#Jeremiah O'Brien
connieisthesun · 29 days
Chemistry and Cadavers - Conrad fisher x reader
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Chapter Summary - You, a bright-eyed sophomore college student majoring in biology stumble upon Conrad fisher, an attractive yet forgetful student who happens to forget his pen on his first day of class...
Warnings - Fluff, teasing, super cute tbh haha
*Authors note* - So I've decided to start a new series due to the nonexistent amount of new tsitp fic's here lmao, if you enjoy a like a repost would be appreciated. Let me know if you have any feedback to improve my writing. Enjoy loves!
Chapter 1: Chemistry and Cadavers
The crisp autumn air on the college campus was invigorating, bringing with it the promise of a new academic year filled with possibilities. The campus was alive with the sounds of students hurrying to their classes, the rustling of leaves in the trees, and the distant hum of chatter from the quad. Among the new faces and returning students was Y/N, a bright and ambitious sophomore majoring in biology.
Y/N had always been passionate about the sciences, and this year, she was especially excited about her anatomy and physiology class. Little did she know that her enthusiasm for the subject would lead to a series of events that would change her college experience in ways she hadn’t anticipated.
As she walked into the lecture hall, she noticed the familiar faces of her classmates and scanned the room for an available seat. She spotted a spot in the middle of the room and made her way over, settling into her chair just as the professor walked in.
“Good morning, everyone,” the professor greeted, his voice carrying a tone of authority and excitement. “Today, we’re diving into the intricacies of human anatomy, and I have a feeling this semester is going to be an exciting journey.”
Y/N smiled to herself, her excitement bubbling over as the professor began the lecture. She took out her notebook, ready to absorb every detail of the day’s lesson. As the lecture progressed, she couldn’t help but notice the student sitting a few rows ahead of her, who seemed to be struggling with his notes and the lecture material. He had tousled brown hair, a laid-back demeanor, and an occasional frustrated glance at his notes.
When the lecture ended, Y/N gathered her things and headed out of the lecture hall, intending to grab a coffee before her next class. As she walked through the bustling hallway, she was approached by a friendly voice.
“Hey, Y/N, wait up!”
She turned to see her friend Lila catching up with her. “Hey, Lila! What’s up?”
“I heard you were in the anatomy lecture this morning. How was it?” Lila asked, a teasing smile on her face.
“It was great,” Y/N replied. “I’m really looking forward to this semester. Anatomy is such a fascinating subject.”
Lila’s eyes sparkled with mischief. “You know, I think you might have a classmate who’s also taking that course. He’s known for being a bit of a mess, especially when it comes to anatomy. His name is Conrad Fisher.”
Y/N raised an eyebrow, intrigued. “Conrad Fisher? I think I saw him in class today. He seemed to be having a hard time keeping up.”
Lila laughed. “That’s the one. He’s actually a really nice guy, but he’s notorious for needing a little extra help with his studies. If you see him around, you might want to keep an eye out. He’s always borrowing pens or asking for assistance.”
Y/N chuckled. “Noted. I’ll keep that in mind.”
Later that week, Y/N found herself in the anatomy lab for the first time. The lab was a place of intense focus and concentration, with rows of cadaver tables and an array of dissection tools neatly arranged. The room was filled with the quiet murmur of students working together, and the scent of formaldehyde lingered in the air.
Y/N set up her station and began to review the lab manual when she heard a voice nearby.
“Hey, do you have a spare pen?” the voice asked.
Y/N looked up to see Conrad Fisher standing beside her table, his expression a mix of embarrassment and frustration. He held up a pen cap, indicating that he had lost the actual pen.
“Sure, here you go,” Y/N said, handing him a pen with a smile.
“Thanks,” Conrad said, taking the pen and looking visibly relieved. “I seem to have misplaced mine again. I swear, it’s like they disappear into thin air.”
Y/N laughed softly. “It happens. You’ll get used to the lab environment eventually.”
Conrad smiled gratefully. “I hope so. I’m Conrad, by the way. I think we’re going to be lab partners for this course.”
“Y/N,” she said, extending her hand. “Nice to meet you.”
As they worked side by side, Y/N found that Conrad’s easygoing nature and good humor made the long hours in the lab more enjoyable. They talked about their classes, shared stories, and found themselves falling into a comfortable rhythm of collaboration. Despite the occasional moments of distraction and light-hearted teasing, they made a great team.
Over the next few weeks, their interactions continued to be marked by playful banter and occasional flirtation. Conrad would often ask Y/N for help with his dissections, and she would gladly oblige, offering guidance and tips with a teasing edge.
One day, as they were working on a particularly challenging dissection, Conrad looked up from his work with a grin. “So, Y/N, do you have any other hidden talents besides being a dissecting wizard?”
Y/N raised an eyebrow, her lips curving into a mischievous smile. “Well, I can bake a mean batch of cookies, if that counts.”
Conrad’s eyes lit up with interest. “Cookies? Now you’re speaking my language. Maybe I’ll have to take you up on that offer sometime.”
“Only if you promise not to lose any more pens,” Y/N replied playfully.
Conrad laughed, shaking his head. “Deal. I’ll do my best to keep track of my writing instruments from now on.”
Their banter became a regular feature of their interactions, and the chemistry between them was evident to everyone around them. Despite their undeniable connection, they both maintained a façade of casual friendship, much to the amusement of their friends.
One afternoon, after a particularly grueling lab session, Conrad and Y/N found themselves sitting on a bench outside the science building, taking a well-deserved break.
“I think that was the most challenging dissection we’ve had yet,” Conrad said, stretching his arms. “I’m glad we made it through.”
Y/N nodded in agreement, her eyes twinkling with amusement. “I have to say, your technique is improving. You’re almost as good as me now.”
Conrad raised an eyebrow. “Almost? I’ll take that as a compliment.”
As they chatted, a group of their friends approached, and one of them, Sarah, gave them a knowing smile. “You two seem to be getting along quite well.”
Y/N and Conrad exchanged a glance, both of them trying to suppress their smiles. “We’re just lab partners,” Y/N said casually.
“Sure, just lab partners,” Sarah said with a teasing grin. “But everyone can see the chemistry between you two.”
Conrad blushed slightly, and Y/N couldn’t help but laugh. “We’re just friends, honestly.”
Sarah and the others laughed and continued on their way, leaving Y/N and Conrad to their conversation.
“You know,” Conrad said, his tone playful, “it’s funny how everyone is always trying to push us together.”
Y/N shrugged, trying to hide her own smile. “It’s probably just because we spend so much time together. It’s hard not to notice the dynamic.”
Conrad’s eyes sparkled with mischief. “Well, if they’re right, maybe we should just embrace the idea.”
Y/N gave him a playful nudge. “Oh, really? And what would that look like?”
Conrad leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a mock-serious tone. “It would probably involve a lot more teasing, a few more flirtatious comments, and maybe even some impromptu study dates.”
Y/N laughed, shaking her head. “Sounds like a lot of work. I think we’re doing just fine as friends.”
“Agreed,” Conrad said, his smile warm and genuine. “But it’s fun to think about.”
As the weeks passed, Y/N and Conrad’s playful flirtation continued, with their friends often teasing them about their obvious chemistry. Despite their mutual attraction and the flirtatious banter, they remained steadfast in their commitment to being just friends.
