#Karmic consequences
crumbleclub · 1 year
Touch-averse Michael trying to work himself up to being able to give his brother a hug when he tells him he's sorry. Evan always liked hugs.
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detroit-grand-prix · 1 year
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All of hockeyblr coming together to give Chicago the hate they deserve for landing the number 1 draft pick they definitely don’t deserve
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They need to win this
Vegas deserves this! All the original misfits still on the team deserve it!
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The piano gods have humbled me tonight
I made fun of piano in media and now the string players didn’t show up to my piano trio coaching and it’s just me and the pianist and I DON’T KNOW WHAT TO DOOOO 😭😭😭
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Now I am lettering some pages to prevent having a massive backlog of pages to shade and letter when Im finally ready to start posting them and yeah Im officially kind of scared people are gonna hate Luci.
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judahmaccabees · 3 months
I don't believe "I was just following orders" will cut it in Celestial Court when you're found guilty of Murder through the system you enforce.
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Understanding and Transforming Karmic Impressions: A Path to Liberation
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The Universe, in its vast and mysterious expanse, runs on the principles of cause and effect, more commonly understood through the concept of Karma. To comprehend life’s complexity, it is essential to understand how Karma functions and impacts our lives. It’s not a punitive system; rather, it’s a universal mechanism to guide us towards spiritual growth and self-improvement.
When you find yourself shackled by the chains of Karma, a fascinating thing happens. The Universe, or as we often refer to it, the supreme power, presents opportunities for liberation. These opportunities may sometimes appear in the form of adversity — illness, hardships, or challenging circumstances. It’s as if the Universe is holding up a mirror, reflecting our past actions, and urging us to learn and evolve.
But why do these hardships appear? They come as potent reminders of our past actions, allowing us to comprehend the karmic consequences of deeds we’ve done. Think of them as lessons in life’s grand curriculum. They’re there to help you recognize the ripples you’ve sent out into the Universe, encouraging you to refrain from creating further negative karma.
Consider a time when you may have experienced an unexpected difficulty. Perhaps it was losing a job, a health scare, or a personal conflict. At that moment, it may have felt unfair, harsh, or simply unfortunate. But viewed through the lens of karma, this was not merely a random stroke of bad luck. Instead, it was an echo of your past, urging you to reconsider your actions, decisions, and their subsequent consequences.
However, the trouble is, we often fail to comprehend these divine signals. Instead of acknowledging our karmic imprints and working towards transformation, we tend to create new karma. We don’t want to confront with these divine signals (challenges) and in the process, create new karmic impressions. Imagine a ball of clay. Instead of moulding it into something beautiful, we keep adding more clay, making it larger, harder, and more difficult to reshape. Similarly, our karmic impressions become more complex and entangled when we keep repeating our mistakes without learning from them.
Our mental state plays a crucial role in how we respond to these divine signals and, in turn, the karma we create. For instance, if we let ourselves be ruled by negative emotions, we are more likely to react impulsively or thoughtlessly, thereby creating more negative karma. Let’s say you’re cut off in traffic. If you’re already in a poor mental state, you might respond with anger, creating a new negative karmic impression.
So, how do we escape from this karmic cycle? It begins with cultivating a healthy mental state. No matter what storms are raging around us, we should strive to maintain inner peace. There are numerous ways to achieve this tranquility, from practicing mindfulness to embracing gratitude. Mantra chanting or offering water to the sun are some spiritual practices that have proven scientifically effective for many. They can help keep your mind serene and infuse you with positive energy.
These practices are akin to cleaning a window regularly. Over time, dust and grime may accumulate, obscuring the view. But with regular cleaning, we ensure the view remains clear. Similarly, maintaining a positive mental state helps us see life’s lessons more clearly, preventing the creation of new karmic impressions.
Understanding and transforming our karma is a journey, not a destination. The Universe is always there, guiding us, offering us opportunities for growth. By recognizing these signals and striving for a healthy mental state, we can gradually reduce our karmic load and move towards liberation. So, the next time you face a challenge, pause, reflect, and ask yourself: “What lesson is the Universe trying to teach me?” Remember, you are not a mere victim of circumstances; you are a student of life.
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And this here is what we in the writing industry call "a display of hubris that may or may not have karmic consequences but is very, very fun".
