#Jordan Banjo
Things I never thought I’d here Pedro say: “Biggup the Mandem” 😂
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jackbatchelor3 · 1 year
Meet the Stars returning to Camp I'm A Celebrity...South Africa!
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ereborne · 6 months
Song of the Day: December 24
"By and By" by Caamp
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heyidkyay · 5 months
And I'm petrified of being alone, now |
Part Twelve
Matty Healy x reader
Summary: She’s just trying to get by, really. What with being a single parent to her four year old son whilst simultaneously trying to kick start a successful career as a radio presenter. She’s got everything she’s ever wanted though, friends close by, a mum who’s merely a phone call away, and of course her baby boy. What else is there to wish for? But then, it’s not long before her relatively normal life gets upended and turned on its head, and she’s suddenly forced to deal with situations she’s never even thought to imagine.
What happens when one mention of a certain controversial singer on her show sends a flood of unexpected challenges her way? 
Authors Note: This part took way too long to write. Had a bit of writers block ngl, but I managed to get it done last night when I couldn't sleep. Be prepared for a load of fluff but also some surprises. It's a good chapter, I enjoyed writing it once I finally got into it! But I'm also sorry for long wait! Hopefully the next will be along soon.
> Just a reminder! We left off on the red carpet with Mouse and Matty:) You can look back here if you'd like!
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Mouse Updates! @/MOAMupdates 22m ago GFC Charity Event! The gals are currently live and interviewing The 1975! So far we’ve had Jamie Bell, Peter Capaldi, Dylan and Jordan Banjo! 2TIME @/user1 WHAT was that? 102 @/user2  chemistrychemistrychemistry Ugh! @/user3 SHE COOKED FOR HIM?? Soloveme? @/user4 What’s going on at this event?? It’s all over my feed😭 MILK @/user5 Screaming this is honestly all so mental Parisin75 @/user6 Wait so they’re friends now? Or is something else happening?? > Too_shy @/user7 Last time I checked but he seemed so happy on the carpet, and he wouldn’t look into the lens at all. His eyes were always focused just above it, either on Adi or Mouse! >> Drumonmepls @/user8 Couldn’t have been Adi!! She was to the left of Ross on and off screen!
It was days after the event that things seemed to finally settle again. For Matty, at least. Me? I was still getting the odd DM and tweet here and there, but I couldn’t complain, not with how it had been at the very start. Hordes upon hordes of people had come to make their opinions known on the stance of Matty and I’s ‘sudden’ friendship; fans had taken to both Twitter and Instagram, they’d called into the show, and a few had even turned up outside of the studio.
Matty had been helpful throughout it all though, mainly just finding ways to take my mind off of it and sending security down to the building just to ‘be on the safe side’. It’d been a nice gesture, sweet even. But had also meant that his management team had cracked down on him and the band, cooping the lot of them up in a recording studio and pressing them to finish up the album they were currently working on.
That in itself hadn’t affected me much, the whole Matty being distracted by work thing, because it had happened around about the same time that prep work for the Christmas period had kicked in. Which was basically a time where Adi and I focused on pre recording a few shows so that we could sail smoothly into the new year.
This year it had been hectic, to say the very least, but Finn had been a Godsend. Offering to pick up Teddy from nursery on the days when we were filming late and even keeping him occupied on the one weekend that we’d lost the previous day's audio- which had been a fucking nightmare.
Today though, was finally a day where I got some time to myself. Well, myself and Teddy, seeing as I’d completely and utterly missed him even with only having been gone a few extra hours in the day than usual. Still, the kid was my little ball of light and without him I’d be utterly lost.
“Alright there, Teds, what’re you drawing?”
It was a Sunday, the 17th to be precise, and so we only had a week and a bit left in the lead up to Christmas. I’d spent the morning wrapping most of Teddy’s presents before he’d woken and demanded sustenance- which, fair enough. But he was always a little moody whenever he first woke up. Bit like me, I suppose. And so, whilst I’d started cooking him his breakfast, I’d settled him down at the table with some paper and pens to keep him distracted, an old album by The Cranberries playing.
“Plane.” The toddler retorted easily enough, tongue poking out one side of his mouth in utmost concentration.
Grinning at the small action, I settled a cup of juice before him and then stroked a hand through his unruly hair. “Is that for mémé then?”
Teddy hummed, nodding his head at the odd angle it was resting at. I chuckled, always enamoured by his every little thing.
“That’s brilliant, bubs! I’m sure she’ll love it.” I assured him softly, trailing my fingers through his hair one last time before withdrawing to finish up with cooking.
“How many days?” Teddy asked once I’d plated everything up and taken my seat beside him at the table, immediately I knew what he was on about- seeing as he’d only asked the same question a dozen times a day since the last time we’d phoned my mum.
I pretended to think about it long and hard. “Um… about this many days.” I said, holding up six fingers.
Teddy’s brow instantly furrowed as he set about leaning as close as he could get over the tabletop to point towards each of my fingers. “One, two, three…”
I beamed once he’d finally got it, clapping along with him. “So good, you clever boy! Six- six days til mémé gets here!”
Teddy repeated the words in a breathy murmur, grinning gummily back at me as he wiggled in his chair. Then it was just “six” over and over again for a short while.
I tittered faintly to myself, shaking my head before we went about the rest of our breakfast in much the same manner.
It was almost ten to eleven when the doorbell went and I frowned at the thought of who it could possibly be.
“Mum, door.” Teddy informed me, still so invested in his colouring. I hummed softly in turn, wiping my hands before getting up to go answer it.
“Remember to put the lids back on.” I reminded him about the pens, tucking his hair behind his ear as I rounded his seat, “I’ll just be a sec, okay?”
I smiled softly at his monosyllabic reply, listening to him mumble to himself as I padded my way into the hallway. From here I could just make out the darkened shadow standing on the other side of the door’s paned glass and flicked through a mental list of who it could possibly be, wondering if I'd forgotten anything that was supposed to be happening today. But I reckoned it could just as easily have been Finn dropping by for an impromptu visit, or Adi even.
Flicking the latch and pressing down on the handle, I opened it up only to blink at the figure that stood before me. They gifted me an impish grin as they pushed away from the door’s stoop and onto steady feet.
“Figured I’d just pop by, say hello.” Matty mentioned by way of hello, fiddling with an unlit cigarette he held between his fingers whilst I continued to stare back in surprise, “Studio’s been booked for the day, so I managed an easy escape.” He added when I made no move to reply, “Thought we could grab a coffee or something- if you ain't busy, that is.”
He tacked that last bit on in a rush, as though he was beginning to understand why I was so silent. He’d really, really caught me off guard here.
“Er, I mean it’s a bit out of the blue and that. Should've really texted, I know. But I figured I'd try my luck.” He blundered again, shifting awkwardly on my front step now, looking enough out of place for it to finally blink me out of my stupor.
“I-” I went to say but was ultimately interrupted by another voice from further inside the flat, one that was approaching on toddling feet all too fast for me to react to its sudden presence.
Matty’s eyes bulged a tad at the little face that poked its way out from behind my knees, and mine followed when it finally hit me what was actually happening. 
“God, sorry! You just- it’s- I just wasn’t expecting you.” I fumbled, arms reaching down on impulse to pick up the toddler by my feet. I forced out a heavy breath before plastering on a big smile for Teddy, who only seemed to have eyes for the curly haired man staring back at him. “Um, you wanting to come in then? I can do tea, I think. Coffee, even.”
I didn’t really give Matty much of a choice in the matter though, in truth, because I was sailing away to escape the sudden scenario that had started on my doorstep, simply so that I could wrap my head around it all. It was just as I made it back into the kitchen that I heard the door rattle close behind us though and then, as I'd perched Teddy back in his seat, I glanced up to find that Matty had in fact accepted the offer of a warm brew.
It was strange to watch it all fall into place for him, his eyes straying over toys that littered the livingroom floor, the tiny bike which sat in the corner, the star-chart that hung on the cupboard above the fridge, all of Teddy’s artwork and clothes that had been thrown about haphazardly over the last day or two.
I swallowed around my anxiety then, not really sure how I felt now that I knew that Matty finally knew. Because see, I had never really been sure. Teddy wasn’t much of a well kept secret amongst my longtime listeners but I didn’t go flaunting pictures around or mentioning him at every turn. For safety reasons and privacy’s sake. So I hadn't been too certain on whether Matty knew of him or not, having noticed that he’d failed to ever mention him in our texts or calls.
“Um, sorry for the mess. Work’s been a nightmare, and this is my first proper day off in weeks, you know? So." I shrugged a little helplessly, looking out at all of the chaos, then decided to pull on my big girl trousers and trek through this mess like I did everything else in life. “Tea, then? Or coffee?”
The small cough that escaped Matty’s throat echoed around the room once he’d found purchase in the kitchen’s entryway and his voice was tinged with a slight rasp when he finally spoke, “Yeah, uh yeah, please. Coffee.”
I smiled mostly to myself as I turned away to refill the kettle, my mind still whirling but finding relief in Matty’s obvious shock too. Whilst it began to boil though I had nothing much to occupy my mind with, so I decided to putter back on over to the table where Teds had started back up with his drawing and attempted to relax my shoulders. 
“Go on, sit down,” I said to Matty, pointing to a chair as I tried to steer us back into easier waters, “Feel lucky you just missed breakfast, this one tends to get it everywhere.” I chuckled lightly in hopes to fill the quiet I was met with.
Teddy glanced up at me then with a prominent pout, obviously not too pleased about my comment.  “No.” He argued and I heard Matty snort as he finally took a seat opposite, leaving Teddy to act as the buffer between us both.
“Uh, yes.” I fired back at the toddler, but little good it did me when Teddy only seemed to maintain his avid disagreement. 
“Uhuh. I eat it all today.” He reminded me, lips pushed out as his brows climbed higher up his forehead, leaning against the table’s edge again on his elbows. “See?” He added on, pointing a finger over towards where a sink full of soapy dishes now laid.
I smiled, unable to do anything but, though it was Matty who actually replied to him, which both surprised me and put me on immediate edge. “I mean, the little guys got a point. If you ate it all then there can’t be any mess, right?” He directed that last bit towards the little rugrat attempting to evade all guilt and I paused in wait to see how Teddy would respond.
Teddy appeared wary for a moment, blinking over at Matty in a startle, probably having not expected to be roped into a conversation, before his lips settled into something more like a grin. “Right!” He mimicked with a short nod of his head, his ‘r’ sounding more like a ‘w’.
Matty all but beamed at the sudden attention he’d drawn and continued to do so once Teddy started prattling away to him at a hundred miles an hour. I just left them to it, listening in as I padded back over to finish making the drinks. 
It was only after Matty had just about knocked back most of his coffee that Teddy grew tired of talking and asked if we could do something fun, eyes drifting over towards where we often kept his wellies. I knew just what fun he was looking to find.
I conceded easily enough, seeing as it was both his day as well as mine, and smiled with a gesture of my chin, “Go on then, but brush your teeth and find some proper clothes, then we can head on over. Alright?”
Teddy’s head shook up and down in rapid succession, already bolting up out of his seat to make a run for his bedroom. Matty wore an inquisitive look once it was just him and I, both of us sat on opposite sides of the table.
“The park.” I informed the singer, fiddling with the handle of my now empty mug whilst my eyes kept sliding back and forth from the counter to Matty himself.
