!Audrey & Calvin Benedict, Mark Sheppard
Warning!!!: tw Heavy theme of su¡c¡de, running away,argument between parent and child
Pacing...Dad was pacing the floor long enough I thought I saw a glimpse of burnt rug. The chatter from the other line was muffled,but I knew who it was. Tommy my dad's agent about a new role. Oh God a new role dad wouldn't shut up about it since he got home from the anniversary party for Supernatural. He would often glace over at me and gives a thumbs up...sad to think that's the most attention I've received in almost fourteen years. Season four dad was introduced as God or Chuck and suddenly his time was to precise to be wasted on the likes of me.
I gave him a false smile everytime he looked over. Years back to back roles in unknown tv-shows to small films that never seen a silver screen,but no they all meant the world to him so much so once getting the role as Chuck we moved to a small house abandoning Missouri to the border of Canada to be closer to set so we're not too far apart. Seemed the distance only grew emotionally. Acting major is great in University of Montana it really is,but now looking at it I'm glad I studied filming online courses, my dad wanted me to carry on the acting legacy even though my siblings already had a path in mind. I don't blame them they're great at what they do and all I just hate I'm the one with a dream forced upon me. I could act decently,but my heart belonged to what happened behind the camera and the work put into that. He'd never understand and I won't make him. Or so I thought.
Dad ended the call and and was basically jumping up and down like a girl asked out to prom. "I got the part." That was vague he's done more auditions than I could count on my fingers. I wanted to keep my teeth sunk into my tongue like I've done for years,but If I bit it any harder I'd take a piece. "What was the name of the movie? Do you even know or where you that desprit to leave me again?" That might have been to harsh,but that's how I feel. "It's called Violet. Why are you being so pissy about it? If you haven't realized,this is our only source of income right now." He said as he slides the phone into his pocket with a huff. This made my eye twitch in anger pissy? Ill show him fucking pissy. "That's just a whole fucking lie,but you wouldn't know since you're never here. I work to I don't know live! Seems like a damn waste though." I snapped as I stood up from my seated position my words made him stop and look in confusion. "What you work some little shitty job at a five and dime for pocket change for some girly crap whenever you're pms-ing!? My paycheck pays for your dream college and this house!" He shouted. Now we were both in eachothers faces his reddening with anger whilst mine was so tense it could form diamonds
"You're so fucking dense father! I don't want to study acting it's your dream not mine so since you brought it up I would like to drop out please and thank you." This sure as hell wasn't the way I wanted to break this to him,but dad was pushing me too close to the edge. "I don't want to be an actress struggling at every corner just to get a callback saying that I didn't get the part! I don't want to be in the limelight reading any bullshit lines! I don't want this at all!! So please give me a break you let Calvin and Audrey do what they want. Why can't I?" I was losing the heat in my voice at every word I was closer to tears then throwing a punch,but I guess dad had different plans. "How could I raise such an ungrateful girl? Oh I'm sorry that I couldn't see you being anything else,but an actress because you just aren't good at anything else. I wanted to give the talentless a chance,but serving it on a silver platter isn't good enough." He shouted his voice seeming to shake the walls till the trubble in submission,but I couldn't let his words hurt me evern though they cut like a hot knife. He won't see that though. "I'm such a failure. Boo hoo why am I still even here then hmm. I'll just leave you for good no more mouth to feed and bullshit to pay for right?!" My voice cracked slightly. I didn't want to leave not like this would he even carethough Dad hasn't cared in the past. "Then leave,you ungrateful brat!" His words held they same anger not even a look of regret flashed in his eyes. He was serious and I was to.
Rushing out today the living room I'm got into my bedroom and packed a small back I wouldn't need much where I'm going. Just a few shirts and pants and my best outfit because gotta look your best when you met your maker. Pulling the bag over my shoulder I stormed out of my room Dad wasn't in the living room anymore probably went to his own room to pack to go to film soon. Walking out the front door I didn't look back after all nothing worth waiting for.
~~~~Time skip~~~~
The bus rides were difficult switching from one to another,but if it meant I'm closer to happiness so be it. This was the last one and I'll be in Missouri a full 21 hours to get there from the Montana bus stop my phone unordered by calls or text from anyone that cared. Dad didn't try,Mom didn't want to bother my studies,my siblings are busy living life,and my or my dad's supernatural family have their own kids to worry about. This only made me smile my mind is content no one cared and this was proof making it so much easier.
Stepping out of the bus station walking down the road to my spot. Me and Dad use to share it to talk to eachothers. That was back when I was happy and our family was whole,but now even though it was only fourteen years ago before Supernatural when everything went sideways. I don't hate my dad I can't not for taking the job I met so many lovely people. That wasn't enough though ha maybe I was ungrateful. Even with two parents, though separated, loved me,older siblings that are my everything and friends that's made these fourteen years worth something it wasn't enough.
Sitting down in the silky grass of the hidden spot that has been untouched since the dY they moved. She took the privacy of the spot in her stride and stripped of her clothing and went to to the river washing away the musk of public transport and the walk. The water was freezing,but I couldn't feel it as I ducked my head underneath the surface I've thought about drowning it isn't pleasant so waiting until my lungs burned slightly in desperate need for air I came up. The sun was at its peak so getting out of the water I grab a old shirt from my bag that was large and used it like a towel drying off.
==Outfit dress or pants and button up==
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==Any color==
After deeming myself dry enough I get in my best outfit or should I say my favorite formal outfit. It was not fitting for where I found myself,but I didn't care I sat myself down on the ground and opened my favorite book to re-read for the last time. So deep into the worn pages the sound of my phone going off genuinely scared me. Dog earring the page I pick up my phone answering it. "Rob just called me. What is this I hear about you running away?" It was Jared I softly smiled at hearing his voice. "It wasn't running away. He said I should leave. So I left I wasn't gonna stay there any longer." I sighed I didn't want to talk about in while here this was my happy place. "Come on,n/n. I'll get you a plan ticket and you can come stay at me and Gene's place till you both cool off." It was a nice suggestion I could seem the little rascals again and my second favorite couple. "Tempting,but pass." I hung up and kept declining his calls till they stopped. My phone vibrated with a text from Mark. I didn't respond,but they came in rapide secession.
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All I did was stare another hand out to stay with someone. Is that all that I am just a needy mouth to feed thats desperate for a roof and a warm bed. My mood was souring by each message and every ring of the phone. My temper hit its boiling point and my hand squeezed tightly on my phone as I answered a call blindly. "WHAT!?!" I yelled as if the person on the other line was my enemy. "Pump the hate breaks sweetheart." The voice of Jensen said on the other side. I breathed out. "Kid please answer someone anyone. We know you kid and you would take his words to heart. I don't know what your argument was about,but ignore him okay? How about this I fly you down to Texas and—" another hand out I thought and I cut him off before he could finish. "Jensen I swear to God if you finish that sentence! The next person that offers me charity or pity will be mentioned, by name, in my suicide note." I threatened,yes I'm tonthat fucking point. "Hey! Don't joke about that shit!" He said after recovering from shock of my outburst. "Who said I was joking? I'm at peace where I am and I wanted it to stay that way,but people keep calling and texting about having open arms and I'm sick of it. I don't need anyone's pity." I said as I leaned my head against the tree trunk. "Where the hell are you?! Are you planning to— I thought you were feeling better after everything! What the hell did he do to bring you back to square one?"
Tears gathered in my eyes I was such a fucking disappointment. I'm failing Jensen by doing this I promised him I'd try after he saw my scars and I did I got better,but it all went down the drain when dad proved that every ill thought was a reality. "I'm sorry Jenny. I'm just not worth the effort anymore...and I'm okay with that." The sadness was present in my voice,but it sounded strained when I smiled at the words. "I can't take it anymore I've been strong for so long for once I want to be weak and let my conscious do the work." His words sounded like static as he spoke it flowed into my ear just to pour our the other. "Love ya J,goodbye." I hung up the phone cutting of a booming yell that would have busted the speakers for sure.
Picking my book back up I look at the first empty pages and took out a pen and began to write. I poured my everything into those few pages before closing it holding it to my lips kissing the worn out hard cover. I know that the find my phone feature was turned on now so I sat it down on top of the book and stood up leaving both behind as I walked away from them. Leaving everything behind for so peace.
This wasn't a drama this was real life it was raw and real. No emotions could be faked and not a single word is scripted. It was reality and the happy ending isn't always the light and the end of the tunnel. "Chief We've got her! Get the ambulance and EMT out here!" Voices yelled in the distance. This wasn't to her plan,but that's life without a script. Nothing is set in stone.
A/n: Word Count: 2,400+
The ending was left with a bit of hope because who likes expectations to be met. Anyways...
Quote: "The next person that offers me charity or pity will be mentioned, by name, in my suicide note." –Community
This was very angst like and I don't see any fluff in the future!!! Um anyways Alot more to come Imma try and clear these quotes.
I'll look at this later to edit any mistakes along with all the other fixes in the masterlist when im behind a computer. Bye for now!!!
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fangirlovestuff · 4 years
fangirlovestuff's masterlist!
*  - indicates smut
all readers are written as female unless specified otherwise
requests are closed!!
Holding Out For a Hero - Steve Rogers x avenger!reader: completed 
ch.1 ch.2 ch.3 ch.4 ch.5 ch.6 ch.7 ch.8 ch.9* ch.10 epilogue
Summary: You get recruited to work for the Avengers, which is really anyone’s dream job. So you’re not going to let your little crush on Captain America get in your way. How hard can that be?
The Heart Wants What it Wants - Chris Evans x actress!reader:  completed
pt.1* pt. 2 pt.3
Summary: You and Chris meet at an after-party and hit it off, but you know the age gap isn’t going to go over well with the media. What can you do when loving someone can potentially destroy your careers?
Random Objects Headcanons - Chris Evans x reader:  completed
Shower*  Sink  Table  Shelves  Bed*  Bonus!
Summary:  Domestic headcanons inspired by random household objects. (less stupid than it sounds, promise, give it a chance!)
Cycle - Steve Rogers x reader:  completed
ch.1 ch.2 ch.3  ch.4* ch.5 
Summary: You want a relationship but keep getting tangled up in one night stands, while Steve just keeps getting himself friendzoned. When pollar opposites with the same desires meet, will you change each other’s lives?
Rumor Has It - Chris Evans x actress!reader:  completed
pt.1 pt.2 pt.3
Summary: It’s just lunch with your coworker, until chris thinks it’s not. Angst/breakup fic. check out the playlist:)
A Very Colin Christmas - Colin Shea x reader:  completed  
ch.1  ch.2  ch.3  ch.4  ch.5
Summary: You were planning of spending a low-key Christmas at home, when your neighbor / maybe crush asks you for an interesting favor... for you to pretend to be his girlfriend to get his judgy family off of his back. The results? misundersandings, epiphanies, and some holiday spirit.
Silver Lining - Wanda Maximoff x reader: completed
Silver Lining  Water Under The Bridge  All’s Well That Ends Well
Summary: You’re in a relationship with carol and nat but you were gone for a while on mission. When you get back, the two exclude you from everything, so now, someone new has a chance to enter your life.
friends to lovers - Chris Evans x reader
Hot Pool Stranger - Colin Shea x reader 
Fireworks - Steve Rogers x reader
Romantics- Chris Evans x reader
Undercover - Chris Evans x reader
Night Out - Kyle x reader (The Perfect Score)
Playful - Chris Evans x reader
Shopping With Chris - Chris Evans x reader
Pool Day - Chris Evans x reader
(Extra)ordinary - Chris Evans x reader
Comfort - Chris Evans x reader
Cloud Nine - Chris Evans x reader
To Infinity And Beyond - Chris Evans x reader
Going Public - Chris Evans x reader
Be Mine - Chris Evans x reader
Heal - Natasha Romanoff x reader
‘stache Stories - Chris Evans x reader
Chris dating a writer would include... - Chris Evans x reader
cevans dating a young foreigner - Chris Evans x reader
taking each Avenger to a pride parade would be like... - various characters, relationship unspecified 
Cuddling with Valkyrie - Valkyrie x reader
A Birthday Before - pre serum! Steve Rogers x reader
Take Care - Chris Evans x reader
andy barber whisking you away on vacation would be like... - Andy Barber x reader
Calm Before the Storm - Chris Evans x reader
taking care of sick Loki would look like... - Loki Odinson x reader
Halloween Headcanons - various cevans characters
oneshots / drabbles:
Chris Cross Applesauce- Chris Evans x reader
Take on Me- Chris Evans x reader
His Haven - Chris Evans x reader
Here - “Me” x reader (Playing it Cool)
You Make Me Feel Right - Steve rogers x reader
Queer Eye - Chris Evans x bi!reader, platonic Scott evans x reader
Knocked it Out of the Park - Colin Shea x reader 
Child’s Play - Chris Evans x director!reader
Worth It* - Andy Barber x reader
Family* - Frank Adler x reader
In Your Corner - Chris Evans x reader
A Thin Line || Table For Two - Natasha Romanoff x avenger!reader
Sleepless - Ransom Drysdale x reader
Butterfly Effect || You Give Me Butterflies - Steve Rogers x reader
Loving Him Was Red - Chris Evans x ginger!reader
Don’t Go - Loki Odinson x reader
Home To You - Chris Evans x actress!reader
April Showers Bring May Flowers - Chris Evans x reader
Questioning - Natasha Romanoff x reader
Vacation - Steve Rogers x reader
Spooky Scary Steve - Steve Rogers x reader
Cuddly Chris - Chris Evans x male!reader
An Apple a Day - Ransom Drysdale x doctor!reader
Crazy Ex Boyfriend - dark! Ransom Drysdale x reader
Happy Place - Chris Evans x reader
Magical - Chris Evans x reader
A Tale Of Nephews And Princesses - Chris Evans x reader
Forever - Ari Levinson x male!reader
The Perfect Tree - Jake Jensen x reader
Holding On - Andy Barber x reader
littera scripta manet - Steve Rogers x reader
Everytime - Chris Evans x reader
Wanda Saves Valentine’s - Wanda Maximoff x reader
Smile - Thor Odinson x reader
Chaperone - Chris Evans x reader
Reality TV -  Wanda Maximoff x reader
Seasons of Love - Chris Evans x reader
To Many More - Sam Wilson x reader
One Last Kiss - Steve Rogers x reader
More Than Meets The Eye - Steve Rogers x reader
Together - Chris Evans x reader
Daddy Daughter Day - Andy Barber x daughter!reader
Fears and Furniture - Andy Barber x reader
Never Too Late - Chris Evans x reader
Bad Dream - Agatha Harkness x reader
With Love - Carol Danvers x reader
Bad Day - Bucky Barnes x reader
Scary - Sam Wilson x reader
Mine - Natasha Romanoff x reader x Wanda Maximoff
By Next Winter - Carol Danvers x reader
Too Good at Goodbyes - Frank Adler x reader
Romantic Stylez - Jake Jensen x reader
Miss Americana and the Heartbreak Prince - Bucky Barnes x reader
Tiny Dancer - Killian Jones x Emma Swan (Once Upon a Time)
I Will Always Find You - Loki Odinson x reader
Invisible Touch - Agatha Harkness x reader
You Have Me, Heart and Soul || And I’m Yours, Forever - Ransom Drysdale x reader
Shadows - Loki Odinson (not reader insert!)
