hollis-art · 24 days
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ngl im not even a superman fan. i just REALLY like clark kent,,, (thank you, Smallville, for that.)
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mamawasatesttube · 2 months
one of those nights again...
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gulnarsultan · 2 years
¿Algún escenario sobre Superman con un lector que tenga los poderes de la Piedra de la Realidad (como referencia)? Cualquier cosa es bienvenida, últimamente tengo sed de Henry Cavill como Superman 😍
No te culpo. Prefiero a Henry como Superman. Este chico es tan caliente y dulce. 😉😍🥰❤ Espero que les guste.
Probablemente estés tratando de salvar a los ciudadanos hasta que llegue Superman. Sales cuando llega Superman. Pero ya llamaste la atención de Clark. Después de unos días de investigación, supo quién eras y dónde vivías. No esperabas ver a Superman en tu puerta una noche. Lo invitas a entrar. Dice que sabe quién eres. Y está revelando su identidad para que confíes en él. Clark estaba tratando de entablar una amistad contigo. Encontraste sus esfuerzos muy dulces. Pronto te hiciste muy amigo de él. Estaban viendo una película una noche, abrazándose. Te sorprendiste cuando Clark te invitó a salir. Clark te besó apasionadamente cuando aceptaste su oferta. Honestamente, erais la pareja más dulce del equipo de justicia. A veces, otros miembros del equipo se metían contigo.
I do not blame you. I prefer Henry as Superman. This guy is so hot and sweet. 😉😍🥰❤ Hope you like it.
You're probably trying to save the citizens until Superman arrives. You walk out when Superman arrives. But you've already caught Clark's attention. After a few days of research, he had learned who you were and where you lived. You didn't expect to see Superman on your doorstep one night. You invite him in. He says he knows who you are. And he's revealing his own identity for you to trust him. Clark was trying to build a friendship with you. You found his efforts very sweet. You soon became close friends with him. You were watching a movie one night, hugging each other. You were surprised when Clark asked you out. Clark kissed you passionately when you accepted his offer. Honestly, you were the sweetest couple in the Justice League. Sometimes other team members were messing with you.
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fuck it, i'm talking about beast world
(i have not read issue #1 yet, this is mostly a rant about tom taylor and #6, so kind of spoilers for dick in beast world)
ok, so the cover for #6 was announced and...
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i'm pissed
so, firstly, this article on it made me want to cry
i am sick and tired of the "nightwing is a sex symbol" bc why do they keep forcing this narrative
also, this is a direct quote from tom taylor
Yes, you do get Nightwing turned into a fox because we’d be inhuman monsters not to do that. People want to see that.
do i like dick as a fox bc i like dick and i like foxes, so i am happy for that, but the fact it has been done purely for the sex symbol reason is annoying
tom taylor's run is something. there are good things about it (haley) but a lot of mis-writing of dick as a character and ignoring a lot of characterisation that has occurred aver the past 83 years. i like the limiting of his sexualisation - it is a lot less present in taylor's run than previous runs - but making dick a fox bc foxy get it bc foxy bc sexy is stupid and annoying
dick WOULD be a fox, but not because of that. he would be a fox because he is a trickster, he is manipulative (something tom taylor seems to forget half the time). this man can fool batman if he wants. this is a good enough reason for him to be a fox but no, it's because he is sexy
it also fits with the bats being canines (not damian but cat damian makes so much sense and it's close enough) with bruce and jason both being wolves. dick as a fox fits this perfectly. especially with him, bruce, and jason, the three characters that mirror each other. bruce and jason are both wolves because they are the same. they are so similar it's scary sometimes (my own opinion on them anyway. there are differences between them ofc but they are a lot more similar than they are different). dick is a fox because his is the same but different. a canine but he chose his own path, became a better version of batman. a master manipulator.
there was a perfect reasoning but it was thrown out because "let's continue the over-sexualisation of him" was the easy way out
do i think the better reasoning might end up being the actual reasoning in the comics, possibly. idk if they will dive into the reasoning tbh, i'm not holding out hope for it.
idk man, i think beast world is gonna be fun, but this just made me cry
i'm only happy bc the cover by sweeny boo is actually nice (it doesn't accentuate his ass so tysm for that bc now i don't feel bad when i use it in my nightwing widget)
also, i am not someone who hates tom taylor. ii think his writing is fine and i love superman: son of kal-el ok. he doesn't write dick badly, sometimes he just misses and that is ok. i still like the run and will still get it and read it bc i'm enjoying it ok
i just don't like the OVER-sexualisation of dick
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jube-art · 2 years
Awesome! Do you have Kryptonian names for all of them? Was Bruce raised in Gotham or Kanas like Clark was? Is Clark rich in this au? Why does Bruce have a Kryptonian name thats so close to his "human" name while Clark has Kal-El? (no hate ofc) Is Bruce Batman in this au or does he have a diff hero name? What about the Robins? Also what are Cas, Duke, and Stephines roles here since they dont seem to be apart of the new-super fam? Is Dami's mom still Talia and if so, is she diffrent in this au?
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A lot of questions! lets see if I can answer them all! First all, I only have "canon" kyrptonian names for Bruce (Bru-Way) and Dick (Ni-Way), these two are the ones who came from krypton itself.
Bruce fell down on the Wayne Estate in Gotham three days after the shooting of Thomas and Martha, about eight years old by estimation. Alfred adopts the boy, and claims him to be an adopted son of Martha and Thomas- the two were known to want a child and known for their charitable hearts- Alfred fakes the paperwork and teaches Bruce English in the meantime.
Bruce, being about 8, is about to communicate his name more clear than a baby can.
Bruce's family crest resembles a bat! (It actually resembles a creature on Krypton known to be a symbol of cleanliness/medical advancements!) His family (House of Way) was known to be the House of Doctors, full of people who wanted to advance the medical field!
For the ones not previously mentioned... Cass and Steph take the place of the Steele's, while Duke takes the place of Kong Kenan, a super that was given his powers as a gift!
Damian's mom is still Talia!
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Title: The Gods' Arena of Pleasure 1 {Two-Shot}
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Superman/Clark Kent/Kal-El x Reader/OFC Bia Dess
Warning: Action, Fighting, Mild Cursing, Backstory Heavy
Words: 4.7k
Synopsis: The city is under yet another attack and guess who comes to the rescue--The Justice League. With their muscle and brawn, and Bia Dess’ brains this new threat doesn’t stand a chance. 
Note: It has been a minute since I’ve written anything Superman/Clark Kent/Kal-El. Hell, anything Henry related. I may be rusty, so bear with me and accept my apologies beforehand. I think this is a one shot. At the time of writing this “note”, which is prior to actually writing the story, I am calling it a two shot. We’ll see. Hehehehehe! Also, I had the hardest time deciding what to call him. I am deadest on getting rid of Clark completely and going with Kal-El. Thoughts?
 As always, thank you for reading. I appreciate it.
If you enjoyed this, please, LIKE, COMMENT, REBLOG!!
***NOT Edited/Proofread***
***Slightly Interactive***
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 "Again, Superman has just taken out the legs of this massive, massive alien that looks like some electronic tripod. This is unbelievable!”
 From the television in the packed cafe, you and tens of other people gasped and gawked at the coverage. Superman took a bone shattering hit from the alien figure and was sent at least twenty feet back but in seconds he was zipping through the air right back at it to return the favor and then some. His laser eyes beamed through the creature making it roar out in evident pain. The ground violently shook, and everyone screamed and tried to hold on to something.
 While those around you panicked, a thought occurred to you. For its scream to affect the Earth's surface, that told you that this could work to defeat it. Just then you watched the rest of the Justice League sans Aquaman rally around Superman each doing their part to take down the tripod adjacent creature.
 Another ear-piercing scream shook the cafe and everyone around you exclaimed showing their fear at the current turn of events.
 "Oh my god, look!"
 Everyone pressed close to the window and watched as a second and third tripod creature fell from the sky, each confronting a different justice league member. The one before Diana immediately went into action shooting a laser beam at her. Every molecule in your body fired up craving action. You almost wanted to run out the door and join the fight and you didn’t know why.
 Diana crossed her wrists in front of her blocking the beam with her Thymescarian crafted wrist guards. The beam ricocheted right back to the creature making an impact. Its deafening screech pierced the air and everyone including you covered your ears. The internal anguish you felt was powerful. It felt as if your eardrums vibrated threatening to rupture but the effects went deeper than that. Your internal organs quivered like a hand gripped each of them and squeezed. The effects were sudden but only lasted a moment for you but looking around at the others in the café you realized they were still being affected.
 A thought hit you then, "They’re vulnerable to their own weapons," you rushed out. Without thinking, you hurried out of the cafe and into the streets. Pressing your phone to your ear, you called your assistant Vicara.
 “Vee here.”
 “Vee,” you began but was cut off by another screech from one of the creatures.
 “Holy shit, tell me you’re not in town square right now!”
 “I’m in town square right now.”
 “Jesus Bia, get outta’ there. Aren’t you seeing this fight between Justice League and these creatures?”
 “Vee take a breath and listen to me,” you shouted.
 Across the street something crashed into the structure creating a large explosion sending rubble everywhere. You dived behind a car, covered your head and beared down hoping not to get crushed by the large pieces of rock that rained down.
 “Hello? Hello? Bia!”
 “I’m here. Listen, these things effect the Earth’s surface. The soundwaves they produce they use as a weapon. From what I’ve put together so far, they not only alter the tectonic plates under us, but internal organs.”
 “No way! That’s so cool,” Vee marveled.
 “Right! If they affect the surface like this what’s so say we can’t use that against them.”
 “Bia, that’s genius.”
 “I know, I thought of it.”
 It wasn’t meant to sound egotistic at all, it was just a matter-of-fact statement. For some reason you felt you came up with many genius ideas in a short amount of time.
 “If you were so much of a genius maybe you could figure out where you come from once and for all,” Vee teased.
 “Low blow, Vee. I need you to run the scans and tests of this area and find me a Hail Mary.”
 “The square has changed so much I need an arial,” Vee informed.
 You looked around the barren and disheveled streets that no doubt would take weeks to clean up trying to find something you could use. In the distance closer to the fight than you liked, you saw a skyscraper that would be perfect.
 “Of course,” you muttered unenthusiastically.
 You sighed, peeled off your blazer, examined the heels you wore trying to decide if they would hold up, then you began running right toward the fight like someone who had a death wish.
 “I’ll get you the arial. Give me ten minutes.”
 Just as Vee was telling you not to do what she thought you were doing, you ended the call and picked up the speed. Your entire being woke up feeding on the adrenaline coursing through you. While others would be apprehensive charging into a practical battlefield, you weren’t. A mechanical tentacle collided with the pavement a few feet in front of you creating a deep crater.
 It was so close to you that you didn’t have enough time to stop. Quick calculations gave you another route, but it involved some athleticism. Without thinking, you jumped into the air then came down onto the hood of an abandoned car to bounce off of it and over the thinnest part of the tentacle. Once your feet were firmly back on the ground you took off again hoping to get to the building soon.