Their interactions were filled with laughter and light-hearted teasing, creating a dynamic that was both enjoyable and endearing. Whether it was borrowing pens, helping with dissections, or sharing jokes, their connection grew stronger with each passing day.
As the semester progressed, Y/N and Conrad found themselves increasingly drawn to each other, their friendship evolving into something deeper and more meaningful. Despite their best efforts to deny their feelings, the chemistry between them was undeniable, and their playful banter only served to highlight the growing connection they shared.
Tag list - @conradfisherswifesstuff @cheezbot @grxnde-dwt @itsshayfr @lanivoid @calpurnia2002
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carbone14 · 1 year
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Liberty Ship SS Jeremiah O'Brien – Pier 45 – San-Francisco – Californie – Etats-Unis – 8 mars 2008
Photographe : Mike Hofmann
Les Liberty Ship sont des cargos produits en très grande série à partir d'éléments préfabriqués soudés à l'arc électrique et destinés à ravitailler les forces alliées. La technique de fabrication imaginée par l'industriel Henri Kaiser permit d'obtenir des cadences de production qui compensaient les pertes occasionnées par les sous-marins allemands dans l'Atlantique. La durée moyenne de fabrication était de 42 jours avec un record établi à 4 jours au lieu de 12 mois environ pour une fabrication classique. La rapidité de construction et le faible coût de production permirent d'en construire 2 710, ce qui fit de ce navire le modèle le plus construit dans le monde.
Seuls deux cargos sont encore en état de naviguer : ils ont été transformés en navires musées aux États-Unis dans les années 2000, le SS John W. Brown à Baltimore et le SS Jeremiah O'Brien à San Francisco.
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cc390 · 9 months
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SS Jeremiah O'Brien
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lee-hellenic-butch · 3 months
Problematic and Bigoted Pagan Authors (and how to avoid them)
After what was pretty much a mess in a discord server I'm in over an author posting artwork containing Nazi symbols, I decided to make a post letting everyone know about certain authors and what to look out for. I will keep updating this list as I discover things!
Big thanks to @dvudushnydiaries for letting me know ab some Slavic Polytheist authors, as well as my friend Agnes for letting me know about some Irish Polytheist Authors too! <3
If you have any suggestions to add to this list, please let me know!!!
🛑 = Avoid as much as possible
⚠️ = Be very cautious around this author
Generally, here is some red flags to look out for:
Use of symbols associated with hate groups
Claims an (open culture) is closed via ethnicity, especially if these cultures or religions historically shared with other cultures.
Claims there is a "true" or "pure" version of a certain open religion.
Use of dogwhistles.
Writes historical inaccuracies, misinformation, appropriation, making up things and presenting them as fact, etc.
Refusal to take accountability for actions.
Any form of bigotry or discrimination
The list is under the cut!
Hellenic Polytheist Authors
🛑 Timothy Jay Alexander
creator of the "Pillars of Hellenismos", which have little historical basis.
Made homophobic and ableist remarks in a blog post, essentially saying that because ancient Greece did not allow same-sex marriage, that modern Hellenic Polytheists shouldn't too. In this same post he said that marriage should be for making a family, and that since LGBTQ+ people, as well as people with "physical deformities" either can not or should not have children, they cannot marry according to him.
The same ableist remarks listed above were used as reasoning as to why a disabled person shouldn't become a priest or priestess or any higher up positions due to not being in good health. This also reminds me of eugenics.
In that same blog post, referenced a group called YSEE, which is notorious for being homophobic, xenophobic, displaying nationalism among other things better explained in this post by @hellenic-reconstructionism
Books include: A Beginner’s Guide to Hellenismos - Hellenismos Today - The Gods of Reason: An Authentic Theology for Modern Hellenismos
🛑 Galina Krasskova
Numerous things have happened with this author, some of the most notable being selling "Bacchic Lives Matter" pins on Etsy during the 2020 Black Lives Matter movement protests, as well as defending a neo-nazi and fascist group, AFA, on a blog post
Some of her Hellenic Polytheist books include: Honoring the Mothers: Novenas to the Mothers of Our Gods and Heroes - Combatting the Evil Eye - Unto Herself: A Devotional Anthology for Independent Goddesses - Out of Arcadia: A Devotional Anthology in Honor of Pan - Guardian of the Road: A Devotional Anthology in Honor of Hermes
See Norse Polytheist section for her books on that.
🛑 Edward P. Butler
Supports Hindutva, which is Hindu fascism, antisemitic, as well as defends and supports Galina Krasskova.
Books include: Essays on a Polytheistic Philosophy of Religion - Essays on Hellenic Theology.
🛑 H. Jeremiah Lewis / Sannion
Neo-nazi, having nazi symbols on his blog. Also transphobic, islamophobic, and everything under the sun, really.
Books include: Ecstatic: For Dionysos - End to End - Everything Dances: Strange Spirits 3 - Gods and Mortals: New Stories of Hellenic Polytheism
Norse Polytheist Authors
🛑 Galina Krasskova
See Hellenic Polytheist section for details.
Her Norse Polytheist books include: Living Runes; Theory and Practice of Norse Divination - Northern Tradition for the Solitary Practitioner - Neolithic Shamanism; Spirit Work in the Norse Tradition
Irish Polytheist Authors
⚠️ Lora O'Brien
Has a cultish following, thier followers and even themselves bullying and publicly shaming other Irish Polytheists. Often acts negatively towards the Irish diaspora. Has taught Irish Catholic practices, which are closed.
Runs the Irish Pagan School, which has similar rhetoric.
Books include: Irish Witchcraft from an Irish Witch - A Practical Guide to Pagan Priesthood
Slavic Polytheist Authors
🛑 Patricia Woodruff
Has a cultish following, often writes wildly inaccurate information. In a recent book she had completely made up a deity whose name means "swastika". Rated her own books on Goodreads, and publicly responded to any reviews criticizing her books.
Books include: Woodruff's Guide to Slavic Deities - Roots of Slavic Magic Book 1: Slavic Deities & Their Worship
🛑 Madame Pamita
Recently had a (now-deleted) post with an artwork containing various Nazi symbols, and deleted any criticism and seemingly refused to take any accountability. In DM's had repeatedly alluded to if you didn't follow her you "didn't know anything about Slavic Polytheism". Said to be friends with Patricia Woodruff
Books include: The Book of Candle Magic, Baba Yaga's Book of Witchcraft
🛑 Dmitriy Kushnir
Writes about Rodnovery, which many Rodnovery groups in the US and other countries often have ethnonationalist and right-wing connotations and ideology.
Books include: Rodnover
⚠️ Natasha Helvin
Misconstrues Slavic culture to be Wiccan
Says witchcraft are the "universal laws of nature" and that subjects of karma and divine judgement are solely monotheistic.
Claims to be an initiated Haitian Vodou priestess, which is doubtful.