[ID: a screenshot of white text on a black background reading "All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The sole exception for the ocean, the ocean is The Pacific Ocean from real life. If it is unhappy with its portrayal it can settle the matter personally." /end ID]
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daydreamerdrew · 1 year
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New Comics (1935) #11
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sxorpiomooon · 3 months
12th house and your past life karma
all you have to do is look at what sign your 12th house is in for example if you are an aquarius ascendant you'll automatically have capricorn in your 12th house etc. this house is only for the 12th house signs but I'll also be making a post on the 12th house planets and what they mean regarding past life!!
Check out my paid readings
Aries -> Having Aries in your 12th house means that you were native was mean, stubborn, had no respect for life, and were insensitive to the pain and sufferings of others. You will have pay the Karmic debts by becoming sensitive to the pain and sufferings of others.
Taurus -> In the past life you were a miser, greedy, and a wealthy person . In this life the lesson you will learn is about the values, realising that material things do not necessarily bring happiness, love, or fulfilment Being a Gemini ascendant in this life you will pursue your mental objectives and dreams neglecting material possessions.
Gemini -> You Misused your power of communication by spreading lies perhaps careless driving that have caused someone harm, spreading rumors, using media or communication power to tarnish someone's image, mistreatment towards your siblings. Your good contribution towards treating people with care is zero in the past therefore with Cancer ascendant in this life you will pay motherly attention and extra care for all
Cancer -> You were completely unfaithful and irresponsible in your home life. Mistreated your family members especially your mother and children even daughters. Therefore, in present life as Leo ascendant you will suffer with lack of love and attention from your home. You might feel as if you are loved by the society but not liked that also for who you truly are.
Leo -> You might have abused your power and influence for own advancement, controlled others, was selfish, didn't give any value to others love, negligence of family duty and lack of responsibility for your own children in previous life you enjoyed and satisfied your own needs and appetite to the detriment of others. In this life having Virgo as the ascendant you will pay for your sins by serving others.
Virgo -> Might have mistreated and criticized others too much, misuse of power, caused people psychological torture, wrong attitude and action. In the present life you will be the one getting criticised for not giving any importance for details and will yourself be criticized for not doing justice.
Libra -> Your karma might mainly be related to marriage or partnership(business probably). You might have cheated in your business or on your spouse, spoiled someone's married life, has affair with relationship with married people dishonesty, or might have abused your life partner in the past life. With getting everything and everyone in your past life that you wanted without thinking of any consequences for anyone in the past with Scorpio as the ascendant in this life you will always feel misunderstood by others and might never be able to show who you are in your relationships
Scorpio -> took advantage of other's weakness for profit, theft, cheated in business dealing, sexual/emotional exploitation? not sharing the knowledge or right sources. In this life with Sagittarius as your ascendant you will always be the one looking for the source and answers spreading knowledge everywhere.
Sagittarius -> In the past you might have been fully immersed in spiritual and philosophical theories not caring about real life or the people that you are connected with. Irresponsible acts or mistakes made while traveling cause harm to people as well as animals and forests, intentionally or unintentionally. Self-centeredness, neglecting the needs of others, not sharing his knowledge to help others. In this lifetime as Capricorn as ascendant the native will barely focus on spiritual qualities and will run only for the material goods while never being able to express themselves
Capricorn -> You were ambitious and achieved material progress by walking over others in previous life. You were responsible for someone's grief. In present birth with Aquarius ascendant your ambition will only exist to serve other people and you might not be able to find out who you truly are alone while searching for places and people to belong to.
Aquarius -> very foolish and impatient, lack of good logic supported judgement. Walking away from responsibilities in the last life which will in present life causes the person to be dependent and serving others.
Pisces -> In the past the you tried to satisfy his greed by causing others emotional damage, unintentional negligence that resulted in someone's suffering, unable to fulfil own duties because of mental or physical disability. In this life might pay back by always listening to others, having to be there for others having their own suffering neglected by everyone unintentionally
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princessjojo-x · 10 months
Love Notes
💝 the reasons you sometimes harmonise well with men, despite it not making sense astrologically... A) people you’ve spent a considerable amount of time with, your family & friends, have similar placements to him. as a consequence, you’re very familiar & comfortable with that signs energy, despite not necessary being the most astrologically compatible with it. therefore, it’s useful to check the sun signs of the people closest to him, to learn what energy he is accustomed too. B) despite having a disappointing synastry chart, you have hopeful & balanced composite chart. B) one of his placements falls into one of your following houses: 1H - energy you give off. 4H - emotional wellbeing & comfort. 5H - love, happiness & inner child. 7H - partnerships & relationships.
