#Judge: rip to Red but I'm different
evasive-anon · 5 months
Jason Attacking Tim at Titans Tower
Fanon vs Canon
We've all seen the versions in fanfiction but I'm not so sure everyone's seen the original so if you're one of those batfam fans who doesn't want to read the comics (regardless of reasons) but you are curious about how it actually went this is for you.
What I'm addressing:
What does Jason actually say to Tim during the attack?
Did Jason drug all the other Titans?
Did Jason really wear a Robin costume?
Did Jason slit Tim's throat or call him replacement?
Did Jason actually break Tim's bo staff?
Was Tim crying or scared?
Did Jason write a message on the wall in Tim's blood?
Did Jason's eyes glow green?/Did he follow pit rage mechanics?
Panels and details below. This is a LONG one.
What did Jason actually say to Tim during the attack?
Dialogue in fanfiction during the Titans Tower attack varies based on what kind of fic you're reading but usually its either 'time to clip Replacement's wings' if its staying a beatdown whump 'or oh no precious lil bby why is no one watching you' if its an accidental child acquisition. Not judging either option, but this ain't about them its about the real shit.
Look at these opening lines:
Hey, Tim. I was here first.You're the Red Hood. You've been cleaning up Gotham the easy way. Easy? What do you know about easy, Tim? You had a father that looked after you. You went to a private school, right? You slept in a bed. I slept on the streets, I lived in the alleyways in Gotham. Trying to survive. Until Bruce took me in. I trained as hard as I could. I did whatever he asked. . . at least at first. But it didn't matter. They said I wasn't tough enough to be robin. But today, they say you are. Show me, Tim. Show me what you have that I didn't.
Jason really puts himself out there in all of his dialogue in this encounter, the struggle of having to fight for anything and everything he got in life, even the things that came to everyone else for free, and then being told he wasn't even good enough for the things he fought for.
There's a trope in fanfics that if Jason knew Tim stalked Batman and forced his way into being Robin that it would change how Jason felt about the situation but that's even addressed in this comic:
You were a kid, worried about how Batman was spiraling down into darkness. You spent weeks tracking the dark knight. Solving a mystery no one else could. You discovered who he was behind that mask. Millionaire Bruce Wayne. You were so pleased with yourself, I'm sure that you forgot who you were really dealing with. I know Bruce Wayne. And let me tell you, Tim if someone was trying to find out who Batman really was. If someone was stalking him for weeks. He'd know about it. You can't be that good. I am. He let you find him. And I bet he said the same thing to you as he did to me, didn't he? That you had a talent to make a difference in Gotham. That he needed someone he could trust in war on crime. That you were one of a kind. The light to his darkness. Robin, the Boy Wonder.
Tim saying 'I am' is really such a moment that doesn't come through in text because he is right that he really did do that but I also completely understand why Jason wouldn't believe it.
TBH my favorite part is how done Tim honestly sounds with Jason thoughout all his trauma dumping. Like imagine a grown man who used to work the same part time job as you breaking into your house, dressing up in your work uniform, ranting about how much the job ruined his life while he beats your ass??? God, and he probably had to write a fucking report about it after. RIP Timmy.
What do you want? Do you want to be Robin again? Is that it? You... want to take it away from me? Why in the hell would I ever want that? Don't you get it? When I died no one cared! No one remembered me. Are you completely insane? No one could forget you. I've spent my entire career wearing this mask under your shadow. I had to convince Batman to let me try this. All because he'll never stop blaming himself for what happened to you. You ask me, that's the only reason he hasn't taken you down. He's holding back. But me? No freakin' way. That's the Robin I wanted to see. Still. You do realize the whole idea of training a teenager to fight against something he'll never eradicate is a mistake. It didn't even surprise anyone when I died. When I failed. I failed-- but I'm still beating you. Do you think you're that good now?! Do you really, Tim? Yes.
Tim bashing Jason across the face as he says 'no freakin' way'? *chefs kiss*
Jason drugging the other Titans to knock them out?
Little bit true, Kory was actually just already away from the tower and BB and Cyborg were about to bounce because of the drama going on with Donna's return but Jason like super tazes them and then drugs Raven who he thought already went through enough shit without him knocking her out violently.
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Note: Jason says in the text here that he never rolled with Cyborg or BB but like he actually did in some comics so?? The continuity is lie I guess idk.
Did he show up in Red Hood gear or a Robin costume?
Both tbh but he spent most of the time in the Robin costume but bro actually made a stripper rip away version of his Red Hood gear so he could dramatically reveal the Robin costume underneath. I can't believe no one ever includes that in their fics its so fucking funny.
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Does he call Tim 'replacement' or slit his throat?
No, this came from a Batman comic with Hush not Teen Titans. That incident takes place in a graveyard not Titans Tower and he calls Tim pretender not replacement.
Does Jason break Tim's staff?
Tragically, no. The bo staff snap would have been iconic. Instead he just takes Tim's staff and beats Tim up with it and breaks stuff. BUT!! He uses it to bust a statue in the TITANS MEMORIAL ROOM which is a place in Titans Tower just for having statues of dead previous titans and Jason is rightfully pissed he didn't get one. Like Tim is correct in saying no one forgot him still but like I would be hurt too if all my friends made cool statues of friends that died and then just left my zombie ass out, like wtf.
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Note: I am seriously losing my shit that I have never seen someone bring up the memorial room in a fanfic. That is so much angst material. 😭
Tim crying/ being scared?
Hell no. He's a fucking Robin you know he's being a sassy boy the whole time, even towards the end when he's about done he's still saying he's her and I love Tim for that.
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Note: There are a few different times where Tim does a flippy Robin move and then Jason just fucking copies it like flexing that he can do it too, and its just so petty and stupid he's trying so hard to be better than an actual child. 💀I get why in the context of the situation but its still so ridiculous.
Message on the wall in Tim's blood?
TBH I really don't know for sure on this one?? Like its implied that he did but Tim isn't bleeding all that much throughout this beatdown and like we don't see Jason do it just the Titans reacting to seeing it after. It could be Tim's blood, it could be red paint, and it could even be that Jason packed an actual bucket of blood to bring with him to write a message with after he finished. TBH the world is your oyster on this one.
Note: If anyone can find another comic where this event was brought up where they actually clarify it was Tim's blood hmu and I'll update this but I couldn't find any.
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Pit rage/ glowing green eyes?
Fanon only at this point in the comics. Jason is seems to be himself and even thinks Tim and his friends are pretty cool at the end, and he's just like reflecting on if he had good friends if he would have turned out better as he leaves.
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lousypotatoes · 2 months
What A Glorious Feeling
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This chapter takes place after the pilot but before the first episode of the series.
Reader is a falcon demon, doesn't have a beak, wings drape over her kinda like Valentino's (i want him dead), reader has gray skin, usually wears a black tube top, black and white pinstripe pants, black boots, and has a daisy in her hair. Reader has the eyes and ears of a falcon and is also slightly cannibalistic.  Reader can summon any weapons at will and can move things with her mind, whenever she does this, her eyes glow red. Like Alastor, reader can also summon anything at will. If you had something else in mind for how the reader looks, you are more than welcome to imagine something different. 
I know Alastor is canonically aroace, but obviously, in this story he is not. Also, in this book, nobody knows the Radio Demon's name unless he decides to tell them. Sorry I should of said this earlier.
Song Recommendation:
I Did Something Bad - Taylor Swift
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9
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Present day...
"Ah Dustin," Y/N said, walking over to the man, who was cowering in the corner. "You broke our deal. You know what happens to people who don't keep their word with me, don't you?"
"Please," he begged. "Give me one more month I promise-"
"You said the exact same thing six months ago," she spat angrily, her wings unfolding. 
"I swear-thi-this is the last time," he stuttered. "I just need-"
She summoned red chains, that latched onto Dustin's neck. Tugging the chains over to him, she grabbed his face, digging her claws into his cheeks. He let out a yelp of pain. 
"The deal was that if I killed your pathetic wife, I'd get your soul, and you would get me what I needed from that idiot overlord who thinks he's the shit, just because he's a pimp!" Y/N snarled, digging her claws in harder, drawing blood. "I have been more then generous towards you, and this is how you repay me?"
"I'm trying!" he cried out, tears running down his face. "Please just don't kill me!"
She had a small frown on her face. "I should rip you apart limb by limb," she said, calmly but in a deadly voice. "But I'm not goin' to do that," She removed the chains from his neck and put him down. 
"Thank you so much Assassin," Dustin said, wiping the blood off his cheeks. "I swear I will-"
He never finished his sentence. As fast as lighting, she summoned an axe and chopped his head clean off. 
"Instead, I'll make this is as quick and painless for you," she giggled, licking off the blood from the axe. "I'll have to thank Carmilla for the angelic steel at the next overlord meeting."
Using the axe, Y/N chopped up his limbs and stuffed them in a trash bag she had brought with her. 
"Cannibal town here I come," she smiled once she was done.
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"Knock, knock," she said, knocking at the parlor door. 
"Y/N!" Rosie exclaimed upon seeing you. "What are you doing here so soon?" 
"I brought you a little somethin' to snack on," Y/N said, holding up the trash bag. 
"Oh you spoil me so much, my dear," Rosie said, licking her lips. 
"Anything for my closest friend," Y/N said, handing her the trash bag. 
"This is the fifth one this month," Rosie said, opening up the bag. "Sinners know better than to break a deal with you."
"They'll never learn, Rosie," she giggled as she took a seat on the couch. "Did you see the news the other day?"
"The Princess sure does have her hopes up for this hotel," Rosie answered, pouring herself a cup of tea. "Tea, Y/N?"
"No thank you," Y/N answered. "Do you think anyone would actually check in to that hotel?" 
"Who knows at this point," Rosie said, sipping her tea. "But judging by how people reacted, I don't think it's going to work out," 
"Shame," Y/N said. "It's a good idea, if it's actually possible."
"Say Y/N," she said, setting her cup down. "A friend of mine just recently got back into town. He's staying at this hotel," 
"Oh yeah?" Y/N asked curiously. "Who is it?"
"The Radio Demon," she said simply. 
Y/N's eyes widened in surprise. "He's been gone for seven years," she said. "Why on Earth would he return now? And why would he be stayin' at the Princess's hotel?"
"Satan knows," Rosie replied. "Y'know, you and him would really hit it off."
Y/N's eyebrow rose up. "Sorry my darlin'," she said, lightly chuckling. "The Radio Demon is most certainly not my type."
"You don't even know him," Rosie said, a slight frown on her face. 
"I don't need too," Y/N said curtly. "From what I know, he seems like a self-absorbed prick."
"Oh c'mon," Rosie nudged you. "The both of you have so much in common! You both like whiskey, you both like jazz, you both like killing people-"
"Why all of a sudden are you tryin' to play matchmaker?" Y/N interrupted. "And why The Radio Demon out of people?"
"Because you need to get out there!" Rosie said, smoothing out her dress. "Ever since I've known you, one of the main things you talk about is how in love you were when you were alive. What was his name again?" 
"His name was Alastor," she said, her heart hurting. "I've searched all of Hell Rosie. Either he's up in Heaven, or the Exorcists got to him."
"That's why I want you to meet him," Rosie said, patting Y/N's shoulder. "Please? Do it for little ol' me?" 
"I suppose so," she sighed. "I was already thinkin' about checkin' out the hotel anyway."
"Marvelous!" she exclaimed, clapping her hands together "I promise, you won't regret it!"
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Landing in front of the hotel, she knocked at the door, feeling nervous, her wings fluttered behind her. 
"I'm coming!" chirped a feminine voice from behind the door. 
Fiddling with the hem of her top, Y/N waited until the person opened up the door. 
 The princess herself opened the door. "Hello! And welcome to the Hazbin Hot-"
Upon seeing your face in the doorway, she immediately slammed the door shut. 
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"Vaggie!" Charlie cried out. 
"What is it?" Vaggie asked, coming down the staircase. 
"The Assassin is at the door," Charlie panicked, pointing at the door. "What do we do?" 
"Really? Another fucking overlord?" Vaggie angrily said, walking over to the door. "I'll handle this."
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The door opened up a second time. Instead of the princess, a girl with a large X over her eye appeared in the doorway. 
"What the hell do you want?" she asked suspiciously. 
"There's no need to be so hostile," Y/N said, putting up her hands. "I'm here to simply offer up my services."
"We don't need you to kill anyone,"
"Not those kinds of services," she laughed. "I want to help with your hotel."
"Thanks, but we already have an overlord helping us," Vaggie said, eyeing her up and down. 
"The Radio Demon, yes I know," she said, crossing her arms. "I still want to help,"
As Vaggie was about to close the door, Charlie popped up beside her. 
"Wait Vaggie, we could use her help," she said, smiling. "With two overlords helping us, we can get a lot more done!" 
"You have a point," Vaggie grumbled. "But I'm keeping my eye on you," 
Charlie beckoned you to come in. "Thank you, Princess Morningstar," Y/N said, stepping inside.
"Oh please, just call me Charlie," she waved off. "This is Vaggie," she gestured to the girl with the X.
"It's a pleasure to meet you both,"
"Thank you!" Charlie gushed. "Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel-er-"
"Y/N," she said. "My name is Y/N."
"Right! Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel Y/N! Would you like a tour?"
"Of course,"
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"Why does the bar look like that?" Y/N asked after the tour was over. 
"Someone blew it up a few days ago," Charlie said simply. "Our facility manager fixed it up so it's nothing to worry about!" 
"Oh-uh-" Y/N didn't know was to say. "I'm glad it's all fixed."
"Oh my gosh!" she exclaimed. "I have to introduce you to everyone! C'mon!" Charlie grabbed her arm and dragged her away. 
"This is Nifty, our maid," she said gesturing to the small demon, cleaning the floor. "Nifty, this is Y/N, she'll be staying with us 
Nifty turned around and her eye widened and she smiled in a scary way. 
"Ooooo! I've never seen a bad girl before!" she said menacingly as she crawled up on you. "Do you want to punish some bad boys with me?"
"Just give me the time and place, sweetie," Y/N said, putting Nifty down. Nifty quicky ran off.
"She's mostly harmless," Charlie said nervously. "Just don't let her bite you."
"I'll keep that in mind," she laughed. 
"This is Husk, our bartender," she said gleefully. 
Husk was drinking from a bottle, he nodded at Y/N but didn't say anything. 
"It's nice to meet you, Husk," she said politely. 
Husk recognized her at second glance, almost spitting out his booze, he decided not to say anything about it, though. 
"Oooooo heya Y/N~" said a voice. 
Y/N turned around and grinned. "It's nice to see you again Angel Dust,"
"Ohhh it's nice to see you too baby~" he said seductively. 
"Oh that's wonderful!" Charlie exclaimed, her eyes sparkilng. "You two know each other!"
"Yeah, we met at a party a while back," Y/N explained. "He kept wantin' to look at a sword that I had just got."
"Y'know babycakes," Angel said, walking over to her. "I could show you my sword, if you want~"
"Another time, Angel," Y/N laughed, Charlie laughed awkwardly with her. 
"Well, I think that's it!" Charlie said, clapping her hands together. "I'll show you to your room and if there's anything you need, just-"
"Oh, we have a new guest?  Heavens, why didn't anyone tell me?" said a staticky voice. 
Y/N turned and saw the infamous Radio Demon standing right behind her. Upon closer inspection, there was a look in his eyes that seemed familiar. 
Too familiar. 
Y/N had loved looking into those eyes, it had brought comfort to her. 
"Oh my gosh! How could I forget!" Charlie said. "Y/N is going to be helping us around the hotel just like you!" 
At the mention of her name, something pulled at Alastor's heartstrings. 
"Well, we need all the help we can get, that's for certain," Alastor laughed.
That laugh, Y/N had imagined it every single day when she arrived in Hell.
"Y/N, this is our facility mana-"
Her voice, it sounded like an angel. Alastor remembered the first time he heard it. Everything clicked into place for the both of them.
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Sorry if all the characters are a little ooc. I need to rewatch the show lmao. 
stay safe out there you little rascals <33
xoxo, Izzy
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The Greatest Gift of All (JJK Men x Black!Fem!Reader 18+ One Shot)
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"How’s this for a Christmas gift, hm?"
Pairing: JJK Men x Black!Fem!Reader
Synopsis: In which your friends take it upon themselves to help you release your inner slut by taking you to a glory hole for the first time to get you some dick for Christmas. Many of them.
Warnings: Smutty Smut; 18+ (MINORS GTFO); Dubcon/R*pe (to be safe); Reader is Fem; Reader is Black-coded; Reader Has Breasts/ Pussy/Brown Nipples/Thick Thighs/Curves; Gloryhole; Deepthroating; Face-Fucking; Hair-Pulling; SLOPPY Blowjobs & Cunnilingus; Fingering; Anal Play/Anal; Ripping Clothes; Some Dacryphilia; Unprotected PIV Sex; Creampies; Bukkake; Consensual Gangbang; Petnames; Degradation; Praise; Aftercare
Petnames According to Characters:
Gojo: Cutie
Geto: Baby Doll
Nanami: Darling
Sukuna: Princess
Choso: Mama
Mahito: Kitty
Toji: Little Girl
Shiu: Pretty Girl
Ino: Sugar
Todo: Gorgeous
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters mentioned in this fic. However, as this is my writing, I do not give permission for my work to be reposted on any other sites that are not from my own accounts. Thank you!
*IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: Regarding the "dubcon/r*pe" warning, while the reader does consent to a gangbang, there are parts in this one shot where she does not VERBALLY consent to different, sexual things done to her, BUT does enjoy them.
Writer’s Note: MERRY (early) CHRISTMAS, YA FILTHY SLUTS!! I'm wine drunk & going to bed. Brace yourselves. This one is very long & VERY nasty. Enjoy & stay sexy! Love you! -Jazz
You stand in front of the strange building with its glowing, neon sign pointing down the stairwell beneath the building, staring at them like they’re the gates leading straight to Hell.
“You’ve got to be fuckin’ joking,” you whisper to yourself. 
You turn to your friends who excitedly stare at you under the glowing street lamps, their excited breaths leaving their mouths in puffs of air in the cold December night. “This was your gift to me for Christmas?!” you squeak. “A glory hole?! You brought me to a fuckin’ glory hole of all places?!” 
“Surprise!” Shoko shouts while Mai excitedly giggles. Beside her, Maki just looks ready to get inside somewhere and get warm, hugging herself in her waistcoat. “We said we were taking you to one of the greatest places on Earth,” Shoko continues, puffing on her cigarette in her red coat and nylon stockings. 
You would’ve thought judging from her outfit, along with the rest of the girls’, that you were going to a nightclub after dinner, which was what the girls originally told you they were taking you to before mentioning taking you to “the greatest place on Earth”. They left you complete in the dark during the car ride here, and now you understand why. “Shoko, one of the greatest places on Earth is Disney World or a spa. Nothing a damn glory hole. Like…I can’t even believe this.” 
You press your hands to your temples, rubbing them as if that will help this unbelievable situation process quicker. Mai giggles in between Shoko and her sister in her faux fur coat, her glossy lips curled into a smile. “Believe it, baby,” she chuckles. “We brought you here as a way to show you that we appreciate you. It’s the best Christmas gift we could come up with for you.” 
You gape at her. “You seriously couldn’t have came up with something else to get me? Like a bag or even a vacation? This is what you decided on?” You motion to the building, exasperated. “I would’ve even had taken a club hop and dinner, which I thought y’all were taking me to!” 
That was the whole reason why you dressed up in your best sexy clothes for tonight: a mini dress that hugs your curves and ass, and makes your skin pop with its bright color (you wanted to catch eyes tonight); nylon stockings that stick to your shapely legs and thick thighs; a push-up bra to show off your breasts to every eligible, sexy guy on the street; rhinestone heels that you can still walk and dance in. You did your hair, letting your braids/twists/coils/curls down to bounce around your face that Mai perfected for you with eyeshadow, blush, and Fenty Gloss to make your plump lips look even more appetizing. 
Now you’re getting the feeling that Mai only did your makeup just so it can be ruined in here. 
“And we still will!” Shoko protests. “Honey, no way am I giving up on that hibachi dinner. And if you’re still in the mood and got all your energy after this, we can go clubbing. The night is still young, girl!” 
“Plus, the clubs don’t open till about 8,” Maki chimes in, hugging herself tight in her black coat. She’s still wearing her glasses despite her eyes coated in dark eyeshadow and sharp eyeliner. “We’ve got an hour till then.” You stare at her, wanting to throw a tantrum. “You’re not supposed to chime into this, Maki,” you groan. “You’re supposed to be the sensible one!” 
“She’s the one who had the idea,” Mai giggles. “My sister can be such a slut sometimes.” She bumps her hip with Maki’s, making the long-haired girl blush behind her spectacles. “Stop,” she whines. “And logically speaking, the best cure for winter blues and burnout is sex. It’s scientifically proven.” 
You squint at her, not believing a word she says. “Is it though?” you argue. Maki just shrugs, not denying or arguing back. “I mean, how did you even find this place?” 
“It’s been here for a hot minute,” Shoko explains. “Plenty of young, tender folks like us venture in and out of here for a quickie. I’ve been going here for the longest ‘cause it makes for a great spot for a no-strings-attached, hot, anonymous sex.” She gives you a wink that makes your stomach churn. “And it’s a reverse glory hole too, meaning you can get your nut as well as give someone else theirs.” 
You stare at your friends and then at the blinking neon sign pointing down the staircase like it descends into Hell. You can hardly imagine yourself walking in there in your mini dress and heels, looking all pretty, only to be wrecked by the strangers wandering in and out of the dark that you don’t even know. Let alone their faces! You step away from your friends then, putting your hands out to stop them from coming near you. 
“No,” you firmly say. “No way am I going in there. I’d rather go to the club and fuck somebody in the bathroom than do this.” 
As soon as you say it, you know that it is the wrong thing to say. Shoko raises a questionable eyebrow at you. “So what’s the difference between fuckin’ a guy in a nightclub bathroom and fuckin’ a guy at a glory hole? Either way, you don’t know the dude!” 
You flush embarrassingly, knowing that she’s right. “And each guy that comes in is tested and has background checks, so no weird shit,” Mai adds. “Don’t worry; we’ll show you everything once we get in.” She goes to take your hand, but your hand goes slack, your fingers refusing to interlock with hers. Your stomach is churning like you’re about to vomit and you feel like you can’t breathe despite the frigid air surrounding you. “I'm sorry, girls, but I can’t. I’m gonna take an Uber back and–“ 
“The hell you are!” Shoko scoffs, glaring at you. “We paid $25 each to get you your own private room for an hour and you’re not about to waste this gift.” Maki huffs exhaustingly, visibly shivering in her coat. “Can we please just get out of the cold? I’m freezing my tits off at this point.” 