Kemetic Polytheist Authors
⚠️ E. A Wallis Budge
Inaccurate translations of texts
Books include: The Egyptian Book of the Dead (Translation)
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kitscutie · 1 year
Hi everyone! I'm opening requests for the following for anyone that was wondering who I will write for:
OBX JJ Maybank Rafe Cameron
THE SUMMER I TURNED PRETTY Conrad Fisher Jeremiah Fisher
CELEBRITIES Dylan O'brien Drew Starkey Rudy Pankow
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bluseum · 2 years
also why is everyone in the skellington book called [place name] [latin word] [adjective]
Derek very evidently names characters like any good lazy D&D player, random name generators and dictionaries. He doesn't seem to see a problem with
Adam Brate
Adedayo Akinde
Adrian Sykes
Adrienna Shade
Alan (Boyle Solutions)
Alan Brennan
Alena Metz
Alesha Walsh
Alexander Remit
Alexander Slake
Alice Edgley
Aloysius Vespers
Amity's Wife
Anathem Mire
The Ancients
Annie Brennan
Anton Shudder
Arabella Wicked
Armiger Fop
Arthur Dagan
Ashley Hubbard
Auger Darkly
Auron Tenebrae
Aurora Jane
Axelia Lukt
Azzedine Smoke
Baron Vengeous
The Beast
Bennet Troth
Benzel Travestine
Bernadette Maguire
Bernard Sult
Bertrand Solus
Beryl Edgley
Billy-Ray Sanguine
Binder Firm
Bison Dragonclaw
Black Annis
Brides of Blood Tears
Bubba Moon
Burgundy Dalrymple
The Butcher
Byron Grace
Cadaver Cain
Cadaverous Gant
Caius Caviler
Cameron Light
Carol Edgley
Carol Edgley (Reflection)
Cassandra Pharos
Cathy (The Button)
Charlie Smith
Child of the Faceless
China Sorrows
China's Assistant
China's Grandmother
Chrissy Brennan
Christophe Nocturnal
Clement Gale
Clerihew Montgomery
Coda Quell
Colleen Stint
Colm Muldoon
Conor Delaney
Corrival Deuce
Cothernus Ode
Craddock Sirroco
Crepuscular Vies
Creyfon Signate
Crystal Edgley
Cu na Gealaí Duibhe
Daffyd Maybury
Dai Maybury
Damocles Creed
Darian Vector
Daveth Maybury
Davina Marr
Davit Maybury
Davon Maybury
Deacon Maybury
Death Monkey
Dedrich Wahrheit
Delafonte Mien
Desmond Edgley
Detective Harris
Dexter Vex
Dionysus Pertinax
Doctor Whorl
Donegan Bane
Doran Purcell
Dreylan Scarab
Dubhóg Ni Broin
The Dullahan
Eachan Meritorious
Eamon Campbell
Eamon Pearce
Ed Stynes
Eddie Sullivan
Edgley Tempest
Eliza Scorn
Elsie O'Brien
Elwood Satchel
Emmeline Darkly
Emmett Peregrine
Category:End of the World characters
The Engineer
Ephraim Tungsten
Erskine Ravel
Esryn Vanguard
Etta Faulkner
Evoric Cudgel
Faceless Ones
Father Reynolds
Fergus Edgley
Ferrente Rhadaman
Filament Sclavi
Finbar Wrong
Fintan Muldoon
Fletcher Renn
Frightening Jones
Gary Price
Gavin Praetor
Geoffrey Scrutinous
Gepard Voke
Geraint Mizzle
Ghastly Bespoke
Ghastly Bespoke's father
Ghastly Bespoke's mother
Gleeman Shakespeare
Gordon Edgley
Grace Kelly
Gracious O'Callahan
Gratio Erato
Gregory Castallan
Gregory Day
Greta Dapple
The Grotesquery
Gruesome Krav
Hansard Kray
Hayley Skirmish
Hidalgo Bolt
Hieronymus Deadfall
Hokum Pete
Hollow Men
The Hound
Ian Moore
Illori Reticent
Isidora Splendour
Jack Irons
Jackie Earl
Jajo Prave
James Hubbard
Jaron Gallow
Jason Randal
Jenan Ispolin
Jeremiah Wallow
Jerry Houlihan
Jerry Ordain
The Jitter Girls
Johann Starke
Kallista Pendragon
Kalvin Accord
Kathryn Ether
Keir Tanner
Kenny Dunne
Kenspeckle Grouse
Kierre of the Unveiled
Kitana Kellaway
Laken Cross
Lenka Bazaar
Liam Muldoon
Lightning Dave
Lillian Agog
Lord Vile
Lorenzo Mult
Luke Skywalker
Madame Mist
Madcap Fenton
Martin Flanery
Maverick Reels
Melancholia St Clair
Melissa Edgley
Mellifluous Golding
Mercy Charient
Merriwyn Hyphenate-Bash
Midnight Blue
Militsa Gnosis
Minion One and Minion Two
Miss Nuncio
Morwenna Crow
Mr Chou
Mr. Bliss
Mr. Fedgewick
Mr. Jib
Murder Rose
Muriel Hubbard
Myosotis Terra
Myron Stray
Nathanial Quiver
Nefarian Serpine
Nestor Tarry
Nj Maverick
Oberon Guile
Octa Gregorian Boona
October Klein
Omen Darkly
Oscar Nightfall
Palaver Graves
Parthenios Lilt
Pat Hanratty
Patrick Slattery
Patrick Xebec
Paul Lynch
Peg Muldoon
Persephone Grief
Pete Green
Phil Lynott
Philomena Random
To name a few
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llamaqueenprompt · 8 months
Who I write for
I write either reader insert, original character or known character.
Aiden Mathis
Alex Karev
Annalise Keating
Anthony Bridgerton
Benedict Bridgerton
Callie Torres
Carter Baizen
Charles Leclerc
Chuck Bass
Clay Jensen
Connor Rhodes
Connor Walsh
Conrad Fisher
Damon Salvatore
Derek Morgan
Dylan O'Brien
EJ Caswell
Elijah Mikaelson
Felix Catton
Fitz Grant
Frank Delfino
Harry Bingham
Harry Styles
Isaac Lahey
Jace Herondale
Jackson Avery
Jacob Elordi
Jake Ballard
Jay Halstead
Jeff Atkins
Jeremiah Fisher
JJ Maybank
John B Routledge
Justin Foley
Klaus Mikaelson
Liam Dunbar
Luke Patterson
Magnus Bane
Mark Sloan
Mason Mount
Mellie Grant
Nate Archibald
Nick Amaro
Peter Kavinsky
Rafael Barba
Reggie Peters
Ricky Bowen
Rúben Dias
Scott McCall
Spencer Reid
Stefan Salvatore
Steven Conklin
Stiles Stilinski
Tom Holland
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thechaosmuses · 1 year
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Below the cut you'll find a list of my TVDU muses along with their face claims (more info about each oc muse will be up soon but if you have any questions in the meantime don't be afraid to pm me, I have info on Google Docs for all of them.)