 When you were close to the door a body fell from the sky ruining the entrance.
 “Oh my god.”
 Again, you didn’t think, you bolted to the body, climbing over rocks, beams and turned over cars. As you got to them, they sprang up sending a piece of cement into the air and several feet away.
 “Son of a--,” Diana groaned.
 “Are you okay?”
 Her head snapped to you and your eyes locked. Diana cocked her head to the side as she took you in. Every time you saw her there was something familiar about her, something that didn’t feel as if she were a stranger.
 “Bia? What’re you doing here?”
 You took a few steps to her, “I need to get to the top of this building.”
 “Why? This is no place for you. It’s dangerous.”
 “I gathered but I may have a way to end these things.”
 Diana’s attention zeroed in then. “How?”
 You quickly explained your theory to her trying to keep the science bit of it minimal. You found she was intelligent enough to grasp the concepts but there were times you’d gotten deeply technical and lost her. When you finished, she looked impressed.
 “And you came up with this in how long?”
 “2 or 3 minutes,” you nonchalantly replied.
 Diana scoffed then smiled. “Always impressive Bia. My people would love a quick, resourceful and seemingly fearless woman like you.”
 “The Amazonians?”
 She nodded. Saying the word gave you another sense of familiarity but you shook it off.
 “What do you need from us?”
 The creature screeched again. Both you and Diana cringed but didn’t cover your ears. She looked bothered but not to the core as the others in the café. Interesting you thought. “You’re already doing it. Oh, and one of its weaknesses is its own weapons. Use them against it.”
 Diana nodded then took off in one mind boggling leap and bound that shot her into the sky.
 After climbing over the rest of the rubble, you ran into the building to the elevator banks. It probably wasn’t a good idea seeing that it was possible to get trapped but it would take way too long to run up possibly a hundred flights of stairs. You may not have known where you came from, but you knew for certain you were not Superman. Once in the elevator, you pressed the top floor and took the ride.
 Halfway up, the building shook and the elevator stopped startling you.
 “That’s not good.”
 The elevator doors opened as the lights flickered. Wasting no time, you ran out in search of the stairwell, and it was then a call from Vee came in.
 “Yeah Vee.”
 “All tests and scans look optimal. Your theory will work.”
 “Have you made the preparations with Terra?”
 “All I need are those ariels.”
 “I’m still working on that.”
 You took off climbing up the stairs two at a time. You didn’t even focus on the number of them you climbed you just registered every turn. Round and round you went, when one flight was climbed you tackled the next in an endless loop. Before long, you’d zoned out completely. Though your muscles were beginning to burn and your back aching you continued. By the time you got to the top floor you were winded and almost ready to pass out.
Your heartrate returned to normal within a few moments. you then ran out onto the roof nearly falling on your ass when you realized just how closely the fight was happening to where you were. A fireball zoomed past your head arching over the building and colliding with the one beside you. Thus started a domino effect as the building went down on another and so on and on.
 It took a few moments for you to recover. When you did you scurried to the edge of the building and dug into your pocket pulling one of many devices you carried with you at all times. Tapping a sequenced code into its exterior brought the drone, Dot, that was no bigger than the length of your finger alive. Using your phone, you tapped into the drone and entered the coded instructions.
 Dot purred indicating it had understood the command and was ready to comply. You raised your hand into the air and watched it take flight. With the implant in your behind your ear you were able to see what it saw. It enabled you to work faster as you got data instantaneously. As you took the ride with Dot you kept close eye on your wristwatch that relayed the date readings.
 Soon you had an aerial view of the fight. Superman shot rays out his eyes which only made brief impact with one of the creatures before it self-sealed the wound. He and Diana were taking turns working together to confuse them. Diana swung her lasso wrapping it around one of them. She used the side of a building as leverage to withstand the strength of her opponent. Another ray shot out of the creature, but Superman zoomed so fast through the air that you lost sight of him momentarily. All that remained was the red and blue blur of his suit.
 When you saw him next, he’d slammed into the electronic being sending it off balance. The beam it shot went right through the second creature’s head. As it dropped on top of a building you shot your hands into the air and cheered seeing your theory was correct. All the attention turned to you then. Several smaller drones were released from the hull of the creatures, and they all took flight toward you.
 Making quick work of the next commands to Dot you paid closer attention to the data coming in while keeping an eye on the incoming swarm moving toward you. Unwaveringly you focused on the task at hand. Sometimes you didn’t know if the way your brain regulated danger and fear was a blessing or a curse. It allowed you to stay calm under pressure and work faster, it also woke you up making you feel like you used more of your brain than humanly possible. Fear and danger did different things to you than it did to others you realized.
 The first drone reached you ready for attack. you dipped down grabbed a stray welded bar and swung sending it flying through the air.
 “Huh. I imagined that should have been harder.”
 Shrugging, you went back to your watch. The data you wanted was coming in and your excitement picked up. A sharp sting of pain caught you off guard. You’d gotten so caught up in the date that you didn’t register the remaining drones closing in for the kill. You swung the bar again but missed and all of them went in for the kill.
 Suddenly, a beam of red light went through all of them at once, dropping them.
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“Ms. Dess, funny meeting you here of all places,” Superman said.
 “Ha. You know me.”
 He smiled. “You really shouldn’t be up here. It’s dangerous.”
 “Oh, I get that, but I need this data to end this once and for all.”
 “Diana has told me your theory. Do you think it will work?”
 “I more than think. I’m never wrong and this data I’m seeing proves it.”
 “What do you need me to do?”
 “Don’t let that thing interrupt me or Dot.”
 You pointed to your drone overhead and he nodded.
 With that he rocketed into the air and back to the two remaining creatures joining the fight with Diana. You zeroed in on what you needed to do, then called Vee.
 “It’s coming in hot Vee. Get it done.”
 “Got it. I’ll need five minutes.”
 “Your get two.”
 “So bossy!”
 You tapped into your watch trying to connect your implant to Terra, one of many disks you’d submerged into the earth’s surface around the world. If everything went smoothly, you’d be able to communicate with Dot and Terra at the same time to open the sinkhole. The pressure and gravity would take care of the rest while the machinery went haywire making them self-combust taking each other out. It was a flawless plan.
 “Now, Bia!”
 You took a deep breath and initialized the connection. Connecting subdural with one device took control but two simultaneously took strength and power. It always put you on your ass for a few hours afterward. It wasn’t pretty. You took a deep breath then went in. The electrical surge that coursed through you made your body tremble, so you exerted some more control to override impulse.
 Gritting your teeth, you proceeded to link the connection with Dot and Terra logging your consciousness into them to input the commands in. Long minutes ticked away and every one of them had an impact. You’d tested this for years and had only been able to sustain it for minutes tops.
 “Four minutes, Bia. Get out now or you’ll fry your brain.”
 Ignoring Vee, you dug deeper. You could hear fighting around you and knew Superman was probably holding the tide of new drones back.
 “I have you,” Superman grunted.
 For some reason, you felt secure knowing that.
 “Bia your vitals are plummeting. Get! Out!”
 “Al—most there.”
 Terra’s command center complied then connected to the others around the city. They were charging up to centralize the shock to your location. It was critical you got the coordinates precise. You’d have hell to pay with the Governor if you sank town square. Suddenly an image took over your mind. You were in a field of grass overlooking a cliff at the ocean. All around you, you heard battle cries, swords clashing, armor colliding together then the yodeling came. It sounded like tens, no hundreds of voices coming together as one making a war cry that brought tears to your eyes. You turned realizing then you were wearing golden armor over one of your shoulders, golden corseted armor across your bodice, thigh high boots and held a sword in one hand and a massive staff in the other.
 You dropped to one knee and recognized the strong coppery taste in your mouth. Blood.
 “You’re crashing!”
 Finishing the computation, you sent the order to execute.
 “It’s done.”
 Suddenly the ground around you trembled and broke apart. As the earth crumbled a sinkhole about a mile in radius opened up and down the creatures went. As they dropped their screech echoed around sending nearly all living mortal things to their knees. You gritted your teeth as your brain rattled. Again, you were transported back to that field. Before you, hundreds of women had their weapons raised yodeling. These were faces you recognized but didn’t know, faces of people you knew. You must have because the warmth rushing through you felt awfully like affection, pride and joy. You knew this place.
 Pain ricocheted through your midsection as you were hoisted into the air. A tentacle wrapped around your stomach and pulled you over the ledge of the building. It slowly registered that you were falling and being dragged along for the ride with one of those tentacled bastards. The sinkhole was getting closer and closer.
 You were spent from your connection with the drones and had no more fight. Looking up, you saw Superman beaming down to you with his arm outstretched. As everything went in slow motion, you reached for him, but your hands didn’t touch. You remained just out of reach. His eyes glowed red and you closed yours not wanting to see your end. You could feel the shift in your surroundings. The coolness around you told you that you’d entered the earth’s surface.
 The rest seemed to happen within seconds. The heat of fire against your back made you scream out and squeeze your eyes tighter. It would be over soon you told yourself. Not a bad way to go out you thought. You’d done some good. Another image came to mind, and it was of you falling into murky water a color that you’d never seen before. It looked otherworldly. As you sank into it you smiled. A wave of calm took over though you should have felt terror. You knew you were courting death. Strong arms wrapped around you as the tight squeeze around your midsection subsided. Strong wind whipped across your skin and through your hair and with every few seconds it got colder.
 “Ms. Dess. Ms. Dess? Can you hear me?”
 Lite taps across your cheeks had you fluttering your eyes open. Deep azure ones peered back at you with so much concern.
 He sighed and the wrinkles in his brow evened out.
 “Thank god, I thought we lost you there.”
 You looked around you realizing you were among the clouds.
 “Oh my god.”
 “Hold tight, I’ll have you back on solid ground in a few,” Superman said.
 You obeyed and wrapped yourself tightly against him realizing then your legs were also wrapped around him quite intimately. He must have realized it at the same time you did because you felt his muscled frame tense as he cleared his throat and rocketed through the air. Once he put you on solid ground your knees buckled but you never crashed to the ground because Superman’s arms were around you again.
 “Are you all right?”
 “I just need my lab,” you panted.
 “Care for another ride?”
 You nodded as he picked you up once again and took off. This time you drifted off unable to fight the crash of your system.
 -Two Days Later-
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 You gasped for air as you bolted upright. It all was blurry but through the blur you could make out familiar things. The steady beep of the machine said your vitals were mostly back to normal. Slowly your sight returned to normal and when it did you saw you were still hooked up to and IV.
 You yanked the needle out of your arm and pulled the leads off of your body which sent the monitors into chaos. Within seconds the door busted open and in stormed Vee.
 “Jesus Christ. Finally, you’re awake.”
 You swung your legs over the edge of the bed and stood.
 “Yes finally. You’ve been out for a long time,” Vee clarified.
 “How many hours this time?”
 You walked out of the room toward the pit.
 You stumbled and spun around to her. “2 days?”
 “Yep. 2 freaking days. You were dead to the world and going through some very creepy metamorphosis might I add.”
 “What do you mean?”