The man simply hummed and leaned back in his seat, I was forced to watch on as he cast his eyes about the rest of my kitchen, taking his fill now that he had a moment to finally do so. I swallowed and struggled with the unforeseen worries of what he might see, what he might think of it all.
I wasn't well off, by any means. But I had a decent income, enough to provide for Teddy and I, as well as live comfortably. Though if the radio show suddenly dipped and we lost most of our viewing, then there’d be a whole different story to be told.
Even so, it was a much different life to the one Matty lived. That much I knew. So it wasn't too strange of me to wonder whether or not it met any of his standards. And how it alone made me feel.
“How old then?”
The question startled me somewhat, enough that I blinked and looked up at him without thought. My brows furrowed a tad and so he continued, “Teddy- was that it?” And at my nod of confirmation, he smiled at me for another answer, “How old is he?”
Caught off guard still, I gaped for a second and then forced myself to reply, “Um, four, he’ll be five soon enough.”
“Wow.” Was what Matty replied with in a soft murmur, his head moving in an ever so slight nod, “A good age though.” At my questioning look, he chuckled, “Or so I’ve been told.”
I hummed, mostly amused, then fiddled with one of the many pens Teddy had left behind at the table.
“They’ve all been good so far- the ages.” I said to him, rather stupidly, and grimaced around a low laugh at myself, “Just, I mean he’s a good kid, is all.”
Matty was smiling at me when I glanced back up, his eyes squinting with the strength of it. He knocked his fist on the table lightly, “Seems it. Just wish you’dve mentioned him sooner.”
I frowned at that, lips pursing as my nose wrinkled. I didn’t much like the way he’d phrased that last bit, because it’s not that I wasn’t proud of Teddy, I was always showing him off, constantly even. But I also didn’t feel as though everyone had the right to see to that. “Yeah, well he’s not a secret I’ve kept hidden. It’s just safer mostly.”
It was Matty’s turn to frown then, seemingly offended by the offhand remark. “What and that includes me, does it? You think that I’d be a danger to him?”
I stared back at him, brow dipped a tad, eyes squinted. Because I hadn’t meant to hurt him, far from, though could he really blame me for being cautious, for having wanted to keep Teddy away for as long as I had? 
“No,” I answered him, and it was an honest one, “But only now, after having known you as long as I have. I mean, you can’t really be surprised by the fact that I didn’t mention him in the beginning, Matty. I hardly knew you! I’d only ever had the picture that’d been painted of you in my head, I didn’t want that around him.”
He scoffed quietly at that and I heard the way his boot kicked out under the table as he shuffled further back in his chair to run a hand through his hair. “Yeah and what about now then?”
He had me there, I supposed. I sighed and raised a hand to rub at my tired eyes, this wasn't a conversation I had planned for yet, let alone on a morning like this.
“It’s hard, okay? It’s hard to know when to introduce him to new people, he’s only ever really known those closest to me, and after that it’s just been his nursery teacher and the handful of kids in his class.” I explained, watching Matty and hoping he heard the truth in my words, “And you’re this fucking celebrity people love, you’ve got places to be, fans to meet! I never once thought that you’d stick around, not for as long as you have at least. Or that you’d eventually pull me into your life.”
He looked up then, expression so carefully made. “And that’s a bad thing?”
I folded in on myself a little at his question. Unsure.
Matty rolled his lips together and dipped his chin in a slow nod, “Right.”
“Matty, it’s not like that.” I tried.
He was quick with his reply though, all but leaning into the table’s edge now, “Then what’s it like, Mouse?”
He hardly ever called me Mouse, from the day we’d met it had always been Squeaks.
I dragged a hand over my face and then into my hair, perhaps in hopes to bide my time, but mainly because I felt cornered. How was I supposed to tell Matty how much I valued him? His chaotic presence in my life, his texts and calls, his friendship. It was something I hadn’t known I’d needed, but he’d come along and surprised me. He had stuck around, even when I thought he wouldn’t, and he wasn’t asking for anything more than just my company. He didn’t have an ulterior motive, some trick up his sleeve. Or at least that’s what I believed.
“Does this change things, knowing I have a son?” I heard myself ask him, it was a genuine curiosity but I also had to know. I didn’t want to be strung along or let Matty into Teddy’s life like I had Finn and Adi, only for him to then up and leave when he finally grew bored of the normality of it all.
Matty simply stared back at me, those brown eyes of his narrowed as they flittered back and forth between my own, his lips parted slightly as he thought the question over.
“Do you want it to?”
And that hadn’t been the answer I was expecting.
Instantly I shook my head, dropping the pen so that my hands could fall limply into my lap. “Of course not, I like having you around, Matty. Me keeping Teddy from you has nothing to do with that.”
He continued to watch me.
Then finally he conceded with a prompt nod and I felt myself breathe in. “So, the park. Is there a spare invitation going?”
I let the air go in a stilted chuckle, smiling at the common ground he’d gifted us but also at the image of Matty messing about in a playground of all places. “Yes, yeah, ‘course.” I assured him, “Just, be prepared for any puddles, alright? He will soak you if you're within five feet of the splashzone.”
Matty finally laughed too, this soft thing I hadn’t really ever heard from him before, not in this way at least, and then grinned, whirling around in his seat when a stomping toddler came darting back into the room.
“Wellies ta!”
My eyes fell closed as I released another heavy sigh, “Please! Teds. Remember? Please, not ta.”
Teddy merely blinked back up at me and so I decided it would have to be a battle picked for yet another day. 
“Fine, go get them then.”
Matty snorted unhelpfully, which brought him to Teddy’s attention once more. “Need help with ‘em, little man?” He asked, raising a brow at me in hopes that it’d be okay.
I swallowed but ultimately nodded, I couldn’t not when Teddy’s curls started bouncing wildly with the nodding of his head at the question.
And so, I watched them go, Matty taking Teddy’s extended hand, praying that I hadn’t made a massive mistake here. Hoping that somehow Matty would prove me wrong and stay, for a little while.
The days after Matty’s impromptu visit came with little to no fuss, it was only when the man wasn’t in the studio that was on the phone to me- and by extension, Teddy as well, who’d taken quite the shine to him. Who could’ve known, hey?
Still, it was a massive change of pace. For me at least, I hadn’t managed to get a read on how Matty felt about it all, but I had yet to worry over it. Mostly because of the Christmas period and how stressed I’d been.
“Finn, I swear he’s driving me out of my mind!” I complained down the phone to my best mate, the thing was currently perched between my shoulder and ear whilst I attempted to throw my hair up into a half-arsed bun, if only to keep it out of my face. “The mess! I mean, it’s like a tornado’s gone and ripped its way through my flat!”
“He’s four, babe.” Came Finn’s unhelpful response. I huffed.
“Exactly! Four, how can someone so small create such a massive mess?” I stressed, trying to clear away as much of the clutter my living room was presently made up of as quickly as I could. “Mam’s gonna be here in,” I glanced hurriedly over at the clock on the far wall and felt my anxiety spike, “Just over an hour! I can’t let her walk into a bombsite!”
Finn laughed at that and so I scowled in retort, even if he couldn’t see me through the phone.
“Finn!” I admonished.
“Alright, sorry! It’s just, she’s your mum, babe. She won’t care what the flat looks like.” He tried to soothe me as he moved about on the other side, doing whatever it was that he was doing. “Why’s he made such a mess anyway?”
I gritted my teeth as I stepped on yet another rogue piece of Lego and just dropped down to start rounding everything and anything I could possibly see into a great big tub. 
“He’s excited, wanted to look nice for when mam shows up but also wanted to showcase to her all of his drawings and sculptures.” I told him, grimacing at the penstained action figure I picked up before tossing it amongst the heap too. “I’ve been in the kitchen mostly, cooking for when she arrives, so I didn’t really bear witness to the fact that he’d taken my permission and flipping run with it! You should see my front room, Finn.” I shook my head for the umpteenth time since I’d walked in and blinked at the chaos I’d been met with, “It’s a proper tip.”
I was given a resounding chuckle once more and simply decided to slump there on the floor, glad to note that most of everything had now been packed into the box. Out of sight, out of mind and all that.
“Finn, I don’t even want to go and see what his bedroom looks like as of right now. I can just picture how his wardrobe’s been overturned and all of his clothes have been tossed about the room.” 
I forced myself up onto my feet then, halfheartedly listening to Finn’s reply. I still needed to sort myself out before anything else and that thought alone stressed me out further.
And of course! Of course it would be in that exact moment that the doorbell went.
“Fuck.” I mumbled to myself, but found my feet already taking me towards the door. I paused only briefly by the mirror to catch sight of the mess my hair was in and tugged it free in hopes it’d help somewhat, “Listen babe, sorry for all my whinging but I’d best go. Door’s just gone and I’m guessing it’ll be that parcel I’ve been waiting on.”
“Cutting it pretty late there.” Finn said and I couldn’t agree more. It was the 23rd, Christmas was now only days away and still I’d yet to receive it- even after having ordered it well over three weeks ago!
“Fucking hell, tell me about it,” I groaned, opening the door up to be met with the sight of a big wrapped box blocking my vision. My forehead wrinkled in utter confusion, “Um, Finn? I really am going to have to call you back.”
“Why, what’s happened? Don’t leave me hanging! Who is it!”
The parcel dropped down an inch then to reveal a familiar grin and shining eyes. 
I hurriedly hung up the phone and shoved it into my back pocket, the feeling of bewilderment unable to override the instant worries that washed over me about what a state I must've looked. But I bullied those thoughts back down, ignoring the massive part of me that was currently screaming at the entire situation, for whatever reason I couldn’t even begin to really understand, cause it was just Matty, right? And instead propped myself up against the doorframe.
“What’s this then?” I asked, unable to help my smile when he was looking back at me seemingly so pleased with himself.
“Christmas, in’t it?” He replied all too easily, shaking the rather large present he held in his grasp to further the point.
“I can see that.” I chuckled, shaking my head a little at the picture he made, all bundled up on my front doorstep practically dwarfed by the box he’d brought along. “I just thought you were headed home today.”
He shrugged, an action that was made funnier by the large parcel, but continued smiling, “Meant to, just couldn’t leave without seeing you lot first.”
I blinked, startled by his words. But grinned when he merely widened both his eyes in exaggeration.
“It is fucking freezin’ out here, you know! Could invite a mate in.” Matty reminded me, so I hummed, mulling it over. But he wasn’t one to give up too easily and bribery appeared to be his best tactic here, “I’ve got presents. So open up or they’re going back.”
I narrowed my eyes in turn, “You wouldn’t.”
“Oh, but darling I would.”
I found myself grinning at him again, something I tended to do whenever he was around it seemed. There was just something about him, I supposed. 
He went to take a step back then and I relented all too easily. “Alright.” I laughed, opening the door up wider to allow him in. Matty all but jumped over the threshold, bringing the cold in with him, and whilst he set about shaking off his coat I went to close the door behind him, only to be stopped by a bright red coat.
“Oh, thanks.” I said in surprise to the postie that managed to time his arrival so perfectly. “Thank you,” I repeated for good measure, shooting my head up from the packaged parcel he’d handed me, “Happy Holidays!” He grinned in return, already taking off back down the steps and parroting the same sentiment to me.
I finally managed to shut the door after that and was met with a ruddy-faced Matty, who was wrapped in a big jumper I was immediately jealous of.
“Last minute present?” He wondered with a smirk and I waved him off.
“Ordered it weeks ago, got here just in time.”