Total Muses; 111 Newest Member; Matias Garcia Added; 1/29/24
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(Quick note: all families are in order of oldest to youngest; and a few of the Mikaelson's (Cyrus, Willow, and Tobias) are all honorary/adopted Mikaelson's, not children of Mikael and Esther.) Freya Celeste Mikaelson... portrayed by Riley Voelkel Elijah Daniel Mikaelson... portrayed by Daniel Gillies Elizabeth Haven Mikaelson... portrayed by Zoey Deutch Roman Ryker Mikaelson... portrayed by Alex Pettyfer Erik Flynn Mikaelson... portrayed by Joseph Morgan Kareena Dawn Mikaleson... portrayed by Melissa Benoist Niklaus Ryder Mikaelson... portrayed by Joseph Morgan Thyra Selene Mikaleson... portrayed by Selena Gomez Kolton Nathaniel Mikaelson... portrayed by Nathaniel Buzolic Karsyn Devyn Mikaelson... portrayed by Vanessa Hudgens Mateo Maxwell Mikaelson... portrayed by Keegan Allen Serenity Faye Mikaelson... portrayed by Dianna Agron Sawyer Finch Mikaelson... portrayed by Kristen Stewart Henrik Alexander Mikaelson... portrayed by Andrew Garfield Aurelia Nova Mikaelson... portrayed by Madelyn Cline Felix Ares Mikaelson... portrayed by Jamie Campbell Bower Willow Luna Mikaelson... portrayed by Maia Mitchell Tobias Floyd Mikaelson... portrayed by Grant Gustin Hope Andrea Mikaelson... portrayed by Danielle Rose Russell
Malachai Silas Parker... portrayed by Chris Wood Zephyr Raven Parker... portrayed by Froy Gutierrez Zariyah Dove Parker... portrayed by Sabrina Carpenter Kennedy Taylor Parker... portrayed by Taylor Swift Myles Zane Parker... portrayed by Ross Lynch Mariana Joy Parker... portrayed by Noah Cyrus Olivia Mae Parker... portrayed by Penelope Mitchell Paisley Juniper Parker... portrayed by Katherine McNamara
Silas Xavier Salvatore... portrayed by Paul Wesley Braeden Talia Salvatore... portrayed by Florence Pugh Holden Atlas Salvatore... portrayed by Colin O'Donoghue Damon Luca Salvatore... portrayed by Ian Somerhalder Ezra Grant Salvatore... portrayed by Hero Fiennes-Tiffin Stefan Lance Salvatore... portrayed by Paul Wesley Liberty Faye Salvatore... portrayed by Brenna D’Amico
Jensen Graham Gilbert... portrayed by Jamie Dornan Easton Reed Gilbert... portrayed by Matthew Gray Gubler Jesse Jonathan Gilbert... portrayed by Julian Morris Elias Rhodes Gilbert... portrayed by Dylan O'Brien Jeremiah Steven Gilbert... portrayed by Steven R. McQueen Jazmyn Sophia Gilbert... portrayed by Jenna Coleman
Atlas Rowan Petrova... portrayed by Dylan O'Brien Titus Izaiah Petrova... portrayed by Dylan O'Brien Katherine Maria Pierce... portrayed by Nina Dobrev Kamen Maverick Pierce... portrayed by Dylan O'Brien Natalie Adrianna Pierce... portrayed by Lily Collins
Qetsiyah Zione Bennett... portrayed by Janina Gavankar Eleanor Marie Bennett... portrayed by Zendaya Coleman Salem Elijah Bennett... portrayed by Jordan Fisher Gabriel Graham Gustin... portrayed by Chuku Modu Bonnie Sheila Bennett... portrayed by Kat Graham Belladonna Sharie Bennett... portrayed by Vanessa Morgan
Marcel Leon Gerard... portrayed by Charles Michael Davis Hayley Jane Marshall... portrayed by Phoebe Tonkin Seraphina Rose Ward... portrayed by Madelaine Petsch Theodore Joseph Brickenden... portrayed by Timothee Chalamet  Kaia Asherah Halloran... portrayed by Odette Annable Elizabeth Anne Forbes... portrayed by Marguerite MacIntyre Carter William Forbes... portrayed by Charlie Hunnam Josette Olivia Saltzman... portrayed by Kaylee Bryant Ryan Nicholas Clarke... portrayed by Nick Fink Landon Maxwell Kirby... portrayed by Aria Shahghasemi Aurora Violet De Martel... portrayed by Rebecca Breeds Cameron Myles Lawrence... portrayed by Lucas Bravo Aiden Matthew Lawrence... portrayed by Colin Woodell Jameson Tyler Rosza... portrayed by Tyler Posey Tatum Jaxson Lockwood... portrayed by Morgan Evans Tyler James Lockwood... portrayed by Michael Trevino Tatiana Jade Lockwood... portrayed by Adelaide Kane Taylor Jacob Lockwood... portrayed by Taylor Launter Axel Madden Hughes... portrayed by Cody Saintgnue Ashton Malik Hughes... portrayed by Cody Christian Alexia Rae Branson... portrayed by Arielle Kebbel Sebastian Sawyer Sharpe... portrayed by Aaron Taylor-Johnson Niall Nash Novak... portrayed by Ryan Kelley Montgomery Felix Langston... portrayed by Jedidiah Goodacre Sebastian Killian Jones... portrayed by Thomas Doherty Milton Gabriel Greasley... portrayed by Quincy Fouse Ophelia Esme Lovell... portrayed by Gage Golightly Sapphire Lee McGuire... portrayed by Jennifer Love Hewitt Rami Calder McGuire... portrayed by Kit Harington Benjamin James Kenson... portrayed by Zane Phillips Warren Jaxon Kingsley... portrayed by Ricky Whittle Jeremiah Michael Kenner... portrayed by Michael Vlamis Cecilia Jaklyn Labonair... portrayed by Camila Mendes Rosemary Belle Whitlock... portrayed by Sophie Turner Hadley Kamryn Fuller... portrayed by Sofia Carson Kamryn Avery Marshall... portrayed by Katherine Langford Lorenzo James St. John... portrayed by Michael Malarkey Lorella Diane St. John... portrayed by Gal Gadot Andrew Kolton Rogers... portrayed by Louis Tomlinson Vincent Keith Griffith... portrayed by Yusuf Gatewood Sean Kieran O'Connell... portrayed by Matt Kabus Lucien Maverick Castle... portrayed by Andrew Lees Blair Lilith Walsh... portrayed by Kristine Froseth Zachariah Cole Norwood... portrayed by Oliver Stark Matthias Lucien Delacour... portrayed by Jonah Hauer-King Matias Camilo Garcia... portrayed by Danny Ramirez
Crossover/Genderbent Muses
Cyrus Boyd Mikaelson... portrayed by Cody Kearsley (spn to tvdu) Harmony Iris Johnson... portrayed by Shay Mitchell (tw to tvdu) Chandler Matthew Rawlins... portrayed by Charlie Gillespie (tw to tvdu) Mckenna Stella Parker... portrayed by Katherine Langford (genderbent kai parker)
Test Muses
Dorian Lee Williams... portrayed by Demetrius Bridges Sophie Danielle Deveraux... portrayed by Daniella Pineda Monique Marie Deveraux... portrayed by Yasmine Al-Bustami Evangeline Amaya Sinclair... portrayed by Maisie Richardson-Sellers Inadu Tayen Labonair... portrayed by Blu Farias Hunt Rafael Alexander Waithe... portrayed by Peyton Alex Smith Finch Taylor Tarrayo... portrayed by Courtney Bandeko Cleo Ada Sowande... portrayed by Omono Okojie Penelope Eden Park... portrayed by Lulu Antariksa Jade Ivy Young... portrayed by Giorgia Whigham
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occupyhades · 11 months
Headed for the Pit
Those controlled by the flesh cannot please God. Romans 8:8 (BSB)
May no slanderer be established in the land; may calamity hunt down the man of violence. Psalm 140:11 (BSB)
What are worthless and wicked people like? They are constant liars. Proverbs 6:12 (NLT)
The iniquities of a wicked man entrap him; the cords of his sin entangle him. Proverbs 5:22 (BSB)
"Are they ashamed of their detestable conduct? No, they have no shame at all; they do not even know how to blush. So they will fall among the fallen; they will be brought down when they are punished," says the LORD. Jeremiah 8:12 (NIV)
Do not fret over evildoers, and do not be envious of the wicked. Proverbs 24:19 (BSB)
And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne. And there were open books, and one of them was the Book of Life. And the dead were judged according to their deeds, as recorded in the books. Apocalypse 20:12 (BSB)
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And if anyone was found whose name was not written in the Book of Life, he was thrown into the lake of fire. Apocalypse 20:15 (BSB)
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Steaming S.S. Jeremiah O'Brien to Drydock TIMELAPSE
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youngveinsworld · 1 year
young veins at bonnaroo 2010
(tag for everything i've posted about bonnaroo including pictures here)
The first show of their summer tour that the Young Veins played was Bonnaroo Festival in Manchester, Tennessee on Friday June 11th, 2010.