 “Come, I’ll show you,” Vee finished leading the way to the pit where you usually huddled around every device you owned and created. It was the information center of your lab.
 Once there you checked a few computers wanting to find out the status of town square.
 “Has the Governor demanded my head yet?”
 “No. Superman and Wonder Woman are taking all the blame.”
 You looked at her in shock. “Really?”
 She nodded then beamed a recording from the pad she held in her hands to the massive screen in the front of the room. The video began with Superman laying your shivering body down then your trusted medical team pouring in to attach every device to your body. As they did, none of the readings made any sense. The lights flickered, machines went out of whack then stopped working and had to be replaced three time.
 As they worked to stabilize you, you thrashed across the bed, screamed, and fought against yourself. It almost looked like you were possessed or going through some metamorphosis as Vee had said. The video progressed with your vitals never stabilizing. They went from dangerous to impossible for the human body. Several times through the video for it to make sense you should have flatlined. When you were left alone the audio picked up your mumblings, conversations with yourself in a language you didn’t know. One word in particular stuck out. You paused the video and replayed it over and over.
 “What the hell is that?”
 Suddenly the answer came to you as if you’d known it your entire life.
 Vee stared at you as if you’d grown another head. “How do you know that?”
 You shrugged because you genuinely had no clue how you knew it, but you were sure of it.
 “What if you’re going through a memory that your subconscious has repressed? What if the only way for you to have access to it is in an unconscious state after massive cerebral shock?”
 That sounded plausible. For the first time in years, you felt hope. You didn’t know anything about who you were beyond your name and even that you weren’t sure about. Bia didn’t ring a bell; it didn’t feel like you. Sure, you’d made it your own over the years, but it only felt like a piece of you.
 “We should try it out,” you suggested.
 “What! No! Bia in order to try that out we have to replicate the same conditions you were under.”
 “Okay, we can do it.”
 “No! You were in a neural connection with 2 drones for over seven minutes. You were near brain dead Bia.”
 “I have you here this time.
 The ring of a bell paused your conversation.
 “Who’s that?”
 Vee put on the surveillance feed and standing at the lab entrance was Superman himself—well Clark Kent 2.0 to be exact.
 “It’s damn he sure cleans up nice,” Vee said making you laugh.
 “I’m going to change you can let him in and bring him to my office.”
 You walked away back to the room you’d woken in and went through the clothes you left there for nights you worked late. Deciding on a sky-blue ankle-length suit that hugged every curve you proceeded to clean yourself up a little and change. By the time you walked out and made it to your office, he’d been waiting for a little over ten minutes.
 “Mr. Kent, funny meeting you here of all places,” you said as you walked in and around to your desk.
Once in front of him, you watched his eyes rake over your body before coming back to your face. Bold, you thought.
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“Ms. Dess.”
 “Or should I call you Mr. El?”
 He smiled but it didn’t quite reach his eyes. “If this were Krypton maybe but on Earth, I’m Clark. You know that.”
 “I must say I think I prefer Kal-El.”
 “It rolls off the tongue better, and suits you better.”
 your eyes lingered while your speech faltered. He looked in thought.
 “I’m here to check on you. Are you all right?”
 You held your arms out then spun for him. “Quite alright. thank you.”
 “You don’t have one scratch or burn on you. Impressive.”
 “I’ve always been a good healer.”
 He nodded and then you decided you’d call hi, Kal-El.”
 “We may be on Earth, but I prefer Kal-El.”
 You came around and leaned against the front of your desk. “What can I help you with today, Kal-El?”
 He studied you longer. The look on his face was not an annoyed one, or a confused one. It was a pleased look. He was pleased.
 “Without you a few days ago I think things would have gone very differently. I’m here to thank you.”
 You smiled then nodded, “Always happy to help.”
 Silence returned to the room and neither of you rushed to fill it with words. Since you’d gotten to know of him then about him over the years, it had been like this. There was always this easy silence and comfort between you that never felt off.
 “Even if it does put your life in danger,” he said making no effort to hide the displeasure in his tone.
 “I do nothing more than you or the other meta-humans. Do what you can to save who you can. What makes me any different?”
 “You’re not a meta-human. You don’t have super speed, or strength of electricity, or even control over water. You are defenseless.”
 He almost sounded worried.
 “I may not have any of those things but in no way am I defenseless.”
 He cocked his head to the side as he took you in some more. “I have never known someone so—fearless, so brave. It is impressive—you’re impressive.”
 Your eyes lingered on his and something strange happened then, your heart did a double beat. You clapped your hand over your chest, but it only happed once. He lurched to you with his hand outstretched.
 “Are you all right?”
 He was beside you with his hand at the midway point of your back. His scent circled you and immediately reminded you of Bergamot, Cedar, and clean linen. The heat radiating off of his body was so intense your body instantly reacted. You felt the hairs along your body stand on ends, the oxygen in your lungs being sucked out and your entire body tingle and hum. It was the strangest thing you’d ever felt, but oddly enough it wasn’t off-putting.
 “I’m—I’m—all right.”
 “Are you sure? Sit for a moment.”
 He ushered you to a seat then kneeled in front of you peering into your eyes with so much tenderness you could have cried.
 “I’m okay.”
 He did not look convinced, but he did not press you further.
 “I think it’s because I haven’t eaten in two days.”
 “Okay. Let me take you to lunch. Or we could eat here, and you could show me your latest projects.”
 You smirked at his sweetness. “I accept, but I have a better idea for a location.”
 You smirked at the questioning look he gave you no doubt trying to figure out what you had up your sleeve.
To Be Continued.....
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kaladinpdfs · 1 year
moash ofc for the ask game <33
omg hi bai <3 moash!!!
first impression: moash enjoyer since day one….he didn’t have much of a role in wok but i loved his dramatic meanie era. by the time we got to him swearing to kaladin by the blood of his fathers well. you know
impression now: i had my passionate moash defender moment years ago and ive mellowed out now. but i will still defend him against obnoxious takes. HOWEVER i will also bully him because hes so so stupid. at this point to me he’s such a tragic figure i’m incapable of hate towards him regardless of what he does like yeah he’s toxic and evil but you would be too!! i need to wrap him in aluminum foil.
favorite moment: i’ve said this before and I will say it again….the chapter in oathbringer where he has a laughing fit breakdown because the dramatic irony of his situation has finally been fully realized is!!!! theeeee moash moment of all time. it’s so juicy. end of the bridge four era. end of the moash having mental stability era.
idea for a story: in my heart there’s an alternate timeline where moash somehow ends up on that trip to shinovar with szeth and kal and makes it even more awkward than it will be already. obviously the moash goes to the nightwatcher fic that exists in my head. lift is in that one. i could keep going. moash meets kelsier. moash bass player in a band modern au. oh ive talked about this before but i think there’s a lot of story potential in seeing what moash was doing/thinking during WoR. i just want to be in his head.
unpopular opinion: i figure liking moash is the unpopular opinion already HOWEVER i don’t know if this is unpopular or just. not something anyone would care to see enough to talk about it but i want moash and shallan to talk sooooo bad i want them to have a conversation and i want it to be so fucked up on every level possible. realistically it would take them two minutes to be at each others throats. i want this more than moash and kelsier meeting. oh i also don’t care about gavinor fuck them kids
favorite relationship: you already know! i love toxicity <3
favorite headcanon: i still think this one is really funny but also! i believe in my heart that all the fused think moash is sooooo weird and they talk about his obsessive kaladin-centric framework for the universe behind his back all the time. el oh el.
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 8 months
The Fall of the Man in the Sky
by Green_EnderWolf // The night Kal-El walked home rather than fly as usual was one he would never soon forget—no matter how much he wished and tried. // or Superman has killed General Zod. He had to. He had no choice. He killed but he's not a killer, right? There's no time to process the morality of the symbol of hope when the sudden emergence of a clone winds up in his life. or Superman story about the man in the sky not being as perfect as most expected. Words: 2596, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Superman - All Media Types, DC Extended Universe Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Characters: Kal-El | Subject One, Clark Kent, Kon-El | Conner Kent, Bruce Wayne, Lex Luthor, Lois Lane, Lana Lang, Martha Kent, Jor-El Relationships: Clark Kent/Lois Lane Additional Tags: Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Post-Canon, Post-Man of Steel, zod is dead, lois and clark are in love, Fluff, love-making (not the focus), Clark Kent is Superman, Kon-El | Conner Kent is Superboy, batman and superman are semi-friends, Kinda, no trust on batman's part ofc, Blood and Gore, Violence, Healthy Relationships, between lois and clark mainly, sad with undecided ending, Mild Language, Family Dynamics, Father-Son Relationship, Not in a Weird Way - Freeform, No Incest, bc no via https://ift.tt/BlNH3qp
0 notes
viking-raider · 4 years
Of Truth and Justice - Part V *Mature*
Summary: They were in a peaceful place, until They called out to her.
Pairing: Clark Kent/OFC
Word Count: 6,036
Rating: M - Justice League!AU, Language, Angst, Fluff, Smut, Soft!Clark
Inspiration: Both Justice Leagues
Author’s Note: Sorry this took so long! Thanks to @wondersofdreaming​ for dealing with my easily distracted muse.
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“Where are we?” Calea asked as Clark landed them in the middle of a field.
“This is my family's farm, in Kansas.” He replied, taking her hand and walking through the hip high corn stalks.
“Do they still live here?” She asked, glancing around the simple and rustic land.
“Ma lives in a small apartment in town.” Clark explained, as they stepped out of the field and onto a well worn dirt road. “She says the house has gotten too big for her. But, I still come here, when I need some peace and quiet.”
Calea paused with him at the steps leading up to the front porch of the house. It was peaceful and quiet, just the sounds of crickets, birds, the rustle of the corn stalk leaves rubbing together in the gentle sway of the breeze. No loud sounds of car horns, planes flying over, vendors and commuters. It smelled earthy and organic, untouched, unlike the strong odorous scents of the city, sun warmed garbage, asphalt, hundreds of bodies passing along the streets, car exhaust and petrol.
“It's soothing.” She commented, glancing up at him.
Clark looked down at her and smiled, seeing the type of peace in her that he had when he came back to his childhood home. He lifted his hand and brushed her breeze stirred hair out of her face, gently tucking it behind her ear and bent his head, kissing her tenderly on the lips; but Calea could feel the tingle of its meaning pass from him to her, sending electric jolts through her body. She reached up, cupping his face in her hands and deepened the kiss, pushing up on her toes, her heart pounding as the thrill of adrenaline started to course through her. He pulled back a fraction of an inch, looking deep into her eyes and grinned, seeing that electric zing brighten her eyes, then scooped her up and carried her into the house.
“How do you get out of that thing?” Calea panted, as her back landed on his bed upstairs, motioning to his suit.
Clark laughed at her, reaching down and wedged his fingers into a hidden seam at his waist, then peeled the upper half of his suit off, then stripped off the lower part of it. “Everyone thinks it's a onesie or something.” He laughed, setting it aside and stood beside his bed, in his birthday suit.
“It's too tight for underwear.” He smirked, reading the expression and a lifted brow on her face.