Matty hummed and turned back to glance down at the big box that now rested against my hallway radiator, level with my hip it seemed. “Where is the monster?” He asked me, using the name both he and Teddy had taken a liking to.
My brow furrowed slightly. “You really didn’t have to, Matty.” I said to him quietly, looking down at the present he’d gotten for my son. 
He was having none of it though, rolled his eyes in fact and hunched over to pick the box up again. “Shut up.”
I snorted and couldn’t help but bite back, “You shut up.”
“Real mature, sweetheart. Ain’t you parents meant to be all boring and nice?” Matty quipped as he wandered his way into my living room, I breathed in a sigh of relief when I followed behind and found that my efforts in cleaning hadn’t been in vain.
“Ha ha. Should’ve taken up comedy.” I retorted to him, fixing a few pillows that sat askew on the settee, something to which Matty also rolled his eyes at.
“Nah, band makes more money.” He answered easily, like he’d thought about it before, as he glanced about for the best place to put the box.
“By the tree if you want, or you can leave it next to the chair so he’ll see it when he barrels in.”
Matty laughed and went with the latter. “You been alright then?” He asked me, taking the time to glance at all the holiday cards that rested on the mantelpiece nearby.
“Yeah,” I sighed with a small smile, “Hectic but that’s expected, isn’t it?”
He shot me a warm grin, nodding. “Christmas, babe.” Was all he replied with, which was fair enough, then he went to reach out to pick up a picture frame of me and a very very tiny Teddy. “When was this?”
I stepped closer and smiled down at the photo, “I was still in hospital with him then, my midwife took it.”
Matty hummed, looking down at it with a soft smile. It was then that I heard a thump sound somewhere down the hall, so I released a weighted breath and forced myself to step away, “I’ve got to go check on Teddy, he wanted to dress himself this morning and he’s been way too quiet.”
With another laugh, Matty let me go, nosing through more of the photos and cards which sat along the shelf. Something I could understand, he’d only been here just twice before, but even still, he didn’t care for how blatant he was with his nosing. 
I took the parcel with me as I went, slipping into my bedroom to unwrap and grin down at it. It was Matty’s, which is why its arrival had been so perfect. I'd begun to think that I would have to give it to him the next time I saw him. But now was as good a time as ever.
In a rush, I pulled out a gift bag and some coloured tissue paper, having no time to actually wrap it, and plopped it in. Making my way into the next room to see where Teddy had gotten to.
When I pushed his door open further than it was, I was only slightly surprised by the state of it. The rugrat in question, though, was stood by his wardrobe door, pulling an array of funny faces in its mirror.
“Oi mister, what you been up to?”
Teddy startled slightly at my voice but was giggling when he spun around to spot me. “Got dressed myself.” He stated, pointing proudly at the t-shirt he’d managed to pull on.
“Hm, so you have!” Taking in the jeans and tee combo he’d picked, I then grinned over at him, “Looking good, boyo. Could be a little stylist when you’re older, you know!”
Teddy gave me one of his impish grins and then darted over towards me. “No!” He dragged out in reply, hands clutching at my legs now he was near, his sweet mischievous face staring up at me, “Gone be like you.”
I had to press my lips together then to keep the strength of my smile at bay, his words making my heart swell. “You little charmer.” I chuckled, running a hand through his unruly locks, “Come on though, you’ve got a visitor.”
His eyes widened as he jumped back to rock onto the balls of his feet. “Mémé?” He asked excitedly and I almost felt bad about it not being her, but I knew how much Teddy had also grown to like Matty in the recent days so I wasn't too fussed.
I shook my head, “Not yet, soon though. But somebody else came to see you.”
Teddy’s eyebrows rose as he thought about who it could be and so, knowing that we could possibly be here all day, I started to steer him out into the hallway.
“Finny?” He asked, then, “Santa?”
I snorted, then shook my head to both. “Nope and no. Why don’t we just go see, hey?”
And with that I pushed the door to the living room open wider and watched on as Teddy gasped at the sight of the curly haired frontman standing by our settee.
“Matty!” He all but squealed, practically catapulting himself across the room to make a dive for the man.
Matty laughed, though also seemed startled by the reaction he’d garnered. He swept Teddy up though, all the same, and jostled him around before settling the toddler on his hip, eyes bright with something when they glanced over at me. I smiled, a heavy feeling settling itself in my chest.
“Alright, mate? What you been up to?” Matty asked Teddy, falling back onto the cushions behind them and stationing the toddler next to him.
Teddy replied in earnest, excited to tell Matty all the tales he had stored away since the last time they’d spoken, which had been a few nights previous over a FaceTime call. 
I shook my head in amusement and trailed over towards the kitchen, silenting motioning to Matty to see if he wanted a drink. The answer, as always, was yes and so I set about brewing him his usual, along with my own, taking the time to clean myself up a bit too.
By the time I walked back in, Teddy had just about finished telling Matty all the details of his last day at nursery (they’d had a party), which I’m sure the man had already heard about, but who acted as though it was the most brilliant story he’d ever been told. 
“One coffee.” I said in greeting, placing the two mugs onto coasters before taking a perch on the armchair by them.
“Ta.” Matty replied, grinning madly when Teddy cackled gleefully and repeated the word over and over. I rolled my eyes at the pair of them and took a calming sip of tea, unaware of how much I’d been in dire need of it. Whoever claimed Sunday’s were a day of rest, were liars.
“He spotted it yet then?” I asked aloud, already knowing the answer seeing as how I didn’t currently have a bouncing Teddy on my hands.
The toddler’s face wrinkled in confusion and he shot his head over to see me, I grinned from behind my mug. “Huh?” He sounded.
Matty hid his next snort well but then hummed too, pushing forward in his seat to grab at his coffee. “Oh his present, you mean?”
That had Teddy’s head spinning. “Where!”
“Manners, bubs.” I reminded, and Teddy nodded so quickly I was honestly a little worried about the whiplash he might face before his eyes were back on Matty.
“Please, present?” Teddy asked, pouting up at the curly haired man with a sudden urgency, his words butchered by his missing bottom teeth.
Matty chuckled, glad for the fact that he’d put his coffee back down in the toddler's haste, and then gestured his head over to the right. “You mean that one?”
Teddy’s eyes, if even possible, widened further, eyebrows reaching the tips of his curls and mouth dropping open as he finally spotted it.
“For me?” He gasped in awe, shuffling down Matty’s leg to approach it, all of his movements now slow as if his shock was stopping him from reacting typically. 
I leaned forward to watch on and Matty did the same, obviously nervous for Teddy’s reaction.
“For you, mate. Was walking by this shop the other day and spotted it, thought of you.” Matty told him seriously, smiling too whilst he wrung his hands together, foot tapping anxiously away, though unaware of it.
Teddy looked back at him, chewing on his bottom lip carefully, taking two more steps before he was touching the wrapping. He oohed at it softly to himself but I caught the way Matty’s face brightened at the sound.
“‘pen now?” Teds asked, his eyes drifting away from the gift, towards me and Matty both.
Matty looked over at me then too, the same question echoed on his face. I nodded with a small smirk, “Go on.”
Teddy’s eyes lit up and he spun back around to marvel at it once more, “W’ats it?”
The snort that escaped me at his ask went unnoticed by the pair as Matty moved to join the toddler on the floor. “Gotta open it up and find out, I ‘spose.”
Teddy’s grin brightened and then he fell to his bum so that he could pull the present closer. “Help?”
Matty blinked at the request and I was witness to the way his throat bobbed before he nodded, “Yeah, sure mate. Here, pull this, alright?”
Teddy did as instructed, tugging on a small opening in the wrapping. 
I noted as he began to tear away at it, how oddly wrapped it really was, meaning that Matty had probably taken the time to wrap it himself. My chest tightened again at the thought.
“Box.” Teddy announced once all the wrapping paper had been discarded on the rug behind him, and I had to bite my tongue to keep from outright laughing at the befuddled expression he gave Matty.
The man had no qualms though, simply chuckled at the question and leaned in closer to force one side of the cardboard box up a little, “Gotta open up that too, monster.”
Teddy’s brows drew together in concentration as he followed Matty’s lead, forcing the lid open more before a loud gasp escaped him. Matty went back to wringing his hands, fiddling with the rings on his fingers whilst I moved over to the settee to get a look too.
My expression faltered at the sight of the beautiful gift Matty had given Teddy. Inside the box rested a guitar in an incredible shade of deep blue, it was small enough for Teddy to hold whilst also being big enough for him to grow with. Even with my obsessive love for music, not once had I ever really thought about buying Teddy such a thing, not one of this calibre at least. It must've cost a fortune.
“Matty.” I whispered, but the man didn’t even spare a look my way, eyes trained on my toddler, trying to garner his reaction.
“You know what it is, mate?” He asked after a moment and Teddy’s little head dipped in a slow nod. Because I knew he knew, he danced around constantly pretending to have one in his hands whenever we had the tele or radio on. Where there was music blaring, there would also be a Teddy playing air guitar.
“‘tar.” Teddy stated in a soft voice, both Matty and I smiled at the way he said it, but the former nodded, pulling the instrument out of the box so that Teddy could get a closer look.
“Cool right?”
Teddy nodded silently again, reaching out a hand to carefully touch the wooden neck, blinking and reeling back when a string strummed. Before he then giggled and reached out once more.
Matty seemed to slump in relief, evidently glad that Teddy liked it. But I’d go as far to even say he adored it, never had he ever been so gentle with anything.
“Have you got something to say to Matty, Teds?” I prompted, ignoring the way my throat caught at the emotion I felt. I couldn’t quite wrap my mind around it.
Teddy pulled his eyes away from the guitar to gaze up at Matty as though he was something other. I merely blinked at the reaction and before I knew it Teddy had thrown himself into Matty’s arms, startling the man a tad. Matty welcomed him after a second though, glancing over the toddler’s head to share a look with me.
“T’ank you.” I heard Teddy muffle into the collar of Matty’s jumper then, actually saying the words this time. It seemed Matty knew what that meant too, because he tightened his hold on Teddy’s waist a little.
“You’re welcome, mate.”
The rest of Matty’s visit was used to teach Teddy a bit about the basics of a guitar, managing to play an E minor and get started on an A chord. Teddy listened to Matty with rapt attention, barely sparing anything else a second glance, which was startling for a toddler, let alone Teddy who was constantly go, go, go.
Watching them was all too lovely as well. For someone with such a cool front, Matty seemed to melt around Teddy, succumbing to that of the boy’s charm and easy going nature. It was sweet to see, surprising but endlessly sweet. Had me losing track of time, in truth. Which is why I jumped and cursed the way I did when the door finally knocked. 
