#Kas I'll tell you a secret
sophieswundergarten · 4 months
I've named Thomas' uncle thereby forcing you to grow attached to him <33 /lht
You're going to do something horrible to him, aren't you? :(
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gojoidyll · 3 months
longing - aventurine x reader
warnings | angst / little comfort, aventurine is kind of mean but only to protect you, you and aventurine knew each other way back when, grammatical errors, etc.
Longing is such a miserable state of being despite having such a beautiful, gentle name.
Longing is how many would describe you whilst you travel with the express.
Longing is what you are just as much as how you are longing.
You are one in the same.
Many would ask what you longed for. What you were searching for. What you were waiting for.
You would only smile and tell them that its a secret, but only because it hurt too much to say aloud. And to be completely honest, you never knew that it would hurt in such a way when missing someone and wanting to see them again.
"So, how long do you plan to stay with the express anyway?"
You, March 7th, the Trailblazer, Welt, and Himeko had just made it to Penacony. A world of dreams. Originally, you planned on staying on the express. However, you thought that maybe, just maybe you would have some sort of prophetic dream or would see something along the lines of a sign to point you in the right direction.
"You never know who you would meet while dreaming, or-"
You heard the commotion at the front desk along with a familiar voice which was what caused you to trail off with your sentence. When you and March came to a stop in front of everyone.
"So, what do you say, friend? I'll take everything from here.
"Huh? Are you alright?"
March waved a hand in front of your face but you were too focused on the man in front of you.
Just as you began to speak, the well dressed man turned to you. His eyes flickering with something akin to surprise before turning normal again. Relaxed.
"Oh, if it isn't you again. Never thought I would find you here of all places. Oh, and before I forget, I go by Aventurine now."
He added that last part for you. There was no need for old names it seems...
"R- right," you said, your voice a bit shaky, "it's been so long, thoufh. I've been looking for you everywhere. And now that-"
He raised his hand to stop you, "don't get me wrong here. It is nice to see you and everything, but please don't misunderstand, whatever we promised to each other back then doesn't matter. So why don't you stop wasting your life away and actually go do something with yourself."
You reached out to him, but he already turned away, "anyway, I hope this friendship between the Astral Express and I goes well. Because I feel like we can benefit off of each other when the time comes."
You weren't sure what hurt more. Being told that the one person you were searching for wants nothing to do with you. Or still being stuck in that same state of longing.
part 2
part 3
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theycallmeratt · 1 month
Scene from the newest chapter of
In which the team continues to rag on Olly and Sal.
Olly said, "Well, I got her believing that you didn't shine the light in her eyes! Told her about how you're all, you know, shy and—"
"Thanks, Olly," said Sal.
"—sort of cowardly, honestly—"
"Thanks. Olly."
"—no bollocks to speak of—"
"Oh, thinking about my bollocks, are you?" Sal snapped.
Brem whipped around right as Vol and Jarg looked up. Brem said, "Olly, quit thinking about bollocks all the time!"
"I didn't!"
"Bad enough we can't leave you alone with the dogs," Vol growled.
"But I—"
"A right fucking pervert. Have to tell Zarys about this."
"I'll have to write to Darkhold," Brem said, his "see owt, say owt" status the worst kept secret.
"Sal's bollocks?" Jarg shook his head sadly. "Have some self respect, mate."
"No, Sal—" Olly tried again.
"Now, now," Karad said. "Don't be cruel to the lad."
Olly grinned in relief. "Thank you, Ka—"
"Sal's bollocks aren't so bad, not since he got that cream for his lumps."
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foundtherightwords · 1 month
The Hollow Heart - Chapter 3
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Pairing: Hellcheer, Gothic AU
Summary: To escape her mother's control and the stifling society of Gilded Age New York, heiress Christabel Cunningham impulsively marries Henry Creel, a charming and seductive stranger, and accompanies him to his remote mansion on the West Coast. There, as Henry grows cold and cruel, Christabel must uncover her husband's sinister secret before it's too late. But can she trust Kas, her husband's enigmatic assistant, who seems to be her only ally in this strange place, or is Kas's loyalty to his master stronger than his attraction to Christabel?
Chapter warnings: none (unless you count some controlling behavior from Mrs. Cunningham and Jason)
Chapter word count: 4.1k
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2
Chapter 3 - The Mighty Spell
"Have you lost your mind?" Mrs. Cunningham said. "I won't allow it!"
Christabel sighed. She knew this was how her mother would react to the news of her engagement, but there was a small part of her that still hoped and wished that her mother could have been happy for her.
"You've mistaken my meaning, Mother," she said, with as much calmness and dignity as she could muster. "I'm not asking for your blessing. I'm simply informing you. I am twenty-three years old, I don't need your permission to get married. And Henry and I are getting married, whether you like it or not."
"I am your mother!" hissed Mrs. Cunningham, glancing at the closed door of their suite, looking out for eavesdropping servants. "And I won't let you marry some upstart nobody! Why, his father could have been one of those gold hunters!" She closed her eyes briefly, the idea of her daughter marrying the son of a prospector too horrifying for her to contemplate. "I will lock you up if I have to!"
"You've used that threat once too often, Mother," said Christabel coldly. "Aren't you afraid of what people will say?"
Mrs. Cunningham sputtered in outrage, and Christabel's heart pounded with exhilaration. She had never been able to speak to her mother like that, but now, when freedom was so close she could practically taste it, it had given her a boost of courage. But her triumph was short-lived, for a vindictive glint came into her mother's eyes, and she said slowly, "Mrs. Carver told me Jason has made you an offer."
"Yes, and I refused him," Christabel said warily. Her mother was planning something, and she didn't like it. "Didn't Mrs. Carver tell you that?"
"She did," her mother continued in that same awful, calm voice. "But I told her it was just silliness. Now that you've had time to think it over, you have accepted him, and we're going to announce your engagement at the ball tonight."
Now Christabel thought it was her mother who had lost her mind. "What are you—"
"What would it look like then, when you run off to marry someone else? Aren't you afraid of what people will say?"
Christabel stared. She didn't imagine her mother could be this extreme in her control. "You would humiliate your own daughter?" she asked in disbelief.
Her mother was all smiles and sweetness now. "I'm only doing what's best for you, darling."
"Jason would never agree to it," Christabel said, desperate to regain some control.
"He already did," her mother said smugly. "Now go and try on your costume. I'll send a maid up to help you." She went out, and Christabel heard the lock click shut. So her mother had locked her in, for good measure.
Alone, Christabel slumped down on the bed and let the tears of anger and desperation flow down her face. They were all ganging up on her, including Jason. By publicly announcing the engagement, they would force her into it, binding her hands and silencing her voice just like a kidnapped bride of some savage land, and she didn't know if she had the strength to stand up to all three of them. If only she had Henry with her! Could she risk bribing one of the maids again? Or—who was that servant of his, the strange, rather impertinent young man? Perhaps she could find him and ask him to bring Henry a message...
But Christabel never had the chance to write a message, let alone to send one, for her mother didn't leave her alone for a moment that entire day. She hovered over Christabel, ordering the maid to tighten Christabel's corset so she could fit into her costume, and telling Christabel to stick to the soup at lunch if she still wanted it to fit by that evening. And then she spent the rest of the day supervising the maids in packing their trunks—they were returning to New York the next day—in a state of false cheerfulness that oppressed and infuriated Christabel, like a summer storm that refused to break. Christabel thought about feigning a headache or illness to avoid going to the ball, but it wouldn't change a thing—her mother would still announce the engagement, with or without her. She held on to the hope that perhaps, when he found no message from her, Henry would know something was wrong and come to her rescue... But what could he do? No, she couldn't count on that. It would be best to steel herself for the inevitable and stand up for herself, if she could.
She tried to think of what she would say to the announcement. What my mother said is not true. I have rejected Mr. Carver, and I have no intention of marrying him. In fact, I am engaged to someone else... Too much? I'm sorry, my mother seemed to have been mistaken—No, she shouldn't place the blame on her mother. That would only worsen her mother's ire. I'm sorry, there seems to have been a mistake. I was honored by Mr. Carver's offer, but... Should she mention Jason at all? Her mother had said he was going along with this farce, but perhaps that was a lie to convince Christabel that it was no use fighting back. Should she fight fire with fire and preemptively announce her engagement to Henry before her mother could announce the sham one? But without Henry there, she would look rather foolish, wouldn't she?
Christabel's legs were shaky as she descended the stairs in her costume—a red velvet dress with long puffed sleeves and a huge lace ruff framing her neck and face, the skirt split open to show a petticoat of gold satin. The dress was trimmed with gold hearts, and a bejeweled girdle made of red hearts encircled her waits. Her hair was done up under a red velvet-and-gold crown, and a scepter also in the shape of a red heart in her hand completed the look. It was ostentatious and heavy and not at all to Christabel's taste, who would prefer to go as Psyche or a fairy, but she'd decided it wasn't worth it to fight her mother on this.
The Carvers' enormous ballroom was thronged with people and ablaze with light. The candle flames reflected on the silk and satin of the guests' costumes and on the jewels—both real and paste—that adorned their heads and necks and wrists, casting brilliant flecks over everything, dazzling Christabel's tired eyes, so she could not see who was dressed as what. The orchestra was striking up a quadrille. Someone took Christabel's hand and drew her into the circle. She danced along other young men and women, following the steps mechanically without seeing who her partner was. All she could think about was the announcement and what she was going to say. I'm sorry, there seems to have been a mistake. I have rejected Mr. Carver, and have no intention of marrying him—I'm sorry, there seems to have been a mistake. I am engaged to someone else—I'm sorry, I can't—I'm sorry—
It all sounded so clumsy, so childish. What was she apologizing for? None of this was her fault.
Then the quadrille was over, a polka began, and Christabel found herself dancing with Jason, who was dressed as Louis XVI.
"What's this I hear about our mothers planning to announce our engagement tonight?" she asked him, without preamble.
Jason was slightly taken aback by her accusing tone, but he soon recovered. "Your mother said that she could convince you to change your mind," he replied with a placating smile.