Tolerate It || Happiness || Sad Beautiful Tragic - Ransom Drysdale x reader
I Want More - Natasha Romanoff x reader
Does Your Mother Know - Steve Rogers x reader
Clean Up In Aisle ‘Shut The Fuck Up’ -  Wanda Maximoff x reader
The Good Type Of Pain - Bucky Barnes x reader
Sunsets Don’t Seem As Pretty - Steve Rogers x reader
Harmony - Chris Evans x reader
Cheesy - Agatha Harkness x reader
Sweater Weather - Agatha Harkness x reader
Getaway Car - Wanda Maximoff x reader
Change - Chris Evans x reader
more stuff coming soon!
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writingwithciara · 4 years
Over-React ~Zach Dempsey~
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summary: y/n and justin had no secrets in their relationship. or rather, they didn’t usually have secrets. so it is perfectly reasonable when justin gets angry when he finds out about his sisters secret relationship with his best friend
requested!  Hi! Can you do a Zach Dempsey one where the reader is Justin’s sister and dating Zach in secret and someone sees them together and takes a picture and sends it to Justin’s and he gets really mad? Thank you!!
@thedarkqueenofavalon​ hope i did this request justice! [also, i am so sorry this took forever to post. i forgot about it for a bit and then i hit a bad patch of writer’s block. no, here it is. hope you like it]
word count: 1.6k
pairing: zach x foley!reader, justin x sister!reader, clay x platonic!reader (just a little)
warnings: some explicit content with a nod to smut, horrible writing (per usual)
a/n: zach is my absolute favorite character and i love him so much. justin is a close 2nd & i wanted to write them 
“Come on, Zach. We need to leave before someone suspects something.” y/n says to him as he continues to kiss her neck. She tries to get away but a giggle erupts from her throat and she’s long gone. “Justin’s gonna be mad if he ever finds out.”
“We’ve been careful. He won’t know a thing.” Zach cheekily smirks and pulled back to grab her hand. “Let’s get going so he doesn’t get suspicious.”
The two teenagers exit the shed, give each other one last kiss and start heading to the Jensen’s house. Y/n and her brother, Justin, never kept secrets from each other. So if he ever found out about her secret relationship with his best friend, he would most likely never trust either of them again.
“Hey, thanks for bringing her home, Zach.” Justin smiled as y/n entered the bedroom he shared with Clay.
“It was no problem at all. We both had to stay after school anyway.”
“Right. Football tryouts and cheerleading practice. I keep forgetting you’re on the team, y/n.”
“Am I not pretty enough to be a cheerleader?” y/n fake gasped and looked at the reaction her brother gave her. It was priceless.
“No. What? You are. It’s just-”
“Relax, bro. I’m just messing with you.”
“Phew. Thank god.” he chuckled and sat on his bed. Y/n sat on Clay’s bed and Zach sat on the floor in front of her. “Hey, Zach. Wanna try to catch these grapes in your mouth again & try to beat your own record?”
“Yeah, sure.” he positioned himself at a good angle for receiving the grapes and Justin began throwing them into his mouth.
Halfway through their game, Justin’s phone kept going but he wasn’t gonna check it.
“Hey, y/n. Can you check that for me?”
“Yeah. Sure.” she smiled and reached for her brothers phone. He was receiving multiple texts from an unknown number, with several photo attachments. She quickly unlocked his phone and looked through the pictures. They were all of her and Zach at the shed, making out and being extremely touchy. She threw his phone behind her and it hit Clay’s headboard.
“What did the texts say?” Justin questioned.
“Uh...nothing important.” she went to reach for his phone but he was quicker. He snatched it from the pillow and skimmed through the photos.
“You two want to explain WHY THE HELL YOU’RE MAKING OUT?”
“Justin, I can explain.” Zach stood up and calmly approached his best friend.
“I can’t believe you, Zach. Sisters are off limits. Always. It’s always been part of a bro code. I think you should leave and never come back.” he pointed to the door and Zach hesitated for a second before turning around and walking out the door. “And you,” Justin turned towards y/n and had the most angry look on his face she’d ever seen. “We don’t keep secrets from each other. Why did you keep something so big from me?”
“I knew you were gonna act like that. It’s insane.” she tried to raise her voice against him but it was no match.
“Best friends are supposed to be forbidden, y/n. You know that.” he sighed and ran his hands through his hair. She could tell he was frustrated with not only her, but Zach as well. “Look, I don’t think you should see him anymore.”
“Who died and made you the boss of me?”
“You’re nearly 2 years younger than him. He’s gonna be 18. It’s not right.”
“It’s not illegal, Justin. I can still see him.”
“Y/n, you are my baby sister. I’m not letting him ruin you like he does to all the other girls.”
“Fuck you. I can take care of myself, thank you very much.” y/n grabbed Zach’s jacket off the chair and stormed out of the room. 
Justin sat on his bed and threw his stuff across the room. He was sure that he lost his best friend and his sister.
The next day at school was hard for y/n. Justin was still angry & Zach would ignore her or walk the opposite way when he saw her. She spent her lunch period sitting with Tyler and Clay.
“This is ridiculous.” she sighed and let her french fry drop into the pool of ketchup. “Justin is being such a child.”
“I tried talking to him last night but he wouldn’t really tell me what was wrong. All I know is that it has something to do with Zach.”
“He found out that Zach and I have been dating and he got angry. He hasn’t spoken to me since & neither has Zach.”
“You’re dating Zach?” Tyler looked at his friend in shock.
“Yeah.” y/n sighed. “And I really like him but I don’t know what to do.”
“Just give Justin some time and I’m sure he’ll come around.” Clay smiled and placed his hand on her arm.
“Thanks, Clay.” y/n grabbed her tray and stood up when she saw Zach head for the exit of the cafeteria. “I’ll see you boys in Science.” she threw her tray in the trash and followed Zach out.
He knew she was following him so he tried to throw her off by taking different hallways. It was when he stopped at the janitor’s closet that he knew he’d hit a dead end. Y/n had caught up to him.
“What’s your problem, Zach? Why are you avoiding me? I thought you liked me.”
“I do like you. I just, don’t want to piss Justin off more than he already is.”
“Justin doesn’t get to decide who I’m supposed to be with. Siblings aren’t like that.”
“I know, but he’s my best friend. I don’t want to lose that bond.” Zach sighed and pulled his backpack tighter on his shoulder. “I don’t want to lose either of you.”
“I don’t want that either.” y/n looked up at him. 
“I love you, y/n. I’m going to show Justin just how much I do & maybe he’ll come around to the idea of us.”
“I love you too, Zach.” she smiled and placed a kiss on his lips.
“What the hell is this? I thought I told you two to stay away from each other.”
“Look, Justin, I love you and I really want you to be happy with this.” y/n put herself between the boys as Justin got closer. “Justin, you need to get over it.”
“I’m going to let him ruin you.” Justin reached around his sister and pushed Zach back a few steps. “I’m doing this to protect you, sis.”
“I think she can take care of herself, Foley.”
“Back off, Dempsey. You do not want to mess with me.”
“Wanna test that? Because I think I test that.”
“Oh, you’re going to regret that.” Justin laughed dryly as he threw the first punch.
The fight was inevitable, no matter how many times y/n tried to stop it. She grabbed onto Zach to try and hold him back, but he was too strong for her. She tried pushing herself between them but neither of them would allow that.
“Hey, break it up guys.” Principal Bolan pulled Zach away from Justin while the vice principal held Justin back. “Both of you, my office. NOW!”
The two boys followed Bolan into the main office and y/n waited outside, hoping that they wouldn’t be getting in too much trouble.
On the inside, the boys were both worried. They had never seen Principal Bolan so angry before.
“What were you guys thinking? You could’ve hurt each other and you put more than just your lives in danger. Justin, your sister could’ve been seriously hurt. How would that have made you feel?”
“Horrible. But that..”
“Look, I don’t want to hear your lame excuse, alright? I want you two to figure out what the hell your problem is and work through it. Got it?” Bolan sat back and looked at the students in front of him. Zach took a deep breath and turned towards Justin.
“I’m sorry for breaking bro code, Justin. It’s just that I really care about your sister and I would do anything for her. She’s not just another girl to me. I love her, man. She makes me really happy.”
“I have been noticing how much happier she’s been these past few months.” Justin sighed. “I’m sorry for throwing the first punch. You didn’t deserve it. And I should apologize for being a dick when I found out about you guys.”
“Look at that quick progress.” Bolan grinned and sat back in his chair. The boys chuckled.
“So, are we good again?” Zach asked while standing up and grabbing his bag. He held out his hand to Justin and smiled when Justin stood up to shake it.
“Yeah, we’re good.” Justin returned the smile and went to walk out. 
“So, are you good with me dating your sister?”
“Yeah, sure man. But I’m warning you now, the second she comes to me with tears in her eyes, complaining about you breaking her heart, I will not hesitate to give another black eye.” he joked.
“Understood. But I would never ever dream of hurting her. She’s special. And like I said earlier, I really care about her.” Zach thought for a minute. “I love her.”
“Well, I’m glad she’s found someone that makes her happy. And honestly, I’m really glad it’s you.”
“Thanks, man.”
“No problem.” Justin smiled. “Come on. I do believe we have a lovely lady outside this office waiting for us. Ready to tell her we made up?”
“Let’s go.”
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How Dare You?
Summary - Some mistakes are unforgivable. When Dean makes a stupid mistake, will the Reader forgive him?
Pairing - Dean x Reader, Sam x Reader (platonic)
Warnings - Angst, Fluff, Crack, Swearing ofc
A/N - This is written for @smol-and-grumpy Blogiversary Challenge. My prompt was "Are you mad at me?"
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"What are you going to tell Y/N?"
Dean remained quiet for sometime. He didn't have the answers for Sam's questions. He knew you were going to be upset at him. You had every right to be upset. It was all his fault.
"I don't know. I don't think I will tell her," Dean pursed his lips in a thin line. He was completely clueless about how to make the situation better.
"But Y/N's eventually gonna find out. It's better to just tell her rather than lying to her," Sam pointed out the hard truth to Dean.
But how was Dean going to tell you what he had done without possibly making you mad? How could he be such an idiot?
"I don't know what am I gonna do okay? Y/N's gonna be so upset," Dean said. He ran his hands through his hair.
"How did it happen? It's highly unlikely of you to do something like this," Sam frowned at his brother.
"I was drunk and I wasn't thinking straight. It just happened. I don't even remember how it happened," Dean didn't really have a perfect reason.
"You need to take a shower if you want to cover up the fact that you were drunk," Sam raised an eyebrow at his brother.
"You're right. I stink of whiskey," Dean said and scrunched up his face in disgust.
"Dean? What the hell?" Dean started heading towards the shower but froze when he heard your voice. He could already feel the heat of anger radiating from you. He committed a stupid mistake and now he had to bear the brunt of it.
"Y/N, hey sweetheart. What are you doing here?" Dean tried to diffuse the situation with an awkward smile.
Your heart broke when you saw the scene in front of you. It took to some time to convince your mind that what you were seeing was real. How could Dean do it? You trusted him blindly and this was how he took advantage of your trust, but the heartbreak quickly changed into anger. Oh, Dean was going to pay for this.
"Don't sweetheart me," you growled at Dean which quickly shut him up. He had never seen you in such state of fury before. Why did he get drunk? He would never touch another glass of whiskey from now on if he managed to survive your wrath.
"Y/N/N, it's not what it looks like. It's not Dean's fault but-" Sam tried to cover up his brother's deeds.
"Sammy don't," you said not willing to hear Sam's poor excuses. Sam raised his hands in defence and quickly left the place - he didn't want to be the innocent bystander who got killed in the fight. Dean glanced at Sam pleading him to stay but the younger Winchester ignored him and left.
"Are you mad at me?" Your eyes widened at Dean's audacity.
"Mad is an understatement, Dean! I am pissed," you glowered at your boyfriend.
"Y/N, I'm sorry. It's my fault. I was drunk and"-
"You were drunk?! How dare you do this Dean? I trusted you!" You screamed at him.
"Y/N/N I can fix this," Dean raised up his hands in defence.
"Oh hell you will fix this or else-" you said gesturing between the two of you, "we are done!"
"What?" Dean said his eyes wide with shock and fear, "You can't break up with me just because I crashed your car."
"Listen to me Dean Winchester," you glared at him, "I can and I will break up with you if you don't fix Sweetheart."
"Y/N you are acting like a child," Dean said but immediately regretted his words when he saw the glare you threw at his direction.
He knew how protective you were of your blue 1969 Camaro ZL1, you didn't let anyone drive him. You finally gave in to Dean after his constant pestering and on the first day of the night, he had stupidly crashed your car. Fine, maybe you were not being childish.
"You. Crashed. My. Car," you spoke in an extremely low voice.
"I know and I'm sorry for that," Dean said, "but how can you be so heartless and not even ask me for once if I was okay?"
"It's your fault you were drunk and driving and I can clearly see you are fine but Sweetheart is not! You better fix him up or it won't take much work for me to get drunk and drive in Baby, maybe even accidentally crashing her," you smirked.
"No! You won't. Don't involve Baby in this. She has nothing to do with this. I won't let you touch her," Dean tried to threaten you.
"Fix Sweetheart up or payback can be a real bitch sometimes," you said and strutted out of the garage.