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burlveneer-music · 6 months
Orbiting Human Circus - Quartet Plus Two - woozy interpretations of standards (and by "woozy" I mean "incorporating singing saws")
Orbiting Human Circus is the continuing evolution of the imagination of Julian Koster (Neutral Milk Hotel, The Music Tapes, Elephant 6), whose music and storytelling under this moniker have encompassed immersive theater and podcasts as well as more traditional EPs and singles. Quartet Plus Two is the group’s debut album. The origins of Quartet Plus Two are as magical and seemingly unlikely as everything else in Koster’s career. While walking through New York’s Central Park, he stumbled upon standup bass player Gauvain Gamon and drummer Kolja Gjoni playing Gershwin and Mingus, and, with the addition of pianist Benji Miller, a musical partnership was born. Koster’s longtime collaborators Robbie Cucchairo (horns) and Thomas Hughes (orchestral arranging and chimes) of The Music Tapes also contribute to the record. The music they make together is at once familiar and unrecognizable; while exploring new musical paths ever forward, there is something as comforting as the smell of autumn leaves or snow. Alongside those composed by Koster, Orbiting Human Circus interpret compositions by Irving Berlin, Duke Jordan, George and Ira Gershwin, and others. The use of the term “composition” is intentional and speaks to Koster’s relationship with the music of Quartet Plus Two in far more evocative terms than “cover” or even “standard.” Much like passionate young pianists will sit down to play Brahms, or children can still be found the world over singing “London Bridge,” or the traditional “Koliada” featured on this album is still sung at holiday time, this music is vital, eternal, and right now—and through the medium of the hearts and souls of Koster and Orbiting Human Circus, the spark that animates these songs has never glowed more warmly.  Starring North and Romika, the singing saws Julian Koster: saw encouraging, vocal, orchestral banjo, organ Gauvain Gamon: bass Benjamin Miller: piano Kolja Gjoni: drums And The Music Tapes Robbie Cucchiaro: trumpet, euphonium Thomas Hughes: orchestra chimes, orchestration And The Singing Saw Choir on track 9 And The Orbiting Human Circus Orchestral
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justforbooks · 1 year
Tumblr media
When Ry Cooder famously made his debut appearance at Glastonbury, playing on the Pyramid stage on a damp day in June 1990, he chose not to be backed by a band but by a second guitarist who came on sporting bright red trousers, and hair and sideburns that were very long, even by rock music standards. The duo perched on stools, surrounded by a dozen guitars, mandolins or bouzoukis, and proceeded to prove that they were both virtuoso players who could sound as thrilling as any amplified band as they switched from the atmospheric Paris, Texas to songs made famous by Woody Guthrie, Lead Belly or Jerry Lee Lewis.
Cooder’s companion, David Lindley, who has died aged 78, was a musicians’ musician. He may never have been as well known as those he played with, but he was one of the most sought-after session players in the US. Best known for his collaborations with Cooder and Jackson Browne, he also recorded with an astonishing list of musicians that included Leonard Cohen, Bob Dylan, James Taylor, Iggy Pop, Linda Ronstadt, Dolly Parton, John Prine, David Crosby, Graham Nash, Ben Harper, Rickie Lee Jones and Bruce Springsteen. They wanted to work with Lindley not just because he was a great musician who could play almost any stringed instrument, from guitar and fiddle to slide guitar and mandolin through to oud and bouzouki, but because he knew how to interpret the mood of a song, adding texture and emotion without ever dominating.
His own musical taste was far more varied than the rock or singer-songwriter styles of the stars for whom he acted as sideman. When leading his own band, El Rayo-X, he was able to branch out and demonstrate his sense of humour as he explored blues, funk and reggae. Like Cooder, he was fascinated by musical styles from around the world, and some of his most original recordings were with musicians from Madagascar, Hawaii, Norway and Jordan.
Born in San Marino, Los Angeles, he was the son of Margaret (nee Wells) and Jack Lindley, a lawyer and music fan. He grew up listening to his father’s eclectic record collection, which included music from the Middle East and Asia, and he learned to play his father’s ukulele, then the banjo. While at La Salle high school in Pasadena he formed a bluegrass band, the Mad Mountain Ramblers, and then the Dry City Scat Band, which played around the Los Angeles folk clubs and at Disneyland. He was still a teenager when he first won the annual Topanga Canyon banjo and fiddle contest, but was asked to stop competing after he had won it five times.
Lindley’s reputation was growing fast, and in 1967 he landed his first major session, playing on Cohen’s debut, Songs of Leonard Cohen. By then he had formed his first electric band, Kaleidoscope, along with Chris Darrow, with whom he had played in the Scat Band. They released their first, wildly experimental album, Side Trips, in 1967, mixing Middle Eastern music with rock, cajun, country and bluegrass, but, though they were praised by Jimmy Page of Led Zeppelin, their unique brand of “psychedelic folk” didn’t sell records. They broke up in 1970, after recording four albums, and Lindley moved to England to work with the singer-guitarist Terry Reid, who had famously turned down Led Zeppelin.
Moving back to the US, Lindley teamed up with Browne, with whom he spent the rest of the 1970s, touring and recording as a key member of his band, playing acoustic and electric guitar, slide guitar and fiddle. He perfectly complemented many of Browne’s best-loved songs, playing lap steel on Running on Empty and fiddle on Before the Deluge. Browne called him “my hero”, and other musicians asked him to play on their records when Browne did not require his services. His recordings during that period included three albums for Ronstadt, including her first No 1 album, the exquisite Heart Like a Wheel (1974), two with Rod Stewart, including his bestselling Atlantic Crossing (1975), along with albums with Crosby & Nash, Taylor, Warren Zevon and Parton.
He first recorded with Cooder on Jazz (1978) and Bop Till You Drop (1979), after which the duo began performing live together, touring in Australia and Japan. A 1979 live radio recording from Osaka was released on CD in 2021. On their tour in 1995 they were joined onstage by Cooder’s son, Joachim, and Lindley’s folksinger daughter, Rosanne, and released the album Cooder/Lindley Family Live at the Vienna Opera House.
After leaving Browne’s band in 1980, Lindley moved from sideman to band leader with El Rayo-X, which he called “more or less a party band”, and in which he matched his own songs along with a bravely varied assortment of old favourites. The band’s self-titled debut set in 1981 included a glorious, furious treatment of KC Douglas’s Mercury Blues, while Win This Record, released the following year, included the Toots and the Maytals song Premature. Mr Dave (1985) included his own reggae composition Alien Invasion, and the band’s final album Very Greasy (1988) continued to demonstrate his fascination with the Caribbean. Produced by Ronstadt, it included Ronstadt adding harmony vocals on Lord Kitchener’s calypso classic Gimme da Ting (on which Lindley played guitar and kora) and a reggae reworking of Zevon’s Werewolves of London.
While running the band, he still managed time to visit London to play alongside Richard Thompson and Rory Gallagher, and revive his love of flamenco with Juan Martin, at a Guitarists Night concert in March 1984. And he continued his session work, including albums for Browne, and for Emmylou Harris, Ronstadt and Parton on Trio (1987). In 1990 he worked with Dylan on Under the Red Sky.
Still keen to expand his musical range, he travelled to Madagascar with the guitarist Henry Kaiser to record the musicians and unique instruments of the vast island off the east coast of Africa. The aim was to present local stars to an international audience, but Lindley and Kaiser joined in several of the sessions. The resulting albums, A World Out of Time, Vols 1 and 2 (1992-93), included Lindley playing slide guitar with the traditional band Tarika Sammy and joining guitarist Rossy on a reworking of I Fought the Law, the Crickets song popularised by the Clash.
Moving on to Hawaii, this time in the company of Cooder, he recorded with the Pahinui Bros (1992) on a set that included a Hawaiian reggae treatment of John Lennon’s Jealous Guy. Further musical travels included recordings in Norway with Kaiser for The Sweet Sunny North (1994). In 1994-95 he also recorded with the Jordanian oud player Hani Naser, and between 2000 and 2004 with the reggae percussionist Wally Ingram. Their third album together, Twango Bango III (2003) included When a Guy Gets Boobs, a comment on the American diet. “I have always liked songwriters like Warren Zevon who could write something goofy and also really serious,” he explained.
In 2006 he was reunited with Browne for a short Spanish tour on which they were backed by a flamenco percussionist. Love Is Strange, a live album recorded on that tour, was released in 2010, when Browne and Lindley toured Europe and the US, and played at Glastonbury, with a set that included Running On Empty and Mercury Blues. In the same year Lindley also worked with Bruce Springsteen on The Promise. His own final solo album, Big Twang, was released in 2007.
Lindley had a wild stage image, thanks to his colourful clothes and long hair, but he never favoured a rock’n’roll lifestyle, and would often retreat to his hotel room to rehearse after a show. He hated being disturbed in the morning by hotel workers, and would imitate a dog, scratching at the door and barking, to keep them away.
He lived in Claremont, California, in a house filled with musical instruments, and was married to Joan Darrow, the sister of his Kaleidoscope colleague Chris Darrow. He is survived by Joan and Rosanne.
🔔 David Lindley, musician, born 21 March 1944; died 3 March 2023
Daily inspiration. Discover more photos at http://justforbooks.tumblr.com
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snuffydoo · 1 year
I have a question about the swap au.
What about the rest of the franchise.
I could be wrong on this but, I think all we have seen is Super paper Mario and the RPGs.
What about
Wario Land
Donkey Kong country
Donkey Kong arcade
Yoshi's island
Banjo Kazooie (and the other rare games)
Any (non smash bros related) crossovers like final fantasy or Michael Jordan or mili vanilli.
Would all the kingdoms having to be altered.
How about the TV shows, comics, and the movies equivalent of the swap universe turn out.
Is the deal that Nintendo made still happened. I understand if Nintendo doesn't exist in this au.
I can understand if you don't want to answer everything.
I'd like to apologize in advance if I'm being a bit too overwhelming.
Yeaaahhh uh
The issue with the spm swap au is that I usually like swapping everyone so it feels fair
So getting into other games can get overwhelming and messy because well
Whos gonna swap with Pauline? Donkey kong? Wario? Etc etc
Its just too much for what is supposedly
A super paper mario au
Sometimes I venture into games like Luigis mansion and stuff
But even I dont go too deep into them because once again
Finding roles for everyone is too mucj
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krispyweiss · 2 months
Song Review: Stanley Plays the Dead - “Eyes of the World”
A world that thought it didn’t need another Grateful Dead cover band didn’t know Stanley Jordan was about to form another Grateful Dead cover band.
It now stands corrected.
Stanley plays the Dead released its version of “Eyes of the World” ahead of its April 4 and 5 debut shows in Washington, D.C., and it is everything one would imagine from a guitarist like Jordan playing a song like “Eyes of the World.”
With bassist Greg Koerner and drummer Kenwood Dennard leaving the rhythm mostly intact and featuring tasteful and heartfelt vocals from Jesse Hiatt, the song is of course sold by Jordan’s fluid leads. Employing his jazzy, finger-tapping technique, Jordan evokes Jerry Garcia as if Garcia had been a guy who was first a keyboardist, rather than a banjo player, while still playing as only Jordan plays.
Crikey. It’s magnificent.
Grade card: Stanley Plays the Dead - “Eyes of the World” - A
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boombox-fuckboy · 2 years
Reasons to listen to The Cryptonaturalist:
First!! Do not fret: no cryptocurrency only cryptonature.
Cryptids of many kinds! (And like 99% of them are made up for the show).
Marvelling at the natural and extranatural world.
Learn about real creatures!
And even more about non-real creatures such as the tiny koiflys of road islands, subterranian shadowhawks, sun-burn bright neon peeper frogs, air-chilling arctic vortex beetles, migratory forests, to name a few.
Perhaps you will even wonder if you should've gone into ecology after all.
The lead travels the world with his bestie who is either a sentient RV or an AI with one for a body. She has a lovely voice and expansive within.
Snippets of excellent nature poetry and flash fiction that helped me understand poetry as a concept.
Both from creator Jarod K Anderson, who's poetry you've likely seen floating around Tumblr, and many guests.