You look back up at the glory hole sign, biting your lip. “I-I don’t know…” The truth is you do want to go in. You want to throw caution to the wind and experience what the girls are saying will get you out of your rut that has been bugging you since November came and hasn’t left since despite Christmas finally being here and all of that hard work (and money spent) being done. You’ve been working extra hard to rack up for Christmas gifts and save money, which means working extra hours at work and budgeting….even if that meant calling off plans with your friends and staying in. 
It has made you extremely stressed and they say that sex is the best stress reliever. And you’ve wanted sex for the longest time. You want nothing more than to feel hands on your body; lips on yours; a thick, throbbing cock filling you up; someone taking care of you the way you can’t. The most you can do is use your fingers and sex toys that you keep close to you in your nightstand, and though it feels good, each orgasm has been feeling more unsatisfying than the last. 
You need something more. Something intense. Explosive. You need your hair pulled and your ass spanked. You need your mouth filled as you’re told what a naughty slut and a good girl you are. But the idea of doing this with someone you barely know, let alone multiple men, makes you nervous. 
Mai must sense your apprehension because you squeezes your hand tight. “Hey,” she says soothingly. “We know you’re apprehensive and we know you were looking to a normal gift and some food, but we only did this because we know how burnt out you’ve been lately. Every time we see you, you’ve got dark circles under your eyes and you’ve mentioned how you’ve been sleeping less and less.” 
“And you cancel plans with us nowadays just to work,” Shoko adds. 
“And you’ve mentioned before how you’re not dating,” Maki adds. “So that only adds more stress to you.” Maki eagerly nods. “It’s not good for the body or for her!” She nods down at your thighs and you flush harder, hugging your coat flaps together to hide yourself from review. 
You know that they’re right. Dammit, all of them are! You’ve been noticing how haggard you’ve been looking and no kind of creams or vitamins are making it better. Not to mention how irritable you find yourself getting over minor shit, like a stain on your shirt or someone stepping in front of you in a line. While irritating, you find yourself wanting to flash out more and more. It doesn’t feel good, especially now that you know your friends have noticed it too. 
Maki squeezes your shoulder comfortingly. “You’ve been working so hard, Y/N, and you deserve a reward for that. What better way to be rewarded than to get fucked by a bunch of sexy guys all at once?” She winks at you, giving you an encouraging smile. “Just trust us. We’d never steer you wrong. You’re going to love this!” 
You, once again, gnaw on your bottom lip harshly. “Well…” You look at the sign and the steps again, wondering just what will await you once you venture down those steps. You don’t know what it is, maybe the comfort and encouragement sparkling in your friends’ eyes or the undeniable ache between your thighs, but you find yourself giving in to temptation and accepting their “gift” to you. “Okay,” you sigh. “Let’s go.” 
Shoko and Mai let out a loud cheer while Maki sighs in relief, happy to finally be escaping the December cold. Maki hooks your arm through hers while Shoko practically drags to toward the staircase with its iron railing and concrete steps. You carefully step down each in your heels, your heart thundering in your chest the closer to get to the door to the secret club. Once you finally make it down the steps, Shoko knocks on the door thrice, causing a guard to emerge from inside. He eyes each of you curiously yet intimidatingly, towering over each of you. 
“Hi, there!” Mai greets, giving him a finger waggle with her manicured nails. “We’re here for the party. Champagne floats.” At this, the guard gives a wordless nod and asks for your IDs to which you show him. Once he sees every single one, he steps away from the door and lets you inside. “Have fun,” he grumbles, humor in his tone despite his rough voice. 
“Oh, we will,” Shoko chuckles. “Especially her.” She wraps an arm around you as she guides you inside the building which starts off as a dark hallway only lit by Christmas lights strewn along the walls as decoration, making your journey much more intense…and also exciting. With each click of your heel and your friends’ excited, hushed whispers, you can feel each emotion tighten into a ball inside of you, threatening to explode. When you finally reach the end of the hall, soft music with an R&B twang hits your ear as you come to the front desk where a young woman in a leather dress, piercings, and very nice breasts pushed up purposely high on her chest greets you four. “Welcome to the Underground,” she greets you in a sultry yet kind voice. “First time here?” 
“Not for us,” Shoko explains, “but for her, yes. Go easy on this one.” She nudges you, earning a glare and a giggle from your friends. “That’s alright,” the desk clerk giggles. “I’ll show you around and how everything works around here. Just let me look up your name and what room you’ll have tonight.” 
After looking up your name and finding your location, that being in the “master room” (whatever the fuck that means), she walks you and your friends down the endless hallway of doors. You believe you hear moans and lewd, wet sounds that remind you of unholy activities, but maybe that’s just your paranoia talking. The clerk brings you to a gorgeous foyer space with carpeted floors, arm chairs and a blazing fireplace. The atmosphere gives you a cozy yet sensual feeling. 
“This is what we call the Master Hall,” the clerk explains. “It’s for renters with the most money, which means the rooms come with more complementary items, such as a shower, furniture, and drinks for hydration.” She walks over to one of the many doors surrounding the hall, using a key to unlock it. 
“We’re just the peasants tonight,” Shoko whispers, earning giggles from the Zenin sisters. 
The door is opened, revealing a beautiful and tasteful booth-like room (big enough to hold three people) that smells of lavender and vanilla. It comes with a shaggy carpet that sits between two armchairs, a loveseat, and a small table littered with mini water bottles, packages snacks, and a small tablet with its cord connected to a wall…a wall littered with holes. It is the same thing on the wall behind you. 
Holes for cocks. Holes to fit your legs through for your own pleasure (including a bench for comfort). Holes to present your ass for the customer behind the wall. 
You flush at the sight of them, swallowing harshly. It’s so hard not to stare at them, picturing yourself sticking your ass or pussy in one of them. Though lewd and dirty, it is also arousing. You can feel a warm tingle between your inner thighs at the sheer thought of a hot guy coming through, deciding your pussy is pretty enough, and fucking you until you’re a mess.
From here, the clerk shows everything you will need to know about your time here, including what each hole is used for and how to position yourself for comfort. She also gives you a rundown of the number one rule: “Consent is key, so if someone asks you to do something you’re not comfortable with and they refuse to respect your decision or feelings, you contact us immediately on the tablet and they’ll be escorted out.” You nod your head eagerly, putting that away for later. She smiles then, excitedly. “And that’s it! I hope you enjoy yourself, sweetie. Just give me a call if you need anything.” She gives you a wink before walking out of the room in her heels, leaving the door open just a smidge. 
You look at the girls for comfort or encouragement, but they’re already heading out to give you your privacy. “We’ll be right next door if you need us, babe,” Mai says as she inches towards the door. You feel your stomach flip with fear at the idea of being left alone in such a strange place. “Wait,” you gasp. “Y’all are leaving me?” 
Maki almost looks apologetic but even she doesn’t stop to stay. “Of course!” Shoko cackles. “After all, you’ll need the privacy. Have fun, girl.”
She gives you a wink before she shoos Maki and Mai out the door and closes it behind her, leaving you alone in the clean yet terrifying room with its damned holes. You feel yourself wanting to run out of the room and down the street to call a Lyft to take you home, but how would your friends react to that? They did use their own money for this. To bail now would make you feel guilty… 
And also like you’d miss out on something. Something satisfying. Something that may fulfill you if you give it a try. Plus, the idea of the men who come in being checked previously before you “spend time with them” makes you feel even better about the whole situation. To calm yourself as you wait, take advantage of the offered drinks and snacks. As sit down in one of the armchairs and proceed to sip on a beer and chomp down on a bag of chips to push away the nagging anxiety, you hear a ding come from outside your room. 
And then a knock along the wall facing you. Your heart nearly falls into your ass and you roughly swallow a chip. ‘One already?’ you think. You haven't even been here for twenty minutes…or have you? You haven’t been looking at the time. 
“Hello over there?” a silky voice calls through the wall, startling you. “Anyone in there?” You find your voice failing you, even as the stranger knocks on the wall. 
“Cut it out, Satoru,” another silkier yet deeper voice criticizes his partner. “Obviously, someone is there. She must be shy.” 
“It’s okay, stranger,” Satoru, which is apparently his name, teasingly says. “We won’t bite…unless you want us to. Come over and introduce yourself. I know there’s a wall here, but still, we’d like to meet you.” You can hear the smile in his voice and the deep chuckle of his friend. Their voices are extremely attractive; the type that belong to two very attractive men. But are you to take on two men at the same time your first time here? 
Deciding to throw caution to the wind, you slither off of the chair and crawl towards the two holes in the wall that the two strangers stand at. “Uh…h-hi,” you stutter. “It’s nice to meet you both.” You hear them both lightly laugh at the sound of your voice, making your stomach flip like a schoolgirl with a crush. “Nice to meet you too, cutie,” Satoru chuckles. “First time here, I’m guessing?” 
“Does it show?” you sheepishly ask. You each chuckle, the tension ebbed somewhat. “This was a Christmas gift from my friends.” At this, both of them full on laugh. “To a glory hole?” Satoru guffaws. “Guess you really must’ve been needing it then, don’t you think, Suguru?” 
His friend, Suguru, hums in agreement. “No shame in that,” he adds. “Sometimes, we all need a stress reliever. We come here just for that. I’m sure you need the same thing if you agreed to be here, right?” His tone has taken on a seductive purr that works on you shockingly well, making you shiver and shudder in delight. 
“So you got a name?” Satoru asks randomly. The question is so simple but it startled you all the same. “Satoru,” Suguru growls in warning. “You know names are a forbidden topic here. Don't get us kicked out.” 
“It’s okay,” you say abruptly, shocking yourself. “Y/N. My name is Y/N.” 
Satoru hums, pleased with your obedience and name. “Cute name,” he comments. “But if you’re not comfortable with us usin’ your name, we can always use pet names. You okay with that?” You swear, you nearly gush in your undies at the mention of pet names. You’re a certified sucker for them. “Uh-huh,” you reply, nervously wriggling your fingers. 
Satoru chuckles at your answer, whether out of humor or endearment, you have no idea. “Well, now that we’re all acquainted, do you mind if we fuck your throat for a little while, cutie?” he purrs. Before you can even utter an answer, two cocks are suddenly sliding their way through the two holes facing you. Your eyes widen at them and how big they are. While Satoru is on the thicker side and veinier with a clean cut of white pubic hairs, Suguru is much longer and curves upward, his pubics bare and completely shaven. “Go ahead, baby doll,” he coos. “Pick whoever you want. There’s no rush.” 
“And if you pick this loser, just don’t leave me out,” Satoru adds, pouting. “You’ve got a free hand, don't ya, cutie?”
You stare at them for a moment longer, mouth agape and trembling. Can you really do this? Are you about to do this? You don't even know these men and you’re about to give them both blowjobs! You can hardly believe it. But at the same time, you’re relishing it. You feel a thrill shoot through you like being at the top of a rollercoaster before it hits that drop. 
You first spit in your hand and rub both together to coat them in your saliva before you wrap them both around both cocks, stroking them up and down, testing out how they feel in your palms. They feel heavy like they could whack you in the face and possibly leave a mark. Soft moans and encouraging grunts leave their lips at the feeling of your soft, little hands stroking them. You become hypnotized by the shiny coat of your spit on their cocks and how your skin tone contrasts with their lighter skin–Satoru is paler while Suguru is a bit tanner. 
Finding yourself salivating, you go for the real thrill seeker and lean in towards Suguru’s cock first as he is the longest one and may possibly hit the back of your throat. You wrap your lips around his head and begin to lightly suck him there before going deeper, pushing half of his shaft into your mouth while your hand strokes the other. His loud moan as soon as your wet mouth and tongue wrap around his cock is orgasmic, making that tingle between your inner thighs grow. 
“Dammit,” Satoru growls, jealous that his friend gets your mouth before he does. “You lucky bastard.” Suguru begins to thrust his cock slowly into your mouth, sliding it along your tongue. “That’s it, baby doll,” he huffs. “Take me. You’re doing so well so far.” He takes a moment to slide out and slap his cock against your wet tongue before sliding back in, filling your mouth until he lightly hits the back of your throat. 
Your throat flexes around him for a moment and you gag, not used to having such a large appendage in your mouth. And so deep! All you can taste and smell is him, his scent a mixture of cologne and lavender soap that seems to make you wetter. The sounds of his enjoyment only make you hornier and you find yourself swallowing his dick whole, ignoring the way your eyes sting with tears. "Fuck, your mouth feels heavenly, baby doll,” he groans. “I wish I could see the pretty face I’m fucking into.” 
Satoru peers through the hole where he sees your glossy, plump lips wrapped around his friend’s dick, saliva dripping from your chin. “Just look at those lips!” He growls, almost animalistic. He begins to fuck your hand faster, picturing that it’s your mouth. Or, even better, your tight pussy. “So fuckin’ pretty wrapped around that big cock…we’ve gotta switch, Suguru, or else, I’m killing you.” 
Suguru chuckles. “No need to get hostile, sir. Have at her, but don't get greedy.” He pulls out with a soft groan, slipping his cock out of your mouth. You take a moment to catch your breath before switching to Satoru who isn’t that gentle. As soon as he’s inside of your mouth, he is thrusting his entire cock into your throat, stroking the walls of your throat and filling your mouth up with nothing but him. You let out a squeal of protest as he goes too deep, making your gag reflex kick in, but as your throat flexes around him, he shudders with delight and pleasure. “Ohhh, shiiiit!” Satoru hisses. “You were right, man: her mouth is heavenly. God, her little throat is such a good cock sleeve.” He continues to thrust into your mouth, making you take all of it. “C’mon, cutie, take that big dick. Swallow it all like I know you can.” 
You know you have a choice to move away, to pop off of his cock and take a breath…but you don’t. You stay on your knees with a pillow underneath you that you snatch off of one of the chairs without tearing your lips away from Satoru’s cock. You suck and gag on him like your life depends on it while stroking Suguru’s cock in time with your sucking until you’re working both cocks like it’s your profession. 
As you do, another stranger comes out to the wall on your left where your other free hand lies. “I suppose I was too late for your mouth,” the stranger sighs. “But perhaps you have another hand free, darling?” His voice, calm, deep and coated in honey, makes you shiver. 
“Nanami?!” Satoru guffaws, still fucking your mouth. “Oh, shit, you come here too?!” Nanami doesn’t sound too happy about seeing someone here that he knows. “I don’t know you,” he growls. “And you won’t mention this to anyone or else I’ll find you later and kill you myself.” 
“I guess everyone needs a Christmas stress reliever,” Suguru chuckles, his voice breathless and strained from constantly fucking your hand like it’s his toy. “You’ll find it with this one. I promise you. She’s a first timer, but she’s so good at what she’s doing.”
Satoru hums in agreement, slipping out to give Suguru another chance at fucking your sloppy throat. “That she is,” he agrees. “You wanna takin three big cocks at the same time, cutie? You don’t have to think about anything except makin’ these cocks cum.” 
You find yourself wanting just that: to be nothing but an object for these three men. To be a hole for them to fuck because it pleases you too. You don’t want to think about anything––not Christmas or work or money––but making them bust their loads all over you. So you reach a hand out and grasp Nanami’s cock which is just as veiny and thick as Satoru’s and protrudes from a nest of clean, cut, golden hairs. His shuddery moan makes your stomach flip in excitement, especially when he joins the chorus of moans, grunts, and pleasurable sighs from the duo. 
For a while, it’s just the three of them…until it isn’t. Two more men show up, behind the wall facing your back. One of them knocks on the wall, startling you enough to retract your mouth from Suguru’s cock. “Boring,” the stranger grumbles, his voice raspy yet smooth, sending chills up and down your skin. “Don’t tell me you three losers have just been pumping your dicks in her holes and haven’t touched her yet. Amateurs.” 
“It’s truly a shame, brother,” the other stranger, his voice softer yet deeper, agrees. “And she’s a pretty little thing from the looks of this photo. I bet that ass and pussy are even prettier. You wanna show us what those losers are missin’ out on, mama? Skunka and I can take care of you.” His voice and the idea of being touched by them tempts you more than you can explain. 
“Reaaal good,” Sukuna growls. “You haven’t seen a big dick yet, princess. Choso and I both two. Now get that pussy over here before I lose my patience.” 
“That’s no way to talk to this girl!” Satoru criticizes though he has switched places with Suguru again and is now thrusting into your throat until his balls swing against your chin. “This is…fuck, cutie…her first time!” 
“Are you sayin’ we don’t have big dicks too?” Suguru asks, sounding irritated with and offended by the statement. 
“Ooooh,” Sukuna coos, full-on ignoring Suguru, the sound sending a shiver up your spine. “Even better. Don’t worry; I’ll prep her first. That’s why the lube is here.” Choso chuckles mischievously behind the wall, giving you a sense that they plan to do exactly what they are telling you…and won’t be gentle about it either. 
Before you even realize what you’re doing, you are lifting your ass in the air and pressing it into the hole behind you that is big enough to fit your ass cheeks and your pussy into it at the same time. The brothers groan at the sight of your plump ass and wet pussy on display for them, leading Skunk to squirt some lube onto his fingers while Choso lightly glides his fingers over your slit. You can’t help the soft moans that escape you as you continue to blow Satoru and Suguru while stroking Nanami. 
“Fuck, what a pretty voice,” Sukuna groans. “I know you’re prettier in person. Just as pretty as this slutty fuckin’ pussy.” He replaces Choso’s fingers and gives your pussy a light slap before gently running his cold, slick fingers over and around your slit. You retract your lips from Satoru's cock, hissing at the sensation. “Shh, mama,” Choso coos, stroking your backside comfortingly. “We won’t hurt you. Sukuna’s just gonna add some fingers, okay?” 
You do your best to relax, but nothing can prepare you for Sukuna’s thick fingers sliding inside you. “Fuck!” you moan around Satoru’s cock. The older, pink-haired brother begins to slowly fuck you with his fingers, rubbing your clit in time with his thrusts. As he does, lewd sounds of his fingers stroking the inside of your sobbing, wet pussy fill the air along with the famished moans and groans of the men surrounding you (so far). 
“Shit,” Satoru hisses. “I can hear how wet you are, cutie. That’s gonna make me fucking cum!” You can tell by how big his cock has gotten inside of your throat and how rough his thrusts have become, fucking your mouth like it’s his own fleshlight. Suguru hums in agreement, also fucking your hand as he swells inside of your palm. “Me too,” he pants. “Lemme fuck her mouth too, Satoru. Don’t be fuckin’ selfish.” 
Satoru listens, sliding out of your mouth to give Suguru a chance to fuck it. Your throat has become raw, a slight burning sensation now present from it being constantly fucked and stretched. 
“When you two are finish with her, pass her over to me,” Nanami demands, his tone strained and needy. “I can’t be satisfied with just her hand…though you’re doing a great job, darling. Such a good slut for me.” He grunts as he continues to fuck your hand, wet with your saliva and his dripping pre. 
Meanwhile, you continue to be finger fucked, stretching out your pussy and helping you accommodate to the digits inside of you. “Good girl,” Sukuna approvingly says. “Takin’ a stranger’s thick fingers so nicely. Mmmm, I’m gonna have fun stretchin’ this hole out the way it needs to be.” He curls his fingers up, drawing a loud whimper out of you that excites your customers. Choso is feening for you, buckling his pants to pull out his hard cock and pumping it in time with his brother’s finger fucking. “C’mon, bro, let me feel her too,” he groans. 
Sukuna angrily huffs, not sounding happy with being interrupted. “Then you’d be fuckin’ up my hard work,” he growls. “But you can taste her. Come here and put that tongue in her cunt.” The littlest, dark-haired brother does just that. Your soul practically leaves your body when he begins to suck on your clit while Sukuna continues to finger you, both brothers playing with your pussy. 
The immense pleasure you feel makes your body tingle and your mouth form an O-shape as you tear your lips away from Suguru’s dick. “Oh, my God!” you sob at the top of your lungs, causing Satoru and Suguru to quickly reach their end. They love hearing how pathetic and needy you sound as your pussy is eaten and fucked at the same time. How they wish they could see you…touch you… They each begin to fuck their fists to chase their orgasms, pumping their dicks in time with your sweet moans and whimpers. 
“Fuck, you’re so fuckin’ hot, cutie,” Satoru moans. “I'm gonna fuckin’ cum on that pretty face of yours.” 
“Me too, shit,” Suguru groans. “Take it all, baby doll. Don’t disappoint us, okay?”
Before you can answer, the duo each let out loud, muffled moans from behind the wall as they finally explode, cumming all over your face and cleavage, staining a bit of your dress with their nut. You gasp in surprise at the warmth that splashes across your skin as they cum on your face, ruining your makeup and coating your lips in their cum. Their loud, boisterous moans of pleasure quickly morph into soft sighs and groans as they come down from their orgasmic highs, chuckling slightly as they are sedated for the time being. 
“Oooh, I can hear that someone got a facial,” a deep, rumbling, unfamiliar voice chuckles. “Am I too late for the party?” At this rate, you don’t know which wall he’s at.
“Just for her mouth,” Nanami growls. “I’m using it right now. Isn’t that right, darling?” You don’t know what possesses you, but after wiping most of the cum off of your lips and dabbing at your face with the towel provided, you turn your attention to Nanami and latch your lips onto him his cock. He begins thrusting immediately, not giving you any chance to breath or prepare yourself. 
Because of his rough thrusting, you accidentally graze his cock with your teeth, earning a sharp inhale. Nanami takes his cock out of your mouth to smack you in the face with it, tapping it onto your cheek. "No teeth, darling,” he huffs. “I was under the impression that you were good at this. Don’t disappoint me.” 
“You’d better be careful not to do that unless you want a spanking,” Sukuna chuckles, still fingering you. Choso hums against your clit, the vibrations traveling up to your waist and causing your hips to shimmy uncontrollably in the hole, desperate to push your ass into the sensations. “Oh, an ass wiggle?” Sukuna chuckles darkly. Guess you want one right now.” 
Smack! The sharp sound and sensation of a hand coming down hard onto one of your asscheeks makes you wince and let out a gargled moan as Nanami continues to fuck your throat. “Oooh, an I join in on that?” Toji asks, obviously lust quivering in his voice. “Seeing that ass jiggle was just too good. I wanna punish this little slut too.” 
“Make that for two,” another unfamiliar, deep yet equally as sexy voice chimes in. Toji laughs in delight. “Damn, that was fast. You finish up with the other little slut you had wrapped around your dick five minutes ago, Shiu?” The stranger–Shiu–scoffs through a chuckle. “More like I didn’t finish at all. Not after seein’ all these horny fucks over here, but now that I got a look at this pretty girl’s photo, I can see why.” 
“Be my guest,” Sukuna chortles, delighted with the idea of you being punished by multiple men. “Just don’t have too much fun. Choso and I still gotta make this little slut cum, don’t we, Choso?” The younger brother groans in agreement against your clit as he eagerly sucks and slurps at it. “Actually, bro, take a breather,” Sukuna rumbles. “I wanna taste this whore for myself now.” 