“I can see that.” She laughed, thoroughly amused to know the almighty Superman goes commando in his suit.
“I'm glad you find it so funny.” Clark chuckled, grabbing her by the legs and turning her so they hung off the edge, his hands going to the waistband of her own pants.
“Commando Superman.” She giggled, lifting her hips for him. “What would the world do?” She teased him, hugging her now bare legs around his naked thighs, and sat up. “If they knew.” She whispered and licked her lips, leaning forward to gently press a kiss to his bare stomach, eyes softly closing.
“Won't know, if you don't tell.” Clark murmured back, a soft shiver running down his back at the warm touch of her lips against his skin.
He brushed his fingers through her hair, before tugging on her shirt, signaling her to allow him to remove it. She sat back and lifted her arms as he pulled the garment up and over her head, carelessly tossing it to the floor behind him. The room was cold, since the house had laid dormant and quiet for several weeks, but the heat of passion coursing through them and their advanced bodies felt none of it, they were wired and honed into each other, anything outside of the other, didn't exist.
Clark gently pushed her back on the bed and leaned over her, pressing his lips to her stomach, taking deep breaths of her naked skin, taking in every particle of her scent, nuzzling his face against her belly and trailing more kisses up to her neck, then finally finding her lips again. Calea sighed softly, wrapping her arms around his neck and carding her fingers through his hair, making a mess of his curls. She moaned loudly against his mouth as he started rubbing himself against her wet folds, his own arousal wept from the tip of his need.
Breaking the kiss, Clark loomed over her, arms braced at either side of her head, his own head cocked slightly to the side as he regarded her. “God, you are beautiful.” He sighed, touching the tip of his index finger to the center of her forehead and smoothed it down the bridge of her nose.
“Clark.” Calea cooed in a silky voice, tilting her head up against his finger until she could kiss the tip of it.
He smiled at her, feeling her legs wrap tight around his waist, hips nudged against his, an impatient hint to her want of him. She let out a moaning sigh as she felt the head of his length caress her folds for a moment, before parting them and slowly started to slide home, finding refuge inside of her, like how he found sanctuary on the farm. Calea arched her back against him, nails dragging along his back and pressed her palms flat against his shoulder-blades, squeezing her legs around his waist to hold him inside of her.
“Clark.” She whimpered, feeling his long and drawn out thrusts, his mouth attacking her neck. “Kal.” She sighed loudly, nudging the side of her face against his.
Clark's hips paused and he pushed himself up on his arms, looking down at her, his face was full of fearful concern and worry. “I'm sorry, I-”
“You can't hurt me, Kal.” Calea whispered, cutting off his alarmed train of thought, cupping his face in her hands. “You can't hurt me.” She said louder, emphasizing it, pulling his head down until their foreheads touched.
“What if I can?” He mewled, eyes closing.
“You've thrown me through walls and frost breathed me.” She giggled, gently rolling her hips against his still cock. “And didn't leave a scratch. I'm not worried or afraid you can, or even will, hurt me.”
Clark opened his eyes again and met hers, they were trustful and unconcerned, she really wasn't scared of him hurting her, whether he could or not. Calea trusted him, and it was a type of trust Clark had never encountered before. Licking his lips and gulping, an excited and nervous knot untangled in his gut. Biting his lip, Clark pulled his hips back, as much as he could with Calea's legs still tightly snaked around his waist and drove them forward again, using almost all of his strength. Calea cried out, her head thrown back, as the bed shook, and grinned, half opening her eyes to look at him.
“Again.” She egged him on, digging her nails into the skin of his ass, willing him, and showing him that she was all right and enjoyed it.
Fully encouraged, Clark let himself go, putting his full force behind his movement, succumbing to the primal want of unloading himself that he had been taught to hold back all his life, that he restrained so he didn't hurt those around him; the humans around him. Calea moaned, rolling her hips to add the friction that was building between them, the teeny little static bolts of electricity that always generated between them were going wild, sparking with each inch of skin that connected, while the bed beneath them severely protested the force of their love making, popping and groaning, but neither were willing or even coherent enough to stop until they reached the peak of their event. They devoured each other, sloppy kisses and hard, jerky thrusts.
“Calea.” Clark moaned, teeth tugging on her bottom lip.
“Clark.” She cried back, her eyes glowing in that eerie electric blue color.
“Calea.” He growled, deep in his throat as he drove himself deep inside of her one more time.
“Oh fuck!” Calea exclaimed, suddenly feeling the bed beneath her sag and the hard spurts of Clark filling her up, clamping around his cock and came with him. “Oh shit, Clark.” She mewled, eyes rolling shut.
Both of them laid there for a moment, collecting themselves, when the bed gave one more protest about the abuse it sustained and suddenly dropped. With Clark's lightning fast reflexes, he held Calea against his chest as the bed fell in on its frame.
“Are you all right?” He asked, standing up and still holding her, startled.
Calea looked at him, then at the bed, and back to Clark, a huge smile crossing her face and she let out a burst of laughter, entertained that they had effectively broken the bed. “I'm amazing.” She said between spurts of laughter, pressing her forehead to his shoulder and muffling herself into his collarbone.
Clark allowed himself to relax and laughed with her. “That was...” He chuckled and let her go, he chewed on his lip, shyly. “It's so silly and stupid.”
“Like your first time?” She giggled, checking the bed out and found they had broken several of the springs and supports that made the mattress up.
“Yeah.” He nodded, ghosting his fingertips up her spine as she leaned over the bed. “Are you hungry?” He asked, hearing the distinct rumble of her stomach.
“I could eat.” She nodded, standing up straight and regarded him.
“I'll make you something then.”
“You cook?” She asked, smiling at him, while he turned towards a closet door and pulled it open.
“I can.” He smiled, pulling on a pair of loose sweatpants, then handed her his gray, Kansas City Royals t-shirt. “My ma said it was one of the perfect ways to impress a woman. That anyone can take a lady out to a fancy restaurant, but not everyone could make her a good home cooked meal.”
“So, what do you have in mind, Chef Superman?” Calea teased him, pulling on his shirt and her underwear.
“Let me see what we have in the fridge.” He replied and headed downstairs to the kitchen.
Calea followed him down and made herself at home on the bar stool in front of the kitchen island, while she watched Clark move about, opening cabinets and the refrigerator. He stood in the open refrigerator door, chewing on the corner of his lip and tapping his barefoot, trying to think of something he could make her, but there wasn't much food in the house. He looked at her over his shoulder, cocking his head slightly to the side, and licked his lips.
“Ever have a grilled cheese sandwich?” He asked, it wasn't much or anything that would be served in a fancy restaurant, but it was something he could make her.
She frowned at him and shook her head. “I have not.” She replied, curiously.
“Grilled cheese it is, then!” Clark declared, taking out several single wrapped slices of cheese and grabbed the loaf of bread.
Setting a pan on the gas stove to warm up, Clark made the grilled cheese sandwiches, two slices of sharp cheddar cheese between two slices of soft, wheat bread and lightly buttered both sides. Calea intently watched him go about his meticulous process of making them, the way he carefully spread the butter to the very edges of the bread, getting even coverage. Making sure the pan was hot, Clark dropped one of the prepared sandwiches into the sizzling pan and grabbed the lime-green, rubber spatula from where it was stored; gently minding the sandwich in the pan.
“Wouldn't it be faster with your heat vision?” Calea asked, a faint and teasing smirk on her face.
“Only if you want it black and burnt.” He laughed back, flipping the sandwich and revealing the nicely toasted side of it.
“Nope, that looks perfect.” She shook her head, leaning her elbows on the counter to peek into the pan.
Clark finished up the sandwiches, plated them and grabbed something for them to drink, iced sun tea, then sat down at the counter with her. Picking up her pleasantly warm sandwich, Calea took a healthy bite of it, humming as the gooey and crispy goodness filled her mouth. She nodded her head in delight, happily chewing her bite, before taking another one; thoroughly loving it. Relieved she liked it, Clark turned to his own plate and started eating, in the comfortable silence.
“That was delicious.” She finally complimented him, wiping her mouth and gulping down some of her tea.
“I'm happy you approve.” He smiled back at her, popping the last bite of his sandwich into his mouth. “I'll go to the store later and get some more food and I'll make you a really good dinner.” He promised her, taking up their empty plates and took them to the deep, farm sink, splashing them with some water.
The pair were so absorbed in each other, that they missed the sound of an engine coming up the long, dirt driveway and dying beside the house. It wasn't until the creak of the squeaky screen door opening that the comfortable, and almost domestic, bubble around Calea and Clark burst, alerting them that they were no longer alone on the secluded farm. Clark turned the sink off and walked into the front room, his eyes flaring with surprise to see his mother coming in the door, her arms loaded with paper bags, that were full of groceries.
“Oh, Clark!” Martha exclaimed, surprised to see her son, and almost dropping her groceries.
Clark snapped forward, taking the heavy paper bags from her. “What are you doing here, Ma?” He asked, frowning down at her, brow deeply creased.
“Oh, I got a couple days off from the diner and figured I would spend here in the quiet.” She replied, smiling at him and affectionately squeezed his bicep. “What are you doing here?” She asked, giving him a similar frown.
“Is everything all right?”
Clark took a deep breath and looked towards the kitchen. “There's someone I would like you to meet. If you just give me a moment.” He told her, taking the groceries into the kitchen, then flitted upstairs, where Calea and rushed up to, not wanting to meet his mother in only his t-shirt and her underwear.
“That's your mother?” She asked, pulling on her pants, as he stopped in the bedroom doorway.
“She is.” He nodded, going back into his closet and grabbed his Kansas City Blue Jay shirt, pulling it on as he stepped out of the closet. “I want you to meet her.” He added, softly.
“I don't know, Clark.” She replied, gulping.
“Well, she knows you're here.” He told her, tilting his head at her. “I told her you were and that I wanted her to meet you.” He reached out and took her hand, giving it an encouraging and supportive squeeze.
“She won't judge you, if that's what you're worried about.”
“What if she doesn't like me?” Calea asked, biting her lip and glancing up at him.
Clark chuckled and pulled her against him, kissing her softly. “I love you, so Ma will love you too.” He whispered into her hair, gently stroking her back. “She's a very good judge of character, so she'll see how good of a person you are.”
Calea wrapped her arms around Clark's waist and nuzzled her face into his chest, gathering her courage, before nodding and looking up at him. “All right.”
“Great.” Clark beamed, taking her hand and led her back downstairs, finding his mother putting the groceries away. “Ma?” He softly called to her.
Martha turned around as she was reaching up to put something on a high cabinet shelf, first smiling at her son, then shifted her attention to Calea, who stood close to Clark, gripping his hand for dear life. “Hello.” She greeted Calea, quietly.
“Pleased to meet you, ma'am.” She greeted her back, nodding her head politely.
“Ma, this is Calea.” Clark said, smiling at her. “Calea, this is my mother, Martha Kent.” He nodded his head to his mother, still smiling at his two ladies.
“How did the pair of you meet?” Martha asked, setting what she had in her hand down, turning her full attention on the couple.