Non-poetry features from other cryptonaturalists about the globe, played by many potentially familiar voices including: Jordan Cobb, Julia Schifini, Lucille Valentine, Justin McElroy, Hank Green, etc.
Good quality audio.
Extremely simple but complementary soundwork.
Absolutely no jumpscares.
No major story, but the same lead character and some connecting background stories.
There's a whole episode that's just cool facts and a gentle pep talk.
Very good vibes.
I mentioned the creatures but seriously, the creativity in the organisms is a delight.
Super chill, good for relaxing, daydreaming, floor time, lab work, etc.
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deakyjoe · 1 year
Out of body experience for me, a British fan, seeing Pedro Pascal talk to Chris Moyles, Roman Kemp, Perri Kiely, Jordan Banjo and Zoe Ball on their radio shows 😃
Also when he accidentally slips into a British accent 🤭🤭
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thecookieverse · 6 months
List of Characters and Series
Here is a list of all the OC's and Characters that are in the Cookieverse. OC's and media listed alphabetically
Blueberry Muffin Cookie
Hot Dog Cookie
Autumn Herald Cookie
Spring Maiden Cookie
Summer Autarch Cookie
Winter Envoy Cookie
Official Characters
American Dragon Jake Long
Lanatus Dragon Cookie (Jake Long)
Russet Potato Cookie (Arthur "Spud" Spudinski)
Chocolate Truffle Cookie (Trixie Carter)
Yellow Lily Cookie (Rose)
Banjo Kazooie An in-universe video game
Gummy Bear Cookie (Banjo)
Buffalo Wing Cookie (Kazooie)
Green Milkshake Cookie (Gruntilda)
Sausage Toad Cookie (Klungo)
Gummy Skull Cookie (Mumbo)
Steak Pie Cookie (Bottles)
Bubble-and-Squeak Cookie (Jamjars)
Big Hero 6
Maki Roll Cookie (Hiro Hamada)
Marshmallow Creme Cookie (Baymax)
Gummy Hoop Cookie (Go Go)
Yuzu Cookie (Honey Lemon)
Zucchini Cookie (Wasabi Cookie)
Taco Cookie (Fred Frederickson IV)
Pudding Pop Cookie (Chowder)
Bean Soup Cookie (Mung Daal)
Mushroom Bisque Cookie (Truffles)
Rock Candy Cookie (Schnitzel)
Calamansi Cookie (Endive)
Marshmallow Bunny Cookie (Panini)
Pickled Tomato Cookie (Gazpacho)
Alfajor Cookie (Inez)
Key Lime Cookie (Matt)
Cranberry Flan Cookie (Jackie)
Dexter's Laboratory
Omelet Cookie (Dexter)
Omurice Cookie (Dee Dee)
Quail Egg Cookie (Mandark)
Disney Fairies
Dianthus Cookie (Tinkerbell)
Water Iris Cookie (Silvermist)
Marigold Cookie (Iridessa)
Alstromeria Cookie (Fawn)
Dahlia Cookie (Rosetta)
Windflower Cookie (Vidia)
Disney Princesses
Apple Streusel Cookie (Snow White)
Blue Pumpkin Cookie (Cinderella)
Loganberry Cookie (Aurora)
Alexandrite Cookie (Ariel)
Profiterole Cookie (Belle)
Bastani Sonnati Cookie (Jasmine)
Jian Dui Cookie (Mulan)
Beignet Cookie (Tiana)
Rampion Cookie (Rapunzel)
Barmbrack Cookie (Merida)
Haupia Cookie (Moana)
Doki Doki Literature Club
Ackee Fruit Cookie (Monika)
Strawberry Cupcake Cookie (Natsuki)
Ruby Chocolate Cookie (Sayori)
Chamomile Tea Cookie (Yuri)
Earthbound (Mother)
Gum Scrap Cookie (Ness)
Apple Pie Cookie (Paula)
Custard Doughnut Cookie (Jeff)
Onigiri Cookie (Poo)
Pork Rind Cookie (Porky Minch)
Lemon Swirl Cookie (Lucas)
Prickly Pear Cookie (Kumatora)
Blue Potato Cookie (Duster)
Orange Swirl Cookie (Claus)
Kid Icarus
Angel Food Cookie (Pit)
Manzanilla Olive Cookie (Palutena)
Souvlaki Cookie (Magnus)
Chocolate Cake Cookie (Dark Pit)
??? (Medusa)
??? (Hades)
Blue Spirulina Cookie (Pandora)
??? (Gaol)
??? (Thanatos)
Salad Cookie (Viridi)
??? (Arlon)
Electrolyte Cookie (Phosphora)
Gravity Falls
Peanut Butter Cookie (Dipper)
Grape Jam Cookie (Mabel)
Club Sandwich Cookie (Grunkle Stan)
Maple Syrup Cookie (Wendy)
Empanada Cookie (Soos)
Reuben Cookie (Ford)
White Truffle Cookie (Pacifica Northwest)
Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy
Sugar Skull Cookie (Grim)
Tangelo Cookie (Billy)
Oleander Cookie (Billy)
Ed, Edd, and Eddy
Camembert Cookie (Ed)
Gelatin Cookie (Edd)
Jawbreaker Cookie (Eddy)
Caprese Salad Cookie (Kevin)
Vieux Lille Cookie (Sarah)
Dandelion Cookie (Jimmy)
Bratwurst Cookie (Rolf)
Passion Fruit Cookie (Nazz)
Granola Bar Cookie (Jonny)
Limburger Cookie (May Kanker)
Mashed Potato Cookie (Marie Kanker)
Fish Stick Cookie (Lee Kanker)
Broccoli Cookie (Edd)
Seltzer Cookie (Tom)
Choco Milk Cookie (Matt)
Peppermint Bark Cookie (Tord)
Cayenne Cookie (Blaze, OC)
Black Raspberry Cookie (Dusk, OC)
Guacamole Cookie (Eduardo)
Cinnamon Roll Cookie (Jon)
Sugar Plum Cookie (Mark)
Tomato Cookie (Jordan, OC)
Blood Orange Cookie (Blade, OC)
Garlic Cookie (Dawn, OC)
Tobacco Cookie (Paul)
Lemon Drop Cookie (Patryck)
Choco Popcorn Cookie (Bing)
Snowcap Cookie (Larry)
Lavender Cookie (Laurel)
Dipped Strawberry Cookie (Kim)
Raspberry Torte Cookie (Katya)
El Tigre
Chili Lollipop Cookie (Manny Rivera/El Tigre)
Blueberry Churro Cookie (Frida Suarez)
Paloma Cookie (Rodolfo Rivera/White Pantera)
??? (Grandpapi Rivera/Puma Loco)
??? (Zoe Aves/Black Cuervo)
??? (Carmelita Aves/Voltura)
??? (Grandmami Aves/Lady Gobbler)
Friday Night Funkin
Slushie Cookie (Boyfriend/Jacob)
Cherry Cola Cookie (Girlfriend/Amber)
Rose Water Cookie (Senpai/Kenji)
Orange Velvet Cookie (Blaze, OC) 
Soft Serve Cookie (Dusk, OC)
Waffle Cone Cookie (Vince)
Vanilla Bean Cookie (Emilia)
Devil's Food Cookie (Daddy Dearest/Maurice)
Cola Cake Cookie (Mommy Mearest/Donna)
Caramel Apple Cookie (Pico)
Candy Bone Cookie (Skid)
Mellowcreme Pumpkin Cookie (Pump)
Lemon Curd Cookie (Lemon Demon)
Starmallow Cookie (Kirby)
Battenberg Cookie (King Dedede)
Jostaberry Cookie (Meta Knight)
Tangerine Cookie (Bandana Dee)
Blueberry Cobbler Cookie (Gooey)
Berry Fudge Cookie (Marx)
Fruit Ribbon Cookie (Ribbon)
Food Coloring Cookie (Adeleine)
Bloodberry Cookie (Dark Meta Knight)
Mirror Glaze Cookie (Dark Mind)
Rainbow Frosting Cookie (Drawcia)
Stilton Gold Cookie (Daroach)
Golden Delicious Cookie (Magolor)
Tarantula Cookie (Taranza)
Honeycomb Cookie (Queen Sectonia)
Strawberry Ripple Cookie (Susie)
Golden Opulence Cookie (President Haltmann)
Rainbow Sherbet Cookie (Elline)
Fondant Cookie (Claycia)
Frozen Yogurt Cookie (Francisca)
Pepper Kebab Cookie (Flamberge)
Lemon Tart Cookie (Zan Partizanne)
Poison Hemlock Cookie (Hyness)
Blue Lemonade Cookie (Elfilin)
Veal Orloff Cookie (Leongar)
Funnel Cake Cookie (Clawroline)
Strawberry Fool Cookie (Nigel Uno/Numbuh 1)
Chili Dog Cookie (Hoagie P. Gilligan/Numbuh 2)
Matcha Choco Cookie (Kuki Sanban/Numbuh 3)
Hokey Pokey Cookie (Wallabee “Wally” Beatles/Numbuh 4)
Salted Caramel Cookie (Abigail Lincoln/Numbuh 5)
Soda Bread Cookie (Fanny Fulbright/Numbuh 86)
Lemon Meringue Cookie (Rachel McKenzie/Numbuh 362)
Caramel Macchiato Cookie (Cree Lincoln)
??? (Chad Dickson/Numbuh 274)
Black Olive Cookie (Father)
Five-Layer Cookie (The Delightful Children from Down the Lane/Sector Z)
Refried Beans Cookie (Lenny), Sour Cream Cookie (David), White Cheddar Cookie (Bruce), Pico de Gallo Cookie (Constance), and Lettuce Cookie (Alessandra). 