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According to this schedule that's been archived from the Bonnaroo website, the Young Veins played from 1:20pm-2:10pm on one of the side stages. Jon mentions in the MYX B-Sides interview that their set clashed with Conan O'Brien's and joked about a rivalry that they had with him.
Ryan's account of Bonnaroo
A music blog called The Alternate Side asked Ryan to write a blog post about the band's experience playing Bonnaroo 2010. This is what he said:
This is Ryan from The Young Veins and I'm here to document our time at Bonnaroo. It was the first time any of us in the band had ever been, and though we had to wake up when we're usually going to bed to get there, morale was high. Not ten steps into the festival grounds we were already sinking fast into the mud. But we took this as no omen as to how the rest of our day was going to go. After digging our boots out, we headed towards our stage. On the way, I was thinking I knew what it must feel like in hell: playing Bonnaroo at midday in a three-piece suit. Our show that afternoon may have been the first time I've ever played a show in a short sleeve shirt, and you could probably tell by how pale my arms were. We played a small tent, but the crowd watching us was nothing less than fantastic. More people showed up than we would have thought and despite it being early in the day, they had more energy than probably any other crowd we've played for. The album had just come out two days prior, but some people were still singing along. My favorite part of the show may have been watching people sing what they thought the lyrics were, but probably hadn't read the liner notes yet. They were making up some really great stuff like, "I need to fake my own death soon" or something, instead of, 'I need to take a vacation". After our set, we went back to the artist lounge and spotted the ping pong table where Andy and Jon held court for most of the evening (see below). The rest of the night got a bit blurry, a mixture of no sleep, too much sun and too much drink started to set in and we were all but asleep by 9:30pm. We drove back to our hotel and slept like babies - babies who couldn't have had a better first Bonnaroo.
Jeremiah Weed's Backyard Interview
The band recorded this interview for SPIN magazine at the festival. Jeremiah Weed was a brand that sold bourbon and other alcohol that partnered with SPIN at Bonnaroo to promote their drinks while providing an interview space for the bands. According to SPIN's website:
To get a break from the Tennessee heat, Bonnaroo bands gathered in Jeremiah Weed’s Backyard, a down-home hangout featuring lawn games, BBQ, and cocktails made with Jeremiah Weed’s vodkas and bourbons. - (x)
This promotional video for the event gives some idea of what it was like. Jon appears at 0:48, and the whole band appears at 1:03.
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Some quotes from the SPIN interview
Probably my favourite show we’ve done so far, there was a lot of people… Our album just came out four days ago, so it was nice to see people already singing along. – Ryan
Most of these festivals that we have done, you’re like, 45 feet away from the crowd. There’s a big disconnect that can happen when that sort of situation is there, but today it was a lot of fun. They were just as far as we are from you. – Ryan
Setlist songs and order thanks to this post by Katie Ruark (who also took all the amazing pictures from this show). Videos of the performances are also linked below (for the songs I could find).
Young Veins (Die Tonight) video 1, video 2, video 3, acoustic performance
The Other Girl video
Is It True? video 1, video 2
Take a Vacation! video 1, video 2
Security video
Maybe I Will, Maybe I Won't video 1, video 2, video 3
Change video 1, video 2, video 3
When You Walk in the Room
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^ Photos of Ryan, Jon, Nick Murray and Andy at Bonnaroo from Katie Ruark's tumblr. Nick White is not pictured because he apparently disappeared right after the set.
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^ A picture of the band at Bonnaroo posted to the Young Veins' Facebook page by Jon. From this and Ryan's blog account of the show, it looks like he was planning on wearing a shirt and tie, but changed his mind as it was such a hot day - according to Katie Ruark the humidity was 96%.
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Tell us about the connection between Sons of Liberty and the navy please!
Gladly, anon!! (Sorry this took so long, some unexpected circumstances came up that occupied my time for a few days and I also had a lot of information and context to cover in order to complete this ask. It’s probably more information than necessary, but I got excited [it’s long so I put it in a read more]. Also, I didn’t source as I went like I usually do and didn’t want to go back through and individually source all of my points so I dumped all my sources at the end. A lot of the information is tangled and it’s kinda a bitch when you have to source each part of the sentence with something different and I just took a final and didn’t want to do it. So anyway, Here you go:  )Congress was very hesitant about creating a Continental Navy, thinking it complete and utter madness to do so. Britain had the greatest Navy in the world and the Colonies had not a ship to call their own because the colonies had been completely reliant on the British Navy until then. John Adams was the loudest supporter of the creation of a navy in Congress, fighting hard to convince them all of how able the colonists were to undergo such a herculean task and how vital any sort of maritime effort would be to the defense of the Colonies, but Congress wasn’t having any of it. They did not think that there was even a slim chance that it would do the colonies any good in any way shape or form and would only serve to deepen a conflict with Britain that they weren’t ready to commit to yet. The people had no such qualms.
The very first, official, naval battle of the American Revolution began on June 11, 1775, almost two months after the first shot had been fired at Lexington and just days before the formation of the Continental Army. Since Lexington, the British had become completely pinned down in Boston with very limited supplies and a heavy reliance on merchants at sea in order to survive the Patriot’s Seige of Boston. As more troops were set to arrive in the city, General Thomas Gage and Vice Admiral Samuel Graves knew that they had to build more barracks for their soldiers and that, in order to do that, they needed lumber. Gage and Graves turned to a Loyalist, Boston merchant by the name of Ichabod Jones and tasked him with sailing to Machias, Massachusettes (now Maine) in order to acquire lumber from them in exchange for flour, pork, salt, and other supplies.Machias was an isolated, frontier settlement that was almost entirely dependent upon trading its lumber and firewood to Boston for supplies necessary to their survival. When the Continental Congress resolved that no one trade their lumber with Boston because it would aid the besieged British Army, Machias was crippled. They were eventually forced to petition the Massachusetts Congress in May for relief when their population was facing potential starvation because they hardly had three week’s supply of food left in storage. Gage and Graves felt that they could take advantage of this situation by sending in Jones.