At that smile, any hope Christabel had of turning Jason into an ally vanished. "So all of you just go around deciding my life for me? Am I not a person, with my own thoughts and feelings and opinions? Or they just don't matter?" She realized she was getting loud, and people's heads were starting to turn toward her. She forced herself to lower her voice. "Why don't I just attach strings to my limbs so you can jerk me around like a puppet?" she hissed.
Jason's arms tightened around her. "Come now, Chrissy dear—don't be like that—"
"Don't call me Chrissy!"
She pried his hand from her waist and turned away, but the dancers closed in around her, a crowd of kings and queens, of French marquises and Oriental princesses, of cats and demons and birds of paradise, their eyes staring inquisitively, their mouths whispering gossip behind their fans or gloved hand, all blocking her way. The ballroom was a gilded cage, and she was trapped in it.
Suddenly, the crowd parted. Coming toward her was a figure dressed all in red—red brocade doublet and hose, red stockings and shoes, and a red velvet hooded cloak. An hourglass shape, half-red and half-black, adorned his chest. Nobody at the ball wore mask, but this person's forehead and nose was covered by a half-mask in the shape of a skull. Red spots splattered the lower half of his face like blood. The figure caught Christabel and whirled her into the next dance, a waltz.
"Excuse me, sir, but I'm not interested—" she tried to say.
"Hush, my dear Christabel," the figure said. "We are being observed." Her heart leaped at that rich, melodious voice. So he had come after all!
"Henry!" she exclaimed, almost sobbing with relief. "I wanted to send you a message, but I couldn't—"
"I know, my love, I know," he said, caressing her arm. "That's why I came. It took me a while to find the appropriate costume though. Do you like it?"
Though worried about their predicament, she couldn't help feeling thrilled at the way he called her my love. She ran an appraising eye over his costume. "What are you supposed to be?"
"The Red Death, from The Masque of the Red Death. Did you not recognize it?"
"Oh! Of course." She lifted up her red velvet skirt. "Look, we're matching!"
"And you are—?"
"The Queen of Hearts. You know, like in a deck of cards." She rolled her eyes. Now that Henry was here, all her fear was gone. "So silly. My mother insisted on it."
A strange smile spread across Henry's red-splattered lips. "The Queen of Hearts. Of course you are. How fitting."
She didn't ask him what he meant. "Listen, we don't have much time—" Maneuvering him through the crowd to the edge of the ballroom, where they could have a modicum of privacy, she gave him a brief summary of her mother's intention. "I believe they're going to announce it after the firework display," she concluded. "What are we going to do?"
Henry's eyes, brilliant blue behind the red polished surface of his mask, were thoughtful. "Do you want a big wedding?" he asked.
Christabel frowned at the non-sequitur, but she answered anyway. "No." Most of her friends dreamed of big lavish weddings with white satin and lace and pearls and orange blossoms, but none of it had ever mattered to her. "Why do you ask?"
"Then we can get married tomorrow morning, if you so wish."
Understanding dawned in her mind. "You mean—eloping?" she whispered.
He nodded, his smile widening under his skull mask. "We'll slip away tonight, get married in New York tomorrow morning, and be on the train back to San Francisco before they know it."
Christabel's heart hammered. By this time tomorrow, she would be Mrs. Creel and on her way to San Francisco! It sounded almost too good to be true.
"But"—she glanced back at her mother, who was watching her from the corner of the room with the other chaperones, a mistrustful frown on her face—"how are we to slip away?"
"I have a car at Brenner's," said Henry. "But we can't leave now, it will look suspicious. Before supper, I'll go and bring the car around. When the fireworks start, meet me by the back gate. They're all going to be looking up at the sky then, nobody will notice."
The waltz ended. Henry gave her hand a brief squeeze to lend her some courage, and slipped into the crowd.
Mrs. Cunningham questioned Christabel about her mysterious partner, of course, but she only answered vaguely that he was some friend of Jason's and danced the next three dances with Jason to soothe her mother's suspicion. All the while she kept her eyes fixed on Henry's red hood as he moved amongst the other dancers, praying that her mother wouldn't suddenly decide to make the announcement earlier than planned.
When Mrs. Carver clapped her hands and the orchestra stopped playing, Christabel's heart almost stopped as well, as she was certain they had decided to make the announcement early after all. But no, Mrs. Carver was only inviting people to go in for supper. Christabel searched for Henry. There he was, standing on the very edge of the crowd. He gave her a subtle nod before disappearing through a side door.
Christabel hardly knew what she was eating at supper. The meal seemed to go on forever, and every time Mrs. Carver or her mother or Jason stood up, her body would grow numb and cold with fear. But eventually supper was over, and people started drifting outside for the firework display. Christabel hung back until she was certain her mother was with the others, and then she ran upstairs and into her room.
She didn't give herself time to think. If she thought about what she was about to do, she would lose heart and never be able to go through with it. Thank God they had packed! She tore off her satin-and-velvet costume, heedless of the glass hearts on the girdle, which tinkled as she tossed it on the floor, and removed the ridiculous crown from her head. She threw on the traveling suit that had been laid out for the next day and picked up the valise containing some changes of clothes and her traveling case with some essentials. Did she need more? How long did it take to travel to San Francisco? Should she pack more? There was no time for that now. Had the fireworks already started?
She scribbled a few lines to let her mother know she'd left, without saying where or with whom—her mother could work that out easily enough—and put it on the desk. Then, valise and case in hand, she cracked open the door and looked down the long hallway, just as the tip of her mother's Duchess of Burgundy headdress with its fluttering veil came up the stairs. Christabel's blood froze in her veins. Was her mother coming to check on her? Either way, she could not possibly go down the same way now. What to do? What to do?
Locking herself in the room, Christabel turned around like a caged bird, frantically searching for a way out. Her eyes fell on the large elm growing outside the window. One of its branches almost reached the window sill. If she climbed onto the branch, she would be able to slide down the trunk...
Her mother was moving about in the room next door. She may come into Christabel's room any moment.
She threw the valise through the window and thanked God when it fell soundlessly on the grass below. Then, gripping the traveling case with one hand, she gathered up her skirts with the other and lifted herself on the windowsill. From here, she realized that the branch was much smaller than she'd thought. Would it hold? Only one way to find out. She stepped across the gap onto the branch. One foot, and then another, and then—
Her foot slipped. She reached out—for the window frame behind her or the tree trunk in front of her—but her hands only found thin air. The world tipped over, and Christabel fell, the canopy of the elm quickly receding over her head and the ground rushing up to meet her at an alarming speed—
She was too startled to scream. She only shut her eyes tightly and waited for the inevitable, sickening crunch of her body hitting the ground.
It never came.
Instead, there was only a jolt, and then a heavy grunt. It took Christabel a moment to realize someone had caught her, and the grunt was her own, made by the air being knocked out of her lungs as she fell into the arms of her rescuer.
She opened her eyes. In place of Henry's blue ones, she found herself looking into the dark, dark eyes of the strange young man who had introduced himself as Henry's servant. For a second, when their eyes met, Christabel felt as though the air had been knocked out of her again.
Then fireworks burst over their heads, breaking them both out of the spell.
"You all right, miss?" the dark-eyed man asked.
"Y-yes, thank you."
"Can you walk?"
"I— I don't know." She wasn't injured, but the rush from the fall had left her weak and trembling.
"Then, with your permission, miss, I'll carry you to the car. Mr. Creel is waiting."
She nodded. He leaned down to pick up her valise and traveling case, and, with Christabel in his arms, walked to the back gate in long, easy strides. For a confused moment, Christabel was reminded of the day she first met Henry—had it only been two weeks ago?—and the same matter-of-fact way that he had picked her up and carried her. The only difference was that this young man had asked for her permission first.
A small two-seat roadster was parked by the back gate of the Carver mansion. Henry was in one of the seats, waiting. He'd changed back into his usual clothes, though there were still some red spots on his jaw and chin. The man put Christabel next to Henry, placed her cases at her feet, and took the driver's seat. Soon the car was rolling down the path through the trees, while the fireworks continued to flash and crackle on the sky above, their boom and the pop of the car engine unable to drown out the the delighted oohs and aahs of the revelers.
"I thought you'd changed your mind," Henry said, hugging Christabel close.
"She had a fall, sir," the dark-eyed man said on her other side. "She's a bit shook up."
"All's well now," said Henry. "I see that you've met my assistant, Kas."
The dark-eyed man—Kas, what an odd name—nodded at Christabel briefly. "Please to make your acquaintance, Miss Cunningham," he said, before turning his attention back to the road.
"Soon to be Mrs. Creel, Kas," Henry corrected him, laughing. "Soon to be Mrs. Creel. Isn't that right, darling?"
Christabel was still too dazed after her fall to answer, and she was unsettled by something she thought she'd glimpsed in Kas's eyes when he glanced at her—something almost like pity. It reminded her of his enigmatic words the day he'd brought her Henry's message. I wouldn't go if I were you... But surely she'd imagined it. What did he have to pity her about? He didn't know her, and besides, she was on her way to marry the love of her life. What was to be pitied about that?
"Did you bring this car all the way from San Francisco?" she asked Henry, to change the subject.
"No, it's Brenner's. But he doesn't have much use for it now, does he?" Henry grinned and winked at her. She smiled back, though she didn't see much humor in the situation. "I do have my own car in Frisco though, a much better one," he continued. "You'll see."
They hadn't gone far from the Carver mansion when Henry suddenly called out, "Stop!"
Kas pulled the car over by a bend on the road. Christabel looked around, confused. "Why are we stopping?"
Henry grabbed her hand. "Come. There's something I want to show you."
"We don't have time—my mother may have already realized that I'm missing and raised the alarm—"
"It will take but a minute."
Christabel let him drag her through the woods to a clearing. A crescent moon shone its silvery light over the ivy covering the ground. Startled, she recognized this was the same clearing where Henry had proposed, where the ruins of his family's cottage still stood. She hoped somebody had removed the dead hare.