So the brothers switch, Sukuna now latching his eager, wet, torturous mouth onto your clit while Choso fingers you, fucking your cunt with slow, upward strokes that glide against your G-spot. The sensations you’re feeling are only heightened by Toji and Shiu spanking your ass repeatedly, the stinging sensations bringing you closer and closer to the edge. Finally, you feel your first orgasm of the night drawing near and you release Nanami’s cock from your mouth to moan out your warning. “Gonna cum!” you whimper. “I’m gonna cum!” 
Sukuna growls into your cunt, eager for your cream all over his mouth. “Go ahead, cutie,” Satoru whines, no doubt fucking his hand behind the wall. “Cum on that tongue. God, I wish that were me!” Nanami’s deep moans of need are what lead you to latch your mouth onto his cock again, causing him to thrust desperately into your throat. “Make her cum, brother,” Choso begs. “Make this cute little slut cream all over herself.” 
And Sukuna does. With a few quick, skillful flicks of his sinful tongue, you release with a loud moan only muffled by Nanami’s cock. Choso and Sukuna groan at your taste, both now slashing their tongues greedily across your pussy to lap at your juices. “I’m close too,” Nanami grunts, thrusting into your mouth faster, harder. “Gonna cum…gonna cum…fuck!”
He finally cums with a deep groan that makes your stomach flip and your pussy clench excitedly at the sound. His nut coats your tongue and the walls of your mouth, enveloping it in his taste. “Swallow it,” he orders. “Swallow all of my cum.” Though you could simply spit it out and pretend you swallowed it due to the wall, you find yourself obeying him and swallow his cum before exhaling. “Good girl,” he grumbles. 
Sukuna moves away from your pussy, as does Choso, and Toji and Shiu cease their assault on your now stinging, tingling ass. “She's all nice n’ wet now,” Sukuna approvingly says. “Perfect for a nice, big cock…with a rubber.” You suddenly feel something much bigger and thicker slide against your sensitive pussy lips and you flinch at the sensations. “Relax, princess,” he cackles. “I’ll go in slow.” And he does, but he still stretches you out once he does. He grabs your lips as he sheathes himself inside you, slowly filling you up. 
You gasp and your eyes widen at the sensation, a choked moan leaving your lips. “Fuck, you’re tight!” Sukuna grunts, his nails digging into your hips as his big cock sinks deeper and deeper inside of you, thrusting out before thrusting back in with another inch of him. You know without the orgasm or lube, this would be even more uncomfortable, so you’re grateful for their work. 
“Mmm, she sounds tight,” Toji groans. Suddenly, a thicker cock with an angry vein throbbing along the shaft and a red tip dripping in pre-cum slides through a hole beside you on your left. “You’ve got two hands, don’t ya, little girl? Stroke Daddy’s cock too. I paid good money for you.” Another cock slides through its own hole on your right, slightly thicker and girthier than Toji’s. “Me too,” Choso practically begs. “Stroke me too, mama. I need you.” 
“Don't forget me, pretty girl,” Shiu chuckles, sliding his dick through his hole to find your mouth. You don’t know what comes over you, but the need to make them feel as good as Sukuna–who moans and grunts through trembling breaths as his hands grip your hips and ass–overcomes you. You spit into your hands before wrapping them around the two cocks on either side of your head and then wrapping your mouth around the one in your face. You are fucked from both ends, so many cocks thrusting into your hands and your holes, turning your body into a living, breathing, moving flesh light. 
“Oooh, sounds like someone’s gettin’ fucked,” another customer chuckles from behind one the walls. You can’t tell where anyone is anymore. “Too bad I wasn’t the first one in line for that pussy. There’s always next time though, sugar~” 
“You’re just assuming you’ll get her next time, Ino,” a raspy, graveled voice retorts, saying the stranger’s name like it’s a curse word. “Once it’s open, that little kitty is going to be mine…right, kitty? You’ll need some more milk anyway.” Ino hums at the challenge, a smirk in his voice. “We'll see about the, Mahito,” he cackles. You feel as if your brain is about to explode, more because of the fact that there are more cocks to fuck, suck and make cum than because of the ones already fucking you. 
Speaking of fucking, Sukuna is the king of it. The friction is sweeter than sweet now, making you grind your hips back into him to meet his rough, ruthless thrusts. His callused hands massage the flesh of your ass and his nails dig into your hips, making you winch slightly, but you love the pain at the same time. You can tell with every thrust that he is getting closer by how fast his hips go, snapping against your ass and making your tits and ass jiggle. “C’mon, Sukuna, get it over with,” Choso whines, impatient.
“Shut up,” his older brother growls. “Don’t…fuck…rush me. She’s so…fuckin’ fuck, princess…tight!” 
He goes faster and faster like he’s trying to shove his entire cock into your stomach, pushing and pushing until you can hardly take anymore. You can feel your second orgasm of the night approaching and you moan around Shiu’s cock as spit drips from your lips. “I’m gonna cum!” Sukuna growls. “Take it all, you little slut! Deep in my pussy.” 
And you do. You have no choice. When Sukuna bursts inside of you with a loud, primal growl and a string of curse words that would make a nun blush, your mouth forms an O as you feel a warm, wet gush of cum shoot inside you before dripping out of your pussy and down your thighs when he slowly pulls out of you, emitting a weak moan from you. The men on the side where your pussy and ass protrude from the hole in the wall groan at the sight of Skunk’s creampie dripping out of you. “Look at that, Shiu,” Toji comments. “A nice, pretty pussy all for the taking…soon.” 
Shiu agrees, gliding a finger over your twitching, overly-sensitive pussy, dragging cum all over your lips. “A nice, used, pretty pussy at that,” he hums. “It only makes sense for such a pretty girl. You want us to fuck you next?” You shudder and shake from the aftermath of Skunk’s rough fuck session, but also from the idea of getting filled and fucked yet again. You can’t speak, your throat too dry and puffs of air leaving your lips in heavy pants.
“I don’t fuckin’ think so,” Mahito says, though sounding chipper. “Turn around, little kitty. I’m gonna fill you up with my milk next and give you what your filthy hole is craving.” 
“And who the fuck are you to take my toy away from me?” Toji asks, irritated. “You got a death wish, bitch?” 
“Like we weren’t here first,” Satoru argues, just as heated. “If anybody deserves to fuck her next, it’s me and Suguru…and maybe Nanami if he can handle his pussy.” Nanami growls in anger from the insult while Suguru laughs. 
“Um…sorry, am I interrupting something?” a deep voice––much deeper than Toji’s––tentatively asks. “I’m here for…” He pauses and gasps at the sight of you. “Fuck, that’s the prettiest pussy I’ve ever seen!” he excitedly says. You feel his cock, big, thick, and would absolutely ruin you, slowly slide against your slit, making your breath hitch. “You’re so wet down here, gorgeous,” he sighs through a shuddering breath. “And so tiny, too. I can tell I’m so much bigger than you. Don’t worry though; I’ll take good care of you.” 
“And who the fuck are you?” Mahito angrily growls.
“Aoi Todo,” the big, buff, deep-voiced stranger simply responds. “I’m about to fuck this gorgeous pussy here. Who are you?”
“Whoa, whoa, hey!” Ino says, becoming the peacemaker between the horny men outside your booth. “There’s plenty of her to go around. We can all share!” 
“Yeah,” Shiu agrees. “C’mon, pretty girl, give us that mouth. I’m sure the others can be satisfied with just your hands for now.” 
Once again overtaken by your sluttiness and need, you wrap your lips around Shiu’s cock while Todo and Ino slides themselves into your hands, thrusting into your palms as they moan about how good you are. As you do, Mahito slides into your pussy as he promised, taking your hips and gripping them so hard that you’re sure they’ll leave bruises. He fucks deep into your pussy, filling your walls with nothing but him and thrusting so hard inside of you that his heavy balls slap against your clit, giving your body sparks of pleasure. 
You switch between Shiu and Toji, becoming a wet hole for their relentless thrusting into your throat, causing you to gag and slobber so much that your spit drips over your tits and hits the floor. “Such a big girl takin’ two cocks at the same time,” Toji praises you. “At this rate, you’ll be a certified size queen in no time. Take me deeper, little girl.” You do as he says, taking Toji deeper down your throat and bobbing your head while Shiu slaps his dick against the side of your face, wanting more of you. 
Mahito’s huffs and pants of breath get louder as he gets closer to his own orgasm, pistoning himself inside you again and again. He begins to babble dirty talk, rasped whines leaving his lips as he lets you know just how good your pussy is. “Slutty little bitch, makin’ me lose it like this…makin’ me fuck you so hard and fast…I’m gonna give you lots of milk now, okay, kitty? Gonna fill you up now…fuck, fuck, fuck!” 
He, too, explodes inside of you, filling your pussy with cum. His feral grunts and whines trigger your own orgasm and he shudder around his cock as you cream all over it, squeezing him so much that his body begins to tremble from the sensations. “Oh, my God,” Todo groans, totally losing it at the sight of your pussy dripping with yet another cream pie. “Oooh, nice one,” Ino chuckles. “Though I have noticed that one of her holes hasn’t been filled yet.” 
It doesn’t take rocket science to figure out that he means your asshole. “Because of this stupid fuckin’ wall,” Satoru growls. “I’d love to fuck that tight little hole, feel that ass bounce against me…” Sukuna grunts in agreement. “If we lost this wall, she wouldn’t be able to walk for days. I’d fuck that pussy so good that she’d be sore. She couldn’t even walk out of here.” 
You can physically feel the arousal radiating off of the men through the holed walls, dozens of cocks oozing pre-cum and balls heavy for you. You smile at each of them, a seductive smile stretching onto your lips as someone––someone sluttier and careless––steps into your skin. “Do whatever you want to me, boys,” you purr. “I’m all yours tonight.” 
And then you do something very stupid: you allow them to drop that wall. You unlock the door for them and allow them to enter the booth, two at a time, in shifts, to fuck you silly. And you can’t believe how sexy they all are. 
First are Satoru and Nanami, both equally as tall and as sexy with lean muscle, but while Nanami is rocking a blonde undercut and a sharp suit (strange for a trip to a glory hole), Satoru has on a tight black tee and jeans with snow-white hair and blue eyes you know are panty droppers. As soon as the door shuts on you, he gives you a dazzling smile while Nanami’s eyes roam over your semi-naked form. “Hey there, cutie,” he chirps. “Thanks for letting us officially meet you. Now bend the fuck over.” 
Before you know it, minutes later, you are bent over the loveseat by Satoru while his tongue lashes at your pussy and clit, his words muffled and mashed by his face in your cunt. “You taste so good, cutie!” he whines into your cunt, but it comes out as, “You tashte sho good, cwutie”. Either way, it makes you grind your hips back into his face and sob into the pillow. Then it’s Nanami’s turn, who does the same thing, only he uses his funny-looking tie to restrict your wrists behind your back, making it so you can’t use your hands to push him away or pull him deeper into you. 
After your explosive orgasm into Nanami’s mouth, he places his hand on the small of your back, keeping you in position as he pistons his cock snuggly inside of your pussy while Satoru thrusts into your mouth from the other end. Both men trap you between them, using your holes for their own pleasure. “Nothing teamwork, right, Kenie?” Satoru chuckles breathlessly, his eyes glinting. “At this rate, we can fill this little cutie up at the same time, ya think?” 
“Shut up, Satoru,” Nanami growls, one hand gripping your hair back while the other massages your ass. “You’re making me lose focus. Come on, darling, keep clamping down on me. You have one more cock that still needs a turn.” He continues to fuck you, emitting muffled moans and sloppy, wet sounds from your gushing pussy tightening around his cock with every stroke. 
Soon, they switch and now it’s Satoru’s turn to finally fuck your insides. He fills you just as Nanami did, smacking your ass and groping your titties, his fingers tweaking your nipples. He leans down as Nanami pounds away into your throat, not even caring about your ruined makeup. The others watch on from behind the walls, desperate for a turn to fuck you in person. 
“Such a cute little pussy tightening around that dick,” Satoru coos. “You love bein’ watched, don’t you? Love all this attention like a little attention whore…a good little cum slut. That’s what you are now, cutie. Now take my cum.” Five more thrusts and he explodes with a loud moan that bounces off of the walls as he fills you with his cum. You soon cum with him, your body shuddering and soaring high above the clouds.
“Take my cum too, darling,” Nanami grunts. “Take it all inside you…fuck!” He cums too, filling your mouth to the brim so you have no choice but to swallow again.
Next are Suguru and Sukuna. Like Satoru and Nanami, they are tall and sinewy with hard, lean muscle, but while Suguru has long black hair you want to run your fingers through and a dragon tattoo inked on his muscular back, Sukuna has spiked pink hair, tattoos, and piercings that make you wetter. They each walk with a swagger into the booth, oozing with confidence and sex appeal. It doesn’t take them long to have you on your back and their cocks to be inside you again. 
Suguru sits up on his knees, slowly rolling his hips into your mouth, your head turned to the side to accommodate him. “Gently, Sukuna,” he grunts. “Don't wanna break the girl.” Sukuna is practically mounting you, your legs hiked up over his shoulders as he deep dicks you. “Please,” he scoffs. “This slutty girl can take anything we give her, right, princess?” His hand snatches out to grab your throat, squeezing it, and emitting broken gasps from your mouth.
Suguru leans down to press a kiss to your sweaty brow and whisper into your ear while Sukuna nails your G-spot again and again, turning it into mush. “You’re gonna let us fuck you good, right?” he purrs. “You’re gonna trust we can take care of this body and use you until you can’t even move because that’s what you want from us.” His thick fingers find your clit and begins rubbing it between your thighs. “You want us to fuck these tight holes until you’re cumming over and over again.” 
Sukuna cums inside you for the second time, giving you yet another creampie that oozes down your thighs, before Suguru leans back and pats his lap for you. “Hop on top, baby doll,” he coos. You slowly do so, your body weak, and he holds you close, his arms wrapped tightly around your waist. “Just relax for us, okay?” he whispers. And as you sink down onto his cock, you feel Sukuna’s fingers, slick with spit and lube, gently probe your asshole. “Fuck!” you sob. 
You grip Suguru’s shoulders as Sukuna slowly and gently stretches out your asshole, his eyes widen like a kid in a candy store at the way your brown little hole stretches around his fingers. “Good girl, takin’ these fingers in that tight hole,” he chuckles. “Even tighter than that pussy. Such a good fuckin’ slut…a nice toy for us to play with.” 
Your hips begin to stutter and you stop fucking Suguru to whine and yelp at the sensations, feeling too much at the same time. Though it doesn’t exactly hurt, you feel too full and it is uncomfortable. "Can’t take it!” you desperately scream. “I can’t…I can’t!” Suguru pauses to shush you, pressing a wet kiss to your lips.“Shh, baby doll,” he whispers. “He’s gonna use your mouth instead while I fuck this pussy till I fill you up. You can handle that, right?” 
Sukuna has now pulled his fingers out of your asshole to kneel beside your face, not even waiting to thrust into it. “Stop askin’ her what she can and can’t handle,” he impatiently growls. “This slut doesn’t get a choice, but I wouldn't wanna break my toy, so I’ll just fuck your throat until I cum deep inside it. How’s that, princess?” 
And he does. And when he does, Suguru wraps his arms around you and firmly holds you, bucking his hips until into you. “Good girl, good girl,” he repeatedly hums as Sukuna fills your throat with every ounce of his cum. Suguru cums right after, exploding inside of you and filling you up with him until you feel full enough to burst. 
Next are Ino and Todo. By this time, you’re an exhausted, cum-filled mess, your dress ripped off and makeup ruined. The only things left on you are your heels and jewelry. Ino waltzes in first, dressed in all black with a beanie drooping over his forehead. He gives you a humored smirk as the sight of you. “Oooh, shit, sugar!” he cackles. “You look so wrecked.” He kneels down to lift your chin up with his thumb. “But you ain’t seen nothin’ yet ‘cause now it’s my turn to have you. And I don’t get to share you either, so I can have you all to myself.” 
He presses a wet tongue kiss to your lips, only to be interrupted by Todo. Your eyes widen at how big and buff he is with a scarred face that does nothing to hide his handsome features. Your eyes immediately fall to the bulge he is sporting in his baggy black pants, knowing you’re done for. “Speak for yourself,” he grumbles, cutting his eyes at Ino. “Usually, I don’t like sharing any pretty thing with just anyone, but I can make an exception this one time.” He smiles down at you, a twinkle in his eyes. “You’ve never seen the likes of me, have you, gorgeous?” 
And then his pants are down and you decide that no, you haven’t. For Ino either. They both are so much bigger without the glory holes in the way. You can barely lift yourself up off the couch to move and the two don’t try to make you. Ino crawls on top of you and gently slaps his cock against your asscheeks. “You don’t have to do anything, sugar,” he coos. “Just lie there just like that. I’m just gonna get on top of you, slide in and…f-fuck, you’re tight!” 
He fucks you prone bone style, completely mounting you as he drives his cock and hips into you, making your ass jiggle and the couch cushions bounce with his every assertive, rough movement. In front of you, you see two heavy balls, thick, muscled thighs, and a thick cock in your line of sight. Your eyes roll up to meet Todo’s who stares down at you with the desperation of a horny, tortured soul.
“Can you pick your head up for me?” he gently asks. He does so for you, lifting your head up with his hand under your chin. “I just need your mouth this time, gorgeous. Don’t worry; you don’t have to do much.” He taps his cock against your plump lips, leaving pre-cum staining them. “Just open up and…f-f-fuck yes!” His grunts and whines fill your ears as his cock slides in and out of your mouth, filling your throat and nostrils with the taste and scent of him. 
Ino continues to drill his cock into you, going deeper and deeper with every thrust. “Fuck, your pussy is sweeter than you, sugar,” he groans, then chuckles. “Just kidding. Every part of you is sweet…fuckin’ delicious…” He peels back the hair in your face to see your expression, your eyes glazed over and lost in total ecstasy. “Take it all for me, sugar,” he moans into your ear. “Take all of this dick deep. I know you need it.” 
He slides out a few times to fuck his cock between your ass cheeks, hotdogging you and dragging his pre-cum and your juices across your ass crack. He whines as he does this, babbling about how good your ass feels and how much he wants to fuck it.
You realize how much more vocal he and Ino are, how “subby” they sound as they groan and whimper about how tight, wet, and good your holes feel. Ino ends up cumming between your asscheeks, clenching them as he shoots his load across your lower back. You gasp weakly as he does, not expecting it, and you just feel sticky afterward. 
Without moving you, the two switch and suddenly, Todo is mounting his big body on top of you, pinning you down with his weight. Though you’re exhausted, the idea of being trapped beneath his muscles excites you and you clench around him as he nails his cock inside of you again and again. “You’re s-so good at this, gorgeous,” he groans. “That pussy is grippin’ me so tightly, shit, shit shit, I’m gonna cum!”
He finally cums too, filling you to the brim with his cum. It oozes out of you freely, dripping down your thighs and around his cock, emitting soft whimpers and moans from the both of you. “Fantastic,” he huffs, kissing your shoulder. “You're at natural at this.” 
Choso and Mahito seem to think the same thing when it’s their turn to wreck your shit. When they come in, their arrival is like a dark cloud floating into the room. You know just by looking at them that they’ll fuck you up. Choso is quite attractive with spiked, black hair tied into ponytails, tape on the bridge of his nose, and a pediment, sleepy look in his eyes rimmed in purple. “Damn, mama,” he laughs in disbelief. “You just had five different cocks and you’re still able to function? I’m impressed.” 
Mahito is just as hot despite his unruly, long silvery hair and disconcerting smile. He also has the prettiest eyes framed by doll-like lashes, piercings, and tats that cover every inch of his muscular body. “Of course, she’s still functioning,” he argues, looking down at you with nothing but dark, molten lust. “She needs as much milk as she can handle, don’t you, kitty?” When you don’t answer, he yanks roughly on your hair, pulling you up. “Don’t you?” he growls. You hiss at the pain of your scalp being pulled. 
“Don’t be so fuckin’ rough, man,” Choso growls, but even he can’t hide the way his cock twitches at the sight of you being yanked around like a rag doll. “Please!” you whine, unsure of what you’re begging for.
Choso leans toward you, his face just inches from yours. “Please what, mama?” he asks. “You want us to fuck you again?” His hand sneaks between your thighs to cup your mound, wet and overused. “It’s okay, we’ll give it to you. Don’t you even worry about it.” 
Without another word, he flips you onto your back and crawls on top of you, blocking your view of the ceiling like a handsome eclipse. “Just rest your pretty ass there and let me fuck you, okay?” Then he’s sliding inside of you, your thighs pinned open by his hands. He gives himself time to get used to your tightness, rolling his hips slowly into yours. With every roll, you weakly moan and gasp, too tired to be another louder. 
You can’t make any more noise because Mahito is turning your head to slide his dick into your mouth, forcing you to take every inch until his pubic hairs and balls are touching your chin and lips. He stands near the edge of the couch as he fucks your face, glaring at Choso fucking your cunt as he does. “Motherfucker takin’ my spot,” he grumbles. “You’re lucky she looks so enticing right now with how she’s taking your cock.” 
Choso smirks as he drives his cock into you a little faster, causing your body to bounce against his cock. One hand shoots out to fondle your breast, rolling your hard nipple with his thumb, as he fucks you stupid, sharp huffs of breath and moans leaving his lips. But no matter how good it feels or how your clit rubs against his pelvis, you can't get any louder.
“So quiet, kitty,” Mahito chuckles. “Must not be fucking you good enough.” He slides his dick out of your throat to smack you in the face with it. “You won’t be able to hide that voice when I’m inside of you. I’ll make sure of it. I like my whores loud.” 
“So do I,” Choso grunts. “C’mon, mama, give me that voice.” He slides his wet cock out of you to smack his hand against your clit, bringing a sharp, pleasurable sting that makes your thighs clench. Smack! Smack! “Give it to me!” he repeats, louder this time. “Let me know how good that dick feels fucking you!” 
“Please!” you yelp. “Please, I can’t take it! It feels too good!” Happy with that, Choso goes back to fucking you until he spills his cum deep inside you, filling you up so much that Mahito is impressed with the amount…but then it’s his turn. And he makes sure that you feel it. He has you sit up on your knees and presses his cock against the entrance of your ass: the one hole that wasn’t purely fucked. You whimper and gasp as his head presses into you, farther and farther, feeling stretched despite Sukuna’s fingering and the wetness surrounding it. 
“Guess nobody stretched this hole out yet,” he tuts. “Well, I’ll change that. I’m just the man to do it.” Before you can protest, he pushes himself farther into your ass. You can’t describe the pain nor the pleasure: it is searing hot and draws the loudest sounds out of you that make Mahito cackle and Choso fuck his semi-hard cock with his hand as he stands before you. 
Mahito relishes your wails and the wiggles of your body as you try to get away. “Don’t run from me now, kitty,” he chuckles. “I’m just doin’ what you wanted.” He grips your hips tighter as he roughly fucks your ass, his slow strokes more torturous that fast ones. You can feel all of him stretching out your asshole as his other hand loops underneath you to rub your clit. You can feel your body failing on you, your knees and wrists becoming weak. “Aww, what’s wrong, kitty?” Mahito condescendingly asks. Can you not take anymore cock? Am I being just a little too rough?” 