"No! Y/N wait! Son of a bitch!"
Forever taglist - @donnaintx @devil-in-my-boots @amandamdiehl @miss-nerd95
Dean/Jensen Taglist - @akshi8278 @mrsjenniferwinchester @jensengirl83
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Sick and Clumsy
Summary: Y/N is a teen actor on supernatural who plays Sam and Dean’s younger sister and when she starts feeling under the weather she gets a bit clumsy, Jared and Jensen help out
Pairings: Jensen x platonic! reader, Jared x platonic! reader
Being a child actor was difficult at times. Balancing school and work wasn’t simple and sometimes you felt a bit overworked. Regardless, you tried to push through, even if you were feeling a bit ill.
“Hey y/n! You ready for the big scene today?” Jared questioned as he saw you walk onto set.
“Huh? Oh uh yeah yeah totally,” you replied feeling a bit dizzy.
“You alright y/n? You seem a little pale.” Jared noticed, concerned.
You nodded insisting you were fine and started walking over to the dressing room to get on your outfit for the scene. As you walked away however, you were hit by a major dizzy spell and began to stumble.
Noticing this Jared started to follow, when all of the sudden you slammed into the wall and collapsed on the ground. 
“Y/n!” Jared exclaimed rushing towards you. “Are you alright?” 
Jared’s words made Jensen come out from the dressing room and he noticed you on the ground.
“Dude, what happened?” Jensen questioned looking surprised at Jared.
“I don’t know man she was just walking when I noticed her stumble and then she just bumped into the wall,” Jared explained to his friend.
“Y/n? You alright?” Jensen asked crouching down next to you. “I think she passed out man,” Jensen said turning to Jared.
Jared looked at you and decided to gently shake you by the shoulder. You stirred and groaned looking around.
“Kid, what happened?” Jensen inquired, concern clear on his face. “Jared said you stumbled and hit the wall, then you just passed out.”
“I uh, didn’t exactly feel too good today and then I got really dizzy and I guess that happened.” You began to explain. “I was up late last night catching up on school work and I guess it got a bit too much. I really didn’t want to miss today because I knew it was so important. I’m sorry I messed it up for everyone.”
“Y/n don’t you dare blame yourself, it is in no way your fault for getting sick,” Jared scolded lightly. 
“Jared’s right kid, come on, we’ll take you home and help you get better,” Jensen said. 
The two took you back to your trailer and took care of you all day until you were feeling better. It was nice to have the company of two people who genuinely cared.  
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The Stunt
Summary: You’re an actress on Supernatural. After celebrating your eighteenth birthday, you decide to take part in a stunt for the episode you’re in. Jensen and Jared are upset after you wind up in the infirmary, furious because you went against their warnings not to do the stunt yourself. Will they ever forgive you?
Word Count: 1758
Warnings: blood, injury to reader, danger to reader, swearing, angry Jensen, angry Jared, fluff
Pairing: J2 x Reader (platonic)
A/N: This was written for an anonymous request: Hi! Can you do one shot where reader is teenage actress on spn set. She gets injured while doing a stunt and Jensen and Jared get angry bc they had told her before not to do it. She needs few shots and lots of stitches, but she is allergic to most of the sedatives, so doc has to do that while she is conscious. She is verrrrrrry afraid of doctors and everything, so Jared and Jensen stay with her through entire procedure even if angry, and fluff at the end? Thank you so much for your request! This is my first time writing for J2 so I hope you like it! ❤❤ And thank you to @samswhitesuit​ for beta-ing and making the perfect GIF for this fic! I so appreciate your help.
Winchester Fantasies’ Masterlist
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     You took a step up to the stunt coordinator’s trailer. You stopped on the last step and took a deep breath before knocking. You heard a muffled, “Come in,” from the other side. You pulled the handle before stepping inside the trailer.
     The man in the rolling chair sat hunched over a table, going over the stunts that were going to be performed in the episode that was being filmed that day. You waited for a few minutes before he swiveled around, his face breaking into a grin when he saw you. “Hey, (Y/N),” he said. “What’s up?”
     You smiled. “Hi,” you said, nervously licking your lips. “Listen, I...uh, I wanted to talk to you about the stunts for today.”
     “Okay,” he said with another smile and nod. “What about them?”
     “I, uh, I wanna do them,” you said. “Myself.” You looked him straight in the eye, hoping your direct eye contact would show him just how dead set you were on performing them yourself.
     His face hardened at your words. “(Y/N),” he sighed. “Jensen and Jared told me you might ask that. They mentioned how much you’ve been talking about wanting to do them.” You nodded enthusiastically and sent him a wide grin. 
     But it was short-lived and your face fell when he spoke again. “And how they both told you no,” he said, a reprimand in his tone.
     Instead of disappointment, anger surged through your veins. “They can’t tell me what to do!” you spat. 
     He looked at you, his eyes pleading with you to drop it. “(Y/N), please…” he started by you cut him off.
     “I just turned eighteen!” you raised your voice. “I’m not a kid anymore!”
     He sighed heavily, closing his eyes and pinching the bridge of his nose as he warred over whether he should respect Jensen and Jared’s request or allow you to do what you wanted. He finally opened his eyes, and hope enveloped you as you realized you’d won the argument. 
     “Fine,” he said gruffly. “But if this comes back to bite you in the ass, don’t you be pointing a finger at me.”
     You held back the grin that threatened to spread over your face as you nodded solemnly. He paused for a moment before turning around and opening the file cabinet beside him. He pulled out a thin stack of papers before grabbing a pen and facing you once again. “Here,” he said, placing the papers in front of you and handing you the pen. “Sign these. They’re the liability forms, stating that you take full responsibility for your actions and any and all injuries you might encounter while performing the stunts.”
     You nodded before leaning over and quickly signing them. You straightened up, handing the pen back to him with a wide grin. His face was grim as he shuffled the papers in order. “Be ready at 3:00,” he clipped, not looking at you.
     You knew he was upset with you for even requesting to perform the stunts, but you couldn’t help but smile and do a little skip as you headed to the makeup and costume trailers to get ready for the upcoming scene. There really wasn’t anything he could do about it. You were technically an adult now and could make your own decisions. 
     After getting ready, you headed to the set, a mixture of excitement and nervousness roiling in your stomach. The place was bustling with last minute preparations and getting everything into place. 
     “Hey.” You turned to find your stunt double standing behind you. 
     “Hey,” you said with a grin.
     “Heard you’re going to perform the stunts yourself today,” she said, her voice giving away her uneasiness.
     “Yep!” you said.
     “You sure you want to go through with it?” she asked. “The stunts are pretty intensive for the next couple of scenes.”
     “Yes, I’m sure,” you said a bit harsher than you’d meant. You smiled, trying to ease the tension. “I’ll be fine.”
     She gave you a skeptical look before shaking her head and walking away. You rolled your eyes before making your way over to the stunt coordinator who had a list of the stunts on the schedule in his hands. 
     “So what’re we doing first?” you asked, coming to stand beside him and looking over his shoulder at the list.
     He glanced at you before turning back to the paper. “First one is the vampire fight scene. Your character will be tossed around and thrown through the wall,” he said, motioning towards the wall to your right. There was a padded mat leaning against the wall where you’d land.
     “Okay, awesome!” you exclaimed in excitement.
     It wasn’t long before you were being called to take your places. You felt a prick of hesitation as you thought about how upset Jensen and Jared would be if they knew what you were doing. But they weren’t needed on set until 5:00 and by then your stunt scenes would be over with and they’d never be the wiser. So you mentally shrugged off your nervousness and took your place.
     “And...action!” the director called. You immediately took on the role of your character as the vampire charged at you with a growl. You dodged his punches, whirling behind him before grabbing him from behind and hoisting him over your back onto the mat below. These moves you knew by heart. They were the only part of the stunt you’d been allowed to learn. The next part was the one Jensen and Jared had been adamant you not take part in.
     The vampire jumped up before grabbing your shirt and tossing you at the mat against the wall. You suddenly felt everything shift around you as you lost your footing and stumbled forward, missing your mark and crashing through the heavy wood of the wall.
     There was an audible gasp from those around you as you fell onto the boards and lay still. The director screamed, “Cut!” and before you knew what was happening, a group of people were surrounding you, concerned and panicked eyes looking down at you.
     You groaned as you brought your hand to your aching temple, your fingers coming away with blood. The stunt coordinator and your double pushed through the crowd before helping you up. You gasped as a sharp pain shot from your ankle and up your leg, and you had no choice but to hop the rest of the way to the infirmary.
     You sat still as the doctor examined the gash over your left eyebrow. “Yeah, that’s going to need some stitches,” he said before turning away and taking a copy of your medical records from your file. He read over it silently before frowning. “It says here that you’re allergic to most sedatives,” he said, glancing up at you.
     You nodded nervously as he turned his focus back on the file. He was about to say something when the door burst open.
     “What the hell?” Jensen’s voice boomed through the tiny room. He and Jared stomped into the room, frowns plastered to their faces.
     You cowered and scooted further up the exam table as they continued to speak. “Yeah, (Y/N),” Jared barked, anger blazing in his usually calm and kind eyes. “You could have really been hurt!”
     “We fucking told you not to do those stunts!” Jensen yelled. His eyes shifted up to your brow and his eyes darkened as real anger rose up. “Goddammit, (Y/N)!”
     “I...I,” you stuttered, your eyes darting between them. They were angrier than you’d ever seen them before and tears welled in your eyes as guilt, pain, and fear mixed together and prevented you from finding the words to speak.
     The doctor cleared his throat and all eyes turned to him. He stood in the middle of the room, awkwardly looking on at the scene before him. “I’m sorry to interrupt,” he said. “But I’m afraid I’ll have to give you stitches without the use of sedatives,” he said, turning his attention to you.
     You swallowed hard and nodded. You never liked going to the doctor when you were a child, especially given the fact you were so allergic to nearly all sedatives. You’d never outgrown it; it had simply continued to fester, finally growing into an outright fear.
     You knew you needed the stitches, but the thought of having to undergo them without anything to help, nearly paralyzed you with fear. You were so caught up in your own thoughts you didn’t notice the softening of Jared’s eyes and the small nudge he gave Jensen, motioning to your expression and reaction to the doctor’s words.
     You jumped when you felt fingers close around your hand. You looked up to find Jared standing beside you, your small hand in his giant one. Jensen stood beside him, his hand coming up to rest on your shoulder. You could tell they were still angry, but you felt your uneasiness begin to wane with their support.
     They both stayed with you through the entire procedure, Jared allowing you to squeeze his hand when the needle would go through your skin, and Jensen would gently massage your shoulder when you tensed up from the pain.
     Before you knew it, it was over. You released Jared’s hand before climbing down gingerly from the table. You clasped your hands in front of you as you looked up at them with remorse-filled eyes. “Listen,” you said quietly. “I’m really sorry about not listening to you.”
     There was a pause as Jensen and Jared eyed you carefully, their faces still serious. Finally Jared sighed. “C’mere,” he said, opening his arms to you. You cautiously stepped into his embrace, but you immediately relaxed as his arms wrapped around you. “It’s okay,” he said, resting his chin on the top of your head. “We just want you to be careful is all.”
     “Yeah,” Jensen said, coming to stand beside Jared. The giant of a man released you with a chaste kiss to the top of your head before you stepped into Jensen’s embrace next. “We’ve been at this a lot longer than you,” Jensen said, patting your back gently before pulling away. “We know what we’re talking about, kid.” He sent you a quick wink and you smiled.
     “I’ll be more careful and listen to you guys from now on,” you promised. Jensen and Jared both grinned before Jared wrapped his arm around your shoulder and led you back to your trailer to rest while he and Jensen finished their scenes.
Thank you for reading! If you liked what you read, let me know!! ❤❤
***Please do not share my content on any other platform without my consent.
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Jensen Babes:
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waywardnewcomer · 4 years
Built in Best Friends Part Four
 A/N: Sorry this took so long, for a while there this story became my own life and I had my heart broken. It was hard to relive it all, but I’m finally over it, I hope you enjoy my pain.
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Summary: Tom gets a new girlfriend and becomes a dick.
Warnings: Tom is a dick. Very angsty
Pairings: Reader x Tom Padalecki, Tom x OC, Jensen x Daughter!Reader, Danneel x Daughter!Reader, Jensen x Daneel
Word Count: 1.3k
Previous Part Series Masterpost Masterlist
The next time you even got a whiff of a party buzz going around the school you encouraged Tom to go, not wanting him to miss out on his teenage years. You, however, were never going to have normal teenage years because anxiety plagued your bones. You helped him get ready and left him to his own devices on the promise he gave you the low down the next day. It took everything in you not to check up on him and text him that night. It was his night of fun. You couldn’t burden him like you always did. Instead you had a family movie night and an early night, spending some much needed time with your siblings.
The next morning it barely hit 9am when Tom burst through your bedroom door and jumped on your bed to wake you up, laying in the space beside you.
“Do you have a death wish Padalecki?” You hissed at him eyes still tightly shut.
“Come on Y/N it’s 9am, don’t you want to hear about my steamy kiss with Sasha?” He laughed making you shoot up. “That got your attention.” He smirked.
“You kissed her?” You asked, ignoring the sickly feeling in the pit of your stomach.
“Yup, and it gave me butterflies. Swarms of them Y/N!” He gushed making you feel guilty for being jealous while he was so happy.
“That’s brilliant Tom!” You forced out, smiling tightly.
“We’re going on a date this afternoon, soo I need you to help me pick out an outfit? Pretty please with cherries on top.” He begged making you giggle.
“Fine, only if it will be worth my time afterwards.” You laughed at his puppy face.
“Pizza and Disney marathon tomorrow?” He asked and you nodded.
Hearing about Sasha made your heart clench and every day you realised how stupid you were for falling for your best friend. He was heart-wrenchingly happy, it was a completely bittersweet feeling towards your best friend. If that wasn’t bad enough when he finally asked her out, you felt sick to your stomach. Then he started to drive her to school and she had to sit in the front, or she’d throw a bitch fit and toss you a dirty look. Then she sat with you two at lunch constantly giving you disgusted looks as you joked with Tom. You started seeing Tom less and less because he was always with her.