On June 2, 1775, Jones arrived in Machias with his two ships, the Unity and the Polly. Jones had held frequent business in Machias for the last ten years and even owned a house there because he did dealings there so often. As a result, Jones was well aware that there were Patriots in Machias that would not take kindly to his visit nor to his mission because tensions had been running high ever since Lexington. Concerns about Patriot interference with the mission from all along the Massachusetts coast were great enough that Graves was informed that “some of the inhabitants of the Eastern parts of this Province have threatened to intercept and destroy the Vessels of Mr. Ichabod Jones … ” Graves acknowledged the fear but did not cancel the trip because acquiring the lumber was very important for the British Army. Instead, Graves arranged an escort for Jones in the form of the H.M.S. Margaretta, captained by James Moore. When Jones arrived at Machias with his armed escort, it had only served to fuel tensions amongst the colonists who were suspicious of Jones’ intentions for seeking business with them. 
On June 3rd, Jones, in an effort to curb tensions and ensure the carrying out of the trade deal, distributed a petition amongst the citizens asking for their support in “carrying Lumber to Boston, & to protect him and his property, at all events” in exchange for the town’s much-needed provisions he’d brought aboard the Unity to trade. Jones did not, however, receive a satisfactory amount of signatures to content him, so he called upon his nephew, Stephen Jones, who was an influential resident of Machias, to arrange a meeting with the citizens of the town on June 6th in order to vote on the matter. At this meeting, Jones claimed that the only way that he could get Vice Admiral Graves to permit him to leave Boston with provisions for Machias was if he’d promised him that he’d return with a cargo full of lumber and that Graves had sent the Margaretta with him in order to ensure that he fulfilled his part of the bargain. Much of the citizens, with little reason to doubt him, voted in favor of the proposition because they were in dire need of those supplies, because they were nervous about the fact that the Margaretta was within firing range of the town and might attack them if they said no, and because it was only conjectured that the lumber requested was for supplying the British Army. The townspeople had no way of knowing at the time if it was true or not, but a minority group of citizens wasn’t buying “Jones’s Scheme” and voted no.After the vote, Jones brought his two sloops, the Unity and the Polly, to the wharf and began unloading and distributing the supplies to the citizens. Jones, however, made a grave mistake when he refused to grant supplies to everyone who had voted in opposition to him because among them were Benjamin Foster, leader of the Local Militia, and Jeremiah O’Brien, one of the village leaders, both of whom were also leading members of the local chapter of the Sons of Liberty. Jones wanted to avoid conflict, but, instead, his pride had been a spark. Another spark came at the expense of Captain Moore of the Margaretta. There was a liberty pole, or, rather, liberty tree in this case, that had been erected by O’Brien and his brothers after a unanimous vote from the townspeople to do so immediately after learning of what had transpired at Lexington and Concord back in April. The liberty tree was Machias’ pledge and declaration to the world that they were dedicated to resisting the British Empire’s tyranny and that they would sacrifice their lives in defense of their colony. Machias’ liberty tree was made from the trunk of the tallest tree that the O’Brien family could find and it stood in one of the highest points of the town, overlooking the river, and was one of the most conspicuous sights in the village. Moore, anchored in that river, was incredibly irritated by the sight of it. In The Liberty Pole, a Tale of Machias, it was written that:
Observing the Liberty Pole, Captain Moore landed, and demanded of a group who had collected around the landing-place, who had erected it. “That pole, sir,” Answered John O’Brien [one of Jeremiah’s brothers], “was erected by the unanimous approval of the people of Machias.”
“Well, sir,” rejoined the officer, “with or without their approval, it is my duty to declare it must come down.”“Must come down!” repeated O’Brien, with some warmth; “those words are very easily spoken, my friend. You will find, I apprehend, that it is easier to make than it will be to enforce a demand of this kind.”“What! Am I to understand that resistance will be made? Will the people of Machias dare to disregard an order, not originating with me, gentlemen, but with the government whose officer I am?”“The People of Machias,” replied O’Brien, “will dare do anything in maintenance of their principles and rights.”“It is useless to bandy words,” rejoined the officer, a little nettled at the determined spirit manifested around him; “My orders are peremptory and must be obeyed. That Liberty Pole must be taken down, or it will be my painful duty to fire upon the town.”
Stephen Jones, Ichabod Jones’ nephew, intervened and convinced Moore not to follow through with his threat and said that if he could arrange another town vote they might vote in favor of taking it down. A meeting was called, and it was voted that the pole remain. Captain Moore, fearful that he might lose the respect of his crew should his threat go unexecuted, decided to pick a day upon which they would fire at the town. Jeremiah O’Brien, Foster, and others began to secretly formulate a plan of defense in the event that an attack actually comes and sent word to the surrounding villages and areas calling for aid. Stephen stepped in again and said that the townspeople hadn’t all come to the meeting and that a second meeting should take place so that all of the citizens would have the opportunity to express their vote. It was voted almost unanimously by the whole town that the pole remain where it had been erected until it rotted. Moore retaliated with another threat to burn the village to the ground for their insolence in one hour if that pole still remained and had to be, once again, restrained from carrying it out when Stephen called to have a third meeting take place on June 12th while also reminding Moore that Vice Admiral Graves had told the Captain not to provoke the townspeople, but it was far too late for that.According to The Life of Captain Jeremiah O’Brien, Benjamin Foster and a group of his militiamen met two miles south of town on the Saturday afternoon of June 10th to concoct a two-pronged plan to seize both Ichabod, Stephen, Moore, and the other officer of the Margaretta while they were attending church the next afternoon and to then seize the British ships in the bay. They sent a few men to the home of the O’Briens to get their thoughts on the plan. The father, Morris O’Brien, tried to dissuade Foster and his party from carrying out their plan because Machias relied completely on the sea for survival, they were very far away from any sort of help, and carrying out their plan would no doubt bring about the immediate destruction of their village. Foster would not be dissuaded and Jeremiah O’Brien with his five younger brothers (Gideon, John, William, Dennis, and Joseph), despite their father’s concern, all decided to join forces with Foster, Jeremiah taking charge of the plan alongside him.At around 10 o’clock the next morning, a group of men gathered together once more for a secret meeting where they discussed the agreement by the surrounding villages to provide aid and the full plan in detail with everyone: seize the officers of the Margaretta and Jones while they were at church then capture the British Vessels, hopefully avoiding any and all bloodshed in the process. Opinions of the plan were divided, many not sure that the plan was feasible and what attacking the British might mean in the grand scheme of things. Foster reminded them all that they were already at war with Britain, that blood had already been shed at Lexington and Concord, and that the sooner they joined in the war efforts the better. This convinced many of them, but some voices were still a little hesitant about a plan that sounded so dangerous. Foster then boldly stepped forward, crossed the brook by which they were meeting, and said “Let all who are willing to strike for Freedom, follow me. Those who are in favor of British tyranny, and think it right to send lumber to Boston wherewith to build barracks for our oppressors, may stay where they are.” Jeremiah was right on Foster’s heels and was followed quickly by his brothers, then soon the entire party