💝 it doesn’t matter how attractive other girls are compared to you, as long as you & him have mutual attraction written in your synastry chart. however, it doesn’t matter how pretty you are compared to other girls, he will still cheat on you if betrayal is written in your synastry chart.
💝 your best match will not have similar placements to you but instead opposite energy to balance one another out. find someone with the energy you’re lacking.
💝 our preferred house overlays could be indicated by our venus sign. for example, leo venus may enjoy 5th house synastry or scorpio venus may feel comfortable with 8th house synastry.
💝 in regards to your natal chart, fifth house shows how you act in the beginning of rxships & your dating style (first dates, first kisses). eighth house shows how you act when feeling real connection & how you behave sexually.
💝 knowing which house of theirs your moon falls in, is the key to understanding how they perceive your emotional world & what area of life you give them comfort/nurture.
💝 in order to get over your ex using astrology, meet someone new who has their south node conjunct your ex’s moon, ascendant or venus.
💝 many couples share similar moon aspects in their natal chart. for example, partner A has moon square rising & partner B has moon opposite rising, both harsh aspects.
💝 many married couples have their rising in neighboring signs.
💝 often cancer & taurus placements end up together.
💝 the least compatible signs are taurus & virgo. the spark dies quickly & partners get irritated with each other as time goes on. but partners stay together bc the rxship “works” practically.
💝 starting a new rxhsip during venus rx is guaranteed to teach you a karmic lesson with a karmic partner.
💝 oddly enough, the same placements that indicate potential of becoming a stalker are the same placements that indicate being a victim of stalking. if you look at the charts of real stalkers & their victims, there's often similar aspects.
💝 high chance of compatibility if theres more harmonic aspects (trines, sextiles) than hard aspects (oppositions, squares) within synastry chart. however, you NEVER want a rxship with no challenging aspects bc that would be so boring & you’d both lose interest quick asf. we need that spice, that challenge, that potency.
💝 trine = the most positive aspect
💝 sextile = harmonious & ease
💝 square = challenge & action
💝 opposite = attraction & instability
💝 moon = represents a man’s spouse.
💝 venus = how we love & want to be loved. the type of woman men are attracted to
💝 mars = the type of man women are attracted to
💝 juno = venus & mars shows what partner we think we want but juno shows what marriage partner we need & will get. (leo)
💝 lust = represents desires & uncontrollable turn ons. lusts energy is not related to love or romance, no emotions involved, it’s abt our instincts.
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heartlilith · 21 days
Solar Return Observations
It's been awhile...
These are based on my own opinions :)
In a solar return chart, if you have a lot of Gemini or 3rd house placements, it'll be a year of learning! Whether that be through reading, researching, communicating, or through new experiences
Same goes if your rising sign is ruled by Mercury or heavily aspected by Mercury.
10th house ruler in the 5th house is a year where your creativity will shine through your public image and career
2nd house ruler in the SR chart can show how you can improve your self worth more easily this year, look at where your SR 2nd house ruler is in your natal chart as well
2nd house ruler in the 5th house = doing things you actually enjoy, revisiting hobbies you loved as a child
in the 6th house = building a consistent routine, eating healthier, taking care of your body, mindfulness
in the 8th house = embracing the things you're embarrassed or shy about, trying new things, being more openminded to things, therapy
Sun conjunct Moon in the SR chart is a year where you'll feel more balanced... your heart and your head will be on the same page about things, a good emotional and mental balance
Mars square Pluto - take your time making decisions, deciding things too hastily can lead to consequences that affect you for a long time
12th house dominant years aren't too scary (in my opinion, and obviously this depends on a lot of other things in the chart), my advice is to find comfort in being with yourself. Take yourself on dates and honor your needs.
Pluto in the 11th house can mean that you find yourself making connections with influencial and powerful people... it can also mean that a lot of the friendships you make will be karmic and come into your life to teach you something
Venus making a positive aspect to Saturn in your SR Chart means you'll become more mature physically and in relationships. You may realize what values are important to you in love and could take the next step in your relationships (moving in together, marriage)
I'm in my 1st house profection year with a Scorpio ASC in my SR chart and my natal 10thhouse on my SR Rising... when I tell you I feel the need to change myself completely... oh lordddd - it's like I'm so bored with myself I want to change everything lmao
North Node, Chiron, and Vertex are super important to look at to see major themes in your year ahead
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theraprism · 2 months
An aspect of the Theraprism plot element that I think is really important is that, as readers, I fully believe that we are meant to be uncomfortable with it.