“It worries me Tom, I get that she’s your girlfriend but what if I have a panic attack and I need you and you’re not there? What if you’re with her?” You asked him one night, tearing up a little at the thought.
“Y/N listen to me. You’re my best friend, nothing will ever change that. You come first. Always.” He spoke, grabbing the sides of your head and looking into your eyes. Didn't really help with the whole crush thing either.
But little by little the strong bond between you two began to break. He wasn’t always there for you when you needed a little reassurance or pick me up. You turned to your family instead, but it would never be the same as your best friend. Your parents began tossing you worried looks whenever you came to them with the problem knowing they were never your first port of call, ever since you could talk it was Tom. It was always Tom.
You hit a breaking point when you sat down at your usual lunch table and he wasn’t there. You looked around nervously, you didn’t have any other friends and you couldn’t eat in front of all these people alone. Then you spotted him. Sat at the table with the jocks and his cheerleader girlfriend laughing not even looking over at your sad face. You quickly texted him asking if he was going to join you, to see him take his phone out look at the text and put it back in his pocket as if it was nothing. That was the stinger. You almost ran out of the cafeteria and into the library a quiet space you could collect your thoughts and focus on not crying. 
“Psst.” You heard someone whisper making you look up around you, eyes locking on a brunette girl passing you a note. You recognised her as Penny from your French class and gave her a smile.
You okay? You look kinda lonely and upset.
Just friend issues, thank you for asking. You wrote on the slip of paper and passed it back.
Wanna get out of here? You looked up at her and nodded softly.
She led you to a picnic bench outside and got out her lunch and some notes from one of her classes and smiled at you.
“Look, I know what it’s like to feel lonely. I don’t have many friends around here and the ones I do have are in lunchtime detention.” She rolled her eyes making you giggle. “But you don’t have to be, you’re always welcome to hang out with me.”
“Thanks Penny, it means a lot.” You smiled at her gratefully and got out your lunch taking little nibbles, feeling weirdly comfortable around her already.
“Anytime.” She smiled. You spent the rest of lunch getting to know Penny and hearing stories about her troublesome friends making you laugh harder than you have in a while.
Although he had hurt you, you were looking forwards to seeing Tom at the end of the day so you could confront him about lunch. However, standing outside the front of school for the past 20 minutes wasn’t looking good. You texted him only to be left on read, making you sigh in frustration. He would feel your wrath when you got a hold of him. You looked at the time and sighed knowing your parents would still be working at the brewery so ringing them for a lift wasn’t an option and all of the buses had left 10 minutes earlier. You had no other option but to walk and it looked like the skies were about to open. Lucky you.
You finally arrived home half an hour later soaked to the bone and sniffling slightly. You slammed the door and dripped water all over the floor making your parents look up at you from where they had just sat down.
“Why are you dripping? You need to get out of those clothes before you get sick.” Your Mom asked sounding worried, rushing to get you a towel.
“Didn’t Tom give you a lift?” Your Dad asked confused.
“He didn’t show so I texted him and got left on read.” You grumbled.
“That’s not like Tom, maybe he wrote the message and forgot to press send. Something must have come up.” Your Mom said thoughtfully.
“He did the same at lunch to.” You mumbled.
“He left you at lunch? He knows how anxious you get eating around people!” Your Dad grumbled angrily. “Did you eat?” He asked you a little softer, looking in your miserable eyes.
“Yeah I sat with a girl from my French class called Penny. She looked after me, don’t worry.” You flashed a fake smile at them that clearly didn’t meet your eyes.
“That’s not the point, Tom shouldn’t have left you.” Your Mom pointed out.
“I’m not his child, he doesn’t have to do anything. Plus, his girlfriend is his first priority.” You sighed making your parents raise their eyebrows. “Now I’m gonna go shower I am freezing.” You mumbled making your way up the stairs and missing the way your parents stared after you sadly.
After your shower you began to feel more and more angry with Tom. You felt like you deserved an explanation, he had left you twice today and potentially going to make you sick. You saw his shadow behind his curtains on his bed watching TV so you knocked on the wall and waited for him to come over. After 5 minutes and still no sign of him you knocked again and furrowed your brows, usually he came over in a flash. Especially when you knocked, it was your secret code. You heard your phone ping and as you looked at the message you felt your heart break a little inside.
Busy. Leave me alone.
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BIBF Series Tags: @yoursmilemakesmeloveyou @colie87 @atlas-of-the-world @duckieburns @biawol @maralisa124 @gabriels-trix @the-winchesters-impala @letmebeyoursforever @rosie-winchester @bellero @dreaminemz @aomi-nabi @babygurl224221​@sebstanismyman @captured-memory​ @thatbandchick39
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thevelvetseries · 4 years
Life’s Complicated (Part 2)
Overall Summary : When Bella Mikaelson was 17 she had a little baby girl. She went off to college and studied drama and music, while her parents looked after her daughter Camila Mikaelson. When she graduated she started auditioning for different movies and TV and ended up getting a role in the CW show Supernatural where she meets her new family.
Pairing : Alexander Calvert x Reader / Jared Padalecki x Reader (Platonic) / Jensen Ackles x Reader (Platonic) / Misha Collins x Reader (Platonic) / Genevieve Padalecki / Danneel Ackles
Warnings : Fluff, Angst, Smut, Semi Smut, Drinking
I decided to give the reader a name in this fic.
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I was in peaceful sleep when I was woke up to something poking my face over and over again. At first I didn’t wake up, until I hear a little cute voice by my ear, the voice that always put a smile on my face. “Mummy, wake up” I smile and I blink my eyes a couple times and when they finally open I see a little mini me looking me right in the eyes. Since she had only just woke up she had the biggest bed head ever and it always put a smile on my face. She really did look like me when I was younger. “Morning sweetie” I say before reaching out for her and bringing into a hug before I started giving her attack of kisses. She starts to giggle and it was like music to my ears, it’s still the best sound I could ever hear. She is just the sweetest little girl in the world. I finally finished my attack and asked if she would love some waffles for breakfast. “Yes pleaseeeee. Ohhh, can I have chocolate milk too please.” She asks and I agree and we make our way downstairs to the kitchen.
It was now the first day of hiatus, and it was time to relax and spend time with my baby girl. One we had finished eating our breakfast, we decided to have a lazy day. We got washed and put on new, clean pyjamas. Once we were ready we made it into the living room and spent the day watching original Disney channel movies and eating pizza that we ordered and lots of junk food, since it’s something we never do.
During the third movie we were watching my sister Veronica texted me saying “I’ve finally finished my final exams early and wanted to come out for awhile to see us.” I let her know we were coming home in a couple days before we were going to be heading up to Texas for awhile, and even invited her to the convention season so she could hell me look after Camilo and spend time with both of us when we have free time to spare.
“Mummy, can I have another slice of pizza please?” Camila asked while wiggling in her seat.
“Yes sweetie.” I reply before getting up and grabbing her another slice of pizza for her. I also went to the kitchen to grab her another juice box.
It was now 7pm and it was now time for Camila to go to bed, we went upstairs and brushed her teeth and put her to bed. Bella spent the next few hours finishing packing her suitcase and then went into Camila’s room and packed her suitcase too, since I’m two days they were flying to New York.
When we finally got to New York, we were met by Veronica at the airport. She drove us back to our family home where my mum had made a full feast for us for dinner. I missed being home. I missed my family. They were everything to me. Mum decided to make my and Camila our favourite which was fried chicken, and mac and cheese. Home cooked food is just the best. We all sat down around the table and stuffed our belly’s until we where full. Camila started to get tired so I took her upstairs and put her down to bed we all sat down in the living room watch a movie when my mum starts with the normal questions again, like every time I visit her.
“So. Is there anyone special in your life yet?” She asked.
“Seriously mum. Not this again. I’ll find someone when I’m ready. At this moment in my life, I’m happy. I’ve got an amazing job and a beautiful child who I love very much and I don’t need a man to complete my life. It’s already quite amazing.”
“Baby. It’s been nearly 3 year since he passed. I’m sure he would be ok with you moving on. He wouldn’t want you to be alone forever.” Mum said which a sad smile.
“I know mum.” I say with a sad smile.
“I just want you to find somebody who you can share you life with and have actual adult conversations.” She said while taking a sip of her hot drink.
“I do. At work.” I scruff back.
“You know what I mean. Isn’t there anyone at work you might like?”
“No. I haven’t been there long enough to get to know anyone to feel that way, and I’m always busy with or when I’m not working looking after Camila. I’m fine with were I am right now.”
Life’s Complicated Tag-List
@myopiamystical @ms-reader @musiclovinchic93 @tvshowlover123 @scatchia @sixx-sic-sixx @imaginationisgrowth @hettolini @leftjensenackleshollywoodshoe @dolans-lover @alittlebittyuniverse @smoothdogsgirl @xostephanie @idksupernatural @imsuperawkward @notsoftstcn @hazelle-uvu @amywinchesterxx @easygoingtheatre @jack-kline-world @simonadii @uglycryinginthekitchen @c-ly-g @hellosweetdeath @clawsandshotguns @sarsmilesah @catieiscute2001 @midnight-archer03 @lidibug @101stshippersquad @maesflower @shadowhunter82 @alliedimlerr​
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mlovesstories · 6 years
Uh Oh Part 1
Summary: Jared’s TV daughter is acting strangely, and the boys notice. 
Words: 955
Warnings: language
AN- This is for my Jared!girl @find-sammys-shoe
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Right now this is a four part series.  Enjoy! 
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Bella walked out of her trailer toward the makeup trailer. She entered through the door to see Jensen having his hair styled.
“Good morning, Jenny. Hair’s looking good today.” She snickered.
“Ass.” Jensen responded to her feminization of his name. “You take longer than me, idiot.” He rolled his eyes playfully at his TV niece.
“Whatever, old man.” Bella laughed. “Where is my father?”
“You mean Samantha? He’s coming.”
“Cool, I can’t wait to get him back for yesterday.”
“Good luck with that, kid.” He smirked.
“Hello, father,”she smiled.
“Hello, daughter,” he laughed.
“You realize you two aren’t related, right?” Jensen entered the conversation.
“We should be,” Bella giggled.
“I really don’t like having two of you,” the oldest whined.
“You love us, uncle.”
“Hey, kiddo.” Jared walked into Bella’s trailer.
“Hey!  What’s up?”
“Just checking on you.”
“Oh, nothing.  Just reading through my lines.”  Bella grinned.
“Cool,” he sat down next to her.  “You just seem withdrawn, that’s all.  You sure you’re okay?”
Bella shifted.  
“Just a lot going on.  I needed some me time before the next scene.”
“You’ll tell me if it gets too much, right?  I love you.”
“Of course.  I love you too.”  
“Hey, Jared!” Bella walked over to her TV father on the set of Supernatural. Jared engulfed her in a hug.
“I missed you, Jelly.” He whispered into her hair with a laugh.
“You too, Bean.” Bella grinned at their nicknames, knowing they had seen each other the previous day.
“Hey, Bella!” Her TV uncle, Jensen walked across the set to say hi to her.
“Hi Jay.” She spoke into his shirt as he kissed the top of her head.
“You doing good?”
“Yep! Jelly!” She turned her attention back to Jared.
“I missed Jensen more than you!” Bella smirked.
“I’m her favorite!” Jensen smiled and put a territorial hand on her shoulder.
“Whatever, Bella! I see how it is. Go bother him for a while. He’ll get tired of you and send you back.” He cackled.
“I would never get tired of my favorite cast member.” Jensen pulled Bella to him in a hug while they all laughed at the silly interaction.
“Whatever, Dean. I was just trying to help. Excuse me,” Bella stomped away off camera in character.
“When is she going to learn that only I wash Baby? My girl has water stains everywhere now!” Dean roared and crossed his arms.
“You’re injured. She was trying to be nice. Now I gotta go clean up the mess you made with your niece.” Sam stood up from a chair and walked toward his daughter’s room.
“And cut!” The director yelled. “Great job, moving on!” Richard stated.
“I would hurt you if you ever left water stains on Baby, you know that, right?” Jensen said with a grudge to Bella.
“Yes, Jensen.” She rolled her eyes. “Because you’ve got a stick up your a-“
“Woah!” Jared walked back to the conversation. “Words, much?”
“You cuss all the time. What’s the problem with me doing it?” Bella raised an eyebrow.
“I don’t want my daughter to talk like that.”
“Oh really, Dad? Because you set such a great example.” She and Jensen snickered.
“Oh, shut up!” Her TV father dismissed them with a laugh.
“Let’s get some lunch.”
“You not hungry?” Jared saw that Bella’s plate was empty after going through the buffet line. “Stomach ache or something?”
“Yeah, not feeling too good.” She grabbed her midsection.
“You want some meds or something? Where’s your mom?” Jensen asked.
“I’ll be okay. Thanks. She isn’t here today. I’m eighteen, dude. I don’t need a guardian on set.”
“I know, it’s just that she’s here sometimes. You don’t look so good, kiddo.” Jensen reached up and felt her forehead. “I don’t think you have a fever though.”
“Why don’t you rest in your trailer? We’ll check on you later.” Jared nodded toward her on-set humble abode.
“Okay, thanks.” Bella picked up her plate and walked toward her trailer door.
“Hope she’s okay,” Jared sighed.
“Better?” Jared saw Bella walking over to him on set after lunch.
“A little. Nap helped.” She gave a small smile.
“Good, kiddo. Let us know if you’re feeling worse, okay?” Jared wrapped an arm around her.
“Yes, sir.”
“She’s acting weird.” Jensen noticed Bella hiding in the corner of the set.
“I know. She didn’t even go for the joke when I set her up to get Misha.” Jared stated, concerned. They walked over to her, and Jared tapped her on the shoulder. She turned.
“Hey, you okay?” Jared used a quiet voice.
“Yeah, I’m good. Why?” Bella quizzically asked. Jensen reaches up and felt her forehead. “Dude! Stop doing that! Gah!” She pushed his hand down. “Knock it off!”
“Woah!” Jensen put both of his hands up and backed away. “Sorry, Bella. We just-“
“Go away,” she whispered.
They finished their scene and ended for the day. After getting off work, the boys went for drinks.
“Now that I think about it, she has been acting different for a while now. Something is up. I just can’t put my finger on it.” Jared sighed in defeat.
“Yeah, I’m not sure. She hasn’t said anything.  Tomorrow we need to ask her.”