You whine in response, unable to form words. His hand then snatches out to grab your throat, squeezing it. “You should’ve thought about that before you opened the door, you little cock slut. Now you get what you came here for.”
You look up at Choso for rescue, but he is too busy pumping his cock in your face, chasing another orgasm. “Keep lookin’ at me,” he demands. “I want this sexy body and pretty face covered…want her to smell like me. Don’t want anyone else touchin’ her, not even my brother.” When he finally splashes his cum all over your face, Mahito empties his balls deep in your ass, filling you like you’ve never been filled before. You gasp as the feeling, your fingers clenching the pillow below you. 
When they finish and leave you in your booth (not without a kiss on your lips from Choso and an ass slap from Mahito), you lay on the couch, spent and exhausted. You think this is the last of your rounds…but you forget about Toji and Shiu. And baby, you haven’t been fucked yet. They make sure you understand the differences between sex with the others and sex with them when the two older men walk into the room. 
You weakly look up at them from the couch though you don’t lift your head. They are equally as hot and muscular, their toned muscles pushing against their dark clothes and cocks swinging nakedly out of their flies, veiny and thicker than snicker bars. Toji has a tiny scar at the corner of his devilish smirk, gray eyes the color of rain clouds, and a black mullet. “Last round, little girl,” he chuckles. “Don't worry; we’ll go real slow for you. Won’t we, Shiu?” 
Shiu has a sharp, trimmed cut, tanned skin, and a thin mustache over his plump lips. “Mmm, absolutely,” he agrees, “but you’re not leavin’ here till you make us cum.” He kneels down so his face is level with yours, his breath smelling of mint. “And we’re not leavin’ till we make you cum,” he whispers.  
Toji kneels down too, stroking a hand over your hair. “Is that understood, slut?” he asks. Weakly, you nod, understanding that you’ve opened Pandora’s box and the only way to close it is to give them exactly what they want. Toji’s smirk grows and he taps his hand lightly against your cheek. “Good.” He stands along with Shiu, their cocks dangling in your face. “Now take these cocks just like we know you can.” 
You don’t know what kind of fire lights inside of you, but at the sight of their dicks dangling in front of you for you and you alone, you suddenly get a burst of energy and eagerness to get your hands on them. Minutes later, you are on your knees between them and eagerly sucking and stroking them dry, spitting, slobbering, and gagging all over them. You stare up into their eyes and alternate between stroking their dicks and trailing your hands down their toned stomachs, relishing their muscles and abs under your fingertips. 
You welcome the tiny grunts and soft moans Shiu gives as he watches you, astonished at the way you take both cocks. “She’s so eager,” he moans, staring down at you in disbelief. “How is it you’ve had all of these dicks slung inside you already and yet, you’re still going?” 
Toji smiles greedily at you, his hand cupping the back of your head as you throat his cock, swallowing it hole as spit dribbles from your lip. “She makes it so easy,” he sighs wistfully. “Makes it so, so easy for me to scoop her up and take her home for my own…my little toy…my little cum slut.” “Keep suckin’, pretty girl. You’re doin’ so well. Don’t stop now. Such a perfect mouth on you~” The praise has you sucking faster, gulping down both of them like the eager cum slut they see you as. 
But they don’t cum down your throat. No, they want to make this count. So you find yourself sitting in Shiu’s lap with his cock snuggly inside of you and his hands gripping your hips as you slowly grind your ass back to rub against your clit. Toji sits beside you on the couch, watching you ride Shiu; more specifically, watching the way your ass moves in his lap. “Decided to give that throat a break. Just focus on makin’ my friend cum, okay?” He winks at you, wrapping a hand around his thick cock. 
You don’t know what to focus on anymore: the way Toji so intensely stares at you as he fucks his hand or the way Shiu fucks back up into you. He grasps your breasts; your stomach; your ass; anything else he can touch.
“That’s it,” he praises you, his voice strained from the pleasure and your tight walls squeezing him. “Fuck, you’re so fuckin’ tight! I could stay here all day.” And you would let him. The way his thick cock strokes your velvety, inner walls and bumps against your clit is just too good for words to describe. Your eyes flutter shut as moans and gasps leave your lips and echo in the booth, unable to be hidden anymore.
You suddenly feel Toji’s hands on you and his lips sucking at your nipples. “You have the prettiest body, little girl,” he chuckles. “Look at these gorgeous nipples…so hard from these old guys’ dicks.” His teeth graze one of your hard, brown nipples, giving you a spark of pain and pleasure.
“T-Toji,” you whine. It’s the only word you can form. As he continues to work your breasts, Shiu snakes a hand around your throat and lays it there as he drives into you deeper and deeper. “Take more of me, pretty girl,” he groans. “I want to be so deep inside you that you have no choice but to take all of my cum.” 
And you don’t. Because when he cums, you feel every inch of his cock swell and then explode inside of you, filling you up. Shiu presses his face into your back as he groans, cumming deep inside of you, and squeezing you like he owns every part of you. As his nut drips out of you and all over the couch, you think that he is all that is left…but you’re forgetting about Toji. When Shiu releases you and gently settles you down on the couch, Toji is more than ready to have his fill of you next. 
He leans down to coo at you, a mocking expression on his face that you miss because of your exhaustion. “Tired?” he asks. Weakly, you nod, emitting a laugh from both men. "Aww, don’t worry, little girl. I’ll do all the work for you. Just stay there and be a good slut for me.” 
And you do. You physically cannot move. Your limbs feel like jelly and dizziness has taken over. Toji doesn’t mind how sticky with sweat and cum you are. He takes you as you are––on your back with your legs draped over his big, broad shoulders.
His cock drives in and out of you, alternating between fast and slow, his balls slapping against your ass and his pelvis rubbing against your clit with every thrust. Shiu watches on the other end of the couch, lighting himself a cigarette. Your weak moans are drowned out by his loud grunts and the slapping of skin against skin as he fucks you into the couch. 
“You like that, little girl?” he grunts, staring down at you with lust-blown eyes. “You like how Daddy fucks this pussy?” His hand, big and veiny, shoots down to grap your throat. He squeezes it as he fucks you, making you gasp. “God, you look so good like that,” he groans. "Keep that pretty mouth open for me, you little slut. I wanna see that tongue when I cum deep inside you.” 
He leans down suddenly, pressing his sweaty forehead against yours. “How’s this for a Christmas gift, hm?” he murmurs to you. “Your friends must’ve known how slutty you are to have pulled this off.” 
You don’t answer. You can’t. All you can do is weakly moan and whimper as Toji drives you closer and closer to your final orgasm of the night, your clit overstimulated and twitching. “Gonna cum,” you whisper, tears of desperation pricking your eyes.
Toji nods encouragingly, driving his cock faster and faster inside of you. “Cum on this dick, little girl,” he demands. “Give it to me. Give all of it to me, now.” And you do. Your orgasm hits you before you realize it, but all you can let out is a silent gasp as you cream all over Toji’s cock. 
He doesn’t stop fucking you, even when your walls squeeze so enticingly around him and your mouth looks so pretty wide open like that that he shoves his fingers inside of it, letting you suck on the digits. His grunts grow louder and more guttural as he gets closer and closer to his orgasm, driving you up against the couch.
“Gonna cum,” he warns. “Gonnacumgonnacumgonna fuckin’ cum!” He yells the last two words before he lets out a deep growl as he sprays his cum deep, deep, deep inside of you, mingling with Shiu’s and all of the other men before him. You gasp at the warm, wet feeling as he orgasms, his large hands gripping your hip and throat as he slowly rolls his hips, chasing his orgasm, before he finally stops. He sighs in satisfaction, drawing his dick out of you and letting his cum drip out of your twitching, used, puffy pussy. 
Finally. Finally, they’re done. You don’t think you can go on much longer. But with the way Toji and Shiu are looking at you, you can tell that they still have more plans for you. “Need…rest,” you pant, your eyes fluttering with exhaustion. But Toji tuts, gently scooping you up into his big arms.“Uh-uh, little girl,” he tuts. “You’re not done quite yet. We still need to cover you, don’t we? Make sure you remember this Christmas Eve forever.” 
You’re too tired to understand what’s happening at first when Toji carries you away from the couch. But when he lowers you down on the floor near the dozens of glory holes where hard cocks dangle from, you understand exactly what’s happening. So you sit with your knees together and your palms in your lap, face tilted up, eyes closed, and panting mouth open, waiting the loads that you will soon be given. Toji and Shiu stand before you, pumping their dicks in your face, their grunts and moans mingling with the others’ behind the walls. 
Finally, with a chorus of moans, whines, groans, and other sex, porn-worthy sounds of climax, every single cock you have taken tonight shoots their loads all over you––your face; your mouth; your tits; your chest; your stomach; even your back and ass. You are completely covered in cum. You are sticky and wet with it, already feeling it dry on your skin and the many different scents staining you like tattoos. 
Finally, your men are satisfied and so are you. “Thanks for such a fun night, cutie,” Satoru giggles from behind the wall. “You were so good for us!” You can barely manage to smile. 
After Toji and Shiu leave (after making sure you’re not dead and proposing you do this again sometime), you kick off your heels, strip off what is left of your dress, and crawl to the shower where you wash off the sweat, cum, and memories of tonight. The hot water rinses the nut, tears, and makeup off of your face, making you feel brand new. As you step out of the shower, you smell of lavender soap and steam. You are silent as you put on the bathrobe left for you, processing everything that has just happened. 
You just visited a glory hole. You just participated in a gang bang. You just fucked multiple men and made them cum. 
When you walk out of the bathroom, there is a sudden knock on the door and you startle. “It’s me!” Shoko calls through the door. All of the men are gone, having left earlier to give you privacy and rest. You walk to the door and open it, revealing Shoko with smudged lipstick and a strap from her dress hanging down her shoulder. She definitely enjoyed herself tonight too.
“Hey, you!” she brightly chirps. “Just came to check on you and tell you we’re about to head out. I think our hour is up.” 
She looks you up and down in your robe and knowingly smirks to herself. “Sooo how’d you enjoy yourself for your first time at a glory hole?” she asks, raising an eyebrow. 
There is only one single thought swimming around in your foggy mind that is still coming down to Earth from cloud nine and above, too busy thinking about what other fine ass men you can meet and delicious things you can experience in this sinful yet glorious place: 
“Can we come again next Christmas?” 
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simpingland · 2 years
"A proper back" ☆ Harwin "breakbones" Strong x targ!reader
The protagonist is the young sister of Rhaenyra, they are on their angsty years so they dont get along (but i do love my one and true Black Queen...)
Ser Harwin helps her out and he's very cute about it.
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Ser Harwin has always being there, and i mean always. As the first son of the Master in Laws, it was important that he followed his father everywhere. So did his younger brother Larys. So the Targaryen princesses grown up with them in every important feast and almost every month. Because Rhaenyra didn't love his young sister much, little Dany was often left out of the plan and her age gap with the Strongs made her feel totally ignored by the rest of the "kids". The people at court manteined their distant with the young girl because it was known that the future queen didn't hold much love for her sister, so better not to angry the princess. Poor Dany used to walk the Red Keep alone, have dinner alone, read alone and do everything she wanted, basically, because no soul care about her. The only crime commited by the young princess was to born. It was during her labor where the beloved queen Aemma died. The King had to choose between his wife or a possible heir to the iron throne. Daenerys, "the unborn" was called, because she was ripped of her moms belly. Rhaenyra only saw her moms killer when she saw her, king Viserys couldn't even speak to her properly, but did love her inmensly. But the kid was trouble. Always running around, breaking things, ripping dresses, offending lords...and the Strongs were always there to watch it. Ser Harwin has always found the young princess the most entertaining one of the Red Keep. She would often skip her lessons with the septa to visit the yard, where the young lords trained. Very often she insisted on being trained as well as the other lords. When she was denied and send back to her septa, she would argue if it was for her condition as a lady. Ser Harrold would politely explain to her that she couldn't because it would be possible she ended up breaking someones collarbone without even trying. Harwin always greeted her with a special smile for her. One night when he was on his way to a tabern, after a boring day at the Red Keep, a girl crush on his chest. She was running from something (or someone,judging by her hurry). He knew who she was, her violet eyes looked at him with panic, and he hold her arms.
"Ser Harwin, I have always wondered how your back look like. Mind if i take a look?"
She then freed herself from his grip, and he felt her hiding behind him. Before Harwin could answer, a peasant man approached them. The street was dark, only illuminated by a single torch. Dany had the hope of not being caught.
"Thank the goods, good ser...you have captured her. Now, let me take care of her"
Fuck, she had being caught.
"I'm afraid I'm going to take her to the King myself. No need to trouble yourself " said Harwin.
Double fuck, her father was going to hear about this.
"Oh, good ser, i can deal with her myself, indeed, i want to deal with her. It's been a long time since I ripped someone's tongue" the man got closer "i would enjoy seeing this cunt cry--"
Ser Harwin didn't even need his sword, a single hand pressed on the man's chest was enough to push him so hard on the wall that blood came out of his skull, he went silent.
"I said no"
The man disappeared, Harwin turned to the little blonde ball on his back.
"Should I let the King know about your night walks or can i trust you tell him, princess?"
"We shall not bother the King with this matters, what's this compared to war?" she blushed, maybe he didn't see it with this darkness, but she knew it and it bothered her.
"Alright, shall your father know?" He responded.
The way back home was a continuous plea from the princess, begging for Harwin's silence, with no positive responds, nor negatives either, he was definitely going to spill it, everybody saw Dany as a kid, an annoying one, she knew that for Harwin there was no difference.
"You must know, Ser Harwin, if I was putted a sword on my hips and a teacher to learn, the danger would be much less and my freedom much bigger" that was her try at healing her dignity.
"Good night, princess. Hope you rest well" he said, turning his back when she arrived at her room. A little laugh escaped his chest when he heard the princess closing her door in anger.
It was Dany's 16th name day and his father "gift" her with a feast. Many houses would be present for the event. Viserys did not mention any night walks to his daughter so Dany hoped to see Ser Harwin to express her gratitude, but she also feared that he had a chance to tell the king at the feast. A scold is a terrible way to end a name day. Her sister cruelly reminded her that this was more of an opportunity for the lords to show their benefits and wills to wed her. That made her uncomfortable in so many ways. So that day, the doors of the great hall opened numerous times to present the biggest houses, leaving the royal one the last. Daenerys, with a very special dress, made for her coming of age, was left behind the King, the queen Alicent and Rhaenyra. Before opening the doors, Alicent offered Dany a reassuring smile, the queen knew that little words were spoken to her by her family during this special day. Both girls were lonelier than people could imagine. The doors opened and everybody rised from their seat. Dany didn't wish to look at the people, she felt uncomfortable just walking down in that dress. She felt as if she was entering another world, a wicked one, and she was a new piece to play with. Closer to their table, the Strongs sitted, of course. Larys was whispering something to his brother, probably talking about her, because Ser Harwin was looking at her with no discretion. He smiled at her, but not like always, he gave her a sweet smile, softer, they both had a secret in common, that was that smile about. She owned him one, so she smiled back, a genuine one, a "thank you" type of smile.
A speech was given by the King, it was an awkward one but Viserys was a good monarch, the kind who knows how to entertain his public, so he kept it short and Dany knew that he would show her his love in many other ways, no speeches needed. Everybody tossted for her, even her sister gave her a little look of congratulation to her. But that was it. Music started, nobody really wanted to chat with her, if someone was interested, their words would have her name but the peoples eyes would be either on the princess Rhaenyra or the King, specially the King. Jewellery, dresses, horses, musical instruments, more jewellery, a few books (that was from her aunt Rhaenys, what an icon) and more jewellery. No proposal was really interesting, mostly were second sons, heirs of nothing, or old men looking for their fifth wife. She had a reputation, Dany knew that but she had never felt so ashamed of it before.
Most of the people were at the dancefloor the moment Ser Harwin decided to stand from his table. All night he had been looking at the young princess, his brother told him to pay attention to her looks.
"They let her show her collarbone" he pointed out "and her hair out of her face"
They were presenting her as an adult, that what his brother explained, and Harwin was just realising it. A woman was in front of him, bored and sad, but a beautiful woman now, always misunderstood and very underrated. His gift was perfect, and he went to give it to her.
"My princess, you never told me what you thought of my back when you finished wondering" said Harwin once he stood by her side. Dany look at him, hoping nobody heard that. She looked around, her father was chating laudly, Alicent was on another table and Rhaenyra was dancing. Daenerys smiled and offered the empty seat next to her.
"Very wide, i must say, a proper back for someone called "breakbones", you have my congratulations". He chucked, sitting on the chair. He offered a little wood box, he didn't put it over the table, so Daenerys gave him a suspicious look.
"I believe my family bought you a golden ring, so this gift is mine and I take responsibility for it, but please let it be beetwe us"
"So now we are even at keeping secrets?" She smirked, seeing Ser Harwin putting a fake exhausting expression, nodding. She opened the box carefully, trying to hide a big gasp. A dagger, the size of an eating knife, but sharp and pointy, quite beautiful, was resting inside the box. A leader string was attached, so she could hide it anywhere she wanted.
"You must know, Princess Daenerys, if you were to keep yourself safe on your quarters in the night time, and asked me for a protector during your travels, your danger would be much less and my peace much bigger" he said, mocking her.
She laughed out loud.
"You know that would never happen, Ser Harwin".
"I do know, thats what this is for".
She decided to do something, something she had always wanted to do, she gave him a kiss on the very corner of his lips. A soft kiss, Ser Harwin closed his eyes and smile at her when she separated.
"Would it be to much to ask if i wanted to learn how to use it?" She asked.
"Only if you grant me a dance, my princess"
They left to the dance floor, the box resting on Daenerys' chair.
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fancyfade · 9 months
Can you please share all the times Tim was misogynistic? I just want to have panels ready in case any of his stans got too brave
rip I don't have the post someone else made breaking it down due to changing computers.
In general, though, a lot of it is less "this singular panel proves it" and more the way he consistently treats girls and women. Steph is the best example. She starts exactly where Tim started before fanboying himself into Batman's confidence. She is a teenager with limited training who wants to do good. Tim treats it as if it's ridiculous that she should be a superhero, and he continuously tries to dissuade her from it and acts like she does not belong. It takes a very long time for Tim to stop being condescending to Steph.
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Robin #41
Like. This is not at the way start of his series. This is after she's been spoiler and he's been Robin for a bit. I'm p sure he only changes his tune on Steph once they start dating. Later on, in Nicieza's run, even after Steph has been a vigilante for over 150 comic issues worth of time, Tim acts as if Steph has an imperative to obey him and to stop being Spoiler (link)... and ofc he focuses a lot on whether the female characters were listening to him. This continues into Red Robin IIRC where he tells Steph he should not see her in her Spoiler outfit again. He continuously acts as he has authority over her for ???? reasons? He fanboyed his way into Bruce's confidence and she didn't?
Anyway Tim in general just does not respect women. Like. Here we have him dragging away his high school GF b/c she isn't listening to him when he was appearing like a bad boyfriend due to robin shenanigans (instead of, you know, being treated like a bad boyfriend for this 9_9) (link)
Tim also is judgmental in general (which is a trait I feel works well for his character, and I enjoyed the writer who was most interested in treating it as an intentional flaw rather than something they were writing accidentally), and this extends ofc to this weird instance (link) where it's incredibly important the reader know if he finds some lady hot... that said, I think this is one of the only instances of him judging someone as "hot or not" for the most part it's the type of judgment he gives to Steph or Zo, where "obviously you're not as competent as me or capable of making your own decisions or doing the stuff I do."
I would say I don't recommend getting into arguments about him if you haven't read the comics you're arguing about, though, because there are people with different interpretations of these scenes. Many people like to separate the "Tim is likely sexist because the author is sexist* so it shouldn't be counted" as most of these writers, except Lewis (writer of the judgmental bit and many early 100s Robin comics) don't treat it as a flaw or as something he should be wrong for. It'd be best to come to your own opinion about it, rather than assuming you'd agree with me :P
*which is fine, you know, as long as you extend this to female characters who are written badly because the author is sexist and characters who aren't your fave in general. You'd also have to re-write characters who react to his sexism in ways that would be irrational if the sexism was removed.
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ravenadottir · 7 months
drag race: boys edition
we had gender bent edits, we had paralell universes, and i'm not sure if someone has done this, but in case it hasn't, here it is. did i need to do this? yes, yes i did. enjoy!