"Here." Henry pulled something out of his pocket. It was the same piece of stained glass she'd helped him find amongst the stones, the one depicting a rose, now polished and attached to a chain to form a necklace. "I had this made for you." He put the chain over her head and settled the rose on her chest. "I know it's not a ring, but I wanted to give it to you, because, well, because it's half yours, really. You found it."
Christabel lifted the stained glass pendant to examine it more clearly. "It's beautiful. Thank you."
Henry clasped her hands in his, closing her fingers around the pendant. "We have this tradition in our family," he said, "that the bride and groom will have a separate Celtic ceremony and exchange their own vows, in keeping with our roots, before the church ceremony. We can't have much of a ceremony here, but I can't think of a better place to exchange those vows, do you agree?"
His eyes were shining with a fervent light, and Christabel, caught up in his excitement, found herself excited as well.
"What are the vows?" she asked.
"Repeat after me," Henry said. "Heart bound to heart, soul bound to soul. I pledge to you my life and undying love. I'm yours, my body, my spirit, my being whole."
"Heart bound to heart, soul bound to soul. I pledge to you my life and undying love. I'm yours, body and spirit, my being whole," Christabel repeated, trying to suppress a delighted giggle, not wishing to ruin the moment with her girlish nervousness. How terribly romantic. Not just an elopement, but a secret pagan ritual in the middle of the woods, under the moon as well! Oh, wouldn't Mother throw a fit if she knew!
A red glow seemed to emanate from the pendant clasped between her palms, but when Christabel opened her hands and looked again, it was gone. Under the moonlight, the rose wasn't even red—it looked almost black, like volcanic rock. She must've imagined it, or it had been a flash from the fireworks.
"In the eyes of my ancestors, that means we are married now," Henry said, leaning forward to kiss her. "Nothing else matters."
They ran back to the car. Kas started the engine, and they flew down the road back to New York, as the last of the fireworks died out over their heads.
They arrived at Manhattan just as the city was waking up. The electric streetlamps were still burning, but they were already dimming in the approaching gray light of dawn, and workers were filling up the streets, ready to start their day. Kas dropped them off in front of a chapel and headed to the station to secure their passages on a train to San Francisco, while they waited for the chapel to open.
It was probably because she was too tired, but Christabel didn't remember much of the ceremony—afterward, in her mind, the memory was forever shrouded in the grayish light and fog of a Manhattan autumn morning. What she did remember was the minister being rather grumpy about having to perform a marriage ceremony first thing upon waking up. She remembered, too, how Henry had brought in two men who were on their way to work to act as witnesses, and how he gave them each a silver dollar once the ceremony was over. But what she'd said, what Henry had said, how he'd looked when he slipped the gold band over her finger—when had he found the time to buy a wedding ring?—and how she'd felt at that moment, it was all a blur.
Then Henry called a cab, which hurried them to Grand Central, and Christabel was bundled into a compartment. She barely had time to remove her hat before collapsing onto a bed and promptly falling asleep to the soothing rhythm of the train as it rolled westward, taking her toward a life new and unknown.
Chapter 4
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bazwillendinflames · 2 years
I’m the anon from before, yes sorry I meant the quarry! radioheads or max and laura would be awesome
My last fic rec lists.
Like last time, I’ve tagged the author where possible but if I’ve missed anyone’s tumblr let me know! 
I'll put the rest under a read more:
it's sketched into the stars by Wolfarella
Ship: Ryan/Dylan | Rating: E (but nothing explicit till the last chapter) | Multichapter and completed 4/4  
Dylan's working at a coffee shop and crushing on the mysterious regular, Ryan. He finally takes a chance and strikes up a conversation with him. And that conversation somehow leads to more--so much more. And Dylan's just trying his best not to mess it all up.
(A cute little coffee shop au and the beginning of Ryan and Dylan’s relationship once they start talking. All the dates were cute and I loved the background Emma/Abi too. Comfort fic!) 
Hectic Glitter by onlyblood / @holybranches
Ship: Ryan/Dylan | Rating: T | Multichapter 2/? 
"At some point, while Dylan is recounting what Ryan hopes is a mostly bullshit experience with a bear, his eyelids flutter shut. For the first time in a week, soothed by the voice coming from the old speakers, Ryan falls asleep without the silence in his mind enough to drive him to distraction. There’s just warmth, and comfort, and whoever Dylan is."
Or: Ryan moves into an old family friend's lodge when his life falls apart. As it turns out, late night radio talk shows are the cure to loneliness.
(This fic is still very early but I am already obsessed with it! Ryan moves into the abandoned Hackett’s Quarry camp, isolating himself and only finding comfort in the only radio show and its host. I love the atmosphere this fic creates and I can’t wait to see the full mysteries of Ryan’s backstory be fully explored.) 
You Send Me by souyoseta / @sh5
Ship: Ryan/Dylan | Rating: T | Oneshot (with a sequel) 
Dylan thought Ryan was a ghost the first time he met him.
That sounds weird. Back up. Dylan had a totally justifiable reason for believing that to be the case.
(This is a really cute college au! I love Kaitlyn, Dylan and Ryan’s friendship in this which is given as much importance as the relationship. There’s so many good character details and I love how he writes Dylan. The sequel is also full of really cute domestic moments.) 
Kaitlyn Ka the Matchmaker by Miss_Valentine
Ship: Ryan/Dylan | Rating: G | Multichapter and complete 10/10
Kaitlyn feels bad for Dylan who is helplessly pining over Ryan. She also thinks there is a chance Ryan might like Dylan back. Determined to get these two together, Kaitlyn must do what she can to lead these two to each other.
(A high school au where Kaitlyn schemes to get Dylan and Ryan. It’s really cute and I love all the friendship moments as the group works together. There’s a bunch of bonus content at the end too.) 
Song of Sunset by orpheus (vulpesreynard)
Ship: Ryan/Dylan | Rating: E | Multichapter 2/3 
“What’s the emergency, Dylan?” “Can’t tell you over this box. Too much —” he produces scratching noises with his mouth, “static. I gotta skitty, but come quick!”
When he hears Ryan’s laugh over the device, his heart skips a beat.
The year is 1982. Dylan Lenivy meets one Ryan Erzahler at Hackett’s Quarry Summer Camp. They spend two months together, until the final day binds them for a lifetime.
(A fic I am obsessed with. This fic retells the summer before and the night of the attack but with an 80s setting. The attention to detail to change the dialouge, tech and every little pop culture reference 80s is so good and well researched, And the way Ryan and Dylan’s relationship develops, with more of a secret romance than one sided pining is so good!)
Max Brinly's Guide to Surviving Being in Love with Your Best Friend by IceQueen_07 / @icequeen-07 
Ship: Laura/Max | Rating: T | Multichapter 2/? 
Max Brinly liked to tell himself many things that were just really poorly disguised lies.
They were tiny lies. Like...how his mom's cooking was fine. Or dad, your singing voice is great. No, he didn't have any hot wheels cars anymore. Ugh, Laura your bubble pop music is awful. He hated the rain. He loved horror movies.
He wasn't in love with his best friend.
(I really love this take on how Laura and Max were before the events of the game, with them as childhood friends which slowly develops into a crush for Max. There’s so many cute moments in this one!)
Southern Kisses From Your Room by souyoseta / @sh5 
Ship: Laura/Max | Rating: T | Oneshot 
Snapshots of Max and Laura’s childhood friendship and eventual romance.
(Yes I will read a billion different Laura/Max get together fics. This is so cute, I love how their relationship grows and the trans Max HC was great too! They are so dorky and adorable here!) 
I Kinda Wanna Be More Than Friends by Jellyrump
Ship: Ryan/Dylan | Rating: G | Oneshot 
Dylan would never admit it, but- despite how annoying kids could be- he loved being a summer camp counselor.
He got to be this funny, cool, older kid to the youngsters and got to annoy the shit out of people who weren't allowed to beat the shit out of him. There was a schedule that was more for the kid's than counselors, but helped him nonetheless. Mandatory mealtimes, a radio that he was in control of, a really cute guy that he got to see almost daily for two months straight-
All that is to say- yeah. He really liked being a summer camp counselor.
(A few snapshots of Dylan pining after Ryan before the events of the game. It’s a lot of cute interactions, Dylan being painfully oblivious, Kaitlyn being a great friend and Ryan subtly showing his true feelings.) 
Yes, No, Maybe So: Circle One and Let Me Know! by TheIcyQueen / @queenofbaws
Ship: Abi/Emma | Rating: G | Oneshot 
When Abi wakes up one morning to find a note from a secret admirer on the door of her cabin, she's...well, she's at a loss. Who on EARTH would have a crush on HER?! It just doesn't make sense!
What makes it worse is that everyone ELSE at camp seems to know exactly who this mystery person is, but for some reason, they just...they just won't tell her. Is this some kind of joke? A prank? Or...could she really have a secret admirer out there?
Maybe Emma can offer some insight.
(This is a really cute fic! Abi has a secret admirer and can’t figure out who it is, although her fellow counselors have an idea. Loved the oblivious Abi, flirty Emma dynamic and the reveal was so cute.) 
Canon Divergent 
Fighting back by Barely_Vibing
Ships: Max/Laura, Ryan/Dylan, Abi/Emma | Rated: T (canon typical violence) | Completed.
The seven counselors were thrown head first into a situation they absolutely were not prepared for. It's close to the end of the night, half of them have turned and they need to fix this before it's too late.
[Chapter 10 rewrite that fixes plot holes and makes it longer and more exciting]
(This is a really good rewrite of the ending, reuniting all the uninfected counselors, having them face off against all the werewolfs, including their friends, and making the fight against Silas more badass. The action scenes are so good and I much prefer the epilouge here than the actual game. It also has battle couple Laura and Max!)
baby, this ain’t like the movies by coykoi / @coykoii
Ship: Ryan/Dylan | Rating: T | Oneshot 
“You know the saying.” He tries for a weak laugh. “If one of your work friends gets bit by a werewolf…why not join the party. Solidarity…and all.”