“Jelly!  Come here!”  Jared called for Bella across the lot.
“What, Bean?”  She walked up to him.  
“Aren’t you hot?  It’s like 85 degrees (29.4 C) and you’re wearing a huge sweatshirt.”
“No, I’m cold.”
“Are you fighting a fever?” Jared grew concerned.
“Maybe, not sure.”
“Go rest.  One of the PAs will get you when we pick up for shooting.”  Jared guided her toward her trailer.
“Okay, thanks.”
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Forever Friends (Everything):
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mirkwoodshewolf · 5 years
Best gift of all, love; John Deacon x mute/deaf child reader (platonic)
*Author’*s note
Well guys I have yet another little Christmas gift for you all, this idea had been going around in my head for awhile now and I hope you all get fluffy Christmas/holiday feels with this one. Now in this fic as mentioned in the title you are deaf and mute so I am writing this as a non-deaf person so if there’s anything I might’ve incorrectly used PLEASE let me know so that I may make the edits necessary to fit the story, so not really any serious warnings except maybe jerky twin brothers, the word ‘handicapped’ is used, but overall some MAJOR DEACY FLUFF!!!
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I was up in my room finally having some downtime from doing homework, and question who gives homework on Christmas? It’s just not right.  Anyways after finally getting it done, I can fully focus my attention to my gift for John Deacon.  Yep you heard right John Deacon of Queen, aka my mom’s boyfriend.
They met when Queen was touring America about two years ago when I was six years old.  My mom was their American techie and that’s how she and John hit it off. Because she was the only woman throughout the entire American team that could work the wires and know the difference between a closed and open circuit (whatever that means).
When she told us that her and John were dating, me and my twin brother Jensen were thrilled.  He was mostly thrilled at the fact that he could brag to his friends that his mom’s boyfriend was one of the members of Queen, I was just happy to have a father figure in my life because—well my real dad walked out on us when I was just 4 years.
The reason for him leaving was—well I’m not like other girls.  I was born mute and deaf.  It was hard for my dad because he thought it was just a phase, or that I was a birth defect out of my brother and I.  Not being able to take it, he just one night packed up and left, without even a goodbye.
It took mom awhile to trust guys again, but when she met John she started to loosen up a bit, especially when he took the time to learn sign language so that he could communicate with me.  So I figured this Christmas since he’s taken the time to try and communicate with me, I feel like I should communicate back to him, so I asked if I could have a few bass lessons with him.
He humbly gave me a few lessons and it was difficult because I couldn’t hear exactly what I was playing but if I had my foot against the AMP, I could feel the rhythm.  Plus I would turn to John every time and he’d either give me a wide, proud smile or sign off and adjust my fingers so that I could play the right key.
But he was patient with me and gave me a lesson whenever he had some downtime during rehearsals, or whenever he’d come over to visit us.
So here I was, practicing “Liar” which was one of my favorite songs because I could hear the bass shine throughout the song, especially on the solo.  I was sitting on the AMP John had gotten me for my birthday to practice with (that he also built from scratch might I add) so that I could feel what I was playing, when I felt something hit my head.
I looked down and saw a paper ball and when I looked at the door there stood my twin brother Jensen.
‘Why do you always do that?’ I signed.
“Cause it’s fun.” God I hated when he didn’t sign back to me, he knew that I struggled to read lips.
‘SIGN! You know I can’t read lips you idiot!’ he stuck his tongue at me before signing.
“What are you doing?” he said as he signed with an annoyed look on his face.
‘I’m practicing my present for John.’
“How exactly do you plan on doing that? You can’t hear.”
‘Just because I can’t hear doesn’t mean I can’t feel the rhythm. That’s why I’m sitting on the AMP he made me.’
“Yeah well I got a better gift for John.”
‘And just what are you doing for him?’
“Since he taught me about electronics, I’m making him a new AMP he can use. And a new AMP is way better than playing a song.” And with that he just walked away.  That’s typical Jensen for you, he always thinks he’s one step ahead just because he’s the normal one and I’m the freak of the family.
I continued to practice till mom came in and signed to me that it was time for dinner.  I put down my bass and followed her to the dinner table where the three of us sat down for some warm lasagna.
After dinner it was bath time and then into bed. Mom tucked me into bed and signed out.
‘Goodnight my world.’
‘Night mom. I love you.’
‘Love you too.’ She then kissed my forehead and turned off my lamp light before walking out my door.  I hugged the Japanese doll that Freddie had given me and soon fell fast asleep, and began to dream.
It was Christmas morning and I had my bass guitar ready to show John the song that I’ve been practicing really hard on.  I came to our living room and saw him with my brother. John was unwrapping his present and it revealed to be the AMP he was bragging about.
It looked absolutely flawless, like the ones John makes all the time.  And it seemed based off the wide smile on his face that he loved it.  I then started to grow nervous because if he loved Jensen’s gift so much, what would he think of mine?
“(Y/n), well don’t stand there all shy? What did you get me?” John spoke as he signed to me.  I gulped nervously and strapped my bass around my neck and walked up to him. I plugged the bass in and I signed.
‘I—I’ve been practicing really, really hard on this song. I—I hope you like it.’ I strummed a few notes and touched the AMP with my foot and I started playing the song.
However next thing I knew, I couldn’t feel the vibrations from the AMP anymore.  I grew scared as I tried to keep playing but since I couldn’t hear exactly what I was playing, or how I was playing it I trailed off and must’ve started playing something else.
All the while I just saw the disappointment on John’s face until finally he held his hand out which was a sign he used for me to stop playing.
“What was this?” he spoke as he signed.
‘I’m sorry John I…..I couldn’t feel the vibrations anymore. Did the AMP break?’
“No the AMP was fine. Nothing happened. It was just you. I thought I trained you better than that (y/n).”
‘I tried John really I did. I was just….’
“I don’t wanna hear it. This was the worst gift I could ever ask for. If only you could hear and not be a nuisance then I might have liked it.” What? No he—he would never say anything like that to me. Why was he saying this? “Guess I wasted my time teaching a handicapped how to play.”
Noooooo! He knows I hate that word. People always call me that and he knew how much it hurt. Why was he being mean? Why? Why! WHY!!!
I woke up in a sweat and felt my chest heaving. I looked around to still see that it was dark outside and that I was back in my bedroom.  Oh thank god it was only a dream. Or—was it? Could—could John really hate my gift to him?
I laid back down on my pillow and held onto my doll close to me and allowed a couple of tears to fall out.  Maybe I could think of something else for John, but what? Christmas was just 2 days away and there’s no way I could ask mom to go to the store to get something, and the only thing I can decorate is a card.
Guess I—need to think of something else to give John. I don’t want him to be disappointed in me and call me ‘handicapped’ again.
Soon enough it was Christmas eve and John was gonna come over tomorrow morning but tonight we were gonna watch him and Queen play at the Hammersmith Odeon theater live on TV.
“Okay kids, now that we’ve finished our dinner, are you both ready to watch Deacy and the others perform their Christmas concert?” mom both spoke and signed out.  
As I was watching my mom and brother speak back and forth between each other (god I wish I could read lips) it was then I felt my heart ache as I saw my brother sign.
“Wait mom, how is (y/n) gonna watch the concert if she can’t hear?” I saw Jensen sign with a smug look on his face as he looked right at me.  I saw mom spank him once on his bottom and she signed.
“She has as much right to watch it and enjoy watching them on TV. She doesn’t have to hear them.”
“But the point of a concert is to enjoy the music. And she can’t hear them. So she can’t watch it.”
“Alright that’s it. I’ve had it. You’re grounded Jensen.” I soon watched as my mom dragged Jensen by the ear and gestured for him to go upstairs.  I saw Jensen look at me with an angry face before he stormed up the stairs.  Mama came back and sat down beside me and signed.
‘Don’t listen to what your brother said.’
‘But he’s right mama. I don’t know what Queen sounds like, and since I can’t touch the television I won’t know what set they’re playing. Maybe I should just go to bed.’ As I started to get off the couch mama picked me up and placed me on her lap.
‘No lovie. You have just as much right to watch this concert. I know it would mean the world to John and your uncles if you did.’
‘But mom I won’t be able to hear the concert.’
‘I can sign it out to you if you’d like.’ Knowing that I could never win an argument with her, I nodded and told her I would stay and watch the concert.
And so she stood by the TV and as soon as the concert began to go on the air, she signed out everything for me. From the songs to Freddie’s speeches.  Then as Liar came on, she asked me just before the singing began.
‘You ready to give Deacy your present tomorrow morning?’ Yeah I didn’t tell her that I decided to change my mind about what to give John because I didn’t want to get into a debate with her.  So I just nodded to her and she smiled. ‘I’ve also been looking forward to hearing you play this song.’ It was then I saw her starting to sign the song to me.
And when John’s bass solo came on, I watched as the camera zoomed in on his skilled fingers. Pricking the strings as his left fingers lifted up and down on the first three fingers only doing that same 13-15th measure for the song that he once told me he did for this song. He then slide his fingers down the neck of the bass and the song continued.
The concert continued to go on with huge success as I watched the crowd mouth out lyrics to the songs and balloons bouncing up and down in the air as Freddie continued to dance around the stage in his own way while Brian played his guitar, Roger on the drums and John on the bass wearing that yellow hat of his.
As the credits were rolling, I grew tired and that’s when mom picked me up and took me to bed.  She tucked me in and she signed.
‘Did you enjoy the concert sweetie?’ I nodded.
‘It looked like fun.’ She smiled and tucked me into bed.
‘Alright sweetie better get some sleep before Santa clause comes. Otherwise he’ll just fly above our house in circles.’ We both smiled and that’s when I asked her.
‘Yes?’ she signed out.
‘Do—do you think for Christmas, Santa could give me the ability to hear?’ at that question mama just looked at me.
‘(Y/n) sweetie. That’s—that’s a big wish. Even for Santa.’
‘But I thought Santa could do anything. You said that good boys and girls are granted their deepest wishes by Santa, and that’s—all I really want for Christmas.’ She looked at me with sympathetic eyes before finally signing.
‘I’ll tell you what sweetheart. If that’s what you truly desire, then Santa’s gonna try his best to give you your wish. Now it may not come right away, but he’ll try his best to make it happen. Okay?’ I nodded.  She smiled and kissed me goodnight before tucking me in and turned out the light.
The next morning it was Christmas.  I opened my eyes but of course all I heard was silence. I solemnly sighed before getting out of bed and looked outside to see John’s car parked out front.  
Oh great, if I go down there he’ll—he’ll probably act like he did in my nightmare a few nights ago.
But if I don’t go down either him or mama will come up here and check on me and that’s something I don’t want to happen. Taking out John’s gift I quietly headed down the stairs.
But to my horror it was just like it was in my nightmare with Jensen on John’s lap showing him his newly designed AMP that he said he had made.  I hid in the corner and tried to be invisible so that John wouldn’t see me as I watched them interact with each other.
Just like in the nightmare, John seemed to be impressed by Jensen’s AMP but due to me not being able to hear I couldn’t understand what they were saying.  Suddenly John caught sight of me, I quickly ducked back into the corner of the stairs. It wasn’t until I saw John peek over and he grinned at me.
“I thought I saw you, what are you doing hiding here all by yourself?” he spoke as he signed to me.  I shrugged. “Is that for me?” he signed again as he gestured to his gift that I had behind my back.  I looked behind me then back to him and I presented it to him. ‘Thank you’. He signed.
As he slowly started to unwrap it, he paused and signed.
‘Your mum told me you both had a ladies night and watched the concert together. Did you enjoy it?’ I wanted to tell him I did but ow can someone enjoy something when they can’t even hear what’s going on? So I shrugged again.  John looked at me concerningly but chose not to push me.
Finally he unwrapped the gift to reveal the bass guitar my mom had gotten me when John first agreed to give me my bass lessons.
“Your bass. Do you wish for me to sign it?” he signed as he spoke. I shook my head no. “Okay well—did you want me to make any modifications to it? Is something wrong with it?” I shook my head again. “Then what is it love?” I looked down shamefully before feeling the tears coming.
I then quickly raced up the stairs and quickly shut the door and hid under the blankets and buried myself in them trying to hide as best I could.  It must’ve been a few moments later when I felt the dip on my bed and the blankets being lifted so that my head was free.  John’s eyes were filled with concern and worry.
‘What’s wrong poppet?’ he signed off.
‘It didn’t look like nothing down there, you know you can tell me anything without me judging you right?’ I rubbed at my eyes trying to rid of the tears that refused to stop when I felt a gentle hand cup my chin forcing me to look up.  I then felt John’s calloused but gently fingers wipe away my tears.
He then leaned forward until his forehead rested against mine.  We stayed there for a minute till I finally gave in and moved from his forehead to his neck and buried myself into him.  I felt his arms gently surround me in a comforting embrace.  He allowed me to cry into his neck for as long as I needed and never once tried to rush me or make me feel insignificant.
Once I managed to calm down, he set me down in his lap and signed out.
‘A little.’ The corner of his mouth turned up in a slight smile as he brushed and tucked my hair behind my ears.
‘Are you okay to tell me what all of this is about?’
‘Will you be mad if I tell you?’ he shook his head no and signed back to me.
‘You know there is absolutely nothing in this world that could ever make me mad at you.’ He stroked through my hair which always made me feel warm inside, especially when John did it.
‘I gave you my bass guitar because I want you to give it to someone else. Someone who is able to hear what it is they’re playing.’
‘(Y/n), why—why would you think that? You’re a wonderful bass player. You’re halfway to my speed with the lessons I’ve given you.’
‘But I can’t hear John! I’m deaf! What use do I have in playing an instrument that I can’t hear!? It’s like you said you wasted your time training a handicapped how to play.’ My gestures were frantic as I felt my chest clench in pure agony and heartbreak again, my vision flickering with tears once more.
It was during the middle of my rant that John took my hands in his and shook his head repeatedly.  Keeping both my hands in on hand and spelling repeatedly ‘no’ with the other, John kept his eyes locked with mine.
‘When did I ever say that?’
‘The other night, in a dream.’ He brushed aside my bangs from my forehead before planting a soft kiss right at the center of it.
‘(Y/n). It was nothing but a bad dream. A trick. I would never, ever, ever, ever call you that vile word or say that I wasted my time teaching you to play the bass.’