Clark gulped, biting the inside of his lip. “You may wanna put the kettle on, Ma.” He told her, glancing at Calea from the corner of his eyes.
Martha blinked at the pair, but nodded her head and absentmindedly grabbed the kettle, filling it with water and setting it on the burner to boil, while Clark moved around the island, grabbing three mugs from the cabinet, helping her set up the tea. Once everyone had a steaming cup of tea and sat around the kitchen island, a slightly tense moment persisted around them, staring at each other or down at their cups.
“Well..” Martha sighed, breaking the silence. “I'm guessing you're one of Clark's super friends.”
“You can say that.” Clark chuckled, glancing at Calea, who was staring down at her cup. “Calea is like me, Ma.”
“She's a Kryptonian?” Martha asked, a look of surprise on her face.
“No.” Calea shook her head. “I'm something much older than Kryptonians.” She replied, looking up from her cup to catch Clark's eye.
“Calea is a Selian.” He added, looking back to his mother. “They are an ancient race, they are the original race of the universe.”
“What's that supposed to mean?” Martha frowned, not understanding.
“My people were the first beings of the universe.” Calea answered her, quietly. “Every race in the universe, and there are many, are a descendant from Selians, my people, from the planet Selion.” She explained to her as delicately as possible, knowing, despite having an alien son, information like this would still be jarring for Martha.
“So, you're from a different planet.” Martha said, summing it up.
“I am.”
“Why are you here?”
“I was sent here, by my parents, the King and Queen of my people, on a sort of diplomatic mission with Humans, Atl--,” Calea started to clarify, but paused. “and others. That was several thousand years ago.”
Martha straightened up, her chin dropping to her chest as she looked at Calea with a wide eyed surprise, and slight skepticism. “Thousands?” She echoed, shaking her head, trying to wrap her head around it.
“Yes, I am immortal, essentially.”
“So, how did you and my son meet?” Martha asked, still shaking her head.
“We need her help with a danger that is currently threatening the planet.” Clark chimed in, seeing his mother's mounting confusion and suspicion. “She's been a great help to us in fighting it. But,” He paused, resting his hand on Calea's lower back.
“She's been a bigger help to me.” He whispered, his face softening.
The expression on Martha's face changed, seeing the look of Clark's face and his body language towards Calea. She saw it now that she was more focused on him. He was fully relaxed as he sat there at the island, a look of pure and devoted love in his eyes as he stared at Calea. She noticed the unguarded way he touched her, not forcing himself to be aware of the strength of his hand resting on her back, unafraid that he might hurt her, if he was careless with his Superman strength and powers. Martha had seen and watched how he was with Lois, when they were together. She thought the love between them was pure and real, Lois knew and understood what Clark was, but even with that information, that deep secret, Clark always had to be mindful of himself with Lois, always afraid that he might hurt her, if he allowed himself to relax.
That issue was evidently not a problem between Clark and Calea, he was relaxed in the way he touched and treated her, and Calea was just as relaxed, not frightened or tense when he touched her, not having to be mindful of Clark's touch, always testing if it was the right pressure and gentle enough.
“You're strong like he is.” She said, softly.
“Stronger.” Clark whispered back, his eyes never leaving Calea.
“I don't know about that.” Calea chuckled, relaxing as she got more comfortable with Martha.
“Like me,” He looked across at his mother. “She's the only of her kind left. A very bad alien wiped them out. Calea only survived because she was here.” He explained to her. “She understands what it feels like.” He said, looking at Martha with a look that said what words couldn't.
“Calea has helped me a great deal, and I love her.”
Martha studied the pair of them. “If you are happy together, then I am happy for you.” She finally said, after several long moments of silence.
“All I want is your happiness, Clark.”
“I am.” He smiled, leaning over to kiss Calea on the cheek, affectionately.
Martha reached across the island and Clark reached back, taking her hand in his and smiled warmly at each other. “Then, I am happy for you both.” She said, smiling at him.
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Clark took Calea out to show her around the farm, and while they did that, Martha went about the house. Going upstairs to the master bedroom to grab something, when she noticed Clark's suit just laying on the floor of his room.
“That boy.” She sighed, smiling to herself as she stepped into his room to pick it up.
She stopped, half bent over, when she noticed the strange angle and dip of his mattress, and a still drying wet spot on the sheets; a dead give away of the sex they had before she showed up at the house. Martha tried to repress the image of her son and Calea having, very apparently, such rough sex that they broke the bed in the process, but ultimately opted for leaving his carelessly discarded suit on his bedroom floor and rushed to the master bedroom for what she had originally intended to retrieve.
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With his bed broken from their escapade, Clark and Calea slept in the guest room. They laid down, leaving the window wide open to let in the cool country night air into the warm room; the sounds of grasshoppers and crickets filled the air and space. Calea found it soothing, hearing nothing, but the quiet night. But, she also found it disorienting, so used to the deafening silence of the Sol-Gel or the hustle and bustle of the city. She laid with Clark, as his body molded around hers and his relaxed snores in her ear; he was out cold.
It took a while for Calea to fall asleep, unaccustomed to the feel of another body in bed with her, but the reassuring warmth and the feeling of content safety of Clark encircling her, soon overpowered it and she drifted to sleep, the feeling of Clark's thumb unconsciously rubbing her chest as he hugged her against his chest. When she whimpered in her sleep and shivered, Clark's arm hugged her tighter, his body curving around her even more, trying to keep her warm, even while he slept.
But, her sleep continued to be disturbed.
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Calea gasped and shot upright in bed, she was still in the Kent house, but Clark was no longer sleeping with her. She shook her head as a loud and incessant hum filled the room, her vision swam as she staggered out of bed, stumbling over her bare feet.
“Clark?” She called out, catching herself on the door frame, and pressing the heel of her hand to her throbbing temple. “Mrs. Kent?” She wobbled out into the hallway, nearly tripping over the carpet runner.
She yelled out, an overwhelming panic started to surge inside of her, intensified by the mysterious hum, that also seemed to pull her down the hall, like it was tethered to her, and she was being reeled in by its source. Calea wavered down the stairs, slipping down the last three and crashing into the wall at the foot of them. She gasped for air, out of breath, her vision fussy and unable to see, guided by the hum that only grew louder and stronger the more she was forced to follow it.
Calea collided with nearly everything in her path, unsure of where she was or where she was going. It wasn't until she felt cool air and a gentle breeze that she was able to orient herself and realize she was now outside of the house, heading for the corn field. She could feel the scrape of the corn stalk leaves on her bare arms as she slipped by them. The hum was even stronger now, pushing in all around her, like some sort of invisible squeeze, until she reached a clearing in the middle of the field. The force of the hum pressing in around her was finally too much and she dropped to her hands and knees in the bent over corn stalks, feeling the warm drips of blood pouring out of her nose.
“The mighty Selian Princess.” A deep and grating voice hissed within the hum. “Brought so low, that she must crawl on her hands and knees, to her doom and destiny.”
“Sss-Ss-Step-en-wolf.” Calea whimpered through clenched and bared teeth, her teeth bloody from her nose.
Steppenwolf reared back his metal armored and horned head in a dark laugh, enjoying the pain Calea was in. He stomped across the flattened stalks and gripped her jaw in his hand, squeezing painfully, and jerked her head back, sneering at her.
“You have what I need, inside of you.” Steppenwolf hissed, narrowing his eyes at her. “I can not kill you, without destroying what has been imbued in your very being. So, you will either join me willingly or you will be a slave, wielding the mighty power that was bestowed upon you.”
“Burn in hell.” She gritted her teeth, jerking her head out of his hand.
Steppenwolf growled, grasping a handful of hair at the back of her head and dragged her near the center of the clearing, where the hum was strongest, and dropped her there. “Listen to it, Little Princess. Listen to their call!” He barked, pointing at the three Mother Boxes.
They floated a few metres of the ground, faintly glowing, one purple, another orange and the other red. The humming noise they made was the only thing Calea could now hear, but the longer she listened, the more it became whispers, instead of a hum. A whisper from each box, promising and foretelling the future she wanted, the future that will be, once the Unity was complete and she plugged in the Key, unlocking their Unity into its full power and potential.
“Clark.” She whimpered, her hand struggling to lift off the ground.
His image flitted in her mind, like the quick flicker of an old movie reel, the two of them, together, standing on the porch of the Kent farm house, waving; waving to what? The image shifted to a bus, at the end of the driveway; to a little boy, his backpack jostling behind him as he made a mad dash for the bus.
Her and Clark's son.
His resemblance was without doubt, the raven black mop of Clark's curls, the shared blue color of both his parents' eyes. The crackle of instinct inside, that told Calea that the united Selian and Kryptonian bloodlines were preserved in him, in their future son.
But, only if she submitted to the Boxes, to Steppenwolf and his nephew, Darkseid.
Calea's fingertips were just shy of touching the uniting Boxes, desperate for that life, to have a son, to be with Clark; for peace and a sense of belonging. But, she gasped, squeezing her eyes shut against the images and tried to pull her hand back, but met massive resistance, only able to pull her hand back a few centimeters. She tried fighting it, knowing it was only trying to entice her into submitting to it, giving her a dream, within a dream, in hopes it would be enough.
While she wanted it more than anything in the universe, she knew it was a lie, nonetheless.
A horrible pain rippled through her body, like every particle in her body was being ripped out. She screamed through her gritted teeth, feeling them grind together as the pain rocked through her and she fought the pull of the Boxes.
More images came, new ones, the world was dark, but back lit by a sickly orange glow, everything in rubble and desolate, charred and dusty corpses and skeletons littered the ground, a single figure loomed in the distance, atop a mountain of bone, eye sockets glowing a bright red. The ground below her started to tremble and shake, giving away beneath her and left her falling, falling into a dark hole, the muted light of the world above only becoming a pinpoint above her.
“Clark!” She screamed out as the hole grew smaller and smaller, until she was encased in darkness.
“Why didn't you listen?” Clark's voice echoed around her. “Why didn't you give the Boxes what they wanted?” He growled. “You were my world! But, you listened to that stupid Bat, and he took my world from me.”
“But, I'll make him pay. I'll make them all pay.”
“No, Clark!” Calea cried, trying to dig herself out. “Clark, no! I'm here, please!” She begged him, fruitlessly trying to find a way out.
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“Help me! Please, help me!”
The cries woke Clark from the sound sleep he had fallen into, his first instinct was to grab Calea closer to him, then figure out why he was hearing it. Maybe, there was an accident nearby? But, when he reached out for her, he only found an empty spot where she had been.
Jerking out of bed, Clark scanned the room and rushed downstairs in search of her. “Calea!” He called out, running out onto the back porch, scanning the night.
“Clark, help!” Calea's voice cried out.
His head jerked in the direction of her voice and picked up her heat signature, he was in the corn field in a split second. He found Calea laying on her back, eyes squeezed shut, face bloody from a bad nose bleed, hands clawing and digging at the empty air, frantic and frightened, crying out for him. He grabbed her hands and pulled her to sit up.
“Calea.” He panted, cupping her face in his hands. “I'm right here, Calea. Open your eyes.” He coaxed her, rubbing his thumbs over her closed lids. “Look at me!”