“Why not let your other work friend cut off your hand…et cetera.”
“You were the one who didn’t want to!”
“I panicked, okay?! And now I’m…maybe panicking again,” Ryan says, reluctant, and Dylan gets it. He probably wouldn’t go with himself either all the way to the scrapyard.
“If you don’t wanna…you know, tag along in case I bite your hand off before you get a chance to hold mine, I get it,” he jokes, or tries to.
(Ryan and Dylan go to the scrapyard and Dylan turns. I loved the dynamic between them so much and the hurt/comfort vibes were great!) 
his corruption, their salvation by BlueFrogs
Ship: Kaitlyn/Ryan/Dylan (poly) | Rating: T | Oneshot 
The werewolf is tall, massive really, like all its counterparts, but it's hunched over, almost like it’s trying to make itself less intimidating. That, on top of the tattered gray shirt hanging off its shoulders, makes Kaitlyn realize who exactly is before her.
“Dylan?” She breathes, hardly believing it herself.
Dylan gets infected and turns into a werewolf. Somehow, that still doesn’t stop him from saving his friends.
(Dylan turns but uses his abilties to protect Kaitlyn and Ryan. It has a great poly couple moment. The scene where Kaitlyn and Ryan are fighting over who gets to kiss Dylan first was so funny and wholesome!) 
take my hand (too soon?) by CinnamonSeven / @cloudycaffeinatedcryptid
Ship: Kaitlyn/Dylan (it’s a gen fic but there’s pre-relationship vibes) | Rating: Unrated (I’d say T) | Oneshot
Remember how Dylan throws himself in front of Kaitlyn if Emma turns in the van? Remember how they literally say nothing about it? Yeah. I fixed that.
"What were you thinking?" She demands, anger and relief and terror colliding to create a boiling chasm in the center of her chest. "You- You- I can't believe you!"
He has the audacity to huff a laugh, seemingly oblivious to her stress only ticking higher. "Didn't know I had a heroic side?"
(An extended version of Dylan throwing himself between Kaitlyn and werewolf Emma. Again, love the hurt/comfort vibes and Kaitlyn and Dylan’s bond is written so well. The resolution we deserved!) 
A Little Unorthodox by wilddragonflying
Ship: Kaitlyn/Ryan/Dylan (poly) | Rating: M | Oneshot 
What if, prior to the game events, Dylan and Kaitlyn had a couple of enlightening conversations? After all, we know how much these games like the butterfly effect. What might change? 
(Another poly get together fic, where Kaitlyn and Dylan decide to combine forces to try and seduce Ryan. The dynamic between the three of them is very fun and flirty. All the jokes between Kaitlyn and Dylan were really funny.) 
i would come back a thousand times by zoeyclarke / @janelevy
Ships: Max/Laura | Rated: T | Multichapter 2/? 
Laura twists around to see what he’s watching. “Teen Wolf,” she observes. Her head swings back toward him, disbelief written between the wrinkles in her brow. “Wow. Really?”
“What?” Max is the illustration of innocence. “It’s...” He waves a hand helplessly. “... interesting stuff. You know?”
Or: Max and Laura, after.
(This fic explores slice of life Laura and Max after the events of the game as they move in together, get engaged and figure out their future. It’s a nice mix of soft domestic moments and them addressing their trauma after what happened. Really cute!) 
touching your arm at the tow path's end by meowclops
Ship: Ryan/Dylan | Rating: E | Oneshot 
It wasn’t one blood soaked night that brought them together. They had two months to get to know one another.
(This fic covers Dylan and Ryan before, during and after the game. I liked the end half where they reconnect and settle down together years later and all the soft moments that happen. There’s only one E-rated scene and it’s easy to skip if that’s not your thing.) 
Bear with the warmth (And find your relief) by ScorpionMauve
Ship: Kaitlyn/Ryan/Dylan (poly) | Rating: T | Oneshot 
Dylan liked Kaitlyn and Ryan better when they weren't covered in gore. The light, filtered by leaves, falling onto them as they lay in the grass. Sticky trails of ice cream over their fingers. Laughter and joy sprinkled with bitter panic at the memories from a year ago.
This was what life was truly about. This was what life should have been. This was what life would be, from now on, with them.
(Ryan, Dylan and Kaitlyn meet up a year after the game and catch up. They try and figure out their relationship. I loved all the dialouge in this, so funny. There’s a bunch of cool character details too.) 
a good decent grovel by panorama
Ship: Ryan/Dylan | Rating: T | Oneshot 
“Now,” Dylan said, causing Ryan to look up, “wait here for three minutes to give me a head start. We are not walking together.”
“Sure thing, man.”
“Stop smiling. I want a good, decent grovel out of you.”
or, ryan wins dylan back. kind of.
(This is a very fun fic. Ryan tries to win Dylan over again after they finally reconnect at college after the game. It’s a fun reverse to see him doing the persuing and Dylan being the one playing hard to get and sweet to see how they fit into each other’s lives again.) 
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rurulyywrites · 2 years
☁️Scuffed Jasmine and Aladdin|Kalim Al-Asim X f!Reader|
Pairings: Kalim Al-Asim X f!Reader
Plot: Y/n and Kalim going out at night,ALADDIN STYLE
Me and my friend made this on call since we were both shocked,that for some reason, there were no "Whole new world" inspired fanfics of Kalim. Not that we know of,obvi. So yeah~ I did this because they told me I had the power to do it. Not because I wanted to.
Well I don't want to do alot of things that I'm forced to
(I'm looking at you, Wyatt from Genshin Impact. You made me do your commission 3 times in a row,how do you lose your keys 3 times in a row?!)
3rd person POV
It's fucking 11 am.
"Kalim it's almost midnight. Go to sleep"
Jamil said with a groan as he saw Kalim trying to stand up on his magic carpet.
"I need to have Y/n ride this! She mentioned that she thinks it'd be so romantic!!"
Kalim said as he nearly fell of the carpet
"It's past your f--.. frikin bed time"
"I'll be back before 1 am I promise! Pleaseee??"
Kalim pleads with puppy eyes
"No. Get down before you fall to your death"
"Aww.. you're no fun!".
Kalim whines as he used his magic carpet to go back to his room.
"He's gonna sneak out,I bet." Jamil muttered.
Knowing Kalim,he's an impatient bitch. He goes back to his room and without even a second later he gets back out and leaves.
No one can really tell him no.
"Jamil can't tell me what to do."
Kalim said as he sits down on his carpet,Criss cross apple sauce, with a grumpy look.
"Or.. maybe he can.."
he muttered as he stood infront of the mirror out of his dorm.
"I'm a terrible person..."
Kalim muttered as he sat down,hugging his knees infront of the mirror.
"Or not! He's just keeping me from having real fun!"
"But what if he loses his job.."
Kalim muttered as his magic carpet entered the mirror
Kalim said as he jumped in the mirror too.
Now he was out of Scarabia.
"Eeh.. if he loses his job.. I'll just rehire him again!"
Kalim said as he jumped back on his carpet and set off to Ramshackle.
"No you don't get it!!"
Y/n shouts at Yuuken and Grim who were yawning while listening to Y/n rant.
"Y/n please go to sleep."
Yuuken said as he snatched a pillow from Grim and used it to cover his ears
Y/n shouts as Yuuken stood up and left
"I'm sleeping on the couch.  Grim,you can join."
Yuuken picks up Grim and leaves while slamming the door on Y/n.
"These morons are so bitter. Ehh you can't fall in love with someone you just met. Fuck him,I met Kalim 3 weeks before! And it was in secret!"
Y/n muttered as she stuck her tongue out and laid down on her bed. Still awake from thinking about Kalim.
*Knock knock*
Someone knocked on Y/n's window,lightly startling her as she turned to the source of the noise.
It was Kalim, waving at her with a warm smile.
Y/n smiled as she slowly walks toward the window and opened it.
"Aww~ hey Ka-- WAIT KALIM?!"
Y/n shouts at Kalim
"shh! We're gonna get caught!!"
Kalim said as Y/n nods
"My room is in the second floor.. how did you..?"
Y/n asked as Kalim backed away,revealing that he was standing under a floating carpet.
"What.. is that?"
Y/n asked with a slight chuckle.
"A.. magic carpet?"
Kalim said as he chuckled along
"Say,do you trust me?"
Kalim asked as he reached out a hand for Y/n. She was in disbelief.
"Do you trust me?"
Kalim asked once more as Y/n's shocked face didn't wear off.
"Fuck no!" Y/n said as Kalim's smile faded.
"Bitchass I was joking!" Y/n said with a hysteric laugh
"Yes.. I do"
Y/n said as she reached through the window for his hand and out of her room and onto the magic carpet.
"careful,you're gonna fall"
Kalim said as he helped Y/n stand on the carpet by holding on her waist and hand.
Once they both sat down in the carpet with Y/n clinging into Kalim's arm as if her life depended on it.
Kalim blushes lightly
"O-oh.. sorry bout that! I don't do too well with heights.."
Y/n said as she nervously let go and trying not to look down
"T..there wasn't really any of these carpets back home"
Y/n muttered as Kalim smiled as wrapped an arm around Y/n's shoulder
"Don't worry! I'll make sure you don't fall,trust me!"
Kalim said as their eyes met.
Both did turn away and hid a blush before the carpet started moving on it own.
Startling Y/n and making her hug Kalim's torso.
Kalim said as he wrapped an arm around Y/n's waist.
He realized she was so scared that her eyes were glued shut
"It's alright,nothing to be afraid of!"
Kalim said as Y/n slowly opened her eyes and saw a beautiful scenery that was above the clouds.
Y/n felt the cold mists of the clouds
"Woah.. This is so cool..!"
Y/n muttered as her grip loosened up around Kalim and she looked around
"It's like a whole new world up here!"
Y/n said as her hand held Kalim's.
He blushed a little but Y/n was too busy admiring the wonderful night.
"I always do this,just a little something that makes me feel better after an uneasy day"
Kalim said as he scratched his neck in nervousness
"So this is what you've been doing? Gatekeeping this world above the clouds from me?!"