Valerian Cookie (Pillow Featherbed)
Sprinkle Cookie (Crumbs Sugar Cookie)
Whipped Cocoa Cookie (Mittens Fluff ‘N’ Stuff)
Circus Peanut Cookie (Peanut Big Top)
Spaghetti Marinara Cookie (Spot Splatter Splash)
Candy Jewel Cookie (Jewel Sparkles)
Rocket Pop Cookie (Dot Starlight)
Beacon Apple Cookie (Bea Spells-A-Lot)
Little Einsteins
Ditalini Cookie (Leo)
Farfalle Cookie (Annie)
Orchid Cookie (June)
Banana Pancake Cookie (Quincy)
Magic School Bus
Honeycrisp Apple Cookie (Ms. Frizzle)
Carrot Puff Cookie (Arnold)
Candy Jack Cookie (Ralphie)
Champurrado Cookie (Carlos)
Blue Taro Cookie (Tim)
Green Bean Cookie (Phoebe)
Mochi Cookie (Wanda)
Daffodil Cookie (Dorothy Ann)
Berry Smoothie Cookie (Keesha)
Marinara Sauce Cookie (Mario)
Pesto Cookie (Luigi) 
Peach Cream Cookie (Princess Peach)
Button Mushroom Cookie (Toad)
Durian Cookie (Bowser)
Garlic Sauce Cookie (Wario)
Breadstick Cookie (Waluigi)
Daisy Cookie (Princess Daisy)
Konpeito Cookie (Princess Rosalina)
Stelline Cookie (Geno)
Marshmallow Spread Cookie (Mallow)
Monster High
Lemon Mint Cookie (Frankie Stein)
Pink Licorice Cookie (Draculaura)
Wolfsbane Cookie (Clawdeen Wolf)
Melopita Cookie (Cleo de Nile)
Gummy Fish Cookie (Lagoona Blue)
Jelly Worm Cookie (Ghoulia Yelps)
Shaved Ice Cookie (Abbey Bominable)
Watermelon Snake Cookie (Deuce Gorgon
Monster Prom
Ghost Pepper Cookie (Damien LeVey)
Purple Kale Cookie (Liam de Lioncourt) 
Saltwater Taffy Cookie (Miranda Vanderbilt)
Vodka Cookie (Polly Geist)
Potato Chip Cookie (Scott Howl)
Sour Snake Cookie (Vera Oberlin) 
Succulent Cookie (Calculester Hewlett-Packard)
Ikasumi Pasta Cookie (Zoe)
Calla Lily Cookie (Joy Johnson-Johjima) 
Henbane Cookie (Hope Halko)
Blackthorn Cookie (Faith Fernández) 
Filius Blue Cookie (Dahlia Aquino) 
Keema Cookie (Aaravi Mishra) 
Belladonna Cookie (Milo Belladonna) 
Elderberry Cookie (Oz)
Cherry Pepper Cookie (Amira Rashid)
Blueberry Tart Cookie (Vicky Schmidt)
Rafflesia Cookie (Brian Yu)
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Açaí Cookie (Twilight Sparkle)
Apple Cider Cookie (Applejack)
Candy Ring Cookie (Rarity)
Pansy Cookie (Fluttershy)
Confetti Cake Cookie (Pinkie Pie)
Sports Drink Cookie (Rainbow Dash)
??? (Spike) 
Sponge Cake Cookie (SpongeBob SquarePants)
Star Sundae Cookie (Patrick Star)
Acorn Cookie (Sandy Cheeks)
Calamari Cookie (Squidward Tentacles) 
Crab Burger Cookie (Mr. Krabs) 
Lima Bean Cookie (Sheldon J. Plankton)
Chocolate Swirl Cookie (Jimmy Neutron)
Pixy Powder Cookie (Timmy Turner)
Creme Sandwich Cookie (Danny Fenton/Phantom)
Black Rose Cookie (Sam Manson)
Sour Straw Cookie (Tucker Foley)
Orange Creme Cookie (Jasmine “Jazz” Fenton)
Blueberry Fudge Cookie (Jenny Wakeman/XJ-9)
Tarator Cookie (Vendetta)
Cream Pie Cookie (Charlotte)
Star Jelly Cookie (Zim)
Astronaut Food Cookie (Dib Membrane)
O.K K.O: Let's Be Heroes!
Burrito Cookie (K.O)
Blue Agave Cookie (Rad)
Ramen Cookie (Enid)
Enchilada Cookie (Carol)
??? (Mr. Gar)
Cucumber Cookie (Dendy)
??? (Lord Boxman)
Cobra Venom Cookie (Professor Venomous)
??? (Darrell)
Orange Taffy Cookie (Shannon)
??? (Raymond)
Purple Cabbage Cookie (Ernesto)
Sausage Fruit Cookie (Jethro)
??? (Mikayla)
Knickerbocker Glory Cookie (Elodie)
Cheese Puff Cookie (Fink)
Lemon Gel Cookie (Charlie Brown)
Berry Gel Cookie (Sally)
Raspberry Jam Cookie (Linus)
Blueberry Jam Cookie (Lucy)
Mint Cream Cookie (Peppermint Patty)
Pumpkin Brownie Cookie (Marcie)
Cornflower Cookie (Franklin)
Bitter Melon Cookie (Violet)
Dirt Cake Cookie (Pig-Pen)
Cavatappi Cookie (Frieda)
Blackberry Pie Cookie (Schroeder)
Persona 3
Duck Burger Cookie (Makoto Yuki)
Strawberry Sando Cookie (Yukari Takeba)
Soft Pretzel Cookie (Junpei Iori)
Hamburger Steak Cookie (Akihiro Sanaba)
Champagne Cookie (Mitsuru Kirijo)
Miso Soup Cookie (Fuuka Yamagishi)
Toasted Bread Cookie (Aigis)
Yatsuhashi Cookie (Ken Amada)
??? (Elizabeth)
??? (Theodore)
Persona 4
Beef Bowl Cookie (Yu Narukami)
Potato Stew Cookie (Yosuke Hanamura)
Steak Cookie (Chie Satonaka)
Manju Cookie (Yukiko Amagi)
Yakitori Cookie (Kanji Tatsumi)
Vichyssoise Cookie (Rise Kujikawa)
Popsicle Cookie (Teddie)
California Roll Cookie (Naoto Shirogane)
??? (Margaret)
Persona 5
Katsu Sando Cookie (Akira Kurusu/Joker)
Black Cat Cookie (Morgana)
Meat Bun Cookie (Ryuji Sakamoto/Skull)
Chocolate Crepe Cookie (Ann Takamaki/Panther)
Jagariko Cookie (Yusuke Kitagawa/Fox) 
Nigiri Cookie (Makoto Nijima/Queen)
Curry Cookie (Futaba Sakura/Oracle)
Fruit Salad Cookie (Haru Okumura/Noir) 
Buttered Pancake Cookie (Goro Akechi/Crow)
Pea Flower Cookie (Lavenza)
Pizza Tower
Spaghetti Cookie (Peppino Spaghetti)
Lasagna Cookie (Gustavo)
Brick Cheese Rat (Brick the Rat)
Stuffed Pepper Cookie (Pepperman)
Cowboy Queso Cookie (The Vigilante)
Peanut Bar Cookie (The Noise)
Hazelnut Bar Cookie (Noisette)
Phineas and Ferb
Salsa Chip Cookie (Phineas)
Apple Dodger Cookie (Ferb)
Salsa Cookie (Candace)
Sufganiyah Cookie (Isabella)
Blueberry Kulfi Cookie (Baljeet)
Gouda Cookie (Buford) 
Black Forest Cookie (Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz) 
Gateau Cookie (Vanessa)
Powerpuff Girls
Pink Lemonade Cookie (Blossom)
Sugar Cookie (Bubbles)
Basil Cookie (Buttercup) 
Magnesium Cookie (Professor Utonium)
Banana Nut Cookie (Mojo Jojo)
Devil’s Tongue Cookie (Him)
Fruit Punch Cookie (Brick)
Blue Corn Cookie (Boomer)
Nori Cookie (Butch)
Medusa Pepper Cookie (Sedusa)
Gold Truffle Cookie (Princess Morbucks)
Orange Pippin Cookie (Ms. Keane)
Pickle Cookie (Mayor)
Sauteed Broccoli Cookie (Sara Bellum)
Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja
Buffalo Sauce Cookie (Randy Cunningham)
Curly Fry Cookie (Howard Weinerman)
Sailor Moon
Marshmallow Pie Cookie (Usagi Tsukino/Sailor Moon)
Berry Soda Cookie (Ami Mizuno/Sailor Mercury)
Furikake Cookie (Rei Hino/Sailor Mars)
Tin Cookie (Makoto Kino/Sailor Jupiter)
Myrtle Cookie (Minako Aino/Sailor Venus)
Chicken Salad Cookie (Haruka Tenou/Sailor Uranus)
Saba Sashimi Cookie (Michiru Kaiou/Sailor Neptune)
Ergot Cookie (Hotaru Tomoe/Sailor Saturn)
Cypress Cookie (Setsuna Meiou/Sailor Pluto)
Tuxedo Cake Cookie (Mamoru Chiba/Tuxedo Mask)
Candy Apple Cookie (Hello Kitty/Kitty White)
Toffee Apple Cookie (Mimmy White)
Pink Almond Cookie (My Melody)
Blueberry Roll Cookie (Cinnamoroll)
Purin Cookie (Pompompurin)
Twin Star Cookie (Little Twin Stars)
Star Sapphire Cookie (Kiki)
Star Ruby Cookie (Lala)
Black Cherry Cookie (Kuromi)
Matcha Donut Cookie (Keroppi)
??? (Tuxedo Sam)
Scooby Doo
Scooby Snack Cookie (Scooby Doo) 
Dagwood Sandwich Cookie (Norville “Shaggy” Rogers)
Sweet Potato Cookie (Velma Dinkley)
Deviled Egg Cookie (Fred Jones) 
Blueberry Cheesecake Cookie (Daphne Blake)
Concord Juice Cookie (Sibella)
Honeydew Cookie (Elsa Frankenteen)
Coney Dog Cookie (Winnie)
Ghost Pipe Cookie (Phantasma)
Babosa Cookie (Tanis)
Rosemary Cookie (Thorn)
Thyme Cookie (Dusk)
Sage Cookie (Luna)
Caffeine Powder Cookie (Sonic)
Butter Mint Cookie (Tails)
Guarana Cookie (Knuckles)
Boiled Egg Cookie (Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnick)
Pink Rose Cookie (Amy Rose)
Dark Roast Cookie (Shadow)
Pink Lady Cookie (Rouge)
Cloud Apple Cookie (Silver)
Catfish Cookie (Big)
Royal Black Cookie (Blaze)
Carrot Cake Cookie (Cream)
Stardew Valley
Hashbrown Cookie (Alex)
Crab Cake Cookie (Elliot)
Pickle Juice Cookie (Harvey)
Cheese Pizza Cookie (Sam)
Pumpkin Soup Cookie (Sebastian)
Jalapeño Popper Cookie (Shane)
Blackberry Cobbler Cookie (Abigail)
Eggplant Cookie (Emily)
Pink Cake Cookie (Haley)
Stir Fry Cookie (Leah)
Cauliflower Cheese Cookie (Maru)
Poppy Cookie (Penny)
Teen Titans
Kale Cookie (Robin)
Coriander Cookie (Starfire)
Tofu Cookie (Beast Boy)
Clam Cookie (Cyborg)
Black Currant Cookie (Raven)
The Emperor's New Groove
Lomo Saltado Cookie (Kuzco)
Ceviche Cookie (Pacha)
Prune Cookie (Yzma)
Spinach Puff Cookie (Kronk)
Total Drama Island and Action
Arsenic Cookie (Chris McLean)
Sriracha Cookie (Chef Hatchet)
Stroganoff Cookie (Eva)
Loco Moco Cookie (Justin)
Turnip Cookie (Beth)
Cronut Cookie (Katie)
Cruller Cookie (Sadie)
Opera Cream Cookie (Trent)
Pepperoni Pizza Cookie (Geoff)
Nanaimo Bar Cookie (Owen)
Jalapeño Cookie (Duncan) 
Kumquat Cookie (Leshawna)
Black Sesame Cookie (Gwen)
Sashimi Cookie (Heather)
Samosa Cookie (Noah)
Coffee Crisp Cookie (Cody)
Seaweed Brownie Cookie (Bridgette)
Biscuit Cookie (Ezekiel)
Protein Bar Cookie (Tyler)
Galette Cookie (Lindsay)
Horchata Cookie (Courtney)
Chickpea Cookie (DJ)
Toaster Tart Cookie (Harold)
Toxic Sludge Cookie (Izzy)
Total Drama World Tour
Saffron Cookie (Alejandro)
Purple Tea Cookie (Sierra)
Total Drama Revenge of The Island
MRE Cookie (Brick) 
Black Bean Cookie (Jo)
Orzo Cookie (Mike)
Orange Blossom Cookie (Zoey)
Bay Laurel Cookie (Dawn)
Collard Greens Cookie (B)
Protein Shake Cookie (Lightning)
Chokecherry Cookie (Cameron)
Pizza Pocket Cookie (Sam)
Watercress Cookie (Dakota)
Turkey Bacon Cookie (Staci)
Gelato Cookie (Anne Maria)
Kimchi Cookie (Scott)
Total Drama Pahkitew Island
Shameplant Cookie (Beardo)
Fruity Puff Cookie (Leonard)
Red Delicious Cookie (Amy)
Red Potato Cookie (Rodney)
Gala Apple Cookie (Sammy)
Princess Cake Cookie (Ella)
Lead Cookie (Topher)
Masala Chai Cookie (Dave)
Cobalt Cookie (Scarlett)
Black Pudding Cookie (Max)
Vegemite Cookie (Jasmine)
Raspberry Crown Cookie (Sugar)
Grilled Salmon Cookie (Sky)
Cordyceps Cookie (Shawn)
Totally Spies!