“I can't.” She cried, furious tears mixing with the blood on her face. “I can't, Clark. I can't.” She panicked, hyperventilating as she clawed at his bare shoulders.
“Yes, you can. Open them and look at me, baby.” He coached and begged her, his own panic starting to gnaw away at him.
“I can't, Clark.” Calea replied in hiccuping gasps. “I can't trust them! I can't trust them.”
“Trust me then, Calea!” He compelled her, gulping at the forming knot in his throat. “Trust me.” He added in a soft whisper. “You can trust me.” He whimpered, pressing his forehead against hers.
Calea took huge gulping gasps of air, fighting the realness of her dream and the dark fright it instilled in her, breaking her confidence to trust herself and what she saw, afraid it was just the Boxes continuing to torment her. But, she slowly opened her eyes, blinking at Clark several times, who smiled sweetly at her. A breath hitched in her throat and she threw her arms around his shoulders and buried her face into his neck, breaking into a sob. Clark squeezed his eyes shut, sitting down on the ground and pulled her into his lap, cradling her in his arms as she wept, making his bare shoulder slick with her tears.
“Sshh, it's all right, it's all right.” He murmured into her ear, rubbing her back and caressed her hair, gently untangling bits of corn husk, leaves and twigs out of it. “I've got you, Calea. You're safe and sound with me.” He cooed at her, kissing her temple.
“I'm sorry.” She whined into his neck, still hiccuping.
“It's okay.” Clark assured her, still soothing his fingertips up and down her trembling back. “What are you doing out here, Calea?”
“I don't know.” She sighed, gulping several times. “I didn't realize I had come out here, for real.”
Clark frowned at her words, and pulled her back, so he could see her red and wet eyes. “What?”
“My dream..” She shook her head, blinking several times, still trying to sort out her mind. “or nightmare. Both, really.” She licked her lips, tasting her salty tears and cooper-y blood on them.
“They're calling to me, Clark.”
“The Mother Boxes.” She sighed, wiping at her bloody nose, that was now starting to dry up. “They called to me, in my dream.”
A weak beam of light shone over them, followed by struggling footsteps. “Clark?” Martha appeared at the edge of the field's clearing. “What are you two doing out here?” She asked, frowning at them and pulling her sweater closed as a cold breeze blew by.
“Nothing, Ma.” Clark replied, frowning at Calea, deeply troubled by what she had said. “Calea just had a nightmare, I thought some fresh air would help her.”
Martha studied the two of them, and knew, as mothers often did, that there was something more to what was going on, but she didn't press them for it. “All right, just don't stay out too long.” She replied.
“You'll catch a chill.”
Clark smiled at her, neither he nor Calea could catch a chill. “We won't, Ma.” He promised anyway.
Nodding her head, Martha turned and picked her way back out of the field and inside the house. Clark turned his attention back to Calea, pressing his lips to her temple and still stroking her back, giving her time to calm down and collect herself.
“They called you out here?” He whispered, once she regained her composure.
“He was here, Steppenwolf was here, with the Boxes.” She sniffled, her head throbbing. “They were trying to entice me into touching them, into empowering the Unity.” She explained, the visions the Boxes had shown her still flickered through her mind.
“He knows, he knows that I'm what he's been looking for.”
Calea met Clark's eyes, her fear unguarded from him. “It's not safe here. Especially, when your mother is here.” She told him, deeply concerned for Martha's safety, she knew Clark had lost his birth parents and adoptive father, she didn't want him to lose the only parent he had left.
Especially not, because of her.
“Then, we'll go somewhere safe.” Clark assured her, brushing her wind swept hair out of her face.
“Clark.” Calea sighed, grasping his wrists. “There isn't anywhere safe. Not here, or anywhere else in the universe. Not while Steppenwolf and Darkseid are alive and vengeful.” She pressed her forehead against his, spent.
“I have to stop him.”
“We need to stop him.” Clark corrected her, thumbs caressing her cheeks. “You're not alone in this Calea, you never have been.” He told her, softly. “I will be with you, every step of the way.”
“So will the Justice League.”
-- Part VI -- 
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superfam · 3 years
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[Image ID: A simple headshot of Clark Kent. He is an adult man with tan skin, freckles, strong features, and inhumanly blue eyes with short eyelashes. His dark, loosely curled hair is pushed back except for a strand which hangs loose in the middle of his forehead. He is smiling gently with upturned eyes. His bright red cape is visible around his neck. To the top right of the drawing reads the label ‘Clark Kent / Kal-El’. End ID.]
my man of tomorrow
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halfkryptn · 3 years
the thing like, about why i dislike jon being aged up so much was mostly because how the writers made clark and lois reacted towards it. i genuinely think it doesn’t make any sense but you can tell DC has made the condition so permanent for jon, that they literally have nothing else to do but to go through with it and have him stay grown up and while they’re slowly making it work now in the latest issue of superman: son of kal-el (2021) since they’re setting up that clark may die and jon needed to take place as superman and he’s clearly struggling with it, superman (2018) is a mess and thats my tea spilled today
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#ALSO HE MET KON-EL#BUT I HAVEN'T READ THE ISSUE BUT IM FUCKIN HYPE#in any case i reread superman (2018) again and i quite literally almost got hives#i dont!!!!!!! whats wrong with dc!!!!#the way they wrote lois and clark was just so ...... ??????#lois and clark ARE SUCH GOOD PARENTS#and its such a consistent amazing trait#and then the moment j/on showed up — clearly having gone thru serious trauma — they still??? let him go??#like he spent YEARS in space being kidnapped and tortured#and ure telling me LOIS let j/on go out to space AGAIN the next 5 seconds?#and like ... i think what broke my heart the most was that ...#j/on repeatedly say that he wanted to stay#he almost always kept mentioning he wanted to go back to d/amian#and when he got [to d/amian] he just... bluntly admitted he wanted to stay#he didn't WANT to go to the future???? but ofc the writers made him do it#and then they actually have the AUDACITY to draw l/ois and c/lark dancing in the air#when j/on had gone to the future#[SIGHS ALOUD EVERYWHERE]#as u can tell i have a lot of issues#like im starting to really LIKE s: son of kal-el because i LIKE what j/on is struggling with#and i like how the writers in THAT issue is trying to really respect some of his more core personality trait#but s (2018) is the BANE of my existence#the way they thrashed l/ois and c/lark is unforgivable#ALSO KARA! THEY WAY THEY DID DIRTY @ KARA TOO#UGHH#ok imma shut up now sdkjhskdfgsjf#✩ * GENERAL : OUT OF CHARACTER.#dc criticism tw //
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meruz · 2 years
Hi meruz! I asked this like a year ago but I'm interested to see if your answer has changed, what's on your comics pulls list? Also read any good comics recently? 👀❤️
Hi! Thank you for asking this I love this question LOL. My current pull list is:
- X-Men - Immortal X-Men - X-Men Red - Knights of X - Leigon of X - Sabretooth - Miles Morales Spider-Man - Superman: Son of Kal-El - Batgirls - The Nice House on the Lake - Fire Power - Jonna and the Unpossible Monsters - Public Domain - Dark Spaces: Wildfire - Above Snakes - Blink So I'm not picking up EVERY x-book anymore but I've still got a bunch of them. I'm particularly on the edge of my seat with Immortal X-M, X-Men Red and Sabretooth but I'm also picking up Legion of X because I love david and ruth... and Knights because I love gay people. Cerebrocast podcast convinced me to like betsy braddock and now i feel like im dying on a hill defending this messy white lady every goddamn week sdjghwdksg.
Miles, Son of Kal-El and Batgirls all kinda fall under the header of teen heroes I like and am invested in keeping up with. I WAS reading Robin (2021) too but I kind of fell off. Still love those first couple arcs tho. In terms of non-superhero stuff I'm OBSESSED with Nice House on the Lake. My favorite Tynion work by far and Alvaro Bueno Martinez's art is beautiful... I feel like I must've mentioned it before just because I think about it all the time. It Just won an eisner for best new series like last night or the night before and I'm so glad because I think it's sooo deserved. Public Domain by Chip Zdarsky is also excellent.. I picked up the physical #1 at the store on a whim and then immediately went to susbcribe to Zdarsky's substack to read the rest because I thought it was so engaging. And ofc Chip is a great writer but tbh? I miss his art, it was a lot of what I loved abt Sex Crims when that series first started so.. happy to see more of it. Jonna and Fire Power I think like 50% of the reason I'm picking them up is because I love Chris Samnee's art but also they're just very solid indie comics all around. Dark Spaces Wildfire, Above Snakes and Blink are all new. The #1 issues just came out this past week but they're ALL drawn by Hayden Sherman who can draw circles around the best of them and is also my best friend so. Check out Haydens books!
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lesser-mook · 2 years
I need DC Nuclear Winter Kara Zor El to replace mainline-canon Kara
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I need this more seasoned, tougher/older Kara to replace the cheerleader, vanilla supertoken cosplayer.
NW Kara looks like see’s seen shit, done things, been there, experienced. And she has her own life now with this little one.
So sick of looking at this: 
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Just eye candy, glorified Superman cosplayer with no impact or real relevance (Correction: She’s had impact but usually when she fucking died lol), when most of the Robins have more going for them in terms of storytelling intrigue than Supergirl, there’s a problem.. 
Cause every time she dies an honorable death or a good idea or concept is introduced for her (Red Lanter/Daughter of Darkseid), DC just keeps bringing her back to square ‘BLAND’ one.
Fact is, she needs to stop riding Superman’s coattails & do something else.
Become a plumber, something, anything. jfc.
OR like when the Viltrumies infiltrated Earth to live normal lives per the Thragg/Mark/Nolan truce
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Have her raise her child with a spouse (male/female) out in Norway or something, she’s a First Responder and she can take care of situations/dangers with her powers when they show up, very lowkey.
She doesn’t want to be a costumed “superhero”, but wants to help. Then when big Crisis events happen, she gets involved in Kryptonian Ceremonial garment.
Or do everything i said.... just on ANOTHER PLANET- where a full-blooded Kryptonian would be needed. 
That’s different enough from Clark to where she can do hero stuff, live a life, and it’s not her wearing his colors just for the sake of it. Like she’s following the trend or something.
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Superboy Conner, clone of Lex & Kal, serious identity crisis story. 
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Young Justice Superboy, a lot more mortality, acceptance of self, also anger issues, & other lessons learned with this version of Conner.
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Then Clark Kent (Prime) who was such an unstable mess, killed so many, while believing he was the hero. Dude was menace.
Eventually ended up getting his shit together and saving everyone, multiverse scale.
SERIOUS fall from grace/redemption story.
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In terms of Superman Lore: SUPERBOY PRIME is how you do a knock-off Supertoken- right.
I’m going to commit to skimming through her recent arcs to see if there’s anything worth reading (Supergirl Rebirth #1 was underwhelming) DC REALLY needs to venture out their comfort zone & canonize something different for Kara. 
Red Hood is proof that a spinoff character doesn’t have to coattail ride the original template; She doesn’t need to pull a “Supergirl being SUPER” & basically be Clark.