Y/n said as a joke as she laughed making Kalim's heart clench
"then,let me share this whole new world with you"
Kalim said as he smiled at Y/n. Looking into her gorgeous eyes,getting lost in them.
"You're so beautiful when you're happy"
Kalim said with a smile as Y/n looked over to him.
"You're always so busy and tense.. y'know? You and Yuuken are constantly talking about stuff about your dorm and school that I feel like you need a break"
Kalim said as Y/n felt her insides fuzz up and feel relaxed around Kalim on the carpet.
"That's not true,I.. I took some breaks."
"No you don't,you always go for things that benefit everyone and not you"
Kalim said as Y/n scoffed.
"Tell me, princess.
When did you last let your heart decide?"
alim asked as he held Y/n's cheek. "I.. uh.." Y/n nervously said as she looked away.
Shit.. that was so awkward! I didn't even answer his questions properly!
"H..hey uh.. it's breezy up here,yeah?"
Y/n said as she laid her head on his shoulder
"Y..yeah.. your pajamas are pretty cute but doesn't look like it's gonna help you in the cold. Here,take my scarf" Kalim said as he removes it and wrapped it around Y/n's shoulders. "Thanks! I love (fav animal)" "I can tell,your pajamas is literally that" Kalim said as Y/n lightly punched him.
The two were nothing but fools in love. They both like each other,it was obvious. Yet,no one wants to admit it.
The whole time they were talking about their experiences and alot of jokes.
"Jamil would be so furious if he knew about this"
Y/n joked as Kalim laughed
"He would go berserk! That reminds me,I should hey you back.. Don't want you to miss your beauty sleep"
Kalim said as Y/n pouts
"I love it here! No Grim to worry about,No Yuuken to act sass on me! No Crowley to come to me when he has a problem"
Y/n said as she gripped on the scarf around her shoulders.
The carpet lowered a little to be under the clouds and still be able to see where they were flying above.
They were in the town.
"Woah..! It's so pretty!"
Y/n said as she looked down
"Looks like you got over your dear of heights"
Kalim said with a chuckle as the carpet lowered to be hovering over the empty streets and flew past several stands.
Kalim noticed a closed flower shop with display flowers out in the open.
Kalim tried to grab a handful but all he got were two flowers
"Sheesh.. That's the first time I saw you steal"
Y/n said as a joke as Kalim laughs
"Hey,even the carpet took one!"
Kalim mentioned as he took it and gave the flowers to Y/n
"Not really a fancy bouquet,but I'll give you one tomorrow! A really big one! But for now,this is what I got.. not alot but meaningful cuz I would totally steal for you"
Kalim said with the sweetest smile as Y/n blushed and accepted it.
"Meaningful? Kindly explain what these flowers mean then"
Y/n teased as Kalim looked nervous
"I.. don't know what half of these flowers are.."
Kalim muttered as Y/n chuckled
"This one is a tulip, a hydrangea and a heather"
"Heather? Flowers can have human names?"
Kalim asked cluelessly
"who knows,maybe humans are named after flowers"
"*gasp* a loophole!"
Soon,Y/n and Kalim got back to Ramshackle.
"I'll help you in"
Kalim said as he helped Y/n enter her room through the window.
"That was fun!"
Y/n said as she smiled at Kalim
"We can do this every day!"
Kalim said as Y/n fished something out of her pocket,a pen.
"Give me your hand"
Y/n said as Kalim did as he was told and Y/n started writing.
"That's my number,call me when you wanna go in a carpet ride together!"
Y/n said with a faint pink blush ok her cheeks
"Of course! We're gonna have alot more fun!"
Kalim said as he bid adieu to Y/n and left.
"The flowers!"
Y/n whisper shouted as she took a plastic water bottle and filled it up with water and placed the flowers in to save it.
Y/n closed her window before laying down in bed, remembering about Kalim's scarf and smiling.
I'll give it back tomorrow.. his scent is.. really nice..
And with that,Y/n drifted to sleep.
Kalim 'sneakily' made his way back to his dorm room with a chuckle.
It was dark and he could barely see anything,but he did memorized his room to know where his bed was as he jumped into it.
"What time is it?"
A strict tone said followed by the light switch in Kalim's room turning on,blinding him with the sudden brightness
Kalim said as he shut his eyes and slowly opened them to his suprise.
"Why so pale? Kalim"
Jamil said as he was leaning on Kalim's door with squinted eyes
"ECK! J-Jamil! I-I didn't know you were here! How are you?!"
Kalim said nervously as he wipes the sweat off his suddenly now pale face
"Did you sneak out?"
Jamil asked,even more angered.
"n-no! I didn't! I swear! Why would I do that?! You said not to so I flew into my room and here I am!"
"You just entered your room through the window,Kalim."
"Did not!"
"You don't fool me"
Jamil said as Kalim was clearly almost going to cry,so Jamil gave it a rest.
"Don't keep doing that if you still wanna see Y/n"
"You're not gonna hurt her,right..?"
Kalim said nervously as Jamil ruffled his eyebrows
"No? Why would I? I'm glad you finally found your counterpart so why would I take that from you? Y/n is skilled,she can help me take care of you"
and with that,Jamil left with a sigh.
"I got away with it?... Yes..!"
Kalim whispered as he high fived the carpet and drifted to sleep,thinking about the earlier events he had with Y/n.
No. You didn't get away with anything
He let it slide.
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hitogatarock · 2 years
LYRICS TRANSLATION of their latest digital single with the same name.
Romaji : fukigen na surii kaado
Translated name : Ill-Humored Three Card (fan-translated) / Grumpy Three Card (official)
Tumblr media
All translations are belongs to me, make sure to credit properly if you plans on sharing this! Enjoy reading!
Listen along • google docs • twitter post
現実空想世界 繰り返すゲームで
それなら逆転狙い 千番に一番って
Ah 刹那のone game wars 不機嫌なスリーカード
スコアは手札の落ち度 まだいけるでしょ?
手札はすぐ見抜けるよ でも騙されてたいって
血���してよ 嘘つきじゃないって
ディールが始まるまでに 覚悟を決めておいて
HiGH&LOW & Hit&Stand & Double&Down & Inside Outside
HiGH&LOW & Hit&Stand & Double&Down & Inside Outside
ねえ 命をBETしてよ
Call���キッとした?two pair視線は逸らさない
four of a kind 決断を敗者の底で抗うのなら
未来を差し出し Raise叫べ
Ah 切なる one game wars 不機嫌なスリーカード
スコアは手札の落ち度 まだ生るでしょ?
価値ある時間を いますぐに魅せてあげる
Hit&Stand 踊るように HiGH&LOW 響かせて
Double&Down もう誰も止められない
genjitsu kuusou sekai kurikaesu geemu de
atarashii inochi mu ni kisu dake ni naru
sorenara gyakuten nerai senban ni ichiban tte
kuu ka kuwareru ka yatte miru kachiaru desho
kakusu wa nao arawaru to ka burafu hatta zaregoto
saa ura no ura akaseba ii ndesho kokoro no naka abaite misete
Ah setsuna no one game wars fukigen na surii kaado
ikiru ka shisubeki ka wa mondai de
sukoa wa tefuda no ochido mada ikerudesho?
“kanousei” wa “shouko” janai kara
himitsu wo nigitta shinjitsu wo misete ageru
tefuda wa sugu minukeru yo demo damasaretetai tte
ketsumei shite yo usotsuki janai tte
diiru ga hajimaru made ni kakugo wo kimete oite
mabataki suru ma mo nai mama sekai wa tojiru
HiGH&LOW & Hit&Stand & Double&Down & Inside Outside
HiGH&LOW & Hit&Stand & Double&Down & Inside Outside
oborete yo mayou hima mo nai modorenai baibai geemu
make make tte hayametara make no foorudo
kageki na kairaku ga hoshii no nara saikoro makase de ikimasho
ikiru koto wa yokubaru koto da yo kooru shite
nee inochi wo BET shite yo
Call dokittoshita? two pair shisen wa sorasanai
four of a kind ketsudan wo haisha no soko de aragau no nara
mirai wo sashidashi Raise sakebe
Ah setsunaru one game wars fukigen na surii kaado
ikiru ka shisubeki ka wa mondai de
sukoa wa tefuda no ochido mada ikerudesho?
“kanousei” wa “shouko” janai kara
kachiaru jikan wo ima sugu ni misete ageru
Hit & Stand odoru you ni HiGH&LOW hibikasete
Double & Down mou dare mo tomerarenai
In a game of repeating reality and fantasy worlds
it'll end up with nothing but a new life
In that case I'll try to turn the tables and hope for the odds
Either to eat or to be eaten, it's worth the try
Your bluffing joke is still playing hide-and-seek at me
Now, why don't we go inside out and let me see what's inside your heart
Ah, the ill-humored three card was just a momentary one game wars
Whether you come out alive or dead is the matter
The score is a failing hand, can you still make it right?
Since "possibility" was not "evidence"
so I'll fascinate you with the secret truth.
The cards are soon to be revealed, but you'll soon be fooled
Make a blood pact with me and I'll tell you I'm not a liar.
By the time the deal begins, you need to steel up
The world closes in before you even can blink.
HiGH&LOW & Hit&Stand & Double&Down & Inside Outside
HiGH&LOW & Hit&Stand & Double&Down & Inside Outside
You're drowning, no time to in lost in a doubling game of no returning
"Roll and roll again!", if you're too early you'll get a losing fold
If you want extreme pleasure, then let us live by the dice
and call that to live is to be greedy
Hey, let's put our lives into a BET
"Call" Isn't it blood-pumping? "two pair" Don't look away
"four of a kind" If you resist on being a loser on the pit,
offer up your future and shout out "Raise"
Ah, the ill-humored three card is an ardent one game wars
Whether you come out alive or dead is the matter
The score is a failing hand, can you still make it out alive right?
Since "possibility" was not "evidence",
so I'll charm you right now when my time is still worthwhile.