It's fitting for Bill to end up in an environment where he is trapped and unable to exert power over others, and the fact that he describes the Theraprism specifically as "overmedicated" is a full-circle moment IMO. As a child, his bodily autonomy was disrespected through the medical abuse he was subject to, and when he became an adult, he abused others through violation of their own bodily autonomy (see: the entire section of the lost Journal 3 pages concerning the possession battle). Bill isn't unpersoned by the narrative -- the book makes clear that he has feelings, no matter how much he denies them -- but the Theraprism unpersons him. In a literal sense, it *will* unperson him by transforming him into a being that lacks higher consciousness. The Theraprism brands itself as an institution that operates on the principle of restorative justice but is in fact fundamentally punitive.
From the angle that Bill needs to face the consequences of his actions, it's perfect. He might not recognize the suffering of others -- he might not even acknowledge his own suffering -- but he will be forced to feel his own suffering either way.
But from the angle that Gravity Falls is a show about healing from the past and moving toward a future with those who love you, Bill's situation is an utter nightmare for someone like him. You can't argue that he isn't a tragic villain at this point because it is so clear by now that he is trapped by the past, both in terms of the flashbacks he is stated to experience and in the way that the Theraprism is a punishment for his past actions. And the Theraprism, when it comes down to it, is not meant to accomodate someone like Bill.
The Theraprism's goal is not to rehabilitate Bill, but to keep him there alone forever. His recommended treatment is "infinite karmic rehabilitation". That's not atonement, it's a plain and simple sentence to life in prison.
I think that tension is very intentional.
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starastrologyy · 9 months
Astrology Notes 🪐
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Hi everyone :) My chart readings are still open! The link is in my bio for those who are interested 🤍 My reading reviews are on my Masterlist :)
When your Solar Return Mars is in the 6th house, this is likely to be a very productive year. However, you need to make sure you’re taking care of your health and not overworking yourself. Burnout and poor health will often emerge in such a year, if you are not prioritizing your health and peace.
If you have the ruler of your midheaven in the 10th house, you may own your own business or be in a managerial position at your job. People who reach great heights in the careers often have this placement. It is also possible that you may work in a traditionally ‘prestigious’ or well respected career. Examples are working as a doctor, lawyer, CEO of a successful company etc…
If you have the ruler of your 8th house in the 4th, you may find that you make a lot of money investing in real estate. This is also a placement that can suggest receiving an inheritance from a family member.
Saturn transiting your 3rd house can be a very somber time in your life. You may feel unmotivated or prone to feelings of loneliness and melancholy during this time. Similar to Saturn transiting the 9th house, your outlook on life in general may not always be the most pleasant during this time. Nevertheless, this can be a good time to enroll in a short course or some kind of educational program.
Saturn in the 9th house of a composite chart can be that the two people have very different belief systems and that consequently causes restrictions within the relationship. However, it can also be the opposite. Meaning, the thing that “binds” the couple together is in fact their shared belief systems. Saturn in the 9th is also common to see in the composite charts of couples who are long distance or those who travel long distances together(couples who travel to different countries together).
Something so interesting is that we often have aspects or placements that are associated with the sign over one or both of our parents 5th house cusp. For example, your mother may have Uranus in the 5th house, and you may have an Aquarius Sun, Moon, or rising. Alternatively, it could be that Uranus aspects many of your other placements. I know this may not apply to everyone, but look into your parent’s birth charts! You may be surprised!
A new romantic or business relationship can often start when your Progressed Moon makes a conjunction to your natal descendent. This is especially true if it is a “progressed new moon”. Meaning, your progressed moon is making a conjunction to your natal sun.
Moon square Mars synastry can at times be difficult (especially if it occurs at an orb that is less than 3 degrees) because the Moon person may perceive the Mars person as being insensitive, harsh, or even impulsive. Whereas the Mars person can view the Moon person as being overly sensitive. In a romantic relationship, this aspect can add to the attraction. However, if there are no mitigating factors there can be hurt feelings over time.
When someone’s Mercury falls into your 12th house in synastry, you may feel comfortable opening up to them, and telling them things you would not ordinarily tell someone else. You could often talk about spirituality, mental health, and things you prefer to keep “hidden” from others. At times you may even feel like they can “read your mind” or easily sense what you’re thinking.