Let her be something of her own, and what that is doesn’t have to be entirely nice or appealing, which is where her staying power is, just a cutesy female superman. RULE 63 Gimmick appeal
Guarantee you, as soon they do that, she’ll evolve beyond that surface level appeal and will blow up & actually have a stake in the DC Universe beyond being token female superman and being present in Crisis events.
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Otherwise she’ll remain in the hamster wheel cycle of being a non-factor, side attraction.
I’ve read some of the Danvers matrix arc back in the day, weird but i appreciate the attempt BACK then to do something different. Wouldn’t mind if they brought her back.
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Read some New52 Supergirl, bought the #1 day 1 it dropped back in 2011, hated her goddamn suit. Really liked her anger issues/flaws, & how that tied into Red Lantern but ofc that didn’t last.
The Batman/Superman debut for her introduced the Darkseid thing ofc not only did that not go anywhere but they killed her, as she died saving Superman, Superman’s alone again, which is his part of tragedy, good. 
She died honorably.............
....then she came back anyway, lmfao.
Hell i prefer Caitlin Fairchild over Supergirl
Smart as shit brawler, on the shy side, yet ironically the bonified LEADER of her team because she knows what she’s doing. 
Not a knockoff of anyone, the one & only Fairchild of Gen13.
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Nuclear Winter, as simple as it was is worthy of being canon. I want an animated short for this, the works.
KARA In-Ze is in fact THE BEST Kara take in post 2000 just by not being Kal’s miracle Fanfic cousin, but NW Kara is close 2nd because of how off-brand she looks. And the actual story, like Mad Max but Older Kara..
One of the most interesting Kara’s for me in years and all they did was get rid of the midriff & skirt, the girl next door appeal, allow her to grow up and adopt a child; Now she has a real, tangible responsibility.
Something of her own. And that is something they did right vs the DCAU where she just got gaga eyes for Brainiac all of sudden.
DCAU did right by divorcing her from the EL House ( only because DC wouldn’t let Timm use Kara Zor-El, thankfully) and Nuclear Winter did right (by her responsibility not being a love interest) 
Not that a partner isn’t a good stake (I’ve suggested Kara having a family myself many times) but the way NW did it? Better than my own pitch ngl.
simple things.
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write-r-die · 4 years
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By Tomorrow - Henry x OFC (Sybil), Medieval Scotland AU
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ARRANGED MARRIAGE - Henry, the stoic heir apparent to Clan Cavill, travels to England to retrieve his cousin from her home there. While there, he impulsively accepts an unexpected opportunity to anger is sworn enemy, Laird Maclean, by marrying the woman meant for the laird’s son. Now a pawn in someone else’s game, Sybil sets out to understand the mystery surrounding Henry’s childhood and the cause of his endless feud.
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Man’s World - August x OFC (Lilah), Post Apocalypse AU
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ENEMIES TO LOVERS - After a solar flare ended the world as we know it, former spy August Walker becomes the most terrifying of the many warlords who pop up across the US. He leads his militia from town to town, taking what he wants and all killing those who resist him. And now he wants Lilah. And one way or another, he’ll have her.
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Chest Hair - Henry x Reader
Very short drabble that I just wanted to publish
Always About Me - Henry x Reader
It’s your first time - but Henry doesn’t know that
Mean It - Henry X Reader
The first time you say “I love you”
Big Jet Plane - Henry x Reader
That insta pic gave me feelings....
Love it All - Henry x Reader
First dance drabble. Based on Love it All by the Kooks.
Adore - Henry x First Person
Just snuggles and a bit of smut because I’m in my feels.
The Couch - Henry x Reader
Dark Days Are Ahead - Clark Kent/Superman/Kal-El
Evil Superman drabble
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Fear of the Water - Finnick x Annie
That awful restlessness I’ve been feeling – I was right. It is because of her. Because I can’t relax when she’s not close. I can’t think about anything else. I can hardly breathe. When did this happen? How did it come to this? Why didn’t I realize what was going on? It was slow and creeping, almost insidious, rolling around me like waves until one day I was drowning in it. I love her.
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Tracing - Finnick x Annie drabble
Lust Holds My Hand - Coriolanus Snow
He had no illusions about himself. He was capable of both love and hate, albeit stunted versions of both, and he was kind to the people he loved and cruel to the people he didn’t. But whoever else he was and whatever else he did, he was always honest about it. How many people could say the same?
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My Baby, Wide-eyed and Pretty - Sansa x Jon
Why should Jon prefer Daenerys over her? What did she have that Sansa didn’t? Blood, she thought to herself. They don't share the same blood. They could do whatever they liked without shame or guilt. He and Sansa could not.  Jonsa with a splash of Jonaerys. The season 8 we deserved.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 (complete)
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Find me on AO3 as marcat. 
Note: Some of these stories were published on my other blogs (mostly @thgfanficinspo​) but they are still mine!
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aussiearrow · 3 years
Last Name - E. Phantasmo
A/N: Okay wow, this has been in progress for months with so many changes, so many doubts, so many other things. But it's finally here. Thanks to @bitterendbrutalizer for forever listening to my ideas the last few months and encouraging this to see the light of day sooner rather than later.
If you want to be added to the taglist on this please let me know.
This is part of a series called ' Waking Up In Vegas ' , it started out as a 2 part but as things went along it became a 3 part. So hope you guys enjoy it!
Warnings: I curse a lot so there's a few thrown in, alcohol , elp ( yes he's a warning cause look at him)
Last Name - E.Phantasmo x OFC
" Last night I got served a little bit too much of that poison baby. Last night I did things I'm not proud of and I got a little crazy. Last night I met a guy on the dance floor and I let him call me baby. "
Kal walked through the doors of the airport ready to just get this vacation started already. She must have had the week from hell with dealing with terrible people who consistently told her how she should do her job that she's only done for the past 10 years now but since it wasn't what they wanted to hear it was all wrong.
She met up with her group as she gave them all quick hugs.
"The rest of the group should be here soon." Kasey said as she led Kal over to the seat next to her as the two sat down.
"Rest of the group?" Kal asked her with a confused look," I thought it was just going to be me, you, Jay, Toni, Bea, and Juice?"
"It was until Jay over here said it out loud and a certain headbanger overheard followed by an invitation from Juice which than somehow now Will is coming too and Taiji and who knows whatever other club member or Chaos member or former at this point." Kasey said as Jay cheekily looked over at them.
"I'm sorry I got excited." Jay said.
Kal just nodded while she didn't exactly know any of them, she knew of them when she watched New Japan Pro Wrestling every week to see her friends. And sometimes they would be on the show and they seemed like they were a pretty fun group to be around.
"Okay did they say when they should be here? I think I needed to be in Vegas like yesterday." Kal said as the three of them laughed.
It was soon broken up by a loud commotion at the other end of the airport as they all looked over to see the one who Kal knew as Kenta who she met a number of times and got along with greatly. Kenta laughing as he walked away from Taiji who was picking up his suitcase off the floor with a flushed cheeks as a guy who Kal only knew by his wrestling name El Phantasmo stood there watching him and laughing. Will on the other hand made his way over to the group more so Bea.
"And that would be them." Kasey said as she greeted Will and re introduced the two.
"You're the infamous Kal we hear a lot about yet never seen was starting to think they all made you up." Will said with a laugh.
"Hell of an imagination. I'm Riley. This is Taiji and Kenta." Riley said as Kal offered them all a small smile.
"We've met." Kenta said as he offered her a hug that she returned.
"And you held out on us?" Riley said.
"Do you blame him?" Jay said from behind as he stepped forward to greet them.
The whole plane ride was filled with jokes from the group some of which Kal was included in on. Most were ones that Kal never got due to leaving wrestling to pursue her other passion that was slowly making her unhappy now. All the jokes that seemingly came from a certain group of guys.
Kenta sat next to Kal as he always made her feel welcomed in the group of wrestlers as he was the first one she met aside from Jay and Kasey.
"How's work?" Kenta asked her.
"Starting to feel more like a job if you ask me."
"Oof that bad?" Kenta asked as Kal nodded," Well than that is the last mention of work you'll hear from me this weekend?"
"Mention of what?" Kal said as Kenta laughed.
"Exactly." Kenta said.
The rest of the plan ride went more like the first half. As they got off the plane and checked into a hotel almost all of them decided on dinner and bed so that way they can spend the whole day tomorrow doing what they want to do. And just with Kal's luck her room ended up being right next to Riley and Taiji's room.
" And I don't even know his last name. My momma would be so ashamed. It started off,' Hey cutie, where you from?' And than it turned into,' Oh no! What have I done?' And I don't even know his last name. "
They all decided that it was a pretty good idea to meet up for dinner after everyone got settled in. But to no one's surprise Kasey and Jay decided that they were going to do a bit of a date night. Kal had known Kasey for years having went to school together in Florida. And being there the night she met Jay cause she wasn't sure if it was truly him or not.
When they all met up at the restaurant everyone was talking about things they wanted to do things that didn't exactly excite Kal. Her main goal this trip was to hopefully not remember a single thing by the end of it all.
"What about you Kal?" Kenta asked.
"My goal is to forget about anything I did this trip."
"I mean you definitely came to the right place for that." Bea said with a laugh.
"I'm more than okay with doing that, will you be able to hold off until tomorrow?" Will said.
"I can get started alone."
"In Vegas? Absolutely not. Kenta?" Toni said.
"I'm out, for once. I'm actually tired." Kenta said.
Kal sighed as that meant Bea, Toni, Juice, Kenta were out. Kasey and Jay were off doing whatever.
"What about me and Taiji?" Riley said.
"I wouldn't make her go through that. And while I trust Taiji you'll probably end up just as wasted as her and we'll have a hard time finding both of you in the morning." Taiji said.
"Okay what if they both go with me?" Kal said kind of surprised she even entertained the idea even in the slightest.
"I'm down." Riley said as he shot Kal a smile and a wink.
If it wasn't for Taiji agreeing Kal would have taken it all back but she really did want too enjoy her first night here.
"Than it's settled. After this the 3 of us are going to hit the town. You into strip clubs Kal?"
"Absolutely not. At least not the first night." Kal said as they all finished their dinner.
"So what do you expect to do than?" Riley asked Kal as they said their goodbyes to their friends as Riley and Taiji got the run down of making sure that they all come see them for lunch tomorrow since they certainly won't be making breakfast.
"Drink. Don't care where as long as it's not a strip club. I was thinking of starting at that new place that opened up on the strip and I'm just going to let the night tell me where else I should go." Kal said as she turned to look at them.
"We can go there." Taiji said before Riley could even respond as Kal smiled.
"I like you already." Kal said.
"What about me?" Riley said with a slight pout.
"I think I might be still warming up to you. Ask me tomorrow." Kal said as Taiji laughed as the 3 of them headed down the strip.
"Okay please don't lose anyone, not in Vegas at least." Taiji said as they all sat down at a table.
"We won't Bone Daddy." Riley said in a mocking yet playful tone.
"Who calls someone Bone Daddy?" Kal said as she gave them both a confused look.