‘But how can I play when I can’t hear? Jensen says that what good am I to watching concerts or even learning how to play an instrument if I can’t hear?’ I saw him sigh and that’s when he told me.
‘Love, your brother he—he always seems to say what he wants to without thinking of the consequences of his words. I’ll be sure to set him straight. Because no brother should ever make their sister feel inferior just because of something that wasn’t in their control to have. Come here.’ He held his arms out and I leaned in against his chest.
If I could hear I probably would’ve heard his heartbeat since he made sure to adjust my head so that it was over on the left side of his chest.  He then tucked his finger under my chin so that I could look up at him again.  He wiped my tears away and signed off.
‘But my dear, please understand that you are a special fan of ours.’
‘Just because I’m deaf?’
‘No not because of that. It has nothing to do with you being deaf. Your specialness comes from how you view music. And how you view us.’
‘What do you mean?’ he stroked through my hair and smiled softly down at me.
‘Many people around the world see us in two ways; our looks, or our music. Most of our female fans just see us as four hot rockstars, mostly of them for Roger’s case.’ At that I couldn’t help but smile and laugh a little as did John. ‘And yes I say we do things that no other band has done with having all of us write the songs and not just one of us. But to someone like you, you feel us (y/n). Feel our music in a way that no one else can.’
‘How? It doesn’t make any sense.’
‘It may not now. When people hear our music they just hear all the different genres we try to put in. But you my dear, you feel every bit of the music that plays. From the rhythm that Roger and I do, to the melodies Brian and Fred perform. You feel it all. Every instrument, every beat, you feel it all. So in a way it’s a good thing that you can’t hear cause otherwise you’d just be like everyone else.’
‘But I’d still like to hear other things. Like Freddie’s singing, my mom’s voice, and your voice. Mummy always said you had an interesting accent compared to the others, and I always wanted to hear what it sounded like.’ He rubbed my back in circles and signed.
‘Just be thankful you’ll never hear my sing. Otherwise I would make you go deaf, it’s that terrible.’ I couldn’t help but giggle which made John smile. ‘Seems like your back to being that happy girl I love so much.’
‘Yeah. Thank you John.’
‘I���m always here for you poppet. No matter what.’ He then lightly bopped my nose which made me smile wider.  We sat there in comfortable silence as John proceeded to rock me back and forth when John told me. ‘Hey love?’ I looked up at him and signed.
‘Not to push you but I wanna know the truth. What was it you were really planning on doing with your bass before you chose to try and make me give it away?’ I got up out of his embrace and turned towards my AMP.
‘I—was actually gonna play you something.’
‘You were?’ I nodded. ‘Oh love that’s amazing. What song were you gonna do?’
‘L-I-A-R.’ I spelled out.
‘Liar, really? Wow that’s amazing. I would like to hear you play it, if that’s what you want.’ I debated long and hard as I looked between John and my AMP in the corner.
‘I’ll try.’
‘That’s all I ask of you poppet.’ He then grabbed my bass that he had put in the corner up and the two of us walked over to the AMP. He helped me turn it on and strummed the strings for me till the volume was just right for him.  Once he was done he nodded to me and I sat on top of the AMP so that I could feel the vibrations as he handed me my bass.
I breathed deeply and nervously looked towards John and he just looked at me with nothing but reassurance.
‘Just do your best. I’ll be proud no matter what.’ I adjusted my bass so that it sat in my lap and tried not to think back to my nightmare.
I felt the tune in my head before finally starting on the bass sections.  I tried my best to not think about the dream but since it was so similar to what happens, it started to effect my performance I just knew it.  It was then I saw John’s hand come over mine stopping me from picking the strings anymore.  I looked up and prepared for the exact speech he gave me in my dream.
‘You’re so tense love. Remember relax your arm against the bass and it’ll be easier to pick the strings.’ He signed.  I looked at him in awe.  He—he didn’t say that I was terrible, this—this wasn’t like my dream. This was real.
‘Sorry John.’
‘No need to apologize love. This is a hard song to try, you wanna start over or continue from where you left off?’
‘I can start over.’ He smiled and leaned back against my bed and I started over.  Gaining a little more confidence, I felt like I was playing with more passion and when I got to the solo I worked on my fingering along the neck to make sure I hit the three notes over and over again just like John did last night.
By the end of the song, I stopped and looked up at John and his expression was speechless.  Nervously I signed out.
‘How’d I do?’ he scooted up towards me and hugged me close.  He squeezed me tightly but not constricting and that’s when he signed to me.
‘You. Were. Amazing poppet. I mean there were some parts that were a little iffy but you did amazing. And the solo, I think if the boys heard you do that solo they’d replace me with you.’ I blushed and signed a thank you to him.  I took my bass off and ran up to him and the two of us hugged each other. ‘And thank you for giving me the greatest gift I ever gotten.’
‘I’m glad you loved it John. I wanted to do you proud.’
‘And you did poppet. I love you so much, and I’m so proud of you.’ I smiled and nuzzled myself into his chest while I felt him stroke down my hair.
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naruhearts · 5 years
Do you think that Dean and Cas will finally have a heart to heart conversation this season that has a beginning, middle, and end without being interrupted? Where they finally get to talk about everything and mend the rift between them? I really hope so
2/2 I’m the heart to heart anon! Like I would love if there was a moment where someone sat them down to air their grievances the way Sam and Dean did for Chuck and Lucifer in s11, bc it actually worked and was incredibly promising
HI nonnie!!
I’m on the run and have a busy Canadian thanksgiving dinner to get to (and I’ll most likely add to this once I have time), but WHAT A GREAT QUESTION, because frankly, this is what we’ve been anticipating for…a while. 
We’ve seen 15x01. The rift between Dean and Cas = NECESSARY spousal discord. Dabb & Co know what they’re doing here, and pretty much most meta writers in the Destiel community gleefully watched the EVER-heightening intensity of D/C’s romance-coded arguments unfold in their conjoined emotional arc for the better part of 11 years!! Dabb era, dudes. Family struggles. DEEP EMOTIONAL BONDS, frayed, to be repaired in the endgame. 
English 101: writing an external conflict between two characters can inherently convey INTERNAL CONFLICT — character vs the self, thus introducing significant elements of character development and self-reflection that two characters, intentionally written as romantic star-crossed counterparts to each other, will think about, then either NOT act on or WILL act on. 
In short, the metanarrative focus on Dean and Cas fighting means they’re gonna need to RESOLVE it, and exactly, anon – since it’s the final story countdown, this also means there should be a subversion of every other instance in which they’ve almost hashed things out but were: A. always interrupted, B. gave outside forces priority, not their interpersonal relationship, or C. just plain ol’ avoiding addressing it. 
HOW MANY TIMES CAN THEY SURVIVE THAT? How many times can we survive the drawing-out of WILL THEY WON’T THEY/USING THEIR WORDS?
Lemme tell ya, I do believe we’re going to see the D/C narrative focus grow more potent the closer we get to 15x20, if not earlier. Again, PR isn’t showrunning, but Jensen and Misha are fully aware and informed of their roles as Dean and Cas; they know their tension is a key emotional plot point driving the physical plot, always has been. I mean, it’s already amplified, right in the first episode of the final season!!
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After finding out that God is the Big Bad, Dean and Cas must re-evaluate everything they thought they knew about themselves and each other. Again, did they inadvertently play into God’s Angst Plot for them? Did they think they were saving the world on their own terms of free will when in fact, God wanted them to do exactly that – to ignore their self-consciousness and each other’s emotional needs in the process?? *rips hair out* 
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Keeping up the awfully sad vibe of arguing ex-husbands a la 14x17/18/19/20, Sam continues to represent all of us. Currently, we don’t see any resolution in sight; once S14 came to a close, they were still clashing. The negative spaces are NOISY! Once again, D/C = divorcees at odds, with what looks like irreconcilable differences. Sigh.
It’s the classic trope of setting aside personal conflict to get the important crap done, yet not realizing that personal conflict is inevitably going to implode.
To get on the same page, Dean and Cas’ preconceived notions of FREE WILL must be challenged, and true free will –> LOVE. God couldn’t control the existence of love...the most powerful force in the world. The ultimate manifestation of free will. TFW threw a wrench into His plans when Dean, out of LOVE, refused to shoot his son, Isaac-mirror Jack – when Cas, out of LOVE, also raised Jack as his own humanized child alongside psychologically nurturing him with Dean – when Sam, out of LOVE, chose to be his teacher in the ways of survival and human difficulty. 
TFW singularly chose to destroy God’s script when they started loving the Nephilim, the TFW mirror, God’s OG Big Bad for his cut-and-paste SPN series of The Winchester Brothers and the Angel Castiel: Same Mistakes Never Learned.
*Back to the point, sorry I went on a whole TFW-lovey-dovey tangent there lol – YEAH, I hope and expect that Dean and Cas will engage in a genuine heart to heart without interruptions, where they no longer let God perch on their shoulders. It’s time for them to set their cards on the table. It’s time for them to USE THEIR WORDS.
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Romantic or not (lbr a non-romantic resolution –> greatest cop-out for a 15-year iconic institution, because why even implement consistent, constant tropes of a damn non-platonic nature without any proper follow-through, even in subtext?!), the fact remains that Dean and Cas are longggg overdue for a discussion – a deconstruction of their tension, clearing the air of ALL the stuff they’ve hidden from each other, and with bated breath, I wait. 
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(The visual D/C narrative also holds: they stand as a unit together, Sam positioned apart from them. Like, we been knew.) *trots around in clown mask*
Seriously. I’m Destiel-positive so far. 15x01 simply strengthened my (cautious) optimism. If you want to read more about the D/C rift, with Jack at the core of it all (oh man, how fitting that Belphegor, who’s taking up Jack’s image by possessing his body – and remember, Jack was the catalyst for both heavily marital-code unity and conflict in Dean and Cas’ relationship – will seemingly take over Jack’s role as metanarrative exposition/mirror for now), I wrote these late S14/beginning of the last hiatus (below), plus x x
I discuss the Dean/Cas argument here, here and here – it’s both a break-up and argument entrenched in parental mistakes, self-guilt, and their ultimate bond with/trust in each other (particularly in relation to Jack, their subtextual son), where the lying and the dishonesty (a redux of S5/6 and S12) are combined spiral narratives of their relationship that they eventually have to break together. COMMUNICATE BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE
I’ll emphasize this again too – still highly relevant lol (14x18):
Cas is telling himself: if I was completely honest with my husband, without holding back, we could’ve been able to avoid this. I wasn’t honest because I knew how much Jack meant to us. I was 😨. I did it for myself…I did it for Dean. 
Dean is telling himself: I dunno, why am I taking my husband’s dishonesty so hard? Because I 😍 him a lot, and I 😍 my son. I trusted Cas to be honest with me. We could’ve worked together. But, 💩, I guess I wasn’t as open with him as I was supposed to be…about what I wanted, and what I felt.
Me: *slaps notebook closed* *coughs* Uh, it’s a — really long — work in progress. KEEP TALKING. 
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Going Up
Pairing: Jensen x Reader (platonic), Jensen x Danneel, Reader x OMC David
Word Count: 2.7K+
Summary: Running late to an important meeting has the reader rushing onto the first elevator in sight. It's crowded, but it's going up and that's all that matters. When the elevator shutters to a stop in between floors, the reader comes face to face with none other than her favorite actor, Jensen Ackles. What will the unlikely pair make of their time together in the small space?
Warnings: Language, angst (if you squint), fluff
Author’s Note: This stemmed from a post I saw that read “Imagine you and your icon trapped in an elevator”. So here you go, it’s a crack fic. Also my first RPF so be nice please!
My Masterlist
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“Wait, hold that door!” The yell slipped from you as you chased the crowd of people down the hallway. There was just enough room for you to shove yourself into the elevator and you’d be damned if you missed it. Sure, waiting for the next elevator would take less than five minutes, and though you technically weren’t late, you were going to be in trouble. Alice had a strict ‘fifteen minutes before’ arrival time for meetings, and according to your watch, she would most definitely rip you a new one later. 
A huff of relief escaped you as you slipped into the cramped elevator. With a quick check that the button had been pressed for your floor, you turned your attention back to the portfolio in your hands. 
This was a big project, so one last check to make sure you had everything wouldn’t hurt. This meeting needed to go perfect, or else you’d be hearing about that too. 
The elevator stopped at a few floors, the mass of people exiting, and finally allowing you a little breathing room as you stood still facing the doors. The next floor was your exit. 
A long drawn out screech and subsequent deep shudder of the elevator cart had you bracing yourself from toppling over. This was so not happening right now. 
“Motherfucker.” You growled. A deep chuckle had you whipping your head around, not realizing anyone else remained with you. 
“You think this is funny?” The words came out in a hiss as you eyed the tall stranger behind you. His height brought him still above you in heels, a feat which not many could accomplish at your height. He was slender yet still built, the dark slacks and button down clinging to him in all the right places. A dark pair of aviators hung on his nose. 
“No ma’am.” The man chuckled with a slight southern drawl as he brushed his knuckles across his rusty colored beard. Hearing a southern accent in Texas was nothing new to you, but something about it sent a chill up your spine. 
“Then don’t laugh.” You turned back towards the panel and hit the emergency button. Nothing happened so you tried again. Granted you weren’t exactly sure what was supposed to happen, so all you could do was hope that it notified somebody. 
You turned back to the man, who had his phone held above his head like he was searching for a signal. Fear gripped you as you pulled out your own, only to find an out of range warning in the upper corner. A small whine escaped you as you stomped your foot like a child. 
“Nothing?” The man had already returned his phone to his pocket. 
“What the hell do you think?” The man shrugged still clearly amused with your frustration. “And take those damn sunglasses off, only douchebags wear sunglasses inside.”
“You got me.” The man held up his hands in surrender before pulling the dark specs from his face. Your heart leapt into your throat as you took in the pair of deep emerald eyes now staring back at you. 
“Oh my god.” The words tumbled quickly from your lips before you stop them. “Shit sorry, that wasn’t the most dignified response…” you trailed off. Did you just fucking quote Dean Winchester to Jensen Ackles? How had you not even realized it was him? Your mind really was focused right now. 
“No you’re totally right. Dean knows what he’s talking about, but sometimes I like to try and stay under the radar.” Jensen placed the glasses on top of his head as you just stared at him, completely lost for words. There was shakiness in your limbs as you attempted to control your heart rate. 