was crossing after them in unanimous support of the plan. They had just made their own Declaration of War, deciding to fight the British on their own terms.They split into two groups, one would attend the church service and, at the signal of a whistle, seize the targets. Another party would surround the meeting house and, in the event that any of their targets escape the building, be there to prevent their further escape and capture them outside. As the plan was moving into action and everyone was taking their positions outside, the pastor’s slave glanced out the window and spotted a small group of men crossing the river on log rafts with muskets in hand and thought they might be British soldiers. He cried out and then leaped out a window, booking it for the forest, and throwing the congregation into turmoil in the process. Moore and Jones both quickly realized what was happening and escaped from the meeting house before the people in position within the congregation could catch them, Moore leaping through a window and gunning for his ship while followed by his officer and Jones sprinting for the woods into which he’d vanish for a couple days. Moore and his man reached the landing and the two of them clamored into a boat sent from the Margaretta and began rowing back to the ship, followed to the shore closely by several pursuers. Jones’ nephew, Stephen, was not so lucky and was successfully captured by the villagers and held prisoner.Moore, upon returning to the Margaretta, weighed anchor and fired a few shots over the town as a threat to anyone considering pursuit and then moved down river a short way. The people, more determined than before, followed in all manner of small boats and canoes, firing upon the retreating ship with their muskets for several minutes. Moore dropped anchor again and sent word to the citizens that if Ichabod Jones or either of the sloops, the Unity or the Polly, were harmed, then he would burn the village to the ground. The message only served to further rally the citizens of Machias and it’s leaders against him. The whole town decided then and there that Jones was not going to be returning to Boston with the lumber and the Margaretta was going to be theirs. A group of Foster and O’Brien’s men, armed with muskets, were dispatched to where the Margaretta had anchored itself and began to open fire upon her from their elevated position, demanding that the British “Strike to the Sons of Liberty!” The British ship was unable to fire back at them because the guns of the ship could not be angled high enough to reach them. The citizens once more commanded that Moore “Strike to the Sons of Liberty or Die” to which Moore replied that he was “not yet ready” and gunfire resumed. This went on for about fifteen minutes before Moore was forced to retreat from the shore, the main boom snapping in the harsh winds and crippling the ship’s maneuverability in the process. Moore sailed his ship out of range and the gunfire petered out, the townspeople dispersing as night began to fall. That night, a group of men set out in canoes and small boats, attempting to board the Margaretta but were ultimately repelled.The next morning, on the 12th, Moore began to plan his escape to the sea, an eye on the shore to monitor the town’s movements. Jeremiah O’Brien, all his brothers, and around thirty men armed with muskets, knives, pistols, axes, pitchforks or whatever sharp weapons they could get their hands on, commandeered the Unity, which had been brought to the wharf by his second youngest Brother, Dennis, and three other young men. They then built a breastwork upon the deck with the lumber that had been loaded on the ship so far and then loaded it up with supplies to prepare it for battle before setting a course for the Margaretta. Seeing all of this through his spyglass, Moore cut the Margaretta from a ship in the harbour he had latched onto and plundered for supplies and then weighed anchor, starting down the river and towards the bay where he’d take another ship in order to replace his broken main boom and to seize the captain of the ship to act as a pilot for his. Foster, in the meantime, unable to take the Polly because it had been stripped of its sails and rigging, commandeered a sloop from a nearby village of Falmouth called the Falmouth Packet with twenty men and sailed to meet O’Brien and the Unity. Unfortunately, however, The Falmouth Packet ran aground in the morning’s low tide and they were unable to dislodge the ship, meaning they were stuck until the mid-day tide rolled back in. He sent a messenger ahead to O’Brien to inform him of what had happened and when the news reached the Unity, the men on board determined that they would seize the Margaretta without them and set a determined course for the British schooner once more. The Unity was the fastest of the three ships that had come into the Machias harbor with Jones and was quickly gaining water on the fleeing Margaretta. It was at this time that the citizens suddenly realized they didn’t have a captain. They had set out to sea on an impulse to take on a Britsh Warship and hadn’t even considered how they were going to go about it. By unanimous vote, they elected Jeremiah O’Brien to be their captain. The first thing O’Brien did as captain was to offer the chance to any person on board having second thoughts to go back ashore. Three men took him up on that and were given a small boat in which they could row back to the village. Captain O’Brien then turned back to the rest of the men and reportedly said: “Now, my brave fellows, having got rid of those white livered cowards, our first business will be to get along side of the schooner yonder; and the first man who boards her shall be entitled to the palm of honor.” Captain Moore, seeing the Unity gaining on him, cut all of the small boats trailing from their stern loose into the bay, but the Unity was still gaining on him fast despite Moore’s hour-long headstart. Captain Moore, now convinced that he was going to be overtaken, shouted back to the Unity “Sloop ahoy! keep off or I’ll fire!” Captain O’Brien, not at all deterred, called back, “In America’s name I demand your surrender!” Moore threatened again to fire upon the Unity and one of the other men onboard the sloop shouted back “Fire away and be damned!” And so Moore opened fire on the Unity with his canons.In the first volley, one of the men on board the Unity was killed and another wounded. Another man stepped up in the dead man’s place and took aim, killing the Margaretta’s helmsmen with a bullet through the skull. This shot drove everyone on board the Margaretta off the quarterdeck and into hiding as a volley of musket fire from the Unity rained down upon them. Without a helmsman to steer the Margaretta, the ship shifted in its course and the two ships collided. The bowsprit of the Unity tore the mainsail of the Margaretta and tangled the two ships together momentarily. In that moment Jeremiah’s brother, John, leaped from the bowsprit of the Unity and onto the Margaretta before the two ships parted, leaving him alone on the deck of the enemy ship. John was fired upon by seven British sailors but was unharmed, then the British charged at him with their bayonets and he dived overboard amid another volley of musket fire and swam back to the Unity where he was promptly helped back aboard to face Jeremiah, who shook his brother’s hand and told him that he won the palm of honor as promised but that he should get back in position and be ready to properly board the enemy ship, damn it.With his brother back on board, Captain O’Brien ordered that the Unity be brought alongside the Margaretta and the two ships lashed together with grappling hooks. Twenty armed men from the Unity were appointed to board the Margaretta and the two opposing crews began to engage in hand to hand combat at the railings, struggling to gain the upper hand one way or the other. Moore climbed onto the railing of his quarterdeck and brandished his sword, encouraging his men, but the fight was not going in his favor. Moore ordered that the hand grenades be brought up and he immediately began to lob them at the Unity. Upon recognizing that Captain O’Brien was undoubtedly their leader, he decided that killing him would probably demoralize the Americans and started lobbing several directly at him. O’Brien, probably by sheer luck, was unharmed by any of these attempts. Two bullets were buried into Moore’s chest by a sharpshooting moose-hunter on the Unity and Moore fell to the deck, mortally wounded. O’Brien, seeing this, called out to his men “To your feet, lads! The schooner is ours! Follow me! Board!” and everyone mobilized, following their captain over the railings and onto