Poppy Seed Cookie (Clover)
Wonton Cookie (Alex)
Veggie Chip Cookie (Sam)
Chocolate Trifle Cookie (Jerry)
Blackberry Cheesecake Cookie (Mandy)
Winx Club
Nasturtium Cookie (Bloom)
Sunflower Cookie (Stella)
Tulip Cookie (Flora)
Clerodendrum Cookie (Musa)
Coralline Algae Cookie (Tecna)
Water Lily Cookie (Aisha)
Mistletoe Cookie (Icy)
Nightshade Cookie (Darcy)
Zephyr Lily Cookie (Stormy)
The Wonderful 101
Mcintosh Red Cookie (Will Wedgewood/Wonder-Red)
Cioppino Cookie (Eliot Hooker/Wonder-Blue)
Haricot Vert Cookie (Jean-Sebastian Renault/Wonder-Green)
Papanași Cookie (Mariana Kretzulesco/Wonder-Pink)
Yellowhammer Cookie (Ivan Istochinkov/Wonder-Yellow)
White Tea Cookie (Momoe Byakkoin/Wonder-White)
Black Rice Cookie (Krishna Ramanujon/Wonder Black)
Wreck it Ralph
Pound Cake Cookie (Wreck-It Ralph)
Pecan Pie Cookie (Fix-It Felix Jr.)
Beef Jerky Cookie (Sergeant Tamora Calhoun)
Marshmallow Cereal Cookie (Vanellope Von Schweetz)
Planned Characters
Series and characters that are only considered as of now
Amazing World of Gumball
Baldi's Basics
Bug Fables
Disney and Pixar
Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi
Kim Possible
Pretty Cure
Studio Ghibli
The Life and Times of Juniper Lee
Tokyo Mew Mew
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sinceileftyoublog · 7 months
Sunny War Album Review: Anarchist Gospel
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(New West)
A breakup. The death of her father. A decaying Earth. Uprooting and moving to her childhood city. On Anarchist Gospel, Sunny War looks change in the face--some unexpected, some sudden, some gradual--and transforms chaos into her best album yet. The singer-songwriter and blues guitar fingerpicker has long channeled struggles, from personal bouts with substance abuse and addiction, to the overall fight against institutional racism and police brutality, into genre-averse songs of pain and triumph. The all-encompassing Anarchist Gospel expounds on this ethos, along with a cast of collaborators including producer Andrija Tokic (Alabama Shakes, Hurray For The Riff Raff), Americana wunderkind Allison Russell, Gillian Welch creative partner David Rawlings, and My Morning Jacket's Jim James. Still, Sunny shines above all.
Take opener "Love's Death Bed", featuring backing vocals from Russell and Chris Pierce's shimmering harmonica, atop clacking drums and banjo. Sunny, who leads a chorus in a call and response, centers the song's dead-eyed stare into the soul of an ex. "Your mouth is a gun / Got bodies dropping every time you speak," she sings, making our jaws drop from the get-go. On "No Reason", a song built around Sunny's incredible desert blues riff and Jack Lawrence's steady bass, she clarifies that even though her ex might not mean to hurt her, it doesn't matter: "Good intentions that you keep / Don't change the fact that you're a beast." Sunny explores intentionality of destruction throughout the album, both in interpersonal relationships and via the environment, asking us to empathize and reflect on the space we take up. On "Shelter And Storm", she sings from the point of view of Earth itself, albeit one that has managed to survive apocalypse, repeatedly and jubilantly declaring, "The humans are away!" Yet, on "Earth", her tone is mournful and more realistic. A stunning combination of blues and jazz, bolstered by the vocal support of James, Maureen Murphy, Nickie Conley, and Kyshona Armstrong, as well as past collaborator Micah Nelson's slinky 12-string, the song reminds us that the end of the world is closer than we think, tangible if you bother to look around.
At the same time, Sunny battles self-destruction throughout Anarchist Gospel; in the lead-up to its release, she spoke about her music representing a battle between that side of herself and the one trying to make things better. On "New Day", she uses the language of addiction to wax on love, hurt, and obsession: "Believing in magic can be tragic / I'm love's junkie, I'm love's addict." One of the record's true standouts is "I Got No Fight", where pained guitars and screaming organs exemplify Sunny's desire for the days to end, depression that buzzes like a fly in her ear. On the gorgeous country tune "His Love", she sings of an unhealthy relationship, "His love fades, my love grows," and the timbres of her voice and the instruments similarly diverge, her lurking deep vocal register contrasting the spryness of the backing vocals, guitars, and pattering drums.
If Anarchist Gospel is anything, it's honest, an album that both bares its teeth and cowers, that sometimes turns inward in the face of trouble but eventually overcomes with boisterous community. On the Crass-quoting, blues stomp clap jaunt of a closer "Whole", Sunny War sings, "Today could be the last, you know / Happy's how you ought to go." Fully knowing it's easier said than done, and for some folks, impossible, Sunny nonetheless dares to dream to everyone.
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friendzonefrog · 2 years
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Morbid Curiosity - WIP Intro and Masterpost
Genre: Horror / Thriller
Rating: M (17+) [ may change or vary by installment ]
Status: Conceptualization / Plotting stage
Anthology series spanning several subgenres of horror, highlighting the weird, the paranormal, the terror in the mundane, and those who can't help but go looking for answers. Master tag: #wip: Morbid Curiosity
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🎪 #1 Funfair
▸ A college photojournalist visits the site of an abandoned amusement park harboring dark secrets and horrors unknown.
Aesthetics: the cold and wet of autumn // eerie calliope music // echoes in dark tunnels // jumping at your own reflection in a funhouse mirror // creepy clowns.
Influences: Stephen King's 'It' // Jordan Peele's 'Us'
✯ Intro post ✯ Teaser moodboard ✯ Playlist ✯ Character meme (Tens But tag game)
Tag: #wip: Funfair
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🌾 #2 Backroad Blues
Southern Gothic
▸ A big storm's brewing in Uncertain, Texas, home to a population of 80 citizens devoted to preserving the town's rich history... however gruesome it may be.
Aesthetics: banjo, harmonica, violin // old farmhouses and lakeside cabins // rusted silos and water towers // scary rednecks with double-barreled shotguns.
Influences: Supernatural // Resident Evil 7 // Jeepers Creepers
♞ Intro post coming soon! ♞ Spotify playlist
Tag: #backroad blues
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🏰 #3 The Fall of Strömberg
▸ In 1520, a banquet was set ablaze, killing a family of Swedish nobles, along with their guests. Since that night, nobody has entered the castle ruins and lived to tell the tale.
Aesthetics: fire against the night sky // gargoyles perched above you // moonlight peering in through stained-glass windows // dark dungeons and long corridors // twisted alchemy.
Influences: Dracula // a dash of Midsommar
❋ Intro post coming soon! ❋ Spotify playlist ❋ Snippet (last line tag game) ❋ Character meme / first look (Tens But tag game)
Tag: #the fall of strömberg
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🛒 #4 Night Shift
▸ Retail employees on the night shift usually have to fight to stay awake... but tonight they must fight to stay alive, as an unseen killer attempts to pick them off one by one.
Aesthetics: mannequins and their blank smiles // fluorescent lights // loud music blaring over the speakers // handprints on fogged-up freezer doors.
Influences: Scream // I Know What you Did Last Summer // Until Dawn
☾ Intro post coming soon! ☾ Spotify playlist
Tag: #wip: Night Shift
With autumn writing vibes kicking in, and spooky season right around the corner, I'm hoping to be pretty inspired and active with these for the next few months :D
I'll be doing separate tag lists for each installment, since the aesthetics are pretty different. If you're interested in being added to the tag list for one or more of these, lmk! <3
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mywifeleftme · 9 months
157: The Silver Mt. Zion Memorial Orchestra & Tra-La-La Band // "Born Into Trouble as the Sparks Fly Upward."
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"Born Into Trouble as the Sparks Fly Upward." The Silver Mt. Zion Memorial Orchestra & Tra-La-La Band 2001, Constellation (Bandcamp)
22 years ago Montreal’s other iconic prodigiously-membered post-rock band released their second LP. It’s not easy keeping all of these pro-Zion-but-not-Zionists straight, so I’ve helpfully listed and ranked each of the musicians who have passed through this constantly shifting collective from first to least-first. Let’s go!