[listen, i saw a video from runner eye and if i can't stop thinking about it, you have to be the ones to be punished by it, i don't make the rules.]
roberta mckenzie. a comedy queen from glasgow. she loves the audience, mostly working up the patreons in hopes to find a gold mine of weird info dump, enough to make the rest of the bar laugh. is the makeup rough? yes, very much so. is the material roast winning? not exactly... but she's new to the game and is trying her best. plus, her outfits pay homage to jamaican patterns every chance she has and most of us enchanted by the charisma and bad puns.
rhonda. one-name-only for a one-personality-only and that is... snake! she's the one pretending to be zen and "i don't do drama" but has the most snake rattle sound effects during her confessionals. she also tries to steal henrietta hotts from luna kohko, and the audience saw it from A MILE AWAY. unsuccessfully of course... HAVE YOU SEEN LUNA? she's the trade of the season.
kassandra. she dj's on the weekends all mounted in silver gowns and small boobie bibs (as she calls them despite being annoyed other people refer to them as that). kassandra has issues with everyone that ISN'T doing recreational drugs at her gigs and call them "stiffs" for it. however, despite looking and sounding harsh... well, that's about it. there's a reason she and luna get along so well!
glitter renell. "a traditional drag queen" according to herself, and to new queens it only means "my uncle in a wig with a rough and patchy makeup work and plastic-ey wigs". the only queen not wearing "fantasy" by britney but who's noticing?? her special number involves ripping off the sleeves of her outfits and revealing MASSIVE biceps, but often times they pop off on their own. got the magic mike title of the season.
ingrid. she's a "sporty type of queen", has multiple tricks with golf clubs, and despite having a couple of head hitting tricks in her history, she tries her best. it sometimes can serve her as a pole to drop to the ground in a split and honestly? work. ingrid is considered one of the hottest and cutest since her shyness brings a different glow to her eyes, which are LOST in pink glitter and magical rainbow shaped makeup. she dares and we love it, leave her alone.
luna kohko. this is a SEASONED queen, alright? makeup on point, fashion in place, attitude to donate, and walking the runway like she built that shit. however, when it comes to friendships in the werk room... don't speak, don't come near, don't come around... in fact, don't come at all. luna doesn't waste time with phony queens and prefers things exactly the opposite of her: straight. she's a lesbian, which means she loves dating drag queens, and since entering the show she has a LIVE AND THRIVE romance with the innocent henrietta hotts. "if that crusty fucking hippie so much as breathes the same air as henrietta again, we're gonna have a fucking problem, yeah? i've seen her lurking the machines trying to strike up a conversation about climbing. there's only one building henrietta is gonna climb and it's not a limp one."
noelle waves. "we have a wall of fabric in that werk room and you continue to come out in swim suits. STOP - RELYING - ON - THAT - BODY". she's a bit reserved most of the time, but if the "girls are fighting", she's the first to step up and play MOTHER. the public likes her, but she's not exactly winning challenges. "safe" defines noelle better than "creative" or "winner", but she tries and helps everyone during challenges.
henrietta hotts. THIS GIRL HAS IT, OK? her signature look is the red lipstick and the blonde wig, and with those beautiful freckles, her persona is very much the girl next door. it makes the judges go "i feel like i haven't met henrietta yet, and i know there's someone in there that needs to... ROAR. also, baby... you need more makeup." is she the smartest? no. is she the most problem-solving? no. is she the most graceful? YOU BET HER ASS COVERED IN GLITTER SHE FUCKING IS.
graham cracker. ANOTHER UNCLE IN A WIG. barely knows how to walk in heels and is giving kim chi vibes. however, because of her leadership skills (which are not comparable to noelle's) she does manage to maintain her position for a while since most of the girls are lowkey scared of her. she's unpredictable and most of the contestants suspect she's straight.
carlota miranda. THIS IS THE MOST EXTROVERTED QUEEN ON THE RUNWAY, however, the boom mic needs to enter her throat to pick up what she's saying due to her bashfulness. not a fighter type but if someone comes for her???? she'll definitely... apologize for it. "fuck, don't fight" is her motto, followed by a timid little giggle since she tries not to curse. her style is "executive realness" but covered in crystals and diamonds. "it's either a mugler or nothing, babes. i don't have time to look like cel. sanders..."
felicia butterfly. annoying as alyssa edwards and untalented as... well, [REDACTED WINNER OF SEASON 4]. she's a one trick poney and the trick is... well, the public and the production are still trying to find it but in the mean time she becomes the bud of the joke. it's kind of entertaining watching her trying to understand anything in the werk room. it gets old but... she leaves pretty soon, so no problem there.
doge style. always wearing dogs' styles on her wigs, it's her signature. the poodle poof is AMAZING. she also becomes friends with everybody, particularly with the nervous ones, like carlota and henrietta since doge's hugs are infallible to relax the girls in situations of stress. she sometimes lets a facial hair look take over if the look calls for it, while the others are afraid of embracing it. "i'm not a woman impersonator, i'm just creative, get over it!" she has a HUGE CRUSH ON ELLA FAME, and it's reciprocated. rumour has it they fucked on the first week and are already planning a getaway.
ella fame. the most exquisite wigs in the werk room NO QUESTIONS ASKED. has beef with gigi goode for the title of best hair styles, but since her house is older and richer, she thinks she has a better chance to win this one pool on twitter. overall, ella has a walk to kill for, one that graham cracker has been trying to learn since day one. "i got it from naomi... you either know it... or you dont." she tells and retells the time she walked the same runway as naomi, even though everyone keeps reminding her that it happened as elijah, not as ella, but as she says in the confessional: "these bitches are so fucking jealous they're causing me intern wrinkles.".
jacoba zabinski. she's not very creative, doesn't have an interesting name, doesn't know how to walk differently than a constipated bear and doesn't know how to wear a wig. to be fair, she's only in the show to get clout for her male persona, jakub. bodybuilding is not paying off since his scandals in multiple gyms for his part time job as an instructor. so instagram shit tea and self taner brands have been the bread winning besides being the biggest bitch in the room. she enters the porkchop hall of fame. OBVIOUSLY.
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princessjung · 6 months
Chain of Heart
Saeyoung x Fem!MC
2603 words
TW; mental breakdown, panic attack, flashbacks
The twins handle their own healing in a way that's different than hers. Or so she thought.
Note: This took place some time after the event of Saeran's After Ending. I wrote this purely for my own comfort and validation back then. Forgiveness is a difficult thing for me and so did the opposite. Its almost like I'm tiptoeing in the middle of these delicate lines. So I thought I'd just drop it here in case someone feel the same way as me :)
Once she closed the door of the library, she took place at one of the comfy white sofa in the middle of the room. Her mind swirling around all the nightmares mingled with her anger, frustation and doubt. There's too many things to the point she didn't even know which one to focused on. Her heart began to hammered a tad too loud, but she kept her breathing as quiet as she could despite having no one in sight. It's a habit she held close to her heart even when she didn't live with her family anymore. Finding the darkest corner to hide, crying silently, gathered all the broken pieces together again and act like nothing was happening in the first place.
At first it was just the common regular nightmare. It was nothing she couldn't handle as she'd been dealing with those as much as Saeran did. Though she's sure his nightmares were twice as horrible than hers. But then it kinda just snowballed from there. From vague pictures and blurs of motion, now her nightmare was as vivid as if it were happening in real life. The words, actions and even the way everyone act was exactly the same.
Last night must be the worst she ever gotten in a long time. She remembered how her whole body paralyzed as she slowly opened her eyes; in contrast of the usual gasp and jolted movement. Saeran was still fast asleep. In all honestly he finally got better at sleeping without getting awake regularly, much to her relief. She didn't want to be another burden for him. She already told him way too much and she couldn't bear letting him handling another breakdown of hers.
And then she felt it.
Her fingertip touched the left cheek where the tears from her eyes streaming down her face. Hah... she wondered for a good moment on when did she started crying. Perhaps she felt everything and nothing at once until her mind went numb. But even then she's aware of the lack of emotions on her face right now. It's as if she's unable to showcase anything facial expression in contrast to the tears that keep escaping with each passing second. She must've looked funny right now, she thought to herself. Would Saeran agree with her statement? She doubted that would be the case. But if there's one thing she's certain of; she needed this tears. She needed to cry and letting out all her bottled up emotions through it. These days she's been having difficulties to shed even a drop of tears. So now she just wanted to savor the feelings while it last.
She kept her posture straight, trying to breathe through her mouth now that she could feel her nose getting red and runny. Luckily there's a box of tissue nearby so she didn't look like a complete disaster. Out of the blue, she let out a dry chuckle in the middle of her mental breakdown. Great, now she's completely losing her mind that way. And the worse part is she didn't know what she want. Would a few words of comfort from her lover soothed her aching heart. Or perharps she's in need of his warmth and embrace right now. Usually it would help her to calm down and shift her focus on him instead.
She immediately shook her head at the thought. As much as he owned her entire heart without a single doubt, she didn't want any of his closure for the time being. And while she's aware he wouldn't judge or denying any of her feelings, she couldn't help the guilt seeping up her body when thinking about it. She wanted to lash out, to scream her lungs out, to ripped out every books within her sight, to kick and punch the faces that ruined his and her lives. She could feel the seething anger bubbling underneath her skin, threatening to jumped out any seconds if she let her emotions took over her rationalism. Maybe if she could just—
The faint knock on the door snapped her out of the spiraling thoughts in her head. It forced her to tore her gaze to the direction of the door. Whoever was on the other side...
It must be Saeran. He must've noticed the way she kept her mouth shut the entire breakfast and how she only took a bite before retreating herself to the mini library of their home. He tend to be a worrywart whenever she showed the slightest sign of not being her usual self, that's just the man he is through and through. It took her a long time to consider before deciding to just let him in. Perharps his presence wasn't as bad as she feared it would be. Besides, there are times when she's denying him when she actually craved it without realizing. And she knew he would respect her choice if she told him she needed to be alone. Therefore she tried to collect herself before answering him.
"C-Come in..."
And there was her chance flying out of the window. Of course the wavery voice would betray her. Couldn't even get her shit together for God's sake. She wondered what's the next thing she's going to ruin after this. However, the sight that greeted her once the door was opened caught her off guard. It was the older twin with red hair and golden eyes that came in instead of her white haired and blueish eyes lover; slightly hesitant in his steps when he saw her weary eyes and tears almost all over her face now. They both didn't exhange anything once he sat across her as she kept her head down the entire time. Though there's no need for shame, she still felt it in her chest despite being grateful he didn't commented on her messy appearance. Only the sound of birds chirping outside can be heard occasionally before he broke the silence first.
"...Do you want to talk about it?"
"Would you like to listen?"
She took a few shaky breath to regain her composure a little. Feeling a little nervous although she knew he would be a good listener. Perhaps he might have the answer she's been looking for a while. Something that she's been hesitating to tell her lover because of the difference between their choices. It always seemed like she share quite a lot of trait with Saeyoung too. Soon she faced him properly before beginning to talk.
"I feel hurt by everything lately..."
She started by acknowledging her feelings, pondering over her words for a good few moments before continuing.
"I've been having nightmares about... about what happened to you and Saeran back then. And no matter how hard I tried to help you both, it seemed useless in that dreams... "
The cut scenes of images from her nightmares flashed before her eyes; forcing her to broke the eye contact with Saeyoung and held her head back down with a few tears rolling down her cheeks again.
"I know I'm the last person on earth who should feel traumatized by all this when you've gone through worse but—"
"No, stop right there."
He cut her off firmly. It doesn't held any annoyance or irritation per se, but the strictness managed to shut her up without much effort. She held the hem of her clothes tightly around her fist, trying to find something to hold on for a moment. None of them spoke a word after that, making her feel suffocated especially with the thick, heavy atmosphere lingering around them. Therefore she tried to look up to him again. His face was as calm and collected as ever so it's difficult for her to tell what he truly felt.
"Can I ask you something?"
"Sure. What is it?"
"How do you handle the anger inside your heart?"
The question seemed to pique his interest; with raised eyebrow and a glint in his eyes that's been urging her to continue. As if he knew there's much more to the question that meet the eye.
"Saeran choose to forgive and make peace with the past. He choose understanding rather than hating. But I know you didn't make the same choice as him..."
She closed her eyes when her mind traveled to the past; remembering her lover's supposedly last words at the lake the night before they had to parted ways. He also repeated the same thing alomg the 4 days of adrenaline rush and path of danger, telling her on how much he already changed and wanted to step into the light with love embracing him once more. And honestly she supported his healing journey all the way. He's now capable of deciding his own path as a free man and he doesn't need to fear anything that's been holding him back. And yet...
"I have too much resentment within me that I don't think I can make a noble decision like that. I could literally burn the people I resent if I want. All my life, I've always forced to empathize and put myself in people's shoes to the point I don't even remember what mine looks like. Why should I do that to those people I loathe? I'm done dishing out my kindness towards people. But I also know that I don't want to hold onto this anger. I'm—"
Her chest rising and falling as her heart was beating in rapid motion. The words that's been spilling out of her mouth just now were too much even for her. Would he think of her as a selfish person after this? Maybe. Even her head began to spun around like a carousel at the theme park as her hand constantly shaking out of... Anger? Embarrassment? Shame? She couldn't tell at this point.
"...You don't want to forgive. You just want to forget about it and move on with your life but without the anger trying to hold you back from happiness."
There, the perfect summary of her entire feelings. For a moment she wondered how did Saeyoung manage to captured it so precisely. But that's the least of her concerns right now. Just with that short sentences, he made her feel understood and seen. Exactly like what she craved for without any judgement or accusation.
"Did you feel like you're stuck in between?"
Silence greeted them again. But this time it's slightly better than before considering she already let out what's on her chest all this time. She waited for his answer in anticipation: wondering if there's any difference when it comes to the twins comforting style. While their personalities are the complete opposite of each other, her instinct told her that they both held the similar pattern of speech in relations to comfort.
"I can relate to that anger like you're holding a mirror to me. You know it's perfectly alright to get angry, right? Especially when the world treat you so unfairly almost all your life. It just depends on you. Today you can choose anger if your heart is telling you that. Tomorrow you can choose otherwise. No option is wrong here."
Choosing different option everytime? Now that got her interested. She always thought she should focus solely in one choice. It never crossed her mind that she could do it differently or according to her own feelings. Saeyoung took a deep breath before letting it out a few times. Perhaps trying to collect himself, perhaps she just reminded her of the past.
"I accepted Saeran's decision to forgive just like how he respected mine to not. And you know we are the last person who would judge you or feel weirded out if you choose both."
She nodded her head at his conclusion; feeling the huge amount of relief flowing out of her chest. In a way, she's so grateful for being able to share a piece of herself with her brother-in-law. It's been messing with her mind for quite some time already and while she knew her lover would provide the same comfort, it's actually nice to be see someone relating and doing the same thing as her. It made her feel validated through and through. That her anger is justified and there's no shame to it. For a long time she's been repressing it to the point of tearing herself apart. But now she already got the peace of mind and heart she'd been looking for.
"I... I don't know why it's so hard to..."
The words trailed off as a sudden realization dawned upon her. It's always so hard for her to forgive the people who's been hurting her loved ones. She remembered giving a side-eye glance to the boy that broke her friend's heart. The way she still hold the dissatisfaction towards each and every person that made her loved one's cry or hurt. As much as she's willing to give second chance once in a while, the fact remains that she would never find it in her heart to meet eye-to-eye with these people anymore. Luckily Saeyoung seemed to understand it despite her not uttering it out loud.
"That's okay, I feel the same way with Saeran. God knows I would split the bodies of people hurting him within seconds. And I think Saeran would do the same for you considering how protective my baby brother can be. Not the splitting bodies part of course— but the sentiment is there."
She let out a relief and amused chuckle at the answer, and Saeyoung soon followed the gesture. In some ways, she knew that she's connected to Saeyoung when it comes to protecting their siblings. Perhaps it's because they're both the older one so it's easy to relate to those feelings. It could be because they share the same rage within their heart. Either way, she knew he would always got her back no matter what.
"Very heroic of my love to do that."
"Only the best for his angel, as he would say."
This time she couldn't help but smile when thinking about her lover. While she admitted to him before it's quite awkward when she's being called an angel, now it seemed to grow on her already. Her heart felt warm at the thought of him regarding her as an angel despite her flaws and insecurities. She always said to him that if there's any of them are an angel, it's definitely him. Though he would playfully argue with her statement at times. She then wipe out the remaining tears, shooting a hesitant glance at Saeyoung before letting the word fell over her lips.
"Can I... get a hug?"
Wordlessly, he open his arms wide and wrapped it around her waist as soon as she moved next to him. Her eyes fluttered shut at his warmth, different from Saeran and yet gave the same sense of secure and comfort. Saeyoung always mentioned how he's twice as warm so that he can provide the heat for two of the most important people in his life. She pulled him tighter when remembering every happy memories that the three of them made together.
"Thank you for listening, Saeyoung. I couldn't ask for a better brother-in-law."
"Don't think about it. I cherish you as much as I cherish my brother. I have the duty of protecting my family after all."
Sooner or later, she found herself dozing off on his shoulders without her realizing it. The breakdown along with the heart-to-heart conversation surely take a toll on her body. Therefore she let herself fall into the dreamland after feeling her chest getting lighter thanks to his warm embrace.
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southelroydrive · 2 years
my girl, my girl, my girl.
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pairings: Robin Buckley x F!Reader summary: Since your Freshman year at Hawkins, you spent every lunch on the roof top, alone. You're now in your final year and the world seems to have different plans for you this October. Inspired by 'we fell in love in october' by girl in red. word count: 2.1k warnings: smoking, swearing, a/n: I can't write summaries?? i love writing fanfics based on sapphic songs????
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Growing up in Hawkins was never easy for you. Every day was spent drowning in a pit of self-pity and loneliness whilst you tried to remain as invisible as possible. You blended into the shadows of your high-school corridors and that would never change.
You had gotten pretty good at it, the whole 'being invisible' thing. Some could argue that you were depressingly good at it. God, even some of your teachers wouldn't be able to recall your name or face, despite being in their classes for years.
Nobody at Hawkins High knew who you were and you wanted to keep it that way. With just one more school year till you could escape the hellhole they called Hawkins, nothing was going to stop you. But that all changed, that one day in October.
It was a cool autumn day; the bell had finally rung, signalling the start of your lunch period. You shoved your things into your bag, slinging the strap over your shoulder. Students poured out of their classrooms, flowing into the cafeteria. The corridors filled with the buzz of teenagers and the drumming of footsteps. You sighed, dodging and weaving against the crowd. You were careful not to bump into anyone, not in the mood for some asshole with an inflated ego to yell at you for 'disrespecting' them. You whisked up the staircase to the second and then third floor, following the same route you did daily for the past three years. Eventually, you reach the door to the roof. The same one you entered every day, the same one that had a large 'DO NOT OPEN' sign that you ignored every day.
You weren't sure when this became your routine or when you figured out how to get onto the roof, but since then it had been your safe haven. Away from the passing glances from the 'popular kids' that seemed to judge every ounce of your existence and the sight of teenagers groping each other aggressively in the halls that made you want to vomit. It made your time at this school bearable, you weren't sure you would have survived if you hadn't found it. It was peaceful, serene and it's not like anyone else came up here... or so you thought.
It seemed the world had different plans for you that day. As you pushed the door open, feeling the bitter wind brush against your skin, your eyes fell onto the figure sitting a few metres away. Their back was to you, thick jacket covering their frame and fingers twirling the thin cord of what you could only assume to be a Walkman. Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion, accidentally letting the door slip from your fingers. The sound of the door slamming made the mysterious person snap their head towards you.
Your breath hitched as her eyes met yours. Of course, it had to be her.
"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't realise anyone else came up here, I can leave if you want me to-" She stood abruptly, grabbing her bag off the floor and now was completely faced towards you. You were at a loss for words. Robin Buckley, the Robin Buckley was stood before you. Her light brown hair was slightly dishevelled from how quickly she ripped her headphones off her ears, strands of hair falling into her face that you had to stop yourself from tucking behind her ear. Her face had a twinge of red from the cold, making the constellations on her face disappear. She awkwardly shuffled on her feet as she rambled an apology, leading your gaze to her lips. You could probably write a thousand poetry books about Robin Buckley and every single little detail that made Robin, Robin but when it came to her lips, your brain short-circuited. The only thing you could think about was how soft they looked and how they would feel...
"Uh, are you okay?"
"Huh?" Fuck, you're an idiot. You tore your gaze away from her lips, hoping that the flush of your cheeks could just be excused from the cold air. A small smile tugged at the corners of her lips, parting them slightly so her pearly white teeth could just be seen and making it impossibly difficult to not look at her lips.
"I can leave if you want, I just came up here for some peace but if you want to be alone I totally get it. I didn't mean to intrude on your spot or anything-" She starts rambling again, voice raspy and occasionally cracking. God, did her voice make you weak.
"No, no! It's uhm- It's okay!" You spoke hurriedly. As much as you hated other people, the girl in front of you was different.
The truth was that you had an infuriating crush on Robin Buckley. A crush you had tried so desperately to push down but would only come back even stronger. You first saw her in your Freshman English class and you had been infatuated with her ever since. You couldn't exactly pinpoint what made you fall for Robin as hard as you did, maybe it was the way she doodled on her hand when she was bored, or how she picked at the skin of her lips when she was anxious. Maybe it was how her black nail polish was always chipped or the way her ring-clad fingers grasped the straps of her bag at the end of a class. All you knew was that you were hopelessly in love with Robin Buckley.
You had never talked to the girl. You thought that if you did, you wouldn't ever be able to contain your adoration for her. So, you just admired from afar, hoping one day your fondness for the freckled girl just disappeared. You knew you'd never be able to tell her how you felt, she definitely was not into girls and you didn't feel like living the rest of your time in Hawkins getting your ass kicked just because you loved someone of the same gender. Plus, she seemed to be dating that Harrington kid that graduated last year. Of course, the jealousy was tearing you apart inside but if Robin was happy with that guy, you needed to move on.
But moving on was so hard. It was even harder when she was currently smiling at you with a toothy grin, making you weak in the knees. She returns to her previous spot, this time with one leg tucked under the other, which dangled over the edge. She pats the space next to her, encouraging you to sit beside her. You did so, hesitantly.
"You're Y/N, right? We're in the same Chem class?" Her head tilted slightly as she looked at you and you squirmed slightly under her gaze.
"Y-yeah... Robin, right?" You silently cursed yourself for how much of an idiot you were making yourself look like. Of course, you knew her name, you had been obsessed with the girl for three years now. You could barely believe she was speaking to you right now, let alone the fact she knew your name or even noticed you at all!
She nods, offering a small hum in response. "So, do you come up here every day?" That stupidly adorable smile plastered on her face made it so hard to hold back the urge to kiss her.
"Oh, yeah. Great place to smoke as well, no prying eyes or anything." You mumble, grabbing the pack of cigarettes from your pocket and fishing one out from the box. You fumble with your lighter, bringing the cigarette to your lips and igniting the end. The smoke spills from your lips as you breathe out with a sigh.
"Can I try?" Her voice seemed hesitant, almost like she was second-guessing herself.
"Sure, if you really want to." Gently pushing the open pack towards her, watching her nimble fingers grab one. When you hand her your lighter, your fingers brush against each other. A touch that was so insignificant that you almost didn't notice it if it wasn't for the electricity that sparked from her fingertips. Your blush only darkens as you watch her bring the cigarette to her lips, mimicking the action you had done only a few seconds prior. She takes a deep breath, smoke filling her lungs.
Coughs and splutters spilt from her throat, a hand clutching her chest. You quickly grab a bottle of water from your bag, offering it to her. She swiftly grabs the bottle, chugging it and gasping for air when her lungs finally clear. You gently reach over, taking the cigarette from in between her fingers and extinguishing it.
"You okay, Buckley?" You look at her, genuine concern written across your face as your hand comfortingly rests on her shoulder. Once her coughing fit had ended, she offered you a weak nod.
"Shit, sorry." She laughs airily, a timid smile on her face. You just chuckle softly in response, bringing the cigarette to your lips and exhaling the sweet smoke once more before extinguishing yours as well. Your gaze meets hers. Both of you wordlessly stare into the other's eyes, the world disappearing around you. All that mattered to you at that moment was Robin.
"You have really pretty eyes."
A dark red blush coats your cheeks, mouth hanging open in shock at her words. Her hands clamped over her mouth, stopping herself from uttering any more words and hiding the blush creeping up her neck.
"I'm such an idiot! You probably think I'm so weird, I'm so sorry! I just think you're really cool and pretty and I notice you all the time and I've been too afraid to come up to you or anything but I saw you come up to the roof every day so I figured maybe I could meet you there but now I've just creeped you out! Shit, I'm so sorry. I should probably go, leave you alone." Her hands were flailing around nervously as she rambled, words fumbling out of her mouth so fast you almost can't comprehend what she's saying. Her eyes water with frustration as she hastily grabs her things, just as she had done earlier.
"Robin!" Your hands grab onto hers gently as she begins to stand, encouraging her to sit back down. She does so hesitantly, avoiding your gaze. You place her hands in your lap, rubbing circles on her palm with your thumb. Her hands are rigid as you try to soothe her.
"You think I'm pretty?" Your voice was soft and quiet like you didn't believe the words coming out of your mouth. She nods, still averting her eyes away from yours. You can't contain the smile that spreads across your face. You gingerly caress her cheek, wiping away stray tears with your thumb. She relaxes under your touch, head slowly turning to face you.