the Margaretta where they began to engage the British in direct hand-to-hand combat. The second in command of the Margaretta fled below deck as the Americans poured onto their ship and the British, realizing they no longer had anyone to lead them and that the Americans were winning the fight, surrendered. The whole battle had lasted for an hour and Captain Jeremiah O’Brien gained the honor of securing the first American victory of the Revolutionary War as the British flag and the captain’s sword were both surrendered to him. All in all, four British sailors, including Moore who died from his wounds within the next two days, and three Machias citizens were killed in the fighting as well as the Captain that Moore and forced to serve him that day. Some eight or nine citizens were wounded in all. The Americans took the British sailors captive and then repaired their ships before returning to Machias that afternoon to great celebrations on all sides for their victory. Ichabod Jones would emerge from the woods two days after the fighting and would be captured as well. The people of Machias then had to ask themselves “What now?” because they hadn’t thought that far ahead yet and had no idea what to do with their prisoners and the looming threat of British retaliation upon their small town. They began to fortify their town, outfitted a number of ships for a new career in authorized Privateering, and received supplies from the Massachusettes Congress. On June 26th, 1775 the Massachusetts Congress resolved that O’Brien and Foster be allowed to keep the three ships and all of their cargo that they had taken and that they be authorized to improve the ships and use them as they see appropriate for the defense of their colony.The Unity was outfitted with the arms of the Margaretta and was renamed the Machias Liberty and remained under O’Brien’s command. It became the first armed cruiser employed in the American Revolution. Following the Battle of Machias, increasingly more and more local ships and shipowners throughout the colonies began to take on the role of a quasi-navy. All of this began to support John Adams’ argument to Congress that the colonists would and could take on the Royal Navy themselves under the right circumstances and succeed because of how ferociously the colonists believed in the cause of their war.O’Brien and Foster captured two more British ships sent to punish O’Brien for taking the Margaretta and added them to their growing fleet exactly one month later on July 12th, 1775. On July 18th, the Continental Congress finally resolved that each colony should be allowed to be responsible for protecting its own coast. Both Foster and O’Brien were then sent to address the Massachusets Congress and met George Washington, who had just recently assumed command of the army, along the way and were invited to dine with him before moving on. The Massachusetts Congress greeted them both warmly upon their arrival and celebrated the news of their latest prizes. O’Brien was then appointed Captain of the Marine of the Massachusetts Colony and charged with defending the Massachusettes Coast and intercepting supply vessels coming in to support the British Army.Rhode Island became the first state to establish an actual Navy in August 1775, and began to petition Congress about the formation of a Continental Navy in October, but did not convince the Continental Congress to do so. George Washington also began to form his own makeshift Navy in August-September, tasking his aide-de-camp, Joseph Reed, with organizing efforts to snag unescorted British Merchant ships alongside shipowner/soldier, John Glover, and Shipping Businessman/future Aide, Stephen Moylan. The three of them outfitted several ships and created what’s known today as “Washington’s Navy” that successfully privateered along the coast.The final push to creating a Continental Navy would come soon after with a letter from John Barry, who would later become the first commissioned officer of the Continental Navy, that stated two English Brigs were sailing towards Quebec with Ammunition for the Canadian forces. A committee consisting of John Adams, Silas Deane, and John Langdon was formed to come up with a solution. They quickly proposed the formation of a group of ships to intercept them. Congress was not thrilled. They still did not think it entirely doable and was convinced that forming a navy would corrupt the morals of their sailors. Adams assured them that the benefits outweighed their concerns and on October 13, 1775, the Continental Navy, consisting of ten ships, was ordered to be formed. While waiting for the warships to be built, Washington’s Navy would succeed in taking one of the two unarmed Brigs mentioned by Barry that were sailing for Canada, acquiring enough arms and ammunition to supply 2,000 men.And to think, it all began when a small village so far north it was practically in Canada and had only heard rumors that war had begun, looked at the British and decided “Not today” then proceeded to successfully capture three Royal Navy ships out on the water and began to convince everyone that, you know what? Maybe we can do this.Sources: 1. Life of Captain Jeremiah O’Brien by Andrew M. Sherman2. The Liberty Pole, a Tale of Machias3. Rebels Under Sail by William Fowler Jr.4. The Struggle for Sea Power by Sam Willis5. John Adams by David McCullough6. The Village of Machias Confronts The Royal Navy by Michael Cecere7. The First Naval Battle of The American Revolution 8. George Washington’s Indispensable Men by Arthur C. Lefkowitz
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lookmuseum · 3 years
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x-15 · 4 years
Actually, fun fact from a local... Unless you’re a roller coaster nerd, I’m preeeeeeeeetty sure the cost to visit the USS Hornet, the USS Pampanito, and the SS Jeremiah O’Brien is about equal (maybe $10-$15 more) than the cost of going to California’s Great America, so like. If you wanna get your bang for your buck in the bay, that’s where I’d go lol.
The USS Hornet, for those of you who don’t know, is the USN carrier which recovered Apollos 11 and 12, so space nerds who visit, I’m sorry but you’re contractually obligated to go there. (Send photos because I can’t go with my summer camp this year and I’m sad about it.)
The Pampanito is a Balao-class submarine from 1944ish, and the one I know the least about out of the three tbh but STILL a SUPER badass one to visit (but I recommend doing it with the audio tour, because there isn’t much signage inside of the sub to tell you what you’re looking at.)
The Jeremiah O’Brien is one of the few remaining Liberty Ships from WWII and the only operational one left at all. If you want some cool shots of her engine room, she was actually featured in the movie Titanic, and they still have the log for the engine shots they got trying to get the scene where they reverse it! So much cooler to be in the engine room though (while it’s parked lol). It was on the news recently because it was near the fire on that dock, but it only suffered a little bit of paint blistering.
Tl;dr CGA is cool, Flight Deck is cool, but being on the ACTUAL FUCKING USS HORNET is so much cooler. I’m a little out of touch with what tourists tend to do in the bay but ngl if I was planning a tour for any of y’all those are three places I’d say you really have to see.
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camxnoel-updates · 5 years
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cameronmonaghan: "Top Gun volleyball scene?"
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carbone14 · 2 years
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Le Liberty Ship SS John W. Brown (B-4611) sur les Grands Lacs – Etats-Unis – 2000
Les Liberty Ships sont des cargos produits en très grande série à partir d'éléments préfabriqués soudés à l'arc électrique et destinés à ravitailler les forces alliées pendant la seconde guerre mondiale. La technique de fabrication imaginée par l'industriel Henri Kaiser permit d'obtenir des cadences de production qui compensaient les pertes occasionnées par les sous-marins allemands dans l'Atlantique. La durée moyenne de fabrication était de 42 jours avec un record établi à 4 jours au lieu de 12 mois environ pour une fabrication classique. La rapidité de construction et le faible coût de production permirent d'en construire 2 710, ce qui fit de ce navire le modèle le plus construit dans le monde.
Seuls deux cargos sont encore en état de naviguer : ils ont été transformés en navires musées aux États-Unis dans les années 2000, le SS John W. Brown à Baltimore et le SS Jeremiah O'Brien à San Francisco.
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