Members of A/The/e Silver Mt. Zion Memorial Orchestra & Tra-La-La Band, Ranked
1. Mike Garson - piano 2. Annie Clark - guitar, keyboards, backing vocals 3. Brian Teasley- percussion 4. Daniel Hart - violin 5. Szabolcs Szczur – accordion 6. Davey 'Crabsticks' Trotter – Mellotron 7. Timothy Matthews – mbira 8. Buffi Jacobs – cello 9. Bach Norwood – piano, keyboards, backing vocals 10. Harriet Ballance - triangle, backing vocals 11. Japhy Ryder – floristry 12. Stuart "Peebs" Peebles – piccolo 13. Chandler Petrino – natural horn, oboe 14. Jared Pechonis – theremin 15. Toby Halbrooks - theremin 16. Corn Mo - backing vocals 17. Patrick Hewitt – theremin 18. Darin Hieb – trumpet, backing vocals 19. Rachel Woolf – flute 20. Mark Beardsworth – claviola 21. Allen Halas – percussion 22. Edwin Mendoza – viola 23. Todd Beaupré – vibraslap 24. Thaddeus Ford – trumpet 25. Paul Deemer – trombone, trumpet 26. Mike St.Clair – trombone, synth effects 27. Josh Guyer – trombone, spoons 28. Chris Curiel – trumpet 29. Heather Test – French horn 30. Victoria Arellano – classical harp 31. Sean Redman – violin, mandolin 32. Kelly Test – percussion 33. Mike Mordecai – percussion 34. Jason Garner – drums 35. Audrey Easley – flute, piccolo, EWI 36. Rick G. Nelson – viola 37. Nick Groesch – piano, keyboards 38. Keith Hendricks – percussion 39. Evan Hisey – keyboards 40. Dylan Silvers – guitar 41. Daniel Hart – violin 42. John Lamonica – percussion 43. Marcus Lopez – percussion 44. Matt Bricker – trumpet, synth effects 45. Taylor Young – percussion 46. Joe Butcher – steel drum 47. Evan Jacobs – piano, keyboards 48. Todd Berridge – viola 49. Nick Earl – guitar 50. Evan Weiss – trumpet 51. Jay Jennings – trumpet 52. Tamara Brown – violin 53. Merritt Lota – steel drums 54. Daniel Huffman – guitar 55. Timothy Blowers – harp 56. Anthony Richards – steel drums 57. Louis Schwadron – French horn 58. Andrew Tinker – French horn 59. Nick Wlodarczyk  – trombone 60. Paul Gaughran – flute 61. Isabelo Cruz – French horn 62. Bryan Wakeland – drums 63. Hayley McCarthy – viola 64. Dave Dusters – percussion, backing vocals 65. Billy Mills-Curran – flute 66. Logan Keese – trumpet 67. Ricky Rasura – classical harp 68. Tonya Hewitt – banjo 69. Daniel Poorman – slide whistle 70. Andy Parkerson – clarinet 71. Joseph Singleton – viola 72. Jenelle Valencia – violin 73. James Reimer – trombone 74. Regina Chellew – guitar, trumpet, backing vocals 75. Ryan Fitzgerald – guitar, backing vocals 76. Cory Helms – guitar, backing vocals 77. Jessica Jordan – backing vocals 78. Jenny Kirtland – backing vocals 79. Kristin Hardin – backing vocals 80. Elizabeth Evans – backing vocals 81. Neil Smith – backing vocals 82. Julie Doyle – backing vocals 83. Christine Bolon – backing vocals 84. Natalie Young – backing vocals 85. Constance Dolph – backing vocals 86. Elizabeth Brown – backing vocals 87. Apotsala Wilson – backing vocals 88. Jennie Kelley – backing vocals 89. Roy Thomas Ivy – backing vocals 90. Jamey Welch – backing vocals 91. Ethan Voelkers – backing vocals 92. Mark Pirro - bass 93. Frank Benjaminsen – backing vocals 94. Stephanie Dolph – backing vocals 95. Jennifer Jobe – backing vocals 96. Mike Elio – backing vocals 97. Kelly Repka – backing vocals 98. Jason Rees – backing vocals 99. Jeneffa Soldatic – backing vocals 100. Michael Turner – backing vocals 101. Don Congeler – backing vocals 102. Michael Musick – backing vocals 103. Melissa Crutchfield – backing vocals 104. Sandra Powers Giasson – backing vocals 105. Paul Hillery – backing vocals 106. Stephen Dix – backing vocals 107. Jessica Berridge – backing vocals 108. Melisma MacDonald – backing vocals 109. Ross Cink - backing vocals 110. Lucy Williams - choreography 111. Josh David Jordan – backing vocals 112. Brad Butler – backing vocals 113. Jason Rees – backing vocals 114. Andrew Aldenenotti – backing vocals 115. Getting hit by a bus wearing a flowing white robe 116. Tim DeLaughter - vocals, guitar, piano
Hold on. I’ve just received word that these musicians are actually members of some other band? Apologies for the confusion!
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brookstonalmanac · 1 year
Holidays 6.21
Alzheimer’s Awareness Day
Atheist Solidarity Day
Baby Boomer Recognition Day
Banjo Lesson Day
Bill Murray Day
Create a New National Day Day
Day of the Martyrs (Togo)
Father’s Day (Egypt, Jordan, Kosovo, Lebanon, Syria, UAE)
Ferris Wheel Day
Flag Day (Greenland)
Flag Burning Day
Global MND / ALS Awareness Day
Go Skateboarding Day
Het Meetjesland Day (Belgium)
International Climate Change Day
International Flower Day
International Anirida Day
International Music Day (f.k.a. World Music Day)
International T-Shirt Day
International Yoga Day (UN)
LP Day
Martyrs' Day (Togo)
Migraine Solidarity Day
Naked Hiking Day
National Aboriginal Day (a.k.a. First Nations Day or Indigenous Peoples Day; Canada)
National Arizona Day
National ASK Day
National Create a New National Holiday Day
National Day of the Gong
National Dog Party Day
National eGiving Day
National Heroes’ Day (Bermuda)
National Jimmy Day
National Professional Medical Coder Day
National River Tubing Day
National Seashell Day
National Selfie Day
National Wedding Day
National Yard Games Day
Obscenity Day
Onion Day (French Republic)
Reaping Machine Day
Reserves Day (UK)
Shades for Migraine Day
Short Story Day (Africa)
Show Your Stripes Day
Stock Up On Antiperspirant Day
Suffolk Day (UK)
SYNGAP1 International Awareness Day
T-Shirt Day
Turner Syndrome Awareness Day (UK)
Ulloortuneq (Greenland)
World Day Against ELA (Spain)
World Giraffe Day
World Handshake Day
World Hydrography Day
World Kamasutra Day (India)
World Motorcycle Day
World Music Day (Paris, France)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Gin and Tonic Season begins
Johnnie Walker Day
Lambrusco Day
National Cookie Dough Day
National Smoothie Day
Peaches and Cream Day
Red Apple Day (Australia)
3rd Wednesday in June
National Healthcare Estates & Facilities Day (UK) [3rd Wednesday]
Independence Days
Greenland (Assumed Self-Rule; 2009)
New Hampshire Statehood Day (#9; 1788)
Principality of Aigues-Mortes (Declared; 2011) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Aaron of Brittany (Christian; Saint)
Alban of Mainz (Christian; Saint)
Aloysius Gonzaga (Christian; Saint)
Day of the Crab (Pagan)
Engelmund of Velsen (Christian; Saint)
Eusebius of Samosata (Christian; Saint)
St. Henry (Positivist; Saint)
Henry Ossawa Tanner (Artology)
Leufredus (a.k.a. Keufroi; Christian; Saint)
Martin of Tongres (Christian; Saint)
Meen (a.k.a. Mevenus or Melanus; Christian; Saint)
Onesimos Nesib (Lutheran)
Ralph (Christian; Saint)
Sam Kinison Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Skateboarding Day (Pastafarian)
Solstice [1st Day of Summer in Northern Hemisphere] (a.k.a. ... 
Acophony (G’BroagFran of Anti-Music; Church of the SubGenius)
Alban Hefin (a.k.a. Litha or Midsummer; Celtic, Pagan) [4 of 8 Festivals of the Natural Year]
Aimless Wandering Day
Anne and Samantha Day
Aymara New Year (Año Nuevo Aymara; Bolivia)
Cuckoo Warning Day (it will be a wet summer if the cuckoo is heard today)
Daylight Appreciation Day
Day of Private Reflection
Day of the Martyrs (Togo)
Feast of the Great Spirit (Native American)
Fête de la Musique
Finally Summer Day/Finally Winter Day
Hump Day (Tasmania)
Indigenous New Year (We Tripantu; Año Nuevo Indígena; Chile)
International Day of the Celebration of the Solstice
Into Raymi (Incan Sun God Festival; Sacsayhuamán Andes Mountain Natives)
Jaanipäev (Estonia)
Jāņi (Latvia)
Juhannus Day (Finland)
Kupala (fertility rite)
Kupala Night (Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, Russia)
Litha (Wiccan/Pagan; northern hemisphere)
Midnight Sun Festival (Nome, Alaska)
Midsomarsblog (Norse celebration of fishing, trading & raiding)
Midsummer Baal (Celtic)
National Celluma Light Therapy Day
National Daylight Appreciation Day
National Day of Greenland
National Energy Shopping Day
Polar Bear Swim (Nome, Alaska)
Saint Jonas' Festival (Lithuania)
Solsticio de Invierno (Bolivia)
Sommar Börjar (Sweden)
Tall Girl Appreciation Day
33-1/3 Day
Tiregān (Iran)
Wadjet (Ancient Egypt)
We Tripantu (winter solstice festival in the southern hemisphere; Chile)
Wianki (Poland)
Willkakuti (Andean-Amazonic New Year; Aymara)
World Humanist Day
World Peace and Prayer Day
Yule (Wiccan/Pagan; southern hemisphere)
Sub-Human Cannonball (Muppetism)
World Humanist Day (Pastafarian)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
Umu Limnu (Evil Day; Babylonian Calendar; 29 of 60)
Ain’t She Sweet (WB LT Cartoon; 1952)
Alpocalypse, by Weird Al Yankovic (Album; 2011)
Anna (Film; 2019)
The Bling Ring (Film; 2013)
The Blue Umbrella (Pixar Cartoon; 2013)
Bon Ives, by Bon Iver (Album; 2011)
Chinatown (Film; 1974)
Cocoon (Film; 1985)
Creepin on ah Come Up, by Bone Thugs-N-Harmony (EP; 1994)
Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg, by Richard Wagner (Opera; 1868)
Donald and the Wheel (Disney Cartoon; 1961)
Don’t Go Breaking My Heart, by Elton John and Kiki Dee (Song; 1976)
The Hunchback of Notre Dame (Animated Disney Film; 1996)
Impact is Imminent, by Exodus (Album; 1990)
Lifeforce (Film; 1985)
Lilo & Stitch (Animated Disney Film; 2002)
The Litterbug (Disney Cartoon; 1961)
Minority Report (Film; 2002)
Mr. Tambourine Man, by The Byrds (Album; 1965)
Monsters University (Animated Pixar Film; 2013)
Moves Like Jagger, by Maroon 5 (Song; 2011)
The Parent Trap (Film; 1961)
The Promise of Joy, by Allen Drury (Novel; 1975)
Return to Oz (Film; 1985)
The Rocketeer (Film; 1991)
Smoking: The Choice is Yours (Disney Educational Cartoon; 1981)
Sweet Child o’ Mine, by Guns n’ Roses (Song; 1988)
The Te of Piglet, by Benjamin Hoff (Spiritual Book; 1993)
Toy Story 4 (Animated Pixar Film; 2019)
A Walk on the Wild Side, by Nelson Algren (Novel; 1956)
Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (Film; 1966)
World War Z (Film; 2013)
Today’s Name Days
Adalbert, Florentina (Austria)
Margareta, Naum (Croatia)
Květa (Czech Republic)
Sylverius (Denmark)
Kaari, Karlotte, Karola, Karoliine, Karolin, Lota (Estonia)
Into (Finland)
Silvère (France)
Adalbert, Florentina, Margot (Germany)
Methodios (Greece)
Rafael (Hungary)
Ettore, Silverio (Italy)
Imula, Maira, Rasa, Rasma (Latvia)
Silverijus, Žadvainas, Žintautė (Lithuania)
Salve, Sølve, Sølvi (Norway)
Bogna, Bogumiła, Bożena, Florentyna, Franciszek, Michał, Rafaela, Rafał, Sylwery (Poland)
Metodie (România)
Maria, Valeria (Russia)
Valéria (Slovakia)
Florentina, Silverio (Spain)
Flora, Linda (Sweden)
Earl, Earline, Errol, Fatima, Ofelia, Omar, Omarion, Ophelia (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 173 of 2024; 193 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 3 of week 25 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Duir (Oak) [Day 10 of 28]
Chinese: Month 5 (Wu-Wu), Day 4 (Geng-Xu)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 2 Tammuz 5783
Islamic: 2 Dhu al-Hijjah 1444
J Cal: 22 Sol; Oneday [22 of 30]
Julian: 8 June 2023
Moon: 11%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 4 Charlemagne (7th Month) [St. Henry]
Runic Half Month: Dag (Day) [Day 12 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 1 of 94)
Zodiac: Cancer (Day 1 of 31)
Calendar Changes
Cancer (The Crab) begins [Zodiac Sign 4; thru 7.22]
Summer [Season 3 of 4; thru 9.23]
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mxmasters · 1 year
should you fight the serpent's hand?
Jordan: yeah fuck that guy
Banjo: no
Skye: no
Clark: GOD no.
3 notes · View notes