You're aware of how little of a gap there is between your faces. Her eyes watch your every move intently. You feel that familiar longing in your chest as your gaze flickers to her lips. Your body moves on its own, inching closer and closer until your lips press against hers.
Robin responds instantly, removing her hands from your lap to cup your face. Your eyes close, moving her lips against yours in harmony. Your hands come to rest on the sides of her neck, pulling her closer to you. Her lips are soft, just as you imagined, and taste of the cherry chapstick she always wore with a hint of the cigarettes from earlier. Your mind is muddled, only being able to think of how good it felt. The years of pining suddenly poured out, making your heart soar.
When you finally pulled away for air, her eyes were filled with unmistakable love. Her hands still cupped your cheeks, gently caressing the skin underneath.
" I really like you... no, I think I'm in love with you." She mumbled under her breath, almost as if she didn't want you to hear but you did. Those words made your heart slam against your chest, you couldn't believe this was real.
"I think I'm in love with you."
"Wait, really?!"
"I literally just kissed you."
You laugh, pecking a sweet kiss onto her lips. You wish you could do that forever.
"What about Steve?"
"What about him?"
"Like half the school think you're dating."
Robin laughs, making you swoon. "God, no! Platonic soulmates with a capital P!"
You can't help but laugh with her, feeling slightly stupid about your previous dislike for the guy out of jealousy. Her eyes settle on you again, looking at you with such warmth and love. "Yeah, he's nothing compared to my girl."
"Your girl, Robbie?" You smirk, raising an eyebrow at her.
She hums, a blush reappearing on her face at the new nickname. She wraps her arms around you, making you sit on her lap as she buries her face into the crook of your neck.
"My girl."
We fell in love in October That's why I love fall Looking at the stars Admiring from afar
My girl, my girl, my girl You will be my girl
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sobbing, why does tumblr not let me change the letters IGNORE IT PLEASE
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scratchandplaster · 4 months
FEBUWHUMP DAY 3 - "Bite down on this"
CW: recapture, alcohol, cult mention, parental Whumper, referenced past abuse, touchstarved Whumpee
[Masterlist] | Next
The bass nearly deafened all other noise surrounding them. Ben took a full hour to let his longing gaze turn into a pickup line, a stuttered mess about fallen angels or whatever corny phrases he googled beforehand. He had been thoroughly prepared for this, even wrote it down on his forearm to not mess it up.
Embarrassing, but they still laughed. Maybe about him, maybe about how he struggled to keep eye contact: the point was them having a great time.
Now their bodies were moving closer on the dance floor, basking in the music drumming about: an ever thinning layer between them. All around new impressions hammered onto his senses. The music, the drinks, the people…
God, he didn't know any of them, different faces hitting his eyes like a refreshing splash of water to let all thought of a past life wash away. Everything added up to outline the person now mere inches in front of him, inviting him closer to dance, to touch-
Sam, they told him when questioned, three bold letters to match their presence.
Ben waited so long to finally share his affection when and with whom he liked to. Yet a very familiar sensation that stopped him from moving closer: doubt. Luke and all roommates tried to teach him gradually how to better take part in this life, the life he always wanted, so this was his final crucible.
"Well, what are you looking for tonight?" Sam practically screamed in his face, when his movements started to turn into more of a tense flinching than anything else.
"Just some company," he replied with a nervous smile, probably far too quiet, judging by their lost expression.
Instead of sputtering further, Ben got pulled by the sleeve and off to the side between the cocktail bar and the toilets.
He could do this, he was one of them now.
Careful to pull his borrowed shirt down to cover his arms that were currently getting besmeared with a combination of ink, sweat and iridescent glitter, he felt like the biggest idiot in town.
"Uhm... I thought about getting one of those," Ben pointed at an electric blue chalice of unknown contents, currently held by a woman dressed in the shortest skirt he'd ever seen. It looked like the fur of some animal. 
A tiger maybe, he pondered, or a cheetah, they are known for-
"Ah, yeah. They're great, ever had one?" The little reflective umbrella on top almost waved at him.
"No, but if you recommend them, I'm sure I'll like it!"
Their round face turned avid at that comment. Dragging through the crowd, Sam made their way up to the counter. He continued to look for them between the illuminated shapes that swayed and jumped all around, using their glitter-dappled skin and wild red hair as an anchor in this unfamiliar environment.
It was calming to know that he didn't waste his evening tucked away in a corner at home, like he was used to by now. When alone, being lost in thoughts came as an unwanted companion. Brooding never revealed something new to Ben, even when following him across state lines.
Lifting his gaze off the bar, he took the time to take in the view. Hundreds of people, all different in the most unique ways he'd ever seen: hair, clothing, make-up. Strangers collected in one place for the sole purpose of having fun and be free to express this in any way they liked. Finally, finally, he was on his own, escaping his so-called life and moving far away to start living-
"This is a Blue Lagoon," Sam exclaimed, ripping him away from his line of thought.
They leaned against the wall holding a bulbous glass in each hand, gradually moving one towards him. Bright liquid sloshed around inside and made the ice cubes softly clink against each other. 
"Made with the freshest lagoon water out there!" 
"Really?" How exiting, Ben never had the chance to even look at the sea before! 
"No, that…was a joke."
"At least try to fit in!" he heard Luke drawl in the not so distant past,"It's a matter of effort." A long stretch of silence followed, he could see their mien gradually starting to lose its smooth features. He knew he would ruined this.
"Give it a shot!" Sam kept on going, all the while the uneasy presence of being without a social advisor slowly returned, "But stay honest, it's not for everybody."
He wasn't even allowed to look at alcohol, all of this was like a cardinal sin against everything he had been taught. 
"Stop acting like an idiot" was the only tip left in his mind, as the thick atmosphere between them was getting worse and worse by the second.
"Thanks," he tried in a last attempt to save himself from being ridiculed.
As he grabbed the drink out of their hand, the cursed quiet between them slowly began to dissolve, as they started to relax a little. 
"What's that?" Ben pointed at the red orb floating atop the drink.
Sam looked down at their own glass, decorated with a purple umbrella tucked between an orange slice and a maraschino cherry: "Oh, it's like candy; wanna have a bite? Here, open up!" 
Putting the cherry to his lips, Ben took in the burst of flavor. This glowing, sticky, artificial thing tasted like nothing he knew: like a whole world that waited to be explored by him. Every day could be a new adventure and fitting in would feel natural by then. 
"So, what are you doing around town? You don't look like you're from here."
"Not a topic we talk about with strangers. When in doubt, just lie."
What else was Ben supposed to say, "Escaping a cult" like Luke enjoyed hammering into his head? Google didn't encourage that kind of chit-chat either.
"Just visiting an old friend."
"Sounds fun! Will he join us later?" 
It was apparent that Sam was trying their hardest not to turn around and dump him on the spot. A beat of uncomfortable silence started to announce itself again. 
"I don't think so." 
Ben had been ditched by Luke and his friends, somewhere between the arrival here and his first trip to the bathroom, probably because he didn't shut up like he was asked to. But to be left to fend for himself also meant he didn't have to follow their rules no more! Staying honest was the least he could do.
"Thank you for being so patient with me, I'm not really great at this kind of conversation," he admitted at last, slowly sipping the alien liquid through the funny-shaped straw. 
A sudden punch of sugary alcohol hit him, making his nostrils burn from the inside out and let him cough like a high schooler trying their first beer. It truly was great.
"It's okay," Sam affirmed, followed by a quick wink and slurp of their own drink, "It's not the small talk I'm here for."
"I'm so glad I met you tonight."
They hadn't stopped after one cocktail, he could feel the fruity aromas the bar had offered them still enclosing his tongue. Sam showed him all their favorites, each coming with their own ornament he secretly put into his pocket: evidence of his adventures. 
Luke never cared to stop by.
Now, sitting in the passenger's seat of their old pickup truck, he never felt so free in his life.
"Me too, I waited so long for this!" Ben breathed through a pleasant shiver, the tingly heat across his body slowly sinking deeper into his bones. They sat on his lap, straddling him while holding his heavy head between their palms. The copper curls framing their sparkling green eyes lovingly stared back at his, seeking his gaze.
"You need to ask, always! We are not living in a cave anymore."
He hugged their waist tenderly, dragging them both close once again but not moving down any further. He would never do anything they didn't request, exactly as he was taught. It had been so long since he was held, nearly criminal how much he missed it.
The little voice that mocked him for a good part of the night finally was replaced by the bliss now warming him from the inside. His vision had long turned fuzzy from the vodka or whatever juice the barkeeper had filled them up with, little black dots dancing up the in the air like static. Motionless in their embrace, Sam was better than any company he could have hoped for.
"Oh, I have to pay you back still-" he slurred, his hands suddenly breaking contact with soft skin to fumble for his wallet, "...the drinks, y'know?"
His fingers tucked at the zipper of his fleece jacket, but slipped every time they got a hold of the little slider. If he'd known that being wasted would make him this weak, he would have abstained from one Malibu Sunset.
But only one!, he grinned silently.
"Don't worry about that," Sam whispered, their weight lifted off his thighs as they crawled into the back seat, "I just hope you had fun tonight." 
Ben did, more than he was permitted. However, the sudden loss of contact weighed his tongue down, leaving him cold and lonely.
"Where y- goin'?" 
His mouth wasn't moving on his command anymore, Ben weightlessly sunk into the darkness creeping in at the corners of his heavy-lidded eyes.
Did he do something wrong?
"Stop being so fucking weird," Luke warned him time and time again, but Ben didn't want to listen. Was it because of the money? He tried to pay up, but his body just wasn't reacting. Keeping still felt like his brain was stuck on a carnival ride and if it weren't for that, he would have noticed how Sam was pulling out their phone.
After what felt like only a few blinks, the driver's side door opened to a dark shape. As it sat down beside him, he felt it grabbing the seatbelt to securely buckle him into place; like it had done so many times before. Doubt was long gone, even as all those present were caught in the man's focus.
"Shepard?" Ben managed to mumble.
"Hello, starshine," a blurry hand swept hair stained with glitter out of his face, "where is your brother?"
Ben long felt too tired to be scared of somebody he knew this well, so the bothering question faded in and out of his mind.
"You don't know? That's fine," the older man gave a gentle smile and let the car start its monotonous humming, "all of us will be united soon."
It felt like one of those dreams, the ones that haunted Ben when he got struck by a sudden homesickness. Although his sleepy state may have tried to convince him otherwise, it felt…real.
"We missed you so much," was the last thing he heard before softly drifting towards the void of quietness, thinking nothing whatsoever.
Thanks for reading 🤍 [Febuwhump 2024 Masterlist]
If this seems recycled, it kinda is.
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yuzu-all-the-way · 1 year
Yuzuru Hanyu's Senior FS Costumes
I. Origin 1.0 (Prince of Darkness)
Note: All the references (interviews, translations, etc.) used for this post are listed below the cut
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In the 2018-2019 season, Yuzuru Hanyu came to compete as the newly crowned double Olympic champion. He dedicated his short program (Otonal) to Johnny Weir and his free program (Origin) to Evgeni Plushenko, two skaters Yuzuru admired since childhood.
Origin 1.0 - the costume which has the aura of the Prince of Darkness, as described by Satomi Ito herself, the costume designer¹. I consider this one of the top iconic Yuzuru Hanyu costumes because it deviates from the usual brightly colored ones (think about the blue-based costumes, for example) and he embraces the dark. I do not mean dark as in only color, but also judging by the vibes. The only other costume I can think of as channeling dark(ness) is Masquerade.
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There is a striking contrast between the relaxed, skating around Yuzuru Hanyu and the competition mode ON Yuzuru Hanyu. The difference is made specifically by his expression. However, in both instances, the costume seems to create a barrier between him and the rest of the world. Origin 1.0, a black and gold lace-top paired with black velour pants, is the first competition costume worn by Yuzu after winning his second Olympic gold medal and I like to think this costume is made to emphasize that Yuzuru Hanyu is untouchable.
The base of the top is a skin-coloured fabric with overlaid black lace. On the front, the chest's jagged opening creates the illusion of feathers spreading protectively, a subtle dynamism enhanced by the diagonal, slightly winding fabric and golden details orientation. In contrast, on the upper back, the gold fabric follows the curve of the shoulder blades and ribcage, like an exoskeleton, while the lower back's lines are naturally flowing downwards, highlighting the waist. Here and there few dark-red beads can be noticed which confer depth and nuance to the costume.
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Origin 1.0 is based on Yuzuru's surname: 『The non-human born of feathers』². As such, the most important detail is represented by the feathers - around 100 handmade black and white feathers by Satomi Ito, applied manually, and the white ones airbrushed black in the middle to maintain the costume's cohesion. Another subtle detail lies in the purple rhinestones. They are seamlessly integrated within the costume so much so that these become noticeable only in close-up photos (see below).
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Contributing to the depth of the costume are the purposefully ripped holes within the lace. Satomi Ito took to making those herself in the process of bringing Origin to life². The holes convey a subtle ragged look, of someone who has seen darkness and embraced it. They complement the entire look beautifully, adding to the Prince of Darkness theme.
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Origin 1.0 is one of those costumes made of multiple layers with various details applied without looking heavy or overly ornated. It maintains an apparently basic pattern while being full of hidden gems.
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At the end of another 'incomplete' season (Yuzu injured his ankle during 2018 NHK's FS practice, winning the event despite it, but having to withdraw from GPF and Japan Nationals), Yuzuru commented in a post-Worlds 2019 interview that the black and gold costume was meant to be "accessorized" only with gold medals (paraphrased)³.
Personally, I have been quite vocal on this blog about my undying love for the Origin sisters. They are in a constant battle to be my favourite.
Today, Origin 1.0 won for four reasons:
1) the theme is right up my alley
2) there is an easily found translation of an interview with Satomi Ito about the making of the costume (and I'm proud to say I understood the costume and the vision before reading the interview)
3) Yuzu won for the first time both of his GP assignments - he really was determined to have only gold associated with Origin 1.0.
4) 2019 Worlds Origin deserved the gold
1. Translation by @/marika_yuzu
2. "Figure Skating Fan" Magazine 2018-2019 『Born from feathers』 Translation
3. 53:57 YT video
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vampzzi · 2 years
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you're vaild ✧﹒﹒ Dylan lenivy x trans male reader
cw; emetophobia, gender dysphoria, not beta read I'm tired
author's note; there's not enough fics for my trans male lovers who love dylan lenivy and I just wanted to make something for you guys. Dylan gets you a binder :)
Sunk into your extremely uncomfortable bed you laid there, scrolling through your phone looking for a decent movie to watch on netflix since Mr.H gave us our phones back while he takes the kids home on a trip around the camp. Your chest was uncomfortably in the way as you wanted to look down at your feet, the cozy socks complimented your feet, a gift from Dylan since you get so cold at night you begin to shiver and tremble all over. Getting up out of your bed you look at yourself in the mirror, everything feels wrong about your body.  You don’t be as masculine as you want to be and no matter how much testosterone you take, it just doesn’t feel right.
The blank feeling sits in your gut as you don’t even wanna leave the room, climbing right back into the uncomfortable bed and snuggling into your sheets. Your mouth is dry through, you need some kind of refreshment as you get back up and open your door and walk through the door as  you walk down the halls. Why is the place so cold?? You shiver as you continue your journey to the kitchen, everyone is already in the kitchen. Ryan and Nick are making cookies together, what an usual sight to see Nick and Ryan bonding together but you can’t judge they seem to be enjoying their time. Emma is posing for Abi so she can draw her, they’ve been dating for a while now and they fit each other like puzzle pieces. It’s super crazy. 
And dylan..dylan, is sitting down doing something stupid as per usual, Jacob dared Dylan to eat one of those super carolina reaper chips mixed with mustard. The chip is red in color covered in disgustedly rancid smelling mustard as Dylan takes a bite and immediately dashes for the trashcan. He grips onto the trash can as he groans out and empties his stomach contents as everyone looks at him and then at Jacob with sour faces. 
“Whattt, nothing but a little plus it can't be that bad” he takes the chip and the eats the whole thing as everyone looks at him in disgust before he coughs and almosts gaps out, swallowing it with a smile “mmm delicious’ he rubs his stomach to emphasize his point, you laugh at point at him as you cover your mouth to silence it as he looks at you “Ayy, what’s up (name)?” you clear your throat and look at everyone and then your eyes lay on Jacob to answer his question “I’m doing fine, I can see you guys are up to no good again” “as always” he says back with a smirk.
Dylan slowly brings his head up as Ryan is offering him a water bottle as he takes it gratefully and downs it in one go, gulping it as I’m pretty everyone can hear his deep gulps. “That’s better - Oh! Hey (name)!” “Hey Dylan” you smile at him as he flashes you a smile back making your way over to the fridge you open to the many juices, sodas and flavored waters and plain water. You pick a nice cold sprite from the back as those are usually the best ones to drink, they are always cold and hit differently when you’re extremely thirsty.  
Dylan arms wraps around you as you open your soda and he looks down at you “I forgot to mention, I got you a gift and since summer camp si coming to an end thought I’d give it to you” you nod as he drags you away from the others, their voicing of curiosity soon disappears as we’re soon in the other cabin room, Dylan closes the door behind him slowly making the less noise with the loud creaky door. “Stay there” he gets on the floor and gets under the bed to reach for something fishing out a package as he hands you it “Had to hide it from the others but
it was hard since jacob loves teasing and being nosy” you chuckle “almost sounds like someone else I know”.
You rip out the package to a package the tag reads “gc2b” and you already know what it is. It’s a binder, something you’ve been trying to get forever but never having the pocket money for it as you smile brightly at Dylan giving him a hug as he hugs you back, squeezing you tightly.
“Thank you so much Dy” “You’re welcome name” He then looks at you again and steps back heading to the door “You should try it on, I’II give you your privacy” nodding as he opens the door and closes it waiting out, pulling off the shirt you wear and taking the bra off that you no longer need as you take the binder out and slip it on, placing the shirt back on. You place your hands on your chest, it's completely flat, your worlds feel so much better you could almost cry. No,  you wanted to cry. 
You opened the door and Dylan whispered “Looking handsome dude” you shook your head as you hugged him again and laid your head on his shoulder “...Thank you so much, I just can't thank you enough” “No need name, just helping out my best friend"
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princesssarisa · 1 year
Character ask: Cinderella's stepsisters
Favorite thing about them: Well, most adaptations portray them as comic relief, and they typically are very funny in their cattiness, their vanity, and their clumsy efforts to be charming ladies and win over the Prince. They're usually characters we love to hate.
I especially like it when adaptations make an effort to give them distinct personalities. For example, one of them haughty and overbearing while the other is a nervous woman-child, or one of them clever and conniving while the other is a simpering ditz. Although even pairs of sisters that are basically interchangeable, like Clorinda and Tisbe in the opera La Cenerentola or Disney's Anastasia and Drizella, can still have plenty of personality and comedy. And while I don't want it done in every new retelling, I do enjoy the recent trend (starting in 1998 with Ever After's Jacqueline) of redeeming at least one sister if not both by the end, as long as it's done in a way that feels believable.
Least favorite thing about them: In-universe, their abuse of Cinderella, naturally. Different adaptations give them different ways to bully her, but the worst has to be the moment in the Disney version when Anastasia and Drizella rip her dress to shreds before the ball.
Out of universe, the fact that they're traditionally portrayed as ugly while Cinderella is beautiful, implicitly linking beauty with goodness and worth in women. This probably explains why so many of the more recent adaptations either make them pretty or make at least one of them sympathetic, with Disney even joining the trend and redeeming Anastasia in the direct-to-video sequels.
Three things I have in common with them:
*I like elegant clothes.
*I can be hot-tempered.
*I don't have small feet.
Three things I don't have in common with them:
*I try to be a nice person.
*I have no desire to marry into royalty.
*Both of my parents are still alive.
Favorite line:
From Perrault's version of the tale:
"For my part," said the eldest, "I will wear my red velvet suit with French trimming."
"And I," said the youngest, "shall have my usual petticoat; but then, to make amends for that, I will put on my gold-flowered cloak, and my diamond stomacher, which is far from being the most ordinary one in the world."
From the Disney version, mocking Cinderella when she wants to go to the ball:
Drizella: Hah! Her, dancing with the Prince!
Anastasia: I'd be honored, Your Highness! Would you mind holding my broom?
From the 1957 version of the Rodgers and Hammerstein musical, Portia trying to talk like her Shakespearean namesake as she dances with the Prince:
"I'll stand up in some old courtroom someday. And I'll say something to some old judge, about how the quality of mercy is not strained, ya know what I mean? And then I'll say it splashes down like the gentle dew..." (Cinderella enters at the top of the staircase and captures everyone's attention) "...from heaven?"
From the 1997 version of the Rodgers and Hammerstein musical:
Minerva: Did you ever see such a lazy girl in your life?
Calliope: Who are you calling lazy?
Minerva: Not you, stupid, Cinderella!
Calliope: Oh... Who are you calling stupid?
And from Ever After:
After Marguerite throws a screaming tantrum in front of the Queen when she learns that Prince Henry has been seeing Danielle, she tries to justify it:
"There was a bee."
When Jacqueline is forced to dress as a horse for the masked ball:
"Oh well, why don't I just pull the carriage while I'm at it?"
When Baroness Rodmilla and Marguerite's lies to the Queen are exposed and they're about to be punished, Jacqueline's response when Rodmilla wonders if she had something to do with this:
"'Course not, Mother. I'm only here for the food."
brOTP: Each other, in the rare moments when they're not competing.
OTP: The two courtiers from Perrault's version.
nOTP: The Prince.
Random headcanon: They would never tell anyone, but sometimes, when they're alone together, they talk about how much they miss their childhood, when their father was alive, their mother was happier, and she wasn't always pressuring them to be perfect ladies and to marry rich. (Or in the case of Clorinda and Tisbe in La Cenerentola, when their mother was alive and their father was happier, etc.) Maybe a part of why they hate Cinderella is that as their stepsister, she's a symbol of their changed life.
Unpopular opinion: I'm not sure how unpopular this is, but I'll list it because most stage productions of Rodgers and Hammerstein's Cinderella nowadays seem to be the 2013 Broadway version, even though two other stage scripts are still available.
Charlotte and Gabrielle from the 2013 version of Rodgers and Hammerstein's musical are my least favorite incarnations of the Rodgers and Hammerstein stepsisters. Not that I dislike them, but I think I'd prefer them in a new adaptation, not the Rodgers and Hammerstein musical. I like the idea, in and of itself, of one sister being the traditional annoying brat, but the other being secretly sympathetic and trying to help Cinderella... even if it does feel derived from Marguerite and Jacqueline in Ever After. But the two bratty, buffoonish stepsisters have always been a comic highlight of the Rodgers and Hammerstein musical (whether their names are Joy and Portia, Prunella and Esmeralda, Calliope and Minerva, or Joy and Grace), and I much prefer "Stepsisters' Lament" as a duet then as a solo for Charlotte with a chorus of other jealous girls.