People with the North Node in the 7th house tend to be hyper independent (South Node 1st house). Thus, actively dedicating time to connect meaningfully with others is a big part of their karmic destiny here on earth. There is a tendency to self isolate with a 1st house south node, especially when the individual is struggling in any capacity.
On the topic of isolation, those who have the ruler of their Ascendant in the 12th house are also inclined to isolate themselves from the world when struggling. Escapist behaviors can also be high with this placement. However, these are some of the most compassionate and resilient people you will meet.
People with Mars retrograde in their charts may struggle when it comes to the manner in which they express anger/their drive. These people can often hold onto anger for extended periods of time only to let it all out at once. Thus, their anger can often seem misplaced or to come from “out of the blue”.
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sastrology · 9 months
disclaimer: what sign Saturn is in and how it is aspected will show a lot of information on how it is expressed in the natal chart, with some signs able to handle the energy of Saturn more productively. Saturn is not an inherently negative planet, as it signifies a lot of potential growth and karma for those willing to work hard for Saturn's demands.
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SATURN RETROGRADE: While it is not uncommon to have this planet in retrograde, it still makes an impact. It often signifies delays in the house it is in. Navigating public settings or those demanding specific etiquette may induce a sense of awkwardness for those with Saturn retrograde, revealing a complex relationship with social norms. Additionally, they may encounter more frequent karmic instances, suggesting a deeper connection to the consequences of their actions and choices.
Saturnian energy exerts a pronounced influence in the first house, shaping the individual's appearance and demeanor. From my vantage point, the first house serves as a canvas, absorbing and reflecting the essence of any planet within it. They may appear older than they are, and carry a thin figure that harbors a serious expression. Others might describe them as having a somewhat solemn or cold demeanor, reminiscent of the impact Pluto can have in the 1st house. This effect can be likened to the aging process of a fine wine, where Saturn individuals may mature with time but grapple with underlying self-confidence issues. The late bloomer indication doesn't only apply to looks it also applies to the expression itself with most "finding themselves" later in life. In general, they will struggle with wondering if they deserve things. To top it all off, a deep yearning for the innocence of childhood may resonate within, as Saturn in the first house prompts a lifelong quest for balance between maturity and the childlike spirit buried within.
Positive aspects can help them navigate the challenges presented by the first house more adeptly. Nevertheless, a persistent struggle with feelings of deservingness may linger, casting a shadow on their sense of self-esteem.
RETROGRADE 1ST: Much like the expression of a direct Saturn the individual comes across as somber or expressionless, people with the retrograde here often heavily struggle with Saturn's demands, and the restrictions can be easily felt. The individual may struggle with extreme lethargy and motivation, and if negatively aspected they may easily break bones or experience dental issues. The demands of Saturn are especially burdensome to a rx Saturn as they can struggle with being shy or relying on other's often misconceptions of them to define them.
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These individuals may have a deep fear of running out of things and emptiness. While the first house is all about self-expression, the second house is more about self-worth. It's no surprise that a positively aspected Saturn here could point to an individual who could be financially well-off. They may have a lot of projects to try to make money. While this position can be materialistic it is not in the way you'd expect. They're often trying to find self-worth through material items and possessions as each item has a "goal." Values for these individuals can be strict and unchangeable. They can have a strong fixation on money and will experience financial downturns very hard as this will reflect onto the self. When negatively aspected, debt could be a problem.
RETROGRADE 2ND: In the presence of a retrograde Saturn in the 2nd house, there is a heightened focus on financial matters and material possessions, with a potential inclination to prioritize them above other considerations. There could be a delay in financial stability and it may take them longer to pull themselves "up by the bootstraps" and struggle with being overly cautious when opportunities present themselves.
Individuals with Saturn in the 3rd house often display a remarkable early aptitude for articulate and intelligent expression, or conversely, may choose a more reserved/silent approach to communication. Preferring to weigh their words carefully, they are not prone to impulsive statements, instead opting for a thoughtful and methodical approach to verbal expression. This is not a position known for public speaking, they have a quiet intelligence and excel in presentations and activities that afford them the space to think freely, unencumbered by the pressure of an audience. They are likely not known for being neighborly and may struggle with meeting strangers as they are not good at forced conversation or change. Auditory dyslexia/dyslexia is not uncommon here, either. They could also feel a strong sense of responsibility or burden regarding siblings if they have them.