Supernatural had been your lifeline since the show started. The family you had made and the home you found in them being the one constant in your life through all the shit being thrown at you. And now here you were, in Jensen Ackles personal space, trapped for god only knows how long. 
“I’m gonna be honest I don’t even know what to say. I’m such a huge fan, I’ve seen just about everything you’ve ever done.” You extended a hand and offered your name to him. 
“Thank you so much.” Jensen shook you hand and stepped back to lean against the wall. “So tell me, what has you a wound so tight?” 
“What?” The question caught you off guard as you watched the man lazily swipe his tongue over his lips. “Oh yeah, I’m so late for a meeting with the board of the hospital for their new pediatric wing. My boss is gonna kill me for missing this meeting. I guess some big donor for the playroom portion is gonna be there and she has been freaking about it all month.” You had almost forgotten about it when Jensen had taken off his sunglasses, mesmerized by the hottest man you’d ever seen. 
“Yeah?” Jensen’s one eyebrow lifted as he watched you. “You work for the hospital then?” Jensen slid his hands into the front pocket of his slacks. 
“No, my firm is designing the whole thing. I was finally given a big project, making headway with the partners, and now I’m so fired.” The realization hit you as you dropped your things to the ground, sliding down the wall with them. Your ass hit the ground in a hard thump, but you didn’t even feel it. 
“Well, if it makes you feel any better, I’m missing the meeting too.” Jensen walked over to where you were and crouched down in front of you. Your brows crinkled in confusion before you understood his meaning. 
“You’re the donor?” 
“Well technically my wife and I are, but she couldn’t make this meeting. I promised to show her everything though.” Jensen smirked as he moved to sit next to you, his back against the wall, your shoulders almost touching. 
“How did I not know this? I feel like I should have known this.” You turned to him, the fear of possibly losing your job had tears brimming in the corners of your eyes. 
“Danneel and I try not flaunt around our money. We give back where we can and don’t like to make a big deal out of it.” Jensen had his hands in his lap as he spoke, not really looking up at you. “The twins were born here, and while everything turned out just fine, we know that it isn’t always the case, especially for multiple births. This hospital does great work and we want to continue to see it do that work.”
“God I hate how perfect you guys are.” Jensen chuckled at your admission, before denying it. “No really, you two are like the most down to earth celebrities like ever. You’re both hot and so talented like how the hell did you ever stay so humble? Couldn’t you be assholes to kinda balance out the universe? It’s not fair to us lesser humans.” You laughed. 
“Lesser humans?” He cocked his head at you. 
“Yeah, those of us that do not look like Greek gods.” Jensen let out a full bodied laugh at that, and you couldn’t help but join in, his smile contagious. 
The elevator shuttered again then, causing you both to jump back to reality. The doors slid open erratically, leaving you facing mostly dark concrete wall. Only a sliver about a foot tall at the top of the elevator revealed the floor of the level above you. 
Jensen was on his feet in a flash, offering you a hand to help you up. 
“Hello?” He called out. Suddenly you were face to face with a couple of firefighters peering down at you. You recognized both faces instantly, the weight in your chest lifting. 
“Babe, you okay in there?” Your husband called down to you. 
“Uh, physically yeah, emotionally not so much. I’m so gonna be fired after this.” You mused, your husband flashing you back an amused smirk. 
Jensen spun around to face you, obviously thrown off by the interaction. 
“Oh sorry, honey, this is Jensen Ackles, Jensen this is my husband David.” You introduced the two. 
“No way! This is like your every dream come true.” David’s best friend Mark was still on his knees, watching everything going down. 
“Yeah, listen babe it’s gonna be a while until we can get you out of there. I know he’s on your exception list so just use protection okay.” Blood rushed to your face as you gasped. Sure, you and your husband enjoyed messing with each other, but this was unexpected. 
“I’m so gonna kill you when I get out of here.” You growled at David as he and his best friend laughed. 
“Take this while we work on getting you crazy kids outta there.” Mark joined in as he handed down some bottles of water and protein bars. Jensen muttered a thanks before the doors slid back into place. sending you and Jensen alone again. 
“Exception list?” Jensen twisted the lid off his water and took a sip. Oh yeah, David was so paying for this. 
“Oh, you heard that?” Jensen nodded and signaled for you to continue. “Well you know, couples make a list of like, a few exceptions to the rule that if the opportunity arose…” you tried to choose the words carefully. “You are allowed to seize said opportunity.” You made a face as you stumbled over the words. 
“And I’m on your list?” This man was having too much fun with your apparent uncomfortability. 
“Maybe.” You lied. “Yes. Okay, yes.” You relented as the man laughed at you again. “Oh you are just having the time of your life in here aren’t you? Always laughing at my expense.”
“Who else?” 
“What?” The questions caught you off guard. 
“Who else is on that list of yours?” Jensen pushed. 
“Briana Buckmaster.” You don’t take your eyes off Jensen as you talk your own drink of water, his jaw slightly slack. 
“Can’t say I disagree with your choices. I’m honored to be up there with the likes of Briana.”
“You should be.” 
Jensen moves past you and slid back down against the wall in his previous spot. He reached next him and picked up your portfolio, opening it up on his lap. 
“So, we might be here a while. Why don’t you show me what you got?” He wiggles his eyebrows up at you, the double meaning not lost on you. 
“Alright Ackles, but I’m not sure you can handle what I’ve got.” 
“You’ve seen every episode how many times?” Jensen gaped at you. It had been almost two hours since the elevator had stopped in between floors, and about thirty minutes since the two of you put aside your design for the pediatric playroom. You had begun talking about more personal things, including his family. He even showed you this video he had of the twins being adorable and funny. To say it was surreal would be an understatement. 
“At least six times, some of the older ones more.” You reiterated. 
“Do you do anything else?” You laughed at that. 
“I mean no, not really. This show helped me through some really tough times. I even met my husband at a convention. I owe just about everything to you, and Jared. I don’t think if I had met David when I did and all you guys do for your fans, that I would have been able to make it through.” You admitted. 
“Well I’m so glad that you are still here. Otherwise I would be stuck in this elevator by myself, or worse, with some uppity interior design partner.” Jensen teased your hate for your boss. “And I’m sure your husband is glad you are still here. I mean I only met him for a minute or two, but you guys seem genuine.”
“He’s my real life Dean Winchester. He’s a hero and the most loving man I could ever hope for.” You agreed. “It just sucks that I have to kill him for embarrassing me.” 
“Ah, there’s the girl I’ve come to know.” Jensen mused as you returned to your usual joking self. 
The weight dropped from your stomach as the elevator came back to life and dropped a floor before rising back up to you original destination. 
Jensen and yourself gathered your things and stood, more than ready to be out of the small space. 
Though, you had to admit, you were sad. You weren’t lying when you said that Supernatural had helped you a lot. And spending two uninterrupted hours with the shows star had been like a dream. It was not one you were ready to wake up from. 
“Ah David, your wife seems a little too happy after spending two hours stuck in an elevator.” Mark teases David as you and Jensen exited the elevator. You threw him the bird before playfully punching David’s shoulder. 
“How’d it go in there?” David smirked at you. 
“Oh, we had fun, right?” Jensen came up behind you then, his smack on your ass a little harder than you were expecting. But it got the reaction from your husband you had hoped when the two of you had planned it. His jaw dropped a little in disbelief as Jensen eyed you up and down, biting his lip. 
“Gotcha.” You pinched David’s chin between your fingers and planted one on him, quick but needy. 
“Thank god, I did not want to have to kick Dean Winchester’s ass.” David shook Jensen hand. 
“Like you could.” You mocked. 
“There he is!” A deep voice had you all turning towards a man in an expensive suit coming towards you all, flanked by your boss Alice. “Mr Ackles I am so very sorry for the inconvenience. Truly, this has never happened before.”
“Ah no problem Carl. I uh, actually had a very interesting partner to go through it all with and she made sure that I was still productive in my absence.” Jensen shook the man's hand before gesturing to you. “She actually showed me her ideas for the playroom, and I have to say, I’m absolutely thrilled so see them come to life. I would love to move forward with everything.” 
“Is that so?” Alive spoke up, the fire burning in her glare. 
“Yes, actually. And I know my wife will be just as equally excited.” He affirmed. 
“Well then, all is done. Join me in my office to sign the paperwork?” Carl suggested to Jensen who nodded and followed after. 
Once he was out of earshot, Alice began her hushed tirade. 
“What were you thinking? I can’t believe that not only do you not show up to this meeting, but you show the client without my approval. You are so done. You will never work in this town after this. I can’t believe the audacity.” She snarled, her hands gesturing wildly. 
“The audacity? Alice, he asked me to see them. He opened my portfolio all on his own. Besides, I thought you trusted me with this? I got the job didn’t I?” You stepped away from your husband as your boss tore into you like never before. 
“Trust me when I say it will be your last…” 
“Mhmm.” Jensen cleared his throat as he stepped behind Alice, effectively cutting her off. 
“Actually, I like the plans so much, I was thinking of hiring her on as the designer for the new bed and breakfast my wife and I just acquired. What do you say?” Jensen turned from Alice to you. 
“Me?” You were dumbfounded. Honestly you thought Jensen only agreed because the two of you had spent that time together and it would have been awkward otherwise. 
“Yes, just you.” 
“Uh hell yes!” You gushed as you latched your arms around his neck. Jensen laughed as he hugged you back. 
“Well then, I will call you sweetheart. David, hold onto that one.” Jensen returned the glasses to his face as he disappeared behind the door to the staircase. 
“Shit,” David whispered as he watched where Jensen had disappeared. “I think I love him.” 
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closetspngirl · 5 years
The More The Merrier
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Pairing: Jensen/Danneel x Reader x Jared/Genevieve Warning: Poly relationship, mild swearing, implied smut, mentions of drinking, pregnancy WC: 4096 A/N: So this was brought on by a really good dream that I had the other night, which I decided to elaborate on and finish. I’ve never done a pairing like this, so be gentle with me. That being said, this is under the pretense of being an established relationship, past all of the drama and press of them coming out with it. That being said, which I wish it didn’t have to be, it’s a work of fiction. I love and admire both families. With it being fiction, the youngest three kids are not here. Thank you SO much to @coffee-obsessed-writer for getting me to finish this and betaing it for me. I’m also sorry in advance if the formatting gets screwed up on mobile.
- - -
Thursday morning found you curled up next to Gen in your oversized California King bed. Well, it wasn’t so oversized when Jared was in it with the two of you. It was barely the start of summer but it was already 65 degrees at the crack of dawn and despite that, the two of you were tangled naked together under the top sheet, your face nuzzled into her neck.
It was no surprise that you were in her bed. You and Gen had been friends since college, after meeting in one of your English Lit classes and becoming fast friends. Eventually, you became roommates, with some added benefits when things in the boy department got messy. It started with platonic cuddling on the couch while watching reruns of Friends. A few weeks later, the two of you came home quite drunk from a frat party, one thing led to another, fewer clothes and more skin and before you knew it you were waking up in her bed the next morning. You would be the first to admit that it had been one of the best nights you had had since your asshole of an ex-boyfriend dumped you the previous semester.
After Gen landed the role on Supernatural, she started dating Jared. The two of you gave him some time to adjust to his girlfriend and her best friend before telling him about your…arrangement. Well, needless to say, he wasn't entirely upset when he was told his girlfriend and her best friend slept together on occasion. Which is how your relationship with the two of them started. You were never the marrying type, so you were quite happy with what you had, letting Jared know that he needed to get on it and ask Gen.
Jensen and Danneel had already been dating by the time Jared and Gen (and you) became involved, so naturally, Danneel became one of your friends as well. During the season four wrap party you all ended up slightly intoxicated and back at Jensen and Jared’s house that they shared. It was another case of ‘one thing led to another’ and well, that’s how your relationship with Jensen and Dani started. That also wasn’t the last time that the five of you were together.
So here you were, in one of your favorite places. Lying with Gen, breathing in the scent that was so appropriately her; rose, orange and coconut all mixed together in a light and airy fragrance. You never could figure out if it was her shampoo or perfume or a combination of those or lotions, but it was Gen and you loved it. You also loved waking up before her so that you could enjoy being wrapped up in her arms, giving her slow and lazy kisses along her neck and jaw, eventually finding your way to her lips. It was never a bad way to wake up in the morning.
Starting your kisses at her pulse point where your lips were the closest, you managed to place a couple on her neck before you felt your stomach turn over. Pushing the feeling aside and relishing in your morning routine you kept on your path up towards her lips.
Until your stomach turned again.
You were able to untangle yourself from Gen’s grasp without waking her and make it to the bathroom before you got sick. It was odd for you to be throwing up; since you could count on one hand all of the times that you had ever been sick like this. When you were done, you brushed your teeth and splashed some cool water on your face before walking back into the bedroom and putting on the tank and shorts from last night.
“Baby, you ok?” Gen asked you sleepily. “Come back to bed for a bit.”
“I’m fine, upset stomach. It’s ok, I’m going to go do a few things downstairs, and the boys will be up soon anyway. You get some more sleep,” you offered her, leaning down and kissing her on the forehead.
“I wouldn’t need the extra sleep if you hadn’t worn me out so much,” her lips curling up into a lazy smirk as she turned over to lie on her stomach, arms under her head.
“Yeah? Well, you certainly weren’t complaining about that last night,” giving her sheet covered ass a slap before walking out.
You busied yourself downstairs, tidying up and getting breakfast started. The boys were sure to be up soon, especially since they knew Jared and Jensen were coming home for the week. It had been almost two months since they had been home, between a busy shooting schedule and conventions. All of you, Danneel and JJ included, were excited to have the guys home, even if it was just for 5 or six days.
Sure enough, thirty minutes later you heard the patter of little feet coming down the stairs and running into the kitchen.
“Mornin’ Dolly!” the two of them said almost in unison. You chuckled at the name, remembering why they gave you the nickname in the first place. It was a character from one of their cartoons that they liked watching, one that they swore looked like you. JJ had even caught onto it and called you Dolly as well. You never minded though, it was rather endearing, and probably easier for them to say that your actual name.
“Good morning boys. Did you two sleep well?” you asked them, giving them each a hug and a kiss on top of their bedhead.