"Just a running joke about his gimmick." Riley said with a slight shrug.
"Is there a running joke about you?" Kal said as Taiji laughed causing her to look over at him.
"This guy get a nickname that he didn't give himself? Good joke." Taiji said as Kal laughed and Riley shook his head," At least nothing that anyone says to his face."
Riley threw the closest thing on the table at him as Taiji continued to laugh as they put their drink orders in," We can let Kal here come to a decision on whether or not I get a nickname."
"I think I'd much rather join everyone else and keep it behind your back, makes things that much more interesting." Kal said as she smiled slightly when he looked at her as she sipped her drink.
"How did you meet Kenta?" Taiji asked
'"Yeah how? We've been around him for the past 2 years now, heard of you but never saw you." Riley followed up.
"I met him when Jay brought him to be my date cause I was visiting Kasey when he dropped by unexpectedly."
"You don't wrestle?" Taiji asked as Kal shook her head no.
"Trained a little, but at the same time I was pulling for my other dream job. That opportunity came knocking first and spent the last 10 years doing that."
"You don't seem too thrilled about that." Riley said.
"Cause lately I'm not, it started feeling like a job when new people starting coming in pitching ideas that I tried to pitch for years and since they are younger I guess they decided they were going to listen to them all while treating everyone else like shit." Kal said with a sigh remembering the argument that ensued at the office the night before she left.
"So you mentioned a date with Kenta?" Riley said of course bringing it back to her love life.
"Yeah, we hit it off." Kal said blankly as Riley nodded his head the playful look in his eyes slowly going away," As friends."
Taiji raised his eyebrows as another round of drinks came and went as Riley grilled Kal on her life.
"Okay that's enough. I think I entertained you guys enough. We should go back to the hotel so we can get some rest for tomorrow." Taiji said as he stood up.
Kal booed at him but still stood up knowing that he was right, the way she saw it is if she went to bed now she could get an early start tomorrow. Riley on the other hand had completely different plans and if he could just get Kal to look in his direction he could have it play out.
As the group paid and left the bar, Taiji hailed for a cab. Once one pulled up, Riley made it seem like he 'dropped' something and couldn't find it once Taiji got inside. As Kal turned to help Riley out, he waited long enough to the point the cab pulled away.
As Riley pulled his phone out of his pocket," Oops, must have been here the entire time."
"You're a mess." Kal said as she turned back to see the cab now half way down the road.
"Oh no, looks like we missed the cab. I can get us another one." Riley said as Kal heard the totally did that on purpose tone in his voice.
"Or we can go to that other bar?" Kal said with a hopeful tone.
"Lead the way." Riley said das he held his arm out for her to go first as she smiled mischievously as she walked by him and he followed closely behind.
" We left the club, right around three o'clock in the morning. His pinto sitting there in the parking lot. Well it should have been a warning. I had no clue what I was getting into so I blame it on Cuervo. Oh, where did my manners go? "
It only took a couple of more drinks before Kal found herself hanging onto Riley as his hands wrapped tightly around her waist as they left the club at 3 in the morning.
"Do we have to go back to the hotel?" Kal said as she slurred her words a little bit as she pouted up at him.
"Well where else would we go?" Riley said as he looked down at her.
Kal shrugged," We're in Vegas don't people party until like Tuesday or something?"
Riley laughed," I don't think that's the saying but I'm sure we can come up with something." Kal sat there with a pout as she didn't let go of Riley's arm.
"I'm going to need my arm if you want me to find some place we can go." Riley said.
"No you don't, you're talented with just one hand aren't you? You're cocky about everything else so." Kal trailed off slightly as her eyes wondered the strip completely missing Riley's invitation to keep messing around like that and she can find out.
"Okay let's go there's a place down the street and apparently it's one where you have to keep a close eye on whoever you come in with think you can handle that?" Riley asked her as the two began walking.
Kal tucked herself into his side some more, I think I can handle you."
"Not what I asked but good to know." Riley said as he held the door open for her as they walked in.
Neither of them were completely sure when things started but Riley got protective when Kal who said she wouldn't leave that spot while he went to the bathroom ultimately left that spot and found her way to the bar. It took him well over a half hour to get to her and when he saw a hand on the small of her back daring to go a little lower he shoved the guy.
"What the hell man?" The guy said as Kal turned around to see Riley.
"Where did you go? I lost you." Kal said as he took the spot the guy was just in.
"Chris this is my husband, the one I told you about the wrestler that can kick your ass if you touched me again."
"Husband?" Riley said at first as he slowly caught on," Oh. Did you really tell him that?" Kal nodded her head.
"Looking at you now I'm certain that I made a good choice when I decided not to listen." The guy who was named Chris said.
"Well it's a damn shame you don't believe it. And even more of a shame that I'm not out here to try and prove anything to some random mark in Vegas." Riley said as Kal put her hand on his bicep to get his attention as he looked down at the girl who decided that instead of proving by argument decided to plant a kiss on his lips.
Riley was taken by surprise at first and while he may have felt a little buzzed before, he wasn't sure if it was the alcohol that was still fresh on Kal's lips or just her in general that he now was completely over the edge and absolutely drunk.
By the time they pulled away Chris was no longer around and if you asked the two of them they didn't notice much of anyone else either.
Neither of them wanted to say anything to the other about wanting to end the night and possibly go back to the hotel together. So they did the smart thing and continued to bar hop and make out.
It wasn't until Riley pulled away once as he looked down at Kal," So I'm your husband right?" He really meant it as a joke but in their drunken state it was more of a statement.
Kal looked at her left hand as she showed him it," I don't see a ring."
"We can change that I mean we are in Vegas."
" Today I woke up thinking about Elvis somewhere in Vegas, I'm not sure how I got here or how this ring on my left hand just appeared outta no where. I gotta go, take the chips and the pinto and hit the road. They say ' What happens here, stays here, all of this will disappear. There's just one little problem. "
Kal opened her eyes and immediately shut them with a groan as she slowly regained all thoughts from the night before, but sadly got no where when her head once again started to pound.
She looked at the time and sighed, not only did she probably miss breakfast with everyone but lunch too. As she slowly sat up and put her hand on the bridge of her nose.
She was about to get out of bed when she heard the shower turn off as her eyes went wide. Hoping that the walls were just very thin. But when the door opened to Riley walking through with nothing but a towel around his waist.
"What are you doing in my room?" Kal said as she looked at him.
"Good afternoon to you too. You definitely weren't saying that last night or well this morning. Nice chest by the way, happy I get to see it when I'm sort of sober to remember it." Riley said as he smirked.
Kal rolled her eyes as she looked down to see just exactly what he was talking about as she hurried up to cover herself," I've only been in Vegas a day and I'm already making horrible decisions."
"Well if you already made one, than what's the issue with doing it again? Maybe we both can remember it this time." Riley said.
"Well it seems like you also forgot that I said the whole point of this trip was to not remember anything about it, especially this."
"I'm only joking, I'll be over here getting dressed. You might want to call Kasey. Jay called me like 20 times since this morning and when I picked up he said Kasey has been freaking out cause you weren't answering."
"Well did you tell him that you were with me so she wouldn't freak out anymore?" Kal said as she looked up at him.
"Told him that I haven't seen you since you ditched me and Taiji and didn't get in the cab with us last night." Riley said.
"You did not." Kal said as all he did to answer was shrug.
"Guess you'll find out when you call her."
"I hate you so much." Kal said as she searched for her phone.
Once she finally found it she looked at the screen to see 25 missed calls from Kasey as well as a handful of text messages and a few voicemails. Than there was some from Jay and Bea. As she sighed and pushed Kasey's contact.
It took her all of a ring to pick up," Well, well, well look who finally decides to bring herself to answer the phone."
"Ugh please don't be so loud, my head can't take it." Kal said.
"Yeah, Riley told us that once you join the living you'll probably have a massive hangover after last night. Speaking of Riley, care to explain why he was in your room earlier?" Kasey said in a teasing tone.
"I'd rather not talk about it." Kal said as Kasey laughed.
"That's okay, Taiji filled us all in. So when you're doing rolling around in the sheets together and actually want to be with the rest of us we're meeting in the lobby in a half hour to get lunch somewhere."
"I'll be there." Kal said as they said their goodbyes and hung up. As she laid back down and sighed picking up her hand to run it over her face, she gave a weird look when she felt something cold hit her face.
As she pulled her hand away from her face and looked at it. It all seemed normal until she got to her ring finger, one that was just bare last night was now no longer bare.
"No, no, no Fuck. No." Kal began to say as she quickly put a oversized shirt on and went to the bathroom completely forgetting about the man that was still very much in her room.
"Everything alright?" Riley said as he watched Kal wash her face before looking at her hand again before once again repeating what she said before," Woah hey, care to tell me what's going on?"
Kal stopped her string of curse words as she walked over to Riley and took his left hand where a ring also sat on his ring finger. One that matched hers.
"This. This is what's going on." Kal said as she brought his hand up and just about shoved it in his face.
"Well shit." Riley said as she dropped his hand and sat down on the edge of the bed.
Kal felt so many emotions as she put her head in her hands.
"Kal? We got to talk." Riley said.
"No, not right now. Right now what we have to do is get ready and meet up with our friends."
"So you're going to act like this just never happened?" Riley asked, Kal could hear the hurt in his voice.
Choosing to ignore it, " Yeah I am until we can figure out how to make it disappear. But we aren't telling anyone got it?"
"Yeah got it." Riley said as Kal closed the bathroom door just as he sat down on the bed," Lovely wife I got myself." Riley said with a sarcastic tone that was meant to be under his breath but Kal heard it loud and clear as she got in the shower.
" I don't even know my last name. Oh my momma would be so ashamed. It started off,' Hey cutie, where you from?' And then it turned into, ' Oh no! What have I done?' And I don't even know my last name."
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 8 months
The Fall of the Man in the Sky
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/BlNH3qp by Green_EnderWolf // The night Kal-El walked home rather than fly as usual was one he would never soon forget—no matter how much he wished and tried. // or Superman has killed General Zod. He had to. He had no choice. He killed but he's not a killer, right? There's no time to process the morality of the symbol of hope when the sudden emergence of a clone winds up in his life. or Superman story about the man in the sky not being as perfect as most expected. Words: 2596, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Superman - All Media Types, DC Extended Universe Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Characters: Kal-El | Subject One, Clark Kent, Kon-El | Conner Kent, Bruce Wayne, Lex Luthor, Lois Lane, Lana Lang, Martha Kent, Jor-El Relationships: Clark Kent/Lois Lane Additional Tags: Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Post-Canon, Post-Man of Steel, zod is dead, lois and clark are in love, Fluff, love-making (not the focus), Clark Kent is Superman, Kon-El | Conner Kent is Superboy, batman and superman are semi-friends, Kinda, no trust on batman's part ofc, Blood and Gore, Violence, Healthy Relationships, between lois and clark mainly, sad with undecided ending, Mild Language, Family Dynamics, Father-Son Relationship, Not in a Weird Way - Freeform, No Incest, bc no read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/BlNH3qp
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