#Karma and rebirth
juicepan · 1 year
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incaseofart · 3 months
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I have been working really hard on this piece since May, and it's finally done!!! The most characters I've ever had in one art piece but HEY! I did it!!!
Consider this the cover for The Best Laid Plans, my ff7 Rufus x OC fan fic, but as you can see it's so much more than that one ship, with a mix of canon characters and OCs!
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demial4 · 2 months
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seven-skies-above · 1 year
ok so to preface my knowledge of buddhist culture/philosophy/anything is very limited
but going by the likely buddhist inspirations rain world uses for ancient philosophy, are the iterators tangential to the idea of bodhisattvas?
from what i could garner off of a brief wiki skim, bodhisattvas (at least those of the mahayana belief/branch) are those who are on the path to achieving awakening for the benefit of all others. The oxford dictionary describes them as capable of reaching nirvana, but delaying doing so in order to save other beings from their suffering.
in a sense, iterators are forced bodhisattvas: enlightened beings designed to never ascend, forced to remain in the hopes of bringing ascension to the ancients. They are designed to achieve awakening for everyone but themselves—self-sacrifice, without the choice that usually comes with it.
artificial bodhisattvas… hmmmm….
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nevermindtheweights · 5 months
Thinking about Aerith but she's 800lbs and still as mobile and energetic as she is canonically.
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vizthedatum · 6 months
As I look around my apartment with all my Kali decorations, I think my prayers to Kali Ma are so desperate, while all she asks of me is to surrender and let bygones be bygones.
Downwards triangles haunt me now - they haunt me because they symbolize the power of receiving after you surrender to life. They symbolize strength. And while some Hindus and spiritualists say they symbolize "the feminine," I look down at my prescription of vaginal estrogen and look up at the wood carving of the testosterone molecule on my door... and I know gender has nothing to do with it. It never has.
I argue with her all the time. I protest.
How can I just let it go??????
And she's always, in her metaphysical and unknowable way, giving me the vibe of rolling her eyes. Like it's so silly, but she gets it - like, of course, I'm not going to "let it go" in the form of forgetting.
She says that I'm still me but different - like a new iteration.
Everyday is a simulation of me trying to do life, and sometimes I change big things, sometimes I change small things, and sometimes I change nothing.
And surrendering doesn't mean "doing nothing" - maybe it means that I release the control of how things should be or how things should feel.
I have so much anxiety about that.
Won't my life collapse?
She doesn't tell me to stop working or stop doing all the things I've been doing (even the absolutely stupid stuff I do sometimes).
She asks me to stop running away from what's going on inside of me - she tells me to figure out a way to meditate and figure out what's going on.
It reminds me of an old statistics professor I had who would always tell me I knew the answer even when I couldn't answer his questions.
It's so unhelpful, I thought at the time.
I am often frustrated at my altar when I pray to her. I cry loudly and yell softly.
The thing is... listening to what you know inside IS NOT EASY - it sounds easy and people write it off, you know? People write it off because, on its face, it's hokey advice.
What do you mean, "I know." - I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING
But I think there is real wisdom in the process of "the knowing of what you know."
And I get it, piece by piece.
I think it's hard to go on this journey of "surrender" because you have to confront many hard things about yourself. You have to see yourself for all your coping mechanisms, your limiting beliefs, your misdeeds, your toxicities, etc.
I mean, you see the good stuff, too.
The act of knowing yourself is the act of unconditionally loving yourself, including all of the parts you run away from.
It is so incredibly hard when you don't really do that.
And then it's hard when you see people do that, and you judge them for it - because "how dare they?!" (but I'm jealous they've figured out something I'm only beginning to grasp - the jealousy is something I must love too - the jealousy is also a part of me I need to befriend).
People go round and round in circles telling others to love themselves.
Words can't do this process justice.
It is mind-meltingly, life-ruiningly hard... and then it becomes life-fulfilling, mind-freeingly easy.