Hit & Stand As if we're dancing HiGH&LOW Let it resound
Double & Down No one can stop us anymore
— translator's note : Himehina's newest song is out! omg i love the vibes of this song so much, it gives me lancelot's poker face and royal scandal vibes! also, I love their approach to this kind of song. and yeah, the mv's gonna be out tonight, so please enjoy!
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Tell the puppet “exotic butters” it’s a secret code
*sighs* I'm not going to do that.
But, what I am going to do is go to the elevator to get to the lob-AAAH!
🗺Map! Take a map!🗺
Ugh! Not you! I don't have time for this!
*gets up and wipes herself off* Fine, I'll take your stupid map (even tho I don't need it) *snatches the map out of Mapbots hand and starts to walk away*
🗺--Ka!! Ka! *reaches after her* Ka Ka Kat-Kaaa-eee!🗺
Aaa?! What do you want! I got your map, what else is there?! Go bother someone else! *runs to elevator*
🗺*chases after her with outstretched arms*🗺
No no no! *pushes elevator button frantically*
*the door closes just in time for Mapbot to watch it close* Yes!! Whew! That was weird. Somehow they made it more clingy than ever.
Anyway, let's go to the daycare.
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Chapter Thirty-Three
Hera and Sabine both make their way to the cockpit, while Zeb leads the other Lasat to the common area. Kanan and Ezra both immediately follow the Lasat, but Keen hangs back in the cargo hold, and feels the vibrations as the ship lifts off the ground. She perches atop one of the crates, crossing her legs, meditating.
She can't tell how long she sits there. The Jedi only opens her eyes when she senses another person in the hold. Opening one eye, she looks at Ezra standing in front of her, with his hands on his hips.
"One could say you're avoiding us."
"Not avoiding you, just giving you space."
The Padawan hops up, sitting beside her on the crate, "You don't have to, y'know. I kept my fair share of secrets, and when I told you, you never freaked out, or got mad. C'mon, we're about to find the location of Lira San."
He hops off the box, tugging her to her feet as well. Rushing off, he scales the ladder, skipping every other rung. A smile splits Keen's face, as she just launches herself up to the second level, following the Padawan to the cockpit. The two slip into the room just as Kanan asks, "Okay, so where is this new world we're taking you?"
"We do not yet have the location of Lira San," Chava informs him.
"We have maps if you need 'em," the Twi'lek says, glancing at them from the pilots seat.
"There is no Lira San, Hera. It's a myth, an old legend."
"Maybe so, Zeb, but I've always found that within each myth and legend there is truth. Sometimes, the legends are entirely accurate, other times they hold only a mere shred of truth. But I've never seen one that is completely false."
Once again, Chava looks at her with admiration. "The time has come to prepare the ritual that will guide us to our new home."
"Come on," Ezra says, glaring at Zeb. "I'll help you set it up."
On the way out of the room, the Padawan grabs Keen's arm, dragging her along with the others. She rolls her eyes, letting the boy lead her out, where Chopper greets them. The astromech looks up, glaring at the Lasat, and grumbles something to Chava.
Glaring down at the sociopathic droid, she replies, "I'm not weird."
The droid sasses her, questioning the validity of her statement.
"Quiet, Chopper," Ezra demands.
Chava looks up from where she was writing on the metal flooring of the ship. Its crude, mere silhouettes of Lasat shaped beings, but it gets her point across. "The Ashla led us to the pirate, then to you so that we may find our path to the new world."
"The Ashla?"
Kanan walks into the room, moving to stand between Ezra and Keen. "It's basically the Force in Lasat culture," Keen informs the boy. "The Force has many names across the Galaxy, but its viewed the same in every culture."
"And it is through your Force, our Ashla that the prophecy comes. It is written and it is spoken. The promise of Lira San will follow the fate of The Three. The fool, simple and selfish, he would lead. The warrior, bold and bloodthirsty to hunt the hope of tomorrow. The child, to destroy him! We will find our new home only if the child saves the warrior and the fool." As she describes each person in the prophecy, she gestures to her drawing.
"Well, I have no idea who the fool is and I only see one child. And you're not rescuing this warrior." Zeb says, finishing his statement by threatening Ezra.
"Ooh!" Ari'abel cheers, "Can I be the fool?"
Kanan rolls his eyes, hitting her shoulder with his shoulder.
"Perhaps you are not the warrior? Ah. Hmm. We must begin. The fool has set events into motion."
The smile falls from the Jedi's face. "Aw, that means I can't be the fool."
"Don't fret," Ezra says, gently patting her arm, "You'll always be a fool to me."
She fake glares at Ezra, as Chava and Gorn sit around the circle she drew. Looking up at the Jedi and Padawan, she says, "Please join."
Ari'abel shrugs, plopping down beside Gorn, and Ezra takes a seat beside Chava. The wise woman leads them in a chant of, "Lira San ko-ko, mah-seeta fo-na-ka-tee-lala."
Keen glances up, noticing Zeb leaving the room. She prepares to follow him, but Ezra beats her to it. She smiles as the Padawan trails after the Lasat. She closes her eyes, dipping into the Force, or Ashla, continuing the chanting of the Lasat.
A while later, just as Zeb enters the room, Chava stands, drawing the Jedi from her trance. She waves her hands over the circle, finishing her spell with the words, "Eeee, ah, naa."
"We are ready for your map," Gorn tells Kanan. The Knight simply urges Chopper forward, who projects a star chart.
"The path to Lira San will be revealed through the fates of The Three. The child must save the warrior and the fool. The child must show us the way." Zeb nudges Ezra forward, but Chava isn't having it. "No. The child of Lasan."
Zebra's ears droop in disappointment, "Wait, wait. I'm the child? I really wanted to be the warrior," he growls.
"You're kinda acting like a child."
The Lasat glares at Ezra, stepping forward to the circle. Gorn looks up to him, "Your bo-rifle, as the ancients used it."
He slips the weapon from his shoulder, pulling it apart in a way that none of the Ghost Crew has seen. The tips end up in three prongs, a yellow energy spouting out. He pushes it gently at the maps, as they move further from their location, stopping deep out in uncharted space.
The Jedi Master shrugs as she looks at the map, whilst Kanan voices his displeasure.
"The child must show us the way," Chava simply tells him.
Zeb grins, gazing at the star chart in front of him. "That's it. That's it. Lira San."
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meyngirl · 9 months
I can't help but think how it is going for the two of you.
And it is not healthy. Kahit gano kapagod ang katawan ko. I still can't help but think how it is going for the two of you. How I anticipate, you, removing me from your Instagram. Cause that would also mean you're completely removing me from your life. That you're finally moving on and letting someone else to take that space I vacated.
The anticipation make me anxious, I check almost every day. Lagi akong puyat. Hindi ako pinapatulog kakaisip. Paggising sa umaga yun din agad ang naiisip ko. Putangina.
Napapagod na ko love. Hindi ko na alam gagawin ko. Ayoko na mag-isip, pagod na pagod na ko.
The way na very secretive mo, you don't post about her or your dates with her. Still keeping me on your socials, telling people that you still love me but also chose not to speak with me again. Dito ko mamamatay. Overthinker na ko, mas lumalala pa.
This is where I realize na, parang hindi pa talaga kita kilala. For that 5 years I don't even know what you're thinking right now.
Okay. I also try to date someone else. Noong mga naunang buwan. But there is no second date yet with anyone. Constantly seeing or talking to someone, ito yung hindi ko pa kayang gawin.
I can't just give out that privilege yet with anyone else. I still can't bring myself to know someone. I still can't give them that space you once had. I can't and I won't. Hindi ko pa kaya. Hindi pa ko ready i-let go ka. 😢
I would be lying if I say that I am completely okay with you meeting and knowing someone right now. Pero anong magagawa ko? Wala naman.
Sorry. For feeling this way.
Ibigay mo na sa akin 'to. If ever man na mawala na ko sa socials mo. If ever man dumating yung time that you would stop thinking and talking about me. Please know that I'll try to be okay with it. If you decided to move on and love someone else. I'll try to be okay with it. I'll try. I feel so selfish for feeling all this. After hurting you, I know I dont have the right to feel this way. Pero...tangina Jerico, we could have made it. I prayed for you. I was hoping that we could have made it. I thought we could made it.
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jiannaeloise · 10 months
Maybe: A Farewell Letter
I couldn't sleep yet. I can't believe it. I can't process it yet. Is this a bad dream, Architect? Sa totoo lang ayaw ko mag farewell letter. But maybe just this once, I will allow myself to pour my heart into this. I still was thinking if sasabihin ko pa ba sayo yung dapat kong sasabihin kung wala na pala? Naisip ko, ano pang sense? What's the purpose? It's going to be pointless. Kung sasabihin ko naman ngayon, then I'm not really honoring what I told you and that is to heal. I keep telling myself na I didn't want to be one of the reasons kung bakit marami ka pang iisipin. You just had an engagement breakup then you realized that you like someone. Paano na kung malaman mo naman na may nagkakagusto pala sayo? Mayayanig kaya mundo mo? Hindi ko na iniisip yung magiging reaction or response mo eh. Iniisip ko na lang yung overall well-being mo. I promised na hindi ko sasabihin. But with all that's happening, I'm suddenly convinced na baka dapat ko nang sabihin before it's too late... I am waaay too late, Architect. Alam ko sabi mo magkikita pa tayo. But, what happens now? Hindi ko makita yung araw na wala ka dun. WOW. Hahahaha. I mean, kasi nasanay ako na andiyan ka lang eh... Sino na imemessage ko pag kailangan ko ng tulong? Sino na kukulitin ko? 😔 Nalulungkot ako. Kasi wala na yung favorite kong Architect. Ughhh. Nakakainis. 😅
Hay. I hope na sana kahit wala ka na sa AS, sana ganun pa rin tayo. Sana walang magbago. But who really knows what will happen from here? But this is my promise, I want to make you proud even from behind the scenes. I'll do the best I can to be the great leader you know I would be someday. Akala ko ako yung unang aalis kasi hindi ko kaya yung sakit na makikita ko. Uunahan mo pala ako kasi kailangan mo mag move on. 😂
Salamat sa lahat, Architect. Sa memories in just a span of months. I was so glad to get to know you and get close to you. Thank you for letting me see you for who you are. Thank you for the friendship. Thank you for the joy that you brought into my life. Thank you for letting me see Jesus in you. Hindi ako nagsisi na nagustuhan kita kahit wrong timing kasi sa lahat ng nagustuhan ko, ikaw yung pinaka matino. Hahaha. Thank you for the lessons. Thank you for the wisdom. I don't what's in store, now that this has happened. All I know is that God made us meet for a reason and a purpose. We just don't know it yet. Or maybe we do but only both our heart knows and it's that one sacred secret that our hearts both share. I never told you this but I cried about you last weekend because I realized I love you. I wish I just could have told you in person. I hope I have the strength to tell you. I don't know if I can. I want to turn back time. Just to relive everything.