Song I associate with them:
"Stepsisters' Lament" from the Rodgers and Hammerstein musical
And two selections from the opera La Cenerentola:
"Cenerentola, vien qua!" ("Cinderella, come here!")
(Clorinda and Tisbe ecstatically look forward to the ball and run Cinderella ragged with orders to help them dress, while the "fairy godfather" Alidoro – disguised as a beggar – and the chorus of messengers from the palace look amusedly on.)
"Zitto zitto, piano piano" ("Hush, hush, quiet, quiet")
(Prince Ramiro and his valet Dandini – disguised as each other – steal a moment to discuss Clorinda and Tisbe's obnoxiousness, only for the girls to find them. Fake-prince Dandini says he'll marry one of them and let the other marry his "valet," and the sisters react with disgust at the thought of marrying such a "plebeian," "vulgar" young man, little knowing that they're insulting the real prince.)
Favorite picture of them:
This illustration by Charles Folkard
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This illustration by Hermann Vogel
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This illustration by Margaret Price
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Robert Helpmann and Frederick Ashton in Prokofiev's ballet, 1948
(I have misgivings about casting men as the sisters, but I appreciate that for two gay ballerinos in the 1940s, playing these flamboyant feminine roles meant something more than just "Ha ha, the ugly women are really men.")
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Disney's Drizella and Anastasia
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Alice Ghostley and Kaye Ballard as Joy and Portia in the 1957 version of the Rodgers and Hammerstein musical
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Pat Carroll and Barbara Ruick as Prunella and Esmeralda in the 1965 version of the Rodgers and Hammerstein musical
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Daniela Hlaváčová as Dora, the one stepsister in the 1973 Czech classic Tři oříšky pro Popelku (Three Nuts/Wishes for Cinderella)
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Rosalind Ayres and Sherrie Hewson as Isobella and Palatine (with Margaret Lockwood as their mother) in The Slipper and the Rose, 1976
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Catherine and Jeanne in the 1996 anime Cinderella Monogatari
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Natalie Desselle and Veanne Cox as Minerva and Calliope in the 1997 version of the Rodgers and Hammerstein musical
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Megan Dodds and Melanie Lynsky as Marguerite and Jacqueline in Ever After
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Johanna Paliege as Clothilde in the 2010 adaptation from the German Christmas fairy tale anthology Märchenperlen (like Three Wishes for Cinderella, this version has just one stepsister)
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Pheline Roggan as Annabella in another German Christmas fairy tale anthology, Sechs auf einen Streich (again, this adaptation has just one stepsister)
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Holliday Grainger and Sophie McShera as Anastasia and Drisella in Disney's 2015 live-action remake
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@ariel-seagull-wings, @the-blue-fairie, @themousefromfantasyland, @softlytowardthesun, @thealmightyemprex
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azuramarigold · 11 months
Poisoned Heart
Summary: The trial of State vs. Phoenix Wright on April 11, 2014 - he can't ever forget it, it was one of the worst says of his life.
“Mr. Wright!” Ms. Fey shouted in panic, her hazel eyes wide in horror. “Are you okay!?” “Huh…?” “I need to call you an ambulance!” “…why…?” Phoenix felt his legs wobble, the corners of his vision going dark. He coughed again, gasping for air. He had to rip off his mask as it felt suffocating… but it wasn’t the mask that was suffocating. It was the blood that was splattering into his hand. “Uh… M-M-Mia…?” Phoenix softly called out, his legs buckling. “I-I’m s-s-sor…rry…” “PHOENIX!”
            The young, angelic-face of a woman with blood-red hair stood on the witness stand – her hands gripped on the handle of her parasol so tight that she could snap it in half. Her eyes seemed to be almost a spiritual white – full of anger and spite, almost a demonic presence.
            “You. Think. You. Have. Won?” the woman practically growled. “WELL!? Do you, Mia Fey!?”
            Standing on the Defense side of the courtroom was a young woman with chestnut brown hair and hazel eyes, a beauty mark on her chin, and wearing a skirt-suit with a tan scarf wrapped around her neck. Her purple magatama was sitting proudly in the middle of her chest above her breasts. She was considered a very beautiful young woman – but at that moment she looked terrified.
            Literally minutes ago, Mia Fey was fighting for her client’s – Phoenix Wright – life as he was accused of murder of a young college student. The woman on the witness stand cursing Ms. Fey’s name was non-other than Phoenix’s girlfriend, Dahlia Hawthorne.
            Who was planning on murdering him.
            This… this isn’t really happening… is it?
            Phoenix thought the worse of it was when he was accused of murdering Doug Swallow. He thought hiring a decent attorney from Grossberg’s Law Offices through the Law Program at Ivy University on a student discount would be fine. He thought everything would be an open and shut case.
            That’s what Dollie told me anyway… she used to read some of my law texts…
            Dahlia then laughed, a dark, and almost sinister laugh that Phoenix never heard before. “Heh... Heh... Heh... Heheh... That's. Just. Fine! For the time being...” Her voice just sounded so… cold. She then put on her “sweet” façade. “For the time being, victory is yours.” A lovely smile plastered on her face, a smile that Phoenix once would have said he really loved and enjoyed – but this smile… was different.
            Stoney. Plastered. Almost… practiced.
            It looks the same… but it’s not. I can’t really explain it…
            “‘For the time being’”? Ms. Fey repeated, her hands on the desk, her giving Dahlia a hard glare.
            Dahlia tilted her head to the side, her red hair gently falling on her shoulder. “Well... I have a very long memory, you know. You and I will meet again... I'm certain of it,” the woman stated.
            Ms. Fey gave a perplexed look.
            Soon Dahlia Hawthorne was escorted out of the courtroom by officers. She did not give Phoenix Wright another look. She did not say another word to him.
            It was like he didn’t exist.
15 minutes earlier…
            Phoenix had jumped from his Defendants chair and marched up towards the witnesses stand, ignoring the glares from his attorney, Mia Fey, and the Judge.
            “On behalf of Dollie, I OBJECT!”
            The prosecutor of the case, Mr. Winston Payne, began stuttering, “M-M-Mr. Wright! Control yourself!”
            Anger had boiled in Phoenix. How could he sit there and watch his own attorney bully Dollie like this? Dollie was a petite woman with such delicate skin that she always carries a parasol, so she doesn’t get a sunburn. The girl studies literature so she can choose words over violence as “The Pen is Mightier Than the Sword”.
            “I-I won’t let you bully her like this…!” Phoenix continued, tears threating to spill.
            The Judge slammed is gavel. “MR. WRIGHT!” he shouted with authority. “I thought I had told you to stay in your seat!”
            Ms. Fey slammed her hands on the desk. “Mr. Wright! W-why are you going through such lengths to protect her!?” the woman cried out.
            “B-Because I’m madly in l-love with her!” the young man shouted, his face flushing in a combination of embarrassment and his low-grade fever.
            He’s never said those words out in public. Both he and Dollie had always said and expressed their love for each other in private – either in his college dorm room or in her private apartment she had off campus. Saying it out loud, in front of everyone, made him want to crawl under the desk and cry.
            You’ve always been so sensitive, Ryu. His mother had always told him, always calling him the nickname of his middle name.
            Ms. Fey sighed in exasperation, “Mr. Wright…” she tapped her forehead in almost annoyance. “Have you ever thought about this? Why would a woman like Ms. Hawthorne want to date you anyway?”
            I mean… ouch.
            Phoenix would consider himself… average looking at best. He didn’t really date in high school – it didn’t help that he hung out with Larry Butz a lot and of course “When something Smells, it’s usually the Butz!” Once he started college there were a couple of dates, meeting a couple of guys at a local bar and grill, a girl or two at a movie, and going to a few parties at a frat house and chatting.
            But Dahlia was the first one to willing… throw herself at him? He was the one who would approach others and it was usually the most awkward thing in the world until he had a drink or two in. The young woman literally gave him the heart-shaped necklace, made of glass, and gave him such a smile that he couldn’t refuse.
            Then Ms. Fey mentioned the necklace… it was coming back to the necklace again…
            That damned necklace.
            “Y-you’re l-lying…” Phoenix kept mumbling to himself as Ms. Fey kept pushing about the necklace and how Dollie just wanted it back.
            “You never gave it back to her,” Ms. Fey continued. “And you kept refusing. On top of it all, you kept showing it to everyone you met. That’s why she-”
            “… I don’t… I don’t believe you!” Phoenix finally cried out, tears spilling over his eyes. “NOO! That’s a l…l-lie!” He rushed over by Ms. Fey and nearly tackling her, tears nearly blinding him as he wailed.
            “EEK!” his attorney shouted in panic.
            What she didn’t realize was that Phoenix slipped his hand into her pocket and grabbed the necklace back.
            “The Defendant!” a bailiff shouted. “He’s getting away!”
            Phoenix ignored the shouts as he ran out of the courtroom. As he had ran by Dollie, there was almost a… sinister smile on her face. Was he imagining it?
            He ran down the hall and turned a corner, managing to slip into the restroom quickly before the bailiff could see. Quickly, he locked the door behind him and entered a stall. He opened his hand to see blue and gold pendant, heart-shaped, a glass crystal in its center.
            Eight months… he thought bitterly to himself. I’ve had this for eight months. Ms. Fey says there is poison in this? Did Dollie really… poison that other attorney…?
            Looking in the glass bottle, there was a quarter of fluid in there. Without thinking, Phoenix pulled down his mask, ignoring the cough building up in his throat, and began crushing the glass in his mouth.
            He felt the iron tang along with something else tinging his tongue. But he ignored it. All that mattered was that he was going to prove that Dollie was not hiding poison or had been trying to kill him. Every swallow of the broken glass was tearing his already scratchy, sore throat.
            He felt blood trickle down the corners of his mouth, and with a quick motion of a ripping a piece of toilet paper he promptly wiped  it away. He ignored the bright scarlet. He ignored the iron taste. He ignored what almost smelled like flowers wafting into his nose mixed with iron – an almost bitter smell.
            After a few minutes of breaking apart the rest of the necklace and disposing it (him eating it), he gave a few sneezes and coughs, ignoring the splatter of blood that he sprayed on the wall of the small cubicle he was in, and exited the stall. He made his way to the mirror and saw his reflection.
            It was like seeing a hollow version of himself. He still had his usual spikiness of his hair, but his normally dark blue eyes were almost tinged gray – lifeless. Dark circles were under his eyes, his skin pale and clammy.
            What does a poisoned person look like? He had been fighting a cold for the past three days – of course he looked sick. Is he going to look worse? Is he going to drop dead?
            After a solid five minutes of nothing – Phoenix gave a smirk.
            He finally left the bathroom with his hands up and let the bailiffs take him back to the courtroom.
Phoenix Wright was given a “Not Guilty” verdict for the murder of Doug Swallow.
            He should be happy. He was not going to prison. He could still become a lawyer and help his oldest friend…
            But… he wasn’t… Phoenix couldn’t.
            So… it was all a lie…?
            “Oh! Mr. Wright!” a familiar voice called out to him, pulling him out of his thoughts. “Congratulations!” Ms. Fey held out her hand for a handshake.
            For a moment, Phoenix stared blankly at it, but he then grasped it and shook it gratefully. “Th-thank you, Ms. Fey…” he said tearfully. “I-I’m sorry for the trouble I’ve caused…”
            Ms. Fey blinked at him in surprise. “Mr. Wright… I know you must still be in shock from everything…” she began to say.
            “Dollie…” he barely whispered. “I don’t think that was actually her on the stand…”
            “I…I’m not sure what you mean by that, Mr. Wright…” she replied in confusion.
            Phoenix shook his head softly. Why did his head hurt suddenly? Maybe he was getting a headache from all this excitement…
            “The Dollie I knew… would never say those kinds of things…” Phoenix explained, him still feeling bewildered. “She was always so sweet… and… and ca-car-” He gave a rough cough. His throat felt like knives were tearing at it. His stomach was burning. He needed to pick up a not poisoned cold-killing medicine on his way back to the dorm.
            “Mr. Wright!” Ms. Fey shouted in panic, her hazel eyes wide in horror. “Are you okay!?”
            “I need to call you an ambulance!”
            Phoenix felt his legs wobble, the corners of his vision going dark. He coughed again, gasping for air. He had to rip off his mask as it felt suffocating… but it wasn’t the mask that was suffocating.
            It was the blood that was splattering into his hand.
            “Uh… M-M-Mia…?” Phoenix softly called out, his legs buckling. “I-I’m s-s-sor…rry…”
            The wailing of sirens was the last thing he heard as he crashed into Mia Fey’s arms, coughing more blood onto the white of her jacket, staining it scarlet.
He opened his eyes with a loud gasp, the sounds of beeping around him.
            An oxygen mask covered his face, feeling a bunch of wires and tubing covering exposed skin, and something was uncomfortably shoved up his nose. A scratchy blanket covered him, thin and cold, it does nothing for him to contain body heat.
            Phoenix darted his eyes around him, noting that the room was a stark white. Sterile. Unwelcoming.
            It wasn’t his first time in a hospital bed for something dumb.
            It was his first time however in a hospital bed for something idiotic.
            “So, you’re awake now, Mr. Wright?” a soft voice asked.
            Phoenix managed to crane his neck to his left to see his attorney in a chair, wearing casual clothing with a dark purple knitted sweater and a pair of black slacks, and her purple magatama that was almost glowing front and center on her chest. In her hands was a cup of coffee, most likely from a vending machine and from questionable origin.
            “Ms.… Fey…?” Phoenix choked out, his voice dry and hoarse. He reached up to his face and pulled off his oxygen mask. He gave a cough to try to clear it, but when he did, he felt as though his chest was on fire.
            “You were in surgery for about thirteen hours, Phoenix…” she worriedly said. “They actually said that was short.”
            “… I was…?”
            “You are lucky son of a bitch, you know that!?” Ms. Fey then screamed, her standing up from her chair. “You ate a knowingly poisoned necklace!”
            “… I thought… it wasn’t…” Phoenix choked, him feeling tears sting his eyes.
            “You were willing to bet your life on that!?” she furiously screamed, tears in her eyes. “My first trial ended because the defendant committed suicide from doing what your DUMB ASS DID!” She threw her coffee to the ground, it splattering to the floor. “Well… not exactly what you did… he just drank the full dose of poison…” Her hands were balled up into fists at her sides. “Someone… someone I care about is in a room a few doors down was unknowingly poisoned by that bitch! He’s been in a coma for the past eight months! And yet… you were willing to bet your life that she wouldn’t kill you…!”
            Phoenix darted his eyes away from hers. He didn’t realize that’s what happened. “I…” was all he could manage.
            Ms. Fey sighed, her voice shaking. “They said you were lucky… the poison wasn’t as potent due to half-life…” she explained, her voice softer, seemingly realizing she let out too much of her emotions. “The glass… luckily didn’t cut your esophagus… it did cut your stomach lining though and got into your small intestine.”
            “They managed to get all the glass out and stitch you up on the inside to make sure there is no internal bleeding,” she continued. She glanced at the I.V. bag and the feeding tube that was going up Phoenix’s nose. “The poison may affect your absorption of nutrients as well…” she added. “It sounds like you may not like eating much anymore…” She gave a morbid chuckle dripping with sarcasm, “Every girl’s diet wish.”
            “Can… I…” Phoenix tried to speak, but his throat was so dry.
            “Do you want water…?”
            He nodded.
            Ms. Fey handed him a cup of ice water that was on a tray next to her.
            Phoenix managed to prop himself up in the bed and gulp the water down in one swig. He cleared his throat.
            “Much better…” he softly spoke. His voice was still hoarse, but at least it wasn’t drier than the Sahara Desert. He then took a deep breath. “I’m… I’m sorry I was an idiot,” he expressed full heartedly. “I… I should have listened to you… Dahlia was right… what use am I to anyone…? Maybe I should’ve just-”
            Phoenix then felt a warm hand on his. “Don’t!” Ms. Fey’s stern voice interrupted. “Don’t you dare say you rather be dead!” Her hard glare was full of determination, confidence, and what Phoenix could describe as… hope. “You are worth it to someone! I wouldn’t have fought so hard for you in court if I didn’t think you were worth it, Phoenix!”
            The young man blinked in confusion. Then he gave a bitter chuckle, “I thought you insisted on being my attorney because she was involved…?”
            Ms. Fey looked startled. “I mean…” she choked out. “It… did start out like that…” she admitted. “But as the trial went on… I realized that you reminded me a lot… of myself. Scared and unsure of yourself. Dahlia mentioned in a testimony that you are also studying law…? Why as an art student are you studying law?”
            Phoenix darted his eyes away. “I minor in law…” he lowly said. “I wanted to be a Defense Attorney when I was kid… I put it on the back burner for a bit and focused on art instead…” He then noticed a newspaper on the table next to where Ms. Fey was sitting, it showing someone very familiar on the front page… “Hey… can I see that paper for a second…?”
            Ms. Fey looked confused as she grabbed it. “Um… sure?” she muttered as she handed it to the young college student.
            Phoenix read the front page, the title reading: “DEMON PROSECUTOR WINS AGAIN”.
            “What… have you become, Miles…?” Phoenix barely whispered.
            “I beg your pardon, Phoenix?” Ms. Fey asked.
            “Ms. Fey…” Phoenix began, him folding the newspaper up, the picture showing clear as day his old childhood friend: Miles Edgeworth. “A lawyer is someone who can help people when they’re in trouble… right?”
            She gave a soft look, almost like an older sister. “I’m… still new to this lawyering thing myself, but I think that’s what a lawyer does,” she told him.
            Phoenix gave her a large smile. “Then that’s what I’ll do!” he said confidently. “I’ll study my ass off! No more half-assing my lawyer classes! I’m going to become a Defense Attorney! Maybe we can meet each other again!”
            “I’ll do you one better…” she said as she extended her hand to him. “I’ll help you get there… you can call me ‘Mia’ for now on.” She then gave him a wink. “Or ‘Chief’. I like the sound of that.”
            “‘Chief’?” he echoed.
            “Yeah… I’m probably going to be opening my own firm… ‘Fey & Co.’,” she admitted slyly as she tapped her chin. “How about I take you under my wing? You can be the ‘Co’ of ‘Fey & Co’.” She was beaming with every word.
            Phoenix felt his face go red. “Wait… what…!?” he stammered. “Even though… even though…!?”
            “You may be a dumbass in social situations,” Mia told him with a smirk. She then pulled out his transcripts from his college courses. “But… you’re actually good with your testing scores – you just don’t like doing your actual work.”
            Phoenix crossed his arms stubbornly. “Well… the tests should be what counts…” he muttered.
            “You’re a straight A student in every test you take – even going past the grading scale with extra credit questions because you think outside the box.”
            “So, let’s get your grades up and get you to pass your Bar Exam.”
            “Are… you sure you want to put all your faith in me, Ms. – I mean, Chief?”
            Mia then gave him a large smile. “Phoenix Wright – you may have gotten a poisoned heart from love, but you’re an amazing person, this one incident isn’t going to break you. We Fey’s have this uncanny feeling about this sort of thing. I’m going to make sure you become a damn good attorney – an Ace Attorney if you will.” She winked at him again.
            A smile crossed his face again. “Th-thank you, Mia…” he whispered, his voice wavering.
September 10, 2016 - 9:00am
Los Angeles Hospital Cremation Services
It was a little more than two years since that day… since that trial…
            Phoenix Wright stood in the hallway in the basement of the hospital with Maya Fey, the younger sister of his mentor - his old attorney, his friend – waiting for hospital staff to seal the doors of the cremation room.
            She’s right there… on the other side… her body…
            But it was just the night before he heard her voice in the office. She told him that he was finally leaving the nest… that she would always watch over him. Mia had saved him again at the trial at the last moment – Maya being a Spirit Medium-in-training was able to channel the deceased Mia finally gave Phoenix the last piece of the puzzle he needed for Maya – and his – acquittal.
            Miles Edgeworth – the man that was the reason why he even became an attorney in the first place – was the prosecutor in the case. He was even shocked at the turn in of events, and for the first time since 2013, he had lost a trail. The Demon Prosecutor had lost his perfect trial record to a rookie first year Defense Attorney who was only defending his second trial.
            Lost in thought, Phoenix didn’t hear the operator as a switch was pulled. Orange engulfed his view through the window. A small gasp escaped Maya as she then began to mumble prayers to herself.
            Phoenix was not a religious man – he never was. He remembered a few phrases from his Soba Naruhodo that were prayers for the deceased, something they did for their ancestors from time to time, so that was what he prayed to Mia.
            “Don’t worry, Phoenix – we’re not done with each other yet!”
            “Don’t let my death poison your heart, Phoenix – remember, you’re an amazing person! Please take care of each other, okay…?”
            I… we will, Chief…
            Thank you… Mia.
Phoenix and Maya had split Mia’s ashes in half.
            Maya had kept her half of the ashes in a purple urn that was the same color as the late Fey’s magatama, her name engraved in the stone. The young Spirit Medium also kept a special hollow magatama and kept a bit of ash in there to carry on her person – she stated it was easier to channel Mia’s spirit and she liked the fact that her sister was always with her.
            Phoenix had a purple urn as well, but it was more subtle looking. In a way it resembled a house plant pot… He had looked into it, a “Living Urn” it was called. At that moment, Phoenix had Mia’s ashes mixed in soil in a biodegradable urn to help lower pH levels and for the soil and ashes to become acclimated with one another. Once all that was said in done – he was going to transfer Charlie the plant into the large purple “Urn” pot so that Mia would help Charlie continue to grow and live in the office.
            Mia was the life of the office. She was the life of Maya. She was the life of Charlie.
            And she was the life of Phoenix - the one who helped heal his poisoned heart.
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kiliinstinct · 2 months
Tagged By: @ayyden-apoloe - Thank you!
Last Song: Hand of Sorrow- Within Temptation Favorite Color: All the different shades of Red. Purple, Silver and Blue too. Currently Watching: Heaven Official's Blessing (technically third rewatch... in a month. Don't judge me. ><) Sweet/Savory/Spicy: Sweet and Savory are equals here. I can't choose unless I'm in a specific mood for them. Spicy is great, but I'm sensitive to it, so it has to come last. Relationship Status: Single Current Obsession: Xiao and Aether from Genshin Impact , Hua Cheng and Xie Lian from Heaven Official's Blessing. Last Thing I Goggled: looking at partial eclipse and how it damages the eyes
Tagging: Pretty sure most everyone I'd tag has already been tagged, so if you get double tagged, rip. @teleiapotami , @classysassy9791 , @creaticare , @cobrakiin , @thehylianidiot , @notsofluffyunicorn , @blazingorchid , @termitate + whoever wants to steal this feel free
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DELICOUSLY DARK! AEMOND X OC (Snowfalls, chapter 8: The price of gold
CONCEPT: You are Willa Wyldewoods, lady of Wyldecrest. After being denied your hand in marriage, Aemond murders your family and makes himself Lord of WyldeCrest, out-powering you. He claims you as his wife and spoils, He commands and goes over your home now and as you will learn right now: No one is safe under his reign. Not even you.