“Mm-hmm. Did you made mazing pankicks Dolly?” Shep asked you.
“I sure did. Super special pancakes for a super special day! Go over to the table and I’ll bring your plates over.”
Setting a plate down in front of each child, you had to quiet them when they got excited over the pancakes, seeing that they were chocolate chip with strawberries and whipped cream.
“Let’s settle down so that we can let momma stay in bed a little bit longer, ok?” Just as you said that you felt arms wrapping around your waist and a kiss to your shoulder. “Or not.”
“Mm. Pancakes?”
“Your favorite. Made you a few blueberry ones.”
“Whipped cream?”
“On blueberry pancakes? Weird, but ok. It’s in the fridge.”
“No, but we should save it for later,” she said with a wink as she made herself a plate.
“Genevieve Padalecki, what would your husband think about that?” you feigned a scolding, hand on your hip.
“Uhh, he would agree with me and then proceed to hold you down while I-“
You quickly cut her off with a kiss to shut her up, not knowing how far she’d take the conversation. Pulling back and looking into her chocolate brown eyes. “We’ll continue that later, hm?”
When breakfast was over, the two of you managed to get the boys ready for the day and out the door in record time, with the promise of meeting Danneel and JJ at the park before heading to the airport. When you got there, the boys all but leapt out of the car to run to the playground to see JJ. Once the boys were safely out, you and Gen walked arm in arm over to where Danneel was sitting, sliding your arms around her shoulders from behind and each giving her a kiss on the cheek. “Mm. Morning baby,” she said with a smile as you walked around the bench to sit next to her.
“Morning. How are you doing today?”
"Ugh. Exhausted. Little miss took forever to go to bed last night and then decided that 5am was an appropriate time to wake up, and of course, never went back to bed."
You couldn’t help but chuckle. You knew how excited JJ got when she knew her daddy was coming home. “Well with the guys coming home, I think it’s safe to say we all can have a little R&R time this week, yeah? Manicures, go out to dinner or maybe go see a movie?”
“So a date night, without the guys?” Gen asked, you shrugging a shoulder in return.
“Sure, a date night. Then maybe you can live out that fantasy with the whipped cream you were going on about this morning,” you said, winking at Gen.
“Hold on. Whipped cream? What did I miss this morning?”
Laughing, you leaned over and gave her another kiss on the cheek. “Nothing she wouldn’t be able to show you.”
“Huh. So, date night…tomorrow? Perfect,” Danneel stated matter-of-factly, a mischievous look in her eyes.
You and Gen couldn’t help but laugh at Dani’s enthusiasm at the new plans for the weekend. The three of you spent the next hour talking about everything while watching the kids run around the playground. You always loved that the kids got to grow up with each other, something you had missed out with your own cousins since you never lived near any of them. When it was time to go there were no issues rounding up the kids since they knew exactly what the next stop for the day was.
Seeing their dads.
You rode with Gen to the airport, intending on riding with Jay and Danneel on the way to lunch. Today the three of you decided to park and go inside and wait for the guys, which you didn’t always do. The kids were getting antsy when the crowd started coming through, meaning Jensen and Jared were close behind, taking up the usual end of the line. The boys were the first to spot them, calling out for Jared, only able to run freely over to him when he was closer. Jared knelt down and scooped both boys up in his arms, a huge smile across his face. “Hey guys! How are you? I hope you’ve been little princes for momma.”
Not a second later JJ was in Jay's arms, a matching smile on his face. "And how are you, princess? Have you been helping keep the boys in line?" he asked her with a chuckle. "Yep!" she gave back with a toothy grin. "That's my girl. And here are my other girls,” he said as he stood in front of Danneel, giving her a kiss before coming over to you and giving you one as well. Jared had already said his hello with Gen and let the boys down and was now wrapping an arm around your shoulders pulling you into a hug and giving you a kiss on the top of your head. “Hey beautiful. How are you?” He said into your hair.
You didn’t answer for a beat, keeping your face buried in his chest and just smelling him. You could never get enough of the smell; it was soft but woodsy at the same time and all Jared. It was also something that was normally quite comforting to you, but today it seemed…off. Finally, you looked up at him and smiled, "I'm good."
“You sure?” He asked you quietly, brushing a thumb over your cheek. Jared always could sense when something was off with you.
“Mm-hmm. Better now,” you said before reaching up and kissing him softly on the lips.
The guys never brought much home, making airports a lot easier to deal with since they didn’t check bags. Which just meant that today you could get back to the cars and to the restaurant sooner, seeing as there were now three very hungry children.
During lunch, you sat between Danneel and Shep with Gen and Jared on the other side of the table. Shep was going on about something that you weren’t entirely paying attention to as you picked at your salad. You didn’t notice when Jared leaned over to Gen and started talking to her.
“Baby, is Y/N ok? She seems…not herself.” The concern in his voice wasn’t lost on Gen.
Gen looked over to her noticing that she was quiet and keeping to herself despite Shep’s best efforts to talk to her. “Yeah, I think so. I know she wasn’t feeling great this morning. She might just be coming down with something. We’ll talk to her later about it; make sure she’s ok. She said something yesterday about staying with De and Jay tonight. And we also talked about you and Jay entertaining the kids while we have a girls’ night, probably tomorrow night.”
Jensen perked up at the sound of his name. “Oh? Girls’ night? Is that code for date night?” He looked between you and De, the two of you not able to hide your smiles from the conversation the three of you had that morning.
“Maybe. You jealous Ackles?” You joked with him.
“I won’t be, as long as you ladies tell us all about it,” he responded with a wink.
“Sure, we’ll tell you all about the hair braiding, Disney movies and pillow fights.”
That comment warranted Jensen’s, or was it Dean’s, classic bitch face, making the rest of you laugh. At the mention of Disney movies, JJ proceeded to direct the conversation onto exactly that, which ended in letting her watch one when you got home.
As you walked to the car after lunch, Gen pulled you aside before you got in with Jay and Dani. “Hey, you ok?” She asked you, brushing your hair out of your face while doing the quick stealthy temperature check on your forehead that she did with the boys. Pulling away you laughed, “I’m fine Gen. You don’t need to go into mom mode on me. I’m just a little tired. I’ll see you guys tomorrow,” you said, giving her a quick kiss and saying bye to the car now full of boys.
That night found the four of you sprawled on the oversized couch watching Frozen for the umpteenth time, per JJ’s request. The best part of the movie was watching her and Jay singing along together to all of the songs. When the movie was over, Jay looked down to see a sleeping child curled in his lap. Whispering to the two of you that he was going to take her to bed, he picked her up and started to head to her room. Grabbing the remote and throwing your legs over Danneel’s lap you started flipping through Netflix to pick something a little older the three of you could watch when you felt her eyes on you.
“Don’t worry De. I won’t start The Vampire Diaries over…again,” you told her while you kept scrolling.
“Good, I’m over vampires; sparkly or otherwise,” Jensen grumbled from where he was standing by the couch making you and Danneel laugh.
“Excuse you sir, I believe I was addressing Dani, not Dean…”
“Stefan and Damon are hot though, babe! I could totally watch them again!” Danneel told him, eliciting an eye roll as he walked away. Turning back to you she continued, “It’s so easy to mess with him sometimes, I love it.”
“It really is,” agreeing as you went back to scrolling.
You felt her eyes back on you making you turn and look at her, “Something you want to watch?”
“It’s not that. I mean no, well I’m not sure, maybe. I mean-“ she rambled as she started rubbing your leg almost nervously.
“De. Stop and breathe.”
Inhaling and releasing, she started over, “Are you ok?”
Your eyes widened as soon as the words left her mouth. “Not to sound rude, but you’re the third one to ask me that today. Do I not look ok?”
“Um, make that four. Jay asked me as we walked out of the restaurant.”
You thought about that for a second. It wasn’t weird for all of you to be so in tune with knowing how each other felt, that happened in relationships, no matter if it was two people or five. "Yeah, I'm fine. Wasn't feeling so great this morning, and I've been a little more tired than normal, but all in all, I'm ok."
She hadn’t been rubbing your leg very long, but you were quick to notice when she stopped, looking back to her. “What?”
“Sweetie, is there any chance you’re maybe…pregnant?” You could see a smile starting to form, your brain suddenly going a mile a minute.
“I…uh…what? That can’t be. I just had my period-“
“At least a month and a half ago, almost two.” Sometimes it was nice that the two of you were on the same schedule. But just to be sure, you sat up and opened the calendar on your phone and started counting the weeks.
"Holy shit…am I pregnant?" you were now looking at Danneel wide-eyed, forgetting all about trying to pick a movie.
"Do you want to run to the store quickly and get a test? Then I can text Patty and see about getting you in tomorrow."
“Yeah…yeah, let’s do that. I want to tell the guys while they’re here this trip, if I really am.” Your mind was still racing at the fact that this was even a possibility. With that, Danneel went upstairs to grab the two of you sweatshirts and tell Jensen that you were going out to get a pint of ice cream and chocolate for the movie. It wasn’t a total lie, De knew you’d want one or both of those with your now slightly stressed state. After promising to get him a pint of rocky road, the two of you went to the store.
An hour later you were sitting on the edge of the tub holding Danneel’s hand. “This has got to be the longest three minutes of my life,” you grumbled as your leg bounced from the nervous energy coursing through you. What felt like another hour passed and the chime on Danneel’s phone started playing. “Ready?”
“I guess I have to be, huh?” You got up and picked up the stick off of the counter and stood stock-still. When you didn’t move, De started to get nervous.
“Babe? You ok? What’s wrong? You know it’s fine either way, we-“
“De,” you started, turning around to face her. “Is it too late to call Patty?”
“Really?!” Danneel was now up and hugging you, looking at the test in your hand.
The next day Danneel, you and Gen went to the doctor's office while the guys took the kids to the zoo. Thankfully they didn't bat an eyelash at the fact that you were going to start your girls night at 9:30 in the morning, loving the fact that they got some much-needed kid time in. You were also thankful that Patty was able to get you in so quick, understanding of the fact that the guys were in town for a short amount of time. She was both De and Gen’s doctor, so she was quite excited when she found out you were coming in.
She had the blood work rushed so that it would be done before you even left the office, instead of waiting over the weekend. The time was mostly spent with Gen and De talking about all things baby while you sat on the table with a hand over your stomach. You weren't entirely sure what you should be feeling right then. It's not that you weren't ready to have a child, or that you didn't want one. The five of you had had this conversation already, each couple had their plans, and with where you were at in life, you were fine if it happened and fine if it didn’t. You weren’t on birth control currently because of how it had previously affected your body, but the guys didn’t always wear condoms and well, things happen. Obviously. Patty knocking on the door brought you out of your thoughts.
"Well Y/N, congratulations! You're going to be a mom! You're 9 weeks with a due date around mid-October. "
Everything after that was a blur. You felt Gen and Danneel wrapping you up in hugs and kisses and wiping the tears that you apparently started crying. After making your next few appointments with Patty, you headed back home, adjusting your plans for your girls day.
On the way home, De turned to you from the front seat, “So, how are you going to tell the guys?” It was something that you had been trying to figure out since the night before. You wanted something cute and simple, but also something that took them by surprise. A smile settled on your lips after a few moments, before you turned to De, “I think I might have something.”
A few nights later you had a family dinner planned, just the eight of you. Gen did most of the cooking, save for the steaks, which was a job for the guys. You handled dessert and tucked it away so they wouldn't see it until you wanted them to. Dinner was amazingly perfect, with all of the food and laughs and stories. You loved nights like this, where you could all sit out on the patio enjoying each other and not having to worry about rushing off somewhere or sending the guys back to Vancouver. These were the moments you cherished.
Jared started to get up to clean plates when Danneel took over for him. “Don’t worry about that Jare, we got it.”
“De, you three are always taking care of us and the kids, let us help.”
“Maybe tomorrow,” she said, a coy little smile showing up. Jared looked at Jensen but was met with a shrug of his shoulders.
Once everything was cleared off, you started bringing out the plate of cookies that you had made earlier in the day. “Who wants a cookie?” you asked in a singsong voice as you made your way outside, being met with the kids.
“Oh! Yes please!! Sugar or chocolate chip?” Jensen asked, rubbing his hands together excitedly.
“Sugar, with the pink frosting,” you told him before getting down on the kids level and speaking softly.
“These are special cookies, okay? Each one has a word on it. Ask your dads to read the cookies before you eat them, okay?” After you got three nods in agreement, you handed them each a cookie, watching them try to sound out the words. Only giving them a brief moment to try, you sent them over to the guys while you went to stand next to Gen and Danneel, too nervous to sit down.
“Daddy! Can you read this for me?” JJ asked Jensen. “Sure Birdy, it says…having…”
Looking confused, Jared turned to the boys when he heard the same question coming from them. "Daddy read dis pease,” Shep asked him.
“Sure buddy. Let’s see…a baby...” he read first, before looking at Tom’s cookie, “…we’re…”
Jared looked at Jensen with cookies in hand while Jensen mirrored the look on his face. As if on cue, they both placed the cookies on the table and rearranged them, looking back to each other, and then up to the three of you. Neither of them asked; their eyes just trailed over De and Gen, landing on you with the plate of cookies in your hand.
“Surprise!” you said with a nervous shrug and a small smile, almost sounding unsure of yourself. “I’m pregnant.”
The three of you started giggling after a moment when the guys didn’t move, only being brought back when Shep tugged on Jared’s arm. “Daddy! Can I has my cookie now pease?”
“God you two have played brothers for too long,” Danneel said, laughing. “Get up and go hug her you fools!”
You barely had time to set the plate on the table before you were wrapped up in the strong arms of Jared and then Jensen. The tears started coming back, only for the third time that day. “Ah! Stupid hormones.”
They pulled back and looked at you, Jared wiping away the tears on your cheeks as he smiled at you and peppering your face with kisses while Jensen slid down to his knees. He wrapped his arms around your waist, kissing your still flat stomach making you laugh. “Jay, sweetie, it’s the size of a cherry, there’s no baby bump yet,” you told him, running your fingers through his hair. “I don’t care.”
At that moment, your heart was bursting with so much love that you didn't know it was capable of. The look on the guys' faces and seeing the kids as they started to understand what was happening, it was all so surreal. But it was your life, and you knew that there was nothing else that you ever wanted.
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