RETROGRADE 3RD: Saturn being retrograde here in the third house points to an individual who struggles much more with communication than the direct Saturn. They may find themselves dealing with miscommunication on a daily basis. Likely to feel undervalued by peers, self-isolation is an indicator. The person may have to work harder than others to communicate or learn something effectively. They may struggle to relate to others especially when younger and feel self-conscious when speaking.
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For individuals with Saturn in the 4th house, the words family and responsibility are synonymous. Being as the 4th house is a water house, Saturn's restrictions symbolize cold water. While it's not impossible to make the best of this position, It's possible the individual grew up in a frigid family, with a lot of rules and boundaries or with a parent(s) who were emotionally unavailable. Often they could have trouble being able to relax around family members/parental figures due to a pronounced level of strictness. The love received from family members may carry a sense of conditionality, where mistakes are met with little tolerance, marking an individual as a black sheep. There's a vulnerability to becoming entangled in familial responsibilities, especially if a family member falls ill, compelling the individual to assume the role of caregiver and potentially feeling trapped within the confines of the home.
RETROGRADE 4TH HOUSE: The person may find themselves at odds with the expectations imposed by the family, feeling constrained by a predetermined concept that doesn't align with their true self. This internal clash often gives rise to a natural rebellion or power struggle, as they grapple with the tension between their authentic self and societal expectations. They may have struggled to speak up or have a stable home. Reflection on the past becomes a significant aspect of their emotional landscape, influencing their present state of mind.
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Individuals with Saturn in the 5th house may struggle with the ability to find joy in things. More specifically, these individuals want happiness so much that the second they get it, they can give in to fear and over-analyzing. They will demand excellence in every creative endeavor they try to do, and if they fall short they could stop altogether. Within this house, Saturn's influence is particularly pronounced, shaping the individual's approach to joy, children, and love. Often they view love and children very realistically and are unlikely to suffer from rose-tinted lenses. Even if the individual has a bubbly, passionate chart, they will feel thwarted with spontaneity. Expressing themselves might pose a challenge, leading them to gravitate towards the background rather than the spotlight. During childhood, the vibrant colors of spontaneity were muted in favor of the practical tones of maturity.
Insecurity around dating and children is also common here as the individual may not find themselves very fun to be around, often trying to overcompensate for this. Due to this, they may find themselves drawn to older, mature partners. A negatively aspected Saturn here could point to issues with fertility, a worry/fear of children, or you may never have kids even if you wanted them. However, if children do come into the picture, the connection between parent and child is profound, often characterized by a sense of karmic intertwining, suggesting a deeper, soulful relationship.
RETROGRADE 5TH HOUSE: These individuals have learned to find joy they can only rely on themselves. Often introverted, cautious thinkers. Since the way these individuals experience joy appears to move backward, they may find they are the happiest when they are alone as the concept of joy is hard to grasp. While they can certainly enjoy carefree moments with others, these instances of happiness are fleeting, as living in the present proves to be a formidable task. Saturn's influence is marked by a perpetual forward gaze, always contemplating the future and analyzing potential vulnerabilities.
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the-daily-dreamer · 2 months
Alicent being overlooked by the small council is obviously not at all surprising. But I need everyone to realize this is very much not a "I never thought the leopards would eat my face" scenario like I see a lot of team black saying.
Alicent is not pushing Aegon on the throne because she's against feminism or whatever.
There is literally no contextual evidence where Alicent alludes to not supporting Rhaenyra because she's a girl and girls can't rule. None. She consistently reaffirms Rhaenyra's right to rule even after Aegon is born up until Viserys dies and she assumes he changed his mind (which btw is not surprising because in his healthier years when she was young he questions his decision and tells her of his dream of a son with the crown).
But never does Alicent say "Oh but Rhaenyra is a woman so she can't rule because women are bad". It's a question of legal birthrights and competing valid claims in a world with intentionally loose uncodified succession laws so that everyone has a chance to say "Well TECHNICALLY I am the heir". It's not about being anti woman for Alicent.
I know the interpretations and vibe of the show is trying to push a feminist narrative but they are doing a piss poor job at it because Rhaenyra is not actually facing any anti woman stuff on the show presently.
So to say this is a karmic moment for Alicent and that this is the consequences of her being a woman who supports the patriarchy is ludicrous.
Because she's supporting her son's very valid claim and she's supporting her family being protected after a life time of them being neglected and abused. She is NOT saying "I think the natural order should be women below men and that's why my son should rule not a stupid girl. But I'm special and a good woman so l deserve to be treated better" (which ironically is actually Rhaenyra's mindset but team black still isn't ready for that conversation).
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