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karismaganda · 1 year
March 16, 2023
Hello My Dearest Bebi,
Ulitan na naman di ba gusto mo yorn? Haha ikaw na naman laman ng tumblr ko, ikaw na naman nasa blog ko.
I saw your mom's post, a photo of you. Na-hurt ako ba't naman ganon? Bumigat pakiramdam ko to the point na I want to cry, as in asap, right now ganorn. Hinahanapan ko lang ng schedule haha pero iiyak ako sure na sure na.
Ikaw pa rin pala pinakamatimbang sa lahat. Ang sad no? Ikaw, happy ka na sa kanya. Ako, eto happy naman, travel goals pero kulang ng isang ikaw. Nuxx, drama yarn.
May secret ako, kami ni mama mo hehe. They miss me, same as I miss your family so much. I miss you. I miss us.
Ikaw ha, hinahamon mo pa si tita na papuntahin ako diyan kasi miss nila ako pero baka mamaya magulat ka nga pag nakita mo ako diyan. You know I'll do everything pag ginusto ko even the impossible one.
Singkamas nga nauwian kita kahit di season e. Ako pa ba?
I just want you to know na sasama ako sa Banton kay tita. Ako muna ang anak. Hahaha. Chos, I still have my respect sa taong kasama mo ngayon. I still respect your relationship kahit in reality, di niya ako nirespeto. Hmp.
Ayun lang, bottomline lang naman is that, I still miss you. Grabe yung buhok sa kilikili mo ha, super lala ng gayuma sa akin. I miss you cooking "nilagang beans" for me as in nilaga kasi maraming sabaw for me. Oh, how I love your cookings. Miss ko na rin yung paghihimay mo ako ng galunggong while telling me paano na ako kung walang taga-himay. But you left me. 🙄
Life has been different since we parted ways. I have been discovering a lot with my self right now, tipong doing things I've never imagined to do. Ganorn. And it's fun. Honestly, naging super gala ko hehe. Grabe naman pala kasi, ang hirap at ang gastos magmove on. Nakakaloka ka. Salamat sa heartbreak, I discovered traveling. But would it be better, if I have you by my side? Hmm. Basta ako, you're still the bravest yes and the hardest love I ever fought for. I still believe that what we had, is the purest and realest feeling.
I want you to be happy even if I'm no longer part of that happiness. Sana lang no, wishful thinking lang na di mo ako binaon at all sa limot. Na part pa rin ako ng life mo.
Ayun lang, humahaba na eh hahaha. Magtatrabaho na ako. Hindi na muna ako iiyak. *flashback* Tinry naman natin di ba?
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Prompt 48 please! ( ꈍᴗꈍ)
48: “Why are you crying?”
Izuku lazily kicks his legs as he rocks on the swing, keeping up the momentum without venturing too high and drawing attention to himself. Kacchan wasn't far away - he'd claimed the monkey bars half an hour ago - and Izuku couldn't afford to worry his mother with more starburst burns and bruises.
As the chain squeaked under his weight though, a muffled sob suddenly filled Izuku's ears and he extended his legs; the tops of his trainers filled with wood chippings as he dug them into the ground, resolute. Once the swing came to a halt, he immediately jumped off and followed the sound, until he eventually found himself in front of the thick line of bushes bordering the outskirts of the park.
Despite the density, however, the red and white hair of the person hiding within was so vivid; an easy spot. Humming to himself, Izuku shuffled on his feet. He knew what it was like to be interrupted by unwanted visitors, but he also felt compelled to help.
'Hey, there. Erm... Why are you crying?'
The sobs immediately stopped and then a large, grey eye shot up to stare at him - the other covered by thick bandages - before looking around frantically. Izuku recognised the fear in that look, but he didn’t have time to read too much into it, because the boy was suddenly pulling him into the bush with him. Despite his bewilderment though, Izuku didn't fight back, and as he crouched down next to the boy, he rubbed his arm where he'd been grabbed - an old bruise stinging from the unexpected contact.
'I'm not crying.' The boy sniffled, looking at his crossed legs, before turning to Izuku and frowning. 'I didn't- wait. Are you okay? Did I... hurt you?'
Izuku had been hurt many times in his life, maliciously and without remorse, but this was the first time someone seemed genuinely upset at what they'd done.
Maybe it's because the stranger didn't know he was quirkless.
'It's okay. I've had worse.' He waved off, trying to smile reassuringly. 'It wasn’t you. Ka- erm, someone else did it. You're hurt though. What’s wrong?’
‘I’m not allowed to talk about it.‘ The boy mumbled, albeit he looked at Izuku with a mix of curiosity and caution. ‘Especially not to a stranger.‘
Izuku frowned, pinching his bottom lip in thought, before an idea struck.
‘Well then, I’m Midoriya Izuku.‘ He extended a hand. ‘What’s your name?‘
The boy looked at him warily, before gingerly returning the handshake.
‘Todoroki Shoto.’
‘Nice to meet you, Shouchan.’ Izuku grinned brightly. ‘See? We’re not strangers anymore.'
'I suppose.' Shoto's shoulders were still tense, but then his gaze returned to Izuku's arm once again and his eye softened ever so slightly. 'Who hurt you?'
Izuku pulled his lips tight, peeking through the bush to find Kacchan still preoccupied. He exhaled with relief, but when he turned back to his new friend, he found Shoto also looking at his bully.
'How about we make a deal?' Izuku spoke quickly, drawing Shoto's attention away from Kacchan. 'You tell me who hurt you, then I'll tell you who hurt me. That seems fair, right? Then, maybe we can help each other.'
'I doubt you could help me.'
Izuku knew he should be offended, but part of him suspected Shoto hadn't meant it as an insult. Either way, it didn't matter; it was no secret he was weak - Kacchan told him so every day.
'Sometimes, talking helps too.' He shrugged. 'It helps me when I'm sad, even though my mum is the only one who listens.'
Shoto considered him for a moment, before raising his hands and removing the bandage. Izuku held back a gasp as a fresh, sticky burn wound surrounded a half-closed blue eye.
'Okay, I'll tell you.' He swallowed thickly. 'Have you ever heard of quirk marriages?'
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bellarkeselection · 3 years
Ch 17 - Legal Battle
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Part 18
@stellarosedutton co author
Falling for my Bestie
Jamie’s pov
Jamie was sitting on the couch, looking over the papers "legally he can't do that, because Kayce signed the birth certificate and has the rights to Tate. I'm gonna fight this for you, and make sure that Tate stays with you both. I'll represent you in court on Monday, and I'm not gonna stop until you have your son safe with you at home." He says, reading over the papers carefully and inspecting everything that is written. "Monday morning, be dressed accordingly and presentable for your court hearing. We are Duttons, no one is gonna mess with us." He says, knowing that he was the best damn lawyer in the state of Montana and he could win easily. 
Kayce's POV
Fighting with my tie for about two more times I run my hands down my face until Y/n enters the room wearing a flowered shirt and a skirt with some boots she borrowed from Beth. “I don’t you strangerling your tie baby is gonna make this go away.” I sigh, dropping my hands so she can fix it the right way. “This is stupid. I already signed the papers. He’s legally my son.” She rests a hand to my cheek, her eyes locked on mine. “I know that as does everyone else in this family. But….he’s also legally his father too.” Taking her hand in mine we headed to the truck with my dad and Beth following behind us. Jamie is already at the courthouse waiting for us. Grabbing my black cowboy hat from the dash I put it on walking to my brother. “My future with Tate is all up to you.” He nods showing me his folder with documents. “I’ll ensure you get to keep him. You have my word.” The five of us entered a large courtroom. Walker and his lawyer at the left table. Y/n and I sit down with Jamie at the right table. The judge sits down announcing to the room. "We are here for the trial of custody over Tate Dutton!" Y/n grabs my hand under the table whispering in fear. "Kayce, I'm scared." Those words send shivers down my back. She's said those once before when we were teenagers in high school. 
"Thanks mrs. L/n. I have an idea of where she is." I tell her mother through the phone riding on a horse out to our secret campsite. Y/n had gotten rejected by a guy she had a crush on for a year today during lunch. Dismounting my horse I push through some leaves finding her in our little clubhouse. Her knees hugged to her chest, lightly sobbing. "Ka - Kayce?" I crawl over to her sitting beside her. At age 14 she shouldn't be feeling like this. Staring at my bestie I clutch my hands into fists wanting to punch the stupid guy that did this to her. Y/n sniffs laying her head on my shoulder. 
"What if I don't find a guy who likes me?" Turning my head down to her I wipe away her tears. "That's ridiculous Y/n. You're an amazing person." She sniffs her cheeks red from crying. I put my light brown cowboy hat on her head, weakly smiling. "Thanks Kayce, you're a really good friend. I'm - I'm scared..." Brushing her hair from her face she shivered causing me to wrap my arms around her. "It's okay, I'm right here. I'm always here."