And I guess that's where I'm at right now... looking at the destruction of my life and what I've done... and looking at what can replace all of it if I let it.
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thequeenofsarcaasm · 6 months
If Geto thought THIS life was bad, he’s not gonna believe the next one lmaoooo
He’s in for a wild ride
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wayti-blog · 2 months
There is good reason we can't, temporarily, remember all our past lives in detail... We would be too overwhelmed to function in the here and now.
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tides-of-truth · 6 months
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Essay on divine law & spiritual merit - grace or privilege? In two parts available at link in bio.
Is this how it really works? Or is there deception & misconception at play?
#karma #dharma #rta #veda #sanskara #rebirth #divinelaw #maat #entropy #thermodynamics #magic #sun
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wxndswept · 6 months
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"Yuuki. Come." Yuuki sighed in response to the demand, following Ruan Mei to a quiet corner of the Storage Zone.
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"Everything okay? It's rare to see you up here. You need me to- ah?! H-hey!" Yuuki gasped as Ruan Mei grabbed her by her shirt and shoved her against the wall. "What..." Swallowing hard, she leaned back as the woman pushed up against her, shushing her with a short tut. The silence between them was excruciating, Yuuki didn't dare move or speak in the moment. All she could do was take in the sweet smell of her perfume and stare back at those beautiful eyes that burned with a passion she had only seen during research.
Before Yuuki could say or do anything, Ruan Mei had closed the distance between the two, feverishly shoving their lips together in a kiss that made Yuuki's head spark. It was so unexpected that she couldn't even think straight or react in any meaningful way. This was the first kiss shared between the two, and to her surprise, Yuuki was not the first to initiate it. She didn't even know Ruan Mei was capable of something like this. The woman's lips were so soft and sweet, more so than the many times she had imagined such a scenario, to the point it was addicting.
Once again, Yuuki found herself under this woman's thumb, at her beck and call from a simple gesture of physical attention. Ruan Mei was far more skilled at this than Yuuki could ever assume. Pushing her more forcefully against the wall, Ruan Mei pressed one hand against Yuuki's abdomen, her fingers sliding up just under her shirt and eliciting a yelp from her as her cool touch spread across her stomach.
It had only been a few moments, but it felt like an eternity to Yuuki in her current euphoric state. She attempted to move her head and arms so she could pull away to breathe, but Ruan Mei was faster. The hand on Yuuki's stomach slid around to her back while the other hand made its way to her head. Ruan Mei grabbed a fistful of hair, entangling her fingers to keep her still. Taking advantage of Yuuki parting her lips in a gasp, she worked her tongue past her lips to intertwine the two, making Yuuki shudder and slide down the wall. Ruan Mei pushed her leg between Yuuki's own, propping her up as she turned her head, gripping Yuuki's head tighter for a moment before pulling away after what felt like an eternity, letting go of her hair and sliding a hand to her cheek.
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"Now then," The smile on Ruan Mei's face couldn't be hidden as she adjusted Yuuki's hair and clothes, she was clearly amused at how flushed and flustered she was. Her cheeks were flushed, her eyes glazed, and even her lips glistened from their shared saliva. But aside from a light pink across her cheeks, Ruan Mei herself appeared unfazed as she spoke. "What are you?"
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There was a delayed response, no eye contact. For the moment, her brain needed a moment to catch up and process the question. "I'm...y-your... assistant..." Yuuki swallowed hard as Ruan Mei wiped her lips with her thumb. She wasn't sure of the right answer in this situation, it felt like a loaded question. But Ruan Mei just pat her shirt and fixed her coat with a smile.
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"Hmm. Good girl." She took the IPC badge clipped to Yuuki's shorts. "I trust we won't have to have this... conversation again." Not waiting for a response, she was gone, calm as ever as she walked away to leave Yuuki sliding down the wall, still panting from their 'talk.'