WARNINGS: Non-con, threats, dub/con, powerabuse, dom/sub themes, self-love, profianity, smut, mentions of oral sex, mentions of self love and other disburing themses. Mentions of blood, breeding kinks, dark!aemond
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Aemond drags you back home. He proudly carries you upstairs. You close your eyes and try to stop crying. He enters a bathroom and starts to strip his bloody clothes. You watch as he drops it to the floor, proudly displaying his body.
He briefly washes himself in front of you. You are forced to see his naked body and see the soap bar that once was yellow turned red in moments. He is cold when he is done but at least clean. He doesn't bother to dress. Instead, he slowly stalks over and grabs your gown. 'I'll give you a ten seconds. If you are not out of your gown, I will rip it.' He says, leaning back against the sink.
You strip, feeling numb. He touches your nipples who harden under his touch. Your breath softly catches. His other hand goes between your legs and pleasures you there. He chuckles, pulling you closer to him. He lets go of your breasts to do this and walks you while still pleasuring you to the bedroom. You feel a harsh push and end up on the bed. You kneel.
'We are going to do it differently today.' He says, instead of fucking you like a animal from behind. You are pleasantly surprised. Perhaps he noticed it isn't for you.
'We are?' You ask, a bit excited. He grins.
He nods and takes off his eyepatch. You are still not used to his sapphire eye. 'Yes. I'd like to watch you fuck yourself.' You blink a few times. You never pleasured yourself. Not like he has.
'Why do you...' You whimper when he silences you with his fingers.
'It'll make me more aware of your pleasures and preferences. I think I can be a better lover if you gave me a show.' He says with a wink. You feel your cheeks heat and blush. You never felt very feminine or desirable. You never done anything seductive either. You doubt it will live up to his expectations. You doubt he will be happy.
He continues, softly rubbing your wet folds. He grabs your hips and forces you to buck with one hand and to pleasure with another. 'I'm very curious how dark your mind is. I never suspected you'd like a good old-fashioned spanking during the act that surprised me. Most ladies do not enjoy that.' You don't know why you asked him to do that either.
You are wet, so he stops and sits back and just watches relaxed in a chair. You are left on the bed and softly start touching yourself when he watches. He sinks in the chair and leans on his hand.
You rub your breasts. It's difficult to start without his touch. It's hard to have him watch, knowing that any little mistake will be judged or scoffed at. Worse, you are terrified of him just laughing at you.
You think back of the one good time you had with him. Of the cold glass and how good it felt to be pressed against it with your face. To feel his hands spread your legs and to feel his cock shove up your cunt as far as he could. To have him bend you like a ordinary whore and to fuck you like you are property. You turn off shame and morals.
You roll on your back and insert two fingers. You bury your face down. Aemond suddenly gets up and walks over. You wait for him. He laughs and leans in when putting a pillow between your legs.
'I don't want you to be comfortable, I want you to fuck that pillow like its me.' He says darkly when sitting back in his chair.
You give in and grab the pillow and hungrily roll on it, fucking it. You pretend it's Aemond. You can hear his voice in your ear, and you feel his hands smack you and his breath upon your neck.
You pretend you are chained to your bed, your body wet and hungry for him. He touches you first a bit before slowly torturing you with soft and subtle touches and kisses. Before he goes over to the darker work and licks you very very gently nearly just tipping his tongue against your clit. You beg and plead like a common whore and when you are done he finally spreads your legs and fucks you right up when on your legs. You cry out his name without any intent and come.
You open your eyes and are back in the room with Aemond who just watched you fuck yourself. You feel ashamed and digusted. But he asked you to. He wanted to watch this.
He claps his hands. You worry he will laugh. 'Very good. I think I learned plenty.' He stands up slowly and comes over. You gently roll on your back.
'Y-yes?' He leans in and nods his silver hair going up and down. You watch it lovelingy. You'd love to touch it. Aemond would never let you, however.
He doesn't answer you. You decide to simple down the question. 'Did I do good?' You want to know.
His hands touch your wet folds. 'Yes, very good...' He says when gently rubbing it. It was already sensitive and now its even worse. 'I discovered quite a lot.' You are curious. He has more insight than you. You want to know more about who you are when you make love with him. You feel yourself become another woman.
'Does my husband wish to share?' You ask hopeful. He knows more about this than you do. You hope he might explain things and make it a little more bearable for you.
Aemond laughs, and you feel stupid for even asking. 'He does not.'
You bow your head out of habit. 'Yes, husband.' You accept that you won't know. If he won't share something, he won't.
'So obedient these days.' He says with a chuckle. 'You're learning.' You don't meet his eye.
He softly ticks against your chin and lifts it, so you have eye contact. You never noticed what intense eyes he has. Or eye. 'I'm glad, my sweetling. Your ass and cunt must hurt after the stunts you pulled lately. It's best to just make peace with your new life and your new reality.' You don't want to. Part of you wants to wake up in your bed with all of this being a nightmare.
You give a small nod but can't help crying. You want to crawl in his arms, but you know what he thinks about sudden touching and especially hugging. He does not want it. So instead, you hug your own knees and comfort yourself that way.
He finds that very funny and laughs. 'Every girl is scared when her husband takes her into his bed. It is tradition. You are still in your childhood home because I allow it. Do you not think I deserve a thank you?' A thank you? You shudder by the thought of what he could possibly mean. He eyes you hungrily, and you know that look all too well by now. You watch his hands as it slowly creeps over your legs.
'Thank you, Husband.' You hope that's enough for him. Judging by his smirk, it is not.
'Remember when you did something very good for me?' He asks. 'When you opened those lips of yours and pleasured your husband like you're some ordinare brothel slut?'
How could you possibly forget? The texture of his cock and the way it was pushed down your throat until you obeyed him. The taste of his sour and yet sweet cum on your lips and the way he finished in your face, making you dirty...
You lie hoping to avoid it this way. 'I don't remember, husband.' He touches your neck and grins before letting go again.
He chuckles warmly before touching your chin and rubbing your breasts. His voice is a low cruel purr. 'I think you remember it very well, little brat. You should not lie to me. I will find out if you did, and I will punish you accordingly.' You softly touch your tattoo on your face and think back to his other punishments as well.
Aemond hits you on your ass and you cry out. 'Ow!'
You confess. 'The truth is, it feels so unnatural to have it in my mouth. It feels dirty to suck you off. It feels wrong, and I don't quite like the taste of it either.' You confess. 'It's so dirty.'
Aemond smirks. 'I love how dumb you are.' He says coldly, and you whimper softly before he has even grabbed hold of your wrists. 'You think you're so smart and clever, but I see through every little scheme and plot. You are beaten, Willa. Yield.' You don't want to.
You get a idea. What if Aemond applies something on his thing to make sucking more delicious? That would probably help. 'What if ...What if we applied something sweet so the taste wouldn't be so bad for me?' You say, gently and hopeful.
'No.' He says directly.
He groans at your begging. 'No, you'll never learn if I don't teach you this. You'll always want a bit of privilege, a bit of control, and a bit of a say. It is not how I want my wife to be. It's not how I will handle you.' You are disappointed but not surprised. You were stupid to ask anyway.
'Perhaps I can eat something sweet first or after-' It's a another desperate attempt.
To your surprise, he approves. 'Yes. That is a marvellous idea, little fox.' He says.
'Really?' You ask your voice little and your eyes big and full of hope. He grins and pets you. You like it and let him touch your face as well.
'Yes. I think I know what you should start with.' He says mysteriously. You shudder. You wanted to try banana and maybe chocolate first. But you will hear him out.
You sit up. 'You do? I had some ideas for myself, but I'm open to your ideas as well.' You speak.
His response is very familair now. 'Hm.'
You wait a bit before looking at him. He is not moving. 'Will the snack be here soon?' You ask.
He stares out the window and scoffs. 'No.'
'B-but....you approved?' You are confused and even a bit heartbroken that he made you feel safe only to destroy that safety again.
'Oh, that.' He says simply like he is discussing the weather. 'No, I was just toying with you, dumb little Lamb.' He struts over and forces you on your knees at the bed. He stands in front of it, and you are at eye height of his crotch. You are already trembling and shaking like a leaf, and the first tear falls down your cheek.
He grabs your hands and wraps them around his cock. You are forced to make him hard that way. 'Open.' He groans at you when he is stiff and swollen. You open your mouth wide and let him in.
He feels warm in your mouth. You close your lips and start touching his length with your tongue, trying to find a way around it. 'Suck.' He says.
'Suck, I said.' He repeats groaning, and he even smacks your ass.
You try to get him happy, to obey his commands. You have trouble with your gag reflex and you also don't know what he wants you to do. 'That's not sucking, you little dumb-' suddenly, you get the hang of it. Finally, you understand what he wants.
He chuckles and lets out a soft groan and a grunt. You feel yourself wetten, and you can hear your heart betraying you. 'That's it. You can obey.' He speaks like he's surprised with that. He is mocking you.
'Hmm..' He groans and touches your hair. You keep your tongue aside and sometimes use it to briefly pleasure him gently. You keep your teeth at bay and you try to squeeze out as much as possible. You groan a bit too.
He slowly kisses your neck. 'I'm going to tell you a secret, little wife. Surely you can keep a few.' You freeze and instantly take him out of your mouth shaking your head. Cum still drips down your lips and you quickly swallow, much to his delight.
'Hus,' you feel a strange urge to puke. 'Aemond, I don't think that's a good idea. I'm terrible at keeping secrets, and who knows who might try to torture it out of me and I'm just not worth your trust and your secrets. it's better to just not tell me.' You blurt out so fast that you worry about him not having heard most of it.
He thinks and touches his chin before breaking into a chuckle. He pets your hairs and runs a few fingers through it and kisses your forehead avoiding your dirty lips. You close your eyes and exhale trying to calm yourself. 'Does my little lamb find herself so important that my enemies might steal her away?'
You ignore his question. He chuckles. 'Here's my little secret: I enjoy you scared. It makes me hard to see your pupils widen and it makes me so fucking hard to see you shake and to hear your whimpers.'
'But you know, what my favourite version of you is?' You shake your head scared. He grins.
'You, getting fucked and trying so hard to pretend you're not enjoying every little moment of it. Your lips stained with my cum and your tongue who slowly licks it away when you think I'm not paying attention. The way you taste it and swallow it...'
You try to touch yourself when he whispers in your ear. You need to find release because of him. He grabs your hands roughly and groans before also choking you lightly. 'Put me back in your mouth. I haven't finished yet.'
You give a quick nod. Too eager. 'Y-yes.'
'Yes who?' You find it a complicated question. So far, you know him as Aemond One-eye Targaryen, the Kinslayer. Which is a very mouthful.
'I don't know how you'd prefer me to call you? Sir, My Prince, husband, your names? Your names and your titles? Your full names and your titles?' You rattle nervously.
He laughs enjoying your nervousness. He enjoys toying with you and hunting you. 'Hm. As much fun as it'll be to watch your little throat go hoarse when you scream out my titles when I make you come, I think I'll stick with husband and Aemond.' You nod and open wide for him.
He shoves himself back and this time he goes deeper. You make protesting sounds but he sushes you. 'You'll take it. I know you will. Keep breathing through your nose and it'll be fine.'
You finally find peace and a enjoyable rhythm. You let the edge slide over your lips and gently suck the cum from his tip. You eye him and suck him as deep as you can. He groans in approvement. 'And you said you didn't know how to do this. You're a bad little fox.'
You let out a soft moan as he fills your mouth. You swallow the salt taste of his cum and make sure there isn't any left when he slides out again going over your lips to exit. You pant and eye your husband, very turned on by his power display.
Your hands touch your legs and before you know it you touch yourself gently between your legs. 'That's mine, what you're touching.' He spanks you between your legs and his fingers enter your hot wet cunt. You whimper in pleasure. 'Mhm.'
He sighs before sitting on the bed. You watch helplessly. 'Knees, now.' You obey him, kneeling. Your mind is clouded with lust and you can't think straight.
He takes something from the nightstand. 'Hands on your back.' You still obey and are unsure. You feel him take your hands and roll a soft fabric over your wrists before tying them together with a sturdy tight knot.
'W-what are you doing?' You ask, but with one look in the mirror that once belonged to your mother you see that he had tied your hands on your back. You struggle a moment. 'I'm not sure if I like that. I quite like my freedom.' You explain as you struggle to break free. He watches amused.
'You'll be under my protection. You need to learn a few thing about being my wife, Willa.' It's one of the few times he uses your name and you love the sound of your name on his lips. 'First thing about me to know is that I don't ask kindly for things. Nothing in my life was handed to me. I had to fight and take what I wanted. I will do the same with you.'
You shiver. 'That does not sound very pleasant for me.' You whisper soft and try to get your fingers under the rope. He enjoys watching you struggle and fight.
'Second thing: I am not tying you up because I am scared of you running. If you dare to run, I'll get you and I will pin you down on the spot and fuck you right there.' 'I am tying you up, because I want you to experience what it is like to be at my mercy fully. To only beg and to only plead.'
It sounds terrifying. You begin to cry again. 'Please, you said I was a good girl...I do not wish for another punishment.' You just want to have simple sex with your husband. You don't want to be punished again.
He pulls you closer and grabs you by the shoulders. He grins before touching your breasts grabbing then roughly and messaging them. You rub yourself against his front eager for attention and mostly release. 'What did I told you? You have little to want.'
He sucks your earlobe and bites it down. You hide a little whiny noise. His hands touch your body and his fingers trace slowly down your cunt. You pant heavily and you are beyond ready.
Your legs are spread and you feel him grab and claim you. You nestle a bit on the blankets and close your eyes. With an powerful grunt he enters. You feel him push and pull you closer keeping you within his reach. He grabs you by your throat. You struggle to breath as he slowly chokes you. You gasp for air. He kisses your lips and lets go of your throat dropping you carelessly. You catch your breath and try to get away from him.
He chuckles when he notices and grabs your hips and fucks you pure to punish you and to establish his dominance over you. 'You really think you still rule this place, hm? That if you run away, someone will protect you?' There is no one in this castle who will.
You shake your head. You don't believe that all. You still see the heads drop to the floor and smell the metalic scent of blood in the air. You groan. 'You killed everyone who would help me. The new staff won't consider it.' You think of Bertha. She might help you, but you don't even know where she is. Aside from escaping him once, and when he brought you to the trials, you barely left your rooms. You have a feeling Aemond prefers it that way.
He grabs your hips and kisses your forehead, even kissing away some tears. You hear him mumble something but can't make out the words. 'Is that High Valyrian?' You wonder out loud.
He stops his gentle love making and narrows his one good eye at you. You realise you made a mistake by asking it. 'Hm. Wouldn't you like to know?'
Yes, you would. Why else would you ask? 'I-'
He interrupts you. 'I don't want to hear it.' 'I only want to hear your little begs and grunts and your delicious moans when I fuck your body sore and bloody.'
You scoff quietly at that and try one final time to get your hands free of the tight rope. It is useless. He grins and traces his fingers down your back. 'You know, I have heard rumours about Northen women.' He chuckles, scoffing when touching your behind. You grit your teeth. 'You are all very fond of hard, rough, and dominate sex. You all want to be grabbed by your throats and just fucked and fucked and owned by a man like you're his fucking slave. We should stop looking for slaves from Essos and the Slavers Bay. We have plenty of potential girls in the North, waiting for a good master to please them.'
That is the most disgusting disturbing and infuriating thing he said yet. And he said a lot of that.
You are curious ; whoever educated him made you all sound like pleasure girls and meak women. 'Where did you hear this, exactly? It can't be from someone who has been here. We are very independent in the North. If a man touches us, we might break his arm.'
He bursts into laughter, and he touches your entrance slowly, rubbing it. 'I fucked you and all you did was cry and whine like a little girl. I'm not scared of you breaking my arms.'
You decide to insult him back. 'I heard rumors you southern men all have little cocks and even a smaller brain.' You speak.
He just rolls his good eye. 'I am not Southern. I'm from the old lineage of House Targaryen. The blood of Old Valyria runs in my veins. I'm not from King's Landing. My mother might have birthed me there, but the blood of the dragon runs through my veins.' You become infuriated. Angry and upset.
You crawl away from him, angry. He chuckles before dragging you back. 'How very impressive. And how did that end again for everyone in old Valyria?' You ask, sarcastically.
He leans in, anger written across his face. 'If you're trying to get me angry, it's not working. I am horny seeing you defy me like this. It makes me quite eager to squirt a son inside your belly. Perhaps serval.' He says and you hear him smack his lips before sucking your neck. 'You'll make a fine wife. I will break you into little pieces and build you up exactly how I want you. When I am finished, you'll even fuck my dragon if I ask you to.'
You want to protest but he is done talking. He pushes you on your knees and firmly grabs hold of your hips. You feel his stiff and erected cock as he forces your tied up hands to touch him. You struggle to break free. he grins enjoying toying and torturing you.
'Now, spread wide whore. I want to have you, and I want to have you hard.' He whispers in your ear. You end up with a hard push on the bed and on your knees.
'I am your wife! And I have a name.' You yell angrily. 'I am not a slut, I am not a whore and I am certainly not your toy! I am a person and you should start treating me like one!' You yell at him.
He looks taken back for a moment before he narrows his eye and grins. 'I forget you always need a little warming up. It is alright, my sweet wife. As your husband, it's my duty to provide for you. Even in your dirty little dark desires.' He smacks your ass. You cry out annoyed by his strength. He grabs your hips and drags you to him.
He spreads your legs and forces you to bend your head down. He touches your wet cunt and grins. 'You're such a naughty bitch. Always wet for me. Who isn't a whore, exactly? You are. You're my dirty whore. Or perhaps slave is more appropriate.' You don't know why but it does something to your body. Something messed up.
He notices your hardened nippels and runs his thumbs over them; drawing little circles. 'Since I own you from your hairs until your toes. I own your body, and I can do with it what I want.'
'Don't believe me, slut?' He asks like you offended him. You look up which he sees as defiance. He straightens his backs and turns you around so he can reach from behind you and brutally takes you in your cunt.
You make a little strangled sound as you helplessly try to find hold on and comfort. 'Nhnn!'
Aemonds tongue is forced down your throat when he fucks your body eagerly. It comes close to claiming. Just you as his property. And you being wet for your owner. You don't want to think of it that way. It feels wrong. But it is what it is. You can't breathe and protest when his kiss takes too long. He bends you and grabs your legs dragging you to his front and takes you with three quick but through fucks right in your pleasure spot. You cry out lost and hungry.
He pets your wet sweaty hair and leans in when dragging his sharp nails around your throat, creating a thin line of blood. 'That is right, cry and beg for me.' He takes you now four times in a row and you keep crying out during it lost in pleasure and lust.
'Does my whore perhaps wants to come? Does she like that?' He asks mockingly. You want to. Oh you want to so badly.
You won't say it. You won't beg him. But your eyes do. Your breath and your panting betrays you. He chucles. 'You know I won't until you called yourself what you are. I will make your dead family members hear you scream in the afterlife. Their skeletons will dangle to the sound of your whimpering.' You feel a hard slap on your behind and whimper soft. You need it. But you don't want to need it.
You feel helpless tied up and wet. He eyes you before he takes of his eyepatch and confronts you with his terrifying sapphire eye. You wonder if he does it on purpose to torture you. 'I want to make you scream so loud, that below the servants think I'm fucking murdering you.' He chuckles darkly nearly pyschotic when fucking you with his hand. You cry out at the rough hard treatment and you are sure he made you bleed with those sharp nails of him.
'You're terrible...' You cry out.
He scoffs at that weak protest. 'Hm. Weak little bitch for that complaint. If I am so terrible why are you so wet and eager?' That is a difficult question.
A very difficult question that your lust driven mind can't answer. You are not sure your regular mind could even anwser that. 'Because...Because...I don't know!'
'Here's a little hint,' He leans in. 'You love being my slave. You love being mine. And you love it, how dark I can get. And how I take that darkness out on you.' He slows down his fingerings to brief soft touches and little rubs.
'Please stop teasing me,' you beg your voice hoarse and your lips dry.
He softly brings one of the fingers he touched you with to his lips and sucks off your wetness when watching you. 'But darling..that's my favourite thing when we make love. Just me teasing you, torturing you, punishing you and eventually when I see fit: Fucking you.' He says when he is finished.
He goes back in with three fingers this time and it's hard to ignore it. 'O,' you whisper softly.
Back is that mocking grin of his. 'You like that hm? You love it when I play with your little pretty cunt. You wet so easily when I do.' 'Come on, admit it and I'll bring you where you want to be. I'll make it good for you. Just say it and then I'll be pleased.'
Admit that you are his whore. His plaything and his slut. Even worse his.
'I'm your whore. Your slut. Your property and your little dirty slave.'
'W-was that it?' You feel him leave your body with his fingers and gently touch your cheeks. Before he grabs you and fucks you from behind again much rougher and more careless if you are hurt.
He fucks you and your vision blurs and clouds when your pleasure takes over. The trusts are big and strong throughly fucking you and repeatedly shoving just over your pleasure spot. He holds your hips so you can't escape and takes you right in your creamy wet juicy cunt. Your cries full the room. 'Yes...Yes...Yes!' You want to finish so badly.
'Please, finish me.' You beg pathetically. 'Finish me.'
He grins before giving two harsh and quick trusts and gently fucks your body before grabbing you again and rapidly ravishes your body. You feel like a whore getting no choice or say.
You crash hard and the pleasure is gone. He takes your cunt two more times before he comes too injecting himself inside you. You watch as he does this.
You crawl from him, still hurt in your legs and arms. He unties your hands. They drop down and you aren't even aware of them hurting. You just sit down in lust and awe and watch your husband get dressed again.
'I'll have someone bring you some food. You need plenty of food for our child.' He smiles petting your belly.
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cowboylikedean · 1 year
Zoe........do you think he actually _______ on her? She looks pissed
I think he might have. I was telling a friend, we've never seen You're Not Sorry be that angry. Usually, in the past when she's performed it, she's been sad and disappointed. Disillusioned. Now, she's fucking pissed.
Like look at last time she performed it. This was in the Red Tour surprise song set, and she adlibbed some of the 'no's and really was feeling the song without interruption for a good bit there.... And it's sadness. It's disappointment. It's the "I wish you were a better man" of it all.
Now compare that to tonight's performance... which is sharp and cutting and angry. She wants to rip him apart with her words. At the Red Tour, she breaks into a smile cause she sees the crowd. Tonight, there were parts that felt like she was almost laughing with anger.
It's just jarring how different this was. So yeah, I think he might have *******. Obviously, I don't know. But it seems likely.
Sorry, editing to say also that judging from the fact that You're Not Sorry implies previous offenses, I don't know if he ******* multiple times, but something felt like a pattern to her, I think. And whatever that was... It was unfair and I'm completely on her side!
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