Y/N gripped Kayce’s hand, slightly nervous as she watched Jamie stand up as she squeezed Kayce’s hand tightly as she saw Walker sitting on the stand as she held Evelyn who was sleeping in her arms while Tate was sitting next to them at the defendant’s table where Jamie had gotten a hold of Walker’s prison records and everything that he had been arrested for as she swallowed slowly while watching Walker get antsy in his seat as she knew that Jamie was gonna defend them, and make sure that Tate remained with his parents and sister as she sat in the chair and hoped for the best outcome of the trial for their 9 year old son who was just as nervous about this. She was on the edge of her seat as she awaited the judges’ decision to be decided as she continued to watch Walker as he spoke his piece as she held Kayce’s hand calmly
Tate’s POV
I don't want to be here. People are staring at me while the man in the big chair keeps mentioning bad things about the guy at the other table. My mom told me that my real dad lived nearby but I don't know him. I know who my dad is, Kayce. Little Evie is asleep in my mom's arms. Wrapping my arms around myself I just want to go home. The ranch is fun and not scary like this place is to a nine year old. "We will have a short lunch!" The big guy bangs something on the stand. Dad picked me up carrying me out as I saw my uncle Jamie flipping through papers. "Daddy, when can we go home?" He sighs whispering to me while mom stares at grandpa and auntie Beth. "Soon son. Hopefully real soon."
Y/N noticed the upset in our son’s voice, looking at him as she was fighting back tears as she looked at our son “come here son, come sit with your mama. She has some stuff to tell you about your real father, stuff that i figured you should know about now that you are old enough to understand it” She says, her eyes filling with tears as she took a deep breath “you’re real daddy is a bad man, and he went to jail. So you have only known Kayce as your daddy, and that’s how i had hoped to keep it but now your real father wants full custody of you, and mama is fighting so hard to keep that from happening because you have loved living on the ranch and i want you to live there. You belong there, with your pony and your grandpa. This is our home, and we aren’t gonna stop fighting till you are home with us”
Kayce’s POV
Reentering the courtroom for the trial the judge decision is announced. "Hearing all the evidence it is clear that Tate Dutton belongs with his rightful father…" Y/n squeezes my hand tightly and Tate does the same to my other one. "His rightful father is Kayce John Dutton. Let us recognize that Walker is also his father by blood. This trial is dismissed." I feel my shoulders drop in relief picking Tate up smiling and he laughs alongside me. "Grandpa, auntie Beth!" He races hugging the pair. Y/n wipes away happy tears until I hear loud footsteps coming towards us. "You're no better than me Dutton. You've done things that would put you in prison if it weren't for your brother!" Spinning on my feet I see Walker who throws a punch but I block it. He tried hitting me again so I twisted his arm behind his back. "Picking a fight with the Livestock commissioner isn't a good choice Walker. Besides, I fought for this country!" I growled until he elbowed me hard in the rib making me drop. "Walker quit it!" Y/n cried pushing in between us but he threw her backwards making me punch him in his jaw. He grunts, tackling me onto the floor punching me in the nose. Jamie tried breaking up the fight but Walker grabbed his briefcase from his hands hitting me in the head. I hear a loud ringing in my ear and my vision blurs seeing Beth kick Walker in the nuts before security arrives. Y/n rushed over tears in her eyes. "Kayce, Kayce!" But I close my eyes, the pain being too much.
Comments welcome 🤗
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bobbimorses · 3 years
do you have a bobbi morse reading guide? or even just a list of your recommended/favorite reads for her? thank you in advance!!!
i don't think so, actually! i'll try to jot down a basic chronological guide:
bobbi's first appearances are convoluted bc she was a side character in a ka-zar storyline and a rotating writing staff very clearly had no idea which direction they were taking her, so even though it introduces her, you don't have to read it. if you do want to see bobbi run around the jungle in a groovy romper with a saber-toothed cat, this all happens in astonishing tales #6-20, ka-zar v2 #3-5, and savage tales #8. but she isn't actually named until astonishing tales #12.
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marvel super-action #1 is bobbi's first appearance as a vigilante. she wears a catsuit and goes by "huntress" to weed out moles in SHIELD
marvel team-up #95 is bobbi's first appearance as mockingbird, having quit SHIELD
hawkeye v1 #1-4: bobbi and clint cross paths, fight, get blown up, almost kill each other against their own will, and then get married. this takes place over 9 days bc they're just like that
avengers #239: bobbi's first visit to avengers mansion and meeting with half of the team, including natasha
avengers #242: clint introduces bobbi to the rest of the avengers, including cap. bobbi's taking it all in
west coast avengers v1 #1-4: bobbi co-founds the west coast avengers and the team gets formed
west coast avengers v2 has a bunch of major moments and the bulk of bobbi appearances, but if you're trying to not read a whole bunch of issues to first get into reading bobbi, you can save this for later. early wca issues were largely clint and bobbi having a good ol' time making out all over the compound and telling villains more than they needed to know about their healthy loveli-i mean relationship. but a major storyline you need to know is the time travel one that spans from west coast avengers #17-24. this is the one with the phantom rider. if you want to stop reading wca where it bums you out stop at #35 lmao
bobbi also appeared a lot in solo avengers. read solo avengers #1 for a very short recap of bobbi's history, a little combat, and a little clintbobbi dynamic. you can read other issues later; there are def bobbi highlights
we skip to secret invasion #2, 5, and 8 because bobbi was presumed dead for like 15 years. psych! it was a skrull. bobbi's back!
~behold some of my favorites section~
read the end of dark reign: new nation to see how bobbi's struggling to be back on earth with ptsd/paranoia from her time on the skrull homeworld.
new avengers: the reunion #1-4 is a must. there are other new avengers adjacent storylines with bobbi (like new avengers annual #3), but you can get to those later
hawkeye & mockingbird #1-6 is another must
widowmaker #1-4 has bobbi teaming up with natasha and clint. it basically continues from hawkeye & mockingbird
~end of section. thank you jim mccann~
bobbi gets injected with an infinity formula/super soldier serum compound in new avengers v2 #13 after being non-powered her whole history
bobbi is a major player in secret avengers v2, if you want to read that. but it’s basically awful treatment of her by SHIELD all around sooo
mockingbird: S.H.I.E.L.D. 50th anniversary is a bobbi-centered oneshot. yay bobbi! unyay that she’s stuck with SHIELD again for corporate synergy!
mockingbird (2016) #1-8 was bobbi’s first solo and was a lighthearted, quirky romp--and then the ending pulled the rug out from under me and i still hate the attempted retcon (or unreliable narrator move that was framed as such) and have a grudge against it. literally what were they thinking. but, again, it’s her first solo...it’s pretty self-contained tho? i don’t think subsequent series have referenced its threads. the last issue is so uncomfortable if you know bobbi’s history so keep that in mind
this isn’t required reading but bobbi was basically mentoring/co-parenting some scientist assassins with janet van dyne in unstoppable wasp v2 and i think that’s very cute
and there we go! there’s a lot of team books where bobbi appears that i didn’t mention there, which can vary from “bobbi is also here punching stuff” to “bobbi threw cap’s shield one time” in new avengers v1 & v2, other places where she’s using ~science~, etc. etc. so if you get through the single issues and limited series i mentioned above, and wanna get into a bulk of the team issues, the wiki has a chronological list of bobbi’s appearances that you can scan through
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atenevaeh · 2 years
LoreKi AU—"Your scent"
Sub-title: In a Secret Relationship (Part 1?)
Lorelei's POV
We're on our way to the parking lot, me along with Loki and Al. Today is Friday and we're planning to have an overnight in our apartment—which in fact only Al and Jamie 'cause Loki and I were already flatmates—Jamie let us go here first and asked us to wait for her since she has still some errands to do.
When we arrived in front of Alistair's car, Al suddenly halted while looking at his phone, "May problema ba Al?" I asked. He put his phone back to his pocket and smiled at me, "No, I received Jamie's message she's asking me to help her to take her stuffs" he replied.
"Do you want us to help too?" I offered.
"No, I got this. You two can just wait here, I'll just go to Jamie." I nodded at him. I looked at Al until he's gone in my eyeshot. I went near the car and stood up straight while waiting at our two friends. I almost leap in my place when I felt Loki's hand wrapped around my waist. I looked at him, slightly surprised. "Nakakagulat ka, bakit ba bigla ka na lang lumalapit?"
"Why? Is it bad to be close like this with my girlfriend?" he simply replied.
"What if they see us like this? We still haven't tell them that we're already together" I questioned. I looked around the parking lot to see if there's any other students apart from us.
"If they caught us like this then let's just admit that we're already in a relationship, easy" he stated like its just that easy to tell them that we're already dating for months. I rolled my eyes, "We can't just tell them like that, we already talked about this ‘di ba?"
"Why are you so afraid of us being exposed as couple? Its not like we killed a person, we just love each other its not a sin right?"
"I know, I-I'm just finding the right timing. We can't just face them and say Kami na pala ni Loki. And I told you, you're my first boyfriend and I'm kinda afraid especially to my Dad"
He pulled me closer beside him as he placed a kiss on my head, "Okay, okay I'll wait until you're ready to tell them about us" he said.  I smiled and looked up to him, "Thank you"
"By the way Lori" Loki suddenly spoke.
"I don't like your new shampoo"
"What?" I asked, kinda annoyed by what he said. He just broke the sweet momentum between us with that question. "I like the first shampoo that you used, it smell nice. I noticed that you changed your shampoo and I don't like it."
"How did you know? Oh never mind, are you sniffing my hair?" I asked, he looked at me innocently and nodded. "I always smell your hair whenever we hug or cuddles and I kinda like the smell of your shampoo."
I didn't know how to react, I know that he is observant but I didn't know that he is THIS observant that he even know the smell of my shampoo.
I was about to answer him when I noticed Al and Jamie from a far so I immediately distance myself to Loki and acted like we're not talking to each other.
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—LoreKi fan art from my Momc Poleng (@Paupauxxxx) on twitter
—Characters from ProjectLoki
—Not affiliated with ProjectLoki or AkosiIbarra
—Typographical and grammatical errors
—Expect a part 2 but in different scenario
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