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donotdestroy · 7 months
Reincarnation is the religious or philosophical belief that the soul or spirit, after biological death, begins a new life in a new body that may be human, animal or spiritual depending on the moral quality of the previous life's actions. The entire universal process, that gives rise to the cycle of death and rebirth, governed by karma, is referred to as “Samsara.” “Karma” is action, which may be good or bad. Based on the type of karma one does, he chooses his subsequent birth. For example, if one has done lot of divine service and has a desire to do more service at the time of death, his soul chooses a family that is supportive for his desire, for rebirth. According to Hinduism, even Devas (Gods) may also die and be born again. But here the term “reincarnation” is not strictly applicable. Lord Vishnu is known for his 10 incarnations – “Dasavataras.”
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To all rep theorists - DOES THIS MEAN NOTHING TO YOU?????
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wisdom-and-such · 1 year
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What does it mean to “take an unfortunate rebirth”? Since we have been born, we know birth as a being is possible. If we do harmful things in this world, for example, creating a slave trade, then we greatly increase the chances another birth into being will occur as a slave. Conversely, if we do good, and improve the conditions of the world, then we increase the chances birth into being will occur in a good world. Our present life demonstrates the possibility to experience the function of human biology, the production of consciousness, directly through being one-self. Such a possibility suggests it is possible to be born as life— and we know there is much life. This suggests rebirth to be possible, as a fully unique, biologically produced, self.
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theravadin · 1 year
karma is not an independent force of "tit-for-tat," where some higher being or power dictates what you deserve based on what you do. karma is, at essence, the law of cause-and-effect in the world. every action is the cause to an effect, or more often, several effects. every action ripples through the surrounding world, spreading far and wide in often unpredictable ways. sometimes this is called "the butterfly effect," where the flap of a butterfly's wings on one side of the world can cause a typhoon on the other side. of course, this is only an extreme example, and real examples of "the butterfly effect" are rarely so drastic. but the overall concept rings true: events ripple out and effect other events in a complex web of eventuality. often many events resonate together to cause rather novel effects in ways that are rarely predictable.
there is a corollary to this concept of karmic cause-and-effect. as one does good deeds, one decreases the sum total of suffering in the world by increasing the sum total of happiness, if even by a small amount. this decrease in suffering can extend into distant valleys of effect, influencing the world in positive ways. the inverse, however, is true for bad deeds. in this way, it is noted that "good" actions benefit the world at large through karmic cause-and-effect pathways.
what then of rebirth? it is always worth remembering the concept of anatta, or "non-self," when considering rebirth. there is nothing to be reborn in the typical sense of the term, no "self" or "soul." rebirth is simply a continuation or perpetuation of patterns of interrelated life-concepts taking different forms at different times. imagine a song cutting off but picking back up later with the same rhythm but in a different key, or the sequel to a story picking up where we left off, but with different characters.
karma can still affect these continuations of life-concept patterns we call "next lives." the previous life's actions bounce around the world and eventually make their way back home, rebounding onto the new life. so not only do our actions have consequences in the here and now, they also affect the distant future of not only ourselves but of those near and far. thus it is recommended to act, speak, and think skillfully, to tread lightly, and to live naturally, so that your impact on the world is a net positive - not just for your sake, but for that of every being in the universe.
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turiyatitta · 1 year
The Ouroboros of Samsara
An Endless Cycle of Self-Inflicted SufferingThe universe is filled with symbols that describe the cyclical nature of existence. One of the most captivating is the concept of ‘Samsara’ from Eastern traditions and ‘Ouroboros’ from ancient civilizations. While they emerge from different cultural contexts, they bear striking resemblances, encapsulating the endless cycle of birth, death, and rebirth…
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nevermindtheweights · 4 months
i have no idea what is going on but
sephiroth really is just like. a cosmic entity in terms of whatever bullshit is going on here.
i also have no idea if that was the goal here either--
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